#mythix team
solar-tl-27 · 1 year
I'm enchanted with Chimera's enchantix, and out of curiosity I wanted to know: what made you decide to give her the enchantix?
I basically scrapped most of s6 and am reworking it to try and find a better way to execute mythix without having glaring plotholes.
By doing that i ended up switching the focus over to stella instead of introducing selena which already puts a bigger focus on her family during the season.
And completely changing how the book works and the like evil guy cuz he was lame
This season will mostly be centered around eraklyon and solaria and that’s how chimera came into play because i kept her in the story. With her temporary taking stella’s place on the team to help the winx try and save stella & solaria and that is a great way to give her the opportunity to gain enchantix. And to show her strengths as a person.
The season’s main focus would be with sky, bloom, stella, brandon, diaspro & chimera (ofcourse the other winx will have character development but they aren’t the main focus for the overall story)
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silquemoone · 6 months
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anyone else participating in the march mod madness styling event on the official discord? team mythix over here ✨🦋
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calissarowan · 7 months
Winx Crossover Requests
Hi! I had a fun idea earlier for a series of one-shots where Selina uses the power of the Legendarium to send the Winx into fictional worlds, and they have to find their Mythix wands in order to get back to the real world, and they each team up with a fictional character from a tv show or book. Bloom’s also going to need to get the Legendarium Key back. (Yes, this is just an excuse to do a bunch of crossovers). I’ll publish it on fanfiction.net; it won’t be a long story, just for fun, and I’m taking team-up requests! If you’d like to request a team-up, just comment on this post with your request. (I won’t be able to do any crossovers for things I haven’t seen though, sorry. I’ll reply to comments to let you know if I can do the team-up. Don’t know much about the world of anime, if that’s helpful information to have.)
Also, in this story, Roxy has Mythix, so she’s going to feature, which means seven crossovers. I’ll only do one team-up per Winx. Just let me know the Winx and the fictional character they team up with (and the show or book they’re from).
Thanks! I look forward to hearing your ideas!
(Here are some examples of things I know: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power; Carmen Sandiego; Miraculous; My Little Pony; Monster High; The Dragon Prince; LoliRock; Descendants; Ever After High; Harry Potter; the Marvel films up to Thor Ragnarok (according to timeline order); Dc Superhero Girls; Kung Fu Panda; Lego Ninjago. Not exhaustive but hopefully gives a good idea of what I’m familiar with.)
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historyhermann · 2 years
The Indie Animation Boom Continues in 2022 [part 2]
Continued from part 1
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Four characters from of LimeLight (Ashira, Carter, Cheryl, and Alex)
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs, my History Hermann WordPress blog on Jan. 21, 2023, and Wayback Machine. This was the ninth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on January 27, 2022.
A show I learned about recently is LimeLight. It started development in January 2021 and is created by a small production team that is part of the Uphoria Animation Studio. It is about a young Black woman named Ashira GoldenFire (voiced by Jazzy Greene) in New Orleans who tries to make it in the music industry. She is helped by her friend Cheryl Stone (voiced by Zoie E. Absher). Both go through “hardships and the evolution of music” as they try to achieve their dreams. But her path becomes harder after she brings Carter Sillver (voiced by Jack Kelly Savage), a Voodoo man, into her life. It is, as the show’s official website describes it, a series with a “twisted love story and adventure.”
The series, which has crowdfunding campaigns on Indiegogo and Patreon, already has a talented cast. Apart from those already mentioned, the cast is diverse, with various Black and Brown actors. Most of those on the crew appear to be first-time actors as the page on IMDB for the show indicates. The series is created by Hannah I. Johnson, who serves as writer, director, and producer.
Apart from Johnson, the show’s team consists of over 30 people, headed by a voice director, production manager, animation director, and editor. It includes various character and creature designers, background artists, writers, storyboarders, animators, and musicians. Johnson, known as MoralSky on Twitter, is the head writer on Samson, described as a “modern take on Robin Hood,” a producer of Robert J. Preston’s Fighting All Odds, an indie coming-of-age animated series about a deaf girl named Jackie, and founder of the Uphoria Animation Studio. Johnson has said, some time ago, that she’d like the pilot of LimeLight to be released in Winter of this year or early 2023.
LimeLight is not the only indie animated series about music. Far-Fetched, which was discussed earlier, focuses on a band, as does Battle of the Bands, a 2d mature animated series created by Allissoon Lockhart, a producer of Studio Meala, supervisor at Netflix, manager of the Qbomb band, and a drummer, with Parker Simmons as the co-showrunner. As it turns out, the lead character designer of Battle of the Bands, Max Monroy, is also the lead character designer on Far-Fetched!
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Title and characters from Battle of the Bands
Simmons was previously the creator and executive producer of Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart. The show, Battle of the Bands, is an adult action fantasy. It has Arin Hanson, Game Grumps, Hunter Peterson, Matthew Di Panni, and Hunter Burgan as producers. It looks like it will  come out some time this year. Hanson, Di Panni, Erica Mendez, Sarah Natochenny, Erika Ishii, and Imari are voice actors who are part of a band called Heat Seekers. Already character sheets and bios about the show’s characters have been posted, it has been said there will be a lot of LGBTQ characters, and amazing art about the show has been shared as well, along with the show’s music score. Lockhart has been very active in answering questions and talking about the show on Tik Tok, Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, and elsewhere, including noting the female musicians among the show characters, since the show was created in 2017.
LimeLight, Battle of the Bands, and Band of Mythix make me think about a Metal Family, a Russian indie animated series focusing on a heavy metal-loving family, I recently reviewed. Similar to Metal Family, Battle of the Bands, Band of Mythix, and LimeLight will be released in some form on YouTube. Unlike Metal Family, the aforementioned series are primarily English language series. Although the Metal Family is originally in the Russian language, it has a different voice cast for English dubbed episodes.
On an unrelated note, it’s exciting to see that the show, Road to Friendship, has changed into a show named Corrupted Memories. That series is created by Jocelyn Saravia, a deaf Latinx storyboard artist, and they are collaborating with their friends on the show. This new show is about a mysterious stolen experimental drug which causes “tension between the group of college students.”
Not every indie animation can survive the process of development. Some series are abandoned or ended for a reason or another. One recent example of this is Rain: The Animated Series, based on the soon-to-end webcomic of the same name by Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick which has a trans protagonist named Rain Flaherty, a bisexual aunt of Rain named Fara, a gay man named Aiken Flaherty, a lesbian named Maria Strongwell, a pansexual girl named Emily Caston, and a trans woman named Jessica Li, along with additional characters. The official YouTube channel described it as a “story for boys, girls, and everyone in between.” In September 2021, it was abruptly cancelled before the series premiere. [4] However, the video of the cancellation was later updated to say that while the attempt to “adapt the full comic” has ended since “many of the old cast and crew have moved on,” videos will presumably come in the future. This was further confirmed by a comment saying that while the comic is no longer being animated, there will be “more shorts and videos.” This means that the passion project can continue, but not as a full-fledged animated series. Even so, such an animated series is still possible. One comment said it is only “canceled for now.” Another said that the original push for an animated series fell apart. [5]
There are additional series I could talk about, like Rogue Metro, a 2D animated “post-cyberpunk science fantasy series with medieval inspirations,” and the S.A.L.E.M.: The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantments, and Monsters series which has a non-binary protagonist named Salem, along with Oliver who is gay, and Petra who is asexual. Its release date is unknown. The show’s official Twitter account has been silent since April of last year. In exciting news, however, this upcoming April, the series Interstellar Ranger Commence will be released on the official YouTube channel of Browntable, the production company for the series. This independent anime show will release episodes on a monthly basis, and is already set for a season 2!
In the end, I am optimistic that the boom in indie animated series will continue this year and for years to come, bringing joy to creators, artists, voice actors, and viewers alike.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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hag-rambling-on · 4 years
Demigods and kinda Deities of the Magic Realms feats the Legendarium
... also knows as a hag who harcore redesigns the season that most excited and disappointed her as her favorite.
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Golden Kingdom
It is a place specially created by Ethereals for their favorites. Also called Relix. The best way to define it is to think of Avalon, the Eden or the Olympus. Lots of places, although where their doors lead - it hardly matters who opens them - is only decided by their inhabitants or Ethereals.
Actually the ones who live in the Golden Kingdom are the first of their kind, the ancestors of one or more races, commonly called the Council of Elders.
Among them we can mention Carabossa and Clariel who where the first wizard and fae (and also the firsts elf and human respectively, also first male and female but gesh do NOT ship them, Clariel x Nubia if you must) and therefore part of the Ancestors mentioned in the Legendarium. The other members are Kristjana the first mermaid, Oros the first archicentaur, Puck the second pixie (the flying creature one... second because in fact the first is still Ninfea, Puck was the second pixie born and who agreed to go to the Golden Kingdom and is the Pixie of Change and is bonded to Arcadia)... Ninfea is the Pixie of Carabossa you can not change my mind.
Also, Carabossa trained the Three Ancestral Witches when they finally born and they were three sweet little girls ... so it's not like showing his face, ever. He tried so hard to make everyone forget his name.
