#my soul left my body when i saw this was a ask xD
vivilingriphyn · 7 months
Since C!Nadakhan and Nadakhan are different from each other. Does C!Nadakhan has a different personality? Does C!Nadakhan Invincible towards others, except for Jay?
Honestly there are a lot of Differences between C!Nadakhan and Nadakhan but if it's about their personalities, I would say they're the same but C!Nadakhan is worse than Nadakhan by 10-100 depending on how much it wanna fuck with Jay especially on his appearance, and C!Nadakhan's fear of death is amplified as well, since it’s sentient and self-aware enough that if Jay dies, it would die too. And since it's sentient then there is potential that its personality can develop beyond just being a more terrifying, horror version of Nadakhan. And unfortunately no one else can see C!Nadakhan except for Jay… For now that is.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 10 months
If you’re taking headcanon requests, I have a very specific idea for Frollo that’s been living rent free in my head for awhileeeeeee.
Imagine Frollo being summoned as a ghost into the modern world by a nonbinary spirit medium or witch. Just, let this man loose his entire mind as a FAR too lovely witch is running around chatting with ghosts, and trying to calm him tf down in the process XD
Probably doesn’t help that “nonbinary witch” would probably sound like evil itself to Frollo lol
The horror of the new day
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Frollo x nb!reader
warning : just some funny things and a very confused Frollo
Info : Thanks for this request @add-a-bit-of-neurospice it was an interesting idea/concept but was like I said really,really fun to write. Frollo just in our time and dies again of the ,,sins" he sees everywhere :) I hope you like it and have fun reading ;)
Hell had been his home since he had fallen into the flames in front of Notre Dame, the stone had crushed his body and the flames had not left him as ashes, he had been in hell.
His faith was right after his soul had left his body he found himself in. The infinite inferno was burning again, an eternal flame that tormented him until he threatened to lose his mind.
Time was irrelevant and he no longer had any feeling for it except the pain of seeing the souls of his victims and enemies pass by, but he hardly paid any attention to them.
Until one day in infinite time he felt his body rise from the flames and was freed. It had to be God he was convinced as the flames around him. Around him became less and less.
The darkness enveloped him before he heard a distant voice calling out to him, saying his name. Looking around for the person, his soul coalesced into the image, his body easily visible around the ring that had suddenly appeared.
He was heavier than the flames, heavier than the pain and it held him. It held him until the darkness around him receded, his voice became clearer and when he lifted his gaze he was standing in a room. ,,What is this?" he asked, confused as to why his jellyfish had ended because when he ascended he was supposed to be in the clouds, singing and becoming an angel.
,,Oh my Lillith, it worked!" he heard the voice more clearly and saw the right person. The first thing he noticed was the pointed hat and the necklace with the pentagram. A witch someone he would have burned immediately if he still had the time.
But when he looked further at the she-devil, he saw pants instead of a dress and her hair was short. A demon. ,,Demon, why did you call me?" he asked, a hint of fear in his voice, it must be a powerful being if it could summon him with a ring. ,,Demon? Oh no, I'm a witch, a medium do you understand Frollo?" the person asked him and continued to walk around the room excitedly, collecting ingredients, clothes and books and muttering to themselves.
It was a sight that confused and unsettled him. It couldn't be his time, in his time there was no glowing sun on the ceiling, no clocks that seemed so small and thin.
And this glowing book on which his summoner was typing only confused him even more. Suddenly he felt the ring that had summoned him glow and he understood even less what was going on. ,,Okay, Frollo, listen. You are in the year 2023 and I have to ask you a few questions for a assignment," he listened to the demon and gradually realized that hundreds of years must have passed.
Hundreds of years in which he suffered that felt like the eternal time of an hourglass. The world and especially the church seemed to have changed.
The more he saw of this wonderful space, the more he realized that there was neither a cross nor a holy image of Jesus and Mary. ,,Two thousand and twenty-three... and you demon summoned me?" he asked hesitantly and stopped in front of a glass box with a sun in it and saw a snake inside.
The demon's soul animal. He turned back to the strange creature in disgust. ,,Yes, I did, to be more precise, my first summoning. How do you feel, or rather, what was it like to fall to your death like that?" The person asked again and the spirit looked down at the ring.
The world was strange to him things had changed and yet the hellfire had stopped. Talking was not a sin and if it meant staying away from the fire why not...nothing could be worse than hellfire. ,,I fell dear summoner creature, the flames had surrounded me but not caught me. It was the stone that broke my body before the fire could take me," he began to tell, walking around the room and seeing the interested look on his necromancer's face.
He saw how the summoner continued to make notes while he told his life story.
It felt good to talk again and not just think about pain. And the longer he talked, the more interested his counterpart became. Maybe he even told untruths, lies, but in order to be heard, to be right and not get caught in the fire, he would tell this witch, this demon everything.
Even after death, his justification and his guilt had not changed. But why should it? He had a listener who believed it and that was all that mattered in the here and now.
Even though he had to admit that the longer he looked around this strange room, told his story and listened to the witch, he was still interested in these new things around him. Maybe he would have to make a contract to take on this kind of witchcraft.
He even had to smile once when he managed to scare the stranger. When he showed him the picture when he died. However, this only led to the stranger turning on music or something similar on the glowing book and starting to pray wildly and say prayers.
It was very confusing and these words like cell phone, light bulb and non-binary were things he called divine and devil. But all this time he started to like the company when he sat down in the chair that was touched by the witch, giving him access.
Even if his gaze went to the suns around him, his gaze was always on his savior while Frollo strove over the ring…for a moment he was completely grateful to have been saved…maybe there was still hope…for his soul in the end.
Hope you enjoyed it @add-a-bit-of-neurospice
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 days
Ok after reading that
Now I want a meet up with their team/friends XD
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(Lmk Wukong) The panic the public feels is so bad it reached two other realms😥🫣. Everyone was either Filming or getting ready to evaluate Megaspolis as both Goddesszilla and Queen kong show up in the city today. Tang saw from outside pigsy's restaurant and his soul totally left his body at this and everyone ran outside to see the Chaos. Mk, Mei, and Redson were stuck between being Scared and being amazed upon seeing you and Queen Kong.
Mk and Mei were loosing it all over the place with stars in their eyes🤩
Redson was literally praying, I kid you, not he was praying as he hid in the men's bathroom. He called his parents, saying his potentially final good byes and that he always loved them😱
Sandy waved and welcomed you both, as he was very happy to meet you both.
Pigsy had to calm down a screaming Tang as the Scholar totally loses his mind😨
Elsewhere the Spider queen was discussing with her family/minions about moving out of the city Feeling like they were the ones in danger now😱
DBK and PIF share a look of shock as they listen Redson's semi-tearful rambling as the can see Goddesszilla and Queen kong from out their window
The Brotherhood absolutely moved out of the city as they don't want any of the ancient radiation heat from both of you😬
The Mayor's Whole body was so pale that People mistaken him as a ghost😱 and wants to join lady bone demon in her gravesite😨🥶
Jin and Yin were fanboying all over the place, throwing themselves as party as they asked you both for autographs🤩
A fearful Nezha spread the word to all of heaven, well it wasn't news, It was a clearly very much a warning, a warning that flipped the heavens on their heads for a good few centuries to come😬😬😬
And finally,Macaque😰 is really missing being dead right about now, as he feels you and your sisters glare on him😠
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(MKR Wukong) The monk had a really bad stroke upon seeing you and your sister queen kong😂🤣. He and Pigsy noticed that he was in a better mood lately, and more Reasonable to deal with and immediately something was up. Sandy was just happy the death threats Wukong would give him occasionally stopped. Then one morning the pilgrims were asleep until the ground shook like their was an earthquake. This made pigsy Shat and piss his pants as he paled and scream like a girl upon what he saw, it was you and Queen kong, and Sandy straight up pale like seriously he was ash at that point. Then Finally the monk who had a heart attack and Stroke at the same time, as the saw you and Queen kong. Finally, Wukong showed up and excitedly introduced you both as his 2 beautiful wives. That's right. He absolutely got married behind the monk and heavens back, and if they know what's good for them, they better not do anything😈.
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(NR Wukong) Li felt a serious mingrain form upon meeting Wukong's 2 wives, aka you and your sister Queen kong. Meanwhile, everybody was willing out and had so many questions for both of you, Li and Su's friend group. Welcome you both with open arms. Queen Kong was so happy to make new friends as she talked to everyone about practically everything, and shared stories about when you both were younger. You, of course didn't join the conversations, but that doesn't mean you weren't listening as you were just laying next to Wukong, but you were very happy that your sister had come out of her shell and made friends.
Meanwhile, the Ao Bing and his father went into hiding, because well.....between you and me, it turns the dragon king of the east actually owes you money And You're somehow scarier than a regular lone shark, and Queen kong has beef with Ao bing because the little Bastard set fire to part of her home and she's still mad about it this day. So they both better stay out of our line of sight😈👿
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(HIB Wukong) He's kinda embarrassed, but not in a bad way. It's more like he's huffing while getting scolded by Queen Kong about not making you both aware that he was a single father. You both loved Silly Girl and Luier in an instant. Like Wukong, you would sometimes get annoyed with Luier's motor mouth and never ending questions, but your both saved by Queen king's godly Patience with him And answered every question to the best of her ability. Meanwhile, you took a liking to Silly Girl because she seems like a fighter to you, and with a bit of self defense Training She could be a force to be Reckon with, plus you always wanted a daughter🥰. Pigsy knew better to try both of you, as you could both totally Crush him under your thumb. But overall Luier and Silly girl love you both and already accepted you both as mother figures.
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(Netflix Wukong) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear here we go. So you should know by now how annoying heaven found Wukong to be, but you should also know about how hard they shat and pissed themselves and went into a PTSD level state of panic when they found out about you both. Now they did hear the rumor that the monkey That was pestering them getting hitched, Which is probably why he wasn't bothering them for a while, but they had Absolutely no idea That he got married to not one but two wives, AND IT'S BOTH THE QUEEN OF THE MONSTERS AND THE QUEEN OF THE GORILLAS!!!!!!!! this has to be a dream. A incredibly traumatizing dream And if you think the heavens were suffering with this information you can imagine how the dragon king felt about this😬. HE messed with the husband of the Queens and lived to tell other people about it, He felt like this was the end he felt like this His final moments As he writes as will, Preparing To take his medicine and punishment.
Meanwhile You and Queen kong fawned over Lin like the daughter Neither view ever had. Spoiling her with food, treasures, and clothes as you both learned from Wukong that she was alone for most of her life. Well That's clearly about to change as you both welcome and adopted her as your daughter🥰🥰🥰
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fiammee · 5 months
Hello, how have ya been? How did your trip ended, did you have fun?
I guess reaching to you through asks is easier than DMs, so here I am, being generally curious about where we left off the last last time, but since I am here I'll also leave a big ask:
How did it happen that Jon Lord is so important to you? When did you hear him and saw him for the first time? What's the thing in his playing and in his character that makes him be that special guy to you?
Write the longest answer you want - or a short one if it's more in your style - I'm just a curious lil mutual <3
Heyaaaaa haiiiiiii dear!!!! Thank you for these questions *rubbing hands* Finally lets hope that I can respond this time XD
Times could get better, but summer is coming and Im pretty excited in beginning uni academy next year, lets hope🙏
About my trip end, it was a bit unexpected but funny: we leaved our rented house at 10 AM but we quickly found out that all highways were clogged up, and we managed to reach home a whole day after, at 1 AM, literally praying that my mom wouldnt fall asleep while driving 🤣
Abt Jon, lets begin *cracks knuckles*
I dont remember if I have ever said this to anyone, but usually my dad, when I was little, made me watch purple lives instead of cartoons;
So, throughout my childhood and my first teenage years I had this blurred memory about the members and how they looked like; (my thoughts were like: why the drums guy is so little? Why the guitarman is so scary? Why that mans moustache are so big and silly? Why the singer looks like Jesus and has my same hair? Just pure childlike wonder lol)
And finally, around 2020, I gave them a chance by listening my dads machine head vynil and OH BOY OH BOY I was quickly captivated by their roaring and powerful sound.
