#nanbaka houzuki
Houzuki Sanzou
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Close friend of Hitoshi and Seitarou, and thus a member of the "Pastel Pack." Is about to introduce Nijimasu to the friend circle, which will have its own set of consequences.
Enjoys tea almost as much as Sei. Dabbles in the kitchen, but mostly just in baking.
Doesn't fully trust Hajime; something about the supervisor has always struck him as "off" but he can't put his finger on what or why. He has not voiced these opinions to anyone but Samon, because Hitoshi and Sei are both very attracted to Hajime as a brother and mentor.
His relationship with Samon is currently in a stage of "dancing around the elephant in the room: part three of seventeen" of this very very slow burn, and I'm hoping to show little snapshots of their developing relationship during the course of the main story.
Many people look at him and think he's a soft pushover, but his qigong is incredibly strong. Underestimate him at your own risk. Will always stand up for a friend or his beliefs in his own, quiet way.
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rosalind-hawkins · 6 months
Nanbaka Idol AU
I know I posted these a long time ago, but I can't find the old post and @enemyoflactose asked to see my old idol sketches (2017). The outfits are all from either B-Project or UtaPri. I really cannot draw hands.
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I organized them into sub units like in B-Project.
Sugar⭐Rush is Seitarou, Honey, Trois, and Tsukumo
SHiNE is Hitoshi and Houzuki
BiTE Me is Samon, Nico, and Kokoriki
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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General Staff
👑Sauzando Shin
🎙Hitokoe Mitsuru
Building 1
🐰Ichijou Tamato
🔩#01396 Zakuro
🍓#0117 Hina
Building 2
🐱Nimaijita Mao
🐯Nikaidou Taiga
🐆Nikaidou Kotetsu
🐈#0235 Mike
🐅#02106 Tora
🐈‍⬛#0287 Hachi
Building 3
🦚Mitsuba Kiji
❤#0382 Honey
Teaching You How to Play Darts (os) ♂️ 💞
🔧#0303 Trois
🌸#03320 Haru
🍁#03922 Aki
Building 4
🐶Yozakura Kenshirou
💅🏻Suguroku Hitoshi
🔥#04634 Musashi
Building 5
🐒Gokuu Samon
Inmate Reader With A Monkey (os/hc) ♂️ 💞 🧀
🐗Hakkai Inori
📿Sanzou Houzuki
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
🦖Daisen Youriki
🌺Daisen Kokoriki
📦Daisen Rokuriki
🦎Gojou Ruka
🗻#05900 Gokuu Enki
🐉#0502 Liang
🌿#0517 Qi
🙏#0558 Upa
#0508 Hachiman
Building 6
🦇#0689489 Hakushaku
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
📢#06262 Tsumuji
🪴#06810 Baio
⚙#061066 Toroichiru
Building 7
🍩Nanairo Nijimasu
🔴#0727 Nina
Seeing His Partner in Nanba (hc) ♂️❔
🔵#0737 Mina
Seeing His Partner in Nanba (hc) ♂️❔
🟡#0747 Shina
With a Pre-Arrest Idol Boyfriend (hc) ♂️
Building 8
🐍Orochi Yamada
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
🐬Mizuki Tanaka
🐡#08109 Rokurajin Murakami
🌷#081486 Ishal
Building 9
🦊Kyuubi Koinosuke
✝️#0944 Sith
About Beliefs (os/hc) ♂️ 💞❔
Building 10
🦨Jubaco Tatsumi
⚡#1030 Dhi
Building 11
🪐Rianni Ju-Ichigo
🌌#1124 Yupiter
Building 12
🏜Scara B Kepri
🕌#12716 Nile
🛖#12316 Mummy
Building 13
🦍Suguroku Hajime
💪🏻Godai Yamato
⭐Tanabata Seitarou
🔓#1315 Jyuugo
🎲#1311 Uno
🍽#1369 Rock
📺#1325 Nico
Hanging Out and Snuggling (os) ♂️💞❔
🥷#1399 Tsukomu
♨️#13243 Fuji-San
🏞#13932 Kusatsu
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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nanbaka-confessions · 4 years
Could you tell us what do you think about Norika and Houdzuki?
