#my whole general love language is music tbh
chqnified · 2 years
My form of flirting is,,, I made you a playlist,,,, here,,, take it,,,,,
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
EVIE GRIMHILDE ; dating headcanons
summary ; dating hcs w evie
warnings ; language
word count ; 363
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she's very very respectful, as a friend and a girlfriend
she's obsessed with making you clothes and sewing patches and stuff onto clothing for you, customizing you things in general is one of her favorite things
wheelchair bound? she's got you covered (her whole shop and home are accessible for you) and she customizes little things to decorate your chair
she remembers the smallest of things for you
you don't like a certain food and she wants it? she'll cook two dinners for you
you love a movie and want merch? she'll find you a poster or a funko pop asap
she's very nervous with her emotions, especially regarding romance
so it takes a while for her to build up the courage to ask you out
she got a full pep talk from her friends and set out to find you, a bouquet of roses in hand
maybe she should've texted and asked where you were bc it took two hours to find you...
took a lot of trying to find the right words but you said yes 🤞
again, she loves handmaking you things
but she'll share items with you as well
like jewelry, hair pieces, bracelets, whatever you want as long as it wasn't set out for her outfit tmr
she loves gold so you always think of her when you're window shopping and see something gold
she's in the middle with music, maybe 700 mins weekly on airbuds
but she loves showing you new music, she gets so excited lol
"Oh my gosh, y/n I found this song, please listen!!!1!1!1!11"
she's always asking you to do her nails
it's like your quality time tbh
it's fun for you cause you pretty much have free range
her mom enforced awful beauty standards on her growing up so she has some self image issues
you're always pumping her up and reassuring her that you don't care about her looks as much as you care about her personality
her love languages are gift giving and words of affirmation 💯💯💯
absolutely loves styling your hair (if it can be, if not she allows you to style hers)
cooking together is the best thing ever
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lostiolite · 2 months
Hiya!! How about general relationship headcanons with Geten? Love him sm🙏
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Hes kind of like a an overprotective dog, you and redestros personalised gaurd dog 😊
He gives tsundere vibes, but mainly because he obviously has never been in a relationship before, and isn't really the best at understanding his feelings, so he tends to be sort of Standoffish.
Love language
Giving: acts of service and gift-giving i think are his instinctual way of showing love, hes strong and has alot of power within mla. Will buy you something or have some underlings assist you. Despite his twinkish build, hes strong. He'll take heavy groceries on one arm like its nothing, he enjoys helping you out on a personal level like this.
He isnt good with words because he has a tendency of being blunt. He wont hesitate to tell you how much he adores you, or how much he hates that friend of yours. Hes affectionately insulting, "you look... so stupid, anyways i bought you that thing you were looking at earlier". Its clear your different, because the way he insults you is different than how he insults other. He dislikes it when others are being silly or stupid but when its you, it makes him happy. He wants you to have an easy life, to be treated like royalty, thats how high he holds you.
He likes touching you, playing with your hair or laying on you, it makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. When your in his arms he enjoys the feeling of protecting you.
His attention is always on you / or redestro, hes really perceptive so even if it seems like hes in his own world, he's taking note of everything.
I feel like hes very literal and sort of extreme, this also ties hand in hand with his bluntness. You could make a small comment of somthing being cute and he will shower you with presents of said thing. this will lead to miss understandings, the two of you could have a disagreement and you could somthing about him being an asshole or somthing and he assumes you hate him and youre gonna leave him.
Definitely yaps to redestro about you, maybe curious/trumpet as well when he wants to be more "romantic"
Speaking of romance i dont think its really his thing, he doesn't see the need to go on fancy dates. Spending time with you is more than enough for him.
Receiving: please praise him. Let him know how highly you think of him, not in a self absorbed way, but also in a self absorbed way. It makes him feel usefull. I feel like once he starts getting involved with you romantically hes gonna start doing some inner reflection and realize he isnt used to love and probably isnt the best partner. Feeling usefull to you helps leviate his insecurities, even if not for the right reason. It takes him a while to comprehend that you like geten himura not iceman the mla comander.
Touch him, hug him, kiss him, cuddle him please. (Maybe im just self projecting cus i love physical touch) likes laying down on your lap/chest/you in general. Scratch his head please. Makes him feel warm fuzzy and embrassed but a good embrassed. He'll think about it while working and start smiling like an idiot.
Gushes to redestro about you, like a middle school girl talking about her crush.
Tbh if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have confessed to you, or realized his feeling for you in the first place.
Redestro is fond of you, making geten even more content with being in a relationship. Hes kind of dedicated his whole life to work, redestro was his only personal relationship, and he wasn't sure if he would be allowed to pursue one with you or how it would work. Thankfully the old man gave him the ok to confess and even pushed him to do so.
Oh. my. god. Imagine him making ice sculptures for you. It could range from little hearts to miniature versions of you, him and redestro like a little family.
Listens to your music cus he hasn’t really had a chance to find his own taste. Plays the romantic songs over and over again thinking of you.
If you like baking or making food he will cherish it and brag how his s/o made him food. Probably shares it with the rest of the commanders, I feel like some part of him has an attachment to them.
I don’t think he can cook, maybe the most would be a sandwich made with cheese and ham.
Buys you your favorite foods to eat together sort of like a picnic, but not a romantic picnic, just a nice picnic.
I feel like he would enjoy feeding you and being fed by you, something about you holding the fork/chopsticks/spoon for him to eat and vice versa makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Let’s you have the second bite of his food, requests to have a bite of yours, again something about it feels warm and fuzzy to him.
Quirks and children
If you've got a strong quirk he would be really proud. He'd be intrested if you wanted kids, afterall two people with strong quirks are bound to have a strong child. If you didn't want kids i dont think he'd really care, he could always like give him sperm (without Intercourse) to a surrogate for somone else to train if the mla wanted him to continue his bloodline.
If you've got a weak / no quirk he'd be apprehensive first meeting, you not seeing your worth. Hes mad that he fell in love with someone weak, feeling that he shouldn't be with you. Though its redestro who again convinces him to go for it, that if he loves you he should try. Im not sure he'd be a good father, especially if you wanted a child being quirkless/weak. But it lets him realize his whole "only the strong should have power" ideals are kind of fucked up. He still wants his children to have somthing good about them, so unlike him they would probably go to school, not just school but like top teir ones.
Give him a few years before having kids, hes not ready, let him mature. He isnt used to being empathetic or social cause he was robbed from it at an early age to train.
I think redestro kind of understands that he and geten were kind of shoved into power without any choice in the matter, and would encourage geten to let his children have more freedoms and a normal childhood.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
The Rent Post™
aka, a lengthy screed on how rent the musical goes about adapting la boheme, where it fails, and what can be done about it
so i’m admittedly a reformed Theater Kid™. and tbh i still very much am a Theater Person, even a Musical Theater Person, i’m just in my 20s now and my taste has shifted away from what’s mainstream on broadway right now and closer to the world of opera. but there absolutely was a time in my early teens when i was Really Into Rent, as many Theater Kids™ were…and there was also a time in my later teens when i thought about it and realized that rent was not only just not my thing, but that there were some significant Problems with it, as its own work and as an adaptation. now, having finally seen boheme for myself, i feel like i’m really in a place to piece together how the two works compare to one another, and why/how i think rent falls short of success (as a piece of theater anyway. obviously rent is not lacking in commercial and popular audience success, for better or worse).
i knew years ago that rent is a direct adaptation of la boheme, but wow, only after seeing the opera did i come to realize just how closely rent follows boheme: in plot beats, in character names, even borrowing a couple of lyrics and musical motifs here and there. 
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but it also changes things from the original opera -- namely, it adds things -- and i think this is the first place where rent runs into trouble. now i am by no means such a purist that i think no work should ever be adapted unchanged (more on this later...what’s the point of adaptation if not to change things to make the work resonate with a new audience anyway?). however, any and every change made to an existing work in adaptation should be thoughtfully made and motivated, because every single change has an effect on the whole product in some way, and many small changes can add up to create a rather different final product than a creator might realize. 
