#my personal little scrimblos
ineed-to-sleep · 1 year
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Ok but this ⬆️ vs this ⬇️
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I'm sorry the shift in vibes is sending me
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lindenmori · 2 years
maybe its linked to how the mbti thing turned out to be made up by eugenicists, and maybe also the monsther getting into some such pseudo psychological cultlike bullshit and trying to drag me down too, but i am automatically suspicious whenever theres some personality test that puts people into some kind of personality type role boxes. i feel like it immediately stunts further inspection.
and maybe if you, for example, feel the need to fix everyone and shoulder everyones problems, its not because you are some kind of predestined supportive angelic healer type whos meant for helping others, its more likely because you dont have firm boundaries and dont know how to say no, or maybe you had everything blamed on you and think everything is your responsibility, or something else. or if you often push all of your needs aside to plow through to your goal even to your own detriment its not because youre some destined trailblazer hero type. it might just be because you had someones ambitions dumped on you, and your needs were often disregarded and/or you were not treated as worthy unless you did these grand accomplishments, so you learned to disregard your own needs. or something else.
and if i, personally, for example, always daydreamed of different or better worlds, its not because i am some destined inspired visionary type. its because this world has been cruel to me so i have constantly yearned for better.
it might just be very human nature to try to end our confusion (and subsequent thinking, research and discovery) by putting the subject we are looking at in some convenient box, but this also makes us miss out on so much nuance and truth. life is unfortunately not an rpg and no one picked you a class.
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dew . what do you even See in ea
<FDM> everything??
<FDM> she's really sweet, and funny, and super smart,
<FDM> i love hearing about their interests and just talking to them is so nice
<FDM> sometimes he does sort of upset me but, i dont think i could ever really hate him. everyone's going to get upset by their partner at some point, and she does far more good than bad.
<FDM> he does so much good. i know he likes playing the villain but,
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wifeyliker · 2 years
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misskriemhilds · 2 years
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i have so many clair icons from the umineko manga saved to my computer, now that i've changed my entire blog theme to her i'm considering just captioning all my textposts with icons of her
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Mr. Egg, Mr. Pickle, and Mr. Hot Dog
Debut: BurgerTime
BurgerTime is one of those retro games and that's about it. It existed, and it's Retro!, and I feel like people don't really care about it aside from that. It never even got an awkward attempt at a scrimblo adventure reboot, like Frogger did! Poor BurgerTime.
Anyway, my first time playing BurgerTime was not by playing BurgerTime at all, but a SpongeBob Flash game clone of it. I have no personal connection to BurgerTime itself... but I know it has some enemies that are living foods! I always get a kick out of that! So I'm going to talk about some of the various design incarnations of them!
These original designs are exactly what you would expect from a 1982 arcade game. I feel like I've seen Pac-Man ghosts drawn EXACTLY like this. I like how Mr. Egg has the strangely realistic crispy bubbling detail around his edges. They're all fine.
...is what I felt before I noticed their elbows and knees! Ew! Bones! Wretched creatures!
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Ohoho... now what have we here? The in-game sprites are delightful! The simplicity makes them very cute! Their feet are interesting, being just little floating lines, except for Mr. Egg's, because his legs are made of amorphous albumen! Mr. Egg is really the breakout star here. Look at his yolk! That's his EYE! This is so awesome! That's such a rare design choice to see, especially since egg creatures that are not of the "creature hatching from them" variety are pretty rare themselves.
Mr. Pickle is no slouch either! I appreciate him being specifically a pickle slice, often portrayed as nicely crinkle-cut. I just have to question why he is a villain! Pickles are one of Burger's best friends! This is like if Cheese was a villain! I think if anything Mr. Pickle should be a cute little sidekick on the side of burgers, and in his place can be, I don't know, Mr. Olive? Of course, pickles are much funnier than olives!
Mr. Hot Dog is not as interesting as the other two, but a simple sausage with eyes and feet is still cute. He is like the leader of the bunch, the main antagonist of our hero, Peter Pepper, who I do not really care about. I like that it's him! Burgers and hot dogs are like counterparts, but in no way equals. Hot dogs are easier to hold and eat, but burgers are just Better. And hot dogs have finally decided to give burgers a piece of their mind!