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Man, these two had it rough. Especially Noriko. 😞
I feel bad for Noriko that she was born with a mysterious power, that led to her family leaving her in isolation/prison, or being used for experimentation by Team Elf. Because of this, she grew to hate the world and only care for those who didn’t view her as a monster; Enki, Samon, and Houzuki. I know she was doing everything in her power to save Enki since he was framed, but she did view everyone else as an enemy. Sure, Hajime and Jyugo were infected by Elf, but it was a bit extreme. But her last moments with Enki still leave me with a bittersweet feeling.
As for Houzuki, all he wanted was to be with and protect his sister. Again, it was a bit extreme with him helping Noriko target anyone who gets in the way of their plans, but he’s an overall good guy.
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serena-1221 · 7 years
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Goodness I really really want these siblings
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spacespheal · 7 years
Can you please draw Hitoshi and Houzuki as fluffy wolves? Thank you in advance!
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leeno7oreo · 7 years
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Nanba buildings as their supervisors’ represented animals 🌟
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
dating houzuki sanzou: headcanons
[𖤐] houzuki pics are so elusive wtf man ;; these headcanons contain spoilers from the nanbaka manga, so read at your own risk!
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❧ masterlist
✗ extremely shy boy™
✗ he’s hesitant to do anything like holding your hand in the beginning because he doesn’t want to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable.
✗ he is the definition of a gentlemen; he’ll hold open doors for you, make you lunches, and he’ll do acupuncture for you if he notices you’ve been more tired than usual.
✗ he’ll tell you lots of stories about his sister, and silly things that they would do when they were younger.
✗ you were nervous meeting his sister for the first time, but after the two of you had talked for a while, you realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. she was so sweet to you, and even baked little pastries for yourself and houzuki. she’s glad that her little brother has found somebody who can make him happy, and she also thinks you’re amazing!!
✗ since houzuki has a lot of piercings, he probably knows how to do a good piercing because he watched people do it so many times. if you ask him for one, he’ll be nervous about it, but he’ll still happily oblige! (as it turns out, he’s really good at it).
✗ he’s probably very knowledgeable when it comes to chinese medicine, so if there’s ever something wrong, he probably knows some sort of remedy for it, and will immediately make it so you can feel better.
✗ when you first met him, you thought that he had dyed his hair and eyelashes, and you were super surprised to learn that it was the natural color of his hair. he’ll let you gently brush the pad of your finger over his eyelashes, (you’re so impressed by the fact that his lashes are this long, how did this even happen??)
✗ regarding pda, he will keep things professional work, mostly because if you were to do anything, he would become very flustered and would probably get teased by his co-workers. when you guys are off, he’ll hold your hand and will give you forehead kisses. anything will probably have to be initiated by you, unless he’s feeling particularly brave.
✗ he’ll probably do well with an extroverted s/o, especially since he’s a fairly shy person. if we had a very shy s/o, and a very shy houzuki, nothing is going to happen and they will be pining for each other until the end of time.
✗ he’s always very polite, even when he’s just on a date with you. he’s always minding the way he speaks to others, since that’s what noriko taught him to do.
✗ because of your relationship with houzuki, it would merit that you are also on friendly terms with samon. he doesn’t really make it noticeable, but he keeps a closer eye on houzuki than everyone else, mostly because he’s slightly worried about him and how he would do with his shy personality. like noriko, he’s glad that houzuki has somebody watching his back, and somebody that he can open up more too.
✗ when you first saw houzuki’s eyes, he was really confused as to why you kept staring at him. he wasn’t exactly uncomfortable per say, he was just wanted to know what you found so interesting. in all seriousness though, his eyes are gorgeous, especially with the piercings he has around them.
✗ cuddling with him is usually your face in his chest with his arms wrapped around you, holding you close, (he’ll usually have a hand on the back of your head). he knows there’s a low chance of anything really happening, but he wants to make sure to be there for you and be close if anything were to happen, (he regrets not being closer to noriko, and sometimes feels that if he had stayed closer, she wouldn’t have died).