(and this goes both ways, i think -- both in a work where a more flawed source material is adapted into something new and better, and when a superior original work is adapted into a worse new creation.)
definitely some of the changes made in rent while adapting la boheme are due to the change in medium. opera and musicals are both theater, sure, and more similar in many ways to each other than either is to straight play or film perhaps, but it’s still like a spanish speaker and an italian speaker trying to have a conversation with one another. the languages are similar and there might even be a bit of crossover in mutual intelligibility but they are still ultimately two different languages with different grammars and vocabulary. opera in general tends to have slower pacing than book musicals, fewer plot threads of equal importance. that rent is specifically a musical adaptation of la boheme, rather than a true rock opera, demonstrates this well. the mimi/rodolfo relationship is still front and center (americanized of course as mimi and roger), with marcello and musetta close behind (though expanded in rent as more of a love triangle among mark, maureen, and joanne, the latter being an invented character for the musical who i think embodies the original marcello as much as mark does). but rent adds a lot of stage time and focus to a new couple, collins and angel, who are directly lifted from colline and schaunard, who are essentially secondary comic relief characters, whereas collins/angel are arguably as important plot wise to mimi/roger and mark/maureen/joanne. 
(and i’m not gonna get into the level of #problematic there is to the depiction of maureen as an overly promiscuous bisexual or discuss why colline and schaunard can’t have been a gay couple the whole time or whatever because. wow i do not care. there are more important things to complain about here c’mon)
first big addition to rent that wasn’t original to boheme is that increased stage presence/focus for collins and angel. it's not inherently a bad addition, and for its time the open depiction of multiple queer romances onstage was still kind of groundbreaking. and yes, rent having a longer runtime than boheme should give it the opportunity to flesh this relationship out more as well as the other two to make sure they all have an equal chance to develop and end in a satisfying way. hell, they don’t even all have to be equal in stage presence/focus/importance to be a positive addition to the show (and how can it be when angel dies halfway through act ii? then again, the character dying doesn’t exactly mean the relationship loses its importance in the plot…) but despite the extra runtime and faster storytelling pace, rent doesn’t actually develop angel and collins all that much, especially not before angel dies. this isn’t an issue with colline and schaunard, of course, cause it’s obvious they’re not important characters in boheme. but collins and angel are arguably more important in rent than even mark/maureen/joanne. and angel dies halfway through act ii…meanwhile, mimi survives the end of rent, when she very pointedly does not in boheme.
and…oh, mimi. she is probably the biggest and most problematic adaptational change in rent as compared to la boheme. on the surface she (and roger/rodolfo) seems the least changed of all the opera’s characters, her name not even undergoing the same americanization treatment as the others. but there are just so many small details that add up and up until she’s a fundamentally different character in rent. i don’t even begrudge the change in occupation: her becoming a stripper/exotic dancer/possible sex worker(?) rather than a seamstress does bring with it some cultural baggage, but i am not personally interested in reading any morality into her choice of occupation, and i choose not to read her line of work as having any implications for her “innocence” or moral value as a character. nor will i read her addiction or disease as being moral qualities either. however: there is a big difference between tuberculosis in the 1840s and both AIDS and drug addiction in the 1980s. neither boheme’s mimi nor rent’s are morally responsible for their illnesses. but there is absolutely nothing mimi could do about her tuberculosis in boheme except die, because it was france in the 1840s and nobody knew what an antibiotic was. in new york in 1989, there were rehab clinics and there were medications for HIV. these things were expensive and hard to access, yes, but rent really goes out of its way to show us that mimi had the resources to access these things -- she is able to afford AZT in act i on her own (and the fact that she’s on AZT is used as shorthand for her HIV+ status, as opposed to other characters about whom we are told outright)...
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… and her relationship with benny (the much-expanded counterpart to boheme’s benoit the landlord character) in act ii, who verbally offers to pay for her admittance to a rehab program.
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yet the next time we see or hear anything of her, her loving mother is calling to ask where she is as she’s presumably gone missing…
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…and then discover she has been living on the street, dying from exposure/disease/addiction. 
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did she do this willingly? did benny refuse to continue supporting her? we don’t really get an answer to any of this; rent isn’t really concerned with why mimi is in the position she’s in, but is rather entirely preoccupied with staying true to boheme -- up until mimi’s death, anyway. because mimi doesn’t die in rent, she is saved, and says that angel told her to keep on living (as though it were a choice). why? we can only speculate. really, if any character embodies the same “dying tragically in a world too cruel for them to survive” theme as mimi in boheme does, it’s angel. and her death is honestly used as a tool throughout the rest of the show: a purpose for kindness, community, life.
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is this a bad “bury your gays” kind of thing? i don’t really know, i’m inclined to believe not. but i do think angel’s death is more thematically akin to mimi’s death in boheme than the actual (near-)death of mimi in rent. 
and this is the biggest difference between rent and boheme: boheme is not about hope. boheme is a tragic romance about how important relationships are among people in disadvantaged communities/situations, but it does not say that love will transcend or materially improve those conditions. rent, by contrast, does. rent suggests that the love of partners and community (even if filled with complications and tensions) is lifesaving. 
(and i know rent’s stated thesis is “no day but today,” i.e. live and enjoy every day as though it could be your last, but i think thematically all the characters and their interactions overall suggest a theme of community just as if not more strongly, whereas “no day but today” is more limited to the HIV+ characters and has little to do with the mark/maureen/joanne subplot. mimi's outlook on "no day but today" changes when she chooses to stay alive on the urging of angel from the other side.) 
now i don’t think this is altogether a bad moral to have in your theater piece. especially in one of the first major pieces of theater centered on marginalized queer characters. i will not deny how important and cathartic it can be, both now and especially thirty years ago when rent premiered, to end on a hopeful note rather than a tragic one. but i have a couple of issues with how rent goes about making this its central theme. for one thing, mimi has frankly too many Things affecting her health in the end for her survival to be realistic, and absolutely nothing up to this point in the show has suggested a setting of magical realism or pseudofantasy; everything has been as grounded in real life as possible, until finale b, when mimi suddenly and near-inexplicably survives. it feels like it comes out of nowhere tonally and thus isn’t very satisfying an ending when put to scrutiny. for another, angel has already died, and angel is, compared to mimi, a much more beloved and uncomplicatedly positive force in their community and relationships. angel’s entire stage presence (while she’s alive and when her character is invoked or referenced after her death) is a positive one: caring for collins when he’s injured, providing food and funds to the group, placating arguments, etc.
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and the fact that angel has no concerned parents leaving her voicemails, unlike mark, roger, and mimi, underscores that she has no one else to lean on for support except her community of bohemians. and we’re not given a reason to believe one way or the other about her home life or financial stability outside of today 4 u when she got a sudden windfall for killing a dog (whatever; schaunard did the same thing to the parrot in boheme). in contrast to mimi, roger, and especially mark, who are clearly shown to have family who care about them and want to support them, yet they choose to live in romanticized poverty anyway. mark even gets a good job in filming and still finds a way to complain about it.
