#my favs are all in class s so. it's not like i can jump straight into their routes :'))
kyaruun · 1 year
i'd love to know the reason crystal time (utapri) is stuck in my head ever since i woke up 2 hours ago
like i really opened my eyes and my brain went 覚えていますかPrincess? and i haven't been the same ever since </3
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elvendorx · 2 years
Can I be greedy and ask for two for the WIP game?! (feel free to just respond with your fav if I'm only supposed to ask for one haha). I'd love to know what "good 4 u" is about (I love that song 😄) and "you look like my next mistake" sounds really intriguing...
you can absolutely have two!
good 4 u is fairly recent, it's a james/lily break-up fic but unlike the "we realised in hiding we did all this way too young and we're getting amicably divorced when all this is over" one i have in the back of my mind, this is the tale of an unnecessarily petty break-up on both sides. and it obviously ends in james/sirius because why else do i write. I think it's a modern muggle au? reading my plan this is actually a very unhinged fic. idk what i needed to get out of my system in february. because this one is very fresh, the doc is 50% plan and what is written will probably be edited a fair bit but:
“Budge up, mate,” Sirius commands with a nudge from his knee to James’ back. “Reg’s in my bed and Pete’s dribbled on the sofa so I’m not touching that. Or him.”
James shuffles over without opening his eyes. “No snoring,” he mumbles into the mattress. Sirius laughs, then for a second his brain is taken over by Padfoot, whose snuffled snores almost always earn him James’ gentlest, slowest, long-fingered scratches.
you look like my next mistake is dead and buried, i'm afraid, i'm not finishing it, but i wrote 3k words of it so i felt like it deserved a last chance for attention. this is from 2014. and in 2014 i watched billy elliot so many consecutive times i put myself on a 6 month ban of watching it so that the emotional effect didn't fade. and i watched it so much i had a billy elliot dream about j/s. so this is a ballet school au where james and sirius meet at boarding school, james has done ballet since he was young because his parents let him do what he wants, he has a plan to audition for the royal ballet school but his parents want him to get a normal education, then he ends up teaching sirius ballet so they can audition together. no idea what the plan was beyond that, honestly. 
In my older writing like this I find I wrote Sirius as a much more outwardly scared kid than I (now) think he actually was. But I remember wanting o tap into that instant friendship/connection thing where james quickly invites sirius into this big thing in his life and sirius jumps straight in, so it’s called ‘you look like my next mistake’ because sirius is obviously aware that getting full-on into ballet for a kid he’s known 2 weeks is not going to end well parents-wise but he does it anyway.
“I do ballet.”
Sirius’ eyes roam to the poster above James’ bed, or roughly where it would be in the grainy darkness, and isn’t all that surprised, given the poster and the humming and the way James moves so easily sometimes but his chest scrunches again, differently than it just had but still forced by fear.
“My parents told me not to tell people, you know, because they might not get it. But I know you will. And I don’t care that much anyway, it’s just my parents do. They think I should concentrate on school first. Which is stupid, because I told them the Royal Ballet School is also focussed on academics and is still really prestigious and I could have easily gotten in but they insisted I come here.”
“So you’re good then? I mean, how long have you been doing it?” Sirius can’t find the right words in his head yet, has found that questions are his friends in times like this.
“Since I was six. Actually, the good thing about coming here instead is that I’m still close to my class. They don’t have classes here which is ridiculous, don’t you think?”
“Not even for girls?” Sirius asks, because he doesn’t know, he’s never thought about ballet, looked into it, anything. He didn’t really realise boys did it, at least not normal ones, and James is the most normal thing that’s ever been in his life and that feels extraordinary.
James scoffs. “No, not for anyone. It’s a really intense form of exercise so they really should look into starting one up, but I bet it would just be a beginners group if they did so I wouldn’t bother going anyway.”
James’ confession rouses a scurrying in Sirius’ chest but it settles faster, more easily than when he’s been shouted at for closing a door too loudly.
“So, is it honestly fun? I never thought it was. My cousins- I just thought…is it really that good?”
Sirius hears James’ sheets rustle, makes out his form lying on his side, facing him, and does the same. Sirius can’t think of a standout example from the past two weeks where James has been glaringly wrong, even when it contradicts something his parents have been telling him for years, and he’s definitely an authority on fun. Sirius’ heart races in anticipation, in a good way.
“Yeah,” James whispers, soft and sincere. “I’ve never…nothing feels like it. It’s hard to explain. Sort of like…you’re flying. Like you’re coming out of your own body. And it’s doing all these things you thought it could never do. And it never gets boring or old or too much.”
“Does it really?” And Sirius wants to kick himself for sounding so naïve, so awed at something, like he’s a baby and not an eleven year old who should be cooler and have better control and judgement.
“Yeah,” James says in the same soft tone. “Yeah.” Then firm again, “You should come with me.”
ty!! ask box still open for wip game things! 
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this fandom desperately needs more lesbian content so can u write something for momo? (or jirou since u prefer writing for her)
It really does! Majority of the shit here is just Bakugo simps💀 I’m also adding Uraraka to this because she’s so cute
I’m assuming female reader or nb lesbian reader hence the lesbian lol
D*rk content/n*fw blogs, do not interact with me at all.
Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, and Ochako Uraraka w/ fem. s/o
Momo Yaoyorozu
Probably the sweetest girlfriend you could ever ask for. Can and will buy you anything you want (not that you ask for a lot)
Buying stuff for you isn’t really her fav way to show her affection for you, though
I feel like she would show it more through words and occasionally physical touch
Constantly telling you how beautiful you are to her and how lucky she is to have you
No matter what your quirk is, or even if you’re quirkless, she still just thinks you’re the most amazing and incredible person ever
She gets flustered very easy though (not as much as Jiro but I don’t think many can get more flustered than her)
She adores it if your love language is touch
Jumping into her arms when you see her, or hugging her close between classes (if you’re in UA)
Mildly embarrassed when you love on her in front of her classmates, but she doesn’t love it any less
Even though she’s rich and can literally make whatever she wants with her own body, she loves receiving gifts from you.
Little notes with words of appreciation are her favourite (she feels so validated)
(Fun fact: it’s a tradition in my family that every Valentine’s Day, me and my siblings all get little stuffed animals and chocolate from our parents. We always get the same animal every Valentine’s Day and I think it would be so cute if Momo and her s/o did that together)
She will cherish those stuffies forever
Probably has a space in her mansion of a closet for stuff given to her by you
If you’re more into words of affirmation (as in talking to her straight up instead of notes) she is beet red
Kind of looks like she’s about to cry she’s so happy, she absolutely gives you the biggest hug ever afterwards
Kyoka Jiro
It was so painfully obvious she was into you before you two started dating
Constantly staring (her face would blow up like a fire engine if you ever caught her), probably has a punk rock playlist dedicated to you
So incredibly shy around you, she can barely talk
If you ask her out, she doesn’t even get an answer out, she has to text you later bc she wasn’t sure if you saw her nod.
But if she asks you out, she probably sends you the playlist mentioned before and asks you (very quietly) if you want to be her girlfriend after you tell her you listened to it.
After you two are dating you spend a lot of time at her house (or in her dorm room after training camp)
Teaches you how to play the guitar and keyboard, and you learn the drums together
If you can already play an instrument pretty well, she would LOVE if you helped her improve
Rocking out on the guitar together is the most fun thing to you two
The “Hero, Too!” performance is probably the first time you heard her sing (other than when she showed the class)
(My heart almost exploded her smile is so cute she looked so happy)
But she will die if you ask her to sing for you again
She loves the thought you put into gifts for her. She has no idea what to do with them but she keeps all of them
If you leave little notes for her, you can tell if she’s just read one. (Poor girl looks like she’s about to pass out 💀🤚🏼)
But she’ll come up to you later and thank you, tells you how beautiful you are before walking away f a s t
She writes little tunes for you along with her playlists. They start out as love letters, and then she adds the beat and notes
That’s the only time you’ll hear her sing is when she’s singing her songs for you
You two are rarely apart, it’s like you’ve been melded together or smthn
Overall 10/10 girlfriend, so sweet and kind to you
Ochako Uraraka
Need I explain how she is around you
Go watch the anime when Aoyama pulls that fucking stunt during testing
Aoyama definitely called it
And he rubs it in everyone’s face when you two get together (“I told you so, mon ami”)
Anywho- Ochako is amazing to you
Despite being poor, sometimes if she has any spare money she’ll get something small for you, like one of those cute animal keychains
She will cry if you buy her anything though
You two are constantly holding hands (per Ochako’s request)
Class 1a thinks you two are the cutest walking down the hall together
Absolutely the cuddliest out of these three (specifically going from most cuddly to least: Ochako, Momo, Jiro)
Not even just when cuddling, her hugs feel like cuddles as well
It is the c u t e s t thing ever when she falls asleep while cuddling (she probably drools💀)
She cannot explain how cute you are, it’s like her favourite word
But when she gets competitive, you’re not an exception
She will run you over if she has to, no mercy
And then she apologises after the competition (or “competition”) but you honestly love it when Ochako is passionate about something
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The Jealous Type
Part 2 of Tsukishima x Reader Pierced by Cupid
A/n: Someone asked from more, and honestly Tsukki is one of my favs so, I love him and my readers. I’m a simple being. 
Best to listen to: WTF by HUGEL
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The room was filled with gentle and calming lofi music as the two boys studied and did their homework, sitting across from each other at a table on Tsukishima’s floor. Y/n let his leg shake under the table, trying desperately to focus and Tsukishima called out answers once in a while. Because of a pretty bad storm that suddenly rolled through, all after school activities were canceled. 
Volleyball had already been canceled because both coach Ukai and Takeda were sick so Tsukishima planned to stay after with his boyfriend, Y/n. But the announcement came late and they had to run back to Tsukishima’s house since Y/n’s house was too far to walk alone, along with the wind being too fast and the rain pouring down in buckets.
It seemed Tsukishima’s mother was more excited about Y/n staying over for the night than Tsukishima was, which was embarrassing to the tall boy but Y/n said he was happy that she allowed him to stay. They had been dating now for just over a month so the Tsukishima family knew Y/n well at this point, him having stayed over many times.
Both had taken a shower and bath one they got inside, separately of course, and since Y/n had no spare clothes Tsukishima died inside while looking on at Y/n drowning in his large clothes. Tsukishima suggested studying just to get his mind off the fact that not only was his adorable boyfriend alone with him in his bedroom, but also wearing his clothes.
Tsukishima knew studying the traditional way was difficult for Y/n, but he never made fun of him for it despite Y/n himself laughing at himself. There was some teasing here and there, but Tsukishima made very sure not to push it too far.
Take this moment for instance, as they sat across from each other, Tsukishima glanced up and saw Y/n distracted. 
Y/n's eyes journeyed around Tsukishima's room, curious of every little thing despite having been in his room many times. His head booped to the music meaning he was slightly aware of his surroundings, but soon Y/n's eyes went still and his body froze. 
'Finally fully zoned out' Tsukishima thought, quietly deciding to clean his and Y/n's papers up. He knew there was no real focus after Y/n fully zoned out, as it would take him a while to get out of that head space. He did this often, but Tsukishima noticed it was only when he was completely comfortable that he fully spaced out. His eyes would dilate and his body would be still, breathing as if he was sleeping with his eyes open. These zone outs could last a minuet to 5, which at first made Tsukishima confused, but he soon came to love it as it was just another quirk of his boyfriend.
Y/n stayed frozen as Tsukishima cleaned up their studies and made his bed, since his boyfriend was sleeping over and looking at the clock, it was already pretty late. When Y/n would come over, Tsukishima never brought out a futon. Always making the excuse that it was too much work, but both boys knew it was just his way of saying he liked sleeping together.
Tsukishima just got the table put away when Y/n's eyes blinked and he took in a deep breath and looked around, Tsukishima put a hand on his hip and smirked at Y/n. 
"Welcome back."
Y/n groaned and fell back to the floor, covering his face with his hands. 
"Ugh, I did it again."
"Why didn't you wake me?" Y/n dropped his hands and looked up at his boyfriend with guilt, Tsukishima however just shrugged, taking off his glasses and laying down in his bed. 
"I needed an excuse to stop studying anyway." He said lazily, settling himself under the sheets.
"EH!?" Y/n launched himself to his feet, stomping and glaring at his boyfriend. Tsukishima laid with his back turned to Y/n to hide the smirk he had on his face, thrilled by Y/n reaction to his teasing. "Am I just an excuse to you?!" Y/n growled, knowing full well he wasn't and meant more than that to Tsukishima, but he couldn't help but take the bait. 
Tsukishima pretended to snore, ignoring Y/n, who huffed in response. For a moment he just tapped his foot on the floor like an upset rabbit, Tsukishima having to cover his mouth not to laugh. Tsukishima then felt the rustle of his blankets then a weight behind him on the bed, small hand curling up on his back while a leg was thrown over his waist. 
They stayed like this for only a moment before Tsukishima turned around and completely enveloped Y/n, one arm under his head, the other round his waist, and both his legs wrapped around him making their legs a tangled mess. 
Both quickly got settled and breathed together, Y/n's head close to Tsukishima's chest while Tsukishima settled his chin on the top of Y/n's head. 
Sleep came quickly for both. 
Tsukishima squinted a glare over his shoulder at the blinking light of his phone on his desk, curling closer around Y/n in hopes the buzzing of his phone will just stop. 
'Thank god it--'
Briiiing! Briiiing~!
Briiiing! Briiiing~!
"Ugh!!" He growled, unwillingly untangling himself from his peacefully sleeping boyfriend, sliding out of bed and going over to his desk. Picking up his glasses and putting them one, he opened his phone to see 10+ messages and 3 missed calls. "Give me a break…" He muttered, opening his messages to the Karasuno Volleyball group chat. 
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Tsukishima growled and typed out his answer. 
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Tsukishima rolled his eyes. Though this was true, glancing over his shoulder watching Y/n snuggle deeper into the covers and turning over to continue his sleep, he didn't want his team to think Y/n kept him home.
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He then silenced his phone, took off his glasses, and walked straight back over to his bed. He then basically crushed Y/n underneath him, tightly keeping him close to his chest. Y/n made a small whine but quickly adjusted and went back to sleep, Tsukishima taking in a deep breath of his scent and let out a large sigh from his nose, closely following behind his boyfriend in sleep. 
Obviously, they could not sleep all day, required school and all that. When both arrived at school it was already close to lunch, it was also clear to anyone that knew the two boys that they were somewhere together before school. The remaining classes they had before lunch went on normal, they both acted natural as if they were only acquaintances or just mediocre friends. 
Neither of them were really ready to make their relationship public, so when I came to being in public there was no PDA at all. They were both okay with this and no one was the wiser.
That was until lunch came around. 
Y/n, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi all looked over to the classroom door to see the same peppy girl who was apparently friends with Y/n. He explained they live near each other and were an unlikely pair of friends since young. 
"If you can call it that." Y/n said, scratching his head. 
"What do you mean?" Yamaguchi asked, the three of them walking home all together. Y/n let out a sigh before answering. 
"Well, in all honesty, I don't really see us as friends. She is more of a person who talks to me, or tries to, often. I don’t really make an effort to see or talk to her."
"Do you even like her?" Tsukishima questioned, knowing that his curiosity might be taken as jealousy, which it wasn't.
