#my favourite little cockroach
iinatilda · 2 years
btw i got to scratch an iguana under her chin today.
best day i’ve had in a long time.
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vandal-flower · 4 months
We Never Go Out of Style~
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Blue Lock Boys with a s/o who is fashionable.
Requested Characters: Shouei Barou, Ryusei Shidou and Ranze Kurona
Notes: Don't look at me like that...
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Shouei Barou
He dresses very decently, you just add a little sparkle to the mix.
"Shouei, trust me. The biker boyfriend aesthetic fits you."
He's your favourite test model subject meant just for you.
Sometimes, his sisters also join in to play dress up with their older brother. (Just think about it!)
He acts annoyed, but he's secretly enjoying it to the fullest.
When people tell him how good he looks, he always responds with:
"My s/o picked this out for me. Not like you would know with what you're wearing."
He becomes sour when someone compliments your outfit before him.
"A peasant like them complimenting you before me? Hmm, they should know their place before the king, and royal spouse.
He be holding grudge matches ever since he was born. Beat his own world record. (Isagi and Rin could never!)
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Ryusei Shidou
We love dragging men back to the closet. This one especially.
Like you know he has a sense of style, but HE DOESN'T.
"Ryusei, please you can't wear rags with hot pink, and with that horrendous belt. It's an ugly neon."
So that's why you are in a relationship with him. You love him with your whole heart, despite everyone calling him a zesty cockroach. (True love)
He truly loves how you help him, as all your attention is on him, and him alone.
I think he really loves you...
When people tell him how good he looks, he always responds with:
"Oh this? My radical s/o got it for me. Jealous you ain't got a partner like them?
He gets angry when someone compliments your outfit before him.
"He knew I was here first, yet he had the spine to compliment you."
Put him on a leash before he jumps someone. (Just call Ego to pay for medical bills.)
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Ranze Kurona
The one character most of us are at peace with. Shark boi.
"How do I look (Name)?"
"Ranze, you're wearing a pink shark onsie to bed, while I'm wearing a ____ shark onsie. We're matching!"
Honestly he's so...so pure. I can't. He looks good in almost anything, but prefers a little pink on it.
Also some shark themes truly get him going!
He always takes your advice, since you're more experienced in the fashion field. He loves the fact you get to help him. (😭😭)
When people tell him how good he looks, he always responds with:
"Oh, thank you, thank you. My s/o helped me pick this out, you should check their social media!"
He's actually calm when someone compliments your outfit before him.
"I'm a little sad that I wasn't able to compliment you first, but I still think you look beautiful. Very beautiful!"
Boys in Blue Lock, take notes! Kurona is the green flag you could be. (🤭🤭)
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Do you got style?
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honkytonk-hangman · 1 year
In Sickness...
Jake Seresin x Aviator!Reader
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Summary: Jake feels his pulse jump and his stomach fly when he talks to or about you. Obviously, this must mean he's gravely ill.
Notes: mentions of a cheating boyfriend, jake convinced he's sick when really he is in loooveeee
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“Hey, Hangman, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Jake, despite his usual goal of doing everything in his power to get on Phoenix’s nerves, finds himself ignoring the need to be quite annoying. His antics aside, he knew his fellow aviator well enough by now to recognise when she was up for his shit, and when she absolutely wasn’t.
That doesn’t mean he’s not going to be a little bit of a douchebag, though.
“Give me a second, Trace, I’ll need to start my timer.” he makes a show of observing his watch and starting a countdown from sixty seconds. Phoenix ignores him, and in place of possibly giving him a dead arm, she instead comes to a stop in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest in a way that was just a Natasha Thing, and not actually a sign of closed body language-thing
“You’re going to be at Mav and Penny’s later, right?” she asks, even though he knows he’s never given the impression of having any other plans, and she knows it. Jake simply nods, still pretending to count down.
“Right. Well… maybe take it easy on Cricket tonight, okay?” Phoenix asks him, her voice soft and quiet in a manner that makes Jake mess up his countdown, and subsequently drop his wrist and the bit entirely.
“I’m under the impression that I always take it easy on my favourite member of the orthopteran insect family,” he poses, and it's not untrue. He didn’t snipe with Cricket like he did with the others, mostly because she never sniped back, so trying to maintain a faux adversarial relationship would just be boring. No, Cricket was far sweeter and more wholesome than literally anyone he’d ever met, like Elle Woods had a lovechild with Barbie, and instead of banter, he’d found it irresistible and perpetually rewarding to tease her about her Certified Disney Princess status.
(Jake will never let her forget the time a small child at the beach approached her to ask if she was a mermaid, and that wasn’t even the only instance he’d witnessed something like that happening.)
 Phoenix shifts uncomfortably in front of him and purses her lips.
“Look, just… give her a break tonight,” she pushes. Jake frowns even deeper, his own mood becoming solemn now.
“What's wrong? Is she alright?” the questions leave his mouth before he can really consider perhaps only asking one, to keep some semblance of cool. Phoenix dances from foot to foot again and nods, but then quickly makes the universal noise, gesture and expression of ‘well, no, actually’.
“She, uh, broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago.” Nat reveals, and oddly, it's the last thing Jake was expecting to hear, and the last thing he’d expect her to divulge to him.
“Oh.” he says, a little unsure of what else to say. Blinking rapidly, Phoenix starts nodding again, this time in a sort of commiserating manner, as if they often gossiped.
“Yeah, she came home to find the prick was fucking one of his colleagues…” She all but spits the words. Her hands form fists where they’re still tucking into her folded arms.
“She's actually really torn up about it, but you know Cricket. She’s not very good at not being positive, you know? So she’s just bottling it up, and I figured, maybe your usual game with her might not be so lighthearted right now. You know she would never tell you if you actually hurt her feelings, so…” Phoenix manages to catch herself before she descends into a full on ramble.
In all the years he’d known her, Jake had only ever witnessed Phoenix fully ramble once, several years ago back in Lemoore, when she and Halo had downed eight shots in ten minutes, and she then proceeded to give him a thirty minute TEDTalk about how cockroaches were basically just incredibly simple AI machines, interrupted every so often when she dozed off against his shoulder, only to pick right back up like nothing had happened.
Pushing the memory aside, Jake takes in her words slowly before at last he releases a deep breath.
He actually finds himself a little taken aback by the sheer depth of anger that lances through him at the thought of Cricket being treated like that. Nobody deserves to be cheated on, but Cricket was simply someone that Jake doesn’t believe anything bad should ever happen to. Around the same time he comes to this conclusion, Jake also becomes aware that as his anger simmers down, he’s struck with the need to seek out his squadmate, and comfort her, something which, if Jake is honest with himself, is not something he has much experience with. He was much more likely to offer space to someone in need, so this sudden urge causes his brow to furrow.
Jake chooses to compartmentalise this oddness for now, but makes a mental note for later to figure out when exactly he’d developed such a strong fondness for Cricket, and more importantly, how exactly that had happened without him knowing.
For now, Jake just gives Pheonix a level nod, and what he hopes is an expression she takes to mean he understands. He then tries to get a hold of his rogue fondness and leashes it with what he thinks is a brotherly, friendly reaction, a more normal reaction for him to have towards his squadmate.
“Does she want him punched or something?” he asks, feeling as though anything more would reveal too much of his scattered, fond thoughts. Jake purses his lips when he realises that ‘fondness’ was quickly becoming an understatement he’ll have to address at some point.
Phoenix's lips curve into a genuine smile, and she chortles softly, shaking her head.
“Well, you’ll have to get in line if she does. I’ve got first dibs.” she states, cracking her knuckles and then her neck, making Jake snort, and shrug, glad to know that perhaps he wasn't the only one suddenly feeling protective.
“I’m sure we could come up with a wrestlemania-worthy finishing move, a la The Hardy Boys to sort him out.” Jake chortles, imagining he and Nat in matching championship belts, and ignoring her raised eyebrow. He knows from that one movement alone that she is filing this information about him away to whip out like a trap card, but compared to the other information she might have gleaned from his reaction to the situation, he doesn’t care so much.
(Besides, Jake felt no shame about his love for Attitude-Era WWE, and if he ever gets the chance to repay her for the thirty minutes of cockroach facts he could have lived his whole life without needing to know, well, now he knew exactly what his topic of choice would be.)
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Four hours later, Jake, for some reason, cannot stop thinking about his conversation with Phoenix. He tried chalking it up to the fact that it was an unusual request she’d made of him, but he knows that is bull. Jake is far too invested all of a sudden in your personal life, in your feelings, in a way that honestly, he never has been before. Or at least, has never realised before, because the more Jake lingers on the idea that you were cheated on, he has to confront the fact that these feelings might just have been there all along, and that actually, your happiness and wellbeing are extremely important to him.
He keeps his distance when you arrive with Halo at Penny and Mav’s, but he eyes you hawkishly anyway, uncaring if he’s obvious about it or not. He wants to believe that if he hadn’t known, he’d have spotted your much more reserved demeanour immediately, but honestly, he's not really sure of anything now when it comes to you. Jake isn’t sure if Phoenix spoke to the others, if he was just the last to know, but there is an air of tenderness in the way the others greet you, which wasn't entirely unusual in itself, yet the softness is palpable even from where he sits on the other side of the yard.
He watches you put on a good show, smiling sweetly at Penny as she rushes over to say hello, but the moment you dont think others are paying attention, your features fall and Jake decides that it is basically unacceptable for you to look that sad ever again.
When you disappear through the backdoor, to put the share platter you’ve bought into the fridge he assumes, Jake doesn’t even excuse himself from the conversation he’s supposedly in before he’s beelining for the house. Behind him, he can vaguely hear Javy and Payback protest, but he doesn’t pay them any mind.
Jake steps through the sliding back doors quietly, closing the door behind him and shutting out the rest of the barbeque, if only for a few minutes. He moves softly through the small back room and towards the kitchen, once more surprised to find out just how pleased he is when you turn to look at him right away. That was new… or was it? Jake thinks perhaps he should stop trying to figure things out.
“Hey! Jake!” you greet cheerfully, and he’s comforted a little that your smile reaches your eyes.
“I didn’t catch you this afternoon, so I didn't get to find out your fruit platter preference, but Javy told me anything but pineapple–” you launch right away into friendly conversation, and oddly, this small normality brings him comfort too, after his afternoon of quiet worry. Jake nods at your words as you continue explaining your fruit platter, and if he hadn't other things on his mind, he would have voiced his amusement at the fact you’d somehow managed to cut or arrange all the fruits into the shape of jets.
Anger bubbles in him once again, at the idea that anybody would do anything to cause you to be upset. You, who cuts fruit into themed shapes, and who makes sure to ask every member of the team their food preferences, and who, he’s almost certain, has made the yoghurt dip you're currently unwrapping completely from scratch just for this casual get together.
How could any sane person know you, know how sweet and caring and fundamentally, altogether good you are, and still choose to do something that would hurt you?
More importantly, how could a man be with you and want anyone else?
Jake takes a step forward and fixes you with what he hopes is not an expression that reflects his inner anger, but gives off something more like softness. He’s not sure he’s ever really had a serious conversation with you before, especially not one that wasn't about work, so he’s surprised how natural it feels to show you something more genuine than his usual playful amusement.
“Are you alright?” he hears himself ask you, almost regretting it when your expression drops immediately, and you look away from him, back to your fruit platter which you now seem to be pointless rearranging just so you don't have to look at him. You attempt to wave him off after a few moments, plastering a smile on and scrunching your nose as you continue to not look at him.
“I’m okay. Really. Things weren’t right for a while, so it’s sort of a relief, really.”
Jake thinks that maybe in a few months time, those words might actually be believable, but Phoenix was right. You were such a naturally happy and uplifting person, it’s clear to Jake that you were struggling to let yourself be sad or angry about it all.
You seem to be expecting him to speak, because you glance back at him several times before you seem to really get a look at his face, at which point you stop messing with your platter and turn to face him properly.
“Thank you for asking, though, I… I really appreciate that,” you murmur, wringing your hands together, before realising what you’re doing and smoothing them out over your sundress instead. Jake feels his pulse speed up. Or maybe it slows, he’s not sure, he just knows that his heart beat becomes irregular, and before he knows what he's doing, he’s stepping even closer towards you.
“Cricket,” he begins, a frown beginning to crease his brow, which your eyes flicker to consciously, as if you were concerned about his feelings. “Just say the word, and his nose will be irreparably broken. For the rest of his life he’ll be telling people it's an old football injury. Maybe he’ll even need surgery to fix it enough that it’s even remotely normal again,” Jake watches your eyes widen and blink as he speaks, but he makes sure to keep any trace of humour from his voice, so you properly understand just how serious he’s being. “Hell, it doesn't even need to be his nose. I’ll break his collarbone, I've heard that's the most painful in the long run…”
When you let out a soft sound halfway between a laugh and a sigh, Jake almost thinks he needs to rephrase his offer, but your soft smile and the almost shy look you shoot at him before you drop your gaze for a moment assures him you understood that he wasn’t joking, even a little.
“Sometimes…” you purse your lips and frown, struggling to find the right words, but you begin wringing your hands slowly again and the movement seems to lend you some confidence. “Sometimes I really wish I could be more like Phoenix… or, more like anybody else, really–” Jake has to physically clamp his mouth shut to stop himself protesting that point and let you talk.
“Sometimes, I wish I was someone who would take you up on that offer. I… I feel like I should want to want that… but I don’t…” you trail off and sigh again, but this time, the exhale seems to take a weight off your chest, like simply admitting these feelings out loud was what you really needed.
You look back up at him properly, and smile again. Jake thinks his pulse has stopped altogether now, and begins to seriously consider reporting to medical first thing Monday morning.
“But, I promise that if I ever change my mind about the severe breaking of certain bones, I’ll know exactly who to talk to.” Your smile widens just slightly, a little mischievous almost, like even just joking about it was very cheeky of you. Jake on the other hand, just believes it to be the only correct course of action.
He opens his mouth to respond, but you begin talking again, dropping your fidgeting hands to hang more relaxed at your sides.
