#my little pixel guys that I must protect
niymue · 6 months
thinking- 🤢 thinking about pl- 🤢 about playing sims 🤮
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bunnybubae · 5 months
(M)🚦Red Light: The Allure | Ch3 [JJK]
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👉🏻[Series Masterpost]
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader (GymOwner!JK/MotoRacer!JK/Biker!JK-TattoArtist!OC)
Genre: S2L - Smut - Fluff - Angst
Summary: Jeon Jungkook never lets any distraction take him away from his motorcycle or his gym for more than one night. He just wants to speed around the track and feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins, the sex he gets thanks to his charm, is just a side dish to his life. A tough past brought him on that Ducati that he learned to love, a past  you’ll uncover, as you slowly seep in under his skin. It’s a hell of a ride, in all senses, as you try to escape your own hell in the meanwhile.  Where will this ride bring you? Will it be worth it in the end?
Chapter Warnings: mention of the toxic ex (again, unfortunately), still a lot of teasing and heavy flirting, JK in black CK undies yes, it is a warning, brief mention of weed,  alcohol consumption, brief thigh riding, rubbing in public environment, dry humping, oral sex (M/F receiving), praise kink, protected sex, one (1) slap on the ass, rough sex.
Wc: 11.7k
A/N: Hello there! I hope you guys still want to read this story, cause CH3 is finally out! As always, I'm sorry if there are some grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language and I don't have a beta, so pls bear with me! 🫶🏻 Let me know what are your thoughts about the story, my box is always open! - Joy 🐰
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December 8th, Friday
You're glad it didn't pour down all day.
The night sky is clear and the smell of rain permeates in the air. You look through the car window covered in droplets as Hani chats with the driver.
You're too busy looking at scattered puddles on the asphalt reflecting the surrounding lights to pay attention to whatever the uber driver is saying.
The only thing troubling your mind right now is the last message you received. You had already blocked Ray's number a long time ago, but no one else would ever dream of sending you a similar message. The scumbag must have changed it.
You check your phone screen once again, almost hopeful that the content of the message is now different or even better, gone.
Unknown Number:- Have fun tn.
You tighten the coat you're wearing around your figure, as if that would be enough to make you feel safe.
Three words were enough to disgust you to the core. Well done Ray.
His intent is clear: he hopes to ruin your evening with this message, he wants you to feel out of place and you know pretty well that behind those seemingly innocent words there is much more hidden. His passive aggressive stalking exudes from every pixel of the screen. 
You wonder how he knows your plans for the evening, you hoped he had finally stopped spying on you, but clearly, this dude is unweary.
A hand suddenly rests on your shoulder, drawing your attention and making you flinch at the unexpected contact. Your thoughts must have poisoned your features judging by Hani's tone of voice, gentle and concerned.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You mechanically put your phone back in your pocket and look at her with a hint of a smile, hoping that she doesn't notice the tornado of thoughts that swirl behind your eyes.
You don't want your worries to ruin your evening, that's exactly what that asshole would want.
Much less, you want Hani to decide it's best to take you home. It would be a defeat on all fronts.
You're going to go to this damn party and have fun. Ray has no power over you, not anymore. To let this message get under your skin would mean allowing him to manipulate you once again. You have to use it instead to do the exact opposite, to free yourself tonight and allow your wounded soul to dance.
Your face softens a little more as you manage to regain control of your thoughts.
"Yeah, it's all good. How long will it take to get there?"
Hani tells you that you'll arrive in a few minutes. She doesn't seem entirely convinced by your attempt to reassure her but you're glad she doesn't ask anything more when you start a barrage of questions about this kind of parties and the moto races.
Tae and Jungkook are waiting for you inside, she says, apparently they had to deal with some organizational issues related to tomorrow's qualifications, that's why they went earlier.
Hani is particularly thrilled, you can tell by the way she describes in as much detail as possible all the competitions and parties she's already attended. A little of her enthusiasm makes its way through you and you find yourself smiling genuinely as you listen to her.
A few minutes later, your driver parks next to the curb and once you get out of the car, you are amazed to notice the huge group of motorbikes parked in the lot next to the venue.
They're all well parked, resting under the light of the street lamps which highlights all their beautiful colors and shapes.
You reach the entrance guarded by a guy who looks like he could fold a motorbike in two. His menacing presence actually calms you further. You sigh without realizing it as your chest feels a little lighter.
Hani greets the big boy, who reciprocates, while maintaining a serious demeanor. He lets you in without even asking for documents or such, Hani is really well known by now.
The interior of the place has been well decorated for the occasion and the music is not excessively loud, the atmosphere is pleasant. You were expecting something more frenetic considering the adrenaline that motorcyclists are used to, everyone seems to be having fun but with ease instead. Which doesn't bother you at all.
Hani leads you to a small room filled with some sort of lockers to take off your coat before you could finally start your night.
It doesn't take long to find Tae, sitting at the bar, right next to the dance floor.
As you get closer, you notice that he's with a dark-haired guy and that they both seem deep in conversation.
"Here you are finally! Hoseok, Y/N, Y/N, Hoseok"
Tae gestures with his hands between you and the guy next to him. 
"You can call me Hobi!"
He says with a beautiful smile and holding out his hand.
The handshake was a bit embarrassing for you, you're no longer used to this type of introduction. Usually, the customers who come to the shop know you through Instagram or through friends, and it is easier to establish relationships which, in that circumstance, are limited to work.
"Nice to meet you, Hobi."
Tae offers everyone a round and the alcohol seems to loosen your nerves a little more.
Despite the initial awkwardness, the conversation between the four of you continues smoothly. You laugh out loud when Hobi tells an anecdote about Tae and Jungkook, you find him funny, both his way of storytelling and the emphasis he puts on details. He is definitely a sunny and extroverted guy who is able to drag anyone into conversation and put a smile on their face with his energetic ways.
Speaking of Jungkook,  you wonder where he could be, considering he was not here with them when you arrived.
Hobi continues his tell tales while Hani chuckles and Tae intervenes every now and then
"That guy over there," Hobi points behind you, "That one over there has been the champion for two years in a row!"
You turn to see where his finger is pointing only to realize that the champion he's talking about is Jungkook himself.
Tae laughs mockingly, determined to annoy you today as well, clearly. "Oh, they know each other very well!" and he exaggerates a wink.
Luckily enough, Hani seems to be on your side tonight. She elbows him on the side to shut him up but that only elicits a half-laugh from Tae.
"Yes, because I joined his gym." You respond casually, purposely ignoring Tae's innuendos.
Hobi starts waving his arm in the air trying to get Jungkook's attention from across the room.
Jungkook is talking to a couple of people, you look at him as he smiles and nods at something his interlocutors said, then he notices Hobi's attempts to call him.
He waves back and seems to want to return to the conversation with whoever is in front of him, when he notices you next to his friends.
A small smile forms on his face and his gaze remains fixed on you, almost as if he were challenging you to a staring contest. 
You decide to playfully stick your tongue out at him to which he, in response, reacts with a damn wink.
You turn around and try to douse the heat you feel by taking a large sip of your drink. The alcohol helps, but the warmth in your cheeks becomes noticeable.
Your friends continue to chat peacefully, you're relieved to see that no one has noticed this little exchange with Jungkook, with the exception of Hani of course, her smile speaks clearly.
You try to focus on Tae and Hobi's talk, but they're talking about some modifications their mechanics made to their bikes for the race, details too mechanical for your alcohol-clouded mind.
Hani's smile is different now when you look at her, and the tilt of her head confuses you further.
"Here he is, the champion graces us with his presence!"
Hobi says all of a sudden.
You realize that Hani was trying to let you know that Jungkook was on his way.
He stops next to you and it's strange to meet him in a context other than the gym. You felt more or less the same feeling when he gave you that lift that evening, but now you have the opportunity to see another aspect of his person and the way he is dressed is proof of that.
Jungkook seems like an outgoing and sociable guy when it comes to training his members at the gym. As you watch him now though, he seems slightly embarrassed, keeping his hands inside the pockets of his baggy jeans.
Tae takes Jungkook's arm as he responds to Hobi's statement "Technically, I'm not the champion yet."
“Will you let us win any races this year?” Tae asks in a teasing tone.
Jungkook tries to free himself from Tae's grip by pinching his side. "Ouch." Tae chuckles, placing a hand on the pinched spot, while Jungkook rearranges his hair, moving it away from his face.
"It's not my fault that Ducky is the fastest bike on the track."
You ask out of curiosity, before you even realize.
Tae and Hobi start giggling in the background as Jungkook's gaze falls on you. He appears surprised by the question, as if he thought you knew. Then, he seems to remember that he never spoke about his bike nor his races with you and his expression changes.
"My Ducati." he replies, playing with his piercing, a habit you think comes when he's pondering or embarrassed.
"Did you give your bike a name?"
Jungkook tells you that many people give their bikes a nickname, explaining that the reason he chose Ducky it's due to the similar sound with Ducati.
You smile in recognition that Jungkook definitely looks like an intimidating and strong guy, but that you became aware of a more thoughtful and playful part of him starting from the night he brought you home on his motorbike. Even this small detail about the moto's name fits perfectly with the Jungkook that you got to know till now.
An interesting mix that is also reflected in the ducati he rides.
“It's cute, I think it suits her!” You chuckle softly.
You notice something in Jungkook's eyes, but it doesn't last long due to Tae's comment.
"No please, don't tell me that you also think it's a suitable name for a motorbike!"
Tae babbles distraught, while Hobi laughs loudly, shaking his head.
"Look who's talkin, the one who called his bike Sonic!"
Jungkook huffs mockingly, rolling his eyes. 
The bickering that takes place in front of you makes you laugh lightly, Hani and Hobi join you as Tae fiercely retorts.
"At least it's related! And it's blue like Sonic! Your bike is not even yellow!"
“Wow bro, so original!”
Jungkook pretends to be overly impressed by his friend's explanation. Tae gulps down the last sip of beer while he wraps his arm around Hani.
"And by the way, have you ever seen a duck run? Those tiny little things are pretty fast!" Jungkook concludes.
At this, even Tae bursts out laughing, almost spitting out the beer from his nose. Everyone has seen at least once in their lifetime a video about little ducks chasing their mother or caregiver. Jungkook evidently emerges victorious from the argument, he chuckles along with all of you and the moment couldn't be more wholesome than this, you think.
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The evening unfolds like this, next to the bar, with laughter and some small bickering between the three guys. You notice from time to time that Jungkook's eyes wander towards you while he speaks and he catches you looking at him sometimes as well.
The alcohol in your system definitely doesn't help make it any less evident.
"Another round? It's on me this time." Hobi shakes his empty beer, starting to move towards the bar when Jungkook stops him by placing a hand on his shoulder
"Just a coke for me, please."
Hobi nods as he appears to reply something like, "I know" before smiling tight-lipped at him.
You watch Jungkook's profile the entire time as he smiles back at Hobi before letting him walk towards the bar.
He looks like one of those smiles that takes over his lips when you catch his mind wandering, back at the gym.
A light smile that seems to hide something more.
When Jungkook turns back to bring his attention back to the conversation in progress, your eyes meet for the umpteenth time and his weak smile widens into a smirk.
He leans towards you slightly, while Tae and Hani continue to discuss something you don't quite listen to and his face gets dangerously close to yours.
“Are you going to keep looking at me all night?”
Jungkook speaks close to your ear, he doesn't whisper but he still makes sure you're the only one to hear him.
The sudden closeness of his body allows your nostrils to immediately capture his scent, the one you've had on you thanks to his motorcycle jacket and as the memory of that evening returns to your slightly alcohol-influenced mind, you smile mischievously.
“How can you say I'm looking at you all the time?”
Jungkook shifts his head slightly so he can look at you better as he says
"Because every time I look at you your eyes are already looking at me,"
You sigh, his voice far too calm to cause such turmoil within you. You try to ignore his usual attempt to make you blush, failing miserably when he continues, “You look like you want something.”
This man right here, damn. He knows, you know he knows the effect he has on you. It's clear.
You feel hotter but you manage to retort.
"And what about you? Why are you looking at me so often?"
The liquid courage you have in your body is enough to make you ask straight away, basking in the feeling of his body so close to yours.
Jungkook's eyes watch you intently and a gleam of amusement adorns his deep irises.
He moistens his lips and the movement of his tongue doesn't escape your gaze, but right as he is about to answer your question, Hobi returns, but empty-handed.
“Sorry guys,” Hobi interjects, his face darkened with worry compared to earlier. "Some problem came up with the registration documents and they asked me to help check." He says hastily as he apologizes once again.
Tae offers to go with him and solve the problem at hand but Hobi shakes his head,
"There is no need, I don't want you to ruin your night with bureaucratic bullshit. See you on the track tomorrow! It was nice meeting you Y/N!
"Pleasure is mine Hobi!"
You reply, giving him a smile.
As you watch him go, you realize that you have just met this boy, and yet you feel that you have made the acquaintance of a genuinely beautiful person.
It's so rare nowadays.
“So guys,” Hani exclaims loudly, catching everyone's attention.
"Tae and I are planning a relaxing ride next Sunday."
Jungkook nods.
"Where were you guys thinking of going?"
You watch your friends discuss the details of the itinerary and realize that you're actually considered part of the trip only when you notice that at the idea of the four of you going on a ride together, Jungkook seems relaxed, almost as if it were obvious to take you around on his beloved Ducky. Maybe your mind is wandering a little too much, but it makes you blush a little.
“It can be done, as long as Y/N agrees.”
The pronunciation of your name draws your attention, refocusing you on the group.
"I said if you feel like getting the necessary moto gear, we can go."
Jungkook repeats, Hani and Tae are looking at you as you try to seriously focus on organizing the aforementioned ride.
"Yes, no problem, but I don't know where to buy what I need."
"I'll take you to the store where I bought mine!"
Hani exclaims with a smile.
“I can get you some gloves but as far as helmet and jacket, make sure you get stuff that's the right size for you.”
You shake your head, saying that you will take care of getting everything you need with Hani.
"Oh, yeah I forgot how small your hands are, it's definitely better if you try them on at the store."
Jungkook evidently can never stop himself from teasing you.
His comment causes a mischievous smile on Tae's face and a very satisfied one on Jungkook's.
Hani purses her lips, trying to hold back a laugh, or whatever she was about to say.
Your eyes roll in mock annoyance as you playfully push Jungkook.
"Okay, it's decided then!"
States Hani, who sports a satisfied smile as she continues, “Oh, I forgot something in the car! Come on Tae.”
She grabs Tae's hand and before you can even point it out, he anticipates you by saying, "But you came in an Uber!"
Hani glares at him, "Just come."
Jungkook laughs, shaking his head at the obvious attempt to leave you two alone, while you watch them go in disbelief and slight embarrassment. You want to curse her, but you know it's what you really want too. You want time alone with him, you want to take advantage of the courage you feel inside this evening to understand a little more this tattooed and lip-pierced mystery.
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The dance floor is full and you can no longer see the bartender behind the bar due to how many people are waiting to receive their drinks.
You don't even remember the last time you attended a party like this, the only thing that comes to mind when you think about it is Ray almost causing a fight with a guy who mistook you for his friend, the fight that came of it once you left the party and the tears you shed because of his sharp words, is the only memory of that last party you attended.
You return your gaze to Jungkook as anger and sadness from past events threaten to make their way onto your face.
There is no need to dwell on the past, past parties are in the past, Ray is not here and nothing stops you from enjoying the evening and putting off your worries about your ex and his passive aggressive messages until tomorrow.
Jungkook watches the dancing crowd, moving his head to the beat of the music as he's leaning against the wall.
You admire him so much, he always seems to have everything under control, no matter the shadow that darkens his face every now and then, he seems to always manage to return to reality and enjoy the little things.
"Want to dance?" You don't give your shyness time to reconsider the invitation that the words have already left your mouth. You hold out your hand as you invite him to join you. 
He looks at your hand briefly before replying with a soft smile, “Why not.” and join his hand to yours.
You clasp your hand around his and lead him through the crowd.
You feel boldness fill you, you hadn't even considered the possibility that he might refuse and happy that he didn't, you reach a spot that isn't too crowded, the volume of the music is louder here and you feel the effect on your skin as your heart follows its own rhythm.
Thanks to what you drank and the need to let yourself go at least for tonight, you let your body feel the music.
His movements are loose and yours adapt to his almost immediately. Jungkook watches you the entire time, paying attention to every movement of your body, as if he wants to imprint them in his mind for later.
When you look up and meet his gaze, this time you hold it, smiling mischievously before turning your back on him.
You continue to dance filled with a wave of audacity, your every movement is seductive for him, who can't take his eyes off of you.
The line of your back is far too attractive to keep at a distance so, all of a sudden, you feel Jungkook's body move closer to yours.
The closeness causes a leap in your chest, but what he says is the cause of the heightened blush on your face.
You feel like your cheeks are perpetually burning because of him.
"What happened to the super shy girl who showed up at the gym a while ago?"
His voice is almost a whisper as you feel his face close to your ear.
You tilt your head back, resting it on his shoulder before answering confidently.
"She has learned to dare more." and with that, you decide to lean against his body completely.
Fuck shyness, fuck fears and comfort zones. If tomorrow you have to deal with the consequences of Ray's reappearance, you want to enjoy this one night to the fullest.
You hear Jungkook chuckle softly as a tentative hand finds its place on your hip.
He caresses you flat and softly from your hip up, his palm just grazing the edge of your bra as you wonder what it might be like without your clothes in between.
"It's clear that you're not that shy tonight, either."
You retort as you roll your hips against his. You feel his hand get slightly heavier on your hip as he presses you gently until your body is completely attached to his.
His other hand reaches for your shoulder and brushes your hair away to reveal your neck.
The gesture causes heat in your lower abdomen, you swallow unconsciously at the unexpected reaction of your body. Maybe it's been too long since someone touched you like this or maybe it's the power that Jeon Jungkook has over your body now, but you feel that at this rate you run the risk of melting in his arms.
“What makes you say that, princess?”
His breath tickles you as he whispers the words directly into your skin. His lips don't even touch you once and you wish they would.
You push your hips against his a little more as you continue to move languidly. His fingers mindlessly caress the curve of your neck and you close your eyes as you enjoy the feeling.
“The way you're touching me now.”
You reply in a small voice as your hand reaches for the one resting on your hip,
you hold it as if it might disappear if you don't.
You shiver slightly when his hot breath teases the thin skin of your exposed neck again and the grip of his hand under yours grows more and more.
“I can do more and better, wouldn't you like that?”
You feel the effect of your movements directly against your butt and it gives you even more confidence.
You feel completely intoxicated by his touch, nothing to do with the alcohol that undoubtedly contributed to you finding yourself in this situation, everything you are feeling now is the work of his touch, of his body against yours and of his words.
You're dying to fuck him, to feel his hands all over your naked body as he whispers dirty things in your ear. But at the same time you don't want this to ruin your friendship, you don't want there to be misunderstandings between you. You can always enjoy the pleasures of sex without unnecessary feelings being involved, right?
You don't feel ready yet and you hope Jungkook is of the same opinion as you, that he also wants to have sex with you without strings attached.
You spin around and your hands rest on his broad shoulders. You look at him for a moment, his eyes dark and full of longing as you whisper in his ear, "As long as it's the only thing you want too."
When you look back at him to decipher his reaction, you notice that Jungkook initially seems surprised by your statement, then a pleased smile forms on his plump lips and his hands suddenly become bolder, moving down from your hips to the small of your back. You barely hold back a moan when you feel the hardness of his member and the firmness of his hands on you.
Jungkook holds you close and you don't know when exactly your bodies stopped following the rhythm of the music. He firmly squeezes one of your buttock while you caress the locks of his nape.
You watch him move closer to your neck once again and this time, you feel his wet lips brush against you just below your ear.
"Are you really the first girl I don't have to give the usual speech to? Am I dreaming?"
His deep voice reaches the parts of your body that you never thought would be affected by a simple voice.
"What speech?" You sigh when you feel his hands move up your back.
"The one that makes my intentions clear."
Jungkook looks back at you, as if wanting to make sure he hasn't misunderstood anything.
"It seems we want the same thing, then."
You state in a rush, feeling the places he touches completely on fire.
"Do we?"
Jungkook tilts his head slightly as he holds you impossibly tighter. You feel completely enveloped by the warmth of his body when his thigh slides and finds its place between your legs.
A soft moan escapes your lips and it seems to trigger something in him, you hear him breathe deeply before asking in a low voice.
“What do you want, Y/N?”
From the tone of his voice it is clear that he knows what you want, he simply wants you to confess it freely.
His thigh twitches between your legs, rubbing just right against the place you want it the most.
You follow its movements, completely enraptured by the sensations you are experiencing.
There is no room for shame right now in your mind clouded by the burning desire for him.
The only thing you can think about is his leg repeatedly teasing your clit and the caresses of his hands along your back.
Your hands tremble slightly with pleasure as they involuntarily grasp the strands falling at the nape of his neck.
Jungkook hisses through his teeth but doesn't resist, in fact he seems to like this little gesture from you.
You look at him for a moment and his adam's apple is so inviting that you can't resist the temptation.
You move his head to the side to get more access and lick the surface up to his jaw.
You would continue to enjoy this lewd moment as long as it lasted.
You thought you would tease each other for a while and then go back to your friends, but no.
Jungkook is just as involved as you are.
The groan that vibrates in his throat reached a part of your brain that is now completely short-circuited.
"I want to fuck you."
The words come out with frightening ease and are enough to make Jungkook look back at you through lidded eyes.
“And I don't want anything more than that.”
You know you're not ready to take that leap, but the uncertainty hidden in your voice reaches somewhere in your chest.
It hurts something when you watch him smile widely at your latest statement.
A fleeting pain, overtaken by the strong desire caused by the hardness of his member, throbbing against your thigh.
“Yeah, we definitely want the exact same thing.”
It was already quite clear, but hearing you say it is something else.
Jungkook moves away from you, leaving your body to the cold void his hands left. 
Then, he grabs your hand, leading you past the crowd and towards the other side of the place.
You look around, convinced he wants to take you to the bathrooms, but you realize that with every step you take, you are getting closer to the locker's room.
"Where are we going?"
You ask loudly, as Jungkook continues his zig zag through the people holding your hand.
"At my place." he answers.
“I thought you wanted to do it in the bathroom, haven't you been drinking?”
You know that driving under the influence of alcohol is a terrible idea.
Jungkook stops in his tracks for a moment noticing your hesitation in continuing and you hear him chuckle before answering.
"I shared a joint before," he looks into your eyes, as you inspect them, "And then, you saw me drinking a cola, I don't drink alcohol."
Jungkook continues to look at you, though his eyes avoid yours now, lingering on your lips.
You want to ask him more but before you can, he leans in close to you to whisper, making your legs tremble in anticipation.
“Besides, why would I take you to a public bathroom when I can make you scream in the comfort of my own bed?”
He knows all too well that he has the upper hand and is taking advantage of it.
Damn Jeon Jungkook and the effect he has on you.
The heat spreads again in your belly and when you look at him you just want to bite that plump lip, tease his piercing and let that mocking smile get lost in moans of pleasure.
“Or maybe you feel more comfortable doing it at yours?”
His tone of voice lacks malice this time, after all, you have now understood that Jungkook is a caring person and therefore he wants to avoid making you feel uncomfortable.
You nod and smile at his consideration.
"At mine."
Jungkook tightens his hand around yours again, smirking.
You quickly reach the exit after collecting your things from the lockers.
And there she is, Ducky.
You will climb on her for the second time, soon there will even be a third, you can't help but smile at the thought.
Strange how different reasons are leading you to get on a motorbike so often, not that this is a complaint, far from it.
You tremble at the thought of experiencing certain sensations once again, this time even, with the prospect of sleeping with Jungkook.
He invites you to wear his gear once again, but you strenuously refuse to deprive him of his jacket this time. Even though he was annoyed at first, Jungkook had to give in to your determination.
December cold is unforgiving.
In order to compromise, you wear his helmet, unable to argue with its importance.
You reach your apartment complex after a while, Jungkook was driving the entire time at a speed well under the legal limit, allowing you to hug his body to shield yourself from the cold as much as possible.
Once you reach the building's underground parking lot, you get off Ducky and take off the helmet to hand it to him. You smile brightly and hear Jungkook chuckle to himself as he shakes his head.
"You really like to ride, huh?"
You look at him while he's fixing his disheveled hair and it's a vision that you didn't think could affect you so much.
You think Jungkook would look sexy even wearing a battered potato sack, but seeing him in these clothes, you think, will always turn you on.
“Oh trust me, I love riding Ducky, but I can't wait to ride you.”
You haven't felt this lustful for someone in a while.
Surely the drinks you had before are not supporting you to keep certain thoughts to yourself.
Jungkook sighs visibly impressed by your bluntness and you could swear you heard him curse.
"Can't wait for you to show me."
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Seeing Jungkook now, in the flesh, inside your apartment is something.
You watch as he places his helmet near the entrance door and places his jacket on top of it before taking off his shoes.
As you do the same, taking off your coat and shoes to put them away, he looks around, taking in the appearance of your apartment. 
The foyer is small but well arranged, with a large mirror and a shoe rack right beside it.
You lead the way to reach your couch in the living room and as you walk, his eyes land on some of your latest sketches scattered around on a counter, one of it appears to be a pair of boxing gloves and he finds himself chuckling like an idiot.
As you do the same, taking off your coat and shoes to put them away, he looks around, taking in the appearance of your apartment. 
The foyer is small but well arranged, with a large mirror and a shoe rack right beside it and the little hallway that connects your entrance to your living area is decorated with pictures, plants and some of your favorite sketches.
You lead the way to reach your couch in the living room and as he walks behind you, his eyes land on some of your latest sketches scattered around on the counter of your kitchen, one of it appears to be a pair of boxing gloves and he finds himself chuckling like an idiot.
"Why are you laughing?"
You're puzzled by his sudden reaction. 
"I like your apartment, it fits your vibe."
He answers quietly and you smile shyly in appreciation, suggesting him to make himself comfortable on the couch.
"Want something to drink?
 You ask him, walking behind the counter to reach your fridge.
"Just water, thanks." 
He replies as he sits comfortably. You get some fresh water and when you get back you offer him the glass.
Jungkook sips from it and you join him on the couch.
Your heart always beats so fast in his presence that by now you're almost getting used to the constant hustle and bustle in your chest.
"You really don't like alcohol."
You say lightheartedly as you gather your legs up on the couch and turn to face him.
You curse your damn mouth when you realize that your comment made Jungkook tense up.
You just wanted to make him feel comfortable but before you can think of something to recover, Jungkook takes another sip of water before replying in a low voice.
"Yeah. I prefer weed, even though I rarely smoke anymore."
His eyes look at you for a brief moment, dark as pitch or a moonless sky.
They then move to the coffee table in front of you to put the glass down.
"I'd say you don't need it anyway. You don't need it to boost your confidence, like me."
Something moves in his eyes when you say this. His hand on your thigh pulls your attention away.
You watch it as it lays on your thigh softly. 
The tone of his voice, his firm aversion to alcohol and his troubled eyes makes you ponder, but you can't formulate any sentence that doesn't risk making him even more gloomy.
Jungkook taught you many things in the gym, undoubtedly to throw good punches, but also to have courage in general, to dare and not to let fears stop you.
He was able to free that part of you that you have always adored, the one that made you achieve your most ambitious goals, despite having to sacrifice a healthy relationship with your family.
And he was able to get you there, easily, without even having to tell you openly what to do.
Despite his tacit support helped you regain a little confidence, you feel like he doesn't need the same. Like he needs you to voice your thoughts with him, even if it's not always as easy as after a few drinks on your system. 
You've always sensed that something keeps him anchored to a remote island in the back of his mind and you don't want him to take refuge there right now.
"You are right,"
Your voice is sweet, it matches his from earlier and with one movement you lift yourself, moving one leg to take it beyond his.
You sit on his thighs and place your hands gently on his shoulders.
Jungkook looks at you smugly and pleasantly surprised and you're happy to notice that island receding in the mirror of his eyes.
They slowly fill with lust for you, as they observe your body so close to his.
“Even though I drank a little, I'm sober enough to say that everything I did tonight, I've always wanted to do.”
Jungkook feels the weight of your body and the weight of your words right on his.
You're sitting directly on his growing member and his hands find their place on your hips as he pulls you closer.
“Wait until you see what I've always wanted to do to you.”
