#my favorite little guy as my favorite arcana
What does the arcana do when they’re caught making out with you?
The arcana x GN!Reader   
Synopsis: This won my most recent poll, so how do the main 6 in the arcana react to someone walking in on them kissing their partner?
Asra Alnazar:
He kisses you more passionately as to prove how much he loves you in front of people. He doesn’t even notice the other person for a solid minute.
If you’re conscious or embarrassed about it, he’ll happily stop. He might stop physically - but while he’s waiting for you guys to find a more private spot, he’s fantasizing about you. 
He’s completely guiltless about it as well. Doesn’t feel a tad of embarrassment or shame. Although he does blush a bit, but that’s because of his attraction to you. Not because of the situation.
The thing he might do however is politely excuse you both from the person who walked in on you. 
“O great magicians, the countess has requested an audience with you!” The chamberlain shouted, from outside your room. Displeased at your lack of response, the chamberlain shouts once more. “O great magicians, COME AT ONCE!” They sighed, shaking their head before shoving the door open. 
“ … Magicians?” 
You’re sat on Asra’s lap, facing him. The two of you are kissing passionately and there are several lipstick stains of your shade of lipstick going down his neck and around his face. He seems to be happy as ever, not even noticing the shouting from the chamberlain. 
Asra rolls his eyes and looks over, breaking away from the kiss. Staring at the chamberlain, he says casually, “ .. oh, it’s you. Hello.” You slowly get off of Asra and wave awkwardly. He smiles, “ tell Nadi we’ll be there in five minutes.” Before the chamberlain can respond, Asra pulls you in again. Not caring at all for the poor chamberlain who’s stood in the doorway stunned and weirded out.
Nadia Satrinava:
Depending on who it is, she’s either only a little embarrassed or super embarrassed. There is no in-between.
If it’s a palace servant, she’ll simply blush a bit but quickly recollect herself and help with whatever task is in need of her attention. 
If it’s a friend or family member, she stutters awkwardly and is more or less unable to reply normally. She just stands there in silence but in her head she’s screaming. 
She’s not ashamed of you at all - she just wants to keep her private time private when it comes to servants, and with her family - she doesn’t tell them much and most likely didn’t tell them about your relationship yet if she wasn’t 100% sure you were the one.
Nasmira is watering the garden, one of her favorite parts of the vesuvian castle. She adores the little grass labyrinth behind the palace, and always tends to it when visiting her dear sister. She snipped off stray branches and leaves, and then crossed the corner to move ahead. 
She paused as she you and Nadia together, kissing. You have your hands running through Nadia’s long hair, and she’s rubbing circles onto your back while you both are immersed in each other. 
“DiDi?” Nasmira says, surprised to see you and Nadia.. Like that.
Nadia turns, and shrieks before covering her mouth. “Oh my! Mira, I– I–..” She immediately lets go off you and steps a foot or so away from you. “Why, I wasn’t expecting your company today..” She says, her face covered in a pinkish blush. 
“ .. Now I know why you talked so fondly of your magician friend.” Nasmira teases, smiling warmly at the both of you.
Julian Devorak:
He blushes slightly, but doesn’t really care. He’s happy when he’s around you, and not much could possibly sour his mood whenever you’re around. 
Is very polite about it. He’ll stop kissing you and focus his energy on the other person, but will still want to be showing you appreciation by having an arm wrapped around your waist, or holding your hand.
He doesn’t feel the need to keep going as soon as the person leaves, but he will if that’s what you want. He’ll do whatever you want <3
Julian peppered your face in kisses, sat in the living room of Mazelinka’s house. He moved over to your lips, kissing you passionately and planting his hands on your torso and waist. He felt as if he were on cloud 9, so infatuated with you and all of your quirks and kinks.
A figure came back through from the kitchen, carrying a large bowl of soup and staring impatiently back at the two of you.
“ oh ho ho, Am I interrupting something?” Mazelinka said with a smirk. Shaking her head at the display of love you two were undergoing in her living room. 
Julian moves his head back, stopping the kiss. His hands still lingered on your body, but he turned over to look at the older woman. “No, not at all. We were..” He cleared his throat. “ .. just being in each others’ presence.” 
“ Oh no, continue. I could use more grandchildren, it’s been a while since I’ve had some children to look after. But just not here – I’m trying to eat.” She sipped at her soup, staring at the two of you and then at the door. “ GO! I’ll only be alive for so many more years, you two could stand to speed up the process a bit..” 
He just laughed and smiled, interlocking his fingers with yours. 
Muriel the outsider:
Is the most embarrassed out of everyone else on the list. He’s blushing furiously and goes extremely quiet and timid.
He’s already nervous in front of people - he definitely doesn’t need this extra attention! Poor guy covers his mouth with his hands, as if to conceal the fact that you’ve just been kissing. 
He lets you smooth it over - he couldn’t handle talking to anyone else but you after that embarrassing incident! He’s completely and utterly horrified to say the least.
Just sort of stares at the person. To any normal person, it’d look like he was glaring to high hell but to him he’s just afraid of having to deal with it.
After a long day, Muriel  couldn’t have thought of anything better than to go home with you and have a ‘loving’ session. You two were on top of the rug in front of the fire at his hut, he was kissing your neck and shoulder. He felt so loved and appreciated.
The keylock jingled, and Asra walked through. 
“Muriellll~!” He said in a sing-song voice. “I can’t find [Name], have you seen the–... oh.”
Muriel stares at him blankly. A mix of shock and shame washing over him at once. You smile, and stand up to go hug and greet Asra. He covers his face with his left hand, his eyes never leave the floor as he can feel himself go beetroot red. He can’t help it, he’s just so confused on why he didn’t hear Asra come in and why he didn’t spare himself this situation.
Lucio Morgasson: 
Isn’t embarrassed at all. If anything, he’s angry. He thinks the person has a lot of nerve bothering him while he’s trying to enjoy his private time with his lover, how foolish of them. 
He probably either insults them or shouts at them, to which you have to tell him not to and that it’s totally fine.
If the other person is grossed out, you’re probably the one smoothing the  situation over entirely. 
His logic is ‘ I’m count and I say the shit I want.’ So he feels no remorse for shotuing at the other person either.
Lucio’s eyes traced the outline of your body with a feverish grin. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing you by the arms and going in for a deep and long kiss. Neither one of you breaks until you’re both almost out of breath, in which you give it a minute before going back to it. 
A servant whips past the two of you, accidentally splitting you apart. The poor servant doesn’t even notice as they hurry past you and start scrubbing a spill from earlier. Lucio looks down at them in silent outrage. 
“ Do you know who I am? It is I, your very count! How dare you interrupt my private time!” He yells, the servant looks up nervously. 
“ oh, my lord! I’m so sorry my lord, please I didn’t mean it!”  they beg. 
Lucio spits at them, “ – leave my sight, please.” He shakes his head as they scamper off in fear. “ Get lost! You’re fortunate I don’t fire you!” All you can do is give them an empathetic look before tangling yourself once more with your lover.
Hello! So sorry I've been gone, my account got hacked and I had to make a new one entirely. How annoying is that? Very annoying! Don't worry though, I'll be reposting my old content as well as coming back with all of my new work.
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sleepytwilight · 3 months
I have a fun idea lmao
Imagine arcana twilight cast react to mc who's is an aggressive fighter lmao.
This remind me of that request about Bakugou Katsuki as Summoner.
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He did not expect for you to actual manage to kill the lizard monster with your bare hand.
Summoning him was a pure mistake because you already killed the monster-
You mistook Arcturus for a kidnapper and almost hit him but Arcturus knocked you out of self defense
Self defense is important kids-
Good thing he managed to calm you down when you arrived at academy
Trust me Arcturus supervised you almost everyday, please don't get into any fights-
And you got into fights.
At least you get rid of monsters-
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My guy was disappointed in 69 languages-
Well at least he put a good use on your strength by letting you go to missions.
Please stop getting into fights though, Spica is considering his life decisions.
At least you get along with Queen Tet- Okay you need to stop kidnap Pollux just because he's look like he needed to he protected.
He get concern why you fight so aggressively so he put you into fighting lessons by Vega.
It works but it doesn't stop that habit of yours on biting people's ears.
Seriously why?
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He wonders why the hell you keep on kidnapping him everytime you lay your eyes on him then snuggled with him.
He's not complaining- he actually like being like this.
Okay he should complain when you bit off some students ears that made fun of him.
Jk he didn't complain and cheering you on until Arcturus came then he pretended he was about to stop you
Pollux wonder if he put you and Alpheratz in the same room, what will happen.
He did put you and Alpheratz in the same room to see what happens 💀
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Alpheratz didn't get pay enough for this, he was planning to live like a slacker because Spica seems don't assign him to babysit you.
Of course Pollux was the one who did it-
You keep on challenging Alpheratz into a fight, he doesn't want to and keep on ignoring you.
Well you get tired from yelling at him for a fight, he pulled you closed to him and you both take a nap
Pollux got detention from Spica for locking Alpheratz in a room
Alpheratz could easily escape though, he chose not too-
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He said something that instantly stop you from fighting.
The committee guide members are grateful but curious what the hell Sirius said to you.
We will never know-
Jk he promised to turn into your favorite animal, you really could use an animal support-
Anyway Sirius enjoy your unpredictable decision, seriously why did you punch a student nose then throw them out of window.
He doesn't really care if the student die, less student, less problem they say
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He got Vietnam flashbacks
You guys were childhood friends, of course he know how to tame you.