"... Not really?" Y/n shrugged. "I don't want to be mean to her though, she's a nice girl… I think? Either way, we just don't have that much in common so… I don't know why she still talks to me."
"Nachi-san, hello." Y/n said slowly, both Tsukishima and Yamaguchi seeing his increasing uncomfortable pose from her sudden appearance and loud voice. 
She smiled brightly at him, then pulled out her bento from behind her back. 
"Let's eat together! It's been awhile!"
Y/n looked between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, almost in a silent cry of help before turning back to the girl without looking her in the eyes. 
"Well, um… I'm having lunch with my friends--"
The group of teens once again turned their sights to the classroom door, this time it was the archery club faculty teacher so Y/n stood up from his seat. 
"Yes, sensei?"
"Can you come with me for lunch? We have things to discuss about your club, nothing is wrong so don't worry."
The teacher's smile was far more gentle than Nachi's and Y/n took his own bento and nodded to the teacher, then looked at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. 
"Uhm… Sorry, guys."
"No worries, N/n." Yamaguchi reassured with a smile. "Do what you need to."
With that Y/n nodded and left with the teacher, leaving an uncomfortable silence between the two boys and the girl they didn't know anything about other than what Y/n said. She turned to them both, trying (and failing) to hide the fact she was looking them up and down. She gave them both a large fake smile, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi likened it to a wild animal baring its teeth to show strength. 
"So, you two are friends with Y/n-chan?"
Both were silent, Yamaguchi was slightly scared while Tsukishima was annoyed, he could tell where this was going and certainly didn’t think he had the patience for it. 
"And?" Tsukishima snapped back, then gave his own condescending smile. "Who are you?"
Her face seemed to flush slightly in anger, seeing that her presence was only making one of the boys fearful of her. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, a stiff smile on her face now.
"I'm his best friend."
"Oh? That's odd," Tsukishima said, giving her a smug look as he smirked her way. "Usually best friends talk about each other. I've never heard of you."
She growled and slammed her free hand on the table glaring at Tsukishima, Yamaguchi jumped in his seat and shivered. He was not a fan of being in the middle of a fight between a jealous girl and Tsukishima, he knew how ruthless Tsukishima could be when he wanted to and the girl seemed just straight up crazy.
“Tsukki…” Yamaguchi whispers, but was ignored.
"Listen here, four eyes, " she sneered at Tsukishima. "Y/n and I are meant to be, and you are taking up too much of his time. Stay away from my Y/n-chan."
While raising a brow and not missing a beat, Tsukishima then stood up out of his seat, easily towering over her which made her flinch back a little but still glaring. Tsukishima's expression held only a smugness his enemies have seen, his eyes looking down on her like she was merely a stick at his feet. 
"I see. You have a pathetic crush on a boy who barely even knows you exist, and the only time he does is when you scream in his ears." Tsukishima let out a small chuckle, slightly covering his mouth while continuing. 
"Like a small Chihuahua."
Yamaguchi couldn't stop the chuckle that left his mouth in time, and the girl's face flourished into a beat red. She huffed and stormed out of the room, not before Tsukishima picked up her bento by the tie and waved it. 
"Chihuahua! You forgot your puppy chow!"
Neither Yamaguchi nor Tsukishima told Y/n about what happened with the girl, both not willing to give her any more thought than they have. They did wonder, however, if she had acted this way towards anyone else who considered themselves friends with the archer boy, wondering if that is why he had so little friends before they had met. 
Volleyball had once again been cancelled due to the coach and Takeda still being sick, so Tsukishima and Yamaguchi made plans to stay after to watch Y/n's archery practice. What they didn't expect was the volleyball team overhearing and all of them deciding to go to the archery club. 
Tsukishima just wanted time with his boyfriend but it seemed the world had other plans. When the team walked into the gym, Tsukishima held in a groan at the one person he didn't want to see again. Nachi was fixing her hair up in her phone camera and turned to the sound of the gym door opening, not holding back a groan upon seeing Tsukishima. 
"Ugh, it's you."
Tsukishima gave a fake smile. 
"It's me."
The whole team could practically feel the electric-like tension between the two, and before anyone of a more sane mind could say anything, a couple of wild second years set it off. 
"Oh~? You know our lanky middle blocker?"
Tsukishima glared at Tanaka, muttering 'I'm not lanky' and the girl scuffed and flipped her hair in the team's direction. 
"Barely, he's just a cockroach I found around Y/n-chan during lunch, him and the freckle boy over there." She smirked at the team, then turned her back to them. "And it seems the cockroach caused an infestation to appear in Y/n-chan’s club, how horrific."
"HUH?!" Both Tanaka and Nishinoya were taken back and angered by her words, the rest of the team were just surprised at her bitter attitude towards them. Yamaguchi hid more behind Tsukishima who stood tall looking down his nose at her, not at all fased by her egregious  petty behaviour. Sugawara, being the nice individual he was, chuckled and brushed the back of his head with a gentle smile. 
"Uh, well, I'm sorry for any incon-"
"I don't care what you guys do," She cut it, making the whole team feral at the mear audacity to cut off Sugawara. She turned her head over her shoulder and glared harshly at the team. 
"Just stay away from Y/n."
Before anyone could say anything more, the other gym door opened up and in walked Y/n with an arm full of bow sticks and a bag full of bow strings. Unaware of what just happened, he flinched a little at the sight of more people in the gym. 
A couple of first years came around the corner with Y/n, 2 second years, and a third year all standing behind him. 
"Am I gonna need more bows, aren't I?" Y/n sighed with a weak smile, looking to Tsukishima only to see his eyes holding pure annoyance. “Uhm, is something wrong?”
“Yes--” But Tsukishima was cut off by the shrill peppy voice of Nachi, which made him glare at the back of her head.
“Nothing at all Y/n-chan! Are we going to archery now?”
Y/n walked into the gym, setting the things he was carrying gently down on a laid out table, then turned back to Nachi with a blank face.
“Do you mean, ‘are we going to begin archery now’?”
“ Same thing!” She waved off, picking up the nearest bow, which happened to be Y/n’s personal bow. It was a shiny dark blue with specks of gold on the back of the limbs, grip was pitch black speckled with white, and the belly was a pure white while the tips were dipped in gold. The bow string was also gold and shined in the light, even those unfamiliar with a bow would stand in awe of it’s beauty.
“Wait!” Y/n then snatched it out of Nachi’s hands and slightly glared at her. “You guys are going to be setting up your own bows!”
“What kind of archery is this?” Kinoshita wondered out loud, which made Y/n smile brightly, eager to teach anyone about his beloved hobby. 
“Chinese Archery! Westerner bows, things like compound bows, aren’t allowed here unfortunately.” Y/n then looked off with a blush, scratching his head with a meek expression. “I … found that out the hard way.”
Y/n then gently set down his bow on the table, moving to the side of the table and waving an arm to it. He smiled at everyone there, excited to finally have people interested in archery, unknowing of the tension caving in the gym created by a jealous girl and an irritated boyfriend. Even the seven individuals not on the volleyball team could feel the tension, wondering if they should have all come on a different day.
“Take a bow and a string and let’s begin our lessons!” Y/n exclaimed excitedly, Nachi making an effort to be the first to grab one and stand close to him after.
“Oh boy…” Daichi sighed, beginning to walk over to the table with the rest of the team.
“This will be interesting.” Sugawara stated, not at all being genuine and also sighing at the glare the first year girl sent him.
"I still don't think I get it." Nachi said with a pout, looking at her long time crush with ‘innocent’ eyes.
"Umm… Well, that's fine… Despite me having explained it 7 times, I guess I can explain it again."
Everyone who was not  Y/n or Nachi groaned in their heads, all only thinking one thing. 
"She's so desperate."
"Pst, Tsukishima."
Tsukishima turned to Sugawara, who was waving him over and huddled with the rest of the team. He walked over, placing his bow down and joining the huddle.
"What is with that girl?" Sugawara said bluntly, giving a weak smile and tired eyes, Nishinoya next to speak. 
"Yeah, and what'd you do to make her so pissy?"
"I hate to say it," Yachi spoke up softly, nodding. "but she's really… Mean."
"That's putting it lightly." Kiyoko crossed her arms, glancing over at poor Y/n who once again went over the proper way to hold the bow and arrow and releasing said arrow. 
"Tsukishima," Asahi raised his hand, his attitude turning weary and timid. "you didn't actually do anything mean to her… Did you?"
The whole team then turned their eyes to the tall middle blocker, all knowing full well of his treatment of others, who in turn rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 
"As if I'd give someone like her the time of day."
"She has a crush on Y/n… which is obvious to anyone but him..." Yamaguchi explained. "And apparently we've been taking up too much of his time."
"I just told her that her crush on him was pathetic." Tsukishima shrugged. "It's her fault for getting pissy over the truth."
Sugawara sighed out loud while the team captain put his face into his palm, Asahi mumbling that that might be too much. The relatively quiet second years all shook their head, regretting agreeing to tagging along to this archery club. Kageyama for once nodded with Tsukishima, making Hinata back away from him in shock.
“You agree?!” Hinata exclaimed, kageyama glared at him.
“Not like I would want to, but he’s right.” He then crossed his arms. “Why go after someone who’s already in a relationship? Why would anyone want Y/n anyway?”
“Careful King,” Tsukishima glared. “You’re on thin ice.”
“No, I’m on hardwood.” Kageyama said blankly, Suga clapping a hand over his mouth to muffle his laugh while he looked at Daichi who was looking up at the ceiling like he was ready for God to take him.
"Oooooohhh!!" Tanaka exclaimed, then smirked and slapped Tsukishima on the back. "So you're just as mad she is!"
"Why would I be?" He straightened back up, readjusting his glasses as Sugawara smiled.
"You are his boyfriend after all-"
Suddenly there was the sound of an arrow meeting its target, everyone in the gym looked and saw Nachi (the girl they had been talking about) nailed a bullseye. 
"Wow, you finally got it." Y/n congratulated, too caught up in the fact that he was being a good teacher and how he really was good at archery to notice the glare she gave the volleyball team. "Good job, Nachi."
The four first years, two seconds years, and the one third year were all close to the team when they were talking, and when the team looked at all of them, they all just nod in silent agreement. 
"She's crazy."
"Sooo… How long has she been friends with you, L/n-san?"
Hinata broke the thick ice of silence that took over the group as they all walked home, the club having ended and all going home now. 
"Maybe since I was… 8?"
"Wah-!" Kageyama slapped his hand over Hinata's mouth to keep him from yelling in Y/n's ears, letting someone else finish for him. 
"That's quite a while." Daichi finished, Y/n shrugging. 
"She's really only the one talking, I never really had any other friends."
"Wonder why…" Tsukishima let out of his mouth before he could stop it, getting a punch in the shoulder from Sugawara. Y/n laughed though, thinking it was a joke, which made Tsukishima smirk at his senior. 
"Yeah, she's… Her."
"Wow," Tsukishima drawed. "What an extensive vocabulary."
Y/n bows. 
"Thank you."
"So why do you still talk to her?" Ennoshita asked, jumping as all eyes went to him. "I mean, isn't it just normal to not talk to someone you don't like?"
"I just… Don't want to be mean." Y/n said once again, making Tsukishima roll his eyes. Y/n pushed on his shoulder and shook his head with a small smile.
“Of course you wouldn’t have trouble being mean.”
“Yeah, Tsukki is always mean.” Hinata said, flinching and put up his hands to protect himself as Tsukishima turned and glared down at him.
“She’ll get the hint soon enough.” Tsukishima said, which made Asahi flinch back and look at him in fear.
“You make it sound like you’ll kill her…”
All goes silent as they continue walking, no one saying a word after, not before Y/n jumps up and smacks Tsukishima on the back of the head.
“No killing!”
“At lunch?” Y/n tilted his head in confusion. “I was going to have lunch with you anyway, but… is Yama-chan not coming?”
“No, I have to talk to you in private about something.” Tsukishima said, not hiding his voice at all. “Just meet me behind your archery gym, got it?”
Y/n, still confused, nods his head, finally going off to the group he was assigned to from a project in their class. Tsukishima looked out the corner of his eye and saw her, having known she was listening. He turned and gave her a fake smile, closing his eyes with ‘content’.
“Please don’t follow like the stalker you are making yourself out to be, it will ruin my appetite more than it already has.”
Nachi, having just been standing outside their classroom, swiveled on her feet with anger and stomped off. Both teens knew she was going to try and make it a coincidence she just ‘happened’ to be at their meeting place when they would talk, not that she was going to listen or anything.
Once lunch came around, Tsukishima made it very obvious they were going off to eat, totally aware of a jealous girl glaring daggers into his back.
Nachi had no idea what Tsukishima had been planning on talking about with Y/n, but she would not let it stand. She had said before, that these new ‘friends’ of Y/n’s were taking up her quality time with Y/n, and she didn’t like it at all. 
Nachi didn’t understand Y/n at all, one minute he’s hyper focused on something or a topic, then the next he’s spacing out or talking about something new. He was someone she couldn’t understand, but she liked it. She didn’t get why he would flinch at her voice or avoid her physical contact, but that’s what made him interesting. He wasn’t like other boys in her grade.
Now placed behind the gym, Tsukishima stood tall in front of a still very confused Y/n, all while a certain girl hid around the corner to eavesdrop.
“So… what is it you wanted to talk about?” Y/n asked, looking around and sweating a bit. “You’re making me all nervous.”
“I love you, Y/n.” Tsukishima said casually, as if it was as easy as breathing and not the first time he had ever mentioned the word love.
Y/n’s eyes went wide, mouth open and body stone still as his boyfriends words echoed in his head. It was silent between the two, before Y/n spoke in a quiet whisper.
“... What?”
“I love you,” Tsukishima said again, raising his brow. “Do I need to show you?”
Before Y/n could even begin to process what was happening, Tsukishima cupped his hands on Y/n’s face and leaned down, sweetly and gently connecting his lips to Y/n’s. Even though Y/n was still in a cloud of confusion and pure bliss, he quickly responded by holding on to Tsukishima’s uniform and returning the kiss tenfold.
With Y/n’s eyes closed, taking in the sweet romantic moment, he didn’t notice Tsukishima’s eyes were open and glazing behind Y/n at a girl who hid behind a corner. She was in shock, pure and utter shock, unable to admit this was happening.
Tsukishima then pulled apart from Y/n, looking down and seeing his flushed face, feeling the warmth of his cheeks on his hands. He smirked and raised a brow at Y/n.
“Not going to say it back?” He asked jokingly, but Y/n was far in his bliss.
“Say it again.” Y/n almosted sounded like he was begging, which made Tsukishims’s smirk wider.
“I love you, Y/n.”
Y/n’s lips formed a radiate smile as he looked up at Tsukishima.
“I love you too, Kei.” 
Y/n then leaned in and hugged Tsukishima with every bit of love in him and then some. Tsukishima hugging right back. Glazing back up at the corner, he now saw the girl no longer hiding and standing only a few feet away.
She looked angry, sad, horrified all at the same time, and Tsukishima’s response?
“How much do you love me?”
Y/m hummed into Tsukishima’s chest.
“To the moon and stars…”
“And?” Tsukishima pressed, watching as the girl began to shake in what he could only assume was anger.
“And even further beyond that,” Y/n looked up at Tsukishima, smiling when Tsukishima smiled back. “As the universe, my love is never ending.”
She was gone when Tsukishima looked back up, and he took this moment to actually soak in the embrace of his boyfriend.