With that, his mouth takes over your neck.
He tastes your skin like he's finally testing a drop of water after a walk in the desert and you're the only source he wants to put his mouth on.
You moan as you tilt your head to let him taste you as he pleases.
Jungkook takes the opportunity to bite you a little, leaving a small blush on your skin and licking it to soothe the stinging spot.
You try to control yourself as his hands venture up your back.
“You have a condom on you?” You whisper all of a sudden.
Jungkook keeps kissing your neck, hesitantly moving one hand from your body only to pull a condom out of his back pocket.
He hands it to you and then grabs the hem of your sweater, stopping his assault to help you take it off. A shiver runs up your spine, realizing you're now in your bra in front of him, the cool air of the room brushes against your hot skin and his hands promptly return to your hips and back.
You squeeze the little silver package between your fingers as he pulls your body against him, your hips move almost automatically as you feel his member getting harder and harder. And in return you get wetter and wetter.
You're a complete mess in his arms as you buck your hips, panting slightly at every movement.
When his hands press you more against him, a loud moan leaves your lips and with it, the last bit of restraint you had.
You grab the hem of his sweatshirt, urgently undressing him.
"Someone is impatient." He chuckles breathlessly as he lets you undress him.
"Your fault." You reply as you move to undo his jeans.
"Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?"
The aroused expression on your face is something he hopes to keep in mind for as long as possible.
You drop down to help him take off his jeans completely and Jungkook remains in his black Calvin Klein briefs. The outline of his hard member held with difficulty in the confines of the fabric, making you salivate at its sight.
You stand up and take the opportunity to remove your pants in front of him, while his gaze is glued to you.
If his eyes could touch, you would feel their stroke everywhere right now, like a dry brush on a virgin canvas.
They eagerly study every single curve, every movement you do is carefully followed as you reveal your panties and legs to him.
“You're so hot Y/N…”
You hear him breathing heavily and only after adding your pants to the pile of clothes do you turn back to look him in the eyes.
He's touching himself through his underwear at the sight of your body and despite everything that already happened, you're still blushing.
You are engulfed in the flames of pleasure, yet the blush on your cheeks is caused by something deeper.
You ignore this thought immediately, setting aside that thing that tries to push to make itself some space and focus on the need that screams between your legs instead.
You climb on top of him again, leaning on his shoulders.
You whisper in his ear, looking him in the eyes right now would mean exposing yourself too much, paradoxically.
What a strange contradiction though.
You're already almost completely naked in front of him, but the idea of letting him look you in the eyes while you say the next words makes you feel too vulnerable.
"If we do this, I want us to agree on a few things."
As you try to regain your courage, you lick his neck, moving down towards his collarbone to reach his pectorals.
"I'm listening."
He sighs as he lets his head go back, as if wanting to give you total access to him, basking in the feelings your tongue is giving.
Jungkook is completely engrossed, he seems to enjoy every little thing without thinking too much while you're struggling to let yourself go completely.
The friendship that has developed between you over these months is something you care about and you wouldn't want to ruin it for simple sex.
Even if you're dying to enjoy these moments you've been craving, you're afraid of ruining everything.
"We're just friends who are going to fuck, right?"
You ask tentatively as you continue to leave a trail of saliva with your tongue and lips across his toned chest.
"No awkwardness after."
You're not sure why you're saying this when you can't even look him in the eyes right now, but at the same time you're saying it precisely to not let your fear stop you.
Maybe you're just trying to convince yourself that nothing will change and that you can let yourself go, or just to make sure you both are still on the same page, but Jungkook doesn't seem to notice your inner conflict right now, too distracted by your ministrations probably.
"This is not going to ruin our friendship if that's what you're worried about."
He states between breaths as he wraps a hand in the middle of your hair.
“The fact that we both know what we want from each other and what we don't, won't cause any problems, don't you think?”
He pulls your hair slightly to expose your neck, and you close your eyes unconsciously when you feel his lips on your skin once again.
"No awkwardness after."
His whisper makes you shiver with pleasure and almost as if you needed to have this confirmation from him, you open your eyes and move to finally be able to lower his underwear.
His penis rises free from the confines and you are a little surprised at the size. He throbs in front of you with the tip red and moist as you observe the succulent veins adorning its surface.
"So we're gonna be ride buddies and friends who fucked once."
Jungkook holds his legs open as you get on your knees in front of him to pull his briefs completely off.
"Let's see if you still want it to be once after I fuck you just right."
You smile sensing Jungkook's usual way of doing things, his classic way of provoking you while he smiles with confidence.
"Bold are we?"
You snicker as you pump your little fist around his shaft a couple of times.
He hisses.
"You've got the lead for now, wait and see when it's my turn."
He says through gritted teeth as he clearly tries not to give in to your touch too shamefully.
"We'll see."
You move closer, gently placing your lips on the side of his cock as you continue to move your hand slowly.
The intense teasing served to make him super responsive.
Jungkook squirms a little when you carefully spread his precum on the sensitive tip.
You hear as he tries to limit his sounds.
You look up momentarily when your mouth finally settles around his moistened tip, only to see his reaction.
Jungkook instinctively brings his head back and his mouth opens in a silent moan of pleasure.
He sighs heavily as his hands grip the fabric of the couch he's sitting on.
The vision of his naked body exposed to your will causes a shiver down your spine and with your free hand you move down until you reach the most sensitive part of your body.
You give yourself pleasure as you move your mouth and hand finding a rhythm that could be pleasant for him.
You listen carefully for any reaction that might let you know that you are doing the right thing as you keep your eyes closed, completely letting yourself go to the small sounds he makes.
When you twist your wrist slightly and let go of his cock with a pop to catch your breath, Jungkook lets out a throaty moan and he is breathing noticeably faster now.
You're so wet now that you think he could fit inside you without too much effort, you continue to tease your clit while jerking him off at the same speed.
You leave a trail of little kisses along his member, from the tip to the balls.
You look at him again and unexpectedly meet his gaze.
You feel your confidence waver for the briefest of moments when you notice his eyes looking at you intently.
His pierced lip is caught between his teeth as he breathes deeply through his nose.
He's trying in every way possible to block any sound that might come from his mouth and it's almost annoying to notice the effort he puts into it.
"Let me hear."
You say softly between small kisses.
“I want to know if I'm doing well or not.”
You tickle with your wet tongue from bottom to top, once again reaching the sensitive tip.
His cock throbs in your hand and you smirk satisfied.
You don't need to hear his moans to know that he's completely into it, but you still want to hear them because of you, it's almost a visceral need at this point.
"You're doing great,"
He responds in a deep voice.
He moves the hair that has fallen in front of your eyes with a finger as he tries to steady his breathing.
A soft gesture that makes your heart skip a beat, but you keep your focus on your movements.
Your hands continue to move in unison as you moan, kissing and licking his cock. You purposely avoid taking him fully into your mouth, teasing him every now and then when you feel the sounds getting stuck in his throat.
You feel pervaded by the power that these circumstances can give.
Jungkook watches you the whole time as you work on him and yourself.
He evidently noticed the effect his words had on you, his little praise gave you more confidence, allowing you to let go a little more.
Jungkook suddenly stops you by placing a hand on your shoulder just when you thought he was enjoying it a lot, or at least it seemed like that from his persistent and muffled groaning.
“Y/N, let me taste you please..”
You hear the desperation in his voice and you can see it in his face when you lean up to look at him, a little bit of saliva wetting your chin.
His eyes are completely dark, full of the longing that you know he can see in your eyes too.
He moves to stand up, forcing you back onto your feet before picking you up.
You yelp at the sudden motion, holding onto his neck for support as he helps you wrap your legs around his hips.
“Where is your bedroom?”
Jungkook asks as he latches onto your already battered neck.
"Down the hallway, second door on the right."
In no time, Jungkook transports you following your directions. He pushes the door open with his foot before entering and letting you lie on your soft bed.
He watches you bounce once on it, then looks you up and down with an unreadable look.
Being in your apartment, on your bed, almost completely naked in front of him, definitely makes you bolder, feeling more comfortable.
You just realized how far you've gone with him, that you can't go back now.
Not that you want to, honestly.
You observe him, majestic in front of you, the faint glow of the moon that leaks into the room illuminates his skin deliciously, accentuating every muscle of his toned body.
Your eyes do their best to capture every detail and imprint it in your memory.
Jungkook bends over you, caging your legs with his powerful arms.
You remain propped up on your forearms as your breathing becomes increasingly labored.
His hands rest at your sides and with a firm but delicate movement, he pulls you towards him.
He bends down to let his tongue leave a wet trail across your belly, to the edge of your panties.
The passage of his mouth so close to your core, feeds the fire in your belly.
"Can I?"
He asks softly as his thumbs hook your panties on both sides.
He looks at you, patiently waiting for your permission.
Or your refusal.
You see a hint of hesitation in his gaze, as if he doesn't want to go any further against your will.
You can feel this small detail slowly infiltrating under your skin. You feel it brings to the light something that you would have preferred to remain in the dark, especially in this moment.
Why did he always assumed he could take everything without ever asking?
Why doesn't Jungkook take without asking?
These are questions you can't answer. Deep down you know you don't want them, that answers would only cause you more pain.
You swallow, trying to shut off the bitter taste of the past.
You can't say anything else, you whisper this simple word that encompasses everything you're feeling right now.
Please do it.
Please make me forget all the bad things for tonight.
Please take me.
His eyes light up and his skilled hands easily remove the fabric that covered your most intimate part.
Only now you do realize how uncomfortable and annoying the wet fabric you were wearing was.
You feel the cool air hit the moist and hot skin of your pussy and you sigh when his hands return to you after leaving the newly removed garment somewhere on the floor.
He gently places his hands on your thighs, spreading them just enough so he can observe your dripping wet pussy.
Seeing the glisten of your juices makes his blood burn in his veins.
You gasp when his soft lips lay on your clit.
Jungkook is humming delightedly, then he starts to kiss it with delicacy, allowing you to adapt to the stimulus while he lets his tongue tease you slowly.
You close your eyes and try to relax your legs.
His lips are more insistent, until he ends up making out with your soft wet pussy.
You can't hold back your moans and you lie down completely on the bed as you let him eat you out.
Just as you had done earlier, he maintains a slow but precise pace, as if he wants to take revenge for all the teasing and savor your flavor at the same time.
Unlike his, your moans follow one another and you can't stop yourself.
They gradually become stronger and more intense as Jungkook continues to make out with your pussy.
He holds your hips, soothing the skin right beneath his thumbs with circular motions.
It's a sensation you've never felt before, you feel your orgasm building slowly, so slowly that you almost think you'll lose it at any moment, only to change your mind when with precise movements you feel the pleasure accumulating, like waves that add to each other. One after another, before reaching the coast in one large, powerful wave.
He moves his tongue with a constant rhythm and when with a faint voice you warn him that you are about to come, surprisingly enough, Jungkook maintains the same rhythm, he doesn't speed up, he doesn't press his tongue more forcefully against your already very sensitive clit.
With pleasant surprise, you notice that he keeps this pace and it is clear that he knows what he is doing.
He doesn't go crazy trying to catch it, when he already knows where and how to find it.
The only difference is the intensity with which he makes out with your pussy, kissing and licking it passionately, drunk on your juices.
You moan louder as your body tenses more and more like a violin string, until with a delicate but firm movement of his tongue, your orgasm hits you violently.
With his gentle and precise gestures, you didn't expect such an intense and violent orgasm, your body writhes in ecstasy while a string of profanities and panting breaths leave your lips.
Your legs try to close as they tremble from the stimulation, but Jungkook firmly separates them again, enjoying the taste of you for a little longer. You hear him groan and at a quick glance you notice his frowning expression.
You whine from the overstimulation and it's the only signal that seems to stop him.
He pulls off while still remaining in front of your throbbing and swollen pussy and his labored breathing tickles you gently.
“Sorry,” he states, licking his shiny lips for a moment. “You taste so sweet I couldn't stop.”
You look at him while you feel a constant pounding in your chest and your breathing doesn't want to calm down.
His hair is disheveled, his cheeks are flushed and his eyebrows are still a little furrowed.
You prop yourself up on your elbows again, one hand reaching for his hair, letting it sink into its messy locks, as if wanting to tidy them up a bit.
"I wanna ride you now."
You state decisively and perhaps a little too pretentious, you add,
"Can I?"
Jungkook looks at you as he stands up, offers you a hand while you observe him in all his beauty, naked and with his erect member that you can't wait to welcome inside you.
Tonight you got to immortalize every detail of his body in your memory.
His totally tattooed arm, his sculpted body and his face, at times so sweet that you couldn't believe it is capable of contorting into those expressions of pleasure that you saw earlier.
You accept his hand and let him pull you onto him while he says "How can I say no when you ask it so nicely."
You smile mischievously and take the opportunity to accompany him, pushing him by the shoulders onto your bed.
Jungkook takes place where you were laying, he sinks into your sheets as he settles in.
You reach him with your legs still shaking and climb up until you're almost sitting on his thighs.
You pick up the condom that you had previously abandoned on the bed next to you, but before you can open it to let him put it on, you can't resist the temptation to put your mouth back on his inviting cock.
You give a provocative lick, spreading your saliva all over the surface you trace and you understand how much he too wants to finally be able to feel you when his hips suddenly move upwards.
You continue to lick slowly for a few moments while you stimulate him a little with your hand.
When you look at him, he's already looking at you and it doesn't surprise you, his mouth is slightly open as he tries to regulate his breathing.
He looks so sexy right now, you can see in his expression the immense heat burning in his irises. The need he feels to possess you.
"Stop teasing me."
His voice is strained and his face speaks clearly: if you continue like this he won't resist much longer, he can't wait to see you jump on his cock.
The mere look in his eyes makes you clench your walls in anticipation and with a little effort you finally get him to wear the condom.
You move to finally be able to position yourself on his erect member and begin to lower yourself. A shiver runs through your limbs, the small tingling you feel as he penetrates you is almost immediately replaced by pleasure.
Jungkook is big, but you're so wet that he can slide inside you with ease.
You support yourself with your hands on his chest as you close your eyes to fully enjoy the sensations you're feeling. You continue to move down until you are completely seated on him. You feel full, his hands resting on your hips and squeezing you lightly.
When you reopen your eyes, you look at him and get lost for an infinite moment in front of what you see.
Jungkook looks at you through eyes half closed in pleasure, he's been looking at you the entire time, as if the scene in front of him is the key to understanding the entire movie.
If memory had any capacity, this moment would take up most of the space in Jungkook's mind for a long time to come.
After a few moments, you feel like you've gotten used to his girth and can finally move up and down.
Despite your legs still shaking from your previous orgasm, you manage to move at an increasing pace.
You moan without caring about the sounds you make, music to Jungkook's ears as he lets you do what you want with him, accompanying your movements with his hands.
You move messily as your legs start losing strength. You alternate your motions by rubbing your clit on him, moaning loudly when you feel your little sensitive nub stimulated like this and the squelching sound of your pussy fills the room. 
Jungkook hastily moves his hands behind your back, pulling at your bra to unclasp it. He doesn't take it off of you completely though, finding it more sexy the way he jumps up and down following your movements. 
"Fuck yes.."
He groans as he watches hypnotized your breasts bouncing out of your bra.
Then he tilts his head back onto your pillow as his arms flex with the motions of your body.
You bounce on his cock the best you can, tracing the side of his throat with your thumb, right above a little red spot you sucked on his skin.
The vision is enchanting.
The sounds he makes, addicting.
You're breathless, the muscles of your legs are burning from the effort but you keep bouncing and humping as you feel you're close to the second orgasm of the night.
"I-I'm clo-"
You're so close to the point of no return but suddenly, your legs are failing you and just like that, you tiredly collapse on his body.
Jungkook is quick to react, grabbing your hips tight enough to support you and adjust his position under you as he starts to thrust up.
Your moans are broken by every thrust as he diligently hammers your pussy up just right.
"You're so hot Y/N. So fucking hot."
He groans softly, pulling you impossibly closer.
You feel strange, like you're burning alive and flying at the same time.
You comfortably lay on his body as you let him lead you to the peak of your pleasure, licking and kissing his neck and ear lobe in the meantime.
"Fuck yes- yes!"
You moan his name as the fire explodes all of a sudden and the extreme pleasure you've built till now, crushes hard on you. And just like that, you feel your legs shake and your head light like a leaf blown by a gentle breeze.
Jungkook's thrusts slow down a little, milking your orgasm slowly till the very end. He only stops when you start whimpering, knowing you're probably super sensitive right now.
He pulls out and you whine to the feeling of emptiness, your walls slightly pulsing as you already miss the sensation of his cock deep inside of you.
"Are you ok?"
He asks you as he tries to stabilize his breathing.
Your body is still glued to his, your breathing is as ragged as his and you let the beating sound of his heart soothe you for a moment longer before you nod.
You slowly get up hissing a little and you look at him.
"Cum on me."
There's no longer space for filters and your brain is so fucked out that it doesn't even care how needy you sound right now. Even after your two orgasms. 
You're craving his touch, his sinful sounds, and you wanna know what it feels like to have his cum on your skin.
He smiles amused, chuckling a little.
"Yeah? And where do you want me to cum?"
His voice is husky and you feel your body reacting to that.
You buck your hips on his cock, blocking it between you and his stomach. 
Are you even sane right now? Did he fuck you out of your own brain?
"On my ass."
Yes, you're totally gone.
You're totally gone for this man.
You watch him as you keep moving on him, you see he swallows a moan as your wet pussy keeps rubbing on his member.
"Aren't you sensitive right now?"
He asks lowly.
"I can handle it."
You sit up, your battered pussy is still recovering from two orgasms but you know you can take it and you just want to show him how badly you still want him inside of you.
He laughs mischievously, looking at your fucked out beautiful face with pride.
"Lie on your belly for me, then."
You willingly obey, throwing your bra out of the way completely and resting your figure on your belly, just as he asked.
You can't see him from this position, you only feel his hand reach for your leg, bending it so that you're able to turn a little to the side.
He now has the possibility to keep looking at your body from this perspective. He has your ass, the side of your breast and your face at his mercy and he can't wait to enjoy your every expression from here.
"Stop me if it's too much."
You feel the weight of his firm body lay on you as he whispers, and when you turn your head to nod you meet his face, dangerously close to yours that you can feel his hot breath caressing you.
You're spread under him, fresh out from the two orgasms he just gave you and totally naked, yet there it is, the look you wanted to avoid earlier, the one you knew would make you feel really, really vulnerable. 
The mixture of his cares, his soft voice and his piercing dark eyes are sending danger signals to your brain as it feeds something deep in your chest.
You try to escape, diverting your eyes from the magnetism of his by nodding.
Jungkook pulls a little away, positioning himself right at your entrance.
You can hear him spit and the next thing you feel is his lubricated cock slowly pushing in.
You never felt like this, never had multiple orgasms and still wanted to fuck. The sensitivity is still there, you feel the heat spreading to your nerves as he slowly but surely bottoms up.
It's only when he starts moving that you feel a peak in your pleasure, like he is able to touch all the right spots at once.
He finds a rhythm, grabbing the flesh of your ass and pulling you to meet his hips.
Your breath is irregular, just like his, and you start pushing your palm on the sheets as every thrust is pushing you up the bed.
Jungkook has a better idea though.
He lets go of your ass completely as he swiftly grabs your arm and blocks it behind your back.
Feeling restrained like this by him causes a moan to escape your throat, followed by another one when he uses your arm as a grip instead of your ass to keep you in place.
"You like that huh"
He says through gritted teeth, the angle allows him to see the profile of your face as he fucks you hard and steady. 
Your sweet innocent face, contorted in pleasure is an ethereal vision to his eyes.
And the fact that it's him causing you to feel this good, makes him feral.
You say yes a couple of times between your moans and heavy breaths.
He speeds up his pace a little more, always cautious of your reactions, not wanting you to feel any discomfort.
But what he hears from you next is what makes his balls tighten dangerously.
"Slap my ass, please-"
Your voice is broken but firm as you say it and something about it makes him go completely insane.
Perhaps the "please" part, or the way in which you're voicing your desire right now, mixed with your sweet moans and submissiveness.
He slaps his free hand onto your buttock hard enough to sting, and listens to the smacking sound and the throaty moan you let out resonate in his ears.
"Oh fuck-"
He lets out, pure ecstasy laced in his raspy voice as he soothes your skin.
His thrusts are becoming sloppier, more erratic, and he's louder than before as he's chasing his own orgasm now.
You're addicted to the sounds he makes during sex, that's clear by now. Every time a throaty moan escapes his lips, you wish you could record it and use it when you'll be alone.
Suddenly, he frees your arm and pulls out. You assume he's taking off the condom as you try to regain some strength to push your hair away and look at him over your shoulder. 
You watch him pumping fast his cock as his free hand strokes the reddened skin of your ass.
His eyes are shut tightly and you keep watching him moan loudly as spurs of his hot cum land on your ass.
He keeps pumping till the last drop then he slaps his cock on your cum covered skin and you've never seen something hotter than what just happened.
When he comes down from his orgasm, he smirks at you, tired and satisfied.
You chuckle softly, covering your face with your arm without even noticing.
“Fuck, that was-”
"Amazing. Yes"
It was, it was indeed amazing.
He finishes your sentence in a small voice as he tries to steady his ragged breathing, still remaining where he is.
You feel his hot seed slowly dripping down your skin and when your breath is stable enough you move to the side of the bed to get up.
“I'm gonna take a quick shower, if you don't mind.”
you say, moving to get to your bathroom.
“Not at all, go ahead.”
When your shower is over and you feel refreshed and relaxed, you return to your room with only a robe covering you, your skin still a little damp under the fabric of the robe.
Surprisingly you find him fully dressed, you sure didn't expect him to stay longer but you at least wanted him to take a shower before leaving.
"Are you sure you don't wanna take a shower too?"
You ask him as you approach.
"Yeah don't worry." you watch him as he brushes his hair out of his face and fixes his clothes.
You remain silent after that, it feels strange and a little heavy.
Should you ask him to stay? 
Will it be awkward from now on? 
Was it a mistake from the beginning?
You don't want him to think you're kind of kicking him out. The unhealthy overthinking starts pestering you and you don't even notice you've walked with him to the door of your apartment.
He gathers his helmet and jacket from the floor and turns to you with a little smile.
"I better go. Don't want Ducky to get jealous."
It makes you laugh lightly and you can't keep yourself from playfully rolling your eyes at him.
It's still him, the Jungkook that loves to tease you and makes silly jokes.
You probably needed this to get back on earth and realize that you should stop overthinking.
"Oh! Of course we don't want that!"
You emphasize and your fake concern makes him chuckle. 
It won't be awkward from now on after all.
You open the door for him and when he comes out he zips up his jacket, ready to leave.
"Let me know when you're going to the shop to get your gear."
He smiles, one of those smiles that make the drums go crazy in your chest.
"I will. Drive safe."
And for a moment you smile at each other, probably knowing that from this exact moment, it won't be easy to keep your hands away from each other.
Tonight marked an important step for you, not only the boost of confidence that you sported, but you can tell with certainty that your past is still bothering you, from time to time, but it doesn't have your present in its claws.
The decisions you made tonight could bring you to another disappointment, to another loss. Especially when this sensation on your chest keeps going off almost as a reminder, telling you 'Hey, in case you didn't notice, I'm right here!'
It will probably pass if you just ignore it…
It will go away as fast as it came… Right?
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speed-world · 1 month
Hi, I'm not sure if you'll see my request, but I want to ask. Whooh.. [worried and worried] So calm... can I ask you to write Cookie Run Kingdom Self-awareness Au with a human child y/n? And what does the ancients and the cookies of darkness have to do with the fact that their world is just a game? Well, when the ancients and the cookies of darkness found out about this, all the cookies would want to get to know child y/n and the Dark Enchantress changed her mind from leading the world and then a new dispute began about who would protect and take care of child y/n. [If possible, then let y/n get into the midst of the final battle of the Ancients against the Dark Enchantress cookie and if you don't mind, then let the character of little y/n be the most attractive and sweet in the world and his appearance charming so much that even the trading monsters and cake hounds did not want to cause any harm and even pomegranate cookies and Licorice cookies were kind to baby y/n] I would very much like you to tell me this sweet story about it. ^^
(Sorry this took so long, I really hope this is to your liking, as I wrote it with the idea of a school age child [6-12] and I didn’t do everything in the request)
Terrifying New Dawn
Everything was dark around you, so much so that you couldn’t see your own hand in front of your face. The last thing you remember clearly was playing on your phone before going to sleep, and now you were waking up here….in a deforested area with dark and red shadows clouding the sky. You had so many questions: Where are your parents? Where are you?? Why are…the large walls surrounding you so tasty looking?! As you stirred, you heard the muttering of smaller beings that surrounded you. Shock and confusion were written on all of their faces as they just stared at you lying down…
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“It seems like they’re waking up…how on Earthbread did this even happen?”
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“I…I have no idea. Why would a child of the Witches suddenly come down here, during a war of all things…?”
Your vision began to clear up more, and you quickly realized where you were. You were surrounded by Cookies…and you recognized all of them!! These were all recognizable faces from the game you were playing earlier: CookieRun: Kingdom! How exciting is this!! Granted, you also realized something more grim than exciting…you’re still you: a human child in a game world of Cookies. You were dang near a giant to them, and they looked scared of you…how can you convince them you aren’t a threat? Maybe…just say hello?
“Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao, Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, White Lily, and even Dark Enchantress Cookie?! H-hello…it’s really cool to see you all-“
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“T-this child knows us?! They wouldn’t be…a baker or a witch, would they?!”
Okay…not the reaction you wanted…but how do you explain yourself to them? You most certainly aren’t a “child of the Witches,” nor are you a Witch at all!! Would telling the truth hurt? No…it couldn’t hurt!! It’s just the truth, and your parents always told you that lying wasn’t good for anyone, so telling the truth must be perfect!!
“No, no, I’m nothing like that! I’m just a kid that was playing your cool game! I don’t know what happened to my phone though…but I was playing as you guys in this exact moment, where you were fighting each other! Neat, right?”
Your childish innocence only made things worse. The Cookies around you froze in complete shock from the slow realization, a truth far more painful than the one Dark Enchantress Cookie was dead set on making others see. They were pixels on a screen,…predetermined script for you to mess around with, …fake…. If it wasn’t obvious, they weren’t happy with this realization at all, especially the one who’s apparently been forced to play the villain’s role…
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“What…what kind of perverse joke is this? You mean to tell me that my ambitions, everything I’ve worked tirelessly for, my life…has been worthless this entire time?! The truth I meant to share with all Cookiekind…is nothing more than wasted breath compared to this…”
Dark Enchantress Cookie stood utterly defeated, still trying to process what reality now means to her. The Ancients, ironically, were united with Dark Enchantress here. None of them knew what to properly make of their lives now. But, there was now a more pressing issue: you. You were a child, a lost one at that. You had no home to go to, no family to look after you, and you were rather…unfitted for the Cookie world as you were now. Oddly enough, the first one to address this was none other than Dark Enchantress herself!
“Ah, yes….despite everything, you, child, are our greatest concern of the moment. Seeing as how all I’ve strived for is now utterly meaningless, I’ve changed my mind. I no longer have any desire to continue this war with you Ancient heroes, or any other Cookies of the matter. From now on, this child is my concern, and I’ll watch over them as I see fit.”
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“W-what?! You can’t be the one to watch over them! You’d misguide and harm them, and no matter who they are, they don’t deserve that harsh life!”
“All you do is assume rather than listen…I’ve made it abundantly clear that I have no more interest in any of my former ideals, as they clearly have no substance anymore. If it makes you happy to satisfy your role as a ‘hero’, then we can all help this child adjust to this world properly. Surely if we come together with our magic and wits, we can at least ideally make them a body better suited to live amongst us, wouldn’t you agree~?”
The Ancients stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity to decide your fate, before one radiant Ancient approached you. She looked up at your towering stature with welcoming eyes.
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“Child, do know that this is ultimately your decision. The last thing either of us would want is to do anything to you that could harm you. Your safety and wellbeing is our shared priority, but you could pose a danger to us in the state you’re currently in. If you so wish, we can find a way to assist you to live in this world without issue until we find a way to bring you back to your home…what do you say?”
It felt like no matter what you chose, you’d be completely safe and cared for no matter what. You noticed that as you were pondering, a horde of cake hounds and other monsters of Dark Enchantress’s forces circled you and virtually showered you with affection, which you found so adorable!! The cake hounds would play around your large body and playfully puppy kiss you!