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This flyer art is funny. I don't LIKE any of the designs showcased, but they're funny! Faces are moved around on the foods, noses are introduced to the series, and Mr. Egg is now a slice of a hard-boiled egg. You will also notice the elusive Mr. Lemon! Mr. Lemon is not real! I don't know why there is such an emphasis on lemon here. Finally, of course, you will notice the personified Cheese, as she noselessly beckons Peter to recline atop a beef patty. Ooh la la! Don't you wish you were invited to hang out with such a beautiful female cheese who is a girl woman?
Really, the designs of the core food fiends never diverged much from the classic cartoon-style versions they started out with, appearing like that in pretty much every sequel. Except...!
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In BurgerTime World Tour, which was not a good game at all, these guys have been utterly rebooted! Now known as Frank Furter, Ruthless Dill, and Sonny! Are these their real names? Or just some similar guys?
The designs are rather basic, as to be expected from Foods With Faces, but it IS interesting seeing them generally made so much more monstrous. Something ESPECIALLY interesting is that Sonny the egg is the only one with limbs, reminding me of how Mr. Egg is the only one to have actual legs in the original sprites!
Ready for the SCARIEST redesign from World Tour?
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This game's version of Peter Pepper is this horrible gentrifying millenial and I'm glad his game was prematurely delisted. I hope he got eaten by an egg and chewed by teeth made of yolk. I hate him!
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rosypenguins · 2 months
Day 9! Something I like/dislike about the Jomies!
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Genuinely I cannot express how much I adore these four! They’re my little scrimblos, my goobers, my sillies, my stinkers even!! (I’m so fucking cringe.)
I think my favorite thing about them is how well they all work as a friend-group. Because I feel like you wouldn’t really expect these four to be friends at all.
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I mean, you got a charming little heart-throb, (Jake) the classic mean, grumpy rich kid, (Drew) some milf-obsessed dude, (Liam) and a very excitable weaboo, (Henry).
It’s a pretty random range of characters, yet they all play off each-other so well. They all have fun little dynamics with one another, yet they’re all separate characters perfectly able to stand on their own. I mean, it’d be pretty easy to just make Liam and Henry nothing more than Drew’s lackeys, but they’re not. They have depth to them. They have their own little personalities and quirks and they just so happen to go along with Drew.
And because of their dynamics with one another, it’s so much fun writing about them and imagining different scenarios involving either some of them, or all four of them. They’re just so awesome. They’re such a fun little group.
(And the mental image of Drew watching Liam, Henry and Jake be absolute crack-heads while wondering who’s medical bill he’ll have to pay next will never not be funny to me. I love this dynamic so much.)
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I genuinely need to do an in-depth analysis about the dynamics between these four, but for now, I should probably move on to something I dislike.
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If I’m being honest, I had to think about this for a while. Because, I mean, there’s not much I particularly dislike about them. I considered saying something about how them being bullies, but in all honesty, I don’t actually hate that about them.
I mean, that’s their job. They’re the antagonists of this show for a reason. They’re supposed to be mean and cause conflict. And if they didn’t, well, we’d have no show. (And that’d be lame.)
This isn’t to say I support their actions at all. (In fact I was seething at them in the Comic Episode.) I’m just trying to say that I can’t really bring myself to dislike them when they’re only fulfilling the role they were created for. (And they’re also characters outside of that role and those characters I really like.)
Anyways I think my only real complaint is that they all lied to Drew. Makes me sad.
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sneakyfordethklok · 8 months
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Murderface Headcanons
Appearance, backstory, and other related hcs for my favorite stinky scrimblo.
He's 5'11", surprisingly tall. He's about a quarter of an inch short of 6 feet. Though, honestly he would look taller if he wasn't around Skwisgaar and Nathan all the time.
He's quite heavy, over 200 lbs. However, despite his physique, there's an surprising strength to him, especially in his arms. He worked outside for most of his life before joining Dethklok, and he retains some of that muscle to this day. However, he lacks the stamina and determination to ever really defend himself, and can't fight worth a damn.
He's around 28 years old.
He deals with eczema, specifically atopic dermatitis. He is unfortunately very bad about genuinely taking care of it, even though he has creams for it. He's just very stubborn.
How I draw his hair is more closely inspired by Geezer Butler, the bassist of Black Sabbath, whom Murderface is based off of. Dense dark brown curls, but Murderface as usual takes poor care of himself. His hair is dry, his scalp oily and rife with dandruff, and he rarely brushes it. As a result, its quite matted and frizzy, with lots of dead ends and uncontrolled curls.
Speaking of taking poor care of himself... He's a bit stinky.
