#my top artists are also all non-kpop
leaving-fragments · 10 months
wildest thing abt my spotify wrapped is that my top genre is apparently kpop but there is only one (1) kpop song in my top 100 songs
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zrroz · 5 months
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ATSUSHI'S ( RANDOM ) VIRAL MOMENTS FROM DEBUT TILL NOW ( 2024 ) - a thread posted by user susushi on twitter on april 17th, 2024 which has since garnered over 600k views and 12k likes.
MOMENT #1 : GUESSING EXO SONGS WITHIN SECONDS ( aka him coming out as a huge exo supporter on a random variety show mid-2019 )
the first moment included within the twitter thread was a moment from 2019 in which atsushi had appeared on a variety show and after mentioning he was a fan of the group exo was put through a short "quiz".
in the original clip on youtube, the idol was asked if he had liked any other groups or what other artists he was into at the time to which he answered exo as the group he was a big fan of. the host of the variety show had quickly arranged a "quiz" for the idol to take where he had to listen to a series of exo songs and guess the songs.
atsushi was able to guess the songs : oasis, the eve, my lady, el dorado, love me right and a few others all within 2 - 5 seconds, surprising the host and the other guests on the variety show.
the original clip, posted mid-2019 on youtube originally sat at 5.8 million views before the thread was made and now sits at 6.7 million views.
the next moment included the debut of red hair!atsushi which since it's debut has became a very important era to carats, especially atsushi fans.
in the music video release for the seventeen song 'hit' atsushi had surprised fans by dying his hair a vibrant red color, much different from his usual blonde or darker colored hairs he had through previous eras.
he kept the vibrant hair color through hit and into fear and fans started mourning the loss of the red hair after he dyed it back to a more natural color after the eras had concluded.
2020 was a very interesting year for carats, mainly atsushi fans as he ended up appearing in three different dramas that year but the one that was most surprising was when he was announced to play the main character in the j-drama "alice in borderland".
most of his previous or current dramas he's often playing a side character so fans were very pleasantly surprised to get the news of him playing a main character.
he went viral quite a few times just from that show, a lot of even non-fans who had just came to know him from alice in borderland complimented his acting skills and the way he was able to portray the characters emotions and such.
MOMENT #4 : BLONDE WITH GLASSES ATSUSHI DURING ONE OF THE GOSE DEBATE NIGHTS ( locals on twitter asking who the smiley blonde guy with glasses was )
for the first episode of debate night #2 during the 2020 gose season, atsushi had just recently dyed his hair a bright blonde color leaving for him to be blonde during the filming.
on top of blonde!atsushi fans were also greeted with glasses!atsushi. it's known that he doesn't have the best vision within the group but he has said previously that he prefers wearing contacts over glasses so it's rare that he's seen with glasses making the perfect surprise for carats.
and also with how smiley he was during the whole episode. if he was on camera he was more than likely smiling which made atsushi's fans just go insane on twitter where he even made it to the non-carat side of twitter and kpop fans started asking "who's the blonde smiley guy with glasses in seventeen?".
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MOMENT #5 : HIS NOTORIOUS VLIVE LIVE STREAM ( aka him going live for a little over four hours just to give carats a history lesson )
it's well known that atsushi is a big fan of history. he's mentioned before that during his free-time or whenever he has breaks he'll spend his time doing research on different topics related to history or things similar to that and now with that in mind, one of his most well-known moments is the time he did a live for over four hours tutoring carats on different history topics.
on a very random day in 2021 atsushi had decided to go live, which wasn't very uncommon but when carats tuned into the live he had a white board behind him and was trying to organize his "work" station.
the live ended up being just over four hours and the during the whole duration of the live atsushi was just going over various history facts and topics he had learned through-out the years and was also offering help to carats who needed help with that specific subject.
carats really blew that whole live up on twitter and he ended up being deemed as a full time history teacher and part time idol for a long while. many carats saying that he was able to teach them more then their teachers did.
MOMENT #6 : THINGS HE SAYS ( the original poster included a video of the random things he'll say that's either him being unfiltered or just weird )
"i can totally suplex someone if i wanted to, i just need to warm myself up beforehand, i can be dangerous, stop looking down on me guys come on."
*staring off into space while seventeen fights in the background* : "i should've stayed in canada."
"guys do we think julius caeser deserved what happened to him? too bad vlive doesn't do polls. honestly, you know how heart breaking that was. actually, you know. i laughed at too many memes, does that make me a bad person? probably but he would never know."
"i used to be very skeptical about this company and so far all they've done is proved me right, it's not the worst but...it's surely interesting!"
"our manager is watching the live but don't worry, since i'm speaking japanese he won't understand what i'm saying anyways, so! anyone want spoilers for the comeback?"
"i used to just survive off of energy drinks and coffee, i used to have like 2 things of coffee and then an energy drink a day, my members told me to stop though because i couldn't sit still and it's not exactly the healthiest but oh well."
"i've seen what happens on twitter and i don't understand how any of you can be on there without losing at least seven braincells."
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note : eeeee i hope this is okay & all, i wasn't sure what layout to go with but i think this works just fine so!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
Not gonna lie, this whole thing really sucks. I think I wrote a message awhile back about the very cool feminist angle of the Plus Global Auditions Invitation video, I'm an SNL Army and was new to watching kpop very closely and was so sold by that video. I thought - 'this company is really different.' Going public with a company f*cks a lot of things up, it happens all so often, and often it's the people and the ethos that gets messed up the most. It's frustrating to see this devolution. Because I was really excited by what MHJ was being given space to do at BH/Hybe. Though, as a fellow art school student, I am shaking my head and serious side-eyes at how she says things like 'I'm an artist, I don't know how to read contracts' (obviously I'm paraphrasing) - it's clear Hybe knows she's got the goods but she's not playing by their game anymore. The response and flood of crazy comments and hate at BTS is frustrating but expected, but just such a waste of time all the same. I've also never thought BH and then Hybe were super super smart and long-gaming everything (don't come for me Bangtan U fans) I think they were lucky and scrappy and skillful and making cool things happen moment to moment. Later on they got better at the strategic planning, sure. I don't know. They may need a good kick in the pants to remember that's what makes them great at what they do. But still, I hate the idea of MHJ being cooked even if she seems like a real pain in the tush to work with. Because technically, she's what got me to really buy-in to what BTS & BH were doing in the first place.
Yeah, it's a shitty situation.
To be fair, I think at the start, Bang PD was trying to do something different and 'forward-thinking' with HYBE. He sought out good talent going by the hires he did in 2019/2020, managing to onboard creatives like Min Heejin and Zico. Zico already incorporated his company to manage himself before Bang PD approached him, which is probably why he owns ~24.5% of KOZ - his sub-label in HYBE.
But with Min Heejin...
She had partnered with 250 - a popular DJ in Korea and NewJeans' main producer, since she left SM in 2018. He runs BANA (a creative collective) but she'd wanted her own label since the start.
Bang PD knew this, and wanted her for HYBE, so it's likely he made all sorts of promises to get her on board without awarding her a single share. Almost as soon as key creative decisions had to be made post-Global Plus audition, they both clashed, but HYBE as a company was less than 1 year old and it appears Bang PD and MHJ still had good relations... which was kinda easy since he still needed her creative output and wanted to see what she could do. So they let her make her own label: ADOR, and keep NewJeans even though according to Min Heejin, HYBE executives and Bang PD thought her concept and style of music for them would be impossible to sell to k-pop stans.
They expected NewJeans to fail or flounder. Instead, by 2023 NewJeans had become one of the top 5 most valuable k-pop IPs in Korea. If my guess is right, by that point she had no shares in ADOR, no agreement with HYBE's indefinite non-compete clause. She could walk anytime and I'm sure a lot of people wanted her.
Then HYBE approached Min Heejin with the shareholder contract to give her 20% of the company. It's a classic 'carrot and stick'. The carrot was easy to see. Apparently offered her the shares at a very low price, apparently Bang PD even lent her the money to buy it, for a valuation that HYBE considered more than generous, he was in her KakaoTalk chats buttering her up with those godawful emojis lmaooo. He was selling that shit hard. The stick in the contract was the poison pill which essentially tied her to HYBE for as long as they want her.
Perhaps she was aware of the pill and signed any way because at that point they still had good relations with Bang PD and HYBE in general. But according to her, Bang PD kept wanting more control over NewJeans the more successful the group became. Realizing she had to do something about the poison pill, she sought to negotiate, and as is typical in these sort of situations, you fight greed with more greed.
Asking to bump up the multiple on the options from 13x to 30x is frankly ridiculous. For a male CEO I can see it being considered... maybe, but for a woman? In Korea?
I'm sure when the other suits at HYBE heard that's what she was asking, at least one of them almost had a stroke. The logic is simple though: start crazy high and end.. just high. If HYBE was looking to exert more control over NewJeans (for example, every sub-label and group in HYBE changed to using 'bio-paper and ink' for their albums starting in 2023, to help HYBE meet their ESG targets. The only company that's not made the switch yet, is ADOR. Given how carefully MHJ controls branding and album design for NewJeans, I can see this minute detail being a massive thorn lol)... anyway, if HYBE was indeed looking to gain more control, the fact that they'd have to pay 30x if MHJ exercised her options on a whim, would serve as a very strong deterrent.
Given what I understand Korean corporate culture to be like, I doubt she had any friends in upper management to start, but with a demand like that, practically all of them would turn enemies in a heartbeat. It's the sheer audacity lmao. My guess is she would've eventually negotiated down, at least once she was assured real creative independence from Bang PD. But at some point, rather, quite predictably given this is corporate Korea, the need for control and the egos involved decided she had to be cut loose now and perhaps taught to not bite the hand that feeds her.
It's not a sentiment limited to the suits at HYBE. It's followed her since SM and the general public would hate it too, which is one reason I think it's only a matter of time before the narrative switches again to HYBE's favour. I promise you, most regular men in Korea would go red in the face, eyes bulging out their heads, drool and spit shooting out like projectiles, at the thought she would dare to demand such a thing. And in a way they'd be right. It's an insane amount of money for female creative in Korea, but I think given everything else, it also seems like a gamble she was taking as a means to an end. A simple negotiating tactic, given what she keeps highlighting as her main goal - unimpeded and full creative and managerial control.
Bang PD wants to build a 'forward-thinking' company comparable to Western conglomerate juggernauts like SONY and Warner Music, but I don't think these Korean men have the chops to do it right, just yet. I've had that impression of Bang PD for a few years now. He's been getting results, but they are inconsistent and he's got the biggest 'surety' in a sense with BTS, so he's been fine, and will continue to be fine for a few more years at least. But if they are messing up this spectacularly with their first female executive and one of their most valuable IPs, over... an options price negotiation?
And they want to pretend to be better than any other corp in Korea?
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I sympathize a bit with how you feel, but as a Korean woman, I guess I'm numb to it. There's a reason I've never chosen to work in that country, there's a reason why the birth rate is nearing the negatives. It's really unfortunate, and I'm sorry you're seeing a prior expectation you had getting blown up this way. And this latest hatefest on BTS has been quite ugly and isn't near done yet. This whole situation is gross, and even more so when the motivations behind it are so... banal and backwards.
But these are undercurrents that are too simple and boring for the average stan. Burning the witch who is responsible for masterminding the demise of a virtuous group is far more exciting. And so that's how the story will go.
I just hope that by some miracle, NewJeans turns out okay and manages to thrive after this. Because in all of this mess, they will deal with the implications the most and for the longest time.
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wulfhalls · 8 months
Also people want to say all Taylor Swift cares about is making money.. the kpop industry literally only exists to make money. These groups are created out of people that half the time couldn’t give less of a shit about each other. They crank out music and stuff for people to buy multiple times a month. That’s all it’s for. It’s for making money. At least Taylor or any other non kpop artist are trying to tell some stories about their lives. It just feels like a more honest way to consume music if you get my meaning.
girl 😭😭😭😭 any industry is about making money 😭😭 also honest way to consume music??? wtf does that even mean 😭😭😭 and not the bullshit western artist aren't manufactured they have real artistic integrity and authenticity argument on top of all of that 😭😭😭
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aegyo-ahegao · 1 year
Kpop artists are real people! Please respect them! All of this is strictly fantasy and for horny fun! None of the things I say in this account are “speculation” or “what these artists are really like” type things. Again, purely fantasy through the lense of a hyperfixation
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word count: 5140
tags: gyuvin x matthew, light dom/sub stuff, caught masturbating, oppa kink, inspired by recent(ish) events, gyuvin's shy at first, matthew eats it up, as in all fics gyuvin is hung 😔✊, handjob that turns into blowjob, very light cumplay, theyre so whipped and they don't even know, teaching how to give a bj by example, whos top? whos dom? who's sub? they dont even know, switch 4 switch ig
Found the brain power to write this >:) i accidentally made this very sappy and cute but it's all good bc you get two bjs for the price of one! also it is so much longer than i expected enjoy
‘For today, I’m your oppa’
The moment replayed in Matthew's mind more often than he’d like to admit. His little oppa bit was fun, he got to flirt with the camera and show off something besides being cute, but this was probably too far. He might’ve not known the deepest interweavings of Korean but he was damn good at conversation, and conversation between him and hyungs was even easier. Being referred to as a dongsaeng was pretty natural for him. But Kim Gyuvin. Strange, weird, tall, handsome Kim Gyuvin. He made being a hyung harder than it already was. He was always goofing off, in an endearing, Saint Bernard who doesn’t know how big he is kind of way, but goofing off nonetheless.
It had been one of these many times that Gyuvin had said the something that kept ringing in Matthew's head.
“I’m too tired today. I’m not oppa today.” Matthew had whined as Gyuvin shook him excitedly. “Someone take oppa responsibility for me.”
“I can.” Gyuvin sat up straight with a dumb smile. “I’ll be your oppa.”
Matthew tried to convince himself he mistranslated as his ears got steadily pinker. “What?”
“No take-backs! You said you didn’t want to be oppa so now it’s my turn.” Gyuvin smirked mischievously.
“I didn’t mean my oppa.” He tried to sigh but it came out like more of a squeak.
“Too late! For today, I’m your oppa.”
That’s what got Matthew in this situation. Laying on his bed, half mast, all because of some stupid joke. He didn’t even know it was possible for honorifics to affect him like this, especially ones meant for women. He guessed it was a sign he was getting more comfortable with Korean but he almost wished he wasn’t. ‘Gyuvin-oppa’ It rang through his head again and he winced, trying to not imagine anything.