Okay but he used to tried to copy you when he was little because he thought you're cool. You still cool but you need to stop fight people like boar.
He asked you what does it taste when you bit off someone ear, you never answer him-
Well he didn't like the way you fight, you need to learn more. You can't always depend on your fist and teeth.
He sometimes asked himself whether it's a good decision to let you use a sword.
At least you make missions easier and both of you can enjoy your little date.
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If I may for the full HCs : with a MC who knows how to make their own perfume and make-up (maybe other cosmetics too). The M6's reaction when MC presents them their whole new line of cosmetics, inspired by them 💄🧴 please! 😄
The Arcana HCs: When MC makes cosmetics for the M6
~ @saemi-the-dreamer this is such a cute idea, oh my goodness I love it! Hope you like these! - brainrot ~
It's not necessarily his field of interest, but he's fascinated by the chemistry behind the stuff you make and its various uses (fake wounds for theatre? tell him more!)
Not to mention how willing he is to feel your hands on his face whenever you want to test out a new product or mixture
But when you present him with a themed line of products, which he inspired, and which is all in shades of edgy red and black?
Oh, he's learning to do his own makeup today
His permanent eye bags reach a whole new level of drama when he tests out the eye pencil you made him with some shaky success
He develops a good eye for noticing who around him is wearing makeup and then trying to decide how closely the products they're wearing can be compared to yours
Depending on how favorable his impression is of said person, it's quite possible that he'll recommend your products to them
Insists on paying you for everything you give him somehow
They love it. They're not always sure how the process works, but they could spend hours letting their eyes wander from your hands, to the colors you're making, to your face, to more of the colors, back to you ...
He has quite a few suggestions for ways to make your creations really pop, whether that be glowing glitter or a potion with a holographic effect mixed in
They're surprised and delighted when you give them their own collection of bright and unusual colors and they make full use of it
Might start leaving notes with multi hued lip prints around the shop for you to find while he's out
You have a brief panic moment when they decide to let Faust in on all of the fun and paint her with the rainbow too
If you'd known that it was going to be used on pets, you would have been sure to double check that it was safe at least!
Faust isn't bothered in the slightest. She looks fantastic and she will advertise your products to anyone who looks
So happy to share a common interest with you, especially when it comes to her adventures in fashion and styling
Loves to come up with outfits based off of certain products she's seen you make, or to invite you to do the makeup for one of her favorite original designs. She always likes what you come up with
It truly never occurs to her that you would see her as inspiration
Her styles, perhaps, or some of her fashion preferences, but never her personally. When you present her with your creation she's surprised and very, very flattered
She is going to spoil you in return, no room for argument
Puts so much thought into exactly how she's going to use each item in tandem with what specific outfit because your work deserves the greatest appreciation she can show it
Will insist that you wear some of it too, because she likes matching you and seeing you in something so personal to her makes her heart do funny things in her chest
His interest goes as far as whatever natural remedies you include in your work. He's not as familiar with the cosmetic properties of the different herbs around the forest
That, and he does enjoy observing you while you're focused on something you're passionate about. (He'll never admit it)
Unsurprised, but a little taken aback when you give him his gift. He's not a cosmetics or perfume kind of guy
He doesn't realize it's a plot to lure him into the delights of self care
First it's letting you apply chapstick to his lips with the pads of your fingers, then it's letting you put moisturizer on his work-roughened hands, and then it's testing out a bath product together ...
At one point, when you gently point out a balm that helps with scar tissue, Muriel gets a little choked up and vulnerable about it
But he doesn't mind it as much if it's your hands smoothing it along his chest and back and arms
Speaking of, you should be wearing some chapstick too ...
She knows her way around cosmetics (she was Nadia's maid servant for quite some time, after all) but she doesn't generally put that much concern into her appearance beyond cleanliness
Her routine is effective, efficient, and second nature enough for her to multitask with whatever else needs doing that morning
That doesn't stop her from helping you out, though! She's always got helpful suggestions for which ingredients to include and how to apply certain products
So when you gift her a line completely tailored to her needs and preferences, she feels so pampered and seen that she smothers you with hugs and kisses and whisks you to the bathroom to try it all out
She likes it so much and wears it so well that most of her friends notice and ask after the change (and Portia has a lot of friends)
She shamelessly advertises your stuff to anyone and everyone
Don't worry if the amount of new orders gets overwhelming, she's here to help!
One of his first requests as a ghost when he found out that you made cosmetics was to give him a better face of makeup. The painter didn't do his eyeliner justice and he wants it fixed please
Constantly volunteering to be your fabulous guinea pig, because he's the best and he loves you! (and he's curious)
Turns into an overexcited magpie when you show him his gift
You put gold in it! He loves gold! You put red in it!! He loves red!!!
Cancels the rest of his plans for the day and tests out each product one by one, showing off each result so you can shower him in the appropriate compliments
Incorporates everything you gave him into his daily routine and brings it up in every conversation he has for the next month
As much as he's still learning to sweet talk potential customers, his enthusiasm is infectious and you do see a bump in requests
Makes sure to tell everyone that he inspired those cosmetics
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insecateur · 8 months
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I'll be standing tall (La Maison-Dieu)
A 10 songs bilingual Sycamore/Lysandre playlist (in honor of Pokémon X&Y's 10th anniversary)
(Unfortunately, I don't use Spotify, so you'll have to make do with this YouTube playlist or look for the songs yourself. But do look under the read more for Lyrics Excerpts and all of that.)
Why a bilingual playlist? Well because I'm a bilingual guy, for a start, and because my experience with Pokémon X&Y in general and this ship in particular has always been bilingual as well (even trilingual, arguably.) I wanted to put together some of my favorite songs in English for them and introduce English-speaking fans to some of my favorite French songs for them, too. A lot of those songs are songs I've quoted, mentioned, or even used as inspiration for art and fic.
(Why is Augustine on the English side and Lysandre on the French side? Because I thought Lysandre would be offended at the idea of being on the English side while Augustine wouldn't care about it as much.)
Sunburn by Muse
He burns like the sun And I can't look away And he'll burn our horizons Make no mistakes
This is the classic, quintessential PRFR song for me. Its only crime is that it's het, sung from the point of a view of a man singing about a woman. That pesky little detail cannot stop me, however.
Without You I'm Nothing by Placebo (feat David Bowie)
I'm unclean, a libertine And every time you vent your spleen I seem to lose the power of speech You're slipping slowly from my reach You grow me like an evergreen You've never seen the lonely me at all
Do I even need to say anything about this? I listen to this song when I need to make myself Suffer thinking about them. Oh to be unable to bring yourself to say something about your beloved friend's downward spiral...
Hardest of Hearts by Florence + the Machine
Darling heart, I loved you from the start But you'll never know what a fool I've been Darling heart, I loved you from the start But that's no excuse for the state I'm in
My friend sent me this song saying it was about them and they were RIGHT. Shout-out to my friend for that. I like how it can be alternating POV, too.
Changes by The Happy Fits
I try to run away but I find myself, again Stuck in the same place Who will I be today? I can't control the world or change it
This one was suggested by @jonphaedrus and I'm really happy I could have its contribution in here as well. This is very meaningful to me.
Celebrate by Metric
Even the darkest hour soon will be over My friend, it will be over
I couldn't not put a Metric song in there! It was tough finding the right one... But I thought putting a more optimistic spin would be nice, too. I actually associate this song with SLaWCS specifically as well, which is a nice touch.
Pâle Septembre by Camille
Mâle si tendre Au début de novembre Devint sourd aux avances de l'amour Mais quel mal me prit De m'éprendre de lui ?
Did you know? This song is the reason why I associate Lysandre with the Tower arcana. Or at least, it's what put the idea into my brain first. This one is also a quintessential PRFR song for me.
7 Vies by Kyo
La vue est magnifique Contemple-la tant que tu peux La lumière alcaline Le bien, l'ennemi du mieux Tant que le temps défile Tout doit se vivre à deux Je pratique le langage des signes Et celui du feu
I think I should be allowed to include some more vibes songs in there, although I'd argue this one fits them well. It's a bit abstract, but it fits.
Tout donner by Maître Gims
Tu es ma maladie Ma guérison quand tu l'décides Mes nuits s'illuminent J'en confonds le jour et la nuit
A desperate, self-destructive pining song... What else could a man want in this world. It's very tasty. I think about those lines way too often.
Aimer à mort by Louane
L'espoir qui joue, le feu, le froid Un souffle au cou, baiser de roi Pour nous reprendre, pour nous défendre Pour se comprendre chaque fois
Another intense but more optimistic one. I want to believe... I want them to believe as well...
Rouge Ardent by Axelle Red
As-tu trouvé, dans les feux, dans les flammes Ton idéal rouge ardent As-tu froid As-tu peur de l'aurore Tu disais "tout s'évapore" Tu as eu tort
It's a song about being in love with a failed idealist. And also the color red is there. What more can I say. (Also, this time it's originally a het song from the POV of a woman singing about a man, which ties it all neatly together, I think.)
Happy 10th anniversary to all my fellow shippers, young and old, new and ancient, whether you were in the trenches with me back in October 2013 on this webbed site or you joined us in 2021 with the Pokémon Masters revival, thank you for loving them always. Here's to loving them more and more in the future, and here's to the Pokémon X&Y remakes as they become clearer and clearer on the horizon. (And maybe we'll get a Legends game, too? Wouldn't that be something...)
