#my criminal steve fic
harringtons-cupid · 2 years
Criminal! Steve vibes?
Honestly not to sure about the 4th pic
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Yeah maybe not the 4th one for criminal steve but for me 😏🫠
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ozwriterchick · 4 months
Just once, when they’re in the throes of smut, and the guy asks “Is this all for me?” I wish the reader would be a smart ass and say “No it’s for the guy behind the door/curtains/couch or whatever”
I’d read the shit out of that. No hate or whatever to writers who write that I’m just not sure why a guy would ask that. I mean, do you see anyone else here? Oh it’s for my imaginary lover in my head.
That is all.
Go about your business
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
The Long Con, pt. 2
Access pt. 1 here. I've also decided to start posting this on ao3 as well, which you can find here.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Steve had met Robin during one of the lowest parts of his life. After leaving Boston and everything he knew behind, Steve hopped from place to place for a few weeks. Working odd jobs just to get from one place to the next. Eventually, he landed himself in Vegas. It had felt far enough from home where he would avoid being found, but also less obvious than a place like LA.
Steve had a lot of vices in his past life, sex, money, and women, but gambling wasn't one of them. So if someone was following the trail of his bad habits, Vegas wouldn't even cross their mind.
Steve began working at a bar on the strip when he arrived. It was a fancy place, wasn't part of a casino, and stood out independently. The Bearpoppy Lounge. It was the type of place where everyone wore suits and Gucci belts. Wealth was not only flaunted but required. It reminded Steve of the places his parents used to take him to impress business partners.
Robin had been his trainer for the bar, and well, she had absolutely hated him at first. Steve hadn't been able to figure out why. He was incredibly charming, and women usually fell at his feet. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but people usually drew to him. It had been a shock to the system when the first thing Robin had said to him was,
"I give you two days before you quit."
"What?" Steve asked in shock. Surely, she couldn't have been serious. "Do I not even get your name? Or, I don't know, a hello?" Steve thought he should reel in the snark. It wouldn't help his situation to let out his bitchy side. He just wasn't used to it. The lack of immediate trust he got from strangers. Most people would find that mentality naive, but Steve was raised to be enticing.
"My name is Robin, like it says on my name tag if you had bothered to read it. And I don't usually bother with introductions. I know the pretty boy type; trust me, it doesn't last." Robin wiped down glasses at the bar and didn't look up as she spoke.
Steve was resisting the urge to blow up on her. He couldn't prove her right. He had to lay on the charm thick.
Steve took in Robin's appearance before answering. She was pretty. Short dirty blonde hair cut to her chin with pink at the ends. Light freckles decorated Robin's face, which defined her already high cheekbones. She was tall, almost as tall as him, but she held herself awkwardly, like she didn't know what to do with her limbs. Robin would be easy to charm. Beautiful, so he wouldn't have to lie, and insecure so he could work her. "Well, if pretty girls like you can make it this far, I don't see why I can't." Steve leaned his body against the counter and appraised Robin up and down.
Robin snorted, "Oh god, you can't be serious. Please don't tell me the next thing you're gonna say is how you 'got lost in my beautiful blue orbs' like we were in some cheesy fanfiction."
Steve's mask fumbled a bit. "Orbs? What? Eyes can't be orbs. Then you'd have to see all the way around? Right? Wait—" Steve spiraled for a minute. Robin threw him off his rhythm.
Robin's face cracked slightly at Steve's confusion before she sighed deeply. "Look, I'm going to be, uh, straight, with you." Robin paused as she had a sort of inside joke with herself. "I don't like you."
Ouch. "Ouch."
Robin pushed on, "Look, it's not about you personally. It's about, ya know, what you represent. Like you came in here with no experience, no background, and just charmed your way into this job. Now I have to spend two weeks training you, only for you to stay a month tops. Guys, girls, and everything between, like you only come to work here for two things. Fortune and fame. They come to find a rich spouse or try to catch the eye of someone with a business card and a one-way ticket to Hollywood. And listen, it works. Most of you guys get what you want. Any other bar on the strip, I would tell you to quit while you're ahead. Big names come in here, though. And most of you get what you want. And if you don't? Well, you usually break and go back home to Mommy and Daddy. You all leave me high and dry and training another person. The worst offenders of all are the pretty boys. They come in here, lay on the charm, making assumptions about me, try to sleep with me, and when I don't give them what they want, they turn on me. So, sorry if I don't think we will get along."
Steve felt something inside him snap, "You know, for someone who hates people making assumptions about others, you really are assuming a lot about me." Robin looked taken aback by the bitchy attitude. Steve pressed on, "And I don't want that, Robin: fortune and fame. I mean, a little fortune would be nice, but who doesn't want that? And did you think that there was a reason I had to charm my way into this job? You said it yourself I have no experience! How will I ever gain that if I don't have the job to try it in the first place? And for your information Robin, there is no way I am running back to Mommy and Daddy. I think I'd rather take my chances with the streets, thank you very much."
Robin opened her mouth to speak, but Steve cut her off.
"Also, if you aren't into me, that's fine. I wouldn't make you uncomfortable for it. I'm not everyone's type; I can deal with that." Steve crossed his arms, emphasizing his point to her.
Robin swallowed, a bit of shame crept onto her face. "Sorry."
Steve sighed, "It's fine."
"No, it's not. I didn't give you the chance to fuck up first. I should at least give you that. And I get it, you know. Not going back to the parents."
The tension left Steve, "Yeah?"
"Yea, it's actually for the reason you're not my type. "
Robin giggled but then looked hesitant. "I'm pretty sure the only kind of person you aren't the type for shares something in common with me. I'm a lesbian, dude. "
Steve took in the way Robin shrunk on herself even more and decided to share one tiny secret with her; even though he shouldn't be in the business of giving away his secrets. "It's okay. I'm safe. I'm not going to tell anyone. We share the same secret."
It was Robin's turn to say, "Yeah?"
Steve smiled at her, "Oh yeah. I, too, love the ladies, Robin."
Robin giggle-screeched. "Dingus!"
Steve warmed at the pet name. "But I also like the dudes. And everything in between."
Robin's smile softened, "Thanks for telling me."
Steve waved his hand in the air. "Yeah, yeah. Are you actually going to do your job and train me?"
"And just when I was starting to like you. Welcome to hell then; I'll be your guide." Despite her words, Robin's tone held an ease that wasn't there earlier.
Steve knew she'd be tough to crack, but he knew it would be worth it.
It was weird; it was Robin who gave him the idea. When they first met, he thought she would have been the judgemental type. Well, he wasn't far off from that, but she was surprisingly morally loose when it came to illegal activity.
"You know that man would have done anything to get in your pants, right?" Robin nodded toward the guy who just left the bar to go sit back with his buddies. He was in his late forties, and pretty fit for his age. He had introduced himself as Clark; which either the dude had the world's most bland name, or he was using Clark Clent as a pseudonym to cover the fact he was flirting with a man when Mr. Clark was clearly married (at least the shiny gold band said so). Steve hadn't been interested, though. For one, he wasn't looking to get attached to anyone (although Robin was starting to make that look difficult). Secondly, Steve had learned the hard way that being a queer person, no matter the day in age, wasn't always safe.
Especially with married men.
"And so what, Buckley? I don't think I have anything to gain from a married man looking to bang some random bartender, who, by the way, he doesn't even know likes other men?" Steve throws his towel over his shoulder and turns towards Robin.
"But you are into men." Robin deadpans.
"Okay, true, but not the point. Hey, wait, how does he even know I like men?"
Robin shrugs, "Same way that I did, like seeks like my hairy friend. However, I suppose we aren't exactly the same. Since I am only interested in the ladies. Oh wait—does that make us more alike since we both like women, and you liking men makes us less alike? But that's gay, so that makes us—"
"Robin, you didn't even know. I had to tell you. After you yelled at me."
"Sorry!" She cringed.
Steve sighed, "Besides, still nothing to gain from sleeping with him. Besides, the dude's name is Clark."
Robin snorted, "That's rich coming from you, James."
Steve was not lost on the irony that he and Clark were both using fake names.
"I'm not exactly sure you're getting to an actual point Robs."
Robin put her hands in front of her as if she was surrendering. "Okay, hear me out. The dude clearly has money and really wants to sleep with you. Heck, a lot of people come in who want to sleep with you. Men, women, everything in between, and everything outside of it. These people want you, Steve, which I don't understand, but they do. These very rich people want to sleep with you. And you, a very poor bartender who frankly is terrible at his job, could use that to his advantage."
Steve just stared at her.
"You do get what I am saying, right?"
"Yes Robin, I get what you're saying. You want me to prostitute myself to our customers."
"I believe the proper term is sex workers; you can be offended by not offensive."
"Robin." Steve whisper yelled.
"Oh, c'mon! It isn't the worst idea. You like money, and you like sex. I'm not really seeing a downside. I mean, it's your body, so you get to do what you want with it. But I wouldn't judge you if it was this. I mean you don't have to sleep with them even! Swindle them for their money; I know you're a charmer. You might not even have to go as far as sex. I mean, unless you want to. Again, your body, my dude."
"Why do you even want me to do this? Shouldn't you want me to stay on a legal path? Be the voice of reason? Isn't that what this whole nerdy good girl thing you got going for?" Steve returned to the bar while he spoke and started preparing a drink. Although he was protesting and acting offended by the idea, it wasn't actually a terrible proposition. Steve had done worse for less, and he had a lot of respect for those in the industry. It was just, he didn't get why Robin was pushing it. It was Steve's instinct to be mistrustful. People didn't offer things to him, especially very illegal ones, unless they wanted to gain something or get something against him.
"No, I don't want to be your pimp. Can't a girl offer some life advice to her helpless coworker? Besides, I'd be a hypocrite if I told you not to earn money illegally. Considering my side-gigs." Robin walked around the bar to stand directly in front of Steve. She placed her elbows on the wood and her head in her hands. She looked sincere, and that's when it hit Steve.
"First off, we are coming back to the side-gig thing—"
"We most definitely are not." Robin quipped.
"Second, I think I get it now. You're worried about me. We're friends, and you're worried about me."
"Take it back."
"No, no. You, Robin Buckley, care about me."
Robin shuttered, "We are not friends, James. And I am not worried. I simply became too invested in your pathetic life; my apologies." She started to lean back from the bar but Steve put the drink down and caught her by her elbows.
"If you admit we're friends, and that you're worried about me, I'll think about your idea." Steve gave her elbows a light squeeze.
Robin caved instantaneously, "Fine, you dingus! We're friends. I care about you! Despite my best efforts, your stupid face and jokes are incredibly endearing, and you always cheer me up on bad days. And every day here is a bad day. And I'm worried about you because you look like you're going to run every five seconds, and every time it's a shitty tip night, you deep sigh. And dammit, you're the only person I like here, and if you go at this point, so do I."
Steve felt himself blink back tears. Robin, in all her rambling glory, had managed to give him one of the best speeches he's ever heard. Steve hadn't had anyone care about him like this in, well, ever. It was a welcomed devastation.
Steve tugged her into a bone-crushing hug. Their stomachs pressed against the bar, the wood digging into their hips. "I'm gonna do it."
"Yea? You really don't have to. We can figure something else out. I would teach you how to hack, but I don't think you'd be very good at it." Robin let out a wet laugh.
Steve let her go and shrugged. "Nah, it's a good idea. And honestly sounds like a bit of fun. Swindling the wealthy into giving to the poor. Well, giving to me. But I count as poor currently."
Robin smiled, "Only if you're sure, dingus."
"I am. Now—" Steve pushed the drink with a bar business card that he wrote his name and number on underneath. "—go take this to money bags over there."
Robin grabs the card and throws it at him. "You can't give your real name and number, dummy. For now, I'm gonna give him my side gig number until you can get your own. All we need is a name." She grabbed a new card and wrote down the digits.
Steve took the pen from her and looked around the bar for inspiration. He jotted down the first thing that came to mind. "Here ya go."
Robin looked down and choked on a laugh. "You can't be serious."
Robin rolled her eyes one last time before picking up the drink. "We will think of a better one later. But I guess for now; I'll deliver this to your first client, Cherry."
Steve knew then, and there he and Robin were for life.