Seriously. He doesn't shower enough. And rarely wears cologne or deodorant. Though, rather than necessarily being a gross slob, it comes from him never being taught to look after himself as a child. He was quite neglected, and so he never even was taught how to properly wash his hair or himself.
He grew up in the deep south, but his parents were living in Jersey before their demise. His grandparents' house is a simple one-story property, with white siding and a green roof. The windows were always covered with thick blinds, and the porch had a ramp up the three steps for Stella and Thunderbolt. An ancient porch swing that didn't exactly look safe anymore sat on their porch for as long as he could remember.
Stella and Thunderbolt Murderface were terrible hoarders. Really, the whole house was a maze of trash and rot. The second you stepped inside, you could smell the piss and shit from Stella's yappy little dogs that William always despised. How much of a fire hazard and generally unsafe environment it was influenced his interest in fire safety as an adult.
His grandparents abused and neglected him frequently. Murderface was never given affection, positive reinforcement, encouragement of any kind really, and not an ounce of acceptance or interest in who he was. It was always expected that he do whatever they say without question.. else his grandfather would get The Belt.
Murderface lived in the basement of the home, which was surprisingly one of the least cluttered parts of the house. He had his own bathroom and living area down there, on top of his room, and he spent most of his youth in that cellar. He picked up his first guitar, acoustic, at age 13, and bought a bass at 15. He's been playing ever since.
His internalized homophobia was heavily fueled by his abusive upbringing, and generally unaccepting environment. Murderface knew there was something different about him, but he always overcompensated for his bisexuality by fixating on perving on women. His childhood room's walls and ceilings were plastered with cut outs from nudie mags and the Victoria Secret and Sear's catalogues by the time he was 15.
He was a chronic bedwetter until he was almost 10 years old, and the ridicule and beatings as punishment didn't exactly help him improve. Part of his fixation on urinating in inappropriate places may be fueled by this trauma.. not to mention the cause of the bedwetting itself stemmed from the abuse he suffered at their hands to begin with.
He joined Dethklok a few months after he turned 18, and was almost 19 when Toki joined af 16. They've been close friends since Toki joined, being the two youngest members of the band. Despite their arguing, it's a beneficial relationship.
Personally, I like to think the band is in a big polycule, but Murderface and Toki (Warface) is one of my main pairings.
His main kinks are BDSM, degradation, humiliation, impact-play, pet-play, bondage, edging, masochism, and body worship.
He can get overly excited from the smallest things. Just a gentle touch on his arm, looking at him a certain way— it all gets him going. He's big on physical touch, though he would never admit it, and not only desires affection but gives it constantly. He caresses, touches, and kisses at any chance given. In general, he's very needy. Especially during sex, he wants all of your attention and affection and gets very upset when he's denied.
Mostly the submissive type, but he can get in a mood sometimes where he just needs to fuck. And he can be very aggressive about it. Because he's likely much bigger than most partners he'd have, he can overpower easily and be pretty rough if he's in the mood for it. Spanking, choking, hitting, biting, etc are all on the table with him.
When he's in a subby mood (which is usually), he's a total brat until he's pushed to the edge. Defiant, snarky, and mouthy. He'll disobey orders, talk back, and generally be a disobedient slut. That is, until he's edged, teased, and overstimulated enough. He'll go from complaining to begging pretty damn quickly.
When it comes to his downstairs... William is excessively hairy everywhere, but especially in his pubic area. There's a thick nest of hair above the base of his dick, so dark brown its almost black. He's about 6 or so inches in length, but he has a pretty.. well, girthy one for lack of a better word. It has to be big enough to play bass with, after all.
Yea. He has calluses. On his cock. Its Murderface idk what you expected.
He won't admit it, but he loves being on bottom with male partners.
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magpod-confessions · 5 months
This is such an awful take that I know would get me killed by the entire fandom but I HATE Gwendolyn Bouchard. I feel no hate towards the people who like her, I just can't stand her. It's not even a mild dislike, no she is my absolute LEAST favorite character I do not like her AT ALL. She has 0 redeeming qualities to me, she fills me with such a deep seated and personal rage that I pray she doesn't make it though the entire podcast. She just isn't enjoyable! She's horrifically rude! If I was in a workplace setting with Gwen I know she'd make me cry out of repressed anger within the first week. I would quit my job because of Gwendolyn Bouchard.
And the entire fandom just warps her character SO much?? She is not a pathetic little wet cat scrimblo babygirl meow meow. She is mean and exhausted.
