#my winter boots are about uhhh wait no it can’t be
y’know what? I think that if I was a fictional character I think that I would be either placed into the emotionless one that has one interest and is very deadpan or they would make me go ahahaha ehehe not a thought in my head and fashion and they are both wrong cause I’m a little guy who says “two bus?? no bus!!” when exhausted and unmedicated and will drink Gatorade from a soda machine in the dining hal and the person who would rather walk twenty minutes to the dollar store because they don’t want to wait for the bus
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It is another snowfall on a winter day in the city of Townsville. Joby and Josie, children of Johnny Test and dress in their winter clothings, came out of the house to spend the remaining winter break they have left before school start. The two kids are sitting on the bench waiting for the bus. The bus arrives, that the children get their stuffs.
“Last one to reach Fitz Maurice Hill is a rotten egg and buy hot cocoa!” Said Josie, carrying her wooden toboggan.
“Oh you are on!” Said Joby, carrying his plastic green sled, wearing a competitive smirk.
The bus took them to their respective destination, as the kids exit the bus, they then climb up to the hill by foot. Josie and Joby put down their sled and get on.
“Ready?” Joby asked.
“Ready!” Said Josie.
“GO!” They said in unison.
The two take off.
Meanwhile, the daughter of Brandon and Stella, Twinkly Astrid Bloom Solaria walking through the city, avoiding being follow. She is dress in a velvet winter buttoned up cardigan jacket, black knee high socks, black snow insulated pants, pink winter boots, and a white scarf wrapped around her neck. The one who is following her is a small, pink droplet shaped furry body, and has small bright white specks which resemble stars and have no visible limbs. The creature is looking at her with a gold-orange eyes and mouth trembling. Twinkly grumbles because all she wants was to be left alone. Honestly, why is that creature following her? Can’t she go back to Kai or back at Scaris/Paris with her family?
Twinkly is minding her own business, when she is not watching where she is going because all of a sudden she heard a loud voice, “Look out!”.
Twinkly is crash into Joby, who’s failed to move to a different direction. They groaned in pain.
“Hahaha! I win!” Said Josie, reaching the finished line. She get off her toboggan and enjoy her victory by throwing her arms in the air. You are gonna buy me hot cocoa because you…. uhhh,”
Josie is looking at Joby, faced down and on top of Twinkly.
“Ouch. That is not how you falls in love,” said Josie.
Joby groans again, he got off of Twinkly and is now lying on the snow on his knees.
“Get off me hooligan!” Twinkly shouted. “I am already off of you. You are so impatient.” Complained Joby. He groan, as he slowly got off of Twinkly and is now lying on the snow, on his knees. As he get up from the snow, the two lock their eyes again.
“Great, not you again!” Said Joby.
“Me? I obviously don’t want to see you too!” said Twinkly.
“You two know each others?” Josie asked.
Joby points at Twinkly. “This is the crazy girl I told you about!”
Twinkly’s mouth stretches wide. Crazy?!
“For real? Wow,” said Josie.
“No, I am not crazy!” said Twinkly. “I am a fairy, whose is not at the Winx level yet. I can do magic.”
Joby rolls his eyes. Josie flick her hand and scoff. “Phew! Nah, I am tired of seeing enough magic in my life. I don’t need more,” Josie denied. “Come on Joby, we need to go to the hot cocoa stand, you are paying.”
Joby let out a sigh, admitting that he lost the race. “Fine, coming.”
Josie run for the hills to the hot cocoa stand. Joby wipe the snow off his black winter jacket with his gloved hands. He picks up his earmuffs to put them on, when he saw Twinkly acting weird. He shouldn’t ask, but he did anyway. “Why are you cautious for no reason?” Joby asked, regret his decision later.
Twinkly’s eyes start dancing back and forth. “Well… I… Um…,” Twinkly muttered. The creature start whining. “Can you please help me hide Lilly?” Said the bothered Twinkly.
Joby lifted an eyebrow, and stares at the creature calls Lilly. “That’s your weird dog.” Said Joby.
“No, that’s a staryummy. That creatures you saw in the news a couple of months ago.” Twinkly corrected Joby that Lilly is a staryummy, and not a dog.
Joby is even more confused, so he gives it a thought. He then remember something about an infestation and everyone has to avoid these creatures, not to attract them by giving them sweets or soft drinks, and let either the superheroes from The Roundtable or the pest control handle them.
“Oh, I forgot.” He said.
Twinkly let out a hmph. Joby let out a hmph too, because why is she asking him to help hide this creature in the first place? They don’t like each others, and if she don’t want this ‘staryummy’ creature around her, why not call the pest control? It must be her fault for attracting this staryummy somehow. Question is, how?
“HURRY UP!” Josie screamed.
“I AM COMING SIS!” Joby screamed back at Josie. Then he turned to face Twinkly one last time. “Just calls Camp Synonymous or Townsville’s pest control…. They know what to do than me, a civilian. See ya never again!”
He leaves to go to his little sister.
“Ugh!” Said Twinkly, she is experiencing the cold weather for the first time and wish to be back home in Solaria right now. Why did her parents decide to go visit Townsville again? She glares at Lilly and kick the poor staryummy. Lilly start screaming as she got kicked by Twinkly and landed in the snow.
Lilly and Twinkly Astrid Bloom Solaria belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Josie Test and Joby Test belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Perfect Fit | Bucky Barnes x reader (part 2)
(part 1)
summary: after getting fitted by you, bucky’s going to try on the custom-made suits he’s bought.  unless he makes his move now, he may not get to see you again, and he can’t let that happen.
word count: 6.5k
warnings: smut!!, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), a little d/s energy, mirror kink, stomach bulge kink, slight pain kink?, creampie kink, pussy spanking, light bondage, bucky being jealous
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Bucky had a bone to pick with Tony, which was usually true but this wasn’t work-related for once.  It wasn’t hard to find him in the same place he’d seen him last— eating his lunch in the kitchen, with Sam nearby chowing down on lo mein with a spring roll.
“Hey lefty, what’s cracking?” Tony greeted, mouth full but talking loudly anyways.  
"I went down to that tailor you recommended—" Bucky began, but Tony was quick to interrupt.
"You went there?  Dude, it's a really nice place, you can just call and she'll come to you instead, way more convenient."
"So now you say 'she'?"
Realization dawned on Tony’s expression.  "Ahh, I get it.  You're not used to a female tailor.  Adds a little spice to getting fitted, huh?" he grinned, elbowing Bucky playfully.
Bucky’s throat felt a little dry when he heard that.  "Don't tell me that's why you use her…"
"Hey now, I'm not a creep, I use her cause she's the best, and those house calls are great for discretion— you know, being a celebrity and all.  The eye candy part is just gravy."
"Gravy candy sounds disgusting," Sam chimed in, missing the point entirely.
"Yeah, well, she mentioned some stuff that sure made you sound like a creep."
"Okay, well, you can't blame me for getting caught staring when I'm surrounded by fucking mirrors.  Makes it hard to be stealthy."
"You could try not staring,” Bucky suggested flatly.
"Is that what you did?"
Tony smirked when Bucky failed to reply immediately.  "Okay, so it's easier said than done,” Bucky admitted with a frown, “but still, I hope these house calls were strictly professional."
“What’s it to you, man?  I think somebody’s jealous,” Tony purred.  
“What?  No, it’s not that,” Bucky denied.
“You love her,” Tony sing-songed, completely ignoring Bucky.  “You looooooove her!”
"You are so immature," Bucky rolled his eyes, even though his heart was racing and he was pretty sure he was blushing.  
"No, it's good for you!  She's a catch, you're all brooding and stuff— maybe she can melt the Winter Soldier's frozen heart, hm?"
Sam laughed heartily.  "Stark, you read too many comic books."
"You're saying you don't wanna see Icy Hot here shoot his shot with my tailor?" Tony asked, turning his attention towards Sam.
Sam pondered that, much to Bucky's dismay.  "Depends.  How hot is she?"
"Mega," Tony smirked confidently.  "Legs for miles, and she wears these skirts that make her ass look—"
"I think I've heard enough," Bucky groaned.  "I'm leaving.  And don't ask when I'm going to see her again," he instructed, interrupting Tony just as he'd opened his mouth to speak, "because I won’t tell you.”
As Bucky left, he could hear Tony calling out into the hall: “But I’d be such a great wingman!”
Truth be told, Bucky had put off mastering the use of his smartphone.  It wasn’t just that new technology made him feel old, but that he knew nobody would be calling or messaging him anyways; if the phone didn’t work, he would spare himself the embarrassment of waiting up for nothing.
But once he knew you were going to call?  Suddenly, he was motivated to figure the sucker out.
A few hours later and now all he had to do was stare at it to make sure he wouldn’t miss you.  Luckily, you didn’t make him wait too long.  He recognized the number and decided to let it ring a few times before picking up, so it would seem like he had other things to do besides talk to you.
“Hello?” Bucky asked when he answered, so it would seem like he had other people calling him besides you.
You introduced yourself so formally that he was a little afraid that all that fun energy between you two would be gone.  Thankfully, once he asked what you were calling about, you were back to being cheery and casual again.
“I was just calling to schedule when I could come by with your new suits!” you explained, sounding chipper.
His fingertips were a little tingly just from hearing you talk, nervousness making him antsy (in a weirdly good way).  “I know you said it’s a one-person operation,” he responded smarmily, “but I figured you would outsource delivery.”
You scoffed, though it sounded more amused than irritated.  “It’s not just delivery, I have to check the fit and make sure everything’s exactly to your liking.”
“Oh, well, I’m free all day tomorrow— and I think you already know my address.”  Was it too forward?  Too obvious?  And why did Bucky spend half the time when he was talking to you second-guessing himself?
“Yes, Stark Tower is a relatively common destination for me.  If he doesn’t mind us using it, Tony has a dressing room with plenty of mirrors so you can get a good look.  But, I’d be happy to just go up to your quarters if that’s easier.”
He was not at all ready for you to see his room.  No way he could clean it enough in the next twelve hours; and even then, lots of the team had made fun of how empty and plain it was, so he knew it would just make you think he was boring.
“I’m sure Tony won’t mind you using his dressing room, but he might mind me using it,” Bucky chuckled.
“Well, if he makes a fuss I’ll be sure to set him straight,” you decided confidently.  Somehow, imagining you cursing out Tony was almost hotter than imagining you doing anything else.  “Be sure to bring down your dress shoes so you get the full look and everything.”
“Uhhh…” he trailed off as he scratched the back of his head, trying to remember if he owned anything other than combat boots.  “Not sure I still have those, to be honest.”
"Okay, you'll need shoes too,” you noted aloud, your voice a little distant; he figured you were writing things down, which was why you sounded distracted.  “What size are you?"
"I'll bring a selection tomorrow,” you announced firmly.  “And socks, of course.  And some watches, maybe?  And pocket squares."
"Is that it?" he asked sarcastically.
“Oh right, I’m bringing the ties you picked out, too.  I’ll throw in some alternates in case your original choices don’t match the way you were hoping.”
“You really are full-service,” he chuckled.
“I get that a lot,” you replied, a hint of coyness to your tone.
There it was again; that jealousy.  He hated it because he knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t stop it either.  As much as his mind was completely aware that you were an independent, modern woman capable of handling herself, his heart was equally determined to protect you, and spoil you, and do whatever was necessary to make sure you were safe.  
Worse, his gut was less innocent.  Mine, it demanded, all mine.  Nobody else’s.
He pushed it down and just tried to get through the rest of the call without saying something he’d regret.  You confirmed the date and time with him, and he tried not to be too aggressive when he said he was looking forward to it.  
He hung up his phone and sighed, staring off into space.  Now all that was left to do was wait, and be overwhelmed with anxiety.  Thankfully, he was good at the second thing.
"So, what do you think?" 
I think you look so damn good from every angle.  I think I might spend all my money on suits just to be sure I can see you again.  I think you need somebody to love you the way you deserve.  I think you’d look like an angel waking up in my bed.  
You waved your hand in front of his face for a moment, calling his attention back to reality.  “Helloooo?”
Drawn out of his trance, Bucky finally looked in the menagerie of mirrors surrounding him and admired his reflection, amazed by the perfect fit of his first suit.  The difference in quality between this and something off the rack was beyond apparent.  Most of all, your talent was undeniable.  "I think it's beautiful."
You smiled proudly.  "Of course it is, but do you like how you look in it?"
"Honestly?  I feel a bit… out of place.  I'm obviously not classy enough for a suit like this."
"Oh, nonsense," you dismissed.  
He frowned, convinced this was all flattery.  "No, seriously, this is… maybe I should just wear tactical gear to every event."
"Well, you'd still look good, but you're not always a soldier.  Sometimes you're only a man.  And every man should own a fine suit."
It was much too profound of a thing to say while you casually straightened his jacket, only to pop out from behind his reflection to smile at him in the mirror.
“Let’s get the next one on you,” you decided, helping him lose the jacket but having him move into a private dressing room to switch trousers and shirts.  “I put a turtleneck in there instead of just a regular button-up,” you explained through the door as he changed, “in case you wanted to see it that way.”
Once he’d put it on, he stepped back out and you were looking at him so proudly— well, you were looking at your handiwork with pride, really, but he could pretend it was for him and hope actually impress you that much one day.
“I went with a shawl lapel on this one, as opposed to the last one which was notched,” you explained as you traced the line with your finger.  “Spoiler: the next one has a peak lapel.  But enough about that one: what do you think of this one?”
“This looks like something my friend Sam would wear,” Bucky decided as he looked at himself in the cranberry suit and black turtleneck.  The shoes you’d had him try on with this were intricate as well, with subtle stitching in the leather and a shine so immaculate he could almost see a reflection in them.  
“Well, is your friend Sam stylish?” you asked.  
“He would certainly say so,” he smirked.
“I’m inclined to agree, because you—” you gave him a thorough glance up and down, so thorough in fact that he felt a bit exposed under your gaze, “—look marvelous.”
“Not pretentious?” 
“No, no, it works on you,” you assured, “you’ve got the looks for it.”
“And what looks are those?”
“Um… good?  Good looks?” 
He definitely remembered a time when that seemed like the obvious answer, because he had relied on being good-looking for a lot of things in life, but that felt very far away now.  Maybe it was just that people who didn’t know what he’d done could still think he was good looking, but everyone else saw the evil within beginning to leak out the way that he did.  
But you knew what he’d done, didn’t you?  You had to.  You knew Tony, you were here at the Tower… unless you were intentionally not up-to-date on current events, you must have heard of the Winter Soldier.
“Don’t act so surprised,” you huffed, “as if it’s a big secret or something.  You’re obviously very attractive.”
Bucky cleared his throat nervously.  “Uh, thanks.”  He wanted to return the compliment, but thought it might be inappropriate or rude somehow.  You broke the silence quickly as you held up two pocket squares in front of him.
“Which of these do you prefer?” you prompted.  He selected the solid gold one, making you smile.  “I knew you’d pick that one.”
“I dunno, just fits you,” you shrugged as you folded it and gently placed it in his pocket.  Even through so many layers, your touch on his chest made his heart flutter.  Your fingers brushing over his as you slipped a watch onto his wrist was enough to cause palpitations.
He looked better in this ensemble than he expected.  This version of himself looked much more likely to be invited to parties than any other version.  If only he actually wanted to go to parties.
You put him in the pinstripe suit last, after putting a few pins in the cranberry suit to indicate minor changes you would make later, and stepped back to ponder your work.
"Hm, unbutton those top two buttons for me?" you requested with a raised eyebrow.
I will if you do, he thought to himself, but silently unbuttoned his own shirt anyway.
"I mean, it definitely works like this, but I wanna see you in a tie.  And I've got juuuuust the one," you smiled.  Soon you were approaching him with a red paisley tie, and helping him button up his shirt and tying the tie for him— you explained something about how it was a unique knot he likely couldn't do himself, but he was too lost in having you so close to notice.  It would be so easy to just reach up and grab your waist, pull you into a kiss, finally tell you how bad he wants you.
Well, it would be physically easy, but it would be very scary.  Just imagining it had his heart racing.
“I heard from Tony this morning,” you informed him suddenly, slipping the tie around his neck and popping his collar up for him.
“Really?  Is he in need of a wardrobe update?”
“Yes, but he hasn’t realized that yet so that wasn’t what he called about.”
He laughed a little at the jab, though it also made him a little worried what secret opinions you held about his own style (or lack thereof).
“We talked about you, actually,” you added.
“O-oh,” Bucky stammered, “uh, he’s not exactly my biggest fan.  So whatever he said probably isn’t true.”
“He said that you have a crush on me,” you replied nonchalantly, not even looking up from your work on his tie.
Bucky gulped, and he knew you saw the bob of his Adam’s apple because you were staring right at his neck.
“Like I said, Tony isn’t a very reliable source,” Bucky replied, but his voice cracked in the middle and he cringed internally.
“I’ll write it off as another one of Tony’s off-color jokes then,” you dismissed, perfecting the knot of his tie and stepping back to observe him.  He always felt nervous when you looked at him like that, like he couldn’t hide anything from you.
“What… what did you say, when he told you that?” Bucky asked nervously.
“I asked him what he was smoking and if I could have some,” you laughed.  “I thought it was totally impossible— and don’t worry, I didn’t tell him that you got hard when I did your inseam.”
Bucky’s throat became dry at the same moment that his palms got clammy.
“I— um, I was just—”
“Oh, it’s fine,” you dismissed quickly, still talking about this all so casually which only made him even more confused, “you’re not the first, it happens.”
“I’m not the first?!” 
“Yeah, if anything you were one of the few who didn’t say something creepy about it, which is always appreciated.  It’s just a bodily reaction, you can’t control it.”
“Did Tony ever say something creepy?” Bucky pressed, his hands involuntarily tightening into fists— another bodily reaction he couldn’t control.
“You know, Tony said you were really worried that he had been inappropriate with me, or even that he and I had a fling or something,” you added as you stepped back, giving him a quizzical look, “and now it’s sort of sounding like he was right.”
“No, no, it’s not that, I just—”
“Was he right about anything else?” you pressed, raising an eyebrow.
“I was being nosy, I’m sorry,” he sighed, “it’s just that… and I know it’s none of my business, but the idea of him and you… it isn’t a pleasant mental image.”
You laughed a little, in a way that made him feel kind of small.  “Why not?  You know how he is.  Definitely has a wandering eye… and occasionally a wandering hand.”
Bucky winced.  “I swear, if he ever put his hands on you, I’ll go find him right now and beat him senseless.”
“What if I wanted him to?”
He nearly saw red, but he knew he had no right to be angry.  You were a grown adult and he had no ownership over you… he just sort of wished that he did.
“So it’s true then?  You and him…?”
“No, Bucky,” you laughed, “it’s not.  Nothing’s ever happened between us.  I generally don’t get involved with clients like that.”
“Generally?  Is there an exception?”
You chewed your lip, seemingly a little thrown off by his question.  “Uh, I mean, no— I’ve never been involved with a client, no, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Why would you say ‘generally’ then?”
“Uh, I guess I just… I wouldn’t want to rule anything out, that’s all.  Never say never.”
And for a moment he almost wondered if you were flirting with him.  Certainly not, with him having come across as both a jealous hot-head and a bumbling dweeb who pops a boner faster than a randy teenager, but just for a second the way you looked at him was… questionable.
“I mean, who knows,” you continued, “what if, hypothetically, some gorgeous guy walked into my store one night— a sensitive guy, who made me laugh and put up with me rambling about ties for the better part of an hour— and I was supposed to dress him up when all I wanted to do was undress him?”
Your finger started to trail down his chest lightly, tickling his skin through the dress shirt. 
“I wouldn’t want to think he was off-limits just because he’s a customer… right?” you asked quietly, looking up at him and biting your lip.
He was afraid to make the wrong move, but he really really hoped this was flirting.
“I don’t think anyone would object to being dressed or undressed by you,” Bucky responded, hoping he could stay neutral until he was sure what you were talking about.
You chewed your lip, looking away as if you were thinking about something. 
"I know I certainly haven't.  And wouldn't," he added, feeling the need to say something.
You nodded, placing his tie inside his jacket and seeming happy with your work.
“You know, the fit looks great," you announced, "but I’m a little worried that one of the measurements was wrong.  Mind if I do your inseam again?”
His throat was dry all of a sudden, but he responded quickly anyways.  "Uh, go ahead…"
You looked up at him as you started to sink to your knees, very slowly.  That little move looked real good in the mirror behind you.  “Last time I did this, there was something getting in the way, made it difficult to know if I was doing it right…”
"M-my apologies," he whispered.
