#my liiiiiinks
starcrossed-sky · 7 months
maybe i should get a bit.
a bit seems to be how you make friends and influence people on tumblr and thus far my bit is usually [yells about misinformation and/or pleather]
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jackalsarchive · 2 years
dichotomy of pre-botw Link being able to kill you with the master sword in .005 seconds. botw Link can kill you by challening you to a crazy ass shield sled contest down death mountain after three shots of spirits cause he doesnt remember not everyone is made of plot armor and Late Wife Immortality. But he can also kill you with a sword in .005 seconds too , trust
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
Smiles Smiles Smiles!!! first of all I’m sorry you had a rough night, that always sucks. Hugs for you <3
Second of all thank you for the image that is Cat Wind and Ratbeck. It’s hilarious and I’ve been thinking about it all morning.
And third of all AAAAAAH THE LATEST CURSE OF DEMISE COMIC POOR LIIIIIINK HE IS HAVING A BAD TIME please tell me he’s ok. And Linkle. And Epona. Everyone. BUT ESPECIALLY LINK I’M VERY WORRIED FOR HIM (the comic was super good though)
-Sky Floor
Thank youuuuu 🥺🥺
And I’m so glad you find it funny fhsksbsksbsk I was afraid that it’d sound stupid but with my ratbeck idea and Kitty wind it worked. Here’s a lil drawing of that :3
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AND HHEHEHEHHEHE Epona and Linkle turn out fine, that’s all I will say UwU
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hylias-library · 2 years
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Hello hello! Of course you can!
Since you haven't specified I'll keep the reader gender neutral ^^ I hope you like what I whipped up!
[Navigation] [Part 2]
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You hadn’t even noticed someone was following you until it was already too late.
It was a long day, packed with fighting monsters of varying degrees of difficulty and you and the chain were tired.
Your next point of interest was a nearby inn, the champion had found it on his sheikah slate.
Having fallen back more and more, you slowly ended up at the rear end of your party. Thoughts already preoccupied with the idea of a warm bed to sleep in for a change.
The chain was already a bit further away when a rough hand placed itself over your mouth to prevent you from calling out, dragging you backwards into the darkness of the forest.
Trying to break free, you kept struggling against the strong arms around you, ending up biting the hand that held your mouth shut, drawing blood in the process.
A hiss sounded from behind you and you were pushed to the ground with a menacing growl.
A deep, smooth voice followed.
"Oh, so I've gotten my hands on a feisty one. I like a good challenge."
You coughed, getting back on your feet, wiping the blood in the corner of your lips away with the back of your hand.
As soon as your eyes could focus on your opponent, you froze. "Who... are you...?"
He was the splitting image of Time. Only darker, almost like a shadow.
He smirked, mocking you by bowing deeply. "Please excuse my rudeness. The name's Dark Link. At your service."
A silent gasp escaped you but you quickly composed yourself again. Right now, it was most important to not show fear. Slowly your hands inched towards your sword and shield, before Dark Links voice put a halt to your movements.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Let’s play nice, shall we?”
You snorted. “You don’t play nice. We both know that.”
A dark chuckle followed your answer. “What can I say? It’s boring to play by the rules.”
You didn’t take your eyes off him for even a split second. Link had told you how dangerous this creature was, having fought him before. Exactly in his likeness, skills equally matched.
Dark Link circled around you like a predator circled his prey as he kept talking. “You see. I was aiming for the small one, a child should be easy to get rid of. But since you were stupid enough to fall to the back?... You’ll do just as well.”
With each step he spiraled closer to you, your blood boiling by now. He wanted to hurt the little sailor. Wind was like a younger brother to you. You’d make sure this monster wouldn’t come near him.
“I must admit though, that pathetic excuse of a hero sure has taste to keep a pretty one like you around.”
Dark Link was just inches from you by now, his hand stroking along your jaw, in an almost loving manner.
This was your chance right now; you only hoped your plan would work.
Moving quickly, you grabbed an arrow from the quiver on your hip and rammed it into the shadows hand, making him take a few steps back, as you inhaled deeply and screamed at the top of your lungs.
You could only hope to the gods above that they heard you.
The demon stared at you with fury filled eyes, pulling the arrow out of his hand and getting his sword and shield ready with a wicked smile on his lips. “You shouldn’t have done that…”
Quicker than you could get your weapons out, he charged at you, your only chance to back away, his sword barely scraping your cheek, drawing blood in the process.
“I'm not that easy to kill, Demon.”
This was NOT like the sparring sessions you’ve had with Time.
