#my small furr baby
mrsfitzgerald · 6 months
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is it a dog? is it a deer? who knows 🥰
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Monster AU
Thank you to @shotmrmiller for helping me idea generate for this
Hc under the cut for 141+ Konig, Krueger, Alex Keller, and Keegan
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
General background for the AU:
When the blood of monsters was first found at ancient sites, the first thought the humans was: Can we bring them back. And when they couldnt, the second thought was: can we make ‘hybrid’ humans with the blood and will it give them special shit?
Long story short? It did. And so the race for the best and most monster/human soldiers was born
Some side effects were wanted. The speed, strength, the aggression, the dexterity.
Some side effects weren’t. Like the voices in the soldiers heads, the loss of life from incapability between a monster and a human, and the ruts, heat cycles, & craving to breed.
So the government hires what they call Operation: Darlings - a group dedicated to their monster infected lovers to keep them docile and content no matter what when they’re on base. Each given a year's supply of: military grade birth control, spermicidal lube, and condoms and one goal - be a monster's mate.
When wind of this got to other military companies, they did basically the exact same thing.
Griffin. His beard now looks like furr now and less like hair. His muscles which were once covered in thin layers of fat, are now bare. The fat melted away. His wrinkles are now much lighter. His has more energy and is much less motion sick.
His eyes now have a predatory gaze. His nails are sharper like claws, and he’s much faster and more agile. His reflexes were much sharper.
With his darling he has the urge to scent her all the time. He loves nothing more than her warming his cock, his tight balls sitting on some chair as he rubs her hips while filling out paperwork. Cooing at how well she takes his fat cock.
His room is now full of pillows and blankets and baby proofy, he cant have his lionese accidentally getting hurt? Even if its just small bumps.
Phoenix. He now runs hot as an oven, everyone swears his skin glows, and he has this bad habit of insisting he needs random sticks. Every time he dies his injuries and infection turn to dust and fade off into the wind minutes to hours after and he walks away.
His nails are now just a bit more tough like talons and if he drinks alcohol or gas he can breathe fire.
He has this craving to sit in high place too, always has to have almost a perch to sit on above everyone.
When he gets his darling he has this urge to preen all the clothes she’s wearing off her like they’re dirt in her feathers. He makes little clicking noises at her and will fluff out his mohawk to get her attention, almost dying it red and orange and other bright colors because the phoenix voice demanded they had to be flamboyant and bright to truly keep a mate. Loves to rub his nose against her like a bird rubs its beak on things it loves, nuzzling into her especially if she’s nude.
He also craves nuts and seeds as a snack.
Barghest. A bug black bad omen of death. Also has a skull face in some depictions. A big fuzzy stain in Yorkshire mythos. Simon immediately noticed how his hair on his head stayed its blond color but the rest of it (pubes, chest hair, happy trail) turned thicker and black as the night. In the dark he can see much better. He’s less sensitive to cold. And he craves raw meat.
For other physical differences he notices how his cock swells differently. His whole body leaned and slimmer. He runs faster, and endurance is significantly better.
He growls deep in his chest and uncontrollably when people try to touch his stuff. When he’s around his team he lets out a purr similar to that of a rottweiler.
He also notices he finds it harder to stay away during the day, as he prefers now to exist at night.
Aswang. His teeth are now much sharper. His eyes now randomly bleed but not in a medical issue. His skin mow ashier than it normally would have been but that's fine. He’s more worried about the blood. His tongue is now long and snake-like, too long for his mouth and flat.
His body is leaner than before. Shoulders becoming broader. And his ears are slightly pointed. He’s also off put but his fingers got longer and his hands got stronger.
He hates how it’s voice hisses and whispers so loudly in the back of his mind. Never quiet.
Cthulhu. Of all his comrades who were chosen, he had some of the most physical change. Tendrils sprouted from his spine, his skin turned cold and the texture closer to a shark. His teeth all got a bit sharper, and his eyes became slightly better suited for seeing in the night. The worse his anxiety got the more tendrils littered his face and wings threatened to sprout from his back. The voice made the madness grow in his head, loud and ringing. His body was an impermeable surface. His fingers had grown a bit longer, more claw like. His voice got even more booming and he was always cold.
When he got his mate, his skin warmed. The voice of the monster that infected him calmed for the first few days. She didn't mind the odd texture of his skin or the tendrils that littered his body. She let her warmth seep through his body.
Amarok. As seen in his tattoo on his back. He notices small things like thicker and darker hair on his body and the need to spend more time alone.
He notices his body get meatier, the muscles taking up more space. His hair is growing longer than he’d like, and much faster. He’s much stronger and much more durable, the usual overwhelming stain of the butt of a gun to the face now just a mild sting.
He growls from his throat when he is annoyed now, and is very off put by it because he never realizes when its happening. He has also grown a bit, not taller than Konig still but he is a least an inch and a half taller than he was. His arms now much wider and beefier, with a soft yet flattering layer on top.
He can now hear much better and he doesnt know if he likes it. If someone is fucking on base he can hear it all so now he has to constantly wear his shooting range headphones to hear how he did before the change.
Minotaur. His body now gets too hot when under armor. He craves to suckle a tit like a calf and hide in darkness. His eyes are not adjusted well to the lights at all, he now has to constantly wear sunglasses. His nose is now a bit wet and leathery. His body now more easily builds muscle and the skin of his feet and hands thicker. His nails are stronger, like the human equivalent of hooves he guesses.
His breathing is now heavier, his body much heavier. He now stalks around instead of a natural walk. He craves meat, the monster wants him to consume human flesh but Keegan is satisfied with a steak.
Alex Keller
Hydra. He can grow back any lost limps and heal quickly. Only limp he cant grow back is the leg he already lost because he lost it pre-infection. Physically it changed very little, his eyes turn to slits in bright lights instead of small dots, he occasionally gets scales if his skin is extra dry, and he now had crazy sharp fangs for canines but not much changes.
He also hisses at threats and keeps building nests in dark places (his room with the lights off) with stolen blankets and pillows, pulling women into his room to show them hoping they compliment it as a sign of agreeing to mate.
When he gets his darling the little hydra voice in his head goes wild. She compliments the nest, doesn’t mind his painful love bites to stake claim, and most importantly doesn’t mind staying in the nest until the nest smells like her and she smells like him.
Also he has two dicks (human ones, not snakes), one on top of the other, upper one is slightly smaller.
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simpshaaaa · 1 month
Modern au,, Cale recently got a pet dog
No one has met the pet dog yet, and Cale never showed a pic of it, didn't even grace them with what kind of breed that dog is. All Cale said is, the name is Raon Mir'
Cheerful dragon??? When asked why, Cale just shrugged and said dragons are cool with a proud face. Everyone chalks it up with him being an otaku,,
And Cale has always fussed about Raon Mir, calling it his baby, buying shitton of dog toys and treats
Everyone then assumed the dog must've been a small breed with fluffy furr
Finally! Cale brings his dog out to meet them and it's literally a retired detection, large ass German breed dog, a doberman...
Anyway another side note is that Raon fav toy is a dragon plush Cale got him the first time after being adopted
He didn't buy it, but won it from the claw machine
Cale was surprised since he's usually unlucky and called Raon his lucky charm and gave the plush to Raon. Raon was so happy, Cale finally decided the name Raon Mir
Cale thought Raon was happy to receive a dragon toy, so for long he thinks Raon likes dragons, but in fact Raon loves anything Cale gives him
He loves the dragon plush more because it's the first thing he ever got from Cale after being adopted
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UGHHHHHH. I stayed awake to finish my homework but now i can't sleep. So here some sketches and my work in progress comic lore because why not. I haven't posted my art in the past weeks or so
Before explaining,let me explain how my world work first. In this earth,there's a random place where there are a stronger rush of magnetic energy/magic. It act like air,every living being need it. But it was an everyday thing that they didn't really think it's a strange things. Everything that exist in this world can absolutely absorb magic and store it inside it their own way, but there are definitely some that are better at absorbing them. They're usually called overcharged item which usually be used at mage staff and etc but besides that
There's actually two kind of way approach objects at reproduction/existing really
1. The old fashion way.
When a flesh creature has perished, rotting and only leaving a bit of flesh and bone besides an overcharged item,it soul and dna will slowly goes to the overcharged item. This situation was described as ants carrier(i'm suck at name) since the creature feature will be dragged through the ground into overcharged object,connecting it to the item (like ant,duh) like gravity (idk how to describe it but bigger magi can attract small magic like how gravity work. I'm bad at describing this one sorry).
