#my good friend Jonathan has a nice voice
ultranerdygirl · 1 year
Happy Jonathan Harker day!!
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weirdworldofwinnie · 8 months
Happy Halloween!🎃Here's a treat for all you Jonathan Crane lovers out there:
Face Me...
Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow x Female Reader (NSFW 18+ only smut)
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Summary: You work at Arkham Asylum in Gotham and Dr. Crane has been stalking you for a while, but you are leery of him and have been avoiding him outside of professionalism at all costs. One night though as you are leaving work, he tracks you down at your car to see just what you're so afraid of.
Word Count: ~4,426
Warnings: Semi-rough car sex, non-con elements, forced oral (male receiving), dirty talk/language, slight degradation, hair pulling, slapping, stalker behavior, talk of virginity loss, birth control, Dr. Crane being kind of a creep in general
Note: Reader does not know he is actually Scarecrow! And images above are sourced from Pinterest. This story is based only on Cillian Murphy's version in the Batman films and is my interpretation of the character; I don't own him or any part of the franchise, this is just for fun.
Tonight was swathed in misty sheets of rain in the gritty darkness lightly tainted by the glow of streetlights as your car, parked a few blocks from Arkham Asylum, beeped to unlock and you slung your purse over your shoulder, sighing after a long day and wanting to get home to a hot bath and a drink or two. But a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach at a shadow from your peripheral vision made you hesitate and you squinted through the hazy shower that was tapering off to a light drizzle, dampening your hair.
A suited man, height on the shorter side, was stopped no more than twenty feet away and a jarring jolt rushed to your bones when you saw the street light glint off his narrow framed glasses and you paused, hand on the car door. He was utterly silent and you were unnerved by his stiff posture and oddly clenched fists, half thinking to jump in your four-door-sedan and peel out of his presence, but he then walked forward causally, those hands relaxing and slipping into the pockets of his black slacks.
"Good evening," he called out, stepping into view under a streetlight with a smirk and you clenched your jaw, crossing your arms defensively as he slowly approached, that sick smile never sliding off his features that were - you'd have to admit - frankly handsome... No, beautiful was a better term.
"Why are you stalking me, Dr. Crane?" you asked with edginess to your tired voice. It was late and you didn't even live in Gotham City, you just commuted here for work.
"Stalking? Oh no, I am simply observing," he replied smoothy, but it came off as more snappy and insincere.
"Right... Don't you have somewhere to go?"
"Do you?"
"Yeah, home to my apartment miles away. It's been an exhausting day and too late to be out on the town, so if you're proposing anything, I can't take it tonight."
"It's always a long, late night in Gotham."
He moved within a few feet of you and you swallowed nervously, but remembered a man like him could smell fear, so you put up a brave front.
"So when do you finally fuck off and leave me alone? It's unprofessional to follow someone without their permission, you know. Keep this up and I'll need a restraining order."
"But you always avoid me during work and now you reject my offer for simple company?"
"Company late at night at my car in the rain? And aren't you technically my boss? We aren't friends and I don't know why you're so interested in me, but I don't think you should be. I'm not looking for a man like you. Right now I'm just looking for a nice glass of red wine honestly."
"Really...?" he drew the word out to almost a parodying tone and you pursed your lips.
"Yes, really. Now I bid you goodnight, Dr. Crane." You opened the car door fully, ducking and stepping a foot in when the door caught and you looked up to see him holding it in a firm grip. He was stronger than you expected.
"Stop denying it, I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not paying attention. Stop hiding and face me once and for all," he insisted darkly.
You took a breath, desperately trying to calm your beating heart and yet the horrible feeling that this evening wasn't going to end on a dull note persisted.
"Don't hurt me, I'll-" you started to warn and his eyebrows shot up with a shake of his head.
"Call the police?" It sounded like mockery from his mouth and you scowled as he continued, his pale hand sprinkled with rainwater sliding up and down the car door frame.
"Hurt you, hm? Well, only if you want me to." He chuckled and you stared at his slightly floppy dewey dark hair and raised eyebrows.
"Why the hell would I want you to hurt me?"
"You tell me. I do know you secretly want something else, don't you? Something more... erotic?"
You scoffed angrily, hating how he was worming his way past your exterior and into attraction, but you couldn't let it happen.
"Take a raincheck. I'm going home." You tried to shut the door but he was still holding it in a death grip, knuckles white and veins bursting out the back of his hand.
"Stop fucking around, I don't have time for this sh-" you cut off your sentence with a yelp as Dr. Crane shoved you inside the backseat of your own car and you landed flat on your back as he came inside to hover over your vulnerable body, wetting his pink lips.
"Please! Don't do this!" you cried out of panic and he leaned back, breathing heavily.
"Don't go anywhere," he warned and you struggled to sit up, throwing your purse up front and he slammed the side door shut, getting more comfortable in the backseat, which you were not pleased about.
"This is MY car, get out," you commanded, but he was as cool as a cucumber as he cleaned his glasses with a cloth from his suit jacket.
"I just want to talk one on one, which we never do outside of the usual board meetings and it can be so boring, always about psychiatry and stats and police reports and this patient and these crazies and-"
"Oh sure you just want to talk. I'm not some kind of naive idiot to the desires of the opposite sex," you rolled your eyes and he scoffed, settling back on the seat with a cross of his legs and looking up to the car ceiling.
"It's so cold and wet tonight, shame we aren't someplace more cozy," he muttered and you awkwardly crawled into the driver's seat with your keys and fumbled to insert them in, starting the ignition.
"What are you doing there?" he asked mildly and even that sounded passive aggressive. God, he sure was insufferable.
"Turning the heat on because you're whining about it. I just wish you'd get out of here, completely violating my privacy."
"This is a public street you're parked on, isn't it? And is this how you treat all passengers?"
"I never have any passengers," you remarked bitterly and Crane leaned forward, putting his hands on the back of the seat and peering around to you as you glanced at him in the rearview mirror.
"Indeed. I know you're mostly a loner with almost no friends and orphaned from family or maybe you've lied and they aren't dead and are only estranged... Either way, no one cares and no one understands how you spend office hours in a facility full of the most criminally insane but you do it for the money and to quench your curiosity because deep down, you know - you know you're a freak too who sees no normal in what you have deemed a, oh say... corrupt kind of world."
You swallowed at his assertions and unfortunately fairly accurate reading.
"I don't need sympathy from you of all people," you snapped, putting the heat to full blast. It was freezing tonight and the defrost was battling the condensation filling up the windshield.
"I'm only trying to understand you myself, it's my job to psychoanalyze."
"I'm not one of your patients or experiments," you told him in disgust.
"Every human being is an experiment in the eyes of their creator, which is me for you because I happen to be the one who hired you in the first place. Without me, you would not have a job and therefore I created you in that respect," he replied in absurd smugness.
"Then what am I? Frankenstein's monster?"
His eyes flashed and he adjusted his glasses reflexively.
"I wish. No, you're my first prototype I have yet to diagnose."
You shut the heat off once the internal temperature was fairly toasty and cracked a window down a fraction for circulation. A beat of silence befell until he suddenly climbed into the front, dropping into the passenger seat confidently, and you realized how lithe he was, how easily he fit into spaces not designed for someone with such an overshadowing, all-encompassing ego.
"Now what are you doing?" you asked exasperatedly. He didn't answer and you hated the way looking at him was making your heart flutter despite your anger and the alarm bells ringing in your brain. Something about him was always... very off and you never could quite place your finger on it, he was a blind spot, but it was undeniable. Which was telling considering the people you were exposed to every day.
Crane reached up and removed his glasses entirely with a swipe to set them on the dash and your breath caught with that simple action. You admitted how he was very visually pleasing without those lens obstructing his intense blue colored orbs were. You glanced down and fiddled with the keys when he suddenly snatched them up out of your lap and pocketed them into his own pants with a manic expression.
"Hey, give those back!" you yelled and began to wrestle with him, arms flailing as he held his own above his head, palms up and empty.
"You want those? You have to do something for me first."
"I-Okay, what is it?" You dropped your arms and glared at him suspiciously. He smirked once, speaking with a tremor of excitement.
"If I was civilized, which I'm admittedly not, I'd ask you out on an old fashioned dinner date and then walk you to your door, give you a nice polite kiss and send flowers to your desk on Monday. But I can't wait anymore for that saccharine romantic scenario, so we'll get straight down to business. I want to fuck your brains out, right here in the car."
You blinked, rather stunned.
"I... I-I no, I can't, I mean that's-"
And here was where your confidence utterly failed as he suddenly lunged and grabbed you to pin you down inbetween the passenger and driver seats, head flung upside down almost to the backseat floor and legs helplessly kicking towards the windshield.
"Please, don't do this!" you yelped anxiously.
"Don't tell me you're a virgin who has never had a dick in you before," he whispered, misreading your fearful hesitant expression. Actually, you'd had sex once with a lame boyfriend back in college and since then, avoided the dating and hookup scene, content just to masturbate when you could.
"Oh, fuck, I should've guessed. What a shocking discovery," he wrongly concluded rather sarcastically and you cringed, twisting your head away from his warm breath and ridiculously good looks.
"This makes it all the more interesting, then," he murmured with a feathery caress to your cheek and you flinched, giving him a kick and successfully wriggling out of his grasp to curl up against the door in the backseat.
"I've been waiting a long time for our encounter," he mused, utterly unfazed at the negative reaction.
You immediately went to open the door, ready to run for your life if he became overly threatening, but he hit the button that locked all the doors. You manually unlocked your one door - thank God for that safety feature - but his deadly voice made you freeze.
"Are you quite sure you want to do that?"
"T-This is my ensured vehicle and y-you are violating every right of mine by t-taking over like this," you stated, but your voice was shaking like a leaf through the words.
"That's it, you are afraid of me..." he whispered slowly and the pure delight with pride in his voice was unmistakable. You turned to look at him directly, unable to hide and deny anything any longer.
"I think you are being very inappropriate right now," you admitted nervously.
Crane moved to join you in the backseat, but you felt stuck even though you could technically open the door and make an escape. There was no way he could really stop you, was there? He didn't have a weapon on him, did he?
"If you were really frightened, you would have bolted by now," he said as though reading your thoughts and you gulped, realizing he was right.
"Dr. Crane, I-" you were broken off by him abruptly grabbing your face and kissing you, his tongue sloppily forcing its way into your mouth and you naturally reciprocated while inhaling his sharp stinging scent of expensive cologne. He pulled back with a gasp and a mischievous spark in his eyes that made something awaken deep inside.
"You kissed me," you said in a stunned voice.
"That's precisely what I did, Y/N," he answered with another touch of smugness and you closed your eyes, knowing you were in too deep now. He was going to take this all the way and you felt helpless to stop it. Did you even want to stop him?
"I knew if I exposed myself enough to you, you'd finally stop being immune," Crane told you with a sort of self-righteousness as he ran his hands down your back and shrugged your coat off before moving to your front to remove your blouse carefully, button by button.
"I hate to see such pretty tits contained and so oppressed... Let's free them, shall we?"
He unclasped your bra and removed it, tossing it to the floor and you shivered, goosebumps peppering your bare arms and neck.
"Aww, is it too cold?" He made a pout and privately you wanted to smack those stupid lips right off his condescending face but it was if you were under a spell of a sudden, entranced by his actions and his hypnotic eyes. He trailed his fingers down from your throat to your nipples and you hardened at the stimulation, closing your eyes in regret. Dr. Crane was turning you on, dammit.
"Better than I could imagine..." he breathed, taking in your appearance for a minute while groping your breasts, squeezing, and you gritted your teeth as he teasingly tickled you under your arms, making your breath hitch and a stupid giggle slipped out.
"Sensitive, are we? I promise I won't hurt you."
You leaned back, casting a fretful look out the windows in case of onlookers, but the street was empty and the glass was streaky with rain, creating a thickly translucent rippled covering not unlike a shower curtain.
"No one knows," Crane stated flatly in response to your paranoia while untying his dress shoes and pushing them under the seats. You just nodded, taking off your own and then unzipping your pants the same time he undid his own. His tight dark grey briefs were bulging with his cock and you hesitated, absolutely unsure of what to do when he completely stripped and out popped out his erect glistening-at-the-tip penis in full view.
"Take it in your mouth," Crane ordered abruptly, pushing you down beneath him.
"Um, no I think that's disgus-" Your voice was cut off as you nearly choked; he roughly shoved his cock so fast into your parted mouth. The silky end of his tie tickled your nose as he inched closer, and clearly this was much more enjoyable for him than it was for you as he groaned in building ecstasy and you kept your mouth closed around it, afraid that if you moved, you'd gag or get hurt. He forced your head up a little and bobbed, but you could feel a dribble of precum seeping down your throat and now you reflexed, yanking yourself from him with a loud noise and banging the car door open to cough and spit violently out onto the pavement below.
"Get back in, do you want someone to see us?!" Crane hissed and you felt a sharp tug on your hair as he pulled you back. You shrieked and self defensively twisted to slap him straight in the face. He gasped from the unexpected blow, falling back and banging his head on the opposite window as you spat, wiping your lips of his mess.
"Can't take it like a common whore, can you? Feel like being a goddamn difficult bitch, don't you? Think you're better than me, do you?" he seethed, rubbing his cranium and you huffed.
"I thought you'd just put your dick in me, not that bullshit."
"It's called oral and many women in fact enjoy it."
"How do you know, you've done that before?"
He had a strange expression when he replied briskly.
"I've read up on the concept, you know."
"You've studied about women and sex. Amazing. Is that what you do on your lunch break or...?" you almost laughed, but the way he was staring at you wasn't in a joking manner. He had the look of an inmate one straw away from a full psychotic behavior break down. Basing from your training, you decided to distract his frustrating anger and talk nonchalantly to calm him down.
"Okay, I'm kidding around, I get it, and I don't mean to hate or spite you. Remember when I was initially employed at Arkham, fresh out of college, and I met you for the first time? I personally thought you were extremely cocky and looked waaay too young to be a top psychiatrist in such a grand high security institution. Now I can say with certainty that while you are, um, creative in your methods with the inmates and I do admit I find you very terribly attractive, I have to say Dr. Crane... I still think you're an arrogant son of a bitch."
"Call me Jonathan," he replied, unimpressed by the insult and wrestling off his tie.
"Well, Dr. Jonathan, you sure are a pretty piece of work," you replied with ample attitude and he was fed up, dumping his jacket and shirt from his body and twisting the tie in his fingers. He held it up and a muscle spasmed in face, jaw clenching and enunciating his cheekbones.
"You want me to choke you with this?"
"I'd really prefer you didn't and it would be very nice if you weren't such a dick forcing your sex on me," you answered matter-of-factly.
"Lie down or I'll fucking fire you from your position, understand?" he snapped loudly and was extremely serious as you glared, but then reluctantly laid back obediently on the seats just to avoid complications and he came down swiftly, carefully aligning to position his penis at your entrance. He cautiously touched the moist head to your vaginal lips when you held up a hand onto his chest, stopping him.
"Now hang on doctor, don't you want to warm up first?"
"I'm obviously already warmed up, Miss Y/LN."
"But I don't have lubricant on me, so you're going to have to get me naturally very wet for penetration because right now I'm dry as a bone," you warned for your own protection, but hardly expected him to listen.
"Don't tell me how to do it," he replied, snippy.
"I'm serious, you can't just stick it in there; it will be just as hard for you as it'll be for me and I don't want to end up seeing a gynecologist."
"So you aren't a virgin after all?"
"I had my hymen broken with a loser in the past," you told him and he raised one brown eyebrow, creasing his forehead with a few fine lines.
"Then how should I start, Miss doctor?"
You wordlessly took a hold of his index finger and guided it to your opening and he pressed lightly, feeling pooling liquid.
"You little liar, you're already discharging," he whispered disapprovingly and he massaged your clit in slow jerky rhythm. You nodded in approval, losing your control as he slipped a finger in and moved around enough to make you clench a bit, trapping his digit.
"How does that feel?" he asked almost clinically and you closed your eyes, urging him to put in another finger. He did and you almost orgasmed when he extracted much too soon, sighing.
"This isn't much fun for me," he whined and you made a face, shifting position to spread your legs wider, putting your arms up and accidentally smearing the fogged window with your fingertips. You looked utterly submissive, practically begging to be fucked, to get it over with (so you convinced yourself).
But for all his aggression to trap you in your own car for penetrative sex, Jonathan was now becoming oddly timid as he hesitantly closed the gap between you, realigning his bare body to yours.
"Wait, have you done this before?" you asked suspiciously and he was sheepish in answering.
"I told you, you are my first prototype."
"Shit, you're the virgin here?!" You laughed as though this made this experience any less stressful or partially contrived.
"Do you masturbate?" you then asked and he rolled his eyes.
"What kind of man of do you think I am?"
"Is that yes or no?"
"Doesn't matter, Y/N. Now, let me ask you a more important question: are you on birth control of any type?"
"I..." you hesitated to answer because if you told him 'no' would he go any further? You had pills at home as a precaution, but neglected to ever take them, assuming you'd be remaining single. But you had no intention of getting into a full relationship and certainly not being impregnated by this man.
"I left them at home," you finally answered truthfully.
"I have something for that then," he assured and you stared as he leaned back and rummaged in the pockets of his clothes on the floor. He produced a tiny pill container and dropped a pill into your open palm. You didn't ask why he was carrying around birth control pills, but assumed he had indeed been planning this for a while.
"Don't want any unnecessary side effects of something that I'll have to end up terminating anyway," he muttered bitterly as you popped it in and climbed into the driver's seat to swig some water from your plastic bottle in the cupholder, feeling grateful that at least he didn't administer that Fear Toxin he was always messing around with in the asylum.
"Now can we get started?" Jonathan asked impatiently and you took a breath, easing the front seat down so you were lying parallel to him. Jonathan clamored on top of your naked flesh and straddled you, his cock rubbing up against your thighs, then vaginal area and you squirmed, clutching onto his back. He pushed in gradually, but densely, and you whimpered at the stinging pain and then the growing pleasure bubbling around his cock within your walls and you clenched hard, much harder than you had with his fingers.
"Oh... Fuck, Jonathan..." you groaned and he bounced up and down lightly, thrusting with slaps of skin and you felt your bottom sticking with sweat to the leather seat as he kept at it for several minutes, gripping your hips and nearly plowing you apart. It hurt, no getting around it, and he wasn't privy to what you were feeling as he seemed entirely in his own zone, racing for his pleasure until you moaned loud enough to cause him glance down, realizing you were getting close to free falling off the edge.
"C'mon, you're so close with that pretty little pussy of yours, almost..." Jonathan breathed in your ear and as he hit the spot, finally the climaxing orgasm came with a bang and it was so intense, probably fueled by adrenaline and stress more than actual love, that you emitted a high pitched shrieking whine which trailed into a low moan of relief while it tapered off and he grunted, somehow thrusting even further. Yes, you had minimal experience, but had never ever been penetrated this far before and you dreaded how much longer he could rail you, but thankfully his own orgasm came with a grunting groan as he spilled into you and you held on, digging nails into his shoulder blades and nearly biting his neck. He panted heavily in your ear and his tickle of breath made your stomach flip.
He laid still on top of you for awhile, cock twitching and warming your insides. The windows were fogged up completely and the cold was now non-existent with the heat you and him were creating out of friction alone.
"You enjoy yourself?" you whispered hoarsely to Jonathan as his breathing slowed sluggishly and he looked like he was falling asleep, so you shoved him off your aching body and he blinked, rubbing his forehead.
"Yeah, that was satisfactory. Maybe I should bump up your paycheck."
"I'm not a prostitute, but thank you."
He smiled lazily, eyes rather unfocused, and you pulled your seat up with the lever, reaching for his glasses on the dash and handing them back to him. He, in turn, retrieved the car keys from his pants and tossed them back to you with a clanging jingle.
Casting a look around your car, there were streaky handprints on the fogged glass, thin swipes of fingers and imprinted palms decorating the back windows and you reached over to one and drew a heart outline in a patch of blank space. Jonathan's own finger speared through it, making a arrow.
"Very romantic," you commented sarcastically and moved to join him in the backseat as he started to draw a creepy face reminiscent of a familiar spooky icon (a clown? Maybe a scarecrow?) when he stopped and checked his watch.
"I need to go," Jonathan coldly stated out of the blue and began to hastily gather up his clothing, awkwardly dressing before he stepped outside and zipped up his pants, and inhaled the late October city air, somewhat out of breath. The rain had stopped and the skies were clearing, the full pearly white moon slicing through the curtain of storm clouds, and you drew your blouse around yourself with a shiver before sliding into underwear, realizing you'd never look at Dr. Crane the same since this intimately raw experience.
"So I'll be seeing you around tomorrow...?" you wondered aloud and although you meant for that to be purely work related, he clearly took it the other direction.
"Oh, I'll be seeing you." He smirked knowingly and then slammed the car door closed in your face, leaving you sore and to reel from whatever the hell this twisted specimen of a man just put you through. Did you like it?
Thanks for reading 🖤 First time writing for Jonathan Crane, so I hope this was halfway decent!
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mysaintkitten · 2 months
I fully forgot I had this .. so here’s a little something for y’all lol
prompt: Jonathan calls you up after having a few drinks
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+ MDNI), mentions of alcohol/intoxication, brief mentions of suicide, subby-ish Jonathan, phone sex, come eating
*not proofread & old as hell*
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you’re abruptly awoken by the phone ringing. through squinted eyes, you peak at the clock sitting on top of your nightstand.