It’s clear as day that these Cookies care for you, first and foremost, and everything else around you did as well. They wouldn’t cause you harm, they wouldn’t even want you to cry or be afraid, they loved you like nothing else, and hoped that your new life here wouldn’t be anything to be afraid of!
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hello! :D
if you'd mind, can I know more abt the borg siblings, luke, and morana? feel free to infodump abt them bc I'm actually really interested and I like their concepts tbh! (plus, I'm a sucker for found family and your ocs are just that, so I hope u don't mind this question!)
I never never mind questions about these guys they are my babies they are a nearly 10-year project I've been working on I just honestly thought nobody was interested, but oh boy this will be kind of a long one I will try to condense things down as there is nearly 10 years of lore for the Borg siblings to go through, and that's just the published stuff that's scattered throughout my page!
I love found family as well.It's one of my favorite genres it's a weakness tbh lol
I'm just honestly surprised that somebody's asked about them let alone about Luka and Morana who are even less known, I feel like the gal with the Meme You wanna hear my theories? In the most shocked and surprised way,
It all started back in 2016 when a character had been revealed called the coffee manager if you don't recognize her here's some screenshots of her
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Jennifer is the name I gave to the coffee manager but I started theorizing that she was our Pixals predecessor as I recalled on the Lego Website with S3 that under Pixals information, they confirmed she is not the first. In fact, she is the 16th and final one out of 16 P.I.X.A.L units, she must have 15 siblings elsewhere is what I thought
So starting from the 15th I went back to the first PIXAL Unit,
Quick side note I will say we need to learn a little bit about how my Nindroids work Cyrus created what are known as nanites the nanite program basically allows Nindroids to have kids and heal somewhat just like a human it is one of his greatest achievements that he worked literal decades on unfortunately for him season 3 happened and he had already put this in pixel so she could have a normal human existence and Pixal then put it in over 5,000 other Nindroids....whoops
Yeah, Cyrus Borg accidentally was the father of the modern Nindroid race, especially the Nanite Nindroids that would come as a result of this.
Now instead of just having one generation you could have multiple,
Also in a Android their brain is hidden in the back of their head in this little chip called a neural chip the nindroid's body can be completely destroyed but as long as that neural chip remains they can be rebuilt
Now back to Violet,
I knew I wanted her to be kind of strong and steady as an elder child myself I knew she needed to have kind of a stern attitude I wasn't sure exactly what she would be but this was the groundwork for who would eventually become Violet, I only drew one sketch of her back in 2016, if I locate that in my multitude of binders I can and will post it.
But for now here is a modern drawing of her with her entire family
(Violet Borg P.I.X.A.L Unit #1)
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For a while these guys were just Pixals sisters in the background, a lot of these you can tell can just meld into the background of the show rather than be their own main front stage character they already have that with Pixal you can find my old story from season 6 where Jay as a result of his dad's lawyer they all went to a club and it just so happened that three of the Pixal units were there,
These three would eventually become Roxanne Quinzel and Celia (Celia is named after my great grandmother in honor of here just a fun fact) Roxanne who is the 9th pixel unit and Quinzel and Celia who are the twin Pixal units, they're former Pop Stars but retired to running a club called On the Ropes, a double entender as this club also doubles as a domestic abuse protection shelter, all the employees at that club are former domestic victims themselves. In Basics someone shows up asks for help and this is where violets job comes in
Violet is a lawyer head lawyer of Borg Industries, she also is the one handling the ninjas cases because boy howdy do they get sued a lot for damages. Initially I was going to bump her up as Mayor of Ninjago city but this became to entwined in Canon for my comfort so as of late I've been kind of pulling her back into being a lawyer, as you saw she has a child she actually has a full on family,
That child's name is Victor she is a divorced woman as that gets into an era I'm not really allowed to talk about for whatever reason the creators involved get really really reactive, let's just say we were formerly friends we split cordially at first i had a reactive episode in the vent chats of a server, they didn't like how I was coping, attacked me over it in DMs and then when someone liked Simone another of my Borg Siblings the 10th one over their replacement in their stuff (we collabed a bunc) they then plagiarized my OCs as a way of getting back at me. That's literally as far as I know and can figure out they grew jealous that somebody vocalized they liked Simone over their replacement Harker, and they just grew jealous with that,
But Violets ex-husband belonged to one of those creators again, though I am legitimately afraid of being attacked by them, so I will not talk any further. Lest I make them mad at me, they stole my characters once they'll probably do it again just to hurt me even further.
Moving on this is why Victor has blonde hair because that comes from his biological father Honeysuckle was created by my friend Roan but due to health issues on their end I took over control of this character completely,
Then after Violet it was Harriet to get all their names out there in order it is violet Harriet Chloe Xian Artemis Rebecca Quinzel Celia Roxanne Simone Felix Janine Serilda Penny, Jennifer and Pixal
I do have a 17th I've created that she was created after the crystallized situation as this was his fumble he was afraid that the public was waning in its attentions when it came to work Industries so he decided to create a 17th which is Drusilla, she is the most human looking out of all of them.
Rapid fire fun facts about each because if I try to talk about the 16 units individually this is going to turn into a 50 page essay that you will be reading for the next 3 days
Over all all the P.I.X.A.L units were offline at one point or another and brought back online during the years of 2013 to 2015, Cyrus had to figure out their memory banks which Zane helped him figure out how to realign them without erasing them,
All the P.I.X.A.Ls refer to Cyrus as Dad,
Violet is missing an arm because due to storage issues, it was misplaced in the about 20 years she was offline,
Harriet is the local head ICU nurse she is the one that takes care of her dad's(Cyrus) medical emergencies and is his primary care doctor.
Chloe was the only Pixal unit to be the fiance of Cyrus before becoming the daughter of him this was a natural relationship over the span of a couple of years but due to offlining they never married and afterwards decided to go their Separate Ways. Her hair is green as a result of Cyrus experimenting with copper strands which he completely spaced on the fact that they oxidize so she has bright turquoise Statue of Liberty green hair as a result seen below,
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Xian was ambassador to the cloud Kingdom up until the merge and is thought to be the third time implemental not many people realize there is a third time element in the form of foresight her foresight is even more powerful and precise then Zanes and she can do it even while fighting,
Artemis is the most wild out of them quite literally being an archaeologist she took on hero she's Labyrinth if that tells you anything but she was the one to discover that it is a Time bubble which is the reason why the Labyrinth is the way it is it's literally a time capsule of thousands of years ago you can find extinct species there that don't exist elsewhere this is what makes it so dangerous you're literally walking into Ninjago thousands of years ago. She has gotten into a fight with Clutch Powers because of his mistreatment of his team.
Rebecca is a bounty hunter she gets in to squabbles with Ronan but Ronin will usually Hand over Nindroid cases that he doesn't think he can handle.
Quinzel and Celia these two are the only pair of twins that Cyrus ever dared create he thought it would be fun they showed him real fast how mischievous twins are when they hid his wheelchairs Wheels to prank him. In the modern times they are both aerial silk dancers at they're younger sisters Club On the Ropes
Roxanne nicknames Roxie she was the lead singer of the Borg Sisters band and owner of On the Ropes, she has gotten into more than one scrap with Domestic Abusers
Roxanne Borg Portrait
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Simone I tried to keep PG but she is my most adult oriented as I will just come out and say it she is a stripper a former drug addict and prostitute she is the case of money does not buy everything no matter how hard Cyrus tried to steer her right she decided to say fuck that and got into some real bad things. She is Pixals connection to the underground,
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Felix is the only male P.I.X.A.L Unit he started out as feminine assigned but Cyrus picked up on the factor Felix was clearly uncomfortable in the body eventually he would vocalize such so he altered Felix's original form but when it came to him being brought online the second time Cyrus just completely rebuilt him he is considered transgender.
Janine is the dancer she teaches dance the only move she has never gotten is the triple tiger sache, she is beyond bound and determined to try and land that move but Cole has been the only one so far to land it but any other dance She Knows by heart
Serilda people already called Nindroids walking computers she is as if Cyrus stuffed a supermax computer into this Nindroid he doesn't even know what he did to make her so intelligent there are many Borg Industries projects that have stalled that are handed over to her and usually within hours she can figure out what's wrong.
Penny oh this Sweet Child oh the sweet sweet summer child who is naive to the Bone but it may not be her fault Cyrus had an accident with this one he accidentally dumped coffee on her neural chip which we talked about is basically the brains of a Nindroid this could have possibly done damage which led into her naive nature just to give you a perspective of how unthreatening this one is she still hung around the tower during season 9 while Garmadon and the sons of Garmadon had to take it over they literally did not remove her because all she was doing was cleaning the Apartments.
Jennifer the coffee Nindroid she is spunky fiery and I believe she has a crush on Skyler because I think that would be funny I called them the Noodles and coffee girlfriends I picture she trades products with Skyler so she'll sell some at her shop and then Skylar will sell stuff of the cafe and coffee shop at her store
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Okay now that I've completely blend blasted you with the Borg Siblings let us go on to Luka and Morana,
Luka Garmadon (Pictured below)
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He is the result of a Headcannon I have where once mature Oni have the A/B/O dynamic, it would make sense for the formlings as well.
Akita thought she had more time before she presented but unfortunately halfway through their Journey together she presented as an Omega, this is the trade-off for formlings in order for them to have animal forms they also deal with this dynamic
Lloyd was going to leave the cave no matter how long it took but the thing is if they are lost to their mindset it's permanent the more and more they are trapped in the state the more insane and animal like they get they literally end up trapped in this crazed mindset
And Lloyd being an alpha like his dad this was another thing he fell into. Neither of them realized by the time everything was said and done that Akita was expecting Luka, but she raised him on her own until the Merge occurred
She knew that Lloyd had duties in Ninjago that he had to do and fulfill and so again did not mind raising the child on her own Luka himself learning of his dad also did not mind he knew someday he may get the chance to see his father but it was unlikely
Again until The Merge
Quick rapid fire fun facts about him he is the younger brother to Morana, his animal form is never Realm penguin basically think an imperial penguin and you've got him, is outfit includes down that he sheds every year which keeps him warm in his human form he has a tail feather tucked in his hair from when he first molted he is the only one in the village to have the bright platinum blonde hair
Now to back pedal to his elder sister Morana, first and foremost, she is a Llorumi child that occurred BEFORE the betrayal, teenagers being stupid and seeking comfort in one another not thinking of the consequences,
It would be 9 months later just two weeks before Garmadon's fall that Harumi would have Morana. She was able to keep herself hidden long enough to secret the child out to an orphanage where the matron who knew about Lloyd because of her own sister, saw Moranas eyes glowing and instantly knew
Morana Garmadon
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At first the 17-year-old was not thrilled at all you know he's still dealing with the emotional damage that was Harumi and now the same woman who is most likely dead spoiler alert no she wasn't has just dropped this surprise on him unintentionally.
However with time Lloyd grew incredibly fond of his daughter he hated going out on missions and leaving her behind and heartbreakingly after the merge he went from having a 11 12 year old to now she was 16 17 herself
Oh by the way you might be wondering who took care of her all those years Harumi ended up hooking up with Gene Chen these two took care of her.
Again, if you want to know more information, I just don't want to overload you guys. There is just so much I have about all of them. If you want to know the specifics on some or whatever, have you feel free to ask me? I'm here 24/7 practically unless I'm gone at an appointment or otherwise
0 notes
clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Please please a continuation to the harem reader request, featuring Mid-fight Masses and VS Whitty?
I can do a few mod continuations (this'll be it though, sorry there's simply too many...this list could go on forever XD)
Mid-Fight Masses
"Oh? Have my prayers been answered?? Because an angel must have arrived!" Sarvente gushes upon seeing you enter her church.
She gets a bit snobby when Keith and Cherry follow you, questioning their reasons for being here and offering to let them join.
You just watch Keith and the nun have two sing-offs, before Ruv steps in to teach him a lesson.
But after noticing you he...now understands how Sarvente felt, though he tries ignoring the strange emotions so he can drive out Keith and his "little friend".
Poor guy nearly collapses after Zavodila and you gave Ruv quite a scolding for that. The Russian man is suddenly stumbling over his words as he tries explaining his duties.
Once Sarvente returns in her demon form to challenge Keith in Gospel, she does feel some shame upon realizing you were still around, worried about what you'd think of her deception.
You believe she's still good and kind, thanking her for welcoming you to the church.
As he turns around to glare at the three strangers, for a moment he freezes when he sees you.
'A human who's..too pretty for her own good. Damn it, what're you doing Whitty?!' He snaps out of his daze before expressing his desires to be alone.
Least to say...Keith's goading sends him over the edge and into a ballistic rage. He's practically freaking out and begging you all to leave.
But you bravely step forward to calm him down, apologizing for intruding before he could explode.
By some miracle it works. You let him rest his hands in yours (even though he's been avoidant of touch) and help him take deep breaths.
You, Keith, and Cherry walk away completely unscathed afterwards..and Whitty remains confused but flustered.
"W oa h, who's this babe you're with?"
His systems go a little crazy when he sees you, his screen briefly flashing a pixel heart.
Though he does want a rap battle with Keith, so they both go at it. Yet Hex briefly glances to you for approval whenever it's Keith's turn.
When the virus tries taking over, you're scared and concerned for his safety.
Fortunately, Keith saves him, and you help him find a place to fully recover.
Before he shuts down to repair himself, Hex offers to teach you basketball another time. And much to his happiness, you said you'll take the offer.
"You know it's dangerous for a pretty mortal like yourself to be wandering alone in the dark."
The living scarecrow immediately tries hitting you up, being all suave and shit while ignoring Keith and Cherry.
Of course you're amused and ignorant of their seething rage, and just chill on the speakers, feeling the breeze and listening to crows in the distance.
Ngl his song is quite catchy and once the rap battle is over, you compliment him.
Cue Zardy trying to hide his face with the hat (even tho there's no sign of blush whatsoever on him).
Keith gets reaaaaal jealous now but when you accidentally fluster him too he ends up doing the same thing.
Tricky noticed you first when you three arrived in "Nevada", but seeing Keith try to protect you pissed him off for some reason.
He got furious to the point of screaming into the mic. You swore you were gonna go deaf but somehow kept your hearing.
It didn't help that Hank and the Auditor kept interrupting, destroying his mask and making him even more enraged--to where he transformed into his demonic forms.
When he lost the final time, he kidnapped you and...brought you to a hotdog stand?
Turns out he just wanted to share a snack with you (though you didn't take kindly to him trying to destroy reality and your simps friends).
Only now you think 'huh...am I really so pretty-looking that...even an evil zombie clown refuses to hurt me?'.
iPhone Lemon Demon (iLemon)
Meeting this other Lemon was...quite unusual. You were just concerned about him placing his worth as a person on an electronic device.
Keith seemed confused, too, but didn't know how to handle it.
So after the rap battle, you told the one-eyed demon there was more to life than just iPhones. He didn't need one to be cool or popular or loved.
But if it made him happy, you'll take him out shopping sometime so he could pick out an iPhone.
Least to say he ends up crying into your shoulder, grateful and willing to rethink his life.
Keith and Cherry are lowkey jealous but say nothing and wait till you're ready to go.
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hrina · 4 years
In The Ring, Pt. IV - Uppercut
PAIRING: Harry x Reader RATING: M WORD COUNT: 10.6k REQUESTED: yes! 
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well lads................this is it 🥺🥺🥺 thank u guys so much for all the love you’ve given this series. i would’ve never expected to receive such a positive response, but u guys rly went above and beyond. i adore u all so much 
warning: parts of this fic will contain mentions of blood, violence, mild stalking, and sexual content. if any of that makes you uncomfortable, please take care of yourself and keep scrolling <3
as always, my masterlist and my inbox are both linked in my bio! i worked really hard on this last part! i wanted to make sure it was all perfect, so i hope everyone enjoys it. gentle reminder to reblog the fics you like! it’s a great way to show appreciation as well as give authors more exposure. ok that’s all hehe can’t wait to hear your thoughts! take care 💙💙💙
PART II: Cross
    March 20, 2021
Harry keeps his promise, and Artie brings your car back around to your place the next day. You sit up straight at the table when you hear the familiar honking of a horn sound from outside. Your feet suddenly seem to have a mind of their own, carrying you out of the kitchen quickly with your father’s confused inquiries ringing in your ears. You open the front door before Artie even has the chance to knock.
“Thanks, Jason,” you tell him, breathless.
He hands you your keys and accepts the quick hug that you bestow upon him. “No problem, little girl. Is everything alright?”
Harry didn’t tell him.
“Yeah,” you lie, nodding. “I just—I had a bit too much to drink last night, that’s all.” Your voice drops an octave. “Don’t tell my dad, okay?”
Artie presses two of his fingertips together and drags them over the seam of his mouth, metaphorically sealing his lips. You smile, your heartbeat returning to its regular pace beneath the confines of your ribs.
You step back, extending an arm and gesturing for him to enter.
“Are you hungry? We were in the middle of eating lunch.”
“Sure,” he says, kicking off his shoes and arranging them against the wall. “Thank you.”
He and your father talk about anything and everything during the meal—boxing, the economy, the basketball game that had aired late last night. You just sit there and eat your food, not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention.
They include you in the conversation for a bit—Artie asks how classes are going, and you tell him that you’re waiting for medical school acceptance (or rejection) letters to start rolling in. Other than that, they don’t bat an eye when you rinse your plate in the sink and politely excuse yourself from the table. You hide behind the fact that you have to work on an assignment that’s due in a week—the paper is worth a third of your grade and it’s crucial that you ace it.
But once you hobble back into your room, you’re crawling into bed and pulling the covers up over your head. You reach around blindly for your phone, snatching it up from where it’s charging on your nightstand. You unlock the device, scrolling through all of the grey messages that pop up right away—sent last night, one after the other, each of them unanswered, growing more and more desperate as the hours pass.
Can we please talk about this?
I’m sorry, please let me explain.
Are you ignoring me?
I know you’re seeing these. Please respond.
And then a final one, dejected and crestfallen, laced with palpable weakness even through the pixels of your screen.
    April 6, 2021
Harry’s on a losing streak.
A five-match losing streak, to be precise.
He’s never been bested this many times in a row. Your father is baffled by it, unsure of why he’s been so distracted in the ring. It’s even more confusing, he thinks, considering the fact that he’s at the gym every single day, lifting weights, practicing his technique, throwing himself into the sport. But once the actual fights roll around, things change. You’re not there, and you’re his lucky charm, and because of that, he finds himself meeting the ground far more often than he’d like to admit.
Your father said that the end of the semester was approaching—as a consequence, you were buckling down with school. Harry supposes that the timing is right, so the pretext must be true. But his opponents don’t know that (nor would they care). Your absence doesn’t stop them from knocking him down with snarling faces and heavy fists. The crowds holler loudly, goading him to get back up, but Harry doesn’t. He refuses to give them the satisfaction of watching him get beaten to a bloody pulp.
He stopped trying to reach out to you a week after the night of the kiss. He composed several texts a day, but each message had been met with silence. He remembers staring down at his phone one time, watching as three grey dots wiggled on the screen for a minute or two before disappearing entirely.
That’s when he gave up. If you didn’t want to talk, fine.
It hurt like hell, though.
And it’s still hurting like hell, even a week and a half later.
You told your father about James. He had mentioned it in passing to Harry, having to end practice earlier than usual because he had to set a court date to deal with some bastard who wouldn’t leave you alone. And that’s comforting, Harry thinks, because at least he knows that you’ll be safe, now.
He just wishes that he could’ve been the one to bring you that bit of solace.
That’s why, when your father invites him over for dinner one night after a particularly strenuous evening of training, he jumps at the opportunity. You’re making lasagna, your father says, having taken a break from studying for exams. Harry agrees to come over, because it’s been a while since he’s had a real, curated, love-infused, home-cooked meal.
And because you’ll be there, too, obviously. But he refrains from letting that incentive slip loose.
His heart is racing nervously when he parks his truck in front of your house. Memories flood his brain, reminding him of what had happened the last time he’d been here—the glint of your necklace under his fingers, the alluring twinkle in your eyes. The softness of your lips against his, the sensation of your nails carding through his hair—
Your father taps on the window of the driver’s seat.
“H?” he says, muffled through the glass. “You coming?”
“Yeah,” Harry chokes out, unbuckling his seatbelt and sliding out of the vehicle. “Yeah, sorry.”
He follows your father up the porch steps, waiting anxiously as the other man unlocks the front door. It swings open; they both step inside. Harry’s eyes widen when your father calls out, “Gioia? I’m home!”
“Hi!” comes your reply.
He freezes when the sound reaches his ears, because he hasn’t heard your voice—much less seen you—in over two weeks. He shuts the door discreetly, removing his shoes and trailing after your father as he pads down the hall. The closer he draws to the kitchen, the more he can smell it—meat, spices, cheese. His stomach rumbles in anticipation.
“Hope you made enough for three,” your father says, entering the room.
Harry lingers behind you, leaning against the wide threshold with his arms crossed protectively over his chest. He’s still a bit sweaty, but he hopes that the lasagna in the oven will mask the musky scent of the perspiration gleaming on his skin.
“Three?” you ask. You’re standing at the sink, your back to them. “Hi, Jason.”
A beat of silence passes, and then—
“Er, not exactly,” Harry grunts.
You stiffen immediately before spinning around. He doesn’t miss the quiet little gasp that leaves your mouth.
Your gaze locks with his, lips parted in surprise, and he can’t help but wonder if coming here was the smartest or the most foolish decision he’s ever made.
He and your father set the table.
After a few minutes, three plates and three collections of cutlery are laid out over a pristine white cloth. Harry eases into his chair as you carry over a hot tray of lasagna, your hands sheathed in a pair of red oven mittens. You put the pasta down in front of your father, who is sat at the head of the table. He inhales deeply, a small smile forming on his face.
“Smells amazing, sweetheart,” he tells you, nodding in approval. “Even better than your mother’s.”
“That’s a lie,” you tease, chuckling quietly and removing the crimson gloves from your fingers. You cut a large piece from the platter and deposit it onto his dish. “There you go.”
“Thank you,” he says.
He waits patiently as you separate another chunk of pasta for Harry, setting it down on his plate without a word.
“Thank you,” Harry tells you, his voice hoarse.
“You’re welcome,” you say. The response is short, painfully clipped—it makes him wince.
As soon as everyone has food in front of them, you sit down in your chair, reaching for the fork and the knife resting a few inches away from your dish. Before you can dig in, however, you pause, lifting your chin and squeezing your eyes shut.
“Shit,” you murmur. “Forgot the drinks.”
“There’s juice in the fridge, I think,” your father says through a mouthful of pasta.
“No.” You wave his suggestion away. “How about some wine? I’ll grab a bottle from the cellar.”
“Alright.” He nods, but then speaks again as you stand. “Wait—I think the treadmill in the basement is blocking the door. Harry—,” Harry’s head snaps up, nostrils flaring at the mention of his name, “—would you mind going with her? She won’t be able to move it by herself.”
“Uh,” he says stupidly. “Yeah, sure.”
He quickly excuses himself from the table, glancing over at you to register your reaction. Your expression is stony, betraying nothing. You swallow heavily, looking away and marching quickly out of the kitchen. He follows you without another word, hot on your heels.
The basement is dimly-lit, stocked with a few shelves of non-perishable foods and household supplies. Harry remains silent as you make your way over to the far wall, approaching the dark grey treadmill pressed against the door of the cellar. You place both hands on the side of the machine, giving it a firm push and grunting when it budges only an inch.
“You going to help me, or what?” you ask, casting an expectant glance at Harry from over your arm.
He blinks. “Right.”
Together, the two of you manage to ease the treadmill a few feet to the left. It’s enough space for you to open the door of the wine cellar and slip inside. Darkness envelopes your bodies, dissolving only when a small click! echoes through the still air. A moment later, the alcove is illuminated in a dull glow, compliments of the scrawny yellow bulb hanging from the ceiling.
You release the thin string attached to the light, turning around and gasping when you find Harry perched directly behind you. Your chests brush together—the contact sends sparks whizzing down his spine. You spin back around quickly, clearing your throat and scanning all of the different bottles balanced on the shelves.
“Thanks for your help,” you say dryly. “You can go back upstairs, now.”
“I’m good,” Harry mutters.
He clasps his hands behind his back as you trail your index finger along dozens of cream-coloured labels. Your hair is gathered in a low ponytail; a few shorter, wispier strands peek out from behind your ears. You’re not wearing makeup, today—and why would you, Harry thinks, when you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen?
“So,” he starts, itching to break the silence, “your dad told me that you’re filing a restraining order against James.”
“Yeah,” you reply curtly. He waits for you to continue, but you say nothing else.
“Feel better now that you’ve come clean?” he questions. Immediately, he knows that it’s the wrong thing to ask. But it’s out there, now, and he can’t exactly take it back.
A hollow laugh tumbles off of your tongue. Behind you, Harry notices the way you shake your head in disdain.
“You’re ridiculous,” you say under your breath.
“What was that?” He cocks an eyebrow challengingly, frowning at your tone.
“I said that you’re ridiculous,” you gripe, whipping around and fixing him with a fiery glare. “Need me to repeat it again?”
“If that means you’ll finally be speaking to me, then yeah, go for it,” he snaps, folding his arms over his chest.
“I—,” you break off, surprised by the bite in his rebuttal. Harry clenches his jaw when you turn back around. Your hand quivers as you reach for a random bottle of red wine. “I’m not doing this with you right now.”
“When, then?” he demands, taking a step closer. His front skims along your shoulder blades, and when you face him once more, your eyes widen in shock at the close proximity of your bodies. The little room suddenly feels much smaller, walls looming forward and closing you in. Your chest swells as you suck in a deep breath.
“When are we finally going to fucking talk about this?” Harry presses, meeting your gaze. Desperation drips from every syllable of his query.
You purse your lips, exhaling raggedly.
A feeble assent.
An insipid shake of your head.
You angle your torso to the side, easily slipping past him and out of the cellar.
“But not today.”
    April 10, 2021
Your nose is buried in a textbook when the message comes through.
Cell biology. So much information to remember, so many reactions to list, so many molecules to name. And weeks of studying, just for a two-hour-long final that’ll take place three days from now. If you weren’t so stressed out, the sheer nonsensicality of the situation would have made you laugh.
So when your phone chimes with the alert, you figure that it’s time for a break. A quick conversation with one of your friends, maybe. Something to take your mind off of the looming exam, even if it is just for a few minutes at a time. After that, you’ll get back to revising.
Sadly, nothing is ever that simple.
We need to talk. Come to the gym.
Your eyes widen when the words sink in. As you rub your clammy palms against the grey material of your sweatpants, another text pops up below the first.
You shouldn’t. You need to study. But even as you warn yourself against it, your brain is already coming up with a multitude of reasons to meet with him. It’s just one night. Your exam isn’t for another few days. You have time. You deserve to take a break.
Your keys jingle cheerfully as you toss them into your bag.
Harry is going to town when you walk into the gym.
You’re not quite sure how that poor punching bag has managed to stay balanced on its hook. Harry’s coming at it from every angle, pummeling the leather with hard, heavy fists. He’s wearing a black tank top today; deep armholes cut into the sides of the fabric and expose most of his torso. The dark tattoos on his skin glisten under a thin sheen of sweat; a small, stupid part of you expects the ink to run and smudge before you remember that the designs are permanent.
What’s even worse? Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande is playing on his phone. The soft, feathery croons of her voice mix with the low grunts that escape Harry’s throat—sounds that claw their way out of him with each blow delivered to the bag. Under normal circumstances, the juxtaposition would have made you snort.
Now though, it just reminds you of that night all those months ago, when you’d asked him to teach you how to box. This entire train wreck could have been avoided if you’d simply kept your mouth shut.
Harry still hasn’t noticed you. How could he, when you’re standing behind him?
You clear your throat. He freezes mid-strike.
His grassy eyes are wide when he turns around.
“Hi,” he says, surprised. “I—I didn’t think you would come.”
“I was halfway here when I realised that I didn’t text you back,” you reply, scratching awkwardly at the nape of your neck. “But, like…no handheld devices behind the wheel, and all that jazz.”
His lips twitch. “Yeah. Good.”
You cross your arms over your chest, scanning your surroundings. You don’t know why you do that—nothing in the gym has changed. You’re just trying to avoid Harry’s gaze, which is a lot easier said than done.
