#my turn to hope i make sense because i'm starting to fall asleep typing everything up
cel-aerion · 1 year
Okay I feel like this is gonna get unwieldy if I try to send it as an ask so I'm just gonna tag @monty-glasses-roxy and start a new post (since reblogs with asks get weird, or at least they used to, and old habits die hard). Original post is here, but I'll also quote the relevant bits just for ease of reading.
"Yeah Chica being afraid of flying is really funny, especially if she's scared of literally nothing else. Not a single other thing has ever phased her but this one singular mode of transport makes her nervous."
"If we were meant to fly, we'd have wings." "Don't you technically have wings?" "Yeah and I can't fly with them so clearly evolution knew it had absolutely fucked up with that one."
"...they settle on meeting up at the local bowling alley that her brother (she calls Bonnie her brother) happens to run."
Others (Monty and Chica when they all meet up, yeah, but it's happened before and it will happen again) ask how a wolf and rabbit could be siblings. Bonnie eternally delights in giving absolutely ludicrous answers, usually involving an elaborate backstory and meandering plots. Roxy will too, sometimes, but she's more likely to just be annoyed at people for asking stupid questions - Monty and Chica are probably fine when they ask, because they're genuinely curious and want to know more about their new friend, but a lot of others are probably more judgemental or nosy about it. Anyways, the moment Bonnie knew he approved of Roxy's new friends was when he made up one of these explanations, as per, and Monty immediately replied with, "Oh, and here I thought maybe it was [insert equally lengthy and ridiculous explanation here]."
"And yeah, Roxy doesn't have a lot of friends so this was a shock to everyone that knew her lmao. "What do you mean you were dying on a plane and made two new friends??? What, did the Reaper and their wife take pity on you or what???""
"The Reaper" and "The Reaper's Wife" become Monty and Chica's nicknames as a result of this. Probably in that order. But possibly not.
"Actually, it would be kinda funny if none of them had a particularly large amount of friends and due to this one layover flight, their friendship group suddenly tripled in size."
I can see this being the case, but like, in different ways. Roxy is gruff, and awkward, and this combination probably makes those who don't know her think she's mean, or at least cold, so she mostly just withdraws instead of letting people see that she's upset about this perception, and over time she becomes hesitant to reach out to make friends because it's easier to not go through all that again, which of course just makes others thing she's even more distant, and it's a terrible cycle (and actually, maybe her being airsick unintentionally helped combat against this, because when you're feeling that awful, you're not really able to have any walls up, but I digress). And then on the other hand, I can see Chica being one of those... I don't want to say "popular girls," because that has a particular connotation, but like... she's one of those who's always friendly, she's pretty chill with a lot of people, she has friends she can hang out with for a day out shopping or something, but not Friends who she would feel comfortable spilling her guts out to or anything like that. And... unfortunatley I have no ideas for Monty at this moment, but you get the idea.
And slightly related, but I take back a bit of what I said in my original ask, or at least I'm changing the context: I don't think Roxy would be trying to play it cool when they meet in person just for the sake of her image. I think it's more likely she's just trying to not get her hopes up, what if this falls apart, what if she says the wrong thing, better to not get too emotionally invested until you're sure. But of course, as the outing goes on, that becomes less of a concern, and pretty soon she forgets to be anxious.
"Like, Monty and Chica clicked so fast and then all it takes is a little competition and almost getting kicked out of a bowling alley for bowling crimes for the pair of them to click with Roxy."
Not quite what's being said here, but it's sparked in me a mental image that while Monty and Chica are getting to know Roxy, and start to see that what they thought was indifference was just uncertainty and insecurities, they both independently come to the conclusion of "omg absolutely must protecc this puppy."
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
kim hongjoong boyfriend headcanons
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
requested?: yes
song rec: purple rain by prince
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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before we begin, i just wanna say that i love this man he's just amazing in every way
just needed to get that off my chest, phew
ok lets do this
if hongjoong chooses you as his partner... you are so so lucky
this man is so loyal and will put his heart and soul into the relationship. i think it would take a lot for him to trust someone in a romantic type of way because he wants to make sure that he is with the right person. he doesn't want to waste his time or potentially have his feelings hurt by someone who is not putting in the same amount of trust and effort into the relationship as he is
his main love language is quality time. which... is hard, because he is very busy. but he will make a special effort to try to hang out with you, maybe in his lunch break, he will see if he can meet up with you for a quick coffee. or if he is reallyyyy busy but just wants to see your beautiful face, he will give you the option to hang out in the studio
if you do decide to join him in the studio he will be super happy! will show you how he produces or will ask you for your input for new song ideas. if you like a certain genre he will try and incorporate that for you in his new song!
he is very attentive. loves listening to you talk about all your passions, interests, hopes and dreams. and he will really appreciate it if you do the same for him. someone who really listens and is interested in what he has to say, perhaps about his music or future goals for instance is a person hongjoong would really like as a partner. he really likes connecting with you on a deep, personal level. would probably stay up all night talking to you if he could but man is tired most of the time so will probably drift off to sleep. talking with you about literally anything just takes his mind away from work and all the stuff he has to get done. you really just give him time to relax and enjoy himself.
he catches himself being romantic when he starts writing romantic songs about you. it's like he can't help it! the lyrics were so easy to write for him because all he had to do was think of you
hongjoong isn't too keen on pda (public displays of affection.) he prefers to express his physical affection for you privately. we know from countless of ateez content that he doesn't like skinship, but here comes my ✨theory✨: hongjoong does like skinship, in his own way. there are instances where he is physically affectionate with the members but it is usually when he initiates it. he can be touchy, he just has to be comfortable and trust you, which will obviously happen as you get to know each other more. did any of that make any sense??? lmao
and when he is comfortable enough to initiate more than just hand-holding and other little touches, he will essentially turn into your little cuddle bug. usually when he is sleepy ngl. looking into his eyes you will see a warm glow in them as he looks at you with a sleepy smile, he will shuffle over and essentially flop his body onto yours and will fall asleep then and there. you provide so much comfort for him
dates with him would include:
cafe dates - hongjoong's go-to date is probably finding a cute little cafe to go with you, so you guys can just sit, relax and talk together about anything and everything. he loves these dates because its quick, convenient, requires no planning and also just has the perfect atmosphere for a date!
cultural dates - i'm talking museums, art galleries, going into book shops or record shops or any unique place that catches your eye. he just loves experiencing these things with you
photography dates - if you both are into photography this will be a date he would love to take you on! just having both your cameras and going on walks, working on your photography skills together. he will probably take more pictures of you than the actual scenery because he says you're prettier &lt;///3
conclusion: hongjoong best boy
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savvivixen · 4 months
I recently watched a YouTube video that talked about this tricky thing called "skill regression." As I listened and paused, listened and paused, I really started to get a grasp on why I might be so terrible at seemingly everything at this point. As I've learned to heal from several traumas, I find myself backsliding on routines and skills that I once thought were ingrained deeply enough they'd be solid habits, but I see that's not quite the case.
Hygiene: Thought it was a routine I did for myself. Turns out, it was 90% a fawn response to be bullied less from others. Now that I rarely leave the house, major discomfort and possible company seems to be my only motivaters these days, and it's an incredibly embarassing aspect of myself I have to face. At the very least, major personal discomfort is a motive at all, since I've been trained to ignore my own needs for the sake of others around me.
Food: I thought I had strong cooking skills and habits. I do not. I have strong survival senses... for my loved ones. I won't let my loved ones go hungry for a single meal if I can help it, but will take 24-36 hours to make a meal for myself if I don't have enough energy for the prep. I would eat 12 hours of a video game before I spend 1 hour of cooking for myself. I realize I associated my mealtime with others' mealtimes, and won't eat regularly if I don't need to feed someone else. I'm practicing eating twice a day now, but...
Sleep schedule: Incredibly irregular. Be it when or how long I sleep, it's sooo inconsistent. I figured out my sleep schedules have always been dictated by someone's job (my mother's, my schooling, mine, my SO's), which has occupied almost every shift on the 24-hour clock at this point. My sleep schedule seems to be fueled by FOMO now, and it's got me messed up. I can go to sleep at 12am and wake up at 1pm, or I can go to sleep at 4:30am am wake up at 11am. I've had several instances of falling asleep at 2:30pm and waking up a 10pm too. Just... Nothing feels right. I'm struggling to find my natural circadian rhythm, but I'm not confident I can even hold on to THAT much, because "bedtime" and "sleep" seem to be strongly schema'd with "job" and "work schedule," which may be why I'm so all over the place. I've been untethered for almost 3 whole years.
Housekeeping: No. Function-only. If it's not the main attention, I don't see it. If I see too much to do at once, I get overwhelmed amd it's invisible. Why am I like this? For the longest time, I'd cry "I don't know," and tear at myself for being a malfunctioning eyesore of human equipment. Nowadays, I wonder if growing up in a house that was unfinished for a long time, spent more time fitting "condemned" qualifications than passing inspections, and being smacked up with "eldest daughter syndrome" has anything to do with it...
There's sooooo much more I could mention, but really thinking about and typing this stuff out is helping me actually look at my shortcomings and think "Maybe I need a strong dose of grace" instead of "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??? WHY ARE YOU EVEN STILL HERE????!" All of these things and more I have already been bullied, teased, ostricised, preyed upon, punished, and criticized for (more times by my closer bonds than anyone else, including myself), and I'm sure some will treat my post no differently. But here's hoping "Midnight Savvi" can be of help to somebody out there needing a particular direction to take their healing journey. "Love and Peace!!"
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 10 months
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Dylan -
He kept his eyes closed as Jayce stroked his hair, partly because it felt good and partly because he didn't want Jayce to see the tears in his eyes.
He couldn't believe someone actually liked him and wanted to kiss him or touch him in any way.
After everything he'd told Jayce about his past, Jayce still accepted him.
He'd always thought that if his appearance didn't scare someone away, his lack of a loving family and having no friends would.
The longer he kept his eyes closed, the more he felt like falling asleep.
He was tired from the rollercoaster of emotions he'd experienced today, concern and guilt over Jayce falling into a tree well, hope when Jayce confessed he liked him too, shame and inadequacy about not having any experience kissing anyone, fear over Jayce's reaction to his pathetic past and then absolute contentment laying here with Jayce.
But he forced himself to open his eyes.
He didn't want to fall asleep and then wake up to find this was all a dream.
He didn't want Jayce to disappear.
Eventually, Jayce broke the silence.
He never could stay quiet for long.
"I want to know more about you," he murmured. "You've kind of been a mystery since day one."
"There's not a lot to know," Dylan replied.
He knew his life wasn't interesting.
It was boring and lonely most of the time.
"That's not true. There are a lot of questions I want to ask you. But we can start simple. What's your favorite color?"
Dylan couldn't help but snort in laughter.
He'd been expecting a question about his rough childhood or something equally as serious.
Leave it to Jayce to keep the mood light.
"Yellow," he replied. "Larch trees are my favorite type of tree and all year I look forward to their needles turning yellow and gold."
"They are beautiful," Jayce agreed. "And you'd look great in yellow. A mustard yellow would go really well with your hair and beard."
"Thanks," Dylan grunted. It still felt awkward hearing anything nice about himself. "What's your favorite color?"
"Red. It's bold, unlike me."
"Attempting to backpack the North Cascades with no experience was bold."
Jayce laughed.
"I guess you have a point. It's probably the only bold thing I've ever done in my life, and look how it turned out."
Dylan knew it was selfish but deep down he was grateful that Jayce had stumbled blindly into the wilderness and gotten lost.
If that hadn't happened, he wouldn't have a friend and he probably would have gone the rest of his life without kissing anyone.
"Do you like morning or night better?" Jayce asked, changing the topic.
"Morning. It's peaceful. Most people aren't awake yet."
"I'm more of a night person. It can be peaceful in its own way. I've always liked looking at the moon and stars and Seattle is pretty at night."
"I've only been to Seattle once," Dylan admitted.
"Really? Even though you grew up in Washington?"
Dylan was silent for a few seconds before answering.
"Yeah. It's a lot of people and I try to stay in places without many people."
"That makes sense," Jayce said, still stroking Dylan's hair. "But how did you turn out so kind and smart when you were isolated from people? Wait, maybe that's a rude question. Forget I asked."
"It's okay. You give me too much credit though. I'm not kind or smart."
"You are," Jayce insisted. "Yeah, you're a little rough around the edges and intimidating but you've done a lot for me. Even little things you didn't have to do. And you're reading about environmental stuff in your spare time. Most people wouldn't do that."
"I do like to read," Dylan admitted. "When I was a kid, I read a lot. Anything I could get my hands on. I'd stay at school instead of going home and read in the library until they kicked me out. It was a form of escape for me. I could forget about my own life when I was reading a book."
"I'm sorry things were bad for you growing up. I know you don't like to talk a lot but if you ever want to talk about it, I'll listen."
Dylan wanted to tell Jayce everything.
He wanted someone to listen for the first time in his life but he didn't want it to be too much.
He didn't want to overwhelm Jayce or talk about things that were too depressing.
"Maybe later," he said, sitting up. "I should start making dinner."
- Jayce -
He was disappointed Dylan didn't want to open up to him more but he knew he shouldn't take it personally. It sounded like Dylan had been through a lot and probably had issues trusting people.
He didn't want to push him too far and end up pushing him away.
He got up and followed Dylan over to the makeshift stove to help with dinner.
Sometimes the meals Dylan made for them didn't require much work but other times there were several steps.
Tonight, it looked like Dylan was going to make pasta.
That involved boiling the pasta, mixing the tomato sauce powder with hot water and adding canned beef and dried herbs.
It wasn't a meal Jayce would ever choose to eat outside of this situation but he was grateful for hot food.
As usual, Dylan was quiet while they ate, so Jayce filled the silence.
"You said you've only been to Seattle once. Did you try any restaurants there?"
Dylan shook his head.
"If you're up for it in the future, I can take you to some of my favorite restaurants. There are a couple really good Italian places. I think you'd like them."
"You'd want me to visit you in the city?"
"Of course. And if it ends up being too overwhelming for you, we can get takeout and eat at my apartment instead of staying in a restaurant."
Dylan grunted and went back to eating his food.
Jayce smiled but he felt sad for Dylan.
There was so much Dylan hadn't experienced in life and he wanted to give all of those experiences to him.
He only hoped Dylan would want to see him again after he left and went back to Seattle.
He stole glances at Dylan throughout the rest of dinner.
Dylan's beard was a bright, copper color in the light of the fire and the golden glow brought out the auburn in his hair.
For him, Dylan symbolized warmth.
Dylan had saved him from freezing to death and every night he could huddle against Dylan or sleep in Dylan's arms.
He felt safe with him.
He wanted to kiss Dylan again but he knew he had to take things slow.
Dylan wasn't like any other guy he'd been with.
After everything Dylan had been through in his life, Jayce would have to handle him carefully.
Beneath Dylan's tough, sometimes prickly exterior was a timid and damaged man.
They cleaned up dinner and when Jayce walked over to the bed to sit down and read, Dylan opened the door and stepped outside.
He was only out there for a few seconds before he came back in.
"Put on something warm and come outside with me."
Puzzled, Jayce got up.
"It's dark. Why are we going out there?"
"You'll see."
He put on his jacket and joined Dylan outside.
Dylan was carrying a flashlight and kept it aimed towards the ground so it illuminated the snow they'd be stepping on.
Dylan only walked a few yards away from the cabin before he turned off the flashlight.
"Um, what are we doing?" Jayce asked, immediately creeped out.
It was so dark that he couldn't even make out any of the trees around them.
"Look up."
He did and he was taken aback by what he saw.
The stars were visible, brighter than he had ever seen them.
They dotted the sky and broke up the inky blackness around them, shining like glittering diamonds.
The moon was a perfect crescent.
"Wow," Jayce whispered, his breath making puffs in the cold air. "I've never seen the stars like this before. There's too much light pollution in the city to make out this many of them."
"You said you like to look at them, so I thought it'd be worth coming out here. We got lucky with a clear sky tonight."
Even though he knew Dylan couldn't see it, Jayce smiled in the dark.
"Thank you," he said. "It's definitely worth coming outside for this."
Dylan moved behind him and wrapped his arms around Jayce.
"Is this okay?" he asked, almost mumbling. "I don't want you to get cold."
"Of course it's okay. It's perfect."
He stood there in Dylan's arms, his head resting against Dylan's chest as he gazed at the stars.
The only sound was him and Dylan breathing.
Otherwise, it was silent and still.
This was the most peace he'd felt in a long time and he finally understood why Dylan liked being out here.
He hadn't realized how loud the city was until he experienced true quiet.
In the mountains, he had a break from everything in his life, the monotony of work, the stress of finding a new place to live and the sadness he felt about his previous relationship ending.
Out here, life was simple.
He didn't have to make any decisions and he had a man to keep him warm at night.
While Jayce wished he and Dylan could stay outside and look at the stars for hours, he knew they would eventually get cold.
Even Dylan would start to feel the chill if he wasn't moving.
He turned in Dylan's arms and hugged him tightly.
"I want to stay but we'll need to warm up soon. I'm glad you showed me this though. I hope we'll have more clear nights."
"We will," Dylan promised.
When they were back inside the cabin, Jayce felt drawn towards Dylan and all he could think about was kissing him.
He took one of Dylan's hands and stood directly in front of him.
"The stars were amazing. It was nice of you to think of me and to be honest, it makes me want to kiss you. If that's okay with you," he added, hoping that being this forward wasn't going to scare Dylan off.
Dylan looked down at him, his soulful brown eyes staring right into Jayce's.
"You're the only person who's wanted to kiss me, so I'm not going to say no to that."
He smiled at Dylan and then closed his eyes and leaned forward, standing slightly on his toes so he could reach and gently pressed his lips on Dylan's.
"Just follow my lead and do what I do," he murmured, his lips still brushing Dylan's.
He began moving his lips against Dylan's, the tip of his tongue brushing Dylan's lower lip.
Dylan opened his mouth and his tongue tentatively met Jayce's.
Jayce felt Dylan's hand on his hip and he deepened the kiss.
Dylan was doing just fine.
He put one hand on the back of Dylan's neck and threaded his fingers into Dylan's hair.
He wanted to be even closer than they already were.
When Dylan pulled back, he was afraid he'd done too much.
But Dylan surprised him by glancing toward the bed.
"Do you want to sit down? So you can reach me better?"
Jayce couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, you are taller than me."
He led Dylan over to the bed and sat next to him.
Still hoping he wasn't being too bold, he gently pushed Dylan back against the pillows so he was in a reclined position.
He couldn't help but stare at how Dylan's muscles stretched the fabric of his shirt and he reached out and placed one of his hands on Dylan's chest.
What he really wanted was to feel Dylan's entire body against his, so without thinking, he swung one of his legs over Dylan and straddled his lap.
He had just leaned down and started kissing Dylan when he realized what he was doing.
"Sorry," he said, pulling back. "I didn't even ask if this was okay. You're new to this and don't even know if you're actually into men."
"It's okay," Dylan said.
Jayce hovered over Dylan, kissing him and rubbing his chest, exploring each muscle.
He felt Dylan's big, warm hands grasp his hips.
Everything felt good, Dylan's touch, his muscular body under Jayce and his tentative, gentle kisses.
Jayce leaned over further, pressing his chest against Dylan's as he pushed his hands into Dylan's hair and kissed him deeply.
It had been a few months since he was with his ex-boyfriend and his body was already reacting.
He wanted nothing more than to roll his hips against Dylan's and lose himself in the moment.
But he forced himself to give Dylan a final kiss and then sat back.
"As difficult as it is for me to do this, I think we should stop. I don't want you to do too much too soon."
Dylan's eyes were half closed and he almost looked like he was in a daze.
"It wasn't too much."
Jayce laid down beside Dylan and tucked himself into Dylan's side.
"I still want to kiss you. Just slower. You know, so I can stay under control."
Dylan turned onto his side and put one arm around Jayce.
He looked happier, like there was finally some light in his eyes instead of a guarded expression.
Jayce kissed him, keeping the kisses light as he cuddled with Dylan until they both fell asleep.
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twjournals · 3 years
What's Wrong is Right
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This is the sequel to So Wrong It's Right.
The finale: The Right Place
Warning: dark!Peter Parker x reader, age gap BUT BOTH CHARACTERS ARE OF AGE, DUB-NON, pregnancy, mentions of abortion
PLEASE READ MY WARNING BEFORE CONTINUING. I am not responsible for your media consumption. Any and ALL negativity will be blocked. The majority of my content is 18+.
Word Count: 7k
Summary: You’re an old troubled friend of May’s. Your life consists of being a workaholic, a party animal, and bringing home the shittest of guys for a one-hit-wonder. Just when you get your life in order, you’re knocked right back into your old habits. Peter has watched you suffer long enough. He can make it all better.
Taglist: @discoverwhattheworldhastooffer
Things could not have felt any better than they did right now. You were still sound asleep beside him on the bed. You were so peaceful when you sleep, so perfect. Even with your hair a mess and what was left of your make-up on your face Peter still thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world.
As much as he could sleep, he did not want to miss a second of you. He longed to touch you again, to kiss you awake and go another round or two. He could stay the whole day in bed with you if you would let him. The thought of you coming undone underneath him replayed in his mind and his cock twitched in response. He needed to calm himself down, but that felt nearly impossible around you. The only thing stopping him was the fact he knew you needed the rest.
Peter laid on his side, taking in the sight of you. He could not understand how guys would use you the way they do, how they could hurt you and be okay with it. He could not understand the type of guys you went after either. They were all the same. It was almost like you were signing yourself up to get hurt. Peter just wanted to take all that pain away. He wanted to be the guy you needed. He was the guy you needed.
He let a sigh before pressing a warm kiss to your head. Sleep had finally won the battle. He let his eyes fall shut as his arms held your sleeping figure close. If only he could fall asleep like this every night.
When you awoke, the sun was shining bright the small cracks in your blinds, and seemed even brighter than usual considering your hangover. You rub your head as it ached. If there was one thing you did not miss about drinking, it was this.
You froze still when you felt the grasp around your body grow a little snugger. You were scared to see who was in bed with you. You tried to think for a moment, thinking back to last night. It was such a faint memory, a blur. Could it have been your ex? There was no way. Even drunk, you would not have fallen into that trap. You peaked over your shoulder, instant regrets washing over you. What had you done? You were in fact naked so there was no doubt what you had done last night.
May was going to kill you.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand beside you as if on queue and you glanced over at it. Oh my god, May! You were dead. Your heart was beating so hard it could have beat out of your chest. You were panicking. You carefully eased out of Peter's grasp to keep from waking him, resting his arm back on the bed. You grabbed a big shirt you had still laying on your floor and a pair of underwear from your dresser before hurrying out the door, closing it behind you.
You tugged your shirt in a hurry before you answered it on the final ring. "Hello?" You tried to play it cool, holding your phone against your ear with your shoulder as you pulled your panties up your legs.
"Good morning sunshine. How are you feeling?" She greeted you.
You started down the hallway to the kitchen. You would feel the aching of your core with every step you took. "Tired." You admitted, moving behind the counter to start a pot of coffee.
"I bet. You needed last night though with everything going on." You bit your bottom lip.