1:03 am flashes at you. who’s calling at this hour? you drag your body out of bed and trudge your way over to the living room where your home phone resides. once there, you drop to the couch and grab the phone, putting it up to your ear.
“hello?” you groan, you hear a small snicker on the other end.
“hiii babyyy!” they respond, clearly a little tipsy, you immediately recognize the voice.
it’s jonathan, your close friend, who had recently got placed into a psyche ward after attempting to kill himself. you hadn’t heard from him since he had told you the news. now here he is, ringing your phone at 1 am, while simultaneously dropping a “baby” bomb on you.
“jonathan?” you blurted, feeling yourself become a bit more awake, “what are you doing? why are you up? how do you even have access to a phone right now?”
he sighs into the phone, “me and toby sn- toby’s m’pal .. by the way .. we snuck out ‘n had a few drinks ..” his mumbles, “now ‘m allllll alone ..” he whines, dragging out the all to emphasize his loneliness, “oh ‘n about the phone .. since i’ve been so good they gave me a landline, cordless too, i mean they couldn’t give me a cord ‘cause i might wrap it around my neck, but it’s nifty!”
you roll your eyes. of course he’d do some shit like this. if it was any other friend, you would’ve told them bluntly that you’re not in the mood to talk, but jonathan was an exception right now. he was in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, and his comment about wrapping the cord around his neck grounded you back into reality. you decided to chat with him for a while.
“is that so?” you reply, “how’d the night go?”
“fun!” he bubbled, “oh m’god .. me and toby .. my friend .. we saw this piss drunk guy fall in the street!” he giggles while recounting the incident. you giggle with him, not so much at the story, but at the fact that he felt the need to reiterate that he has a friend named toby.
“that sound very funny, jon, but shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?”
he whines, “‘m not tired! plus i’ve been thinking about you .. that’s why i called .. wanted to hear your voice ..”
“why’d you wanna hear my voice? you miss me that much?” you joke, relaxing more into the couch. he hums, “jus’ like how it sounds ..”
“well. you woke me up, and i don’t think i’ll be able to go back to sleep, so you’re welcome to listen to my voice for a while.” you chuckle softly, not thinking too heavily about his intentions. he’s drunk, after all.
“hmm ..” he mumbles in approval, “can you jus’ talk? tell me about your day, love ..”
your brows furrow a bit at the request, but you oblige.
“i didn’t do too much .. just showered .. picked up a bit .. it was nice though.”
he groans quietly at you mentioning showering.
“mmh .. wards got no nice soaps .. i like how your soaps smell. always smellin’ so good ..” he murmurs, through the phone you can hear some minor rustling, but you assume it’s just jonathan drunkenly tossing and turning.
you laugh at his odd compliment, “you think i smell nice?”
“oh, i think a lot of you s’nice, darling.” he assures, his breathing becoming heavier
“what else about me is nice, jonathan?” you ask, thinking he’ll say something corny like your humour or your personality.
“that face f’yours .. gorgeous ..” he giggles and huffs, “‘n that body .. maybe it’s ’cause ‘m all alone .. ‘n a bit tipsy .. but i can’t stop thinkin’ about touchin’ you ..”
you’re not too sure what to say. you’ve been friends with jonathan for years, you would have never assumed that he wanted you that way. jonathan was very attractive, and you’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about him in a sexual way before.
“jonathan ..” you reply calmly, “i think you’re just drunk and confused, how about we talk more tomorrow? you can call me when-“
he whines, “no, baby, ‘m sorry .. i’ve just wanted you .. for so long ..” he hums as his breathing becomes louder, “‘n now .. just your voice got me s’hard ..”
you pause, listening to jonathan, you still hear the shuffling and his breathing. occasionally he whines a few times, is he touching himself?
“jon, are you .. getting off right now?”
he chuckles, “s’hard .. mmh .. thought i might faint.”
you hate to admit it, but hearing jonathan’s neediness got you a little worked up. knowing he was hard just from your voice ignited some interesting feelings from within you.
as your mind is racing, jonathan speaks, “if i w’s there .. would y’touch me?”
your heart begins to pound, his words have become more direct. he’s not just rambling about how he feels, he wants to know how you feel. you slip one of your hands into your panties, feeling how slick you’ve become from jonathan’s words. you might as well get yourself off as well.
instead of answering, you flip the question. “i’m wondering what you’d do if i was there.” you laugh breathily as you gently rub your clit. jonathan whines into the phone, “god, baby, s’filthy. y’don’t even wanna know ..”
“tell me. i want to hear it.” you pry as you become more aroused, hearing jonathan moan weakly at his own thoughts.
“mmh .. wanna eat your cunt .. make y’come at least once on m’face ..” he groans, “wanna fuck you. raw. make y’shake ‘n cry from my cock. wanna make that cunt feel so so good.”
jesus. really didn’t take much convincing for him to spill his thoughts. you bite your lip at his words, hearing his fantasies made you blush embarrassingly hard.
“hm .. yeah?” you moan into the phone, rubbing your clit at a quicker pace
“‘n i wanna eat you again after my cocks been ‘nside you .. lick up our come ..” jonathan gasps, through the phone you can hear him fisting his now slick cock. “then i wanna kiss you when m’done ..” he adds, chuckling a bit.
“god ..” you sigh, “you are filthy.”
you’re finding it difficult to hold back your moans, you almost want jonathan to hear them at this point.
“you .. you got me all wet, jon ..” you admit a bit awkwardly, you’ve never had phone sex before, but you don’t think jonathan will notice.
he whimpers “are y’touching yourself, baby?”
“yeah .. yeah i am ..” you purr, sliding a finger inside yourself and moaning softly as you plunge it in and out.
“jesus, fuck ..” he huffs, “you rubbin’ your clit? or fingering yourself?”
“i’m doing both .. switchin’ every now and then ..” you coo, adding a second finger inside. you hiss slightly at the change, but your cunt quickly adapts and accepts the second finger.
“mmh!” jonathan moans, “s’hot, knowing you’ve got y’fingers all over that pussy .. you sensitive, baby?”
he’s really into calling you baby. although it feels foreign, you’re not opposed to it at all.
“yeah .. a bit ..” you chuckle breathlessly as you remove your slick fingers out and bring them back to your clit.
“oh, fuck ..” he whimpers loudly, “baby, baby, ‘m not gonna last- m’sorry ..”
you could tell from jonathan’s tone and desperate little whimpers that he was close, he didn’t need to tell you, but it’s kind of nice that he at least let you know.
“that’s okay, come jon. show me how good it feels.” you purr. he can’t physically show you, but he can verbalize it, and he does.
“mmf- fuck, baby, ‘m comin’-“ he moans loudly, you’re worried other people in the ward might hear him.
“that’s it, come on yourself jon, good boy.” you encourage, you’re almost surprised that you called him a good boy, you never expected that to slip out.
his moans dwindle into small little whimpers as he rides out the orgasm, huffing quietly once he’s come down.
“‘m all messy, baby ..” he giggles,
“poor thing, you gonna clean yourself up?” you hum to tease.
“mhm .. nice ‘n clean ..” he mumbles as you hear him making small sucking and licking noises,
“jon, are you licking up your come?” you nearly chuckle at him,
“well no one’s ‘ere to do it for me ..” he whines, continuing to lick away his come.
“jesus. dirty, dirty boy.” you scold playfully, toying with your clit again.
“‘m a dirty boy ..” he repeats while yawning, “dirty boy.”
“you tired?” you ask softly,
“mmh, yeah, little bit ..” he mumbles,
“how about you get some sleep and we talk more tomorrow, all right?”
“mmh.. but i wanna talk ..” he groans,
you laugh weakly at his determination, “i’ll be here tomorrow. trust me. get some sleep. we can talk when you’re more awake and sober.”
“fine .. g’night baby. sweet dreams.” he gives in, yawning again
“sleep well, jonathan.” you close before hanging up. as you place the phone down, you’re left with silence and your thoughts. you decide you might as well get yourself off, and you do, you come in your pants to the thought of jonathan’s whimpers and moans. then, you clean yourself off before heading back to bed.
Not to jinx myself … but I am currently writing. Send me good energy yall please
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notjustjavierpena · 3 months
I have recently watched scenes from a marriage with oscar isaac and my mind which connects everything with hubby javi immediately went to this:
imagine wife’s and javi’s friends are going through a divorce, there’s cheating m, miscommunication etc and just a very hard time.
I feel like Javi and Wife would have a conversation about this due to the proximity of it happening to their friends. One about trust and if they’re happy. It’s not about insecurity or anything just them both communicating effectively and giving the other reassurance that this is not on the cards for them.
I just value their relationship so much.
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: Hiya anon! I hope it’s okay that I tweaked your request slightly to fit my version of hubby and wife. Enjoy ❤️ Thanks so much for proofreading, @angelofsmalldeath-codeine !!!
Summary: You and Javier’s friends are going through a divorce, and it suddenly makes you wonder about your own marriage.
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18, talk about divorce, talk about cheating, brief descriptions of piv sex with creampie, hurt/comfort, love!, mention of pregnancy and pregnant reader, cuddling, kisses, Javier is a great husband and you are anxious
Word count: 1.6k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54352768
Jonathan and Mira are getting a divorce. The news had been announced to you by Javier when he entered the dimly lit living room on a Thursday night, looking paler than a ghost after what you had wrongly assumed to be a same-as-always phone conversation about football, work and going out for a beer in the near future. 
“No!” You had instinctively covered your mouth with your hand to suppress an animated gasp. Apparently, Mira had come clean about seeing another man a few days earlier and it only took shy of two days for their whole marriage to crumble. The thought was and is terrifying. 
It seems to dampen the mood between you and your husband significantly. There are more pregnant silences, longer stares, more hurried kisses, and worried faces in the middle of your daily routines that become opportunities for reflection when doing something mundane as folding laundry. However, the elephant in the room becomes most unbearable when Javier rolls off of you after making love to you a week after the news hit. 
He stares up at the ceiling and pants as he tries coming down from his high, reaching up to run his fingers through his slightly sweaty hair. You shift on your side of the bed to turn your body towards him, and gently lay a hand on his chest, “That was really good.”
“Hm? What?” He replies, “Oh right, yeah.”
“Honey,” you furrow your brow, “I don’t think I particularly like having sex with you if you’re not here with me.” 
“Lo siento (I’m sorry),” his eyes find yours, his voice is genuine, “I can’t stop thinking about Jon and Mira.”
Your eyes soften at that. It is nice to know that he is as shaken by this happening as you are, and in such close proximity to your own marriage too even if it technically has nothing to do with you. It suddenly hits why it has been so hard to start up a conversation about it. 
“Me either,” you sigh and scratch his chest gently with your nails and lay your head on his shoulder. He takes hold of your wrist and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb in soothing circles, “I can’t believe they ended up like that, who would have thought?”
“And Ava?” Javier sounds devastated and turns his head toward yours so he can rest his lips in your hair. 
“She must be so confused,” you mumble back, lost in thought. Ava is Mira and Jonathan’s daughter who sometimes has play dates with Inés, and to think that she has to deal with her parents not being able to work as a couple, especially since Mira apparently had to go sleep with someone else, is a scenario that you find nauseating when your brain automatically starts imagining your own children in the same scenario. You don’t think Lucas would ever forgive you if you caused that much hurt to his father, “I don’t know what Mira was thinking. Ava has to deal with her mom having hurt her dad. Why would she put her through that?”
“Jonathan said she’s in love with this new guy,” Javier argues. 
“I suppose sometimes you just fall in love with someone else,” you say without any emotion in your voice except for maybe a hint of disgust. 
“Are you happy? With me?” The question has been looming over the both of you since the news hit. It was only a matter of time before one of you would start reassessing your own marriage. 
You lift your head up to look Javier straight in the eyes, and even if you knew it was coming, you still feel taken aback by how much it makes your guts turn to even be told to consider it. The answer is so clear, “What? I—“
“That’s not an immediate yes,” he furrows his brow in concern. 
“Don’t be absurd,” you say back, “I love you so much it’s ridiculous.”
“But do you ever worry about us?” He continues. 
“This is the part where you say you love me too,” you joke without much humor in your voice. 
“Are you kidding? I’m nothing without you,” he lifts the hand you still have on his chest to kiss your palm, “Te amo tanto (I love you so much) but I need you to answer the question.”
“I don’t ever worry about us, no,” you answer truthfully and Javier visibly relaxes, “I know you. I trust you. It doesn’t even occur to me that I could have anything different in my life, you know? It feels like I would always have found you somewhere else if not here.”
“Perhaps they looked for something else when things became routine,” he suggests, resting your hand against his cheek.
“It’s never routine for me to tell you I love you,” you tell him with a little smile, “There’s no going back to the way things were before you.” 
“The idea of having anything else but this,” he trails off for a second, weighing his words and reaching out for you with his free hand. He cups the back of your knee to pull your leg over his naked body, “It’s just not in the cards for me. I’ll never love anyone the way that I love you.”
“Is this code for you’re stuck with me?” You crawl closer to kiss him on the mouth and tighten the leg around him, “Hm?”
“Sí (yes), you’re stuck with me, baby,” he says against your lips. 
“Do you promise that?” You whisper after pulling back a little, smiling softly as you look down at his mouth. He initiates another kiss after nodding. 
You kiss for a while without rushing it, deeply until you share each breath in your intense embrace. Despite just having had sex with him fifteen minutes ago, you want him again in a way that has him as hard as when you first got together. He fucks you open slowly with you on your back, makes you come on his cock with an almost pained tone in your whimper. He is everywhere on you, soaking you in love. The way he gasps along with you as he comes inside of you has your heart pounding in your chest. 
“No quiero a nadie más que a ti (I don’t want anyone else other than you),” he says when basking in the afterglow. However, you have already gotten out of bed to get cleaned up in the bathroom. In contrast to your husband, your afterglow is replaced by anxiety that you have just promised isn’t there. 
“I don’t want to end up like that,” you say while peeing with the door open. Javier moves on the bed to be able to look at you. 
“We won’t, te lo prometo (I promise you that),” he is quick to answer. You try to give him a smile but he notices the way you falter, “Anything you want to talk about? Anything on your mind?"
“They used to be so happy,” you sigh deeply and get up after finishing your business. You move to the sink and start washing your hands, your back suddenly towards him, “Makes me wonder if we're strong enough to weather anything.”
You hear the weight of him shift on the mattress and a second later, the soft pads of his feet across the tiled bathroom floor. He is behind you, looking at you in the mirror. You feel grateful for the sincerity in his eyes.
“Baby,” he tuts, wrapping his strong arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. One of his hands goes down to lay on your stomach right below your belly button. You have just started to show, and the both of you have already talked about how early it is that your belly has started protruding but none of you have any clue why yet as you haven’t had your first scan. 
Javier kisses your bare shoulder, “This is my life, and I love it, and I would never hurt you… I trust you not to hurt me too.”
You silently turn off the tap to dry your hands but Javier doesn’t let you move. He lifts your chin so he can stare at you in the mirror, “I need you to trust me when I say that ten years with you have only made me want ten, twenty, thirty more. I love you. I choose you every day. Jonathan and Mira didn’t choose each other. We’re not them.”
“I love you too,” you shake your hands dry instead and then turn in your husband’s arms. You hug him close and he walks you out of the bathroom whilst still holding you tightly. 
“Three kids so far,” he reminds you whilst guiding you back to bed, “A decade down the line. We must be doing something right.”
“But what if—“
“You worry too much, mi vida (my life),” he says and smacks your ass as you crawl back into your bed. You glare back at him but he just snickers while crawling in too, “Get comfortable and go to sleep.”
“I don’t know if I can,” you say truthfully.
“Of course, you can,” Javier joins you under the covers. He lays down close to you and without saying a word, reaches out to gently and repeatedly stroke his hand over your hair. The warmth of his palm soothes your worry, each caress easing away the weight in your chest. 
You wonder if Mira left because Jonathan didn’t do this sort of thing anymore. Javier has done it for ten years. This fact makes sleep find you easily.
FOLLOW @notjustjavierpena-fics AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS 💖❤️💖❤️
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ragingbookdragon · 10 months
But Are You Really?
COD Boys x Reader Blurbs
She frowned at the guards before her who were too busy chittering to notice her. “Excuse me,” she repeated herself for what seemed like the millionth time. “I’m here to see Jon. Can you please call him?”
One of the guards looked at her and rolled his eyes. “Look love, we were born at night, but it wasn’t last night. Fuck off.”
“I’m telling you, he works here! Jon!”
“There’s a fuck-ton of John’s here, lady, be specific!” the other griped and before she could respond, a voice echoed across the gate.
“Missus Price!”
The guards spun as she made eye contact with the Scotsman jogging over; relief flooded her. “Oh, John, thank goodness.”
Soap looked over the guards. “Is everything alright here?”
One of the men snorted. “Ah, you must be the John she’s looking for, Sergeant. Keeps telling us a John is waiting for her.”
The Scot cocked a brow. “Because the Captain is.”
The two went white. “Wait—you mean, she’s…?”
“Captain Price’s girlfriend? She is.” Soap took her arm in his like a gentleman. “C’mon, Missus Price, I’ll take you to the Skipper.”
“I’m telling you that Kyle is my boyfriend,” she sighed for what seemed like the millionth time.
“Bullshit,” one retorted. “You’re too sexy for a guy like him.”
“First of all, sexy coming from you isn’t a compliment. Secondly, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? ‘A guy like him?’” she glared at them. “Kyle’s a fucking hero and one badass motherfucker who works hand-in-hand with the Captain Jonathan Price while your asses are sitting here guarding a fucking gate.”
The other guard held his gun and took a step towards her. “What did you just say to us?”
She inhaled sharply, suddenly aware that she was very much so unarmed against two armed guards. “I—uh, I—”
“There you are, babe, I thought you got lost.”
They turned to see Gaz coming through the gate, a grin on his face; her sour expression flipped into a dazzling smile, and she greeted him with a kiss that had the guards looking away, and Gaz blushing when they pulled away.
“Nah, the modeling shoot just took a bit longer than I thought.” She took his hand as he walked her through. “Wanna see the promo-shots?”
She cocked a hand on her hip and glared at the guards. “Look, I’m not even going to try and be nice. Call John MacTavish down here now.”
“We aren’t privy to taking orders from civilians,” the guard griped. “Get lost, lady.”
“JOHN MACTAVISH! BRING YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!” she bellowed from outside the gates, cupping her hands to her mouth for added distance. “IF I HAVE TO COME IN THERE TO FIND YOU, I’M GOING TO—!”
The guards tried to shush her when a yell echoed from the courtyard, “OR YOU’LL WHAT!” they all spun around to see Soap stomping over. “BEING YOUR BOYFRIEND IS LIKE BEING IN HELL ITSELF!”
The guards weren’t even going to try and pry the two apart as they yelled in each other’s faces about leaving the toilet seat up and forgetting to unload the dishwasher, but while she had that on him, he seemed to have the fact that she moved his shit around the apartment as revenge.
She tried to walk away, but Soap’s hand shot out and wrapped around her wrist, tugging her back over the base line and into the base. “You let go—”
“Aye, shut ‘ur trap,” he retorted. “Nattering like a fucking cicada in my goddamn ear. Might as well chatted it off.”
“Oh, you fucking bas—”
She could feel the weight of their stares on her, and their laughter chipped away at her mood. “I’m being serious,” she muttered. “Simo—Ghost, and I are dating.”
The guard cackled. “Yeah, and I’m the fucking Queen of England.” He waved her off. “That bastard doesn’t have a girlfriend. Look at him. He doesn’t even have any friends.”
Indignation shot through her, and she got up in the guard’s face. “Simon has friends. He has Price, and Gaz, and Soap. He doesn’t have many, but he does have friends. And he has me. I am Simon’s girlfriend.” Fear dripped in her veins as the guards seemed to stand offensively at her, and she added with her heart pounding in her chest, “And I’m as cowardly as they come, but if it came to it, I…I would lay down my life for him. The world needs Simon. I need Simon. He’s a hero and a better man than either of you.”
One raised their hand at her, either to strike her or intimidate her with a feint but his hand didn’t get farther than beside his head when someone grabbed it, spun him around and slammed him against the wall. “You gonna strike a civilian, soldier?” a cold voice rumbled behind his ear. “That’s an offense I’d see you punished for. Even more so for it being my lover.”
Her expression eased as she saw Ghost appear before her. “Simon,” she murmured, and his eyes darted to hers, softening a quick moment before turning frigid again.
“If you ever raise a hand to her again, I’ll cut it off and make you eat it one finger at a time. Am I clear?”
“Crystal!” the guard hurried and Ghost shoved him to the ground and secured a hand around her waist, bringing her over the gate.
“C’mon, love.” His voice was low and gravelly. “Sorry about that. Tried to come earlier but the meeting ran late.”
“You were there when I needed you,” she replied, leaning her head against his chest. “Like a knight in masked armor.”
He looked at her, eyes shining in a way that told her he was smiling at her.
