#my ninja tools and scrolls
mokutone · 2 years
this video will show a little more how the iron gall ink changes from a nearly sky blue to something much darker
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I was thinking about how the girls in Naruto might have progressed as ninja if they'd ever been given actual development.
Ino would make an excellent spy. She's mental ninjutsu oriented, and she's people oriented. She's the gossip queen, she knows everything about anyone. I can so easily see her as an espionage master going under deep cover to do what she does best, knowing other people's business. Super glam spy fits her vibes, she deserves it. The anime suggests an alternate path as she has a filler arc where she apprentices under Tsunade and that's as a mental health specialist. This doesn't fit her quite as well but I do like the idea of her and Sakura working together given how important their rivalry is to each other in the manga.
Sakura was introduced as having excellent potential in genjustsu, and then nothing was done with this. Sasuke became the genjutsu user and Sakura the taijutsu user and this could have been interesting since this is the opposite of their initial introduction but again nothing was done with this. Building off her taijutsu and being able to focus her chakra to a point for super powered attacks, I think Sakura deserves to wield a giant axe, she has one in several of Kishimoto's illustrations. Next would be her to develop her genjutsu potential, Sakura's strength's are her control and intelligence and I'd like to see her fully use those skills. Additionally the manga and characters themselves draw strong parallels between Sasuke and Kakashi as the geniuses of their teams. The parallel that is missed is that Sakura and Kakashi are both people without plot-breakingly powerful kekkai genkai with high intelligence, excellent chakra control, but mediocre chakra pools, and this really could have been explored more. One of the problems Naruto has is that healer is treated as a women's profession, with Sakura its rather hard to avoid however as the manga sets up a strong parallel between the sannin trio and Team 7. One option would be for Sakura not to use her medical knowledge for healing but instead like Kabuto for assassination and special operations. Of Team 7 Sakura is the most suited for ANBU, Naruto is just out of consideration completely and Sasuke has shown himself to be just as stupid and reckless as Naruto. Sakura in Anbu would also further drive the similarities between her and Kakashi.
When will someone remember that Tenten exists. I don't see her 700 epilogue retirement to run a weapon shop necessarily bad. Not everyone has to be a ninja, the problem is when it's always the women who retire from fighting. As a ninja though I think Tenten deserves more swords, like Killer B level or more swords. Tenten's strengths are in her physical abilities and weapon versatility, so she should be able to always pull out the weapon type that would work best against any opponent. I love to see her be a primarily physical fighter this would be my first pick for her, but another option would be to lean more into the sealing scroll side of thing so not just weapons but tools and traps, make Tenten a saboteur.
Hinata, oh Hinata, she deserves so much better. I can see more or less two paths for her. First would be to quit being a ninja, it could work for her. Hinata never really seemed to want to be a ninja, it was always for something else, her clan, Naruto, her friends, but not quite herself. I can very easily her leaving the shinobi life all together, leave ninjas, leave the Hyuuga clan; Hinata deserves it, to lead her own life on her own terms. Hinata had such potential to be an interesting character and its a shame the manga never got into it. She's the eldest of the Hyuuga clan leader but she's overshadowed by both her cousin and her younger sister and ends up passed over for succession, like that is juicy. True growth for the Hyuuga would have been Neji succeeding his uncle as clan head but that's another post. If she stays a ninja I would have like to see come to terms that her clan's kinda bullshit in a lot of ways and what they think of her doesn't matter, becoming a shinobi because she wants that for herself. In line with this personal growth she fighting style should deviate from Hyuuga techniques, maybe she develops her own taijutsu style. Or who knows maybe she becomes a physical therapist between the ability to see chakra and affect it, magic acupuncture. Kurenai is similarly ignored in the manga, but with her mentorship, Hinata has the potential to become essentially a magekiller, specializing in countering and taking down genjutsu users.
I bring up the option of some of the girls retiring because some of the boys should have retired. Hinata should have gotten Choji's character arc, and Choji who hates fighting should have been allowed to quit fighting and run a successful bakery cafe business. Sai deserves to put shinobi life behind him and become a full time artist. Shikamaru starts out like he's going to quit but I'm actually quite fond of his character arc. Yamato is also wasted potential as former human experiment and child soldier, like Sai he should learn how to live in peace, maybe he becomes an architect. We don't see team Taka in chapter 700 but Juugo is so gentle I want a nice civilian life for him.
(idk about Temari I mostly just want her to keep girlbossing and beating people up. Mmm I do think she's make a better Kazekage than Gaara. Gaara is another one I could see quiting being a soldier.)
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
I remember scrolling MK reddit and a post basically asked why Bi-Han let Sareeena live and consensus was basically Bi-Han thinking with his lower head and feeling bad for her, though a lot of people leaned towards Bi-Han being horny unironically and sparing her because he thought she was pretty and because he didn't seem her a threat.
Like lmao, I get Bi-Han is not socialized that great and I can see where people are coming from but I'm hoping he's not that shallow lol.
Nah, Bi-Han is not that shallow. The man does not comment on women's beauty - or anyone’s for that matter, the way the clearly horny characters do, like Johnny, Erron or Kano. His intro dialogues also has no sexually creepy undertones, the way Kano and Mileena sometimes imply things. So I think it is safe to assume that Bi-Han in general is not a sexually driven type of person. 
It would help a lot if the game or tie-in material gives us more direct reasoning for his action, however even the provided basic knowledge allow us to see the main difference between Scorpion and Sareena and it’s not about gender (though that may play some secondary role), but the fact that Hanzo, presumably, wanted to kill Sub-Zero, not for rivalry over the Map but because he was a Lin Kuei, an sworn enemy of Shirai Ryu clan, while Sareena was doing just her duty - following Quan Chi’s orders and there was nothing personal about their fight. So in a sense, Bi-Han could feel some kinship with the woman even despite her attempt at stopping his effort to save Earthrealm and trying to kill him, because he understood well what it means to serve merciless masters, as he himself, no matter how praised, was ultimately just a tool in Grandmaster’s schemes. Sareena has never been anything other than another obstacle in his path to beat down Quan Chi and steal the amulet back, so I can see why murdering her could feel pointless as it didn't serve any real goal of his.
Hanzo on other hand was tipped by Quan Chi about Sub-Zero’s mission - something the sorcerer did not deny at all 
Quan Chi: Greetings, I see the ninja has been successful in retrieving my map... as I have forseen.  Sub-Zero: Let's get something straight... I am not a ninja. I am Lin Kuei. Scorpion was a ninja!  Quan Chi: Ah yes, your Japanese counterpart. It's unfortunate that you happened upon him in your battle with the pesky Shaolin monks.  Sub-Zero: Scorpion was tipped off... he knew I was breaking into that temple, and if he weren't there - there wouldn't have been a battle! You are responsible for this sorcerer!
and as the game shows, Scorpion managed to get inside the Shaolin Monks Temple before Lin Kuei. But instead of quietly stealing the man and getting the hell out of the place while his rival was busy fighting Shaolin Monks, Scorpion literally was introduced as a man who mocked and provoked Sub-Zero  (“You will fail. Hahahaha”) and challenged him to fight over the Map ("The map is mine Sub-Zero. Fight!").
When the both men met again in Netherrealm, Hanzo accused Bi-Han for killing him in cold blood to which Bi-Han responded he had no choice. 
Warrior: I am a dead man. But somehow you have retained your mortality, which would mean you are vulnerable to death.  Sub-Zero: Wait... I know your voice.  Scorpion: Yessss... I am Scorpion. You killed me in cold blood.  Sub-Zero: I had no choice. If I had not stolen that map I would be the dead one.
Maybe Sub-Zero did not trust Scorpion to not attack him again as he did not believe Shirai Ryu would respect the act of mercy. Maybe he figured out he must kill his sworn-enemy, because Lin Kuei tradition demanded that and if Grandmaster learned about Sub-Zero sparing Scorpion’s life, he would be severely punished. Whatever was the reason, Bi-Han took no pride in killing Shirai Ryu, as he did not boast about that. When returning to Lin Kuei Temple, Bi-Han greeted the leader with “Grandmaster, in honor of the Lin Kuei, I bring you this sacred Map of Elements.” but there was no as a bonus, I also killed the filthy Shirai Ryu dog. Instead, he was clearly angry at Quan Chi for creating the whole situation in the first place by hiring the second assassin of the enemy clan (“[Scorpion] knew I was breaking into that temple, and if he weren't there - there wouldn't have been a battle! You are responsible for this sorcerer!).
So to my understanding, killing Hanzo was dictated by unfavorable circumstances and long-termed enmity between Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei clans that forced Bi-Han’s hand while Sareena was just a demoness doing her job the same way as he was doing his. Frankly, Fujin too was not killed by Bi-Han, nor I don’t think sources implied he attempted to murder any Gods of Elements or Shaolin Monks on purpose - otherwise I think Raiden would be much more angry at the Lin Kuei assassin. Or at least mentioned that, in similar fashion to intro dialogue in which Liu Kang said "The Shaolin's losses have left many angry" to past!Scorpion, who took part in murdering Shaolin Monks in MK11.