My first crush was big ian but I later revalued Jon when, out of pure curiousity, I went searching for pics on pinterest and I stumbled upon this:
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My brain and hormones went apeshit🤭🤭 and this sort of awakened me, I was asking myself questions like "wtf is happening to me whattt?" in pure confusion.
The rest is now history, and here I am today :]]
Apart from the obvious phisical attraction (please mind that I was still new to this world at the time🤣) What I always found fascinating about him was the crazy talent and gentle personality among the "rock people" that Ive known previously.
I consider him to be a pretty unique rock soul: no extreme drama, nor arrogance, stupidity, rudeness or immesurable ego; he was just happy to be in the scene, and had the intelligence to make himself respected and valued... I think that he did that pretty well😌.
He used MUSIC in his everyday life as the main method of expressing himself rather than using words (as an introvert I consider him as a role model for what he gifted to others and himself) and lets be frank, isnt it cool that a BIG strong 185 cm man is easily brought to tears of emotion by listening to a classical piece or spectating a good sunset or landscape? He's an 800' romantic author trapped in a motocyclist body, an unusual combination🤣🤣
And what about his music? He combined classical, popular, blues, jazz and sick improvisation in a fresh versatile style that changed rock music and organ playing forever, and would inspire generations of musicians since this very day! And lets not forget his pure classical works, full of a wide range of emotions that have helped me in various rough times.
I hope to have answered your questions my dear :)) and it wouldnt be bad if I addressed the same questions to you about keith, with you making a post about it reblogging this one, obv if you feel like doing it 🫰🏻
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luzenber · 5 months
Even thought of an AU of the diamonds being Greek gods?
Well....not Greek but Western, it was one of my very first Au, where White was a god 👍
Summary of this Au (if you're interested)
I didn't name this Au :)
In this universe there was a place, a place for good creatures who have died and it is also the residence of the supreme god (White), she initially created Black (oc) in the hope that she would be the one succeeded her later, but Black was impatient so she tried to kill White to take her power. But White was originally a god, so she quickly defeated Black and Black was banished to a place for bad people (aka hell).
Later, when her anger subsided, White created a new heir, Yellow. Black creates a devil, Blue, and wants her to kill everything White created (including Yellow).
Many thousands of years later, White decided to create a new angel, Pink, to take care of the souls. But instead of studying hard to work later, she was playful, flying back and forth between planets and then fell in love with Earth. From then on, she always sneaked to Earth to play with humans (disguised as humans).
Black knew so she sent Blue to kill Pink. When Blue saw Pink from afar, she used her power to prepare to kill Pink, when a voice said: "There you are" causing Blue to stop and look in the direction of the voice, that was also the voice. was the first time Blue met Yellow. And, she fell in love at first sight (Yellow is very beautiful in this au :3)
As for Yellow, after discovering that Pink was not in her room, she went looking and felt an unusual dark energy. Ran over and saw Pink nearby, but she remained calm and called Pink when the energy disappeared. After observing and seeing nothing, she took Pink home (Blue had already left).
From then on, every time Pink sneaks down to earth to play, Blue will always hide around, just to see Yellow:3. But if the person who comes is not Yellow but another angel, she will kill them (other angels, not Pink). White soon felt strange so she asked Yellow to find out the reason. And when Yellow comes around, Blue shows up (she was following Yellow the whole time) they have a fight.
(This is actually an Au I created for Bellow, not really a slasher) XD
In the Pink part, after being discovered many times, of course she was punished and had to stay in her room. Because she didn't like being locked up, so she try to leave, but was caught again. This time, White got angry and took away her pair. Pink's wings. At the same time, she ordered her to be locked in prison, then later,Pearl (a low-level angel serving Pink) help Pink escape the prison and leave the paradise land.
From then on Pink stayed on earth and lived in human form until Black discovered her. Black sent another demon to kill Pink. When Yellow returned and heard the news, she immediately went looking for Pink, and found her cold body. Yellow thinks the devil who killed Pink is Blue so she hates Blue, but because she has no evidence, she can't do anything....
Later, Blue learned why Yellow hated her, so she got angry at Black and left. Blue then explained it to Yellow again. After much persuasion, Yellow believed and no longer hated Blue. She goes to find Pink's real killer and destroy that demon. Later, the two started talking and Yellow realized that Blue wasn't really evil, but because she possessed great evil power, everyone thought she was evil....
They gradually secretly became friends... at this point I stop the Au :)))
Maybe I will redraw this Au and post it later :b
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lilac-den · 2 months
Perhaps it was a dream. A dream that proved it's all too much to take on.
You woke up hurt. Feeling your bones and blood cried as if they're screaming when you tried to recover from the ground.
You're not sure what happened. But you felt like a lost soul trapped in a body that may not have been yours in the first place.
And so, you wander.
You left your chamber. You began to stroll mindlessly.
There's no one here at the moment. Just a few guards. But that shouldn't be a problem, the wind magic will carry you past them like a cold breeze too strong to handle.
And so, you kept on walking.
That's when you saw him.
And you felt your heart numbing.
He left his study in the castle by the time of midnight.
A few guards greeted him as he passed them, so he walked faster.
It wouldn't be annoying if he hadn't learned beforehand that at least twice out of every 10 guards would be out to get him.
Luckily nothing happened tonight. They're being careful. And so is he.
For now, two can play a game.
Until he saw her.
"Wanderer?" Maverick muttered as he approached the pale figure in a turquoise gown embroidered with faint details. "What are you doing here?"
She didn't answer, just looked at him. Or rather, somewhere on him.
He followed her gaze to his fingers. There was a small cut on them from the paper edge.
"Oh?" Not sure why, but he explained. "It's just a small cut. Don't worry."
The wanderer still wouldn't meet his eyes.
Maverick lifted the fingers of his left arm up. And just as he thought, she looked up too.
And he witnessed something that instantly teared him.
"What happened?" His tone were harsh, with worries.
She looked like someone with no attachment to life at all.
The Wanderer, is losing herself. He could feel it.
"Come on, we should...!"
Maverick couldn't move at all, as he watched. Her pale lips were pressed on those cuts. So careful, hesitantly. Like she meant to do so years ago.
"There," She smiled at him. "Now you wouldn't be hurt, Rick."
——I'm here, Rick. I'm right here.
"Your lord?"
Maverick snapped back from the sudden memories, and to his surprise, the Wanderer looked normal. Like a living person, as she should be.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
Something's not right. He figured it immediately. Something's definitely not right about the Wanderer.
And it has to do with him.
"Nothing." Maverick was lying. He didn't want to. But he couldn't help it. "Just happened to be here."
He watched as her eyebrows furrowed. "Okay...?"
"Come on. I'll take you home."
"I'm capable of taking care myself..."
Maverick turned around, perhaps a little too quickly, which was why the Wanderer slammed into his chest, and why he trapped her small frame inside of him.
He could feel her getting flustered.
"My lord, I'm so sorry——"
"Rick." He demanded.
"Call me Rick. Please."
Stop calling me as my lord. Not when we're so closed. In those dreams.
Maverick smiled. He's not sure why. But he's satisfied.
For now, those dreams can fucked off.
The Wanderer's here now. With him. Not the guy with a face almost identical to him.
He pressed a kiss to her neck. And smirked as he felt her skin warmed.
"Good girl."
Been thinking Maverick so here's a second snippet since last! Hope I'm not being OOC, but I do feel like Maverick would get jealous of his past self lol.
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Thank you for sharing more of your lovely snippets! :3
And Maverick jealous of his past life's self...Who can say~ XD
Again, thank you for sharing your snippet! :D and ur love for the noble ice man!
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gendervapor14 · 8 months
Hi there! Thank you so much for all your wonderful fics. Im slowly making my way through reading all of them and they are all. So. Good. I look forward to my nightly routine of pulling up one of your fics to read before bed : ). Anyways Saw u reblogged that post about undercover corazon meeting marine bellemere. How do you personally think thatd go? Im interested to hear your take!
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thank you so much oh my GOD i'm so touched??? every time i reread this ask a little part of me goes to heaven this is so nice this is curing every illness in my body it's healing my soul it's watering my crops
THANK YOU ♥♥♥ i'm so fucking happy you like my stories... i swear some of the stuff that comes out of my hands is just absurd so i'm unbelievably comforted by this
as for undercover marine corazon meeting bell-mere: this has been plaguing me for as long as i started shipping these two. which was as soon as i joined the fandom lmao. recently i've tried to plan a solid story structure for a potential wip but i'm still drawing blanks:
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the issue is on me. for some reason, sometimes i have a difficult time bending canon around, and in order for these two to meet, canon would have to get a little twisted. even if we don't put ages into account, he was in the north blue as a donquixote pirate, and she was in the east blue as a marine, so she wasn't really moving around much, and neither was he? and it's awfully difficult to get from the east to the north. if we're playing strictly canon, she deserted the navy when she was about 20, so rosinante was 19, not even undercover yet.
right now, i think my current plan for them meeting is probably going to be when he's 25/26, so she'd be 27-ish. he'd be on the run with law. maybe he hears about this wonderful hospital in the east blue. they sneak onto some sort of government ship that needs to cross from north to east so they can make that jump. (his devil fruit makes being a stowaway pretty simple) they make it to the east blue. make it to the hospital. unsurprisingly, it's a bust. they hardly have any supplies left, any food. he goes to the nearest archipelago for a meal and some temporary shelter. lands on cocoyashi. and that's probably where they'd run into each other. i think it'd be fun if they had some history, too. maybe i could do this as a follow-up from let me kill your demons. if i decided to give that fic a happy ending XD
otherwise, i'm still trying to concoct another AU where they DO meet while she's a marine. i could just say "fuck it" and ignore the timeline for the sake of a quick, humorous little oneshot. i feel like she'd embody the kombucha girl meme looking at his corazon disguise.
anyway god sorry this is a lot of words THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of this ♥♥♥ sending you my best wishes
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minecraftbookshelf · 2 months
ooo, I saw the fake fic titles game and thought it was interesting! I decided to reuse some scrapped titles from my stuff :)
fallen leaves and wasted dreams
Flying Fish
souls of shattered glass
red means stop (don’t come any closer)
\0/ lessgo!
(I've had to start spreading out my answers to these asks, both bc Real Life Things and also answering too many too close together had my answers turning a bit repetitive just because it falls under "whatever is on my mind at the moment")
fallen leaves and wasted dreams - i dont have anything solid for this one but i am leaning towards atla au vibes. I think because of Leaves on the Vine
Flying Fish - Empires S1, either canon or Marriage of State, Jimmy learns to use an elytra. There are, miraculously, no broken bones. lighthearted and fun, everyone has a good time. Cod/Ocean Alliance bonding time. Basically The Beach Episode. (I'm putting this on the MoS To Write List)
Birdsong - Oh this is Gone Fishing universe!
Maybe the first time that Martyn met the Terrible Honeypot Trio and got a front row seat to angry Cleo and Pearl(or at least, pretending to be angry/threat display stuff). Much hissing and probably biting XD Also featuring beleaguered Jimmy (who absolutely gets bitten at least once) and probably also Grian who is Causing Problems on Purpose. (for another flavor of birdsong)
souls of shattered glass - After he kills Scott and Impulse Martyn is left alone on a deserted world, with only bodies, the voices in his head, the ticking of an invisible clock, and a shattered hourglass.
red means stop (don't come any closer) - (THIS ONE IS A BIT MORE ADULT CONCEPT)
I am feeling like a double meaning would work so nicely for this one. Life series red life trauma and red as in safe-word i think. A scene goes bad when something triggers a memory and someone calls red, but they keep seeing red in the corners of their eyes so it isn't safe to let anyone close. Including their scene partner. (this could go either way, afraid of being hurt or afraid of hurting). No idea who it would be, or if it would be a platonic scene or not. absolutely no details in mind here, just vibes. Probably two parties who were violently opposite each other in at least one series, for maximum angst.