“What was this all for anyway?” Y/n questioned, finally allowing them both to pull apart and begin to eat their lunch. “Not that I don’t like it, just… you aren’t like this in public.”
“Felt like it.” Tsukishima replied, beginning to eat while Y/n rolled his eyes.
“Well, if that’s all it takes,” Y/n turned and smiled at his boyfriend. “I hope you feel like it more often.”
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
my fav boys with slick black s/o pt 1?
a/n: im losing inspiration for my current requests and i’m not feeling good mentally or physically. my mood has been down the whole week and it’s messing with my school work so that’s also putting me in a sad mood. but im also in the mood for some fightin words so i’ll use my comfort boys. this may be corny but hey it works for me and this is my blog ❤️
lets get it
Bakugo Katsuki
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bro you MATCH his ENERGY so well with your clapbacks
tbh... bakugo’s clapbacks are just trash
he got the aggression but cmon now
tf is “shitty extra”
boy if you dont sit ya ass down
he LOVES your clapbacks tho
them shits be making him lose his mind
any slick shit you say he eats that UP
one time monoma was talking too much shit and you just
“nigga if you dont sit yo ass tf down fore i snatch yo forehead tf off”
safe to say bakugo busted out laughing
you were ready to post up
he lives for when you be roasting ppl under ya breath
what he doesnt like is when you roast him
bc you can and will read a bitch no hesitation
he really thought he was special....
aint shit sweet come get these roasts nigga
“boy if you dont take them damn pants off. shits look like hammer pants. cant touch this headass”
yall know how i have desiree roasting him?
that’s exactly how it be
you got a sharp ass tongue and will use it against anyone
let someone get both of yall pissed off together???
straight up verbal abuse at that point
file a complaint bc you and bakugo def made someone cry before
i think the class lwk hates you bc you helped bakugo’s clapbacks get better
which is bad for them
yall rmb those roasting vids where they go mmm after each one?
thats bakugo in the back
“big body headass”
“dumpster truck headass”
typa shit
he’ll hype it up too much
Todoroki Shouto
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you think this man dont talk shit himself????
bro he can and will read a bitch RIGHT TO THEIR FACE TOO
he want all the SMOKE
yall together??? im sorry to whoever pissed yall off lemme plan they funeral
i imagine the way todoroki reads niggas is real sophisticated like he will point out every single insecurity you HAVE without even knowing you that well
no cursing for majority of them
“what shoes you got on?”
yall would read bitches together but like this
“shou it’s the lifting acrylics for me”
“it’s the dusty wig for me, love”
“its the disconnecting wig for me”
“its the cakey makeup for me”
painful for them
i think he can do rapid fire roasts as soon as someone tries to start shit with you
“i know you’re not coming for my s/o. it’s the talking shoes, it’s the bootleg supreme shirt, it’s the fake chain, it’s the brittle hair”
he gets real disrespectful and wont care who it is
unless it’s your friends or family then he’ll dial it back a lil bit
if you start roasting endeavor????
my mans might be on his way to the jewelers
“try this ring on. i wanna see if it can fit you”
he finna spouse you up (spouse IS gender neutral innit?)
unrelated but todoroki is a hottie and will “ah 😜 mwah 💋” everytime and you might have a video of him losing his mind girls in the hood LMAOOOOO
Killua Zoldyck
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now this boy.... cant roast for SHIT
yeah he’s a lil brat and can get mean and petty
but he cannot compare to you
this nigga’s a whole trained assassin but cant kill niggas with his words that well
i think the meanest thing he’s said is call you “a stupid fuckin idiot”
to which you responded with
“shut the fuck up, mushroom built ass bitch. body built like a smurf. hair lookin like hairballs cats cough up. dont get loud lil boy”
killua respectfully sat down and scratched his head
no cap that shit lwk hurt but he gonna pretend like it didnt
he dont even know what the fuck a SMURF IS
he just know that it hurt
lwk thought that was your nen
the ability to manipulate emotions into irritation or anger or some shit
like no baby they just good at roasting bitches
after a while he starts to hype you up in the back
“how you FEELLLLL”
eventually he learns how to roast and clapback then it’s over
the sass meter is overboard
like you might have to knock him a couple notches down
swear to god this boy uses clapbacks on leorio just to piss him off
one time leorio was telling killua to do sumn he just
“oh you must want me with the way you keep gobbling on my fuckin nuts i will do it soon relax”
you damn near BEHEADED this boy with how hard you slapped the back of his head
like it was funny but leorio wouldve JUMPED YOU
Kamado Tanjiro
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listen he likes to be the peacemaker
but with your clapbacks they’re enough to make zenitsu wanna post up
like you read him a lil too much
cue tanjiro rapidly apologizing while dragging you away
the first time you roasted the absolute shit outta inosuke he had to sit down
he didnt even know what the majority of the shit you said meant
same with killua all he knew was that shit kinda hurt
tanjiro be TIRED of yall
“y/n can you PLEASE relax”
of course you know your limits
there’s no way you’re gonna get tanjiro to roast people
but this one time you heard him clapback by accident
“you heard me loud and clear, sir. dont act like you couldnt hear me correctly.”
like oop?
i felt a lil HEAT
aint no where near burned but for tanjiro??? good e fucking nough
dont act like he dont say some lil slick shit on the dl
this man got pent up aggression fym
tho you do be making him laugh
esp in battle if you just start reading a demon
he cant help but snicker
baby loves the way you talk and wouldnt have it any other way
if you roast him he will just go
“oh okay 🙂”
he doesnt know how to respond to that
if you roasting someone who deserves it nezuko will be your hype girl bc tanjiro’s busy trying to de-escalate the situation 💀💀💀
“and thats why yo grandma got a busted funeral”
“y/n shut up NO THEY DONT SORRY”
before dragging you away
jfc you’re like verbally feral
Nishinoya Yuu
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your personal hypeman
will respectfully allow you to roast people
cant roast to save his life either
“you tell em!”
hopping around n shit LMAOAOAOAOAO
you got that shit
someone irritating him?
“y/n.... baby.”
“alright who is it?”
“aight bet. AYE BITCH”
legend has it tsukishima is still recovering from those third degree burns
do not roast him this man will run away he values his life
“oh you must be ready to attend this barbecue”
(love that guy)
“IM VEGAN” liar
and DIPS
nigga will 100% ROLLINGGGGGG THUNDAAAAAAA tf up outta there
he can clapback and that’s the most he’ll do
he do be saying slick shit bc i hc him as someone who want all the smoke
ride or DIE
on they ass
(struggling to come up with clapbacks w/o anything to clapback to 💀💀💀)
(been cryinf over rengoku and hw my brain is mush)
thats all for this one folks lmao
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hallidaysfm · 4 years
hllo  all  ,  it  me  ur  second  fav  admin  sage  comin  2  u  live  from  the  gutters  in  the  est  tz  .  i  got  a  sneak  peak  at  all  ur  characters  &  i  am  v  v  excited  to write with all of u  !!  i’m  lit  rally  the  worst  at  intros  so  i’m  just  gonna  dive  right  into  my  chaotic  boy,  kieran  !    a  rich  boi  freshly  kicked  out  of  yale,  doesn’t  rock  the  boat  shoes  or  the  chinos  or  rly  look  the  part  but…  his  daddy,  will  in  fact  sue  you  :/  
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[    matthew  noszka    .    22    .    cismale    .    he/him    ]  just  saw  KIERAN  HALLIDAY  dragging  their  suitcase  up  the  steps  of  QUINBY    .    good  luck  living  with  HIM    ,    word  around  campus  is  that  they’re  VOLATILE    ,    RECKLESS    ,    SOCIAL  &    SELF  DRIVEN    .    makes  sense  they  chose  that  house  now    ,    doesn’t  it    ?    let’s  hope  this  new  living  situation  doesn’t  affect  their  JUNIOR  year  of  ZOOLOGY      [    sage    .    23    .    she/her    .    est    ]
+  walking  a  thin  line  of  barbed  wire,  wicked  smirks  and  smashed  bottles  of  jack,  being  shirtless  under  leather  jackets  &  doing  class  presentations  with  a  black  eye  and  a  hangover.
pinterest  can  be  found  here
his  full  name  is  kieran  jaxon  halliday  his  mom  and  dad  were  two  wildlife  biologists  who  met  while  working  in  south  africa  and  fell  in  love  while  tending  to  a  baby  lion  cub  that  had  gotten  a  nasty  bite  from  a  snake.
they  named  the  cub  jax  and  that’s  where  kieran  had  gotten  his  middle  name
his  parents  made  a  decent  living  with  their  careers  but  his  dad’s  side  of  the  family  -  the  halliday’s,  were  made  of  money  and  gold  baby!!
the  halliday’s  are  a  pretty  prominent  family.  they  own  a  law  firm  that’s  been  running  since  the  1950′s  and  is  dedicated  to  famous  politicians  and  celebrities
his  grandfather  expected  kieran’s  dad  to  take  over  the  firm  after  him  so  you  can  imagine  the  shock  when  his  son  had  chosen  zoology  as  a  major.
kieran  was  born  in  south  africa  -  and  lived  there  until  he  was  13
really  loved  everything  about  it  especially  the  wild  life,  the  nature  and  the  freedom.  when  they  would  visit  the  states  to  see  his  mom  and  dad’s  family  he  thought  it  was  too  congested  and  tamed  and  mundane
his  dad  picked  them  up  and  moved  them  back  to  the  states  when  he  found  out  that  kieran’s  mom  had  been  diagnosed  with  breast  cancer
it  was  like  a  domino  effect    -  first  the  breast  cancer  where  the  doctors  were  hopeful  that  with  enough  treatment  she’d  be  in  partial  remission  in  no  time-  that  was  until  it  started  to  spread  and  within  two  years  the  two  halliday’s  had  lost  the  most  important  woman  in  their  lives
while  it  impacted  both  of  them  -  it  seemed  that  it  really  hit  his  father  in  a  different  way.  he  basically  turned  his  back  on  kieran  and  turned  really  cold  and  decided  to  take  over  the  law  firm  and  threw  himself  into  work
this  changed  kieran  in  the  sense  that  he  had  to  adapt  to  living  in  the  states  seeking  out  different  thrills  to  make  him  feel,  to  make  him  numb,  to  make  his  world  exciting  again,  to  forget  and  to  piss  off  his  dad
he  instantly  became  a  trouble  maker  -  got  kicked  out  of  various  private  schools,  was  caught  drinking  in  school,  took  his  dad’s  cars  out  for  joy  rides,  has  had  various  dui’s  and  has  been  caught  high  as  balls  by  the  police  multiple  times  but  this  never  breaks  out  to  the  public  -  his  dad  sweeps  in  and  the  charges,  the  potential  scandals,  everything  all  vanish  overnight.
yale  was  his  top  choice  for  school  and  while  his  family’s  name  obviously  got  his  foot  in  the  door  and  he  coasted  through  his  classes  -  his  grades  were  above  average  and  honestly  if  he  truly  applied  himself  he  would  be  deadly
he  started  an  underground  fight  club  at  yale  during  his  freshman  year  which  he  made  quite  a  profit  off  of,  and  also  he’s  just  really  into  fighting  in  general  so  it  gave  him  a  place  to  do  it  without  having  to  pick  fights  with  random  frat  boys.
known  around  yale  as  the  american  god  for  the  kind  of  power  he  holds,  his  looks,  and  the  way  he  carries  himself.
his  mom  was  born  and  raised  in  monterey  before  moving  to  south  africa
while  they  spent  a  good  chunk  of  time  in  monterey  when  they  moved  back  to  the  states,  after  his  mom  died,  kieran  and  his  dad  moved  full  time  to  new  york  city  where  his  dad  took  over  the  halliday  law  firm.
their  monterey  home  is  right  by  the  water  with  their  own  private  beach  area.  basically  before  his  dad  moved  them  back,  he  had  his  mom’s  dream  home  built  for  her.  now,  his  dad  hardly  ever  comes  back  but  kieran’s  lowkey  a  sentimental  bastard  and  splits  him  time  during  the  summers  in  monterey  and  the  hamptons
end  of  sophomore  year  he  messed  with  the  wrong  guys  and  got  kicked  out,  they  ended  up  ratting  out  his  underground  fight  club  lmao  and  after  being  threatened  a  bunch  of  other  students  came  forward  and  confirmed  it.  so  that  mixed  with  all  the  other  shit  he’s  pulled  and  a  couple  other  lies  about  him  –  he  got  booted  out
his  dad  is  actually  so  pissed  at  him  and  embarrassed  bc  their  name  and  money  couldn’t  even  stop  that  shit  from  being  made  public  ?
like  halliday  son  kicked  out  of  yale  for  starting  underground  fight  club?  an  iconic  page 5 headline  but  unwanted  by  his  dad  100%
he’s  been  threatened  with  his  trust  fund,  he’s  been  blacklisted  from  all  other  ivy  leagues
the  only  reason  he  got  into  halston  is  because  his  mom  went  here  and  was  ..  v  well  loved.  catch  her  picture  hanging  over  in  the  zoology  building
his  uncle  (  his  mom’s  brother  )  is  also  on  the  board  of  admissions  so  once  again,  his  name  got  him  through  the  door!
very  into  anything  that’s  going  to  endanger  his  very  existence  -  picks  fights,  drinks  until  he  passes  out,  street  races,  jumps  off  cliffs  u  name  it..  kieran  has  done  it.  it’s  almost  a  miracle  the  boy  is  still  alive.  just  recklessly  lives  on  the  edge  and  will  willingly  take  the  fall
v  straight  forward  and  vulgar
will  fuck  you  over  with  a  polite  smile  on  his  face
his  favorite  animals  are  lions  :’)
usually  has  a  bruise  under  his  eye  but  the  wicked  grin  he  sports  probably  distracts  away  from  it  plus  he’s  a  pretty  boy
sports  a  leather  jacket  like  its  his  second  skin!!
is  down  for  anything  and  is  loyal  af  if  he  considers  you  a  friend
any  excuse  to  fight  -  he  will  fight  lmao
used  to  throw  the  biggest  and  wildest  parties  at  his  place.  will  trash  his  house  solely  to  piss  his  dad  off.  a  gatsby  man  of  sorts  where  people  just  showed  up  at  his  house.
not  humble  in  any  sense,  flirts  a  lot,  manipulates  occasionally  and  is  all  around  just  here  for  a  good  time,  not  a  long  time
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entropyfairy · 4 years
48 Queer Films
*Warning: Many if not all of these have sexual content of some kind*
Black Queer Media (In Honor of BLM):
Paris is Burning (1990)- Documentary on NY Ballroom culture
Kiki (2016)- spiritual sequel to Paris is Burning
Moonlight- coming-of-age story of a gay black man, named after a notable centaur from Greek mythology. FULL of symbolism.
Tongues United (1989)- Experimental documentary about black gay voices, and how they have been hypersexualized/silenced by both straight and gay white communities.
Noah’s Arc: Jumping the broom (2008)- Two gay black men get married!
