#my clothes need to be comfortable and loose is my number one priority
relaxxattack · 10 months
I know your into Alt subcultures, which would you say you fit into the most? :)
honestly my personal aesthetic is kind of a Just Some Guy look, and when it comes to appreciating from afar i think almost all of them look cool as shit.
the subculture i would probably be most likely to actually wear myself as my style is probably somewhere along the emo, soft punk, and grunge line, i would guess
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Can I have a one shot if sanji x black plus size reader where she pregnant with triplets and she wakes up horny and ask sanji to relieve her since he is her husband
Triplets gah lee bro i may do just one baby 💀 but I just seen this video and it SCREAMS Sanji w his pregnant wife so i gotchu.
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“Needy” Sanji x Pregnant! Plus Sized Black Fem Reader (NSFW)
CW: Reader is mentioned to have braids, Soft!Dom Sanji, Cunnilings, Praise, Sensual Massage, Fingering, Creampie, More of the reader being called "mama" don't hate me rn, Reader has sensitive breasts WC: 1.4k
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You’re only 2 months pregnant and you’re already ready for your baby to just come out. Its constant back pains, constant mood swings, and you don’t even know when your cravings became so distorted.
As happy as being parents made you both you also had alot of issues trying to keep yourself in good spirits, you tummy has began to already poke out more, now only wearing dresses and other loose clothing to cover how big you’re rapidly getting. Your husband of course notices how much MORE clothing you started to wear and it bothered him a bit. Only because he seen the sorrow in your face.
It was a tinge of guilt he felt knowing you were going through this, and though you both have throughly talked about having kids and becoming parents he couldn’t help but to want to make sure your pleasure and comfort was his number one priority for you.
No matter what it was.
You have recently been reading more on pregnancy and youve seen where sometimes women’s libido can sky rocket. And tonight was just the prime example of it.
You were cuddled soundly in Sanji’s strong arms, his hand now always softly rubbing the sides of your belly. But your thighs just kept rubbing, his scent was more pungent and he felt so much bigger to you right now and it was a small ache in your lower body that was starting to annoy you.
You felt embarrassed, this morning you told Sanji he didn’t have to take a break from cooking to pleasure you when you felt a bit needy, using the “I’ll be fine” excuse, he even offered again before bed but you said no.
Your body was changing so much you just didn’t want to see the look of disgust when Sanji sees your poking belly, your stretch marks, your cellulite.
But you needed it. You needed some release.
You wiggle out of his grasp, unfortunately your husband has became accustomed to being a light sleeper for you. When you wake him for snacks, needing to use the bathroom, or anything he is woke to almost any subtle movements.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Sanji’s tired rasped voice, you felt instant regret hearing him sound so sleepy, you grimaced at yourself in his neck.
"I'm fine.."
Sanji couldn't explain how annoyed he got when he kept hearing your "I'm fine" excuse, he knew in an instant you weren't. So he got up, holding himself up on his side to look at your face, "Tell me."
It was eating you up inside, waking him up for such foolery, you played with the hem of your his night shirt while laying on your back and that's when your pretty blonde man cupped your cheeks to look at him.
"Talk to me, baby."
"....I..I'm...I..I need..."
By the looks of your thighs rubbing and the gloss under your eyes he caught on, his eyes softened on you figure leaning in to kiss you with his hand rubbing your tummy, making you flinch, "Did I press too hard? I'm so--"
"No, it's not that I....."You sigh, " I...been wanting you all day, but I was afraid to ask because...I didn't...want you to..."
"Didn't want me to what?" His eyes searched for yours in concern, afraid of what you may spill, "Baby--"
"I'm afraid you won't find me attractive anymore." You turn away from his gaze, "I'm only 2 months pregnant and look at me, I'm swollen all over my arms, my legs, my breast, my stomach and I'm no longer attractive to you! And it sucks because I--Mmmm!"
Sanji couldn't take hearing anymore slander fall through your teeth. Such lies! Kissing you oh so slowly he cages you in his arms as he rolls on top of you, looking down at your teary eyes about to cry himself, "Don't you ever speak that way about yourself again, you hear me? You are as beautiful as the day we met, your skin is glowing, your body is so supple and perfect I couldn't have it any other way....you're carrying OUR child. OUR baby is growing inside you and I couldn't find you any more perfect because of it and I don't want you to ever feel anything less than beautiful because I am here to serve you,so ...please...allow me..."
His lips attached to your neck, your hand pushing back your braids to get more access to you, "You taste so good, mama.." Humming into your skin you then gasp feeling his hand creep under your shirt, smirking at the sweet surprise of you not only wearing no bra, but,
"Y/n..where'd your panties go? I saw you put them on before we went to bed..."
His voice was nothing, but a tease, seeing you turn your head in embarrassment he playfully tsk'ed at you, "Vilaine fille..."
The corner of your lips curl, damn.. him speaking that language is what got you pregnant with his child now, you giggle at the thought as your watch him rub your inner thigh to ghosted his hand over your body, leaving you goosebumps at his gentle touch, taking off your shirt, exposing your body to him as his sits on his knees between your legs.
"Ji..." You cover your face, he chuckles lowly before rubbing your sides, "C'monnn.."
"Oh nowww you're impatient." Sanji smiles leaning over you to kiss both breast, as quick as he licked your sensitive nipple you threw your hand in his hair, "mmhmm.."
Wasn't long until he finally gave your clit some attention as well as your aching wet slit altogether, he toyed with your pussy with his index and middle finger as he sucked on one of your supple breast.
"All f'me..." Sanji popped off your breast to smile as your blissful face, "This body is all mine....remember? This sexy body is all mine.."
he peppered kisses all your over nude state not missing an area where you bad talked it just before he finally reached the area where you needed him most, his warm hands held your thighs down and he quickly came to suck on your lower lips and then clit.
"O-oh!" your back arched, you wanted to feel grossed out that your small belly hill was nearly covering Sanji's face, but you were already too fucked out on his tongue that slithered inside you. The tip of his tonge wiggling on the hood of your clit before suckling, you whimpered his name, "Ji...!"
The orgasm you felt just from his mouth alone had you so sleepy, even coming down from the high though, tasting yourself on his mouth as he left wet kisses on you, you still wanted more,
and your husband of course read your body perfectly.
He slide off his underwear, climbing back on top or you leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, sliding his cock inside you with ease, you clenched down on him so quickly you heard a gasp of your named from his lips on your ear.
"I...love you.." Sanji strained out a moan, holding one of your hands and his other hand rubbing and holding your hip carefully, not to hurt you, "I love you."
You couldn't even respond, the sting of overtsimulation just had you hold him against your body closer as he did deep long strokes inside you, with each pump came out another moan from you both.
It has been a while since you both had sex, so sensitive wasn't even the right word to describe how you both were. It didn't take long for that same familiar knot arise inside your tummy, wrapping your legs around his damp hips to keep Sanji inside you, as a warning you were close.
Nothing but your moans and his cries of your name filled the hot room, you felt his cum nearly overflow inside you so much you whined at the sensation of being so full.
You wanted him to stay inside you, but your blonde didn't want to lay on top of your of course so he pulled you atop him, his hot hands rubbing your lower back.
"..thank you, Ji.." You kissed his scruffy beard making him giggle, as he looked at the blank ceiling, "I love you."
"Always come to me...for whatever you need okay? I'll always be ready to make this pregnancy easier for you." You hum in agreement at his stern words, "I love you, too mama...I love you."
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
a headcanon of chiaki walking in his s/o trying his basketball jersey *insert evil laugh*
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Is not expecting that to be what he sees when comes home.
You’re frozen in shock, caught in the act of slipping the jersey over your head, snuggling the fabric against your chest. Sooooo embarrassing…!?
You have…no idea what to say and you don’t think that it’d matter anyways, because Chiaki looks like he’s lost all coherency, face turning as red as his title. He can only splutter apologies.
You look so cute??
The jersey is slightly loose on you, sure, but that’s just because he’s jacked as fuck and you’re…not as much. The sight of his number on you, however, is literally ruining his capacity to think. Goodbye, my last remaining braincells, he thinks hysterically. You will be severely missed.
But he does need the storage space, to be able to engrave this picture of you into his memory and, well…it’s not like algebra was that important anyways…
Megane-sensei will have to understand that this takes priority when he fails his next test.
Asks you why you were wearing it.
“I…um…I was missing you and it smelled like you…so…”
You giggle breathily, because he’s seen you naked before and he hasn’t ever reacted like this?
But that only serves to worsen his blush. You’re worried he might faint.
You wave your hand in front of his face and watch his eyes flicker as his brain reboots.
After he gets over his shock from hearing you say those words out loud, he’s overjoyed.
Starts to leave his clothes in your closet, so that he can see you wearing them.
Drops multiple hints about how comfortable wearing oversized clothes is. He’s trying to be subtle but. Subtle is not a word that can be used to describe your boyfriend.
Encourages you to come to his basketball games wearing his sweatshirts, the ones with his names plastered across the back. He says it’s so he can ‘be energised by your show of support ☆!’ but you know it’s just because seeing you wearing his clothes is doing things to his brain.
Brags about you to his teammates, to varying reactions.
“That’s the love of my life up there, wearing my jacket!”
Some are more inclined to see the romantic side of Chiaki’s exuberant declarations (Akehoshi), some think it’s cute you’re supporting him in this way (Mao-chan), but others don’t find it  sweet so much as bothersome (Midorin).
If you wear his spare RYUSEITAI jacket to Lives, he would be? So happy??
Like, you’re showing your support for his unit, yeah–and that’s incredible, you’re so amazing!–but also your support for him, specifically as a person. As your boyfriend.
Insists on lending you his clothes and conveniently forgetting to take them back, until you have to put your foot down and tell him to stop because you’re running out of storage space.
Pouts for a bit after, but once you tell him you’ll keep some of his clothes he perks right up and offers to give you the best pieces he has.
(By which he means the ones with his name on them. Gotta let everyone know you're taken, after all!)
WC: 519 words
this man…is the loml <3 also i believe in baggy clothing supremacy???!? anyways. i hope u enjoyed this anonnie! this was fun to write, and a much-needed break from the 1k+ fics i’ve been writing so far cries mwah <33
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boliv-jenta · 2 years
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I don't really know if this is classes as an AU or if it's counted as Joel x reader as nothing major happens between them.
I do know there is swearing and mild spoilers for The Last of Us hotel level. I haven't finished it yet so I made some of it up. I also know that @misspearly1 is to blame for my current Joel Miller feels.
More of Us
"It's a what?" Ruby the proud owner of the desk next to yours asked.
"A zombie running app. It motivates you with a zombie apocalypse survival story." Mark explained from his desk across from the two of you.
"I don't think that would work with me. I'd rather be taken by the hoard than break a sweat. What do you think?" Ruby aimed at you.
"Huh?" You pulled your head away from your work for a second.
"A running app that motivates you with a zombie survival story. You mentioned you were doing a new workout. What do you think?" She repeated.
"I think it could work. Everyone reacts differently to motivation." You certainly did. Turning your attention back to the screen, you typed away, those Phallicyte Numbers weren't going to get themselves together. Every pain in the ass account was referred to as the Phallicyte Numbers. It was much more fun to think of the looming deadlines as a time crunch before a hot vampire turned you. The threat of impending death shouldn't be an excuse not to turn in your work on time, you are a professional after all.
Clocking out for the day, you headed home. The weather was getting colder, the cosy lining of your coat kept your body warm but the cold wind bit at your hands and ears. Your winter accessories were still tucked away at home, a mistake you wouldn't make tomorrow.
A short train ride later and you finally walking through your front door. Kicking off your shoes you wriggled your toes gratefully. The office had a relaxed dress code so you always wore comfortable shoes, no matter how comfy they were they just couldn't compare to the freedom of walking around in just your socks or even better bare feet. The office dress code suited you well. There was no pressure to dress up, no hassle of finding clothes for your frame. Before your weight loss that was a nightmare. There was no pressure to wear make up, something that didn't figure very highly in your priorities when getting ready of a morning. You hair could just be left loose or simple tied back. Sometimes you think about making an effort, it'd be nice to look like one of those put together women. It did feel good when you dresses up a little for parties. That just wasn't day to day you. You didn't put a lot stock in your appearance. Unlike one of your bosses who always had to comment on your weight loss. A tight smile and a polite 'thank you' suppressed the urge to educate her that you shouldn't talk about someone weight so much. You hadn't lost weight for insincere compliments. It had been a by product of getting emotionally healthy. Fixing the part of you that dove into junk food every time something upset you. Or something needed to be celebrated. Or a day that ended in 'Y'. Having someone remind you of the struggle, was not helpful in the least. Shrugging it off, you get on with your evening plans. Showering, slipping into some comfy clothes then enjoying some sushi before your date with a tall, dark handsome man.
Popping the last Katsu chicken California roll in your mouth, you turned on the PlayStation ready for your date.
"Hi, Joel." You sighed. There he was, your date for the night. All broad shoulders, covered in plaid. He was waiting patiently in the water logged locker room you had left him in. Since you finally got over your fear of being terrified or emotionally gutted by this game, Joel had definitely won your heart. His gruff, handsome exterior that clearly held a heart of gold, had you swooning. Like your Max Phillips coping strategy in work, Joel had become your go to to get through difficult workouts. How would you be able to have his back against a Bloater if you couldn't do forty seconds of lunges? Who would help him protect Ellie if you got injured because you skipped your stretching routine? If you keep to your workouts and focus on getting yourself healthy all round, you could eventually turn your attention to getting a Joel of your own. Hopefully you wouldn't get that one killed. Repeatedly.
"Fuck." Those Stalker were creepy. You took care of them pretty easily though. There was no sign of the Bloater that you read to expect. You tried the secure door. Nothing. Ah, the generator wasn't on. Running back down you, well Joel, started it. The noise of Stalker sounded behind him. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Deciding to run for it you maneuvered Joel back up the ramp, down the corridors and to the secure door, which thankfully opened this time. Once he was safely on the other side you breathed a sigh of relief. Then another sigh, a longer one as you felt your body getting heavy. You must have over done your morning workout, suddenly you were so tired. Once you save up, you better go straight to bed. The tiredness over took you before you could even press X.
The sun blazed through your eyelids as your consciousness drifted back in. Shit, had you really fell asleep on the sofa and slept until the sun was high in the sky? Blinking your eyes open the first thing you noticed was the sun was indeed high in the sky. You saw it through the open window, the window that most definitely was not yours. The wooden frame was rotted, the glass pane was smashed. The wallpaper around it was aged and peeled. Sitting up on the bare mattress you took in the rest of the room. It looked incredibly familiar. Identical to the one you/Joel had just searched with Ellie. Wow. This dream was vivid as hell. Standing, you found out just how vivid. The debris under your feet dug in so sharply, it brought you down to your knees, your head hitting the bedside table on the way down, pain bloomed on your temple.
"Fuck. It this some sort of side effect of a prolonged high protein diet? Trippy as hell dreams?" You mutter pulling yourself up. Watching where you step you manage to get out of the room. The hallway floor is a little clearer, allowing you to walk down it safely. Wait, is there such a thing as safely in a vivid, apparently painful, Last of Us dream? Grabbing a nearby plank of wood, you pushed on, more cautiously this time. The whole place was silent, it was eerie, preferable to the sound of Clickers, you supposed. Peeking around a corner you found an old bar, there was a hole in the floor between it and you. If you shimmy across, the bar would be a great place to hide. You weren't at all keen on this dream. Making your way around the bar you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The throbbing in your temple was from a two inch gash. "Not keen at all." You whispered to yourself as you curled in a ball, clutching your knees to your chest. Concentrating on taking slow, deep breaths, you willed yourself to wake up. Too busy thinking about your breathing and wanting to go home, you didn't notice the sound until in was right on the other side of the bar. Footsteps. Light but definitely there. Would it be better to stay in your hiding place and hope they pass or attack them while the element of surprise was on your side? Who were you kidding? Even with surprise on your side, and six months of daily HIIT workouts, you were no Joel. You doubted you had the strength to land a solid punch, nevermind crush someone's skull. The sound retreated from your end of the bar. It moved away toward the opening of the U-shaped bar. 'Don't turn this way.' You prayed. They did. Two green eyes meet yours, as the auburn hair teen poked her head around the bar. She was startled for a second before regaining her wits and promptly hurling a bottle at you. Luckily, it missed but Ellie was already grabbing another one from behind the bar.
"Wait." Your threw your arms up in front of your face. When she listened you lowered them. "I'm not going to hurt you. I don't know how I got here."
Setting her jaw, she looked you over. A battered hoodie and ragged sweat pants clothed you. There were no shoes on your feet and a cut to your forehead.
"They attacked you too?" She asked. The hunters, they just attacked them. They attack and rob people. That explained your lack of shoes, any personal items and the head injury.
"Yes." Man, this dream was truly weird, you were so caught up in it. You wanted her to trust you, to befriend you. You moved to stand.
She raised her next bottle, primed to throw it. "That doesn't make us friends."
"Yeah, I get that. You shouldn't trust anyone. Maybe just don't kill me. Please?" Lowering the bottle she moved away, allowing you to stand and move out from behind the bar. An uneasy truce fell between you until shots ran out below. Pulling her down with you ducked behind a coffee table. A few more shots rang out before everything went silent.
"Joel!" She exclaimed before scrambling to her feet and dashing out of the room. You winced as she shuffled across the ledge a bit too fast for your liking. Slower you followed her across. Catching up to her in the hallway, the sound of a struggle caught your attention. Running a head you spotted Joel down below. He was fighting some asshole. The Asshole go the upper hand, dunking Joel's head under the surface of a large puddle. The next thing you knew there was a freshly discharged gun in your hand. A large, warm hand covered you own to remove the weapon.
"Who are you? Where did you come from?" He questioned harshly.
"Joel! Take it easy, she saved your life!" Ellie urged.
"That don't mean nothing. It could just be a ploy to get on our good sides." He hissed at her.
"Joel!" She whined.
"He's right. It's a smart plan. Gain the trust of the strong man for protection. Or lull him into a false sense of security. Easier to kill him while he's not expecting it than in a head on fight." You sounded far away and you were. Your thoughts were still in the moment that you pulled the trigger. The gun so close to the man's head that his brains splattered up your arm. The crimson mess was now soaking into the sleeves of your favourite hoodie. Launching yourself forward to your knees, you drove into the water, scrubbing violently at the brain matter.
"Hey. Hey!" Joel's hand came to guide you back out of the water, coming to rest on an wooden crate. "First kill?"
You nodded. "How did you get here?"
"I don't know. I woke up here." You decided a version of the truth would be best.
"Well, you could head out of here with us." Your heart swelled at his offer. Joel was a good man but he wasn't stupid or nieve. Leaving you behind would be the smarter choice. "You don't get a weapon, you stay where I can see you. If you fall behind or get yourself in trouble, that's on you. Ellie is my priority. I could use a second set of eyes as we cross the city." There it was, the practicality that had kept this man alive for this long.
"Thank you." You stood a little wobbly on your feet, you legs gave way before you all but fell into Joel's strong arms. Blushing you righted yourself buy pushing of his firm chest.
"You saved his life, he should be thanking you." Ellie pointed out.
"Thank you." Joel muttered moving his hands from your sides, where they had been firmly resting. "Let's head upstairs. Grab what supplies we can then make out way out." Joel was already walking ahead of you, a sight you were more familiar with, when he tossed the instructions over his shoulder. Thankfully, there was a pair of shoes in a ransacked pile of clothes. They were a size too big but there were high tops with a velco strap so you tied them tight and hopes for the best. Once Joel was satisfied with his supplies he moved on. Ellie grinned at you as you both followed behind him. "I'm Ellie."
Smiling back, you gave her your name.
"The grumpy one is Joel." She smirked.
"Hey, you live though a few more years of this and see how unbeat you are." You laughed in Joel's defense.
You couldn't see it but a small smile spread across Joel's face. It pushed at the blush on his cheeks from having his hands on you. It'll been a long time since he'd lay his hands gently on a beautiful woman. He and Tess were all talk, they'd never taken anything further. Neither of them were actually interested in each other that way. Their banter just passed the time. Tess. He pushed the though of her away and vaulted out onto the scaffolding outside the window.
At both you and Ellie cleared the window. Joel hushed you. "Shit. Stay down." Crouching, you made your way over to where Joel was looking out. Hunters. Half a dozen or more gathered below you.
Joel slipped a rifle off of his shoulder. "Here." He handed it to Ellie who's face lit up. "She moves shoot her." He nodded his head towards you, her face fell but she aimed the rifle at you anyway.
"Wouldn't she be better covering you? You could tie me up." Joel's jaw twitched at that. "Or I could come with you?" Why the hell were you offering that? This dream was feeling increasingly real by the moment. Everything in you says to run, to hide but what good would that do? You were stuck here in this nightmare, you might as well go along with it.
Joel thought it over. "Fine. Ellie you can cover me. You can come down with me. You hide behind the barrier and keep a lookout for Ellie. You don't get a gun and you don't follow me. Clear?"
When you nodded he moved over to Ellie. As he taught her how to hold the rifle, you thought about what you knew of their story. About Joel losing his daughter, about Ellie growing up in this terrifying world, about the bond that they were forming. Your heart swelled as you watch Joel gently move her into position. For a moment you wished that when you left here you could take them with you, that they could have a safe, comfortable life together.
Shouting from below reminded you just how far from that their lives were. Joel moved with a silence that seemed impossible given his muscular build. Fortunately, you were able to match his stealth and made it down to behind the barriers without a sound. Joel took another look over the barricade, ducking back down to sit on his haunches, he rubbed his hand down his face. "Can you shoot?"
"Ye-yes." A BB gun. When you were a kid. An expert achievement for every gun on Fortnite has to count for something right? The splash of gore from the man's head in the hotel flashed across your eyes. Fuck. You forced your voice to come out strong and steady. "Yes. I can."
"If we don't take them out we're not getting passed. I'm going to throw a bomb, take out as many as I can. After that we take out any that come running." Taking a bomb from his backpack, he looked you straight in the eyes. There was a whole silent exchange, a promise and a pray before he threw the bomb. Once he did, chaos ensued. The explosion rained debris and flesh down on you. When it cleared you could see six hunters down. Unfortunately, there were at least six more headed your way. Three moved in a tight formation to check out the damage. Once you had a clear line of sight both you and Joel opened fire. You fired at least three shots into the man in front of you. Willing him to go down with each one. Joel had clipped the guy it the middle causing him to jerk backwards, his gun clattering to the pavement as he did. Joel put another two rounds in the man on the right, dropping him. Rifle shot whistled passed you, driving into the concrete barrier behind you. Both you and Joel shot in the direction of the shooter. As you both emptied your clips, the man Joel had clipped managed to get his hands on his gun again. He was practically on top of you before Joel could swing his shot gun off his shoulder. As the man raised his gun, setting his sight firmly on you, half his head exploded like a water balloon, his corpse hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. Ellie gave a triumphant 'Yes!' before turning the rifle back to the shooter on the building ahead. By now Joel had reloaded. As your shaking fingers tried to reload your gun, Joel and Ellie took out the last of the hunters. After a long while of silence Joel scooped the gun from your hand. His calloused fingers skimming your soft skin. "Here." He reloaded the firearm before handing it back.
