#my chooks
cu-taibhseil · 2 years
okay so i found my niche in the chicken community rather quickly. apparently madigin clarets are commonly used in cock fighting (duh, we rescued ours from that same kind of situation). but i havent seen anyone advertising ANY in any of the fb groups im in, and i havent seen any at the chicken swap.
ive been doing a ton of research on the breed and am DIGGING to find information on lines. we cant go back to that guys house, we're moving soon. he said gramps is definitely full madigin. but he's got white wing feathers and white speckling on his chest. i have been trying to find anything that says chickens have proven greying genes like horses or dogs and i cant find anything. there are pictures online of birds that look similar to gramps so there must be lines that produce like a white splash? i know splash is s dilution gene and usually leaves speckles of color with a majority white but gramps has the opposite going on
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anyway. im like hellbent on figuring an estimate of genes for this man. especially with chicks already on the ground.
EDIT 1: it is not barring. i had a hard time understanding what barring meant so i did research. it doesn't look to me like barring, so much as white tipped dark feathers?
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his feathers are not a majority barred either. it's mostly just on his chest. the quest continues.
EDIT 2: After a few more hours of sweet sweet research, I have uncovered the truth! He is in fact s Claret but he's not directly a Madigin Claret he's a Moore or "Spangled" Claret (incorrectly named), and the spangled/mottled gene in gamefowl is recessive on the wild type locus.
People in chicken forums would like to make it known that "spangled" refers to black mottled and white is just mottling. When it's minimal it also looks like its called a clayback gene. Though that might be regional.
For reference, a regular Madigin Claret I got off of Google.
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And an incorrectly referenced "spangled" Claret.
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Here's where I found the information regarding the wild type locus
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Exciting stuff!
Now I just need to figure out the genotypes for the description of a claret and try out the calculator! I also want to see if I can correctly guess which chicks have the wild type gene and which don't.
(It could be s toss up bc the Allen Roundhead hen/Wynona doesn't show phenotypically to be wild type, though she could carry it.)
EDIT 3: I'm a glutton for punishment so I looked to see if there are any predictors of mottling in chicks. It's like no one breeds gamefowl on this particular forum, but the only predictor I could find was for Japanese chickens? Not familiar with the breed, but they said a dark headspot when they hatch (on yellow down chicks) and "penguin down" (on black down chicks) are kind of indicators of mottling in adulthood. It's not 100% but it's better than nothing.
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Obviously this doesn't take into account that they're a cross and that the genes from the Roundhead could be interfering with the Claret mottling.
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I'm guessing 2, 3, 6, and 7 are going to mottle out. There are more with head markings but they're more stripey.
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ponydoodles · 2 months
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girls are mining and crafting
transcript under cut
(First Image) Twilight Sparkle: I don't - Spike~! Am I doing this right~?! (Spike: mmf?!)
(Second Image) Fluttershy: Aww, look at them all~ So cute~!
(Third Image) Arrow pointing to Applejack that says "Having the time of her life"
(Fourth Image) Arrow pointing to Rarity that says "The Group Resource Miner"
(Fifth Image) Rainbow Dash: Okay, this time for sure, dude
(Sixth Image) Pinkie Pie: Wow, these guys have all kinds of goodies! I coulda been doing this the whole time?
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ofdinosanddais1 · 2 months
Heartbreak High S2 spoilers
Chook: Cash is one of us so that's why he said he wasn't gonna testify
Me, a prison reform advocate with knowledge on why people join gangs and how unsafe it is for people a part of them to testify against fellow gang members: Sure, keep telling yourself that.
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epipremnum-aureum · 1 month
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eat tomato?
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mino491 · 28 days
omg the whole scene where Chook goes to visit Ca$h in jail is SO,,, like Chook forgiving C$h after literally getting a bunch of other eshays that Chook presumably likes (seeing as he hangs around with them so often) and almost getting Chook himself locked up is so crazy. I wanna learn more about their history because Chook goes so far as calling Ca$h family even after all he did and that is so interesting because it must mean that they have been through a lot of shit together. It's also kinda implied that Chook feels protective of Ca$h (even if his 'protectiveness' may really be the need to have power over him cough cough) from what we see in the boat scene and others.