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The Legendarium
Here the Legendarium is a written chronicle of the beginnings of the Realm that was enchanted in a mixture of given life / turned into a space-time loop - portal. And all this happened at the same time that was write by a wizard called Acheron, in a far distant past.
It even contains stories from the Elders long before they were considered such.
When this happened and some of its still young protagonists became aware of the groundhog days and the repeated catastrophes and the villains trying again and again to repeat their plans, correcting their mistakes, and almost succeeding.
They fought Acheron and locked him in his own book, ending the stories with the correct, happy endings that should and had been. They sealed said book with magic and turned their magic into their weapons in such a way that only said weapons now keys would be able to free Acheron while, althought it was not their intention if someone else read it Acheron could only at most communicate if the reader were a magical user.
So, it's not an alternate dimension but a kind of groundhog day summoner, and  temporary space-portal and which in effect allows you to bring the monsters of that time to this time. A very dangerous weapon indeed.
Since nothing lasts forever, that group of fairies and witches who taught magic to the Realms broke up but before that they sealed part of themselves in their weapons so that if the book were reopened their successors had some guidance and it would be possible to close it as soon as possible.
-This also means that Selina was able to temporarily use a key or manipulate someone whom one of the keys accepted to open the book, in effect.-
Among these first fairies and witches we include Clariel Arcadia and Clarabossa Acrypta, the first fairy and wizard of the Realms. YES.
Clariel Arcadia (Fairy of Auroras)
Carabossa Acrypta (Wizard of Thorns)
Selemisa of Solaria (Witch of the Moon)
Akkos Sivson (Fae of Crystals)
Salvador Glitz (Wizard of Illusions)
Chen Hua (Fae/Fairy of Transfiguration)
Nubia of Romulea (Fairy of Metals)
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Ah, those responsible for creation and for the universe to exist. They have their own place outside of all physical laws.
But most of them kinda of get bored, you know? One always has one foot (or nose) on the Dream Plane -which is like theirs, anyway-, the other damns/blesses his favored ones with what humans would call "Dragon's Flame". Other gives totally random blessings.
Ethereal of Life and Energy, at times the Ethereal of Good (also known as Great Dragon). They are like a child in front of television who sometimes reaches out to push their favorite character at “better” (at their eyes) places. They don't really interact that much, but they are the most colorful and has left the best "legacy".
In the Elemental Circle is Fire (and its possible derivations). And I affectionately call them The Child -not miniYoda, other The Child- or Young Hearted if you must.
Ethereal of Death and Void, at times the Ethereal of Evil (also known as Shadow Phoenix). No, it’s not Darkar, Darkar is a Morix  -read the fairy transformations- Fae with bad luck although he stopped seeing it like that long ago.
In the Elemental Circle is Air (and its possible derivations). And I affectionately call them Trickster.
Ethereal of Time and Space, at times the Ethereal of Neutrality. Co-creator of the Water Stars and the proof that the Council of Elders are HardennedAndProudlyStubbornSelfMadePeopleTM. It was the only interaction it -the Ethereal- had with the universe in a loooong time since they go very at their own pace. Oh, but they HATES the Legendarium. If you want to communicate with them, prod them with the Cursed Book. They devised the Golden Kingdom and brought Arcadia and Carabossa into it just to have someone guard the damn book. And both mortals dare saying them “no”, leave it to new generations they have the instruments to do it -beware angry ethereal, angry ethereal-
In the Elemental Circle is Water (and its possible derivations). And I affectionately call them Angry IssuesTM.
Ethereal of Magic, Ethereal of Dreams, at times also knows as the Ethereal of Miracles, Freedom and Possibilities (most people think they are 2 Ethereals actually, therefore the title). They usually spends part of their time in the Realm of Dreams, so it could be said that they are the one that interacts the most with intelligent races, although said races don't know that.
In the Elemental Circle is “Earth” (Actually, Earth and its derivatives, and Fauna and Flora). And I affectionately call them Softy!!! (with the happy and warm exclamations included).
Fortunately for all of us, if they enter our plane, they must asume physical body and limit theirselves as a must to what they can do when interact with the world. It is a pact that all Ethereals made not to destroy their creation every f**king second.
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winxrp · 3 years
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@haksuwx & @wxjihwan & @wxyiseul
you watch the citizens stagger fearfully in from where you stand at the entrance of the parliament house. they gather impatiently in front of you, eyes meeting yours as they await your directive. once you’ve accumulated a group of ten, you usher them deeper into the parliament house, down the stairs and towards the basement. it is when you grab the handle of the bunker’s entrance that ice gathers at the door, so cold it burns. you snatch your hand away from the handle. frost starts to spread deeper into the tunnel that’s meant to keep you and the others safe, the temperature dropping drastically. from the group, a child points to the shadows and starts to wail.
@wxbitna & @wxnabi
the elemental weapons wielded by great mythix of the past are stored within the temples of their element. the pyrosword, the radiant bow, the nature staff, the aero-javelin and the hydro-whip. you’ve split up into five teams, each assigned to one of the five artefacts. but when you step into the temple of light, you find it has been snuffed out by a thick darkness that spreads quickly towards the other temples. the glow of the radiant bowstring is the last thing you see before your sight is completely robbed, a pure, pitch black that’s almost suffocating. you grip your weapon, but there’s no one you can see to point it at. laughter rings out. you don’t know where it’s coming from.
@wxjunho & @wxseulki & @wxhajoon & @wxyohan
you’re holding a beam steady so your teammate can help navigate the shopkeeper out from under a collapsed storefront when the ground beneath your feet rumbles. hold steady, she shouts. the walls tremble with a mysterious force. a shadow stands in the dark, feet planted deep within the earth. you hear a roar, your only warning sign of seismic activity. then the earth is cleaved in two, buildings crumbling into the fissures, and screams swallowed by dirt all around you.
@wxbeomseok & @wxjihyun​ & @yeongsukwx​ & @eunmiwx​
the academy is a buzz, with students and staff running about as they echo directives into their comm devices. the jarring sound of thunder begs your attention, and you notice something whipping on the horizon, the skies gathering into angry, swollen storm clouds. lightning crackles above, an inescapable scent of charring. this isn’t the nurturing safety of nature as you know it, not for you. a silhouette stands encased in the storm, as her power gathers and fills you with dread.
you see vice chancellor seo run to the broadcast, more frantic than you’ve ever seen her. we need to warn the students that have been deployed, you hear her mutter frantically to the instructor beside her. they haven’t been trained against the dark elements! she glances at you briefly, then addresses the crowd in a desperate shout, retreat! tell the students to retreat!
OUT OF CHARACTER DETAILS  this is the third part/plot drop of the invasion of witches. there will be new plot drops every alternate SUNDAY, 10PM KST until the end of the event. for part three, all muses are now facing dark elemental attacks from the witches. given the threat level of the witches, their mission now is to find a way out of the situation and get everyone back to the safety of the academy, in any way they possibly can! if your muse hasn’t been mentioned in this post and you would like to participate in this event, please visit the previous event post and REPLY to said post with the location you’d like your muse to be deployed to!
ADDITIONAL INFO  in high school level fairy history, your muses would have been taught that through black magic, the witches attempted to wield the five pure elements ( though whether your muses paid attention in class is another thing ). however, even their black magic could not overcome the purity and integrity of these elements, so they instead learnt to pervert these elements by wielding its polar opposites ( ice to fire, darkness to light, storm to nature, earth to air ). they could not wield the direct counter to water given that it is fire, making water fairies naturally more resilient to their attacks in comparison to the other four elements. to read more about elemental durability and nullification, click here for our POWERS PAGE. note that your muses will not be able to nullify the witches’ powers described in each of these locations as they are not strong enough to do so at this point!
TAGS  please remember to tag all threads and posts related to this event with wx:witches!
DURATION  IC WISE, part three of this event will run from 2PM to 4.30PM on 30 DECEMBER. OOC WISE, part three will run from 2 JANUARY until the end of the event. the next plot drop is scheduled for 16 JANUARY, 10PM KST. note that because this is a multi-part event, you are free to start threads/solos on part three at any point of the entire event. our TIMELINE PAGE has been updated to keep track of the events happening in verse!
POINTS  if you choose to participate in part three of the event, please go ahead and claim an additional +4 PTS with your first thread starter/reply or solo! do remember to note this in your points log! you may find more information on how our points system works here.
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thewickedmerman · 3 years
My Redesigns of The Specialists
Well, since I finished with the Winx Club girls and The Trix, I figured it was time to do my redesigns of The Specialists. However, not all of them are going to be just powerless fighters. I felt it would be more fun to make their team be made up of fighters, fairies, and sorcerers. Plus, they get to have their own transformations too. The fighters get transformations similar to the Power Rangers/superheroes (Because it makes no sense for there to be an emergency and they just rush off to change clothes, which is an INSANELY dangerous time waster), the fairies will have transformations similar to the Winx Club themselves, and the sorcerers will have transformations similar to the ones from Miraculous Ladybug (Honestly, I don't know what to think for the sorcerers). Why? Because it's so much more fun that way.
