tomumura-iroiro · 8 months
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-ナナメ- <Twitter/Youtube/Website>
-山田すずめ- <Twitter/Youtube>
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ultimafangirl · 10 months
Today's character who makes me smile is
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Makes me smile 84/?
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everyone say hi to loop whose face i removed. partially inspired by [this post] additional notes and alt versions under readmore
alternative title : "motherfucker unlimited"
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1- so ! i finished isat ! what a fun and whimsical game ! *thousand yard stare* 2- this one was titled "loop exploding" in my files 3- i love drawing stars.. and hate drawing faces.. basically loop is my favorite to doodle 4- anyone around here familiar with sisyphus prime from ultrakill? yeah 5- this whole thing started out as a redraw of the "sparkle on it's wednesday" meme but then i got more and more ideas the longer i stared at their portraits and now it's. this.
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roscgcld · 2 months
NANAMI KENTO || one last time
note: suffer c:
afab y/n x nanami
trigger warning - mentions of death, blood, angst
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"..I am...so tired..."
Nanami had never asked for much in life.
When he first got his offer to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, he thought it was quite the bragging right. It was by no means a small task - not only was he scouted, but he had seemingly bypassed all the other applicants (he did come to find out after that not many applied; the job wasn't for the faint-hearted).
The moment he arrived on campus he found himself fitting in perfectly. Yet, there has always been a nagging feeling that he didn't belong.
He wasn't from a prestigious family like Gojo Satoru.
He wasn't the all-powerful and charming Geto Suguru.
He wasn't here for 'a purpose bigger than himself' like Haibara Yu.
He did not have a valuable skill like Ierir Shoko.
It almost felt like he was a fraud - sure, he was good at his craft, and the pay was an added bonus, but he had never found his 'purpose'. If anything, the pride and 'sense of duty' that the others harp on about were far from reality. All he found at the end of a tiring day was the ever-growing list of names of his fallen friends and colleagues. A list that just doubled the longer he stayed a jujutsu sorcerer.
The day he threw in the towel was very sudden - he had been partnered up with a sweet girl from the Kyoto school; only to watch her brains be sprayed onto the wall of the temple where the Curse they were hunting called home. He had just handed in his last report, packed the small amount of things he had in his dorm, and left quietly in the night. He got on the first train out of Tokyo, put down the money for the first apartment he had viewed, and started his entire life from scratch.
Looking back now it was cowardly of him - to up and leave without any warning. But he thought that by putting some distance between himself and the college, he could run away from it all. That he can run from the pain and horrors that plagued him every time he closed his eyes.
Yet maybe it was just what he needed. Not long after arriving in Osaka, his new place of residence, he met you. You were a freshly graduated college student working in her family restaurant trying to save up to move out. He was a frequent customer because of your father's famous drip coffee, and it was between steaming cups of espresso and plates of baked goods that you two fell into a steady romance.
It took him a while, but Nanami somehow managed to awkwardly invite you to a nice walk by the park nearby, but the rest ended up being a blur of happiness and love.
During your time together, Nanami found himself finding the joys in life again; the smell of morning coffee and sleepy murmurs of greetings, the sight of you cooking breakfast in your pyjamas, the local vendors at the weekend market as you raved about some cute dinner idea you saw online. These mundane things had long lost meaning to Nanami, yet doing them with you seemed to breathe new life into them. And soon, his once dull and lonely life came to life in bright colours.
He finally felt normal. He wasn't some undercover sorcerer fighting an enemy bigger than himself. He was an everyday, tax-paying, law-abiding citizen with a family home, and a tiring, but normal, 9-5. He does not have to count the bodies that are left behind after a mission, the detailed reports to higher-ups who may never read them, or look into the eyes of the family of his friends to announce that their beloved child had died at the hands of an invisible enemy.
He was normal, another character in the background, and he has never been more content.
Yet, the thing about Curses and the jujutsu world is that once it's sunk its claws into you, it will never let you go.
While he was content with life, there has always been that little voice in the back of his head; the tiny whisper that seems to grow loud whenever he is being yelled at by his red-faced manager about his 'stupid mistakes' when his books don't balance perfectly, or when he has to help his drunken coworkers home after another long night of drinking with customers. That he was more than just this. That he was better than working his ass off in a tiny cubical; he is a First-Grade Sorcerer, for Heaven's sake.