You could not agree more, but you wondered to yourself just much of it as actually needed. You leaned against the counter, watching the drip of the coffee as it filled the pot. "You're not wrong."
She laughed slightly. "I'm just glad Peter could take you home. I always get nervous when you go home with random strangers." Your teeth sunk further into your bottom lip. "Speaking of Peter, do you know where he is?" Your heart was beating so out of control, you were surprised it wasn’t a heart attack in the making. The thought of losing May as your friend after these years, especially over something as big as this, it pained you.
You had to think and think fast. "I think he mentioned something about going to Ned's. I’m not entirely sure though.” You reached into the cupboard to retrieve a mug. "He probably stayed the night." You lied, trying to control your breathing as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. You prayed to yourself in hopes that your lie would be enough. Or what if she already knew Peter was still at your apartment? No, no, she could not have, not sounding this collected.
"I should have guessed that. I'll try to call him again later." She sighed. "I just worry about him sometimes."
"I'm sure he's fine. He's not a kid anymore, May." You reminded her, though a part of you felt like it was a reminder to you as well. If he had not have been who he was, maybe this all would have been a different situation but not when your friendship was on the line.
"I know, I know. It's just the Aunt in me I suppose"
You mixed in your cream and sugar and stirred. "It's Peter and Ned we're talking about, May. They were probably up playing video games all night."
"You're right." She finally admitted. "Well, I'm sorry for waking you. I just wanted to check on you."
"No worries. Let me know when you hear from him." She agreed before you ended the phone call with a goodbye.
You finally let out a deep breath of air. It felt like you had been holding it the entire time you were on the phone. It would not have surprised you if you had. You did not know where to start or how to make it all make sense. Maybe that was because none of this made sense. Peter could not be anymore more than a friend, especially when he was your best friend's nephew.
How had this even got this far? You had never thought of Peter like this and yet you ended up in bed with him. You held the mug, letting it warm your hands as you stared down at your coffee in thought. Peter had been nothing but good to you, but this had been more than you could have asked for. There was a hole in your heart from another man and you had pushed yourself on Peter last night to try and heal it. That’s what you had made yourself believe. You took had taken advantage of his kindness, took things too far and now you had to get things back in one piece.
This was nothing like the hookups you had in the past. This was Peter. It was not like you would never see him around again. It was not like you could just throw him out and be done with it.
You jumped instantly when Peter's voice pulled you from your thoughts. You pushed yourself off of the counter, taking in the sight of him as he moved across the kitchen over to you.
“Good morning.” He smiled and you glanced at his messy hair sticking up in different directions. It was the perfect mix of bed head and sex hair.
“Hi.” You said shyly. How would you break the news to him? God, how could you get yourself in this situation?
“I was looking forward to waking up to you.” He moved over to you, his arms wrapping around your waist as if this were all normal and pressing a kiss to your jaw. Your eyes met his curiously. What was he thinking this was?
“Peter, I think- I think we need to talk.”
Your breathing was shuttered as he held onto your waist, nudging his nose against your neck.
“Oh? What about?” He looks down at you.
Your free hand was pressed against his chest with a sigh. “Did you want some coffee?” You offered.
His eyes lingered on you for a moment as if he was trying to figure out what you were thinking before letting go of your waist. “No, thank you. Is everything okay?” He tilted his head slightly. You seemed nervous.
You took a hold of his hand, placing your mug down on the counter before leading him into the living room. You brought him over to the couch, sitting down. “So last night… can you tell me what happened? I know we had, ya know, but how?”
His face grew pink with a slight blush. “How?” He repeated your question.
“I mean, did I make you? I know I can be a bit much when I drink.”
“What? No.” He shook his head. “I mean it surprised me, but of course, I wanted you. I’ve always wanted you.”
You grew quiet, trying to process what he was saying. You sighed. "Peter, I-" I tried to gather your thoughts together. "It should have never happened and I'm sorry that it did."
Peter's eyes grew wide as he tried to take in what you were saying, but he could not bring himself around to believe you.
"No. You don't mean that." He shook his head.
You frowned. "I do mean that."
He shook his head again. "You don't. You told me I was good to you. You even said before you hope you meet someone even half amazing as me."
"You kissed me! How can you say this should have never happened?"
You run your fingers through your knotted hair and pushing it back out of your face with a sigh. "Peter, I was drunk. I wasn't thinking clearly."
"Drunk words are sober thoughts. Even if you hadn't meant to say it, I know you have been thinking about it." He frowned, taking a hold of your chin and tilting your head to look at him. "Why can't you let just accept how you feel? You deserve to be happy."
You turned your head out of his grasp. "That's just it, Peter. I don't know what I'm feeling about anything. I just had my heart broken a week ago by a guy who I thought was my soulmate. I wasn't ready for any of this to happen. I'm sorry I kissed you and confused you."
He could not believe you were saying this. You could not mean this. Not after last night. Not after the word you clung to him. Not after everything you said. It hurt his feelings. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words would not come. He was not sure what to say. He did not want to overstep, but he could not understand how you could easily fall for assholes like Chris and never a good guy like him.
"You are good to me." You admit. "You have taken good care of me in the past, but we can't be anything more than friends. We can't do this again. I feel like I have overstepped a line with May. She wouldn't want this."
"It's not about what she wants." He snaps. "I can make my decisions for myself now. I'm not a kid anymore, Y/N."
"Peter, you will always be a kid to me. You can do so much better than me. Someone closer to your age. Someone who has their life together. You are such a great guy. I know you will make some girl very happy." You smiled reassuringly, though to him none of this was reassuring.
There was no "better than you", even when he was committed to you. He tried to understand that feeling was new to you considering you always felt in competition with other girls. Truth be told, no one came close to comparing to you in his eyes. He wished he could make you see that, make you understand just how much you really meant to him.
He could feel his phone vibrating again and he sighed, standing up from the couch. He knew it was May. "I should go before Happy sends out a search party."
You stared up at him, nodding slightly. "I understand."
He threw his hand up in an awkward wave before making his way to the door.
You stood up from the couch, hugging yourself. "Hey, Peter?"
He stopped at the door, holding it open and looking over his shoulder at you.
"I don't want this to ruin our friendship." It could never. You just needed time, he thought to himself.
"It won't." He smiled at you. "I promise."
Even though you did not want it to affect your friendship with Peter, you both knew that it had, for better or for worse. You did not see much of Peter after he left your apartment that day, even when you would go see May, the house was already quiet. Neither of you had mentioned a word to May. Peter was always out or on his way out when you showed up. You would only really had time for a quick "hey" before he was on his way. You figured college had him pretty busy for the most part, or Ned, maybe even a girl.
He had properly busied him in hopes to give you space. In hopes, you would realize things on your own and do the right thing. He may have been between college and keeping an eye on the neighborhood, but he never strayed far from you. He never failed to keep an eye out on you. Peter knew how much you needed him, but it was your turn to realize that for yourself.
Peter wasn't the only one keeping himself busy. After some time you had taken off, you finally had gone back to work. In a way, you were glad you had because it kept you distracted. You had decided it was time to focus on yourself.
You had stopped drinking since the night at the club after realizing the trouble it putting you in and the pain it was actually causing you. Drinking did not stop the heartbreak. It might have slowed it down, but when you were sober again, the ache was still there. Drinking kept you from dealing with it. As much as you wished you did not have to, you knew it was the only way for you to move on.
It had been a month since you split with Chris. Thankfully, you were starting to get back in the groove of things fairly quickly.
You sat at your desk, typing away on your computer when your phone buzzed on your desk. You did not look away from your work until a knock on the window of your office door caught your attention.
Your eyes widened at the sight of Chris on the other side. He lifted his phone, mouthing for you to check it.
You lifted your phone over to check, reading the text from him.
Can we talk?
You blinked, glancing at him before turning back to your computer to keep working.
Your phone buzzed again.
You looked up at him again. He had his hands together in a plead while he mouthed "please". You sighed, getting up from your desk to answer the door. You pulled the door open and he smiled slightly though you had not attempted to return it.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I am working." You blunted pointed out.
"I know. I'm sorry for bothering you. I just knew you wouldn't answer my messages. That's the only reason I'm here. I feel like I've had a lot of time to think and I want to talk to you about things."
"Once again, I'm at work." You reminded him.
"When is your lunch then?" He questioned.
You held onto the door. "I don't think I'm gonna take one. I have a lot I need to get done."
He sighed, looking down at you. "Come on. I know you've gotta be hungry." He glanced at his phone to check the time. "Don't you usually take your lunch around this time?"
You tried to stand your ground even though your stomach growled in hunger. You hated when he was right. You hated to give him anything he wanted after how he did you. It amazed you he had remembered what time you took your lunch. Maybe he did pay attention to you after all.
"I'll pay." He insisted. You sighed.
"Fine. Let me get my bag."
You had agreed on a sandwich shop just down the street. You were not in the mood for anything big. You settled down at a table by the window with a wrap and iced water. You took a bite of your wrap, staring out the window at all the traffic on the road.
He was the first to break the silence. "How have you been?"
"Fine. You?" You continued eating, taking another bite.
He had yet to touch his own food. "I've been alright. Can I say something or do you think I am wasting my time?"
"Can you hear me out? Just this once, that’s all I ask."
You sighed, finally agreeing to listen since he had after all bought you food. You sat the rest of your wrap down washing it down with some water while listening.
He sat in silence for a moment to gather his thoughts, trying to figure out where he should start. “I’m sorry for what I did to you and for how I treated you. Nothing I say is gonna take back what I did, but I do regret it all. I know I said some ugly stuff at the club that day. Once again, I know I can’t justify it but I had been drinking and I was coping with losing you. I get that I ruined things. I messed up and you have every right to be mad at me. I was selfish and I never took your feelings into consideration. I didn't think to help you with the wedding because I thought of it as your big day. When it should have been our big day." He leaned against the table, crossing his arms. You pulled your gaze from the window, looking at him for a moment before looking down at your lap. "I missed how spontaneous we use to be. Every day was a surprise. You amazed me every day, but we fell into a routine and I was worried about marriage might be like that." It shocked you that he was even apologizing right now.
"You were so calm when you did it though. Like it was okay for me to see that like you wanted to hurt me." You broke your silence, your eyes finding his and he frowned.
He exhaled a deep breath. "I didn't wanna hurt you. I guess I had convinced myself I had done nothing wrong, but I realize now how bad of a thing I did."
"You could have just talked to me about this before you went and made me feel like I couldn't be enough. We could have put the wedding on hold and fixed this. Sometimes I get carried away with things. I just- I wanted everything to be perfect. I didn't know what you wanted and so I was working twice as hard to get everything to be how I thought you might like it." You wrapped your wrap back up when you lost your appetite. "I think the realization of everything hurt more than walking in on you. Realizing how much I was doing and how little you did-"
"I know and I want to fix that. I want to do more for you and for us. I want to prove to you I can change. We've invested so many years in this. I don't want to throw it all away. I didn't realize how much I needed you until I didn't have you." He reached across the table, taking a hold of your hand and he rubbed his thumb across the back of your hand. It surprised him how didn't pull your hand away and that's how he knew he might have convinced you. He might have a shot again. "If you really are through with me, I do not blame you. I deserve that. Just tell me when and I'll come to get my stuff."
You sat in silence for a moment, thinking to yourself. You were not sure what to say. You never thought he would get this far with his apology. You did not expect him to apologize considering he seemed pretty pleased with himself.
"I don't know what to say right now." You mumbled, looking down at his hand holding onto yours.
He held your smaller hand in between his. "You don't have to say anything. Just think about it. I respect whatever you decide. I just want to know if I have really lost you for good."
"I don't know." You finally admitted, biting your bottom lip slightly and gently taking your hand back from his hold. "I need time."
"Take all the time you need." He ensured.
"We'll see." You glanced at your phone, checking the time. "Thank you for lunch, but I should really be headed back."
He nodded his head, gathering his still wrapped sandwich and drink as you both get up from the table. "I'll walk you back."
The rest of your workday felt like a waste considering you could not focus on anything. You did not get done much of anything you had planned to get done. Why did guys have to make things so complicated? If he had just communicated about it before, maybe you would still be together.
You tried to focus on the computer screen in front of you, letting your fingers hover over the keyboard. Focus, Y/n.
You knew you should not want him back. You did not owe him a thing. You knew there would always be the risk he had not actually changed, but he was all you knew. You grew to him. Your life had changed for your future with him. You had been so wrapped up in the wedding, you had not been paying attention to him. But then again, if he had helped, participated in his own wedding plans then so much would not have been on you.
You rubbed your temple, saving your progress and shutting off the computer screen. You were just gonna call it a night. You had a girls' night planned with May and you did not want this to get in the way of your friendship with May again.
You reached into your pocket to collect yourself, shooting May a quick text.
We're still on for tonight, right?
You gathered your papers off of your desk, shuffling them up neatly before pulling them back in its folder and putting them in the drawer of your desk.
Don't be late.
You smiled at her message before pulling open the door to your office.
You had kept your word to May and showed at a decent time. She was setting up for movie night when you arrived. She tsked when she saw how overdressed you were.
"If I had stopped for a change of clothes, I would have been late." You reminded her with a laugh as she entered the living room again with a bottle of wine and a bowl of popcorn. She placed them on the coffee table in front of her.
"You're welcome to grab some clothes of mine." She offered as she sat down on the couch, tucking her legs underneath her and covering herself with a blanket.
You had already stripped yourself from your blazer as you walked down the hallway to May's room. You grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt from her dresser before going to the bathroom to change out of your pencil skirt and blouse.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as you changed the set of clothes. Your eyes were glued to your stomach, noticing how bloated you looked and frowning slightly. You knew your period would be any day now, but usually, you did not bloat this bad. Your clothes had seemed a little snug today. You shook the thought as you fold your clothes and set them up on the bathroom counter. Your head spinning from everything going. Just when you had thought things were calm, it picked right back up. You left the bathroom, walking towards the living room where May was.
"Hey, Aunt Ma-" Peter called out as he came out of his bedroom, knocking into you in the process. He quickly grabbed a hold of your waist to keep you falling. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He started to rumble.
"It's fine. I'm okay." You laughed quietly, making him smile suddenly when his eyes finally met yours. "You wouldn't happen to be avoiding me, would you?" You tease. You understand even if he was, but you had hoped that he was not avoiding you. You did not want to be the reason driving him out of his own home.
He blushed slightly. "Just giving you some space." He told the truth. You hadn't realized how close you two still were.
"I don't need space, Peter. We're okay." Your eyes flickered across his face for a moment, biting down on your bottom lip when you noticed how close he was still holding you. "Peter-"
"Y/n, are you coming? The movie is about to start!" May called out from her spot on the couch. She had already poured you both a glass of wine.
"Did you want to join us?" You question absentmindedly. He smiled at your words. Maybe you were coming around after all.
"I might later. I have some work I need to finish up." He answered, letting go of his grasp on your waist. You nodded before giving him one last look and continuing down the hallway back to May.
You were halfway through the movie when you turned to May, snacking on a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl that sat between the two of you. "So the weirdest thing happened at work today." You started, pulling her attention from the movie. "Chris showed up."
May turned down the movie a little in order to hear you better. Her eyes were slightly wide and you laughed a little at her reaction. "That was my reaction as well." You pointed out.
"Well? What happened? What did he say?" She encouraged you to continue.
Peter had just come out of his room just in time to get a snack along with something to drink. He had been finishing an assignment. He took his earbuds out one by one, hearing you in the living room as he walked through the kitchen.
"Well, he took me to lunch, and basically he apologized for everything. He wants a second chance."
Peter's eyes grew wide, listening to you talk. You did not have to say his name to know who you were talking about. He peaked in the living room at you and Aunt May on the couch, leaning against the wall as he listened in.
You shrugged.
"I'm surprised you even let him take you out." May pointed out as she took a sip of her wine.
"Honestly, it surprised me too but I was hungry and he offered to pay so I gave in." You rubbed your arm slightly as you leaned back on the couch.
"So what's the plan?"
You looked over at May, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Plan?"
"Well I mean, what did you say to him?"
You got quiet for a moment. Peter felt as if he was holding his breath just to make sure he heard your answer correctly.
"I told him I would think about it."
May seemed surprised by your answer. Peter, on the other hand, was less than pleased.
"He's all I know. I'm comfortable with him. I don't know how to start over and at this point, it seems pointless." You explained as you picked at the blanket over your lap. "He said he didn't wanna give up when we have invested so much time and that he was willing to prove himself."
"Maybe he needed this. Ya know, like a reality check." May suggested and you nodded your head.
Peter could not believe you were going back. You were giving up. After everything he put through, everything he said, and how worthless he had you feel, you were going back. Had you not learned anything? His fists clenched at his side, trying to keep himself calm. He could not listen to another second of this.
He stormed past you and May. "Hey, Pete-" May started, but Peter swiftly interrupted her.
"I'm going out. Don't wait up." He mumbled. Your heart skipped, realizing that Peter had heard everything. You were so sure he had been in his room. He glanced at you before pulling the door closed harder than usual, making the both of you jump. You frowned, looking down.
Peter sat on top of a roof, leaning against a brick wall as he looked down over the city. He did not know what else he could do to prove himself to you. He finally had his chance and you only pushed him away. Chris had years to prove himself and he had. He made his intentions pretty clear, but even that wasn't enough to steer you away.
He was convinced you were scared to be happy. Scared to find that happiness with him when his Aunt was your best friend. Sure you were a little older, but none of that mattered to him. You were the only girl who could ever make him feel the way he did. It could not just be him feeling this way.
The streets were not as busy due to it being so late. Peter closed his eyes with a sigh from the built-up frustration, letting his leg hang over the side of the building. You were so stubborn.
His eyes snapped open at the roar of laughter beneath him. He glanced at the group of men before quickly having to do a double-take when he realized who it was.
"Come on, Chris. Admit it, you have Y/n wrapped your finger." The men shared a laugh, giving Chris's shoulder a playful push.
"Not like I use to, but I know she'll take me back." He chuckled. "She's waited long enough for that ring. She's not gonna give up now."
"You really think you're ready for marriage? What about the other girl?"
"Guess we'll see about that," Chris smirked and Peter's nose flared in anger. "Women like Y/n just need a ring and they're content. Besides, she's the perfect little housewife."
Peter tried to restrain him, but he could only hold himself back so much. He shot a web at Chris which hitting him over the mouth, sending him and his group in a panic trying to pull it off of his face with no luck.
"Dick." He muttered, shooting a web at another building and pulling himself onto the next building. He had enough. Chris didn't deserve someone like you. You deserved someone to take care of you, to cherish you, not just the other way around.
You stared down at the test in your hand. You never expected to find yourself here this soon. It was not long after Peter stormed out that you decided you should go home. You were upset with yourself and with everything going on. This was just the icing on the cake. You mindlessly walked by the calendar in the kitchen on your way to the bedroom, counting the days since your last period. You were late and at this point in your life, you could not ignore it.
The positive plus sign stared back at you and your eyes watered. You had not had sex with Chris in months so you knew it was Peter's. You covered your mouth, letting out a sob into your hand. This was not how you pictured yourself getting pregnant. This was not where you wanted to be in life when you planned on getting pregnant. You were barely making it taking care of yourself. You could not take care of a baby too.
Your body shook as you cried at the foot of your bed. You knew with the baby being Peter's, Chris would never want to be with you. Peter was just starting his life, barely even out of college along with being the Amazing Spiderman. You could not interfere with a baby.
A knock on your bedroom window startled you, making you drop the test. You looked the window to find Spiderman kneeled down on your fire escape, motioning for you to let him in.
You wiped your face of your tears and walked over to the window, unlocking it before pushing it up.
"Now isn't a good time, Peter." You stated bluntly, taking in the sight of him in his suit.
"I really need to talk to you, Y/N. It's important."
"Can we not talk about this another day?"
"No, it can't wait." He slipped under your arm into your bedroom, pulling his mask from over his face. "It's about Chris."
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. "What about him?"
"He doesn't love you, Y/n. He will never care about you like you have cared about him. He is just using him as a housewife and that's all you'll be to him. Just someone to take care of him. You deserve so much than him." Peter paced back and forth as he ranted.
You stared at him as he paced. "That's what you came here to tell me? I know you heard me talking to May. I should have known you would come up with some way to make me feel like shit for thinking about going back."
"Y/n, I didn-"
"You did! You don't get it! It's my heart that was broken. I have loved him for years. You don't understand how hard this is for me."
"I don't understand?" His mouth parted at your words. You didn't know half of it. "How do I not when I have loved you years longer than he's been in your life? Even when you loved everyone but me! You fall for assholes like him and the good guys like me go overlooked!" He exclaimed, throwing his hand up as he shifted back, his foot stepping on the test you had dropped on the floor.
He glanced down to see what he had stepped on.
Your eyes got wide, trying to get his attention. "Peter." You stepped toward him but it was too late. He stared down at the pregnancy test, wiping his thumb over the plus sign as if checking to see if it was real.
He looked up at you. "You're pregnant?"
It was too late to lie about it. It would have required too much energy to keep it going if you had, and you did not have any fight left in you.
"How far?" He simply questioned. He was so sure it was his, but he wanted to hear it from you.
"If you're asking if it's yours, I can assure you it is. I haven't slept with Chris in months. I don't know how far I am. A few weeks is my guess."
He stared at the test a little while longer, a smiling forming on his lips. "We're gonna have a baby." He smiled at the test. He couldn't help himself. This had to be the best news he had heard in his life aside from becoming an Avenger.
"No." You shook your head.
He furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at you. "What?"
You moved over to him, taking the test from him and tossing it on your dresser with a sigh. "I can't keep the baby."
He frowned at your words. "Sure you can. What do you mean?"
You shook your head again, your eyes already getting watery again. "I can't, Peter. I'm not ready to be a mom. My life is a fucking train wreck and you're just now starting yours. I can't ruin that for you."
"Ruin? No, no." His frown deepened, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his arms for comfort. "This is the best news I've heard. This could never ruin my life."
You cried against his shoulder, clenching onto his suit as he held you close in a hug. He pressed a kiss to your temple, stroking your hair down. "I'll do everything I can to keep you and our baby happy. You will never have to worry about another woman because no matter what, I will always choose you. I'll take care of you." He let his hand slide underneath your shirt, rubbing his hand over rounding stomach. "I'll take care of our baby."
You push his hand away out of your shirt, pushing yourself away from him. "I-I can't. I'm not keeping the baby. I'm gonna go to the clinic tomorrow. It'll be better this way."
Peter's mouth fell open slightly as his eyes filled with tears. "Y-You can't be serious."
"I am and nothing is going to change my mind."
"Y/n..." He reached up to cup your face, but you grabbed his wrist. "That's our baby. Don't do this."
You stared at him with tear-filled eyes, some falling down your face, but you didn't speak a word.
He was getting heated by the second. If he thought he was hurt before, he was really hurting now. He didn't understand why you wouldn't take this as your fate and run with it. Run with him. Tears fell down his cheeks. He didn't bother to wipe them, only continued to look at you. He wanted the truth.
"Why? So you can go back to him?"
"This isn't about him."