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Well, I got the most BORING of the boys out of the way, so that's something. For his design I used Eric's body from The Little Mermaid, the face of Derek from The Swan Princess (Or at least from a specific poster), used his second hairstyle from the show because it suits him better and look less like a surfer dude, and I used the uniforms The Specialists get in the later seasons because it's BADASS. Plus, considering that Eraklyon is related to geology, it makes sense to have some armor that looks like stones. I did change the shade of blue to match his signature color, which is sky blue (I mean, it's in his name). He is the prince of Eraklyon and the son of a sorcerer and a fairy, but they still loved him despite that he had no magic. However, that made them even more protective of him since he was a child and there was a threat of him being kidnapped and held for ransom by Yoshinoya. So Sky's best friend/squire, Brandon (Who is a fairy and has magic to protect himself and Sky) was to switch places with Sky for public appearances and in school, so that no one would know who Sky really is. The only ones who knew the truth were the royal family, the castle staff, members of the royal court, and Diaspro & her parents (Who Sky was betrothed to since they were babies). Despite having no powers, Sky refused to be helpless and studied fighting hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. Sky is a boring character but could be good if put in the right hands. Give him flaws, have him held more accountable for his actions, none of the bullshit conflict that happens with him and Bloom from seasons 4-8.
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For his design, I used the face of Edward from Enchanted, the nose of Rameses from The Prince of Egypt, the eyes of Joseph from Joseph: King of Dreams, and the body of Bolin from The Legend of Korra. I've always questioned what race Brandon was supposed to be coded as because he seemed pretty ambiguous. Was he just white but with a tan? Was he Middle Eastern? Was he Filipino? Was he Hispanic or Latino? I saw someone say he was Middle Eastern and pointed out some areas in the Middle East where they have lighter tan complexions, dark brown hair, and similar features to him. So I thought for some representation, I would go with the Middle Eastern coded option. I made him a little darker than he was in the original show by giving him Flora's skin color from the original show (Since I gave her a darker skin-tone in my redesign of her), sharper eyes, and more Middle Eastern looking nose. I didn't want to use Aladdin's nose because the noses of Aladdin and Jasmine were a little too exaggerated the same way that the noses in Lilo and Stitch were too exaggerated (Polynesians don't have potato noses). I also wanted to show some body diversity by giving him a plus-sized body. NO, Bolin's body isn't fat but it's very much plus-sized. Brandon was a fat little boy growing up because he was just built differently. However, as he got older and started training, he bulked up. He's still plus-sized but is also muscular. You're probably wondering why I decided to make Brandon a fairy. I don't know but it just works. He is the fairy of geodes! I got that idea from Diaspro's fairy form and powers. They come from Eraklyon, so the magic in that world must be related to geology. So he's basically an Earthbender lol. But his powers are rooted on rocks, stones, gems, ect. so it's no wonder his body is so solid like a rock. I also modeled his wings after Diaspro's, which I noticed are solid instead of transparent like other fairy wings. I figured that must be part of the geology themed powers. As for his costume, I based it on one of the background fairies that were seen during the destruction of Bloom's home planet, Sparx. It just looked like it suited him. He and Sky have been friends since they were little and he is Sky's squire. He's the son of one of the palace guards. Since Sky was in danger of being abducted since he was a little kid, Brandon was made to pretend he was the prince for Sky's protection. Brandon's parents were dead against it, but the king demanded it. However, it was ultimately Brandon who decided to do it, even if his parents disapproved of putting their son in danger. You may ask, how would people believe that two white parents had a brown son? No idea! I guess they just said he was naturally tan lol.
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For Riven's design, I gave him the face/head of Proteus from Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, the body of Shang from Mulan, and the eyes of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. For his outfit, I didn't want to just give him the same outfit as Sky but with a different color because I wanted more individuality. So I gave him the outfits that were worn by Nex and Thoren (Sky's cousin). They looked less heroic and epic as the outfit I gave Sky, which suits Riven's more roughish nature and how he hasn't had an easy life compared to Sky (More on that later). It also has a bit of a low-key bad boy vibe to it. I still stayed true to his signature color, magenta, while making sure it didn't clash with his magenta hair, and giving him some purple to match his eyes. And I just had to give him an angry look on his face because it's Riven, so of course. Riven is my absolute LEAST favorite of the specialists. Sky may be boring as hell but Riven is ANNOYING as hell. He's poorly written, has terrible development, is always an asshole for no reason, has no backstory to justify the way he is, doesn't really change, and his relationship with Musa is absolutely toxic. In my version, I give him a backstory and better character development. His backstory is that he was born to a father that was a sorcerer and a mother that was a fairy while he was born without the ability to perform magic, which was a MASSIVE disappointment to his parents. They neglected him, emotionally abused him, and on occasion physically. This makes his actions and attitude all the more understandable. He's a show off because of how he never really got attention growing up from his own parents and is trying to make up for it, as well as prove that he is capable of great things and isn't useless just because he doesn't have powers. He's angry and a hothead but has more of a secret gentle side that he sometimes shows, MUCH MORE than the original Riven, which helps make it more understandable why Musa would have a crush on him. His emotional baggage also made it easier for Darcy to manipulate him, even giving him some magic (But takes it away when she dumps him). His backstory also gives him a reason for why he lashes out at his fellow teammates. In my version, Brandon is a fairy and Timmy is a sorcerer, so they can perform magic while he can't. He especially resents Sky because of how he was also born with parents that could perform magic while he couldn't but was still given love and attention despite this. It made him VERY angry and jealous because of how Sky manage to have parents that adore him, despite being born unable to do magic, while Riven had neglectful and abusive parents because of his inability to perform magic.
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For his face/head I used some old concept design of Milo from Atlantis: The Lost Empire and the smile, eyes, and body of Aladdin. I went with Aladdin's body because of how Timmy wouldn't be as masculine as the others but wouldn't be lanky. Aladdin has some muscles on him but he's not super built. I also gave him freckles because it's just too perfect for him. His outfit was tricky because of how I had to find a way of making him look like a sorcerer but also incorporate it with technology to go with his powers because of how he is the Sorcerer of Technology. For his scepter, I went with Tecna's Mythix wand, with some adjustments. Redheads look surprisingly really good in the color yellow. I decided to make Timmy a sorcerer because of how I feel it suits his personality. He's not as action-oriented as the other guys but more intellectual, even though he still fights. Imagine how amazing he'd be with technology with magic. He'd excel! No, I don't have him being from Zenith like Tecna but from another technology planet, though one that isn't considered as high up as Zenith. So this makes him feel a little intimidated by Tecna, that and him having a MASSIVE crush on her. He always is trying to prove that he is capable and isn't just some weak nerd. Out of all of the specialists, he's one of my favorite, if not my number one favorite. He's just absolutely awesome with how much of a dork he is.
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Helia was the one that I was looking the most forward to doing a redesign of because of how I made him a fairy. Out of all of the Specialists, he's the one that really benefits the best from being made a fairy, especially when I got to his Believix and Enchantix. He has more of a feminine personality while still proving he isn't a wuss but rather a badass, despite being a pacifist. This gives him layers and depth beyond just being a typical good looking hero. Plus, his hair is just AMAZING! I used the body of Mako from The Legend of Korra, the eyes and nose of Shang from Mulan, and the head/face of Little Creek from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. I also gave him Brandon's skin tone to make him look more brown instead of just a light Asian. His outfit is very feminine but also clearly meant for a man because of how it's kind of toga looking. But I did his toga in a way that looks more Asian inspired instead of Greek inspired. Plus, this look suits his chill and relaxed personality. I made his outfit salmon pink with some orange because those colors just look so good on him and just suit his character. I made him the fairy of art, the same way that Musa is the fairy of music. So he can make art literally come to life, turn things like paint into ropes, can control paper (Particularly when in an origami shape), create portals, can jump into paintings to hide, and you get the point. Basically, his powers are awesome!
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And now we've come to my favorite of The Specialists, Prince Nabu. First of all, I want to make VERY CLEAR that in my version, Nabu DOESN'T die! That was a bunch of BULL CRAP! I mean, he's introduced in season 3 and then close to the end of season 4 they kill him off? Not to mention that out of all the boys, they chose the darkest one, who was also the love interest of black woman! She ended up having to suffer more than any of the other girls because of this. Not to mention that in season 5 they tried to replace him with a brown (But much lighter) man with terrible blonde hair and a terribly bland and boring personality to match, Roy. Then when that didn't work, they did a dumb love triangle in season 6 where the white man that has a personality mixture of Riven and Brandon, Nex. Yeah, all of this is TOTALLY not racist! And that's coming from a white man. Also, I wanna also point out that Nabu is NOT black! He is Indian, so he is coded as South Asian. Now that we got my rant out of the way, for his design I used the face/head of Naveen from The Princess and the Frog, the body of Flynn Rider from Tangled (I wanted to use Naveen but there wasn't a base of him to use or a tasteful nude picture of him), and the eyes of Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I also chose to keep his super long single braid instead of the two shoulder blade length braids he had in season 4. Why? Because it just looks SO MUCH better and is more badass. Non-white men just look amazing with long hair. He is still a prince but he doesn't come from Layla's planet, Andros. Why? Because that planet is water themed and his powers aren't related to water. His powers are illusions and healing, so it only makes sense that he comes from another planet, especially when the rules of Andros are black while Nabu and his family are Indian. He and Layla are in an arranged marriage, which she refuses and their relationship still goes the same way it did in season 3. Except, I'm having them meet during my Sirenix story line because that season would be about Layla, due to it being water themed. He still went by a disguised name, Ophir before revealing his true identity once they fell in love. So I'm giving true respect to the Sorcerer of Healing and Illusions.
