#my legs are dead. my left knee hurts especially because i hit it against the fucking ardwood sturdy ass shit table
daily-whistlepaw · 2 years
daily whistlepaw until sleep becomes PoV day 567
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yeah, i’m barely able to stay functioning. i’ve had an exhausting day (that began at 4am because i couldn’t fall back asleep). i shouldn’t be thinking anymore because i’m going to think about stupid stuff and make myself sad so goodnight. love you guys, have a great day/night and stay hydrated
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Say My Name - Part Six (Rodrigo Sanchez x Reader)
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For the O.G captain of the ship @smaoineamhsalach​
Premise: Sanchez puts his cards down on the table.
The song for this is: Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
You recognised the knock on your front door the second you heard it. That quick distinct two tap, grazing of knuckles across the wood. You hadn’t expected company tonight, not after what you had witnessed this morning between Sanchez and Bridie.
You pushed yourself up from the couch, groaning at the agony that blazed along the left side of your chest. You’d been lucky that those two bullets had hit your vest, leaving you with a wicked burn on your left shoulder and bruised ribs, that felt like someone was stabbing you every time you took a breath. You did the cursory glance through the peephole, confirming the identity of the person on the opposite side before opening the door to Sanchez.
He looked as good as ever. He was freshly showered, his hair still a little damp in the night air. He was clad in a claret red Henley, a quilted jacket thrown over the top and jeans that you knew hugged his ass just right. In comparison Chris had managed to help you into a loose grey sweatshirt and leggings before she’d left to fill in her incident report.
“If you’re looking for a fuck, I really don’t have it in me tonight.” You told him, stepping away from the door and gesturing for him to come in.
“I’m not here to fuck you.” He told you closing the door behind him.
He dropped a worn brown overnight bag alongside the door. You felt sick to your stomach thinking that you were just a pitstop before he reached his destination.
“Look you didn’t have to come here.” You said, trying to muster up the strength to straighten your spine and look him in the eye. “You were very clear that this was just a casual thing. You don’t owe me anything.”
“Sit down before you fall down.” He told you, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it up on the black wooden coat rack beside the front door. “You’re practically dead on your feet.”
“You don’t get to order me around when we’re off the job.” You said firmly.
He gave you a pointed look.
“Especially if we’re not in bed together.”
“Jesus Christ, I forgot how stubborn you are.” He uttered, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. “Sit your ass down on the couch I have some stuff I need to get off my chest.��
“I’m not here to be your soundboard either.” You snapped at him, wincing as you tried to cross your arms over your chest. It hurt like a bitch.
“What do you think is happening here?” He asked you, his hands on his hips.
You gave him a sardonic look.
“I saw you and Bridie this morning.” You told him, shooting a withering glance at his overnight bag. “I know that you’re on your way around there and this is just something you need to take care of before you get there.”
To your surprise he laughed. It sounded bitter in your ears, like something dark was being wrenched out the depths of his soul. You could feel your energy waning, each breath felt like a torment. You sat down on the couch gingerly, suddenly feeling more tired than you had in a long time.
Sanchez took the Ikea armchair across from you, he perched on the edge, his elbows coming to rest on his knees as he clasped his hands together.
“I’m going to say this once and I want you to understand that I mean it.” He told you, his eyes fastening on yours. “I don’t give a fuck about Bridie, it’s you I’m here for.”
You swallowed hard against the lump in your throat as you stared him. He leaned back in the chair, his jaw jutting out before he sucked in a breath.
“Everyone thinks I cheated on her.” He told you dryly before shrugging his shoulders. “And I let them think that because the truth is she fucked one of my team members behind my back and I…”
He trailed off, his dark eyebrows furrowing as he struggled to find the words.
“I took her back, left S.W.A.T., got a job in the Mayor’s office because I thought it would make a difference.” He shook his head. “It didn’t. When she couldn’t get Stevens into bed, she fucked another guy on my detail. It was over after that.”
He turned his face away from you, focusing on something beyond the couch, trying to create distance between himself and the story he was telling. You knew he didn’t find this easy. He wanted you to see him as that strong willed asshole that you’d always known him as, not someone who was a little bit broken.
“It took a long time for me to climb out of that hole, to feel that I was worth something. I was running on autopilot, doing the job, going to a bar, fucking the first person that crossed my path. I lost count of the number of times it happened.” His jaw tensed as he looked down at his hands. “I knocked one up, married her. I was a shitty husband but those kids…”
He smiled and you knew he was thinking of the twins. You had seen their picture inside his locker, two dark haired children, a boy and a girl. You didn’t know their names, only that they were the dearest thing to him in the world.
“Those kids were the making of me.” He admitted, looking up so he could catch your gaze. “The two of them changed my life, for the first time since Bridie it made me reassess my life and what I wanted. I have never been as happy as I was when I was in S.W.A.T.”
“So, you decided to come back.” You said softly.
“Yea.” He said before sighing. “And then I met you.
There was silence between the two of you for a moment before he continued quietly.
“You were annoying as fuck.” He told you, his lips tipping up into a smile. “Stubborn, and challenging, always trying to figure out if I had an ulterior motive.”
“You did.” You pointed out. “Until you decided you didn’t.”
“What the Commission were doing to Hondo wasn’t right.” He told you shaking his head. “I decided not to give them any more ammunition.”
“I realised.” You told him. “When you started listening to him, when you stopped trying to write him up for stupid shit.” “Being with S.W.A.T. reminded me what it was like to be part of a team again.” He explained before changing the subject. “This thing between the two of us… When I said you’re mine, I meant it.”
His voice was fierce as he spoke, the intensity in his eyes blazing as he met your gaze.
“I don’t want anybody else.” He told you resolutely. “You’re the only one I want to fuck, the only one I have been fucking since this thing between us started.”
You could feel the weight of those words, what it cost him to say it. He reached out across the gap between the two of you and grasped your hand gently.
“I’m here because I want to take care of your needs, whether it’s fucking you until you’re screaming my name or coming over when some asshole takes a shot at you. If you want me sweetheart you’ve got me.”
"I do want you." You told him, putting your cards out upon the table. "The problem is I want you all the god damn time.”
You’d never seen him smile the way he did when you said those words. There was gratification in it, like something inside him had been soothed. His hand slipped to your knee, squeezing it lightly.
“We can focus on that later.” He chided you. “Right now I am run you a bath, it’ll help reduce the bruising and the pain.”
You watched him go, your eyes lingering on his ass before he disappeared into the bathroom. You listened as he turned the tap on and clattered about with your selection of bath oils. It was this moment right here that made wonder what you had done to get so lucky.
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littlexdancersblog · 1 year
I am deep and I don't want to let you go
Summary: What if they couldn't bring Rhys back? What if Feyre suddenly found herself high lady of the Night Court without her mate by her side?
Word count: 2k
Note: Title taken from De Diepte by s10 (English translation)
Because his own chest... it was not moving.
The mating bond. It wasn't there. It was gone. 
And Rhys was dead...
"For what he gave," Tarquin said quietly. "Today and for many years before."
It wasn't working. Why wasn't it working?
"I'm sorry Feyre. He's gone."
He's gone. He's gone. He's gone...
Feyre had forgotten what it was like to not have the bond. To not have Rhys.
It had been a constant, always there, always reassuring her.
And now- it was just empty.
A soulless void. Even when she tried to sleep, she could feel it.
Feyre missed Rhys. Missed him so terribly that it hurt.
And she missed his voice in her head, that goddamn smirk, everything about him. 
Even after a month, she was unsure if she could survive this. If she wanted to. Maybe she would just- 
A knock sounded on her door, pulling her out of the spiralling dark thoughts.
She wished they could go away.
Wished they could just leave her the fuck alone.
Slowly, the door opened and Azriel walked in. He held a vacant look, mirroring her own. He paused at the doorway, rubbing a hand over his chest. 
His attention was on her, taking in her awful state. She couldn't remember when she had last eaten, and there had been countless nights of throwing up. Her hair was a mess, clothes weeks old. 
"Come on Feyre, you need to get up."
A rush of anger built up, the first emotion she had felt in days. "I don't know if you've forgotten, but Rhys is dead. My mate - your high lord is dead. Forgive me if I don't feel up to doing anything," Feyre snarled. 
As soon as the words left her mouth, she didn't feel relief. No, she just felt guilt. Especially as she witnessed the moment the words hit Azriel, his eyes darting away to stare at the wall, tension lining his shoulders.
"Shit, Azriel. I-"
Another figure appeared but this time it was Mor, she looked as wrecked as she was but a fury lined her face. "No. You're not doing this. It's been too long of this spiral. We lost Rhys, we can't lose you too. Now get up, and eat something." 
Feyre was in half a mind to resist, to maybe snap again but the look with which Mor pinned on her forced her to move. As they moved towards the kitchen, Feyre averted her gaze from the sad and pitiful looks.
She forced herself to take a deep breath as she sat and a moment later a bowl of soup was placed in front of her. Under her friends watchful gazes, she obediently ate. But as she did, she felt a wave of nausea roll over again.
It had been worse the last couple of weeks, every morning without fail. And just when she thought she was moving towards some kind of... normalcy.
Conversation shifted around her and she half listened to one, "One of my friends, she found out she's pregnant."
Feyre paused, the world ringing her head. No, no. Surely not, I mean they had intended to wait but...
"Feyre. Are you okay? You've gone a bit pale?"
She looked up, unable to fully meet Mor's eyes. "I need to talk to Madja." 
Mor fetched her, to which she spoke in private with the healer. Cassian, Amren and her sisters had made an appearance, hearing them outside the door but she put a shield to stop them from listening in on her conversation.
She was quiet as Madja worked, then she glanced up at Feyre, offering a flash of a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes. 
A moment later, Feyre was bursting through the door, feeling like the walls were getting smaller, crushing her. 
Her breathing was heavy, tears streaming down her face as she aimed for her bedroom. But it was like her legs gave out as she collapsed against the wall, tugging her knees to her chest and sobbing into them.
There was quiet footsteps and then a soft hand was on her arm. It was Elain, her face calm, watching her closely.
"Breathe, Feyre. Deep breaths."
She showed her and Feyre copied until she could finally draw air into her lungs. The others were gathered, heads half titled and Cassian was rubbing his neck almost nervously. 
"I'm pregnant." She whispered, speaking the words somehow made it more finale.
Sharp intake of breaths, as Mor practically stumbled back, rapidly blinking as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard. 
"Did Rhys-"
Feyre shook her head before the question could be finished. "No. We were going to wait. I didn't expect this to happen."
Silence settled upon the room as her own mind whirled. This should have been such a happy moment but not without Rhys here, he should have seen his child. Absently, her mind drifted to her stomach as the rising panic began to set in again. 
It was Azriel who noticed her spiralling as he crouched in front of her, taking her hands in his scarred ones. Next to her, Elain was the first to speak.
"I know you wish Rhys was here, that you could share this moment together but he's not. And now, you have to fight for your child Feyre. You have to look after yourself. This child is both of you, he or she will always be." 
She was right. 
The grief would likely never stop, but maybe she could learn to live with it. Maybe their son could be the one to save her.
As she thought the words, it actually sunk in. She was pregnant, and now she would always have a part of Rhys. Even if he wasn't here. 
It was like the haze, the void in her soul had cleared. "You're right. But I can't do this alone."
Cassian spoke first, voice thick with emotion, "We're your family Feyre. You'll never be alone." 
Feyre could do this. For Rhys, for their child, she had to do this.
Five months later
Every day was a little bit easier.
Once she wrapped her head around everything, had a good cry in Mor's arms, she forced herself to live. Starting with taking over the Night Court.
It had been hard, with a lot of resistance of the idea of a women leading a court. She hated that the fact she was having a son swayed them to accept her as High Lady.
Upon taking the role, she realised she had no real idea about ruling the Night Court so she buried herself in books, learning all that she could. Meeting with some of the other high lords to learn what they knew. They had been happy to help her and Feyre found she enjoyed the politics.
Maybe Rhys had subtly influenced that. 
It was a winters night and Feyre was sat reading more politics books when Azriel appeared at the house, a tight look on his face. He paused when he saw her though, face softening just a bit.
"Feyre. I didn't expect you to be awake."
She smiled, setting down her book and rubbing a hand over her stomach. "Yes, this little one is causing a riot. I couldn't sleep." 
At that, a real smile spread across his face, small as it was. "Come Azriel, sit. I want to talk to you." 
A frown tugged on his lips but Azriel didn't dispute as he took a seat across from her. Feyre went to speak when he asked, "Have you thought of a name yet?"
Feyre rolled her eyes, laughing softly to herself. Good try at deflection. "I have. And I am thinking Nyx. To mean night. Now, I know what you're trying to do and it won't work."
Azriel sighed, leaning back in his seat. But there was too much tension in his body, his hand flexing against his leg. "I assume you didn't have a good conversation with Eris?"
His blink was his only sign of confusion before fear flooded his features. "Eris? Feyre, I don't know what you mean..."
She cut him off with a bored stare. "Azriel. You know how I catch onto things fast, I know. You don't need to lie to me. Nor fear what I may think. It's okay." 
He sat up straighter now, still tense as if preparing for a fight. She imagined a lot of different questions but he seemed to settle on, 'How?"
A small smile at that question, remembering the day she figured it out. The surprise. "The high lords meeting. I noticed the small, fleeting looks. And that outburst, it wasn't just because of what he said about Mor, was it?" 
Azriel barked a laugh, disbelief in his eyes. "You're right."
She tilted her head slightly, smiling softly. "Tell me what happened."
He sighed, shifting in his seat. "I don't know how it happened. I hated him. One day, I was with him on business and it just happened. We had it out, about Mor. And I learned what really happened with Mor, that he did it to help her. We kept it a secret. Certain things happened before the high lords meeting, which was why I snapped. Then Rhys died and I went there so often, and he helped me through my own pain. Helping me to talk to Mor, we did and promised to help each other.  And then we resolved to help you, that we needed to come together as a family."
Feyre was glad he had Eris when she couldn't be there. "And today?" 
Azriel half smiled. "Coincidently, it was about you. And the others. Telling you about us, I was nervous about how you'd react. Seems I had nothing to fear." 
"Azriel, you know I won't judge. Are you and Eris mates?"
He laughed again, shaking his head. "Lord no, not everyone has mates Feyre. I- I love him for him. No bond forced us together and I am glad of that fact."
She understood. Bonds could work out well, like her and Rhys but sometimes they didn't. And sometimes the bond could force people together when they did not necessarily want to be together. 
"Is that all?" Azriel asked, half beginning to stand up.
Feyre shook her head, leaning forward and her face becoming serious. "No. Do you trust Eris? Specifically to become high lord of Autumn?" 
"Because I've spent a lot of time thinking. We need a better world than what it currently is. And my situation proves of that. But with the changes I need to make, I can't do it with Beron in the way. So I need him gone. I already have a plan but I need to speak to Eris and his mother. I'm hoping you can get that meeting for me. Under discreet circumstances."
Azriel looked taken aback but once her words settled, he nodded. "I can. How soon?"
"As soon as possible." 
A week later Feyre was sat in her office, looking over some information when a knock sounded on her door. "Come in!"
Azriel stepped into her room and she sat up in her seat. "My High Lady, I have some troubling news. There was an assassination attempt on Eris and Beron's life. Poison." He paused as Feyre gasped,
"Are they okay? How did this even happen?"
"We are not sure, they are still looking into it. Eris is safe, they were able to provide him with an antidote. Beron, however, passed away this morning. They were too late. Eris Vanserra is now High Lord of Autumn." 
Feyre smiled, well aware any potential ears would not see. Only listen of her first hearing the news of Beron's death.
As for who did it, no one would know. No one would suspect. Not when Eris' mother had been on a walk with her son, witnessing his collapse. And as for Feyre and Azriel, she had a very important pregnancy check-up.
She needed Azriel there for moral support.
Azriel returned her smile with a smirk, equally as pleased. "Thank you for telling me Azriel. Now leave me, I must write a letter to the lords and to Eris."
He left her alone, closing the door with a soft click. 
Now that he was gone, it was finally time to bring about a world she had fought for. As well as Rhys. 
She vowed to make his sacrifice worthwhile. 
Thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed this, feel free to find the work on ao3 under the same title but under the username EndureAndSurvive6 :)
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Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,585
Summary: Gatherings can't be that bad, right? Especially if your boyfriend convinces you to ditch early for a ride home on his motorcycle. It's just unfortunate he's gotta rile you up beforehand.. .
Warnings: 18+, kinda masturbation/edging by motorcycle???, teasing, pet names; sweetheart, doll, cocky Bucky (what? He's definitely a warning)
Notes: This idea came to me and I absolutely could NOT put it down. I don't typically write smut or anything along those lines, so any feedback is appreciated! This is way out of my comfort zone😅
"Come on, Sam is waiting on us."
You roll your eyes and dramatically throw yourself back on the bed. "Yeah well, Sam can wait. I don't even want to be there."
"And you think I do?" He calls to you, pulling on his gloves and nearly stomping back towards your room.
"Bucky, I don't want to go." He stands in your doorway and you pout at him, making him sigh.
He cocks an eyebrow at you. "I know. But who says we gotta stay all night?" At this, you raise up from your mopey position. "We make an appearance, talk to Sam for a little while, then get lost in the crowd and disappear. He won't even notice."
You hum thoughtfully. "Good point." You swing your legs over the bed and slip into your Converse shoes, plastering a smile to your face and gleefully skipping due to the fact you'll get to leave early.
Sam was having a reunion party with some buddies from his Afghanistan tours. It was a huge event downtown, but neither you nor Bucky was a big fan of crowds. So the two of you only considered going in support of Sam.
Bucky stopped on the apartment complex's steps, narrowing his eyes at an empty parking spot. "He took my bike."
You snorted. "Cab it is."
Shortly you arrive at the event and he opens the cab door for you, his knuckles grazing down your arm to catch your hand in his. The action sends a shudder through your body and he smirks, stopping to give you a scheming look.
"What?" you ask him, furrowing your eyebrows and squeezing his hand.
"Nothing," he simpers.
You decide to be suspicious of him for the rest of the evening.
There are a plethora of people but you both advance through the crowd in search of Sam, Bucky stopping you to point out that Sam is quite preoccupied. He nudges you towards the most empty table he can find so you can sit down. On either side of you both is an empty seat, and the rest of the chairs are filled by half-drunk, burly men sporting drinks.
One of them turns to you and introduces himself and his comrades. A few of them take quick note of Bucky's name, quoting something Sam has mentioned about him before then thanking Bucky for his service. You wrap your arm around his middle and look up at him with pride, nuzzling yourself closer to your soldier.
You're both quiet as the vets around you continue their chatter about their best times, their laughter making the atmosphere light. You have to admit, you might actually be enjoying yourself. You're lost in a story about a guy teaching his kid how to hot wire a car when a hand squeezes your thigh.
Your knee immediately jerks and hits the table and you have to bite your bottom lip to stifle a yelp. A few heads turn in your direction and as you feel the warmth spreading to your face, you feign a sneeze, apologizing for the interruption. Bucky remains dead panned, although the sides of his mouth subtly quirk up. You glare at him. "Bless you, sweetheart," he patronizes. You shift uncomfortably as the men return to their conversations.
His hand makes its way back to your thigh and you inhale sharply through your nose. "Bucky," you whimper, swallowing hard.
"Gotta keep quiet for me, doll, or I'll stop," he tuts lowly. Instinctively you spread your legs a little to make enough room for his hand. Your breath hitches as he circles your clit with his middle finger, lightly tracing down your clothed mound. You curse yourself for wearing jeans, because the thickness of the denim heavily affects the way he feels against you.
But you want more.
He presses harder until Sam struts over to the table, and Bucky innocuously throws his arm around your shoulder. You huff in frustration and he chuckles.
"Surprised you two haven't left yet," Sam laughs, sipping a beer and slapping a hand over Bucky's shoulder.
"Why would we do that?" Bucky asks sarcastically.
Sam rolls his eyes playfully. "Stay awhile, enjoy the sunset and have a drink. They're all on the house." You both pause in thought. "I knew that would convince you!"
"Well," you start. "The sky is gorgeous right now. Maybe just one drink till the sun sets."
