#my feelings about this season so far
charlesleclerc1 · 1 year
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saragrosie · 2 months
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As promised, incredibly stupid s4-5 drawings
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angel13xo · 1 month
see guys natsu saying sorry to lucy in the recent episode IS A BIG THING RIGHHTT???
like im not crazy that should've been a way bigger, more serious moment!!!! (why'd he make that weird ass joke after he's never made any joke like that before 💀😭)
and i'm pretty sure he doesn't say sorry often or even at all (he probably does and i don't remember *goldfish brain*)
(sorry for the rant - i'm also not caught up in the manga - not a manga reader really but maybe one day - )
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venice-1987 · 24 days
Soren deserves to have a little breakdown in season 7. As a treat.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 60
Part 1 Part 59
The party is already in full swing by the time they pull up. Drunk high schoolers out on the lawn wearing more thought-out costumes than he and Eddie had managed. Their plans before Nancy accosted them in the hallway involved a pizza and a couple tapes from Family Video that Eddie swears he has to see.
It'd been Eddie’s idea; he’d shrugged on one of Steve’s preppy polos – his words, not Steve’s – and one of his acid-wash jeans, and pristine white sneakers, and called it good. Steve had gone along with the concept for lack of a better idea. He’d chosen his favorite Metallica shirt (the one with the hole in the armpit), a pair of Eddie’s black jeans, and Eddie's leather jacket. Eddie had grabbed his battle vest, pushing Steve's arms through it like he was a small child. It’d still been warm from Eddie’s own back.
To finish the look, Eddie had slid each ring off his fingers, matching them perfectly with their usual placements on his own hands. There was something about the way Eddie's hands felt, sliding up the vulnerable sides of Steve's fingers that made him shiver, goosebumps breaking out along his arms.
Eddie's hands had looked bare, almost risqué in their nakedness. Even now, while being packed in at all sides, Steve can't help looking down at them. He wants to push Eddie's hands into his jean pockets, hide the vulnerability of it from everyone else. He doesn't.
Almost the instant they walk through the door, Hargrove shouts, “King Bitch!” holding up his drink, as if to toast Steve’s arrival.
Tommy’s at his side, laughing like no one had ever said anything that funny in his life. Eddie’s fingers tighten around his wrist as he pulls him along.
Barbara and Nancy are hovering around the punch bowl, laughing. Nancy takes a sip of something that looks disturbingly red from her red plastic cup, and Barbara, while empty-handed, looks far happier than she had at Steve’s party all those months ago.
"Looks like they didn't need us at all!" Eddie calls loudly over the music.
Eddie’s bare fingers sneak under his sleeve to caress the skin of his inner wrist. Steve clenches his fist, relaxes it, wonders if Eddie can feel the flexing of his tendons beneath his palm.
“You came!” Nancy calls, handing her drink off to Barbara with a roll of her eyes, as she throws herself at both of them, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders and pulling them into her smaller frame. She looks down at the pair of them, brow furrowed. “What are you two even wearing?”
The angle hurts his back, even more so when he turns his head to raise an eyebrow at Eddie, who’s already doing the same. “Well, you see,” Eddie says, trying to eel out of her arms with little to no success. “I’m dressed as the king, and Steve’s my noble jester, of course!”
Nancy opens her mouth, looking up at him with a bitchy expression, but Steve interrupts her, “I said we would.” He says it loud enough to be heard over the thrumming music.
“Are you drunk?” Eddie asks, looking at Nancy with befuddlement. Steve can’t blame him. Nancy’s behavior toward him can usually be called catty at best. Not that Eddie doesn’t usually give as good as he gets, but it’s still bizarre to see Nancy’s arm wrapped so familiarly around him.
“No!” Nancy yells, at the same time Barbara says, “yes,” with an exasperated sigh.
“I only had two drinks. When she pulls out of the embrace, she’s already pouting. “I only had two drinks.
Steve holds his hand out toward Barbara, who hands over Nancy’s drink, even as the other girl complains. Steve takes a tentative sip, curious. It goes down like battery acid. It makes him lightheaded and queasy instantaneously. Probably just from the fumes.
“What the fuck is that?” he asks, sputtering. He rubs his tongue with his fingers, hoping to scrub the remnants of that taste off his tongue for good. Eddie’s hand, where it’s still wrapped around his wrist, nudges against his chin.