And now for Brandon and Helia's Believix!
Just like the girls, Brandon and Helia are getting Believix and Enchantix forms. For the Believix forms I took inspiration from @teawithlemonacid, who did some fanart of The Specialists as fairies. I did make some adjustments of my own but still did take inspiration from that artist, so credit where credit is due. As I said when I did the girls with their Believix, the way they earn their Believix is pretty much the same way they earned their Charmix in season 2. They have to believe in themselves and overcome a personal struggle. I also took liberties with the Believix aesthetic because of how I want the fairy looks to be more timeless rather than dated-looking.
Brandon's Believix
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For Brandon's design, I gave him a new hairstyle because if the girls get new hairstyles for each new fairy form, so do the boys. I gave him Nex's hair, apart from those dumb looking sideburns. I embroidered some stoned onto his outfit because of how he's the fairy of geodes. Since I also decided to have his race be Middle Eastern, I decided to incorporate some of that into his look as well. I gave him some curled toed shoes and some Middle Eastern inspired accessories. That was hard because of how most Middle Eastern jewelry are women's jewelry. I gave him Tecna's Mythix wings because they just really suit him for some reason. As for how he earned his Believix, well he had to overcome some hidden resentment he had for Sky that was starting to show during a trust exercise. He resented that he had to put his life on the line for Sky ever since they were kids. That really effects a child when they are having their lives in danger in order to protect someone else. Yes, Brandon did agree to do it in order to protect his friend but he also knew that if he didn't do it that he and his parents would be in trouble with the King and Queen. Sky's parents didn't really show much concern for Brandon's safety and that caused more resentment because Sky didn't really say anything to his parents about their poor treatment of his friend. Sky could tell something was up and it was only when Brandon stopped bottling up his feelings that things started to get better. It was emotional and difficult but Brandon felt better when he finally let it all out. It was then that he earned his Believix.
Helia's Enchantix
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homeworldHelia's Believix was A LOT of fun to do. I loved getting to have his hair loose because it looks amazing. I didn't make too many changes to the outfit I modeled this after. I love how the gold has a paint-like feel to it. It really adds to his powers being art based. I used Flora's prototype Bloomix wings for his Believix wings because they just seemed to suit him. I also had the magic coming from his hand looking even bigger and more powerful than it was during his Magic Winx form. The way he earns his Believix was different from how others earned their Believix. instead of mainly being an emotional struggle, it was also a physical struggle because he had to overcome his passive nature. He has a lot of power but he holds himself back because of an accident that happened when he was a kid. Because he didn't restrain himself, a friend of his got badly hurt. The friend lived but his parents wouldn't allow him to be friends with Helia anymore. After that, Helia kept to himself, chose not to be aggressive, and wouldn't live up to his true abilities because of that accident. His grandfather, Saladin (The headmaster at Red Fountain), has been trying to break him out of it and live up to his true potential. It was only when his friends, specifically Flora, were in danger that he finally overcame his passive nature and started using his full power. This caused him to earn his Believix.
And finally for Helia and Brandon's Enchantix
We have come to Helia and Brandon's final transformations, Enchantix. Just like the girls, they must earn theirs by saving someone from their homeworld by making a big sacrifice. The boys were hard to do, due to how there wasn't really anything for me to go off of. However, I think I managed to do a pretty good job. I also wanted to have them be in revealing outfits just like the girls. I mean, fair is fair, after all. Let me know what you think.
Helia's Enchantix
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For Helia, I wanted to do something that had an Asian influence to it that also showed his art powers being influenced. I gave him something that was very flowing to go with his sensitive and feminine personality while also having a rainbow theme to go with his powers. I didn't use the colors of the rainbow because I didn't want him to just look like a Pride themed look, which ended up looking awkward and busy when I first attempted it. So I limited the colors to the ones in his wings to make it look better. I still wanted to include his two main colors, salmon pink and gold while still making the rainbow colors pop. I went with a very Asian inspired hairstyle, which actually shows both of his eyes. The eye that is usually covered is actually blind, which goes with the childhood backstory I gave him that helped him earn his Believix, which will also play a part in earning his Enchantix, which I will get to in a little bit. I felt it would show him embracing himself while also showing the Asian culture. I took some liberties with the jewelry because of how most jewelry is meant for women, which is why most male looks are boring. I tried to butch up his shoes to make them look less girly and making the gems resemble a paintbrush. For his wings, I used Stella's Mythix wings because they look like a rainbow, which really suits Helia. I made his powers in his hand the biggest and strongest they've looked out of all his fairy forms. As for how he earns his Enchantix, I had him save his old childhood friend, who Helia had accidentally caused to become permanently blind because of his powers, which also caused Helia to become blind in his right eye. He had seen him but was avoiding him because of his guilt, despite his old friend trying to reach out to him during this time. He saves his old friend from an avalanche that was caused by The Trix, specifically Stormy. Helia not only almost died but his wings were crushed, so he wouldn't be able to fly. He said that he lost his friend once because of something he did and wasn't going to lose his friend again when he could do something about it. However, it was due to this sacrifice that he was able to earn his Enchantix and gain a new and MUCH stronger pair of wings. Not only that, but he had his old friend back after all this time. Helia apologized for what he did to his friend when they were kids, but his friend forgave him and said he missed Helia.
Brandon's Enchantix
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Brandon's Enchantix was even more difficult than Helia's because of how Brandon's not as feminine as Helia. I took some inspiration from Tynix because of how Brandon's powers are related to geodes. I made his vest and best/waist thing look like diamonds. I even incorporated gems into his sash. I took major liberties with jewelry because Middle Eastern (Which is the race I decided Brandon is) jewelry is very limited in jewelry for men, at least from the google search I did. I love the one sleeve look I gave him with his emerald vest/armor. I even gave him some gems on the bottom of his pants. I gave him very Aladdin looking pants, only without the crotch being so low lol. I gave him the hairstyle of the character Thoren from Winx Club and Stella's Tynix wings. The way he earns his Enchantix was by saving Sky from being eaten by one of Valtor's minions, causing Brandon to be eaten instead. This cause Brandon to earn his Enchantix and his powers were enhanced to where he could destroy the creature from the inside. This earned him not only his Enchantix, but also finally getting respect from Sky's parents, who, AT LAST, apologize for how they treated him. Yeah, this is simple but you get the point.
Credit for the character bases goes to SelenaEde, Credit for the backgrounds goes to SparxGuardian, credit for Helia's Believix wings goes to darkfairyofmadness, and credit for the Enchantix wings and Brandon's Believix wings goes to AstralBlu. All of whom are on DeviantArt.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
Or, in which I give the basics of what I’ve changed about the story for the AU. It was originally way more descriptive but if I kept it in that style I would have finished in 2039 and I ain’t got time for that. Let’s cover the small crisis that happens between S6 and S7! It took as long as it did because Life interfered.
WINX AU INTERLUDE 6 - Distant Legends, Sudden Troubles
A week later, after receiving the call from the Order of Mana, the Winx and Roxy (alongside Daphne and Faragonda) arrive at the Council of Mana’s headquarters in Roccaluce.
Once inside, they’re brought to a larger room seemingly made of crystal, and see that all 9 keys are on top of a small pillar of the same crystal. A lot of magi are around.
They spot Eldora along them all, looking annoyed, and when they talk she tells them that the Order wants to make a new transformation out of Pleiadix.
She cynically elaborates that they didn’t like that there was a form they weren’t in charge of, but a Paladin corrects her that it’s to ensure the Legendarium can never be open, even on accident, again, and that she herself agreed to this plan.
Eldora mutters under her breath that she wasn’t given much of a choice, but then formally adresses the Winx’s presence - as they are the last users of Pleiadix, they are the ones that should run the ritual to ensure there’s no issues with it.
A few minutes of preparation later, and everyone arranges themselves in a weird formation, the Winx at the center, a magic circle appearing under them.
Chanting begins, and the Winx plus Roxy focus on their keys, Eldora focusing on the remaining two. The Keys slowly seem to lose their magic, alongside their color, and an incredible surge of magical essence starts to form around everyone.
With a final chant, the essence seems to light up and explode, and a magical shockwave is felt all over the universe.
The Order of Mana then announces this is the birth of a new form - Mythix, and requests the Winx and Roxy to discover how to earn the form.
Everyone is incredibly confused at all this, but Bloom agrees to it, saying that it might be interesting as something to do over the summer. Everyone can pick up that she’d like to occupy her mind on other stuff as she’s still hurting over Selina, and so they agree.
The magic shockwave seems to stir something up in the wind, and stray magic seems to be coalescing, acquiring a vague humanoid shape.