"Oh no, I'm not complaining," you purred as you slowly began to run your fingers up the side of his leg, keeping searing eye contact until his knees felt a little weak.
When your hand reached the top of his inner thigh, the back of it brushed against his balls and he shivered.  Delicately, and so excruciatingly slowly, your hand moved higher and gently rubbed his erection through the fabric.  
“Fuck,” he whispered under his breath.
It must have been all the anticipation that made it so intense, made shivers run up his spine every time your hand moved over his length, made his toes curl inside the ridiculously fancy shoes you’d put him in.
“I’m gonna take it out now, okay?  I promise I won’t measure you here,” you winked.
"You can if you want," he shrugged, deciding now was the time for feigned confidence if there ever was one.  “I mean, if you’re worried about fit…”
You bit your lip, and he was proud to see the effect his words had on you.  “I’ll be honest, I am a little worried it won’t fit…”  You were quick with his belt, but slow with his button and fly, apparently having more fun teasing him.  “Fuck, Bucky,” you groaned softly as you took his cock out.
“Don’t look so excited, doll, you’ll give me an ego,” he purred.
“Can’t help it,” you sighed, “looks delicious.”
You licked a long wet stripe up from the bottom all the way to the tip, making a show of licking up the bead of pre-cum before taking his head into your mouth, and Bucky blinked a few times to be sure that this was actually happening.
"Been wanting to do that since I first saw you," you admitted, grinning as you stroked him right beside your face, which only helped to illustrate how big he was compared to you.
"Dirty girl," he praised with a smirk.  
Flirting, he wasn’t so good at.  Conversation in any form typically stressed him out.  But this?  This he was still pretty good at.  And he’d never wanted it so bad before.
When you took him in your mouth again, you didn’t stop until you started to gag; he couldn’t stop himself from moaning through his teeth when you did it.
"Look up at me, princess," he instructed softly, grinning when you obeyed quickly.  "Now look over there at that mirror.  Look how good you look on your knees for me, choking on my cock."
You moaned around him when you made eye contact with your own reflection, and it felt so fucking good he almost lost it right then and there. He held your jaw, almost too tightly, and guided you as your head bobbed on his length.  Your mouth was so warm he thought he would burn up— and it only got warmer the deeper he managed to get.  God, he was so ready to pump his load right into your throat, but he wanted to do so much more to you first.  
In one quick motion, he pushed you off of his cock, pulled you up to face him, and flipped you around, holding you to his chest with the metal arm and letting the flesh one start rubbing your thigh.  This way, both of you were looking at the mirror in front of you, and he loved watching you gasp and moan as you felt and watched his fingers move higher and higher.
“I think it’s time to find out if you really are ‘full-service’,” he purred right against your ear, making searing eye contact with you in the reflection.  “You’ve seen so much of me, but I haven’t seen nearly enough of you yet.  Been daydreaming about what you could be hiding under these tight little skirts.”
As he pulled up the plaid-patterned fabric, he saw that you were wearing white, lacy panties and he groaned deeply.  
“What are you wearing these for?” he teased, rubbing along the edge but never getting where you wanted— and he knew you were getting desperate, because your hips were starting to buck up into his hand.  “Were you expecting something would happen today, sweetheart?”
“I— I was hopeful,” you stammered; instantly, he slapped you right on your barely-covered pussy, just hard enough to make you yelp and squirm in his grasp.  
“You’re so shameless,” he chuckled darkly, “and I love it.  I just hope this isn’t your usual routine— acting all innocent and batting your eyes so your clients will fuck you.”
“No, I swear, it’s just you, Bucky,” you whimpered, “there’s nobody else, please…”
“Please what?  Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to… to touch me more,” you whispered, as if it was a secret and not patently obvious.
He slipped two fingers underneath the thin fabric, finding your clit right away (not difficult at all with how swollen it was) and rubbing it in gentle circles.
“Oh god,” you sighed, “Bucky…”
WIth his hand on your hips, it wasn’t hard at all to push you back into him so he could rub his aching cock against you.  
"What material is this skirt made of?" 
"It's a silk blend," you answered breathlessly, "about 30% cotton."
"It's soft," he purred before yanking your skirt up higher and pressing his cock against your ass instead, "but not as soft as you."
Next to go was your blouse, which he tore open to the sound of buttons flying every direction and bouncing off of the mirrors and floors.
"Bucky!" you yelped, but he could see your nipples harden through the lacy white bra.  If there was any doubt that you had intended to seduce him today, the matching undergarments dispelled it.
After teasing your nipples between his fingers for a moment, he reached back down between your legs— and when his fingers slipped through your folds and moved down to your opening, he actually moaned just from how wet you are.
"Fucking hell," he growled, "you are drenched, princess.  You liked sucking me off that much?"
"Not just that," you clarified, "you look really good in my suits."
He gave you a toothy smile in the mirror, using it to nibble on your ear a bit.  "You deserve most of the credit for that," he purred.
"No, no, I don't," you whined, "you'd look sexy in a paper bag, honestly… you turn me on so much, Bucky."
“Did you… think about me?  After I left your shop the other night?” he asked playfully, already foreseeing your answer from the way your thighs clenched and your lips let out the subtlest gasp.
“Yes,” you whimpered.
“You’re smart enough to know I want you to be more specific than that,” he chuckled.
“I thought about you that night… after I got into bed…” you elaborated slowly, clearly distracted by the way he was moving his fingers: delicately, but with obvious intentionality.  “I thought about what it would’ve been like if you had grabbed me and kissed me, shoved me against the wall, fucked me right there on my desk… in front of the glass wall, where anyone could’ve walked by and seen you claim me…”
His cock was throbbing, and he wasn’t sure if it was from the image itself or from the knowledge that you’d been fantasizing about it.  “Were you touching yourself?” he growled.
“Yes,” you sighed, your thighs starting to visibly shake, your knees bending towards each other in the mirror.
“Show me how,” he demanded.  “Show me exactly how you were playing with your needy little pussy while you thought about me.”
Your hand found its place on top of his, your fingers starting to move his to the specific place, guiding his movements to be faster and rougher.
“Oh, I see,” he grinned, “you don’t like to tease yourself, do you?  You like to jump right into it, come as many times as you can and rub yourself raw in the process?”
You nodded feverishly, panting and whining and writhing in his grasp.
“You’re so desperate, honey… such a shameless cockwhore for me.”
“For you,” you repeated through your trance, “Bucky, ‘m close… keep touching me, please…”
He kept his thumb on your clit but gently slid one finger inside you, both of you gasping at the sensation (if for different reasons).
“So tight,” he hissed, already pulling it back out, “fuck, and just for one finger…”
“More, please,” you begged mindlessly.
“More?  Sure you can take it?”
You bit down on your lip as you nodded, and he pushed a second finger in beside his first.  He felt you struggling with it, both in your walls and in the way you winced a little, but you softly begged him to keep going so of course he couldn’t stop.  You adjusted quickly, your wetness starting to run down his hand.  
“Fuck me,” you whimpered, “now, please, can’t wait anymore.”
“Yes you can,” he encouraged, “and you will, cause I need to taste you first.”
Pulling his fingers out of you, he flipped you around again, finally kissing you the way he’d been dreaming of since he first saw you.  It was intense but not too dominating— in spite of everything.  It was a romantic sort of kiss, maybe too romantic for the situation (that being his cock out and hard and pressed against you, and his fingers covered in your arousal) but perfect nonetheless.
“That’s not what I thought you meant when you said you wanted to taste me,” you giggled when he pulled away.
“No, I meant it the other way,” he smiled, “I just wanted to do that first.”  
He picked you up suddenly, making you gasp a bit, but knelt down to lay you on the floor pretty soon after.  You looked up at him with wide eyes as he lifted your leg and kissed his way up.  He could smell your need, and he worried it would drive him wild before he reached his destination.
Pulling your soaked panties aside, he realized he could probably come just from looking at you.  “Such a gorgeous pussy,” he growled his praise, leaning down to plant a few more teasing kisses over the inside of your thighs.  Finally, he started with one long lick, just like you had with him, but you weren’t so patient to tolerate it.  Nearly instantly your fingers pulled his hair, clearly trying to guide him to tease you less, but he couldn’t be swayed to go easy on you.
“I hope you’re not forgetting who’s in charge,” he smiled hungrily.
“And what if I am?” you returned, clearly looking to get on his nerves so he’d get rough with you.  He was happy to oblige.
Bucky sat up and loosened his tie, slipping it off of his neck with a smirk.  "Now, this is 100% Venetian silk, so it should feel nice around your wrists," he cooed.  You offered your hands willingly, and he got a chance to show off a few complex knots of his own.  "Now be a good girl and keep those hands above your head, alright?"
You did as he asked, freeing him to hold your legs open as he devoured you, alternating between teasing your bud with the tip of his tongue, and fucking you with it.  
"You taste like heaven, doll," he growled when he came up quickly, "and the way you moan when my tongue's inside you?  I swear I could die happy right now."
"I wish you wouldn't though," you whimpered.
He laughed a bit before he got back to it, letting his tongue focus on your clit while he filled you with his fingers again.  Your walls clenched down on him occasionally, and when it became more frequent just as your moans became louder, he knew you were close.
"Stop, stop," you sighed suddenly, pushing him away.
"Are you alright?" he asked, nervous he'd done something wrong.  
"No I'm fine, I just… I don't want to come yet.  I want you inside me first."
"And what about what I want, hm?  What if I want to watch you come just from my tongue?" he offered instead, though he was definitely still very persuadable in this regard.
"I know you wanna fuck me, Bucky, don't make me wait any longer,” you moaned, your back arching up a little from the floor.
Not needing to be told twice, he flipped you onto your elbows and knees, making sure you could support yourself with bound wrists before letting you go.  His hands running over your exposed ass and thighs made you shiver, and he smiled down at you.  At this point, he was probably more desperate than you were, but he was doing a much better job of hiding it, even taking the time to reach up and undo a few of the buttons of his shirt, because wow suits are warm and not meant for his level of physical activity.
Still, he figured he had waited long enough— he needed to fuck you while he still had at least a shred of patience left.  He was going to need it if he was going to give you time to adjust to him.
Holding his cock and rubbing it through your folds, he chuckled when you whined and dropped your head down in a pout.  He loved watching your expression shift into a gasp as he pushed in.
He went slow, but he didn't stop either.  He wanted to test you just a little.  He wanted to stretch you open.
"Fuck," you cried, "god, you're so… you feel so…"
"Look in the mirror," he instructed coldly, although the coldness was just a front for the way he was holding himself back as your body swallowed him so beautifully.
You moaned again, higher-pitched and weak, just as he finally got all the way in.  He waited until he felt your body relax a bit before he asked if it was okay for him to move yet.  You answered with a quick nod, a breathy "please," and he didn't need any more encouragement.
It was probably too fast to start off with, but god, he'd been waiting so long to fuck you like this.
"Baby," he whispered, "you're so perfect."
He held you steady and thrusted deep, so deep that it made you gasp each time.  You looked incredible, and you felt incredible, but the way you sounded was just… divine.  He could never have imagined the beautiful way you would sound when he was bringing you pleasure like this.  Having heard it, he wanted to make you sound like this as often as possible from now on.  Technically he couldn’t even be sure he’d get another chance to, but surely sounds this perfect meant you had to be having a good time, right?  Ideally a good enough time to call him again?
He was snapped back to focus when he saw your eyes flutter shut with pleasure.
"Don't look away from that mirror, honey," he growled, "don't close your eyes.  Look how pretty you look like this."
He could tell you loved it from the way your channel fluttered and flexed.
"You like watching yourself get fucked, princess?"
"Yes," you sobbed as he grabbed your hips harder, hoping to leave a bruise, "it feels so good, Bucky, please don't stop!"
"I won't stop, pretty girl.  Not until you cream on my cock," he grunted. 
"Fuck, I'm close," you whined, "Bucky, I'm gonna come— oh god right there!"
And he was sure it couldn’t be fake from the way your body tightened and released so many times, the way you quivered and your breathing seemed to stop for a moment.  Even though he could barely take it, he kept fucking you through it until you were shaking so violently that he worried about your health.
“You feel so goddamn good when you come, princess,” he moaned softly.  “Tryin’ to milk my cock for all it’s worth, aren’t you?”
You laughed a little, sounding exhausted, but as he kept fucking you he could feel how sensitive you had become.  When he reached down to push your skirt back up to your waist after it had started to fall down a bit, he felt his own movements in your gut and it took so much not to lose his cool in that moment.  Instead, he pulled your upper body into his so that you could see in the mirror the way your lower stomach was bulging a bit each time he pushed in all the way.
"F-fuck, Bucky," you whimpered.
"Anybody ever been that deep inside you before?"
"No, not even close," you moaned.
"Am I hurting you?" he asked gently, kissing up and down your neck slowly to match his lazy, teasing thrusts.
"A little," you admitted, "but it feels good.  Don't stop."
He wasn’t so brutal with his thrusts, still deep but with a patient, measured pace.  It staved off his orgasm a bit longer, and it made you moan all slow and throaty which was not better or worse than the needy, high-pitched moans, but enjoyably different.  You didn’t sound as desperate anymore (probably because you’d already come), instead seeming relaxed and calm— if still arching your back and biting your lip nonetheless.
"I wanna come inside you," he whispered right against your ear; he could feel the way you shivered as a result.
"Please," you whimpered.
"Is that what you want?  Wanna be full of my come?"
"Yes," you sobbed, "yes, please Bucky I need it so bad!"
"Fuck, gonna fill you up so good, doll," he promised gruffly.  "Want me to make you mine, beautiful?"
He knew it was a risky thing to say, but his risks had paid off so far, and he wasn't in his most cautious mood.
"Already yours, Bucky," you sighed, "I'm yours, please come in me…"
It hit him suddenly when you said that, and harder than he expected.  He hadn't come like that in… he hadn't come like that ever.  He preferred not to think about the sudden, wavering moan he let out in that moment because he wondered if it sounded unsexy, but thankfully his mind was distracted by the overwhelming sensation of his softening, sensitive cock still within you.
He managed to maneuver you in the way he needed as he pulled out, leaning you back into him and holding your legs open to the mirror in front of you.
"Look in the mirror, sweetheart,” he instructed, his whisper a little labored as he was still catching his breath, “watch my come leak outta your pussy."
You seemed to be in awe of it, despite it being the obvious outcome of what had just happened.  To be fair, he was in awe of it in a sense, too; a thick, slow stream of sticky white come dripping down from your swollen hole and onto the floor… it was mesmerizing.
Your body was limp in his arms as he finally allowed you to rest, your eyes falling shut as you melted into his embrace.  He took a moment to untie your wrists, tossing the garment aside with an exhausted sigh.  “Bucky…” you mumbled sleepily, apparently just to say his name.
“Was that… sort of what you were hoping for today?” he asked softly, kissing your temple.
“And more,” you giggled.  “Oh my god, I… I don’t even know how to describe that… you’re so… fuck, I don’t know, my brain is totally jelly right now.”
“In a good way?”
“In the best way.”
He smiled, admiring your vacant-yet-pleased expression and feeling satisfied with his work.  You turned over to lay your head on his chest, and he gladly draped his arms around you in response.  Holding you like this felt so purely right, in a way so few things did to him.  Funny enough, even just having fucked you on the floor and already holding you afterwards right now, he felt nervous again that he would say something wrong.  You were a modern woman, after all, and maybe this was this ‘hook-up culture’ he kept hearing about.
“Was that true what you said, doll?” he asked gently, feeling you stir a little and slide a leg up to rest over his.  “Did you mean it when you said that you were mine?  Or was it just, you know, the heat of the moment…?”
You smiled a little, looking kind of embarrassed.  “Um, yeah, I meant that… I’m yours, if you want me to be.”
He didn’t feel as guilty for feeling so possessive over you now.  Clearly it was appreciated, in the right context.  And he was now at least 75% sure that this wasn’t a hook-up.  “Well, I’m yours, too,” he replied with a soft laugh, “whether you want me or not.”
“I want you,” you confirmed.
You laid in silence together for some unknowable amount of time, but it was a purely unawkward silence.  A peaceful silence, and one filled with possibilities, but not uncomfortable.  Maybe it was uncomfortable in the sense that the carpet, while still being very plushy and expensive, was still the floor and not as forgiving as a bed… but it was completely worth it.
Part of him feared to ruin the moment by speaking, but much more of him feared that you would slip out of his grasp if he didn’t say something.  "This may be the wrong time to ask this— or maybe just the wrong order to do this stuff in— but I wanted to ask if you'd like to join me for dinner sometime."
You laughed, but cuddled deeper into his chest.  "Um, yeah, that would be nice."
"I just hope I'll find something nice to wear," he grinned.
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datawyrms · 4 years
“Did you apologize to Tucker yet?”
“About what? Wait, are we talking again? I thought we weren’t talking.” The ghost circled back, blindly fumbling with the thermos lid, eyes busy squinting at the hunter’s mask as if it would let him see through it better. “You’re not gonna say it’s fine then shoot me, are you?”
“Why do you always remind me why I don’t like talking to you like this.”
“What’d you mean like ‘this’? Like I should pretend that isn’t a totally valid question?” 
Valerie groaned, gesturing at the ghost. “Like that sort of thing is normal!”
Phantom smirked, letting the edges of his boots hit the hoverboard. “Welcome to my life.”
“And how you just keep that stupid confident face up.”
“Uh huh. I thought you were lecturing me about Tucker, not my personality.”
She deeply considered having the board jar the ghost off, but that’d probably just amuse him more. “You seriously don’t remember why you should be apologizing?”
“Well according to you, I should basically apologize for existing. So sometimes I lose track on the particulars.” There was an edge there that the blithe tone couldn’t quite cover up, even as the ghost sat down. “Y’gonna enlighten me or what? I’m bad at twenty questions.”
“You broke your promise to him, remember?”
The blank stare she earned in response was absolutely infuriating. “Uhhh. Which one?” He had the sense to look embarrassed, hand glued to the back of his neck.
That wasn’t going to help him though. Shooting him was actually sounding like a fair idea if it was the only thing that would get him to actually learn and pay attention. “To stop possessing people. The big one? The really easy one that NONE of his other friends need to worry about doing ‘accidentally’?”
“Wow Val, if you just wanted to say you think I’m weird you didn’t need to drag Tuck into it.” The embarrassment slid into a scowl easily enough, arms crossed as if that would defend him. “I haven’t done that for months.”
“He’s been telling you he hates it for years.” Before she even figured out Danny’s dead man walking secret. Tucker was too good a friend to be ignored for literal years because a ghost conveniently forgot how fucked up it was to invade someone’s body and use them as an unwilling meat puppet if it was ‘helpful’.
“I try, okay? I’m not doing it to upset him!”
“Somehow everyone else can manage without doing it.”
The ghost tilted his head. “Well duh, you guys can’t.”
“Even if we could, we wouldn’t.” She snapped, the confusion and completely casual excusing of his actions just a little too much to deal with. “Heroes don’t control people.”
“Well excuse me for needing to protect myself. If what I am gets out to the wrong people, I’m dead. More dead.” He groaned face in hand “You know what I mean. Worse than dead. Dani too.”
“Do you really think Tucker’s dad would have ratted your whispy ass out? That he wouldn’t help you explain? Or was it just an excuse to let yourself do what you want?”
“Well you seem to have decided that it was! Which it wasn’t!” His eyes flared green with the defence, and Valarie had to work to not react to the impulsive want to get away from an angry ghost. “I just- reacted, okay? I told him that!”
“Well Tucker and Sam keep forgetting how much of a ghost you are, so of course they won’t buy that excuse.”
“Excuse? It’s not an excuse!” He was up, the offended squawk reminding her so much of how he was before. When they were all fourteen, and every uncomfortable problem could be chalked up to being ‘a moody teenager’ and ignored for a while longer. “And you could stop saying ghost like that, while you’re at it?” The glow dimmed, but he kept the distance. “Sound like my dad.”
“What, you want me to say it like you do when they keep coming here to threaten people? Deal with it.”
“There are plenty of ghosts who don’t do that.”
“Yeah. They don’t come here, and they aren’t my problem,” she shrugged, considering. “I’ll say it nice to them.”
“Oh, real funny.”
“You deserve it.”
She expected a scoff, at least. Probably a laugh, considering how often he’d joke about being the town’s public enemy for a time. Instead he averted his eyes. “Maybe we can finish this talk on the ground?”
