#my dentist has 11 eleven kids
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🎉Week 3: December 23-31🎉
Ten o’Clock Wake Up Call by @skeeter-110​ (Pt. 10 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: It's Christmas morning in the Stark-Rhodes' household.
Relationships/Tropes: Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Avengers Family, Kid Peter, Christmas
Review:  I loved the big snuggle pile at the end, and how excited Peter was for his dads to open their presents! It showed how even as a little kid, Peter's always cared more about others than he has himself
Eleven Laps Around The Rink by @skeeter-110​ (Pt. 11 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: The Stark-Rhodes family goes ice skating with the Avengers
Relationships/Tropes: Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Avengers Family, Kid Peter, Ice Skating
Review: I loved how this showed Peter learning to skate, going from holding his parents hands, to skating from Tony to Rhodey, and finally to skating all on his own! Very cute
Twelve New Months To Look Forward To by @skeeter-110​ (Pt. 12 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: The Stark-Rhodes' family celebrates the new year.
Relationships/Tropes:  Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Kid Peter, New Years Eve
Review: A perfect ending to the sweetest holiday series! It was soft and loving and I'm so happy to have read about this happy little family :D
The Way I Love You ch. 3 by @littlemissagrafina
Summary: Peter Parker had a vibrant, happy presence. Anytime that he was around became brighter, happier. It was just the way it was. He was always moving, talking, just living, so when the lightness that his loved ones were so accustomed to seeing started fading, it scared them. A still silence built itself around Peter, snuffing out his usual exuberant voice. Dark and stifling. Those around him could only hope it wouldn't consume him. That it wouldn't take his smile. 
Five times that someone see's Peter struggling and one time he calls for help.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Uncle Ben & Peter Parker, Aunt May & Peter Parker, Spideychelle, Depressed Peter Parker, Hurt/Comfort
Review: This story really shows how sometimes the best way to help someone who's depressed or just having a bad day is to do something small to make things a little easier for them. You often can't get rid of all their worries through a deep heart-to-heart and you certainly can protect them from everything yourself, but doing something small can make a bigger difference than you think
Peter hides an injury prompt by @jen27ny
Summary: Peter, who already downplays every injury, takes the hint too close and hides a serious injury, and the Avengers learn the hard way why Tony really fusses every time he got hurt
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Avengers Family, Hiding an Injury, Crackfic
Review: Peter hiding his injuries is one of my favorite tropes, and this story did it really well! I love how protective everyone was of Peter by the end, and how they realized Tony wasn't exaggerating when he said they had to make absolutely sure Peter was fine haha
Peter has ADHD prompt by @jen27ny
Summary: Peter’s ADHD starts to affect his grades
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Peter Parker Has ADHD
Review: This story was so sweet! I myself have ADHD so I love stories about Peter with ADHD and this one was great! I relate to Peter in that I sucked at Spanish, I've always dreaded going to that class haha. Very nice story!
The Perfect Name by @honestmischief
Summary: Rhodey and Tony are drunk and in love
Relationships/Tropes: Ironhusbands, Drunk
Review: This ficlet was adorable! I loved how affectionate Tony and Rhodey were with each other, and how Rhodey said Tony was "too cute to be sad", it was so cute
Christmas Pranks by @skeeter-110
Summary: Tony wraps up random things for little Peter to open while Steve records it all
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Stony, Papa Steve, Christmas, Pranks, Kid Peter
Review:  THIS WAS SO ADORABLE! I can't get enough of Cute Kid Peter, and this had to have been Cute Kid Peter overload honestly, I think I got cavities from the amount of fluff in this little drabble. Very worth it, excuse me, I have a trip to the dentist I need to make
Peter Calls Tony Dad (B99 Style) by @jen27ny
Summary: Pretty much exactly what the title says
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Avengers Family, Peter Calls Tony Dad
Review: This story was HILARIOUS, I loved that moment in B99, and this fic emulated the silliness and teasing perfectly, and the bit about them going to fix the video game was great! I loved this!
santa, come again by @jean-and-diet-coke
Summary: Christmas morning with the Starks!
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Rhodey & Tony, Rhodey & Peter, Bio Dad Tony, Christmas
Review:  This story was super adorable! I loved seeing how affectionate the three of them were with each other, and the softness of the story was perfect for the christmas season! I loved seeing both Tony and Rhodey be so gentle with Peter, and Peter being a sweet babbly child in return!
“Aces come out of the deck” by Miss__Red 
Summary: “I’m ace,“ he blurred out, avoiding to look at Wade and staring down on his plate instead. “I’m sorry, if that’s a deal breaker for you and you wanna leave that’s okay, I understand,” Peter said quietly.
Or the one where Peter tells Wade he’s asexual and Wade is not reacting like Peter thought he would
Relationships/Tropes: Spideypool, Asexual Peter Parker, Pansexual Wade Wilson, Coming Out, Soft Wade Wilson
Review: This story was so so nice to read, actually made me cry a little. I love stories where characters are accepting of someone's asexuality and this is definitely added to one of my favorites. Super cute and super sweet
“My Own ‘Spidey Sense’ Was Tingling” by @baloobird (Pt. 2 of The New Normal)
Summary: It has been a year since Peter Parker was diagnosed with Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis and he—like everyone with this disease—has to get an MRI scan done every year so the doctors can monitor his condition.
The scan itself is tedious but he’s used to it, it’s not his first one by any means. Peter knows what to expect, how loud it’ll be, how long it takes.
But this is the first scan where he’ll be completely by himself.
(Might be best to read the first story before this one)
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Uncle Happy, Sickfic, Chronic Illness, Neurological Disorders
Review:  Another great story about MS by @baloobird! This story was really well written, and I liked how Peter's anxiety over the MRI scan was shown and described, and I loved seeing Peter's thoughts about everything that happened! Very sweet story :D
50 Christmas Ornaments My True Love Gave To Me by @joyful-soul-collector (Pt. 10 of Irondad Oneshots)
Summary: It was Christmastime in the Stark-Rhodes-Potts’ household, with Tony, Rhodey, Pepper, Peter, and Morgan all sitting at the table. Jingle Bells was playing quietly in the background, and each one of them was working on decorating a clear plastic christmas bauble, a growing pile of colorful ornaments in the center of the table.
The Iron Family gets carried away making Christmas ornaments, and Peter talks to his dad about asexuality
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Mom Pepper, Peter & Morgan, Pepperhony (Pepper/Rhodey/Tony), Christmas, Asexual Peter Parker, Asexual Tony Stark, Bisexual Pepper Potts, Pansexual James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Polyamorous Relationship
Review: Yes, this is my own fic and I’m recommending it because I like it, and I worked hard on it haha. Anyway I like the amount of representation I put in this one, I remember starting this and being like “should I have Tony with Pepper or Rhodey?” and then decided fuck it, why not both? Both is good :D
If you look at any these stories, be sure to show the author your appreciation with a comment/kudos/reblog where applicable!
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1 - Do you prefer having carpets or hardwood floors? >> Hardwood, absolutely. I hate the carpet in this apartment so much.
2 - When was the last time you took a bath? Is this something you do often or do you prefer taking showers? >> I don’t take baths.
3 - How often do you brush your teeth? Do you floss and use mouthwash as well? >> I brush once daily. I don’t floss or use mouthwash. This may all sound insane to some people who are more gung-ho about their dental hygiene, but the dentist never has anything negative to say (and often has praise to give) about the condition of my teeth, so......
4 - What’s your favourite way to style your hair? Do you do this hairstyle often or is it too much hassle for you? >> I have a buzzcut. End of story.
5 - If you have your ears pierced, do you prefer wearing hoops, studs or drop earrings? Do you change your jewellery regularly? >> I wear small hoops (like, very small). I don’t change the jewelry at all.
6 - What’s your opinion on clothes for dogs? If you have a dog, have you ever bought any clothing items for them? >> My opinion is specific to the dog in question. Some dog breeds benefit from an extra layer of warmth in chillier climates. Other dogs are just being used as dress-up dolls by their owners and are probably miserable. It’s all situational.
7 - Do you have a real or artificial tree at Christmas? >> Artificial.
8 - When you go to bed, do you go to sleep straight away or do you read or something similar first? >> I read first, 95% of the time.
9 - What’s your favourite snack to make when you watch a movie? >> I don’t really snack much. I often time my movie-watching to my lunchtime (or breakfast-time, if I’m in the mood for a movie in the morning), so I can eat that.
10 - When was the last time you had a milkshake? What flavour was it? >> ---
11 - What will you be doing once you finish this survey? What were you doing before you started taking it? >> I’m not sure yet. I was taking a different survey.
12 - Do you prefer the Beatles or the Rolling Stones? >> ---
13 - When was the last time you played a game of Monopoly? Did you play until the end or did everyone get fed up and start arguing? >> I really do not remember the last time I played, but it definitely didn’t turn into an argument. I have never had this apparently-common experience, and I can say I’d definitely wouldn’t want to play a game -- any game -- with people who are going to argue about it. (This reminds me of the whole “IKEA ruins relationships” jokes, like... I legitimately do not understand??? Why are you arguing about furniture? Why does putting together furniture make you angry at each other? What is happening??)
14 - Have you ever won money on a scratch card or the lottery? How much did you win and what did you spend it on? >> Just a few bucks here and there. 
15 - Have you been on a plane before? Where was the last place you travelled to? >> Quite a few times. The last time was coming back from Houston.
16 - Did you vote for or support Trump? Or were you glad that Biden won the 2020 elections? >> I voted for Biden and it’s good that he won.
17 - Do you have anything fun or exciting planned for tomorrow? >> Well, I find going to the farmer’s market to be fun and exciting because that’s where I get almost all of my in-person socialisation these days lmao. Also because there are just good vibes there. The locally-produced food and small-business creativity is just about the only thing I like about west Michigan.