You managed to get out your shield, blocking yet another attack as Dark Links blade collided with your shields surface, shaking you to the core with the brute force he was using.
Yep definitely not like sparring with Time. Had he always held back this much strength?
You wouldn’t stand a chance and you knew it, just as well as he did.
“What’s wrong, little mouse? Cat got your tongue?”
Another swing to your shield threw you off balance, back colliding painfully with the ground. The air got knocked out of your lungs and you had trouble to breathe again.
You weren’t prepared for Dark Links next attack and closed your eyes, positive that this was it for you.
But the deadly blow never came.
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Replaced with a clash of metal against metal.
You released a breath you didn’t know you held.
he had heard you.
Thank the gods he had heard your cry, shield facing forward, his back turned to you.
“Why don’t you play with someone your own size, Dark?”
The shadow, hummed in fake sadness. “You always have to ruin my fun. I bet their blood would have looked beautiful spilled on the ground.”
Time growled. “You better watch your tongue in front of me, or you’ll regret it.”
The answer he received was a malicious laugh. “We’ll see about that.” With a swift move of his wrist, Dark Link threw a knife forward, but it missed Time by a few inches.
“You should work on your aim.”
The demon smirked. “I wasn’t aiming at you.”
Shortly after, your cry of pain echoed through the area, letting Times blood freeze. He couldn’t turn around to check on you and that damned shadow knew it.
Your cries let his heart drop down to his stomach. He desperately wanted to check if you were ok but he couldn’t.
The knife now embedded in your side made tears spill down your cheeks. “Link, it hurts….”
“I know!” It pained him to hear your voice tremble like this. “I know. Don't pull it out. Hold on a little longer, I’ll finish this quickly.”
His evil twin snarled. “Don’t be so sure about that, you son of a Moblin.”
Not a second later, Time rushed towards Dark Link, clashing blades with a force that shook the ground beneath them.
The hero saw red.
This bastard had hurt you, made you cry. Made you bleed.
And Time would make sure this creature would regret ever having laid a finger on you.
The longer the fight went on the more Time got annoyed. Each attack got countered, even mocked by landing on his blade only fueling the heros rage. On top of that he had to stop any attacks from going your way again.
But he had fought against his shadow once and won, and he’d be victorious this time as well.
Times mind went into overdrive. He had to think of a strategy to win this as quick as possible. He had to get you to the traveler to get that damned knife out of your body, get you healed.
He just needed one second. One moment to distract Dark Link and deal the final blow so he could get you to safety.
He ducked underneath a sword swing, using the momentum to try and kick out the shadow’s legs, bring him off balance, and yet again, his attacks got avoided.
Dark Link snickered. “Are you done soon, Hero? I’m getting quite bored over here.” Soon enough the shadows eyes went wide as an arrow flew past his head.
This was the chance Time had been waiting for, the rest of the party must have found him and provided backup. Quickly he spun around and let his blade connect to his evil twin’s side, bringing him to his knees, wounding him fatally.
He snarled at Time, who was ready to give the final blow. “Don’t think this is over yet. I’ll come back and murder your precious companion slowly and painfully while you have to watch them take their last pathetic breath.”
And the moment Times blade thrust through Dark Links chest, he vanished into a cloud of black smoke.
Relieved the hero turned around “Took you lot long enough…” his words got stuck in his throat.
What greeted him wasn’t the group, but you. On wobbly legs with a bow in hand and the demons knife still stuck in your side, soaking your tunic and already part of your pants in red.
You stumbled a bit forward. “Link… you came for me.”
He rushed to your side when your legs gave out, bringing you into a tight embrace. You whimpered when the handle of the knife brushed against Times armor. He loosened his hold on you instantly, as if he burned himself. “I’m sorry… I’ve got you. It's alright. It's ok."
He helped you towards a tree and gently placed you down, each time you whimpered of the pain let his heart break a little more. Brushing a hand against your face his gaze sought yours. “Listen to me, ok? You’re safe now, he’s gone. I’m here. I won’t let anything hurt you ever again.”
You visibly relaxed against his touch. “Link...”
“It’s okay.” Time smiled sadly after hearing you call his name, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m here. I’ll bring you to the traveler. He’ll heal you.”
His eyes wandered to the blade; brows knit together in great concern. “We can’t pull out the knife until we have a red potion ready. Do you think you can handle being carried?”
Taking a shaky breath, you glanced down and then back up to Time, forcing a pained smile. “Let’s find out, shall we?”
Slowly Time slid his arms underneath your form, lifting you up princess style, as gently as possible. But as careful as he was, you couldn’t hide how much being moved hurt.
