#my least favorite tropes
aceofwhump · 9 months
Do you have a least favorite form of whump? Or rather, what kind do you care the least for or just don't like?
Oh yeah for sure! There's tons of stuff that squick me out or just do nothing for me.
I'm not a fan of the bbu/pet whump stuff at all. I actively avoid it honestly.
I don't like intimate whumpers, creepy whumpers (honestly if it's got a whumper at all it gets knocked down a few levels on my enjoyment scale. i prefer whumperless whump).
I don't like heavy torture and gore.
I hate torture things involving the mouth or eyes or fingernails or feet.
I usually don't enjoy master/slave type of stuff but there have been exceptions where a fanfic was so well written I did enjoy the trope.
I don't like when the whumpee is so broken down they become simpering and eager to please their captor. Like conditioning. Don't like it. I like my whumpees defiant and tough.
Dehumanization is a no go
Don't like lots of blood. Like excessive amounts of it.
I don't like major character death UNLESS the character comes back to life. No permanent death please
Not a huge fan of medical whump but it can be okay
Long term captivity is in the same. Not my favorite but it can be done well.
I'm very specific which kind of stress positions I like and which I hate. There's really only like...two that I like
Not a fan of muzzle like whump. Gagged with like a cloth is fine but other than that I get squicked.
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fulcrvm · 2 months
I'd really really love a Retired!Dreamling fic where Dream doesn't immediately become immortal upon becoming human.
I want to see what would happen when Dream and Hob both suddenly realise that Dream can still get hurt in some way, and I want it to take a long time for Hob to convince (beg?) for Dream to actively decide to 'not die'. I think it would be a very painful thing for Hob (who is inherently selfish and greedy, and needs to realise that he can't just ask Dream to be immortal simply because Hob wants him to be) to now justify why he think Death is stupid to a Dream who now can't contact any Endless, and isn't protected by the universe or whatever. I think it'd be very difficult and chracter-revealing considering their last conversation during The Kindly Ones, and I want their love and domesticity to feel earned in the retired setting. And I really want to see Dream have a reason to live fully, without fear, and actively decide to become immortal with his hand in Hob's, no matter how long it takes.
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Expanding on my previous post, I think having to take care of child of the enemy would be such a wonderful deconstruction of Leviathan's character.
Leviathan's main motivation for everything he does is to protect the future of Hell, to protect the children and avange the ones that were lost in the experiments. He eliminates anything that might be dangerous for Hell because if there's even a 1% chance of someone suffering he would blame himself for it. He wants to go find the seed of the fruir of knowledge even though he knows it's a dangerous journey, just because it might save his subjects.
Also, Leviathan (as far as we know) has the most personal reason to hate angels. He's seen them at their cruelest and they've always been a traumatic force in his life. While the other kings got to have more peaceful childhoods (again, we don't know if they were abused, I'm just going off what we know) Leviathan never had that priveledge. Even before the war he was abused by them, and now, in his adulthood, he still can't move on because he sees his subjects being killed and tortured by the same people that abused him.
I think that out of all the characters, Leviathan would be the most... interesting father. Don't get me wrong, he won't be bad, but the sort of abuse that Leviathan had to go through changes you in ways you might never expect. He loves kids, the main reason he fights this war is to make sure the children in Hell get a childhood that isn't characterised primarly by war and death. But if he had to deal with a child 1 on 1 for long stretches of time...
He'll probably be extremely overprotective of them, going by the same rule of 1% change of danger = death. The way most parenting works, especially from people that were abused in their childhoods, is that of trying to protect the child from the trauma they experienced. I doupt Leviathan would even let angels look at his kid, or anyone that he percieves as dangerous for that matter.
We also see in the Orias event that Leviathan can be very nice to the people he likes, and I think that it would be the same for his kid. It would be something like
Leviathan strangling MC: I need to kill you, MC, for your life is bringing certain doom amoungst my people
Levi's kid: Dad, can you help me with my algebra?
Leviathan dropping MC to the ground: Yes, sweetheart, what is it? Do you want us to repeat your multiplications table?
Tl;dr of this post is - stop saying Leviathan would be a shit dad. He'll be overprotective of his kid, but he'll never in a million years hurt a child
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mellohirust · 2 years
so we all agree that dsmp volume 1 is ours forever now right. right. i love you fanon i love you canon-divergency i love you aus i love you fanartists and fic authors and game devs and musicians and cosplayers i love you dsmpblr etc
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whetstonefires · 6 months
A LA MEME. MDZS, Really nice guy who hates only you, hate at first sight?
It was totally inappropriate for a corpse to be popular.
