#nanbaka building 5
hunn1e-bunn1e · 3 months
Hi! Can I ask of its okay to ask/request?
If so, Could you do with Samon, from Nanbaka, with Reader, as an inmate, and has an animal companion, a literal Monkey, Kinda like Aladdin and Abu?
These two, Reader and Monkey, has closed bonds since their were little, that they understand and learning what they know each other, like climbing or understanding each others language, etc.
This monkey known for being mischievious/prankster to others and being protective & aggressive at men, who're trying to court/flirt/pervy towards Reader.
(also you can add this, if you want; monkey can kill or make 'unfortunate' accidents that even S/O and others didn't/don't know how it happens)
Gokuu Samon - Inmate Male Reader With A Mischievous Monkey Companion
Hey anon, I saw the ask you sent before this second one, but since this one is the most recent I'll use it instead of the first. Anyhow, I'm glad you sent me a Nanbaka ask, I love that anime, and Samon is one of my favorite characters, so I'll handle this ask with care. Oneshot and headconnons combined~ This ask is written in the third person because I can. The lyrics quoted in this one are from the song “Doing Time” by Lana Del Rey. —Benny🐰
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❝𝕺𝖓 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓, 𝕷𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝕬 𝕻𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖞- 𝕾𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖘 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖓' 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗, 𝕭𝖚𝖙 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕾𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝕳𝖔𝖒𝖊, 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝕷𝖊𝖋𝖙 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕸𝖊~❞
. . .
🈯  It would seem that poor Inori gets the brunt of Abu's fury, the boar-like man having a small crush on the handsome new inmate much to the little monkey's chagrin. Abu put the poor guard through the ringer; stealing his hat and armband, hiding his keys from him, and throwing random objects at his head. This poor man has been reprimanded by Samon so many times now it's not even funny. Yeah, let's just say that Inori steered clear of [Name]'s cell for quite a while after that, it just wasn't worth it in his opinion. Surprisingly, the other guards had a much easier time with the little monkey; so long as they didn't linger in front of the cell for too long Abu didn't have any issues with them.
🈯  Something interesting that the monkey-like man has noticed in his time spent observing [Name], as he does with every new inmate or guard, is how he and Abu seem to be able to understand each other without issues despite the language barrier. Although, he's pretty sure that that damn monkey is secretly talking shit about him; it's making him feel insecure, okay? He also noticed how Abu seemed to act almost as an extension of [Name]; the two worked together seamlessly, perfectly in synch. [Name] could be in the cafeteria and as he goes up to get his meal, Abu would simultaneously grab him a drink, always being rewarded for his thoughtful actions.
🈯  Samon does not like Abu in the slightest; there's only room for one monkey in Nanba and that's him! Abu also has a mutual dislike for Samon, but this is mostly because the building supervisor keeps separating him from [Name] during training and the scowls he receives from the green-eyed man. Samon also has a sneaking suspicion that Abu is responsible for the fact that he keeps finding random items strewn around on the floor in front of [Name]'s cell; he even asks the inmate about it but [Name] only shrugs. The supervisor can always feel the little monkey's taunting stares whenever he passes by the cell, like the little monkey is trying to provoke him.
🈯  [Name] and Abu often end up skipping daily training and Samon is pulling his hair out in distress, just train for a little bit, it's not that bad! Usually, the supervisor finds the two inmates lounging in a tree or swinging and hanging from the branches; although he often gets a stick to the head courtesy of Abu whenever [Name] looks away. Samon just can't win with those two, no matter how many times he drags them back to the field, they disappear up a different tree just seconds later. That is the reason he separates the two during training; so that [Name] can focus on the task at hand while Inori is (bullied by) watching Abu. 
🈯  The inmates from the cell just across from [Name] and Abu's, cell 8, don't mind their new neighbors too much, mostly focusing on their own thing. However, they sometimes get pretty annoyed at how loud Abu can be and at how they skip out on training to just laze around, but the last one is just annoying to Liang. 
. . .
❝𝕺𝖓 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓, 𝕷𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝕬 𝕻𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖞- 𝕾𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖘 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖓' 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗, 𝕭𝖚𝖙 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕾𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝕳𝖔𝖒𝖊, 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝕷𝖊𝖋𝖙 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕸𝖊~❞
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irltsukumo · 8 months
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: ̗̀➛ Upa (Nanbaka) Stimboard
꒰ 🌵🫐 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・
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applesauce-drawz · 1 year
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Cactus Upa…
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nanbafreak · 9 months
[Building 5 in one of their 'family nights']
Inori:-What is the thinnest layer of the earth called?