“Shhh. You’re doing great.” He stepped back towards the way he came from, while you held onto his shoulders for support. "I'm proud of you for holding on until I arrived."
It took a few minutes until you got somewhat used to being moved, face still contorted in pain, but you were alive and that was all that mattered right now. Words couldn’t describe how thankful you were. Smiling at Time, you placed a small kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you for finding me. My Hero.”
His worried gaze softened when he looked back down to you, nodding as a response.
In the far distance you could make out the silhouettes and shouts of the rest of the group sprinting your way.
Everything would be fine now.
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muckyschmuck · 10 months
(also where do i find your comic??)
SHAKJSK THANK YUO SO MUCHu guys need to stop being so nice, people r gonna think i’m writing to myself (i am) (i’m not) (who’s to say) you can find it by keyword searching Sanguinary on my tumblr i think there’s a link. or by searching sanguinary on comicfury that’s where it’s hosted and stuff. i know comicfury recently started baby proofing the site from 18+ content so idk if u have to have an acc or something?, idk idk i should probably pin the liiiiiink
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yidiyada · 3 months
My usual site isn’t working and the drive isn’t working and should I kill myself yes or no and does anybody have a liiiiiink
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raven-s · 1 year
Imma need yall to start tagging me in the posts with the links
Ya know
The links
The Liiiiiinks
Because they have me in a chokehold fr.
Over here lickin my damn screen n shit
Fr tho, plz 🙏🏾
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
How does one do themes for their blog idk what to do with mine
But I also wanna low key change my pseudo/url on here but the liiiiiinks 😩😩😩
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skyward-floored · 2 years
You ever have lots of thoughts but not like. Know how or what to do with them at the moment. just thoughts. lots of em.
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anthonycrowley · 3 years
party meme voice they don’t know that the source in the original olivia rodrigo is misha collins’ niece post just leads to the communal badfic my discord wrote
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alyss-spazz-penedo · 4 years
Do you remember that time I told you I cried while writing a thing for the unedited v!Wind fic, @w1lmutt. Do you.
Consider this a warning: It’s karma time 8)
<<First Part 6 Next>>
"Oh." Link stops dead, halting their limping journey into the village. He looks around like he's not sure if he's dreaming. "Oh."
“Link? Is that you?” Mesa calls from his vegetable patch. Link sways as he stares at the man, looking like he's seeing a ghost instead of a perfectly hale and healthy Hylian. "Goddesses, you don't look so good. Are- are you holding up alright?"
"He'll be fine," Tetra replies, when it becomes clear Link can’t respond.
"And Tetra too." The man shakes himself. "Aryll was looking for you, Link. You'd... you'd better get on home," he says, horribly sympathetic. Link feels his heartbeat hitch.
"No," he breathes. Tetra nearly drops him as he jerks forward. "No, no no no, I was supposed to have more time- I’m not ready-!”
"Liiiiiiink!" A voice echoes faintly down into the cave. The heroes look up as one, reacting to their shared name. "Where are youuuuuu?"
A beat. "No one recognizes her, right?"
A round of negatives. Then, from further away, "Big brootheeer! Liiiiiink!"
"...You don't think-?"
"The villagers?"
They exchange looks. Time makes his way out of the fountain first. He surveys the now empty forest, frowning. "We should make haste."
There’s a crowd gathered on his doorstep by the time Link manages to stagger his way home. Their grim voices sweep over him like the tide, rushing in and out. He can’t grasp a single word they’re saying.
Sturgeon, the closest thing Outset has to a doctor, is kneeling next to her. He looks up when Link barges in. "Come now, old friend," he murmurs to Link's grandma, patting her hand. "Look who's come to see you. Won't you open your eyes for your dear grandson?"
“Mister Sturgeon? Is she- she’s gonna be okay, right?” Link pants. “What happened?”
“She collapsed outside. Gave poor Aryll quite the fright. We brought her in but... I’m afraid there’s not much to be done, lad.” The old man looks almost calm, almost resigned—already grieving, which isn’t fucking good enough.
Link seizes him by the collar. “What do you mean not much to be-!” He starts to snarl. Stops. Grandma’s eyelids are fluttering open.
“Link...?” She breathes, terrifyingly soft. “Is that you, dearie?”
He drops the useless old man immediately, falling to his knees next to the cushion she’s laid out on. “Grandma, hold on, just hold on, I’ll- I’ll get a potion, no, a fairy, just-!“
“Goodness. It feels... like it’s been such a long time since I last saw you. You’ve grown.”