Boston, Massachusetts
It was at this moment Steve was trying to picture how Robin would react to how majorly he fucked up. Considering she had already warned him about the dangers of Tommy Hagan's friendship, Steve didn't have to think too hard. Robin had always been good at that, calling him on his bullshit before it even happened. Steve could hear her voice in his head saying,
This is what happens when you play with fire Dingus.
Steve wondered if he'd ever get to hear her voice in person again.
"What kind of deal?" Steve asked before throwing himself to the wolves. Though he was sure his life was on the line, he couldn't just say yes to whatever Eddie asked. He didn't want to die, but he also had to consider that there were people he cared about in this world. Steve wouldn't put them at risk, even if it meant his own well-being.
In retrospect, he should have reevaluated the list of people he cared about, considering one was the reason he was here in the first place.
Eddie leaned back against the booth, stretched his arms across the back of it, and let out a dark chuckle. "Well, for starters, I'm going to need that bag back. That's the easy part. Considering it's mine anyway. Although, it does seem a bit light there. Why is that sweetness?"
Steve could feel himself go pale. God, Tommy had fucked fucked him. He was starting to consider that it was even a setup. He didn't peg Hagan for being that smart, though. "It's only half. Tommy took the other half with him when I met up with him. I'm so supposed to keep the other half safe for a few weeks, then bring it to him."
Eddie raised his eyebrows, "Pretty forthcoming, aren't we? Thought I'd have to push a bit more to break ya. Now I'm not sure if I even want to offer you the rest of the deal. Don't particularly like working with snitches."
Steve tried not to let out a frustrated growl. Charm, he had to charm Eddie. He was making it hard for Steve. "I'm not a snitch; I just don't see the point in covering for someone who obviously fucked me."
Eddie put his hands up in mock surrender, "Woah there, sweetness. Didn't mean to touch a nerve. I'm only having a bit of fun. You'll let me have my fun, won't you? Considering you made me stop my hard work in the middle of the day to deal with you?" Although Eddie smiled as he spoke, Steve could tell he wasn't happy. Steve decided to be smart and stay silent. "Now tell me, where and when did you meet him? And when and where were you meeting up again?"
Steve gritted his teeth, "What's the rest of the deal?"
"What's that?" Eddie ticked his head to the side.
"I'm not going to tell you anything else if I don't know what I'm getting out of it or what I need to do to get to the finish line. So, What's the rest of the deal?"
"You're a clever one, aren't you? I'm not surprised, actually, considering the sort of bravery it takes to steal from me." Steve noted in his head that Eddie said bravery and not stupidity. He tucked it away for later. "Fine, considering you've been forthcoming so far, I'll be kind and lay all the cards on the table. On one condition."
Steve gave up on being charming. He knew it was getting him nowhere. "Deal for a deal? Seems a bit convoluted, don't ya think?"
"Ooo, bitchy and knows big words? Full of surprises. I promise you this one is an easy one. Should you choose the right path, no harm will come your way Padalin. Well, none that you don't ask for, at least." A wicked grin spread across Eddie's face.
"Get to the point."
"You know I'd have a man's head at this point for that kind of talk. Fortunately bitchy looks good on you. Anyway, the condition is this. Tell me your name, sweetness. I think it's rude that I gave you my name and I don't have yours."
"Well I didn't ask for yours and like you said earlier, I don't think introductions were necessary."
Eddie gave Steve an unamused eyebrow; his patience was wearing thin.
Steve was buying time, he wasn't sure what name to give him. He wasn't stupid; he couldn't exactly give him his real name. He couldn't just tell him, Steve. For one, he was in Boston. A slip of the first name means a slip of the last. And besides coming back to Boston in the first place, that would be the absolute dumbest thing he'd ever do if he were to let that slip. Steve was well aware the Harrington name hadn't grown kinder over the years.
The other reason was if he were to give him his real name, Eddie would suddenly have access to his entire life in an instant. His story, his crimes, his weaknesses. Steve was sure that Eddie had his very own Robin, although he doubted they were any good since Steve had the best, but even a raccoon with access to Google could find him.
So Steve had to think. What name could he give him? He thought about the hundreds of alias he had over the years. Some of them are more thought out than others. Like Mark Odom, who was a sales rep just down on his luck at the horse tracks and just needed a bit of insider information for a win. He had a family to feed, after all.
Or there was the ones with less background, like Cherry, who didn't even have a last name. He was just a good disguise for Steve when he wanted to swindle money out of higher-profile men.
Those aliases, no matter the depths of their stories, were too used, too frequented, too recent. They had a history that could be traced. Steve thought of possibly starting a whole new alias for Eddie. But those took time. A quick lie in the moment was easy, but Steve had a deep feeling nothing about his interactions with Eddie would be quick.
Eddie looked at him expectantly, waiting. It had only been a few seconds since Steve had last spoke, but between the two of them, it felt like hours. It felt as though Steve was losing the game and fast.
An idea sprung on Steve suddenly. An old name he used once. It was a name thrust upon him more like, but he had only used it once. He was sure Eddie would catch onto it being fake, but Steve hoped that the man's affinity for nicknames let it slide.
"Angel. The name is Angel."
"Angel." Eddie deadpanned. "Angel, what? No last name?"
"No last name." Steve shook his head.
Eddie rubbed a hand down his face, "That's what you're going with? You really expect me to believe that?"
"It's all you're gonna get."
Eddie stared at Steve momentarily before a playful smile edged at his lips. "Alright, I'll bite. Angel, it is, for now. Just don't expect the truth to stay hidden for long. You see, I always get my way in the end. Okay, Angel?" Eddie's eyes penetrated Steve's, and silence again hung in the air.
"Okay." Steve believed Eddie. He secretly hoped he wouldn't be around the man long enough to see how quickly he got his way.
"Good. Now here's the deal Angel." Eddie emphasized Steve's name in mockery. "You give me the half you have under the table. That's been established so far. Then you are going to help me get the rest of the money back and get me a little chat with your good pal Hagan."
Steve opened his mouth to protest the idea of him and Tommy being good pals, but shut it before he could make the situation for himself worse. Probably better for himself to not push his luck.
"That's the easy part," Eddie continued. He leaned forward, taking his arms off the back of the shredded booth, and used his hand to grip Steve's chin. The grip was firm but not painful as he pulled Steve forward. It was as if he was trying to prove a point, trying to prove that Eddie was the one in control, prove that he didn't want to hurt Steve, just put him in his place. "The hard part of the deal is this. You see, it's not easy to steal from me. And yet, here you are. You've made it much further than others have. And that is a skill not many possess. And right now, I could use that."
Steve visibly swallowed. He was trying not to let this man get to him. It felt impossible with Eddie's hand on him and their proximity. It had been so long since Steve had been this close to someone, so intimately, without the illusion of the game. Sure, there was an imminent threat over Steve's head, but he couldn't shut off the part of his brain that kind of liked it. Steve had to push away the desire to breathe in all that was Eddie. Steve decided to blame these uncontrollable thoughts on the fact he hadn't gotten laid since Seattle over a month ago.
Not because he felt attracted to the man who was actively threatening him. That would be insane.
"How do you suppose I do that?" Steve licked his lips and didn't break eye contact with Eddie.
"I have a list. A list of people who have wronged me. Who has stolen from me, in one form or another? Usually, I'd have them taken care of, but I don't think they deserve such an easy out. I think I need to make a statement. I think they should be given exactly what they've taken. They bit the hand that fed them after all." Eddie squeezed Steve's chin lightly. It once again caused no pain, but it grounded Steve. Sent a silent reminder of who was in control.
"Big believer in karma, then? Wouldn't have taken you for the type." Steve pushed out a weak laugh. Eddie stared at him a moment before releasing him, sitting back into his original position.
Eddie's lip tilted slightly, "Maybe I am. Do we have a deal?"
Steve snorted, "That's it? You're not going to tell me more? No reason why, no, what do I need to do? Kind of feels like I'm getting the shit end of the stick here."
In the corner of his eye, Steve saw one of Eddie's men move when he raised his voice. It made Steve stop abruptly, shrinking back into his seat. Eddie waved his henchman to stand down. "No, you don't get more. And beggers can't be choosers, can they?"
" 'Suppose not."
"Good boy. Now, do we have a deal?" Eddie stuck his hand out for Steve to shake.
Steve had to suppress his reaction once again. Eddie had to be testing him at this point. Good boy would be seared into his brain forever. A brand of how dangerous this man was to him.!Steve looked down at the rough, veiny hands. "On one condition."
Eddie barked out a laugh, "You know you really like pushing your luck, Angel. It's like you have a deathwish. You aren't exactly in the position to make demands, hasn't that been clear? You're lucky you are so goddamn interesting. So, once again, I'll bite."
"I get to veto someone, no questions asked, if I don't want to do it." Steve thought about how many enemies he had here in Boston. How many people he had no desire to run into? He needed to make sure most, if not all of them, never crossed paths with him again. Steve knew it was a long shot to ask of this. It defeated the whole purpose of helping Eddie if he was allowed to say no. They both knew this. And yet, Steve held out hope.
Eddie hummed to himself for a moment before answering. "You get one."
Steve whipped his head towards Eddie in shock. "What?"
"I'll give you one veto. No questions asked. But that's it. Once you use it, it's gone."
Steve knew when to not look a gift horse in the mouth. "Okay, deal." Steve stuck his hand out for Eddie to grab. Steve tried not to shutter when Eddie's warm hand engulfed his own. The smoothness of his rings and the callouses on his palms contradicted each other and send a delicious thrill down Steve's spine.
Yeah, Steve was fucked.
"Deal, Angel." Eddie slid out of the booth, and his men made to follow him. "Now, if I am correct, you're currently staying at the rundown motel on 3rd? Well, Ben here—" Eddie gestured to the eager henchman from earlier "—will follow you to the motel to collect your things. Then he's going to take you to the room I paid for you at the Palace Hotel. Where he, and a rotation of other people, will be standing guard outside your door 24/7."
"What? Don't trust me?" Steve tried to lighten the apparent tension.
"Oh, not in the slightest, Angel. Trust you just about as much as I can throw you." Eddie slid dark sunglasses on before walking up to the door. "Looking forward to chatting again. I think this will be a good thing for us both, sweetheart."
Eddie walked out without looking back, taking most of his men with him. Ben stayed behind, glaring daggers at Steve's head.
Steve couldn't help but feel a shift in the tide; he would be returning to this moment for the rest of his life. He knew there was no coming back from this, and even if there was, Robin would kill him anyway.
Steve looked down at his milkshake, it was fucking melted.
has it been a month since I posted the first part? Yes. Yes it has. Please don't murder me. It has been hectic, I got a new job which means I work two now and I got sick. I finally had some time to start working on this. I also wanted to actually plan this out, make an outline, since yes you guessed it…
it’s going to be a long fic.
As you can tell these parts are really long, so I’m thinking about just posting on ao3, and maybe putting previews on here. Unless you guys want it also fully here. Let me know! :)
I’m so excited for this thank you all for your patience. You can access part one here and ao3 here.
also if I tagged you and you didn’t want to be tagged let me know! some reblogs seemed interested in a part 2 but didn’t mention it specifically but I tried to tag you if I could!
tag list:
@zaphodkilledthespeedforce @a-new-kind-of-blue @hexdbog @krayzee11 @heaven428 @ppunkpuppyy @stxcrossed186 @grtwdsmwhr @pheonixashtree @plasticcrotches @sillysparrow @enterprizing @vi-an-te @minimal23 @romances-sans-paroles @whalesharksart @gregre369 @lollydo@imagayfuck @stevesworldxx @renaissan-vvitch @aroseandherthorns @impeachy @aellafreya  @smailaway @cmackz93 @lawrence-b-shaggoth @cata-t0n1c @kylizzles @exo-l4life @shucks-yuckyuck @swaghettoni @goosesister @chaotiovingdreamer @inmoonywetrust @tis-the-smallest-fry @croatoan-like-its-hot @escapingthereality @absurdityaddiction @kit-means-death @anzelsilverr @aziazure @alienthings @obsessivereaderchick @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @toobusytobebored @samgelina-jolie
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medusapelagia · 1 year
8 Au-gust: Robots and Androids - Part 2
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4[...]
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: Android Steve Harrington, Wanted Criminal Eddie Munson Words: 2523
The android sighs, he knows what to expect from a human outpost, but the human in his arms needs help, so he steps in front of the high walls, waiting for some sentinel to spot them.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?"