It was a rare free Saturday so most of the members were out, getting food or shopping. Really, it was only Matthew and Taerae home, and he knew for a fact the Taerae had passed out on the couch after lunch. It had been a while, with promotions and filming, he hadn’t got a decent, non-shower jerk off in since right after Boys Planet. It really couldn’t hurt.
He scooted up enough to throw his blanket over his lap, even if someone did walk in it’d be way easier to hide this way. He shimmied out of his sweatpants, sighing as the soft fabric laid over his dick. He could already tell he wasn’t going to last long, dick twitching at the slightest touch. “Fuck.” He breathed. He wrapped his hand around his half stiff cock, lightly tracing his thumb over his slit.
‘Let oppa take care of you.’
Matthew flinched as the image of Gyuvin leaning over him appeared in his mind. He groaned out of embarrassment. He started pumping his hand, nervously letting the fantasy continue on. Imaginary Gyuvin licked his lips, staring down Matthew like he was about to eat him alive. He brought a finger to Matthew’s chin, raising it to make eye contact. Matthew unconsciously sped up his strokes.
‘Say it.’
He knew exactly what imaginary Gyuvin wanted, of course, and he couldn't help himself. He placed a hand over his mouth, intent to muffle himself so only he and his little fantasy had to know.
“Gyuvin-oppa.” saying it out loud shot a shiver straight to his dick. God, why was that doing so much to him? He whined into his hand, eyebrows scrunched up in pleasure. "Oppa, please." he muttered.
"Good boy." Imaginary Gyuvin purred. He kissed him roughly, tongues dancing, before trailing kisses down his jaw, then his throat.
"Gyuvin-oppa, please." he breathed.
He heard a whimper, but this time it wasn't his own. His hand flew away from himself, eyes squeezing tightly closed. Oh, god. This was humiliating. "Jesus fucking Christ." he swore to himself in English. "Please leave." He didn't dare look at who it was, he didn't want to go through the next few weeks avoiding eye contact with someone.
"...But." The voice squeaked, already sounding way too familiar. "You called me."
"I don't want to talk about it Gyuvin." Matthew rolled over to face the wall, neck burning from embarrassment. Of course, of all eight people that could've caught him, it had to be the one he was moaning the name of. "Leave.'' He hoped he sounded intimidating and not like he was about to cry.
There was a long pause, one Matthew tried to convince himself meant Gyuvin left and he just didn't hear. Unfortunately, his ears were hyper aware of every tiny sound at the moment. He could still hear Gyuvin breathing. He tried desperately not to break into tears. "I don't wanna." Gyuvin finally said, more of a whisper than anything.
Matthew's confusion overtook his embarrassment for a moment and he turned his head to look at Gyuvin. Oh. He was standing, hands balled into tight fists at his sides, still holding his shopping bags. His thighs were clenched together. The worst part was he wasn't even looking up, his head hung low, hiding his face. "What?"
"I don't wanna leave, Hyung." Gyuvin's voice cracked. Somehow, his head sunk even lower in his chest. Matthew couldn't bring himself to do anything but stare. "Please..."
Matthew felt a fresh plume of warmth reach his face. This couldn't be real. He dug into his thigh with his nails, willing himself to snap out of it. This fantasy had really gone too far. But Gyuvin remained. Matthew's heart was racing, he could feel the blood rushing in his ears. He had to be sure, if this was going any farther. "Gyuvin, you know what I was doing, right?"
He nodded.
"What was I doing then?" Matthew said carefully, trying to not spook him off.
"Hyung, don't make me say it..." Gyuvin covered his face with his hands. Despite his earlier fantasies, Matthew couldn't help but find him adorable. The urge to get more reactions out of Gyuvin was eating at him.
"How am I supposed to know you're serious if you don't tell me?" Matthew's nerves were slowly morphing into excited butterflies.
"Just Matthew's fine." He felt himself start to smile. "And look at me, please."
Gyuvin took a deep breath. He lowered his hands away from his face slowly, revealing his wonderfully crimson complexion. "Matthew." He dug his nails into his palms, willing himself to look up. "Were you... touching... yourself..." He let out a little whine before taking another breath. "Thinking about... me?"
Matthew ate up every second Gyuvin left his face uncovered. He knew he probably had a stupid, half horny-brained grin plastered across his face but he couldn't stop.
"Hyu-... Matthew." Gyuvin complained, turning his body away but keeping his face in view.
"Yeah," He breathed, barely audible. "Yeah, I was." He was kind of dazed and awestruck. Kim Gyuvin being anything other than overly excited or passed out was always a pleasant change, but this was something else entirely.
"O-okay." Gyuvin cleared his throat, clearly trying to decide what to do next. "Did you... like it?"
Matthew couldn't help but to break into a little fit of giggles.
"Matthew!" He whined, stomping in place pathetically.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Matthew tried to catch his breath in between spurts of snickering. "I'm not making fun of you, I promise."
"You sure sounded like you were." Gyuvin pouted and crossed his arms. "Look, I can leave and pretend this didn't happen, but..." His eyes drifted to the floor.
Gyuvin shuffled his feet around and cleared his throat. His mind seemed to be working overtime. He sighed after a moment and turned on his heel. Matthew could've sworn he was about to storm off. His chest twinged at bit at the thought. But Gyuvin didn't leave. Instead he set his bags down beside Matthew's dresser and closed the door, paused, then locked it.
"But I want to hear you say that again." His expression had turned stern.
Matthew felt his face heat again. Right, he was supposed to be the embarrassed one here. He'd been walked in on and he'd completely forgotten as soon as Gyuvin acted cute. He really was done for.
He yelped then cringed at the noise. "Yeah?" He squeaked.
Gyuvin took a careful step forward. "Can I- please- can I touch you?" His face was no less red than before, but it seemed he'd found some confidence.
Matthew couldn't stop the nod that came out of him. "Please." it sounded desperate, but he kinda was.
Gyuvin approached slowly, taking off his jacket on his way. He kneeled in front of Matthew's bed, eyes trained on Matthew's. "Can I...?" He gestured to the blanket that was still draped over Matthew's lap.
Matthew bit his lip and nodded. God, what was he getting himself into?
Gyuvin was so gentle, sliding the blanket off slowly and deliberately. Unveiling Matthew like he was something precious. He exhaled deeply once he was in full view. "Wow." He breathed, his hands floating absently around. "Okay, hhhh, okay, wow."
Matthew chuckled under his breath. "Am I that impressive?"
"Yeah..." Gyuvin whispered, half there. "You're really pretty, Hyung."
Matthew felt his dick twitch at the compliment and groaned. "Sorry, I-"
"Don't be." Gyuvin interrupted. "It's cute." He swallowed and took his eyes off of Matthew's crotch, seemingly with great effort. "I'm gonna start now, okay?"
"O-okay." Matthew winced at himself.
Gyuvin gently wrapped his hand around the base of Matthew's cock, squeezing softly. "Warm..." he mumbled absent-mindedly. He inched his hand upward, more feeling him up than trying to get him off. He placed his hand on Matthew's inner thigh and scooched forward, eyes twinkling with interest. He thumbed at the bit of skin connecting Matthew's foreskin to the head of his cock, making him gasp. Ever so slowly, Gyuvin started moving his hand, working his way up and down Matthew's shaft, staring intently at every movement.
Matthew covered his mouth with his hand. Not only was Taerae asleep not even 30 feet away, but it just felt way too embarrassing to let Gyuvin hear anything. Even if Gyuvin was the one making him make the embarrassing noises. Jesus, this was really happening. Matthew stole a look downwards. Gyuvin, with his hand on Matthew's dick. He couldn't comprehend that, even just as a sentence. His brain flashed that same image of Gyuvin baring over top of him from before. "Gyu-...Gyuvin?" He tried not to pant.
"Yes, Matthew?" Gyuvin had no intention of stopping his movement now that he'd started, Matthew's voice seemingly only spurring him on.
"What you said before..." Matthew winced and covered his mouth again, whimpering into it. "Did- ah- did you mean it? Do you want- ah- me to call you-" He was cut off by Gyuvin's increasing pressure on his dick, strokes speeding up the more he talked. "Ngh!" A strangled moan fought its way out, somehow making Matthew blush even deeper.
"Call me what?" Gyuvin's voice came out darker than before. He might be even worse off than Matthew.
"Oh, come on! You know- ah- what I'm talking about." Matthew whined.
"Yeah, but I wanna hear you say it." Gyuvin finally took his eyes back off of Matthew's dick. "Please."
And who could deny a face like that? Red down to his collarbone, pupils blown, lips parted just enough that Matthew could see his tongue. "Gyuvin... Gyuvin-oppa." The embarrassment curled its way up through Matthew's stomach.
"Fuck..." Gyuvin's head dropped to his chest, strokes going lopsided. "Matthew, I really want you in my mouth right now, but I've- I haven't-not with a guy anyway-" he blathered.
God, he was so cute. "You can- if you want. I wouldn't mind. I can teach you." Matthew reached down and stroked the top of his head. "I mean as long as you don't bite it off, I think you're fine." He chuckled.
Gyuvin whined incoherently. "Matthew, no fair." He flopped forward, squishing his cheek into Matthew's bare thigh.
"Sorry, sorry." Matthew smiled fondly at the top of Gyuvin's head. He wasn't sure if they'd ever had this much contact before, but maybe that was for a reason. "Gyuvinnie-"
His head shot up and he gave Matthew what was probably supposed to be a glare, but his fucked out expression overrid it.
"Gyuvinnie...Oppa." Matthew swallowed. He hated that it'd already gotten easier to say. "Let me teach you, huh?" He braved a hand on Gyuvin's cheek, which he immediately nuzzled into. Cute. He scooched forwards on his knees, crotch absently bumping into Matthew's shin. "Jesus." Matthew wasn't sure if Gyuvin's dick hit him or straight bone. "You're really hard."
Gyuvinnie nodded lazily. "You're really hot."
"Do you... I mean, I could teach you... by example, if you want?" Matthew felt like he should probably be embarrassed, especially given how embarrassed he was at just calling Gyuvin a name, but he wasn't. He was kinda curious, if anything.
Gyuvin's eyes shot open- as open as he could make them, given his state. "Oh! Um, uh- o-okay. If you want."
"Don't worry, I have experience." Matthew smiled smugly. "Come up here." He patted the bed then slid off, pulling up his sweatpants as he went. Gyuvin crawled up onto the bed, knees clamped shut. "Relax, I got this. Tell me if you need a break." He paused. "Gyuvin-oppa." The expression on Gyuvin's face made Matthew smile like a cat. He leaned forward and started busying himself with Gyuvin's fly. It was no easy task given the massive tent blocking his view. Even through his pants, Matthew was already dreading how big Gyuvin was going to be. His fly came undone and Gyuvin lifted his hips to making tugging his pants down easier. He was chewing on his sleeve. Cute. Matthew braced himself then tugged down the waistband of his boxer-briefs. Gyuvin's cock sprang free with a bounce. "Jesus christ." He stared open mouthed at it.
"Is something wrong?" Gyuvin pouted down at him.
"No, it's just..." Matthew tried to measure it with his hand, but it was too small. "You're kinda massive." He swallowed.
Gyuvin giggled above him. "Oh, come on, it's not that big."
"No, I like, seriously feel bad for any women you've been with." He pulled Gyuvin's cock forward so it stood straight, making him whine. "Jesus."
"Hng- Hyung if you're gonna touch it, can you give me some warning first?" He panted.
"Oh, sorry Gyuvinnie." He met Gyuvin's eyes. The face he was making made Matthew go a little crazy. One eye closed, the other half lidded, mouth agape with a silver string of spit connecting his top and bottom lip. His brain backfired. "Here's your warning." He smiled wryly then took Gyuvin's head into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, occasionally flattened it to drag it along the slit.
"Fuck! Hyung-" Gyuvin twitched forward. "That wasn't- ngh- much of a warning!"
Matthew hummed around him in response, eliciting a wonderfully strained noise from Gyuvin. Something childish and competitive was burning in him, like he had to prove himself. He bobbed his head down a few centimeters, working the rest of Gyuvin's length with his hand. He took a deep breath before taking him in until he reached his fist, the head knocking into the back of his throat.
"Hyung- fuck- I'm really sensitive- it's been a while-" Gyuvin babbled. His hands came to rest on the back of Matthew's head, tangling into his hair gently. "Careful please."
Matthew pulled off with a pop. "Of course, Oppa." He smiled at the desperate noise that made its way out of Gyuvin, then plunged his way all the way back down. He bobbed ever so slowly, willing his throat to take just a little bit more. Fuck, Gyuvin was big. He tried to not imagine what it would be like inside him, how deep it would reach. He felt his throat start to spasm and backed off. If he couldn't take it all in his mouth he'd just have to treat the part he could fit extra special. He pressed his tongue firmly against the side of Gyuvin's shaft and moved it side to side as he bobbed. Spit was dribbling from the corners of his mouth at this point but he didn't really mind, it was just extra lubricant for his hand to pump the bottom half of Gyuvin's dick with. The soft gasps and moans above him were slowly turning into muffled, stuttering grunts. He pulled off just enough to give Gyuvin's slit kitten licks. "Close already, Oppa?" Matthew looked up to make eye contact. Shit, that was a mistake. Gyuvin's eyes had a fire he couldn't quite place, but he could certainly guess. It made his stomach drop straight to his feet.
Gyuvin's fingers curled into his hair firmly. "Don't stop. Wanna cum in your mouth. Please." The words were slurred but the look on his face was as if this was a matter of life and death.
"Greedy." Matthew huffed, but sunk back down onto him nonetheless. It'd been a while since he last let someone cum in his mouth, but this was his Gyuvinnie. Even if he was sucking his dick at the moment, he still did have a soft spot for him. He wondered how Gyuvin would taste. He sped up his strokes in time with his head movements, spurred on by the light pressure Gyuvin was applying to the back of his head. He tongued lightly at the underside of Gyuvin's glands, making him groan.
"M'close..." His hands pulled at Matthew's head gently.
Matthew took that as a sign to go deeper. He bobbed down to brush his nose against his knuckles again, filling his mouth to the brim. He hollowed his cheeks and worked his head up and down. He felt Gyuvin start to shudder. He plunged down so Gyuvin was at his throat, then pushed himself a little farther. He suppressed a cough as Gyuvin moaned.
