redbelles · 3 years
steve rogers for the ask game pls meg my beloved 💖
anything for u, gustopher 💖
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life  hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang best quality: moral compass worst quality: not great with nuance ship them with: peggy (@ endgame do not interact), and occasionally i indulge in steve/bucky/nat OT3 fic brotp them with: bucky, sam, nat needs to stay away from: the mcu after ca: tws misc. thoughts: what a goddamn punk, i love him
send me a character
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majicmarker · 4 years
1, 4, 6, 7, 18 🤪
(i’ll stick to focusing on the book here since i’m on a bit of a fanfic break, i suppose, as u very well know, GUSTOPHER, so...)
1. tell us about your current project(s) -- what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?: contemporary romcom, dash of family drama to keep things spicy, older man/younger woman bc i am neither willing nor able to write a convincing romantic hero in his 20s, ~vibes include but are not limited to love at first sight, accidental sugar daddy, and scrambled egg sandwiches bc sometimes i’m hungry. status report: the first half plus a li’l some-somethin is outlined and ready to GO, if i’d just do the damn thing. several scenes are for the most part finished and prepared for validation. i’m absolutely living for the dynamic between the love interests and their scenes/dialogue, and the occasional bout of making out i write whenever i’m feelin a little parched. 
4. share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like): ooph, u know i gotta pull somethin from yesterday’s makeout scene, i’m obsessed with it (would that i could explain the why of it but, alas, i just do) -- [S]he tastes like coffee creamer beneath that thin veneer of mouthwash, and it’s the only time he ever really likes his coffee sweet. 
6. what character do you have the most fun writing?: right now it’s really a toss-up between my leads. my heroine’s inner monologue is cathartic in some ways because i write her anxiety largely based off my own, and it can be just as funny as it is stressful to deal with the manifestation of that. i’m also getting really into writing the physical intimacy from my hero’s pov as he navigates his demisexuality, and how his feelings about that translate to their relationship. 
7. what do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? would others agree?: i think i’m especially good at providing the right dash of levity when the situation calls for it, so that the drama isn’t overwrought, because i feel that’s sort of how real life goes and i like to make my characters’ reactions relatable even if the circumstances aren’t. i sure hope others would agree with that, and hopefully a few other nice things as well, if y’all are so inclined. ;)
18. do any of your stories have alternate versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, aus of your own work, different characterizations?) tell us about them: on the whole i... don’t... think so? nothing comes immediately to mind; i tend to just write what i want and leave it at that. the book is an amalgamation of a fanfic idea i had but never started (for once in my life) + an outline for another original that wasn’t panning out until i like, combined forces, but that’s the closest i’ve come to an alternate version of events as far as i can recall. 
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sail-not-drift · 4 years
Last Line Tag [[I wrote this forever ago but sent it to drafts instead of posting??]]
Technically @mygutsforgarters tagged me for tagging her but I actually wrote today so I wanna share.
“Hey, wait a minute.”
She puts her hand on his chest and he almost whimpers. He doesn’t care about his fucking fetish. He just wants to touch her, just wants to know from her flush under his mouth that they’re ok. He knows it makes him a melodramatic bitch but he thinks he’d die if she left him alone.
Used to be all he wanted was to be by himself. Sometimes he forgets how much she’s changed him.
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kitten1618x · 5 years
Annnd Psych for the fandom ask meme!
Shannon makin’ me feel all important tonight and shit. ☺️ AND LOOK — I don’t know how, but I managed to hit the back button and destroy all the long and thoughtful answers I originally had, so please accept the condensed version (cos’ did ya really want my word vomit anyway? lol).
My Favorite Female Character is/was Jules. ♥️ Aside from the fact that she was obv the main LI for Shawn and they played us with the ‘will they? won’t they?’ trope for a billion seasons — I seriously do have a female archetype, don’t I? And lbr, there wasn’t exactly a ton of female cast members on Psych, but the ones we got were certainly well fleshed-out and all amazing. Some honorable mentions have got to be Phylicia Rashad and Cybill Shepherd as Shawn and Gus’ moms, Ally Sheedy as Yang, and Jane Lynch (step on me) as Chief Karen’s Coast Gaurd sister with a heavy dose of sibling rivalry (bonus points that she and Lassiter were hot on one another). goD this show 😂😂🥰🥰
My Favorite Male Character is Henry Spencer. I know that’s weird, and obv I love my two delightful idiots, Shawn and Gus, and Lassiter too — but Shawn’s dad is the real MVP ... he’s ride or die and I’ve always adored that about him. ❤️
My Favorite Season is ALL OF THEM. literally impossible to answer this. There was never not a funny episode of this show. It started out brilliantly hilarious and it ended that way as well.
My Favorite Episode is — !!!! I could no sooner pick a favorite between my children!! (Well, I could — but I won’t). ahskkdjdkldklhsksk okay, okay, I cannot pick a favorite ep, but I can pick a favorite scene and that’s from Season 7’s Office Space — seriously Dule should have won a million emmys for this scene, he was brilliant!!!
My Favorite Cast Member is probably Dule Hill. I’d personally just love to spend a day with Dule and James.
My Favorite Ship is/was Shawn and Gus non-romantic. They aremy ultimate brotp. I wasn’t hugely into shipping back when I watched Psych, but I was always rooting for Juliet and Shawn. I really loved Lassiter and Marlowe’s dynamic, too.
A Character I’d Die Defending is Gus ofc. Seriously, who wouldn’t????
A Character I Just Can’t Sympathize With if I really had to pick one I guess it would probably have been Shawn’s mom. I mean, she was very selfish to leave her son and husband — although they never really touched too much on the why, so I’ll reserve my judgement.
A Character I Grew To Love is Woody the Coronor. I thought he was such a weirdo at first, but grew to love him as the seasons went on. Bet you thought I was gonna say Lassiter, but I loved that asshole from the start! ahskdkdkkrlldjdk
My Anti OTP was probably Declan and Juliet. I mean, Declan was hot and all, but it was obv that relationship wasn’t going anywhere and was just a foil to Shawn and Jules.