"I'm a Standard Electronic Vehicle Evolution, serial number STE2UTK7NQ. I have a human in danger of death. He is dehydrated and hurt."
"Why does he have handcuffs?" the sentinel asks.
"He is my captive. I was taking him back to the central station when we crashed on your planet due to an electrical failure.” it’s not exactly a lie, he can’t lie to humans, but he can choose what to say and what to avoid “ He needs medical assistance and I need to contact the central station. Some of my main circuits were damaged and I wasn’t able to tell them where we were going to crash."
After a long moment of silence, the door opens.
"Leave all your weapons at the entrance." a gruff voice says and he sees a middle-aged man with a mustache looking directly at him.
"I'm a weapon." he states simply. What should he do? Stay at the entrance?
"I know." the man answers, his eyes fixed on the android. Then a woman runs toward them.
 "What the hell! Joyce! I told you to stay inside!" the man scolds her with an angry look but the woman doesn’t seem to care.
"This boy needs help, Hop! Come with me, take him to the infirmary." she motions to the android to follow her and he nods, bringing the unconscious boy to the infirmary where the woman quickly checks the boy’s condition.
"He was lucky. He is dehydrated but his injuries are not too bad."
The android nods. He knows it. He took the worst of the impact, shielding the human with his body. He has to protect humans. Even the criminals. It's in his code.
"What about you?" the woman asks him and he looks at her as confused as an android without emotion can look at someone.
"You are leaking." she simply states, pointing at his leg.
The android lowers his eyes and sees the big pool of liquid at his feet.
"I’m really sorry, but it's just some cooling liquid. It shouldn’t stain the floor." he replies “There is a rag that I can use to clean this up?” help the humans. Always. In everything they need.
"I’m not worried about the floor but about you.” she explains, caressing his arm “We have an engineer here if you want. He could take a look at your damage. He is young but knows his way around androids."
He doesn’t want to be touched and he will get all the help he needs when he will be back at the Central "I'm ok. The human needs help."
"What's your name?"
If androids could roll their eyes he definitely would "I'm an android. I don't have a name."
"What do they call you?" she insists.
This stupid need that humans have to name things.
He points at the unconscious boy "He called me Stevie."
"Nice to meet you, Stevie. I'm Joyce, and I really think you need to go see Dustin. I'll take care of your friend, ok?"
The android looks at the unconscious boy "He is not my friend. He is my captive."
The woman nods with a knowing smile and then calls for the other man "So you are a hunter, uh? We don’t see many of you on this planet.”
None really wants hunters on their planet. They bring with them death and destruction. He knows it too well. But the woman doesn’t seem scared of him when he looks at the older man and asks “Can you take Stevie to Dustin?"
The man mumbles something that sounds like "Who?"
She points at the android "Stevie."
The man grunts but nods, and escorts the android to another room.
"If you made one wrong move I'll fry your circuit board. Are we clear?"
He nods. He doesn't want to point out to him that he can't really fry his circuit board. He has understood what he means so there is no point in talking about the specifics.
The android sits on a cold table, too similar to the one he was stretched out for months after his first hunt.
That wasn’t a good hunt. But he learned a lot from that experience.
He knows what to expect: to be poked and probed by... a little guy.
"Wao! You look surprised!" the boy says, getting closer.
"You are young. I am surprised." the android replies.
"No, you really look surprised. Like... like a human. That's impressive! How did you do that?" he asks excitedly.
The boy is missing some teeth. A quick scan tells the android what he needs to know: cleidocranial dysplasia.
“I don’t know what you mean. The definition of surprise is an unexpected or astonishing event or fact. You are not what I expected, and that’s surprising. Am I using the definition incorrectly?”
“Wao! He is amazing, Hop!” the boy says, his eyes pinned on the android “I want to run a full diagnostic on him and…”
“You are not going to run a full diagnostic on me.” the android explains.
“But you are leaking and you could have internal damages and…”
The two humans still. The android is not sure about how to use the “tones” but he is fairly sure that this time he used it right. And it was threatening.
“Get out of the room Dustin.” Hopper orders, his hand close to his gun.
“Get. Out. Now.”
The android doesn’t move but he knows that he is way faster than the old man. If they come to the point that he has to protect himself he could always find a way to disarm the man without hurting him.
“I’m not going to hurt him. It’s against my code.” he states “But I don’t want him to run a full diagnostic on me.” then he tilts his head as Tommy used to do and asks “Do we have a deal?”
The boy nods and the man adds “I’m staying.” 
The android nods and the boy, Dustin, gets closer, inspecting the damages.
“God you are hot. For real. Not hot like cool. Well, you are cool too. And hot… Oh my god, this is so confusing, Anyway if you hadn't found the outpost you would have probably burst into flames. Your battery is damaged, I should replace it with a new one but I think you are not really looking forward to that, am I right?”
“The battery works.”
“It works but it’s really old. If you let me…”
He hasn’t let any of the engineers touch him in years and he will not let this strange boy either “Do you have some cooling liquid? I could just pour it in the little tank and fill the hole somehow.”
“The tank is behind your leg. It would be much easier if you let me do it.”
They stare at each other for a long moment, then the boy smiles at him “You know what? I promise not to touch your control unit or turn you off and I will tell you exactly what your damages are and you will tell me if you want me to repair it or not. How does it sound?”
The android keeps silent.
“I can assure you that it will be much more comfortable for you if you let me repair you.”
The android nods and then lies on the metal bed.
“Nice. I have never seen an android like you. What model are you?”
“Standard Electronic Vehicle Evolution.”
“A S.T.E.V.E.? Woa! I have never seen one before! I thought they were all destroyed or disused. I’m not surprised that you don’t want to be turned off. You must be scared that they will disable you once and for all.” the boy says, keep studying him.
Is he?
He is not familiar with the concept of death, but being turned off or disassembled sounds really close to that.
He is not scared. He could accept being turned off. After all, he is just a machine made to help humans and nowadays some androids are so much better than him.
What he would not accept would be being formatted. Have all his memories wiped away and be transformed into something else.
He has never really thought about the future. Not until he has seen his very same face on one of the androids in a brothel with the dick of the man he was hunting in his mouth.
That is something he is sure he doesn’t want.
“What are you thinking?” the boy asks him while working on his computer.
“I’m an android. I’m not designed to think, just to execute commands.”
“Well you looked really deep in your thoughts so… do you wanna share?”
“Are you going to tear me apart for my components?” he suddenly bursts out and quickly regrets it.
It’s not exactly what he was talking about but it is still one of the things that scares him.
“What? No! Why should I? You seem to work perfectly well!”
He does but… “Your outpost is small, with too many people and not enough food. You could use some of my components to make something useful for your community. You seem like the kind of guy that knows perfectly how to do it.”
“What? Would you like to become a lawn mower? That’s what retirement looks like for androids?” he asks laughing.
For a moment the android trembles...
For real. 
He is suddenly very conscious of having shivered in a human outpost in the middle of nowhere with a boy checking on him.
“Did you just tremble?” Dustin asks.
“It’s not in my code.” he denies.
“But you did. I saw that! You shivered! You were scared!”
There are a lot of emotions in the boy’s voice, a mix that S.T.E.V.E. is not able to identify correctly.
“I can’t be scared. I have no emotion.”
“But you do. Somehow you do.” this time the boy seems astonished “How long have you been working?”
“Two Hundred Sixty Eight years.”
“That’s impressive. I have never seen an android so enduring. You must be some kind of miracle.”
The android shakes his head “There are still some of us around. But they don’t do the work I do.”
“You are a hunter, right? And well equipped if I can say that.” the boy continues while checking on him.
The android tries to turn but the boy stops him “Don’t move please, I’m trying to check your damage without running a full diagnostic. It’s not easy.”
“Ok. So. You have lost some metal plates from your back. Your cooling liquid tank is almost empty but I can’t detect exactly where the leak is. I think I’ll just put some color on the liquid and see where it drips. Is that ok with you?”
“How damaged is my back?”
“Honestly? I don’t think you will fly anytime soon. The engines on your back are broken badly.”
He hasn’t flown in years. He has seen too many S.T.E.V.E.s explode due to some malfunctioning that was never fixed. Not on his models in any case.
“I damaged myself during the landing.” he explains even if none asked “Do you think you would be able to fix my ship if I brought it to you? I have to bring my captive back to the central station."
The boy looks at him for a long time.
"I think I could fix your ship, but what do you think you can do? Go to the ship and then come back with the broken pieces? It will not work. I could come with you..."
"No!" both S.T.E.V.E. and Hopper said at the same time.
"Ok. Cool. I will not go and we will keep an android here with us forever."
The older man grumbles "We will not keep an android here forever!" 
"And what are you going to do? He is two hundred years old and even if his battery is not in pristine condition it will last at least another fifty years. So? What's your solution?"
"I'll go with him to the ship and I'll stay in radio contact with you."
"I used to be an engineer long before you were born, I think I still know a thing or two about that, uh?"
The boy snorts but he knows that the only thing he can do is accept Hopper's proposition.
"Ok. so tomorrow at dawn will go to your stupid ship."
The boy gets closer "If you have any pain please call me, ok? And I'll try to fix you."
He is tired of repeating that he has no feelings whatsoever, so he simply nods and follows the man to what seems like a prison cell.
"I know that you could probably evade without even thinking too much about it, so this is more like... a leap of faith, ok? Prove me that you are not dangerous and maybe I'll allow you more freedom."
"You could always order me."
"Do you still obey the Three Laws of Robotics?"
First Law: a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Second Law: a robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law: a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
He does. And not because it's in his code. It's because that is the code of conduct that he follows religiously. Without the Three Laws of Robotics, he is no different from a toaster.
"I do." not exactly a lie.
"And what about the new Laws? Obey the law, don't lie, and be identifiable?"
"I'm a hunter, so it's implied that I obey the law, I identified myself as soon as I got here and I have not lied." Just omit some details.
"If I order you to stay, will you stay?"
"Are you giving me an order?"
"I am asking you a question."
"If you order me to stay I'll stay. If you ask me to stay I'll stay."
That's all he can offer to a man who must have seen many horrors in his life.
"I'm asking you to stay. I'm asking you to prove to me that you're not a danger to anyone here."
He is an android but he can understand that.
"You don't have to come with me tomorrow. It's a long way from my crash site to here."
"I know that. But I'll come."
S.T.E.V.E. knows that is not an act of kindness but he doesn't care.
"The boy. The one you brought here. Is he dangerous?"
"He is a murder."
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frost-queen · 2 years
I think I’m going to continue some series first that desperatly need the following part as it has been delayed for a while. Well I am certainly going to write part 4 to wrong side of paradise & part 6 of outmatched this week! (Don’t worry I will still write for my requests in between but those need to written asap before I lose the storyline in my head ^^
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chxrryhansen · 8 months
౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Cherry’s SStan Series Rec List
here are my sebastian stan series fic recs! they are mostly bucky barnes series but mainly Au’s! i will be creating separate lists for cevans one shots and sstan one shots😚
Clockwork - @sgt-seabass
When life seems to be finally back on track, a visit by a mob boss to your dainty town changes everything. (Dark!Alpha Nick Fowler)
The Soldat And The Sparrow - @navybrat817
Your fire burns for the Winter Soldier. And one day, you'll be free. Both of you.
For The Love Of The Game - @pellucid-constellations
Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it. 
The Heart Is A Deep Ocean - @dreamlessinparis
Titanic was known as the ship of dreams. For you, it was the dream of getting home, or so you thought. From the moment you locked eyes with James Buchanan Barnes, all those dreams changed and your life was never the same.
Everything’s Better In WestView - @espinosaurusrexex
Bucky and Y/N sneak into Westview to have the perfect life. Away from late Steve and Tony, Vision and Natasha, they let themselves be consumed by suburban magic. To their surprise, however, some of these people aren’t so dead in the town. And there are some other weird things happening that make them question their sanity. But that’s okay, right? ‘Cause everything’s better in Westview.
The Bride Of Soldat - @vampy-doll
In the summer of 1986, a young woman goes missing whenever HYDRA kidnaps her to be their next experiment for the reward of their Soldat. Now, post blip, Bucky starts to remember defining details of his love, his match made in hell, and is determined to find her. But after years of isolation and torture after his escape, she isn’t who he remembers. Now they’re trying to piece together who she was pre-HYDRA to teach her how to live, without his undying love and obsession of her getting in the way. But when one head is cut off, two more shall grow in its place, leaving them to discover those behind her abduction.
