#my hotd theories
helaem0nd · 2 years
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Posting this here bc I’ve seen some people share or regurgitate ideas/information I’ve come up with or discovered without crediting me and I’ve yet to see anyone else discuss this. I did share this on Twitter shortly after discovering it but I’ve since deactivated my Twitter, though if necessary I can reactivate to show the original post.
A week or so ago, I was reading the official Targaryen family tree on HBO’s Hotd website and came across something I found interesting—in every description/bio where a COUPLE’S children are mentioned, the writers of these bios have used the words “have/has/had” except for both Helaena and Aegon’s bios which state that they “share” children.
Share and have in this context (or any tbh) are not synonymous, therefore I find it noteworthy that their bios are written this way. It could be absolutely nothing, it could be a hidden clue as shows and films have oftentimes left for audiences to uncover. Either way, I choose to believe this could be an indicator that Helaena’s children are not Aegon’s but are, in fact, Aemond’s. And that she and Aegon merely “share” the children in the legal sense.
I will also point out that “share” is also used to describe Rhaenyra’s relationship with Harwin Strong and that Rhaenys, Aemma, Laena, and Jaehaerys’ bios do not describe their children under the same circumstances, instead simply stating that they “mothered/fathered” them or are a “mother/father of” said children.
Again, only Helaena and Aegon’s supposed children are described in this manner.
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okmcintyre · 1 month
I really don't go here, BUT: What if the story about Rhaenyra we hear in GoT is a fake....?
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Alicent is already headed for a quiet life. If Rhaenyra wants that too, faking her death is the only realistic avenue for that to happen. No one would accept her stepping away, otherwise.
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Maybe she fakes her own death. Maybe her son is even in on it. He tells the world that he watched her get eaten by a dragon, brings an empty box of remains back with him, and goes on to become the next ruler.
In the meantime: his mother fakes her death (just like her 'late' huband did). Rhaenicent finally get their happy ending together. The story comes full circle, with them quietly enjoying each other's company under a tree. HoTD finishes with a soft ending.
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whateverthought · 1 month
So apparently Queen Alysanne, wife of 'Good King' Jaehaerys, is the one who decided on all of her children and Daemon and Viserys' marriages. Of which includes all her dead daughters and the mess that was 'Demon and his Bronze Bitch'.
What the fuck was her problem?!
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
The whole Nettles storyline isn’t happening which sucks cause it was awesome and Sheepstealer was Awesome!
The writers Know that Sheepstealer was awesome and because of that I’m sensing that the dragon that’s killing all of the sheep is probably Sheepstealer who is going to be mounted by Rhaena now for precisely No Fucking Reason!
Is she going to spend weeks earning the dragons trust by feeding him sheep? Chiseling away at his hard demeanor watching him eat day in and day out until he allows her to mount him?
No, of course not because Rhaena doesn’t have that kind of time.
They won’t give us Nettles, and they can’t Not give us Sheepstealer…wtf HOTD writers? Wtf?
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fictonrantsworld · 3 months
This pics below u are from @thewitchqueenofharrenhall
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So according to this daenys saw her visions after claiming balerion, and aegon saw the visions of the 2nd lond night and the end of the world, viserys saw a vision of a babe born to him wearing the conquerors crown, all 3 men were riders of balerion.
But what about maegor and aerea, it could explain as to why aerea went to valyria and maegor had a wierd death(tho I don't know how it's relevant), but he did, like his father, aegon, stay the first year of his rule in oldtown, he probably had good clearance even b4 he became king, bc he was the lord of oldtowns son in law
Maybe all of balerions riders were dreamers, tho this could be from the dragon bonds.
Daenys is such an interesting character,apparently she wrote a book on all the visions she's had and it's kept in the citadel.
Omg what if that's one of the reasons why aegon and visenya visited the citadel and oldtown. Aegon must've gotten visions and wanted to know from daenys's notes himself. OMG Maegor as well.