I also heavily detest the ship dyhard. There is such little chemistry, I have no clue what you guys are seeing. I know we all want toxic romcom yuri but they just??? Hate eachother??? Like. You guys know you have to tolerate someone to be romantically involved with them, right??? Cause these two ladies do NOT tolerate one another. Put them in a room together and within 5 minutes they will be arguing and not in the fun and sexy way.
I think I just hate authority and nepotism and bureaucracy too much to like Gwendolyn Bouchard.
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coquelicoq · 7 months
raksura for the ask meme?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) moon was designed in a lab to appeal to me personally, so. it's about the trust issues!
scrunkly (my "baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) the sky copper clutch!! traumatized children imprinting on a guy with baby fever is usually what i go to fanfic for so to have it right there in canon? incredible. i love all of frost's little tantrums and idk, just the way that she claims moon as her family in a way that has nothing to do with court politics? she's like, we're your clutch, obviously. and this is our court because it's your court, and all the other jabronis who live here are on thin ice. she's ready to throw down with moon's wife/the government at all hours of the day and she's like six years old. i love that moon has that energy in his life even though he personally is pretty confused and exhausted by it lol.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) it's hard out here for an ember stan because he is in so few scenes relative to the space he occupies in my psyche! i need 5000% more interactions between him and moon. him and stone. him and shade. him and river. him and the teachers. him and the clutches. him and jade and balm and chime. oh my god him and malachite? him and celadon? him and delin??
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) niran. i'm always up for a "longsuffering ship captain resigns himself to another restless night of hearing gigantic shapeshifters with incredible stamina fuck nasty on the roof of his cabin" moment. technically i have never been in that exact situation, but i feel like i can relate.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) river who is CLASSIC poor little meow meow territory like yes his whole personality is being a grade A asshole and sure he tries to kill my blorbo a few times, but once you get to know him he's so sad and pathetic that i'm kind of like okay where can i sign up to defend him from the largely factual aspersions of his dozens of quite frankly justified haters? he'd hate that. the good shit 👌
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) stone. every time he crankily says "why did i ever reproduce" upon finding himself entangled in yet another ridiculous clusterfuck thanks to one of his hundreds of idiot great-great-great-great-great grandchildren, an angel gets its wings. he's depressed and antisocial but he can't totally check out because he has to mediate relationship issues between his dumbass relatives. love that for him.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) malachite but specifically because malachite would not be scared of superhell. she'd skulk around being invisible, maybe fuck some shit up if she felt like it, and leave when she got bored. she probably makes it like. opal night's sister city or something. and nobody in the court is at all phased. yeah that's our reigning queen who recently got back from vacation in superhell. she does that. she says it's relaxing.
#yooo thank you for asking for this one!! i had already started thinking about it because river is like. plmms of all time for me#he's the platonic ideal of a plmm in my book#books of the raksura#asks#anon#every few months i check the ember ao3 tag to see if there are any new fics and there hardly ever are. but i live in hope#the moon-ember diplomatic attache tag team would be off the chain. it's all i would ever think about#ember was raised to be an imperial consort in a harem drama and he gets there and the empress is just like.#a deadly grizzly bear with no table manners who loves children and can't read and gets his feelings hurt really easily#moon tells him a bedtime story the second time they meet and ember is like#wow i love you. i'd die for you. if you'll be my bodyguard i can be your long-lost anger translator#a match made in heaven 🥰#meanwhile moon is picking up on none of this and is like. well i guess nobody's going to want me anymore now that they have#a REAL consort. he even knows how to pour tea. bastard. but i have to look out for him because he's so young and innocent. dammit#but if anyone actually needs to be looked out for in the cutthroat world of court politics it's moon. and ember is the one who can do that#i love the idea of indigo cloud needing moon to fulfill some diplomatic function and everyone knowing that the only way#to get him to agree is to send ember to point his big sad eyes at him#ember likes to hang out in moon's bower just dressing him up like a doll. moon submits to this with resigned forbearance#if anyone else tries it he bites off their entire head
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lamuliz · 1 year
how does lovebug's narry act around Stanley? What's their overall dynamic? :))
I dont do romantic dynamics but Ive definitely enjoyed some ppl made
Me personally though I feel like theyd squish each others faces and scream like drunk white girls over how cute they both are
And probably a lot of kissing all over the face and heartfelt warm hugs
Stanley specifically I think would stim really hard and jump just at the sight of lovebug narry cuz he looks like a little... Skinkle.. Curple... scrimblo... So very babygirl...