Also, when Sareena came to aid Bi-Han in his fight against Quan Chi, Sub-Zero was understandably surprised by demoness’ action:
Sub-Zero: Why did you help me?  Sareena: You are still mortal... that means you can escape the Netherealm.  Sub-Zero: There won't be anywhere to go if I don't get the amulet back.  Sareena: Take me with you... I've waited an eternity to escape.  Sub-Zero: You don't understand. I can't leave without the...
but there is literally zero implication he finds Sareena sexy or hot or trying to pull the card “I spared your life so you own me” to get a “reward” from her. I repeat, a relatively sexy/beautiful lady just asked Sub-Zero to take her with him and Bi-Han’s mind was solely on the mission - getting back the amulet before Shinnok destroys his realm. 
Dunno about you all, but that interaction for me doesn’t sound like Bi-Han was thinking with his dick or in any way ever was smitten by Sareena’s beauty; he was a man on a mission and there is a chance he may be just more merciful than people want to give him a credit for. 
The last one brings me back to MK9, in which I still think Bi-Han's head gesture was a voiceless support for Johnny to not kill Baraka, the same way Raiden did for Cyrax. He may not have any love for strangers, he may mock Hanzo, but I don't think he is the cold killer that takes pleasure in killing like some characters do.
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mixelation · 11 months
notes about how fuinjutsu works in plasticity, with some minor spoilers ig
*Fuinjutsu conceptually mirrors how a jutsu would work in a body; they are near universally circular because humans pull from a chakra 'core.'
*Fuinjutsu can therefore (theoretically) mimic any non-elemental ninjutsu and vice-versa. However, some jutsu are considered easier to do by hand and some are easier to do with the assist from paper (because seals help twist your chakra in unnatural ways). A lot of high-powered complicated justu started as fuinjutsu and were adapted to hand-signs later because hand-signs are more convenient for battle.
*Advantages of fuinjutsu:
A trained, steady hand can pull off more complicated jutsu than the user could "by hand" without needing insane Tsunade-level control
Sometimes jutsu take a very long time to execute. Fuinjutsu can shave time off the execution part (even if preparing your seal could take hours of prep time)
You can set up a seal and then walk away
You can easily pass a technique between people for reuse and without having to make sure everyone has specific training (such as a storage scroll!)
Cuts down in variation between jutsu -- very important for research, medical stuff, exploding tags, etc
Most villages have developed a decent number of "plug and chug" seals-- basic barriers, basic exploding tags, etc to make mass production/use by rando ninja without specific training easier
Prep time: even basic bitch seals take minutes to draw (and bigger ones can take HOURS) AND even a small mistake could make it useless or, like, explode. It's not practical for most combat situations, so either you have to carry around a bunch of pre-drawn seals, or you need a way to distract an enemy for however long to make your seal.
Tools requirement: you don't need special paper and ink for fuinjutsu, but it definitely makes it easier, and most ninja don't even know you can free-hand carve a seal into someone's skin as long as you do the right modifications. So for most people, even if you get the rest of your team to distract an opponent while you draw a seal, environmental factors (temperature making ink run, uneven surfaces, limited paper/ink, wrong sized brush on hand, etc) decrease fuinjutsu usefulness.
Takes a lot of time and effort to learn to the degree you can start making your own jutsu, and unlike a lot of other jutsu training, it's very academic in a way that's not necessarily going to help other ninja skills. Most ninja know enough to copy a basic seal, and one COULD argue that in-depth fuinjutsu knowledge corresponds to in-depth knowledge of chakra, but it's not worth it for most ninja
Complexity vs chakra trade-off: the more complex a seal, the more chakra-heavy it is. This can be mitigated by requiring the user to modifying their chakra themselves WITHIN the seal. So in order to do the truly insane techniques with fuinjutsu, you either have to be a chakra powerhouse (or have other ninja do the technique with you) or have very good chakra control, which immediately shoves fuinjutsu into the "not worth it" category for most people
*For Tori, my concept is she sort of..... just breaks a lot of the "rules"/assumptions? Like, because of the circumstances she's been honing her skills in and because she literally can't do jutsu any other way (and also because people have neglected to tell her she shouldn't be doing this), she's been working very hard on nixing the "tools" requirement. And also (here's the spoilery part) she's ramping up to getting really into using non-humans as her chakra source, to nix the complexity vs chakra trade-off. yeah it takes more math to use tree chakra but also in a forest that means basically unlimited chakra
i really want to mirror that last part with her telling orochimaru about how most biological advances in our world is just hijacking other organism's evolutionary adaptations, because it sort of gives an explanation for why her way of thinking is different enough she comes up with alternate solutions............ i don't really like when SIs come up with some new revolutionary thing and they're just like "oh, i guess i'm just the first person to do this because i'm really smart /shrug" and there's NO reasoning for why some equally smart person hasn't already come up with it >.> Tori's attitude towards the natural world is "yeah, if bacteria naturally clipping out pieces of virus genomes leads to human gene editing techniques, why WOULDN'T i be able to hijack someone else's chakra?" which is very different from the attitudes we see in canon, aside from whatever senjutsu is (so like, what se's doing has a BASIS in what other have done, but it's considered very niche sage stuff)
reborn au kushina, watching tori do something with a tree in a time of great need: oh no. ooooh no. oh no
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theblacktiecacti · 3 days
can you walk us through ur thought process for each sow character design? im actually genuinely so intrigued
OH MY GOSH MY SECOND ASK! Hello hi yes I would love to talk about my thought process in why I draw them the way I do.
I’m gonna put this all under a cut in sections though cause. I kinda wrote/drew a lot.
General Stuff
So generally, when I’m coming up with how I want a character to look, Pinterest is probably one of my biggest tools. I usually just look up “aesthetic [item of clothing they said the character had]” to find ideas and get solid visual reference for a lot of the clothes that I picture the character wearing. I also have a Pinterest board that’s just called “interesting faces” which I scroll through to find the face that I think matches what I picture the character like the most, then hop between suggested pins until I find the right one. I’ve also got one just saved with different body types to do the same thing with. I feel like I still struggle a bit with same face/body type syndrome, but doing this has helped a bit.
Most of the time, the ideas for character appearances come from other characters who have similar vibes or from whatever aesthetic a character associates with. Also, I try to incorporate shape language to indicate character personality in their designs!
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I really wanted to lean into the spindly spider theme for him! I tried to keep his limbs pretty thin and his outfit with a lot of protrusions like spider limbs. I might have overdone it on the spider webs a little bit lmaOooo.
Alongside that, I wanted to make him very pointy and sharp. Cause he’s always. on edge. ba dum crash.
I wanted to make sure he had a white cane to assist his blindness! Alongside that as an accessibility device, when I pictured him at first, I imagined him with crutches, but when I was drawing, I couldn’t quite figure out how to get those to meld. My thoughts were either to combine a crutch with a cane, which would cause even more stress on the wrist by having to twist the crutch to feel with the cane, or to have him in a wheelchair with the cane, which IDK how well those could combine if you move with your arms and are holding something. Though he could probably have a powered one with his status. I think if I add the wheelchair at some point, I’d want to make sure it’s still creepy crawly like the wheelchair that Sun Spider had in Across the Spiderverse.
Zeph was actually the only one whose reference photo I saw beforehand, Shout out to the bimbofication Grizzly character chart.
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When I imagined Argentum, I pictured a cross between Raine from The Owl House and Venti from Genshin Impact who I’ve seen a bunch of times but never actually knew their name until I just looked it up.
When they got described with gray hair, my mind just went “Okay, so they’re older.” Not to mention, if they’ve written a bunch of books, they have to have taken the time to do it.
I wanted to add a bunch of book shapes in their design just to show off their Writerness.
Still don’t know how to add hints to the little grimbly in their head that I do not know much about yet.
The Wall
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Oh The Wall, how you challenge me to draw armor.
I wanted to go heavy on the blocky, big shapes, but I wanted to make sure he still felt comforting rather than scary. He’s a knight and a protector, but he’s on our side.
Senshi from Dungeon Meshi is all I could picture while listening to the show. Like if Senshi and Sans from Undertale had a huge knight baby.
I still need to figure out ways to hint more at his heritage rather than just having his connection to Zeph as a forefront.
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His name is Phoenix. We have to give him wings; it's the only option.
All I could picture after the hair was described was Casey from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Who is surprisingly similar.
Scarf! I love it when characters have scarves.
He’s so upside down triangle. Just the way he says things without thinking and is kinda snooty and is very kid-ish and immature. Only placed in a position of power because his mentor is busy. He’s very imbalanced but by god is he doing stuff.
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I had the hardest time with Sunder and it’s definitely pretty obvious.
I originally pictured him more like his actual image which I've now searched.
But after listening to him talk a bit, because I’m bad at placing accents, I just went “Is he Scottish?” and from then on, Sunder was just David Tennant in the baftas, even after I was like hmmm the accent isn’t Scottish, is it.