"Matthew!" He gasped as he spilled into Matthew's mouth and down his throat. His hands tugged at Matthew's blond hair as he rode out his high. Matthew felt strings of cum shoot down his throat and over his tongue. It tasted sweeter than normal, maybe it was because of all the snacks Gyuvin was always eating, or maybe Matthew's brain just ignored the bitterness more easily because of who's it was.
Matthew tapped Gyuvin's thigh as soon as he was sure he was finished.
"Oh, sorry!" Gyuvin let him go and hung his head back.
Matthew slid off of Gyuvin's dick slowly, enjoying the way he jolted from overstimulation. "Gyuvinnie, look." He tapped his leg again.
"Hmm?" Gyuvin's head fell forward again then froze.
Matthew stuck his tongue out with an 'ahh", cum dribbling down the entire surface. A bead fell onto his lap but he swiped it up with his finger and put it back in his mouth. He made sure Gyuvin was watching as he swallowed.
"Oh... my god?" Gyuvin sat shell shocked.
Matthew giggled at him. "Figured you'd like that." He stood, legs wobbly. "Scooch." He shooed Gyuvin to the side then sat next to him, resting his head on his shoulder after a moment. "Was it a good lesson, Gyuvinnie-oppa?" he snickered, pushing into Gyuvin.
"Mhmmm.' He stretched it into a hum. "Gimme a minute to recover, then it's my turn."
"Your turn?" Matthew scoffed. "Isn't it my turn if, y'know, I'm the one getting it?"
"Nope." Gyuvin rested his head on the wall and smiled, arms behind his head. "My turn because I'll have more fun."
Somehow, Matthew's face got even warmer. "I don't think that's possible. I mean, didn't you have fun when it was 'my' turn?" He made air quotes with his fingers.
"Of course I did!" Gyuvin pouted down at him. "But I wanna see your face when I suck you off." He grinned.
"I- uh- okay." Matthew stuttered, head filling with images he'd rather not share. "You've sure gotten brave in the last ten minutes."
"I don't think it's possible- even for me- to take 'hey can I suck your dick' as a bad sign." Gyuvin hummed contently then slid down on his back to the floor. He flipped over then sat. "So..." He looked up at Matthew with that same unplaceable fire from before. "Hey, can I suck your dick?"
Matthew wasn't sure whether to laugh or blush. He settled on nodding. "Y-yeah, you can..."
"Don't worry, I had a very good teacher." Gyuvin beamed up at him, splitting his face straight in two.
"Someone's excited." Matthew mumbled behind his hand.
Gyuvin nodded, leaning forward. "Someone's hot." He tugged down Matthew's sweatpants and boxers in one motion. His cock bounced into his stomach. "Hello again, pretty."
"Shut up." Matthew pushed at Gyuvin's shoulder.
"You'd rather I lie?" Gyuvin huffed in faux anger. "It's pretty... you're pretty." His voice got airy all of the sudden, like he was under some dick-spell. "Matthew-hyung? Can I ask a favour?"
Matthew swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. "Yeah, Gyuvinnie?"
Gyuvin's eyes hazily made their way up Matthew's torso to meet his eyes. "Can you take off your shirt- please? I really wanna see you-... your muscles... they're so nice." Rather than being spoken, the words vaguely floated out of Gyuvin's mouth.
Matthew tried not to flush. If working out made Gyuvin act like this, he might have to never stop. Without a word, he tugged his t-shirt up over his head. Judging by the strangled gurgle that came from Gyuvin, it was a nice view. "There." Matthew turned his face away. "Anything else?"
"No..." Gyuvin's glassed over eyes traced him from head to... well, other head. "Perfect- you're perfect." He mumbled, leaning over to press a kiss to the inside of Matthew's thigh. "So pretty." Another on his hip.
Matthew's breath got caught up in his throat, coming out clicky. Gyuvin looked almost how he imagined, ready to eat him alive, but in his fantasies Gyuvin wasn't quite so... far gone. Honestly it was hotter this way, affecting him so deeply.
"Matthew..." Gyuvin breathed. Locking his eyes on Matthew's, he trailed his tongue down the crease where his hip met his thigh. It made Matthew shiver.
"I don't think I taught you that..." Matthew panted.
"No, but I wanted to do it." Gyuvin muttered, voice darkening. "Please, Seok Matthew, can I taste you?"
Matthew shuddered, eyes trying to escape from Gyuvin's gaze but suddenly unable to. He nodded slowly, out of focus. "Yes..."
Gyuvin inched his way closer. "Yes, who?" Matthew could feel his breath ghost across his cock.
"Oppa- Gyuvin-oppa, please." He blabbered, face hot with shame. He'd do anything to get Gyuvin's mouth on his dick at this point, calling him a name among the less detestable. Still, the small part of Matthew that was still lucid screamed at him to stop, or slow down at the very least. That part was stupid anyway.
"Good- perfect." Gyuvin mumbled, pressing his lips to the head of Matthew's cock, kissing it gently. Ever so softly, like he was a dog trying to sneak a treat while no one was looking, he placed his lips around Matthew, just below the head. His tongue felt around curiously, sliding around him and licking up the precum he'd leaked. "You taste nice..." Gyuvin muttered, mouth still full.
The vibrations made Matthew gasp before slapping a hand over his mouth.
Gyuvin let Matthew fall out of his mouth then leaned up close to his face. "None of that." he took his hands and pulled them away from his face. "Wanna hear you."
"But- Taerae's-"
"Sleeping and behind a door. Shush. Lemme hear." Gyuvin spoke as if he was saying the most logical thing in the world.
"O-okay." Matthew let his hands fall. He moved one to rest on Gyuvin's cheek. Gyuvin took him back into his mouth, maneuvering Matthew's cock into his cheek, poking him in the hand. He giggled at himself.
"Very funny, Gyuvinnie." He couldn't help the fond smile that made its way onto his face. Gyuvin only responded by taking Matthew in deeper, making him hiss. "Fuck, Oppa." Gyuvin flicked his tongue over the bit of skin connecting Matthew's foreskin to the head of his cock. Matthew tried to hold back his noises, but it was much harder without a hand to muffle himself. He could feel Gyuvin smile around him. Gyuvin bobbed lower, taking nearly all of Matthew into his mouth. Matthew stole a glance down only to be met with Gyuvin staring intently up at him. Fuck, is that how he looked a minute ago? Hair messy, cheeks full, lips pink, eyes hazy and glassed over, big and pleading. Gyuvin hollowed his cheeks and slid up and down Matthew's length, tongue pressed flat against it. Matthew chewed on his lower lip, worrying away at it in some hope to make the embarrassing whimpers he was making die down. He couldn't take much more, this was all so overwhelming. Plus he'd been played with off and on for well over 30 minutes, and he wasn't exactly the most desensitized person at the moment.
"Oppa, please- Oppa I'm close- please-" It came out a lot less coherent than he'd expected but his head was spinning too much for him to care. Gyuvin hummed around him on some kind of question, one Matthew hoped he was answering correctly. "Please- wanna cum on your face- please Oppa."
Gyuvin backed off, only holding the head in his mouth once again. He pumped his hand as fast as he could make it go, tongue working at Matthew's slit. "So pretty for me, baby." he mumbled into Matthew. "Cum for me."
"Fuck- fuck- ah-" Matthew whimpered. His hips jerked back as he crested his climax, pulling himself out of Gyuvin's mouth. The first spirt landed on his lips, the sight drove him crazy. Ears ringing, 'world flashes white' crazy. "Fuck, Gyuvin-" his voice got caught in his throat. He slowly came down from it, the whole room spinning. He flopped forward unconsciously into Gyuvin, head to shoulder. After a moment he felt hands weave into his hair, tracing gentle circles into his scalp.
As his ears stopped ringing a quiet stream of 'You did so good's and 'So pretty's became the only sound he could hear. Gyuvin was mumbling at him, forehead to forehead. He looked down to see Gyuvin's sleeve covered in him.
"You... called me baby." Was the first thing out of Matthew's mouth. His voice was creaky and strained.
Gyuvin pulled away so he could look at him. He held his shoulders, thumb gliding back and forth. "Yeah. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just really excited." He laughed lightly, with an undertone of hurt.
"No, I-" Matthew wasn't sure what to say, or where exactly he was even going. "I didn't mind- I don't."
"Here." Gyuvin gently pushed Matthew down to lie on the bed. "I'll be right back, promise." He said, peeling his sweater off then crumpling it into a ball.
Matthew didn't have to wait long before Gyuvin reappeared with a glass of water and a damp washcloth. "Do you need anything else?" He asked, a little panicked looking.
"No, that's more than enough." Matthew started to push himself up on his elbows but Gyuvin put a firm hand on his chest.
"Let me do this for you?" He sounded almost guilty. He took Matthew by the chin, wiping at the corners of his mouth and his bottom lip. The washcloth was warm, and smelled faintly of the hand soap Ricky had bought claiming 'No way I'm washing my hands with a bar'. "Sorry in advance." Gyuvin whispered before dabbing Matthew's softening dick clean, making him flinch at the overstimulation. "Sorry, sorry. All done."
Matthew stared at Gyuvin as he stood and placed the washcloth in the laundry basket by his dresser. He just stood there facing the wall, hands pulled to his chest. "Gyuvinnie-"
"It's okay we don't have to talk about it if you don't want." Gyuvin interrupted. "I'm glad I got to do that though."
"Would you listen for once? I swear, this brat." Matthew grumbled and swung his feet off the bed. He padded over to Gyuvin and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him into a back hug. Matthew felt a little short for this, seeing as his cheek came to rest in between Gyuvin's shoulder blades, but the gesture was the same. "I'm not mad. I had a good time." He took a deep breath, steeling himself for his next words. "This might sound silly considering what we just finished doing but... I really like you Gyuvinnie-ah." He buried his face into Gyuvin's back. He felt a little bit too much like a middle school girl at the moment to properly face him.
"Oh, thank god." Gyuvin's shoulders sank. "I really don't know how long I could've dealt with casual sex. You're too pretty." He tried to turn but Matthew was latched securely to his back. "Hey, no fair Hyung!"
"No way I'm letting you see my face right now." Matthew's voice was muffled by the fabric of Gyuvin's t-shirt.
"But you let me see your face when you had my dick in your mouth?"
"That's different!" Matthew whined.
"Are you really more embarrassed now, Hyung?" Gyuvin chuckled and reached behind him to pat Matthew on the head. "It's too late, I already like your face no matter what it looks like."
"Hmm?" Matthew mumbled, tightening his grip around Gyuvin's waist.
"I really like you too Matthew-hyung. I like seeing you when you just woke up and your eyes are all puffy, I like seeing how happy you are when you dance, I like seeing you drool when you fall asleep in the car. You always look good." Gyuvin sighed, rocking the two of them gently from foot to foot.
"...If you keep talking like that, I'm gonna start thinking you have a crush on me." Matthew chuckled at himself, light and airy. He let go of Gyuvin's shirt slowly, like he was letting go of the dock as he stepped into a boat. He was just as rocky, anyway.
"Shut up." Gyuvin's smile was huge and sincere, creasing his eyes. "I'm, like, really happy right now."
"I can tell." Matthew snickered into the back of his hand. "C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up too. I'll help you wash up." He smiled fondly up at Gyuvin, taking his hand and pulling him to the door.
"Why does that make me nervous?" Gyuvin giggled.
"Because," Matthew looked over his shoulder at the Saint-Bernard who doesn't know how big he is that is Kim Gyuvin. "I'm pretty."
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soaplickerrr · 3 months
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🦋🔷🌀 ABOUT ME 🌀🔷🦋
J ! Any Pronouns. Bi. 18. Sagittarius. Dec 12, 2005. INTP. Afro-Latin. Born in DR, Raised there until 8; And been growing up in America since. M.List.
Anon List!! (none yet😭)
: …
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- SKZ : OT8 !! Changbin is my ult bias!!
- ATEEZ : OT8 !!
- ENHA : Ni-Ki and Sunghoon biased !!
- XG : Cocona all the way🫡
- PsyFe : Jimmy, Ryushin and Kokoro biased !!
- P1H : Jeongseob and Soul biased !!
- XIKERS : Yechan and Sumin biased !!
- TxT : Beomgyu biased !!
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- Been writing since middle school, stopped writing for fun in high school and picked it back up after my first year in college.
- Constructive criticism is completely accepted as I'm trying to get back into writing !!
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Top groups : Stray Kids, ATEEZ, Enhypen, XG (X-Pop), Psychic Fever (J-Pop), P1Harmony, Xikers, and Tomorrow by Together.
Top Non-Kpop (and of the sort) Artists : Arctic Monkeys, System of a Down, Måneskin, Skindred, AC/DC (and more, but I'm lazy.)
- My story on how I got into K-pop is long, but let me cut it short for you! ↓↓
: 2019 - Randomly found an ATEEZHello82 interview during their ‘Wonderland’ promotions, became obsessed with the song, and added it to my playlist. Couple days later, I found a Kard Interview from their ‘Bomb Bomb’ promotions from a couple months earlier, became obsessed with the song, and also added it to my playlist. Couple days later, found ‘Boy With Luv’ by BTS, and while I didn’t like the song much, I enjoyed the video and was interested, leading me to look into them. BTS was the first group I stanned.
: 2020 - Introduced my older cousin to BTS and she became obsessed, obsessed to the point where she claimed biases and told me i couldn’t favorite the same songs as her or even bias the same members, this put me off and I slowly drifted from them.
: 2021 - Forgot that the BTS songs, ‘Wonderland’ and ‘Bomb Bomb’ were Kpop and I listened to them as if it was the like the rest of the music in my playlist, (except it wasn’t, i used to not separate my playlists so it was a jumbled mess of 80’s, Childish Gambino, Nu-Metal, Skindred, SOAD, Rock, Arctic Monkeys (literally their whole discography) and Måneskin. (so many more artists but im too lazy, basically, i listen to everything)
: 2022 : Early 2022 - Removed the Kpop songs from my playlist, leading me to forget about them. Late 2022 (Around October) - Asked my best friend who was very much into Kpop to recommend me some music, and I looked into it.
: 2023 (April) - Had a bunch of Kpop songs in a separate playlist, and came across a Kpop in public video, the song in it was ‘Maniac’ by SKZ which I then became obsessed with, that song led me to ‘Case 143’ which i listened to for months, and it intriguedme to the point where I thought “I HAVE to stan this group” and I looked into a guide. Then, 2023 (May) I fully considered myself both a Stay and a Kpop stan.
Later in the month: Started stanning other groups.
There's my story of how I got into K-pop, it's the shortest I could make it 😔.