“You, um…you wanted to talk?”
“Yeah.” He nods, walking over to the ring and pausing the music streaming from his phone.
He then reaches for two pairs of boxing gloves, nestling one in the crook of his elbow and tossing the other at you. The strap of your purse slides from your shoulder as you catch the leather in your arms. You peer down at the gloves, eyes narrowing in confusion before you train them back on him.
“I don’t get it,” you deadpan.
“Really?” Harry asks. He hoists himself onto the raised platform of the ring and slips through the gaps in the ropes. “Because you’ve been begging to go up against me since January. Are you seriously gonna back out now?”
“Go up against—” The rest of your sentence fizzles out. “I…I thought you wanted to have a conversation, not a competition.”
He shrugs, regarding you evenly as he pulls his gloves on and tightens the straps around his wrists. He then bumps his enclosed fists together, tilting his head to the side.
“Why can’t we do both?”
You look pretty, Harry thinks.
Standing on the far side of the ring, wearing a black tank top, grey sweatpants, and bright pink sneakers—yeah, you look pretty. You’ve cuffed your bottoms so that they’re rolled up to the spot just below your knees, and your hair has been pulled back into a low bun. There’s no emotion on your face as you stare him down, taking a few steps closer and assuming a fighting stance.
You’ve gotten better—he’ll be the first to admit it. But he’s going to beat you, and you both know it. It’s just a matter of when.
He decides that, for the time being, he’ll go easy on you. The two of you will talk things out, and afterward, he might let you win. Maybe. He’s still on the fence about that.
You both begin to move in a circle. After a long moment of silence, Harry says, “You go first.”
“No, you,” you grit out. He just shrugs.
Fine. Have it your way.
You block the straight, pointed jab that he throws, and pride swells up in his chest. It’s a simple punch to deflect, but nevertheless, it tells him that you’ve learned something over these past few months. And that means that he’s done a good job as your teacher.
As your friend…not so much.
Do friends kiss other friends the same way you’d kissed him in front of your house?
He really doesn’t know.
“Right, then,” Harry starts, nodding. “Let’s talk.”
“About what?” you ask. Your nose wrinkles in concentration as you direct a blow toward his stomach. He blocks it easily. “About how you kissed me back and then told me you didn’t have feelings for me?”
“I—,” he’s stunned, because okay, you’re coming right on out with it. “I’m sorry.”
He’s sorry for lying, but you don’t seem to realise that.
“I was so fucking embarrassed,” you say, lunging forward and throwing a cross at his nose. He bats your fist away like it’s nothing more than a pesky fly. “But I guess that I’m mad at myself, too. Here I am, starting to like you, meanwhile I barely know anything about you.”
“What do you want to know?” he asks, keeping his arms in front of his face.
(Deep down, beneath his stoic exterior, he can’t believe what he’s hearing. You had been ‘starting to like’ him? He’s scared, then, because that means he ruined everything that night in his truck. Do you still feel the same way?)
Harry blinks—shakes his head free of those thoughts and continues. “Ask me, and I’ll tell you.”
“Really,” you reply, though it isn’t exactly a question.
You drop your hands, taken aback by his offer. He’s not usually this open—you should seize the opportunity to probe while it’s still available. You will, he thinks. Over these past few months, he’s learned how you operate. You’re not predictable, by any means, but he knows that you can’t resist inquiring about his personal life when given the chance.
You want to know him. If he thinks about it for too long, his affections become exceedingly difficult to bear.
“Really,” he says.
He steps forward and curves his right arm in a powerful hook. You yelp jarringly when the rough leather of his glove makes contact with your left shoulder. He just shrugs, pulling back.
“Remember: don’t let your guard down.”
You clench your jaw and raise your fists once more.
“Fine, then,” you say, sidestepping another one of his jabs. “Where were you born?”
“Redditch, England,” he answers simply. “Moved to Holmes Chapel when I was a kid, though.”
You nod. The two of you continue to circle each other.
“Got any siblings?” you ask, charging him and attempting to deliver a series of punches to his torso. He deflects each of them with his forearms, never faltering.
“A sister,” he says, unbothered. “She lives back home.”
“And what about your parents?” you press, retreating and watching him with careful eyes.
He swallows roughly, shaking his head. “Dad left when I was seven. Mum died when I was fourteen.”
At that, you pause. You heed his earlier advice and keep your hands in front of your face, but it’s clear that his confession has caught you by surprise. Your gaze softens, and he watches as your lips curl down into a sympathetic frown.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him quietly, your shoulders slouching. “That’s terrible.”
He shrugs. “It’s in the past—can’t change it, now.”
He takes advantage of your pitying nature, springing toward you and aiming a punch for your hip. You barely manage to avoid the blow, jumping back at the last second. His glove scrapes swiftly against your side. The attack seems to snap you out of your emotions, because you scowl deeply and return to your original stance.
“What happened after that?” you ask, breathing erratically.
“They put me in foster care,” Harry says, shaking his head. “It was shit, though. I ran away after a couple of years. Went off on my own—that’s when I met your dad.”
“And he started training you?”
“And he started training me,” he confirms with a curt nod. “Couldn’t actually fight until I turned eighteen, but after that…I was taking up as many matches as I could.” He chuckles warmly at the memory. “Your dad said that he’d never seen anything like it. Told me I had to slow down.”
You smile a bit at his words. Your fondness quickly melts into shock, however, when Harry aims a hit for your face. You block the punch, retaliating quickly and throwing one of your own. Your fist makes contact with the barrier of his chest, and he stumbles backward, his eyes widening in disbelief. You got him.
Only once, but still.
You got him.
“Not bad,” he grunts, squaring his shoulders. “Maybe I should actually start trying, now.”
You grit your teeth, glowering at him. “God, you’re such a dick.”
He flashes you a contemptuous grin before lunging forward. You dodge two of his punches, but the third one catches you right in the stomach, making you double over and cough. Harry retreats, a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Done getting to know me?” he simpers.
You shake your head, straightening back up. “Not yet.”
You make a valiant effort, Harry thinks. Your dedication is commendable. But he’s had a decade of training, whereas you’ve only had a few months. Your technique—though improved—is still sloppy. And that’s what allows him to sidestep all of your strikes and react quickly, enough so that he’s got you pinned to the ground in just under two minutes.
You’re panting heavily; one of his forearms holds your crossed wrists down over your head. His other hand is planted on the floor just above your shoulder, the flat front of his boxing glove providing a stable surface to keep him balanced. His knees are next to your waist as he hovers over your stomach, giving you no room to worm out of his grip. You flail your legs in frustration, but he’s perched too high up on your body for the action to do any real damage.
“I win,” he says simply, arrogance dancing in his eyes. He leans down so that your noses are only inches apart. “Any more questions, baby?”
“Just one,” you bite, panting heavily.
He cocks an eyebrow, waiting for the inquiry to leave your lips. Once it does, however, it knocks every molecule of air from his lungs.
“Have you…,” you inhale deeply, “…ever been in love?”
The expression on your face tells him that you know exactly what you’re doing. Your chest heaves with exertion, and when his gaze flickers down to your breasts for only a fraction of a second, your eyes illumine with realisation.
“You want me,” you tell him, breathless. A thin, reflective layer of perspiration has gathered at your hairline. Your arms twitch from where they’re pinned beneath his. Despite the gloves still covering your hands, you grasp at his slippery skin, hoping that the contact will somehow make his already-weak resolve crack and crumble into nothing.
“No,” he says, his voice hard.
His green irises burn into your face. Who is he trying to convince?
“You’re lying,” you wheeze, shaking your head. “You want me.”
Your skin is hot. He can feel you radiating warmth like a fireplace. Heated, cozy, welcoming—it’s everything he loves about you, everything he’s been craving since he first became conscious of how badly he desired you. And, to top it all off, you’re looking at him like that—with eyes that could persuade him to jump from a skyscraper, if you so much as asked.
Just like that.
“Fuck,” Harry spits. He pulls back sharply and stamps his own eyes shut. His nose screws up in frustration. “Fuck.”
And then he’s kissing you.
The elated moan that slips from your lips has his cock twitching fitfully in his shorts. You arch your back to get closer to him, because with his hand still pinning you down, it’s not like you can throw your arms around his neck and bring him to you. The kiss is messy and frenzied and hot and carnal. Harry licks into your mouth, savouring the squeak that echoes in your throat.
You’re vocal—he’s going to fucking die.
When the two of you pull back, no words are exchanged. Harry stares down at you, taking note of how your pupils have dilated immensely. Your chest is still heaving, but this time, it’s for a completely different reason. He releases your wrists from where they’re pinned beneath his forearm, watching you carefully as he sits up.
He lifts his fist to his face and takes the strap of the glove between his teeth. The sharp riiip! that ensues may as well be a starter gunshot.
You both dive back into a sea of teeth and lips and tongue. Harry throws off his gloves easily. You struggle with yours, but he wastes no time, helping you discard them in a matter of seconds. With your hands finally free, you bury them in his hair, pulling at the soft, damp tendrils as he presses several hard kisses to your mouth.
“Fuck,” he mutters, slanting his body downward so that his crotch is level with yours. “You—you have no idea—”
The rest of his sentence fades into a groan when you suck harshly on his jaw. He shudders at the sensation.
Gradually, you bring your legs out from beneath his own, lifting your knees up to your chest and then wrapping your thighs around his waist. It’s an impressive feat, if he’s being honest. And it gives him more room to lean over you, to grind his cock against your centre through the layers of fabric separating your skin.
“Off—,” you choke, tugging at the bottom of his black shirt. “Get this off!”
He complies, sitting back up on his knees and ridding himself of the fabric. You take advantage of his instability, wrapping one hand around his bicep and giving it a hard shove. He topples to the side and you scramble up to straddle him, a small, smug smile ghosting across your face.
“What are you—?” he starts, but you place one finger against his lips, cutting him off.
You start to roll your hips gently into his—he groans, wishing more than anything that there were no clothes in the way. Goosebumps erupt on his arms when you lightly scrape your nails down his bare chest. You settle at the butterfly inked into his abdomen, tracing the insect’s wings with a wondrous look in your eyes. His palms sweep up your thighs.
“Why did you lie to me?” you murmur, keeping your gaze trained on his torso. “You feel the same, don’t you?”
He nods wordlessly.
“Why, then?” you press, frowning gently. “I—we could’ve avoided this whole thing if you’d just told me the truth.”
“Your dad,” Harry says weakly. “I can’t—you’re his—”
“My dad has no control over who I date or who I fuck,” you say. He’s stunned by the crudeness of your claim. “And if I want to fuck you right here, right now, then that’s what I’m going to do.”
“You—Christ,” he swallows heavily, squeezing his eyes shut. “You can’t just say shit like that.”
“Why not?” you smirk, grinding against him harshly and feeling the stiff outline of his cock in his shorts. “You seem to be enjoying it.”
“Fuck,” he grunts. You shriek when he flips the two of you over so that he’s back on top. His nose brushes against yours as he speaks.
“If we do this,” he warns, hot breath fanning out over your chin, “I won’t be gentle. In every single one of my fantasies, I’ve ruined you—made you drool, made you cry. You name it, I’ve done it. You sure you can handle that?”
“Yes,” you breathe, utterly enthralled. “I’m sure.”
Harry tucks a loose piece of your hair behind your ear, peering down at you tenderly.
“Look so pretty,” he coos, fingers skimming down the side of your throat. “Can’t wait to wreck your cute, little—” He sucks in a deep breath, weakened by the shamelessness of his own thoughts. “Gonna make sure your knees knock together once I’m through with you.”
And maybe it’s not smart to get you naked in the middle of the gym, where anyone walking by could easily peer inside and witness him fucking you into oblivion. But he can’t find it in himself to care—he’s been waiting for this moment for years, and damn him if he doesn’t seize it while you’re like this: open, inviting, presented to him like gourmet food on a silver platter.
And speaking of food…
“I’m gonna stretch you out,” Harry states. “You’ve got to cum first if you wanna take my cock, understand?”
You nod rapidly.
He shakes his head. “Need to hear you say it, baby. You want it, too, right?”
“I want it,” you confirm, breathless. “I want it, I understand.”
He smiles. His fingers ruck up the material of your tank top, and you lift your back from the ground to help him remove it. Your bra is next, pale pink with a simple bow resting between the cups. He swears when you unclip it quickly, letting the straps fall down your shoulders before tossing it away.
“Christ,” he says, blinking. “Can’t believe you’re real.”
He lays you back down onto the floor of the ring, ducking his head and enveloping one of your nipples in his mouth. You moan. The bud hardens between his teeth, sensitive to his touch. He sucks harshly before pulling off, littering kisses along the skin of your breasts. His head swims with lust, transforming him into someone nearly unrecognizable. You seem to like it, though, so how bad could it really be?
“Next time,” Harry murmurs into your flesh, “I’m gonna get a proper taste. Eat you out ’til you go blind. But for now—,” he dips his hand past the waistband of your sweatpants, “—my fingers will just have to do.”
You shimmy your bottoms down, kicking them off unceremoniously and spreading your legs. And fuck, he nearly loses it right there, because this is what he’s been picturing for months, if not years. Having you laid out in front of him, exposed and ready and willing. Your thighs stretched wide, miles of soft skin leading inward and morphing into sticky, wet folds. He closes his eyes for a brief moment and inhales deeply—the scent of your arousal floods his nose, rendering him utterly helpless. Something akin to a man unhinged.
He rubs you over your panties, first. They’re nothing special—simple black cotton covering your mound and your hipbones. But fuck him, he wasn’t expecting the ocean of excitement that seems to have pooled and soaked through the fabric. His fingertips are damp when he pulls them away.
“You’re drenched,” he groans, shaking his head in disbelief. He hooks one digit into the elastic of your underwear, looking up at you with inquisitive eyes. “Can I take these off?”
“Yes, please.”
He tears the material down your legs, and then you’re naked beneath him, save for the rose-gold pendant resting on your sternum. He sits back on his heels as you spread your thighs wider, chewing on the inside of your cheek. His index finger taps the skin just below your navel, tracing a path down to where you need him most. You whine when he bypasses your clit completely, dropping instead to gather some of your wetness before trailing back up. He smears your arousal over the nub—just to get a steady, slippery rhythm going—and then leans down, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Don’t wanna be too far,” he says sheepishly, sweetly kissing the tip of your nose. “Missed you.”
You seal your lips to his.
He makes you cum after a few minutes, slipping one finger into your channel, and then another. The entire time, his thumb stays perched on your clit, drawing expert circles and pulling wanton moans from your mouth. And when you cum—oh.
You’re glorious, with lidded eyes and warm cheeks and teeth bared in pleasure. You ride out your high, spasming gently. Harry lays a firm hand on your stomach, feeling the muscles of your abdomen twitch beneath his palm. He continues to stimulate your clit, basking in the little aftershocks that zip up your spine and make your legs tremble.
If you were aroused before…good fucking God. He didn’t know it was possible for a woman to be this wet.
You kiss him as you come down from your orgasm, nipping softly at his bottom lip and sighing in relief. Both of his hands find your face—you seem unbothered by the fact that his fingers are coated in your juices, smearing messily against your cheek. He melts into you like he’s dying of thirst and you’re an oasis, lush and green and good. So, so good.
“Do you—,” he exhales raggedly, “—do you still want to?”
You nod, a soft smile forming on your face. It’s crazy, Harry thinks, how quickly you can oscillate between actual human sunshine and the devil personified. One minute, you’re asking him to fuck you, and the next, you’re giving him those eyes that make him feel as though every cell in his body has been liquefied.
“What were you saying about not being gentle?” you tease.
He chuckles quietly, shaking his head. You gasp when he hooks a finger into the chain around your neck. He takes your pretty pink pendant between two fingers, lifting it up and dragging the cool metal along the seam of your lips. You inhale sharply.
“I don’t have a condom,” he murmurs, sighing mournfully.
“I have an IUD,” you whisper, playing with the curls at the back of his head. “We’re good.”
He groans, dropping his face into the column of your throat. “You’re fuckin’ marvelous.”
You giggle.
He shudders when you begin to push his shorts down. You look up at him with raised brows when his cock slaps against his stomach, completely unrestrained.
“No underwear?”
“Always sticks to my balls when I get sweaty,” he whines, squeezing his eyes shut. “Need to let the boys breathe.”
A loud laugh flops out of your mouth. Harry snickers, too, trailing his nose up over your jawline so that he can catch your lips in a quick kiss. He moans as you wrap your fingers around his length, giving a few experimental pumps. Instinctively, his hips buck into your grip.
“You’re big,” you murmur. “Are you sure that it’s going to fit?”
“It’ll fit,” he promises.
He guides your legs up so that they’re wrapped around his waist, allowing him to slot himself closer to you. You gasp when his hand finds your cunt again, dipping two fingers inside before sweeping his palm over the length of your folds. He then smears your wetness along the shaft of his cock, makeshift lubrication to facilitate the first breach of your channel.
“You ready?” he says, positioning the tip of his dick at your entrance. “Deep breath for me, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You inhale, and he nudges his hips forward. You gasp as he slips into you, inch by thick inch, stretching you out in a way that you’ve never felt before. Harry reaches for your hands, tangling your fingers together and lifting them above your head. You arch your back with the new position, and he’s unsure of whether you’re trying to wiggle away or bring him in closer.
When the heels of your feet press against his ass, guiding him deeper, he assumes that it’s the latter.
“Fuck,” he stammers as your tight heat surrounds his cock. “How—how do you feel this good?”
A wheezing laugh punches its way out of your throat.
“Feel that,” Harry says hoarsely. “So fuckin’ hot and—and wet. Not gonna take any time at all, is it?”
“For me, or for you?” you taunt. He grumbles quietly, and you snicker.
After a brief moment of silence, you squeeze his knuckles reassuringly. “You can move.”
“Thank you,” he moans, capturing your mouth with his. Your breathing hitches as he pulls out before slowly sliding back in. When you sigh in response, he takes it as encouragement to pick up the pace.
Soon, he’s fucking into you quickly, your skin slapping together in a series of brutal thrusts. With each drive of his hips into yours, soft whimpers escape your lips, floating up into the hot air and melting like ice cream under the sun. Harry growls, sinking his teeth into the junction between your neck and your shoulder. The pain makes you writhe—in a good way.
“You don’t know how many times I’ve imagined this,” he grunts, laving his tongue over the indents on your skin. Your necklaces clink together—silver and rose-gold tangled in a mess of thin, delicate chains. “My—my hand could never—”
“Neither could mine,” you tell him, breathless.
His spine stiffens at your words, brain overcome with the thought of you lying in bed, your fingers buried between your legs and low whines pouring from your mouth. He groans; his next thrust is hard, keen, unforgiving.
He keeps you close, your bodies never separating. Your skin is slick with sweat, chests gliding together. Adrenaline rushes through Harry’s veins—he drives ahead, plunging inside of you with each fierce snap of his hips. You can’t do anything but lie there and take it, take it, take it.
“I want you,” he gasps, warm air washing out onto your collarbones. His hands are clammy, still locked with yours; he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I want you, I want you, I—” He gulps. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”
“Harry,” you murmur, grazing your nose against his temple. “Harry, look at me.”
Reluctantly, he pulls his face away from your throat. Your eyes are soft when they land on his, forehead shining with sweat, lips swollen and raw. The bun holding most of your hair back has come loose (Harry is certain that it’s due to the way your bodies shift along the ground with every thrust.)
You swallow roughly and shake your head, staring past his features and searching for something deeper.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you say, nearly crushing his fingers in your grip. “I’m here.”
Your walls pulsate around him, and his rhythm falters. He swears softly, releasing one of your hands so that he can bring his thumb down to rub haphazard shapes against your clit. You moan, surprised.
“Cum for me,” he orders, nodding rapidly. “Cum for me, and then I’ll do the same. Where do you want it, hm? Tell me.”
“Inside,” you pant, your nose screwing up in pleasure. “Cum inside me.”
“Shit, you’re serious?” he asks, awestruck. His stomach twists hotly at your invitation. “Want me to claim your pretty cunt? Is that it?”
“God,” you say. You squirm beneath him, nodding frantically. “Please!”
“Fuck!” he cries, and when you clamp down on his cock, he’s gone.
The two of you ride out your highs together, quivering and grunting in unison. Harry wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close to his chest. You dig your nails into his back, clinging to him like a piece of wood drifting through the stormy sea. Colourful spots dance in his vision—he tries his best to blink them away. Your thighs tremble around his hips, caught in an endless cycle of vibrations.
“Holy shit,” you whimper, exhaling shakily. “That was…”
Harry braces himself over your face, keeping you shielded from everything outside of your little bubble.
“Yeah,” he agrees.
A low laugh falls from your lips, but it quickly morphs into a moan when he pulls out of you. He pauses for a moment, watching as white liquid trickles from your abused entrance. The erotic sight nearly has him ready to go again.
“Fuck,” he mutters. He scoops his release up with two fingers and plugs them back inside of you. “That’s hot.”
You gasp at the slight overstimulation, wrapping a hand around his wrist reflexively. He just shoots you a wicked grin, which has you giggling girlishly in response.
“I want a kiss,” you say, craning your neck.
Harry hums, crawling up your body to fulfill your request. You smile against his lips, tossing your arms over his shoulders. The two of you exchange soft pecks for the next few minutes, basking in the aftereffects of your orgasms. Warmth unfurls in Harry’s chest, potent and contagious. It spreads through his veins, dousing his senses in a golden glow.
“You’re fucking incredible,” he tells you, nuzzling his nose against your cheek. “And I like you. So much.”
“I like you, too,” you reply, tracing your fingertips over the muscles in his back. “But if you ever lie to me again—” Your expression grows serious. “—let’s just say that you won’t have to worry anymore about your boxers sticking to your balls, okay?”
It’s an earnest threat—he knows that you mean every word—but nevertheless, it makes him laugh. You giggle along with him; he rolls off of you, his spine meeting the floor of the ring, and you cuddle into his side. Your nails tap languidly against his sternum as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. The two of you lie there for a few long moments, enjoying the peaceful silence.
“They’re taking my case against James to trial,” you say at last.
Harry stiffens, lifting his head so that he can look down at you properly.
“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” he asks.
“Yeah.” You nod, refusing to meet his gaze. “But, um…my lawyer said that it might be a good idea to bring a witness to the stand. Just to seal the deal and stuff.”
You peek up at him shyly, and it clicks.
“Oh,” he says softly. “You want me?”
“Only if you’re comfortable with it,” you say hurriedly, resting your chin on his chest. “Please don’t think that I’m forcing you—”
“Hey, no,” he cuts you off, sweeping his fingers through your hair. The action soothes you, makes your eyelids flutter shut and your lips tremble with a nervous exhale. “’Course I’ll testify. I don’t want that piece of shit coming anywhere near you.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, pressing your mouth to his skin. You litter a few grateful kisses along his pectorals, and he smiles. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Don’t have to keep saying that,” Harry mumbles, chuckling tenderly. He takes your face between his hands, thumbs trailing idly over your temples. “I wanna keep you safe. Or—or make you feel safe, at least.”
Your eyes glisten.
“I do feel safe around you,” you say. Your lips twitch. “Except for when you’re trying to punch me in the gut.”
He snickers, shaking his head. “If you want to start tussling with me more often, you’re gonna have to get used to that.”
“Duly noted.” You smirk.
Harry sighs, letting his head fall back against the ground.
“Speaking of keeping you safe…,” he mutters, staring up at the ceiling. His fingers resume their previous ministrations, stroking languidly through your hair. “You should go pee, yeah? Heard it’s important for girls to do that after sex.”
You laugh, surprised by his words. “How—how do you know that?”
“Sister,” he reminds you. His cheeks dimple as he grins.
You nod, mouth curling into a fond smile. “Right.”
    April 26, 2021
The crowd is deafening, encasing him in a cloud of noise. He refuses to let it distract him, zeroing in on his opponent with the intensity of a thousand suns. An experimental jab comes his way, gauging the distance between them, but Harry sidesteps it easily. He retaliates with a right hook, catching the side of the man’s head. It’s not a powerful blow, but it succeeds in disorienting him for a few milliseconds.
He charges forward, then, sensing an opportunity and seizing it before it can fade away. In a flurry of fists (and the odd kick here and there), he backs his opponent up until the ropes around the ring are digging into the man’s waist. He’s ruthless, giving him no chance to react, delivering blow after blow until his rival can barely stand on his own two feet. At that point, he retreats, stepping back and letting his victory come to him.
He needs this win. He needs this win. He needs this—
His challenger falls into the trap, stumbling forward with double vision and throwing a sloppy hook. Harry bats his hand away effortlessly, lunging forward and curving his arm up. Pride flares in his chest when his fist makes contact with his opponent’s jaw, making the man’s head snap back on his neck. He drops to the floor in an unconscious, muscular heap.
The seconds pass by like molasses, but at last, the referee is climbing into the ring and lifting Harry’s hand high above his head. The crowd roars. He closes his eyes for a moment, basking in the praise. When they flutter open again, they’re trailing upward, searching for one particular face in a sea of strangers.
And there you are.
You’re beaming, clapping frantically and pausing every so often to cup your hands around your mouth and amplify your cheers. Harry smiles, tilting his chin upward and letting his head fall back in relief. He doesn’t tear his gaze away from you, even as the referee releases his wrist and crouches to rouse his opponent from the ground.
He hears someone call his name and turns to the side. He finds your father peeking at him through the ropes circling the ring, a wide grin on his face. He beckons him over, a water bottle clutched tightly in his outstretched hand. Harry complies, breathing out a heavy sigh.
Meanwhile, you’re pushing through the throng of people that have now started moving toward the exit. Going against the current is difficult—you murmur quick apologies as you nudge past countless shoulders and elbows—but finally, you emerge from the crowd, unscathed. You see Harry chatting with a few people approximately thirty feet away, but before you can take another step, a big, burly security guard blocks your path.
“No spectators beyond this point,” he tells you gruffly.
“But, I—,” your mouth opens and closes, though no words come out. Instinctively, you point over the guard’s shoulder, your finger pinned on a very sweaty, very shirtless Harry. “That’s my boyfriend.”
You only have a moment to feel shocked by your claim. Boyfriend?
It’s been weeks since that night at the gym, and yeah, you suppose that the two of you are a thing, now. You’re going out. You’re exclusive. Whatever the hell you want to call it.
But you’ve never referred to him as your boyfriend, and he’s never referred to you as his girlfriend. You haven’t talked about potentially putting a label on your relationship, despite the fact that you’re both clearly interested in seeing each other and no one else.
Is it time to have that conversation?
Harry jumps in surprise when he hears you call his name. He turns toward the sound and then grunts when you barrel into him a moment later, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. One of his hands reflexively falls to your bottom before quickly moving away. The feeling of his calloused palm on your ass sends a shiver down your spine.
You bury your face in his shoulder. He’s sweating all over, skin wet and muscles bulging from exertion. You know that you’ve caught him off-guard, because he whispers your name incredulously into your ear and presses a gentle kiss to your jaw. When he finally sets you down, you peer up at him with bright eyes and a large grin.
“That was incredible,” you gush, your hands falling to his biceps. “You obliterated him!”
“Thanks,” he chuckles. His cheeks are pink—you don’t think it’s because of the match.
In the periphery of your vision, you catch sight of your father. He’s standing there with raised brows and parted lips, and you suddenly remember that he hasn’t yet been made aware of your…situation. You gasp, stepping away from Harry quickly and draping your arms around your own torso. He seems to recognize your blunder as well, because his shoulders tense and his eyes nearly pop out of his head.
The two of you speak at the same time.
“I don’t want to know,” your father announces, holding up one hand and cutting you both off swiftly. His eyes bounce back and forth between you, features betraying no emotion whatsoever. Finally, his shoulders slump.
“I’m gonna call it a night, gioia,” he tells you. He then looks to the left, directing his next words at Harry. “Congratulations on your win, H. Have her home by midnight.”
“Dad, I’m a grown woman—,” you begin to scoff, but he gives you a pointed glare.
“Midnight,” he repeats.
You shrink away and nod.
Before leaving, Harry decides to take a quick shower in the men’s locker room. You sit on one of the benches, tapping your foot against the tiles as you watch him get undressed. It doesn’t take him long—he’s only wearing a pair of shorts, after all—but you savour every moment, your eyes raking over his muscular back as he bends down to pick his bottoms up off of the ground. He tosses the fabric into his drawstring bag before peering over his shoulder at you.
