#my mom was speaking english with a french accent
bad-entertainment · 1 year
I love french I hate french I may have a complicated relationship with french
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annoyingfobbie · 2 years
my little cousins (four and two) speak italian and spanish fluently, but understand Portuguese and german pretty much perfectly as well, and speak it in small words or phrases here and there. what this leads to is the four year old sometimes randomly going "oh mein gött!" when she's surprised and oh my god everytime i just burst out laughing becvause it ALWAYS catches me off guard and I ALWAYS think of the little german boy meme😭
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redactedgender · 19 days
random redacted audio headcanons pt. 2
havent done one of these in a hot second but i wanted to share some more w yall :] some of these include my listener headcanons, theyre specifically abt my oc’s but i figured id share them in a neutral way so if others like them they can add them to their own hc’s :]
; lasko does in fact own a giant snail. he named it hercules. huxley, dear & freelancer are the only ones who support lasko owning the snail. damien & gavin have been dubbed the ‘hercules hate club’ by the others
; morgan grew up in new orleans but his accent has all but disappeared after he moved to dahlia when his powers manifested as a teen. he speaks fluent louisiana french, as well as cajun english and haitian creole
; geordi is a third generation polish immigrant on his dad’s side! the rest of his family still lives in the new york area, but his dad went out to californina for college and met his mom there, so that’s why he and jadzia (his sister) still live in the dahlia area
; caelum infodumps abt elegy fun facts to his siblings on aria
; lovely got close with bright eyes and freddy after turning, and considers them to be their cousins
; elliott likes giving sunshine hickeys on their neck, high enough where they can’t cover it w the collar of their shirts
; honey gets cold very easily, and in the winter theyll sleep in hoodies (no long pants tho, thats not allowed)
; freelancer loves those star shaped pimple patches. gavin likes to kiss them when freelancer has any on, which always makes them giggle
; angel used to shark people at pool in college to make a quick buck (they’d pretend not to know anything abt the game, make bets, then destroy everyone else playing)
; baaabe was the first in their family to go to college, which put a lot of pressure on their shoulders
; darlin' and marie have bets on who they think will be the first of the current pack generation to have kids
; asher had a crush on marie i am not sorry
; milo has a polaroid pic of sweetheart in his wallet (theres another pic hidden somewhere in there too thats… not suitable for the public)
; also. milo was born in new jersey, moved to washington heights to live with some extended family with marie and colm, and then finally moved to dahlia for colm’s job
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agendabymooner · 1 year
about names: an amazing boy with an amazing name || cl16 scenario (1)
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dad!charles leclerc x mom!ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
Summary: The Leclerc boys and their names go hand in hand. OR times when Charles and his wife Aimee had to explain that their children’s names are meaningful. 
Scenario summary: Charles and Aimee wondered what Hervé meant when he said that his name was silly and that he hated it. Thank goodness, Pascale Leclerc was the one that the boy cannot refuse as she comforts her grandson.
Content warning: Kids teasing kids, possible use of explicit language, fluff, dad!Charles content, the Leclerc family (Pascale and Leclerc brothers) content, briefly mentions Charles' dad, crappy French translations by Apple, sad kids being comforted, fluff, what is beta reading we write things at 2am and post it after lol
Note: One more before I dash out of my dorm for the day lmfaoo
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Aimee Leclerc was no stranger to chatty kids and pick-up schedules, so it was no wonder why she immediately found herself in front of the elementary school that stood gloriously in the middle of Monte-Carlo as she waited for her two children to be dismissed from the class for the day. 
It was a routine of hers now that her work in McLaren had become remote. Five children took up all of her time and between them and her work— she would’ve immediately left the company if the team made her choose. She’d rather be in Monaco while Charles continued to pursue his career as a racing driver. 
Zak Brown was empathetic enough to understand that a set of children wouldn’t be able to have a stable routine should they continue to travel around the world just to be with their parents who worked overseas, offering Aimee a chance to work at home and adapt to a better routine as she took care of her children. 
She could wait patiently if anybody ever asked her. She had no problem, knowing that she was able to finish her work long before she could pick up her eldest children. 
But the energy that her children had shown merely told her enough: they might have been either excited to see her or they thought that she was rushing them. She caught a glimpse of her twins as they stepped out of the elementary school, their uniforms somehow tidy and less wrinkled despite their busy day. 
“Maman! Devinez quoi?” Guess what? Jules jumped excitedly as he wrapped his arms around Aimee tightly, still jumpy and giddy as he spoke in English, “We did our quiz in maths!” 
“Oh? Is that right, J?” Aimee asked with a smile, her fingers running through her son’s wavy hair. It was surprising how her children’s hair continued to lose its volume as years passed— it was becoming more like Charles’ hair.
They were mini Charleses, indeed.
“Yes, Maman! I also— uh…” It seemed like Jules ran out of English immediately as he said, “J'ai fait si bien! Je n'ai perdu qu'un point!” I did so good! I only lost one point!
Aimee was merely thankful that she could understand French and Italian, or rather, she was thankful her private teacher taught her how to speak those languages; otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to understand her multilingual-speaking children. 
She primarily spoke English and had grown up practicing a standard accent in her Received Pronunciation. She never adapted to her husband’s speaking style, but learned to understand it nevertheless. Their children were being raised in Monaco, after all, and most people spoke in French or Italian. She was only thankful that she was able to teach them to speak English to preserve that part of them. Most of their cousins are raised in England and this gave them the opportunity to converse in that language. 
Aimee beamed at her son and exclaimed, “A good job done, Jules!” Then she turned to look at her other son, who was unusually quiet for such a normal day. Hervé, as Aimee learned while nurturing her ever-growing children, was never quiet — he was one of the boys who would often cause ruckus inside the Leclerc home. If he’s silent like this then Aimee knew he was feeling something along the lines of upset. 
Hervé was never upset. He was so much like his grandfather— his namesake. So joyous. Why was he feeling so down? Aimee didn’t know.
“Hervé, my love,” Aimee called softly, but he couldn’t hear. Jules turned to look at his twin and noticed the boy disassociated, giving his brother’s shirt a tug as Hervé finally looked up. The Leclerc matriarch (2.0) smiled gently and asked, “Is it a long day for you?” 
“Oui, Maman,” he replied quietly, offering her a nod and nothing more. 
Aimee had led them to the Aston Martin family SUV as soon as he answered and drove off to head home. Jules was chatting Aimee’s ears off and it somehow defeaned her. It wasn’t because Jules was loud, no; Hervé wasn’t even talking, and his silence defeaned her.
“Herb,” she called as she looked at the rear view mirror, noticing how his jaw clenched before crossing his arms. “Hervé?”
“Stupid, silly name,” Jules hadn’t seen Hervé mutter those words beneath his breath but Aimee certainly had, leaving the mother confused. What the hell was happening?
“H,” Aimee called once more. Hervé’s angry eyes finally looked up to meet Aimee’s worried ones. Even if she wanted to remind him to calm down, she knew that it would lead to his outburst so she avoided it and asked, “Da’s home? Do you want to tell him about your maths quiz today? Maybe you and Jules can show him the art you made for Mademoiselle Blanc?” 
“Hmp,” the eldest Leclerc twin huffed, turning away from his mother and looking out the window. 
Jules’s eyes narrowed as he gave a brief glimpse at Aimee, turning towards his twin, “Are you okay, H?” 
“Oui,” Hervé muttered, acting as some sort of assurance, but this only made Jules look at his mother with worry. Aimee flashed a smile at her son before continuing to drive on the way home. It was another thing that the Leclerc boys had gotten from their father; they were bad liars. 
It only got worse when Aimee pulled up to their driveway, and the boys made their way inside. Jules dashed out of the car with his backpack to navigate his way around the house, trying to find their father before he gasped, “Da!” 
Aimee watched her other son carefully, trying to read Hervé’s behaviour as he walked past Aimee. She still wasn’t sure what was going on. 
“Oh! Hello, Jules!” Charles Leclerc, a Ferrari driver who had just returned from a doubleheader, grinned gracefully at the sight of his son. In his arm was one of his young twins, Anthoine — or Tony, for most people — while the other half of the pair, Alain, sat on the playmat with his book propped open. “Comment va l'école aujourd'hui?” How is school today?
“Very good, Da!” Jules grinned toothily, “Madame Hurst m'a donné une étoile pour mon quiz de mathématiques!” Mrs. Hurst gave me a star for my maths quiz! 
“Ah, really? Cela signifie que vous avez fait un excellent travail en étudiant avec maman alors,” it means you’ve done a good job at studying with Mummy, then. Charles glanced past Aimee’s legs, seeing the other pair of his twins as he greeted the quiet boy, “Bonjour, Hervé. Comment allez-vous?” Good afternoon, Hervé. How are you?
“D'accord, Da,” Fine. Hervé muttered, his irritation noticed easily by his father as Charles scowled lightly. Every adult in their family knew that it meant trouble if Charles gave this look. 
At first, the Ferrari driver tried to make a light of the situation, “Why the long face, Hervé? The more you do that, the more you’ll look like your Uncle Toto. Give Da a smile?”
“No,” but Hervé wasn’t having it as he snapped at his father firmly, the tip of his ears turning red as he stomped off.
“Don’t call me that!” Hervé snapped, his eyes turning dark as he got angry and upset.
“What? Hervé—“ Charles tried to reason out, but the 7-year-old was anything but reasonable at the moment. 
“I’m not Hervé! Don’t call me that! It’s a stupid name!” 
Charles could have sworn that he, too, was seeing red as he placed the toddler in his arms before marching off the playroom. He followed after his son and exclaimed, “Hervé Louis Sebastien René Mathieu Leclerc! Come back here!” 
“No! No more talking! Leave me alone, Da!”
Thud. The boy had just slammed the door on his father’s face, and Charles— Charles was fuming. 
He loves his boys dearly; he does. But it was moments like this that somehow made him different from the loving father that he is. He wasn’t even sure why he was so upset— was it because of the fact that his son just yelled that he didn’t want to talk, or did he just hear his son say that his father’s name was stupid? He wasn’t sure. 
He was just… upset and confused. 
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Charles wasn’t sure where he’d gone wrong with becoming a parent to his sons. He did everything he could despite being a busy driver— he took care of them whenever Aimee was out, he taught them how to be kind to other people and he taught them how to love. Hervé had never been this upset before and it bothered Charles and Aimee to no end. What was he genuinely upset about?
Then they both recalled what the boy said. Hervé wasn’t his name. He thought that the name was silly, from what Aimee had told Charles. Where did that even come from? 
“I— truthfully, I don’t even know where that came from, Charles,” Aimee admitted as she sat with him on the couch that night, sighing heavily while the driver rested his head against his hand. 
They tried asking the boy, from asking him to come down for dinner (with Aimee giving up and leaving a bowl of rice and chicken in front of his door) to Charles asking to come into his room (with Charles not receiving any form of response). But alas, Hervé had no response. He didn’t even respond when they tried to ask if he’d like to come over to his Uncle Lorenzo or Arthur’s place. 
No luck. 
“He didn’t mention anything at all,” she continued, keeping her voice down to avoid waking any of their children up. “He was muttering to himself, I’ve no bloody clue he was upset.” 
“I didn’t know either,” Charles murmured, grabbing a hold of her hand and kissing the knuckles of it. “He isn’t normally like this— he’d tell us if there’s something wrong.”
It was true. Hervé, much like the other Leclerc children, never got into a fight with a friend before. He was upfront about his feelings and would tell either his parents or playmate about being upset. There were some instances when he almost snapped but otherwise managed to control his emotions— he was so much like his brothers and mother in a sense. Aimee always approached them with the five-finger solution before they could even burst into tears or anger. 
So, for Hervé to keep quiet? 
Even Aimee couldn’t get an answer from him. What did he mean by his name was a stupid name? Charles asked himself this a couple of times. 
