#my randomness
sharktofu · 2 months
Do you sometimes write something so good, you're reading your own WIP and go "what's next? i want more!"
And you're the bitch that has to write more.
Only read, no writeeeeeee
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damconcha · 9 months
I need the jjk fandom to learn whatever the fuck the bsd fandom did for Dazai
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add-a-mint · 6 months
make the yuletides?!?!?? Gay??!!??!?!? i mean, if you say so
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Love having Christmas tunes as stims except for on Christmas /gen
It's really funny because I'll have to adjust the lyrics so my family won't hit me with a hammer (joking), which turns into "Murder time, murder time, murder all the way" or "You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not shout I'm telling you why, [character] is coming, to murder you :)" and it's great to just randomly sing those
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
I would like to apologize for my lack of motivation to write! I'm getting overworked royally at my job which is making me depressed and uncomfortable because some of my coworkers are talking shit behind my back (didn't realize it was high school), my medication is making me feel really sick, I got rubber bands for my braces on Friday so I'm still getting used to them, and I'm getting ready to go on Vacation.
I'm really sorry! I want to update because I have all these ideas but I sit down and I just find it so hard to write anything. I want to update Beautiful Stranger this week before I leave because I haven't decided if I'm bringing my computer with me yet.
I really appreciate any and all support I've ever received so I feel like I'm letting you guys down not updating often. Literally every time I get even a like or a reblog I find it amazing that one more person took the time to read my stuff. You guys are amazing for even giving my dumb little writings a chance so please know that I appreciate everyone who's ever read anything I've written.
Thank you to my friends and moots who continue to be my friends and talk to me and help me when its a bad day and just let me talk about things I enjoy for even just a few minutes. You're all seriously the best and I wouldn't still be on here without you guys. You're my whole world and I hope some day I can meet you guys. 💞💕❤️💕💞❤️💕💞❤️😚😚❤️💞❤️💕❤️💞❤️💞❤️💕❤️😚😚❤️😚❤️
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Who walks amidst sunshine
Golden and sublime
Distant in softened minds
There is a sigh within the eye weeping unknown greetings
Longed for memory blinking into existences regal sometimes seen illegal
But who are we to define golden webs of the mind
I have a rind and it is of a fruit imbued with an enriching primordial soup
You brought the water laced poured upon the consciousness blurred with hast
We dance as we are singing with the strengthening lark
The mark pristine and seldom seen
Wisdom gleamed
We are all brilliant moonbeams
And that is the seam of seamless ways
Thoughts upon a billowing haze
If the ancestors marked all the ways
Why do we stutter and misbehave
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genesiswrld · 9 months
Periods are the literal worst, I’m lying in bed and fucking dying atp😭
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Friendly reminder:
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This man right here^ is adorable
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taketwoinink · 2 years
@thatfaecreaturee Just for you, here's my boyfriend
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sharktofu · 5 months
It's my birthday next week-
I don't think I have a (fan)base big enough for this, but:
It's my birthday next week, so is there some fic from me You want to read?
Something I talked about or teased, or maybe something You (dear citizen) thought of and want to see it in my writing style?
I can do oneshots or a new chapter for my already published story. (PS. I started another account for my ATEEZ-fics if someone's interested.)
My birthday is on the 11th, so lets give ourselves time to 13th, hm?
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damconcha · 2 years
I’ve been seeing a lot of people critiquing Blue Lock because it’s “unrealistic and inaccurate” like that isn’t the point of the anime*
That’s like when people complain about the “overuse” of the power of friendship in Fairy Tail. Friendship is literally the ENTIRE POINT OF THE ANIME.
You cannot properly criticize an anime FOR DOING WHAT IT’S SUPPOSED TO DO. THAT MAKES NO SENSE.
*for those who haven’t seen it, this anime is putting a twist on sports anime by not being friendship/teamwork centric but having more selfish/egotistical themes
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tongo-tak · 1 year
Gender is like soup and unfortunately I have no idea how to make soup so I just boiled some water and threw in a bunch of stuff I like, all the flavors clash but surprisingly it doesn’t taste completely terrible.
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add-a-mint · 7 months
i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming i hate vacuuming LEAST favourite adult task
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thehornedbasterd · 2 years
Being the ONLY human in a world of Beastars, getting transfered to the Cherrington Academy, and THESE are the things that you'll face:
A. Everyone are suprised that you can eat BOTH meat and vegies. Which can bother some.
B. Your furless boby makes you stand out, getting some looks mostly from carnivores, but others may ask that will you let them touch your hands, feel how soft they are.
C. Your hair (if you have) is that what gets attention, everyone wants to know how it feels and how it's different from fur. You tell them it feels more silkier than animal fur.
D. Cuz you're a human, you can get along EVERYONE, both carnivores and herbivores, but of course, there's Louis who keeps telling you the same old story: "Stay away from carnivores", but you just don't listen and hang around with them, including Bill and Legoshi.
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quincy-clover · 2 months
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genesiswrld · 2 years
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