And after that,the sarcass would slowly be healed by the new rush of magic while it attaching itself into the item. Now,the environment play a hard role at this. From health,dna,how it look and such. This overcharged item basically slowly draining others magic since more features mean more place to absorb energy. Making the place really vital to the object growth. And after a long 5-12 hours,your object has now born! This prosejure was hard to do and easily fail due to climate. But anyone that was born this way was usually a strong and even immortal being that exist even until now.
Yeyyy holy shit i wrote a super long paragraph. Anyway
2.nowdays way!
Since bone and overcharged item are now a super rare item (and expensive) due to how many living things that exist nowdays. This was now a common way objects reproduce. This was possible to do for one object,but two or more objects are recommended since this prosejure can be quite draining. Firstly,the object parent need to choose what objects their child are (recommend to choose one that assemble/represent an aspects of them the most). For example,a coffee cup can choose a plastic cup. This was to make sure that your magic can be received by the said item. And magic to it for some months,then boom baby. Sorry this end is not that good my hands are suuupee tired rn :"D
-me earlier,i can't even feel tired rn >:^
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Here a pics of the main villain and his helper!
I haven't named the villain yet,but i named the right one Lorelei/mele,i may changes her design in the future tho
Sea sheep
They're gonna be super big and fluffy. Breed by the farmers on rocky beach right by coral reef so they cannot be eaten by predators. They photosynthesize and eat moss on rocks. Making them rarely move and extra fragile because of that.The leaf like part are (almost) going to be like otter furr. Trapping oxygen inside it leaf so once it goes back to water,it can absorb the oxygen it got earlier on the surface.So,depending on it sizes, it can breathe underwater from 8-20 hour is. It easy to harvest leaf and the added benefit of your own choral farm made this one of the main job of the blossomstone-becah side folks
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Anyway here a random pic of me playing A bit with my school assignment
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notsoalcoholfree · 2 years
hiii everyone! this is my first post and first fanfic. I hope you enjoy and please provide me with constructive criticism if you’d like. Thank you ❤️🫶🏽
Three Years.
It had been three years since you and Shōta had crossed paths. And yet, you still remember it as if it were yesterday.
You were walking back to your apartment after a long day of work. Lost in the thought of catching up on deadlines, you subconsciously found your way back to your apartment. Drained from being on your feet all day, you drop your belongings at the door and make your way towards the couch for a nap.
As you awoke, you felt your heart drop. You squinted your eyes as they fixated on the door. “Shit shit shit!”you say as you realize you left a crack in the door. A crack that was small enough for Lozi, your kitten, to escape through.
In a panicked hurry, you throw on your house slippers, grab a bag of cat food, and start running outside. “BELOZI! Over here baby girl!” you yell while shaking the bag of cat food. It had taken everything in you not to cry in the moment, but as the sun was setting there was no sign of Lozi to be found. “Please come out Lozi. Please come home. You are the only thing that is keeping me sane right now and I can’t lose you too” you say in a hushed voice as the tears roll down your face.
You dreaded the walk back to your apartment. Nothing had gone your way this week. And now that your cat had gotten loose, you began to think to yourself, “Why can’t I do anything right? I couldn’t even close the goddamn door!” As your tears dried, and you found your way back home, you noticed a man dressed from head to toe in black, sitting on your steps. In his arms you found your beloved Belozi. “Judging by your tear-stained face, and the address on the collar, I’m going to guess that this adorable little kitten belongs to you?” he asks before you can utter a word.
“Yeah, I fell asleep and forgot to close the door when I got home. Where did you find her?” you asked, taking the kitten into your grasp. “Oh you know, just wandering through the neighborhood. But don't worry though, she's feline okay and I hope you are too." he says with a chuckle. You scrunch your face up in a bit of confusion and turn around to look at him as he starts walking away, "Was that supposed to be a cat joke? Cause if so, it was a cat-astrophe." “Ahhh, that was both a cringey and predictable sentence. Luckily for you, your love of cats and your beauty cancel it out." he said with a slight smile.
As he made it to the streetlight at the end of the road, he turned around and shouted, "Until we meet again my furr-end!" "Wait, I never got your name!" you exclaimed with one hand cupped around your mouth.
He took a deep breath and shouted one last time before disappearing around the corner, "Aizawa. Shota Aizawa."
Again, thank you for reading my first fanfic. Please feel free to send me your thoughts and feelings about it ❤️
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neozhelps · 1 year
i hate to be this kind of person online, but my financial situation is not looking good right now and i need help! my roommate was fired in the begging of february and althought we were hopeful she would find another job, it's getting hard for me to provide for our little furr babies with just my small intern sallary. this means, i'll be accepting gif icons, gif packs and static icons commissions! i'm still working on a page with all the information, but if you want to commission something right now you can dm me to talk about prices and other details. your help in this situation will be forever appreciated!
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e para os meus amados brasileirinhos, podemos conversar sobre um preço em real mais barato. sei que a situação de ninguém tá boa por aqui, mas qualquer ajuda é bem-vinda!
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enolareven · 1 year
[FFXIV RP/OC Short Story]
Nergui Qestir - A Mystery Unveiled
(part 4)
Nergui stood above the newly laid rug in the corner of Id'Shidh, beside the bookcase and void magic tome. The rug was small and round, and had been enchanted with a spell that grew charming pink flowers from it. He had acquired it from a vendor in Idyllshire earlier while gathering ingredients and studying botany, an indispensable knowledge for a witch who desired to make magical potions.
It made for such a peaceful and comforting place to meditate. The flowers were sure to help protect one from harmful negative energy or spirits while in the sensitive trance state.
Nergui smiled in satisfaction and then sighed, pacing over to the window to gaze out through it while his shoulders slumped. He placed a hand longingly on the window as his thoughts carried on a monologue,
"What does it mean? It makes no sense. I don't get it...my echo has never told me a lie before."
The other day, when he'd gone to see his grandmother for advice on the Azim Steppe, she'd given him an old stole that belonged to her daughter- his mother. She held a hand on his head, signaling to him that he should use his gift and the stole to try to see into the past of its owner and learn something.
At first, he had his doubts, as it was very hard to force the echo's powers despite all the practice. But he wore it for the rest of the day, and even to sleep at night, in hopes of a vision. In his sleep, it came. He could tell right away that it was no ordinary dream; it was very lucid, and the colors were all faded unlike his usual vividly colored dreams. He was watching the past again.
He saw a Xaela woman who matched the description and photos of his mother: a light tan-skinned woman with long reddish brown hair pulled up, wearing the Qestir lilac-purple coat and a furres hat. She was out in a field pulling wild cabbages out from a patch of grass, and turned around as she felt something looming over her. Her face froze in terror, and she was knocked down almost as soon as she'd begun to run. She was dragged slaughtered by something large, a wild beast or monster of some kind with a exact shape that couldn't be discerned in the shadows of the dream.
Blood splattered, and a scream was silenced. The woman lay by the river, grotesquely mutilated with her head separated from her body, which had its parts rearranged quite a bit and many pieces visible that were not meant to be outside the flesh.
He had woken up with chills and confusion, holding his arms around himself tightly and furrowing as he stared into the floor and thought about the gruesome scene.
He had not told anyone yet; and still did not trust the dream entirely. The story he knew of his mother's death was nothing like this - she had died of an illness while he was a baby. She had it for some time and eventually became so weak and fatigued that she passed away. He was told that his mother was broken-hearted after his father's death, which worsened her condition. She was not attacked by a wild beast or murdered as in that gory dream-vision.
But why, and how, did the echo show him a false past this time? What was this? Was it true, and he was ignorant of some crucial detail? Was it not really his mother? Or did she somehow survive this brutal attack? The latter was highly unlikely from the looks of it.
Nergui shook his head and made a small, "tch!" sound from the corner of his mouth.
"I have no way of knowing when this supposedly happened, either. Was I born yet, or not?"
He drew in a deep breath and heaved it back out, letting the tension fall from his shoulders. Perhaps working the shoppe for another night would relax his mind while he pondered everything in the downtime. He went to setting up the spell for the day on the round table in the center of the room. An amethyst, purple roses, and lavender incense. For intuition, relaxation, mental strength, and powerful intuition.
He sent out a retainer to post a notice in the market board and sat down on the new rug in a lotus position to relax, and began reading from the tome where he left off, muttering about voidsent summonings as he read.