It was easier to be ticked off at him when he was joking, or steamed himself. Phantom didn’t ‘do’ uneasy. Maybe it was a good sign that he was actually listening, if he wanted to continue ‘off the clock’. “Space cadet wants to land? Sure, if you want.”
“I wouldn’t go with ‘want’, but yeah.”
It wasn’t much trouble, in the middle of the day. A quick glance while hidden in at least one direction was enough. People who lived in Amity Park knew they should get out of the area of a ghost sighting at this point. Even if she and Phantom were trusted enough to deal with it, stray shots happened. Things fell. Not too many eyes to avoid, even if her identity felt like an open secret most of the time.
Danny had it even easier. He just had to think. It felt like a sick joke, that he could stop being dead on a whim and blend in fairly well. The gangly man leaning against the tree looked human. Black hair, blue eyes, needed a tan, unremarkable. Average. Unless you knew what to look for, anyway. How a casual slouch didn’t match up with how he was always looking for something, a tense energy that seemed desperate to crack free of that spine. That he could walk in winter with the thinnest of jackets and not shake from the cold even once. “Hey.”
Valerie rolled her eyes, sitting on the bench. “Hey yourself.”
Danny grimaced, looking up and away. “How much of a ghost I am, huh?” It wasn’t an angry question, exactly. He was still slouching, hands in pockets. Guarded and uneasy. How much of that fear and caution the person she thought she knew, and how much of it was just another part of his act?
“You’ve said you’re at least half of one.”
“Yeah. You just make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
The whole crux of the issue, really. How no one really knew how to deal with Danny, his secret and how he’d changed. “It’s not a bad thing on it’s own.”
“So I’m the part you like to sneer at,” his brow furrowed, the creases and wrinkles more ominous as blue slid closer to green. “I thought we went over this. You know what actually happened. How I never really attacked people.”
She admired Tucker and Sam’s patience, she really did. “We have. It’s not about that stuff. That’s years ago, you know it. It’s the other stuff.”
The anger was gone in an instant. “What other stuff?”
He was a living migraine waiting to happen. “How you keep thinking things from seven years ago are more important than things happening right now?”
“Hey, you’re the one that held the grudge for two.”. 
“Months. Not years.”
He slouched more at the correction, apparently very interested in his own hands. “Oh. Right.”
“You haven’t been using the reminders like Jazz told you to, have you.”
“I can remember fine! I don’t need some box doing it for me. I’ve just been busy.”
Busy. That was his excuse this time? She crossed her arms and leaned back. “Okay, what year is it?”
“Uhm.” he paused to pick at a non existent loose thread “One starting in 2?”
“What! Lots of people don’t care too much about the time.”
He didn’t even try to guess within ten years. There was living in the present, and there was this. “No, you know your ghost side makes you act in certain ways and keep denying it. So you still get the complete pain version of ghost. Get it?”
“I’m not that different.” He wouldn’t look at her, hand clenching. “I’m human too, you know.”
“Uhuh. The way your eyes flare up when you’re mad is super human.” She ignored his scowl, pushing forward. “I get it. You don’t like being reminded. Tuck and Sam try to ignore it for your sake.”
“Val, I’m not denying it okay? I know. It’s pretty obvious!”
“Then stop pretending you don’t know. They’re trying so hard to help you have a chance of getting a job that isn’t with your parents and you won’t even use the reminders to help you remember where in time you are!”
That got him to bristle, shaking off his slouch in a sudden reminder of how tall he really was. “Why does it matter? We’re all just kidding ourselves about me ever leaving here.”
“So you just won’t try? Just give up on finding anything else? For someone who keeps insisting he’s human, you sure seem eager to ditch that half of your life.”
“That isn’t what I’m doing.”
“Then what are you doing? Because all I’ve seen you do is get tetchy about ghosts and instinctively do ghost things. When you’re human.”
“I’m putting in the work.You know it’s hard to study or hold down a job.”
“So stop making it harder on yourself.They’ve found ways to help keep you grounded, so do it.” Sam should be saying this, of course. She’d heard it frustratedly repeated so many times, but she never dared to actually say it to the one who had to hear it. Because he was already prone to pulling away or vanishing when you pressed too hard, made things too uncomfortable. Ghosts didn’t do coping, and Danny was never great at facing personal issues head on before becoming a menace to her sanity either. “You think making things harder makes you more of a hero?”
“‘Course not.” He wasn’t looking at her anymore. He was looking for an escape, an out. “I shouldn’t need that stuff, alright?”
Now it was her turn to be puzzled. “Why shouldn’t you?”
A lopsided grin answered her question. “Who likes admitting they’re a freak?” The tree no longer had a human standing by it, but his voice was easy enough to hear. “ But I guess some people care about a freak like me anyway.”
(did Valerie use a tracker to smack him and say ‘you’re not a freak’ right after this? yes)
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tuiccim · 4 years
Terrigenisis (Part 5)
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Pairing: Avengers X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 4852
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Part 1  / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
That afternoon you find Steve and Bucky in the kitchen when you go to get a snack. 
"Hey guys. What are you up to?" You smile at the two..
"Nothing really." Bucky says. 
"Got any big plans?" You ask.
"Just planning on working on our bikes." Steve says.
"That reminds me. I was thinking the other day that I would love to do some cruising. Can I borrow one of your motorcycles?" You look at both the supersoldiers being sure to keep your expression benign. 
Steve and Bucky exchange a look. 
"You see…" They spoke at the same time. 
"There's kind of a, uh…"
"Code! With motorcycles."
"Right. Ya know, rules."
"Like you don't sit on someone else's bike unless they give the okay."
"And… and… Bikes are sort of, uh…"
"Right! You know, like, really personal and, and…"
"It's not something you let people borrow, ya know?"
"Yeah! Not… not that we don't trust you."
"Right. Total trust, but bikes…"
You interject, "Are sacrosanct?" 
"Right." They both look at you with near panic written across their faces. 
You start giggling, "That was the funniest thing I have ever seen you two do. That was some vaudeville crap. FRIDAY, did you get that on record?"
"Yes, Ms. (L/N)." FRIDAY responds.
"Send the video to my phone, please." You can barely get the words out between laughs.
"Transfer complete." FRIDAY responds.
Steve and Bucky are staring at you in bewilderment. You explain, "My dad was a biker. He and his coastie buddies. I just had to see how you'd react."
“Really?” Bucky deadpans. 
“Serious. They had a whole crew of weekend road warriors. All in love with their bikes.” You grin.
“And what are your plans with that video?” Steve asks. 
“To keep it forever for my viewing pleasure. And maybe show Natasha and Wanda.” You smirk.
“FRIDAY,” Steve starts to say and as quickly as you can you begin to send the video to Nat and Wanda in hopes of disseminating it before whatever Steve was about to do. "Erase that video and delete it from her phone."
"Voice authorization required." As Friday speaks, you engage a firewall you programmed on your phone. Time to find out if you could compete with Tony when it comes to hacking.
"Rogers, Steven Grant." Cap looks at you with a smirk. 
"Video removed from all Stark systems. Unable to access Ms. (L/N)'s phone." FRIDAY says.
"Sorry, Cap." You smirk at Steve. Carefully, you pick up your phone and, deciding your pockets are too easily accessed, you pull the collar of your shirt out and slide the phone into your bra. 
"Why can't FRIDAY access your phone?" Bucky asks.
"I might have programmed a firewall onto it, ya know, just in case." You begin to slowly move towards the elevator. You are trying not to giggle as you feel your phone ding repeatedly. Wanda and Nat got the video.
Steve and Bucky exchange a look and when Steve gives a curt nod, they both advance on you. "Give me your phone." Steve says.
"Nope." You tuck tail and run, but of course you don't get far before a metal arm wraps around your waist and picks you up off the ground. You struggle for a moment but then decide to use a different tact. Bucky sets you down and takes hold of you by the upper arms. Steve stands in front of you in a full authoritative captain pose. 
"Give me the phone." Steve repeats.
Straining against Bucky's grip, you push your chest out. You look up at Steve with doe eyes and say, "It's right there." Before glancing down at your chest and looking back up at him. Unfortunately, you can't hide your smirk as Steve glances from your face to your chest several times. "What's the matter, Cap? I thought you wanted my phone." 
After a few more seconds of Steve's indecision, you're pulled back against Bucky and he wraps his arm around you, pinning your arms to your sides. "Steve's too much of a gentleman, Doll." Bucky says in your ear as his hand slides along your collarbone to the collar of your shirt and pauses. You look up to Bucky with eyes wide. "Don't worry. I won't take any liberties." Bucky smirks.
"You don't think putting your hand down my shirt and in my bra is a liberty? I do believe there are some strict sexual harassment guidelines for both Stark Industries and SHIELD that would beg to differ. Besides, judging from the amount of dings on my phone, Natasha and Wanda have already seen the video." You grin up at him. 
"Clever little minx." Bucky grouses.
"Wanna know what they're saying?" You look at Steve. 
"Let her go." Steve says in a defeated tone but he has a small smile on his face.
Bucky let's go of your arms but his hand remains at your collar. You trail a hand along his arm and slip it past his hand to retrieve your phone and open your messages. Bucky backs a few steps from you and you wink at him. 
Nat: That was classic! 🤣
Wanda: They looked like they were gonna have a heart attack!😂☠️
Nat: They were stumbling over themselves to keep your hands off their 🏍️!
Wanda: They couldn't just offer to take you for a ride? They had to defend the thought of someone touching their bikes! 😂
Nat: I'm sure neither of them would mind taking her for a ride. 😜
Wanda: Nat! 😂
Nat: You know I'm right.
"They say you guys looked like you were gonna have a heart attack at the thought of someone else touching your bike." You grin, deciding to leave out the second half of the conversation. 
"What else did they say?" Steve narrows his eyes at you.
"That you could have at least offered to take me on a ride." You smile as you look between the two.
"I'll take you out on my bike, Doll." Bucky smiles at you.
"It's been a while since we just took the bikes for a ride." Steve says. "We should take an afternoon to go cruising like you suggested."
"I'd love that." You clap your hands  and grin looking between the two. They chuckle at your enthusiasm. 
“Tomorrow afternoon?” Steve says.
“How about after training in the morning? I’ll pack a picnic.” You smile at them both.
“I’m game.” Bucky looks to Steve. 
“Sounds good, sweetheart.” Steve grins at you. 
“Should we invite any of the rest of the team?”
A look passes between Steve and Bucky before Bucky answers, “Nah, let’s just keep it the three of us. Clint is headed to the farm, the couples won’t mind some alone time, and Sam is headed to DC for some meetings.”
“Okay. I’ll see you guys later, then.” You head to your room. Finally, something to do besides train and missions. You can’t wait.
That evening you, Nat, and Wanda are sitting in your room, rewatching the video of Steve and Bucky and giggling. You get around to telling them about your plans with the guys the next day. 
“Wait, you are going on a date with both of them?” Wanda exclaims. 
“What? No! It’s not a date. We are just going out for a ride on their bikes.” You say. 
“Alone? With just Steve and Bucky?” Nat says. 
“Yeah. They’re my friends.” You defend. 
“But you know Bucky has a thing for you.” Wanda says. 
“How do we know that?” Nat looks between the two of you. 
“Game night. That kiss?” Wanda says emphatically.
“It was just a kiss! It didn't mean anything." You say.
“Ohhhhh, no. Wanda is right. Bucky does have a thing for you.” Nat says. 
“Oh, please, he does not. I’m the only available female living on the compound. That's the only reason you two want to pair me up with him so bad.” You roll your eyes. 
“Oh, please, yourself! You’re beautiful, funny, smart! How could they not be interested?” Wanda states. 
“And how can you blame us for enjoying the free entertainment. Plus I happen to know Steve has a thing for you, too.” Natasha smirks. 
“No, he doesn't! Stop.” You look at Nat in horror.
“Why else would he call you Doll all the time? Don't you like Steve?” Natasha looks at you. 
“I'm his friend. It's just a nickname. Of course, I do. He’s a sweetheart. I think you two are reading way too much into my friendship with them. I just, I mean, even if they were interested, I’m just me. They’re Captain frickin’ America and the Winter Soldier! Why would they ever think like that?” You put your head in your hands. It was frustrating you couldn't just tell them that Steve and Bucky are together. It would stop all of this nonsense.
Wanda laughs, “You mean they’re gorgeous, have incredible abilities, are sweet and kind and fun, right?”
“Yeah.” You say. 
“She just described you. You are gorgeous, have incredible abilities, and a sweet, funny personality. You guys are perfect for each other.” Nat smirks.
“Guys, please, please stop. It's just not like that with them. We're friends and that's it. Okay?” You scoff at their knowing looks. “I’m gonna go to bed. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Sleep tight.”
Their giggles trail behind you as you head to your room. As you get close to your door, you can hear Steve and Bucky in Steve’s room. You aren’t trying to eavesdrop but your hearing ability makes it difficult not to overhear conversations.
“I just don’t know if this is gonna work out, Stevie.” Bucky grouses. 
"All we can do is ask. We trust her, right?" Steve says.
“Yeah.” Bucky says.
Your brows furrow at the comment and your mind runs amuck for a moment before shaking away your thoughts. You hurry past, putting your earbuds in to avoid hearing any more, and slip into your room quietly. 
Training the next morning flew by in your excitement. Afterwards, you hit the shower, change into motorcycle ride appropriate gear, and go to the kitchen to put together the picnic. Bucky and Steve come in just as you are finishing packing the little cooler. 
"You look great." Steve says. "The boots are a good choice."
"Thanks. You guys ready?" You can't hold in your excitement and are grinning like a fool. 
"Yeah. I'll get the cooler, Doll." Bucky offers returning your smile.
When you get to the garage, Bucky sets the cooler on the back of Steve's bike much to Steve's annoyance.
"Really, Buck?" He grouses. 
"I carried it down. Only fair, right?" Bucky elbows him. 
"Yeah, thanks. I get a hard cooler in the back and you get the beautiful dame." Steve throws an elbow back at Bucky and then stiffens, turning to look at you. 
You laugh and wink at him. "Tell ya what, I'll ride back with you and Bucky can have the empty cooler." You look at Bucky, "Only fair, right?"
"Right, Doll." Bucky chuckles. He hands you a helmet and you climb on the bike behind him. You'd be lying if you didn't admit that your body reacted to the closeness of his, the intimacy of holding on to him, and the vibrations of the bike. You cruise out and the wind whips around you. 
Steve and Bucky speed ahead of each other alternatively. You hear Bucky laughing. You grin over at Steve who is laughing at their escapades. He looks so happy and carefree as you head into the middle of nowhere. You rarely see any other cars and the scenery is beautiful as you speed down winding roads.
“This is great!” You hollar over the rumble of the engine. Bucky revs in response and you squeal. You can feel Bucky’s body rumbling with laughter. You wish you could see his face. 
Nearly an hour and a half later, Steve slows and veers into the woods with Bucky close behind. They slow down and you can’t tell if they are following a path or not. They are carefully weaving through trees and undergrowth until you reach a small clearing under a huge oak tree. 
Steve stops and turns to you and Bucky, “What do you think? Good for a picnic?”
“I think it’s perfect!” You say, already getting off the bike. The guys grin at each other and turn their bikes off. Steve retrieves the cooler and Bucky pulls a blanket out of his saddlebag. You spread the blanket under the branches of the oak tree and pull all the food out. 
“This looks delicious.” Steve says as he tucks into one of the hearty sandwiches you had made him. Fruit, cheese, crackers, hummus, and some bottles of water and soda round out the menu. 
“Hopefully, it tastes delicious, too.” You laugh and Steve nods while chewing. 
Bucky looks over at you after swallowing his bite of sandwich, “Thanks for making the food. It is delicious.” 
He mugs a face at Steve and you giggle as Steve says, “Jerk.”
“Punk.” Bucky replies. 
“Goofballs.” You pipe in. They both snap their heads to you and you shrink into yourself a little feeling like you’d interfered in their playful banter. “Sorry.”
“Goofballs? That’s the best you can do?” Bucky throws a grape at you. 
“Asshats.” You throw the grape back. 
“Ohhh! Okay, that’s better.” Bucky laughs. Steve grins and shakes his head. 
“What was it like growing up in the Coast Guard?” Steve asks.
“A lot of moving. My dad was stationed in Mobile, Alabama when I was born until I was 4, then Boston until second grade, Northern California for 4 years, Alaska for two, back to Mobile through high school. My dad was sent back to California then and I went to college in Louisiana. It was interesting because I got to live in different places with different cultures. It’s hard with friends. I still have my best friend from high school I keep in touch with. Most of the others faded away. My dad was great. He did everything he could to be a good dad.” You shrug. “What was it like growing up when you did?”
“Way different.” Steve laughs.
“You don’t have to put newspaper in your shoes anymore.” Bucky chuckles. 
“No Penicillin. Food wasn’t as good. Fewer people you were connected with but closer connections.” Steve says.
“Yeah.” You say quietly, staring off. 
“Hey, doll, where’d you go?” Bucky says.
“Sorry.” You give a small smile. “Just, connections are hard. Especially when you don’t stay in one place for very long. I thought that part of my life was over and, here I am, right back in it.”
“What do you mean, sweetheart?” Steve says. 
“I moved so much as a kid. Lost friends and nowhere was really ever home. And then I thought it was over. Charlie and I built a life and made a home. And then… terrigenesis. And I’m in SHIELD and it starts all over again. Two months to close out my old life with an agent constantly looking over my shoulder cause I can’t go back, six months of bureaucracy and evaluations and therapy, six months with one team, then I get moved to the Avengers team, and I guess in some ways I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. When am I gonna have to move again? Will I ever have a home again? Like I said before, limbo sucks.”
“You’re not going anywhere, doll. You’re stuck with us.” Bucky smiles sweetly at you. 
“Bucky’s right, sweetheart. You’re an Avenger. This is your team now. Your family.” Steve says. 
“Thanks. I hope you’re right.” You look between them before leaning back on your elbows and looking up at the branches of the oak tree. “This tree is amazing.”
“Beautiful.” Steve says, but when you look at him he’s looking at you not the tree. You mug a face at him. Looking back up at the branches you make a quick decision and begin unzipping your boots. You pull them and your socks off before walking under one of the lower branches. 
“Steve, give me a boost.” You turn to him and say. 
“You’re gonna climb the tree?” Steve asks as he gets up and walks over. 
“Yup.” You put your hands on his shoulders as he cups his hands for you to step up. You grab the branch and pull yourself up to it. You climb as far up as you can safely reach and looking down you can barely see Bucky or Steve who are staring up at you. 
You hear Bucky say, “I’m gonna take a walk.”
“She’ll be fine, Buck.” Steve tells him.
“Yeah.” Bucky keeps walking and you feel bad knowing he must hate heights from his past accident. You hadn’t thought about it before deciding to climb. You had just wanted the free feeling of being up high and maybe a minute to yourself. Your feelings were confusing you. Both Bucky and Steve treated you with respect and sweetness. It would be easy to fall for one of them and you reminded yourself often to not let your heart get ahead of your head. You take a few more moments sitting on the branch taking in the view and the freedom before moving back down. As you lower yourself from the bottom branch, you feel strong hands grip your waist. You let go and are gently lowered down.
“Have fun?” Steve asks, smiling down at you. 
“Yeah.” You smile back at him. He lifts a hand to your cheek and lowers his face closer to yours. “Steve!” You put your hand over his. “What are you doing?"
"I was trying to kiss you." He smiles at you.
"What about Bucky?" You ask.
Steve's brow furrows, "What do you mean?"
“I… I mean, I know about you and Bucky. Why would you try to kiss me?” You say.
“How do you know about me and Buck?” He asks. 
You give him a look. “I didn’t mean to overhear. But I can’t help it sometimes. I can’t keep headphones or earplugs in all the time.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks, calmly.
“I assumed you’d tell me when you were ready.” You shrug. “I didn’t want to force you into telling me something you weren’t ready to. Steve. Why did you try to kiss me?”
“Because he has feelings for you. We both do.” Bucky surprises you. You hadn’t heard him approach.
“What?” You look at him confused. 
“Let’s sit down, sweetheart. We want to talk to you about something.” Steve takes your hand and leads you back to the blanket. You sit down and put your socks and boots back on as Steve begins to explain. “You know our story. We were separated for 70 years and came out of it having lost pretty much everyone we ever cared about. We’re all we have left of our old life and…”
“And we don’t want to live separately.” Bucky picks up when Steve flounders. “We love each other and want to live our lives together. And when we realized we were both attracted to you. We hoped that you might be willing to be with us. Both of us.”