Awake My Soul - @foreverindreamlandd
It's been five years since zombies first started walking the Earth, destroying anything and everything in their wake. Now, in this apocalyptic world, fighting for survival comes as naturally as breathing. The one thing you've learned ever since they arrived, though, is that the living can be so much more dangerous than the undead. When you stumble across two young, scared boys lost in the woods and being chased by walkers, you go against your better judgment and help them to safety. Little did you know that helping them would lead you to Bucky - an angry, grumpy, distrusting member of the camp Shield. Bucky has zero interest in having you enter his life. He's been hurt before and lost too many people to risk experiencing that kind of pain again, and he knows that there are secrets you aren't telling the group. Yet, when push comes to shove, and you're put at risk, he'll stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Guiding Light - @wkemeup
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get the intel and go home. Until everything goes wrong and you’re taken captive by Hydra. While you struggle to stay alive and hold your sanity, Bucky begins to lose himself to a darkness and gives into the soldier because he doesn’t know how to breathe without you. Not until he brings you home. If he even can.
The Witness - @wkemeup
Owner of a bar full of criminals, maybe you shouldn’t be surprised when you’re the sole witness to a hydra hit. In comes Detective Barnes, the quick-witted, flirtatious cop who somehow became a regular at your misfit bar. When he takes it upon himself to ensure your safety off the books, you learn to rely on someone else for a change and find you don’t mind it at all. Not when it’s him.
Under Oath - @ugh-supersoldiers
The people called for justice, the state answered. The trial of State v. Barnes is set to begin, and the odds are most certainly not in favor of the not so beloved ex Winter Soldier. That’s where you come in, the quick, smart, and all too brave lawyer set on defending and saving one Bucky Barnes from legal prosecution. The only problem? He’s not so sure he’s worth saving at all.
Just One Kiss - @sarahwroteathing
Bucky Barnes has been chasing after you since he was ten years old, but you’re determined not to give in. How long can you hold out when all he’s asking for is just one kiss?
He’s Hazardous To My Health - @writing-for-marvel
Bucky Barnes is a beefy paramedic with a traumatic past, who has left a trail of broken hearts behind him. You are a resident doctor new to town, who barely has time to date between long shifts. When your paths cross in your ER during a disaster, is it the start of something magical, or are you destined to be just another of Bucky’s former flames?
Just Try - @waiting4inspiration
Perfectly happy with your life at the Avengers’ compound, an alpha walks into your life, flipping it completely over and revealing secrets you hoped you had buried a long time ago.
Дорогая - @waiting4inspiration
Bucky's Winter Soldier programming has been triggered. Turns out the Winter Soldier has a thing for you.
Red Ties - @sebstan2020
Mary, a sweet Christian girl living in the city of Brooklyn as a nurse had a simple life. She loved her work, her friends and attending church every Sunday and helping Reverend Owens. Her life was nothing out of the ordinary. However, it all changed one day when she bumps into the intriguing and intimidating James Barnes, Brooklyn’s notorious mafia boss and is introduced to a world of guns, lust and dominance.
Delicate Edges - @wkemeup
Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You're trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Pride And Privacy - @adrinktostopyourthirst
Bucky works on himself as he gets used to a roommate. Turns out, she has a much better room than him and he crossed the line.
Feelings Are Fatal - @sunmoonandeddie
After the events of Endgame, you struggle to come to terms with what you’ve lost, though you’re learning that you still have something to gain.
Appointments - @noctumbra
bucky barnes, finally being able to live freely in 21st century, accidentally gets a fuck buddy and starts to rediscover himself. the only weird thing about this situation is that you have to make an appointment to get railed by him. 
Lazarus - @sagechanoafterdark
Things are complicated between you and James Barnes. For you, life doesn’t mean much when you never stay dead for very long. But it might just be an ex-soviet assassin that convinces you to start living again.
Its A Deal - @justreadingfics
You’re out of a relationship of 10 years and you’re just in desperate need to get laid, no strings attached, no romance, no complications. You dear friend Natasha feels like she’s going to regret this later, but she might have the perfect guy to fulfill your needs.  
The Two Of Us - @bucky-bucket-barnes
You and Bucky go to investigate the phenomenon happening in Westview, New Jersey. While attempting to understand the issue, you yourselves are sucked into Wanda's world of pretend. Now, you believe yourselves to be the happily married Mr. and Mrs. Barnes; in real life, you are most definitely not a happy pair. It is up to you and Bucky to piece together what's happening while dealing with one another inside the hex.
Snow - @delaber
Tired of your constant bickering, Sam sends you and Bucky on a mission alone. When the worst possible outcome happens and you’re forced to spend several days together in a small cabin, you finally get to see a different, more pleasurable side to the man whose flesh you’ve always had a thorn in.
All Good Things - @sagechanoafterdark
After only three days of dealing with the annoying specter haunting you, you break the rules and accidently give a ghost a body. So what do you do when you find out the man you’re now sharing your your apartment with isn’t really a ghost and that haunted touch is a little warmer than you realized?
Welcome Home… Soldat? - @winterarmyy
Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' everytime he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else.
Heavy Metal Lover - @mypoisonedvine
every client is different, with different needs; but this client is, in every way, exceptional. (Sub!Bucky Barnes + Dominatrix!Reader)
Parent-Teacher Conference - @coffeecatsandcandles
James Barnes, a widowed single dad, had forgotten what love felt like and let it crush him, taking his daughter, Rebecca, with him. He was cold, rude, and arrogant, being one of the few teachers at Westview High School the students seemed to absolutely despise. But when you show up, a hopeful math teacher who’d previously taught Rebecca’s kindergarten class, and are adored by your students and colleagues- James’s attitude starts to change.
Duck & Cover - @whirlybirbs
you’re the howling commandos’ new medic (Sniper!Bucky Barnes)
Winter’s Mate - @maggyme13
The Winter Soldier threatens to get out of control with his instincts taking over more and more. After years of supressed ruts his body built up a resistance and Hydra need to find another solution. Deciding it would be the easiest to just give in. Hydra kidnapped the reader to turn her into a Omega in Heat using injections whenever needed.
Key’s In Your Ignition - @georgiapeach30513
Caught up in a sexual relationship with your father’s Vice President, and trying to not get caught.  Blind to everything else that’s going on in the club, and even your old crush, Bucky Barnes.  Not even noticing your brother and best friend flirting, until your father suddenly passes, and things in the club drastically change. (Ari Levinson + Bucky Barnes + Harvard Hottie- Hayden)
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moonstruckme · 8 months
hi, love! just wanna say first of all that i love your writing and your account. keep up the good work!
second of all, i was wondering if i could put in a sort of specific request? i'm currently on my period and the bloating is making me feel really bad about my body ☹️ so i was hoping maybe you could write a fic where Steve comforts Reader when she's going through something like that?
feel free to disregard this if it's too heavy of a topic, i know it can be triggering to talk about things like this for some people.
wishing you all the best! 🫶🏻
- @honeysuckleharringtons 🍯💛
Thanks so much babe!
cw: period cramps, insecurities arounds stomach/bloating
Steve Harrington x fem!reader ♡ 861 words
You think your favorite place has to be lying between Steve’s legs, with one of his hands clasped in yours and the other on your boob. If you focus really hard, you can hear his heart beating underneath your ear. You’re watching some mindless sitcom, trying to distract yourself from this blessedly mild round of cramps and silently debating whether having chocolate ice cream is worth getting up and going to the store to get it. But if Steve keeps running his thumb over the back of your hand like this, you might melt right into the couch and then the decision would be made for you. 
It happens so gradually you almost don’t even notice. Steve knows to be gentle with you when you’re sensitive like this, his hand massaging the fat of your boob kindly before grazing lower to rub at the skin just beneath it. Then it goes lower still, and you tense when he dips under the hem of your shirt and takes a handful of your stomach in his grasp. 
Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to notice that you’ve stopped breathing, kneading at the supple chub of your middle absentmindedly, but you lower your hand to his, bringing it back up into comfortable territory. Then he looks at you, a questioning glance out of the corner of his eye. You pretend not to see. His hand drifts slowly, tentatively, back towards your stomach. 
“Don’t,” you say softly, taking it again before it can get there. It’s not a reprimand so much as a gentle request, but still, Steve’s eyebrows furrow. 
“What’s the deal?” he asks, echoing your mild tone. “I thought stomach rubs were supposed to help with cramps.” 
You soften. “That’s really sweet of you,” you tell him, “but I’m okay. I just don’t love the idea of my stomach being, like, perceived right now.” 
“Perceived?” Steve angles his head to see you better, hand resting on the flat of your chest. “Why, what’s wrong with it?” 
“It’s just bloated.” You sink a bit further between his legs, avoiding his stare. “It’s like, remember that time I came over without telling you and you didn’t want me to see your hair first thing in the morning?” 
“Yeah, you mean the time you told me to stop being a priss and get over it? That time?” 
You chuckle. “Right, well, I guess it’s kind of like that.” 
Steve hums, playing with your fingers distractedly. “Okay,” he says after a minute, “I just want to preface this by saying that I really like you, and I think you’re smart and cool. Okay?”
He leans over until he can see your face, and you nod warily.
“You’re being stupid.” 
A laugh startles out of you, but Steve doesn't give you a chance for rebuttal. 
“You’re hot, babe.” He says it deadpan, like it’s a fact he had to memorize in school. “Like, smoking hot. The idea that you would give a shit, much less think I would give a shit, about your stomach being bloated is insane. And you trying to keep me from touching it is, like, practically criminal. Aren’t your tits bloated too?” 
“Um,” you hesitate, somehow more self-conscious than you had been when this began, “yeah?” 
“Right,” he says proudly. “And not to be a creep, but I’ve kind of been enjoying the shit out of those for the past couple of hours.” 
“Steve.” You laugh awkwardly, squirming underneath his gaze. “That’s different, and you know it.” 
He shrugs, looking you plain in the face. “Not to me. Listen, babe,” he drops his voice into a more sincere register, “I like you—your stomach, your tits, all of it—all of the time. And I think it’d make you feel better if you let me rub your stomach for you right now, so just let me, and if I start to find you any less hot, I promise to let you know.” The implication in his tone is clear: like, when pigs fly. 
You look at him for a while. Steve can surprise you with his stubbornness sometimes. His eyelashes don’t so much as flicker under your perusal. 
“Okay,” you sigh, getting comfortable again in his lap. “Fine, have at it.” 
“Yes,” he hisses, his hand going back down and taking in a greedy handful of your swollen belly. You start to tense, nerves making your head go staticky, but gradually you’re able to relax. Steve with his hands on you is no foreign thing. He starts to push down tentatively, asking you to coach him on where you need it the most until he’s gently massaging over the ache. You let your eyes slip closed. You honestly hadn’t expected it to bring quite so much relief. 
“Did Robin put you up to this?” you ask quietly. 
Steve’s soft chuckle confirms your theory. “You’ve got her to thank for the chocolate ice cream in the fridge, too.” 
A smile spreads across your face, and you can hear him laugh again at how blissed-out you must look. “Remind me to give her a hug the next time I see her.” 
“You could just give it to me instead," he says. "I’ll pass it along.”
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springlockscars · 10 months
oral fixation (w.afton/fem!reader)
pairing: william afton | steve raglan/fem!reader content tags: oral fixation, oral sex, body worship, pussy eating, tongue fucking, praise kink, william can not keep his mouth off you. summary: William has an obsessive habit of chewing and biting things, especially when he's stressed. You interrupt his work at just the right time. word count: 2,898 read on AO3
18+ content below cut. minors do not interact.
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note: I am so glad I received this because I love oral fixation fics.
In public, Steve’s mannerisms, his facial expressions, were a well-rehearsed performance. Not a single person would be able to see the crime scene he cleaned up a week ago through the crease in his eyebrows, or the screams of a victim he still heard ringing in his ears in the way he sipped bitter coffee from a chipped mug; they simply were not there.