But vizzy i only got one wierd vision bc he was balerions riders for only a few months lol.
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angrylittletrashpanda · 8 months
On "alysmond" and "helaemond"
For some reason, there’s a petty war going on between fierce “helaemond” and “alysmond” stans. Fr, I totally don’t understand why should those ships be mutually exclusive? If “helaemond” actually becomes the show canon, I can totally see Helaena breaking up with her brother-boyfriend after B’n’C. IMO Aemond’s recklessness and long-harbored, ill-concealed hatred for Luke , contributing to Jaehaerys’ tragic death is a reason enough for Hel to stay away from him, never mind how dear the siblings (with benefits) used to be to each other. In this scenario, Aeamond could pursue a relationship with Alys, never mind his previous (more or less romantic) engagement with Helaena…
In addition, if “helaemond” is confirmed, this subplot doesn’t necessary have to be some fabulous love story. I mean the siblings *may* have been getting along with each other pretty well , and I really enjoy the idea of young Aemond having a crush on his big sister. I find it really cute, that’s all. In my opinion teenage Aemond, doubtlessly familiar with the idea of “courtly love” (I’m guessing this concept could exist in the quasi-medieval Westeros), might have enjoyed performing the role of righteous knight, worshipping his “future queen” from afar , as if there was a “secret RPG session”, going on but in his head. Frankly speaking, the young !Knight Aemond and his !Lady Helaena don’t even have to get sexually involved and their “forbidden love” could remain just cute, childish crush, as the time goes by turning into mature friendship, mutual care and understanding. Perhaps older Aemond, driven with his sense of responsibility, would want to become a proprer father figure/ role model for his little nephews and niece? I like to think well-educated, smart  Aemond, familiar with the story of Daenys the Dreamer, and keeping his sister company more often than her joke of a husband, found out Hel was a Dragon Dreamer.
On the other hand, we cannot rule out Helaena and Aemond becoming lovers, but IMO such a scenario would be pretty dark. It seems to me it could happened only if the show version of Helaena remained childless after two or three years of marriage (yet again, I am speaking about the show counterpart of the FnB Helaena, who canonically bore the twins about a year after she had wed Aegon) and Aemond started to fear someone like Larys Strong would simply get rid of Hel, so that the WIDOWED crown prince could take another bride. So, Aemond shared his fears with his sister, and the siblings agreed they ought to cuckold Aegon in order to secure Helaena’s position as the future queen, and thusly save her life… It’s possible the righteous prince Aemond , loathing the mere idea of fathering bastards, could have secretly married his sister (it could have been a traditional Valyrian ceremony, which still wouldn’t make the whole situation any romantic).  However, even as a “secretly married” couple, who could grow to quite enjoy performing their “conjugal duty”,  Aemond and Helaena could remain but “siblings with benefits” (which sounds awful, but given they’re Targaryens, it kinda makes sense) and never develop romantic feelings for each other. In this scenario, they could be still sleeping together after Aegon’s heir had been born, just out of sheer need for comfort, closeness or affection, or simply willing to reduce stress, feel better or have fun.  Messed up as Helaena and Aemond seem, they could have perceived sex as yet another form of bonding…  Whatever could have been going on between the siblings, their breakup after Jaehaerys’ death appears inevitable.