“A lot of my life I haven’t really been surrounded by people who’ve looked out for me, or folks who I can really trust… and I know we’re not really friends, more like work friends, but–” you suddenly cut yourself off and shake your head with a little chortle.
“It doesn’t matter, ignore me–”
“–We’re friends.” Jake can’t stop himself from protesting this time. You blink at him like this is surprising to you. “We are friends, Cricket… I know I–” Jake cuts himself off like you had just done and grinds his teeth a little. This was not a conversation he went around having very often, if ever, at all. “You know I wouldn’t poke fun at you if I didn’t care. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think we were friends,” he says, hoping his words didn’t give away exactly how much he cared. You seem to search his face, but you’re nodding, as if he was the one who needed assuring in this situation.
Jake starts to wonder then if he was actually becoming seriously ill, and all of his reaction to this afternoon has just been one big fugue episode. That idea is genuinely more believable to him at this moment, that Jake is really, actually currently unconscious in the on base hospital, with a skyrocketing fever and some other terrible things, than all of this sudden personal change and inner realisation happening so naturally and smoothly and without him having a say in it.
But then you’re smiling at him again, bright and genuine and all thoughts of climbing fevers and sudden illness evaporate. As sad as it sounds, Jake would never dream of you smiling at him like that, the sight so affecting and sweet that he could never come up with on his own. However, he does conclude he’ll probably be seeing it a lot in his dreams from now on. He thinks this should cause panic in him, he should not be planning to dream about one of his squad mates smiling at him, but unsurprisingly to him now, panic is the furthest thing he feels about it.
“Well, I just know that I’m not always good at asserting myself, but I know that you guys… you guys will do it for me.” You give a little shrug. Jake feels a little shame then, that he’s worked with you for several months now and has not once picked up on the fact that you were completely aware of your own tendency to be a bit of a pushover.
It dawns on him that every time he teased you for being ‘too nice’, and every time you laughed or shook your head in amusement, the real joke was on him. It’s a joke that Jake doesn't find particularly funny right now. He’s not sure he ever will.
“Sorry, I’m being so dramatic and grim!” you say suddenly, and this time your mood change isn’t fake or put on. Jake shakes his head at you, and at last feels some of his regular programming begin to seep back in. He chooses to make a show of leaning back against the counter and carefully crosses his arms over his broad chest in a way that he knows looks incredibly sexy (Javy has assured him), a small smirk slowly spreading over his features.
“Cricket,” he drawls out slowly, somewhat relieved that he feels more himself again. You double take as you look back up at him from where you’ve started fiddling with your fruit platter again, your eyes blinking rapidly as you now quickly try to avoid his whole side of the room. Jake’s grin grows ever so slightly when he has your attention, even if you seem too nervous to look at him now.
Unlike most of the women Jake had worked with, you didn't seem to try to, or perhaps you simply were unable to, hide the effect Jake had on you, how he could so easily make you flustered. It's not something he’s totally unfamiliar with, after all, plenty of women around the Hard Deck were the exact same, but the fact that you aren't some civilian looking to get laid, and are in fact one of the best aviators he knows, makes it all the sweeter.
(Jake had once tried to reconcile the way you handled yourself in the air, with the way you were at all other times, but he could never quite do the maths on it, so it was better for his brain if he didn't think about it at all.)
Honestly, Jake knows his getting a reaction out of you is an act of self ego-stroking, but he loved making a spectacle of himself, just to watch how you would sputter and go all mushy, and if he’s even more honest, a big part of his enjoyment lay in the thought that perhaps, he was doing you a favour, giving you something to think about, boyfriend be damned. He supposes he doesn’t need to worry about that being a problem anymore.
Jake then pauses then, and wonders when exactly you having a boyfriend had become a ‘problem’, a threat to him specifically, because the more he thinks about the idea now (hypothetical as it is), the more his skin starts to itch under his shirt.
Perhaps he was getting sick after all.
“Yes, Jake?” you ask, still avoiding looking his way, and trying to use a tone of voice that was either exasperated or ignorant, but your slightly higher pitch gives you away.
“You didn’t say that I was your friend, too,” he faux complains, watches you shake your head a little, but fail completely at keeping the smile off of your face.
With your platter now deemed ready, you pick it up and turn toward him, holding it out for him to take. Jake, without thought, does so.
“You are my friend, too, Jake,” you tell him, far more sincerely this time, and Jake feels his pulse do that odd thing again. He swallows thickly, and nods, before you direct him out the back door.
For the rest of the afternoon, Jake can’t help but hover, never moving too far away from where you are, and when he doesn’t have an excuse to linger close to you, he always keeps one eye directed your way.
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Pavitr Prabhakar x f!reader
Summary: Reader is scared of roaches and accidentally finds one in the bathroom. Pavitr saves her + fluff <3 [used Google translate for Hindi words, sorry if it's wrong 😅] My boi has so less fics so i decided to do one myself '^_^ A/N: "N/n" means nickname
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"Paviiiiiii beta!", Maya auntie calls from the kitchen. "Can you please get the door? I'm busy." 
"I got it, aunite!" 
Pavitr opens the door to none other than his best friend and partner-in-crime, Y/n. 
"Hey, N/n!", he pulls you into an embrace. You smile and return the sentiment, nuzzling his cheek before pulling away. 
You remove your shoes outside and step in, as is custom in India, greeted with a playful pinch to your cheek by Maya auntie herself. You giggle. She was like a mother to you and you loved her as such. 
"My beti, I haven't seen you in a week! How was your vacation?" 
"It wasn't great without you, auntie. We just got home and I came to see you right away!" 
"Suck up, suck up", mutters Pavitr in the background, gaining a playful slap to his head -courtesy of you. 
"Did you do your exams well? I didn't have a chance to ask you before you left." 
"I think I'll get an 'A', thanks to Pavitr's tutoring." 
You watch him perk up out of the corner of your eyes as your praise.
The boy in question puffs out his chest, showing off his biceps from where he's leaning on the kitchen door frame. "Have no fear, Pavitr is here!"
You cup your mouth, laughing at his antics as Maya auntie playfully shakes her head in exasperation. 
"Pavu can be like that sometimes", she chuckles, leaning into your ear in a stage whisper, "He missed you a lot, you know. Never shuts up about you. And, you know, beti, I keep asking him to already tell you but-" 
You both blush as Pavitr hushes the old woman. She just winks at you. Of course, she knows. 
The awkwardness is too much and Pavitr takes your hand, leading you into his room. 
"Okay okay, enough talk, ladies. Y/n and I have some work to do -for a project!", he adds quickly when Maya auntie smirks at him. "I.. that-..auntie!" 
She just giggles and ruffles his hair before walking back to the kitchen, leaving you both standing awkwardly next to each other, flustered. 
Pavitr clears his throat. "She.. she was just kidding, I didn't-" 
"It's okay", you say shyly. 
You have feelings for him too but both of you are just too timid and would rather take it to your grave than admit it out loud. 
He falls onto his bed and crosses one leg over the other, resting his head on his elbows as you sit next to him. 
"So, what has my favourite person been upto in the meantime, leaving me all alone in this big, big city?" 
You playfully roll your eyes. Dramatic little shit. 
"You? Alone? Liar, the whole city is your friend." 
He pouts, trying to look offended, but gives in and laughs. 
You discuss about your project and he shows you some beta models of his brilliant ideas. You stare in awe at the young genius before you, playing with his "toys" as he explains them patiently. 
"Hey, can I use your bathroom for a sec?", you ask when he finishes. 
"Sure. Make yourself at home, N/n! I'll go sneak us some snacks", he winks, peeking from outside his door. 
You shake your head, smiling. It's not that Maya auntie would refuse you snacks, but Pavitr convinced you there was a thrill in food-stealing and you couldn't deny it. 
You shut the door, switch on the light and turn to the sink to wash your face when there it is -the thing that you most fear, the monster of your nightmares -a cockroach! 
You scream bloody murder and run out of the bathroom, colliding into a hard wall. You look up realising it's actually Pavitr. 
"You okay, N/n?" 
"R-roach! Roach!", you point at the bathroom door frantically. 
You stay in the corner as he goes in and stomps it dead, washing his hands before he comes to hug you. 
"Deep breaths, deep breaths.. now exhale.. that's it.." 
You cling onto him and follow his orders, grip loosing as your breathing slows down. His hand circle your waist, holding you firm and secure. You rest your head on his chest, calming down at the rhythmic beat of his heart. 
You only belatedly realize it: you're hugging him, your chests touching each other's. 
He seems to realizes it at the same time too, but instead of letting you go -like every other time- his hands tighten around your waist. 
Pavitr catches your eyes with his own mesmerizing brown eyes; yours unable to leave him, entranced by his orbs as he slowly, gently leans in. Without noticing, you lean in too. 
The gentle touch of soft lips spark fireworks in your body, your nerves tingling with the new feeling of his lips on yours. You could get used to this. 
You panick a little it registers what you're doing, but Pavitr chases your lips, pressing against them firmly and you instantly calm down. He cups your face, cradling your neck as he brings your lips closer. It's his way of reassuring that you have nothing to fear. 
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." 
You guys jump back as if burned when the door suddenly flies open. Maya auntie is standing there with a guiless face and a bright smile. 
"I brought chai for you kids!", she says cheerfully and sets down the cups. "Did you hear that scream earlier? Where did it come from?" 
"It, uh, it was me, auntie", you say, quite embarresed, running a hand through your matted up hair. "There was a cockroach in the bathroom and I got scared." 
"Aww, poor child." 
Pavitr looks away, blush blooming on his cheeks yet not obvious due to his skin tone. He rocks on his heels, running a hand through his hair. You know he too can still feel your lips on his from the way his eyes never leave you. 
Maya auntie's eyes sparkle mischievously as she smiles and goes into the bathroom, finding the toy roach and throwing it into the trash can.
She smirks under her breath and washes her hands, sighing as she mutters in amusement. 
"Oh, the things an old lady gotta do.."
Reblogs and comments feed my fic dragon <3
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tsc thoughts while reading (beware of spoilers) starting with -
david wymack my fucking beloved
also i never rlly liked/cared for thea but her scene with jean and her nickname for him was cute
chapter 3 thoughts:
jeremy being in awe of neil and the foxes is giving me life
fanfics with alvarez in them gonna go crazy now that we actually have a first name for her (and don’t have to invent one)
oh they rich rich (in reference to jeremy’s family butler?!)
jerejean first interaction!!!!
chapter 4:
omg sunshine court mentioned
having the sudden realisation that i can never read fanfics that have jean’s perspective or anything about the how the ravens work, raven!neil/aftermath of the kings men in the same way again
my neighbours are having a party and while i’m loving the music and absolutely jealous i’m not there, it’s really distracting me from reading
ngl i rlly miss neil and andrew and the foxes please let me see my family soon
‘ what you hold onto is less important than the act of holding on itself’ nora sakavic shut the fuck up you philosophical genius i’m gonna cry this is so real to me
renee i love u
i’m drinking red wine while reading and i think that’s appropriate… also i’m listening to that jean moreau playlist someone made and it’s mega depressing https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5zlPt63Ap0AjJQ1Ff5OKrd?si=75oEzLE8SO-bfJwewM8Evw&pi=a-ge04jIlVTJGY
this is so funny to only me but i’ve been hyperfixating on one direction again and zayn just dropped new music so everytime i read about jean’s raven roomate zane i think of one direction and confused myself a bit about what fandom i’m reading rn
fuck riko u sick fucking fuck u put jean into a box with a singular hole for air and left him to die u fucking cunt
jean’s ‘gift’ from the ravens with his broken magnets, blacked out postcards and angry letters is making me cry he deserves so much better
slowly realising that this book is gonna be super triggering lol whoops
a cool evening breeze 🥲
‘kevin saw nothingn but the court, but jean had stopped hoping for more than that years ago’ shut the fuckkkk uppppp i cant do this anymore kevin/jean relationship is so deeply important to me (i say this about everything)
chapter 5:
‘of course it’d be you, you tedious malcontent’ ‘good morning to you too’ is so ‘morning sunshine’ ‘fuck you’ coded (neil and matt bromance confirmed)
the amount of mitski on this jean playlist is making me sick
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‘abominable cockroach’ aww jean u say the sweetest things 🥰❤️ neil loves u too babe
literally devouring every last scrap of information jean feeds us about neil - his slow, hungry, hateful smile and the madness in his eyes (neil baby i love u never change)
oh jean don’t diss aaron, do u know how many fanfics have been written about u two
tsc is confirmation that jean moreau will come into ur house and judge u based on the contents of ur fridge (and then throw out ur stash of lollies)
‘to have a real match as a palate cleanser’ jean is really trying to win my favour by borrowing neil’s sassiness huh (no wonder i love them so much together) ((and yes i know he’s BEEN sassy ok))
jean reaching for the tv screen as if he could save neil and describing andrew running for neil as if hell was on his heels is making me absolutely giddy idk whether to scream or cry i’m doing both and i’m giggling
I bet on losing dogs is so jean moreau coded omg
holy fuck nora, the moments after the raven/fox match when riko tries to kill neil is fucking amazingly written. reading from jean’s perspective as he watches the game on tv, the tension, the breathless anxiety and confusion of the scene is palpable i coukd fucking taste it, my chest is tight just reading it
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mlim8 · 10 months
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My favourite little guy - a Cockroach Baby lol
For @justtoarguewithyou who said 'Talon Tea' and I went feral
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kat-and-their-cats · 2 months
Other polls
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vampirefest · 8 months
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Dear companions in darkness, the wait is finally over! We'd like to thank everyone who participated in our little guessing game, we got a lot of interesting answers.
For the month of November, we bring you a fun low-pressure bingo inspired by Lestat, that you can fill up at your leisure throughout the month.
You can use the prompts on the bingo card to write fanfics, make fanart, amvs, edits or any other creative outlet to show your appreciation for our beloved Brat Prince.
You can find the rules and guidelines for the event here. The link to the collection can be found here.
Don't forget to tag with #vflestatbirthdaybingo and/or tag us at @vampirefest so that we can find your posts.