His name was Hervé— that was a typical French name, no? What made Hervé think that his name, his late grandfather’s name, was silly? Charles tried approaching his son about the matter every minute since the boys got home from school, but much to his dismay, the boy evaded him. 
But there was only one person that Hervé wouldn’t refuse to answer. Much like his late grandfather, Hervé never refused his Mamé. 
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So the next day, Pascale Leclerc — the grandmother of the Leclerc boys — took the liberty to have a day off with the upset boy. Jules felt incomplete without Hervé in the school but went nonetheless, and the five-year-old boy PJ went to kindergarten while Aimee, Charles and the youngest twins went out. Pascale stayed at home with Hervé and baked cookies with him. 
After putting the cookie dough into the preheated oven, Pascale served the boy some tea, to which Hervé gratefully drank as his grandmother sat across from him.
She sighed and placed a hand on his knee, “Est-il vrai que tu t'es fâché contre ton père, Hervé?” Is it true that you got angry with your dad, Hervé? She asked, her question leaving him frozen as he looked at Pascale guiltily. 
Hervé carefully sat his mug down on the table and nodded solemnly, not uttering a word. Pascale asked, “Has it been a rough day for you? That’s why you got angry?” 
Hervé shook his head as Pascale suggested, “Veux-tu dire à Mamé ce qui t'a mis en colère? Peut-être pouvons-nous trouver une solution ensemble?” Will you tell Mamé what has gotten you angry? Maybe we can find a solution together?
The longer the silence lasted, the more the tears flowed out of Hervé’s eyes as his lips pursed and trembled. The poor boy couldn’t help but stammer, “Mon nom est tellement silly et stupide, Mamé!” My name is so silly and stupid! He continued to cry out, “Kylian a dit que mon nom venait de «Herbe et fromage» et c'est très stupide! Je n'aime pas mon nom, Mamé!” Kylian said that my name came from ‘Herb and cheese’ and that it’s stupid! I don’t like my name, Mamé! 
Pascale’s eyes nearly teared up at the confession that Hervé made. He hated his name because someone made him feel like it wasn’t worth appreciating. Her poor grandson was subjected to this kind of behaviour, which felt so… disheartening. 
“Oh, Hervé,” Pascale immediately reached out to soothe the boy, shushing him quietly while he sobbed. His eyes shut as tears continued to flow down, soaking Pascale’s cardigan in the process. “Your name is not stupid or silly; did you know that?”
His crying lasted for several minutes, with Pascale patiently soothing him in the process. When his sobbing quietened, Pascale took this as an opportunity to tell him about his name.
She sighed shakily, not wanting to shed a tear or two as she explained, “Da, Uncle Lorenzo and Uncle Arthur had their own Da— you have seen him before in the pictures, oui?” She felt the boy nod through her chest as she hummed and continued, “That was your Papy. Do you know what his name was? His name was Hervé.” 
“Her—“ the boy hiccuped. “Hervé? Like me?”
“Oui, mon amour,” Pascale replied with a soft smile, “Hervé like you.”
“You are sooo much like your Papy Hervé, that is why Maman and Da named you after him,” Pascale continued, “you are as funny and happy as him. When he was still alive I used to call him Herb. I loved him so much, mon chou.
“And when he was gone, your Da and your uncles filled the rest of the space in my heart that you and your brothers soon took over,” Pascale smiled, “and I think that your name is beautiful like it is with my Herb’s.” 
“It is?” 
“Oui, my love,” Pascale replied, “your name is what keeps your Papy’s memories alive for your Da and your uncles. Do not let anyone think that it is a silly name because you are an amazing boy with an amazing name. Your Maman and Da love you so much, and your Da? He loved his Papa so much that he decided to name another person he loved after him. That’s you, mon cœur.” 
Ever since then, Hervé learned how to embrace his name and would often explain to everyone where his name came from, even in the grid and paddock. 
Nobody needed to ask where his name came from— after all, he is Hervé Leclerc. He was just as joyful and enthusiastic as his grandfather. 
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drvscarlett · 5 months
Esteban Ocon x childhood bestfriend!reader
Summary: Esteban has been pining over his bestfriend for the longest time. How long will it take her to see that what she's looking for is right in front of her?
The Tortured Drivers' Department series
A/N: And the first person that I'll be crossing off the list is Estie bestie. I think he is probably one of the drivers that gives me the wholesome aura. Let me know what you think or if you wanna be added to the taglist.
Taglist. @tea-bobba @boiohboii @c-losur3 @haikyuen @stelena-klayley @stinkyjax @0710khj @jinimon-tr
Now, pretty baby, I'm runnin' back home to you. Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to.
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Dear Diary,
Today I met my first ami (ami is friend in french) and he is Esteban something long name Okon. He is so nice to me. He said hi and helped me swing on the swing sets. I hope I meet more ami like Esteban but he is my favoriteeeee!!!
6 years old Esteban was actually running away from class when he stumbled upon a girl swinging alone at the park's swing set. He frowns because he noticed that every kid at the park have someone to play with but she has no one. Esteban was in an internal battle to just leave it alone but he can't help but feel bad for her.
He walked to the girl and he sat next to the empty swing next to her.
Y/N looked at the stranger that just joined her. Her interest was piqued because no one wants to be around her. She blamed it in her inability to speak French so she was hesitant to scare off the potential play mate.
"I'm Esteban, you are new?" Esteban started.
Esteban's english was not perfect especially with a strong French accent but he can hold a good conversation. He can see how the excited grin appeared in her face.
"Y/N! You speak good, can we be friends?" she asked.
She extends her hands to the boy and Esteban shakes it.
"Mon ami"Esteban agrees.
There was a visible confusion in her face. Esteban mentally slaps himself as he forgot that she cannot speak french.
"It mean friends"he added.
"Mon ami Esteban" it rolls right in her tongue.
And although there was a great language barrier, they managed to stay there at the swing sets till it was time to go home for dinner. Their antics and their grand hand gestures helped them communicate with each other.
Dear Diary,
I told Estie that I will be missing thanksgiving a lot because I don't live in US. His mom and dad cooked, we had our own version of thanksgiving. I'm so grateful to my mon ami, Estie.
Usually, Esteban's afterschool routine was drop his bags and leave the house to meet up with his bestfriend, Y/N. They would go sit at the swing set for hours or maybe watch the television at Y/N's house. It was a routine that Mrs. Ocon has been familiar with ever since Y/N came into the picture.
"Maman, can I talk to you about something"
Esteban made a beeline to his mother as soon as he gets home this afternoon.
"Did you have any troubles in school?" Mrs. Ocon wondered.
"Not at all Maman" Esteban answers "I just need help with something Maman about Y/N"
Mrs. Ocon tried to hide the smile in her face as he mutters a soft "oh". Meanwhile, Esteban reached out a piece of paper from his bag.
"Maman I drew this at school, this is a tradition that Y/N misses in America"Esteban explains.
The paper was filled with drawings of stick figures sitting in a table. The table was filled with dishes messily drawn in a muddle of green, brown, and orange.
Mrs. Ocon looks at her son with confusion, she still didn't know what he needs help in.
"What are you trying to say Esteban?"she asked
"This 28 is the thanksgiving dinner and Y/N says that her parents will be busy. She told me its just like a normal dinner but you say thank you for everything you are grateful about"Esteban elaborates "Can we do that Maman and can we invite Y/N to join us"
"That's a wonderful gesture to do for your friend Esteban" Mrs Ocon coos.
Esteban breaks out into a grin with the agreement of his mother.
"But you will be helping me prepare the dishes okay?" Mrs. Ocon added
"Of course Maman, I'll do anything"
Esteban gives his Mother a tight hug. He was extremely grateful because he knows how much Y/N has been missing so many american things lately. He was just scared that she'll leave France and then go back to America then he will never see her again.
On the other hand, Mrs. Ocon can call it mother instincts but she called it from this moment that her son is in love with his bestfriend.
Dear Diary,
I like reading a lot while my bestfriend Estie loves riding the small karts. I like going to school, Estie doesn't like that. It seems like were different with each other. I'm scared of losing my bestfriend, what should i do?
But I'll support him. I want him to be happy. Thats what bestfriends do.
"I wanna be a race car driver"Esteban blurts out one time that they were watching those Formula 1 races on the television.
Y/N started laughing because she thought it was a joke but when she looked at him, his eyes were looking at the race cars with so much determination.
"Wait, you are serious?"
"Can't you picture me driving those cars? It's like being wind woosh" Esteban mimicked the movement of the cars.
"But its like dangerous, you could crash" Y/N argues.
They have seen some serious crashes in the times that they watched F1. Y/N couldn't forget that dogpile crash in Monaco just a few weeks ago, her heart nearly stopped when the car hits a marshal cleaning up debris.
"Then I'm going to train to be a good driver so I don't crash" Esteban confidently states.
"But what about school?"Y/N asked "You're not seriously leaving me there"
"Woah, I said I wanna be a race car driver"Esteban clarifies "I didn't say anything about leaving you. You are mon ami"
"But school Estie?"Y/N repeats
Both of them knows that Esteban never found a knack for the academics, his favorite class was physical education. As much as Y/N tries to encourage him to study, he didn't like to do that a lot. Esteban always said that the braincells of Y/N will be enough for them to share and to get through life.
"I really wanna be a race car driver"Esteban insisted.
Y/N knew Esteban very well that if he sets his mind to it then he is bound to do it. There is nothing else she can do but support it.
"Esteban Ocon, a grand prix winner" Y/N shows her encouragement "I could picture it the crowd goes roar and you step onto those podiums holding those big trophies"
Esteban grins at her enthusiasm.
"And then I could take you with me to watch them when you finish school"Esteban added "We could travel the world together when I become a driver"
"Esteban wait so if you do become a race driver then maybe I can meet Kimi"Y/N wondered.
"Wow you only want me to go to F1 for Kimi huh"
"Well its a good opportunity to meet the man, the myth, the legend"
Dear Diary,
I'm just really really sad today. Estie will be moving far away from here. Maybe I only get to see him on the weekends. I'll miss my bestfriend, mon ami
They were at the swing sets when Esteban broke the news that he was accepted to compete for karting competitions. Y/N was immediately ecstatic to hear this but there was a frown gracing Esteban's face.
"You just told me that you are gonna compete for go karting but why do you look so sad" Y/N inquires "Isn't this like the first step in being an F1 driver?"
It is but Esteban hadn't predicted how costly this whole thing will be and how sacrifices have to be made in order to reach his dreams.
"We have to leave the house"Esteban breaks the news.
"Leave?"Y/N was confused "I mean don't you really have to leave the house to go to the go karting place..but you'll come back right?"
He shakes his head and Y/N could feel the reason for the sad looks on his face. Her heart feels like cracking especially when Esteban starts to speak again.
"They sold the house to get me a kart" Esteban's voice was filled with so much sadness "They knew it was my dream and the whole family sees a lot of potential that I can do it. I just feel terrible that they have to make sacrifices to make my dreams come true"
They were merely ten years old but it was a lot of burden to carry and to understand. Y/N is at loss for words but she just grabbed Esteban's hands.
"Then you have to give your all and be the best race driver ever okay?"Y/N reminded him
Esteban looked at Y/N and there were stray tears leaving her eyes but she has a brave face on and an encouraging smile. He was lucky to have a family that believes in him and he was even more luckier because he gets to have another supporter in the form of his bestfriend.
"You make a lot of money so you can buy your home again and you can treat your parents out"Y/N says "You have to do well okay, we all believe in you Estie"
And its these words that kept repeating on Esteban's mind whenever he is on track.
Dear Diary,
It's my birthday today. Did you believe that Estie waited till it turned midnight here in France just to call me. My bestfriend be setting up the standards for everyone. I got a cake in the morning from my classmates and then we went to have dinner. Sixteen, im getting old now.
Esteban and Y/N had a tradition since they were kids that they will wait for each other's birthday because they wanted to be the first person to greet each other.