18 - Don’t you love it when you meet a dog or cat and they instantly love you, especially when the owner says “they normally hate strangers!”? >> Well, of course I like it when someone’s pet likes me. I don’t think it’s a big deal or anything, but maybe that’s just because I’m used to it (I have rarely had truly negative interactions with an animal, not without doing something specific to encourage it). Maybe some other people have a harder time for reasons I can’t imagine without it being explained to me? Oh, wait, I just remembered this one time we were at the farmer’s market and there was this family there with a really adorable curly dog named Annie, and this man was trying to interact with her and she was just not into it. The kid was like “she doesn’t like men” lmaoooo... so I guess maybe that’s a thing that can happen, too.
19 - Do you have to wear a uniform at your job? If so, what’s it like? If not, what do you tend to wear for work? >> ---
20 - Would you rather do a wordsearch or a crossword?  >> Crossword, I love crosswords. I mean, I wouldn’t say no to a word search, either, though.
21 - How old were you when you stopped believing in Father Christmas? >> I never had this experience. I definitely “believe in” him now, though, he’s one of my favourite mythic entities!
22 - Do you prefer multi coloured or plain white fairy lights? >> I like light strings that are all one colour -- whether white or purple or green or whatever. Multicoloured ones are good for Christmas trees, but to just have them in my room or whatever, I find the multiple colours a little too chaotic for my eyeballs.
23 - How often do you find you need to cut your nails? >> Very often, because I hate feeling them touch the keys when I’m typing and stuff. So I have to keep them pretty short and I feel like they grow at the speed of light sometimes. In fact, I’ve just been thinking about how I should trim this pinky nail down because it’s starting to nag at me...
24 - What’s your favourite colour of skittles? >> ---
25 - Do you have a favourite TV detective (eg. Sherlock, Poirot)? What is it that you like about them? >> Nope.
26 - Were you ever in any positions of responsibility when you were in school? >> Nope.
27 - Will you be going to bed within the next hour or so? If not, when do you plan on going to sleep? >> Nah, it’s midday. I plan on going to sleep at around eleven tonight, like usual.
28 - What’s your favourite thing to do at the beach? Do you get to go to the beach often? >> Sit in some shade and watch the ocean or read a book. I don’t live by the ocean, so no. There are beaches on Lake Michigan, of course, and I have no issue with the great lakes but... meh.
29 - What’s your favourite scent of perfume/aftershave/body spray? Is this something you wear often or do you save it for special occasions? >> I use body oils and the scent I prefer is called “opium”. I wear it whenever I feel like wearing it, because the scent is comforting and grounding to me.
30 - Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? How long have you needed to wear those for? >> Nope.
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hymn2000 · 5 years
Chiquitita - MCU AU fanfic - C11
Story summary: Something strange is happening. Someone from space has made their way to Earth, armed with a strange weapon. Targeting teenagers, their ray gun, when fired, turns the victim into a toddler. The Avengers set out to stop this, and find a way to reverse the effects. However, they don’t all come out of the battle unscathed.
Previous chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Part of my Frostiron and Spiderson series.
Warnings/themes: de-aging, family stuff, corporal punishment (early chapters only), mental health stuff, hurt/comfort
Chapter 11 - If You Need Me Let Me Know
Peter put his baby in its buggy and spent a long time pushing it around the living rooms and hallways. He was still busy pushing his baby round the landing when the front door opened. Peter stopped for a moment, listening, and soon Loki appeared on the landing.
“Hello, little boy!” Loki smiled, kneeling down and giving him a cuddle. “Aww, my little darling. I’ve missed you today!”
“Missed you too!”
Loki kissed him on the cheek and stood up. 
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to get a drink and find daddy” Loki said.
He started off towards the kitchen. Peter stopped for a moment, and then grabbed his toy buggy and ran after him. 
Peter ran into the kitchen and careered straight into the breakfast bar. The toy buggy stopped him from hitting the wood directly, but the force of the impact still knocked him off his feet. He stayed where he landed in quiet shock for a moment, and then jumped to his feet and threw his arms up in the air.
Tony laughed, closing the oven door and throwing the oven gloves over his shoulder. 
“Hey kiddo. Try not to make a habit of crashing your babies buggy into the kitchen units, ok?”
Peter giggled, turning back and moving the buggy away from the unit.
“Baby’s ok!” he announced.
“Good” Tony chuckled.
“Anyway” Loki said, winding his arms round Tony and giving him a kiss. “Good evening”
“How was work?” Tony asked, stroking Loki’s hair back behind his ear. 
“It was fine, if a little dull. GP surgeries are so different to the ward. I was mainly doing ECG’s and blood tests all day. At least the other staff were nice. Most of the girls just wanted to ask questions about you, though”
“Oh, I see. Well, who could blame them? I am an incredibly interesting person”
“You keep telling yourself that” Loki said, kissing him again.
“Cheeky... I love you”
Loki kissed him again. “Love you too. What are you cooking?”
“I thought I’d do something a bit different. Remember when you were in Scotland, on your sabbatical? What’s one thing that you said you got really into while you were there?”
“Deep fried mars bars?”
“Well yeah, but I mean something savoury”
Loki thought for a moment. “Macaroni cheese pies”
Tony grinned.
“You haven’t... Really?”
“Yeah! I even made the pastry from scratch, because I am actually the new Gordon Ramsay. My timing has also been impeccable, of course” Tony said. 
“Well, I’m thrilled. It’s exactly what I need after today. It seems to have really dragged” Loki said, letting go of Tony and putting the kettle on. “So, what did the dentist say?”
“Hm? Oh, nothing much. Just that he didn’t see any problems and he was happy with the condition of the kids teeth”
“Well, that’s a relief. I’ve really been dreading these appointments, just in case there was something wrong with him”
“You worry too much. He worries too much, doesn’t he, kid?”
Peter just giggled. He was sat on the floor, cradling his baby in his arms. 
“So, what else did you get up to today?” Loki asked, getting his mug down from his cupboard. 
“Well, we had some lunch after we’d been to the dentist, and then we went to the park”
“Oh, nice” Loki said. “What did you have for lunch?”
“Well, we decided to be healthy, so I made a-”
“We went to McDonald’s!” Peter shouted, thwarting Tony’s plan of making up something healthy.
Tony resisted the urge to physically face-palm. “You’ve landed me right in it, kid”
Loki sighed, but he chose not to make a fuss. He finished making his cup of tea.
“Shall I set the table?”
Tony nodded. “Sure. Hey, there’s some Powerade in the fridge if you want it”
“Nice” Loki said, breathing in. “Bloody hell, my stomach isn’t half growling. I’m absolutely starving”
Peter didn’t want to put his baby down when dinner was ready. Loki managed to convince him to tuck the doll up in its wooden cot in the second sitting room, and once his baby was ‘asleep’, Peter decided it was ok to have dinner. 
“I think I’ve started to get the hang of all this” Tony said, a little while into the meal. 
“I’m relieved to hear you say that” Loki said. “You’ve really stepped up this week. I’m proud of you”
“I’m proud of you, too” Tony said. “And I’m sorry for taking so long to get involved”
“I know” Loki looked at Peter. “He has to be our priority. I think we need to sit and talk about what we’re going to say to Li on Friday”
“I’d rather just answer her questions on the day” Tony said. “Is she gonna ask the kid stuff?”
“Maybe. I don’t know. If she does, it won’t be anything too heavy, since he’s only tiny now” 
“I’m not tiny!” Peter said. “I’m big!”
“You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart” Tony said.
Loki stared at him. Tony felt him looking.
“You called him sweetheart” Loki said. “You’ve only ever called him kid or kiddo. You just called him sweetheart!”
“...So I did” Tony smiled. “Well, he is a sweetheart. He’s my sweetheart. My little boy”
Li Allen arrived at exactly eleven o’ clock on Friday morning, punctual as ever. Tony took her upstairs to the second living room, where Loki was keeping an eye on Peter. The toddler had tired of his train set and was busy walking his baby round in its buggy, with his rocket balanced between the handles. He looked up when Tony and Li Allen came into the room. He listened to them talking, but he was too busy to pay too much attention. He continued his round of the room, but stopped when he reached the sofa that Li Allen was sat on. He looked up at her.
“It’s you!” he said.
“Hello, Peter” Li smiled. “How are you?”
“I had pancakes for lunch!” 
“Did you now? How lovely. What did you have on your pancakes?”
“Sugar” Peter said. “Lots of sugar! But then daddy made me brush my teeth”
“Well, I think that was sensible, don’t you?” 
Peter shook his head, and then grabbed the toy buggy and started another lap of the room. Li looked at Tony and Loki.
“He remembers me”
“Yes, he remembers a lot of people. Or more, he knows them” Tony said. 
“I’ve read about it all” Li said. “But I’m not here to talk about case studies. Tell me how you’ve been getting on” 
Tony laughed awkwardly, sitting down with Loki on the other sofa. 
“Well” he said. “Loki’s been better than me” 
“Is that so?”
“What he means is, he didn’t step up at all until a week after it happened” Loki said. “He stayed in the lab and he blanked Peter and he was utterly useless and rubbish. We barely spoke and he was too into his own feelings to think about the rest of the family” 
“Ouch” Tony winced. “That’s a bit harsh”
“It’s true though, isn’t it?”