“Sure you don’t wanna join me?” he asks, a coy smirk playing on his lips when he catches you staring.
You look away quickly, picking at your nails and feigning indifference. “Where anyone could walk in? I’m good.”
He shrugs, snickering quietly. “Suit yourself.”
You ogle his plump ass as he walks away.
A moment later, one of the showers turns on. You can hear Harry humming softly as he steps under the spray. You sigh, leaning back against the wall and fishing your phone out from your pocket. For the next few minutes, you scroll distractedly through social media, bored out of your mind.
You grunt softly and set your phone down, tiptoeing over to the door of the locker room and fastening it shut. The lock above the handle slides into place with a low click!
“Fuck it,” you mutter.
You flick open the button of your jeans, shoving the material down your thighs. Eventually, you’re naked, goosebumps pebbling on your arms. You set your clothes back down onto the bench and grab a spare towel, fiddling with the necklace hanging from your throat. A thought occurs to you; you unclasp the chain, pulling it off and letting it pool in the palm of your hand.
Harry’s idle singing grows louder as you approach the row of showers. It’s not hard to find his cubicle—it’s the only one with the curtain drawn over the entrance. You pad toward it, hanging your towel next to his and calling out, “Harry?”
“Yeah?” His hums stop.
You grasp the fabric of the curtain, pulling it back and peering inside. Immediately, Harry’s gaze locks with yours. He’s completely bare, standing beneath the water with hooded eyes and shampoo foaming in his hair. You slip into the cubicle, not missing the way he gawks at your naked body.
“I changed my mind,” you murmur, peering up at him shyly.
He presses his lips together to fight back a smile. “Yeah. You sure did.”
“Shut up and let me rinse your hair.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Before you can bury your hands into the wet strands, however, you remember the jewellery clutched between your fingers.
“Actually—,” you say, hesitating. “I, um—I wanted to give this to you.”
You scoop the necklace up from your palm, holding it out nervously. Harry recognizes it immediately, and his eyes widen in surprise.
“What for?” he asks, not unkindly.
“It’s my lucky charm,” you tell him, shrugging your shoulders. “I just figured…maybe it’ll work for you, too.”
He kisses you, then, grabbing your face in his hands and crushing his lips to yours. You whimper into his mouth, finding his wrists and encasing them in a tight grip. The kiss is passionate, bruising, fiery—you’ve never felt so wanted.
Harry pulls back once the two of you run out of air. Even then, he keeps his forehead pressed snugly against yours, staying close. He’s breathing heavily, and you’re starting to sweat, the humidity of the stall seeping into every last pore on your body. Harry shakes his head, gazing into your eyes.
“You’re my lucky charm,” he says.
Your heartbeat stutters in your chest.
“But,” he continues, smiling softly, “I’ll take the necklace. It’ll be good to have for when you’re not there.”
You nod wordlessly, and he steps back. His hands find his throat, fumbling with the chain dangling over his collarbones. He reaches over his shoulders, unclasping his own necklace and presenting it to you.
“Here,” he says. “I’ll take yours, and you take mine.”
You nod again.
You turn around slowly, electricity thrumming through your body as Harry guides the silver chain around your neck. The shiny cross pendant rests against your sternum; the warmth of the metal seeps into your skin. When you face him again, Harry whistles lowly, his lips twitching.
“Looks good on you,” he says, nodding proudly. “My girl.”
“Is that what I am?” you ask, peeking up at him through your lashes. “Your girl?”
He pauses. He really does look ridiculous with the white, frothing shampoo slicked through his hair.
“Is that what you want to be?”
A moment of silence ensues.
“Yeah,” you finally say, biting your bottom lip. “It is.”
Harry smiles. He leans forward and kisses you again, softer this time. You nudge his shoulder with the hand that’s still holding your necklace, prompting him to spin around.
“Come on,” you murmur, delivering one last affectionate peck to his mouth. “Your turn.”
Harry pulls up to your house fifteen minutes before midnight. You unbuckle your seatbelt, modifying your position in the front seat so that you can look at him properly. Your hair is still slightly damp from your shared shower, and your skin is fresh and clean. You smell like him—like the body wash you had both used to scrub yourselves down in the small cubicle. A silver necklace—his necklace—peeks out from beneath the collar of your denim jacket.
The jewellery suits you. He doesn’t ever want you to take it off.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment until you eventually crack a smile.
“You look like you want to eat me,” you say, laughing.
“C’mere, then,” he chuckles, already leaning forward. “Lemme have a taste.”
“Gross.” You stick your tongue out playfully but obey him nonetheless, your lips meeting over the middle console of the vehicle. Harry cups your face in one hand, keeping you close. You sigh into his mouth, and he swallows the sound down—it’s the prettiest fucking thing he’s ever heard.
You carry on like that for the next few minutes, exchanging soft kisses that don’t go beyond him placing a calloused palm on your thigh. When you finally pull away, a breathless giggle bubbles up in your throat.
“Have I ever told you that you’re a great kisser?” you ask.
“Only a dozen times a day,” he replies, smirking gently.
You laugh, carding your fingers through his hair and tilting your head to the side as you stare at him. Your eyes are far away, getting lost in your own thoughts, it seems.
“What is it?” he whispers, even though there’s no one else in the car aside from you and him.
“I love you,” you murmur absentmindedly.
Harry freezes; your confession knocks the air from his lungs.
“What?” he says, his brows knitting together.
At last, you snap out of your trance. Your admission sinks in, and you recoil, shocked at your own boldness.
“I—,” you start, your eyes growing impossibly wide. “I just meant—we’ve known each other for years, now, but I feel like I really got to know you these past few months. These past few weeks, especially.”
You shrug, playing nervously with the silver cross hanging around your neck. Harry’s heart somersaults at the sight.
“I’m sorry if it’s bad timing,” you continue; you’re rambling, now. “And I understand that it might be weird considering the fact that we just put a label on this, but—,” you break off, taking a deep breath, “—I love you. I do.”
He reaches out, trailing his fingers over the faint curve of your jaw. You gasp softly when his thumb ghosts over your bottom lip.
“Did you just apologise for telling me that you love me?” he says. Crinkles appear at the corners of his eyes.
You squeeze your own eyes shut, cringing at his words and shaking your head.
“Don’t repeat it,” you plead. “I’m already embarrassed enough.”
“Oh, so loving me is embarrassing?” he asks, smirking slyly.
You frown, batting his hand away and shifting your body so that you’re no longer facing him. You place your elbow against the ledge of the passenger door, resting your chin on your fist and staring pointedly out the window.
“Hey,” Harry coos, though he can’t stop the inkling of laughter that seeps into his voice. “Don’t be like that.”
“I take it back,” you say flatly, refusing to turn around. “I hate you, actually.”
“Really,” he says, but it’s not a question. He unbuckles his own seatbelt so that he can lean over the middle console and nuzzle at your cheek.
“My girlfriend hates me?” he asks; he knows that he’s being insufferable, but he can’t help it. Messing with you is so much fun.
“Yes.” Your response is curt. “She does.”
“That’s not nice,” he says, curling his lips down into a dramatic pout. He presses a gentle kiss to the side of your neck—right against a particular spot that makes you melt every single time. He knows it, and so do you.
“That’s not nice at all,” Harry continues, littering sloppy pecks down the column of your throat. “This how you treat the man who loves you?”
You pause when his words register in your brain.
“Stop lying,” you mutter, keeping your gaze glued to the scenery outside your window.
“’M not lying,” he tells you, squeezing your thigh gently. “Said you’d cut my balls off if I did it again, remember?”
And despite your initial sense of humiliation, you laugh. Harry smiles, placing his free hand on your cheek and guiding you to look over at him. You submit to his wishes, gazing at him through pretty, wispy lashes. He tilts forward ever-so-slightly, nudging your noses together and fastening his lips to yours. When he pulls back after a moment, he pinches your chin between two fingers.
“I love you,” he says earnestly.
“I love you, too,” you whisper.
Your eyelids flutter shut as he slides his palm up your leg; he stops only once it’s resting in the crease between your hip and your thigh, dangerously close to your groin.
“We have—,” he cranes his neck, peering over at the digital clock on the truck’s dashboard, “—five minutes until you have to be inside. Think I can make you cum between now and then?”
You scoff, pushing him away and laughing at his crudeness.
“You’re insane,” you giggle, shooting him a faux-stern glare. “Behave.”
“Fine,” he grumbles, frowning childishly. You just grin, slipping your hand around his neck and pulling him in for a doting kiss. You press a series of rapid pecks along the seam of his mouth, nipping playfully at his bottom lip before retreating. Instinctively, he follows you, but you dig your fingers into his shoulder, stopping him before he can get too far.
“Goodnight,” you whisper, reaching for the handle on the door.
Harry watches with wide, awestruck eyes as you exit the car. You clutch your purse closer to your side, looking back at him expectantly and waiting for his response.
He clears his throat, blinking out of his reverie.
“Yeah,” he nods, nostrils flaring slightly. “Goodnight.”
He peels away from your house only once you disappear through the front door. Subconsciously, his hand finds the rose-gold chain hanging around his throat. He fiddles with the necklace, running his thumb over the smooth surface of your shiny pendant. There’s something unreal—almost dreamlike—about having it between his fingers. He’s spent so long watching you fumble and toy with it—watching it bring you comfort when you’re nervous, or bored, or afraid.
Now, it’s his.
And so are you.
Faint music plays from the truck’s stereo; Harry reaches forward, twisting a knob and turning the volume up to its full capacity. Ariana Grande’s familiar vocal riffs pour through the speakers.
He sings along at the top of his lungs, hollering triumphantly the entire ride home.
Extra: Knockout [READ IT NOW ON PATREON]
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lys-lilac · 4 years
My top 5 Voltage Inc. characters
A/N- First of all, thank you so much for 52 followers! I am so grateful that people respond to my posts, interact with me and support me. So here is a little celebratory post for this. Hope you enjoy participating in it. Also, feel free to reach out to me! Alright, let’s tag along!
Rules- Tell me your top 5 Voltage Inc characters. Just reblog, and share your favorites. Description may/may not be added. Anyone can participate! 
Starting from me, I have,
5. Igarashi Kota (Scandal in the Spotlight)
Even though I was hesitant at first from the title, I decided to proceed with him after reading his description. But it was way much better than expected. Kota is a genius. He can memorise lines in a go. An amazing idol and actor. One may feel at start that he is a cold and aloof character, but knowing his past and struggles will make your thinking go through a 180 degree flip. He is bad in expressing his feelings, that’s why described as a cat. (When you try to be close to him, he will shove you away with his claws, but if you don’t, he will slowly approach you)  His personality softens when he meets MC. When it came to confession in last chapter, it was really amazing. I loved how he helped MC to not depend on others. Also, extremely cute when blushes. Pfftt...
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(don’t go with the line, it’s just a play.)
4. Kyogoku Sentaro (Romance MD: Always on Call)
An amazing pediatrician, member of EICU and a black hearted liar. Expert in his career, an amazing surgeon at the age of 31 only. Appears to to super friendly to talk to, but wait and watch. Dedication towards Kasumi? Pfft, no. His high level teasing nature interested me. I have played Kasumi’s main route, and I absolutely loved his becoming a volcano out of jealousy, throwing ridiculous jokes on MC and what not. But, his backstory and the struggles he went through will enthrall you. I am guessing, even though he appears like that from outside, he must be sensitive from his inner side. If time permits someday, I will definitely go though his super happy ending route.
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(thanks to @tsumikashares​ for the above CG! That cute face and smile in the second... )
3. Maruyama Takao (My Forged Wedding)
A random recommendation I got. He is different from the general otome characters, but his realistic nature is what interested me. A professional attorney in Law Firm, along with having sweet pinch of homely nature. When MC’s marriage with her first so called fiancé gets called off before meeting with her parents, Takado pretends to be her fiancé and they start living together. As a friend, he slowly mends MC’s broken heart, and gradually falls in love with her.  In a chapter, there arises some severe problems to him and he even gets ready to break up with MC for protecting her. What I liked here is his support towards her to continue her favorite hobby as her job, and the warm moment and time they spend every morning, making traditional breakfast and nutritional shake. What a peaceful life, it’s simple, realistic and that’s why more appealing.
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2.Hidaka Ayato (My Last First Kiss)
A top actor of Japan with extra-ordinary acting skills. This character. I was amazed with how much he supports MC(even if you don’t choose his path). She and he are childhood friends, and had studied together till high school. MC had a crush on someone, but when she gets rejected, he comes by to her support. And this happens two times. To cheer her up, all her friends along with Ayato gather together, just like best buddies. Ayato even helps her to become an ideal woman for finding a boyfriend by training her, going on dates with her, shopping for her and so on. That just showed how much he cares for her as a best friend. Slowly, this blossoms to love. The bonds of friendship, reunion and happiness through it shines through this story. 
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and with this, moving on to the top...
1.  Kasumi Toshiki (Romance MD: Always on Call)
A genius cardiovascular surgeon, head of EICU, chief of medicine and a prodigy. In the start, he appears to be unapproachable, with a cold and intimidating aura. But beneath that lies a sensitive soul which he has encapsulated in the walls. What makes him get to the top of my list is the amount of inspiration he gives in his as well as in other character’s routes, the support and faith he slowly builds in MC, the urge to protect her when he realizes he has fallen for her, and the extent of sacrifices he is ready to make for the ones he loves and holds dear.  He cares for all the characters equally. Also, even after some arguments and misunderstandings, he always appears to be calm, and that is only for MC’s sake. That is a unique thing I observed in his route. In the story, a little misunderstanding occurs in a certain chapter, and this guy even prepares himself to give up on her and just support her from behind. (T^T) I have many posts about his character analysis, story briefings and so on, so I will not write much here. In a sentence, he is a delicate cinnamon roll as well as a sublime surgeon, dark prince and an angel.
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That’s it. So I tag- @miss-alien-pixel, @imoonlit-river, @rikumorimachisgirl, @windybirdboi, @kamyru, @voltage-vixen, @world-a-to-z​, @tsumikashares​, @silverheart1123, @kasumisnowdrop​​ and anyone else who wants to join! Please let me know so that I can tag you.
Until next time.
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radiant-flutterbun · 3 years
It’s Mordecai Part 6
First | Previous
“Well while I’m trapped here in Selcouth I guess I could make an effort to find Arkina.” Muerto sat cross legged on the floor of Niossa’s bedroom. He looked out of place, dressed in a black sweatshirt with a stitched on ribcage and black jeans, he stood out against the bright pink carpet and the baby pink walls.
“Who’s Arkina again?” Niossa asked as she gave a mouse that jumped onto her lap some trail mix she was snacking on.
“She’s the Goddess of Animal Souls, a God of Death. She’s Pixel’s sister.”
“Ah right. Pixel. They’re that rude God of Knowledge that showed up out of nowhere and started yelling at you.”
Muerto bunched up his legs and hugged his knees “Well I mean. They were right to.”
Niossa scowled “They were not! They were a jerk to you for no reason!”
“But I did let the Underworld fall. I knew Naperone tampered with my defenses. I knew my father had breached it, and I didn’t do anything! I just ran away to Sornieth. I didn’t even bother to check on you and he-”
“Don’t,” Niossa said “I don’t want to think about it.”
“Right…” Muerto said “B-but I feel like Pixel had a point. It wasn’t right of me to just abandon everyone like I did…”
“You had to protect yourself.”
“I could have warned them! I could have asked Inky to take me back so we could gather them! Evan and Mason only survived because Virtuous happened to stumble across them! Sonder ended up in Sornieth by a freak accident! Sep was only there to hide Match from me! I didn’t do anything to help anyone. Now I don’t know what my father did to my Gods of Death, or the mortal souls!”
“It shouldn’t be your responsibility.”
“How would you feel if your Gods of Love went missing? What if it was Kissa? What if it was Eumoirous?”
Niossa bit her lip “It would devastate me if anything ever happened to my people. I would feel awful if they were ever hurt. I would do everything in my power to get them back to safety.”
“Exactly! I need to find them. Not just Arkina, all of them. I need to make things right. And then I need to find Ren’s soul. And Jeb’s. Maybe then I can finally get Mason to stop giving me crap.”
Niossa stood up “Then let's find them! Starting with Arkina.”
Muerto nodded “Starting with Arkina. Knowing her she's probably safe from my father, but likely trapped somewhere in the mortal realm. She spent a lot of time there wandering the wilderness searching for deceased animals.”
“I’ll get a map. We can mark where she’s most likely to be found.”
“Good idea. And thank you Ni.”
Niossa smiled “Of course Mott! I love you!” She booped his nose and ran off in search of a map.
Inkdrop paced in her cage. The demons currently watching her were not good company. Silverfish was there but she couldn’t say anything while the other demon was there.
The door to the room opened and immediately the demons straightened up. In entered Mordecai, in his looming demon form.
“Greetings Inkling. Enjoying your new home?”
“It could be nicer, but it’s not the worst place I've ever been.”
“Don’t care. Tell me, does your kind need to eat?”
Inkdrop snorted “Uh, yeah.”
“And what sort of sustenance do you require? I’m not letting a creature as useful as you starve to death.”
Inkdrop clicked her tongue “Dark chocolate.”
Mordecai blinked “What?”
“You heard me. The sustenance I require is dark chocolate.”
“I’m not giving you dark chocolate. What else do you eat?”
“Sorry bud, but that’s the only thing ‘my kind’ eat.”
“Like I’m going to believe that.”
“Guess I’ll just starve to death then.”
Mordecai narrowed his eyes at her “No. Surely you must eat something else. Dark chocolate is mine. Only I can have it.”
“Yeah and I’m sure you have an endless supply of the stuff being the ‘oh great and powerful’ Mordecai. Surely you could spare a little so I don’t wither and die?”
“Listen It’s not that simple. Do you know how many steps go into making the stuff? Too many for a guy like me to be bothered with. So all of it that’s made is mine.”
“What, you can’t just poof it into existence? I thought you were an all powerful demon overlord.”
Mordecai growled and pressed his two clawed front feet together. A bar of chocolate appeared in them and he tossed it into Inkdrop’s prison.
“I still don’t believe you, but I don’t have time for this shit. So here, have your fucking chocolate so you don’t fucking die.” He lashed his tail and exited the room, the demon that wasn’t Silverfish trailed after him.
Inkdrop took a bite of the bar and winced. She forgot how bitter the dark variety could be. She preferred the sweet taste of milk chocolate.
“And you don’t even like that stuff. Sacrificed a meal just to be a little shit to Mordecai. I can respect that.” Silverfish said.
“You wouldn’t happen to have anything for me to eat would you?” Inkdrop asked.
“Unless you like paper, no,” Silverfish held up a clipboard and tore out a page “It’s Wasp’s research.” She snickered and stuffed the page in her mouth.
“I think I’ll pass,” Inkdrop took another bite of the bitter chocolate. “Anyway, while we have a chance to chat, have you thought about my plan anymore?”
“Yeah and I’m still not doing that.”
“But what about Trilo?”
“No version of Mordecai is going to bring her back. Besides, it's too risky to find this other version. I can’t allow you to use your portals. I don’t trust you. I don’t know if you’re just going to disappear and never come back and then I’ll surely be dead for letting you go.”
“I won’t do that to you!”
“I don’t believe you.”
“How can I get you to trust me?”
“You can’t.”
“Ok, ok slight change of plans then. Just let me know one thing, how likely do you think it is that you broke free of Nefarious in another timeline? Do you think that’s a fairly constant event? Because if so it’s likely there’s another you who fell in love with Trilo in Muerto’s timeline. Maybe she can teach him if you won’t/can’t!”
“I don’t fucking know, but I guess it’s possible.”
“Well then I’ll take that chance. Just let me write a letter to him. I’ll just toss it into a portal. I won’t hop through. If you think I’m going to then use the vial like you were taught to.”
Silverfish thought this over “ I suppose that could work. Not right now though. Someone else is coming in.”
Muerto held Niossa’s hand. His palms were sweating. The forest he wandered through was dark and unfamiliar. The trees stood too tall and blocked out the moon and stars. Wind rustled the leaves, making Muerto jump each time. He could hear noises of animals he did not recognize.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been in a forest at night before. I don’t like it.”
“Yeah me too…” Niossa said “I never knew trees could be so spooky!”
“How much of this hellscape do we need to search before we can cross it off the list of places Arkina could be?”
Niossa summoned her sacred pink flames to read the map in the dark “Hmm quite a bit. This is a big forest. We’ve barely scratched the surface.”
“Fuck,” Muerto kneeled on the ground and felt the dirt beneath his feet.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to feel for any bones nearby. Arkina reaps the souls of deceased animals. If I can find a recently deceased critter, maybe I’ll find her.”
“Good idea. Sense anything?”
“Yes actually. This way.” He lifted a branch of a holly bush and Niossa squeezed past.
They entered a clearing covered in overgrown periwinkle. The only trees growing in the uncanny clearing were cedar.
“There’s a lot of bones here.” Muerto said.
Niossa shined her flames near the periwinkle “Where?”
“Beneath our feet,” Muerto touched one of the cedar trees “beneath the trees.”
Niossa ran her hands through the holly “Only under the trees?” her hand ran over something soft and she heard a growl. She stumbled backwards and a large black dog crawled out from under the bush. It snarled at her, showing her its teeth.
“Uh. N-nice doggy.”
Muerto felt the roots of one of the trees and he gasped “Oh these are not just any animal bones. These are human bones. We’re in an ancient graveyard.”
Muerto heard something snort behind him and felt breath on his neck. He turned around to see the largest buck he’s ever seen in his life. The deer pawed at the ground and aimed its antlers at Muerto.
“Oh crap.”
Niossa backed away slowly from the growling dog “Hey, hey it’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you…”
Muerto backed away from the buck. He formed his black flames in his hands “I’m warning you. Touch me and you die.”
The dog barked and snapped at Niossa. She turned and ran with the canine at her heels.
The buck charged and it’s antlers lifted Muerto into the air. His black flames licked the creature harmlessly and Muerto crashed onto the ground.
Niossa tripped over a rock and tumbled. She felt the dog’s drool over her and crawled away from it.
The buck still hadn’t had enough of Muerto. It charged again and Muerto leaped to his feet.
Niossa backed into flesh. Muerto tripped over a tail. Both crashed into each other and they heard a yelp. The two gods leaped to their feet, both had their weapons out and ready. For Muerto it was a scythe, for Niossa a bow and arrow.
“My king?” Both Muerto and Niossa aimed their weapons at the voice.
“K-king Muerto! I-it’s only me! D-don’t hurt me!”
Muerto lowered his weapon and Niossa did the same. She shined her flames in the direction of the voice and the light revealed another god. They were skinny and tall, with a slightly muscular build. They were young, about eighteen. Their ears were tall and rounded, canine instead of the usual feline ears of the gods. Their skin was dark with freckles that could barely be seen in the poor lighting. Their eyes were blue and their blueish black hair was in braids. They wore a simple tank top with a blue kilt. At the tip of their tail was a skull, the symbol of a God of Death.
Muerto glanced sideways for a sign of the buck but the large animal had disappeared “And who the fuck are you?”
Muerto squinted at his list of missing gods.
“I’m, I’m the God of Graves?”
“Oh. Right. You.” He quickly scribbled the name onto the list and then crossed it out “Well uh. We found a God of Death, Niossa!”
Niossa’s ear twitched “Where did that dog go?”
“What dog?”
“There was a black dog that chased me over here!”
“Weird… Did it hurt you?”
“No. I’m alright, but where did it go?”
“I have no idea. I’m wondering where the buck that was chasing me went too.”
“A buck?”
“Yeah. It was the biggest deer I’ve ever seen, and now it’s just. Gone.”
Cenotaph tugged at one of their skull earrings “So uh. You were looking for me, my King?”
“Actually yes. You wouldn’t happen to know where Arkina is too, would you?”
Cenotaph shook their head. “N-no I’m sorry.”
Muerto sighed “Great.”
“B-but I might know a few places she could be!”
“Wait hold up,” Niossa said “Cenotaph, did you see that dog?”
“No, I'm sorry.”
“What about the buck?” Muerto asked.
Cenotaph shook their head.
Before any more words could be spoken a portal appeared. Muerto perked up.
A letter dropped from the portal and it closed. Muerto picked up the parchment and began to read. Her brow furrowed and he dropped the letter.
“Niossa, could you hold this?” He handed her the list of gods and sat down “I think I’m about to have a panic attack.”
Cenotaph picked up the letter and began to read.
“Ok I feel like I’m very out of the loop here. Who’s Mordecai? And why do they have an Inkdrop?”
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carryingthebanner · 4 years
Act 2
Here are some more thoughts on the Newsies OBC that once again, nobody asked for :)
- Not even a minute in and can we talk about the delivery of these lines?!
- Act 1 was pretty relaxed but passionate and Act 2 just has this burst of energy and I love it
- Especially since the Newsies need a morale boost after how Act 1 ended
- “Front page of w h a t?!”
- Angry Les >>>
- Davey’s body language once again says i-did-not-sign-up-to-be-the-unofficial-baby-sitter
- Race’s happiness is through roof plz share some of your dopamine with me im begging you
- Henry couldn’t care less oof
- I LOVE THE WAY RYAN BRESLIN SAYS “Ya famous, an’ the werld is your erster”
- The way Bres delivers the next few lines >>>
- G R A T I S
- This is slowly turning into a Ryan Breslin appreciation post
- Race’s happiness is literally contagious ahh
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- Background Newsie (this bootleg has like .2 pixels plz don’t judge me for not knowing his name 😩) and Race are way too excited to get drunk. Calm down buddy.
- I love how they’re all just out here vibin
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- Katherine seems 10x more nervous during her tap solo
- The little dance Katherine does with Les is different than the one in Livesies and it’s equally as cute 🥺
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- The rowdiness and amount of energy in this performance is INSANE
- I have been blessed
- Is there a Les protection squad already? He must be protected at all costs.
- I’ve watched 92sies, Toursies, and Livesies but this might be my favorite performance of KONY yet
- why am i tearing up-
- I am convinced that one hasn’t lived until they have seen the masterpiece that is the performance of KONY in this bootleg
- Katherine’s twirls are everything
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- My cheeks hurt from smiling so much
- oh gosh nO it’s over
- Ahh it’s so weird not seeing Letter From The Refuge after this
- Medda’s motherly instincts are kicking in adopt me plz
- The contrast between Davey being elated and Jack being PISSED 💀
- Katherine being done with the Newsies (specifically Jack) pt.2
- “Yes he did. And then he died.”
- “The guy who paints places he’s never seen is calling us crazy” will never not hurt me, like Katherine girlie ily but that was a low blow
- Jack is so broken
- Fr someone get this man therapy and a hug
- Jeremy’s line delivery is also on point, I felt that in my soul
- Katherine comforting Les 🥺
- Three Pissed Teens and a Concerned Child: The Musical
- “jACKey T H I N K ABOUT IT!”
- Ben’s ability to go from angry, frustrated dad to smiley, positive motivational speaker scares me
- Ahh Davey’s little head shake after he says “the poor guy’s head is spinning”
- Jack is way too aggressive in this
- Somehow, my hate for Snyder has grown even more
- Both the Protagonist and the Antagonist have Anger Issues: The Musical
- The low “ooh” coming from the audience after they find out that Katherine is Pulitzer’s daughter
- Pulitzer is evil evil
- JOHN DOSSETT CAN ACT. His calm demeanor is straight up scary
- Keep Crutchie’s name out of your mouth. 🙂
- The manipulation is STRONG here
- The Delancey’s favorite pastime is beating up Newsies for no reason
- Ok but the actor playing Morris is really talented (I’m not sure if it’s Mike Faist or not)
- I really can’t believe the audience didn’t cheer when the Brooklyn Newsies showed up
- Spot knows he is THAT Newise
- Not Jack coming in and ruining everything-
- Davey has some slightly-exasperated-parent vibes going on
- Jack being way too aggressive x2
- The pain in Jack’s voice wshqzjszuy
- Ah yes, Jack “The Dream Crusher” Kelly
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- Les running away after Jack yells at him physically hurts me
- The intensity between Jack and Katherine in this >>>
- Not me slightly shipping Jatherine after this-
- Kara and Jeremy look like they’re having so much fun during this aww
- *Jack being aggressive but finally in the right context*
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- Teddy Roosevelt’s comedic timing is also on point WHEW
- I can’t express the amount of love I have for Crutchie Morris
- My hearttt 😭
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- I can’t believe that it took this one performance to turn me into a Jatherine shipper
- Davey being a slightly exasperated parent pt.2
- Katherine’s little dance when Jack puts his bag on her 🥺
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- Jeremy: “Look guys, I can dance too!” ok I’ll stop now
- I don’t know how to feel about Crutchie dancing by himself :(
- Hello, this is your daily reminder that Newsies has the best finale/curtain call ever ✨ no this is not up for discussion ✨
- Remember to separate the performer from the character please and thank you
- Ok I love them
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Conclusion: I LOVE THE OBC. From this single bootleg, I have become a Ryan Breslin stan, a Jatherine shipper and I appreciate Les way more than I originally did. My banner is carried, my day is seized and my poor (guy’s) head is spinning. This has been a life changing experience.