"Thanks." You smiled warily at him. This dream was not fun at all. You much preferred the one where you were on a beautiful beach. Toes in the sand and a book in your hands, while Javi Gutierrez rubbed suncream into your back. Looking up at Joel though, his handsome face looking younger with a smile on it telling you 'you're welcome', there were some perks to it. Joel offered you his hand, pulling you to your feet as Ellie approached.
"You okay, kid?" Joel asked.
"Yep. Told you I should have a gun!" She beamed. "That bastard didn't see it coming." Joel frowned at her, his lips looked inviting full like that. "What? It was him or us."
Rolling his eyes he headed to the next building. Stepping out from behind the barrier he was immediately knocked to the ground by a Stalker. It growled like a rapid dog as it set on him. Joel had been quick enough to turn on his back so he held the thing at bay while it tried to rip him apart. You didn't trust your aim at this close a distance. It would be so easy to hit Joel by accident.
"Fuck!" You screamed lowering the gun and throwing yourself at the creature. Knocking it off Joel you tumbled into a heap with it. Now it was trying to rip you to pieces but at least Joel was a better shot. He blew it's head clean off. It's body slumped down on to you as you fought the urge to throw up. Joel kicked it off before helping you up. After making sure it was clear, you all headed into the nearest building. On the top floor there was a pretty secure room. The windows and doors were still intact. Only one exit. Nice and defendable.
"We'll stay here for the night. You two can sleep first. I'll keep watch." Joel finished up securing the door.
Ellie happily lay on what remained of a sofa. Soon she was fast asleep. You and Joel sat next to each other in a couple of chair you'd straightened up from the floor.
"You not tired?" He asked eventually.
"I am. I guess I'm still running on adrenaline. Big day and all." Your smile small and bright, tugged at his heart. There was something about you he was drawn to. Not just your beauty, there was something else. You had this air about you, as if you were untouched by this world. Even so you had jumped in to save his ass, twice. It was obviously difficult for you but you'd done it. Maybe he was going soft in his old age. He was already protecting the kid with all his worth. The way she'd called for him when he fell down the elevator shaft, the tone in her voice, it reminded him of Sarah. The panic that was there when she was worried about him. Ellie cared for him like Sarah had. Now he was sitting here, thinking about pushing the hair back that had fallen out of your hair tie. He thought about how smooth your skin would be as his finger skimmed it, how soft your lips would be against his.
"Thank you for letting me come with you." Your quiet voice broke him from his thoughts.
"You're welcome." He replied.
"Why did you? Wouldn't it have been safer to leave me?" You probably didn't want to know the answer to that question but it came out anyway.
"Probably. Honestly? I don't know. Maybe I'm going soft in my old age. Or crazy, I saw a beautiful woman and all sense left me." It had been so long since he felt able to be open and honest, the words just came flowing from him. "Why did you risk your life to help me?"
"I don't know. I saw a handsome man and all sense left me." He laughed at that. You chuckled with him before moving closer and laying your head on his shoulder. Both of you revelled in the contact. The adrenaline drained from you as sleep pulled you under.
Awaking with a start you found yourself back home. The TV was off. The PlayStation controlled discarded by your side. The house was dark save for the floor lamp across the room. The dream that had been so vivid quickly began to fade. Grabbing the takeout contains you went to throw them in the trash only to realise it was full. "Damn."
Pulling the bag out of the can you flicked on the porch light before taking the bag outside. Dumping the bag in the trash you made your way back around the house. A noise ahead of you caught your attention. It was in the shadows where the lights on the back and side of the house didn't quite overlap. Keeping your breathing even you tried to fight the panic flaming up your spine. Edging closer you tried to make out what was there. The life was nearly scared out of you when next door's cat came flying out, screeching as it went.
"For fuck's sake cat!" You shook your head at your own stupidity. What were you expecting? A Clicker? Rounding the corner of the house you entered the back yard. You were so on edge you thought you saw something moving in the shadows. As you focus on it, trying to make the outline clearer a shriek rang in your ear. Next to you, was a Stalker. It was cover in blood, it's teeth clashed together as it bit at the air like a rabid dog. Sheer terror had you rooted to the spot. You heart leapt as an arrow sunk into it's head, making all the way through to the other side before the horrid thing crumbled to the floor. Then the shadows came flying at you. Joel emerged into the light with Ellie close behind him.
"Run!" He called as the shadows behind him groaned.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom
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collegejournal · 10 months
So I was scrolling through Twitter (I don't care if it's called X now, it's f*cking Twitter) and came across a post about why John Walsh started America's Most Wanted (link). After reading it and a few of the replies I remembered when a guy tried to kidnap me in a parking lot a few months ago.
TW for creepy guy in an old beat up car in a dibellas parking lot asking for directions and being paranoid on the drive home if that's a thing that might concern u. I'll put the story behind a keep reading thing just in case (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
For context, I'm a 25yo female, 5'2" and around 180 lbs. So I'm on the petite side proportion-wise, and the way my extra weight sits it's not always super obvious that it's there.
So one weekend a few months ago I put in an online order for a sub at dibellas and went to pick it up. I didn't bother changing out of my lounge clothes (loose tank top with no bra, flannel shorts, and slip on shoes, no makeup) since i was just gonna be in and out within a minute and didn't really care all that much about how I looked. After I got my sub I had my car door open and was about to get in when a car pulled up next to me (not super close, there was a comfortable amount of distance) and asked if I knew where [insert local plaza/strip mall here] was. I genuinely didn't know where it was (still don't) so I turned to him and apologized saying I didn't know.
Without saying another word the sleezy looking guy in a sh*tty old beat up car immediately pulls away, leaves the parking lot, and pulls right up to the nearest traffic light. I felt like that was strange since if he was actually asking for directions I would have thought he'd pull into an empty parking spot and Google it. The whole thing felt off to me so, remembering what his car looked like, I kept an eye out for him or any other suspicious looking car the whole way home in case I was being followed so I could pull into a police station or the like and not lead them to my apartment. Luckily I didn't see anyone following me at all so my sandwich and I were able to get home safely.
Moral of the story is to always trust your gut. If someone asks you for directions and something doesn't feel right, tell them no and immediately walk away to the nearest safety. If it happens in a store, find the nearest most intimidating looking person or just group of people and pretend you know them like your life depends on it, because it just might. You can also pretend you have someone waiting for you, and even pull out your phone like your getting a phone call and very clearly say, as if your replying to someone asking where you are, that you are on your way right now and will be there soon you are just being held up. If you need to extend the fake call, pretend where you're going is a large meet up with a bunch of people ("is everything ready for the party/reunion? I have the decorations and cake in the car and was just about to head your way now")
Side note, here's another quick tip for you. I don't care what you think about police or any other emergency service providers, but if your driving anywhere and feel like someone is following you, pull into the nearest police or fire station and, if they follow you into the parking lot, DON'T get out! Just lay on your horn until a cop/firefighter/whatever comes out. If they are a shitty cop/etc and won't help after you explain the situation and the creep is still in the parking lot, call 911 (or whatever your local emergency number is) and get them to help you. Your top priority is staying safe and NOT leading the creep to your home.
Stay safe out there, everyone, there's some creepy people lurking in places you wouldn't imagine. 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
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nushiworld · 1 year
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Their adaptable structure factor lifts up the spirits with regards to comfort, pursuing them the decision of men everywhere. It doesn't make any difference where you are, the hoodie fits perfectly in. However this part of the hoodie makes numerous men smug. They split the difference with the loose tasteful of the hoodie and wind up looking odd. Further it is elusive a hoodie that is neither too loose nor excessively light and thin.
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Black owned accessories
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
bakugou katsuki alphabet hc’s
a/n: just a little something something for me being swamped with final preparations and my wip being nowhere near completed!!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with an s/o?)
Bakugou is not that affectionate, hate to tell you guys that. He’s a cat through and through. He’s someone who touches you when he wants to, not when you want it. Sometimes it varies, but most of the time it’s him giving you a look, after all, he will never outright tell you to touch him. But you can see it, the slight eyebrow lift, the curl of his lip because you’re not being affectionate with him. It happens both in private and public, but there are moments in private where he just is clingy, not in an overly clingy way, but a: let’s hold hands while being on our phones sorta way.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
There is not much in this world that will take Bakugou’s breath away. He’s just that sort of guy that even when he’s caught off guard, you will never ever know it explicitly. That being said, there is one thing that does take his breath away. Arguing with him
Now, I'm not talking about crazy psycho bitch arguing where the both of you are going through some world war with each other. I’m talking about an argument where he comes in knowing he’s in the wrong but him not knowing what to do. Argue your side, explain why he’s doing things wrong, how it’s wrong, and how to improve. Taking his insecurities and his inability to do things correctly isn’t something he enjoys being attacked about, but when you take it in, absorb it, and help him it just steals his breath away because holy hell, you respect him, you love him, and he feels the exact same way.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Bakugou does cuddle, but oh boy does it take a long time for him to be able to allow this to happen. 
Bakugou is a little spoon. now shut up and listen to why. When your relationship first begins, he is not open to showing his affections, and would turn onto his side before ever asking to hold you. So you have to take it up to yourself to snuggle into his back side, nose buried into his spine. With time, and with Bakugou finally opening up and expressing his feelings, and his ability to be as vulnerable as he can get, most nights it's with him laying his head on your chest, his body draped over yours. He likes this position because he feels like he’s protecting you. if anything happens at night, he’ll be the first to be hit, and that’s all that matters.
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
World domination, easy.
Bakugou isn’t someone who allows for intimate relationships like picking a penny from the penny jar. He is a tiny bit arrogant and thinks he deserves the best, so when he finally chooses you to date there’s a 99% chance it’s ending in marriage. He wants the both of you to succeed. 
Whatever it is in life that you want to do, what you dream to do, it automatically becomes his dream too. He’s going to support you and help you get there or his name isn’t Bakugou Katsuki.
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
All things considered, especially what people would most likely think, he puts in a lot of effort.
Again, you aren’t some casual relationship, if he’s dating you that means you’re endgame in his eyes, congrats!
He may be an angry tsundere the entire time, but he remembers everything. Every important date in your life you better remember, because this asshole will then ask you seven years into the relationship about how you remember the outfit you wore on your first kiss and if you say no he’s gonna both yell at you and hold it above your head for all eternity.
He puts in effort!!!!
Sure, sometimes you might not be priority number one, but you never fall off the top ten list and he always makes sure to make it up in some sort of way if you feel negligent because of this.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Bakugou is someone who talks you through it.
Why are you scared?
Is there something you can do about it?
How can I make it better?
He’s all about prevention, improving, helping. He wants you to feel better and he’s always been better with his words over his actions when it comes to aiding. It’s not to say that he won’t comfort you, because he will definitely touch your head and bring it to rest against his shoulder only after he’s done helping you out. He feels like he can help you through your fears and merely hugging and saying it’ll be better isn’t the way to help.
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Bakugou remembers everything about ya, he’s going to get you the gifts you really need.
Yes, need, not want.
Oh you want a whole new makeup collection? Uh no, what you need is a whole new ass vanity and make up organizer because he’s seen those same damn colors you want in your collection but you don’t have shit organized so you don’t know!
Oh you want a new video game? Uh no,,, okay fair, he wants it too, so you both need it for date nights.
Bakugou absolutely hates getting gifts in return, for some reason he thinks its atone to charity work or like guilty gifts. If you want to give him a present, he might allow it, but do not and I mean DO NOT give him a gift for what he gives you (outside of appropriate holidays of course).
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
Bakugou hugs you, that’s a given. But how he hugs is pretty dependent on mood and where the two of you are.
When it’s in public he’s a major fan of the one armed hug, the typical “we besties but not like that” hug. Never ever think it’s because he’s embarrassed of you, he’s just… emotionally constipated and he can’t fathom hugging you while everyone watches because he gets nervous. But there are times, in public, where something happens. Something that causes him to worry for you, and he’ll be on you in an instant, his arms slamming you in. One on the small of your back, the other between your shoulder blades. He loves you and only when he’s not in control does he forget his boundaries.
In private though, it’s another story. He’s the person who has their arms wrapped loosely around your waist, his hands holding onto your hips ever so softly. He buries his face into your neck and just breathes. Sometimes he likes to sway with you in his arms, other times he likes to carry you too.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He’s definitely an… acquired taste of romance. Nothing he does is outside the spectrum of what is considered to be romantic! If he had done it with a sugary sweet ‘im so in love with you smile’ no one would say anything, but he does these things in a Bakugou way where people are like: “ARE YOU SURE YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH THAT MAN?!” and then look over at you who’s crying because you think he’s the most romantic person in the world. 
Oh he has hella problems, just because you’re it for him doesn’t mean he knows how to behave correctly. He goes through self reflection because of this! He needs to figure out what intimacy means for him, and how to express it to you while also keeping your ideas of intimacy in hand. It always works out though, he will always put together how to make it work.
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Surprise, surprise, Bakugou Katsuki is a jealous man :)
The worst part of Bakugou’s jealousy is that he knows that he has no reason to be jealous. There are only a handful of people Bakugou feel inferior to, like truly and honestly inferior to. He knows he’s not always the best, no matter how hard he tries, but he knows where he lies in the world. So when he sees other people flirting with you he knows right away that there’s no reason to be jealous. But that doesn’t do anything to the instinctive monster in his mind that tells him to murder the random extra for even considering you to be on a level similiar to theirs.
He storms over, fury and murder in his eyes, parking himself right behind you, eyes glaring at the person who is flirting with you because on god he’s not going to say shit until he has to. If the person doesn’t understand that their presence isn’t welcomed, then Bakugou has no issue twirling you where you stand and shoving his tongue in your mouth. In fact most of your public kisses have stemmed from situations like these.
But the dangerous jealousy is the one where you invoke it. The eyes on him the entire time you’re flirting with him, fueling the fires of his jealousy and irateness. There’s nothing stopping him from going over there, but in this? This is a competition for him. Who’s breaking first? He’ll grab someone nearby, eyes on you while he flirts himself. Although it’s not really flirting he can’t understand anything the person he grabbed is saying, he just enjoys the anger in your own eyes until one of you -- most of the time him -- snaps and storms over.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Hohohoho, Bakugou Katsuki is initially the worst kisser in the entire WORLD.
His kiss is like slimey, too much saliva, sweat pouring from his face because he’s nervous. He won’t touch you because if he did he’d leave handprints on your clothes. He clumsily clashes his teeth against yours, and oh god is this the appropriate amount of tongue to use?
Just teach him
Bakugou is a lowkey sucker for kisses, he enjoys nights where you poke him in the face obviously wanting a kiss from him, but he can’t help but make it difficult for you. He’ll face poke after poke until he gets up, face trying to stay angry until you pull him into a kiss. He’s much better at this point, he likes holding your cheek with his right hand, his left hand either grasping your wrist or holding your hand. He’s into the slow and languid kisses, the ones that keep you shut up for moments to come because he enjoys blue balling you. 
Bakugou will kiss you every day until the day he dies, even if he’s mad at you or something, no day is passed without a kiss in the morning and at night.
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Bakugou Katsuki is a hard one for this. 
On one hand, I can see him not being the first one to say it. Bakugou being the first to admit to something as deep, as soul revealing as being in love with you? It can happen at anytime during the relationship, but he will first murmur it when he swears you’re asleep, and then again when you ask him.
But on the other hand, I can see him saying it first. Bakugou isn’t an idiot, he knows you won’t say it in case he doesn’t return your feelings, but the thing is Bakugou has been in love for quite some time so he’ll say it out of the blue. Not in the middle of silence but during a conversation that you don’t register until he’s glaring at you for ignoring his statement.
After all, Bakugou doesn’t lose. ;p
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
Bakugou isn’t dating you just so he can say he’s dating someone. Hell nah, if he’s dating you like hell he isn’t gonna have you take his last name so he can show you off to the world like some toy he had won. It’s not done in a bad way, just a smug ‘I married the best person in the world’ sorta way.
Bakugou is a small and intimate most likely modern sort of party. There is no free bar, like hell he’s going to let people get wasted through his money on his day. But it definitely becomes his favorite day in the entire year watching you come down the aisle and getting to dance with you.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Bakugou enjoys date nights at home.
He likes coming together with you to prepare dinner, chucking food at each other when someone messes up. Then the food is taken to the living room where he threatens not to mess anything up or feel his wrath. After the threat, you sit between his legs and the two of you go ham on video games or watch a movie.
Other than that he likes amusement parks, museums, hiking, and camping trips!!
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
He will not lie to you to make you feel better. Don’t go to Bakugou expecting a cheerful pick up when you’re in the wrong because he will not allow you to believe that you’re in the moral high ground when you’re wrong. This also means you can’t give him half explained stories, don’t start something with him expecting him to support you when it’s questionable if you’re in the right.
P = Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Oh he definitely is.
Every day comes a new sort of competition, some sort of race where the both of you need to express how the other one is better. Sometimes it seems like a fight match between the two of you, but you both know that it's all fun and games. He respects you and thinks of you highly so will always give it his all. And if he learns how to manipulate your body to get where he wants to be, so be it.
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Bakugou 100% asks for your opinion on things. If he’s sharing his thoughts that means he fully expects your opinion on it and ten reasons as to why you believe it. Your opinion is valued to him and he’s not arrogant enough to forget that your voice matters as well. 
And Bakugou will always share his opinion, even sometimes when you don’t ask for it. He’s open and honest and always willing to give you the feedback you need. He respects and loves you too much to let you get away with a lie from him.
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
Bakugou isn’t a spontaneous person, but life is just so out of control for him that most things while originally planned, end up being on the spot.
Like oh, our date night at this restaurant we planned was ruined because I had a last second call into the office that I couldn’t say no to, there's this little hole in the wall three blocks away if you want to go there instead?
He likes having an agenda, okay?
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
On his own, Bakugou is a sprawler in his sleep. He turns left and right, flipping under the covers and kicking them off. He warns you of this well before sleeping in the same bed together, but when you finally get the chance to do it, he calms completely. He lays on his stomach, his head pressed into your stomach, an arm securely wrapped around your waist while he remains still at night. He’s a bit of a holder, even if he won’t admit it.
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
Bakugou would not even admit to liking you should he not trust you.
Trust is the most important thing to Bakugou, if he can’t trust you then there’s no reason for him to be dating you. 
He would willingly let you choose the fate of his life if that was an option.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
He’s a complete novice to everything when you date him. You have to teach him a lot of things because he never really grew up with it and well, his parents have a very unique style of love so he thought that you would be dominating in every aspect and he had major qualms about that.
He is also somehow willing to try out everything with you without needing to be asked. So those sexy ballroom tango classes you saw one day? He’ll bitch the entire time before the class but will be the first out of the door to go to these events. 
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
It takes awhile. While Bakugou trusts you completely, being vulnerable just isn’t him. He doesn’t like being vulnerable, so it takes a lot for him to just… break down and split open showing everything about him to you.
In this state he’s emotional and somehow emotionless. Tears soak his cheeks, his lips red and raw, hoarse voice, thick words. He looks like a mess and you don’t know how to fix it, but you guide him through it. He might not acknowledge how he was in this state later on, but he will thank you quietly one night.
Remind him that it’s okay to be vulnerable, he needs to be reminded.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
He enjoys it when you do any of the boyfriend challenges from tiktok. Oh yes, this boy is well updated with the trending challenges thanks to Kaminari and he just waits around daily to see when or if you’ll do it to him. If not he’ll ask you why you aren’t doing it to him yet, and you just kinda ‘:O you want me to do that?!’
He also is super into spa nights. He will paint your toe nails, massage your body (as long as its reciprocated), and lounging with you with big fluffy towels, eating cucumbers with lemon and chile, and face masks on!
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
Bakugou is a scary nurse. He just screams at you the entire time as to how stupid you are for getting injured, but will take care of you perfectly. And don’t you dare smile at him while he fluffs your pillow and make sure you feel 100% okay because he is MAD at you and you can’t be happy because he was scared shitless earlier! Oh yeah and you’re an idiot, and he made the soup slightly warmer than needed because he was so angry so let it cool down before you eat it, unless you want to burn yourself, which wouldn’t surprise him!
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
When you don’t speak up. He doesn’t like it when you hold your opinions to yourself, he finds it aggravating and annoying. Speak up if things bother you, don’t be spineless especially around him.
He hates uncleanliness and lack of personal hygiene. Brush your teeth every day, shower when you need to! CLEAN YOUR DAMN ROOM!
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
Bakugou Katsuki is in fact a passionate boyfriend, he just has his unique ways of showing it. He never wants you to feel like he doesn’t love you, or doesn’t feel so deeply about this relationship because he would damn the entire world for you. And yeah, he likes and wants the passion, but give him some time to be comfortable and adjust to your ideals of it!
NSFW under cut:
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Bakugou cums for the final time and he’s a panting shaking mess for a few minutes afterwards. He lays there in the cum, sweat, and other fluids while looking you in the eyes, his eyes heavy with exhaustion and love. He’ll press a kiss to whatever’s nearest before pushing off the bed to grab towels. He cleans himself off, and depending on how you’re doing will either clean you off or make you clean yourself off. Sometimes he takes you to bathe and other times he says goodnight, wraps you in your typical sleeping position and knocks out.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Bakugou's favorite body part of his (outside his cock) is definitely his arms and his shoulders. He’s got powerful arms and shoulders, they’re wide, sturdy, and thick. They look good, they’ve always looked good. But they look so much better with your desperate hands clinging onto his shoulders like some lifeline, his skin permanently scarred from your raking fingers when you cry his name… oh yeah, its definitely that.
Bakugou is a cultured man who loves tits, ass, and thighs equally. He loves seeing your breasts squeezing around his cock as he’s strapped to the bed, your mouth in a sly smirk because you won’t suck him off. Your ass? He really fucking loves slapping your ass as you lay against his lap, counting the number of spanks he’s given you. He loves how soft and how much it bounces with every smack. And your thighs? He loves when you’re riding his face or the way they tighten so powerfully around his waist.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Bakugou’s cum is as good as cum gets, if you ignore the weird spicy aftertaste to them on the occasions he eats spicy food. He loves having it splattered against your face, the thick milky liquid just dripping from your face while you look up at him with shining eyes. He also admits to enjoying kissing you after oral sex, the taste of intermixing cum and spit overwhelming him.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bakugou is a panty thief, well really, anything he can get his hands on (even when you’re dating). He enjoys seeing you wandering around the room without your matching panty or bra, desperately trying to find the other set. It’s most definitely in his pocket at the time you can’t seem to find it, the fabric running between his fingers while telling you to just wear a mismatched one because he’s the only one gonna be seeing it anyways. Who you trying to impress???
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He does not know what he’s doing, but he’s a fast adapter. He’ll be a complete booty for the first round and you can laugh for ages about it, but afterwards he’ll know what works and what doesn’t -- though sometimes…. Lol nvm
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Anything that shows off his strength. 
Against the wall, wheelbarrow, anything, anything, anything that can show he’s sooo much stronger.
He also likes missionary too, he’s just the type okay??? Plus perfect access to his shoulders.
Reverse cowgirl.
Doggy style.