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Oh my gosh ok so I thought of something for Eddie and you don’t necessarily have to write it you totally can if you want but I was thinking about one of the kids like older siblings is at Lucas’s game supporting him and realizes that Dustin, Mike and Erica isn’t there. After she sees them all coming out of hellfire she gets a little disappointed with them (cause she’s kinda a mom friend) and like kinda gets a little snippy with Eddie (who has known about her but never met her) and is like you really couldn’t change the date for one meeting, this was important all the while Eddie is just standing there stunned with heart eyes
I don’t know why this just popped into my head but I had to tell somebody
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A/N: First, I am so sorry for taking forever to get to this. Second, this might not have been what you had in mind but I hope you like it anyway anon! Third, this really didn't need to be this long but, yolo
wc: 3.5k
warnings: none
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It was a bright and early afternoon when Steve Harrington’s bad luck streak had finally broken. You’d watched, hiding next to Robin in the documentary section, as Steve asked out the pretty blonde to the championship game. Robin inhaled sharply, expression twisting sympathetically, when blondie blinked at him for a beat but you knew. Steve was one of your oldest friends and despite abdicating the throne, you knew the effect Harrington had on a girl – as gross as he was.
“Holy shit, Harrington I can’t believe she actually showed,” you said out of the corner of your mouth.
It was a solid indication that Steve was actually more nervous than he looked because he hadn’t reacted to your teasing. Instead, he shot you a wide-eyed look and bobbed his head. “Right?” With an anxious swipe through his hair, he glanced at you.
Answering his non-verbal question, you nodded. “It looks perfect as always.” Steve’s hair barely obeyed the laws of physics. Blondie leaned across Steve and waved.
“It’s nice to meet you!” She beamed. “Are you a senior?”
“Oh no,” you said, “I’m a freshman at Indiana State. Go Lions!”
“That’s so cute!” She said and you furrowed your brows. Was it? You could tell she wasn’t being malicious but you weren’t sure where she was going with it.
“Yeah,” you said, laughing, “super cute!” Blondie laughed, hair shaking as she did and you glanced at Steve. Already knowing, he kicked your calf and you swallowed your own laughter.
Nancy pointed at the court, fingers splaying out and the photographer nodded, hanging onto her every word. Her head swiveled to the crowd and, somehow, she’d caught your gaze. Waving, smile broadening, she rolled her eyes when you waved back. You knew she missed Jonathan – he wouldn’t have needed her instructions and would’ve just known.
“Where’s Lucas?” You asked, trying to glance over the jumping cheerleader’s heads to get a good look at the line up.
Steve motioned to the end of the bench, where Lucas stood searching the bleachers in front of you for someone. You followed his lead and realized you couldn’t spot the familiar redhead he was undoubtedly looking for. Heart squeezing a bit, you knew the likelihood of Max showing up was close to slim. She’d retreated into herself after El had left and despite your weekly visits to her trailer – you didn’t want to push too hard.
“Wait,” you said, mostly to yourself, “where’s Dustin?”
Searching out the familiar set of curls, you felt panic start to climb up your spine. Where was Mike? Steve’s warm hand grabbed at your wrist and pulled you to the surface. “What’s wrong?” He asked, his own voice anxious.
“The guys, Dustin and Mike, they’re not here,” you whispered, “what if something happened to them?”
Steve’s furrowed brows smoothed and he exhaled. “Oh, don’t worry they’re fine. I think they had their little game finale or whatever tonight. Henderson tried to rope me in as a substitute for Lucas.”
“Substitute?” You echoed, forcing a wide smile onto your face when Lucas saw you and Steve. His entire expression shifted, excitement and relief at the sight of you two. You waved, lifting your small sign that Robin had helped you paint.
‘DUNK IT! GO #8!’
Lucas beamed at you, waving wildly up at you two. Steve shot him a thumbs up before he started some drills.
Dustin and Mike wouldn’t have ditched Lucas’ game for a campaign, would they? Especially knowing that he’d already be hurt at the fact that Max wasn’t going to show up. No…a flash of long curly hair scampered across your mind. The leader of their new club…the guy Steve was obviously jealous of. Eddie Munson, you snapped your fingers, remembering.
Dustin had shown you photos of the club that Nancy had taken, a proud beam across his face. You knew Dustin was just excited to have more friends but, to give Steve some credit, he did talk about Munson an awful lot. You still hadn’t met him, but you had a brief memory of seeing him in the hallways sometimes, hair much shorter.
But you knew, then, if Munson had refused to move the campaign – there was no way Dustin or Mike would stand up against him. Especially not out of fear that they’d be kicked out the club. It was all they talked about. Shit, you’d driven Dustin to the town over so he could find just the right color for his figurine.
Lucas glanced up again, gaze desperate, and your heart broke.
“Everyone now please rise for our national anthem. Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest tonight. All the way from Nashville, our very own – Tammy Thompson!” Your jaw dropped, exchanging gazes with Steve before you both whipped around to find Robin.
Shocked, you watched dumbly as Tammy strutted up to the mic and started to sing off key. Robin’s eyes were wide and you heard Steve mutter, “Muppet.” You couldn’t hold back your laughter, Brenda turning to look at you both at the sound.
“Wow, she sounds amazing, doesn’t she?” She asked, tone awed.
Steve’s hand gripped your wrist tightly, both of you clearing your throats in a desperate attempt not to laugh.
You watched Lucas’ leg shake as he stood near the benches, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. He was nervous. Your chest tightened. Please let him play. You plead the universe, crossing your fingers. He needs a win.
“I can’t believe it,” you said, getting choked up again. Lucas beamed under everyone’s attention, but you tucked him into your side, arm squeezing his shoulders. “Lucas, you were amazing!”
“Thanks,” he said, grinning when Jason Carver shoved him excitedly. ‘Party at Benny’s boys!’ The group of morons shuffled off towards a nearby car and you rolled your eyes. Lucas caught your half-scoff and winced. “I know you don’t like them…”
“Hey, whoever you hang out with is not my decision, just – be careful, yeah?” You glanced after Carver and remembered what it was like being in Lucas’ place. “That crowd tends to want to mold you after them and you’re already your own person. A person I really like. Don’t let them try to shove you into some cookie cutter box.”
Lucas smiled, pleased, and looked down at his sneakers. “Thanks. It…really means a lot to me that you guys showed. I know you go to everyone’s stuff, you and Steve, but-”
“Hey, you’ll always have me in your corner, all of you do,” you assured him, your mind drifting to the rest of the party. Will would’ve showed, you thought, smiling at the reminder of the weekly call you had coming up.
Before either of you could say anything else, a loud crash caught your attention.
You watched a group of people rush out the double doors, excited and laughing with each other. Easily picking out Dustin’s curly hair, you glanced back at Lucas’ frozen expression.
Emotions flashing, you opened your mouth to try and do damage control but one of his teammates smacked into his side. “Sinclair, come on! You’re riding with us.” Lucas’ expression pulled into a smile quickly, but it was too late. You’d seen underneath it. Anger building in your chest, it bubbled to the point of discomfort.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you shook him. “Do not drink and drive, Lucas Sinclair I’ll rip your spine out – you hear me? And don’t take any pills,” you said, shooting him a withering glare. His shoulders were still slumped but he nodded, his smile half-hearted. “Alright, if you need me for a ride or for help, you call me.”
“I will, thanks…for coming,” he said slowly, jogging off without a second glance. Making sure he’d disappeared around the corner towards the other jocks, you whipped around on your heel and stomped over to the loitering group.
As you got within earshot you saw Mike’s eyes drift over to you. He smiled, hand coming up, but immediately froze when he saw your expression. “Oh fuck,” he muttered, and Dustin stopped his excited jumping just in time for you to punch him in the shoulder.
“Ouch, what the fuuu- oh, hey there Widow,” he smiled, a little confused, “what are you doing here?”
Eddie raised his brows, watching Dustin stumble as you punched him in the shoulder. Wincing, he knew that had to have hurt. He’d almost instinctually stepped in but Henderson’s expression brightened, smile widening, and he figured you were safe enough.
“Shit,” Eddie heard Mike mutter, watching him take a step behind Dustin at the sight of your furious expression.
“Hi Widow,” Erica said, expression lighting up when you paused your anger and shot her a smile.
Ah, so this was the infamous Widow. Henderson and Wheeler had nothing but praises for Harrington and you. Eddie knew Harrington, because who didn’t? He had his reservations but Eddie was nothing if not fair. He’d save them for the moment he actually met King Steve – not that he thought that would be any time soon. But you? He’d heard all about you.
“What am I doing here?” You echoed, one of your hands dropping, the other flying through the air. “What the hell are you doing?”
Eddie was a little surprised with how intrigued he was.
Dustin looked back at Mike, surprised to see him so far away. “Uh, we had a campaign. Oh, this is Eddie!” Dustin’s hand came out towards Eddie – who waited less than a millisecond to step forward.
“If I may,” Eddie started, wanting to make a good impression on Dustin’s hot friend. How the hell did Henderson even know you?
You, however, barely spared him a glance. “You may not,” you snapped, turning back to the boys. Eddie’s voice died in his throat, blinking at how easily you’d dismissed him. Interest flared to life in his chest, because of course it did. “What the hell guys? You missed the championship game?”
The newfound interest waned. Ah, you were jock. He probably didn’t recognize you because you’d run with the popular crowds. Especially if you knew Harrington.
Dustin and Mike, however, withered like plants who’d been kept in the shade for too long. “It was The Cult of Vecna!” Dustin said, voice going high. Eddie’s eyes darted over to you, where he watched – fascinated – as your eye twitched.
“I don’t care if it was the goddamn reckoning. We don’t abandon our friends! That’s the first rule of the party!” You shouted.
“Actually, the first rule is no girls,” Mike muttered and you turned your sole attention onto him and he winced. “Not that – we’re not…happy to have you. Of course we are! You’ve been there since the beginning almost. And Nancy. And Robin. Obviously. But this campaign has been going on for weeks and and and…we couldn’t postpone! We tried!”
Eddie watched you soften and his interest reared its head again. You had a soft spot for the freshmen. Why?
“You knew Max wasn’t going to show,” you said, quieter, “you knew how important this was for him.”
The guilt that shot across their faces was clear. “He was going to be on the bench!” Dustin said, hands coming up.
Anger flickered to life in your eyes again. “Yeah?” You asked, tone incredulous. “Well, he shot the winning basket. You should’ve seen his face when he looked up and saw you guys weren’t there.”
Dustin and Mike ducked their heads, expressions sheepish, and Eddie was impressed. You really were laying it on thick.
“I’m not mad,” you said, and Eddie could see you rearing back for the killing strike, “I’m just really disappointed in you two.”
Their shoulders slumped, eyes on the floor, and Eddie couldn’t help but whistle. You were playing them like a fiddle. Unfortunately, it seemed to catch your attention and your sharp eyes turned to him.
“And you!”
Eddie pointed at himself, taking a small step back now that your fury was turned to him. “Me?” Interest shot down his spine. Jesus, what was with him with the hot and scary ones?
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I know campaigns take time to plan out, I know that!” Eddie blinked, caught off guard at the respect he wasn’t expecting. “But he’s a kid, they’re all kids. You couldn’t have moved it twenty-four hours so that they could go watch his game? Out of what? Jealousy? Some sort of misguided pettiness because the popular kids were mean to you? They’re mean to everyone! That’s what they do! They almost broke my nose senior year. Instead of teaching them to rise above it, you stoop to their level? Ugh, grow up. God, this whole town is such a cliché!”
Dustin looked panicked, Mike had a hand over his eyes, and Gareth turned to him, eyes wide and jaw dropped. Eddie was also shocked, not sure where to start. “I think-”
“Seriously,” you snapped, talking over him again, eyes lighting up with an anger that was most appealing. The flash of your eyes reminded him of a harpy – in the most flattering of ways. In fact, Eddie’s knees went a little weak, his chest unfurling with something that was way too close to blatant interest.
Oh, who was he kidding? He’d give all his month’s tips to be able to sink his teeth into the tendon by your neck. It strained at him, taunting him, as you heaved a guilt trip onto him. Unfortunately for you, he was immune to them. So, it left him a few seconds to drag his gaze up and down your body.
“Can I speak now?” He asked, not wanting to interrupt another tirade, he was getting fond of those at this point.
You inhaled deeply, fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of your nose. “Yes.”
“Why do they call you Widow?” He asked. “Is it because you like spiders?”
If you did, he wouldn’t mind, Eddie decided. He wasn’t particularly fond of them himself but he was also an acquired taste so what did he know?
The withering glare you shot him went straight to his chest and curled around his ribcage. Eddie rubbed his sternum, like that could stop the ridiculous seed of interest from planting itself deep within his skin.
“No,” you said, offering no further explanation. “Why do they call you the Freak? Is it because you’re really Satan Worshippers?”
The way your entire face twisted with regret, and guilt swam into your eyes, Eddie knew you hadn’t meant it. In fact, he already felt a smile growing at his lips.
“I’m sorry,” you said immediately, “that was a low blow, I’m just – no, it’s no excuse. I know you get shit from other people. You don’t need it from me, especially not since I know it’s not – it’s not that.”
Instead of ducking down to look at the floor, you met his gaze straight on for the first time since stomping up to the group of them. Eddie sighed and you’d clearly taken it as a reaction to your barbed reply because you began to wring your hands together. In reality, Eddie wanted to slap his stupid chest. He always did this.
Barely five minutes had passed and the interest dug deeper and rooted around for its new home. The vines grew, twirling around his veins, and reaching towards his chest. Heart, already on his sleeve, skipped a beat as you offered up a sincere apology, Eddie nodded. “No harm done,” he said, seizing the chance to bow, “Eddie Munson at your service. Atheist by the way.”
You nodded, quickly skirting your gaze back to the two boys but Eddie was stunned into silence when he caught the flash of interest in them. Was he still high on the success of the campaign or were you actually glancing back at him?
“I hope you know how shitty this was, Steve had a date and he brought her here instead of missing it,” you said.
Dustin snorted. “Steve’s just cheap and wanted an easy date night.”
Eddie saw you bite your cheek and he winced, knowing it must’ve hurt. You made a valiant attempt to hide it, but the laughter had already made it to your eyes. It softened your face entirely and his heart stirred awake. Jesus, what magic did you wield that you had captured his attention so thoroughly? 
“Still,” you insisted, one last glare at them. Turning to Erica she glanced up at you, smile crooked and you softened. Lifting your arm, she scurried over to you and you draped it across her shoulders. “I won’t even waste my breath trying to straighten you out. You want a ride home?”
“Thanks Widow,” she said, lifting her nose up at the other two. You must be the real deal if you had little Sinclair’s approval. He’d met her a few hours ago even Eddie knew she was a tough nut to crack. Clearly, not for you.
Mike, proving he’d lost most of his brain power during the campaign, stepped forward to follow and you shot him a glare that had Eddie wincing “Uh, no. My offer extends to her only.” He frowned and Eddie heard a very Jeff sounding laugh.
You started to walk away, and Eddie’s eyes dipped – he couldn’t control it! - when you stopped and sighed a few feet away. Eddie startled, eyes raising quickly from your ass to your eyes and winced when realizing you had your gaze directed at him. Eyeing him, Eddie felt his neck flush as your eyes trailed up his body. What the fuck? Since when did he get shy?
“Can you give them a ride home?” You asked. “It’s dark and I don’t want them riding their bikes alone.”
They two started to protest, glancing at Eddie warily, but another glare from you shut them up. Eddie was about start a tirade, asking what it was in for him – a date he hoped – when you spoke up again.
“Please,” you said, barely audible. Eddie was helpless to do anything but nod, fingers itching to see if he could play you as well as his guitar. He just needed a chance.
Somehow, his brain spurred to life before he realized. “Yeah, Widow,” he said, barely containing the urge to fist pump at the sight of your small amused smile, “I can get the nerds home.”
Eddie was wholly unprepared for the grin that you shot at him. If your fury had sparked interest in him, your smile almost made his knees give way. Bats fluttering around in his small intestine, wreaking havoc, he managed to smile back at you.
“Thanks Munson,” you said, disappearing into the crowded parking lot after one last look.
No one spoke for a moment, the air stilling as Eddie reeled from the way his entire world had shifted in two seconds.
“I’ve never seen Eddie blush,” Dustin whispered loudly.
At that, Eddie snapped. “I’m not blushing!”
“Are you really going to give us a ride?” Wheeler asked meekly, eyes going towards the bike stand.
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, I’ll give you a ride, hurry up.” He’d use this to his advantage. He knew his chances were slim to none but even he wasn’t that stupid to not even try. “So, what’s your hot friend’s deal?”
The two idiots groaned, face twisted into disgust, but Eddie ignored them. He wanted to know everything he could about you.
“Stop moving so much!” You hissed, anxiety practically spilling out of every pore in your body.
Eddie whined, his nose scrunching as he shut his eyes tightly. “I’m just so itchy,” he complained, the skin around his bandages bright red.
“They come off soon, just wait a little bit more,” you said, gesturing to the doctor’s office you were currently in. “We’re next I think.”
Grunting, Eddie threw his head back and winced when it collided too loudly with the wall. You rolled your eyes and brought your hand up to check for a bump. “You’re a child.”
Sticking out his tongue, he leaned into your touch like a puppy and you rolled your eyes. You’d known him less than a month but just like Robin – trauma bonded people faster than most things.
“I can see your fingers,” you said, smacking his hand away from the larger bandage by his clavicle. The demobats had really done some damage but you’d been there when the ER doctor had clearly said to keep the stitches dry, clean, and intact. “You’re gonna make it worse!”
“Distract me, please, I feel like I’m going to crawl out my skin,” he begged.
Without thinking twice, you pressed your lips to his for a second. You bit back your smile as he blinked at you, eyes glazed over. “Was that enough of a distraction?” You asked, smile threatening to break through.
“Uh, I might need a second try to make sure,” he said faintly and you only just managed to not smack his shoulder.
Eddie’s brows flew up into his overgrown bangs. “Who just kissed who?”
You hummed, ignoring him, and went back to flipping through your magazine.
“Can I ask you something?”
Pulse pounding, you kept your eyes on the article in front of you. “What?”
“Why do they call you Widow?” Eddie asked, surprising you.
Glancing at him from the corner of your eye, you shrugged. “Dustin started it,” you sighed.
“He always does,” Eddie said, smile growing wider.
“After Natalia Romanoff. The Black Widow?”
“The spy and assassin?”
“Yeah,” you smirked, memories flashing through your mind, “I was really good at killing demogorgons. Plus, once actual Russians joined the picture, even I couldn’t deny that it was kind of perfect.”
“Cool, my girlfriend’s nickname is after a Marvel superhero.”
The word girlfriend brought your brain to a sudden halt and you whipped around to look at him. He was grinning, eyes mischievous, and you sputtered.
“Edward Munson?” A nurse called out. “Follow me.”
“Come on,” Eddie said, threading your fingers together. “We’ll talk about where our first date will be on the ride home.”
First date? You blinked at him, letting him lead you towards the exam room.
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Awesome that you’re taking price requests cause we definitely need more of those!!! Thank you for your service and writing!!
You’re drunk and your friends dare you to introduce yourself to captain price at a bar. You actually have a nice conversation end up dating and he shows you off and then he breeds you
Haha idk how that escalated quickly but yasss
A/n: I'm so sorry this took so long to post! I've been facing some writer's block, nothing I've been writing has been sounding good 😫
So I apologize if this doesn't meet your expectations! 🧎‍♀️
"Your beard looks amazing, it would look even better wet between my legs."
Maybe playing truth or dare with your best friend while alcohol was running through your veins wasn't such a good idea.
Your body went rigid in shock at the words leaving your mouth.
You didn't even greet the man.
You didn't say hello
You didn't ask for his name before the horny thoughts that were clouding your mind all night escaped at the first chance.
Drunk and horny wasn't a good combination.
"What the hell happened to buying someone dinner first?" Price chuckled before taking another sip of whiskey and glancing at you.
"I Ummm..." your train of thought had stopped as you looked into his amused eyes, and a small grin lingered on his lips. "I'll...eat you out for dinner???" your words slurred out, unsure of what you said sounded right.
"fuck. I meant to take you out for dinner.." you cursed. "Not eat you out." you laughed nervously as you looked at the male who couldn't contain his laughter.
"You're fucking pissed..." Price said with an amused tone. " Can't hold your liquor well can you?"
You shook your head no as a small blush dusted your cheeks.
"Dinner sounds nice but so does option two." Price teased.
"Who says we can't do both? I always have room for dessert" you teased back, liquor courage making a comeback inside of you.
"Big appetite?" Price asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Always" you responded with a small smile on your lips while batting your lashes at the older bearded man. His head tilted slightly to the side as his amused eyes never left your face, the smile on his face making you weak on your knees.
"You look like you bite off more than you can chew, young lady."
A playful pout formed on your lips at his words, "awfully rude thing to assume," You crossed your arms under your chest as you glared playfully at him. "Besides, I've been raised to lick my plate clean."
"A good little girl ain't ya?"
"Only when I want to be rewarded." flashing him an 'innocent' smile.
You see him digging through his pockets before pulling out a black marker, he held out his hand and which you reached over and placed your arm in. His calloused hands gently held your wrist as the cool ink of the marker traveled through your arm. You could smell the mix of whiskey and cigar smoke from being so close to him.
"Call me when you're not trollied," he said with a raspy voice, his eyes looking into your shining eyes.
"Trollied? I'm just a bit tipsy," you whined. You tried to lean closer to him but you underestimated the lack of control you had over your body. Before you knew it your face had planted into his chest. Price held onto your upper arms pushing you up.
"Just tipsy, huh?" he said mockingly.
You sent him the middle finger before you rested the side of your head against the bar countertop. You were looking at him while he looked down at you with a soft smile.
"...Harry?" you asked.
"Harry?" he asked back.
"I'm trying to guess your name...Henry?"
"Nope." he took another big gulp from his drink before giving you a clue. "First letter is J."