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fox-daddy · 2 months
The arcana as stolen memes again, again
Julian; the desire to disappear vs the desire to be held and wanted
Mc: what is the most complicated way to cook an egg?
Nadia without missing a beat: Atmospheric re-entry
Mc holding an egg:...well shit
Muriel: What if instead of stepping out of my comfort zone I step into an even comfier zone?
Lucio: huge fan of when my speech patterns rub off on people enjoy when that happens
Lucio: NEVERMIND, my mum just said skill issue to me
Mc: I wish I had the ability
Muriel:...to do what?
Asra: I think we should have glowstick juice injected in our bones when we're born so if we break em there's a fun little surprise
Mc: whats the surpise?
Julian cutting in: blood poisoning
Lucio: if you step on a person's foot they open their mouths, just like trash cans.
Mc: trying not to encourage him by laughing*
Mc: one time Asra put a glass of milk on the table in front of me and I meant to ask them 'who's milk is this?' because I wasn't sure if it was for me or if they were putting it down on the table to go grab something else and I just stared down at the milk and said 'who's this?' and they turned around and without missing a beat said 'that's your new friend mr.milk' then we stared at each other for a solid twenty seconds before they asked if I was high.
(modern day arcana *not the au faking it*)
Nadia: the worst part about parallel parking is the witnesses
Mc: you know their are no witnesses if you're bad enough at parallel parking
Mc; those moments when straight people assume you're one of them and you feel like a gay secret agent
Nadia: lebionage
Portia:bi spy
Julian: it's an ace case
Asra: secret gaygent
Nadia: 'kobe' is for accuracy and precision while 'yeet' is for power and distance
Mc: I can turn this into dnd stats
Mc:Kobe is dexterity, yeet is strength, oof is constitution, tea is intelligence, yolo is wisdom, and wig is charisma
Mc; You want to know one of my favorite facts? If you leave a hamster wheel out in the forest wild mice will come and run on it. That is one of my favourite facts.
Muriel:... bobcats and lynx's will sit in cardboard boxes abandoned in the forest. I asked Asra about it and they said 'cat's' while shrugging.
Mc; George Washington died in 1799, 15 years before the first dinosaur was classified. So therefore, Gorge Washington never knew about dinosaurs
Portia: Why does this make me so sad?
Nadia: if you add two pounds of sugar to literally one ton of concrete it will ruin the concrete and make it unable to set properly. Which is good to know if you want to resist something being built, French anarchists used this to resist prison construction in the 80's.
Portia: I'm just going to go ahead and take a note about this for purely educational purposes.
Julian: you got to be dunkin my doughnuts
Asra: you gotta be hutting my pizza
Portia: you gotta be mackin my donalds
Nadia: you're really innin my outs here, buddy. You're fivein my guys.
Lucio: ya whiting my castle. Ya darying my queen. Ya steaking my shake.
Mc: but are you belling my taco?
(ones with my oc's because why not)
Hunter: stuck in an elevator because Portia decided to jump?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: fucken mint
Hunter: Julian's had three panic attacks in ten minutes?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter:Muriel hasn't said a thing since we got stuck?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Lucio being immature and yelling the whole time?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Asra has just been listening to music and trying to call Nadia to come get us?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Kyle has to pee so bad he might get a bladder infection?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Lucio's going to be the one we blame because we all hate his fucking guts
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: I've got some kind of allergic reaction going on and my face is breaking out in a bad rash and Julian is freaking out and wants to take me to the hospital. Portia was like 'let's not make any rash decisions' and we high-fived and now Julian is yelling at both of us.
Hunter: someone will be like 'coca cola can remove rust from metal imagine what it's doing to your body' like psssh removing the rust obviously
Nadia: that's not how that works
Hunter: Yeah? while I don't have rust in my body so check mate
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hairlessgoblin · 6 months
II. Passively Possessive
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Part 2 of:
A/N: Im excited to have you guys read this second part. I took a while and it might not be grammatically correct but I did my best. I hope you enjoy it!
@saradika for the beautiful dividers
@galesleftearring for being my first galemancer and tumblr mutual
@the-real-housewives-of-waterdeep @yolo-swaginz @beeblisss for reblogging part 1 and being absolute sweethearts 🥹
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The next literacy class had come around quicker than expected. Not to mention how paranoid you were about bumping into Gale again. You had made an effort to keep your mind away from your last awkward interaction. Sadly, every time you sat in a classroom, you painfully cringed at the memory.
Now again, on your way to class, you decided to stop by the bathrooms. You fixed your hair in the mirror and placed your glasses back on your face. Coming out, you bump forcefully into someone.
“Watch it! What in the hell has got you in a hurry?” the person on the other side of the door complains. You step out, and a tall half-orc looks down at you. "Well, aren’t you a pretty little thing?” He steps forward, closing the space between both of you. Your back is pressed against the textured wall. “Step back now, or I will make your face burn.” You warn them, feeling the hot breath of their smirk on your face. "Mmm, I can tell you’re fiery. The tips of your elf ears are almost glowing.” He laughs. You waste no time in conjuring a fireball into your fingertip and pointing it bellow his chin.
“You are lucky. I value my education over incinerating your thick skull. Get out of my way or burn.” The half-orc is taken aback and opens the way for you to get out. You swiftly turn the corner and bump chest to chest with the one and only Gale. Your complexion was a shade of raging red and your pupils dilated with the full concentration of your spells. The warm residual arcana flows through your body.
Gale looks into your eyes, trying to bring you back from the anger and wrath boiling in your blood. “Don’t let him get to you. Such a dimwitted sorcerer doesn’t deserve your attention or your gaze.” He places his hands on your shoulders. He was angry that someone had the audacity to treat you this way. You feel your muscles start to relax with his words. You take a deep breath.
"...and I would have to get a new desk partner. That would certainly be a hassle; I haven’t found anyone as competent as you for the position.” You let out a laugh. His eyes are bright, and he feels accomplished to have lightened up the mood.
“Thank you.” You feel the stinging of your body dissipate and transform into butterflies in the depths of your belly button.
“You are most welcome. Shall we continue with our academic duties?” He offers his arm, knowing your body had produced a copious amount of energy that faded as quickly as it was summoned. You nod, resting your hand on his forearm. You walk slowly to the classroom.
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You were astonished to see the size of his house. Gale had invited you over to study in his tower. The place felt endless, most walls covered from the floor to the ceiling in books. The salty air from the ocean coming in from the open windows. The sun was soon to set but Gale had already prepared a lamp on the desk for you both.
“I was thinking, maybe we could try our protection spells on a notebook first?” You ask.
You had been tasked with creating a “Pushback Literature Protection spell” for your favorite book. You had chosen ‘The Annals of Romance’ it was a bit embarrassing. A novel of romance, betrayal, and undying love. With insight into man's most troubling questions about life and himself.
“I’ll volunteer my journal; it's filled with exceptional poetry and a few mediocre illustrations of Tara.” Gale chuckled as Tara slept peacefully on top of a bookshelf next to the library window.
You stand next to him and watch him recite the incantation from your notebook. His hands expertly flick and swish in the air. You shiver at the thought of his hands on your body but quickly push the thought away so as not to cause yourself any embarrassment by blushing. Lights and symbols seemed to fall from his palms onto the notebook. “That shall do. Should we test it?” He asks.
“Allow me; you already offered your notebook.” You take the leather book in your hands and unclasp the bronze buckle keeping it locked. You open his notebook, and a gust of wind throws you into the nearest tower of arranged books. You hit your head against something hard. You hiss and open your eyes. A statue of Mystra seems to look down on you mockingly when you hear Gale running to you. “Gods, I apologize I think it was overpowered. Are you alright? Did you hit yourself?” His voice almost cracked, worried he had caused you any harm. “Don’t worry, you did great. Im honored.” You laugh and touch your head. There is a wet spot on your crown, you press through your hair with your fingertips. Blood. Looking back at your hand, you feel dizzy. You didn’t do well with blood, and the hit from the protective spell wasn’t helpful.
Strong arms pick you up from the floor. You want so badly to sleep the pain off. “Stay awake, love. Whatever you do, don't close your eyes, alright? I will set you down on the bed and get something to heal you.” You listen to Gales dancing voice. His accent thick from the strength of carrying you up the stairs. You just look at him, his nose, and the curve of his lips. You reach out to touch his beard, and his eyes meet yours. His frown turns into somewhat sad puppy eyes, worried but enjoying this bit of contact before setting you on the bed and running out of the room. “TARA!” You hear him call out down the hallway.
The bed sheets are made of beautiful silk, a deep shade of purple. The pillow under your head was soft and smelled of rosemary and peppermint. Looking up, you see a sheer canopy with a small blue light floating down. You shut your eyes, feeling your head pulsating. You feel someone touch your hand—a cold and small hand. A woman sits beside you on the bed; her glowing aura seems unreal , her slick black hair almost touches the bed; and her blue eyes search into you. “As beautiful and powerful as you are, you can't be a distraction. He is meant for far more. He is meant for me.” She turns translucent until you can't feel her presence.
You hear Gales heavy steps come from the door. "I'm sorry to have taken so long.” He presses a damp towel on top of your head. You try sitting up, but your strength fails you. You feel yourself getting pale. Gale grabs you around your waist from above and pushes you up. He brings a small vial to your mouth, signaling for you to tilt your head. You think back to the mysterious woman and her convincing argument.
‘Distraction? Are they trying to get rid of me?’