“Both… both of you?” You look between them. 
“Yes.” Steve fidgets nervously.
“Like, as a beard?” You ask. 
“No! Never. Like, as our girlfriend.” Bucky says.
“Girlfriend?” You say as you are trying to wrap your mind around this unexpected development. “As in a polyamorous relationship?”
“Right.” Steve says.
“How, how would it work?” You are intrigued by the idea. Immensely, if you are honest with yourself. You had felt attraction and emotion for both of them and felt like there was something there with each of them but this wasn’t how you expected this to turn out. 
“We would all be together. As equals. You’d be our girlfriend and we’d be your boyfriends.” Steve says. 
You nod slowly, “And you both want me?”
Bucky and Steve look at each other for a moment and smile. “Yes.”
“You haven’t noticed us flirting with you like crazy?” Bucky smirks. 
“I thought you were just being goofy with me. I mean, I thought you two were together and had no interest in me. Not like that.”
“Do you have more questions?” Steve asks.
“How, um, physical is your relationship?” You feel a bit like a creep for asking, but it would inform how things would work. 
“Fairly physical.” Steve says. 
“So, how would sex work?” You ask. 
A lightning quick look passes between them. Bucky grins, “Pleasurably.”
“Hopefully so, but what I mean is, will it be all three of us all the time?” You bite your lip.
“Yes. Unless one of us is on mission or away. It has to work every way for it to work, I think.” Steve says. 
“Say, you’re gone to a meeting and Bucky and I… ? Will that create tension, jealousy, anger?”
“Will it if it’s Bucky and I, while you are gone?” Steve turns the question around on you. 
A corner of your mouth goes up as you picture walking into the two cuddled up post-coital. You only feel caring when you consider your feelings and theirs. “I don’t think so. What about the team? Would we keep this a secret?”
“I’d like to keep it quiet until we’re sure if this will work out. I don’t want to cause tension in the team and it’s not the most conventional relationship. I think it would be a good idea for them to know you and Bucky are together. We'll work up to the rest.” Steve replies. 
"Is that what you want?" You look to Bucky.
"It's absolutely what I want. As long as it's with the two of you." Bucky says.
“Have you been in a relationship like this before?” You ask.
“No. This would be a first for us. We’ve both dated, but not since we decided that this is the way we wanted our relationship to be.” Steve says. 
"Are you sure you want me? I mean, why? Why me? Is it just that you're both attracted to me physically?" You ask.
"You're beautiful. There's no denying that, Doll." Bucky hooks some of your hair behind your ear. "But you're also smart and funny and loving. When Steve and I talked about this we knew that even if you turned us down you wouldn't judge us. Wouldn't spread it around for amusement." 
"We knew we could trust you. That's not easy. And you're amazing. Gracious. I don't know how anyone wouldn't want you." Steve says while taking your hand.
"So, is that a yes? Or a maybe?" Bucky asks, taking your other hand.
“Or you’ll think about it?” Steve’s looks at you with concern.
You look between the both of them, knowing there was only one answer. You pull their hands together so that you are holding their hands between both of yours. "If any of us are ever hurt by the others, we talk about it together. If one of us wants out, we talk about it together. Open communication, always. If you can both agree to that, then… then it's a yes."
"I can agree to that." Steve says, adding his other hand to the top of yours.
"Agreed." Bucky places his hand on top of Steve's. 
"Then it's a yes." You smile at them. 
"Does that mean I can kiss you now?" Steve asks.
"Hmm…" You smile and bite your lip before answering, "Yeah." You say grinning. Steve leans in and plants a gentle, sweet kiss on your lips. You smile once you separate and then turn to Bucky. "Does that mean I can kiss you now?" You say to him. 
"Hell, yeah." He says as he pulls you close. His kiss is firm but still sweet. 
"And one last kiss to seal the pact." You look between the two of them. They grin at each other and lean in for a kiss. You smile at them as they part and look at you. "Okay. Well, I still want to finish our ride and we have several hours of daylight left."
You pack up all traces of your picnic and Steve places the cooler on the back of Bucky's bike with a smirk. Bucky growls at him but doesn't protest.
"Did you just growl?" You grin up at Bucky.
"He's robbing me of the pleasure of having you against me." Bucky chuckles. You reach up and pull him down for a kiss, opening your mouth to invite his tongue in, which he takes full advantage of as he presses you to him. After a minute, you pull away. "Hope that makes up for it just a little bit." You smirk at him as you get on the bike behind Steve.
"That was hot." Steve says as he starts up his bike. 
You wrap your arms around him and squeeze. "Don't worry. There's more where that came from." You laugh.
"God, I hope so." You hear Bucky say. 
You're still giggling as you jounce back towards the main road. The guys weave around each other, rev their engines, and you exchange grins with Bucky and an occasional comment with Steve. Almost two hours later, Steve pulls into a gas station. He parks the bike next to the pump and you get off the bike and stretch. “I’m going to find the ladies room.”
“Okay.” He smiles as he watches you walk away. 
“You staring hard enough at her ass?” Bucky quips from behind. 
“You weren’t doing the exact same thing?” Steve smirks. 
“Maybe.” Bucky chuckles as he pumps gas. 
Steve finishes pumping his gas, “Hey Buck, you want a drink or anything?”
“Yeah, that’d be great.” Bucky says. As soon as Steve disappears into the store, Bucky takes the cooler from his bike and moves it to Steve’s. 
He turns when he hears you bark out a laugh. “That was slick, Bucky.” 
“Thanks, doll. It’s my turn again, right? Only fair.” He grins. 
“Bucky!” You both turn to see Steve’s scowl. “Really?” He hands you and Bucky both a drink. 
“Thank you.” You say to Steve. You pull him to you and slide your arms around his neck. He takes no preamble and kisses you deeply. He leaves you nearly breathless by the time he pulls back. 
“Worth it.” Steve says as he grins at Bucky. 
You giggle and swat his butt as he walks back to his bike. “Time to head back?” You ask as you climb on Bucky’s bike behind him. 
Steve and Bucky exchange looks. “A little further.” Bucky says. 
“Yeah.” Steve agrees and starts his bike up. 
About 45 minutes later, they turn off onto a small side road, and then onto a long gravel drive. They pull up to a cabin surrounded by woods with a creek running to the west of it. They switch their engines off before turning to each other and then to you. You feel butterflies begin in your stomach, “Who’s cabin is this?” You ask as you get off Bucky’s bike. 
“It’s one of Tony’s many properties.” Steve says. 
You begin to tremble. Not out of fear but nervousness. You knew from your conversation earlier today that sex was inevitable, but looking at the cabin behind Steve you understood the expectation. You weren’t sure if you were quite ready for that step. “Uh-huh. And what are we doing here?”
“I guess that depends on you, sweetheart.” Steve looks at you nervously. 
You wrap your arms around yourself and look at Bucky with a raised eyebrow wanting his input. He takes in your demeanor and immediately feels empathy for your discomfort. “Nothing you don’t want to do, doll. We can stay the night here doing whatever you are comfortable with or turn around and go back. No pressure. No expectations.”
“I’m pretty sure something like this always comes with expectations.” You say looking between the two. 
“There might be some hope but no expectations. Promise.” Steve puts his hands on your waist and looks at you earnestly. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want.”
You run through your thoughts for a minute looking into Steve’s eyes and then smile, “Seal it with a kiss.” Steve grins as he pulls you in for a kiss. Once he lets you go you face Bucky and look at him expectantly. He smiles and kisses you, too.
“I like the idea behind this.” You look at the cabin.
“What do you mean? Steve says.
“Having our first night together alone. Without prying eyes and ears. Outside the compound. It feels like a lot less pressure.” You smile. 
“I was worried it might scare you.” Bucky says. “Taking you to the middle of nowhere without telling you. We’re serious. No pressure.”
“I’m not scared. I could never be scared of either of you. Just nervous.” You say. “Now, show me this cabin.” 
Steve enters the code on the lock and holds open the door to the well appointed cabin for you.
Part 6
Permanent: @bubbabarnes​ @badassbaker​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @cherthegoddess​ @drunkbucky​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @cap-n-stuff​
Terrigenisis: @dark-night-sky-99​ ​
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Twelve Days of Holly, Jolly Tidings - Day 9
Disclaimers: I watched “Dash & Lily” the other day on Netflix. This story is LOOSELY based on that book and Netflix series.  I do not own “Dash and Lily” or Newsies or anything recognizable within the series.  There are occasional curse words throughout the series, nothing too horrible but there’s some.
Catch Up Here
Saturday, December 21
Kat woke suddenly, disoriented as a siren wailed outside her window. Sitting up in her bed, she soon heard the fire alarms wailing as someone pounded on her door. Sighing, she shook her head, getting out of bed, shoving her feet into her winter boots, throwing on her thick winter coat. Heading to the door, she grabbed her bag, making sure her keys were inside, before unlocking the door, pulling it open. 
Her neighbor, Mrs. Potter was standing outside her door wide eyed. “Morning Kat. They want us to go outside.” 
The fire alarms weren’t uncommon in the old apartment building but the fact that there was 6 inches of snow outside the Saturday before Christmas was a little unique. With a sigh, she shut her door behind her, trudging down the stairs before walking outside to see the police, firemen, and paramedics moving swiftly outside the apartment building. 
She ran a hand through her hair, sighing that she didn’t at least run a brush through her hair as she looked up and down the street at all of her neighbors. She smiled briefly at them before reaching into her pocket for her cell phone . . . only to realize she left it in the apartment. 
Groaning, she shoved her hands into her coat, grinning triumphantly when she found her gloves. Quickly putting them on, she watched a couple of the paramedics check on her neighbors. She bounced on her toes, trying to keep warm. 
“Party in the street? It’s only 6:45 in the morning.” An amused voice came from her left as she looked over her shoulder. 
She grinned, seeing her boyfriend walk up with two insulated cups in her hand. “You know the old people can’t help but throw a rager every now and then, especially in the early hours of the morning. What are you doing here?” 
“Was going to sneak in and bring you hot chocolate.” He grinned, leaning over and giving her a kiss, handing her one of the cups. “Nice look you’ve got going on here.” 
Accepting the cup, she inhaled the rich smell of chocolate before sighing happily. “Thanks. Also, woke up when the fire alarms went off. Mrs. Potter was giving me a look so I didn’t have time to get gussied up.” 
“I don’t know . . . I’m kinda digging the Christmas PJs and Ravenclaw sweatshirt you’re rocking.” Jack stepped back, looking her over in appreciation. 
Hip checking him, she shook her head. “Behave. Besides, what are you doing here so early? It’s Saturday . . . usually you like to sleep in.” 
“Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged. 
Giving him a look, Kat slowly nodded. “So you figured if you couldn’t sleep then neither could I, huh?” 
“Actually, the plan was to drop the cup of hot cocoa and the notebook by your bedside before sneaking back out. In and out before you ever woke up.” A smirk slid across Jack’s face. “But that quickly went out the window when I saw you standing here.”
Kat laughed. “I’m sure it did.  I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“What’s that?” Jack moved closer to her, just as the firemen came out of the apartment building giving them the “All Clear”. 
She laced her fingers with Jack’s, tugging him with her as she made her way back into the apartment. Walking up the stairs, she listened to the chatter of her neighbors, before she came to her floor, walking to her door. Tugging her hand away from Jack’s, she quickly unlocked the door, allowing him to go in first before following him in. 
Kat quickly made her way to her room, throwing on a pair of jeans and a sweater before running a brush through her hair. Once she deemed herself presentable, she joined Jack back in the living room, where he took the opportunity to plug in her tree.  “You mentioned earlier that you had something you wanted to ask me.” 
“I did.” She grinned, taking a seat beside him, laying her head on his shoulder. “Do you read everything that I write in the notebook?” 
Jack chuckled. “I do. I especially loved the entry about your memories from being a kid. Is my grand plan working?”
“I would say so.” She sighed. “It is going to be an odd year - siblings scattered across the country, my parents won’t even be in the city on Christmas. I’m thankful I’ll be with you and your family.” 
Jack kissed the top of her head. “Mom’s excited that you’re joining us.” 
“Me too.” She took a sip of her coffee, giving her boyfriend a look. “So what are you up to today?” 
Shrugging, he grinned. “I really don’t have any plans. What about you?” 
“Whatever the notebook tells me to do.” Her eyebrows rose in a challenge as she grinned. 
His eyes darted towards the tree as she looked over at it. A wrapped box was under the tree as she scrambled to pick it up. Unwrapping it, she opened the box, pulling out the green notebook. Her eyes flew up to meet Jack’s as he motioned for her to open it. 
Happy 9th Day of Christmas, Kat! 
This may be my favorite of your adventures yet - there will be some surprises throughout the day but to start it, you need to get bundled up. This is an outdoor adventure and your first surprise awaits. 
She stopped reading, looking up at Jack curiously. “What do you mean my first surprise awaits?” 
“Go get bundled up and I’ll tell you.” Jack grinned. 
She walked to her bedroom, grabbing her warmest hoodie and scarf before shoving her feet into her warm winter boots. She stopped in the living room, giving Jack a look before throwing her coat on. “Alright, what’s my surprise?” 
Standing up, he walked over to her, leaning over and giving her a kiss. “Me.” 
“You?” Her eyes went wide, a smirk sliding across her lips. “But I already have you.” 
He threw his head back and laughed. “True but you asked if I was going to ever join you on an adventure and today is that day!” 
“Seriously?” She threw her arms around him as she excitedly bounced up and down. “That’s awesome. I’ve been wanting you to join me on these.” 
Jack laughed, watching her excitedly bounce. “Do you have everything? We’ve got places to go and people to see.” 
Grabbing her bag, she held her hand out for him to lace his fingers with hers before they walked out of the apartment. As they walked, she watched him out of the corner of her eye. Coming to a stop at the corner, she gasped loudly. “So it wasn’t coincidentally that you brought me coffee this morning, huh?” 
“Nothing gets by you, Plumber, huh?” He chuckled, nodding his head. “Bringing you hot cocoa was the plan all along . . . however, I didn’t expect you to be standing in the street in your pajamas.” 
Laughing, she bit her lip. “I won’t be living that one down for a while, huh?” 
“It’s in the top ten favorite looks you’ve pulled off.” He laughed, squeezing her hand as they walked across the street. 
Giving him a look, her eyes went wide at his words. “Wait, you have a top ten favorite looks of mine?” 
“Uhhh . . . yeah I do.” He hesitated, smirking. 
Waiting for him to continue with his train of thought, she stopped, their conjoined hands tugging. “And?” 
“And what . . . I’m not going to tell you my favorite looks.” Jack shook his head, not wanting to get into that debate with her. 
Continuing their walk, Jack tucked her arm in the crook of his elbow.  He avoided her eye, as she continued to prod him, giving her a look. “Kat, maybe later but we’re late.” 
“Late for what?” She stopped talking about his favorite looks. “What do you have up your sleeve, Kelly?” 
Smirked, Jack led her into the park. “All will be explained shortly, patience dear Plumber, patience.” 
“Real funny, Kelly.” Tilting her head, she tried to figure out where he was leading her.  “You’re taking me to Central Park.” 
With a nod of his head, Jack chuckled. “Well done, Sherlock.” 
Smacking his shoulder, she giggled at his disheartened yelp. “Smart aleck.” 
“You love me.” He retorted, as she happily nodded.
“I do.”  
He stole a quick kiss from her before maneuvering her so her back was facing the park. He stood in front of her, grabbing her hands. “So this is the second of your surprises, but you need to read the next part of the notebook first.” 
Grabbing the book from her bag, she opened it to the marked page. 
Surprise! I’m one of your surprises today . . . so you got one of your wishes. Now another one of your wishes. 
Last Christmas, you put together a holiday version of a bucket list. Despite our best efforts, there was one thing that we didn’t check off the list . . . do you remember what it was?
Looking up from the notebook, Kat looked at Jack, tilting her head. She left herself slip back to the previous Christmas, remembering writing down all the things she wanted to do in the holiday season.  She remembered there was one thing that they didn’t check off but she couldn’t remember what. 
If you don’t remember, I’ll remind you in a minute. But this is something that you said you and your dad would do the Saturday before Christmas, as the rest of the city hustle and bustle trying to get the last minute Christmas shopping done.  
She gasped, a smile tugged on her lips as she thought back on the carriage rides her father would take her around Central Park while her mother finished the Christmas shopping. She looked at Jack with a smile. “You’re taking me on a carriage ride?” 
Without a word, he spun her around. Her eyes widened as she saw a horse drawn carriage sitting directly in front of her. “Surprise!” 
Kat quickly threw her arms around his shoulders before pulling back, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I love you . . . this is perfect.” 
“Well, let’s go.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her forward. A few words were exchanged with the driver of the carriage before they got into it. A blanket was draped over her legs as Jack threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. 
They were quiet as the carriage took them around the park. Jack would occasionally press kisses to her forehead as she just enjoyed the time with him.  She smiled, seeing it start to lightly snow. “If I haven’t said it yet, thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” He sighed, smiling at her. “Honestly, all I wanted to do is see you smile after you got the news that you’d be essentially alone for Christmas.  And I’ve seen you smile and relax more the last few days - it’s the best thanks I could’ve asked for.” 
She leaned over, laying her hand on his cheek, feeling the coarse whiskers there, kissing him. “I love you, Jack Kelly.” 
“Love you too Katherine Plumber.” He stole another kiss before looking over at her bag. “There’s a bit more in the notebook for you to read.” 
Leaning forward, she grabbed the notebook, settling back against Jack before opening it. 
You were so disappointed that we weren’t able to cross off a carriage ride on your bucket list . . . but I hope this makes up for it a bit. And it doesn’t hurt that I get to cuddle with you on the ride. 
She giggled, reading his words. Anytime I get to spend with you is a win in my book. By the way,  the driver’s name is Nathan and the horses names’ are Pretzel and Jingle, just in case you wanted to know. 
So, I want you to write down everything that has made you smile in the last 9 days. Make sure you include how brilliant and amazing your boyfriend is :-) 
She scoffed, rolling her eyes, looking up at Jack, who merely grinned at her. He had a pen in his hand, as she took it from him. “In your dreams lover boy.” 
“Wanna know something before you start writing?” Jack asked, raising an eyebrow in a challenge. 
She nodded, snuggling deeper into his embrace. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before speaking. “There’s a reason the notebook is emerald green . . . know why?” 
Looking over her shoulder at him, she bit her lip as she thought back on their relationship, coming up with nothing. “Other than green being your favorite color, you wore an emerald green dress for your cousin’s wedding. That’s one of my ten favorite looks.” 
She thought back to the third wedding they had attended as a couple. It was two years into their relationship, after they had met each other’s families. Kat was really nervous to ask Jack to attend her cousin, Sam’s wedding but he instantly agreed.  They had danced the night away, Jack whispering in her ear how much he loved the emerald green dress she had chosen for the occasion.
“Really?” She whispered, eyes widened at him. “Why that dress? It wasn’t the first dress you saw me in.” 
He shook his head, leaning forward slightly, grabbing his wallet from the back pocket. Flipping it open, he showed her the photo of them from the night of the wedding, dressed up.  She was leaning into him, both of them laughing at something. “No, it wasn’t the first dress I saw you in. I love that look because despite you hating heels and dresses, you look so drop dead gorgeous in them. And that dress in particular, goes really well with your red hair. Also, I was so proud to have you on my arm that night . . . . meeting your crazy family. Also, you were so carefree that night, dancing with me and laughing . . . the confidence you have in a dress is one of my favorite pieces, despite you not wearing them often enough.” 
“Jack.” His name fell from her lips as she looked at the photo. 
He chuckled, eyes widened. “You clean up well, Plums. You really should wear a dress for Christmas Eve.” 
“I’ll consider it.”  She didn’t miss the fist pump he did out of the corner of her eye as she laughed. “If I wear a dress, I expect more explanations of your favorite looks.” 
He bit his lip. “I’ll consider it.”
She laughed, nodding. Clicking the pen, she reread Jack’s scrawl before putting the pen to paper. Jack watched as her tongue poked out between her lips in pure concentration. He watched her as they continued their journey around the park.  Jack smiled, noticing the little things that he normally wouldn’t; her pen’s quick strokes against the paper, the little pause as she gathered her thoughts, and the little smirk on her face as she thought back on a happy memory.  He continued to watch her write in the notebook, lost in her thoughts of happiness of the last 9 days. 