"Fucking hell, do I look like a Jack to you? " he grunted, his eyes squinting at you.
"I'm trying, jeez...Jonathan?"
"You're getting closer, sweetheart."
You kept chanting the name Jonathan before your eyes widened and you looked at him with disgust.
"John? That's such a boring name," you muttered.
"Like your name is any better." he countered
"Best name that will ever leave your mouth" you argued.
"Is that so?" he asked with an eyebrow raised and a cocky smile on his lips.
"It is so, John," you said with emphasis on his name. "The name's y/n"
"Y/n? Only a muppet would have a name like that."
"Fuck you."
"I know you do sweetheart." he teased. "Too fucking drunk to remember your first words to me sweetheart?”"
"Yeah, but with a mouth like yours, the beard gonna stay dry" you taunted.
"Sounds like a challenge," he said while getting closer to your face, noses nearly touching. "Tomorrow night after dinner?"
"Tomorrow night after dinner." you recited his words in agreement.
"You're dating the captain?" Gaz asked, bewildered that such a young fine woman would be dating his captain. The captain that he knew was a gruff, grumpy, and bearded old man. The exact man who had a harsh grip on your waist, fingernails plunging into the fabric of your sundress, and harshly pressing into your skin. His usually warm kind eyes, now cold and ruthless, picturing how he could make both of his sergeants suffer for having their eyes roam your body. You both have noticed how their eyes flicker between your eyes and the deep neckline of your dress exposing your cleavage to the young men.
"Why do you both sound so surprised?" Price asked. Standing right behind you, he leaned down and rested his face between your neck and shoulder. His mouth licked a stride of your skin, maintaining eye contact with his men. You let out a small whine at the feeling of his rough beard pricking at your skin, your body slightly squirming against his. "Don't believe your Captain still has his charm?"
"Stop teasing them." you scolded Price, slightly slapping at his chest and pushing him off of your body. You held out your hand, greeting both men formally and apologizing for your lover's behavior. "Well, I hope to see you both more often."
"Likewise bonnie."
What was such an honest and somewhat innocent statement from Soap, was the final breaking point for the Captain. Having to constantly see younger males fawn over your beauty, their undeserving eyes devouring your body sometimes left Price self-conscious. It made him question his worth, but you were always ready on your knees to praise him and remind him how wonderful of a lover he is. At other times, it made him territorial, spewing commands and punishments onto you. You were always eager to comply with his commands, and his jealousy and anger were welcomed with your legs wide open, your wet cunt for his personal use. Your moans and whines were encouragement enough for him to know you were his alone.
But for Price to see his own men practically swooning over his lover awakened primal urges in John that were left dormant for far too long. Urges that had you face down onto the sheets with your ass in the air, juices running down your thighs, and a wet cunt milking the captain of his semen.
Rings of white at the base of his cock as you cummed around his length for the fourth time that night. His promises that he growled into your ear had you throbbing around his cock yet again.
"A cunt full of my seed..." Price mumbled against your neck, his fingers kneading the skin of your stomach. "You know what happens if I fuck my cum into your womb don't you darling?" he asked in a teasing voice.
"..b-baby." you cried out. Your back was now pressed against the mattress, Price mounted on top of you with his cock drilling into your gushing wet cunt.
"That's right, princess. You'll look so pretty with a round tummy." Price hissed. Your nails scratched at his back and your legs locked around his waist. "I'll make you a mommy, fuck a baby right into you."
"yes please, daddy." you sobbed. Your back arched as you felt another toe-curling orgasm creeping. "I want to be a mommy. Make me a mommy."
"Shhh..." John shushed, wiping off the tears rolling down your face. " I'll make you a mommy, no need to cry, sweetie."
Small chants of daddy spewed from your mouth as you felt yourself your love juices gush onto Price, absolutely soaking his pelvic region.
"Make you round with my child, your breasts engorged with milk for the baby," Price continued to thrust into you, his cock throbbing, eager to fill your welcoming cunt with his seed. "But you'll let daddy have a taste of your milk, right? Wouldn't want the baby to grow up greedy like his daddy?"
You let out a loud moan as you felt his hot semen spew inside of you, bursts of cum launching deeper and deeper into your womb, Price's words of making you a mommy increasing in possibility. Your legs freed Price from temporary captivity, allowing him to lean back but not pull out just yet. He wanted to ensure his cum stayed inside, his cock merely a cork for your hole at the moment.
For the rest of the week, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost would hear you far more often than see you. Your moans of 'daddy' have nearly become background noises, but at night it only serves as a broken alarm keeping them all awake.
" I blame this shit on you" Gaz spat out, trying his best to ignore your begging moans of 'daddy please' through the walls.
"Steamin Jesus." Soap cursed, running and pulling at his mohawk in frustration. "I only called her bonnie, you were eyeing her tits."
Before Gaz could retaliate, Ghost's ruff voice cut through the room. "We are in this fucking bloody situation because you twits don't know to act around anything with tits and a cunt. "
Both men watched as their lieutenant stood up from the room and stated he was going out for a smoke.
"It's gonna be harder to ignore her tits if the Captain knocks her up."
"She'll be walking around with huge milkers."
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andvys · 2 years
Love will tear us apart // part four 
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Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of ptsd, nightmares, alcohol consumption, mentions of drugs, not nsfw but still 18+, jealous and mean Eddie
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader // mentions of Steve Harrington x fem!reader
“So you’re still crushing on Eddie Munson?”
Your eyes widen, grip tightening on the telephone “w-what?” you exclaim, straightening your back as you sit up on your knees, the cushions of the couch soft beneath your legs.
“We have been talking for what- an hour?” 
“An hour, twelve minutes and thirty seconds to be exact.” another voice cuts in, making you furrow your brows in confusion, who is that?
“An hour, twelve minutes and thirty seconds yes-” “thirty five seconds now.” 
Jonathan sighs “anyways, we’ve been talking for over an hour and all you talked about was Eddie Munson.” 
“Who’s Eddie Munson?” you hear the voice in the background.
“Her crush.” Jonathan slurs, chuckling “he’s also a drug dealer, he sells weed and stuff.”
“What! He is not my crush!” you exclaim, making Jonathan chuckle. 
“Dude, that’s sick. I like Eddie Munson.”
“W-What- I, who is that?” you ask, feeling more confused than ever. 
“Who Eddie?” 
“What? I know who Eddie is you dumbass, who is the guy in the background?”
“Oh! That’s Argyle, he’s my friend.” 
“Dude, I’m so stoned.” Argyle says in the background. Jonathan only chuckles in response, mumbling some incoherent words.
You furrow your brows, an amused smile tugs at your lips as you lean back on the couch “Jonathan Byers, did you start smoking weed?” 
Jonathan clears his throat “yeah.”
You chuckle at the slur in his voice. In all those years you have known him, you have never seen- or well, heard him this way. 
"I never pegged you for a stoner, Jonathan.” 
“It helps me relax, you should try that too, it might help with the nightmares and the panic attacks.” 
You never actually considered it, taking something to help you with the weird symptoms you were experiencing lately. You never really considered taking medications let alone drugs in general but Jonathan was right, maybe it could actually help. 
“Yeah.. maybe that’s not a bad idea.”
“Or you could just inhale the sweet scent of Eddie Munson again-”
“Ugh shut up, I should've never told you about it.” you groan, running a hand down your face. You only told him that because you knew that he would be one of the people who wouldn't tease you for what Eddie did for you. Robin would have started teasing you relentlessly and Steve, you don't know how Steve would react considering he knows nothing of your weird interactions with Eddie. 
“Who else would you tell about it, Steve?” he scoffs.
“Who’s Steve?” 
“A dick.”
“Hey! Steve is nice.” you mumble, defending your friend. You know that he wasn't always nice to Jonathan but he changed after everything that happened with the upside down and Nancy “he is my best friend.”
“Ouch, what about me?”
“You ditched me for Nancy.” you joke, it wasn't exactly a lie. After Jonathan and Nancy became friends and later on started dating they both ditched you and Steve, that's how you and him became friends in the first place. 
You were there for him after they broke up and he was there for you when you had no one else to talk to after what happened to you. He knew of all the things that went down so you didn't have to lie and make up some bullshit story about running away from home the way you were forced to do with other people who approached you after you came back to school. 
“Speaking of Nancy- how are things between the two of you?”
“Uh good, I think.” he mutters “she’s applying to the same college as me.” he says, with a weird tone in his voice.
You raise your brows, “you don't sound too happy about it.” you point out.
“Dude not this again, this is stressing me out please don't talk about your girlfriend again- hey he has been talking about her all day.” his friend, Argyle, complains into the phone causing you to laugh. 
“Shut up- yeah let’s not talk about it. What about you, are you applying to any colleges?”
You sigh, staring blankly at your wall, you haven't really thought about it, your mind was taken over by anxiety and all the trauma you apparently haven't processed yet. Your grades were dropping too and you were certain that you were going to repeat senior year. 
“Uh- I don't know, I have a feeling that I’m not gonna make it.” you mumble “this year, I mean, my grades don't look good right now.” 
“Oh, how's that? You were always one of the best.”
“I don’t know, my mind is kinda- I’m just struggling.” you mumble. You know you don't have to hide your feelings when you talk to him even though you aren't as close as you used to be, you still tell each other everything.
“I’m sorry, y/n.” he speaks softly. 
“It’s okay, hey- uh how is Will doing?” you ask, you know he struggled more than you did after what happened.
“He’s good! He’s doing better here. I think moving away from Hawkins was good for him, maybe you should do that too.” 
“Yeah.” you trail off as you look at the large clock on your living room wall, the ticking sound getting too loud all of the sudden, making you feel anxious for some reason the longer you look at it. 
The ringing of your doorbell startles you. You blink, shaking your head, you look out the window, just now noticing the car in your driveway. 
“Oh shit, I gotta go, Steve’s here.” you mumble as you lean down, grabbing the boots that you picked out earlier, you put the phone between your shoulder and your ear so you can put your shoes on.
“Right, careful with the drinks, you might run into a certain someone and confess all your darkest secrets to him.” Jonathan chuckles. 
You shake your head at his words “there won't be any confessions tonight.”
“Tell me about it tomorrow and hey, Munson might be there, maybe you can buy some weed or ask for more cuddles.”
“Oh shut up, we weren't cuddling.” 
He laughs at your words and you can’t help but chuckle as well “I gotta go. Tell the fam I said hi.”
“Will do, have fun and don't get too drunk.” 
“Okay dad.” 
You rush towards the front door after hanging up the phone, looking at yourself in the mirror one time before you open it. Steve is leaning against the doorframe, a smile on his lips that widens when he sees you. 
“Hi.” you smile as you open the door further. 
His eyes widen as he looks you up and down “hi.” he smirks, licking his lips “y/n, I didn't think it was possible for you to get even prettier but wow.” he breathes, a slight blush on his cheeks as he stares at you.
“Pfft, look at yourself, you’re the pretty one here.” you say, trying to hide the flustered expression on your face. He is your best friend, you’re used to his flirting and teasing but he still manages to make you flustered every single time. 
“I guess we’d be a pretty couple, huh?” he smirks, his brown eyes staring right at you. 
Your lips part in surprise as you look into his eyes “I-”
“Hey dingus! Stop flirting, let’s go!” Robin shouts after rolling down the window in his car.
Steve rolls his eyes at her, flipping her off, making you chuckle. Robin mumbles something in the background as she looks at the two of you. 
“Okay, let’s go.” he smiles at you.
“I’m definitely getting drunk tonight.” you mumble as you grab your jacket before stepping out of your house. You didn't really like going to parties and you didn't really drink much either but after the awful and stressful days you’ve been having, your mind was just begging you for a short break from both the anxious thoughts and him. 
Eddie hated nothing more than parties, the awful music that blares through the house, the annoying drunk people who are either to giggly or too aggressive only cause him to roll his eyes every few seconds, he can’t wait to go home, listen to actual good music and just relax while reading his favorite book for the 100th time. He wasn't here for the fun of it though, he was here to make a couple of deals, the jock that invited him was nice enough for Eddie to agree. Both him and Wayne could use more money, but not even an hour in and he wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him up.
Until you showed up.
He straightened his back, pushing himself off the wall as his eyes lock on you. He drowns out every noise, blind to everything else in the room, all he sees is you. His eyes widen slightly. You look so pretty. You always do but something about tonight has him frozen in place. You wear your hair differently tonight, you ditched your usual clothes for a pretty dress, a short one too, an oversized denim jacket thrown over your shoulders, a smile tugs at Eddie’s lips, his eyes soften the longer he stares at you, he ignores the weird feeling in his chest he always seems to feel whenever he looks at you or whenever he’s around you. 
He gulps as he eyes you up and down, a soft smile is resting on your lips as you look around the room. He hasn't seen you since the day he drove you home after you almost passed out in the bathroom. You haven't been to school ever since that day and he felt guilty and horrible for the way he treated you after you thanked him for what he did, especially after he witnessed your weird interaction with your brother. He wanted to apologize the next day but you didn't show up and the day after that you didn't show up either but he kept waiting for you, looking around the cafeteria in hopes that he would spot you somewhere but you were nowhere to be found, he walked past your lockers after every class but you didn't show up, for a moment it reminded him of the time you went missing but seeing you here now, puts his mind at ease. 
Something pushes him to go talk to you, to ask if you’re okay, to tell you how pretty you look but just as he takes the first step, someone else walks in, coming up behind you. Steve. He snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest, he kisses your cheek, you giggle in response as you look up at him.
Eddie’s heart drops at the sight, the soft smile falls from his lips and he watches the two of you with a scowl on his face. Fuck, why does it hurt so much to see you so happy with him. 
Steve grabs your hand and pulls you further into the house. Eddie’s eyes follow you trying to see more of you. He notices the lack of his bandana around your wrist and for some reason it saddens him. He liked seeing you wear something that belongs to him. He notices something else though, a bruise around your wrist that wasn't there before, was it from when your brother grabbed you? Anger welled up in his chest at the thought of someone hurting you. 
He spent many moments thinking back to your interaction with your brother. Was he hurting you? Was he the one who gave you those scars?
No. What Eddie had witnessed was purely just a fight between siblings who don't get along, right?
Feeling someone’s eyes on him, he turns back and finds Robin staring at him with a knowing smirk on her face, she chuckles as she walks towards him, turning to look at a girl who walked past her before she turns back towards Eddie.
“Hey.” she smirks. 
“Hi?” Eddie looks at the girl with a curious look in his eyes.
“You are pretty obvious you know?” 
Eddie raises his brows “what do you mean?” for a moment he thought she was talking about him making drug deals but it wasn't a secret so he didn't care about being obvious about being here for only, this. 
Robin chuckles, looking down for a moment before she raises her head again “your not so small crush on y/n.” she says as she leans closer to him as she looks around. 
Eddie gulps, eyes widening as he grows flustered, he shakes his head wildly “me? crushing on y/n? that’s bullshit.” he scoffs. 
Robin throws her head back, laughing at his words “yeah, you’re right, it’s total bullshit cause it’s not even a crush at this point, you are totally in love, dude!” she chuckles. You and Eddie might be the most oblivious people she has ever seen and met, you both aren't aware of your feelings, well, maybe you are but you keep denying it to both her and yourself but Eddie, Eddie is totally oblivious to his feelings, he won't even admit it to himself but she sees the way he looks at you when you aren't looking. He is the epitome of heart eyes. 
He opens his mouth to say something but Robin cuts him off, holding her finger up “Ah! No need to deny it, it’s written all over your face, just like the jealous look on your face when you saw her with Steve.” 
Eddie just scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back against the wall. 
Robin chuckles at the blush on his face, she has never seen him so flustered before, his cheeks are almost as red as the solo cups on the table next to him. 
“I’m not in love with her.” he scoffs, a frown on his face as he shakes his head once again. 
“Are you trying to convince yourself right now or..” 
He gives her a death glare causing her to chuckle again. 
“Anyways, you could like stop being a dick to someone who actually likes you and cares about you and maybe try to talk to her like a normal person instead of watching her like a creep and then saying the meanest shit to her because you are afraid of your own feelings.” Robin takes a deep breath after her short ramble, grabbing one of the solo cups, she nods at him before walking off. 
Eddie’s eyes widen, cheeks getting even redder now. You like him and care about him? What a bunch of bullshit “what feelings?” he mutters to himself.
Robin’s words echo in his mind for the majority of the night. Eddie had a hard time understanding his own feelings. Most of the time he was in denial when it came to anything complicated and it seemed to get worse when it came to you. 
One thing he was certain of; he hates seeing you in pain, he hates seeing you sad and scared. His heart ached in his chest when you were having a breakdown on the cold and dirty bathroom floor. Holding onto him for dear life, crying into his chest as you tried to breathe. He wanted to protect you more than anything, it hurt him to see you this way but it also hurt to see you so happy with someone. All night he had to watch you dance and laugh with Steve and Robin, now he didn't mind Robin, he doesn't know much about her but he likes her. Steve is a different story, he hates him. He doesn't know whether it’s because of his perfect status or if it’s because he has that one thing that Eddie can’t have? He doesn't know. 
That ugly jealous feeling inside of him, grew more and more, it was burning in his chest and he felt angrier throughout the night, Steve had his hands on you all goddamn night, on your waist, on the small of your back, holding your face as he kept kissing your cheeks, holding you against him as you both danced and you, you did nothing to stop him. You giggled every time Steve pulled you into him, trying to kiss you. At one point he even had his hands on your ass while you were dancing. 
His hands balled into fist and his jaw was clenched in anger, he couldn’t focus on anything but you and that happy smile on your face as you leaned into his touch. God, he hates you right now.
His eyes meet Robin’s again, the same look on her face as before, she knows, of course she does, the jealousy and the anger was anything but subtle.
Suddenly her eyes widen as she looks at something next to Eddie, a mix between a warning and a teasing look in her eyes. 
Eddie’s brows snapped together as he turned his head to see what she was looking at. It’s you, you abandoned Steve and were now walking towards him, a happy look in your eyes, the same soft smile on your lips as before. Your denim jacket was long gone allowing him to see more of your black dress, his eyes fall to the necklace around your neck, a simple silver chain, it reminds of something he owned once. He eyes your wrist, seeing the bruise more clear now, he could see the fingerprints, yeah, it was definitely from where your brother grabbed you. As if he wasn't angry already, seeing this filled him with more rage. 
“Eddie, I’m so happy to see you-” you speak over the loud music, your voice and the look in your eyes give away your drunken state “y-”
“What the hell do you want?” Eddie asks, rolling his eyes at you. He didn't mean to sound so rude but he was angry and pissed off already and now you out of all people came to speak to him. 
“I uh-” you mumble, looking around uncomfortably, you almost sobered up immediately “w-what are you up to?” 
Eddie glares at you as he meets your eyes “working and it’s a bit hard when you’re standing here so..” he mumbles, waving you off. 
You blink, the soft and happy expression on your face slowly falls and is replaced by something else, sadness? Disappointment? Whatever it was, it made Eddie feel guilty right away. 
“Right, uh- I’m gonna go.”
“Yeah you should.” Eddie speaks coldly.
You purse your lips, nodding at his words, you chuckle to yourself as you turn to walk away, you feel stupid for even thinking that you could have a normal conversation with him. 
Eddie stares at your back, dread settles in him, he knows it’s wrong to treat you this way, he feels horrible every time he does but for some reason he continues to treat you like shit every single time.
You stop and stand there for a moment before you turn back around, your eyes meet his and he watches you curiously, eying the confused look on your face “why do you hate me so much, Eddie?” 
The question has him taken aback. He stares back at your sad expression, all the happiness taken away from you again, god he feels so horrible. He hasn't seen you genuinely happy in a long time and the moment you were finally able to loosen up a little, especially after what happened a few days ago- he ruined it again.
You wait for him to say something, arms by your sides, your shoulders slumped as you wait and wait. You sigh, why do you even bother?
“Y/n, I-”
“Hey man, heard you were selling tonight.” 
You roll your eyes at the interruption. 
Eddie sighs, closing his eyes for a moment, he huffs in annoyance as he opens his eyes again “yeah, how much do you want?” he mumbles, looking at the guy in front of him. 
You stand back for a moment and stare at Eddie, he hates you and there's nothing you can do to change it, you tried to once but it was a lost cause, he would always hate you and you would always care about him. How couldn’t you? He saved your life, you wouldn't have made it without him but he doesn't know that and he never will.
You shake your head, ripping your gaze away from him, you turn around and walk away from him. You are too sober for this and you can feel the anger rising inside of your chest, it isn't directed at Eddie, no, you could never be angry at him but you are angry at yourself, for being so stupid, for caring about someone who hates you with every inch of their being. 
Eddie looks over the jocks shoulder, staring at your back as you walk into the kitchen, he wants to call out to you, tell you to wait so you can talk but he gets cut off again as another guy approaches him. Eddie sighs in annoyance as he looks at him, he recognizes him from math class, he would always sit in the back with him and talk Eddie’s ear off. 
“Fuck.” he mumbles, knowing that he won't be able to make a quick escape, he would try to avoid him but knowing that he’s one of the stoners who would buy the most, he’d be pretty stupid to run off when he could make a good deal right now even when he has to sacrifice his nerves and listen to a bunch of shit he doesn't care about. 
He finds you in the kitchen almost an hour later, you’re leaning against the counter, downing a drink swaying a little.
Where the hell is your stupid your boyfriend?