"Then what is it about, Y/n? You want to get rid of a part of both of us! Can't you see how much I care about you? I would never hurt you like him. You don't have to change yourself to please me. You will never have to worry about not being enough." He moved closer to you, cupping your face in his hands and making you look at him. "You are so perfect, just the way you are. You are more than enough for me."
You try to turn your head to look away, but he leans in, capturing you in a firm passionate kiss. You melted into his kiss, gripping onto his suit. You wanted so badly to push him away, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want him to change your mind. You needed to do this.
He backed you up until your back of your knees hit the bed, letting you fall back on the comforter and falling with you. He supported himself above you, kissing your swollen lips softly as he wipes your face with a swipe of his thumbs.
"You are everything I have ever wanted." He mumbled against your lips, pressing warm kisses over your face and letting them trail down your neck. His hands began to push your shirt up and you quickly regained some focus, trying to catch his hands.
"Peter, we shouldn't..." He caught your hands and pushing them over your head, shooting a web against your wrists to hold them in place against the headboard. You cried as you looked up at him with frightened eyes.
"You don't have to do anything for me. Just let me show you how much I love you. Let me take care of you."
He pressed on his chest, letting his suit go limp on his body and sliding it off as he continued to work his way down your chest. He was left in his boxers. He had pressed your shirt up above your chest, kissing over your breasts and swirling his tongue over your aching nipples.
You whined at the feeling of his tongue, pulling on the webbed restraints. Your nipples were more sensitive than they had ever been before. His hands feel to the shorts you still wear of May's, pulling them down your legs with your panties.
"Peter, stop..." You tried to close your legs but Peter only held them open at the sight of your slick folds. You knew no matter how much you lied to him, your body could never lie to him. Your body only told the truth.
"I want to make you so happy." His lips brushing over your lower bloated stomach, kissing over it and mumbling against it. "You're going to make such an amazing mother."
You shook your head as you wiggled underneath his body. He pushed off his boxers before returning to his place between your legs.
He nodded even when you shook your head. "You will be."
Peter dragged the tip of his cock through your glistening folds, biting his bottom lip as your juices coated it. He let the tip of his cock push against your entrance, pushing his hips forward to slide inside of you and your head rolled back with a whimper.
You hated how much control he really had over you. You hated feeling so weak.
"Peter-" You choked a sob as your walls clenched onto his thick length. You were embarrassed how quickly your pussy pulled him back in when he would thrust.
"Oh," He groaned as his cock pushing in and out of you, hitting you in all the right places as he held your hips in his hands. "I love you. I love you so much." He mumbled against your lips as they brushed together every thrust. His breathing was staggered against them.
You could not fight the lust that clouded your mind. He knew it would take time to steer you in the right direction, but he was willing to spend all the time he needed. You knew how wrong it was to be underneath him, even if you were stuck there, that did not stop what was wrong from feeling so right.
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euphoriic-dysphoria · 3 years
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Blue hair - Bucky Barnes
Firs time posting something like this on Tumblr, I welcome constructive criticism, anything to make my writing better and easier to read. As long as you're not an ass about it.
Summary: you've wanted to dye your hair for sometime now, but you're too scared to do it all by yourself and it seems like a whole big thing now that you keep kinda wanna do with a friend. Yes I'm projecting😅😅
Warnings ⚠️ : none, just extreme flustered bucky, whipped bucky, fluff ig yeah. Without further ado,
Bucky was falling for you. Hard. He fell more each and everyday, but somehow, you were either not into him at all, or painfully oblivious.
He said painfully, because everytime you expressed even the slightest discomfort, even if on the Quinjet you just couldn't fall asleep, bucky just had this inexplicable urge to suddenly bring you all the pillows in the world to make you happy and laugh and smile your beautiful smile.
Bucky wasn't stupid. He'd seen how smart you were on missions, and how fast you'd solved riddles to annoy Tony. You would never be oblivious to things like this. He'd long ago accepted that he was just gonna be a friend to you, of course that didn't stop him from daydreaming about you, or freezing up everytime you brushed your arm with his.
After all, some might assume what with bucky falling head over heels for you (literally, but that's a story for another time, including Sam and being at the beach) that you guys were probably best friends or at least pretty close. Nope. Bucky was embarrassed to say that you stole away all his old fashioned Brooklyn charm the minute you were in a 2 meter radius. He was so nervous he stumbled over his words and opted to just stay quiet and enjoy your presence.
Of course, you thought that bucky was just naturally shy, and well- akward. It never occurred to you that you were the cause of that shyness, but you didn't mind. You found it endearing and utterly adorable the way a pale pink would wash over his features, and brush across his nose.
Today, he was utterly relaxed, pink free, in his room in the Avengers tower, reading and trying to get the thought of you out of his mind. That was hard when abruptly a hard knock sounded at his door, and he was just about to turn around and ignore it, when he heard you mumbling and thinking outside. Supersoldierhearing
Closing his book, he straightened up and furrowed his brow, thinking as to why you'd be outside his room. He hoped everything was alright.
"buckkyyyyyyyy! Woa-hiya, how are YOU on this verrrry fine morning?" You stumbled into his room, bucky was so deep into his thoughts he wasn't aware he opened the door so suddenly, you almost fell in.
A whirlwind of chaotic energy, you recovered quickly and jumped about, before turning back to where bucky was frozen at his door.
You were only wearing a T shirt.
Now, it was 7 in the morning, and most of the avengers were well aware that you walked around in a t-shirt in the mornings, well, only Steve and Nat cause they were the only ones that woke up then. Normally, bucky wakes up earlier to do his run, and so by the time you wake up, he's showered and reading in his room.
Shaking his head a bit to uh, clear up his thoughts, he quietly trudged back to his bed, where you were sitting and excitedly bouncing up and down on.
You gave him a good morning half hug, as you were practically buzzing with energy.
Oh. That alone was more that enough to make Bucky's cheeks start to glow a dusty pink.
However, you were already setting up the boxes of hair dye on his night stand.
"ok. Alright buck, are you ready for maybe the most important decision of your lifetime?? Ahem-" Buckys eyes widened as you did a little drumroll, jiggling your thighs and bringing up your shirt a bit, but you were too absorbed in the boxes you didn't even notice.
In your best announcer voice, you looked at him and grinned. "Blue, or red?" Holding up each colour respectively.
Huh? Bucky was so focused on your smile he practically missed what you said, which would've been hella embarrassing.
"uh- I'm not- where is this coming from?" Bucky almost winced at his voice, coming out hoarse and deep.
With an angelic smile on your face a devil would fall for, you patiently explained the hair dye situation. You wanted to dye your hair. Check. You already bought the hair dye. Check. And last but not least, now you were waiting on one of your friends to reply to you about dying their hair too. This wasn't a demanding act, for you only hit up the people you knew also had wanted to dye their hair too.
"i-i uh whyreyaaskingme?" Oh god. Before Bucky had anytime to mentally smAcK himself for mumbling like that, you were already replying.
With a soft smile you said, "well of course I'm asking you buck, I don't think it's very nice to knock on people's doors at 7 in the morning unless they're awake, and Nat and Steve left together to get coffee. Plus, I trust your opinion, I'm sure you have an excellent sense of style." You teased, reminding him of the time he refused to wear a ridiculous suit that Tony had jokingly, not really, designed.
Buck sighed quietly, as you made your way to the bathroom to compare the colours. Ouch. It was never a nice feeling to know you had come to him out of necessity. Little did he know, you had earlier rushed Nat and Steve straight outta here, in attempts to build a closer bond with bucky. Those two just shared a smug little knowing look, before hightailing it right out of the tower.
Lost in his thoughts, bucky didn't realize you had stopped muttering to yourself about the hair colours.
It was quiet. Too quiet. In the bathroom, there was absolutely no sound.
Bucky frowned, making his way over, and knocked on the door.
"can-uh do you mind if I come in?" Bucky knocked.
The door creaked open, and Bucky peeked inside to find your dejected expression and little pouty lips as you sat on the edge of the sink counter, scrolling through your phone.
"hey- wh-whats wrong doll?" Aw jeez. Cut it out, he said firmly in his head. Stop stuttering, just talk to her like a normal person.
"you- wanna tell me why you're looking like a sad puppy down over here?" Bucky's breath hitches as he's in the middle of berating himself for comparing you to a puppy, when you finally look up and meet his eyes, droplets threatening to leak and break past your waterline.
Bucky's heart just about cracks at the sadness radiating off of you. As far as he knows, you of all people should never have to feel this sad. All nervousness forgotten, he quickly bends down and tilts your chin up, tenderly wiping away the tears that have now started their journey down your cheeks.
It's been 5 minutes of you and him, leaning against each other as he wipes away the quiet tears that keep replacing each other.
Finally, in a quiet voice, you explain. At first it was just the dissapointment of no one wanting to really dye their hair with you. But you understood. Really, it was early in the morning, and it was easy to see why people didn't wanna dye their hair right away, or at all even. You completely and totally respected them and their choices. But then, you thought, maybe they're annoyed at me. Maybe, they don't like me anymore. Maybe they wish I'd leave them alone. Maybe they'd be better off without me.
You were well aware you were spiralling, but after the negative thoughts started, it was hard to stop. You had anxiety of these types of things.
Countless times, Nat and Wanda had had to reassure your wanted presence and that the team did love you.
While you were explaining, Buckys arms slowly snaked around to embrace you, and put his chin on top of you head. He was sad, simply because you were.
But listening to your thought process made him realize that you were human too, and it opened his eyes to listen to your anxiousness, no matter how much it still hurt.
Uh oh. The feeling was coming back, tugging at bucky, eating him away, making him want to do anything to make you happier.
Tightening his arms around you one last time before releasing you, he blurted, "uh- I'll dye m-my hair."
Your eyes widened. A small smile slowly creeped onto your tear streaked face. "Yo-you'd do that f-for me?" You hiccuped.
Holy shit. Oh man. Bucky would've tattooed his face if it gave you that little glowing smile and hopeful face you were giving to him now.
"Oh doll. You wouldn't believe what I'd do for you."
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hitoshisbabygirl · 3 years
Author's Notes ♡: hello hello! Welcome to another BNHAREM collab! This theme of office/work au just gave me so many ideas for some other characters I’m excited! Anywhooo I enjoyed writing this fic out a lot and surprised at how long it is actually! I tried to do a bit of progress between the reader and Shinsou but it might seem a bit jumpy, it’s over the course of a few months jump betweeneach scene!I hope you guys enjoy and check out the others fics too!! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW! Tying up (only a little?) , pet names! (Kitten slut and princess!) oral (f! receiving) and I think that’s all!
Word count : 5.5k (another big boy!)
Paring(s) : Shinsou Hitoshi x F!reader
Summary : Falling for your boss was a feat in itself, but what happens when he wants you for himself the same way you do?
Enjoy ♡
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Working as a pro heros assistant has its perks and stressors, especially when the one you work for is the spitting image and personality of the one Mr. Shouta Aizawa ; aka Eraserhead. Quiet, tired, sarcastic but a joy to be around when the two of you could be alone , his sarcastic jokes and overall tiredness with whoever bothered him who wasn't his assistant was a fun thing to hear, especially knowing how he is. Becoming his assistant came as an odd thing too, from him saying he sees how much she worked and seeing the work she was capable of was the catalyst for him asking for her name and for her to be moved to be his assistant. And that's how [ ] found herself speed walking her way to her bosses office, tea , a bottle of water and some type of sweet muffin in her one handed tray and his files in another. Trying not to drop anything as she got closer to his door she pushed the door as hard as she could with a healed foot, sighing in relief as she was able to put everything down without incident. Hearing the door creak after she entered [ ] turned around to face her violet haired boss, a lopsided smile on his face as she straightened up “ H-hello Mr.Shinsou I have everything out for your meeting ; There's the food you requested and all of your files and documents about the the next briefing mission!” Smiling at the taller male his own smirk widened as he shut his door and strolled passed her, the smell of cologne and body wash waving over her senses.
“Thank you [ ]. You always take good care of me, '' Hitoshi said as he sat at his desk and started to open up the files, sipping the tea she brought him. Trying not to let that phrase make her skin tingle with pride [ ] started to leave, letting him be him with his work [ ] headed to the door before Hitoshi looked up and saw her leaving “Oh [ ]” he called out as she turned around , crossing her hands over her skirt that rose on her legs ``Y-yes sir?” “You look pretty today, as usual.” and there it was, the usual complimenting that [ ] wasn't used to. The compliments picked up within a few months of [ ] working with Hitoshi, the two starting already with a good work relationship from the beginning to a more comfortable friendship at work balance. For some reason [ ] couldn't help but notice she was the only female around him that he acted like this with, not comments towards her other female employees, he barely spared them a look as he saw them in the halls or gave them a small answer back to their cheery comments. But when he came over to see [ ] it was a different energy, he was more friendly, he talked a bit more about things he enjoyed and even laughed some! [ ] never even noticed the difference until some of the other workers said they were happy she had joined them because she made their boss more relaxed and calm as opposed to tired and snappy. Shaking her thoughts away she noticed Hitoshi was still looking at her, head resting on his hands as he looked her over before looking at the mess of papers under him “You ordered them for me huh? What did i do to deserve such a wonderful assistant.” He said as [ ] felt the praise make her chest swell. “I try sir” , giving her another smile as he sat back in his chair. “I have another meeting this week I'd like you to sit in on. You're smart and can help me with notes on the lesson if you wouldn't mind?” opening a shut eye Hitoshi saw the confusion then joy that ran through [ ]’s eyes “I'd love to Sir! It'd be an honor to sit in and help you!” She said as he gave him a smile he was selfishly enjoying only for him “ Great. And you can call my Hitoshi [ ], no need for honorifics when we’re pretty good friends now hm?” giggling [ ] shook her head “Sure thing Hitoshi '' Ah there it was for him, the sweet sound of his name on her lips. Watching as she bowed and left he couldn't help the raging thoughts running through his head as his meetings for the day proceeded as planned.
The next few days were odd to say the least. After his meetings Hitoshi was more quiet, slipping in and out of his office without interaction or barely a glance at even his closest friends. He didn't tell [ ] what he needed, more of a list he left the night before and gave her small but barely there smiles when she brought them to him or even brought snacks as his days drained on. This was the boss shinsou she heard of , not the hitoshi she was accustomed to. One day as [ ] sat in her room across the way from her said boss she heard a call for her, someone saying that Mr.Shinsou was needing her. Nervous about what he could need from her when he's already in a bad mood she headed up to his office before knocking softly, hearing a grunt ‘Come in’ from the other side. His office was relatively dark, just the natural light coming from the gian window from behind his grand desk. And sitting at his desk was a sight to behold. There he was, long curly purple hair tousled around as his rolled up sleeves of his normal office clothes laid tightly against his forearm, the few top buttons of the dress shirt opened to reveal the hard muscles built up as a pro hero should have. A face of tiredness, irritability and overall done was evident on his features, but as soon as his eyes met [ ]’s they seemed to have life comeback to them “Ah, you got my message” He said, his voice was laced with sleep, if the darker than normal bags under them wasn't even enough. Even with his sounding half asleep [ ] couldn't help the fluttering she felt from hearing him sound more...rough around the edges than usual “Y-yes i did , seem like you're tired sir can i help with anything?” Now having the man turn fully to face her she saw the look in his eyes , an almost mischievous glint in them as he rolled his shoulders ``This might be an odd request but..mind helping me stretch? I've been keeping up with field work and in the office too but with it all I seem to be overworking my body, I'm sore all over and not getting sleep is well….doing its damage” he huffed out a laugh as [ ] tried to hide the shock and excitement of his questioning. Being that close to her boss, a man she's come to not only admire but has caught a bit of a crush on asking her for help? But she thought it over ‘ I'm his assistant , its what im paid for’
Strolling over to him she gently put her hands on his shoulders and pushed, hearing the male under her groan as he laid back into her gestures “Fuck...I knew youd be an amazing masseuse..” he grumbled under his breath as he laid father back, sliding his shoulders deepeer into her hands as [ ] tried not to let herself to be affected with her bosses words “Dont be shy [
], you can push harder on me , I won't break y'know..” Hitoshi joked as she laughed, pressing her nails into his shoulders as a sinful moan was ripped from his throat. Feeling her face heat up [ ] just rubbed the knots from his shoulders, suppressing a squeal as the sound the violet haired man made increased. Rubbing over the back of his neck and shoulders all of the main knots she felt seemed to have worked out. Softly she stepped away from him and called out “I-Im all done sir, unless you need more?” hearing him groan as he stood she was faced with dark eyes looking her over “Those little hands of yours did wonders for me sweetheart, i should have you be my physical therapist too” laughing [ ] pushed his chest and crossed over the side of his desk to the chair that was across from his “Oh please it was nothing but me trying to loosen up your muscles!” crossing his desk as well Hitoshi came behind his assistant, placing his much larger hands on her shoulders ``Well why don't I return the favor, you've been helping me with all this paperwork and now being a masseuse for me...it's the least I can do'' he whispered in her ear as she let out an involuntary whine , feeling his hands tighten with his warm breath hitting her ear. Taking his thumbs Hitoshi did the same, rolling her muscles out of being tight and wound up, but making sure to do more teasing than [ ] expected. Every so often he whispered “Is that okay?” or some type of small praise, making sure to acknowledge . He was drawing it out on purpose, making sure to move closer to her with every push, or have her whimper with a hard roll or pinch of his larger fingers. Just as she had done he pulled away , but not before rubbing up her arms and giving that same lazy smile “Well I hope i was able to compete with your expert massage” Still overwhelmed she just shook her head and agreed , letting their eyes mingle longer before the phone ringing broke the silence. Sighing Hitoshi went back to his seat, picking the line up before answering “Hello this is Mind Jack” rolling his eyes the man answered, pushing his rolling chair side to side as he was listening to whoever called. [ ] could see how tense he was starting to get, those same shoulders sinking back to their tense state as he continued to drain on with whoever was on the other side “Yeah...the back was the way they seemed to bring in other collateral. Taking a pen from his desk and scrap paper [ ] wrote ‘I can leave and get you some tea if you want it’ and slid it to the violet haired male, his eyes glancing to the paper and back to hers. Snorting he took the pen and replied ‘You're too cute. I'm fine.’ frowning she wrote back ‘But you look stressed again :(‘.
Before she could slide it to him the sound of him yelling shocked her “Well of course there's a problem , no ones keeping a proper tab on him!” Jumping slightly at his hand hitting the wooden desk [ ] covered her squeal, looking up to see the furious eyes of the intimidating man soften before he pointed to her, curling his finger for her to come closer. Hesitantly she did, getting very close before he patted a thigh, shocking the girl. Before she could question him he slid the paper back to her “im sorry :(, mind sitting down with me? Could use a different set of ears for whatever this shit he's telling me...Unless you're uncomfortable, consent is key here and i'm not an opportunist :)’ Smiling at the small note she crossed over his leg to sit in his lap, hesitantly placing her weight down before hearing the older sounding man say something “One second Shin, gotta go get some files and the line was silent. Pushing the speaker and setting the handle down on the holding phone, Hitoshi rubbed at his forehead “This is a pain….I guess the lead we hand on a drug distributor is true but no ones properly following him..I might need to leave the office to follow from higher ground” He spoke up after sensing [ ]’s eyes on his closed ones ``But you should be resting ‘toshi not overworking” [ ] said as she felt his hand wrapping around her waist “God you're too good for me woman, sometimes I wonder how I can keep my composer around such a good girl'' Straightening her back [ ] felt her face heat up , a tingle running though her spine as he continued, getting closer to her ear “Yknow, you're always on edge with me, why is that pretty girl?” Whimpering she felt his hand stroke the mesh of her stockings “Always wearing such cute little outfits...you're like a doll” holding in her breath she gasped when she felt his fingers pinch her thigh “You still didn't answer me [ ]...” Clearing her throat she spoke up “You're just a bit intimidating is all sir..hitoshi” shr admitted as he chuckled , tightening his grasp on her waist “So I intimidate you huh sweetheart?” moving his hand away he just laid back, giving [ ] rome to breathe “You can relax,, I'm used to others ebing a bit scared of me so it's not that big of a surprise.” chuckling, he continued “ You don't have to stay on me , I was just being selfish with you”
Feeling a bit sad at his wording, [ ] turned herself around to look at him, and immediately regretted it. He looked perfect, body sprawled and relaxed on the leather office chair, a similar button up, this time black , was still left open , leaving his neck opened to see. The lazy tired look he always radiates was there, being a sense of calm from him. Since he was in the office he now wore more jewelry , a set of plain titanium bands fit over his fingers. That casually was scrolling his phone. Feeling herself staring too much [ ] cleared her throat and whispered “Well I like you...so I like it up here” And that phrase snapped Hitoshi from his scrolling “What did you just say?” realizing her open thought to herself actually was heard by him she froze, starting to rise from his lap “Ah nothing just-” “[ ], what did you just say to me..” grabbing her arm before she could get far enough she was jerked back to his face. Questioning eyes stared back at the nervous and faltering ones that stared back. “I said I didn't mind being on your lap..” She said as he smirked “But why?” Looking away from his piercing stare she let out a small snort “Well because its kinda comfy” The smirk on his face turned into a grin “That's not what I heard kitten try again” Feeling the heat spread to her face she tried to pull here arm from him only for him to hold it tighter “I..didn't say anything else” clicking his tongue he got closer, putting his nose close others “You said you liked me, or maybe my own thoughts are starting to take over” “What do you mean Hitoshi..?” Flicking his eyes to hear he realized what could happen so taking in a breath he continued “If you don't say it then I will...I like you [ ], the months you've been working for me has been the best time for me...I'M selfish with you..and i want you all to myself..I'm the boss here afterwards, so no ones really gonna question if I decide to make you mines”
Gasping at his confession [ ] tried to hide her face until a hand grabbed her chin “But if I was wrong hearing what you said then..I won't push it” Letting her face and arm go he leaned back in that chair, looking at her. Sucking in her own breath [ ] looked at him and spoke “Yes, I said I liked you, and I do, I've had one since the third week here and now its been months, I enjoy being your assistant, I like being able to make you happy and I...really enjoy being around you..” Meeting his eyes again she saw his smile before he put his phone down “Well with that squared away.. Why don't you come here kitten” By dropping his voice and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt [ ] felt like she'd just opened one of the best and scariest doors she could imagine. That was, until the phone rerung. Side eyeing it Shinsou still held a hand out for her, pulling her swiftly to his lap before answering “Yes Sir?” he started again but this time his hand traveled south, rubbing up and down the back of [ ] as he listened to the man on the other side of the phone. Something he said made the boy grab her waist hard, causing her to let out a sound of discomfort. Hearing that the violet haired male looked at her before whispering a soft “Sorry” and pulling her closer. [ ] saw what he meant ; the senior officer was all over the place, no one knew where anything from the heroes’ agencies were, all the papers, notes and documents on the case seemed misplaced or missing pieces and parts.