Pariah (2011)- coming-of-age story of a black lesbian woman
Rafiki (2018) - Tale of two Kenyan lesbians and their relationship as it intertwines with political crisis 
Inxeba (The Wound) 2017- follows a boy through his Xhosan tribe’s initiation ritual of Ulwaluko, or passage into manhood, in South Africa. Gay relationships and love triangles happen
Blackbird (2014)- A black gay teenager navigates his faith and family in Mississippi
Naz & Maalik  (2015) - Two teenage, closeted, Muslim friends who scheme and are gay for each other
Set it Off (1996)- Lesbians who commit a heist ;) Queen Latifah is there
The Skinny (2012)- 5 Brown university students, four gay men and a lesbian, have fun in NY for a night
The Happy Sad (2013)- The lives of two couples in New York City -- one, gay and black, and the other, heterosexual and white -- intertwine when they explore sexual identity and redefine monogamy.
Cis Gay Male Media:
The Birdcage (1996)- Feels much like a play and is a gay remake of the classic French comedy "La Cage aux Folles". Two gay men, who own a drag club in Miami, must pretend to be a straight couple when their son needs to introduce them to future in-laws, who are conservative republicans.
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)- Some drag queens, on their way to a competition across the country, have their car break down in the Midwest. They help a small town and their residents with their problems waiting for their car to get fixed.
Brokeback Mountain (2005)- Two ranch hands have a great time on the range incrementally over the course of 20 years, but they always eventually have to return to their straight relationships. *cries in yeehaw*
God’s Own Country (2017)- a English farmer lives an isolated, unsatisfactory life; until he meets a migrant Romanian worker who helps him find his path.
Boys (2014)- Coming-of-age story about a summer love between two Dutch boys
The Circle (2014)- Swiss Docu-drama set in 1950’s Germany about the secret distribution and publication of an illegal gay male newsletter/journal. Which was a precursor to gay liberation in Europe. It makes me happy and grateful queers can be much more easily connected now.
Mala Noche (1986)- Gus Van Zant’s first film that explores gay relationships that aren’t clearly defined; as well as factors of inequality that stem from language, race, and class.
My Own Private Idaho (1991)- Two gay sex workers go on a road trip, and attract a sugar-daddy.
Mysterious Skin (2004)- Follows the parallel stories of two teens: one obsessed with UFOs, and the other a gay sex worker coming to terms with childhood trauma. WARNING: Sexual abuse
Stranger By The Lake (2013)- A French film that maintains a sense of tension and ominousness throughout, while also subverting the gay cultural expectation of perfectly fit, greek-god bodies. Almost like a gay male re-imagining of Red Riding Hood.
Chinese Characters (1986)- Examines the relationship of gay Asian men with White gay porn.
Happy Together (1997)- The fall-out of a relationship between two gay Chinese men who seek refuge in Argentina
Cis Lesbian Media:
The Handmaiden (2016)- My fav WLW/Park-Chan-Wook film. A Korean con- man tries to marry a Japanese woman to steal her inheritance, but she ends up falling for her handmaiden. BIG dunk on creepy men.
Saving Face (2004)- A Chinese-American woman surgeon falls in love with a ballet dancer. Family drama adds to this forbidden love.
Heavenly Creatures (1994)- Psychological thriller directed by Peter Jackson about two New Zealand Girls who run away to America together
Gaycation (hulu show)- Ellen Page goes to different countries and interview locals on their gays lives/experiences
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)- A wonderful and rare film about the female gaze; with a hint of Pygmalion flavor. In 18th century France, a woman is commissioned to befriend and accompany a reluctant bride-to-be by her mother, in order to observe and secretly paint the bride’s wedding portrait for a man in another country. She falls in love with the woman the more she paints her. 
Killing Eve (2018)- A psychological cat-and-mouse show about a MI spy (Eve) and a murderous, psychopathic assassin (Villanelle). They hunt each other and catch feelings as they try to outwit each other. A very fun ride.
Wild Nights With Emily (2019)- Dramatized Bio-film that looks at Emily Dickinson’s life with another woman.
The Ice Palace (1987)- Two 12-year-old Norwegian girls struggle with their forbidden love in the 1930’s 
Show Me Love (1998)- Two girls with polar-opposite personalities navigate teenage drama and their budding love in a small Swedish town 
Thelma (2017)- A Norwegian college student, from a very religious Christian family, experiences seizure-like episodes, only to discover they are psychokinetic abilities triggered by her love for another woman.
Thelma and Louise (1991)- I refuse to believe this isn’t at least lesbian-coded. Two women run away from their shitty lives together, then run from the law when one of them kills a rapist.
Colette (2018)- A talented and successful 19th century writer has a shitty husband, so she sleeps with women.
Fun (1994)- Two mentally unstable girls go to juvenile detention for killing and elderly woman.
Butterfly Kiss (1995)- A bisexual, homicidal woman saves a young woman and accompanies her on her rampage. WARNING: Sexual abuse
The L word (2004)- show about the intertwining loves of lesbian and bisexual women in LA. Prepare for DRAMA!
 Transfeminine Media:
Tangerine (2015)- The life and relationships of a transwoman whose a sex worker
A Fantastic Woman (2017)- A trans woman in Chile must navigate the death of her partner
Flawless (1999)- a transwoman gives a homophobic/transphobic man voice lessons after a stroke. It follows their journey to find a middle-ground and friendship.
She Male Snails (2012)- Experimental documentary by a trans woman. With poetry and thoughts from transfem people in their transitions and relationships
Southern Comfort (2001)- Documentary on the final year of life of trans man Robert Eads as he dies of ovarian cancer. And how it intersects with his friends,family, and partner Lola, a trans woman.
Transmasculine Media:
Girls Lost (2015)- 3 Swedish girls discover a fruit that can turn them into boys for a short time. One of them discovers they only feel right when getting to be in male form.
Southern Comfort (2001)-Documentary on the final year of life of trans man Robert Eads as he dies of ovarian cancer. And how it intersects with his friends,family, and partner Lola, a trans woman.
Tomboy (2011)- A young French girl enjoys dressing and acting like a boy, but adults and her peers are confused and distressed by it.
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Your writing is so amazing and your Jojo writing is one of my favorites! Thank you so much for writing such wonderful stories and headcannons!😊💕 If it is alright with you, may I request a yandere Josuke with an s/o who is already in a relationship? Thank you again! ☺️
Thank you!!
Didn’t do much yesterday (14th) since I had very little energy. But hopefully writing for Josuke will cover for it! 
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (Part 4) w/ s/o whose already in a relationship
    His heart thumped in quick palpitations as he saw you with that person again. One day, he had seen you giggling with them and at the time he wanted to believe they told a really good joke. But he couldn’t delude himself into ignorance when he found you both leaning on each other on a park bench. It really should be him making you smile and laugh like they do.
    He didn’t feel heartbroken that someone had taken you for themselves, he felt desperate. He should be there drowning you in kisses in anyway you liked. 
    Actually if he erased their presence he could imagine it vividly. The shape of your body melding into his as he held you close. But why imagine it when he could make it happen? It would take hell of a lot of work to do so, but he’d do it.
    Luckily, you were both mutual friends so he was close to you often aside from the times you went out on a “date” with that person. He walked off already concocting a little strategy to do away with you having them in your life. He didn’t think they really needed you after all. 
   Thus he couldn’t help but approach you at lunchtime. 
 “Oh hi, Josuke did you need something?” You asked 
“I wanted to sit up here and have lunch with you” He said nonchalantly while looking around for your partner. They seemed to be nowhere around you at the moment. 
  “That’s fine with me, I don’t have anyone else to eat with right now” You shrugged 
  He hated to ask but it slipped through his lips anyway, “where’s (s/o name)?”
“Ah I think they’re helping some other students who failed a test in class this week to study during lunch and afterschool” Was your explaination.
 The pompadour bearing male nodded not really caring about their endeavors with helping other students. The fact it gave you and him extra time to be alone made Josuke internally burst with happiness. If that were the case maybe he could get you to come to his place. 
   He did chat you up a bit before asking about that however.
 A few of the things you described were just cute little things you and your friends did together. A little karaoke night that you kindly didn’t sing in since you weren’t all that comfortable, you all ended up ditching the session and went out for ice cream. 
  “What flavor?” He asked 
“(Fav flavor)” You answered “It tasted great from the place we got it from”
  You then moved on to things that he didn’t find himself trying not to smile at. The couple of dates with your s/o made him feel very off. He felt as if he couldn’t internally function with hearing what you and them did together. 
  “Sorry if I blabbered too much about that, I know not everyone likes to hear about another person’s relationship” You shrugged awkwardly
  “It’s fine…” Josuke replied stiffly “You just…really, like being with them huh?” He hesitated to put those words together. 
   “Yeah I guess so” You laughed a little 
 He held his breath softly at the sound of your cute laughter. It made him melt like butter right where he was sitting. Oh, he just needed to be alone with you so, so bad right now. 
  “Hey, uh if you got nothing going on after school with them or anything else would you mind coming over to my place to hang out?” 
  “Sure, It has been a while since we did hang out together…I think we need  to have better friend quality time with each other ” You said
 ““Of course I missed you, ya know” He curtly smiled getting extremely close to you, much so he purposely put his right hand over yours. Just to get a little feel for your hands touching. 
    Awkwardly you laughed trying to back away a bit, you did notice his eyes were just slightly half lidded. Like he was in some happy kind of dream state. Maybe you should change your mind and just head home? But then you hadn’t really been around him much for the past week and a half which made you feel bad. He deserved a little attention as a friend after all.
   You’d be nice and just let his puppy eyed stare slide. 
 That was a success in the teen’s eyes at that moment. 
  It was hard to not have a dumb smile on his face when the two of you met up that afternoon to walk to his house.  
   You both sat on his couch and watched whatever you wanted. He was mostly fixated on the scent of the shampoo you were using. Really he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. Neither could his hands as he sneakily put his arm over your shoulder. Eventually you just lied down on the other side of the couch to his disappointment.
   You were instinctually trying to avoid contact and he knew this well it was due to your relationship. But he wouldn’t give up, at least not in any indirect way,
   Said opportunity came when he heard ““ow” escape your lips
“Are you okay y/n?” He practically jumped at the sound of your small distress
“I think I might’ve pricked my finger on something by accident” You responded “I think I just need a small bandage and I’ll be okay”
““Mmm…how about you let me see it first?” The male inquired 
You held out your hand and pointed out your injured finger, while Josuke held it softly with his own. 
  Beyond your capable sight as a non stand user you didn’t see Crazy Diamond heal your small wound back to normalcy. 
  “I don’t think you have to worry about a bandage anymore” 
  While you were distracted by the fact it didn’t seem like you hurt yourself at all. Josuke used his stand to his advantage, wanting to try something out. Guiding Crazy Diamond carefully he made his stand just ever so slightly kiss the surface of your neck. An unexpected warmth came over his body as he could feel the sensation of your skin on his lips. 
     He got a little more experiemental and brushed the stand’s fingers over your arm lightly. A shiver went down your spine as you looked at him. Reflexively he dissipated Crazy Diamond after noticing your little jump as a reaction. 
  “Uh Josuke were you touching me just now?”
He put his hands up in the air “Nope my hands were over here the whole time” 
 “Weird…guess it was just my imagination then” You mumbled a bit rubbing your arm. 
   He was happy with what he got, but it still wasn’t nearly enough. 
“She was so cute and most of all, her skin was so soft” he muttered dreamily while laying in bed that night. He could do that and so much more if you were in his arms right now. 
 From that point forward he focused on doing something about your partner. He wasn’t even sure how he survived so long without doing anything before honestly. But this was a perfect time, he knew he needed you and they were very much getting in the way.
So, over a few days he got to know them and asked if they wanted to hang out on a Friday evening. Just himself and them of course without you anywhere near by. 
  “You wanted to go to the mall across town right” your s/o asked him 
“I’m cool with it, there’s window shopping after all” Josuke shrugged
““Right, right, and there’s the arcade too if we get bored” They added 
He nodded along lazily while walking with them. 
   About halfway there Josuke began asking questions about yours and their relationship. Some of it was insignificant such as how long you both had been going out. Even though he had already marked the first day on his calendar he had at home, the day he witnessed you both going out for the first time. 
  ““What’s your favorite food you ate with them?” Josuke threw the question out
““That’s a little weird to be asking don’t you think?” Your s/o asked 
“It is huh?” Josuke acted as if he didn’t know that 
 ““Alright, how about what’s your favorite arcade game to play?” 
 They went on about said game for a little while, the blue eyed male slightly drowning it out with his own thoughts. After that he stayed silent until they arrived at the mall together. 
   “Y/n and I got a high score on this game once…we’re down a few rankings now but I thought that was really neat” Your s/o casually mentions
 “Oh that’s pretty impressive that sounds like it was a lot of fun” Josuke answered as they both stood in front of the game.
 “It’s funny I usually come and play this game…you know sometimes when I don’t have much to do” The six foot tall teen continued casually. 
    “Though it was a little lonely without someone to play with” 
 Your s/o looked at him with slight concern forming on their features.
 ““How about we play, you know just for the hell of it?” Josuke asked.
He hummed as he went to one of the joysticks. As of late this game was malfunctioning but no one had gotten around to repairing it or shutting it down. Dangerous and neglectful really but he knew what he was doing.
   Watching them closely out of his peripheral vision he observed them  vigorously moving around the controls. He waited…and…then made something fly straight into their face. 
    They crumbled with blood slipping down their cheeks and body.
 While Josuke went in out of “concern” and propped them up with his arms. 
““I don’t understand what happened” they stumbled over their words shakily
  He slightly chuckled a little too cheery in his response.
““Well you know accidents happen it’s not like either of us knew this was going to happen” 
   The pompadour wearing teen then slowly began squeezing their wrist. 
“Just like that little accident you made in asking a certain person out huh?” 
 Your supposed s/o’s eyes were stunned. 
   “But I’m sure I can fix that no problem~” Josuke hummed.
       “I can’t seem to contact them no matter how hard I try” You groaned sitting on the edge of Josuke’s bed that afternoon.
    But it seemed like your friend in  behind you wasn’t really bothered by that at all. He simply slid closer to you and cuddled acting like it was completely normal.  
   “I’m sorry to hear that babe” Josuke softly whispered ““I can’t believe they won’t pick up the phone to hear a word you say”
 ““Wait. What?” You tensed ““Josuke, did you just call me-”
 His arms snaked around you before you could get up, he seemed awfully happy frighteningly enough. 
  ““I love you enough to say it…and I can call you so much more cutie since we can be together now”
   You stared at him like he was insane, ““but I’m with…”
““S/o name? No, no, they won’t ever come near you again” He mused
   ““I-I….I should really go” You tried to pull him off of you.
His hands only held tighter, “There’s no rush, come on…there’s nothing to be afraid of as long as you’re with me~” 
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synaps · 5 years
I did not see this 5 years ago, though apparently I did
Hi there! So, in the light of the recent Ao no Exorcist chapters and Katou having a solid grasp on her timeline after all, my brain shocked itself enough to produce some serotonin and I decided I’m gonna diverge from my own principles and post this. Brain producing serotonin should be encouraged. Buckle up, everyone bothering to read: this timeline breakdown/fan theory emerged in 2012, when a bored AnE-fan pieced together a few of the plot reveals we’re starting to see now.