And that’s the that on that. And remember this was the condensed version.... 👀 Thanks for making me feel important, Gus!!! 😘😘😘
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brickylnetwork · 4 years
Eat Your Heart Out, Charlie Brown
By @mygutsforgarters
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Multi
Fandom: The Walking Dead (TV)
Relationship: Daryl Dixon/Beth Greene/Rick Grimes
Characters: Daryl Dixon, Beth Greene, Rick Grimes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alexandria Safe-Zone (Walking Dead), Beth Greene Lives, Christmas, Established Relationship, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Polyamory, Brickyl Week 2020 (Walking Dead)
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
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This week's reading log is here! I won't ramble about it too much as there are quite a few fics on it. So yeah, good reading week, lots of wonderful fics. If you want even more fics, though, you can check out [this] rec list that I made 💗
🌻 marks a favourite, 🔒 marks a fic that is only available to ao3 users, 🍀 marks a fic that is only available on Tumblr
Mutually satisfying weirdness by sirona [Stucky, 4,5k words, Explicit]
"I'm lost," Stark admits. "Are you secretly marrying Steve without telling him?"
Don't You Worry About My Immortal Soul by michaelandthegodsquad [Stucky, 20,7k words, Explicit]
It's 1945; Bucky comes home from the war to find his best friend pregnant with no husband in sight, and takes it upon himself to step in as partner/husband/father/whatever else Stevie needs to raise her kid in peace.
Things are great, for a while. Living in suburbia with Stevie, Bucky finds himself with a steady job and the family he never thought he'd have. But Bucky can only keep up the act for so long until buried feelings and newly discovered kinks weigh him down with guilt and a hefty dose of self-loathing that send him on a downward spiral and begin to threaten the life he's built with Stevie.
Luckily, Stevie recognizes what Bucky needs and doesn't mind giving it to him, no matter how taboo it may be.
any day of the week by glim [Stucky, 1k words, General]
"I like making you breakfast," Bucky says. His fingers sift through Steve's hair and he makes a thoughtful noise at the back of his throat when Steve pulls away from him. "What? I always used to bring you breakfast in bed."
Reflection by glim [Stucky, 690 words, General]
If there’s anyone who knows what Steve’s like when he’s getting sick, it’s Bucky.
In The Gentle Snowfall by velvetjinx [Stucky, 396 words, General]
It snows out. Steve wants to make some good memories with Bucky in it.
Captured in Light by papesdontsellthemselves @turtle-steverogers [Stucky, 640 words, Not Rated]
Steve draws Bucky for the first time since reuniting.
🌻 The FBI’s Most (Un)Wanted by dreamsinthewitchouse @dreamsinthewitchouse [Stucky, 3,9k words, Mature]
Special agent Rogers is brilliant, driven and very bad at following rules, and unfortunately his eccentric ways and outlandish beliefs have made him an outcast in the Bureau. The only person who seems to respect him is his partner, special agent Barnes — a man who doesn’t even believe in all the things Rogers believes in.
James Barnes, however, believes in Steve Rogers.
'cause i've waited my whole life by gutsforgarters @mygutsforgarters [Stucky, 2,6k words, Teen]
Steve shakes his head. “That’s not—that ain’t how it’s done, Buck, I can’t just—”
“Since when do we do things the way we’re s’posed to, Rogers? Huh? Since when? We goddamn don’t. Now get down on your goddamn knee and put these fucking rings on our fucking fingers, or so help me God.”
From This Day Forward by Politzania [Stucky, 1,6k words, Teen]
“Buck, you awake?” Bucky wasn’t even supposed to be here. Wasn’t supposed to be in officer country, much less in Steve’s tent and sure as hell not in Steve’s bed, naked as the day he was born. But Steve was right there and just as naked, so it was okay. Maybe even perfect.
When You Call Me That by Catchclaw [Stucky, 826 words, Teen]
“I don’t really know how this works,” Steve says, “the science behind it or anything, so I’m afraid I’ll click the wrong button or hover over the wrong whoozit and you’ll just disappear.”
A Sketch, A Coffee, A Kiss by sergeantbee [Stucky, 2,4k words, Teen]
Steve has always loved to draw Bucky, maybe not always for innocent reasons. He always repressed those feelings back in the forties, but now it was ok to love whoever you wanted. It's just a question of whether his best friend feels the same...
Pretty Boy by papesdontsellthemselves @/turtle-steverogers [Stucky, 1,9k words, Explicit]
In which Steve is a tease and Bucky doesn't let him get away with it.
Written for this ask on tumblr: Bucky has a lingerie kink and will absolutely lose higher brain function if Steve wears any - I don’t make the rules 😌✨
🌻 How Long Will You Stay With Me by Bittersweet_in_Boston @bittersweet-in-boston [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
The forest is dark as the dusk settles, and the wind whistles softly through the trees. It’s not that cold, but Steve pulls his jacket closer around him as he moves further into the woods.
He’s not even a mile away from the inn when he sees it. A faint blue glow just visible through the trees. As he approaches he hears voices, but there’s no one there, just a small clearing with a ring of light-colored mushrooms in the middle. The circle inside the mushrooms is glowing and now the voices are louder, but the clearing is empty.
🌻 Phoenix by emilywithoutY @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place [Stucky, 907 words, General]
Their guinea pig is not as naive as they think. Nor does he fear dying. He has met Death before, has sat down with him, the pieces laid out on the chess board between them.
Your Shuddering Breath (and then we were okay) by catsoo12 @buckybuckobucky [Stucky, 4,1k words, General]
Bucky joins Steve in the Avengers tower after leaving Wakanda. Disaster strikes but Bucky saves the day. It's pure fluff and Bucky and Steve are unabashedly together, yay.
if I could build my whole world around you by mostlikelydefinentlymad [Stucky, 1,4k words, General]
"I know that look. Shes got you wrapped around her finger she does. Better hold on tight to that one. My Gertie was the same way, lord bless her soul. Here, give her a little treat. It's the holidays after all." A weathered hand slips a foil wrapped chocolate in Bucky's and had it been anyone else he would've refused, on principal alone. It's a luxury, sure, but these are good men and deserve nice things too.
Still, he imagines the light in Steve's eyes as he takes the sweet. He'd eat it one tiny piece at a time, drawing it out for days.
🌻 Part of Your World by greyhavensking @greyhavensking [Stucky, 7,4k words, Teen]
"They’ll whisper sweet words to you, Steven. The wind will sigh your name and tug at your hair, beckoning you to come closer, just a bit closer, until the waters close over your head and you’re dragged down to your death… Promise me, Steven. Promise me you won’t go to them. Don’t go to the water, dear heart, not ever, and not alone."
Crown Prince Steve Rogers has known all his life to avoid the perilous sea, lest he fall victim to the dangerous Mer who occupy the wild waters. But in the aftermath of his mother's death he finds the only thing that can soothe his aching heart is the siren song of the sea, and in his grief he's heedless of his mother's warnings, walking the beach every night in order to feel something other than dark and lonely and lost.