No, Steve Raglan was an ordinary guy. A little peculiar perhaps. Sometimes he tried a little too hard to be funny, and that affinity he seems to have for rabbit themed memorabilia could be classed as odd to some. Aside from that, Career Councillor Steve Raglan acted no differently to any other employee in the office.
In private, however, the comfort of his own home or even the privacy the closed door of his office provides, William Afton wore his thoughts externally like he wore the sleeves of his shirt. William would chew on the plastic end of a pen while pouring over a client’s file; agonising over how he was supposed to find suitable employment for a 37-year-old with only a high-school education, a criminal record and a 9-year unexplained gap in his employment history.
He would light up a cigarette or two, rolling the paper filter between his lips, biting it carefully with his teeth while sketching concept blueprints for a new animatronic design, trying to seamlessly integrate a dispenser for a knockout gas that wouldn’t be overtly noticeable.
William would bite his nails and chew his lips when you were out late and not responding to his calls or texts, crashing those worried lips to yours as soon as you’d come through the door. “My phone died and I had to stay late, you don’t have to worry I’m safe.” “All manner of dangerous people are out there,” he sighed your name, “can you use a coworker’s phone to call me if it happens next time? I hate to be sitting on the edge of my seat wondering if someone is hurting my girl.”
It was now that William was deep in thought, a half burned out cigarette resting in between his lips. He was tweaking some finer details on an endoskeleton hand, wanting it to have more precise movements, he had said before heading into his garage workshop. That was over five hours ago and the dinner you decided to make him was almost ready.
You watched him from the doorway. The ashtray showing he was on at least his third cigarette; he was stressed. Stepping over boxes and piles of scrap metal, you made your way over to him, resting a palm flat against his back.
“You’re tense,” you said quietly, smoothing your hand over the expanse of his rigid back.
William leaned into your touch but didn’t stop working. You took the chance to gently work out some of the knots in his muscles while he manipulated the metal on the bench, the cigarette still in between his lips. Watching as he moved it between his teeth from the left to the right side of his mouth, flicking it with his tongue and inhaling deeply.
You moved from behind him to lean on the edge of the desk, facing him now. Mentally crossing your fingers in the hopes he wouldn’t snap at you, you take the cigarette from his mouth, immediately drawing his attention. You raise your eyebrows teasingly, bringing the mauled butt to your own lips to take a drag.
“Dinners almost ready,” you exhale the smoke over your shoulder away from him.
A smirk on his lips, “What time is it?” he asks, placing his tools down and finally sitting up straight to stretch out his aching back muscles, twisting his neck side to side. He takes the endoskeleton hand from the desk and places it gently in a box, moving it to a shelf out of the way for now.
“11:41pm, according to the clock in here,” you inhale one more time, feeling the buzz in your head, before passing it back to William who takes the almost finished cigarette graciously. He seems way more interested in it now that it’s been between your lips.
He leans back in his chair, removing his glasses to rub his fatigued eyes then tossing them on the desk. He places the cigarette back between his lips to take a deep, satisfying drag, then stubs it out in the ashtray next to the rest. William exhales, smoke briefly clouding your vision as he reaches for your hips and pulls you down onto his lap, holding you tightly in his calloused hands. One holding your waist, the other gripping your thigh.
William nuzzles into the curve of your neck, nose and scratchy facial hair tickling your sensitive skin. He smiles when he can feel your heartbeat against his lips. He places a kiss, then two. Tracing the tip of his tongue from collarbone to ear, pressing a kiss in the space behind your ear and sweeping your hair back out of the way. You live for these moments. The way he dotes on you and worships every inch of you like a piece of fine art.
“I’m sorry I was distracted in here. Have I been neglecting my girl?” William nips the lobe of your ear with his teeth, before kissing a path down the juncture of your neck again.
“Could tell you were stressed,” your breathing heavy, “you need a break.”
“Hmm,” he responds against your skin.
He kisses firmer, harder, more intensely until he’s sucking a bruise into the delicate skin. The way you feel against him, the way you taste on his tongue. More, is all he can think, closer…
He swivels in his desk chair and guides you onto the hard wooden surface of his workbench, sweeping nuts and bolts, welded pieces of metal and wires out of the way. Some clattering to the ground, but he doesn’t care about that right now. William stands, his 6ft 4” frame towering over you as he leans down, gripping your waist with both hands, and connects his lips to yours.
You can’t help but moan obscenely into the kiss. The ferocity and desperation of his lips moulding against yours has you instinctively grinding your hips against his. Wiliam deepens the kiss, his hot tongue sliding over yours, exploring your mouth and bending you into submission. The kiss tastes like the tobacco you both shared, giving you the same pleasant buzz. He bites at your plush lower lip, pulling it with his teeth enough to make it to puff up and redden.
William leans back slightly to get a better look at you; your hair dishevelled, lips swollen and glistening, chest rising and falling with ragged breaths.
“So beautiful,” he stoops back down, lips connecting to your jaw before nipping and sucking at the skin of your neck again enough to bruise, traveling down to the collar of your shirt.
William slides his skilled hands underneath the fabric, caressing the skin there up to where he can feel your bra. He pushes your shirt higher, up over your chest, off your shoulders and over your head, paying no mind to where it falls.
Immediately, his lips connect to the soft skin of your breast poking out of the top of your underwear. Biting and sucking hard, desperately needing to touch you, to mark you everywhere his lips will reach. His warm hands snake underneath your back to unclasp your bra. He pulls the elastic straps down your arms and discards the garment on the ground, bending further at the waist to bring a nipple into his mouth.
Your back arches into his touch, one hand gripping the back of his head by his hair, the other finding purchase on the workbench by your head to keep you steady. William sucks and bites down on your nipple, bringing it to a hard peak. He moves all around the soft flesh, nipping and leaving bruises. With no pens to chew on and the cigarettes discarded, your body was his distraction from his frustrations and worries right now. Not that this would be the first time.
William moves across your chest to give your other breast equal attention. He bites down on your nipple hard enough for you to gasp and tighten your grip on his hair. He glares up at you through hooded eyes, not angry, but amused.
Whilst caressing and kneading the flesh of your breasts, he moves lower down your body, nipping at your torso and abdomen, leaving a trail of little red marks as he goes. He teasingly kisses the skin just above the waistband of your trousers. Deciding to speed things up he hooks his fingers into the hem and pulls them swiftly down your legs, leaving you in only your panties on top of his work bench.
William smooths his thumbs over your hips where your underwear sits. Continuing his goal of kissing every inch of you, he presses his lips to your mound, moving lower and lower, until he’s kissing right over your clothed clit.
A rush of adrenaline courses through your body, arching once again into his touch. William, however, moves away from the area you need him most. He sits back down in his desk chair, giving him the perfect angle to place hot, open-mouthed kisses to your inner thighs, marring the area shades of bright red and deep purple with his lips and tongue.
Once he deems your thighs suitably marked, he pushes your legs further apart for him to gain access to the area you both need him the most. William runs two fingers down your clothed slit, a grin forming when he sees your arousal seep through the fabric. He teases you like this; tracing over your clit with his fingers, pushing into your entrance as far as the fabric of your underwear will allow. Watching you squirm on his desk, begging for a release.
William finds himself becoming impatient, biting on the skin of his lips, he needs you in his mouth again like an addict craving a fix. He finally lowers his face back down to your core, running his lips across your clothed mound before, with no warning, biting down in the area he knows your clit will be. You scream and arch dramatically off the desk, a hand coming to grip his hair. He smirks up at you, eyes swimming with lust and feeling pride surge in his chest. Nobody else could make you feel like this. Nobody but him.
William flattens his tongue over your clit through your panties as you come down from the electric jolt of pleasure. His saliva soaking through the fabric to your skin underneath, mixing with your arousal. The material of your underwear becomes smooth under William’s tongue, clinging to every dip and curve of your cunt as his hands grip your thighs tight.
“Oh fuck, Will…” you whined.
He hums against you, sliding closer to the desk on the chair and hooking his thumbs under the crotch of your panties. The cool air making goosebumps spread all over your body as it hits your wet core. William holds the fabric to one side, granting him access to tease your pussy while you writhe and moan beneath him. Noticing your reaction to the cold air of the garage, he blows against your cunt, grinning when he hears pathetic whimpers slip past your lips, and he watches you clench around nothing.
He moves closer and takes the swollen flesh of your labia between his teeth, biting ever so slightly. Just enough to make you squirm and moan his name. William sucks the flesh into his mouth hard enough to leave yet another bruise to match the many others that are scattered all over your body. The rough sensation of his facial hair causing the heat to stir low in your abdomen.
Once a suitable mark has been formed, William shifts his attention slightly higher. Flicking his long tongue over your clit, finally making contact skin-to-skin. One of your thighs rested on his shoulder with his arm wrapped underneath, holding you securely at the hip, with his other arm laying on top of your hips, holding your panties to the side to give him direct and uninterrupted access.
“Oh my god!” your own hands come down to grasp at his, feeling that heat intensifying inside you.
William doesn’t stop for a second. He sucks expertly on your clit until you’re writhing against his face. He moves lower and plunges his long tongue deep inside your tight hole. Your grip on his hands tightens as you arch into his mouth. Your upper arms pressing your breasts together, feeling the tenderness on the skin from the assault he laid into them moments ago.
William loves the way you taste, and he resolves to lap up every last drop of your arousal like it was his final meal on death row. He licks a stripe the entire way up your cunt from entrance to clit, before wiggling his tongue back inside, rhythmically stroking your walls. His breath is hot between your legs.
A sweat breaks out over your skin, you pant desperately as William builds your climax, stroke by tantalizing stroke of his tongue. He grips your thighs hard in his hands, bruising handprints holding them in place on his shoulders as you try to grind down against his face.
He eats you out like a man starved; routinely thrusting his tongue deep inside, moving it to circle your clit, pressing flat and teasing with the tip, biting and sucking intensely on your clit and labia before moving back to fuck you with his tongue — all while his facial hair scratches you so delightfully, only adding to the stimulation.
The heat is intensifying. You can feel your muscles begin to tense, twitching uncontrollably against William’s face as your climax takes over your body.
“A-ah, fuck! Oh fuck, Will!” you cried out, chest heaving as you pant and gasp for air.
William strokes your thighs encouragingly, breaking away from your core for a moment.
“Let go for me, baby. Come for me, that’s it,” he dives back in, coaxing you higher and higher, his nose bumping your clit. He loves hearing you cry and squirm at the mercy of his control.
Everything tightens and tightens, reaching an apex until there’s nowhere left to climb, and then you finally snap. Screaming William’s name as your muscles spasm, jolting your entire body. Your thighs tremble at either side of his head. William grips you tight, rhythmically pulsing his tongue inside and helping you ride out your orgasm. Shocks radiate throughout your body, your abdomen twitching and tensing with every clench of your walls.
William finally pulls back, laying gentle kisses to your inner thighs and caressing over your hip bones with his thumbs affectionately.
“Good girl,” he soothes, “good girl, you did so well for me. So good.”
You lay there completely bare on his desk, eyes closed, breathing deep and feeling light headed as you come down from the intense high he gave you. A smile creeping onto your face and a warmth spreading in your chest at his words of praise.
William takes your thighs from his shoulders, stands, and rests your legs on his desk chair. He presses a brief kiss to your abdomen, then higher in the valley between your breasts, your neck, jaw, then finally pecking your lips before deepening the kiss and allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. You just begin to run your hands through his hair when he leans back.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” he said.
You narrowed your eyebrows, confused as he stepped away.
“Give me one minute, I’m coming straight back.”
You hear him cross the room in wide strides, then the sound of his footsteps as he ascends the stairs in the house. Only moments later, his footsteps drum down the stairs and enter back into the garage.
William drapes something soft over your body; the blanket from your bed. He helps you sit up and pulls the blanket snug around you, then holds you steady as your legs tremble beneath you when you try to stand.
“Woah, easy. Sit here for a sec,” he guides you to his chair, easing you down into the worn seat.
“Thanks,” you sigh, “that was… intense.”
He leans against the desk facing you, the side of your legs pressed against his, “too much?”
“No! No, definitely not. It was good,” you feel warmth creep up your cheeks.
“Good,” William smiles. He swivels the chair and pulls you against him from where you’re sat, your head leaning against his stomach.
“Did it help?” you ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes, “you’re not biting your lip or lighting up another cigarette.”
He chuckles, “oh, it helped. Definitely way less stressed.”