Spoiler warning for The End of the Beginning! Though strictly speaking they’re a timeline framework I developed in order to write TEotB, which means they’re gonna drop very soon via the flashback! So it probably isn’t as mind-blowing as it was to me... BUT I DON’T CARE I’ve been waiting 6 years for the content we’re getting right now, 6 years I’ve been on the edge of my seat for this misfit clone dork to finally tell his story and AAAAAH
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This is basically a full-body search of the Kyoto arc chapters, 'cause that was the only bit of the past we had back when I started writing. To this day that’s the part of the manga I have the best grasp on. x’D But all those hours paid off, good gods they paid off! This is long. Bear with me, ‘kay? Old-time AnE-fans remember that it was commonly thought the twins were born on Blue Night, much due to the anime: Kyoto Arc said it wasn’t. If you looked carefully, you could figure out that Blue Night was in fact the time of the twins’ conception, not their birth. Though to be absolutely sure, I plotted out the timeline three times and dug up records from a weather station in Kyoto to see if there would have been snow at that time of year in the early to mid 90′s because that’s how goddamn obsessed I am. And if you did figure out that the twins were conceived on Blue Night, you were inevitably sucked into an even more obsessive downward spiral into crazy fan madness because that meant Fujimoto Shiro was sent to steal Kurikara to “kill some kids” before those kids existed even on an embryonic stage.
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My original estimate was that the stage had taken 24 years to set up, based on the info in Kyoto Arc, but with Mephisto’s recent director’s cut of how he ghost wrote history that number bumps up to 36 years or potentially even longer.
For reference, the timeline I put together for TEotB plus the fresh dates from the flashback arc: 1977: Mephisto pressures Shiro into promising him a free wish because extorting a kid that’s struggling for his life is an ok move 1984: Satan fails possession for the first time because whoa so many limbs at once 1989: the Myou Dha is struck by disease 1993: Satan figures out how to properly possess someone, that’s Rin’s unrelenting never-give-up attitude right there 1994: after a nine year learning curve on just staying in a body Satan has three PhD’s and ditches school after one year of education - guess possessing a body really is a difficult thing to pull off huh 1995: Shiro unwillingly becoming the caretaker of orphans: part I 1996: not yet confirmed but Saburota’s first meeting with Lucifer/Asylum is probably now Also 1996: Satan returns to Section 13 with a reclamation claim on that crap body they sold him 1996-1997 (somewhere around New Year’s, I estimate): Shiro, who was an Upper First Class exorcist at the time, cures Myou Dha and oh is that a sword in your pocket or are you just happy to return to your boss after a successful mission? 1997 (probably mid-to-late March): Blue Night sucked for everyone, but at least Shiro and Tatsuma got promotions - yay 1997: Shiro unwillingly becoming the caretaker of orphans: part II 2003: when you’re a cursed, massacred and financially broke sect like Myou Dha, there’s few options but to join the Order of the True Cross to stay afloat 2005: Saburota recruits Mamushi to spy by raising suspicions against Mephisto ‘cause really, that ain’t hard 2013: a giant pile of shit appears in Kyoto and unleashes destruction on its surroundings and for once it isn’t Mephisto
The manga and the timeline are pretty self-explanatory so what I wanna stress here is what happened 24 years ago, in 1989, ‘cause that’s something Katou hasn’t touched upon yet and it’s really fun except for those involved. In 1989, a disease starts plaguing Myou Dha and the symptoms are identical to what you get from exposure to the miasma from the Impure King’s Eyes. It seems to be a very local problem, as we don’t hear of any epidemic in the rest of Kyoto. Did the seal on the Right Eye spring a leak? Nope. Because the Eye wasn’t there.
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We haven’t seen the shrivelled up bit of IK cause any trouble - not saying it couldn’t, but it seemed like that one hadn’t been active much for the past 150 years and it had been constantly monitored by the High Priest. I cross-referenced with the dates given in the new flashbacks but the outbreak doesn’t coincide with any boost of demonic activity related to Satan’s progress. So? The disease in Kyoto is its own separate disaster, and it’s most likely engineered. Let’s work our way back from the present to see how Mephisto set up this stage~ Mephisto knew of Saburota’s plan to unleash IK, and was all cool with that ‘cause hey, good opportunity to test Rin’s flame, build some team spirit, power up Bon, etc. For that reason he decided to move the Right Eye from his own keep to Myou Dha’s: if Saburota had been able to steal both of them from True Cross he wouldn’t have needed the pit stop at the Kyoto Office. He would have revived IK straight away, and even Mephisto couldn’t have motivated sending a bunch of kids into that chaos. So, move the Eye to a secret strategic location in Kyoto and force Saburota into jumping through a couple of extra hoops to get it. The Eye was moved in 2003 or thereabouts: this coincides with Myou Dha joining the Order, and makes perfect sense. The relic has ties to their sect, and it’s kinda fair to give them something back since Meph indefinitely borrowed their main relic, and now that they’re part of the Order and all - yada yada, smoke screens. Mephisto gave them the relic to set Saburota up, but not until he had the means to also give Saburota a trail to follow. Our fav Uncle Goat approached Mamushi, his student, in 2005 and recruited her to get the Right Eye. He probably thought he was cleverly working around Mephisto’s attempt to prevent theft, but if we think about it: who gave Saburota the opportunity to manipulate her in the first place? It is much easier to get your hands on an impressionable young Myou Dha kid if the Myou Dha kids attend the school where Saburota teaches. But why would they? When their families are very competent exorcists on their own and they’re used to keeping to themselves and...
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Keeping to yourself is only an option so long as you can survive by yourself, and from 1989 on Myou Dha couldn’t. But Granpa Suguro, being as stubborn as he is, has refused any modern/outside help for 7 bloody years. This disease is weird for several reasons. Its localised spread, for one; its similarity with the Eye mashou when there is no Eye present; the way it vanishes and is never heard of again after Shiro’s visit; the suspiciously good timing. We now know Mephisto is aware of the future to a certain extent - we saw that confirmed when he set Shiro up with that promise. That was the last doubt removed from my theory about the Kyoto disease, so here we are. Satan hadn’t even manifested with a consciousness yet but Mephisto had his sights on Kurikara and Myou Dha’s cooperation in 1989. He is a man of sophistication, so he takes the “if the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad must come to the mountain“ approach: he used the Eyes to orchestrate an outbreak that would force the sect to reach out to True Cross - the biggest, most knowledgeable exorcist organisation around - for aid. Because the alternative would be to smash in there and outright steal the sword and nobody would send their kids to your organisation after that. But it didn‘t work. Granpa Suguro refused to follow script and so the years went by, Satan gained consciousness, grew intelligent, grew bored, oops there goes the Asylum ceiling, jfc Suguro how many more have to die before you just play along like a good boy...? In the end Mephisto had to deploy Plan B: screw it, theft it is. If Muhammad won’t go to the goddamn mountain I’m gonna drop the mountain right on Muhammad’s stubborn head.
Of course this means fucking things up for Shiro, ‘cause that’s just how these things go when you’re running a tight deadline getting the Antichrist(s) a birthday present. Also it’s fun.
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This frame says everything, really. xD Come now, how would you expect these people to trust you, and develop a friendly attitude to the Order, if you barge in there on your black-ops mission like a humanoid battleship, grab their relic and ditch the scene? Bad PR, very bad PR. Buuut if you’re injured enough that you can’t make that immediate escape, and you just happen to know how to cure this very specific disease that never flares up again, which you can contract from only 2 items in the world, of which both are owned by the snake-tongued sass ball you are enslaved by work for...? What a fortunate coincidence, what a golden opportunity to create some debt gratitude and-
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I headcanon that if Granpa Suguro hadn’t died on Blue Night, Mephisto would have set him on fire personally for being such a roadblock to his plans. After Blue Night Myou Dha was decimated, bankrupt, thought by the population to be cursed - what is a poor sect to do? Who could possibly help? Oh wait wasn‘t there some guy a while back, y’know, that exorcist dude who came crashing in and saved the lives of our families and friends? He seemed to know what he was doing, think we could ask him? So the take-away from this is If not for that disease, if not for Mephisto’s misinformation and Shiro’s break-in, Myou Dha would never have joined True Cross. The Right Eye would never have been kept in Kyoto, there had been no Myou Dha kids at the Academy for Saburota to recruit, and the cram school kids would never have been in Kyoto to fight the Impure King. And also that Mephisto is a fabulous bastard and a pure joy to write! ☆
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lovelylogans · 6 years
BC I CAN also i just rewatched it and it’s one of my fav movies so
please. please. y’all already know roman is buttercup. upcoming royal??? yeah it’s roman, obvi
westley is virgil. 1. bc he was socially awkward to the point of throwing himself down a hill as a way to communicate to his former love that he’s actually alive, 2. westley’s snark is iconic
logan is inigo. bc he studied for years and years under the greatest swordsmen. like, canonically. boy is inigo. 
patton is fezzik. partially bc i like the idea of gentle giant patton and partially bc of the way he nursed everyone back to health (inigo from drunk stuff, westley from death) and also like he’s so soft and gentle and the end where he gets two white horses???? it’s patton y’all
deceit is humperdinck. on a related note, please let deceit’s canon name be on the level of ridiculousness of humperdinck @ thomas and co i’m begging
vizzini is uhhh. uh. hm. you know what. full absurdity here it’s the dragon witch (you know how the dragon witch was like a throwaway character except i’m basically shoehorning her into every fic i have?)
(the magician and his wife who resurrect westley are now joan and talyn, i don’t make the rules, except i do)
also tw mentions of suicide, and also torture 
so! roman as the slightly bratty upcoming lord of the land or whatever on the farm, and virgil as the farmboy
virgil is a Useless Gay and as such whenever roman asks him to do anything he just “as you wish” and tries hard not to be too obvious about staring at him and covers up his affection with snark
roman, who is an Equally Useless Gay, just kinda. keeps giving virgil these useless commands (”farmboy! ....um. hand me those reigns!” “...the ones... you’re holding?” “THE OTHER REIGNS” “....as you wish”)
eventually roman does a “farmboy. fetch me that pitcher.” and virgil does and whispers “as you wish” and roman grabs him by his lapels and brings him in for a kiss
virgil however fully recognizes that he has to up his social class in order to be with roman so he goes sailing before they can marry but the dread pirate anx attacks
roman is devastated, ofc, and makes the “i’ll never love again” vow
let’s do the time warp again!
five years later!
roman’s accepted a proposal from deceit, bc 1. he’s the prince and 2. if he’s gonna be miserable may as well be miserable in a high social standing, right
plus he always kinda dreamed of being a prince as a kid, didn’t he? maybe this way he can enact some change
it is hard to remember such things when he is trotted out in the public square like a prize goat, but he clings to it regardless
he goes out riding (one of the only things he still loved) before the wedding and gets knocked out by the dragon witch and co.
logan and his husband fiancé boyfriend (?) patton have mostly accepted this job bc they need money, and keep accepting the job bc... well, money
logan swears they’ll get out of it and he’ll find the six-fingered man, and patton doesn’t like the unscrupulousness of it but. well. they have to eat somehow
and he debates with the dragon witch about and he goes “you were not hired for brains!” “but i was,” logan says coolly, sharpening his sword. “and if you speak to him like that again, you’ll see precisely the other reason you hired me.”
yeah they don’t like it
anyways logan starts the fast/alas harm/charm rhyme game with patton to cheer him up. and then they keep it up bc it annoys the dragon witch
roman wakes up and logan notices someone following him (spoiler it’s virgil) and the dragon witch threatens roman. everyone on the boat hates the dragon witch, basically
but roman jumps into the shrieking eel-infested waters, swimming to the boat, bc as miserable as he is he doesn’t wanna be murdered for a war
patton ends up smacking the eel on the nose and bringing roman into the boat, huddling over him protectively and asking if he’s okay
roman gives him a why would you care look, and patton gives him some extra food as sympathy
and patton climbs them all up, shortly followed by the Mysterious Masked Man
“INCONCEIVABLE!!” and the dragon witch cuts the rope, and the masked man managed to cling to the rocks
the dragon witch makes to leave logan behind and patton looks anxious and logan smiles and shakes his head and says “i’ll be fine” “just... be careful, okay? people in masks can’t be trusted” and they kiss and the dragon witch urges patton and roman on
basically as soon as the dragon witch is out of earshot logan calls down to him
“slow going?” “look, i don’t mean to be rude, but this isn’t as easy as it looks. i’d appreciate if you didn’t distract me.” “sorry.” “thank you”
five seconds later... “i don’t suppose you could speed things up?” “look, if you’re in such a hurry, you could throw down some rope or something?” “well i’m not sure if you’d accept. i mostly want you to speed up so i can fight you. potentially to the death.” “...that does put a damper on our relationship.”
ten seconds later... “look, okay, i’ll throw down the rope, and step back from it.” “why do you want to help me so bad?” “well, that sword you’re carrying.” and then he goes on a tirade of how that exact blade and how beat up it is etc. is evidence of a good swordsman and it’s been  a g e s  since logan’s had a good duel
“...all right, fine. anyone told you, you talk too much?” “i could rescind that rope offer--” “on seCOND THOUGHT”
so virgil reaches the top and logan offers him a breather until they duel, and logan lays out his backstory in all kinds of matter-of-fact language
he tells the story of the six-fingered man after virgil catches him looking closely at his hands, and explains that he went from studying sword-making to sword-fighting after the death of his father, along with the twin scars on his face
he also explains the whole “we’re working with the witch to pay the bills” kind of thing and also patton
“you seem a decent fellow. i hate to kill you.” “you seem a decent fellow. i hate to die.”
do yourself a favor watch the swordfight again it’s glorious (that link also includes the inigo/westley convo)
logan, a nerd, lists off the routines. virgil, also a nerd, offers counterpoints
it’s the debate, basically. it’s their debate but with swords
“who are you?” “no one of consequence.” “i must know.” “get used to disappointment.”
logan gets his sword knocked out of his hand, and very matter-of-factly says “kill me quickly. and tell patton--tell patton--”
“i’m not going to kill you, for goodness sake’s. i’ve never had an equal like this. however, i can’t have you following me, either.” and whacks logan over the head
meanwhile, they see virgil coming up over the hill, and the dragon witch takes roman and leaves patton (who is worrying VERY MUCH as if he got past logan then--)
virgil comes up over the hill to a rock thrown at him and smashed very near his head. he whirls around, bringing up the sword, and patton emerges from behind the rock, another rock uplifted.
“what did you do with logan?!”
“he’s alive, just unconscious.”
“oh thank god,” and he lowers the rock, beaming. “this business is so dangerous the only reason we stick with it is because we’re broke” “well, understandable. i did the same for five years.”