You turn your head away from the vial and wince at the movement. Gale seems to read your hesitant gesture. "Andromeda,” he whispers to you. Your eyes are watering; you don't want to believe he could hurt you, but he could. “This is a brew of ashes of balsam and salt. Please trust that I want only what is best for you.” You look at him; his big brown eyes are watering too. You put your lips on the vial and tilt your head. He places a hand behind your head, keeping the towel in place.
“Please rest, I swear no harm will come to you. Tara will sleep here in case you need anything. Just let her know, alright?” You hum in agreeance. You wish you had the courage to touch his face again and let him know you trust him, but your body feels sore and the words seem to have left your mouth. You lay down, and Gale pulls the silk blanket from under you to tuck you in. Before he turns to leave, you grab his wrist and hold the edge of his hand. “Thank you." you whisper, falling into the darkness behind your eyelids.
“You are most welcome." You feel a kiss pressing on your forehead. You fall into a deep slumber.
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“Come see.” You hear a faint whisper inside your head. You wake up and it's still dark outside. The room was cold, and Gales beloved Tara slept comfortably on a padded chair next to the bed. You slip onto the floor quietly, following the hums calling out to you.
The hallway was glowing with the pearly light of the moon shining through the mosaic window. One of the last doors creaked open, the hums becoming moans.
“Come see, he is meant for me. He is meant for the weave." The voice whispers externally. You look through the small space of the open door—a small prayer room. Your breathing gets caught up in your chest, and your pulse quickens. You have never seen someone like this.
Gale was suspended midair, completely naked. His strong back faces the door which you hid behind. He was in a trance, his eyes glowing white, and his lips parted. He moaned and threw his head back in pleasure. You shut the door, feeling deep guilt for imposing.
It seems you have angered his goddess, and she is threatening you away from the wizard. Why? Why you? You have met Gale three times and haven’t shared a moment of passion together. But she knew more. She saw the force bringing both of you together. She saw the unbreakable connection you would have if she let your relationship run its course. It would ruin her plans completely; she saw the priority you could become for him and how she would remain but a figure on an obsolete altar.
She was willing to do anything to stop that from happening.
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Based on that reblog I'm assuming you're taking requests....if you are may ask for "oh. OH."
If you're not taking them just ignore. Hope your day is really nice
Haha, there's an Arcana flash fic I wrote a looong time ago that this prompt reminds me of.
I asked for a monster and another anon suggested werewolf, so we're going with that.
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Next Part | Masterlist
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The second day of the convention had proved to be less lucrative than Amber had hoped. At this rate, she would likely break a little over even with the stall and overhead. Not terrible, but she had higher hopes for her first convention as a vendor. Especially since she debuted her webcomic earlier in the year. 
It didn’t help that most other vendors near her seemed ten years her junior. Somewhere in their early- to mid-twenties, already popular in their art or writing. It made that sense of imposter syndrome - or the thought she should have done something with her life by now - dig in deep.
Little attention on her stall, plus some rather big name speakers drawing her potential customers away every hour, had left her feeling even more morose. It didn’t help that her best friend, Addie, kept taking off, eager to take in all the sights and programs. Of the two of them, extroverted Addie was more equipped to handle customers. 
And had been the one to convince Amber to risk money on this venture. 
Losing her tenth customer for the morning, Amber had resorted to idly sketching in her sketchbook, letting the sounds of the event wash over her. Her introverted batteries were at risk of exploding if she plastered her customer service smile on for yet-another easily-distracted congoer.
A constant flow of talk, of bodies constantly moving, of noisy little doodads or televisions played. Overhead, a screen indicated upcoming events and, occasionally, played ads concerning prices at the convention hall’s food court. Farther away, near the doors of the main hall, cosplayers posed and cameras flashed.
Someone’s hand leaned at the edge of her table, the plastic creaking under their weight as they leaned to peer at her art. Amber tensed, braced for questions or maybe even a request for a free drawing. Her mechanical pencil continued to sketch, pretending to be too focused to pay the interloper any mind. 
“So, I take it you don’t like Montos?” 
Apparently, someone couldn’t take a hint. Then again, Amber was supposed to be hawking her wares. Namely her art and webcomic. Still, she was bitter over her circumstance and her MIA co-worker. 
Shrugging, Amber didn’t bother looking up as she continued to work on the not-so-flattering caricature of Montos, fan favorite villain of hit streaming show Of Wolf and Blood. “The character is okay - as far as a bad guy, y’know - but the actor is just overhyped.” 
The interloper chuckled, deep enough that the resonance made a tingle shoot down Amber’s spine. There was a smile in their voice as they replied, “I hear that. I’ve been on his sets.” 
“Is that so-” Unimpressed and ready for some harebrained lie, Amber shot the visitor a skeptical look. Her disbelief faded as her eyes landed on Augustine Prime. A pompous name for an even more arrogant actor, if tabloids were to be believed. “Oh.” 
For a beat, all she could do was stare at him. From the back of her mind, she could hear Addie’s gushing voice relaying details about this very man. He/him, seven foot, a lycan with alleged hellhound blood in him, and built like a strongman competitor. 
Amber could see why he was a fan favorite from his size alone, but those dark gold eyes and chestnut brown waves - worn in a way that made Amber think of a surfer dude - certainly didn’t hurt. The fact he was half-shifted didn’t hurt, either. Walking around like a damn anime character with wolf ears and tail on full display. Faintly, she tried to recall if his clothes - a suit with some obnoxiously bright tie - was from a anything she recognized.
“Oh.” It was curiosity and realization that made her glance down at her sketch, part of her trying to gauge how accurately she was. It took her a half-second to realize that perhaps drawing a less-than-flattering picture of an actor would result in retaliation. Her eyes swung back up to Augustine’s face, that infuriating smirk still tilting at his lips. “Oh no.” 
“So, how much?” He nodded to her hands, to her sketchbook.
Amber’s brain grappled for understanding. “H-how much?” 
Augustine’s smile spread a little further, showing off unnervingly perfect - slightly sharp - white teeth. “For the drawing.” 
Instinctively, she snapped her sketchbook shut, slamming it down on the table and folding her hands atop it. “Wh-what?” 
Amusement quirked further through his features as he raised an eyebrow. “The drawing you were just working on.” 
She clutched her sketchbook to her chest, barely keeping a whine down at the back of her throat. From the way the man’s infuriating grin broadened yet again, she was willing to bet he could hear it regardless. Something broke in her mind. Agitation over his smarminess cleaved through her shock and surprise. 
When she answered, her knuckles hurt from clutching to her sketch pad so hard. “I charge $200 for commissions.” 
Augustine’s other eyebrow rose to join its counterpart. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but commissions would mean I’d ask you to draw.” 
“I-It’s not finished.” Amber wanted to bite her own tongue for stuttering, but she sat straighter and tried to sound firm, “So you’d be asking me to complete it.” 
It was only then that she realized people were staring. Hell, they were amassing around her table. There were obvious fans, hoping to catch Augustine’s attention, and nosy busybodies who were undoubtedly wondering what exactly this star was doing at her table. Heat clawed up Amber’s back, threatening to spill a blush across her cheeks. 
Gods, why couldn’t he have dropped by when Addie was here? 
“Can’t argue there. Here you go.” Finally, Augustine shrugged and pulled his wallet out. Amber numbly stared as he slapped down two $100 bills. Her eyes swung to his face, mouth open to protest, but he silenced her with a wink and a grin. “Deliver it to the VIP section when you’re done.” 
Augustine swept away from her table, taking most of the accumulated crowd with him. If he noticed his silent entourage, he didn’t take any notice. As her hand smacked over the cash, sliding it closer to her, she watched the actor swagger off. 
Though most of the crowd had left, quite a few people had remained. She realized they were asking about her art, her webcomic, her relation to Mr. Prime and she fielded the question while still trying to process her own shock. 
There was one thing, however, that lit up in her mind. 
She really should have charged him more.
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Next Part | Masterlist
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hiswitchcraft · 1 year
id love to see your collection/list! my tarot niche is cat themed decks but i love seeing what otber people are drawn to :)
My Collection of Divination Decks
You're so sweet! You got it! I wish this post hadn’t taken so long. When it was halfway done I decided to take the pictures myself instead and got overwhelmed so I've done it a bit at a time. Anyways you guys remember that I'm always happy to help you find beginner decks that work for you or decks that fit certain ideas or themes! Rather if that's more inclusivity, certain vibes, the deck being based on animals, plants, etc. Don't be afraid to reach out!
Without further delay, the decks...
The Classic Rider Waite
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This was my first deck as I'm sure it was for a lot of people. I heard a lot of people talking about it and knew a lot of other decks were based on it so I got it. I'm glad it was my first deck because it helped familiarize me with all the Rider Waite based decks yet to come in my practice and it's just a sort of neutral starting point. I could also see the appeal in getting a more themed deck which is why I offer to help beginners find one that fits their needs. The good deck is the deck you'll pick up and use!
The Linestrider Tarot
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This was my first deck that's well... not just the plain old Rider Waite. I was 14 or 15 when I got it so it probably wouldn't be my first pick now, aesthetic wise, but I have a huge soft spot for it. It's always felt like I was in tune with this deck and I love little details like that The Fool has no face and the two of cups are cats! Like isn't that just the cutest? Also it wasn't that expensive and came with a solid box and a thick guidebook, which is always a welcome bonus in my opinion.
The Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle
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Ah, my first oracle deck, as you might have guessed. It was also made by the same artist that made the Linestrider tarot, which you may also have guessed. I'm pretty sure I got them at the same time because I adored this art style so much. I like the way this deck is laid out. There's detailed illustrations of plants, and y'all know I love a deck with plants, as well as the name of the plant and the main theme of the card written on it. I need to use this deck more! Let me know if you guys have tips for doing oracle readings or using oracle decks more.
The Star Spinner Tarot
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I was interested in this deck for its inclusivity. it's also a hopeless romantic deck in my opinion. It has a fairytale sort of art style and you can choose between four different The Lovers cards, two of which are distinctly gay. Also the two of cups are pink mermaids, what else could you possibly want?
The Avatar Arcana
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This deck is based on avatar the last airbender if you couldn't tell or aren't familiar with that series. It's a fandom deck. I was such a feen for it when I found it online. I waited patiently for it for ages. I feel like the selections for what characters go with what cards, especially on the major arcana, are a little on the nose and show that this is more of a novelty deck. But hey, it's a deck themed around a show, I knew what I signed up for, y'know? Anyways I'm very happy to have it!
The Illustrated Herbiary Oracle
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This deck is going here because I wanted to show all the decks in my collection. It was a gift and even though I don't wanna be ungrateful, I'm hard to buy gifts for, and picky about my decks. I usually like decks based on plants (and have several in my wishlist) but this one just isn't my favorite if I'm being honest. I think it's the borders. Either way it's in my collection, which makes it worth note, and who knows! Maybe someone else will love it or just generally be inspired to get a plant based deck.
The Dream Interpretation Oracle
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The cards are unfortunately bent on this deck so there was a slight glare on a few cards, but even if they’re hadn’t been I feel like the cards here or any picture just couldn’t do this deck’s vibes justice. I got it at witchfest (which I'm so excited for this year, that's a whole different happy ramble) and I feel like it really captures the strangeness of my dreams. There are whole cards for things like shoes, or shouting. Shuffling the cards is a weird time indeed.
The Antique Anatomy Tarot
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I feel like this deck is quite popular and for good reason. It’s exactly what it sounds like. It has vintage vibes, it has skulls, it has flowers, these are some of my favorite things to draw so of course they are some of my favorite artistic themes in a deck. I have multiple decks on my wishlist that are just based on skeletons or plants. I love how this deck combines the two. I also like how on the elixirs, the labels on the bottles relate to the card's meaning. Additionally the jumbling of body parts in a lot of the coins suit, particularly the four of coins shown is also an aspect I like. It just looks neat to me.
The Fyodor Pavlov Tarot
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This is by far my favorite deck so this section will be so so long and I'm not sorry! This is double special interest material. I'm t4t and deserve to gush about my representation damn it. So I’ve been trying to stick to 6 cards max with maybe the back of the card's pattern or box shown for these pictures, however this deck is my favorite and just too good to contain with such restrictions. I worked so hard to get this deck. I saw The Lovers card online and fell in love. The card's artwork is t4t and I'm SO t4t and so in love with just The Lovers card as an art piece in general. Anyways after I found just that card somewhere online I said a prayer that a full deck by the artist existed, and went on the hunt for it. I found it. I originally found the kickstarter, which had stopped, and after some digging found out the artist had moved the sales to Etsy. The artist was packaging small batches all on his own. I tried to get it twice off Etsy and both times it sold out immediately. The deck has now had an official release and is a lot easier to get. I preordered that newer version and waited months and months for my beloved and it was by FAR so worth it.
I love that this deck is Rider Waite based but inclusive to various experiences. This includes the minority representation, but also details like how the queen of cups is pregnant. Maybe I don't look at a lot of decks but I feel like I don't see that very often and I think details like that are cool. As you'd probably expect, the artist is queer and trans and I love that and supporting them and that kind of artwork. He's also a tattoo artist and I feel like that shows in his work. I love artwork with ink, but I'm biased, because my artwork is usually ink based. Also I already put too many cards in the picture so they're not there but shoutout to Strength and The Hermit in this deck for being women.
Basically I love this deck more than I can put into words!
The Tarot of Pagan Cats
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The newest addition to my collection! This is a mini deck that makes me want about ten million more cat themed decks. When I decided to take the pictures myself for this post I added some other cards. Originally I was just gonna have The Tower though. I feel like it tells you everything you need to know. This deck is adorable and charming. The Fool makes me laugh as well as The Tower and Strength. The Lovers, as well as the two and ten of cups are just precious. The design for Death is perfect. Fuzzy, and somehow still comes across as stern. I want more cat decks!!!
(Also side note down here real quick for that one person, someone asked if I could go over how the decks personalities differ from each other but I found I was very bad at putting that into words especially in this post so that will have to be something I talk about elsewhere if I do!)
This post was about gushing and the vibes but if you guys want beginner deck recommendations, help finding a deck that fits your niche, or for me to show off my wishlist in a similar style, just ask!
Thanks for letting me gush and reading the whole post. I had such a fun time making it ❤️
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angeledeggs · 10 months
hellooo, me again, what modern artists/songs do you think the m6/courtiers would like? •3•
Okay I kinda feel like Asra likes like Arabic rap and like some chill lofi.
He definitely listens to like lofi girl comps for sure but like also Wegz and Freek and stuff
Oh also I feel like he kind of likes lots of indie tiktok musicians for some reasons and has a pretty diverse music taste.
Except for country.
He hates country.
Okay okay but for real though I think he's kind of a jazz and klezmer genre type of guy (im NOT PROJECTING YALL I SWEAR)
Okay so I think some of the main music or artists he would listen to would be like Herbie Hancock, Bill Evans, probs the Jewish Starlight Orchestra (NOT PROJECTING I PROMISE), the Klezmatics, just lots of general jazz and klezmer
I feel like he has like, a personal thing against hip hop, though.
I don't really know for him 😰😰😰
I just don't know what to do for him I'm sorry y'all 😭 if any of you have ideas in the comments let me go
I just feel like she's like a super big musical fan but like she's SO picky with her musicals
Like her favorite type of musical is Indian musicals but she does have her fair share of other fav musicals (Legally Blonde)
Her favorite musical is totally Ram Leela and no guys it's not because that my favorite musical
She always has an earbud in one ear wherever she goes so she has like a million wireless earbuds and also Spotify premium, apple music, and everything lol
Oh but I kind of feel like she kind of likes mitski idk why
Oh my god definitely a mitski stan and IC3PEAK just bcuz I said so JSHSJ
I feel like she also likes plenty of like indie artists
Her favorite genre is definitely indie or maybe Russian music specifically Russian pop since she likes to connect with her culture
She also likes listening to Russian pop just so that she can learn Russian a bit more easier I think
Oh my god he is such a total music snob
He is totally like oh you like POP?? How unreFINED of you!!
Is only like someone how listens to CLASSICAL and will like totally judge anyone else who dosent listen to classical
Listens to bach, mozart, all of the classic composers.
I feel that Vlastomil is kind of like Valerius in the sense that he likes to listen to classical music but I don't really feel that he's a music type of guy.
He is a super old demon, after all.
Vlastomil is totally the type of guy to own a million records and whatever but NEVER listens to them at all and also won't let anyone touch them
Okay I'll admit it I AM projecting right now but I KNOW that in my heart of hearts they would LOVE nandVIBE with Sharon's beautiful music I mean come on JDJSHSB
Just like LISTEN to Child of Sin and TELL ME they wouldn't have a little existential crisis at it like odjdndndbdJDJSJSJSJSHS that song is SO them!!
Okay okay hear me out a blue kid fan and a mitski fan
Like you kind of wouldn't expect it with the way she acts but she loves both of them
I also feel like she doesn't HATE country but,, she doesn't LOVE it either? She's kind of in the middle.
But she just HATES Jazz and classical it's not the thing at ALL.
Oh my god I just know that they deny listening to music because they don't want to seem weak 😭😭😭
I just feel like they do even though it's not like them it all
I kind of also feel like they'd listen to a five hour compilation of workout music when they sleep to help them relax idk why 😭
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themushroomgoesyeet · 3 months
Arcana Characters As _ : Five Nights at Freddy's Animatronics
Asra - DJ Music Man
I know there are headcanons out there where Music Man smokes weed
Asra's canonical favorite genre is EDM so that also fits spectacularly
honestly Asra gives huge dj vibes, would not be surprised if he did it for a living in a modern AU
both are also pretty chill when not loosing their mind for various reasons
Nadia - Marionette
I chose this because beside Freddy, Marionette is the only leader type figure I could think of
Freddy is also supposed to be good with kids though, so Marionette fits better
but all that aside, I think Marionette is good bc they're the one who act as a sort of guide for the souls, giving them an animatronic to possess and a purpose to fulfill much like how our beloved Countess is ready and willing to reshape Vesuvia and it's people, and to make it into something better
Muriel - Golden Freddy
both are some of the most broken characters in their respective franchises
t r a u m a
very sad most of the time, and forgotten by the world they live in
only shows up when they want to/feel like it's necessary
Portia - Glamrock Chica
I knew I wanted Portia to be a Chica, but it took some help from my friends on discord to figure out which one (thank you for the brainstorming help you guys!)
out of the Chicas with a more peppy personality, I think the Glamrock one is probably the nicest/best with kids (I can definitely see Portia slipping kids candy all the time)
obviously Portia doesn't eat literal garbage on the reg, but she is still a foodie so this fits
also if she knew how Portia would absolutely shred on the electric guitar
Lucio - Roxy
phrases I can see leaving both Roxy and Lucio's mouths: "I'm the best", "I'm your favorite, aren't I?", "everybody loves a winner", and "do you really think I'm pretty?"
biggest looser & biggest FOMO
extremely popular despite their clear narcissistic tendancies
Julian - OG Foxy
pirate aesthetic my beloved
once again tricky to figure out which foxy to choose (guess that's what happens when you make both Devoraks one of the original four animatronics) and almost went with Sundrop, but we got there in the end
performer, (supposed to be) great with kids, great big ball of angst/anxiety for not being adequate enough for the people they're trying to entertain
I can definitely imagine Julian hearing Foxy's little "dum diddy dum" song and singing it all the time unironically, and being very sad and confused when he keeps triggering FNAF fans
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Um, hello there again! I'm not exactly sure if you're willing to take another request from me since this is the second time, so feel free to ignore this if you want to. But if it's alright with you, may I ask for arcana twilight headcanons of the same guys from my previous request (Because I'll be honest here, they're my favorites-) about how they celebrate Christmas (Or the Christmas equivalent in Bound Arlyn) with their s/o? It's Christmas right now for my country and I'm feeling a bit festive (✧^⁠‿⁠^⁠).