Someone then calls for Sam and he excuses himself, telling you he'll see you back at home later. You watch him disappear into the crowd, reality hitting you that you're still worked up from Bucky's teasing. And all it takes is a devious look from him to get you riled up again. You shoot up from your seat to thank the vets around you for their service, and tell them that it was nice to meet them, but you have some personal matters to attend to at home. Bucky follows suit, grabbing your hand.
You try to push your way through the crowd without an obvious, horny spring in your step, and as you pass by a table, Bucky fishes a beer with his free hand without stopping.
"I'll call the cab back here and we can-"
"What?" You stop in your tracks and Bucky lets go of you, continuing to walk to where his motorcycle is parked. He beckons you over with a crooked finger as he mounts the bike, and you fold your arms over your chest, cocking an eyebrow.
"What? It's not like he'll be able to drive tonight anyway." He foots the kick stand, placing his beer in the back compartment then bringing his hands up to twist around the handlebars. "Come on, let's go watch the sunset."
"The-the sunset?" You ask incredulously.
"What? You said it was pretty, let's go get a closer look." Your eye twitches at his feigned ignorance.
"Bucky I swear to god if you don't take me right now-"
He grins. "Then I just won't take you at all." He revs the engine once to accentuate his threat and you groan. "Come on or I'll leave you."
You march over to him and swing your leg over the bike, nestling yourself into his back and situating your hands on top of his shoulders. The engine roars to life, the heads of onlookers catching your eye and in one swift motion he kicks it into gear and you're off.
The winds whips your hair and licks at your face, causing you to constantly tear it away from your eyes. Once free, you take in the view before you, ever amazed at how the sun sets on the water; the sky glows with an orange and pink hue, making it look like a painting. And for a moment you forget about your throbbing lower half until you shift to get a little more comfortable on the seat and oh. Oh.
Your hands impulsively tighten around his shoulders and your jaw goes slack, gasping as the vibration from the motorcycle hits just the right spot. You let out a light moan and no sooner clap a hand over your mouth, hoping Bucky hasn't heard you. Your head slumps forward on his back.
"You good back there?" He yells over his shoulder.
"Y-yeah! Uh-all good!" you wheeze, attempting not to sound too out of sorts. The street is bare as he stops at a red light, and you try to breathe so as not to let the pleasure overtake you. It's not that you don't want to let go, it's just that you know you'll never hear the end of it from him of you do.
When the light turns green, he revs the engine so many times you lose count. Your mind is swirling in ecstacy and you start to pant faster, clinging onto Bucky for dear life as you near your release.
You screw your eyes shut, the coil finally snapping while you bite down harshly on the shoulder of his leather jacket. By this point you're unabashedly gasping and moaning, your hips bucking wildly into the seat as your clit is overstimulated to the point it hurts.
You pray for the ride to your apartment to end while he speeds up, causing you to sob into the waves of pleasure the vibrations are granting you. You claw mindlessly at his torso until he finally slows to a stop, and you catch your breath to come to your senses. You can't help the nagging, coherent thought that the ride home had taken a lot longer than usual and you realize the sky is now completely black and littered with stars.
He knew. That fucker knew.
Bucky dismounts the vehicle and stands before you with a hand on his hip and a smug demeanor. You lean forward on your hands, still heaving to try and even out your breath.
"Enjoy the ride?" Bucky taunts, flat lining his lips.
"Fuck-" pant  "-you," you nearly spit. He chuckles darkly. "You were edging me, with a goddamn motorcycle."
He scratches the back of his head. "I might have added a little extra something just for you."
You raise your head. "Why don't we go upstairs and you let me get my revenge?"
He huffs. "What's the point? You already came all over my seat."
"It wasn't your cock," you retort, untangling your wobbly legs from the bike. Bucky reaches out to steady you, pulling you to him by your waist.
"Fair point, pretty girl."
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sunflowerdarlingx · 3 years
would u write a bill weasley 18+ where the reader lets bill “use” them at the full moon ?
“Innocent angel”
Hi <3 I hope this is okay! 
Female Reader 
Warnings: fingering, oral (female and male recieving), unprotected sex, mention of male masturbation.
Minors DNI
The time leading up to each full moon was always different for Bill. He was still getting used to the incredibly difficult change that occurred and, unlike Remus, he still had a lot to experience. 
The full moon was in two days, Bill and Y/N were currently making their way into the order headquarters. Bill hadn’t been able to keep his hands off Y/N, from simply holding her hand, to passionate lust filled kisses but he never went any further. This confused Y/N because the two weren’t strangers to sex, especially during the full moon. Usually Bill loved nothing more than filling her with his cum, but now the second things got too heated he would stop and excuse himself. 
Usually the 5 days leading up to the full moon would be spent locked away together. Bill would get quite possessive in those five days and would keep Y/N close and remind her who she belonged to. 
Y/N went over to speak to Tonks and Remus but Bill pulled her back, “Where do you think you’re going?” he said lowly in her ear. 
“Just going to say hi, ask how Remus is with the full moon coming up” she smiled sweetly at Bill, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. 
“No.” his blunt tone shocked Y/N as he pulled her to sit on his lap on one of the kitchen chairs. 
“What do you mean no?” she shifted in the seat slightly, her arse grinding over his clothes cock briefly.
“I mean no. You’ll sit here with me and then we will go home. Your scent alone is driving me mad already baby, don’t need the stenches of other people on you.” Bill's arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist anchoring her to his lap. 
As the meeting went on Y/N kept shifting her hips so she could look at each order member as they spoke. “Watch it” he hissed in her ear as Mad-eye spoke, Y/N looked at him confused before Bill pressed her hips back slightly, the feeling of his hard cock pressed against her arse. 
Her innocent eyes looked back at him, “sorry” she whispered before turning back around. She continued listening, this time only turning her head rather than her whole upper body. 
After the meeting ended, Molly served some dinner for everyone. Y/N was still sitting on Bill’s lap, “Y/N dear sit beside Fred, you can’t be comfortable” Molly’s voice rang throughout the small kitchen. 
Y/N went to stand up but Bill gave her waist a tight squeeze. “I’m okay Molly, thank you though”, Mrs Weasley shrugged her shoulders and went back to her conversation with Arthur. 
Y/N shifted her hips slightly, starting to feel uncomfortable with the way Bill's knee dug into hers. “You’re playing a dangerous game angel” his lips were close to her ear as he pushed her hair over to one side, “careful” he placed an innocent kiss to her neck. 
“What if I don’t want to be careful?”, she turned in his lap so both of her legs dangled over the side of his thigh. She watched him carefully as his eyes darkened slightly and a smirk painted his features. 
“Time for us to get going” he announced, tearing his eyes away from his girlfriend to say thanks and goodbye to everyone. He kept his hand on her lower back as they walked out of the house and down the street to the alleyway where they could apparate back to their home. 
The second their feet landed in their shared home, Bill had Y/N pressed against the wall of their living room while his lips worked feverishly against hers. Y/N’s hands wrapped in his hair, tugging slightly at the hair on the nape of his neck. Bill wrapped one of her legs around his waist and tapped her arse lightly, making her jump up so he could lift her against the wall.
Y/N’s hips rolled against his as muffled moans escaped her mouth into their kiss, the feeling of her against him was driving Bill mad. His hands gripped her arse tightly, he moved to sit on the couch. Y/N’s hips rolled against his, her lips moving to kiss down his neck, Bill's hand came down on her arse “such a tease during the meeting”. A little yelp left Y/N’s lips at the contact before she moved her lips back to his. 
This time Bill barely kissed back, his hands moved from her arse to her waist and moved her to sit beside him. Y/N’s eyes went wide as she looked over at Bill, his hair was a mess, lips red and he had this hazy look in his eyes that made Y/N’s panties dampen even more. “What are you doing?” she questioned, trying to pull him close again. 
“N..nothing, just forgot I have some stuff to do, I’ll start dinner in a bit”, he kissed her forehead quickly before making his way upstairs. 
Y/N sat confused and a little hurt by his actions. She was needy and confused. Her mind started to wander and the thought of Bill not fancying her in that way filled her head. Her insecurities took over every thought she had, a small tear rolled down her cheek but her sadness was soon replaced by anger. 
How dare he do this to her. How dare he tease her and act like he wants her, only to drop her. 
She stood up, storming up the stairs, ready to confront her fiance about his actions. She got to the top of the stairs and stopped dead in her tracks. She stood outside their door and could hear Bill moaning and grunting to himself. 
Her heart dropped, the thought of Bill excusing himself to go and sort himself out whilst thinking of another girl made her feel sick. 
So he had found someone better. 
Her ears perked up at the sound of her name. 
“Shit...baby feels so good”
Y/N pushed their door open slightly, Bill had his back to her, his hand pumping his cock while he moaned and groaned her name. 
“So what? Fucking your hand is better than fucking your own girlfriend!” she shouted a lot louder than she intended to. Bill jumped slightly at the sound, making quick work of putting his cock back in his pants. 
“Fuck Y/N, it’s not like that, I promise” he quickly moved over to her and tried to pull her in for a hug. 
“No Bill, what the fuck was that? All you do now is start something up between us and then fuck off! Constant teasing and touches but nothing more! Is that what you've been doing the last few nights? Leaving me to go and wank?”
He nodded his head and looked at the floor, “why would you do that Bill? D..do you not enjoy having sex with me anymore?” her voice was a lot lower now as she looked at him, desperate to understand the situation. 
“The full moon is close, day after tomorrow” his statement made Y/N scoff. 
“Yeah no shit sherlock, but what’s that got to do with it? Normally you can’t get enough of me, especially at the full moon but now it’s like the thought of sex repulses you!” 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled. 
“Hurt me? When have you ever hurt me during sex?” she walked over to him and made him look at her. 
“Full moon is different. You’re too innocent, my little angel, don’t wanna hurt you. All I can think about is fucking you, ruining you, wrecking that tight littl cunt with my cock. You yelped at the feeling of me smacking your arse, if I had my way, I’d go even harder”. 
A laugh left the girls mouth, “you're joking right?”.
Bill looked at her and shook his head, “I don’t want to hurt you”.
“Bill, just because I let out a little yelp doesn’t mean it hurt, i just got a surprise, trust me you’d know if you hurt me” she took his hand in hers and led him to the bed, “we have a safe word and signal for a reason”. 
She pushed him down onto the bed straddled his waist again, “just want to make you feel good” she started to kiss his neck, sucking the spot below his ear, earning a low groan. “‘M all yours” she kissed up his jaw “Do whatever you want to me” her lips met his in a short kiss “I trust you Bill”. 
Bill wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a messy passionate kiss, “promise you’ll tell me to stop if it gets too much?” he mumbled into their kiss before pulling back to take her shirt off. 
“Promise” her hands went behind her to take off her bra and Bill slid his shirt over his head. He turned them over so she lay on the bed, his lips went straight to her neck, sucking and nipping at her skin until it was decorated with purple little splotches. 
His lips latched on to suck at her nipples, his tongue teasing while his hand rolled the other between his fingertips. “Mhmm Bill” Y/Ns hands ran through his hair, chest arching slightly at the contact. He peppered kisses down her stomach and stopped above the waistband of her leggings. He ripped them off along with her underwear, “fuck baby, look so pretty for me”. 
He licked from her slit to her clit, mouth latching on to the small bundle of nerves, sucking it while his fingers teased her entrance. Loud moans filled the room as Y/n’s hips bucked, her hands tangled in Bill’s hair to pull him closer. He slipped two fingers into her dripping cunt, curling them slightly, as his other hand came to her waist to hold her against the mattress. 
“Fuck Bill, ‘m close” she whined, her walls clenched around his fingers as they worked faster inside her, “Cum” he demanded. The coil inside Y/N snapped and she came over his fingers, Bill lapped at her pussy, cleaning up every drop before inserting his fingers in her again. 
“Ah...shit Bill” her eyes rolled back, the feeling of his fingers in her cunt being a bit too much but pleasure soon took over and her second orgasm hit her like lightning, her whole body shaking as the waves of pleasure pulsated through her body. 
Bill still made no effort to move away from her, this time his tongue made its way to her entrance, tongue driving in and out like his life depended on it. Y/Ns hands tried to push his head away but he grabbed both of her hands and held them against her waist. He looked up at her through hooded eyelids, all he wanted to do was taste her, her head was thrown back against their pillows, mouth open while pleading moans to cum left her mouth. His thumb came to rub her clit and she felt as though her body was on fire, her juices squirting against him, a smirk grew on his face as he pulled back to watch her walls clench around air. 
“Such a good girl” he cooed before standing up. Y/Ns chest heaved as she calmed down, her legs feeling numb from her three orgasms. His hands wrapped around her ankles and pulled her to the end of the bed, “on your knees”. 
He pulled down his trousers and watched as Y/N lowered onto the floor, a small whimper leaving her mouth at the feeling in her legs. “Open up angel” he wrapped his hands around her hair and yanked her head back, she parted her lips and placed her hands on his thighs. 
Bill guided his tip into her mouth, starting to thrust his hips forward so it reached the back of her throat. Y/N gagged slightly but pulled Bill towards her as encouragement to keep going. His hips bucked as he started to fuck her mouth, his cock disappearing between her pretty lips. Her eyes watered while spit coated her chin and cheeks. “Take my cock so fucking good” Bill groweled while he held his cock deep in her mouth. Her nose rested at the base, tears streamed down her face while her fingers gripped onto her thighs. 
Bill pulled his hips back, giving her a moment to catch her breath before thrusting his cock back in. Her jaw went slack as Bill took full control of her mouth. “Gonna cum angel” his warning was short as his cum coated her throat. She swallowed it all, eyes looking up at him through her lashes. The look had his cock solid again in a heartbeat. 
He lifted her back onto the bed and flipped her onto her stomach, his cock was still coated in her saliva, he ran the tip up her slit before thrusting inside her.
His hands came to her waist, holding her up while he set an animalistic pace. She could feel the bruises forming in the moment, his tight grip felt incredible. She screamed his name while her hands gripped the sheets, “feels so good” she whined. Her body jolted with each thrust, the speed and depth of his thrusts bringing her closer to her high. He could feel her tight cunt pulsate around him. 
“Gonna cum for me again angel? All over my cock” 
“Fuck yes” she screamed, cumming again for the fourth time. Her body went limp, unable to provide herself with any support. His hips slowed but needy begs for more left her mouth. 
“Such a needy thing” he smirked, pulling her body to his while he fucked her. Bill felt himself getting close, Y/N was quick to reach her high again, her pussy sensitive from her prior orgasms. His thumb rubbed lazily on her clit. Tears streamed down her face from the pleasure, her body shaking against him as she came, Bills cum filling her up.
He lay her gently on the bed, quickly casting a cleaning charm. He lay in bed beside her and pulled her close, “was that okay?” his hand combed through her hair. 
“You’ve been holding back on me Mr Weasley” she teased “I think that was the best sex I’ve ever had”. A small laugh escaped his lips as he placed a loving kiss to her forehead. 
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starks-hero · 3 years
What He Doesn't Know Won't Hurt Him
Pairing: Loki x Stark!Reader
Summary: You and Loki had been doing a fairly decent job at keeping your relationship a secret from the other members of the team, specifically your father. But what happens when word finally gets out?
Word Count: 4,480
Warnings: fluff, implied smut, angst
a/n: This gif, that is all
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You had your music playing at full volume as you worked your way around the lab, your latest suit laid out on the table. It was almost finished and you were more than impressed with how it had turned out.
Grabbing one of the many tools strewn out on the tabletop, you got to work assuring each circuit was in place.
It was fair to say that whilst you were in one of your zones, you could easily get lost in your work. Which was probably the reasons you hadn't noticed Loki make his way into the lab.
You jumped slightly when two slender arms wrapped around your middle. “Loki,” you scolded, not taking your eyes away from your work. “I'm busy.”
He chuckled. “I can see that, dove,” he purred. “But I'm bored.”
“You're welcome to stay here as long as you stay out of my way,” you offered, smirking when Loki rose his hands innocently.
“You won't even know I'm here.”
You managed to steal five minutes of peace. And then Loki's ability to sit still and not cause trouble seemed to reach its end. He started simply, standing ridiculously close, running his hand along your side. Your frustrated sigh and visible struggle to focus on your suit only egged him on. He re-positioned himself behind you, hands resting on your hips and lips finding your neck.
When one of his hands began to trace down your stomach and towards the waistband of your jeans you drew the line.
“Loki, stop.” you chided urgently. “Not here.”
“Why not?” he asked, nipping at the exposed skin of your neck. “It's as good a place as any.”
“Someone could see,” you pressed on.
Loki’s kissing ceased but he didn't remove his arms from around you. If anything he held you tighter.
“And would that be such a bad thing?” he asked after a beat of silence. You sighed and turned in his arms, now facing the god. His eyes said it all, he wasn't hurt, but he was tired of keeping up this charade.
He hated having to wait till you were both alone to show his affection, having to settle for stolen kisses and subtle glances all in an attempt to keep your relationship a secret from the rest of the team. Loki was growing sick of it. He wanted to hold you, kiss you, mark you, to show everyone you belonged to him. He hated having to hide his feelings as if they weren’t acceptable.
“Loki, we've talked about this. If the team finds out, especially my dad, it'll cause nothing but trouble.” You frowned at Loki's defeated expression. “I want to tell them, I do. I love you and I want everyone to know that. But only when the time is right.”
Loki nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. Slender fingers wrapping around your wrist and he placed a kiss to your hand. “As you wish, darling.”
Loki turned to leave but you gently grasped hold of his sleeve and tugged him back. “Where do you think you're going?”
Loki tilted his head. “You said-”
“I said I wasn't ready to tell them,” you clarified. “I never said anything about you leaving.”
A devilish smirked spread across Loki's lips as he stepped back towards you, hands grasping your waist. “Why of course, my dear.” He pushed you against the cool steel of the table. “How may I be of service to you?”
You pulled him into a hungry kiss and he practically moaned into your mouth. Grasping hold of your thighs, he hoisted you up onto the table and slotted himself snugly between your legs. Truth be told, this wasn't what you had in mind. You were serious when you said the lab wasn't a good place to start something but Loki was just too irresistible. His kisses trailed from your jaw down your neck and you couldn't help the whimper that left your lips as he sucked on the sweet spot just above your collar bone.
Your hand tangled in his raven hair and he laughed breathlessly against your skin as he pulled you closer to him. “That's it, pet.”
The sudden sound of someone clearing their throat caused both of you to almost jump out of your skin. You turned towards the lab door and found a rather unimpressed Natasha standing in the threshold, arms crossed and glare seething into a certain god.
Your heart jumped into your throat as you hurriedly pushed Loki away and scrambled to your feet.
“Oh, no. Don't stop on my account,” Nat snarled and the venom in her tone was enough to send shivers down even Loki's spine.
“Nat! We were just-”
“Don't bullshit me, Y/N. You know it doesn't work,” Nat stated plainly and you swallowed. She was right, it was near impossible to successfully lie to her. “Does your father know?”
“No, no, no. Nat, you can't tell him,” you begged. “He'll kill us.”
Natasha scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at Loki, who was still standing sheepishly behind you. “He's lucky I haven't killed him myself.”
Loki shifted uncomfortably. When it came down to it, he was a god and Nat was human. She probably couldn't do much damage to him. But she was certainly intimidating. Loki wasn't so much upset over the fact that you'd been caught, if anything Loki found it rather exciting. His only worry was how this situation would pan out for you. And your relationship.
“Natasha, please. You know how my dad overreacts.”
“I'm not sure I'd count ‘getting pissed that your daughter's dating a criminal’ as overreacting.”
You felt helpless. With Tony as your father, the team were the closest thing you had to family. Nat had always been important to you, she was an older sister, a cool aunt and in some cases, a understanding mother all rolled up into one. She wanted what was best for you, and you knew if that meant throwing Loki under the bus, she wouldn't hesitate.
Noticing your struggle, Loki decided to intervene.
“Agent Romanoff, if you'd allow us to explain. I-”
Nat turned to Loki with a glare that stopped the god mid-sentence. “I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Y/N.” She turned back to you. “Tell your dad.”
“Tell Tony about this.” She clarified, gesturing between you and Loki. “Or I will.”