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nightcall99 · 5 months
Soul writing from 19.4.24
Does it matter if I watch the new videos? I don't think I'm interested
As the other you said, the energy is very fast and you're past it now. It doesn't matter whether you do or don't.
Ok. Today was a good day, but I do wonder, about the ceiling. Have I reached it yet?
Just about. You're enjoying things as they are right now but you sense that you're driving toward a roadblock. You don't want the shop expansion to actually happen. You don't want the reality of actually having friends. You don't want the burden of the semblance of new and yet you thirst for it, and only a poor iteration of it can exist here.
I can feel that I am creating it all. I see how I am directing these conversations, and how they say what I want them to say and act how I want them to act. And okay, there was a friendly atmosphere and people saw through things, the way that I do. What else is there?
There's the recall
That again. Really?
The dream you had yesterday about the perm. You still want things to go ahead as planned. You haven't changed your mind.
Just do it then
Those on the ships are helping
Right. Whatever. This whole topic is so boring so I won't ask much, other than what did it mean in the dream that I was worried I wouldn't be able to perm my hair, since it was inadvertently bleached?
This reality has become very fragile, we're not sure if the original plan will hold or be viable anymore. That's why you had to ask the advice of the hairdresser.
Meh. Ok. Why did LD show up? She's an NPC, right?
Yes. Just making your reality more fun. How often do you get to talk deeply about astrology, books and art with someone? And in such a left-brained field?
It happens, but not on this level, I agree. Does it have anything to do with how repelled I feel with AL lately? Is this a choice about whether I want to be low-vibe or high-vibe?
Of course it's a choice. And neither is better or worse. Neither is the truth or the lie. You can do whatever you want and both are fun to you. Play. Compare the energies. You will be doing a lot of that soon.
What did that spreadsheet dream mean?
You're getting downloads, just trust them.
Is SM's essence in a ship somewhere in Europe?
The same ship as AD's other body and her cousin?
That's why they appeared in the same on/off switch dream?
Seems doubtful but if it's true I'll surely get confirmation. Anything else?
You all know each other
Right... Okay. So you said someone was gonna ask for my hand the other night. So in the words of Kasey Chambers, am I not pretty enough? Is my heart too broken? XD
They were shy. You're focusing on other things now. When the energy is right, they'll come.
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havarstpapyrus · 3 months
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Now we have the Guardian of Positivity
Let's start off with his likes now this will be a tad bit confusing just a heads up
° Loves Cross
° Loves his brother Nightmare
° His loyal servent best friend
° Music
° Balance
° Adventure
° Everything being clean
° Love
° Death
° Soft Pranks
° Training
° HiKing
° Vegetables that'll change soon :)
° Likes smelling flowers
° Betrayal
° Destruction
° Team exercises
Now for the bad XD
° [ Information Unavailable ]
° Corruption you know you love me
° Peace
° Destruction
° Hates being watched
° Being a Failure you already are one
° Monster Dust
° [ Information Unavailable ]
° Owls
° Dark chocolate you like then just admit it
° Apples
° Wet Grass smell
° Anything dirty
° Gaslighting
° Death/Reaper Fucker won't die
Here's some info about Dream ^^ this part is towards Dream and not the Red wording
My twin and I were created by the tree of emotions. I don't know the full story as our Mother always refused to tell me. At first it everything was fine; my brother and I were tightly knitted, we did everything together I don't remember a time we were ever apart for longer then two minutes.
We laughed, played, and watched the clouds. Nightmare always loved making gifts. If I was honest I wasn't any good at healing magic like Nightmare but I could make them forget their pains until my brother could properly heal them. Animals, plants and even when someone visited it was all the same. I helped those forget their pains and injuries while Nightmare rushed to break their wounds and lease their illnesses.
Until one day I was at the village years later for to long and came back to see a villager hurting Nightmare while he tried to heal someone.
It didn't make sense then and still doesn't today.
I'll never know what happened that made them attack my precious brother even when I asked it was dismissed by Nightmare and lied to by the villagers.
After that day I stayed by Nightmares side. I don't want them to hurt my brother anymore as he's done nothing to them yet they went and hurt him. This beating continued whenever I had to leave my brother.
It hurt so much to see him hurt and trying to heal himself to the point he fell ill. The only reason he never got worse was because I brought him everywhere with me even to the villagers for medicine. They were happy to see me finally accepting their offers but livid to know the reason behind it.
We grew older and the beatings have stopped or so I had thought. Nightmare grew distant and never went to the village even with my efforts and pleading with him to come with.
It was one day that I saw the beatings Nightmare had gotten when we were kids never stopped. They villagers were beating him with brooms, pitch forks, and bats.
My soul almost shattered at the mer sight of all this. I ran to them and shielded Nightmares body with my own to make them stop since they never once tried to hurt me. I yelled at them with tears running down my face to leave and never come back. They were never welcomed back ever again.
They were so hurt by my words but I couldn't even care. They hurt my brother, my twin, my family why would I ever want to see them if this is how they treat Nightmare?
That day I hadn't left Nightmare's side not even to get food or water. They came back to give food and water as well as to say how sorry they were. Their emotions spoke otherwise. They weren't sorry not even close to it, they're only sorry because they got caught not because they ment it.
I shouldn't have left Nightmare alone, I didn't learn from the last time even though I had the animals guard our Mother and Nightmare.
Why didn't I stay?
It could've been all avoided if I had stayed.
I had left for only five minutes to get Nightmare some of his favorite fruits and flower. By the time I had gotten back it was too late Nightmare was on the ground beaten and bloodied with the villagers trying to steal the apples from our Mother. They had picked almost all the golden apples I could hear Mother screaming in agony yelling and begging them to stop.
Yet they did not listen nor hear her.
I ran as fast as I could and kicked one of the villagers down taking their weapon and swung at the people on my Mother forcing them off. I was too far away to help my brother and keep Mother safe. One of the villagers took one swing at Nightmare and busted his skull open. I couldn't help but rush to them but they grabbed and pinned me down.
I cried and begged then to not hurt Nightmare anymore. I begged then to spare his life and even offered them to keep the apples of it ment keeping Nightmare safe.
They did not listen nor did they see Nightmare healing himself or the three apple that was by him. All we heard was a crunch then a heart wrenched scream.
The next thing I knew Nightmare had black sluge like mess cover his bones and staining his cloths as he murdered the villagers one by one. Their screams were much less pained then the one he let out but it still didn't feel right.
None of this was right.
The villagers that had pinned me had fled only to be killed. I was alone with the monster they have created and what I was trying to prevent and stop it from happening.
" Brother stop this! I know you never wanted this to happen please come back to me please!" I pleaded slowly getting up to face him but I wasn't prepared for what I saw and heard.
" Silence." Was the last thing he said. His voice was filled with so much hate and anger laced with pure evil. Last thing that I ever saw was him turning his back to me and walked away then my vision left me.
We'll bring him back for now just sleep.
Stats time :D
Name : Dream
Age : [ Information Unavailable ]
Gender : Male
Pronouns : She/Her
HP : 50,000
HP : 24,000
ATT : 800
ATT : 1,785
DEF : 350
DEF : 90
Magic lv : 400/760
Magic lv : 730/ 900
Weapon of choice : twin blade sword
Side weapon: [ Information Unavailable ]
I don't think you need to know that :)
" The radient Garudian blocks your way and is ready to fight. You get the feeling that it's best not show any negative emotion as this monster might try to kill you. "
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avocado-writing · 8 months
My headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his petite gn s/o wearing his clothes request is so good! I love this especially Astarion's comment XD, he hides how delighted he is 🤭, he can't help but pepper kisses where their chest is exposed from his camp shirt 💋, he wants to see them more comfortable domestic situations with him & he realised partially how hard he has fallen for them 🥹, he can't help but admire them when they sleep 😴, they probably stole one of Gale's robe because they couldn't be bothered to dress properly sounds like me XD, he's surprised when he saw them & admires it, he grinned widely when they turned around, he apologised & complimented them, they laughed since he did compliment himself 🤣, they kiss him while he run his hands up & down their body 😳, he can't help but smile as he kiss them ☺️, Wyll is so pleased as he finds it intimate, they apologised but he reassured them it looks better on them ☺️, they wrapped their arms around his neck before saying it looks best on the floor 😳, they laugh & kiss him as he shows his mock surprise 😂, they have a lot of his shirts with them because he wants a part of him with them even when he's not around ☺️, Halsin's reaction 😳, he feels territorial seeing them wearing his shirt, he vows to keep them safe & comfortable 🥹, he feels like his soul left him when they told him they find his scent comforting, he would probably let them wear it while riding him 🫣, Dammon grinned when he saw them, he asked why which they answered it reminded them of their favourite person 😍, he put down his work to hug them as his tail swishes from joy 😊, they can't help but laugh when he wears their shirt 😂 before kissing him 💋, Rolan pretends to be annoyed 🤣, he's secretly thrilled since he never dated anyone before, he kept staring at them until they caught him, they winked which makes him blush >///<, Zevlor offered to get them more clothes 🤭, they laughed in good-nature before reassuring him that they wanted something that reminded them of him, he's touched & let them know 😊, he would hold them at a distance so he can admire them as they spin, and he pulled them to his chest to kiss them 😘 Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :)
anon whenever I see you in my inbox this is my reaction:
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Your happiness is contagious 😊💕 I’m glad you liked it!! ❤️
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doppopoppo · 3 years
|| Uramichi Daily Headcanon ||
|| Warnings: minor sexual harassment ||
|| Uramichi • Shy|F!Reader ||
With the music blaring, more than what he was used to, Uramichi got a headache. He didn't even want to come here. He would much prefer their usual restaurant to drink. But Usahara being the annoying fool he is, dragged everyone to some club he frequents. Something about wanting to see the cute bartender. He should’ve just gone home.
Uramichi looked around the table. Utano was beyond drunk and complaining about her boyfriend. Iketeru was up on stage singing. He was drunk but still sounded good. Kumatani was busy trying to get Iketeru down from the stage. Usahara hitting on the bartender. The annoyed and exhausted man was busy smoking his cigarette, hoping he could go home soon.
“Look at those girls.” Uramichi heard Utano speak up, “oogling over Iketeru like that. Just cuz he’s got a nice voice and looks doesn’t mean shit!” He watched her complain and drop her head on the table. Probably crying.
Just as she said, he could see girls of all ages fawning over Iketeru. Some were even cooing at Kumatani, touched by his big brotherly gestures at Iketeru. Just how drunk was everyone tonight? He’ll get Usahara for this later. At least they’re having fun, well, most of them. Uramichi felt pity for Utano, but there was nothing he could do. So, he just gave a simple pat on her head to calm her down as she cried her soul out.
“Um, excuse me.” He heard a soft, meek voice near him.
Uramichi paid no mind. It was probably some conversation he was overhearing. Utano complained to him and wanted to know why her boyfriend still hasn't asked her to marry him. She’s been dropping hints. He felt awkward as he had no answer to it, considering he wasn’t close to either of them. He sighed, he’ll probably leave soon. But he feels bad leaving his friends drunk inside a club.
Uramichi felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see a young girl, perhaps no older than 25. She looked to be very shy, a faint blush apparent on her <skin color> cheeks. She wasn’t looking at him either but at her fingers, which she was twiddling. “Um, hi there.” Her blush intensified.
It was the same voice as earlier. So, it belonged to her and it was directed at him. He wasn’t interested in getting with some girl he had just met in the club. “Listen, I’m not a cordial man. Nor am I interested.” He quickly rejected the girl. Plus, she deserves someone better than him anyways. He’s in his 30s already, she’s got time to find someone better or improve herself; unlike him.
“There ya are cutie!” He heard a gruff voice coming towards his table.
Utano had long passed out and his friends were still busy doing what they already were. Why is everyone so social in this club?
He can hear the girl mumbling and, was she shaking?