He hit another realisation 2 years later - he had pulled a two-nighter at the office, and the numbers just didn't seem to balance on his customer sheet. He had finally left in the morning after finding out that one value that was typed in wrongly in cell 150 in Excel (he definitely tore the teary-eyed intern a new one for such a simple mistake), and had gotten bread from your family bakery as a treat for himself.
The baker there has been 'having issues with her shoulder' over the last few weeks - a Curse had decided to latch onto her stressed soul and was feeding off of her. Nanami would usually have a staring contest with the curse whenever he was at the checkout counter, who would stare back smugly at the sorcerer. Almost like it was saying, "You can't help her now".
Nanami wasn't sure what had possessed him, but he had decided to help that day. Maybe it was the stupid need to be a saviour, but he had a feeling it was because he missed the feeling of curse energy coursing through him.
He has always been an open man with you - you knew of his life before you, and while you found it noble, you were also worried about what he has done to his mental health. You had never had to word it before, as Nanami has reassured you that he was not keen on returning; but that day when he returned to your home and told you that he had gotten a phone call from Gojo Satoru about a new 'student', it was the first time you two had ever fought.
You were worried - you knew how much, despite how hard he tries to be strong, that he is just a young man who has only seen horrors his entire life. That being a sorcerer, while noble, brings nothing but pain and heartbreak. Yet you can tell that despite it all, no matter how content Nanami and you were, Nanami was meant to for great things. He was special, and it would be selfish for you to hold him back from the legacy that he can leave behind.
Nanami and you made a promise - that no matter what, he will return to you. That his safety comes first, and that a date night will be scheduled once he returns. It was all you asked for, and it was a promise that Nanami intended to keep.
"I knew I should have said I love you more.."
Everything hurts. That was all Nanami could think of as he walked down the silent halls of the station, trying to ignore the tingling numbness that was starting to take over his entire body as he tried to find that annoying Curse. He knew he should have killed Mahito when he first saw his annoying grin. "I hope I paid the bills before this..Y/N would forget if I didn't..."
He wished he hadn't pushed the wedding day back - Itadori Yuji had just been enrolled, and the Gojo had tasked him to be a hands-on tutor to the young man. You were so understanding as well; you argued that since you two just wanted a simple ceremony, moving it 2 months back wouldn't be an issue. You two had the rest of your lives together - you two don't need a ceremony to prove your love.
"I wished I could see you in your wedding dress."
He was tired, yet he knew he couldn't give up just yet. He pushed himself further as he tore through the wall of Curses that greeted him at the bottom of the stairs. The entire time he was thinking about the promise you two made - that once you two wed, you would finally take that move out to Kuantan. You two can buy a land by the ocean, and raise your family together in your little home, and finally do the small things you want.
Yet, he found himself hesitating - he didn't want to be a burden to you for the rest of your life. He wants you to be happy, to always shine brightly in all your beauty; for you to continue bringing colour to this dull world. He has been selfish when he chose to return to the world of jujutsu; he cannot further burden you with his life choices.
Yuji, Nanami thought as he tried to turn to face the young man that he had now started to see as his own; only to be met with Yuji's horrified face staring right back. It was then he registered the cold fingers pressed against his back; and then, everything seemed so clear.
He can see your bright smile, how your eyes crinkle up at the sides as you stare at him as if he hung the stars and sun in the sky. He can just about see the background of your shared apartment - the light blue couch that you two bought as your housewarming gift, the potted plants that he had been caring for sitting by the balcony, where drying laundry fluttered in the wind. The quiet record playing in the background somewhere - a new one you two had just picked up last weekend to listen to as you two made fresh pasta together for date night.
He can't taint your happiness with the burden of all of his regrets.
Nanami was at peace - he knew that no matter what, Gojo would uphold his end of the deal. You were protected by the College and will be cared for as his next of kin. All his finances had you as his benefactor, and his lawyer has everything settled for a smooth handover.
The times you shared will never be enough for Nanami; he so desperately wishes that he can be there when you find your first white hair, or when he gets to hold your first child in the bright hospital room.
But he was at peace that he was the best man he could be for you, and prayed that you would forgive him one last time.
"Itadori...You can take it from here.."
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform.
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
Calling then Good Boy
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A/n : Short drabble of my favourite anime men. Might add more to this later :) .
Warning : Not proofread.
Genre : Fluff, crack head Gojo
Men : Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Kakashi Hatake
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Gojo : 
You and Gojo were out shopping for Christmas gifts for his students. You were almost done and were about to go home when you both came across an old lady carrying a heavy looking box. Without skipping a beat, Gojo walked over to her and offered to carry the box for her. It turned out she owned a shop in the next street and you and Gojo accompanied her, with you carrying the shopping bags and Gojo carrying the box for her.