The minute that the clock strikes 12, Y/N's phone starts vibrating. She had a grin on her face upon seeing the name on the caller ID.
"Well hello there Mr. Lightning McQueen"Y/N greeted.
"Happiest birthday to my sweetest mon ami"Esteban cheered on the other line "You know that I wish you all the best things in life and all of happiness that life has to offer"
"I'm surprised you had time to call, don't you have to wake up early later for your race?" Y/N questioned.
It was true, they don't get to talk as much whenever Esteban was in a competition season. Y/N doesn't mind it that much because Esteban will message whenever he can.
"I wouldn't miss my favorite person's day" Esteban answers.
His remarks made Y/N blush. It was a good thing that this is just a phone call conversation or she had some explaining to do.
"That makes me miss you way way more Estie"Y/N sighs "I hope I can see you again"
"Is that your birthday wish?" Esteban jokes
"My birthday wish is an F1 seat for you" Y/N declares.
"Hey, stop wishing about me. It's your day wish for YOUR day" Esteban argues.
"Then I wish for my bestfriend to get an F1 seat so I can meet Kimi"Y/N rephrases.
They spent a good time talking to each other. Y/N updates Esteban about those girls in her class that she wants to be friends with and how difficult physics assignments are. Esteban mentions about the trainings and the different race drivers that he met on track.
Esteban knows that he might probably regret staying up late but everything always seems worth it when it comes to Y/N.
"Well its really nice catching up to you but school starts at 7 tomorrow"Y/N yawns a bit "You must be pretty tired as well with all the training"
"Don't you worry about me here, I'm doing okay"
"You are the best Estie" Y/N said "Goodnight estie, love you"
Love. That's the word that Esteban has been pondering about a lot lately. It was that stage of life that people are getting girlfriends and boyfriends because they love that person. The only person that Esteban thinks he can love and be in a relationship with is Y/N.
First he thought, maybe its because Y/N's a close friends. Many people get the lines blurred between friendship and relationship. However, Esteban is beginning to realize that he likes Y/N more than a friend.
But, Esteban was scared of scaring her off or losing her so he settles with this.
"Good night Y/N, love you more"
Dear Diary,
So Esteban and I went to our first party because Esteban finally had a permanent team for the upcoming 2017 season. We had a few drinks to celebrate and I met a boy. His name is Vincent. I think we hit it off pretty well.
Esteban has this all night planned with him announcing that he is getting a permanent seat in Formula 1 to inviting her to the races to confessing his feelings and then hopefully get a New Year Eve's kiss.
However, here he is in the bathroom chickening out with his plans.
"C'mon Esteban, you can do this" he preps himself.
In his mind, he had everything written and prepared. He will start talking about the childhood how he was so glad to meet her and to her being the number 1 fan since day 1. Then he will move to his realizations and such when he was moving up to F1.
"Just say what you feel and be true. It's gonna work out"Esteban tells his reflection to the mirror.
With one spray of water to the face, Esteban exits the bathroom to find Y/N in the sea of crowd.
He searches for her and he was glad to see that she was still at the same place where he left her. However, his face scrunches up because there was another guy around her.
"Estieee!"Y/N calls out "I want you to meet Vincent, he is my new friend"
Esteban eyes the man because he didn't even look at him. Vincent's eyes were only looking at Y/N's and Esteban could feel his heart drop. He knows that look all too well because that is how he looks at her.
There goes his chance.
Dear Diary,
This is my first christmas with Vincent as my boyfriend. Were still getting used with the presents thing and I think I overwhelmed him a bit. But I think that its going well, Mom loves Vincent. Dad and Esteban doesn't seem to think that Vincent is good for me.
"Okay, time to open christmas presents!" Y/N excitedly announce.
Everyone gathers at the Christmas tree. It was a yearly tradition in the household that after lunch they go one-by-one in opening the gifts. Y/N always loved presents so she would always go first.
"Merry Christmas darling"Vincent says as he gives his present.
Esteban manages to keep his expression straight but he would have gagged if he could. He was filled with so much jealousy that he could have been in that position right now if he didn't chicken out.
Also, there was something so irritating and wrong about Vincent. He just don't have any proof about it. Mr. Y/L/N has a similar theory which he discussed with Esteban when they were in the garage earlier.
Y/N opens the box and she saw a gold chain with the letter V. It was a very beautiful necklace and it seems expensive as well. She musters up a smile as she thanks her boyfriend.
"This is beautiful Vincent" Y/N admires as she takes it off the box.
"I know."Vincent agrees "When I saw it in the store, I immediately thought of you"
The thoughts were sweet but Esteban couldn't help himself.
"Mate"Esteban calls "Y/N doesn't wear gold"
It was the truth that Y/N never wore any gold jewelry but since it was a gift, she was putting on a smile. Esteban knows that Y/N is just being appreciative to be respectful. Frankly, he was a bit pissed off that Vincent didn't even pay attention to that simple details of Y/N.
"Oh, I didn't know that"Vincent sheepishly grins "I didn't notice that, maybe I should take it b-"
"No, no. I'll wear it, its the thought that counts"Y/N settles.
"Next year, I'll get you a better gift" Vincent assures.
Mr. Y/L/N and Esteban could only share an eye roll, they really hope that they don't get to see Vincent next year around.
Dear Diary,
Today is emotionally draining and I find it hard to sleep with a lots of thoughts in my head. It feels really different to see Estie in an F1 car. I simply can't believe it that he went to watching race cars to driving one. It sucks about whats about to happen but I am so proud of my bestfriend, mon ami Estie. I will always be proud of him no matter what.
One of the worst things that could probably happen is to not finish a race but the feeling intensifies when it happened on your home race. Esteban wanted to kick himself for his misfortune. He didn't even get a lap in when Gasly collided him thus ending their races.
"Stupid" Esteban repeats the video all over again.
The door gently opens and Esteban would have shouted to leave him alone but Y/N peeked out of the door. It was like instant moment of peace for Esteban then its back to feeling like a failure because he suddenly remembered that everyone he loves have watched him DNF live.
"Estie, they told me you were here"Y/N greeted "You wanna talk?"
"I rather not" Esteban quickly answered.
"Hey, its just one bad weekend Estie"Y/N sits next to him.
"This is that one weekend that should have been a good weekend. Everyone is watching me and I didn't even start a lap before getting fucked"
The crack in Esteban's voice signifies that it was extremely heartbreaking for him to have this performance for his home race. Y/N could only tap his shoulder for comfort.
"Estie, you will have a lot of weekends ahead of you and you still have a lot more weekends that we will be watching. Don't be too hard on yourself" Y/N comforts "You can bounce back like you always do"
"You believe in me way too much"
"You already came a long way Estie. From sitting and watching them race every Sunday to actually driving a car. You should be proud of yourself" Y/N reminds.
There was something else painful in Esteban's heart. The recent issues regarding the team doesn't guarantee him for a seat in the coming year. It was another reason why he felt so down with what happened.
"Would you still be proud of me even if I don't have an F1 seat?" Esteban asked.
"What? What happened Estie?" Y/N was shocked.
"I might not have a team to drive for next year. I don't know if anyone is going to pick me with my DNFs and everything, I'm not a good candidate"
Esteban sheds the tears he has been trying to hide. He knew that this was a safe place to talk to Y/N. Everything just felt so heavy.
"Oh my god Estie, I'm sorry"Y/N consoles her bestfriend.
The two bestfriend knew how much this Formula 1 seat meant. It was a lot of struggles and sacrifice to reach this moment. One moment they were just kids going on karting season and now Esteban was getting his F1 seat. Now its being taken away, its like waking up from a good dream.
Y/N brushes away her tears and started to pace as if devising a plan.
"Don't you dare think that just because you are not getting a team next year is that you are a bad driver. You are a great driver okay,remember that." Y/N encourages "Take the year off. Improve your skills, get better then make a comeback"
If Y/N believes that he can make a comeback then Esteban believes that as well.
Dear Diary,
I had a fight with Vincent. He told me that I am spending too much time with Esteban. He wanted me to stay away from Estie like who is he to tell me what to do.
I told him to be more patient with Estie because he really needs support right now. I hate how stupid and irrational Vincent is.
Esteban was just picking up one of his cousin at the club when he saw a familiar figure at the alley. He just wanted to say hi to Vincent but when he noticed that he was holding hands with a girl, who is definitely not Y/N, Esteban started to follow.
He watched as how Vincent pulled the girl into a kiss and all Esteban could see was red.
"OHMYGOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"The girl shouts.
Esteban lands a solid punch. He doesn't care if Vincent is drunk or whatever but he should never cheat especially on a woman as amazing as Y/N.
"I tried to give you a chance, you fucking ruined it"Esteban lands another punch at Vincent.
"What the fuck man, get off!"Vincent screams.
The fact that Esteban was willing to let go and watch Y/N be happy with Vincent. He was willing to do that because Vincent makes Y/N happy but seeing this. Its not gonna happen anymore.
Two bouncers of the club broke them off. The girl immediately tended to the beaten up Vincent, Esteban dust himself off as he sets out a threat.
"You better come clean and tell her the truth or else I fucking will" Esteban warns.
"FUCK YOU MAN" Vincent shouts back "I know you like her! I know you are just waiting for an opportunity to ruin us"
"I'm not the one who ruined the fucking relationship Vincent, it was you who fucking cheated on Y/N"
Esteban was seething as he returned to the car. His mind thumbs to call Y/N but he knows that it will break Y/N's heart terribly if he tells her the truth.
Dear Diary,
I hate this feeling of being ina fight with Esteban. He said some things that aren't true and I said some things that must have hurt him a lot. I don't think we will be okay any time soon. I just wish I could have turned back time to talk about the whole thing more carefully.
There are not many things that Esteban and Y/N disagrees with each other. It was quite rare to see them fight each other because they fit perfectly just like that. Usually, their fights are just simple misunderstandings and harmless that they will make up in a day or so.
This time its different.
Everything started when Y/N explained that she'll be moving to Vincent's apartment, something that triggered Esteban greatly. It was apparent that Y/N had no idea of what happened at the club so Esteban told the whole truth.
Y/N is in complete denial and called Esteban a liar. So here they are with their raised tones.
"If you are my fucking friend then you would have told me the minute you saw it" Y/N explained "Why didn't you fucking call"
"I was protecting you. I know it would hurt you to know the truth and I told Vincent that he has to be the one to come clean" Esteban fights back.
"Protecting me with a grand lie?"
"I thought you don't fucking believe me that Vincent is cheating" Esteban frustrated with the argument.
"I don't know who to fucking believe because you would have told me right away if its real" Y/N cried.
The emotions were all too high, they were a ticking time bomb ready to explode. Esteban could not hide the disappointment in his face that Y/N didn't believe him.
"You don't trust me" Esteban realized.
"No Esteban, its not like-"
"Then what is it like?" Esteban asked "It seems as if you totally forgot that it was me who you could always trust no matter what. You forgot that I was your bestfriend since the beginning that was always there."
Y/N didn't want to get all the blame so she strikes back again even though tears were threatening to fall.
"You know its very fucking ironic that you say that" Y/N's words were like bullets "You didn't fucking trust me to believe you either that's why you didn't call"
Esteban was speechless and then he shakes his head.
"Where are you going?"Y/N chases after.
"I'm going home, away from you"
"Fine. Don't fucking come back" Y/N slams the door.
There were a lot of things said and done. They both don't know how they regretted everything.
Dear Diary,
This whole lockdown is a little bit fucked. I was cleaning up some files in my computer and I saw a photo of me and Estie. I wonder if he is still mad at me and I wonder how he is doing with lockdowns. I wanted to reach out to him but I can't help but think back how much I must have hurt him before.
Vincent is a bit stressed with the whole lockdown situation. He gets frustrated easily especially with the new work set-up. I'm sure he will get better at handling his emotions, I just have to understand this for the moment.