Like imagine being Ca$h, this guy who you've known basically your whole life and have looked up to in some ways starts showing his worst side and you're forced to realise how fucked you're whole relationship has been. On top of that, most of the people around you don't understand how difficult it is to lose such a big part of your childhood (even if it was a really shitty part looking back) and then lose the protection you had while being 'Chooks kid' to try and move on and be free of who people though you should be. I get why the other characters would think dropping Chook and the other eshays would be a piece of cake because they don't really know anything about Ca$h's life with them but as a viewer, it's so sad to see Ca$h struggle and not even be able to talk to anyone about it without looking like he was fine with everything Chook and the others did.
Honestly, I could go on about Ca$h and Chook for so long and maybe I will later but I'll end my rambling here.
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adelphenium · 9 months
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More (pt 1) Joplin Sibtain at Star Wars Celebration LIVE, April 2023 (yt). In which we may take issue with what Disney lets him say about the interpretation of his character, and the intriguing turn of phrase 'build your house on Brasso' is used.
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rainymoodlet · 8 months
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cuckoo the goose does not know how she feels about this new lil’ animal on the farm… 🌾
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drawfee-quot3s · 7 months
scientists, philosophers, they've been trying to figure out for years. decades. maybe even centuries,
- karina
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ghouljams · 3 months
The hellsite is being a hellsite again and won't alert me when you post despite me having notifs on :( Anyway, I have some late night, migraine-induced rambles about Cowboy Nikto to tell you!
So, in the main AU I don't see Nikto and Chook as having any kids - they're both busy people with their respective jobs, and caring for Sputnik is nearly as taxing as looking after a toddler. Not to mention Nikto's mental health issues that can make some days stressful for them both. Especially when he has a bad day. It's just not something that would fit in well with their lifestyle.
If they ever did have kids, it would have to be an AU of this current AU. But I was thinking, purely for shits and giggles, it would be hilarious if they had a son about Frog's age, and if the two got along like in the Fae AU. But potentially even funnier, would be Ghost and Goose coming to pick up their girl, only for Frog to wander up to them, holding Nikto's kid's hand in her own and informing them that "this in my boyfriend, we're gonna get married," in just the most serious voice. Like all toddlers, they'll forget about it and move on in like a day or two, but for a hot second there Ghost is having a minor heart attack.
I'm a little worried about the hellsite... I have a few posts saying that reblogs are turned off when I check the comments but then they're fine when I check on my blog. Idk what's going on, I don't think I'm shadow banned again but I have no idea.
Ghost would panic but he'd try to play it cool, not let it show that he is internally screaming at the thought his daughter might marry anyone let alone Nikto's son. This is almost as bad as when she was talking to Konig's son. Ghost's assumption is that Frog is simply too cute for her own good, he will not be doing anything to change this, she is an adorable toddler. How is he supposed to deal with his daughter actually dating someone in the future? Doesn't she know how many insane and dangerous people are settling down and having kids in this black hole of a town???
Goose's assumption is that Frog is bossy as hell(correct) and might think that all relationships are "married" because all the folks around her are married. Mostly she's just happy for the excuse to hang out with Chook. Pat, pat, on Ghost's shoulder because he's been staring at Frog, motionless, for the better part of a few minutes after that announcement. She's gotta lean over and tell him "she's not serious, she doesn't know what that means."
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mindtheliquor · 4 months
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doodle from last month. 🧪🖤
anyone remember chop socky chooks??? hahaaa... probably not. 🥴 but dr. wasabi was another childhood crush of mine.
tiny, green and cartoonishly evil characters are just my type, i guess.. lol
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cu-taibhseil · 2 years
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we finally finished the chicken coop after the flood!
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ponydoodles · 3 months
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Yes, Sunset is the older sibling
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nikonuee · 5 months
@ people who make Ed a "naur my soft widdle baby Eddie-pie just had trauma amd that's why he traumatised the crew and did all that fucked up shit 🥺🥺🥺"
Why do you refuse to have nuanced characters? Why deny him the sauce?
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epipremnum-aureum · 1 year
Listen, I'm not saying this is the greatest Christmas present of all time
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But I'm hard pressed to find anything else that even remotely competes
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(also the company donates part of their proceeds to chicken rescues ❤️)
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sidetongue · 1 year
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the iggies 
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