Link freezes. He clutches at her hand gently, desperately. “No I haven’t,” he croaks. “I was here when you fell asleep. I haven’t- I haven’t aged a single day since then, I made sure-”
“You’ll stay a while this time... won’t you?” She wheezes, hazy and unfocused. “I’d like... to be able... to see you off again...” She sighs, eyes drooping. Her hand falls limp.
“Grandma?” He whimpers. “Grandma, I’m not going anywhere. Wake up, please wake up, just a little longer, I’m- I’m almost ready-” A feverish light enters his eyes. “I finally found it,” he promises her. “A way to show you Hyrule. Fields bigger than entire islands, and forests full of creatures we’ve never seen before, and huge deserts of sun and sand dunes. The winds there are so sweet, not a lick of ocean salt to be found, and it’s so beautiful-“ His voice breaks. “You can’t leave without even seeing it, Grandma. You can’t.”
Grandma doesn't respond.
Instead, Link jerks as a most unwelcome voice offers, “...Try this."
The heroes that did this stand gathered by the doorway, in the space the villagers had vacated to give him some privacy. They look as though they’ve been there a while. The Hero of Time holds out a bottled fairy like a peace offering.
“You,” Link hisses. Stops. Tetra’s laid a supportive hand on his shoulder. “Why would you...?”
“Thank you,” she tells Time in his stead, accepting the fairy and shoving it into Link’s hands. Link stares down at it, shakes himself, and promptly upends the container onto Grandma’s chest.
The little sprite spirals and spirals, scattering pixie dust. Nothing changes.
Frantic now, Link feels for her pulse. It takes him far too long to find it—faint and stuttering. “Why isn’t it working?!”
Hyrule pushes forward. “Let me try,” he offers, hands up like Link is a wild animal he’s trying not to spook. “I don’t have much experience with old people, but I know some healing magic. Maybe I can help.”
Link stares at him, the words taking longer than they should to comprehend. He gnaws at his lip, once, before giving his permission with a tight nod.
“Careful, ‘Rulie,” someone cautions. Link doesn’t bother looking up to see who, eyes fixed on the glowing hands the older boy lays on his grandma’s chest. “You’ve used too much magic today. Potions only do so much.”
"It's fine." Hyrule casts once, words falling musically from his lips. When the light dies, his patient looks no different. Frowning, he tries again, slower, hands running up and down Grandma’s form, picking up her hands and cupping them in his own.
At last, panting, Hyrule shakes his head, and Link could run him through where he stands.
“Why not?! You said you could help!”
“He said he’d try, kid. Back off.” Not unkindly, Legend forces him to step away from Hyrule.
The healer, for his part, merely shakes his head again. “I don’t understand it. There’s barely any life left in her. I’m sorry, but I don’t—I’m not even sure how she’s breathing right now.” He steps away, gently placing her hands back on the blanket. “It’s... almost as though she's been hollowed out. She’s been beyond saving for a long time now.”
“No- no that can’t be right, she was having a good day when, when I- she was outside, she was walking, she was, she wasn’t-!”
The travelers exchange glances. Legend is the only one callous enough to say what they all suspect. “Then that curse probably drained whatever she had left, kid.”
Link whirls on him with a snarl. “You’re lying!“ He yells, fingers itching for a sword that isn’t there. “She wasn’t-!”
“They’re not,” Tetra cuts in. She has her arms folded across her chest, tight. Link still catches the shiver she tries to hide. “If what that... thing did to her was anything like what it did to me... ‘drain’ is a good way to put it.”
Link shakes his head again. “You’re lying,” he chokes. Slower, broken, he whispers, “it wasn’t supposed to hurt her.”
“I’m sorry,” Hyrule repeats again, uselessly. “But I don’t think she’ll last the night. She doesn’t have enough energy left.”
Link is about to do something—beg, lash out, scream, please can’t you use mine, when-
“Who are you guys?” A high voice demands from beyond the crowd of heroes. “Why are you in my house?”
“Aryll,” Link breathes.
His sister doesn’t hear, squirming her way in while shouting, “Link? Big Brother, are you home? Grandma, Grandma she-”
She breaks past the travelers. Stops dead when she takes in the scene. “Big brother? Why are you crying?” She utters. “Grandma’s- Grandma’s gonna be okay, isn’t she?”
Link opens his mouth. Closes it. Trembles.
Twilight, standing closest to Aryll, puts a hand on the girl’s shoulder and gently urges her closer to Link, to Grandma. Like that might do anything. Like that might help.
His hands clench into fists. “Get out,” he rasps. Aryll clutches at his sleeve. They’re both trembling now.