Esteban was scrolling through his instagram feed. He had nothing much to do since the lockdown kept everyone inside their homes. There was this feeling of uncertainty when can they race again but Esteban could only hope that they can race again even by May or June.
His hands stopped when he saw the newest instagram post of Y/N. It was a photo of her cooking a dish and the next set of photos showcases more of her lockdown diaries.
There was a bitter smile gracing on Esteban's face when he saw the photo of Vincent. It seems as if Vincent hasn't told the truth yet or maybe he lied to Y/N that's why they are still together. Esteban feels like he could punch the guy if he ever sees him again.
Not a day goes by that he regrets that fight he had with Y/N. It was just utterly pointless that it happened and he misses her. He hopes that she is okay and maybe after this whole lockdown is over then he'll go and find her again.
With heavy sighs, he scrolls past the post without liking it.
Dear Diary,
Esteban is a grand prix winner. I'm really so proud of him, I shed some tears when he reach the final lap. I don't know if its the emotions or the adrenaline but I also messaged him and I was surprised that he answered. It seems like this is a start of a good thing.
There were no words to describe how amazing the feeling was to be on top of the podium. Esteban could only imagine that feeling before but now he is living it. Everything felt like a wild dream because when he started the race he didn't even know that he will end up being a race winner after.
Collapsing to his bed, he finally opens his phone and it was immediately buzzing with so many messages. There was one message conversation that catches his attention
Y/N: Hi Esteban! I hope this is still your number. I watched the race today and I'm really so proud of you. I want to waive a white flag because this is everything that you have dreamed of all these years. There are no words to describe how proud I am of you. You have come a long way from that kid by the swing set. You will always have my support (even if we have a cold war). Y/N: I'm also sorry. I said some things that was really not good for me to say. I'm sorry I'm doing this over a text and I'm sorry that it took me this long. Y/N: I hope you are okay. You better drink up some champagne, you deserve it Grand Prix Winner.
There was this warmth that seems to envelope him as he reads the messages. It feels nice to know that she stills supports him even though they are not talking.
Esteban catches himself smiling through his phone screen confirming that his feelings for her still exist.
"Oh fuck it, this feeling never goes away doesn't it"
Dear Diary,
Vincent proposed to me today in front of a crowd today. Mentally I wanted to say no because I don't think that I am ready for it or maybe its just the fact that I'm not sure that Vincent is ready for it. I just said yes because there was a large group of people. I felt like I was put on the spot and I didn't like it.
Maybe, its just the nerves.
Mrs. Ocon had been keeping tabs with Mrs. Y/L/N even when the two had stopped talking to each other. They often update with each others lives when they get their nails done. Today, Mrs. Ocon couldn't believe the news shared to her so she hurried downstairs to find Esteban.
"Is it true Esteban?" Mrs. Ocon asked
"What's true maman?"
Esteban has just finished doing simulations so he have not been with his phone for quite some time. His mother immediately shoved her phone to his hand. Esteban squints as she watched the video of someone getting proposed at the Eiffel Tower.
"Maman, I'm not getting married anytime soon"Esteban jokes.
He has been pestered multiple times about getting married or getting a girlfriend but Esteban didn't want any of those. Nothing could compare to Y/N so he would rather not date anyone else.
"Just look more closely"Mrs Ocon insisted.
Scrunching up his nose, Esteban finally noticed the familiar faces of the couple. And it feels like a deja vu from his experience so many years ago when he almost confessed for New Years Eve.
Only this time, the pain has been magnified.
"That's good for Y/N, I'm.."Esteban holds his breath "happy for her"
"Honey...It's okay to not feel happy.."
Mrs Ocon has been one of the witness of everything and she knows how much her son loves Y/N. She extended a hug and soon the tall French man just let all his tears fall.
Dear Diary,
I called it off, Vincent cheated on me and there was another girl on the side. He got her pregnant. I felt so stupid because I have been ignoring so many red flags all these years, I should have known better. I don't know what to fucking do, I hate him so much.
"What the fuck is wrong with me"
Y/N was a mess and anyone else who have been confronted with the reality that they have been in a fucked up relationship for so long will be a complete mess.
"There is nothing wrong with you Y/N" Esteban repeated "It was not your fault that he cheated"
"I was so stupid Estie, I wasted so many years for him"
This has been an ongoing process for a while now. Its been a good two weeks since they broke up but Y/N was still stuck in a period of asking questions and crying.
"I want my fucking life back and I can't get it back"Y/N laments.
Esteban doesn't know what he could do to help but he just became the shoulder that she can lean on. It was a good thing that there weren't much to do yet, he can still be with Y/N for a while.
"You know on the brighter side of life, you are still lucky that you didn't marry him" Esteban suggested "Like imagine all the divorce and process you have to go through if you did marry him"
"I might have ugly children if I married Vincent" Y/N scoffs.
"He is not your problem anymore Y/N, just ignore him"Esteban encourages.
Y/N lets out a frustrated cry as she messes up her hair again.
"I can't just fucking ignore him. He have been with me for a good period of my life and people just expect me to move on and go on with my life. I lost so many things about myself that I don't even trust myself after him"
Tears started falling from her eyes. She wipes them up as Esteban guided her to a chair.
"I'm sorry Y/N, here lets take a seat and I'll get you water" Esteban said before leaving to go to the kitchen.
There was something so nice to have Esteban around. Even if she shouts or screams like that, Esteban is still patient and kind with her. He was not rushing her to move past what she feels, he allows her to speak.
"You know, I can survive on my own" Y/N mutters.
"I know"Esteban agrees as he handed her the water "But I wanted to be here for you. You have always been there for me when I'm at my lowest of lows, I wanna be there for you now"
It was rare to see Y/N's smiles nowadays but with Esteban saying stuffs like that, she can't help but smile. She was very grateful to have Esteban around. She didn't know how she could survive without Esteban's help.
"Thanks estie
Dear Diary,
Is it too soon to open up my heart again? I really want to try but I am scared. Maybe this is what happens when you've been in a shitty relationship for so long.
I also know that I dont wanna mess up things. If I do mess up things, I'm not going to just miss someone but I'll miss that boy I met at the swingset.
Maybe this year can do me good.
"Esteban for a driver, you are pretty slow driving normal cars"Y/N teased.
"I have to be careful, accidents always happen and I don't wanna injure you before a flight" Esteban argues.
Esteban unloads all their bags. The two of them are going abroad however they are going to different countries. Y/N is going back to her old American home and she might be there for a while. On the other hand, Esteban is going to Bahrain for the pre-testing.
"You sure you have everything?" Esteban asked "Passports? Tickets? chargers?"
"Hey Mr. I forgot my passport, dont lecture me about forgetting things"Y/N smirked.
"Just double check and don't be like me then"
For onlookers they look like a couple about to travel together. How Esteban wishes that was the case but they are just a couple of bestfriends.
"Gonna miss you mon ami"Y/N hugs Esteban "I think I see my gate over there, call me okay"
"Of course I will"Esteban assures.
Y/N was already walking a decent few meters away when Esteban started to debate if he should tell her now. It seems spontaneous but this is a now or never situation.
"Wait up Y/N!"
"Did you forget something?"she teased
She turned her head and found Esteban catching up to her. There were beads of sweat on his forehead and Y/N could tell that Esteban was a bit nervous about something.
"Actually there is something I wanna tell you" Esteban starts.
"Oh what about it?"
She tilts her head in curiosity as Esteban takes in a large deep breath.
"I never forgot my passport. I was just using it as an excuse so I can spend more time with you. I didn't wanna go away from you because I miss you and I love you"Esteban declares.
"Aww Estie, you know I love you too-"
"No, Y/N its not that kind of love"Esteban clarifies "I love you as in I love you in a non-platonic way. I love you in a way that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you in a way that I'll do everything so that I'm always coming home to you"
There was silence between the two of them. Esteban was looking for any signs of disgust or rejection in Y/N's eyes but so far those emotions doesn't seem to appear. He feels brave enough to continue further.
"Look, I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend. I know you need time to heal from whatever happened to you. I won't rush you. I have waited since were little kids, this is nothing compared to that. Allow yourself to heal and be yourself. Explore the world. Then if you want me, I'm just here waiting for you"
Esteban's word was filled with so much love and adoration. It was the respect that Y/N needed for having suffer a bad relationship. How could she be so blind not to see what's in front of her all along.
Y/N leans to hug him.
"I won't answer this for now, wait for me to be healed okay?"she whispers.
"Of course Y/N, always waiting for you."
Dear Diary,
Almost a year and so since my last entry.
I have visited a lot of places to find myself and to heal myself. It was a beautiful journey going to foreign places and trying new things. Actually gave me a new perspective in life that makes me confidently say that I am healed. Some things take a lot of time before we tend to appreciate it.
I have someone waiting for me for almost 22 years already. I'm finally going home to him.
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cherryxcadbury · 2 years
Mbappe loving the relationship his girlfriend has with his family. His mom loves her, his brother coming to her for girl advice, his niece and nephew always wanting come over by Aunty Y/N
this is so so so cuteee
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y/n: your name 
"I've been dying to see them again." You spoke to your boyfriend, Kylian on your way to his parents house.
"All those two ever talk about is seeing Auntie Y/N." Kylian chuckled, referring to his niece and nephew. 
“Now that I think about it, I think they like you more than me.” Kylian pondered.
You chuckled, “Can you blame them? You’re not exactly the most likable person in the world.” 
“Cherie everyone loves me.” Kylian scoffed, turning onto his parents’ street.
You mused at his response. 
“God the paparazzi again. Keep your head down Cherie.” Kylian advised you, as you both became blinded by the camera flashes. 
“What are they doing all the way out here in Bondy.” You muttered.
“They found out where my parents house was at the beginning of January. Been here ever since.” Kylian explained.
The flashes continued to blind the both of you. Kylian rested a hand on your thigh as a meaning of comfort. 
“Ease off the gas pedal slowly Kiks. Their driveway’s coming up.” You directed him as you both managed to pull into the gated home unscathed.
“I feel like one of these days you’re going to eventually go blind.” You sighed.
“That would be a true tragedy. Wouldn’t be able to see your beautiful face anymore.” Kylian winked at you, to which you just rolled your eyes despite a blush forming on your cheeks. 
Before you could respond, noise outside the car caught both of your attention. At the doorstep was Kylian’s mother, waiting with her grandkids, Kylian’s older brother’s children. 
The two were frantically jumping up and down, awaiting your arrival. 
You turned to share a knowing look with Kylian but he was already outside opening your door for you. 
“You go greet them while I get the bags from the back.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You smiled gratefully, walking to the door where the two little ones ran into your arms, covering you in hugs and kisses.
“Auntie Y/N! Bonjour!” They squealed.
The two of them were only fluent in French, but were rapidly learning English as they started school. You yourself didn’t speak French but you knew enough to communicate with them. 
“Bonjour [insert French word for children]! Are you being good for Mama and Papa?” You asked them, bright smiles on their faces.
They enthusiastically nodded, “Oui Oui! Of course!” 
“So you do love Auntie Y/N more than me!” Kylian feigned hurt. 
“You two best go show Uncle Kiks some love else he’ll start crying.” You whispered to them, to which they quickly complied, running to his arms.
“Y/N!” Kylian’s mom welcomed you with a warm hug.
She also did not speak much English and you didn’t speak French but you always found someway to communicate. 
“Comment allez-vous?” You asked, hoping your accent wasn’t too horrible.
You saw her eyes gleam with pride.
“Speaking French just for me! How sweet!” She exclaimed.
“Now come, come! They all want to see you!” His mom beckoned you into the house.
“Uh Mama!” Kylian complained, trying to make his mom remember he too was there.
His mom rolled her eyes muttering something sarcastically in French before hugging and kissing him on the cheeks. He was a huge Mama’s boy. They always jokingly fought with each other. 