The day was slow, with one Roegadyn woman entering the shoppe and sharing some interesting stories about her unique family, and her adopted Xaela sister who wished to know more about her own origins. He thought it yet another sign to investigate his past; there may be something to learning about one's unknown roots. When the lovely guest had left, he quickly closed up the shoppe after parting words and packed up a bag with his mother(?)'s stole and some basics, including a small bag of zefir, one of his favorite comfort foods that happened to be good for one's mental and magical ability and focus.
It was time to go have these new questions answered, and hopefully not with more questions again.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Sooo, I saw someone else do this, and I really loved the idea. Since ur my fav writer👀 (*winkwink), I would absolutely die of happiness if you did an aot boys househusband headcannons. Idc which aot boys as long as Reiner is in it (fr tho he's the most househusband material 😩).
aaAAA i feel honored, thank you so much!! i hope you like it <3!!!! o(≧∇≦o)
❁ shingeki boys!
❁ eren, armin, reiner, jean, connie, levi, porco, niccolo
❁ little implied mentions of sexual themes 
- he tries his best, don’t judge him.
- if you’re out for more than a week, he’ll die of hunger.
- “honey how am i supposed to cook pasta?”
- “just put it in boiled water.”
- it wasn’t that difficult, but he left it in water for too much time while playing some video games and it is now a mass.
- he stays by your side while you cook, watching it cautiously, but he ends having you against the kitchen island.
- “Eren, i’m cooking, please.”
- his mouth bitting your ear playfully.
- “i’ll be satisfied just with you, no need of food.”
- usually he orders a pizza after that because the food ended being a mess.
- “Eren Jaeger, the next time you distract me from cooking...”
- but, he cleans really well.
- he’s really constant and he keeps doing it until it shines.
- he usually cleans while you work, and he leaves the automatic vacuum working before leaving for his work,
- but, once he puts his headphones on and connects online with his friends...
- his desk is a huge mess, full of energetic drinks’ cans and empty packs of snacks. he cleans it once he’s finished playing, but sometimes he forgets,
- he’s waiting for you on the couch when you arrive late, dressed with his shorts and with his hair tied in a man-bun.
- “i was waiting for you, i missed you so much today...”
- he’s really clean because he doesn’t mess or mess up things, so you can have the house organized.
- he only makes a mess when he's studying for important exams.
- a lot of books on his desk and around his chair. A lot of papers with appointments.
- "just leave this, i promise i’ll clean it once my exam is done!"
- he cleans it, unless he arrives really tired from the exam, then he goes to sleep automatically.
- when he's alone, he cleans the pets' houses and gets rid of their furr
- also takes naps with his cat while waiting for you.
- he’s really good at ironing, he’s really fast at it.
- his shirts are always impeccable. 
- he’s also trying to learn how to cook.
- trying.
- “i made breakfast but i think i burned the pancakes”
- he's a huge man and he seems clumsy, but no
- he's incredibly good at tasks.
- he wakes up early, even earlier than you, to prepare you a bath and breakfast for you two.
- “Rein, you don’t have to do this, you can sleep until your work hour”
- his work has night turns, but he shakes his head and keeps doing it for you.
- when you try to wake up early to do the same for him, he’s already awake, pulling you closer to him again.
- “why were you up so early.” he says , his sleepy voice caressing your ears when he speaks. 
- he’s also really clean, and it is not new, Bertholdt says he was like that when they shared a flat.
- his breakfasts are the best of the world: strawberry smoothies and fruits salad with fluffy pancakes.
- when he has free day, he likes to buy little things that remind you to him when he walks with the dog.
- “I bought you this chocolate lip balm because you said your lips are getting hurt because of the cold.”
- he also loves kids so much. he wants to have a family. 
- “just imagine a little girl waking us up at morning to accompany her to school.”
- he's so clingy he would do tasks just to be next to you.
- like, doing the laundry in the washing machine room, so small for two people, and be really near to you...
- and at the same time, he wants to show you he deserves to be your husband.
- he works a lot just to show you he can be your husband and the daddy of your children.
- "look babe, try my spaghetti"
- they were actually good, if he cooked a little bit more he will master it for sure.
- "imagine if we make here a garden with a couple swings for our babies?"
- he started working o a cute garden for you two spend the summer days out.
- he put white roses and pink dahlias, and a table with a couple chairs.
- he also put some lights for the night, to power them on and be a even more incredible garden.
- he also proposed to you under this lights.
- he lazy
- he just wants to watch tv, eat and sleep.
- but, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t do tasks.
- not a lot of them, but he does.
- like he does, but not all of them.
- “i don’t know how to use the washing machine.”
- “then mop the floor.”
- “but that’s so boring, baby please...”
- when he goes to the supermarket, he buys cups of instant ramen and sodas.
- “Connie we need real food to survive. We can’t eat everyday instant ramen and cola.”
- “but you look the color of the lettuce and i don’t know why, so imagine i take a poisoned lettuce because i didn’t analyze the color and we both die”
- he cleans the house in deep every two days. 
- he also keeps it organized.
- actually the thought of having kids bewitches him but scares him, just thinking about all the toys in every part of the house.
- he’s a really clean man, and you also clean up the house while he works.
- he likes to spoil you with his acts, like preparing you bubble baths, helping you to sew your clothes and making you braids.
- fortunately, your bathtub is big enough for the two of you bathing together.
- he likes to caress your waist and torso quietly, just the sound of water and your quite breaths.
- his hands on you makes your skin feel electricity.
- he enjoys that moments of privacy and intimacy.
- also drying your hair when you’re about to go to sleep.
- "if you sleep with it wet you'll catch a cold, dummy"
- he usually avoided the chores, but when you moved with him, he started to pay more attention to what he had to do.
- he’s more fixed on the way your hands take his clothes than on the things he has to do to wash them.
- “i’m paying attention!!”
- his excuses are always that you're a distraction for him.
- "but you're so gorgeous... i need you. now."
- "porco it's the fifth time you say that today..."
- "and not the last."
- you can't say no because you're as needy for him as he is for you, but you try to hide it.
- at the end, he needs help for all the tasks.
- he cooks sooo well
- every time you arrive home, he’s cooking something.
- pizza, seafood, cakes...
- the house always smell so nice...
- you don’t know how to cook that well, but you help him cleaning all the things he uses for his plates.
- and you help him giving him what he needs.
- “could you pass me that knife, please?”
- his hands always touches yours when he takes the knife
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mandiemegatron · 2 years
@lumiolivierlithium I can't remember if I sent you this one already, but if not, I LOVE YOU AND YOURE WELCOME YOU SEXY BISH
// The Simple Things \\
Jumin x Reader ficlet
Fluff ! 100% fluff!
A gift for my dearest Lumi. I hope this makes your day a little brighter. 🥰
There was a gentle shuffling of soft bedding before my messy head of hair popped out from under the blankets. Steely grey eyes met mine and I couldn't stop a small smile from cracking my otherwise blank features. 
“Are you planning on staying in bed all day?” 
At those words, though the tone was far from condescending, I couldn't help but drop the smile, a more nervous and embarrassed expression overtaking my face. 
“... is… is that bad?” 
My lover chuckled gently before leaning down to press a warm kiss to my forehead. 
“No my love, it's not bad. Shall I call the chef to bring you something to eat?” 
Guilt overtook my system as I realized I hadn't eaten since my early dinner yesterday - though my boyfriend definitely didn't need to know that - and slowly shook my head before responding meekly, 
“Its okay babe, I'll call him if I get hungry.” 
His stare chilled me to the point where I shivered, pulling myself deeper into the thick blankets as if to hide myself, though our eyes remained locked. It's like he was trying to read my thoughts; oh god, think about something funny, think about something funny -! 
Before I could change my thought process, he simply smiled lovingly down at me, conceding to my obvious charm. 
“Alright my love. You know I worry about you.” 
Another bite of guilt ate away at me. 
“I know, Jumin. Don't worry, I promise I'll get up and eat something in a while.” 
I reached out a hand from the blanket and grasped one of his, giving it a gentle squeeze before slipping mine back to my body. God bless the warmth of Jumin's insane comforters. 
“Good girl. I'll be back before you know it.” 
I gave him a more genuine smile as he leaned down, giving him the softest kiss we've shared before he pulled back with a sigh. 
Man, did he ever sigh a lot. 
Is there such thing as ‘sigh therapy’? 
Terrible thought, think of something funny, damnit! 