Here is the complete bingo card for our birthday boy!
You can find the full detailed prompts below the cut.
Happy Lestat Month!
1. "My lord, the Wolfkiller": The killing of the wolves, a moment that comes to define Lestat for all eternity. You can explore this fundamental event in Lestat's life, the way it altered the course of his life and his family dynamics, and the symbolism it came to represent in Lestat's later life.
2. First love I The witches' place: For Nickistat lovers out there, this is your time to shine! It's also a chance to explore another formative moment of Lestat's life—his experience at the witches' place—when Lestat came to the fundamental understanding that there is no meaning in the end - not to the cruelty, not to the laws of men - all that exists is the one life he's living and the aesthetic of it all.
3. The performer: Actor | Rockstar: Performing is Lestat's second nature, either to present an image of himself to others to earn their love, or to hide this true self. From the time he is a young man, Lestat is awed by actors and artists, they create worlds and life out of nothingness. Some of Lestat's best and happiest moments are on the stage, acting or singing for his adoring public.
4. Rue Royale era: For decades, 1132 Rue Royale was the home of our favourite little vampire family. A family that, according to Lestat, shouldn't have lasted as long as it did. Here you can explore the dynamics between the unholy family, between Lestat and Louis, and the highs and lows of this period in Lestat's life. As Lestat said, he has never been as happy as in that little house on Rue Royale.
5. Free Space: This is your chance to explore any themes or moments in our brat prince's life outside of the prompts proposed. Let your creativity run wild!
6. "I don't like myself, you know.! love myself, of course. I'm devoted to myself till my dying day. But I don't like myself.": Use this prompt to explore Lestat's insecurities and his complicated relationship with himself, from his abandonment issues to his reflections on his body, his monstrosity and so much more.
7. Lust for life: Here you can explore Lestat the dreamer, Lestat the hedonist, Lestat the embodiment of hunger. He has a lust for blood, love, adventure, for a better life filled with more excitement and lived to the fullest. Lestat takes what he wants and follows his every whim.
8. Resilience: Lestat is the metaphorical cockroach of the Vampire Chronicles universe. Whatever life throws at him, he rolls with the punches and finds a way to survive and make the best of every situation. He always finds a way to reinvent himself and to keep moving forward. With this prompt, you can explore Lestat's defiance in the face of obstacles and his resilience even under the worst circumstances.
9. The Brat Prince | Prince Lestat era: Set your creations in the Prince Lestat era or simply explore Lestat's bratty nature that earned him the moniker "The Brat Prince".
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Don't break Izana Kurokawa's favourite mug! Or do... who knows?
Izana Kurokawa x M!Reader
This is the first story on this account and i am very happy to post it. I hope you can forgive me any spelling mistakes for i am not from an english speaking country and therefore am not as good at it as i would like to.
WARNING(S): cursing, slightly suggestive, some weird shit over-all tbh,
"Oh, fuck off, will you?" You were already pissed off, but he just had to tick you off even more.
"No." He was so used to getting whatever he wants. He wouldn't leave you alone.
"Oh, so you DO know what that means?!" At this point, you couldn't stop yourself from screaming at the guy. He was getting on your nerves for about a week now. All because he saw you beat some guy up and decided he wants you in his gang.
"Join-" You didn't let him finish.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" You jelled and turned around to leave right after.
"He really doesn"t want to join us. It's a shame, he is a great fighter." The blonde said as he walked through the door.
"Mikey, leave the guy alone. You're turning into a damn stalker." The tallee male said, used to his friend's antics.
"But Ken-chin~" Mikey whined, latching onto Draken and shaking him.
"OI, QUIT IT" He tried to take him off of himself, but couldn't. Mikey was like a really determinated koala.
"STOP IT, YOU'RE GONNA RIP MY HAIR OUT!" The tall teen was screaming at his friend.
"You barely have any anyway! It won't be a big loss!" Mikey exclaimed happily, still not letting go of his vice-president's hair.
"Hey! Mikey, Draken, cut it out!" Both boys turned their heads towards the entrance of Mikey's room in pure fear. They feared that were louder then they thought and woke Emma up. An angry Emma is a terryfying Emma.
"Oh, Emma, sorry. Did we wake you up?" Draken was the first to say anything while mikey simply let go of his friend, just standing there like a sculpture with wide eyes.
"Yes. Yes you did. Do you have any idea what hour it is? I need rest! I promised Hina-chan to go to the mall with her." Emma definietely wasn't in a good mood. The scowl on her face only deepened when her brother tried to make his way towards the window to escape her anger.
"And where are YOU going, Mikey? Get back here!" Yes, this defenietely wasn't his day, was it?
"Ahhh, this is relaxing" A soft whisper escaped your mouth as you laid in the bathtub. After a long day like this one you defenitely needed this. That blondie who kept bothering you everyday for the past week really stressed you out. You were wondering why the actual fuck wouldn't he understand that you don't want to be a part of his gang. Like, man, can't you take a motherfucking hint.
"OI, (NAME)!" You heard a familiar voice. Your face imidiately fell.
What the hell is it now? You asked yourself, not caring enough to get out of your little heaven.
And soon enough three men practically fell into your bathroom, panting as if they just ran a marathon. You suppose they have fucked up again and HE was on their asses.
"Again?" You asked no one in particular. The monotone tone of your voice wasn't a shock to them. At this point it was an everyday thing, so you were used to this. In all honesty, it was almost getting boring.
"(Name)! Please! Plea-!" Finishing the sentence wasn't his fate today, huh?
"You HAVE to help us! He's gonna kill us this time." They desperately pleaded. They looked pathetic.
"Have? It's quite a strong word, especially considering your..." You looke them up and down. "... situation."
"(Name)-" Maybe Ran should all together give up speaking today.
On Ran's back fell your beloved bathroom door, crushing the poor guy on the cold matte black, tiled flooor. Rindou and Shion, who were lucky enough to miss the heavy, oak door by mere milimeters were scrambling on the floor like cockroaches, afraid to even look back at HIM.
"Here comes the star of the show." You say, bored of their antics already.
"YOU FUCKERS, HERE YOU ARE" Oh, he was furious. Yup, they're completely F U C K E D.
"God, did yo mama not have more of you or what?" You sigh rhetorically to no-one in particular.
"Huh-" Now that an interesting reaction, hehe.
Izana's face turned crimson red as his gaze was fixed on you. Has he never seen a man taking a bath after a lomg day or what?
"Hello to you too, boss." This was gonna be fun-
Only a loud ass thump could be heard as the great Kurokawa Izana fell to the floor with wide eyes and blood rushing from his nose. Guess he really has never seen anyone taking a bath before. Oh well, his loss.
"..." Rindou was speechless to say the least.
"Now that's an unexpected turn of events" Said Shion as Ran could only show a thumb up from underneath the door.
"God, what did you even do for him to freak out on you like THAT." You move your arms around pointing at this whole mess around you.
Before Ran even got to find the right words, Rindou interrupted him. "I FOR ONE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING-" "shut up, i've had enough of your shouting" "Sorry..."
"Um... well, uh-" This guy really wasn't god's favourite, was he.
When Rindou was busy being embarassed of his behavious, Ran took a chance to speak again. "As i was saying-" Well, try to at least. "IT WAS ALL RAN'S FAULT!" Shion was quick to cut him off. "I was just minding minding my own damn business, when he came to the kitchen and decided to pick a fight with me!"
"OHHHH HELL NAH! YOU'RE NOT GONNA PUT ALL OF THIS ON ME-" well at least he got to finish one sentence, right? Madarame threw himself at Ran, who just barely got out from under that cursed door and they started to bicker and fight.
"They broke Izana's favourite coffee mug." Rindou, the only somewhat sane one here, explained. "Tha one-" "Yes, the exact one that was gifted to him by Shinichiro."
"Ouuhhh, they fucked up big this time." You frown as if you were the one who would get their bones rearranged. "Yup."
"How did you get into their shit tho?" You raise your brow at him.
"I might have been the one who left it on the table..." You look at him as if he grew another head. It was common knowledge not to touch it. "Shhhh.... noone needs to know, and they're too busy blaming eack other."
"Anyway, Imma go and get myseld some ice cream from the fridge, want some?" He started heading for the (lack of the) door. "No, thanks."
"I am not even going to question this" Kakucho looked so done with this shit.
"Good. Save your sanity for later." You wish you could do so too. Your life would be so much more peaceful, but of course, you've got to be a nosy asshole.
"Sooooo..." Mochi started "what the fuck do we do with him?" He said gesturing at an unconsious Izana. "We can't let him just lay here forever."
"Why not?" Yeah, why not. For once you agree with Hanma (ew). It's so much more peaceful this way. "I think we should enjoy ourselves while he's not on pur asses about tenjiku." For once Ran gets it. Maybe his brain isnt pea-sized in the end? Hmm... Peanut-sized, then?
"Let's just wake him up, he's probably gonna be angry if we don't anyway." Okay??? That'd be a problem for the future.
"Kakucho, how the hell do you even wanna do that?!?" Shion asking a valid question? Someone write it done in their calendar! Quick!
"That's the problem-" Sorry Kaku, you're gonna share Ran's fate. "No-one has the balls here to try anyway" You say. "Why not just go do whatever you have to do and let him wake up on his own. It's most logical." You shrug.
"What if he doesn't wake up on time and misses his favourite tv series though?" Fuck. Mucho's got a point.He'd kill you all if you let that happen.
"Alright..." You move your sleeves up to your elbows. "Everyone get ready." "Huh-" Confusion. Confusion everywhere. "What do you-"
And before anyone registered what just happpened you have ready bolted through the door and were long gone, as if you were never there in the first place.
Oh shit. Oh fuck.
"Who. Has. Just. Slapped. Me." Izana was looking at them with a stare so manacing, that if eyes could kill, they'd be dead 3 time already and then roasted and served with aplles like a turkey.
"Who had the FUCKING AUDACITY to slap me just now." Sorry not sorry. You had to put yourself first..🤷
Mochi, Mucho, Rindou, Ran, Hanma and Madarame were looking at you with absolute fire in their eyes as you were patching them up. Kisaki was on the side, thanking whatever god has given his mother the idea to host a family dinner exacly when she did and Kakucho stood on Izana's right side.
"Why did i get caught in the cross fire WHEN I HAVE JUST BEEN STANDING TO THE SIDE!" Boohoo what and injustice. You wish you could say it outloud, but you don't need to dig your grave any further. It's already quite deep
"Hanma, do you want another black eye?" Uh oh. In the end, Izana hasn't calmed down yet. Now you were 100% sure you needed to keep your mouth as shut as possible.
"Izana, calm down. Tenjiku need fully able members and if you beat them up too much they won't be able to fight and [...]" Kakucho started panicing as he listed reasons as to why it's not a good idea to beat Hanma or anyone else up.
Meanwhile the Haitanis started whispering among themselves "I still can't believe Kakucho got out without a scratch." "I mean, he is Izana's right hand man so-"
"FINE." And on as if on cue, everyone, including stressed Kakucho, has let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. "But i still want to know who the hell had thw balls to slap me." Fuck. You knew it. There was no way you'd get out of this alive and well. It was too good to be true.
"No-one wants to come out and-" "I'm gay." You cut him off while putting your hands up in the air in a 'i give up' gesture. "Here, you've got the coming out you wanted." At this point you were praying (yes, even if you aren religius, let's be honest, Izana'd scary when angry/crazy) that your attempt at changing the topic would work.
"So like, wanna fuck?" Ran raised he eyebrows up and down as Rindou gave an... interesting proposition to say the least.
"Pfft! Ahhaaayhayea!" There it was, if you didn't know Shion, you'd think a hiena has somehow gotten into your house. (yep, yall are all at your house, let's say it's a common hangout spot for the tenjiku crew for the sake of this story) It was eerie how similar he was to a hiena, now that you think about it.
"Uhh... Congratulations, (Name)?" Kakucho was BAFFLED. Definietely not what he was expecting.
"What the actual FUCK. That's is not what i wanted to ask AT ALL." When the initial shock went by, Izana was back on track looking for the person guilty of leaving a big, red hand print on his face. Ypu shocked yourself with how hard you could hit someone, especially since it's beem an hour and his cheek is still red as ever.
"Okay, fine! It was me wha slapped the shit outta you! Happy?!" You finally surrender, unable to hide that you're guilty.
"Oh yeah? In that case we've got to talk a little, don't you think?" His tone of voice was fucking scary. Someone save you, please.
You looked at everone as Izana held your wrist in his hand and started heading to your room, but suddenly everyone was busy.
Mucho was brushing his hair with his hand, which is impressive how he was still able to with that balding head of his. Mochizuki was rebraiding his lil sad rat tail, as if he could save it from looking shitty (he couldn't). Rindou was checking the time. Most normaln of them all award goesto him. Shion was just being Shion. Theres not much to say, other then that he looked higher then the fucking sky, but always does so it's alright. Kakucho has a suspicious smirk on his face as he sent you a wink and Ran..
... Ran was checking if his dick is still in it's place.
Overall, there was no saving your ass from this. Amen.
"You think they know we can hear them?" Ran asked his brother, trying not to scowl too much at the sound he was hearing. "With all that moaning? Yeah, i'm pretty sure at least Izana is aware of that." Just as he said that a loud whine could be heard through the whole apartament.
"The neighbours are so going to complain. God, i almost feel bad for them" Almost, because Kakucho knew damn well that this was gonna happen one way or another, and just decided to give you guys a little push.
It's not his fault that push has required the Haitanis and Shion breaking Izanas favourite mug, and then with Izana on their tail running into the bathroom where you were relaxing.
Then after that he didn't even need to do much, it all went down on it's own.
"I should have been a full-time cupid instead of joining a gang."