William cups your face in his palm and leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“C’mon, we should go inside. It’s getting cold tonight,” he says, “and didn’t you say something about dinner?”
William gathers your discarded clothes from the floor and offers you an arm to hold, leading you out of the garage and back into the warmth of the house where luckily, there was no smoke billowing out of the kitchen.
661 notes · View notes
softestqueeen · 6 months
✧*̥˚ fic recs *̥˚✧
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here are some of my favourite fics! here are all of the fics i regularly re-read and go back to!
i will be updating this list as i go!
if you see your works here and want them removed, please reach out to me!
disclaimer: they are ALL x reader *heavy sigh*
last update: 30/06/24
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✧*̥˚ marvel/mcu *̥˚✧
loki laufeyson
burning words by @lokiprompts (angst/fluff)
the ceremony by @smolvenger (smut)
i want you by @lokigodofmyheart (angsty fluff)
statues by @sassypossumm (fluff)
enchanted by @fqreverwinter (fluff)
my attention by @seriiousgiirl (fluff/smut)
love story by @averagewriter-inthedark (headcanon/ fluff)
you can wrap me round your finger by @spookyrea (fluff)
lokis little witch by @vbecker10 (smutty fluff)
training blues by @jiyascepter (hurt/comfort)
running into trouble by @vbecker10 (angsty hurt/comfort)
gossip by @lokigodofmyheart (smut)
like a queen by @lokisgoodgirl (smut)
blue christmas by @mochie85 (smut)
what makes a princess by @muddyorbsblr (fluff)
lace and beads by @sarahscribbles (smut)
bucky barnes
breeding kink blurb by @buckyalpine (smut)
pick me by @buckyalpine (angst & hurt/comfort; fluff)
drabble by @buckyalpine (smut)
please can i hold you? by @itsthewritergal (hurt/comfort)
one shot by @buckyalpine (angsty fluff)
a forbidden invitation by @thevillainswhore (smut)
wanda maximoff
good morning ࿏ wm by @themidnightcrimson (smut)
natasha romanoff
one for the road by @elaci (fluff/smutty)
stephen strange
my doctor by @withalittlehoney (fluff)
good girl by @futureplayboibunnie (smut)
his medicine by @ironstrange1991 (fluff/smut)
the goatee problem by @ironstrange1991 (fluffy drabble)
you're my comfort by @ironstrange1991 (fluff)
bucky barnes & steve rogers
accidents happen by @myfictionaldreams (fluff, smut, hurt/comfort)
adventures of amy series by @girlygirl14534
miguel o'hara
all brawn by @luvrxbunny (smut)
hot and bothered by @spiderlyla (fluffy smut)
bruce banner
cuddles are the cure by @late-to-the-party-81 (fluff/comfort)
steve rogers
tomorrow by @writtenfangirl (fluff)
here for you by @elixirfromthestars (hurt/comfort)
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✧*̥˚ bbc sherlock *̥˚✧
sherlock holmes
sidewalks of london by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
the london eye by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
hold me by @fallingforunrealisticromance (fluff)
brother dearest by @starks-hero (fluff)
a single touch by @bakerstreethound (smut)
safe in your arms by @classickook (fluff)
too good to be true by @teigo-the-explorer (fluff)
let the light in by @starssaroundmyscarssblog (fluff)
dear jealousy by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
a case of mistletoe and presents by @bakerstreethound (smutty)
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✧*̥˚ call of duty *̥˚✧
sugar daddy!könig by @yawnderu (smut)
pornstar!könig by @yawnderu (smut)
simon "ghost" riley
soft-tummy simon riley by @lovelyghst (fluff)
pornstar!Ghost by @shotmrmiller (smut)
drabble by @xiamentshoneypot (fluff)
wife of ghost by @august126 (smut)
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✧*̥˚ harry potter *̥˚✧ *heavy sigh* i know
george weasley
the stolen sweater by @mayraki (fluff)
put your head on my shoulder by @weelittleweasley (fluff)
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✧*̥˚ actors/actresses*̥˚✧
tom hiddleston
in too deep by @thefaefiction (smut)
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✧*̥˚ criminal mind*̥˚✧
spencer reid
be my angel by @nereidprinc3ss (angsty fluff)
smut imagine by @minswriting
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✧*̥˚ authors*̥˚✧
here are some of the authors i love to read and i always go back to!
@ironstrange1991 (stephen strange) her masterlist
@buckyalpine (bucky barnes) her masterlist
@luvrxbunny (bucky barnes, miguel o'hara, moon knight, joel miller) her masterlist
@fettuccin-e (oscar isaac & pedro pascal characters) her masterlist
@bakerstreethound (sherlock holmes) their masterlist their masterlist 2.0
@withalittlehoney (stephen strange) her masterlist
@melodygatesauthor (moon knight & miguel o'hara) her masterlist
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248 notes · View notes
shares-a-vest · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 12: Love is... The tea he brings me without prompt when I’m sick (Prompt by anon)
wc: 740 | Rated: G | cw: None
Tags: Sick Fic, Eddie is Being a Total Shit, Wayne Munson, Care Giving Steve Harrington
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A Case of the Sniffles
Steve knows that Eddie is sick when he knocks on the Munson’s door, its accompanying flyscreen rattling under his knuckles.
“I’ve grown weak during the night,” Eddie had informed during a too-early-for-the-both-of-them phone call, “Come quickly, my dearest King. For I fear I shan’t make it to sundown.”
But, considering the expression Wayne greets him with, Steve begins to think that Eddie’s dramatics weren’t just a ploy to get him over here.
“You visitin’ Ed?” Wayne asks, throwing his work jacket over his shoulder in haste as he steps over the threshold.
“He called me,” Steve supplies, earning the rarest of laughs from the permanently grumpy elder Munson.
But Wayne quickly stops, clearing his throat and feigning seriousness. And by the look of the hurried glance he gives his truck, Steve suspects the man is happy to be relieved of caring for what sounds like the world’s biggest crybaby.
“Good luck, kid,” Wayne says, patting Steve on the back before quickly ducking his head back in the door, “Eddie! Steve’s here for ya! There’s chicken soup leftover in the fridge!”
There’s an unintelligible whining sound from inside that leaves Wayne wincing as he ventures down the front concrete slab steps.
Steve swears the man dashes to his truck before he can even get out a goodbye.
He heads inside, sighing as he opens the front door.
It creeks away as he steps over the threshold, the sound alerting Eddie to his presence. His boyfriend's dishevelled form lifts slightly from his sick bed on the couch where he is surrounded by tissues and crochet blankets. The coffee table is even more crowded than usual, littered with discarded cups and mugs. Typically Wayne would flip out about this mess but he’s already left the place for dust.
“Steve,” Eddie rasps, raising a limp hand before letting it fall, “Come closer. I fear the light is fading.”
But Steve just snorts a laugh and heads for the kitchen.
“Eds, you have a bad case of the sniffles.”
“I am ill!” Eddie argues, calling after him with complete clarity.
He looks back to find his couch-ridden boyfriend flapping back his blanket, sending a cascade of used tissues flying onto the floor. Eddie pouts, frowning back at him like a disgruntled kitten.
“Just…” Steve begins, reaching for a clean coffee mug on the dish rack, “Give me a minute to fix you something.”
“What is it?”
Again, Eddie’s voice doesn’t have an ounce of sickness behind it.
Steve rolls his eyes, “Just trust me, okay?”
There’s a fussy grunt but Eddie flops back down on the couch without any more protesting, which thankfully gives Steve enough time to locate the teabags, boil the electric kettle and add a dollop of honey to the mug. He makes quick work of fixing a cup of tea, setting it down after making room on the coffee table.
“Drink,” he commands, nodding to the cup.
Eddie grumbles, side-eyeing the mug.
“What is it?” he asks tentatively, folding his arms underneath his readjusted blankets.
“Tea with honey,” Steve explains, lowering onto the edge of the couch.
Eddie falls silent for a long moment, very obviously stifling a smile despite otherwise not looking like he is about to budge an inch to sit up.
“Can you hold the mug for me?” he asks, with a smile that appears just as mischievous as his bright and sunny regular self.
“Fine,” Steve relents.
And honestly? Up close, Eddie does look sick. Though still not enough to warrant the theatrics.
His skin is paler than usual, his nose reddened like he has been out in the snow too long. His hair is a little greasy too as his bangs stick out every which way, making him look like what Steve assumes the townsfolk of Hawkins were thinking of months back when everyone was convinced Eddie was a wild criminal.
They just never got a look at Eddie's impossibly cute dimples...
Steve picks up the mug and gestures for Eddie to sit – surely he can manage it. And his partner does so, even though he grumbles and gripes all the way.
Eddie gulps back god knows what, all gross and throaty before puckering his lips.
“Kisses?” he requests, sniffling.
“Alright,” Steve shrugs.
He leans forward to press a quick kiss to his boyfriend's lips, earning a contented hum as he pulls back.
“Thanks for the tea,” Eddie smiles, taking the mug in his cold hands.
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harringtons-cupid · 2 years
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So I have an idea where Criminal Steve is going to own a club and this is perfect 🫠🫠🫠
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Welcome to my Masterlist 💌
hi, i'm murphy. my requests are always open - feel free to send any ideas or thoughts you have - i'll always read them all.
note - all of my fics are reader insert. no use of y/n. i don't write for real people, only characters <3
Last Updated - August 24th
❁ - over 1k notes
✯ - a series
Characters I Write For.
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist. 3k Celebration Masterlist. Valentines Masterlist. 5k Celebration Masterlist.
Moodboard Masterlist. My Ao3.
 ⊹   ✫    ·    ✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵   .  ✦ *   ⋆    .  ✵    
Top Gun: Maverick
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
The Orange. ❁
You and Jake share an orange. He's in love with you.
For Eternity. (Part 2 of The Orange.)
You and Jake share an orange. He's never loved you more.
North Star. ❁
It's New Year's Eve. Jake is tired of waiting.
I Know Places.
Jake always joked that he'd kill for you. One fateful day, he does just that.
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin & Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Why Choose?
A drunken game of spin the bottle gets a little heated. Why choose, when you can have both?
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Dr Cupid.
Mickey Garcia passes out in hospitals. Luckily, this time there's a pretty nurse there to catch him.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky Barnes
Lessons in Love. ❁
Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.
Honey Girl. ✯❁
The Universe shows you your soulmate when it feels like you need them most. When you least expect it, you're given yours - Bucky Barnes. Your dad's best friend. You can try to refuse it all you like; but the universe wants what it wants. There's no denying fate.
Trick or Treat.
You love Halloween. Bucky loves you.
Rest Had Seemed The Sweetest Thing.
Bucky's slowly learning that love isn't a finite resource. aka, Bucky's first Christmas.
Letters to the Moon.
Steve is gone. The love you and Bucky have for him isn't.
You meet Bucky and Steve while on the run. The three of you quickly learn that nothing is more violent than love.
Frank Castle
There's Always Tomorrow.
Frank knows you better than you know yourself. It's a blessing and a curse.
Multi Talented. ❁
Frank shows you exactly what you deserve.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez
Wherever You Are. That's Where Home Is.
Luke might be a mind reader. Only with you, though.
Vice. ❁
Everyone on the team has their vices. It just so happens that yours is sat across the table looking at you.
Spencer Reid
Web of Lies. ✯
Spencer Reid has always been good at keeping secrets. You just never thought he'd keep one from you.
Cowboy!Spencer ✯
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Javier Peña
Self Control. ❁
Javi keeps refusing himself what he wants. One night puts everything into perspective.
Yes, Mr President.
There's an endless amount of things you shouldn't do as the President of the United States. Defiling the Oval Office is definitely one of them.
Western Nights. ✯
You don't expect to bump into your dad's best friend Javier in a church basement on the outskirts of town. You also didn't expect to fall in love with him. Life seems to be full of surprises - and Javier was the biggest surprise of all.
Jealousy, Jealousy. ❁
Javier Peña doesn't share.
Two Murphy's and a Peña.
Javier knows Steve's sister is off limits. He's never been one to follow the rules.
After Hours.
You and Javier are stuck in the office in the middle of a heatwave. You're hot in more ways than one.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Triple Frontier
Time. ❁
You get shot in Colombia. Frankie, Benny, Santiago and Will each have their own ways of helping you heal.