Again though, no pressure do this. Thank you so much and stay safe!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡.
It's no problem Anon ! I'm happy you enjoy my writing, so sorry for not responding earlier, Christmas can sometimes be a busy time ! I hope you enjoy this head canon as much as I enjoyed writing it. (ʃƪ^3^ )
Pairing(s) : spica x reader, arcturus x reader, pollux x reader
Warning(s) : Nothing ! Just wholesome fluff for my favorite Anon ! [sorry if what I say makes you uncomfortable, I'm just a very loving person even with anonymous people 😅]
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Now this sweetheart is one to love the Christmas holidays ! I'm actually not sure if they celebrate it in Bound Arlyn but let's all pretend like it is just for the fun of imagination.
His favorite part will probably be the sweaters, I'm sorry but he just looks adorable with a big handmade cotton cardigan with red and green.
Don't think you'll escape it, you got a matching one too !
I can picture an image of the both of you just sitting in front of a fire cuddling and drinking hot cocoa. It's adorable !
I head-canon that he likes baking too, so be sure to help him make gingerbread cookies.
Even if you're not confident, he will love to help you make your shapes look like...
something that isn't a deformed monster !
He digs the Christmas lights and holiday cheers, he generally likes seeing happy faces.
Your smile is still his favorite though, don't ever try to hide it from him. Alright ?
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I'm sorry if this is too cliche but Pollux likes the present unwrapping part the most !
He sorta has mixed feelings about it cause he doesn't want to offer you something bland while you proceed to buy him a mansion saying, "I know it's not much, but it's the thought that counts right ?"
You made so many efforts, got him everything he said he liked and then he just got you a plushie.
"Oh my god babe ! Thank you so much it's sooo cute ! You shouldn't have, I'm gonna keep it with me forever !"
what the hell.
He just stands there and you look like he offered you the world, he feels like he doesn't deserve you.
Make sure to reassure him and tell him that you love him no matter what. Give him a kiss, Pollux likes those. <3
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I'm gonna be honest, I feel like he doesn't need to do shit on Christmas Day.
Boy got maids and butlers decorating pretty much six trees at home, baking cookies and getting gifts wrapped up.
Luckily you're here to give him a little holiday spirit.
Whenever he asks if you want him to hire people to do something special, refuse and say it's better to do it together.
It's sweet seeing him smile while adding ornaments to the small pine you bought earlier.
Seeing him so free and not buried under the piles of work and stress is refreshing
For both you and him.
He's happy you suggested the idea, and you're glad he accepted it.
You both are made for each other, wether it's Christmas, thanksgiving, halloween or not.
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Thank for reading, I hope you liked it.
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So I was scrolling through tiktok and got THE video of the trailer, immediately started playing which is surprising from me because I normally only procrastinate for everything, even for things I like. But yesterday was a good day it seems.
I started the game and after the short intro selected "the unnamed" backstory I think it's called?? I don't really remember but it was the one where you ran away from your cult village or whatever. For two reasons.
A. I didn't want to have exclusively witty one liners as my dialogue. (The criminal backstory)
B. I'm already playing the arcana (the mage backstory)
Of course I'll play the demo with each one of them later but rn I'm doing various play throughs with variations of what I feel like my own choices would be.
Now for how I like it overall, IT'S SO GOOOOODD!!! I loved everyone just from the trailer alone, everyone except vere, I just really hate his archetype. Let's say me and red haired otome guys have a long time beef, ancestral beef if you will (I'm looking at you castiel...). I just don't like the playboy who is also really mean for no reason and only flirts by making a fool out of you. Anyways, enough about someone I don't really like.
First KURAS, he's soooo my type 🤭 long hair, dark skin, calm and collected! Soo cute, I like his dialogue and interactions in the demo, I haven't unlocked his red option so I feel like he was a little too distant for my liking but I know that'll probably change with the full game (I assume he has one, I mean I got ais' and leander's without even trying).
Now Ais, tbh I tried to stay loyal to kuras but Ais is so hot, cool and kinda flirty... I WAS GIGGLING SO LOUD AND PUNCHING MY PILLOWS, I'm not always for bad boys bc it isn't really done right most of the time (in my opinion) but Ais is really something else.
And lastly Leander, he's hot and sweet, I don't really have much to say about him, I can tell he's the easiest route, at least for me. He's the type of character I can get the good ending of with my eyes closed. I mean we might as well be kissing him by the end of the demo. I still like him tho. I'm just more normal about him than I am about Kuras and Ais. And I can already see him being a fan favorite, so I better like him because all those fanarts are about to infest my feed.
As for mhin and vere. They're not really that interesting to me, I'd say my top would be like this
Kuras and Ais (yes, I just decided I like them both the same)
Ok now the fan girling is over. Time for SERIOUS BUSINESS!
Art Quality? 9.5/10 soo pretty, the street and city sheets could use a bit more work though. It's kind of underwhelming at the beginning when you see the city and it doesn't really stand out. But maybe it's just me.
Dialogue quality? 9/10 it doesn't feel repetitive, it's immersive and even when there's some corny lines here and there, I'd say it's vere's fault for being a devious bad boy archetype. Because that dialogue is only present with him 🧍‍♀️
And that's it. Even with the wall of text I just wrote I've only played once three routes with the cult(?) Backstory. I will probably write more text walls as I get deeper into the fandom and game.
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silverott-chevalier · 9 months
So at the behest of a couple of friends, I've made this thing for what it's worth.
My name is Cooper Chevalier, and let's just get this out of the way now-- yes, I am, in fact, a Samurott. If you've heard about a Pokemon becoming a Trainer somewhere in the Johto region, that would be me. If you're wondering how or why this is even possible, then I guess I don't mind answering questions, but for now just know that the League had to make a few accommodations for me when I was first starting out and I've managed to take that all the way to the top and become one of the region's champions. Lance is still the guy running the Indigo Plateau, though--I mostly get called on to resolve issues in Kanto-Johto that he'd normally need to step away for. It's a nice little arrangement.
Anyway. I was convinced to make this by a friend in Galar, so I'm hoping this place is as good as they've made it out to be.
I'm also hoping that not having a Rotom won't bite me on the tail later... how the heck did those things become mainstream anyway--
EDIT: Saw a lot of people putting their Pokemon on these, too, and I'm finally sitting down and doing it. I could probably tell you about Shia and Pallas while I'm here but this should show up in the post they reblogged too so I can be lazy.
Anyway, here's my five mainstays-- they've been with me since near the start of my journey.
Mason (Gengar, M): Kind of a shy fella, but he's really loyal. Easily the partner I trust the most, and though I'm a bit sad to admit it, he's definitely gotten me out of a lot of sticky scenarios the painful way... I've been a lot more careful not to let that sort of thing happen since.
Sypha (Ampharos, F): Serious to a fault and speaks to the point. Proud of her power, but aware of her limits, though that doesn't mean she can't throw a mean Thunderbolt.
Juste (Togekiss, M): I raised him from an egg, and he's easily the most optimistic member of my team. He's also my ride around the two regions, usually, so props to him for carrying around a ~220 lb Samurott through the sky, ehehe...
Nora (Umbreon, F): Strong and steadfast, and fiercely devoted to her friends. She's usually serious, but she's got her playful side. Took a bit to warm up to me, though.
Katsuko (Dragonite, F): Hilariously, though I doubt she played any part in her upbringing, Katsuko is like if you took Clair's competitive spirit and put it in a dragon. Most eager to fight out of everyone, and was easily my second ace once she fully evolved.
Feel free to ask about them--I can ask them questions on your behalf if you want me to.
Hey! This is a rotomblr I made using my pokesona after a friend of mine held me at rotarypoint convinced me to try making one. I'm pretty new to this stuff in general, but we'll see how this pans out in the end. I'll be figuring things out as I go for the most part. I'll probably just label my ooc stuff with (ooc) or something of the like. Lemme know if you have any tips, tricks, or whatever that you'd like to share! I'll probably follow you from @kupkastdashboard since I don't have the patience to manually switch over to Cooper's dash anytime I wanna like or rb something--
Also! Any ask memes I rb are technically open forever, since I don't think they deserve to happen just once and then never again. Just be sure to post the question associated with whatever you're referencing so I know what I'm answering! Links to my specific RBs of my favorites are below. I've answered some of these with Cooper, but with Pallas and Shia on the board, they're also open to be asked things. Just specify who you're looking for, otherwise I'll default to Cooper being the subject or pick one of my muses at random if he's already answered something.
