#my dumbass fell in love and became a fucking stupid person that did nothing but care about that ‘relationship’
allofuswantgwinam · 1 year
i hate that every time i set a boundary with my mom after the fact I want to cry and throw up l
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The Only Loki I (Actually) Hate
So I've alluded several times to the fact that I hate President Loki, and he's a dick and he's horrible, and I want him to die a horrible, fiery death and never come back from it. And it should be noted that he's the only Loki that I hate.
Classic Loki? Tragic, I love him so much, and I think he deserves a hug from Thor. Alligator Loki? Perfect, can do no wrong. (So he ate a cat; I'm sorry for that cat, that sucks, but he's wonderful.) Boastful Loki? I know nothing about him, so I can't make any judgments either way. He's great, and he can lift Mjolnir, which is cool. I have no idea how he became worthy of that, but I know nothing about him, so I don't know why. Sylvie? Perfect, can do no wrong, best friend, love her so much. Main Loki, the Loki that we know? I love him. I love him. I love him. Kid Loki? As I've said before, I'm certain he did not actually kill Thor, or he had a very good reason why he ended up killing Thor. But he's perfect anyway, and I'm sure he's fine. And even if he did kill Thor, I'm sure Thor got better. It's what he does. Fork Loki? Weirdo, but I don't know enough about him, so... okay.
Any Loki whatsoever in the comics? Great, perfect. I do want Old Loki to shut the fuck up. (He's a Loki in Agent of Asgard.) But by the end of it, we actually find out he's kind of a tragic Loki. And he's really very lonely, and he comes back in time to the main timeline of Loki: Agent of Asgard and kind of fucks shit up and inadvertently gives him (main AoA Loki) the support system that Old Loki didn't have. So he's really just as sympathetic a character as the main Loki from AoA is, in the end. And Kid Loki in the comics is great and he can also do no wrong, and I've adopted him and he's my child. The original Loki? He's annoying and I'm tired of him, but I don't hate him.
President Loki needs to die. I would like to slam his head against the wall until it bleeds and snaps.
The reason for that, is because he comes from a single-volume comic called Vote Loki, which came out roughly 2015/2016-ish. And he is the villain. And I think all of the other Lokis involved, in the comics or in the MCU, would hate his fucking guts. Cuz he's a jerk. And a dumbass. And why in the hell is he trying to become president?
He's set up as a character replacement, when there are plenty of other villains who could have done this, plenty of other fascists, racists, misogynists, homophobes, that could have done the job if you needed a stand in, and they chose Loki for some reason. And that is why I hate him so profoundly. He is so vastly out of character for current era Loki (not counting the era of Loki between AoA and Defenders: Beyond but we don't talk about that and I didn't read it, but I'm aware this is technically in that era), because he's a stand-in. And he's really terrible. And I don't like him. And he's the only Loki that I really vehemently hate.
If I never saw him again, or heard of him again, I'd be good. There's a lot of merch that's like, "Vote Loki," or campaign buttons, and stuff. And I won't touch it; I will not buy it. Because that's stupid. I hate that comic. I hate that man. I'm so mad that Tom Hiddleston looks so fucking good in that suit with those horns, because that comic sucks. I'm so mad, because that comic was a gift from my friend, because they know how much I like Loki, and they wanted me to enjoy it so much. And that comic fell so flat for me, because it shouldn't have.
Because there's a perfectly good way that that comic should've gone, and still had Loki running for president. And it would've been to have him not be a stand-in, but to have him run against the stand-in, or to have him run against the person he's standing in for (who would've thrown a baby tantrum over it, but what else is new? He probably threw a baby tantrum over the comic anyway). Or, cuz it's Loki, why the fuck does Loki care about the laws of the United States or Earth? He's got daggers. Like.... I'm not sure why the election even needs to happen. (Baby-Tantrum-Man concedes on the grounds that he is six feet under said ground. You cannot prove his opponent had anything to do with putting him there.)
So that's why I hate President Loki. And why I never want to see him again. And why the fact that he got his hand bit off by Alligator Loki was the greatest moment of my life. Alligator Loki should've eaten more of him. Fuck President Loki. And while I'm at it, fuck the guy he was a stand-in for so the reactionary ex-douchebag-in-chief wouldn't try to sue Marvel./End Rant.
TL;DR They turned Loki into the asshat who was the US President 2016-2020 (I refuse to give him the attention of typing his fucking name). I don't think they intended for it to be anything more than poking fun at him, because the run ended well before election day. But God I was so pissed. It was vastly out of character for his current comic personality (I know what he did in Avengers; I'm talking comics).
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casspurrjoybell-18 · 5 months
Worthless - Chapter 29 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Asher had been acting weird. It started after Riley and Fallon confronted Murphy. At first, I had thought that he was angry at me letting them do it. When I went to him, about to explain that I had warriors surrounding the area as well as disguised as prisoners, he simply said he wasn't angry at all. With anyone else, I would have probably doubted them but with Asher, I knew he told the truth. That left me even more confused though. If it wasn't that he was angry about Murphy, then what? 
Honestly, as the weeks progressed, I was getting more and more suspicious. I couldn't prove anything but he was deliberately avoiding me for the majority of the day. It was frustrating. I even went and asked everyone but they knew nothing. They even told me I was the one acting weird. As hard as I might try not to doubt him, my mind kept going back to one thought, was he cheating on me? 
That single question kept going through my head as I sat at my desk, holding a piece of paperwork that I wasn't actually reading. I was too stressed to actually do any work. The more I thought about it, the more bitter I became.  I snapped my head up when I heard a cough. I glared at Thalia as she stood there with her hand on her hip. She arched an eyebrow, gesturing to the paper in my hand, and I realized I'd crumpled it. 
"What do you want?" it came out almost a growl.
'Was she the one, no Gunnar was her mate, then again, I was Asher's and he still might be cheating on.'
"Jesus fucking Christ, Kade. He's not cheating on you."
I stared wide eyed as she threw her hands up.
She let out a frustrated sigh,
"I said he's not cheating on you dumbass. He's been hanging out with Rory."
I tensed, a growl rumbling in my chest.
"That doesn't mean anything."
She gave me the 'are you really that stupid' look before sitting down.
"Okay, if he was, which he would never do because he thinks the world of you, you'd feel it. Plus, Rory wouldn't ever do that. Honestly, I've never even seen him with anyone, since we were all in high school."
I thought about it, nodding my head. Frowning, I felt my cheeks heat up. Of course Asher would never do something like that. And she was right that'd I'd feel it if he did. Rory was like a brother to me and wouldn't betray me like that. I really was stupid.
"Sorry Thalia," I mumbled.
"I shouldn't have snapped at you."
"No," She wagged her finger at me.
"You shouldn't have ever doubted your mate. Jeez, Kade."
I sighed, rolling out the tension in my shoulders as I leaned back in my chair.
"So what did you come here for?"
She smiled wickedly and I suddenly regretted the question. Who knew what she was going to say? I wouldn't put it past her to say that she just slaughtered a whole group of rogues and skinned them alive. Don't get me wrong. Thalia was great and a wonderful person but she was dangerous and sometimes you wondered about her sanity. Not that I'd have her any other way.What she did say, shocked me.
"I'm pregnant."
My mouth dropped open and I almost fell out of my seat.
"Seriously? That's great."
She lit up, a beautiful smile on her face.
"Only you, my sister and Alpha Eric know and you can't tell anyone. I plan on surprising Gunnar as a Christmas present."
"How far along are you?"
I was bummed I couldn't spread the word but Gunnar was going to love his Christmas present. I was happy for them.
"Oh not that far. I went to a human doctor in town and he said I was about six weeks."
"Human doctor? But what about the pack... Oh wait, you can't go to Gunnar."
We laughed.
"Yeah, that would mess up my Christmas surprise."
I thought for a second, letting out a low hmm. 
"Well, when you get farther along, we can get someone to fill in for your duties. I'd say Rory but he isn't the most, responsible?"
She snorted.
"You got that right. He's gotten better since high school but he's still pretty useless for anything but tracking. Oh and guess who's coming home?"
I could tell she was excited. I tried to think of anyone but came up blank. Shrugging, I gave up earning a frustrated sigh.
"It's Calon. Isn't the Beta supposed to find out about these things?"
"No, that's your job," I grinned, thinking back to my high school days.
Calon was two years younger than me but he was only a grade below us. We were all pretty close before he moved to Europe.It was cool that he was finally coming back. I whistled.
"Man, I haven't seen him in, what? Almost three years?"
"Yeah, I guess it would be around that long. He went and got his Associate's in business since he's been prepared to take over his family's business."
"When's he supposed to come home?"
"Today actually. Just in time for the Christmas Eve Party."
"And I'm just finding out now?"
I stood up, checking the time.
"I think I'll go to town and buy him a gift. We've still got a few hours before it starts."
She smirked, standing as well.
"You're just using it as an excuse not to help set everything up."
"You know me so well."
I winked before leading the way out. I mean, I was but I also would feel bad if Calon showed up and there wasn't a gift waiting for him. As Thalia and I walked, we reminisced about high school. I stopped when we got to the entrance.
"He still likes books right?"
She paused, tilting her head
"I would think so. I mean, he was a book worm in high school."
I nodded, turning the doorknob and stepping outside.  I quickly went to a small bookstore in town. I grabbed a few random books since I honestly had no clue what he was into anymore. I went for older ones since he might keep up with the new releases and asked for them to be wrapped. After, I stopped by a bakery to grab a few sweets for Asher. He'd developed a sweet tooth and I knew he'd love them. It was an easy drive back and I got to the pack-house an hour and a half later.
Stepping out of the car, I dropped off the goodies in my room before going to find Asher. Usually, I'd just use the mind link but he's been closed off lately. It confused and frustrated me but I wasn't going to let it eat at me anymore. Like Thalia said, Asher wouldn't cheat on me.  I easily caught his trail and followed it throughout the house. He seemed to be pretty busy which was to be expected with the party tonight. It was an annual event and almost everyone in the pack came.
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suburbiatales · 2 years
unhealthy attachments, embarrassing separations
we hear a lot about the perils of romantic relationships. after all, we are at our most vulnerable when we allow a person into every aspect of our lives. they see us at our best, and at our worse. from crying at a stupid video of a raccoon accidentally dissolving a piece of cotton candy (if you have not seen that video, you know nothing of pain), to a jealous screaming match over flirting with the cashier at the supermarket. they've seen us from every angle (literally). they know about the weird mole on your labia, your inverted nipple, and your fascination with pimple popping videos.
all of that to say 1) I have a weird mole on my labia and 2) it's old news. most romantic relationships end in tragedy or, at best, an awkward wave when you run into them at the local coffee shop.
but do we talk about platonic relationships enough? i can tell you right now that nothing has hurt me more then the "friend" breakups i have accumulated over the years. this year, for example, i had a friend dump me for keeping a secret that wasn't mine to tell. the worst part? they told me they forgave me. and then proceeded to ignore every text and every phone call. actually, that's a lie. they texted me to ask for a 4am ride to the airport. and my dumbass, of course, said yes.
i was dumped so many times by friends that i developed a (diagnosed by my lovely therapist) fear of abandonment. so, unlike other people with legitimate reasons to feel abandoned, like daddy leaving for a cigarette and never coming back, i fell prey to mean 13 year old girls who didn't like my dry sense of humor. lame.
anyways, back to my point. another thing you hear a lot about is the romantic soulmate. that look across a crowded bar, the butterflies, a hint of nausea. but did you know that there are friend soulmates too? that one person that just met you and immediately got it. "it" being why you are the way you are, how to navigate your flaws, how to cheer you up when you're down. and i met mine.
for the purpose of anonymity (as if anyone reads this blog-), we'll call her margaret. maggie darling was my first friend in college. usually people completely divorce their first freshman buddy; we are so desperate to find a friend we'll cling on to anybody at first. then you find your footing, your people, and that first desperation friendship becomes a lost memory. not me and maggie. it was friendship at first sight. we immediately died at each others jokes, shared our childhood trauma, had our first sip of watered down vodka together.
the funny thing is that we couldn't be more different. i was a goody two shoes, depressed little nerd. she was a drug addict, manic pixie dream girl. emphasis on the "manic". and the "drug".
she struggled to make friends at first. even though i didn't i stayed by her side whenever she needed. we were conjoined at the hip. when she wanted to leave a party because she had no one to talk to, i was outta there holding her hand.
when the situation flipped however, she forgot i existed. she made a new best friend that i didn't like. so instead of being that cute friend trio, buffy/xander/willow style, they became a duo. and i became a solo.
over the years, she eventually dumped the inconvenient new best friend. apparently, i wasn't crazy for disliking her, which maggie made me believe. "you are jealous," i heard numerous times. no, the girl was insane. no boundaries, shots for breakfast crazy. post a picture of maggie naked on her instagram story crazy.
i found that, over the course of 3 and a half years of knowing maggie, i have been the comfortable friend. the one she reached out to when everyone started hating her for hitting on someone's ex-boyfriend. or when her recent fuck buddy dumped her. but when i needed her, she disappeared.
it's so sad that she was the only person i have ever met that completely understood me as a human being. undoubtedly, in a different universe where she has any type of self-reflective inclination, we are inseparable.
but here i am. i neglected making other friends because she felt lonely, and i wanted to support her. now i am maggie-less and friend-less. it's my own fault really. i think our bond was so strong at first that i developed this incredibly unhealthy, concerning even, attachment to her. almost an obsession. and that's what i am here to warn you about.
take care of yourself first. i don't care if its with a partner, or a friend, or a partner/friend. no one is going to put you first, stop neglecting yourself for the service of others. friendship and acceptance aren't everything. sometimes a girl just has to be her own best friend. don't let yourself be the miranda to someone's carrie. be the samantha to your own samantha.
anyways, that's the rant of the day. i hope you learn from my misfortunes. don't forget to hydrate and take your birth control. deuces.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
For The Girl Who Has Everything
Masterpost link for Reelin’ In The Years: Here
AO3 Link: Here
wc: 2.4k Summary:  Claire is too mad to even look at Cas let alone talk to him. Dean knew he had to step up because two people with messed up childhoods and anger issues really need to spend more time together talking about their feelings.
When Chuck was defeated, a lot of people came to the bunker to celebrate. Those times were a big blur to Dean, his focus was on finding a way to save Cas, and it wasn’t until he saw Claire run down those steps that the world focused again. She smiled at him, a rare big grin, before her arms wrapped around his neck to bring him down for a hug with an intoxicating giggle.
‘She didn’t know,’ Dean thought as his arms hung loosely at his sides.
He hid his face in her curls, not knowing how to face another kid Cas left behind because of him. He was holding his breath when she pulled away to look at him. Her eyebrows were raised in a question that Dean didn’t hear. Didn’t want to hear.
She repeated it, “Dude, where’s Cas? Is the old man sleeping or something?”
‘Yes.’ Dean swallowed the hard lump in his throat.
He didn’t look at the audience around them when he finally opened his mouth to say, “Claire, Ca—” He couldn’t say his name. He felt like it would tear the fragile wall that was keeping him on his feet if he did. “I’m sorry.”
Dean watched as her face twisted into confusion, understanding, and then settling into anger.
She was trying to fight the tears, but they fell as she yelled, “No! No, you were—Where were you? Why didn’t you protect him?”
“He protected me. He—he saved me.”
She looked at him with round eyes, shaking her head as if not wanting to believe it.
“Then it should’ve been you! You should’ve died! Not him!” Dean flinched at the words that have been echoing in his head since that night. “It’s not fair!”
Claire’s angry fist collided with his chest. He flinched at every hit but didn’t back away as her punches became sporadic but still filled with grief. Maybe even guilt.
“I’m sorry.” Dean knew those words did nothing to comfort, but he couldn’t help but say them. “I’m so sorry, Claire.”
She screamed in frustration until her punches weakened, and he was holding her. Then, finally, she fell against him, her face hidden in his chest as her grip tightened on his shirt.
She didn’t stay after that.
She walked back up the stairs with Jody and Kaia following behind her. Jack tried to talk to her, but she couldn’t even look at him. Dean couldn’t blame her.
It’s hard to look at the kid when he reminded them of the person they lost.
Of course, Dean never told Cas any of this.
Since coming back, Cas had been dealing with the silent treatment from the killer Barbie. She only replied with the thumbs-up emoji, and when Cas was too much, she responded with the middle finger emoji. A little warning advising Cas to back off.