“I miss you terribly already and I haven't even left yet.” 
I laughed into my (his) pillow before ripping myself from the blanket enough to wrap my arms around his waist. His hands ran through my hair, pulling a rather lewd sound from me as I smothered my face into his stomach. He laughed under his breath and murmured loud enough for me to hear, 
“Keep this up Kitten, and I won't make it to work.” 
I whined into his suit (which always smelled ridiculously amazing) before pulling away and tugging him into another kiss. 
“Then stay.” 
He chuckled into the kiss, nipping my bottom lip and moving away from me before I could tempt him any longer. 
“I'm sorry my love, my life, but if I stay away from work any longer, Jaehee will have my head.” 
There was a moment of silence for the very temporary assistant Jaehee had while we were away for a week. 
But damn, was that ever a week well spent. 
I sighed and nodded, curling back under the blankets as the light of my life walked away, turning only to smile and call to me, 
“Pick something for dinner tonight. I'll be home before you can even miss me.” 
I blew him a kiss and cocooned myself in the comforter as the door closed and locked. I turned to the other side and got a face full of purring furr, my eyes slowly opening to meet brilliant blue. Elizabeth meowed at me before headbutting my face and curling around the crown of my head, her tail tickling the skin across my shoulder blades. 
Reaching under the pillow, I whipped out my phone and snapped a photo of the two of us, sending it to Jumin with the caption of, 
“Your two girls will be here waiting when you get home. Have a great day baby!” 
I snuck my phone back under my pillow, ignoring the subtle vibration from a notification as sleep finally took over once more. I already knew what the message would say anyways, since it was the same every single time. 
“I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you.” 
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Nifflers Don't Help
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Pair: Remus Lupin x Reader; he/him.
Summary: Remus and (Y/n) have been pining after each other for far too long, but what happens when Lupin finds out through a very specific glasses wearing student that the professor who handles magical creatures likes him back?
Warnings: Suggestive, Lupins Sass, your sass. Remus is probably out of character, Swearing. I swear a lot-
Notes: Requested! I hope this is OK! I kinda ran with the idea of the reader being a teacher at Hogwarts. Hope you like it! Sorry it took so long.
Being the Care For Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts was absolutely the best job you've had in such a long time, like galloping hippogriffs, it was everything you loved! Magical creatures! Teaching! Teaching about how to care and handle said magical creatures! It was literally your dream come true.
It was even better because you got to meet Remus Lupin, a very kind man who worked as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Now you'd gotten to know him very well over the past year for obvious reasons. 
And yes, you knew of his.. I wanna say a little but it obviously isn't, problem. Lupin hadn’t necessarily told you, you found out by coming to Hagrid's hut to look over some of the creatures he had while he was doing some secret Dumbledore business and found him cowering in the corner, full werewolf. 
Of course you slammed the door and made a mad scramble toward the castle like a hippogriff after a ferret. Luckily, you did manage to escape his claws and hide away in the castle. But when he found out what happened, he felt so much guilt he came to find you immediately. 
You ended up telling him the full story of what happened the night before, and it took him about 30 minutes to stop apologizing profusely. He'd simply forgotten to take his potion again and didn't mean to cause you any harm. 
You forgave him. How could you not? He was quite literally begging for you to and you did fancy him. In the end, you really couldn't say no and everyone knows werewolves could kill their best friend if they had the chance. It wasn't his fault, really. 
You shook your head away from the memories and smiled across the field at your class. "Alright everyone! That's all I got for today!" you smiled wider when the kids let out a groan of dismay. "Oh, I know! We always have tomorrow, now say goodbye to Goldie!" you held the squirming brownish yellow colored niffler in your hand as all the kids grabbed their books, waved to the tiny adorable mass of furr and said goodbye. 
You couldn't help but keep smiling once everyone left. Today's lesson had ended successfully, as per the usual. Every student loved you!
You were extra kind to students who had fears of certain creatures (Ron) and understanding to students who couldn't always finish the homework because of helping others (Neville) and didn't even put up with one very specific blonde who was lowkey a twat (I don't even have to put his name in for you to know who I'm talking about). 
You paced over to the table you placed outside before class and opened the small case laying on top, checking the inside of it while you held the wiggly creature to your chest.
The case was similar to Scamander's in the sense that the inside was bigger, but not by much. This one case was supposed to store the niffler and the niffler only, so it only had to be so big. The case on the inside had a water bowl, a nice soft makeshift bed for the baby and a few gems and coins all for comfort. 
You placed the little sweetheart into the case and shut it gently, locking it closed. You hummed gently, not hearing the person approaching you from behind. 
"You handle them so well." 
Your cry of shock echoed in the woods around you and you could've sworn your body jumped up at least 6 feet in the air. You basically got whiplash from how fast you turned around, looking at the man standing behind you. 
"The creatures, I mean." Lupin was leaning against one of the trees, a smile on his face as he nodded toward the creature. 
You couldn't help but giggle a little bit and shift your suit tie out of nervous habit. "Oh! Yeah, well, it's kinda needed for the job." you stumbled over your words a little bit, rubbing the back of your neck and avoiding his piercing eyes.
It was obvious to your class, it was obvious to the other professors, just about the entire castle knew about your 'tiny' crush on the professor. 
Everyone knew. 
Literally everyone. Harry, Dumbledore, even Snape. SNAPE KNEW!
But guess who didn't? 
Remus Lupin, the gentleman you'd fallen head over heels from the minute you stepped into the dinning hall. 
If looks could kill, you'd be more than 6 feet under, that's for sure. He was so handsome and kind and his eyes- Godric, his eyes. 
Why would he figure it out, anyway? It isn't like he's a very smart man who literally teaches children how to protect themselves against the darkest of evils known in the wizarding world. 
"Well, yeah, but you have talent. I could tell from when you walked into the dinning hall." Remus stepped forward, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. "Keen eye." he tapped his temple, a side smile on his face. 
"Uhhuh." you nodded your head, taking your own step forward, leaving the bag on the counter. "Sure. Very keen eye." you crossed your arms over your vest covered chest. 
"It's true! I'm very observant-" this caused you to snort. "What?" 
"Yeah, ok!" 
"What? Are you hiding something from me (L/n)?" he stepped closer, his chest almost touching yours. "Should I be concerned?" his smile turned into a lopsided smirk, causing butterflies to make themselves known in your stomach. 
"Oh, no, of course not, Mr. Lupin." you shot him an innocent smile and stood on your tippy toes, only to pop back down onto your heals. "If you haven't noticed it by now, I fear you may never." with that, you turned around and all but strutted to your way to the table, making sure to sway your hips just enough to tease. 
Remus' eyes fought to look away, but in the end his eyes were glued on your bum. The thin man felt his jaw drop to the floor. It was no lie that the professor had a crush on you and, like everything else, the whole damn castle knew.
 Everyone supported you two and it physically pained them to see you act so oblivious to each other and do nothing but flirt, but you were sure it was just playful banter! It had to be. 
"Well, maybe I need some hints to figure it out." he stuffed his hands in his pockets and followed you to the table, his eyes following your hands as you picked up the case gently.
"I don't think you need hints, I think you need glasses." you turned to him, shaking your head back and forth, tsking at him. "You're keen eyes might be fading." 
Wizard Gods did he love you. He missed being able to banter with James and Lily and this made him feel like.. Well.. Like new. He couldn't help but smile wider and lean against the table, his confidence coming back in a full stride. 
"Ouch! Are you calling me old?" 
"We both know the answer to that." 
"Damn, ok. My pride." He snickered. "But what is the great and adorably luring Mr. (Y/n) (L/n) hiding from me, hmm?" he leaned forward. 
His words caused you to blush and rub the back of your neck. 
"Well, I-I want you to figure it out!" You adjusted the bag, the handle growing uncomfortable as your palms began to sweat. 
"Ooh~ Really? Like a," he paused, scratching his chin with a free hand, "like a game?" he stepped toward you again mindlessly, his hands clasping behind his back. 
You looked at his face and had to do a double take. Were his eyes always that dark? With every step he took, you subconsciously took one back. 
"I-I guess you could say that."
"Interesting. If I get it right, do I get a reward?" 
Before you knew it, your back hit the wood of a tree and his body all but trapped you in place. All of this was causing you to feel dizzy in the best possible way. 
"Su-" you cleared your throat, ignoring the way it cracked and was higher in pitch, "Sure!" 
"Is it an emotional connection?" 