He is not the only one escaping his tumultuous thoughts these nights, though, and nothing -- not even his mother's well-meant wisdom -- could have prepared him for how this meeting will change his entire life.
For a Good Cause by Brumeier [Stucky, 570 words, Teen]
LJ Comment Fic for Fluffy prompt: any, any, dog walking for the local shelter
In which Bucky and Steve volunteer at an animal shelter, but Bucky needs more.
Even Adventurers Stop to Rest by HeliosNerd [Stucky, 3,7k words, General]
It's been a year since Steve's mom passed. Despite Bucky's best efforts, Steve is sinking further and further into some kind of sickness he's never seen before. So he does what any good friend would do: he brings Steve books. Only the latest book, "The Hobbit," seems to help.
Stucky one-shot! Content warning: references to depression/grief.
my heart went with you by unearth [Stucky, 4,8k words, Teen]
“I haven’t danced since 1943.”
Let's dance by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 615 words, Mature]
Steve never used to like dancing before the war. Now, in this new century, it's almost unrecognisable. He likes it a lot more now.
AU-gust Day 4: Dancing Steve Rogers Bingo square A2: Dancing
fourteen by orphan_account [Stucky, 1,7k words, Teen]
If his life had been so quick to change with a far-fetched miracle of modern science, Steve had also been aware that at any instant, well…reality might decide to snap back into proper sense and take it all back.
Being small again absolutely bites but lying here in their bed, fitted neatly under Bucky’s chin with his feet tangled warmly around Bucky’s legs feels very homey. He likes it.
🍀 Wartime boys by @rillils [Stucky, 667 words, Not Rated]
This should be the epilogue; the very last line in their story before “and they lived happily ever after”, sweet with the promise of forever.
forever ain't half the time by its_tortle @its-tortle [Stucky, 2,3k words, Teen]
The day continues as it began, slow, warm, kind. The days with Steve in Wakanda all feel that way. It’s serenity, as if they’re encased in a bubble, a perfect little world where everything feels molten and dipped in sunlight.
i got this prompt: 'It’s not as if this hasn’t been done before but man could I go for some Wakanda Bucky, Nomad Steve, and cute ass goats. 😩 Just some cute recovering gays amiright 🥺'
Rigel and Betelgeuse by The_Glacian @steve-x-bucky [Stucky, 742 words, General]
Bucky was eight when he unearthed his fascination with stars.
Safe by MakingPoetry [Stucky, 2,4k words, General]
No one had ever said that their new life together was going to be easy, and it wasn't. For the first few weeks, Bucky didn't even sleep in the bed in the spare room; he slept on the floor, bundled up in a blanket or two, a weapon either in his hand or within reach.
And I Love The Thought Of Coming Home To You by Nospheratt [Stucky, 2,2k words, Teen]
Steve stands at the other side of the small table, his furious blush half-hidden behind an enormous bouquet of wildflowers.
Like the romantic hero from one of the fluffy fics Bucky reads while he’s away on missions.
Like Steve in so many of the fluffy fics Bucky reads when he’s alone with his wildest dreams. The nights when his chest is a dark void of longing and missing things he’s never had.
“For you,” Steve blurts, thrusting the bouquet across the table, towards Bucky.
Nobody Darns Their Socks Anymore by dottieapple [Stucky, 3,9k words, Mature]
A slice of the softer life in Wakanda for Bucky Barnes, who misses his best guy when he's out Nomad-ing about. A Happy Steve Bingo 2018 entry, featuring knitting, with a sexy happy ending for our Brooklyn boys.
Rated M for language, euphemisms, hints at sexual situations pre-war, some playful "Daddy kink" language without explicit smut.
🌻 Teachable by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle) @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 12,2k words, Explicit]
Bucky Barnes is the best Kindergarten teacher Shelbyville, Indiana, has ever had, so when Captain Steve Rogers of the Shelbyville Fire Department has the chance to teach fire safety to Mr. Barnes’ class, he jumps at the chance. Steve’s not prepared for the sight of a bespectacled man in a button down with pale blue eyes and long dark hair who finger paints with his students, plays the guitar, and teaches with puppets. Steve’s smitten, but it’s not until he sees the straightlaced Mr. Barnes on stage at the local gay bar playing an acoustic set in a sheer shirt and black jeans so tight they leave no room for the imagination that Steve realizes he’s in way over his head. Then he sees the nipple piercing and realizes his world will never be the same.
Backstage Pass by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 2,2k words, Teen]
“What’s crawled up your ass and died?” Natasha asks, kicking his foot. “Ugh. Nothing," Steve says. "I'm just tired and asking myself why we need to stay after our contracted hours just because His Royal Pain-in-the-Assness decided he wants to deign us with his presence.”
AU-gust day 31: (Combo) Royalty+Theatre
Together Again by MARVELous_mayhem [Stucky, 3,3k words, Teen]
Steve and Bucky are finally reunited, after Captain America rescues the 107th from Schmidt's factory. Steve loses himself in his sketchbook to cope with everything that's happened since joining the Army, and soon finds that his art can help his best friend, too.
Know the Steps by callmejude [Stucky, 1,1k words, General]
It's Bucky's last night before he ships off, and he wants Steve to enjoy himself. Alternate scene for when Steve and Bucky part ways at the fair.
don't trust everything you read on the internet by sebastian2017 [Stucky, 5,9k words, General]
Soon after getting out of the ice, Steve starts fake dating Natasha so the press will stop stalking him in hopes of finding details about his love life. It works out great for the both of them and everything's all fun and games, until Steve realizes he maaaybe forgot to explain the situation to Bucky when he came back.
🌻🍀 Roman!Stucky by @rillils [Stucky, ? words, Not Rated]
There is pleasure in this, too. In the togetherness that comes after passion, when they can lie side by side, soft-boned and content in the low candlelight.
it was always you by lgbtbuck [Stucky, 4,5k words, General]
Steve's been off studying art in Europe for the semester. And Bucky? He wasn't handling it as well as he thought.
liar by becausemagnets [Stucky, 5,4k words, Explicit]
Bucky’s breath comes out like a little shudder and his toes curl in his socks. Did Steve read that in a book? Should Bucky read a book?
shameless PWP
Silk and Satin by luninosity @luninosity [Evanstan, 6,7k words, Explicit]
Sebastian does a photo shoot. Lingerie is involved. And then he and Chris enjoy some of those outfits even more, at home...
It's always been you by Sunqueen [Stucky, 100 words, General]
It’s always been you, Stevie.