✗ he will definitely give you kisses on the top of your hand, and you will definitely get very flustered. the way he looks up at you when he’s doing it…!@#$%^&*()_+|”{:}?>:<>?:brainisgone
✗ when it’s colder outside, he will make you tea to help and warm you up, as well as the occasional hot cocoa, (his teas are really great though, he buys very good quality tea).
✗ i get the feeling that he has really good ceremonial grade matcha, and will make you matcha tea every morning before the two of you leave for work. he will also make you breakfast, and it will taste just as amazing as it looks.
✗ will share his umbrella with you when it’s raining, and will make sure you don’t stay out too long so that you don’t get sick.
✗ when you do get sick, he will take really good care of you, and will give you his medicine. he’ll take the day off from work and will spend the day making food and making sure that you fever is going down.
✗ overall, a really great boyfriend, 10/10.
houzuki is so underrated
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
the black cat of the family - nanbaka fic.
decided to write something sad, cause it’s been on my mind for a while. i honestly wanna see these three reconnect or do some brotherly things.
he felt like an outsider. all of this happening so soon, seeing his sisterly figure at the wake just made his chest feel tighter than it was in this suit. so many people were there, mostly everyone from nanba from the looks of it. yet mao felt like even an outsider to them aswell.
everyone had dispersed, some staying to give condolences to samon, he knew he was staying for the night, atleast he hoped. he knew he wouldn’t. he couldn’t. he was but a coward. a weak, pathetic scaredy cat; the black cat that brought misfortune to everyone.
sitting next to the tree he was hiding behind he could feel his tears trickling down his cheeks and chin. his hand grasping his chest tightly as it felt like his heart was bout to burst. this wake wouldnt’ve happened had he not caused it...had he never...
“hhello?” he screeched like a cat and fell on his back as mao looked up to find a white haired pale male, with beautiful purple eyes that pained him to look at. right, this was big sister noriko’s brother...he thinks. he seemed just as surprised as he was.
“oh ii’m sso sorry.” he apologized, offering a hand that mao couldn’t accept. getting up a bit himself he patted himself off any dirt. “no, it’s fine, i should be sorry.” he mumbled as he tried to make a quick get away, only to be caught by houzuki’s hand.
“wwait wait, are you, uhm nimajita mao?” he asked, mao stood perfectly still, side eyeing him a bit. “...i wish i wasn’t.” he mumbled in response as houzuki gently let go. “mmy sister, she mentioned you before. she said, you were like a brother to her, sso i’m glad to meet you here.” he smiled sadly as mao looked surprised.
“...i really wish you weren’t.” he stated, the others eyes widening a bit. “i’m...the reason this wake even happened.” a gust of wind was the loudest between the two as they stood in silence.
“that’s...that’s not true.” houzuki stated. “you, didn’t do any of this. they, didn’t die because of you.”
“they wouldnt’ve if i wasn’t around.” he replied as houzuki moved to hold his hand. “ssister wouldn’t think t-” quickly the other’s hand moved away quickly. “you don’t speak for her!” he snapped as houzuki’s already reddened eyes started giving quiet tears as mao’s followed suite. “if i hadn’t given her to them none of this would’ve happened! i was stupid and thought i could help but i DIDN’T! cause if i did they would still BE here! the only good thing i did was give condolence money!”
after that the cat boy broke down sobbing as houzuki watched with tears still coming from his eyes. “if...i was never there...if i was...never here...” he hiccuped as he leaned on the tree. he could see the same pale hand moving to offer to hold his. it disgusted him. why was this guy still trying to reach out when he basically killed his sister?
he ran off in a panic, panting as he was still trying to calm down, but he needed to leave. he shouldn’t be here. he shouldn’t be anywhere really. he was just in the way of everyone and everything, causing trouble, ruining lives, he was no lucky cat.
houzuki watched him run off, the day had been rather draining emotionally but he still had enough emotions to put his hands over his mouth and choke up a cry. he could feel that painful chii from him, all he said was truth, it made his heart feel sick how much more than mourning the other was feeling.
he felt a light tap on his arm, then a light pat as he felt the hand stay there. “it’s not your fault.” samon stated as he stood next to the other. “y...yyou...heard?”