Focused on listening to the man on the phone as well, she felt herself start to lay on his shoulder to better hear him, slightly curling up on her boss's lap. Gently a ring clad finger slid under [ ]’s shirt, the cool metal cooling off her burning skin. Still buzzing off his confession she decided to be a bit bold, jutting her hip out so he’d have a hand full of her thigh if he wanted to. Still talking to the man on the line, Shinsou threw her a look, raising a brow before taking the invitation to the now more exposed flesh. “Now Hitoshi-kun I think we could work on a few different ways to trap him, I can send some undercover men to join you in his apprehension, this is our fault for losing him and if we come up with a good enough plan we can begin to execute it!” Humming in agreement Shisou felt himself becoming distracted by his assistant who was whimpering at his ministrations, fingers tightening on his shoulder as she let him rub over her hip, down to her ass and squeezing , before with every touch going lower. “Sure sensei lets..work on some places that we could..potentially set up” feeling the ghosting lips of [ ] on his neck Shinsou slid his hand lower to cup over her cheek , a warning that he'd go lower. Pecking a spot on his neck was the push, the same ring clad fingers going between her skirt and pulling the mesh from her core, causing her to gasp out. Smirking as she got back was a kiss to her temple before he rubbed just his knuckle against her core that was starting to weep. Signing out in content she couldn't help herself, knowing that he still was on the phone with the man fumbling to write up things to fax over she grabbed the sides of his shirt to smash their lips together, a grunt falling from the violet as he groaned, dipping in to kiss her deeper until he heard his name “Hitoshi-kun?” Breathlessly he pulled away from the kiss, seeing [ ] pout as he grinned, stuffing a finger inside of the hole he made and pulled her soiled panties from her lower lips ``Ahem , yeah i'm here sir, sorry just had my assistant bring me some papers and I got distracted” Licking at his lips he continued to talk to the chief while rubbing her little bud casually talking to him as he faxed over details.
An agonizing half an hour later they were done and so was his teasing. As soon as the chief said he'd call later and they hung up [ ] was on him, trying to kiss him as he slipped his fingers out and away from the mess dripping between her legs ``Well well well, the kitten can be bold when it comes to being teased'' Letting out a high pitched whine she when to kiss him again but he moved, going for her neck. “Patience sweetheart, I'm not even gonna do anything.” Pulling her up higher on his lap and cradling her waist his lust filled eyes looked over her heaving chest and wide eyes looking at his “You okay? I didn't mean to scare you with how fast we were moving” Shinsou rasped out at her. Feeling heat creep up her neck she shook her head ``'m fine, great actually. Just very um..needy” Laughing at her words he leaned up to kiss her cheek “Well I hope you know i'm not done with you...I’ll let you finish those papers that were sent over...maybe if you be a good girl I'll give you more hm?” Teasing her Shinsou ran his lips over [ ]’s , the gap keeping them apart almost nonexistent as he licked at her lips , starting another deep kiss. Letting his fingers run over her hips he pulled her tucked shirt out more, unbuttoning the ones closest to him as [ ] did the same, not stripping themselves bare but just enough skin for the two to feel each other.
Letting one hand pull up her skirt and one wrapped around her throat Shinsou could feel the heat radiating from her clothed lower half that was runting over his straining hardon. Slowly he grabbed her hip to stop her rocking. Before pulling away from the kiss, both breathing hard against the other “H-hitoshi...you're a tease” clicking his tongue the male gave her a look “If anything you're the tease kitten, rutting against me like that..and then kissing my neck? Naughty girl you wanted my attention and now that you're getting it you wanna whine about it and beg about it not being enough. I promise i'll give you more kitten, I promise you I will...I really wanted to give you a proper date and be able to show you I don't want you as something quick and damn sure not easy.. but at this rate...I'll end up pounding you on this desk like the little brat you are until you learn how to listen [ ], who knew you'd get bratty if you're not being stuffed and begging for more” Kissing her cheek Shinsou let her sigh and start to semi get dressed to get the papers ``You still could take em on a date though…” She said softly as his eyes watched her smooth and fixed her skirt “That I will do” Laughing [ ] awkwardly tried to pull the stockings she had underneath the tiger to fix the hole he made. Watching her struggle was now Shinsous task as his assistant pulled and tugged, soon hearing another rip as she struggled “Take them off” Blinking, [ ] faced him “H-Huh?” “I said take them off, they'll be off soon anyways” Pointing to the clock he was right ; they only had a bit more left in the office before they'd be going home for the day. “O-Oh yeah..But what about-” “If you're nervous I'll walk you to your car, you don't have to worry about feeling exposed” As i f he was reading her thoughts Shinsou spoke, making [ ] feel her heart rise in her throat “Okay...well uhm thank you sir” feeling even more heat in her chest she left out and did as such, feeling the cool air of the building raised goosebumps on her skin. Sighing, she grabbed the stack of papers on the printer, starting to work on them for her teasing boss.
Sticking to his word Shinsou did walk her to her car, a pleasant conversation falling between the two “Well,” her boss started “It looks like we’ll be up to more faxing tomorrow, I’ll see what we’ll need tonight. Thanks for listening in too, oh and for my massage” Giving [ ] a smile he opened her car door for her and turned to leave before feeling a hand grab his wrist “Wait!” Looking back at her he saw how beautiful she looked ; hair a bit disheveled, shirt and skirt not as neat as it was before their little...break. “Yes [ ]?” she didn't understand it, it was like nothing happened . He was the calm and level headed boss instead of the teasing and fierce lover she had hours ago “Well...nothing, it's nothing” Knowing what she was going to ask he stepped closer, pushing her back against her car. Taking his hands and gently placing them on her hips he pushed himself impossibly closer, just until their lips were over each other “Oh don't worry that wasn't a fluke. I told you kitten, I'm not an opportunist , I wanted you to be comfortable before I even attempted to admit my feelings for you, especially in that way” Giving her a soft peck he pulled away “Goodnight [ ] i'll see you tomorrow yeah?” and with that he started to head for his own car.
The following day [ ] made it a point to dress a bit more risky. Wearing a deep v cut and slit up the thigh black dress that was still acceptable for work with a long sweater she came in early to work on all the filing that would need to be done. Hearing a rep on her door she looked up to see one of the other girls come in “Ouuu look at you, whos the lucky person?” Laughing [ ] continued to order “Ah whatever do you mean?” The girl, Mina, came closer. “All of your outfits are cute or a bit womandly but this, this is a minx in disguise , like you're gonna go on a fancy date but really worried about the desert afterwards if you catch my drift.” Laughing with her best friend [ ] shook her head “I wanted to switch it up, honest!” Giving her a questioning look Mina laughed at herself “We’ll see, I bet Mr.Shinsou will enjoy what you're wearing” Eying her pink haired friend and about to ask why she said that they heard someone else open the office floor door.
“Ah hello sir! Welcome in!” “Good Morning Mina” Oh, OH it was the man of the hour, Shinsou entering the place. As he walked by he too, was out of his usual attire; still ring cladded fingers but a more civilian look going on. Skinny black jeans and a t-shirt help reveal the mass that a pro hero could be. Sure he wasn't a super hulk but he was very well built , long hair pulled into a messy bun. Looking up she saw Mina mouthing the words “He's a hunk” and fanning her face. Waving at her and giggling she heard his office door reopen “Ah Mina, would you mind helping the lower floors until the rest of the team gets in, they seem to have messed up your guys parts. You too [ ]” The both of them looked at the papers that were supposed to come in to them and sure enough ; they had “Yeah i'll go! I know [ ] has more important papers to fill out!” Cheerfully she headed out , leaving the floor empty to her and Shinsou “[ ]” “S-sir?” Glancing up from the papers she saw him leaning over the door frame, eyes studying what he could see of her outfit through her sweater “C’mere..” was all he said as he slinked back into his office. Nervously she left the papers at her desk and headed into his, hearing the soothing jazz in the background “Shut the door too” Pushing the heavy wood until it shut she laid against it, looking at her boss who sat at his desk. “So..how's all the paperwork going?” Nodding her head she let out a soft “Good” before letting the quiet jazz fill the room. Leaning forward and taking a sip from an iced coffee he pointed to the door “You can lock it too” Sucking in a breath [ ] twisted the lock, hearing it click as the room now seemed a bit suffocating. “Whats up sir?” Sighing, Shinsou stood, stretching before he strolled over to her “ Now Kitten..didn't I say we didn't have to do honorifics..” feeling like a deer in headlights she started to move backwards until she hit her back on the door. Smirking he pushed his hand against the frame, trapping her between his arms “R-right...sorry ‘toshi” The smell of the same body wash and cologne took up her air and made her knees feel weak “That's a good girl, now come, sit and i'll show you what we’re gonna be working on” Following shakely behind her boss she saw he was messing with his capture gear behind his desk “Ah the reason i'm dressed so down today is for that very reason; we were gonna go initiate a look around for our guy..trying to see if anyone who works with or knows him is around then i'll take them in for questioning” Nodding her head [ ] fiddled with the weapon , rubbing the fabric “it's so interesting how soft it is” Flicking his wrist the fabric moved to wrap around her wrists and tightened, causing her to gasp “sorry , I couldn't help it” Stepping behind her Shinsou pushed his hips into hers and pulled her up to his chest “toshi...whatre-” “Shhhh, quiet princess..it's time to show you how I can handle you” wrapping his fist around the two straps he used the leverage to keep her tied up before he placed her on his desk. Starting a searing kiss the two of them made out on it, hips pushing into each other as shinsou drew out her sounds. Pulling away heaving the two of them smiled at the other “Fuck..can I?” Rubbing at her colthed slit and starting to bite at her neck, not knowing where to start with her he asked for permission “Y-yes please , please touch me” Smirking against her neck he sucked a few marks before moving lower to her heaving chest to leave more marks. As he got to her thighs he made a show going between them “Shit love...you just had to dress like
a little slut huh..you knew I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you..” biting at the thickest part of her inner thigh, before sucking another mark there.
Pushing her dress higher he sucked in a breath at the sight. She was wearing full laced panties, the pair thin enough to see everything she had to offer. Letting out a low whistle Shinsou kissed against the heat of her pussy, bathing in the moan of his assistant. Pulling off her panties and looking up to the heavy breathing [ ] he winked at her before sucking at her clit. A loud moan ripped from her chest as she tried to widen her legs to give him more room. Enjoying himself by making her cry , Shinsou moaned over her lower lips before sucking harshly at her sensitive bud. As pleasured whining fell and tumbled from [ ]’s lips he pulled away, stuffing a thick finger in her sopping walls. “C’mon love, let loose for me” “T-toshi! Please..” Feeling her mind get hazy with a push of a button in her walls. The coil in her stomach felt tight and rapidly getting tighter before she came, runting her hips against his fingers that continued to pump in her “Good girl..thats my sweet kitten” Overwhelmed by all the simulation [ ] looked up the the dark look of her boss who untied the ends of his capture gear. Pulling at the fabric he laid her over the desk and started to rock his tip against her sopping core. Wrapping a hand around her throat he leaned down to push their faces closer as he started to enter into her slowly. Trying to help ease the stretch Shinsou kissed her hard, shushing her loud sounds as he started to bottom out. Once he did get to bottom out the two of them sighed in content , eyes looking at each other “[ ].....I promise i'll be gentle I can't hold back anymore..you're mine you understand?” He growled out.
Clenching over him [ ] agreed, arching her back into him “Im yours Hitoshi...mark me” And with that he started a brutal pace, holding her hands with one of his own while the other held her thigh open. As the two groaned and moaned against each others lips [ ] felt herself clench hardr as another wave of an oragsm filled her mind. Seeing her tired and fucked out face filling her senses, Shinsou grinds, rubbing a pair of fingers over her clit “I'm such a close kitten.. ‘M gonna fill you up, can I?” Panting out to her he tightened his gear over her wrists as her pleasure teary eyes found his “please..inside Im on the pill its okay!” Feeling a shiver go down his spine he sped his hips up, going to fill her up as he started pumping his cum in her fluttering walls , a weak spasm was her wall's response to his fill. Letting her eyes fall shut [ ] felt shinsou breathing against her neck as her still tied hands reached to rub his back. Feeling him start to kiss her neck [ ] let out a content sigh “Hey..[ ]” he called out as she hummed “Once You recuperate we’ll go for round two...Im nowhere near done with you”
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marvelatthetwilight · 3 years
The Fight
Anonymous said: Could you do an imagine where Sam and the reader have like a really big fight or something like that but it ends in pure fluff?? Please! I just need more Sam content! ❤ thnx
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“I can’t even look at you right now!” You shout across the room. Sam’s face is pink with anger, he’s shaking, with a small growl starting in his chest.
“Sam just go away!” You run up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door behind you and fling yourself on the bed, tears streaming down your face, your breathing heavy as you sob into the pillows.
You hear a door slam downstairs, then the definite sound of Sam’s wolf growling as he runs towards the tree line. You would recognise that sound anywhere, although normally it would be waiting for him to come home after patrol. This time, you weren’t sure if he would come home, but right now you didn’t care.
Wrapping yourself in a blanket, you curl up on your side of the bed, fully dressed. Suddenly feeling tired from the fight, eventually you allow the exhaustion to kick in as you fall straight asleep.
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A week later
“You’ve got to come see him Y/N he looks a mess” Paul pleads through the door.
“Nope! He can come to me, I’m not apologising.” You respond, looking at yourself in the mirror, bags under your eyes, skin looking flat and lifeless. Being away from Sam was definitely having an effect, but you weren’t going to admit to Paul that you couldn’t sleep without Sam, that you were struggling to eat, or have any kind of fun.
“That’s the problem Y/N. He just won’t get up. He’s not sleeping, not eating. I don’t even know how long it’s been since he cracked a smile. Pleaaaase!” Paul pleads again.
“I’m not coming Paul. I need time.” You say softly.
“Ok. Just let us know if we can do anything to help you two. We need our pack leader back. Urgently.”
You hear his steps away from the house and the door slam to his truck. You sigh deeply, trudging back upstairs to throw yourself on the bed again.
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The following week
After being sent home Monday morning for exploding at a customer, you realised you needed to get your life back on track. You needed to shower. Properly. You needed to eat. Properly. But to do all of that you needed one thing.
You needed Sam.
Grabbing your phone, you type a message out to Paul.
- Is Sam at yours?
- Yup. On the sofa. Not moved all day.
- I'll be over in 30 minutes.
You smile at Paul's reaction. As much as you wanted Sam to be the one to come to you, the imprint link had left you both sad and exhausted, and you couldn't continue the fight any longer. You needed him. You knew from the fights you'd seen from Kim and Jared that the pack felt everything far deeper than their imprints. You didn't want to punish him any longer.
Jumping in the shower you start mentally preparing your speech for when you see Sam. I don't want to feel second best to the pack. I understand what the pack means to you but I need to feel important too.
You grab whatever bits of make up you can find and make your best attempt to cover up the bags which have formed under your eyes. Pulling on a pair of jeans and a loose fitting top, you brush through your hair and take a final look in the mirror. It'll do.
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Before you even get to knock on Paul's front door, it swings open to show Paul and Jared, both looking tired but excited to see you.
"Y/N!" Jared shouts, running towards you to give you a hug. He pulls back and keeps a hand on either arm, looking you in the eyes. "Please don't feel pressured if this isn't what you want yet. I know Paul kept ringing...and Sam is in a pretty bad way. But we want you to be happy too."
You smile sadly at him. "I need this too Jared, don't worry. I'm doing this for me."
Paul gives you a thumbs up from behind Jared before coming to hug you himself. He leaves an army draped around your shoulders as you both walk up the steps.
"He's still on the sofa...we will leave you two alone. We're going out on a quick patrol!" With that he drops a quick kiss on your cheek and jogs towards the treeline with Jared in tow.
You look up at the house and take a deep breath, pulling open the door and stepping inside the house.
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What hits you first is the smell. Sam’s smell. A smell that’s been a comfort to you every night since you met. A smell that you have desperately missed, but has immediately put your mind at ease now it has filled your senses again.
Walking through the house towards the back room, you walk hesitantly towards the sound of the TV. As you reach the doorway, he stands up from the sofa and turns to look at you. His face is etched with sadness, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, dark bags underneath them from lack of sleep, hair messy and dishevelled. “Y/N...” he whispers, his eyes wide with shock, hands desperate to reach out to you but hesitant in case it makes you leave.
You smile at the sound of his voice. “I’ve missed you baby.”
The corners of his mouth twitch at the word baby, and he rushes towards you, wrapping you up in his arms. He breathes in the scent of your hair, his arms wandering your body before they make their way to your face, delicately cupping your cheeks before hesitating again. He looks deeply into your eyes, searching for approval, searching for confirmation that things will be ok.
You step back. His hopeful expression looks deflated, then confused as you take his hand and lead him back to the sofa. “We need to talk first.” He nods in understanding.
You both sit down, side by side, and you take his hand back in yours, stroking it softly with your fingers. He looks up at you with sad eyes, desperately trying to read your expression.
“I know how important the pack is, not just to you but to the reservation. I understand the importance. But I need to feel important to you too. My life is overwhelmed with the pack, with this life, and I just feel like I’m a passenger just going along for the ride. I feel like I have no control. Like I have no purpose. I’m just “Sam’s imprint”...is that all I am?” Feeling confident in your rehearsed lines you look at Sam, who’s eyebrows are burrowed as he stares at the ground.
“You know you are so much more than that Y/N.” He says quietly.
“I don’t though Sam. You never tell me. You never talk about things. I only know because of the imprint bond.” You move away from him slightly, letting go of his hands, frustration evident in your voice.
“You...” he starts, then looks at the ground again
“I don’t know how much more I can take if you can’t tell me what you are feeling Sam. Please.” You beg, as you reach out to him again.
He takes your hand in his and turns to face you, looking down into your eyes. His expression is warm, immediately comforting, and you have to force yourself to not be sucked back in to his loving embrace.
“You. Are the love of my life. No one else’s love will ever come close to what I feel for you. But that scares me. It scares me because I never feel good enough, I never feel like I can live up to be the man that you deserve. The only thing I can do is to keep you safe. And to keep you safe I need to make my pack strong, I need them to be impossible to defeat. I’m so so sorry that in my eagerness to make the pack strong that you felt unimportant. But I’m making the pack what it is because you are so important, the most important person in the whole world. I love you Y/N and I promise to never let you feel second best ever again...if you will have me that is.” He takes a deep breath, his confidence wavering because you haven’t spoken.
A tear slips from the corner of your eye before you reach over and wrap your arms around his neck, taking him by surprise so he falls backwards onto the couch.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, with his arms wrapped around you, lips pressed to the top of your head as your face is buried into his neck, taking in the comfort of his scent.
It’s only when you hear an awkward cough that you realise anyone is there.
“Take it the two of you have made up?” Paul jokes, as Sam growls at him for interrupting.
You smile up at him, placing your hand on his chest to calm him.
“It’s ok, I’m not going anywhere.” He returns your smile before pressing a kiss to your lips whilst Paul and Jared make gagging noises in the background.
“Ugh it’s like mum and dad kissing!” Jared complains.
“No one asked you to stand there. Go back on patrol, the two of you are pulling a double for interrupting.” Sam orders, and they quickly comply, complaining as they leave the room.
He turns his attention back to you, stroking your cheek with his thumb whilst looking deeply into your eyes.
“I love you Sam.”
“I love you too Y/N.”
@volturiwolf @wallwriterstuff @volturidoll13 @like-rain-or-confetti @moviequeen51 @raindancer2004 @officialfictionalwreck @megzdoodle @slasher-sweetie @reclusive-chicken-nugget @holl2712 @icarusinstatic @imdoingathingmom @fanfic-love-show @volturiwolf @awesomebooklover17 @teampaul
@fatiguing-thoughts @clearwater-hoe
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ratmonky · 3 years
Out of Body Experience
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: semi-public
AO3 Link
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[You matched with Maru!]
[Send Maru a message!]
Maru: Hey.
(username): hiii!!
Maru: You look cute in your pictures on your profile.
(username): omg you think so?? i’m really happy!! i thought you had a rlly cool bio,,, i guess i did the right choice to like your bio
Maru: Thanks. I was surprised to get a notification that we matched. You’re way out of my league.
(username): don’t say that maruuu~ i bet you look handsome irl
Maru: I don’t.
(username): hmm, wanna prove it?? >.<
Maru: I don’t know.
(username): don’t be shy!! ur bio said you lived in kyoto, wanna meet up this saturday?
Maru: You’ll be disappointed.
(username): i promise i won’t!!! i like meeting new ppl!!! besides if we didn’t click we can still be friends?? i feel like you and i will be close no matter what!!
Maru: Are you sure? We just met.
(username): yep!!! come ooooonnnnn it’ll be fun to hang out!!
Maru: Fine.
(username): yay!!! let’s meet in front of the train station!! ahh i’m so excitedddd i can’t waittt TwT
Maru: Me too.
(username): <3
[Maru: <3………….. (send)]
Kokichi paused and deleted the message.
Maru: See you.
Kokichi’s first impression of you was that you were naive and careless. You wanted to meet up with him without any hesitation, what if he was someone who could harm you?
He stared at his screen and at your pictures.
You were gorgeous, he had never seen someone as pretty as you. On top of all that you wanted to meet him.
It made him feel special, wanted even.
When a notification sound filled his ears, Kokichi immediately checked if it was from you.
(username): maruuuuu!!!! i missed u  ))):
He stared at the message and read it three times but didn’t quite understand why you would miss him.
Maru: What?
(username): i thought you’d text me but u didn’t,,, i couldn’t sleep cuz i was thinking about u
Maru: I didn’t think you wanted me to text you.
(username): )):
Maru: ?
(username): )))):
Maru: (:
(username): (((((:
Maru: You’re childish aren’t you?
(username): what about it q;
Maru: Nothing. How old are you anyway?
(username): old enough to drinkkkk!!!
Maru: Me too. Which Jujutsu college are you going to?
(username): ohh, hehe… i dropped out cuz it wasn’t my thing
Maru: That’s irresponsible. Did you drop because you couldn’t keep up with your curse classes or was it for some other reason?
(username): maruuuu stop talking about jujutsu with meee!!!
Maru: Then what should we talk about?
(username): about our date >.<
Maru: Date?
(username): did u forget already )):
Maru: Forget what?
(username): our date on saturday )):
Maru: That’s a date?
(username): TwT ur making me sad maru
Maru: I don’t understand it, we just said we’d meet up.
(username): this is a dating website for ppl like us ///:
Maru: You want to date me?
(username): idk anymore,,, seems like ur a heartbreaker and i feel like u don’t feel a connection between us as i do
Maru: Wait! Don’t jump to conclusions all by yourself! You don’t even know what I look like, how can you be so sure that you want to date me?
(username): i mean,,, we matched for a reason,,, i liked ur bio and wanted to get to know u better is that bad??
Maru: No. No, it isn’t. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm new to this sort of stuff.
(username): apology accepted!!!! ahhhh ur so cute,,, i can’t wait to meet u
Maru: Same here.
His classmates knew something was up. Robotic demeanor was gone and instead, it was actually a part of himself as Kokichi that was showing through.
“Mechamaru looks happy nowadays,” Kamo noted.
“It’s relieving that he shows us a softer side of himself,” Miwa added. “Makes me feel happy for him.”
“I wonder what caused him to become this way.” Kamo was talking to himself but Todo took it upon himself to answer.
“He has finally found himself a Takada-chan.” Todo grinned. “Reminds me, I never asked him what his type of woman is.”
There was a moment of silence before Todo walked out into the campus garden to make his way towards Mechamaru.
Mechamaru didn’t notice his presence as he was watering the flowers.