For my BBB-bingo square: U2 Art-style: Blueprint 100 words of confused Bucky
what's in a name (ties that bind) by dontcallmebree @iamthe-wo-manwhocan [Stucky, 1,4k words, Mature]
Bucky suddenly understands, faced with the painfully familiar sight of a man with cornflower blue eyes and dirty blond hair, wiry and just tall enough to meet Bucky’s lower lip.
Natasha was right: the Winter Soldier is a ghost story—Bucky’s own personal ghost, to be more accurate.
When Bucky Barnes finds himself in the 21st Century and ached for home, this wasn’t what he meant.
Basic Witch by humapuma @humapuma [Stucky, 8,3k words, Explicit]
Bucky jerked awake, covered in sweat and shaking. He cringed, remembering the way it sounded when the hydra’s teeth gnashed and bit down, crushing bone into nothing. Those screams were burned into his mind… but it hadn’t been his body the creature was eating. He jumped out of bed and pulled last night’s clothes on before running out of his apartment, down the stairs, and out the door. He hadn’t even fed Alpine. He hit the street and sprinted toward the subway, just barely making it onto the next car heading to Manhattan. The entire forty-five minute ride, his leg bounced and he panted. People eyed him nervously and he realized that he probably looked like some junkie, but he didn’t care. He was on a mission – he was going to save Captain America.
The Barnes Exotic Animal Rescue (for Magical Creatures) by Deisderium [Stucky, 5,6k words, General]
The man blows out a breath. It's a surprisingly prosaic noise. "Let's start over," he decides. "I'm Bucky." He wraps Percy's leash around his left hand, leans down, and holds out his right. Steve takes it. It's warm and calloused, the skin a little rough. "Bucky Barnes." He tugs at Steve's hand and Steve lets himself be helped to his feet.
"Steve Rogers," Steve says. "What the fuck?"
Bucky laughs.
Steve has to make himself let go of Bucky's hand after what he hopes is a normal amount of time, not a creeper amount of time. Bucky's laugh is really nice. He thinks he'd like to hear it again. But first, there's the matter of the gryphon.
In which Steve Rogers stumbles across the Barnes Exotic Animal Rescue for Magical Creatures, meets a witch named Bucky, accidentally adopts a unicorn, and never wants to leave.
Call Brooklyn's Best For All Your Witchy Needs! by attackofthezee (noxlunate) [Stucky, 1,5k words, General]
There comes a point where Steve can go absolutely no longer without his morning cup of coffee and he has to admit defeat, apologize to his coffee pot and go find the nearest coffee shop.
It’s when he’s halfway through his triple shot, almond milk, caramel mocha with no whip that he finds it on the bulletin board.
‘Need a witch’s services?’ is written across the top of a piece of printer paper in large letters, followed by ‘Call Brooklyn’s Best Bitches for all your witchy needs! We provide spells, amulets, potions, mild jinxes, exorcisms, stitch witchery, recipes to capture a lovers attentions (NO LOVE SPELLS!) and can even take care of your plants! Enquire today for all your magical needs.’
In which Steve's coffee pot is haunted and he needs to get a little help from magic to fix it.
🌻 Don't let the past haunt you, my dear by emilywithoutY @/between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place [Stucky, 4,4k words, General]
The sight of the castle with its towers and turrets shifted him into a state of surreality; like they'd somehow stepped onto the pages of a novel, Arthurian knights or undead Romanian nobility waiting behind those walls.
Dernier was the first to open his mouth, letting out a string of rapid French interspersed with curses. He switched the grip on his gun to his left hand and crossed himself.
"He's sayin' it's haunted," Gabe translated helpfully. Or, finding quiet moments in the dark.
🌻Marry Me by Somanywords @somanywords [Stucky, 14,4k words, Teen]
“You askin’ me to marry you, Barnes?” Bucky tipped his head back, a cheeky smile on his face. “Yeah. You gonna answer me or what?”
A story of two best friends, way too many marriage proposals, and a slight cat obsession.
straight from the heart by mwestbelle [Stucky, 4,7k words, Mature]
Bucky is a chef, and this "American Foodie" is ruining his life.
Love Like Yours by castiowl [Stucky, 1,9k words, General]
Prompt: "You're a vet and I'm pleading with you to save my goldfish and you're the first vet I've visited not to ask me if I'm sure I don't want to go and buy another goldfish for three dollars" AU
I.e., Bucky's goldfish needs some serious help.
if the stars align (then for us they were meant) by jynladyofstardust [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
Bucky Barnes is blessed with the power of foresight, able to see the future with the help of his deck of cards and a weather eye to the stars. But even he doesn’t need that power to know what will happen when he brings Steve home to meet his very overprotective mother.
Steve Rogers expects meetings Bucky family and coven will be stressful, especially meeting them over Christmas. He’s determined to make a good impression, only for reasons he can’t figure out, Bucky’s mom is less than welcoming to her son’s boyfriend.
But Steve isn’t one to back down from a challenge.
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stuckygiftexchange · 3 years
- Part 1 -
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The first unofficial Stucky Gift Exchange is now over, and we would like to thank everyone involved! Thank you for sharing your creativity and excitement with us. It's been a joy to see all of your creations. We also want to thank people who participated in other ways by sharing, cheerleading, leaving comments, and generally just having fun with us. We hope you had a great time!
In case you missed the wonderful creations our participants came up with, here is a master post in two parts: Part 2 >>>
👻 Married With Errands by @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy for @christywantspizza on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Bucky and Steve, childhood best friends turned spouses, enjoy a lazy Saturday waking up together, running errands, and rediscovering their love for each other. Or the smutty slice of life story about two idiots who are deeply in love.
👻 Don't Let The Past Haunt You, My Dear by @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place for @nivellesart on tumblr and ao3
Summary: The sight of the castle with its towers and turrets shifted him into a state of surreality; like they'd somehow stepped onto the pages of a novel, Arthurian knights or undead Romanian nobility waiting behind those walls.
Dernier was the first to open his mouth, letting out a string of rapid French interspersed with curses. He switched the grip on his gun to his left hand and crossed himself.
"He's sayin' it's haunted," Gabe translated helpfully.
Or, finding quiet moments in the dark.
👻 A Soft Morning In (NSFW) by @stucky-bbys for @marvelousescapism on tumblr
Summary: Handjobs, cooking, silly Halloween costumes, a cat, 'I love you's… what more could you want in a 2k fic? Endgame never happened? Yep! Endgame was trash anyway. You want softness and insecurity? You got it! Or rather, I got it... in this fic! Oh, and did I mention that there's an art piece of Bucky with Alpine? Well, there is! So what are you waiting for? (Oh, for me to stop writing this summary? Oops, my bad).