“It’s pure fuel,” Barbara replies, laughter audible in her tone, even as Nancy nods enthusiastically.
Steve, still grimacing at the lingering taste, drops his hand, rubbing his saliva off on his borrowed pants. “That’s rancid.”
“This is what the Kingdom has fallen to without their King,” Eddie says with a sigh. For some reason, his cheeks are pink, like he’d been the one drinking that garbage.
Steve shrugs, “Carol always used to mix the drinks.”
“Of course, she did,” Eddie says, rolling his eyes.
Barb nods in agreement, but Steve had made the mistake of handing Nancy back her drink, so she was immediately long-sufferingly trying to corral her friend to stop drinking.
Steve flows into the groove of partying quickly. He fades into the music, smiles at his friends, lets the waves flow over him. He’s happy, with Eddie by his side, and friends coming in and out of view.
Enter: Jonathan Byers.
Steve’s breathing picks up, and suddenly the pack of bodies is suffocating. He can feel sweat slick his forehead, and his vision goes a little fuzzy along the edges. He pushes past bodies with no regard, ignoring the startled complaints that follow in his wake.
Steve grabs the lapel of Jonathan’s shirt in both fists, like a kid afraid of losing his Mom in the store. And he is; he’s afraid.
“Where’s Will?” he asks, pulling Jonathan’s t-shirt, stretching out the collar around his neck.
Jonathan’s eyes widen. He reaches out, covering Steve’s hands on his shirt and squeezing. “He’s fine,” Jonathan says. “He’s trick-or-treating with his friends.” There are spots in Steve’s eyes. “Breath, dude.”
Steve inhales, ragged and aching. “You didn’t go with them?”
Before Jonathan can answer, Eddie is there, big palms on Steve’s shoulder, squeezing. He leans forward, whispers in Steve’s ear. “Let’s go outside, sweetheart.”
Steve nods, letting Eddie lead him past the throng of partygoers, pulling Jonathan along as well by the hem of his shirt, still clutched in one of Steve’s fists hard enough to hurt.
They emerge out on Tina’s back porch. It’s dark, but the fresh air hits Steve and his lungs finally expand.
“Jonathan?” Steve asks, wheezy and breathless.
Jonathan meets his eyes, quickly pulling something out of his pocket. When Steve looks down, it’s a walkie-talkie, the same kind the party is so fond of using.
“He begged me to go with his friends,” Jonathan says, talking fast like he’s afraid Steve will punch him if he doesn’t get the words out quickly enough. Or pass out on him. “I told him he’d have to radio in every half hour, on the dot, or I’d call Hop.”
Steve breaths in, breaths out, feels Eddie’s hand steadying the small of his back. “And he has been?” Steve asks.
Jonathan nods, slow, like any sudden movements will spook Steve.
“Well, then!” Eddie says, massaging Steve’s shoulders quick and dirty a few times until Steve melts into his hands. Steve’s bereft when he drops his hands to join their impromptu circle. Eddie digs around in Steve’s pocket, pulling out a pristine joint with a quirked brow. “I think some of us could maybe chill the fuck out right about now.”
Steve rolls his eyes when Eddie looks pointedly his way, but dutifully swipes the joint from Eddie’s hand. He slides it in his mouth, feels it stick to the inside of his lip as he leans forward for Eddie to light it.
The first hit sends him coughing. Jonathan claps his back companionably as he passes the joint to him. Jonathan, suspiciously, doesn’t cough at all. Neither does Eddie, but that’s to be expected.
A few more rounds of puff puff pass, and Steve’s so relaxed he flows onto the ground. Eddie laughs, passes the joint to Jonathan, and plops down beside Steve, patting his thigh.
Eddie’s smiling down at him in a way that makes Steve’s stomach populate with butterflies by the handful. He looks teasing, like he’s thinking of the best thing to say. Steve suddenly knows he’s going to speak and then he does. “Are you alright down there, princess?” he asks. “All calmed down?”
He swallows his desert-dry mouth and hopes his voice comes out clear. God forbid he fucks up so badly Eddie invites Jonathan to warm his bed instead. “Yeah,” he says, throat cracking around the word. In a bid to redeem himself, Steve clears his throat, swirling his spit around to help rehydrate. “I can see the future?” he says, voice lilting upward at the end like it’s a question.