You all went to the sitting room where the two little ones had magically teleported from Kylian’s arms back to their parents laps. 
Kylian’s father was the first to stand. He hugged Kylian first, who was physically closer to him before coming over to you.
“Y/N, cherie! Come over here!” He beamed with delight.
You and Wilfried Mbappe got along splendidly. He spoke a bit more English than the rest of his family and was someone you enjoyed talking with. You both loved facing each other in a game of cards and discussing your latest reads with each other. You’d even managed to get him to read cheesy rom coms, your guilty pleasures.
“Did you read the latest book I sent you?” He questioned, hugging you.
You nodded, “I did! It was a very quick read.”
“It was really good! The historical setting was enthralling. But you and I both know you preferred reading The Cheat Sheet.” You replied knowingly, resulting in a laugh from Wilfried.
“Okay okay enough! I want, no need to talk to Y/N now!” Ethan plowed his dad out of the way. 
Ethan smiled at you cheekily before bring you to the kitchen.
“Someone seems excited.” You mused at Kylian’s younger brother.
He was only a few years younger than you, so you got on quite well.
“Do you remember the girl I was telling you about?” 
You furrowed your brows in remembrance. Of course you remembered. Ethan would not stop talking about her.
“Oui, oui. Her!” Ethan exclaimed, sharing the same bright smile Kylian did. 
“Her family supports Marseille.” He grimaced. 
“Yuck. That makes a messy Le Classique.” You responded. 
“Exactly! And we’re playing Marseille’s youth team next week and she’s going to be there because her brother plays for them. So what do I do on the pitch?” 
“Ethan, you do know not everything can be settled with football right?” You glanced at him with amusement.
“But if it had to be…” He tried to steer you in the direction he was headed in.
You rolled your eyes, “The maybe score and dedicate the goal to her. Or look at her during a celebration.” 
Ethan stroked his non existent beard. 
“That’s good! I like it! Maybe I’ll do one of Kylian’s celebrations. Because she’s in love with Kylian! Honestly I think she might even be into him.” Ethan rambled.
You laughed at his lovestruck expression, “How old is she again?” 
“19.” Ethan responded simply.
Your eyes bulged out. She was somewhat similar in age to you. Not at all suitable for 16 year old Ethan. 
You playfully nudged him.
“Do not try and get with her.” You warned.
“Dummy! She’s 19 and you’re 16! So gross on so many levels. Also illegal. Also, not many 19 year olds are into 16 year olds. And if they are, they need to get their heads checked.” You explained.
“You have a point. She seemed kind of bossy anyways, not how I roll. Pretend this never happened!” Ethan exclaimed. 
“I promise.” You smiled, pinky swearing with him.
“Do you wanna know a secret?” He asked. 
“I heard Mama and Kylian talking earlier. She was giving him a family ring she’d saved when she thought he’d found the one.” He whispered before running off. 
What? There was no way. 
You walked back into the sitting room only to see Kylian bent down on one knee, rose petals scattered everywhere, with a book bouquet behind him. 
It didn’t take you more than a second to say yes and find yourself wrapped in his arms. 
Kylian had always known that when he believed he’d found the one, his family would adore her too, unconditionally. And for him, you were exactly that. 
For Kylian, you were the sun, the moon, the stars, and the sky. You were his whole world. He couldn’t imagine living life without you. And luckily for him, you felt the exact same way. 
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I will put this gif on every single post because I cannot with this man 🤩
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dilftesbiggestfan · 9 months
more dante pookie hcs plz its rare to see dante stans
on it bro I’m giving u mys and diaries hcs cuz why not we gotta be more annoying like laurence stans
he gets Gene gifts every Father’s Day since from his perspective he was the one who raised him alongside his mom and was the only father figure he had :,)
Has like 12 guitars (this isn’t over-exaggerating)
started dyeing his hair blue after freshman year of HS, his natural hair color is black
he was a late bloomer so he looked more feminine while the others looked masculine and were developing quickly, Nana thought he was adorable which is why she dated him also at some point Zenix thought he was a girl 💀 after 16 he started developing quickly and becoming more masculine till he finished puberty at 20
grew up in Nashville before moving to the city pdh is located in then he went to college in Spain then he moved to wherever Mystreet is (still haven’t decided but its the USA).
has a masters degree in engineering, and has a great paying job which makes it easier for him to travel a lot, he always takes Gene and his friends/family with him though, he hatessss travelling alone
ages gracefully currently he’s 34 in my rewrite and he still looks 24 same goes to gene (but Mystreet seasons 1 - 3 takes place in their early 20’s and mid 20’s; which is the past I know it’s confusing but so is my head so yeah. If ur wondering seasons 4 - 6 don’t exist and never will be canon to me :))
pretty masculine but still uses makeup and “women’s” perfume / skin care doesn’t care tho
cooks really well but he’s not the best because Laurence is and no one else can compete
when he was dating nana he learned Japanese for her and can speak around 80% of it, basically he can hold up a long conversation he can also speak other languages:
English (obviously, American accent)
French 65% Spanish (Mexican dialect cuz he’s Mexican)
(Spain dialect, he learned the European dialect first then worked his way up to Mexican dialect, he can switch between dialects easily)
he can also understand some Portuguese :)
very picky with fast food, he prefers healthy food but he does like pizza
really calm and chill (unlike his canon version) opposite to Travis who’s extremely chaotic and messy
long hair and refuses to cut it
Eventually he does dye his hair back to black in his 30s after feeling like he damaged it (thankfully he didn’t and won’t be balding like dilfte 😇)
Favourite band is Metallica
nerd when it comes to astrophysics and astronomy
only ex he’s in good terms with is nana who he dated for a while in HS before they decided to mutually split up (no he never dated Nicole I hate that ship)
Loves wolves and tames them he treats them like puppies even though they can rip apart peoples flesh :3
is 7’2… …. ..
insanely beefed up because bro ran a village all by himself for 15 years and trained hard everyday also he canonically beat both laurence and garroth in a fight after the timeskip he’s a beast
ambidextrous and can use both arms efficiently when it comes to combat and fighting
Dilfte rarely shows his face like how Garroth used to wear his helmet back in s1? it’s like that
Extremely gentle and cautious with his wife and kids because of his size
has 7 kids including Dmitri and naoki (so 5 other kids) yeah he been busy
in s2 he’s in his early/mid 30s but in s3 of MCD and afterwards he’s in his early/mid 40s
Still madly in love with his wife and still in that honeymoon stage
Unlike Nicole he let Dmitri pick who he wanted to live with and Dmitri chose Dilfte and Nana
Wraps injured people up in his cape and carries them in it
physically very strong slightly above garroth (if we’re counting physical strength and not magic)
as intimidating as he looks he’s super sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly
likes to go on picnics with his kids and wife
Extremely supportive of his kids and very progressive (keep in mind this is the medieval ages so it was rare)
finds lizards intimidating
bisexual but he doesn’t know what it means all he knows is women and men are both hot
Moved on “quickly” from Nicole because they already were unhappy and distant before breaking up, for months he thought they’d break up the next day so he spent that time wallowing and grieving their relationship until she broke the news to him and left him alone, then he moved on with Nana 2 months later. Which isn’t even quick if we’re being historically accurate.
limits drinking and refuses drinking around any kids, not that he’d go crazy and hurt anyone but still he’s extremely cautious.
Dilfte is probably the only dad who wants his kids to surpass him in the series 💀 he’s very proud of them no matter what though
long hair he puts it up usually (balding and short haired dilfte/dante ur dead to me.)
Still tried to talk to Gene using the amulet even after the incident, Gene would always listen but never respond.
thanks for fuelling the hyperfixation
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sc4rl3tt3c1priann1 · 2 months
Posting this at the exact date of her birth 08/08/ at 8:08 pm
(May contain a lil bit of SA and Self h@rm)
☆Name: Scarlette Machévellaine
Nickname: Lettie
Age: 36 ingame / 28 (in my Au)
Occupation: Actress
Birthdate: 8/8/1919/ 8/8/1927 (my Au)
Ethnicity: French/Chinese
APARTMENT 404 (she lives alone)
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VOICE CLAIM: CATHERINE (Dangerously yours )
☆Some unimportant facts about her that I still wanted to share (sorry in advance for Bad English)
• She's supposed to be for Francis cause I have a Milkman phase in March. But I realised She would do good with Angus so yeah
• She wanted to be an actress. cause it's her mother's dream. So she wants to fullfil it in honor of her dead mom. but it ended up ruining her entire well being.
• "Don't speak unless spoken to" person As in she won't yap if no one told her. Like she's just there if you didn't acknowledge her.
• Neglected as a child by her father. As her mom mysteriously disappeared.
• She was born in China but they Immigrated to France but when she's 7. Her dad randomly decided to immigrate to Italy after her mom disappeared. (Sus Isn't it)
• She started acting at 23. She was really depressed those times since her previous lover was not responding to her letters (her step mom sabotaged it ) but quickly distracted herself by working or just her hobbies.
•Being neglected by her father. but pampered with a lot of gifts thinking it would be enough for his absence.
• She's lactose intolerant but she ain't no puss puss she would still eat dairy products and just suffer the consequences after. but she has a high tolerance in alcohol
• She blames her self for what's happening to her.
• Angus and her met at a cafe. She was all alone and just looks so damn tired of life and Angus offering her a cup of espresso
• She knows what he's in. But never acknowledged that she knows and never will spoke about it.
• Him and Angus are in a hidden relationship. Cause of her job and cause She thinks of his privacy.
"Does it bother you?"
" Yes...Yes it does bother me"
Edit: Can't choose between Princess Aurora's voice (Mary Costa is her voice actor) or Catherine from Dangerously yours 😭 Also I think she was so used to the transatlantic accent she sometimes accidentally speaks in it.
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sharksandjays · 1 year
Finally starting my Ninjago ethnicity headcanon era.
So starting with Jay…guys hear me out. I headcanon him as Korean/American. 🇰🇷🇺🇸(As far as I can in the Ninjago world). American because his father (biological) has so much American vibes and it’d make sense why he left him with another couple of Americans. The Korean hc is simply based on the fact that yesterday I was watching Ninjago in different languages and Korean fit Jay an illegal amount?? The language is just him. I dont know why but it makes sense to me. I dont know how the Korean logistics will work with his biological parents that are so white BUT i will make it work!!!!!! Because it fits him too well!!!!!! But I think he lost most of his Korean since he was raised with English (or Ninjargon) his whole life. In terms of other languages, just like most American families, I feel like Ed and Edna might raise him with some degree of Spanish classes and he got really good at it! But once he figures out he’s adopted and who his real parents are, he wants to learn Korean again too.
With Cole, i’m not going to veer far from the fanon canon and hc him as Puerto Rican/Korean. 🇵🇷🇰🇷 Lilly was Puerto Rican and spoke to him in Spanish until she died, and his dad spoke in Korean to him. Cole lost most of his Spanish after she died and is upset about it, so he and Jay help eachother out! He helps Jay with his Korean and Jay helps him with his Spanish.
Kai and Nya are Filipino/Japanese. 🇵🇭🇯🇵Thats a common hc that I absolutely agree with. They are very Japanese coded despite the occasional Chinese references and clothing choices, and I think both Tagalog and Japanese suit them as languages! They mostly speak Japanese, especially since thats what Lloyd is as well, but they try to keep up their Tagalog between them two.
Zane is Italian, 🇮🇹 or however Italian a nindroid can be. Mostly because Julien’s accent sounded very Italian to me, so in honor of him I think that Zane is the same :).