really, except for angel (and arguably collins, too), it’s difficult to totally sympathize with the characters in rent and care fully about their plight because they’re just…not depicted as particularly likable people. maureen is an unfaithful and kind of manipulative partner, and her approach to “protest” is really just bad self-absorbed performance art. roger just kind of sucks at songwriting (how is your eyes the song that he’s spent the whole show writing? it’s the worst number in the musical lol), and he’s quick to anger…his decision to leave mimi makes even less sense here than rodolfo’s decision to leave her in boheme, where at least he did so out of genuine concern for her health (also why does he leave mark? rodolfo embraces marcello as a friend still after mimi leaves in boheme...act iii of boheme is the least closely adapted in rent by far.). wheras in rent roger seems to be both genuinely jealous of mimi interacting with other men and upset by her continued drug use. although this last one i don’t begrudge him for, since it’s made clear he’s a recovering addict himself…although it does make mimi’s relationship with him all the worse, considering that mimi’s take on the whole “no day but today” theme is to throw caution to the wind with her actions and not worry about the future at all, and her interacting with roger is directly tempting him back into addiction which he clearly does not want. (and roger’s rejection of her in another day is framed as him being in the wrong with mimi being backed up by the life support chorus…)
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while mimi as we’ve seen is reckless and throws her life away even when people try to help her (very very different from boheme’s mimi, who makes no particularly reckless choices, and accepts help when it's offered). and mark is entitled and uses his film as an excuse to disengage with the real world, even exploit it (see: the way he films the life support meeting without permission, or the homeless woman, which is never really confronted elsewhere in the show…)
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the inclusion of a homelessness subplot in rent is particularly strange to me. it shows up a lot, especially in act i: the threat of homelessness for the main characters should they not pay their rent or come to some kind of agreement with their landlord; the vague future threat of benny’s “cyberarts studio” getting built which is implied would evict those living in tents on the lot; mimi being found living on the street in the finale; and the chorus/ensemble who show up periodically, as above. homelessness is an ever present element of set dressing/conflict in rent but it’s never really addressed, no points are ever made about it, which is in my opinion kind of wild and very unsatisfying. the above scene especially, considering how direct of a callout it is towards the show’s own characters and writing, yet it is never addressed afterwards, and this conflict is never really resolved. 
one could take similar issue with the choice to swap tuberculosis in boheme with AIDS in rent. though in my opinion i think addiction is as much as if not more rent’s analogue to boheme’s TB, since that is a much more acutely seen disease for mimi and only mimi while there are multiple characters (main and chorus) living with HIV…then again, angel is the character who gets the real tragic death analogous to mimi’s in boheme, and angel dies of complications from AIDS, so i suppose it’s open to debate. regardless, there’s a significant contextual difference between TB in the 1840s and HIV and addiction in the 1980s: there was no system, political, social, or medical, that could truly heal someone of tuberculosis in boheme’s setting. but there very much was a medical and social system in place to help people with HIV and addiction in the 1980s; systems which were aggressively denied to those who were suffering by the political system. and for as much as the characters in rent like to sing about revolution, protest, and activism, not a single one actually challenges the powers that be or call out by name those responsible for the systematic denial of healthcare to the marginalized. activism and artistic revolution is hollow and meaningless in rent, they never name a real enemy, just a vague sense of “the man.” but it’s a story set in a real and still recent historical time period, the effects of which we still deal with today (and i’m sure even more acutely so back in 1996); it just feels disrespectful to me to use those crises as such important set dressing for your musical which positions itself as a “fuck the man” revolutionary kind of piece of theater and yet do or say absolutely nothing about the real world issues it is appropriating. for more information i highly recommend checking out lindsay ellis’ video on the topic. 
so is all this to say i think rent is an irredeemable, fundamentally broken work? actually, no; i think it has a decent foundation and some solid music. i understand the reasoning behind and appeal of updating an old work to a new time period/setting for a new audience, and i think trading 1840s paris for 1980s nyc is an interesting and workable substitution. but when i look at rent as it is now, i just do not see a finished product. 
and i think this is the most frustrating and disappointing thing about rent to me: rent is, quite literally, an unfinished show. its composer and librettist, jonathan larson, died suddenly the day of its first preview performance. and for so many developing (off-)broadway shows, previews are when the actual finished product is crafted, as the show is revised based on audience reactions. of course audience and critical reception to rent from the very beginning was positive, but i can’t help but speculate how much of that is influenced by the mere fact of its creator’s untimely death. and i wonder what changes larson would have made to his show if he had lived, and been able to hear the audience’s reactions, and revise the show accordingly. i wonder if he would have thought it worked. i wonder if he would have seen the same cracks that i see in it. i don’t think rent is inherently unsalvageable, but it is so far unsalvaged. 
and frankly i don’t know that it ever will be salvaged; not for many years, at least. not until copyright and licensing in musical theater changes, and not until broadway audiences get more comfortable with the idea of altering beloved and familiar classics (the 2019 revival of oklahoma! was, in my opinion, a work of genius, but i’m well aware my opinion is not universal, and especially during its national tour the show’s entire concept has been extremely controversial). do to rent what bartlett sher and aaron sorkin are doing to camelot right now: keep the heart and soul of the piece intact, but rewrite what doesn’t work. or do something even more drastic, cut subplots and change character traits, i don’t know. maybe mimi should die; maybe it really is important that she survive! maybe rent shouldn’t have been based on boheme at all; hell, what would rent look like if it was based on la traviata instead? (well the answer to this one is “a different show entirely,” most likely, but if you want to write a poignant and tragic love story based on a romantic opera and set in 1980s nyc featuring queer and/or HIV+ characters, well…it could work and i’ll leave it there.) maybe that’s going too far, i don’t know, but the point is, i want to see directors and writers have the freedom to try that stuff out. because i don’t think rent is unsalvageable; i think it’s unfinished. 
but rent is far too popular and beloved for anyone to dare touch its libretto with new ink. the memory of jonathan larson is held far too preciously for anyone to allow such debasement of his work. when searching online for libretti to reference when writing this essay, i found one transcribed script with this at its heading:
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and i think that about sums it up for me. “may he be friggen worshiped!” him and all his creations, holy and untouchable.  it’d be tantamount to theater sacrilege at this point to try and change it. how dare you sully larson’s good name by thinking you could “fix” his masterpiece…the masterpiece no one wants to admit he never got to actually finish. well, i don’t know, maybe it’s me being jewish and sentimental here, but if i have enough respect for a piece of work i want to be able to engage with it and question it and interpret it as i think it best ought to be. (jonathan larson was also jewish. would he agree with me? i don’t know. but i think he’d want to see the best of his work, just like i do.) live theater is inherently participatory and dialectical. and it ought to be alive, not carved into stone. neither immovable nor under threat of utter annihilation should someone come too close with a chisel. rent has potential. la boheme is still as affecting today as it was a hundred thirty years ago (did you know rent premiered almost exactly a hundred years after la boheme?). rent could be the same. and it does have emotionality behind it as it is now, credit where credit’s due. but it could be more than just that. if we could just let someone finish the thing already, even if larson himself couldn’t.
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cunningweiner · 6 months
Regarding your petition for hcs.. bc I can't sleep, my personal hcs
Randy: After defeating the sorcerer the Nomicon calling him the "Last Ninja" He is the last one in the chain (making reference to the symbol in his shirt)
(A little non sense considering the 9 chapter thingy but ok)
He constantly forgets to covers up bruises and no one thinks anything weird because he has the fame of being kind-of adventurous (and stupid)
He makes up stories when someone asks him about them and recycles them. Sometimes when someone points out they already heard that, he convinces them into thinking they did not (art of manipulation nomicon lesson when)
His notebooks are full of doodles and drawings of lessons the nomicons gives him, and they're messy af
Has scars from fights that didn't end to well
He knows Japanese thanks to the Nomicon
He settled for having only one friend so his social skills are terrible.
Messy guy overall
Howard: Knows facts about everything, but not to the point of being an expert.
Knows how to read people (body language and expressions) ESPECIALLY Randy, he knows every habit of his, he knows him pretty well.
Has lots of "proyects" started none of them finished.