“Todo. Did you need something?”
“What’s your type of woman?”
Caught off guard, Mechamaru dropped the watering can. “I… I think someone who’s kind and cheerful.” Someone who’s submissive.
“Like I guessed.” Todo held his chin between the knuckle of his forefinger and thumb as he hummed thoughtfully. “You’re as lifeless as your puppet.”
What did that suppose to mean?
Kokichi was just telling the truth.
Days passed until Friday came.
Kokichi talked to you almost every day and whenever he could. He seemed to enjoy your company more than he thought he would when the two of you first matched.
He woke up to your messages and went to sleep only after he texted you goodnight.
Today, he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his ribcage, he could hear his own pulse when it got too quiet and it was dead silent in his hideout… as always.
All he could think about was your date tomorrow. He had made sure to dress up Mechamaru nicely for the occasion and checked the weather report thrice so the date wouldn’t be ruined because of anything out of his control.
There was still something that made him extremely anxious. What if you didn’t like him? What if everything went terribly and you blocked his number?
He needed something to distract him from these negative thoughts.
Maru: Hey.
(username): maruuuu!!!! what r u doin??
Maru: Going to sleep soon, I think.
(username): without me (;
Maru: Never.
(username): i’m blushing
Maru: How are you?
(username): fine, i'm doing skincare tonight to get ready for our date!!
Maru: About that...
(username): ....
(username): are you going to cancel our date?
Maru: No! I’m just anxious about it.
(username): good cuz i’d block u
Maru: I don’t think you would.
(username): you don’t know me
Maru: Because you never told me about yourself.
(username): ^-^; haha yeah,,, so,,, what would you like to know?
Maru: Everything.
Without even noticing the passing time, Kokichi chatted with you until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.
He learned everything about you. From the earliest memory, you could recall about your first interaction with a cursed spirit to your latest obsession with an online game about cute animals.
His eyelids were getting heavier, he texted you goodnight and how he was excited to meet you tomorrow.
When he closed his eyes, this time he managed to fall asleep.
You pressed your phone to your chest and kicked at your sheets. The excitement was eating you up, the butterflies in your stomach wouldn’t calm down either. All because of someone you met online a couple of days ago.
It wasn’t something new to you to meet up with people you met online but this felt a lot different.
Previous times, you had used different dating apps or social media websites to make friends but this was the first time you had used a dating website specifically for people who knew the existence of curses.
Jujutsu sorcerers often found it hard to find someone they could click with because of their field of work but this website had risen up to popularity from day one. Your old classmates from your jujutsu college wouldn’t shut up about it so you gave it a go after their insisting.
Maru was one of the first people you matched with on the website. In his profile, he had written about how he wanted to find someone he could be himself with and date them.
That’s why tomorrow, you had to be on your best behavior so he could be himself around you.
You were twenty minutes early.
It wasn’t your intention to arrive this early but whether it be the excitement to meet up with Maru or not wanting to make him wait if your train was late-
Wait, those were all connected.
Letting out a sigh, you checked your phone. Yep, still twenty minutes. Once you put it back in your purse, your eyes scouted around the station. There weren’t any empty spaces for you to sit so you were standing by a meeting point next to the maps, hoping Maru would see you.
Although you didn’t know what he looked like, you had put effort into how you looked today so you could impress him. Deep inside, you hoped he would take notice of your appearance and compliment you but some men were just too dense.
From the way he had started texting you, he gave you the impression that he was one of those stoic and dense men but as you started to get to know him better, he turned out to be quite a friendly person. Very talkative and caring.
You pressed a hand on your cheek, you were burning up. Geez, were you really blushing this much because of him?
When you told your friends about this date, they had told you not to have too many expectations about Maru. They believed you were being catfished but it wasn’t possible, you didn’t want to meet him because of his appearance after all.
“Um, excuse me-”
Startled, you lifted your head to stare at a… robot?
You stepped away from its way, thinking that you were standing in front of its charging station or something. How long had it been since you had gone out? Had robots already taken over? Or was this one of those public pranks?
The robot was staring at you even after you moved away.
You lifted your gaze and looked at the robot with wide eyes. “M-M-Maru?”
It nodded, “Mechamaru.”
No, it wasn’t a robot. You could sense cursed energy oozing from it. More like a cursed doll. Nevertheless, you were speechless.
There was a long pause before you spoke. “Ah, I...” You looked around as if you were searching for an exit and anxiously clutching on your purse.
Great, you were going to make up an excuse and go away. Just like he thought you would.
“I thought I was going to meet you, not a puppet.”
“I’m here,” he said, static sizzling noise coming from him was like nails on a chalkboard. “I just can’t be physically here because of my condition.”
“You could’ve told me about it first… ahh, sorry.” You sounded more annoyed than you would have liked but quickly covered it up by bowing your head to greet him. “Nevermind, I’m (name).”
“Are we going to use real names?”
“Well, I’m not gonna call you Megaman.” There was a smile.
“Mechamaru,” he corrected. After a short silence, he added, “Kokichi.”
“Nice to meet you Kokichi, I hope we can get along well.” You bowed yet again.
“Why are you being so formal?”
“It’s cuz…” You pointed at him.
“Well…” You used both hands to gesture his whole body.
“If you say it’s because I’m a robot or anything similar to that, I’ll go home.” He sounded serious, or maybe it was because of the static.
You pouted and leaned forward on your tiptoes, “If I can’t even joke around then I’ll go home.”
“I thought you were looking forward to our date.” When you blushed at his words he spoke again. “You look cuter than your pictures.”
“Ahh, you really think so?” You started walking and he followed after you.
“I do.” He was keeping a large space between the two of you, whenever you tried to walk closer to him, he would move away but now when you were caught in the station with the crowd who were going home after work hours, you had to stay close to him.
You were being pushed against Kokichi thanks to the crowd trying to walk out of the station and he didn’t complain about it. Kokichi didn’t look at you, he thought about the things he read on the internet instead.
‘If you want your date to consider you as manly, you have to invest yourself to talk to her.’
“Your dress looks cute.” Kokichi came up with ‘the compliment her outfit’ route, he had seen men flirt before, he could do it too.
He stared down for a moment to see your reaction.
You smiled brighter than the sun, you played with your hair to give him a playful answer. “Thank you, I wore this just for our date.” Your eyes shined with small sparkles in them. “I really like your collar.” You pointed at his face, not too close, hesitant to invade his personal space. I’m here with his puppet not him, you reminded yourself.
When the two of you finally exited the station, you walked alongside him.
“Where to?” He nonchalantly asked while you were looking around the streets.
“What about karaoke?” You gave him an inviting smile, “It’d be fun.”
“Whatever you say.” He wasn’t sure which way you were taking. There was the main street and Kyoto's red-light district, of course, he knew you wouldn’t be going there. “Which street are we going for?”
You pointed to your right, “The main street, there is a karaoke place I know.” Your smile altered when you noticed how this time when you walked together to cross the street, it was close, your shoulder touched his fake biceps.
“I’m not good at singing for obvious reasons.” Back in his bathtub, Kokichi said it in a joking manner but thanks to the cursed puppet, it sounded a lot as if he was annoyed about the idea of going into karaoke. He bit his tongue and cringed, waiting for your reaction.
“You can still try, can’t you?” You gave him the best puppy eyes you could. “For me?”
Kokichi blushed but you weren’t able to see it through Mechamaru. “Y-yeah.”
“Oh, I didn’t know robots could stutter.”
“I didn’t stutter and I’m not a robot. This is a cursed puppet and sometimes the commands I give are interrupted, that’s why I-”
“You’re so easy to tease just as I guessed!”
Kokichi covered his mouth with his hand, watching you giggle at him through his screen.
“Here it is.” Pointing at a sign, you grabbed his arm and dragged him with you.
While you were showing him the prices, he was busy staring down at your shirt. He could… he could see your cleavage.
“The menu says they serve alcohol at this hour! Ahh, the prices are cheaper than the last time too! We can share the tab-” You stopped yourself from talking. Silence brought him out of his trance. “Oops, sorry. You can’t eat or drink through Megaman, right?”
“Mechamaru,” he corrected. “No, I can’t… But it’s on me anyway.”
“You’ll pay?” Your eyes sparkled brighter than the stars. Your pouting lips and hand on his chest didn’t help.
Kokichi looked away, blushing. “Y-yeah.”
“Y-you’re the best!” Mocking his stuttering, you offered him a cute smile. Then you went on to drag him inside while telling him about how this place was the best karaoke place in Kyoto because they served desserts and your favorite cocktail. All the while renting a room for the two of you.
“Would you like to share with others?” The employee asked.
“No.” Your answer was instantaneous.
Behind the register, the employee stared at Kokichi and down at you. It was easy to tell he thought the two of you were a mismatch. “Your room is to the left, you can order through the smart tablet. Have fun.”
“Thanks,” you said before walking past the register. When Kokichi caught up with you, you turned around. “Did you see the way he stared? So lame!”
“Well, anyone would have stared if they saw a pretty girl next to a robot.”
“So, you’re accepting you’re a robot?” You grinned, opening the door to the private room.
“That’s not what I meant!” He didn’t know what he was expecting. From the way you texted, he should have known you were this childish and unable to have a serious conversation.
“Nothing.” He closed the door behind him as you were ordering as many drinks as you could. Once he noticed you were about to order the entire menu, he barely managed to stop you by taking the smart tablet away from your hands. “Hey, I’m not rich!”
“It’s cheap, trust me!” You pouted your lips again, reaching for the smart tablet he was holding above your head.
His stare found the menu and froze. It was cheaper than he had thought like you said. He had never been somewhere like this, nobody could blame him for it.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice,” he said as he handed the device back to you.
“I was showing you the menu earlier, you weren’t listening, were you?” Your smile widened, eyes squinting knowingly.
“I was listening! You’re talking way too much, I can’t keep up!”
You crossed your legs, continuing to add stuff to your order.
It got quiet.
Realizing what he had said was rude, he apologized.
“It doesn’t sound genuine.”
“It’s because I’m talking through a puppet.”
You weren’t looking at him. Putting the tablet aside, you leaned back on the soft cushions. The mood had changed. When you weren’t talking, it was too quiet.
Decidedly, he walked over to the karaoke machine and grabbed two microphones. He sat next to you, placing one of the microphones next to you as he reached for the tablet.
There were way too many songs in the system and he knew none of them.
Scrolling further, he found Takada-chan’s songs.
“You like Takada-chan?” you asked, noticing how he had stopped scrolling.
“No,” he replied. “My friend-” Was he really his friend? “My friend likes her, he won’t stop talking about her and all.”
“I like her,” you said. “I’ve been to her meet and greets many times but they’re always ruined by some buff dude who has the most tickets. He’s always at the events, kinda creepy but seems like he supports her. He once beat up some guy who insulted her.”
Kokichi didn’t say anything. He didn’t want that guy to be the icebreaker on his date.
“Creepy,” he uttered before putting the tablet on your lap. “You should sing, I don’t know any of these songs.”
“None of them?” You raised a brow.
“You’re so boring,” you murmured, clicking on the first song you saw.
The loud music filled the room and his hideout. You tapped on the microphone, “Check, one, two. Kokichi is sooooo boring!”
Your laughter was the next thing that filled his hideout. He chuckled but it came out as a static noise through Mechamaru.
While you were singing, the same employee came with two trays full of drinks and snacks, he left them on the table before leaving immediately. None of you paid any mind as you were changing the lyrics to tease Kokichi.
“Are those really the lyrics?” he asked.
Another giggle.
Too cute.
Very cute.
He watched you stop singing for a brief moment to chug down your third drink. Your cheeks were flushed red from the booze and your neck was sweaty, you kept fanning your hand towards your face.
His gaze focused on a particular sweat droplet on your neck and idly watched as it drizzled down to your cleavage before disappearing under the fabric of your dress.
Kokichi tried focusing on something else but he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from you. Every single thing you did was seductive. When you bit onto a small rice cake or the way your lips closed around the straw of your drink and how your cheeks hollowed when you tried sucking the last bits of your cocktail in your mouth.
The last drop had to be when you grabbed an ice cube from your drink and held it over the skin of your chest.
His hand pressed on his lower half. He was thankful he wasn’t physically there or he would have been labeled as a pervert. Under the soothing medical liquid, he had a problem you didn’t need to see.
You weren’t singing anymore but the music was playing nonetheless to suppress the silence as Kokichi was practically undressing you with his eyes.
“Heyyy, Kokichi~” you slurred, sitting closer to him. “You’re being too quiet!”
Taken aback, he spoke. “I’m not sure what to say?”
“Just talk…” you whined, putting a hand on his knee.
Oh, how he wished he could feel the warmth of your hand.
“Or better… Sing!” You held a microphone up to his face.
“I can’t sing,” he reminded.
“You said, you’d sing for meee~”
He blushed, taking the microphone from your hand. “I don’t know the lyrics.”
“It’s on the screen.”
Yes, the lyrics were on the screen.
He felt embarrassed, this was stupid. He wasn’t even actually in the room with you but he felt so nervous. His actual hands were shaking as he gulped.
When he started singing, you started laughing.
The static made it sound like he was an actual robot. Yet, Kokichi didn’t stop despite how tone-deaf his voice was coming through Mechamaru. He wanted to make sure you were having fun but the music stopped.
Both of you stared at the notification on the tablet, asking if you wanted to add another hour to your stay.
Had it already been an hour? Time was going fast when you two were having fun.
You looked at Kokichi.
He pressed to accept.
The music continued playing.
This time, Kokichi didn’t sing. The two of you started chatting about everything and anything until there was a lull in the conversation.
“Lemme see your hand,” you said, reaching your own towards him. He slowly placed his hand on your open one and you compared the size. “Wow, your hand is hugee, is your real hand this big?”
Funny, if not absurd. You were on a date with a puppet but you were getting turned on.
“It's the same size as my own hand.” His gaze dropped to his actual body. “At least one of them.”
“Can you feel that?” You intertwined your fingers with his.
“No.” He wasn’t looking and he didn’t need to look. The depressing realization that he was always going to watch people behind a screen and in this damn bathtub was starting to sink in once again.
“Can you feel this?” You were giggling.
“I told you, I can’t feel-” His breathing stopped at the sight of you pressing his hand on your breast.
“I wanna meet you, Kokichi~” Smiling enticingly, you sat closer to him. “It’s no fun when I can’t see if you’re blushing right now.” Your hand over his hand moved on your breast, the supple flesh jiggled under the front of your dress. “Are you blushing right now?”
“I am.” His answer was instant.
“You know,” you started, putting your free hand on his thigh and lifting your leg up on the cushion to face him. “I got all dressed up ‘cause I wanted you to lose your composure. You sounded so uptight and stoic. I wanted to see you lose it.” Tilting your head, you puckered your lips. “But you didn’t even come to our date.”
“I did.”
“Megaman did.”
“I wanted Kokichi to come.” You pulled his hand away from your breast and led it down to your stomach and even lower. “I wish you were here so you could feel how wet I am.”
“(name),” he said. “I can’t feel my fingers through Mechamaru.”
“Mm?” You placed his hand under the skirt of your dress. “But I can feel them.”
Kokichi’s actual hand started shaking in excitement as Mechamaru’s fingers brushed against your panties.
“Can’t I meet you?” Your voice was faint compared to the music but he heard it. “I wanna meet you.”
“You’ll be disappointed, I don’t look… normal.”
“You don’t look normal right now either.” Biting your lip, you moved against his hand. A soft gasp left your lips. “Yet, I’m so turned on right now.”
There were a thousand different thoughts invading his mind but Kokichi felt like he was hypnotized by your hips.
“Kokichiii, move your fingers,” you whined softly, your eyes hazy with lust.
“I need to see them,” he said. Back in his room, his own hand was pressing down on his growing erection. “Or I may move them wrong.”
“Pervert~” you teased, lifting the skirt of your dress up.
He didn’t say anything, instead focused his attention on your soaked panties. How long had you been this wet? From the moment you two rented the room or-
“Kokichi.” Your needy voice brought him out of his dirty thoughts. “You don’t have a cock under your pants, do you?” Your hand pressed against Mechamaru’s groin.
For the first time in his life, Kokichi felt his entire body jolt. Your vulgar way of asking was enough to get him rock hard. “No-”
“What a waste.” Sulking, you retrieved your hand. “But are you hard right now?”
“I… I am.”
A dangerous glint sparkled through your eyes. “If only you were here… I’d make you feel sooo good.”
Mechamaru’s fingers pressed against your clothed folds before moving along them. A soft moan left your lips and you balanced yourself on your hands.
“I look like a freak-”
“You keep saying that.” Your hips moved against his hand. “As if that matters to me.”
Mechamaru slid your panties to the side and spread your folds with two of his fingers, he carefully watched as wet strands connecting them together broke apart. Kokichi’s own hand was pumping his cock.
“What are you doing right now, Kokichi?”
“I’m putting a finger inside.” He inserted one of his fingers inside you.
“No, what are you really doing?” You bit your lip.
“I’m… I’m jerking off.”
Satisfied with his answer, you crossed a leg over his to settle on his lap with your back against his chest. Spreading your legs wider, you allowed him a better view of your wet pussy. Mechamaru’s digits slid inside as Kokichi moved his hand along the length of his cock.
Mechamaru’s other hand went to cup your breast over your shirt, making a moan escape your lips.
His fingers were reaching deeper than your own fingers ever could. The digits moved in a scissoring motion and curled against your gummy walls, pressing against the spot that made your vision blurry.
“Kokichi,” gasping, you squirmed on his lap, your back arched when his thumb grazed over your clit. “I wanna kiss you so bad.”
Kokichi’s hand tightened around the tip of his cock, he pulled the sensitive skin down to expose the pink tip and massaged it using his thumb. When his hand started moving along his cock again, the device helping him talk through Mechamaru picked up the clicking sound rather than the medical fluid splashing.
You moaned at the realization of what you were hearing.
The feeling of the metallic firm fingers stroking your clit made your hips buck against his hand. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, panting, you pressed your thighs together.
Mechamaru’s hand on your chest moved down on your thigh to hold you in place as his fingers inside your pussy started to vibrate. The sudden pleasure made you scream but the loud music concealed it.
Kokichi couldn’t breathe normally, his pulse had gone haywire as his hand was moving hastily around his cock while Mechamaru’s digits were messing you up.
“S-s-s-stop!” Your voice broke into a moan.
“Do you really want me to stop?” He barely managed to ask, his hand wouldn’t stop.
You shook your head rapidly, biting your lip.
Your walls clenched around the digits, sucking them in deeper. Kokichi’s own hand was moving faster than his heartbeat. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his shoulders tensed.
He was close.
From the way you were shaking, he could say the same thing for you.
So, when Mechamaru pushed his digits further inside, the vibration got stronger and stronger until your legs shook. The pleasure that was building in your gut suddenly got released, shaking you to your core.
Kokichi followed suit, his cock spurted thick clumps of cum and they landed on his stomach, his bandages absorbed his seed.
By the time he caught his breath, he realized you were still on his lap.
Mechamaru had gone limp as he had gotten distracted because of his orgasm. He revived the cursed doll while you were trying to fix your dress.
You wanted to say something but you couldn’t find something to say.
To your rescue, the music stopped.
The tablet had the same notification from before. Informing you that the second hour had ended and if you wanted to rent the room for one more hour.
Kokichi leaned forward and pressed on the tablet to end the session.
“We’re leaving already?” you pouted your lips.
“You said you wanted to meet me.”
Kokichi watched as the brightest smile he had ever seen formed on your face.
After he paid the tab the two of you exited the building as he held you up with one hand because your legs weren’t functioning properly.
“The employee behind the register noticed your wobbly legs,” Kokichi said.
“You think so?” you whispered, cheeks and ears colored in bright red.
“He was looking, so, yes.”
“You kinda went overboard by using Megaman’s vibrator hands.” Your giggle filled his ears and he smiled to himself.
“It’s Mechamaru.”
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julyarchives · 3 years
Tendae (텐데) || (M) Teach Me pt.4
You realized that Wooseok is the one person that can bring you comfort whenever you two are together, and the holiday spent alone with him only intensified the tingly feeling inside that scares you so much.
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→ Pairing: Wooseok x Reader
→ Genre: Smut
→ Words:  4.5K
→ Contains: Smut; Friends To Lovers; Virgin!Wooseok; fingering; there is a small anxiety attack at the beginning; lots of touches; conflicted feelings
→ A/n: So, this chapter incorporates 2 requests that have been recently sent to us, thank you so much to the people who've done it, it was really nice to imagine Wooseok in these situations and turns out we are a sucker for him (can you blame us tho?). Anyway, we hope you guys like it! (Also, yes, the title is inspired by Bobby's song, because that has GOT to be their theme song, it's perfect)
→ Index: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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You tried to sleep, really. You put on some calming music and the tv was on to keep the room dim light but it was no use. Tossing and turning in bed was something that became a habit after you had to deal with your life choices. You got yourself in a really tiring situation, between babysitting your best friends and dealing with two simultaneous educational courses, you barely had time alone to just relax. To make it worse, the rain started to pour heavily outside and you sighed, it was only a matter of time for the nightmare to begin. Sometimes even you forgot how scared you were of thunder and storms, they didn't occur often and when it rained, it was light but you just knew that an anxiety attack was on the way when the first loud thunder resonated. Covering your head with the blanket, you sank into the mattress and wished for it to go away. There was only so much you could deal with by sighing and wishing for the best. The noises got louder and the light music was no longer catching your ears, tears now threatening to fall and your fear only growing bigger. It seemed like a couple of minutes went by you figured, even though it felt like hours to you and there was no sign of the storm stopping. A somehow even louder bang caught your attention and you jumped, how the hell did it thunder inside your room?
"Y/N?", a desperate whisper was heard by the door and you cautiously peeked from under the covers. Wooseok was standing by the door with a pillow under his arm and his hand holding his chest as if to catch his breath. "I was asleep, the thunder woke me up. Sorry it took me so long to come", he said, still whispering, maybe to not scare you even more.
You nodded without being able to speak, you just knew the tears would fall if you tried. Wooseok closed the door behind him and even jumped lightly when another thunder filled the room. That spurred him on, quickly moving to gently pry the blanket from your head and you scooted over, making room for him, only to have him settle quickly with his own pillow and pull the covers back up, covering both of your heads. He smiled sweetly at you and opened his arms in invitation, one which you gladly accepted. The moment your head was against his chest you cried, feeling protected like this after the overwhelmed fear you felt so strongly was too much and you felt Wooseok hugging you stronger. Your small sobs were barely audible because of the thunder but you knew he felt how your body moved as you cried and you were thankful he just hugged you in silence. You heard him hum to some tune and you wondered if he could hear the music you had put to sleep.
"Y/N?", Wooseok called you and you moved your head back to look at his face, "are you still crying?", as he asked it, you let out a sniff, making you both chuckle.
"Does that answer you?", your voice wasn't sounding normal and even then you knew it was okay because he understood it.
"I remember when I didn't get much screen time at a tv show and you found me crying in my room…".