Pelipper Mail! (Malice Coming Soon)
Memory Meme (#cooper's memories)
Thought Bubbles (#cooper's thoughts)
Fossil Ask Game
Headcanon Asks (Answered OOC)
Major Arcana Reversed
Muse In The News
Posts that look directly into Cooper's headspace at any given moment are labeled [#cooper's thoughts], and posts that describe a memory of his that's already happened will be labeled [#cooper's memories]. Neither of these are canonically posted by him, so keep that in mind if you want to make reference to them or leverage them for better or worse!
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Hi, is it possible to have M6 hcs with an MC having a depressive episode please? Thank you in advance, I love your work <3
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC struggling with depression
~ apparently you guys' new favorite thing to do is send me requests that I can relate to a little too well. Have some comfort, my darlings, and remember to be kind to yourselves. Healing is slow but it is happening - brainrot ~
Caring for you during a depressive episode is more instinctive for him than the day-to-day part of living with depression
He knows what it's like to be really emotionally low, but he doesn't know what it's like to be permanently stuck there
And for someone who runs on emotional energy, not having any at all doesn't resonate with him
Which is why he's quickly becoming Vesuvia's leading medical expert on the condition. What he can't understand right away, he'll study until he does
And oh dear, the more he learns, the more he aches for you. It's the emotional equivalent of chronic pain/fatigue and nobody will make you feel more valid in that than he will
There's just one problem - he can't keep a schedule to save his life and he's sometimes more empathetic than is good for him
It's an important growing moment for him. He'll have to learn how to better himself to help you without feeling responsible for your troubles
He keeps a checklist to go over with you every day, somehow without ever making you feel judged if you didn't do everything
Healthy amount of food? Check. Healthy amount of sleep? Check. Sunlight? It was raining. That's okay, we'll go on a picnic tomorrow!
It's also his way of being able to tell if it's getting bad again
When that happens, he'll encourage you to give yourself the freedom of a few days of rest. No expectations, no to-do lists. A good doctor knows the value of bed rest
It's really good for him too - since he wants to check up on you regularly it means he's taking consistent breaks and actually getting enough sleep for once
You bring him so much joy just by being there when he wakes up in the mornings. Being able to help you keep that sparkle in your eyes means so much to him
They aren't very depression-prone themselves, but they know how hard it is to carry a heavy heart. It's why giving you half of theirs was one of the easiest trades they ever made
And it's also why he gets what you're going through better than anyone else does, because he can literally feel what you're feeling, if you let him
The first time you let them tap in to your shared bond on a fairly bad day, they said it was like trying to dance with fogged-over glasses and weights on every limb. No wonder you're tired!
He doesn't mind doing things a little differently (since when did he do them normally anyways?) so he likes getting the important tasks done with you
They get up with you on workdays and turn breakfast and dinner into daily dates. Wherever their whims take them while you run the shop, they'll always be back in time to help close and take you on a long sunset stroll
Baths used to stress you out - it was the last hurdle before finally getting to sleep - and now they're the highlight of your day
It's not nearly as overwhelming when the bath's already drawn with some new random luxury product to try out and a fluffy-haired lover who insists on lifting you in and out (it makes him happy, let him have this, MC!)
Weekends are for sleeping in, cuddles on the roof in the sunshine, and hours of reading books in the pillow pile
When a nasty episode hits, they'll take you on vacation to Nopal. They notice how much effort you put in, it makes sense that you need rest and they want to make sure you have it
So many hugs and snuggles, all the time, every day. He's so proud of you and he tells you that constantly
Because he doesn't need you to be happy or energetic or exciting for him to love you. He just needs you to know that you're loved.
Nobody knows what it's like to feel stuck and unable to get one's life back like she does. She spent three years comatose like that
She's a little horrified when she gets a clear picture of what life can be like for you. She had a way out, and a Devil to blame and subsequently defeat. You're running on your own determination
She thinks you're one of the strongest people in the world for that
It shows her why you seemed to know how to pull her out of her sleep. And she's determined to do the same for you
She pulls you out of bed to do yoga with her every morning. If it's sunny (and it often is) she'll take it onto the balcony so you can kill two birds with one stone
It's okay if you need to go back to sleep after. Just let her do this with you
She has a reason to schedule breaks into her day now to spend half an hour with you and make sure you're both getting what you need
Because lunchtime gets so busy and dinner is often an important event, she makes sure to have a late morning tea with you every day, from 10-11 AM
Fresh fruit, some dried meats and cheeses, juice and tea, and the most delicious baked treats. It's light and filling and nourishing enough to get you through the day if you can't manage much else
It's easier to act like it's not getting bad again when you can save your energy just for your shared moments. It's why Nadia feels so guilty for the first few times she didn't notice until it was too bad for you to do even that much
Fortunately for you, there's a palace full of employees who have you to thank for getting a competent person in charge again
They want to see you flourish too, so one word from housekeeping is all Nadia needs to whisk you off to the seaside for some R&R
You pulled her out of her daze and are the strongest person she knows. Returning the favor for her beloved is her greatest honor
Oh yeah, that thing where life feels like walking through sludge and all you want to do is hide and sleep, so that's what you eventually end up doing all day? Yeah he does that too
Or at least he did, until you dragged him down a continent with the scariest woman he's ever met on a wild goat chase
It's starting to make sense to him now. You knew to reintroduce him to the fun of comfortable clothes and good food and the safety of companionship because that's what you needed too
And he's not leaving that fog behind without bringing you with him
He doesn't want you to force yourself into a busy, colorful life of excitement and adventure. He doesn't want that for himself either
But he's learned the value of a life that can move as slowly as it needs to as long as it doesn't get stagnant
You can sleep in if you want to. But he's bringing you breakfast in bed. He won't say anything but he won't leave to start his day until you eat at least half of it
You don't have to go on a walk if you're not up for it. But he'll leave the door and windows open and move the bed right below them
You don't have to take a shower. But he'll hold you in his lap by the fire with a clean rag and a bucket of warm water and some soap and a big, fluffy towel
It's okay if you can't feel anything. It's okay if you can't stop feeling everything. Sit with it as long as you need to. He'll just be next to you with a glass of cool, fresh water from the nearby spring
Of course, things aren't always that bad. You have good days, and better days, and great days, and tired days, and gray days, and everything days, and nothing days, and quiet days, and loud days
Sometimes you're the one bringing him a glass of water and opening the windows
But you're both slowly having more good days than bad ones, and life is starting to get lighter. And neither of you are fighting alone
Depression and burnout can look pretty similar. The big difference is that one of them is something you generally bring on yourself, and the other one tends to show up uninvited and unannounced
She's plenty familiar with burnout. Depression not so much
She's quick to notice when you go several days in a row without smiling very much. And when you can't pull yourself out of bed one morning, she's so sympathetic and on board to help
But it's hard not get upset with her when her first question is, "so what were you doing for it to get this bad, MC?"
It makes it even harder to talk about, but Portia is the palace's honorary librarian at this point. Between the research she does there and the general medical description and advice Ilya gives her, she'll come back with plenty of notes
She will feel so bad about what she said earlier that you will definitely need to hug it out
She's such a get-up-and-go person that she doesn't have to think twice about helping you keep a schedule. That's how she lives already. Now she's just cooking a full breakfast for two, not one
She still takes you on her ambassador trips, but the plans she comes up with take your energy levels into account as well as hers
You're having a better day? Time to go sightseeing and find an adventure
You're not doing as well? Take a day on the boat. Nap on the deck in the sunlight. The crew love you too, they'll bring you fruit and she'll get all the boring meetings out of the way while you rest
It can be a little daunting being a partner to someone who is sunshine personified when you feel like mud most days
And it's tricky for her to learn how to sit with someone in pain without feeling like a failure for not being influential enough to fix it
She sees you as the best part of her world and thinks, no wonder you're tired. Take a rest. She'll keep things running
At first he's worried that you're falling sick very, very slowly
You don't have energy for the things that he knows you enjoy, you're sleeping more, and the dulled look in your eyes makes him wonder if you're in pain
You're trying not to let it get to you because being an adventurer is fun! Exciting! And it's Lucio's fresh start on life, so you're scared of ruining it. You don't want to drag him down on his way up
But finally one morning you just can't get yourself out of bed. And he's increasingly worried, so you explain it to him
It ends up lifting his spirits more than anything. He could tell you were ill, but this illness doesn't seem fatal. It's just something you have to live with that makes some days a lot harder than others
He doesn't have a lot of intuition for taking care of sick people, but he's getting better and better at learning from his mistakes
You say taking care of your body helps? Every time he gets hungry he makes sure you eat something too. Every time he bathes he pulls you in. Every time he goes outside he invites you.
If you say no too often he will pout. Which will quickly give way to his unexpectedly adorable puppy eyes, because he loves you and doesn't want your sickness to hurt you MC!
Of course, healing is never linear. There are still times when the only thing you have energy for when you open your eyes is closing them again
And as much as he worries for you during those times, Lucio isn't burdened by them. It's a chance to show you he loves you and to return the favor you showed him by sticking by his side
It's also his moment to be the magnanimous, powerful Count he wanted so badly to be. He'll protect you, he'll take care of you, he gets to be your hero and let you be comfortable!
You are his best. If that means you need to take a break and sleep, then go ahead. Precious things are meant to be treasured
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imheretocryandiwill · 1 month
From the first trailers to the 1.2 event (and 1.3, and 1.5), through all chapters, racism was always a huge part of reverse:1999 story
It is always there, even if you don't pay attention at first.