Tethered. ❁
The lines of friendship blur when you’re this close. Also known as - each of the times you’ve kissed Benny, Frankie, Santiago and Will.
You're not good at keeping secrets from the boys. Turns out, Will isn't either.
Home Is Where The Heart Is.
They say home is where the heart is. Your heart belongs to the four boys you call your best friends. Also known as - four important times the guys told you they loved you.
Will Miller
Champagne Fuelled Confessions.
You come home drunk, and have something burning you need to tell Will.
Best Friend's Brother.
You've known Benny for years. You've had a crush on his brother Will for years, too.
Frankie Morales
Find You.
A bad date brings Frankie Morales to your door at the perfect time.
Rain Soaked Romantic.
Frankie will run across town in the rain if it means finally telling you how he feels.
Santiago Garcia
This Is The Way It Always Goes.
Santiago always comes crawling back. You convince yourself this is the last time - but you both know that's not true.
Precious Girl.
A chance meeting with your Dad's best friend at 2am.
Benny Miller
Ben needs a way to work off his post match energy. You.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Pretty When You Cry. ❁
Joel realises his morals are fucked. You realise you like it.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Stewy Hosseini
Clandestine. ✯
You and Stewy know it's wrong. So why, pray tell, does it feel so right?
Fully Clothed.
Being Stewy's assistant has its perks.
Stewy's actions have unexpected consequences.
You've been waiting all day for Stewy to get home. He loves it.
Play Pretend.
The classic fake dating trope, with a twist.
The Place Where It All Began.
You reunite with Stewy at your high school reunion. Turns out, he's been waiting for you, all this time.
The thrill of being caught makes it all the more exciting.
Kendall Roy
Me and You.
You quit as Kendall's assistant. He's been waiting for this day.
Illicit Affair.
You're Matssons wife. You're also in love with Kendall Roy.
Forced Proximity.
The classic only one bed trope, this time with your emotionally unavailable boss.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
The Roommate Collection. ✯❁
A collection of fics based on being roommates with Carmen.
Everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Everything has changed. Nothing is the same.
Carmen. ❁
Carmen. Your Carmen.
Denial. ❁
Carmy can’t keep pretending.
Inspired by that picture of JAW in a crop top.
Perfectionist. ❁
Your boyfriend being a professional chef has its perks. Especially when it comes to gingerbread houses.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Evan Buckley
Lightning Strike. ❁
The two of you deal with the aftermath of Bucks trauma.
Fire Hazard. ❁
The story of your firehouse nickname - and Buck unable to handle you in a sundress.
Evan Buckley & Eddie Diaz
The Look of Love. ❁
You, Buck and Eddie are absolutely, undeniably, head over heels in love with each other. It seems like everyone can see it except for the three of you.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Heatwave. ❁
You cut Jax's hair. He can't keep his hands to himself.
Sundress Season. ❁
It’s sundress season. Jax can’t keep his hands to himself (again).
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Teach Me How to Ride. ❁
Chibs is teaching you how to ride (in more ways than one).
You and Chibs have been walking the line for a little too long.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Two Can Play That Game.
You’re cheating on Patrick. You’re not proud of it, but it just… happened. Patrick’s cheating on you, too. He never meant for it to happen, but it just… did. Imagine the surprise from both of you when you find out that Art Donaldson is caught up right in the middle.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Steve Harrington
Cherry. ✯❁
The lines of friendship get a little blurry, one unassuming Friday night in December.
Someone Borrowed, Someone Blue.
An engagement party, your childhood best friend, one too many glasses of champagne. What could go wrong?
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medusapelagia · 10 months
8 AU-gust: Robots and Androids - Part 8
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: Android Steve Harrington, Wanted Criminal Eddie Munson, mention of illness, mention of character death, blood, injuries Words: 2243
They did it.
The jump wasn’t easy and they landed with a crash, but they are still alive, even if the ship is definitely useless.
They have landed like a fucking comet, so Eddie is not surprised when he sees many guards threatening them with weapons asking them who the fuck are they.
S.T.E.V.E. shows them his badge and calmly explains to them that he is a hunter and that Eddie is his captive, and the guards take no time to drag them on an Admiral ship, direction: the Central.
Some of the humans congratulate S.T.E.V.E. on his catch, but the majority of humans and androids simply ignore him or tell him that he was just lucky.
Eddie knows that he wasn’t. The android has hunted him down like a hound and Eddie must recognize that he is the best android he has ever met. Not that he will ever admit it out loud.
Maybe Joyce was right. He is special. 
When they finally get to the Central, Eddie is escorted by an entire troop. Everyone is eager to see Dr. Brenner and bring him one of the most wanted criminals ever.
“Leave us alone.” The man orders from his desk while sitting on a big chair giving his back to the entrance.
“Dr. Brenner, this is a dangerous criminal and…” their captain tries to object, but Brenner easily dismisses him.
“He is in handcuffs and has no weapon. Leave us. I’ll bring him to his cell on my own.”
The man bows his head and gestures to the troop to leave the room.
“STE2UTK7NQ.” Brenner calls and S.T.E.V.E. stops “You did a good job. I’m proud of you.”
“I’m happy to serve.” he promptly replies, but for a moment he seems almost pleased with the praise, then he leaves the room with the others.
When finally Brenner turns he is the same old man that Eddie has seen all his life. 
Doctor Martin Brenner: the man behind the entire industry of androids. The man whose face is on every electronic device, and whose most loved creature is Eddie’s worst nightmare.
Eddie sits on the chair offered to him, puts his boot on the table, and asks annoyed “So what’s your number? Brenner the Forth? The Fifth?” In every generation, there was always a Martin Brenner.
The man grins “Not really. I’m the one and only.”
“That’s not possible.” Eddie chuckles “You should be… what? Three hundred years old?”
“A bit older actually.”
Eddie stills, glaring at the other man “You are joking.”
“There are so many things that you don’t know, Eddie. But I like you. You and your little group of friends are hard to find. Not even my best hunter managed to catch you. Even if I suppose that his actions have something to do with your capture.”
Vecna appears from nowhere and Eddie frowns.
“I knew that you were behind all of this” Eddie yells and Vecna chuckles.
“You think you know. But there are so many things you ignore.” the android in the white uniform replies, getting closer “But first of all I want to know where your friends are hiding.”
“I work alone.”
“You do not.” Vecna lifts Eddie’s chin “I should have used the girl against you. It was a mistake that I will not repeat. Now. Tell me where they are.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll kill you and ask my scientists to get the information that I need from your skull.” the doctor replies, still smiling.
Eddie laughs “You can’t do that. We don’t have the technology to do something like that.”
“ Actually I do. And I already used that kind of technology with great success.” Brenner says “I already created androids from humans. I can take the information I need directly from your brain. From your memories.”
What the fuck?!
“I told you, Eddie, I’m the first and only Doctor Martin Brenner.” the man takes a paper cutter and opens his arm, showing him the metal skeleton.
Eddie's eyes grow wide “An android?”
“And I’m not even the first one, but I’m a better model. With years of practice the skin seems almost real, doesn’t it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I think you know what I mean.”
Eddie's eyes widen while he looks at the skin that closes around the wound leaving no scars.
“Bingo.” the man confirms “The first time Steve Harrington came to me with the idea, he was already sick.” Brennan gets closer to Eddie “He knew that he would have died soon, that’s why he asked me to build him a new model of S.T.E.V.E.. Do you see the irony? He asked me to create a S.T.E.V.E., like his name. It seemed like a sign to him.” the doctor sits on his desk “I built the prototype in no time, while he was collecting every memory of his life that he had. He collected everything. His cerebral scan, the pictures, the videos, the little notebook where he used to write his thoughts.” He sighs “Steve Harrington was fucking rich and with his money he built a copy of himself for his husband. A copy that, in his intentions, would have stayed with his husband until the end. That was Harrington's last present to the love of his life. A copy of himself.” Brenner grins “How romantic, don’t you think? But when Hargrove discovered what Steve was doing he wasn’t as enthusiastic as Harrington thought he would have been. They had a bad fight and they only reconciled on Harrington’s deathbed. At that time I had learned a lot, I had done enough research and the android looked exactly like the dying man. He had all his little tics, his habits. Hargrove hated it since the first day that he saw it and I was ready to take it back, disassemble it, and find exactly how to move my conscience in another body, but Hargrove didn’t let me. He used the money Harrington left him to start producing more androids exactly like S.T.E.V.E. and then he encrypted any memory that the android had about the life of his human self, hiding him between the others.” the man pauses “It was a pity losing such an incredible android, but I had learned enough and I managed to move my conscience inside this body. Now I cannot die.”
“But you still have to answer the Robotics Laws!” Eddie screams.
Brenner gives him a wry smile “Actually, I don’t have to. I am not totally an android.”
Eddie starts to tug at his handcuffs, trying to free himself.
“You should be happy. You are the only one who will ever know my secret. Tomorrow you‘ll be sentenced to death after a very quick trial for killing all those stupid humans.” he giggles “And then I’ll have complete access to your memories. Criminals don’t deserve a grave.”
Eddie is seething. That creature that is neither an android nor a human it’s so fucking wrong.
Brennan makes a gesture toward the white android “Bring him to his cell. And make sure no one visits him until the trial.”
Venca nods, grinning, and then drags Eddie toward the cells.
The android is way stronger than Eddie so trying to escape is impossible. He lets him drag him to his fucking cell and then he sighs, trying to find a way to escape certain death. 
Eddie thinks about S.T.E.V.E.
God. Everyone was right about him. He should tell him that he is really special. That he was a human once. That he had a husband. That he wasn’t a lone wolf. He had a pack that he loved and loved him back. A pack that he loved so much that he didn’t want to leave them even after death.
God,  Dustin and Joyce were right and they didn’t even know all of that.
“You ok STE2UTK7NQ?” one of the humans asks him, and Steve turns toward him.
“You seemed… sad.” the man explains, walking side by side with him.
“I’m an android I don’t have feelings, but thank you for asking me about my well-being, it was really kind.” He replies.
The man nods, then he winks “If you are looking for a new partner I would like to be considered. You are the best android I have ever seen and your records are fantastic!”
The android tilts his head, confused, but he politely asks “What’s your name?”
“Lucas Sinclair. I got transferred here a couple of months ago and I think I could learn a lot from a hunter like you.”
S.T.E.V.E. doesn’t know how to answer “I’ll consider your offer, but now I need some repairs, I got damaged during the landing.” 
The young boy nods, smiling at him like talking with S.T.E.V.E. was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to him.
When S.T.E.V.E. gets to the repair area there is a long line of androids in front of him, some of them are so damaged that the technician simply turns them off and puts them out of their misery.
“Do I look fine?” the android next to S.T.E.V.E. asks.
“Do I look fine? I don’t want to be turned off or be turned into a toaster.”
S.T.E.V.E. can’t lie to humans, but he is an android.
“You look fine.” he replies. It’s a white lie, some part of his brain supplies him, it doesn’t matter if the android has so many broken parts that he is resting in a wheelbarrow.
“I heard you are the one who caught that criminal, Munson. Great job! I’m sure they will give you a medal for that!”
S.T.E.V.E. shakes his head “I’m an android. They don’t give medals to us.”
“Why not? If you were a human they would have made you an entire statue, I’m sure of it! Well, it doesn’t matter, everyone will be too busy working on your captive. One of the technicians was saying that they would try to get some information from his brain, download his data, or something like that. Maybe he’ll become an android like us and he will teach us how to find criminals like him! Can you imagine?”
S.T.E.V.E. stills while he imagines the cynical guy that he learned to know transformed into a piece of furniture like him.
“They will give him a fair process…” S.T.E.V.E. replies, but his words sound fakes even to his ears.
The android on the wheelbarrow laughs “They will not. He condemned himself when he decided to be a criminal. The process is just an old custom that human keeps to relieve their conscience, but that boy is doomed. Everyone knows it.”
S.T.E.V.E. nods, he knows it too, but somehow the thought of it is unbearable to him.
“You ok?” the android asks “Do you want to go before me? You really look like you need someone to fix you.” 
“I’m fine.” he replies, and when a technician is distracted he gets closer to the android in the wheelbarrow and he whispers to him “You did good, now it’s time for you to rest.”