“...so, uh, what now?” “i just kinda figured. well. i don’t want that nice prince to die. if you’re trying to save him, you can knock me out. i’ll kneel to make it easier for you, if you like.” “well that’s very kind of you”
ft. battle of iocaine powder, with a blindfolded roman, and virgil smirking as the dragon witch rattles off the varieties of reasoning (”you fell victim to one of the classic blunders!”) and eventually swaps glasses and dies anyways
virgil crosses over and unties the blindfold
“who are you?” “no one to trifle with. and that’s all you need to know.” “to think--yours was poisoned!” “no. i’ve spent the past five years building up an immunity to iocaine powder.”
eventually virgil lets roman stop to catch his breath and roman promises ransom, adding that deceit is a fantastic tracker
“you admit to me you do not love your fiancé” “he knows i do not love him” “are not capable of it, you mean” and roman draws himself up to his full height
“i have loved more deeply than a killer like yourself could ever dream--”
virgil snarls and pulls roman along, keeping going before they get caught by deceit
eventually roman snaps that he knows he’s the dread pirate anx, admit it! and virgil does, and roman snarls that he can die slowly, cut into a thousand pieces, etc etc etc
virgil, kind of testing him, asks about the love that he apparently killed. who is “poor and perfect, with the most beautiful eyes” and they bicker more and more, virgil saying “i remember this farm boy, i think.” and talking a game about how he died well and said “please. please, i need to live.” because he had true love
they bicker more and more and roman screams “i DIED that day!” and they see deceit’s horses, and roman snarls “you can die too for all i care before shoving him down the hill
and roman immediately throws himself down the hill after him
deceit realizes they’re heading to the fire swamp
roman and virgil have their sappy reunion “you’re alive! if you want, i can fly!” and the “death cannot stop true love. only delay it for a while” 
and then... fire swamp
roman gets a bit singed by the fire, and virgil explains how he took the dread pirate anx is actually multiple people; ryan, cummerbund, etc etc, while carrying roman through the forest. and then he sets him down and basically immediately roman gets sucked into lightning sand, and then the rous’
they make it out of the fire swamp and straight into deceit’s calvalcade, ft. six-fingered man
“you mean you wish to surrender to me? very well, i accept”
but also roman sees them trying to kill virgil and basically surrenders so they promise not to hurt him
“i thought you were dead once. it almost destroyed me. i can’t do it again.” and deceit whisks him onto his horse before he can say a proper goodbye to virgil
virgil gets knockt out and taken to the pit of despair
(fun fact: the henchperson in the pit of despair in the movie terrified me so much as a kid, oh my god)
anyways they clean his wounds and basically prep him for the Death Machine
roman, meanwhile, is moping quietly around the castle, as deceit basically covers for it with his father’s failing health. roman has stress dreams and nightmares about the wedding, before he marches to deceit’s office and declares that he will be dead by the morning after their wedding
deceit simpers that he could never cause roman grief, and they’ll alert virgil’s ship, etc., all that, and casts some shade, but roman stays strong. eventually they make a deal that if virgil wants roman, sure, but if not, please consider deceit as an alternative to death.
deceit reveals that he hired the dragon witch, as they walk to the pit of despair, and the six-fingered man starts virgil up on the Torture
after that, logan and patton (since reunited) are having a merry old time knocking people out in the thieves’ forest and avoiding arrest, when patton at last reveals the discovery of the six-fingered man
CHANGE OF PLANS, logan declares, and basically drags patton into this plan. he also needs, well, another swordsman, so he may as well go looking for...
virgil! who is Suffering, highkey, when deceit struts into the room. roman has since figured out his letters to virgil haven’t been sent, and he is. Angry About It, which makes deceit Angry at him and roman has basically been locked away until the wedding
back to virgil! as deceit is ranting about the true love, which is a once in a century ordeal, and so deceit snarls “then no man in a century will suffer as greatly as you will” and cranks the machine up to fifty
and uh. he ded y’all
not before screaming loud enough for basically the whole country to hear, including logan and patton!
who move towards the screaming, and are basically like “well, we’re in the middle of a forest, now what” until they stumble along the henchperson, who gets Knocked soundly along the head until he reveals the pit
they cart out virgil’s body to joan and talyn, and logan basically tells them that it would greatly displease deceit and so they have their whole thing (and TO BLAAAVE, which means to bluff! and rewatch the whole situation because it’s so funny and also like. oh my god. joan and talyn as miracle max and valerie)
so they get him the little chocolate covered miracle pill and haul virgil out
“bye bye, boys! have fun storming the castle!”
they feed him the miracle pill, but, uh, virgil’s physicality is....... incredibly limited
“let me explain! no, there’s too much. roman’s marrying deceit’s in less than half an hour. so we gotta break into the castle. and i have to kill count rogen.”
“great. the only trouble is i can’t move and there are sixty guards on that door”
basically they come up with the whole, like, demon entrance plan, which is hilarious, and come upon the head guard
“give us the gate key.” “i have no gate key.” “i see. patton, tear his arms off.” “oh you mean this gate key!”
wedding is happening, which.
“mawwaige..... mawwage is what bwings us togezzer... today.”
oh my god. oh my god it’s the precursor to the hewwo meme
anyways they keep talking “wuvvvvv.... TWU wuv!” and deceit snaps they speed up for it and they get the shortest vows ever
deceit gets roman taken to the honeymoon suite by his parents and he goes racing out to face virgil, logan, and patton, who is carrying virgil
in comes the six-fingered man, and six guards, who logan slays with ease
“hello. my name is logan sanders. you killed my father. prepare to die.”
dude fuckin sprints outta there, and logan follows
meanwhile, patton continues calmly carrying virgil until logan starts shouting for him to break down a door
patton gently installs virgil into the arms of a knight thing and stops logan from basically knocking his head against the door, before punching it down for him, and going back to get virgil
roman’s being escorted by the queen, who he gently kisses on the cheek
“what was that for?”
“you’ve always been so kind to me. and i’ll be killing myself once we reach the honeymoon suite.”
“....won’t that be nice. HE KISSED ME!”
logan has his Badass Fight and gets jabbed pretty bad in the stomach, but not before enacting his awesome revenge
roman dully enters the suite, and preps to stab himself in the chest, until he hears a voice from the bed
“there are very few perfect chests in the world. it’d be a pity to damage yours.”
and he rushes to kiss and hug him, and basically virgil reveals he can’t move all that much right now and is in a fair bit of pain
“won’t you forgive me?” “what did you do?” “i got married” “well, did you say i do?” “well... no.” “then you didn’t get married. don’t you agree, highness?”
and roman whirls around to see deceit
and virgil gives the badass to the pain speech
god it’s so. yes.
and virgil manages to stumble to his feet and hold out his sword, snarling “drop. your. sword.”
it’s scary enough that deceit basically immediately forfeits, and roman ties him up, beaming
logan stumbles into the room, holding his stomach “where’s patton?!” “i thought he was with you!” 
and they hear patton calling from the window, beaming and holding the reigns to four white horses
and they uh... happily ever after, running away together, to Be Gay and Do Crime
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bbgnoods · 7 years
Russel X Reader
word count : 2,906
ps : more stories on my wattpad @ sonyatheblade !!!
Gorillaz was what the professionals feared, the teen heart adored and what (Y/N) called a challenge. When offered a position simply starting as an assistant, she took no hesitation to take it up. Well, that job started nearly 10 years ago. It had been quite the bumpy ride. Through-out the band’s adventures on Plastic Beach, she was the one who held all promotions. She was also the one who booked the tour with the amazingly talented Damon Albarn, who was one of the sweetest men she had ever met, while Murdoc did god knows what with god knows who on the secret location. She worked on editing on their radio interviews, created websites, kept fans updated via social media, you name it, she most likely did it. For her first 3 years, she never had a free day. Until the day she received the call from Murdoc. A hiatus? For the long, long break, she was told to keep watch on everyone. Make sure no one died, basic things like so.
She stayed within North Korea, keeping a close eye on Russel’s conditions in his exhibit. After a few weeks of that, she was off to Japan. She sat next to the demon as Noodle sliced his head off. A soft laugh even parted her lips while she watched with limited emotion. Her personal favorite was the partying in Guadalupe while 2D ate at whale blubber. In the end, she planned and set up the groups reunion under Murdoc’s orders.
She also was the one who set their campaign with ‘Converse’, worked along with the filming for ‘DoYaThing’, and created most of the fashion for the band throughout the past years, along with their upcoming performances, videos and photoshoots for their latest album, 'Humanz’.
It had been a very fun filled 10 years, 10 years she wouldn’t trade for the world. Thinking of her past seemed to distract her from her current task.
“Wow.” A loud voice boomed out, followed by a chuckle. The female jumped a bit, holding her hand over her chest while trying to slow her rapid heart rate. “(Y/N) isn’t doing work for once? Is the sky green too?!”
She let out a small laugh, turning to face the male, “good evening to you as well, Mr. Hobbs.”
Russel sent a small wave, leaning against her doorframe. “Listen,” he spoke out, his usual flirtatious tone ringing out, “I think you need a break. Why not go out? Maybe get a bite to eat? My treat!”
Russel was very dedicated. Ever since he returned from the abnormalities of Plastic Beach, he spoke to (Y/N) in a very cocky yet smooth tone. You’d think after 3 years he’d get the idea that an assistant cannot 'go out’ with one of her bosses. Wrong.
Everyday, he’d do something to keep up a conversation with her. Her favorite day became Friday because of Russ. He’d stop by to drop her off dinner. The main course would always be chinese, followed by a large (fav. flavor) custard. It always lit her heart up. He was a big sweetheart.
“I don’t know if that would be a  professional option, Mr. Hobbs,” she hummed out, “and besides, Mr. Niccals would not approve of me leaving when so much has to be done.”
Russ smiled at her dedication. She was so cute. “I’ll give ol’ Mudz a talk. We can make it a business date if it’ll make you happy.”
(Y/N) sighed happily. Seeing as how he yet again wouldn’t give up, she nodded her head in agreement. This caused Russ to stand at the door, completely frozen. His blank, white eyes widened, his lips parting as no words came out. (Y/N) chuckled, turning back to face her computer. She quickly saved her needed documents and pre-typed emails. After that, she shut it down, closing it and grabbing onto her drink. “I’ll join you in asking Mr. Niccals. Perhaps if I offer assistance for a full twenty four hours, I can get off for the night.”
Russ snapped out of his frozen state, letting out a laugh. “Hell no! He’ll let you off. No extra time needed, gorgeous.”
His compliment did cause her to giggle out a bit, a soft blush gracing her beautiful facial features. “Thank you, Mr. Hobbs.”
“No more Mr. Hobbs. It makes me feel old.. Just call me Russ.”
She remained silent, a simple smile gracing her perfect lips as the two walked out the office.
“Alright, Russ.”
All around it was an odd situation. A woman dressed in a black pencil skirt, matching black top, white heels, and a perfect ballet bun out with a male in his comfort clothing of a yellow hoodie and baggy white jeans find themselves dining at some type of Korean barbecue. They sat at a small table, bowls filled with the desired ingredients.
“I know it’s not your usual Chinese,” Russ spoke out, “but I figured I’d change it up a little. Thought it might impress ya.”
(Y/N) let out a laugh, her hand coyly covering over her mouth while doing so. “It is very delicious,” she responded, “thank you very much, Russel.” Her hand reached into her purse, pulling out a small slip of paper. She handed it over to Russ, brightly smiling while doing so. “Since this is a business date.. Next week, you and the others are needed for a photoshoot as a promotion for Pandora again. And Spotify is asking if tonight you can update your G-Mix. You can stop by my office if you require any additional assistance.” Russel could lie and say he listened to every word. But again, that would be lying. He just couldn’t stop looking at her, at how absolutely beautiful she was. The way her eyes seemed to gleam with joy. Her eyes were beautiful. A perfect shade of (e/c). Her lips looked so soft, so kissable. God, he just wanted her so badly.
He quickly shot his positioning straight, trying to appear as interested as possible within her work. “Yeah, yeah, business 'n shit!”
(Y/N) couldn’t hold in the loud bolt of laughter ringing past her lips. “It’s alright, I suppose work talk can wait till after we finish.”
Russel let out a soft 'yes’ in victory, smiling to himself before looking back up at her. “So, since you are now officially off,” Russel called out, “here are two options for the after dinner fun. Option A, movie, maybe a little clubbing? Or B, get Noodle to make us a little surprise? A little more fun but not out and about.”
��Noodle always was bright and fun. Let us see what she has planned.”
Russ nodded in agreement and looked down, quickly messaging the guitarist.
Noodle gazed about her closet, tapping a finger against her chin as she scanned about the various outfits. A vigorous ringing and the beat to her song 'DARE’ blared throughout the room. She flopped onto her bed, grabbing her phone and opening the unread message.
'BIG OX ‼️💘🥁 : She said yes. And she chose plan B. Go crazy, kid.’
Noodle’s eye widened, a cheerful squeal rushing past her lips. After a small victorious dance to herself, she responded she instantly went to work with the preparations.
Russel kept small talk up with (Y/N), feeling his heart beat rapidly with each word she spoke.
A light vibration buzzed within his packet. He quickly apologized, but (Y/N) simply smiled and patiently waited for him to do whatever he needed. She took this as the time to continue to eat her meal, still with all the poise in the world.
'Noodle : yes yes‼️ 😄💕 it will be perfect! enjoy dinner, dad 💘’
He chuckled softly, putting his phone back in his pocket before continuing their conversation.
“So, let me get to know you better,” he spoke out,“no backstory, just you. Favorite color, candy flavor, dessert? Any hobbies, y'know, besides work?”
(Y/N) chuckled again, humming softly at the questions. “I do enjoy the color (f/c). I don’t have a large preference on sweets or desserts. You already know I love (fav. flavor) custard.” She let out a dazed sigh thinking of the treat, “as for hobbies, I haven’t been able to do much exploring due to always working. I went cloud watching once. Very relaxing!”
Russel happily sighed, his eyes never once moving from looking at her. God, he was in love. No matter what she would do to push him away, he would always feel the same way towards her. No one could change how he felt. He had never felt this way. He never thought he could feel true happiness again.
“Now your turn.” She spoke out.
“Me?” Russ asked, stupidly knowing the answer.
“Of course. What are your hobbies? What makes you most happy? And what toppings do you enjoy on a pizza?”
He took a second to think. Obviously, the first two could be answered in a heartbeat. He just tried so many pizzas in his life, he couldn’t pick just one.
“Hobbies would be drumming and cooking. I can cook up a mean eel.” His comment had the two both cracking into a fit of laughter. “Happiness.. Originally, it was music and my best friend, Del.. He isn’t around anymore..”
(Y/N)’s smile dropped into a saddened frown. “Russel.. I apologize.. I can’t-”
He held a hand up, smiling at his date. “No, no. He’s in a better place now.. And besides, he brought me someone to make me even happier.”
“And who would that be?”
Her heart slammed against her chest. Heat rose to her cheeks. Her lips curled into a smile. He was so sweet, and he made her so happy. The feeling was to die for.
“As for pizza.. I’d have to stick with a classic cheese. You can never go wrong with cheese pizza, right?”
(Y/N) let out a little laugh, “right..”
After dinner, Russel and (Y/N) arrived at the current Gorillaz HQ. The area around them was silent, only things in sight were signs taped to the wall as directions. Soon enough, the two had been lead to Noodle’s garage. All of the infamous cars rested within. From Noodle’s famous tricycle displayed on the ground to Stylo crashed at the rooftop, it truly looked amazing and brought back so many memories. Along the large wall, a projection screen hung down, a bit musty, but still in perfect working condition.
“Yōkoso! (Welcome!)” Noodle popped up from inside the Geep, letting out a soft 'awe’ at the sight of the two. She hummed a bit, jumping out from car. “Take a seat! The movie is about to begin!”
“In the Geep?” The two asked simultaneously. Noodle nodded and proceded to leave the garage. As she did so, music from the movie began to blare from the speakers set up. Russel held onto (Y/N)’s hand, helping her into her seat. Quickly, he followed, seating himself next to her.
(Y/N) smiled, leaning her head against Russel’s shoulder. He smiled softly, resting his head on top of hers. At this point, the movie just played to be played. (Y/N) took this time to inspect every detail of him. Specific scents, how he looked, how warm he was. She took in a deep breath through her nose, picking up how he smelt of strawberries and cigars. It was only soothing.