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absolutebl · 2 years
I have seen calls by Western (mostly American judging by English accents) fans to stop using the words Tsundere and Seme or other non-English labels related to BL. Critics have stated this alongside requests to stop using terms “top” and “bottom” as they are antiquated and limiting in their use, stuck in a gender binary and the roles that come with it, and hetero-centric.
As a queer, white, American BL fan, I am hesitant to comment on any part of queer culture that isn’t mine. I don’t particularly use the words mentioned but that has more to do with being new here and not remembering them than it does any conscious boycott. I also am hesitant to criticize queerness and how it it is expressed in culture outside of my own. For example, the use of the term “wife” in Thai BL to refer to a male partner. I don’t really know about Thai queer culture so I don’t have enough info to comment.
Anywho, I’m curious what your thoughts are on the Western, queer lens and critique of BL? It seems short sighted to me in my minimal exposure. I’d love your thoughts.
Love your blog! Keep up the awesome work.
seme/uke isn't queer (sorry, but its not terminology that belongs to, applies, or even should really be used by the queers to apply to our community in any way, certainly not applied to other queers *shudder*) its narrative terminology, as in pop culture or lit crit. Which means, by its nature, it is designed to talk about characters and archetypes, not real humans. Avoid applying it to real people and it's fair game IMHO. The problem is fans conflating it (or BL characters, for that matter) to real human beings. And that's fandom's fault, not the syntax. 
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I really don't like the pillarization of words, (and I can’t STAND attacks within the community, like seriously don’t queers have actual - ya know - rights for fight for and non-queers to police these days, why all this infighting?) especially when there is NO alternative narrative word choice that doesn't impose a queer lens onto stories (BL or yaoi). These narratives are still, in the main, NOT queer, and not intended for a queer audience. In other words, can a critic of the terms seme/uke come up with something better than seme/uke? Until they do, I think it’s fair to apply these words to narrative analysis and discussion as long as the user defines them and knows their history.
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Western queer lens critique/approach is fine IMHO so long as the critic understands their lens, bias, and cultural immersion issues (as in, limits to comprehension and socio-political, linguistic, and regional bubbles). Or makes an honest attempt. 
The point of healthy dialogue around pop culture is to encourage research, linguistic and otherwise, and understanding, travel (actual, mental, emotional, or fantastical), immersion, and openness to alternate cultures, social dynamics, and ways of perceiving the world. (And I do mean perception.) So long as all that is occurring because of these narratives, then the narratives are doing their pop-culture jobs.
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With the possible exception of Japan, BLs are being expressly produced for a global market (now) therefore they not only can be but should be critiqued (in the academic sense of the world) by global audiences based in different cultures (and with different lenses). 
BL is pop culture entertainment intended for a global market (as, indeed, is Kpop). It’s like publishing a book and not expecting bad reviews. The thing has gone out into the world to entertain, and entertainment by its nature it is what the audience makes of the experience. The resulting pop culture phenomena IS a dialogue between creator/artist and consumer/audience. Otherwise why put it out into the world in the first place? 
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This goes into one of those old arguments about separating the art from the artist. Does the art itself have its own autonomy? Will harry potter always be colored by JKR’s behavior? Ender’s game by Card’s? Lovecraft by Lovecraft’s? 
I am one those critics who believe that the experience of art and entertainment is what the audience makes of it, but that the origin should be taken into account as well. These aren’t mutually exclusive. The nature of intent is in play in both directions. The creator may intend one thing, but the consumer can and will end up reacting to whatever they make of that creation. They will take away what they wish from the experience. They will bring their own bias and life experiences to their enjoyment of any piece of media. Which is why no media satisfies everyone. 
In other words, the creators of the thing and what they intend is in play, but so is the intention of the audience. Some viewers go into BL with the intent to find flaws and to criticize (in the online sense of the word) and many of those are queer folk. 
Also, negativity always gets more online attention than positivity. 
I guess all this is say sure “everyone is entitled to their own opinion,” but if certain persons feel entitled to express that option in public, I’m equally entitled not to give it any weight if it’s ill informed. 
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I like Tae’s vibe. I actually like the New jeans approach of multiple low budget MVs instead of 1 big bang cause it increases more revenue without triggering the hyper competitive K-pop space.
What do you think?
and this suits Tae, something about him just gives off not interested in the K-pop space. In fact, the only member I think who actually respects K-pop is probably Jimin. I judge this based on the artists they look up to. Jhope & RM like Jcole & Nas, American rappers. Forgot who Suga likes. Tae looks up to older jazz artists. JK likes American pop artists and Jimin likes Big Bang & independent artist. Idk about Jin honestly.
I’ve listened to Jimin’s playlist on AM: Springtime sounds and none of these songs are big title tracks/ singles. These are low key artists singing about their lives and loves. Jimin listens to Alec Benjamin, a guy with a great voice, small but loyal following and purposefully left the music industry behind after making a breakout hit so he could sing about his stories. My flex is that Jimin and I listen to the same type of music.
Went off on a tangent but my point is: These guys obviously have different views as to what a successful artist is. And they are all following that path. I think for Jimin a successful artist is producing good music for loyal fans rather than a general audience. I could be wrong of course. If so, Like Crazy’s success would be heartwarming as everyone and their mama knows that it’s carried by fans sharing & streaming.
The funny thing with Jimin though is that even if he tried to be a low key artist he couldn’t. Yes he does his own thing, sings about his story, doesn’t get major airplay and is listened mainly by a loyal fanbase who lives him and shares his music.
However his loyal fanbase is hugeee, so by virtue of that he’s left the lowkey artist category and also the K-pop category behind. What you mean you wanna release your long awaited album as an mp3?
Thinking about that sometimes makes me laugh. Jimin just wanna be lowkey, regular K-pop male artist singing his tunes then boom #1 on hot 100, Ryan Gosling giving him a guitar, song going platinum in the states(I’m calling it), fans demanding to buy his song. He’s non existent on socials rn and still trending
To be honest i kind of find Jimin fans funny. He said in Suchwita he wants to top billboard continuously. And everyone kinda knew he meant as BTS but his fans said “oh YOU want it? Here you go baby have a #1 on hot 100”. Making it look like it’s easy. Lol I’m sure Jimin knows his fans have plans for him.
They keeping him in the top 50 global just cause and I don’t think they gonna stop. Right now they have a goal to rechart LC also just cause and I’m interested to see how things unfold.
All of these are gifts they want to give Jimin. Almost like they’re proving to him we are here, we support you and we appreciate your music, and to cause a ripple in the company doesn’t hurt either.
Ok, this is the only ask I will answer regarding Tae's music so don't come sending more, please!
I don't want to answer Tae music stuff, other anons!
But I'll answer this one because I appreciate that you took time to share all this.
First question. Our opinions vary greatly.
I think with how competitive kpop is, you need that big trigger, especially if it's a debut album. Tae needed to risk it but didn't. For me, this all feels safe although it wasn't intended to come across that way.
I think that his visual album should have been released all at once. I know this way is done to create anticipation but I haven't been pulled into his story yet. Maybe that will change once the 3rd mv is released or his photos tie more stuff together?
It's interesting that you find the aesthetic fitting because I don't lol I do agree that Tae is not kpop at all but this album concept feels off to me. Like it's fabricated and doesn't show the real Tae. I feel like his fans would appreciate that. Perhaps the concepts worked for New Jeans since it's quirky cute. And I remember writing a few weeks ago how Tae had changed his style and if that was reflective of what he would show in his upcoming album. And we are seeing change but not in any sort of direction. I don't see the essence of Tae in this. Or his new style.
I like to see the essence of the artist even in their on-stage personas. I'm not seeing it here.
But maybe this is just me being intense as usual.
Second question. Jimin. I do agree that Jimin tries to tell stories through his songs and he does that beautifully. Even if his songs differ greatly, like Promise and Set Me Free pt.2, they both have that air of Jimin in it. But I'm not being biased, I'm not a fan of both.
I do think the pandemic caused the change in direction of Jimin's artistry. But I hope that he has seen the reception, BB charts and worldwide records, and sees that his music is meant for a wider audience even if the stories are personal to him. We can see that FACE was his struggle and rebirth so I'm looking forward to his next album, which he said was going to more upbeat.
With the right team and tools, his songs can achieve greater success. It is heartwarming that Jimin lovers are still carrying his song still. It's our token of love and appreciation but I hope that the his next project has the company support he deserves added to the fan support he has rightfully earned.
Hopefully we get to see this soon enough.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I really like how you think. Maybe you won't like my take on Tae's music but do you want to be friends? Message me?
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limi-pie · 2 years
Like a butterfly part 1
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A/N: Ello’ I’ve finally managed to pull through my laziness and correct part 1. I apologize for ghosting you guys and not updating regularly. ^^" Honestly the idea of Yuta being a tattoo artist and getting tattoos done by him is asdfghjkl, I can’t help but fangirl also let’s not forget his performance and his hot tattoos. (Lord have mercy.)
So I hope you guys enjoy this.
🦋 < Teaser – Next part >
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Female! Specific Reader
Contains: Non-idol AU, Tattoo AU, Tattoo artist! Nakamoto Yuta, Librarian! Y/N, Multi idols from different groups, Comedy, Friends to lovers, Romance, Complicated relationships, Hints of jealous Yuta, Mentions of cussing, piercings, and tattoos.
Warnings: Alcohol, drinking, smoking, cigarettes, light smut, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, hickies, oral sex (female) receiving, lying.
Wordcount: 7,960
Disclaimer: The reader I’ve created in this fanfiction is a woman of East Asian descent (she’s half-Japanese and half-Korean) and she has certain features and looks a certain way. The reason for this is that I wanted some more East Asian representation in Kpop fanfics! Some of these relationships between said persons are only meant to be considered fictional, in no way do I ship them in real life. They’re just there to add dynamic to the plot. (Also, because my multi fan ass just wants to have fun.) Please keep in mind that the way I’ve described the idols in this story is in no way real or representative of how they behave in real life, this is just based on my imagination.
Also in this fanfiction, some said persons are involved in an abusive, unhealthy and manipulative relationship. Please keep in mind that this is all fanmade and fiction. I don’t encourage this kind of terrible relationship and if you are in one, please seek help. Never put yourself second to anyone; remember that you’re important and loved. 💚
You stepped down from the ladder, the dangling name tag attached to your white cardigan ‘Miyoshi Y/N’. You’re an intelligent and hardworking woman in your mid-twenties, 24 years. Finding huge happiness in reading tons of Shoujo Romance mangas, and loving the romantic and sweet themes. Innocent, feminine, a bit timid, quiet, and introverted are usually the words people associate you with. In a way you were like a tiny timid turtle; you wouldn’t come out of your shell unless you felt comfortable around them. People always misunderstand your silence, it’s not that you hate speaking or interacting with them. It’s not easy to engage in speaking so comfortably with new people, it’s always such a challenge to even start the conversation.
You pushed the cart with books, carefully scanning the shelves in search of the biology section.
You were an only child of a Korean father and a Japanese mother, and growing up you had a hard time making lots of friends. Being a mixed kid was a struggle, you often got bullied or picked on for not ‘looking’ or ‘behaving’ like a specific ethnicity. You went to elementary and middle school in Japan. But you spent most of your adolescence and high school years in Korea. That’s where your love for reading began to bloom. It was your way of escaping the troubles, pain, and loneliness of your life. You found comfort in the world of books, how your mind could take you to different places.
You smiled, scanning a few books and placing them on the ‘returned’ shelf.
But that makes perfect sense as to why you work as a librarian after all! That’s right, getting to work at The National Library of Korea in Seocho-Gu was like a dream come true.
You yawned as you climbed up to the ladder’s third step, sorting out some newly arrived manga volumes in the Romance/Shoujo section. When a young man with jet-black hair and fair skin approached you.
“Excuse me, Miss, sorry if I’m bothering you but could you help me find something?”
The man looked at you as he was wearing a brown leather jacket, a black tank top underneath and some pair of black ripped jeans. You noticed the many piercings in his ears, black nail polish, and several silver rings covering his fingers. He gave off the bad boy or a typical troublemaker.
“Of course, Sir. What do you need help with?” You answered politely with a small smile as you put the books back onto the shelf as your eyes finally met.
Although you have a boyfriend… You had to admit he was dangerously hot for a bad boy. Somehow couldn’t keep your eyes off him even if you wanted to.
“Well, I need help with finding this book about butterflies, apparently these beautiful creatures have been very popular recently. Sorry let me explain, I work at a Tattoo Studio and I need some references to sketch them out. Lots of clients have been requesting butterfly tattoos. Sorry if I spoke too much.” He bowed his head as you stepped down from the ladder.
You couldn’t help but admire how passionately and confidently he was about his work, “my, that’s wonderful. I mean butterflies are unique and beautiful. But sure thing! I’ll help you find that book. Please follow me.” You said, bowing back and walking to the large shelf stacked with books about animals.
“I believe it should be on the uppermost shelf. Let me just get that for you.” You moved the ladder from the middle of the shelf to the left and carefully climbed up to the last step of it.
His hands reached out to hold the metal ladder, “let me just make sure I hold this for you. In case it moves around. I’d feel terrible if you fell.” He stated and looked up with a sweet smile on his face. “Ah, thank you,” You nodded and grabbed the book, stepping down. “Here you go, let’s go to the register so I can lend you the book.” He took the book, bowing his head as he followed me to the self-issue machine, “alright may I ask if you have the Korean Library Card?” The man nodded before, tugging his hand into his pocket and he pulled out a small wallet. He took the card out in a swift movement holding it between his index and middle finger.
“Here you go, Miss Miyoshi…” He said, looking at your name tag as you bowed, accepting the card with both of your hands. “Thank you.” You scanned the book and his card as the beeping sound of approval went through. “You have a month to return this book if you see any bruises or damages beforehand. Please contact the library as soon as possible.”
He took the book as you returned his card, “ah, thank you. May I ask a stupid question?” He looked at me waiting for your response. “Um, sure what is it, Sir?” The man asked the question in a foreign language when his voice changed slightly.
“もしかして、日本人ですか?” (Are you by any chance, Japanese?)
“ええと? もちろんです.” (Ehh? Of course I am.)
You’re not fully Japanese. You’re actually half Japanese and Korean. But speaking with this stranger you felt like not getting into too many details, fearing you would be met with prejudices.
You both chuckled, smiling at each other as you spoke in Korean again. “It’s very rare to find Japanese people in Seoul, so I was quite happy to find someone else like me.”