You set the case down haphazardly, almost dropping it. The question only made your palms sweater. "Are you allowed to be asking questions? Besides, shouldn't you know it?" you asked as you wiped your hands on your work pants.
"Maybe I'm asking to see if I'm right before I jump headfirst and embarrass myself." he chuckled lightly, his hands coming up to trap your head between them and all but pin you to the rough bark. 
"Oh.. Well, I.. Yeah, it's emotional." you don't remember losing the ability to talk with authority, but your voice was barely a whisper by the time it came out.
"Aaahh, ok. Here, let me see if I nailed this on the head, shall we?" he paused and moved his wand hand to rest against your hip, causing you to jump ever so slightly. "I think that you," he spoke as his thumb rubbed against the bone of your hip, "fancy me and that you have since you started teaching here." 
You stayed completely still against the tree. You didn't blink, breath, nothing just stared at the man against you as your heart pounded in your ears. 
"Am I wrong? And don't lie, that would be cheating." Lupin leaned in closer, causing your cheeks to erupt a deeper red.
Let's be honest, he didn't figure it out by himself. Harry, bless the little termite, had been kind of joking with the teacher when the confession slipped free. The poor kid was basically stalked by the teacher who kept asking questions for a week before Hermione finally snapped, saying he should go ask the creature handler himself instead of waiting their study time. 
While Remus was fighting the memories and waiting for your response, you were having an inner war with yourself. For example, you were trying to figure out how in good ol' Godric mother fucking Gryffindor he figured it out! You snapped out of it when his other hand came up to cup your cheek. 
Lupin smiled wider at your stutter and blush and everything. Harry had been right, bless his soul. That kid was gonna ace his class for this alone. He shook his head, teasing about your shy state and let out a sigh. "Am I wrong?" he asked, figuring it was easier for you to say yes or no to that than say you loved him out in the open. 
Once you arranged the courage, you shook your head no as your eyes darted between his eyes and lips. He pushed himself impossibly closer to you, his head leaning down so he could press a kiss to your lips. 
Holy Merlin. Moony wanted to stay like that forever. His hand on your cheek slid  to the back of your neck to keep you there, managing to deepen the kiss even more. 
Your brain actually shut off. 
It took some time for it to reboot, but when it did, oh boy, did you kiss back. You poured all of your emotion and love and passion into it, causing the man to let out a groan. 
When he pulled back, his forehead rested against your shoulder. He didn't want you to see the blush on his face or the huge grin spreading across his lips. 
"Should'a done that ages ago." He whispered against your neck, then pressed his lips against the skin resting at the base of your neck. The action caused you to shiver and wrap your arms around his neck. 
"Wait, you like me too?" 
Lupin pulled back to stare into your eyes, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he just kinda.. He just kinda stared at you. 
"I kissed you and you're worried if I like you back?" 
"W-well, yeah. I'd hate to get the wrong signals." 
Remus ran a hand through his hair in frustration. How were you so innocent? Literally how? He kissed you and you can't tell he likes you back? How did you not know?
"Lupin?" Your voice cut him out of the inner dialog. "Are you ok?" 
"Yeah, just bloody curious on how you could be getting the wrong signals when I kissed you." 
"Well I don't wanna assu-" he cut you off by grabbing your shoulders and slamming a kiss against your lips, causing you to actually squeak against his. Your eyes fell shut as your hands absent-mindedly pulled bark off the tree as you kissed back. A whine fell from your lips when he pulled away to speak. 
"(Y/n), you are oblivious and so smart and so attractive that you managed to make me fall for you everyday and you don't even know. That should be a crime. How are you so perfect but you can't see it?" 
You opened your eyes to see him looking at you, holding all of his love for you in his eyes. You quickly broke out in a grin. His words were like the last piece of a puzzle and it fit so perfectly. You let out a laugh and shook your head. 
"I know now, don't I? And besides, you can't talk. I've been sending you signals since I came here and you haven't noticed either." 
"Did you now?" Remus teased, gently reaching up to fix your (tie/glasses). His hand then came back up to your warm cheek. "Then how come the first time I kissed you you didn't catch on? Were you trying to tease another kiss out of me?" 
"Nope! Just watched to make sure I was reading it right." you stuck your tongue out at him like a child, causing him to let out a breathy chuckle. 
"I literally did a romantic thing to show I romantically like you and you're asking if you were reading it right!" 
"Well, yeah! Assuming is a big no-no, Moony." 
"Unbelievable, Fluffy!" he laughed, tossing his head back. You stared at his face in confusion, your cheeks burning a little bit brighter at his laugh. 
"Fluffy? What kind of nickname is that?" 
"Well, you care for creatures and your hair is soft. It fits." 
"Isn't that the name Hangrid gave that dog?" 
"What dog?" 
"Never mind! Besides, It isn't unbelievable! People do weird things all the time!" 
Remus' wiggled his eyebrows at you, loving the way you blushed and stuttered. This only gave him more material to tease you over.
"Is a kiss weird to you?" 
"No b-" 
"So you should've known. How are you so smart but so dumb?" 
"Good question! Let me ask you, Moony! How do you manage to be so hot but so cool?" 
"But that didn't answer my question!" Lupin let out a laugh, his shoulders bouncing. He shook his head and leaned back into your neck, trailing butterfly soft kisses across the skin. "I'm fact, you just dodged it completely." 
"I-I don't have to answer anything." your Adam's apple bounced as you swallowed thickly. 
His hands went from your hips to the back of your thighs and suddenly he was picking you up, your back still hard against the tree. 
"I think you should do everything I tell you." his voice was deep in your ear, causing you to let out a whine.
"Oh, but I won't." You were trying to act like your face wasn't bright red and blood wasn't rushing south. Stupid werewolf strength and stupid hot man and ug H-
"I might have to do something about this disobedience, then, hmm?" 
Tossing your head back against the tree, you bit your lip to hide back a groan as his teeth gently niped along your Adam's apple. You tilted your head back and let out a sigh as he sucked on the skin. Your  eyes slowly opened and grew wider at the sight above you. 
"Goldie?!" Your mouth hung open as the golden shit looked down at you and tried to scurry up higher, Lupins pocket watch chain hanging from it's pouch. 
"Never called me that one, love. I don't get the reference. You might have to explain it for me." Lupin laughed against your skin, causing goosebumps to spread across it. 
"What? No, Lupin, the niffler!" 
"Shouldn't it should be in the-"
"She's in the tree!" 
"What?" he pulled away from your neck and looked up. "Oh.. You're gonna have to grab him, aren't you?" 
"Her, and yes." 
"And I'm gonna help?" 
"Which means we can't snog anymore, right?" he shot you a smirk, trying to be playful while you were losing your mind. 
"Remus! She has your watch!" Your voice held bite, which he'd never heard before. It was hot. He found himself licking his lips, wanting to just grind into you, but the smack to his chest pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Ok! I got the hint!" 
The grown man whined and set you back down, giving you a look of disappointment mixed with child grumpiness. He watched your ass as you rolled up your sleeves and climbed up the tree with little struggle. 
"... Did we just get cock-blocked by a niffler?" 
"Don't use that language in front of the baby, Lupin! She's just a young thing!" 
"First of all, she can't understand us." he looked up at you, admiring your legs. "And second, If it's our baby, someone has some explaining to do." 
"Lupin, just climb the damn tree and grab the baby." you plucked a pine cone off a branch and hurled it at the brunettes head with accuracy that scared him. 
"Ouch! Alright! Alright. Jeez, I didn't know you could be so pushy." He took off his suit jacket and laid it across one of the lower branches before rolling up his sleeves and following you up the tree. 
"What now?" 
"I touched sap. It's gross." 
"I'll push you right off that branch if you don't take this seriously! Grab him-!"
"Her, (L/n.)" 
"Do no-. Don't. Don't even do that." 
"Love you too, (L/n)." 
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miioouu · 4 years
After all the cheating of the main boys I need fluffy cuddles with them? Can you? Please?:(
Thanks so much for letting me write fluff, my heart can't take anymore cheating. Thank you for requesting!! ❤️💜❤️
Midoriya Izuku 💚
There's just somethingbto comforting with being wrapped in his arms. Strong, yet soothing grip, soft breaths fanning on your skin. Ears in his chest you can hear his heart beats. It felt like heaven when you're with him, when you're with Izuku. As his fingers massaged your scalp you couldn't help the smile that made its way to your lips. Looking up to him, you see he was busy reading something in his phone, brows furrowed in concentration as you wondered what was so interesting. Scooting higher up you turned your head to look at the device, small chuckle escaping you as you watched an adorable baby video. The small cute human sitting in a weird position making the green haired boy confused as he tried to figure out how exactly this baby was resting. Leaning closer to him, you gave him a soft kiss on his cheek, seeing it turning red as he averted his focus in you now. Your smile really infectious, a bright grin etched on his face.....