“was watching the whole time.” he stated, lightly clenching houzuki’s arm. “i’ll...talk to him after house arrest.” he moved slightly enough for houzuki to lean down and hug the other. “keep that heart of yours from breaking so easily.” houzuki nodded in his shoulder, moving up enough to see a wrapped popcicle in his view being handed by the marsupeal supervisor.
“here. come back to inori’s place with me too if ya want.” unraveling it houzuki took a lick from the grape flavored popscicle, smile crossing his face.
“i’ll...take you up on that offer.”
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[Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker, Momoko stands in front of the pot with her arms crossed]
Momoko: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad, I just wanna know.
Houzuki, quickly: I did. I broke it.
Momoko: No. No you didn’t. Mitsuru?
Mitsuru: Don’t look at me. Look at Hajime.
Hajime: What?! I didn’t break it.
Mitsuru: Huh, that’s weird. How’d you even know it was broken?
Hajime: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken.
Mitsuru: Suspicious.
Hajime: No it’s not.
Samon: If it matters, probably not, but Kiji was the last one to use it.
Kiji: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!
Samon: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Kiji: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Monkey!
Houzuki: Okay let’s not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it.
Momoko: No! Who broke it?!
Hajime, softly: Warden…Kenshirou’s been awfully quiet.
Kenshirou: REALLY?!
Hajime: Yeah, really!
Kenshirou: Oh my God!
[Everyone starts arguing]
Momoko: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. *Looks back at the group with a smirk* Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
(Source: Parks and Recreation)
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ohmygodquitaskingme · 5 years
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I love the Dumb Daisen bros. And dogs, they're the best. Unfortunately I have made the decision to not tag the dogs for the simple reason that I cant remember their names
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camellianswer · 5 years
Nanbaka Cinnamon Rolls
Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Nico
Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: Rock
Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you: Momoko
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: Houzuki
Could kill you by feeding you too many cinnamon rolls: Shiro
Could tell you the chemical composition of cinnamon rolls: Qi
Sinnamon roll: Honey & Trois
hope i’m doing this right
suggest others or correct me or smth...
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tauraoppais · 6 years
Enki is King Kong 😂
Translation by me and @nanbaka-enthusiast.
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@rerererererereblog @mao-number56 @notabizarrejojo @tynamo-ex @namelpmet @nikoshizuku
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iamapoopmuffin · 6 years
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Loads of people can’t stand Hajime, Houzuki, you’re nothing special.
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nanbaka-confessions · 5 years
What do u think of building 5???
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I like some more than others, but I overall 💖 Building 5! Building 5 is Himbo Central! Minus Qi, Upa, and Houzuki, I already talked about how I feel about each member of Building 5. So I’ll keep it brief and just rank them all from least favorite to most favorite. I won’t include the characters who were locked away in the underground cell, so no Enki (rip 😭) , Ruka, or Hachiman.
9. Upa - The main reason Upa is so low on my list is because I can’t stand the “arrogant little kid” archetype that he is. He’s so rude to nearly everyone around him.
8. Kokoriki - Just like Upa, Koko is rude, but only nice to people ranked higher than him.
7. Youriki - Easily the most underrated Daisen brother. He’s only a step higher than Koko because he seems a bit more soft spoken.
6. Liang - Good looking, but I don’t like his toxic masculinity and the way he and Upa treat Qi
5. Houzuki - I think the best way I can describe him is Building 5’s Seitarou. He’s overall a kind character and I want to see more of him.
4. Rokuriki - The most likable of the Daisen brothers. Chapter 81.5 is one of my favorites, simply because of the interaction between Rokuriki and Samon. It was just too cute!
3/2. Qi/Inori - I’m ranking Qi and Inori together, because they’re both great underrated characters. Qi gets so much shit from Liang and Upa, yet never retaliates, which makes me feel sorry for him. Inori is lazy and perverted like Qi, but he’s a loyal boi and owns up to his shit, which is why he’s so high on this list.
1. Samon - Not going to explain myself again, but I just overall love Samon! He’s a bit of a brash and loud dummy, but he’s too damn likable to place them any lower.
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lesbi-chus · 7 years
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Chapter 191 - Houzuki & Hitoshi 
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