I also gave him a hat cause his head looked boring. Probably would not have done this if I heard he had horns. Audio listener moment
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tentenismybitch · 2 months
just watched the neji chronicles filler ep for the 1st time and there's so much to it
like okay i know fillers aren't canon or whatever but:
hiashi apologizing to neji 🥹
tenten going to check on him! neji talking about hyuuga clan shit in a way that clearly implies she already knew about it!! besties!!!
this takes place immediately after his fight with naruto. like after publicly outing the clan's tea and his resentment, he comes across a clan elder who demands that he go save hinata at the expense of his own life. this is actually so fucked up
kiba expressing resentment towards neji & saying neji probably won't try that hard to save hinata and tenten immediately yelling at him!!
tenten being like "I AM COMING WITH YOU! YOU WILL NOT DO THIS ALONE" supportive queen
neji bragging about tenten when the kids express surprise that she stays behind to ward off the mud dogs alone 🥹
hiashi saving neji. hiashi going out of his way to save neji. like, again, i know fillers aren't canon but hiashi's characterization in the show is insane?? like he disowned and bullied hinata for being weak, straight up saying he wouldn't care if she died. but then he apologizes to neji after his match with naruto and in every appearance after seems like a caring father who is actually concerned for the well-being of his children, including neji??? like seriously what is UP with him
neji saying he was narrow-minded and selfish for hating hinata was some straight up BS. yes, sure, it's not hinata's fault the the clan is the way it is but i think neji being resentful that he is the strongest genin of his generation and a literal prodigy within the clan, but still his life purpose is to protect this girl who is not as skilled as him just because his dad was born a few seconds later than her dad, is totally justified and not at all selfish. i know this is a shounen and this episode isn't canon and it isn't meant to be realistic but neji going from "i am a caged bird with no freedom who has this curse mark placed on me so i am at the whims of the main house" to "i was so selfish for hating you i am sorry" in the course of, like, 2 hours is SO ridiculous
anyway this ep has been great fodder for my "naruto but if team gai were the protagonists" au fic that i'm writing 10 years too late
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tamelee · 2 years
Hi Tamelee ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ I hope you’re doing good! I have a question for you:
What do you think Naruto and Sasuke’s home would look like? Like… would they live in an apartment, or a house? And where would they live, exactly?
Oh and of course, I love your art. I send you all of my support, thank you for all you creations, it makes me want to make progress in drawing! You deserve all the hot chocolate in the world
Have a good day! (^▽^)
Hi @fille-de-skroa !! (ノ´ з `)ノ💕
Hope you're doing good too dear ♡
So, I did think about this before, my first ‘Naru-tober’ drawing was inspired by a house that was in the place Konoha was inspired from. 
I don’t think it’d be an apartment since Sasuke especially would prefer some more space and Naruto, having lived in one would love to share a house with Sasuke I think. 
I would imagine that neither Naruto or Sasuke mind neighbors. Often in fanfiction Sasuke seems to live by himself in his old home or when SNS do live together it’s very isolated.. but let’s say they would be able to live together, also being Hokage/shadow-Hokage then I do think it would lean more toward a traditional Japanese style home Sasuke used to live in.
In ‘Boruto’ the homes they barely step foot in look like this:
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As you can see these homes are very influenced by their "wives", since I doubt Naruto sends a clone to water the flowers and there is a reason Sasuke stopped wearing the Uchiha symbol, but I do think it would be somewhat of a mix between these two styles. 
So I think ‘modern traditional’, but with the feel of the house Sasuke’s childhood home used to have? Because for some reason these houses lack a lot of.. privacy or something. It’s very... directly-in-your-face, on display, hi-we're-a-family, -open. It lacks a proper garden (I guess) that I think they both would appreciate. 
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Anyway I went to Google Earth and looked around in that place. (The place Konoha supposedly is based off of.) 
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These homes look very similar. I think it would be something like that with neighbors and the street on one side and private space/garden on another. Kind of like this: 
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Anime: Hyouka.
Then when it comes to interior.. the brightest thing in the whole house would be Naruto’s hair. Probably. And his clothes. (And personality.) 
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From their childhoods they didn’t have much choice, nor was spending money on decorating their place a priority, but certain elements I think, they would take with them. (Neutral colors, wood, scrolls on the wall etc- Sasuke would not tolerate empty ramen cups on the floor..)
Since together it would definitely be a place to come home to comfortably, it would be more ‘lived in’. There will be a space that holds scrolls and other Ninja tools/material. (Like a library or collection corner/room.)
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It holds somewhat true to Japanese architecture and I also think they both would appreciate open spaces and natural light.. especially Naruto. The many plants are definitely from him. Sasuke tried to keep things a bit more minimal, but in the end even he would bring things home that remind him of Naruto during missions/travels. Their home would feel very harmonious though, just like them. It’s calming even during times of chaos. 
Their home feels very personal and open. 
In the back you can look out into the garden and there will be a path that leads to the training grounds. 
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Hey maybe by being Hokage/shadow Hokage they can have their own field and blow off some steam there. 
Yeah, something like this, perhaps? *-* Not too isolated, but a little privacy when needed as well. 
Anyway thank you for everything and your support always, ily, will always share my chocolate milk (I learned that some countries call it hot cocoa) with you ♡ hope you're well, stay healthy 💕💕🧡!
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khuantru · 4 months
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06/02/2024: first one for this morning Tuesday. One of my all time favourite Manga movies 'Ninja Scroll' from 1993. The glory days of Manga features in VHS tapes era were cool. Ancient history now. 
Enjoy everyone. 
Software: Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator CS3 Tools: wacom pen
google ref: In this anime film, Jubei, a highly skilled ninja, is coerced into slaying his own clan of warriors. After begrudgingly killing his fellow swordsmen, he becomes a roving hired assassin. During his travels, he must face off against an organization of demonic ninjas known as the Devils of Kimon, who are plotting to take power of Japan's government. The Devils will stop at nothing, and have the power to annihilate entire villages. Now, only Jubei and a shogun spy named Dakuan can stop them.
Director: Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Distributed by: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Toho Co., Ltd.
Kanji: 獣兵衛忍風帖
Language: Japanese / English
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darrylhudson86 · 5 months
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Concepto Sram/ Sram Concept:
Los Sram encajan perfectamente con el rol de pícaros/asesinos, debido a que su kit de hechizos entero esta basado en una cosa: matar y salir sin que puedan ser atrapado, ya sea con trampas, venenos o simplemente ocasionando un ataque mortal antes de que su rival tenga la oportunidad de hacer algo, tomando todo lo anterior en cuenta, quise tematizar la Sram como una clase de ninja.
Inspirado en el traje de cuerpo completo de su versión de Wakfu, junto con algunos complementos en pecho, brazos y piernas mas cercanas a su versión de Dofus, su equipamiento esta mayormente conformado por equipo ligero y colores oscuros (a excepción de detalles como los patrones de huesos y su gorra) para mezclarse en lugar con sombra.
Para poder lograr su labor de asesinos, cuenta con bastantes herramientas para poder hacer el trabajo:
Sus dagas están hechas con las tenazas de un Lucraneus de Sramvil, las cuales pueden ser utilizadas de manera individual como dagas, o ser unidas para darle la función de tenazas/tijeras. Para poder asestar un golpe bajo en cuerpo a cuerpo de así necesitarlo.
Un par de huesos que cumplen la función de inyectores, los cuales puede cargar con el veneno que contienen los frascos de su cinturón para acabar con el objetivo a largo plazo mientras va por otro.
Los pergaminos de su cinturón contienen las trampas características del Sram, para poder jugar mas táctica contra objetivos que se muevan mucho y no tenga la oportunidad de acercarse (el porque de los pergaminos es debido a que nunca se especifica muy bien como se ven las trampas).
La guadaña cumple la misma función que las dagas, solo que esta se utiliza únicamente cuando la Sram se encuentra invisible.
(Nota: La Sram real es la que esta entre las sombras a la izquierda, a la derecha esta su Doble).
Los "ojos" en su gorro están inspirados en la distribución de ojos de la Viuda Negra, lo cual le queda bastante bien para su naturaleza letal.
Srams fit perfectly the role of rogues/assasins, since their entire spell list is based on one thing: kill and get out without being attacked, accomplishing this with their traps, poisons or just landing a lethal strike before their opponent has the chance to do anything, keeping all of these in mind, I decided to give my Sram a ninja theming.
Inspired on the full body suit from Wakfu and some elements for chest, arm and legs from Dofus, her equipment is mostly coformed by light equipment and dark colors (except the bones patterns and her hat) so she can merge herself with shadows.
On their assasin duty, she got a lot of tools to get the job done:
Her daggers are made of with Sculucanus´s pincers from Srambad, which can be used on their own as daggers, or, use them together as pincers/scisors. So she can land a lowblow on close combat in case it´s necesary.