Lloyd is always a doozy, mostly because of the whole Oni and FSM and whatever Garmadon is thing. But, personally, I think he’s French/Japanese. 🇫🇷🇯🇵. I know Misako isnt a very white name, but she acts so white and I think her being French suits her. It also explains where Lloyd’s blonde hair came from (maybe her parents!) because both she and Garmadon were dark haired. Lloyd knows French because of her but refuses to speak it because he is so bitter about her leaving him and being the worst mom in history. So he just speaks Japanese and whatever the Ninjago universal language is (Ninjargon? Idk)
But yeah! My hcs! Its very hard because Ninjago has its own world and languages but this is Earthified Ninja I guess. Here are some corresponding doodles with this. Im hoping to make a digital version with sexuality and other hcs for them too!
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honeybubblegumpink · 2 months
Wind breaker | mini series
⬤ Jay jo x reader ( Shelly twin sister )
Part 1 : how we met
Note/disclaimer: I do not hate Shelly I absolutely lover her and ship Shelly x jay . I just been having brain rot over jay and I absolutely fell for him.
So I just made reader in shelly position (basically taking Shelly roll as love interest ) and not changing the plot and story of the webtoon bec it's alright a masterpiece . This is just for fun
Sorry for any grammar mistake and credits to the curator of wind breaker
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You are in shelly room as usual looking bored and scrowing tho social media until you crossed a post about some South Korean food wanting to eat some authentic South Korean at South Korean you turned to your twin " hey sis let's go to South Korea "
you said out of the blue to your twin sister as she busy on her phone " South Korea ? Where grandpa is? " Shelly said looking up her phone " so u wanna go? " knowing ur twin she would always agree " hell yea ! Let's leave tomorrow! " Shelly said excited already busy pack her stuff in her expensive suitcase
" I'll tell mom and dad that we'll be staying with grandpa for sometkme in South Korea " you said dialing your parents phone number
" y/n help me pick what to wear tomorrow , this black dress or white? " Shelly asked holding two dresses not know which one
" it doesn't matter what u wear bec ur going to be wearing them anyway. But I'll say the black one fits u better " you said pointing the black dress
" thanks sis " she thanked and threw the white dress on the her bed
»»————> after landing in South Korea <————««
Walking out of the airport you see a creep at the corner of your eye looking at your twin up and down
" what are all these creep staring at ? This is why I can't stand men " Shelly said with disgust and you agree with here
" bonjooooor~ " the creep said to you guys while riding his bike and stopping to winking at your sister and then at you " comment vu-ustedes ? Ah...... voulez-vous sortir avec moi ?" The creep said trying to speak French or Spanish
"What the fuck is he trying to do? Insult us?" you whisper toward your sister
" just spread english , would you " Shelly said to him
" ugh what a weirdo " she whispered " totally " you whispered back at her
" oh you speak English? Where are you from?I was drinking coffee when I saw two angles walking by so I just had to follow you " he said stepping back with his bike seeing us trying to get away
" so do you girls have a boyfriend " the creep kept on asking questions " if you don't mind... I'd like to add you two on my app or something. Could I have you guys number " handing us his phone while smiling
" really this is the first time I'm asking a stranger on the street for their number " he adds
You just sigh and took his phone and put a police number and as for contacts u wrote 'fuck off ' , you hand your twin the phone and she does the same and tossed the phone back to him " are we done here ? " she said expressionless
" let's just go " you said and start walking with your twin
"Thank you, I'll message you girls later when I get the chance " the creep said
" you can sure try " before sigh " men... Are such pig these days " you said while your twin agrees
" should you really being wearing out like that? " you said to your sister fearing her bag and luggage would be stole because of the luxurious branding
" wear what? " she asked and you pointed out her chancel bag hanging off her shoulder " it might get stollen " and right on que some scooter men snatched her bag. Both you and your twin are in shocked until u snapped out of it
" HEY GET BACK HERE YOU FUCK HEADS ! " you yelled at them " BLOODY HELL, YOU FUCKING BASTARD! STOP RIGHT THERE! SHIT STOP! " your twin added clearly showing her British accent. your about to go after them giving ur bag to your twin and about to sprint after them , but your sister grabbed your arm " yn watch out " Shelly pulled you back as a you made eye contact with the biker that when after the two men on the scooter
" hey ! What's his problem! Can't u see??" Shelly yelled " I think he trying to get my bag back " you said to your twin
" who the hell is he then?" She ask " I have no clue. Come on let's call a can and go after them "
After a few minutes the we spotted biker " stop ! " you yell at the driver , Shelly gets out and so do you " are you okay? " I said concerned seeing he injured himself , the guy just nodded with the construction worker helmet and gave Shelly her bag back. " let's just get you in the hospital " Shelly said
" I'm fine " he said while picking up his bike
" your fine?? Don't you see blood on your face???" You said in disbelief
" come on that's the least we can do " Shelly added but she got cut off by his phone ringing and he walked away
" damn he's cute " you said with no shame " guess we'll never meet again " you sigh
"I don't think so sis , look he dropped his wallet " Shelly said while picking it up. " come one let's go to grandpa first "
" sunny high huh? " you said looking at the guy from earlier school ID" but that's grandpa high school "
" you know what that means" Shelly smirk " it's time to get your boyfriend "
" what " you said dramatically " boyfriend?? " you both laughed until you hear-
"OH Shelly!! Y/N!! " your grandpa said with full joy seeing his granddaughters again
" grandpa! " you and shelly said seeing your grandpa coming through the door
" oh there my granddaughters, I miss you two " he said lovingly
" grandpa me and yn wanna ask you a favor " Shelly started
" oh my granddaughters wanna ask this old man a favor? Ask anyway anything! "
" we wanna transfer to your school in a bit " you said to your grandpa who was overjoyed
" WHAT??? "
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when ocean vuong wrote,
“our mother tongue, then, is no mother at all- but an orphan. our vietnamese a time capsule, a mark of where your education ended, ashed. Ma, to speak in our mother tongue is to speak only partially in vietnamese, but entirely in war”
and when elizabeth miki brina wrote,
“my mother and i speak different languages... this might seem like a mundane fact about us. it’s not. it dictates everything. because even though my mother understands and speaks english at a highly functional level, there are places inside me she can’t reach, nuances of thought and emotion i can’t express in words that make sense to her.”
“i had not learned this history, my mother’s history, my history, until i was thirty-four years old. which is to say that i grew up not knowing my mother or myself.”
and when hieu minh nguyen said,
“i am forgetting how to say simple things to my mother. the words that linger in my periphery. the words, a rear view mirror dangling from the wires. i am only fluent in apologies.”
and when mitski sang,
“mom, i'll be quiet / it would be just to sleep at night / and i'll leave once I figure out / how to pay for my own life too.“ 
and when I tell you that I’ve never managed to learn another language, that i am unable to separate them in my minds eye. that i can not translate a phrase, I simply know what it means because she cradled my head as she spoke it. that i have tried german and french but can’t form the words of my mother(‘s) language. that I’m scared of saying i love you with the enemy’s accent. i love you do you love me i love you do you love me i love you
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jollyinha · 6 months
50 (+3) Facts About My Rook Listener (aka Félix)!
Because I love him in a hiperfocus kind of way 😭💙 If you want to see how he looks like, go to my yuurivoice tag, and you will find all my listeners! Although I probably should make an updated version, he has gotten a 2.0 version ever since... Also, tagging @itsargyle since they suggested taking other YV fans! I'm... Too shy to tag anyone else tho lmao
Anyway, here goes my big infodump on my favorite sunshine boy:
1 - Hey, I'm Félix Torres... Or not, because that's my middle name, and my actual name is Victor. But I'm not that fond of Victor, so I go by Félix!
2 - Victor was my mom's grandpa's name, and Félix is a tribute to my dad, whose name was Feliciano.
3 - Thanks to the acute accent, the correct pronunciation of Félix would be "feh-liks", not "fee-liks". Oh, and the "c" in Victor is mute. It's Vitor. But sometimes even I forget that it isn't supposed to be spelled like the gringos do, haha!
4 - My mom is Brazilian and my dad was Colombian. I was born in Brazil (Aracaju in Sergipe, to be more specific), but have been living in the USA for most of my life now. I used to spend the holidays in Colombia as a kid, but haven't been there ever since dad passed away... I really should pay it a visit again soon, though. It's a real nice country.
5 - I speak native Portuguese, fluent English and intermediary Spanish. I've been studying ASL (as of right now I just know basic stuff like "hi", "how are you?", how to introduce myself... But hey, at least I know the whole alphabet off the top of my head!) and French too, but it has been hard to find some free time... And when I do have it, I always end up drawing, crafting, cooking... Duolingo's owl wants to eat my ass.
6 - Speaking of which, these are my favorite hobbies! Drawing and painting are main passions in life, though. I've been in love with art as far as I can remember. I was in a few-years-long hiatus when it came to painting, only came back to it recently, but have been drawing non-stop ever since I was a little boy!
7 - When it comes to crafting, I enjoy many aspects of it... I've been really into papercraft these days. Origami, paper dolls, collages... But I also really like jewelry making and fabric painting (even if I find it so damn hard, haha!). I just love personalizing things in general. Sometimes, I see a piece of furniture, have an idea and just have to put my personal touch.
8 - I also know how to sew, but I can't say that I'm a big fan. I've tried crochet once, per example, and almost fell asleep on the couch. It's just a bit boring to me... But I'll gladly sew back a button or fix a hole if you ask nicely!
9 - And, last but not least, I love cooking! Not as much as I love to eat, but anyway. I picked up cooking as a way to deal with my pyrophobia and to bond with my uncle (he owns a restaurant!), and really took a liking to it... And modesty aside, I'm damn good at it!
10 - Speaking of which... I'm a bit of a bottomless pit when it comes to food! I'll eat (mostly) anything, am willing to try (mostly) everything and am hungry 24/7. Please, feed me.
11 - My favorite food is kind of specific, but: I love Thanksgiving pies. And breakfast foods. But anything that's chicken or has corn is also very damn good.
12 - I don't really like fruits. Most of them feel either bland (apples taste like NOTHING!) or straight up gross. I hate, HATE peach. Mango, guaba and pineapple too. Disgusting. I'm team vegetables all the way. Lemon and watermelon are the only ones that get a pass.
13 - My favorite ice cream favorite is chocomint!
14 - When it comes to drinks... I like coffee, as long as it has milk and unholy amounts of sugar (hate bitter coffee, as contradictory as it is). And while I'm not too big on alcoholic drinks, I like champagne.
15 - I also like biking, but, much like studying ASL and French, I don't have enough free time nowadays to really get into it again... But I try to bike every weekend I can!
16 - As a kid, I was in singing classes! I really enjoyed it and was pretty decent at it, but nowadays I do it just for fun. Love singing and listening to music around the house while doing other things.
17 - I have eight tattoos on total: Flower sleeves on both arms (featuring a clock among the flowers on the left arm and a bird on the right), music player symbols on the left side of my chest, "keep going" on the right side, an anchor on my upper back, a sun and a crescent moon on my lower back, a sea monster's tentacles going through my right hip and a paper plane on my left ankle!
18 - I also have a bunch of moles. On my face, on my back and on my chest. I used to be embarrassed by them, but nowadays, not nearly as much.
19 - I have been dyeing my hair blonde ever since college. I'm actually a brunette! I like being a blondie, but I'm considering going back to my roots... My hair is screaming for help. [He goes back to being a brunette and lets his hair grow after the events of Escape]
20 - Oh yeah, speaking of college... I have a Law degree. And am working on this field. Ya-hoo... Unfortunately, I needed a more lucrative career to support my family. But my long-term life goal is to be able to quit and live from art! And I like to believe I'm almost there.
21 - I pierced my ears in college too! I usually only wear my lucky sun earrings, but if I'm feeling fancy, I can go with a larger one.
22 - I considered becoming an English major for a while, but didn't happen either.
23 - I have a weird love for plaid jackets (of any color, but especially blue ones) and grungy bracelets. If you wanna give me anything that's wearable, going with either of these is the safest bet! Can't ever have enough of these!