“Where’d ya go? I turn around an ya gone.” The man came up to the trembling girl.
She clung onto the hem of her dress. “I was looking for a friend.” He could hear the fear in her voice. “I couldn’t find them.” She whispered and turned away from Uramichi.
“‘s okay pretty lady. You’ve got me to keep you company tonight and the bed warm.” His hand slipped up to her waist. A sly and gross smile displayed on his face.
Uramichi saw the young girl flinch. He’s not sure if it’s the drinks rushing through his body, but he quickly got up. “You should lay your grimy hands off people who don’t want it on them.” He glared at the gruff man. “Especially not my girlfriend.” Uramichi wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away from the man.
A gasp left the girl's mouth when she heard him. She stumbled back and felt his toned chest on her back. Despite smelling like cigarettes and alcohol, he was warm.
Uramichi now understood the situation. She wasn’t trying to hit on him or take him back to her place, vice versa. She was trying to protect herself from some man making inappropriate advancements on her. He didn’t like men like that one bit. The girl in his arms didn’t deserve this, no one did.
He could feel her trembling under his arm, so he pulled her closer. He slightly moved Utano to the side and had the girl sit next to his seat.
“Hey listen! She was the one asking for it!” The man defended his actions. “Dancing on the dance floor and swaying her hips.” He licked his lips.
Uramichi was disgusted.
“She was simply enjoying herself. In no sense was she asking for you, or anyone, to come talk to her.” He glared at the man. “She has me to come back to.” Uramichi smirked.
This was extremely out of character for him, but he couldn’t stand by and let someone get harassed. Not when she came to his table for help as well. The stranger, no longer interested, cursed him out. He knew he’d have no chances of winning in a fight against Uramichi. All those muscles weren’t just for show. He walked away, leaving the tree of them at the table.
“Thank you.” He heard her say behind him.
He was grateful she was unharmed. He gave her a fresh glass of water to cool down from the recent event.
“My name's Y/N.” She put her hand out to shake his. “Mines Uramichi.” He replied.
“Sorry to have bothered you and your girlfriend. You didn’t have to do that.” The girl was afraid to look up at him.
She’s right. He didn’t have to, “but it was the right thing to do. I’m glad you’re safe.” He shook her hands. ‘They’re soft.’ He thought to himself. Especially against his own rough palm. “Also,” he pointed to the passed out Utano, “not my girlfriend. Just a coworker. Out with coworkers after clocking out.” He explained and sat down next to her. She seems to have calmed down.
She made an ‘Ah’ face and apologized for the misunderstanding. She looked at him properly for the first time, ‘He’s handsome.’ she thought to herself. Right as she was about to excuse herself, Uramichi spoke up, “you’re free to stay with us at the table until you leave.” He proposed, “for safety measures.” She took him up on his offer and thanked him for his generosity. He reminded her of an older brother figure.
Usahara came back to their table, confused, yet happy, to see the unfamiliar, pretty girl. Right after him, Iketeru and Kumatani joined their table. They all had questioning looks. Uramichi explained what had happened and the girl kept saying thank you.
Kumatani scolded her for coming to a club alone late at night. Iketeru sang random tunes to lighten up the mood. Usahara attempted to flirt with her but Uramichi glared at him each time. Utano’s still passed out. From what he’s noted, she’s shy but gets along with others with ease. Maybe he’ll hang around a bit longer. It’ll be rude of him to not walk his “girlfriend” back home.
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Author’s Note:
This came out better in my head, I swear! As a manga reader, I like to think Uramichi actually considers his coworkers his friends 🥺 Thank you for the requests so far! I see y’all thirsty for a specific person at the moment aye 👀 they should be up by the end of the week, be on the look out!
Also I wanted to thank you all for the support you have shown me so far 💜 it means a lot and truly does motivate me to continue writing. Feel free to DM me if you want someone to talk about the anime with XD
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weird, m | ksj
pairing(s): seokjin x reader
summary: Your roommate and best friend, Kim Seokjin, forgot to double-check the autofill information and shipped his package from the online sex shop with your name on it. Naturally, this ends with you tying him up and sucking his dick, and him tying you up with you riding him like a wild animal. Wait, what?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; friends with benefits; crack (sorry, I can't be serious for more than two seconds when writing Seokjin); yes, reader usually fucks younger dudes XD; smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics (both switches), bondage, m-receiving oral, thigh riding, cowgirl, spanking); non-idol!BTS - just two best friends fucking for sexual exploration, don't mind them
technically a prequel to love roulette, m | myg yes, this is the explanation to that mysterious package, but is it really an explanation or rather an excuse to fuck WWH, you decide
“Seokjin, can I ask you something?”
When Kim Seokjin looked at you, it was a bit like looking into the eyes someone much younger than you even though he wasn’t. He had that youth about him, the ‘here’s-to-never-growing-up’ sparkle in his large brown eyes, complete with parted lips in a small ‘o’ and, alright, yes, his Nintendo Switch in his hands.
“A long time ago, I asked you which way you think you lean, more dominant or more submissive, no?”
His handsome face flushed pink, slowly scooting away from you.
“Er… yeah, I remember…”
You poked him and he squeaked, slapping a hand over his side even though he was wearing a brown sweatshirt. Seokjin was always cold, even during the summer.
Your best friend was an odd character.
You chuckled. “Why are you being so awkward? I thought we were over this phase.”
Well, he should be. You had known Seokjin since elementary school and seen him, er, date was a strong word for what you both were doing in middle and high school, more like being bumbling messes and walking in on each other bonking classmates, but, hey, what mattered is that you both got better at it over the years.
It being sex.
Not romance.
You both still had only sketchy ideas about what romance was supposed to be.
“We are,” your best friend coughed, clearing his throat for absolutely no reason. “We are, I just…”
“Used my name for purchasing goods from an online sex shop?”
He choked and nearly flung his Switch. You caught it, swiftly placing it on the coffee table as you procured the cardboard box from behind your back, already open, address and name circled in thick black permanent marker on the rather inconspicuous package.
“W-What, that’s absurd, why would I ever–?”
You hummed pleasantly, sweeping the box away from his lanky limbs and his flailing hands. For someone who didn’t purchase goods from an online sex shop, he sure was interested in getting the box. He tumbled into your lap, and quickly scrambled back, black hair suddenly fluffed and wild from the movement.
“Something tells me you didn’t check the autocomplete form before clicking submit.”
You saw Seokjin choke on air.
He jerked away from you and fumbled with his phone beside him. You peeked over his broad shoulder and saw that he was scrolling through his emails like a madman, except Seokjin had a bad habit of never deleting any. He had maybe fifteen thousand unread emails to sort though.
“You don’t have to check. I am sure I didn’t order red cotton bondage rope and a leather flogger.”
Seokjin whipped his head around, face redder than a tomato, looking halfway between fainting and screaming.
You raised an eyebrow. “Is it for you or a mysterious imaginary girl that you’re dating?”
Now your best friend seemed to be contemplating holding his own breath until he passed out to avoid your questioning.
“I-It’s not for me!”
“Oooh, then who? You’re not an internet hookup kind of guy though… unless she was dumb enough to put her full name as her username, then she’s too airheaded to be a catfish–”
Seokjin flapped his hands, smacking you in your pajama-covered chest, sputtering. “No one! There’s no one! I just…!”
You caught one of his wrists, raising an eyebrow.
He froze.
“… Seokjin?”
You left go of his hand. It stayed there, frozen in the air.
Ah, it seemed as if his soul left his body.
Rest in peace Kim Seokjin. You were the handsomest best friend one could ask for.
You prodded him in the side again and Seokjin doubled over, trying to cover his face with the large sleeves of his sweatshirt, long legs in black sweatpants curling up as if he could cocoon himself away from the conversation.
“Seokjin, you can be interested in whatever you want,” you snickered, placing the package next to his fetal positioned body. “I simply thought it was funny that you accidentally used my name. Although I wouldn’t use that flogger on a real person, only for posing in pictures. In any case, have fun being freaky by yourself and not for some mysterious woman you refuse to tell me about.”
You stood up, about to leave and give your best friend some space. You shouldn’t go too far teasing him after all.
“What do you mean?”
You stopped, looking back. Seokjin’s large brown eyes were peeking out of his splayed fingers, shifting awkwardly when you made eye contact. He cleared his throat. He was doing that a lot for someone who seemed perfectly healthy ten minutes ago, shrieking at himself for missing the ledge in his game and dying.
It had seemed like a good time to interrupt and embarrass him so you could save your eardrums.
He coughed and pointed to the box. “About the… um… whip… thingmabob…”
You cocked an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious?”
You marched over and opened the box, making Seokjin jolt and cover his red ears instinctively, but you ignored him, pulling out the black pleather flogger you had already unwrapped from the plastic – purely from thinking it was your own package, by the way, no other reason, surely not because you were mildly curious about what your best friend was into, nope – and you slapped the short three tails into your hand, wincing.
“This kind of cheap material is too plastic-like. If you use this on bare skin and hit too hard, you’re going to cut someone and I know you’re squeamish around blood, unless you secretly have a blood fetish too and have been a really good actor all this time–”
“How do you know that?”
You blinked at his question.
Seokjin sat up, giving you a confused pout. “Why do you know something like that?”
Now it was your turn to shift your eyes around.
Er… how to tell your best friend that the younger guy you were casually fucking for the past couple of weeks was, ah, rather knowledgeable about certain things, was, um, interested in teaching, uh, yeah, teaching…
Seokjin squinted at you suspiciously. “Is it that idol trainee that was here two nights ago when I was out drinking with Hose–”
You waved your hands very quickly, tossing the flog aside carelessly and slapping your thigh to silence Seokjin and his far too invasive questions. “Look. I just don’t want you to hurt anybody on accident, okay? Your rope choice was good though. You should always use an organic material for shibari, cotton, hemp, linen if you’re rich, but you’re a cheapskate, so–”
Your best friend narrowed his eyes into slits. “How much younger is that guy compared to you again? Hm? And what was his name? Ye–”
You slapped a hand over Seokjin’s mouth, smiling sweetly and dangerously, reaching into the box and pulling out the red cotton rope.
“I know a lot of knots now and I can tie a noose just for you, Seokjinnie.”
Your best friend, rightfully so, looked terrified.
“Now. Let’s talk about you, okay? Okay.”
You removed your hand and held onto the rope.
Seokjin gulped, but then shook his head vigorously, frowning. “What did you call it?” He was already moving past your death threat. Smart man.
“Call what?”
“Shibari? Japanese rope tying?” You lifted the cotton cord in your hand. “Is that not what this is for?”
Seokjin blinked very rapidly.
You blinked back at him. Then it dawned onto you. “The diamond-y rope patterns where they’re all tied up and stuff.”
“Ah! Yeah! That!”
“You want that done to you?”
Seokjin jerked to one side. “What? No! To someone else. Maybe. No. What?”
You slowly placed the rope on his lap and scooted away.
“Uh… huh. Okay. Enjoy.”
“Wait,” he blurted.
“Can you WHAT?” you echoed shrilly.
“Right, yeah, okay, never mind–”
Your best friend choked on his own toothbrush and threw himself into the bathroom wall, colliding into the towel bar and howling in pain while simultaneously hacking up a lung.
“I’ve decided I am going to teach you some simple knots to prevent me from having to pick your naked ass up from the police station or hospital,” you said calmly as Seokjin half-died on the floor tangled in your mint green and his navy-blue bath towels. “And because I don’t want to have to cut some poor girl off your bedframe because you’ve blacked out running onto your door trying to find me.”
“I’ve never–” he wheezed.
“But you will if I don’t take precautions,” you cut in, grabbing your purple toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it as Seokjin attempted to collect himself off the ground. “Like that one time you ran into the window when that wasp was in the apartment.”
“That was a fucking wasp, you freaked out too!”
You started brushing your teeth. “Yeah, but I didn’t knock myself out and wake up with a fat bump on my forehead. That was you,” you gargled.