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idontevenuse-thissite · 3 months
I suppose I shall talk about Malevolent. Because I just got up to date and the ideas are still fresh. Oh yeah spoilers for up to episode 40 including season 5 intermezzo Arthur my beloved. My little cockroach of a character. You who refuse to die and refuse to back down. The crabs still have pincers and all of it. (Also we wanna talk about Dark Arthur? I want to see Darthur. Kayne please do elaborate. I suppose the fans may have to write it.) Where was I? Yes, trauma. Arthur encounters more and more and just has to endure it. Experience the gods. Lose pieces and people. I can't help but always think of an outsiders POV. Someone untouched by the horrors. What they would make of Arthur, they'd probably think him insane if they knew. I wish he got to interact more with regular people. Imagine him having to maneuverer himself around the police, no currently pressing eldritch horrors. (He got some really inconvenient roadblock. He can't kill them, they're just doing their job. But he really has things to do, very important things that he couldn't hope to start explaining. They'd call him mad.) Or just people who comment on his oddities. The butcher was great. And I love that he noticed, the little oddities. Never before have a villain that's been such a threat to a character I love so fast become a favourite. Shame that Kayne killed him, reminding a bit to much of yourself, huh Kayne? I wish a regular would be able to figure him out, in the parts that doesn't need knowledge of the gods. A detective perhaps that wants to continue to prod at the questions. But isn't direct about it. Ah I can't wait to see Arthur's adventures in the past. He's become a traveller and a collector. Now he's in a place without connections. He may become whoever. I can't wait for the blind cryptid to terrorise the people of the past. That's all for now folks. Oh and I wonder if John will be able to do that projecting thing again.
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anarchic-miscellany · 2 months
Reading "One Piece" for the first time: Part 7 This is more like it, maybe I'm just getting old, but I like that there is more character interplay, interactions and bouncing off of each other, true conflict, not quite merely a rubber idiot roudhouse kicking a nuke into the King of Ferrets or whatever the fuck the author has this week. The Idiot, The Himbo, Meme in Progress and now The Giga Chad and the Brothers Chucklefuck are in a tiny boat looking for the Cartographer with a Brain Cell, who jacked their ship and buggered off whilst they were recruiting the Giga Chad and battling a man made of guns. Now they've arrived at basically Hawaii, which appears to be Nami's village. It's pretty enough, and being ruled over by a hench fishman and his fish man army who are extorting the place, oh and his nose gives Usopp's a run for its money. Knowing this series they'll probably actually do that... Anyway, she's betrayed them all only not really only she has only nobody in the crew seems to believe her. It's endearing, yes, that they all believe that this girl they've known for about 8 minutes would never betray them, but also: guys. Come on. Giga Chad I get: he's horny. But the rest of you? Arlong is the villain here, and I dig him, he's one of the better ones so far. I am surprised at the restraint, again, in having fish people appear but it does raise questions about genetics and the like: do they reproduce with eggs? Is it asexual? Are there fish women somewhere? Oh God.
DO NOT SHOW ME BUSTY FISH WOMEN! THIS SERIES IS HORNY ENOUGH! PLEASE GOD NO! So, they see the palace run by King Scalestorm, and Zoro's first thought is: "I mean, we can take them." Naturally the brothers chucklefuck (Johnny and, the other one) tie him to the mast. Alright, that's a funny joke, series, touche. I appreciate the sense of humour this manga has, but when it swings for the fences emotionally thus far it does seem out of place. Is the cham in the series that it goes to 11 when there are emotions involved? That is the vibe I'm getting.
Meme in Progress Usopp continues to endear himself as my joint favourite guy, by simply strolling into the village and figuring everything out: apparently the houses were all just flipped over and cast aside like they'e kids with fucking Tonka Toys throwing a tantrum. Correctly, he deduces: "Nah mate, I ain't going NEAR that." See Usopp, you and me can hang. Like, you're a person, with identifiable normal feelings, you're a justifiably ordinary guy in this universe of mavericks and people who punch God in the face on their way to buy bread and splitting the Earth open with a wave of their hand. He meets a grouchy seeming lady, and a boy she's yelling at for trying to get himself killed in the path of revenge against Arlong, and he's an endearing little scamp by standing up for the kid. Good Guy Usopp. I like you, you're one of the few characters here I'd actually just hang out with like a normal person. Arlong has corrupt cops (sorry, cops) under his payroll and basically does what he pleases. A good villain here, he's what a pirate is: and I like the whole eugenicist bully angle. What's the bet that that never comes back as the author gets bored and moves onto, oh I don't know, fucking cockroach tanks piloted by cyborgs or something. Nami is attempting to get a shed load of money to buy her village out from under his thrall. Conflict! Nice! It's a cool thing where Zoro just attempts to kill himself to test if Nami is actually evil enough to let him die, and true to form she dives in to save him, though more likely was the fact that she was attempting to stop him from murdering the water. The insanity is kept relatively tame here, which is my kind of jam: I HATE people who recommend stuf with "oh it's mental, you'll love it!" Like, no, I need contrast to the insanity, it needs to build, it needs to balance, it needs to let release tension and steam. It needs plotting and pacing and character and growth. It's why I'm never playing that fucking piece of shit "Exalted", stop recommending it to me, Tobin and Sam, fuck! Anyway. The Idiot is, thankfully, out of the way for most of this, chilling on his boat and napping, but unfortunately he has Giga Chad with him, so we have less Giga Chad this chapter. But that is fine, as we get more of the nonsense of the crew and a villain I actually like. My friend who got me into this, however, also raises a good point: if there are fish men, what is sea food? Are they eating the young of the fish people? Because I am team Arlong if that is the case. It's nice to have this character development, and some stuff for Cartographer with a Brain Cell to do, even if none of them buy her "betrayal" for an instant - but that fake stabbing of Meme in Progress was pretty cool, good job guys! And it ties into this desperation and world building in the village - people left at the mercy of criminal gangs because cops won't help, as 1. They are cops. 2. There are dudes who can tear apart the skies with a yodel, or whatever fucking bullshit super power the author has pulled out of his ass this week Good job, world and character and stuff. So anyway. The Himbo takes out a palace of dudes all by himself, and the Giga Chad kicks the ocean so hard that his boat fucking flies. THERE we go. I was starting to think you'd lost your touch, old boy. So now Johnny and the other one have legged it, and the Idiot is napping rather than fighting. I for one appreciate it, it has been a tad dull with him doing stuff. Also I think Sanji wants to fuck a mermaid, and Nami. And Nami AS a mermaid. Follow your dreams, bro. They are going to square off with fish mafia man, and try to save this village. So knowing these guys that means they will befriend the fish man and destroy the place.
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soraviie · 1 year
being soulmates.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ navigation
━ about: fluff, angst, crack (tiny smut) - the holy trinity/quartet? ━ pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: soulmates are my favourite trope cause of low self-esteem, I hope it is yours as well. The trope, not the issues.
━ previously posted on soraviii
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NAMJOON: As it stands to reason, Namjoon knew it was an overcapitalized natural phenomenon with an actual success rate of only 52%. Having just a little over half meant that a whole 47% with a margin error of 1% of the entire world neither had, nor wanted any dealings with soulmates. But even so, he couldn't entirely stop the blush of whimsical fancy whenever thinking of them.
He was, for now at least, documented as an "awaiting registry" in the K-SSA (Korean Soulmate System Association) and all that was needed - time. Often, he daydreamed of his perfect partner with their perfect life much like numerous others, not really festering any bloom of hope and yet-
Yet he couldn't feel like he was profoundly dunked on by the universe itself as 24 seconds ago writing appeared on his forearm when none had touched it. In a thin, illegible font it said one word and one word only.
He looked away, wiped at it absent-mindedly but as it was not ink, it did not stain. Right. Okay.
Deciding to squash all thoughts and sensations related to his soulmate he moved on with his life telling no one of this discovery. But the dam once unleashed did not cease and never, ever did it wield any sign of intelligence. On top of that, his soulmate seemed to be a perpetual cheat - math, language, history. In a terrible shorthand, Namjoon suddenly found himself abhorrently acquainted with someone's educational curriculum. However, the proverbial chariot finally broke when jet-lagged and sleep-deprived Namjoon could only helplessly watch as word by word, with painstaking accuracy, the dreaded sprawl appeared.
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway."
Having had quite enough of this strange dumbass, he grabbed a sharpie and crossed out the stupid words with one bold, black stroke. A profound moment of silence followed suit and inadvertently Namjoon wondered whether they were sitting still, in some corner of the world seized by an unseen fright of the truly terrifying reality that one is not truly alone anymore. But no such thing happened as a cool and collected reply soon followed.
"oh cool! :D"
Possessing no desire to waste any more time, Namjoon leapt straight to the point.
"You're annoying."
"Yes, so I've been told :)"
Floundering at what to say further, he sat frozen for a good while his soulmate seized the opportunity in which to continue.
"yeast infected cockroach"
And even faster as if in a hurried panic, they added.
"that's not to you. I'm learning ;)"
"Learning curse words?"
If he had a single atom of a gracious painter in his body, he'd draw a heavily disapproving grimace.
"wouldn't you say that's vital knowledge?"
Alright. In what was almost deja vu, Namjoon turned off the light and went to sleep. This was a lot to endure.
The scribbling didn't stop and Namjoon ignored the odd question directed at him, though with a peculiarly heavy heart. Sometimes he had only half the presence of mind and attempted to write something back but always caught his own hand mid-stroke. Life with him would not be easy. And also you were still strangers. Despite the riveting romance stories of the airport stalls, it was not that easy to breach the gap. In fact, it was even more difficult. If two people met in ordinary ways in ordinary circumstances, they could head in any direction they wanted, without the knowledge of "what if". But the only thing Namjoon knew for certain was the "what if". What if he never meets you? What if he screws it up? That would fill him with bitter regret for the rest of his life. But it wasn't until a more sombre message to which he woke up, that he couldn't stay away anymore.
"I'm graduating. Today. Didn't think I could but I'm proud of myself."
Then after a while.
"Not that you care."
And despite Namjoon being in the middle of the interview, he dished out the pen from his pocket which he may or may have not been carrying this whole time and hastily traced back.
"I care. I'm proud of you as well."
"Soulmate ;)"
YOONGI: His pulse was drumming against the skin of his neck, choking down the next breath. No matter how many times he skimmed through the small space no sudden stranger or even a ghost appeared. Nevertheless, it didn't change the fact that he was hearing voices.
Yoongi slapped a hand over his own ear as though that was the problem. The conversation persisted.
"No, I don't know, Maeve," the disembodied voice continued in a sigh. "If they wanted to ask, they would have long ago, right?"
Licking his lips, Yoongi croaked a feeble -
The mysterious stranger fell deathly mute and with eardrums straining to the point of pain, he could vaguely gather they were afraid as Yoongi himself was shocked into a similar stupor not a moment ago. They must think he was the ghost. And though Yoongi didn't know for certain, he supposes that he just might have found his soulmate.
He had spent his whole life counting himself into the 47%. Having neither proclivity for, nor signs of a formed bond, he simply ran with the statistics. 47% of the world was a great number of people and Yoongi was quite content with what or whom he had. So in a manner which thousands must have asked along with him today, he thought "shit, what now?"
Days later, clutching the twin "pending" forms of the K-SSA and I-SSA, he decided to speak. Maybe his soulmate won't like him anyway.
"Hello?" he utters into the empty space of his apartment feeling a tad foolish but bulldozing his way through it "Are you there?"
With a bated breath, he waits then at last -
"Yes, hello."
Yoongi coughs and with an orchestrated indifference states the obvious.
"We must be soulmates."
"Yeah," comes a similarly dispassionate reply. "Though I did think you were a demon."
He snorts in a muted amusement.
"What's your name?"
"______________. Yours?"
His brain errors. Even if a soulmate, he couldn't just freely divulge his persona willy-nilly, so to speak. Being a soulmate didn't prohibit anyone from inflicting harm. The morning news was plenty of affirmation.
In the five-second span in which no response followed, he could feel just how much you didn't believe him.
"August?" dryly, you echo.
"Yeah, my parents were hippies."
He goes to sit down on the sofa, sinking into it whilst awkwardly clapping his hands.
"Are you a seal?"
He glances down at his hands.
"You can hear that?"
"Yes. Weird, isn't it."
Another pregnant pause followed suit.
"So soulmates," he drawled in deep thought. "You're uh...interested in that?"
If he focused enough he could hear a pen clacking against a thick notebook. You must be studying or in an office space. Or simply sitting and tapping away the pen to alleviate nerves.
"I...I'm not quite sure," you answer truthfully. "I haven't agonized over it and I've been busy and..."
You exhale shakily.
"And to be completely frank...I got into a relationship. Yesterday."
Well, that's just on brand, Yoongi thought sourly.
"I'm sorry, August."
He chuckled. You actually sounded sincere. And something in the apologetic lilt of your tone made his heart soften. At entirely the wrong time.
"Don't worry about it. Not your fault."
"Are...are you in a relationship?"
He licks his dry lips and pushes the forms further away and across the coffee table.
"Yeah," he lies. "So it's all fine."
He once again thinks you're a ghost, blinking blearily at your soft voice shaking the still air of the night. Years have passed and he realized that he sort of has missed the sound of your voice.
"August?" you asked timidly in the middle of the night. "Are you still there?"
He rubs his eyes.
"Yes. Hello."
An awkward tension wavers.
"What are you up to?"
"Can't sleep," he mumbles, rubbing now repeatedly his tired eyes. "Insomnia."
"Oh, sorry to hear that."
"Do you always apologize for everything?" he crosses his arms, resting on the pillow like a normal person would whilst talking next to someone in the bed.
"A little bit," you laugh demurely. "You know, I submitted my form and the I-SSA replied back."
He sobered up at that, the faint migraine from the lack of rest pounding a little harder as his breath caught in his throat.
"Don't worry, they were very strict and revealed to me nothing."
"Sorry about that," he couldn't help but sigh however you didn't seem to mind.
"Do you always apologize for everything?" you laughed and he did too.
"Just about this," now slightly soothed he settled deeper into the covers. "What about your...partner?"
"Oh," immediately your voice became angry. "Dumped them. Cheated on me."
"What a fucking prick," Yoongi scoffed.
"Enough about them. Try to sleep, okay?"