But there it was: the Ghost General was more well-liked every day. He seemed to spend all his time wandering around rescuing maidens from monsters and lifting wagons off of old men. In a few years he'd be a hero of the people.
Even the cultivation world didn't expect harm from him anymore. Most of Jin Ling's peers addressed the corpse as qianbei; Jin Ling didn't, but he seemed to get on with him well enough.
Jiang Cheng hadn't actually said out loud, when he saw Wen Qionglin parting ways with Sect Leader Jin with an exchange of polite salutes, he killed your father, but he'd looked it. Jin Ling, fluent in Jiang Cheng's expressions, sighed.
"It was an accident," he said. "And he's apologized. And, you know, uncle, he was held prisoner by Jin Sect almost my entire life, you can't say he hasn't paid for it. And..."
And they had killed his whole family. And his older sister.
Jiang Cheng looked away. "Huh."
When Jiang Cheng had made his first, clumsy attempt at mending a little of the gruesome breach between himself and Wei Wuxian, the Ghost General had been there, glaring daggers at him from behind the Yiling Laozu.
It had been more disconcerting than it should have been, and Jiang Cheng had stumbled, interrupted himself, and fallen silent enough times that eventually Wei Wuxian had taken pity on him, reached out, patted him on the arm one time, said, "Good talk, Jiang Cheng," and extricated them both from the situation.
Freed from the burden of conversation, he'd returned Wen Qionglin's glare, and lost. Corpses didn't need to blink.
He didn't want the bastard to like him. Which was just as well since it was out of the question. Jiang Cheng had never for a second in his life liked Wen Qionglin; from the first time he'd laid eyes on him when they were youths he'd interpreted him as a pathetic, burdensome coward, and despised him for it.
Owing the man his life had made it worse--he hadn't even wanted to be saved, and it was Wei Wuxian's stupid horrible charm and habit of interfering where he wasn't wanted that had done it, and like hell had he owed anything, when that person's family had murdered his. (I owe him nothing, he'd told himself once, because Wen Qionglin had been the reason he lost Wei Wuxian.)
Another time, he found himself in both their company and drew apart, letting the Yiling Patriarch and the Ghost General play at being mentors to the youth. Neither of you lived to see twenty-five, he wanted to shout. What do you think you have to teach them?
Even Jin Ling...it made him furious. Furious to glance over and see a corpse's stiff face conveying softness.
Furious to look past the crowd and see Lan Wangji's eyes falling on Wen Qionglin with an unmistakable resentment. And to know that it wasn't the stiff propriety of the Lan Wangji of their youths, objecting to the heresy of that fierce corpse's existence; that it was the look of a petty, jealous man resenting the way Wei Wuxian knocked his shoulder together with the Ghost General's and laughed.
"Where do you get off hating Wen Ning?" he asked the next time he found himself alone with Lan Wangji. It was a stupid thing to ask, but if he let himself think about how they were threshing through the underbrush looking for Wei Wuxian, about the last time they had looked for Wei Wuxian together...
Lan Wangji ignored him.
Jiang Cheng snorted. "Okay. So maybe you don't hate him. But he likes you! He's so deferential it makes me want to puke."
Lan Wangji favored him with the merest hint of a sneer, just enough to show he was listening to Jiang Cheng talk.
"You're disgusting," said Jiang Cheng. "Do you really think he shouldn't have anyone but you in his life? That he's your property?"
Lan Wangji's stride broke. It was a triumph, in a way--Jiang Cheng had never thrown him so badly in all the years they'd known each other.
"Each man judges others by his own heart," said Lan Wangji, thick with contempt, and then he was walking ahead with pointed rapidity, determined to separate from Jiang Cheng, until staying together would have meant chasing after him, and Jiang Cheng turned and went the other way, muttering blackly.
In the end, fittingly, neither of them caught up in time to be of use. Wen Ning, with his homing sense for Wei Wuxian, had shown up out of who the fuck knew where and bailed him out.
Jiang Cheng stumbled upon the haunted spring just in time to see a sodden, bedraggled Wei Wuxian launch himself away from his pet Wen's supportive arm and fling himself against the upright form of Hanguang-jun, which bent around him with a reverent murmur.
Jiang Cheng was already turning away in disgust to head back home, hating that he'd let himself be dragged into this, when he heard Lan Wangji say with careful, solemn deliberation: "Thank you, Wen Qionglin. For taking care of him."
Jiang Cheng glanced back against his will to see the Ghost General saluting deeply, wide-eyed, infinitely humble, his murmur that it was nothing special, Hanguang-jun, nearly drowned out by Wei Wuxian's delighted shouting about how good his Lan Zhan was and how much Wen Ning deserved to be appreciated.
Jiang Cheng walked away.