Regular narry usually just calmly smiles whenever he sees stanley do anything (but especially talk about things he likes)
So I think lovebug narry would be that but a bit more intense,, where he stares at stanley and starts giggling, then covers his eyes with one hand, looks up and tries to talk in between his laughs: "ohhh my god..." (affectionate)
Something like that
Tooth rotting cuteness basically
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saccharinescorpion · 8 months
Sorry OP, feel free to ignore this ask but I need more context. I watched a playthrough of the dlcs, and I'm now checking the wiki, and the reactions to your post really confuse me. Why are people talking about Carmine as if she's this awful person. People are talking about Carmine like she is constantly bullying and belittling her brother??? When she actually goes out of her way to try to not make him feel bad??? Which is really hard because Kieran has a lot of insecurities and it leads him to assume people want the worst for him???
Am I missing something? Is there a secret subtext of "Carmine is actually really mean to her brother behind our back and that's why he's Like That" I missed or are people just making stuff up?
lol, i think you've understood more than most people who've played the game
now, to be fair to those people: Carmine REALLY does have an attitude problem, as well as a terrible temper lol (but that's what makes her so entertaining!... in my opinion) and since Kieran is the character she interacts with the most that's who has to bear the worst of her bad traits, especially when he pushes back at her. in addition, Carmine is the older sibling, so i think we have a natural instinct to side with or at least feel sympathetic towards Kieran since we see him as the "weaker" party in the dynamic. their designs and animation only reinforce this- Carmine is tall and has a lot of aggressive body language and poses. meanwhile, Kieran is introduced peeking out from behind his sister, like he's literally hiding behind her. he's short, hides under his hair, has a lot of more drawn-in body language, he's a scrunky scrimblo wimbo meow meow wet little so on and so on
so, for the record, i think it is by at least some design that we are meant to "root" for Kieran, but i think that also ignores a lot of more subtle writing- "subtle," i say, but in my opinion, it's pretty obvious, lmao. Pokemon is a series for children. but yeah, the big one is that after time it becomes really apparent that a lot of Carmine's attitude is born out of deeper things- she's harsh and kind of controling towards Kieran in a misguided display of her protectiveness towards him, her hostility towards visitors to Kitakami is born of a worry of tourists turning their home into some sort of attraction
this is dipping into headcanon territory, but i think it's also a little subtextual that Carmine's overblown pride is her trying to overcompensate for what she inteprets as being looked down on or mocked. my big thing for this is the fact that Kieran speaks with a "Kitakami dialect" (based on real Japanese dialects associated with rural areas) but Carmine doesn't. (supposedly there's some random dialogue where she talks about this but i haven't seen it myself yet) since Carmine has been at the (ritzy, attended by a lot of students from important families) Academy longer than Kieran, i've always interpreted this as her trying to intentionally not be the kid from the sticks that talks in an "uncool" way
(incidentally i looked up 'Kieran dialect' and found someone else talking about this https://twitter.com/PokeSuutamie/status/1698625784775430234)
and finally- this may just me speaking from experience- but i always thought that a lot of Carmine and Kieran's issues clearly are really heightened by the fact they're teenagers? lol? puberty dials all your emotions up to 110% and smashes all delicacy with a sledgehammer. Carmine is TRYING to help Kieran but all of her feelings are constantly at a boil. and meanwhile, as you said, Kieran's self-esteem issues constantly lead him to project on other people and assume that everyone's mocking him or looking down at him, and i think that makes people forget that he has problems with being overdramatic and lashing out too (THIS IS NOT ME SAYING KIERAN IS A BAD CHARACTER DON'T YELL AT ME)
and for the record, as much as i love Carmine, i think that GF really dropped the ball on her reconcilliation with Kieran and her overall role in Indigo Disk, which may also be a factor in players being less sympathtic to her, but i already spent way too long on this and talking about my mixed feelings on Indigo Disk will probably double this post's length lol
in short, while i have some mixed feelings on Scarlet/Violet's overall story, i definitely can't say the character writing is bad. i think they're really making an effort to think about why each character acts the way they do and what they're actually thinking/trying to do. so i think we players should, in turn, approach them with the nuance they deserve
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the-prince-of-pigs · 2 days
pls do the character ask meme for Made in Abyss! ^^
you are my current fav person thank u
Made in Abyss