68 notes · View notes
johannesviii · 4 years
A Useless Post Rating the Preppers From Death Stranding
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Because I can and I will. I got super attached to some of these bunches of pixels while playing, and I want to share my useless and extra subjective opinions
No plot-related spoilers. This is only listing the Preppers and not any Bridges employee from the various cities and facilities. No reasonable individuals to be found here, only strange people living in bunkers, baby
Let’s go
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The Ludens Fan
Shelter placement: On a mountain, right between a Timefall zone and MULE territory, and not on any obvious delivery route. Not great. The view is super nice, though. 6/10
Prepper: A cinnamon roll who believes the world will be saved by fandoms and games. Always happy to see you. Gets super excited when you find old figurines for him. Sends lost stuff to people he doesn’t even know. Has toy dinosaurs.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: He is a Friend. 9/10
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The Musician
Shelter placement: Hidden behind a little cliff, on a mountain, in a patch of nice fresh moss, next to a cool waterfall, overlooking the whole valley. Not on any delivery route whatsoever but come on. This guy is living the dream. 10/10
Prepper: Talks to you as if he’s known you since highschool. Has an emo haircut. Very passionate about rock albums from the “beginning of the 21st century” so I’m assuming he’s a fellow MCR fan. The walls of his shelter are covered in vinyls. Wants to create and share the music of the future for free. Streams his concerts on the chiral network.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A harmonica. You can play it. I’m in love
Opinion while playing: Hell yeah what a cool dude 10/10
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The Engineer
Shelter placement: In plain view right next to a huge road and two MULE territories. Dude didn’t even try to hide and his packages are stolen all the time. At least the weather is nice? 3/10
Prepper: Has spent his entire life inside of this bunker since birth. Polite and a bit shy. Has a friendly smile. Judging by the amount of alcohol we deliver to him, feels lonely. Sometimes you’ll find gallons of lube with his name on it and he’ll refuse to give any kind of explanation and to be fair the guy probably uses it for all his mechanical inventions. But deep down, we know.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Upgrades for the Power Skeleton. You know you want them.
Opinion while playing: Another Friend. I will judge him silently every time I have to bring him his lost lube though. 9/10
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The Craftsman
Shelter placement: Next to a huge road on a plain ravaged by Timefall, between two MULE territories and a voidout crater choke-full of BTs. Can potentially see the nightmarish ruins of a roadside factory and a traffic jam where everyone clearly got killed. I don’t know if I hate it or respect the shit out of it. 2/10
Prepper: Suspicious of us. Sends us on a suicide mission to fetch old equipment in a terrifying place. Hates Fragile, so we can’t be friends. Likes to fix broken watches, apparently. A lot of his lost packages seem to be special reinforced underwear. I’m curious but also I don’t want to pry.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Custom hematic grenades. Can’t live without them.
Opinion while playing: A suspicious little shit and I don’t trust him but he’s still a good ally. 5/10
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The Elder
Shelter placement: On a majestic plateau in the middle of the region, overlooking everything. Not on any obvious route, which is a problem, but also away from danger, Timefall and MULEs. A green little patch of heaven. 9/10
Prepper: Old and kind but takes no shit from anybody. All of his emails are like “anyway, f█ck the government and f█ck this country” and I’m living for it. Will give away old photo albums, books and games predating the Death Stranding, in hope they can be shared with other people and their kids. Wholesome as hell.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: The most valid boomer you will ever see. My adoptive grandfather and I must protect him at all costs. 10/10
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Peter Englert
Shelter placement: Not on any obvious delivery route but right next to Lake Knot City on a plain ravaged by Timefall. You can see Middle Knot City’s crater from there. Not a bad spot, but also no good vibes whatsoever. 6/10
Prepper: Never at home, has no hologram and keeps finding terrible excuses not to be there, which is rude. Possibly imaginary friends and relatives. Writes extremely long and well-spoken, obsequious, smarmy emails to you and you’ll receive them at the worst possible moments, like he just knows. Only interested in pizza, and you.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Hope you like high quality guns, and very disturbing journal entries.
Opinion while playing: Was literally calling him my nemesis even BEFORE learning anything about the guy. The best and the worst prepper at the same time. Go f█ck yourself, dude, I love you. Pizza/10
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The Timefall Farmer and the Environmental Scientist
Shelter placement: Right next to a huge MULE territory. There’s the Tar Belt in the distance and no city, road or friends for miles. Very awkward. 4/10
Preppers: Planned to study the effects of Timefall on plants and became farmers instead. They are not enjoying it one bit and you’re under the impression they occasionally get on each other’s nerves even though they’ve been colleagues for years. The concept of their farm is a fantastic bit of worldbuilding, though, but they are a bit bland themselves.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A goose hologram. I need it
Opinion while playing: They’re super nice but their general weariness is too contagious for comfort. 4/10
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The Film Director
Shelter placement: In the middle of jagged rocks, reasonably far away from local MULEs and Timefall, but also from any kind of road or decent delivery route. The ground is a poisonous reddish brown with occasional smoke. Ominous. 5/10
Prepper: Really worried about ancient media getting lost and forgotten, and will do anything to save old movies from oblivion. Trusts you instantly. Is always surprised you brought something for him, or just thought about him, and it’s heartwarming to see. Geeks about things he likes in your emails when he isn’t low-key flirting with you. Has the most epic beard you will ever see in your life.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A rock hologram. Uh?
Opinion while playing: Came for the geeking, stayed for the flirting  8/10
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The Collector
Shelter placement: Inside a cavern two-thirds up a vertical rock face in a canyon slap bang in the middle of MULE territory. Invisible from ground level, and invisible from the bottom of the canyon. The MULEs live literally next door and don’t even know the guy is there. No chill whatsoever. Incredible. What a king. 10/10
Prepper: Shaped like a friend. Loves videogames and loves geeking about them. Fascinated by pre-Stranding press like “people were buying newspapers? On real paper?? :O”. Really wants you to read his emails because he’s got nobody to share his special interests with. Wants to write about your adventures to inspire other people. Occasionally you’ll find a lost package with a vintage playstation and you know it’s for him even without looking at the name on the tag.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A backpack cover to protect your stuff from Timefall?? holy shit?
Opinion while playing: We have no choice but to stan. 9/10
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The Junk Dealer
Shelter placement: On a heavily polluted, rust-colored hill in the middle of a scrapyard full of broken down cars, overlooking both MULE and BT territory AND some f█cking terrifying ruins on all sides. It’s metal as shit, but also, the dude’s got a death wish. 3/10
Prepper: Tries to emotionally blackmail us with videos of his supposedly dead girlfriend. Very rude. Sends us on a suicide mission in BT territory to look for junk just for a laugh. Is such a piece of shit he got divorced by a woman who was willing to be carried under heavy Timefall through a horde of BTs to see him. Killed his girlfriend’s parents and didn’t tell her.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Upgrades for the Speed skeleton, and also chiral ladders, which are both life-saving, and I hate the fact that I need those so much.
Opinion while playing: A piece of shit and a terrible human being. Go sit on some rusty metal in BT territory, my dude. 1/10
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The Chiral Artist and her Mother
Shelter placement: Overlooking a bottomless lake of tar and depressing ruins plagued by Timefall, far from civilisation but also far from trouble. Depressing, but safe. 6/10
Preppers: A little ray of sunshine. Capable of planning a journey on foot while avoiding Timefall and BTs after having done the trip exactly once (1) and on our back, which makes her one of the bravest Preppers we ever meet. Talented as hell with chiralium. Very awkward speech patterns and elocution which I always find relatable. Makes extremely bad choices regarding her love life. Will send you likes in a cringy but cute way. I don’t really trust her adoptive mother too much but she seems to be friends with the Cosplayer and any friend of the Cosplayer is my friend.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Chiral boots. Literally the most useful thing anyone anywhere gave me in this game. No matter how far I am from her and her mom I will backtrack to get some brand new chiral boots from her every time I need them. They are that good
Opinion while playing: I love her but she’s making extremely bad life choices and it’s giving me mild anxiety 8/10
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The Cosplayer and the Wandering MC
Shelter placement: At the very bottom of a long, narrow canyon plagued by Timefall, inside a vertical hole in the ground. How they haven’t both drowned yet is beyond me. This is the worst idea ever. 1/10
Prepper: Both of them are always super excited to see you. Trade a ton of art and crafts supplies back and forth with everyone in the region. Organised a goddamn post-apo cosplay convention through the chiral network. She considers cosplay to be ‘the art of transformation’, and he’s a big fan of you, and also otters. Otter facts. Dad Jokes to the max. Legends only
Will I get something nice if I help them: Backpack custom options. And the otter hood. Come on. Who doesn’t want to look like an otter. According to the MC it was “threaded and triple stitched by [his] cosplay partner using silk”. I don’t deserve this gift
Opinion while playing: Just because it’s the apocalypse doesn’t mean you can’t look and feel your best 10/10
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The Doctor and the Medical Device Engineer
Shelter placement: Overlooking a little river in the mountains, right before the snow starts. Extremely close to Mountain Knot City. Practical and beautiful. Lovely spot. 8/10
Preppers: She invented and crafted a medical terminal that allows doctors to examine patients remotely through the network, and distributed it for free. He’s sitting on years of medical knowledge and stockpiles of meds, and also sharing both with everyone. Got married because they admired each other so much and shared a common hatred of the lack of medical assistance post-Stranding. Two absolute angels. We don’t deserve them
Will I get something nice if I help them: Custom blood bags. A must during boss fights.
Opinion while playing: A bit too serious, but mad respect. 7/10
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The Photographer
Shelter placement: In the mountains, in the middle of nowhere, overlooking the valley, but away from everything and everyone, next to BT territory and daaaangerously close to the biggest Demens camp in the entire country. Who told you this was a good idea. 4/10
Prepper: The walls of her shelter are decorated with photos of beautiful landscapes. Friendly but takes no shit. Constantly trying to go out to take pictures of cool places and weird paleoart and stuff even though there’s a whole gang of terrorists outside firing live ammo at anyone on sight. Her cameras get stolen all the time, and yet she keeps doing it again and again. Judging by one delivery she sent to Mountain Knot City, she even has footage of Edge Knot City. You know. The unreachable nightmarish place beyond the f█cking Tar Belt. HOW
Will I get something nice if I help them: Guns because she clearly has no chill
Opinion while playing: This woman has more nerves in her left pinky than I have in my entire f█cking body. We stan a queen 9/10
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The Novelist’s Son
Shelter placement: In a vast, beautiful green plain full of rivers and lakes, kind of in the middle of nowhere but also at a safe distance of the Demens territory. It’s painted the same green as the rest of the plain, which is a stroke of genius. 8/10
Prepper: Considering his title and the fact that the walls of his shelter are full of bookshelves, I expected a pretentious writer of sorts. But no. He doesn’t write. He���s just a soft boy who wants to save the world with plants. Will make sure you read his emails because he’s very passionate about gardening, gourds and mythology, and wants to talk about it with everyone. Too good for this world, too pure.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Special cryptobiotes! Pretty cool. I want to save some for Fragile
Opinion while playing: I love him I love thinking about him 10/10
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The Roboticist
Shelter placement: High in the mountains, but in some sort of hollow, surrounded by snow and rocks on all sides. There’s also a nice hot spring nearby. Feels strangely safe and pleasant for such an isolated spot. 7/10
Prepper: Super approachable and quite friendly. Clearly a genius considering how good the all-terrain skeleton is. The stuff she’s looking for goes from stuff for her projects to a plush for her kid or a vintage coffee machine. Her emails, meanwhile, are shit-your-pants terrifying, like her wondering if machines should replace humans, or pranking you by pretending she was dead the whole time and her hologram is an IA. Thank you for the heart attack.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Upgrades for the all-terrain skeleton, hell yeah baby
Opinion while playing: I’m very conflicted because her emails are scary as shit but if she stepped on my face I’d say “thank you” 8/10
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The Mountaineer and the Mountain Guide
Shelter placement: On top of a mountain but in a relatively flat and safe area, very isolated but also far from Beached Things, with good visibility. There’s logic to the madness. 6/10
Preppers: Initially in panic mode due to a medical emergency. Tough outside, but soft inside. He gives you precious advice about whiteouts and how to deal with them and stay alive in the mountains. We don’t know much about her, except she used to explore the mountains using chiral climbing anchors. Just speculation but I’m under the impression they met one day on a super dangerous expedition and ended together because they were both tough as nails, or maybe because they saved each other. Their kid is going to be unstoppable.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Chiral climbing anchors.
Opinion while playing: Wholesome couple of adventurers. A bit bland, but in a good way 7/10
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The Spiritualist
Shelter placement: On a mountain peak in the middle of a whiteout area, but sometimes the weather can be decent and the view pretty nice, if you squint. Getting there feels like a test to join a secret cult and I don’t like that one bit. 3/10
Prepper: Twin sister of the Cosplayer, but gives off a very different vibe, like some sort of white suburban mom who’s discovering new age stuff. Has a very mystical approach to this whole apocalypse thing but seems to be wayyy too much into it for comfort. Really wants to see the Beach and tries to do so through meditation. We can receive chemicals from her. I do NOT want to know what’s in there.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A RACCOON HOLOGRAM?? I LOVE IT
Opinion while playing: Harmless but she scares me. 3/10
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The First Prepper
Shelter placement: On a nearly inaccessible mountain peak battered by snow storms. The slope is so dangerous I straight up died once while walking on it. Absolutely nothing for miles and no visibility. That’s not a shelter, that’s a coffin. 1/10
Prepper: Apparently his family has lived in shelters ever since the beginning of the Cold War, then decided to stay there in case the world would end in the year 2000, then because of the Bush era, and long story short the guy is like “I did it before it was cool” and he’s literally gatekeeping other Preppers and calling them amateurs. Tries really hard to convince us to stop helping people and get our own shelter. At least he admits self-sufficiency is a mirage in the end, which is more than I expected from this clown.
Will I get something nice if I help them: A hat, and a wolf hologram
Opinion while playing: When the nicest thing I have to say about a Prepper is “well they’re not hurting anybody”, you know it’s bad. What a jerk 2/10
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The Evo-Devo Biologist
Shelter placement: On an isolated snow slope away from civilisation, overlooking ruins and geysers in the distance. Not far from BT territory and terrorists, but still at a reasonable distance. Next to a hot spring. The view is majestic as f█ck. 9/10
Prepper: Looks strict and gives off severe teacher vibes, but you’re under the impression that’s purely because she hasn’t seen or talked to another human being in years. Polite but distant. Thinks the sixth mass extinction is a golden opportunity for science, and inevitable, and that we should study the shit out of it even if we end up dying. She’s not wrong exactly but also, yikes
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: I genuinely have no idea. An enigma. 5/10
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The Geologist
Shelter placement: High in the mountains on a desolate snowy slope, completely isolated from everything. I think I’ve seen a movie about that kind of place once, except it was a hotel. 2/10
Prepper: The first package we bring to him is a shipment of meds to fight chiral contamination. No more nightmares or suicidal thoughts after that, so he’s ok. Also he’s obsessed with Heartman to the point you wonder if he’s got a crush on him, belittles himself and his work constantly, and also thinks saving the world is a waste of time and effort. No no he’s still ok, he swears. But yeah uh. Dude is clearly one small step away from blowing a fuse and going full Demens, we need to sit down and talk about your problems my friend
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: I like him but he worries me a lot and I’m a bit scared for him 7/10
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The Paleontologist
Shelter placement: In a little valley in the mountains, where grass and snow meet, miles away from civilisation and roads, but also miles away from problems. If there wasn’t this pit full of toxic gas literally next door, this would be perfect. 8/10
Prepper: Likes to complain about everything and everyone. A bit rude but more in a familiar way than an unpleasant way. Extremely passionate about fossils and prehistoric stuff and gets super excited about ammonites in particular. Mentions exploring a place full of toxic gas without any kind of protection just to fetch some neat rocks once, so we both clearly have the same level of survival instincts when our special interests are involved.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really, unless you count level 2 Hematic Grenades
Opinion while playing: Relatable as shit. I feel like I’d be this guy if I existed in this game’s world. 9/10
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The Veteran Porter
Shelter placement: Nowhere Man lives on a very abrupt slope full of rocks in the middle of Nowhereburg, Nowhere State, Nowherica. You get the feeling he knows the region like the back of his hand and picked that spot exactly for that reason and frankly, I have to respect that. 7/10
Prepper: Ex-Porter with a damaged spine. A retired adventurer, exhausted after carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Higgs used to be his boss back when he was still working at Fragile Express so the dude has massive trust issues now and I won’t argue with that. Initially suspicious of us and Bridges, for good reasons. Every time I found a super isolated bunker signed under Fragile Express I was like “woah their employees were hardcore to find all these places that Bridges couldn’t find”, and he’s one of these guys, and I get it now. And he’s tired. So tired. A whole mood.
Will I get something nice if I help them: Not really.
Opinion while playing: Unlike the First Prepper I respect the shit out of him and I want him to enjoy his well-earned retirement 8/10
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the-devil-herself · 4 years
Never Enough- Chapter 23
DESCRIPTION: Certain mates of Jotuns receive soulmate marks on their bodies. What happens when Loki’s mark is found on a girl with immense power?
NOTES/WARNINGS: Omg HI GUYS. I'm so sorry this took forever! College became crazy, and I finally graduated. It was exciting and fun, but now I realized how much I missed writing. I really missed this story and thought about it almost everyday, so I got back to work! I hope it's worth the wait, and I love you guys for supporting me all these years. You are the best. <3
TAGGED: @kneel-before-queen-loki @lokis-girl-in-mischief @tarithenurse @fangirls94 @hellofeysandarling @lokis-high-priestess @god-of-mischief-here-tada @marvelschriss @fairlightswiftly @sarahivi @b00k-me-up @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @jessiejunebug @your-pixels-are-showing @welcomingpayne @ihavenofilter @crazylittlewitch @irelenia
Loki quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me with him up the stairs. My heart was pounding so fast as we hurried to where the crashing sounds were loudest. There was glass everywhere, so I had to be careful not to step on the shards along with pieces of broken furniture.
We stopped in the doorway of the lounge room. I swallowed thickly as I saw Lorelei standing there, smirking at us. The rest of the team had already circled her with their armor on, and we were the last to join.
Loki’s hand on my arm tightened a little, and I knew that was his way of telling me to stay put. I watched him with panic as he stepped towards the goddess. I didn’t trust myself not to react if she were to attack him. I could already feel my power begin to flow through my hands.
Loki stopped a few feet in front of her, obviously confident that she couldn’t hurt him. I was less so. “Lorelei, end this now,” he scolded. “You know you won’t win.”
Lorelei’s smirk widened. “But why should I? Not when it’s this fun.” She laughed, taking a step towards him.
“Hm.” For a moment, Loki looked deep in thought before he purred, “It will be fun to see you fall.”
Now Lorelei laughed louder. “And who will do that? These mortals? Thor? You? I highly doubt it Loki. You couldn’t even kill me when you most wanted to.” She smirked as she saw her words had their intended effect on Loki.
Loki clenched his fists together, barely constraining his rage. “Death was too kind for you. Not when I could have you locked away for centuries with no power and nothing to live for.”
It all happened a bit quickly. Lorelei pulled a hidden dagger from her dress and threw it straight at him. Before I could even scream, Loki had dodged it and magicked his own blade in his hand. He ran at her, but she was quick, too. She moved away in time and slapped her hand in the air, causing Loki to go flying across the room.
Thor bolted for her, swinging his hammer with a ferocious growl. The team then began to close in on her as they tried to keep her at bay. It was six against one. Tony tried to disarm her with his blasters, but she blocked them so easily.
“Is this all you have?” she yelled.
I ran over to Loki, who was trying to sit up in the corner. Hurriedly, I scanned his face and body to see if there were any major injuries, but I found none.
“Loki, are you okay?” I exclaimed.
He nodded his head, wincing a bit at the pain, but he quickly hid it. “I’m fine love,” he grit through his teeth. “You need to get to safety.”
“The hell I do! I’m not going anywhere, Loki.”
His eyes turned to me, and I could see the desperation and pleading in his gaze. “Darling, please.” He took my hand and held it firmly for a moment, before he got back up and went back to the fight. I understood that Loki could not stand to see me hurt, and, while I so greatly wanted to prove myself, I knew it wouldn’t be fair to Loki for him to see me in pain as he tried to fight Lorelei.
However, there was no way I was leaving. Instead, I stood back by the bar as the fight raged on in front of me.
I could see that we weren’t winning. She was too strong, and the only one that could keep up were Loki and Thor. But then, as she spun around Thor, she sneaked her dagger back into her hand and stabbed Thor between his armor. He cried out before kneeling to the floor as the blood dripped down his abdomen.
“Thor!” I shouted to no avail.
Now it was Loki’s turn to growl. He moved with such grace as he danced around her, their daggers causing a loud sound when they met. Bruce and Clint were dragging Thor away from the action to get him medical attention. Natasha was unconscious on the ground, and I couldn’t find Tony anywhere around the room.
I started to really panic. Loki was our last defense, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. If he failed, he would not survive, and I couldn’t let that happen.
They were truly equals. They knew each other’s tricks and moves after having grown up with one another. He could easily predict her next attack, and she kept coming at him with the same ferocity. Neither were letting up as their blades cut through the other’s skin, and blood was starting to stain the floor.
Suddenly, as Loki shielded her dagger with his hand, Lorelei magicked another blade into her other hand. It felt like time slowed down as I watched her drag the knife through Loki’s side.
He fell to the floor with shock, and I cried out. I could not watch anymore.
You know who you are. Death. The mystery man’s words rang in my head. You have the power to destroy it all. I could end this all, here and now, and save my friends’ lives. I could protect Loki this way.
Slowly, I let my power flow out of my hands as I walked over to them, not caring about stepping on glass anymore. Lorelei heard me approach, and smiled widely at the challenge.
“And what can you do little girl?” she taunted. “You are nothing compared to me.” I didn’t stop as I headed to her. “Do you actually have what it takes?”
I stood still in front of her, my breath slowing. In and out. My whole body was on fire with my barely contained strength. I could feel my heart beat in my chest, pumping my blood along with my power. Everyone’s eyes were on me, but I could only sense my body burning with rage. Rage at Lorelei. Anger at the team’s imprisonment of me. Anger at the world for how its tried to weaken me.
Do you actually have what it takes?
My eyes met Lorelei’s once again, taking a good breath. Then, I let my chaos explode.
I flung my hands out, and black smoke burst from my hands. Vaguely, I could hear Lorelei screaming, but she was fighting me. She tried to block me, but I was stronger. I was more powerful. My forehead started to bead with sweat, and I screamed as I gave my all.
After what felt like hours, I dropped my hands in exhaustion. The black smoke faded in silence as Lorelei’s dead body appeared on the floor. Her face was covered with black veins along with black eyes. I assumed the rest of her body must have looked the same.
The room was so still with an eerie quiet that had settled over us. I stood there for a few more moments to simply look at what I had done. All the damage I had caused. I did this.
I had killed someone for the first time in my life. I took a life. Deep down I found myself conflicted on my contrasting emotions. The human part of me was afraid, almost disgusted that I had done such a thing. But the other part of me, the dark part, was elated. I had defeated her when no one else could and with no one else’s help.
Rapidly, I felt a bone-aching exhaustion take over my body after emitting so much of my strength. My knees tumbled to the tiled floor, and as soon as my body hit the ground, sleep overtook me.
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afoxysunny · 4 years
I've been thinking of so much more for my Lazybug AU but stress at work and my contused hand made it impossible to write anything down or try to draw any more
So, to give you at least a little content you didn't ask for while my hand only hurts a little:
I present to you
The different fighting styles of each Miraculous Holder
Lil explanation: though it's never directly stated in Miraculous Ladybug canon i see it ad heavily implied that, when a Kwami powers up a human, they somewhat fuse. Not like the fusion Ha dance. But a human will display not only physical but character traits from the Kwami of their Miraculous. They're still clearly the same person! Just with a few tweaks to their priorities most of the time. So yes, pointing this out so clearly brings this close to theory or headcanon territory but shhh it's my au, i make the rules
Trixie as Lucky Bug
Lucky Bug has a strong instinct to fight, there are only very few things that could stop her from heading into battle.
Trixie is always set for confrontation and Tikki has the unwavering urge to always do whatever is possible to help. The combination of these two working together as one gives Lucky Bug her strength to take on everything that stands in her way.
When in battle She will make sure to keep her opponents attention fully on herself. She holds the strong belief that while she bears the brunt of attacks she can make sure nobody else gets hurt and that's how she fights. Thanks to the weapon her Miraculous grants her she can exceed in close combat as well as having quite ranged attacks. The lather she will mostly use to pull someone's attention away from others if necessary. Closer ranged combat is definitely her preference though. Here she can use her magical yo-yo like a morningstar and really hammer down in fight. A yo-yo with endlessly extendable cord is incredibly versatile and Lucky Bug is smart enough to always find new ways to mobilize this weapon but good old brute force shouldn't be underrated.
Stephanie as Pitch Serval
Pitch Serval always has an urge to move and that definitely includes battle. Once she gets going there is nothing that'll get her standing still again.
Stephanie will literally jump at any opportunity to start moving and help others, Plagg has deep confidence in his abilities and will let everyone know. In combination that makes Pitch Serval a little bit of a show off. While well able to quietly observe a situation, once she gets into action she will not stop until the job is done.
Watching Pitch Serval fight looks more like watching a professional dancer who just so happens to beat people up while performing. The extendable pole she got as a weapon seems almost to become part of her body. In fluid motions she is capable of a variety of attacks that are both unpredictable without the music only she must hear and so natural that it becomes mesmerizing to watch. Whether she actually fights with the pole for proper hits or uses it to propel herself around, it will be effective and beautiful.
Sportacus as Álfurildi
Álfurildi is not a fan of fighting in a confrontational sense, however, practiced as a sport he finds great enjoyment in it. To him the only reason to actually fight is to protect others.
Sportacus was already a locally famous hero before receiving a Miraculous and brings all the best qualities this encompasses to the table. Nooroo however is a hurt soul, as a surviver of horrible abuse by a past master it took him a long time to extend enough trust to willingly give his powers to someone else again. The combination of these two makes Álfurildi appear a lot more calm or even reserved compared to the Sportacus we all know and love. It makes him worry more and more careful but he's still very energetic, confident and capable in basically anything he tries.
This of cause reflects in his style of battle. Until he's made sure his opponent cannot be swayed without it he won't go in for an attack so most of his battles he spends dodging his opponents attacks while making sure to stay close enough to keep tge encounter from breaking off. He encompasses the phrase "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" as watching him avoid the incoming attacks looks almost supernatural at times, like gravity just doesn't apply to him the same way it does to others. His in depth mastery of most sports in existence surely help with that. Once he switches lanes to actually attacking himself he will use the cane that is his assigned weapon almost exclusively like a bat or racket or other similar sport equipment. You surely can image the punch that packs.
Robbie as Bullock
Bullock is not one to start a fight but he sure is great at ending them, by winning obviously.
Robbie has efficiency, wit and persistence on his side. Stompp, caring and deterninted, speaks his mind without hesitation. These two together give Bullock a reserved and stubborn appearance but when fending for what is right those are strong attributes to have.
Bullock operates best when following a plan so he will mostly be seen as a detached observer which can be accurately described as the calm before the storm. The phrase "mess with the bull, you get the horns" might as well have been coined just to describe him. Once he starts fighting he is quite literally going to bulldoze his opponent. With the ease from a Kwami's powers elaborate movements require no effort anymore do the usually so lazy man can now go all out, but old habits die hard so he aims to be done fighting as quickly as possible. This results in his attacks coming in rapid fire blasts of assaults. Using his armored fists and legs for precise hits, the chain of his tail like a whip and even his horns make him an overwhelming opponent in close combat. At distance, any distance, his miraculous granted weapon, his darts, never miss a target he locked on to and can only be removed by him so no fight will stay at distance for long.