Has a scar on his back from the thengu incident (representing the wings)
He is never alone, let it be with his family or with Randy but he always has someone beside him, that's one of the reasons why he's has issues with being alone (it's weird for him) he feels bad when Randy tells him it's not a big deal (Randy's absent parents hc sorry for this)
Theresa: lots of friend groups but she doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere
Baby bat (interested in goth)
YES TYTYTY sorry for the slow response but okok here we go
I also kind of thought of him as the last ninja (lowkey disregarding secrets of the nine💀) but I got a different ask with some really interesting points so I’m kinda torn lol
Scars-having Randy is soso real to me. Also YES about him forgetting what he said and gaslighting people. That boy has so much brain damage I know it KNFHD
Him keeping a notebook full of the doodle lessons from the nomicon is sooooo good. Also him learning Japanese from it????? 10/10. I hc him as part Japanese but I don’t think he was taught any growing up (true wasian experience tbh) and I think he was really happy to learn
Howard is suchhhh a socialite but nobody ever talks about it??? He makes friends so easily (even if he doesn’t like them) and is super well received in crowd situations. I’ll write up a seperate post about that soon I think lmao. Anyway I love that Randy is the socially awkward one of the two. I think he would never make any other friends if Howard didn’t introduce him lmao
Smart Howard is so dear to me and I think he’s definitely the type of guy to know at least surface level about literally everything. Like that one Dan Vs clip about knowing who carved Mt Rushmore but not what state it’s in
I have a Whole Thing about Tengu Howard that I’ll write up/draw soon and the wing scars are going in immediately. I think I’m just a sucker for those scars specifically I’ll never turn them down on anyone
Yes you’re so correct about his isolation issues being purely from circumstance. I think he has a huuuuge family so he’s never really by himself but Randy is an only child with only child parents so he’s Always alone when he’s not with Howard. Absent Cunningham parent are real to me - would love for them not to be but he gets away with so much shit there’s no way they pay that much attention
I’m not really a big Theresa fan in general (she’s just a little boring imo but I know they would have developed her more if they had the time to :,( )but her being a baby bat is so good. I think Julian shows her his music and they share cassettes (they’re edgy like that). I think also I just want to see the members of the Klub interact more
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k1rameki · 1 year
THE TIME HAS COME EVERYONE. ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY EXTENSIVE LIST OF TABI HEADCANONS (hcs are under the cut plus this also counts as a little debrief of his human design bc jesus christ i put so much effort into making this man's design it went through a LOT of trial and error before settling on what i got now considering ive gradually made him less and less "human")
also quick thing b4 i proceed – please please PLEASE ask before making things w my tabi design bc ive seen a rlly cool papercraft made w/o my knowledge and that was kinda sucky so ya thats around it (other than the basics of no nsfw and such)
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first and foremost — hes half japanese because i remember his aside counterpart being japanese iirc and i thought that was really cool and wanted to implement that into my own little hc (also he speaks like a dozen languages bc of another thing i'll go into detail with in a bit
so many different facial features, scarring (theres a very elaborate reason for this tbh), moles, freckles, etc all bc why not?? (freckles is primarily bc of my bestie crow and now im obsessed)
lashes bc why not, give every man a pair of lashes i think theyre pretty
PIERCINGS. so many piercings. this is primarily because i am a very firm believer that tabi gets piercings done because he wants to feel human again so he finds comfort in decorating himself as much as possible for that reason and also the aesthetic
broken horn bc of the mod events, damage beyond repair and whatnot
HE HAS LONG HAIR BC I SAID SO ‼️‼️ i figured considering he's been invisible for so long he never really knew what to do when it came to cutting his hair, so eventually it grew out to around his waist, and he kept that hairstyle ever since (he prefers wearing his hair in a ponytail or smth bc sensory issues when it comes to hair touching his skin)
a lot of tater's hcs infected my brain hehehehehe especially the tail and his hands still being what they were when they were cursed (also. paw beans. /vpos)
HES TRANS ‼️‼️ hes also very dumb and has very little regard for his health and forgets to take his binder off a lot (trust me he gets scolded a lot for that)
hes autistic and has adhd — the autism hc i lowkey stole from crow but the adhd hc ive had for a long long while now — one of his lifelong special interests is performing arts and musicals
chronic insomniac — sleep? never heard of her
plays like 5 different instruments but primarily specialises in piano and guitar
safe food is anything sweet or chocolatey — he has a massive sweet tooth and is obsessed w cookies and pastries in particular which ayana baked for him a lot (ill prolly make a whole other post for her in the near future but guys. pastry chef aya. hear me out)
an absolute boss at board games, especially monopoly, and he constantly loves screwing everyone over
extremely hyperfixated on pokemon and owns a bajillion folders filled with cards worth a buttload of money, and a dozen plushies + figurines (projecting bc pokemon is one of my hyperfixes dont judge me) his fav gen is absolutely johto
his eyesight is pretty bad but like. not bad enough for him to be needing glasses (unlike a certain someone cough cough agoti)
speaking of said certain someone, he and agoti do each other's hair a lot simply because its really fun and provides some stimulation, and also because it helps tabi practice with self care and such
VERY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND TEXTURES, often times he will probably start crying if something sounds or feels wrong
sometimes he forgets certain words in english and has to resort to using what theyre called in russian
has the goofiest sounding laugh ever and i will die on this hill. when you get tabi cackling he will start rolling on the floor and making the most UNGODLY sounds
can speak like 6 languages fluently and a dozen others in simple conversation (NERD ALERT)
he sucks so hard at writing essays but is (for some reason) really good at maths
despite being the more serious one among his group of friends, tabis a dumbass and does a lot more stupid things than one would expect
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plasmasimagination · 9 months
Hi hi! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა 
I know ur inbox is probably stuffed with match up requests but if u have the time could u do me? 
You can do characters from either genshin or hsr, I don’t mind either! Whatever you feel like 
I have no preference when it comes to the gender of the character
Im agender and don’t care abt what pronouns I’m referred to as. I think I’m a infj and a Leo (I haven’t don’t deep research into both topics)
 Ngl I have a hard time describing my personality (╥﹏╥) I’m a very indecisive person, but once I start doing something I’m determined to finish it. I can be an airhead at times and very forgetful 
I like art, music, games and history. Ive also very intrigued recently with AI and how it works. I get distracted really easily and do deep dives into whatever peeked my interest.
I dislike loud people and ppl who have a temper. Although I would love to go on an amusement park date or something along the lines of that, crowded places with lots of people drain my energy
Alone time is very important to me!! I also really value comfortable silence. My love language (on the receiving end) would probably be acts of service or quality time, but any work with me tbh. On the giving end I love to give gifts. I often catch myself being a hopeless romantic and make up fake scenarios often ૮ • ﻌ - ა . My dream would be to travel the world with my s/o and a pet
I don’t have a type but I do love animals, so I’d prefer if my s/o would be chill with them 
I hope this is enough info. Or not too much!! If you feel uncomfortable or ur having a hard time deciding a s/o feel free to skip this request. Thank you for ur time!! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
A/n- oh if you only knew, i have so much requests in my inbox and I want to finish them till new years but it's killing me because they just keep coming everyday, but I'm not complaining I love all of my darlings a lot 🫂
Nevermind that, I already have someone in mind for you , so here is your matchup-
Introvert x introvert
I paired you up with Dan Heng because I think he's a perfect match literally
Most of the times you guys are together, it's just sitting in the same room, each doing their own thing,not talking, just sitting in that comfortable silence enjoying each others comapny
Also your love languages align, he's very much a quality time and acts of service person, he prefers spending time and chatting with you over anything
Also expect small massages from time to time, or a small Portion of food made only for you
He's also very interested in history, and aswell in AI and generally technology, so you guys can talk about it a whole bunch and exchange thoughts.
when you're working on something important and get distracted, don't worry Dan Heng is there to get you back on track, he's very thoughtful for that
As for your animal concern, dont worry, aslong as it's like not a tiger or something he's chill with it
Especially with cats, he's a big cats person.