You were nothing but a stranger. A stranger talking into his head which not so long ago would have guaranteed him four walls and complete isolation. Yet still, he listened. Found the request, not an order but a nagging sweet sentiment of taking better care. He didn't mind it, and neither did he mind you talking. In fact, the migraine was peculiarly retreating,
"What are you watching?" he asked curiously. Through the winded gaps in your voice and the rustle of the Seoul traffic outside, he could piece together some fragments of what resembled 90's tv show music. "Sounds like old porn."
Abruptly, you burst into a fit of loud laughter and then just as abruptly fell quiet.
"Sorry...no one has joked with me for a very long time," you quietly admitted and something in his chest began to sting.
"You have a nice laugh," with a faint blush, he praised shyly. "Don't you have friends to joke around with? Maeve?"
If you found it odd, he knew the name of your friend, still remembering it from that faint first bond years ago now, you didn't remark on it and he was better for it. Yoongi really didn't need to feel any more of a creep than he had, always chiding himself for being this obsessive over those few minutes of conversation. It seemed that he was not so indifferent about the soulmate thing after realizing they were real for him.
"Not anymore. Who do you think that garbage cheated on me with?"
Yoongi cringed.
"I'm sorry," he bid earnestly, a wrinkle of a frown etching on his forehead.
"Addition to the list?" you teased and he smiled to himself, persistently shy, despite knowing you could not see it.
"Suppose. Though you never answered."
"What exactly?" you hummed and he heard sheets rustling. You must be sleeping as well. Or perhaps simply sitting on the bed.
"What are you watching?"
"X-Files. Felt in the mood for something spooky."
He thought about it for a second before rushing into action.
"Which episode? What minute?"
You were almost taken aback by the brazen curiosity as it hadn't been previously ever heard.
"Season 1, episode 8. Minute 04:47."
As Yoongi grabbed his laptop, he heard the faint dialogue stop. You stopped it.
"Do you...want to watch with me?"
He frantically searched for the episode, fighting for his life to get the ads off the screen.
"Hey, I know that noise," you remarked. "That's the blacklist notice! Say, August, you wouldn't be streaming illegally, would you?"
"You're going to arrest me?" he smirked, winding to the fourth minute. "Kinky."
He couldn't naturally vouch for it but he thinks you reddened. And he found it cute.
"No. Just concerned that you'll find Anna, 32, much more appealing. She's only 1 kilometre away."
It was his time to laugh.
"Don't worry about her. Not my type. I'm hot for ghostly voices whispering in my ear."
You splutter and, laughing quietly to himself, he interrupts your indignance.
"I'm at the fourth minute. Are you continuing to watch or not?"
"Yeah," you replied huffily. "I'm continuing."
It didn't take long for him to fall asleep that night. Or the next. Or the next. And after a year, his doctor declared his insomnia successfully treated.
"You're not watching at all," you whined into his ear and Yoongi pulled the blanket over his body.
"No, I am," he lied. "I'm watching it through your mind, silly."
You scoffed.
"What a bunch of nonsense. We share glamorized auditory hallucinations, not a mind link."
After a pause, all you hear are the familiar sounds of him already quietly snoring away.
"Good night...August."
JIN: He exhaled once, twice, thrice. It took him about three seconds to fully grasp what he was seeing and then with all the might of his tired legs Jin threw himself into the shower curtain and promptly knocked himself out against the tiled bathroom wall.
"Sir, please, calm down!" the nurse urged him frantically as Jin twitched on the bed.
"No, you don't understand! It was a ghost. A ghost! A ghost is haunting my bathroom!"
"Sir, please, there's no ghost!"
He glimpsed to the left and in the metal railing of the bed, he saw a reflection not of himself but of an entirely different face looking right back at him with the same concern.
Jin politely and very masculine screeched at the top of his lungs and graciously passed out amidst the mass of frightened hospital staff.
So...in the end, as it turns out, he was not haunted. The affirmation came in the form of two stocky SSA workers, coming to stop by his room with a thick wad of papers.
Sign here. Sign here. Sign here.
It appears that three years ago someone had registered in the I-SSA and while there were many different systems out there, all with their variations and complications, it was just Jin's luck, his beam of sunshine amidst the raging storm, to be in a system with the smallest amount of sharers. The abnormal diff-diffusion? He doesn't quite recall as he'd sat there head pounding away and sounds distant, staring at his own name and next to it the person, who according to the science of it all, was his soulmate.
But knowing was different from believing. Or at least, not shitting himself every time they stared at him in his own reflection.
"You got to cool it, man," Namjoon drawled in that pure sarcastic deadpan, patting away the soup that Jin had spilt as he lunged himself away from the spoon reflection in which a different eye was reflected through.
"At least, you can see them," Taehyung muttered bitterly, wiping the table clean and all fell silent.
Jin kept the mirrors covered anyhow. It was simply too freaky to witness an entirely different face in the stead of his, soulmate or not. Life proceeded as normal and while Jin kept himself busy and unthinking of possibilities, the lack or rather denial of his soulmate meant little to him. Until the very eve of winter. The first fresh snow had fallen over Seoul and stayed that way. The air was chill and crisp and the world was ready to slumber. At least this part of it. And on this night, no matter how long Jin stared at the fallen snow, he couldn't sleep. His heart was beating out of his chest and his mind raced.
He...felt it. Or rather you felt it and he sensed the echoes of it. Growing agitated over this sensation, he stomped towards the mirror, ready to...well, he was not quite sure what he was going to do but after yanking the towel onto the floor he forgot all about it. For the first time, you were not googling back at him, either in wonder or aggrievance but you were crying, gripping the sink with crushing strength. Crying like your entire soul was just split apart.
"What's wrong?" Jin aske timidly but you did not react. Visual must not also mean auditory. With shaking fingers he tapped the glass and this time you jumped in a way that was eerily familiar to his own. Landing on your ass, you cursed. Or he thinks you did from the way your lips curled.
He thought about it for a second and rushed away to fetch a lip balm before writing on the surface of the mirror.
You leaned your head to the side before, shivering, rising to stand. He watched intently as you dipped your hand underneath the water current and wrote back.
Jin exhaled, battling the urge to not pass out.
"Why cry?"
You gestured all around yourself and he recognized the sterile, removed environment of the hospital bathroom.
"Sick?" he wrote, feeling a heavy thud in his gut, something akin to missing a step in the dark.
"Yes. Tomorrow is the surgery."
He swallowed.
You swallowed shakily and immediately Jin felt bad for asking.
"Moderate. I can live, I can die. All up to the doctors."
He too reaches to grip the sink and though he can't hear it, he can see you chuckling tearily. He frowns and you write.
"We even look the same. In a way."
Jin can offer only a shaky smile and even more guilt for shoving you away.
He was a horrible soulmate to have.
All day and next night he waits by the mirror and then finally when it's dark again, the snow falls in droves underneath the streetlamps and wind rushes through the alleys down below and finally, just before midnight, you appear in the mirror, shuffling in. You looked tired and worn but at least you're alive. Jin springs up.
You're the first one to write, having brought with you a lip balm as well.
"I lived. Clearly."
"Thank Heavens," Jin writes back feeling a rush of emotions dampen his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Gracious, you throw a hand at his words.
"I didn't want a soulmate before this. Thought I was...above it. Stupid really."
He smiles abashed and nods.
"You okay? Will be?"
"Yes, I will be okay," for a second, you lower your hands, gathering strength and then reach out. "You...do you want to talk more after this?"
"Hey, Jin, we're waiting for you!" Namjoon calls out, sticking a head through the door and he turns around.
"I'll be with you in five minutes."
Namjoon glimpsed at the defaced mirror.
"Hangman, really?"
Jin shrugged.
"We both like it. Scram now."
As he turned round he wrote "y".
j__n_y, stood on the surface and Jin sat deep in thought, then he guessed.
You sighed in defeat and confirmed his answer. Jin read the word again, committing it to memory.
"Text me when your plane lifts off," he wrote and you mimicked his soft smile.
"I will. See you in 16 hours."
Jin kissed his palm and pressed it against the mirror where your forehead stood.
"16 hours," he muttered back.
HOSEOK: "What do you think?" Jimin asked. "This one or this one?"
Hoseok merely arched an eyebrow.
"How would I be able to tell?"
Jimin lowered the hangers, with a guilty frown.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think."
Instantaneously, the despondent eyes made him feel guilty.
"Nevermind. I like the...uh left one."
Jimin twiddled guilty with the coloured fabric. A colour which Hoseok couldn't see.
"You want me to help you pick the outfit?"
Not to make him feel any sadder, Hoseok obliged.
Contrary to popular belief, being in the monochrome system sucked ass. He had nearly two million matches in the K-SSA registry, 32 million in the I-SSA and counting the 1% of margin error that amounted roughly to a 340 000 that could be his soulmate but wouldn't act that way due to genetic mutation. The more he thought of those numbers, the more alone he felt. Yoongi at least could hear his soulmate, Jin had seen them and was by now already moved in with them. Being in the more rare section of the soulmate systems they could at least have their soulmates traced via reading brain waves and other gibberish Hoseok never much understood. But no data could come from the monochrome system as the numbers were simply too overwhelming. False positives and false negatives were too great for a sensible person to take that chance. Which left only one option - the good old-fashioned meet and greet.
But with a planet of 8 billion people that chance was small. Growing ever so smaller with each passing day despite the technological advances. Even so, the airport was of late the favourite place of Hoseok's to be at. No place such as an airport to find someones all over the globe, grumpily and quite often with a foul odour, converging their different ways together. He tried to stay optimistic. As Taehyung bumped into him, sleep-ridden and tired, he indeed felt that there was a need to be optimistic. As much as he bitched, it didn't amount to the pain his friend was in at all times.
"Hey, just a little bit," he brushed Tae's fringe back to reveal two swollen eyes. He must have been crying either just now, or the entire night. Either way, it was an upsetting idea to have. Subtly, Hoseok pushed Taehyung into Jimin's direction who eagerly took care of his friend. But they all trodded along no matter how they felt.
"How was that episode good?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok frowned.
"What episode?" he questioned and Yoongi waved a hand, almost like one would when talking over a phone and someone interrupted.
"Oh, you're talking to...never mind," Hoseok grumbled, pushing his head further down.
The sky above the Atlantic Ocean was grey and uninspiring whilst the flight itself was excruciating. Though everything to him was grey. 14 hours in a box in the sky was not what Hoseok particularly enjoyed. Bored, he prodded at the desert. It was of a lighter hue, meaning a brighter colour. Yellow perhaps. Mango.
He took a spoon to his mouth. Strawberry. After all this time, one would think he'd be better at differentiating things. At least, he could remember colours, he thought wistfully, once again thinking of the positives. Some people were born with their bonds permanently established meaning they never knew colour. But Hoseok could at least remember - the colour of the sky, the sun, the green grass around his school. But it was in a way worse. If he could never have it again, it would ruin him. Strange. Such a simple thing really but he missed it dearly. What a weird way to bond people, by depriving them of the basics of life. Was it even love in the end? Or desperation driving them into some form of sick co-dependence?
Trying to be positive, didn't necessarily mean he was one as Hoseok had found out.
New York was a whirlpool. They had to rush fast to their cars through the halls of the airport, barely breathing and at this very moment, in one singular turn, Hoseok saw the beige of Taehyung's jumper.
The red of Jimin's scarf and the brown of Jungkook's eyes as he stared at him in wonder.
They couldn't stop. The insistent push of the bodyguards affirmed it so but if Hoseok suddenly saw the one thing that only his soulmate could grant then that meant his soulmate was not just near. Their eyes had met.
And he held no recognition.
He whipped to look around, the twin sensations of the flashing camera lights and the sheer amount of colours, of their shades and hues, had his head swimming but he saw no one. No one was looking with the echo of the realization, no one seemed to be interested in him any more than the rest. Interested in him as j-hope, the star, not Hoseok, the soulmate.
"We need to keep going," his bodyguard whispered, trying to professionally haul him away.
"No, I...I just met my soulmate. I need to stay!"
But the man did not listen. The crowd swarmed closer and closer and without much more say in the situation, he found himself sitting numbly in the backseat of the car. The neon signs blinded his eyes and for the first time in his adult and teenage life, Hoseok saw the rainbow cascading off the singular snowflake clinging to the window of the black car.
JIMIN: He pushed back the hair from your sweaty forehead.
"Feels so good," he moaned onto your lips. "You feel so good."
When the familiar knot unwound it felt like a truck, or a high-speed train running him down and into a cliff. But somehow pleasantly. Jimin swears he could see the true meaning of the universe, the very makeup of what created the entire life in moments like these. But even so his favourite, to his heart, was the second after, for the crudeness of it all, bust a nut within you, when he laid, holding your body close and panting together in the warm room. He felt brave tonight for once and nuzzled into the crook of your neck. It was all sweaty and damp but he did not mind. It was the only kind of closeness he could have with you.
Five blissful minutes passed and you roused, pushing him away. Gently but still you did. After rushing to the bathroom, you came back to get dressed. Jimin reached to trace a finger on your back as you dragged a shirt over your head.
"Can't you stay?" he hums. There was a scar right above the curve of your hip and he ghosted over it. You didn't like him focusing on your scars.
"I like my own place," you reply casually. "Paid a lot for it."
That was, of course, only an excuse. Jimin may or may have not met another ex-hookup of yours and you had stayed with them. They made you breakfast.
And Jimin wanted to make you breakfast more than anything else.
"Right," he sinks into himself, wanting to stop but not being capable to do so. "Can you...kiss me...before you go?"
Pathetic. To beg like this. But he wanted you to madness.
Perhaps, you looked slightly unsettled but indulged him nonetheless. The way you kissed was like feeling a new breath in his lungs. He didn't understand what about you was so intoxicating but he wanted you around all the time. Your presence was like a wet cloth on the fevered head, a gulp of fresh air after spending hours in a stuffed room.
It was no exaggeration that he was growing obsessed.
And you thought of him as a hookup.