The next day, on Red Fountain, everyone attends to see the graduation ceremony, excited that their friends are now free from Red Fountain. Team 3Q is given extra honors thanks to their help during the last crises the System has fought over, and they are offered positions as teachers in Red Fountain whenever they please for their actions.
Everyone cheers, and after a couple more speeches, a big party is thrown, the Winx and friends reuniting. They all celebrate and chat, and they ask the guys what are they going to do now.
Brandon answers that they’ve been thinking about that for a while now, and they decided to stick together living in Magix for a couple more months before deciding on joining a Guild of warriors as a group or not.
They keep chatting (with Sky helping Stella and Diaspro in trying to cheer Bloom up, but it's not fully successful). Everyone says their goodbyes and decide to rest in their homes for a week before starting the whole Mythix deal.
It’s two days later, on Melody, that the Soniata takes place on Caden, honoring the Hexer Sonia of lore. Musa has a fun time with her dad and brother, and ends up surprised at Galatea also being there, having managed to escape the palace and enjoy some time with local stories on the other side of the country. Musa then tells her the full legend, but as she does that, dark shadowy beasts start to attack.
Musa and Galatea transform, while Jian dons armor and Huan tries to help him evacuate the premises.
The two fairies manage to make quick work of the beings, but end up slightly overwhelmed. At the sight of a couple more families about to be attacked, they both come up with a plan.
Both of them join their magic, Musa starts to play a lullaby on her sword, mimicking the legend, while Galatea begins chanting a long spell, acting as an “amplifier” to Musa’s music. This manages to slowly make all the remaining shadow beasts fall asleep, and with the chance, both fairies unleash a convergence, destroying them all.
A rush of magic envelops them both, and suddenly, they got new forms - Galatea’s perfect control over the voiced ritual earnt her Glissandix, while Musa unlocked Mythix due to her parallelisms with Sonia’s tale, even her sword undergoing a transformation, looking far more detailed. A shadow seems to grumble, before vanishing again.
That night, Musa contacts the rest, telling them of her findings and how she believes it’s tied to stories of their realms or that they know, and that the shadow things she fought felt familiar.
Bloom compares them to the creatures Campana and Venomya used, but Musa says they felt different, much more recent.
Two days later, Flora is on a date with Helia, who came to visit for a couple days, when they hear about the urban legend of a ghost haunting a nearby abandoned hall. Flora, with what Musa said in the back of her mind, tells Helia to go with her to said place after their date is over for help.
After a few hours, they reach the hall, finding Krystal as well, who came to check the place out as a Princess - the Hall was part of the ancient Privamerian royal state, and the rumors concerned her.
They all explore the place for an hour or so, before a sudden apparition shocks them all in the large stage, a shadow of a man seemingly dancing near a large dead tree.
Everyone transforms and goes up to it, other shadows rising and starting to attack them, but Helia and Krystal fend them off while Flora approaches the main shadow, fans at the ready.
The shadow doesn’t seem to move, and looks around, seemingly sad at the dead tree. It then extends a hand to Flora, confused.
Helia keeps fighting the creatures, but Krystal recalls the full story and tells Flora to take the shadow’s hand and to dance, as she rises up and starts to cast a spell on the tree.
Flora is even more confused at this, but trusts Krystal and starts to dance with the shadow, being guided and using her fans as support.
Krystal focuses all her energy on the tree, slowly revitalizing it and making it grow again, as Flora and the shadow dance around it, twirling.
The dance comes to an end as the tree comes back to life fully, lush and gorgeous, and the shadow seems to smile, as it dissipates into yellow specks of light, all traces of darkness gone. Both Flora and Krystal flashed but for a second - Flora earning Mythix, her outfit now vaguely dance-ready, and Krystal getting Arborix from her effort in revitalizing the tree, covered in hydrangea-looking petals.
Krystal then tells her the full story - during the war, a tree was discovered growing in the hall, and a man had been taking care of it keeping it healthy amongst the ruin. However, a faction of the soon-to-be-called Dolona snuck in and destroyed the place, killing him and the tree. The man was apparently still trying to care for the dead tree, and the shadow manifested his repressed anger in the creatures that attacked them.
Late that night, Flora relaid the info to the rest, confirming Musa’s suppositions, and is surprised to learn that Bloom and Roxy have also obtained Mythix.
Bloom obtained it after a royal meeting, having heard rumors that the city was suddenly assaulted by a dragon made of shadows, and after some research with Daphne they confronted it - Daphne recalled a similar tale of a priestess of the Great Fire Dragon having to fight a rival god in the Fire Dragon’s place, having used just a pair of swords - and after the shadow dragon broke Bloom’s bow, she used the two halves augmented with the small Light magic she knew to slay it, her bow also transforming with Mythix and forming a pair of twin swords that can join to become a bow again.
Roxy meanwhile got it via saving Artu from a group of shadows that suddenly kidnapped it, having to be stealthy and facing off a shadow that disturbingly looked way too much like her mother for her to be comfortable, as well as a small knife she had just in case turning into a detailed dagger.
A shadow seems to get even angrier, and a small burst of energy seeps into Astrael, Solaria’s capital, as well as the capitals of Zenith and Andros.
The next day, while out with Nova and Riven, Stella catches wind of the reappearance of The Twilight Maiden. Nova is confused, and Stella elaborates that it was a ghost story that arose shortly after she moved away - the ghost of a woman killed by her lover, who during twilight supposedly whisks away a girl so they don’t suffer her fate.
They go around their day until sunset arrives, but they realize the whole street went quiet all of a sudden, and after inspecting an alleyway following a weird sound, Nova suddenly vanishes.
Both of them panic for a bit and start looking for her, and after a while both transform into their respective forms to look for her in the sky, Riven finding a dark shadow figure up above, as well as some sort of dome over them.
Both rise to meet with it and find a woman-like form, with an angry expression and see Nova, unconscious, in her arms.
Stella tries to get closer but the shadow throws a blast at her, and Riven gets the same treatment, though harsher. Both Riven and Stella assume the shadow is the Twilight Maiden, and so end up using Riven as a decoy while Stella tries to rescue Nova.
Riven then proceeds to taunt the shadow, driving its anger further and further until it drops Nova and starts to chase after the warrior, Stella catching her with a spell.
After leaving the still unresponsive Nova on a nearby roof, Stella takes the distraction and starts casting both a light spell and a healing spell, trying to “exorcise” the spirit controlling the shadow after what Flora told her of her Mythix earning.
The Maiden almost catches up to Riven and does damage one of his wings, but by the time she feels a strange warmth around her it’s too late - Stella fired the spell and completely engulfed her, a short scream followed by a sigh as her shadows faded completely.
Stella then slowly flies down, exhausted, earning her Mythix and her staff evolving once more. She then notices Riven’s armor malfunctioning and tries to catch him as well.
Nova wakes up moments later and everyone then finds a couple other girls near the same place, probably caught by the Maiden, trying to help them as well as they can.
After all this, she relays the info to the rest, and finds out Aisha also got her Mythix, having to fight The Deep One - a massive jellyfish of Mareian mythos that once destroyed Andros in antiquity, her meteor hammers evolving as well following the pattern of everyone else’s weapons.
This means Tecna is the only one without Mythix yet, and at the same time everyone realizes she isn’t in the call, wondering what could have happened to her.
On Zenith, Tecna is currently locked in a random room, after a sudden burst of energy drove most of the equipment in the Grand Palace, the main presidential office of the country, completely out of control. 
She had sent a couple of her assistants to check on the Magic Animals helping on the place and then started to investigate, before some of the machinery started to actively attack her, taking refuge on a random room.
There, however, she found three shadows that matched the description of the other Winx’s experiences, and instinctively transformed, aiming her gun to them. One of the shadows seemed to get annoyed, but another calmed them down and the last one made a gesture, as if they wanted her to follow them.
Not having more options, Tecna did, and after a bit she found a massive hall, covered head to toe in computers, at the center a massive control panel. The shadows seem to focus on the panel, and seem to try to communicate with Tecna. Tecna glances at one of the monitors and sees several dungeon-like structures, the people in them languishing. She finds a file in the computer, detailing many attempts at revolution, the people attempting them thrown into these dungeons, the main computer running them all.
Tecna, while shocked, isn’t really surprised - she knew she couldn’t have been the first person to try to rise against Datacorp, but it is still disheartening and terrible to see these people still suffering. She tries to turn off the machine, but it seems to lash out.
The shadows alongside her recoil in what she assumes is fear, and as the machine seems to start commanding different objects in the room to fling themselves at Tecna, something similar must have happened before, and assumes this is a failsafe mechanism installed by the Council.
Tecna keeps dodging and starts charging a spell with her gun, and asks the shadows to help her if they’re able, assuming they also want to destroy the thing. They start disrupting the commands thanks to them being non-corporeal, and after a few minutes, Tecna manages to fire off the spell, destroying the machine and somehow earning Mythix, her gun getting retouches.
The shadows start to flicker, and through broken speech manage to tell Tecna they were the leaders of the last attempt at a Zenithian revolution, perishing in prison without no one ever knowing about their existence. They tell her that she managed to do something that was considered impossible, a myth, and thank her before completely disappearing.