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supermightyglue · 2 years
omgg im so obsessed with your jackass oc’s. i dont have a specific headcanon request but could you write more about a main cast girl?
yesssss yes !! & thank u sm that means the world <3 i have many more ideas and am gonna post actual headcanons and stuff but for now take this very random and very specific shit
her nickname is pissbaby. i have said it before but i must say it again so everyone is aware. she got it growing up and tbh there isn’t a real reason for it other than the fact that she has pissed herself a few times
went to the met gala with knox (was def invited before he was tho)
braids pontius’ hair a lot. does his hair in general. she’s good with hair styling nd even cuts her own
was the one to receive the off road tattoo
is always paired with knox (and tremaine sometimes) for press shit
has a lot of modeling/movie offers but tbh she just wants to skate and do stunts and travel and hang out with her guys
ik i said she cant cook but i changed my mind. cooking is lowkey her love language. she’s a vegetarian but doesn’t mind cooking meat if someone wants it. a long day filming? invites everyone over and cooks for them.
doesnt cook for herself tho. the queen of struggle meals. buys a lot of cereal
also always let’s ppl crash at her place. pontius is there a lot cuz the whole living in his van situation. he and steve were in her (iconic) cribz ep
present for most of the wildboyz trips even if she didn’t appear in the episode. she loves animals and traveling and learning about other cultures so it was like heaven for her
CRAZY stupid .. like, almost as bad as knoxville. she somehow was able to get in the bullpen and it scared the shit out of everyone (especially steve o)
honestly she doesn’t like fucking with animals and doesn’t wanna do anything to hurt them. she feels bad for certain things they do and regrets stressing them out
and she can be really sweet, but with animals? she is practically a different person. she turns into such a softie
has a few doggies. all rescues and with disabilities because she gets sad when people don’t want them
probably closest to the wildboyz, especially pontius. but knox too, and dunn <3
super fond of preston too. he’s so sweet and she can’t help but adore him
ppl swear either chris or pj is her soulmate (myself included nd i cant decide who pls help me)
always down for skate sessions
is sponsored by powell peralta (and is kinda at war with bam because he thinks his element sponsorship is better)
very fashionable. an it girl. (again, i picture her as devon aoki)
super scrappy and will fight a grown man
she knows how to fall because she’s a skater but she also has gotten some GNARLY injuries. usually to her head. always has bruises
knows first aid and she isn’t a medic obv but she has been SUPER helpful in certain situations
literally unable to drive, and yet, she drove for part of the gumball rally .. she managed to genuinely scare the guys. she doesn’t have her license for a reason.
one of those ppl who genuinely does not need deodorant but unfortunately the smell of jackass clings to her
has a lot of girl friends. she is a girl supremacist. we don’t blame her.
she can be really mean sometimes but most of it is on accident. she just doesn’t have a filter. the guys don’t really care tho, she fits in
ska music enthusiast. and a deadhead
so she doesn’t puke and doesn’t get grossed out HOWEVER she refuses to take part in that yucky shit. hell no. that’s what crosses the line.
once the guys collected a cup of their mixed sweat and poured it on her and she has never been so mad. like, she gets mad, she has a temper, but she lost her shit in a way that she never has before. made them turn off the camera. knoxville was the one to pour it—no one else was brave enough. tremaine was even on the fence about it. she ended up breaking knox’s nose. he was a good sport about it. they didn’t fuck with her in that way ever again
she can be kinda mean but it’s usually on accident cuz she has no filter. but for the most part the guys don’t give a fuck and it’s funny
interviewers and paps can be really really rude and sexist and the guys can’t help but get pissed and say stuff because they love her. BUT they also know that no one is better at defending her than she is. don’t fuck with her. ever. she will practically end someone’s career. she does not give a shit
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helloiamadrawer · 7 months
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to (PART 2)
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There's always that ONE person who is like a parent when it comes to his whole class and music making sure it's "school appropriate" and that would be no other than the class rep, Iida.
Has a playlist for literally his life routine lol (study, relaxing, outings, running in the rain in his retro raincoat 😂,etc.). I feel like he would listen to like 90's music, classic rock (his fav artist is Foo Fighters for sure) he doesn't mind playing his stuff every now and then but he's busy most of the time preparing for class. nerd lol.
May sound shocking but he likes SOME rap but it's all old school rap/hip-hop like Biggie, Ice T, Usher, MC Hammer but he only listens to it outside of U.A though because he doesn't want "taint his image of class rep". He tried trying new school rap and..let's say he'll just stay where he is (he almost got hurt BUT that's for another story!)
The only classmate that is so chill with almost every genre of music is Sero. Even songs in different languages and more exotic genres like nudisco, jazzfunk, and french house (which are his favorites, cause it's a rarity he cherishes). He would play japanese funk while he drives down the road JUST for the ✨aesthetic✨ (future au idea). Dua Lipa, Kali Uchis, Doja Cat, Rosalia, JIAFEI just any other artist that sings in another language other than english he'll know. And he sings it so well but has no idea what a lick of it means well except for japanese.
Is not scared of talking about it to any of his classmates and actually persuading them to give it a try or if he plays it on his bluetooth speaker before class starts and then one of his classmates asks him the next day for ex: Tokoyami asks him "Hey Sero, what was that techo like song were you playing yesterday, for some reason it's in my head." and then the tape boi will go through his recently played songs from yesterday (he's a yt music kinda guy tbh). Then basically almost everybody is interested in what he has in store next
In other words he's the one who always brings his speaker to class but is respectful and plays it before class even starts, he's an early bird.
Denki, is the twin of Sero cool with any kind of music but leans more into the weebcore/rap category. He most likely will play weeb music in his dorm room, the usual anime openings and ending theme songs with a dorky smile on his face humming along while reading manga.
Is the aux cord GOD, will never disappoint the Bakusquad with any music he plays in the car he'll play some Marshmello and everyone would get littt🔥🔥🔥 or some nostalgic jpop to sing awfully off tune to to piss off Bakugo ofc.
Fun Fact: The whole Bakusquad got kicked out of his car at least five times singing terribly lmaooooo
💅Voguing king✨ that's the title Yuga Aoyama gives himself when his headphones are filled with the sounds of VOGUE EDITS IM SORRY HE SERVES CUNT ISTG GO LOOK AT HIS HERO COSTUME UGHHHH 😫 he even putson fashion shows with the Class A Girls 🥺🥺 *imagines him voguing to this 1 hour playlist of just phonk/runway music cause I can*
He is also very bold at expressing his love for future funk obsession, his peers don't mind it at all..well, ONE person *cough cough bakugo*. ⬇️
Totally applies his makeup (generally eyeliner cause he has the ✨prettiest✨ eyes, fight me 🤪)to either one of those two categories imo (he gives me when i suddenly want to try runway eyeliner makeup😭 -cries in non fem queen-)
BEST FOR LAST MOTHAFUCKIN' BAKUGO AND KIRISHIMA aka BakuKiri or KiriBaku (shoutout to the shippers for that pair✌️) 💥🤟
Heavy Metal/Death Metal for Bakugo
NEFFEX, Rock and workout tunes for Kirishima
Five Finger Death Punchis literally Boom Boom Boi's fav and Kiri is in the car just vibing and just not minding it at all knowing it's his way of relieving stress from work plus it's manly sounding anyway to him as well so whatever makes him happy ❤️
Psst..come here..*whispers in your ear* Bakugo gets with Tokoyami for secret thrashing sessions sometimes 🤫
Now Kiri goes to the gym pumping iron to some Neffex is a must for him that's his whole workout niche but anywhere his workout playlist goes who knows?
Has a whole thrash playlist as well go figs
Disco on the treadmill? yes please
Dubstep while throwing around that heavy ass rope? yessir yessir
At the end of the day he's chillin' to some chillstep while laying on his bed after a shower, resting to recharge for the next day
MIneta...yeahhhh dont give him the aux cord..just don't trust him
Imma just say one word that he would blare on someone speaker
That is all..so hide yo aux cords or don't bring it at all and just stick to the radio
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deluluuwise · 10 days
im going to do my intro now bc i didnt do it before lmao
well uhmm, hi, im gua!, english isnt my first language so hope yall understand it if i may go wrong at expressing myself 💀
i go by she/her pronouns andd, im bisexual ‼️
im a minor !
im an artist and a movies/series enjoyer that loves taking photos!, play guitar, sing and also make poetry and write fanfics sometimes,, i hyperfixate over things that i like tbh 🕴
my interests are:
• music in general, but mostly rock (from 80s, 90s, and actual), rap and hip hop, folk and ofc pop!
• stranger things as my main actual obsession obviously
• fear street part 1, 2 and 3 !
• dr. house
• the percks of being a wallflower
• teotfw
• karate kid 1, 2 and 3 tooo
• harry potter (the whole saga)
• gravity falls
• adventure time
fav artists:
• the cure
• radiohead
• queen
• nirvana
• coldplay
• adrianne lenker
• laufey
• olivia rodrigo
• conan gray
and i think thats all!, hope i could find ppl to match my freak here
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akiipockii · 6 months
hi everyone!!
i am akii, they/any. I am asexual, agender, aromantic, anxious and autistic. AAAAA type vibe.