She only visited him once, but that was when Cas was in the hospital. She freaked out, yelled at him for being stupid, and then passed out by his bed only to leave the next morning like nothing ever happened. Still, it made Cas feel a little better knowing she still cared, but she was dealing with it her way. Or, as Cas liked to say, she was dealing with feelings the Dean Winchester way. Of course, he’ll argue it wasn’t true, but he knows he won’t win that one.
Now he was sitting awkwardly in Jody’s living room watching Kaia and Patience play with Jack on the floor while Claire and Cas had a yelling match in the privacy of the backyard. Well, Claire was yelling while Cas was trying very hard to keep his tone even, which only made Claire angrier.
“I’m done talking to you!” Claire slid the glass door open and stormed through the living room.
“Then try listening to me!” Cas followed behind her, watching as she walked straight past the living room and towards the front door. “Claire. Claire, where are you going?”
She whipped around to glare daggers at Cas, eyes wide filled with tears, but she still looked at him with a pained grimace. “Did you even think of me? When you were out there being a damn hero. Did you-Did you think of me?” Her voice breaking on the last word made Dean flinch.
“Claire, of course-”
“No. No, of course, you didn’t. Cause if you did, then you wouldn’t have-” She bit her cheek as tears started to fall. She stood tall, presenting as strong, as her expression hardened. “You left me, Castiel. And now I-I don’t,” She looked around the room. It was quiet as everyone watched the interaction before her eyes landed on a little Jack in Kaia’s arms. She clicked her tongue before turning back to the door. “I’m leaving.”
“Claire.” Cas tried following her, but Dean quickly rushed up to stop him. “Dean. I may not have my strength, but I will-”
“Calm down, Rocky,” Dean had a hand on Cas’s shoulder to stop him. “I just wanted to stop you from making it worse.”
“I don’t think I can. She hates me.”
“She doesn’t.” He assures his boyfriend with a little smile, but Cas simply rolled his eyes at him. “Okay, you stay here. Talk to your son, and I’ll go talk to the other kid.”
“Oh yeah? What are you going to say to her?”
“I don’t know, but like you said before. Two fuck up’s just understand each other.”
“I didn’t say-”
“Yeah. Yeah. Just let me handle this. You trust me, right?”
Cas made a face at that, not answering quickly enough before he said, “Just bring her home.”
“Gee. Thanks for the confidence, babe.”
Dean ran after Claire, forcing his way to her passenger side as she started to back up on the driveway.
“Thanks for waiting, kid. Where we going?” Dean buckled up just in time for Claire to slam the breaks. Unfortunately, he hit his head on the front dash because the damn seat was scooted forward, his knees were practically pressed against his chest, which made sense knowing a tiny Kaia would usually occupy the seat. “Ow.”
“You aren’t going anywhere. Get out.”
Dean ignored her scary and oddly familiar glare as he pushed the seat back so his legs could fit. “Oh, come on. My treat.”
She didn’t have time to argue because Cas walked out of the front door—his trust in him really was lacking—and Claire decided that dealing with Dean was much easier than having to talk to Cas again. But, of course, he would take that as a compliment.
Claire drove with loud rocker girl music vibrating the windows and didn’t stop until she finally parked outside some ice cream shop.
“I want a shake.” She sniffled, and Dean did his best to ignore her red blotchy eyes for her sake.
“Sure, kid.”
They drank their shakes and shared some fries while sitting on top of Claire’s ugly little red. Well, she sat, and he leaned, but either way, silence remained.
He didn’t want to pressure her to talk—she would probably lie if he did—but still, he wanted to ease the tension between Cas and her, salvage a relationship he knew was important to both of them, but he didn’t know where to start.
Maybe he could start with his own guilt.
“I’m sorry.” He cleared his throat as he felt the smooth ice cream start to turn to gum down his throat. He looked down at his shake, lifting the straw up and down to hear the gloppy sound while trying to figure out what to say to her.
She hummed, “‘bout what?”
“Not telling you. About Cas. What happened to him.” He sighed and looked back at her. “Sorry. I should have called, but I wasn’t—I was a mess. I couldn’t be there for you. I couldn’t even be there for Jack. I should have-”
“It’s okay.” She waved her hand up to stop him. “I-I get it. I mean, it’s not, but whatever.”
“So, are you gonna tell me why you’re mad?”
She rolled her eyes, once again the gesture was familiar, before slamming the shake on the hood and sliding off the car. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking so small as she kicked a pebble on the floor.
“He replaced me.”
Her voice was quiet. Almost like she didn’t want to admit it out loud.
“I know it’s stupid and-and I’m acting like a child, but…” She quickly sniffled again before running her hand through her hair nervously. Looking up to stare into the darkening sky, acting like everything was okay. “He’s not my Dad, but he’s the closest thing I have, and I just thought—I just thought that maybe he felt the same way.”
She shrugged, her lips pinching together as if trying to hold something back, before retaking control of her expression. A glare directed towards Dean replaced the lost child stare into the stars, but the lost child was still there.
“Kid…” Dean sighed, head scrambling for words.
“I’m not a kid.”
“You’ll always be a kid to me.”
Claire teased with a little smirk. She definitely learned this from Dean or Jody. “Whatever you say, old man.”
“Old—Claire.” She let out a breath of a laugh before rolling her eyes away from Dean. “I’m trying to be serious. Cas… he loves you. He-he loves you like you were his own.” She didn’t look at him, but he could see her face scrunch up, ready to argue. “He worries about you constantly, and Jack knows all about you because he won’t shut up about how awesome you are.”
“He says that? He says I’m awesome?”
“Well, awesome is my word, but you get the gist.” He turns to face her even though she doesn’t meet his gaze. “Cas may not be your Dad, but he loves you like a daughter. Sometimes—yeah, a lot of the time actually—he makes stupid decisions, but it’s cause he is trying his best. And he cares. That dumbass cares way too much about the damn world, but he’s also someone who would give up the whole world if it meant keeping you safe.”
“Stop making excuses for him!”
“Claire, you gotta believe me. He didn’t mean to hurt you.”
She finally turned to look at him. “But he did. He hurt me! He left me!”
“He left me too!” Dean raised his voice; it sounded broken to admit such a thing out loud. And to Claire of all people. He slumped down against the car again and looked at the ground to ignore her big blue eyes throwing sympathy glares his way. “He left me—more times than you know. And—and don’t tell anyone I told you this—but I…I was scared. Each goddamn time I’m scared that this may be it! That this time…this time he won’t come back to me.”
“But he did.” Her voice sounded so far away.
“Yeah. Had to work a little bit harder on my end, but I got him.” He reached over and patted her shoulder. “We got him back.”
Something in the way her eyes went cold and far away made his fight drain out. He didn’t know what else he could do or say, but he opened his arms just in time to have her fall against him. His face mushed into her curls while he hugged her tight into his chest.
“Were you mad at Cas?”
Dean thought about it for a second. “No. I mean, I was at first. That asshole got himself killed over and over again. Leaving me alone.”
“But you had Sam. Jack.”
“Yeah,” Dean pulled back and looked down at her. “Well, you had Jody. Kaia. Alex. Patience and even Donna. Made it any easier for you?”
“No.” He chuckled while she hid her face from him, asking him to continue. “But I was mad at him. Real fucking pissed, actually. At him. At…at everyone. Sam and Jack didn’t even wanna be near me.” He tries to shake off those dark memories of screaming and feeling nothing but agonizing loneliness. “I just shut down and gave up on…a lot of things because he was gone. Couldn’t really see a point, you know?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“I get why you’re mad, Claire. Trust me, I do, but he’s back now.”
“And I’m just supposed to forgive him? Did you just forgive him?”
Dean shrugged, looking back down at her sad baby blues. Hoping she would understand and that she won’t tease him about it later on. “I didn’t want to waste any time being mad at him. I love him too much.”
“Gross.” She pushed him away this time, tucking her hair behind her ear before smiling at him. It reminded him of Jack’s little shy smile. “But I-I think you’re right. Maybe I’m done wasting time.”
They drove back with the music luckily a little lower but Dean just watched Claire drive with a growing smile on his face. He’s gonna have to admit that Cas was right, two messed up people can really relate and help each other out.
When they walked into the house, Dean took Jody from marching over to Claire to lecture her. “Just wait,” he whispered to her, and luckily she listened to him. They both held their breath as Claire walked over to Cas—who looked like he had been sitting in that seat freaking out since they left—and asked if they could try talking outside again. He blinked up at her a few times before nodding, following her to the backyard again.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief when the glass door closed behind them.
“Dean.” He looked up towards his kid, who reached for him from Kaia’s arms on the couch. Dean quickly walked over to pick him up, pressing a kiss to his head while trying not to let guilt eat at him. “Is Dad okay?”
“Don’t worry, bud.” Dean watched Jack’s eyes that showed how much he has experienced, how much he understood. “He’ll be fine.”
On the drive back, Cas had a smile plastered across his face. They hadn’t had a chance to talk about what happened, considering Cas walked in, ready to introduce Jack to Claire. Then Cas spent the rest of the night watching his kids getting along, looking the happiest Dean had seen him in a really long time.
“So, what did you and Claire talk about?”
Cas hummed before looking up at Dean as if just remembering that he was there. “Oh. Um, she just made me promise her something.”
“And what’s that?”
“Same thing I promised you. Don’t get dead anymore.”
“Oh. Good. Keep that promise.”
“I’ll do my best.” Cas looked back at Jack before he leaned over and pressed a kiss on Dean’s cheek. “I have a lot to live for now. A family.”
A family. Yeah.
Dean took a peek at Jack with the mirror and then watched as Cas changed his phone background pic to one of Claire spinning Jack around in the living room.
They were a real family.
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sorryjustafangirl · 3 years
seattle worries
a/n: it was about time i wrote for the toothless love of our lives mr erik johnson. im still mad at him for waiving his nmc even though people saw it coming so i wrote this while at work and because im in a slump. enjoy. gender neutral reader
pairing: erik johnson x reader
word count: 1.5k+
warnings: mentions of pandemic, a few swears, expansion draft
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and real person fiction if you don’t like that, please don’t read! this lovely gif is not mine! credit to the wonderful gif-maker
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You and Erik had been dating for about 2 years now and things could not have been better. The two of you had been set up by a mutual friend after the Avalanche were eliminated from playoff contention. EJ was a natural charmer and swept you off your feet, despite any nerves he felt that night.
Then a pandemic hit and Erik decided that you should move in. In case we have to repopulate the Earth, you know, he joked, but he was serious about his proposition. Your friends all gave you skepticism when you accepted; after all, you were moving in with a man, a professional athlete at that, after less than a year of dating. But you knew it was the right decision. Even when Erik went to the Edmonton bubble, you never felt lonely because you were in the space you shared with him, the space you knew he’d come back to.
Now, a year later and your relationship had been through injuries, an infectious disease, and hectic NHL life. You honestly thought nothing could break you.
Until now.
You were seething. How couldn’t he have told you? Sure, he could be a dumbass sometimes but he’d have to be a whole ‘nother kind of stupid to think you wouldn’t find out.
The thud of his hockey bag and the clang of his keys hitting the trinket dish on the hall table shook you from your thoughts. He walked into the kitchen, where you stood with your hands gripping the counter, with a smile on his face that quickly disappeared when he saw the scowl on your face.
“Hey baby…” His voice was hesitant, obviously testing the waters.
“How could you not tell me?” Your eyes were set, your jaw hard, and you could feel the tension in your shoulders. He sighed but didn’t say anything. “How could you not tell me you waived your no movement clause Erik? I found out from fucking SportsNet!”
“Look, I was going to tell you-”
“When?! You couldn’t find a good time to talk about how you might throw away your life here in the past two months?!”
“That’s not fair! No one ever said anything about throwing my life here away.” His voice raised but you didn’t back down, not with the way your cheeks were hot with anger.
“Oh, so you just expect me to drop my life here to go live in Seattle? Because your career is more important than mine?”
“I never said that! God, I hate it when you put words in my mouth!”
“Well, I hate it when my boyfriend doesn’t consult me on something that affects us both!”
“Why are you so angry about this? Nothing’s happened yet, they might not even take me!”
You scoffed at him, but it came out breathy because of the tears welling in your eyes. “I’m upset because it feels like you aren’t even considering us in your career. Like you don’t care how this affects me too. Like you don’t even notice you’re throwing us away.” Your voice cracked at the end, tears falling from your eyes. You turned away from Erik in an attempt to hide your emotions but he knew. He knew from the way you hunched your shoulders and the way you shut your eyes, you were crying.
Slowly, he came towards you, his step gentle. His arms around you were like glass until you clung to his shirt; then they became like a warm blanket- all encompassing and familiar. Sobs racked through your body and he traced his hand up and down your back. He placed a kiss on the top of your head lightly before smoothing your hair, trying to soothe you. When you finally calmed down, with only hiccups left, he took your face in his hands, wiping away the tear stains off your cheeks.
“Who said anything about me throwing us away? Hmm?” He spoke softly as if he was trying not to frighten a calf. When you didn’t answer him or meet his eyes, he bent down to your level, meeting your weary eyes and repeated his question. When you stayed silent, he kissed your forehead before placing his own against yours.
“I’m not throwing us away, okay? I’m not. Even if you think I am, I promise you I’m not. You’re stuck with me, okay? You got it? I’m not leaving you,”
“But what if Seattle-”
“If. If, baby. It’s not set in stone, it’s an if. A possibility. Joe doesn’t even think they’ll take me. Waiving my contract meant they could protect another D. I haven’t played in practically a season, Seattle probably won’t want me.”
“Probably. Meaning there’s a chance they do want you,”
“There’s also a chance I get hit with a car tomorrow, or that it starts snowing in July.” When that didn’t crack a smile from you, he sighed. “I don’t know what’s going to happen and I wish I did and I wish I could guarantee I stay here but I can’t. But I can guarantee that I’m not giving up on us, even if I go somewhere else,” He ended with a soft smile but furrowed his eyebrows when he saw your eyes go hard again.
“So you’d still expect me to go with you then?” You broke away from his embrace. “To pack up everything I’ve ever known just because you waived your contract?” You shook your head and started off towards your bedroom.
“What, no! No! Baby, c’mon,” He grabbed your hand and turned you to face him. “I don’t expect you to change your whole life for me. I know your job and your friends and your life here is important to you. But I do expect you to have a little bit more faith in me, in us, that we’d figure it out.” He sighed again and dropped your hand to run his hands through his hair.
“Look, hypothetically, hypothetically, if Seattle took me, I only have a year left on my contract. After that, I can decide where I want to go. So it’d be one year, not even, just one season where we’d have to do long distance if you don’t want to move. We could do that. I know we could. And… I’m not as young as I used to be. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to play. And so when that day comes, I can be wherever you are. I don’t care if it’s Milwaukee, Hawaii, Seattle, or here. I want to be wherever you are, even if it means we do 8 months apart. I’ll do 8 months apart if it means the rest of our lives together.”
The two of you stood there in the hallway, silent, contemplating what was said. Even though you had lived together for a year now, this was your first major fight. And your first real glimpse into your future. Sure, you’d mentioned in passing getting a dog or a house with an acreage for his horses, but it was all in passing. EJ was a joker and although he makes you laugh like no other, he isn’t the kind of guy to get serious too often.
“You want forever with me?”
“Fuck yeah, baby. You’re it for me. And you have for a while now.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me you were waiving your clause?” You were pleading with him at this point, your eyes searching his for any sort of answer.
“I didn’t want you to freak out, which based on tonight, was fair enough on my end. And seriously, Joe doesn’t think they’ll take me. I’m old and injury prone. But Sammy isn’t. And we need Sammy. It was for the good of the team. And if I told you, you would’ve tried to talk me out of it.” He shrugged. “But I’d already made up my mind.” He reached out to take your hands again, his thumbs rubbing your thumb knuckles. “It wasn’t against you. I didn’t tell anyone I was waiving it until it was done,” You were silent as he continued to caress your hands.
“I want forever with you too, you know?”
His eyes sifted and his signature goofy grin made its way into his face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You looked up at him and squeezed his hands. “Even when you’re being stupid and leave me in the dark,”
“Well then I’m a very lucky man,” He pressed his lips to your cheek in a sloppy kiss which pulled a smile from you. His smile grew wider in triumph. “There’s the smile I know and love. C’mon, let’s go to bed, yeah?” You nodded and kept your hands intertwined as he led you to the bedroom. The two of you slowly got ready for bed, EJ slipping under the covers first. He opened the blanket for you, and you turned off the light before finding you spot cuddled into his side, your head resting on his chest. His hand ran over your hair, whether to soothe you or him, you weren’t sure.