Qi:-The foreskin
Liang:-The thinnest layer of the earth?
Liang:-Oh, thank you
Liang looking at his cellmates with a smug grin:- I got a point
Qi:-No- wait- What!?
Inori:-I was just clarifying-!
Liang, now confuse:- I got correct!
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
For day 17 of the event, I used number 33 for Qi from Nanbaka! I adore this ‘old man’ and find him so interesting! I’ve never really done anything super fluffy for him, so this was great practice and I hope any fans of the series will enjoy the small headcanons here for him!
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When sharing a bed with someone else, is the character a cuddler?
Qi starts off, when sharing a bed with someone, as wanting to cuddle. During the act of just laying in bed with someone, he does genuinely enjoy being close physically to that person, even if they’re just friends, and he’ll be as close to them on the bed as they’ll allow.
If the person he’s sharing the bed with enjoys cuddling too and is up for it, Qi loves it when they cuddle with him. He either prefers to spoon, being the big spoon, just because it’s comfy for everyone and really easy, or he prefers to lay on his back, arm behind his head, and let the person he’s sharing the bed with cuddle up to him with their head on his chest. Both positions tend to give him more full body skin to skin contact, which helps this slightly touch-starved man, and with the second position, he’s really going to enjoy if the person puts some weight on him. To him, that feeling of having someone’s body weight lightly resting on you is very soothing (yes, he would definitely be a weighted blanket fan).
He’ll make light talk about the day or about thoughts in his mind with the person he’s sharing the bed with just light pillow talk until one of them falls asleep.
Once Qi does fall asleep though, he tends to break away from the cuddling. His conscious mind definitely wants that closeness, but his sleeping body wants some space. He’ll be able to sleep with an arm thrown around him and his own limbs will splay along the bed, so they’ll definitely get intertwined with the other person’s, but overall, Qi, when sleeping, needs space.
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the-deal-breaker · 7 months
Nanbaka's back
So slight reminder to myself, that this was originally to post about Nanbaka.
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These two are natural-born Navi and not in avatars.
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zombiesama · 1 year
Have you seen him?
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Now you have!
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ems-ru5 · 2 years
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baby liang is so precious
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mazojo · 1 year
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I still cry everytime
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naquey · 2 years
I saw that you were taking requests and you write for original characters, I was wondering if you could do your Nanbaka character Seijirou Yohei
God, I haven't touched my Nanbaka characters in a hot minute, thank you for this ask anon. To be fair I think now I'm just going to be making him up as a I go based on the original concept which was based around a wattpad oneshit I read a long time ago.
I love making my favorite canon characters gay.
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Cell thirteen of building thirteen heard about the new inmate for building five almost immediately after he arrived. The four inmates were hysterical. Scared, excited, worried. Every emotion you could think of was coursing through them. They had no reason for fear though, they would never see this new inmate. That is until.
"Hajime!" Nico called, pressing his face against the bars. "Hajime!" He tried getting the guards attention.
"What do you want?" Clenching his hand around the clipboard and gritting his teeth, he tried hard for the new year to not lose his cool every time he was asked for something.
"Can we go train with Samon?" Nico asked.
Jyugo, Rock and Uno all snapped their heads up from the quiet activity they were doing. All three glaring at the back of the green-haired boy's head. There was no reason to ask for training and it wasn't like Nico was going to be able to.
"I don't see why not; it takes you idiots off my hands for a few hours."
"A few hours?! Come on man! I'd rather train with Yamato!" Uno snapped.
"Oh, really?" Hajime rose a brow.
"No, no! I want to go to building five!" The blonde cowered under the guard's gaze. He hid himself behind Nico.
"Alright then. I don't get all day, and Samon will be pretty darn excited to whip you four into shape." Hajime cracked his neck; on the inside he was practically jumping for joy at the opportunity to not be annoyed as much today.
"At least sparing with Liang will get me warmed up." Rock stifled a yawn.
Once the four from building thirteen were dumped into Samon's hands Hajime couldn't have left any quicker. Uno groaned and pouted; he hated wearing those stupid jumpsuits but hated training in them more. It ruined his complexion and his hair. Training wasn't even the reason they showed up.
"Rock! Care to show me just how much you've improved?" With that Liang had already convinced Rock to separate from the group.
Nico, Uno, and Jyugo were screwed.