“中本。中本悠太です。はじめまして.” (I’m Nakamoto. Nakamoto Yuta. Nice to meet you.)
“Nice to meet you too, Nakamoto-san,” You replied to him in Japanese as you tugged some hair behind your ear. “Anyway thanks for all the help, I’ll take good care of this book.”
“またね.” (See you.) Nakamoto said as he turned around walking down the stairs as you admired his figure watching him as he left through the exit.
It was an unusual and rare encounter to stumble upon a Japanese person in Seoul.
You had a few hours left so you were just cleaning some empty dusty shelves just to kill time. It was finally 5:00 PM and you were off, the sun began to set soon, and the sky was a perfect mix of cold and warm contrasts. “Irene Unnie, I’m off.” You said, wrapping the blue scarf around your neck.
“Mhm. Great work today, Ms. Miyoshi. See you tomorrow and have a great evening.” You bowed and took your leave as you left through the back exit. You texted your dear boyfriend Bryce and made your way to Seocho station, waiting for the usual Line 2 to arrive.
You: “Hey, Babe.”
You: “I finished work, want to eat dinner together?”
You: “I’ve discovered this new restaurant nearby.”
You walked inside Line 2, headed towards Sindorim. Luckily you didn’t live too far away from the library, it was approximately 5-6 stops away and the trip would be around 20-30 minutes. Even closer to your roomie’s University, she studies at (SNU) Seoul National University. To your surprise, he replied for once and did not leave you on ‘read’.
Bryce: “I can't, I'm too busy right now and later tonight.”
Bryce: “Could you lend me some money?”
Bryce: “I’m quite broke. And I need a ride home.”
Although you really love Bryce, you wish he’d change and mature a bit. He always asks you for money, even though he got a full-time job as a waiter at a restaurant.
You: “How much is it this time?”
You felt frustrated with how often you’ve asked that same question within a month.
Bryce: “6,000₩.”
With a bit of hesitation, you sighed heavily before sending the money to him. “Always the same, nevertheless,” You told yourself as you saw that the station was Sindaebang and it was time for you to get off. You decided to dial your roommate, and she picked up while her voice sounded relaxed.
“What’s up, Y/N-Unnie?” The woman said while music was playing in the background. “Nothing much, have you eaten dinner yet, or are you with Jungkook? I’m almost home, just getting off the subway.”
“Hmmm? Didn’t you and Mr. Asshole Bryce have a dinner date tonight? Did that jerk stand you up again?” You could already imagine her raised eyebrows and frowned expression even though you only heard her voice. You used the elevator as you walked away from the station and headed toward your apartment building.
“No look, Chaeng it’s not like that.” You excused.
Who are you kidding…? Why do you always keep defending him…?
“Miyoshi Y/N. This is within 2 weeks and all he’s been doing is canceling all his plans and dates with you! Are you really okay dealing with this kind of bullshit? How many times are you gonna let it slide? Sheesh. When you’re home, we're going to talk about this.”
You knew Chaeyoung hates Bryce’s guts. But her scolding you make you feel sadder. You sighed as she hung up. Usually, she ends a phone call with a ‘see you at home’ or bye. But you could tell she was furious this time…
You went inside and headed to the first floor, you typed in the password halfway through as Chaeyoung opened the door before even letting you type the rest. “Come inside, we need to talk.” She said walking inside the kitchen, her voice was stern and serious, usually, Chaeng’s tone was playful and bright. But you suppose you’ve angered her by telling her that he stood you up once again and asked you for money. You hung your beige fall coat along with the tote bag on the coat rack and tugged your shoes on the shoe rack. “Sit down.” You sat down on the chair at our dinner table, looking up to see her with crossed arms.
“You’re mad. Aren’t you?” You said sheepishly, looking at her. “Mad? I am extremely outraged! Y/N, for fuck’s sake! He can’t just keep doing this to you!” She lashed out with her arm, pointing at the door. “Bryce can’t keep canceling all his dates with you and beg for money! That’s not what a real boyfriend would do!” You stood there dumbfounded not knowing how to respond so you chose to be silent. “Listen, I don’t want to be the one to break it to you. But–” You knew she had something hurtful to say but she chose not to say it, knowing it would most likely upset you. The tears started forming around your eyes as you felt yourself shake.
You’re used to Bryce scolding you and yelling at you. But it’s a different case when it’s your best friend, roommate, and childhood friend since you knew each other for so long. This was your first time hearing that raised voice of hers.
“Y/N. Miyoshi Y/N. You better not cry… Don’t cry. Don’t you dare cry over a jerk like that!” Chaeyoung said desperately but you were already whimpering and weeping, “sorry. I’m sorry, Chaeyoung… I’m so stupid and such a big idiot…” You apologized, looking down at the floor, your voice shaking, “don’t apologize, please don’t say that to yourself.” She said, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a tight hug.
“Look I’m sorry for raising my voice at you and scolding you, Unnie. I just don’t want Bryce to keep disrespecting and mistreating you like that and making yourself feel small because of him.” You nodded, wiping the tears away as you hugged her with your free arm. “Next time he cancels on you like that, I won't let it slide so easily.” You sighed and nodded rather quickly, “anyways, no I didn’t eat. I actually finished class at 3:00 PM. But I just dropped by Jungkook’s place for some of his hoodies I’ve borrowed. He’s been getting a lot of night shifts in Daegu, so we’ve been face-timing a lot,” Chaeyoung chatted as you listened.
Unlike your hopeless relationship with Bryce, Jungkook seems to genuinely care about Chaeng. After all, they started dating 6 months ago.
“Wanna go and grab some delicious spicy blue crabs, Unnie?” Chaeyoung asked, holding her car keys up and rustling them. “I’d love to, Chaeng! Let me just change, these heels have been killing me all day!”
You wore a black knee-length skirt and some stockings underneath paired with a loose light blue sweater. “Are you ready, Chaeng?” You exclaimed, putting on your black Mary Jane shoes, “yeah I’m born ready, shall we go?” She said, wearing her black Converse sneakers, ripped denim jeans, and a white t-shirt.
Yuta went back to the tattoo studio as he showed the book to his co-workers. “Hey, you two. Check out these beautiful butterflies.”
“Thanks to the recent Korean Dramas, ‘NeverTheLess’ and ‘It’s Okay To Not Be Okay’ that have been so popular.” Ten voiced, cleaning the counter as Johnny swept the floor. “Hmm what should we eat for dinner?” He asked, looking at the two of them.
“On such a windy day how about some warm and cozy Soon-dubu Jji-gae?” Yuta suggested, flipping through the pages of his book.
“That doesn’t sound too bad, Johnny and I will get it while you keep an eye on the place.” Ten said, smiling as he got his leather jacket and helmet. “Right, we’ll be right back, Yuta,” Johnny said, walking out with him. When Yuta picked up his phone as a woman spoke.
“Ah Miya-chan, what’s up? You’re nearby?” He replied in Japanese, looking out the window.
“Well, I’m about to eat dinner. Wanna join us?”
“No, I'm alone at the studio right now, should we see each other tonight? Alright.” He hung up as he sketched some messy doodles of butterflies.
“Annyeonghaseyo, two spicy blue crabs, please.~” While Chaeyoung ordered as you waited for the waitress to find you a clean table. She seated you two at a table near the window as you bowed soon after Chaeyoung returned, sitting across from you. “It’ll be ready in less than 40 minutes or so,” she informed me when two guys walked by the window as she waved. They entered as Chaeyoung greeted them with a cool handshake, the one guy usually does when they greet each other.
“What’s up, Suh?” Chaeyoung said, leaning back a bit as she laughed, “sorry, you know I like joking around with your name, dude.” You got up and you bowed your head.
These two must be one of Chaeyoung’s many friends. You felt a bit overwhelmed since you aren’t used to being around people that you hardly know.
Chaeyoung wrapped an arm around me as she smiled, “this cutie pie right here is Y/N Miyoshi. Y/N, this tall giant is Johnny Suh and the sexy dude is Ten Lee.” The tall man bowed too as he smiled, “it’s nice to meet you Ms. Y/N.” Ten stepped forward, also greeting me, “yeah, it’s an honor meeting Chaeyoung’s cute roomie that she always talks so much about.”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you two as well,” You said and smiled as Chaeyoung hugged you, “anyways what are you getting? Wanna eat together?” Your eyes widened at her words. “Chaeng…” You gently hit her shoulder as a warning, “we’re just going to order the Soon-dubu Jji-gae to the studio,” Johnny said, chuckling at me. “What about Osaka Prince? Is he at the studio or with Miyawaki-chan?” She asked, rubbing her shoulder and giggling at me. “He’s at the studio, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if she actually decides to visit or even call him.” Ten answered as he went to order.
“Say, do Osaka Prince and Miyawaki-chan have a thing going on between them, or are they just messing around?” Chaeyoung questioned, resting her chin on the back of her hand.
“I think they’re close but not dating, you feel me? Lately these days he’s just been very focused on his artwork. And Miya on her modeling career.” You stared at your phone, trying to distract yourself from not engaging in this conversation.
“Here’s your spicy blue crabs and a large bowl of hot steamed rice,” the waitress placed the plates of food on the table. You expressed your thanks, “man this looks way better than the last time we ordered it!”
Chaeyoung said as she grabbed a piece of crab. “Well, bon appetit to the both of you, later, Chae,” Johnny said, leaving with Ten who got their order. You used a spoon to scoop out the delicious spicy crab meat as you placed it on a riceball topped with a piece of seaweed.
You hummed in response to the tasty dinner as Chaeyoung smiled, “wah, it sure is intense, want to get a drink?” She asked, fanning her mouth as you nodded, “excuse me could we order some drinks, please?” The waitress caught your attention as she asked, “Sure, what would you like to drink?” The waitress held her pencil and notepad. “One banana milk and a glass of water–”
“–Strawberry Soju, pleaseee~” Chaeyoung interrupted as she giggled, chewing her rice. “Ehh? Chaeng, don't you have classes tomorrow morning? Is it alright for you to get this drunk on a Tuesday evening like this–?” You asked when she wrapped an arm around you, “–don’t worry, after all, you’ll make the best hangover soup, hehe.~” You sighed in response after finishing your meal.
“Alright, banana milk and a bottle of strawberry Soju coming right up,” she said, noting it down as she excused herself. “What time do you get up for your morning class tomorrow?” You asked, ready to set alarms cause she usually blacks out after drinking just one bottle. “Mine starts at 8:00 AM, it’s just art history and repetition of important keywords.” Chaeyoung said, texting on her phone, “ah that’s nice, well you always loved art so much. So I know you’ll be just fine,” You laughed, pointing at the tattoo behind her ear.
“Oh yeah. That reminds me that I need a new tattoo! Can you tag along with me, this Thursday? Jungkook has an investigation to do in Busan so unfortunately, he can’t join me this time,” she said, eating some rice in a piece of seaweed. “Umm, I don’t know, I’ve never been to a Tattoo Studio before Chaeng–”
“–That’s okay, you just have to be my moral support while I get the cherries done on my right shoulder,” giggling as her cute dimples appeared.
“Here are your drinks, sorry for the long wait,” the waitress placed them down, “enjoy.”
Chaeyoung popped the bottle open and took a long sip. “Say, did you meet any cute guys at the library today?~” She asked you all of a sudden, “ehh Chaeng? What are you talking about? I’m too focused while at work and besides, I got a boyfriend!” Finishing your banana milk as her question made you super flustered. “Aw come on, you’re in a good mood today. I can tell you met someone special,” pressing both of her arms on the table as she winked at me.
Was it that obviously written on your face?
“Well, I met this Japanese man who wanted a book about butterflies… It was work-related to his Tattoo Studio.” You mumbled, your cheeks slowly burning up with shyness. “Ahh, that’s sorta sweet. What was he like? Cute? Attractive? Strong? Handsome?” Chaeyoung asked question after question, “he had black jet hair, umm lots of piercings, and sorta gave me bad boy vibes. He seemed passionate about his work, a very sweet smile” You added, thinking back at him.
“You seem to be sorta crushing on him, Miyoshi.~” She pointed out as you tried to deny it, “Chaeng it’s not like that… I have a boyfriend and so what if I find him handsome?–” You covered your lousy mouth immediately after admitting that. “Oh my~ Y/N seems too naughty and mischievous, hehe~” Chaeyoung giggled, she was clearly already tipsy after emptying half of that Soju bottle.
“Look Chaeng, I’m not cheating on Bryce. Besides he was just a kind stranger, I don’t think I’ll ever meet him again.” You said with a subtle sad tone in your voice as you fidgeted with your plastic straw. “Well it’s not like it’s impossible, you know it’s all about chance.~” She smirked teasingly as you finished your banana milk and got up, “come on, let’s get you home, drunk strawberry,” wrapping her arm around you as she stood up. “Yeah, yeah. Mom.” She said, the bottle in her hand as you chuckled.
“You got any cigs?” She asked, straddling his lap as he kissed her neck. “I do. In my leather jacket, Miya-chan,” Yuta said, kissing her collarbones as his hands ran up and down her back. “Mhm~ Nakamoto-kun, you’re so handsome~” Miyawaki giggled, kissing him deeply, “so what time should we meet later?”
Yuta hummed, looking at the clock “let’s say 10:30 PM?” He suggested, rubbing her thigh slightly as he had a sly smirk. “Deal. Don’t keep me waiting,” she said, giving him a slightly mean look as he chuckled. “I’ll try, I’ll try.”
“Ohh so we got a visitor.” The tall man joked as he placed the plastic bag of food on the table. Ten followed him as he chuckled, “so she came after all, what’s up, Miyawaki?” He waved, grabbing a pair of chopsticks, “nothing much, just stopped by to say hi to Nakamoto-kun,” Miyawaki said, eyeing Johnny as she got off Yuta’s lap.
“What, did you order this time? Tteokbokki and Ramyun?” She walked over, checking the plastic bag, “no. Yuta wanted some warm and cozy Soon-dubu Jji-gae on a windy day like this.” Ten said, getting some bottles of Yakult from the refrigerator.
“Ohh yeah, we had to tell you that Chae and her cute roomie said hi.” Johnny said, handing him a bowl and a wooden spoon, “are you eating too, Miyawaki?”
Ten asked, holding out a bottle of Yakult. “Mmm, no. I think I should get going, see you later, Nakamoto-kun~” she said, kissing Yuta’s cheek as she left. “Always leaving so quickly, does she not like us?” Johnny asked, slurping the delicious spicy sauce. “Yeah, it feels like Ms. Miyawaki always seems to be in a hurry whenever we show up.” Ten added, drinking his Yakult. “It’s not like that. I mean she got a boyfriend and that's why she’s always rushing off,” he said, taking a sip of his Yakult, “she’s not my girlfriend, but she always comes to me whenever Hisashi is troubling her.”