 As far as Aemond’s relationship with Alys is concerned, I wouldn’t call it an overly romantic love story, either. Let’s say it out loud – in spite of her sharp wits, charms and whatnot, Alys was a prisoner of war and even if Aemond had fallen madly in love with her, I would risk saying she wasn’t in the position to truly reciprocate his feelings. Thanks to Alys’ good looks, the prince “generously” spared her life, there’s no two ways about it, BUT however “besotted” Aemond was with Alys, becoming his “war bride” literally meant she was chosen to be a freakin’ sex slave. In my honest opinion, the woman deserved better and I don’t believe she reciprocated his love. Alys certainly was not in the position to fully consent to be the prince’s paramour, although I can totally see Aemond developing genuine romantic feelings for her – however twisted it may sound. It seems to me in the very beginning, it was just about lust, but later on, the prince could have taken to the “witch” because of her personality and even become fascinated with her supernatural powers. Frankly speaking, I am not the fan of the “Alys casting a love spell on Aemond” theory. She might have been using her totally prosy, feminine charms in order to endear the prince to her, and thusly make sure she would be treated as well as she could possibly be under so dire circumstances. And no, I don’t mean Alys was just offering Aemond sexual favors. Intelligent person she no doubt was, the “witch queen” could do her best in order to forge an emotional bond with Aemond, too. For instance listening to what the prince had to say and showing him affection. Paradoxically, learning Aemond’s story could make Alys take to the prince at least a little, since in this scenario, she could realize in spite of coming from different social backgrounds, they shared a bunch of experiences. For instance, earlier in her life, unwed and pregnant Alys, born out of wedlock herself, had been no doubt an outcast – just like Aemond the Kinslayer, having blood of his close relative on his hands. Could it be a reason enough for Alys to start sympathizing with Aemond? Yes, indeed. In addition, the “witch” had lost both her child and their father – even if  we are not familiar with the details and the moment she met Aemond Alys was probably over it. If the “helaemond” theory is confirmed, Aemond gets involved with Alys when his first “girlfriend” is also like dead to the world, not to mention the fact his son and/or nephew died gruesome death.
Here, I would like to admit I am not a fan of fetishizing Alys’ age and deeming her a “milf”. The woman was certainly more than just her looks and age. If Aemond had actually loved her – which I find highly probable  - there must have been something more than just physical attraction! In addition, in the quasi-medieval world of Ice and Fire, girls in their early teens are considered eligible maidens, so in this universe, it isn’t out of usual for women in their late, if not mid-twenties to become grandmothers! Taking the fact FnB is supposed to be a historical source by a bunch of unreliable narrators, we don’t actually know how old Alys was. If we rule out the ageless witch/ red priestess theory, we could safely assume she was, for instance, in her 40s or 30s, but knowing the Westerosi customs, well, it is still possible she was just a few years older than then-twentyish Aemond. There is also an option Alys didn’t even exist and all the war bride/captor romance was made up by pro-Black maesters and scribes, willing to paint the prince in a negative light. After all making some lowly born wet nurse his wife, Aemond would insult House Baratheon, impudently breaking the pact which had to be sealed with his marriage to Lord Borros’ daughter. You just keep in mind both the Witch Queen and Aemond’s bastard son disappear  from the “historical chronicles” shortly after the Dance ends. In addition, stressing Alys’ alleged “old age”  could have made him look ridiculous in the eyes of Westerosi readers.
Personally, I prefer to imagine Alys existed, had prophetic skills and played a significant role in Aemond’s life. Perhaps at some point, she even developed some sympathy and twisted fondness for the prince (still her captor and, yes, her rapist) but never had second thoughts about having kept it to herself that Aemond would meet his end in God’s Eye and no one could blame her for it.
To sum up, I think shipping Aemond with Helaena does not automatically make the shipper anti-“alysmond”. In my view, adding one more (for want of a better word) romantic relationship to Aemond’s arc makes sense. It could be an interesting way to show how the character’s attitude towards his love interests and his interactions with them evolve as various experiences are shaping his personality. I would never pit Helaena against Alys. They’re two different women and the fact at some points of their lives, they happened to get involved with the same guy does not make them natural born enemies. In my honest opinion, if the show version of Helaena had a chance to meet Alys (here, I mean my own idea of this character, since we don’t learn much about her from FnB and her show counterpart is still a mystery), they would become… good friends.
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sweatandwoe · 2 months
Also hope they just come and out and confirm that Dany is the Prince that was Promised just so I can stop seeing theories that take the series misogyny as fact
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trogthefrog · 3 months
My interpretation on Aemond’s actions at Rook’s Rest.