“Anyway, I know a few things and I figured I would do a good deed and enlighten you.”
“Who taught you? Was it Ye–”
You jabbed Seokjin forcefully in the ribs and he immediately shut up because he choked on his toothbrush again.
“Why do you have scissors?”
“For cutting the rope.”
“Yeah, but why are they so big?”
“That’s what she said.”
Seokjin narrowed his eyes. “I hate you.”
“Cool, now I’m gonna tie you up. Give me your hands.”
You unwound the end from the bolt and frowned, nudging his knee with yours. You were both sitting on his bed, him cross legged and you on your knees because he was wearing black sweatpants and you were wearing no pants, just your usual large lavender pajama shirt with a pattern of yellow stars.
“Take off your sweatshirt. It’ll get in the way.”
“But I’m cold.”
“You won’t be because apparently this shit turns you on,” you snickered.
“Shut up, it does not. It’s the other way around,” Seokjin grumbled, yanking his chocolate brown sweatshirt over his head.
You paused.
“I thought you were more sub.”
Seokjin froze, head half-out of his sweatshirt. You waited. He didn’t move. You waited some more. He coughed and chucked the article of clothing aside, yanking his white t-shirt down and smoothing his hair, not looking at you.
You waited.
He smoothed his hair for a full two minutes.
“Um, anyway–”
You planted a hand on his knee and Seokjin tried to chop your hand away, only for you to snatch his wrist, so his other hand came up to stop you, but you wound the end of the rope around his wrist and bounced off his mattress, pinning your knees on top of his knees and making him squeak as he tumbled back into his pillows, bringing you with him. You had to jerk your head out of the way to avoid collision.
“My nuts!”
“I didn’t hit your precious nuts, you numbsku–”
Hang on.
You locked eyes with Seokjin under you, who gawked back at you, absolutely terrified.
“… You are still a sub.”
Seokjin winced. “Ugh, it’s just… I’m getting older, alright? I can change my mind…”
You could get off him. You could let it be. You totally could.
But were you going to?
You straddled his abdomen and brought his hands to his chest with a big grin. Seokjin’s eyes turned into giant brown saucers. He looked ready to pass out and not from your weight because you weren’t putting much weight on him.
“W-W-What are y-you d-doing?!” he shrieked.
You rapped him in the forehead. “Teaching. Pay attention. Hands up.”
“You aren’t taking your rings off?”
He was referring to the three silver rings you wore on a daily basis – an onyx stone on your left middle finger, a goat-head shaped ring on your right thumb, and a skull with a jester hat on your right ring finger.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why do I need to take them off?”
He lifted his hands and gave you an exaggerated shrug in between your thighs. Come to think of it, Seokjin had a rather broad chest so you had to spread your legs pretty wide to accommodate and hover over him.
“Ah, perfect.”
Your best friend yelped as you wrapped the rope around his wrists, leaving the end sticking out between them, first focusing on loosely binding. He tried to break away, but you harshly squeezed his sides with your thighs, narrowing your eyes.
“Stop squirming.”
He froze at your cold tone, shifting his eyes awkwardly.
“Watch. Now.”
His eyes immediately snapped to your hands.
“Wrists together.” You nudged them so the inner parts of the wrists were touching. “A little space in the center,” you added, looping out the end of the rope. “I’m just teaching you how I learned it, there are a few ways, but the details are important so you don’t prevent loss of circulation,” you added seriously, waiting for him to nod before continuing. “So, wind it around a couple times, but don’t overlap. Four or five?”
“But I can still get out.”
You glared at him. Seokjin shut up and jammed his plush pink lips together, shaking his head rapidly as if to say, who me? I wasn’t talking!
“Turn it ninety degrees like this,” you demonstrated. “And start going perpendicular to and in between the wrists to create the binding. Line up each coil side by side. Mind the starting end here. Then…” You reached for the scissors and snipped the excess away, dropping the rope and scissors beside you on the bed. “You tie it off on the outside. I use a square knot, so this end over this end, and then retie it the opposite way. Try to break free.”
Seokjin frowned at the red rope around his wrists, twisting it this way and that, squirming underneath your legs. You put your hands on your waist triumphantly, nodding to yourself in pride. You did a good job! It looked neat and it was inescapable without tightening on any blood vessels to cause any dangerous loss of circulation.
Hang on.
Seokjin froze.
You froze.
You both looked down.
You smacked him in the cheek.
“What are you looking there for?!”
“Why did you hit me? Why do you always resort to violence?!” Seokjin accused, jabbing you underneath your breasts with his bound hands. “What is going on down there?”
“Nothing! Stop moving!”
You closed your thighs around Seokjin’s waist and sat down on him, causing him to gasp, wind knocked out of him as his diaphragm was pushed up into his lungs, struggling with the rope between his wrists and resorting to slamming them down on the bed above his head. You growled as you towered over him. He started yelling, as he always did.
You slapped your free hand over his mouth.
He glared at you behind your palm, breathing hard. You sat on top of him, breathing just as hard. He was bigger, strong, yes, but not in the position of power and – being honest, after all – your best friend was never really out to fight you and win. He was more of a ‘I’m-going-to-be-stupidly-annoying-until-you-do-what-I-want’ type, which made him rather childish in some ways. You were more of the ‘I’m-gonna-beat-your-ass’ type.
In conclusion, it was a healthy friendship.
Seokjin started licking your palm and making crazy eyes at you.
Your eye twitched.
“Stop it.”
Unsurprisingly, he did not, in fact, stop it.
“I said, stop it.”
And you slid down, past the wet spot now on his t-shirt, planting your soaked panties on top of his crotch, grinding down, and, yup, Seokjin bucked and yelped, immediately stopping and seizing up as if he could hide the massive erection that you had been willing to ignore but he was being a little – nah, actually, an extra-large, supersized – shit and it was getting on your last nerve, so what better way to resolve a wordless argument (on his part, heh) then humping his hard-on?
You removed your hand and Seokjin had a brief moment to gasp your name before you slid the pads of your fingers onto his tongue, rubbing it roughly and making his eyes nearly bulge out of his head.
“I told you to stop, but you aren’t listening,” you snarled.
Seokjin whimpered, brown orbs glassy, pupils blown out.
You stilled.
Hold on a second.
You had a brief epiphany where you realized you were grinding on your best friend’s dick with him tied up and you were wetter than the Yellow Sea. This wasn’t some guy you picked up at the night market that won you that sleeping Pikachu at the claw machines, only to chat him up and end up with bed with a guy who was – ack, never mind his age – anyway, this was your best friend.
Kim Seokjin.
Oh shit, I’ve gone too far.
You let go, backing up. “S… Sorry, I–”
But then Seokjin’s plush lips closed around your fingers, sucking hard and you choked slightly, feeling his hips roll and the tip of his clothed erection hit your covered clit. He was glaring at you. You gasped as his teeth gently but firmly caught your two fingers. It did hurt, but only a little. Mostly it sent a rush of rather uncomfortable and mind-boggling arousal racing from your knuckles to your core, drenching your panties further.
“Don’t stop,” he mumbled around your fingers.
Don’t stop?
His teeth let go, panting, staring into your eyes.
“Don’t make this weird,” Seokjin muttered, shifting his gaze. “Don’t make this weird, okay?”
His brown eyes flickered back to you. His bound hands were still over his head, black hair flaring out of his pillows, white t-shirt messed up, still trapped between your thighs. You paused, fingers slipping out of his lips, the pads trailing on his lower lip, turning it glossy with his saliva.
Your heart was racing fast.
He furrowed his dark brows and, for the first time, his serious expression made you think that perhaps, maybe, there was a side of him down there, the other side to the coin.
“I just…” Seokjin exhaled slowly, not looking away from you. “I trust you to do this. You’re capable and knowledgeable. I know you are. Word gets around with your, er, habits with younger guys…”
You felt your cheeks heat and you scratched your head awkwardly.
“Anyway, it’s fine if you wanna… er… get off. With me. Because I’m so handsome and all.”
You were thiiiiiiis close to leaving out of sheer embarrassment that instantly dissipated at Seokjin’s sudden unexpected self-compliment. Instead, your eye twitched and you squinted in annoyance.
Seokjin coughed, ears singeing bright red. “Unless you can’t, of course. Because it’s easy to fall in love with me, and that would be very bad considering I don’t want to marry you–”
“I don’t want to marry you either,” you snapped. “You’re ugly.”
Seokjin gasped dramatically, highly offended. “How dare you–!”
He abruptly sat up and you twisted back, only for his arms to swing over your head and sandwich you between his tied wrists and his chest, ramming you back onto his lap and his hard dick. You hissed and bit down your moan, not willing to admit it was mildly turning you on, because of course neither you or Seokjin hated each other – only in that classic way best friends hate and love each other at the same time – and, yeah, sure, you could admit Seokjin was handsome and cute and fun to be around, but he wasn’t the one, not that you knew what the one was supposed to feel like or knew if you would ever feel such an intense, romantic love, but you had this strange idea that the one for you would be someone who could understand you on a different level, and you didn’t have that with Seokjin even if you did talk all the time. You were quite sure the feeling was mutual and now, looking into his brown eyes with a scowl, you saw that the feeling was indeed mutual.
Also, Seokjin was an immature shithead.
A loveable, worldwide handsome, immature shithead. Redeemable.
You were horny.
And Seokjin was horny.
You weren’t going to date Seokjin ever, but your best friend was hot as hell and you could definitely bang him without any regrets.
“Let’s fuck,” he breathed into your face.
You raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t make it weird.”
Don’t make it weird, yeah, okaaay dude–
Your thoughts were suddenly cut off when Seokjin kissed you.
His forearms closed in behind your back and he pressed his bound wrists into your shoulder blades, pushing you into his solid chest and his embrace, taking your breath away. He always had good hugs, even if they were just to comfort you when your favorite flavor of ice lollys stopped being stocked at your local grocery store – still tragic to this day – and even when he was clinging onto you like a howling monkey because a cockroach was in the bathroom and he was screaming at you to kill it and nearly blowing out your eardrums, even then…
You closed your legs in around his hips and rolled your crotch into him, suddenly kissing him back.
He gasped into your mouth, your eyes half-opening, him gazing back at you, long lashes and dark eyebrows and glowing tan skin, holy shit, your best friend was handsome as fuck, why did other men even try when Kim Seokjin existed?
“Are you falling in love with me because I’m so handsome?” Seokjin teased, nipping at your lower lip.
Your eye twitched. Oh, yes, that’s right, because you’re annoying.
You shoved him and he yelped, clutching your back as you both fell onto the bed with a flump! You slid out from under his arms, skin prickling at Seokjin’s involuntary whine at your departure. Don’t make this weird, yeah, okay, don’t turn me on this much, dumbass, you are reminding me of… You pushed the thought away.
You didn’t want to think about other people when the person you were touching was right in front of you.
“What are you – yah!”
You gripped the waistband of his sweatpants and yanked down, exposing his underwear – bright blue, nice, nice – and his clothed erection, leaning in, hot breath ghosting over it, Seokjin jerking his arms about because he seemed undecided on either if he wanted to see or not see, but you let him deal with that in his own time, lowering your mouth, tongue extended, fingers splayed over his hips, silver rings glinting in his bedroom lights.
“You look like a demon,” you heard from above you.
You planted your tongue on the spot where the head of his cock would be and soaked it with saliva.
That shut him up real quick.
Your eyes drifted up, lapping slowly, barely stimulating the sensitive head through his underwear, closing your lips around it so the fabric clung wetly to the taut skin underneath. His cock swelled and twitched under your mouth; the action was mirrored by Seokjin’s jaw. He was clenching it along with his hands balled into fists, gasping for breath.
“O-Oh, f-fuck…!”
You were beginning to get the hint with each passing second of working your tongue around his rapidly hardening cock. Seokjin had put himself in the sub category when you asked back then because he liked to things being done for him. It was less about the mental aspect and more of the physical acts of service in his case. However, he wasn’t very good at articulating what he wanted and thus the natural pattern of someone just doing it led to, ah, exhibit A.