blorbo (fav): Belaf - oh my god where to begin. they’re a gender mood before AND after the Iru arc. autism swag unmatched. the only one with half decent morals, would rather starve than eat babies. gorgeous gorgeous crechur. started off as an adventurous bitch who ran away from their privileged life in order to Consume Knowledge, ended up as a depressed bone snake who sulks in a cave all day and refuses to socialize. obsessed with Blob Girl bc they know she can’t die and so doesn’t feel guilt about living off of her because he’s been plagued by guilt for 150 fucking years. current mood: begged for death but forced to stay alive by those around you. 200/10
skrunkly (So Shaped): Majikaja - clackity boi. an absolute delight. love watching their character move about. it’s like keys to a toddler; don’t ask me the color of anything once they’re on screen. we stan disabled characters who remain disabled in a fantasy world (aka fantasy world doesn’t “””cure””” them of their disability). fuck pronouns, Kaja’s gonna make Kaja’s own. polite yet curious, concerned for others, very demure, very mindful. HADIMAE~ 12/10
scrimblo bimblo (underrated): Habolg - yknow, out of all the side characters, Habo gets very little love. he’s not perfect sure, but he’s fun and adventurous, and willing to help kids break the law to follow their dreams. would split the last piece of cake with you in a heartbeat. 8/10
glup shitto (obscure): Wakuna - white whistle mentioned in passing. must be a level 5 friend to unlock their backstory. mystery man, yet title is Sovereign of Guidance. confirmed DILF. minds his own business. 7/10
poor little meow meow (problematic): Bondrewd - this man is fucked up. this man loves children genuinely yet sees no problem with unmaking them in the name of progress. he’s fascinating. he’s awful. he’s passionate. he’s punchable. I desire to take him apart and examine him. [rumble of scientific triumph intensifies] 9/10
horse plinko (torment): Majikaja - LISTEN EVERYONE IN THIS SERIES HAS SUFFERED SO MUCH, THEY DO NOT NEED MY TORTURE. except Kaja. they arrived after the Ganja squad arc and didn’t know of the village’s origins. therefore they are mine to do with what I please. polite, caring, curious, compassionate? screaming to be held down and examined by Bondrewd. (introducing Crack Ship #12, Majidrewd!) 12/10
eeby deeby (going to superhell): Wazukyan - he knows what he did. 4/10
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grzybjek · 1 year
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for some reason i cant answer this ask directly BUT thank u user @honestlytastygayasstrash for the ask now get ready for the longest post ill ever write. I fucking love talking about my characters.
here they are. my scrimblos. :
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Antek, token cis white man of the group: -ISFJ, he/him, age is around 18, listens to ABBA, Queen, Modern Talking, Manaam, Obywatel GC, Lady Pank and Depeche Mode.
(i think i wrote it on his ref sheet but he got his scar by simply tripping over a cupboard as a child. He doesnt tell anyone about this though and always comes up with different stories about how he got the scar. So some people think he got it by winning a bear fight or fighting a drunk old man)
-he is a fucking menace. and i mean it. most insane man on earth that always tries to grab others attention in the most dangerous and stupid ways imaginable. Also uses alcohol as his weapon to look and act more cool and always fails miserably. Hes also very noncommittal and always switches out the people that he talks to after a week, simply because he doesnt feel comfortable with anyone. But he still loves getting attention from others so he keeps getting into these relationships just to drop them later. Theres something different about Bianka and Gabriel though and thats why theyre friends. and I think his pinterest board explains his personality better than i ever will
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and some fun facts! hes surprisingly good at cooking and is the only one in the group that knows how to drive a car.
if it comes to Bianka shes my favorite goth woman ever. Here is some info about her: -ENTJ, she/them, is around 17, listens to Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Myslovitz, Republika, Depeche Mode and The Cure.
-Obviously shes recognized mostly for her gothic makeup which I absolutely love drawing. And shes goth herself, and is even in a gothic punk band! The band members include her, as the bassist, Helena as the singer, Janek as the drummer and Antek used to play the keyboard before they kicked him out.
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And this is how I imagine them:-) just two alt girls and just some guy. Love them
-Bianka is the most confident out of everyone in the group, even Antek who's all over the place. She knows when to stop talking unlike him though. However her being confident doesnt mean she likes being in the spotlight, in fact, she absolutely hates it. She hates that everyone is always listening to her and whenever she walks in the room all eyes are on her. So most of the times she just wants to hide and spends time in her little circle of friends, but if theres an emergency then shes the first one to intervene. She also has a very weird moral compass just like Helena so theyre best friends, obviously.