“...Yeah, it is” Tony admitted. He looked at Li. “He forced me to look after him for a night, and I stepped up after that. I’m getting the hang of it now. We’re getting the hang of it now”
“Tony, we’ve known each other a considerable amount of time now, and if I can be blunt, you’re always the one to flap the most in times of crisis. So I must say I’m not surprised with how you reacted. But I’m also not surprised that you stepped up” Li said. “You say you’re getting the hang of it now, which is good. I know toddlers and teenagers can be worlds apart”
“Yeah, it’s a whole different ball game” Tony said. “It’s still weird thinking about what actually happened, so I try not to. I still love the toddler while missing proper Peter. Teenage Peter”
“You finally called him by a pet name yesterday” Loki said. 
“I’m still adjusting”
“Your own struggles aside, how is Peter doing?” Li asked. “He looks happy enough here. I can see you’ve equipt him well with toys”
“We did a big shop on Monday” Tony said. “We bought way more than I thought I would”
“We let him choose” Loki said. “He’s been much happier now that he’s got something to play with. He’d started to get bored”
“I know your Peter has his cuddly toys, and you’ve got plenty of teddies around, but I know toddlers can get bored quite quickly”
“He had those, and some bath toys, and a colouring book. Tony and I weren’t talking though, and I can’t drive his cars - legally anyway - so I couldn’t do much about it until we started talking again” Loki said. “He’s been better now that he’s got lots to play with”
“We’ve been taking him out a little bit too” Tony said. “Maybe we should do it more?”
“It’s good to take them out” Li said. “They like the change of scene, and it’s good for their development too”
“He’s not gonna be a toddler forever; only until we’ve got the reversal gun”
“It’s still a good idea to treat him like you would any other toddler. He still needs the same stimulation”
“Took the words right out of my mouth” Loki said. “I’m still trying to think about where else to take him”
Peter parked his baby buggy. He listened to the grown-ups talking. They talked for a long time, and Peter didn’t really understand a lot of what they were saying. After a while, he took his rocket and went over to Loki. He didn’t say anything, and Loki didn’t really look at him, but he picked him up and put him on his lap anyway. Peter sat with his rocket on his lap, leaning against Loki’s chest.
“-If the doctor said there’s nothing to worry about, I’d trust his judgement” Li said. “You seem to be doing fine, but there’s always further support available for you if you want it. We’ve offering everyone who came under fire from Kindsprengen the opportunity to meet the other - shall we say, victims. Sharing common experiences can be helpful. Is that something you’d be interested in?”
Loki and Tony looked at each other. 
“I’m not sure” Tony said.
“Well, I am, and I’m not interested” Loki said. “I wouldn’t mind meeting them, but not in controlled circumstances. I won’t go out of my way to meet them”
“It would be good for Peter to play with some other toddlers” Li said. “Do let me know if you change your mind”
“Maybe we could consider toddler groups or play centres then”
Peter looked up at Loki. Loki looked down at him.
Peter looked away without saying anything. Loki sighed. 
“Is he feeling a little shy?”
“I don’t think so. He’s just not a chatterbox like teenage Peter” 
“Oh, I see” Li said. “I did notice he was quiet. I just assumed he was shy”
“He’s so quiet compared to big Peter. But he does sing to himself sometimes. Teenage Peter never does that”
“But he’s happy” Tony said. “He’s... happier than normal Peter”
“Poor Peter has been through such a lot. I still remember the look in his eyes when I first met him. He was so scared. He’s been much better recently, though. If this toddler hasn’t got memories of being a teenager, he doesn’t have the memories of everything he’s been through. Of course he’s happier. Or, happy in a different way”
Loki looked down at the toddler cuddled against his chest. “That’s exactly what I thought... He’s happier this way”
Tony looked at him. “It’s only temporary, darling”
“I know” Loki said. “But he’s happy now. That’s all that matters to me”
Peter wriggled off Loki’s lap and climbed off the sofa. He went over to the other sofa and climbed up beside Li. 
“Hello, Peter” Li said. “What have you got there?”
“This is my rocket” Peter said. 
“Well, that’s very lovely. It’s very colourful. Is this your favourite toy?”
Peter nodded. “Yep. I’ve got lots of toys. Daddy said I could have anything I wanted when we went to the shop”
“Really now? What did you get?”
“I got lots! I’ll show you!” Peter jumped down from the sofa, taking Li’s hand.
Li glanced at Loki and Tony, and then stood up and let Peter guide her over to his toy boxes. Peter took the lids off and started showing her all of his play sets. He showed her his building bricks and trains. He showed her his Noah’s ark and farm set. He couldn’t show her his new soft toys, because they were in his bedroom, but he could show her his baby. He spent a long time showing her his babies buggy and cot and high chair, and all of the little outfits and accessories. 
“You’re a very lucky little boy, aren’t you? What a lot of lovely toys you’ve got”
Peter nodded.
“You can feed my baby” he said, passing the baby doll and a plastic bottle over to her.
“Why, thank you” Li said, holding it like a real baby.
Peter clutched his rocket in his fist, and held his arms up to her. Li picked him up and sat back down on the sofa with the boy on his lap.
“He seems happy” Li said, ‘feeding’ the baby doll with one hand. “He’s small, but he doesn’t feel too thin or anything like that - he’s just little. He’s lovely, and you’ve done a good job so far. I can see he’s well supported and looked after. I know this is difficult for you, but you’ve done really well. I’m really happy with both of you”
“We’ll be ok” Tony said, taking Loki’s hand. “We’ve got each other. We’ve got our friends. It’s only for a little while, right? Just until Thor and all his people up in space have found a way to reverse it”
Li stroked Peter’s hair gently. She watched him turning his rocket over in his hands and rubbing his nose against the soft fabric. 
“You’re ok, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Peter nodded. “Daddy said... Daddy said we’re going to the park today”
“I said maybe” Tony said. “We might try somewhere different”
Tony smiled at him. “You’re so easily surprised, chick. We’ll think of something to do”
“He likes swimming” Loki said.
“He’s too little for our pool” Tony said. “He’d hurt himself on the fun bit”
“Yes, but there’s public pools. They tend to have baby pools alongside the normal pool” Loki said. “We could look into it. Indoor swimming pools will be good, especially if the weather isn’t great” 
“Ok, well, we’d need to get him a swim suit and some arm bands. Maybe some goggles?”
“Daddies are being boring again” Peter mumbled.
Li laughed. “They’re just planning, sweetheart”
“I’m hungry”
Loki stood up and held a hand out to Peter. “Let’s go and get you fed”
Li set the baby doll aside and talked with Tony more while Loki and Peter were out of the room. 
“You’re allowed to ask for help. I know you’ve got a solid support system, but me and everyone else I’ve referred you to before will always be here if needed”
“Thanks. I’m doing ok. A part of me still feels like I’ve lost my son. Peter’s a bit of a baby, but toddler Peter really is a baby. It’s still weird thinking of what happened. It still hurts” Tony said. “But I’ve started getting to know the toddler this week, and I love him. He’s my son. I’m getting used to it. This week seems to have gone on for years”
“I bet it’s been a learning curve for you” Li said. “You and Peter have always had a very special bond. That shouldn’t change because of what’s happened. He needs you to take care of him. Sure, you just avoided everything and pretended it wasn’t happening, but now you’ve got involved and started being a father again. That’s good. You’ve had to deal with worse situations than this with Peter. You’ll be able to do this”
“I still feel lost about it. It feels like much longer than two weeks. I didn’t really think about what I was doing, just thought that I needed to stay out of it. When I finally realised what I was doing to Loki, as well as the kid... Me and Loki have never fallen out like that before. I missed him. I’m so used to holding him and kissing him and talking to him every day, and it was hard not having that. I was used to being a unit. I think we’ve got that back now. It’s still gonna be tricky, but I think now we’ve got a routine and stuff, we can do it... Bloody hell, imagine if the public knew we were struggling. The press would have a field day”
“They won’t find out unless you tell them. You fed a false version of event to the press, and you were well within your rights to do so. You’re allowed to put yourself and your family first”
“Bruce did the press release for us. He’s good at that kind of thing”
“Have your friends been visiting?”
Tony shook his head. “I think Loki said Clint wanted to visit. I think mostly they’re trying to give us space...”
“You don’t sound very happy about that”
“I’m not. I want to see them. Usually I don’t mind not seeing people for a long time, but I do now. I feel kinda isolated. Maybe I should invite them over”
“It’s good to make use of your support system, even if you’re just hanging about watching films or having a takeaway. Something other than Avenging, perhaps?”
Tony laughed slightly. “Yeah, I think Loki would kill me if I tried to get the Iron Man suit on now. Kid’d probably love it though”
“I’m a big fan of it, but I think I’d advise against it right now too. At least until you’re settled with toddler parenthood”
Tony nodded. “...I bet that night at the hospital when you were called down to A&E for Peter’s case, you never expected half of the nightmares and weird things we’ve been through”
“You’ve definitely thrown up some surprises” Li smiled. “You’ve kept me on my feet, made me fill out a lot of paperwork. But between the two of us, you’re far from being the worst family on my list”
Tony laughed slightly. “What makes you say that? We’re definitely a total nightmare at times”
“Maybe your situations are” Li said carefully. “But even when you’re going through horrible, horrible things, you’re always looking after each other as best you can. There’s always lots of love between the three of you. Unlike a lot of people I see, I’ve never felt like Peter wasn’t safe and well looked after where he is. You’re a very different kind of ‘nightmare’ than a lot of my clients”
“I miss my baby. I miss my teenage son. I really, really miss him”
“I know.. I know”
“I want him back. I miss everything about him. I want him so much... It’s just a waiting game though, right? I want Thor to come back and brandish that reversal gun he’s up there to sort. Until then... I just have to get on with it. Look after the toddler”
“Have you talked to Loki about how you’re feeling?”
“Yeah, we’ve talked quite a lot...”
“Do you feel like you need to talk about this with someone else, professionally?”