Anything where you’re pressed chest to chest, it just brings up the level of intimacy for Bakugou.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
This is serious.
Bakugou isn’t a joking person to begin with, and he doesn’t magically evolve a humor boner while he’s slamming into you. 
I mean sure, the two of you can breathlessly laugh at things, but it’s not because you’re exchanging jokes -- you tried once and he just sorta… glared at you. If he wanted to laugh during sex he would rather die, this is serious to him, so be serious too. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
His pubes are darker than his hair, but they’re in the same blond family.
They are also very well-groomed. He thought it was appropriate to make sure he wasn’t a wild untame bush before fucking you because he wasn’t sure how you liked it. He also likes it well groomed because less chaffing in his costume.  
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Bakugou is someone who thinks highly of sex, so he is 100% focused in on it while fucking you. There’s nothing on his mind except getting you to cum a big scream of his name. At times he can be romantic, he’s done the flowers on the bed before and thought it was completely fucking stupid. You know he loves you so, and if he loves you dearly why does he have to change the way he behaves during sex?
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Bakugou is an angry masturbator.
It was a great way to find release before you, long days at work crumbling over the second he was in the shower. But when the two of you finally do start dating and having sex he believes that it’s best to masturbate when the two of you aren’t in contact.
He unashamedly will call you and tell you talk, jacking off to the sound of you telling him about your day, unaware of what he was doing.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Switch - Bakugou will sub or dub
Brat - when Bakugou is a sub, be ready to tame him at all costs. He’s not an easy sub to handle before being tamed, but once you have him, he’s easy.
Degradation - he enjoys it both ways, he likes hearing his natural language bleed into the bedroom and seeing how it finally gets to you in a way that benefits him. But he also enjoys hearing the curse words used against him, done in the same manner and tenor only someone who knew everything about him could do.
Spanking/hitting - Its a time he can use his quirk, he enjoys seeing your bruised skin burning in ways that have you panting for more.
Sensory deprivation - forcing you to succumb to him entire, trusting that he does whats best is a head rush to him.
Sounding - ...he’s a bit of a masochist.
Biting/marking - he likes making sure everyone knows you belong to someone
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Dining room table.
Hallways before the room.
The bed.
Midoriya’s bed.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Good god, just stroke this man's ego and his boner will be flying sky high. 
Gently run your fingers against his shoulder, whisper into his left ear while talking about trivial things, whatever you do, don’t let it on that you’re horny. Scrape your fingers against the nape of his neck, lips brushing against his raising skin. 
This man is head over heels for you, and when you are so comfortable you are your true self around him (including wearing any sort of lingerie in the colors black, orange, or geen ((bonus points if its inspired from his hero costume))) he’ll be ready to bounce.
Calling him your hero.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Do not whine.
Now I don’t mean in a ‘you whined for his cock while he pulled away from your shuddering hole, you wanted him more’ but more like a ‘Katsuki please fuck me!!! You haven’t fucked me in so long and I need you cockkkkk!’ sorta way.
Its pathetic, he fucks you enough, stop that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Short kings like Bakugou have to be good at eating out, it’s the law, congratulations.
He grows to be good at it, and loves to have you writhing in his arms, or better yet, have your fingers yanking at his scalp while you ride his face.
He kinda gets overwhelmed when you suck him off, years of screaming suck my cock just sort of desensitized him to the power behind the words, especially when its your mouth around his aching leaking cock. He loves having you meet his eyes, the threat of what’s to come if you look away bubbling in his veins while he presses his fingers to your throat, to feel his cock stretching that out
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
You guessed it, he’s a middle kinda man. 
He spans on both ends, most of the time leaning towards the fast and rough sex because that’s his personality, but there are more than enough times where its slow and sensual that you remember.
He enjoys having you crying out a lot, sure, but there's more than enough instances where he enjoys having you pressing gently into the bed, fingers grasping your waist, cock pushing into you just enough to create the friction that you crave. Your fluttering eyes, soundless gasps, and sweaty foreheads pressed against each other.
Yup, yup, he likes that so much better but won’t admit it.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t enjoy quickies, he feels like they’re half-assed versions of sex, sure, its exhilarating to see how fast you can possibly make each other cum, but it’s not as fun. Not enough moaning, contact, or pleasure that presents itself in quickies as a proper sex session gives.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Bakugou doesn’t mind experimenting, he’s super big on the ‘try it once to see if you like it, go on from there’ sort of mentality so he’s tried it all. Something are a bit of a long term discussion, anything ass play took some time for him to consider, and then allow you to try out in bed. But he does try anything you’re up for as long as you give the same energy back about the things he wants to try.
Risks… depends on what you consider to be a risk.
Fucking in public? Hell no, Bakugou aint gonna fuck you in public, risking his reputation and yours, just so you can milk him of his seed.  
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Stamina for fucking days son.
One round is a warm up for him. He’s used to sweating, used to fighting with every ounce of energy in his body for up to thirty minutes and walking away without so much as a sore shoulder. Fucking you is like a typical patrol without villains for him. He can go plenty upon plenty of rounds. Although, he is pretty easy to make cum.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Toys were sort of a weird subject to bring in, only because Bakugou insisted that he could do everything that a toy could do and better. After a month of arguing that no, he could not do what a toy could do, you finally caved and went to a sex shop.
He was mistaken, he can’t do everythiing a toy can do, and good god do you guys own literally everything on the planet.
Toys are meant to be shared, even Bakugou isn’t that stingy to implement that!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bakugou hates hates hates being on the receiving end of teasing. Okay, ‘not like don’t ever do it’ hate it but in a ‘i hate what it does to me’ hate it. He hates feeling inferior, on his knees begging for you to do something more than just teasing while his cock throbs on his stomach.
But oh does he love teasing. His thumb pressing down on your bottom lip, watching while your eyes are hazy in need, babbling words pouring from your mouth while he teases the shit out of you until finally giving you what you need, what you want.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Bakugou is not quiet outside of the bed, and he is definitely not quiet in bed.
He’s definitely someone who makes the rougher noises in bed, the throaty growls, puffing breathes. He’ll moan in your ear, growl by your throat, hiss against your skin. He makes every noise in the world he isn’t afraid of shit. He feels good and the entire fucking world will know if he has to.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Bakugou is a bit of a masochist, like a slight, slight masochist. 
He enjoys when you're sadistic with him, pulling his hair, and sounding. Tear at his skin, make him bleed, make him beg. He’s a hero because he can stand back up even after being hit, he must like it just the tiniest bit.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Six inches soft, seven inches hard. Thickiest fucking dick you’ve seen though, that shit be like |||| thiccc ya feel? Curves upwards, and lots of veins on dat bitch.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Definitely not as high as everyone wants it to be.
His sex drive is actually pretty average, not too high, not too low. He does get horny pretty quickly because you know how to work him, but he doesn’t walk around being half hard all the time.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Bakugou is most definitely asleep five minutes after climaxing. Most fuck sessions happen after dark so it works out just fine. In the rare times it happens in public, or in the morning he won’t fall asleep but he’s a bit spacey for about thirty minutes.
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ch4nb4ng · 4 years
Pairings: fem reader X hyunjin (a little bit of minho)
Warnings: oral sex, penetration, possible (?) harsh words (like rejection), masturbation 
Word Count: 10.3k
A/N: i have not posted for a while and i do apologise ive had a lot of family stuff going on. this took me a while to write so i hope you enjoy it :)
The sudden arms around your waist took you by surprise as you scooped the ice cream from the tub to your glass.
“Hi y/n,” Hyunjin giggled, his muffled breath dancing across your neck. Your body froze, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Yes, he had always been this touchy feely kind of person, but the amount of flirtation had increased recently; it was frustrating.
He used to be this cute little boy, full of life and innocence. Short black hair that used to flop over his eyes, bare, pale skin; pretty much as plain as they come. Hyunjin always had such a gentle nature about him. He supported you in whatever you wanted to do and dream of. He was the dictionary definition of a best friend. His personality didn’t change, but other things began too, especially for you. You were high school sweethearts. Always at each other’s hip, studying together, hanging out together at parties, after school; wherever. You both got into the same college, deciding to live together. That was when things began to take a turn. From growing out his hair, dyeing it blonde, getting a lip ring (and multiple other piercings), and, not to mention the multitude of tattoos he started to get carved onto his body was making you feel a different way. Even the way he dressed. You wouldn’t be able to lose him if you went out; the clanging of the chains dangling from his hips and neck was impossible not to hear. He wasn’t the pure, wholesome boy you used to know, and that had become a very, very pressing problem for you.
“Heyyyyyy,” you gasped, breath heavy from the slight scare attack he gave you. Your eyes automatically gazing at the slightly exposed skin showing due to the unbuttoned first button on his loose shirt.
“Oh my god Hyunjin,” your eyes widened, pushing his clothing to the side, “you got another tattoo?”
“Yeah what do you think?”
You ignored his question, starting to analyse it heavenly. A large, striking dagger; god, that was sexy. Biting down on your bottom lip, you giggled, lightly tracing your finger across the outline.
“I do like it actually.”
You smiled, looking up at him. How were the two of you suddenly so close? A hand was resting on your hip, you couldn’t help but feel the heat rush to your face. God he was such a fucking flirt, it was so irritating. Like he loved to play with you; see how much of a reaction he could get from you. You were clearly wrapped around his finger. It wasn’t like he wasn’t intelligent either. He began to know his way around girls, you would be completely dumbfounded if he hadn’t yet worked out the feelings you had for him. You wouldn’t even think twice, but when he’s looking at you, like that, inches away from your lips, it was hypnotising, leaving you wanting more every time. The cocky smirk fell from his face, spinning away from you and dropping onto the couch to watch some tv. He looked at you, playfully smiling as he pat the empty area next to him, inviting you to sit with him. Unable to refuse, you scurried over, legs slightly pushed against his as he flicked through the channels for something to watch. A comfortable silence fell over the room as you rested your head on his shoulder, a lively hum escaping his lips at the gentle contact.
“Are you doing anything tonight y/n?”
“I was going to ask you actually, do you think you could help me with algebra prac tonight?”
That playful smirk returned to his face, making your stomach swoon. How could he not know the effect his mysterious look had on you? You tucked your hair behind your ears, abruptly standing up and walking to your room, shutting the door behind you. Hyunjin’s eyebrows furrowed at your shortness; it somehow began to make his heart hurt. Immediate panic came over him as he ran after you, gently knocking on your door.
No response.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
“Yes Hyunjin,” you reply, opening the door with a smile. A wave of relief flooded through Hyunjin seeing you happy. He wanted nothing but for you to be happy. It was when he became the happiest. If you showed him any sign of sadness or stress, he felt like he was losing his mind. You were his number one priority. Regardless if he had a million things going on, you being content was the only thing that had mattered. 
You snapped him out of his thoughts, clicking in front of his face as you let him come to your room and take the seat next to you at your desk. Opening your book made his eyes automatically widen. You felt puzzled, beginning to stress slightly. If he didn’t know how to do it, how would you learn? Hyunjin was the only one who could actually get through to you when it came to understanding the multitude of theories you had to memorise. You felt your shoulders, which were previously tense, relax once he stood back up, letting his hands rest on you, thumbs digging slightly into your muscles as he began to analyse your work. A muffled whine escaped your lips at the feeling of his touch; so delicate, yet so rough. Tilting your head, you pushed your hair to the side; nothing more needed to be said. Hyunjin chuckled, enjoying your playful antics. His fingertips traveled across your skin, slowly reaching up to your neck. Rolling your head forward, you became limp. It was so exhausting putting up a facade in front of him. Just this one time, you could give into his touch.
“Y/n you’re so tight-”
Your body froze. You weren’t sure if you had heard him correctly.
“Your muscles are so tight, is this really stressing you out?”
“Oh,” you replied, slightly relieved, “uhm, yeah it is. I honestly don't understand it at all.”
“Well we cannot work under these conditions,” he gasped, “get on your bed for me why don't you?”
You were flabbergasted. 
“Y/n, get your mind out of the gutter,” he snickered, causing you to playfully hit his arm.
You followed his instructions, stomach pressed against the quilt of your bed. Your eyes were closed, slightly becoming patient at the way Hyunjin was taking his time with you. 
“Are you ready for the best massage of your life?”
“Sure am Jinnie.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that was forming on your lips. The way Hyunjin climbed onto your bed, sitting on top of you, delicately moving your hair to make sure your back was exposed and bare to him. The way he was leaning down, lips almost pressing to your ear as his fingers began to sink into your skin. A small groan left your lips. Hyunjin had now grasped a good feeling of your body, knowing all the spots that were making you uptight. The temperature in the room was rising, whether you wanted to accept it or not. Your arousal was becoming apparent, core becoming hotter with each passing moment. Thumb digging into every place you longed for him. They began to travel, lingering under the edge of your shirt. It was obvious that Hyunjin’s only intentions were to make you feel better. You weren’t sure if it was the satisfactory chuckle that left his lips every two seconds, or the slight hard on that was becoming pressed against your thigh. Surely this was anything but innocent. Releasing the stress so he could help you with your homework. But the moans leaving your mouth was slowly but surely changing the atmosphere of the originally family friendly, helpful environment that was once created. 
“Your hands feel so good,” you blurted out, quickly burying your face into the sheets. You couldn’t believe you had just said that out loud. Your heart began to race in anticipation, dying for Hyunjin to say literally anything.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” he hummed, standing up. An almost whimper escaped your lips. Dabbing your fingers to your forehead, you gasped. You were already sweating. A blush creeping onto your face. If he could make you this hot from a playful massage, imagine what else he could do with those fingers.
Taking your previous position on your chair, your head was feeling dizzy. Hyunjin began to explain the equation, yet all you could think about was his hands wrapped around your neck, trickling down your sides and to your-
“So do you understand it now y/n, y/n?”
“Oh,” you looked up, avoiding his piercing gaze, “um, yeah, i do, thank you.”
“God,” he huffed, rolling his eyes, “you must be real tired huh?”
“What? No Im fine-”
“Let me tuck you into bed.”
“Into bed?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, walking over and pulling the sheets back, “you aren’t listening to me so I think you need to rest, come here.”
Unable to refuse him, you quickly hopped in. Your body was tense, waiting for Hyunjin to leave. But he didn’t. The feeling of his arms wrapping around your torso, muscular frame pressing into your back. Your muscles began to relax straight away, practically melting into him. God, he liked to make things hard for you.
“Let’s get some sleep, and we can go over this in the library, okay y/n?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, all your senses shutting off for the night. The last thing you heard was his baby breaths, tickling the back of your neck
Your eyes were awake, feeling the dishevelled strands of hair sprawled across your face, bed sheets completely tangled. A slick smile spread across your face at the thoughts of last night's subtle, yet not so subtle actions. You slapped yourself across the face. Getting out of bed, you made your way to the kitchen, still drowsy from the good quality sleep, and company you had. Tensions were high all of yesterday, keeping you aroused for a prolonged period of time. Wanting to have some fun, you decided to change out of the clothes you were in, stripping off and wearing nothing but your silk robe as you made your way to the kitchen. 
“Morning sleepy head,” Hyunjin smiled, taking his tongue in between his teeth as he began to look you up and down. One hand on the frying pan, the other leaning on the kitchen bench, “you tryna put on a show for me or what ?”
“Pfft,” you scoffed, joining him in leaning against the bench, “you wish Mr. Hwang.”
“Yeah uh, anyways,” he interjected, followed by a small cough, “i’m gonna have a shower and then we can head to the library.”
“Uh sure bub,” you smile, stealing a piece of toast from his plate, “I’ll go get ready and grab my stuff.”
Sending a wink Hyunjin’s way, you headed back to your room, collecting your thoughts and self together. 
His jaw clenched as soon he saw your behind. A frustrated hand ran through his hair. “God,” he mumbled to himself. Quickly cleaning the frying pan, he headed to the shower, turning the water on, extra hot. Hands relying on the glass frame, he let the steaming droplets run down his body. Eyes closed, he began to think, hard, compartmentalising the many thoughts of you running through his mind. One hand began to trail down his neck, dragging down the center of his body. A small groan escaped his lips, letting his fingertips gently wrap around his base. The combination of water and steam filled his vision as he began to pump himself, images of your exposed body lying in front of him, having you all to himself. His grip became harder at thought, having you moan his name over and over, tongue dragging across his chest, marking the ink that practically covered him. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, “y/n.”
Hyunjin stumbled backwards, letting his back dig into the sidewall as he threw his head back. Grabbing the soap, he held it above his head, letting it dangle across his length. He was already sensitive; the feeling of the cold liquid sending a shiver down his spine. Letting both of his hands now wrap around his cock, he made his own jaw drop. Images of his hands imprinted around your torso, completely manhandling you was making him dizzy. He wanted it, you, so bad.His thoughts were warped on a daily basis; they were all about you. All the times he thought about grabbing your waist, slamming you against the wall as he double pumped himself, jaw dropping open as his hips began to buck up. He was becoming desperate to touch you, to feel you under him. He wanted you squirming, begging for you. He just wanted to make you feel good. 
“Ah fuck y/n, I’m cuming,” he whined, seeing his liquid cover the glass. He stood there for minutes, heavily panting as he came down from his high. Eyes wide open, head snapping forward, Hyunjin turned off the water, quickly dressing himself and heading out to the couch to wait for you.
“Do you get it now?”
“Yes,” you exclaimed, “finally, thank you Hyunjin.”
What felt like hours of studying was finally paying off. Having hyunjin as your teacher was another bonus of course. The subtle grazes against your leg, his small thumb rubbing circles on your back. You were surprised how your body never went into sensory overload. Hyunjin’s touch was delicate, yet so enticing. Like he knew exactly what he was doing to you. His daily entertainment; how flustered could he make you? You adjusted your posture, a nervous cough escaping your chest, making Hyunjin chuckle.
“y/n, are you okay?”
“Uh yeah,” you shrugged, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“You seem flustered?” he questioned, a hint of innocence in his tone. Placing each elbow on the table, he smirked, gaze strong on you,
“Am i turning you on right now?”
Face beginning to feel hot, you began to laugh, playfully hitting him to avert that fact that you actually were flustered.
“Hyunjin, dont be stupid!”
He began to laugh with you, making your heart hurt a little. You knew it was all fun and games for him and he was just mucking around. Most of the time you found it funny too, but there were moments where you wished that he was being serious; this was one of these moments.
“Hyunjin’s teaching skills are okay from what i’ve seen.”
A huge grin swiped your face as you saw Minho, Chan and Jisung approach your table.
“My favorite people,” you paused half way through the sentence, turning to Hyunjin, “how are you guys doing!”
“I’m doing great,” Chan winked, making you gag on the spot. The boys began an uproar of laughter, completely dying at the way you completely rejected him. He was always harmlessly playful with you; this was regular banter you shared.
“Anyways,” Minho interjected, “we are all doing good, studying of course, the usual. I wanna go out though.”
“Oh my god yes,” Jisung gasped, “that’s such a good idea!”
“We haven’t gone out in so long,” you sighed, “I’m down.”
All of the boys clapped. What felt like a stressful, exhausting energy became a peaceful, relaxing one. Going out clubbing with the boys was so much fun. Things sometimes went south, but nonetheless, when everyone’s drunk, everyone’s having fun. 
“We just finished studying actually,” Jisung smiled, collecting his books and standing up, “if you guys are done we can go out for dinner tonight and then go out?”
“Oh um, I'm gonna study for a bit longer,” Hyunjin interjected, “and then I'll meet you guys out.”
Nodding in response, the rest of the boys got up, making their way back to their dorms. Minho remained seated.
“I-I’m gonna study for a bit longer as well. We can get something to eat and meet you guys later?”
You smiled at them; that was until you felt a heavy blow to your backside, causing half the students to turn and look at you.
“Hyunjin,” you whispered, “what the fuck was that for?”
Playing with your fingertips previously, Hyunjin wrapped his fingers around your wrist, pulling you back down, letting his ink covered fingertips sit on your neck,
“You know I'm just mucking around,” he whispered, moving closer to your ear, “were you thinking of something different?”
Pulling away from him, your eyes widened, playfully hitting him once more before grabbing your stuff and finally leaving. 
Waiting for a cue of privacy, Minho coughed obnoxiously, steering Hyunjin’s gaze away from behind.
“So,” Minho began, “y/n looked real cute today all snuggled up against you.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin nervously chuckled, “i don't know what you're talking about.”
“You know,” Minho leaned closer to him, “I think i’m gonna ask her out.”
Hyunjin’s jaw clenched. A pang hit him at the base of his stomach.
“Oh,” Hyunjin mumbled, “since when have you been interested in y/n?”
“Uh, since she started hanging around us,” he scoffed, making Hyunjin's fingers curl into his palm, “I was just telling you because, well, you know, you’re the closest to her and incase you guys has something going on -”
“We don't.” 
“Are you sure,” Minho questioned, slightly enjoying how easily he could rile him up, “say something now because if you don't, she’s gonna end up in my bed tonight-”
“I told you, there’s no problem. I'm gonna go back to my room and have a shower, do you want to come then we can go eat with y/n?”
Both boys were now standing, close together. The atmosphere had changed from playful to territorial very quickly. You could cut it with a knife.
“Sounds good to me. She’ll say no though, I know her too well.”
Hyunjin wanted to punch the extremely cocky smirk spreading across Minho’s face. It was no secret that Minho’s reputation with girls was, well, extensive. From one night stands, to threesomes, foursomes, you name it. There wasn’t one thing that this dude had not done. It made Hyunjin nervous. Seeing the way Minho treated other girls made his skin crawl. He didn’t want you to be just a number on his list. You were naive, Hyunjin knew that. He always knew that you always saw the best in people. It was one of the many things he adored about you, but in this current moment, it was making his heart sink. He wasn’t sure why; he wasn’t sure if it was jealousy or Minho’s arrogant agenda, but he was definitely feeling uneasy. 
The usual ice droplets that soaked your body felt like fire. Hyunjin was always touchy feely, but the way he had been with you the past couple of days was affecting you so much more than it usually did. The thought alone made you feel lightheaded. A large sigh came as your body pressed up against the glass frame. Your frustration was growing, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep these Hyunjin fantasies in your head. 
Stepping out of the shower, you wiped the fogginess sticking to the mirror. Pushing your hair back, you looked at yourself for what felt like a really long time. Nerves began to bundle in your stomach. Something about tonight was different. It began to feel a different way. Your chest jumped at the possibility of something finally happening with him. 
“Pfft who am i kidding,” you yelled at yourself in the mirror, pushing your nose up against the foggy glass, “keep dreaming girl.”
Wrapping your towel around your naked torso, you walked out to the kitchen, finding a few snacks too much on. You had time to procrastinate getting ready. Turning on the tv, you happily munched away, enjoying your favorite show, Jane the virgin. The previous bundle of nerves dissipated as you let yourself sink into the couch. Going out with the boys was nothing out of the ordinary, but the tensions between you and Hyunjin felt the highest it had ever been. What was worse was that it wasn’t the first time that the atmosphere had been intense.
“Oooo,” Hyunjin yelled, quickly snatching your phone from your grasp, “who is this you're talking to now.”
“HYUNJIN IT’S NO ONE,” you screamed, standing up in front of him, “can you mind your business?” 