The Release Date Reveal Trailer starts with some human dude shooting himself, because he didn't want to be saved by arcanists. On the background plays magnificent Symbiosis, while one of the main villans speaks how they (probably arcanists) ''were deserted by the principles of this world" and "the absurdities will transform into a storm that will cleanse the world".
Arcana is an easy choice for a bad guy - she is manipulative, cruel, stupidly stong. Wherever the plot takes us, her minions are always near, causing trouble. And it seems like she is the source of the problem, right? After all, she wants the main hero dead.
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Her appearance is screaming dangerous. Black dress, creepy arms, summoning a chopped body as a helper. She is the leader of Manus Vindictae, and she despises humans. Our arcenemy.
And Vertin is a Timekeeper from the St. Pavlov Foundation, an organization with a noble goal of "protecting peace of mankind". Ruled by humans with Constantine in charge.
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So, she is Arcana's (btw, is it even a real name?) counterpart. She is human, she is protecting people, her organization consists of human and arcanists. A woman dressed all in white with a name of an angel. But... then we go through chapter 3.
St. Pavlov Foundation's main force are arcanists. So they are collecting children from the entire world to raise them, teach them and make soldiers of them. Most of them don't have a choice, and there are some things that are expected from arcanists. Following the guide. Being obidient.
Vertin is extremely important because she is not affected by the Storm. While there are places where humans can be safe, and places where only arcanists can be safe, she can step into the Storm unprotected. Others will be killed by it. So Constantine needs her to obey.
When Vertin was just a little girl, she wanted to see the outside world, to know the truth, to leave foundation. Constantine needed to have full control, to eliminate Vertin's desire to rebel, so she created a scheme resulting in death of several children who followed Vertin in an attempt to escape. She does not see Vertin or others as people, only as instruments in her plan.
And this leads us to Madam Z. A sympathetic human who was helping Vertin's friends achieve some form of autonomy. Constantine was surprised by her behavior. She didn't think of arcanists as her opponents, only of Madam Z.
St. Pavlov Foundation's is controlled by humans, using arcanists as a brute force. Would Constantine behave differently if those children were humans? Who knows.
And after that it's kind of everywhere.
In 1.2 Blonney's speech, in her relationship with a human guy from her crew, in Jessica's monologue about not wanting to be bullied. In Tooth Fairy story.
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Arcanists are known to be more emotional. When they act irrational they are told this is their nature, and when they tend to behave calm and collected they are ''not like other girls''. And it hurts in both scenarios.
In 1.3 it is shown both ways. Kaalaa Baunaa and Kumar can't work after their identities as arcanists exposed. Old arcanists refuse to talk to humans and accept help from them. Kumar, a very weak arcanist, is abused by her family.
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But here is where hope is born
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And now to my favorite part in 1.5 event. The Uluru games, only for arcanists, are reopen for the first time in many years.
Still problems are the same.
Spathodea is a reincarnated priestess, who is willing to return The Uluru games. And Ezra is her human doctor.
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They become friends, and face their differences. No one is bad guy here, the both are right and wrong at the same time.
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But getting to know each other, to care for one another - it changes them.
Ezra is helped a lot, he always was on Spathodeas' side, of course he wants recognition. And human slender is upsetting him.
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Spathodea is living in human world, abiding human rules. She is no fool, she sees the world full of injustice and she has agenda against humans. Arcanists body works differet from human's, so her sport life is difficult.
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And there is it. These problems won't disappear unless they are working together. They need not only to understand each other, but also to change threir ways of thinking. Both of them need to grow.
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The damage have been done to both of them. But in the end, if they could not let go of resentment of the past they wouldn't have been standing there.
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And my most favourite part of this event - this is a story about Spathodea and Ezra. About compation and acceptance. Not about Manus Vindictae and their schemes. The story ends with them holding hands and starting a new era of games. Where everyone is accepted. A new set of rules is set in stone.
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malaks-perch · 1 year
I’m trying to start writing for the Arcana, but I keep struggling to write for Portia.
Do you have any tips?? ( on writing for Portia, or just for writers block in general. )
take as long as you need & have a good day.
oh gosh, tips???😳 guys know that i tried. if you post any of these tips elsewhere pls credit me bc i worked really hard on this but without furtherado
ymmm firstly what ive learned about writing is everyone has their own perception of characters so not all outcomes are gonna be the same, i naturally took one look at portia and thought:
yeah, there's bound to be some mischievous crack there, only because thats who i perceive portia to be.
when writing i have to consider the fact portia is a character with feelings and flaws so she's not going to take to everyone immediately. i took one look at lucio wnd went ; yes, hes a chaos gremlin
but portia, in my opinion, would try to reel anyone wanting to go near lucio back in because portia was different feelings about him, different morals, and her worries that she's set aside and experienced from her encounters with lucio (hold on! don't, don't go over there. you need to be careful around him, he's not to be taken lightly)
but tips on writing portia..
theres canon and fanon, it's nice to let your readers know every now and then which one you're leaning towards. here's a helpful guide of definitions defining both terms: what is canon and what is fanon?
references! references! references! it's hard to write a characters sometimes, for me at least, when there's little to no writing about that character because you have to figure out little specifics like how would muriel handle one of his chickens being mangled or what does nadia do when she tastes a dish she doesn't like? sometimes it's hard to tell by yourself so pick a few fics that you really like, reblog them, take notes on what characterizations you like or what sticks out to you most, having a reference lets you have base and a foundation to go off of.
alternatively; it's nice to have friends/responsive readers in the same fandom because you can read what they think portia might've/would do in the next chapter or what they thought portia would have done. ie, it's nice to have a place to start when you're writing characterizations about an unfamiliar character
hmm... practice. practice is good, take some prompts or talk to a friend, putting your characters in every day conflicts is a good way to start writing for them. you ripped your favorite shirt - does portia swear like a sailor or collapse to her knees with remorse if it happens or does she just fix it? no cereal left in your cupboards - does portia deflate or go get some? basically there's a lot of questions and as a writer, you get to determine your own answers for them because there's no writer pop up block thats going to say uh no, this character doesn't do that. thats bull and you're the one writing this character so go nuts.
if you genuinely don't know where to start on writing for a charcter, this works for me without fail:
1. read through writing prompts and rp prompts from a resource blog (type in rp prompts, you'll get tons), take note of prompts you like
2. revisit official content: reread that one book, go through your favorite arcana chapters, rewatch that tv show. ideas pop back up. you might lack the gas to write them but jot down the ideas. write them down bc i promise you'll forget all seven of them.
3. if you have your concept or idea, figure out the reason why your character is doing the things they're doing. is it for approval? is it because they want to hold their hand for a night so the other doesn't suspect them? add some stakes. figure out the ending. give your story conflict and make it stick.
writer's block. the enemy of the brain. a procrasinators best friend
alright look. everyone knows theres no upsie daisy out of it. if there is TELL ME. DM ME. COMMENT. PLS EVERYONS DESPERATE. but anyway the best way you can fight it, is to let it breathe.
if you're facing writers block then map out the plot. you need to know where you are and figure out where the story is supposed to be going. the story should have a checkpoint as to where it needs to be. get there.
is this more than one chapter?? figure out what goes in the chapter you're in, what happened in the previous one, okay, and now move on to the next one. you know what you already have, somethings not working between Point A and Point B, so just move on to a different part of the story.
it's not more than one chapter? same thing. you should reevaluate what's happened, where you are, and what needs to happen. throw something to move the story in the fray. maybe it won't make sense now, but you'll be able to write off of it and move forward. you can go back and change it later if you don't like it.
if you're stuck, the problem is probably ten lines back or so. i thought that was bs when i read it for the first time, but then i checked a story once and found a characters actions were holding up my progress, changed it, and moved forward.
the hardest method of all for me is the let it breathe method.
let your mind breathe and forget about the fic, move on to a different show and relax. your brain needs a break whether you believe me or feel like you need one. you need a break and your mind needs to breathe bc you're suffocating it with one subject. so change it. let your mind breathe and change the subject.
let the work breathe. you've been harassing the words. overediting, overthinking that one sentence, you don't know what it needs and you've reread it too many times. let it go, do something else, you can go back to it in a few days and you'll connect the pieces later.
let yourself breathe. this is honestly a little repetitive and ugh, disgusting 'i don't need to breathe'. babe, you're obsessed with a deadline in your head, the image of a final perfect draft, obsessed to get it done. you probably lost sight of the fact you should be writing for yourself. writing for yourself is supposed to be fun. you're not having fun, go somewhere else until you can properly allow your mind to connect theories and concepts together. you need to go have some me time and it needs to last more than twenty four hours or until you stop checking the clock to see if twenty four hours have gone by yet or actually until you stop checking the clock to see when you can get back to your work all together.
is it an external source hindering you from writing? is your support group not giving the right support or could it be that you're not receiving the feedback you need? make a bulleted list of points you need to figure out about your work and then rewrite that list as questions for a beta reader or yourself to answer.
whewww that's a lot of advice. ive been writing for a little bit, i started in middle school and im still reading tips on how to further my writing. i ask around and i look around, but theres no set bar for anything. writing is hard, writing fantic is hard, and dont even get me started on writers block. but if you need help, the answers are either out there at your fingertips or maybe your mind needs a break before you can unscramble them from in there.
i hope this helps and let me know if you ever need any help with portia. xoxo
— the shopkeep
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