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Literally her. A fun fact about her is that she has like four Siouxsie and the Banshees posters in her room and owns a golden retriver which I didnt name yet.
oh and i forgot to mention but Bianka has Chinese ancestors and has a lot of chinese facial features that I always fail to draw because I focus on her makeup too much.
The last one is Gabriel, miserable ginger guy whos also the main character of the plot and yet i know so little about him. Im still figuring out his personality honestly. Anyhow:
-ISFP, he/him, age 17, listens to Tame Impala, Gorillaz, The Strokes, MGMT, David Bowie, Dolly Parton and Depeche Mode. All three of them are Depeche Mode fans.
-As I mentioned I know very little about him. But I think hes more of watcher of the world around him than a member of it. He's mostly quiet because he cant figure out when its the best time to speak, unfortunately that also means he keeps his best jokes to himself. Hes also mostly dissociated from the world and tries to be an active member of it so bad that he always ends up doing stupid things or hurting himself in the process. I think its just safe to say hes still figuring out his place in the world, and because the world around him confuses him so much he holds onto safe memories most of the time. Thats why hes a photographer and likes catching all of the important moments of life on camera, its like a comforting feeling for him. Hes also very irrational and a people pleaser but i blame it on his undiagnosed AuDHD honestly.
questionable pinterest board explains his personality well too
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-as hes the narrator of the story, its very important to mention hes a queer character. I avoided talking about the queernes of others characters on purpose, since its an important part of their story that i dont want to share yet but without any context ill just say that Gabriel is a trans man and bisexual!
as for fun facts he owns a cat named Felek, really likes green olives and lives with his grandparents. Antek also taught him how to drive a car but he never put that info in use.
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starting with Gabriel and Nastka, whom I didnt mention in this post as shes just a side character, its important to know that these two are childhood friends. Theyre not that close anymore, their relationship disappeared as time went on, but they both keep each other in their memories and think about each other a lot. They both nicknamed each other after Dead Poets Society characters too, so Nastka never calls Gabriel by his name, but Todd. Theyre also neighbours and share a balcony. Sometimes they meet there as theyre hanging up clothes to dry and just exchange smiles.
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The relationship between Gabriel and Antek is more complicated. They met on a party once and never got to know each other better, but couldnt stop thinking about each other. Gabriel just knows about Antek from Bianka's stories and vice versa, and whenever they meet everyone thinks theyre best friends because of how well they can get along without even knowing a thing about themselves. They always end up dancing together on parties, going on walks at night and talking about their favorite books somewhere in the corner, having deep conversations about their views of life but they never ask each other personal questions and if you ask one of them to say whats their favorite color, they wouldnt know. I like to think the universe never gave them a chance to know each other better because if it did theyd be too powerful together. Maybe if they got to know each other better theyd be more than friends.
Bianka and Anteks relationship is pretty similar to the relationship between Gabriel and Nastka. Theyre also childhood best friends and first met each other in the counselors office in 6th grade as Bianka tried to beat someone up for being mean to Antek, a guy she didnt even know yet. She just needed an excuse to get in a fight with some boys that she didnt like and somehow made a best friend ten minutes later. Since then theyve been on and off, sometimes splitting up for months at a time and going back to each other to spill everything theyve learned while they were away. They always find support in each other even if they cant understand each other that well and are total opposites. Somehow Bianka always finds a way to cheer up Antek, even if shes the one to make him feel bad in the first place.
Antek was the first one to suggest they should make a band, and they tried several times until they ended up with Helena and Janek which I previously mentioned.
And the last one, Bianka and Gabriels dynamic..... its very cute actually. Bianka is the first person to show Gabriel the world around him and introduce him to new possibilities. She showed him goth dance moves and helped him find his taste in music. They met in high school as they sat together in math class and if not Bianka being confident and immediately accepting Gabriel as her friend, hed never speak to her. He probably still thinks shes too cool for him, but is very happy to have her as a friend anyway even if he feels belittled by her sometimes. Feeling belittled is why Gabriel usually doesnt speak to her first and waits until she does it first. They often do sleepovers where they watch all of their favorite movies for the tenth time.
Also they all have friendship bracelets. All three of them.