“Nat,” you started but as she raised an eyebrow you knew she wasn't bluffing. She was dead serious.
“Okay, okay, fine. We'll tell him. But just not yet-” you hesitated. “Just give us a little more time to figure it all out.”
Natasha seemed unconvinced, to say the least, but when she noticed the genuine worry in your expression she backed off and her voice softened.
“Fine. But if he finds out beforehand, I had no idea about any of this,” she ordered. “And you,” Nat glanced at Loki who was still standing behind you. “Are on thin ice.”
Nat turned to leave, shooting one final glare Loki’s way. “Oh, and a bit of advice. Next time lock the goddamn door.”
You both sighed in temporary relief as the door slammed shut and you were left alone.
“Well, that went well,” Loki commented sarcastically, rubbing at his temple.
“And that was only Nat. How do you think the others are going to react?” You took a seat on the workbench and Loki joined you.
“Were you serious?” he asked. “About telling them? Telling him?”
You sighed, dropping your head into your hands. “I suppose we don't have much of a choice now, do we?” You murmured and Loki chuckled slightly.
“I suppose not.”
“You're enjoying this.” You growled as Loki’s mood seemed only slightly diminished by the situation you’d just been landed in.
“Yes, I find being threatened by a world-class assassin immensely enjoyable,” he noted nonchalantly. Loki sighed when the fear remained evident in your expression. He gently caught your wrist and pulled it away from your face, lacing your fingers as he did so. “Honestly, my dear. There's no need to worry. It will be fine.”
“You sound awfully sure.”
“That’s because I am,” Loki smirked, his tone reassuring and soft. He placed a harmless kiss against your cheek, but couldn’t resist the urge to continue down to your jaw.
His nose grazed your neck as his breath fanned out over your skin. His voice fell to a low whisper. “Now, what was it we were getting to before we were so rudely interrupted?”
You couldn’t help but laugh in slight disbelief. “You never learn, do you?”
Loki flicked his wrist as he began to plant kisses down your neck. “Do you take me for a fool?”
 You glanced at the labs' door to find the keypad had turned red. Locked. Smirking, Loki pushed you down and picked up where he'd left off.
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It had been a little over a week since Natasha had found out about your relationship with Loki and thankfully, she hadn't said anything as of yet. She was giving you a generous amount of time to build up the courage to tell both your father and the rest of the team, but it was courage you were yet to find. The stress of the whole situation had been getting to you, something that was becoming more and more apparent to Loki.
In some desperate attempt to help you blow off a little steam, the god had dragged you down to the training hall. You and Loki often trained together, though since the beginning of your relationship, training seldom actually took place during your sessions.
But you needed it today, and after less than fifteen minutes of sparring, you could already feel some of the stress dissipating.
“Let's try that again,” Loki stated, helping you up from where you'd fallen back onto the training mat. He steadied you before pacing back a few steps as you both prepared for another round.
You made the first move, Loki easily blocking your strike. He caught your other arm as you tried to hit his shoulder and he only barely avoided a knee in the groin by spinning you around and catching you in a gentle headlock.
“Fighting dirty today are we, darling?” He purred in your ear and you smirked. Leaning forward, you used the momentum to throw Loki over your shoulder, straddling him to assure he stayed down.
“Problem with that?”
Loki chuckled, staring up at you. “Certainly not.” Throwing his leg over and shifting his weight, he threw you off of him and you landed on the floor beside him. He then took up his position on top of you. “Two can play at that game.”
He used his new vantage point to lean down and kiss your shoulder. “And I do enjoy it so very much.”
You turned your head to the side to grant Loki better access as he kissed up your neck, but your blood ran cold when you noticed a familiar figure standing dumbstruck at the halls entrance.
“Shit, Steve!” You pushed Loki off of you and for a moment he thought it was an attempted diversion until his own eyes locked with the captains. “Steve, wait!”
He was already turning to leave and you took off after him, Loki right behind you. You barely caught him before he reached the door. “Steve, hear us out, please.”
He turned to look at you with slight disappointment, his cheeks still tinted red with embarrassment given what he'd just walked in on. “Why didn't you tell us, Y/N?”
“I swear I was going to. I should have sooner and I'm sorry.” You rushed. “But please, Steve. You can't tell my dad, not yet.”
Steve hesitated. He'd taken you under his wing from day one and he'd be lying if he said he saw you as anything less than family. He didn't want to put you in a situation where he knew you'd face hardship. But he also didn't want to put his relationship with Tony on the line. He knew what that could lead to.
“I won't lie to Tony.”
“Then just don't say anything!” You tried. “Not saying anything technically isn't lying.”
Steve sighed, glancing between you both, his eyes lingering on Loki a moment longer. Loki seemed to have read the captains mind.
“Captain, I understand your concerns. But I can assure you my intentions are completely good-willed.”
Steve shook his head, questioning his sanity. “Does anyone else know?”
“Natasha, that's it.”
Steve seriously pondered the dilemma he was being faced with. Part of him wanted to march off and tell Tony, part of him wanted to strangle Loki for even putting his hands on you and the other part was still hung up on how upset you’d be if he chose either of the latter options.
“Alright,” Steve said after a moment of silence and relief flooded your expression. “But if your father asks-”
“I understand.” You nodded, still breathing a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Steve.”
You counted your lucky stars as Steve left the training hall, the whole conversation having gone way better than you could have possibly imagined.
“You know, my dear,” Loki stated from behind you. “We really must stop picking the worst possible places in the compound to make out.”
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You'd been peacefully working away in the lab, adding the finishing touches to the suit you'd been working on. A few more final touch-ups and a test run and it would be ready for missions.
The door slamming opened behind you immediately caught your attention as a severely pissed off Loki stormed in. His jaw was set and his hands were balled into fists. This couldn't be good.
“Loki, what's wrong?” you asked, rounding the table and approaching him. He was already pacing.
“Thor knows,” he growled and your heart stopped. “He was asking ridiculous questions about you and I and he knew I was lying.”
You inhaled sharply and did your best to avoid groaning in frustration, unable to grasp how Loki of all people had gotten caught out lying. “Loki, you're the god of lies.”
“And Thor's a persistent bastard!” He bit back.
You grappled with the little composure you had left and sighed. Loki was still clearly fretting and at least one of you had to start thinking straight.
“Okay, well what did he say?”
“That he wouldn't tell anyone,” Loki murmured, running his index finger along his top lip, something he often did when nervous.
“Alright then, what are we worried about? He said he wouldn't tell.”
Loki scoffed. “It's Thor! He struggles to keep the simplest of secrets, he's going to let it slip!” Loki took a seat and wrung his hands. “Your father is going to kill me.”
You stepped towards him and ran a comforting hand through his raven hair. He sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head against your stomach.
“You're a god, Loki. I don't think he could kill you even if he wanted to.”
“He'll find a way,” Loki moped, tightening his hold on you.
You huffed at Loki's dramatic antiques as you continued to run your hand through his hair. One thing was now painfully clear, you needed to tell your dad. Before anyone else found out.
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It was all planned out perfectly. The team was set to have dinner together in an attempt to bring some normality to your crazy lives, and you figured it would be the best time to break the new. You'd wait until everyone had finished eating and you and your dad were alone and then you'd tell him.
Not only did you think it would be better to have the conversation one on one, but Loki not being there also lessened the likely hood of your father trying to kill him if he didn't take the news kindly.
The only major challenge now was making it through the dinner itself without losing your nerve. Loki assured you that he'd be by your side right up until the moment he had to leave, and he meant it. Your father sat at the head of the table, because of course he did, and you sat to his right. Loki was seated beside you.
Most of the dinner passed as they usually did when the team ate together. Clint complained about the take out choice, Nat downed an impressive amount of wine whilst somehow remaining sober and a philosophical debate had broken out despite their being no indication as to what had started it.
For once, you and Loki remained silent, too nervous to offer any input should your worrisome tone give you away. You had spent most of the dinner toying with the food on your plate with your fork.
Loki's hand gently held yours beneath the table. It was risky, but no one had noticed and it was currently the only thing keeping you sane.
“You alright, kiddo?”
You glanced up to find your dad staring at you. He motioned to your untouched plate of food.
“You haven't touched your take out. It's your favourite.”
“Oh yeah, I- uh,” you stumbled over your own words and cursed yourself for being caught off guard. Most of the team were still chatting amongst themselves, but Steve and Natasha were now watching the exchange between you and Tony attentively. “I guess I'm just not that hungry.”
He seemed entirely unconvinced and leaned in slightly, away from the prying ears of the table. “You sure everything's alright?”
You gulped. Your father was no idiot and he knew something was eating away at you. From the corner of your eye, you could see Nat nodding her head and Steve smiling supportively. This was the perfect opportunity to bring it up and you decided it was now or never. “Well, actually-”
“Nice going, Clint!”
Both your heads snapped up to see that a knocked over wine bottle had stained both the end of the table and Bruce's white shirt.
“Hey! It's not my fault. Who even drinks this stuff anyway?!”
“What the hell is that suppose to mean, bird brain?” Sam yelled, possessively grabbing what was left in the overturned bottle and dunking it into his glass. Bucky hid his smile behind his bottle of beer.
Everyone else's attention had turned to Bruce, who seemed to be doing an excellent job at not hulking out and sending Clint through the nearest wall.
You bit your lip.
“Dad, is it alright if I leave? I'm not feeling up to eating right now.” You asked. Now clearly wasn't the best time to bring something up and you decided waiting till after everyone had turned it in for the night was probably best.
“Sure thing, sweet pea,” he smiled as you stood and pushed in your chair behind you. Loki followed you, rising to his feet.
“I think it's time I also take my leave.” No one paid much attention as Loki mimicked your actions and prepared to leave the table.
“Leaving already?” Wanda asked politely and you smiled back, already prepared to answer with ‘Yeah, I'm just tired.’
“Of course they are! I'm sure my brother and Y/N have much to do and discuss,” Thor smirked, winking and raising his glass to the both of you in a not so subtle way.
Silence fell over the entire table and you and Loki grew rigid. Natasha and Steve turned to glare at Thor, who lowered his glass, realising what exactly he'd just said.
“What?” Tony said, turning to Thor with a shocked expression. Loki quickly stepped in.
“I think my brother may have had a tad too much Asgardian ale, I-
“No, what did you say?” He asked again, voice raising. All eyes were now either on Tony, Loki or you.
Thor seemed to shrink into his seat, taking interest in the bottom of his cup as he attempted to backtrack and fix his mistake. But it was too late.
Your father's gaze turned to you and then Loki, who was cautiously standing behind you. 
“One chance.” He was livid. “You get one chance to tell me the truth.”
“Dad, can we not do this now,” you asked quietly.
“The truth, Y/N.” You couldn’t recall the last time you’d seen your father so angry. And as terrified as you were, you knew lying would only dig you a deeper hole.
“I was going to tell you,” you started, wincing as he ran a hand down his face. “I just didn't know how and then Nat told me I should just-”
Your father's glare turned to Natasha who choked on her wine at your words. You mentally grimaced as you realized what you'd just said.
“Oh, so you knew!” Tony yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Nat. He turned back to you. “You told Thor and Natasha before you told me!”
“I didn't tell her! She just sort of found out...” you fumbled and Tony laughed humorlessly.
“Did anybody else know besides Nat and point break?” he asked, addressing the whole table. Steve fidgeted awkwardly in his seat and Tony immediately singled him out.
“Steve.” He crossed his arms as he glared at the captain. “Something on your mind?”
Steve sighed. “Look, Tony I-”
“Don't bullshit me, Rogers.”
Steve nodded wordlessly and Tony bit the inside of his cheek, looking as though he was prepared to rip into each member of the team. You cowered back slightly and Loki stepped infront of you, shielding you from your fathers rage the best he could.
“Great! Awesome! Did anyone else know my daughter was dating a psychopath and just decided to keep that information to themselves?”
Everyone awkwardly shifted in their seats, some clearing there throats and others offering you sympathetic glances. Natasha mouthed a ‘sorry’ and Thor seemed to still be beating himself up for letting it slip in the first place.
Loki stepped forward. “Stark, I can assure you-”
“Zip it, Reindeer Games,” he warned and for once, Loki did as he was told. Tony pointed to you as if he were scolding a child.
“You are grounded,” he stated. “No more missions, no more lab privileges, nothing.”
You scoffed. “I'm not a kid!”
“Yes, you are! You're my kid.”
“Dad, will you please just listen to me.” You begged as you stepped towards your father in hopes of reasoning with him. He rose from his seat to meet you.
“No. This,” he gestured between you and Loki. “Ends now. End of discussion.”
You took a step back, feeling as though an arrow had hit you in the chest. Tears were brimming your eyes and you couldn't find it in you to meet anyone's gaze. Seeing how upset you'd become, Loki refused to bite his tongue any longer.
“Stark, with all due respect, I won't allow that. I understand your disdain for me and it's more than warranted but do not take that anger out on Y/N. You have no reason to trust me but I can assure you that my feelings towards your daughter and nothing but sincere and genuine.”
Loki's sudden statement seemed to have surprised Tony. He opened his mouth to argue but Loki didn't give him the chance as he continued.
“She has given me a second chance and I love her dearly for doing so. And I would never do anything to harm her. I love her unconditionally and all I ask is for a chance. Allow me to prove myself.”
Loki's speech had left you teary-eyed with a warmth spreading in your chest. A smile pulled at your lips as Loki turned to you. The genuine and loving look in his eyes spoke volumes and it took every ounce of control you possessed not to launch yourself into his arms then and there.
“Tony, I don't know about you but that seemed pretty convincing to me.” Nat voiced from the table and Thor immediately agreed.
“My brother may be the god of lies but he has spoken nothing but the truth tonight.”
Steve, ever the diplomat, offered Tony an encouraging nod. “All he's asking for is a chance, Tony.”
“It's pretty sweet if you ask me,” Bucky murmured from beside the captain, Sam and Wanda nodding in agreement.
Tony watched as the table seemed to take Loki's side and he battled with himself until his eyes landed on you. You were standing side by side with Loki, whilst he smiled at you in adoration. The glances you shared were nothing short of loving and Tony couldn't help but notice how genuine and mutual it truly was. Loki's hand was brushing against yours, desperate to grasp hold and comfort you but not wanting to overstep the line the tension had drawn.
Tony sighed as he realized what he had to do. You were his daughter, his everything. And he just wanted you to be happy. Even if it was with someone he didn’t initially approve of. 
“You love him?” he asked nonchalantly and you nodded.
“And you, Frosty,” Tony motioned to Loki who tried not to frown at the nickname. “You love her?”
Loki glanced at you, smiling softly. “Wholeheartedly.”
Tony swallowed down the lump in his throat as he watched the both of you, not completely ready to accept that you weren't a kid anymore.
“Well then, I guess that's that.” He smiled at you softly. “Leave it to you to fall for the God of mischief. You always were a troublemaker.” 
Your father pulled you into a hug, muttering a quiet ‘love you, sweet pea’, before pulling back to look at Loki.
“You hurt her,” he started and Loki cut him off with an amused chuckle.
“You'll kill me?” He guessed.
“Oh no, not just me. They'll kill you.” Tony smirked, pointing to the table full of avengers.
Loki nodded. “Understood.”
Nat sent you a wink and Steve and Thor smiled whilst the rest of the team seemed to congratulate you with supportive, and in some cases embarrassing, comments.
You and Loki smirked at each other, slowly turning to leave the dining room when your father's voice called you back.
“Woah, where do you two think you're going?” he asked. “Cats out of the bag now so no need to run off and hide. Sit.”
Seeing no point in arguing, you both took your seats, Loki holding your hand atop the table for everyone to see. Things quickly settled back into a comfortable conversation, you and Loki feeling freer than you had in months. The domesticity of it all was enough to make your heart burst.
“So,” Clint, who was slightly tipsy at this point, yelled. “When's the wedding?”
Tony turned red. “Don't push their luck, Barton.” He partially joked, glaring daggers at his teammate as the rest of the team laughed. As for you and Loki, you couldn't help but smile at the possibility.
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tag list: @leftperfectionmoon @doozywoozy @bakerstreethound @miraclesoflove​ @Kealohilani-tepise
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
can i request some hcs about the evans (or either jimmy or kyle!) with a more dominant reader?? (gn or male if you can) ty!! congrats on 300!
How Would The Evans React To the Gender Neutral Reader Wanting To Dominate Them
Another request was-  how would the evans react to the reader wanting to peg them?
So I combined the two, hope you don’t mind! Enjoy! :)
-Would of course be totally up for it
-Happy to be submissive
-Mainly because he wants to be taken care of every so often
-You have to kiss his neck for at least 20 minutes so that he can melt in your arms
-Find a certain spot and give him a hickey and he’ll turn into jelly
-His favourite position to take it up the ass is to just lay on his back and hold his legs up a little bit
-Or even better, you hold them up so he can relax
-His other favourite position is to lay flat on his tummy, with his legs together, and you straddle his thighs
-Either way he gets to sit back and relax while you make him feel good
-Once he gets a little more comfortable he’d love it if you teased him a little bit, like don’t touch him just fuck him so he can cum hands-free
-If he keeps reaching to stroke himself, pin his arms at either side and he’ll blush
Pre-Death Kyle
-Would be a little more hesitant, and would need a lot more reassuring
-Maybe go for a long shower together first so you can wash his hair and wash his body so he can relax a little
-At least an hour of foreplay or don’t bother
-Right when he’s about to flip you over so he’s on top, you stop him and remind him that you’re in charge
-Little kisses on his thighs and tummy while you prep him to make sure he’s relax
-Tons of little compliments
- “You’re doing so well baby”
-When he moans a little, “You’re purring for me, kitten”
-You’d make love to him rather than fuck him, especially the first time
-If he liked it a lot a few days later when you’re making out he’d awkwardly be like
- “You know like… how we did it on Tuesday? Wanna… maybe do that again? We don’t have to! But-”
- “On your hands and knees, kitten”
tw- mention of sexual trauma
-He’d be up for the idea but would be a little nervous just sitting back
-Because of the sexual trauma he’s experienced, he would be hesitant to not be in control, because when he’s in control, he can stop whenever he wants
-You’d make up a safe word system, like traffic lights
-If he said amber, you’d stop what you’re doing or slow down until he said green
-And if he said red you’ll pull out/stop completely
-You’d first describe everything that’s going to happen so there’s no surprises
-Would only put a finger in when he’s reassured you that it’s fine, same with the second and third
-Although it’s tempting to avoid his prostate with your fingers so that when you hit it with your dick/dildo it’s amazing, to make sure he feels good you’d rub over it a little
-Just a little to test the waters
-But a moan would slip out and he’d be like, “Hold on, w-what did you do? What was that?”
- “Oh you mean this?”, you said as you curled your finger up to the spot again. A shiver possesses Kyle’s body as he arches his back.
-You’d suck his dick as you fingered him, focusing on him much more than yourself
-Probably wouldn’t end up fucking his ass the first time although you wanted to, because he’d be shaking and moaning so pretty that you wouldn’t have the heart to stop
-The second or third time though, you’d prep with your fingers and then right when he’s about to cum, pull them out and lube up your cock/dildo
- “Ready for this now Ky?”
-He’d nod but still be a little nervous, holding onto you as you fucked him
-He’d pump himself like crazy and even after he’d cum, he’d beg you to keep going a little longer
Jimmy Darling
-Most sex with dead Kyle is you dominating him
-Riding him, cowgirl, sucking him off
-Even when he fucks you, you still hold his hips and guide him to help him find a rhythm
-A rhythm that he loses when he gets too close because he can’t control himself
-Eventually you’d try to explain to him how anal sex would work, and you’d let him try it on you first
-He’d wriggle a lot trying to get used to the slightly uncomfortable feeling, but soon enough would grab your wrist and be pushing your fingers deeper
-Loud grunts, pumping himself like crazy, whining if you slow down, even after he already came
James March
-He wouldn’t be turned on by the idea but would be willing to try it for you
-You wouldn’t be able to baby him though
- “You’re doing so well sweetheart”, “Just put it in, Y/N”, “Oo, feisty”, “I’m about to flip you over and fuck you into the mattress”
-If you dared to spank him, he’d pick you up and put you over his lap and spank you until you’re bright red
-He’d love giving anal to you, but when you first start prepping him with your fingers he’d ask so many questions
- “This doesn’t feel good at all, how can you take this for me? My dick’s bigger than that, doesn’t it hurt?”
