#my child!! 💫
edith-is-a-cat · 1 month
Edie i cant remember but did you meet hydra and lotan before
Yeah do believe so
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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I love doodling these fellas
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zhxngii · 1 year
Hi!! Just before i do this, i just want to say I love your work so much and Congrats on 1k!! <3
Name: Ariel (Nickname: Oreo)
Description: Okay so I really really like using Yelan but Im not a fan of Bow users. She just fits my playstyle perfectly though. (Makes so much sense ejkiehwidnwkhdfowj) I only have 2 electro characters so far Fishcl and Lisa because Hoyoverse doesn't like the thought of me having Electro charas for some reason??? I'm totally pulling for Kaveh and Praying I don't get Baizhu (I think I've built my pity too much on Nahida's banner oops) But I do want Ganyu (I KNOW YOUR JUDGING ME FOR SAYING I DONT LIKE BOWS USERS AND WANTING BOWS USERS PLEASE) A character I regret pulling for: Xiao never came home and he isn't that great of character for me but a character I regret not pulling for is: Alhaitham his playstyle is perfect for me and with Yao Yao, Yelan and Xinqiu, The literal perfect bloom team! A character i need is Zhongli because I can't dodge shit I love love love catalyst users they're so cool and the girls are so pretty but my fav catalyst user is Heizou because punch punch >:)
I think thats a little enough for my rambling about my playstyle for Genshin lol (Sobs in Yelan Main)
Just Another congrats on 1k! Keep up the good work and I hope that more great things come your way!! <33
Scenario (optional): Blank <33
Use of vision? (optional): yes or no
(1k event found here!)
Vision: Hydro, Partner: Kaveh
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hydro + dendro? seeds... blooming haha
just getting straight to the point and saying creampies.
kaveh really enjoys the feeling of being inside you. honestly, he just can't get enough of it which is why he doesn't just stop after one round.
he's very vocal about his desires as well, he isn't scared to ask you for more if that's what he wants.
chants of "you feel so good"s and your name rolls off his tongue
i like to think that kaveh gets so lost in the pleasure that he isn't aware that he's using his vision, accidentally of course.
your vision being hydro doesn't exactly make it any better but AT LEAST you have control over yours... yet that doesn't stop the... "bloom"-ing when you're both here sweating.
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eliamartel · 1 year
Sorry but grrm is not going to punish Aegon for the crime of being backed by Varys
And grrm is not going to punish Aegon for a safe and happy childhood
And grrm is not going to punish Aegon for being educated and sheltered
And grrm is not going to punish Aegon for not suffering like Jon and Daenerys
And grrm is not going to punish Aegon for kicking a cvyasse board at tyrion
You know what grrm actually punishes characters for? -> For commiting crimes and ruining people's lives. You bet george is going to obliterate his legacy the moment he starts doing things like order torture, rape, molest children, violently sack cities during his invasion, be entitled to people's lives, dismiss people's suffering for power, burn people alive. All things I'm pretty sure Aegon will never do
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frozenhi-chews · 3 months
Okay now im having thoughts of Pancake adopting Clover (or rather. Clover adopting Pancake has their mom bc she's dating Starlo) aND IT'S THE CUTEST THING EVERERRR
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linabirb · 3 months
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I didn't think much of it at first, but it came to mind over time and now I feel like crying whenever I think of Sae /hj Reading character studies of him feels like personal attacks now 🥲
realizing that you kin a character can feel like that sometimes 😔 (this is how i felt when i realized i relate to muu a bit too much..)
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Hello the country I live in is going to shit and it's all the presidents fault. Not saying any of the last two presidents were good. Just saying that this country is going to shot and I really hope everyone knows why.
Also another thing... Random thing I want people to analyze because I clearly don't know enough on the topic, but have we turned into great Britain (From back during the revolutionary war) , became better, or became worse than.
Because currently I am seeing a tyrant on a throne because the rest of the government system has given him power and now he's Slaughter people and has driving the economy into a rut and now taxes have been raised to a point where living requires 2 adults working 9/5 jobs. I think we are about as bad if not worse than the people we were trying to be free from.