I dont know what else I could talk about so i think thats all!! Thats still such a long post I hope someone actually reads it. Thank you for asking about them I had so much fun writing this<3
I also purposefully avoided talking about the plot of Migawka because I want to keep it a secret. I really want to write a book or a comic one day with all three of the characters and so I wanna keep the plot to myself until I finish writing.
anyhow, heres migawkas pinterest board.
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exoticalmonde · 10 months
Eve has a new obsession and I cannot express enough how much I just LOVE Lukai Hwei from League of legends.
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Hwei is the cutest little creature ever and I accept NO criticism. I claim him body and soul and he wouldn't even know it until it's too late and he's in my mouth.
I will personally sail into Ionia from my Witch's hut in the Noxian outskirts and find him just so I can adopt him into my household like one of those pet artists people kept back in the day, except I will swing by thrice a week in a pattern of Tue/Thur/Sat to bring him food, cook for him, do the washing and cleaning (not like we don't have maids for that) and we talk. Just in case he does feel lonely because living alone is comforting until the loneliness and feeling of loss and confusion take you apart and you realize way too late you need someone at the peak of not having anybody.
"Hwei, honeycake, did you finish the commission of two men eating their faces off in the moonlight waist deep in a lake? My friend is an artist and she already drew her own scrimblos having a fight and reconciling and honestly I want to stick it to her because I'm writing this story about a Lunari and a vastayan arena boss enemies to lovers--AnYwHo."
And timidly, though at first, he responds "No, madam, I haven't yet. Inspiration is lacking this week and I feel inclined to work on other things. But you want to know what I did do?"
My enthusiasm will peak and I will heimerdiner's dog him into knowing the small grace of a smile on my face is all for him, all because I like him, because he is sweet and adorable and worthy of my praise and what he creates will please me to no end. So he will take me out in the garden or the forest and he will go ham showing me what he painted over and now the back yard is glowing and the willows are singing and I can hear both pain and happiness front back and center envelopping the world until his art is in my viens and I will go "Good boy" because that's my SEROTONIN shot for today.
Then Ill let him trauma dump and talk about all he wants he is THAT important to me. The stupid weirdo writer picked up the soggy depressed artist, golly what a curious circumstance.
"Thank you for your hard work, Madam." he'd see me off and I'll be on my tippy toes patting his head and brushing paint off his nose bidding him goodbye when the night is already deep and starry and I will return to my house content my money is put to good use.
Anyways, fantasies aside... I need to read his lore. I need to know him, I need to know more of ionia now, and I desperately love his voice
Fantastic work for the VA and the creative team. Wish my luck as I break my fingers into the keyboard trying to do combos.
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frenzyarts · 2 years
I'm developing a story and I wanna make one of the characters skrunkly but I'm having trouble. What would you say are must have behaviours and quirks of a skrunkly character?
Okay I wrote a big long answer to this post only to realize I misread your question and wrote out a bunch of character development advice instead of just listing my favorite skrunkly traits 😅 I’ll reblog this ask with that answer in case you’re interested. As for must have behaviors and quirks, here are my personal favorites!!
* A little bit pathetic. The have big plans or grand evil schemes but no one takes them seriously
* They’re trying and failing to hide behind a facade. The reason no one takes them seriously is because they can tell their attempts at being big and scary are just them badly trying to cover up their own insecurities.
* Either that or they are just Very Dumb. Maybe they truly are evil but don’t have the brain cells to execute their plans, once again making them someone who’s more silly or annoying than an actual threat
* Mischievous. “Oh my, what an evil plan I have cooked up today!!! They’ll try to put on their boots as normal, but I’ve filled them with terrifying fake bugs!!” *That character rolls their eyes, laughs, and dumps out their boots, unfazed, much to the disappointment of the scrimblo*
* Silly, but like in a court jester sort of way. They’re not usually full of sharp wit or biting sarcasm, though they can be. Typically though they tend to skew towards humor that comes from being whimsical, like a slight of hand magician or a mischievous fairy or pixie.
* Strong sense of style. They’re flamboyant, they perform, they’re entertaining. Even if that style is “wet beast with every disease,” it’s somehow still done with a flair for the dramatic. Think of this quote from Megamind:
“Titan: This town isn’t big enough for two super villains!
Megamind: Oh, you’re a villain all right, just not a super one.
Titan: oh yeah? What’s the difference?
Megamind: Presentation!”
(And then he does cool supervillain stuff)
These are some of my favorite gremlin-character traits!! Anyone reading this is welcome to share their favorite skrunkly traits in the replies ✨
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