I’m a medium/low support needs autistic and I grew up gifted. I can’t walk very well (I am dizzy and unstable when I walk.), and have disabilities that connect with my autism (very few are visible). I have many difficulties communicating my emotions and typically communicating in general!! so I write. that’s why this blog is here!!
this blog is mostly me spouting random ideas I have, posting art, random thoughts or random prose I write. Maybe even some comic updates one day. Don’t get your hopes up.
My interests areeee
Minecraft !!
Reading random books (yes, such as, dictionaries, encyclopedias, whole Wikipedia rabbit holes)
the sims 4
poppy playtime (why idk)
grounded (the video game it is so silly !!)
atla :D
art!! I love doing art.
within this category:
-comic creation, WRITING, animation, digital art, traditional art, painting, watercolor, PHOTOGRAPHY, gouache, yadayada the list goes on.
I used to stream but now I just occasionally watch them.
social justice. (And by extension, leftism). strong sense of justice and moral compass. (the autism, insert tbh creature)
Victorian Flower Language!! (writing a comic based on it with @bivving as my editor)
AND SO MUCH SO MUCH MORE!! I will edit this post as I gain more LMAO
thanks for reading!!
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yasminewestbank · 9 months
all movie asks answers from the ask meme post bc it was fun
Your favorite movie released this year DIDNT WATCH ANY 2023 MOVIES YET.. CRIES
A movie you think is underrated - obliged to say An Elephant Sitting Still by hu bo bc i can never find it in dvd stores and i unfortunately honestly dont know if i will find a screening of it in a cinema available to me ever again but i dream of it
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A movie you think is overrated - going to put two, one new and one classic. first one is parasite. im bitter abt this movie bc it was advertised like crazy and the reviews were so hyping and then i went and it was average. its not a bad movie but not only doesnt deserve the hype the hype ruined it for me bc if i went with the proper expectations i wouldnt have gotten so disappointed. a classic is alphaville of godard... obviously its a good movie and im sure it was groundbreaking at the time but by now the story doesnt feel as sophisticated bc this genre of story is at this point.. i wouldnt say overdone bc its still a great genre but its not fresh or suprising by now without making it more complex. this movie felt like a blueprint to the 1984 book soviet dystopia genre so it didnt keep up with the times. many classic movies are still exciting and fresh just like when they came out including other movies of godard but this isn't one of them. but i can also see how it was probably one of godard's top commercial movies, bc it was easier to digest and more basic than his other work
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A movie you like but wouldn't recommend - stalker of tarkovsky and tarkovsky movies in general bc i think it would probs be boring to most ppl (its slow and not much plot) + tarkovsky movies r slow and the kind of movies u have to watch in the movie theater
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A movie musical you like - annette of leox carax. and its not only a good movie the music is so good too
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A horror movie you like - audition by takashi miike . love japanese violence
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A sci-fi movie you like - high life by claire denis. AND it has robert pattinson in it!!!!!!!111 and hes amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A fantasy movie you like
A movie in your native language you like - Life According to Agfa by Assi Dayan. one of the only good israeli movies that exist bc i didnt see so far any good, worthwhile or complex israeli movie besides this one (not including documentaries).
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A foreign-language movie you like - (i put a bunch already so ill do one in a language i didnt put yet) tori and lokita by the dardenne brothers. takes place in belgium in french about a young refugee woman and a refugee child from africa who pose as brother and sister. this is going to destroy you but its such a good movie i cant recommend it enough but i still cant recover
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A movie you wish you could un-watch - the disney secretariat movie. it was so bad oh my god it was so fucking bad im in pain. i want disney to give me back the braincells i lost. this actor horse deserves so much better
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A performance you think is underrated - Vicenç Altaió (yeah had to google this one) in story of my death by albert serra. his acting was insane. probably one of the best acting perfomances ive ever seen, specifically the toilet scene stuck with me. so it's a period movie about casanova. there a scene in the movie that all of it is just him taking a shit. and of course it sounds goofy but it was actually a really human and sensitive depiction and his acting was so natural i completely forgot i was watching a movie. he really made this scene what it is. and tbh i think even from those other photos u can see what i mean on him
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A performance you think is overrated
A movie made better by the ending - only thing that comes up in my mind is barton fink of joel coen.. i can barely remember this movie bc i watched it years ago but (spoilers) i can just remember there was a twist in the middle that flipped the whole movie on its head and it was super enjoyable. besides this i cant think of anything
A movie ruined by the ending - the holy mountain of jodorowsky... at the time i watched it i was so disappointed by the ending it was so anticlimactic. i think he thought he did something but it just didnt work. (might be spoilers) same vibes when a story pulls "and then he found out it was all a dream". like.. in this case it just didnt feel fitting it was disappointing. but i watched it years ago so i wonder if i would feel the same now
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A trilogy/franchise you like cant think of anything
A movie you never get tired of talking about - drive my car by ryusuke hamaguchi. its fun to talk abt this movie bc even tho there are a lot of themes and details that make it what it is, its not too complex to not be able to grasp and pinpoint them. so its complex enough to be a good movie but not too complex to not be able to talk abt it, both abt the good and bad things (bc there r also choices the director made that i dont like). and there's also so much to talk abt that stems from this movie not only in the movie itself but also what it shows abt japanese cinema, contemporary japanese cinema/this generation of japanese directors versus the previous generations. also i love this director in general i recc all his movies
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A movie you never wanna hear about again - if i hear one more thing abt any marvel movie im going to kill myself
A movie you look forward to watching (could be an upcoming release or not) - aki karutismaki's fallen leaves that came out this year
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A movie you think looks beautiful - red desert of antonioni. i adore the aesthetic of this movie. tbh its probably my favorite movie visuals wise. i just cant stop adding photos from google bc i love everything slkfdsflsfgds
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A director you think is underrated - tbh hard to think of anyone.. i think any director i like got some kind of recognition, and if i think ok which one doesnt get mainstream recognition it would be basically most of them. so im trying to think.. who do i rlly think doesnt get recognition. maybe the crown should go to the photographer petra collins who actually directed the first season of euphoria before sam levinson kicked her out and claimed he did it and stole all her work
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A director you think is overrated - HITCHCOCK!!!!!!! HES NOT THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES TRULY NOT THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I COULD PULL UP 10 DIRECTORS FROM HIS TIME AND BEFORE HIM THAT ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN HE IS THAT ARENT AS HYPED UP. godard and kurosawa made movies so much better and decades before him so the reason hes hyped cant even be that what he made was groundbreaking for the time. hitchcock is MID
An animated movie you like - the cowboy bebop movie... its so fun and satisfying to watch i watched it so many times dsfdf
A silent movie you like cant think of anything
Your favorite movie - possession by andrej zulawski. im speechless abt it. dont read a summery go into this blind. its such an insane experience (sin look my fav movie is a polish movie)
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Your least favorite movie i dont rlly have one i have a whole bunch of movies i dont like but i dont have THE hated movie
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the-coolest-pharaoh · 2 years
(This post is constantly being updated; headcanons are in no particular order.)
TW: Mental health conditions and trauma
My Headcanons for Ahkmenrah
He is short and likes to wear his crown (not just because he is a pharaoh) to make him look taller
He’s been claustrophobic ever since he got trapped in his sarcophagus
Refuses to take his cape off around other people (besides Bahiti) due to his scars
He hated being treated better than everyone else; if he had it his way he would have made it so that Egypt treated him like a normal person rather than above everyone else and deserving more respect
He loved his people so much; he was always so kind and generous to them
He spent his entire reign trying to create equality in Egypt (banning slavery, providing more care to the poor, etc.)