“Are you sure?” Hyrule hesitates, and Link hates the way he looks at them. The way they’re all looking at him and his family. “Maybe we should-”
“Get out get out get OUT!” He demands, voice rising to a shriek. With a sharp swing of his Deku leaf and a massive blast of air, most of the intruders are sent tumbling backwards, out to the porch. The ones that manage to keep their feet are swiftly escorted out by a grim-faced Tetra.
The pirate captain surveys them with cool eyes as they gather themselves, as they exchange uncertain glances. “You don’t need to be here,” she says, giving voice to what they’re all thinking. “Scram. Outset doesn’t have lodgings for travelers; go figure out where you’ll stay if you’re staying, or where you’ll go if you’re going. Except you,” and here she jabs her finger at Warriors demandingly. “You better stick around, because you are going to tell me the whole story later. Now get lost, all of you.”
Her piece said, she whirls on her heel and marches right back into the house they’d all been ejected from. The door thunks firmly shut behind her—a clear warning not to follow.
At the first hint of sunrise, Link knocks on Master Orca’s door.
“I know you guys are in there. I’m not here to fight.”
They crack open the door. Link’s a mess. He regards them all with glassy eyes, and when he doesn’t find what he’s looking for, croaks, “where’s my sword?”
“Why should we give it to you?” They are, reasonably, rather wary at the request.
“I need it to get rid of the blockade. The monsters can’t stay, they’ll scare people.”
They consider this, consider the boy standing numbly before them. Finally, Wild fetches the blade from the depths of his Slate.
Link takes it. Nods at them. Turns around and trudges down to the ocean, single-mindedly making his way to the nearest platform on the water. The visiting heroes follow him as far as the shoreline, where he slips on the Helmaroc Mask and takes to the sky.
In the dim light of the false dawn, they stand vigil and watch as Link wordlessly, mindlessly slaughters his way from one end of the horizon to the other.
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With Age of Calamity upon us in a couple months, would the assorted cast of the OG Hyrule Warriors stop by and check out Link and Zelda's new friends? Wondering how Samus will react to Cia and Lana, Volga taking an interest in his fellow dragons (the twins), Zant meeting the League (since Ghirahim obviously didn't sent the notice), Linkle being a sweet sis to the kids, Skullkid/Majora and Young Link catching up and most importantly, Tingle.
Samus: So, this is your OG Hyrule Warriors version?
Link: Yup.
HW!Link: Also known as Shounen Protagonist Link.
Samus: Huh, makes sense. You do seem to be the most blatantly OP of the Links.
HW!Link: Really I’m just the most stylish. All the Links operate at roughly the same level of OPness. I mean-
Lana, entering the room: Linky! I made you a bento!
HW!Link: Oh, thanks Lana. You’re a great friend.
Lana, smiling through the pain: Yup. That’s Lana.
Cia, bursting through the room: Link!
HW!Link: Oh no.
Cia: I have aquired this mighty sword for you my love. You would look... ravishing with it.
Samus: Isn’t that Soul Edge?
Cia: Ah. You are... the Boba Fett rip-off who has bewitched the amalgam of my beloved.
Link: Well... that seems a bit harsh.
Marin, entering the room: Linky! I wrote a new bell song for you. Would you like to hear it?
Samus: Dear Gods... it’s not a Shounen Anime... it’s a fucking Harem Anime.
Corrin: So, you’re a dragon?
Volga: Yes.
Corrine: Are you a savior?!
Corrin: A religious figure?!
Corrine: A leader of armies and heroes?!
Volga: No.
Corrin: Then... what do you do?
Volga: Mainly I just sit in my volcano hating everyone.
Corrine: So... you’re like the Grinch?
Volga: Pretty much. Now, *draws his spear and an aura of flame erupts around him* SHOW ME YOUR STRENGTH!
Corrin: So cool! So... sexy.
Corrine: No.
*At the League of Villains base*
Ganondorf: So if we attack their farming industry, that would leave us in a good position to-
Ganondorf: Oh sweet and salty Christ no.
*Zant bursts through the doors*
Zant: Master! I finally found you! How could you not invite me to your cool evil villain club!?
Ganondorf: Because you’re annoying. Now leave.
Zant: But I’m really good at being a villain! I conquered nearly all of Hyrule in your name! I trapped the HEro in the form of a beast!
Ganondorf: Instead of killing him.
Zant: Well... yes... but at least I only got my ass kicked by him once! Ghirahim lost to him so many times!
Ghirahim, teleporting into the room: true, but I lost with style. You threw a hissy fit.
Zant: Please master! I can do the thing really well!
Ganondorf: Uggh. You know what? Fine. You can join, IF! If, you fetch me the Boots... of... Kaldamarch. The Boots that will give its owner the power to conquer any foe.