“I love you. And nothing, not even Seattle, will ever change that.” He whispered into the dark room.
“I know.” You pressed a light kiss to his chest and laid your head back down. “I love you too.”
“Whatever happens, it’s me and you babe. I promise.” He kissed the top of your head and slowly you both fell asleep, his promise of the future lulling you into a peaceful slumber.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
Super excited for this event! Congratulations on 1k 🎉🎉 If it’s still available, could I get Fluff #2 with sweet bby Kirishima??
“i’d do anything for you”
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pairing: eijiro kirishima x female reader
cw: fluff, language, kissing mwah, reader being a dumb unaware brat 
word count: ​1900+
a/n: umm i don’t think this is that good, i feel like it could be better but i have no capability of making it better whoops 
summary: in which kirishima helps you throughout the day and you finally ask him why he’s always so nice to you, gaining a response you’d never had expected
1k event masterlist
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Kirishima was always so soft with you, opening doors and holding your books whenever he saw you. But nobody would ever think he had ulterior motives; he was like this with every girl he met. Wrong. There was always a reason behind this, the way his fingers would skim your back as you entered the room or the way he’s able to clasp your fingers for a short moment as he helped you with your books.
But who would think any of this would be a reason for his crush, who would assume he wasn’t just living up to his manly expectation of helping girls in general. You did, you saw past it all, saw the way he’d tense up as you entered, saw the way that his eyes roamed your body as he hid it with your tie being crooked. You always watched his actions and motions, the difference in tone and gestures with other girls, the way Ururaka once tripped on her shoelace and even though he was the closest person next to her. He was the last to come and see she was okay, how when you had nearly fallen over Mina’s bag on the way to the kitchen. He would come from the other end of the room to catch your fall.
Kirishima had ulterior motives and you were going to find out the reason for it.
Maybe it was stupid to go all detective, maybe he was just genuinely unaware that Ururaka had fell. But in the back of your mind you knew there was another reason, was he the traitor trying to get closer to you. Was he trying to use you to turn on the heroes, there was no other way to find out but spend your Saturday with the dyed haired boy.
“Kiri come get the supplies with me for the festival today.” You giddily spoke at breakfast, the way he dropped his spoon into his cereal as milk splashed to the sides, his mouth agape at your words. “Kirishima?”
“Huh, yeah…yes I..I’d love to go out with you today.” His toothy grin was evident as you happily smiled at the boy, he was too eager as if he was the one who had already planned this out.
He continued eating as he met your eye a couple times, handing you some water afterwards as he gave another smile. “Where do you need to go?”
“I was thinking about that craft shop half an hour away and then some lunch, it’ll be fun.” He nodded without even a question as you both left your separate ways. Your eyes fixated on him as the elevator doors closed, he was too eager, you knew it, there was no other reason for him to want to spend a whole day with you if it weren’t for your quirk.
You quickly changed clothes as you went back down the elevator, waiting for Kirishima to come from his room. You needed a plan of action; you wanted this day to be quick but as soon as you saw him walk through the elevator all cheerly. You felt a different emotion, a new feeling as his hair had become spiked up, his hoodie covering him as his hands still rough and calloused where put out for you to take.
“Y/n.” His hand was still out as you stared at it before you shook your head gaining some ability to speak.
You took it feeling a surge of electricity which you hadn’t felt ever in your life, was this from him, was he doing this to you. “Sorry…”
He didn’t question it already dragging you outside, “I heard from Denki that there’s this amazing Chinese restaurant, I know you love dumplings.”
Your eyes widened at his memory, he remembered something as trivial as that. There was no motive in remembering something like that, so why had he remembered it. “That sounds fun, we’ll be carrying a shit ton of stuff with us.”
“I’ll be carrying it, can’t have a pretty girl carrying crap.” He looked at how you squeezed his hand, the way your breath became quicker in a matter of seconds, you truly had no idea what the hell was going on.
The mid-autumn weather makes you feel excruciatingly hot for some reason, walking alongside the pavement, hand in hand like a couple would. That wasn’t the aim of this, your aim was to find out why Kirishima was so nice to you, nicer than he was to any other girl. Maybe you were unaware, maybe your mind had been put on the hero course and studying and becoming a hero that new feelings had always just been swept away.
But at the tense look Kirishima gave to you as the long half an hour walk occurred. He spoke about his day about how he planned to visit his parents tomorrow, normal, he was normal. “What about you?”
“Mina asked me if I could help her change her hero costume, she was more excited about it.” You mocked knowing that excitement was an under exaggeration.
He chuckled lightly as the stroll through the city became more comfortable, “aww you gonna be her model.”
“Haha you wish, she likes my costume and wants my input.” You say not looking at him, he had tried to make eye contact, but you had been unable to due to fear or another emotion you could not put your finger on.
He came closer as your arms were now brushing beside one another, “your costume is pretty.”
He nods as you both finally see the doors of the craft store, “yeah…” he scratches the back of his head, “ever since I first saw you in it I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you.”
It was cliché but the way he spoke it out with such love for you and all you could see; all you could think was how he had noticed you from the beginning. The unknown emotion ran through you as you finally spoke, “let’s go inside.”
You didn’t say anything else letting go of his hands as you looked at the list Midoriya had written up for the festival. “You take half and I’ll take the other half.” You ripped the paper in two, passing him the paper before leaving him.
Kirishima would never understand what went through your head, he walked towards the other end. Thinking about the day, how your actions never showed your clear true feelings, how you held his hand but at the sign of him flirting you got quiet. He didn’t understand you and it made him grow even more impatient, having spoken to Bakugo about his feelings and being called a dumbass for keeping it all inside. He had to confess; it was his only option.
Scouring through the rest of the list, the ability to easily find everything seemed trivial. Kirishima started to wonder where you had gotten off too, having not seen you at all and both having plenty to get.
You hadn’t bothered thinking about Kirishima as you grabbed the stuff needed, finding yourself on the last item. You were looking at the different glitter pens that Mina had wanted to use on the class's faces, you flicked through the different colours before feeling a figure behind you.
“Pretty girl like you shouldn’t be on your own.” You rolled your eyes as you turned to see a man you didn’t recognise, probably some worthless guy who thought hitting on girls would actually get him a girlfriend.
“I’m not.” You mutter as much as you didn’t quite understand Kirishima’s motives; you always had him to back you up if something occurred.
The man looked down putting his finger out to touch your cheek, you grabbed his wrist before he could try anything. “You got a strong grip for a girl, I bet you’d be good in bed.” You didn’t bother with the comment but could see the redhead in your eyeline.
You wanted to test something out, see if he’d comply with his motives, not activating your quirk. You loosened your grip on the man’s wrist as he brought his other hand to grab your throat. He wasn’t some quirk less human; he had a quirk you could sense it but as he licked him up about to put his slobbering lips on you. You heard Kirishima shout out dropping the items and charging to you both.
It wasn’t a shout you could even process as you felt the man get punched to the other end of the aisle, the way his eyes went down in one punch by Kirishima’s hardened arm. He looked down at you instantly grabbing you as he looked at you in confusion, “you could’ve protected yourself.”
He always had faith in you, always knew that you could protect yourself. So what had changed, “why?”
It was a cry as he stared at your body on the ground, other store members having seen the scene calling the police over the incident. Kirishima knowing you both would have to get out of the store, leaving the stuff he took you up. Feeling your body against him as you walked out with him you were mumble crap he could barely understand.
“Y/n what happened?” He placed you on a bench as you looked up at the bright sky, the clear blue sky with nothing coming down towards you, no clouds or birds. Nothing, “Y/n.”
“Why do you treat me differently?” He couldn’t comprehend the question, the way he took a seat beside you as his arm rested behind your neck.
He turned to meet your eyes as he stared at your body, the way you stared up at the sky as if that was the only enticing thing you could see. “I don’t und…”
“You…you treat me differently, I know what you do, I see it you don’t act like this with any other girl and if…” You trailed off as you finally moved to face him, “and if you’re the traitor then just kill me now.”
“Trai…Y/n I’m not the traitor…” He paused as he spoke comfort to you, “…I’d do anything for you.”
You scowled back as you became frustrated, “Why? I mean nothing to you.”
“I’m fucking in love with you.” Your eyes widen as your stupidity and realisation came through. The feeling you couldn’t comprehend, couldn’t understand, believing it to be fear when in reality it was love. “I shouldn’t have said that”
You saw him turn away but grabbing his hoodie as you pulled him closer to your body, you stared at him, looked down at his lips as you closed your eyes. “I’m sorry…”
Trailing off you leaned forwards as he copied you, lips finally meeting together. You understood the love you had for him, that the emotion you had been so worried about was something else unknown. Maybe being in the hero course had made you see the worst in people, believe that nobody could ever love you. But here you were with his hands on the back of your neck, kissing you with such passion as your hands remained on his chest.
Heavy breathes as you finally ended the kiss, the way his eyes stared into your own. His hand moved to your cheek as he looked at you softly, “I love you Eijiro.”
It was barely a whisper, but he caught it, eyes widening as he gave you another much slower kiss, filled with love of the future ahead. You finally understood the motives of Kirishima’s kindness, it wasn’t out of malice it was of wanting to have you call him yours forever.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Lucky - Logan Howlett smut
The one where Logan catches you touching yourself when you’re supposed to be his.
Warnings: masturbation (f), oral sex (f), slight voyeurism, playful possessiveness, reader is a dumbass, Logan is in love, p in v, dirty talk, unprotected sex, a single spank, kind of a cum kink?, creampie
A/N: If a man tries to control when you can orgasm without your consent, please ignore him and get yourself another one. Logan here is obviously jesting and even if he were to create such a rule, he’d only enforce it with his girlfriend’s acceptance, of course. Day 4 of kinktober and the prompts were masturbation + eating out.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
As soon as I hear my room’s door close behind me, the stress of the day started to leave my tense muscles. Just being surrounded by my stuff, that I’d been carefully collecting since my arrival in Charles’ academy four months before, was enough to send the message to my brain: you’re home, relax. No one is going to disturb you here.
It wasn’t necessarily true, of course, which was one of the cons of living in the same place that I worked, but the probability of one of my students coming all the way here to ask for help, advice, or any other sort of guidance was extremely low, thankfully. As 5pm approached, the youngsters too began to relax, opting to look for social activities or hobbies to occupy their time instead of training and studying. In all my time here, no one except teachers had come to bother me in my own bedroom, and even that was extremely rare. Everyone seemed to understand the need for some alone time after a day of responsibilities.
So that’s why this room that was designated to me had this ability to instantly make me feel better, I guess. Up until now, the only other place that managed to make me feel so safe wasn’t actually an environment, but a person.
We’d been some sort of unspoken thing for a while now, only about a month. Despite his usual grumpiness that seemed to be directed to keep me away from him right after my arrival, the fact that I didn’t seem to care quickly made him curious, and this curiosity soon became a particular interest in seeing me underneath him, moaning pleasurably in his bed.
He made me feel safe, and the truth was that I didn’t care that after a month, we still hadn’t decided to give a name to what we had. All that mattered to me was that he wanted to spend time with me too and that he treated me right. 
But he’d been gone for the last four days on a special mission assigned by Professor X, so that meant that my current situation couldn’t really be blamed solely on my student’s behavior for the day. Oh, no. This particular tension came after my body had grown accustomed to being treated to multiple orgasms night after night, only to be abruptly denied those treats.
I missed him. I hadn’t had to touch myself in over a month and I’d spent the last few nights depriving myself of it because I knew I could never give myself the kind of pleasure that Logan could. Only he wasn’t here, and I was going crazy, especially since no one had any idea of when he would be back.
I needed him.
So I decided to grant me at least some sort of relief, as pathetic as it’d be, in the hopes of calming my longing body. The first thing I did was strip down to nothing. My favorite pampering activity was a nice warm bath after a stressful day of classes, and from Logan’s comments, I knew he liked it when I took the time to lather myself up in essential oils, too. On more than one occasion he commented that it made me smell “good enough to eat”.
It was only after said bath that I laid down on my still-made bed, spread out to appreciate the silkiness of my own skin after a good hydration session. The smell of coconuts from my favorite cream helped to ease me into the right state of mind, that I so desperately needed so I could start softly running my fingers over my thighs without that stupid inner voice that wanted to make me recoil in embarrassment.
I was a grown woman in the privacy of her own room. It was stupid to be timid about needing to touch myself, so I focused on the desire I could feel rising through me, and not on any other pop-up thought that insisted on making its way into my brain.
It became a lot easier when I thought about my lover.
Oh, how I wished Logan was here. He’d love to see me in this position, legs spread open for his eyes to take. Only the thought of his piercing eyes fixated in my naked body was enough to get me wet, and that elicited another memory of him. How he’d groan when the smell of my juices hit his nose, immediately prompting him to get on his knees in front of me and bury his head between my thighs. He’d lap me up eagerly, hungrily, like I was an entire feast dedicated to him after a life of restraint. As passionate a lover as Logan was, I don’t think there was anything he loved more than eating pussy.
If he was here, he’d say mine was the only one that provoked such an animalistic reaction from him. I’d laugh, refusing to believe anything that came out of his mouth when all he could think about was burying himself inside of me, but I’d blush nonetheless. A part of me wanted to believe I was special to him, despite his years and the number of women he’d most certainly laid with, mostly because he was special to me, too. 
But I couldn’t afford this sort of thought, so I opted to focus on the memory of how Logan’s tongue felt against my clit. I let a single finger touch it, trying to mirror the same pattern of movement he’d make. It was nowhere near the same sensation, but it was enough to prompt me to release a little moan of pleasure.
We were starting to get somewhere.
Logan’s P.O.V.
After four long days of fuckery, the only thing I could think about was going back home straight to my girl’s arms. So as soon as we were through the academy’s doors, I took the stairs two at a time to go directly into her room, having memorized her schedule long enough to know that she’d most likely be there. 
No one tried to get in my way. They knew better.
Much to my surprise, as I approached the now familiar doors to her room, a familiar scent engulfed me, prompting me to tune into the sweet sounds that I’d dreamed about these last nights. They were very discreet, but for someone with my enhanced abilities and extreme focus on her body and reactions, it was very obviously there.
Blindly, I reached for her door, slowly pushing it open and welcoming the warmth and overwhelming perfume that I’d come to associate with her presence, especially during the times she was releasing these delicious little moans. Immediately, my ears picked up on another, much dirtier tune: the squelching sounds her fingers elicited from her sweet pussy as she fucked herself.
I almost fell to my knees, as my legs suddenly lost the ability to keep me upright, but I was able to hold myself back just in time. Wouldn’t want to miss the show, especially when it was making me so fucking hard. 
Finally venturing further into the room, I came face to face with the beauty waiting for me. She hadn’t noticed my arrival yet, too preoccupied with her pleasurable activities, her eyes closed shut in concentration as her mouth fell open in that delicious silent scream I liked to swallow so much.
I watched as she touched herself a bit more, attentively looking for the telling signs that she was close to her release, and just when the muscles on her thigh began to clench, I leaned over her and wrapped my hand around her wrist, pulling her fingers from inside her cunt. The surprised gasp she let out made me smirk.
I sucked on her fingers, enjoying my first taste of her after what felt like forever. A deep groan erupted from my chest at her sweetness invading my mouth. “Missed me?” I teased when I finally reopened my eyes to find her staring back at me with a lustful expression.
“You have no idea just how much,” was her answer. I was enough of a man to feel proud of her response, but it also became clear just how much I had actually become soft for the woman under me - a stark contrast to the hardness I could feel restricting my jeans.  
When she first arrived at the academy, I hadn’t expected her to become as important to me as she had now, but just as I struggled to take off my clothes as quickly as possible before kneeling before the bed, pulling her by the ankles so she was spread out just in front of my face, I couldn’t really deny it. I’d do anything to keep her with me, just like this.
“I think I have some idea of it…” I teased her just as I softly ran my fingers over her pussy lips, simply collecting the wetness that had gathered there.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
He once more wrapped his lips over his wet fingers and moaned at my taste in his mouth. “How are you this fucking sweet?” Was all he asked before he delved right in, parting my thighs with his large hands and licking from my puckered hole to my clit. 
“Fuck!” I cursed, throwing one of my hands over my head, to find something to hold onto, while the other found its way into his hair, pulling on it just the way I knew he liked. I felt his groan reverberating through me before he chuckled, briefly stopping his ministrations to stare up at me with his lower face dripping from my wetness.