With a click of the pen, she shut the notebook, grinning at Jack.  “Done!” 
“Good! Good memories?” He asked, giving her a look.
She nodded, handing him the notebook. “Have fun reading that later on - hopefully it’ll make you smile.” 
Taking the notebook from her hands, he tucked it  into his coat pocket, pulling something out.  “Now for the third, and final surprise.” 
Holding out a plain white box, he motioned for her to take it. She smiled softly, taking the box before popping it open. She gasped softly, looking at the horse and carriage charm that was nestled into cotton. “This is perfect, Jack. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. I think it’ll go nicely with the rest of the charms.” He watched her snap the box shut, tucking it safely into her bag. 
She raised an eyebrow. “What am I doing with all of these charms, by the way?” 
“Oh, time will reveal all soon, Kat. Just keep them in their boxes for now.” He grinned, leaning over, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. “Love you, Katherine.” 
“Love you too Jack.” She sighed, pulling the blanket around her waist, burying herself deeper into Jack’s embrace. “A perfect Saturday spent with you.” 
He couldn’t agree more, putting his arm back around her back, pulling her closer to his side. Sighing, he pressed a kiss to her forehead as they enjoyed the rest of the carriage ride. 
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Somebody Sure As Hell Messed UP (Part 1)
((Hey everyone, sorry about the long absence until now. This is an RP event with @darcimasonusb @askthetoyman @asktheonearmedbandit with Dennis being caught up in this stupid divorce drama. ugh. Mondays, am I right? Thanks for reading! Hopefully, Dennis doesn’t die. you know how that goes.))
Tonight was a night per usual in Gotham City. A frosted air brewed in for Winter was just around the bend. Two peculiar young people rode along in a calmer part of the city thanks to a moped in the shape of an 8th note, for they had quite an adventure planned. 
“You know what you’re doing, right?” Dennis muffled, covering his mouth with his lime green scarf. 
“Yes, I’ve done this before!” Darci chuckled. Her blonde hair caught bits of frost as she analyzed the series of closed stores. 
They stopped somewhere interesting and took a gander at the locks. “Just thought I’d ask cause-”
 "Cause what?“
 "Well, you’re so… normal. I don’t mean that in an insulting way either. It’s just, no powers, no backstory, you just showed up!”
 "If that’s your definition of normal then it wouldn’t be normal, would it?“ 
“I guess it isn’t… huh?”
As he lurked through the sewers beneath the street, the cowboy tried to place himself in the near pitch-black environment. A right turn, a hair left, straight for a couple hundred feet. Don’t fall in the water; it takes too damn long to clean that stuff out. ‘Nother right, and up the access ladder. It should let right out to the back alley. The businesses connected to it ain’t that fancy, but they’re easy pickins. But which to choose?
Maybe that Lil’ liquor shop? Eh, done those too many times to count… That bakery’s already closed; no fun in that… oh, now ain’t that a beaut? A Lil’ ol’ diner! Maybe a little slow, but just enough people. Oh, now ain’t this gonna be a hoot? The cowboy cops a squat in the alley to wait for his proverbial “high noon.”
Dennis and Darci had a long look at the locks and realized, there’s just too many people around to do a good robbery. “Do you wanna just wait it out a bit?” Darci asked 
“Yeah that sounds good” Dennis fixed his bright red hair a bit, “What do you wanna do in the meantime?” “Hm. I’m not particularly hungry but do you wanna grab something?”
Dennis crunched the numbers in his head, “I had some cantaloupe around 4… or was it honeydew? Either way, I could eat.” It was 10 PM.
“C'mon we can go down to that honky-tonk around the block, bet there’ll be something fun too.” And to the diner, they went. Dennis parked his stupid awful moped scooter near the entrance and both walked inside. Business there was slow but the atmosphere screamed the 1950’s. The checkboard floor, teal booth seats, and Crosley brand Jukebox were all dead ringers for this notion. A woman in around her mid 30’s called out to the two “Sit where ya like and staff will get right to ya!” And so, they did. A booth somewhere near the jukebox and a hall leading into the restrooms.
Reuben watched the customers coming in and out of the building. That music note scooter immediately drew his eye. He shifted over to get a better look as the riders dismounted. Dennis Prowell: “the Music Meister.”
“This really will be interestin’!” The second one, a woman, was partially obscured. Before he could get a better look, they had both moseyed in. A waitress came up to their table with two menus. “Hi! My name’s Jannette, I’ll give ya a minute, but first just wanna let you know that the soup for tonight is Chowda.” They thanked her in an awkward unison and flipped through the selection as she walked off to help another group of guests.
“Soooo.” Darci started.
“How’d you end up the way you are?”
Dennis looked up in a bit of confusion, “What do you mean?”
“Like, how’d you become a villain?”
“Oh! Like a tragic backstory! Right. Yeah, my powers are genetic.” She looked up.
“…that’s it?”
“Yeah, had some bullies, dealt with that.. then I just went out and did crime. It was a primal urge… like arson!” They continued to chat, unknowing of what lied ahead.
Now seemed like a good as time as any! 
A shot rings out, shattering the glass door. A boot busts the rest of the glass out. The cowboy steps in and tips his Stetson. “Alright folks. This is a stickup. Y'all know the drill! No quick movements. lay yer wallets and jewelry out on the table. Let’s make this short an’ sweet and no one’ll get hurt.” He sticks his six-shooter in the face of the waitress behind the counter. “And you. Empty the register into’ this sack.” He lowers his weapon and tosses her a bag, then poises for attack again.
Dennis whispered over to Darci “…Weird, but I got this.”
She knows he doesn’t got this.
Dennis got up and put his hands in the air, whistling to the tune of an old Western movie. …
Darci stood still, analyzing the scene, waiting for an apt time to act.
“Ah ah ah, don’t come another step closer, Mister. I’ve got you dead to rights. And what’s that tune? You deridin’ me?” Mocked the Bandit.
“…ohmygoditsnotworking.” He looked around in a panic. The people around him were frozen to his tune. Maybe I could? NO that’s a death wish you promised there’d be no body count. What if… Darci knew he’d be a dead man if she didn’t do something quick. Without thinking, she grabbed Dennis by the arm and started bolting down the hall to find an escape
“What in Sam Hill? Hey! Get back ‘ere! The both of ya!” He glanced around the diner at the spellbound customers. “DAMN IT!” He grabbed the sack and the register’s till and cautiously ran down the hall in pursuit.
They darted into the women’s bathroom and locked the door behind them.
Good news: The bandit can’t get in! Bad news: They can’t get out!
“Holy shit..” Dennis caught his breath, holding his scarf “Any clue who that is?!” Darci stared off into nothing, listening in on what the Bandit is doing outside. Dennis ruffled his fiery hair in an anxious scramble. “He wasn’t affected, he could be deaf.. but then he wouldn’t have heard…”
He slowed and held his hand over his holster. “I know y'all are back ‘ere!” He kicked the manager’s office door open. Not there. The storage room. Nope. He continued down the hall, spurs clicking against the linoleum.
Darci leaned in and listened to how he kicked the door open. That sound. The clang you get when you hit the wood with… no.  That’s can’t be it. It’s… It’s exactly what it looks like.  "Darci, over here,“ Dennis called her over pointing to a patriot hopper window.
Men’s room. No dice. Women’s? Locked. “Knock knock? Is this room occupied?” He blasted at the lock twice with the revolver. “Now, come on Mr. Prowell. I don’t wanna hurt you or yer lady friend.” He pushes the door open.
That plan didn’t go far. Dennis raised his hands up again. Darci stood her ground by holding Dennis’s waist and staring the Bandit down. “Oh great, he knows my name. Listen, … ‘cowboy’ you obviously got a lot to do. Loads of places to see, and I just want to say… You really have a…” Dennis went off on a slow and shaky tangent while the gun was pointed at him.
Taking a step into the room and looking at them both, the Bandit gasps and immediately staggers back. “Y-you, uh, y'all are lucky! I’m willing to, ehm, go easy on yah. Uhhh… Sorry, Ma'am.” He high tails it out the back door and silently down the manhole.
Dennis couldn’t exactly process what had gone on. “…What was that?” “Let’s get outta here.” Darci let go of him.  “That’s.. that’s a good idea.” They stepped out and walked out of the hallway, everything was deafeningly silent, whoever was left there was packing up their belongings. When going out, Dennis gave a sheepish wave and Darci continued to scan the area. Both of them got onto the scooter and went back to going about the city. “…so uh. Where to next?” “Somewhere far away from there.”
WHAT!? YOU SAW HER? WHY DIDN’T YOU CAPTURE HER? “I’m sorry, boss! She had someone else with ‘er! That “Music Meister” feller. And I was right in the middle of a stick-up! I couldn'ta just picked her up. It’s kinda hard when you only got one arm!“  Fine. Get to the safehouse and wire me the funds you got. I can take care of this. “Good luck, boss…”
The ride felt endless. A horrific feeling welled inside both of them.
“I knew it, god damn it. I knew it..” Darci’s hair flowed in the wind.
“You mean the cowboy?” Dennis had a tired look in his eyes.
“Who else?” she lied through her teeth.
“That guy was kind of an odd-ball.”
“He’s got some scheme brewing. We need to just get out of here before he comes back with some new weapon.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I believe that this cowboy’s looking for trouble, it’s just this guy’s got one arm and came in with just a revolver. Guys like that can’t just miraculously get the funds from a mob boss without a damn good reason.”
Darci wanted to tell him the truth, but that would just add on another layer of unwanted confusion. So she just nodded in agreement.
“You know, Gotham isn’t as Dog eat Dog as it seems to be,” Dennis started.  "It’s more like… Your connections prevent from getting lobotomized by a guy in a mask. You keep each other safe from a bigger present danger! If that makes sense…  Just know I got your back if you need it.“ "Same here..” She replied, chilled by his example.
“Maybe we should try again?” Darci asked, “like go around to another store. Not around there though..” She pointed in the direction they’d left from. “The nights still young..” Dennis didn’t want to quarrel with the cowboy again, but God he itched for this to turn into a fun night. “I don’t see why not!” he turned right, the businesses there were all closed at that point. It’s as if the stars aligned once again!
Dennis pulled in near a clothing store. “Where do you want to start?” Darci asked. “Well, you gotta start with the locks right?” Dennis replied. “And what if there are security cameras?” “I’ll just do what I always do.” he shrugged. “Well aren’t you a broken record.”
Darci got off the scooter and examined the lock. She took out a bobby pin from her hair and started fiddling it inside. Click! She gave a thumbs-up as the door creaked open.  They both walked inside, skulking around to see if anything was of interest or present danger. Dennis caught his eye on a necklace with a black quartz pendant. Selina would love that. So he stuffed it away into his pocket, humming a tune.
Meanwhile, Darci was grabbing a handful of chapsticks, shoving them into a white purse she grabbed nearby. “That’s-” “Chapsticks? Yes :)” Darci put on a funny sort of smile. “That’s a lot of chapsticks…Okay, it’s what your heart desires.” “My heart also desires… this!” she snatched a leather jacket from a clothing rack and promptly threw it over her shoulder.
Knock knock knock.
Their hearts dropped. Dennis pointed over to behind the cash register. The two hurried to crouch behind the counter.  Darci signaled to stay quiet, trying to keep some level of composure. But her mind was racing.  Maybe we should call the cops… No! Are you out of your mind, Darci?! The cops will just haul your shell to a junkyard and turn your code into Dopey-Doh in Arkham!
Knock knock knock.
Dennis murmured “H. How?” Darci collected the pieces together already, this was happening again! Why does he want to torment me?! “Let’s go out from the front..” They foxtrotted over to the entrance and creaked open the door. A quick and speedy escape was just around the corner!
“Let’s get outta here..”
Darci hurried Dennis out the door. 
Uneasy silence as they step through the door. 
“T R I C K  O R  T R E A T !”
A heavily synthesized voice croaks. Laughter like something from a cheap Halloween decoration blast around them. A massive bowl sits in the middle of the street in front of the store.
They shook by the creature that stood in front of them like a hungry predator.  “RUN!” the two scattered back inside for cover.
Two rubbery green arms explode out from the inside and pick the bowl up like a grotesque pair of legs. It scuttles onto the top of the building and begins knocking so rapidly, the building shakes on its foundation.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!” Dennis shouted, shaking to the rhythm to the knocks. “I DON’T KNOW!” Darci yelled over the rumbling. The ceiling started to break apart. “JESUS, IT’S GONNA KILL US BEFORE WE GET OUTTA HERE!” “LIKE HELL I’LL GO TO HIM AGAIN!” Darci refused, but Dennis had already run outside in hopes to get hold of his getaway scooter. We gotta get outta here! “DENNIS YOU OAF!” Darci called out, trying to usher him back in.
The shaking stops. Another dreadful silence, occasionally broken by the drop ceiling panels falling from the commotion.
Dennis realized what this thing was after. It wants her. But why? “What are you doing?! Get back inside!” Darci called out again. “G E T. O U T.” Dennis mouthed to Darci. He stared at the creature, trying to decipher its next move. Dennis reached in his jacket pocket and started shuffling through…
The bowl sits atop the roof completely still. The arms appear to have receded back into the bowl and it has shut down for the time being.
Ah-ha! Now’s our chance! Dennis pulled out his keys and started up the scooter! “Darci. Let’s get outta here!” he shuddered in a whispery tone. “Please trust me on this.” She had to take this leap of faith. If the bowl didn’t catch her, the police surely would’ve. Darci darted outside, took the keys, and started up the scooter! Dennis joined her in a hurry.
As soon as the woman peeled out of the crumbling structure, the voice whined out again. “T A G,  Y O U ’ R E  I T !  H E H E H E H A H A H A H A H A ! ! !” The bowl hoisted itself back up and trotted towards them.  With one more cackle, a third rubber arm bursts from the inside of the bowl and snatches at the pair. “G O T C H A !” The bowl pulls the extra appendage back inside before tearing out of the way like a bat out of hell.
As Darci attempted to drive to safety, Dennis felt his body pulled away from the scooter. He screamed. Darci looked back only to see that the worst possibility was now her reality! Her loved ones were being taken from her once again by him! But fear overcame Darci that night. She drove out of sight of the bowl and behind a few cars; peering over and regretting her choice already.
The hand grasped around its prisoners until the moment it got into the bowl. Almost immediately after, the sounds of machinery began to whirl and plastic sheeting was being pulled up around Dennis. A heating element crimps the ends and seals the whole box up tight.
Darci looked on in horror, hastily hiding away from its line of sight. “WhatdoIdoWhatdoIdoWhatdoIdoWhatdoIdo?” Her hands were shaking. “God! You can’t even protect your own friends! You’re! so! hopeless!” She reached for her phone in her left pocket. “Maybe I can- No! That’s an awful idea!” She tugged her hair. “I shouldn’t get people wrapped up in my business more than they already are! I don’t want to lose Edward either!” “Go out there and save him! You can’t keep living like this!” Tightening her hands into fists, Darci turned around to face the creature! … But. It had already fled.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Don’t You Dare
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I smiled as I sat on the little wooden bench in the park in my little dress and leggings, my more winter style boots as autumn was here in full swing. The leaves falling off the trees in the almost ice like London wind, luckily I had thomas' leather jacket around my shoulders to keep away the chill. His slender arm on the back of the bench his red patterned shirt buttoned up with a black shirt of some sort below it, his sleaves rolled to his elbows, his black jeans tight to every crevise and curve of his legs and hips, his hair a mess from wind and the fact I needed trimming desperately. He was feeling the chill of the air as his exposed skin was gathering goosebumps or perhaps that was just... His excitement.
We sat together his arm behind me on the bench the other on my waist his thumb rubbing on the fabric of my dress as he has made sure his hand was under the jacket, Both of my own where on his neck often playing with his hair where I could. His lips on my own as we kissed passionately and at times lustfully, like we desperately desired each other. The sound of our lips clacking where we kissed over and over audible to us alone, my head slightly moved to the side so we could kiss deeper, I moved a little closer earning a slight groan from Thomas as he readjusted his arm around me to hold me closer as he did I smirked into our kiss feeling something pressing against me so I pulled back licking my lips a little still remaining in his arms "ooohh, Thomas" I smirked
"What's the matter sugarcube?" He asked a little worried
"Hum? Oh nothings the matter Thomas" I smiled
"Then..." He began "why did we stop making out?"
"I just wanted to ask you something" I smiled gently running my fingers around his skin a little
"What?" He asked pulling me a little closer
"You have a Bonner" I smirked "don't you?" I asked glancing down to his tight black jeans where something clearly sat so I glanced back to his face his brown eyes wide and his skin draining of colour
"Uhhh I uhh no" he stuttered blush creeping to his cheeks
"Thomas... Don't lie to me" I warn
"Okay maybe a semi" he blushed "we where making out, it was hot, I got excited... Sorry sugarcube"
"Awww it's okay Thomas, I think it's kinda cute" I giggled
"Cute?" He asked "why do you find me getting a Bonner cute?"
"Because it's funny and sweet that you can't help it" I shrug
"Like how... It's adorable when you get wet because you can't control it?" He asked pulling me a little closer and I nodded moving closer too we where so close now we could rub our noses together having a little Eskimo kiss I giggled a little and gave him a real kiss making him blush a little more so I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder cuddling close to his warm skin he smiled moving the arm that was on the bench around me sitting on my waist the other sitting on his thigh as we cuddled up close I wasn't paying much attention to things for a while just sitting with my eyes closed cuddling close when I heard a "Uumhh uuhh" it made me jump but I smirked
"Don't you dare" I warn
"Don't what?" He asked
"Don't you dare jerk off in public" I warn hitting his chest
"But sugarcube... He hurts" he whines "and, it feels so good-"
"Thomas no, you can wait till we get to yours or atleast to the car" I told him
"Umm no I can't" he groans
"Hand now" I ordered making him take his hand that was on his thigh but had now slipped under his jeans I took it putting his hand back on his leg "hand where I can see it Mr" I warn
"What about this hand?" He asked his other hand sliding up towards my breasts
"Well that hand can do whatever it likes" I smiled nuzzling closer keeping an eye on him his other hand gently and sneakily feeling me up which no doubt wasn't helping his Bonner till I noticed his other hand was gone "Thomas" I warn
"I put my hand in my pocket I was cold" he complained
"Alright" I smirked giving his cheek a kiss
"Do you not trust me sugar cube?" He smirked
"Not at all you dirty little boy" I smirked pulling him back to kissing he quickly kissed me back holding me tightly his groans and gasps often in our very lusty make out till I slipped a hand down to rubb on his jeans crotch "this hand in your pocket isn't touching yourself is it Thomas?" I asked
"No, sugarcube I would never-" he began but I glared at him "yes, I'm close too" he groans
"Your dirty little hands can't be trusted" I smirked pulling both his hands so he hand to hold mine unable to touch me or himself so we went back to kissing much more innocently until "uuummmm..." He groans
"How the hell are you doing that?" I asked
"Doing what?" He asked
"I'm holding both your hands Thomas how the hell are you-" I began before I noticed his legs crossed and clearly using them to get a little desperate friction on himself "you dirty boy" I smirked
"It's why you love me sugarcube" he winked
"Your place come on" I smirked getting my bag and getting up
"Not sure I can wait that long" he growled wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tight against him feeling his hard buldge rub against my thigh
"Fine, back seat now" I ordered dragging him towards the car park.
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swordofsappho · 5 years
𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧
“I had found my religion: nothing seemed more important to me than a book. I saw the library as a temple” — Jean-Paul Sartre
It was a cold, snowy day in New Orleans, Louisiana. The small Mom n’ Pop stores slowly began to open, the smell of coffee and pastries filled the French Quarter. Six o’clock in the morning was a magical time for Bucky Barnes, even though his apartment was located above the bookstore he owned, he loved to walk the Quarter before the bustling city was awake. He was wrapped in a royal blue trench coat, underneath it was a grey and white striped long-sleeved shirt, matched with a pair of dark-wash jeans and low-rise boots. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his trench coat and gazed up at the purple and white winter violas. He smiled softly, remembering how his mother loved winter violas. The long-haired male checked the time before turning on his heel and making his way back towards his bookstore. When he returned, he was greeted by Alpine sitting in the front store window, pawing at the cold glass.
“Okay, okay.” said Bucky, looking at the small white cat, letting out a chuckle. “I’m coming.”