-But once you’re all the way in, you’d give him a few seconds to breath before moving
- “I feel so full, but it doesn’t feel that gre- shittttt”
-If you tried to be cheeky, you could pin his hands above his head so he can’t touch his dick
- “I’m gonna punish you like crazy for this, princess/ sugar”
Kai Anderson
-Would be hesitant at first but likes being a sub
-Eventually would be willing to try anal, but only once, and only a little bit
-You’d suck him off and rub his ass and he wouldn’t mind
-Then slowly you’d wriggle a finger in, and although he wouldn’t like it too much, you sucking him would still feel good enough
-Eventually before he knows it you’re fucking him with three fingers and he’s moaning like crazy
-He’s push your head down on his cock when he’s about to cum, and you’d push your fingers in as deep as you can
-He’d be so in shock that he came from that, that he’d need a few minutes to recover
- “Dearest, I didn’t expect to enjoy that, but you do work magic with those fingers”
- “That was just prep work James, are you ready for this?”, you said, slapping your cock against his stomach, swirling it around in the pool of cum he left
- “Think you can cum again for me Jimmy?”
- “For you? I’ll do anything”
-Always on top
-Man or woman, he’s on top
-Even if he’s tired and just wants to fuck and go to bed, he’s on top
-The only way you’d be able to dominate him is if you tricked him into it
-But he’d love it
-Check a smut I wrote about this situation :)
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Accidental Family
Hey folks! This is one of two fics for the six month celebration of this blog! Woohoo! Blood on the Ice is one of the most popular series I've written, and expanding it into Josie’s (@prohibitionincurls ) Winging It world with her was unbelievably fun. Disclaimer: one of the OCs has ADHD and it is a central theme of the story--while Josie based some of his characteristics on her own experience, we both recognize that this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Thank you again for six amazing months, and I hope you enjoy!
Lots of love,
Eve <3
TW for mentioned injury
“Oh my god, they’re gonna kill me,” the kid whispered in a wavering voice, sounding much younger than he actually was as he left the penalty box.
“They’re not going to kill you,” Bowie soothed, still watching the tunnel where Remus had disappeared mere minutes earlier. From what he saw, there had been a bit of blood, but the bruising didn’t look too bad. Then again, there had barely been enough time for anything to visibly swell before he was whisked away.
“Can I just stay in the box?” Felix cast a look toward the Lions bench and his voice cracked. “They can’t yell at me in the box, right?”
“Hey. Look at me, Marty.” Bowie took him by the shoulders and gave him a gentle shake. “The Lions are good guys. They’re not going to hurt you, but you did just fuck up one of their best friends. What would you do if someone hit me in the face?”
“Come on, man, I’m a terrible fighter. I don’t know how well I’d be able to defend your honor after something like that. It was an accident. Do you think they know it was an accident? Should I go tell them?”
“I know. They know. Loops definitely knows. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re a little cold at first.” He ruffled the rookie’s hair and turned back to the game; the Lions were moving fast and brutal, slicing right through their defense for yet another goal. Shit. Felix clearly felt bad enough already--losing the game wouldn’t make him feel any better. 
They ended up losing the game.
Bowie had figured it might happen; he would have had the same fire if it had been his teammate that got clocked like that. Hell, he used to have the same fire when he and Remus had played together, so he completely understood. 
That did not change the fact that once they got home, Felix was still borderline inconsolable. The 18-year-old wasn’t technically billeting with them, but the apartment he was renting just so happened to be in the same building, on the same floor, and right across the hall from his and Simon’s. This led to an informal adoption of the rookie and he was around their house at least five times a week, if not more. 
Felix Martin was a good kid, and that idea was confirmed when Kronk immediately took a liking to him; the cat loved nobody but the three of them. Bowie was grateful that he and Simon were there to quell some of the homesickness that came from moving out to a new city on his own for the first time. The transition was always tough, but they could provide a little support.
They parted ways from the team when the bus got back from the rink and drove to their building in silence. Once they made their way up the stairs and down the hall, Felix moved to go back to his apartment. 
“Nope,” Bowie said immediately, placing a hand on his shoulder and steering him through the door to his and Simon’s place. It wasn’t a good idea for Felix to be alone right now--there was nothing to do alone after a loss aside from beat himself up about it, and Bowie would be damned before he let that happen. 
Simon and Kronk were perched on the couch, but they both moved into the kitchen as soon as the door clicked closed. Simon took one look at the pair and carefully wrapped his arms around Felix; the kid practically melted. The three of them stood there for a moment until Simon pulled back a bit and tilted his head toward the living room. Felix nodded and Bowie followed the two, sharing the couch with Simon while the rookie curled up in the large armchair diagonal to them. 
He...well, if Bowie was being honest, Felix looked like hell. He chewed his lower lip like an anxious beaver and fiddled with the loose threads of the closest armrest; everything about him screamed discomfort. Bowie caught Simon’s worried glance in his periphery and let out a slow breath, trying to relieve at least a little of the tension in the room.
“You don’t have to relive it if you don’t want to. I saw the game. But if you want to talk about it…” Simon trailed off with a significant look.
Felix sighed and his shoulders caved in a bit. “It was just one of those moments. All of a sudden, I didn’t really have a grasp on what was going on, which feels like shit because I’ve been doing pretty well so far. I dunno. It was just...bad.” 
That was it. Bowie knew Felix had seemed a little off. When Felix mentioned he had ADHD at the start of the season during one of their ‘getting to know your neighbor’ chats, Bowie hadn’t thought much of it. But as they grew closer, he began to notice when Felix forgot to eat or drink, or got overwhelmingly excited about something, or when he suddenly spaced out. It wasn’t just Felix being Felix.
The whole team stepped up and became intensely protective, of course. They not only helped him remember meal times, but also scheduling, directions, and everything in between. Bowie felt especially responsible for reasons he didn’t entirely understand--there was just something about the kid’s sweet heart that struck a chord.
He also knew that Felix was highly emotionally intelligent, but had no concept of whether people liked him or not. He was someone who assumed the worst, all the time. So, Bowie decided to do the only thing he knew would work: after a few more beats of uncomfortable silence, he pulled his phone out, tapped a few buttons, and pressed ‘call’.
“Hey, Remus, are you alive?” 
An amused snort came from the speaker even as Felix blanched. “Hello to you, too, Bowie. Jeez, you’re worse than Sirius.  I’m one hundred percent alive, just a little swollen. Your rookie’s got a helluva shot, but maybe tell the kid to hit the puck and not my face next time.” 
Felix flushed red and put his face between his knees, though hearing the laughter in Remus’s voice and knowing that he was okay clearly took some of the weight off his shoulders. Bowie whooped internally and shot him a quick, reassuring smile.
“Yeah, the kid’s got spirit, but he’s also got ADHD. He’s great most of the time, but sometimes under extreme pressure he can’t figure out where the fuck he--or anything else around him--is. Something about focusing or neurons firing the wrong way, maybe? Either way, it’s why he’s a terrible fuckin’ driver.”
Felix flopped back against the chair with a groan. “How the hell am I supposed to know how far away the cars around me are based on the mirrors? And how am I supposed to park?!” 
Remus’s laugh echoed once again. “Don’t ask me, kid, I’m not allowed to drive, either. Not because I’m ADHD, but because I’m terrible at it.” 
“You can say that again!” a muffled voice called from behind Remus. 
“Please excuse my fiance,” Remus said politely. “He’s a jackass who’s trying to make me lay down again.”
Felix smiled, though it was a bit pained. “I didn’t get a chance to apologize earlier. That stick was totally on me. And--I mean, I heard some of the guys talking afterward and it sounded like you got pretty banged up, so I’m really sorry. Like, really sorry.”
“Hey, woah, you’re fine,” Remus soothed. Bowie recognized his ‘talking to newbies’ voice and hid a smile in the cuff of his hoodie. “It’s the name of the game, after all. Did Bowie ever tell you about the time I accidentally checked him into a wall? Or when I broke his visor with a puck? For context, this was when we were on the same team.”
“Or that time you kicked my legs out from under me and sent me sprawling across the ice during practice.”
“That one was on purpose.” 
Bowie glared at the phone, but Felix was snickering and his grin was genuine. It calmed him a bit. “Thanks, Loops.”
“No problem, kiddo.” Remus paused for a moment, then mumbled something inaudible to someone in the background before clearing his throat. “Bowie.”
“Yes?” Remus had never been a wild card, per se, but he certainly had a knack for asking strange questions out of the blue.
“Did you accidentally adopt a child or do my ears deceive me?”
Bowie was about to laugh at the absurdity of it, but then he took a moment to think, looking back and forth between Simon and Felix. “Fuckin’--maybe I did, Re, but he’s ours now. And if that’s the case, I’m going to formally request that you tell your fiance to quit being mean to my son.”
Remus laughed on the other end of the line. “Will do. Felix seems like a sweetheart, I’m glad he’s got you two.” 
Bowie nodded with a slight smile, even though Remus couldn’t see him. “So are we. I can practically sense Sirius hovering, so go let your boyfriend fuss over you for a little while.” 
An offended noise came from Remus’s side, followed by a lower laugh and the click of the call ending. 
Simon looked Felix dead in the eyes. “I’m seconding the ‘kid’ thing. You may just barely be a legal adult, but it doesn’t mean we can’t adopt you. Congrats on your new gay dads.” 
Felix’s bright laugh sent a wave of relief through Bowie. “You guys are only, like, eight years older than me.”
“Silence, spawn,” Simon said, pointing a playful finger at him as his grin widened into something sweet and lopsided. “Now both of you need to come eat something. I made cookies while you were getting pushed around for a living.”
Bowie was still worried about Remus’ face--he made a mental note to call the next day to check in--but all his concerns disappeared as Felix scooped the cat up for a snuggle and followed Simon into the kitchen. They may have lost the game, but he would lose a million Cups to keep that moment forever: his Simon fussing over them both, his cat purring in pure bliss, and his kid settling into place at last.
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A dead girl walking
AU: I got so inspired by the song from the Heathers episode ‘A dead girl walking’ so I named this imagine after it.
Alert: Smut/badass girl
It was usual Friday night. I was at the Wyrm drinking shots of our favorite Tequilla with Tony. The booze was slowly taking control of me. Behind us the boys were playing the usual pool game. Sweet pea was winning, as usual. That made him scream on top of his lungs “Yeah”
We were getting annoyed with them. The non stop cockiness was getting exessive by the time of the third beer when Fangs and Sweet pea decided to bump into each other chests for yet another win over some other Serpents, who were older and a little more drunk than them.
“Are they for real? This is starting to really piss me off” I told Tony. She smiled at me behind the bar, pouring us another shots of Tequilla. We raised our glasses and locked them down.
“You know, maybe you need to do something about it. We both know you are sassy biotch. Go there and show them how you play and make them shut it.” she said poiting at the boys’ pool table with her head.
“You know what, Tony?! You are right! I’ll show them their places. It’s been something I really want to do so they can shut it once and for all.” I locked down yet another shot and went to the table. “So, you think you are great men, ha?”
“How much did you have to drink, northie?” Sweet pea said puffing his chest as a male peacock ready to fight for territory.
“Do want me to show you how a “northsider” can win this stupid game?” I stepped a little closer with my hands on my hips.
“Alright! But when you lose, don’t go crying in the bathroom. Take a stick, let’s see what you got! “ He crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“I would but I guess the only free one is up your ass!” I was so proud of myself of this line, especially when Tony came behind me laughing.
“You seem to have some serious competition here, Pea!” Tony told him.
“Fine by me! That’s a game of two. When I win, though, you will go up there and do a dance for us! Or you are going to chicken out now?” I am pretty sure he tried to scare me off by saying this, but that would never scare me. Actually, exactly the opposite. It only made me more eager to kick his ass.
“Good! But when I actually win over your pathetic game, you will take your ass up there boy, you will strip down and dance for all of the other Serpents.” I played him with some of his very own tricks.
“If you want to see me naked that much, I can take you to the restroom right now and show you some moves.” He pulled one of his side smiles.
“Are you sure there is something for me to see in there, boy?” I pointed to his dick with my finger as I looked him head to toe.
“ Just hit the balls!” He shoved the stick in my hand.
“It will hurt if I actully do it but okay” I laughed as I took the stick and hit the balls on the pool table making them go in all directions and some of them went inside the pockets. “It’s a little too crowded around this table boys. Move a little, cause I am getting hot.” I said as I gestured to Fangs and the older Serpent they played with to move back. I took my jacket leaving myself in tight off the shoulder shirt with deep cleavage. I aimed at another ball and bent down to hit it and send it directly to the pocket. Actually, my aim was not the ball but to distract Sweet pea so much that he wouldn’t be able to hit a ball straight.
For my misfortune, my ball skipped the pocket. He laughed and took his place aiming at the balls with his stick. I stood opposite him and pressed my hands on the table so I could bend down “casually” and clearly distract him. It didn’t really work. He was hitting the balls one after another until there was almost nothing left on the table.
“Are you fucking kidding me? How the hell did you do that?” I asked with my hand crossed in front of my chest making my boobs a little more squished. He came up to me, licked his lips, winked at me and tilted his head towards the pole where I had to do the dance.
“Brace yourself, babygirl. One more ball is left until I win that game and you go there and show me what you got.” he said aiming at the ball and shamelessly missing the pocket. “Dammit!” 
“Ha-ha! I guess it’s now or never. If I get this ball inside the pocket, you will show me what you got, babyboy.” I winked at him and flipped my hair back as I went and aimed at the last ball standing. With one swift and well counted hit, I sent it into the right corner pocked. I stood up, leaning on the stick, looking proud as ever when I told him “Now,go there and undress for me.”
“I always knew you want to see me naked, but if I go there and do the dance, that means you don’t get to touch any of the body part you see.” He laughed at me.
“Well, I guess I will be okay with that, but I really want to see how you dance and take off piece by piece.” I told him. Everyone around us who was watching our game, was rolling on the floor of laughter. “I’ll go and refresh a little so I can give you time to choose a song and prepare to go up there and wow us”
I went to the toilet and went straight to the mirror to take a look at myself. Seconds after that I heard the door open, close and then lock. I looked towards it and saw Sweet pea leaning on it, smirking at me.
“So, you want to see me dance and strip. Why don’t we take it to somewhere private where you can actully give me money for it.” he said
“I’d love that but unfortunately it seems there is nowhere to put those money in as it seems awfully small in there.” I said pointing to his dick again.
He just laughed and came towards me. He took me by the hand and pulled me into him slapping playfully my bum. “I think you had a couple more beers than you had to” I said. But, to be honest, I didn’t really fight back what he was pushing towards. 
“Don’t act like you don’t want it, too” he whispered to me as he pushed me back against the sink. I looked at his eyes and bit my lower lip. I could feel how hard he was because he was so pressed to my body. I took a hold of his shirt and pulled him so his lips met mine. 
His hands started travelling on my body making stops at the buttons of my jeans. He opened them and pushed his hand inside making me gasp at the sudden sensation of his warm hand touching me over my lacy underwear. He smiled in his kisses which were leaving wet marks on my neck as he was enjoying the sounds of my moans. His fingers were like experienced explorers, making me wet by the minute. I was biting my lip so hard I could almost feel the blood on it. My hands were exploring his bare chest under his shirt. His erection was growing harder and harder making me want him more and more. I started undoing his belt and the buttons of his jeans. He made sure to help me and himself as he pulled down my jeans and underwear and then his. I turned myself to face the mirror and he pushed my legs open by kicking my right leg gently to the side. We did not speak at all. Not one word was said. He bit his full lips and entered me in one motion. I let out a loud moan which made him smile. 
His trust were deep and fast. I was holding the sink tightly giving in the sensations of him filling me to the fullest. I wanted to scream and moan and swing my hips. I didn’t let myself scream, though. The fact that we could be heard was driving me crazy and scaring me at the same time. I moved my hips a little extracting a deep voiced moan from him. He was holding me tight. One hand was squeezing my breast while the other was drawing circles over my soft and aroused clit. I was so close to loosing it. I couldn’t contain myself. I could hear how wet I was. Every time he was pulling out, the wet sounds of us were making my head spin like a rollercoaster. I was getting weak in the knees as he continued to pull out and push back in his hard member.
I was sure he was getting closer to his orgasm. He was kissing my neck and biting gently my ear, all the while getting faster and faster with his trust. His hand was squeezing my breast hard which was making my nipples go hard between his fingers. His other hand continued to massage my clit making me throw my head back to his shoulder from pleasure. I was getting close, too. He knew it as I was getting really tight around his dick. I was losing all control as he was moving over my wet spot faster and faster. Soon enough I felt him come inside me which made me follow him right away, shaking with the waves of plasure. He contined to trust in me even though we both came hard. His hand found its way to my neck getly touching it. His trust became slow but still deep. His voice was husky and full of lust as he was moaning in my ear.
“I will pull out now, even though I really don’t want to. I will go to my bike like nothing happened, telling them I have to go because I feel drunk. You will come out after me telling Tony you have to go home for whatever reason. I will wait for you on my bike. You will come out the bar, get behind me on the bike and I will take you to my trailer where I will fuck your brains out. I will go all night. I will eat you out, then fuck you on the table, on the couch, on the bed and in the shower. I will leave marks all over your body and I swear to God, tomorrow, when you wake up, you will pleased as ever. And you will get wet every single time you even see me in school. Copy that!?” he whispered in my ear while his eyes were locked on mine  in the mirror.
I nodded, even though his slow post orgasmic trust were making me go closer to another orgasm and I didn’t want him to stop. But the idea of what will happen in his house based on his words made me so impatient to throw away all the clothes that I couldn’t breath properly. He kissed me hard on the lips. Then he pulled up his pants, rearranged his hair and left the toilet. I pulled myself together and tried to catch my breath. Tony, of course, knew what happened. I could see it in the way she looked and laughed at me. Still she pretented to believe me I had to get home and left me go. 
Just as he said, he was waiting for me on his bike. I took a seat behind him and we drove off into the night towards his trailer where I met the pleasures of a lifetime.
AU: I hope you like it. Please let me know if you want me write part 2 with what happens inside the trailer.
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stevesharrlngtons · 4 years
amore mio aiutami.
roman godfrey x reader
word count: 5.5k
summary: once more, he took your hand and gave you the permission to mend him.  
a/n: long time so see! at least in the realm of one shots. this came out of aboutle nowhere and is probably super similar to my other stories but guess what? idc  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ so, i hope you enjoy (: 
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“Darling, tell me what you need?” 
So, as much as Olivia detested you, she did as her weeping son asked and found you. 
You hadn’t seen Roman since the scene at the hospital. After he disappeared after Pryce and Peter had fled the waiting room in a hysteric flurry, you were left alone. You felt as sterile as your surroundings. You felt utterly still and useless. While both boys had crumbled into a fit of emotions, you had remained motionless when the news of Letha’s death had been so crassly and unceremoniously announced over the intercom system. It was like your brain had begun to malfunction, and instead of grief-stricken screams and body quaking sobs, it chose to retain its energy and stay dormant. The news was so blind siding, so heartbreaking, so earth shattering, that it was impossible for you to comprehend. Impossible for you to react correctly. 
So, you had sat for what seemed like hours, all alone, staring into space. Because Letha and her baby were dead. And there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. There was no going back. This morning you had held her hand as hospital staff had wheeled her back into the OR, matching smiles on your faces as she called you ‘auntie’ and you called her ‘mama’. You should have been holding a small little human right now. You should have been looking up at your best friend, palling from excursion but looking upon you with love as you held her bundle of joy. 
Instead, you had been abandoned and left stagnant in The White Tower, unable to function. You could still taste the smoke on your tongue from when Roman had cheerfully pressed his cigar to your lips and told you to inhale. You could still taste copper on your tongue from where you had unknowingly gnawed a gash into your cheek with your teeth. 
A page came over the intercom once more, and for some reason, it was enough to snap you out of your stupor. One minute your eyes were fogged and glassy, and the next, you had been thrust back into reality. The reality of being alone in the waiting room, your nails creasing into your palms uncomfortably, and pending a current decision. 