He huffs as he stares at your drunken form. He doesn't doubt that you have been downing one drink after the other since he last saw you, you looked tipsy earlier but now you look absolutely wasted. 
He watches as you throw the now empty cup down, reaching for another one.
Eddie shakes his head, rushing towards you “hey, I think that’s enough.” he says, grabbing the drink out of your hand. 
“W-What the hell?” you mumble as you look at the cup that’s been ripped out of your hand, staring at it in confusion before your eyes move up, looking into his eyes, the concern his eyes is impossible to miss, it makes you angry, why does he look at you like that when he hates you so much? 
“What the hell do you want? Didn't you tell me to leave you alone? I did, so fuck off.” you slur, glaring at him as you reach for a new cup but Eddie takes that one away too, putting it down. 
“You’ve had enough y/n.” Eddie warns, looking down at you, under different circumstances he might find the pout on your face amusing but the hurt and angry look in your eyes was anything but funny to him. 
“N-No, I don't think so.” you mumble shaking your head, you were drunk but not drunk enough to forget. 
“But I think so.” Eddie argues, pushing the cup away as you try to reach for it again. You groan in annoyance, glaring at him as you cock your head to the sight, staring at him, you blink, eyelashes fluttering, your lips are set in a pout. They look so kissable right now and you look so goddamn cute. A blush settles on Eddie’s cheeks at his thoughts. 
You lean against the counter, looking him up and down, he swapped his hellfire shirt for a washed out Metallica shirt, he’s wearing his signature leather jacket and his denim vest, he looks so good. “I like your shirt.” you blurt out. 
“You do?” he asks surprised. 
“Yes, I love their new album.” you smile. 
Eddie’s eyes light up, a smile tugs at his lips. Lucas did tell him that your music taste was similar. 
You take a step closer as you eye his necklace, reaching up to touch the guitar pick, Eddie’s breath hitches in his throat as you look up at him through your lashes “I- I like this, too.” you mumble, playing with the guitar pick. 
“Yeah?” Eddie whispers nervously. You have never been this forward with him, you always kept your distance, it was him who initiated the closeness of your bodies. In school, when he’d sit next to you, at the bar when he’d come close enough to feel your breath on his skin, in the bathroom at school when he held you- but it was never you, you never came this close to him. 
“Yeah.” you nod, the look in your eyes is so intense as you gaze into his brown eyes- it’s almost as if you are trying to read his thoughts, like you’re trying to take a look into his mind, like you’re trying to see his soul, trying to figure something out. You blink, looking away for a moment before your eyes return to his, you fingertips graze his chest and you look down at your hand. You want to touch him, to hug him again but you can’t. This is still Eddie, the same Eddie who hates you. 
You clear your throat, pulling your hand back again, you look down and you reach for the drink again.
Eddie groans in annoyance, pushing it further back again “I told you, you’ve had enough, y/n.”
“I’m not even drunk.” you exclaim, your eyes darting between him and the drink. 
“Uh- yes you are.” he grumbles. 
You roll your eyes at him and scoff, staring right into his eyes as you take the cup that Eddie put down, you manage to take a few sips before it’s taken away from you again, he slams it on the counter, spilling some of the liquid “stop it, you’re being a brat.” 
You hold your breath as you keep your eyes on him, the slight rasp in his voice made your stomach flutter, the look in his eyes didn't help either, why does he have to be so attractive? 
You reach for the cup again but Eddie grunts in annoyance, grabbing your wrists gently, he tugs you forward causing you to slam into his chest “I swear to god, y/n, stop. You’re only making it worse for yourself.” 
You snort, ignoring the way it feels to be pressed up against his body “and why the hell do you care? Oh and I still want an answer, why do you hate me so much, hmm?” 
Eddie gulps as he eyes your face slowly, he’s still holding your wrists in both of his hands, your chest is pressed against his and you are so close, even closer than the last time, your lips are only inches away from his. 
His heart flutters in his chest as your eyes flicker to his lips before they return to his eyes. Eddie breathes shakily, what does he even say? There is no answer to your question, there is no reason for him to hate you. He doesn't even hate you. Robin was right when she said that he is scared of his own feelings but he isn't about to admit that to you. 
You shake your head at him, of course he wasn't going to say anything. You think about what Robin said in the cafeteria a few days ago. 
Eddie’s eyes flicker down to your lips for a mere second, you would have missed it if you didn't stare at him as intently as you did, his pupils dilating the longer he stares at you it caused a wave of fury to crash through you. You have seen him look at you this way before. He either looked at you with anger and hatred in his eyes or with lust, like he wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you right then and there, was this the only thing you were good for? 
You don’t know whether it’s the alcohol in your system or the anger that is cursing through your veins that push you to say the next words. 
“Is it because you can’t have me? Because you can’t fuck me?” Something in the back of your mind was screaming at you to stop knowing you would regret it all in the morning, if you can remember any of this.
Eddie took in a sharp breath, staring at you in shock with his big brown eyes.
“Why else would you hate me? I-I never gave you a reason to.” you pause, drawing in a long breath “I was a-always nice to you but you treated me like shit, right from the start but why?” 
You didn't even notice how tense you were until you finally asked him the question that has been on your mind for years. 
Eddie stiffens, his heart is racing, his palms are getting sweaty against your skin as he stares at you, he didn't expect this. It doesn't help that you are standing there, completely pressed against his body with your short dress that leaves nothing to his imagination. Just a few days ago, you were sitting on the counter with your skirt riding up your bare thighs, making him all nervous and god, he feels like a creep for looking at you that way but fuck, you are perfect.
“Do you want to fuck me, Eddie?” you ask him with anger in your voice. 
His eyes widen even more, you press yourself even tighter against him and he is certain that you can feel him, all of him. He hates how much he loves it, the feeling of your body against his, he has spent far too many nights laying awake thinking of you in ways he would never actually get to have you. 
His lips are parted as he stares at you in surprise. 
You lean in closer and for a moment he thinks you’re about to kiss him but instead you stand on your tippy toes and lean in to whisper something in his ear, your lips brush against his ear lobe. 
“Fuck.” Eddie mumbles quietly, clenching his jaw. The feeling of your lips on his skin is something he will never be able to forget. 
“I’d let you.” you whisper. 
You will truly hate yourself tomorrow morning but right now, you don't care about anything. 
“If that means you’d hate me less.” 
You should have listened to Jonathan when he told you to be careful with the drinks. 
Eddie clenches his jaw, he pushes you away gently, he feels as though you are mocking him, you came to this party with Steve, your boyfriend and yet you are here with him, saying all these things to him you don't mean. He knows exactly what you are trying to do, you want to hurt him, mock him, give him a taste of something he can never have. 
“Stop that.” he says through gritted teeth as he pushes himself away from you, the hateful glare in his eyes returning as the concern slowly slips away.
You stare at each other for a moment, both quiet, both breathing heavily. Eddie tries to stop himself from saying something he will regret later on and you, you just look like you want to run away so you don't have to listen to the hurtful words that he is about to throw at you. 
He feels so angry all of the sudden, your words would have flattered him if things were different but you didn't mean what you said. You were playing with his feelings. You would never fuck him, you would never touch him, not the way that he wants you to at least. 
“I don’t want to fuck you.” he spits.
“I don't want to touch you.” he lets go of your wrists, not caring about the hurt look on your face right now. 
“I don’t want to see you.” 
“I don't want to hear your fucking voice.”
“I don’t want you anywhere near me okay? You wanna know why I hate you?” 
Lies. It’s all lies but Eddie can’t stop himself. His eyes are burning, his throat feels like it’s gonna close in on him, everything in him is screaming at himself to stop but he can't. 
You take a step back from him, his sudden outburst leaves you with a nervous and anxious feeling in your stomach, digging your nails into your palms, you clench your jaw as you straighten your back, fighting back your tears.
“I just fucking do, I can’t stand you, y/n, there's no reason, I just hate you.” and he hates himself even more in that moment, he’s lying to you and he's lying to himself and he’s running away from his feelings. 
You bite on your lower lip to keep it from trembling, you stare at him almost in disbelief. You nod, your breathing quickens and you suddenly feel lightheaded again, the same feeling you have felt a few days ago flooding through your body. 
You tear your eyes away from him, you need to get away from here, away from him. You reach for the drink again and this time he doesn't stop you, you down it in one go, throwing the empty cup away “thanks for your honesty.” you mutter weakly, turning away from him but before you can walk away, he grabs your elbow gently and pulls you back “y/n-”
You rip your arm out of his grasp, didn't he just say he doesn't want to touch you? 
“Don’t fucking touch me, Eddie.” you mumble angrily, you look up at him “I’ll make it easy for you okay? You don't have to see me anymore, you don't have to be around me and you certainly don't have to touch me.” you spat, looking at him through your tears, you take a deep breath, you want to walk away but something in the back of your mind is screaming at you to stay, to confront him further as you notice the guilty look in his eyes.
He is so irritating, perhaps the most irritating person you have met, he says the cruelest things and then he looks at you like some sad puppy and you hate it.
“You hate me? Okay.” you nod, wiping your tears away in anger “then stop saving me, Eddie. You are only making it harder for me.” you exclaim with a shaky voice. 
Eddie’s eyes dart from one place to another, he knows you are talking about the incident at the bar and the panic attack he helped you through a few days ago but somehow, it feels as though you are talking about something else. 
“I’ll stay out of your way s-so please, please, do the same for me instead of giving me false hope and breaking my fucking he-” you sniffle, pausing, you take in the shocked expression on his face at your words. 
He speaks your name softly but you don't give him the chance to say anything else, you just shake your head and walk past him, rushing out of the house, using the backdoor in the kitchen. 
Eddie turns around, staring at the door you just walked through. There are so many things running through his mind right now, so many questions but above it all there's the voice in the back of his mind that is telling him to go after you and he does after a moment of just blankly staring at the door, he rushes out of the kitchen, following you out. He knows he shouldn't have, he should leave you alone after what just happened but he can’t. 
He calls out to you as he spots you standing in the driveway. It’s freezing outside and you aren't even wearing a jacket. 
“Y/n! Hey..” he walks towards you, repeating your name but you are standing there, not moving, you’re almost stiff “you’re gonna freeze to death.” he complains, about to take his jacket off as he walks around you “listen, I’m-” his words get caught in his throat, “what the- y/n?” 
Your usual warm eyes, the color in them gone, instead it’s replaced by a milky color. 
Eddie gulps, he looks around, seeing if anyone else is out here but it’s just the two of you. He puts his hand on your shoulders “hey, y/n.” he speaks softly to no avail. 
“What the fuck..” he whispers, he shakes you softly “y/n!”
You don't react to his touch or his voice, you remain the same. A gust of wind blows through the dark streets at the same time as one of the street lights start flickering. A shiver runs down Eddie’s spine as he turns to look around, eying the street light closest to the two of you. His brows are furrowed in confusion, he has seen this before, the lamp in his bedroom would flicker every night a few days in a row but that was two years ago and it stopped ever since. 
“I-Is this some sort of panic attack?” he mumbles as he turns back to you, knowing you won't answer him anyways “come on, sweetheart.”
Thunder rumbles in the distance and lightning flashes through the sky as the rest of the street lamps start flickering. 
He takes your face in his hands, tilting your head up “y/n, wake up!” he slaps, your cheek softly “fuck.. please wake up, y/n!” he almost yells, eyes widening with fear, his heart jumps as the wind grows stronger, the lights flicker faster. 
He looks around, confused and scared as he looks back down at you. He doesn't know what’s going on, he doesn't know what the flickering lights have to do with the state you are in but he knows, he knows something is very wrong. 
He doesn't know what else to do, he doesn't know how to snap you out of the state you are in so he does what he did last time, hoping that it will help the way it did last time. He pulls you into his arms, gently moving his arms around you as he cradles the back of your head against his warm chest. His heart is beating against his ribcage, his eyes clouded with fear and worry. He holds you tightly, rubbing your back softly. 
“Fuck.” he whispers, there's something eery in the air, he can feel it, he can see it, it’s right in front of his eyes. 
“Please, please wake up.”
taglist: @prettyboyeddiemunson , @inject-memes , @twdimagining , @littledemondani , @wroteclassicaly , @pagesfalling , @boomhauer , @care-4-you , @ashwhowrites , @iamaslutforcoffee , @fieldofsecretss , @haylaansmi , @slutformurdock , @l1fe-1z-p3achy , @tayhar811 , @timetravelassasin , @phantomxoxo , @paprikaquinn , @marianita195 , @bambi-munson , @harrys-tittie , @eddies-lover , @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl , @arioneway , @vampirestookmydoubts , @sushiirestaurant , @killjoy36154 , @avocadotoastwithegg , @miss-celestial-being , @squirrelgirl23 , @ms1oftheboys , @kittykaylat1987 , @thesnoweclipse , @beep-beep-sherlock , @sav7689 , @ogoc-19 , @linkpk88 , @urmomgov , @magnificantmermaid , @sallyp-53 , @dumbblonde1630 , @zucchinimalfoy , @mrsdollardog , @that-girl-is-a-psycho , @ihavebecomesomething , @sashaphantomhive , @slightlyvicked , @lolilkkk , @copycatkillerfics , @crazykidsdontmelt , @fujiwaradivebar , @siriuslysmoking , @littlefreak04 , @somerandos-world , @munsonsuccubus , @eddiemuns0nl0ver , @depressedacidtest , @heyhowareyaxd , @smexylittleswine , @georgiapeaches-world , @tlclick73 , @michaelfuckinglangdon , @sammararaven , @aliceheart247 , @eddiemunson95 , @lunatictardis , @broccolisoupy , @emokid-ellie , @wonderful-outcast , @idkidknemore , @ilovecupcakesandtea , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @hannahdinse8 , @nojamsonmytoast , @spideyycents , @gaawdblesssmissamurricah , @ayla-sprague , @leahthesith , @bhavanti , @ninapengbrev , @aftermidnightwriting , @quartzneyy , @sad-darksoul , @gaia-simp , @daydreamerblues , @heyjudemunson , @bitchyseawitch , @toobsessedsstuff , @livasaurasrex , @clilxlx , @asortedtastyalmonds , @corrodedcorpses , @likeficsinthewnd , @let-love-bleeds-red , @peachypie97 , @princess-eddie , @invade201177 , @groupie-love-71 , @b-irock , @crazyjenny8675309 , @eyenyuh , @tiannamortis , @ilfmlsm , @idagafboutyou , @anadlr , @n3rdybirdee , @mortuaryminx , @hazzaismyreligion , @bellevsoares , @lovysstuff , @urallidjits​ , @srapalestina​
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Second Chance 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Jonathan Pine
Summary: You move into your parents' house as you try to rebuild your life, catching the attention of someone you never expected.
Part of the Brother's Best Friend Universe
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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It’s no glorious homecoming. You have little to be proud of. A broken relationship, a lost job, and wasted years. In hindsight, it’s easy to see how stupid you are. Even with the excuse of emotion, you can’t forgive yourself for your own poor choices.
Back to square one. Literally. What kind of forty-two year old lives with their parents? The one staring back at you.
You splash your face, rinsing away the collagen wash that doesn’t seem to help the wrinkles. If it had, maybe he wouldn’t have cheated. Maybe he wouldn’t be shacked up with a woman half your age. A girl, really.
You shake your head and sigh. Nothing you can do or undo.
You shut off the tap as you hear voices above. The basement is close enough to an apartment; you have your own bathroom and a reasonable amount of space. Privacy is another matter as your mother barges in to get to the laundry room or even just chatter about Clara’s casserole.
You dry your face and your hands and leave the bathroom. You cross the carpeted floor to the stairs and pause. Your brother must have got to town early and your parents are ecstatic to have him back. They can be proud of him; he’s an executive in a national company with a wife-to-be on his arm. Younger but always ahead of you.
You still haven’t found the courage to go up and say hello. Now’s as good a time as ever. You’re thirsty and they say hydration is the key to staying young. Yeah right, that’s not something you can change now.
You hope your future sister-in-law doesn’t mind your pajamas. The blue and white striped satin set are of the few nice things you salvaged from your former life. You open the door and shuffle up in your slippers.
The voices draw you to the kitchen. You peek around and find your parents standing on one side of the square island as your brother stands between two other figures. You didn’t think there was anyone else coming.
You think better of introducing yourself. You’ll go back downstairs and say you fell asleep. As you turn, your arm hits the vase on the side table. You cringe as it goes silent.
“Honey?” Your mother calls to you. You exhale and steel yourself.
“Uh, hi,” you sidle into the doorway, “I didn’t want to interrupt. I just wanted to get some water.”
“Nonsense, Jaydon’s here with his love fiancee, Tandi,” she trills as she beckons you forward, “and Jonathan popped in to catch up.”
You look around as you near the island. Jonathan. Pine? You didn’t think he was still around here. Everyone else seems to have moved on.
“Hey,” your brother, Jaydon grumbles.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Tandi offers her hand with a bright smile. She’s tall and slim and beautiful and probably ten years younger than your brother. Why do men always do that?
“You too,” you give a strained smile.
“Nice to see you again,” Jonathan intones and you look at him, struck by his clinging eyes.
He changed but he is not unrecognizable. He was always the tall, stringy kid but he’s filled out, he has some lines across his forehead and around his eyes, but they only refine his looks. He used to just be your brother’s sidekick, now he stays straight and confident.
“You too, Jonathan,” you murmur, “sorry, I didn’t think you’d be here tonight.”
“We made pretty good time,” Jaydon says proudly.
“Just so happens I’m in town for a family affair as well,” Jonathan adds, “good a time as ever to reconnect.”
You nod and wait for someone else to speak. You have nothing exciting to boast of. You’d rather fade into the background in the shine of their achievements. You’re certain they’ve already been briefed on your comedy of errors.
“Me and Tandi were just saying we’d like to go to the farmer’s market tomorrow. You could join us for a ladies’ day out. We’ll give the men some space,” your mother chimes. “Get you out of the house.”
Her last comments sting. You’ve been hiding. You don’t want to be recognised or need to explain yourself. Even if you did deflect curiosity, you don’t need another reminder of all your failures. And the farmer’s market? What are you going to do there? You don’t have the money for overpriced heirloom tomatoes.
Still, you have to play along. That was the talk your mother had with you. Like a teenager she had to tell you exactly how to behave when company was there. Company? He’s your brother.
“Sure, that sounds good,” you agree.
“I’m so excited,” Tandi beams, “it will be nice to explore and get to know Jay’s hometown.”
She touches his arm and he promptly drapes it around her shoulders. Jay? He always hated being called that but he seems to like her. For now. Their show of intimacy makes you shrivel up inside.
“There is very much to see,” Jonathan quips, putting your own thoughts to words. “Quaint, as the polite would put it.”
“Well, I recall you never had any issue finding something to do,” your mother rebukes playfully and Jonathan smirks.
“Yes, but I don’t suppose it’s the sort of activity your little ladies’ day out would entail,” he gives a coy tilt of his head.
“I hope you’ve grown out of that,” your mother kids.
“Mm, I like to think I have,” he shrugs.
You’re certain he has. All of them are the adults in the room and you’re the hermit in the basement. You have no illusions, you know your mother, you know all your mistakes have been laid out on the table; on every table in town. Oh woe to her, she always did try to raise you right.
“Mm, yes, well, it has been so long and you are all adults,” your mother says, as if to affirm your resent, “you’ve all come such a far way.”
You bite down on your cheeks, holding your tongue. It’s probably not a snipe at you, you’re just sensitive. You look at the counter and try to make yourself small. The glimpse of your pajamas once more sets you apart from them. How embarrassing.
“Oh, yes, speaking of,” Jaydon pipes up, “the engagement party. You said you had a venue in mind. We should see that while we’re here.”
“Ah,” your mother nearly squeals, “you’re going to do it here?”
“We talked about it,” Jaydon looks at Tandi, “but the wedding is still up in the air.”
“Oh my, how exciting,” your mother trills. “Perhaps tomorrow then, we might do that as well,” your mother continues her giddy raving, “mm, and flowers, catering, oh! A dress…”
You could slip away right then. She wouldn’t notice. None of them would.
You peek over at her. She was never that excited for you. Well, you never got the ring. You were never that special. You tear your eyes away and they meet another pair. You quickly wipe the sadness from your face and send Jonathan a plaintive smile. His eyes narrow and his gaze lingers.
You break your own stare and try to focus on the conversation. You should be happy for your brother, not bitter. Afterall, you made your own mistakes, not him.
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thegreencanary · 10 months
It’s Always Been You
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Based on this request
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem! Reader (you + Y/N)
Summary: You come home from college during holidays and to see your friends again. .Reconnecting with the core group that you connected with during the Upside Down trauma. Steve hosts a party for you and you get a little rowdy, Billy has always been there for you; this time something else happens.
TW: cursing and drinking. That’s about it. It’s pretty tame!
A/N: this is my work, I don’t give anyone permission to use it for anything or claim it as their own.
The sound of passing cars lulled you into an easy sleep as you got comfortable in the bus seat. Two more hours and you’d be back in Hawkins with your best friends. The only good thing about that pimple of a city: Nancy, Robin, Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, a bunch of weird kids and of course…Billy. The thought of your high school crush made you smile, you two had stayed in touch when you left for school, but seeing him again was a different level of excitement. He’d joined Hawkins High during your junior year in high school and at first; you despised him. His cocky attitude and the amount of girlfriends he plowed through disgusted you. BUT, he came with Max who became close friends with your best friends brother, then all the Vecna craziness broke out and somehow you got roped into a tight knit friend group with Billy. The real change in your friendship happened after Starcourt.