The swipe across his hands to get your phone back failed, causing him to begin running around the apartment, simultaneously scrolling your messages. Sure you entertained other guys from time to time. However, none of them made you feel hot the way hyunjin did. It was practically impossible. Even looking at Hyunjin made you feel like exploding on the spot.
Following his charade of nonsense, frustration began to grow. Chasing him around the house was no easy task. He was fast and flexible. There was no way you would be able to catch him. Coming to a stand still, you sighed.
“Hyunjin please,” you whined, waiting for him to come out of hiding, “if you give me my phone back, i’ll tell you.”
A loud gasp left your lips when you felt him from behind. Hands pinned to your sides, Hyunjin used his force, pinning you against the wall adjacent to your previous stance. Sticking his lips out, he chuckled, blowing the hair that was covering his gently frustrated eyes burning down on you. Nerves were setting in, especially once his cocky smirk began to form on his yet to be touched lips. Letting a hand roam, your mind was becoming dizzy, unable to control what your body was doing. That could’ve explained how your fingertips were spread across his clean chest, nearly half the buttons on his shirt somehow were undone. Were they already like that? Did you do it? You weren’t able to comprehend the situation at hand.
“Y/n,” he paused, “baby. Why are you talking to other guys?”
You could feel the lump forming at your throat. Intimidation was creeping in, lingering the longer he kept his hungry eyes on you.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Come on,” Hyunjin huffed, swiftly dragging his fleshy thumb across your bottom lip, “you don't need other guys. I’m right here.”
“What do you wanna eat?”
Minho's presence was putting Hyunjin off guard. All of his thoughts led to you right now. 
“Uh, I don't mind, it's up to you,” he mumbled. He could feel the blood running through his body becoming warmer with each passing second. Opening the door to the apartment made him nervous suddenly. Especially when he opened the door to you in nothing but a petite towel.
“Hey hyunjin-”
You spun around, tripping over the carpet in front of you.
“Oh.. Minho’s here too,” you stated, praying to the gods that you were still fully covered. Minho’s facial expressions conformed to those of concern as soon as your body hit the ground. Finger tips traveling to your legs, slowly up your arms, landing on your cheek.
“Holy shit y/n, are you okay?”
“Uh yeah,” you smiled, “I’m fine.”
Helping you up from the floor, Minho reciprocating the innocent smile. You sent a hard glare at Hyunjin after, causing hyunjin to huff, loud. Saying nothing, he walked straight out the fridge, finding any possible beer that was in sight, and, well, sculling it. 
“Hyunjin,” you yelled, running over, one hand keeping your towel secure, the other hitting him on the back, “what are you doing? We haven’t even eaten yet!”
“What,” he hissed, making you uncomfortably step away, “are you my mom?”
“No,” you replied back harshly, eyebrows furrowing at the way he was speaking to you all of a sudden, “God, what’s with the sulky attitude?”
You reached passed, purposefully brushing your barely covered chest across his torso, reaching for a chocolate bar.
“Minho,” you called, keeping your gaze fixated up at Hyunjin, “do you wanna come help me pick an outfit for tonight?”
The question made Hyunjin crush the now empty beer can in his grip. 
“Uh sure,” Minho answered, somewhat courteous about the interaction the two of you just had. He followed you to your room, looking forward to the way you were about to try on these outfits just for him.
“Okay so,” you began, “I have two,” you paused, making sure you were loud enough for the Hyunjin to hear, “you can sit here, and I'll go and quickly change into the first one.”
The look on Minho’s face was delectable. Like he was a kid in a candy store. Placing your fingers on his chest, you gave him a soft nudge, making him fall and lay back on your bed. You turned to your wardrobe, making sure to cautiously bend over and pick out the first outfit. You looked back at him as you walked out the door. The way he spread his legs right open, waiting in anticipation for you was fucking hot. 
A sigh of relief escaped your chest as you closed the bathroom door, finally able to drop this irritating towel and put some actual clothes on. This moment gave you a minute of peace, thinking about what you were actually doing. Harmlessly playing around with Minho to make Hyunjin jealous. Would it even work? Usually it was something you would question and/or doubt. However, it did not matter right now. Whether it made him envious or not, you were sick of having hopes that something would happen. Minho was very attractive, and he had shown previous interest in you before. A little fun wouldn’t hurt right.
You rolled your eyes hearing Hyunjin’s voice and knocked at the door. Shimmying into your dress, you sighed, opening the door for him.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing,” he paused, hesitating, “I’m sorry for acting the way I did just before.”
You said nothing, instead, letting him walk in while you began to do your makeup.
“I just don’t understand why you think you can talk to me like that, especially in front of your friends?”
“Because, uh, well.”
You huffed at his hesitation to answer.
“Of course you don't kno-”
His actions spoke louder than words, as they were pinning you up against the glass shower frame. You could feel the magnitude of shivers fall through your spine, yet your skin felt hot, especially in the place he was touching you.
“I do know,” he answered, eyes burning. He sighed, running a frustrated hand through his blacked locks.
“What do you know,” you smirked, looking up at him, bringing a hand around his neck, “tell me.”
The intensity had never been so heavy. Standing there in dead silence, eyes pouring into each other. Inches apart. It could be so easy for you to just reach up and finally, maybe finally, let yourself experience the feeling of those damn lips brushing your wanting ones. You could picture how this ended in your head right now. Legs wrapped around his torso, lips tickling your neck. Hell, you could even somehow reach around and just turn the shower on, give you not only a reason to be naked, but another reason as to why this should happen; right here, right now.
“Y/n, are you okay,” Minho yelled, making you break away from Hyunjin, “you’ve been in there for a long time just to put some clothes on.”
Brushing yourself off, you left Hyunjin to himself, absolutely gobsmacked like nothing had ever happened. He could do nothing, but walk out and see you standing in front of his best friend. Dressing up for him. Showing off for him. Saying that it made Hyunjin’s blood boil was an understatement.
“Wow,” Minho hummed in approval, “spin around for me princess.”
You did as you were told, allowing his eyes to linger on your figure. All Hyunjin could do was just stand in the hallway, jaw dropped. His brain was ringing with anger. Storming off, all he could do was look into the fridge, quickly sipping on another beer can.
Finally stepping out of your room with Minho, Hyunjin huffed, barely paying attention to him. But when he saw you, he could feel the tent in his pants beginning to form. Tight black dress, long hair cascading down your shoulders. You looked perfect to him.
“Ready to go Hyunjin?”
He blinked a few times.
“Um, yeah I am.”
“Good,” you smirked, grabbing Minho's arms and wrapping them around your torso.
The music was blaring through the speaker system as you barely stood at the bar, chugging down the 5th round of shots Chan had bought for all of you.
“To friendship!” he yelled.
“Friendship,” you slurred in response, humming at the way the liquid burned your chest. It’s painful the  first time, but after the 5th one, it's the fiery sensation that you want nothing more than to feel again. Everyone was loud and fun, having their time of life. Except for Hyunjin of course, silently sipping on his drink in the corner. You stumbled over to him, somewhat heavily slapping him on the shoulder.
“Hyunjin,” you smiled, feeling your eyes get smaller, “what’s wrong?”
“But you aren't acting like the Hyunjin that I know.”
You pouted, digging your index fingers into his chest.
“Nothing,” he snapped, “I’m fine.”
His response made you pissed off to say the least. But giving him a good scolding or fighting him was not even worth your energy. Why was he being so sulky? He was the one who pushed you against any hard surface whenever he was mad. The one who teased you with massages, lingering gazes, sinful touches. The thoughts of those many moments became a sudden sensory overload. You hurried away, quickly grabbing Minho's wrist and dragging him to the dance floor.
“Dance with me,” you whispered, grabbing his wrist and placing them on your sides as you turned to face away from him. Closing your eyes, you let the music pour into you, head lying in the crook on Minho’s neck as you let your body explore him. The satisfactory groans that left his lips and slipped into your ears felt like paradise. It felt so good, feeling someone finally reciprocate their interest in you. His grip on you was strong, thumb digging into your sides as he pulled you close, letting you feel his hard on from behind you. A deep hum left your throat, making him smile against your lobe.
“Feeling okay baby?”
“Mmmm yeah,” you chuckled, “I can tell you are.”
The deepness in your voice made him spin around. You threw your head back in satisfaction, allowing his lips to cover your neck in delicate, feverish kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck made him chuckle, allowing him to pull you even closer than before. He wasn’t shy, that’s for sure. You shivered, feeling the hard grip he had on your left thigh, hooking it around and lifting your leg around him. You looked up at him, seeing the darkness pooling behind his eyes as he told you to jump, allowing him to carry you. Your hands were in the air, completely loose and carefree as you continued to sway to the beat of the music. This was the first time you had felt so light. Everything felt so easy at this moment. Minho was giving you the attention you had been craving from Hyunjin for so long. You looked down at him, the previous dark facade long gone as he looked up at you with nothing but joy and admiration present. It made you smile. 
“Y/n,” he yelled, bringing you back to his level, “let’s go sit at the bar, I want to ask you something.”
You didn’t complain, trailing him out of the human traffic of the bar. ‘Of course,’ you muttered to yourself, seeing the only two available stools being right next to hyunjin and some random girl that he was feeling up under the table. You rolled your eyes; of course he was entertaining someone else. You ignored him, putting a gentle hand on Minho's thigh.
“Did you say something?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, “did you want another drink?”
“Oh uhm, can you just get me some water please?”
“A-anything for you baby.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, not noticing till now how sloshed he really was. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, patiently waiting for the drinks he had ordered. You let your fingers linger on him, drawing sloppy lines along his inner thigh.
“So,” he began, taking a sip of his drink in between speech, “there’s actually something I wanted to ask you.”
“You did say this from what I recall,” you laughed, scratching your head with your index finger; an attempt at acting puzzled in front of him.
“Yes,” he smirked, placing a hand on the outer edge of your knee, “I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with me next week?”
His question knocked the alcohol right out of your system, completely sobering you up. You fixed your posture, slight panic settling into your body at his sudden question. It was just fun, wasn’t it? Just using him to make Hyunjin jealous? 
“Um wow,” you gasped, unsure what to say, “this is, well, um, I don't really know what to say.”
“What do you mean?”
Small dribbles of sweat began tapping on your forehead. Pushing your hair behind your ear, you lifted your hand, placing it apologetically over his.
“Minho,” you empathetically smiled, “I think that’s so sweet of you.”
You paused, quickly seeing the way the grin on his face began to turn down.
“And don't get me wrong, you’re a great guy and you have been nothing but sweet to me. But, I, well, I have feelings for someone else.”
The look on his face made you devastated. The hurt was evident in his eyes. Minho grabbed his drink, taking a big swig from it.
“Please say something,” you pleaded, beginning to feel uncomfortable from the painful silence.
“It’s fine.”
Heart beat beginning to race, you could feel it; the sudden change in atmosphere between the two of you.
“It is? Okay good because-”
“It’s fine because I was joking.”
A heavy pang hit you in the chest. Did you even hear him correctly?
He looked up at you, a slight chuckle came from him.
“Oh, you thought I was being serious?”
He grabbed you by the wrist, picking it up and pushing it off of him.
“You weren’t being serious?”
“Of course not,” he snapped, “you think I would wanna be with you?”
“Well why would you ask me out if you didn’t feel that way?”
He took another swig.
“Yeah well whatever, it’s a mistake. I can barely even look at you.”
You stood up, blood beginning to boil now. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
He rolled his eyes, following you and standing over you.
“Do I have to spell it out for you? I wouldn’t go near you with a ten foot poll. Let alone fuck you? Pfft, your dreaming girl; good luck with that.”
You felt dizzy, unable to comprehend what Minho had just said to you. ‘What a dick’ you thought, before lifting your hand and slapping him across the face. You could feel the tear prick your eyes. You just wanted to fall, break down on the spot. No one had ever said such hurtful things to you before. Hyunjin turned around as soon as he heard the sound. You didn’t want to look at him. You were fuming. Minho just stood there, laughing at you.
“Listen here,” you snapped, “I get that you’re upset that your advances didn’t work, but you have no fucking right to say that to me, or anyone, ever again. Unless you apologise, I never want to speak to you ever again.”
And with that, you picked yourself up, and walked out of there, alone.
You couldn’t feel anything but the painful throb in the back of your head as you rose out of bed. Taking your phone off the charger you gasped, seeing the multiple missed calls Hyunjin had left you last night. You threw your phone back onto your bed, sheepishly making your way to the kitchen.
“Hey babes.”
You looked up to see a dishevelled Hyunjin waiting for you at the bench. You tried to smile at him, hide the pain of what Minho had said to you last night. Your heart was hurting, so bad. It was hard not to believe what he had said to you. You just wanted to run into Hyunjin's arms, let him whisper sweet nothings and tell you everything was okay; but you knew that if that happened, you would never let him go.
“Morning,” you mumbled, turning your back to him as you turned on the coffee machine, “how are you feeling this morning?”
“Yeah I'm good,” he mumbled back slowly making his way over to you. You sighed, a sharp inhale as you felt his arms wrap you from behind. Luckily, his head was resting on your back; he wasn’t able to see the impulsive tears slip from your eyes.
“Are you feeling okay after last night?”
Your heart sank. Humiliation was settling in; he had heard exactly what he said. It felt like you couldn't breathe. You were gasping for air. Hyunjin grabbed your waist, spinning you around, encompassing you in his embrace. He could feel you. The way your body sobbed against him. Hands against your chest, head curled into his neck. Holding it in was impossible, especially from Hyunjin. He knew you like the back of his hand.
“My angel,” he whimpered, cupping your cheeks and looking down at you, “I’m so sorry about what happened last night. I want you to know that none of what he said is true. You are such a beautiful person inside and out, and you didn't deserve that.”
You finally fixed your gaze back onto him. You had never seen such softness to his eyes before. You felt yourself giving  yourself to him. Vulnerability glowing in your heart as you felt yourself slipping away. His touch on you became stronger, hypnotising almost. Your hands found their way onto his body, unsafely creeping under his shirt and messily being dragged across his stomach. The front he attempted to put on was priceless; you could feel his body tensing underneath your corrupt touch.
“y/n,” he paused, slowly taking his hand from your body that he so desperately dreamed about, “I have to, uh,  go to class, but we can talk about this when I get back.”
Hyunjin sloppily grabbed his back and stumbled out the door, leaving you utterly speechless. It was the first time you could sense his nerves from something you did. A frustrated sigh left your lips. Nails digging into your palms, you stormed to your room, slamming the door behind you. 
“God,” you growled, aggressively falling onto your bed. Your eyelids suddenly felt heavy, but your mind was nonstop. 
The possibilities of finally having him was on a constant loop. The way his pupils changed when he looked at you. The shiver you could feel when you touched him. The ideas of what could have happened if Hyunjin didn’t leave was driving you up the wall. His voice played in your head, as if he was right next to you, whispering the praising words you longed to hear. A moan slipped from your lips, hands now sliding down the sides of your body as your mind became more vivid. The ache between your legs becomes stronger with each drawn out breath. You chuckled, replacing the ache with the thought of Hyunjin's tongue. You sat up, quickly stripping down to under garments. You took a quick look at yourself in the mirror; leaving you feeling anything but delirious.
You bit down on your bottom lip, letting your hands roam once more. Feeling the heat dance across your cheeks, you giggled, making yourself nervous at the thought of his summery breath cascade down your neck, blonde tips to follow. It’s like he was an island of fantasy and desire. All you could do was touch yourself. Letting your fingertips under the hem of your panties and into your folds. A sigh of relief slipping as you felt your legs become weak, falling back once more at the already immense pleasure you got from yourself. This was your way to reach the destination. The island of fantasy; desire; Hyunjin. Your stomach tensed at his name. The smile on your face could not be wiped off at any moment. Eyes closed, you could finally picture it. Hyunjin standing over you, a sadistic yet admirable facial expression hijacking his features, wishing that his lips were on your clit instead of your fingers.
“Baby,” you groaned, “Hyunjin, touch me.”
The slight cringe entering your mind at the way your voice broke at his name. ‘God how pathetic,’ you thought to yourself. He wasn’t even there and the effect he had on you was that strong. You continued your playful assault, teasing yourself at your entrance. Index finger gently prodding, you became dizzy. You were already close. The cause as to why was unknown. Were you really that good at touching yourself? Definitely not, the manifestation of every single thought of him was coming together, almost becoming overwhelming. 
“Hyunjin,” you choked, “I just want to be such a good girl for you. Please let me-”
“You wanna be a good girl for me, don't you baby?”
Your neck snapped, eyes widening at hyunjin staring down at you. 
“H-hyunjin,’ you stuttered, grabbing your pillow and covering yourself, “I c-can explain, I-”
“Shut the fuck up,” he retorted. He said nothing, tucking his hair behind his ear as he began to undo the buttons on his shirt. There was nothing you could do, but, well, stare. You propped yourself onto your elbows, feeling him wrap his arms around your torso, gently pressing your lips to every inch of his skin marked in ink. Hyunjin’s gaze was strong, never leaving your eyes as his smirk grew wider. Things were moving slow, way too slow for both of your liking. 
“You like what you see?”
“Please,” you scoffed, leaning your chin onto his stomach, “it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
The look in his face was priceless. Smirk rapidly dissipating from his lips; he was pissed. It was obvious. Jaw clenched, tightly gripped fists. Something you had never seen before on him. You looked down, noticing the purple covering his knuckles. You grabbed his hand, panic settling in you.
“Hyunjin what the fuck happened are you okay?”
He said nothing, ripping his hand from your grip and dropping to his knees. The smirk obviously returned at the way your legs involuntarily spread for him.
“Oh, this,” he questioned, flexing them out in front of you, “this is what happens what you’re a fucking dick to my princess.”
His fingertips traced your hem, violently teasing you. You lifted your hips, attempting to have 
Hyunjin’s fingers ‘accidentally’ slip over your clothed core. But he chuckled, hooking his arms around your legs and pushing them down, giving you no room to squirm. He chuckled; the level of power he had over you was something he had dreamt of. He began to chuckle; he couldn’t help it.
“Fuck y/n,” he groaned, snaking one hand from under your leg and onto your panties, sending a noticeable shiver down your legs, “you dont know how many times i’ve dreamt of this. Seeing you like this, all hot and bothered under me.”
You couldn’t help but groan at his words, feeling the edge of his middle finger press against your hidden clit.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, already on the brim of feeling overwhelmed.
“Am I making you too hot baby,” he pouted, increasing the pressure on your soft spot, “you like how I talk dirty like that about you?”
“Mhm,” is all you could manage to stumble out. Your body began to squirm, making Hyunjin smile at you. His hand trailed on your folds, gently travelling back to your hem of what felt like suffocating clothing covering your heat. Muffling groans escaped your lips, frustrated at how slowly he took them off. The way his pupils dilated was like a kid in a candy store. Tucking his hair behind his ear, he inched closer, lips moments away from having him where you needed the most. You let your eyes flutter shut, anticipating the moment you had been waiting for. Confusion hit when you felt hands balancing on either side of you, soulful kisses trailing up the center of your body until you opened your eyes, seeing his regard fixated, looking down into yours. You felt like a feather, his body hovered over you as he leaned closer, finally connecting his lips to yours. It was sloppily, lips out of time and teeth clashing. Not the kiss you expected, but you couldn't complain. Hyunjin slipped his tongue into your mouth, tongues colliding as he erupted a delirious fire inside of you. Your bodies began to collide, passions electrifying, lighting up the room as his hands wrapped around your hips, thumb kneading at your bones as your hands dug into his neck. Things were going slow before, but there were no more concerns about the pace now. Hyunjin’s lips were always nice to look at, but the way they felt was a whole different story. The cloud-like texture of them was making your head move in nothing but circles. You were in heaven, already thinking about how they would feel against your skin in other places you had become desperate fir. Such thoughts were interrupted when you felt him leaving your lips, sucking hard on your bottom lip. His eyes lingered on you, chest heaving, breath heavy as he lifted you up, tossing your, compared to his, small frame. A look of innocence played on your feature as Hyunjin pinned both of your hands above your head. 
“Hyunjin what are you doi-”
“Shhh baby,” he hissed, crawling back to face level, tilting his head to reach your ear, “don't move okay, I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he paused, pressing a kiss to your lobe, “just like the million times I imagined it.”
A satisfied whine left your lips as Hyunjin created a new trail, stopping at your neck. You wrapped a hand around his neck, wanting to push his lips into your skin more.
“Uh uh baby,” he chuckled, pinning your hands back to the ordered position, “be a good girl and keep them up there for me won't you?”
“Yes sir” you mumbled, a low hum of approval heard from him. He continued his savoury touches, harshly sucking on any skin above your chest that was left unmarked. His fervent touches were making you increase in sensitivity with each moment passing. A hand hooked around your back, effortlessly unclasping your bra and letting your breasts become exposed.
“Fuck,” he sighed, hunger increasing, “has anyone ever told you that you were made like a piece of fucking art?”
The compliment made you blush, hard. No one had ever said such complimentary things before.
“Uhm, no,” you whispered, scared that someone would hear you. Hyunjin frowned, eyes becoming hard as he looked up at you.
“No one’s ever told you that before,” he huffed, sticking his tongue out in front of your left nipple.
“No,” you inhaled, fear engaged as Hyunjin’s shift in demeanour appeared.
“That makes me so fucking mad,” he growled, attaching his lips to your nipple, “you’re the sexiest fucking girl ive ever seen y/n.” 
A choked whine left your lips at his words, and his tongue trapped around you, hands flicking the other.
“Fuck Hyunjin I-”
“Unfuckable,” he interjected, “how can you be when you fucking look like a piece of fucking art?”
He refused to rest. His fingers began to trail, teasingly grazing your sides as he let them travel, stopping right on top of where you wanted him the most.
“I had to add to the artwork that is you baby.”
He had now lowered himself back to his starting position. On his knees, lips in line with your pussy as he let a finger slips between your folds, your stomach jolting with electricity at the light, yet tantalising feeling he gave you.
“The marks all over your chest,” he puffed, almost like he was out of breath from just looking at you, “they are nothing but little flowers I added to a beautiful canvas.”
You could barely think about what he was saying as he pushed the finger into your entrance, a high pitched mewl coming from your chest as he began to pump.
“God Hyunjin-”
“Tell me princess,” he interrupted, adding another finger, “tell me all the dirty things you’ve wanted me to do to you.”
“Fuck,” you groaned. The cocky smirk on Hyunjin’s face, lips slightly agape,”there’s so many times when I have thought about you.”
“Tell me baby,” he groaned, letting his breath tickle the skin on your inner thigh.
“In the shower, on the kitchen bench, the couch in the living room. You doing me from behind, on top, letting me ride you,” you moaned, “but this, right now, this is my favorite.”
A grunt of thrill left his lips, an attempt and analysing the many thoughts you had about him made him feel completely justified. On the brink of pure anger, you thrusted forward, barely feeling the impact of his lips on your folds. 
“Shhh,” he whispered, curling his fingers, forcing you to lay still, “let me allow your fantasy to become a reality.”