Once he entered the store again, Alpine jumped down from the window to greet him. Bucky took the trench coat off and placed it on the coat rack, he then reached up and pulled his hair back into a bun. He bent down and picked up Alpine and set him on top of one of the smaller bookshelves that had a small bowl of cat food resting on top of it. He then started the coffee pot and set out a new stack of throw away coffee cups and lids, making sure to save one for himself. He decided to turn on the radio last minute so he could listen to see if the weather would change like he was hoping, but now the radio was playing Christmas hits. He hummed softly to a version of Blue Christmas as he straightened up the shelves, waiting for people to walk by.
The bell that was attached to the door, rang and Bucky looked up from where he was placing books. “Hello, Mrs. Gunners!” exclaimed Bucky has he slightly waved to one of his regular customers.
“Hello Bucky, how are you doing today dear?” she asked as she made her way to the check-out counter.
Bucky met her there and stamped each time card of the books she returned. “I’m doing great today, how have you been?” he replied, giving her a smile.
“Oh you know, these old bones are different every day.” she replied before walking over to the coffee pot and pouring herself a small cup of hot, black coffee.
“It’s all this cold weather we’ve had. This cold front is making my bones hurt as well.” stated Bucky as he moved the books to a small cart behind the counter.
“I almost forgot! Here, I made it last night and know how much you love shrimp gumbo.” she said before handing him a brown paper bag with a small cup of gumbo inside of it.
Mrs. Gunners was one of Bucky's favorite customers, she was always kind to everyone and never said a bad word of anything. She was a wise old soul who made some pretty damn good gumbo. Bucky’s eyes lit up as he placed the bag in a mini fridge that was hidden away, behind the spiral staircase that lead up to his apartment.
“Thank you so much Mrs. Gunners.” said Bucky, returning back to straighten up the shelves.
She just waved it off and sipped on her cup of coffee as she walked towards the door. “I’ll see you later Bucky, make sure to stay warm!” she called as she exited the store.
Bucky just waved and leaned on the bookshelf that Alpine was laying on. He placed his right hand on the white feline gently, making sure not to wake him.
‘It’s going to be a cold one in New Orleans today, the snow will get heavier throughout the day. We suggest that everyone traveling take extreme precautions as the roads will be icy.’
Bucky tilted his head towards the radio as the news was stated. He sighed and kept watch as the snow kept falling. As the hours passed, fewer and fewer people came into the store. But Bucky didn’t mind, he had Alpine to keep him company, even though Alpine was sound asleep on a wool blanket that was resting in the windowsill. He walked over to the coffee pot and set to the lowest setting so the coffee wouldn’t burn. Since Bucky lived above the bookstore, he didn’t have to worry about getting stranded on the side of the road like most of the tourists that were entering and leaving the city.
The bell on the door rang as the door swung open. A tall blonde male walked in, bringing in some snow with him. He was wearing blue jeans, tennis shoes, a white shirt and a thin jacket. Bucky didn’t recognize him, he’s probably a tourist.
Bucky gave him a smile and a small wave. “Hello, welcome to French Quarter Book Shop. Are you looking for anything specific?” said Bucky, motioning towards the historic section of the store.
“Actually yeah, I am,” said the man. “I’m obviously not from here and I was trying to find something about the city.”
Bucky nodded and walked over to one of the many sections in the store. “In the historic section we have books about the origin of New Orleans, books about the music and culture, and my personal favorite, books about all of the batshit crazy folks that have either lived here or passed through.” replied Bucky, glancing over at him waiting for a reply.
The man stepped closer to the shelf and Bucky got a better look at him, his blonde hair was a ruffled mess from the wind and the snow, his cheeks and nose where now rosy from the cold, he was handsome. Bucky had to mentally slap himself to stop staring at him.
“I’m Bucky by the way, just in case you need anything.” he stated before moving away from the shelf to give the other male some room to look around.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Clint.” he replied before grabbing a book off of the shelf and looking over it.
Bucky walked back over to the check-out counter and sat in a stool that was behind it. As Bucky was scanning the store, making sure none of the books were laying on other shelves or on the floor, the lights began to flicker, but he didn't think anything of it since that’s a normal occurrence.
He couldn't stop glancing over at Clint, and to be completely honest, he didn't want to stop. Bucky couldn’t help the fact that a cute stranger walked into his shop, it’s not like there's a sign sitting outside saying ‘CUTE STRANGERS WELCOME’ or anything.
A few minutes passed and Clint was still wandering around the store, taking as much time as he wanted. He had stopped to watch as Alpine, who had woken up when Clint entered the store, played with the falling snowflakes as they passed in front of the window. Alpine seemed to take a liking to Clint, which never happened because the only person Alpine liked was Bucky, until now. Clint was humming along to whatever Christmas song came on the radio when the lights flickered again. Bucky had slowly started to grow concerned, a mix of constant flickering with the amount of snow that was now piling up outside left him anxious, he wouldn't mind being stuck inside with Clint. But, at the same time he wanted to have heat in the building.
By the time Clint was done looking around, he had a book from each section of the store. He set the books down on the check-out counter in front of Bucky. As soon as the books touched the surface, the power went out completely. They were quickly submerged in darkness and Bucky could feel the heat begin to leave the room. Bucky sighed and slowly turned so he wouldn't hit anything.
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to go find a candle.” he said before disappearing into a back storage room. Bucky usually never lit candles because he didn't want to accidentally burn a book, but for times like these, he’s glad he had some saved up.
Bucky walked back to the counter with four, three-wick candles in his arms. He set one at the check-out counter, and the rest on some smaller bookshelves. He went around and lit all of them, the last being the one at the counter.
“Does this happen often?” asked Clint, watching as the flames from the candle in front of him danced.
“No, the lights usually flicker a few times but we’ve never had a blackout due to snow.” replied Bucky as he stamped the time cards for the books that Clint had chosen.
Clint nodded and grabbed the books from the counter. “Well, I’ll see you in a week!” he exclaimed before making his way towards the door.
'There's no way he’ll read all of those books in a week.’ Bucky thought to himself. No one could read nine books in a week.
As Bucky put the stamp away and went to get the cold coffee to pour out, he had noticed that Clint had returned to the counter.
“Did you forget something?” he asked.
Clint scratched the back of his head. “Uhhh, well. I can't get out.” he replied, a hint of nervousness to his voice.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The snow couldn't have been that bad. He set the coffee pot down on the stool and went over to the door. Clint was right, he couldn't get out. The snow must have piled up so much that it covered halfway up the door. Bucky scolded himself, he should have been paying attention to the weather instead of watching Clint walk around the store for about forty five minutes. He had to think, the only windows that opened where the windows upstairs, and the only door was right in front of him. They were trapped. Bucky took in a breath to calm himself down a little and walked back towards Clint.
“Yeah, the door is being kept shut by the snow so I guess we’re both stuck here until it melts enough for one of us to get it open,” said Bucky as he grabbed the coffee pot and walked towards the bathroom. “I'll go find some blankets because the heat isn't working.”
Clint nodded and gave Bucky a crooked smile. “Okay that's fine. If you have a big fuzzy one, I want that one. Or if you have a heated one that runs on batteries, that one will be fine as well.” he replied half jokingly.
Bucky smiled to himself as he walked up the stairs, he looked around the room trying to find a blanket that will somehow fit what Clint wanted. He ended up finding two semi-fuzzy blankets and placed them on his bed, he then found some small throw pillows they could sit on and threw them onto the bed as well. He took a quick glance at himself in the mirror and regretted it. His hair was a mess from the wind that would blow in every time someone would walk in. He took his hair down and fixed it, combing the fly-aways back with his fingers. He grabbed the blankets and pillows and made his way back down to where Clint was.
“I didn't have any really fuzzy ones but these are the best ones I could find.” said Bucky as he handed a blanket to Clint. He then set the pillows down on the floor and wrapped his own blanket around his shoulders.
“Thank you.” replied Clint as he sat down beside Bucky, pulling his blanket over his lap. “How long have you been here?”
“I’ve lived in New Orleans for about five years,” said Bucky as he leaned back against the counter. “but this is the worst snow I’ve seen yet.”
“I’ve been thinking about moving here but I’m still on the fence about it, that's why I got all of these books.” replied Clint. “I’ve always loved visiting here, and I visit quite often so I might as well just pack up and move.”
“It’s better in the summertime, the ferns are always in great upkeep and there's usually more street performers out.” said Bucky, he paused for a moment trying to think. “Also, if you like oak trees I would highly suggest going to Oak Alley in the spring, it’s not too hot and the mint juleps are amazing.”
“Mint julep?” replied Clint, raising an eyebrow. “Even though I’ve been here a lot I’ve never heard of that.”
“Oh it’s amazing! It’s bourbon, simple syrup, strawberries, and mint leaves served on the rocks.” said Bucky, his eyes lighting up as he described his favorite summer drink. Bucky didn't drink often, but when he did, he always got a mint julep from Oak Alley.
“You’re gonna have to take me sometime because I have no idea how to get there.” replied Clint, laughing.
Bucky was glad the power was out so Clint couldn't see his now red cheeks. He normally didn't flustered but for some reason Clint just did things to him.
“I mean yeah I will gladly take you. Oak Alley is beautiful, I’d hate for you to not see it because you don't know how to get there.” stated Bucky as he wrapped the blanket tighter around him.
The store had gotten colder since the nightfall had begun. Bucky reached up on the counter and pulled down a small clock that read 8:30PM.
“I didn't realize how late it’s gotten, it’s 8:30.” said Bucky before putting the clock back on the counter and getting up.
Clint watched as Bucky walked over to feed Alpine. “I guess I’ll be stuck here for the night since the snow hasn't melted.”
“Yeah, looks like it. There's a couch upstairs you could sleep on.” replied Bucky as he picked up his blanket and pillow.
He started up the spiral stairs, Clint following him. Once they entered the apartment, Bucky set the blankets and pillows on his bed. He then pulled out a lighter from his pocket to light yet another candle, this time it was vanilla scented.
The apartment was small since it was only made for one person, but Bucky somehow managed to fit a futon in there. The kitchen was barely a kitchen, it was just a stove and a small fridge with the microwave on top. The ‘living room’ consisted of a dresser and a small flatscreen on top, any movies or extra blankets that Bucky had went in the dresser. Lastly was where Bucky would sleep, his metal bed frame was pushed against the wall, there wasn't a headboard or footboard, he used a full size body pillow to prop up the other pillows on the bed. It wasn’t much, but it was home.
“I could have just slept downstairs, I wouldn't mind.” said Clint as he sat on the futon with his blanket still in his hands.
“I wasn't going to let you sleep down there, there's no heat and that floor gets cold easily. Plus, that would make me a bad store owner.” replied Bucky as he sat at the foot of his bed.
“True, that would make you sound shitty.” said Clint as he laid down, letting on hand drape off of the futon to brush the rug that was underneath him.
“Oh, Alpine might jump up there with you, he likes to sleep on the futon when it gets cold,” said Bucky, pulling the comforter up enough so he could get into bed without messing up the pillows on the left side of the bed. “if he does, just push him down, he’ll either sleep on the carpet or with me.”
Clint yawned. “Alright, sounds good.”
It wasn't long before they both drifted off to sleep, the cold making them weary. Alpine did eventually jump on the futon with Clint, but he didn't mind, he was thankful for what little warmth came from the small white cat.
Bucky's eyes flew open as Alpine jumped on his stomach, telling him that it was time to get up. He was glad that he didn't have to open the shop, he always had it closed on Sundays. He moved the cat and sat up, swinging his legs over the bed. Clint was awake and eating a small bowl of cereal, his hair was a blonde mess and his once bright blue eyes where faded from sleep.
“Good morning.” said Clint as he finished the cereal and put the spoon and bowl in the sink.
Bucky rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched his cold muscles. “Good morning,” he replied “have you checked the door to see if the snow is still blocking it?”
Clint shook his head. “No, not yet. I woke up like five minutes ago.”
Bucky got up and moved Alpine off of his bed so he could straighten it up a little. “I’ll go check when I feed Alpine.” he stated as he pulled his already messy hair into an even messier ponytail.
Being completely honest, Bucky was hoping that the snow hadn't melted so Clint could stay longer, Bucky liked his presence. He was also hoping that Clint would move to New Orleans, he wouldn't mind running into the tall blonde on Bourbon Street every once in a while. Bucky pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind as he went downstairs to check the door and to feed Alpine, who was now circling his legs as he tried to walk. He poured food inside of Alpine’s bowls, trying to waste some time before he went to the door. When he opened the door, the snow was now melted into slush. He checked the lights and the power, everything was back to normal so he plugged the coffee pot back in and started brewing some.
“Hey Clint, the doors open.” he called upstairs as he watched the coffee start to trickle into the pot. He glanced over as he saw Clint walk down the stairs.
“That's good, I was starting to get cabin fever.” he joked.
Bucky rolled his eyes and grabbed a paper coffee cup and poured the hot liquid into it. “You want some?” he asked.
Clint nodded. “Yes please, I’m freezing.”
Bucky laughed and poured Clint a cup as well and handed it to him. Clint blew on it for a minute before taking a sip, a look of gratitude played on his face for a moment. That's when Bucky noticed that Clint had on his shoes and he had stacked the books he got close to him. He was leaving.
“I’m guessing that you're about to leave?” said Bucky, leaning against a bookshelf.
Clint nodded. “Yeah, the sleepover was great but mom said that I gotta be home before lunch.” he said as he grabbed the books and headed towards the door, before he opened it he turned back towards Bucky. “It was nice to meet you, I still want a tour of Oak Alley when I come back.”
Bucky smiled. “Sure thing. You know where to find me.” he replied as Clint walked out the door, books in on hand and coffee in the other.
Months pass, the cold winter has now turned into scorching hot summer and Bucky purposely left the door open to let a small breeze in. The store was running as usual, people came in, looked around and then left without saying a word. He knew that Clint never returned the books that he got but Bucky didn't care, the books that Clint picked out, no one had ever read them or even gave them a second glance.
He was dusting off the shelves as he heard someone set a pile of books down at the check-out counter. Without looking he went over to his book and began grabbing each book carefully off the pile. He recognized one of them. He looked up to see Clint Barton, who was now a lot tanner than when Bucky had last saw him, standing in front of him, a stupid smile plastered on his face.
“Sorry it took so long, it’s basically impossible to read nine books in one week.” said Clint smiling. He was holding something behind his back.
Bucky raised an eyebrow and motioned towards him. “What are you hiding?” he asked as he checked all of the books in.
Clint, still smiling, pulled his hands out from behind him to reveal two mint juleps in his hands. “I forgot to ask you to show me Oak Alley,” he explained. “So as an apology, I found it myself and brought you a mint julep since you said that you liked them.”
Bucky smiled. “Thank you Clint, but you didn't have to buy me one.” he said as Clint set the drinks down on the counter.
“Just take it, I purposely haven't drank mine yet because I wanted you to see my reaction.” he said as he pushed one towards Bucky.
Bucky took the drink and sat down on the stool behind the counter and waited for Clint to take a sip. He watched as Clint looked at the drink cautiously, he swirled it around a few times before taking a sip.
“Oh my God,” said Clint, coughing slightly. “I wasn't expecting that much bourbon.”
Bucky laughed as he took a sip of his, he was used to the taste by now. Alpine meowed from the window and jumped down to meet Clint, the cat didn't know Clint had walked in since he fell asleep bathing in the sunlight. Clint bent down to pet the cat.
“Did you like Oak Alley?” asked Bucky watching Clint.
Clint stood up and smiled at him. “Yeah, it was beautiful. OH! I almost forgot to tell you, I moved in right next door, the lady was moving in with her fiancé and put it up for sale. So I guess you're gonna be seeing me here a lot.” he said.
Hearing this, Bucky almost dropped his precious mint julep.
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tydy-the-megnet · 5 years
Let's Watch Captain Marvel
Alrighty. It's definitely late, but I finally got the DVD. So, I'm watching Captain Marvel.
I've decided to make this post about it, which I will write as I go, because I've seen a lot of discussion about the movie without actually hearing about what happens in it... so uh... yeah. Here are my thoughts as I think them:
Brie Larson looks good with long hair. Also, is Carol bleeding blue...? I want to know what that's about and if it's important
Movie is said to take place in the 90s. Space still already has flying cars. I guess Star Wars wasn't not accurate
Listen Sensei dude, if there is one thing I've learned from anime, emotions only make you stronger.
"You gave me these" *shakes fists* is that literal? Like did Mr Sensei really give her fists or is that referring to her powers...? I know nothing of Captain Marvel
He's talking about controlling impulses again. He clearly hasn't seen any anime
The Skrull are the shapeshifters yeah?
... amnesia...?
Now the supreme intelligence (god ai???) Is also talking about controlling her emotions. I still don't buy it.
Mission time. Digging the banter
"I laugh on the inside. I'm not doing that now."
Hm, not sure how I feel about the helmet thing
Hard light scuba gear? That's cool
I'm digging the kinda star wars vibe
Captain listen to your CO but also dont listen to him at all
Yeah the skrull are the shapeshifters everything makes sense now
Wait is her name Veers? Or is that what she's called just because she doesn't remember who she is?
More of this "too emotional" stuff?
Digging the whole mental probe thing.
*Tries percussive maintain on a person*
"I dont know any Dr Larson"
So that had me confused bc I was like "Wasnt her name Danvers?" But Larson is the actress and I guess that's just a character????
Do I have the two backwards?
Skrull: *snarls*
Captain: *snarls back*
I like her
She fights like an anime character while everyone else is an 80s sci-fi movie
Get the boots!!!
And touchdown! Planet C-53! Locally known as Earth!
I guess Captain Marvel could be called a blockbuster hit in-universe and out huh?
I'm hilarious
Honey in basically in the space-boonies now you got no service here lol
This poor confused security guard lol
She called across the galaxy on a pay phone...? Yeah okay cool cool
"[C-53]'s a real shithole" yeah give it 30 years or so it gets worse
Okay why do people not like Captain Marvel?
She's like a mix of Tony, Thor, and Steve
Is that... Coulson? Young Coulson!?
I don't think that was young Coulson after all...
Or is it?
Why are these bystanders trying to stop Veers(?) from fighting this obviously not normal old lady?
What kinda old lady can flip like that?
oh it was Young Coulson!
Poor Coulson
Damn, Nick
*uses AltaVista*
So it's later 90s. Got it.
Lmao dial-up
I guess they're in california?
Lmao dial-up
Ah so this is the motorcycle scene I've heard about. Apparently they cut the part where she nearly breaks the guy's fingers? Disappointing.
The skrull aren't carbon-based life forms that's so cool!
Not on the periodic table...? Let's see, in the 90s... I guess stuff like rutherfordium and onward wouldn't be on there. Uh, maybe technetium? There might be a couple others but for the most part chemistry was advanced enough.
Unless it's something beyond like 118. Which is weird to think about but whatever I should stop thinking about it
Except elements like that would have to be in group 14 yeah?
Biology isnt exactly my forte but
Okay perhaps it's what we now know as flerovium?
The elements in the carbon group should react similarly enough to be the foundation of an entire life form
That's why silicon is used for synthetic stuff a lot right?
And tin
I'm getting off track the movie has been paused for a few minutes now
I'm just going to assume they are flerovium-based life forms
Oh shit they're in SHIELD
So Pegasus is a flight team, or an AF division, or....?
"I don't know if this guy is really human. I'd better ask a bunch of questions to which I don't know the answer."
A skrull could be saying random words and it would totally work
"If toast is cut diagonally I can't easy it."
Why the heck not??????
"That was a photon blast" is that what that is? Awesome
I want Peter to meet her. I think he'd have a new contender for favorite
"A skrull can't do that. " how is he supposed to know that?
Young and slightly less suspicious Fury??
"Noble warrior heroes"
NASA and USAF. Sweet.
"State-of-the-art two-way pager"
Ah the old tape-and-fingerprint trick. Haven't seen that since the 90s--oh
Fury meeting Goose is the purest scene in marvel
"you sat there and watched me play with tape?" Lmao
"Shes kookoo" "Kree glyphs" ":O"
Veers was the pilot
I still don't know her sensei's name
"Excellent work, Nicholas" ":O"
(I know who Mar-Vell is!)
Okay okay okay
More of this "dont emotion" garbage. Listen Veers, DON'T listen
"You know how to fly this thing?" "Uh" "it's a yes or no question"
They're going to LA
(Louisiana not Los Angeles)
Why do people not like this this is great!
She's got the worst part of Thor, but the best part of Tony and Steve!