Zant: I shall not fail you! *rushes off*
Bowser: Boss, there’s no such thing as the boots of Kalda-whatever.
Ganondorf: Maybe Zant will find me a pair. They sound fantastic.
Linkle: Alright everyone, who wants to play with the cucoos!?
Kids: YAAAY!
Linkle: Yeah! *brings out Golden Cucoo, Brown Cucoo, and Cucoo chick*
Ness: They’re so cute!
Lucas: I wann hug them forever!
Golden Cucoo: Three years of Juliard... for this...
Impa: Young Link? *she finds him hiding under a desk, trembling* What in the name of Nayru has gotten into you?
Young Link: Shh! He’s out there! He might find me!
Inpa: Who are you-
Tingle, from in the hall: Liiiiiink!
Young Link: Do not let him know I’m here!
Tingle, getting closer: Liiiiinkjy! I can sense you!
Young Link: Do not make eye-contact!
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
speaking of dancing, i am by no means a professional or anything but i loved dancing as a way to destress and just have fun in general (and have joined dancing competitions... well, most likely dragged by my teachers and peers bc i simply do not have the confidence hence why i do it casually lmao) as well. so as a reader of oli (lmao), i def would warm up to kpop cos i like their choreographies and do dance to them, especially the contemporary-style ones. also, reader dancing to this. i am very much into the first person who danced in this video. so i envision reader as her all throughout. (also, her and first love jamming to this song.... sunaosa nosebleeds 😹)
will suna still be an anti after watching that? let’s find out!
I can't see the liiiiiink! ; ____ ; am sad. can you tell me the title of the video, instead? i'll look it up on youtube.
also, for some reason, i can think of suna as a bit of a dancer. in my one-shot, 'bad girl' (atsumu x reader, not ulmaxolixum timeline) he dances off to bad girl because i've been following this korean dance group who have such suave dancers and choreographers. soooo, i'd like to think suna's that.
it's not that he hates k-pop, he just thinks its a bit excessive. production-wise, most especially. also, he thinks some of their looks are superficial. also, airi tells him a lot about the kpop industry, so he's a bit turned off of what he knows about it.
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deejayers · 4 years
@gzerokacchan​ i cannot thank you enough for sending me that liiiiiink oh my goooooooooooood ajklhdalskjfh;d!!!!!! my heart!!! my everything!!!!!! i kept waking my cats up because i  could not contain my squeals and laughter and just oh my goooood it’s soooooo goooooooood!!!!! wtf is wrong with you funimation!?!? just shut up and take my damn money already! i need to own this movie!!!
so thank you again because i knew it would be amazing but i still wasn’t prepared and i loved it and just akjsdhflkajhsd;fha thank you thank you thank yoooooouuuuuuuu!!!!
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jackalxhearts · 2 years
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I started off doing more illustrative designs for my print on demand work. It takes a little too long to do for every design, but I have a huge soft spot for this jawbreaker one. (To be clear, all of my work is made in procreate by me with free for commercial use fonts + my own hand-drawing. I say this because unfortunately a lot of print on demand store items I see in the wild are stolen. Mine are not.) Obligatory shop liiiiiink
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years
DuckTales 2017 - “Who is Gizmoduck?”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Christian Magalhaes
Directed by: Tanner Johnson
Storyboard by: Emmy Cicirega, Ben Holm, Jason Reicher
It’s Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, right? Well, it's a little more complicated than that.
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The episode starts with Donald Duck trying to get a loan from the bank for the repairs for his houseboat. I'm assuming this is due to all that damage that shark did to it. This would be the perfect job for Donald, as he was able to take them on in a previous episode. If only he wasn't all tied up with one of those pens on a string.
Thankfully for everyone, at least at first, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera was also in the bank trying to open an account. Right from the beginning, we're hinted at Fenton's financial situation: since he's an unpaid intern, he has to ask the bank if he can open an account with no money. After he accidently says his catchphrase while failing to hide from all of this, the suit activates. Sadly, there's no repeat of the amazing magical girl transformation sequence here.
Gizmoduck still pretty much beats everyone out of sheer luck, due to not having total control over his suit. The one time he tries to hit Bouncer Beagle with a pie, the hand just throws it on the ground.
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It's not just incompetence: there's an internal Processor Core, represented on his interface as a Little Bulb. When he uses too many of his powers, it overloads and makes him spin around shooting lasers and pies everywhere. While this succeeds in making the Beagle Boys run off before getting a single dime out of the bank, this does destroy it.