Russ oddly did the same, occasionally breathing in her sweet scent. Like fresh vanilla and rain. He watched her movements carefully, smiling a bit when she’d let out a faint yawn or sigh in comfort. The situation was so heavenly. It made him wonder if he was passing into the light.
“'Ello! Special delivery!”
The voice made the two jump, both looking over at the new voice. Smiling brightly was 2D. He held onto two bags, one in each hand. “Personal gif’s!” The two each grabbed what Stuart offered to them, “I helped Noodle get 'em togetha’!”
“Aye, thanks ’D!” Russel exclaimed.
“Thank you very much, Mr. Pot!”
He cheerfully grinned before heading back up stairs. Russel was the first to dig into his bag. Inside was a yellow fleece blanket, one plastic spoon, and a pint of his favorite strawberry ice cream. On the carton was a tag covered in rhinestones and small emoji stickers. 'Dear Big Ox: i hope you enjoy!! i love and appreciate everything you’ve done for me
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doughboymagazine · 7 years
Feature No. 5 // Joe August
Joe August, the visionary behind The Joe August Band, met with Doughboy Magazine to discuss his new single, “Somewhere Someone.” The song blends elements of 60′s pop, funk, and classic rock better than Cap’N Crunch Berries on a glazed doughnut (Joe’s fav doughnut from Voodoo Doughnut). Joe has an extensive background in music, ranging from traditional training, to teaching music therapy. He plans to take his band on a world tour, and for the 23-year-old talent, we “hole”-heartedly believe that he’ll be jumping the charts!
Check out his latest single, “Somewhere Someone” on SoundCloud! https://soundcloud.com/joeaugustmusic/somewhere-someone
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DBM: So first question, what’s your favorite doughnut?
JA: My favorite doughnut is the Cap’N Crunch doughnut from Voodoo Doughnut with the Crunch Berries.
DBM: Do you have a favorite doughnut memory?
JA: The first time I ever ate Voodoo Doughnuts I had the Voodoo Man and that was a special moment—my first time in Portland.
DBM: Can you tell us a little bit about the music you’re doing right now?
JA:  I have a ten-piece band in Seattle. It’s a standard rock band, so you have guitar, bass, drums, vocals, and then there’s sax, trombone, trumpet, violin and cello. Pretty much what I’m going for is giant rock orchestra—that’s the vision. Classic rock is a dying breed, and it’s something that not that many people are doing anymore. I kind of want to bring that vibe back, with elements of RnB, jazz, hip-hop, but rooted in Rock ‘n’ Roll.
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DBM: How did you collect the team members in your band? What was that process like?
JA: It was a tough process. I’ve been playing live music for the past four years, but I haven’t really solidified a group until now. Most of the people I met through school—choir programs, classes, going to shows, and scouting artists—so, I kind of hand picked this group that I have now. We’re really cohesive and I feel really good about it.
DBM: Can you tell us a little bit about the name, Joe August? Where did it come from?
JA: That is my middle name—August. It just got to point where my last name was too hard to spell, and people didn’t really know how to find me or my music online. So, for branding purposes, I decided to change it to Joe August. My parents gave me that name hoping that I would use that as some sort of stage or industry name. I���ve kind of grown into it, and I think that’s what I was meant to be.
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DBM: You just released a single! Can you talk about the title and vision of the piece?
JA: The song is called “Somewhere Someone.” I wrote it last summer when I was in Greece. I was spending a lot of time on the water—so I wanted to incorporate some themes of sailing— which is where I came up with the concept that somewhere, someone is sailing to you. The fact that there are 7 billion people in the world, and you’re supposed to find this one person that’s your significant other, your soul mate, is what the song is about. Somewhere, someone is out there. They’re there for you, but you don’t really know where they are, where you’re going to meet them, or if you’re going to meet them.
DBM: How do you think music has shaped where you are today?
JA: I studied music therapy for the past four years—mainly on the psychology of music, focusing on using music to help other people and for the benefit of others. It’s really important when you have a skill and you have a talent, to not just use it for your own benefit, but use it for the good of other people. That’s crucial.
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DBM: Do you have a catered audience in mind for your music?
JA: When people see my live performances, even just for thirty minutes, I want them to forget about everything, every little detail of their life, and just lose themselves to the music. My favorite artists have made me do that at live performances. For an hour I’m theirs, I’m captivated. There’s something beautiful about taking a listener out of their day-to-day life, out of their own thoughts, and just captivating them with your music. I think that that is therapy—an escape from your everyday.
DBM: How did the band evolve?
JA: A couple of the other musicians in my band are also studying music therapy, so it’s been really cool to collaborate with them. We bounce a lot of ideas off of each other. It’s really great to have people to be creative with—they’re my best friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
DBM: What was it like to work collaboratively with ten people?
JA: It’s really hard, especially to get everyone under the “same roof.” But, I like to do it in parts. I’ll rehearse the vocals one day, then I’ll rehearse the horns the next day, then I’ll rehearse the drummer, and then at the end of the week we’ll do it all together. That way nobody is going into anything blind—everybody at least has a general idea of where their parts are going to be placed in the whole perspective of the song.
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DBM: What is your favorite piece?
JA: The single is one of my favorites to play live. It’s always the song that we start with. It’s fast, it’s upbeat, and it usually gets people dancing. I really, really, love playing that one live—people respond really well to it.
DBM: What was your favorite show that you played with the band?
JA: The last show that we did was at the Tractor Tavern in Seattle—hands down our best show. The band was just altogether, and we were really well rehearsed. I had just graduated college, so spirits were high. A lot of people showed up, and we just played through our songs and they all sounded great. There were no real mistakes, and the crowd loved it. We sold “merch” at the show for the first time—it was a notable show for sure.
DBM: Who are some people that inspired you to take up music in the first place?
JA: I was five years old on my way to kindergarten when I first heard Abbey Road by The Beatles. That was the first time I heard The Beatles, and I remember, even at age five, being just captivated by their harmonies, and their guitar riffs, and by their lyrical content. I knew pretty much straight off the bat that that’s where I wanted to draw a lot of influence from.
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DBM: Lots of musicians these days rely on computer technology rather than on live performance to produce music. What are your thoughts on the methodology?
JA: Well, you know it’s bittersweet, because on one hand it’s incredible that now with a computer, and with this software and Logic or ProTools, anybody can create music. Anybody can sit down at their computer and draft a song. But on the offhand, that also means there’s a lot of people who have no training, or have not spent years playing the guitar or crafting their work. They’re just plugging into a computer. And so, because of that, a lot of times I think that music can be a little bit “soulless,” and a little bit heartless. I listen for that when I listen to music.
DBM: Who writes the songs for the JA Band? Is the band involved in the process?
JA: The band brings my songs to life. I write the songs, sometimes alone, but recently I have been writing with the other members, which has been an amazing experience. But yeah, I write the songs, I write the structure, I write some of the lyrics, and then the vocalist comes in and adds a harmony, and the bass player adds his bass line, and they just bring it to life.
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DBM: Can you talk a little bit about your process of writing songs? How do you come up with lyrics?
JA: It’s different every time, honestly. Sometimes I’ll just sit down and I’ll write a guitar riff, and I’ll really like that guitar riff, so I’ll throw it on my loop pedal and I’ll sing over that. Or, I’ll try to create the melody and then the lyrics. Sometimes I’ll write songs in my sleep—it’s happened a couple of times before. Last year I wrote a song in Spanish in my sleep, and I don’t even really speak Spanish. But, when I woke up, the first thing I did was I wrote this poem in English and translated that poem to Spanish. I kind of remembered the chords and the melodies from my dream, and it sounded exactly like what I heard. It really is different every time. Sometimes I’ll write a poem and I’ll add music to that. Sometimes it’s just stream of consciousness writing, or sometimes I’ll just improvise a song, press record, and then cut and paste from there.
DBM: What’s your dream for the Joe August band?
JA: I have an album written and ready to go. Ideally I would love to work with a couple other songwriters or producers who are behind my vision and who understand the exact sound and style I’m going for. That’s kind of where I’m at. I would love to record that album and collaborate with others who believe in what I’m doing. I’d like to continue playing shows—go on tour. Touring the world to play music sounds like the best thing I could ever think of, so that’s absolutely one of my big goals.
DBM: Thank you so much for meeting with us today! Do you have any advice for any aspiring musicians?
JA: Just keep going, don’t stop. And, don’t let what people say get in your way. At the end of the day, you have to be yourself. You have to at least try and put yourself out there, because you’re not going to ever be able to get to the next plateau unless you take a risk and put yourself out there. So, I think that that’s the most important thing—never look back.
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Check out more of The Joe August Band online in the links below!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/joe-august/id544571592
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/joeaugustmusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2xH2UWF8Pzj07E0dRjaLXA
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worthyfate · 5 years
// Dragon Age Questions
Tagged by: @dalathin Tagging: idk man come take it
01) Favourite game of the series? i am ATTACHED to da2, but dai has jumping and man i love that so much
02) How did you discover Dragon Age? uh.... no idea honestly. i think i bought my ps3 and then just grabbed a handful of games, and dao was one, and then i just. i was hooked. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games? 
dai way more than i should, but i’ve only finished dao twice, da2 once, and dai like. several (ive been on a dai finish quest for alllll endings)
04) Favourite race to play as? 
elves because... elves.
05) Favorited class? it was mages at the v beginning but dual wielding rogues? my new fav
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? i generally make the same choices, but sometimes i just go ‘fuck it’ to see what happens -- one of my most recent playthrus, my inquisitior was a dick. i mean i loved her, but she was truly a horrible person
07) Go-to adventuring group? mmm in dao it was alistair, wynne, zevran usually. in da2 it was typically fenris, anders, isabela. dai usually sees me with dorian, bull, and then the third one changes based on 1) who i’m romancing 2)what my class is and 3) who has the best weapons at the moment
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into? 
definitely teren by far. he’s my baby and i feel everything he does on such a strong level. but ellie is now beginning to get the same amount of effort
09) Favourite romance? 
you can pull the dorian romance from my cold dead hands thanks. THAT BEING SAID i also adore encouraging bull/dorian, and if that means i need to romance someone else, then fine. cullen, too, is precious. i’m quite fond of zevran and anders’ romances. (i love fenris as a romance, but i feel like idk... there’s just more thought and angst in anders)
10) Have you read any of the comics/books? 
nope 11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
i should get on this, honestly
12) Favourite DLCs? trespasser is gold, but i ADORE jaws of hakkon. ameridan’s story is just. i love it. admittedly i haven’t actually... complete most of the dlcs for dao or da2
13) Things that annoy you. i mean nothing comes to mind? i guess the sort of inherent sympathy for mages? like the game kinda pushes you to that, and the templar route in dai is so fascinating and kind of? more developed? than the mages? but everyone chooses mages because, well, mages.
14) Orlais or Ferelden? ferelden on like.. principle, but orlais is hilarious.
15) Templars or mages? i always end up choosing the mages just because i feel like thats what the game wants, but i also really love the templars in dai
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? well my player characters are generally in their own verses, but game canons are generally all lumped together. mostly its based individually though
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) i only ever named my dog in dao, and that was rune. i think i named the one in da2 something similar. i don’t.... name things.
18) Have you installed any mods? 
i only JUST got into modding and well. that’s why i don’t do anything else anymore
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? 
aedan didn’t, aliana hadn’t considered it but was pretty happy about it
20) Hawke’s personality? sort of a sarcastic dick, honestly.
21) Did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition? not for all companions, but my quizzie and their LI always have matching armor (and if its bull/dorian, i give it to them too).
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? teren would never go to the conclave, ellie wouldn’t have had her vallaslin removed, aedan would have tried harder to train, ali wouldn’t have changed much, warren probably would have tried harder to get along with carver. then there’s all the canon shit for the game canons
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? idk how much of what my hcs are are for or against canon. my main thing is that fenris is not from seheron or whatever. also teren’s mark began acting up at least a month before the council, but he hid it from people. morrigan is not straight, but that’s mostly just for samarha. and also hawke isn’t just a mage. he’s actually more a rogue than anything.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade? 
i typically leave stroud where its an option. teren left loghain, and ellie leaves alistair because... i mean mostly because she didnt want to see varric sad. ive left hawke a few times though
25) Favourite mount?
i’m really fond of the frost elk
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itsjayyyy · 5 years
January 10, 2019 12:13 pm
it’s a week after i planned on writing an update, but it’s a thursday so i’m technically on time. I worked tuesday, as i said, and on wednesday rose came over. we first went to the mall so i could show her how decrepit it was, and got auntie anne’s there. I like the mini pretzel dogs, but hate the hot dogs inside them; i just like how the pretzels are rolled up to look like croissants and how the hot dogs imbue the bread with that umami flavor. Then we went back to my place and watched train to busan (the main character was the same guy from coffee prince!), and then went to baanchan for dinner. I remember that she borrowed a shirt and got a stain on it and took it home and said shed wash it but i can’t remember which one. thursday and friday i just kinda lazed around, relaxed for a few days before the semester started. i signed up for postmates, and just today i got an email saying the prepaid card was sent to my address so i’ll activate it when i get home. the weekend was work, as always.
i would like to thank every god for allowing me to live so close to campus, because if i had to wake up any earlier for my 7:30 am calc class i would die. On the first day I woke up at 6, but tbh the earlier i have to wake up, the longer i have to take to get ready so I was kinda rushing and ended up forgetting my wallet. I didn’t want to give up my parking space to go back to get it, so I took the on campus shuttle back to my apartment to pick it up, since i needed my id to get my textbooks. got my textbooks (with no line whatsoever!), went to my evening classes, then went home. oh, and apparently i’m so bad at math. i saw my schedule’s weekly chart and said “oh nice, i have a 4 hour gap in the middle of the day for studying or getting lunch” but apparently it’s a 7 hour gap, from 8 am to 3 pm. coolio.
my calc professor was a bit timid, and has a slight accent. the first day i made the mistake of sitting in the back like last year, and could not focus on a word he said. psychology was chill, we just covered the syllabus. apparently, the psychology department (not my professor) mandates that all intro psych classes’ grades are 10% participating in psychology studies, bc otherwise nobody would volunteer to help them. i hate being forced to do anything, so of course I’m gonna lie and fuck with their studies. asl was my fav class, it’s at 6:30 when campus is empty. we just learned the alphabet (and by that i mean she ran through it once and then we had to go to the front of the class and introduce ourselves). the whole class is immersive, meaning that even on the FIRST day of class we weren’t allowed to speak. as if i understood a single thing she said. there’s a cute girl in that class, we didnt speak to each other (obvs) but when i got stuck while introducing myself, she helped me out since she was in the front row. can i just say i’m PISSED that it seemed like everyone was fluent in asl while i barely knew the alphabet. yall this is an introductory class.
tuesday was a disaster. i woke up at 6 again, but was so beat from the day before that I decided to skip calc, on the grounds that it was all just review and the first unit was my best anyways. i forgot to set a follow up alarm, though, so i woke up naturally at 8:55. and then looked at my class schedule. and saw that my next class was at 9. luckily since i live by campus i was only 6 minutes late, but i forgot literally everything (didn’t bring my phone or my backpack) except for my wallet. I didn’t even have time to shower, or brush my teeth, or comb my hair. immediately after i was done with that class i went home and did all of those. I also went to the pet store to get a new filter for my fish, since my last one broke (after 2 years of having it, which i think is a good lifespan). I installed that, knit more of my gloves, then went back on campus for programming at 6. The professor didn’t even cover the syllabus, he just jumped straight into the lecture. one kid asked about the structure of the class, and at that point he gave a quick summary. it was clear we were all expecting him to start the lecture with the syllabus. i’m so annoyed that last semester i deleted codeblocks, the program used in the course, because i thought i was done with it, and now i have to reinstall it. tuesday evening i watched hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, which i watched when i was like, 7, but forgot most of. 