Pixel as Spectra
Spectra needs a good overview of the ongoing battle to unleash the modt effective Amok but that surely doesn't stop him from getting physically involved once the chance arises.
Pixel follows his strong intuition and always has a quick and effective solution to help others out, Duusu is straight forward about everything and easily get enthusiastic. With this passionate combination Spectra often jumps into battle with his friends despite that not being the most logical step. His powers and costume lend themselves a lot easier to defensive fighting, more blocking, enduring, studying and only then striking. Thanks to his extensive theoretical knowledge from video games he knows an expansive array of moves only someone fighting with a fan as their weapon can use so once he gets his chance to actually fight he is far more effective than he would expect from himself.
Jives as Grinder Turtle
Grinder Turtle is really not much of a fighter. But there will never be anything in his way when he has someone to protect.
Jives is a very calm guy, the human embodiment of the gentle giant trope. Wayzz has persistence, patience and a deep respect for everybody. This combination makes Grinder Turtle incredibly passive in battle. He will use his shield only to push people away, which works great because as someone who is much taller than almost everyone he always has the high ground; but for the most part he finds his spot in the back of the team to set up his Shell-ter for them and be content holding up a safe space for everyone.
This style of fighting unfortunately takes a lot of energy out of him, leading to him quickly losing the turtle miraculous to Stingy.
Jives as High Duke
High Duke finds his flow in fighting. Here he can let lose and push himself to his limits.
Again, Jives is calm and unshakable, always too passive to not get along eith everybody. Now, Xuppu playful and mischievous, holding enjoyment to high value. Their combination makes High Duke a force to be reckoned with. They fuse in perfect addition to each other, making him a well confident, experimental fighter who does exactly what feels right in the moment. His wish to protect everyone around him, now fueled with confidence from a new perspective, allows him to move swiftly during battles like he never did anything else.
Thanks to the flexibility this transformation gifts him with he doesn't just stand back and wait anymore, he jumps head first into the fight. His favorite ways of attack is to duck down all the way to the ground and use his weapon, his staff, or the rope he has as a tail to trip his opponents, and to use the dtaff as leverage to jumo high in the air and strike from up above with great force.
Stingy as Vault
Vault is a presence that demands attention, with powerful attacks to back it up he is a heavy hitter even though he isn't so prone to charge to front line.
Stingy's determination and confidence elevate his sharp focus even more while Wayzz is anchored, calm and has a great sense of duty. The combination they create gives Vault a presence of security everyone can feel. He is strong and unwavering in what he does and knows it full well.
There is a weight in his stance like nothing can make him falter, even when not creating a Shell-ter around himself he is undeniable at the center of something powerful. With this mass of confidence he doesn't just hold on to his shield to push intruders back but it also becomes a projectile weapon to knock opponents out from afar. Though he isn't as animated as others on the team each move he makes carries weight and purpose everyone can see.
Ziggy as Mouse the Mighty
Mouse the Mighty looks harmless compared to what he is capable of. He will fight with all he has for what he believes in.
Ziggy is a simple guy, excited by the best qualities of a hero and deterninted to work as hard as possible to achieve whatever goal he has. Mullo has an optimistic approach to everything and shies away from no challenge. Together they make Mouse the Mighty eager to show everyone the qualities of a true superhero
Fueled with so much excitement he could overflow he sonetines bites off more than he can chew. When he rushes into battle, blinded by the chance to prove himself his flight response is a little too strong and he uses his Miraculous power to split into many tiny versions of himself to run away, halfway through running he remembers who he id though, how powerful he now is and that his friends need him and he comes back with even more confidence and determination than he started with.
He has all it takes to be an outstanding hero and once he gets going he shows all he got. Armed with the knowledge of pop culture and the brain of a suorrhero obsessed boy he can quickly switch styles drastically mid movement. This unpredictability together with his size varying from one bear to many mice makes him practically unstoppable. Not only does he have brute force at his disposal but also he uses his weapon, a jumprope, like nunchucks or to trip people or any other way he once saw and thought looked cool.
I hope you enjoyed this. I was just hoping i could breath a little more life into the characters I've been playing around with for a while now but you so far only got one still image of each (also hoping to change that soon, I'm really working on that story)
For some of the Kwami's there's just barely any info about them, i hope it doesn't show too much where i was just winging it
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camillemontespan · 5 years
confident camille [interview!]
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I really really hope you like this. I was planning to release this in like two weeks but I feel I can’t add anymore to this piece. I really enjoyed writing this one, like ridiculously enjoyed. It felt like sitting down with a friend - and I know that’s weird but I guess that I’ve been writing Camille for so long now that she does feel like a friend. 
Imagine this is a magazine spread :)
I’m so excited to publish this one. Not because I think it’s good but because this is Camille right here. 
@moonlightgem7​ @ibldw-main​ @emichelle​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @katedrakeohd​ @loveellamae​ @mskaneko​ @gardeningourmet​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @sirbeepsalot​ @dcbbw​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @saivilo​ @notoriouscs​ @walkerswhiskeygirl​ @pug-bitch​ @dcbbw​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @burnsoslow​ ***************************************************************************************
The Duchess of Valtoria is in a chatty mood. As she poses for photographs for our cover story, Camille takes breaks to ask the crew how they are, what’s everyone got planned for the weekend and what did we think of the latest Beaumont Bash theme?
She is dressed in a bohemian pink dress which fits the theme of our issue today - confidence. The dress is bright and colourful, just like the woman wearing it. Later, she will be changed into a white shirt and ripped denim jeans with heels, and more pictures will be taken. Our creative director wants Camille’s confidence to shine from the page; looking at the images, we agree that our vision has come to life.
When Camille finally gets a moment to sit down with a cup of coffee, she changes into jeans and a loose fitting sweater. She hooks her denim clad legs up beside her and settles in for our interview. She looks upbeat and happy, her smile making the corners of her eyes crease, a smile that is genuine. 
It’s remarkable to me that despite the current press attention - which has been intrusive and negative - Camille is still smiling. She must have really thick skin.
'I’ve learned to block a lot of it out,’ she admits. 'At the end of the day, only you know who you really are, not anyone else. I don’t listen to those who say I’m the worst Duchess in Cordonia or that I’m a bad mom. I get on with it.’
And she certainly has been doing that. For the past ten years, Camille and her husband, Drake, have fielded negative press. Yes, they have also been subjects of positive articles and they are much loved in Cordonia; but there are still many traditionalists who make a point of slating them. 
Previous negative news stories have focused on Drake being too vocal about men’s health, Camille being too ‘fake’, their decision to have their daughters study at a ‘normal’ school (i.e one where they are the only noble students) and the couple implementing a restraining order against the paparazzi. While news outlets condemned the couple, Drake and Camille carried on with their daily lives.
I ask what led to their decisions, starting with the restraining order.
'Our daughter, Lily,  was photographed in the school playground when she was five,’ Camille tells me, her eyes flashing. 'That made us incredibly angry and so that set the wheels in motion to get the courts involved. Then when we found out I was pregnant with Luna, that really forced us to evaluate everything.’
I wonder what that entailed.
'Drake and I sat down together at the kitchen table and we set out what we wanted for our family,’ she explains gently, hands spread, justifying herself to me. 'It’s one thing when we are being photographed, you know? That comes with the territory of being Duke and Duchess. But when your child becomes involved.. The child you have tried so hard to protect.. Well, it makes you take a long hard look at everything around you. We felt like we failed Lily and we refused to make the same mistake with our second child. ’
Her voice cracks now. I tell her that they hadn’t failed their daughter but she shakes her head. 'We had,’ she interrupts, her voice thick. 'She was supposed to be safe and when her picture was plastered all over the news, she was instantly vulnerable.’
Drake and Camille are notoriously private when it comes to their family life. Their daughters go to a school where they are the only noble children, a decision that prompted outrage among the aristocracy and media. 
'We wanted them to have a normal childhood,’ Camille says, shrugging. ‘I was born a commoner, as was Drake. The whole royal circus doesn’t fit our personalities and we wanted our kids to just be kids, you know? I think it’s amazing that they have their own friends who are not of noble blood, it’s refreshing. And guess what? The other kids don’t care that Lily and Luna are noble! They literally don’t! They just play and fight and get muddy outside; they exchange leaves as a declaration of love, for gods sake. They’re children.’ 
I get the feeling that their girls  are  little firecrackers. Camille grins. 'That’s exactly the word to describe them. Actually, funny you should say that because Drake calls them his little pocket rockets.’
Drake is the one who first told the press that they were seeking a restraining order against them. He has made no secret of his dislike of the media circus that surrounds his family, yet I wonder why he isn’t here today.
'Because he will get all fiery,’ Camille says, giving me a wink. 'He’s a fiery guy, my husband.’
That is certainly one way to describe Drake Walker. 
‘He is very protective,’ she continues. ‘But he has to be. I guess when I was being stalked on a daily basis, I didn’t want to complain? Like, I thought if I complained about my invasion of privacy then everyone would go ‘oh poor little Duchess in her golden tower.’ I didn’t want to seem.. Ungrateful for my position. And the photographs come with my position so I didn’t say anything. Does that make sense?’
She looks at me with wide eyes. I say it does. She smiles, her shoulders relaxing now. ‘Well, Drake isn’t like that. He saw me being stalked by the paparazzi and it made him so, so angry. He defended me when I wouldn’t defend myself. I was so good at keeping my head down, trying to be a polite and regal Duchess. I wouldn’t make a scene. Drake can’t do that and I’m grateful to him for being the tough one.’
Drake has ensured that whenever his family are photographed, pixels cover their children’s faces. Yet it was a rogue photographer who took Lily’s picture while she was playing in the playground years ago and sold it to the highest bidder. ‘We felt sick to our stomachs,’ Camille tells me quietly. ‘She was only five. So I’m here today to say that I’m tearing up the rule book when it comes to what’s expected of me. I’m not going to sit and be silent anymore; when you target my little girls, I’m like a lioness protecting her cubs. I will go after you.’
She says all of this in a quiet, soft voice but not once does she waver. Since becoming a mother, it is clear that Camille has changed. Gone are the days of when she first came to public attention and wore an innocent smile, winked at the cameras and talked non-stop about New York. She seems more self aware, more reserved, fragile.
‘Oh, this life changes you,’ she confirms, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. ‘One hundred percent. When you have to watch how you appear to the masses, watch what you say.. You have to look out for yourself. I actually cringe when I look back at previous interviews I’ve done and I’m showing the journalist around my dressing room. Like, here’s my new Valentino dress!  I was so new to this shiny world. Uhhh why?! That is not how a duchess behaves! I can totally see it from Bertrand Beaumont’s viewpoint now!’
I admit that Trend does love a look around their interviewee’s closet and the beauty section on our website is partial to a video of a celebrity showing off their make-up routine. Something tells me that Camille wouldn’t take part in this now. 
She has changed, but so has her husband. He used to be in the background at court; now he is at the forefront. Has the change been gradual?
‘Yes,’ she says. ‘But he’s changed for the better. His walls are down, he talks about how he’s feeling which is so, so important. He has his mental health foundation, Mind over Matter, that is going from strength to strength and he is such a good dad. I honestly couldn’t live without him.’
Drake and Camille met during the suitor competition that saw her compete against the other noble ladies of court for King Liam’s hand in marriage. The suitors had to take part in events such as boating and horse riding, while touring the country to show themselves to the public. Camille was the favourite to win; she shocked everyone when she rejected Liam’s proposal, instead choosing to be with his best friend, the one and only Drake Walker.  When did she realise she wasn’t there for Liam anymore?
Camille reddens at my question and clears her throat. ‘I had to be very, very honest,’ she admits. ‘Questions were asked. I guess I realised that throughout the whole thing, the one person I wanted to spend time with was Drake. Okay, you know when you have a big crush and you wake up and the first thing you do is think of them? Or you feel constant butterflies in your stomach that just won’t go away when you talk to them? That was Drake for me. He was it.’
But when did she realise she loved him?
‘When I saw him dancing with someone else,’ she says instantly. ‘I always danced with Liam, you see. But one night, while I’m dancing with Liam, I looked over his shoulder and saw Drake dancing with my friend Kiara and that.. that hurt because Drake never danced with anyone. It was innocent, of course, but I realised that all I wanted was to dance with him. I wanted to dance all my dances with him.’
She shrugs. 
I ask how she feels about Kiara, who is well known amongst the press. Did Camille feel like she was competing for his attention?
Camille blinks. ‘Uh, no,’ she replies. ‘I’ll be honest, I’m a girls girl. I support other women, like with my podcast (more on this later). When I say that it hurt to see Drake dancing with Kiara, it doesn’t mean I didn’t like her. I do like her, very much actually. But I never viewed it as a competition because it wasn’t; if anything, Drake was doing his own thing. I was in a contest to marry his best friend, it would  have been totally unfair for me to want him to ignore other women and just focus on me.’
She is panicking now, trying her best not to say something that will bite her on the ass. I divert back to her feelings about Drake and Liam; how did she feel when she came clean?
‘Like a weight was lifted,’ she says. ‘Once I was honest, I felt like I could move on. It was hard and I felt guilty, but I did feel relief.’
I imagine Drake felt more than relief at landing the girl of his dreams. ‘No,’ Camille muses. ‘He took it really hard actually. He is a glutton for punishment and felt so guilty for betraying his best friend. When I told him I had said no to Liam, he didn’t believe me and when he finally did, he asked why I had done something so stupid..’
I ask her to elaborate. She smiles weakly. ‘Drake used to be really negative about himself. He didn’t believe he was worthy of happiness. But he is so worthy and I’ve worked really hard to make sure his walls don’t come back up and that he talks to me if things start feeling too much.’
Drake has been vocal in the past about his struggle with depression and alcohol. How did Camille feel when she found out? Was she aware of it?
She bites her lip. ‘He was good at hiding it,’ she finally says. ‘I feel like I failed him as I just didn’t realise for a long time. I’m usually so good at understanding people, you know? I can tell when someone is feeling  vulnerable. But it completely blind sided me.’
Did Drake tell her himself? ‘No. He just slipped up. I wish he had had the courage to tell me, but I understand why he felt he couldn’t. He’s a proud man, my husband. He doesn’t like to feel like a burden - not that he is. But there’s only so much shit one person can take..’
 I gently ask Camille how she deals with his demons.
‘You take it day by day,’ she tells me. ‘I don’t force him to be something he’s not. If he’s having a bad day, I leave him to it but at the end of that day, I do sit him down and ask him to talk about how he’s feeling. He attends AA meetings and has therapy. He’s made huge strides in talking about his emotions - he set up his own mental health foundation for God's sake, that’s huge. I’m honestly so proud of him.’ 
Drake has received somewhat narrow minded criticism from male journalists who call him ‘weak’ for discussing mental health issues in men. Apparently, according to some, men in Cordonia are happy and strong, thank you very much. I wonder what Camille thinks of him being the public figurehead of men's mental health, leading the crusade. 
‘I think it’s really brave of him actually,’ she says instantly. She’s clenched her fists and I can see from the ramrod straight position of her back that she has been expecting this line of questioning and is on the defensive. ‘It takes a lot for a man of his position to stand up and admit that he is an alcoholic and suffered from depression. He opened himself up to a lot of scrutiny; he’s such a private person too, so he really was going against his own nature to talk about something that is so important. He’s helped thousands of men in Cordonia because of it.’
She is passionate and fierce when it comes to her husband. Her voice quietens and she wrings her hands together. ‘He’s inspired me to be more brave,’ she murmurs. ‘He’s made me want to stand up for things that matter, to ignore the naysayers and just do my thing. Drake paves the way and I’m just happy to follow in his footsteps.’
They are a refreshing noble couple in that they don’t shy away from real world issues. They make it their mission to spread positivity and reach out to those in need. Camille set up a rehabilitation centre for recovering drug users, a move that many found to be too risky as it would bring up questions about her past, but Camille shrugs it off. 
‘I saw my parents struggle in their battle with drug addiction,’ she says. ‘It’s an issue that’s very important to me.’
We know nothing about her parents except for their drug abuse. Is there anything Camille can tell us today that shines a light on them? Camille bites her lip and hesitates, as if trying to work out if this is a trick question. In the end, she smiles and she clears her throat.
‘My father was called Jacob,’ she begins. ‘My mother was called Gabrielle.’ She laughs to herself. ‘You know Chanel’s perfume Gabrielle? I wear it everyday. Not because it smells beautiful, though it does, but because it’s my mom’s name. I like to think I’m close with her when I wear that scent. You know when you miss your mom so you wear her scarf that smells of her skin? It’s like that. Lily does that with one of my sweaters, she will wear it sometimes when I’m away on business as a way to keep me with her. So, the perfume works like that with me and my mom. We weren’t exactly close when I was a child, so I guess that’s my way of trying to rectify that.’
I ask her which of her parents she is most like. ‘My dad,’ she says, smiling. ‘Before he became an addict, he was the best dad ever. He was also so handsome, so so handsome. He had these beautiful green eyes that shone. My eyes are my mom’s and Drake loves my eyes, right, but I wish I had my daddy’s eyes.’ She says this last part wistfully, as if she’s imagining it. 
She’s being so open right now which is a delight; usually, she doesn’t mention her parents at all. She continues. ‘He was a great cook and he loved to talk to people. If he spoke to you, he would make you feel like you were the only person in the world. He had that gift.’
She tails off. I must admit that Camille has that gift too. I tell her so and her face breaks into a wide grin that crinkles up the corners of her brown eyes. ‘Really?!’ she cries. ‘Oh my gosh, thank you so much. That is really sweet of you.’
It is tragic that this man that she speaks of so highly is no longer here. But she shuts down when she mentions his downfall and so, I move the conversation onto something lighter, such as her new podcast.
Camille rolls her eyes. ‘Are you going to say I’m being a crappy Duchess who doesn’t know her place?’ she teases, gently squeezing my hand. I’m not; I’m actually an avid listener of her episodes and Camille claps her hands excitedly. ‘Aah you’re so kind!’
There has been negative press about the release of Camille’s podcast ‘Working Girl.’ Released last year, the podcast is hosted by the Duchess who interviews women who are at the top of their careers to pick their brains on their career paths, the glass ceiling, women’s opportunities at work and if they have any wisdom to share with the listeners. According to statistics, 80% of listeners are women. Does Camille want male listeners too?
‘Yes,’ she says instantly. ‘I want to close that gap. I want men to listen to these powerful women and re-evaluate everything they’ve been conditioned to believe at work, like women should be paid less or that men can do a better job. I want to challenge the traditional views held by most of Cordonian society - because let’s face it, Cordonia is so, so traditional- and I want to use my voice to make a difference. I’m feeling brave and I’m doing it my way.’
The media has called her ‘out of touch’ with noble life. Because hosting a podcast about women’s rights is apparently not something a Duchess should do. According to the experts of regal life - the tabloids-, Camille must stay in her duchy for all time, under lock and key, pushing out baby after baby after baby, wave politely and must, absolutely,  let the paparazzi take pictures of her anytime they want to. I say this to Camille and she bursts out laughing, a deep throaty laugh that makes you feel warm just by hearing it. 
‘You got it in one,’ she tells me, wiping her eyes. ‘Look, I know I’m not a traditional duchess and my husband isn’t a traditional duke. But we are deliberately like that; we want to challenge convention and make changes from the inside. Drake wants to improve the lives and wellbeing of the men in Cordonia while I want every women at work to feel like they can achieve their ambitions. I want a world where my daughters can get a job and know that they will have a great future there, without being held back by perceived notions about their gender. Men forget that women are strong and powerful; it’s about time we reminded them of that little detail.’
She has clearly been spending a lot of time with Olivia Nevrakis. Camille giggles. ‘She’s one of my interviewees! Oh my God, she’s a riot. She wanted to drink wine during our podcast session and I was like, ‘Liv, it’s 10am,’ and she goes, ‘So?’ I honestly love her.’ 
What made Camille decide to make the podcast? 
‘My friend, Kiara- you know, the Duchess who danced with my husband all those years ago-’ she says with a knowing wink - ‘wanted to land a top job within international trade in the government. But she kept being passed over for men who weren’t as qualified as she was. She was literally told by an interviewer that she should just settle down and be a Duchess. It was rude. I spoke to our friends, like Olivia, Hana and Penelope, and we were all in agreement that we wanted to do more with our roles. We have this amazing platform to make a change and I realised that if Kiara, who is fluent in four languages and has an incredible education, is struggling to land the job of her dreams, how many more women out there are in the same boat? So, Working Girl was set up.’
It is a great podcast. It fires you up and makes you feel like you can take on the world. I literally went out and bought a power suit after listening to her fiery discussion with Olivia. I ask her if Drake listens to it.
‘Of course!’ she cries, her eyes widening. ‘Oh, he is so supportive. If I’m researching another women to interview, he will give me suggestions. He suggested Salma Hayek but I think that’s only because he has a huge crush on her.. I contacted her people, just waiting to hear back. I’d love to see Drake go all nervous and tongue tied! I wouldn’t blame him.’ 
She laughs and then goes back to being serious. ‘Yes, he listens. He tells me that if he is away in another country and it’s a different time zone which means I’m asleep, he will listen to my podcast so he can hear my voice.’ 
Her voice is like caramel; it can be quite husky in places but soft in others. She has the right voice for recording podcasts; if she wasn’t a Duchess, I’d suggest she host a radio show.
Moving on from women, we begin to chat about her daughters.  I tell her that looking at Drake, you can’t imagine him being the type to have daughters. He has always talked about his love for the outdoors, getting muddy. I can’t see his daughters being excited by mud. Lily is ten, while Luna is five; they are the spitting image of Camille. 
‘Ah, but you forget that they are half Walker!’ Camille tells me, laughing. ‘Lily is a daddy’s girl and she loves getting outside with him. She likes camping and hiking. When she was younger, she was always collecting frogs.. Seriously, she had a frog collection in our garden and she gave them all names. My older daughter may be really girly but she is also a little rough and ready. I wouldn’t have her any other way.’ 
What is Luna like? Are they close or is the age difference tricky?
Camille considers this. ‘Luna is very different to Lily,’ she says. ‘Yes, obviously the age difference means they are at totally different stages of life but they are close; Lily really looks out for her sister. In terms of personality,  Luna is quieter and quite reserved. Like, when Lily was her age, she was bounding around, a firecracker, bursting with energy. Luna is not like that. She always has her head in a book, she loves to draw and she hates the colour pink, unlike Lily who adores pink. Her favourite film is Nightmare Before Christmas, which isn’t a typical kid’s film, right? But she loves spooky stuff. I think the fact her name means ‘moon’ is a good indication of her personality. Also, while Lily is more like me, Luna is very much like her daddy.’
I’m surprised by this. In what way, I ask.
‘She is very observant,’ Camille explains. ‘Even as a baby, you could tell she was always looking around the room, at the people around her, trying to suss them out. Drake was the same; he’s good at reading people just from always being the background when he was young. She also has quite a dry sense of humour which is rare in a five year old. Like, the other day she accidently broke one of Lily’s necklaces and handed it to her with a totally blank face and went, ‘Oops.’ Deadpan. I’m really curious to see what she will be like when she’s older. I got a feeling she isn’t going to take any shit.’ 
She smiles now. ‘I love her so much.’ 
I ask if Luna enjoys camping too. After all, if she prefers to read books, maybe camping isn’t her scene. 
‘Make no mistake,’ Camille says, ‘Luna loves camping too. Drake has succeeded in his mission to make his daughters love the outdoors! Dad of the Year Award coming up, he would probably say.’
Can she see a son in their future?
Camille shrugs. ‘Maybe? Who knows. We haven’t really discussed it; I think Drake has resigned himself to a life of tea parties. But if we did have a son in the future, we would call the baby Jackson after Drake’s own dad. Lily, Luna and Jackson. It sounds nice, right?’
They are a close family unit. I ask what they get up to in their downtime, as surely being Duke and Duchess takes it out of them. 
‘Sundays are our day,’ she confirms. ‘That’s the morning when the kids barrel into our bedroom at 8am, excited to greet the day because it means they can spend all the time with us without school or our meetings getting in the way. I read the paper or drink my coffee in bed, while Drake and Lily play on top of us. Luna snuggles into me and  tries to read the articles too, though she is still learning so she won’t understand it all. We’re all squished up together. It’s claustrophobic, it’s messy, it’s elbows in faces, but I love it.’ 
She pauses for a moment with a thoughtful expression on her face. ‘If I’ve learned anything from ten years of marriage, it’s the moments in between that count.’ 
I ask her what that means, hoping she will impart wisdom for me to absorb and apply to my daily life. Camille smiles. ‘My husband loves the moments in between,’ she explains softly. ‘It’s when you take a moment to yourself and do something that gives you joy and peace. Like, drinking a glass of whiskey by the fire. Or getting lost in a deep conversation with a friend. It’s carving that little space for yourself to just.. Be.’
Drake sounds quite philosophical, I tell her. Camille giggles. ‘He is! When I first came to Cordonia and we hung out, we had those moments. If I needed to escape the competition for an hour, get out of the claustrophobic bubble we were in, Drake was there. He would take me to dive bars or to pizza restaurants. It was a sense of normality and calm amongst the chaos. It helped me to focus on myself and enjoy those little moments that Drake gave me.’ 
Did Drake know what he was doing?
‘Absolutely,’ she says with a firm nod her head. ‘He knew I was feeling pressure. He can read people really well, you see. Years of being on the sidelines at court taught him to judge situations and people. He can see a fraud from a mile away. He could see me with a fake smile on my face as I took part in the competition and he knew I was feeling like a fish out of water.’ 
I ask if Camille viewed herself as a fraud, noting the vitriolic way she is now speaking.  She sighs. ‘I felt like a fraud, yes,’ she replies. ‘I hated lying and acting like I was wanting to win. It was exhausting. It was hard keeping my feelings down. I can’t do that. I’m a really emotional person, I wear my heart on my sleeve.’
She is clearly talking about her hidden feelings for Drake. I remember her telling me that she felt relief when the truth came out; I see now that her feelings for the king’s best friend were her burden. 
‘I’m glad Liam is still my friend,’ she says, keeping her voice steady. ‘I got to say, it would never have worked between us.’ She laughs now and the matter is shut down. 
I shift the conversation back to the restraining order. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past ten years, Camille had been stalked by paparazzi practically everyday. Pictures had been taken of her in her car; going for a run in the park; kissing her husband; picking up her daughter from ballet class. Everything she has ever done has been photographed and shared among the media. What was the worst experience that happened to her?
‘I guess it was when I was pregnant with Lily,’ she says after thinking for a long moment. ‘It was terrifying. I would be walking to my car and the photographers would surround me, pushing and shoving. I was scared they would end up pushing me and I’d fall, hurting my baby.. But again, I didn’t complain because I assumed it was part of the royal circus that surrounds the nobility. This shit is what you sign up for, right?’
She fixes me with a steady stare. ‘But it’s not right,’ she continues. ‘It’s disgusting. It is not right for a pregnant woman -or anyone, in fact- to be photographed every single day. I became a commodity. But I was too scared to pipe up and say exactly what I thought; I wasn’t brave. Drake had to do it all for me, he was the one who hired a full security team that would never leave my side. For so long, I thought I could just walk around and be normal. I didn’t realise..’
She breaks off. I hold my breath, waiting for her to speak again. Finally, she does. ‘I didn’t realise I wasn’t normal.’ 
In a way, she isn’t. Her story is not normal. A former waitress from New York who flies to a European country to take part in a competition to win the hand of a future king. The same waitress who defies expectations, wins his heart, but rejects his proposal in favour of someone else. The rejected king gifts her a duchy and a title instead of sending her home packing. She is now a Duchess who is curtseyed to and called ‘Your Grace.’ Her story is not typical of the average American woman. Her story is the stuff of fairytales. 
But what a fairytale. 
To round off our interview, I decide to ask her some lighthearted questions. What is the one thing - not a person- that she can’t live without?
Camille giggles. ‘Ooh hard one,’ she says. ‘But I guess I have to say my Canon camera? Drake bought me it as a present for my 30th birthday because I love taking pictures. I don’t use Facebook, you see, so I don’t have online albums. I use Instagram but it’s not exactly the same, so I like to take actual photos and put them in actual albums. I hate this digital age, I miss the innocent, simpler times of just taking photos and sticking them in a book.’