Eddie leans forward, hand patting Steve’s cheek gently. It feels nice. Steve leans into the touch. “Are you serious?” he asks. “Is this another superpower thing?”
Steve wobbles one of his hands together in a wishy-washy gesture that his brain gets caught in. It feels nice, the stagnant night’s air smacking against his palm so he does it faster, smiling.
“He’s just high,” Jonathan says, turning just enough that Steve can see the bottom of his chin. He looks weird from down below. Gargantuan.
Eddie flops gracelessly beside him, burrowing the back of his head into Steve’s ribs. “Damn, so you can’t see the future?” he asks, whining. “We could use another Supergirl.”
Steve’s too busy watching Jonathan to argue over not knowing any supergirls again. Jonathan’s leaning against the railing, and Steve knows, suddenly, that he’s going to take another drag from the dwindling remnants of the joint. And then he does.
“I can see three seconds into the future,” he says wonderingly, still smiling.
Eddie burrows his head harder into Steve’s ribs until Steve brings his hand up to pet clumsily through his hair. “Ugh, you got my hopes up.”
“I’m a supergirl.”
Jonathan and Eddie are laughing at him, but Steve’s looking up at the shitty overhang above Tina’s wonderous porch and wishing it was gone. He wants to see the sky, the stars splashing out above him. He wants to pluck them from the sky and put them, still flaming, into Eddie’s hair.
He wants.
Something answers his wishes. The overhang is gone, rotted away from above him so the white specks can rain down on his face. He holds up his hand, hoping it’ll be cold enough for snow. Even with the red sky, even with Eddie gone from beside him, Steve hopes.
But when he brings it down to his eyes, the stuff smears along his palm, just like ash. Maybe he can’t see into the future. He would’ve seen this.
He would’ve predicted the way the shadows stripe themselves across his face, blotting out all the red in the worst way possible. He would’ve predicted the way that thing seems to move without moving at all.
He didn’t.
Steve sobs, just once. And then, Steve does what he does best: he runs.
Part 61
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect
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colorful-horses · 10 months
Said the S5 finale for Miraculous Ladybug was the final nail in the coffin for me to decide to stop watching it, but ended up deciding to watch the new 'Shadybug and Clawnoir' special because I'm a sucker for the 'evil alternate versions of the main characters' trope. And ohhhhhgg ohhhhh my fucking good
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mixtpecas · 2 months
It's crazy how the missed connections of seasons 8-9 destiel carry over into the rest of their relationship...
I noticed when I re-watched Dean talking about Cas giving up his angel army "for one guy" that the way Dean said it sounded grateful, but also kind of resigned? Even though it's crazy to me that Dean and Cas (and the show itself) straight up acknowledged that Cas did that all for Dean, Dean still seems like he's not even considering Cas doing all that out of any kind of unacknowledged feelings.
But looking at it from Dean's perspective, he basically already offered his heart to Cas on a silver platter for all of season 8. Forgiving Cas for breaking both the world and his brother's brain, fighting and praying for a year in purgatory, "I need you", etc. And Cas responded by ditching him as soon as he was free of heaven's control, with no further explanations.
But for Cas, he didn't even recognize that! He was in purgatory as penance for what he did, and he was brainwashed as soon as he was out! Cas' whole life has been about the big picture, which is how he continued to see things even after rebelling. Stop Raphael, help Sam, protect the angel tablet, etc. His own feelings weren't as important as his responsibilities. But by the time he's (forcibly) removed from those responsibilities by becoming human, Dean has already accepted his unintentional rejection! So now Cas knows his own feelings, but Dean is acting on the basis that a romantic relationship is off the table.
And this is how it goes from then on! Dean will be devoted to Cas but still kind of bitter about Cas' selfless devotion that's so close and so far from what he really wants, while Cas will be shamed about his unangelic and unwelcome attachment to Dean. And how Dean and Cas see their relationship is formed through such a short period of time!! From the crypt to human Cas being kicked out to Dean taking the mark of Cain, there were so many moments where it all could have been cleared up. But it wasn't, so they'll live in a state of confused rejection for the next six years anyways.