Samon Gokuu took training seriously, practically becoming a terrifying person just to enforce it. Jyugo could never outrun Samon or Inori, then again Uno and Nico needed to just outrun him. Someone lounging under a tree caught Uno's attention, actually the crutches caught his attention. Of all his years in prison he never encountered an injured inmate at Nanba prison. It was odd he was placed in building five of all places.
Walking over to the redhead under the tree, he first thought it was a woman and got his hopes up. Then realized this was an all-men's prison. There were no women.
"You must be the new guy in cell eight, Nico hasn't shut up once he learned about you." Uno scratched the back of his neck.
He received no response. The red-haired man just continued to read. Uno noticed that his arm was bandaged up, his leg too. Raising a brow, he narrowed his eyes in thought.
"How'd you get those? A nasty fight with someone in here?" He joked, hoping to ease the tension that was slowly seeping into his brain.
"You're that pretty boy from cell thirteen, right? Uno. The one they warned me about." Finally looking up from his book Uno noticed he had bandages covering his face just like Nico. A yellow eye was glazed over, almost milky.
"How'd you know my name?"
"Green haired boy told me, said I looked too feminine, and you would try something."
"Trust me pal, you don't look feminine at all."
"Tell that to the last three guys who tried to hit on me." The redhead scoffed.
"Is that how you got injured?"
"Nah, these are old. Sebun, by the way."
"Isn't that just the number seven?"
"Yep. My inmate number." Sebun shrugged.
"So, your name is just your inmate number?" Uno asked.
"Pretty much."
"I doubt that."
"It's not really, but why would I tell you who I am. Not like we'll know or see each other when we get out of this joint."
"You have a point there."
Sebun hummed in response and opened his book again. Just standing there Uno felt awkward so he sat down next to him.
"Samon's going to freak when he finds you here."
"Well, how come you get to sit here, and I don't."
"I'm injured."
"If you're not big on training then you came to the wrong building, but your buddy over there is a tank for sparring with Liang."
"Rock does this all the time." Uno shrugged. "It's nothing special."
"Maybe we might have some other time to chat, who knows." Sebun went back to reading his book. This conversation was going nowhere, and it felt pointless to him.
"What's Samon really going to do?" Uno chuckled. "I doubt he would even be able too--" His voice faltered when he saw the orange haired guard standing in front of him.
He had never run so fast in his life until that moment and Sebun just laughed.
That was the first time they met.
Uno was now laughing at Sebun as he sat motionlessly in one of the underground cells. Wiping tears from the corners of his eyes the blonde clutched his stomach as his voice carried down the hall.
"Okay, okay! Just get me out!" The redhead snapped.
Jyugo stayed silent as he picked the lock, he wasn't going to say anything to imply he was on either side.
Once it swung open Sebun was hobbling out and "accidentally" stepped on Uno's braid. Shooting him a lopsided grin he snickered.
"Let's get going before any of those dolls come back."
"I do not want to deal with them again." Uno shivered, holding his hair close to him as he side eyed the inmate from building five.
"Awe! Sejiro! Looks like you've made some friends."
Jyugo and Sebun froze at that familiar sickeningly sweet voice. What was he doing here? Was this all his plan? Uno had obliviously continued walking, only turning around when he realized his companions weren't with him.
"What's up? Did you two see something?"
"You heard that, right?" Jyugo asked Sebun.
"Yeah, yeah. I heard it, did you?"
"I did." Jyugo nodded slowly.
"Heard what? What are you guys talking about?!"
The blonde didn't like how Jyugo and Sebun got along all of a sudden, he found it unfair. When they first met they didn't get along but now someone he didn't even speak to was all buddy buddy with him. Uno didn't know why but this made his blood boil.
"Did you not hear that?" They both asked.
"Oh great, now you're speaking in unison on top of hearing things." Uno commented flatly.
"They're not hearing things~"
"Uno! Behind you!"
Sebun moved fast , raising his bandaged arm up to protect himself and the blonde from Mei's fists.
"Mei?! What are you doing down here?!" Uno squawked.
"Who's Mei?" Her voice wasn't coming out of her body. "Oh, the clone!" She laughed like it was funny.
"What clone? Are you a clone of her?!" Uno didn't know if he should feel scared or extremely happy there would be two Mei's, the more to flirt with.
"That's not a good thing!" Jyugo hit him over the head.
"Oh, no, no. I didn't clone Mei, I cloned Kujaku."