After recovering her energy and making sure everything else is working properly, she contacts the Winx again, and after thanking them for worrying about her, tells them she also got Mythix, and so if everyone has it, they should go back to the Order and tell them their findings.
The apparition gets even angrier, and it seems to be starting to manifest a stronger spell.
A few days later, everyone goes back to Lake Roccaluce, ready to inform the Order of their findings, before suddenly being attacked by the shadows again.
With Mythix, the shadows seem to go down even faster, and Roxy and Bloom seem to register its magic signature as that of Acheron’s. Everyone else questions how can that be given he’s dead, but Musa points out that Darkar was similar in that regard.
Acheron then reveals himself fully, a literal shadow of his former self, seemingly in an eternal Energix and his face twisted into anger and hatred. He keeps up the assault, and after a bit, the Winx and Roxy start to feel tired of fighting.
They start to brainstorm ways to defeat Acheron once more, and they come to the conclusion to try and disrupt his form, similar to what they did with Darkar once he went insane, and set up the plan.
Roxy and Bloom rush in to distract him, angering the shadow enough to focus solely on them, while Musa takes down any straggler creatures and Flora, Stella and Tecna start to form a convergence. This seems to work for a while before a couple shadows tackle Tecna, but they’re quickly dealt with when Eldora and a couple of the Order of Mana magi arrive, wondering what was taking the Winx so long.
They take over the distraction job, and with no further setbacks, the other 4 join the 3 Winx and combine the convergence, erasing Acheron once more, all the shadows disappearing.
A bit later, now in HQ, the Nymph spearheading the Mythix project both congratulates the girls on discovering the ways to earn Mythix while also apologizing for causing Acheron’s comeback, confusing everyone else.
They elaborate - when doing the ritual to create Mythix, it seems the magic shockwave was powerful and familiar enough for Acheron’s still lingering soul to also be affected, turning him into a ghost, and while reduced to basic instinct and emotion, he still wanted revenge on the Winx for killing him in the first place.
However, unlike Darkar, who was the fusion of two consciences and Auras, Acheron was still just one person, so he had to rely on pulling energy from elsewhere to try and attack, leading to the events that earnt everyone Mythix.
They still admit that Acheron’s temporary revival helped further their goal so it wasn’t something completely bad, but immediately retract when they catch Eldora and the Winx’s expressions, and dismiss them all to be free to continue their break.
As they’re leaving, however, they are surprised by Faragonda, who wants to talk to Roxy in private for a special project she wants her help with, and that can also act as her thesis if she so desires, but it must be a secret until the new school year starts.
Roxy agrees, curious as for why she would be needed, and bids goodbye to the rest, who start to go back to their realms to have an actual, proper vacation for once, their last breaks being incredibly hectic.
In a cave system in Magix, meanwhile, a Fairy seems to have heard about Faragonda’s plans already, and starts to make interesting preparations...
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floralovebot · 3 years
What's guardian tales? :00 I'm interested in a crossover, whatever it is!!
AHHH okay so guardian tales is a mobile game! it's described as, "a retro Action-Adventure RPG game with complex puzzles & reactive action combat". it's also a gacha game so standard disclaimer that you should avoid it if you get addicted easily/have an addictive personality. i will say, it's definitely one of the most generous gacha games out there and i think it only gets overlooked because it's a mobile game (rip 😔). you can pull for characters using gems and the devs give gems out like they're candy alhdglajdghjl i'm f2p but i have all normal guardians, all rare guardians, and 13 out of 33 unique characters. so 64 out of 84 total characters!! (i've been playing for less than a year too ajdghjladg). but while it's definitely not the worst gacha game, it is still a gacha game and yknow... avoid it if you need to.
OKAY now that that's out of the way!! gt is so much fun to play and the character skills and abilities are so cute! i'm not sure exactly how to explain it but there are a lot of components that can very easily be translated to a winx club crossover! for instance, the elements (fire, water, earth, light, dark, basic) and the classes (warrior, ranged, tanker, support) are very classic to the whole Fantasy Fighting type of media and winx club fits very neatly in that genre. but mainly, i just really love playing guardian tales and i love winx club so naturally, i've thought about a crossover with the two A Lot. mainly i've been thinking about their abilities, stats, and exclusive weapons! i've also been thinking about their basic outfits plus all the costume chances (gt has costumes that you can get for the characters and they're so cute!!). winx club has So Many outfits and there's a lot of opportunity there for different "packs" of outfits (for instance, the transformations could all be different costumes)!
i've written an entire post detailing most of this stuff but uhh, while guardian tales isn't unknown, it's not exactly the most popular game out there so i don't think a lot of people would be interested 😔 BUT i've thought about their "normal" outfits so much (aka the outfit they come in) and i'm gonna talk about it a little >:)
i definitely want to do the whole princess knight with bloom so her basic outfit is very much inspired by her bloomix! pretty much all of the winx's normal outfits are inspired by one or more of their transformations! stella's has elements of her enchantix and her mythix. flora has elements of her magic winx, harmonix, and dreamix. musa has elements of her believix, bloomix, and sirenix. tecna has elements of her magic winx, enchantix, and onyrix. aisha has elements of her mythix, butterflix, and dreamix (i really wanted to lean more on her bluer transformations).
the specialists are very different because i didn't want to give them all the basic specialist uniform as their normal outfit yknow? so sky's is heavily inspired by classic fantasy knight armor and his eraklyon prince suit. brandon's is very similar because i wanted to draw the similarities between their roles (but still different enough so that they aren't wearing the exact same thing)! helia's is just a better version of his s2 outfit. i haven't decided what riven and timmy's normal outfits should be... (any ideas would be great!). and nabu's is heavily inspired by his wizard outfit!
now i'm just gonna name some of my favorite gt characters because i love them a lot: the knight, the future princess, garam, noxia (guess what, these four are my main team :D), aisha (yes, there's an aisha in guardian tales too 😌), sohee (MY BELOVED), the white beast (he's so cute 🥺), fei (i'm still upset that i didn't know i couldn't get both of them and picked mei at the time... i like mei but i liked fei more and i have no idea why i didn't pick him... crying.), and dolf (man whore summer). i also have a lot of npcs that i like but im not listing them aladjhgjladg
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moonlightreal · 5 years
Winx Club season 8/11
In which I enjoy many headcanos.
11 Treasures of Syderia
I do wish I had any Winx friends who could tell me if that last episode was really that cringeworthy or if it’s all in my head, but I’m pretty much an island in this fandom since Una di Noi closed.
But I love this show so much that I have endless hope it’ll get better!  let’s try another episode!
From the intro: “Musa ans Riven seemed to reconnect, but the peace between them won’t last long.”
Valtor’s asteroid!  A pretty cool wider angle shot so you can see the room has high thin windows and some banners or tapestries hanging up high. Valtor’s got his mark glowing above his throne, twice, and the throne is at the end of a sort of bridge over a typical Chasm of Evil with some typical Lampstands of Evil leading up to it.  Very cool, but very generic other than the mark it could be the throne room of any villain.
Also we never see any other rooms of the asteroid; do Valtor and Obscurum eat or sleep or bathe?  This is another reason my headcanon is that Valtor is really some kind of homunculus, not a human being.  He doesn’t need to eat or sleep, he recharges with only starlight.  But I bet Obscurum has a cozy little lair somewhere on the asteroid that he stuffed with pillows and cute things he steals with his portals.
...what?  This is an episode synopsis not a celebration of headcanon?  Oh, yeah I guess you’re right.
Valtor hollers for his minion.   Obscurum is down to his last chance!  “What is your plan to get rid of the Winx?”
Uh, Valtor, maybe you should do that bit instead of leaving it to your bumbling minion? Just maybe?
Obscurum’s plans: Go undercover as a Winx.  Shrink them.  “Maybe some kind of trap.”
Valtor has been making progressively more evil faces during this.  Now he summons a portal and dumps Obscurum through it.  I’m kinda bored with Valtor’s Expressions of Evil but I love the nice neat gestures as he dumps his poor minion down another hole.  It’s good clean spellcasting, just sayin’.
Obscurum falls into Super Mario and falls down a bunch of levels and gets blasted with some pixelated bombs.
Valtor has a rush of common sense to the head and decides Obscurum may need some time to think of a plan.
Cut to Alfea! Stella is asking for fashion advice but Aisha says she just wears what she wants anyway.  Flora’s on her phone, worried about her disagreement with helia the night before.  Seems they’ve never not been in synch before.  Bloom reassures her that it’s normal to disagree and Stella makes a fashion comparison.  flora’s still worried because she and Helia never have different opinions.  Bloom starts to say that this is actually a bad thing…  When we’re interrupted by Brandon sending a picture of his new hat, which Stella calls a hat-tastrophe.  Heh.  It’s a winter hat that I automatically see as the Jayne Cobb “Cunning, innit?” hat even though Brandon’s is not orange.