Another thing. I have a seeking suspicion that a war is going to happen and we will be the reason why. America can't keep it's nose out of other peoples business. Ukraine vs Russia, not our business it's on the other side of the world siding with Ukraine is just like from the cold war, history repeats itself. The Gaza Genocide, also not our problem on the other side of the world, so why are our soldiers killing children? Why are we supplying weapons to child murderers and genociders? I don't know any other conflicts going on in the world but America probably has it's nose in that too.
And the sad thing is, no country can stop America from doing this dumb shit. Not even a civil war within America could that's how head strong these idiot presidents are. And the fact that America was allowed to get this powerful is a dumb thing in the first place.
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donghoonie-3 · 8 months
I must be the only one who doesn't go crazy over neuvillette 😭
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
my biggest flex is someone bookmarked one of my fics saying “masterpiece. kind of like succession.” and THATS how i found out what succession was
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kingspacebar · 1 year
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Somethings happening in Liyue
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mmollymercury · 2 years
Been listening to "Antonio's voice" all morning and it got me thinking abt how the triplets fifth birthday would've looked. I might end up making a fic abt it but I just had to write down this idea:
-Once the sand and distant, ethereal music stopped, Alma crowded her children- particularly her son. She had been filled with nothing but fright when Bruno’s door had swung forth; literally pulling him in with sand. He had cried for her help; she had almost dropped the candle- but all fear was washed away once the grains began to flutter around, creating pictures and objects that floated above him, glowing earth tones and a vibrant green. Emeralds encrusted the walls and a beautiful skylight, showing an eternal sunny view, gazed down on them.
The crowd of villagers were clapping, awed the most by the youngest child, it seemed. Bruno had been so nervous and was close to shutting down after seeing how amazing his sisters had become. He was nervous still, Alma could tell: clutching his hands and pulling at his special outfit- but he was smiling, big and toothy; even managing to look out into the crowd and laugh with them.
Alma kneeled down and cupped his face adoringly.
"I told you you could do it..." She cooed. Eyes watery and smile so wide, her cheeks hurt. Bruno smiled back, eyes somehow greener.
Her pride and joy.
"A gift just as special as you." Her lip wobbled as she booped his nose. Bruno held the back of her right-hand, continuing to beam at her. He held eye contact with her, something he could actually manage to do with her (as well as his sisters), there was so much love and happiness written on his tiny features... Alma wiped a hand across her wet cheeks, then laughed tearly towards the crowd.
"Let's take some pictures! Yes?"
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Autistic Bruno ftw.
Back to drawing for encanto big banggg
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edith-is-a-cat · 17 days
Edie did you know me and Miles are dating
To be honest i kinda assumed yall were for awhile
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belovedfromnature · 4 months
[for any] | take your f/os[or just one] to an amusement park. don't worry about expenses, i'll pay for it.
now tell me how it was! what did they like most about it? did they win anything? what kind of rides did you go on together? how did you and your f/o feel when you left?
💫- after successfully putting bloodmoon on a leash we managed to get to the park! It was a fun experience when not chasing after the feral creature who wanted to mess with people! Didn’t get to go on many (ANY.) rides due to the creature, but we did manage to win two large plushies after one of the workers “mysteriously” disappeared. Despite the many MANY problems we faced, we had a very fun time! Bloodmoon was a bit tired afterwards though so he had to take a long nap (he’s holding me captive in his arms please help)
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zhxngii · 5 months
all the men i like atp are either old (welt,zhongli,jing yuan) tired/overworked (choso?,higuruma,nanami,also jing yuan lmao) or a scholar of some sort (ratio,haitham.)
idk where diluc and wrio fits.. simon or konig either.
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neuvifuri · 1 year
shots of fontaine im siiiiick. torn between how excited i’ve been for fontaine and my lifelong fear of water levels in video games. underwater swimming mechanics 😖 what if there’s a beast????
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augustinewrites · 1 year
qiqi saying she’s practicing smiling for the traveler as if i haven’t yelled the most horrible degrading things at her for ruining my 50/50s
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