A loud groan left your chest as Hyunjin finally allowed his tongue to plunge into you, harshly grazing your clit. The feeling made your body jolt, jaw fully lax as he your gave yourself to him. Hands running straight into his hair, you gasped, seeing him notice the way you constantly push the front strands his blonde locks behind his ears. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled against you, quickly sitting up, “this fucking hair is too long.”
Your legs shut, too weak to keep them open as Hyunjin frustratedly fisted his hair and teethed the string off his wrist, wrapping his hair into a high ponytail, front pieces gently left out, sprawling across his glistening face. As soon as he looked down, he couldn’t help but chuckle. Manhandling your delicate thighs, he bit down on his lips, aggressively spreading them open to regain his access to your sweet spot.
“Already so weak are we?”
You couldn’t help but feel humiliated as he kept his gaze on you, unforgivingly, letting his tongue rapidly circle around your clit. 
“Oh my god,” you managed to stagger out, another hum of approval entering your heat, vibrating and spreading to the rest of your body. God he was so good at this. Always making you feel good. Like you were the number one princess in the best castle. Even if it wasn’t sex, Hyunjin always found a way to make you feel better. But this. This was a whole new level of pleasure.
“Mhmm,” he grunted, replacing his tongue with a finger from his opposite hand, “how close are you baby?”
The clench around his fingers was enough, Hyunjin slightly amused. The combinations of the multitude of fingers and his extremely rough tongue on your clit was sending you to another dimension.
“Far out I knew I was good at this, but baby, you’re so easy to make cum.”
“N-no im not,” you whined, Hyunjin throwing his head pack in pure joy.
“It’s okay baby,” he cooed, picking up the pace of his fingers, “you don't have to put on a front for me.”
“Hyunjin c-cum,” you gasped, barely able to strangle anything out of your lips, “g-gon-na c-cum.”
“Yeah? You’re gonna cum for me?”
“You wanna cum for me baby?”
“Y-yeah I do.”
“Come on baby,” he growled, “cum for me like the good girl you are.”
His words couldn’t help but send you over the edge, strangled echoes of pleasure filling the room as he continued his pleasurable assault, loving the way your hips convulsed against his overstimulation.
“Fucking hell,” you cried, pushing his fingers out of you, “you made me cum so hard Hyunjin.”
He smiled, crawling back onto your bed, towering over you once more.
“There’s nothing else I want to do in this world apart from make you feel good baby.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, leaning into his lips to taste your sweet filled juices glistening his chin. The kiss was gentle, soothing from the intense orgasm you had just come down from. He created another trail, tongue dragging across your neck and back down to your chest, pressing an arousing kiss in between your breasts.
“I can't help it,” he smirked, “I just want to wanna mark you all over, let Minho know that you’re mine.”
His words made you feel light headed. Mine? Usually something like that made you wanna throw up. But the way Hyunjin said it, with so much hunger and vice, it was like you became bound to him. Anything he wanted to do with you would be impossible to say no.
“Then f-fuck me,” you mumbled.
“What was that?”
You slipped from underneath him, turning him around and pushing him onto the bed, hands firmly placed against his chest as you climbed on top of him. Hyunjin’s eyes became full. Full of fire, lust, hunger, anger. He played it cool at first, but now, now he was desperate. You let your hands now travel his body, one hand tracing the outline of his abs, the other behind you, palming his rapidly hardening cock.
“Fuck me like you own me, Like you want everyone to know I’m yours.”
The words were enough to send him into a craze. He quickly rid himself of the draw string, keeping a tight grip on his sweats, pushing down his pants to his knees. It came to your surprise when he had nothing else on, leaving him to follow your pursuit of complete nakedness. You lifted your hips off of his stomach, readjusting to let your clit sit on top of his pulsating cock that was lying flat against his stomach. A sharp inhale came from his chest, absolutely frothing at the way you rubbed your wetness against him.
“Fuck you’re so wet still,” Hyunjin chuckled, a deep grunt escaping leaving him.
“You like that?” You smirked, biting down on your bottom lip.
“Yeah baby,” he moaned, hands gripping your ass, giving you a soft blow. His hands were soft, icy, goosebumps becoming visible as you leaned back, gripping the base of his cock. the air was becoming desperate, and so were you. If you had a cent for every time you thought about this very moment, you’d be riding him in the royal palace.
A wave of goosebumps charged onto your skin as you lifted your hips. Hyunjin’s hands scattered over your ass, he helped guide you, excruciatingly slowly as your hand kept him still, allowing his cock to become buried inside of you. A groan of relief escaped each other’s lips as your walls became stretched, body feeling numb already. He was a big boy, causing your head to fall onto his chest. you needed time to adjust to the slight ache his length gave you, but you weren’t complaining. As soon as you bounced up and off of him, you felt as if your hole was whimpering, already desperate for him to be back inside of you. you continued with a light bounce, barely fitting any of him inside of you. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled, tightening his grip on you, “go deeper.”
You did as you were told, increasing the intensity, sitting back up and letting your hips freely roll onto him. Your mouth became heavily agape, an open invitation for Hyunjin to shove his fingers inside. your eyes became closed, fingers wrapped around his wrist as you lapped his digits with thick saliva.  The way you effortlessly took his heavenly inked fingers made his head spin.
“you’re such a good girl,” he smirked in between throwing his head back, “i bet Minho would be fucking dying for this kinda treatment.”
The mention of his name was a slight bruise to your ego; nonetheless, it simultaneously gave you motivation, determination to prove what he had been missing out on this whole time. How he would dangle girls in front of your face at any moment. How he teased you to no end almost every single day. Everything was coming out, and it was completely out of your control.
“Far out Hyunjin,” you hissed, ripping his fingers from your mouth, “why are you so obsessed with Minho right now?”
“Because,” he grunted, wrapping his saturated fingers around your neck, “he fucking pissed me off last night, and this morning.”
The sudden connection in your brain became apparent. All thoughts leading to the possibility of Hyunjin punching him made you lose control. So much control that you couldn't recall hyunjin flipping your over, his figure menacingly towering over you as he began to thrust.
“I fuck you so much better than Minho could,” he grunted again, left thumb gently attacking your left nipple, “dont you think?”
You could barely respond. Nothing but a suffocating moan spilled from your throat as his grip on you became tighter. You were on the brink of actually losing your mind. The way Hyunjin filled you up was just, well, indescribable. He just continued, letting the now continuous beads of condensation from his forehead spread across your stomach. 
“Say it,” he growled, a slight punishment created at the way he left nothing but the tip of him inside of you, “tell me i'm better than him.”
“Fuck,” you whined, attempting to sink your hips further down his length. But hyunjin knew better; he was one step ahead. Your desperate, pathetic attempt of getting out of your retribution was nothing but a joke to him. 
Hyunjin scoffed, “I know you want me to fill you up again, but I need to know.” 
His voice was the deepest you had ever heard him speak. The hand that was previously wrapped around your neck had escaped, a tremble that was clear as crystal running down your torso at the feeling of the multitude of Hyunjin’s ice cold rings dragging across your skin.
“You-you’re better than h-him,” you stuttered, trying to gain your previously hindered consciousness from his strop grip, “better than Minho.”
The words alone made him groan. He sure did like to tease you, but even he couldn't keep it up. Your voice became electrifying in his mind, igniting him as rammed his cock back into you; no hesitation. His pace was unforgiving. The lewd sound of skin slapping filling the room at a sound that exceeded the maximum level of decibels an individual could take.
“That’s right I am,” hyunjin moaned, “that fucking piece of shit.”
Your head rolled from side to side, a hand violently gripping your bed sheet. Like your mind went numb, your senses could only follow. Nothing but the scent of Hyunjin’s heat occupying your nose, the sound of skin slapping filling your ears, and your vision hypnotised by the darkness that pooled behind his eyes.
“Mhm fucking hell baby,” you groaned, arching your back, “i can feel myself getting close.”
“Tell me baby,” he chucked, bringing his thumb dangerously close to your clit. You brought your fingertips high, gripping his wrist before he could make a decision that you know would make you fall off the edge and into the black hole that would be your orgasm.
“What is it baby,” he whined, tone laced with concern, “scared that you’re gonna cum already?”
“Yes,” you blurred out, “just a little longer please.”
“And why should i?”
All you could feel was your eyes locking shut, fingers spreading you open and touching any every sensitive skin he could get his hand on. He had transformed into satan. hard thrusts and a heavy hand; you could feel yourself clenching around him as he sadistically chuckled, satisfied by the pleasuring torturing spell he had you under.
“Fuck,” you gasped out, the sound of your voice tainted as your body lunges forward with each thrust, “i’m gonna fucking cum.”
“Hh come on baby,” Hyunjin grumbled, “just a little longer for me now why don’t you?”
“Just f-for you,” you giggled, noticing the way Hyunjin heart was practically about to leap out of his chest. He was working hard to make you feel good; even if you couldn’t tell from the shimmering black ink spread across his chest and down his torso. 
“Baby are you gonna cum?”
Your throat had become empty, completely forgetful of how to speak and use your words. The continuous and uncontrollable clenching was satisfactory enough to give him the answer he needed. 
“y/n, are you gonna cum with me?”
“Please,” you whined, “cum in me, I'm begging you.”
Your words were more than enough. You hummed in satisfaction as you felt yourself slip over, feeling the warmth of his liquid inside of you. His body collapsed, falling next to you as he watched you sit up, enjoying the views of his viscosity spill out of you. You let a finger fall down, picking it up and tasting him. His jaw dropped at what he thought to be such a ludicrous act.
“Wow,” you smirked, letting your tongue sloppily wrap around your finger, “you taste so good.”
Hyunjin threw his head back on your bed, ripping out his ponytail and running his hands through it.
“far out y/n, you don’t know how many times i’ve thought about you saying that to me.”
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buckysbabygorl · 4 years
They’re Playing Our Song (Part 1)
Summary: Y/N has no idea how to dance, and Bucky insists on teaching her
Warnings: None
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2,387
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Bucky stood alone in the kitchen, his hair settled nicely in a low bun as he stirred the boiling pasta, Duke Ellington playing softly in the background.
He finally had the compound to himself, with the rest of the team out at one of Tony’s fancy galas to promote a new invention he’d whipped up; something to do with his micro-technology.
Bucky hadn’t listened very well to the details, excited at the idea of having time to himself. Since his therapy in Wakanda had concluded, he’d been bombarded with team exercises, missions, and press conferences discussing his recovery and being one of the team’s newest additions. Bucky had grown to love the team as if they were his own family, and after a long process; reconciled with Tony to the point of civility, even going as far to say develop a friendship.
Yes, he’d loved all of them dearly, but my god were they overwhelming. They were boisterous and energetic, it reminded him of the Howling Commandos from all those years ago…
But as of late; with things like press, adjusting to the team, awaiting the public’s full acceptance of him, as well as Tony’s… it was all a bit too much. Bucky just needed some time to himself; cook some of his mother’s recipes and listen to his Dad’s old records. Though he didn’t have the actual records, Spotify was just as good. He reminisced as he listened and cooked; thinking of his father twirling his mother in their kitchen while the radio played, his sister and him watching from the dinner table. They had both passed away when he was very young, but it comforted him to remember how happy they’d been in the time they had.
Bucky had been adding some spices to his sauce, when he heard the slow shuffling of feet coming down the hallway. He’d thought everyone had left, and was surprised to see Y/N sleepily entering the kitchen.
“Oh, hey Buck. I didn’t know you were here.” Y/N was just as surprised to see him, expecting everyone to have left by now. Bucky looked over her figure, her clothes rustled from sleep and hair slightly messy.
He smiled, “Hey Y/N. Isn’t it a little late to be getting up?”
Y/N grinned tiredly at his teasing, “Took a nap, little tired from today.”
She yawned as she recounted to Bucky the day’s events; she and Nat had returned from a mission in Barcelona. Clearly the time difference hadn’t affected Nat as much as it had Y/N, as soon as they got off the plane Nat had been buzzing with excitement for the gala. She pleaded with Y/N to come, but she wearily declined.
“-Besides, I’m not much of a party person anyways.”
Bucky nodded in understanding, “I get it. But I'm surprised you didn’t go, this could’ve been your big debut kid.”
Y/N had recently joined the team, only a short time before Bucky. With his new arrival, she had been somewhat washed over as the press became focused on Bucky. Not that she minded of course, Y/N wasn’t one to beg for the spotlight, content to be doing the work she needed to do behind the scenes. 
Y/N scoffed at that, “I think I would’ve got a little lost in the crowd.”
Bucky laughed, and Y/N raised her eyebrows in question. “What? You don’t think so?”
Bucky continued stirring his sauce, “You? Never. You light up a room, doll.” 
With his back turned from her, he didn’t see Y/N’s reddened cheeks as she laughed. Bucky had always been one to playfully praise and flirt, she knew there wasn’t a heavy tone to it but she couldn’t help but be flattered by his remarks. He often complimented her in small ways; in fine details about her character. An ovation of her laugh, a regard of her kindness.
Y/N always wanted to return the favour, but she didn’t know how to approach it as casually as he did; she couldn’t with how seriously she meant them.
But what Y/N took as ‘pats on the back’ from Bucky actually held much more admiration than she was aware. Bucky was completely infatuated with her. And to everyone else, he was transparent in his affections. But he knew Y/N; she was shy, soft-spoken, and completely oblivious to any attention that ever came her way. 
Of course she was strong, powerful. She was a part of the team after all, but the hero you are on the battlefield doesn’t always reflect the person you are at home. She was clueless.
So he’d patiently wait and once she took notice of what had been blatantly handed to her all this time, he would let her decide what to do with it. The day she took notice, if it ever came, he would go from there. And if by any chance she liked him back, Bucky would be the happiest man in the world. He just had to be patient.
“Well, even if you’re right,” she started, “I don’t know if I’d really fit in there. The talking, the loud music, and I’m not much of a drinker… two glasses of champagne and I’d be done.” Y/N hopped up onto the kitchen counter as Bucky cooked, swinging her legs back and forth over the edge.
Bucky shrugged as he poured the sauce over the pasta, “You get used to it.” He admitted. Back in his day, he had been a social butterfly but it hadn’t come easy. His family had been fortunate enough during the Great Depression, and he followed his father along to crowded events with big wigs and party goers. After many introductions to strangers by his father, Bucky had to learn to socialize. He picked up the conversations, he poured drinks, he took girls out to dance. He became a true charmer.
“I had to learn when I was younger, it’s kind of like acting. Before you know it, you’ve learned to play the part perfectly.”
Y/N hummed in interest, “Then why didn’t you go tonight? Seemed like it’d be right up your alley.”
Bucky thought a moment as he prepared their plates, that had all been then. The bright eyed kid from Brooklyn, before the war. This was now, after everything he’d been through…
“Just not ready yet doll,” he responded honestly, “But someday, just you wait. I’ll shmooze up to all the suits, I’ll fit right in. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to get a dance out of me.” Bucky winked as he handed Y/N her plate, chuckling as she rolled her eyes.
“God I hope not.” She said, hopping off the counter and moving to the table. 
Bucky feigned offence, “What? Scared I’ll step on your toes?”
He sat down, handing her a knife and fork as he joined her.
“Not at all,” she said. Y/N twirled her noodles with her fork, raising it to her lips, “truth is; I’d probably step on yours.”
Bucky chuckled, “You a bad dancer?”
“Not necessarily, just don’t know how.”
Bucky set down his own fork and looked at her in disbelief, “Whaddya mean you don’t know how?”
Y/N giggled at his outburst, “I’ve never danced before! Why is that so surprising?”
Bucky exhaled in frustration, “The people of today, I swear… how do you not know how to dance? That was the first thing my Mama ever taught me how to do properly!”
Y/N had grown up on a small farm in Iowa, any leisure time was spent running errands or helping out her parents. Dancing had been the last thing on their list of priorities; not that they’d had many dances in town. Though there was the Annual Hot Dish Tuna Fish jamboree, but Y/N often found herself too busy to go. Or dateless.
“I never had the time!” She admitted, “Wasn’t exactly on the top of my ‘to-do list’ Sarge.”
A soft trumpet had announced itself from the speaker, shortly after followed by Louis Armstrong’s scatting. Bucky smiled, wiping his mouth with his napkin before standing.
“Then I’m going to teach you.”
He stuck his hand out to Y/N as she looked at him, surprised.
“What, now?”
“Yes, now. No time better than the present” He reached for her hands, gently tugging her to rise and join him in the open space. 
He felt Y/N tense a little as he placed a hand on the small of her back, other hand curling up into hers as he raised their arms together. “This okay?”
Y/N nodded, shyly looking down to her feet as Louis’ sung. “Uh, yeah. Yeah! I just, I dunno I feel silly.”
Bucky smiled as his brows furrowed, “We haven’t even started. You can’t look stupid not doing nothing.”
Y/N giggled, “Careful, your Brooklyn’s slipping out.”
Bucky shrugged slightly as he adjusted his hands on her, “Music brings it out of me I think.”
“Well, it’s quite charming. I can see how you’d get girls to dance with you back in the day.” She admitted.
Bucky thought back to the dive bars in the 30’s, the church dances, the jazz bands; and all the pretty girls he dipped and twirled to each and every song. Bucky had never been without a dance partner; but he couldn’t recall one he’d enjoyed having in his presence as much as her.
“I did have a number of gals to practice with, yes. But I’m tryna focus on this girl in front of me.” He teased.
“Right, right,” Y/N shook her head of her thoughts, “Sorry, continue.”
“So,” Bucky pulled her in closer to his hips, “I’ll give you some breathing room, but you’ve gotta get a little close. Helps me lead you.”
“Okay…” Y/N nipped her bottom lip in concentration, nearly halting Bucky’s thought process all together, “Now what?”
“Right, um,” Bucky rolled his shoulders to relax himself, “Don't be so stiff. Remember this is fun, just let loose.”
“You’re telling the wrong person to let loose.” Y/N remarked.
“Oh c’mon, I’ve seen you drink with Wilson, I know you can let loose.”
He slid his arm against her, curving his right elbow beneath her left arm. Y/N could feel the heat of his hand through her cotton shirt, and felt herself tense again.
“Relax, I’ve got you.”
She didn’t realize how close he’d been, the low rumble of his voice echoing in her ear. She felt herself shiver.
“I know you do.”
He smiled softly, “Place your left hand a bit higher. Now you just move with me.”
He guided her to the left, their feet shifting slowly with the beat of the music. As Y/N realized that there wasn’t much more to it than that, she felt herself ease into him more, into the soft music… they stayed that way awhile, comfortably swaying.
“See, it’s not that bad.” Bucky comforted, gently spinning them to the lyrics.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, “I guess not. It’s easy with you at least, I couldn’t say the same if I had a different partner.”
Bucky watched as her lip pulled into a soft grin, and a feeling of boldness grew in his chest.
“I guess you’ll just have to keep all your dances for me, then.”
Perfectly timed, the trumpets picked up and Bucky clutched her tightly, dipping her down with his strong arms.
Y/N’s eyes lit up as she happily giggled. She held on tightly but knew he’d pick her up with ease. 
His became confident then, as he pulled her back to him before lifting her into the air. He started spinning as his strong hands rested against the skin of her thighs, holding her up. She couldn’t help but laugh as she looked to the ceiling, hands firmly gripping his shoulders. He was in awe then, over the moon to know that he was the cause of the happiness in those eyes. She looked back to him as he lowered her, feeling lighter than she had in months. She hadn’t had a moment like this in a long time; doing something new and fun, in the arms of someone she… trusted.
“Feeling good, doll?” He asked.
Her laugh was more melodic than the brass instruments, she was at a complete loss for words; fair too lost in the moment to give him a proper response.
“Again!” She exclaimed.
Bucky happily obliged, lifting her again as they both laughed. 
They weren’t sure when the trumpets died down, or when the next song began. Or the song after that, or the song after that. They could’ve danced for hours, and maybe they did. They only separated when the team drunkenly stumbled in from their gala.
No one took note of their closeness, too disoriented from their own night of dancing and drinking.
They all talked about nothing important; remarking over the night's moments that Bucky and Y/N wouldn’t really understand unless they had been there. 
But, neither of them really minded. They had shared moments of their own that had been worth missing the silly party.
They didn’t say a proper goodbye, Y/N mumbling a quick goodnight to him as the team settled in the main room.
“Awe c’mon, you’re not gonna say?” An inebriated Banner called out.
Y/N smiled sweetly, shaking her head. “Not tonight, I’m still pretty beat from Barcelona. But keep the party going for me.”
A chorus of disappointed groans filled the room, as well as a few joyous ‘goodnights’. Bucky watched as she exited, wanting to call out, wanting to do something. It didn’t feel right ending it like that. He felt like the moment was fleeting him now; like he was losing something special.
Defeated, he turned back to join the others.
A soft voice called out, forcing Bucky to turn back. Y/N peeked around the corner, hand raised to wave slightly. “Thanks for tonight, I needed that.”
Bucky smirked slightly, but before he could respond, Y/N had already turned away and started down the hall.
It hadn’t been tonight, but maybe next time Bucky could say more. Maybe next time, he could say what he really wanted.
Author’s note: SO! I literally suck at finishing series, I know I have so many others to write as well as requests (I haven’t forgotten dw), but I’ve been wanting to write this fic for so long, I wanted it to be perfect and I think I’ve finally gotten it right with this one. Hoping to update my other fics soon! Let me know what y’all think, and let me know if you want to be added to the master list and/or list for this series xoxox
Songs referenced are:
The Gal from Joe’s by Duke Ellington
When You’re Smiling by Louis Armstrong
Master list: @babyblue-07 @pinkdiamond1016 @fandomsfallnomore @elliee1497
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Guys? I know I just called Tiberias Calore VI, Flame of the North, King of Norta, and Ruler of the burning throne a terrible parent and an alcoholic(which he still is, and I have the time, so I'll call him a terrible parent and an alcoholic), but let's go back in time and get some happiness because that last Red Queen post was, admittedly, just brutal😢.
Hiding a pregnancy was, surprisingly, easier than hiding the affect of the nightmares.
At first, Coriane figured the game would be over as the child inside of her continued to grow more and become more noticable in the trim gowns she usually wore.
Hiding them- the child she didn't yet know- soon became a project, à la fixing a transport.
Rather than have her maids dress her, she had chosen to dress herself instead- a habit she'd picked up on doing since coming to Court. Loose clothing always made her appear smaller than she was, made her look approachable to anyone, despite her place married to a King. It also served her well in hiding the ever growing lump her baby was growing in.
She barely attended training, though, in light of the nightmares taking their physical toll on her body, Tibe had her examined by nurses and healers.
"Your Highness, are you sure you're alright? Your feet are swollen and you seem like there's a weight on you."
When she'd been asked that, she had to stifle the instinct to rub her stomach and instead wrap her arms around herself.
"I'm alright," she replied, more hesitant than she would have liked, but the words smoothing as she continued. "I tried training a while ago and tried a move I shouldn't have. I used some braces, though."
The Healer scowled at her, forgetting Coriane's place as Queen and seeing the stubborn girl that always chose to help herself instead of seek proper assistance.
"I got better. Maybe it's more like... a phantom injury."
"Or you should have come to a Healer when it happened. Can you imagine if you'd set them wrong and didn't know?"