We were finally home as your roomie was busy throwing up in the bathroom, you knew you’d had to go and get her some medicine. You knocked on the door, “everything alright, Chaeng?”
“Yuh… could you get me some meds?” She panted as you nodded in response, “just one packet?”
“Make it two… also some headache pills.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back,” You said, walking to get your shoes.
Yup. That’s your roommate, short, black pixie cut-styled hair, dark brown eyes, and fair skin. Son Chaeyoung, 23 years old, is a wild and outgoing woman who always parties and goes nightclubbing. Super creative and artistic, her sense of fashion is quite trendy, chic, sorta tomboyish, and highly influenced by street style. You rarely see Chaeng in skirts or dresses as she prefers pants or shorts. She’s studying Fine Arts and Performing Arts at Seoul National University, also known as “SNU”. She gets along with pretty much anyone due to her naturally extroverted and funny personality. She has been your roommate for almost 2 years now.
“Hello, may I ask for two packets of hangover medicine and a pack of headache pills?” You asked, walking to the counter of the pharmacy. “Of course, Miss, do you need anything else?” The cashier asked, “ah, no thank you,” You responded and bowed, paying.
“So what are you and Miyawaki Sakura?” Johnny asked, standing outside with him.
“Friends with benefits, only using each other solely for a short moment of embrace and pleasure,” Yuta said with a cigarette in his mouth, “so that we’re happy with ourselves.” A small flame lit as he inhaled and then exhaled the smoke. “Right, I guess it does work for some people. There’s no need to be in love or committed in that type of relationship I suppose.” Johnny shrugged, walking inside.
“I suppose not,” Yuta scoffed, watching the night sky as he sighed heavily.
“When is it ready?” Chaeyoung groaned, lying in her bed as you sat by her side. “In around 2 hours, I’m still boiling the ox bones for the flavorful broth.” Moving her bangs away you put a damp piece of cloth on Chaeyoung’s forehead.
“Man this sucks balls!” She yelled out frustrated, “well, if I remember correctly you’re the one who wanted to drink strawberry Soju on a Tuesday evening?” You replied sassily as she pouted.
“Next time, if I ever drink again on such an evening. Please, hit me as hard as you can, Y/N!” You laughed, poking her cheek, “alright, just get some rest. I’ll wake you up once it’s ready.”
You went back to the kitchen checking on the ox bones as you poured them into a sieve. Using the liquid for the broth added the napa cabbages, green chilis, minced garlic, and some Korean fermented soybean paste.
You opened your manga, ‘Say I Love You’, and began reading from where you left off last time. You were into the plot, how Mei was bullied and how she grew cautious of people around her as a result. In a way you could relate to that, not trusting anyone and being so cold. You drowned in the chapter when the male lead suddenly kissed her.
Suddenly the timer went off as the soup was ready. “Here you go, Chaeng.” You placed the tray of porridge and a glass of hot water. “Thank you, Unnie… You’ve saved me!” Chaeyoung exclaimed as she chuckled.
“I’ll let you eat and rest, if you need something just call me. I’ll be in the living room watching anime, okay?” You walked out glimpsing at her as she signaled a thumbs up.
Listening to the cheerful opening, ‘My Sweet Heart’ as you were watching Tokyo Mew Mew. Then suddenly your mother called her on the phone.
Ehh? Facetime? You guess mom has some good news. “Ah good evening, mom. What’s going on?”
“Mmm, I thought I’d call you to let you know that your aunt, Asami, is visiting Seoul with your niece, Ayaka.”
“Ah, that’s great news. When will they arrive?”
“Wednesday or Thursday, they’ll visit your uncle in Jeju Islands first.”
“How is everything with sweet Bryce?”
You didn’t feel like talking about him. But mom has no idea how it is between the two of us right now. You should tell her the truth.
“お母さん…” (Mom…)
“Yes, my dear Y/N?”
“When are you and Appa visiting Seoul again?”
You knew it. After all, you couldn’t bring yourself to explain what had happened between you two.
“Mmm, changing the subject all of a sudden, Y/N-chan? Is Bryce nearby? I want to say hi to him.”
“Bryce is studying with his classmates. Sorry that you can’t see him this time, mom.”
I’m sorry, mom. But you don’t want her to see you hurt.
“Alright, how’s Chaeyoung and her boyfriend?”
“Good, Chaeng’s sleeping right now. She has classes early in the morning tomorrow.”
“What are you watching?”
“Tokyo Mew Mew, but I have to go. I have a lot of work tomorrow.”
“おやすみなさい、お母さん.” (Good night, mom.)
“はい、またね.” (Yes, see you.)
You sighed, turning off the TV. “You should have told her the truth, Y/N, you idiot.” You scolded yourself, hugging your knees.
“Hmm, Nakamoto.~” The woman mumbled, kissing his neck as he traced his fingertips on her back. “Miya-chan,” Yuta whispered, unclasping her bra as she kissed his lips.
“I really like you, Nakamoto-kun.”
These deceiving and empty words of yours. They always gave me hope for our relationship, but I know that in the morning you’ll go back to him.
“I like you too, Miya-chan,” Yuta mumbled before kissing Miyawaki’s neck and collarbones as they embraced each other.
“Should I go down on you first?” Yuta asked, looking at her as she nodded. “I need you, Nakamoto-kun.”
He chuckled, pulling her panties down to her feet as she spread her legs. “Mmh, you’re not as sweet as you were the last time. You taste a bit more salty this time.” Yuta said, licking Miyawaki’s clit as he locked eyes with her.
“That’s because Hisashi is stressing me out.”
“You should just break up with that loser already if he’s not pleasing you in bed.” Yuta scoffed, licking her folds as he stuck two fingers inside her pussy.
“Ahh… it’s not that easy, you know, mmh… Nakamoto-kun.” Miyawaki pouted, throwing her head back. Yuta licked her folds roughly and thoroughly, getting a good taste of her. “I guess not,” Yuta scoffed, sucking on her swollen clit as he moved his tongue up and down her lips. “Ahh…! Besides, we’ve been together for 2 years now, we can’t just break up.” Miyawaki moaned as she came inside his mouth and he licked it clean.
That’s enough. I’m tired of always hearing that excuse.
“Then if your relationship is so serious, why do you always run back to me whenever you have problems with him? Am I your replacement for Hisashi?” Yuta scoffed, getting up as their eyes met in a mean glare.
“Yuta-kun… You know that’s not it. I…” Miyawaki stammered as she sat up. Yuta sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Sorry, I guess that was rude of me to say it like that,” Yuta said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Even if you were right, it gives you no right to speak like that to me, Nakamoto-kun.” Miyawaki belted as she began to put her panties and the rest of her clothes on.
“Where are you going?”
“Home. Don’t talk to me.”
The woman walked out, smacking the door. Yuta sighed, throwing himself on the bed as he stared at the ceiling.
“I’m such an asshole.” He had a sad smile plastered on his face, he closed his eyes.
“もしかして、日本人ですか?” (Are you by any chance Japanese?)
“ええと? もちろんです.” (Ehh? Of course I am.)
“It’s very rare to find Japanese people in Seoul, so I was quite happy to find someone else like me.”
“中本悠太です. はじめまして.” (I’m Nakamoto Yuta. Nice to meet you.)
“Nice to meet you too, Nakamoto-san.”
“Anyway thanks for all the help, I’ll take good care of this book.”
“またね.” (See you.)
Why am I thinking of that pretty woman? She’s like an angel.
Yuta woke up early as he brushed his teeth. “Hopefully Miya-chan isn’t too angry with what happened yesterday… Maybe I should call her later to make up.” He mumbled and started the shower.
The next morning you woke up early to make lunch for yourself and Chaeyoung.
Chaeng probably wants some tasty rice for lunch when she’s slightly hungover from yesterday. “Right, let me just add some fresh cherry tomatoes and lettuce too.”
“Morning’ Unnie,” Chaeyoung yawned as she rubbed her head, “feeling better, Chaeng?” She bopped her head.
“What do you want to eat? You asked, washing the pan under some hot water. “I’ll have some fried eggs and toast.” Chaeyoung hummed, putting the towel on her shoulder. “I’m gonna shower, do you want to use the bathroom before I do that?” You shook your head as she went to the bathroom.
“Um, what do you want to drink? Tea, coffee, or hot cocoa?” Knocking on the door as you waited for her response.
“I’ll have some iced coffee, Unnie.” You heard the sound of water boiling in the kettle as you went back to the kitchen to cook breakfast.
“Thanks for always looking out for me, Unnie.” Chaeyoung smiled, eating her toast topped with fried eggs.
“No need to thank me, you’re my best friend and roommate after all. So it’s only natural we look out and take care of each other.” You responded, eating your steamed rice and pickled cucumbers.
“We really need to find you a new boyfriend soon, you gorgeous girl.” She giggled, sipping on iced coffee.
“What time do you finish classes?”
“Uhh, around 1-2 PM, why wanna hang out?”
“Yeah, maybe we can go shopping or eat lunch together?”
Chaeyoung nodded as she put on her sneakers, “see you later, Unnie.” You hugged her, “have a nice day at school, bye-bye.”
You put on a chiffon blouse and some loose pants. You greeted Ms. Irene as you began sitting in front of the computer, ordering a couple of new arrivals books.
“So what piercing do you want to get?” Yuta asked, showing him pictures of piercings.
“Just my right eyebrow, dude. Like the silver piercing.”
“Got it, Mark.”
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about getting one for so long.”
“Why haven’t you gotten it sooner?”
“Been too busy with work and training. To even think about it, heh.”
“Woah! I didn’t know that you had gotten a new tattoo, Yuta.”
“Oh, this one? I got it a few weeks ago.” Yuta replied, lifting his shirt a bit as it revealed his beautiful butterfly.
“I got it to showcase what a butterfly tattoo would look like. But somehow this small tattoo turned out to be more meaningful and special to me.” He added, smiling to himself.
When Yuta thought back to when he first encountered Miyawaki Sakura…
“Say, what does this butterfly tattoo mean?” Miyaki asked, looking at his abs.
“The ugliness and pain of happiness, and lack of freedom. That’s what butterfly tattoos symbolize.” Yuta scoffed, finishing his glass of beer as she giggled. “That’s so cool, I kinda like that,” she smiled, hugging his arm.
“Yah, what’s up friends?” Chaeyoung entered as she placed her tote bag on the table. “What brings you here, Chae?” Johnny asked, folding his arms. “Yeah, don’t you have classes right now?” Ten added, looking at her. Mark greeted her as she did the same.
“Yes. I do. But my other class was canceled because our professor had a meeting to attend.”
“Anyways, I’m going to eat my lunch here. Is that okay?”
“As long as you share. Cause that looks really good, Chae.” Mark said, looking at her bento box.
“Well, it looks different from your usual healthy salad and fruits. Are you the one who made it?” Yuta asked, glancing at the onigiris, egg rolls, octopus hotdogs, lettuce, and cherry tomatoes. “No, it’s my lovely roomie who made it!” She snickered, eating an onigiri. “No way, the woman we met yesterday made this bento lunch for you?” Ten exclaimed, eating an egg roll.
This Japanese style of boxed bento looks incredible. I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks.
Yuta took a bite of the riceball and then a bite of the egg roll. “Woah, this is really delicious.”
It’s almost as good as from home. Eating this sure brings me back… This is one of my favorite foods after all…
“Your roommate… What does she look like, Chaeyoung?”
“Mmm, are you curious, Osaka Prince?~” Chaeyoung teased as she held her phone up showing her lock screen. It was a picture of her and that woman, they were in tank tops doing silly faces.
It’s her… that woman. She lives with Chaeyoung. The librarian I met yesterday - that’s her. She looks even prettier than I remember.
“That’s Miyoshi Y/N, for you boys,” Chaeyoung said all proud as she ate her cherry tomatoes. Y/N… So that’s her name.
“So is she single?” Ten asked, poking his elbow at Mark. “Yo dude, why are you looking at me? You’re the one who needs a girlfriend, I’m way too busy with work.” Mark laughed, leaning back on the couch as he ate an egg roll wrapped in lettuce.
“Yo, back off boys, this pretty woman is sadly taken.”
It’s no surprise that a stunning woman like her is taken. Somehow it just hurts my heart a little. “By who?” Mark asked, “by some guy named Bryce, tch I hate him to guts.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. Bryce and Y/N, huh?
“Yuta-Hyung, are you stalking Ms. Miyoshi?” Mark asked, watching him scroll through Chaeyoung’s Instagram feed. “I just want to know her a little better, actually she works at the library not too far from here.”
You were stacking some unopened manga books on top of the shelf as you sighed, “Ms. Irene, I think we need to dust off the shelves before stacking more books on top.”
“Ah yes, let me just get the dust brush.” She walked to the staff’s room as you moved a couple of books on the edge. Then you went down, moving the ladder to the left side as you leaned against the shelf, checking your phone for any notifications.
Why won’t he answer me? I really miss Bryce…
You: “I want to see you later…”
You: “I really miss you.”
You sighed as Irene handed you the brush, “thank you, Ms. Irene,” she folded her arms, “just be careful, Ms. Miyoshi, alright?” She walked back to the counter, helping a woman that had borrowed a bunch of books.
You got up again but this time at the uppermost step of the ladder. It was shaking slightly as you began to dust it off. You tried to reach for the corner but felt your feet lose balance when you suddenly fell. “W-Woah!”
A couple of romance and Shoujo manga books were scattered all over the floor, along with your left heel too. The fall didn’t feel like anything. That was because someone had caught you, with the same black nail polish-painted hands, pierced ears, and dark black hair.
“–Are you alright? You’re not hurt, are you?”
Somehow you landed on his lap, your right arm on his shoulder as your left hand was on his chest and his right hand was on your leg. In that instant, you were sorta taken aback by this kind of closure between you two.
In a way, it was too intimidating to meet his fine and flirtatious gaze. You looked down when and noticed the butterfly tattoo on his abs, “ah, sorry.” You mumbled, getting off his lap as his hand traced your leg, “wait,” Yuta said, reaching for your left heel as you got flustered. “It’s alright, I can do that myself, Nakamoto-san–” You answered.