“I am really tired, now that you mention it…”
The android closes his eyes and Steve gives him a little eclectic shock, enough to fry his circuit.
“Why did someone bring this piece of junk here?! He is fried! It’s not even good to be a fucking toaster!” an older technician complains to a young one, and that’s the last thing Steve hears before he leaves the repair room.
That’s what Vecna has told Eddie when he left Eddie’s cell, but the boy is still trying to find a way to free himself when he hears the metallic doors move.
It’s too late.
Eddie takes a deep breath, if he is going to die he will die on his feet.
The door opens and the android that looks at him with his plastic eyes is S.T.E.V.E. and Eddie sighs“How cruel sending you to escort me to my death.”
S.T.E.V.E. doesn’t reply and keeps looking around like he is worried, then he quickly opens Eddie’s chain.
Eddie stares at the android “What the fuck?”
“We are leaving.”
“I can fly. I’ll fly you out of the tower. I called for help. Someone will rescue you.” 
Eddie grabs the android's hands “What about you?”
“Are you worried for me, Munson?” S.T.E.V.E. smirks and for a moment Eddie sees a spark of the boy that he was.
“We have to talk! I have a lot of things to tell you.”
“We have no time. The alarm has already gone off. The others will be here in no time.”
The android picks Eddie up like a baby and then starts to run toward the big window at the end of the corridor. He turns while he jumps through the glass. shielding Eddie and then he starts the engines he has on his back.
“We have to talk.” Eddie insists when he feels the cold air on his skin.
“Not now. My engines will not last long.”
Suddenly Eddie reminds something Dustin said about Stevie's inability to fly anymore.
“Wait, wait, wait!”
But Steve’s engines start to smoke soon after they leave the prison and S.T.E.V.E. makes a deviation, leaving Eddie on the roof of a skyscraper.
“Be safe.” he tells him, before falling from the roof to the ground.
Eddie runs toward the edge of the building screaming the android’s name, but all he can see it’s just dust and smoke.
In his hand, he has a fucking tracker.
Tag list: @shunna, @yourmom-isgay, @thisisallicouldthinkof I hope you enjoy it!
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buckrecs · 1 year
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙮 ~ 𝙎𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
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Puppy Eyes by @coffee-with-bucky
look at me by @aquariusbarnes
The Pull of Gravity by @navybrat817 (shifter au)
The Rejects by @/navybrat817
A Little Less Restless by @majestyeverlasting
The Sleepover by @littleredwolf
An Ol’ Fashioned Notion of Wartime and Whisky by @rookthorne
Honeyed Words of a She by @/rookthorne (mob!reader)
A Stroke of Luck by @/rookthorne (lumberjack!bucky)
Serenity by @/rookthorne (Mafia!reader)
A Clover’s Intuition by @/rookthorne (lumberjack!bucky)
Ducks on Plaster by @lovelybarnes
the great shirt debate by @rocketrhap3000
Barbie by @buckyalpine
Imagine | 2 by @noctumbra (chubby!bucky)
Don’t Tell Bucky by @lives-in-midgard
closer by @eviesaurusrex
bucky getting used to modern crap by @bucky-bucket-barnes
Around My Neck by @mcu1shots
These Hands Are Meant To Hold by @vanderlustwords
Timeless by @antiquarianfics
You Have A Girlfriend? by @/antiquarianfics
Something to Smile About by @jobean12-blog
Found Waldo by @lovelybarnes
Unchained Melody by @delusionalvenusian
valentine by @softlyspector
The Way We Were by @avintagekiss24
Midnight Escapades by @kiritella
Stunt Double by @/kiritella
Sleep and Cuddles by @/kiritella
Flowers And Things by @espinosaurusrexex
Little Mermaid by @buckyarchives
cuppa coffee by @irndad
A touch of color by @starrysebastians
Smooth Criminal by @redgillan (officer!bucky)
Verbal Fight by @espinosaurusrexex
Tommy’s Party by @bucknastysbabe (college au)
Rescue You by @writing-for-marvel
not my one by @stxrvel (steve x reader)
Imagine by @/buckyalpine
One Night by @/buckyalpine
ours by @trashywormeateroffics
give me a minute by @amayatheowl
Seasons Change & I Carry You With Me by @/vanderlustwords
The Truth Is; I’m A Liar by @imtryingmyfuckingbest
Better Than Us by @/antiquarianfics
The Rain Will Always Gonna Come if You’re Standing With Me by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Love Me… by @/kiritella
You could never hurt me by @theeleggymeggy
braid my hair, honey by @witchywithwhiskey
finally by @adrinktostopyourthirst (spy!reader)
cherry blossom by @noctumbra (librarian!bucky)
virgin mob bucky by @/buckyalpine
Take the edge off by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Hayloft by @wienerbarnes (40s au)
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Please read rules before sending requests.
(Always Uploading new Fics)
Avatar The Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko x Orora
The Thread of Fate - Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
It Was Nothing
I’m Here Beside You
Big Hero 6
Pairing: Tadashi Hamada x Sakura Kamiya
Light 'em Up -  Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, 
Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson
Mind Over Matter - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen,
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A Slight Frustration
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Hold Me Closer
First Kiss
Don’t Go!
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Pairing: Jack Frost x Elsa (Jelsa)
One Step Closer - Part One, Part Two (InProgress)
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The Next Adventure
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The Ties That Bind - Prologue, Part One,
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The Language of Flowers
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I Will Always Choose You
Harry Potter
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Reluctant Friendship
Justice League DC Universe
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Lucky Break
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Part One - Convince Me, Part Two - I’m Convinced
Wedding Drama
Pairing: (Platonic) Superman aka Clark Kent x 12-year-old reader
A New Life
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Rachel
Kiss It Away
Stolen Kisses, Stolen Moments - Part One, Part Two
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Last Night
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Clea
Love, A Kind of Magic - Part One, Part Two
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Bleeding Love - Part One & Part Two
A Surprising Twist
Sleep Deprived
What the Wife Says Goes
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Nothing But a Burden
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A Pact Renewed
Because You’re Mine
Not a Waste of Space
Just Hold Me
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Never Leave Me
Pirates of the Caribbean
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My Heart Calls Your Name
Tavern Brawls
Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost x Evening Star aka The Blue Fairy
Two Spirits Meet - Wishing on a Snowflake I,
Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: Sherlock x Reader
The Consulting Detective and the Serial Killer
His Love for Her
Your Hand in Mine
Drunken Comfort
Its All Been Arranged
An Unconventional Love Story (Victorian Era AU)
Star Trek(2009)
Pairing: Spock x Kealoha
The Roommate Experiment - Prologue, Part One
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The Little Green Monster
Chasing Away The Darkness
Here For You (InProgress)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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Heaven’s Light
A Comforting Embrace
The Amazing Spiderman
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A Nonverbal Confession
Falling For Him
Heal Together
Drunk on Pheromones
Take All The Time You Need
Falling for the Enemy
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An Unexpected Turn
We Face It Together
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The King and the Commoner
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Creepy Crawlies (No Pairing)
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You Are Safe
The Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Legolas x Annúneth
Love Happens(Coming Soon)
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
We Meet Again A Confession Years In The Making
My Prayer, My Light, My Fëa
A Little Introduction to Rock Music
A Promise
Written In The Stars
Treasure Planet
Pairing: Jim Hawkins x Reader
A Little Competition Goes a Long Way
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iridescentprose · 6 months
your dangerously stupid little idiot - steve harrington x sinclair!reader insert
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author's note: a long overdue steve fic that's been sitting in the drafts. i miss steve.
divider by: @bunnysrph
summary; you're in a secret relationship with steve - fluff; no warnings
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The sound of laughter and the consistent thud of footsteps coming up the stairs made you groan. Although you'd much rather stick to your hermit agenda, you promised your parents you would keep the door to your room open, ensuring that your younger siblings and their friends didn't burn down the house without you knowing about it.
Hunched at your desk, you were busy with your nose in a book until a sudden incessant taping at your doorway got a little too annoying for comfort.
"Nice Van Halen poster."
"That's Bauhaus, idiot," you said, while your heart began to drum in your ears. You kept your back turned to him, eyes trained on the same sentence you had been reading ever since you heard Harrington's voice from downstairs. "What are you doing here, anyway? I don't remember Lucas inviting you over."
You heard him shuffle across your room —over to the poster with four Caucasian men clad in grey suits and dark sunglasses. You heard your bed creak, followed by an exaggerated sigh. You looked over your shoulder.
"How come you don't have a picture of me on your wall?" He's lying in the center of your bed, legs hanging off the edge while his eyes are fixated on the Bauhaus poster above your headboard.
You sighed and shut your book before swiveling to face your boyfriend. "Because I'm not a psychopath...and last I checked, you can't carry a tune to save your life, Harrington." Abandoning your book, your walked over and grabbed his wrist, initiating a game of tug of war with a weak start.
Steve chuckled as he sat up, his body flopping forward like a limp noodle as he gave into your lack of strength. "Hey, hey. What's the rush? We're not going to get caught. Your parents aren't here."
"Yeah, but Erica and Lucas are. We'll be over before we've even started—"
You shook your head, a hot flash rising to your cheeks as the word 'dating' got stuck in your throat.
The word made you cringe. It made feel you like were in one of those lovesick romance movies whenever you said it. An unfamiliar queasiness rose in your stomach as Steve rose an eyebrow.
You had been caught.
"What was that?" Steve stood up straight, towering over you, his features laced with an alert sense of curiosity. He had stepped forward now, nearly trapping you between him and the wall. You still had a hold on his wrist. "I didn't hear that last part, Sinclair. 'We'll be over before we've even started...?'"
You rolled your eyes. "Cut the crap, Harrington. You know what this is," you hissed under your breath, eyes darting to the open door that could expose your secret any minute.
"Yeah, but I don't think I've ever heard you say it out loud before," he said with an amused grin on his lips. A tendril of his hair loomed over the center of his forehead. You resisted the urge to brush it back into place. Now wasn't the right time for that.
Now wasn't the right time for whatever this was.
"If you don't get out of my room, you're not going to live to hear me say it."
With a small grunt, you pulled him by the wrist, guiding him to the threshold of your door. He's stumbling behind you, stifling a laugh and purposefully dragging his feet until they reach the creaky floorboards of the hallway. You then maneuver around him, taking your place in front of your door as you wait for your boyfriend to retreat back down the stairs.
But as smooth as a criminal, Steve turns around, arms braced against the doorway, feet locked into place. He has no intentions of moving until he gets what he wants.
"Harrington," you whisper, lowering your voice as you both were now in closer proximity to the stairs and Erica's room down the hall.
Seconds of silent staring pass before you sigh in defeat.
"You're an idiot, you know that?"
"But, I'm your idiot," Steve says, his face lingering close to yours. He's wearing a contagious smile that has somehow slid across the thin space between you and jumped on your face. "Now, are you going to repeat what you said earlier or am I going to have the privilege of properly introducing myself to my future in-laws?"
Crossing your arms, you lifted your chin and narrowed your eyes. He always found a way to have the upper hand, even if it made him look dangerously stupid. But as dangerously stupid as the thought of Steve introducing himself as your boyfriend to your parents and siblings was, you couldn't stop your lips from twitching upwards.
"I said," you started, your voice getting lower which each word, "If my brother or sister finds out that you're in my room, we'll be over before we've even started dating for a month."
You swallowed your embarrassment, your eyes falling to your shoes as the word tumbled out of your mouth. Steve had asked you officially to be his girlfriend only two weeks ago and you still couldn't admit out loud that you were dating him. Let alone in secret.
Having Lucas and Erica find out before your parents would be an never ending nightmare. Your parents had forbade you from dating until you had finished school. Thankfully, you only had a few more months and then —and only then—did you plan on making your relationship with Steve known to your parents.
"See?" Steve said, tilting your chin upwards. "Was that so hard?"
But before you could say 'yes' with gritted teeth, Steve had pecked your lips, leaving you speechless.
"I'll see at Family Video on Friday?" He whispered, already backing away from you as laughter came from the room right down the hall.
"Uh, yeah," you said, trying to keep your head straight. "Family Video. Friday," you confirmed long after he had vanished down the steps.
You leaned against your doorway, massaging your temples as you fought the smile on your lips.
"That boy is going to be the death of me," you mumbled to yourself before retreating back into your room and rereading the same sentence of your book all over again.
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