“Thank you for helping me. You both must come inside for a cup of tea” She said, smiling as Gojo put down the box on the counter. “We would love to, but our kids are waiting for us”. Gojo said, giving you a teasing smile. You only rolled your eyes at him and scoffed. 
“Oh my! Such a young couple. You both stop by whenever you want”.Both of you nodded and walked out of the store. 
“Satoru Good boy”. You said, standing on your tiptoe and ruffling his hair. You giggled at his shocked face and pulled his hand to get him walking but your body was pulled back when Gojo refused to move. He stood there looking wide eyed at you. “Oi! Let’s go”. You said. Tugging him again.
“I..I’m a good boy?”. He asked, pointing his index finger at his chest.
“Yes You are!”. 
Soon a smile formed on his face and you knew that smile well. Gojo had let go of your hand and was now going up to every old person on the street asking if they needed help while you followed him around asking him to stop and failing to control your laughter. Some pulled his cheek, some ruffled his hair and some looked at him like he was insane. But he was not insane, He was your good boy.
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Nanami : 
You were sitting on the couch, flipping through the magazin, waiting for your boyfriend to get home. You had gotten home early and had cleaned up the entire apartment and now you barely had any energy to get up from the couch to greet your boyfriend at the door when you heard the lock click. 
“I’m home”. Nanami said as he walked through the door.
“Welcome home!”. You exclaimed from the couch. Nanami smiled at you as he removed his shoes. You watched him with a hawk eye but Nanami was never going to let you down. He carefully placed the shoe back in the shoe closet and slid into his house slippers. You smiled and hummed to yourself. “Good Boy”. You muttered under your breath but Nanami heard it.
“What was that love?”. He asked, sitting down next to you on the couch.
“I said, Nanami Kento is a good boy”. You placed the magazine back on the table and kissed him on the cheek. “How was your day?”. You asked, now sitting sideways on the couch so you could look at your handsome boyfriend. Nanami continued to stare at you with frowned brows. 
“I…I am a good boy?”. Nanami asked, still with brows furrowed but now a smile formed on his face. There was something endearing about you calling him, a grown man, good boy.
“Yes darling you are. I just spent over an hour cleaning the apartment and you ..you placed your shoes back in the shoe closet so you are a good boy”. You said, playing with his hair. Nanami nodded and hummed. It was against his stoic nature to let you know how much he liked it. But you knew. 
He got up from the couch and picked up the magazine. He walked over to the bookshelf where all the books and magazines were paced and casually put the magazine back in its place. “I'll freshen up and then we can have dinner”. He said and made his way towards your shared bedroom. You smiled to yourself, staring at his broad back. “Good Boy”. You said. Nanami smiled to himself. His day got a little better.
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Kakashi : 
It was a routine. Kakasi would show up at your door after every mission for his favorite cup of tea. He would knock at your door as soon as he was discharged from the Konoha hospital and would plop down on your couch with you and tea. It did hurt you to see your boyfriend wrapped in bandages but it was something you had learnt to live with.
It was around 3 Am when you heard the knock on your bedroom window. You slowly opened your eyes and almost let out  a scream when you saw a masked man through the window. But you sighed when you realized it was your masked man at the window.
“God! Kakashi, you scared me!”. You groaned as you opened the window and let the man inside. “Why didn’t you use the door?”. You were still half asleep.
“I did knock but you didn’t hear”. He said as he removed his vest and mask. The moonlight seeped through the window and it made his silver hair shine.  
“Why are you here?”. You asked, rubbing your eyes, trying to get yourself to wake up.
“Because…I just returned from the mission”.
“Then shouldn’t you be at the hospital?” You were speaking without thinking as you closed the window shut.
“I..I didn’t need to this time”. Kakashi spoke, almost sounding guilty. You froze. Kakashi wasn’t hurt. At all. You turned around and scanned him, no injuries…no injuries! You shrieked and tackled him in a hug. “I am so happy”. Kakashi wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you further into him. You pulled away with your hands still wrapped around his neck. You ruffle his hair with one hand and smile at him. “Good Boy”.
Kakashi quirked an eyebrow, “Good boy? I am not Pakun y/n”.
You shook your head and kissed the tip of his nose. “No you are not. You are Good Boy Kakashi”. 