“–You were the one who fell so let me at least help you a little.” He said, looking at you with his sexy eyes as he gently tugged your left foot into the heel.
Heh, we’re wearing the same color of nail polish. What’s this silver anklet on her left ankle? A tiny turtle shell… How cute.
“どうもありがとう…” (Thank you very much…)
“どういたしまして.” (You’re welcome.)
“I was dusting off the shelf when I reached for the corner, I lost balance and fell.” You explained briefly, standing up as you stroked your hair.
I didn’t think I’d meet him again… What’s Nakamoto-san doing here?
“It’s a good thing you’re alright, Miyoshi-san,” Yuta said, getting up as he flashed you a soft smile. He handed you a couple of “Kimi Ni Todoke” mangas that had fallen and you bowed. “Yes. Um, I should get back to work.” You mumbled, feeling your cheeks burn up as you turned to the shelf avoiding his gaze.
Nakamoto-san’s dangerous. He makes your heart skip a beat. It's best to not look him directly in the eyes. He’s probably just a player.
“Ah, actually I came here to borrow another book.” He said, chuckling as you turned around. “Ah, what book is it?”
How come, this beautiful and cute woman was taken by some guy? It’s no use but I can't help but fall for her.
“It’s actually a manga, it’s called ‘Perfect Crime’. It’s one of my favorites.” Yuta said, smirking slightly. “Alright. Then please follow me.” You said, tying your hair up in a ponytail.
“Here it is,” You said, handing him the manga. “Thank you. Mmh, your silver anklet is really pretty.” Yuta smirked, averting his eyes to your ankle. “Ehh? Oh, you mean on my ankle.” You turned your heel as the turtle shell jewelry was wiggling. “Yeah, it’s really cute.” Yuta pursed his lips, looking into your eyes.
What’s with this guy… Is he flirting with me…? “Thank you, turtles are actually my favorite animals.” You responded, scanning his book and ID card. “They’re interesting animals,” Yuta added, watching you.
“Here you go, Nakamoto-san.” You gave him the book as his hand touched yours, “thank you, Miyoshi-san.”
I don’t want it to be the last time I see Miyoshi Y/N. I’ll get another book again another day. If that means that I can keep seeing her then I don’t want it to end yet.
“You’re welcome, anyways I’ve got to go now. I’m off.”
“Ah hey Chaeng. Yeah, I’m just finished, let me just get my things.” You said, applying your brand new cherry lip balm as you pursed your lips. Yuta glanced over, eyes focused on your lips. He couldn’t help but admire your soft lips, wondering what it feels like to kiss them. He looked away as you looked back at him.
Those red lips are so pretty… makes me want to kiss them.
You walked towards the exit when Yuta poked your shoulder, naturally, you turned around.
How do I not lose you? I want to see you…
“Ano… will you be here tomorrow again?” Yuta asked, rubbing the back of his head. “Ehh?” You mumbled, not knowing how to respond to his question. “Sure I will. May I ask, why?” You put your phone in the purse as you looked at him. “I might need help with finding several manga and books. I’d figure you’d be able to find the original ones released in Japanese.”
“Ah well. Of course.” You replied, smiling softly at him as you headed down the stairs.
“またね、中本悠太さん.” (See you, Mr. Nakamoto Yuta.) You waved and looked back at him exiting the library.
“So you met him again? And getting a closeup of his butterfly tattoo, mmm?~” Chaeyoung teased, eating her spicy salad as you sighed. “I wasn’t looking at his abs intentionally, Chaeng… You know…” You mumbled as your cheeks were pink from blushing. “It’s not my fault he was wearing a white mesh shirt…”
“Sure, sure. It’s okay to look at other hot guys when your boyfriend is so shitty, Unnie.”
“Chaeng!” You exclaimed as she sighed, “really… Unnie, you should break up with him, besides there are much nicer guys than him. Like Johnny, Ten, and Osaka Prince, you know.” You sighed, eating your Vietnamese spring rolls.
Although she’s right you just can’t seem to admit it. Somehow you believe that Bryce could change for your sake. But if that was true then he wouldn't ignore you and actually answer your texts…
“But let’s not talk about him now. I’m doing my art project next month and the focus is on the female anatomy. I was wondering if you could be my muse for the project?” Chaeyoung asked, sliding a piece of paper on the table as you checked it out.
“That’s so interesting, what exactly would you want me to do?”
“I’m thinking of taking some pictures of you. Like this, would that be okay with you?” She asked, showing me a naked woman hiding her chest with a white blanket.
“You want me to be naked for your pictures and sketches…?” You mumbled, feeling very shy just the thought of that.
“I know it’s very out of your comfort zone but I’ll make sure to cover your breasts, nudity, and private parts. Also, I’m in a group with other girls and my professor is a woman too.”
“I’ll think about it, Chaeng. I mean it’s your art project so I won’t reject it. And besides, this means a lot to you, so I don’t mind doing it.” You added, drinking your mango basil seed drink as Chaeyoung’s eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Yay! Omg, thank you Y/N! Unnie, you’re the best!” She exclaimed, putting her hands together and expressing her gratitude for you. “No problem, Chaeng girl. Let’s go shopping now.”
“I can show you a few of my sketches later,” she hummed as you nodded.
“By the way, thanks for the bento you made earlier, it was so delicious! Even the boys loved it!” Chaeyoung said, chuckling as she locked arms with you.
“Ehh? You didn’t eat lunch on campus?”
“Nope, I finished class early after I discussed my project with the professor.”
“Let me guess it was Mr. Suh and Mr. Lee?” You asked as she giggled, “what’s with you using honorifics, just call them by their names.” Chaeyoung said and smiled.
“But I don’t know them that well…” You muttered, looking at her. “Unnie, they consider you as their friend, the tall guy’s Johnny, and the slim guy’s Ten,” Chaeyoung explained as you looked at her. She was being honest and genuine. “But I don’t know how to talk to them… I’m not as cool as you are–”
“–Y/N, don’t doubt yourself so much! You’re amazing and so cool. I’m lucky to have you as my roomie.”
“What do you think?” You asked, wearing a black leather miniskirt for the first time. Chaeyoung whistled and smirked, “wow, Y/N-Unnie you look so fine! So pretty!”
“You think so? Isn’t the length a bit too short?” You said shyly, looking at the way the skirt was sitting on your butt while posing in front of the mirror.
“So what? You should definitely wear it for the party!”
You turned around looking at the mirror reflection and how the skirt looked on you. “I don’t know what to pair this skirt with… I mean I usually don’t wear anything above my knees…” You sighed as Chaeyoung massaged your shoulders, “don’t worry about it, Unnie. I’ll help you out, any outfit paired with your beauty is going to be perfect!”
“This sports bra or the other one?” Chaeyoung asked, holding a sports bra in each hand.
“Mhm, I really like the white one. It’ll look so nice on you.” You said, smiling.
“What should we eat for dinner tonight?” Chaeyoung asked, opening the refrigerator as she looked over at me.
“Mmh, I don’t know. What about Kimchi Jjigae?”
“Sure thing. Let’s do that, Unnie.”
“We can add small pieces of chicken breast,” You said, opening the refrigerator and pulling out a plastic bag with raw chicken.
“You seem to be in quite a good mood, Yuta.” Ten said, drinking some water. “Mhm. I do?” He asked, drawing some birds on a piece of paper. “Yeah, earlier you were sulking and frowning a lot, I’d figure you fought with Miyawaki?” Ten asked as he sighed, “we did, she ended up leaving earlier yesterday. I should call her and apologize.”
“Don’t you want to break off things with her for a change, Yuta?” Johnny asked, checking the cash register as they looked at each other. “I probably should, I mean Miya-chan is already in a relationship. I can’t be her second choice all the time she gets into a fight with him.”
“Apologize? For what exactly, Yuta?”
“I got mad at her for always calling me whenever she fought with Hisashi.” Yuta scoffed, drinking a sip from his water bottle.
“Hmm, you and Miyawaki only see each other once or twice a week right?”
“That’s right, I thought it was better to hook up with Miyawaki every night,” Yuta admitted, rubbing the back of his head. “I hate sleeping alone.”
A/N: Thanks for reading, all likes, reblogs and comments mean a lot to me, let me know if you want me to add extra tags or something. 💞
< Teaser – Next part >
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binnie-c · 2 months
Few things about me :)
I haven’t been on tumblr for long so I’m still figuring out how posting and editing with all those pretty colors works🧍‍♀️
My top favorite groups/artists: BTS (solo music too), Stray Kids, Ateez, wave to earth, DPR Ian, John Cha, Hannah Bahng, The Rose, Jackson Wang, (I’ve heard some songs of some other popular kpop groups/artists but I’m barely getting into them and some I love mainly from their personalities and still have yet to get familiar with their music)
Other non-kpop groups/artists I like: Greta Van Fleet, Black Pumas, Hozier, The Black Keys, Harry Styles, Kevin Kaarl, Led Zeppelin, Silk Sonic, Amy Winehouse, and more that I can’t think of at the moment
I’m a very accepting person and respect everyone:)
Hobbies: crochet/knitting, guitar, ukulele, reading, bake/cook, nails, and some more
I speak English and Spanish
Enjoy watching k-dramas too (so much better than American romcoms I swear 💀)
Have a lovely day and be kind please
(Also have no idea what tags to put 🧍‍♀️)
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subskz · 1 year
I wanted to say that Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes has easily become one of my top five/top three favorite Fall Out Boy songs. I have my BB playlist as my weekday alarm, so every morning I wake up to it.
So!!! I'm feeling nosey again >:3 Who're some of your favorite western and/or non-kpop artists?
I've mentioned before that I'm a fan of Taylor Swift (grew up listening to her & she was my first ever concert), mxmtoon (she sang 'Almost Home'), Ashnikko (I totally recommend their song 'Dying Star'), Bleachers, FOB, MCR (and their solo projects post-2013), Beach Bunny, Scene Queen, and I'm becoming a bit of a Mitski girlie.
no WAY!!! 😭😭😭 that makes me so happy you have no idea haha disloyal order is probably one of my favorite songs of all time i’m so excited it’s become a fave of urs too!! considering the “fell out of bed” line waking up to it is extremely fitting hehe
im loving the range here i remember that dream you had abt dancing w lix to taylor swift…u singlehandedly manifested taylor swift sunbaenim 😭 and mxmtoon!! almost home is definitely one of my favorite songs from ur on track playlist, i also love her song fever dream! u becoming a mitski girlie is the best news to me her music really captures emotions in a way i dont think anyone else can…so raw but in the gentlest ways
i really like mitski too! some other artists i listen to are florence + the machine (esp her lungs album!) marina, and a crow is white!
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wheeboo · 7 months
THATS LITERALLY USSS 💗💗 im in rania love club and I will not leave guys im settling here. 🙏🙏 THEYRE SO CUTE THO
IM GLAD ITS BEEN IMPROVINGG remember to not be hard on urself and take all the rest u need ml also don't skip ur meals 💗 ur health comes first mwah
djhdks we need to sign a petition so ur parents can let u get a cat 😭 rania would be best cat owner and i stand by this 🤞
SHELDON AND CINNAMON??? THATD ADORABLEE 😭😭 that's so adorable and now im wondering what u would name ur future corgi and cat 😭 siamese cats are so pretty omg, theyd match so well uu. his name's brownie and he might be a mix fr bc he's wyay too big for a pompom 😭
australian shepherd okg they're so cute i always wanted onenene 😭 AND YESS THERE AREE AND RACCOON ONESTHEY KEEP POPPING UP ON MY FYPP, rania if youcan u need to goo omvg
samoyed?? I've never heard of that before omg but tysmm mll and alsoso have u ever been to a concert beforee?
SDJKASAD we r officially married now actually. i'm declaring it rn 😍😍 AND YES THEY R BOTH OF THEM R MY TOP BIASES IN THE GROUP 😭
ahh thank u 🥺🥺 i feel like i need those reminders more than i think abt it tbh lmao but the same for u !! always remember to drink enough water n get plenty of rest these days 🫶
sERIOUSLY i will beg on my knees if i have to like having a pet in general just gives sm serotonin n dopamine like ?!!!! i just love animals so much :(( and PLS i will def try my best to be the best cat mom there is 🫡🫡
i swear i had possible names for my pets but it was prob just a mental list 😭 def nothing simple but i rlly like those cute japanese names like kuma or haru or mochi. my sister's dog's name is sake like the japanese alcohol lmao. BROWNIE AAA THATS SO ADORABLE :(( i would like permission to steal him from u for a bit for pets ☝️
HOW DID I NOT KNOW THE EXISTENCE OF SUCH CAFES we need to go on a scavenger hunt for the best red panda and raccoon cafes in the world rn.
omg pls search up pics of samoyeds!! theyre so fluffy n cute hehe. for concerts i've never been to a kpop one since they're so expensive :( n i was bummed when svt came to my country for the be the sun tour and i wasn't able to go oml. i NEED to go to a kpop concert for once in my life. for non-kpop i've been to some small ones for indie artists i've enjoyed, nothing too big :3. hbu ?? have u been to any concerts lovely?? <3
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 8 months
ok so i spent yesterday looking through and collecting data from ao3's rpf (real person fanfiction) collection (for no reason other than 'i was intrigued' lol...)
and i thought i'd go through some of the interesting finds!