He LOVES duckies (King Tut reference the real ones know what I mean)
He pulled a Princess Jasmine a lot and snuck out of the palace dressed like a commoner so that he could just be a person
Does not like to discuss his brother, but will if asked about him because he does not want to be rude
Can walk really well in high heels
He doesn’t believe that fashion has gender—but because of the time period he is from he feels like has to refrain from wearing women’s clothes
His love language is physical touch
He is very ~skittish~ and ~jumpy~
He is pretty shy and likes to observe people before he introduces himself
He’s pretty quiet (kind of canon actually)—both in how much he talks, his volume, and his overall being
He likes to spend most of his time in his tomb where it’s quiet, especially if he had just recently spent time with all of the museum because socialization tires him out
Due to having been sheltered in the palace most of his life and kept as innocent as possible by his parents, Ahk has a hard time grasping real world events and does not have the best social skills
Going off the last point, Ahk also feels like he can fix anything and everything that is bad because he was taught that he can, and when he can’t fix something he gets very uncomfortable and upset
Hates confrontation beyond logic
When he is upset with someone he becomes pretty sassy (again having to do with hating confrontation and also not having great social skills)
He loves loves loves animals and always has; if you take him to a zoo he will refuse to ever leave
He is the only one that the lions do not try and murder; they actually really love him
He’s naturally super graceful
He can do his eyeliner perfectly on his first try
His ears are pierced but all his earrings are in other museums :((
He is physically unable to swear change my mind
He is such a mama’s boy :((
There has always been some tension between him and his dad because of their differing views on how Ahk should rule (aka he has daddy issues)
He has separation anxiety, social anxiety, and epilepsy, also suffers from weak bones, though this issue in particular didn’t start until after he died.
He has OCD from being controlled his whole childhood having high expectations put on him, and he and his brother being compared.
He fidgets with his clothing as a coping mechanism when he’s stressed, anxious or scared.
He has a lil overbite and it’s so cute <3 he has always been a little self-conscious about it though because it slightly affects how he speaks (again kind of canon because Rami has an overbite so)
This boi wouldn’t (more like couldn’t) hurt a fly unless they hurt someone he cares about
He is bisexual
He LOVES 70s music and fashion
Ahk thinks the museum is his kingdom because let’s be honest it is
His birthday is what would now be September 14, 1105 B.C.E. though the Egyptians didn’t celebrate birthdays so he doesn’t make a big deal of it
He is a skilled hunter
He is very curious and interested in academia—he loves to read books and poetry and learn
He loves listening to music, he could dance with his headphones on for hours
Being called ‘dead’ is offensive to him, and probably the rest of the exhibits tbh
He loves all the “mom shows;” reality tv, cooking shows, home improvement shows. His most favorite show is the Kardashians because he relates to the toxic family drama <3
He has daddy issues (confirmed, actually)
His best friend is Sacagawea :)
My version of him died at the age of 24 (long explanation as to why)
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alright hi :))
this is a continuation of the one that didn't get finished cause of glitches 😒😒 idk what i typed 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️ so here's what i THINK i typed and then some.
• im a girl gemini (diabolically cursed x5) with curly hair that's black at the roots (and then some) and dark purple at the bottom. i have dark brown eyes and im about 5'6 and i have brown skin ! im latina so im just a smidge lighter than johnny :))
• i don't have a personality because i have too many interests and different views with everything. id like to think i'm a combination of everyone and everything i find cool and interesting. which of course means i have a WIDE variety of topics in my head. i love to see the point of view from multiple people and i don't stick to just one overall opinion with things. i'm pretty indecisive but once i have a firm stance on something (like absolutely NO pineapple or mushrooms on pizza) then it's pretty hard to sway me.
• I LOVE MUSIC 🗣️🗣️🗣️🫦🗣️ i want to inject it into my soul and become one with the sound waves....but i seriously love music 💿 i have tons of cds and i caved and got spotify premium because i can't live with the ads 💔💔 i also LOVE to read and write, it's been an outlet since i was a kid so.
• i also don't have a style. like i said, i have a lot of interests and i tend to always try to let everyone know that at all times (im insufferable and pretentious unfortunately) so i'm constantly mixing it up. downtown girl meets david bowie new wave ??? check. whimsical gothic witch that listens to stevie nicks ???? check. 70's almost famous, dazed and confused wannabe ??? check. twee eternal sunshine jessica day meets juno and romana flowers ??? check. I DOMT HAVE ONE AESTHETIC 🗣️🗣️ I JUST DRESS LIKE ME AND HOPE FOR THE BEST 🗣️🗣️🗣️
• i'm not sure what my love language is ??? id assume in a healthy relationship you'd have a generous balance between all of them but idk 🤷‍♀️ leaning more into some though id def say words of affirmation and physical touch but ONLY with a romantic partner. idk why but any other kind of physical intimacy with another person just feels very weird to me and i don't like it. i always do find myself daydreaming though and wishing for affection like that from a partner so yeah 🤷‍♀️
• i slip up sometimes and call people terms of endearment 😞 i try not to cause ik some people don't like that but i always say "baby, honey, and sweetheart". sometimes i use them jokingly but i also just say them as filler tbh
• i'm not the kinda of person to go up to you and strike a conversation but if someone came up to me i wouldn't turn them away immediately. i tend to have a pretty good understanding of peoples vibes so i'd like to think i can tell when someone's being disingenuous. i'm shy at times but that's not my whole trait cause once i get comfortable you are in for JOKES AND JOKES AND JOKES 🐺🐺 i don't take myself seriously very often and i like to try and make other people comfortable around me and what better why to do that than humor :) !!! i'm don't think i'm insanely funny, i just laugh at my own jokes and hope for the best 😞 i laugh a lot and i have a loud laugh 🤬 i try to tone it down though cause i get started at a lot and my overthinking ass can NOT handle that PLEASE DONT PERCEIVE ME
• once we're locked in 🤞as friends or whatever i'm LOYAL😍 someone talking bs ??? not round me partner. not. around. me. 🐺🐺 im not the confrontational type at ALL but i am fiercely defensive over people i care about so if duty calls, i must attend. (im literally batman.)
• one of my go to signature scents is lavender honey and wild fig. do with that what you will 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(note: the format might be weird cause it is NOT letting me type in peace 😭)
Oh buddy, I think Johnny would be obsessed with you. He loves your never changing style, he can't wait to see what you've got going whenever you guys are together. He offers to help touch up your hair too, if that's something you're interested in- your terms of endearment are more than alright with Johnnycake, everytime you call him one, the butterflies in his stomach go bonkahs
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girl4music · 5 months
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From Apple Music: "In the 18 months after Taylor Swift released Midnights, it often felt as though the universe had fully opened up to her. The Eras Tour was breaking records and blowing past the billion-dollar mark; its attendant concert film became the highest-grossing of all time. She generated interest and commerce and headlines everywhere she stepped foot, from tour stops to the tunnels of NFL stadiums. In 2023, she was named both TIME magazine’s Person of the Year and—just as iconic, tbh—Apple Music’s Artist of the Year. 
But do songs about that level of success speak to you? As the news broke that her highly private six-year relationship to Joe Alwyn had ended, Swifties started Swiftie-ing, quickly recirculating a clip on social media of Swift a few weeks earlier, onstage during an early Eras show, in tears as she sang “champagne problems”—a song she and Alwyn had written together. It was a reminder that, despite the superhero-like aura she now radiates, Swift, at her peak, still hurts like the rest of us. What sets her apart is her ability to sublimate that pain into pop. When she announced her 11th studio album in early 2024—while accepting another Grammy, as one does—we probably shouldn’t have been surprised. 
“I needed to make it,” she’d say of THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT a few weeks later, to a crowd of—[rubs eyes]—96,000 in Melbourne, Australia. “I’ve never had an album where I’ve needed songwriting more than I needed it on TORTURED POETS.” Working again with trusted collaborators Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner, she returns to the soft, comfortable, bed-like sonics of Midnights. But the stakes feel noticeably higher here: This isn’t so much a breakup album as it is a deep-sea exploration of everything Swift has been feeling, a plunge through emotional debris. 