Pulled from your thoughts, the bus stopped and you could hear yelling at the us stop. Groggily you looked out the window but pure happiness and excitement filled your body as you saw your friends outside with signs, yelling for you. Steve and Robin were making fools of themselves but you ran to them as soon as your feet hit the pavement. Comforting arms wrapped around you and you felt like you could finally relax.
“Welcome home!!!!” Steve grunted out as he squeezed you and moved back and forth. Robin hit your arm playfully.
“That’s for leaving us for your fancy school.” She smiled and hugged you. “This is for coming back to visit.”
Grabbing your bags from the bus, you quickly loaded into Steve’s car and the three of you talked and laughed all the way back to his house. His parents were on some European trip or something so he just had you stay with him. Upon opening the door to his house, you heard a resounding “SURPRISE!” as a smaller body smashed into you. Maxine, she’d ran to you and gave you a tight hug; soon followed by the rest of the kids and then your friends.
“I missed you guys too.” A chuckle escaped your lips as you tried to stay standing from the overwhelming amount of people around you.
“Jesus Christ! Let her put her shit down at least, you are gonna suffocate her.”
There it was. That beautiful voice, you tried to see him, but Some of the guys too tall and blocking your view. Suddenly, you felt someone slip your backpack off and move your bags out of your grip. Strong, tanned arms wrapped around your shoulders and a familiar chin rested on your head. Billy.
“Hello to you too Billy.” You blushed softly, trying to laugh off his nice way of getting everyone off of you. The smell of cigarettes and motor oil filled the air around you. His smile could be felt from the top of your head.
“Welcome back short stack.” He squeezed you gently, then after just a few moments too long, (or not long enough) he let you go and grabbed your bags.
“Harrington! I’m putting her in your parents room!”
He called out to Steve who was grabbing some stuff out of his trunk. Max still hadn’t left your side and she had a brightness to her blue eyes. There was a soft spot in you for her and you wrapped on arm around her shoulder.
“Been keeping everyone in line?” You asked. They’d all went back to setting up stuff like balloons and streamers.
“Of course.” She smiled back. “Come on, Billy and I are staying here and there are some things I want to show you in my room.” The younger red head pulled you away from everyone.
“What’s the big set up for?” You asked as you passed the kitchen with a boat load of food and beer.
“Steve’s throwing a party for you tonight.”
Great. You’d hope to get a little sleep, but your friends were a rowdy bunch. Nancy was known for getting a little too drunk a little too fast; but Jonathan usually kept an eye out for her. Steve, you and Robin usually became the parents as Billy would get hammered and Eddy would get blitzed. You weren’t thrilled at the idea that the kids were gonna be around but Max could sense the hesitation so she spoke up.
“Don’t worry. We’re all going over to Hoppers tonight. El said to say hi, she’s busy with her dad doing super power shit.”
That was good. You relaxed a bit more and followed Max to the guest room.
You’d managed to sneak away from everyone and finally you got to your room. It was wonderful to see everyone again, but the silence was needed to prepare for the party. Plopping down on the bed you exhaled and closed your eyes. There was a comfortable nature to Steve’s home, and you’d joked before about how he should open a home for wayward kids; since everyone always found a safe place with him. The thought of Max and Billy staying there too was nice, but it meant Neil was worse than ever. Billy had kept you updated on their lives but he never spoke about Neil unless it was really bad. Last time Billy wrote to you (Which he would never admit to writing you letters, but he did every month) he mentioned moving out and getting his own place…maybe Steve’s place was just a temporary set up.
“You look like shit.”
Opening your eyes you smiled to find baby blue eyes staring down at you. He was being playful, but you still sat up and tried to adjust your hair and outfit.
“I was on a bus for hours, how did you think I was going to look?”
He sat next to you and pulled you back down so you both were laying down. The blush on your cheeks only heated up.
“It’s good to have you back. I can’t stand these idiots.” You laughed, nudging him softly.
“I’m just like those idiots.”
“Not even close.”
There was a comfortable silence that settled between you two. This was a side of Billy that only you got to see, the calm man that lie behind the troubled sea that was his heart. He’d worked on his anger and his friendships but you always saw past his facades.
“You doin’ okay? School and shit going good?” His arm was wrapped around your shoulder and you nuzzled your head into his chest. It was very intimate but you two had moments like this in the past; you both just never addressed it.
“Mmhmm. How’s the shop?” Billy had started work at the town auto shop, and from what she knew of it; he was doing great.
“Good. Finally got a place for Max and I. We’re just crashing here until its ready. It’s not much, a trailer in Eddie’s neighborhood… but it’s mine.”
You sat up and looked at him, a different feeling settling in the air.
“I’m so proud of you Billy.”
A beat passed, then there was a knock at your door.
“Y/N! Are you ready? People are starting to show up! Do you need help with anything?”
Nancy. God Bless her for checking on you because you were about to kiss Billy and you couldn’t ruin that friendship. He rolled his eyes and got up, almost ripping the door off.
“She’s all yours Wheeler.”
Nancy rolled her eyes but came in, as Billy walked out he looked back and winked at you.
Hair done, outfit on and makeup finished. Looking in the mirror you checked to make sure the ripped Band Tee didn’t show too much off, because the black leather shorts were a little too short but Nancy insisted they looked good. She paraded you out into the party and there were A LOT of people. Some just cheering because they were drunk and didn’t care why the party was happening, just that it was. Others you actually knew and you caught up with them a little as drinks and shots were placed in your hand in a revolving order.
Billy was outside, you could hear the keg stand chants, Robin was on the couch with a girl named Vickie, Eddie and Jonathan were probably out getting high and Nancy was circulating. You were, put nicely, smashed. There was no reason to hold back, you weren’t driving, you were in a safe place and your friends were all around.
Standing on a table, with some outside help from a few guys, you yelled over the music.
“Thank yeeew all for comin! LEts PARTY!” Someone cranked up the music and you started dancing on the table, and the cheering got louder than the keg stand cheers. That got Billy’s attention.
He came in to find you, someone who wasn’t too keen on being the center of attention, on a table; dancing like no one was watching. At first he just chuckled and laughed, but the guys who had helped you up were a little too close for his liking. He inched closer, but the moment one of the guys put his hand on your leg, Billy moved. Pushing people out of the way, he got to the table and threw you over his shoulder.
“Awww boo!” You giggled as he carried you up to the room you were staying in.
“Billy!!!! I was having funnnn.” You playfully hit his back before he put you on the bed.
“Oooo kinky!” A giggle left your lips as you took another sip of the beer that didn’t leave your hand even through Billy manhandling you.
“Alright princess, you’ve had enough for tonight.” He took your beer and you pouted.
“Party poooper! This princess wants to keep going!” You reached out for the beer but he stopped you, and the two of you were very close.
“Hi handsOme.” A drunken smile bloomed on your face and the glaze over your eyes began to set in. Yep, totally drunk. Billy just laughed and shook his head, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“You’ll thank me tomorrow.” Again, there was something else that settled in the air, but this time you were more confident. Liquid courage and all that fun shit.
“I’m gonna kiss you.” You giggled and got closer. An expression you hadn’t seen crossed Billy’s face and you paused…oh no.
“Oh…oh no I fucked up. Shit!!!” You immediately pulled away and scooted your back against the headboard. Pulling your knees to your chest, you began to rock back and forth. Did you just screw up your best friendship? Did you read all the signs wrong? Was he going to hate you?
“Shit.” Billy groaned and stood up. “Y/N, I would love to kiss you, but not like this. Get some rest baby. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Baby, that was a new one. You looked up at him worried, but he winked and you relaxed. The room was spinning, maybe rest was a good idea. The loud party didn’t even bother you. Dozing off quickly you didn’t even notice Billy lock the door for your safety on his way out.
Getting hit by a semi carrying other semi’s felt ten thousand times better than the hangover that hit you in the morning. Groaning you pulled yourself into the bathroom, looking in the mirror you shuddered. You also looked like you got hit by a semi. Taking a deep breath you hopped into the shower and tried to wash off the night before.
A soft knock got your attention as you got out. Keeping just your towel on you tried to open the door only to realize it was locked. Unlocking it, you found Billy before you with breakfast.
“God Bless you.” You smiled and took the food. He was quiet, looking at you in a towel. Billy needed to compose himself before speaking, he didn’t expect you to open the door so… freely. What if it was someone who passed out in the living room? That thought pulled him into the room and he shut the door so no one else could see you.
He handed you some ibuprofen and you smiled.
“You are the best Billy. How did you did this every weekend??” Downing the pills with some water he watched you and just chuckled.
“Practice babe.”
That threw you for a little bit of a loop but it sounded familiar.
“What happened last night? I remember talking to Vanessa but it gets a little fuzzy after that.”
Billy grabbed a few poloriads Nancy took out of his back pocket. You went red in the face.
“I WAS TABLE DANCING??” Groaning, you sunk to the floor with your food, nibbling on pancakes as you looked through the photos.
“WHy did anyone let me get on Bruce’s shoulders??” Bruce was your class clown and he apparently piggy backed you around according to Nancy’s photos. Billy scoffed.
“I sure as shit didn’t. You don’t remember anything?” There was a vulnerability to his voice that made you look up at him curiously.
“Oh no, what did I do?”
He sat next to you, resting his head on the edge of the bed. It was obvious he was trying to decide if he should tell you or not.
“You almost kissed me.”
Deer in headlights, that was a good way to explain your expression. Burying your face in your hands, the common symptom of puking while your hungover began to surface.
“Fuck I’m so sorry Billy. I don’t get drunk I didn’t know that’s what I would do. Shit, I’m really sorry.”
For some reason, you felt Billy relax next to you.
“So you don’t get drunk at school?” The image of you dancing on tables away from his protective gaze and you offering to kiss strangers had haunted him the whole night. Of course you could do whatever you wanted, the two of you were just friends, but he didn’t want that.
“Of course not, I don’t feel safe to drink that much at school. I don’t know people there like I do here. I don’t have you to keep me safe.”
You looked at the photo of him carrying you away, he always was there for you. Maybe it was because you helped save his life in Starcourt, or maybe it was because he truly cared about you.
“Why don’t you come back?”
His voice was quiet. That question hit you hard, and you rubbed your forehead.
“Billy it’s not that easy, with school and…”
“No, I know. It was a dumb question. I just…I don’t like you not being here. I need to make sure you’re okay. Phone calls and letters aren’t enough. I…get worried if you don’t answer the phone or if I miss a letter.”
This was a new Billy. He’d been open with you before but never like this. He wasn’t looking at you so you gently put a hand on his face and nudged it to look at you.
“Hey, I’m okay. All that is over with. It’s safe now. I’m okay.”
He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. You two had playfully gotten close before but this was real and really intimate.
He opened his eyes and looked at you, but it was for a split second before his lips were on yours. The kiss caught you off guard but after a moment, you returned it. Moving to straddle him you wrapped your arms around his neck while his hands settled on your hips. You lost time in his kiss and it was the safest you’d ever felt.
Finally the two of you separated, when he squeezed your hips softly. Any more and the two of you wouldn’t be able to stop.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.” He smirked as he rested his forehead on yours.
“Me too.”
“Come on, you need to eat…tell anyone about me being sappy and I’ll break up with you.”
He slightly joked.
“Oh so were dating now?”
You giggled and tried to get off of him, but he didn’t let you go just yet.
“Y/N, I’ve thought of you as my girlfriend ever since the summer before you left. You’re it baby. I don’t need anyone else.”
You kissed him softly, then got off of him.
“I’m yours Billy Hargrove.”
The End!
Constructive criticism is welcome! DM’s are open! I hope this was to y’all’s liking! I got a little carried away sorry about that! I almost made it into two parts but I decided against it.
Thank you for reading!!!
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luveline · 1 year
For the Steve zombie au, may i request r and Steve’s friends getting to know each other? Maybe they’re all eating together and r realizing she can trust these people and Steve is just so happy they all get along?
thank you for your request my love! steve zombie!au | fem!reader ♥︎ 1.2k
You're majorly surprised that Steve would be friends with Jonathan Byers. It probably seems like old news given the apocalyptic circumstances, but you remember the epic and tragic bumps of their love triangle. Nancy bouncing between them, and the eventual messy breakup. 
You're unsure if Steve knows you'd been there that night at the Halloween party. His Risky Business costume had actually done a lot to humanise him when you first met him again in the early days, and he'd been a total jerk. He'd say something cruel and you'd remember his sunglasses and his chicken dancing and get over it. 
You're not in the early days anymore. Months of hiking and fighting and zombies and, amazingly, falling in love. Steve would kick the shit out of anyone if they talked to you the way he had, and his apology for being such a grump comes everyday and in new ways. 
He has his hand between your thighs, fingertips stroking circles up toward your knee. 
"No, man, I'm serious, it was a shit show! First you, then Hargrove," he's saying, stomach digging into the table's edge with his enthusiasm. "Good thing, though, my ego was dead and gone when I needed to be humble." 
Jonathan snorts, picking through his cards with a concentrated frown. "I'm still sorry." 
"I don't want you to be sorry. I was a dick." 
"Yeah, but we were seventeen. Everyone's a dick at seventeen."  
You're having a hard time distrusting him, or any of Steve's friends, considering they're the ones who fought to get you back. They walked miles in the dark and the cold to save you, and bring you back to the community. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be tucked into Steve's side, eyeing his cards and whispering instructions. Nobody's given you shit for it, while it's pretty much cheating, and you know why — there's a resounding feeling of pity wrapped around you. 
You still have all the cuts and scrapes of your kidnapping. The scratches on your face have barely scabbed over, your wrists still sore and torn. It's a constant reminder. You try not to look at them. 
Pity comes with a good helping of care, though. 
"Hey," Robin says, bounding into the town hall with a smile. "Where is everybody?" 
"We're early." 
"Oh. Well, I got more cards," she says, brandishing a fresh pack, plastic wrapped and everything, "Cooper didn't wanna give 'em to me, but I told him the cards club got a bunch of new members. Hopefully he doesn't come tonight." 
She pauses. "Can I sit here?" 
You nod emphatically. She can do whatever she likes as far as you're concerned. She'd been there for Steve while you were gone, and she's come to find you too. You're starting to realise that your suspicion of her had been unfounded. For the two weeks you'd slept in her room, you'd stayed up sick with nerves thinking she was gonna stab you in your sleep. It's kind of hard to believe she'd bother these days. 
Plus, you desperately want to like Robin. She's funny, and smart, and she has a really nice voice. You could listen to her talk about movies for hours, and you would, because Steve could do it too, though he's far more opinionated than you are. 
"Thank you," she says. "I got something for you." 
You sit up from Steve's side, trying your best to look like a functioning person rather than his pathetic clinger. "What?" 
"Yeah, I got this bio-oil from the medic station for your face. I mean, don't get me wrong, you'd look cool with a scar, but I thought maybe that should be up to you. And this," she says, putting the bio-oil and a white packet down in front of you. "Steve said you liked the first one." 
It's a small bar of Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme. You stare at the two items, lost for words, and then you decide you have to be brave even if it's a little awkward, and even if you're still scared of things going wrong. 
"You didn't have to get these for me, Robin," you say. 
"I wanted to." 
You slide across the bench you're sitting on slowly, so she has time to move away. "Thank you," you say, and hold your arms out for a hug. 
She looks startled but happy, and is quick to accept your offering. "You're welcome," she says, arms crossing behind your back. 
You nod and pull away, giving her a genuine, if guilty smile. 
Just as you realise Steve has been listening, Jonathan tries to save him, roping him back into conversation. You miss his hand on your leg and consider asking for it back, and you really wish he'd stop the game altogether so you can hide under his arm again. You've been feeling rightfully fragile since you got back. Touching him makes it go away. 
But you're not a loser. Robin's breaking the seal on the new pack of cards, and you're really good at card games after so many nights alone with Steve, who's really bad at them. 
"You know gin rummy?" you ask her. 
"I do not," she says, with an air of grandness, her smile unmissable. "I'm a quick study." 
"Robs, don't let her teach you," Steve butts in, "she'll teach you how to play, but she won't teach you how to play well." 
"I only taught you badly 'cause I was mad at you," you say, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah, it was after we got stuck inside that taco truck, and you said I sound like a dying cat when I sing, even though you're the one who asked me to sing in the first place." 
He chuckles easily at the memory. "Oh, yeah. God, I'm sorry, you were still sick from that bad water and your throat was all raw." 
He does you the service of kissing your cheek.
"I'm sorry," he says again. "I was mean." 
"I don't buy it. That's a fake apology," Robin says. 
You burst into giggles as Steve gasps with indignation, and Jonathan lays his cards out flat on the table. 
"I win," he says. 
Steve, despite your ganging up on him, and Jonathan's poorly timed victory, doesn't seem upset at all. He's smiling one of his more secret smiles, the kind you had to dig long and hard to find, and his hand feels like love as he takes up station on your thigh again. He squeezes three times. 
You cover his hand briefly with your own, rubbing the fine hairs on the back of his fingers, before turning your attention to Robin completely. 
"I'm gonna make you a champion," you promise. 
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strangerquinns · 10 months
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Deadly Reunion| Chapter 18
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues (no use of y/n)
word count: 3.6k+
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist
You stared down at the coffee sitting in front of you, the dark liquid causing your tired eyes to reflect back up at you. The steam moved up and kissed along your nose causing the bitter smell to invade your senses. Coffee, much like alcohol, didn’t age well with the new age of the world. But it was the only thing keeping you slightly alert with the last few nights of light sleep. Your stomach growled hungrily for food, but even that didn’t seem appetizing to you at the moment. You weren’t sure how, or why, but something told you that the unrest and fear you were familiar with was going to come back to disturb the peace you’d found for yourself. Since seeing Eddie speaking with the Chief and a few other men, that look on his face, made you nauseous with anxiety.
“Coffee isn’t going to get warmer if you just stare down at it you know,” a voice spoke from across the table. Looking up you were hit with the cool gaze of a girl you recognized from your dor. Her red hair framed around her pale face just caused her blue eyes to be more striking. You couldn’t help but chuckle before reaching for the worn mug in front of you.
“I was so sure my glare would work,” You teased back with a smirk, before bringing the mug to your lips, swallowing down a grimace from the taste. “Was more so hoping it would turn into something decent.”
“No amount of sugar could make that shit water taste good,” The girl smirked. “I’m Max, by the way. Seen you in the halls upstairs.”
You nodded your head, repeating your name back, “I remember seeing you on my first day here. Nice to put a face to the name.”
“Is it true?” Max asked, causing your brows to pull together tightly in confusion, “Rumor has it you’re the one that chopped Wheeler’s arm off? He wouldn’t shut up about it since he’d gotten back with Jonathan.”
You chuckled and shrugged your shoulders, “Yeah, I-I guess so.”
“And you killed a bunch of Flayed?” Max continued with another question.
“Hasn’t everyone?”
Max shook her head, “I haven’t. Those things scare the shit out of me, hope to never come across one again.”
Max shuddered slightly as she spoke, before focusing her eyes back on you.
“They are scary, But people, they are scarier.” You spoke, before getting up from the table. You gave Max a small smile before moving to place you dirty plate at the station.
You continued walking till you found yourself outside a familiar trailer, knocking softly on the door, before taking a step back. You could hear movement from inside, before the door swung open, revealing Eddie behind it. He didn’t say a word, instead he stepped aside to let you in. The smell that hit you when you walked into Eddie’s trailer always seemed to make you feel at home. Safe. But seeing as the trailer smelled like Eddie it sort of made sense why you always found yourself here.
“I haven’t seen you in a couple days, thought maybe you were hiding from me.” You spoke, moving to sit on the small couch pressed against the wall opposite the door.
“Yeah,” Eddie sighed heavily, locking the door, before reaching to scratch the back of his neck nervously. “Wasn’t exactly sure what I’d say when I saw you.”
“Meaning?” You spoke, with a touch of fear and that ever choking anxiety in your tone.
Eddie sighed deeply and moved toward the small kitchenette part of the trailer, cleaning up whatever he’d made himself for breakfast. Your eyes lingered on his frame as he moved. His plaid, worn, pajama pants hung low on his waist giving you a view of the curls that laid underneath. The freckles that danced along his shoulders and chest were more prominent now thanks to being out in the sun. But you also didn’t miss the scars that decorated his skin along with his tattoos.
“I-I don’t know, sweetheart,” Eddie shook his head, his dark curls dancing around his face. “I don’t like keeping things from you…b-but I don’t…”
“Just spit it out Eddie, you’re scaring me.” You spoke.
“Fuck,” He set down what was in his hands before moving toward the couch. He moved to kneel between your legs and gently caress your face. Causing you to stare down into his doe eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to scare you.”
You nodded your head and leaned into his touch, reaching to wrap your fingers around his wrist, holding his touch there.
“Does this have anything to do with you speaking with the Chief outside the Lab yesterday?” You asked.
Eddie licked his lower lips and nodded his head, “Enzo found where the group is camped out. Roughly 10 miles from here, more north. A few linger at the last place we saw them.”
“They are spread out and split?” You asked, confused about that tactic. The group was large, but splitting off didn’t make much sense, since it would most likely weaken them.
“Enzo doesn’t understand why, but none of that really matters. He wants us to head out.” Eddie explained, his thumb rubbing along your cheeks.
“You’re gonna go after them?” You asked.
“Yes. Part of the militia group will stay here, the other half will head out along with a few of those that go out on the raids.” He paused “Hopper isn’t really caring much to try and talk and settle with this group. They killed his daughter, and he’s out for blood.”