I don’t think that Aemond was straight up planning on killing Aegon. I think he wanted glory, a tactical victory and to sideline and shame Aegon (like in the scene where he uses the difference in their language ability to shame Aegon before the council).
Remember, Aegon wasn’t supposed to be there. Every action Aemond takes is spur of the moment, the emotional and tactical swirling together as his warplan falls apart.
What I saw was petulant behaviour, indecisiveness and a desire for vengeance. Climbing the escalation ladder over the course of the encounter.
When he sees Sunfyre Aemond doesn’t move. His plan is in disarray. He growls and says “Idiot”. Remember, Aemond has dealt with Aegon’s bulling and abuse all his life, the most recent brothel shaming was just the worst of it, Aegon’s arrival triggers all the vengeful, built up anger at Aegon in the same way Lucerys’ arrival at Storm’s end did.
Because of that, I think him staying put was petulant. The growl was a way of saying “well see how well you do against Meleys alone!” As well as “you’re ruining the plan. What the hell! .” But also “fuck you, go get hurt see how well you do without me!” and also a I’ll let him get fucked up a bit for what he’s done to me for all our lives. Then you see the gears turn in his eyes, and he plans to wait. A new plan is forminga nebulous just something else… of violence. The old plan is gone.
Aemond rocks up a little late. With a determined angry expression, he wants to hurt someone (Aegon probably included).
But instead of Aegon being a bit shamed Aemond flys up to see Sunfyre held captive in Meley’s jaws. This makes any fighting Aemond wants to do with the colossal Vhagar against Meleys will be friendly fire. In other words Rhaenys is unintentionally using a “hugging” tactic so any attack on her is friendly fire against Aegon & Sunfyre.
But the curious thing, If Aemond decided on killing Aegon right then shouldn’t he have used Vhagar’s weight to smash both dragons onto the ground? (Like in the book). INSTEAD… he chooses fire, forcing Meleys to let go of Sunfyre and eliminating Rhaenys’ friendly fire hostage advantage (“saving Aegon”). Aemond probably also doesn’t care about his brother… but he’s treating the King as in the way, not as a target.
The fight continues Meleys dies… then Aemond is found by Criston Cole with his sword drawn above Aegon’s body. Aemond sheathes his sword and walks away (with the kings knife). I think this is Aemond skirting the line with murder, NOT a premeditated or garunteed act.
Aemond is probably thinking “oooooo I could do it. I could end you, make myself king, be more worthy and better and win all on my own.” He wants to… but he’s also not doing it, and leaves once confronted. This is probably really deep, maybe because it’s his brother. Who he hates but also knows, is loyal too (in the Daemon sense) and y’know wasn’t supposed to be there!
Aemond was partaking in another rash emotional escalation because he wants murder but also to… not, because it would be bad for him. He’s fighting his emotional desire for revenge (& lack on control) with his royal duty, ideas of loyalty and ancient custom (guest right at Storm’s End, Kinslaying at Rook’s Rest), and probably just a little bit of care for his brother. A situation just like with Luke at Storm’s End, Aemond plays with the possibilities and Vhagar acts… like a dragon.
Or I could be wrong and Aemond wants Aegon dead immediately and always. Anyways I thinks there are some layers.
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lilithshads · 2 months
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Many called her beautiful. She was not beautiful. She was red, and terrible, and red.
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helaem0nd · 2 years
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Posting this also and I’m sure I will add to it later but rn these are my current predictions for season 2 of Hotd specifically regarding Helaena and Helaemond.