To keep further questions from arising, Coriane only shook her head; Jessamine had taught her well in the art of knowing when to stop a fight from continuing. "No."
The Healer nodded at her and continued to check on her, noting that despite her feet and growing intolerance toward physical contact, she was fine, chalking it up to the Queen's nightmares attacking her body more than her mind.
Still, Coriane remarked as she left the infirmary, eying the bump hidden beneath her thin cardigan, a close call is better than someone finding out.
Another close call occured during a war meeting she attended with Tibe before he had to leave for the front. Even though he was expressionless upon hearing of the attacks on his people, beneath the table his fists shook, either out of anger toawrds the Lakelanders advancing or fear for the safe of what family he had left, fear of losing his mother, despite her prowess, brother-in-law, and wife to a seemjngly unending war.
"Should they make it past the Choke and cross into our boaders, there's hardly a chance we can stop them," the Legionnaire explained. "Our soldiers, although they're trained well enough, keep getting mowed down, as well. They aren't enough man power to hold off an onslaught."
Tibe, who had been sitting quietly in thought, finally spoke up. "For every Red soldier, how many Silvers are on the field?"
"Fifty to one."
When he remained silent, the Legionnaire paled.
"You can't be thinking..."
"If the Reds can't put up a decent fight against the Lakelanders, we'll send in more Silvers to make up the difference."
"With all due respect, my King, surely there is some sort of alternative."
The words drew no reaction from Tiberias, but Coriane lowered her gaze to her hands, picking at her nails to distract herself from the implication.
When Tibe's fingers laced with hers, she welcomed it, welcomed the warmth and closeness their current situation could allow.
"Reds are being conscripted by the minute, more than a hundred by the hour. They can be difference enough."
"Reds don't have power," Tibe seemingly spelled out, scornful as a teacher. "Reds don't have strength. Numbers be damned, if they can't fend off the Lakelanders, we'll have to start sending Silvers to fight."
"Silvers of High Houses? Have them open for slaughter when fifty Reds can get the job done with proper leadership?"
"Your general has trained, led, and been victorious with every Red soldier he's had, what better leadership do Reds have?"
"It is not his fault they're incapable-"
"Can't you just understand it's not working!?" Coriane snapped, drawing every eye to her, including Tibe's, the mask of a warrior King dropping when he took one look at her tear stained face.
"No matter how many Reds you throw at the Lakelanders, they'll be slaughtered without hesitation! You can't shoot down a Magnetron or drown a Nymph, if you have nothing to defend yourself with!"
"Cori," Tibe murmured softly, his tone gentle despite the earlier debate, "that's enough."
The words did their job in soothing the Queen, nodding and apologizing as her husband gently pulled her close to him.
"How soon can we have Silver soldiers sent to the front?"
The finality in Tiberias's words brought the Legionnaire back to the matter at hand.
"As soon as they're ready, though, from what I've heard, they've been training since three months ago."
"Have the most experienced and capable sent to the front while the rest continue training."
With that the meeting ended, and Coriane practically scurried away, if only to avoid the glances from those in attendance.
"If you don't mind my input, I don't understand why bringing the Queen to these meetings is one of your priorities. Do you expect her to keep you safe from unwanted news?"
Tiberias turned, eyes sharp and burning with a fire strong enough to kill.
"She isn't protecting me," he said lowly as he drew closer to the Legionnaire. "She's here to protect you."
In her room, Coriane lay on her side on her bed, her hand caressing her abdomen as her own words echoed in her mind.
Regardless of the fear of losing a fourth child to her nightmares, her emotions had still gotten the better of her.
It's no wonder I shouldn't have come here.
Usually Julian was someone she could turn to during these times, if not him, then Sara, but with archives discovered and needing to be translated, and Healers needed at the front, neither were around for her to talk to.
It was childish, but part of Coriane felt abandoned, even though her brother promised he wouldn't leave her alone.
But how can anyone be brave enough to say no to a King?
Sometimes it was easy to forget, see two people inhabiting Tibe at once: the lonely Prince she'd first met at the banquet and the King that sat upon a throne of flames and blood, strong enough to burn all of Norta to the ground, if he so desired.
And he'd married a poor girl of House Jacos.
What kind of Queen am I, if I can't even bear him a child?
A knock on the door stopped her from building on the thought further.
When she remained silent, he knocked again.
"Cori? May I come in?"
She hummed loudly and nodded, and Tibe walked in and shut the door behind him, missing when she grabbed a pillow and hugged it to her chest.
Despite his strength, his rank, the ability at his fingertips, the myriad of metals she'd seen him wear, even the control he held over a room of other Silvers, he seemed... smaller, unsure as he carefully sat next to her.
He's the King, and he's the one who's scared?
"Are you alright?" He asked as he rested a hand on her upper arm. "I know the meetings aren't easy to handle, but I don't think I've seen you get so upset."
Upset was putting it more than lightly. Three nights of waking up to blood staining the sheets and missing a child before it was born made her more than upset. Hiding her fourth pregnancy from her own husband, out of desperation for the child's safety more than her own, made her more than upset. Fearing for Elara Merandus attacking her mind, even with Arven outside her door, made her more than upset.
"Yes, I'm fine," was all that came out instead.
Neither spoke for a while, leaving them in cursed silence.
That was until Tibe's hand clenched around her arm, just enough to let her know she wasn't alone.
"Don't lie to me," he said, pleadingly so. "I know there's something you're not telling me."
Coriane held the pillow closer to her, the tips of her fingers just brushing against her stomach.
He knows. He knows. He knows. He found out, and now he knows.
But Tibe turned his head away, looking back as his brow furrowed.
"It's Elara, isn't it?"
Coriane met his eyes and pushed herself up. "I don't know. Maybe it was before, but now..."
Now, with Rane Arven outside her door, an attack from Elara didn't seem likely. It didn't quell her fears entirely, but it was a comfort she welcomed, all the same.
Tibe's hand glided to her own, the warmth of his skin and body a blessing.
"Do you think House Merandus would do well on the front?"
Coriane gasped and whipped her gaze to him. "Tibe, you can't make that happen, and you know it."
"And Elara knows you are the Queen. If she wants a fight, she can glady have one to write home about. Whispers usually do well in a war," he said with an averted gaze and a shrug.
"But Merandus is one of the highest Houses. You know as well as everyone else what could happen, if they became an enemy."
Hers words settled in Tibe, leading him to sigh and stare at the floor.
"You're right. Damn it."
Hearing those words, and seeing her own husband pout like a child, drew a small grin from Coriane.
"As usual."
Tiberias turned his gaze back to her. "'As usual?' What do you mean, 'as usual?'" He asked incredulously as a smirk grew on his face.
Coriane merely shrugged and buried her face into her pillow. "Nothing. Just that I'm always right."
Although his jaw dropped, his smile remained, and Coriane giggled as she lie on her side, her facing him.
"You're always right?" He dared.
"You're the one who's always right?"
Coriane gasped, "You admit it?"
Quickly, and gently, Tibe pulled her back up until she was upright and hugged her close, her back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, Coriane yelping and giggling more than she thought she would, even when he gave her soft, butterfly kisses on her neck and shoulder.
"Who's always right?" He asked as he rested his chin on her shoulder, Coriane lightly chuckling after he stopped.
"Wrong," he replied quickly before kissing her cheek and temple, driving his wife into another fit of laughter.
"Will you stop that!?" Coriane exclaimed, even with a smile on her face, "You're prickly and I don't feel good!"
"Then admit I'm always right and..." Tibe lowered to his side, Coriane nearly falling with him. Her heart skipped a beat as he cradled her body against his, one arm around her chest as the other rested over her upper arm. "Tell me what's wrong," he replied softly.
Coriane only grasped onto his arm with her hands.
I'm pregnant, she nearly said. I've been pregnant for a while now. I haven't told you or anyone else because I can't risk losing this one, too, or put you through more loss than you already have. Even if Elara is the reason I can barely sleep at night, I can't lose another child. Not for his or her sake, and not for yours, either.
She sighed, maintaining her smile from the onslaught of kisses moments ago.
"Fine. Yon win. You're always right. Happy?"
Tibe chuckled lightly and shook his head against her hair.
"That's not what I meant. Please tell me what's wrong."
It was like her uncle's funeral banquet, when Jessamine noticed her crying after dressing her for the occasion.
"Tibe, do you miss them? Julian and Sara?"
Tibe remained silent, his thumb rubbing her shoulder as Coriane continued.
"I know it hasn't been that long, but I do. I'm glad that you're here, Tibe, I really am. I don't know, I just miss them being here."
Tibe leaned up and kissed her cheek before nuzzling into her shoulder.
"I miss them, too, Cori. They'll be back soon, I promise."
Like in the meeting, their fingers laced together.
"In the meantime, I hope I can make up for them."
Coriane nodded and held her head against his. "You already do, Tibe," she replied softly.
Tibe held her closer, feeling his Queen's body effectively relax under his touch.
After a while of silence, blissful and welcome, Tibe kissed her cherk and sat up.
"Where are we again on sending House Merandus to the front?"
Coriane snagged the pillow she'd dropped and swatted him in the chest. "Stop that," she exclaimed.
The look of a challenge returned to Tibe's face as he took the pillow and tossed it back to the head of the bed. "Openly attacking your King? Whatever shall I do with you?"
Coriane inched back toward her lost weapon. "Don't you dare come near me with that prickly stubble or I'm shaving it off myself!"
Tiberias faked a gasp and held a hand over his heart. "And now you've threatened the King! You traitor," he chided playfully.
Coriane only reclaimed her pillow and held it back for another strike. "Try me."
Tibe fought a snicker and nodded, holding his hands up in surrender. "Alright. You win."
Coriane lowered her pillow as Tibe kissed her lips and held his forehead against hers.
"I'll tell anyone who asks you're sick and need to be alone while you heal. Just rest now, alright?"
Coriane nodded.
Tibe stood and turned to leave the room, brisk as he had been trained to do.
A King's work is never truly done, Coriane remarked before he stopped and looked back at her.
"Is there anything you'd like me to bring back later?"
Coriane blanched and shook her head. "You don't have to. I can... ask for the chef myself, in case you're..."
Tibe only returned to her and held her hands. "Cori, please."
Again, there was that desperation in his eyes, as if Tibe saw nothing but the girl he'd met many years ago and was willing to do anything to keep her alive.
He could have chosen someone else, someone stronger, but he chose you. You are his Queen.
Coriane nodded stiffly, uncomfortable and still unfamiliar with being served in Court.
Tibe placed his hands on either side of her face and kissed her forehead, holding her close. "I'll try to be back as soon as I can. Please. Get some rest."
"I will," Coriane replied as she placed a hand over his.
With that, he exited her room, reluctant in spite of his promise to return.
Coriane could only smile as she rubbed her stomach, carefully unmarred and thankfully unnoticed.
It was a blessing she still had the boy she'd met, that the crown hadn't taken him away just yet.
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
Mando x F!Reader
Warnings: lots of fluff, very vague mentions of violence, overall mostly sickening sweet 
Word Count: 2.7k 
A/N: This is my first ever imagine! I hope you enjoy. It’s very loosely inspired by the song Peace by Taylor Swift. Also not my original gif, credit to the maker!  
Mando’a Translations:
ni jate’kara = I’m so lucky
gar yaim’ner = You are my home
russ’ner = my rock
Summary: Din realized that he was in love with you on your 127th day onboard the Razor Crest. You were never supposed to be in his life that long. You were supposed to be a temporary passenger- nothing more than just a stop along the way. You were just a hitchhiker heading the same way. And now he can’t imagine how he survived so long without you.
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Din realized that he was in love with you on your 127th day onboard the Razor Crest. You were never supposed to be in his life that long. You were supposed to be a temporary passenger- nothing more than just a stop along the way. You were just a hitchhiker heading the same way. And now he can’t imagine how he survived so long without you.
His son adored you from day one. The little green troublemaker wanting nothing but your attention when he could get it. That’s probably the main reason Din first decided to ask you to stay longer. He knew he needed someone to help him with the kid, and he couldn’t keep bringing him on his missions. You both settled on a plan for you to stay as a crew member of the Crest, your number one priority being Grogu. You learned from Mando many other things about the ship and quickly made his life so much easier.
It hit him faster than he could have ever realized. The honest realization that he’d been falling in love with you after all this time. It caused him to panic and to shut himself off. He knew life with him would never be easy. It was dangerous and messy- never any true sense of security. The Creed already causes so many restrictions he must insist you follow, and adding more to that list was a burden he would never want to impose on you. You were so unlike him in so many ways and he loved you for every single thing.
It was late at night and the Crest was parked in some armpit of the galaxy in need of repairs as usual. It frustrated Mando and it caused him so much stress. You were never one to let those negative emotions hold onto you the same way. It was nightfall and the planet was silent. The only noise was the sound of the kid waking up again for the third time that night. Mando awoke in his bunk, looking for the Child only to find him missing from the little hammock. In the darkness, he put on his helmet and left his bunk to find the source of the cries that filled the whole ship.
Careful to not wake you with his movements if the Child hadn’t woken you up already, he climbed up the ladder to the cockpit following the cries. He was cursing to himself silently wondering how the kid managed to sneak out of bed and into the upper level of the ship. Before opening the door, he heard the cries suddenly begin to calm down and he heard your voice on the other side of the sliding doors. He must’ve woken you up before Mando even heard the cries.
“Shh,” he heard you quietly calming the baby back to sleep. The sliding doors opened for him and he walked in. You were sitting in his chair, resting your feet up on the dash, and he held back the urge to tell you to stop. The Child was sitting comfortably on your lap, his back resting on your torso, as you pointed out stars to him in the night sky and told the folklore which corresponded to each constellation. Mando didn’t recognize the story, and honestly, he can’t remember now what it was anyways.
He was just so focused on you, and only now just realizing, how beautiful you truly were. Not just in appearances, but just as a soul- your whole being. You ability to care for Grogu and just how important your presence these months has been. He knew that you were aware of his presence, but instead of talking, he just took the copilot seat you normally occupied and listened to you talk. He watched how you gently stroked the kid’s head and how his big eyes grew heavy at your movements. Mando for the first time in months realized how much you were also like his family. It used to just be him and his son, and now accidentality you have become such an important part of their life.
As the baby slept in your arms, he wanted nothing more to stay just as you all were forever. It was a fantasy and to him, an entirely unattainable one at that. This life he leads doesn’t allow for a misfitted family such as his to ever work out in ways he would want. As he watched you and the kid, he let his mind wander to so many happy future memories the three of you would share. A cottage on a green planet, a little utopia for the three of you, all the worries of this current life just a fainted scar of a life once lived. He’d marry you, and finally have everything his life up until then he’d never gotten and then the ability to just give it all to you.
“I’ll bring him back to his bed,” you whisper quietly with a small smile. Your words breaking him out of his day dream. He nodded and you left, with the kid bundled snug in your arms. In the next few minutes, the darkest parts of his mind and the reminder of his harsh realities destroyed his dream just as quickly as he had imagined it.
Over the months, he confided in you so much. He shared his earliest memories and his life story. He taught you about the Way of the Mandolore and taught you a little bit of Mando’a. Now he felt exposed. He felt foolish for letting his guard down and letting you in his life. He could never be good enough. He could never imagine asking you to live this life, and he couldn’t imagine these feelings he felt to be reciprocated.
He was wrong. He had no idea how wrong he was to believe you wouldn’t want him. He had no idea how deeply you felt for him and longed to ease the pains of his troubled life in the ways you could. You had long ago come to accept every piece of his life he thought would scare you away. He knew you loved the Child but he had no idea how you loved him just as much. For you, you had fallen in love with the Mandolorian on the 86th day onboard the Razor Crest.
You both sat in your normal seats preparing for takeoff. Grogu sits cuddled up to your side and you hold him tightly. He plays with your hands and pulls a thin and round piece of metal out of his clothing. He slides it onto your middle finger on your left hand like a ring. It’s his own little way of giving you a gift. It resembled a ring, and it fit your hand like one. You realize it’s a piece stolen somewhere from the Razor Crest and you chuckle softly, looking down at your hand and the kid’s big smile. You whisper a thank you just for him to hear and you kiss his head. Since that day, you’ve never taken it off.
Mando had asked you about it later on that same day when he finally noticed. You and him were walking side by side away from the ship, heading into the town on the newest planet for food and supplies, and the kid following closely behind in the floating pram.
“Where’d you get the ring?” his modulated voice asked, his gloved hand gesturing to your hand.
“It was a gift from the kid,” you reply, holding it up proudly.
“Is it from the ship?” he questions, the helmet tilting.
“Probably,” you reply sheepishly. He nods and doesn’t question any further, which you appreciate. It would’ve broken your heart if he’d taken the part back to return to its rightful place somewhere in the ship. Mando realized the ship was so broken down anyway that a small piece as insignificant as that one wouldn’t matter and he much rather you keep it if it made the kid happy.
Once you reached the outskirts of the town, Mando gave you the credits you needed to complete the supply run and he separated from you and the kid to go after a bounty he had received a tip about the night before. You had a Commlink and knew you could reach him if anything happened. The kid accompanied you for the day, picking out food and also picking up medical supplies and other things that needed replenishing on the ship.
Once rations and other supplies were acquired, you safely returned to the Crest with the kid. You put everything away in its proper place, and spent a couple hours just playing and reading stories to the kid. You decided to get him a few story books while in town as well. As long as they were for the kid, Mando wouldn’t care about the additional purchases. Comfortable in his makeshift bed, you read him one of the stories until he had gone down for a nap. Shortly after he had fallen asleep, you realize how late it actually is and head to your own bunk.
You hear Mando return, and he must assume you both are sleeping already due to the darkness of the ship. You hear him just head straight to his bunk, most likely exhausted from the mission. You try to make a mental note to ask him how it went in the morning before you drift off to sleep. You’re only asleep for a couple of hours before you’re jolted awake from a horrible noise outside. Before you think of yourself, you’re getting out of bed to check on the kid. You meet Mando in the hallway, somehow already wearing his full armor.
“Stay with him,” he says, holding onto your shoulders. “There’s thieves outside the ship. Lock yourself in my bunk with him and I’ll take care of it. Just make sure you and him stay safe.”
You nod, following his plan. He grabs some of his weapons and waits until your locked in his bunk before opening the ship. The baby still was sound asleep, probably exhausted still from today. He didn’t even stir at the sound of blasters and fighting outside. You picked him up and laid down with him on Mando’s bad, holding him in close and keeping his ears guarded from the noise. You weren’t sure how long you were there, protecting the kid and just waiting in Mando’s bunk. Eventually, the noise outside had ceased and you heard Mando’s voice back in the Crest. You breathed out a deep sigh of relief, finally able to properly relax.
You couldn’t imagine what you would’ve done if something bad had happened. The thought of losing him was simply unbearable. Your eyes were heavy, and closing them felt like heaven within itself. You fully intended to return to your bunk when Mando arrived at the door, but for now you basked in the comfort of his bunk. In your hazed state, you let your mind drift on the worry you had felt, if you had lost him. It pained you more than you ever imagined. You hadn’t heard the door open, or did you hear him come into the small room. You only realized his presence when you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you tightly, and you felt the coolness of the beskar helmet behind your head. It was in that moment had you realized you were absolutely smitten. You smiled to yourself, happy he was unaware how awake you were so you could enjoy the moment in peace.
His skin was soft, and so were the palms of his hands when he rested them on top of your own-his thumb carefully grazing the metal of the ring. His arm rested over your body and you felt his body relax behind you. This was the closest you had ever been to the man. You can’t call the Mandolorian a hugger, so up until that moment, unless he needed to touch you to keep you safe, he had never touched you. Now it was such an intimate moment as he held you and the kid in his arms. As you both drifted off to sleep, you realized how much you were in love with the masked man behind you.
Mando doesn’t confess his feelings until the 211th day. The craziness of your life had calmed down, at least by the standards of a life led by a Mandolorian bounty hunter, his magical green son and you. It was like you both had fallen into a domestic routine, keeping up the ship and taking care of the kid. Mando hadn’t gone on a mission in the past two months. You got accustomed to him being around more, and in your own way, you all began to feel like a real family.
The kid was playing with some new toys Mando had just gotten him when he left for the day to get rations. He played on the floor of the cockpit, Mando watching him silently from his chair and you were curled up in yours reading a novel.
It was the silence that only comes when two people understand each other.
Family that he chose.
Could this be enough for you?
“(Y/N)?” He said hesitantly, breaking the silence that had fallen over the ship.
“Yes?” You ask, looking up from the book you had been reading. You place the bookmarker in and then set it on a nearby surface. “What is it?”
“I can’t expect you to stay here forever, and I couldn’t ever bring myself to ask you to,” He begins and then stops suddenly. You can’t tell how much he’s shaking under the Beskar. “But I just… I feel like you have the right to know… and I know they go unreciprocated, and I don’t expect a response.”
“I need to know what?” You ask quietly. You become nervous yourself, hoping he isn’t asking you to leave.
“I- I’m in love with you,” he confesses solemnly. The tension in the room for him rises, completely exposing his emotions to you fully, for the first time since he’s realized them. “And… there’s so many things you deserve that I can’t give you, and I know that. This life… this is so unstable, and dangerous. There’s so many constant threats… and (Y/N) I can vow to protect you with my whole life… and that I know still isn’t good enough. I know those dangers follow me no matter what. I know you couldn’t love a man you’d never seen and I know this isn’t enough. There’s so many things I can offer, except that I can never give you peace…”
“Mando- “
“My name is Din.”
“Din,” you correct yourself, and he loves the sound of his name on your lips.
“Din Djarin.”
“Din, I love you too,” you confess, “and I love your son. I love you both so much. How could you even think I wouldn’t want you?”
You can feel him become more at ease, and you can’t see his face, but Din is smiling, ear to ear. His face is red, flushed to match the feelings of complete joy which had overpowered him. He’d throw away the Creed, be done with everything if you asked in to in that moment. He’d do anything to keep you looking at him how you were looking at him.
He pulled off his gloves and discarded them on the floor. He rushed to your side, knelt down in front of you, holding your hands tightly in his, like if he’d let go, you’d vanish. His thumb grazed over the ring on your hand, like it did every night he held you close in his bunk.
“(Y/N), ni jate’kara,” he whispered softly, the emotion of his voice only vaguely distorted by the modulator. “gar yaim’ner. Please close your eyes, russ’ner.”
You closed your eyes, and you heard the clicks of his helmet. He placed it on the floor next to him. He cupped the side your face gently with one of his hands, taking a moment to take in your beauty for the first time without the digital screen. He sighed. You were so stunning, and he just took in exactly how you looked in that moment, determined to remember every small detail of your skin. When he was ready, he connected his lips to yours for a tender kiss, the first shared testament of the love you shared together.
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odaatlover · 3 years
Any tips on how to accept your body and your weight?
I’ve been trying to loose weight since forever and it’s hard and I want to keep going but not make it my priority and not let it really affect me but it’s hard.
I don’t really have tips for how to feel comfortable in your own body because that’s something per individual :/ But I have some tips for helping you reach your goals!