"See you later," you said, stroking his cheek once and the next was the door falling shut. Jimin sighed, rapidly crashing from the height of happiness to the pit of misery. But if anything could distract him it was the horrible pain suddenly flaring through his shin.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," he cursed, cradling the limb.
He honestly thought his soulmate should be nothing but a mangled piece of flesh by now. Ever since 14 years old, he felt nothing but pain from them. And despite it being the main takeaway from sharing the sensations type of bond, he should also be in technicality receiving happy emotions but no. There was none. Just anxiety and regular pain.
Though, in fairness, Jimin assumed he gave off much of the same. Remembering the long practices, and the muscle cramps, he could only recoil. When the ache finally ceased he lays on top of the sheets again brushing the empty space next to him. Soulmate perhaps, but all he wanted was you. If you'd be next to him, he'd look for no one else ever again. Which was stupid, who falls into love with their fuck..fuck-something.
"Literally every protagonist in a romance story," Jungkook muttered before making a loud gagging noise. Jimin almost had half the intention of lodging a spoon in his throat before he hurriedly explained.
"It's not to you! It's just that dumbass is eating sugar. Pure sugar!" he heaved, face getting read. "Oh, I hope their teeth have so many holes they need to eat nothing but carrots!"
"You want to taste nothing but carrots for the rest of your life?" Jimin snarked and Jungkook paused.
"Guess not."
Suddenly Jimin's elbow flared up.
"Oh, come on!" he exclaimed, wincing and rubbing the spot. "How many times a day can this person be hurt?!"
"Hey, guys, why are there so many people outside?" Taehyung asked in confusion, hooking his headphones off. Sirens soon blared and as they looked on, through the crowd, they could see someone laying in the middle of the street. Unmoving.
"Oh shit, is that blood?" Jungkook gasped.
The police coordinated off the area pushing the mass away and to Jimin's surprise, you stepped out of one of the cars with a camera attached to your neck. To even more of a shock, you began to take pictures and Jimin questioned how was it that he didn't know you were a CSI or whatever they were called when suddenly you tripped and fell down, slamming your chin against the unforgiving ground.
"Oh, that must hurt," Taehyung and Jungkook drawled together but Jimin stayed quiet. His chin was killing him.
And what were the chances of that?
"Sensation-coded systems tend to be of more emotional intensity as they echo the same level of chemical fluctuation between persons on top of their own."
As Jimin had learned it at school, he still had it scrabbled somewhere in the high school notebook, touch equated to chemical changes in the body. Dopamine and serotonin increase and in a sensation-coded system, person A could not only feel their own increase but also person B's and vice versa. This is why perhaps he felt like he was breathing new breath when he kissed you. Because he just might.
He can't stop shaking as he texts you to come over, despite doing it hundred times before. But this was different wasn't it? If he was right, he could lose you, if he was wrong, he could also lose you. Either way, he lost. But he had to know. Otherwise, he would be bitter his entire life.
You hug him the second you step over the threshold but for the first time, Jimin steps away. Immediately you frown.
"Something wrong?" you ask and he swallows hard.
"I...I made dinner," actually he ordered it, not wanting it to be bad. "You want to eat?"
He knows you know it was phrased as a question out of politeness. During dinner which is not at all strained into near incapacitating silence, Jimin may or may not drink. A lot. To cope.
"Please, just tell me what it is," you finally break. "Or I'll combust spontaneously."
"I didn't know you were a CSI," he trailed off and you froze.
"Yeah, well, it's not a pretty job and also CSI," you gestured at yourself then at him. "An idol? Doesn't make much sense."
"Maybe it does," he says, shaking again and at last gathering all the courage left in his bones to pinch his arm, so hard it hurt. You flinch as well.
Another blanket of silence descends over the room.
"I think we need to talk."
TAEHYUNG: All he remembers clearly is the pause of uncertainty, the step taken between childish innocence and the brutal adult reality. The reality of death which in this case was a red string cut short and fraying at the end of his pinky when it should have been stretching across the seas and dreams, across despair and misery. And it's on this hot summer afternoon, sunny and perfect, that Taehyung learns that love does not conquer all.
The office of the IBSSCI, the International Bureau of Soulmate System Crime Investigation respectively, is by far more shabby than he ever pictured. When Taehyung is brought into this two-story building it doesn't look like anything more than some chic-obsessed, eco-brutalism wannabe cafe he could honestly trip upon in certain streets of Seoul. The office in whose uncomfortable chairs he's been sat in is the size of the closet and looks like one as well. This person was grody. The half-eaten sandwich and cold cup of coffee were all the proof he needed.
____________ ______________, he reads on the glass plaque, you're a pig.
Someone walks in. A mountain of folders on two legs as far as he can see.
"Sorry about the wait, Mr Kim," they huffed. "The printer jammed and you see these papers," with a heavy thud, they dropped it on the desk, falling into the chair with an exhausted sigh. "Is no joke."
He nodded mutely along feeling like it was appropriate to do so.
"Do you want any coffee or tea?" you offered, pushing the mountain away and casting him a weirdly patronizing smile. Immediately, Taehyung bristled.
"Not if it's made like that," he pointed at the dirty cup.
"Depends on what you answer," the smile on your face didn't even flinch. "You do realize why you're here."
"Being scammed is not a crime," he scoffed.
"It is not," you agreed. "But if you gave nearly half a million to one shady group whose to say you won't do it again?"
He wrenched his eyes shut. He didn't mean to. But one by one the guys kept finding their soulmates, hell, even Hoseok, the actual fucking monochrome-based bond found his love. While Taehyung was happy for his friend he was also happy to have someone to be as miserable as him as selfish as it was.
And what would be the worst, he had thought, he would just lose his money and he had plenty of it. For the chance of finding a soulmate, he would give every single thing he owned. The clothes on his body, the sheets on his bed, all of it.
But the worst of it was actually murder. The scam group promised to find Taehyung a new person claiming the statistical basis of there being another in the case of death had in the end murdered one of the doctors who threatened to take this to the police and suddenly Taehyung found himself right in the heart of a criminal case. And while the scammers ran a high-level operation it didn't change the fact that Taehyung was now fundamentally a person involved in something as heinous as murder and it was his money that had guaranteed some of them to escape to international seas.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I never meant for any of this to happen."
"I understand," they spoke and for once they didn't sound mocking. "But Mr Kim, you have money and that is power. You must not give that power out of desperation."
As he opened his eyes, he saw them pushing a paper across the desk, their gloved hand tapping twice at it.
"This is, as you must know, a recovery form in the case of losing a soulmate. The program consists of 18 weeks of mandatory therapy, regular check-ins for a year as well as signing an oath of not partaking in any schemes or offers of finding or rebonding with a new soulmate that if breached can and will be held in the court of law. Do you understand?"
He gazed blankly into their eyes, limbs growing stiff.
"Taehyung!" Jimin called out.
"No, you don't get to speak! You don't get to pretend you understand! You have your soulmate! You have a chance! I was robbed of one! You will never understand what that's like!"
As he blinked the memory faded away but still, he felt no one will ever understand what that was like.
"Do you have a soulmate?" he croaked, fiddling with the pen meant to sign the form.
The person blinked and their lips thinned.
"I suppose I did," they said with ease but also with a thin veil of clearly deep inner sadness. "They died when I was an infant."
Taehyung sat straighter.
"So you know what that feels like? To be robbed, cruelly robbed not choosing, not doing wrong but not having anything from the start?"
He grimaced in order not to cry.
"I do but inflicting hurt on others...trying these insane methods and schemes," you trailed off. "It will do no good. No good for you, for anyone. It is evil for the sake of evil and that's it."
You offered him a tissue and he took it gratefully. Perhaps you were not so bad. Despite being grody.
Taehyung signed the form and with weary, tired legs, trailed after you to the main exit.
"As the person assigned to this case, I will be overseeing your check-in period," you explained navigating the cement stairs seemingly spiralling in all logical and illogical directions.
"You're a social worker as well?" Taehyung ironized roughly and you offered him a crooked smile.
"Budget cuts."
As you scanned your ID the doors flashed red.
"Oh, come on," you wiped the chip on the card against your pants but no such luck. Again and again, it flashed red. Finally, with a loud growl of annoyance you yanked the black glove off your left hand to wipe the chip by hand and on it, Taehyung saw a string.
A red string.
Around your pinky.
Cut and frayed in the middle.
Exactly like his.
It unfurled on the ground and dazed Taehyung reached to grasp it. He held the thin yarn like a dying butterfly and pulled at last gently its end. Your hand moved along with it.
JUNGKOOK: He really wants to be happy. And he is. Somewhere underneath the surging wave of anger, he is really happy. And he'll show it to you one day. After he's done scolding you.
Because at the exact moment when he walks through the street, late in the evening, cold rain pouring on his umbrella, he glances through the window of a restaurant and sees a person shoving an entire sugar cube on their tongue.
He feels sugar explode in his mouth.
Pure, unrefined, choking sugar.
And the next thing he knows he's pointing a finger in your unsuspecting face.
"You piece of shit! You actual dumbass!" he yells and people around him are startled. Though none more than you. You, whose sitting in your stupid seat and whose stupid sugar-addicted mouth still chews on that sugar cube like a horse.
"Does dental hygiene means nothing to you? Diabetes?! Health overall?!" he keeps pointing at you at every single word to portray the full scope of what tasting constant sugar every day for consecutive 18 years does to a person.
"How many holes do you have in your teeth right now?! Tell me!"
You blink up at him owlishly and also part terrified. Even the music of the restaurant seems somewhat muted as the crowd looks on at this, the most bizarre of lover's quarrel.
And he shouldn't, he really shouldn't, but he finds it cute.
"Three," you mutter demurely and a pout forms on your lips. Jungkook wonders if they're sweet as well. Should be considering the amount of sugar you consume.
"Just went to a dentist..."
"And you're still swallowing sugar cubes?! WHOLE ASS SUGAR CUBES?!"
And now this one Jungkook shouldn't, he really should not, but he finds you yelling at him hot.
And he wants to know what you taste like.
In the end, they're kicked out. You stand in the rain, pouting and glaring at him in earnest and whilst doing the same he extends the umbrella over your head.
"I don't like you," you scoff and he does the same.
"Neither do I."
"You're a pig of an eater."
"You're a sugar addict."
A pause.
"I'm leaving," you huff, making no indication to leave.
"Then go," Jungkook snaps, actually taking a step closer.
He thinks he tastes anxiety on his tongue. Whether it's his own or yours he can't tell.
"You're overbearing," you mutter while slightly moving forth.
"You're insufferable," Jungkook is not far behind, neither in space nor insults. He wraps a hand around your waist and finds it perfect. The way you press against him is perfect.
"You make me nauseous," you whisper, gaze dropping to his pierced lip.
"I'm absolutely sick of you," he breathes the air you exhale and then closes the small space and learns what you taste like.
When the umbrella falls out of his hands and falls upon the rain-soaked pavement, he tastes rainwater in his mouth. And as expected that too tastes sweet.
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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Other Blogs
Comfort characters and f/os blog
Self shipping blog
Courage The Cowardly Dog blog
OC/multifandom blog
Smiling Critters blog
About Me
My name is FlickyNight but you can call me Flicky
I am 18(almost), female and aroace bisexual
I go by she/her
I am autistic but curious around to see and know all kinds of pop culture and interact with others. I mostly reblog stuff on my blogs to keep it all active. While that, I post artwork, animations and stories about fandoms I love a lot
I have a YouTube channel where I post a lot of fandoms, reactions and art
Asks and requests are open on here and on my other blogs
drawing digital art
making OCs
chatting with my friends
comfort characters
Favourite fandoms
Welcome Home
Pizza Tower
Demon Slayer
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Wii Deleted You
Will Post
Animations, Animatics
My AUs, Crossovers
Horror Media
Will NOT Post!!!