Tecna suggests sending an “emogix” which I think must be a Winx emogi library or app or something they have in Italy.  Aisha says talking in person is the only way to go.  Brandon sends a video of him bringing flowers and… falling into a mud puddle?  Stella says even though Brandon isn’t here she knows he’s thinking about her.  Yup, ‘cause he’s texting.
Flora worries that Helia doesn’t know she’s thinking of him and sets out to let him know.
Meanwhile at red Fountain, a school that made more sense back when it was located on the ground, Helia is brooding about how to show Flora his feelings. When in a hedge nearby a magic sparkling rose blooms.  Helia recognizes it as a message from Flora.  Ok, that’s kinda sweet.
Back at Alfea Flora is wearing a cute green and pink dress that reminds me of her season one clothes.  She gets a heart text from Helia and is happy.
Twinkle floats in carrying a magic wand and looking for help setting up party lights. Flora can’t help, she’s going to meet Helia.  But that’s ok; Twinkle, Knut and Kiko can certainly handle the giant pile of fireworks for the party!
I’ll spare you what happens, since you already know.
Twinkle: “Thaaaaaat was starsome!  Can we do it again?”
I… I can’t dislike her.  She should be so annoying, but she isn’t.
Also: a)that was a very plain magic wand, I think the first non-Mythix wand in the series other than Obscurum’s if you can call that a wand.  And b)there was a party literally last night and now you’re having another one?
Flora and Helia rust to meet, and bang into each other.  Flora says “It doesn’t matter if we don’t agree on everything.  I still believe in… us.”
Then we move to a mysterious icy world!  Make that an icy STAR, since here come the staryums!  They seem more interested in playing than sucking up starlight and Obscurum yells and them, calling them ‘useless furballs” to get them into action.  Staryums slurp the core while Obscurum sets a trap for the Winx!
The inhabitants of this star are green lumens with adorable lil bottom-fangs and bone necklaces.  Let’s call them cave-lumens.  They notice things have gone dark, and go to bed.
Obscurum pops in and uses his staff thingy to cast a spell convincing the sleeping cave-lumens that the “rainbow fairies” are baddies.  Apparently there’s a legend that there’s some treasure here on Syderia and the cave-lumens will now believe the Winx are here to steal it.
Back at Alfea Knut, Kiko and Twinkle are helping the Winx set up for a concert when Twinkle’s star detection system alerts them to trouble on Syderia! The winx seem delighted and Twinkle magics them into their space clothes.  And up we go!
Then Twinkle decides to bring Knut and Kiko along and magics them some space clothes too!  They both get skirts, and Knut is in pink while Kiko’s in green.
Headcanon: There are no male lumens, so Twinkle doesn’t get the notion of gender differences.  To her people are people, and people wear skirts!
The Winx fly through space, leaving their rainbow trail, and I guess that’s a thing in their world since Stella says, ‘I hope our rainbow gives the Syderians hope.”  so people on planets can see that the Winx are coming to rescue them?  That’s… I kinda love that idea.
The hypnotized cave-lumens, of course, see them as dangerous!
The winx switch to Cosmix to check out the star core, which Obscurum seems to have left with a little bit of light in it to create the trap.
Cave-lumens attack! The Winx fly away!
Twinkle and her unwilling passengers arrive on Syderia, but a ways from the core. They’ll have to walk.
With the Winx running away, Obscuum and his staryums return to finish off the core. Obscurum hopes the lumens will get rid of the Winx, which seems optimistic of him.  But this plan cannot fail!  Obscurum will definitely get to be king of Lumenia now!
He keeps harping on being king of Lumenia, I wonder if that’s foreshadowing...
Adorable byplay with a staryummy leaving a leftover bit of light.
The core is out, staryums flee, and Obscurum breaks the core and puts up a barrier around the lumen city!  Twinkle, Knut and Kiko arrive too late!
The Winx barricade themselves in a cave to get a little breathing room to figure out why the cave-lumens won’t stop chasing them.  Tecna uses “Cosmix analysis” to figure out that the lumens are “really sure we’re enemies, and we’re here to steal the treasure.”  So it’s a mind reading technological spell?  Cool.  Musa says they don’t even know about the treasure and Tecna guesses, ‘someone must have told them lots of lies about us.”  Stella can guess it’s Obscurum.
Weird moment where Bloom interrupts and everyone is startled.  Maybe that was something different in the Italian?  Or maybe they were just supposed to be concentrating so hard they were startled.
The girls try to fly away but bang into the barrier.  Tec realizes the star is broken and that made this barrier.  Guess it wasn’t Obscurum.
Musa: We’re trapped in a world where the residents want to vaporize us!
And here they come!
The Winx fly down and hide in a cave, and there Twinkle finds them.  She says the weird rhyme the cave-lumens keep repeating is Syderia’s nursery rhyme. So it’s not something Obscurum made up, it’s an actual rhyme about rainbow fairies stealing the treasure.
Knut and Kiko arrive, and here’s the lumens again!  But Knut knows how to handle this, because these are OGRE-lumens!  And the secret is slapstick comedy!  So Knut falls on Kiko a few times, and the ogre-lumens laugh.  The Winx look confused, which makes me want to laugh.
Tec: ‘Do you find this… funny?”
Flora: “Actually no.  But it’s working.”
Bloom has the bright idea to find the treasure and give it to the lumens to win their trust.  Luckily it’s only a few caves away!  The treasure is a mountain of glowing crystal, and Bloom has the idea to juice it up with Cosmix power and basically make it the new star core.  Cool
So they do, and then the lumens come in with Knut and Kiko tied to a stick since they ran out of ways to be entertaining.  Bloom tells the lumens that the winx never wanted to steal their treasure, and the lumens believe it. Yay, we’re friends now!
Meanwhile Obscurum is boasting how he used a silly legend about treasure to turn the lumens against the Winx, and broke the star core.  But Valtor brings up his magic-TV and shows that Syderia is still lit and the Winx are fine.  Obscurum despairs.
Why does Valtor care if the stars go out?  Seems like he should want them to stay lit so he can come back later for more starlight.
Then our villains hear Bloom ask if she can have a shard of the glowing crystal.  The head ogre-lumen is happy to oblige, and Bloom says that Orion can use the crystal to make new star cores!  This is a disaster for Team Baddies!  Obscurum is ready to leap into action, but Valtor says he’ll take care of the Winx this time, and Obscurum can go conquer Lumenia to his heart’s content.
Valtor: “Bloom’s stood in my way too many times now.  I know now, to beat the Winx once and for all, I must start with her.”
Well, that’s one way.
I think this is also the first time all season that Valtor has singled Bloom out in any way, even said her name.  that’s the other reason I think this is a different Valtor.  Season 3’s Valtor had a mystical connection to Bloom that they could both feel, because they both were connected to the Dragonfire.  The Italian website even said Valtor was in love with Bloom!  I don’t know that “love” is the right word for someone doing all the evil stuff Valtor was doing, but “creepy magic-fueled obsession,” yeah.  They had a thing.  This season, they do not have a thing.  It’s Valtor 2.0, people!
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teenage-fairy · 7 years
Wow I haven't watched the show in like 6 years or more and it seems as though so much has changed!! Just by looking at your blog it's overwhelming. Can you do a summary for everything that has happened?? I last left of at them trying to defend the ocean from pollution or something like that lol
Oh my I had no idea this was in my askbox, sorry about that. Hopefully I’m not answering this too late (I probably am).
And oh boy that’s a loaded question. You left off on season 5. There’s only been two more seasons since then, but Rainbow (the company behind Winx) has also partnered up with Netflix to release two seasons of a spin-off show. Many fans will argue that the show turned to shit after season ¾ and while I agree to an extent that certain elements of the show later became over-excessive or sloppy, I personally enjoy most of the seasons.
After season 5 with Tritannus, season 6 came around with the Trix as the main villians again. This season was based around them teaming up with a new witch with the ability to pull characters from classic fairytales and legends into their world. Werewolves, the Ice Queen, vampires, Egyptian goddesses, fairy godmothers, zombies, Frankenstein, and more were involved and honestly? I thought it was a really frickin cool plot. This season had two transformations: “Bloomix” and “Mythix.” Unfortunately the way the Winx earned them wasn’t very impressive, but what can you do. Overall I thought it was a really good season.
Season 7 on the other hand? I was vehemently against watching it for the longest time because it was obvious Rainbow was trying to appeal to a much younger audience again, and I had a lot of issues with it. I decided to give it a shot eventually though, and while it is in no way up to par with some of the earlier seasons, it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. This season is based around fairy animals and the balance and power they hold over the magic universe. The two main villains in this season are Kalshara and Brafilius, two sibling shape shifters trying to unlock the fairy animals’ “ultimate power” for ultimate control of the animals and the universe. From what I’ve seen so far there are two transformations in this season as well, “Butterflix” and “Tynix.” I’m not finished with this season yet, so I can’t say for sure.
Now lets talk about the spin-off show: World of Winx. This show got raving reviews from fans of all ages, myself included. This show does so many things 10x better than the original series, and you can enjoy this show with little to no knowledge about the original series. If you have Netflix, I highly recommend it.