First, being in a caloric deficit and consistency are the only two things you need for fat loss. The issue that most people have — myself included — is consistency. You have to find something you can sustain for the rest of your life, because once you lose the weight you have to be able to keep it off so it’s not like you lose it and then can eat whatever you want. You’ll end up just gaining it all back, especially if you’re someone like me who has an unhealthy relationship with food and struggle with binging. So these diets like weight watchers, Atkins, Jenny Craig, or even things like keto or a low carb diet don’t really work because they’re not sustainable. You lose it at first and then you gain it back. And so you blame yourself thinking “Oh I just didn’t do it well enough and need to get back at it again” when in reality the programs aren’t meant to last forever. That’s how they get you to go back to it. They make you think it worked because you lost some weight for a bit and so you repeatedly buy their products. These diets are only useful as tools. They only help if you understand why you’re losing weight on them.
So you have to find something that works for you! If you tried something and lost weight but you weren’t able to keep it off and ended up gaining it back, then it’s not something that worked for you. As Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Try something different! I’m still trying to find the thing that works for me, 12 years of losing weight and gaining some back repeatedly.
Right now I’m trying to eat lower calorie foods that will fill me up, and that taste really good. For example, these are the kinds of meals I’m eating now:
Brownies: 280 calories for the whole plate (cocoa powder, chocolate protein powder, flour, baking powder, pinch of salt, Diet Coke, Lily’s white chocolate chips, topped with crushed reduced fat graham crackers)
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Cheeseburger crunch wrap with salad: 430 calories for the meal (whole Joseph’s lavash bread, beyond meat crumbles [can use lean ground beef], onions, tomatoes, pickles, ketchup, mustard, reduced fat shredded cheese) and for the salad (cucumber, tomatoes, green onions, spinach, 0 calorie honey mustard)
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Anabolic chocolate ice cream: 365 calories for the bowl (cocoa powder, PEScience chocolate cupcake protein powder, xanthan gum, topped with sugar free chocolate sauce and a fiber one brownie bar)
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Breakfast burrito: 380 calories (whole Joesph’s lavash bread, 1 egg, 3 servings of egg whites, beyond meat crumbles, sugar free maple syrup for some sweetness — or can use salsa)
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Egg grilled cheese sandwiches: 320 calories (4 slices Lewis 35 calories white bread, 4 servings egg whites, reduced fat shredded cheese — sometimes I’ll add some Simple Truth vegetarian deli ham slices for an extra 70 calories to add protein)
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French toast with eggs and fruit: 430 calories for the whole meal — I usually have 4 pieces of French toast so that’s what the 430 calories is including. The French toast is 4 slices of 35 calorie Lewis bread dipped in a mixture of egg whites, cinnamon, Stevia, half capful of vanilla and cooked on pan with a bit of cooking spray. The eggs is 1 egg with 1 serving of egg whites and veggies. And I use sugar free maple syrup and just eat as much of that as I want because it’s only 5 calories for 2 tbsp.
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Shepherds Pie: 285 calories for the bow full, 1/4 of the dish. (Mashed cauliflower — which is a head of cauliflower, one potato, few spoonfuls of Greek yogurt, and spices blended together; Gardein crumbles, frozen veggie mix, vegetable stock)
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Nachos: 400 calories (2 whole Joseph’s lavash breads cut up and baked in oven to make chips, reduced fat shredded cheese, onions, salsa)
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These are just a few examples. But notice how much food you get for low calories — that’s what you want! I’ve been trying this for the past month and have lost about 10lbs so far. I’m not sure if this is THE thing for me yet, but so far it’s incredibly easy to stick with because everything tastes so good! And it doesn’t feel like a diet or anything. The foods don’t taste like a 10/10 like the highly paletteable foods that are full of sugar and fat, but these are more like an 8/10 or sometimes even 9/10, and that’s worth it to me for being able to stay in a good caloric deficit. So if this is something you think might work for you, then definitely try it out! Read food labels and WEIGH your food! Even you’re bread — you’d be surprised.
On Saturdays I allow myself a “cheat” meal. We usually do something active like a bike ride and I’ll eat what I want afterwards. Right now I’m eating pizza 😂 But I’m going to be trying a low calorie chocolate chip cookie recipe for dessert tonight so I’m not going too crazy! The important thing is I can definitely see myself eating this for the rest of my life because I don’t feel deprived, everything tastes good, and I’m not constantly thinking about fast food because this food honestly helps those cravings as you can imagine.
So, just try to find something that works for you, that you can do for the rest of your life! Something is out there, I promise. Take your time with it. Trust the process, don’t rush it. Don’t try to lose weight fast because omg that’ll most likely cause you to gain it back because you’re under eating and will eventually want to give up and eat everything high in calories lol. Also, DON’T WEIGH YOURSELF EVERY DAY. I’d say once a week at most. But the scale isn’t that great of a tool because weight constantly fluctuates. Use your clothes and measurements to track progress, plus pics! Otherwise, you’ll get easily discouraged thinking you’re gaining fat when reality you’re probably losing fat but retaining water and gaining some muscle so the number went up.
This was a lot, but I’m so passionate about it and love helping people as much as I can with it, because I was really heavy a while back and know what it’s like to try to lose fat. So I really hope this helps ❤️ Feel free to DM me anytime if you want some more tips or recipes!
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Sitting Room #1 (12/31/2020)
Click here if you’re like “what the heck is this about?”
Alastor decides that today is a good day to lay on top of a piano and sing. Valera @autokrates decides to accompany by playing the piano. Angel @sluttyspiderpolkacock plummets out of the sky and kills Alastor in one shot.
What do we have here!
Alastor's been wandering the estate scouting out sources of entertainment—when he crosses paths with a sitting room stocked with a gorgeous grand piano. Entertainment located.
He trots over, plays a few keys to make sure it's in tune, considers his options, and then hops up to sit on top of the piano. Nice! Sturdy. He lays down on the piano.
What kind of song is appropriate to play while laying on a piano?
He thinks for a moment; then summons up his microphone, kills the lights, sends his shadow to play a dramatic arpeggio, rolls dramatically onto his back, and sings into the mic, "At first I was afraid~ I was petrified~"
Valera was happily sitting in the gardens, enjoying the ocean breeze of their home planet, the rustling of the leaves and the perfume of the flowers. It was only them and their thoughts out here.
How serene, how calm. You'd never guess their house was full of overpowered sinners hiding from a mass execution. All their fears were assuaged, not a single of the myriad of terrible incidents they'd expected had come to pass...
Wait. Was that... The opening bars for I Will Survive? Was that *Alastor* they saw through the gauzy curtains?
Fuck being alone with their thoughts, they *had* to get in on that good time. Hope Alastor doesn't mind if they hop right through an open window to offer some backing brass for his piano!
Alastor sits up when the room is suddenly invaded—oh, how wonderful! There aren’t all that many places where you can start a musical number and fitting musical accompaniment just barges in! He’d thought he’d have to summon up his own private brass band.
Hand on his chest and hamming up as much as he can, he goes on, “Kept thinking *I* could never *live* without you *by my side*~”
Look at the man go, Gloria Gaynor would be proud. They plop themselves down next to his shadow on the bench, humming along under their breath while they ready themselves for their cue. In fact, while they're here...
A twitch of a fin, and a hazy amber spotlight flickers into existence to shine down on Alastor. There, mood lighting for the star of the show. Nothing but the best for a guest!
Oh! Look at that! Proper lighting! They could be in Hell’s finest jazz club. Alastor’s really warming to his new role as a diva. “But then I spent so many nights, thinking how you did me wrong, and I grew strong~ I learned how to get along~”
He winks at Valera—time to really let loose—and belts out, “And now you’re *back*, from *outer space*—!”
Shielding his face from the glass, Angel continues to fall as he wildly fishes through his fluff for the charm Valera gave him for emergencies. It was so nice ( for his once human aesthetic appreciation ) that he told himself he'd never have to use it.
Then again, putting himself in this predicament wasn't exactly a conscious decision of his either. Making a clean enough break to salvage as he fell to his certain death was an unorthodox placement of priorities, but time was wasting. SOMETHING flashed before his eyes.
_ " ... And now you're **back!** From **outer space - !** " _
_Alastor...? I thought this was gonna be takin' me to Valer -_
And DOWN he sailed like a crimson comet into a cacophonous landing of glass, rattling keys, strings, once immaculately polished wood, and ( 1 ) local Radio Demon. A singular beat of moaning and groaning before he locked eyes with the island's Hostess with the Galactic Mostest and sprung to his feet, hip popped and arms dramatically jazzed.
An inhale as Valera prepares to start laying into the trumpet, smiling around the mouthpiece as Alastor belts out the lyrics. An inhale, and-- uh oh.
A tingle runs up their spine, eyes widening as they drop the instrument and jolt to their feet. Too late for any warning, here comes Angel, streaking from the ceiling in a blaze of glory and glass and splinters flying up from the shattered remains of their poor undeserving piano. They'd be more upset if they weren't immediately distracted by Angel Dust's darling voice.
Beaming fin to fin, Valera lunges forward to wrap their arms around their friend, tail all awiggle behind them as they bury their face in tit fluff. "Il mio amore! Mio caro! I'm so glad you could make it! Seapup is doing great, he'll be over the moon to see you here." A happy sigh, and they look up at Angel through his fluff and purr... Wait. Shit. Pull back, they have to peer around him to the wreck of the piano where their diva had once been.
"Alastor, do you need a medic?"
Of all the ways to go, Alastor wasn’t expecting a meteor made out of red velvet.
And then the meteor climbs off of him and starts speaking Italian.
Alastor blinks up at the ceiling, half-dazed. “Probably, but that’s never stopped me before.” He sits up gingerly, leveraging himself out of the pile of devastated piano. “You know—I actually came to this universe to *avoid* getting murdered by an angel.”
It was very possible to not have enough arms with which to hug a dear friend, even when you had six. Angel gave her a big squeeze, tight enough to momentarily lift clawed feet from the floor as he nuzzled his face between her horns.
" GREAT! Place blew like ya wouldn't BELIEVE, Babe. Emergency getaway fa SURE ~ " he sang with a flash of an open palm of charm debris, which would promptly disappear into his fluff before he swept his cloak behind him.
" ALASTOR! THERE ya went! " Angel extended his hands to offer some help. " Ya ok? Sorry about that, uh, sudden change a plans. "
Oh to be a fish wrapped in the arms of a spider. What warmth, what comfort. A few seconds of bliss leave Valera's hearts feeling ready to melt, what could be better! A mental note to see about getting Angel Dust another charm, and she moves around to look Alastor over from a barely respectful distance. Poor thing got GOT.
He sure did get got. He actually takes Angel’s hand to help haul himself up. “It’s not the change of plans I mind so much as your choice of landing pad!” Audience laughter. He cracks his back a few odd angles, then straightens out and starts brushing himself off. “You were at some big overlord shindig, weren’t you? Did the exterminators get in?” Oh, wouldn’t that be a delightful way to ring in the new year, getting rid of that rotten lot. The only overlords he cared about were either not the type to go to such a party or else excluded from the exterminations anyway. “Glad *you* made it out.”
" Uh... " It was settling in little by little, now. The foreboden consequences of his actions. " Yeah! They did! Uh, I wouldn't check into the place right now! Y'know, signals goin' haywire, S. O. S. 's off the shitshow... Thinkin' of it's givin' ME a headache, so I can't IMAGINE what it'd be doin' t' YOU, Smiles... Lucky ME though, ah? " _He used to be a much better liar._ Angel's ceaselessly sheepish smile left little to be assumed. Knowing this, he whipped back towards Valera, arms wildly animated as ever. " SO! How's e'ryone holdin' up over here? " He started a strut about the room, testing the soreness of his leading leg. " Ya DO have room fa one more in this fancy schmancy pad, yeah? "
She steps back, satisfied that Alastor wasn't about to keel over dead, and reaches out to take two of Angel's hands in hers to squeeze. Friend is here, nothing else matters yet! Even if the way he's acting is super sus, he's probably in shock from his DYNAMIC ENTRY to an ALIEN PLANET. That's the story she's sticking with until proven otherwise. Nobody needs that stress.
"Everyone's doing great, Angel! We've got four different Alastors, two Pentiouses, and we haven't even had any..." A glance towards her ex-piano. Another glance towards the radio demon brushing himself off. "... *Major* damage! I'll show you your room, if you want!"
“No major damage *yet,* anyway! There’s still time to knock down a lighthouse or two!” He sounds absolutely gleeful.
At the moment, he doesn’t trust Angel at all. The dramatic entrance is perfectly fine, of course—he’d do no less himself—it’s this *insistence* that Alastor not check in on their universe. He absolutely needs to check in on it, as soon as possible.
But he’d rather hear about it from Angel first.
Not in front of their host, though. For the moment, he continues quietly straightening out his clothes and bones.
" PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ " he sang with a playful swing of their clasped hands, " Ain't a party wit'out a HEFFER of a BILL... " Angel then shadowed Valera's glances. Might be true of _some_ places, but certainly not HERE, his best friend's grand estate they've opened to such a handful of sinners out of the goodness of their heart.
" Sorry... about ya piano, though. I'll get ya a new one! " _No, you won't._ " I've got connections! " _Not anymore._ " Might not 'ave any special Veci designin' on it, but I'll do ya good! " _You just made THE worst mistake of your life. You're fresh OUT of GOOD._
**_YOU'RE never gonna know peace AGAIN._**
" I'm ON YA TAIL. Lead the way ~ " Angel belted playfully with a brush of those flickering fins and a glance back at Alastor. " Ya all good, there? If y'all wanna finish ya song later, I've got m'strings on me ~ "
"What, you want to replace my piano?" She scoffs, arms reaching up to give Angel's shoulders a gentle squeeze before dropping down to twine a hand with his. "Darling. Mio caro, I don't care about that old thing. You're alive! You made it here! You're in one piece! That's all that matters to me."
Trilling cheerfully, she rocks in place. Hand in hand with her best friend, safe in her home, decidedly not murdered by Heaven's dogs. The ominous stress could come later, for now she had to be a host. "We'll get you set up with a room, get you a warm meal, and then we can all play some music together, since you've so *generously* offered. Sound good to you two?"
"Considering what happened the last time I tried to sing it, I think continuing 'I Will Survive' would be tempting fate." He plays the whistling sound of a falling missile and a distant explosion. "You don't both need me there to assign a room, do you? Perhaps I should head down to the kitchen and get that warm meal going!" Angel certainly hadn't gotten anything to eat at that big overlord function, Alastor would bet anything on that.
Angel clung to Valera's words and the way she fussed over him with such tender loving care like a lifeline. _This_ was what he deserved, ( wasn't it? ) He planted a kiss off her temple and smiled meekly. " Sounds good t' me! But uh, " he started with a sweep of a free arm in Alastor's direction, " Ya just gonna up an' be a host e'rywhere ya go? Valera ain't got this place staffed better than ours so you can chill? I'm already here, an' no one CRASHES as hard as ME ~ "
"Oh, I don't know, Alastor. Maybe tempting fate is where the REAL entertainment is."
Valera snorts, idly plucking a few stray splinters off of Angel's fluff. "I'm pretty sure I'd have to hold him at gunpoint to keep Alastor out of the kitchen. And unlike you, I simply don't have enough arms to keep all four in check. You might as well accept your fate of trying alien cuisine prepared by the radio host himself."
“TEMPTING fate, sure! But it loses some of its charm when fate succumbs to temptation and pile drives me!” He pauses thoughtfully. “Although ‘falling man lands on innocent grand piano’ is a delightfully ironic twist, isn’t it?”
He flings an arm around Angel’s shoulders. “You’d rather have me cooking, anyway! Valera’s helpfully provided a list of Veci recipes that are *edible* to humans—but I’ve been tweaking them to make them *palatable* to humans.” Palatable by Alastor’s standards, anyway, which are either “freakishly high” or “raw bloody meat” with basically nothing in between.
Angel combed some more splinters from his chest with his hand before abruptly bending his knees to level with Alastor's pull. " Guinea piggin' it is, then! I don't think ya ever made anythin' I passed on. " Raw bloody meat included. _Everything_ was appetizing after a hard day's work. " DO ya worst ~ " With a pat of his back, he again took Valera's hand. " I'll sample the edible stuff anyways, t' compare an' not let all ya hard work go wastin' ~ "
Gods, Angel was comically tall compared to the other two, it was easy to forget that the spindly spider was slouching all the time. She purrs and gives Angel's hand a squeeze, bumping her nose to his cheek in the approximation of a kiss. "You're a peach."
A moment, and she turns to lead Angel away. So much to do! Did she have brushes..? Yes, she could brush him off, make sure he was splinter free without needing a whole shower... Don't mind her, she's already ten steps ahead trying to figure out how many extra pillows she should put on his bed.
“Sample shmample! You’re getting a full plate. I’ll bet the closest thing you got to a proper meal at that party of yours was an olive in your martini.” He half-bows in farewell, and leaves them to head for the kitchen.
_Well he wasn't WRONG._ If memory served him, that last shot wasn't meant for his taking, either. Lightly chewing the inside of his cheek, he gave Alastor a shallow curtsy and fell into Valera's stride.
" So ~ ! " Angel whistled as he panned his sights over the architecture and decor of the hallway, affectionately hooking his arms about Valera's elbow and shoulders. " How big IS this place? I been t' Hell's palace fa a job before, but if I learned ANYTHIN' about VECI... " He snorted to himself before he could even finish his joke. " Y'all's style is... _outta this world ~_ "
Valera saunters along, an arm looping around Angel in return to give him the gentlest squeeze. "That joke was *terrible*, darling. As far as the estate goes? Fifty bedrooms, twenty of which are meant for guests, twenty nine for staff, and then the master bedroom. Though I'd call it more of a master apartment, the previous owner sure liked having plenty of space to themselves."
The size of the place was really one of the reasons Val barely ever visited this place, too much room. But that made it perfect for this visit. Space, isolation, plenty of areas for sinners to hide away if they needed privacy... And bedrooms big enough for the stupidly tall sinners to feel comfortable in. Here's Angel's! A twelve by ten four poster bed, white marble and gold from floor to ceiling, a balcony suitable for any necessary brooding or swooning over a sea view... Just what a spider needed. Plus a tiny orange ball comfortably sleeping in the middle of that luxurious bed, but don't mind him.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Kisses and Distractions pt. 2
As requested by @babygirlmeepi​, here is the second part of Kisses and Distractions :) This is just pure fluff and a sprinkle of suggestive lemons ;) hope you like this :D
This can be read separately too, so enjoy :)
warnings: FLUFF (lots of it)
link: part 1
master list to all my fics :) here
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3 days.
It had been 3 days since the two of you were kiss-blocked by the present and former #1 heroes. And here you were, chilling in your apartment. Wrapped like a burrito in your bed. You couldn’t remember the last time you had done this. The weather was just too perfect to resist the burrito-ness.
Today was a miracle. A day off with zero notifications in the last 7 hours. Sure, it was past 12 noon and that you should prepare lunch, there was just this irrational fear that once you step out, some villain attack would happen again.
Nope. No. You would rather stay in your home and starve. Or maybe just order take out. Unburrito-ing yourself, you rolled over to your nightstand and took your phone. You felt your cheeks blush at the sight of your new wallpaper.
You and Hawks hugging. His cheek squished as he leaned his head on yours. Framing the picture were his wings. Uneven but still gorgeous nonetheless. You had to hand it to the man, despite him looking goofy, he was still sexy. Your mind couldn’t help but think, how in the world did you manage to lure him?
Clicking on the FoodBear app, you scrolled past restaurants and fast food chains. What were you in the mood for? Pizza and a burger. Yes. Perfect.
Sitting up, you began to choose the flavor and type of burger till the home screen changed.
The picture of Hawks replacing it. Your heart raced at the thought of him calling you.
“Hey baby bird!” Hawks greeted over the phone. It was a tad noisy so you were sure he was calling and flying.
“Pidgy, don’t fly and call at the same time.” You teased him but the tone in your voice gave it away. It was difficult to suppress your happiness when it came to this birdman. “What can I do to help you?”
“The question is, how can I help you? You eaten lunch yet, babe?”
‘Oh lord that babe hit different’ You fangirled internally. Fanning yourself with your free hand in hopes to cool off the heat on your face.
“Not yet. You bringing some food over?”
“Yeah.” You swore he was smirking on the other line. “Me.”
“Hawks, I swear to god if you don’t bring me a slice of pizza and a burger I will eat y-” Shutting your mouth, you almost fell into his trap. Not that you’d mind. Real food was simply top priority for now.
“Now wouldn’t that be the perfect reason not to but take out?” He laughed. For you, it was such music to your ears. Your heart swelled knowing you made him happy. “Get dressed lovebird. I’m takin’ you out on a date.”
“Oh.” Your eyes fell on your messy wardrobe. Shit. “How long till you arrive?”
“I’m already outside. How convenient you have a balcony, am I right?” He ended the call.
“Hawks?” You yelled out from your room.
“Right here baby!” He responded. God damn, he really was here. “Take your time unless you want me to help you change!”
Face palming yourself, the thought of him laying on your bed, pinning you down, wasn’t that bad. But still, the two of you hadn’t even kissed yet so might as well go on a date with him. 
Standing up, you went out of your room only to be met by Hawks lounging on your sofa. Wings slightly open to make him rest his back. His hair was even messier from behind but still looked as soft as ever.
“Let me just shower and we can take our leave, okay?”
Turning to face you, he smirked at the sight before him. You, in an oversized shirt that hung just above your thighs. Your black shorts showing enough leg to tease him right.
“I envy the me in your shirt.” He pointed out while extending an arm to tug on your shirt.
Your eyes widened when you remembered this was the Hawks merch Ryukyu got you for the jokes. After that day, it had been your favorite. Not just for the person on the shirt but because the size was amazing and the material was breezy.
“Maybe if you play your cards right, this could end up being you.” You teased back. Booping his nose causing his golden eyes to expand. The hold on your shirt seemingly tightened.
“Damn. You flirty when you got no food in your system, chickadee~” Hawks commented as he lifted himself off the couch and landed right in front of you. His eyes exploring your face, lingering on your lips, but going back to your eyes. His hands now nested on your waist.
‘Okay. Think this through. If y'all were to do the devil’s tango now, that would mean your body would look bomb because you haven’t eaten anything. But, I’m so fucking hungry. Like is this worth the messy sheets? Hell yeah it is But pizza sounds so good right now...!’ You monologue in your mind.
Placing your palms on his stomach, you could feel his toned abs and how he flexed just to ensure victory. Sliding them upwards, you fet the bumps of his bodysuit’s yellow linings. Your eyes never leaving his.
Hawks gritted his teeth. The next thing he knew, he picked you up and carried you all the way to your kitchen counter. He wished he had taken his gloves off so he could feel just how soft your skin was. With your legs hugging his waist, this was all too perfect.
“You sure it’s pizza and burgers you want?” He leaned in closer. Using the tip of his nose, he began to trail your cheek and his lips hovered above yours. Pulling himself away from you, your throat ran dry when he used his mouth to remove his gloves.Tossing them to the couch, he used his thumb to trace your lower lip.
“Maybe if you push a little more,” Your arms now snaked around his neck. Bringing him closer to you. “Perhaps my appetite may change.”