Wen Qionglin wasn't rude to him. Not in any way you could point at. And he knew full well he'd be making an ass of himself if he tried to pick a verbal fight.
After all, they had killed Wen Qionglin's older sister.
The whole cultivation world had done it, but only Jiang Cheng had done it after Wen Qionglin saved his life. He'd told himself he owed no debt for that, and perhaps he hadn't, but the fact remained: of the two of them, one had been brave and virtuous and earned the loyalty of Wei Wuxian.
And one of them had been pathetic, a coward, a burden.
Jiang Cheng could never look at the man without seeing the look in his dead eyes across the length of Suibian.
Jiang Cheng had never been good at lying to himself, especially if the lie was meant to be comforting. He always tried it anyway. Comforting lies used to sound so true, in Wei Wuxian's mouth; he should never have gotten into the habit of relying on that. To letting that person think Jiang Cheng was someone who needed to be swaddled in falsehoods to give him the strength to bear up under his own duties.
Wen Qionglin was a kind, gentle, courageous dead body, shy and courteous and increasingly appreciated for his virtues, in this strange new world created in the wake of Jin Guanyao's disgrace. And whenever his eyes fell on Jiang Cheng they were cold, hard, flat, contemptuous.
Every time he looked at him Jiang Cheng could nearly hear him thinking, like a cold wind against the back of his neck: I should have left you in that heap of corpses with the rest of your family.
What are you worth, Jiang Wanyin, that so many should be spent in saving you? That Wei Wuxian would drag us all into the shadow of death to make you whole, only for you to turn your face aside when it was me lying there, and let him die for us without lifting a finger?
Selfish, whining coward. If only I had left you there to die.
If only, Jiang Cheng imagined spitting back, anger hot and bracing in his throat. If only! I never asked for any of it! How dare you expect me to repay you!
But Wen Qionglin never spoke any of the words out loud. He only looked, cold dead flat black eyes. A frozen river. Sometimes Jiang Cheng thought that if he lashed out hard enough he would break a hole in the ice, and be devoured whole.
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d4rkshad0w · 2 months
i hate the miscommunication trope so much cuz what do you mean Kit and Ty could have been together the last 3 years if Kit didn’t confess his feeling while Ty was trying to resurrect his dead sister
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gthostz · 17 days
Ava being over 900 explains so much that is literally a grumpy old man in a hot blonde woman body
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lady-raziel · 5 months
i know it's probably already been done before in some form but i really want to write a story where a group of background characters/NPCs with 2 lines of dialogue band together to go after the main villain while the protagonist and their allies are still in the middle of the formative rising action
I'd title it The Inconsequentials and the tagline would be "Not mattering has never mattered so much."
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
I think one of my favorite things for exploring characterization and making sure plots are character-driven, without people just being puppetted by the plot, is playing out how different characters in the main role would change a story.
Like, if your MC is an asshole who won't admit their feelings, and you want to check that they're driving the plot, plug in a character who's good at being kind and see what changes. If your MC is rebellious and free-spirited, plug in someone who follows the rules. If the plot doesn't change, you have a problem. If it does, it's one of the hallmarks of a good story.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Is there any whump that makes you uncomfortable? For me it's women or people of color getting hurt. Basically, groups of people who were/are more vulnerable to getting hurt in real life. I actually have to turn away or fast forward through the scene. I don't know if it's just me though.
Oh there's definitely whump that I'm uncomfortable with. There's nothing triggering for me but I do have tropes that I don't enjoy or squick me out. And this is all just my personal preferences. No dis to anyone who enjoys these things I just get icked out by it.
Box Boy/BBU/Pet whump
Anything with the mouth freaks me out. I dont mind when the character is punched and has a bit of bloody lip but like mouth torture? Big nope.
Eye gore. I don't mind a bit of temporary blindness as long as it is indeed temporary and isn't gorey but anything else is a no go.
Lots of blood. Lile excessive amounts of blood. One of the quickest ways to shit off any whumperflies I may have
Amputations. Lile purposeful someone cut it off kind of amputations.
Tenderness by the antagonist to the whumpee. Like when they comfort them and stuff. Don’t like that. Weirds me out.
I tend to enjoy softer whump things more than the really violent stuff and I like whumperless whump more purely because a lot of the popular whumper tropes make me uncomfortable.
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mleemwyvern · 1 month
do you like team rancher? would you like to fill out a tierlist of 64 different flavours and tropes for them? well, i love ranchers, and i made a tier list template of (some of) the many different ways to ranch.
have fun!
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supernovaa-remnant · 6 months
I am absolutely in love with your accidental courtship au, its a delight.