Casual cuddles with Deku are truly the best part of life...
Todoroki Shoto 💙❤️
It wasn't often that you got to spend time with your boyfriend. He's usually always busy, but you didn't mind that. You knew he was trying to accomplish his dream, and you're never going to be mad at him, even if it meant less time with you. That's why you cherished his days off. Head in the crook his neck as his arms are wrapped around your waist. Lips ever so often coming down to place a kiss on your temples. While he was watching whatever show was on the television, you were sitting in his lap, just enjoying his warmth. Though with all the cuddling taking place, you almost didn't notice the jealousy filling the room. Looking right next to you, you saw the fluffy cat shooting you daggers with his eyes. Letting out a small smile, you reached to carry the cat, placing him on your lap. Stroking the soft furr making the animal purr in happiness. You didn't realize that Shoto lost all his attention from the show and now it's on you and the cat. Finding you so adorable like that, he couldn't help but get his phone to snap a picture of all three of you.
Cuddles with Shoto and his cats, always saved in images in his phone, the perfect family pictures.
Bakugo Katsuki 🧡
To say you were tired was an understatement. You were absolutely exhausted. The only thing that you wanted to do was to crawl next to your boyfriend side and wrap yourself in his warm arms. Luckily for you, Bakugo seemed in a good mood, so chances are you're actually getting what you really craved. Seeing him sitting in his couch, reading some book, you slowly made your way toward him. You had to be careful, because if you jumped straight into cuddles, the blond would probably reject you. So sitting next to him at first, giving an innocent smile as you locked eyes. He only replied with a simple "hey" and went back to reading. Scooting closer and closer to him, til there was no more space between you to, you were practically sitting in his lap right now. Not like he minded, he never did. Sure he'd let out a grunt and whine for a while, but he always enjoyed when you wrap your arms around his torso and shift all your weight on him. Body so close to his, he can smell your relaxing sent, he could feel your heart beating, he can sense the love you were pouring in the kisses you placed all over his face.
Cuddles with bakugo were a special thing, ever so soft and warm, you wouldn't trade them for all the fortune of the world...
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jenee · 4 years
Today...Lets make it a day to remember, rememer the moments you love with that special person you love or even family , the sad moments and the happy moments. To show you love them
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Joonie...., my happiness and my light when I’m in the dark and my soulmate
I remember on our first date I was so nervous meeting you, sitting down in that cafe my heart was always racing, but I got to know you, got to know what things you like while you made flirty jokes haha, sitting across from you I got to look at your amazing face, I will never forget that day, it was the most amazing day I could ever imagine
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Being able to wake up in the morning knowing that I’m safe in your arms made me feel like I’m special, that someone cares, getting all the love that I had from you was too much, I just felt like I had something I didn’t deserve, but now...now I realised that we chose eachother for a reason, to love, to care and to never hurt eachother, the days that I see you smile is just too much, I get to know that you smiling means you arnt sad, I hated seeing you sad my Joonie, if you where ever sad I would be sad, the first time I showed you the town lights for a special spot I had told no one about, brining hunter with us he wouldn’t stop running around and barking, he is our little baby, we are a small family, you, me and hunter our furr baby puppy
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I swear I am the luckiest girl alive, you spoil my with your love each and everyday, I can’t thank you enough really, having to see what we have become in 3 months almost 4, yay!, is just magical, I never thought I would last this long but I have..we have, your funny jokes never fail to make me smile and always make me laugh, I wish I could do the same for you Joonie, and I’ll keep trying no matter what and no matter how long it takes, I give you all my love and I always will, my heart belongs to you and that is a promise
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I want time to freeze in the moment it is...to stop where it is, let me live this moment of life as if no one is watching, we don’t let people tell us what’s right and what’s wrong, we live life like no one is watching, we show them that we don’t care what they say and that we love eachother and that’s all that matters, I will love you everyday of the year and I will never stop loving you my Joonie, your my koala and my life..I don’t know what I would do without you..if I lost you...I would lose myself...I can’t tell you how much I love you but I will try to do my best and give you what you gave me...love
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🥺❤️❤️ @namjoonie-cb❤️❤️🥺
@yourminju @amazingspiderhan @yourcupidchuu @hunter-chaeyoung @playboy-gyu @yourboys-n-girls @mafia-chaeyoung @time-for-confession @babie-sanie @yandereminholee @yanderetzuyu @softie-yeji @lovely-jisoo @storybook-nct @fallenangel-oc @badass-eun @bunny-woong @bunjihyo @tiktok-woozi @yandereyeri @werewolfkai @subbyjwoo @princeparkseonghwa @seventeen-chatbot @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @moonlightchn @your-jaemin @purgejaemin @heartbrokenxrenjun @heartbrokenxxheejin @heartbroken-moonbin @peachy-jaemjaemin @princess-yeji
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years
Aesthetic Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @jelly-pies and @letscatchyoulater! I know you guys tagged me a while ago, but it took me a bit to come up with my own aesthetics lol. It was super fun though!! 
Rules: Bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
(soft!) baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night | 
(dark academia!) neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
(edgy!) closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
(seventies!) colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
(preppy casual!) collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
(@masterninjacow) rainy mornings | sweet steaming tea | cats’ purrs | daydreaming about fantasies | back hugs | glinting necklaces | loud video games | grumbling thunder | constantly chewing gum | wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear to bed | watching horror movies at night | nibbling on chocolates | talking to yourself | short hair | sad lofi music | messy sketches | sweet-scented body wash | spicy noodles at midnight | hating physical affection but craving it at the same time | ending all texts with lmao or rip
(@cherriigguk) | dried flowers | painting at 2 am in oversized sweater| up until sunrise | abundance of blankets and plushies | minimalistic colours | writing when you can’t sleep | warm banana bread on a winters day | stroking a sleepy dog | big eyeliner | butterfly clips | lo-fi hip hop | glossy lips and rose tinted cheeks | afternoon tea with old friends | oversized cardigans | herbal tea | dainty jewellery | self-care evenings | messy low bun or ponytails | dark hair | too many sketchbooks
(@bisoo) Fairy lights | Walking in the woods | night city | waves sound | drinking hot chocolate or tea during raining days | being wrapped in a blanket | polaroids | pastel stuff | mint tea | cats’ furr | baked brownies or cookies | French toast/pancakes for breakfast | drinking tea at 3 am with friends | café | doing braids on your friend’s hair | lots of plushies | doing old drawings again | boxes full of doodles | iced coffee
(@midnightlunaandinnerfangirl) having tons of plushies | wearing black | knitting | making your own clothes | napping in the sun | dancing in your bedroom | reading books in your bed | oversized hoodies | combat boots | flowy dresses | lots of piercings | wearing multiple rings on your fingers | gardening | ripped black jeans | chokers | wearing tights | oversized sweaters | black nail polish | holding babies | coffee
(@superherotiger) Posters on your bedroom walls | Marvel/Star Wars shirts | hot chocolate at night | platonic cuddling | family jewellery | ocean breeze | sand on your feet | reading books in the sunlight | stuffed toys | big jackets | black hair | playing games | night owl | clean and orderly | blues and greens | trinkets from travels | LEGO | unfinished sketch books | sunny days | starry nights
(@an-odd-idea) constant daydreaming | full notes app | studying maps | staying up late | meaningful jewelry | searching for music to match what you’re writing | loving deeply | always cold | cuddling cats | no makeup | long hair | camp t-shirts | songs on repeat | singing in the car | fuzzy blanket | chamomile tea | midnight snacks | summer nostalgia | bad at hugs but really wanting them anyway | holding hands |
(@jelly-pies) ink on your hands | doodling random quotes/song lyrics | t-shirts and denim shorts | keeping mints in your purse | lip balm | talking to inanimate objects | half-full journals | backpacks | fandom trinkets | flip-flops | board games | songs from original movie soundtracks | holding conversations with kids | fanarts saved to your phone | lying on the grass | floating on your back in the water | full hearty breakfasts | casual side-hugs | dozing off anywhere | fruit shakes |
(@letscatchyoulater) misty sunrises | peppermint tea with milk and honey | sunlight filtering down between trees | lots of warm, squeezing hugs | vanilla scented candles  | found family fics | watching raindrops fall down the window pane | drinking hot chocolate alone at a cafe | different playlists for different moods and activities | subtle fandom pun shirts and stuff | hurt/comfort | wireless headphones for care-free dancing | crisp autumn days | shadowy forest trails | calm seas and stormy lakes | reading just one more chapter before going to sleep | cocooning oneself in a blanket burrito | chocolate biscuits | platonic cuddle piles | randomly singing and humming everywhere
(@kitkatwinchester) constantly listening to music | ruffling siblings’ hair | dancing like nobody’s watching | head in someone’s lap| reading in a corner with a desk lamp | always saying “I love you” to friends and family | long bike rides | sunsets by the lake | late night phone calls | writing when emotional | playing random instruments when you walk by them | family doesn’t end with blood | always having something to talk about | nocturnal | organized chaos in your room | easily losing track of time | really long hugs from the people you love | always wearing fandom gear| organizing things into folders/albums | taking lots of fall photos
I’m tagging @baloobird, @jen27ny, @crowleyellestair, @howdoistopthetrain, @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover, @ironfamjam, @jolinarjackson, @irondad-not-ironsad, @joyful-soul-collector, @justme--emily, and @annieshurley. 