👻 A wonderful piece of art from @stevebuckydogtags for @clarkestetler on tumblr and twitter
👻 Boycott Vampires! by LunerSoul997 for @gotlostonmywayhome on ao3
Summary: Bucky tests the knob, the door swings open with an ominous crrreak.
Because of course it does.
Bucky's eyebrows jump and he looks at Steve, his entire demeanour betraying just how unimpressed he is by the cliché they've just stumbled into.
Or: Steve and Bucky go costume shopping.
👻 The Way That You Love Me by @mygutsforgarters for @moonagedaydreamohyeah on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Steve tucks a lock of Bucky’s hair behind his ear and cups his cheek, thumb grazing his lower lip. “You took real good care of us, Buck. I’m glad you were there.”
Just like that, Bucky’s not tired anymore. The fatigue weighing him down, all his little aches and pains—it all dissolves like salt in water under Steve’s touch, his praise. It’s like Steve sank his fingers into Bucky’s hair and scratched, Jesus, Bucky’s actually tingling from head to foot.
Guess you're never too old to learn something new about yourself.
👻 Under Your Light by @aquatigermice for @mygutsforgarters on ao3
Summary: Steve should have known that Bucky would make plans for Halloween. He just didn't think it would go beyond their home. But with Bucky's track record when he does something he plans it all out. Steve just wishes Bucky would let him sleep in. Though Bucky has plans to make up for that too.
👻 The Responsibility Of A Cat by @clarkestetler and @goosenik for @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Alpine has lived with Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes for a year now, and overall, being their cat is pretty good. She gets compliments a lot, gets tuna on Special Occasions, and there’s always pets to be given whenever she wants them.
But she’s getting real tired of this whole slow-burn, constant-pining nonsense, and it’s going to end soon even if she has to take matters into her own paws.
Ie: Alpine decides to Parent Trap her parents until they give in and just get a room already.
👻 Once In A Blue Moon by @trappingsofzed for @downwarddnaspiral on tumblr and ao3
Summary: The worst part about being a werewolf in Brooklyn, reflected Bucky Barnes, wasn't making sure your pack registration was up-to-date or trying to find a landlord that wouldn't gouge you on the security deposit just because you turned into a wolf once a month. No, it was waking up the morning after a full moon, with your bones and tendons aching from the shift, and not knowing if your dumbass wolf self had sliced your palm open on a sharp rock in Prospect Park or a rusty nail in a building site.
Bucky Barnes is a werewolf in need of stitches. Steve Rogers is a nurse working the tail end of a night shift in a Brooklyn E.R.
Some things are inevitable.
👻 Like The Movies by @alaskan-outsider for @wolfnprey on ao3
Summary: Steve meets the Omega of his dreams in a bookstore. Like an idiot, he forgets to get his number, but they keep meeting. It's like some cheesy rom-com movie.
👻 Be Still My Beating Heart by @marvelousescapism for @shinynewpenny on tumblr and ao3
Summary: “I know you're out there, Hunter... You're late. I was beginning to worry you were gonna make me go hungry this month.”
Steve felt giddy – as giddy as he always did ever since their dance began – as the Hunter stepped out from the alleyway. He was a towering Hercules of a man. From his belt, he unsheathed a long, sharp knife and pointed it right at Steve.
“Tonight you die, Vampire.”
👻 Steve Rogers Is Too Stubborn To Die by @winterdrag0n for @trappingsofzed on tumblr and ao3
Summary: There wasn’t a light bulb moment nor fireworks, it wasn’t an epiphany really. I guess I just finally accepted the fact that I fell in love with my best friend. And I will be forever cursed.
How Bucky and Steve lived their lives after What If...? Episode 1. This is Canon, y'all!
👻 Another amazing piece of art from @moonykat on tumblr
👻 A Halloween Miracle by @oh-i-swear-writes for @alaskan-outsider on tumblr and ao3
Summary: As he stands on the doorstep of his sister’s house, Bucky sighs. It’s Hallowe’en night and he could be anywhere right now… but ideally he’d be inside of his tiny apartment ordering a pizza, watching horror movies and ignoring the world. He wouldn’t be standing here in a Captain America costume waiting to take his niece and nephew trick or treating.
👻 Baby You Get Better And Better by @iamthe-wo-manwhocan for @wisegirlknowsall on tumblr and ao3
Summary: These parties are important to Bucky, so they are to him, too. If Halloween wishes were a thing, Steve would ask for a smile on Bucky’s face every year for the rest of his life.
As Steve and Bucky prepare for their annual Halloween bash, they look back on fourteen years spent building a life together—and if they’re lucky, countless more ahead.
👻 Wild West Yearly by @otp-holic on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Five Halloweens when Bucky worked their situation into an excerpt of a Dime Novel, and the one Halloween he didn’t feel like he needed to.
The Western AU with less action and more “slice of life” and fluff known to fandom.
👻 A World Without Heroes by @gfawkesphoenixchokingonashes for @bartbarthelme on tumblr and ao3
Summary: “Oh, hell!”
“What’s the matter?”
Bucky held the wig in front of his dick. “I’ve got a boner already, and all you did was walk in front of the fucking car.”
Bucky got out and slammed the door, readjusting himself, wishing the day were over. Steve was positively giddy with excitement.
“Look at it this way; if everyone is staring at your dick, there is no way they will recognize your face.”
In which Bucky and Steve in KISS costumes agree to take care of a haunted house and end up bringing home more than just treats.
👻 After All This Time by @wintersilencewriter for @kalika999 on tumblr and ao3
Summary: At first, he’s not really sure why he does it. Kids pick on other kids all the time and it’s never bothered Bucky before.
Maybe it’s because the kid’s so small. He’d probably come up to Bucky’s chest if they were standing side by side, and all the kids wailing on him are as big as Bucky. There are three boys and they’re tossing punches and jeers, telling the kid he should mind his own business and stop trying to protect people when he can’t even protect himself. There’s something noble in that, Bucky knows it.
Maybe it’s because the stupid punk just won’t stay down. He gets pushed to the ground three times before Bucky finally jumps in to end the fight. Every time it looks a little bit harder, but the kid drags himself to his feet and gets into a wobbly, pathetic, fighting stance.
Later, much later, Bucky wonders if the real reason he stopped that day was because he could tell, even from a distance, that the scrawny kid with milk white skin and hair flashing gold in the sun was just about the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
A story of growing up, falling in love, and quietly pining... that is, until Bucky comes home to find that Steve's picked a new apartment with only one bed.