In this series the Winx are living on Earth undercover as talent scouts on a reality show in order to protect talented kids all over the world from being kidnapped by the “Talent Thief.” This series went above and beyond everybody’s expectations, and while things like the art style and minor other details had been changed, it brought back a lot of the charm Winx had in the very beginning that the newer seasons seem to lack. The main plot is fantastic, as well as the side ones, and each episode ends with a cliffhanger to leave you on the edge of your seat. And the plot twists, oh lord. Prepare to have your wig snatched off.
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hag-rambling-on · 4 years
Who got which Mythix Rod
As I said in previous posts, the team that would be known as Mythix would put a bit of themselves in their Weapons that would get called in the future Mythix/Ancestral Wands/Rods/Keys. It varies according to the planetary system.
Once sealed, these weapons would take the form of seven identical keys. Each one contain the fragments of conscience and magic of their former usersat the time of the confrontation and sealing of the Legendarium. Its users lived much longer, but the memories after the Legendarium are not included.
To be used the keys demand fragments of yours conscience and magic too, so that each next user who comes is even more worthy of their power and gets even stronger. Because both the book and Acheron are bound and immortal at one point. And if Acheron  Wizard of Memories learns... those who confront him better do it too.
The Mythix users (the 7 of 12 who survived, the 7 who created the Keys. No one remembers the other 5). Magic was at its peak at that time, they were equipped with armor and magic weapons on top of their transformations and still people died.
Clariel Arcadia (Skyix Fairy of Auroras) →→ Musa of Melody (Mythix Fairy of Music)
One of the first humans and also the first fairy. An honest and hardworking woman. Her first transformation was on a "spiritual journey" for her people. A few hallucinogenic herbs, walking through dangerous mountain ranges... The rumors are not in agreement about if her home planet was Hike or Omega. It is clear that whichever is, is not what it was before, and that it is a small duel that she still carries in her soul.
It’s believed that her great confort in live was her time with her Mythix partner Nubia.
Carabossa Acrypta (Grief Blade Wielder aka Enchantix Wizard of Thorns) →→ Selina of Terra (Mythix Witch of Pharmaceuticals)
Soft boy, naive. Believe in the good of the universe. Scapegoat could be another name for him. More at this point in his life, before meeting the three witches and falling into his "oh, I screwed up" spiral.
This is like a divergent line of what happened / will happen, If he could have raised someone with a chance of redemption, like with a happy ending.
But Selina don't learn is actually a user until long in the season.
Selemisa of Solaria (Milieu Talisman of the Cosmos User aka Cosmix Witch of the Moon) →→ Stella of Solaria (Mythix Fairy of Stars)
Stella's ancestor, which shows that sometimes the lottery and that objects have life SUCKS. Misa recognized Stella as someone from her own planet and wanted to share memories. First Cosmix user, ence the cosmic related tradition of the Solarian Royal Family.
Pros: Stella had no problem adjusting to the new magic, They have put a triple battery of energy. Con: WHAT new magic??? If she started out as a the Fairy of the Sun and the Moon and then specialized in Stars.
Akkos Sivson (Cavernix Fae of Crystals) →→ Bloom/Ariadne of Domino (Mythix Fairy of Flames)
Not as old as Carabossa and Clariel, but he's on their heels and he actually looks that old. Founder of one of the first schools of magic worthy of the name, and the schoolarization idea in general, that was even before joining the Mythix. h
He had a lot of people praying for him when he decided to fight. Said school, as lot of others, was destroyed and forgotten in the war.
Despite being able to do it by snapping his fingers thanks to magic, what he enjoyed the most was making his glassblown creations at the “slow” mode and just for that reason he called dibs about Bloom and her fire. That and to know how it was for her go thought Alfea with learning obstacles
Salvador Glitz (Mare Material aka Somnix Wizard of Illusions) →→ Aisha/Layla of Andros (Mythix Fairy of Waves)
The True Brain of Team Mythix, where Carabossa, Clariel and Akkos were mere purveyors of knowledge. He is the tactician/strategian. As Nubia would do, he also chose Aisha for her powers and that could be well used in conjunction with his. Because waters can be deceitful and treacherous and Salvador wishes to teach that to one of the Winx's most direct fighters. Teach her the reason why so many people fear what Aisha considers a second home.
Chen Hua (Harmonix Fae/Fairy of Transfiguration) →→ Tecna of Zenith (Mythix Fairy of Tecnology)
This nonbinary faery called dibs in Tecna as soon as they recognized her (they  also wanted, hoarder, Flora, but Nubia hit them with a NO) A little envy, a little of admiration. A bit of confusion too, like why choose? And now technology also helps you change? They are a child full of questions. You would think Hua should "lead" and orient, but this is "Tecna learning to be a parent and expert level patience skills"
On the other hand, Hua's ways of fighting teach Tecna a new, more intuitive and aggressive perspective, while Hua finds their  impulsiveness leaked. Great team.
I need to mention, all Chen Hua some time had was because them fought hard for it. Beware their childlike behavior, it's not gold all that's shiny.
Nubia of Romulea (Enchantix Fairy of Metals only blessed ever fairy by the Ethereal of Magic with soil/earth and rocks/crystals manipulation but she usually don't proclaims it) →→ Flora of Lymphea (Mythix Fairy of Vegetation). 
The only other Mythix who used her head in order to join someone who complemented her powers and get a total that benefits both of them. Nubia however is more direct, "cold" and dispassionate than Flora. Loyal to the point of being terrifying. Also she's the mom to Clariel's mama and Akkos' gramps. No joke. Funcional-Disfuncional team here xD.
And she thought that among veteran fighters like the Winx, it is not right that such soft people exist. Flora kept her own stance againt this but they get converged well even so.
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
WINX AU REWORKING (Winx AU Screaming Part XV)
Or in which I change plans because whoops
They’re not really big changes, tbh - but I still want to list them.
The most obvious one is that Bloom now has short hair - this one came after drawing Musa keeping her short hair from S3 onwards, with her transformations following suit. After that I drew Bloom with short hair, and I liked it so much I said “fuck it, she has short hair from now on”.
The other one is that the Winx are now only 6 again. 8 are too many for me to keep up with, but Roxy and Diaspro (and Daphne) are still honorary members and would still help from time to time. This means Roxy would only get Charmix in the AU S4. I am keeping Diaspro getting up to Believix - since she would still go to Earth with the other girls and would act as part of the team then. However, during S5 she would have to take care of a lot of things in her home country, plus with helping Sky get his memory back, meaning she would not get Aquatix or Sirenix. She would get Bloomix, as does everyone else during S6, but that would be her last transformation. Roxy would still get three higher transformations, however - she would get Enchantix assisting the Winx during a battle in S5, Mythix during S6 (since I feel the Earth transformation *should* go to the Earth Fairy), and Butterflix in S7. She would remain as Butterflix for the rest of the series.
Regarding the Trix, I’ll more than likely redesign their Enchantix (as well as everone else’s) since theirs are the ones I’m the most dissatisfied with once we get a look at Neo Enchantix, to see what can I pull from both it and original Enchantix like I did with Sirenix. I’ll also change Darcy’s hair color because it’s honestly too close to her skin color.
I will still keep Mitzi, Miele and Selina discovering their magic in S4 - making them somewhat of a secondary/auxiliary team for the Winx whenever they have to go to Earth alongside Roxy. They would get to Enchantix and *maybe* a new Earth-exclusive form, but I’m not sure about the last one.
I’m also still reworking some transformations (most notably Mythix and Onyrix, as you can see in the transformation post), but that’ll come later once I draw poses for those.
As for how the plot would go, here’s the new version. I’ll elaborate more on these in their respective AU Screaming posts, so as to not make this one too long.
S1 is the same, but with slightly more expanding - Enchantix, Butterflix, Sirenix and Ascendix would be showcased here, even if the girls don’t get them. Aisha is one of the original Winx members rather than joining in S2, which changes some things.
S1.5, now that Roxy’s back into just being an honorary Winx member, now focuses on getting Daphne free from her imprisonment, and her and Bloom’s reunion at last.
S2 is still the same, but most of the “adjusting to Alfea and making friends” Aisha had now go to Diaspro as it’s here that her development starts. Other than that everything’s almost the same.
S2.5 is more of an epilogue, dealing with everything that happened after the Shadow Phoenix’s defeat and how some of the relationships go further, as well as trying to capture the fake Avalon, that escaped during the fight in S2.
S3 is when every magical person in the inmedate team would get Enchantix, and it’s when most of the couples begin to move from dating to actual relationship. Some things go the same way, others don’t.
S3.5 would be the movie, but now with Daphne and Bloom working together to solve the mystery of Domino’s fall.
S4 would involve the changes previously mentioned above, but it’ll also change who the true antagonists of this season are and how Nabu’s fate will be slightly different.
S4.5 would be an adaptation of Magical Adventure, detailing the Winx’s mini-vacation on Earth after S4 and a new menace creeping up from nowhere.
S5 would just be S5, but without Daphne’s role as a ghost the plot would go way differently.
S6 and S7 would mostly be the same, with the changes described up above.
WoW would be *vastly* different, however - it would count as S7.5 and it would involve the girls helping Roxy and the Earth team against a sudden threat on Earth.
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