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sueboohscorner · 3 years
#Bull - Season 5, Episode 4 “The Ex Factor” Episode Review
Hello and Welcome Longtime followers and Bull Fans; I hope you are well and healthy still during this crazy period, wherever you are located in the world; as this review is going to be the last review for the 2020/2021 tv Season for Bull, I would like to see comments and predictions of what you want to see in 2021 S5 of Bull and so with that let's dive into the final review of 2020 for Bull, Season 5 Ep. 4 of Bull deals and tackles with the “The Ex Factor” – TAC braces for an un-jolly Christmas when Bull and Benny represent Marissa and her estranged husband, Greg (David Furr), in federal court after they’re charged with money laundering and fraud connected to Greg’s restaurant. As Bull and Benny defend the divorcing couple together so the prosecution can’t use them against each other, they search for jurors who will believe Marissa did not know about Greg’s business dealings. Also, as Bull and Izzy prepare to baptize Astrid before the Christmas holiday, they reach an impasse regarding what they want from their renewed relationship (SpolierTv,2020) So let’s dive into the next section of the development of key characters of the episode.
Key Character Development of Episode 4 of Season 5 of Bull This week on Bull, we got to see how they develop the characters overall forward and develop the relationships of certain characters. Let's get into the characters that were a key focus of this episode. 1. Marrisa
So finally, we are getting development in characters that we have not seen since S2 or S3, and this episode highlights what has happened with Marrisa and how she has to fight to get a discovery from her ex-husband and to find out that he has been in a money-laundering scheme with this restaurant, we finally get to see Marrisa in a different light as we are used to having Marisa at TAC watching the screen, it good to see a change in the dynamic of the show
2. Benny
As Bull's Closest friend, we get to see Benny go through the emotions of having him to decide Bull and Issy getting married again and how he was there for Bull, with his truth bombs of wisdom about Issy and his relationship with her before and after the decisive and also get to see more of the context of how Benny and Bull became the close friends that they are today 3. Issy
This week, the Bull writers have finally started to work on Issy. How her feelings are about the divorce and the miscarriage and also what her love for Bull is, and throughout the previous seasons on the show, we get little to no context of information about her character and so this episode for me is one of the best episodes of development for Issy after her introduction episode back in season 1 of the show. I think that she has come a long way from the sort of not relying on Bull to being in a fully committed relationship with him; I will dive into the relationship part further into the review.
4. Bull
In Season 5 of Bull, we have finally got to see MW's soft side, which we have known since the days that he was on NCIS. This episode proves that we need to see more of this side of Bull, as most of his relationships crave this, like with Benny and Issy and his Baby Girl; this episode gives us, bull's side to the story of his feelings was before the divorce, and after the situation happened between the two. I feel that we are going to into a period on the Show of Bull that will be more of a toned-down Bull, that we get to see his emotions, which we will start to seep into the cases that he develops and represents at TAC. The Key Relationship Development That Happen in Episode 4 of S5 of Bull - Bull and Isabella (Issy)
Now with the major cliffhanger of the show, with these two tying the knot again, this episode gave the audience a much-needed glimpse into this relationship as they have been through a lot of ups and downs as a couple. As they are new parents to Baby Bull, we finally get to see some of that love they have for each other again, beginning to rise again. As I have mentioned in my previous reviews of Bull, this relationship needed to be explored more as this couple has been in the past. As through the show's seasons, the writers have eluded to there is more to the story of with these two. P.s. I want to see more of these two together. -Marisa and Her ex-husband
After we get to see the happy couple of the show in Bull and Issy, we show season 5 episode 4 's storyline relationship. We get to see how these two loved each other and placed the trust in each other. Also, we got to see the downfall of the relationship and the lack of communication between them and Marrisa, making sure she has to do everything in her power to make sure that she is protected herself. The resolution of the case was a straightforward point. But I but we see the development of them having Christmas dinner together. To me, which is a little bit of a double edge sword when It comes to their relationship. I hope that the writers start to make sure that Marrisa starts to have more of a relationship with herself and her friends. Bull and Benny
We are back with these two again; in this episode, we get to see Benny dropping the truth bombs of wisdom when it comes to Bull and Issy's relationship as he has been there the whole time from the beginning of the relationship to the breakdown and the reemergence of the relationship, I love FR & MW's scenes together this episode, as it was a bull and Issy focused episode, we finally to get to see the other side of. Benny, as we only get the professional side of Benny in most episodes, and with the changes in Benny's life, I think that we are going to explore more this relationship and Bull, Marrisa, and Benny
This episode was the Christmas episode with a crazy storyline. Still, It had a great development of this relationship and how MW, GC, and FR's performance of this relationship between the characters we are drawn to make sure that they are a brother and sister type of friendship and willing to support her innocence to the end. I hope in S5 part b in 2021, we get to explore these relationships between them, as Benny is getting Ready to move on to a new job soon. Bull and The Tac Team
This episode of Bull gave us a small glimpse of the team in action as the episode was more based on the relationships mentioned above in the review. But I hope in season 5, part B of Bull, and I hope to see more development of the team and the team in action as best it can be achieved in the current world events. The Defence strategy of the case, As this was the last episode of 2020 for S5 of Bull. I was hoping to see a good defense strategy, so we got the following, as the case can be tried as a strong defense with both wife and husband, so there is control of the case's narrative. But I did not see any jury selection for the case. As the team was focused on the case at hand, we got to see a small moment. The best and weird, wacky and worst moments of Season 5 of episode 4 of Bull Best Moments 1. The Production Crew did a great job as always 2. The relationship development of some of the characters that were well needed 3. Benny's Truth Bombs of wisdom 4. The twist at the end of the episode 5. Benny and Bull doing everything to protect Marrisa from the charges
6. GC's performance in the witness box in the courtroom
Weird, Wacky, and Worst Moments of the episode 1. The scene when Benny and Bull are talking about Bull's Christmas present for his sister 2. The scene in the church and Benny is looking awkward 3. The resolution of the court case for the episode 4. I wanted more of TAC in action as we were missing some of the characters as it was a Bull and Issy based episode 5. The scene that I found weird and wacky was the scene before Marrisa testified in court, and they are all in the car together talking Overall thoughts and opinions on Episode 4 of Bull S5 Episode 4 of Bull S5 is a Christmas episode for 2020 as we got to see how the relationship development is going for some of the show's favorite characters. Overall, the episode was full of beautiful and sweet moments and weird, wacky moments that the show is known for. This gave the audience something to be added to the canon of the show, and I like the writers decided to have Issy proposed to Bull as it can be seen as her commitment to the relationship and her love for Bull. I can't wait for S5 part b of Bull to dive into more of these two as I can see them having a long engagement. Also, I loved the juxtaposition of the storylines of relationships on the show, with Marrisa and her ex-husband. It gave the audience some of the struggles that they faced over time. And then eventually the break down of the relationship. Also, in the episode, we got to see Benny dropping his truth bombs of wisdom when it comes to bull and issy, but the one downfall of the episode was that it had limited interaction and the TAC Team's development. I hope that Bull writers in 2021 tackle more of the development there with some of the major characters presented on the show. The Overall Rating for the episode is a 7/10 As this is the last review of 2020 for Bull, as I am writing this review, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy New year of 2021. I will be back in 2021 for more recaps on S5 of Bull episodes, but until then, let me know what you like to see in the rest of S5 of Bull in the comments section below. Again Merry Christmas and Have a Safe and Healthy 2021. From the Woman Who Writes TV Reviews
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theoriginaljock · 4 years
Catra didn't wake up early.. she was exhausted , and didn't work this morning. But when she did, she slowly started to remember What happened the night , and the nap she had didn't heal in any way.