Leaning his forehead on yours, his half hooded eyes remained glued to yours. His breathing was slow and heavy as he pulled you in closer. Giving him the invitation, you wrapped your legs even tighter. Licking his lips, his smirk was the last thing you saw before the two of you closed your eyes.
And then your stomach grumbled.
‘Rotten Nuggets…’
The two of you stopped right when your lower and upper lips brushed against each other. Warm breaths grazing your skins.
“Are you for real?...” Hawks complained but his voice was amused. He placed both palms on your cheeks and squished them. “You ruined the moment babe!”
He began to stomp his foot like a small child. Your legs moving along his rather cute tantrum. His feathers began to ruffle as well. Pulling you into a hug, he nuzzled on the side of your head. A disappointed sigh coming out of his mouth.
“I’m sorry. I’ll take full responsibility for that, nugget.” You hugged him back. Only making him squirm more and whine.
“That would’ve been the perfect first kiss for the both of us~” He said as he pulled himself away to look at your flushed face. “But, it’s alright. Now go and take a bath before I make my feathers rip your clothes apart…”
Following his orders, you released him from your hold and went back to your room. Pissed and embarrassed at how your stomach chose to betray you.
Moments passed and you were now dressed. Closing the door to your room, you saw Hawks rummaging through your fridge. His wings were full once more. It gave you relief knowing he could fully perform his duties once more. Not that there was a need to worry, he was the number 2 so he’s surely more capable of more.
“Your fridge needs more chicken.” He commented. Pivoting to face you. In his mouth, a juice pack. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” You replied. Waving your matching headphones and visors he had given you a few months back.
Throwing the empty pack, he took your hand and led you to your balcony. The weather had improved and the dark gray clouds from earlier were replaced by clear blue skies and the afternoon sun.
“How do you want it? Bridal style? Or my signature bear hug?” He asked as he put on his gloves. His brows furrowed at the memory of a failed first kiss.
“I think bridal would be nice.”
Taking the headphones from you, he placed them on your head and paused to admire his handiwork. The way the sun cast light on your (e/c) made his heart flutter. Cupping your cheek, he smirked when they began to show a taint of redness.
“So beautiful…”
Placing an arm on your back and bending slightly to place the other one on the bend of your knees, he was all too happy when you rested your arms on his shoulders. Stretching his wings out, he adored the way your eyes sparkled.
Letting a stray feather loose, Hawks made the feather brush against your lip and made it land on his.
“Ah. An indirect kiss!” He teased. Flapping his wings making you both float. “Can’t wait for the real deal after lunch~”
“Keigo!” You playfully punched his chest. Your arms tighten as he flew the both of you farther and farther from your unit.
“Don’t call me that unless we’re in your bed or mine, baby!” He managed to wink as he pulled you in closer.
Choosing not to reply, the rest of the ride was nothing but comfortable silence. It only lasted for a few minutes till he landed and placed you back on your feet. Your eyes opened up and your jaw dropped when you saw where he had taken you.
“And don’t worry about distractions, chickadee.” Hawks said with his arms making a circle. “I booked the place all to ourselves.”
“The whole planetarium?!”
“Yes.” Lacing his fingers with yours, he led the way and opened the door for you.
Before entering the main room, he took you to the snack bar and ordered what you had been craving for. A slice of pizza, a burger, chicken wings, a medium soda for the two of you, and a pack of mints. Ushering you to the tables, he placed the food down and pulled the chair for you to sit.
“Gotta let that stomach of yours eat before we see the main event.” He said as he attacked the wings.
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
Small talk happened as the two of you ate. The moment the last bite happened, he handed you a mint as he took one as well. You couldn’t help but snort at how prepared he wanted to be. Though, you would be lying if you weren’t thinking of going to the women’s toilet to freshen up.
The doors were now facing the two of you. His hands finding yours once more. Opening the doors, your eyes wandered across the dome and the projector located in the middle. The room was already dim and your heart raced with excitement at the thought of staring at the stars up close.
Choosing the back half of the theater, the two of you made your way to the middle seats. Once you two were comfy, he clapped his hands and the room was now pitch black. The theater dome began to show the projectors image. Putting your arm around his, you couldn’t help but smile at Hawks for bringing you here. Wearing your goggles, you leaned on his shoulder and watched the show.
As the show came to the middle part, you were fascinated with the vibrant colors of the different galaxies, Hawks kept his eyes on you. Taking his goggles, he tossed them to the empty seat and took a deep breath.
Tearing your eyes from the view, you were now face to face with something much better. Letting Hawks take your goggles off, he shifted his position so he could fully face you. Imitating his actions, you felt a small push on your back. No need to look knowing that was his wing.
“You like our date?” He whispered. Leaning a little closer.
“It’s perfect~” You leaned in closer as well.
Cupping your cheek, he let his thumb brush your skin gently. His eyes widened and his wings perked up. Wondering what that was about, he let his feathers do some work. Letting go of your cheek, he took his phone out and placed it on a feather. Understanding his motive, you put yours on silent mode and placed it on the feather next to you.
The two of you watched as the feathers placed them on the seats right across the room. The slightly larger feathers made their way towards the door. Making sure that no one would be able to enter the room.
“You’ve prepared for the worst?” You teased him.
“Just making sure, nugget.” Placing his hand on the back of your neck, he gently pulled you in closer and rested his forehead on yours. “After all the distractions, I think necessary preparations are needed.”
“I would have to agree on that~” You giggled. Holding onto his wrist.
“May I?” He asked. By now, his hot minty breath touching your lip. When you nodded your answer, Hawks did not hesitate.
The two of you winced in pain when his nose hit yours. This time, there was no frustration or childish tantrums. Instead the two of you laughed it off. Cheeks red with embarrassment and stomachs doing summersaults.
“I’ll take the blame for that~” He commented. Not letting you go of his hold.
“Just shut up and kiss me, Keigo~” With that, he redeemed himself.
Finally. You felt his lips on yours. His lips were soft and the kiss was enough to melt you away. It felt as if a summer breeze had passed your soul and gave you a sense of warmth and happiness at the same time. When he titled his head to make the kiss even deeper, you felt all the butterflies in your stomach flutter. You couldn’t help but smile as you both locked lips. Not wanting to part with each other.
When Hawks felt your lips curl into a smile, he pulled you in as close as he could. The taste of mint still present and your strawberry chapstick from before still there. Wanting to intensify the kiss, he licked your bottom lip.
Gladly, you gave him entry. In the few times he’s kissed, he always wanted to have dominance but for you, he was more than willing to toss it aside. Both your tongues danced in unison, exploring each wet caverns slowly and sensually. He was grateful, and of course even more turned on, when you let out a soft moan.
The need for air finally rose. Both of you broke apart, panting. Still living in the moment, both of your eyes were shut. Grins plastered on your face at the sensation of finally being able to kiss each other.
“Well,” His voice was raspy and he was still panting. “I think the wait was worth it.”
“I couldn’t agree more~”
“So shall I make you scream my name now?” His smirk was back. The cheeky cocky pro hero you fell for.
“That’s it baby!”
The rest of the show, the two of you relaxed and enjoyed each other’s warmth. When the show was finished, the two of you checked your phones for any messages. His shoulders slumped when he saw he had a missed call from Endeavor. Followed by 7 messages.
“Looks like I’ll have to take you home lovebird~”
Moments passed and the two of you were now back on your balcony. Hawks perched on the railing while you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“I’ll be back, don’t worry.” He reassured you while petting your head.
“I know.” You lifted your head and faced him once more. The sun was now setting and his wings even more glorious with the pinks and oranges in the sky. His golden eyes staring on to you with a silent message of not wanting to leave you alone. “Be safe, Keigo.”
“I will.”
Letting him go, he leaned backwards and free fell. A second later, he was now flying in front of you. Moving in closer, he planted a short but deep kiss on your lips.
“Love you, chickadee.”
“Love you too, nugget~”
With a wink, he flapped his wings and soared into the sky. Leaving behind a feather for you to hold on to. You shook your head with amusement. This would only mean one thing.
He would most definitely be coming back and staying the night.
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sarah-writes-marvel · 3 years
Sweats over Stilettos: Avengers x Fem!Reader
S.S: HEres another one for you guys! Been sitting on this one for a while. Hoep you like it!
Warnings: homework (its a warning dont even question it!), nothing else!
Word Count: 1,420
Y/n- your name L/n- last name Y/n/n- your nickname
Y/n L/n was never one to care about her appearance much. Obviously she was well-groomed but she was one of those women that choose comfort over beauty. Some may have considered her lazy or unprofessional considering how she dressed on the daily. 
Obviously being a part of the Avengers there were moments where she needed to look professional and fit the part, which she did, in a non-traditional way. She would wear a fitted pant-suit and a clean pair of boots. If there was no need for formal wear she would walk around the compound in comfy cargo sweatpants and a loose shirt. Even during missions, her suit simply consisted of protective cargo pants and an indestructible top that she and Tony had created in the lab.
But given the opportunity, Y/n would never pass up the chance to surprise her friends with a side they’ve never seen.
I sat at my desk, scanning rows of mathematical equations meant for the physics homework in my textbook. A strand of my hair, that managed to escape the messy bun atop my head, hung in front of my glasses. As I tucked the strand behind my ear a knock on my door brought me from my concentration.
“Come in,”
“Hey! Whatcha up too?” The kind voice of Bucky asked.
“Homework. I’m almost done. Why what’s up?” I finally peaked my eyes from the numbers on my paper looking at the brunette standing in my door. “Hey! I like the haircut!” I commented, finally taking in the short hair that stuck up with gel.
“Oh, thanks. Nat figures that I should look less like a nomad for the dinner tonight.” He says running his hand through the short hair. 
My eyes widened behind my glasses and I groaned.
“What did I say?” The brunette asked, his steely blue eyes widening with worry.
“We have that dinner with the president and the Senate tonight. I had completely forgotten.” My response was muffled in my hands as they covered my face displacing my glasses. 
“How in the world could you forget dinner with POTUS?” Tony questioned, as he just so happened to pass by, Clint not too far behind him.
“Jeez. We know you don't like dressing up but forgetting dinner. With the Prez?” Clint added. I rolled my eyes.
“Do you see how much I’ve got on my plate right now. Sorry that dinner isn’t exactly my top priority.” I gesture to the textbooks and papers scattered on my desk.
“Hey, have you seen-- oh there you are Buck! I have a question for you about ties quickly.” Steve pushed his way through the doorway of my room.
“Are we just going to gather in my room?” I question, slightly annoyed by the males that were pouring into my room. “What time are we leaving?”
“Well dinner is set for 7:30 but we should leave by like 7.” Tony informed me. I looked at the time on my phone realizing I only had about 2 hours to get ready.
“Well then I should get ready. So all y’all out.” I say guiding the entourage out of my room.
“What do you have to do? Change your sweats or something?” Clint jokes. 
“HAHAHA. Just because I don't dress up all the time like Nat or Wanda doesn’t mean I don't know how to clean up. Which you should do, you’re looking kinda scruffy.” I sneer, sarcastically. I see the look of betrayal on his face as Tony lets out a chuckle before I close my door.
The depths of my closet hid the few dresses that I actually owned, even a few skirts, and my small collection of heels that I loved to strut around in but never wore outside my room.
I ran my hands over the few hangers that held dresses, pulling each out just slightly to see what they looked like. I pulled out a simple black dress, the protective cover still hanging over the material protecting it from dust, deciding that it was the perfect dress. I skimmed over my heels finding my red sole stilettos and placing the two on my bed.
I took a quick shower, managing to shave without cutting my legs in the process. I took the time to moisturize the areas of skin that would be showing and changed into my underwear.
Music was blasting through my speaker in my bathroom as I pulled out my hairdryer and began doing my hair, drying it, and curling it into loose curls, pinning them up to help set the curls. I did a quick makeup look, another thing I barely bothered with, a natural eye, and a dark lip stain. I took a look in the mirror as I rocked out to the music, the state of my curls pinned making it look a little odd at the moment.
I removed my dress from the plastic slipping it over my hips, the thin straps crossing at the middle of my back as the material dipped to expose my bareback. I adjusted the deep v-neckline, covering just a little more cleavage than it was. The darts that rested at my waist cinched the bodice to my torso, fitting my small curves. The a- line skirt was pleated at the waist, giving the skirt some volume.
I took two silver chains from my jewelry box. One sat on my collarbone, the second just a few inches down with a single chain dangling from the center with a single diamond on the end. The matching set of earrings dangled from my lobes and a single diamond stud set accessorized my second piercing. 
I placed a simple silver ring that my father had gifted me onto my middle finger. A knock and wiggle of my doorknob distracted me from taking down my hair from the pins as I examined my appearance in the full-length mirror.
“Hold on!” I yelled as I struggled to put on my stilettos.
“It’s Steve. We’re getting ready to leave soon. You ready?”
“Ya I’ll meet you in the common room I have to grab a bag.” I searched through the small box of purses and bags in my closet pulling out a simple black clutch that had a dainty silver chain strap.
“Alright be quick.” His Captain’s voice came through the door.
I quickly slipped my phone, my badge, and lip stain in the clutch. I rushed out of my room closing the door behind me. I made my way into the common room, were laughing and the conversation was echoing through the halls.
Suddenly the noise ceased, oddly as soon as I entered the room. I secured my clutch looking at the group in front of me. Each had a look of surprise or shock written across their face, all except Nat and Wanda.
“What? Is there something on my dress?” I ask, twirling around so they could get the whole outfit.
“Wow,” Bucky breathed, eyeing my dress.
“Ya, what he said.” Clint agreed, Sam and Rhodes nodding along.
“Who knew! Y/n L/n can clean up!” Tony exclaimed.
“You look lovely, Y/n/n.” Steve complimented, like the gentleman he was. Nat scoffed.
“Lovely? That is an understatement. You look damn hot.” she said with a laugh and an eager nod from Wanda. 
“Don’t get used to it,” I replied with a smile, smoothing out my dress unconsciously pulling it down just a bit to fit better.
“Aw come on! You look so good!” Tony complained.
“Ya. I know I do. But I don't need to look good to get my job done. Besides, if I wore this every day, I’d have more of an attitude than I do in my comfy clothes, and that’s something nobody needs to see.” I chuckle as I walk past the group towards the door of the compound. 
When I didn’t hear any footsteps following me I turned to see them watching me.
“Well? What’s the hold-up? Let's go.” I instructed, my voice stern and commanding and Immediately everyone followed.
“Ya. I think you should go change into your sweats and sweatshirt again. You weren’t as crabby earlier.” Clint commented as we walked to the car.
“Just because I’m wearing stilettos and a dress doesn’t mean that I won’t kick your ass, Barton,” I told him, eliciting a few snickers from the team as we piled into the limo.
 “Alright let’s get this over with so I can get back into my comfy clothes.” I sighed as we took off to the White House.
Thanks for reading! hope you liked it! Dont be afriad to request something if you would like!
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7team7 · 4 years
Choosing Fate: Chapter 6
A spark is lit — but where? // Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
A/N: wow did not expect people to read the long ass authors note in the previous chapter let alone get so many reviews about it, thank you to everyone for your kind words and reassurance!! It means a lot and im very glad people are enjoying this story so far!! I read a tweet describing writing as often lonely and it’s very comforting to have people along for the ride :)
Sakura quickly grew fond of Itachi and Izumi and made it a priority to visit them when she had a spare moment. At first, Sasuke let her go on her own if he was busy, but lately he had also been making it a point to accompany her. She just couldn’t figure that boy out, but she let him be. It was nice to have someone to walk with.
At first, she tiptoed around the subject of children and stuck with an exaggerated concern for their general health. She was the younger brother’s wife, what place did she have to speak of such things anyway?
But Izumi quickly soothed her nerves and made it clear that she valued Sakura’s opinion. She was open with her desire for children, as well as their struggle to conceive. Despite all this, Sakura still felt a little uncomfortable addressing the topic. She also thought the desire for children ran deeply through the Uchiha clan, like an indoctrination. Family seemed to be reduced to bloodline and it gave her chills.
She chose to speak in metaphors, using her background as a farmer’s daughter to carefully conceal the true weight of her words, “If you care for the soil, it will be generous in return. Fertility is…a fickle thing. You can’t force it. You must feed it properly, allow it to breathe. The earth is splendid, but the circumstances matter greatly. Patience is key, not everyone understands how long it takes to bear fruit. But all your hard work will make the reward so much sweeter.”
Izumi nodded slowly at this. “And you’ll help us with this?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Sakura beamed. Anything to feel like she knew her role in this strange clan, to feel needed, to feel useful.
She felt Sasuke’s gaze rest heavily on her while he sipped from his cup of tea.
Like any other morning, Sasuke was packing to go to the market when Sakura hesitantly approached him. “Ah, Sasuke?”
“So..how about the market?”
“What about it?”
She wrung her hands, “Have you considered what I said before? Perhaps I could go to the market with you today? You know, to sell herbs. I’ve gathered quite a few bottles of dried stuff, I think it could fetch a fair price.”
Her husband grunted. He turned away from his bags to face her and pinch his nose, as if at war with his own thoughts. Was it so hard to tell her yes or no? she wondered.
Why did she challenge him so? he wondered.
He finally let out a sigh, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. Put your things in here, I can carry it for you.” He opened his bag wider and gestured towards it.
“It’s fine, I can do it myself.”
“They’re not heavy, just add it to my bag.”
“But your bag is full of big, heavy, sharp things that could break my things. I’ll carry my things, you carry yours,” she said with a distinct air of finality.
He shook his head at her satisfied expression; why was she always right?
Even if his father objected to Sakura coming along, she could surely argue (or charm) her way through.
Sasuke instantly regretted bringing Sakura with them. There was something in the air that day, something he didn’t like. He couldn’t help but swing his head around in paranoia as they walked through the rows to find a spot.
Sakura didn’t seem to pick up on it, more excited about being back there than anything else. She had never bought from the Uchihas herself even if her parents probably had, so she was interested to see them in action. She greeted some of the regular vendors, it had really been a while and it was nice to see that even if her life had changed drastically, some things were always the same. She even stopped to ask a familiar fisherman how his family was doing when Sasuke came up behind her and lightly placed his hand on her back, “Sakura.”
“Oh, Sasuke. What is it?” The warmth of his hand felt like it was going to burn a hole through her clothing as he applied more pressure to guide her forward.
“Stay close to me.”
His tone was often serious, but the concern laced in his voice easily convinced her to bid goodbye to the fisherman and continue walking with Sasuke.
“Is something wrong?”
He didn’t answer and only spoke again when they reached an open space to set up. “Here is good, right?” When Fugaku gave a nod of approval they started unpacking. Sakura noticed there were only a few pottery pieces in their selection that day, everything else was a weapon of some sort. Sakura shivered when some of the blades glinted in the sunlight; they really did look well-made — meaning they must be deadly.
Their first customer bought several things at once and the surprise must’ve been evident on their faces because he said gruffly, “Reports of bandits on the roads, crime and the like. Not taking any chances.” He nodded towards Sakura’s herbal offerings, “What’s this?” After hearing her explain some of their uses, he purchased a jar too. “Seriously, not taking any chances.”
What a strange interaction, Sakura thought as the man walked off. Sasuke caught her eye as if to say I told you so. If there really were bandits or something similar, then his intuition was correct. The atmosphere just didn’t seem right.
Several others seemed to have the same idea because more knives were bought up quickly. Just as Fugaku was about to comment on their luck that day, they heard shouting from the other side of the marketplace. It seemed like everyone in the area noticed at the same time, a swell of people looking up and quieting down.
“Don’t think you can get away with stealing!” a shrill voice, presumably a merchant, cried.
“Stealing? This shit belongs to me, everyone in Konoha is a thief. Look around, you can’t think you all just earned this? ” the other man taunted.
“Don’t you dare speak of Konoha like that! You need us far more than we would ever need you!” the merchant spat with distaste.
“Come over here and fight me if you’re so mad!” the man all but roared.
The sound of glass shattering, a scream.
Then all hell broke loose as multiple men started tussling with each other, almost at the same exact time.
Almost as if it was planned that way.
Their crude shouts and pained grunts could be heard all around as they kicked up dust in the melee. They were stationed far enough from the commotion that they weren’t in danger, but Sasuke’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. Looking back on it, Sasuke realized there were clearly a high number of outsiders at the market, as noted by the differences in their clothing. Konoha was no stranger to visitors, but these agitators clearly weren’t there for a vacation.
Before the fight was even broken up, people came around and purchased more of their wares. The largest knives went first. As their selection thinned out, Sasuke decided it would be best to return home. “We’re leaving,” he said tersely, causing Sakura to tear her eyes away from the violence. For once, she decided to listen to him. “Yes,” she said breathily, helping to pack up as well. Fugaku nodded silently, but he was also distracted, uneasy.
The word on the street was that someone who had left Konoha after living there for many years was the one arguing with a merchant. No matter the situation, Sasuke didn’t like the feeling in the air, the feeling gathering in the pit of his stomach, one bit.
“Maybe I can go by myself sometime in the future. I doubt something like that will happen again now that everyone has been alerted.” Sakura tried to pretend like everything was normal, if not to soothe her own nerves, then to soothe Sasuke’s.
“I told you before, it’s not safe.” He couldn’t count on “something like that” not happening again. If anything, it put him on high alert.
“If you’re so worried about me, why don’t you teach me how to fend people off?” She was growing weary of this same argument.
“I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
“There’s no reason why I can’t accompany you for your own safety.”
“I really can take care of myself, you know.”
“I have no doubts about that. This is for my own peace of mind.” He went a little red at the admission, but it was true. Wasn’t that the role of the husband? To protect the wife? If he failed at that, he would never be able to forgive himself.
But he knew how much she valued her freedom by the way she didn’t give up on this. “Fine, you go everywhere with me. Still, shouldn’t I know something? Maybe I should carry one of those knives we sell?” Being completely reliant on her husband and father-in-law didn’t sit well with her.
“We need to be realistic,” he said as a way of evading the real issue.
“And we can’t live in fear forever. Believe me, I don’t want to think about it, but what if you aren’t there? We should prepare for anything and everything.” Rather than fighting him on this, she spoke softly in an attempt to appeal to the heart that he was revealing to her day by day. He truly seemed worried for her safety.
He contemplated for a while, a troubled look flashing across his fine features. “Sakura…” he finally started slowly, “what about using what you already know?” She wanted to roll her eyes, “I don’t know anything because you haven’t taught me anything.”  
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. If you can heal with all your herbs...wouldn’t you also be able to hurt someone just as easily?”
Fire danced in her eyes; it wasn’t pure Uchiha, it was distinctly Sakura, but it still burned bright.
A/N: Rather plotty sorry but I’m not planning to introduce a lot of the characters who make naruto such a complicated story LOL mostly just ideas and consequences of war and colonization. And even the characters already included will take a back seat as ss start falling in love :P Konoha is the true evil of naruto fr fr and it pisses me off that sss fam has to go through so much for that shit hole so here we are. There will be tension bc think of it as Konoha Sucks but a village like the hidden sound is the one attacking. Again I’m a lazy writer/researcher lmfao so I won’t be getting into the specifics of fertility and real health stuff so reader’s choice, imagine what you please, haha I am no expert
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