On “But Daddy I Love Him”—over strings and guitar that faintly recall her country roots—she lashes out at the crush of scrutiny and expectation she’s been subject to from the start. Naturally, catharsis comes after the chorus: “I’ll tell you something right now,” she sings. “I’d rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning.” On “Florida!!!” she and Florence + the Machine team up for a pulpy escape fantasy wherein they Thelma and Louise their way down to the Sunshine State in hopes of starting over with new lives and identities: “Love left me like this,” they sing. “And I don’t want to exist.”
At turns hilarious and heartbreaking, TTPD is a study in extremes, Swift leaning into heightened emotions with heightened, hyperbolic, ALL-CAPS language and imagery—how we think when we’re drunk on love or flattened by its sudden disappearance. Note the dark humour she weaves through the Post Malone-enriched opener “Fortnight” (“Your wife waters flowers/I wanna kill her”). Or the thrilling self-deprecation of “Down Bad”, a foray into science fiction wherein Swift likens the warmth of a relationship to being abducted by love-bombing extraterrestrials—only to be left “naked and alone, in a field in my same old town.” 
But this remains her most candid and unsparing work to date: As a listener, you frequently get the feeling that you’ve stumbled across emails she’d written but never sent, or into conversations you were never meant to hear. There’s a density and a specificity and a ferocity to her lyrical work here that makes 2012’s “All Too Well” feel sorta light by comparison. If you’re the kind of Swiftie who likes to live in the details, well, this one might be your Super Bowl. “You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?” she asks on the devastating “So Long, London”, a high point. “I died on the altar waiting for the proof.” Alone at a piano on the haunting “loml”, she flips the script on someone who’d told her she was the love of their life, by telling them that they were the loss of hers: “I’ll still see it until I die.” 
The story, as you likely know, doesn’t end there. We get a glimpse of new beginnings in “The Alchemy” (“This happens once every few lifetimes/These chemicals hit me like white wine”) and something like triumph in the montage-ready synths of “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart”, when Swift, shattered on the floor, “as the crowd was chanting, ‘More!’,” still finds the strength to deliver: “’Cause I’m a real tough kid and I can handle my shit.” 
But we also get a sense of acceptance, of new-found perspective. On “Clara Bow”—named after a 1920s movie star who was able to survive the jump from silent film to sound—Swift reflects on the journey of a small-town girl made good, sung from the vantage of an industry obsessed with the next big thing. She zooms out and out and out until, in the album’s closing seconds, she’s singing about herself in the third person, in past tense, acknowledging that nothing is forever. “You look like Taylor Swift in this light, we’re loving it,” she sings. “You’ve got edge she never did/The future’s bright, dazzling.”
I'm not restricting or limiting her artistic potential or anything but I really think Taylor Swift's niche in genre is dream, folk or synth-pop. That ethereal soundscape goes well with her small-ranged voice and her lyrical style works best when it's telling stories about stuff that isn't even necessarily about her, but about someone or something.
It's her niche. Where she sounds her best. When she's at her best.
I like the fact that in this album she's not worried about singles because most of these songs are too long for radio play unless they have to cut them down, and we all know how she feels about that. It's an album meant to be an album. It's a proper concept album. She doesn't need to worry about singles anyway. She'll sell regardless.
It sounds bloody fantastic in lossless 24-bit 48kHz ALAC/FLAC.
She's done it again. Created a musical masterpiece.
Like we'd expect anything less from Taylor Swift.
"As a listener, you frequently get the feeling that you’ve stumbled across emails she’d written but never sent, or into conversations you were never meant to hear. There’s a density and a specificity and a ferocity to her lyrical work here that makes 2012’s “All Too Well” feel sorta light by comparison." Yeah, you do with every great songwriter. The difference is great songwriters that are actually the musical artists of what you're listening to don't often exist in the pop industry.
Taylor Swift takes up space in pop music because she demands it. Most people would scoff at it. Even call it egoic. I highly respect it because she brings to pop music the point of the music. Art - not just entertainment. There's a phrase I use: Art is meant for expression, not impression. And she provides and delivers both seamlessly within each other. That's why the space she demands, she deserves. Not just any pop artist can do that or have that mark in the pop industry because most of them don't even write their own fucking music.
So if you feel like you shouldn't be present when listening - you feel put out or uncomfortable in any way - that's how you know you're listening to a true and great songwriter because they all DO THIS.
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anotherobeymeblog · 1 year
Obey Me cast relationship with MC songs (2023 edition)
Found this post when scrolling through my old posts from 2020 and decided it would be fun to give it another crack now that 1) we have a LOT more canon material to go off and B) my taste in music has expanded past just grandma songs (not that I don't still enjoy grandma songs ofc) Also adding Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon since I have a better grasp on their personalities now. (Well, only barely with Barbatos, but we'll get to that lol)
Warnings: mild spoilers for lesson 16 of the original game in Belphie's, some of these songs use gendered language when talking about the significant other (implied female: Mammon; implied male: Levi, Asmo) *this doesn't mean MC must be that gender in those scenarios*
Lucifer: Honey Moon by Birds in the Airport. Okay, starting off on a somewhat angsty note lol. But look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong. "...tear open every exit from the maze inside my mind" like come ON that's literally what MC does with Lucifer. Whether he'd verbalize any of this is another question entirely, but also isn't the point here.
Mammon: Fair by The Amazing Devil. I hemmed and hawed over this for a while, tbh. Wasn't sure if it was a lil too soft for his outwardly prickly ass, but I eventually settled on "this is him but he sure as hell isn't admitting it any time soon". The trouble with tsundere characters ig. But anyway he's a dork and the trying to make his partner laugh when they're mad at him felt very on-brand.
Leviathan: A Shitty Gay Song About You by Ezra Williams. I've associated Levi with this song for quite a while now. It has it all. Goldfish, self-deprication, pining, it's great. Oh, for Levi to lend me his sweatshirt tbh.
Satan: Cat Serenade by Beetlebug. Absolutely adorable song. It has cat metaphors, it has pining, it has the whole "I used to never open up to anyone but here we are", it's just super Satan in a lot of ways.
Asmodeus: Freckles by Kevin Atwater. I mean it's just adorable, first of all. But second of all, the theme of actually falling in love with someone for real when you're used to more casual relationships is pretty fundamental to Asmo's relationship with MC.
Beelzebub: Strawberry Mentos by Leanna Firestone. Idk maybe this is a bit too straightforward but even outside of any food references, it's such a sappy, sacchirine love song that it really does feel Right for Beel, big babey that he is.
Belphegor: Grace, Anatomy by Homemade Haircuts. Okay, while this isn't really addressed in-game, if he ends up in a relationship with MC, the shit that happened in the attic is gonna be weighing pretty heavy on his mind for a long time. Between that and his general abandonment issues, this song is an excellent reflection of his feelings about MC (at least early on in the relationship), even if most of it is stuff he would never actually say out loud.
Simeon: Chai Tea by audrey. Yeah, yeah, I know the title sounds more Barbatos, but the song itself is just so cozy and easygoing. (Of all the possible words to describe Barbatos, I think "easygoing" is about the last thing that would come to mind). All the other love interests are a bit more... uh... intense. Whereas this song is literally just being incredibly sappy and drawing a quiet comfort from the other person's presence even without talking about anything in particular.
Diavolo: Touch Starved by BB Bean. This doesn't require much elaboration, I don't think. The title says it all. Like honestly. "I'm just tired of the bubble, I just wanna hand to hold" is deadass how he acts in every surprise guest (at least in the og game, less so in nightbringer lol). Just wants to feel normal smh
Barbatos: A Wistful Waltz by Teddy Hyde. Okay, I need to apologize to Barbatos stans bc I struggle so much to figure this guy out (which I suspect is the point, but it makes it damn hard to come up with headcanons for him). But based on my tenuous grasp on his personality and... odd dynamic with MC, I think this should fit the bill. It's subdued but with that underlying intensity that I always seem to pick up on with him.
Solomon: Painting Roses by Dresses. I actually don't have much explanation for this, but Solomon in Nightbringer especially is just. He's such a fuckin disaster, man. (I actually was torn between giving this song to Solomon or Satan, but I ended up going with Sol in the end)
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