#my wallet is getting tired of this
droppingthegloves · 2 years
why do i feel the need to go to barnes and noble every. day.
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trans-xianxian · 4 months
I PASSED MY DRIVERS TEST W ONLY ONE POINT OFF thank you mr yiling laozu it was all up to you
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strongermonster · 1 year
besides keeping track of ridership, which you literally do not need special designated cards to do, what purpose does a bus pass actually serve?
why is to use the bus without one like $3.75 now (exact change only, ofc) but having a card (no monthly pass, just pre-loaded single rides) brings it arbitrarily to $2.86?
why can i not use my bank card? it's 2023 so the old "well busses don't have mobile wifi" is out the window.
why are there so many random different prices? low income, elderly, children, post-secondary student, high school kid, corporate pass, special university pass for the special university, regular adult, discounted for pass user, day pass... who the fuck designed this?
why does this piece of plastic (that used to but no longer has my name and face on it, so i couldn't let a partner, family member, or friend borrow it when i wasn't using it, even thought the same profit would be made regardless) have to expire and be destroyed and re-issued every 5 years? that's incredibly wasteful.
why has, in 7 years almost exactly, the price of a monthly pass gone from $56.50 to $92.75, with no actual change to quality of service + they admit ridership is steadily falling?
why are there like literally 4 different types of bus brand or whatever the hell operating in 1 city, where none of them use each others passes/fares/transfers? why do the busses and trains that ARE operated by the region/same company not use the same pass?
why does the bus that connects to the same terminal 1 city over require a whole separate pass?
why does the car ride take 8 minutes but the bus ride take an hour and four minutes?
why are there train tracks crisscrossing the city that do commercial freight twice a day on the same schedule every day, but aren't allowed to share with passenger, even though it'd be extremely easy to work around?
why does it feel like i'm constantly being punished because i don't have or want a fucking car?
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i-wear-the-cheese · 7 months
When I was in year 8 at school they made us watch a video of animals being slaughtered as part of an RE class conversation about ethics of meat consumption. I was already vegetarian so the teacher let me sit in the hall instead of watch the violence which I already condemned.
I think about that a lot at the moment when people try to tell me what I need to look at on the news. What horrors they expect me to stare at and never look away for a moment. I know already. I don't need to see what those things look like to know they require my action and my anger. Stop preaching to the choir and make sure the people who need converting are the ones seeing what they need to see.
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imwritesometimes · 7 months
because my life is a cartoon joke at this point, my brother did his laundry, didn't check his pockets AGAIN, got gum ALL OVER THE DRYER, didn't want to tell me, so he used flammable WD40 to get the gum off the dryer drum..............
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soliusss · 3 months
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autisticmob · 11 months
holy shit you got carjacked? that must've been terrifying
oh yeah in the moment it was pretty wild. had a hard time sleeping that night obviously. but honestly between my roommate and my family & friends and everybody being very cool about it and letting me talk through it like, IMMEDIATELY, the discomfort was honestly pretty limited.
PLUS my car was a piece of shit anyway. it was so shitty that it actually broke down on the dude who stole it, which led to the police catching him. it ALSO led to my insurance company declaring the car totaled and paying me the full value of the damn thing, which helped me get a new car pretty quickly.
my roommate also had the catalytic converter stolen off their car in that parking lot a few days later, so they were actually 100% cool with breaking our lease at that apartment and moving somewhere else pretty much right away, and we magically found a really NICE apartment in our budget, like. nicer than the old place by A Significant Margin.
BASICALLY it sucked and was bad, but it snowballed very quickly into me having a way nicer car and apartment than i did before, so???
i can't, uh, really complain about this man taking my car from me at gunpoint, aside from the fact that it made me briefly afraid for my life and also i had to interact with cops a lot afterward???
and honestly. one of the cops was like a really hot butch woman and i know I KNOW ACAB okay? and like im aroace so its not like i wouldve done anything anyway but like. im also gay and i have eyes you know if it had to be ANY cop im just saying,
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what-the-fuck-khr · 11 months
someone on Instagram saying “life doesn’t have a dress code, you can wear anything you want no one is stopping you” and there’s something a bit fucking irritating about people going “um actually, men are” “but some women would get beat for this in other countries” “uhhh I’d get hate crimed if I did” “you’ll get mugged lmao” and other variations. my GOD it’s not saying everyone in a dangerous situation or dangerous town should do it, it’s saying if you have the means to do what you want safely then you should bc someone staring at you shouldn’t stop you!!!! everything that tries to be positive online in the form of videos is always full of sooooo so much negativity no matter what the video is discussing!!!! my fucking god!!!! and fuck the weirdo losers like “okay so why can’t I walk around naked then” I know what you’re trying to do and also there ARE places for that, too, fuck offfff FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!
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got hospitalised against my will lol love my life love being alive
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sleepyhazee · 7 months
the sims 4 is so wildly broken that its sucked away all my desire to play. it is not hard to test basic features before a release.
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naomiknight-17 · 8 months
When I went out yesterday to do my KSP and PetSmart shopping, there wasn't a good chance to stop and buy lunch anywhere, so I just had some leftovers when I got home
I was within visual distance of a Jollibee but I was tired and had a lot to carry (got a new dish tray and a big cutting board... so heavy...) so I didn't make the journey
Now I'm sitting at home and still kind of like... wanting takeout lunch. Debating with myself whether I'd rather face the cold for yumyums or stay in and just eat yogurt
There's a Wendy's up the road, and a Tim Hortons. And two Filipino places, and an Asian market with cheap sushi, and a Subway, and... man. There's a lot of fast food places in the plazas near me. I am spoiled for choice
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a-very-tired-raven · 1 year
Hi friend! How's life?
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jorvikzelda · 2 years
one of the great benefits (and dangers) of living alone around christmastime is that nobody can stop or even discourage you from making and eating truly obscene amounts of sweets. a great disadvantage is that if you forget to halve the recipe (because you are, in fact, not in a household of four anymore), your kitchen will be full of saffron buns that you legitimately have no way to eat within a reasonable time frame
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kingcervix · 1 year
It's 3 am and I'm nauseous and I don't have a date tomorrow but I also don't NOT have a date tomorrow. It's platonic..but it might not be by the end of.it. if I have anything to say about it
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kawowru-nagisa · 1 year
if y'all could keep my rattie in your thoughts I'd appreciate it
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cloudstrifing · 2 years
sooooo soso oso ready to be done with this fucking degree damn
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