“...Maybe. I don’t know. I’d need to find the time, between work and the kid and anything that comes up with the Avengers, it might be a bit hard”
“I’m sure Loki would understand if you needed to take a couple of hours out. You need to look after yourself as well as Peter”
“I’ll think about it” Tony said. “Thanks for this. I don’t know how you’re always so understanding when things are always so weird”
“It keeps things interesting for me” Li said. “I’ll be on the other end of the phone whenever you need me. You’ve known me long enough to know that by now”
Tony moved to sit next to her, and hugged her tight. She’d been a reassuring presence in their lives every since the day May had died. It was nice talking to someone familiar, someone who knew them. Someone who understood.
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garden-ghoul · 7 years
andie @vardasvapors did some really good questions for a question meme, here look:
1. What is the best breakfast you ever had? it was probably actually an AWFUL breakfast but I remember with great fondness the strawberry stuffed waffles in stovepipe wells, a tourist town in death valley with probably zero residents
2. What was your favorite book when you were 13 years old? gosh I think that was my lemony snicket phase. I had a lot of notebooks with cryptic nonsense about cats
3. Describe your ideal fic (one that you do not have to write) right now I’m really jonesing for a marielda longfic that talks in detail about cobbin culture during the beginning and then the samothes–>samot transition
4. Describe a fanart you would like to see I want to travel into the future and see fanart of THE TABLETOP I’M ABOUT TO RUN AAAAAA
5. State 1-3 opinions on cheese 1. I really fucking love cheese 2. parmesan is the worst kind 3. there should be a cheese that is the daughter of chevre and brie so I can eat it for all my meals
6. Describe your most recent public or mass transportation experience Last week I had to go into the dentist district in the burbs (there’s like 8 dentists on that street??) and while I was getting a smoothie in the train station a couple of kids accosted me because they liked my toed construction boots and wanted to give me a free unstoppable wasp comic? their mom worked in one of the pastry kiosks
7. Without checking to see if it’s correct, type something you have memorized (a line of poetry, a lyric, an equation) (yes i’m just straight up stealing this from june) (frantically sorting through the millions of things I have memorized) Ampulex compressa is a species of parasitic wasp that chew the antennae off cockroaches to confuse them, leads them into its burrow, and then lays eggs in them
8. A random headcanon for anything all the things I could possibly have a headcanon for have fled me…. kageyama shigeo will never become lactose intolerant because she drinks so much milk
9. What’s the nearest piece of art to wherever you are sitting right now (interpret as broadly as you wish) RIGHT on my computer is a half-finished animation of ‘the stars open wide,’ but also there’s my entire sketchbook, which has a sticker of a bobcat surrounded by bits of post-it notes I arranged into an aura
10. A dumb opinion you used to have every single opinion I used to have was dumb but today I was thinking about how totally pointless atheism is as like a positive position. no wait I also thought caltech was a cool and welcoming place to go.
11. Freestyle here about a really good story (of any type) you recently read most of the stories I have been reading are VIDEO GAMES JOURNALISM but uh the most recent thing I read was a naruto time travel fanfiction (all naruto fanfictions are about time travel) where naruto and friends are 6 years old and everyone has a gay crush on naruto because he’s just a radiant person. gaara makes some friends online by bonding over care of succulents. I really like the casual integration of hobbyist forums into this quasi-feudal ninja story; I love even more the fact that it’s technically canon.
Who should do my questions: @chemiosmotic @agenderarcee @armcontrolnerve @kinsoliloquy @anodymalion haha oh man imagine if I had to come up with ELEVEN names here
Here are the questions. I like the memorization question so much I’m taking it and putting it FIRST.
1. without checking to see if it’s correct, type something you have memorized (a line of poetry, a lyric, an equation)
2. share and justify your lawful<-->chaotic/good<-->evil alignment
3. what would your job be on a manned mars expedition?
4. pettiest thing that you are unnecessarily proud of?
5. pick a story or video game or whatever that you have never actually consumed and write a short paragraph about what you think it’s about. pick an entertaining one though, like one that’s going to be funny when you get it wrong
6. what’s the most fun pair of socks you own?
7. what genre of goth are you? - quizilla quiz
8. infodump about the thing you’re REALLY into right now
9. how often do you floss your teeth? go floss your teeth right now if you have access to floss. dental and gingival health is really important. I’m flossing my teeth right now.
10. what’s the worst sound you have to hear way too often?
11. I really love those dumb people names from counter/weight that are like Territory Jazz or Maryland September or Paisley Moon. you should come up with one or two of those and maybe say what they do.
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juanfinleya1 · 5 years
My path to private practice after serving in the Army
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Summer 2016 was a turning point in my dental career. I finished my fifth year in the Army and had one more year to serve on active duty to fulfill my commitment for dental school and my residency program. During dental school, I thought it would be simple to serve my time and leave the military, but as the day of decision approached, it was far from easy. I loved life in the Army and the great privilege it is to serve, but I knew that it would be difficult for my wife and five kids to constantly move every three to five years.
Practice ownership scared me. In my process of searching for practice opportunities, I talked to many dentists who expressed the highs and lows of private practice. A friend of mine told me, “Rich, things are going well now, but a year ago, I felt like I just wanted to go out into a cold winter night and never be seen again.” Conversations like this made me apprehensive to take the plunge into practice ownership.
In September 2016, I made the decision to stay in the Army. Two weeks later, my friend from dental school called me out of the blue and asked what my plans were. I informed him of my decision to stay in the Army and explained my reasons (security, retirement, health benefits). He encouraged me to come out to Washington, meet with his business partner and explore the potential of working with them.
My wife and I went to Seattle in mid-September and met with Dr. Adam Cramer, who owns multiple practices and is the CEO of Atlas Dental Group. Dr. Cramer explained his vision and purpose for creating Atlas Dental Group, which was to “[preserve] the integrity of private practice while leveraging the benefits of the cooperative group.” He explained that each practice within the group was unique. Each office is managed and owned by a different dentist, with Dr. Cramer being the only person having partial ownership in all offices. Also, each office has an assigned clinical director who oversees the daily operations within the practice.
This opportunity was appealing to me for several reasons. First, it allowed me to have immediate ownership in an office. Second, I wouldn’t have to run the day-to-day operations of the practice alone. The Atlas team has staff that helps with HR, training office managers, IT support, analysis of the practice finances, hygiene support and leadership development. Finally, it gave me an opportunity to have the mentorship and support I would need on my path to becoming a better clinician and practice owner.
Some may look at this model and automatically think it’s a DSO, and by a strict definition, they are probably right. However, I’m in charge of the daily operations of my practice (hiring, supply ordering, marketing, team training, etc.). When I get stuck with a clinical or staff problem, I contact Dr. Cramer, and he coaches me through it. If I ever have questions about how to resolve a front-desk problem, I contact Traci, who is in charge of training and supporting our front-office team. If there is an IT issue, I talk to Rich, who leads IT for Atlas. There is a support component, but at the end of the day, I am the one who decides how to implement the advice I get from it.
July 1, 2017, was my final day on active duty as an Army dental officer, and our family moved to Port Angeles, Washington. There have been bumps in the road such as delays in obtaining the practice loan, staff turnover, etc. I have had to make some tough decisions since we took over the practice, and it has been a blessing to have a great team to guide and encourage me. My practice situation is not the typical route that most people take, but it has helped me make the transition from military to private practice, which I had always planned on since dental school.
~ Dr. Richard Carlile, Virginia ’11, Eleven Eleven Dental
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erickanobble · 5 years
My path to private practice after serving in the Army
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Summer 2016 was a turning point in my dental career. I finished my fifth year in the Army and had one more year to serve on active duty to fulfill my commitment for dental school and my residency program. During dental school, I thought it would be simple to serve my time and leave the military, but as the day of decision approached, it was far from easy. I loved life in the Army and the great privilege it is to serve, but I knew that it would be difficult for my wife and five kids to constantly move every three to five years.
Practice ownership scared me. In my process of searching for practice opportunities, I talked to many dentists who expressed the highs and lows of private practice. A friend of mine told me, “Rich, things are going well now, but a year ago, I felt like I just wanted to go out into a cold winter night and never be seen again.” Conversations like this made me apprehensive to take the plunge into practice ownership.
In September 2016, I made the decision to stay in the Army. Two weeks later, my friend from dental school called me out of the blue and asked what my plans were. I informed him of my decision to stay in the Army and explained my reasons (security, retirement, health benefits). He encouraged me to come out to Washington, meet with his business partner and explore the potential of working with them.
My wife and I went to Seattle in mid-September and met with Dr. Adam Cramer, who owns multiple practices and is the CEO of Atlas Dental Group. Dr. Cramer explained his vision and purpose for creating Atlas Dental Group, which was to “[preserve] the integrity of private practice while leveraging the benefits of the cooperative group.” He explained that each practice within the group was unique. Each office is managed and owned by a different dentist, with Dr. Cramer being the only person having partial ownership in all offices. Also, each office has an assigned clinical director who oversees the daily operations within the practice.
This opportunity was appealing to me for several reasons. First, it allowed me to have immediate ownership in an office. Second, I wouldn’t have to run the day-to-day operations of the practice alone. The Atlas team has staff that helps with HR, training office managers, IT support, analysis of the practice finances, hygiene support and leadership development. Finally, it gave me an opportunity to have the mentorship and support I would need on my path to becoming a better clinician and practice owner.
Some may look at this model and automatically think it’s a DSO, and by a strict definition, they are probably right. However, I’m in charge of the daily operations of my practice (hiring, supply ordering, marketing, team training, etc.). When I get stuck with a clinical or staff problem, I contact Dr. Cramer, and he coaches me through it. If I ever have questions about how to resolve a front-desk problem, I contact Traci, who is in charge of training and supporting our front-office team. If there is an IT issue, I talk to Rich, who leads IT for Atlas. There is a support component, but at the end of the day, I am the one who decides how to implement the advice I get from it.