“I love when I can make you curse.” Biting my lip, I accepted that I couldn’t retaliate his teasing while he continued to eat me out. His tongue easily engulfed my whole pussy, so just that was enough to bring me to the edge of an orgasm in a way I could never grant it to myself. “Come on, sweet girl,” he admonished, slapping my thigh. “Ride my face. Give me what I came here for.”
I obeyed him without even thinking about it. This was just how it was when it came to us. He asked me to strip, my panties were on the floor before he finished his sentence. He ordered me to get on my knees, my mouth was instantly watering at the sight of him.
But God, did he deliver. My compliance came very easily when it came to a man like him, so eager to please beyond what his body could already offer. I’d been with many men before who, while obviously not as well-endowed as him, had been on the bigger side, and they always left me needing more, like they believed their dick’s length was enough to satisfy me without any real effort from their part.
Not Logan, though. Oh, no. Logan thrived on making me cum, over and over again. He liked to say he’d live on my pussy alone if possible, and by the way he very hungrily ate me out for hours on end at times, I knew he was being honest.
I sometimes liked to entertain the idea that I was the one who brought out that side of him, but I knew better. Someone like Logan had a lot of experience, I was dumb to think that I might be somewhat special to him, somehow. So I didn’t.
Instead, I allowed the filthy sounds of my wetness being gurgled down by him to bring me back to this moment, choosing to focus instead on how delicious his tongue felt against my clit, how he happily accepted my movements as I buckled up, in search of my orgasm.
I was right over the edge, in need of just a little something else to push me over it when Logan suddenly decided to open his eyes and focus them on me. The sight of his darkened eyes and dilated pupils was enough to make me throw my head back against the soft pillows of my bed as I reached bliss.
When the stars of light disappeared from my vision and I came to my senses, Logan was still in the same spot in front of me, his thumbs softly caressing the inside of my thighs. “You’re back with me, darlin’?” He asked in that deliciously gruff voice of his, and I shivered, nodding breathlessly as I wetted my lips. “So now, let’s have a talk. Who said you could touch yourself while I’m away, huh?”
I blinked once, then twice. My mouth was slightly agape as I looked down at Logan, still sprawled out for his viewing pleasure while my mind raced to make sense of his words. “I-I don’t understand,” I finally confessed, my eyes following his movement as he climbed up on the bed until we were face to face for the first time since his return.
Logan’s P.O.V.
I tsked teasingly, leaning down to deposit a quick kiss on the corner of her lips. “I asked you…” I breathed out on her ear, watching as goosebumps raised over her skin. “... who said you could touch yourself, darlin'. Because last I checked…” I cupped her cunt with one of my hands, chuckling lightly at how I was able to cover it with my palm. “... this pussy was mine and only mine.”
“I-it was?” Now, hold my heart (and my cock) but she just looked too fucking cute with that confused look on her face, her eyebrows frowned as she stared at me like I had grown two fucking heads.
“Of course, sweetheart. Now, I know we hadn’t talked about this before, so I’ll let your pretty little ass spank free this time, but be warned…” I leaned over her again, my nose touching hers as I felt her little breaths against my own lips. “... next time you’re feeling horny, you ask your boyfriend to help you deal with it. And if he’s not around, you wait.”
Now, I was expecting some kind of reaction from my little rule, and I was 100% ready to negotiate, but what I wasn’t expecting was for her eyes to grow twice their size as she suddenly sat up on the bed, forcing me to lean back and take a seat, too.
“Boyfriend?” She definitely looked confused, her eyes searching mine for something I didn’t know since I was just as puzzled. Opting to stay silent, I simply stared back at her, both of my eyebrows raised high as I waited for her explanation. “You mean… you?”
The familiar fire of anger rose up quickly inside my chest, and I had to curl my hands into fists to control myself. “Of course it’s me, who the fuck would it be? Are you sleeping with anyone else?”
Rationally, I knew my problem was less anger and more disappointment. I’d let my guard down for her - way too quickly, faster than I’d done for anyone else throughout my life. And I’d done it because she touched my heart in a way no one else had. I was falling for her, and I thought she felt the same way too.
“NO! Of course not!” She all but jumped, her hands reaching out to cradle my face and I found myself actually relaxing against her touch, as my heartbeat started to slow down at the knowledge that she really was all mine. “I just… I didn’t know… I didn’t think we were dating. I thought you saw me as…”
She didn’t seem to have the courage to finish her sentence, but she didn’t need to. I understood what she meant, and as realization fell upon me, I found myself throwing my head back and full-on laughing, much to her displeasure. When I managed to calm down, she was pouting at me, which only made the arousal that had dissipated by the fear reappear that much stronger.
“Oh, darlin’...” I started, pulling on her ankles to force her on her back again as I hovered over her, watching, analyzing. “I’ve fucked you every single night for the last month. Now, I know I’m not the kind to talk about my feelings, but I figured that made it pretty obvious…”
Leaning down, I took possession of her mouth to give her a breathtaking kiss, forcing her to accept my eager tongue, to taste herself on my lips. Then I went further, kissing her jaw, her neck, until I reached her collarbones, where I sucked a bruise, all the while rubbing my aching cock against her clit before pushing it inside of her in one forceful thrust. 
“... You’re mine. Only mine. Mine to fuck, mine to bruise and mark, mine to cum into.” Her mouth immediately fell open at the feeling of my hardness stretching her open, and I couldn’t help the smirk that took over my lips. “You okay with that, sweetheart?” I asked, waiting for her to adjust to the feeling of being invaded as I nibbled on her earlobe.
Finally, after a few minutes of her struggling to breathe as I felt her squeezing my biceps, she nodded. “Y-yeah.” Grinning, I took that as an okay to start moving and immediately started to pound her against the mattress, just like I loved and had come to learn that she did, too. Her nails bit on my flesh, but it only added to my own arousal, making me growl against the skin of her chest.
“This fucking pussy… You really thought I’d just treat you like a fuckbuddy?” Abruptly pulling out of her, I manhandled her onto her hands and knees before pushing her face down against the mattress, all the while laughing at the little scream of surprise she let out. “I’m never gonna stop fucking you, pretty thing. You better watch out.”
She was moaning desperately now, just how I’d dreamt of hearing while I was away from her, and it made my sack even heavier as it slapped against her clit with each thrust I gave. “Fuck… ‘m gonna cum, sweetheart. Do you want it? Say you want my cum in your pretty little pussy, come on.”
After a gasp that followed my slap on her ass, she flipped her head back, looking at me with those fucking sultry eyes that I loved so damn much. “Please, Logan, cum inside of me. Wanna feel it dripping from me, please, I need it so bad.” And this is why I was convinced she was some sort of siren or whatever. The second that our eyes connected, I was fulfilling her wishes, releasing all of my milky cum inside of her throbbing pussy, as she came at the same time as me.
Once I was able to breathe again, after having thrown myself by her side on the bed, I pulled her so she’d rest her face on my chest, chuckling to myself over how much of a cuddle lover I’d become ever since we’d started sleeping together.
“Hey, Logan,” she called out my attention, making me hum in response as I looked down to find her staring up expectantly at me. “I hope you know that this goes both ways.” I blinked twice as I waited for her words to make sense to me, but before they did, she was giggling, already clarifying her meaning. “You’re mine too.”
To say that those words filled me with the happiest kind of warmth would be an understatement. I didn’t know what to say, I’d never been good at this lovey-dovey shit, so I settled for pulling her back to me again and giving her forehead a kiss.
“Believe me, darlin’... I know.”
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just-mya-writing · 4 years
Break Up
Kenny x reader break up. Also Kyle x reader break up. Much angst. Writing this through tears. Gender neutral reader. 
TW//: implied suicide 
You and Kyle used to be the perfect couple. All throughout high school, you two were always seen by each others side. If your class was on the third floor while his was outside, he’d walk you to class every single day. He did football, so you did sports medicine. You did theatre, so he did orchestra. Whatever you did, wherever you went, Kyle wasn’t too far behind. You even shared multiple AP and honors classes together. After all, who could possibly make for a better lab partner?
Cartman extended his mistreatment of Kyle towards you, but neither of you cared for what the fat man said. Stan became one of your closest and dearest friends, becoming the unfortunate third wheel. Meanwhile, Kenny-
Kenny was...your ex. A bittersweet relationship between the two of you lasted a whole three years before the ugly end. You don’t like thinking about it. You don’t like talking about it. You hated him. Hated all the tears he made tumble down your cheeks. Hated the ache you felt in your heart, in your stomach, each and every time you saw the color orange. You hated the sunsets you’d used to watch together and the constellations he had learned just to impress you. You hated his goofy smile, and unkept hair, and large warm hands. 
You hated Kenny McCormick. 
From that bittersweet summer of eighth grade all throughout high school. Every time something reminded you of the boy, the pain and resentment swirled around inside, fighting for dominance. But perhaps the one thing you hated most of all was the fact that you couldn’t stop thinking of him.   
That summer was rough. The breakup, the fighting, the tears. It happened just like it does in all those stupid movies you watched with him. Unlike those movies however, there was no big reunion. No ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I need you in my life’. Nothing. Just like you felt when you ran, barefoot, away from his house. Tears and insults flying behind you. Your intended destination was the park. You didn’t go to the park.
You heard the red haired boy gasp your name as you tumbled inside, hiccupping sobs still coming out from clenched teeth. You did the first thing that came to mind. The first thing you could think of. You hugged your friend Kyle. Tightly wrapping your arms around his skinny body, you pulled him as close as you could. His mom was yelling at him to close the door, or maybe she was yelling at him to come back to the dinner table. You don’t know. The only thing that you could think about was your boyfriend. Your ex-boyfriend. And the way Kyle’s arms felt around you. Soft. Sturdy.
He comforted you through tears and a bottle of room temperature water. He didn’t have to, but he did. Of course he would...it’s Kyle. He’d stand between you and an angry hornet if he had to. That’s just the kind of person he was. You were thankful, apologizing when you weren’t thanking him for sitting beside you. Your soft whimpers turned silent as he soothed your thoughts and wiped away your tears. You knew he was saying something, but couldn’t remember the words. But you remember the warmth felt while being with Kyle. Kenny’s name and crime soon melted away from your mind from a single kiss on your forehead. Kyle’s lips were soft. As soft as his chest, which was softer than your favorite pillow. You hated how quickly you fell asleep that night. You hated how you didn’t hear him as he confessed his love for you, smiling the whole time. You hated how neither of you had talked about that night for days afterwards. But now, you hated how you agreed to go out with him. 
Kyle was very different from Kenny. Obviously. Kenny took you on random trips to the beach and ran through sprinklers with you on his back. Kyle planned coffee dates and walked through the park with you my his side. Kyle kissed you as if he cherished every last second. Kenny kissed you as if it were his last second alive. Kyle wanted to take things slow. Kenny joked about the names he thought of giving the kids you were going to have. Both had told you he loved you more than anything else. 
“...I guess that was a lie.” you whispered to yourself. You wanted to laugh, but all that came out was a dry chuckle. You watched as your phone blinked 1% for a few short seconds before finally dying. It too had given up on you when you needed it. You placed the dead phone on the sidewalk you were sitting on, staring at your reflection. You couldn’t register the person staring back at you was...you. The person in the reflection looked sad, miserable. They had tears in their eyes. But you don’t-
Oh. You were crying. You didn’t bother wiping them away, letting large drops splash on top of your useless phone. The streetlight you sat under fizzled, then shut off, leaving you in near complete darkness. Alone. You were tired. You wanted to go to sleep. You laid down on the cold sidewalk, curling up in a futile attempt to conserve as much body heat as possible. You heard his voice echoing in your head. 
“It’s just not working out anymore”
You tried to shut it out, tried to ignore the feelings that bubbled up to your throat. 
“I can’t do this anymore...I just can’t! You’re insufferable! I just. I need to be alone!”
“Kyle...please” you whispered. Teeth chattering. You were scared that the tears sliding out from your closed eyes would freeze them shut forever.  
“Get out. I said get out! Out!”
You wouldn’t have minded never opening your eyes again. 
“Kyle...you-you promised. You promised me forever...was that just-”
“For fucks sake, get the hell out of here already!”
You’re starting to thing Kyle wouldn’t mind either. 
“Hey...hey Ken. It’s, uh. It’s me.”
“Ooooh, hi hi me. Helloooo” 
“I-Kenny are you drunk?”
Not even Kenny, the boy who said he’d move mountains for you, would care if you just...if you’d...
“Pfft. Skkrt...bwahaha! You mean. You’re actually-aha to tell me. You? In New York right now? Yeeeeah right. I’m no dumbass, dumbass. Your the dumbass...d-d...dumbass.”
Maybe he was right. You were a dumbass. But hey, at least now you know. 
“I won’t miss you”
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Warning: NSFW, Toxic Relationships, Underaged Bakugou and Reader, Reader has Insecurities, Angst with a happy ending.
Bakugou Katsuki was destined to be a great hero. That was a fact that he always knew ever since his quirk appeared. Yes, it was his quirk that made him so great. So much better than everyone else. Ofcourse people without a quirk couldn't even be compared to him, people like Deku or you. Which is why, when both you and Deku aimed to study at UA, he was furious. Deku was the fortunate one as he went through just some bullying as what you went through was much, much worse.
It wasn't your fault that you fell in love with him despite the way he belittled you. However, you blamed yourself for acting on it. It was a stupid and innocent plan really. You were going to give him some chocolates anonymously on valentine's day during your final year at junior high. However, it was Bakugou you were trying to give a gift to and hence, he caught you red handed.
 Your confidence was already broken into pieces by your family and ofcourse, by Bakugou himself due to being quirkless and hence, when he decided to degrade you once again and offer you to be his personal fucktoy, you agreed. Atleast the boy you were in love with noticed you right? Atleast you were good enough to be his right?
This so called relationship you had broke you even more. Bakugou only made you feel more inferior and unworthy every day and convinced you to not go to UA. Even though you got into the Business course of UA, you decided against joining the prestigious school just to make him happy. Even then, as soon as he moved to the dorms, he ended up leaving you, telling you that you did not deserve him.
Bakugou Katsuki was destined to be a great hero. However, he couldn’t change the fact that he spent half his life acting like a villain. He realized it once he found out the truth about Deku, once he finally started seeing Deku as an equal. Unfortunately, it was too late. When he finally realized that he wronged you and decided that he owed you an apology, it seemed as if you disappeared in thin air.
Years went by and no matter how much Bakugou searched for you, he found no sign. All he ever found out was that your parents died in a car crash and they were sinking in debt, which is why you lost your home and everything overnight. He checked the nearby homeless shelters and found out that at that time, all the shelters were full and so, everyone who tried to get in were turned away. As a helpless quirkless kid, there was no way that you survived. However, by that time, Bakugou grew a newfound obsession over you and refused to believe that you might be dead.
The press always questioned why the number 2 hero remained single even if any girl would die to be with him. That question always went unanswered as Bakugou either chose to ignore the question or yelled at the reporters like there’s no tomorrow. The answer to this was that Bakugou had fallen in love with you over time. Whether it was due to guilt or not, he did not know. All he knew was the fact that he could not see himself living his life with anyone else.
Normally, Bakugou’s life was a boring one. He would patrol all day, fight villains, come back home to work out at the gym room he had at his own house, cook dinner and breakfast for the next day, have dinner and fall asleep alone in his king size bed. The bakusquad always thought that his lifestyle was downright sad, which is why, Kirishima had finally convinced him to go to a stripclub.
Bakugou was nothing short of irritated when he entered the club, where random half naked women were dancing on poles. He had absolutely no interest in such activities but Kirishima and Kaminari, especially Kaminari were annoying him for months and he wanted them to shut their mouths. However, that changed very fast as soon as he heard an announcer say, “Now, our quirkless darling will be up on the stage! Please welcome (Stage/name)!”
Ever since his obsession with finding you began, he found himself turning his head as soon as the word quirkless got mentioned. Ofcourse, it always gave him a surge of false hope as he never found you. However, this time, things were different as he saw you go up on the stage with a skimpy outfit on. He recognized you immediately, you didn’t look too different from when you were a teenager.  Sure, you were more mature and your skin was full of marks... wait... were you being abused?
Kirishima noticed Bakugou’s shocked expression and it didn’t take him long to figure out that you were the (Y/N) who Bakugou had been looking for since his UA days. Just to be sure, he asked, “Bakugou, is that (Y/N)?” and as he feared, Bakugou ended up muttering an “yes”. “She takes clients for further ‘service’ after she’s done with her show. Do you want to book her? You can talk to her that way.” Kirishima advised his best friend. To that, Bakugou only asked, “How do I do that?”