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Huey was there, and he was enamoured by all of this, as shown here. Not everyone else is happy, though. Because of this kind of destruction, Gizmoduck has a Spider-Man-like reputation when it comes to the media. Huey tries to tell Roxanne Featherly, the recurring anchorwoman, about how Gizmoduck is a hero and that he saved him, but this doesn't stop the news from calling him "Robo-Crook". Not a recurring theme.
This episode does not focus on Scrooge and the nephews, or even Donald as he just disappears into the "far more interested in repairing his houseboat than participating in adventures" void. Instead, the vast majority of this episode's focus is on Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera. It's a neat change from the usual.
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Another hint at the financial situation is that he still lives with his mother; this reboot’s version of M'Ma Crackshell, who, according to the credits, everyone else calls Officer Cabrera. She's a police officer in this version, constantly carrying her badge. She speaks a few Spanish words, and is addicted to telanovelas, continuing from the original's addiction to soap operas.
This episode has a lot of slapstick even when he doesn't have the suit on. He has to juggle around a missile while talking to his mom, and having to use a stretchy arm to stop a pie from hitting her in the face. The pies are a running gag throughout the episode.
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We cut to Mark Beaks, talking to one of his interns about how much he wants Gizmoduck. Okay, maybe that's not the best way to word that, but I'm keeping it. Because it wasn't hinted enough that this guy is a villain, he does all of this in the dark. Mark Beaks also builds an emblem with Waddle's logo on it. That may be the first thing he's ever built that isn't a smartphone app and/or stolen from someone in a while.
If you don't pay attention to the background, you'll miss out on some excellent foreshadowing. That's something that happens in this series a lot, and I appreciate it.
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After that, we see Gyro training Fenton in the ways to use the suit. This only consists of reflex tests, which doesn't really excite Fenton. Unlike Fenton's dreams of being able to use Gizmoduck to save the world, Gyro only wanted him to do mundane tasks like lifting boxes to high places.
Gyro warns Fenton that he better not use the suit in a way that would make it go haywire, and make him lose all of his funding. Yeah, Gyro doesn't have any idea about the bank incident. The news crew didn't get a good shot at who this robo-crook looks like, but I would think this genius would be able to put two-and-two together. Fenton can hope that someone won't tell him about this amazing robotic hero who has tons of gizmos at his disposal...
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...especially not when Gyro is having trouble with the Pep machine. That running gag will be as present as that guy from Lilo and Stitch’s ice cream falling to the ground. Gyro goes to the junkyard and finds Gizmoduck in the middle of a slapstick montage of him figuring out which gizmos are malfunctioning, and he's not too happy.
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In the middle of all this, he accidentally fires a missile, which he has to chase after. Even he laments that this isn't a continuation of the pie joke, possibly caused by Gyro turning those down earlier in the episode. End scene, cut to commercial.
This missile almost ends up hitting a helicopter piloted by a certain someone everyone seems to know. This stranger he saves happens to be really excited about this, and says "yay" with glee as he is flown to safety. No surprise, since he happens to be...
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...the memelord himself, Mark Beaks. As a thank you for saving him from the destroyed helicopter, he offers Gizmoduck a job opportunity. He tells him that the city doesn't exactly like him, and with his help, he can become the beloved hero of Duckburg he wanted to be. Or, in his exact words and convienent smartphone app...
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Mark Beaks: See, right now, you're a bad meme.
Yeah, have you seen his new Gizmoduck Meme Generator? I will say this; this episode is by far his best appearance in my opinion. It is apparent in that earlier scene, but it will be even more apparent later in the episode.
Despite the huge job opportunity, he decides not to accept it, and flies away. I would almost think he would have taken it immediately after Gyro got angry at him, but it would seem a little out of character for him to immediately turn his back on.
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However, it's not too out of character for the reboot's Gyro to turn his back on Fenton. Gyro and Little Bulb respond the best way they know how: by firing him and literally setting the suit on fire to start again on a suit that doesn't have gizmos. How he managed to know about the helicopter incident but not the bank incident is not really explained. Maybe Huey told him about it, too. That rascal.
The Headless Man Horse is there, too, still doing his one joke while wearing the Scrooge head. I think they're trying to make him a meme. Eh.
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He says Blathering Blatherskite, and crashes through the walls and flies off to Waddle. A very disappointed Huey looks on, hinting at a future scene. Gyro apparently doesn't notice his suit he was going to incinerate just flew out of the building.
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He comes back to Mark Beaks to seal the deal, as he doesn't have a job any more. Mark Beaks even rebrands him as Waddle Duck, as shown in a PowerPoint presentation. Things are looking up, not only can he be a hero, but he even gets some love from his M’Ma. She's glad that he is working at a real job at Waddle instead of an unpaid internship with Scrooge.