July 1, 2017, was my final day on active duty as an Army dental officer, and our family moved to Port Angeles, Washington. There have been bumps in the road such as delays in obtaining the practice loan, staff turnover, etc. I have had to make some tough decisions since we took over the practice, and it has been a blessing to have a great team to guide and encourage me. My practice situation is not the typical route that most people take, but it has helped me make the transition from military to private practice, which I had always planned on since dental school.
~ Dr. Richard Carlile, Virginia ’11, Eleven Eleven Dental
from Dental https://www.asdablog.com/my-path-to-private-practice-after-serving-in-the-army/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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shelledpenguin · 6 years
I was tagged by @empressofthedamned
Also going to tag one person cause everyone else I know is inactive or not on the site anymore :’D Or if you see this and want to, you can! (That might be breaking the rule tho, lol.)
Only if you want to gurrllllllllll~
✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger
✰ write eleven questions of your own
✰ tag “eleven” people
Questions asked:
1. Describe your most vivid dream?
Hmmm, to be honest not too sure. But one time I had a dream that I can’t really remember too well, except that at the end a girl screamed so loud that I woke up in fright. It sounded so real that I had to look around to see if anyone was wake but nope, it was just in my dream.
2. Tell me a 5 word story?
Tale of the Cake Wizard. Ok, that is more of a book title, sorry ;w; 
3. How was your day?
It was ok, could be better. Hope your day was good!
4. What pets do you have?
Technically three cats, an orange tabby, calico, and an grey/white tabby. However, I have been away from them due to living with another family member. But this family member has a scottie doggo.
5. Least favorite color and why?
Well, I like all the colors out there but I guess grey-ish brown. It’s a messy color, lol. Reminds me of when I used to incorrectly mix up paint.
6. What is your favorite kinda jelly?
Like jello or jam? XD Either way, orange jello, and/or raspberry jam~
7. Favorite Video game? singular not franchise
Wowers that is a really hard question ;w; There is always something I love in each one, but I guess my all time favorite would be Rune Factory 4! It’s like Harvest Moon/Story of Season mixed with RPG elements of combat! Or like the title kind of says a fantasy Harvest Moon! XD Really though, I love almost everything in this game~ The story has three acts total (Which are really cool!), all the characters are so full of life and personally! (Not just the marriageable ones!) I love the art and designs of the characters as well~ Plus dragons man! (Venti is really adorable!) What I found out after playing, is that each of the games involves or mentions the 4 Native Dragons of the series! It’s pretty cool! 
Anyway, I can talk all day about this game, but all I can say is check it out! It’s a great game~! (Plus it’s for the 3DS, so you can play anywhere~)
8. 5 things you would want with you if stranded on an island?
Are there rules to this? I’m assuming so XD Otherwise I would bring a large hammer, an axe, a pot, some good sized plastic bags, and a good amount of rope. 
9. Costume party, what are you dressed as?
Like Halloween? Most likely a witch! If any costume party, White/Hilda from Pokemon Black and White~ 
10. What is your favorite old cartoon (as in not currently on air anymore with new episodes)
Ed, Edd, and Eddy! So goofy but I really enjoyed it a lot as a kid! Still do~
11. You have just won the grand prize of … drumroll … $100! What do you do with it?
Straight into the checking account, which it will soon be used to pay for my dentist appointment! *sighs
My Questions:
1. Favorite classical music piece?
2. Favorite husbando of all time? Lol
3. Favorite tv series? (No anime or cartoons in this case!) 
4. (No more favorite questions!) What is a talent you would like to have that you don’t already?
5. Where are possible places you would like to visit in your country?
6. Where are possible places you would like to visit out of your country?
7. Favorite software program? (I lied. Also could be any type.)
8. If you could write a book, what genre would you write for?
9. Most hated movie you ever saw? (Had to have watched it, not just heard about it.)
10. What two colors would you pair together? (In any case.) 
11. Favorite time of the day? (I lied again.)
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tri-cuspid · 6 years
eleven question tag game
rules: answer 11 questions, tag 11 people, write 11 questions
i was tagged by @geneplans​ ! thank you!
1. Your current love ? it doesn’t have to be a person (:
my little sister! absolutely love that darling to bits and pieces
2. How high is your computer/phone brightness
50% brightness on my computer, 10% on my phone
3. What book are you reading right now? 
right now i’m reading a bunch o books but mainly it’s What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton! 
4. What color looks really good on you, but isnt necessarily your fav color?
black looks good on me! but my fave color is green
5. do you work at a desk? 
at college yes, but at home i prefer a simple tray table
6. what got you into studyblr?
seeing adorable and gorgeous notes and planners on this site, and wanting to join in to see if it would motivate me to study! (spoiler, it does motivate me! it’s a wonderful community!)
7. have you ever had a teacher infuriate you so much to the point of tears? 
so many! my art teacher in my freshman year of high school was the worst! when it came to art, it was her way or the highway, which is not okay, art should be an exploration of yourself and your expression, not someone else’s!
8. What is your wildest dream, AND YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY “but i won’t be able to” or “it’s just a dream tho” 
become a youtuber with a successful channel to make enough pocket money to pay my monthly loan payments haha! i’d talk about books and dental school on my channel 
9. When is your favorite time of day? 
i love early morning when very few people are out, but just enough that you feel like you’re not the only one out there getting shit done (i’ve always been first in line at the polling places during election day! love being there with the early morning voters, most patriotic feeling ever)
10. Why are you named what you are? 
my full name means “progress” in Sanskrit, and my parents named me that in the hopes i would never stop making progress in my life, that i would always keep going, and it’s the most beautiful name ever imho. totally not biased. 
11. Who is the most influential person in your life?
my mum obviously, but that’s 99% of the population’s answer. other than my mummy, it’s got to be my best friend from high school, who has always been there for me during my highs and lows, and helped guide me to being a more accepting person and working harder. love ya @nebulodic​ 
i was also tagged by @reviseing​ with another set of questions in the same game! here are her questions with my answers: 
1. Where do you want to be in ten years?
working at a dental office as an associate dentist, with one or two kids, a bunch of birds, a wall of books, and fridays off to write my book. 
2. Favourite Instruments?
piano and violin! 
3. Would you rather see a picture worth a thousand words or see the words themselves?
see the thousand words! i love reading because it’s so immersive for me. art is absolutely beautiful but i was never blessed with an artistic eye to analyze artwork the way a lot of people are able to. i’ve been much better with words than images. 
4. Tell me your morning or nighttime routine.
my morning routine is me waking up and reading my book for 30 min and doing yoga for another 30 min, then taking a shower and brushing my teeth, getting ready while listening to an audiobook (or the hamilton soundtrack), eating breakfast (usually oatmeal), and maybe making some herbal tea or coffee. After that, I’ll head to class or help my mom with housework if it’s a weekend! 
5. Favourite stationary brand?
i like muji, because it’s the only fancy stationery i have. everything else is crayola or dollar store haha. 
6. Are you a leader or a follower?
i think i’m more of a leader. always stuck out from my friends in some way or another and i always jump at the opportunity to take on leadership positions. 
7. What kind of mythological creature would you be?
maybe a phoenix? my default state is bird lover so yeah. 
8. If you could time travel to any time period in any area of the world, when and where would you go and why?
i would travel back to the bush/al gore election and work with al gore’s campaign team to ensure he wins that election! if i can’t make any changes to history, it would be the obama administration. (don’t judge me i need my modern tech and constant wifi)
9. Best Season?
10. Have you ever been in love?
with my family and friends yes! my little sister and mother are the loves of my life, would not be able to do anything without her constantly by my side. 
i’m tagging @nebulodic​ @lowspoonsstudying​ @lindzpng​ @study-luce​ @headsintheclouds-67​ @int-bac​ @lookatthemessivemade​ @study-sparrow​ @sweeterthanstudying​ @yuu-chii​ @bujo-ie​ and ofc anyone else who’s interested :) 
here are the questions y’all can answer: 
1. what’s one of your favorite song lyrics? 
2. what’s your dream job (the one you would dress for)?
3. how many pillows do you sleep with? 
4. what’s your favorite plushie? 
5. what is the one book you would reread right now? 
6. who is your favorite tv show character? 
7. what’s one habit you want to break?
8. what’s one habit you want to establish? 
9. which meal have you never skipped? 
10. do you collect anything? 
11. if you had no budget, and could spend all of the money you wanted, where would you travel to, for how long, and with whom? 
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bighousela · 7 years
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Lunch Ladies
Award Winning Short Film
Trailer on Vimeo:
Trailer on Youtube:
Facebook page Like and share #Supportindiefilm
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Imdb link:
Two burnt out high school Lunch Ladies do whatever it bloody takes on their quest to become Johnny Depp's personal chefs.
J.M. Logan Director
Clarissa Jacobson Writer
Clarissa Jacobson Producer
Joe Bratcher Producer
Shayna Weber Producer
Jessica Janos Producer
J.M. Logan Producer
Donna Pieroni Key Cast
Mary Manofsky Key Cast
Daisy Kershaw Key Cast
Chris Fickley Key Cast
Amelia Allwarden Editor
Chris Ekstein Cinematographer
Antoni M. March Music
Matt Falletta Executive Producer
Alicia Ho Production Design
Ray Ho Production Design
Matt Falletta Special Effects
News & Reviews
"What Would Johnny Depp Do?"