Bakugou could barely breathe as he waited infront of your room. After taking a deep breathe, he got in, only to find you naked. “I’m surprised you chose me, Dynamight-san. You don’t seem to like weak people right? Choosing a quirkless like me, is this some kind of fetish of yours?” you chuckled, the venom in your voice apparent. “(Y/N), I just wanna talk.” Bakugou answered, looking at your eyes. 
It surprised you honestly. You always saw pure anger and disgust in his eyes even when you were kids. It surprised you to see that the explosive hero could have guilt in his eyes. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not like you...” you muttered, confused by the entire scenario. 
“I searched for you for years. I heard about your parents. What happened to you?” he asked quietly, surprising you even more. “I-I tried going to a homeless shelter nearby but everywhere was full. I had some money that I saved up so I moved to the nearby city and got into a shelter there. I got some part time jobs to pay for high school at first but then I still had trouble with money cause they paid too less. That’s when I met a guy who got me in here and I’ve been working here since. You pro heroes are perverted enough to have sex with a high school girl so here I am, making money and getting by somehow.” you chuckled dryly.
“I’m sorry.” you heard Bakugou mutter, which surprised you even more. “huh?” you asked, confused. “I wish I could’ve saved you. I’m sorry, (Y/N). About everything. About saying all those God awful things to you. About not being there when you needed me. Fuck I wish I could take it all back.. I’m so sorry, (Y/N).. Please let me make it up to you.” he said in a raspy tone. It was hard for you to believe that THE Bakugou Katsuki was apologising to you.
“You weren’t wrong though. I did end up being a fucktoy for you people with quirks. There really is no other place for a quirkless loser like me...” you were stopped by Bakugou yelling, “Shut the fuck up (Y/N)! I’ll make sure you get a different job! Hell, you can be my assistant at my agency! Or Deku’s Agency! Just let me help damnit!”
“Why are you doing this after all these years?” you asked, tearing up. “Cause I was wrong. Cause you were more than just a fucktoy. Cause my dumbass took too long to realize that I love you. You don’t have to accept my feelings, (Y/N). Just let me give you a better life. I just wanna make up for my mistakes. You deserve so much better than this. Please (Y/N).” Bakugou muttered in a raspy tone. 
At this point, you were sobbing. Not knowing what to do, Bakugou hugged your naked form. You were so small and defenseless. Back in the day, the fact that he could crush you boosted his ego. Right now, he just wanted to protect you from all harm that could come at your way. “I need you, Bakugou-kun... Please...” you whimpered, as you pressed yourself to his chest, shivering slightly. “Call me Katsuki.” he muttered before kissing you.
Everything was different this time. This time, he kissed away your tears instead of causing them. He held you tightly instead of not letting you touch him. He kissed your marks instead of causing them. His kisses were so soft that it made you melt as he slid his hand down to your crotch, rubbing your clit, making you moan in pleasure. he trailed his kisses down your body eventually and as he reached between your thighs, he inserted a finger in you as his lips sucked onto your small bud, making you moan out loud. 
It was amazing how good he was with his mouth as he used his tongue to tongue fuck you as soon as you orgasmed due to his ministrations with your clit. His fingers went back to massaging your clit, making you gush into his mouth. 
That’s when he finally put his condom on and positioned himself on your hole. It was almost unbelievable to you that this was the same person from back in junior high as this time, he hugged you tightly, his body completely engulfing yours as he pounded into you. He was so much bigger now and the way he was kissing your neck and whispering how good you felt and how sorry he was to your ear, you couldn’t help but cum all over his cock. However, he kept overstimulating you, making you cum once again before blowing his load in you.
You expected him to leave right after. You expected all of it to be a lie. However, you were completely wrong.
Bakugou Katsuki was destined to be a great hero. However, the day he truly became one was when he kept his promise and gave you the life you always dreamed of. He became a great hero when he made sure you knew that you were worthy of him and more.
The ask box is open!
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quillfeather21 · 3 years
A KiriBaku Drabble Cause I am attacked by Feels™️
(They’re in their third year here, 17-18
“Ei come on! You’re gonna miss Movie Night if you don’t start moving your lazy ass!” Bakugou pounded on Kirishima’s door, tempted to kick it in. Kirishima had suggested this stupid movie night thing, and now he wasn’t gonna show?!
Bakugou would rather die than let his boyfriend ditch his own idea.
Eijirou opened the door, Katsuki frowning as he saw how red the area around his eyes was; as if he had been crying.
“I ain’t going,” Eijirou told him. He had been crying, Katsuki could tell with how thick his voice was. It sounded as if it was latching on his tongue like a sticky candy, unable or unwilling to let Eijirou speak.
“What’s wrong? What’s got you upset?” Katsuki asked, hands folding across his chest. He had to look up to meet Eijirou’s eyes now, the redhead towered over his five foot nine frame. Eijirou clocked in at six seven easily: possibly taller if he ever stood still long enough to be measured.
“Nothing, just wanna be left alone right now. Enjoy the movie,” Eijirou grumbled. Katsuki shook his head.
“No way am I sitting through whatever dumbass show the hoodlums pick. If I have to suffer then you do too,” he told him. “So what has your pretty head tied up now?”
“I’m just tired, Kats. Leave me alone, please-“ Eijirou’s plead fell on deaf ears as Katsuki sat his ass on his bed, glaring at him.
“I ain’t leaving until you either decide to go down or tell me what the fuck is up with your gloomy ass!” Katsuki demanded, sitting cross legged on Eijirou’s bed. His phone laid near his foot, and he grabbed it as Eijirou lunged for it.
“Katsuki. Give it to me, please,” Eijirou said lowly, eyes not leaving Katsuki’s own. Katsuki shrugged, looking at the screen. A video of Eijirou’s recent villain fight was on, but what made Katsuki’s stomach turn was the comments.
“He used to be handsome until he lost the abs. Now he’s just boring”
“He was a babe until he got the weight. Needs a diet”
“Looks like someone’s had too many donuts with Fatgum”
“Red Riot? Do you want some dieting tips?! I got some!”
Katsuki set the phone down and looked over to where Eijirou was staring at himself in the full sized mirror Mina had gotten him; teasing him about how now he could see how atrocious his clothing choices were.
“They’re right, Kats. I’ve gained weight since my debut. I need to lose it, otherwise I’ll never make it as a hero,” Eijirou whispered, eyes filled with shame.
“You’ve grown since your hero debut too, Ei. Everyone gains weight when they grow, it’s natural. You’re a perfect weight for your activity level and height. Recovery Girl said,” Katsuki reminded him. Eijirou shook his head.
“But I’m not skinny, Kats. People don’t like heroes who don’t have abs or huge muscles. They like heroes like All Might, or Hawks.”
“All Might’s muscles were because of his quirk and Hawks has a body made for flying. His body was built to be thin and streamlined. Yours was made to be able to take hits,” Katsuki stood beside Eijirou, one hand resting comfortingly on his elbow.
“Does that really matter?” Eijirou’s voice wavered, red eyes teary as he sniffled.
“Ei, the training you’ve done with Fatgum was to bulk up. To keep your body safe when and if your Hardening breaks. If Hawks got punched by a giant fist he’d be crushed. You’re built to withstand that kind of villain. So what if you don’t have abs anymore? The muscles are still there, they just got insurance.”
Katsuki smiled as Eijirou chuckled. He liked being able to make Eijirou smile, especially when the anxiety and depression became too overwhelming. It was nice to be able to make his sunshine feel just a tad bit sunnier.
“I know I can’t make the bitches who say that shit be quiet- god knows I want to. But I can try to make you love yourself just a bit more,” Katsuki wrapped his arms around Eijirou’s waist, tucking his head against the solid warmth of his chest.
“Thanks Kats. It’s just hard to do that sometimes,” Eijirou whispered.
“I love your body. More for me to use as a personal pillow,” Katsuki chuckled, snuggling against Eijirou’s chest. He did, he really truly did. Nothing made him feel safer than Eijirou’s thick, solid body wrapping around him and keeping him shielded from the outside world.
He loved the curves and softness, the way Eijirou’s belly rested just above his waist. The slope of his nose, the slant of his eyes and the crooked way he smiled.
Every part of Eijirou was beautiful to him. It didn’t matter. To Katsuki. It just mattered that every part was his Eijirou.
“Let’s go watch the movie. I’ve read enough mean comments for today,” Eijirou smiled.
“Eijirou- you’re perfect the way you are.”
“Thanks Kats. So are you.”
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cherryobx · 4 years
Cell mate for the night//JJ Maybank x reader
requested?: yes honey “jj meeting the reader in a cell as she's being interrogated and smart mouthing the police n introducing her to the pogues? only if you have time don't rush yourself🥺”
A/N: i LOVE the idea but i hate the way i wrote it, i still hope you enjoy it
summary: JJ meets you in the weirdest way possible
warnings: a few curse words i think, grammar mistakes and bad writing, incorrect stuff (i don’t know anything about what goes down while interrogating lmao and i 100% know they don’t put 2 people in the same cell but oh well it’s for the sake of the story)
WC: 1416
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Yet again, JJ found himself in a cell at the local police department. He had been there quite a few times but not at a late time like this. It was almost 12 a.m when he was brought in. 
He was there for a pretty stupid reason. He got into a fight at a party and the police were called. The other dude was let go. He was a kook. They never got into serious trouble. But JJ was kept there for the night. He was lucky they didn’t call his dad.
But what JJ didn’t know is that he’d meet the love of his life that night.
You were caught vandalizing a boat. But you, of course, called it art.
“I was just drawing pretty pictures! You’re gonna put a teenager into jail for drawing?” You scoffed in the backseat of the police car, rolling your eyes.
“No, I’m not taking you to jail. And you were not drawing, we both know it. It’s called vandalism.”
When you arrived at the station he got you out of the car and held a firm grip on your hand as he pulled you through the building, making his way towards the cell. 
“Aw, man! I have to share my cell? What a shame,” you commented as he unlocked the only cell that was in that room and slightly pushed you in. The blonde boy, already in the cell, was watching your interaction with the cop.
“Come on, Steve! I didn’t do anything serious,” you complain, leaning against the cell bars, looking at the cop.
“Let me out. I promise I’ll be good. I’ll even be your friend if you let me out. We’re already on first-name basis.”
“No, we are not, Y/L/N.” The cop was looking through the drawers. He was probably looking for your file.
“So it all meant nothing to you? How we met on the dock? How we held hands for the first time?” 
“Y/L/N, we didn’t hold hands. I was dragging you here. Please, let me do my job and tell me everything you did today. And be honest.” He took a seat behind his table and pulled out a pen to write everything down.
“I already told you in the car. Do I need to repeat myself? You have trouble with your memory or something?”
“Y/N/L,” he said in a warning tone.
“What?” you innocently asked.
“I am talking right now. We’re having a conversation. What else do you want?”
He sighed, looking down at the papers in front of him. You could tell he was already done with your bullshit.
JJ was watching the interaction between you and the cop, smirking. He didn’t even know you but he already liked you. Not only for your good looks but the way you were talking to the cop. You didn’t care that you might get into more trouble than you already were. He admired your personality.
“Y/N, this is your last warning. Talk.”
“Take off the handcuffs and then we’ll see,” you tried to compromise with him. To your luck, it worked. 
After getting free from the restraints on your wrists, the cell was locked again and the cop took his seat once again.
“Now, tell me everything.”
“Well, I was in a spectacularly good mood today. I was feeling artsy, you know. And the boats looked really boring,” you explained, emphasizing on the word ‘really’.
“Go on.”’
“And then I decided to make them a little less boring. That’s it. There’s nothing really. So, when will I get out?”
“Tomorrow morning.”
“You’re gonna leave a kid in a cell with a random stranger for the night?”
He got up from his seat and put the papers back in the drawer where he took them from in the first place.
“Thanks, chief. I’ve always wanted to sleep on a cell floor. You’re fulfilling my dreams right now.”
“You’re welcome.” He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him with a loud thud.
“Ouch, a random stranger?” JJ asked as if he was hurt by your words.
“I said what I said,” you said, sitting down and leaning your back against the bars of the cell so you could face him.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“I’m JJ. And I just have to say, you’re really good at pissing people off. You got him off of your back in 2 minutes. I have been here for the last 2 hours, talking to him.”
“Well, JJ, what did you do to end up here on this fine night?”
“I got into a fight,” he answered.
“Ooh, a bad boy. What a rebel,” you sarcastically said, making him laugh.
“Are you new here? Cause I haven’t seen you around.”
“Oh, I’ve lived here my whole life. Most of the time I’m just doing my own thing.”
JJ patted the spot next to him on the so-called bed, silently telling you to go sit next to him. Well, it kind of resembled a bed.
“You’re gonna get sick if you sit on that cold concrete floor.”
“So nice of you to care about my health, stranger,” you chuckled and got up from the floor and joined him on the bed.
You leaned your head against his shoulder and let out a tired sigh. JJ leaned his head against yours and you sat in silence for a while. It was a beautiful sight, honestly. 
You had known JJ for only some minutes but you felt sort of connected to him. Like you had known him for years instead of minutes. And that feeling made you comfortable around him. So comfortable that you fell asleep on his shoulder.
You woke up at the sound of a door slam, followed by a “Good morning, lovebirds!”
In the middle of the night, when you were sleeping JJ leaned against the wall behind him and placed your head on his lap so you could sleep more comfortably. 
“Good morning, Steve! So nice of you to finally come back. I missed you.”
“Y/L/N, stop. It’s too early for that.”
The cop came over to the cell, taking out his keys and finally freeing you.
“Maybank, you’re free to go.” JJ just nodded and sent you a smile as a goodbye.
“Y/L/N, we have some unfinished business. I need you to sign these documents. I’ve contacted your parents about the fine.”
“Fine? What the fuck? These it’s not spraypaint, you dumbass. It can be washed off easily.”
“I know. And you’re going to be washing it off tomorrow morning.”
“Then why do I need to pay the fine?”
You huffed in annoyance and took up a pen from the table and signed the papers placed in front of you.
“You may go now.”
“Thanks, bestie, see you soon.” You waved at him as you walked out of there.
“Hopefully not,” he mumbled but you still heard.
“Ouch. I heard that, you prick.”
When you exited the police station JJ was waiting for you. He was sat on the stairs, his back turned to you.
“Waiting for someone, Maybank?” You ruffled his hair as you walked past him. He got up from the stairs, following you.
“Yeah, just this girl I met at a police station cell.”
“She must be amazing,” you jokingly said, flinging your hair over your shoulder.
“She is indeed. And I was wondering if she’d like to meet my friends? I feel like they’d like her.”
“Why do you think so.”
“Cause she’s really cool. I like her.”
“You do now, huh?” you asked, turning around and facing him, smirking.
“I do.”
“Then she’d love to meet your friends. Take her to the right now. She’s busy tomorrow. She has to wash the paint off of a boat tomorrow,” you said, still talking about yourself in third person point of view.
And he did take you to meet his friends. They really liked you, as JJ had expected. You became best friends with them and started hanging out with them every day.
A few weeks went by and you fell for JJ. You had already started liking him the night you met but as time passed, you really fell for him, and you fell hard.
Love strikes you at the weirdest times and in the weirdest places. And you were okay with it. You wouldn’t change anything about the way you met JJ.
taglist: @teamnick @www-imbored-com @delightfullynlove @prejudic3 @afterglows7b-tch13 @tomhardybby @ad-infinitums @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @ilovejjmaybank @mdlyncline @allycat449-blog @abbiesthings @teenwaywardasgardian @copper-boom @canibeoneofthepogues @fttayla @ifilwtmfc @bedazzledbanks @jeyramarie @joshy-obx @pink-meringues
PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!!!! (it helps me get better at writing)
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lilxberry · 4 years
Comfort and Moving Forward - Jeff Atkins
Jeff has to watch his dear friend suffer from Justins’ actions, all whilst hoping that she would notice her worth. And him.
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Warnings: Angsty af. Fluffff. Mentions of cheating (past relationship). Language. Cute ass Jeff. Super cheesy, cliché plot line *eye roll*
Words: 2,711
Pairing: Jeff Atkins x reader, Justin Foley x reader (past relationship)
"So wait, you really said that?"
"Like I said. I. GOOGLED. EVERYTHING. How do you expect me to ignore Google?"