“He’s gonna start a war,” You stated, not even questioning your statement.
It made sense. With him wanting to know everything you knew the moment Hopper learned of your past.
“I want to join.” You spoke, sitting back and out of Eddie’s reach.
“No,” Eddie spoke, his tone firm. “You’re not.”
“I don’t think I was asking you, Eddie. In fact, I was telling you. I want to join.”
Eddie sighed heavily and rose from his place on the floor. His hand moved through his dark curls in frustration and pushed them from his face.
“You don’t know what you’re asking to get yourself into.”
“I think I do.” You scoffed “The revenge and rage that Hopper is feeling, I feel that too. I’ve been sitting with that and letting it grow within me ever since they killed my mother in front of me. If there is even a chance for me to take them out, I want in.”
Eddie’s shoulders fell slightly as he softened a little, but you could still see the determination in his eyes. The hard set in his mind of not having you join in the mess and chaos. “I know you want to get them back for your mom, fuck, I understand. But I can’t willingly want you there with me. Not when the risk is too high.”
“Risk of losing me?” You asked Eddie slightly moving his head, but you saw it. “So, you’re instead going to have me sit here, waiting, to see if you come back home? When I can be there? No. That’s not happening.”
Eddie groaned “You’re so fuckin’ stubborn.”
“Do you really think you can stop me?”
“No! That’s the fucking terrifying part. That’s why I’ve been avoiding this conversation. Because I knew…I knew the moment you learned of Hopper’s plan that you’d want to be a part of it. But I don’t want that, baby, I don’t. I can’t go into this knowing you’re gonna be beside me and I could watch you get taken from me.”
Eddie’s voice cracked as he spoke, causing you to rush toward him. You placed your hands gently on his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat beneath.
“I would do everything in my power to make sure we came back together,” You spoke gently. “But I need this, Eddie. You want to know why I don’t sleep? Don’t eat? You speak of seeing something and knowing that there is something causing me pain. This is my something. I’m not saying it would fix me, I’m not stupid. But it would make me feel a whole lot better.”
Eddie whispered your name softly and bent down to press his head against yours, closing his eyes tightly, as he just stood there and held you. His arms wrapped around your body and pulled you against him. The two of you stood there in silence for a long moment before Eddie spoke again.
“I’m not gonna be one of those assholes that are gonna tell you what to do and expect you to listen. I know better. But I can ask, I can beg.”
You sighed, “Would you be mad at me if I said I was still gonna go?”
Eddie shook his head and pulled back, reaching to caress each side of your face. “No. I wouldn’t be mad. I understand, I do. But it doesn’t mean I’m not scared as shit.”
“I know baby.”
You rose up on your toes and pressed your lips against his, melting into him more the moment Eddie reacted. Eddie tilted your head back as he deepened the kiss causing you to moan and open up for him more. The moment you tasted him against your tongue you felt lost in him. You wanted nothing but Eddie.
The thoughts of not having him there scaring the shit out of you. You’d lost too much, and he would be the last straw. The last piece of your sanity gone. Your hold on him tightened more as that thought entered your mind. Eddie responded the same as he moved to press you onto the counter behind you. His hands disappear beneath your shirt, needing more skin to skin. It seemed those same thoughts were running through Eddie’s head. There were still moments when it felt like a dream that he had you. That you were finally his. Eddie wasn’t sure what would happen if that was taken from him.
“I love you,” Eddie spoke, the two of you panting as your lungs gasped for air. “I love you so much.”
You whimpered softly and nodded your head, feeling sincerity as you stared into his eyes. It knocked you even more breathless for a moment.
“I love you too.”
The corner of Eddie’s lips turned up before he bent down and kissed you again, the passion growing between you two.
Henry held tightly to the binoculars as he scanned across the perimeter. A snarl came across his thin lips as he watched the two Flayed stumble through the woods in front of their temporary camp. It was an old mall that was nearly secured for them. The land around it growing and taking back what was once there. But the building itself was still holding strong. It only took his men a week before clearing it out completely.
“Any signs of them?” A deep voice spoke from his left.
Henry’s eyes moved away from the binoculars and brought them down to his side before facing the man he knew who had come and joined him on the roof.
“No. Seems they left a few days ago.” Henry spoke, “I’m sure we’ll see them again in a few days.”
“We going to make a move?”
“Not now,” Henry spoke, turning toward the man more. “Neil you must know, we have to be smart about this. Let those at the Lab think they have the upper hand.”
Neil Hargrove nodded his head and took a deep sigh, “Billy and Jason think the rest of the camp will be here in the next couple of days. Have done enough sweeps through the mall to secure and see no other Flayed inside. Can also get supplies and secure some of the outer walls if needed.”
“That sounds good.” Henry nodded his head, “Have Tommy and the others do an outside sweep. Make sure none of those fuckin’ monsters are within miles of this place.”
“Yes, sir.”
Neil Hargrove turned and headed back toward the open door that led to the staircase down into the mall. Henry stood there for a moment longer, his blue eyes scanning over the front of the mall, before following behind Neil. Once he entered the main area at the center of the mall, he couldn’t help but smile. Seeing what his people have turned it into. A few found settlements within the courtyard, but also saw others settling into former storefronts.
His eyes landed on one girl who sat at a table with a few of the others. Curly dark hair cut short as it fanned around her freckled face. He could hear the soft murmurs of her voice as she spoke with Billy Hargrove, pointing down at the map in front of her. Henry moved and walked toward the table, everyone’s heads popping up the moment his footsteps were heard. There was something about still seeing the fear flare in her eyes that seemed to turn Henry on.
“How are we lookin’ so far?” Henry spoke.
“Good.” Billy spoke, “Will be stronger and in full in no time. Can start the new recruits in training, be ready for them.”
Henry nodded his head, his eyes focused on the girl. “Wendy, do you feel the same?”
“Yes, sir.” She spoke, her voice firm.
“Good.” Henry’s gaze lingered on Wendy for a little longer, before turning to walk away. A sadistic smirk spread across his face.
You groaned slightly as the awareness of coming out of your deep sleep entered your mind. Your body felt heavy from the good sleep you’d finally gotten. Looking across the bed it didn’t take long to see that Eddie’s side was empty. The only thing left behind was rumpled cold sheets. You moved out of the warmth of the bed and slowly made your way to the main part of the trailer. Following the soft noise coming from the front where Eddie’s table sat. The sound of the sliding door caused him to turn toward your direction, watching as you slowly shuffled at the end of the hall.
His lips turned up as you walked toward him, happy to see the dark purple beneath your eyes lightened after your long sleep.
“Morning,” Eddie spoke as you moved to stand beside him. Your hand reaches down to gently caress his shoulder.
“Morning.” You spoke with a roughness to your voice. “How long have you been up?”
“Close to an hour,” Eddie shrugged, reaching for the cigarette he had resting in the glass ashtray at the top of the table.
You moved around to take a seat in the chair across from him, seeing a small notebook open out in front of him. His scratching like writing scribbled across the pages.
“What are you writing?” You asked.
“Nothing special.” Eddie shrugged “Just…sometimes still have songs that play in my head. Even with the end of the world, it seems that didn’t stop over the years.”
“Really?” You smiled slightly, causing Eddie to slowly nod his head. “Can I read ‘em?”
He took a long drag of his cigarette before lightly tapping the ash into the tray and letting it rest again. Eddie hesitated for a moment before lifting the small notebook front in front of him and handing it to you. You stared at him for a moment, a little hesitant, before grabbing it in front of him. A silence fell between you two as you looked over the words. Anyone who looked at Eddie’s writing would think it would be impossible to read, but not for you. Your eyes scanned over the words and felt your heart race with each passing second. It didn’t take long to decipher who the song was about.
“Eddie,” You whispered, your eyes looking up toward him, feeling completely speechless.
“Woke up to your beautiful face beside mine…had to get the words out before I lost them.” He smiled coyly.
You flipped through the pages and found some older ones and felt tears in your eyes as you read over the words. Eddie always had a beautiful way with words, you always thought.
“Will you sing them for me?” You asked, closing the small black book and passing it back over to him. “One day?”
“Of course.” Eddie nodded his head, placing his hand on the table with his palm up. Quickly you reached across and grabbed onto his hand tightly. “Given much thought to last night?”
You nodded your head, tightening your hold on his hand. “I’m still gonna do it if that’s what you mean.”
Eddie pressed his lips together tightly and nodded his head, “Yeah…was worried you were gonna say that.”
You stood from your seat and moved around to him, Eddie pushing his seat back, as you moved to crawl into his lap. He held you tightly in his arms as your body molded against his. Your fingers moved to tangle into his dark curls and lightly scratch along his scalp.
“We’re not doing anything soon, right?” You asked, Eddie nodded with his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck. His lips pressed against the skin. “Meaning we can prepare for whatever Hopper has planned. Meaning we won’t be going into this blind.”
“We also can’t blindly go into this thinking everything is going to go perfect and no one’s gonna get hurt.”
“I know, I know.” You spoke with your voice low and soothing. “But we’re not gonna focus on that. We’re gonna focus on the fact that we’re going to end them. Get justice for those that we lost.”
Eddie nodded and pulled you tighter into him, before reaching to pull you down into a kiss. You could nearly taste Eddie’s fear, knowing that you were stepping into this fight. But you also knew that no matter what, he wasn’t going to change your mind about it.
Not when you could get payback for all that you’d lost.  
“Come on, we’ve got a meeting with Hopper in a little bit.” Eddie sighed, pulling back from you.
You pecked his lips lightly before standing and moving back toward his bedroom. You change out of the shirt he lets you borrow and change back into your clothes. The two of you walked out of his trailer, his hand tightly holding to yours, as he led you toward the main building. The rest of the camp was going about their business like normal, unaware of what was brewing within. Eddie led you down the hallway where you knew Hopper’s office was stationed. He pushed open a door and you two were welcomed by a larger room with tables, maps, and tools.
“Edward, glad you could make it,” Hopper spoke, his eyes shifting toward you. “I see you told her of our plan?”
“Partially,” Eddie spoke, pulling you farther into the room, and squeezing your hand a little more.
“I want to be a part of this. Whatever it is.” You spoke up, keeping your eyes locked with Hoppers as you spoke. “You know what I’ve gone through with these people, and I want to end them.”
Hopper nodded his head, “It’s not going to be easy. We’re bringing this to their front door.”
“And I want to be there.” You spoke firmly.
“You’re not gonna talk her out of it Chief, trust me, I tried.” Eddie chuckled, moving around to the other side of the table. His grasp gone from yours, but he was still close.
“I can give you something that you don’t have. Insight. What you went through, no offense is nothing like what I did. They got you where you were weak, away from the camp. That’s how Sarah died, that’s how Nancy died.” You spoke, “They brought the fight to my front door. They are sneaky. They will be on top of you before you even know it. I’ll give them one thing; they are smart, and they are tactical.”
“She’s right,” Enzo spoke, standing up straighter and crossing his arms across his chest. “They are staying close enough, but just out of reach. They got us during two raid outings.”
“They obviously need something that you have. Encampments are rare to come across. You built this to be stable and to grow. That also makes this place a target, many are going to want to take this.”
“That was our thought as well,” Hopper nodded his head and reached to scratch along the beard that was fully grown along his jaw.
It saddened to see a man you thought of as a father figure at one point in your life worn down in front of you. It was obvious that this world wasn’t being kind of James Hopper and it was showing.
“Who else is part of this?” You asked.
“Almost all of the militia will be heading this, with a few behind in case anything happens to protect the camp. Harrington’s raid group will be joining.” Your stomach turned at the thought of Robin being a part of this. “Along with a few other men in the group.”
“Training begins at the start of next week.” Enzo spoke, “We have a lot of new recruits that are just at the age to get their assignment.”
“We’re gonna lose some people, I’m not…ignorant of that.” Hopper spoke, “The fact is we have try our hardest not to lose as many as possible.”
You swallowed back the bile that tried to rise back up as you sat and listened to Hopper go through the plan. As the day continued you were joined by Steve, Jonathan, and Argyle as they went over things.
You sat there and went through the list of people that you have come to care for, and then prayed that they wouldn’t be added to the people you’d lost.
Another chapter down, and IDK how many more to go tbh. I have a rough number but that could change. Dropped a little....easter egg? in there, did you catch it? If not go back to chapter one lol. Please leave a comment or come chat I do love speaking with you guys.
Please support by liking or reblogging! I have also added this to my AO3 if anyone cares. Under the same name with username @ever_writes. Thanks for all the support guys, it truly means a lot. Sorry, it takes me so long to get these chapters out, my job takes a lot of my time, along with other parts of life!
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morganski-19 · 25 days
The One with Taking Risks
Ten Years Ago
Jonathan turns the key to his freshman dorm room, a burst of hot air hitting him in the face as he does. The shitty, non airconditioned dorm already making him miserable. He struggles through the doorway, a box pressed against his side. Finding his roommate unpacking on the other side of the room.
“Dude,” his voice echoes against the walls. Hair in a messy braid down his back. “Welcome home.”
Argyle, his randomly assigned roommate, pulls him into a bear hug. Jonathan stiffening, not returning the gesture. They’ve only talked a few times, he wasn’t expecting a hug so early.
Argyle realizes this, pulling back. “Sorry, my sisters say that I come on pretty strong when I shouldn’t. Something I’m working on.”
Jonathan places the box on the vinyl covered mattress. “It’s fine.”
“Do you need any help?” Argyle asks awkwardly behind him. “My folks already helped me get all my stuff in the room, so I don’t mind lending a hand.”
“Thanks, but I’m good. My mom and stepdad are coming up soon with more of my things. They’re just finding parking.”
Argyle nods. “Cool. I’ll, uh, just be over on my side of the room then. Let me know if you want to rearrange the layout or anything. I’m not particular about anything.”
From their first interaction, Jonathan wouldn’t have guessed that his roommate would soon become the best friend he’s ever had.
It wasn’t until months later that he really started to open up to Argyle. Until the homesickness really hit him hard and Will had to spend a few nights in the hospital again. Being so far from home, he couldn’t be there for him. Felt like he failed.
Argyle had come back into the room after his class. Jonathan rubbing his eyes, trying to hide the fact he was crying. Pulling the blanket up under his chin, faking sleep.
For a while, Argyle doesn’t say anything. He just goes to his side of the room and puts in his earbuds in. Doing some homework and giving Jonathan space.
When Will calls him later, Jonathan can’t hide how he’s feeling anymore. As soon as the phone call hangs up, he starts to break down again.
His phone pings.
Argyle: I’m here if you want to talk about it, or I can leave the room to give you some space
There’s something about kindness from a sort of stranger that makes tears flow harder. He types out a reply.
Argyle gets up from his bed and walks over to the door. Shutting it gently behind him, giving Jonathan the space he asked for. When the tears dry up, Jonathan lets Argyle know he can come back. Wiping his cheeks, calmed down.
“Thank you,” he says softly when the door shuts behind him. “I appreciate you doing that.”
Argyle shrugs, like this was nothing. “Life is tough when you move away from home. I should know, my home is halfway across the country. Do you want a hug or are we not at that level yet?”
“A hug would be kind of nice.”
Argyle silently asks to sit on Jonathan’s bed. He nods in conformation, accepting Argyle’s open arms. Pulling back after a few seconds.
“I’m not going to force you to talk about it or anything, but I’m here if you want to.”
“My, uh.” Jonathan struggles to find the words. Argyle waits for him, making Jonathan feel like he can tell him anything. “That call was from my brother, he’s in the hospital right now.”
“Shit,” Argyle says bluntly. “Is he ok?”
Jonathan nods. “Yeah. It’s just a bad flare up. He went through a really bad accident when he was in middle school, has chronic pain because of it. Other lingering health issues. But he’s fine. Just wish I was there, you know.”
“Yeah. It sucks being away from family. Especially when something’s going on.”
“It does. You said you were from California, right?” Jonathan changes the subject. “What’s it like out there, I’ve never been.”
Argyle lights up as soon as Jonathan asks. “Oh, it’s great dude.” He goes on a long tangent about his hometown, his family. Being close enough to the ocean for day trips but not directly close to it at all. Anything and everything.
They talk for hours after that. The conversation finding itself during the slower breaks. Just sharing their lives. Complaining about classes. Learning about each other in ways not many people ever tried.
That day, they both made a friend.
Present Day
Argyle checks his phone for the millionth time. Pressing it down in frustration against the couch when the notification screen continues to be blank. Jonathan hasn’t messaged him back yet. Hasn’t texted him since he left to visit home a week ago.
It’s fine, he tells himself. He’s just busy at home. Spending time with family.
Except it isn’t. They haven’t not talked this long since the awkward first weeks of college. When they hadn’t found the right rhythm yet. This was unlike them. Unlike Jonathan.
Argyle busies himself, trying to keep his mind off it. Stop him from sending another text asking if Jonathan’s ok. He cleans, unmakes and remakes his bed. Cooks and does the dishes. Until the door opens and Jonathan’s standing in front of him, duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
“Hi,” he pants. Like he just ran here from the train.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until Wednesday.” Argyle sets down the dish he was drying. Wiping the excess water from his hands.
Jonathan tries to catch his breath. “I wasn’t. Came back early.” He set the duffel bag on the ground, stepping closer to Argyle.
“Something happen?” Argyle’s trying to read Jonathan’s actions, but he’s never seen him act quite like this before.
“I love you,” he blurts out.
Argyle doesn’t believe him. “Yeah, dude. Love you too.”
Jonathan shakes his head, stepping closer to Argyle again. “No, not like that. Well, yes like that but not all like that. I’m in love with you.”
“What,” Argyle exhales in disbelief.
Jonathan brushes the hair out of his face. Hand resting on the back of his neck. “I know it’s random and probably doesn’t make a lot of sense. But when I was home, seeing Will with Mike together and hearing these constant comments from my mom. How great it is that two best friends fell in love. And then asking me about you. How you were doing and how we were doing. Like we were some unit. Together. It just hit me.”
He continues, starting to pace. “I knew I liked you, for a long time now, but I didn’t realize how much. Always told myself that I wasn’t going to say anything because this friendship meant the world to me, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. Then Will said something to me, and it made me want to just say fuck it. So, I took the next train and now I’m here.”
Argyle is speechless. Trying to keep up with Jonathan’s rambling while also trying to calm the beating of his own heart.
He never thought that this would happen.
Jonathan stops pacing, fear hitting his face. Everything that he just said coming back to him in slow motion. The frantic energy fades, the tension setting in.
“Are you going to say anything?” Jonathan stares at Argyle.
Argyle barrels towards Jonathan, pulling him into the tightest hug of his life. A happy smile forming as Jonathan hugs him back. Both of them too afraid to let go.
“I love you, too,” Argyle whispers after a long silence. “I have for so long.” He pulls back from the hug, grazing his thumb against Jonathan’s cheek. Reveling in the fact that he can. “I was just so scared. I couldn’t lose you, not because of this.”
Jonathan presses their foreheads together. “You didn’t.” He uses both his hands to brace Argyle’s face, bringing their lips together.
Argyle did the exact opposite of losing him.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
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@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
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jamdoughnutmagician · 6 months
Someone Special
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(Steve Harrington x Reader) Fluff
Summary:Last minute Christmas shopping was not something that you had planned on, but neither was running into your high school crush. Can the festive period help bring you close together?
Word Count:2,630
This fic was written as a companion fic to the very lovely @slutty-thevampireslayer who has written her side as a Jonathan Byers x reader (which you should totally check out too!!)
Masterlist Steve Harrington Masterlist
It’s the day before Christmas Eve as you rattle down the road sitting next to your best friend in her car. It's a tight squeeze with the two of you and your suitcases packed into her small car, but it’s all a part of the holiday experience as you make your way into Hawkins.
“So, what have you got left to do before Christmas day?” Your friend asks you, above the sound of George Michael's smooth voice filtering through the car's radio.
“I've still got to do some shopping, try to find gifts for my parents.” You huff. Your parents were always tough people to get presents for, and although leaving it to the last minute wasn’t the smartest decision, you remained hopeful you would find the perfect gifts for them.
“Cutting it kind of close aren't you?” She laughed. She was right though, you only had one day to find the perfect gift for your parents.
“I know, I know” you cringe. “But I'm going to find something, I just know it.” You said confidently. 
“Well good luck with that!” she cheered. “I’ll see you on Christmas Day” she calls out to you as you make your way out of her car. This year you and your family were spending Christmas at her place, with both of your families coming together to enjoy the festive period.  
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You rushed into the arms of your parents as you got to their house, hugging them tightly after not seeing them for a while. 
“It’s so nice to have my girl back home!” your mother gushed, cooing over you and instantly trying to push food on you, insisting that it was only her job as a mother to take care of you.
“It does feel good to be back.” you smiled. You looked around the living room, and everything was just how you remembered it, albeit ornately decorated with beautiful Christmas decorations and a tall, sparkling tree in the corner of the room.
You spend the evening getting settled and making yourself comfortable in your old childhood bedroom, as you get ready for bed. Knowing that tomorrow you were going to have to join the hoard of last minute shoppers in the mall.
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You find yourself in the middle of the busy shopping centre, the bright lights and christmas music is slowly becoming overwhelming for you as you desperately sift through the shelves.You’d already found a nice sweater and scarf for your father, and now you were looking for a nice gift for your mother. 