Pop Horror
"Learning What It Takes To Trust the Universe & Hide The Body"
Ubiquitous Horror
"Lunch Ladies Review & Interview"
Morbidly Beautiful
"Movie Review: Lunch Ladies"
Ubiquitous Horror
"Lunch Ladies: Independent Review"
Psychic Celluloid Signals YouTube Channel
"Lunch Ladies Rocked!"
Night Owl Chronicles Review
"Movie Review: Lunch Ladies"
Surgeons Of Horror
"HollyShorts Atlanta Horror Film Festival - Lunch Ladies"
We Are Moving Stories
"Johnny Depp is Behind the Madness of Killer Short Lunch Ladies... Sort of"
Dread Central
"Review: Lunch Ladies (Short, 2017)"
Dread Central
"Lunch Ladies: Hilariously nauseating horror short needs to be a feature"
"Got Time For A Quickie?: Lunch Ladies 2017"
Film Classics Virgin
"Lunch Ladies Dishes Out Bullying As Social Commentary"
"Short Film Review: Lunch Ladies"
Nightmarish Conjurings
Director Biography
Josh logan
Hailing from Austin, Texas, Josh began his journey in the entertainment industry at the age of twelve, working his way up to a professional career in special effects, and moving to Los Angeles for Brian Yuzna's oral nightmare, The Dentist. For more than a decade he traveled the world with horror movies, TV and commercials, including Wishmaster, Prophecy, Children Of The Corn, Species, Virus, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Exorcism Of Emily Rose to name a few.
Tired of rubber monsters, Logan went on to Visual Effects and was the VFX Producer for The Passion of the Christ, managed digital teams and miniature construction and photography, headed up a small sound design facility where he worked on a number of Hong Kong action movies and composed the score for several films including Black Mask 2. Over the next decade he combined his experience to establish himself as one of the top post-production supervisors in the industry, working with all the major studios and on dozens of films premiering at Sundance, SxSW, Toronto, and Cannes. Highlights include The Circle, The Way Way Back, Enough Said, The End Of The Tour, Stoker, Annabelle, Sound Of My Voice, Ruby Sparks, Jeff Who Lives At Home, Cyrus, The East, Kidnap, Cedar Rapids and Spread.
At the same time, Logan pursued his own creative projects as an independent director and producer. He has multiple screenplays in development, directed his first feature film, Family, which sold to Lifetime, and earned his PGA Producer's Mark with Manson Family Vacation, a Duplass Brothers production premiering at SxSW to rave reviews and selling to Netflix before the festival ended. He recently directed The Garage Sale, an experimental narrative feature designed to take advantage of the Internet’s new storytelling opportunities and he produced and photographed the documentary, The Disunited States Of America. He and his team, along with award-winning director Luis Prieto, followed eleven subjects across ten states prior to the Presidential Election. It was commissioned by Sky TV Italia and debuted in Europe on Sky Networks.
His latest directing project is Lunch Ladies, a black comedy based on Sweeney Todd.
Director Statement
Lunch Ladies represents everything that I loved about watching horror movies as a kid in the 80s. Everything had a sense of fun, even when it got scary; and a deep love and respect of the genre, even when it got silly. Clarissa’s script has given us a world original but familiar, and rich enough to sink our teeth into. I am extremely excited to present this ever-so-slightly-twisted film in honor of all the movies that inspired me growing up, and I hope that our audience feels the great fun we had making it for them.
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egooksconnolly · 7 years
11 Surprising Uses For Tea Bags You Probably Never Guessed!
You don’t really have to be an extra from Downton Abbey to enjoy tea—or more specifically—tea bags. Besides brewing that perfect cup of a refreshing pick-me-up, a tea bag also possesses some other surprisingly wonderful uses. If you ever thought your tea bag was only good for a run-of-the-mill cup of tea and gossip, well, you are so very wrong.
Here are eleven other awesome ways you can get the most out of your tea bags. Enjoy!
1. Fight Acne
Pimples spewing pus not only kill your self-confidence; they can also be remarkably tender and painful. But worry not my friend, there’s always your tea bag to the rescue! A green tea bag positively bursts with antimicrobial and antioxidant goodness that can zap those zits in no time.
In a study conducted by the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the University of Miami, volunteers who possessed mild to moderate acne and diligently applied a (2%) green tea lotion twice each day for a course of 6 weeks, were found to see a whopping 58% decrease in the number of breakouts on their skin (1)!
2. Soothe Some Sunburns
We’re all aware that it’s the harmful UV rays in good ol’ sunshine that has the potential to damage our skin. Long-term exposure to harmful sun rays can actually leave one with inflamed, sore and tender sunburnt skin that has you looking like Mr. Krabsfrom Spongebob. Ouch.
However, don’t despair. Applying wet tea bags could just be your salvation.
Research suggests that green tea contains a compound by the name, ‘epigallocatechin-3-gallate’. EGCG was found to work as a wonderful sunscreen that can actually reduce any DNA damage rendered by harmful UV rays.
Also, studies conducted on animals have discovered green tea bag topical application can decrease the development of cancerous skin cells (2).
3. Treat Dandruff Or A Dry Scalp
Suffering from persistent dandruff that just won’t leave you alone? Simply brew a strong cup of antioxidant-rich green tea. Allow the bags to percolate in hot water for an hour, after which you can proceed to rinse your hair with the strong tea. This is a trusted home remedy to eliminate dandruff and boost hair shine.
4. Rejuvenate Puffy Eyes
Are all those late nights and oodles of stress taking a very physical toll on your eyes? If you’re looking to be rid of the insufferable puffiness and dark circles, then tea bags are your answer! Simply soak two bags in some warm water and squeeze out any excess moisture. Rest them on your lids for a minimum of 20 minutes. Bliss!
5. Alleviate Minor Burns
If the sting of minor burns persists, place 2-3 tea bags in your refrigerator overnight. Wrap them on the burn region like gauze to alleviate tenderness.
6. Tone That Skin
Tea happens to be rich in tannins, which makes them wonderful skin toners! Tannins can react with the proteins in our skin causing skin pores to tighten. Hence, if it’s a milder astringent skin toner you’ve been searching for, then moist tea bags are an inexpensive and effective solution (3).
7. Help With Boils
Skin boils can be extremely painful. Suffer no longer; just use your trusted tea bags! Applying moist tea bags topically on your boil region can lead to its drainage and accelerate healing. Tannins in the tea have antibacterial properties, which can help fight infection. They are also known to relieve pain and reduce inflammation (4).
8. Keep Shoes Smelling Fresh
Tired of icky-smelling shoes? Well, deodorize with tea bags! Place one tea in each shoe overnight. They will successfully absorb any mal-odors and moisturize shoes.
9. Grow Your Garden
Tossing those used tea bags around shrubs or into compost piles in your garden can help give your plants a nutrient boost. When the tea decomposes, it will release the essential nitrogen for your garden (5).
10. Clean Your Home Like A Pro!
Did you know a wet tea bag can eliminate greasy fingerprints from your glass countertops and make your mirrors and windows sparkle? No kidding.
Tannins found in black tea can also help shine and boost the color of old wooden furniture. Hence, the next time you’re faced with summer cleaning, don’t hesitate from using wet tea bags to your cleaning regime.
Sick of the mal-odors emanating from your fridge? Get rid of the nasties by leaving some tea bags in your refrigerator (6).
11. Eases Sore Gums
We bet even your dentist wasn’t aware of this wonderful tip. The next time you’re faced with sore gums, just refrigerate some tea bags and apply on the affected, sore region. You can also help relieve any oral inflammation or mouth ulcers this way.
Now that we know these eleven other fabulous uses for tea bags, I do believe simply dumping them in the trash after a brew should be a crime. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below!
The post 11 Surprising Uses For Tea Bags You Probably Never Guessed! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
The article source is here:Style Craze
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giveuselife-blog · 7 years
Top Tips for Working at Home and Staying Efficient
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/top-tips-for-working-at-home-and-staying-efficient/
Top Tips for Working at Home and Staying Efficient
Operating at Home (to your personal business) has outstanding advantages – no lengthy trip within the rush hour, no need to ask permission to head the Dentist or to depart early to pick out the kids up from school. However, it can also convey a whole draft of troubles too – in particular, if you are new to Operating at Domestic. Dropping the structure furnished through a workplace putting can be very unsettling for a few. problems may additionally consist of things like, In no way Truly Switching Off! Or other people now not respecting your time. Or simply now not getting organized enough to Simply get whatever executed!!
So, when Operating at Home, how can we remain Efficient – and hold a piece-existence stability?
I’ve compiled a listing of Recommendations for Operating at Domestic that I have discovered beneficial. (by using the manner, I’ve worked from Home now for over eleven years – and that I would not move again to an office for anything! However, I still find those Recommendations extremely useful to remind myself what I have to be doing once in a while!)
Hints for Working at Home: 1. Define your Work Area.
You want to have a place of the job – and that is not sitting on the couch in the front of the Tv! if you do not have a separate observe (that is the precise choice) then try placing yourself up on a table inside the spare bedroom or eating room. You want a Space wherein you may close the door and feel like you are ‘at Work’ and consequently experience like you’ve got ‘finished Paintings’ while you move out of that Area on the quiet of your day. Psychologically that is important as it changes your nation of mind from “at Home” to “at Paintings”. Learn to Awareness. Being capable of shutting the door on your separate Space is vital – if the door is open it could sign to your own family that you are to be had to chat (or play!)
Anyplace your workspace is, ensure you maintain it tidy – the old adage about a tidy table equalling tidy thoughts is authentic! The tidier and greater organized your workspace, the greater Productive you will be. additionally, ensure you’ve got the gadget you want – in particular, ensure you have got a comfy chair with the again guide.