24 - My favorite animals are octopuses (I had an obsession with sea monsters as a kid and this love never really died) and peacocks (they're just awesome)!
25 - My lucky number is sixteen, because my birthday is on February 16th, and because if you put "Félix Victor" together, there's a sixteen in Roman numerals right in the middle: XVI!
26 - Also, I'm 30 as of 2024, and... It's terrifying, to be honest. Buuut I'll find comfort on the fact that I look like I'm 20, hehe.
27 - This one will be hard to explain, but... I really like the sun. From summer to sunflowers to sun imageries... I like the sun. And all because of my dad. It's a long history, but yeah.
28 - I have a younger sister, her name is Alice! She's in college right now, she's History major! And... She's my pride and joy.
29 - And I also have five younger cousins: Ariel, Rafael, Leon, Joyce and Mercedes! I love them all, they're like my siblings. [Joyce is actually my Sunflower listener!]
30 - I... Have a... Weird relationship with my mom. It has been getting worse these last few years... Ah, nevermind, I shouldn't have brought this up.
31 - I had three relationships in my life... Well, three and a half, if you count that high school fling, but I digress: My first boyfriend lasted, like, half a year of my freshman year in college. It was nice, we just realized quickly that neither of us were serious. And my second boyfriend... Ergh. Tristan. We began dating in my junior year, and had a pretty messy break-up right after my graduation...
32 - ...But, nearly a whole decade after that, he sent me a DM on Instagram asking me how I was, and I mistakenly thought he became a decent human being. Hell, he was the one who got me my current job. He works in the Marketing department and was kind enough to tell me that Legal was hiring. I thought that we could at least be friends again, but... He's still a pain in the ass, at the end of the day. And still wants me back. ERGH...
33 - ...But, actually, I should thank him for that. Ironically, by trying to get back with me, he got me my third and current boyfriend... And... I won't talk too much about our relationship, but... This is the happiest I've ever been with someone. I mean it.
34 - Ok, how do I say this? I... Have been told that I... Have a pretty high libido. Or, if you want to be meaner, I'm a horny bastard. I... Will not elaborate if that's true or not. [It Is Literally Canonical]
35 - But even if I WAS a horny bastard, I'm a romantic at heart, believe it or not! I like being swept off my feet! I like flowers! I like cheesy pick-up lines! I like cuddles, god, I really like cuddles... Anyway.
36 - I'm a petite lil' guy. I'm 1m69cm tall... Or 5'8ft.
37 - I have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was 20. I've been taking meds to help with my lack of focus, and it really has been helping.
38 - I also have insomnia. It isn't as bad as it was a few years ago, but it still sucks.
39 - My favorite song of all time is "Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)" by Foster The People!
40 - My favorite movie of all time... It's a tie between Footloose and Burlesque.
41 - My favorite animated movie of all time is Ponyo!
42 - My MBTI is ENFP, my Enneagram is 2w3, and I'm an Aquarius!
43 - In my opinion, my biggest strengths as a person are that I'm pretty charming, I can get along with nearly any kind of person (given enough time), and that I'm notoriously hard to piss off. As long as you're not messing with my loved ones, it takes A LOT to make me actually angry.
44 - And my weaknesses... Well, I let people get away with stepping all over me pretty frequently... And I'm very restless. And I don't mean only physically, I mean like... Mentally. I feel like I'm a shark: If I stop moving, I'll die, y’know? Oh, I've been told that I can be pretty shameless and a bit nosy... And, welp. I... Can't really deny that.
45 - I hate the cold. I hate winter. I hate snow. Fuck you, northern hemisphere.
46 - I really like sitting on the floor, ever since I was a little boy. It just... Grounds me. No pun intended.
47 - My favorite color is blue, but yellow and orange are also lovely... And I've been getting real fond of red these days. Hehe (Can't believe that it took me this long to say my favorite color, we're on fact 47th...).
48 - I'm a dog person! I never got to have one, though...
49 - I, not-so-secretly, really like cute things. I may or may not have a big octopus plushie on my bed. And may or may not love Pompompurin and Gudetama.
50 - I'm overall pretty confident on my looks... Except for my smile and my laugh. My ex-boyfriend (Tristan) once said that my smile is wide enough to be scary, and my mom said that my laugh is too loud, and I've been restraining myself from truly smiling and laughing out loud in public ever since. But I tend to let go when near people I trust.
51 (bonus!) - I have a very sensitive neck... Now, if I see it as a good thing or a bad thing... Depends on what your intentions are... If you know what I mean.
52 (bonus!)² - I'm also pretty great at typing. My words per minute game is insane, modesty aside.
53 (bonus!)³ - I... Can be a little bit jealous when I'm dating someone. I was never a pain in the ass about it, I mostly just sulk in silence, but... Yeah. It's my toxic trait.
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joanofexys · 6 months
The Start of Forever
reposting an old jerejean piece i wrote literally three years ago largely so i can look back and laugh after reading the sunshine court
“You should come home with me,” Jeremy says it so casually one Thursday night that Jean barely even thinks about the words.
“We are home.” He mutters, focused on mincing garlic for a recipe that Renee sent him.
Jeremy sighs but Jean doesn’t even have to look up to know he was still smiling. He also knew the second he looked up he’d be smiling too. “You’re not wrong but I mean my family home. We have a long weekend and I’m going to go visit them. I’d love it if you came with me.”
There’s the usual enthusiasm in Jeremy’s voice but quieter, mixed with some hesitant hope. Jean could say no and Jeremy would drop it instantly, no questions asked. He spends a few minutes mulling it over, focusing his attention on what he’s cooking.
In the corner of his eye, he can see Jeremy take a seat at the counter. His boyfriend rests his chin in his palm. Jean returns the soft smile Jeremy gives him.
“How many days?”
“Three nights, four days. We’d leave Monday morning or afternoon.” Jeremy replies, adding on a moment later, “and we can always leave earlier if you choose to come. All you’d have to do is say the word.”
Jean hums, considering. “It’s not a no.”
They talk about anything and everything while Jean finishes cooking and Jeremy jumps in to help. They speak mostly in French and Jean occasionally pokes fun at Jeremy’s “horrible” accent. It had admittedly improved but Jean wouldn’t let it go and teased Jeremy at least once every time they held a conversation in French.
He doesn’t bring up Jeremy’s offer until after they finish eating and start washing the dishes. His body is pressed up against Jeremy’s, making things a tad bit inconvenient for them both but the contact is nice.
“Your family will be there, no?”
“My moms, Liv, and Jenna will be for sure.” Jeremy tells him, “Mel wants to visit if she can and she’ll bring Oliver and Bella with her even if Kamryn can’t come with. Rylie will probably stay for a few hours on Saturday too.”
“Meeting your family is a pretty big step.”
“Which is one of the reasons I completely understand if you want to say no. I know they’d all love to meet you but if you’re not ready for that it’s completely okay.”
“I think it’d be nice,” Jean admits quietly, staring at the plate he’s rinsing instead of looking at Jeremy. “We can leave early if I ask?”
He hears the fork Jeremy was drying click against the counter and feels his boyfriend reach up and squeeze his arm. It’s an awkward motion with the way they’re pressed together and Jeremy trying not to move away.
“Of course, we’ll be gone before you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”
Jean blinks at him, looking extremely confused. “Say what?”
“You’re joking right?” When Jean shakes his head very slowly Jeremy sighs though his lips are quirking up and it’s enough to soothe any worries Jean might have about Jeremy actually being upset.
“We’re watching Mary Poppins tonight. And we’re gonna listen to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious until you can sing the entire thing.”
“I don’t sing.”
“Then I’ll sing the entire thing and you can just tell me when you have the lyrics memorized.”
Jean clears his throat, raising his eyebrows. “I think we should be making plans and packing to visit your family. Not singing children’s songs.”
“We can do both.”
“Sounds torturous.”
Jean absolutely despises the way he has to resist humming supercalifragilisticexpialidocious during the drive. But for the first half-hour, the car is too silent and the stupid song has been stuck in his head since yesterday night. True to his word Jeremy had turned on Mary Poppins and then proceeded to ramble about how much his niece and nephew, Oliver and Bella, loved the movie. He didn’t stop talking, whether it was in French or English until the damn song came on and proceeded to scream-sing the words.
He lasts until 10:45 am before he turns on the radio, cranking it up until a random pop song Jean doesn’t know the name of was near deafening. Jeremy shoots him an odd look but doesn’t ask any questions as Jean tips his head back against the headrest. Three songs later he’s fast asleep and it’s only after two more songs play that Jeremy dares to turn down the volume. Lest the change somehow manage to wake Jean.
He dozes for the next hour and a half, occasionally waking up only to shift in his seat, yawn, and promptly fall back asleep. His third time waking up he stretches his hand out onto the console and Jeremy subconsciously takes one hand off the steering wheel to intertwine their fingers.
The final time he wakes up it’s near 1:00 and it’s Jeremy’s voice coaxing him into consciousness. He’s talking about the most random things but pauses when notices Jean peeling his eyes open to glare at him. Jean’s met with the most blinding and brilliant smile and his expression softens, giving Jeremy an attempt at a tired smile.
“We’ll be there in a few minutes, I figured you’d appreciate being woken up before we get there. But I didn’t know if touching you would be okay.”
Jean yawns, scrunching up his neck and shoulders. He mutters something in French that Jeremy doesn’t catch. Turning in his seat to face Jeremy, which isn’t very comfortable with the seatbelt, he leans his head against the headrest again but keeps his eyes open and watches Jeremy drive. It takes him until they pull into the driveway to finally feel awake and he immediately grabs onto Jeremy’s hand, not even remembering letting go the first time.
“You still okay with this?” Jeremy asks when he turns into the cul de sac.
Jean nods, focused on fiddling with Jeremy’s fingers. “Yes.”
There are two girls rushing outside the moment Jeremy pulls into the driveway. One of them, the one who looks youngest who Jean assumes is Liv, wrenches open the driver’s door for Jeremy and climbs into the car to hug him. One of Jeremy’s moms, Isabelle, comes around to the passenger side to open the door for Jean. She has a kind smile and face that shows years of bright smiles and laughter. On the surface, she and Jeremy looked nothing alike but if you looked a little deeper the happiness she radiated was the same as Jeremy, something akin to warm sunlight. Jean had to resist scowling at himself, it was Jeremy who had made him sappy like this. The second he stepped out of the car he offered her a hand which she enthusiastically shook.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Jean tells her, unsure of whether to address her by her first name or Mrs. Knox or even ma’am.
“And it’s wonderful to meet you, Jean. We’ve been waiting for this since Jeremy called us just gushing about how amazing you are.”
“Ma!” Jeremy exclaims, a red flush crawling up his ears and neck. Jean can’t help the amused smile that forces itself onto his lips and Jeremy rolls his eyes when he sees it. “Oh, that’s just the ego boost you need. It’s true though, you’re amazing and I could talk about it for hours.”
Now it was Jean’s turn to blush, pursing his lips and looking at the cement. Isabelle lets go of his hand but not before squeezing it between her own in a comforting gesture.
“He very nearly did by the way.” Stephanie Knox, Jeremy’s other mom, drawls. “This boy would not have shut up about you if he didn’t have early morning practices to worry about. It was the only reason he stopped and went to bed.”
“Mom, do we have to start with this immediately? We just got here.”
She pins Jeremy with a look that Jean can only describe as a mom look, despite having no clue what that would actually be. “Alright, alright. I’ll give it a rest until your sisters get here, I’m sure they’ve got plenty of stories they’d love to tell your honey.” Then she turns to the “honey” in question who is probably the most terrified he has ever been in his life and is praying to god it doesn’t show on his face.
“It’s lovely to have you here, Jean. We were thrilled when Jeremy called and said you’d decided to join us this weekend.”
“I’m happy to be here, Jeremy’s told me a lot about you all.”