I ask what she takes photos of. ‘My family,’ she tells me with a smile. ‘I’m always taking pictures of Drake and our girls; Drake hates getting his picture taken usually but when he’s posing with Lily and Luna, they make him laugh and put him at ease just by being their adorable selves.’
What are her hobbies? I imagine she is too tired to even think about hobbies what with her job and all the plates she is spinning, but she shakes her head. ‘I love yoga,’ she answers. ‘Every morning, I practice. Sometimes, Lily will join in with me which is quite sweet.’ 
She likes to read too. ‘I love vintage books. I love an evening by the fire with a glass of wine and a good book. Simple.’
The moments in between?
‘Exactly,’ she says, giving me a nod. 
Does she still find time to visit New York, her hometown? Does she miss it?
‘We go once a year,’ she tells me. ‘Whenever we’re in the states to see Drake’s mom, we will go to New York and just be a normal family. What do I miss? Oh man, I miss the accents, the angry cab drivers, the cronut bakery that was next to my old apartment.. I do love New York.’
One final question. How does it feel looking back on everything and seeing where she is now?
She considers this.
‘This feels like a different life,’ she says softly. ‘I’ve changed; grown up. Back in New York, I was stationary, working as a waitress, trying to get all the tips so I could keep a roof over my head. I wasn’t making a difference, I wasn’t really living..’ She bites her lip. ‘Now, I’m living. I’m feeling braver than I ever have and I think that’s all down to my family.’
Is she happy?
‘I am,’ she tells me, her face breaking into a smile. ‘I’m more confident, I feel more belief in myself, I feel like I’m making a difference. I have two amazing daughters and an incredible husband.’
She nods to herself, her cheeks turning pink as she thinks of Drake. ‘Yeah,’ she whispers. ‘I have it good.’ 
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bubbletimestories · 4 years
From Prague with heat (reader insert)
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Summary : What if you were there when the Fire Elemental attacked Prague? Beck's plan slips through his fingers and things don't go as planned. The fault lies with your boyfriend.
Warnings : curse words, shooting
Themes : saving, hero, boyfriend, pissed Beck
A/N : As usal, translated with Google. Quick prompt just for fun
A light breeze disturbs your hair as the pod lifts into the air on the summer night. You can't wait to reach the highest point so you can admire Prague and its lights, but you also savor every second in the company of your boyfriend, squeezing his hand with an excited smile. He's less enthusiastic than you, but that's his usual way of being, that doesn't prevent him from enjoying the moment with you. The Ferris wheel was your idea, but it's true that there is something pleasant about being out of sight to kiss you under the stars. You huddle together, your head resting against his shoulder as you continue to climb up to overlook the carnival crowd.
Suddenly, the ground begins to emit a thick black smoke and the passers-by hurriedly move aside before the earth begins to vomit a glowing magma that winds between the cobblestones to climb up the statues. From where you are, you don't immediately notice the danger, too busy enjoying this romantic moment. It is the panicked screams that grab your attention, the molten mass swelling and swelling into a gigantic, humanoid entity with huge, incandescent limbs. Its face is terrifying and its cry echoes through the large square, triggering a veritable movement of panic.
From his hiding place, a certain engineer relishes his moment, ready to make his debut once the Elemental does some damage. His pantyhose sidekick must be thinking in the panic of how to stop this monster, unless he relies on "Mysterio" to defeat the enemy. This little one is intelligent but also so naive that it makes him blind. All it took was a little self-confidence, a cropped beard to look like his late mentor, and a little encouragement to get him to eat out of Beck's hand. Child's play.
"Y/N, stay behind me!" "
Your boyfriend tries to block with his body as he watches the situation, the screaming passers-by, the slender black figure swinging to try to stop the lava abomination advancing and growing visibly. From your pod, you can already feel its pestilent, burning breath as the monster wreaks havoc, crushing cars with roaring roars. You feel your heart pounding and curse yourself for choosing the Ferris wheel because you are stuck, unable to escape. Besides, you're not the only ones, you can hear the screams of two teenagers a few pods below. You can't die here, that would be too awful. You suppress tears of terror as your boyfriend presses you against him briefly. He will protect you as best he can. A dramatic scene, a desperate little couple, the team pulling the strings behind this staging couldn't ask for better. It's going to be time for the armored hero to make an appearance, throw in some emerald lightning before tragically sacrificing himself (to finally survive, don't worry, kids). Quentin sits up with a big smile, it's his highlight.
Shots echoed abruptly across the large square, hitting the terrifying figure of the creature whose colors fade for a fraction of a second. Without waiting, a new burst explodes, your boyfriend aiming without even a shiver, his weapon well held in his hands. His metal arm does not shake, the young man wants to protect you and nothing will stop him. With staggering speed, he empties his magazine on the monster, which splits into a million pixels as drones drop with a final roar. As passers-by, SHIELD, and Team Mystério watch dumbfounded, the magma monster disappears, leaving behind only sparking robots. Silence falls and in a corner of the set, a teenager in a black suit descends on the pavement, a confused but relieved expression under his mask. His friends are safe and sound. As for you, you widen your eyes before slapping your boyfriend on the arm with a fake expression of reproach.
"You brought a gun to our date!" "
Bucky makes an apologetic face as he puts down his rifle (wondering how he managed to hide it) but you don't sulk for long, hugging his neck to hug him. You were so scared but luckily your hero saved the day. With a little luck, this story will restore the image of the young man and finally present him as a true Avenger. He deserves to be appreciated by people and to let go of his deadly weapon past. After all, he never did anything wrong.
Returning to his team after having had to play surprise and a thousand other emotions in front of Fury and that idiot Peter (what! The Elementals are illusions! But what a surprise! I'm shocked!), Beck fumes and paces the room up and down wide, yelling at his team, which has curled up like a bunch of sheepish children. The night was supposed to be a success, the apotheosis for their fictional hero, but instead they are in serious trouble. The more far-sighted discreetly put away fragile or valuable items, their leader's anger promises to be more terrifying than any Elemental.
" Why nobody told me that the fucking WINTER SOLDIER was there ???? !!!!! It's not like it's a small detail !!! "
Oh damn… the question they've got the answer to. They must not say anything, remain silent as a grave but he will realize it. Quick, someone agree to wear the hat or Beck's fury will only get worse. Brave, Will takes a step forward, used to playing the scapegoat for angry men jealous of Tony Stark (at least that boss has hair). To tell the truth, they had noticed this guy locked in the Ferris wheel but seen from afar and with his cap on, hard to say for sure if he was really Captain America's friend.
"We thought .... we thought it wasn't important. That he wouldn't interfere."
He seemed helpless and with his girlfriend, it's not like he was prepared to face a monster. In addition, he was in the Ferris wheel so technically unable to do anything. The team already had enough to do with the kid, Spider-man, even though Quentin had said he could guide him and keep him from going to the wrong place. The latter takes a deep breath and grabs his goblet of greenish juice, trying not to crush it in his fist, not toss it at Janice's head and most of all… not to scream.
“So for you, a super soldier from WWII with a metallic arm and a talent with weapons is .... not .... IMPORTANT !!!! "
He inhales and exhales deeply. Breathe Quentin, breathe ... You are surrounded by idiots. By dint of deep breaths and imagining himself killing each of his colleagues slowly and inventively, the young man manages to calm down and turns on his heels to go to rest, not without pointing a finger at the terrorized group.
“Don't forget to remind me to pulverize you after I drank my juice. "
Shitty day...
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flowerpowell · 5 years
The Boy Next Door (Colt x MC / Logan x MC)
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A/N: I need to stop writing chapters while being sick/not feeling too well. This part might be a mess and I’m aware of it. I still hope you’ll like it & make sure to leave me some feedback if you do (or don’t, that’s cool too). Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Rating: PG-16/18 I guess? 
Warnings: mentions of s*x after drinking, being drunk etc (i’m trying not to get flagged here guys lol)
Word count: 1693
Tags: @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @desiree-0816 @walkerduchess @liamzigmichael4ever @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @hellomynameisdevi @client-327 @badchoicesposts @blackcatkita @pixel-thirsty @donutsgirl36 @drakeismyweakness @maccuswielle @miss-raleigh-carrera @i-bloody-love-drake-walker ♥
“Mmm,” Ellie moaned quietly as she opened her eyes and regretted doing so right away. The pain in her head suggested she might have been hit with a hammer last night. She looked right to check the time on her phone only to realize her nightstand wasn’t there. Neither was her phone. Or her closet. Or her desk. She swallowed hard realizing she wasn’t in her room. It was Colt’s room.
Carefully, Ellie turned to the left side but Colt wasn’t there. Her heart was beating extremely fast which wasn’t helping her headache. She noticed a glass of water and an aspirin next to her bed and smiled involuntarily at Colt’s little gesture of thoughtfulness. When she was drinking the water the events from last night were all coming back to her. She stopped drinking.
Oh my gosh! Did I sleep with Colt? No, no, no!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I don’t even know how to! I was supposed to wait and then Logan and I and then and I... I... I...
Oh my gosh, was I bad???
Calm down, Ellie. It is not important. Maybe you didn’t do it at all!
She looked down under the quilt to discover she was naked. In Colt’s bed.
Why did he sleep with me, I’m just a child!
Get a grip Ellie, you’re not a child!
OMG what if I’m gonna be pregnant? Did we use protection? DID WE???
How do I even ask him about it?
Ellie stood up and walked to the mirror. She tried to ignore how awful she looked.
“Ahem... Soo... Last night, huh?” she shook her head. Nope, too weird. I can’t start my conversation with Colt like this.
“Ehh, you know, you were good but I’ve had better. You’re like number seven on my top ten.”
No... He won’t believe he’s number seven. Three would be more believable.
Okay, just breathe. Maybe this.
“Yo! Rommie, I hope you took out the trash and used protection last night, huh?”
Oh my gosh, how do I even ask him not making myself looking like an idiot? I should have never gone to college. I should stay with my Dad and Logan and--
Ellie quickly did the walk of shame to her room and threw some fresh clothes on. She remembered breaking up with Logan but in the morning light, it all seemed too childlish. Why didn’t they just talk it through?
She was biting her lip while she waited for her phone to turn on. Today was their first anniversary and last night she slept with Colt. Could this be any more messed up?
She groaned when she saw 78 messages and 34 missed calls. All from Logan.
She left her phone on her bed and decided to head to the kitchen. She really needed to talk with Colt. About what happened, about what it would mean for them, about Logan.
He cared about her, didn’t he? She needed to talk about it, too. She never felt more confused. She regretted breaking with Logan like this but she didn’t regret getting close to Colt. Her mind was a mess and she needed answers.
The smell of coffee coming from the kitchen made her realize how sick she felt. And how hungry she was, despite her nausea.
But Colt wasn’t there.
And not in the living room.
He wasn’t in the house at all.
Ellie swallowed hard realizing what it meant. He did it again. He left her. Again.
She slammed her fist against the wall as the tears started flowing down her cheeks. Of course he would do it. Why was she so stupid to believe otherwise?
Well, I guess I have my answer then.
Sniffing, she went ahead and drank some more water and ate a toast, the only thing that didn’t make her feel even more sick.
I can’t believe I wasted my first time on someone who doesn’t even care about me at all. I’m so, so, so stupid!
It was already late evening and Colt still didn’t come back. Ellie cleaned his bedroom from her scattered clothes and any evidence she ever was there (she felt embarrassed for a moment though when she found her panties on the doorknob), took a shower, made herself dinner and then started watching TV in hopes to kill the boredom. She even considered calling Mona but didn’t do it eventually because what if Colt was with her?
A sudden knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She sighed realizing Colt probably had forgotten to take his keys when he decided to leave.
“I should just leave you there to die,” she yelled when the knocking became more persistent.
“What?!” Ellie opened the door and immediately covered her mouth in shock.
“Logan? What are you doing here?”
“I—I came to see you. It was supposed to our anniversary after all,” he added quietly. “May I come in?”
Ellie nodded and let him in, his eyes still trained on him as if not believing he was really there. Didn’t he have to work today?
“Where’s Colt?” Logan asked looking around.
“He’s out.” And that is the truth.
“Oh, at this time? Do you know where he went?”
“He never tells me anything.” Truth again.
“Oh,” his face fell, “so you two didn’t really bond, huh?”
“Not really.” We did bond. Last night. In his bed. I probably shouldn’t tell you that though.
“I’m sorry. I asked Colt to be nice to you and to take care of you since I was away but I guess it was too much to ask of him.”
“Why are you here? You said you had to work today.” Ellie crossed her arms.
“I did but... Ellie, I’m so sorry. You have never been on the second place. There’s nothing more important than you,” Logan looked at her with his big, brown, puppy eyes and Ellie rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, well, you suck at showing this. I thought your job was more important.”
“I know and I’m sorry. I took all the shifts I could because I needed the money. Remember, on our first date, you said it was your biggest dream to go to Paris? Remember how you said you’d buy all the French macarons from Ladurée and eat them all sitting on a bench in front of the Eiffel Tower? I wanted to surprise you with a trip on Valentine’s Day. But then you broke up with me and I realized I screwed up. And I’m really, really sorry. I quit the job on the spot and drove all the way here just to apologize and tell you how much you mean to me. Because I can’t imagine living without you, Ellie. I love you more than my own life, please, forgive me.”
Ellie looked at him, her eyes wide open. Did he just say what he just said? He was doing it for her all along? And she overreacted?
“Logan...” she groaned. She wished the night before had never happened.
“Please, Ellie. Just give me one last chance. I will never screw up again, I swear. I love you so much,” she could see real tears in his eyes.
“Of course, I... I’m sorry I snapped, I should’ve just--”
“No,” he interrupted her, “I deserved it. It was the wake up call I needed. I promise I’ll do better. You are my everything, Ellie.”
She smiled weakly at Logan, the man she still loved, the man she betrayed last night. He smiled back and closed the distance between them. His kiss was like coming home but at the same time she felt anxious remembering who touched her lips last night.
Logan is here. Logan loves me. Logan quit his job for me. I love Logan. And Colt was just a mistake. I was drunk and pissed. And Logan is here.
She kissed him back, trying to ignore the pangs of guilt in her head.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” she asked and he smiled warmly at her.
“There’s nothing in the world that’d make me happier.”
When Ellie woke up the next day, Logan was still sleeping beside. He must have been very tired after his little road trip and she still couldn’t believe he did it for her. Quietly, trying not to wake him up, Ellie got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen. Her heart almost skipped a beat when she saw him.
Colt was sitting on a chair, his head in his palms, elbows resting on the table. A million images from that one night crossed her mind; him kissing her, him sucking the lime from her mouth, him pinning her against the wall in his bedroom, him kissing her everywhere. She blushed slightly remembering it.
“Colt?” she asked hesitantly and he turned to her at the sound of her voice. He looked awful; he was even more pale than usual, his eyes were red and puffy as if he didn’t get any sleep.
“Coffee’s in the pot,” he nodded towards the counter.
“Where the hell were you yesterday?!”
“That’s none of your business,” Colt only shrugged, not even bothering to look at her again.
“I think it is. Don’t you think we should talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Ellie.”
“No? You don’t think what we did is worth talking about?”
“It was nothing, Ellie. Nothing,” he emphasized and she felt sick. So that was what he really felt. She should’ve known.
“Good morning everyone,” Logan walked into the kitchen, kissed Ellie’s head and poured himself a cup of coffee.
“You look awful, man,” Logan said to Colt studying his appearance.
“At least I didn’t leave my girlfriend alone on our anniversary,” he snapped and Logan almost choked on the coffee.
“Why are you so happy, Logan? Did something happen?” Ellie asked, desperatly trying to change the subject.
“Actually, yes. I just got another job, ten minutes from your university. Which means... I’m moving in here with you all!”
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Aniplex Fugou Keiji Livestream | Fugou Keiji 2 | Kitsutsuki 2 - 4 | Arte 3 - 12 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 27 - 32
During the Millionaire Detective: Unmissable livestream (part of FunimationCon and Aniplex Online Fest), I watched and took notes, so you might find these handy upon retrospect. To be honest, this is how I do the posts for magicalgirlsandcerulean’s livestreams as well, but there hasn’t been one of those in a while...
Otherwise, these are all normal notes.
Aniplex Fugou Keiji Livestream
Look out for the dancer from the OP
Onuki was the model for the dancing for the anime – he was told to do it out of the blue
Episode 11 might have one of these^ be relevant
Daisuke’s cup ramen has shark fin in it and he made the packaging from scratch – that’s why it’s so expensive!
The director Tomohiko Ito omits important information, allowing people to decide for themselves what happened. (Miyano) – This might be why the series is stylish. (MC)
Attractiveness of character design is important! (for adapting Fugou Keiji to modern day)
I’ve never watched a livestream where the stars were so conscious of their English and Chinese audiences! This was interesting, especially because Onuki is not normally known as a VA!
“We still have a little bit of recording to do.”
Fugou Keiji 2
I keep misunderstanding my own instructions…this starts again in July after ep 2.
Todai = Tokyo Daigaku (Uni).
I believe this is the 2nd time I’ve seen a rich person like commoner’s instant noodles, although I forget where I saw the 1stinstance.
Kambe switched to the back seat now, huh?
Ah! Now I remember! The first time was seeing spoilers for this episode on Twitter! (LOL)
I see Suzue has a sensible naming scheme for her data.
Hmm…judging by the Google hits, the name visible in the background (Betbeto bin Abura) is the Arabic prince from last time.
SYN-ACK. I see these guys did their work – that’s the final stage of the 3 stage handshake required for things like internet sockets (used to send “packets” of data).
Way to crash a party, Kambe siblings…(LOL)
I really wanna see someone draw Kato slapping (Daisuke) Kambe in the face with a wad of cash…or a “shut up and take my money” meme with Kambe in it.
I like how “special cup ramen” is on the purchases list and it costs 100000 yen. I also like how the reporter Mita was bought out for 5000000 yen (bigger than all the other individual costs except for buying out the Tower)…that’s how he showed up.
Kitsutsuki 2
I gotta finish this show and then pause it…3 shows in my normal lineup are safe.
Did Kindaichi take the bones of the fish out for Ishikawa…? Like a child would have had done for them?
Why is Ishikawa being referred to as “Hajime”…?
Draw this prostitute like one of your French girls…(LOL?)
Ishikawa clearly dropped those coins into that book earlier.
Way to diss the potential asexuality/celibacy in the house. I mean, it’s the 1800s – early 1900s, so there was less LGBTIQ+ stuff then and certainly the further back you go, the more sexual prowess becomes a sign of masculinity, but still, if the guy doesn’t want to go through with it, don’t force him.
Notice how the borders were pink for Ishikawa’s version and blue for Kindaichi’s.
Notably, Otaki didn’t seem to have that hairpin…but maybe that’s because we saw things from Ishikawa’s perspective.
Ooh…who are these bois? Also, crab.
Kitsutsuki 3
…cat? Now there’s a new perspective. That’s like saying the butler did it.
Yay! Hagiwara is Ume!
Notice Hagiwara’s version has a purple frame, while Yoshii (?) has yellow and another person has dark blue.
I think “consumption” was tuberculosis, once upon a time.
I love how the crowd is fed up with Ishikawa’s bulls***.
Ooh, chuuni Akutagawa…
In a Grove is the Rashomon story.
Tarou Hirai = Rampo Edogawa.
You stalker, future Rampo!
I kinda suspected Otaki when I thought through the possibilities…Ishikawa, Kindaichi, an outsider, Otaki (and as of this ep, Rampo too).
Gaiheikan? Is that Ishikawa and co.’s lodging?
Did they have pencils back in that day?
Kitsutsuki 4
I think it was in Detective Conan that I learnt (one of) the only way(s) a man can get his nails done is by his wife doing it for him, possibly as a prank or to indicate he’s “taken”. Note this was early Detective Conan, so it’s very much a 90s attitude…considering the widespread acceptance of drag queens and the LGBTIQ+ movement these days.
Lace flower.
Maichou seems to be a hybrid of Asahi Shinbun and Mainichi Shinbun.
[Monkfish/dictionary/going home] - Is this how Ishikawa shows consideration…?
The purple letterrboxing is back but this time with Ishikawa…meaning that’s just an aesthetic thing for all flashbacks after all.
Just from vaguely hearing it (I’ve got the volume on low), the words are nodo tsuki/nodo zuki. “Throat moon/throat wound” works just as well, if not better.
Balsam flower.
Update: Since enough anime fulfilled the special COVID-19 criteria, Kitsutsuki was put on hold after this.
Fruits Basket 2 2 (27)
I’ve read Another, remember?…so I kind of know what happens.
Uo’s got purple nails…that’s surprisingly cute of her.
Aw, Kureno! Another Ume role!
Why is “shisho” (master) not translated…? A weird Tokyopop-era translation quirk?
Aw, Shisho cut his hair…? Bummer.
Who was that? Shigure…?(!) Update: We find out his name later in this ep.
“If you continue to change, I’ll continue to protect you.” – Another quote for the archive.
Great…I feel personally called out by this ep.
Fruits Basket 2 3 (28)
It seems all male designers wear their designs if they have no one else to wear them…at least, that’s what I’ve gathered from Hajime (Runway de Waratte) and Ayame.
I remember Ayame stood in for Yuki’s parents in the manga at one point. This must be it.
(Spoilers for later!) I also remember Mine and Ayame get married at the end…This is the prelude to that.
Dang, Ayame, you moment-ruiner!
Fruits Basket 2 4 (29)
Did anyone in the doorway hear about Hatsuharu turning into an ox?
To quote Sailor Mercury, “Douse yourself in water and repent!”
Ooh, window splitting Yuki and Haru. Nice cinematography going on here.
I bet all people think they only think about themselves, in one way or another.
Arashiyama tofu.
Yatsuhashi are great. They’re these sweet triangle things like samosas that come in various flavours. Mitarashi dango are sticky brown skewered balls of glutinous rice…which I’ve never had, but I’ve seen them in enough anime to know what they are.
I only just realised this, but Yuki’s hairstyle isn’t even on both sides, like Atsushi from BSD’s.
Huh…you can see a copy of Mogeta and Ari (as it turns out, “Ari” is the name of a character and not “ant” at all in this case) on Haru’s bed. There’s also an article in one of the magazines discussing how denim is the popular thing now and which types are in right now.
Fruits Basket 2 5 (30)
I realised Yuki isn’t calling Tohru by her first name – he’s going against Haru’s advice.
Hmm? Why should anyone ask a rabbit to hold their horses…? (LOL)
CGI cars…*sigh*
Tororo is grated yam, IIRC.
I learnt recently that nanban means “savage” or “uncivilised”…for a potato and chicken dish, the name and the contents don’t really match…Update: Nanban means “savage” (noun) or “barbarian”. Close enough.
17-26…age gap 9 years…yikes…
The words “(a happy, yet) caged bird” come to mind when Kureno describes himself. Also, Kureno is an Ume role! Yippee!
Ahh…young love…even if it has a bit of an awkward edge to it. Mind the (age) gap!
Me being the Ume stan, of course I want to hear those sweet nothings in his voice, even if it has to be via a proxy like Uotani…I wouldn’t be an Ume stan if I didn’t.
…Ah, I see. Uotani reminds me of Minare from Wave and vice versa.
Oh, I just remembered Akito is 20 or thereabouts. Kureno/Akito is only a bit more legal than Uotani and Kureno.
Arte 3
Notice Leo never once uses Arte’s name in the lady’s presence. Her name does have some infamy to it, after all.
“She’s got some guts.” – You say that at a live dissection…LOL.
Is this love~? What’s the age gap between Leo and Arte, anyway? Update: We know for sure Arte is older than 13…that’s it.
Make the things you want prominent with perspective and such. I thought that much was obvious, but for someone straightforward like Arte, I guess it ain’t so. (Maybe it’s because I’m self-taught to some degree when it comes to art.)
*sketching by candlelight* - You’re gonna ruin your eyes, Arte!
Arte, ma girl! You’re getting’ a raise! Good job!
Arte 4
Anime makes this courtesan stuff sound like a host club…(?)
I thought Leo was saying “Aria” for a second instead of Arte, LOL. I’m getting too used to that being my alias…
Arte 5
The speech bubble said “so annoying I could die”.
Arte 6
The video’s gone all pixelated…at least, the subs have…
I bet she’s going to fall over…Update: Nup, she didn’t.
Arte 7
I thought Yuri was a Russian name…or a Japanese one.
This is basically Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine all over again! (LOL)
I thought Yuri would be pushy…like, “Here’s an offer you can’t refuse.” That kind of thing. Likewise, I didn’t think Arte would refuse.
Leo? *dun-dun-DUN!*
Siena is apparently in Tuscany. Also, I did see the Silent Manga Audition page had a chapter on a pregnant woman, so this is ch. 17 or thereabouts.
Is Ruthanna not getting the money because she’s pregnant…?
Epidemic? The Black Death?...Speaking of which, Arte is very much of that ganbaru spirit. By being progressive for her time, she becomes ordinary in our time.
Ohhhhhhh! It’s a reverse harem in progress here!...This would be a good otome game, come to think of it. It’s framed the same way.
Leo can be surprisingly childish at times, don’t you think?
Arte 8
…Really? She fell overboard? *raises eyebrow*
Ooh, china (with and without capitalisation).
Is this another sarcastic child…? Oh, bother. Still, I can see why Hamefura crossed over with Arte now…Katarina vs. Catarina!
Arte 9
Bigoli is a type of pasta, as can be guessed from context.
The kanji for the episode title literally translate to “bad child”! Like the Tones and I song, LOL!
Mikata (ally).
Arte 10
This episode is giving off a Katarina x Gimo ship vibe…but with how young they are, I’m not sure I should ship it. They’re 6, aren’t they…?
Oh, you can see Katarina and Sofia’s hug in one of the ED frames.
Arte 11
Arte’s let her hair grow out…
An Italian man…bowed. In Renaissance Italy. Now I understand what all the ANN complaints are for.
What’s up with that kid’s face…? *grumbles*
Leo’s just being Leo, I see.
That’s right, Angelo and Leo never met.
Instead of a father or a brother overly cherishing his daughter, it’s the uncle…I never thought I’d see the day I saw something like that.
Arte 12 (FINAL)
Is this like Orientalism, but with gender…? (What would you call that?)
Lemme guess…Leo is working on the church mural and so he’s away?
Was that Leo, in the middle of the mural somewhere…?
Another Japanese bow in this anime, which is set in Italy.
But where is Arte herself in that mural?
Fine = end.
Fruits Basket 31
The word Momiji is using is “hisso” or something like that. Hissho is secretary, so the translator made it “secret getaway” to make it work.
That hat! *laser stare*
*one of the textbooks has “high school chemistry” on it* Tohru can do chemistry?! I suck at chemistry!
The episode title is translated as “Are you really this stupid?” It seems the real line for that was “Are you an idiot?”
Something about high school girls appeared in my head when Haru mentioned Shigure wanting to see Tohru in her tight swimsuit…*mumbles grumpily about pervs*
Kyo’s not wet, even though he got in the water! Amazing!
I think it’s sad that Tohru responds to “stupid girl” like it’s her own name.
“…that makes you suspect me?” seems better.
The Akito and Shigure age gap is somewhere between 6 and 8 years, IIRC.
Fruits Basket 32
Tohru switched from okaasan (mother) to okattekita (a formal past tense verb meaning either “bought”, “lent” or “won” based on the characters…which I don’t have a reference for). I assume because it was so off the mark, the subbers chose a similarly off the mark word.
“When I was a kid, I thought watermelons would sprout in my stomach if I ate the seeds.”
We only know about Kyo’s dad so far…hmm…what about the mother? Update: (TW: suicide) I think it was at this point we already knew that Kyo’s mother didn’t love him and committed suicide, but it’s not certain until later.
Why do doctors always use scalpels and syringes as weapons…? I mean, even Jakurai’s symbol in ARB is a syringe!
I’ve been wondering…how big is the Sohma family? Is it diluted enough that Haru and Rin can love each other without genetic problems for their child/ren? (From Another, I would say the answer is “yes”, but shoujo normally doesn’t care about this sort of thing, which is why I ask in the first place.)
Shigure seems like the type to say, “U mad, bro?”
The mansion looks like the one in Haruhi Suzumiya, if I remember the appearance of that one correctly.
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