Recommendations for Working at Home: 2. Set Floor Policies/tips with Those Around You
Set your Operating hours (see tip four) and ensure that your friends and own family are privy to this and appreciate it. You aren’t to be had for coffee, for long lunches or for play! Your buddies and family possibly would not disturb you at an office with questions that could effortlessly wait till you get Home – But if Home is your office they will now not display the same restraint. A number of buddies and family can even suppose that as you work at home you are capable of stop for coffee or an extended lunch at a moments word! make sure that everyone knows that interruptions are for pressing subjects most effective.
Recommendations for Running at Home: three. Put together for Paintings – Physically and Mentally
Have breakfast, take a bath and dress. You do not must wear a healthy – But don’t live in your pajamas! Getting dressed first component in the morning prepares you for Work – it receives your mindset in the right area.
don’t flip the laptop on just to check emails as you walk past the study first thing in the morning (I am responsible for this one!) All of sudden you recognize it’s lunchtime and you’re still to your PJs with a stinking headache cos you have not had breakfast (not to mention a bath!)
make certain you’re inside the proper thoughts set for the day. Begin the day nicely
Recommendations for Running at Home: four. Set Normal Hours – and Stick with Them
Again of Working at Domestic is which you do not ought to Paintings 9-5 if you don’t need to. I tend to Paintings from nine.30-three.00 (with a spoil for lunch) and then 7.30-eight.30 in the evening (after my Son is in bed). Consider what works for you. You may need to Paintings early mornings or evenings too in shape Round your circle of relatives lifestyles or to talk with colleagues in other time zones.
Anything hours you decide – Keep on with them! (you are allowed a few leeway – However, do not let Paintings run your lifestyles).
I think this is one of the hardest ‘Guidelines’ when Working from Home – it is so easy to Genuinely By no means switch off. However, a healthy Work-lifestyles stability is crucial – even in case you do business from home.
Guidelines for Running at Home: 5. do not assume you want an Immaculate House!
do not spend extra time on house responsibilities than on Running! A piece of mild housekeeping in your ‘lunch hour’ is suitable, as is popping the abnormal load of washing on, But definitely, while you are at Paintings, you are at Work – even in case you are Operating at Home. If you could come up with the money for to get a purifier and you’ll have one in case you have been Running a ‘right activity’ in an office – still get one. Please do not assume you have to be Superwoman (or Superman) and do all of it yourself due to the fact other humans think you have lots greater time due to the fact you make money working from home!!
in case you take your Work severely, in particular when you have just started out a brand new commercial enterprise at Home, then you definitely want to put the hours into your Work – now not into cleansing the House!! Schedule non-Paintings time for family chores and get the relaxation of the family to do their share. It is critical that you don’t take on every household job just because you work from home – The ones Around you need to admire the reality that despite the fact that you’re at Home you’ve got critical Paintings to do during your scheduled hours.
Pointers for Running at Domestic: 6. Restrict Distractions
In case your Work allows- flip OFF the telephone so you can concentrate and get on without distraction. simplest test your email at certain instances of the day. it is so clean to get distracted via emails that you think need to reply to At once! in case you do that, you’ll By no means get any duties finished!
turn OFF your Skype, Facebook, Twitter etc even as you’re Operating. check your IM at sure times and most effective cross on Fb to your damage instances. I know that Operating from Domestic can be lonely so the use of Social Media can sense like your lifeline to the outside world – But this may fast take over your day and break your productivity.
Hints for Operating at Home: 7. Make an Each day TO DO listing
Making lists can honestly assist you to Attention and stop you procrastinating – which for a few purpose we seem to do greater of when we are sat at Domestic on our own!! I do a weekly list of tasks after which smash that down into Daily duties. I use the Steven Covey technique to Time Management as a good deal as possible and the important thing for me is to Focus on my
Large ROCKS. do not just pick the smooth responsibilities – spend fine time for your Massive Rocks and your business will fly!
if you surely do conflict to Attention (in spite of a to-do list) attempt making plans out what you’ll do each hour which must assist you to live Efficiently!
Guidelines for Running at Domestic: eight. Create Small Closing dates
This follows on from tip 7 – and can also assist forestall the dreaded procrastination! when you Start the day it looks as if you have plenty of time and it may be clean to get sidetracked by means of the Television or the cell phone. Set objectives for completing portions of labor – e.G. “I will finish scripting this weblog by way of 11 am”. “I will entire this advertising and marketing hobby by 1.00”. This allows to break up your day and hold you focussed on the challenge.
Suggestions for Operating at Home: nine. do not simply Take a Time off due to the fact things get hard!
don’t just take a Time off because you do not sense like Working nowadays!! if you are having a difficult day – persevere – do a little Paintings anyway! in case you are unwell, be sick – take a proper Day without work to get higher. in case you organize a holiday Time without work it’s great – But do not just decide you can’t be afflicted to Paintings these days – that is a slippery slope to go down while Suddenly you Never gain anything!
Hints for Working at Domestic: 10. Take Scheduled Breaks
There are various methods to try this – relying on your Running style. But provide your self-breaks. some human beings locate it beneficial to take a fifteen-minute spoil for each hour labored. Or maybe you will favor taking a fifteen-minute run two times a day. In addition to small breaks take a right lunch damage. Eat something healthy – Away from YOUR desk! Depart the House and get a few clean air – it’ll definitely make you a lot more Productive when you get again on your desk. simply sitting in front of your PC without breaks will just result in ‘diminishing returns’. You suspect you’re Running sincerely tough – however, the results just aren’t that exceptional!!
Tips for Running at Home: eleven. end whilst you end
know whilst to prevent Operating! just due to the fact you are Running at Domestic does not imply which you should be Working All the TIME that you are at Domestic! Depart Work at the stop of the day.
Susan Seaburg (Subject Improvement Supervisor for Hewlett Packard) gives her to enter on Running at Domestic in an interview with Santa Clara University:
“The best news is that now you could Work everywhere – the terrible news is that now you could Paintings anywhere.”
The majority cross Home to escape from Paintings – you don’t have that choice. So be careful which you still maintain a very good Work-existence stability.
Tips for Operating at Home: 12. Watch your Mood
The whole lot you pay attention to will have an effect on your Temper – or distract you from the assignment. In my opinion, I hate Running in silence so if I actually need to concentrate I put on a few non-intrusive song just to create background noise! (My husband is the alternative – he has to Paintings in entire silence so we use separate rooms if he is Operating at Domestic too!) If I am now not having to concentrate too difficult I pay attention to instructional audios – as I a member of the Empower Network Inner Circle I’ve access to a whole variety of recordings by humans on the very Pinnacle of internet advertising – so I pay attention to The ones every day. those also can be exceptional to lift your Mood if you are feeling A bit low or unfocused. find what works for you and ensure you surround yourself with matters with the intention to provide you with the great frame of mind for Something you are doing.
Tips for Operating at Domestic: 13. Are searching for out possibilities to talk with different human beings!
in case you recognize you can not be too distracted, cross and Paintings in a café, in or library every now and then as this will simply give you an alternate from being at Home all day. Most espresso stores have unfastened wifi these days in case you want to be on the internet.
Attend some training courses or nearby networking occasions to preserve a few human touch – and likely choose up some enterprise too!
Skype or Facebook chat rooms also can be an amazing manner to talk with the outside world. I exploit these methods a lot as my crew and co-workers are all around the world. But as referred to in advance, don’t get sucked into spending hours an afternoon chatting on-line and no longer getting something else completed.
Make the odd phone name too – do not simply use email. It is good for your sanity to Truly talking to a person from time to time!
And ultimate However now not Least –
Tips for Working at Home: 14. Be Thankful!!
Be Thankful that you may do business from home. which you do not need to do the lousy commute, that you could be Domestic when the kids get in from faculty, that you aren’t stuck in a windowless office or shared cubicle!! Certainly, BE Efficient so you can preserve Working at Home!
Desire you found my Top Tips for Running at Domestic useful. if you need to see how I make cash Operating at Home every day – please check my weblog website indexed under.
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spynotebook · 7 years
What makes a comic worthy of a “Best of” list? Uniqueness. I’m sure we can all agree that it’s easy for our pull lists to grow longer and longer. We read new comics every Wednesday, but not all of them make the same impression. This year Rich Johnston and the Bleeding Cool writers (not Jude) give you 11 comics to reflect on as we say good riddance to 2016 and welcome 2017 with nervous worry.
Jonathan Rich
Motor Crush #1 by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr.
Though this very website posted a few retailers experienced initial trepidation in ordering a new independent title featuring a black female protagonist, the release of Motor Crush #1 from Image Comics proved those fears were largely misplaced and misguided. The terrific trio of Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr built upon their pre-Rebirth success reinvigorating DC’s Batgirl to forge a new path with a unique creator-owned title that manages to visually and narratively surprise as much as it delights. The art collaboration of Stewart and the Tarr fluidly moves on the printed page and Fletcher does double duty contributing to the writing of the main story as well as a backup feature previewing his upcoming Isola publication with art by Karl Kerschl. Anyone wanting something different from what’s offered from Marvel and DC should line up at the start line to get their monthly Motor Crush fix before this becomes the next big thing in comics. The buzz surrounding this title became louder at HeroesCon and echoed when the goods were delivered at the end of the year. 2016 may be remembered as a dumpster fire for many other reasons, but Motor Crush gives hope new voices will be heard and have something to say throughout 2017 and beyond.
Eliot Cole
  A-Force #4 by Willow Wilson, Kelly Thompson and Jorge Molina.