“And Jeremy’s told us a lot about you.” Jenna, who was 14 if Jean was remembering right, shimmies her shoulders and waggles her eyebrows. Her grin widens when Jeremy pinches her shoulder and hisses at her to shut up.
“A lot a lot a lot a lot a lot,” Liv emphasizes, nodding furiously with wide eyes.
Jean shoots Jeremy a panicked look as subtly as he can, having no idea how to respond to all this. It seems he wasn’t subtle because both Isabelle and Stephanie seem to pick up on it.
“Alright let’s head inside. Jeremy, you can help Liv and me in the kitchen.” Stephanie says, already ushering her two youngest kids to the door.
Jeremy trails behind slowly, waiting for Jean to join him. Isabelle is a few steps behind them and shuts the door with a quiet click.
“You two can grab your stuff in a little bit, for now, you can just relax and visit. Unless you’d prefer to unpack now.”
“It can wait-” Jeremy’s sentence is interrupted by Stephanie’s voice coming from the kitchen.
“Damn right it can wait, get your tush in here and get started on seasoning this chicken.”
“You don’t mind chicken tacos for dinner right?” Isabelle asks. “We thought about trying out something French but Jeremy said not to bother.”
Jean nods, letting out a small nervous chuckle. “Yeah, that’s fine by me. I’m not picky.”
“Liar!” Jeremy calls out from the kitchen. “You are one of the pickiest eaters I have ever met, you won’t even touch half of the stuff Laila makes.”
“I promise I am not that bad,” Jean tells Isabelle, eyes wide. “Laila is a horrible cook, I didn’t know we were supposed to keep that a secret until it was too late.”
Isabelle gives him a toothy grin as Jeremy’s laughter rings out and she reaches out to squeeze Jean’s arm. “I’ll show you around the house and then you can help me pick out some board games.”
Jean almost bangs his head against the nearest wall when he nods again. This was by far the most awkward experience of his life and it was with Jeremy’s family for fucks sake. Though he could always reassure himself with the fact that he never properly learned how to socialize with people, especially those who are virtually strangers. He’ll treat this as a learning experience and hopefully interact normally with Jeremy’s family.
Besides, how difficult could dinner and some board games be? If it doesn’t go well they can always leave.
Dinner is one of the most awkward experiences of Jean’s life. It starts when Rylie flings the front door open and Jean absolutely will not admit to how much it startled. Mel arrives about fifteen minutes later with the twins at her heels giggling like maniacs. When Bella ends up latching onto Jean’s leg he throws Jeremy a panicked look and only gets his asshole of a boyfriend laughing in return.
Mel’s wife Kamryn is unable to make it but Mel makes up for the lack of her presence by showing Jean a bajillion photos. Rylie groans at that and sits on Jean’s other side on the couch, pulling out her phone to show Jean some photos of the animals from the shelter she works at.
When Jeremy trails into the main room, an insane amount of food balanced precariously in his hands, he shoos both of his sisters away after placing the food on the coffee table. Though he wants to Jean doesn’t question the fact that they seem to eating dinner in the main room and not the dining room.
Rylie settles down on the floor, pulling Liv into her lap even as her younger sister squeals and squirms before settling down so she can steal food from Rylie’s plate. Jenna tries to sneak off to her room before Stephanie calls her back and she plops into an armchair with a small huff. Mel dishes up food for her twins first before telling them to be careful about spilling anything and then starts on two more plates. Jean doesn’t pay her too much attention, not when Jeremy is laying back on the couch and pulling Jean into him. A position Jean still can’t believe Jeremy actually enjoys, he still worries that he’s crushing Jeremy despite all reassurance Jeremy has given him.
He blinks, bemused when Mel holds out the plates in their direction. Jerking her head in a signal for them to grab the plates. Jean does so, muttering a thanks, and silently wishes he could fly into the sun.
Gradually he begins to relax, Jeremy’s arm wrapped around his shoulders and across his chest something grounding to focus on. He stays on the outskirts of the conversation despite Jeremy, Isabelle, and Stephanie’s best attempts. It’s only when Rylie exclaims something in French, catching Jean’s attention, that he really starts to include himself. He starts by conversing with just Rylie, fully in French, and soon enough Jenna and Liv are asking for him to teach them French and it escalates from there until Jean is smiling and laughing and he feels more comfortable than he expected. Still awkward but he feels okay in his ability to carry a conversation with them all.
“You’ve never played Clue?” Mel exclaims as if he’s personally offended her.
“No…” Jean raises his brows, confused.
“Alright everyone clear off the table, we’re playing Clue right now. Jeremy I can’t believe you’ve let this happen.”
“Shut the hell up, Mel.” Jeremy mumbles, face pressed against Jean’s hair. “He’s doing his best.”
Jean pinches him in the side, thinking about Jeremy chastising him about Mary fucking Poppins last night.
That night Jean discovers he really is quite horrible at Clue. It doesn’t work the same way as observing people and things in real life. No one knows what’s going on. It’s basically pure luck. Jeremy looks far too happy about his contempt for the game.
“Finally something you’re bad at,” Jeremy sighs in French. Rylie laughs into her hand and Jean glares.
Needless to say Jean loses every time. Mel wins every time, which makes sense with how much she clearly loves the game. And Jean discovers he doesn’t quite hate being around Jeremy’s family, he’d almost say he loves it actually.
Jean is sprawled out on his back on the bed, watching Jeremy unpack the rest of his stuff (cons to not being a light traveler. Jean’s grateful he has never and will never pack as much as his boyfriend) when Jeremy asks the question.
“So do you like them?” Jeremy sounds nervous, pursing his lips together.
Jean doesn’t like his worried expression and gives Jeremy one of his rare smiles in hopes of washing that nervousness away. “They’re amazing.”
“You mean it?”
“Of course I mean it, idiot.” Jean pauses when Jeremy sinks onto the mattress next to him and he takes a moment to wrap his arm around Jeremy and pull him closer. “They’re all very nice and I liked spending time with them. I liked seeing this part of your life and they obviously mean a lot to you.”
Jeremy tucks himself closer to Jean, tossing a leg across his torso. “They mean the world to me. Just like you do.”
Jean hums, pursing his lips to hide his smile. A moment later he gives into it, allowing a silly grin to curve his lip before pressing a kiss to Jeremy’s forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Their heads snap up, spotting Liv, Jenna, Rylie, and Mel huddled in the doorway. All four of them are smiling but they all flush as they realize they were caught.
“Now you’ve done it, Jen,” Rylie mutters, smacking Jenna on the shoulder.
“We were just going to ask if you guys wanted some hot chocolate and to watch a movie with us,” Mel explains.
“Uh-uh,” Jeremy says, grinning. “Sure you were.” He sits up to grab a pillow and chucks it at his sisters. “You definitely weren’t spying. Out, out, out.”
The four stumble down the hall, laughing loudly, and Jean’s gaze flicks between Jeremy and the door.
“Shut the door-” Jeremy pauses mid shout. “And they’re gone.”
“Mom,” Jean hears Liv yell from somewhere else in the house, “Jeremy says he’s in love!”
Jean decides that he really likes the Knox family. And he really loves Jeremy.
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goranvisnjicdaily · 17 days
Most of you know that my first language is French as I was born in Quebec, and still live there. I never really liked speaking French, as a kid, I was already having this urge of learning English and my mom who had lived in Toronto way before my birth, had kept all her English Dictionaries and Books, so I started learning English way before the other kids in School :P
But hey, I speak French and it's ok, but I still have a preference for the English language.... So to make a long story short, I do love seeing Actors and Actresses speaking French in their movies or Tv Shows, and I had totally forgotten that scene in S1 EP14 where Flynn speaks French, his accent is cute haha! 🤭
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lil-gae-disaster · 1 month
I propose... :
Joseph deliberately mangling any and all German he learns specifically to annoy Freddie.
(this is something that I do to mess with my bilingual mom, but with spanish; I'd pronounce the words with an AGGRESSIVELY thick american accent, so like, pronouncing 'hola' like "HOE-Lah" etc.)
yes. And Freddie in return mangling any english he may speak to Joseph
(It's also smth I do but with English when talking to myself. And sometimes, the german accent morphes into into a (horrendous)combination of french, spanish and russian (neither of which are languages that I can speak fluently))
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leclerced · 9 months
Okay so I thought about boys and the girlfriend’s family. And I came up with:
Lando who everyone knows how he is. Goofy, sassy, playful, sometimes mean, he has his strengths and faults. But not with his girl’s family. He just wants then to see him as the perfect match for her so he’s always on his best behaviour and actually loves spending time with them because he knows how important it is for her. He charms the mom and even learns the language (sorry but I thought about someone that’s from not-English speaking country) so he can communicate with them and it makes his girl’s heart melt because it’s the sweetest thing ever.
Oscar is just a cutie pie with the family. Everyone loves him and loves to dote on him. He’s always a gentleman and wants to help the best he can. (This will be self indulgent) I think my mom would absolutely adore him and I can totally see her wanting to feed him and then when he says (with the saddest eyes ever) he can’t eat sth because of his diet she’d find the best recipes he can eat and make his faves for him😭✋
I don’t think I write Max well so I’m gonna leave him to you sweetie
Charles would be so nervous for the first time but he’d win everyone’s hearts right away. Because how can you not love Charles’s mess of a hair, French accent and squishy cheeks. Also he would always come with gifts (no matter how long he’d know the family) because he thinks it’s rude to come with bare hands.
hi im working so this is super rushed and messy im sorry
lando is definitely on his best behavior when he’s around his girl’s family. he learns her language as soon as they get together because he knows he wants to be with her forever, so he’s downloading duolingo and trying to do it in secret to surprise her with it until she somehow catches him and starts teaching him instead. he brings gifts for everyone, and greets them in their native language which surprises them alll so much, especially the grandparents who don’t speak english.
i think oscar would break his diet for his girl’s fam. i think he likes food and one meal isn’t gonna throw him off. im gonna be self indulgent because i love to bake and cook, and when my family gets together there is soooo much food. it’s different on my mom and dad’s side bc i have separated parents. my mom’s side are all country folk who hang out in the shop, the men drink beer and watch nascar or football, whatever is on the tv, and the ladies gossip. they fry foods in the shop or grill outside the shop, and it’s fish they caught or game they hunted, which i feel like would make some drivers wary, i think they’re used to fancy dinners in expensive cities, not something that was shot and processed by the people cooking and eating it. but oscar is up for trying new things and even though he’s never really had deer, he likes the gamey taste it has. the women would love him bc he does everything for his girl, always getting her drinks or just massaging her shoulders for her and little things like that.
i think max is so good natured he’d fit in anywhere, he’s very smart and knows how to talk to people. i think it’s hard not to like him. my family all have adhd and will listen to people talk about anything. my uncle loves to indulge people and bullshit, so like over thanksgiving my sister in law was talking about her family’s business and my uncle pretended to go onto their website and order twenty thousand dollars worth of leather. she was freaking out while everyone else is laughing because we knew it was a joke, until my aunt was like “excuse my husband, he’s a liar.” and i can imagine my family doing that with max but he’d bullshit back and egg them on. he’d get along really well with the men simplyn because they can bond over cars if nothing else. he’d get along well w all of them we’re all very laid back tbh. i think he’d never been happier as when he plays tag or hide and seek with all the little ones. he’d eventually make his way back over to his girlfriend when he needs a drink or to catch his breath after being it, but it’s never long before one of the kiddos is finding him and pulling him away again.
charles brings immaculate personalized gifts and a dessert he had flown in from some fancy bakery he’s obsessed with just to impress them. he shows up with a suitcase full of gifts, he would have memorized everything she mentioned about her family so he could get everyone a perfectly tailored gift. the first time they meet him they tease about him trying to buy their love and gf is just like “no, he just does this. he will do this every time.” and he totally does. they love him so much he’s their baby boy by the time the first meeting is over, her mom is telling him to call him maman and he’s on a first name basis with her dad.
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