Y/N threw her head back with laughter as Tony and she walked down the hallways of Liberty High, drawing the attention of their peers. Taking deep breaths of air to help calm her down, she shook her head and patted her friend on the shoulder, slowing to look at him. "You're possibly the dumbest person I've ever met!"
"But I'm your favourite!" Jeff exclaimed proudly, a smug look plastered across his face.
"Hmm, I dunno about that..." Y/N trailed off, a feigned look of contemplation crosses her features as she rubs her chin, in false deep thought. "I think I like Jensen better."
Jeff stops dead in his tracks as he grasps at his chest, imitating hurt and heartbreak. "How dare you? I'm extremely offended Y/N/N. I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that."
A smile soon breaks across his face as he slings his arm across her shoulder and chuckles, pulling her close into his side. "You're lucky I love you." He makes kissy faces down towards her, making her face scrunch up in insincere disgust.
Y/N scoffs and playfully rolls her eyes as she jabs her finger gently into his ribs. "Sure am, dumbass."
They proceed to make their way their way out of the school and towards Jeff's car in the parking lot continuing to softly chuckle at the exchange when Y/N perks up, hearing the familiar roaring, boisterous laugh and an airy, girlish giggle carry through the air, making her fall behind Jeff and look around to find the owner.
Jeff noticed the sudden absence of his friend next to him and turns back towards her noticing she's staring of to the side, a mixture of sadness, longing and anger across her features. He takes note of the direction she's looking in and turns his attention to find the source of Y/N's rapid change in mood and behaviour. Once he laid his eyes upon the couple several parking spaces away, laughing loudly together with numerous jocks on either side of them, showing an excessive amount of PDA, Jeff understood immediately and swiftly moved to collect Y/N.
Once reaching his sullen friend, he wrapped his arm around her securely, pulling her along to his car to get in and flee from the scene that was playing out in front of them. Y/N hadn't even realised she was crying until Jeff reached a hand up to her face to wipe away fallen tears soaking the skin of her cheek in salty streams. He smoothed her hair down at the back of her head as he whispered words of comfort to her, in hopes of calming her down.
Finally buckled up within the confined of the vehicle, Y/N releases a long, shaky sign as her eyes screw shut tightly, trying to control her breathing and not break down into sobs.
"Fuck Justin, okay? He's not worth it." Jeff tries to improve his friends glum spirit. "Hey, wanna sleepover? We haven't had one in forever and I really do need to catch up with The Punisher. Plus, I think we both could do with not giving a shit what we eat right now." He throws her a mischievous grin.
She gives him a small smile and nods her head softly, not trusting her voice at that current moment.  
Giving her a one last glance from the edge of his peripheral vision, he turned on the engine and left the schools premises. _______________
With Y/N's parents away for the weekend, the house is empty and quiet, perfect for using the living room for their marathon. After unlocking her front door, Jeff hastily speeds past her and places the bags full of junk food on to the coffee table before sprinting upstairs, readying his arms for the mountain of pillows and blankets he will soon wrestle with to get downstairs.
Y/N watches in slight amusement at her best friend preparing anything and everything needed to comfort her and make her happy. She smiles softly as she kicks her shoes off before lazily making her way up to her bedroom to get changed into her warm and inviting sleepwear, which includes one of the many sweatshirts she's stolen from her frantic friend who's still setting everything up.
She's always adored Jeff, quite frankly was in love with him for the longest time, but as he got his first load of girlfriends in high school, she became disheartened and locked away all hope she could possibly have. She could never believe someone as amazing as Jeff could reciprocate her feelings. plus, she never wanted to endanger her friendship with Jeff, she would break if he was no longer in her life, discouraging her further from admitting her feeling to the baseball player.
When Justin came along one day and asked her out on a date to the movies, she was quite shocked but extremely thankful in a way as she could use the distraction to take her mind away from Jeff. The date went well and soon, multiple others occurred, leading to the two to finally become a couple.
Y/N genuinely fell for the boy and she thought he fell just as hard for her but those thoughts soon diminished once she had witnessed her now ex-boyfriend make out with Jessica Davis, one of the cheerleaders at Liberty, 3 weeks ago. Y/N and Jess weren't best friends of anything but they were civil enough to be considered acquaintances who occasionally hung around the same people.
She had voiced concerns to Justin himself about his friendliness towards the girl but he always dismissed it and said that he loved her and only her. Oh, how right she was to have her doubts.
Justin Foley had well and truly broken the poor girl.
'Was I not good enough?'.....'Am I not pretty enough?'.....'Did I bore him?'.....'What does Jessica have that I don't?'.....'Didn't I show him how much I love him enough?'.....
'Did he ever love me?'.....
She luckily had Jeff who was always there for her. He had shut down every doubt and nasty, self-deprecating thought that damaged her confidence and self-esteem. He would go to the ends of the Earth just to see her happy, even if he was miserable for the rest of his life.
When Y/N and Justin started dating, Jeff was absolutely devastated. He felt heartbroken but it all felt bittersweet when he realised how happy Justin was making his precious Y/N. He wanted time and time again for it to be him to be making her so happy and full of joy, but he never had the gall to state how her felt as he too was scared of ruining what they had.
And with that, he would suffer the consequences of his lack of courage and be subjected to watch his one true soulmate be with him.
"Will you bloody calm down Jeff! I'm getting exhausted just from fucking watching you!"
He exhales a chuckle as he makes his last trip consisting of covers down the stairs. "I just wanna get to eating and cuddling with my favourite." He grinned at her whilst sending her a cheeky wink.
She looked down as she felt her face flush with colour, tinging the tips of her ears and full cheeks pink. "Shut up." She mumbled quietly in reply, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards, forming a small smile to grace her features.
He smiles at her, eyes filled with adoration, absorbing the breath taking sight of his best friend that he was completely and utterly in love with. "I'm gonna go change. I'm pretty sure you left some sweatpants here from last time. I could find them and bring them down for you after I'm done, if you like."
"Yeah, sure." He gave her another small smile and a chaste kiss on the forehead before heading downstairs.
Her blush intensified as he left from the small display of affection. She walked leisurely into her room, quickly finding her sleepwear and stripping of her day clothes. As she changes, she looks over towards her once fully made bed to now see nothing but a mattress, noting the lack of pillows and covers. She releases a breathy giggle, imagining what she ever did right to deserve someone as amazing, kind, caring and special as Jeff.
Y/N's smile started to widen once her thoughts drifted back to Jeff, with his stupid, perfect face. She quickly shook her head to rid herself of the thoughts and finished slipping into her more comfortable clothing.
She dug through her draws, soon finding a pair of darkish grey sweatpants and a navy t-shirt. Collecting them into her arms, she flounces down the stairs to be met with a lounging Jeff surrounded by food, blankets and enough pillows to fill a warehouse. She lets out a snort causing Jeff's attention to be instantly directed towards the girl and a wide yet playful grin to cross his face. "Took you long enough."
"Ha ha." Y/N replies in a sarcastic tone then proceeds to throw the clothing towards the sluggish lounger taking up the couch.
A quiet ‘oof‘ escaped his lips as the clothing hit the intended target that is his face. He removes the clothing from upon his head and his smile falters for a millisecond before turning into a prideful smirk, taking his bottom lip in-between his pearly whites, raking his eyes over her form. "Nice sweatshirt you got there."
"Shut up. It looks better on me anyways." She playfully retorts back at him to distract him from the item of clothing in question and the painfully obvious blush creeping back on to her cheeks.
"That I can agree on." He stands and smugly struts towards the bathroom to go change. As he walks away, he playfully pinches her hip before speaking again. "Why don't you set up the T.V. ready."
Once he's disappeared around the corner and the door to the bathroom can heard closing, Y/N releases a breath she hadn't realised she was holding. Walking towards the couch, fumbling with the ends of the shirt she wears, she sits down and reaches for the remote, readying Netflix and bringing up The Punisher for the marathon to begin.
A mere 2 minutes pass before Jeff returns, clad in his sweats and shirt. He plops himself on top of the couch and impossibly close to Y/N, bringing an arm to rest behind her as he pulls a blanket over with the other. Once fully settled into their mountain of comfort, Jeff finally grabs the T.V. remote and presses play.
"Buckle up baby, it's gonna be a long night."
Through out each and every episode, Y/N couldn't help but let her mind wander and swim with thoughts, not truly paying attention to whatever Frank Castle is doing on screen.
'Was I really a terrible girlfriend?'...….'Should I be happy it's over?'...….'What's with all of Jeff's playful flirting?'...….'It's totally not flirting, right?'...….'He definitely does not like me like that'...….'Is it too soon to be thinking about Jeff like this?'...….
Y/N was so busy drowning in her own thoughts, she hadn't realised that Jeff has been trying to get her attention for the past few minutes nor that her eyes had glazed over and let slip a few salty tears. What truly broke her out of her revere was the gentle cupping of her cheek in a large, calloused hand wiping said tears with gentle strokes of the thumb.
She looked up through her long, delicate eyelashes and glassy irises to be met with the concerned gaze of Jeff. He had a sad smile on his face as he began to speak. "What's wrong Y/N/N?"
That's all it took for the dam to break and her body was wracked with sobs. Jeff brought her head towards his chest, burying her face into his shirt as he held her tightly, kissing the crown of her hair and cooing softly, telling her it's okay, that he's there and that he isn't leaving.
She bawled up his shirt tightly into her shaky hands, knuckles turning white, as her body trembled next to his. "wh-why wasn't....I-I-I g-good enough...?" Her voice broken, stuttering and hiccupping through her sentence, choking on her gut wrenching sobs and dry lump in her throat.
His heart broke watching the girl he loved look so fragile and in a state of distraught. He feels a knot in his chest tightening, the guilt that feels taking over. 'If only I had told her, she wouldn't have ended up hurt by him'. He takes fault in not having the courage to tell her his feelings before Justin got to her. If he had, she wouldn't have had her heart broken by some asshole who barely treated her right in the first place.
As he beats and berates his self on the inside, he exudes a strong and calming façade, trying to project any form of happiness on to her in the hopes she finds comfort.
"It's him who wasn't good enough. NEVER say you aren't good enough." She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, shaking her head and sniffling. "Th-then why'd he d-do it...?"
"Because he's a fucking asshole who never deserved you. He could never, in a million years, ever treat you how you rightly deserved to be treated. You're absolutely perfect and it kills me when you belittle yourself like that Y/N.
You're so beautiful. I could travel to any and every place on Earth and I could never find anything more beautiful than you. You're smart, kind, caring, compassionate, kinda a dork but there isn't a single thing I would change about you because I have and always will love you for who you are when you're yourself."
By this point, she's looking up at him with wide eyed, cheeks stained with dry tears, lips parted in shock.
He brings his hand up to reattach to her cheek, cupping it gently as he leans forward, resting his forehead against her, noses lightly touching. "I love you, Y/N Y/L/N and I wish you could see just how much."
In a surge of confidence and possibly fear, she closes the gap between them and crashes her lips on to his. She tugs at his shirt to bring him impossibly closer as their lips mould together perfectly. They relish on the feeling of their lips against the other.
All too soon, they reluctantly pull away, the need for oxygen too much. Leaning their foreheads back on to one another's, they heavily pant for breath, staring into each others eyes with what only could be described and love, lust, adoration and awe.
"I love you, Jeff." She whispers breathlessly, afraid that if she spoke any louder, all the air will rush out of her lungs, scared the moment would be over and a harsh reality would crash over her.
"I love you, Y/N." Although, as Jeff whispers just as quietly and just as breathless as her, she smiled at the realisation that this could possibly the beginning of something wonderful.
"I think I may be over him." A chuckle rumbles in Jeff's chest.
"I sure hope so, otherwise this is gonna be really fucking awkward and I didn't even need to Google that to know so." She giggles and projects a beaming smile. "I get that you might still need time but, I'd love if you would be my girlfriend and let me take you out on an actual date?" He smiled sheepishly as he asked.
His sheepish smile soon turned into an over ecstatic grin as she nodded her head furiously at him instantly. She stretched her neck up and kissed his cheek gently then settled back into the couch, snuggling into his side. He smiled down towards her and places a sweet, chaste kiss on her hairline before turning his attention back to the television screen, bringing her closer into his embrace.
Words couldn't truly describe their feelings in the moment but as Y/N and Jeff continued to cuddle, watching The Punisher with cheek splitting grins etched on to their faces, there was a sense of serenity and safety surrounding them. They felt at peace in each others arms.
Happy, content and at peace.
_______________ . . . . . I really hope you like this I mean, it's my third fic so don't expect my ideas or plot to be exceeding your expectations, yanno lmao Any and all constructive criticism is welcomed as always and I really do look forward to hopefully receiving some requests (I may actually know what I'm doing then) If you enjoyed this, please don't forget to press that lil like button as it could really help me out :D
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
dangerous game - peter maximoff
okay! this is just pure angst. peter has big dumbass energy in this one and i wanted it to hurt so here we are, i haven’t read over it so it could be awful.
requested by anon:  So, I was thinking about this. Peter and the reader are best friends. both have a crush for each other but they are too awkward to do something(and the classical "I don't want to ruin our friendship").Peter in a weird attempt of trying to get over this way too big almost painful love(that he thinks is not mutual)decides to date someone else! Make sense? Would it work for a fic? I don't know, you are the master mind here love. Anyways, the end is up to you? If he ends up with the reader or not
word count: 3.8k
warning(s): lots of swearing, fighting, peter being a dick, platonic warren
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When you were younger you thought that having a ride or die best friend would be the greatest thing in the world. What you didn't know however was how agonizingly painful it would be when you developed feelings, and eventually, fell in love with that ride or die best friend.
Peter was, as you always described him to people, your ride or die. He was your favorite person on the face of the planet and your most trusted confidante. You say 'was' because lately you didn't know what he was to you.  
Things had changed so horribly fast, faster than he could even run, you thought. It changed so fast despite the fact that you felt it happen, watched it happen, over the most gut wrenching few weeks.
Everything had been perfectly normal between the pair of you, the day before it all started going so terribly wrong, you'd been laughing and cracking jokes together, you did what you always did and stole his silver jacket and he'd said what he always said, "looks better on you anyway." Common practice in your friendship. At least... it had been.
In all honesty, you felt so unbelievably fucking stupid, because for a fleeting moment you had yourself convinced that your best friend of almost three whole years actually had romantic feelings for you, idiotic thought apparently.
Because the very next day Peter began to withdraw himself from you, slowly but not at all subtly. It started with the distance he started putting between you physically, and then the emotional distancing kicked in a few days later and then before you could even comprehend why he was acting the way he was, he was pretending as if he'd never even met you and it hurt like all hell.
Not only did he pretend like he didn't know you, but he also acted like nothing was out of the ordinary when you confronted him about the whole situation.
"Peter! Hey wait up!" You'd called out to him, having to break into a jog to catch up to the mop of silver hair that seemed to quicken it's pace upon hearing your voice.
Once you caught up to him, you had to take a second to catch your breath before you spoke.
"You running away from me or something, Maximoff?" You asked, a joking tone in your voice that did very little to mask your confusion.
Peter laughed awkwardly and glanced around nervously, and if you didn't know any better you would have said that it was like he didn't want to be seen with you at all.
"Uh no, what makes you think that?" He questioned, clearing his throat and continuing to look around, seemingly on edge. About what you hadn't known.
"Well, the fact that you have barely spoken a word to me in last two we-" Before you could even finish your sentence, Peter's eyes moved to focus on something behind your head and he cut you off.
"I actually can't talk right now, but um we can definitely catch up later!" With that he pushed past you and walked toward what, or more accurately, who he'd been staring at.
You watched helplessly as he rushed happily towards Heather, one of the newer students at the academy. Your face dropped as you watched him throw an arm casually around her shoulder and you didn't even try to mask the hurt on your face while you watched them walk off together.
Oh. So he'd replaced you. Oh okay.
From there it went from having little to no contact to absolutely no contact whatsoever, despite your constant attempts to get his attention.
A few months passed you by while you tried to figure out what exactly you were feeling. You felt betrayed mainly, the sense of abandonment was strong too and of course the confusion you felt about the whole situation hung over you like a dark cloud.
What had you done to deserve that? You couldn't for the life of you figure it out and that's what hurt the most, he never even stopped to give you a reason.
Another emotion you'd settled on was anger. The color sliver now triggered your fight or flight response and oh how you were itching for a good fight.
Night after night the exact same questions bounced around your mind, never allowing you to sleep peacefully, not until you hushed them with a half assed conclusion you'd created yourself.