I’m unsure that I really have the words to sum up issue four of A-Force, but suffice to say it’s basically a perfect comic book. This book, more than any other that I read this year gave me hope, pride in general, and a sense of comradery in the team that I have just not felt from any team book, or indie on the stands this year. Jorge Molina and Laura Martin’s art evokes the main characters so well and (if I were to focus on one of them) brings the innocence of Singularity to the page like Alphona did with Molly Hayes in Runaways, but Singularity is SO pure, and SO there, that you HAVE to know what’s going to happen to it next. Script wise, G. Willow Wilson and Kelly Thompson just give us everything; non-clunky exposition (A HOLY GRAIL), science, science fiction, conversational depth without overly long dialogue, clever characters, bold heroes, snarky witches, and remnants of a universe that should never have existed as a single entity fashioned in a human form. Finally, though, this year I’ve not gone through the gamut of emotions as hard as I did in this one book, it enveloped me wholly, and took me over. Read the first trade of the post Secret Wars A-Force and tell me that which ever part of it is covering issue four doesn’t get you in your sweet spots, and I’ll give you a jar of my tears to help you along. Stay feely, Bleeding Cool. Oh look, I can did wordsings.
Jeremy Konrad
Superman #6 by Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, John Kalisz and Rob Leigh.
When Rebirth was announced, I was relived. For me, Superman was one of the characters that suffered the most during the New 52 era. I felt DC never really had a concrete idea on what to do with him, always preferring to keep him…ahem…Grounded. That is not Superman, he needs to be portrayed as the ultimate hero, high in the sky. The opening arc of the Rebirth run accomplished that in the first 10 pages of issue one, but it was this issue, and the page here that brought a tear to my eye. My Superman was back, and this is one of my favorite Superman images of all-time. Yeah, it invokes other images and even Superman 2. But I don’t care. This creative team was born spin tales of the Man Of Steel. I could have picked any issue of the run so far, they are all damn good. I can’t wait to keep taking the ride with them for as long as I can.
Joe Glass
DC Comics Rebirth Special #1 by Geoff Johns, Phil Jimenez, Ethan Van Sciver, Gary Frank.
After years of darkness, grim and gritty takes on favourite superheroes, and seeing characters get maimed, raped, mauled, immolated, decapitated and every other imaginable way of dying, Rebirth brought a breath of fresh air.
When DC announced the Rebirth line of books to come, I was initially cautious and pessimistic. I’ve been burned before.
But then this one shot came out. And it was Geoff Johns at his absolute finest, going to almost every corner of the DCU and bringing back much-needed light and, most importantly, hope. With a cavalcade of artists each bringing their absolute A-game, the book couldn’t be put down. In fact, I read the book three times in a row, before coming back again and again for subsequent readings later.
In a year that’s been pretty rough all over, it’s been nice to have a bit of hope shown, even if just in a comic book.
And I am not ashamed to admit, it drew a tear to my eye once or twice too.
The possible reveal, if it really is as we all are suspecting given the strong visual, structural and dialogue clues throughout, of the Watchmen characters being brought into the main DCU, and what’s more, being essentially the antagonists behind many of the dark times that have been mixed into comics since the 80s, was controversial, but excellently executed.
And if it is how it plays out, I am intrigued to see how that works out. But of course, it all started here.
Abdulkareem Baba Aminu
  Black Panther #1 by Ta-Nehesi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze.
The Black Panther was such an important character for my friends and I growing up in Nigeria, where the scarcity of black superheroes was felt, more so an African one. Thirty years later, saying Black Panther #1 by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze (Marvel) is the comicbook I waited for throughout my childhood might sound like stretching it, but it’s the simple truth. Other runs by other great writers and artists still stand solidly, but the current volume touchesA on almost everything I’ve ever wanted in a Black Panther book. The words which opened the issue set the tone perfectly: “I am the Orphan-King who defied the blood, who defied his country and was divided from you.” And thus began T’Challa’s journey through the deepest troubles he’s ever faced as a king, and as the costumed superhero Black Panther. The issue has it all, including a beautifully-realised Wakanda, new characters, and then there’s the awesome new way the titular character’s costume comes on, no doubt inspired by Kirby-esque tech. The story, which sees the king of Wakanda grappling with internal strife in his kingdom – basically an insurgency – is nicely tucked in at the end by DVD-style extras that proved a splendid touch. This creative team, for me, most certainly put out the best single issue of a comicbook in 2016, and I’m hoping they keep it up in 2017.
Ray Flook
Black #1 by Kwanza Osajyefo, Tim Smith III, Jamal Igle and Khary Randolph.
Black #1 is as in-your-face a comic as I’ve read in years; and in a comic book world populated with mega-crossovers, shared universes and books tailored more for the screen and less for the reader…it’s refreshing to be reading something that’s bold and righteously unapologetic. Writer Kwanza Osajyefo (with co-creator/designer Tim Smith III and artist Jamal Igle; and powerful covers from Khary Randolph) offers-up a world to us that’s sadly and strikingly similar to our own but with one catch: superheroes exist in their world…but as the title strongly suggests, in their world super powers aren’t meant for everyone. Osajyefo’s world is our world but with a twist…and that “twist” quickly forces the reader to confront their personal views on racism, police brutality and our country’s long, bloody and violent history with race relations. Black #1 is one of those rare books that you need to reread once you’ve finished it…and then reread it again a week later to truly appreciate what it has to say. It changes how you think. It changes how you feel. And that’s a pretty rare thing these days. Oh…one last thing: definitely remember the name “Kwanza Osajyefo” because his voice is an important one and one that I’m sure we’ll be hearing from for some time to come.
John Odum
Vision #12 by Tom King, Gabriel Walta and Jordie Bellaire.
It’s the rarest joy to find one of those handful of books, songs, films, paintings etc, that manages to hit every note just right. A work that simply makes you incapable of nitpicking because you’re completely lost in it. Add the entire Vision series to that list, but no issue more powerfully than the final one. If quality is measured by emotional impact, Vision #12 gets my unconditional vote as the year’s best. From issue one, a palpable feeling of dread manifests itself into ever-deepening layers of full-blown crisis, in the process forcing the reader to confront uncomfortable questions about humanity and morality. Married to an artistic style that creates a pitch perfect synergy with the text, Issue 12 not only rises to the lofty expectations set by the previous eleven, but exceeds them with that rarest of things: a truly unexpected – and emotionally devastating – final turn. Read with tissues handy. I’m not kidding.
Rich Johnston
Pope Francis Goes To The Dentist by Paul B Rainey
You know the kind of people who will bore anyone by talking in extreme details about a specific medical problem they are suffering with? My mother-in-law and her eyelashes, my mother and her ears, and get me in a pub corner and count the seconds till I start talking about my gout. Well, with Pope Francis, it’s his teeth.
And possibly my favourite comic of the year. A compilation of strips, mostly involving Pope Francis and his obsession with his local dentist – I say local, but it appears to be in British suburbia. Oh and his dad is also a Pope. And his mother is a nun. This is never commented on but it makes for a slick suburban sitcom that is the funniest, surrealist sketch that Monty Python never did, with lines that ground this most ridiculous situation with the mundane. Add a few appearance of the 14 Year Old Stand-Up Comedian and the French artist Monsieur Octopus and this is a real gem of 2016.
Providence #11 by Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows
This issue of the League Of Extraordinary HP Lovecrafts comic Providence marked the first time that I realised how Alan was using the actual name of Lovecraft in the story, a magical term, a way of making people love, to obsess, to have desire for someone or something else through whatever means possible. It was achieved through the repeat image of the song “You Made Me Love You” until the dissonant images hammered it home. Jacen Burrows making each oh-so-similar image distinct as he rips the comic book through the decades, in a way that outdid Eddie Campbell’s similar portrayal of passing time in From Hell. It’s been said that good writers give readers the chance to fill in the circle themselves, it’s all about judging how wide a gap to leave. In Providence, Moore leaves wider circles than most, but they are such a thrill when you make that jump.
Providence is published by Bleeding Cool’s publisher, Avatar Press.
No Mercy #9 by Alex De Campi and Carla Speed McNeil.
From the opening page of this teen survival story flashback issue, there is incredible disconnect between expectations and reality, never more effectively portrayed than with the facial expressions of the characters and the double meaning of “coming out” in high society, as well as what is meant by “be yourself”. No word is wasted, every syllable targetted in one direction, from beginning to end it’s a devastatingly clever, poignant and angry take on the gap between children and their parents.
And the second page personifies both as two distinct figures, the person and the clothing, and the mental anguish divides the two, quite literally covered up. In those opening two pages, No Mercy managed to say more than most comics managed in a five year run. The rest of the comic? It matches up. Page four was probably the angriest page of the year…
And then the gap becomes so wide it breaks your heart, and you spent the rest of the comic looking for the light amongst the dark – until you find it. If you squint. A possibly perfect comic book. For emotional effect, no other comic came close for me in 2016.
Chew #59 by John Layman and Rob Guillory.
An example of one of the greatest bait and switches in serialised comic book history. Chew has always been a most entertaining comic, telling the story of an impending alien invasion, the banning of eating chicken worldwide, and super powers related to food emerging all over the place, all dovetailing together. But with its penultimate issue, John Layman wrote something very special. We’d already had a teased vision of the future that turned out to be a vicious tease for the audience, but we were grateful for the dodge, the people we thought would die, didn’t, it was all beautifully explained away in a previous issue as it headed for its denouement. And then with #59, it did it all anyway. This issue was a masterpiece of structure, and its a credit to Guillory that he created such depressing scenes while maintaining the cartoony style that had defined the look of the series. One of the crueller pieces of torture inflicted upon an audience and masterfully cast.
Bleeding Cool’s 11 Favourite Single Comics Of 2016
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no-entry-access · 7 months
Me looking at a version of Bruce Wayne with old 3-5 kids: weak ass bitch
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