A pair of bones who serve as injectors, that can be loaded with the poison from her belt´s flasks, so she can finish a target overtime meanwhile she aims for another.
The scrolls on her belt contain Sram´s trademark traps, so she can be more tactic against targets with a lot of mobility and doesn´t have the chance to get close (why scrolls? because it´s never really especified how the traps look like).
The scythe does the same job as the daggers, but she can only use it when she´s invisible.
(Note: The actual Sram is the one surrounded by shadows on the left, the one on the right is her Double).
The "eyes" on her hat are inspired by the eye distribution of a Black Widow, which fits quite well her lethal nature.
Su diseño esta basado en mis Srams Vixen-Bandit (Dofus) y Vulpine-Reaper (Wakfu), teniendo como mayor inspiración la dimensión divina de Sramvil y su elementos.
Her design is based on both my Srams Vixen-Bandit (Dofus) and Vulpine-Reaper (Wakfu), being inspired the most by the divine dimension Srambad and it´s elements.
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blackbird0blog · 1 year
Void Contract (Naruto SI)
Uzuki Yuuto was content to serve his village as a career chuunin manning an insignificant outpost on the outskirts of Konoha while exploring the wonders of chakra. He stayed far away from The Plot and was happy about it. Then, he accidentally stumbles across Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame, and his easy life as an unnoticeable grunt comes to an explosive end.
“You’re hovering, nee-san.” I tried not to sigh.
Laid out on my bedspread was the entire sum of the ninja gear I’d collected over the years, ranging from ordinary kunai and shuriken to the more unusual ninja wire and trap making tools. A tent, sleeping roll, rations packs, and many pills of various purposes were also scattered across the sheets.
My purple haired sister checked the equipment for the third time.
“I just want to make sure you have everything. This is your first time being deployed, mot shinobi don’t properly prepare the first time.”
“I know, you’ve said this before,” I said patiently. “But those people are suckers who don’t have storage scrolls, so I won’t be one of them since I’ll be taking everything.” I pointed to the white waterproof cloak lined with fur. “I’m even taking my snow gear, and you know I won’t need it in Fire Country in the summer!”
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m probably overreacting, it’s only border patrol.” The young woman calmed herself and finally allowed me to begin sealing everything away. “But still, what if that awful man makes your life at the outpost difficult?”
“Oshiro’s a dick,” I agreed, shoving stuff into their places with puffs of chakra smoke. “But he wouldn’t go so far as to sabotage me on a mission. And even if he was that kind of guy, he doesn’t have the pull to do it. It’s just border patrol, and really, some field experience would be good for me. Plus, you know I’ve been meaning to test out the effectiveness of my God’s Eye seals, so it’s a win-win for me. Actually, it’s a win-win-win since I also don’t have to see Oshiro’s face.”
My sister scrunched her nose up at the name of my supervisor. “He’s just a washed-up has-been who’s jealous that you’re better at his job than him,” she said spitefully.
“You’re biased, nee-san.” I rolled my eyes but didn't hold back my grin.
Yuugao wrapped me in a tight hug, one which I returned. I had nothing but the greatest respect for my older sister who had scarcely been a genin when we lost our parents in the kyuubi attack. She had raised me alone since I was four, and though I was undoubtedly one of the best-behaved kids in the world, it hadn’t been easy for her.
“But really, what did you say to Oshiro that made him lose his temper this time?”
I made a face. “We were arguing about which sealing ritual we were supposed to use, and I knew a tri-pronged seal would be best. He’s an idiot, so he thought we should use a pentagonal sealing ritual instead, and while sometimes that’s better it really wasn’t for what we were trying to do.” I waved the details away because they didn’t matter. What mattered is that I was right, Oshiro was wrong, and the seals’ effectiveness had proven that.
“And well, I may have called him a moron of the highest degree who couldn’t unseal himself out of a wet paper bag. And that the one true miracle in this world was that he hadn’t blown himself up yet.”
The sound of my sister’s scandalised exasperation made me grin, and although she looked at me reprovingly, I could see a smile of her own she was trying to hide.
Border patrol was actually a nice experience. It was good to get out of Konoha, to run through the trees at a speed that I had never dreamed was possible a lifetime ago. The outpost itself was small but well maintained, and although I had to bunk with three other guys, I didn’t mind. I was incredibly productive that first month, setting my God’s Eye sealing framework to report any sentient being within my range.
Of course, to account for summon creatures, I had to include animals within the scope of beings detected. This resulted in a lot of false alarms where the seals pinged every time a bird left its nest, a squirrel shuffled, or a badger farted. Most of my time not patrolling with a senior chuunin was spent refining the definition of ‘sentient being’ in my seal to exclude regular animals. The importance of the minutia in the wording was why I considered each seal to be akin to a contract.
If you wrote in something illegal or impossible, or if you broke a contract there would be consequences – consequences which varied depending on the circumstances. That was why seal failures were always extremely varied and very interesting.
It was on a very ordinary day a month and three days into my assignment that I got yet another strange notification.
I looked up from the figurine I was attempting to carve, groaning, because what the hell? “My seals are telling me a man and a shark are moving through our border, quite rapidly too.”
My assigned partner didn’t even glance up from his magazine. “As far as sealing failures go, that’s pretty bad, kid!” he guffawed. “I’m not sure if that’s worse than the time you thought an army was invading and it turned out to be a fallen tree disturbing a wasp’s nest.”
I blushed at the mention of that disaster, but also frowned, because I was sure I had fixed everything. Which meant, what? Who carries his pet shark with him when illegally sneaking across the border? Was it a smuggler?
“I’m heading out. Sector D3.”
“Sector D3, roger. Send up a flare if you need us, you know the drill.”
Technically I wasn’t supposed to patrol alone, but it wasn’t our official patrol shift. There were six of us at the border and we each pulled eight hour shifts so there was always a pair out running the route. Small groups of shinobi could easily sneak past, but that wasn’t what we were here for.
We were here to stop any slow-moving civilians smuggling contraband, be available to assist incoming Leaf teams in distress, and act as advance warning for any armies that might want to enter the Land of Fire. Of course, armies had only encroached in Fire during the First and Second Shinobi War, and a surprise army meant someone in Intelligence had seriously dropped the ball.
When I arrived in sector D3, my seals reported the man and his shark slowing down, obviously having sensed me coming. I couldn’t see them which was both an issue and a huge warning sign I should have noticed, and I blame my lack of field experience for what I did next.
“Look, I don’t know what you’ve have been smoking, but you do realise there are easier ways to smuggle your pet shark into Fire Country than trying to sneak past border control, right?”
I stared, unimpressed, at the empty space where my seals told me they were standing. Said empty space promptly shimmered, and I felt my heart stop.
“So much for no one being able to see through your genjutsu, Itachi!” Hoshigaki fucking Kisame laughed, lifting his wooden kasa from his head, grinning his pointed teeth at me meanly. “And who are you calling a pet shark?”
The other man – Uchiha Itachi!! – did not speak from beneath his own hat.
If bad luck and lack of field experience got me into this situation, stupidity was entirely responsible for everything else.
“Well. You are awfully large for a pet.” I hated myself. What the fuck was wrong with me!!??
I remember very distinctly that I didn’t feel any fear at that moment. The surrealism of the situation was so extreme that my mind hadn’t been able to process their sudden appearance, much less the implications. Even if I had wanted to, I never got the chance to apologise for my mouth getting away from me, because in that moment Kisame decided to stop me from talking ever again.
I couldn’t even see him move.
Instinct saved me and just like the thousands of times my sister had attacked me with her own sword, my hand came up to intercept Kisame’s, seal on my palm activating.
Yuugao and I had practiced this risky manoeuvre countless times because it was so dangerous.
The seals on my palms were storage seals, but I called them my momentum cancelling seals because that was what they did. Any weapon flying at high speed could be safely stored away in another dimension if you activated the seal at the right time. It didn’t matter how fast it was going or how much force it had, it would just go straight into my pocket dimension. My own version of an ‘ultimate defence’.
Of course, every technique had a weakness, and mine relied upon me being able to react to the incoming danger in time to get my hand up and activate the seal.
I was hit with... a lot of rubber balls. My reflexes were one of the two field skills I had trained extensively, compared to my lacklustre throwing skills and pitiful number of ninjutsu. From rubber balls, Yuugao and I upgraded to kunai and swords, and finally ninjutsu.
The result of all that training meant that when Kisame swung Samehada at me, I successfully intercepted it with my activated storage seal.
A shrill, rattling shriek fill the air and Samehada exploded into pieces, scales flying everywhere and fleshy lumps falling to the ground.
For a moment we all stared in shock at the gory mess that had been the most dangerous sword of the Seven Swordsmen. Kisame was left holding only the tattered remains of the yellow scaled handle.
Ordinary storage seals were only meant for non-living matter. Body scrolls worked because they were for bodies, corpses that no longer contained charka. If you tried to seal a living thing into a storage scroll, it would do absolutely nothing.
But my seals weren’t your ordinary storage seals.