(So it IS Carol Danvers. Which means Larson isn't her mother. Which makes since because she's actually Mar-Vell. Who's... well, not the mother.)
The Good Lady Ms. Captain Carol Marvel "I-Can-Boil-Tea-With-My-Bare-Hands-Which-Shoot-Lasers-Too" Danvers Ma'am
"You're jacket. Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it."
I dont know this kid's name but I really really like her.
"Call me young lady again and I'll put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be."
... that one is more clever with context but whatever
"Am I supposed to guess where that is?" "Your ass"
Monika. That's the kid's name. She's great.
Ah, more ancient relics they call "tech" lol
Do a barrel roll
She did a barrel roll!
"Your blood is uhhh blue" "yeah but how's my hair"
Ah, "Vers" bc they assumed that was her name. Interesting.
Also I want to get super power by blowing something up that's way cooler than being bitten by a stupid spider
Is she human? Is she not? I've no clue
The skrull are the good guys. Things are starting to make sense again.
... maybe I should've pushed to watch this before far from home.
... huh.
... is she human?
Okay so I'm still a little confused but I think I got it.
Though I won't say I dont want something else to blow up
"Those aren't coordinates they're orbital vectors." "It's basic physics." "Couldnt you figure that out? You're my science guy."
"I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter." That's it. That's the best line in the whole movie. Time to go.
Her suit can change colors on a whim!?!
That's awesome
I mean I saw it in Endgame but
"How do I look?" "Fresh" lmao 90s
"What's a cat?" xD
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
Space lab. Cool.
Is that the tesseract??
She can pick it up!!
Does that mean she could've wielded the Infinity Gauntlet??????
Pinball lmao
Those bastards
"Only human" HEY I RESENT THAT
(I'm still hilarious)
This is awesome why dont more people love it???
"Good kitty"
This very quickly went from Star Wars to Dragon Ball and I am loving it
She really is an anime character
Did she? Is that? Nerf gun?
Okay Carol isnt that much god mode there was just a nerd gun on the floor okay cool yeah sure
"Just like Havana" TALOS YOU BEAUTIFUL--
Remember how captain america jumped to the outside of a plane and fought through it? Yeah CM just did that in SPACE take that Steve
Still dont know how I feel about the helmet thing though
Yeah, those are explosions
Ronin: O_O
Ronin: .... yeah bye
"I have nothing to prove to you."
Fury lost his eye! GOOSE HE TRUSTED YOU
*thinks back to that moment in Winter Soldier*
"You were Solar and the SHIELD agent?" Omg Carol yes keep up
Fury SINGS?!?!
So like, are her powers just straight up energy manipulation? Because that's pretty cool. Really versatile, too
The way she started the engine makes it seem so
And then she just,,,,,, flies away. Into the night. Like stardust in the wind.
Dig the jacket, though
"The Protector Initiative"
It begins......
"Is it true? The Kree burned your eye out because you refused to give them the tesseract?" "I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story"
Lmao Fury
"The Avenger Initiative"
It didnt actually show it but we know
Also, dig the music
Aaand now we see, 20ish years later, the snappening
"I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing"
First of all I love that they dont call it a pager because it's 2018 wtf is a pager amirite?
Second, I love how Carol is just there. Great reveal. 1007391861604016/10
"Where's Fury?" D:
Better question, where is Goose???
*one roll of credits later*
Oh! :D
Lmao the tesseract
God this movie is amazing
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moccahobi · 6 years
Winter Wonderland Pt. 3 [Jin x Reader]
Summery: When BTS take a break at a ski resort, they meet a fun skiing dude to keep them company.
Part 2 << Part 3 >> Part 4
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“He’s late, Hyung. Let’s just go now.” Taehyung whined, shuffling his skis as he stood on top of a tiny snow mound. “It’s only been five minutes after the time we agreed on. Wait a little longer.” Hoseok sighed, looking longingly out at the first open green. “Seokjin-sshi!” Someone shouted from half a meter or so away, everyone’s heads whipped to a figure in bulky ski gear as they hobbled their way over, poles waying around frantically. They continued to hobble all the way over to the seven before saying in between ragged breaths “Sorry for being late. I am staying with two people who have no idea that the day starts before eleven.” “No, it’s fine! We didn’t wait too long!” Hoseok responded as the man struggled to put on his skis. “Ummm… Seokjin-hyung never bothered to tell us your name… What is it?” Jungkook nervously asked, looking down at his boots. “Oh! I go by Jisoo in Korea, I’m from Y/N, but I’ve found that Koreans seem to have a hard time pronouncing my birth name. I know, super common, there’s like twenty other people with that name that I see every month. It’s crazy. Lucky though, it’s also hard to forget such a common name normally, but if you do, feel free to ask again. What’s your all’s names?” The man asked to which everyone there told their names. “Shall we get going? I want to hop on a glade ASAP.” Jisoo asked, lightly stabbing the compact snow with his poles. “Wait-- a glade? They only have really hard black glades. Like, any forest can be a glade. No prep.” Taehyung asked (he had only ever done this super easy very cared for glade and was scared by this man’s ballsiness). “Uhhh… yeah. I mean, we might want to warm up with a blue first, but if you guys are up for an hour in the woods trying to do a glade, I’d be happy getting a concussion.” He laughed awkwardly. “Maybe tomorrow? Some of us are really new to the snow sports and would like to stick with some of the easier slopes.” Jimin asked quietly, scooting closer to the green. “Maybe in the afternoon we branch off from the rest and do some?” Jin asked, “I am sorry though, I think doing some of the glades here would be super fun.” “Saldy, I can’t. I’ll be with another group of people this afternoon.” He sighed, “One of them are paying for my rentals and I need to butter them up. I’m broke after all. Shall we do that green then?” “Sure!”
“Hey Jisoo-sshi?” Yoongi asked as he sat in between Jin and Jisoo (who were in the middle of an annoying pun battle). “Yeah?” He asked, surprisingly in the same full attire as this morning when it felt almost twice as cold, just like them (but they had a reason, they were idols). Normally Yoongi saw people taking off balaclavas and hats as it warmed up. “If you’re broke, how’d afford going to this resort and ski? I mean, it’s an expensive place and the sport is for those with a little extra cash.” “I was one of the alumni in charge of giving this speech to the graduating class for my college and apparently my speech was entered in a contest by the graduates. I didn’t win, but I did get second place, and this was the second place prize. “Also a friend of mine was coming here this weekend as well so I just had to come.” Jisoo said happily, pushing his mouth against the balaclava to puff out some air. Even though the two couldn’t see Jisoo’s eyes through his goggles, they were sure that his eyes were trained on the steam now floating through the air. “Wait-- how old are you?” Jin asked. “I was born in nineteen ninety one… so twenty seven, I think, I never really cared about age much, and the age system in Korea is super confusing. I just graduated from grad school last year.” “That’s cool! What’s your job now?” Yoongi asked, relieved that the two were no longer battling with puns. “I’m a marine biologist. I love it so much I couldn’t begin to explain.” He said, eyes probably shining brightly in the process, “So… what are we doing once off the ski lift?”
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angies-team · 7 years
92 Questions Tag!
TAGGED BY:  @hello-em75 (who is in every way awesome) 
drink: A wierd grape juice fruit blend thingy. I don’t really know but it was good.
phone call: my mother
text message: ditto ^^^^
song you listened to: Two Feet- I feel like i’m drowning.
time you cried: This morning I was watching Stranger Things okay 
have you:
dated someone twice: neyooo
kissed someone and regretted it: yeah. Every night i put my younger brother to bed and regret giving him a kiss of the cheek when he makes some sort of annoying comment.
been cheated on: sorry that role goes to my tests.
lost someone special: yeah, family, I’ve had a few friends who have passed away for multiple different reasons, some more painful than others. Uhhh... I’ve lost a few fictional characters close to my heart.
been depressed: oh look it’s the title of my autobiography.
gotten drunk and thrown up: nopers
list three favorite colors:
blue  aquamarine
also blue multiple other colours that are also cool
in the last year have you:
made new friends: I HAvE. I sweaarrr. I have friends! It’s hard to sit alone ever though, but I wouldn’t change things even if i had the chance.
fallen out of love: nah, my heart still belongs to my one true love, Hayden Christensen. 
laughed until i cried: did that yesterday, actually. 
found out someone was talking about you: probably, but i don’t remember.
found out who your friends are: Iii’mmm not exactly sure what this means but one of my friends did turn out to be Batman soooo...yeah. no i didn’t i’m kidding i swear
kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: probably most if not all of them
do you have any pets: we have two turtles: Spock and Chopper. (Chopper is the biggest lil shit too it’s perfect)
do you want to change your name: i mean not really. If i were going to i’d just make my nickname my legal name since it’s what everyone calls me already anyway.
what did you do for your last birthday: Which was TODAY WUT. uhhh idk played a little BATTLEFRONT 2 (IT’S AMAZING GAH), 
what time do you wake up: well i should wake up by at least 7 to get to school on time but lately I've been sick and i’m always sleeping in and late for school. Usually ranges from 8-8:30 on schooldays and i have no idea for weekends. 
what were you doing at midnight last night: uh i was totally sleeping. I wasn’t watching stranger things at all. nope. nuh uh. not a chance.
name something you can’t wait for: The last JEDI. gah just give it to me now i’m already dead you can’t kill me any more.
when was the last time you saw your mom: today
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my math and Physics mark. that or get rid of my stupid concussion so i can do things again.
what are you listening to right now: 
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, my late grandfather. There have probably been other Tom’s in my life but i can’t think of one off the top of my head. 
something that is getting on your nerves: MATH. and this guy who keeps following me around and WROTE ME A FRIKIN POEM nopenopenope abort.
most visited website: youtube honest
mole/s: i don’t think i have any?
mark/s: freckles (if that counts, but i have like five and they’re practically invisible when it’s not summer), the large scar that appeared on my cheek this week, cuts, scrapes and bruises here or there.
childhood dream: teacher *shudders* glad i gave that one a rest.
hair color: dirty-ish light blond sort of thing i have no clue what my hair is. My eyebrows are black though and no i haven’t ever dyed my hair, except for that one time this year i went as sabine for Halloween
long or short hair: short. my hair was halfway down my back in around March and i chopped it all off for star wars.
do you have a crush on someone: sort of? I mean i don’t think it really counts as a crush i just think this guy is kind of cute but he also looks IDENTICAL TO EZRA I KID YOU NOT i swear on my life it’s crazy. but yeah that’s kind of the only reason i’m sort of obsessed with him i guess? But yeah I honestly dont even know who he is and I’ve only talked to him like three times and two were like “oh hey sorry is someone sitting here?” “oh no. sorry i’ll move my bag because its on your chair.” so yeahh. fun stuff.
what do you like about yourself: ummmmm... things? I love that i can find beauty in music and the world in ways alot of people can’t and i feel lucky because of that. My artistic personality is realy what defines me other than my constant use of sarcasm and dry humor, as well as terrible jokes and combacks that aren’t even comebacks and it’s helped me become who i am and will be fore the rest of my life. i love that i can use not only pictures but song, as well as words to express myself and other things to the world. I’m also terrible with words when i’m speaking so being able to write down what i mean with the detail needed to paint the picture into your mind is great. i also make no sense. like all the time.
piercings: one simple hole in each ear is enough for me
blood type: I....don’t actually know.
nicknames: Angie, Ange, Angeasaurus, tangeriene, angerine, Rey (it’s a long story), Bob, Frank, Joe (i am being serious, actually) 
relationship status: single not like a pringle because pringles come on tins which hold alot more than a single pringle (heh) soooo what am i even sayig
zodiac: scorpio
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: ooohhh that’s an unfair question. 
right or left hand: right
surgery: i don’t think so?
hair dyed in different colour: oh look i just talked about this. uh yeah, but temporarily for halloween
sport: ice hockey, water polo, tennis, swimming, baseball, something else i’m 100 percent forgetting.
vacation: i legit just went somewhere and i kid you not i cannot remember where it was. my memory is actually really bad.
pair of trainers: either my white sneakers or, if it’s winter or fall i’m always wearing my boots.
more general:
eating: a lolipop :)
drinking: lemonade
i’m about to: draw something stupid (probably)
want: to just feel like I’ve made a difference. To be happy. 
get married: one day. but i’m like 17 so...
career: broke student(?)
hugs or kisses: hugssss
lips or eyes: eyes mostly, but both
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older
nice arms or nice stomachs: both is the way to gooo
sensitive or loud: really depends on the time, place, and people
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
have you ever:
kissed a stranger: nopers
drank hard liquor: uh yeah. i accidentally downed my mom’s vodka when i was like 11 because i thought it was water. heh mistakes.
lost glasses/contacts: i’m using my mom’s glasses actually right now because i lost mine
turned someone down: all the time tbh. just the other day actually (in my defense he was stalking me and it was getting creppy)
sex on the first date: uh nooooooooooo
broken someone’s heart: yeah (i feel like a terrible person saying yeah, but the things this guy did to me to try and get me to like him back were ridiculous)
had your heart broken: everytime my favorite fictional characters die okay in all seriousness, nope. I’ve never really liked someone that way. except for that one time when i was 12 but that’s a story for another time
been arrested: nope
cried when someone died: yeah. my grandfather earlier this year, a friend of mine commited suicide last year, and another one just died this yeah in a hit and run accident. so. other than that... *glares at stoick*
fallen for a friend: not as of current date
do you believe in:
yourself: sometimes 
miracles: yeah.
love at first sight: nah. romeo and Julliet is a LIE. sort of.
santa claus: nope. (i blame my mother for not being more stealthy when i was 11)
kisses on the first date: i guess it would depend
current best friend: doesn’t have tumblr and would rather i didn’t say his name.
eye color: blue (except when it’s really bright outside they turn almost white. it’s creepy)
favorite movie: The Empire Strikes Back
TAGGING: @twiggy242 @tarched @leffie-draws-fanart @jeditimelordinthetardis @fanwriter02 @fangirling1998 and anyone else who feels like doing this!
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jukesboxblues · 7 years
tagged by @moreraquetball
i tag uhhhh @malo-melons @alonsimo @21centurykerplunk @shrek-is-drek and that's it 1. drink? some juice that lowkey looks like wine?? 2. phone call? my mom hah 3. text message? uhhh one of my s/os 4. song you listened to? //whizzer going down from in trousers hahah 5. time you cried? the last time i finished the falsettos soundtrack so,,yesterday??? have you ever 6. dated someone twice? no p e 7. kissed someone and regretted it? mmm yea 8. been cheated on? noooooo,,,t exactly???idk it's a Long Story whoop 9. lost someone special? no 10. gotten drunk and thrown up? gotten drunk,,,somewhat. thrown up because of that??nope favorite colors: 11. purple 12. black 13. green/pink idk I can't decide in the last year have you 14. made new friends? yup!! 15. fallen out of love? nah 16. laughed until you cried? i don't think so 17. found out someone was talking about you? hnnng no 18. met someone who changed you? i'd like to think i change myself so 19. found out who your friends are? i found two new am a zi in g friends 20. kissed someone on your facebook list? i don't have a facebook lol general: 21. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? see above^^ 22. do you have any pets? one dog but i Highkey want a cat 23. do you want to change your name? my legal name???ye i wanna change it but my name is wonderful so 24. what did you do for your last birthday? hung out with some friends and slept in 25. what time did you wake up? 5:45 am 26. what were you doing at midnight last night? fuckin sleeping thank god 27. name something you can’t wait for? pbs to show the falsettos pro shoot on oct 27th at 8 pm 28. when was the last time you saw your mom? 13 hours ago 29. what are you listening to right now? in trousers!! 30. have you ever talked to a person named tom? uhhhh,,,i don't think so 31. something that is getting on your nerves? the fucking trump presidency tbh 32. most visited website? ao3 or google docs tbh,,, 33. hair color? died blonde, natural red(ish) 34. long or short hair? s h o r t 35. do you have a crush on someone? always,,,i'm polyamorous gu ys 36. what do you like about yourself? uhhhhh that i'm rlly good at English and can write O K I guess??also i'm a Pretty Boy and i like that abt myself so 37. piercing? my ears are pierced but i lowkey want more piercings Eventually 38. bloodtype? who actually knows this tbh 39. nickname? queer nerd????idk jules is technically a nickname cause my full name is julian but whatev 40. relationship status? i'm in a relationship 41. zodiac? gemini (ik ik the most hated of the zodiac) 42. pronouns? they/them or he/him 43. favorite tv show? criminal minds 44. tattoos? Eventually!! 45. right or left handed? right handed 46. surgery? maybe top surgery Some Day but idk 47. sport? i take karate!!!//whizzer voice: i was trained in karate 48. vacation? universal studios/orlando 49. pair of trainers? uhhhh I wear boots or converse more general 50. eating: nothing but I may make dinner soon??idk 51. drinking: again, nothing 52. i’m about to: hopefully make some dinner 53. waiting for: death tbh,,,but uhhh the weekend 54. want: a will to live and some love 55. get married? naaah,,,i'm Good unless my partner(s) wanna get married 56. career? uhhh politician, professional musician??? which is better 57. hugs or kisses? mmmm hand holding 58. lips or eyes? E Y E S 59. shorter or taller? i'm always the shortest so,,,taller i guess 60. older or younger? a Nice Mixture 61. nice arms or nice stomach? ????idk i haven't rlly given it much thought?? 62. hook up or relationship? a lil bit of both thank 63. troublemaker or hesitant? ,,,uhhh it depends on who you ask i think have you ever 64. kissed a stranger? nope 65. drank hard liquor? ,,,i've had some whiskey before 66. lost glasses/contacts? my life in a nutshell tbh 67. turned someone down? no,, 68. had sex on the first date? maybe??? 69. broken someones heart? no 70. had your heart broken? nahhh 71. been arrested? thankfully, no. but i have broken the law 72. cried when someone died? y ep 73. fallen for a friend? ye a,,i've fallen for quite a few friends do you believe in 74. yourself? for the most part???i mostly hate myself but i get moments where i get rlly self absorbed but uhhhhhhh 75. miracles? oh ye 76. love at first sight? love at first sight???no ,,lust at first sight??ye 77. santa? hhhahha,,,i wish 78. kiss on the first date? yea sure why not 79. angels? maybe??i'm not particularly religious but i think angels could exist other 80. current best friend’s name: mmmm mali or sarah 81. eye color: blue/green???i think idk 82. favorite movie: captain america: the winter soldier
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papillenjolras · 7 years
1. Drink: Pink lemonade
2. Phone call: My father
3. Text message: My date
4. Song you listened to: Instrumental from Gladiator Soundtrack
5. Time you cried: It’s been a while, I think. But I’ve cried from laughter a couple weeks ago.
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No
8. Been cheated on: Nope
9. Lost someone special: Not any super close to me, thankfully
10. Been depressed: Not diagnosed, but I think many people have gone through periods of depression.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I don’t drink.
12. Dark maroonish red
13. Dark olive/forest green
14. Lavender
15. Made new friends: Yep!
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, all the time.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I think people do that, but nothing like a major betrayal/shock.
19. Met someone who changed you: I didn’t meet a ton of new people this year, actually, so no.
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes, I think so.
21. Kissed someone on your FB list: I’m saving my first kiss for someone.
22. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: How am I supposed to know these numbers. I don’t really number friends tbh.
23. Do you have any pets: Yep! I have lizards and dogs.
24. Do you want to change your name: First name, yes. Last name, if I get married I’ll probably hyphenate.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I don’t think I did much, to be honest.
26. What time did you wake up: Between 8:00 and 9:00.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Surprisingly, sleeping. Usually I’m up on the internet.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: College and a chance to be out.
29. When was the last time you saw your Mom: An hour
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Uhhh
31. What are you listening to right now: I’m used to silence, so I don’t always listen to music. So, nothing.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, I think I’ve made light conversation with an acquaintance or something.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: When people are hateful.
34. Most visited website: Tumblr.
35. Mole/s: Yep!
36. Mark/s: Yep, a light brown circle about the length of my palm and 2/3 the width of my palm on my left shin about 2 inches below my knee.
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a scientist or a paleontologist. 
38. Hair color: Blonce
39. Long or short hair: I have long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: @artemisaro
41. What do you like about yourself: I like my ability to speak publicly. 
42. Piercings: No
43. Blood type: I actually don’t know.
44. Nickname: Clover
45. Relationship status: Gay and in love with @artemisaro
46. Zodiac: Libra
47. Pronouns: they/them
48. Favorite TV show(s): Currently I’m watching Merlin. I used to like Doctor Who when it was 9 and 10 though. I also like watching The Great British Bake-off. I also think Parks and Recreation is pretty funny.