Your attention is elsewhere because you’re so focused on finding something that you accidently collide into the broad sweater-covered chest of another shopper.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorr- Steve?” you begin to stutter out your apologies when you realise that you had accidentally bumped into the boy that you had had a crush on for all of your highschool years. 
He’s a little older, but that head of hair is no less luxurious as when you first laid eyes on it. His broad frame is snuggled into a deep wine-red cable-knit sweater that fits him to absolute perfection.
Steve couldn’t believe his eyes. That girl that had been the object of his affections all throughout his high school days, but had been too stupid and afraid not to ask out for fear of what it might have done to his role as ‘King Steve’ , was standing right in front of him. He cringes now, thinking back on how he used to be, always so concerned about what people thought of him, and in the end it never even mattered.
But now he’s here, in the middle of a crowded department store, quietly thanking whatever gods were up there, that he’s been given a second chance. A second chance to redeem himself, and show you that he’s grown up a lot since high school.
“So, how are you? I haven’t seen you in ages?” he starts, keeping the conversation light.
“I’m doing well thanks, I’m back in town to spend the holidays with friends and family!” you smile “Just doing a little bit of last minute shopping. What about you, though? How are things with you?” 
“Things are good.” he nods, with a slight creeping flush rising to his cheeks. “Seem like we’re in the same boat with our last minute shopping trips though.” he chuckles with a pearly, boyish smile.
“Oh? Who are you shopping for?” you ask him.
“Robin.” he huffs. “Don’t get me wrong, she’s a great friend, but she is a hard one to nail down when it comes to gifts. Who are you shopping for?” he returns your question back to you.
“My mother. I just want to find something that she’s going to like.” you respond with a sigh. 
Steve’s eyes light up with an enthusiastic sparkle, like he's had a brilliant idea.
“Hey, how about we help each other find our gifts?” Steve offers. “Two heads are better than one, right?” that cheeky boyish smile gracing his features once more.
You smile, happily accepting his offer. Spending your Christmas eve doing last minute shopping was not your idea of a good time, but with Steve by your side, suddenly it didn't seem all that bad.
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Steve had actually proved to be a great help in finding the perfect present for your mother, insisting that the dainty gold bracelet you had picked out for her was just the right thing. 
In turn you had helped him find a beautiful leather bound journal and pen set, as well as a book of poetry by Sappho that both you and Steve agreed that Robin would love.
With each of your successful gifts purchased, you and Steve had made your way to a little cafe in the centre of town. Sitting in a cosy corner of the cafe, each of you with your own mug of marshmallow-topped hot chocolate in your hands, talk turns to the big day tomorrow.
“So what’s happening in the Harrington household tomorrow?” you ask, sipping on your drink.
Steve looks a little sad all of a sudden, but he quickly masks it with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I was just going to spend it at home, dad’s away on one of his usual business trips, and mom doesn’t trust him not to let his hands wander, so they’re both three states away for Christmas.” he sighs dejectedly. 
“Wait, so you’re spending Christmas day by yourself?” you ask, your eyebrows drawing together in pity. You hate to imagine Steve all by himself in that big empty house.
“Yeah but it’s okay, I don’t want you to feel sorry for me.” He quickly brushes off.
“No.” you shake your head. “I won’t allow that. You’re spending Christmas with me, and my family. We’re all going to my friend’s house for the day.” You tell him with a smile.
“It’s fine, besides I wouldn’t want to impose on you and everyone else.” he frowns with a shake of his head.
“You’re not imposing, Steve.” you reassure him, reaching your hand across the table, placing your hand over his, your thumb rubbing over his knuckles softly. “I’m inviting you. Besides, the more the merrier I say!”
Maybe it was the sugar rush from the hot chocolate, or maybe it was the Christmas spirit in the air, but with the way your fingers are grazing against his knuckles as your eyes look sweetly into his, Steve can’t fight the warmth he feels deep in his chest. He can’t help but think how perfectly your hands fit together, and he hopes that you feel the same about him as he does about you.
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You link your arm in Steve’s as you and your parents make your way to your friend’s house, carrying bags of presents on your arm as you walk up to the door.
You knock on the door and are immediately greeted by the welcoming smile of your friend who brings you into a tight hug. As he leans in close, she whispers in your ear.
“Tell me all about it.” she smirks, before pulling away from you to greet your parents, and Steve with a bright smile. She had been all too well aware of your crush on Steve in your high school years, jokingly teasing you about it whenever you would walk past him in the hallways between classes.
“Merry Christmas guys! Come in, come in!” she cheers as she gestures for you to make your way into her home.
You stay behind in the hallway as Steve and your parents go on in, wanting the chance to talk to her alone for a moment.
“I met him when I was shopping yesterday and we got to talking.” you say shyly “said he was spending Christmas day by himself, and I couldn’t bear the idea of him sitting all alone in that big empty house, so I invited him, I hope that’s okay with you?” you grimace, as she looks you over with an all-knowing smile.
“You know my mom always makes enough food to feed an army anyway!” she laughs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Besides, I’ve got a little confession of my own..” she trails off as you both make your way into her living room.
As you step through to the living room you see both your mom and your friend’s mom sitting beside each other on the sofa, chatting to Steve, who is now sat opposite Jonathan Byers. Your best friend’s high school crush, who you had in turn teased her about anytime she teased you about your crush on Steve.
“So, I happened to be walking around town yesterday, and I was admiring all the decorations, and the big tree in the town centre, and then I heard the sound of a camera going off behind me.” she begins to explain.  “I turn around to see Jonathan, there, camera-in-hand. Long story short, I invited him home for Christmas.”
You look over your friend’s shoulder to see both of your mothers gently grilling the poor unsuspecting boys on the couch about their relationships with their daughters. 
Both boys sporting matching flushed faces as they best try to answer the questions put to them.
“Why don’t we go over and help them out?” you smile at your friend, nodding your head over to your two guests.
“I think that’s a good idea.” she giggles as she links her arm with yours gently tugs you toward the couch.
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You go to sit next to Steve, your shoulder bumping against his as you give him a shy smile. Steve takes this as his opportunity to lace his fingers between yours, to hold your hand like he always longed to. 
“So, Steve, how come you’re spending Christmas day with us, and not your parents?” your mother pries.
“Mom-” you start, ready to defend Steve from your mother’s invasive questions. You loved her, you really did, but your mother could sometimes be very nosy. However, Steve is all too happy to answer her as best as he can.
“What? I just want to know why this handsome young boy is suddenly choosing to spend his Christmas with my daughter, that’s all.” Your mother defends.
Steve’s face redden’s slightly out of embarrassment of having been called ‘a handsome young boy’ by your mother, but he plays it cool. Call him old fashioned, but Steve liked you a lot, and he really wanted your mother to like him too. He wanted to see you more than just for Christmas, and having the nod of approval from mom never hurt.
“Well, my parents are out of town this year, my father’s business has a conference meeting over in Arkansas, and so my mother went out to meet him a few days ago,” he explains. “And when I told y/n this, she very kindly offered to invite me here for Christmas.” Steve finishes, looking over to you with a rosy smile. 
Your mother nods approvingly, smiling at you as you beam brightly at Steve. 
“Hey, Steve? Can I grab you for a moment? I want to show you something.” you ask, giving him an out of continuing an awkward conversation with your mom.
“Oh, uh, sure.” he nods as he gets up. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment.” he smiles politely to your mother.
You tug him away to a room in the back of your friend's house.
“I’m so sorry about my mother, she can be a bit overbearing sometimes.” You start, worried that your mother may have scared Steve off before you'd even had a chance to talk to him properly.
“She's just looking out for you, it's nice, she cares about you.” 
“Yeah I suppose so.” You sigh. “I wanted to give you your present now, away from everyone else.” You say as you hand over a small gift bag to Steve.
“You didn't have to get me anything.” Steve blushes.
“No, no, it's Christmas day, I wanted you to have a little something to open.”
You watch as Steve opens up the bag and reaches in, pulling out a soft navy blue scarf.
He smiles fondly at his gift, before wrapping it around his neck.
“How do I look?” He laughs, as he stands with an exaggerated pose to show off.
“It looks good on you, Steve!” 
He pulls you close into a warm hug. You feel safe in his arms, happy to be held by him, like this was how it was meant to be.
“Thank you, I love it.” He smiles as he pulls away from you. “I'm just sorry that I didn't get anything for you.” He says, his head ducking down, almost embarrassed. 
“No, no it's fine Steve, I don't need anything. Just having you here is better than any present I could ask for.”
Then Steve looks up between you, how either of you never noticed it was a mystery, and spots a decorative sprig of Mistletoe hanging above you.
You follow his eye line, looking up at the decorations hanging up.
“I know I didn't get you anything, but is there a chance you believe in Christmas traditions?” Steve smirks playfully, even with the heated flush adorably spreading across his cheeks. 
You feel giddy, excited and nervous all at once. He makes you feel exactly the same way as he did when you first laid eyes on him all those years ago back in high school. 
“You know, I think I do.” You nod, a bright smile spreading across your face.
Steve stepped closer to you, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek, and his other hand resting comfortably on your hip, as he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. His kisses were light, and soft, almost as if he were afraid that you might crumble under his touch, until you take the lead and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer, eager to taste him on your lips. 
You pull away from each other, but neither of you stops looking in the other’s eyes. The blissfully quiet moment between the two of you felt perfect.
Until your peacefully romantic bubble is burst by someone coughing, alerting you to their presence.
“Uh..We’re about to start opening presents in a moment, if you guys wanna join us..” your friends laughs, slightly out of awkwardness at having caught you in a rather intimate moment.
With pair matching, slightly guilty smiles, you both have the grace to laugh about the being caught kissing under the mistletoe.
You take Steve by the hand, and tug him toward the living room to join everyone else.
“Come on, loverboy, let’s go enjoy our Christmas.” you smile.
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@penguinsandpotterheads @xxhellfirebunnyxx
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jimraisedmeup · 1 month
TICK // 16.1 - lips like sugar
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language)
Word Count: 1900
She floats like a swan Grace on the water Lips like sugar Lips like sugar
May 15, 1984 - junior year
"You are a fucking asshole."
The animosity in your eyes made Eddie flinch. He took a few more steps towards you, holding up his hands… in some kind of… surrender? He didn't know. You were radiating violence and nothing else. Your eyes were red like you had been crying. 
"Babe, let me expla-"
"Take one more step towards me and I'll castrate you."
As usual, his timing was terrible. Eddie let out a nervous laugh which only infuriated you more.
You pushed yourself off the van and began walking over to him, like a tiger hunting its prey. 
"Say nothing. Let me talk. Nod if you understand."
Eddie nodded immediately, his burnt hands still held up before him. He swallowed anxiously, bracing himself for whatever wounds your words would inflict.
"Callahan told me you're being held back. That you can't graduate. Fuck you."
You took a step closer.
"Don't you care about your future? Not even just with school - you could have been seriously hurt today. Fuck you."
Another step. You began to reach into your pocket, which made Eddie take a step back.
You held something in your hand, flicking it at him in anger. Whatever it was hit him in the face, making him jump like a coward. Looking down, his stomach dropped.
You spoke again, your voice cracking. "I got my driver's license a couple weeks ago. It was part of your graduation present. For teaching me how to drive."
Bending down and grabbing your license off the concrete, you looked him in the eyes, pointing the card at him.
"Fuck you," you whispered, tossing the keys to his van on the ground and storming off.
Eddie watched, speechless, as you got into Jonathan Byers' car. And then you were gone.
Just when you think you've caught her She glides across the water She calls for you tonight To share this moonlight
"You okay?" Jonathan asked hesitantly, like he was afraid that you might turn on him next.
But your throat was constricting, holding back tears. You just stared out the window and held your breath. You refused to cry, even if it was out of anger. And especially in front of someone who you had only become good friends with over the last couple months.
The Byers' boy drove towards your home. He was the one to take you to get your driver's license in the first place. 
It was kind of an unspoken trade - Jonathan would take you to get your license and in turn, you would say nice things about him to Nancy. You didn't mean to end up friends, it just happened somewhere along the way. 
When you pulled up to the Buckley home, you let out a huff, finally calming down a bit.
"Thank you, Jonathan. I'll be fine," you looked over your shoulder at him as you opened the car door. "You're coming to the party this weekend, right?"
Jonathan looked a little bewildered. "You're still going to throw him a graduation party?"
You shrugged, sniffling. "It's a surprise party. Can you imagine the look on his face when he gets here? Congratulations, asshole, you committed arson and somehow dodged a felony. Has a nice ring to it, right?" 
"I guess...?" 
Throwing your backpack over your shoulder, you jogged up to the house, where Robin would surely be waiting to hear all about the fiasco at school. 
But instead, it was your father that was standing in the kitchen when you came in.
"I told you that Munson boy was no good."
Your temper flared for a second before you composed yourself. "What do you want me to say, dad? 'You were right'?" You dropped your bag loudly on the floor.
Richard Buckley sipped on his coffee, tilting his head and scowling in a way that said well, yes. 
You snapped. "I was kind of hoping for some support. You can't help who you love, right?" 
You held your tone in a way that emphasized not only his extramarital affair and subsequent relationship with Kate, but also the situations going on with his daughters. 
But, of course, your father was still oblivious to Robin's secrets, as that was something Robin herself had to confront when she felt the time was right.
"I'm just glad you weren't involved - that you weren't hurt," your father said simply, turning back to the newspaper in his hands. You didn’t know what to say to that.
Robin was sitting on your bed when you entered your room. 
"There you are!" Robin said, exasperated. "What took so long? I was worried you got arrested, too."
"I took Eddie's van to the police station, tore him a new asshole, and then Jonathan took me home."
You sat down on the chair near your pristine white vanity, removing your shoes. You arranged them in perfect order on the floor next to your dresser.
You internally admitted to yourself that your compulsive habits were creeping up on you again, like a stress-induced specter. All you could do was oblige to calm your nerves.
"Are you okay?" Robin's blue gaze was worried, she fiddled with her hands instead of uttering all of the words that were in her busy mind.
You looked at your sister morosely. "No, I had… I had no idea he was going to do that."
You explained everything that happened that day. Well, everything besides certain spicy extracurricular activities that took place during lunch near the drama room.
The gravity of the situation fell down upon you once again. Your face heated in frustration. Without knowing what else to do, you stood up and then flopped face down on the bed, breathing heavily into the blankets.
Robin rubbed your back tenderly, sighing. "So we're stuck with Eddie for another year at school?"
"Yes," you cried into the comforter.
"At least you guys get to graduate together, now."
Oh, Robbie. Always looking on the bright side. But you weren't sure if you could find a silver lining in the whole thing just yet.
You'll flow down her river She'll ask and you'll give her
Lips like sugar Sugar kisses Lips like sugar Sugar kisses
Eddie threw the tennis ball aggressively against his bedroom wall for the thousandth time, catching it as it came back to him.
It only took a couple of phone calls to your house before your father finally told him to fuck off, though not exactly with those words. 
Just leave her alone, will you? Go light something else on fire.
He whipped the ball again. The stinging pain in his injured hands as he caught it each time was mildly therapeutic.
Eddie Munson knew he fucked up. He knew he was in the wrong. There was no trying to justify his actions besides simply wanting anarchy, some more action in his already rebellious life.
How was he supposed to know that the last firework would backfire? Principal Higgins' car had been conveniently covered in toilet paper as some other students’ cliche idea of a senior prank. The stupid car went up like a box of goddamn matches.
For a split second before Hopper hauled him off, Eddie admired the fire, ignoring the burns on his hands. A day that meant to be nothing but a fireworks show turned into an actual shit show.
He turned his thoughts towards you. All he could do now was give you time and try to think of a way to apologize to you.
A knock on the door sounded in his room, quiet besides the impact of the tennis ball against his Metallica poster.
"Eddie? Can I come in?"
Uncle Wayne appeared in the doorway looking solemn. 
Eddie snorted. "I see you heard about what happened."
Running a hand down his weathered face, his uncle shrugged. "Uh, yeah. Chief Hopper called me."
Eddie pitched the ball again, not looking his uncle in the eye.
"Kiddo, I know this was just an accident that spiraled out of control. Kinda like a perfect storm. I'm here for you, always gonna be," Wayne grumbled, lighting a cigarette.
His uncle's sentimental words were unexpected. Eddie caught the ball and stopped, sitting down on his bed heavily. But Eddie couldn't find the words to respond. 
"I gotta head to work, but I bought a six-pack and some smokes… you can help yourself to it. I'm sure your nerves are fried after today." As he turned to leave the room, his uncle tapped on the door frame. "Just don't be too hard on yourself, kiddo."
He closed the door behind him. When Eddie heard his uncle's truck pull away, the Munson boy sighed and fell back limply on the bed.
Glancing over to his nightstand, his chest hurt. A Polaroid photo of you was on the wall above it. You looked bashful, smiling and reaching for the camera, wearing only a t-shirt that went down to your thighs. 
He remembered that night, about a month ago, every single detail burned into his memory. It was a Friday night. You and Eddie shared a small bottle of Jameson Whiskey and took dirty photos of each other with your new camera.
It was a sweet memory, of a sweet girl. A sweet girl who deserved a lot better than a boy who was as unstable as a stick of expired dynamite.
Just when you think she's yours She's flown to other shores To laugh at how you break And melt into this lake
It was sometime around midnight when Eddie heard a tapping at his front door. He hadn't been able to sleep for shit, stress clouding his mind. He couldn't even find motivation to play his guitar.
And now, someone showing up unannounced at his front door was the last thing he needed.
Grabbing a pathetic pocket knife from the junk drawer in the kitchen, Eddie inched towards the living room. He didn't want to take any chances - after his dad was sent to prison, Eddie and his uncle weren't sure what kind of trouble his dad had been wrapped up in. Or if Mr. Munson had owed anyone money prior to his arrest.
Anyone Eddie knew would have called before just dropping by in the middle of the night, even you.
So being his usual paranoid self, Eddie crept up to the front door. He could hear whispering on the other side, and then a harsh, louder knock on the metal door made him jump.
"Fuck," he mumbled, trying to peek out of the closest window to see if there was a car in the driveway. There wasn't.
But then a familiar voice sounded from the other side of the thin trailer walls.
"Eddie! Open the door, I can see your damn shadow-ow, clumsy bitch, you're stepping on my foot!"
It was you. And you weren't alone.
The Munson boy was confused when not just one, but two Buckley daughters stumbled into his home. You were both wearing dark clothes, your hair tucked under black hats, almost twins in the dim light. 
Robin smiled sheepishly at him before looking around his trailer in curiosity. "Snazzy place you got here, Eddie."
He stood there staring at the duo. "Do I even want to know what's going on? You guys look like cartoon burglars."
You shot him a mischievous grin, tossing him a matching black hat. You put your hands on your hips proudly.
"Get changed. We're going to get revenge on Higgins."
She'll be my mirror Reflect what I am Loser and winner The king of Siam
And my Siamese twin Alone in the river Mirror kisses Mirror kisses
(song lyrics credit: "Lips Like Sugar" by Echo & The Bunnymen)
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taglist: @siriuslysmoking@emesis-nemisis@ishouldclean@thegirlblogstuff@insert-geeky-things-here@melonmonstereater@well-be-okay-dear-valentine@mewchiili@maridevial @sp1dyb0y1008 @totallynani @the-historical-biscuit2468 @borhapgirlforlife19 @amandaauroraelli @daggerdear @nvrendfangirl @lausnotverybright @salvinaa @psychotickoda @hiimerinhime @heyyallitsnaomi @trixyvixx
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findafight · 2 years
I want more stobin (platonic obv) and jargyle (romantic) bestieness. Just two duos who GET each other. Robin and Argyle is such a slept on potential dynamic they would absolutely share conspiracy theories while they, themselves, are in a giant conspiracy and have possibly killed a man. Get along like a house on fire.
Jonathan and Steve friendship is actually so important to me Jon deserves a big tight hug from Steve as they introduce their soulmates to each other and fill each other in on Their Children. Steve is fully "Jonathan and I are such good friends I've missed him so much I'm so happy to see him! Jonathan!!! My buddy!!!" While Jonathan is like "oh! I didn't realize Steve thought of me as a friend even tho he called every week to talk to me separately from will and El. I missed him :)"
Steve, admittedly, has no idea what Argyle is saying half the time (or anyone else. Audio processing disord Steve my beloved...) but he has a nice voice and let's Steve play with his hair and talk about sports and gush about Robin. Argyle gushes about Jon and gets Steve to tell him about him when they were younger and also if the wheeler kid was always such a moody prick (the answer is no even if he was a little twerp he was never this bad!) Steve and Argyle Plot Against Mike together as bonding activity and Jon and Robin begin to possibly regret introducing them (Robin joins the Plotting. Jon requses himself bc he feels bad even if he's mad at Mike bc both his baby sibs like him.)
At first Robin and Jon sorta stand awkwardly together because they know OF each other but don't really know each other and it's kinda awkward. Jon is not one to take initiative in relationships often, and Robin stopped masking around Steve and therefore Steve's friends and sidekicks, so she is like...uh....the sky. It's. Nice. You ever heard a song about the sky? You like music right? There's probably songs about the sky, especially in California. And Jon is like ohhhhh. Oh I see. I am not the Only Nervous One Here.
And everyone assumes Robin and Steve are dating while Jon and Argyle are Such Great Friends even though they have similar closeness and they all get a kick out of it. Especially when it's clear Jon and Argyle are all ruffled from Totally Not Making Out and stobin are giving them matching Looks.
Anyway more stobin/jargyle friendship!! I think it'd be fun.
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