"How could he just leave me like that? After everything we've been through? Was I not a good enough friend? Did I do something to push him away?" You'd promised yourself that you'd never allow yourself to lose sleep over a boy, you couldn't stand that this is what you'd come to. 
You hated Peter for making you feel this way, you hated him for it, he was the one person that knew every single thing about you, he knew all of your biggest weaknesses and yet he didn't even think twice before exploiting them- like it meant nothing, like you meant nothing.
News of Peter and Heather becoming an official "couple" had spread throughout the Academy rather quickly. You pretended that you didn't care but fuck if you weren't crying on the inside.
You were fucking miserable and the people around you, the people who loved you and were concerned about you would've had to be blind not to notice.
Jean and Jubilee were constantly checking up with you, making sure you ate at least one meal a day since they noticed that you usually skipped out on meals and looked like you were always about to pass out after training. They didn't push you too hard however, they'd been in your shoes you all knew what heartbreak looked like, you all knew what it felt like and you all knew that it would pass in time, but it needed to run its course first.
The boys on the other hand were assigned to deal with the Peter side of things, they were not as gentle in dealing with the speedster as they were with dealing with you.
Warren had been straight up pissed off, Kurt's heart ached for you and Scott seemed to hold the same confusion as you did. They'd try their best to get answers out of Peter without stirring the pot between him and his new girl, but the two seemed to be attached at the hip and it was getting harder to catch the boy alone.
Eventually the three boys had enough of tiptoeing around the topic with Peter, he seemed to be thriving and you seemed to only be getting worse despite your efforts to hide it from the group. You were one of the best people each of them knew, they knew you and they knew all you'd need to be back to yourself was some closure, it didn't seem like so much to ask yet somehow it felt like obtaining it was an impossible task. 
So instead of their usual divide and conquer tactic the boys decided to simply corner the speedster and make him talk. It was pretty much a surprise intervention.
"What the hell?" Peter asked looking between the three boys who'd backed him into a literal corner.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Scott was the first to speak up, shaking his head at Peter disapprovingly.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you guys, why are you ambushing me?" Peter asked becoming nervous as Warren scoffed.
"Cut the shit, Maximoff. Why'd you screw (Y/n) like that?" Warren asked, no longer willing to beat around the bush.
The boys noticed how Peter tensed at the mention of your name, the boy under scrutiny cleared his throat and attempted to move past the boys, who successfully stopped him.
"Look I've got a date-" He started before Warren pushed him back.
"I couldn't care less, Maximoff. Answer the question." Warren demanded as Scott and Kurt became aware of the fact that Warren wasn't fucking around.
"Why do you even care what happens between (Y/n) and I?" Peter asked defensively, deflecting the question and regretting it as Warren stalked towards him.
"I care because she's one of my closest friends and you abandoned her without a second thought and started trapesing around with the new girl as if (Y/n) had meant nothing to you in the first place and now she's fucking miserable, so answer the fucking question." Warren growled out through gritted teeth, and the other boys nodded in agreement behind Warren.
"She's heartbroken, Peter." Scott added, as Kurt nodded in agreement before asking, "Haven't you noticed?"
Peter's brows furrowed as he looked at each of the boys before looking back at Warren, squaring up to him. He left you to protect the integrity of your friendship, to protect your feelings. But it wasn't your feelings he was protecting, no it was his own, he was selfish and stupid but he was too far gone to turn back now.
He missed you more than anything, he loved you for fuck sake but if hating him was what you needed to do to move on then he'd make you hate him, although he assumed he was doing a good job of that already.
Swallowing hard he looked Warren dead in the eyes and mentally prepared himself to get the everliving shit kicked out of him by the winged boy, with what he planned to say he definitely deserved it.
"She's not my problem. She got too attached, that's on her." Peter spat out in the most malicious voice he could manage, fuck he hated himself.
Warren’s fist moved to connect with Peter's jaw before Scott and Kurt held him back, the two boys were seething from what Peter said, and Scott knew him well enough to know that what he was saying was utter bullshit, but they knew if Warren got his hands on Peter the speedster would probably end up with a broken spine.
"I don't know who you're trying to fool Peter but get your shit together." Scott told him angrily before Kurt teleported the three of them away.
The boys ended up in your room where you were chatting with Jean and Jubilee who were already there. You all knew about the boys and their plan to confront Peter and judging by how angry they all looked, you guessed it didn't go as planned.
"No joy?" Jubilee asked sympathetically and Kurt shook his head sadly in response, to him Peter's words had been cruel and he couldn't wrap his head around how he could say that about someone that he cared for.
Scott flopped down on the edge of your bed, bedside Jean and groaned. "He was being an ass." He spoke, head in hands out of frustration.
Warren still looked like he was out for blood and you wondered what he could've done to get under his skin so much.
"What's up, birdy?" You asked, patting the free space beside you on the bed. The blond stomped over to you and sat down beside you grumpily.
Looking at you in contemplation and then shaking his head, he huffed before speaking out angrily, "I just don't understand how one guy could be such a fucking dumbass." He turned to look at Scott and Kurt, "You guys should've let me beat him up." He stated matter of factly causing your eyes to widened and the other girls shared your shocked expression.
"What did he say that was so bad you wanted to punch him?" You asked, voice filled with worry.
Scott sighed and looked at you sympathetically, "We asked him why he screwed you over and he basically told us that you weren't his problem."
You didn't get a chance to react before Jubilee jumped to her feet, pure rage radiating from her small body.
"You absolutely should've let Warren punch him! Fuck it, I'll electrocute him myself!" She exclaimed, not really serious about taking matters into her own hands but seriously angry with the way the usually dorky boy had been behaving recently. 
"Calm down, Jubes." Jean told her calmly as they watched your eyes narrow before you looked around at all of them, a spiteful smile on your face.
"You know what? Fuck him. I'm done crying about him. I'm over it." You stated, as you watched them glance at you skeptically, all except Warren who was glad of your change in attitude.
"I say we go out, have a good time and make him wish I was his fucking problem." You laughed out, clearly not even bothering to digest the new information you'd been given.
"I say we show him exactly what he's missing." Warren chimed in nonchalantly, to which you nodded enthusiastically and the others couldn't lie and say they weren't happy you were finally deciding to let it go.
"That settles it. We're going to the mall." Jean declared, happiness lacing her voice.
You'd finally smiled for the first time in an age and it was because you finally realized you had more than just Peter. You had five of the most incredible friends who looked out for you and didn't just up and leave as soon as things got tough.
You figured it couldn't hurt to follow Warren's advice, if Peter wanted to leave you with absolutely no explanation then you'd highlight everything that would make him wish he'd stayed.
You loved him and he'd left you and replaced you and refused to give you any fathomable reason as to why. You weren't an idiot, you knew the whole "not his problem" thing was bullshit. 
He was winning at a game that you didn't want to play, but you supposed if you had to you'd play to win.
You'd tried to be mature, but he wouldn't budge, he'd pretend he couldn't hear you or pretend he didn't know what you were talking about. If he wasn't willing to work things out like a big boy then you'd match his immaturity.
As the weeks went on Peter began to see you more and more, only now you pretended he was a stranger to you and he knew he was being a hypocrite but he hated how it felt to be ignored by you.
What really got under his skin though was how cozy Warren was getting with you. Despite the fact Peter had been dating Heather for nearly two months now he was still hopelessly in love with you and watching you prance around with Warren Worthington III, the guy that almost re-positioned Peter's face, made him realize how much he'd seriously fucked up.
Heather was great, she was pretty and sweet but she wasn't you, and Peter was pretty sure she wouldn't stay with him for much longer. They'd both grown bored of each other.
As if he'd manifested it into existence, a few days later Heather ended things with Peter. Now that she was gone the boy had nobody else left as the majority of his friends were also your friends and there was always an awkward tension whenever he tried to talk to them.
He knew he only had one option. He had to go and talk to you. He had to fix things.
After Heather broke things off Peter went to find you, he didn't know what he was going to do or say but he knew the results probably wouldn't be favorable.
Peter found you in your room, he sped in and hadn't bothered knocking, he never did.
You were shocked at his sudden appearance, to say the least, he stood nervously in your doorway and you didn't bother moving from where you sat in the middle of your bed, pursing your lips and crossing your arms.
"What do you want?" You spit out, hostility lacing the question.
"Me and Heather broke up." Peter found himself saying, not really having anything else to offer you in the moment.
You raised an eyebrow at him, "What's that got to do with me?"
"I-" He started but paused. 
You looked at him expectantly and waited, eyebrow still cocked.
"I'm sorry." He finally sighed out and you laughed at how weightless the words felt.
"And what is it exactly that you’re sorry for? Abandoning our entire friendship or pretending that I didn't exist?" You inquired as you watched him swallow the lump in his throat.
"All of that." He replied meekly.
"Why'd you do it?" Peter swallowed yet again before clearing his throat awkwardly, he had to tell you the truth and he could see your composure cracking.
"I didn't want to lose you." Scrunching your face up at his answer, you got off your bed to stand in front of him.
"That doesn't make any sense. If you didn't want to lose me then why did you just leave me?" You told him, anger rising in your voice.
Peter let out a heavy sigh, moving to place a hand on your arm but freezing when you took a step back.
"I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship." He told you vaguely, looking at you pleadingly.
"Oh so what? You thought you'd do a pre-emptive strike and just ruin it on the spot?" You scoffed out, if his reason for ruining the friendship was not wanting to ruin the friendship you'd have serious questions. 
"That's not what I meant to do!" He defended helplessly.
"Then what the fuck did you mean to do, Peter?" You shouted, voice cracking as you felt your uncaring facade slipping away.
Peter closed the distance between you both and placed his hands on your arms, you didn't step away that time but you did stare at his hands in bewilderment.
"I love you." He told you, brown eyes staring into yours that had began tearing up.
Angrily, you shoved him away.
"Seriously? You fucking threw me away and replaced me because you love me?" Peter's eyes widened at your tone, you were livid and he hadn't realized how badly he'd affected you. 
"(Y/n) please! Just let me explain." He begged.
Taking a deep breath you shook his hands off of you and took another step back.
"Then explain." 
"We're best friends-" He began but you cut him off without mercy, "We were best friends."
Peter looked at you like a kicked puppy and it hurt but you couldn't let him see you crack, he fucked you up and now he has to deal with it.
"I love you, I didn't want to tell you because if you didn't feel the same it would have ruined everything! And I just thought that if I started dating someone else that those feelings would go away." He explained, talking fast and nerves running through his entire body as he watched you chuckle lowly to yourself.
"You didn't just start dating someone though, Peter. You completely disregarded me for three fucking months without any explanation." You told him, breaking into a fit of laughter as he struggled to find a defense for his actions.
He realized he was fucked when he noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks despite your laughter.
"Do you know what's really funny?" You asked, stepping closer to him as he shook his head.
Poking your finger at his chest you emphasized every word you said with a jab, "I loved you too."
You watched as his face fell and you no longer tried to save face, you allowed your bottom lip to quiver and your voice to crack as you regained the distance between you.
"I was hurting and scared too. But I would have never done to you what you did to me. That's not love, Pete." You told him weakly, voice breaking down.
Peter's brows furrowed and his mouth fell open, "Why didn't you say anything?" He regretted asking as he caught the glare you sent in his direction.
"Because as soon as I thought that maybe you could like me too you fucked off to be with Heather and started pretending I didn't exist!" Your voice was loud and aggressive.
How could he even ask that question?
Peter scoffed at you, "Seems like you were pretty happy with Worthington keeping you company."
Your eyes widened, "You're fucking kidding, right?" Peter only shrugged, an angry look on his face.
"That's why you came back isn't it? Because you're jealous of Warren?" Peter said nothing, only looked to the floor nervously.
Laughing again, you wiped the tears off your face aggressively, "God, here I was thinking that maybe you were actually sorry."
"I am sorry!" Peter exclaimed.
"Are you though? Because it seems like your girlfriend broke up with you and now you have no other options." You stated matter of factly.
Anger erupted in Peter, he didn't come here to fight with you but if you didn't want to have a level headed conversation then neither did he.
"I'm trying to make it right! I fucked up okay I get it but the way you're acting is immature." He shouted, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Immature?" You challenged, raising your eyebrows at him, stepping closer.
"Yeah, immature." He confirmed, standing his ground.
Again you let out a laugh, crossing your arms tightly across your chest, "No Peter, what's immature is leaving your best friend of three years and then pretending she doesn't exist like a fucking child all because you're scared." 
"Pft right. You moved on pretty quick anyways." He muttered causing your jaw to fall slack.
"Peter you literally stopped talking to me then started dating someone the next day!" You yelled out, your voice raising in pitch with the more worked up you became.
"That's different!" He shouted through gritted teeth.
"How?!" You demanded, your own teeth clenching at the conversation that was beginning to stress you out.
"Because I didn't replace you as a friend!" He reasoned, weakly.
"And what? I did?" You inquired, genuinely confused with what the fuck he was insinuating.
"Like I said. You seem pretty happy with Worthington." He spat out and you let out a humourless laugh.
"You know what, Peter? When you decided to start treating me like a ghost and making me feel like shit, Warren was there for me. Just like Jean, Jubilee, Scott and Kurt were there for me." You told him, tiring of the argument.
He'd fucked you over, flaunted his new relationship, now he's single and suddenly you're the bad guy for seeking comfort in one of your closest friends.
"Look Peter. I forgive you for whatever it is that you think you're apologizing for, but I'm not gonna forget about it. You really broke my trust and I won't apologise for getting closer to one of my friends just because you're jealous. You made your bed so lie in it." You told him, firmly, brushing past him and walking to your door before turning to look over your shoulder at him, "Go ahead and let yourself out."
And with that you left him alone in your room as you walked away, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from breaking down in the middle of the hallway.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“that’s literally the definition of jealous, you dumbass”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: explicit language and kissing
word count: 2500+
a/n: hey this is my first one shot on tumblr, i haven’t written in almost 3 years now and i thought i should get back into it, so here i am. hope you guys enjoy it.
summary: in which bakugo finds y/n and todoroki getting closer than normal, the more he sees them together the more rage he builds up over someone who he thought was just an extra to him
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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It wasn’t like you weren’t friends with Bakugo, you were, there had never been any formal introductions at the beginning of class 1-a, instead a quirk test. It wasn’t that it was boring to see people’s quirks but the only one that stood out was Bakugo’s, his ability to reach the top made you admire him until he opened his mouth. You had just scrapped number 2 on the stupid test something you were proud of, it being the first time you could use your quirk without damage.
He had come up to you by the end of the day, rambling on about some Deku kid who you assumed was the guy who broke his finger. “Fucking Deku” he hadn’t bothered introducing himself and instead rambled on about how much he hated this Deku kid.
“Who are you?” You look at him with the most unamusable face as he stared back watching you intensively.
“Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugo.”
“Oh, okay and why are you talking to me?” You longed out the ‘and’ questioning, why had some boy who you had just met following you and rambling about some Deku.
He stares at you as the both of you continue to walk out of UA, “you got second, just after me dumbass, you need to know that you’ll never beat me.”
“Oh, is this like a i’m not here to make friends you’re all just insignificant to my life kinda routine.” You cocked your head back in a laugh as he huffs in agreement to what you said starting to walk away.
“Nice to meet you Bakugo I’m y/n y/l/n.” The smirk that was plastered on your face making the explosive boy become even more angry.
Even with that being the first encounter with Bakugo there continued to be many more, even helping to find Bakugo after he was captured by the league of villains and the dorm system being implemented. Moments occurred where both Bakugo and you would spend lunches and breaks talking to each other even occasionally walking to and from school.
The relationship wasn’t conventional, but you were friends in some way, so when Bakugo saw something he never expected he was angry, not just normal Bakugo angry though the rage he held was something more, something he couldn’t explain.
“Todoroki look what I got last weekend?” You left your desk, your presence clearly making Bakugo turn around as he saw you sitting on Todoroki’s desk as he sat in his seat. Your legs were swinging with your skirt riding to your thighs. You were showing him something on your phone as Bakugo tried to see, angry that you were that close to that extra and even showing him your legs that were covered by your thigh highs that pushed your thighs together. “Do you like it?”
He heard Todoroki reply making his blood boil, “any guy would love that y/n”. He could hear your laugh as he turned around not wanting to see any more, as he was writing something the pen snapped before throwing it in the bin just missing Mineta who was sharpening his pencil.