👻 Like To Sleep In Til Two On A Sunday by @wolfnprey for @oh-i-swear-writes on tumblr and ao3
Summary: There's nothing like a casual morning where Bucky wakes up feeling good and plays the part of House Husband before Steve gets home. Featuring a demanding cat child.
👻 Spanks A Bunch Series by @stevieschrodinger for @aileysue on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Bucky's maybe not been keeping on top of everything, but that's okay, Steve's there to help. / Bucky's always been a little shy around what he likes in the bedroom. Doesn't matter though - Steve's always there for him. / Bucky's free from Hydra now - but it's still a long road to recovery. Steve's there to help him take back control. / Bucky likes to dress up for Halloween. Steve really likes his costumes.
👻 October Country by @dreamsinthewitchouse for @nonbinarybuckybarnes on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Steve’s brain comes back online to the sound of Bucky closing the book, his cheek smushed against their ribs.
Bucky hums in the back of their throat, noses against his hairline. ”You still with me, pal?”
Bucky laughs, the timbre of it warm inside Steve’s bones. ”Figures you’d fall asleep to a sci-fi classic.”
👻 Meteorite And Opal by @misspluckyplum for @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Shared time in Steve's studio leads Bucky to finally put his plan into action. Of paintbrushes and wedding rings.
👻 Into The Depths by @thiccbuckybarnesfic for @aquatigermice on tumblr and ao3
Summary: “What have we here?” a low but playful voice questions. The gentle rumble of it makes him nearly shiver, tickling up his spine like a warm blow of breath.
He comes to a standstill, and realizes it’s not just kelp wrapped around him, but tentacles as well. Black tentacles wrap around his wrists, trailing up his forearms. He gasps, turning to find an octopus behind him, nearly shrouded in the tall stalks of kelp, but his face is visible enough.
👻 You Don’t Have To Put On The Red Light by @downwarddnaspiral for @emmalostinwonderland on tumblr and ao3
Summary: Bucky could tolerate the Beetlejuice inflatables on the lawn, and the striped black and white candy chutes anchored to the upstairs windows, but the projector was the last straw. How the hell did Rogers expect him to sleep?
👻 And You've Got Me Wanting You. by @bartbarthelme for @chubbychaser384 on tumblr and ao3
Summary: If Steve had been able to leave without getting his mouth on Bucky, he might have made it to the store before they were out of everything except Tootsie Rolls, but instead he walked into Target at almost noon, scraping at what he hoped was toothpaste on the collar of his shirt and not dried--
“You know, maybe you should be in charge of candy next year, then,” Steve says, defensive.
Bucky raises his eyebrows at Steve and opens his mouth, and before Bucky can even ask if Steve really thinks that’s a good idea, Steve says, “Or I’ll just get better at hiding it next year.”
“Or, set out Tootsie Rolls as a decoy,” Bucky suggests.
“You like Tootsie Rolls, though.”
“They might slow me down,” Bucky agrees as Steve opens another bag and pours it into the bowl.
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@mygutsforgarters Your Bingo Card is FINALLY ready!
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spield · 3 years
So I’ve been binging (binge-ing?) Bethyl fanfics, and I came across knocking me out with those american thighs and the ABSOLUTE fun I just had is --- the hot smut is to die for, murphy’s blasphemous thoughts (lmao) and the tenderness weaved through the whole adventure is amazing.  given that murphy (from boondock saints) is played by norman reedus (who plays daryl), i’m wondering now what’ll happen if daryl visits boston. IMAGINE. the contrast between murphy and daryl -- and hello, with beth in the middle? MHMM. i bet murphy’s gonna be that insufferable, clingy, jealous boyfriend, jealous of beth’s old (?) crush from georgia.  who knows? the banter between beth and murphy is DELECTABLE. so so fun to read. she gives him hell wrapped with georgia peach sweetness and he loves her for it. I HAD SO MUCH FUN READING. AHHH so many thoughts.  thanks to the awesome writers of the series: @mygutsforgarters and kattyshack
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Oh no! Let the Good Times Roll was one of my favorites. I can’t remember the author’s name at this moment, does anyone else? She had several really great fics. I hope she’s not permanently gone. ☹️
It’s gutsforgarters on AO3 and @mygutsforgarters here on tumblr.
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rattlerinthewheel · 3 years
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Writer's Appreciation Day's today (21st) so here's to the writers of everything fanfic. Off the top of my head @pandoratriestowritestuff @mygutsforgarters @jamesjohneye for TWD and Death Stranding stuff. (Feel free to add anybody, I'm new and don't know the bulk of the fan writers on here. Just woke up and felt like an extrovert.)
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majicmarker · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18 😘
1. do they sleep with a stuffed animal? if they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
etta: once when she was little she won an enormous purple hippo at a county fair (or she thought she won, anyway, but really what happened is her sister paid the guy running the stand for it). these days mr. bear usually occupies her desk chair, but if she’s had a bad day he remains loyally by her side. (for those of u playing along at home, yes, mr. bear the purple hippo is an homage to my first big bethyl fic.)
jude: his mom gave him a stuffed chicken when he was a kid, but he never named it and it’s lived on his bookshelf for years. otherwise his only comfort toy, as it were, is (eventually) etta.
2. can they take care of a plant? what about a pet? what about a child?
etta: yes to a plant, but she worries too much about their well-being to really give it a go. a pet is equally doable if only she weren’t so busy. she’s good with kids, and understands their base instinctual Need for chicken nuggets on like, a spiritual level, which made her a popular babysitter back in the day.
jude: yes to all of the above, as generally he’s very practical and level-headed. he’s not sure how to have a conversation with most kids, but he doesn’t have any in his life so it doesn’t come up enough for him to worry about it.
3. ask them to describe their love interest.
already done, nerd.
6. who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
etta: will listen to her friends, just so long as they don’t start in about her family, but for the most part she’s determined, ultimately, to deal with things herself. absolutely will not listen to her parents at this point.
jude: for the love of god he wishes his dad wouldn’t be so bold as brass upfront about certain things, but he’ll take the man at his word every time. also his employees/friends, who have his best interests at heart even if their methods are fuckin ridiculous. his favorite thing to say to his brother, however, is “man, shut the hell up.”
12. do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
etta: an emphatic hell yeah to both.
jude: hasn’t had occasion to think much about it before, but he’s totally diggin what’s going on with him where etta’s concerned now
13. name one thing their parents taught them.
etta: open and honest communication is key, otherwise she’s gonna end up like them in all of her interpersonal relationships and she is really, really not fit to be like, a mountain hermit or village witch or any other sort of solitary lifestyle
jude: be good to people, for no other reason than you’re simply not an asshole
17. do they like children?
they both do, but whether or not children are in their future remains up in the air. we’ll see where playing god takes me.