You remembered that. It was at the beginning of the friendship, he was reserved and shy but when they guys showed up looking awkward and Wooseok just walked past everyone, you had to follow him. He was under the covers and you heard the small whimpers of crying and you didn't think twice, your instinct told you to slip into the mattress with him, you laid down to watch a wide-eyed Wooseok who was sniffing and trying to control his crying. You understood how he must have felt, not good enough because the editing and the hosts ignored him almost completely. You needed to show him he was so much more than that but he was too reserved for you to know what to do, so you just held him and he quickly hid his face in your neck and cried until he fell asleep. Since that you always shared a bed and got so much closer.
"I remember that too", you said, your crying slowing down. "I'm glad you let me stay that day". He sighed, holding you closer.
"I'm glad too". He shyly kissed the top of your head and went back to humming a song. Paying attention to the vibration of his chest and his warmth, you soon fell asleep even as it still poured outside.
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Waking up was the hardest part since it was a while that you slept so well. Moving a bit you noticed that the blanket was no longer covering your head but Wooseok was still next to you, hand-holding close by the waist. He was soundly asleep and you sighed, torn between wanting to stay with him and needing to start your day. The struggle didn't last long as you needed to go to the bathroom, so you wiggled a bit so he could let go of you but you ended up being pulled closer against him, his hand possessive around you. He groaned in his sleep, displeased that you were moving and you chuckled silently, now taking his hand in yours to move it away from you. For a second you let your fingers intertwine and you smiled, a warmth you knew all too well invading your chest but as always, you decided to ignore it and move away.
The house was abnormally quiet and you did your morning hygiene quickly and surprisingly in peace. After choosing a comfortable slip-on dress, you got into the kitchen which was also weirdly empty. Usually, at least one person was rummaging around for snacks and you made sure to look around to search for any of the boys. As you made your favorite breakfast food and drink, you noticed the fridge covered in small notes in all different colors and shapes, each of them from one of the boys letting you and Wooseok know that they'd be out. Some would be traveling since it was a holiday, others would be visiting their families and you frowned, you didn't even know it was a holiday, studies were taking up most of your time and all you knew was your deadlines. Opening the group chat for the house, that featured all the boys, you typed a quick text wishing them a good holiday break and resumed eating.
After finishing, you slightly debated if you should go to your own home to study but with a sigh and a shy amused smile, you got up and went to the empty room they reserved for you so you grab your notebook. The boys going to the army was something not very pleasant but at least you got a bed and a room to yourself, lucky two of them went almost together.
You got inside quietly and tiptoed around the bed so as to not wake up the giant asleep on the bed, his feet almost completely out of it. Your backpack was at reach and you took it with you as silent as you could. With your back turned to the bed, you made sure to look twice to see if you forgot anything.
"Tell me you made breakfast", a raspy sleepy voice resonated behind you. You jumped and your backpack almost flew away from your hands.
"Don't do that, Wooseok! Warn me before talking!", he laughed at that, arm resting on his face.
"Sure, I'll squeak before talking so you don't get scared", he was fully laughing and you watched him fondly.
"Shut up", you slightly pouted and he sat upon the bed, moving so you could almost stand between his knees. "There is breakfast but I should eat it myself for that".
"I just woke up, Y/N. Give me a break", he smiled and gosh, wasn't he charming, hair all messy, voice deep from sleep, made you remember all the times you two shared touches, your cheeks feeling warm.
As if sensing where your mind was going, Wooseok slowly moved his arms and placed his hands on your waist, barely touching it. Your first answer was to drop the backpack and place your hands on his shoulders, moving closer. When he stretched his upper body, your body knew what to do before you even registered the action. You moved lower and your foreheads touched, such an intimate touch and yet so innocent. Both of you whispered good morning shyly and like waking up from a dream you almost flinched away, grabbing your things from the floor and clearing your throat.
"There's food ready. I'm gonna study, alright?", he nodded a bit stunned by your sudden change. "Everyone is away and it's just the two of us today", and with that, you walked away.
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The morning went by without a single problem, you focused on your studies while Wooseok watched something with headphones or just played on his phone. Your only breaks were bathroom breaks and you were almost certain that you wouldn't even drink water if Wooseok didn't leave a bottle there every half hour.
Lunchtime came and you got up your chair to stretch and rummage through your phone, sitting next to Wooseok. Part of you noticed how there was a full empty large couch and two chairs available but you still sat on the two-seat couch thigh to thigh with him. You shook your head physically to get rid of these thoughts and quickly opened the food delivery app, nudging Wooseok to check it with you.
It wasn't a hard task to decide on lunch since you two knew what you liked and soon enough the food arrived. The small chit-chat was alien even to you and part of you knew that it was because you fled his embrace earlier. That scared you because even though you started whatever you two have it shouldn't be affecting you this much. Of course, he was your best friend and you knew everything about each other, and yeah, knowing a girl at work was coming onto Wooseok was bothering you and staying alone with him like this made you nervous like never before but hey, if you ran away it'd go away sometime, right?
After eating, Wooseok took care of the dishes and you laid on the big couch, closing your eyes for a moment to at least pretend everything was normal. After a few minutes of you being completely still, you felt a presence in the room and then the external lights went missing and the dark of your closed eyes got even darker. You opened one eye and fought back a smile to see Wooseok standing and looming over you curiously.
"What", you breathed out.
"Checking if you didn't die", he seemed serious and that made you crack, sitting up while laughing hard after he stepped back and he sat next to you, his arm going to your shoulder like it was natural. Did you two always do stuff like that? You weren't even sure but you let yourself enjoy the moment for a bit before going back to reality. "Seriously, you looked dead".
"That was my soul you were seeing", you smiled at his horrified face and you held it with both hands. "I'm joking, silly. I'm just too tired". Without thinking straight, the impulse to feel the moment was too strong and you left a peck on his mouth, quick and yet it made a small sound. "Gonna go study", you rushed over your words, getting up like a lightning bolt and running to the table. If you looked back, you could see a blush spreading on his face, him watching you, face torn between amusement and shock.
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It wasn't before three hours went by that Wooseok showed up at the table you were studying on and threw a bag of chips on it.
"Not hungry", you mumbled, a very important part of the analysis you were writing was being refined and you were so close to finishing it that you barely looked up.
The sound of the chair next to you being pulled didn't bother you, neither did the sound of a bag being open. Somehow not even Wooseok sloppily placing a chip on your mouth didn't bother you either. What did bother you was his face showing up between you and the computer screen.
"Move!", you said rather loudly. He didn't answer and moved, thankfully. Some minutes went by and the chips kept coming for which you were thankful.
As you finished writing and started proofreading what you wrote, you felt the ghost of a hand touching your thigh. You frowned and looked at him, who was casually scrolling on his phone with the hand that was away from you, even though you noticed his cheeks being red. You took a deep breath and resumed reading, only to have your thigh gently squeezed by him.
"What are you doing?", you said through your teeth. Since when does he have the nerve to touch you like that?
"I'm checking my phone", he showed you his phone, looking at you as if you were crazy and his actions were obvious.
"Wooseok, I'm busy right now".
"Oh, I know, Y/N". The hand squeezed harder and you shuddered. Shit.
You decided to see how far he could take this and honestly how far could you rest it, so you just ignored it once again. Your mind was on the verge of shutting down but you were almost finishing so you pushed forward. All the time you read, his hand went further on your thigh, reaching your pelvis but not really touching you. It was driving you mad and the way he pretended he did nothing was somehow attractive.
When you finished reading and started closing the software, his hand got braver and touched you through your panties, rubbing lightly, long fingers teasing the extension of it. The tension of his hand on you this whole time was taking all your attention and you bit your lip to not smile as you closed everything. Truth is, there was no way you could focus on anything other than Wooseok with his hand on you like that and you knew how shy he was, so you read your work as sloppy as you could, not paying attention at all, just to make him stay a bit longer.
Your back fell on the chair and you groaned, his finger insistently massaging your clit through the panties. You looked at him then, his phone forgotten on the table, his other hand gripping his pants' leg enough to turn the knuckles white. His eyes were trained on you, his mouth slightly parted and breathing irregular. He looked as affected as you were and you were the one being touched, you reached to his nape and caressed the hair gently, hoping to get to him how grateful you were for him.
The action spurred him on, his hand moving to touch you inside the panties and that got you surprised. You'd be lying if you didn't think he never looked hotter than now, the hand caressing his locks now gripping it. He groaned when he felt how wet you already were for him and moved his hand harder on your clit, getting small whimpers from you. Your hips moved on their own accord, his other hand now touching himself above the pants and you noticed.
You snapped when he flicked your clit perfectly as he gripped his member and hissed, the stimulation being too much for you. Moving fast, you got his hand away from you and straddled Wooseok fast enough to surprise him. Luckily he caught on quickly and held you, hands firm on your ass. You kissed him with fervor, hands making a mess of his hair and it almost seemed like no matter how close you were it wasn't close enough.
You moved your hips almost too desperately and he matched your rhythm, giving as good as he got and you moaned, the whole thing too hot. All the times you two had together flashed through your mind and it only spurred you further, lust overpowering anything else.
"Y/N", he whimpered as you moved just right on top of him, his hips stuttering. "We can't do this here", he panted out.
You stopped and looked at him. His eyes were dark and he was out of breath, his hands never once relenting his grip on you, his hair was a mess and his lips were red and plump from kissing. The pang on your heart almost made you back out, get up and leave but his face was watching adoringly, also lust-driven, and he started leaving small kisses on your neck. You knew you lost the fight.
"Since when you know how to be so bold?", you chuckled and he followed, the humming feeling good on your skin.
"You taught me", was his simple answer, kissing your mouth gently. "We can go to my room if you want or we can go where you're sleeping".
"Your room. It'd be too weird to do this in Jinho's and Hui's room, right?", you smiled and he answered in kind, helping you get up at once and holding your hand during the walk upstairs.
You were very nervous out of a sudden and you didn't even know why. It wasn't your first time with anyone and you knew what you were doing. You taught him after all. But when you felt his hand slightly shake when you reached the room it finally dawned on you. If things went where you felt they would, it would be the first time with him. It would be his first time when it came to actual sex.
Wooseok opened the door and waited for you to enter so he could close and lock it behind you. Even though you were alone in the house, you knew it was better to be safe than sorry here. As you expected, he was nervous and stood there looking at you with his hands on his sides. You smiled fondly, your heart taking leaps on your chest and you touched his face gently.
"It's okay. It's just me". He smiled, kissing you slowly, savoring the moment just like you were. "We don't need to do anything else, reall-"
"I want it", he cut you off eagerly. Then he laughed shyly and gave you a peck. "If you want to, that is".
"Of course I do", you felt a sudden calm wash over you, and that made sense. Not knowing where stood and now having sure he wanted this as much as you made you feel better.
You took a step back and took your dress off, leaving you in your undergarments. He did the same seconds later, standing there in his underwear. Holding his hand, you took you both to his bed and since it was a tight fit, you laid him down and sat on top of him, gently laying down to kiss him and moved with it. That seemed to ease him into it again, this was something you did before and he excitedly followed, rubbing his hard member on your clothed core.
The moans coming out of your mouth were needier than you intended but your body needed him badly and you knew he was the same. You didn't waste time getting up and losing the rest of your clothes, staying naked in front of him. You fought your own shyness back as he stood again and took off his underwear. Wooseok stared at you for a second and then smiled, kissing you tenderly and laying back on the bed. You followed and laid next to him, touching him just like the first time, him nervously watching you only this time was during broad daylight and he was more confident, his own hands traveling across your body, feeling your breasts, your stomach, your arms, everywhere he could reach.
"Do you have any condom?", you whispered.
"Yeah, top drawer". Honestly, you didn't know what answer you expected but you raised your eyebrow at him as you got up to get it.
"Can I ask?", you said coming back.
"One of the guys gave it to me when a girl at work invited me out", Wooseok answered shyly, barely looking at you.
You scoffed and straddled him, letting his cock fit on your slick slit and you moved lightly.
"Too bad you'll be using it with me, isn't it?", you said with more intensity than you expected. "I heard about this girl before", you kissed his neck teasingly, he could stare at you and hold onto your waist. "What was she thinking? That she could take you away from me?", jealousy waking over, and even you were surprised. The first time you heard about the girl you got mad but apparently it was bottled up so nicely inside you that you only noticed now.
"N-no", he stuttered as you bit his neck, hips never stopping its movement. "I kept it because I wanted to use it with you". You stopped. Did he want to do this with you? Wooseok was hoping to get you alone and go all the way with you. It was different hearing it directly from him and you were stunned. He saw it and smiled, it was his turn to kiss you, his upper body more sat up than laying down. His hand caressed your cheek and he looked deeply into your eyes. "I want you".
You could have sworn time froze and your heart stopped. He was staring so intently at you that you felt frozen, only remembering to answer when he changed from intense to doubtful and you were quick to kiss him and hoped that the kiss would tell him everything you couldn't. After you came up for air, you quickly sat next to him and put the condom on for him, which he watched attentively.
"I want you on top of me", you said in a small voice. After all you said, somehow you felt pliant, needing his proximity to deal with it.
Wooseok obliged and you quickly adjusted on his bed, his frame towering over you. Your hands were on his face, thumbs caressing it gently while he supported himself in one hand and aligned himself with the other. You nodded when he faltered, waiting for your approval. As he entered you, two things were registered by your lust hazed brain. The first one was how deliciously he stretched you, you enjoyed his dick before but now you just knew you were doomed. The second one was how lost in pleasure he already looked when he got inside inch by inch. He was dragging the movement to get inside, going slowly and you didn't think it was for you. His mouth was open and a long groan escaped him.
He looked at you a bit desperate, needing to move as quickly as you'd let him and you almost chuckled. You settled for a smile and moved your hips up, indicating he could move. He started slow, going almost completely out before thrusting inside hard. His pace was driving you mad, hands now roaming on his back while his face was buried on your chest, kissing and licking his way all over it.
You endured it as much as you could because it was so good and he seemed so lost in pleasure but it got unbearable and with a hushed "please go faster" you pleaded. Usually, you were vocal during sex but somehow you were so lost in pleasure and in feeling his body all over yours, his cock moving so perfectly inside that you seemed lost for words. Wooseok quickly changed his pace with a grunt and his noises started to come out. Your mouth was open while you tried to keep your eyes open as well but failed many times. You could see he was trying the same but more often than not he got lost in your chest or closed his eyes in pleasure.
You knew neither of you would be able to last longer and it felt like heaven to feel him getting closer to his orgasm with you, his body moving fast and him gripping the sheets while he supported himself on his upper arms. You were sure his back had a few scratches because it was just too good to know you were marking him, his noises while you did that didn't help at all. Wooseok didn't need to say anything to you. Neither you did to him, you were in sync even then and he gave you space to touch your clit, which you gladly did. He tried to warn you but he couldn't, he came with a shout mid-sentence, body trembling as much as yours. Your orgasm followed his, watching him being too much to handle and the overstimulation was perfect.
You two kept moving even after, riding off both of your highs, and all the while you stared at each other's eyes. His stare was so full of feeling that you felt breathless a bit, you closed your eyes, relying on your orgasm to blame if he asked, even if you knew he wouldn't. He awkwardly laid next to you because he could barely fit and you laughed, moving to the side so he could fit. Wordlessly he took the condom out and tied it, placing it next to the bed and you made a mental note to not forget that there.
Laying facing each other you didn't know what to say so you giggled, amused, nervous, and happy at the same time and so did he, possibly for the same reasons. Wooseok moved so you could lay on his chest and so you did, even though you wiggle up in the bed to lay your head on top of the pillow, body seeking support on his. You kept staring at each other until he moved to give you a peck and a small nudge nose to nose. Butterflies invaded your stomach and you felt yourself holding on for dear life inside.
"Do you feel as fucked as I am?", Wooseok said.
"What sense of the word are we talking here, Wooseokie?", you laughed with him.
"You know what I'm talking about. You know, the stares and stuff", his way with words made you smile. You were thankful you didn't feel it alone.
"Yeah, then I feel as fucked as you are…", you kissed him and caressed his hair again, earning a noise almost like a purr.
"Hm. What do we do?", he asked while caressing your hair as well.
"I don't know. Decide what's for dinner?".
"Easy. Pizza", he answered naturally and you snuggled closer.
"Then what we do is call the pizza place". You said quickly and he agreed with a hum. "But now we nap".
"Nap first, pizza later", he said almost asleep and honestly you were the same, the atmosphere too cozy and nice to not succumb to sleep. Maybe you were fucked but at least you were with your adorable dork.
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
Holocron dreams.
The Mandalorian and The Jedi.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Jedi Reader.
Summary: After looking at what's on the Holocron, a sense of déjà vu and a series of nightmares ensue.
Wordcount: 1.7K
Warnings: PTSD. Dark premonitions. Swearing. Soft Din. Hurt comfort. Mentions of throwing up.
Previous chapter. | Masterlist.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @prideandpascal @scribbledghost @farfromjustordinary @ginger-swag-rapunzel
A/N: The dream and message section of writing will be written in type writer font.
The Razor Crest was still set down by the river on Miko -7. Even though Grogu was tired, he was restless after seeing what you had found in the cave.
A holocron.
You sat there thinking, and you decided to open it. Din had been sitting next to you, with Grogu in your lap and Grogu knew what was about to happen.
"You ready cyare?" Din asked almost hesitantly,
"Yeah." You responded just staring at the blue cube that had gold embedded onto it.
Closing your eyes, the air in the area around the three of you shifted. It was a similar change when you rebuilt your lightsaber, but this time. It was stronger. Grogu shifted in Dins lap and looked at him whining.
"I know Ad'ika. I know." Din whispered to him.
The holocron started to float in front of you. And no matter how much force you were using, it didn't feel like you were straining. As you sat there, the holocron opened and that's when a projection of Obi Wan Kenobi turned up.
You opened your eyes and gasped a little. Not expecting to have found this.
"This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in the force. Do not return to the temple. That time has passed. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust... our faith... our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time a new hope will emerge. May the force be with you... always.'
Tears pricked your eyes. This wasn't the first time you had heard this message. But everytime, it reminded of everything that was lost.
The holocron closed and fell to the ground as you tried to wrap your head around the growing headache. Grogu had sensed your slight distress, and climbed into your lap cooing.
"I-i know buddy. I wasn't expecting that either." You spoke softly to Grogu,
You felt Din move closer to you, placing his hand on your knee.
"Y/N what was that?" Din asked, wondering what he had just been looking at and what the message meant.
"That was Kenobi, he was a former master at the Jedi Order. And that was the message he sent out... sent out after order 66. I was so young and when I heard that, I was so scared. But I got out. I escaped Din. We escaped." You said closing your eyes as you felt Grogu hide his face into your chest.
Din pulled you gently into him. Though it wasn't comfortable with his beskar. You knew he meant well. The three of you stayed there for a little while, until the sun went down. You didn't realise at the time how tired you were, using the force, hearing the message. The feeling of anxiety. The same anxiety of hearing the message for the first time.
"I think I might go to bed." You stated giving Grogu back to Din,
"Okay, you alright though?" Din stated a bit concerned. You nodded and smiled walking into the crest. Grogu whined looking up at Din.
"Yeah, I'm worried too kid." Din said watching you retreat back. Din sighed, and continued to play with Grogu for the next hour and a bit. Then after finally getting Grogu to sleep, Din was left alone for a while.
He locked the Crest up, knowing that neither of you would be going out for the rest of the night. At some point Din must've fallen asleep. Because the next thing he knew, he jolted awake. Something obviously waking him up.
Sitting there quietly for the next few seconds, that's when he heard you. Whimpering, muttering and thrashing around. He bolted out the chair, and he rushed to the cot where you laid.
"Y/N? Y/N come on wake up. You need to wake up!" Din stated holding your arms gently.
Inside your dream, lots of things were happening. Everything was in diasary, the first thing you knew was that you were running with a bundle of blankets in your arms.
"Trust in the force......."
You heard Kenobi say. Spinning around you saw bodies laying on the floor. Bodies of former padawans. Then turning around you saw the bodies of Resistance fighters. Your friends. X-wings crashing as they were shot down above Endor. You felt the pain of the wounds you got, the ones that caused scars.
Din could physically feel you shaking, your night shirt sticking to your clammy skin. This was one of many times that Din was scared for you, he was struggling to wake you up. Not knowing what was going on.
"Fuck. Come on cyar’ika, you have to wake up. It's just a bad dream mesh'la, come on." Din stated, his eyes misting over a little bit.
You flinched hard as you heard blaster fire all around you. Images of clones over running cities. Being trapped in corners.
Then the imagery changed. You didn't recognise it though. You recognised the location, but ... this had yet to happen. Again you flinched at the sound of blaster fire, but this time it was no clones. It was Stormtroopers. Lots of them. Then someone else, this time only wearing partial armour.
"My name is Moff Gi......"
Another voice coming over Dins comms. There was your friend the shock trooper. Greef Carga.
Then you were outside. And an explosion went off. Right by Din. It felt like your heart had stopped.
From Din's perspective, you had momentarily stopped breathing. That made him panic. He knew it wasn't the best idea, but he shook you slightly and took your pulse to make sure you were still there.
Next in your dream, you were back inside. But Din was laying there, almost motionless and unresponsive.
"Din?" You muttered, running over to him. Discovering blood underneath his helmet.
"Din? No. No Din. Please." You muttered, your back arching a little with you whimpering.
"Cyar’ika wake up. I'm right here. I promise, you're safe." Din tried waking you again,
Din choked out in your dream. The next thing you knew, you were screaming and crying being dragged away. And then a buzz of a saber.
That. Was when you woke. Screaming and crying. You could barely breathe. You looked around the cot and found his helmet infront of you.
"D-din...I." You tried to speak but you couldn't.
"It's alright sweetheart I promise." He reassured you,
You still couldn't breathe properly and you were choking on sobs. Feeling like you were about to throw up, you gagged and Din took that as an obvious hint.
He grabbed you an empty bucket, and sat it in your lap.
"Let it out baby, come on let it out." Din stated rubbing your back. You heaved and let out what you had for dinner. Making you feel a bit better.
But you were still crying and shaking, your voice gone from screaming.
"You're safe now cyare, you're safe." Din kept reassuring you. He stood up, and you grabbed for his wrist with a begging look.
"I'm just taking my armour off. I promise." He reassured you, kneeling to your level. You blinked at him for a moment, and then nodded and watched as he stood. Din quickly discarded his armour, and carefully climbed onto the cot with you.
"D-din, my throat... it hurts." You stated, voice scratchy and hoarse,
"I know cyar’ika, here some water." Din gave you a canteen of water, and watched as you gulped it down.
You were still breathing heavily, tears staining your cheeks. Laying against Dins chest, you felt his heartbeat against your ear. You knew at this point that he was alive, you were safe and Din was safe.
The next thing you knew, Din turned off the lights with his vambrace that was on the cot next to you. You heard the hiss of his helmet, and then felt the warmth of his lips on your head.
"You don't have to talk about it cyare. But I'm here, I promise you now that I'll always be here. You're safe. Always." Din stated whispering in your ear.
Though you were asleep, the nightmares took a lot of energy out of you. You nodded off, and cuddled into Din's chest. He always felt so warm, even in the coldest of nights when going through hyperspace.
By now Din had decided not to fall back to sleep. Too worried that you might fall into another nightmare. During the midst of your dreams, the things you mumbled out and the force of your thrashing around made Din consider that you've been through more than he thought. More than you told him.