I had custom designed them very specifically for attacks. The wording I had used had been ‘damage inflicting thing’. I know, it doesn’t sound specific at all - that’s what made this seal so powerful. I couldn’t use ‘weapon’ because that excluded all the other weird things ninja liked to use. It would also exclude ninjutsu, and to do that would be foolish. So, I needed something that would allow me to seal all manners of weaponry, random objects that people could potentially throw at me, and ninjutsu.
Thus, ‘thing’.
However, Samehada is a damage inflicting thing, but it’s also alive. It has a chakra network. My seals accepted that it was a damage inflicting thing and thus should be sealed. My seals also knew it was alive and thus could not be sealed.
The result – the seal simultaneously tried to seal and could not seal Samehada, ripping the sword into chunky gore.
“Void contract,” I breathed into the stillness. I had accidentally written in something that was impossible, and thus the contract had been voided and the seal failed. As far as seal failures went, this was the luckiest, most successful failure I could have had.
Of course, now I had to deal with the consequences.
The Monster of the Mist turned his gaze to me, and in that moment, I knew terror.
“You’ll regret that, boy.” He snarled and lunged, enormous blue hand lashing out.
It was my sister’s training which saved me once more. Before I had even graduated the academy, she made sure I mastered the substitution jutsu. No hand signs, instantaneous and reflexive; I avoided death by a hair’s breadth once more.
I didn’t bother to run. I wouldn’t be able to mask my escape well enough that these two would miss it, and they would undoubtedly catch me. I flickered further away through the forest, replacing myself with logs as quickly as I could to gain some distance.
Then Hoshigaki Kisame unleashed his chakra, and the whole forest erupted. Birds fled from the trees, rabbits from their burrows, and foxes from their dens. The wildlife scattered like a monster was in their midst - and there was.
Itachi still hadn’t moved.
Perhaps Kisame wanted to kill me himself, perhaps he didn’t want to move against a Konoha ninja. Or maybe he was casting genjutsu.
Chills shivered down my spine and I immediately unsealed a piece of equipment that would be my ultimate trump card in this fight.
It was my greatest work. I had gotten a Hyuuga to map the entire chakra network of my brain – all those hundreds of tiny capillaries that twisted about inside my skull. This seal was my chef-d'oeuvre, my opus magnus, my masterpiece. When activated, it released miniscule jolts of chakra into each and every capillary in my brain, disrupting every genjutsu in existence. It was crafted specifically for my brain and mine alone.
It would do this continuously for three minutes, after which I would be risking permanent damage.
If this seal was known, it would undoubtedly be labelled an S-rank technique and would deserve a spot in the Hokage’s Scroll of Sealing.
I put the tin hat on, the black ink on the inside of the foil hidden from the world.
The Tin Hat Seal was a joke I had thought up because it was both useful and funny. I was meaning to tattoo the seal to my scalp, but I hadn’t worked up the courage to do so yet. So I put it on the inside of a tinfoil hat because at the time I was making it, it was hilarious. I had never hated my past self so intensely before. So much, for so many things.
Kisame didn’t give me any planning time at all. I had scarcely placed my tinfoil hat upon my head when he appeared, barrelling through the trees.
“Water style,” he growled, the murder in his eyes practically tangible. “Exploding Water Shock Wave!”  
A scroll was whipped out of my pouch and I had it unravelled and wrapped around the lower half of my mouth in an instant. I must have looked completely ridiculous; my tin hat covering the top half of my skull and a paper scroll the bottom. I stuck the edges of the scroll to my face above my nose and below my mouth with charka, cutting myself off the outside air and began breathing the air I had sealed. Just in time as an enormousexpulsion of water erupted from the Kiri ninja.  
I tried anchoring my feet to the ground, but was tugged free as I was battered by the flow of water that very quickly rose to cover my head. Still, the volume of water grew until I was trapped in the middle of a football stadium sized dome of liquid that towered over the trees.
This was insane. The sheer amount of chakra…
I suppose Kisame thought I deserved the full treatment for destroying Samehada. Lucky me.
But while Kisame may have seemed like the imminent threat, Itachi was the one I was really worried about. If he caught me in a genjutsu while I was fighting Kisame, I was completely screwed. My three-minute countdown was already ticking, and each second I wasted with Kisame was one less I had to kill Itachi. I didn’t know if it was possible for Itachi to place me under an illusion from all the way over there, outside of Kisame’s enormous water dome, but I wasn’t taking any chances.
I needed to deal with him first to have even the slimmest chance of surviving.
I flexed my chakra and formed the one of the two elemental ninjutsu I was capable of.
Water Style: Water Clone
The liquid coalesced before me while Kisame unleashed a swarm of sharks. My heart skipped a beat and a part of my brain gibbered in terror as I saw hundreds of the creatures undulating my way.
Then I was gone, substituting with my clone as fast as I could.
It was like the scariest game of substitution tag in the world. I would create a clone and try to substitute myself with it before the sharks destroyed it or me, racing to escape the dome as fast as I could.
I had never done a string of substitutions so quick together before, and soon the world was a blur of water, sharks, and copies of myself. As soon as I arrived in the next position, I flexed my chakra and was gone again. This must have gone on at least two dozen times, and when I reached the end of my line I remembered that Kisame could move the entire water dome because I wasn’t nearly as close to the edge as I should have been. I did it all again.
I was completely dizzy and disorientated by the time I made it out, allowing my air scroll to fall to the ground as I barfed. Like the motion sickness I’d had in the last life, I instantly felt loads better as soon as my stomach had emptied itself and didn’t waste any more time as I poured on the speed. I sprinted straight for where my seals told me Itachi was waiting, not far from the moving edge of the dome.
As I ran I stuffed down a soldier pill to replace the chakra I’d lost from the rapid water clones and substitutions, barely managing to swallow it along with some vomit.
I could feel the rest of border patrol near the dome as well, the opposite side as Itachi and myself, and was glad. I was sure they would be absolutely no help in this fight.
What I knew of itachi’s fighting style told me I would have one chance and one chance only.
I jumped off of a tree branch, leaving the canopy for the forest floor to meet Itachi face to face. He was younger than I had expected, and I only realised just now that he was fifteen years old. A year older than myself.
“I figured I would deal with you first,” I told Uchiha Itachi casually and stepped forward with false confidence. I smirked and looked boldly into his red sharingan eyes. “After all, I’m immune to every genjutsu in existence.”
Then, grinning cockily, I sprinted straight at him.
Itachi’s voice was deep, toneless, and flat. It sent shivers up my spine, the first word I’d ever heard him say, but it did not stop me.
His sharingan eyes warped, spinning into pinwheels. My heart hammered an SOS in my chest as I continued my charge.
“Arrogance,” I echoed, meeting his eyes straight on, left hand outstretched.
Itachi’s one habit, his one weakness in a fight was his over reliance on his sharingan abilities. Like all Uchiha really. I knew he probably didn’t want to waste his Mangekyo on a nobody like me, but if I taunted him into using it…
I had found them despite his genjutsu. Destroyed Samehada. Escaped Kisame’s water prison.
I was a threat he had to acknowledge.
His eyes widened as Tsukiyomi failed to take effect. He began moving backwards and I leapt, using the explosive effect of utilising too much chakra at my feet to propel myself forward faster.
Black fire poured from his eye, and I pulsed my outstretched hand with chakra. Overwhelming heat swept over me as the unnatural flame was sucked straight into my palm, and I felt my arm baking.
Time slowed, the scene crystalising impossibly as I continued forward straight into the black flames and out.
My palm hit his chest and I howled in pain as the burns made the contact absolute agony. But I pulsed my chakra again.
I was drenched, crimson covering me from head to toe, the blood sizzling off my burnt arm and my howl spiralled into a scream. My leap took me straight through Itachi’s gore and through several branches. I hit the ground on my feet, tripped and tumbled, arm clutched to my chest painfully, before getting up and running.
People counted as ‘damage inflicting things’ too.
His voice echoed unnaturally as time turned back and reset itself. The blood all over me vanished, the smell of it disappeared, and suddenly I no longer had to blink my eyes clear. Itachi was alive.
Just. As. Planned.
“KAI!” I roared, still running forward as fast as I could, and then the forest behind me exploded.
I had used my flying leap to propel myself both towards and away from Itachi. The seal tag stuck to my back to detached the moment before I reached him and used said leap to get myself far away from the it. Thus, when Itachi enacted Izanagi, he reappeared right where he had been standing before, right in front of my seal while I had exited the blast radius entirely.
Senju Tobirama had beaten Izanagi long before either Itachi or I were born. The Izanagi had a limit, it could only turn back a short amount of time. The amount varied from user to user, but I was prepared for them all.
The roar of continuous explosions filled the air and shook the earth as the seal summoned explosive tags, exploded, those tags summoned more and so on so forth. The sheer number of tags I had created for this attack had taken me months to write.
Itachi would have lost one eye to Izanagi. I didn’t know if that meant Susanoo was out of his reach or not, but I had a counter for that too.