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forgetimabluedreamer · 2 months
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Alicent wip
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bluebellhairpin · 6 months
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The Strong's of Harrenhal
(L -> R; Larys II, Dawsyn, Stephas, Ser Harwin, Lady Strong, Renei, Maryana) The finished version of this smaller line art, which I PROMISED I WOULD EXPAND AND FINISH which I now have :) This is my first time doing an artwork with so many people in it, and ngl I do think I slacked off with the kids just bc it was taking so long to do and I went "I NEED TO FINISH THIS SO I CAN DO SOMETHING ELSE" yk? Anyway it's done now <33
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zephyrrr101 · 6 months
Prince that was promised comes from Daemon Targaryen's line.
Fan theory.
Don't really know of someone said this before or not but this is what came to my mind.
In House of the Dragon we are all talking about how the prince that was promised came from Rhaenyra line. Now that is right considering how Aegon iii is her son.
But I have some other thoughts. Here are some of them pointed out.
Rhaenyra's son, her own sons (Jace, Luke and Joffery) didn't survive the DoD. But her son's with Daemon (Aegon iii and Viserys ii) survived it.
Now I know Jace, Luke and Joffery were old enough to fight or much rather they had begun Dragon riding where as Aegon and Viserys were just babies. But then let's come to the second point.
Daemon's children: Baela, Rhaena, Aegon and Viserys.
Daemon's surviving children: Baela, Rhaena, Aegon and Viserys.
All of Daemon's children survived. Despite the fact that Baela's dragon was too small and died too even she fought and Rhaena's egg hatched too late too.
Another point:
Daemon Targaryen was Viserys I's heir until after Aemma Targaryen's death and his jape of "heir of the day"
Now, I love Rhaenyra. I really do. But even if we put aside Dance of the Dragon, the line goes like this:
Viserys I → Aegon iii
It is Daemon's son who sits on the throne undisputed. Not one of Rhaenyra's son. But Daemon's son with Rhaenyra.
And we know how things work more with destiny and magic when we are talking of ASOIAF.
Now give three cheers for our power couple!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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strollthroughstars29 · 3 months
I feel like this season of House of The Dragon is going to be utterly ruthless in it's approach.
As always, the intricacies never fail to take my breath away...
Last season, the opening showed blood on rock... rock that does not stain. But this time, we see blood tainting canvas, likely to leave deep gashes that won't be washed over, won't signify beginning anew.
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Helena saying beware of the rats but not knowing who it is... Alys, who betrays information or her, who betrays herself.
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The ruthlessness is further seen in how the last shot we saw of Rhaenyra was with her back facing the fire and darkness in her eyes. Yet, here we see in in the same room with a map of the seven kingdoms... alit with fire, demanding Aemond's life and walking out without a word.
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Fire in all it's duality is clearly seen when alicent lights a candle for Viserys parallel to Luke's pyre being burned and finally as she wished to quell her guilt, lighting a candle for Luke, only for it to cut to Rhaenyra being obscured by flames, signifying that this stain isn't going to be washed off, it's not a rope that's frayed, but one that's cut.
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In all its glory, there are four fronts that are going to impact the game moving forward:
Alicent's desire for victory, and whether she sees it in sleeping with Crison Cole, or allowing her soul absolvement from guilt by making peace between her and the blacks (Rhaenyra).
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Otto's thrist for violence and who he deems (un)worthy enough to sacrifice.
Rhaenyra's vengeance, and which wing will forever be grounded next.
And Daemon's venerence towards Rhaenyra and who he's willing to betray for it.
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alleyskywalker · 4 months
I ship Alicole so much (!!!) so, yea, I'd love for them to be canon/for the show to give us Alicole material. If they kiss - great. If they have sex...I mean, as long as my girl Alicent is enjoying herself, you know?
But the thing is...aghhh. Does it have to be a sex scene? Are people really that unimaginative? Does every goddamn emotionally intimate, devoted relationship between a man and a woman who aren't immediate family or otherwise loudly proclaiming themselves to be strictly platonic (with other sexual partners & "we're like siblings!1!" etc) have to be centered around fucking? Can't we have something else just once?
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andreawritesit · 1 month
OK Pinterest.
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