You currently parting your lips and letting your tongue snake out, coating the length with saliva.
You could see it in his eyes, that burning intensity.
Maybe part of it was because it was you. He probably didn’t have those butterfly jitters of trying to woo a stranger or the nervousness of looking bad in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. There was already a level of comfort – and the ability to readily shit-talk each other at any moment – and so Seokjin was free to relax, even if it was a bizarre situation of sexual discovery.
“Take it off,” he growled.
Your fingers creeped up his sides, hooking over his boxer briefs. Slow, deliberate, kissing up his length, on the tightrope, dominant in your control, submissive in the action, raising your head so Seokjin could lift his hips, feathering kisses on the exposed skin and making him hiss and shudder, eyelids fluttering, slipping into subservience a little.
At the end of the day, who killed the unwanted bugs in your shared apartment?
Yeah, you.
“Oh, f… fucking shit…”
You tilted your head and ran your tongue up and down the length, licking up the sides and circling around the thick head, bordering on frustratingly soft, switching to wet, sloppy kisses when his hands raised, making him pause, gazing down at you curiously and attentively, entranced by the action. You ducked down, tongue slurping around his balls, lifting his cock, kissing, sucking, eyes closing, tip of your wet muscle drawing zig-zag patterns that soft skin.
Seokjin moaned your name.
A shiver of electricity went up your spine.
Alright, fine, you were getting turned on.
You wrapped your lips around his balls and enveloped them both with your mouth.
You opened your eyes to see Seokjin staring wide-eyed at you, hands straight up to stare at you between his upper arms. You almost laughed at the hilarious triangular-looking pose, but your mouth was currently full, so you restrained yourself.
“That’s possible?! You can put both nuts in your mouth at the same time?!”
Where you supposed to respond with your cheeks stuffed with his nutties?
You hummed casually in response.
Seokjin gasped at the vibrations and the movement of your tongue slapping all over them, short, rapid licks all over his skin, watching him with a cocked eyebrow, but he didn’t even notice, hands dropping and moaning to the ceiling, his eyes closing and savoring the hot wet warmth and the power of your mouth, shivering as your hand slowly stroked his length in time with your tongue.
You let him bask in it before detaching and swallowing his cock.
Seokjiinie, you thought wryly, we gotta work on your repertoire of sex sounds.
You spied him looking down at you, so you paused around the swollen head and slid your tongue out, circling and wrapping around his length while sucking on the tip and rubbing the back of your tongue along the underside.
Seokjin made a bunch of weird croaking noises that were, strangely, rather attractive. Okay, you could admit it. You were kind of a sucker for your best friend in the most platonic way possible… while in the middle of sucking his dick.
He was handsome!
You began to bob your head up and down, tongue and lips descending, taking him deep so you kissed the base of his cock, head buried in your throat, waiting for him to glance down at you, hazy brown orbs under lush lashes, and you would peek your tongue out and lap at his balls, interrupting the tightness, causing him to swear and jerk his hips up, urging you to keep consistent speed and pace, all the while watching every single movement of your tongue. You kept this irregular pace, slow, then fast, then slow again when he looked at you, then fast when the ecstasy was too much and he closed his eyes, over and over. You could see that a battle was being waged Seokjin’s pretty head, between wanting to observe the lewdness of you licking his balls with his hard cock buried in your throat while also desperately needing to get to the fuck off.
“You… bitch… suck me off properly, fuck…”
You raised all the way so only the head was in your mouth and sucked, rubbing up and around it, swirling all over, teasing the slit and soaking the sensitive skin, rutting it against the roof of your mouth and Seokjin groaned, pressing his head back into the pillows, black hair covering his eyes, fists pressed to his chest.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, please, let me cum!”
His hips rammed up and you dug your nails into them, wincing as the head hit the top of your throat and slid down, cutting off your air, and then he began to thrust erratically, the position, inability to use his hands as leverage, and your resistance not letting him set up a good rhythm. You had to force him back down, popping your mouth off, snarling.
“I’m gonna gag if you do that! You want me to vomit on your dick or what?”
But all of a sudden Seokjin sat up again, grabbing your pajama shirt and yanking you to him, saliva dripping down your chin and then it was on his chin, a messy, savage kiss, ravenous need in his actions, pulling you to him, close, closer, you twisting and then gasping as he pushed one of your thighs down, planting your soaked panties on the exposed part of his thigh.
“Ah, Seok–”
He attacked your lips again with a light growl, sparks shooting across your skin, his thigh rising and bouncing you both on the bed, his legs still tangled in his pants and underwear but the effect was undeniable.
Seokjin was making you ride his thigh.
He bit your lower lip and sucked hard, your eyes fluttering closed, hips rocking, heat turning hotter, wet turning wetter, your sticky, sweet juices clinging to his upper thigh, your own pressed against his saliva-covered cock, wrapping your arms around him, close, closer, you thrusting your tongue in his mouth and him moaning before he did the same to you, starting a tug of war, rubbing harder against his skin, his muscle tensing against your covered clit, friction and wetness everywhere, too many clothes and no eye contact, one of your hands slipping into his black locks and tilting his head, deepening the kiss and inhaling his exhale, shuddering at the erotic nature of the moment.
He mumbled your name against your lips, still clutching your pajamas, stars bunched in his hands, fingertips pressed into the curve of your breasts.
“Can I try the rope tying now?” Seokjin whispered, voice gravelly and low.
“Excuse me?”
There was a ripped-open condom wrapper sitting on the bed.
Your pajama shirt, bra, and panties were on the floor, along with Seokjin’s shirt, sweatpants, and underwear.
“Why are you – gah!”
You sucked in a breath as you sank down on his cock. Fuck, it was tight, tight as you lowered yourself onto his hips, Seokjin gasping and clutching the long length of red cotton rope that you had carefully untied from his wrists. You had even taken the extra step to massage them afterward, not that he needed it because of your careful work – good job, past you – but he appreciated it all the same, because deep down Kim Seokjin was a prince.
“Oh my God, you’re so tight, shit, shit, shit…”
You neglected to tell your best friend that you were both low-key proud of and turned on by your own ability to take dick without much foreplay. That little edge of tightness added just the right amount of spice of pain that amplified to the pleasure.
And yes, you felt a special kind of glee as you witnessed Seokjin’s stunned shock and near passed-out expression from being inside you.
You held out your wrists and grinned. “Go ahead. Tie me up.”
Seokjin gawked at you like you had three heads.
You squeezed your breasts together with your upper arms, tilting your head with a devilish grin.
“God, you’re so hot, but you look crazy,” he wheezed.
Your grin dropped and your eye twitched. “Is that supposed to be a compliment or…?”
Seokjin shrugged, and moved your hands so they were in the better position for him. Much to your annoyance, he didn’t elaborate.
“Um, let’s see, you left a bit out to use as a tie and…”
You began to rock your hips.
The side of your lips curved upward. “What? We’re multitasking.”
“We–?” Seokjin choked, gritting his teeth as you pulsed around his hard length, rolling your hips gently, adjusting until you found a comfortable spot so the head hit you in just the right spot, ah, yes, right there, spreading your fingers out over his chest, leaning your forehead against his, not quite going full force but a slow, deliberate rhythm that wasn’t going to make either of you cum, but, damn, did it feel good.
Seokjin shuddered, gasping your name.
“Tie me up, Seokjin,” you murmured back, caressing his skin.
His eyes darted up, saturated with lust, searching your eyes, and you gazed back.
You could be a real jerk right now.
His hot exhale washed over your lips, a shudder of nervousness.
But this was your best friend, and he was trusting you.
You tilted your head and kissed him softly, flush against his plush lips.
“Come on,” you nudged his nose lightly. “Do it.”
You viewed him from under your lashes. He shivered. Almost.
He needed only one more little push.
“Want you, Seokjinnie,” you breathed against his skin, hints of need and desperation in your voice.
A small smile danced on his lips, staring into your eyes.
You might have fallen for him a little bit in that moment.
He kissed the side of your mouth, a teasing little peck, and you smirked, turning your head so you wouldn’t break the image you had created for him, but he was already looking down, busily occupied with your wrists, so you drew back, focusing instead on riding him, closing your eyes. You built a leisurely, pleasurable pace, leaning forward a bit to rub your clit against the base of his cock, sighing contentedly at the way he filled you, a wonderful, thick, satisfying girth that you could get used to, other than the fact that most of the time Seokjin drove you up the wall, but, hey, maybe if both of you reached a certain age and you were still single, maybe you could marry your best friend solely for having accessible dick…
“Ah! Perfect.”
You cracked open one eye.
And tried not to burst out laughing.
“Erm… well…” you coughed, tugging at the rope a little. It looked messy and rather hideous, parts overlapping and twisting awkwardly, but he had the… basic idea? It wasn’t like you were going to do anything dumb anyway, so it was pretty good for a first time.
Seokjin frowned. “I don’t know how you did it so neatly…”
“You line up the coils next to each other – ah!”
He seemed to think that was good enough and grabbed handfuls of your ass, causing you to tip forward and brace your hands against his chest, gasping as his hips thrust up into you, abrupt pleasure blooming up your core, sudden squelch of wetness between your joined hips.
“Come on,” he grunted, clenching his jaw, tone getting deeper and more dangerous with each word. “I have to get off, and now.”
He smacked his hands down on your ass and you almost whimpered.
Seokjin drew back a little, giving you a strange look.
“W… What?” you managed to get out.
He tilted his head. “Do you like that?”
You almost said, no, of course not, but you stopped yourself, looking down at the red rope tied around your wrists, heat flaring in your cheeks, ass stinging slightly from his slap.
His cock twitched inside you.
Your eyes flickered up to him. A sly smirk danced on your lips.
“Yeah. I like the things you do to me.”
You saw Seokjin pause, brown eyes widening a little, black hair over his forehead.
You pushed him down on the bed. He gasped, but he was used to it now, gripping your ass and tipping his head back as you began to really ride him, waving your hips to ram his cock into your pussy, not even noticing the moan seeping from your lips, fuck, it was good, fulfilling and deep, your bound hands on his chest, fingers spread out and nails digging into his skin a little, but Seokjin seemed to be into it, his own nails sinking into your ass, pushing you down with every descent, hitting you harder, rougher, intensifying the pleasure, building onto it. Hot breath, warm skin, joined hips, loud slaps, rocking bedframe, your breasts bouncing with each thrust, gazing at each other through half-lidded eyes, not quite seeing each other but drowning in the gratification, the roughness, gasping sharply as his open palm smacked down on your ass again, making it bounce and jiggle in his hands, your core and thighs squeezing tighter, witnessing his tight hiss of desire, mesmerized by your sound so he did it again, spanking the other cheek, and you did it again, whimper creeping out, arousal consuming his handsome features, intoxicated by your reaction to his action so he did it again and again, hard, stinging slaps as you rode his stiff, quivering cock harder and faster, fuck, Seokjin must be incredibly turned on because he was so fucking hard, just so incredibly sexy how hard he was right now, even the pain was nothing but an injection of added carnal pleasure, throwing your head back and sinking your nails into his skin, fucking him recklessly, forgetting about hiding your moans, who the fuck cared, not you and not him because Seokjin too was crying out, the sinful sound of sex echoing off his bedroom walls, except instead of you in your bedroom putting headphones on to drown him out, you were in his bedroom, doing it, fucking the daylights out of him.
You could see why girls wanted to date your best friend now.
Seokjin was a loud dork, but he had a great dick.
“F-Fuck, Seokjin, fuck!”
He had a similar response, although it was more a choked garble of your name mixed with, “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
You must really be drunk on his dick because even that turned you on and tipped you over the edge.