Kakashi chuckled and pretended to be offended at his nickname but that night he slept a little better and somehow..somehow he started taking better care of himself on missions. He was working hard to be your Good Boy.
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prfm-multiverse · 3 months
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2008.06.08 NHK Save the Future Shibuya Eco-Live Shutsuen
Google Drive
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thirdlotusprince3 · 4 months
Jujutsu Kaisen: Most Likely to faint
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someawesomeamvs · 1 month
Warning: Spoilers, violence
Title: Another Brick In The Wall Part 3
Editor: nanaming
Song: Another Brick In The Wall, Pt. 3
Artist: Pink Floyd
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Category: Character profile
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ofovertime · 1 year
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"Guess who's my new favorite. Megumi, where did you go?"
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tsumiki-hehe · 2 years
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒 𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚙𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜シ︎
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merryfortune · 2 years
Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
Written for the Choco Box Challenge with a Femslash February flavour
Prompt: Midnight Snacks
Title: Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
Ship: Fairytaleshipping | Mieru/Mikiyo
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,449
Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Developing Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Crushes
   Mieru didn’t really get the expression, “Life is like a box of chocolates.”
   Every box of chocolates that she had ever delightfully indulged in, it came in a box. What a shocker. Moreover, said box had all sorts of information on how to identify the different chocolates inside of it. Whether it was colour coded foils or the actual shapes and decorations of the chocolates themselves, well, she always knew exactly what she was getting out of a box of chocolates.
   She didn’t even need to use her extra-sensory perceptions to work out exactly what she was getting. If she wanted dark chocolate with a raspberry cream centre, too easy.
   So yes. It seemed like a rather ineffectual expression to Mieru, especially to symbolise how chaotic and unpredictable life could be. A much better expression, in Mieru’s experience would be… Life was like a building that stood tall until a monster smashed through it unexpectedly. 
   Well a monster, or a fiend, or a dragon. Something like that. To her, that seemed much more fitting of an expression and much closer within the realms of what Mieru had never predicted, even with her talents and aptitudes in the psychic field. 
   To her, that best symbolised, that which she could not foresee. That put pressure on the bounds and perimeters of what Mieru believed constituted reality. Before that moment in which Zarc awakened within her darling, Mieru thought she was a master of all which was and was not possible. 
   Apparently not.
   It was a good vaccine against arrogance, even if it had shaken her and it wasn’t a dosage that she had wanted, let alone asked for. But pride always comes before a fall, this would be good or better for her in the long run. That’s what she was trying to convince herself, anyway. She just needed to build up her confidence again after a literally earth shattering revelation at a time.
   One chocolate at a time.
   Mikiyo had been so kind as to bring a box around. Even if it was late at night because Mieru had been desperate and phoned Mikiyo’s parents on the landline and they had allowed her to come around. She was a good friend. No, Mikiyo was an excellent and wonderful friend, actually. Mieru’s first, and truth be told, only friend. Having a reputation as a teacher’s pet made her kind of disliked, as much as it made her very admired in her school.
   Elementary school seemed so much easier in hindsight, Mieru sighed. She had an excellent memory and so remembered the days she struggled with tests clearly, the days when the other children had bullied her for her abilities, and the general drama that comes with putting too many children in the same place. 
   Moreover, she pined for the days when she and Mikiyo were inseparable, she had always been by Mieru’s side, never making fun of her and never milking her too far for her talents, either. They both dreamt of starlight, though. However the stars they both had in their eyes, they differed slightly. Mieru wanted to study the constellations, Mikiyo wanted join them as a starlet. They seemed destined to split until then, they were holed up in Mieru’s bedroom, like they were kids on a playdate. 
   “My readings have been off ever since that day.” Mieru confessed. “It makes me feel useless if I don’t have this thing. I’m not book smart, I’m not tall and pretty. But I have this. I had… this.”
   “Oh, dearie.” Mikiyo emphasised.
   “The world’s changed and I think that change took everything I took for granted with it.” Mieru worried.
   She drew in closer to herself. She turned into a little ball, propped up by frilly pillows behind her, she put her chin over her tucked up knees. Mikiyo reached for her and stroked her leg.
   “You're being too hard on yourself, possum.” Mikiyo consoled her. “C’mon, do me a reading. Right here and now. My usual spread, please.”
   “I’m really not in the mood.” Mieru said.
   She turned her head to the side, to face the wall. A deliberate choice for if she had turned her head to the right, she would have to reckon with the deck of Arcana Force cards on her bedside table. She had never realised it before but the strands of her psychic ability, she had heard of them, once upon a time, the Duel Monsters who were alive and well inside her decks. 