Because I had not merely used explosions.
Another weakness I knew of that I shouldn’t, was the acidic mist that could melt even the bones of the skeletal warrior. I had mixed in both fast-acting lethal poison gas and acidic mist tags into my explosions. That patch of forest was going to be an absolutely lethal wasteland for the foreseeable future.
Now, I had planned for pretty much the worst-case scenario when I made the tandem tag explosions, which was Uchiha Obito. I couldn’t remember how long he could remain intangible, so I had made the explosions last ten minutes, just in case. I was kind of regretting that now as my ears were deafened.
This is not a ninja battle, I thought viciously, grinding my teeth as I picked myself up laboriously and made away from the Itachi-killing zone. A ninja is supposed to be silent and stealthy, killing in the night. This is the least stealthy fight since Hashirama and Madara made the Valley of the End.
Kisame’s monstrous chakra signature that he’d been flaring since the beginning was on the level of a fucking bijuu. His water prison was on the move in my direction and towered way above the trees, the size of a hill. Itachi’s chakra signature had also flared when he used his Mangekyo, and my own contributions were hardly going unnoticed. I’d bet you could hear the explosions from the country over.
I whipped off my tinfoil hat, sealing it away with a relief. I’d lost track of how long I’d been wearing it, but I had included a warning in that it would heat up if I was approaching three minutes. It was still cool to the touch, to my utter shock, because how on earth had all that happened in less than three measly minutes?
I knew ninja fights were fast, sometimes only lasting seconds, but this was insane.
I covered my ears as the booms continued to buffet me, even over here. If Itachi survived this, then I was a goner. Those had been all my Uchiha tricks.
I made my way back to the very middle of my God’s Eye network, the outpost. I arrived at the abandoned camouflaged building, the five other Konoha ninja in the field far away from both my explosions and Kisame, obviously scouting things out from afar.
This is my first mission outside of Konoha! The giggles burst out of me as a leaned against the hard stone wall, heaving and trying to catch my breath. The C-rank curse is real!
I closed my eyes and breathed deep. Once. Twice. Thrice. I was still shaking.
I wanted to hide. I wanted to run away. I wanted this to all be a terrible nightmare.
The throbbing of my roasted left hand was an unneeded reminder of my wakefulness. My whole left sleeve was gone, and the skin beneath was bright lobster red, black in several places. Tears pricked at my eyes just from looking at it, and I instantly looked away. Though on the bright side, at least my flesh wasn’t completely charred black.
Before I could do anything else, the water dome approached.
I whipped out a scroll and set in on the ground, and then I was swallowed. The storage seal began to glow, sucking in the water at a rapid pace as it filled up, and the dome transformed into a whirlpool as the water was drained.
I gasped as my head emerged and saw Kisame surfing swiftly on the whirlpool and nearing me at a ferocious pace. I threw myself into the currents, trying to stay as far from him as I could. Dropping Kisame into my best Genjutsu, I didn’t even get to see if it had worked because something jumped out of the water and bit my leg.
I screamed and instantly lost my balance, tumbling into shark-infested waters.
It was luck that saved me. I was tossed by the currents straight out of the whirlpool before I could be eaten alive, thrown in an arc through the air and bounced off the ground like a skipping stone.  
I came to a stop when my back smacked against the wall of the outpost, miraculously still standing, and I temporarily blacked out. I must not have been unconscious for long, because when I opened my eyes, I was still alive and Kisame was standing not even ten feet away, the last of the water disappearing beneath the treeline.
The Kiri-nin stalked closer to me, the grin he had worn at the beginning of the fight nowhere to be seen. He had discarded his Akatsuki cloak at some point and the rippling of his muscles as he moved was honestly one of the most intimidating things I’d ever seen.
“Who the hell are you, and why haven’t I heard of you before?”
I tried to speak, but all I could manage was a wet, shuddering gurgle.
“Look at you, thirteen years old, barely hit puberty and already one of the scariest things that go bump in the night.” Kisame smirked mirthlessly. “Konoha really does produce outrageous prodigies.”
The explosions that were still going off were quieter here, but I could still barely hear him over the ruckus.
I’m fourteen, actually, I huffed quietly, my ribs protesting with each breath. I was trembling from exhaustion and fear, my limbs rattling despite the numbness and absolute agony of my left arm. Without that pain, I might have passed out again already. I sagged further, the energy to conceal my weakness having left me entirely.
Kisame stepped closer, and I closed my eyes.
My heart fluttered as fast as a hummingbird’s wings as I waited, mere moments from certain death.
When my seal network told me Kisame was exactly where I needed him, I pulsed the chakra through the tags on every nearby tree. From the linked seals, thin wires were summoned, held taut between the pieces of paper I had set up at the very beginning of my border patrol, a month ago. A whole web of them appeared from nowhere, the wires crisscrossing around the Kiri-nin and the forest was set alight with the glow of electricity.
I could see the light show through my eyelids and the stench of cooking flesh soon hit my nose. I gagged and choked, reminded of the smell my own arm had made, but I didn’t have anything else left to throw up.
Opening my eyes as the light faded, I was met with the sight of Kisame’s smoking corpse caught in my wires. The skin around them had lines of black where the intense heat of the electricity had charred it, and to my complete disgust, Kisame’s eyeballs had burst and were dripping out of his sockets.
I waited, for a sign of a substitution, for the trick to reveal itself, for the ninja to bludgeon me from existence.
But nothing happened.
My seals told me he had died. The sentient shark they detected had vanished, blipped out of reality.
Kisame remained, trapped in my wires, lifeless.
This is part of my Short Stories series, find more here:
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mokutone · 1 year
🌿🌱 Mokutone Masterpost 🌱🌿
Hi! Welcome. This post will function sort of as a FAQ and will be updated as such. You don't need to read it, but if you've had these questions, here are my answers:
"Do you take Commissions?"
Not yet! I do, however, have a Ko-fi, where I'll do some little thank-you doodles!
"Do you have a shop?"
No, not at the moment! I am considering it though...
"What materials do you use?"
By far the questions I get asked the most are about this, so this will get very long and I'm going to put it under a readmore. I will address the papers, inks, watercolors, dip pens, brushes, and other materials that I have used.
I also answer questions about my materials under the "my ninja tools and scrolls" tag, and give art technique advice under the "my jutsu" tag. Yes it's silly, but this is a Naruto art blog. this is what we all signed up for.
Mostly, this will be a list of my traditional materials. I will address the paper, pens, inks, and various types of watercolor that I use!
—Strathmore 400 Series Heavyweight Drawing Pads 100lb/163gsm. (these numbers refer to the weight/thickness of the paper. thicker paper is less likely to buckle) ———> This paper is extremely cheap (a 9"/12" pad is often under 10 dollars), takes inks EXCELLENTLY, but it's a much lighter paper, and it will buckle under watercolor. For this paper, it's good to only paint small sections, to paint very slowly, or to paint with the paper taped down to another surface.
—Fabriano Hot Press (Hot Press means the paper is smooth, not rough) Watercolor Paper, 140lb/300 gsm ———> I use this paper the most because it's fairly cheap to buy in bulk, while still being good enough quality that my picky watercolor teacher approved it, Lol. I can usually find a 9"/12" block of it with 50 pages for about $20 if i look hard enough—and the paper is hardy enough that if I'm careful, I can paint on both front and back of the paper. Bad for archival purposes maybe, but great for having fun and not spending more money. [Example]
—Vision Cold Press (Meaning the paper is rough and textured) Watercolor Paper, 140lb/300 gsm ———> My watercolor teacher said this stuff was garbage, but...I don't really care! It is DIRT CHEAP and YES it buckles a little despite being thick, and YES it feels like cardboard in your hand, and YES it ONLY comes in coldpress, but the texture is grainy and even and nice... and like. when I say dirt cheap I mean dirt cheap. I used to get the 6"/9" 30 page pad for like 6 or 7 bucks. [Example]
—Arches Watercolor Pad/Block, Hot Press, 140lb/300 gsm ———> This is that expensive shit. I got a pad of it for a class back in college, and I dip into it now and again—I also bought a little bit more when there was a sale recently, a 12 page. It's 100% cotton, and it takes pigment based watercolor REALLY well, but it's not so good about dye based (I'll discuss the difference between those later) [Example]
Dye based watercolors, because they are based in dyes instead of pigments, are not lightfast. They are not archival. If you expose them to sunlight, they will begin to fade, and some will fade rapidly. That said, if you hoard your art in a dark place once you've documented, go hog wild! The fact that they're all liquid already makes them really easy to use.
—Ecoline Watercolor [Liquid] ———> These are a little watery, but they are cheap and easy, and I used them for the majority of my early watercolor art on this blog!
— Dr. Ph. Martin's Radiant Concentrated Watercolors [Liquid] ———> They are expensive, and sold in small quantities. They are, however very bright, like that label isn't lying! They're super concentrated! I have not actually run out of any of the ones that I bought (at a store closing sale bc otherwise they're too expensive lol) because they only use a small amount at a time
— Dr. Ph. Martin's Synchromatic Transparent Watercolors [Liquid] ———> They are also expensive, and also sold in small quantities. They aren't really made for paper either. They're fine. Probably not worth it though!