This wasn’t the last time he was going to see you and Todoroki spending time together, a couple hours after the first incident he watched as he saw you with your bento box you were talking to Todoroki again, Bakugo was about to call out to you to tell you to join him and Kirishima but instead you turned around showing Todoroki your arm which has the scar that you had told Bakugo about months prior. He wasn’t jealous it was just a stupid story of you falling when you were a kid, so why was he angry again. Did he think it was some private secret between the two of you?  Todoroki and you walked to where Izuku was and sat beside them.
“Fucking Deku” He mutters as he watches you smile at a shitty joke Izuku probably said.
Bakugo stood up not wanting to see anymore knowing he’d break something again, he walked out of the lunch room as he went to get some air, his quirk wanting to be released. He hid his palms as sweat was building up, he couldn’t wait for some training later. All the pent-up anger he had would finally be gone and he wouldn’t have to see you all up in Todoroki.
As Bakugo was walking back to lunch he could hear your voice ringing in his ears, “Shoto” you face him as he smiles at you, “why does everybody like you? Is it because you’re hot and cool” you laugh as Shoto gave a smile at your idiotic behaviour, trying to supress a laugh at how bad the joke was. Bakugo didn’t want to hear your laugh especially beside Todoroki and even worse you were calling him Shoto. He was still Bakugo, why hadn’t it changed, he’d known you longer, you were friends, weren’t you?
The day continued, you were luckily paired up with Momo who wasn’t as harsh as the guys were, it went a lot quicker than usual, and as you finished getting changed, you left for the dorms. Shoto was waiting outside as you ran up smiling at him as you pushed into him your arms touching, Bakugo had come out at the same time, he was going to ask you to walk to the dorms, immediately his face fell as he saw your arms touching Todoroki.
“Everything all right.” Kirishima asked as he saw Bakugo’s face fall.
Bakugo quickly became his normal angry self, “I want to be in fucking bed.”
“Woah its not even 8PM yet.” Kirishima laughed as they walked back to the dorms.
Arriving at the dorms, Bakugo saw you and Mina on the couch, you were still wearing your uniform with you tie hanging off your neck as the front three buttons were unbuttoned, you’d taken off your shoes left in your socks that you’d brought from your knees down to your ankles.
Both of you hadn’t realised Bakugo was behind you before Mina started speaking again, “you still like him then.”
“Duh! Of course, I do, have you seen him?” You sign leaning against the couch.
Bakugo continued to listen, you liked someone? Who was it? It better not be fucking Icy Hot!
“Well I don’t know; you always hide your feelings from me.”
You look up at Mina, “Oh shut up, I need my bed, Momo hit me across the room.”
“Sounds like you’re changing the subject Y/n” You had stood up putting your socks back to your thighs as you did so.
You stick your tongue out as you flipped her off, “Fuck off.” You laugh walking out of the room.
Bakugo pretended to be walking towards you as if he hadn’t heard anything, “Hey Bakugo, I haven’t seen you all day.” You smile as he gives a scowl.
“Why would I want to see you anyway?” He crossed his arms walking past you.
Hurt. You felt hurt, you’d thought your relationship with Bakugo was improving but now it just seemed like he didn’t care about you even as a friend. “Fuck, how am I supposed to tell him I like him.” You whisper as you walk to the elevator.
The next day rolled out quickly, both Bakugo and you not even looking at each other, Bakugo would normally come in and turn around to see your face every morning, nothing this morning though. You looked down. Had you done something wrong?
You had been partnered up with Shoto which you were happy about needing a friend, the scowl on Bakugo’s face said the opposite for him. He watched as the both of you were sparring, seeing Todoroki hitting you with ice and you were hitting him back with your own quirk.
“Bakugo pay attention.” Kirishima shouted as he was running towards the explosive boy.
Bakugo kept watching before he saw you trip up on Todoroki causing the both of you to fall, you had landed on the hard chest of Todoroki, his arms wrapped around your waist, you both looked at each other staring into each other’s eyes. Your legs were inside his own, laughing in embarrassment as you both stayed in the position to work out the best way to get out of it.
That’s what started it, the blood boiling as Bakugo had watched the scene, you both laughing, finally helping each other get up, you were touching hands, arms, bodies something Bakugo hadn’t done with you. He wasn’t jealous, it wasn’t jealousy. He kept telling himself but with the explosion in his hands that flamed up into a bright yellow hue that looked like it could harm All Might himself, Bakugo threw it at Kirishima who had hardened just in time as he had witnessed Bakugo’s eyes go a blood red.
Kirishima fell to the ground as everybody saw him on the ground, “Kirishima” you say running to him alongside the whole class.
Questions came from the whole class as Bakugo stood there before storming away, you noticed the blond boy leave as you quickly followed trying to not be caught by Aizawa. Bakugo was pacing quickly away as you had to run to catch up to him.
“Bakugo.” You shout as he stops, he slowly turns around his eyes still a blood red looking to murder.
“What?” He spits out.
You walk closer to him, “Where are you going?”
“None of your damn business shitty woman.” You looked up at him before huffing.
This had been the second time Bakugo had let his feelings control his mouth in front of you and it was making it harder to see if he had any feelings back for you.
You spoke as he was looking around, “you don’t need to be a dick.”
You walk back to the class, to make sure Kirishima was fine. He wasn’t hurt that badly, but he already knew that to be partnered up with Bakugo was a cause for disaster to occur. Bakugo had come back and was shouting at something Sero had said as he had been made to partner up with Sero in the meantime. He would give sly looks at you and Todoroki who continued to talk to like a normal person would. Bakugo had finally realised that he had fucked it with you, and you were better off with Icy Hot.
After the class got dismissed you and Todoroki walked back to the dorms again, this time Bakugo couldn’t handle seeing the both of you so close, he pushed past Todoroki hitting shoulders. You look at him as Todoroki was fine but the anger you felt was building up.
“Are you okay?” You ask Todoroki as you both walk into the dorms.
“Yeah I’ve had a lot worse from Bakugo.” He laughs as you give a small smile, he walks towards his room as you go into the elevator, pressing the floor that had Bakugo’s room in.
You paced outside his room contemplating if you should even go inside and shout at him, you finally got the nerves and knocked on the door.
“Who the fuck is it?”
“It’s me.” Bakugo opens the door seeing your frame against his you were wearing you uniform with your tie stuffed in your bag that you’d chucked in your room.
“What the fuck do you want?” He hissed, you barged passed him as he rolled his eyes closing the door as you crossed your arms glaring at him.
He stood in front of you looking pissed, “What the fuck is your problem, first you hurt Kirishima and now you’re getting pissed at Todoroki, what is going on?”
He stays silent, “Really silence, Bakugo fucking tell me what’s going on, we’re…” you pause thinking, did Bakugo even class you as a friend, or where you just another extra to him. “friends.” You finally say.
“I was worried for you that’s all I just don’t want you to get close to Todoroki and get hurt cause then you’ll be sad and you won’t work to your potential and then you won’t be worthy competition.”
You stare at him, thinking of the bullshit you just heard come from his mouth, “Wut?”
“I said what I said.”
“Bakugo you do realise that doesn’t even fucking correlate together.” You look at him as he stares at you, “You’re not jealous or something.”
“What the fuck? No! Of Icy Hot? I’m better than him in every single way. He’s not good at anything, the only difference between us is that he has you and I don’t, I don’t care though, who needs you? I don’t!” The malice dripping from his tongue as he moves closer to you, you could almost feel his body heat against yours.
You look at him smugly, “That’s literally the definition of jealous, you dumbass.”
“I’m not fucking jealous.”
“Whatever.” You mutter before moving closer to him, “if you were I wouldn’t worry I only have eyes for one person…” You stand on your toes going to his ear as you can see his ears turn red, “and its most definitely not Shoto.”
You let go of him as your hands had gone to his chest, he stares down at you, “who is it then?”
Even with him asking casually you could see his eyes watching inventively, “I thought you didn’t care about me.”
“I don’t”
You start walking to his door as he looks at you, “I think I’ll ask him out actually.” You open the door but as soon as Bakugo heard those words he slams the door shut, his arm pushing the door closed as your head was just touching it.
“You are not leaving this fucking room.” He shouts as you cock your head to the side looking at him.
“And why not.” He pauses before speaking, “Don’t be a slut.”
“A slut? Don’t be jealous Katsuki.” You had said his first name without even realising, Bakugo’s eyes fell softly as he stared at you.
“Who do you like?” His arm was still on the door as he looked down almost embarrassed at ignoring your statement.
This was your chance, just say it, say his name Y/n. Do it!
“He’s here right now” You finally mustered out as he looked at you his eyes going wide, he doesn’t speak, just admired processing what he had just heard.
Your back had been to the door as his hand travelled to your throat softly grabbing it as he brought your lips to him, his lips were soft compared to your chapped lips, finally gaining moisture, the kiss became hungrier and hungrier. His hand choking you slightly as you were in between him pressed against the door, his other hand had travelled to your waist, with your hands in his hair. Slowly pushing himself onto you as you felt the kiss deepen.
You both let go to feel air before you finally spoke, the distance between your lips being a mere centimetre, “maybe I was jealous.” He spoke softly.
 “Maybe?” You give a small giggle as you both go in for another kiss, feeling his warmth and safety around you. 
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True (Lucifer SPN)
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Pairing: Lucifer (Supernatural) x Reader Words: 1.5k+ Warning(s): Shapeshifter, a lil bit of angst, some heated stuff ehehe A/N: Im rewatching Supernatural and it rekindled my love for Lucifer. What is it with me and Lucifer ahaha. I hope you guys enjoy~
You grunted and winced, the fabric bag that was over your head ripped off your head. There standing in front of you was a damn Shapeshifter with your damn face. They smirked at you as you struggled against the ropes binding you. You were on a case alone that was supposed to be a simple salt and burn, and it was. But apparently the shifter in town caught wind that a hunter was in town. The guy who spoke to you before you left town at the gas station must've been the shapeshifter; before you became his new face. He was the last person you saw before blacking out. You looked around and pieced together you were in some sort of basement.
"Wakey-wakey, (Y/N)." He chuckled. "My, my... To get ahold of someone who is so close to the Winchesters. I must've won the lottery!"
"If you know anything about them you would know you can't fool them." You snarled back.
"I am currently learning everything about you." He tapped your forehead, "I already know juicy details about Sam and Dean and oh! The bunker too. I'll pay them a little visit and kill them in their sleep~." The shifter walked away from you, slipping your hunting bag over their shoulder. "I left you some food and water, can't have you dying on me! Toodles!" He chucked your knife close by you before leaving the basement.
You smirked to yourself, seems like your imposter hasn't learned everything about you yet. Like how you were in a relationship with the Lucifer, your soulmate. You had to stop yourself from praying to him, just in case the shifter would be able to access that. If the boys didn't figure it out soon enough, Lucifer would definitely tell the difference. You felt almost sick that a shifter took on your face, you just hope they would stopped in time.
You maneuvered the knife your doppelganger tossed you to your tied up hands, and slowly you began cutting away at the ropes. When the ropes were cut off you immediately started looking for a way out. The only window to the outside was way too small for anyone to enter or exit.
"Damn." You growled. You walked to the door, just in case there was a slim chance it was left unlocked; it wasn't. You sighed and attempted to kick it down, didn't work. "There has to be something the dumbass left around."
You sighed and began your search through out the basement, hoping this would all be over soon.
Shapeshifter you pulled into the garage around 10pm and smirked. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to get ahold of you; one of the closest people to the all too well known Winchester brothers. He felt all too confident that he could trick the two easy-peasy. He locked the car and strode into the bunker, a cocky smirk was on his, technically yours, face.
'All I have to do is wait until they fall asleep.' He found his way to the library of the bunker and there were Dean and Sam, not suspecting a thing. The two looked up from their laptops and grinned.
"How was the hunt, (Y/N)?" Dean asked.
"Pretty easy. The ghost didn't stand a chance against me." Shifter-You grinned and sat down at the table with them.
"Good you got back in time, we found a big hunt about 3 hours from now and we want to go first thing tomorrow. We also want to bring your boyfriend too, we may need his help with some things." Sam passed over the newspaper article of whatever they want to hunt. The Shifter mentally cursed at the fact you had a boyfriend, he hadn't had enough time to learn more about you.
"Sounds good." He gulped as he scanned over the paper. He carefully eyed the two brothers as they continued talking about a game plan for the hunt and he hoped more of your memories would become accessible to him. "Well I am going to my room and catch up on some sleep, see you both later!"
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." They both waved and he got up from his seat.
"There is my one and only favorite human!" A voice the shifter didn't recognize shouted behind him. He turned around, ready to act like you, but practically froze on the spot.
'This bitch is dating Lucifer?' He internally screamed and put on his best (Y/N)-esque smile.
"Hey there, babe~" He continuously began silently freaking out when the Devil leaned in and kissed the shifter-yous forehead. Did he successfully trick the infamous fallen angel?
"You look scrumptious." Lucifer smirked.
"Ugh get a room you two." Dean grunted, causing the shifter to turn and face him.
"Don't worry Dean, there won't be anymore PDA."  Lucifer wrapped his arms around the shifter, his arms tightening. "Because this isn't (Y/N)."
"What the hell?" Both Dean and Sam grabbed their guns, keeping them at the ready.
"Lucifer w-what are you talking about?" The shifter paused for a second before struggling with all his might to break free from the practically bone crushing hug from Lucifer but he couldn't.
"Demon?!" Sam shouted.
"Nope, a shapeshifter." Luci smirked, his eyes shifting to red. "Oh you are so going to regret shifting into my (Y/N)."
"If you harm me I won't tell you where they are!" The shifter tried to bargain.
"Are you stupid or dumb? I am archangel Lucifer, I will find (Y/N)."
"Why do you want to find that bitch anyways? They think of you as a monster, Lucifer." The shifter snarled. "I have access to all their memories and thoughts. You disgust them, repulse them even. They think you are nothing. The mere thought of you touching them makes then want to burn their skin on off-"
"Shoot them, they bore me." Lucifer sighed and shoved shifter you forward. Before the shapeshifter tried running, both Dean and Sam landed two fatal shots with silver bullets. Your body fell to the ground with a thud... And the shifter was dead. The Winchesters eyed Lucifer carefully but his face was unreadable.
"Uh are you okay, Lucifer? They were saying some pretty harsh stuff as (Y/N)."
"That was rookie stuff." He shrugged his shoudlers. "Take care of this while I go find (Y/N)."
You sighed and slumped against the pillar you were once tied to. It had been hours since the 'evil you' left and you were feeling exhausted. Your search for a way out was futile, but you had high hopes for a rescue. You figured that the Shapeshifter should be at the bunker by now, so you were pondering your choices.
"Ah fuck it." You closed your eyes and began concentrating, preparing to pray to Lucifer.
The sound of fluttering wings made you snap open your eyes, Lucifer was standing right in front of you. He grinned and held out a hand, which you gladly took, and he immediately pulled you into an embrace.
"I knew you would know." You buried your face into his chest, hugging him tight.
"I will always know who the real you is. Now let's get you home." You felt the usually spinning when Lucifer teleported and next thing you know, you were in the bunker library.
"Where's the brothers?"
"They are taking care of the Shapeshifter. Let's go to our room." He took hold of your hand and you both walk down the hallway to your room. You watched Lucifers carefully, you can tell there was something wrong and you knew it had to do something with the shifter.
You arrived to your shared room with Lucifer. Once the door was closed you pulled him into a deep, emotional kiss; your body pressed against his. You break away and stared deeply into his eyes, placing a hand on his cheek.
"I am sorry if shifter-me said anything to you, Luci." You sigh,"What happened?"
"Why are you apologizing? It wasn't you." He lead you to the bed to sit down. "That shifter said you hated me basically, that I am disgusting. And watching "you" die was something else."
"Aw Lucifer, I love you with all my being and I hope you know that I could never see you as a monster." You wrap your arms around his shoulders and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Now, I was stuck in a dusty, dirty basement all day. I think a shower with my favorite Devil~"
"Oh I like the way you think." He smirked. "Let's get those restricting clothes off.~"
"No need to tell me twice." You maneuvered and now you were straddling Lucifer, you ran your hands through his sandy blond hair. You felt his hands go to your hips, and slowly they made their way to your back. His hands slid under your shirt, the light and gentle touches made you shiver.
"My favorite human, my soulmate, my love." Lucifer murmured in your ear before he kissed your neck. He held you tight while he left little hickies along your collarbone.
You felt pure happiness in that moment with your soulmate Lucifer.
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