After a moment of blinking away the dryness in your eyes and swallowing any sick remnant from your chewing incident, you slowly looked down the small hallway to the door Roman had disappeared through. You knew it was best to find him, for both of you, to find him immediately. His gut wrenching sobs still rung in your ears. 
With timid strides, you made your way toward the door and pushed it open. It was likely placebo, but you swore the stench of death hit you like a wall of heat when you passed the threshold. Your eyes began to water from the weight of the smell, but you trekked on. You needed to find Roman. You needed to know he was ok. You needed him to be ok.
You aimlessly wandered the vacant halls, the sound of your own footsteps echoing menacingly around you. You debated calling out his name, but you already knew your voice was out of order for the evening. Possibly forever. 
You rounded a corner, and something in your stomach knew. The cosmic tether that still bound you to your best friend whispered in your ear and twinged in your belly, and told you that she had been there. 
Turn to your right and see what’s left.
And that’s where you found the room Letha had been in. A collection of monitors haloed a hospital bed, that lay behind a puddle of blood. Thick, dark, crimson blood dripped from the stark white hospital sheets and pittered into the puddle below, filling itself out so it could inch toward your feet. 
You knew from that moment on, that that puddle of blood would haunt you forever. Whenever you would start to feel good, or whenever you would see someone with a cut or whenever you would hear her name, this puddle is what would come to mind. This sentient puddle that seemed to be growing larger by the second, and the smell of her freshly dead corpse somewhere in the building. 
You didn’t find Roman. But Norman found you. 
“(Y/N),” his voice called, “You can’t, don’t, look at it…” 
“I should have done something,” your voice croaked, “I should have insisted on coming back here. I should have been here.” 
You should have held her hand while she pushed. You should have wiped the sweat from her brow. You should have cheered her on while she pushed. You should have been there to fucking cut the cord. You should have been there to watch her die. 
“You can’t start. You can’t start that,” you distantly felt him place a hand on your shoulder, “you can’t play a game of what if’s and should have been’s.” 
You managed to tear your gaze away from the growing puddle to look at Norman. Norman, whose face was splotchy and streaked with tears. Norman, whose lip was trembling as he blinked away another onset of sobs. Norman, who still jumped to action to help you when bile flooded your throat and suddenly burst from your mouth. 
Norman, who did his best to console you as you heaved up swilly vomit and choked back tears. 
When you opened your eyes all you could think of was the puddles mixing. Your insides mixing with Letha’s. 
You began to shake uncontrollably then, sobs finally erupting from your chest. Norman wrapped you in his arms, you were sure to console you, but also himself. Maybe he was pretending you were Letha as he held you. 
It was then that Roman finally found you both. 
“I’m leaving,” he said flatly, any emotion he had previously had had been stripped away. 
“You can’t drive like this, Roman. Not after everything,” Norman said from over his shoulder, while he still held you tight. 
“And like you can?” he bit out. 
“Then we’ll all take a cab.” 
And so Roman called a cab for the three of you without another word. 
You tried to look at him. You tried to touch him, talk to him, but it seemed Roman had an aversion to all things in that moment, especially you. You had reached out a weak hand to grab a hold of his jacket as Normal held you to his chest, in a desperate search for his comfort, in a desperate search to comfort him. But, at the feeling of your stretching fingers, he quickly shrugged off your touch and turned his back to you. 
So, you stayed in the arms of your best friend’s father. You tried to ignore the hurt you felt when you all piled into the cab and Roman lifelessly rattled off your address first, making it clear that you were to go home alone, without him. He chose to sit in the front seat, while you and Norman sat in the back. Roman looked out the window the entire way, he didn’t even acknowledge you as you got out of the car and turned to face the yellow vehicle, waiting for a reaction. But you got nothing, just the vision of Roman framed by the widow, lips pursed and eyes cast down. 
The cab soon drove away and you stood in the middle of your front lawn, watching it’s taillights disappear. The street lights were on and you could hear the distant sound of your neighbors sprinkler. You fell to your knees, then to your side, curling up on the grass in the hopes that nature could heal you. Maybe grow around you and help you blossom new in the spring, happy and void of this pain in your chest. 
But your mother found you before then, hours later and brought your inside. Your fists full of blades of grass. 
You slept for twenty one hours after, without a call or text from your boyfriend. You sent him a few stray messages but never heard anything back. You thought it best to give him space, but you were yearning for him so completely. 
And then Olivia showed up. 
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You had just sat down for dinner when the doorbell rang. Your father, while long dead, had always had a rule about never answering the door or phone calls while sitting down for a meal. Even though he was gone and it was just your mother and yourself, the rule had stuck, even though neither of you cared that much about if it was disrespectful, like he had. 
You had both looked up from your pot roast when the bell rang, but exchanged a look that you always did in times like this. We’ll deal with it later. But the bell continued, quite consistently and obnoxiously.
“I’ll get it,” you said with a smile in a search to soothe your mother (who took it as an offense when someone wronged a rule from her deceased husband). 
With sock feet, you went to the front door with every intention of politely asking them to leave or come back later, when you were met with Olivia. To say you were surprised was an understatement. 
“Olivia?” you blurted out, because you simply couldn't help it. Her appearance was so unexpected, her name just dropped from your lips. 
“Good evening, I hope I haven't disturbed something,” her elegant voice said as she clasped her hands in front of her. 
“We just sat down to dinner,” you responded, voice sounding as skeptical as you felt. 
“Oh, well, I am sorry to interrupt your supper,” she said with a deep sigh as a period, “but I’m afraid I require your immediate assistance.” 
Which made sense, she had never been this polite to you in the past. 
“My son, I’m afraid.” 
You didn’t need to hear anything else she had to say. You rounded up a pair of shoes and jacket and kissed your mother’s cheek, then fled your home for Olivia’s truck without a second thought. 
She didn’t wait for you to buckle in before she started to drive. She smoked with all the windows up except for a small crack in the driver’s side. The radio hummed an old country ballad and your leg bounced restlessly against the floor mats. 
“How have you been faring?” she asked as you were stopped at a light. 
You didn’t feel like bearing your bleeding heart to her or engaging in any small talk, but you answered anyway. 
Olivia hummed as the light turned green. 
“I’m sorry, truly. If it is half as bad as how my son is grieving, I know you are going through something so hideous... going through feelings that humans are not equipped for.” 
You nodded at her lukewarm attempt to console you and watched the world pass through the window. 
“I know what you think of me, your distaste for me. You are less than subtle about it. But then, I suppose so am I.” 
This drew your attention back to her. 
“Just because I don’t, well, enjoy your presence, that doesn’t mean I don’t see what you do for my son’s happiness. It doesn’t mean I don’t see how well you treat him, even when he bloody well doesn’t deserve it. You’re good to him, for him. I see it all,” she continued, eyes briefly leaving the road to look at you, “As his mother, I have always wanted to protect him, to be the only woman he loves with such feriousty. And I know that is a reason why I hold such a contempt and resentment toward you. Misplaced, possibly, but I can’t help it. He is my only son and I would do anything for him. Which entails me… weeding out the riff raff. But here you still stay, ready and willing to take me on to love my son. Not an easy feet, but an admirable one.” 
As she was finishing, you came up to the Godfrey mansion. 
“I do accept you, you know? I do, in my own way. And I hope through the thunder and the rain you will accept him too,” she turned off the engine but made no move to exit the car, “it is such a pity that things couldn’t have been different. That you couldn’t have been the one to bear the weight of all of this, isn’t it?”
Olivia then reached out and ran the back of her hand gently over the apple of your cheek, examining you in the way you would a prized pig at auction.
“But, I know that you will play a part in this before it is all over.” 
She carefully took a single stand of your hair between her finger tips and slowly ran them down to the end. Her beauty had always been intimidating, but in this moment with the lowlight of the moon, her face was frightening. Like someone had pulled back her mask to reveal her ghastly, maleficent exterior. The hair stood up on the back of your neck as she surveyed you, and you had never felt like you had ever been in more immediate danger as you were in that moment. While you couldn’t see your expression, you could feel it was confused and slightly horrified. But Olivia could, and so she sighed. 
“You better get in there now. The attic. He’s expecting you.” 
She returned to her cigarette and looked out the windshield like she had been alone the entire time. Like she hadn’t been looking at you like the last gulp of water in the desert. You didn’t need any more prompting to flee the vehicle.
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You found him in Shelley’s room, that was now bare of any signs of life. If you hadn’t been in this room just last week, you would have never known that it had been someone’s residence. You would have likely ruminated on the gross action on Olivia’s part for gutting her missing daughter’s room if it hadn’t been for Roman. Your sweet, broken Roman. 
He sat with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around his middle. He wore an old flannel shirt and the most pitiful look on his face. His lower lip quivered and his doe eyes widened with grief and need. 
“(Y/N)...” he choked out your name, half question half relief. 
“Oh, my love,” you simpered before you ran to him and fell to his feet. 
Once your knees hit the hardwood, Roman burst into tears, his long arms reaching for you. You went to him easily, effortlessly; you wormed your way between his legs and shuffled forward until you met his chest. Roman wound himself around you like a snake devouring its prey: with no way of you getting out of his hold. He clutched onto you like a lifeline as he sobbed into the crook of your neck, spouting apologies on an endless loop. 
I should have called. I’m sorry. I missed you. I needed you. I wanted you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please, please, please.
What? Please, what? 
Make this pain go away. 
And you wanted to tell him that if you knew how, you would have remedied yourself days ago. But that wasn’t helpful, that wasn’t what he wanted to hear or what you wanted to say. So, all you said was: 
You sat with him on the floor until his tears ran dry. Your back throbbed in discomfort and your knees ached from your position on the hardwood, but you didn’t move a muscle. What was going to help you get through this, was to help Roman get through this. You would save the one Godfrey you could. 
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You had luck with suggesting you move to his bedroom after his body stilled from it’s cries. Roman nodded against you, and when you pulled away he left gritty tear tracks and dried snot smears on your skin. He wiped his eyes childlike, with the back of his hand, before he seemed well enough to let you stand from his hold. He let his tired hand skirt its way down your back as you stood and then promptly took a hold of your hand.You stuck your other out for him to take, which he did gratefully and you pulled him to his feet. 
On the way to the elevator, you bore most of Roman’s weight. His arm was around your shoulders and both of yours were around his waist, keeping him upright. He momentarily wrapped his other arm around you as the elevator lurched down to his floor, before returning it to his side once the doors opened again. 
You led him to his bedroom and felt a pang in your chest when you saw the state he had been living in. Discarded clothing and food wrappers covered the floor, empty cups and beer bottles held purchase over every surface they could, ashtrays overflowing with cigarette butts and whatever he was smoking were scattered about. 
“Let’s sit, baby,” you said, moving Roman to his unmade bed and placing him on the corner, “do you wanna change into something?” 
He shook his head swiftly and reached his hands out to tug on the hem of your t-shirt, “Just take it off.” 
And you understood. 
You helped him strip first, down to nothing at all, then did your own clothing. Adding both sets to the sea of laundry on the floor. 
You stood in front of Roman in a position that would usually lead to a night of passion, but now was going to lead to a night of reassuring intimacy. Roman skated his fingers along your skin, cataloging every part of you with his fingertips and green gaze. Like he was proving to himself that you existed. He ran his thumbs under the flesh of your breast and moved in clean vertical lines to touch your nipples. He kept his thumbs in place as palms and remaining fingers came to cup you delicately. Roman met your eyes for a brief moment before he bowed his head against your sternum and deflated with a sigh. 
Tears stung your eyes as your hands, that had been laying listlessly at your sides as he examined you, came to weave into his disheveled hair. Tugging periodically at his roots in a reminder of your everlasting presence.  
You felt his chapped lips place soft, barely there kisses against your chest intermediate with his strained breathing. He nuzzled his face against your skin like he was trying to tunnel his way inside you for safe keeping, and when his efforts failed, he had to settle for the small kisses to taste you after your short separation. 
“I need you. I needed you. Stay,” he whimpered to your body, gripping your breasts tighter as you did the same to his locks. 
“Ok, yes. I’m here. I’m here now.” 
He nodded, before you gently pulled him away so you could look at his beautiful face. That was still as stunning as the day you met him, even with the profound sadness in his expression. 
“Let’s get some sleep, alright? I think that would do you some good,” you didn’t know for a fact, but the circles under his eyes told the story of his insomnia. 
He sniffled, but nodded once more. He let you go to scoot back on his bed and rummage around for the corners of his blankets so you both could slip underneath. He collected the haphazard covers the best he could, then draped them open. Roman looked to you with a soft, frighteningly innocent expression for your boyfriend, and patted the spot next to him. 
You crawled over to the spot and laid down. When Roman covered you both up and under his bedding, you could smell the wafting smell of smoke, body odor and beer coming from the sheets. Roman settled next to you and wrapped you back into his arms, he pulled you so suddenly to his chest you couldn’t help the tiny gasp from your lips upon the impact. He mumbled an apology as he got comfortable around you. His arm around your waist, his nose buried into the crown of your head, his leg thrown over your own. Roman created you a human cocoon, one that left you no option for escaping from.
Though, you really had no interest in leaving. You had missed this man with your entire being and to be near him again, made your heart swell with love and drain a fraction of the sadness in your chest. Roman’s embrace could cure a lot, but unfortunately not this agony. But, it was a start, and he was a salve you would never turn down. Roman always made everything better for you (even if in the moment, it felt like he was making it worse). 
You pressed your lips to his knuckles and let out an encompassing sigh and let your eyes shut. You ran the tip of your tongue over the cracks in his skin and he hummed sweetly behind you, like a cat’s purr. You hoped that when you woke, you would feel better and Roman would be healed, even if you knew that was impossible. It was impossible, but you were allowed to dream as much as you wanted. 
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Forty five minutes later, you woke with a thin sheen of sweat heavy on your skin. Following your marathon sleep session after your mother found you on the lawn, you hadn’t slept more than two hours at a time. You had hoped Roman’s presence would help, but it seemed it was something in your body that would just have to run its course. You thought about seeing a shrink as you ran your nose along Roman’s radial bone. It could help you… but maybe Letha’s death was still too fresh to be searching for help. You’d give it a month, maybe six. Maybe then it would be easier to talk about. 
Your whole life seemed to be composed of maybe’s lately. 
Maybe things would get better. Maybe Letha would still be alive if you were in the room with her. Maybe Roman will call. Maybe he would hold you together when you broke apart. Maybe taking care of him would fix you both. 
You just had to hope you figured it all out soon, because you didn’t know how much uncertainty you could take. 
The longer you laid in Roman’s arms, no matter how much you had missed his embrace, you became restless. The room seemed to be closing in on you, the clutter unavoidable and ignorable. The mess was so awful that you couldn’t shake it from your mind. Some of the beer bottles had gained mold and there was a fly buzzing around an old fast food bag in the corner, not to mention the hills of dirty clothes that barricaded you from his en suite. The maternal, coddling feeling you felt in the attic to protect and fix Roman flared in your stomach and seeped into your blood stream until all you could think about was cleaning up the grieving mess he’d made. 
So you did. 
You gingerly extracted yourself from Roman’s hold, which had thankfully loosened from the depths of his slumber. You tiptoed over to where you had discarded his flannel from earlier and buttoned it up on your body. The last thing you wanted was to be caught going in and out of Roman’s room stark naked by one of the staff or God forbid Olivia. At that chilling thought, you slipped on your panties as well. 
You left Roman’s room, leaving the door cracked so you didn’t have a chance to wake him. Then, you scurried down to the kitchen and gathered a box of trash bags and a pair of rubber gloves from the side of the sink. On your way back upstairs, you found Annalisa and told her there would be a few trash bags to collect from outside Roman’s room. You whispered, even though you were separated from Roman by two floors. 
Back in Roman’s room, you crept around on light feet as you stuffed pizza boxes, rotting receptacles and overflowing ashtray contents into each white bag until they were full. You tried to pad the beer bottles with layers of other trash so they wouldn’t make as much noise, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t look over at the bed with baited breath each time they clinked together. You managed to fill four garbage bags without waking him, and set them outside his room for Annalisa to retrieve. When the trash was handled and the shapes of his living space were appearing again, you moved onto the laundry. You had planned on taking arm fulls down the hallway to the laundry shoot, then take the elevator to the basement to do as many loads as you could before Roman woke. Unfortunately on your third trip down the hall, you heard Roman’s throat crackling wail of your name. 
You raced to Roman’s room and burst through the ajar door to find Roman, blankets pooling at his waist and tears in his eyes. 
“Where did you go? You were gone!” he shrieked at you in anger as he battled off his cries.
“I was just trying to clean up a bit, Ro,” you replied, rushing to his side and sitting side-saddle on the bed.
“You said you wouldn’t leave,” he said through gritted teeth. 
“I was just down the hall, honey. I never left.” 
“You can’t leave me, you can’t leave my side. You can’t leave too,” he voice wavered at the end of his sentence. 
Roman’s face soured and a scream erupted through his teeth and his face fell into his hands. He was furious he still felt so broken. 
“Roman, baby, no. No, I’m not gonna leave. I’m here, I’m here, always. Always, always, always…” you said as you rested your chin on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around him, “I have you, Roman. I’m not leaving.” 
You rocked him gently and cooed to him sweetly. You ran your hands over his skin and kissed the curve of his jaw until his breathing slowed once more and excess tension seemed to dissipate from his body. 
“Do you wanna go back to sleep?” you asked, placing your cheek where your chin had been, so you could look at him, “I won’t get up this time.”
Roman shook his head, almost petulantly. 
“Do you wanna shower? No offense Ro, but you smell kinda ripe,” you played. 
“I haven’t had the energy,” he snapped. 
He tried weakly to pull away from you, but your arms held strong. 
“What about a bath? It’s low energy? I could take it with you if you want?” you proposed, not letting his bitter response deter you. 
“You probably wouldn’t want to...because I smell like shit and all,” he pouted indignantly. 
“Ro, I would bathe with you even if you actually smelled like shit. I’d do absolutely anything to take a nice bath with you, baby.”
You looked up at his profile and laid a series of pillowy kisses to his shoulder and trap muscle, before Roman sighed. 
“Ok, we can take a bath.” 
You smiled, “I’ll go get it started.” 
You stood and walked to the bathroom (that you had made accessible) and started the water for the tub, and ran your fingers under the tap until it was Roman’s desired temperature. When you turned back to Roman, he had craned his neck to watch all your movements, his face full of worry. He didn’t trust the universe enough to take his eyes off you, again. 
As you went toward him and Roman’s gaze never left yours. Not as you approached the bed, not as you walked across its surface on your knees, and not as you took his face in your hands. 
“My beautiful boy,” you hummed quietly as you studied his face. 
His creamy silk skin, his cherry stained lips, his fluttering eyelashes that framed perfect emerald eyes. You ran your thumbs over the expanse of his cheek bones, around the hollow of his eyes and followed the bridge of his nose to trace the arch of his eyebrows. 
“My sweet boy,” you moved closer to his lips and Roman let out a distinctive mewl and you reveled in the pleasure of knowing you were making him happy. 
You placed a soft kiss to his plump mouth and poured as much love and affection into it as possible. You nudge your nose against his and Roman sighed peacefully at the feeling. 
The kisses shared were simple, chaste, but earnest. Your hands stayed clasp on his cheeks and Roman’s lay lax on his lap. You hadn’t kissed so soft or so innocently since you had first started seeing each other. While it was a change of pace for the two of you, it was well appreciated and savored.
When you pulled away from Roman’s mouth, he followed yours until you held his head study. 
“I think the bath should be about ready by now.” 
You got off his bed and held your hand out from him like you had in the attic, your way of asking him to let you usher him into comfort. Once more, he took your hand and gave you the permission to mend him. 
You walked together to the en suite and you turned off the tap and shed yourself of Roman’s flannel and your underwear. You carefully stepped over the lip of the clawfoot tub and tried not to hiss at the obscene temperature he preferred and delicately lowered yourself into the steaming water, as Roman watched. Once you were submerged you looked up at him in question. 
“Get in, honey,” you encouraged, shrinking back against the porcelain to give him room. 