Your thighs tensed and you moaned deeply, tucking your chin down and spreading your palms onto his pecs, wrists straining against the cotton rope, a rapid torrent of adrenaline soaring through you and then you smacked your ass down onto Seokjin’s crotch, whining as you came in vicious pulses of pleasure, clenching around his jerking length and you realized Seokjin was clutching your ass, pinning it down so you couldn’t move, shooting his release into the condom, so much that you felt his cock shudder and throb inside you, head buried in your deepest, most pleasurable spot, you feeling all of him and him feeling all of you.
Holy shit.
You almost saw stars.
“Hah… wow… I guess I can’t blame younger dudes for wanting this pussy…”
Your eyes weren’t open but your eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
“Shut up, Seokjin.”
“Come on, man! Look what you did!” Seokjin barked accusingly, pointing to his chest with red indents of your rings.
“Excuse me? I’m the one who has scratches and a bruised ass!”
“You’ve marred my beautiful skin! I should fine you!”
“Where’s that fuckin’ whip – get your naked ass back here, Kim Seokjin!”
Hm, well, maybe you would find your true love some other time. Maybe try gambling?
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Doing Their Makeup
Poly Lost Boys, Michael and Star x Gender neutral reader
Basically came up with these while I was messaging @aliypop​ . Thank you for somehow getting me to a place where I wanted to write an imagine about the lost boys, Michael and Star’s partner wanting to do their makeup. XD This is everyone x reader. 
Also this is kind of my head-canon that Michael and Star became one happy family with David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko. But Max still died cause I don’t think anyone likes him. 
Warnings?: swearing? Cursing? 
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The second you told your partners that you wanted to do their makeup, each and everyone one of them were down with the idea, but at all different degrees of being okay with it. 
Paul was the first one to practically bounce his way over to you. He already needed your help with doing his simple eyeliner on a daily basis so you paying attention to his face for more than a few minutes made him a very happy camper. 
Paul LOVES it. I mean it. Give him the whole glam rock look! Glitter? Yes! Winged eyeliner? Yes! Bitch, make him look like a disco ball and he will be very happy. He loves glitter more than any of them and will directly ask you to use as much as you wanted. 
When doing his makeup, he always smiles, loving that your attention was solely on him. Though you have to scold him not to smile because the crinkle in his eyes will totally mess up whatever eyeshadow or eyeliner look you're trying to accomplish. He complies… for about two minutes. 
This boy will have you straddling him as you work, his hands on your hips, rubbing little circles into your skin softly. He practically becomes putty in your hands as you gently touch his face. He finds it absolutely adorable that you're being so delicate with him. 
When you're done, he shows it off to everyone around the cave. His babe of a partner went all out and he will brag that his makeup is going to be better than everyone else's once you are done. 
Second would be Marko. Seeing how good you were with Paul, he was excited to see what kind of look you would give him. He wasn’t too much into glitter like his fellow blonde but he was okay if you wanted to use it. Makeup to him was an artistic form of expression so he became your canvas on which to paint on. 
Seeing you figure what colors you wanted to give him and what tools you wanted to use would make him smile with how serious you were taking this task. He would ask you as you worked what your ideas were and you thought looked best on him. 
Your bodies would be close, not sitting in his lap close, but your legs would be locked together as you sat on your makeshift bed. His hands fiddling with whatever piece of clothing he could get his hands on. It was very hard not to touch you and he wanted you to fulfill your wish for the night. 
By the end of it, Marko’s makeup look would have half of the amount of glitter that Paul had. It would be very colorful, almost reflecting the multiple colors of his jacket. Marko was a little easier compared to the others because of those colors, you had more options to work with. 
Marko reacted like Paul, showing it off to everyone. Soon him and Paul compared their looks and pointed out what they liked about them. 
Dwayne was third. He wasn’t overly into it, but he loves seeing you happy and if doing his makeup was going to put a smile on your face, then he was happy to do it. He did have a few things to say though, he was okay with a little glitter but nowhere near Paul's and heck, maybe even half of what you did to Marko. Also, no colors that were too bright. 
From that, you only choose a few warm hues, some reds, oranges and a tiny bit of yellow. Even some earthy tones to complement his tanned skin. In a way you connected it with the jaguar on his leather jacket. 
Dwayne would have his hands placed on your thighs as you worked, saying only a few words here and there, asking simple questions if he was curious about something. If anything he was the calmest one of the bunch, not really interrupting your process. 
In a way it was nice. While you worked, you didn’t really talk, too focused on the task at hand and he thought it was cute when you would bite your lip in concentration. The silence that sometimes hung between you two was sweet, like you both were in your own little world. Minus the fact that Paul and Marko were just outside your makeshift area in the cave making noise. 
When Dwayne was done, he placed a small kiss on your lips and walked out. He didn’t really show off to the others but he couldn’t help but smirk when Paul and Marko grew silent at his new look. 
David was the fourth and probably the one that wasn’t overly crazy about it. If he was going to have glitter, it was going to be tasteful and very little of it. Dark colors only, and if you want to stick on gems, guess what, they better be little and it's gotta be sexy. Make him a sexy princely creature of the night and you are good. 
For once, he let you have control, even with his requests orders on what you can and cannot do. You went to work, both of your knees touching and you had to constantly stop him from moving, trying to smoke his cigarette. In the end, you lost against him cause if he couldn’t smoke a cigarette to distract himself from your hands being so gentle with him, they were going somewhere else and you would get nothing done. 
In between his puffs of smoke, you poured everything into his look wanting it to be perfect because you definitely wanted to do it again in the future. The only way he would let you is if you did a bang up job. 
You made his facial features sharp and his icy blue eyes seemed to pierce through your soul even more with the dark eyeshadow on his eyelids. A little bit of glitter and a few small black gemstones later, he was beautiful. Definitely different from what you were used to, but with David, he could pull off anything and he’d still look good. 
With a smirk, he thanked you for your work, which surprised you, and walked back out to the others. You chuckled when you heard Paul exclaim “Holy shit!” when he saw David. Needless to say, you did make David look like a prince of the night with your talents. 
Second to last was Star. Your beautiful girlfriend of your group of male partners entered your part of the cave, bringing some of her own collection with her. Star was probably the easiest of the group to do makeup for. She already wore red lipstick on the daily and brown toned eyeshadow to compliment her skin but she never went farther than that. 
But tonight, she would let you take it a step further. Nothing too crazy, maybe even a little more toned down than David’s. 
Star practically cuddled up to you as you worked your magic. It was a little difficult but she stayed still nonetheless. You kept her signature red lipstick, and decided to focus more on her eyes and add some stick on gems that matched the colors of her skirt. 
You added a splash of color to her eyes that went well with her usual browns, picking some of her favorite makeup items and mixing them with your own.
Of course you couldn’t help but smile when Star would giggle as the makeup brushes lightly tickled her face. You wanted to scold her for it but it was too cute so you said nothing just having to work around it. 
Just as you were finishing, your last partner, Michael walked in, watching you with curiosity and a slight twinge of interest. When you did finish, Star looked to Michael to see what he thought and happily kissed him when he said he liked it. Which in turn having you redo her lipstick one last time before she left, leaving only you and Michael. 
Michael was probably the most hesitant of the bunch. It wasn’t that he didn’t dislike makeup, he just didn’t know what the process was and never really saw much interest until you expressed how much you love doing it. 
With a little bit of encouragement, Michael sat on your bed, having you sit on his lap. Michael reminded you a little bit of Paul. He was very affectionate but was much softer compared to the blonde. 
Michael asked you the most questions as you worked. Asking what tool was used for what purpose. What colors you were using and why. Glitter? Yeah, why not? Just use it however you see fit and what you thought looked good on him. 
Overall he was excited about this. New things always intrigued him and he was willing to try something new. 
When you told him you were going to give him a more softer look, he had no quarrels with your choice. Just a tiny bit of glitter, some light colors, a sharp eyeliner that could cut someone, accentuating his cheekbones a bit, and even giving him a little bit of gradient lips, made him look even more pretty than he already was. 
You were so proud of yourself that couldn’t help but hug the poor boy. You went all out for your partners and you had a lot of fun doing it. When you let him go after hugging him, he was met by a few compliments from the others who admired his own look that seemed very different from everyone else. Which made the poor boy even more flustered. 
When all was said and done, and after doing your own makeup to your own tastes with the help of Star since, well, mirrors can’t help any of you. You all went down to the boardwalk as one big group date, showing off your talents proudly, taking any compliments, and giving you credit where credit was due. 
If anything was said negatively, especially by a group of surf nazis, guess what? After your group dinner date at the local diner, those surf nazis would be your dessert for the night. 
If that did happen, you’d be a little upset that your work was now covered in blood but they all reassured you that you could give them makeovers whenever you wanted.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Prologue - Nature God!Reader - Learning how to fly
Pairings: none
Characters included: DreamXD, Eret
Warnings: themes of abandonment
Series: Yes! Planned are at least two more chapters for now!
Summary: Y/N was a god. Just like their mother Demeter they are also responsible for nature, though Demeter neglected to teach them. So when their mother suddenly disappeared it was Y/N’s time to step up. Unfortunately DreamXD was there and his idea of teaching them on how to take care of the realm left them with more worry and fear.
Words count: 2322
Authors Note: Honestly I didn’t expect this to go this way! I wanted to jump straight into this but now I’m here with a prologue. I am only planning to write a few more chapters and this will mostly concentrate on Y/N talking with memebers of the dsmp and trying to give them a chance to heal. Even if all they can offer are words of encouragement. Maybe the others can do the same for them :]
This will probably end more open ended and is meant to be like a thing to write for me to explore characters and their pain when I feel like it
Special thanks to 🌱🌟 anon who let me use traits from his OC for the Reader!
The wind picked up. The flowers bending and pushing against Y/N’s body as they laid alone in the field. The petals softly petting the exposed skin. Caressing them and calming them down as choked sobs escaped their lips. The usual blooming flower crown on their head now brown and grey. All the color faded.
The sun was shining bright and yet the temperature suddenly dropped significantly. The air turning into a sorrowful howling. The leaves of the trees rustling, the sound of it crying out.
Something was wrong.
Something just vanished, no someone.
Someone important.
And Y/N felt it. It was like all the warmth in their body just disappeared. A hole in their heart. A love gone that should be there. Suddenly alone in a world that should yell out love to them. A world created for them but the soul of it just left.
Between the sobs, the cracking of the leaves and sound of the wind, there was a thud. Steps that scrunched up the grass and the few flowers that sadly grew in the wrong place.
The person who just appeared moved around Y/N. Standing next to them. His head moving above their body, casting a shadow on their face. Yet they refused to open their eyes and just kept on crying. Tears running down the side of the face into the grass. Breathing was difficult as they wept.
Y/N didn’t need to open their eyes to know who was standing above them. The aura alone gave them all the information they needed.
It was a cold aura, something foreign and yet it made them feel safe. Feel protected and seen.
There was only one with an aura like that. DreamXD. A fellow god. The only god Y/N knew besides their mother and themself.
“Y/N.” The End God spoke. His voice calm. Emotionless but with purpose. He wanted to talk.
Their body still shaking, Y/N sat up and begun rubbing the tears off their eyes. Opening them up to see DreamXD, his cracked porcelain face staring down at them at an angle. It surprised Y/N to see that his hood was down, which was a rarity for him.
“Uncle XD- I- She is-“
He nodded which stunned Y/N a bit. DreamXD wasn’t really experienced in emotions and the like but this felt, close. He sympathized.
“I know, Y/N. Demeter is- your mother is gone. Not dead but she will be gone for a while. I’m here to tell you that. I made her promise to tell you. To make sure you are alright. Teach you.”
For a moment Y/N just stared at their hands as they wrung them. Dropping them in their lap, tears still slipping down their cheeks. “I felt it.”
“I would be surprised if you hadn’t. It must feel horrible. The world, the nature already feels empty without Demeter but you must have felt it tenfold. I can see it on you.”
While Y/N suspected that DreamXD knew definitely more than he let on it also made them self-aware of their own situation. The flower crown on top of their head that decorated their hair was an extension of them. Their emotion on display via these flowers and right now they looked withered. Dead.