Offensive stuff
Anti furries
NSFW accounts
My Comfort Characters💖
ENA (Season 1/Dream BBQ)
Moony, Shepherd, Hourglass Dogs (ENA Season 1)
Oggy, Olivia (Oggy & The Cockroaches)
Kirby, Meta Knight (Kirby)
Orbulon, Ashley, Kat & Ana, Penny, 9-Volt (Warioware)
Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Shy, Little Miss Tiny, Little Miss Splendid (Little Misses)
Mr Happy (Mr Men)
SpongeBob, Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, Gary, Mr Krabs, Pearl Krabs, Karen, Plankton, Mindy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Hello Kitty, Cinnamoroll, Keroppi, Fifi, Mimmy, Mama White, Papa White, Grandma White, Grandpa White, Julianna Scott, Chococat, Gudetama (Sanrio)
My Melody, Kuromi, My Sweet Piano (Sanrio/Onegai My Melody)
Mr Quiet, Mr Scatterbrain, Little Miss Giggles, Mr Funny (Mr Men Show)
Skid, Pump, Lila, Jaune, Robert, John, Bob Velseb, Streber (Spooky Month)
Luigi (Mario/Super Mario Movie/DIC Cartoons)
Mario, Yoshi (Mario/DIC Cartoons)
Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Toad, Wario, Bowser Jr, Lumas, Boo, King Boo, Count Bleck, Tippi (Mario)
Watt, Bow (Paper Mario)
Bowser (Mario/Super Mario Movie)
Scarecrow (DC/BTAS/TNBA/Brave and The Bold/Nolanverse/Fear State/Arkham Knight/Arkham Asylum/Injustice 2/Happy Halloween Scooby Doo/Tim Sale)
BF, GF, Tabi, Hex, Carol, QT, Sarvente, Ruv, Rasazy, Selever, Sunday, Pom Pom, Boy and Girl, Nikusa, Solazar, Annie, Garcello, Chris, Rascal, Dr Springheel (Friday Night Funkin)
SCP-049, SCP-053, SCP-999, SCP-131 (SCP)
Edd, Tom, Tord, Matt, Matilda, Zanta, Eduardo, Ringo (Eddsworld)
Slender Man, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack, Lulu, Sally Williams, Splendor Man (Creepypasta)
Chudd Chudders, The Earl, DangerGrid Of Doom, T-Bone (Skatoony)
Numbuh 3, Numbuh 5, Mushi Sanban, Maurice, Father, Monty Uno, Delightful Children From Down The Lane, Interesting Twins From Beneath The Mountain (Kids Next Door)
Chikn Nuggit, Cheezborger, Slushi, Cofi, Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Lost Silver, Strangled Red (Pokèpasta)
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Eevee, Darkrai, Pichu, Jirachi, Manaphy, Sylveon, Iris, Alice, Alicia, Mew, Lucario, Riolu, Buneary, Dwebble, Emolga, Axew, Minccino, Cinccino, Cosmog, Piplup, Torchic, Ralts, Togepi, Pawmi, Mudkip, Latios, Latias, Celebi, Swablu, Altaria, Quaxly (Pokémon)
Hypno (Pokémon/Poképasta)
Sonic, Tails (Sonic/AOSTH/Movie)
Amy Rose, Dr Eggman, Orbot, Cubot, Vector, Zavok, Zazz, Chip, Cream, Chao, Tails Doll, Sage, Vanilla (Sonic)
Hat Kid, Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Red Guy, Duck Guy, Colin The Computer, Sketchbook, Bread Mother, Electracey, Lesley (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Rayman (Rayman/Animated Series/Captain Laserhawk)
Globox, Grand Minimus (Rayman)
Riddler, Catwoman, Penguin, Ragdoll (DC/The Batman Series)
MX (Mario.EXE)
Lucas (Mario 85)
Mario.EXE, Coronation Day Peach (Mario.EXE/Mario's Madness)
Sayori, Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Soft Boyfriend, Soft Mouse (FNF: Soft)
Grim Reaper, Jack O Lantern (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
The Question, Huntress (Justice League Unlimited)
Bendy (Bendy and The Dark Revival)
4, X, Cake, Lollipop (BFB)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Lani-Loli, Kapuna-Wa, Pasadena O'Possum, N-Gin, Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
N, Cyn (Murder Drones)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust, Alastor, Nifty, Lucifer, Rosie, Fat Nuggets, Velvette, Keekee, Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Stolas, Asmodeus, Collin, Fizzarolli, Paimon, Queen Bee-Zlebub, Octavia, Vortex, Loona, Oliver (Helluva Boss)
Bubble, Ice Cube (Battle For Dream Island)
Mad Hatter, Baby Doll, Ventriloquist and Scarface, Alice (DC/BTAS)
Joker (DC/BTAS/The Batman Series)
Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Eijirou Kirishima, Momo Yaoyorozu, Inko Midoriya, Mirio Togata, Eri, Toga Himiko, Dabi, Tomura Shigaraki, Hawks, Tenya Ida, Kota Izumi, Shota Aizawa, Ms Joke, Ordinary Woman, Spinner (My Hero Academia)
Sammy Lawrence, Boris, Tom, Allison Angel (BATIM)
Flaky, Sniffles, Lammy (Happy Tree Friends)
Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Mettaton, Asriel, Alphys, Napstablook (Undertale)
Mugman, Devil, Baroness Von Bon Bon, Ms Chalice, Sally Stageplay (Cuphead Show)
Majin Sonic
Dr Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Wall-E, EVE (Wall-E)
Mr Shark, Mrs Tarantula, Diane Foxington, Wolf (The Bad Guys)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Elvira Mistress Of The Dark
Grogu, The Mandalorian (The Mandalorian)
Hanazuki, Kiyoshi, Yellow Hemka, Blue Hemka, Light Blue Hemka, Pink Hemka, Raspberry Hemka (Hanazuki)
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Miraitowa, Someity (Tokyo 2020 Mascots)
Lex Woods, Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Charles Calvin, Right Hand Man, Reginald Copperbottom, Dmitri Petrov, Ellie Rose (Henry Stickmin)
Poppet, Jeepers, Shishi, Sleepypaws, Kissy, Baby Rox, Capt Squirk, Tomba, Dr Strangeglove, Fifi, Suey, Holga, Luvli (Moshi Monsters)
Needlem0use, Luther (Needlem0use)
Foxy, Funtime Freddy, Sun, Moon, Circus Baby (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Puss In Boots, Kitty Softpaws, Perrito, Jack Horner, Three Diablos, Death (Puss In Boots)
EteleD (Wii Deleted You)
Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Rarity, Discord, Princess Celestia, Flurry Heart, Ocellus, Silverstream, Thorax (My Little Pony)
Shuey Rhon Rhon, Bing Dwen Dwen (Beijing 2022 Winter Mascots)
Snorky, Fleegle (Banana Splits)
Spot The Dog
Meilin Lee, Abby Park (Turning Red)
Lord X, Curse, NormalCD, Hog (EXE)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Shirousa, Kurousa, Strawberryusa, Blueberryusa, Momousa, Vanilla, Pandausa, Balletusa, Primausa, Pandausa, Aousa (Sugarbunnies)
Pusheen The Cat
Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
Meggy, Melony, Axol, Tari, Karen (SMG4)
Jevil, Ralsei (Deltarune)
King Shark (DC/Harley Quinn Series)
Secret History Tails, Secret History Mario (mashed)
Mama, Yuto, Ichigo, Natasha (Cooking Mama)
NOS-4-A2, XR, Zurg (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Moon Knight, Mr Knight (Moon Knight)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
505, White Hat, Demencia (Villainous)
Pipsqueak, Grammy Norma (The Lorax)
Humf, Uncle Hairy, Flora (Humf)
Harley Quinn (DC/Harley Quinn Series/Injustice 2)
Komasan, Komajiro, Whisper (Yo-Kai Watch)
Kissy Missy, Candy Cat, Bunzo Bunny, Boogie Bot (Poppy Playtime)
F, P, Y (Alphabet Lore)
Lightbulb, Bow/Bot, Paintbrush, MePad, Candle, Clover, Silver Spoon, Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Shinto (FNF: Lullaby)
Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Trixie, Mrs Potato Head, Buttercup, Little Green Men, Slinky Dog, Bonnie, Bunny and Ducky, Dolly (Toy Story)
King Candy, Felix (Wreck It Ralph)
Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto, Kagamine Rin (Vocaloids)
Holly, Nanny Plum (Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom)
Shaggy, Scooby Doo, Fred, Madelyn Dinkley (Scooby Doo)
Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Peridot, Greg, Lapis Lazuli, Rainbow Quartz (Steven Universe)
Gingy (Shrek)
Mike, Sulley, Boo (Monsters Inc)
Tuffy, Tyke (Tom & Jerry)
Scrooge McDuck, Dewey Duck, Della Duck, Lena Sabrewing, Manny the Gargoyle (Ducktales(2017)
Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Pleakley (Lilo & Stitch)
Roy (ROY Series)
Chiaki Nanami, Korekiyo Shinguji, Monokuma, Monomi/Usami (Danganronpa)
Giulia Marcovaldo, Luca (Luca)
Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden, Moominpappa, Moominmamma, Snufkin, Snork, Joxter, Ms Fillyjonk (Moomins)
Po, Laa-Laa (Teletubbies)
Isabelle, Rover, Timmy & Tommy (Animal Crossing)
Woolly & Tig
Anya Forger, Loid, Yor, Bond (Spy X Family)
Winner, Price Tag (BFB/TPOT)
Jack Skellington, Sally, Zero, Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Mio Mao
Pac-Man, Inky (Pac-Man)
Garfield, Odie (Garfield)
Toothless, Astrid, Valka, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Cloudjumper (HTTYD)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair (Wednesday Series)
Mirabel Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Antonio, Bruno (Encanto)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Unikitty, Puppycorn (Unikitty Series)
Charlie, Pim (Smiling Friends)
Apple Blossom, Kooky Cookie, Dum Mee Mee, Sippy Sips, Choc & Chip, Milk Bud, Spilt Milk, Jessicake, Donatina, Buncho Bananas, Peppa Mint (Shopkins)
Wanda (Fairly Oddparents)
Bender (Futurama)
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
Toph, Uncle Iroh, Suki, Momo (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
David Jones, Zoe Kusama, Samuel King, Cathy King, Eduardo Ramirez, Amy Young, Sunny, Maddie O'Malley, Charles Dupont, Margaret Littlewood, Alessia Dupont (Criminal Case)
Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Daisy Duck, Clarabelle Cow (Mickey Mouse)
Timmy (Shaun The Sheep/Timmy Time)
Mittens, Otus, Apricot (Timmy Time)
Captain N, Simon Belmont (Captain N The Game Master)
Pocoyo, Nina (Pocoyo)
Emily Elephant, Zuzu & Zaza Zebra, Rebecca Rabbit, Edmond Elephant (Peppa Pig)
Sam & Max
Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
King Koopa (Mario DIC Cartoons)
Hades (Hercules)
Jafar, Iago, Genie (Aladdin)
Chowder, Mung Daal (Chowder Series)
Heisenberg, Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil: Village)
Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne, King, Willow, Raine Whispers, Willow, Emperor Belos, Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Hank J Wimbleton, Tricky, Sanford, Deimos, Jebus, Happiness Hank (Madness Combat)
Dr Krankcase, Tessa, Mags, Eye Brawl, Flynn, Hugo (Skylanders)
Agatha (Dark Deception)
Kedamono (Popee The Perfomer)
Mao Mao, Adorabat, Badgerclops, Shin Mao, Eugene (Mao Mao: Heroes Of Pure Heart)
Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare On Elm Street)
Tankman (Tankmen Series)
Penny Fitzgerald (The Amazing World Of Gumball)
Red Hood, Green Arrow (DC/Injustice 2)
Chuck, Matilda, Leonard Mudbeard, Courtney, Zeta, Debbie (Angry Birds)
Onion Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Clover Cookie, Cream Puff Cookie, Parfait Cookie, Squid Ink Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Cherry Blossom Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado, Zenitsu (Demon Slayer)
Starfire (DC/Teen Titans)
Melody, Ursula, Sebastian (The Little Mermaid)
Frankie Stein, Dracalaura, Abbey Bominable, Catty Noir, Twyla (Monster High)
Madeline Hatter, Kitty Cheshire, Crystal Winter, Lizzie Hearts, Bunny Blanc (Ever After High)
Victor Creel, Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Nikki, Nerris, Ered, Max, Gwen (Camp Camp)
Mr Stitchy, Clowny (PIGGY)
Screech, Seek (DOORS)
Pixie, Brutus, Lola, Hugo (Pixie & Brutus Series)
Mike(+ Svetlana, Manitoba Smith, Mal), Zoey, Cameron, Jasmine, Izzy, Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Bubbles, HIM (Powerpuff Girls)
Joe Swanson, Jasper (Family Guy)
Cleveland Brown (Family Guy/The Cleveland Show)
Bart Simpson, Maggie Simpson, Krusty The Clown, June Bellamy, Groundskeeper Willie, Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons)
Bugs Bunny, Tweety Pie, Marvin The Martian (Looney Tunes)
Wallace, Wendolene Ramsbottom, Lady Tottington, Hutch, Feathers McGraw (Wallace & Gromit)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Alya Cesaire, Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie (Miraculous Ladybug)
Skeletor, Orko (He-Man)
Margaret The Mole, Felix The Fish (Andy's Apple Farm)
Komi Shouko, Najimi Osana, Tadano Hitohito, Komi Shuuko (Komi Can't Communicate)
Claire Foley (Professor Layton)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Peni Parker (Into The Spider Verse)
Emily, Percy (Thomas The Tank Engine(Model)
Bambi, Thumper, Faline (Bambi)
Hermione (Harry Potter)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Bjorn, Splork, Kat Tut (Peggle)
Quasimodo, Esmeralda, Clopin Trouillefou, Hugo, Victor & Laverne, Claude Frollo (Hunchback Of Notre Dame(Disney)
Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys)
Pinocchio, Figaro, Honest John, Gideon (Pinocchio(1940s)
Lumiere, Fifi, Chip (Beauty & The Beast)
Captain Hook, Smee (Peter Pan)
Panda, Grizzly Bear, Ice Bear (We Bare Bears/We Baby Bears)
Jared (We Baby Bears)
Chloe, Agent Trout (We Bare Bears)
Klaus Heisler (American Dad)
Winnie The Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, Piglet, Roo, Rabbit, Kanga (Winnie The Pooh)
Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)
Mog, Owl (Meg & Mog)
Kronk, Kuzco, Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Peep (Peep & The Big Wide World)
Trixie & Captain Cuddlepuss (Creature Comforts)
Wally Darling, Julie Joyful, Barnaby B Beagle (Welcome Home)
Peppino, Noise, Vigilante, Fake Peppino (Pizza Tower)
Shaun The Sheep
Rocky, Babs, Mrs Tweedy (Chicken Run)
Betina, Flips (Rayman The Animated Series)
Lucy Loud, Luan Loud, Lynn Loud (The Loud House)
Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
Master Crane, Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)
Rita Malone, Spike (Flushed Away)
Lumalee, Giuseppe (Super Mario Movie)
Bowser (Mario/Super Mario Movie)
Tune (Object Mayhem)
Dr Facilier, Tiana, Charlotte (Princess and The Frog)
Michael Myers (Halloween)
Venom/Eddie Brock (Marvel/Venom Movie)
Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger, Maurie (Ty The Tasmanian Tiger)
Karen McCormick, Butters (South Park)
Shelly (Brawl Of The Objects)
Cruella De Vil, Lucky (101 Dalmatians)
Molly (Milly, Molly)
Medic, Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Lefty Sonic (Five Nights At Sonic's)
Woodstock, Linus Van Pelt (Peanuts)
Gizmo (Gremlins)
Evil Queen, Snow White, Dopey (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Jaq (Cinderella)
Jason Voorhess, Pamela Voorhees (Friday The 13th)
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface, Chop Top Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Tootie, Plex (Yo Gabba Gabba)
Knuckles, Tom Wachowski, Dr Robotnik (Sonic Movie)
Parappa, Sunny (Parappa The Rapper)
Viridi (Kid Icarus)
Rick (Rick and Morty)
Bluey, Bingo, Chilli, Bandit, Socks, Muffin, Radley, Frisky, Lila, Pom Pom, Calypso, Rusty (Bluey)
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Artemis, Luna, Diana (Sailor Moon)
Mushu (Mulan)
Drakken (Kim Possible)
Noddy, Dinah Doll, Fuse, Naughticorns, Pat Pat (Noddy)
Arnold (Hey Arnold)
Wally (Where's Waldo(90s Series)
Major Dr Ghastly, General Skarr (Evil Con Carne)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life As A Teenage Robot)
Mama Imelda (Coco)