She stayed under the covers , not Daring to face the World. They would probably meet again, she would have to face Her eventually. She could maybe just ignore Her ? Like she told herself. Nothing happened. Denial was the easiest way to deal with all of this..and she did share something Big , very Big , with a girl she just met.
She eventually decided to get up , because she had to watch over the pool this Afternoon. Again.. but if was Her only shift of the day, so she just had to be lucky enough to not have the jock going to the swimming pool when she was. That would be... unfortunate. She didn't even bother to change the day before .
A shower, she needed a shower. She went to the bathroom and took a cold one , closing Her eyes and thinking everything through under the sound of the water hitting Her skin and the ground.
She got out , and tried to dry Her furr as best as she could, before putting on New clothes and checking on her phone .
That's when Her lips started shaking slightly, as well as Her hand . She laid Back in bed , Reading the messages over and over again. Why was she still trying. Why did she Care so Much... She couldn't answer. She didn't feel like it , not right now. Though she let out a whince on the mention of the sweater . She knew scorpia took it With Her to give it as soon as possible. She asked Her so.
She could have kept it... At least kept that. She didn't .
No one answered to the door when scorpia went to bring Back the sweater. And she had no clue on why she had to bring that Back , on why catra had it. But whatever it was , it made Her jealous.
Though, when she passed near the restaurant , she did spot the faces of the people from Yesterday. She had an Amazing memory , and that's why everyone liked her. She remembered every single person, and names, for the most part.
The tall scorpion walked over them , glancing over adora from head to toes. She knew it couldn't belong to the guy, catra would Never hang out and keep a Guy sweater.
She handed it to Her directly , frowning. She didn't like Her . Though, she quickly gave her a bright smile.
" Hey hum , I think it's yours. Catra asked me to bring it Back to you Yesterday." She cleared Her throat " you Know the lady with the cat ears, /my/ best Pal .. I Hope you didn't miss it too much. "
" Whatever you did , I'm keeping an eye on you ."
Scorpia was Always very protective without necesseraly knowing the context. But What she knew , was that catra was hurt. And if she was , whoever this woman is , is a Bad Guy to Her.
It was around 3 pm when catra sat down on a chair at the pool, wearing sunglasses to hide the enormous eyebags she had , and the overall tired face . She was staying in swimsuit , in case she had to jump in the pool .
She has been thinking about answering adora all the way , and she was still thinking about it. Only a week. Would she Spend that week ignoring a girl that seemed to Care ..or try to fight Her own pride. It was a very hard decision to make.
One was easy but she could regret it , the other was hard but...she could either regret it or have a great Time.
The plate in front of her didn’t seem as interesting or appetizing for the moment. Not even a small bite was allowed to fall into her empty stomach, ... was it due to the hangover? Or maybe because she felt rejected one more time..? A never ending feeling that was beating inside her stomach. Only to be aggravated by the newcomer that now stood rooted to her side on their lunch table.
The first to realize was Glimmer who had just sat down with a full plate of pancakes and some syrupy mix of strawberries and peaches. She arched a brow at the piece of garment the taller woman had in her hands. Yes, it was Adora’s sweater from last night.
Teal eyes looked sideways at her own sweater, an awful emptiness was building in her stomach, the little coffee she just had trying to push its way upwards into her throat.
Adora took the garment in her left hand and left it leaning against both her legs, not even considering in addressing the threat that was hidden in her honey like words. She was busy trying not to jump her and handling her ass back to her.
Glimmer sensed the whole charged atmosphere and decided to play along Scorpia’s speech “Thank you so much for your kindness. We were looking for it. Oh my.. how stupid of us leaving it behind...” she faked the most polite smile her features could muster, waiting for Scorpia to just retreat..
“What the hell, Adora?!” Glimmer kicked her shin underneath the table. “I thought you were hooking up with Mermista last night!” Adora gazed up from her plate, her look conveying nothing and everything about the night prior. Glimmer pointed nonchalantly towards the several bite marks she had across neck, arms and most probable torso too..
Bow caught the blonde off guard by the side lines of the pool, tackling her from the waist and into the cold water.
“....dude! My shirt is ruined!” Her brows furrowed at Brow who kept this silly grin plastered on his face. She took the wet shirt off, tossing it outside to the grass, revealing a white and gold swimming top. She kept on the amber aviator glasses making her look even more attractive in the sunlight. The rays of light making her wet frame glisten against the water surface.
“Hey there’s Mermista and SeaHawk! Let’s play some battle games!” Bow’s hand raised up in the air before Adora could stop him “....dude this is awkward...” she stood there floating, plunging herself deeper into the water, trying to hide her face to no avail.
A smaller frame climbed behind Adora positioning herself on her shoulders, which Adora reciprocated by taking her full frame and just bringing her up, Glimmer’s legs dangling on both sides of Adora’s head. “Dude... I can see all your bite marks!.. rough night I bet” Adora sank her teeth into Glimmer’s exposed thigh, earning a small yelp from her “...shut it, not in the mood”
Bow took Mermista into his shoulders signaling for Adora to come closer and start the battle. “Hey, handsome.. thought you wanted me to ride you instead of Sparkles over there.” Luckily Adora’s sight was hidden behind her sunglasses, otherwise she could’ve seen how embarrassed she was, not to say a bit... annoyed.
Luckily somebody had captivated her full attention, a certain girl who seemed to be on Pool duty today.
“Just my luck...” the blonde thought as she began playing tug o war with her friends.
After a losing strike of 4-0 on Bow’s behalf. Adora took off to the shore, swimming with long fast strides towards Catra’s spot.
She folded her arms on top of the hot counter, “...Hey kitten...” her voice was trembling with nervousness and a hint of sadness. “.... Thanks for the sweater..” she sighed trying to act composed “...do you have any plans for the rest of the day” she didn’t want to take off her sunglasses, for they could reveal a very hurtful look behind those baby blue eyes of hers.
[tagging: @rp-blog-uh ]
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sapphiclunacookie · 4 years
thank you for tagging me my love @bisoo!
rules ; bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
(Soft!) baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
(dark academia!) neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
(edgy!) closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
(seventies!) colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
(preppy casual!) collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
(@masterninjacow!) rainy mornings | sweet steaming tea | cats’ purrs | daydreaming about fantasies | back hugs | glinting necklaces | loud video games | grumbling thunder | constantly chewing gum | wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear to bed | watching horror movies at night | nibbling on chocolates | talking to yourself | short hair | sad lofi music | messy sketches | sweet-scented body wash | spicy noodles at midnight | hating physical affection but craving it at the same time | ending all texts with lmao or rip
(@cherriigguk!) | dried flowers | painting at 2 am in oversized sweater| up until sunrise | abundance of blankets and plushies | minimalistic colours | writing when you can’t sleep | warm banana bread on a winters day | stroking a sleepy dog | big eyeliner | butterfly clips | lo-fi hip hop | glossy lips and rose tinted cheeks | afternoon tea with old friends | oversized cardigans | herbal tea | dainty jewellery | self-care evenings | messy low bun or ponytails | dark hair | too many sketchbooks |
(@bisoo) Fairy lights | Walking in the woods | night city | waves sound | drinking hot chocolate or tea during raining days| being wrapped in a blanket | polaroids | pastel stuff | mint tea | cats' furr | baked brownies or cookies | French toast/pancakes for breakfast | drinking tea at 3 am with friends | café | doing braids on your friend's hair | lots of plushies | doing old drawings again | boxes full of doodles | iced coffee
(@midnightlunaandinnerfangirl) having tons of plushes | wearing black | knitting | making your own clothes | napping in the sun | dancing in your bedroom | reading books in your bed | oversized hoodies | combat boots | flowy dresses | lots of piercings | wearing multiple rings on your fingers | gardening | ripped black jeans | chokers | wearing tights | oversized sweaters | black nail polish | holding babies | coffee 
have a go at it @superherotiger
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