—Black Sheep Art Supply's Pans And Half Pans! [solid watercolor] ———> These have been very enjoyable for me to work with!! They're very bright, affordably priced, and the paints are from a small business, as well as being handmade and from the first Black-owned art supply store. I've had wonderful experiences ordering from this store, and I wholeheartedly recommend them!
[EDIT: apparently the shop is on a break or something! oh well]
—Dr. Ph. Martin's Hydrus [liquid watercolor] ———> These are liquid watercolors, like the dyes, but they are archival and somewhat light-fast, which means they can be exposed to moderate amounts of sunlight without fading. I haven't gotten to use them much yet, but they seem fine. You do have to shake them a lot to mix the pigment in. They can also be a little difficult to rewet, and may appear somewhat flaky.
—Turner Professional Artists' Watercolors [tube/semi liquid] ———> These are watercolors stored in tubes, you know, the traditional way! I used these for class, back in college. They're cheap, but well pigmented as far as cheap watercolors go. If you're really on a tight budget, this is probably the best pick.
—Holbein Artist' Water Color [tube/semi liquid] ———> My best friend (the one who got me into naruto!) gave these to me! Usually they can be very expensive. They're very high quality, and gorgeous. I'm so enamored with them and touched by the gesture that I use them very rarely, I don't want to lose them! They're special to me!
✒️ INKS: 🖋️
I only use permanent inks which will not bleed (much) when water is applied, due to working in watercolor. This list will reflect that
—Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay Black India Ink ———> I use this the most frequently. It's a little shiny, but not too bad, and it is completely waterproof once dried. Of the Ph. Martin inks, it's the cheapest by far, and a 1oz bottle (which lasts me months) can be found for about $5. —Dr. Ph. Martin's Black Star (Matte) Ink ———> Very waterproof, does not shine much at all. If you record your art with photography rather than scanning, this may be useful to you! Unfortunately, it's about $10 a bottle. —Dr. Ph. Martin's Black Star (Hi-Carb) Ink ———> Very waterproof, very shiny. I don't use this much because I don't like my ink to shine, but it can be very nice with the right application. Unfortunately, it's also about $10 a bottle.
—Yatsumoto Sumi Ink ———> you can get this stuff cheap. Like, you could get a 12oz bottle of it for like $12. That's very cheap. Unfortunately it's not completely waterproof, and if you agitate (rub the brush vigorously) over the ink, it may seep into the watercolors. If you're careful though, this won't be a huge problem. It's also good for ink-only work.
—Liquitex Acrylic Ink ———> This is also very waterproof, but it also takes longer to dry than the other inks, so I find myself smudging it a lot. It's also about $7 for a 1oz bottle, but about $20 for a 5oz bottle, so if you're committed to the ink, it can be cheap to buy in larger sizes.
—Diamine Registrar's Blue-Black Ink ———> Expensive. Really more of an interesting find than a practical ink for me. This is mostly waterproof, but a very thin ink, and you can feel the nib get scratchier when drawing with it. That's not a bad thing, it's just a textural thing. It's produced in a similar way to medieval inks, with iron and oak-galls, and because of this it has some interesting properties: When first applied to paper, it's a pale or sky blue, but it darkens rapidly as it dries, becoming almost black over time. It runs the rusk of corroding metal pen nibs due to its chemical makeup, and so nibs which use this must be washed extra thoroughly.
—Speedball Sketching Pen Set: ———> Easiest to get your hands on. Comes with two nib-holders and 6 different nibs to try out, available at most art stores, and usually around $10. It's also not bad quality—I don't use the tiny little nib-holder any more, but I use the standard black one all the time.
—Tachikawa Comic Pen Nib Holder, Model 40/ Model 36 ———> My Favorite. Thank god it has a little rubbery thing around it, because I grip pens hard 😭. It is able to hold standard-size AND small-size nibs. Occasionally, I find that some "standard-size" nibs might not fit, but I've never had this issue with the small size nibs.
Honestly, those are my favorites, but it's really hard to go wrong with pen nib holders. If they fit comfortably in your hand, and they hold a nib, they're good!
🖋 NIBS: ✒️
Nibs are difficult to acquire. They can be expensive too.
— Speedball ———> If you want to get a variety of nibs to experiment, this is my first recommendation. They have a wide variety of nibs to experiment, and find out what your favorites are.
—Tachikawa Pen Nibs ———> They've got less robust options than Speedball, and a little more expensive too, but they're very good nibs! The G-Nib is the standard nib used in comic making, and especially for lettering. It's a very stiff little nib, so it doesn't flex too much. This makes it pretty reliable, and especially good for lettering/writing.
—Manuscript Leonardt Pen Nibs ———> A lot of options for everything from caligraphy to cartography to sketching, also a little expensive—what is notable is that their pen nibs tend to be on the more flexible side, allowing the artist to get a lot of line weight variance. This is bad for lettering, but fun for drawing! They also have pens shaped like hands. Neat.
—Brause Pen Nibs ———> These were always super expensive where I was. I got a few. They come in this dorky plastic case with a sliding top, and I kinda wish they didn't bc that's a whole lotta plastic for something that coulda been stored in cardboard or paper, lol. I now use the cases to hold perfume samples. They're good pens, they're just expensive and the packaging is dumb.
—Whatever the hell is on Etsy. ———> People love to sell vintage things on etsy, and pen nibs are no exception. Often, you can find random samplers of pen nibs, or collections of pen nibs for sale. Sometimes you can find a whole box of one kind of pen nib, often times with a lot of nibs in it. I once bought one of these for like $45 and i don't even regret it because it's got a shitton of nibs and I realllly like using them. It will literally last me the rest of my life.
🖌 Brushes: 🖌
I don't have a lot to say about brushes! Ultimately, if it makes a mark on paper, and you like the mark it makes...I think that's a good brush.
I've been told you should go for ones which hold a shape, I think, and don't spread out in a big puff. Ones which use animal hairs are apparently best, but they are also very expensive. Generally, with watercolors, you will want to use "round" brushes, especially for beginners. If you want to experiment, I recommend Filberts, but there are also sword/dagger brushes if you're painting something like grass. Mostly I use:
—Creative Mark Mimik Kolinsky: ———> As the name implies, these are meant to mimic (synthetically) brushes made from Kolinsky fur. These are nice and I like them. They're cheap, but hold their shape well, and feel good in the hand. —Creative Mark Mimik High Performance Synthetic Squirrel Hair Watercolor Brushes: ———> What a name. I find these to be just as good for me as the Mimik Kolinsky, but a little bit cheaper. As long as ur careful not to treat them too roughly you'll be fine.
—Princeton Watercolor Brushes ———> Good. Expensive, but good. They have a variety of synthetic + natural materials, they are well made, if you have a little money to throw around + want a brush which will preform very well but will not destroy your bank, this is a solid brand. I've used ones from their Velvetouch, Mini-Detailer, and Heritage collections before, and enjoyed them all very much.
Additional Supplies:
—Porcelain Palette ———> I highly recommend using a porcelain palette instead of a plastic palette, both because I like to cut down on plastic when I can, and because the porcelain palettes are just....so much more convenient. The glass-like coating means that they will be easier to clean, whereas all of my plastic palettes over the years have gotten permanent stains. They're a little harder to accidentally knock around because they're heavier, which probably isn't a problem for most people, but I can be kinda clumsy. I can't tell u the number of times I've sent a full plastic circle-palette of watercolors flying lol
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bestblogmedia · 4 months
Media and Information Literacy Entry#3 (18)
       Media is another term for medium which is defined as one of the means of communication, information, or entertainment to society. it is also the outlet or tools to deliver information elsewhere. It also broadly describes all channels of information, including everything from printed paper to digital data. Media functions in my everyday life weather i’m at home or I’m at school , media is a big part of my life, especially social media. I spent ours scrolling through social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for me. There are many kinds of media, but social media is the one I often use. there is a big impact of media in society because media can influence in many ways. Rolls of media that is relevant to me is to educate and to inform, both has a lot of meaning in media, particularly social media for me I get educated, in terms of watching liking commenting on post relative to educational videos or pictures. To inform is to  be credible in social media. If we post something we should be credible enough for the viewers to see that what I post is true, and not of gossip.
      My perception of media before the lesson was that media can be bride in someway that it can change the perception of people who are view media platforms like social media, TVs, radios, etc. my view of media right now is that media can have a big influence in what they report because people who watches or listens to media every day can view what they report as a fact. ninja can be a big influence in a way that it changes how people think in someway or form.
       There was a situation where in I was required to research about earthquakes, and it wasn’t due for one day only so I crammed and with that I asked help in social media particularly Twitter wherein I asked about what is an earthquake and what is the use of it and I got an answer that helped me in knowing what earthquake is so those are the times when I was still young wherein I didn’t know anything about earthquakes and I used media particularly social media to help me.