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hezuart · 10 months
No shade or aggression here but how are you disappointed in Hazbin Hotel when it hasn’t come out yet? Like do you just no have a lot of hope for the show or have you gotten some behind the scenes look at the show? Genuinely asking
I think I've explained before, but there's only 8 episodes for season 1 and it is going to showcase Charlie, Alastor, Vaggie, Husk, Angel, Niffty, Cherri, Pentious, Lucifer, Rosie, Vox, Valentino, Velvet, that one weapons dealer lady- and probably others, but the point is that it is overcrowded and the characters will not receive equal screentime for development.
The voice actors have changed, and they are talented people, but Lucifer is voiced by the same guy that voiced Varian from Tangled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYaqBrVAfGY So Charlie's dad is gonna sound like he's 18 Which you know, he can't age but I'm not personally down with this choice because I'm only gonna see Lucifer as Charlie's brother and not an actual dad figure, the fact that he's into rubber duckies, circuses, and theme parks kinda just solidifies him in my mind as a man child I won't be able to take seriously Husk is no longer a jaded drunk Rick Sanchez-sounding gambler but a suave magical Coraline Cat / Dr Facilier , which is a big change to his pilot vibe (I think Magician is what Viv WANTED to go for originally but... I prefer his pilot vers because Husk being a flying cat magician is... there's a bit too much going on with this character of his here) Based off wiki facts, pilot screen time, promotional material, comics, and Helluva Boss, it's safe to say the women in Hazbin are going to be neglected in favor of the guys. So the girls might not get as much screen time or plot. I've seen official promotional stills and clips with obvious animation errors and awkward storyboard shot cuts and zooms. I've also seen the old pitch bible for Hazbin and the episodes and characters listed there and it seemed more like an episodic series of shenanigans for young teens rather than an overarching plot kind of story for adults. Things have changed of course, but seeing what it was based off or pitched as has lowered my expectations pretty immensely. They don't have a lot of time and they have too many characters basically.
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timbourinedrake · 1 year
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blue eyed talia can't hurt you....
blue eyed talia:
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thyfggfy · 4 months
Unfortunately this is when the analysis sort of ends...I just don't have anything more substantial to say.
Here are some of the things he wears in season 4
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some of the things he wears in season 5
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and all of his outfits from season 6
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Do you see anything different , because I don't?
I think the consistency in his wardrobe has to to something with the fact that the majority of fans considered Stiles practically perfect since day one. As a result the production was either too afraid to change anything major about him or simply decided to not bother (if it ain't broke , don't fix it mentality)
Before I wrap this chapter up I want to reccomend @adrianfridge 's post where he essentially makes an archieve for Stiles' entire wardrobe.If you check it out , you might notice that I've used some pictures from there.
Parts: Stiles.1
Jackson ; Derek ; Liam ; Mason ; Theo ; Scott.1 ; Scott.2
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archengazelle · 4 months
*** JWCT SPOILERS 🦖💥 ***
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Here's an interesting question: do we think Aemond saw the Valyrian glyphs of the prophecy here?
Because the dagger did get blasted with fire along with Aeggy (;_;), which we know brings out the writing, and this very episode went out of its way to establish that Aemond is fluent in High Valyrian.
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I do wonder if their plan for his arc is to make him obsess over what the words mean along side figuring out that Hel is a Dreamer.
Gif belongs to @daeron-the-daring (gif set)
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heylenaa · 5 months
I was thinking more about it and I will not shut up
it's so refreshing to see the doctor being touchy and open. don't get me wrong, I loved 13 and jodie's portrail of the doctor, but she was very... emotionally constipated and closed off, for all that she really cared for and loved the fam
so now seeing 15 and ruby's easy friendship, him holding ruby to put himself in danger's path to keep her safe, calling her a million cute nicknames (ruby-sunday-monday-tuesday??? I loved that). I'm sure that through this season (and the coming ones) we'll see a darker side of the doctor, because there always is one, but it does feel like he has done some healing
and yeah, I think the amount of exposition the eps had kinda helped my view here? I know disney is going for a thing were this can be a new point to start watching the series instead of going back to classic who or even the new who. but honestly, when would 13 willingly talk about susan? having an honest conversation with her about her past and feelings was like pulling teeth.