“I always hold you in the bath. That’s how this works.” 
“Not this time. Now, get in.” 
Roman looked on at you with a scowl.
“The water is getting cold, Ro. You either waste this lovely bath or you get in and just let me hold you.” 
He looked over his shoulder, like a stranger may burst in and revoke his masculinity card if he let you be the big spoon. You wanted to poke fun at the action, but kept your mouth shut. He was unbelievably fragile at this moment, and all he needed was your kindness and protection. 
“I’m supposed to take care of you,” he carped, “I’m supposed to protect you, y'know? Not the other way around.” 
“I’m not allowed to take care of you?” 
“No, it’s just,” Roman frowned, “I’m supposed to be the one who fixes. I’m supposed to take care of you.” 
“And you do. But right now, I am taking care of you. And I always will, whenever I can and whenever you need it. It’s just a part of the deal.” 
“Why?” he asked, his voice suddenly null of all angry testosterone, and full of vulnerability. 
“Because I love you, Roman. I am hopelessly and utterly in love with you,” you shrugged lightly, “and that just means that I will always take care of you.”
You said this to him so frankly and so decisively that it left so room for him to argue or pout. You had told him a resounding fact and it was clear you wouldn’t hear otherwise. 
After an uncomfortable thirty seconds of shifting his weight between his heels as he stood on the cold tile, Roman stepped into the water and settled against your chest. 
You rounded your arms into the water and to hold him around his middle and hooked your feet over his shins. 
Roman’s height, even now, dwarfed your own. He could easily and comfortably recline his head over your shoulder and against the tub. You hummed with peaceful satisfaction and slowly felt Roman relax against you. His tight muscles unraveled from their persistent tension, and he let his body be molded by the soothing water into his usually relaxed stature. 
For a while, you both sat in content silence. The only sound in the room was the gentle slosh of the water and your matching even breaths. You stroked the skin of his stomach with nimble fingers, rounding his belly button and going through the hair above his groin. You ran your thumbs over the hollow of his ribs and over his protruding hip bones.
Roman twisted against you to be able to look you in the eye, “I love you, too.” 
“I know, honey,” you placed a kiss to his nose and he smiled softly. 
Though, his lips slowly flattened again and he looked at you earnestly, “I don’t want you to worry about protecting me. It really is my job.” 
You weren’t going to argue gender roles and Roman’s twisted ideas of honor and rights then, so you just nodded. 
“Ok, baby. You can protect me again tomorrow.” 
And that seemed to satiate whatever macho part of his was blazing in his chest to turn back around and snuggle into you. 
Surrounded by tempted water and all things Roman, your pain was briefly smothered by love, which really, was the best you could do. And that was more than ok for now. 
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is it strikingly similar to my other one shots? ya. do i care? meh, not really. do i still hope you liked it? yes!!! 
feedback is greatly appreciated, so if you did enjoy this, lemme know (:
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princessphilly · 3 years
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CW: soft smut, mentions of miscarriage, fucked up doctors. 
This is definitely it. Sid and Nina’s story is over but you will see them in the other fics of this universe, including a huge part of Plain Jane
Nina stared at the boxes. It was time to pack but at the same time, she couldn’t do it. 
They were so excited. A baby so early in their marriage had seemed scary but Sid and Nina were ready. They had picked out colors, a room for a nursery, and had begun to discreetly pick up supplies. 
It was nineteen weeks; still early but they were getting ready to announce. Then there was the blood in the toilet three days ago when Nina woke up and went to the bathroom. And now, their first, a girl, was gone. 
The doctor was sympathetic, and said it happens a lot. Most pregnancies never make it to birth, she said. But it hurt that their girl was now an angel. Nina sniffled as she packed the pack-and-play back into the box. 
“Hey, why are you doing that? You’re supposed to rest!”
Nina looked up, tears in her eyes. Sidney rushed to her, lowering himself to the floor. Gathering his wife in his arms, he soothed, “Pretty girl, we’ll have more.”
Nina’s tears turned into sobs as she relaxed in her husband’s arms. Her momma had a history of miscarriages: what if that meant that there would never be a child?
As if he could read her mind, Sidney replied, “it doesn’t matter, I love you no matter what.”
Nina was sleeping, finally getting some rest. Matthew was napping on Sidney’s chest, his little boy still red but much calmer. 
It hadn’t been an easy birth for Nina. This was their third pregnancy but first child to make it past the 2nd trimester. And Matthew decided to come out three weeks early, November 26 instead of his due date of December 17. 
The door opened and Matthew stirred a bit before settling back down. Sidney looked around: his mother was curled into a chair, reading a book while Tracy was scrolling her phone on the couch. The proud grandfathers had gone out to get lunch for everyone. 
Walking in, the doctor said, “The nurse said Nina is healing nicely but we will have to do some stitches. Your son is a big boy.”
Sidney gave him a tentative grin. Matthew was 9lbs, 4 oz and 22 inches long. He was on the bigger side. The doctor continued, “When I stitch her, I can give her a husband stitch, if you like.”
“What is that,” Sidney asked, wrinkling his nose. 
Trina interjected, “Don’t you dare, Sidney.”
In a soothing voice, the doctor said, “it’s an extra stitch to make your wife as tight as she was before she gave birth.” He winked at Sidney. 
Sidney looked at his mother before responding, “No.”
“Are you sure?”
“No,” Nina managed to say, opening her eyes. “I heard about that stitch and I will sue if you do that to me.”
“You heard her.”
Sidney gave the doctor a hard look as he shrugged, preparing to give Nina only the necessary stitches. Passing his boy to his mother, Sidney said, “I’d like a different doctor.”
“What, I’ve been-”
Sidney took out his phone, ready to start making some calls. The doctor left, grumbling under his throat. Nina gave Sidney a grateful smile before dozing off again. 
One of the hardest things for Sidney was the fact that it was best for his boy not to grow up in Canada. As a proud Canadian, that rankled him. He wanted Matt to be more Canadian than American. But when a video of 2 year old Matt skating and hitting a puck dead center into the net made major news, Sidney knew he had no choice. He wanted Matt to have more of a childhood than him, to not feel like he had to be the next one. 
So, his family spent most of the year in Pittsburgh and summers in Cole Harbour or on different vacations. Sidney knew that his son was still “famous” but Matt was still treated as a kid. With Nina’s extended family, there wasn’t any preferential treatment. His kids were the same as their cousins in Nina’s family, giving his children normalcy Sidney never had as a child. 
Sidney raked a hand through his silver hair. As much as he wanted Matt to go his own way, it still freaked him out that his son chose to be a *goalie* out of all positions. He winced as he heard a shot hit the post. Then Matt made a glove save and Sid clapped.
“That’s not the talent I expected but he’s already showing signs of being a better goalie than center, Sid.”
Sidney turned to his longtime mentor and now close friend, Mario. Shrugging, he replied, “I just want him to be happy. He’s happy, I’m happy.” 
Sidney smirked. “Plus, Chloe is going to be the best woman’s hockey player ever. She’s 8 and she’s already playing with 10 to 12 year old girls.”
“True,” Mario conceded. “You’ve transitioned from pro to hockey dad.”
“Eh, can’t forget Aja and Morgan. I’m a hockey, figure skating, soccer, and dance dad. Not bad for a fifty year old washed up player.”
“Who’s washed up?”
Sidney grinned as his wife bumped him with her hip. His baby girl was holding Nina’s hand, her hair pulled up into a dancer’s bun. Chloe was right behind her, still clad in her hockey gear, Aja trailing behind with a book in her hands. 
“I am,” Sidney drawled. 
Chloe piped up, “No you’re not, Daddy! You’re still the best hockey player ever!”
“Yup,” Morgan added while Aja nodded, absorbed in her book. 
“No, you’ll be the best hockey player ever, Chlo’,” Aja stated, closing her book. “Daddy will be the best men’s hockey player.”
As Aja firmly nodded, Sidney and Mario laughed. 
Nina let out a breath. It was crazy how just one touch from Sidney made her hot, even seventeen years later. His lips were trailing down her neck, one hand cupping her breasts. “Can you be quiet for me, pretty girl?”
“Uh huh,” Nina breathed out. Sidney’s other hand was exploring her folds. She was getting wet but menopause was finally calling so Nina knew they would need some help. Leaning away from Sidney, she pulled out the lube from the drawer. 
“Thanks, pretty girl, but I’m more interested in burying my face in your pussy,” Sidney laughed. 
Nina replied softly, “No problem. You know my mom just came back from her cruise so the girls will go find her first this morning.”
“Even better. Spread your legs for me, pretty girl. You know what daddy wants.”
Nina let out a giggle that quickly turned into a muffled moan as she felt Sidney’s tongue gently lick through her pussy, his nose nudging her clit the way she liked it. He ate her slowly, bringing Nina close to the edge but never letting her go. Then Sidney stopped, kissing his way up Nina’s body before kissing her, letting Nina taste herself. 
Wrapping her legs around his waist, Nina urged, “Please, Sidney,” managing to keep her voice at a whisper. Before he could answer, they heard some girlish giggles and they both paused. 
“I locked the door last night,” Sidney whispered into Nina’s ear. Nina giggled then moaned as she felt Sidney’s fingers spread the cool lube over her pussy. Then he entered her, nice and slow.
“Love you, pretty girl,” Sidney whispered as Nina arched against him. She was clenching around his cock; he wanted to go slow and savor it this morning but Nina had different ideas. 
Nina whispered, “Love you, too,” her fingernails digging into his back. Then she squeaked as Sidney withdrew, turning her onto her hands and knees.  
“Momma, you promised to make breakfast today.”
Nina straggled into the kitchen, her robe wrapped tightly around her body. “Morg, it’s 9:30 in the morning on a Saturday, it’s still morning.”
Chloe piped up, “You’re usually up before us everyday, Momma.”
Nina shared a look with Sidney who squelched a laugh. He had planned to just go one round with his wife but it turned into three to start off the day right. 
Sighing, Nina grabbed bowls to prepare waffles. Morgan added, “Mimi made waffle batter already, Momma.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Nina sincerely stated. 
Tracey shrugged. “I figured I’d give you a break since I’ve been gone. You know I love my grand girls.”
Matthew yawned as he walked into the kitchen, his hair sticking up all over his head. “Hi,” he sleepily said before going to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of Gatorade. 
“It’s too early for energy drinks, Matt,” Sidney chided. 
“Sorry, Dad.”
Matthew was about three weeks from turning twelve and the whole teenage era was coming fast. Now, he was sleeping in and staying up late. Nina sighed, it was too early for one of her babies to grow up. 
“I would have woken up earlier but these girls had to jump on my bed at 7am, Dad,” Matthew complained. “They said your door was locked. Why do they always have to bother me?”
“Because we love you, Matty,” Aja said with a mischievous smile. “And some girl sent you messages while you were asleep.”
Matthew glared at his little sister. “Girls are ugly. Especially girls like you.”
Sid and Nina shared a look. Sid just had “the talk” with Matthew and they were both happy he still saw girls as ugly, at least for now. Tracey said, “Oh baby, that’s no way to talk to your little sister.”
“I’m sorry, Mimi,” Matthew said, giving his grandmother a kiss. “Momma, can we have blueberry waffles today?”
“Plain waffles,” Nina said firmly. “You can add blueberries, strawberries, or peaches as a fruit topping.”
“No chocolate chips?”
Chloe and Morgan gave their mother their biggest puppy-dog eyes. Nina shook her head. They then give Sidney the same look, saying together, “Daddy, can we have chocolate chips with our waffles?”
Sidney laughed as he picked up two of his girls. “You two already know the answer to that!”
Chloe pouted as Morgan laughed at the silly faces Sidney was making. Sidney added, “It’s Saturday so you know today is ice cream day after dinner. Did anyone feed Maddie?”
Nina giggled as she turned on the grill. At the mention of her name, Maddie, their dog, ran into the kitchen. Pharaoh, their cat, followed Maddie in, stretching before walking around her legs. As her family noisily talked, Nina sighed in happiness. She loved her family, life was perfect.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Call Girl.
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for you Zbops... anything
part one   part two
Endevour x camgirl!Reader
wanrings: sugar daddy, sex, Mentions of drug use, choking, jealousy,  Daddy kink, mentions of cam girls and sex work. 
word count: 1,800 (about)
summary: idk this is weird and horny and doesn’t have a plot. 
“(y/n) please? Endeavor likes you he’s not going to be mean if you’re there,” Keigo whined tugging at your sleeve. You shook him off. It was true that ever since you started fucking Endeavor, he was a little bit nicer to your boss. Or to put it more accurately, he hurried your boss out of the office so the two of you could have fun. This new development certainly made your life more interesting. It added a new thrill to your live shows to know that the number one hero was watching along with all the normal people. 
Your bank account was also taking a boost from this new relationship. You had been worried Enji would try to strong-arm you into giving him more content for free. But no, Endeavor was more than happy to pay for all sorts of premium content on the side as well as compensating you for the in person time you spent together. It was almost enough money to quit your day job with Hawks and become a full time play thing for the older richer man.
“Sorry Hawks but I’m already busy tonight cleaning up after you so you’ll have to go with out me,” you huffed making him pout. “But by all means send my love to Endeavor if you think that will make him nicer somehow,” you added already imagining how that would play out. 
“There’s no way you can reschedule?” he asked for the hundredth time. a couple of photographers got a less than flattering picture of Hawks smoking a joint and if you didn’t wrangle that picture out of their cold dead hands it was your ass on the line. 
“this is an emergency Keigo, you can stand one meeting with the man now go, before you’re late,” you said shoving him out of the window, a horrible thing to do to any one except the winged hero himself. 
Endeavor did nothing to hide his disappointment when he saw you weren’t with Hawks. What was the point of dealing with the annoying blonde If you weren’t with him?
“don’t pout old man She wanted to come promise. Even told me to give you a big kiss for her,”
“Sit down,” he snapped rolling his eyes. You had been such a tease all day long, with not only a constant stream of revealing photos on your onlyfans and premium snap chat. but the personal texts about how much you missed him for the past few days where what really got to him. 
“So how long have you been fucking my secretary?” hawks asked stopping him in his tracks
“I’m married, I’m not sleeping with anyone.” Endeavor shot back. Hawks rolled his eyes
“You don’t have to lie to me, I get it. You like her because she’s hot and she likes you because of Daddy issues I just want to know if you’re like exclusive or if I still have a shot with her-”
A hot wave of jealousy hit him. He’d never felt bothered by the fact that other men were looking at you and fantasied about you but some how if it was Hawks it would be too far. 
“Do what you want with your slutty PA, I don’t touch her.” 
“Bull shit, every time we have a meeting you rush me out so you can get your nasty hands on her and you leave marks you know that? you could at least be gentle with her, Dude,” Hawks chided. He had known he’d left bruises. He liked seeing the jealous comments asking whose hand was branded on your thighs. He just hadn’t known Hawks had noticed too. He was always under estimating the number two.  
“So what if I am?” he asked. “what difference does it make to you?”
“Like I said I want to know if I have a shot with her,”
“you don’t,”
“You think so? I think I’ve got a chance if she likes Heroes,” Endeavor was going to kill him. 
You groaned leaving the restaurant. You had succeeded, but It had taken a lot out of you. You wanted to go home but as you checked your phone you saw Endeavor texted you. 
Hawks said you’d be out tonight. Come over to my office once you’re done. I don’t care how late it is. 
you smiled, you could use some stress relief right about now
on my way
Just a few moments later you were knocking on his office door. You wondered if he would be needy, something must be up, he’s never demaned you came over like this, sex was more of a heat of the moment thing. 
“Come in,” he barked.  You hadn’t even closed the door behind you before Enji was marching over to you. 
“You kept me waiting,” he growled and lifted you off the ground as easily as if you weighed nothing at all. His strength amazed you sometimes. You weren’t the lightest girl in the world but he had no trouble as he dropped you on his oak desk.
He grabbed your jaw roughly and shoved his tounge in your mouth his other hand already reaching to remove your blouse. The flames of his beard tickled your jaw as he mauled your mouth. They weren’t hot enough to burn, just warm enough to heat up your face while he trailed kisses over your body. 
Endevour had never been perticularly gentile with you per say, but now he was being especially rough. While he normally was carful not to rip your clothing so you could leave just as put together as you came in, this time he didn’t sem to care at all. Buttons flew as he tugged off your shirt and you heard ripping sounds as he unclasped your bra
“E-Enji,” you gasped as his teeth grazed the pulse point of your neck. He ignored you and kept biting down your neck. 
“you have no idea how badly I need you” he growled gnawing at your skin, He pried one of your hands off of his chest and pushed it between his legs letting you feel how much he needed you. 
You looked down and saw his aching cock through his impossibly tight hero costume, you could almost make out the veins through the taught fabric. you flattened your palm against his shaft slowly masaging his cock while he continued his assault on your torso. 
His large hands easily cupped your breasts kneading the globes of flesh roughly. He pushed you down laying your back against the desk. Enji grabbed you by the knees and pushed your legs apart forcing your skirt up around your waist. he jerked you down pressing your clothed cunt to his cock. 
His body covered yours easily as he leaned down kissing you agian, this time his lips landing on your chest, peppering your tits with marks. Enji loved his hickeys loved claiming you. if you were being honest. you liked it too. In a weird way it made you feel special. 
His hips rutted against your slowly humping your clothed sex. Both of you groaned at the friction. His hand snaked up tangling in your hair and yanking back. You cried out in pleasure as pain ripped through your scalp. You clawed at his shoulders encouraging his actions. 
“Mine,” He growled “look at me you are mine,” he stated firmly tugging on your hair again. his eyes were bright with fury.
“I don’t care how much that bird-brained fuck offers to pay you I’ll tripple it, this pussy is mine and If Hawks tries to touch you I’ll rip his head off.” He rolled his hips agian and your cunt clenched. you felt so empty, you struggled against his grasp to no avail, you desperately wanted him to fuck you already. 
“I-I don’t want to fuck Keigo,” you whimpered back in response. He pulled back ripping off your underwear before reaching to rip off his own under garments
“After tonight you won’t want anyone else,”
His cock was proportional,  just as large and intimidating as the rest of him. 
“Do you need to be stretched or are you still fucked loose from last night?” He purred teasing the head against your clit. Last night you’d done a stream again with the novelty Endeavor themed dildo and you knew no amout of stretching was going to stop this from hurting, but you welcomed the pain. 
“Just fuck me already, please Daddy I need it so much,” you moaned spreading your legs as far as you could while he was gripping your legs.  He smirked and pushed in. 
He didn’t bother going slow, you didn’t need slow pampering, you needed friction if you were going to feel better. The moment he was fully sheathed inside of you he pulled back thrusting in again.
“His pathetic prick couldn’t even compare, I wonder if you’d even feel him your cunt’s so stretched to the shape of my cock,” he growled in your ear. your eyes rolled back in your head as he pounded into, gutteral moans being pulled from your throat. The streach of his cock burned, but slowly the ache turned to pleasure as your doughy walls relaxed, and more slick coated his cock. 
“f-faster Daddy please,” you moaned. He complied shaking the desk with each rock of his hips. 
He took your cheeks in his hands tugging your face up to his level so he could bite your jaw. He let out a low groan against you skin. He was close, you could feel it. 
“Fuck I’m going to cum,”  you moaned knowing he wouldn’t be far behind. His Hand dropped to your neck cutting off your airflow. 
“Go ahead and cum on my cock, I want to feel you cream on my cock,” he growled
“you- you too, I want you to cum to,” you moaned your body spasming under his muscular frame. 
“I’ll cum when I’m damn ready slut, Just do what you’re told,” He spat.  His cock hit your g-spot making you see stars. 
“there’s my good girl,” he praised, he gripped your hips and started moving your body for you, using you like a doll as he chased his own release. 
“you’re sweet cunt is perfect for me baby, and only me,” he growled. His hips snapped forward burrying himself inside of you, his cock throbbing with release. 
“There, now you’re insides are claimed too, so you better not forget who you belong too,” he growled relaxing his grip on your neck, you slumped back on the desk, your chest heaving as you caught your breath. he pulled out and a river of semen spurted out of you. You had teased him about how much he came in the first private show, but it was always wild to see it in person.