Ortensia The Cat
Pops, Eileen, Hi Five Ghost (Regular Show)p
Doc Ock, Vulture, Electro, Shocker, Tinkerer, Aunt May (Spectacular Spider Man)
Kratos (God Of War)
Ghoul (DC/Batman Beyond)
Anne Boonchuy, Sprig Plantar, King Andrias, Marcy Wu, Sasha Waybright, Hop Pop Plantar, Olivia (Amphibia)
Spawn (Image Comics)
Cyan Fitzgerald (Todd McFarlane's Spawn Series)
Goku, Vegeta, Chichi, Krillin (Dragon Ball Z)
Courage, Katz, Le Quack, Freaky Fred, Muriel, Kitty, Bunny, Computer (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Favourite Music Genres
Favourite Celebrities
Robert Englund
Charles Martinet
Tom Kenny
Tara Strong
Greg Eagles
Mel Winkler
Jeffrey Combs
Grey DeLisle
Richard Horvitz
Keith David
Bill Nye
Justin Fletcher
Harry Hill
Joey D'Auria
Wendie Malick
Kevin Michael Richardson
Frank Welker
Mark Hamill
Clancy Brown
Michael Rosen
Marty Grabstein
Paul Schoeffler
Elsie Lovelock
Favourite YouTubers
Jaiden Animations
Brandon Rogers
Fluffle Puff
Nicky Tate
Katie Ryan
Rosanna Pansino
Ashley Nichols Art
Favourite Musicians🎶
Daft Punk
Michael Jackson
RME/REU Music Channel
Kristers Viļums
Janet HQ
Mr Knight/moonknight426
[]Kiara cutie❤️[]
king of creepypasta
Kitty Ashley
☆ Prince Pill
Welp I'm Spooky
Marc martinez the su?c!de mouse fan
Jester KingSonic/Hedgehog Friend
SSGSS Marioftw
🦋Amanda the hedgehog🦋
That1fnffan Official
Jay productions
SpongeBob SquarePants
Sketchbook (DHMIS)
Numbuh 3 (Kids Next Door)
Soft Boyfriend, Soft Mouse (FNF: Soft)
Ms Chalice (Cuphead Show)
Slushi (Chikn Nuggit)
Curse (Sonic.EXE)
Luigi (Mario)
ENA (Season 1)
Snorkmaiden (Moomin)
Skid & Pump (Spooky Month)
Tails (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Snork (Moominvalley/Moomin)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
My F/Os💗
Season 1 ENA and Dream BBQ ENA
Luigi, Bowser (Mario)
Jafar (Aladdin)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Hades (Hercules)
Harley Quinn (DC/Harley Quinn Series/Injustice 2/MultiVersus)
Scarecrow (DC/BTAS/TNBA/Fear State/Nolanverse/Brave & Bold/Arkham Asylum/Arkham Knight/Injustice 2/Happy Halloween Scooby Doo/Tomorrowverse/Harley Quinn Series)
Ragdoll, Penguin, Riddler (DC/The Batman Series)
MX (Mario.EXE)
SCP-049 (SCP)
Claude Frollo (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame(Disney)
Bender (Futurama)
Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Eijiro Kirishima, Hawks, Toga Himiko, Dabi, Tenya Ida, Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia)
Zavok, Zazz (Sonic)
Lesley (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Peppino, Vigilante (Pizza Tower)
Mad Hatter (DC/Batman The Animated Series)
Joker (DC/Batman The Animated Series/The Batman Series)
Tabi, Garcello (Friday Night Funkin)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Drakken (Kim Possible)
Matt (Eddsworld)
Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
Dr Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
Right Hand Man (Henry Stickmin)
Blitzø, Paimon (Helluva Boss)
Alastor, Zestial (Hazbin Hotel)
Venom/Eddie Brock (Venom Movie)
Strangled Red (Pokèpasta)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
Dr Krankcase (Skylanders)
Freddy Krueger (Nightmare On Elm Street)
Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home)
Dr Facilier (Princess and The Frog)
Spawn (Image Comics)
Doc Ock, Electro, Shocker, Vulture (Spectacular Spider Man)
Chris McLean, Izzy (Total Drama)
NOS-4-A2, Zurg, Ty Parsec (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
The Narrator (Stanley Parable)
Fandoms I'm In
Super Mario
Sonic The Hedgehog (+ Movie)
Kirby (+ Right Back At Ya)
Audio Adventures
Harley Quinn Series
Injustice 2
Welcome Home
Pizza Tower
Sugary Spire
South Park
We Bare Bears (+ We Baby Bears)
Scooby Doo
Jurassic World
The Mandalorian
Ratchet & Clank
The Bad Guys
Happy Tree Friends
SpongeBob SquarePants (+ Musical)
Criminal Case
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (Disney)
Parappa The Rapper
Five Nights At Freddy's
Demon Slayer
My Hero Academia
Epic Mickey
Legend Of Zelda
Captain N The Game Master
Sam & Max
Willy's Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland
Mandela Catalogue
Friday Night Funkin (+ Mods)
Puss In Boots
The Stanley Parable
Half Life
(Userboxes By @sweetpeauserboxes @ray-selfshipz @mawsii)
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lilmaemae · 29 days
tagged by the lovely lovely @thestrangeillusion !! you're so cool actually, and i'm glad to have learnt more about you on your own edition, ehe <33 im a few days late but here are my answers !!
do you tidy your bed
no, because i'm going to lie in it in a few hours lmao. it feels more cosy in its nest state
what's your favourite number
15! or 5? as my birthday dates, they're precious to me
what is your job
i used to work as a veterinary nurse (for the past 2 years) but i just quit!
if you could go back to school would you
... i'm going back to school in september (college lmao), for vet school, so uh,,, yes? 😂
can you parallel park
not at the moment, but in the near future i hope so!
a job you had that would surprise people
i used to sell cured meat at a branch in the airport. or the time i helped my mom's friend with her candle making workshops?
do you think aliens are real
i think that there are many things different from human-likeness that can exist. whether or not they have "intelligence" in the definition relative to humans, however.,,, i think chances are slim. i think they'd be smart in their own ways.
can you drive a manual car
close! i'm learning how to drive right now, have been learning the the month or two!
what's your guilty pleasure
reading ao3 on my light tabs. i don't use incognito because it keeps logging me out of shit, and it's way easier to keep track of the fics im reading.
none atm, but i do wish to get either an animal/astronomy related one eventually !
favourite colour
greeeeeen and pink!
favourite type of music
i like pop/r&b? music that sounds melancholic. like day6, d.o (kyung soo), jeff satur
do you like puzzles
i've never had the space for physical ones but brain games are pretty intriguing!
any phobias
hate the fucking cockroaches 👎👎👎👎👎 genuinely, the occurance of those shits randomly in my bathroom gives me so much anxiety that i stopped washing my hair in the specific toilet
favourite childhood sport
,,, i've never exaclty done sports ngl, but i do have a brown belt in taekwondo?
do you talk to yourself
yes. it's the ✨anxiety
though on good days it's a silly narrator in my head that makes life a little more fun!
what movie(s) do you adore
ngl i'm not a huge movie girl but tangled and more recently nimona!! tangled's soundtrack is just, amazing, i adore mandy moore'a voice so much. and nimona is such a treat, especially with all the shape shifting and the gay dads.
coffee or tea?
tea! matcha lattes are so good. and green tea, hojicha, chrysanthemum tea, fruit teas, bruhh the list could go oN. for coffee, i only like mochas that are so sweet they'd make a religious coffee drinker puke. not to mention they either give me headaches or cause me to vibrate so intensely that i might as well be the flash trying to phase through solid objects.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
a zookeeper! i always knew i wanted to do something animal related, and im glad i'll be able to learn more soon.
tagging @emberfaye @mousydentist @venagrey @jez-bez @chaeul @fairlylokai @the-cookie-of-doom @awiderangeofgreen @ella-norah and anyone who wants to do this challenge!!!
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December Drabbles
Prompt 24: Gift Character(s): Jamil + Najma (you guys are all lucky I promised my s/o I would make this fluffy and good in Jamil's favour) ------------------------------------------------------- "Go on, open it." Jamil gave Najma a withering look as he looked over the haphazardly wrapped .....thing in his hands. "I should wait one more ni-" "Oh come on, don't be stuck up about it just open it! I want you to have it for tomorrow morning." Najma rocked a bit back and forth in excitement on her brothers bed, watching his reactions a little too closely for his liking. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We aren't kids anymore Najma, I can be patient to open a gift. I can just open this first thing tomorrow, pro-" "I will put a cockroach in your bed while you sleep, open the damn gift Jamil it's not going to kill you." It was her turn to give Jamil an unamused look as she shook her head a bit. "Besides, until we're both eighteen, I'm not giving up the tradition of opening one gift the night before. So kiddo open the present." Jamil gave her another warning glance at the unprecedented nickname, before caving and starting to open the gift she got him. Not a moment later was he stifling a scream as she hunched over in silent laughter at the rubber millipede she had placed on top of his actual gift. Both of them knew better than to make much noise though - neither wanted to wake their parents. Jamil looked rather mad at her, but sighed and let it go, trying not to give her the reaction she wanted beyond his initial one. She was still wiping tears from her eyes as he unfolded a beautiful piece of linen, her laughter slowly coming to a stop as she looked down a little bit. The scarf was made with high quality materials, both by the feel and look of it. It was in his favourite colour, but there were many tiny details hidden in the stitching that he could just barely make out, but all of them focused on him, or his family. "I kinda ran out of extra money so I figured making something might be ok. I wanted to get you dance shoes but...I figured since in a year or so you'll be interning somewhere probably far away from here....and who knows you might go completely off grid but...you're a practical person. A scarf fits easily in a suitcase, backpack, pocket. You can utilize in different ways, I know you can I've seen you do it. Or...you can use it for decoration...if you wanted to." Not hearing a response from her brother, she groaned a bit and threw her head back. "Ok ok I know it was cheesy, if you're gonna tease me just say somet-" The last thing she had expected was for Jamil to hug her. It took her a moment, but she hugged him back, patting his back awkwardly. "You ok?....you're kinda weirding me out Jamil, if you don't like it I'll just keep it." Jamil gave her a small squeeze and shook his head as he pulled away. "Sorry, that wasn't the message I meant to convey. Your gift is fine...but Najma..." He took a seat next to her, grabbing her hand gently.
"You don't need to worry about being able to contact me. You're the one person in this and any other world I would regret cutting ties with. I'll keep this with me wherever I go. It means more to me than any material item I've gotten before. I promise you though, I won't go anywhere you can't follow...when it's your time to." She finally managed a smile again, a little more reassured as her brother conquered the nagging worries in the back of her mind so easily. "We both wanna get outta here huh?" He chuckled softly, and a little sadly as he wrapped one arm around her and gave her a squeeze again. "Yeah. Once I've got a solid start, then you can move in any time. You just have to pull your weight, got it?" She leaned on his shoulder and nodded. "Got it." "Good." He shoved her out of his bed, causing her to squawk and immediately cover her mouth, giggling a little bit at the sound she made as they waited for a beat for any sound their parents had woken up. After they were in the clear, Jamil spoke again, smiling more. "Now go get to bed kiddo tomorrow's going to be a lot more fun." She stuck her tongue out at him before scurrying out of his room, looking forward to tomorrow, and the future. One less thing to worry about. As Jamil sat in bed, he looked over the scarf one more time, smiling warmly as he hung it over his bed for now. Yeah, there was no way that was going to be used for anything but a loving memory.
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Hi! I follow 'the good place' tag and saw your cry for distraction. Seeing as I don't know your blog at all, may I ask: Do you have any uncommon headcanons about tgp that you'd like to share? Additionally/Alternatively, do you have a favourite member of team cockroach? Why (are they your favourite/do you not have any favourites)? Good luck on your grades!
hey! thanks for the ask dude, even though we’ve never interacted before. I don’t talk about tgp a ton on here but it is my #1 favorite sitcom. so thanks for this opportunity to ramble a little bit 💯
this is only sort of a headcannon? it’s more of a connection I made that might not have necessarily been intentional. in the scene where jason and tahani break off their casual relationship (I think it’s from s2ep10 “best self” ?) jason starts telling a super unhinged story about robbing a pet store with his mom, then finishes it off with “it was all a dream.” but then, in s4ep8 “the funeral to end all funerals” we find out that jason’s mom actually died of cancer when he was really young. as we know, in jason’s family, commiting crimes and going through with half-baked get-rich-quick schemes was an important part of his family dynamic, and that’s basically the entire basis of his relationship with his dad.
basically, now I just can’t stop thinking about a teenage jason, who lost his mom a few years back, having a dream about doing a scheme with his mom— actually being able to bond with someone who was taken from him too soon.
I have no idea if this was intentional, but it’s canon to me lmao. he just misses his mom :(
also, it’s really cool to go through all of jason’s unhinged anecdotes from his life on Earth. everything he says connects, and just. his whole backstory is So well thought out, even when we just get tiny snippets of memories and stories throughout the series. I guess you could say that for all four of the humans, but the continuity in jason’s stories stands out most to me. this show is on another level and I love it so much
and, obviously I love all the members of team cockroach. it’s so so difficult to try to pick a favorite. they all have amazing character development throughout the show (tgp has some of my favorite character work I have ever seen), they’re all funny, and all of the actors really put their entire souls into their roles. honestly, michael is probably my favorite (ted danson is phenomenal, and all his line deliveries and mannerisms are just really entertaining to me.) but, I really do love all of them and picking a favorite is so difficult. I could write an essay on why I love each of them lmao. leaving a picture of them here as a sign off :)
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