#my writing may not ve good but that won't stop me
slyther-bi · 2 years
I looked into my notes and I saw that I had one that had a bunch of suggestions for fic ideas and like...they're all angst!!
One prompt is from a drawing someone made here, and another was from a post someone made. I gotta find them if I ever decide to write them and the rest are ideas I had.
I got like 6 prompts.
The 1st one is an Angst to Comfort
The 2nd is just Angst which is based on fanart someone made which I reblog with the story should I write it.
The 3rd is also just Angst which is based on a post. Which I will do the same for as I did for number 2.
The 4th is again just Angst
The 5th I guess Angst which leads to Comfort/Fluff.
The 6th is Fluff for a ship that doesn't have that many fanfics for it and the ones I read have wound me.
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slyther-bi · 3 years
I keep thinking about the au where Severus is accidentally turned into a child and gets attached to Ginny cause she reminds him of Lily and now I'm tempted to write it but the motivation to do this is rather low so I don't know.
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slyther-bi · 3 years
Murderer from Spinner's End
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Imma post the 1st chapter and depending on how this goes I'll post the rest and provide a post that has a link to the chapters.
No magic au. Murder au.
Summary: Severus Snape is a poor boy who grew up in an abusive home. At the age of 9 he meets his best friend and future partner in crime Lily Evans. During their teen years they meet a group of boys who call themselves the Marauders. At the age of 16 Severus commits his first murder by killing his father with the help of Lily. Tobias's death was labeled a heart attack and from there Severus's life of crime began with Lily at his side.
Chapter Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Evans, & James Potter
I'll be adding a trigger warning to the chapters that need one.
Chapter 1
The day seemed pretty normal as people walked down the sidewalks and drove by safely. People came in and out of shops happily without a care in the world. Yes the day seemed like any other day, up until someone sped by on a motorcycle with several police cars following, the sirens sounding in the air. The man on the bike had black shoulder length hair and piercing black eyes that made it seem as if you were staring into pure darkness. Why were the police chasing this man? well because he had just committed several murders and was now trying to escape. The man drove into a narrow alley and into the backstreets of his town, he quickly looked behind him to see the police cars stop as they weren't able to fit.
He smirked and sped up inorder to get back to his home before the police found him, he should have realised he was falling into a trap but that's something he'll think about later. Right now he had to get home before his best friend who he thought of as a sister got worried. After sometime of taking several alley ways and back roads that he finally got home, he parked his motorcycle in the garage. He carefully placed a giant thin white sheet over it to avoid anyone seeing it should they enter the garage tho no one can get in without the code. He made his way into the house and carefully removed his shoes and held them in his arms to avoid getting blood on the floor.
Before he was able to take a step forward his sister in question tossed a knife in his direction, it missed him by an inch and plunged into the door behind him "Where the hell have you been Severus?! you're all over the damn news!!! I almost had a heart attack!!!!" Lily shouted out in worry as she rushed towards her brother and hugged him tightly. "Sorry?" Severus said as he hugged lily back with one arm, Lily let go and stepped back while smiling "It doesn't matter the good thing is you weren't caught, now go shower you reek and throw your shoes and clothes in the washer I'll wash 'em tonight" She said happily "Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes!" she added and headed back into the kitchen. Severus smiled and headed to the laundry room, once there he tossed his shoes into the washer machine and then proceeded to remove his clothes and also placed them into the washer.
Once done he headed to his room and went into his bathroom and turned on the water. He waited for a bit as he let the water get warm, when the water got to be the right temperature he stepped inside and let the water wash over him. Severus proceeded to wash off the blood from his body and out of his hair. After awhile he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist and then grabbed another towel and wrapped it around his hair. Severus headed to his closet and picked out his clothing and quickly got dressed, he wore a simple long sleeved purple shirt and soft dark blue pajama pants. He walked out of his room and headed to the kitchen with a towel still draped over his shoulder so his shirt wouldn't get wet by his hair.
"Do you need me to set the table?" He asked Lily who was currently stirring some sauce "Yes please" She said happily "Can you grab the wine from the cellar when you're done?" she asked. Severus quickly went to work at setting the table and smiled happily "Yeah sure" he said, once he finished he headed down to the cellar and looked through the many wine bottles before picking out Lily's favorite. He didn't practically like this wine but Lily did and since he caused her some stress he figured this would be part of his apology. He headed back and gently set the wine on the table, Lily set the food on the table and practically beamed as she saw her favorite wine on the table. "Aw is this your attempt at apologizing?" she asked "This wine sucks but yes" he said while smiling.
Lily laughed and smacked his arm which caused him to laugh "Ok so I made spaghetti!" she said happily as she went ahead and poured wine into two wine glasses. Before Severus could say anything or the pair could eat their food they heard a knock on the door. "Ah fuck" Severus said, he knew who it was even tho he had yet to check he was certain it was either James or Sirius or both at the door. They were cops and they knew what he does but since they are close friends they had yet to arrest him or reveal him to the world. Out in the world he was known as "Nevermore the killer raven" law enforcement has no idea what he looks like because he always wore a plain black mask. The only cops who knew he was nevermore were Sirius and James and thats cause he accidentally spoke to them and they recognized his voice.
Slowly he walked towards the door and opened it, he smiled as he was greeted by a very angry and annoyed James Potter. "Hi jamie" Sev said "Do what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" he asked knowing full well why James was here. "Wanna tell me why you're all over the damn news?!" James said angrily and walked into the house to avoid causing a scene outside. Severus closed the door and followed James into the living room "I may have had a bit of a mishap during the murder but to be fair it was very rude of the police to just set up a trap honestly who do they think they are!" He said in an offended tone which caused Lily to laugh and James to just sigh deeply in his hands. "I swear if we weren't friends I'd throw you in jail so fast" James said with a tired tone, Severus simply smiled and hugged James tightly "But we are friends Jamie! The greatest friends ever!!! Plus you helped me out with some illegal shit so if I go down you're coming down with me" He said happily and kissed his cheek as he let go of James "Now do you wanna join me and lily for dinner?" he asked happily.
James shook his head "Can't heading out with the guys tonight, fbut maybe next time" He said and turned to leave "See ya sev, See ya Lily" he spoke "Bye James" She said happily as she waved bye to her friend. "Oh and Sev next time be more careful, you almost gave me and Sirius heart attacks" James said softly which caused Severus to laughed "Lils said the same thing, tell Siri I said hi! and kiss his cheek for me" Sev said happily, he had a habit of being affectionate towards his friends. James chuckled and nodded before exiting the house and heading back to his own home across the street.
"Now I think its best we eat here in the living room and watch some bad tv" Lily said excitedly "Hell yeah!" Severus cheered and both he and lily rushed to grabbed their plates and wine glasses to bring to the living room. They both sat down on the couch close to eachother with their plates on their laps. Lily grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, she flipped through the channels and landed on one where it showed some people arguing over something stupid. The pair happily ate and drank wine while watching the terrible show on the tv.
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