18. kissing: tongue or no tongue?
etta: depends on who she’s kissing. near the end of her last relationship she was legit repulsed by all of it, but these days... well. jude’s chapstick tastes like vanilla and he never eats cheese puffs then immediately tries to make out with her ((like some people, ew)) and, despite being wildly out of general practice, he knows just the right way to kiss her.
jude: literally loves kissing etta any which way. a true american pasttime. might even be a little bit obsessed with it. starts using a dash of coffee creamer (that’s almost always what she tastes like) just so he’s reminded of kissing her whenever he feels like it.
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sail-not-drift · 3 years
Stucky Fic Recs
I’m waiting for my hair dye to develop and have also lost my mind to these two, so here, have some recs. All are amazing. The ones that make me FERAL are bolded, the ones that made my soul ascend have stars.
Dedicated to @neversleepingever and @mygutsforgarters, you heathens.
Dishonor On Your Cow - Shrunkyclunks (but not really, sort of) where Steve and Bucky have a hate at first sight meeting during the Battle of Manhattan and Bucky eventually joins the Avengers for feelings and hilarity.
****He's All That - College AU where frat boy Bucky takes a bet to turn disaster Steve Rogers into the class president but catches feelings instead. 
dance with a ghost - Shrunkyclunks where Bucky moves into an apartment and finds himself haunted by the ghost of Captain America.
Introduction to Fake Dating Your Best Friend 101 - Professors AU, Steve and Bucky are a pair of professors who have to fake date for academic purposes and are real dumb along the way.
Five times Steve kissed Bucky - Pre-serum “fight me” Steve Rogers to post TWS.
To Believe in Tomorrow - Shrunkyclunks AU; Bucky's mornings at the community garden get a little more interesting when the new guy shows up.
Blush Pink - Dirty talking, dom!Bucky PWP.
if all my mistakes (led me to you) - No powers AU, Steve has to scramble to find a plus one for Peggy’s big day after being spontaneously dumped. Bucky is his slutty neighbor.
**Unusual Weather - Tony gives Bucky Asgardian drugs to chill him out while Tony fixes his arm. Steve is there to hold Bucky down. Then Bucky starts dirty talking.
a long way from the playground - Fake dating, no powers AU, Bucky needs to pretend he has a date to Becca’s wedding and blurts out his best friend’s name.
Something Borrowed - In-universe Sam POV AU where Sam, Steve, and Bucky go to Sam’s sister’s wedding.
Bucky Barnes: Sunscreen Assassin - In-universe AU; Steve refuses to wear sunscreen, Bucky takes that as a challenge.
winter wheat, sunflower peat - Powered AU where instead of re-meeting in TWS, Steve meets Bucky as a hitchhiker. ANGST AND FEELS.
**The Daily Rogers - College AU, exchange student Bucky meets Steve “fight me” Rogers, who classmates run a nasty blog about.
No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Pine - Secret Agent adversaries-to-lovers AU where the Winter Soldier keeps tying Captain America to walls and sticking around to chat.
Drive It Like You Stole It: A Bodyswap - Steve and Bucky get bodyswapped then go on a magical road trip with Peter Parker; extreme antics and harmless emotional torture for Peter ensue.
Your Lack Of An Answer Is Kind Of An Answer: Four Questions Natasha Asked Steve Rogers, And One Time Bucky Barnes Answered - Beautiful and painful Natasha POV, so many Steve feelings, SO MANY.
Achilles Come Down - You jump, I jump, pre-serum and after.
eros and psyche - Post-TWS, Steve and the Winter Soldier start an affair where the Soldier never lets Steve see his face.
Sparked Up Like a Book of Matches - Beautiful Steve-centric, post-TWS. Sometimes Tony gives him super alcohol in a sippy cup. Sometimes he sees Bucky out of the corner of his eye and wonders if it's real or if he's starting to lose his mind.
Itinerant - Nomad Steve goes wandering the world without the rest of the team to try and find himself while Bucky recovers in Wakanda.
Sweet Relieving - Pre-serum PWP, Steve cross-dresses, Bucky talks DIRTY.
4 Minute Window - Post-TWS, Bucky “kidnaps” Steve and they build a life together.
time on my hands (could be time spent with you) - Nomad Steve runs missions while Bucky recovers in Wakanda and everyone thinks they’re married.
My Working Week and My Sunday Rest - Steve's life after he throws down the shield and hides with Bucky in Wakanda.
Cat Nap - AU where Winter Soldier Bucky and Steve didn’t know each other; Bucky deprograms himself and Steve accidentally steals his cat.
The Size of Perfection - WWII, Steve is shy about how big the serum made his dick. But then there is extreme bittersweet beauty.
Ain't No Grave - Post-TWS (with a pre-TWS prologue) where Bucky accidentally adopts two homeless kids and tries to recover before finding Steve again.
So, You've Adopted a Fruit - Retired Steve and Bucky; Bucky rescues a stray kitten.
Bucky Barnes: on top of the Polls - Steve gets extremely unbalanced during American elections and Bucky both hates and lusts for it.
Together Forever and Ever - PWP, Bucky’s birthday.
Meet-Cute AU's - A gazillion different AUs, heaven on earth.
Lessons in Normality - Shrunkyclunks AU where Steve doesn’t know his normal boyfriend Bucky is a secret agent gathering information on him, Shield, and Hydra.
Pedantic Affectations - Shrunkyclunks AU, Steve is a vigilante badly undercover as a teacher, Bucky is the detective trying to bring him in. Steve in his brilliance decides to throw Bucky off his scent by dating him.
*That Ass (Property of James Barnes) - Bucky is loudly obsessed with Steve’s ass.
Strange Visitor (From Another Time) - Lois and Clark-esque Shrunkyclunks AU; Bucky is a reporter pissed at the new kid in the newsroom who ends up being Captain America.
Snapshots - Post TWS: Steve is trying to find Bucky. Instead, he finds the sexy Navy "propaganda" Bucky somehow never mentioned he modeled for before the war. Painful and profound.
The Roommate - Shrunkyclunks AU, Steve decides not to live in Avengers Tower and instead gets an apartment and finds a one-armed veteran for a roommate.
Side bitch out of your league - Shrunkyclunks AU, Steve misdials Bucky while on a mission. Then misdials him again. Then dials him on purpose.
(760): I literally cut myself out of my pants. Waste. Of. Money. - No powers AU, Bucky texts a random number on Sam’s phone for outfit advice.