I dont know what species you're planning for Dream, but I'm imagining he tells Techno after all the cards are on the table, hes had time to process and they're both aware and on board with a courtship so Techno can finally follow the correct customs.
That, or, au of an au, Techno accidentally follows Dreams culture and Dream is absolutely gobsmacked. Like its an obscure culture and something Very strange to do unless you know it, even for Techno.
Dream doesnt, like, really realize Techno is courting him, hes way too busy mad pin board solving How The Hell Techno a) found out what Dream is and b) found the customs, like hes an ender dragon or something who no outsider know jack shit about
Eventually it'll kick him in the head that oh god, Techno is flirting with me. Eventually.
okay, so, here's the thing: dream doesn't know what he is. like, he doesn't remember his very early childhood. he figures he had someone taking care of him at some point, but he doesn't remember anything about them. he was on his own a lot when he was younger, until he befriended sapnap who eventually dragged him to bad, and he'd been with them ever since.
so, he doesn't know what he is. bad's from a very old, practically dead culture; demons just... aren't around anymore. just like how phil comes from the elytrians which also aren't around anymore. sapnap is blazeborn, so bad tried very hard to be mindful and respectful of that and teach him blazeborn culture. but none of them know what dream is. so, dream isn't sure what culture he's from. he (and sapnap, honestly) identifies a lot with demon culture, and he lives according to a lot of their customs because bad had shared his culture with him. but he still doesn't feel that it is wholly his culture, y'know?
he has some customs that he still follows from when he was really little. he doesn't remember who taught it to him, but it feels right.
to be clear: techno did try demon courtship rituals. and blazeborn courting rituals. and human courting rituals. all of which dream does know about, but it just never clicked in his mind that that's what techno was doing. dream just figured techno was misinterpreting the cultures in his attempts to find new ways to expand their rivalry to include cultures dream connects to. a touching gesture, even if it's a bit off (you'll find this is a common thought they have about each other).
as for what dream is... I think he's probably from the end in some way. he's very very humanoid, but his night vision is beyond that of a normal human's, and he's faster and more agile than a normal human, too. he doesn't mention it often, but he also has more of an affinity to magic and enchanting.
bad doesn't know what he is, but bad's also from the nether, and, whatever dream is, it's something that even bad wouldn't know.
but phil. well, phil's elytrian. he's from the end. of course he'd know what dream is. he figures it out around doomsday. he then, of course, tells techno, and techno tries those courtship rituals. how unfortunate that courtship rituals are not one of the things dream remembers about that culture lmao.
(there are some things, though, that kinda trigger memories within dream, and, like you said, he's absolutely baffled at how techno knows these things. except dream doesn't know that these things are a courting ritual, he just recognizes pieces of it. and then he's too preoccupied figuring out how techno knows).
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wander-wren · 1 year
presumed death literally the trope of all time. you’re telling me i can have the grief and horror of character death AND have the happy ending too??
not to mention the possibilities after “dead” character turns up again.
maybe they have no idea their loved one thinks they died, and they show up all nonchalant only to realize things have gone horribly wrong. maybe their loved one thinks they’re a ghost/hallucination/trick and won’t accept them.
maybe they do know their loved one thinks they’re dead and they’re choosing to keep up the facade for their safety. watching from afar, unable to comfort them.
maybe they faked their death and believe their loved one is in on the scheme when actually that message was never received.
maybe, in the process of whatever almost killed them, they forgot about their loved one/old life/etc, and aren’t aware they have anything to return to.
maybe they “died” thinking no one would notice their absence, leaving their loved one full of regret for things unsaid. perhaps their loved one heals and moves on, only for “dead” character to return.
and just, augh, the aftermath. waking up to find “dead” character gone and assuming it was all a dream/they really did die. the codependency. the anger, even, that they didn’t come back/let themself get hurt/lied. maybe guilt if their body was abandoned by their comrades, only to learn that they were alive all along.
name me a trope that does more i’ll WAIT.
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eternalglitch · 1 year
I'm sorry I have to say it but it would be cool to bring bring leosagi ship up in lfls it could help with leo's healing/bringing his inner leo out. Or don't ship but a scenario where leo meets usagi. Just a thought don't take it to offense.
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I deeply do not like any shape or form of leosagi ajkhsld I do not want that rabbit within a hundred yards of my eyesight.
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cherrywhite · 3 months
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Midnight burger ily but can we please stop calling caspar dumb for one episode 😭
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jesse-pinko · 4 months
Blue the Raptor’s characterization in the movies and the tv show is honestly very funny to me at this point… there’s only so many times you can chase the human protagonists around and then do an about face and let them go or literally save their lives before I stop viewing you as a dangerous maneater and start viewing you as a cranky old woman harmlessly waving her cane at the neighborhood kids
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