“You sure know how to make a mess,” you teased grabbing a tissue to clean yourself up.
“It’s not a mess it’s a reminder,” he purred kissing your forehead. 
“Yeah now I’ll never forget who’s my daddy,”
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tastyykpop · 4 years
[ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴᴛ ᴋɪʟʟ ʜɪᴍ]
Pairings: mafia boss!jaehyun x reader
Warnings: dom!jaehyun, brat!reader, yandere themes, orgasm denial, slight edging (like really slight), thigh slapping, ropes, vibrator, punishment kinda, creampie, unprotected sex (stay safe 🙏)
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The glass in Jaehyuns hand shattered as he saw another man approach you. He was beyond pissed. Mostly at you honestly. You were basically letting it happen because to you, this was all fun and games.
It shouldn't be though.
Jaehyun was a dangerous man. Someone you really shouldn't be around and someone who had a lot of power, over anything and everyone. Most people were terrified of him and only idiots would dare to speak out of line. And if they were lucky, maybe, just maybe they'd make it out alive.
It all happened when you came to this bar for a good drink and a slight buzz. But here, there was always someone hitting on you. This someone happened to be Jaehyun. It was the first time you met him too. Unfortunately, like the idiot you were (and still are), you talked back to him. It wasnt because you were trying to be rude, but instead you were fed up with the way he was acting towards you. The small brushes on the shoulder and the hand on your knee was getting on your nerves. But what really annoyed you were his comments. Not realising who he was and the power he had, you got angry and gave him back handed comments.
You only stopped when you felt a sting to your thigh.
Luckily for you it was only a slap. Not a knife or a bullet. Jaehyun was never this gentle.
Everytime after that, you would still come back to the bar, in your usual seating and Jaehyun would always be there. He even remembered your favorite drink after the first few nights. How sweet. But now, he was seated away from you with a group of men, watching your every move since he couldnt be with you at the moment.
"Baby that dress looks so pretty on you." The guy sitting next to you commented. His tongue swiping over his lips to coat them in his own saliva.
"Hmm thanks." You smiled, knowing that an angry Jaehyun was watching you like a hawk from across the bar.
The man's hand began to slither up your thigh, dragging his hand up and down. It was nothing like Jaehyuns rough, yet loving hands.
"I want to get to know you more." You turned your head to face the man and raised an eyebrow. "Come home with me."
"Sorry, but I'm gonna have to say no." You took a quick swig of your drink and smiled.
"Come on baby. It'll be worth your time." The man took your hands into his and brought them to his lips.
Jaehyun was going to kill someone today.
"Im sorry," you pulled your hand away, giggling, "but I said no." The man was still relentless, grabbing your hand and placing it on his bulge. Your eyes lit up and you searched around the room to see if anyone was seeing what was going on, stopping on your boyfriend's cold eyes.
Jaehyun got up from his seat, walking towards you. Your hand pulled away like lightning. A groan coming from the man next to you. Panic filled your body as you knew someone was going to get killed, or injured.
An angry Jaehyun is not a good Jaehyun. Especially if someone touched his girlfriend. And he let that go too far.
"Whats my pretty girl doing?" Jaehyun pulled your hair to the side and lightly kissed your neck. It was odd hearing such a soft voice come out of Jaehyun, yet you could feel how pissed he was.
"I-i was just talking..." His hands grabbed your waist, digging his nails deep into your side. Jaehyun wasnt an idiot, but you tried.
"And who the fuck are you?" The man asked. You actually forgot he was still there. But he wasn't going to be for long, Jaehyun ripped out a gun and pointed it at the man before making sure the safety was off.
"The real question is who are you?"
"I-i..." the man stuttered, obviously threatened by the weapon in your boyfriends hand.
"I dont like waiting." Jaehyun cocked the gun.
"I-im no one s-sir my apologies." The man walked away as quickly as he could from the both of you. Jaehyun snickering at how pathetic he was.
"Im gonna killed him for touching you."
"No, you wont. You can't always hurt someone who talks or touches me."
"Dont talk back to me, im not in the mood." You got up from the bar stool and walked with Jaehyun to his car. A very expensive one at that.
"I dont care if your in the mood stop acting like a bitch." Your sparky comment took all of Jaehyuns power to not bend you over and spank you in public.
"Get in the car Y/N."
"No." Crossing your arms over your chest, you turned and walked away. That set Jaehyun off.
You were suddenly in the backseat of his car, your face pushed against the seat and your ass in the air. The dress you were wearing was barely covering anything anymore.
"Listen here you pathetic little slut," he whisped in your ear, "if i tell you to get in the fucking car you listen, understand?"
You tried to get out of the grip he had on you, but it was no use. It just earned you a smack.
"Stop moving and answer me."
"Yes." A sigh left your mouth as he let go of you and walked to the drivers seat, starting the car. Leaving you in the back flustered.
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"Come on pretty girl you can take it."  Jaehyun was currently fucking you with a vibrator. The vibrations sending you over the edge as he kept moving it in and out at a slow pace. You grabbed his arm and dug your nails deep into him, hoping that he'd stop punishing you and fuck you for real.
"P-please.." You begged as you squirmed on the bed from all the edging he was doing.
Jaehyun ignored you and picked up his pace. The room was filled with a mix or screaming, moaning, and wet sounds, just how he likes it.
He pulled you in for a rough kiss, teeth clashing with each other. The rougher he was, the more passionate he was with you.
"Im gonna cum." You moaned out, pulling away from the deep kiss, having enough of all the toying from the man above you.
"No youre not." He ripped the toy out of you, ruining your orgasm.
"Aw look at that baby, guess you won't cum again for another month."
You glared at the man as he sat there with a playful smirk before he moved on top of you, leaning down to bite and suck on your neck, leaving purple and blue marks on your skin as a whine left your lips. You wanted more, but knowing Jaehyun you probably weren't going to get it until he was satisfied enough. But you knew he was going to give up sooner or later. The boner brushing against your thigh was not going to go unnoticed by you.
"Stop...teasing..." You tried saying as Jaehyun moved back up to kiss you again.
"Why should i?" He looked up with an eyebrow raised, "You werent exactly the nicest to me. So why should I be nice to you?"
You frowned at the older man ready to talk back again, but the sudden cold hand cupping your hot entrance stopped you. The lower half of your body was almost grinding on his hand for more friction. Jaehyun noticed and smirked at your attempts to get off.
"Dont even try that." He kept the same agonizing smirk on his face, giving him a more sadistic look than before. Your movement stopped with a pout and you watched Jaehyun take his hand away from your core.
"Then ill just do it myself." You pretty much just pushed Jaehyun away from you and attempted to please yourself, but you knew damn well it wasn't nearly as good as Jaehyun himself.
"Look at the pretty girl trying to act all tough." Jaehyun cooed at you, taking your hand away from your core and pinning your hands above your head. "Have i not been punishing you good enough? Is that why your acting even more bratty than usual?"
"No," you shook your head at your boyfriend, "its the fact you going to kill someone just because they touched me."
"Well i have a newsflash for you princess," Jaehyun leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "theyre already dead."
"Y-youre insane Jaehyun..."
"But thats why you love me." You watched as Jaehyun got off of you, moving to find something in the very large closet you both shared. When he turned back, you expected another toy he was going to tease you with, but no. He had ropes in his hand as he walked towards you with the same sadistic smirk that you hated yet loved.
He tied you up effortlessly, only giving him a few hard times but that only ended with a few smacks to your thigh.
Jaehyun stood back looking at your naked figure, a small blush painted your cheeks as you felt small under his gaze. Yes, Jaehyun was rather proud of what he was looking at. The beautiful hickeys and bite marks that littered your thighs, neck, and chest. The red hand prints on your thighs wrapping around to your ass. And the crescent shapes in your hips from his nails digging into your skin. He loved all of it.
You could hear the sound of clothes dropping to the floor, but didnt bother turning your head, too embarrassed to look at him now that you felt more exposed with the ropes holding your wrists to the bed post.
"Spread your legs for me princess." The sound of Jaehyuns voice brought you back to reality. You looked at him, his eyes staring into yours waiting for you to do as you were told. But did you didnt move. Just adding more fuel to his anger. "I said spread your fucking legs." He growled. You did so a bit too slowly for his liking and it only ended up with him forcefully spreading them himself.
A quiet gasp left your lips watching as he began to slowly grind into you, making you feel his bare cock against your pussy. Your sighs and moans filled the room, jaehyun watched closely, taking in every whine and movement you made. He pulled back and you waited for him to continue grinding but no, he was inside you without warning, not giving you anytime to adjust.
Jaehyuns fast pace shook the bed and your wrists were chaffing against the ropes. Moans erupted from your throat from the pain and pleasure Jaehyun was giving you.
"Fuck, Jaehyun...."
Jaehyun moved his hand from your hips up to your throat giving it a tight squeeze, "Such a dirty mouth." His hips snapped forward making your eyes roll to the back of your head and more cuss words were choked out. Earning a disappointed head shake from your boyfriend.
The lewd sounds of your bodies filled the room as he continued fucking you into oblivion. If someone walked in, they would be sure to have the image of you being fucked by Jaehyun with his fingers in your mouth and hand wrapped around your throat all while being tied up, stuck in their head for a few months.
"You love being a brat huh?" Jaehyun started whilst making eye contact, "Cause you know you'll be fucked like the pathetic slut you are. Am i right princess?"
He took his fingers out of your mouth to let you speak, "Y-yes." You moaned out. A quiet chuckle rang through your ears.
"Needy little brat..." His pace was faster yet sloppy and you knew he was close. The bed rocked and the sound of skin against skin filled your ears. Jaehyuns grip on your throat not planning on letting go as you struggled for breath.
"Jaehyun....p-please I'm gonna-"
"If you even dare cum ill beat your ass." That changed your thoughts about even bothering to let go, knowing he wasn't playing around.
Just as you felt like holding it in wasnt enough, Jaehyun was already one step ahead and came inside you, riding out his orgasm with a low groan.
Jaehyun pulled out, removing the ropes from your wrists. They were as red as your thighs and they stung too the touch. Jaehyun, being the nice man he is, even though he was still slighlty mad, took the time to give you after care, applying a cream to your wrists and butt just so the redness would calm down and cleaned up the cum dripping down your thighs.
After all that he laid beside you, embracing you in his arms and kissing the top of your head. "My pretty girl." He muttered against your hair before the both of you drifted off to sleep. Although you were still angry that you couldnt cum.
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JJ Maybank x reader
This doesn’t have a title. But, it will have a pt 2 soooooo
You had been working all day, cleaning dishes and serving tables. It didn’t pay a lot. But, it paid enough for you to chip in at home. Especially now your father was gone, and your shit uncle was off somewhere in Mississippi, you weren’t sure what John B was up to but he hustled around with his friends most of the time, making cash here and there. The person who said the oldest has all the responsibility was wrong. Your brother was older than you by 6 whole minutes, and he acts like he is 6 years younger. You open the front door to be met with loud laughter from John B’s friends. Your eyes immediately met those of JJ, he gave you a wink, it was barely even noticeable at first you thought it was just in your head. “Sis.” John B greeted you, holding out his blunt to you. He knew you wouldn’t, you hadn’t smoked in months. You declined the blunt, and made your way to the kitchen. “Did you guys eat yet?” you yelled out to them. You see the dirty dishes in the sink, but no pots or pans, making your way back into the living room. Kie was already passed out, snuggling one of the blankets on the couch, and Pope was hitting a new blunt that JJ undoubtedly just rolled for him. You were going to sit on the ground as Kie was taking over the entire couch except for JJ's seat. “Come here.” JJ said, pulling you into his lap, you hated when he did that. You hated a lot about him actually. He’d get high or drunk and want sex, you never gave into it because you weren’t dumb enough to fall for it but it did create a big disliking towards him. “Did any of you go to the grocery store today?” you asked. But, glared at John B, you already knew the answer to this question. JJ was being touchy as he snaked his arm around your waist. You were too upset to stop him, it was always like this with them. All they wanted was to get high, and cruise the waters with their dumb boat, not a care in the world. “Thanks for doing the one thing I asked you to do!” You snapped at your brother who in his state of mind didn’t care that you were upset. You take JJ's arm and push it away from you to be able to get up. 
Almost an hour later, and you returned from your trip to the store. Three big bags of groceries, and a twenty minute walk because everyone was too high to drive, and they never let you drive the van, meaning you could finally make some dinner for yourself. You opened the door, and this time completely ignoring the people on your couch, quickly making your way to the kitchen, setting down the grocery bags. JJ came stumbling in wrapping his arms around your waist, and leaning his head on your shoulder. For a second you let yourself lean into him. You take a deep breath in, and remind yourself not to fall for his stupid games.  “Can you not do that?” You ask him, as you take out the bread from the bag. “Do what, princess?” he asked. You take his hands from around your waist, and push him away from you. You turn your attention away from him. “Fuck off JJ” you tell him. He didn’t leave, instead he went over to the counter, and leaned his arm against it. He didn’t say anything, and just started lighting another blunt. Ignoring his presence you decided on making dinner, which was a fish stew. John B entered the kitchen opening the fridge for another beer, Kie and Pope had left some ten minutes ago, probably not sober enough to pass their parents suspicions but Kie had to help at the Wreck, and Pope wanted to study some more. How the hell they were going to do either of those things, when they were as high as a kite was not your problem. “What are you making? I’m starving.” he said, handing another beer to JJ. “Stew.” you said short, you couldn’t help but be annoyed with your brother. “She’s being bitchy today, man.” JJ said, you glared at the blond boy. “Yes, I’m mad. None of you did anything today.” you said, you look at your brother who just looked at the ground, trying not to look guilty. “That’s not true. I have been mowing lawns all mornin’” JJ defended himself. You didn’t even bother looking at him this time, you just stirred the pan. “I can smell that.” you said, and John B started snickering. “Grab some bowls.” You told your brother. For once he listened to you. 
Taking the meal to the living room, John B sat down on his lounge chair, and JJ was already on the couch eating from his bowl. You made your way to sit down in the lounge chair  Pope had previously been sitting in but JJ pulled at your arm to sit with him. Or rather sit on his lap like you had done previously. You didn’t agree with it, and slid down next to him instead. “If I catch some fish tomorrow. Will you make this again?” John B asked. You let out a laugh. “You haven’t caught any fish in months, but sure yes. If you catch fresh fish.” you promised him. After that, you let your brother and JJ talk, zoning yourself out of the conversation. You move yourself to the other side of the couch, and let your feet rest in JJ’s lap, your head on the armrest. It wasn’t a lot longer till you fell asleep. 
When you woke up, John B was already gone off to bed, and JJ was still there. Undoubtedly John B had promised him the couch to sleep on. He was staring at the tv, lightly drawing circles on your foot with his index finger. You couldn’t help yourself but start to tease him. Sliding your foot up and down his leg. He must’ve thought you were doing that in his sleep. After a few minutes JJ takes your foot, and makes you stop, taking his foot in yours he rubbed it once. “You think you can tease me like that?” JJ asked. He turned around to look at you with a stupid smirk on his face. You had expected him to push you away, instead he got up and crawled over your body, with his knee in between your legs, and taking your hands above your head. With his body towering over you, and his hot breath on your skin, you wanted to push him away, and tell him to go fuck himself. That was John B’s little sister talking, no, you wanted JJ to take you here, even if you’d regret it in the morning. He didn’t say anything, he just looked at you, and it made you intensely nervous. “Dude, stop looking at me like that” You snap. JJ quickly pushed his lips on yours, he hadn’t taken you by surprise but you still didn’t think it was possible. He tasted like weed, an intoxicating taste. He let go of your hands to touch your body, sliding his hands down your body to your hips as he made himself comfortable, leaning his body on yours. Your hands found themselves in his hair, slightly tugging at it to pull him closer. You could only think about the times he had picked you up from school or the way he’d pull you into his lap when he was high. Maybe he felt your hesitation because he pulled away from you. The absence of his lips made you lean forward to get another taste. “I- I don’t want you to think-” he started out but he couldn’t figure out the words to say. “Hey, just sex okay tough guy.” you said, giving him a smile. A slight frown appeared on his face.”Y/n, you are my best friend's sister.” he said: “It could never be just sex with you.” you chuckle, pushing him off you, making him sit up on the couch, as you follow his position. The two of you are now looking each other in the eye. “I don’t have time for a boyfriend, JJ. So either you fuck me as a favor or we go back before we kissed and forget it.” you tell him. The look in his eyes is of betrayal. “I’m not good enough for you, princess?” The hurt in his eyes was almost enough to just give into his wishes. “JJ. I am sixteen years old and every day after school I buss tables to afford living here. Because my father is dead. I know John B doesn’t want to face that possibility. But, he is dead, I can feel it.” You tell him. As you spoke your words, you saw JJ being patiently waiting for the moment you tell him he is deadbeat weight, like his father. “I am trying so hard to keep it together, JJ.” your eyes were filled with tears. “I can’t be what you want, I can patch up your bruises. But, it is killing me that he is killing you. But, I won’t be your girlfriend if you are on a self destructive war path.” Silent tears were on your cheeks as you explained to him. He hesitantly put his hand on your cheek. But, you pushed his hand away, getting up and running to your room. 
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fanfiction-inc · 3 years
Can you do a NS/FW HC about Arthur being told what to do by his usually submissive female S/O? Like him being really surprised but also turned the hell on? (Sorry if this is very specific!)
Thank you so much for requesting, my dear!
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((A.N: As a general disclaimer, this is NS/FW, and everything in this HC that is NS/FW will be under the cut.))
Arthur had been gone for many nights since the last stagecoach heist, being persuaded by Dutch to go along and rob the carriage with him since the passengers were "high in the aristocratic hierarchy".
He had promised he would be back that night, but it's been three days, and you were worried sick about the man.
What if he had been injured?
What if the Pinkertons caught up to him?
So when he came strolling in, that grin on his face and at his mentors side, you were pissed.
He acted like he hadn't promised you that he would be back that night, like he didn't worry you to death.
He acted like a man who had the best three nights of his life.
But the moment he caught your gaze, arms crossed over your chest and jaw set, he knew he was in trouble.
Big trouble.
"Go be with ya woman. I'll let Hosea know how things went." Dutch excused him from their conversation, giving a tip of his hat to you.
You were not amused one bit by such, only glaring in turn at the man who made Arthur come along in the first place.
Arthur comes up with an uneasy smile, hand coming to take your own, reeling back when you jerk your hand away.
"Three nights. Three nights, Arthur Morgan." You hissed. "Three nights I thought ya were dead!"
"I wasn't dead-" He started, trying to explain his absence.
"Clearly." You huffed.
When you turn your back to him, he follows with concern.
Did he really hurt you that badly?
Did he make you worry to the point of anger?
"(Your name)." He tries, watching you when you angrily remove the dress overlaying your corset and bloomers.
"What?" You snapped in turn, turning to him as he takes a step forward.
"How can I make it up t'ya?" He questioned softly, his gruff tone soft when he takes hold of your arms in his big hands.
He watched when you looked angrily into those puppy dog eyes, watched how your cheeks adorned color.
It was hard to place if it was because of the gaze he gave you or the anger in your chest.
He just wanted to make you happy, make you see that he wasn't leaving any time soon... but you weren't in the mood for that.
You were gonna put Arthur Morgan in his place.
The tension slowly melted from your muscles as you stand before him, gaze slowly softening but a clear strain between calm and tense still evident.
Then he saw the gears turning behind your eyes, saw your mind working.
He was in for one hell of a shock.
"I want you on your knees, Arthur Morgan."
Now this startles him.
His blue eyes stare at you in absolute shock.
Was his woman really asking him for something like that? And in such a tone that left his stomach fluttering with butterflies?
When you raise a brow expectantly, he swallows hard, moving down with a soft huff and sitting before you on his knees.
Those same blue eyes stay connected with yours, watching you.
Savoring how you looked at him in a way he hasn't seen before.
Your gaze was almost.. Hungry. Like a predator circling their prey.
He recognized that the demand wasn't shaky on your tongue, this not exactly being what he expected with you.
He knew that you were usually the one to softly be told to lay or be on his lap.
That you were usually so...submissive.