He thought about asking you. But was too scared that he might trigger something and cause you to go into another panic.
Grogu had woken up, feeling and hearing the disturbance from you. He crawled into your lap and fell back to sleep shortly after.
The next morning:
When you awoke the next morning, your throat felt like it had been ripped out. The slight memory of what happened coming back to you, made you shudder. But that's when you realised a warmth encompassed you.
Behind you, there was Din holding you against his chest. And on top of you was Grogu laying on your stomach.
You shifted slightly to find the canteen of water that Din had given you the previous night.
"Hey cyar’ika, you okay?" Din asked his voice sounded a bit tired,
"Yeah... my throat is hurting again." You rasped out, leaning back into Din. He found the canteen and passed it back to you. Taking a few sips of water, your throat felt slightly better.
"Din... I'm sorry about last night." You let out in a whisper.
"Hey, no no. No apologising. You didn't do anything wrong last night, I promise you." Din stated quickly, holding you tightly,
"It all felt so real though, and then there were other things which I don't think are real but I have no clue." You responded a few tears falling down your cheek.
"I know mesh'la. But the thing is, you're safe. Okay?" Din said softly kissing the top of your head.
The three of you stayed like the for most of the day. Not wanting to move from your positions on the cot.
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winnies-headcannons · 4 years
Kyoya x reader
Secret crush
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Summery: kyoya just knew he liked you from the way you walked to the way you care for others. You were a family friend of kyoya so he had known you since birth, he had secretly liked you for awhile but family buisnness got in the way. You guys havent talked in a while but when you joined the host club his heart stopped.
Trigger warnings: Drinking, arguing, fluff, slapping
A/N: I hope you like this, I've been having writers block lately but this idea inspired me!! Anyway enjoy!
Koya's eyes widened, his heart racing like horses on a race track. Out of everyone in the school, Tamaki had to choose you to be the new host, a girl he had known since birth, a female he had liked for forever but too stubborn to tell you. You meant everything to him but he let his work get in the way. He had pushed you away to focus on the family business as he tried to impress his father.
After the host introduced themselves you smiled, you couldn't help but stare at the black-haired glasses-wearing guy, he looked more mature than he did when you guys were little. His chest was buffer, his facial expression more serious. It was kinda...hot.
"Hi, my name is l/n y/n, second-year student!" You exclaimed introducing yourself to the hosts, you were honestly excited to get started. You were the first female to be in the club that will be working with guys (besides Haruhi at times). One thing you didnt except was that your childhood best friend/crush would be the manager of this type of club. I mean come on the Kyoya ootori a host? Kinda hard to believe, he wasn't the 'host' type.
"Well well well, got ourselves a cute little kitten~" the ginger-haired makes spoke in sync, your face became a light shade of pink "you're gonna be fun~," the one named Hikaru said resting his arm around your shoulders. Kyoya got pissed, he didn't want anyone to touch you but he didn't want anyone to know so he just watched from behind the black book he always writes in. "Wow Tamaki was right you two do look just alike!" You smiled, you can't believe the resemblance they had, identical twins!
It was a few hours before the club opens and you were just starting it up with the club. They told you how they wanted something more for the club, they wanted it to surpass high school, you found it quite amazing how hard they work just to please girls. "Oh that reminds me, you didn't get to meet kyoya when we introduced ourselves!" Tamaki exclaimed "no need me and y/n have known each other for years" kyoya interrupted, "she's a family friend" his voice monotone, never looking up from his book. The club mentally facepalmed, they knew there was a reason why you didn't talk to him. "Yup, but we kinds fell off in middle school..so we haven't really talked since then" your heart pulled at you're chest, it hurt you've loved him for so long yet he just pushes you away.
"I didnt seem you to be the host type kyoya" you exclaimed turning around to look at him, he smirked from behind the big black book "nor did I, tamki talked me into it" turning toward tamaki he was doing his little kingly pose "yes all my idea!" God he was full of it. "We must not delay the ladies and gentlemen-" he looked towards you "are going to be here soon! We must get the club ready" everyone nodded got to their designed spot but kyoya didnt move just sat there so you decided to sit with him at the back of the room. "So..how have you been" you shyly said, you noticed how he didnt even look up from his book not once. "If your attempting to small talk me its not gonna work, Y/N I'm a very busy man and I dont have time for silly small talk" this made your heart hurt, you knew he wouldnt really wanna see you but figured it's been so long since you've last seen each other, Guess you were wrong.
"O-okay" you put on a fake smile and walked to your designated spot fighting back tears. In the back of your head thinking maybe, just maybe he would be different. Hours have gone by and it was honestly a good first day, flirting with guys and them flirting back, even got a few numbers. Your population was growing quickly, I mean it should everyone knew at this point that your family was close to the ootori family so they wanted to get on your good side. School had ended at this point and you were waiting by the front gate for your ride, but thanks to the buisnness of your father and his driver he couldnt make it. You had gotten the text on your phone a few minutes ago that he couldnt make it, you only sighed not surprised but disappointed.
Sitting on the front gate fountain you sighed, how were you gonna get home? It was too far to walk and you didn't really know anyone well enough to get a ride with someone except..no, no you couldn't, he didn't wanna even talk to you let alone give you a ride home.
"Your father not coming?" A voice appeared out of nowhere. Looking up from the phone you see the devil himself, Kyoya. "Ah, no he's busy" a fake smiled crept on your face, he was the last person you wanted to see at the moment.
"Well seeing as we live close to each other it would only make sense you ride with me" his dace black his stare harsh, you didn't want to but yet you did. Only wanting to know why he pushed you away so much. "A-alright" you agreed, walking with him to his limo. "We're taking miss L/N home first" kyoya exclaimed to the drive, he only nodded and drive off. It was silent half of the way there till you got the guts to speak "Kyoya..why did you push me away" oh God why did you ask that your anxiety oh the frights now. He looked up at you and was silent for a quick second "Y/N you should know the answer. We are both very important people and we can't let a friendship get in the way of things" he huffed out "but we've known each other all this time why now" he was starting to piss you off, you just wanted your friend back, you wanted to see if y'all could be more. "Because my father's business is much more important than our petty friendship" tears were on the verge of your eyes, clenching your fist on your dress "why do you care so much" looking down and tears falling down your face "because I love you.." He eyes widened and his heart racing, did you really mean it? All this time he thought you were just playing him. "y/N I-" suddenly he was cut off by the sudden stop of the limo. "Don't bother kyoya like you said, your work is way more important than me" you got out of the limo leaving him speechless.
The last thing you remember about that night was running to your room and crying your eyes out, you even snuck into your dads room and stole some alcohol and chugged it, throwing it up instantly as your body wasn't use to it. Even though you kept puking you just kept drinking till eventually you were drunk off your ass making you fall asleep.
The next day the worst hangover hit you, school was the last thing on your mind but had no choice, after spending to much time in the bed past your alarm you got up and got ready for school. Arriving at school you went straight to the host club knowing everyone would be in there, rubbing your temple as you opened the door. "Wow Y/N you look like shit" one of the twins said you only grunted at their statement and sat down on the couch next to haruhi "jesus Y/N you smell like alcohol" the female dressed as a male (still valid) covered their nose. "Sorry didnt have time to shower, but damn I have a hangover like no tomorrow" rubbing your temple Mori handed you a water with a simple 'here'then walked away. The hosts was crowded around you wanting to know why you drank so much last night. "Listen guys I dont wanna talk about it." Kyoya was getting mad, a simple argument made you drink so much last nigh? He slammed his book closed causing everyone to be quiet, he stood up quickly and walked to you grabbing you by the hand causing you to stand "are you stupid? Drinking at your age, ruining your system" he stared you straight in the eyes "why do you care, why not just go write in your little book if yours." You harshly said making his jump back a little "if you weren't such a DICK maybe you would have more friends, maybe someone would love you MAYBE-" you were cut off by a pair if warm soft lips, it was kyoya, his hands on both side of your face. You never kissed back only stared at him in shock. Soon he let go of your alcohol tasting lips, "I do love you" you heart skipped a beat, beating as fast as it could go, tears formed at the edge of your eyes.
Your hand met his soft pale face as hot tears streamed down your face. "I love you more" you smiled then hugged him, guess this is a perfect life.
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Feelings? No. Never.
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Illinois x gender neutral!reader
@edgynoise ty for the request!
A/N: Illinois falling in love and not knowing what to do with it. I loved writing this lol. There's a dog, and I chose a hypoallergenic dog bc... Y'know... Uh, Illinois being big dumb. Real men don't have FEELINGS. Rated T for cursing and hurt pupper. Don't worry, she gets better. Fluffy. Enjoy.
Word Count: 2.1k
Illinois was a bit intimidated by you. You two had a lot in common. You both loved adventure, you both were fearless, and you both could be too arrogant at times. The difference was you were more aggressive about it. He wouldn't lie, he got worried when you asked him if he dared you to jump over a pit of snakes.
Another difference was you were softer than him. You loved children and animals, and were very kind and caring. Illinois didn't really like kids and most animals just annoyed him. He wasn't the caring type. You two complimented each other well.
One problem.
Illinois had fallen in love with you.
He wasn't sure when or how it happened, but all he knew was that whenever he saw you playing with a baby or a dog or something like that, he couldn't help smiling.
Illinois had fallen in love before. At least, he was pretty sure he had. It had been a while. But the overwhelming desire to see you happy may have tipped him off a bit.
But he was honestly a bit scared.
Feelings were nothing but trouble. They had no place in his line of work. You risked your lives every day, there was no room for a relationship. Besides, he wasn't the relationship type. He was married to his job! The only thing he loved was adventure! And now, apparently, you. What was he supposed to do with that? Ask you out? No. He couldn't. He wouldn't. He'd get over this soon enough.
Then a week passed. Then two weeks. Then two months. And that mushy, touchy-feely, butterflies-in-your-stomach emotion he felt towards you hadn't faded a bit. In fact, it may have just gotten bigger.
He would sit with you while you did absolutely anything, just wanting to be around you. He would watch you from across the room, adoration visible in his eyes. Whenever he talked to you, love and affection dripped from his voice.
He hated it.
He couldn't control it! His face started heating whenever you touched him, and he started giggling like a schoolgirl when he thought of you. This wasn't like him. He needed to stop. But he wasn't sure how to stop.
And he didn't need to.
You two had discovered some temple ruins and Illinois decided to explore. He had hoped some adventure would take his mind off of things.
As it turns out, going on an adventure with the person you are in love with will not help you get over the person you are in love with.
You decided to walk through town on the way over instead of driving, just because. He thought it was a waste of time, but you wanted to see everything. So, you walked.
While walking you froze as you heard a small whine from an alleyway.
"Illinois," you called so he'd stop. He turned to you.
"What's wrong?" He asked. You didn't answer as you spun towards the alley and went in. Illinois followed you, curious in what you were doing. You slowly stepped through the alley, keeping your ears open, until both of you heard another whine. You rush towards the source of the noise and find a Portuguese Water-Dog puppy. Its fur was black, so you barely saw that its leg was bleeding. You gasped and laid your hand on the pup.
"Aw, Illinois! Look at it!" You said sadly. Illinois rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, great. Drop it at the vet so we can go." You turned to him and frowned. He suddenly felt guilty.
"No! I can't just abandon it! I found it and now it's my responsibility," you claimed. Illinois sighed in annoyance. He didn't even try to argue because he knew he couldn't change your mind.
You lifted up the small pup and cradled it in your arms, shushing it gently. Illinois tried to look annoyed, but his brain decided to make a ton of serotonin in that exact moment and he smiled at you. You two stood for a moment, you cradling the dog, Illinois smiling at you lovingly. You looked up at him and smirked.
"There a problem, Illy?" You chuckled. Illinois snapped out of his trance and widened his eyes at you. He cleared his throat.
"Uh, no. Let's just… let's just go," he said and turned around, walking back to where you came from. You jogged to catch up to him, staring at the puppy in adoration.
"I'm gonna call them… Indiana," you said. Illinois turned to you.
"Really?" He asked, offended. You laughed.
"Yeah, really! It'll be too confusing to name you both Illinois," you explained. He turned away from you, his face flushing.
"Yeah… okay," he mumbled.
A couple days after you nursed the puppy back to health, you made Illinois go with you to buy stuff for it. You held his hand as you dragged him around the pet store, holding the puppy in your arms as well. You repeatedly referred to her as your daughter, and told him he was her parent as well. Not to mention, a bunch of people walking around were whispering you two looked cute together.
This was not at all helping with Illinois' feelings for you. He wanted them to leave, not for other people to know about it.
"Y/N can you… not hold my hand and… stop calling me its dad?" He asked, sounding annoyed. Your happy face dropped a bit, but you nodded and let go of his hand. He immediately regretted his decision after 5 minutes of missing your hand in his. You had bought the puppy a collar, a leash, a bed, bowls, food, and a couple of toys. You forced Illinois to pick the toys out, since he was going to be living with the dog too. You wanted him and the pup to get along. He groaned but picked out five, and complained when you told him that was enough. You could tell he was having fun.
You drove the puppy back to you and Illinois' house. You both had thought it made more sense for you to live together, since you started adventuring together.
Yep. That was the only reason, alright.
You set the puppy's bed next to yours and set her on the floor.
"Go on, Indiana!" You urged. The pup wobbled over to the bed, her leg wrapped in bandages. She circled for a minute before laying down on it and soon falling asleep. You stared at her for a while before Illinois tapped you on the shoulder. You turned to him, wondering what he wanted. He held up the newspaper article about the cursed treasure that had originally made you two go on your adventure.
Well, before you found the puppy and forgot about adventure altogether.
You called a doggy daycare so you could drop Indiana off and go on the adventure. You anticipated you'd be away for the entire weekend, so you asked one of your friends to pick her up and drop her off each day. Once they agreed, you and Illinois packed your stuff.
Well, you packed your stuff. Illinois still had his bag from the first time you went.
You two tossed your bags in the backseat and sat in the car, ready for danger.
You two had been walking inside the actual ruins for 2 hours. There were so many different pathways you could go, and somehow, none of the ones you chose so far were correct. You had found plenty of rooms with treasure in them, but every time you took one, something went wrong.
First there was a golden statue that he'd replaced with a rock, and a boulder began to chase you both. You ended up back where you started, unhurt but very annoyed.
Then, a golden lamp sitting in the middle of a room. When Illinois grabbed it, the walls started to close in on you two. There wasn't enough time to run out, so you shot your grappling hook at the door and swung your way out. Illinois' hat almost got crushed. It wouldn't have been bad, but he would've complained to you until he eventually bought a new one.
Another memorable one was when the ground closed in under you and you fell into a pit of vipers. Before Illinois could even ask if you were ok, you climbed up the walls with two knives, smiling and saying you were good. Illinois thought it was impossible to fall more in love with you, yet here we are.
You were on your fourth pathway, and there wasn't anything interesting so far. You two normally just walked in comfortable silence, but Illinois initiated conversation.
"So, partner," he called. You turned towards him with a small smile.
"Hm?" You asked.
"Why do you like adventuring so much?" Your eyes widened as you laughed at the question.
"Well, uh… that's a long story…"
"We got time, don't we?"
You were quiet for a moment before you started telling your entire life story.
Half an hour into you talking and Illinois' smile hadn't faltered a bit. He loved your voice oh, so much. You had gone from talking about your childhood to what you did last week, and he listened to everything. You sped up as you talked so Illinois, with his slow saunter, fell a bit behind. He began to zone out and think.
He loved you… at this point, he knew he did. You were amazing… he loved you so much… What was he supposed to do? He didn't want to kiss you… well, he did. But not yet. He didn't know if you'd want to. He didn't know if you liked him. He had no way of figuring that out without telling you he liked you. And what if you didn't? Your friendship could be ruined! He didn't want that… he wouldn't survive. It's not like he could just… pin you up against the wall and hope you kissed him… could he? Well, he didn't have much to lose. If you didn't like him, maybe he could beg you to be friends with him again. Worth a shot.
"Y/N?" He called. He held your hand, stopping you from going farther. You turned towards him.
"What is it?" You asked.
He grabbed your shoulders and gently pinned you against the wall. Your eyes widened as you looked at him. One hand moved to the side of your neck, and he moved his other hand against the wall, straightening his arm. He was absently rubbing his thumb over your jaw, staring at your lips. He stepped closer to you, moving the hand against the wall to the other side of your neck. You held your breath as he stood dangerously close to you, your bodies almost touching.
"You're… so wonderful…" he whispered. One hand moved to your chin as he stared at your lips. You weren't smiling.
That was bad.
He worriedly looked at your eyes, seeing only confusion. He squeezed his eyes shut.
"Just… kiss me if you like me back…" he begged. After a few seconds of nothing, he began moving away from you. "I'm so--" you grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him into a kiss. Illinois, caught off guard, buckled a bit. You pulled him back up and he started kissing back. Your bodies were up against each other and he wasn't sure if he could handle anymore. If he'd ascended into heaven right then and there, he wouldn't be surprised. You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged, pulling him impossibly closer to you. He whined and mentally beat himself up for it. He was supposed to make you make those noises. He reluctantly pulled away for breath.
"What the hell are you doing to me?" He murmured. You chuckled.
"I don't know. What am I doing?"
"You're throwing off my entire vibe is what you're doing," You both laughed and he watched you in awe. "I love you…" you stopped laughing and looked at him. Shit, shit, shit. Too soon… he scolded himself. You smiled at him and softly pecked him on the lips again.
"I love you too…" you mumbled. You both gaze adoringly at each other before you wiggled out from your spot between him and the wall, continuing down the pathway. "Come on! I'm not leaving without some sort of reward!" You yelled. He smirked.
"What? Ain't I enough reward, darlin'?" He asked. You rolled your eyes.
"You're good, but love won't pay the bills. Besides, we have a daughter now!"
"Well… I guess you're technically her step-dad, but you can still form a relationship!"
"Oh, shut up." You snickered at him and kept walking. He sighed.
Feelings could be good sometimes.
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hanaridulsetcheese · 4 years
Horror Movies ~ Hwang Hyunjin
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Today was a perfectly normal Sunday, you sat in your room reading one of your favourite books minding your own business. Your parents were out doing some grocery shopping and your brother was sleeping in his room.
You were about to get to the good part when your phone began ringing, taking you out of the imaginary world you have slipped in while reading.
You groan, prepared to take off with the caller but then you checked the caller I.D. and a smile came onto your face. It was your best friend whom you haven't seen in 2 weeks.
"(Y/F/N)! " you yelled into your phone, but then you remembered your brother was asleep.
"(Y/N)! I missed you so much! " she yelled on the other side of the phone.
"Same here! When are you coming back?! " you said in an excited voice.
"Tomorrow for sure. " she says.
"I can't wait to see you. I don't know if I want to hug you first or smack you for leaving me. " you laughed and so did she.
"Probably both. " she says. "Listen, I have a small favour to ask of you. "
"Sure, anything. " you said.
"I have this friend who really wanted to see this movie and I promised him I would see it would him, but then I had to leave, would you go see it with him? " she asked, you could sense the hope in her voice.
"Of course I will, but may I ask, who is this friend? "
"It's Jae. " she replied with a hint of suspicion.
"Cool, so when am I supposed to go see this movie with him? " you asked her, making it clear in your tone that you were not interested in him.
"Tonight, he said he'll pick you up at four. "
"You told him already. " you say, you honestly have given up with (Y/F/N).
"I knew you'd say yes. " she said cheekily.
"Whatever. " you rolled my eyes but then realised she couldn't see you.
"Thank you! " she said.
"Yeah yeah, but you owe me for this. "
"Absolutely, bye see you tomorrow! "
"Bye queen. " you said and hung up.
You checked the time and saw that you had thirty minutes to get ready so you walked into your closet and found something comfortable to wear.
You settled on wearing a graphic sweater and some jeans with your converse. You left your hair natural and put your contacts instead of your glasses.
You grabbed you phone and some money before heading downstairs to wait for Jae. You decided to leave your brother a note letting him know where you were.
Just as you finish write the note, you heard the doorbell rings so you stick it on the fridge and went to answer the door.
You pulled it open and revealed a rather excited looking Jae. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a blue polo shirt. You honestly thought he looked good.
"Hi Jae. " you greet him.
He smiled at you, "Hey, are you ready to go? " he asked. You nodded and he lead you to his car, being a gentleman he opened the door for you and you got in. He got in on the driver's side and drive off to the theatre.
"So what movie are we watching? " you asked.
"I was thinking the new one that came out, The Countdown. " he said.
"Sounds cool, what's it about? "
"Basically it's this game that comes to life or something like that, everyone has been talking about it, I was supposed to see it with (Y/F/N). " he said.
"Yeah she told me. She's coming back tomorrow though, you could see it with her tomorrow. " you said, in hopes he would leave you back home.
"I asked her that as well, but she insisted I watch it today. I told her I didn't want to go alone and then she said you'd come with me. "
"I'm not that fun to go out with, I think I'd fall asleep in the theatre. " you said.
He laughed and you two continued to talk on the way to the theatre, you would be lying if you said he wasn't a real catch, he was smart, funny, a gentleman and not to mention good looking, but you didn't have that sort of interest in him, you only saw him as a friend.
When you two got to the theatre, he insisted on buying everything, which made you feel guilty but you went along with it, agreeing to repay him with ice cream later on.
You walked into the cinema and took your seats, you went the early and got two good seats near the corner. The was only one place between you and the wall, you thought no one would sit there so you put your feet up on the seat.
A few minutes later, you saw a tall figure walk in your direction, he pasted Jae and looked at you.
"Can I please have my seat back? " the man said, you immediately recognised his voice.
"What are you doing here Hyunjin? " you gritted your teeth and looked up at your annoying neighbour.
"I'm here to watch the movie, I'm surprised you are here though. I thought you didn't like these types of movies. " he said, it was dark but you could still see his smirk.
"What do you mean? " you asked, looking at him in confusion.
"You see cupcake, this is a horror movie. " he said.
Your face went pale and you looked at Jae who wasn't paying attention to the both of you.
"Jae- " you called out to him.
"Hey (Y/N), I'll be right back. " he said, not sparing you a glance.
"Oh, ditched by the date. Classic. " he laughed and took Jane's place. "He's clearly not coming back so. " he put his feet on your lap.
"Get off me. " you shoved his feet off of you.
The movie was about to start so you ignored Hyunjin and watched the movie, but you could feel his eyes on you.
The first part of the movie was okay, but you were a little nervous because there were a few scenes that you thought were gonna have a jump scare.
You constantly kept bidding behind your hands and Hyunjin would see this and laugh at you. You glared at him and continued watching the movie.
"Don't go in there. " the main girl said.
You knew what was coming, but you wanted to be brave and watch the scene. She walked into the house, the floor creaked under her feet, you were digging you nails into your hands.
The first jumps are came up and you cowered behind your hands, there was suddenly silence in the cinema and you thought it was safe to look, but it wasn't.
A massive figure came on the scream and snatched up the main girl, this scared you and you didn't think about what you were doing, you hid your face in Hyunjin's chest.
When you came back to your senses, you realised what you were doing and pushed yourself away from his chest.
"Scared princess? " he looked at you in amusement.
"Shut it. " you growled.