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We get a true montage: not only does Waddleduck help out a variety of people with various mundane problems, it is all backed by a Waddle Duck theme that feels like it's straight out an 80's movie. This is even repeated at the end credits, giving us an alternate credits theme for the first time.
Ironically enough, this is pretty close to how Gyro wanted the suit to be used in the first place, and the simple tasks aren't complicated enough to make the suit go haywire.
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One of the customers is Huey, who isn't too happy with Fenton's business decision. He uses the app to tell Waddleduck to throw away a piece of paper that represents his faith in him. Huey has every reason to not be a fan of Mark Beaks, either, as he experienced first-hand that he's a crook. He still uses their products, but that's pretty accurate to real life. There's a lot of reasons to not like Wal-Mart, but dammit, some businesses need cheap soap!
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Eventually, he’s going to have a problem. While he's lifting up a car to help someone parallel park, Waddleduck notices that the Beagle Boys are robbing a poor family. Much like RoboCop, Waddleduck has some new directives: he can't save anyone unless they install the app and give all their details.
He goes up to Mark Beaks' office, clearly angered by the situation, to turn off the directive. His office happens to be in darkness in this scene, which hints that this is going to be the huge twist!
While I’m not going to delve too much into the big plot twists in this episode, I really need to talk about this particular one. Much like the last time I had to do this in the Goldie O'Gilt episode, it wasn’t even a matter of if, but when and how Mark Beaks’ plan is going to happen, but it's still a delight to see without me spoiling it to you. Watch the episode, it's good.
← From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22! 🦆 The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck! →
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Ultimately, Mark Beaks decides that it wouldn't be great if someone else was the beloved hero, and taps a few things on his phone. He removes Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera as the owner of the suit, and puts himself in his place. He doesn't even have to say the codeword to take off Fenton's suit, that's the power of the Waddle emblem. Yeah, that's definitely not the best way to word that, but I'm keeping it.
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He even gets his own transformation sequence, which is even more Sailor Moon than Fenton’s from Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System! I guess two transformation sequences would have been too much.
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The real Robo-Crook shows up at a press conference, and his first course of action is to show off his secret identity as Mark Beaks. He hasn't even done anything, and he's already a terrible superhero. Maybe he's just that confident in his guards. Huey doesn't buy it at all. He never does figure out who Gizmoduck is, which I was a little confused by until I realized he didn't even appear in Gizmoduck's debut episode.
One can probably guess how this will mess up for Mark Beaks. Even with all of his experience with it, Fenton Crackshell could barely control his super-suit. Mark Beaks got this suit a minute ago. He also decided to get rid of the directive that prevented the suit from using its gizmos to help anyone except people who have the app, so he has no restriction on how he uses its powers!
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Sure enough, the same going haywire that happened to Fenton in the beginning happens to Mark Beaks here, minus the whole "stopping a bank robbery" thing. He was just showing off by firing lasers randomly and not really caring that its causing destruction, which is fitting for his character. They actually stop to show a scene where the smartphone he used to steal the suit gets run over by him bumbling around, causing the Waddle logo emblem to fall off of his chest. Without this scene, there would have been a plot hole later in the episode.
They have to resolve another issue, as well: that pesky Processor Core that's causing all of this. It's Huey that helps out in this situation, I won't spoil exactly how, but not before he gets into danger due to the malfunctioning suit. One of the lasers hits a billboard that he and Fenton's M'Ma happened to be under. In a heroic move, Fenton leaps towards the falling billboard, and, with intention this time, says the magic words.
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It turns out that emblem was the only thing keeping Fenton, or anyone else who knows the secret passphrase, from stealing back the suit. I would have questioned how he was able to do this after getting hacked, but that scene I mentioned earlier does explain it quite well. Mark Beaks just kind of disappears after this; it's more than likely he'll get away with what he did being that he's rich. There's some nice development there. I will say that a scene at the end reminds me of a certain Batman movie to the point where it could be a reference to it.
Thankfully, it is not played straight, and it does end well for Fenton and anyone who wants to see more Gizmoduck. This is helped by an appearance of a character who you expected to see, swooping in at the last minute. Who is this sort-of Deus Ex "Machina" helping out the machina? Watch the episode to find out.
How does it stack up?
My expectations were simply to see more Gizmoduck, and this pretty much delivered. It's a good slice of the life of a superhero.
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Another day, another bin, another Lena episode. Can't wait.
← From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22! 🦆 The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck! →
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