He would be damned if he said it out loud right now, but Arthur liked this new side to you.
And the tent in his trousers gave away just how badly.
"Want me to take these here bloomers off..." He pauses, considering something new that he could bring to the table. "Ma'am?"
He watched how you shivered at such a title.
"Yes, nice and slow." You mumbled in turn, hearing the audible noise he gives out when his fingers hook in the waistband.
"Makin' me make it a show then, yeah?" He questioned, hot breath fanning over you as he slowly dragged them down your legs.
"One we both'll like. Now hush and let that mouth of yours do the talkin' somewhere else." You retort, fingers slowly coming to tangle in his hair.
He savored the feeling, knowing it all too well when you shared kisses behind the tents or on runs.
He knew it when you sat together, relaxing during winter days or hot summer nights. How your fingers would play there when you were lost in a book or being lulled to sleep by his voice.
But most of all, he knew it in moments like these when you laid sprawled out on the bed, at the mercy of his tongue.
His eyes flutter and darken when your grip tightened, bringing his face closer to where you need him.
His beard lightly scratched at your inner thighs, lazy, open mouthed kisses trailing up further and further.
Arthur is only able to deliver another kiss before another tug sends him closer, tongue darting out to lick a long stripe up your folds.
"Oh- Fuck." Your own curse brings a soft chuckle from his lips, then he refocused on the task at hand.
His eyes flicker up to your own when he takes your bundle of nerves between his lips, suckling and flicking it with the tip of his tongue.
How your face contorted with pleasure when he brings your legs over his shoulders and probes with his tongue.
How your soft noises begin to fill the air, making his pants strain further.
He's infatuated with you, especially when your control over him doesn't slip despite the pleasure being given.
A groan leaves his lips when you pull him by the hair after a few moments, making him face you.
His beard and lips were decorated with your slick, pupils lust blown and half-lidded.
His hair was a mess when you removed your fingers from the locks, trailing down to cup his cheek.
You've never seen him so disheveled before, so...used.
And yet he cracked a smile, delivering a kiss against your palm that remained slick and sticky against your skin.
"I jus' wanted a look at ya." You whispered into the air, the man's smile shifting to a smirk when you leaned forward.
"Is that all, darlin'? Not because y'want an apology kiss?" He murmured against the skin of your palm, moving up to give that kiss he talked about.
He was testing how far your new demeanor was going, seeing if it would slip after a few minutes of eating you out.
"That's ma'am to you, boy." You corrected, watching him shiver at the new name. He then gasped when you grabbed his chin, making him stop and stare when you kept him in place.
He wasn't getting control so easily tonight.
"If I recall correctly, Mr. Morgan, you're not done." He shivered once more at the near purr in your tone, licking his lips at the idea of being between your thighs again.
"Yes ma'am." He replied with a soft hint of need.
He's brought back down, eagerness in his being as he worships your core.
Quick licks at the bundle of nerves that grew more sensitive with each passing moment towards climax.
His suckling and the rumble of his groan against your skin at the flavor that coats his tongue and runs down his chin.
He's like a man dying of thirst, just wanting the levee to break and the waters to rush.
He watches when you bite down on your lip, attempting to silence yourself when that edge comes closer, when his hair is held in a white knuckled grip.
That's when he brings down the final nail in the coffin, leaving you to tremor and shake.
The moment is lost in a blur, his lips connected around your bundle and fingers buried deep, hitting that spot that makes you jelly.
He works you through your high, aiding in bringing you what you wanted until you're letting him go and pulling away.
You were far too over sensitive for him to continue, and he didn't want to push you too far.
As you pant, he rises up over you, stealing that kiss that he wanted earlier on, making sure you taste yourself on his lips.
It was almost like a 'thank you' from his part, for seeing a power shift that he hadn't thought would happen.
At least not quite like this.
"Do ya accept m'apology, darlin'?" He questioned softly. Huskily. "Or should I keep callin' ya ma'am?"
You give a soft laugh at his question.
"I s'pose so...boy." You breathed out in a pant, his eyes brimming with need when the term is used again.
Arthur wasn't a man to usually beg for things that he needed. Not at all.
But he still needed to be taken care of, to release the tension in his pants.
"Ma'am, please." He begged softly, grinding himself down against your hip, hand coming up to cup your cheek.
He watched the consideration in your gaze, then the resolve that followed when your hand came to cup him.
Then there was a shift, and his heart sank.
"I don't think you deserve that tonight, Mr. Morgan. Y'really upset me." You then separate from him, standing.
He watched with a gaze that damn near screamed need in the purest of forms, ready to reach out and beg.
He never begged before.
"Ma'am, please, m'beggin' ya." He damn near choked on the words as they left his lips.
This wasn't his forte by any means, being the one left yearning for more.
At least he was fair with his teasing, giving in when you begged.
He watched when you're unstringing your corset, how it fell and left you completely bare to him.
Then he sees you sigh, hears the soft sound before your voice even reaches him.
"Dammit, I can't stay mad at ya when you're lookin' at me like that."
He groaned when you cupped him once more through his trousers, giving a jerk through them.
"Thank you, ma'am." His tone is strained as he says such, feeling your bare skin around his shaft when you release him from his pants.
From there, he's left to your mercy.
Slow when you want it, faster if he asked nicely.
Stopping when he's too close and finally giving him what he needs when he's looking at you with those eyes that scream every desire the man had.
Maybe he should mess up more often if this is gonna be the result.
@lise-soontobemarried | @imtootiredforreddit | @morgans-cowbaby | @btsloversaregreat | @sokkasdarling
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kpop-zone · 3 years
The Lady in Red | Jennie
Mafia AU | Meet messy/Strangers to lovers | “Are you sure this is legal?”
Warnings: blood, death, anxiety symptoms
Wordcount: 3,373
A/N: The gif is kinda flashy, please tell me if that’s a problem for someone, then I will switch it out!!
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“I guess I don’t need to tell you that his infiltration into the ‘circle of trust’ was unsuccessful.”
Seungyeon chuckled sadly next to you and you turned around with a shaky sigh, not being able to look at your patched-up colleague in the hospital bed any longer.
“When will we finally manage to take them down?!”
You growled while angrily kicking the chair that was standing next to the door for the police officer that would have to be there 24/7 for safety reasons from now on.
“I’m starting to believe that we will never be able to. The Kim Clan isn’t the most powerful criminal organization in the city for no reason. Their network is bigger than we could have ever guessed when we started to investigate them and the mastermind behind all this seems to be a ghost. I mean we have no idea what The Lady in Red even looks like. Five years of thorough investigation and there are no clues about her, except that she has to be the most ruthless person on this planet considering that none of her subordinates dare to betray her...”
Seungyeon buried her face in her hands in defeat but you instantly shook your head. You couldn’t let The Lady in Red win; especially not after all the blood, sweat and tears that you had put into this case. You had become a detective to make this world a better place. You couldn’t let the biggest criminal of this city get away.
“Let’s wait till Jihoon wakes up. Maybe he remembers something.”
You tried to sound hopeful although you weren’t even sure whether Jihoon would wake up at all. You had found him in front of the police station this morning, drowning in his own blood after he had joined the Kim Clan almost a year ago to investigate undercover. He had been the great hope in your team. No other cop had ever managed to be a part of the clan for that long before, making you think that you had finally achieved a breakthrough. A foolish hope that made you feel like a failure now that you were standing in front of his hospital bed.
“Do you really believe that?”
Seungyeon replied doubtfully and you huffed in frustration. Of course, you didn’t believe that. With his injuries, you could be glad if Jihoon would ever be able to walk and talk again. But it was too hard to admit that you had hit another dead end; that Jihoon’s sacrifice had been in vain. Angrily, you clenched your fists and closed your eyes in order to calm down again, but it felt like you were riding a roller coaster. Your heart was beating out of your chest and your head was spinning, making you feel nauseous. You couldn’t bear to look at your half-dead friend any longer.
“I need to get out of here.”
You uttered breathlessly before bursting away. Blindly, you stumbled through the hallways, bumping into people left and right before eventually reaching the underground parking. You just needed to get away from those bright lights, the sterile smell, and the constant beeping of Jihoon’s heartrate monitor that seemed to be making fun of your obvious incapability to catch The Lady in Red. This was all your fault. If you were a better team leader, Jihoon would still be making his bad jokes that had always made night shifts more bearable in the past in some way or another. Tears immediately started to pool in your eyes when you thought about the possibility of never being able to hear your friend’s goofy laugh again that had managed to make everyone join in even when his joke had been terrible. What had you done? How could you have allowed him to go undercover?
In hopes that you could flee your bad conscience if you were only fast enough, you hastily unlocked your car before diving into the driver’s seat. It still seemed like your head was spinning in circles and the extreme ringing in your ears didn’t really increase your fitness to drive, but you didn’t hesitate a second before starting the engine and backing out of the parking space full speed.
You just needed to get away.
A loud collision, however, cut your escape short and forced your car to come to an abrupt halt, causing your body to be painfully pressed back into your seat by your seatbelt. For a second, you stared ahead dumbfounded as you tried to understand what had happened until a roaring voice managed to rip you out of your state of shock.
“You idiot!! Use your eyes!!”
A man yelled and you realized that you must have rammed another car. Frustrated, you huffed because your day really couldn’t get any worse before exiting the car reluctantly. A tall man dressed in a suit came rushing towards you and judging by the crimson color of his face, he seemed to be nearly exploding from anger. Subconsciously, you took a defensive stance, ready to parry off a punch in case that he would decide to physically attack you. Just before the man could reach you, however, a loud, high-pitched whistle suddenly made him stop. Like a well-behaved dog he froze and turned around to look at the source of the noise.
“Junho, where are your manners?”
A mysterious voice asked, and you tried to look past Junho in order to catch a glimpse of your savior. You could only see a pair of red high heels and slender legs emerging from the car that you had rammed before a breathtakingly beautiful woman eventually got out of it. Against your will, your eyes automatically started to scan her from head to toe and you had to stop your jaw from slacking. She was simply stunning. Something about her was mesmerizing although you didn’t know whether it was her piercing gaze that seemed to be sharper than a knife, the way she moved her body so gracefully or her clothes that screamed ‘rich’ to you. Of course, you had managed to damage the only car that cost more than your annual salary out of all the junk cars in this parking garage... Remorsefully, you looked to the floor when the woman walked closer to you, figuring that you should probably show respect to her as money usually equated power where you lived. As soon as she was standing in front of you, you opened your mouth to give the most heartfelt apology that you could come up with in order to save your own neck, but the sound of her voice put an end to your plan.
“Are you ok?”
The woman asked and to your surprise her voice wasn’t filled with anger or annoyance, but with concern instead. Confused, you looked up and you realized that her feline eyes appeared to be a lot softer now while scanning your face worriedly. Automatically, your hand reached up to touch your face and you discovered to your surprise that your cheeks were tear stained. In embarrassment, you quickly used your sleeve to wipe away the remainders of your breakdown just a few seconds ago and cleared your throat to sound more or less poised.
“Yes. I’m sorry for ramming your car. I’ve been incautious for a second.”
You pointed at your cars that were surrounded by bits of red, broken glass, but the woman didn’t avert her gaze from you.
“I don’t want you to worry about the cars right now. Are you sure you’re ok? That was one hell of a collision. Are you hurt?”
Her reaction caught you off guard and you stared at her speechlessly. Why wasn’t she yelling at you? Was she that rich that she didn’t even care about her car anymore?
“I-I...yeah...I’m fine.”
You stammered, causing you to facepalm yourself inwardly. It seemed like you were trying to do everything in your power to prove that you were a complete idiot.
“I’m glad to hear that. I was worried for a second.”
The woman smiled softly, causing you to feel weak in your knees. If she would continue looking at you like that, you could not be held responsible for whatever rash action of yours it would cause. A blush started to spread in your cheeks as the two of you simply stared at each other and you frantically tried to come up with something smart to say in order to save your face. Once again, however, the woman beat you to it.
“I’m Jennie by the way.”
She introduced herself while holding out her hand and you quickly wiped your right palm on your pants just in case that it was as sweaty as it felt.
“I’m Y/N.”
You shook her hand, feeling how the touch caused a tingling feeling in your stomach. Embarrassed, you wanted to pull away again, but Jennie kept holding on to your hand a little longer before allowing you to loosen your grasp.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N. I hope that we’re not the reason for you to be late to something, you seemed to be in a hurry earlier.”
For the first time, Jennie averted her gaze from you to assess the scene of the crash before calmly looking back at you as if her multimillion won car wasn’t damaged. You expected her to finally scold you for your lack of concentration that had caused this accident, but Jennie didn’t seem to blame you for anything. Instead, she patiently waited for you to reply to her assumption, so you quickly shook your head.
“No, don’t worry. I don’t need to be anywhere. I just...”
You trailed off because you didn’t know how to finish your sentence. I just needed to get away, because it’s my fault that my friend is probably dying, and I couldn’t bear to look at him anymore? It wasn’t like you could blindside a stranger with a confession like that. Your head immediately started spinning again when you thought about Jihoon and your eyes roamed around the parking garage as you thought about your answer before focusing on Jennie again. As soon as your eyes met, you felt how her serenity had a soothing effect on you and a sense of calmness spread from your chest to your whole body. Somehow her intense yet gentle gaze seemed to draw you under her spell, and you opened your mouth without even being aware of it.
“I just had a really bad day because my friend was hospitalized because of me.”
You blurted out, feeling how tears immediately started to pool in your eyes. Ashamed you turned your head to the side to hide your emotions, but a sensation on your arm caused your gaze to dart forward again. Jennie had reached out to you and was now patting your arm encouragingly.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Y/N. But I’m sure your friend wouldn’t want you to torment yourself. I don’t know what you did, but you don’t seem like you would have wanted your friend to be hospitalized.”
She tried to cheer you up and you nodded hesitantly. She was right. Jihoon wouldn’t want you to blame yourself for what had happened. He was a dedicated detective and it had been his decision to go undercover.
“I-I think you might me right... Thank you.”
You stammered perplexed, wondering how it had been possible for Jennie to calm you down that fast. You loved whatever she was doing to you though and you sighed in relief when your head started to feel steady again, causing Jennie to smile at you widely, seeming to be genuinely happy that she had been able to help you.
“Well, now that this is settled, let’s take care of this mess?”
Jennie giggled while pointing at your cars.
“I feel very guilty for this accident. Junho was driving too fast; you couldn’t have braked in time. Please, let me invite you for a coffee to apologize and we can discuss how we want to handle the costs.”
She continued and your eyes widened in shock. This was not how you remembered the accident; it had definitely been your fault. You simply couldn’t steal any more of Jennie’s time after causing her so much trouble, even if you wouldn’t mind talking with her all day long.
“Aren’t you here to visit someone?”
You asked hesitantly, not wanting to be the reason for her to miss visiting hours.
“Ah yes. I’ve been very unsatisfied with the way how one of my dear friends has been... taken care of. So I came here today to do it myself. Some jobs are better done by yourself, you know? But I’m confident that Junho will be able to get the job done as efficiently as I would have done, right?”
Jennie looked at Junho who had grimly stood at the side till now and simply nodded in response. Satisfied, Jennie grinned before giving you her attention again and wordlessly asking you with a slight movement of her head to agree to her offer. Not being able to resist her charms, you sighed in defeat and locked your car again.
“Ok fine, one coffee.”
You agreed, causing Jennie’s eyes to glint in excitement.
“Great! Junho, go park the car and then go upstairs. I know that you will take proper care of my friend. I don’t want any more...complications. I want everything to be clean and neat. Let’s give my friend what he deserves.”
Jennie smiled sweetly and you felt your heart flutter. It was endearing to see how much she seemed to care about her friend. Happily, you looked at her before following her back into the building to grab a coffee in the little café for visitors on the first floor. It didn’t even need you a minute to figure out that Jennie apparently was a master of distraction. The way she talked was simply captivating and you almost didn’t think about Jihoon at all. Your conversation flowed with ease right from the start and it seemed like you had known each other for years already. Together you sat down at a table, each with a steaming hot cup of coffee in your hands and Jennie immediately propped up her elbow on the table to rest her head on her hand in order to look at you attentively.
“So what do you do for a living?”
She asked curiously and you straightened up proudly. You loved your job and it made you really happy to talk about it.
“I’m a detective.”
You stated, causing Jennie’s expression to change like expected. Most people were impressed when they heard that you were a detective and wanted to know more about your work.
“A detective? Wow. What kind of cases do you work on? Is your job as exciting as in K-dramas or is the movie industry just lying?”
Jennie raised one eyebrow suspiciously and you giggled in response.
“Well, I’m afraid my job is not quite as spectacular as in K-dramas, but there are definitely more boring jobs. Right now, I’m working on a really interesting case for example. We’re investigating the Kim clan; you might have read about it in the news maybe. It’s a huge criminal organization with a ruthless leader. We only call her The Lady in Red.”
You started to chat, feeling how you suddenly had the urge to talk about all your built-up frustration.
“The Lady in Red?”
An amused smile played on Jennie’s lips as she curiously tilted her head to the side, and you chuckled.
“Yes. We don’t know a lot about the leader, not even her name. But over the past years we have accumulated some bits of information about her. We’ve managed to catch some of the criminals that worked with her and although none of them ever betrayed her, they revealed little details. For example, we know that she often could be found wearing red lipstick or a red trench coat. And in combination with the trail of blood that she leaves all over the city, we eventually started calling her The Lady in Red.”
You felt a little embarrassed to admit the ridiculous nickname that you had given a serial killer, but Jennie seemed to be very intrigued by your story.
“Is this top-secret information? I mean, can you even tell me all this? Are you sure this is legal?”
She joked, causing you to laugh off your embarrassment.
“As long as you’re not a journalist...”
You narrowed your eyes to fake mistrust and Jennie put on a serious face.
“No, don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me, I promise. I’m just a simple businesswoman, not a journalist. I own a little company and try my best to survive.”
She crossed her fingers to underline her statement, causing both of you to crack up. After calming down again though, you had the urge to know more about this seemingly perfect woman in front of you. Considering her expensive clothes and car, you doubted that her company was as little as she described it and you were genuinely interested in learning what it took to get all the way to the top of the food chain.
“You own a business? That’s impressive! What kind of business?“
You asked, but you shouldn’t get to hear her answer right away. The moment Jennie inhaled to start telling you about her life story, the screens of both of your phones on the table suddenly lit up, indicating that you had gotten a message.
“Excuse me.”
You excused your bad table manners before picking up your phone to check the incoming message because you were technically still on duty and obliged to be reachable. Unless someone had been murdered, however, you didn’t plan on working today after the events of this morning, so you simply wanted to skim the message before giving Jennie all your attention again. The content of the text message was very short and comprehensible at a glance though, managing to instantly knock the air out of your lungs. As if you couldn’t trust your eyes, you read the text over and over again in disbelief, hoping that it’s meaning would change eventually. But the cold, harsh words stayed and mercilessly slapped you in the face.
Jihoon is dead
The three words were simple, but that didn’t make their impact any less destructive. An intense pressure seemed to crush your chest and your eyes started to burn immediately. How could this be? How could he have died so quickly? He had been stable when you had seen him just a little over half an hour ago. Helplessly, you looked at Jennie who was smiling at her phone before meeting your eyes. Her expression changed in a split second and she was quick to leap to her feet to walk over to you.
“He’s dead.”
You managed to choke out before a loud sob tore from your throat as your tears began to fall in a rapid pace. Without hesitation, Jennie wrapped her arms around you to pull you against her body and you clung to her in need for comfort while your whole body shook violently.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Jennie said on a loop while rubbing your back in circles, attempting to get you to calm down again. Her gentle touch and soothing voice prevented you from completely breaking down and you tried to remember her words from earlier. I’m sure your friend wouldn’t want you to torment yourself. You repeated this simple statement over and over again in your head to allay the weight of the guilt that was pressing down on you. No matter how much you tried though, you weren’t able to completely erase the ugly voice in your head that told you that this was all your fault. Nevertheless, you were glad that you had Jennie by your side right now. You hoped that her serenity would manage to save you once more, so you held on tighter to her in an attempt to allow her strength to prevent the darkness in your head to seize you.
Who would have thought that joy and sorrow could be so close together?
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