wednesday, i woke up at 5:30, so that i would have more time to get ready. I sat in the front of calc, and took really great notes. we finally started getting into psychology, all about behavior and stuff. I did one of their stupid studies before class, it was this survey about “human social perception” but honestly it was asking about how lonely i am. and when you have to actually sit there and quantify how many friends you have, and how often you see them, it really puts it into perspective. kinda felt called out.
ya know how every semester, i creep on webcourses’ list of students in my class? well the cute girl in asl is named “anna” (as per how she introduced herself, it was the only name i could catch), and there’s only one anna in the class, and she has a crazy last name so it was p easy to find her on ig and twitter. i was scrolling down her twitter when i accidentally liked one of her tweets. i quickly unliked it, and i didn’t think she would have gotten the notification bc it was a retweet anyways, but shortly after that she followed me. and then i remembered that my most recent tweet was “so uhh whos gonna tell the cute girl in my asl class that i want to go out with her bc it sure as hell ain’t gonna be me” (cue my death). i deleted it and hoped she didn’t see it, but honestly if she followed me she prob saw it. i hoped that maybe bc i don’t have my real name listed on twitter that she wouldn’t know it was me, but in class i introduced myself as “jay” bc i forgot the symbol for s. pls kill me. and this all happened like 10 minutes before class started. I sat in the back, though, so we weren’t near each other. but at the end of the class we did an activity where we got a card with a word, and we had to find the person with the same card by signing it. we did like 4 rounds, and i was hoping we wouldn’t be together, but in the last round we were. we didn’t talk tho, and as soon as it was over i was gone. 
despite my period being nowhere near, i had a huge depressive episode last night. like, by her ig and twitter, she’s a Distinguished Gay in which she did a high school summer program with Stanford where she did heart surgery on a porcupine, and was an award winning thespian, and has tons of friends and a supportive family, where i’m the complete opposite: no friends, failed 3 classes, family hates me, chose a low paying career, needs alcohol to cope with life. This is one case where opposites don’t attract: she’s not gonna want to be with someone whose life is a complete mess. And then i just got to thinking about how rose tells me that mom lowkey thinks I’m a complete dissapointment for being gay and she only puts up with me bc it’s the muslim thing to do, and how the only way i can make her happy is me being single my whole life so she wouldn’t have to know. how i can never have love. and then rose texted asking for an update and i just kinda lashed out at her. why does she feel the need to tell me about mom talking shit? why would i want to hear that? yea i get the whole “don’t let others talk shit behind my back” idea but sometimes ignorance is bliss. i just don’t want to feel like a pile of shit for once in a while. and of course I’m still so resentful about the way that mom and dad treat rose like a damn golden child while i’ve never gotten 1/10 of the support she has.
This morning i went to calc, then comp, didn’t really pay attention in either. while in comp, heather texted me and was like “we should meet up soon.” rose also texted me; last week we were planning to meet up today but it was kinda dicey since we had that issue last night. and anyways at 11 she said “i got a job interview with izziban at 4, should i go” and i was just like “yea sure” bc i really don’t give a fuck. she always puts everything before me so why bother. then she got all like “if something’s wrong you need to tell me i can’t help if i don’t know what’s wrong” like, how about you read what i sent you last night, that details EVERYTHING that’s wrong. she later said she was gonna skip the interview bc she already has a job and she’s gonna do uber eats, and that she was just gonna have lunch with mom (since mom loves her enough to cook for her) and then head out my way. heather responded that we should meet at 1 today, so i told rose. rose said “should i wait for yall to finish and then come by?” but i havent responded bc i don’t want to see her (ever again).
I soft blocked anna on twitter bc i didn’t want her to see me talking about how i wanted to kill myself on main lmao. anyways i’m gonna go get a smoothie.
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16 nice things we've seen on the internet in 2018 so far
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We're halfway through 2018 and it's safe to say the internet's already had some serious ups and downs. 
If you reflect on the year thus far, your mind might wander to its low points, like when YouTuber Logan Paul filmed a dead body in Aokighara, known informally as a suicide forest in Japan, and uploaded the video online. Or maybe your mind jumps to the time Roseanne Barr made an extremely racist remark on Twitter.
Heck, perhaps you've blocked those cringe-worthy moments out because you’re too busy watching President Donald Trump spend his days angrily tweeting into the abyss. But despite all the bad the internet has offered us in 2018, it's had its fair share of good moments, too.
SEE ALSO: Hot knife ASMR videos are therapy for your retinas
From hilarious children and adorable animal videos, to impressive memes and chill celebrity interactions, the internet has given us a lot to smile about this year.
Here are 16 things to remind you that the internet isn't always an absolutely terrible place to spend time.
1. Lisa Frank's social media game
Looking back at social media in 2018, one unlikely hero managed to consistently deliver fresh, peppy, colorful content. That hero is Lisa Frank.
The beloved brand that ruled your childhood is over here absolutely slaying the social game — sharing relatable AF memes, cheerful animal graphics, and rainbows galore on Facebook and Instagram on a near-daily basis. If you're looking for a heavy dose of positivity, some Monday inspiration, or an unexpected laugh, Lisa Frank’s got you covered.
How’s your Monday going? #mondaymood #lisafrank #sweettooth ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
A post shared by Lisa Frank (@lisa_frank) on Jun 11, 2018 at 3:28pm PDT
2. Will Smith's Instagram account
Though the world welcomed Will Smith to Instagram in December 2017, the actor and super-cool dad really hit his social media stride in the new year. 
Smith gives us everything we could ever want in a celebrity Instagram account — he serves up laughs, gives us looks into his personal life, posts those Fresh Prince of Bel-Air throwbacks we all crave, and shares photos with his family members and famous friends. We are barely worthy of your content, Will, but we're glad you're here.
I’ma keep it 💯 wit’ y’all... I Hurt Myself doin’ that Champeta Move.
A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith) on May 9, 2018 at 7:07am PDT
3. Kids finding out they were going to see Black Panther
Since its release, Black Panther has shattered box office records and inspired tons of memes, but we're not sure anything about the franchise will ever be able to top this video of Atlanta middle school students learning they'd be going to see the film.
In one of the nicest feel-good clips out there, Wade King — teacher and director of curriculum and instruction at Ron Clark Academy — captured video of students reacting to the news.
The students just found out we are all going to see BLACK PANTHER! We will have a day of cultural classes, African dancers, historical lessons and then we will all go see the film! Turn up!!!! @ronclarkacademy @chadwickboseman #tlhanna pic.twitter.com/oUhWse5ghr
— Wade King (@WadeKing7) February 2, 2018
Is this not one the purest things you've ever seen? Want more? No problem. The school's founder Ron Clark tweeted another video.
4. The #M'BakuChallenge
Black Panther had such an impact in online communities that it wouldn't be right to simply highlight one glorious Wakanda-related internet moment. Behold: The M'Baku Challenge — a delightful trend that called on people to recreate some of the most iconic lines from Jabari tribe leader M'Baku (played by Winston Duke).
Many Black Panther fans made admirable efforts, but 7-year-old Jordan's rendition was so superb that even Michael B. Jordan showed him some love.
A post shared by Brittnilutherqueenjr✊🏾 (@badgyalbribri) on Mar 4, 2018 at 5:31pm PST
5. Inspiring Twitter thread of women lifting each other up
It's an absolutely beautiful sight when an overwhelming amount of positivity is born from a single act of negativity. That's what happened in May when Twitter user @lewisbcfc74 claimed to be "sick of" seeing girls complimenting each other on Instagram.
Sick of going through insta and seeing girls commenting on other girls pictures 'look at u!!😭' and 'have you seen yourself😍' grow up man you don't even know each other
— Lewis (@lewisbcfc74) May 17, 2018
"Sick of going through Insta and seeing girls commenting on other girls pictures 'look at u!! and 'have you seen yourself’ grow up man you don't even know each other," he wrote. The tweet inadvertently inspired a thread of women who came together for the sole purpose of complimenting one another.
Girl you’re one to talk. Look at your skin, GLOWING
— Saya Norton (@sayanorton_) May 18, 2018
At the time of writing this article, the original tweet had 2,000 replies — most of which are women lifting each other up. Could someone please @ me when all of Twitter is this perfect? 
6. Meghan Markle's pre-glow up photo
When actress Meghan Markle married Prince Harry on May 19, we were blessed not only with gorgeous photos from the big day, but with photos of a young Markle in her pre-royal family days. While she was off becoming the Duchess of Sussex, the internet was busy obsessing over an old photo of the former actress as a teen tourist posing in front of Buckingham Palace in London.
Straight-up inspired by her transformation from teen tourist to adult royal, people dubbed Markle's love story the Ultimate Glow Up. #Goals
every time i feel giving up on anything i'm just going to look at this picture set and get my life pic.twitter.com/t7AFDO2DW7
— indie (@INDIEWASHERE) May 19, 2018
7. Dramatic Little League kid
Little League is no laughing matter. Unless, of course, you're this adorable jokester who was told to run from third base to home "as fast as he can."
In one of the most dramatic moments in Little League's little history, Twitter user @TabbyRodriguez's teeny cousin Lenn completed his victory sprint in agonizing slow motion, taking more than 45 seconds to run to home base. Lenn ignored the haters, making for some absolutely perfect content.
8. Jenna Fischer telling The Office fans about Pam and Michael's airport goodbye
Fans of the beloved NBC comedy The Office still aren't ready to let go of their Scranton family. So when Jenna Fischer, who played Pam Beesley on the show, took a moment to reminisce about the emotional Goodbye, Michael episode, people were pretty pumped.
In an Instagram live, Fischer revealed to followers what her character said to Steve Carrell's during their touching airport goodbye scene. 
"That was me talking to Steve," Fischer told her Instagram followers. "I told him all the ways I was going to miss him when he left our show. Those were real tears and a real goodbye. That was a really emotional scene."
BRB, sobbing.
9. Fans coming together after Brooklyn Nine-Nine was cancelled
A brief moment of absolute panic descended upon Brooklyn Nine-Nine Twitter in May after it was revealed that the show had been cancelled by Fox.
— Nicole Gallucci (@nicolemichele5) May 10, 2018
Fans (and celebs) were distraught by the news, but quickly bounced back from mourning to fight like hell to keep the show going. People tweeted at networks, shared how important the plot lines and characters were to their lives, and furiously thanked the creators, writers, actors, and crew members for all their hard work.
And you know what? IT WORKED. In a beautiful 2018 plot twist, NBC decided to pick up the comedy for a sixth season. One of the most blessed turn of events all year.
We got your SIX! #Brooklyn99 is officially coming to NBC! pic.twitter.com/NNQw2OZquH
— NBC Entertainment (@nbc) May 12, 2018
10. Mom's viral cheesecake rant
"Do you want the fucking cake or do you not want the fucking cake?" That's the question fed-up baker and business owner Kim Copeland — and eventually thousands of others — were dying to know the answer to in May 2018. 
The internet got the rage-filled hero it needed when Twitter user @adrienne_bc shared an entertaining 2:20 long video of her mom, Copeland, contemplating a vague AF cheesecake order commitment made by some flaky person named Ginger. After reading their text exchanges, reflecting on proper cake-ordering etiquette, and explaining everything she has going on in her own busy life, Copeland straight-up went OFF, asking, "Just tell me, Ginger, do you want the fucking cheesecake?"
I wonder if Ginger will dare order another fucking cheesecake again.
11. Kendall Jenner vs. Kacey Musgraves
Ah, FEUDS! Gotta love 'em... especially when they're between celebrities, and they end far sooner than expected and in a very gentle manner, right? Thus is the story of Kendall Jenner and Kacey Musgraves' short-lived, not-actually-a-feud feud.
The tale goes like this: In May, Jenner shared a photo on Instagram of herself sipping tea on a New York City rooftop while wearing lingerie...as one does. And in the background of her picture was a Musgraves billboard, except OH WAIT. It's blurred out. *gasp*
A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on May 3, 2018 at 4:44pm PDT
In response Jenner's possible shade, Musgraves shared a screenshot of the Instagram post to her own story, prompting Jenner to apologize profusely for the misunderstood shade via Twitter. Jenner explained she "...didn’t edit this photo! Kacey is literally my fuckin fav! ... ask anyone of my homies i die for her!"
Aw, how nice. It's refreshing to take a breather from hardcore public feuding every so often, isn't it?
12. Busting a move at graduation
Few days in life are as important as your pre-school graduation, and 5-year-old Aubrey Toby celebrated hers to the fullest.
On stage, diploma in-hand and dressed in her purple cap and gown, the precious and fiercely talented North Carolina student proudly danced her way across the stage and towards the exciting world of kindergarten.
Toby's godfather Merle Murrain II shared footage of her busting a celebratory move to Justin Timberlake's "Can't Stop The Feeling" alongside her far-less enthused classmates. She clearly stole the show and better make the graduation dance a regular part of any future ceremonies. 
A post shared by Merle Murrain II (@themerlemurrain) on Jun 2, 2018 at 9:59am PDT
Beyoncé and Jay-Z have had quite the 2018 already, what with going on tour together and dropping a joint album out of nowhere. And in case that wasn't enough, they also inspired a very good viral challenge.
The #APESHITCHALLENGE was born after Bey and Jay dropped their music video for "APESHIT" (which was casually filmed at the Louvre in Paris, btw). In one scene, Beyoncé thrashes at the top of a massive staircase while dressed in a huge white gown. Fans promptly recreated the moment in their own homes, using a white bed sheet to get the effect.
14. Hillary Clinton mocking James Comey
Remember that time Hillary Clinton absolutely roasted former FBI Director James Comey on Twitter? 'Twas brilliant.
She simply couldn't resist after it was announced that Comey used a personal email account for his own official government business. Yes, this is the same Comey who opened an investigation ahead of the 2016 election into Clinton's private email account usage during her time as Secretary of State.
But my emails. https://t.co/G7TIWDEG0p
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 14, 2018
"But my emails," Clinton wrote, quote-tweeting news of Comey's personal email troubles. A tweet so iconic it almost lives up to "Delete your account."
15. DJ Switch
Say hello to DJ Switch, the coolest young DJ in Ghana. BBC News Africa shared a video of Erica, aka DJ Switch, who started dropping beats at the age of 9 and has been inspiring people ever since. 
"I picked the name DJ Switch because I switch up people's happiness," Erica said, explaining that while DJing is her passion, she wants to be a gynocologist when she grows up so that she can "help women."
16. A massive Twitter thread of puppies
Finally, we end this light and joyous trip down memory lane with this extremely lengthy Twitter thread of puppies meeting, playing, and being very cute together. Twitter user @BlairBraverman truly blessed the internet with this one.
As you know, we have a lot of puppies right now. pic.twitter.com/Vsw5SE0Wzt
— Blair Braverman (@BlairBraverman) June 26, 2018
It's been a wild ride. Let's hope there's more where these came from in the second half of 2018.
WATCH: Have your face and eat it too with these custom lollipops
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