Y/N stood up in order to try to be more on the same eye level “What happened? Where is she? Where is my mother? Can I help her?”
It took a moment before DreamXD answered. It was difficult gauging what his thought process was even if Y/N was a fellow god, they always had problems with that. Demeter on the other hand could almost always tell what DreamXD was thinking about. Probably a result of them knowing each other for eons but Y/N only knew him for a few decades. They were a young god after all.
“She is-“ he paused “She is resting. After creating a miracle she never took the chance to rest. Now her body forced her to. Demeter will be back. It will take time but she will return.”
Apalled Y/N shook their head “What?! Uncle the realm needs her! Nature will wither without her! I need her! She is my mother! Why did she leave me alone! Why didn’t she tell me!”
While their first thoughts fell on the problem of; what happens to nature if the nature god disappears, their mind soon dove back on the fact that their mother was gone. Usually they were surrounded by her love but that just suddenly vanished and they didn’t know how to deal with the situation. Their mother was their everything.
For the first time in their life, they felt alone. Truly alone.
DreamXD shook his head “It was inevitable. That she didn’t tell you was her choice and I can’t say anything more about that but the realm will be fine. You are still here. A god like her. While she took on the responsibilities of caring for the realm on her own you two are connected. The powers she holds also flow through you. It is time you learn how to fly, little bird.”
Y/N’s hand flew towards their lower lip, nervously holding it between their fingers only to drop it again so they could talk “H-How? I’m sure you can feel it too! It’s empty! It’s like her soul left this place. She had such a good sense for everything. I don’t know what to do! I don’t have the same sense for the place that she had!”
They were rambling. This came out of nowhere. Demeter promised them that she would always be there for them. She promised to always be there and ease them into their shared responsibilities so how did it end up like this?
They just vanished without telling them anything. Just dropping them into the cold water and DreamXD probably knew everything but he wouldn’t tell Y/N and they knew they couldn’t get it out of him. He was known for being incredibly loyal and dutiful after all and if he promised Demeter not to tell Y/N then he won’t.
White hands came out of DreamXD’s cloak, moving slowly up and down as a sign for Y/N to calm down “You don’t have that sense yet because Demeter wanted to give you a life similar to that of a human. Therefore she neglected to teach you earlier in life and instead gave you a life close to that what she considered human.” There was some judgement in his voice “Now, the first thing you have to do is find a connection to the realm. The emptiness you feel? You have to fill that yourself.”
“I think it is time you visited the place proper and not live in this pocket dimension created by your mother. Here, I’ll show you.”
He then stretched his hand out towards Y/N. It was weird having him here like this. Y/N liked him and saw him as their uncle but he was still a bit aloof at times. Whenever Y/N wanted to play games with him it took him a few moments until he understood what they wanted from him. But he was willing to learn and amuse them.
Y/N hesitated a bit before they put their hand into that of DreamXD’s but when they did they were a bit surprised with how warm they were.
DreamXD then used his free hand to open a portal up via a flourish of his hand. The portal seemed to be made out of liquid night sky. It moved and hummed full with energy.
That’s when it hit Y/N “I’m not ready. I can’t do this.”
“I’m sorry.”
And with that statement he just stepped through. His grip on Y/N strong and pulling them along into the cold liquid, if they liked it or not. They closed their eyes. Scared and still overwhelmed by the sudden emptiness their mother left behind.
It surprised them with how fast the coldness of the liquid passed. The emptiness that allowed them to travel between realms. They made it to the other side.
The birds sounded different. That was the first thing Y/N noticed before they opened their eyes. And as they stood there, eyes still closed DreamXD didn’t remove his hand. He held on.
After moments that felt like minutes Y/N opened up their eyes and looked around. The two stood on a mountain that gave them free view of what they would describe as a destroyed city. Holes as deep as they could be. Buildings half build and half destroyed. Remnants of places people obviously used to live in.
“What is that?” Y/N asked. Their voice weak and wavering. Either from nervousness or from the crying.
DreamXD turned to them “A place I have watched from time to time. Your mother too, though she watched more than she interacted. She was too busy with you to talk to them and here is the place where you will learn more about this world. The world we all help to keep up and protect. Our role as gods is to uphold the rules of this realm and sometimes sow seeds so it runs smoothly. We don’t sway the mortals. If they try to break our rules we will act but the mortals just live. That’s what they do.”
“I never- I don’t know what to do. Do I talk to them? How does that help me to connect with the nature? I don’t understand.”
“Look around. Demeter’s work is everywhere. The wood that their homes are built with. The crops that they need to survive. You can talk to them and see how they live and since your mother put so much emphasis on letting you live similar to them, maybe it will help you understand your mother better. I can help only so much. This is not my domain. It is somewhere else. Maybe I will see you one day there though I hope not.”
He wanted to remove his hand after his explanation but this time Y/N didn’t let go. Scared of him leaving. He was the only thing that was close to family.
“You can’t leave me. I wouldn’t even be able to go home. This is crazy!”
As a response DreamXD relaxed his hand and strengthened his grip again. His free hand went back into his cloak and came out with what looked like a green eye in his palm.
Y/N looked at it curiously and as DreamXD moved it closer to them they slowly moved their hand up to it. Their fingers carefully touching the cold, glassy looking eye. When DreamXD didn’t move the eye away from them, they carefully took it into theirs. Opening up their other hand to look and hold it between both of their hands.
“Put this on your clothes. This will let me see what you see. Hear what you hear. If you need me, call me.”
They just shook their head “Why? Why can’t you come with me? I’m scared, uncle.”
He sighed “I can’t really help you with this, besides, you are a god. There shouldn’t be a thing that can scare you. Your body and powers are that of a god but your mind is that of a human. Demeter tried raising you as one and it shows and she- She failed her own responsibilities and now we are here. I am sorry little bird but this is how you will learn to fly.”
Not even giving Y/N a chance to answer, he immediately moved his hand around and dove into the familiar black abyss that appeared. Y/N tried to follow him but the portal closed before they had the chance.
They felt absolutely alone beforehand but this? Stranded, alone and scared in a world they only heard stories from.
Y/N couldn’t help themself and dropped down on the ground. Once again crying. Tears streaming and in between sobs they yelled out for their mother and uncle. This felt so unfair. No, this was unfair!
Not only did their mother just disappear out of nowhere, dropping a huge responsibility in their lap but also DreamXD, whom they considered family as well, just stranded them out here.
Why? Why can’t they just continue living how they used to? Maybe Demeter would help them to work on their little home. Expand it or rearrange it. Together they would try to draw and laugh whenever something came out funny. Or Demeter would teach them everything and absolutely everything about a particular flower or animal.
Though Y/N’s favorite thing was always when Demeter would tell them of old stories of hers. Humans she has met over her lifetime. The humans that made her fall in love with the mortals so much. So much so that she gave her own child a human name and tried to give them a human life.
A god raised like a human. That was what Y/N was.
Overwhelmed by everything.
“Hey, are you alright? Can I help?” a deep voice suddenly appeared behind them.
When Y/N turned around their eyes fell on a person with fluffy hair and wearing sunglasses. A crown resting on the head. They also wore what Y/N suspected to be an old royal gown. It looked a bit dirty and battered. For some reason this made them sad. Instead of fear they felt sadness for the stranger though this soon switched back to fear when the person moved closer.
“I- I’m-“ Y/N begun to stutter out but their mind went blank.
Worried the human knelt down so they could see Y/N better and was on eye level.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright. I’m not going to do anything to you. What’s your name?” their voice was soothing. It also helped that they sounded genuine.
“Y/N. I’m- I don’t know where I am.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Eret and you are at the remains of what used to be L’Manberg.”
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The Wind Sees Ghosts (Chain) idea is SO COOL
Like there are so many ways you can go about that!!! Questions:
If the ghosts can't communicate the cause of their death but can give hints,,, like what's the logistics of that? Maybe they have amnesia and can't remember how they died, or maybe, although Wind can see them, Wind can't actually hear anything they say, it's just soundless for him... Or, given that they were "unnatural" deaths, maybe they're cursed and are magically forced not to utter words that are in any way revealing to their cause of death???? These are just a few of the ideas that popped into my head, and I am INTENSELY interested.
How would Wind go about figuring out their deaths? Like would you find a way to bunch everybody into one timeline? If so, would the deceased heroes be recently deceased or just utterly ancient? OR would it follow the Portals Element of the LU comics and be Wind jumping from era to era via portals to the Heroes' Hyrules? That'd be a great way to completely centralize Wind and make him both THE Hero of the whole adventure, provide a good-vs-evil plotline basis, AND would be an interesting way to go about him finding out where these ghosts all come from and why, and how they got killed
Gahhhh and I also immediately thought, upon reading that he'd give them all proper burials/funerals, that it'd be sad if there was nothing left of the Heroes' bodies to bury (unless they're magically preserved via the same thing that killed them). BUT that also opens opportunity for Wind to find the things left by each hero and to memorialize then all. Just imagine Wind, after the whole kerfufle, finds all these things (the favourite weapons of each hero, pieces of their outfits, recipes from wild, buckles and horseshoes and weapons made by Four, Sky's sailcloth and educational certificate, etc.) and takes them and then opens a memorial house of sorts at his home world, which sort of doubles as a museum, where he preserved these Important Things along side full descriptions of everything he learned about them and their homes!
And then OH NO MY BRAIN WON'T SHUT UP SO I also thought about how it'd be kinda funny if the deaths were actually not connected in anyway at all, but that, nonetheless, the reason the ghosts are unable to communicate their causes of death (especially if by ammnesia) and that they need Wind to figure it out is because their deaths are already automaticlly unnatural, because they share the Hero's Spirit. Their souls depart like normal, but are then bound to the mortal realm because the Spirit that makes each hero "whole" doesn't completely belong to them. This, then, leaving them stuck between the current home of the Hero's Spirit and... wherever they'd pass onto after death.
Orrrrrr maybe every single idea I just spouted off was COMPLETELY off point and just not at all how you were thinking of it all...
But as soon as I saw the concept my brain just kinda exploded with ideas and I REALLY wanted to share them!!! Like a little kid who drew a boxy house with a yellow sun in the corner of the page and HAS to show their parents RIGHT NOW or it isn't valid XD
And either way, I WANNA KNOW WHAT YOUR REAL PLANS ARE??! IF ANY?? Like my curiosity is what lead me to having so many of my own ideas, and I NEED to know what spawned the idea and how it works in your head!!!!
If it's not too much to ask of course
Anyway, love ya, thanks for dealing with me XDDD
ahh ty! okay;
The ghosts can't say it because whenever they try, Wind suddenly stops hearing their voices. They can't say exactly what happened because their voices cut out when they try, but they can give locations for example; Vio. They got killed in an old arcade, so Vio could only say they were in an arcade when it happened, but they can't say how they died or who did it!
Since it's a modern au, I was planning on making them all in one 'city' of sorts, BUT in different timeframes like Vio was killed in the 80's, Time in the 90's, Wild and Legend in the early 2000's, etc! so, i actually plan on Wind being able to time travel between the timeframes Hyrule is the most recent death (this'll probably take place in the current year of 2022, and Hyrule died in 2015), and the oldest death is Blue (who dies in the 70's)
some of them (vio, mainly, because vios death is one of, if not the most brutal) don't have physical bodies left, or full bodies, so the ghosts probably give Wind something dear to them just in the events of no body being found, which Wind would absolutely make a display out of and note down everything he learns about the ghosts like their ages when they died, their birthdays, family, all that stuff
you're not entirely incorrect about this! none of the deaths are connected, not even the colours have the same murderer! they're all just drawn to Wind because he is the only one that can see and help them move on
this whole idea spawned from me listening to Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon for 5 hours straight and thinking "what if vio is the cabinet man?" and here we are, me planning ; Time's second death Legend's...4th death? 5th? idk ive killed him a lot Red, Blue n Green's second deaths Vio's third death and the first deaths of everyone else!
im glad youre interested in this!!! its a bit of a passion project now i think aha
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