Towards the end of the movie you couldn't take it anymore, the jump scares were so scary you started crying. Hyunjin didn't notice until he heard your sniffles.
He looked at you with a smirk, but it dropped immediately when he saw your tear covered face. He pushed the arm rest that seperated your seats and pulled you into his chest, holding you tight.
He rub your back gently and held you tighter as he felt you flinch because of the noises. When the movie ended and the lights came back on, you slowly pushed away from Hyunjin and wiped your tears.
"Are you okay? " he asked in a concerned way.
You nodded, unable to speak. You looked towards the exist and saw Jae walking away with a girl not even sparing a glance at you. Hyunjin saw this as wells and looked back at you.
"Wasn't that- "
"Yeah. " you say before he could complete his question.
You got up from your seat quickly and left Hyunjin without another word. You walked out into the lobby and looked for Jae bit he was no where insight. This meant you had to walk home.
You sighed and walked out of the theatre and began walking home, it was already dark and you were feeling quite scared.
"(Y/N) wait up! " you heard someone shout your name. You turned around and saw Hyunjin running towards you, trying to catch up to you.
"Let me walk you home. " he said.
"I'm fine thanks. " you said, walking faster to avoid him.
"Come on, we are both going the same place, plus it's dangerous out here. " he caught your arm, preventing you from walking any further.
"Fine. " you said and you both walked together.
There was an awkward silence that lingered around the both of you as you walked home. You knew Hyunjin was staring at you but you were too embarassed to look at him.
When you got home, you thanked him swiftly before running to your front door, you got in and ran to your room. Your parents were asleep so you tried being as silent as possible.
You changed your clothes and got into bed, not before looking out your window into Hyunjin's room. You hated how your house was built because your room and Hyunjin's were so close together, he could practically entered the room through your window.
You shake that thought out of you head and tried going to sleep, but scenes from the movies kept playing in your head, making you more scared.
You started seeing and hearing things and it made you cry all over again, you switched your light and and sat up on your bed. You tried to calm yourself down but it didn't work.
All of a sudden, you heard taps on your window which caused your head to snapped in that direction.
You saw Hyunjin waving at you, gesturing for you to open the window. You didn't want to open it, but you were too scared to be alone right now you unlocked it and and stepped back, watching him effortlessly jump into your room.
You crawl back into bed and look at him shutting the window.
"Can't sleep? " he asked, sitting on your desk.
"I- " you decided that there was no point in lying to him, "I'm scared. "
Hyunjin immediately walked over to you and creaked into your bed. "What are you doing? " you asked, watching him make himself comfortable.
"I'm going to help you sleep. " he said opening his arms for you to get in them. "Come here. "
"What no way I am cuddling with you. " you said.
"Fine then. " he started getting out of bed to leave, but you quickly caught his arm and pulled him back into bed.
"I'm sorry, don't go. I'm really scared. " you say.
"Then trust me on this. " he opens his arms again and you reluctantly get in them, lasting you head on his chest, his arms snake around your waist and pulls you close. He switched the light off and strokes your hair making you feel relaxed.
"Try and sleep now. " he says softly. You close you eyes and let Hyunjin softly lull you to sleep.
He kisses your forehead gently before muttering, "Good night princess. I love you. " but you were already asleep, comfortably in his arms.
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inadaydream99 · 5 years
Hi! I'm so glad I found someone who write Ateez scenarios. I've been looking for ages and now I found your blog and you're amazing! I was wondering if you would do an ateez scenario where they either catch the reading dancing, sing, rapping to their songs? Something cute and fluffy please ^-^ Thank you so much! 💜💜
Hi, thank you for this request! You’re so sweet, I’m really glad you like my writing! I hope you enjoy these scenarios and sorry this took so long 😁😁
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You were laying across the sofa with your earphones in, music blasting through them to mute the world outside. Of course you are listening to Ateez, them being your favourite group and also because you support your boyfriend, Hongjoong.
You sit up in excitement when Wave comes on, a huge grin on your face. It’s one of your favourite songs and you can’t help but sing/scream the lyrics out at the top of your lungs. As no one was home you let yourself become engrossed in the song, bouncing your head along to the music.
When Hongjoong’s part begins you instantly start trying to rap along. Continuing until the end of the song, and fall back on the sofa once again out of breath. You lay for a moment in silence, your eyes shut as you regain your breath only to open them when you feel a presence above you.
Upon opening your eyes, your vision is filled with Hongjoong smirking down at you. You gasp in shock, your face becoming flushed as you realise the look on his face means he must have whitnessed your little rendition previously.
“Ah, how long have you been home?” You question in embarrassment as your hands fly up to cover your face. Hongjoong laughs at your sudden shyness.
“Long enough to hear your very passionate singing to Wave.” Hongjoong teases as he moves your hands from your face, keeping a hold of them as he looks down at you in amusement.
“You’re adorable.” He chuckles at how you continue to shy away under his fond gaze.
“Stop, I’m so embarrassed.” You whine and sturggle around on the sofa.
“Don’t be embarrassed, I’m glad you like my songs.” Hongjoong praises as you finally get out of his hold and sit up. He plops on the sofa next to you and pulls you into his side placing a kiss on top of your head as you bury yourself into his chest.
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You have been missing Seonghwa all day, having not being able to see each other much because of his busy schedule. So you decide to watch as many Ateez videos you could find, starting with their music videos.
You have been sat on your bed, back resting against the headboard, with your eyes glued to your laptop screen. You are so focused on taking in every detail and singing along to all the songs that you don’t realise Seonghwa is standing in the doorway admiring you.
All he could think about all day was seeing you, missing the sound of your voice and holding you when you cuddle up together, espically how your hands fit together, your fingers intertwining with his. That’s why his heart fluttered out of his chest when he entered your apartment with the key you gave him and insteantly heard your voice filling the whole place.
He carefully makes his way over to your bed and sits down beside you, the dip from his weight catching your attention and making you fall silent.
“Awe, keep going. I love hearing your voice.” Seonghwa pouts as his hand reaches up to tuck some of your hair behind your ear.
“When did you get here?” You question still slightly in shock at the unexpected visit from your boyfriend. Seonghwa chuckles, his head falling down to look at his lap before looking back up into your eyes with a cheeky look.
“About 15 minutes ago, I didn’t want to disturb your singing.” He smiles at you, the simple expression full of so much affection you become flustered by it.
“I’m exhausted, will you sing to me?” Seonghwa looks up at you after laying down, resting his head in your lap. Your hands instantly start playing this his hair, carefully brushing the strands away from his face so you can admire the beauty that he is.
“Are you sure? I’m not that good.” You laugh and raised a brow in question.
“But I love your voice, I’ve missed it way to much. Please?” Seonghwa pleas up at you. You feel yourself give in, playfully rolling your eyes before resuming the music.
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You were in the kitchen making some food for yourself, earphones in blasting music into your ears. You have been dancing around the room in a world of your own to Say My Name, so far from reality that you don’t even notice your boyfriend Yunho watching you with a grin.
Yunho was in the living room, just relaxing on the sofa when he suddenly heard a lot of noise come from the kitchen, cupboard doors being opened and closed and cutlery clashing about. Being curious as to the cause of the noise, Yunho decided to investigate and unexprectedly stumbled upon you dancing around.
He moved to sit at the table, amusement written across his face as you turn around and freez when your gaze falls onto him. You instantly stop your dancing and become all hot and flustered, realisation that you have had an admirer making you become embarrassed.
“Aw, why did you stop?” Yunho asks, sulking a little as you take out an ear phone to listen to him.
“You weren’t meant to see my ridiculously bad dancing.” You chuckle as you hide your face behind your hands. Yunho stands up from his seat and walks over to you, his hand gently moving yours away from your face as he smiles affectionately down at you.
“Come on, I wanna join in!” You throw your head back in laughter as Yunho takes your phone and plays the Ateez playlist out loud. You both begin dancing together, making up your own silly moves to each song and laughing in the kitchen.
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You didn’t realise that Yeosang was behind you, his chest filled with warmth at seeing you singing along to Illusion with such passion. Of course, he knew you listened to his group, but he was surprised at how excited you were when they were played on the radio.
You were sat in the garden, enjoying the warm weather, the radio playing in the background for some company. Yeosang had decided to pay you a visit and let himself in, to his surprise, he found you jumping up and dancing around when when his group was played.
Approaching you, he chuckles as you start to sing along, or more like scream along. An overwhelming sense of happiness consuming him.
“I like your moves, can you teach me?” He laughs with a wide smile, your eyes growing wide at hearing your boyfriends voice before turning around to confirm his presence.
“Yeosang! What are you doing here!” You say in shock, embarrassment evident as you feel your face become hot.
“I wanted to see you but it looks like you’re busy.” He mocks before starting to turn around to leave. You gasp and rush over to him, grabbing his arm in order to stop him before steeping in his way only to see his cheeky expression.
“Don’t you dare! I don’t need you running back to the guys to tell them about this. I’ll never live it down.” You plea, your heart racing with nerves at this realisation. Yeosang pulls you into his chest, hands on your waist as he embraces you.
“I find it really cute that you were dancing to my group. I’m glad you support us.” He whispers, a relieved smile on your face as you relax into his hold.
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You were visiting your boyfriend, San, at his dorms, just sitting at the table in the kitchen mindlessly scrolling through your phone with music playing in the background. You have been quietly singing along to the songs from San’s playlist while he went to get ready for the day.
You let out a little squeal of happiness at hearing Aurora come on. It’s one of your favourite Ateez songs and you can’t help but sing along every time you hear it. Your body swaying from side to side in your seat as you sing at the top of your lungs.
Normally you wouldn’t sing so loudly knowing other people could possibly hear you, but no one was around and you were pretty sure you could hear the shower running in the distance.
As it approaches San’s part in the first chorus you feel arms snake around you from behind, a soft melodic voice next to your ear as your boyfriend sings his part. You stop singing, closing your eyes and taking in every part of the moment. It’s so soothing and warm you never want it to end.
San stops singing and places a gentle kiss on your neck, below your ear.
“Why did you stop singing?” San whispers sending shivers down your spine, a tingling sensation left in the wake of his breath.
“I was listening to you baby.” You chuckle, a deep blush covering your cheeks as you turn your face to make eye contact with San.
“But I thought we could sing together.” San pouts. He looks so innocent and vulnerable in that moment you fight everything to stop yourself from cooing at him in order to not break the bubble you are both in.
“But I’d rather listen to your voice.” You shyly smile back at him, his face instantly changing into the look of a devil (honestly the duality of this man).
“I know a way we can compromise.” He stares you down, a brow raised to indicate his unspoken words, his hand moving from your waist to pull you up into him.
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You were sat at the desk typing away on an essay that you had spent multiple hours working on. Your headphones on as music bursts through them to drown out life around you. It’s a method you use in order to help you focus, though sometimes a song will come on that you can’t help but get lost in, shouting along to the lyrics at the top of your lungs.
Mingi had visited you earlier in the day, complaining that you haven’t been paying him any attention. So you spent most of the day cuddled up on the sofa together watching countless films. Until he fell asleep. That’s when you snuck off to your room to continue your work.
What you didn’t realise is that Mingi woke up a while ago and joined you, laying on your bed behind just scrolling through his social media.
His face is priceless as you suddenly start rapping to his parts in HALA HALA, his mouth hanging open at how effortlessly you make it seem. He had no idea you could rap, let alone to his parts, leaving him with a tight feeling in his chest. One of complete awe.
As the song ends Mingi gets up with a smirk on his face. He knows you aren’t aware of his presence and revels in the fact that he can play on it.
Standing next to you he gets your attention by placing his hand on your shoulder, your attention instantly moving to Mingi. Taking in his cheeky look it dawns on you that he has just whitnessed your rapping. A flush of heat overtaking you as you look up at him in mild horror.
“Why did you never mention that you could rap baby?” Mingi coos at your flustered state, simultaneously moving your headphones off your head so you can hear him. He chuckles at how cute your reaction is as he takes your hand in his and pulls you into his embrace.
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How did you get to being so embarrassed by your boyfriend?
Well, he had caught you trying to copy the moves to Pirate King. And let’s just say, while you aren’t a bad dancer, you definitely aren’t good.
You bury your face into his chest, hiding yourself from all the laughter coming from the rest of the guys as Wooyoung tells them about catching you in the living room trying to dance to their songs.
You were bored and had nothing better to do, waiting for Wooyoung to get home, you decided to watch some of their performances and the temptation to try out the moves got the better of you.
Wooyoung found it hilarious but also very endearing. Stumbling through the front door after a long and tiring day only to see your attempts at dancing.
You peer up at Wooyoung with puppy eyes, silently begging him to stop as Mingi and Yunho begin to playfully pester you.
“Woo, is it your life mission to embarrass me?” You whine as he fails to acknowledge your distress.
“Of course not, it’s just so cute. We love that you support us, even in your strange ways.” Wooyoung jokes as he looks down at you, a michevious glint in his eyes as you huff and attempt to get away from him. But before you can, his arms secure around your waist pulling you back into his hold where his nuzzle his head into your neck.
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You had decided while you were tidying your bedroom to play some music, putting your playlist of favourite songs on shuffle and singing along to each one as they play.
It was something you always did, it helped make even the most tedious and boring tasks more bearable, fun even. You squeel as Promise begins to play, ecstatic that an Ateez song had finally come on, singing a little louder than usual.
You fall onto your bed like a starfish and shut your eyes, a loud sigh of content sounding as the song ends. But your peace doesn’t last for long as your heart skips a beat when you feel someone sit on the bed next to your feet. You lift your head and peer to see your boyfriend staring at you smugly.
As soon as you make eye contact Jongho grabs your hand and pulls you up to sit next to him, his arm wrapping around your waist as he fondly looks at you.
“I didn’t know you liked that song so much.” Jongho chuckles as you lightly smack his arm.
“No, I don’t.” You sass, your expression matching his as you look at each other.
“Oh really? Then why did you know every word and also not notice when I stood watching you?” Jongho retorts, his body leaning in to tower over you with a brow raised in suspicion.
He laughs when your only responce is to look down to hide your blush, his hand tilting your chin back up, your faces inches apart. You playfully roll your eyes as you take in his still smug look, one that you know isn’t going to be leaving his face for a while.
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minamrose · 4 years
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Pairing : youngk/brian-reader
Warnings : swearing, physical violence, mention of harassment
Genre : angst, fluff
Summary : brian, one of your closest friends learns that you slept with one of the guys he hates the most at your school (you didn't actually) , and he gets angry at you because you don't want to talk to him about it, he's also a bit jealous. But the he learns the truth and happy ending 🌹
You were about to crack. If you heard him say something more, you were afraid you'll punch him.
"didn't know you were that type of person y/n"
He was sitting right in front of you across the table. You raised your gaze slowly and looked at him. He was furious, you could feel it even if he tried to remain calm. All he wanted was to provoke you right now... The others around you started talking in murmurs. You bit your lip.
"Brian , calm down it's not the time nor the Pl..." you started calmly trying to avoid a really embarrassing situation
But he didn't seem to care
"is it the time and place to tell everyone that you're just a little whore?"
That's it, you couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't believe he went that far. You stood up before slapping him in the face so hard that the whole cafeteria heard it and was now turned towards you. You felt a heavy silence cover the whole place, as everyone was impatiently waiting for the next thing you were going to do. You didn't think twice and took your plate of spaghetti to pour it all over brian as he remained silent. You gave him a last look and he could see the hurt in your eyes. "fuck you Brian, I thought you were different". You managed to keep your voice from cracking and got out of the cafeteria as fast as you could. You wanted to cry, and you did, in the toilets.
Brian regretted what he said as soon as the words left his mouth. He wasn't one to handle his emotions very well, especially when it was about you. He hurt you, he knew it. But he was still mad at you, for so many reasons, reasons he thought he will never find the courage to tell you. He silently got out of the cafeteria , as everyone laughed at him.
You were home.
You were going through your last texts with Brian, last night and started reminiscing about everything that happened since then.
You : sorry for yesterday night, I had to take care of something important
Bribri : oh I know
You : really?? What do you know
Bribri : with Josh... Out of all the boys out there... You must have lost your mind or smth, wtv, not my business
You : yeah not your business, why you being so rude tho?
Bribri: I'll talk to you tomorrow
You : hello am I talkin to my dad?
He didn't answer anymore. You were so confused. The next morning (today), you two talked, indeed. You didn't quite remember at which point you two got really mad at each other...
"Brian, I don't really get why we are having this conversation.." you said, exhausted
"I just don't think I can be friends with you anymore if you're not being honest with me... I swear you hate that guy since elementary school and now he's talking about you like you're his bitch..." he sighed "he sent that photo of you to everyone y/n! " he looked into your eyes as he almost screamed. You crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow trying to cover the fact that you were anxious.
"okay then, don't be friends with me.. Gosh why are you being so childish..." you then started walking away, trying to escape the situation.
Brian remained static, he had felt your words as if they were bullets. "don't be friends with me", "so childish". He couldn't believe that was what you thought about him. He was worried about you and you just saw him as an exasperating presence. He exhaled deeply, trying to relax his tense jaw.
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That same morning you texted that Josh, told him you needed to talk to him. You met at the library, on a corner where nobody could see you.
"okay, you got what you wanted, you made me a whore in the eyes of the entire school, can you stop now? Like get to your next prey I don't know, leave me alone"
"y/n, you don't get to tell me what to do. What about you come to my house later and we get some more pictures of you and... "
You didn't listen to his next words. Your mom is a psychologist, and Josh is one of her patients, she's talked to you a bit about him mostly to warn you about him because the boy is Psycho. He was smirking at you. You were absolutely disgusted.
" you're really sick in the head aren't you? What do you think everyone will think about you if I tell them what you were REALLY doing that night? " you threatened him
"don't be so stupid. I already told you that you better not say anything or I'll make my parents ruin your mom's reputation, she will never be able to work again and..."
"I don't care about my mom" you cut him "so if I want to tell the truth I will and I don't care if you ruin her she's a bitch"
He looked at you as if you were crazy. He seemed afraid though.. He stared at you silently before sighing.
"and I AM the psycho right? Okay, okay, I'll stop..."
You gave him a last menacing look before leaving him.
You had lied. You didn't hate your mom and you weren't going to put her career at risk, but at least it seemed to have worked.
Later that day you went to the cafeteria to eat with your usual friends, including Brian. You really didn't want to be cold with him. So you sat in front of him, in hopes of relaxing things with him. Well, it only made things worse. You had never seen Brian so mad at you, he ignored you everytime you talked to him, he didn't even look at you. You had enough. "Brian, stop it now" you said to him multiple times. Sharp words came out of his mouth, such as "y/n can you understand that I can't always be on your side? I have the right to not wanting to talk to you", "are you in lack of attention? Gosh", "why did you even sit in front of me" . You just looked at him in awe, your eyes became wet as you looked away, trying not to lose your temper. Your friend asked you "what's wrong with him? What did you do?" and everyone else saw his attitude towards you. And then you know what happened.
You sighed deeply, laid in your bed and closed your eyes.
Brian could be such a prick sometimes. He really was someone who could hurt with his words. But you knew him, and he only did that when he was hurt aswell.
But why was he so quick to judge you? Couldn't he wait for you to tell him what is going on? He was being such a child honestly. You spent the night thinking about him.
You put your phone in your sweater's pocket.
You were almost falling asleep when you felt your phone under your belly. You opened your eyes and looked at the screen.
Bribri : I'm outside.
Wtf. You frowned as you got up of your bed, your phone in hand. It was like 2 am.
You : you serious
Bribri: yes
Half awake, you took baby steps to your room's door. You tried not to make a sound while getting down the stairs. You put on your coat and opened the door of your house. You found a freezing Brian standing outside. He looked at you but not for long. His eyes were admiring the floor apparently. You put your hands in the pockets of your coat and approached him slowly.
"you wanna sit?" you offered and you two sat on the chairs that were on your porch. They weren't the most comfortable but it was better than nothing.
"you could have waited tomorrow.." you said in a low voice
"I know I... I probably should just go home and let you sleep.. I'm sorry I d.. I don't know why I.." he started getting up but you grabbed his arm
"brian.. I can't go to sleep now it would be torture."
"right..." he sighed, sitting down
You had your arms crossed, waiting for him to talk but he seemed to be struggling. At the moment you were so angry at him you thought you'd better shut up.
"y/n... I'm so sorry" he started
His voice was low but you heard the sincerity in his words.
"I didn't mean to tell you those things it's just that... I don't know..."
"you called me a whore, in front of everybody"
"I apologize y/n! But You told me I was being childish when I was worried about you and tried to reach to you.. You rejected me and treated me like I was crazy.."
"I know.." you admitted
" y/n you just leave at 2 am at a party without saying anything " he took a deep breath " do you know how much I panicked when you didn't answer your phone that night? I thought something had happened to you... "
" I know, I'm sorry I should have texted you but.. "
" And next thing I know, everyone is saying you spent the night with that bastard " you saw his face change as he said those words, you could sense the anger coming out of him
" Brian..."
"after that you didn't come to school for like two days and you wouldn't even answer my calls or my texts ... so yeah, I was really annoyed at you... You acted as if I didn't exist when all I wanted was to help you, and then you want to act as if nothing happened" he stopped, his eyes were wandering in front of him, in the dark "but it made me realize something, It made me realize.. that I mean nothing to you"
You stared at him in silence as he nervously played with his hands. Tears started to come to your eyes.
"And it hurts honestly, because maybe.. You mean too much to me"
"stop it" you said in a quiver as you stood up to wipe your tears
"yeah I'll stop, don't worry about it" he finally said with a raspy voice as he tried not to let you know he too was about to cry
He quickly stood up and started walking away.
But you followed him.
"Brian stop!"
He did, you walked to him and stood in front of him. Your eyes were glittery and your nose was runny.
"you don't get it, please listen to me!" you felt the tears run down your hot cheeks
"I.. Am not perfect Brian" your voice was trembling"I tried to help a friend who had been drugged at the party and they were about to use her for god knows what, but they.. Josh wouldn't let us go unless I took that photo he's been showing everywhere.."
"wait... What? Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I don't know... I was ashamed.. I didn't want to bother you with my problems... I didn't know how to tell you that... Brian I.." you looked away as you took one deep breath
"did he touch you?! Who else was there y/n?! " he sounded infuriated
"no... He just said if I told anybody he would tell his parents to ruin my mom's reputation. The other guys, I don't know their names but I think they are in the football team. "
"sick bastard.. I forgot his parents were richer than anyone in this town" his hand furiously went through his messy hair
"please don't do anything" you asked him
He looked at you. The anger vanished from him as he saw your face buried in tears. He softly took your face into his hands and gently, with his sleeve, dried your cheeks.
"do you understand now?" you asked
His head tilted "I do"
He silently pulled you into his arms. You felt so vulnerable yet so good at that exact moment. You detached a bit from him in order to look at him.
"so... How much do I mean to you exactly? "
He glued his eyes to yours.
"you mean everything to me" he whispered
You smiled.
"Brian, I'm sorry I made you think I didn't care about you, it's not true."
He smiled too.
"please don't do it ever again"
"also, thank you for being there"
He rubbed his thumb against your rosy cheeks. "I'll always be there for you"
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