49. Tattoos: No, but I might want some when I’m older.
50. Right or left hand: Right handed
51. Surgery: I got my tonsils out.
52. Hair dyed a different color: No, I like my hair color.
53. Sports: I do cross country occasionally. 
54. Vacation: I’d love to go to a Spanish speaking country, go back to the Philippines, or go see old sites like Troy, Rome, Greece, etc. Or I’d love to go to Paris and build a barricade.
55. Shoes: I like leather boots in the winter and my hiking sandals for the summer.
56. Eating: A chocolate hazelnut truffle.
57. Drinking: Nothing, but now that I’ve read that I’m going to go grab some water. Stay hydrated, kids.
58. I’m about to: Talk with some friends and maybe work on some art.
59. Waiting for: Opportunities to take my life in the direction I want it to go.
60. Want: A big big lizard
61. Get married: Maybe!
62. Career: I’d love to be able to travel... maybe something to do with history. (Non-realistically, I’d love to be an actor.)
63. Hugs or kisses: Hugs!
64. Lips or eyes: Eyes
65. Shorter or taller: idk
66. Older or younger: idk
67. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms 
68. Sensitive or loud: idk
69. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
70. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m neither, tbh.
71. Kissed a stranger: No
72. Drank hard liquor: No
73. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Well, a couple weeks ago I dropped my glasses in the lake while swimming but after a bit of diving I found them!
74. Turned someone down: Yeah some guy asked me out once and I was just like.... No thanks.
75. Sex on first date: Holy moly no. 
76. Broken someone’s heart: Not on purpose!
77. Had your heart broken: No
78. Been arrested: No
79. Cried when someone died: Yeah
80. Fallen for a friend: Heck yeah
81. Yourself: Yes, for some things. Other things I know I can’t do
82. Miracles: I’m not sure.
83. Love at first sight: Not really
84. Santa Claus: No
85. Kiss on the first date: Nah
86. Current best friend: I have a few very good friends but I couldn’t possibly choose!
87. Eye color: Blue
88. Favorite movie: NO I SIMPLY COULDN’T CHOOSE (If you’re curious, send me an ask with some movies and I’ll tell you my opinion on them!!)
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canaliculi · 7 years
The kind we dream of (3/?)
Welcome to Night Vale
Earl Harlan/Cecil Palmer
M: teens being teens, scouting, pining, adults being adults, time skips, grinding
There are certain things Earl remembers, that he knows Cecil doesn’t.
A series of loosely interconnected vignettes, that, arranged in a certain way, tell a story. A story about you. A story about me. A story about us.
Find my way, away from this place
There are some things that, Earl thinks, would be easier to forget.
He remembers the dark silhouette of Cecil’s house, against the spotted backdrop of a night sky. Later, he remembers someone telling him that the stars are moving away, that everything is drifting apart, and even later, he recognizes that the night is more void than stars. But that is later. In the moment, Earl remembers that, in a town full of people who can’t sleep through a night, Cecil has gained a reputation of not sleeping.
Earl tosses stray rock after stray rock after cactus prickle at Cecil’s darkened window, until it swings open and he tosses a pebble square into Cecil’s face. It’s gratifying to see that his aim is good, even when he isn’t aiming.
“Earl?” the vague blob that must be Cecil says. Earl grins. “Uhhh… Why didn’t you just use the door?”
His face drops. His cheeks might have literally burst into flames. A bedroom light winks on behind Cecil, spilling out into the night and illuminating the craggy rocks and sparse patches of rough grass that make up the yard. The rest of the house stays silent, and still, and empty.
“It’s tradition,” Earl claims as he steps closer to the window sill. Cecil rests his forearms on his side of the sill and leans out. He looks neither tired nor rested, but he does smile. Earl’s stomach does quiet and enthusiastic flip flops.
“Gimme a sec,” Cecil says and dips back into his room.
The muffled sounds of vaguely defined rummaging drift from the open window. Earl inches closer, posture snapping straight and cheeks flushing scarlet red again when he catches a glimpse of bare skin. Clearing his throat, Earl makes a sharp quarter turn, so he’s staring out at the huddled and indistinct buildings of the neighborhood. His gaze keeps flickering back to his friend, mind recreating a piecemeal layout of Cecil’s body.
Pale skin. No tan lines – how? Scars. Typical scars. Weird scars. A fresh and precisely printed scattering of starburst bruises across his back, indicative of a recent librarian encounter. Earl scrunches his nose for a moment and then remembers, oh shit, there’s a book report due soon.
It isn’t like – this isn’t the first time he’s ever seen, Cecil. They’ve been scouts together for years. But something about stealing furtive glances has Earl’s heart pounding. It beats frantically against his chest, and Earl is reminded of the time he’d caught a bird in his hands, its fragile, tremulous body twitching within the cage of his fingers. On his next sneaked peak, his gaze meets Cecil’s, and he has just enough time to register the other boy’s smirk before he’s staring deliberately ahead again, spine rigid like he’s trying to pass inspection.
There’s the dull thudding of Cecil’s boots across his wooden floors and then one tight-clad leg is dangling out the window. Cecil, practiced and capable, swings his other leg out and drops the short distance down. He’s gotten a little bit taller than Earl lately. The wide neck of his tunic displays the yawned-angle lines of his collarbones. He’s gotten a little scrawnier than Earl lately, too.
“What’s on the agenda for tonight, Scoutmaster?” Cecil asks. He gives a blithe salute that, if given to the real Scoutmaster, would have him stranded in the sand wastes for an impromptu survival training session.
“I am not the Scoutmaster,” Earl grumbles, but not earnestly. He kind of likes it – Cecil calling him that – even if he doesn’t approve of the blatant disrespect for their actual Scoutmaster it carries.
“Oh yes, you’re right – specificity and accuracy is vital under all circumstances,” Cecil says. “So then, allow me to amend my previous statement: What’s on the agenda for tonight, Senior Patrol Leader Harlan?”
“How would you like to earn some new badges, Weird Scout Palmer?” Earl asks. He’s smirking, arms crossed over his chest, and Cecil slinks forward like some predatory animal.
“Mmmm, there’s little I love more than earning badges under you, Senior Patrol Leader. Sir.”
The line between teasing and everything else with Cecil is always thin and frayed. Earl turns his head to the side and coughs, to hide the shiver of something that creeps its way up his spine like fingers. Which is dumb, because even if he can feel a bone-deep shiver you can’t hear one.
“Very good, Weird Scout,” he says, looking to his friend once more. “I think you’re gonna really like this one, Cecil.”
“Of course I will,” Cecil replies sincerely. So sincerely that it sends another, less overwhelming tremor rattling up between Earl’s vertebrae. “Lead the way.” Punctuated with a gesture.
“Shouldn’t you lock up?” Earl means it as a polite suggestion. The house except for Cecil’s room is silent, and dark, and empty. He’s still not sure if it’s something they’re meant to acknowledge. Cecil gives a shrug and swings the window shut in a very good enough kind of manner.
“Good enough!” Cecil reiterates. “Anything that can open doors won’t have the patience to wait around until morning, and items stolen in the night are really the least of our worries.” He looks ominously up to the sky, but Earl knows he’s only looking at the endless crushed velvet of the void above. It’s full of stars tonight.
Earl extends his hand and Cecil takes it without a word.
Their drive is quiet. Earl drives slouched with one hand on the wheel. Cecil sits on the passenger side with one foot up on seat. It would bother Earl if his car wasn’t already prone to being covered in dirt from scouting. When they go over bumps in the road, the equipment in the backseat jingles and makes annoying, plastic-y squeaking sounds. On the gearshift between them, their free hands lie, Earl’s right and Cecil’s left, fingers casually laced.
They used to have to walk out here. There’s something about Cecil’s knee that catches Earl’s attention, the way Cecil hunches over to rest his chin on it as he gazes through the windows at the rugged expanse around them. Earl is taking the long way, deliberately turning onto the back road that leads to a spatial loop. The world around them is dark and quiet. The ground is indistinguishable from the sky. There’s something about Cecil’s breathing that catches Earl’s attention, measured and calm and unhurried.
Eventually Earl takes the jeep off the roads, driving into the sand wastes. Night Vale becomes a bulbous glow behind them. The headlights cut silently through the night, revealing rocks and sand and occasionally, the shimmery blue-green, glassy and reflective eyes of scared, mute creatures.
Cecil shifts in his seat. He stretches out his legs or folds himself into contorted positions. He disentangles their hands so he can run cool fingers through Earl’s hair. He leans his head against Earl’s shoulder and sighs, content. He slumps his weight against the far door and watches the desert pass, and his breath fogs the window.
Earl turns the car off. Cecil’s hand slides into his hair again and tightens into a fist at the back of his skull. Cecil is already tilting forward over the armrest so it’s easy to meet him for a kiss. A quick brushing of lips, chaste, before they press into each other in earnest. Cecil is Cecil, is eager and reaching, scrambling for him. Earl clamps a hand on the back of his neck and holds him steady, guides him until they both settle into a languid, breathless give and take.
They pull apart, only far enough to share breath. Earl can feel in the lines of Cecil’s body that he’s about to lean back in, start them all over again. Stoke the fires inside of each in them with gentle licks and careless clatters of teeth. He gets close enough for their lips to brush over one another.
“Cecil,” Earl says, and he tightens the grip he maintains on the scruff of Cecil’s neck. Cecil stills, backpedaling so they can look into each other’s eyes. His lips are a little swollen, blushed red where Earl bit at them.
“Scoutmaster,” Cecil says in mock severity. Earl grins.
“We still have a hike to get through, Scout.” Earl can feel the mood in the car wither, Cecil going practically boneless in his seat out of protest.
It isn’t far. Earl drove them closer to the main attraction than he would for anyone else, scout or otherwise. This is a gift, after all. Their packs are on their backs and their breath shivers up in white, icy clouds in front of their mouths. The desert crunches under their feet. Earl had brought a jacket, but Cecil’s wearing it. There is no light, no sound, nothing to disturb them in any direction. The air smells sharp and clean, and is bitingly cold against any bare skin.
Earl throws his arm out, horizontal across Cecil’s chest and bringing them to a halt. There’s a row of craggy rocks before them, jutting darkly out of the desert sand. The dead limbs of sleeping trees twine upwards into the air around them. In the summer months, this place is an oasis, but during the winter, it’s a serene graveyard. In the night, the water before them is unnaturally black, as though it is swallowing all light. The only interruption of its smooth surface is the speckling reflection of the stars above. As though as a swathe of the sky had fallen to the earth and now laid longing and still.
“Earl…” Cecil whispers. His voice is rough and he’s shivering.
“Let’s make camp.”
They set up quietly. Cecil’s gaze keeps darting over to the calm pool, as though he is afraid to keep his eyes off of it for too long. Their tent goes up, their blankets unfurl. Cecil drifts between the thick trunks of the trees like a shade and returns with tinder. Their bloodstone circle gets arranged in exacting perfection near the fire pit. Earl sneaks up behind Cecil and slips his cold hands under the blond’s jacket, beneath the thin material of his tunic. He strokes upward along the lines of his stomach and nibbles the side of his neck.
They help each other undress. Each newly exposed piece of skin is peppered with bites and pressed with kisses. Earl pulls Cecil’s boots off and nips at the protruding bone of his inner ankle. Cecil unbuttons Earl’s shirt, following his fingers’ movements with a trail of suckling mark that will bloom purple. They spent a while just sitting, chilly fingers running over arms and legs, up the delicate bows and arches of spines. Exploring territories they’ve seen a thousand times or more in careful detail. They kiss, long and lingering. Their limbs slid together, as if they are loath to allow any space to part to them.
“Don’t you want your badge?”
Earl leads them to the edge of the water. Cecil is flushed and his jaw is clenched tight – Earl can tell from the tight cords of tension in his neck. Cecil’s neck, which is sporting fresh imprints of his teeth. Earl goes in first, the pool a freezing shock to his system. He leads Cecil in deeper, two steps until it’s sloshing around their knees, four and it’s up to their waists. Cecil’s teeth are chattering; his skin is prickled with goosebumps. His eyes flicker between staring at the water and staring at the sky.
Earl takes a backwards step into a deep drop off, the water suddenly diving into the earth. Even Earl isn’t sure how far down it goes – he can’t hold his breath long enough to reach the bottom. Cecil stays resolutely still, his body shaking, but a few gentle tugs and he’s following Earl. They’re both treading water, their heads and shoulders and arms above the surface. The ripples they make, the sounds and splashes – they all die quickly, unnaturally so, as though the disturbances are being soaked up by something.
They paddle out into the middle of the lake and here, finally, when they glance around, the ground and the sky truly look as one. In the starlight, Cecil’s eyes are wide and terrified, and even through his constant movement, Earl can tell he’s shaking.
He’s so beautiful. Their own reflections don’t appear on the water’s surface.
“What do you think, Cecil?” Something far, far under the water brushes up against their legs and Cecil shudders bodily.
“I-I’m preeeetty sure that I’ve a-already got the existential dread and terror badge,” Cecil stammers. Whatever deep thing is beneath them briefly drags Cecil under, but he surfaces again in the next instant.
“You have,” Earl agrees, grinning. “Too bad you can’t earn the same one multiple times.” Cecil shoots him a look like then why the hell are we here, but before he can give voice to his complaints, Earl continues. “Extant Existence – confronting your existential dread!”
“Your own small, particular space in the cold void,” Cecil says, “and the large, uncaring creations beyond your own existence.”
The whatever-it-is below them, that they are no doubt disturbing, moves a cumbersome limb and creates a wake effect that bobs them up and down. This is apparently a last straw for Cecil, as he flails and throws himself onto Earl, clinging to the scout leader. This causes them to sink, which causes him to panic more, which further enrages the Thing under the Water, until the water is sloshing and raging in white capped peaks and long, dripping tendrils are lifting out of the surface of the water.
“Cecil! Cecil!” Earl calls out between spitting out mouthfuls of brackish water. The other boy is still in throes of total terror, churning the water around him with every slap of his arms on its surface. With a growl, Earl shoves Cecil’s head under the water, tangling his fingers in Cecil’s silvery locks. Seconds pass that, for sure, feel longer to Cecil and then Earl drags him up gasping into the air. “Come on, we have to get out of here.”
Cecil nods dumbly and Earl lets go. They swim back to shore, occasionally being dragged under by strange currents and even stranger creatures. The large tentacles protruding forth from the pool’s center smack noisily against the water, sweeping across it as though it is searching for them. Earl punches at them when they venture too close.
Cecil reaches the ground first, scrambling on hands and knees through the shallows. Earl manages with a bit more finesse, stumbling after him. The tender skin of Cecil’s palms splits on the sharp rocks and leaves thin streamers of vibrant red in water trailing behind him. They’re both panting by the time they reach the large outcropping marking the edge of the pool.
It takes a while for Cecil’s breathing to even out again. He keeps shivering for a long time after that, even with Earl’s arm draped over his shoulders and a blanket wrapped tightly around the both of them. They lean their foreheads together. Cecil’s mouth is slack when Earl kisses him the first few times. He seems to come back alive piece by piece, until he’s climbing frantically into Earl’s lap, and even the scout leader’s steady hand can’t calm his pace.
They grind against each other, too far gone for any more finesse. Cecil clings to him and murmurs a litany of pleas. Earl grips his hip tight in one hand, aiming to leave five imprinted bruises, and drags him down harder and harder. The only word Earl can manage is Cecil. One of them slips a saliva slicked hand between them, wrapping around both their lengths, jerking up and down and just barely out of time with the desperate pace they’ve cultivated.
They sleep outside of the tent, beneath a wide canopy of stars, limbs wrapped possessively around each other. Earl tells Cecil,
“Happy birthday.”
And cradles this memory close to his chest. A memory that creeps up the back of his throat to haunt him, on nights like now, like later, when he looks out upon the lonely sky and sees it is more void than star, and that everything has drifted further apart.
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hollyrainleaf-blog · 7 years
What is your favorite color? + - TOO many favorites, honestly. I like color pairs - lime green and teal being the top two. What is your favorite stone or gem? + - I've never been crazy into gems. I actually really like wooden beads. What is your favorite brand name? + - It depends on what we're talking about here. I tend to aim for cruelty free brands, but I'm rarely picky on which ones. What is your favorite shampoo & conditioner? + - SheaMoisture, I think it's called. What is your favorite body wash? + - I usually just dilute castile soap hahaha D:  It lasts MONTHS What is your favorite lotion? + - I admit to not being a big lotion fan. I just don't like the way my skin feels after I put it on. My skin tends to be soft anyway so I don't usually need it. Maybe in the winter sometimes. What is your favorite scent or perfume? + - Scents completely vary. I like eveyrthing from jasmine to vanilla and cedarwood. What is your favorite electronic? + - Computers, consoles, and toasters because they make my bread happy. What is your favorite movie? + - Uuuugh I like so many though. Mostly animated studio Ghibli films. Live action, uhhh probably The Matrix. I'M SORRY What is your favorite T.V show? + - I don't watch a lot of TV. I really liked shows like Ancient Aliens though. I'm a documentary sort of person. Reality TV legitimately gives me anxiety haha. What is your favorite pair of shoes? + - I don't really have one. I have a worn out pair of sneakers I wear to work and a pair of basic boots for the snow. WELL WAIT I have my slippers so those. Who is your favorite cartoon character? + - Okay if I typed it all out the post would be way too long. What is your favorite drink? + - I like coffee things. Not gross Starbucks coffee, though. Just ...whatever I make at home ahaha What is your favorite candy? + - I'm not a big fan of regular candy. What is your favorite snack? + - Honey Mustard and Onion pretzel bites. I don't care if they make my breath stink. They taste like happy. What is your favorite fruit? + - Umm I like just about every fruit. Except maybe avocado. I wish I liked avocado. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? + - I don't really wear jewelry. What is your favorite accessory? + - I barely remember my wallet, let alone any extra accessories. What is your favorite place to visit? + - I want to go everywhere. What is your favorite state? + - Alaska. Too bad I've never been. What is your favorite city? + - Rovaniemi, Finland. TOO BAD I'VE NEVER BEEN. What is your favorite theme park? + - I've only been to Six Flags and then Disney for maybe ten minutes. I want to visit Disney and not be tired ahaha. So I don't know. What is your favorite hotel? + - Hotels make me paranoid. Too many bedbug experiences. What is your favorite clothes store? + - Uhhm... hmm. I like online clothing stores like Too Fast but I rarely buy anything there. What is your favorite shoe store? + - I don't buy anything specifically from shoe stores. What is your favorite restaurant? + - I don't have one. What is your favorite fast food spot? + - Subway? What is your favorite book/magazine? + - Too many books! Probably Watership Down or The Sight. What is your favorite type of gum? + - I don't like gum, haha. What is your favorite brand of toothpaste? + - I have some diatomaceous earth mix I use. I think I got it on Etsy. I like it a lot. I don't like the texture of ...toothpaste I guess. What is your favorite kind of toothbrush? + - Really soft ones. What is your favorite brand of mouthwash? + - It's a plain, basic mouthwash by the same Etsy person. Next go around I'll make my own. It doesn't leave a gross aftertaste like most mouthwash. What is your favorite day of the week? + - None. What is your favorite thing to do when celebrating your birthday? + - Oh, haha. Um. That's never really a thing. What is your favorite when you’re bored? + - I play games or go on Youtube. What is your favorite thing to do when you can’t sleep? + - I just lay there, hah. What is your favorite way to get revenge? + - By being successful. Don't even acknowledge people like that. Just prove them wrong. That'll shut them up. What is your favorite thing that makes you smile? + - HORRENDOUS JOKES. :D What is your favorite word to say? + - Masticate. Pulchritudinous. Splendiferous. What is your favorite way to wear your hair? + - I like long hair. Too bad I had to chop all of my hair off and now it is growing. Very. Very slowly. Uuuugh. What is your favorite nail color? + - Natural! Nail polish gives me headaches. And I hate the effort of maintaining it. What is your favorite t-shirt and jeans? + - Graphic tee shirts. I have a Metal Sonic shirt that says Metal AF. Heh. And jeans ..uhh anything that is comfortable. What is your favorite ice breaker in a conversation? + - You're talking to someone that would probably run away from a social opportunity. I am the worst person to ask this question to. What is your favorite way to get attention? + - I'm good thanks. What is your favorite thing about yourself? + - Oh uhm. Ahaha.
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