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tesshlyons · 1 year
Tess Lyons First Social Media Class Blog Post
I would describe social media as a tool that was first started as a way to connect with your friends and stay up to date with people electronically. The idea you could wish your fifth grade best friend who you haven’t spoken to in two decades a happy birthday seemed pretty intriguing. With one like, one click, you were considered buddies with strangers or folks who used to occupy your life. Now however, I’d say that social media is a marketing tool more than anything else. One can’t scroll on TikTok, or Instagram or Facebook or Twitter or any other social media site without seeing an ad; majority of the time an ad that’s targeted at them. Social media is perfectly diabolical in that way. You like a video about smoothies, boom an ad alerting you that the Ninja 3000 is 2% off today and today only!! Every marketable thing from Tv shows to clothing lines to the Ninja 3000 have social media pages, and that’s because it’s the most useful place to get that information out there. People don’t watch the news anymore, they get a ding from Twitter notifying them that Joe Biden is in some serious hot water surrounding documents. It’s wild how impactful this alternate form of media is but also incredibly impressive seeing, as previously mentioned, we all signed up for the idea just so we could stalk our work crush and pretend them liking our tweet means them liking us personally. So in short, social media to me is a new wave media, marketing, and surprise surprise social life saving  (or killing) tool. 
I’m the social media manager for a boating app and a local magazine so my time on social media is spent attempting to boost the two as much as I can. Being 21 I also have my own social media profiles. Why I’m so adamant about the idea that social media is a marketing tool is because I have first hand experience frequently marketing my magazine and the boating app, but also marketing myself. Maybe that sounded alarming. Not marketing myself but marketing my photography, which I do so I suppose marketing myself works though I will admit it felt strange typing that.  I started my photography account when I was 15 and have accumulated a decent following. I’ve gotten jobs through it and everything. I look at social media not as a fun-interactive-scroll-mindlessly device, I look at it as a way for me and the pages I manage to garner a larger audience. 
My strength with social media is that I was essentially born into a world with it. My formative years were when Facebook had already been around for quite a bit, and Instagram was the hottest thing around. Essentially if you didn’t have Instagram and Snapchat your opportunities to make friends were lowered. Exchanging numbers was a thing of the past when I was around 12. People didn’t want to text never mind call, people wanted to send each other goofy selfies using the gauntlet of snapchat filters. People wanted to admit crushes in the comment section of their overly filtered posts, ignoring each other in the classroom the next day. It was survival of the fittest. Either you conformed and downloaded the app, or you were left in the dark not knowing who went to showcase cinemas to see the fault in our stars and not knowing if you had been snubbed an invite to that cry fest showing. Social media is an appendage to me that I’ve been using for over a decade. That’s my strength. I didn’t grow up and then have to learn how to use it, I grew up using it. 
Being a social media manager I want to get better at statistics or learning the more technical side of utilizing social media. I don’t just want to know something works I want to know why something works. I’m excited to learn more from this class, despite my rather obvious dislike for social media. Hate it or love it its a useful tool that’s with us to stay, mine as well learn as much as you can. 
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the-stoned-ranger · 1 year
Real Ultimate Power
Welcome to Real Ultimate Power! This site is about ninjas, REAL NINJAS. This site is awesome. Hi my name is Rock Lee and I can’t stop thinking about ninjas.
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My dad is a ninja. His dad was a ninja. Now my dad is passing his ninja way to me. This site is about the nindo of youth! You too can harness the springtime of your youth to become a powerful ninja if you follow our ninja way! 
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Ninja Facts:
Ninjas are mammals.
Ninjas go on missions ALL the time 
The purpose of a ninja is to defend the village with their nindo.
Ninja Weapons and Gear:
Ninja sword
Ninja stars
Weapons are cool and all, but my dad and I like to fight with our BARE HANDS. This makes us cooler than the guys who use weapons, but don’t tell Tenten. The last time I did, she summoned nunchucks and broke my arm.
The 8 Gates:
The 8 Gates are the ancient art of killing yourself to defend the village. You can open the first 7 Gates without dying, but you can only open the 8th Gate if you are ready to die for your precious people! Ninjas use all sorts of things to kill themselves--swords, poison, ropes, Seppuku--but the 8 Gates burn with a youthful fire to take down all your enemies!
The only catch is that In order to open the Hidden Gates, you have to get REALLY SUPER PISSED.
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My dad won’t let me open the 8th gate, because the 8th Gate is the Gate of Death, and he says I’m too youthful to die. When he told me that, I got so mad I swallowed a frisbee. Then my dad cried so hard he had to go to the hospital for dehydration and I won the fight. I think it reminded him about the time that his dad opened the 8th Gate to defend the village from the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist and died, but I still won, and now every time I need to open the 8th Gate without dying, I just fold a Frisbee in half and swallow it while my enemies cower in fear! Believe me, it’s pretty cool.
Dad used this technique to fight Madara Uchiha to open the 8th Gate. He got really super pissed because Madara was trying to put all the nations into an infinite dreamworld, and my dad used all the youthful power of his chakra to swallow a Frisbee and Madara was so scared he crapped his pants!
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How to open the 8 Gates
Step 1    Get a frisbee from Tenten.
Step 2    Clean the Frisbee.
Step 3    Make sure your dad isn’t around
Step 4    Put something slippery on it, like butter or cream.
Step 5    Get really super pissed.
Step 6    Fold the Frisbee hard (this is crucial)
Step 7    Keep folded and insert Frisbee into mouth hard.
Step 8    Push hard until you can’t see it.
Step 9    Wait.
Step 10  Become engulfed by the flames of youth
Step 11  Flip out and kill people 
Step 12  Die.
Ninja Sightings
This is Kakashi-sensei! He teaches Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. No one has ever seen his face. He is such a hip and cool ninja that he will flip out and kill you if you do. 
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This is my ninja team! My dad and I are posing with our beloved teammates, Neji and Tenten! Neji has the Byakugan and has mastered the art of chakra manipulation! When he gets super pissed off, he can stop your chakra! Tenten can summon ninja tools from scrolls and then she flips out and hurts people! I am so proud of my team! They are truly incredible and I love them with all of the power of my youth!
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Lady Tsunade is the 5th Hokage, the ruler of the Fire Country! She likes gambling and drinking and kicking ass even if she is old! Grandma Tsunade will flip out and punch a hole in your stomach with her bare hand. She is master of the Rebirth Technique Strength of a Hundred and if you try to hurt her she will just heal herself! I am proud to serve such a noble lady as a humble ninja from Konoha!
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[inspired by the early Internet website Real Ultimate Power]
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tittalisting · 2 years
Shinobi life roblox where naruto spawn
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Today's Deals on AmazonĮach location links to a post all the available working private server codes for that location, which will greatly increase your chances of getting to the enemy and scroll first by playing on a less crowded server. As a result, we have compiled the complete list of all item spawns in Shindo Life, their spawn and despawn times, spawn duration, location, rarity, and type. That is, most of these enemies only spawn twice per day, essentially every 12 hours.
However, major challenge in the process is finding the spawn locations of the enemies that drop these items and being there at the right time. New subreddit after name change: r/ShindoLife A sub reddit created to talk about the roblox game Shinobi Life 2 created by Rell Games Having concluded the series in late 2014, Masashi Kishimoto has kept himself busy this year with the side story Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring and writing the story for the latest Naruto. Shindo Life is a Naruto-inspired Roblox game where players explore a re-imagining of the hit show - taking on other ninjas through a.Shindo life hacker server. Shinobiâ s life 2 was based on fighting simulation and released on January 1st, 2020 by Rell Games.You are able to unlock different abilities that your avatar owns. Similarly, scrolls that allow you to summon specific Bosses and Tailed Spirits are placed around the map, and allow the boss to be summoned freely every 5 minutes, with a chance to reward exclusive scrolls upon. Scrolls containing Ninja Tools, Sub-Abilities, and Tailed Spirits have a chance to spawn at set times each day. Les shinobi sont pour la plupart organisés en clans, eux-mêmes regroupés au sein dune base militaire : le village caché. Les femmes ninjas sont appelées kunoichi ().
code: Code Server Vip Shinobi Life 2 : Shindo Spawn List / Shindo Life Weapon Spawn. Le terme shinobi () autrement appelé ninja () désigne les combattants de lunivers de Naruto. A large part of the Roblox Shindo Life ninja fighting experience is related to exploring the game's multiple different locations to defeat enemies and collect different sub-abilities, ninja tools, Bloodline modes, and many more items. Today I will be showing ALL Jin Spawn Locations in Shinobi Life 2 Roblox with Jin Spawn time and RarityPLEASE SUBSCRIBE & RING MY BELLAtlasZero Discord. Shinobi life 2 is a reenvision of shinobi life by the original developers. Locations are the main areas in Shindo Life which is where gameplay is. Shindo Life (Roblox) Private Server Codes List December Jul 04.
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