Slide To Answer - No powers wrong number AU; Steve misdials Bucky for dating advice, then keeps doing it.
a line that goes all the way. - Recovery in Wakanda pining.
**********they're gonna send us to prison for jerks - Post-TWS, Steve and Sam are undercover and move in next door to a math teacher who looks just like Bucky, but Steve can’t be sure... MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT FIC.
***Siege - Post-TWS AU where Bucky sticks around after pulling Steve from the Potomac and there are some painful and beautiful plot twists and some goddamn PROSE.
a blade with no handle - AU, the Winter Soldier joins the Avengers; identity porn.
Let's Fall in Love - Tony sends Steve and Bucky to a ridiculous fake speakeasy bar, feelings happen.
***Circling Back - Steve looks for Bucky, Bucky finds Steve, Steve tries desperately to put Bucky back together. Bucky tries desperately to let him. ULTIMATE POST-TWS RECOVERY FIC. Avenger family feels.
#TweetMeDaddy - Shrunkyclunks AU; Bucky works for Shield and tweets something that gets flagged as a death threat. It isn’t.
Good Boy - PWP, dom!Steve petplay; Bucky is still adjusting to life with the Avengers, and Steve is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable.
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kitten1618x · 5 years
TWD for the fandom ask meme 👀😘
Shannon you absolute angel. No one ever plays these games with me and I truly wasn’t expecting this! lol But okay, here goes!!
My Favorite Female Character is ofc Beth Greene. I’m also currently fond of Connie and I also adored Denise and Tara too. I go up and down with Mags—but Beth is on the pedestal, naturally.
My Favorite Male Character is/was Hershel Greene. I just loved him so much and I feel a profound sadness that we haven’t had a character even remotely similar to him since his demise—even though his death was an acceptable and meaningful one that actually pushed the narrative forward—and girl, don’t let me get up on my soapbox! I was thrilled Scott Wilson was able to film Rick’s swan song before his passing. It was SO GOOD to see him again... even if just for a minute. Sorry Daryl, you know I still love ya!
My Favorite Season in its entirety is season 2. I also very obviously loved specific episodes of the back half of season 4, but as far as really diving in and getting to know these characters, I feel like season 2 was it for me.
My Favorite Episode is actually a tie between Still and Beside a Dying Fire.
My Favorite Cast Member currently? This one is actually kinda hard. Like, obv I love Normy, but I also love Cooper Anderson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan is daddy af, okay? Oof, he takes me back to my supernatural days! 😂😂
My Favorite Ship is Bethyl. Richonne also gets an honorable mention, and I was digging whatever it was they were teasing with Rosita and Siddiq before they MURDERED him. 😡 And I know I always gross so many of my fellow bethylers out, but I also really enjoy the sibling dynamic of Carol x Daryl. Like, no matter how you choose to view their relationship, they are obv very important to one another and I’ve always felt that strong friendship between Norman and Melissa has always bled into their characters in such a good way.
A Character I’d Die Defending is Jerry! He’s so pure. Tbh, we need more characters like him on this misery porn show.
A Character I Just Can’t Sympathize With (lately ONLY) is Carol. I just feel like they’re only doing a repeat of season 4 with her — which they again repeated in season 6 and 7– whereas Carols trauma makes her reckless and she continues to put the others in danger until she decides she just needs to go off alone so she stops hurting people... frankly, I’m tired. It’s 2020– if you wanna shock me, do something different. Give me a happy finale for once. Let Carol have some character development. Like, don’t even get me started on this claustrophobic bullshit from last night... and the fact that it was actually MMB’s idea is so cringe—ugh—I’ve said too much.
A Character I Grew To Love is def Carl. Omg that child was so obnoxious in the earlier seasons, but by the team season 3 rolled around, Chandler stole my whole ass heart. I was so gutted when they MURDERED him. 😡 Only to turn around and MURDER the character he gave his life for ... you know, just like they did with Beth/Noah. 🤬🤬 I’ve said too much again.
My Anti OTP is whatever fresh hell they put on my screen last night and traumatized me with. Seriously, WTF Angela and whoever the hell else was responsible for that????
And yup, I def explained why on all accounts. lol
Thanks for playing, Gus! 😘♥️
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redbellesrecs · 4 years
The Longest Night
by: @mygutsforgarters​ fandom: avatar: the last airbender pairing: zuko/katara rating: teen warnings: no archive warnings apply status: incomplete
rec notes: post-war politics! zuko as a guest in the south pole! mutual pining! idiots in love! a delightful reversal of the classic “katara as a water tribe ambassador in the fire nation” trope, and i adore it. there’s some nuanced exploration of katara’s cultural heritage and how it impacts her post-war life, some meddling iroh, and a delicious, singing tension between zuko and katara as they both try to navigate their unspoken attraction. the whole fic is just *chef’s kiss*
summary: Before the iceberg, before Aang, before everything, Katara used to tell herself bedtime stories about what life would be like after the war. She imagined that her father would come home, that the Avatar would return, that her tribe would rebuild and prosper. Most of all, she imagined that she’d never again have to stand at the outskirts of her village and watch Fire Nation ships crest the horizon like iron sea serpents, belching toxic smoke and turning the snowfall black.
She never would have guessed that those ships would sail South in times of peace, and she certainly never conceived of a world in which she would find herself falling slowly in love with the Fire Lord—but then, life's just full of surprises, isn't it?
read on AO3
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sandalaris · 4 years
Any fdtd blog recs?
The fandom is so minuscule now and I feel like the only new content I see is on ao3 lmao.
I’d like to blog about the show bc the characters and storylines are so fun to unpack but I think I’d be screaming into a void, I’m glad you still talk about it ❤️
I had this whole thing typed out and then my tab crashed. Here’s to hoping I remember everything/everyone.
The fandom is small, but there’s a lot more people lurking than would seem, so don’t be afraid to scream into the void, people are listening! XD
As for blog recs; @yossariandawn @alwaysupatnight @hawkate @the-tres-geckos @geckosdusk @fortysevenswrites @astarkey @sail-not-drift @youbecool @mygutsforgarters @fdtdsource @darkmagic77 @sethkatefanfiction @triedtowriteyournameintherain are all in the fandom to various degrees and some are in other amazing fandoms, and I recommend checking out their blogs even if they aren’t FDtD focused.
@horchatavamps @dickgecko @qeckosfuller haven’t been active in over at least a year, but still have some great content on their blogs if you want to peruse them.
If I think of anyone else, I’ll come back to this post and add them, but those are the ones that caught my eye from a quick glance at my following list/off the top of my head.
And if anyone else can think of blogs to rec feel free to add!! XD
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