   She couldn’t hear them if she didn’t look at them but Mieru hadn’t heard them for a couple days.
   “You never turn down a reading.” Mikiyo pouted, “Come on. Just one little reading. Don’t even bother with your cards if you don’t want, er, uh, I know! Here.”
   Mikiyo shoved the box of chocolates that she had bought Mieru closer to her. 
   “Tell me my fortune based on what flavour you get me.” Mikiyo said.
   “Huh? What? Chocomancy? But I’ve never done food based divination, you know I prefer cards and crystals.” Mieru pouted.
   She had to face Mikiyo to glare at her but Mikiyo just smiled. It was bright, like the suns, like the stars, and it made Mieru melt.
   “That’s exactly the point.” Mikiyo said. “Doing something different always get me out of a rut. If I can’t do drama, I do comedy, if I can’t do comedy, I do horror, if I can’t do horror, I do drama. Voila. Now try it.” She made the box of chocolates rattle and shuffle inside the box.
   “Alright.” Mieru said.
   Mikiyo opened it in a way that Mieru couldn’t see the colour codings on the inside panel of the lid. Mieru shyly poked her hand past the cardboard and she found herself trembling. She didn’t know why.
   She had never liked nor understood the expression life was like a box of chocolates… until now. Until a monster had wrecked the worlds. Yes, worlds, plural, that was also quite shocking to learn, not that it mattered now that there was well and truly one.
   Mieru took a breath and… she drew.
   She pinched a foiled chocolate between her fingers and pulled it from the box. She smiled. She hadn’t known what she was going to get but somehow, she was not surprised by the pink and white foil on this treat. She knew exactly what it symbolised: both in flavour and in terms of Mikiyo’s future.
   “White chocolate and strawberry cream.” Mieru said. 
   Mikiyo placed down the box in her lap so she could applaud Mieru. She grinned, eager. “What does it mean? What does it mean?” she asked, eyes gleaming.
   “White chocolate symbolises artistic decisions and creativity, it warns again double-crossing commitments. Make strong decisions and stick to them! As for the strawberry cream, it represents purity and abundance. Together, this sweet symbolises a short-term future in which you will do very well in your professional life, so long as you keep it that. Professional. And you will be well received for your strawberry style if you adhere to white chocolate’s reading.”
   “Wonderful, thank you very much.” Mikiyo said.
   “You're welcome.” Mieru said, embarrassed, in a small voice and she gave Mikiyo the chocolate.
   “Yum.” Mikiyo chirped to herself and then she opened the box again. “And one for you as well.” 
   She rummaged around at random and gave her a chocolate she didn’t double check the flavour of against the pictures on the inside of the box’s lid. She didn’t even ask Mieru if it was a flavour that she even liked. She simply handed over a purple foiled chocolate with a smile.
   “Thank you.” Mieru said.
   It was pure milk chocolate, she discovered when she unwrapped it. She stole glances at Mikiyo as she, too, unwrapped her white chocolate and strawberry cream treat. Mieru felt her heart skip a beat and she heard it again. The whispering of her Duel Monsters, the thrum of aural energy around her, all the vibrations of the world were becoming known to her once more.
   Milk chocolate, Mieru mused to herself as she let it melt in her mouth, innocence and childhood. The comfort of the familiar and she couldn’t help but allow her thoughts to grow rosy as her gaze softly fell upon the oblivious Mikiyo.
   Mieru had chosen not to foresee, or even check the chocolate box, when Mikiyo had handed her that foiled chocolate and so, she hadn’t expected to receive a piece of milk chocolate. So maybe life really was as destructive as an unknown creature wreaking havoc on all she knew just as much as it was the quiet pleasure of eating chocolates with her crush at midnight. 
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distillatoria · 1 year
sorry for the spam i haven't been on my personal blog in a sec and ur my favourite to #girlblog from
not a problem glad you like my blog but also thank you so much for sending this ask bc it somehow cleared the two (recently three) phantom inbox notifications i've had for years
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I love love super techno scifi world perfume songs but….watching A-chan in more idol-like environments and songs live makes me so happy. She’s so cute
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dare-g · 2 years
Got the set list for the big festival taiko performance! I get to play every song I know and I'm pretty excited about it 😄!
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readingmangawithme · 3 months
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VOL 3 (10-13)
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nanamisms · 4 months
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pictures of us
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