it's just heartwarming to see him being open and not so scared of getting attached to people (and obviously, of people getting attached to him, too)
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mikesbasementbeets · 2 years
to be real for a second, i think there is a moment in the show where mike has a ~realization~ of sorts about his feelings but hasn't quite put two and two together yet.... and it's this:
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this realization of "hey my feelings for will are actually maybe different than my feelings for my other friends, but i'm not sure why" happens at the end of season two. and then mike spends the entirety of season three acting sort of strange and different around will while having his relationship with him constantly juxtaposed with his relationship with el. reaching the end of that season which, despite all the supernatural shit going on, took the time to focus so heavily on those two relationships (and how fundamentally different they are), and having mike have the same realization he had at the end of season two makes no sense because it would mean he accomplished absolutely nothing in his emotional arc during the course season three
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especially to claim that he still believes he has feelings for el going into season 4. especially to claim he still believes he has feelings for el by the end of season 4. it's to claim that he has not made any emotional progress in his relationships for at least two full seasons, that he's been going through all of this for it to not have made any conscious impact on him, and the changes in the way he acts from s2-3 and from s3-4 aren't a product of his character developing (growing, changing, to quote hopper's letter) but rather..... ? i don't know actually. just him feeling weird but not understanding himself at all. still. it just doesn't make sense to me. he's one of the main characters of the show, and to keep him emotionally stagnant for 4 out of 5 seasons (especially when we can see that his behavior is changing, that he has not been stagnant at all but rather deeply affected by everything) would be a disservice to his character, first of all, but also a disservice to the narrative which has been showing us his (as well as the other characters') struggle with growing up and growing into himself every season. and it simply doesn't align with what we're being shown
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mike is already having realizations by the end of season two. but by the end of season three, he's starting to be really honest with himself about what they mean
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23and05 · 5 months
If I was to write a Merlin season 6/spin off, it'd look like this:
Firstly it's set now. Merlin has been moving around different places when he grows out of them (i.e. needs to move on because he's immortal) he's currently working in a library and that's where he meets 'Arthur'. Oh he'd also have an Irish accent because one of the worst things BBC Merlin did was not allow Colin to keep his accent.
I picture him having a different name so when 'Arthur' catches him staring and Merlin introduces himself using his real name 'Arthur' is confused because that's not the name on his badge. Merlin says he feels like he knows 'Arthur' and it turns out to be a reincarnation type thing. Does that make sense ??? So it is Arthur, but he doesn't know it, cue Merlin having to draw the memories out of him.
I feel like a cute detail could be Arthur had a child who's flown the nest so there's loads of pictures of them together in his flat.
Other details, Merlin freaks out waking up for the first time in Arthur's bed.
They go skinning dipping in the lake of Avalon, because Merlin says its where he comes when he's overwhelmed, it's like his little spot. Arthur maybe remembers here ? Or at least feels something. Like a pull, something like that ??
The series would end with a pull back shot of some piece of art in a museum/gallery of merlin and Arthur (idk if one exists, there is surely some of king Arthur, but you get the gist) where we see merlin ans arthur holding hands stood in front of it.
There are so many song potentials, but I feel like ii hands ii heaven by Beyoncé playing in the background when they first remeet would be so perfect. Just catching the end of the song where 'I've been waiting my whole life, for you and I' is sung in stunning harmonies.
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alitgblog · 1 year
already liking that the characters are more than "the charismatic skater" and "the romantic musician" (sorry Jamal and Ryan) and I think it's probably bc they don't feel isolated from each other. like the guys have personalities that get along or clash with each other too and they show it, and it helps them feel realer than just liking the same girl or whatever
and like that's not to say they tried to give them dimensionality, like you learn about Elliot's quirks and Roberto's family and whatnot but saying something is like half of the journey. like it's cute Alex nerds out on building things but it's a whole other thing that he purposefully stays out of drama and therefore has a better relationship with Raf and also is making sure the guys don't get injured when they're jumping on the beds. like that sort of more dynamic thing is way more fun. meanwhile i couldn't tell you about any of the s6 guys' friendships other than things I've headcanoned and also marshall/ozzy (which is why I think I've started to grown to like marshall after the season is over)
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