(this is probably interesting to nobody but me but hey when has that ever stopped me lol!)
starting with a disclaimer that this is a judgement free zone! i may make a few jokes about things from time to time on here, but i am firmly of the 'ship and let ship' mindset so no hate meant in any of this at all lol <3
first interesting fact is that kpop is the highest rpf tag (with over 650k works!!), bts are obviously the boy group with the most fics, with twice being the highest girl group!
speaking of girls... so for every category i tried to find what the top f/f ship was and for a couple of the tags (most notably actors and music), the top f/f ships were actually male characters (which confused me until i saw the additional tags were genderbend and genderswap lol)... there are also a lot of fandoms where the top characters when you take out m/m ships is actually original female characters (or reader)!
unsurprisingly, taylor swift is the solo artist with the most fics written about her (many shipping her with various celebs, both men and women), but what i found interesting is that there are 140 of her songs and albums that are featured in fics, which is more than any other musician's work (even hozier lol!)
other music tag info is one direction as the non-kpop band with the most fics, with larry stylinson being the top ship (no one is shocked at this) and the highest rating being explicit! which is a bit surprising since most of these fandoms have either general or teen and up ratings as the top one... the only other umbrella rpf fandom that has explicit as the top rating is actors... oh and porn (duh)
my chemical romance deserve a mention as the band with the most fics under the rock music tag (and in the bandom tag), with gerard as the top character (good for them!)! queen also rank pretty highly, with a lot of the fics being specifically linked to the 2018 film bohemian rhapsody rather than specifically the band themselves (so it's like... rpf of rpf lol?)
i think the beatles are the oldest band/musician to have a lot of rpf about them but it's honestly a little hard to tell so don't quote me on this... they are also at the top of the 60's music scene, where the rolling stones take 2nd lol...
the rpf section that i went into the most blind was the sports tag, since my knowledge of sports is .......... yeh that's about all i know lol
men's football and hockey have a similar number of fics each (a little over 30k), though the top character in the sports tag is max verstappen who is actually a racing driver so ??? confused noises lol
anyway idrc about the men (this is a joke ofc @ men i love you), what i DO care about is that women's football (and this is specifically the soccer kind not the american lol) has the highest femslash fics, and i looked up tobin heath (who was the top character in this section) and lemme just say that i Get it lol...
wwe and formula 1 are some other sports that have a significant number of fics in the, filled with people i've never heard of before pfft... i will say that most of the sports have general as their top rating, except for hockey which has explicit (i feel like theirs some kinda joke i could make here about playing with sticks but i'm not gonna lol... especially since most sports already play with balls so?)
anyway enough about sports lol, let's return to something i'm much more comfortable with: youtubers!
youtube is actually the 2nd most written about category (next to kpop, with nearly 280k fics) with minecraft youtubers (the top character being tommyinnit) being the most written about!
what i found most fascinating about this is that 8 out of the 10 top ships in this tag are platonic (and 1 is actually just the 'no romantic relationships' tag lol... the top ship overall is still a slash pairing, but it's still interesting that such a big fandom has mainly platonic pairings!)
also even though the phandom have nowhere near the amount of fics as minecraft youtube, i found it kinda funny that there are (as of writing this) only 95 more fics featuring dan than phil (essentially saying that literally nearly 99% of the fics feature the both of them lol... phandom really said 'co-dependency' and i respect that lol)
moving on to actors, which i expected to have a lot more fics than it does given a lot of rpf involves the actors of characters in popular fictional ships (i mean there are still a lot, over 130k lol...) and supernatural takes the crown of having the most fics of this category! j2 is the top ship, though the 3rd top ship in the actors tag is actually tom hiddleston x original female character! i think because of this british actors are the highest subsection of actors, followed by chinese actors!
i think i did expect the chinese actors to have more fics, but i'm guessing the smaller number is because of the whole xiao zhan ao3 drama from a few years ago... wang yibo x xiao zhan still make up the most popular ship, plus there are plenty of other c-dramas and other chinese shows that have a big number of fics that don't fall under the chinese actor umbrella tag (so the number probably would be a lot larger if i went through and counted them... but i'm not gonna)... similar thing with thai actors, which only has a couple thousand fics in the tag, but there are a whole lot more fics dedicated to rpf of specific actors on specific shows (from a quick glance i think tharntype and kinnporsche are a couple of the highest fandoms? but i didn't go through everything cos i'd already been doing this for a few hours and i was getting sleeeeeby lol...)
one thing that intrigued me was the british comedy category (which is the top comedy category lol! we did it lads we finally came top with something!), where would i lie to you and taskmaster were the top fandoms! david mitchell was the top character and, kinda bizarrely imo, david x charlie brooker was the top ship (i feel like i'm missing some kinda big thing in the british comedy fandom ngl lol... but like really? you ship david with charlie brooker when robert webb, his actual comedy partney, is RIGHT there? or even lee mack i'm ??? ok ok i'm getting off topic pfft...)
oh greg davies and alex horne are also a popular ship in this category ofc (though they have less than 1000 fics lol!)
the final umbrella category of rpf that i could find was historical, which is the tag with the least amount of fics (under 20k), with alexander hamilton and various other american specific historical figures making up the bulk of the popular historical fics (these are mainly tired to the musical hamilton btw)!
the top characters and ship when narrowed down to just the f/f of the historical tag is mostly original female characters btw!
there are also fics of other public figures, like politics, porn, journalists and chefs, and probably the most intriguing facts i found from this section are that hillary clinton is the most popular character in the 21st century us politics section, joe biden and donald trump are the 4th most popular ship (with the reoccurring additional tag of 'crack fic' lol), and though it isn't in the top stats, when i went into the pundit and journalist tag the first few fics to pop up were ben shapiro x matt walsh explicit stuff which was... uh... interesting lol
final thing i'll note is that i stuck mainly to ao3 for this because though i know places like wattpad have a large rpf collection too, but it's so bloody HARD to find data about fics on that site pfft... though i think one thing that would be shown by looking into wattpad's rpf community is that whereas ao3 has a lot of shipping content (obviously), wattpad has a lot more reader x celebrity (but like take this with a pinch of salt since i've not actually done the research for this part pfft...)
anyway i hope you (all 0 of you) enjoyed this rambling take on the data i found on ao3's rpf collection lol!
i know people get really weird around rpf, but i just genuinely find it SO interesting how diverse the range of stuff people write about!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
Speaking of kpop stans BPP (coming from your recent ask), I’ve noticed that out of all the Big 3 stans, SM stans are the most insufferable of all. Maybe because YG basically only has BP and Blinks atp, and JYP seems to have lost it’s shine from it’s heydays, but SM stans (no matter which group they favor) are the loudest and most annoying. Like I can’t stand their superiority complex, especially when it comes to the vocal ability discourse (and one of the most favoured SM groups that can do no wrong…). I feel like even with Army in the competition, they still come out on top when I think about what I dislike about kpop fandoms the most. They make me scratch my head with the amount of cognitive dissonance they seem to have, especially during the Hybe-Kakao thing last year. You’re telling me you’d rather have your artists continue to suffer under current SM management instead of possibly getting better treatment under Hybe (which non Hybe artists always seem to point out - how Hybe artists seem to be treated better compared to the rest of the industry) just because of some weird resentment over Hybe as a company? Kpop over morals again?
It’s something I’ve been thinking about too - if Army is the way it is a fandom because of how fandom usually works as well as BTS’s unique coming up and how it made Army rally around the boys, then how did SM stans become the way they are now?
I think you might have touched on it in your posts, but is it because of their echo chamber in being on top for so long with their legacy artists and relative long history in the industry? Is it also because of the way SM the company itself cultivated the fandom?
"then how did SM stans become the way they are now?"
This right here is a whole can of worms I don't have the bandwidth to crack open today cause lawd is it a doozy. Let's just say, if you find the idea of Bang PD holding hands with all the idols in his agency and saying a prayer that they will be the best of the best with his shaman and priest present... if you're comfortable with that idea, then maybe you're an SM stan deep down.
We all are, after all. I mean, this is k-pop with a k, and nothing is more k-pop than SM.
More seriously, it's a combination of the two latter questions you asked plus a bunch of other shit and frankly, when I say everything bad about this industry (including fandom norms) started with SM, I really do mean it.
Please ask me this question again next weekend and maybe I'll be better prepared to get into it. Actually, I'll come back to this ask myself in the coming weeks and will answer it. I'll reblog it so if you read my blog you can see the post closer to the top. Maybe I'll pin it to the masterlist too if it's good and I can dig up my sources for the post.
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cosmojjong · 2 years
alright, I gotta know. please explain to me all the ways cube has tried to ruin pentagon. I don't want to live ignorantly, thinking they're just another incompetent company (bc honestly find me a GOOD entertainment agency that treats all their artists fairly, protects them, promotes them regularly, loves them and feeds them 3 square meals a day. doesn't exist.)
you're very right, there's no company like that, and it's a shame even to this day.
and, well, let's see. i'm a bit tired so i'm going with things off the top of my head. i feel like the company has just... very blatantly threatened them different times behind the scenes. especially judging by some words the members have shared. it's always felt like they kind of made pentagon feel like THEY were lacking. like THEY needed to do something to prove themselves. it's sad because the boys have been trying so hard all these years but they can only do so much with such a shitty promotion. first instance i can think of is when the demo eps were released. it all felt rushed (they were released too close to each other) and it was such a pity because demo_01 was the ep that gave them their self-produced title. i don't even know what the company was trying to do, people barely had the time to digest those songs that we got another ep. so like
1) their almost non-existent or badly handed promotion. i swear they just don't seem to know how to cherish and properly promote such a gem group like pentagon. it's so bad.
2) i feel like, over time, the opportunities to show what they're capable of that they were given were just not the right ones. sure, we got some nice content but cube literally do nothing to highlight their entire vocal line. everything that the public could perceive was because of their stage presence. every new fan that got into them, it was thanks to the group. the success and the appreciation of songs, it was thanks to their authenticity while making music. i genuinely believe the group owns maybe 20% (and i'm being kind here) of their success to that agency. being so vocally based they don't have much singing content people can go through, except for magazineho and those hardly updated cover playlists. they could give changgu the space to do covers but do they? no. i think some time in the past he implied that he wanted to upload more songs but that he wasn't allowed to. to be honest i think the company also has favoritisms towards certain members, but it may be just me. and i don't like how they may be pitted against one another (see: pentagon maker) when they love each other so much.
3) shine. before it got released ptg were most likely told that the song had to do well, otherwise they would've been disbanded. hui said shine was a blessing, the reason why pentagon could survive. it got progressively worse with idle debuting (and it's funny how their fans say that ptg are cube's favorites *giggles in i want to be that delusional*)
4) when the summer 2018 mess happened, their fancafe was a mess. kpop fans were spamming the general board with anything and everything. the company knew it and still kept it open for a good 3 to 4+ months. i remember this because they suddenly changed the rules, locked this and that, and i got demoted as well. many of us got demoted for doing nothing. their disorganization never fails to amaze me. so, anyways, there is no way cube didn't know about the rumors that were being made up about them. hell, they even used hui as the scapegoat. shinwon, jinho and hongseok were heavily targeted and the company just did nothing. they were bullied into not leaving the dorms. no lawsuit, no notice, no protection. had a shit ton of schedules to attend and to deal with.
5) all the hiatuses they put yanan through. and for what? yanan could understandbly leave for health reasons but at times it's felt like they were just punishing the guy for doing so. one time it was a miscommunication between the labels, but keeping him away for months to years? like are we serious? there are people who have never seen him with pentagon, and people who got to see him with them after more than a year. the formation changes are so bad too. people are never gonna memorize who's who if the company decides to 'oh yea you go to japan for three months bye' or 'you're staying in china for a year and no one will get an official notice cause we don't care' approximately every two months.
6) rtk. what the hell was that. i hate when ptg have anything to do with mnet to begin with. they were put on this show that just sucked the life out of them, where mnet just used them for clickbait and very obviously rigged it although it was clear they should've won. jinho had to enlist in a hurry, hui was only months away from enlisting and spent sleepless nights arranging songs for like three different projects. they were completely out of it. shinwon even said that at some point hyunggu was so exhausted and mentally worn out that it was impossible for them to talk to him. they even said they were in and out of the hospital because of body pains. still, the company kept them going until the end, even through pain and tears.
7) shall i add bad budgeting. like seriously i'd like to speak to a nevie and understand why they think ptg gets their group's money. have they seen some of ptg's packaging and some of the props for their photoshoots or mvs? my thumbs up album is literally one step away from falling apart because the material is just not good.
please know i don't like talking of such things as i don't want to sound like i am victimizing them. ptg are fun, charismatic, bright, cheerful, full-of-love people. they never ever complain and that's what stings. i'm just so done with the bad things they've had to endure. the boys have always acted like it's sunshine and rainbows and we've all have tried hard to see the good things in everything. we do even nowadays, but there's still a dark side to it.
i'm sure there must have been other instances of ptg being told that they could be disbanded if said thing doesn't sell well (which btw is ridiculous because pentagon have been outselling themselves every comeback). shall i remember anything i'll say it later on, i think i talked a lot for now, i'm so sorry. all i can do is hope that 2023 is REALLY their breakthrough year because i cannot see them in pain anymore. it just doesn't feel fair and i want them to be happy.
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sapphonoticeme · 1 year
Top 5 favorite kpop MVs with queer vibes that aren't obviously queer (challenge mode: no repeated groups or artists)
i'm mostly talking about gender here and gender is a really difficult thing to talk about. i tried my best to put what i feel into words and i hope it turned out somewhat coherent. please just be nice
the order is probably based on how excited i was to talk about each MV
1. mamamoo+ - GGBB
so the whole concept of 'good girl/bad boy' is very familiar to everybody, it's something straight out of romcoms and jokes about relationships. it's also usually very straight and cis. but the way solar and moonbyul visually present this song gives it a twist. moonbyul isn't dressed in what would be considered strictly menswear but her clothes are still more masculine looking than solar's, same goes for their choreography moves, and the whole contrast is supported by the backup dancers. solar and moonbyul aren't really playing a girl and a boy but rather playing out the dynamic between the characters of 'the girl' and 'the boy'. which is a romantic and heavily gendered dynamic. they're performing femininity and masculinity both while still being clearly themselves and it's really pushing the idea of gender expression being a performance rather than something intrinsic to the person, something fixed and having only one meaning. they're just performing this traditionally very cishet thing in such a queer way and i love it so much
2. i-dle - TOMBOY
this one is kind if an opposite of GGBB. so there's this part in the song that goes 'it's neither man nor woman' and the choreography during this part is them flexing their arms. the lyrics and the choreography and honestly the rest of the song, too, combined create this caricature of gender non-conformity which weirdly still feels reaffirming. kinda like 'queencard' is a caricature of confidence which actually does boost your confidence. so this song feels like it's fucking with gender in a similar way to how GGBB does but instead of deconstructing familiar it constructs unfamiliar, if that makes sense. i personally get goosebumps every time this part comes up and i don't care how far-fetched this explanation might sound, it feels very real to me
3. irene & seulgi - monster
this one is pretty obvious. i don't think that 'it's a metaphor' argument is very convincing because if something queer is used as a metaphor it's still queer. it's a particularly bad problem with sapphic representation because people are so willing to reduce sapphic relationships to an accessory and a tool to get your point across instead of actually taking them seriously, but all kinds of queer representation do suffer from this. half of straight relationships in MVs are a metaphor for something but nobody assumes those characters are actually gay
4. bts - blood sweat & tears
i don't have anything specific to say about this one but the vibes are very queer in my opinion
5. dreamcatcher - bonvoyage
that one scene with siyeon and sua made me yearn for sapphic sci-fi so i think it does belong on this list :3
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