"Kujaku?" Sebun's arms fell to his sides as he stared at Mei and whoever was possessing her body.
"I don't know who that is." Jyugo muttered.
"What did you do with Kujaku?!"
Just as Sebun assumed his kick landed she grabbed his foot, grinning from ear to ear like a familiar blonde guy with pointed ears.
"You're so fast now, I wonder just how strong these really are!"
"What do you mean--"
Instinctively Sebun held his arms infront of his face to shield him from getting hit. His eyes widened when he realized he actually blocked. Moving backwards uncertainly he made a move to kick her again, his foot being caught in the air giving her the perfect opportunity to strike again.
Due to Mei sharing an odd brute strength with Hajime even though they are not blood related, she easily brought him down. Sebun was just a lanky young man with injuries of unknown origin, so it wasn't hard.... Kind of. Uno hurriedly picked Sebun off the floor, his clothes were most certainly going to get stained with blood.
"It's okay! You're not losing a lot of it since the bandages are soaking it up!"
"I'm not dying you nitwit."
"Okay, well, you're losing a lot of blood!!"
"It's going to be fine, just calm down..." Sebun muttered, despite being the one openly bleeding he was pretty calm.
He was given a hospital room just like Enki Gokku and Norkio Sanzou. Sitting up in the bed he grimaced at the cast on his arm and leg, disgust written on his face seeing the sling his arm was put into. As much as he was used to having injuries he felt as if he was a sitting duck, it was bad enough he was confined to the single room he was confined to the bed as well.
"Inmate seven, you have a visitor." The doctor called.
Sighing and opening his eyes he figured he wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Seeing Uno walk into the room the redhead perked up, a grin stretching across his face.
"Feel bad for me, huh? You were holding me pretty tight once I started blacking out."
"You kept slipping and I didn't want to drop you!" The blonde snapped; jaw clenched.
"Easy tiger, I'm just joking with you." Sebun held his hands up defensively.
"Why do you always have to tease me?"
"'Cause it's fun."
"It's not fun for me." Uno pouted.
"I'm sorry. Let me try again. Came to check on me honey? Couldn't stay away for too long?" Sebun broke out into a smile, eyes lighting up as Uno processed what he said.
"You're- That's-what- Honey?! The best pet name you could come up with?!" Uno stammered, his face turning a little red.
"It's barely a pet name, apparently it's someone's name." Sebun laughed.
"Don't get me started on that prick!"
"You're not even going to question what I said?" The redhead rose a brow.
"Oh- I... uhm... Thought we were ignoring it..." Uno looked anywhere but at the other inmate.
"Whatever, I already know you like me." Sebun stated cockily.
"I do not like you!" Uno snapped, his face blazing different shades of red. Sufficiently giving him away.
"Yeah, you do."
"Whatever." The blonde scoffed.
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kazelvr · 11 months
₊˚ෆˎˊ˗ everyone adores you, at least i do.
synopsis. cell 13 relationship hcs (separately).
content contains. gender neutral reader! building 5 arc mentioned. multiple hajime mentions (jumpscare) not proofread!
mei’s note. wrote this for all the nanbaka enjoyers, i also need nanbaka mutuals 2bhonest :,).
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jyugo (ジューゴ)
jyugo is definitely something when it comes to relationships! he’s been behind bars his whole life, how is he supposed to know how to show his affection?
so, he gets advice! almost everyday he can be found next to uno, seeking relationship advice tips on how to show his love for you. although the advice he receives isn’t the most useful, he still makes an effort. however, there was one instance where he turned to hajime for advice, and lets just say it didn’t turn out so well.
jyugo is your #1 protector, always looking out for you just in case anything happens to you. in the building five arc, he keeps a watchful eye on you, never letting you stray too far from his side. his grip on you is firm, seeking solace in your presence.
cell thirteen freaks the FUCK out when they hear about jyugo having a partner. literally, how could someone like him possibly pull someone as cute as you?
like i said earlier, jyugo struggles to express his love for you. his attempts are often clumsy and timid, leaving him embarrassed even at the mere utterance of “i love you” coming from his lips. but, don’t get the wrong idea about his lack of affection. he adores you deeply, please be patient with him!
he loves to show off his jail breaking skills to you, only to be caught by hajime 10 minutes later. and then you have to witness your poor boyfriend get yelled at for trying to escape. at least you’re there to comfort him and praise his skills, which makes this all worth it in the end.
he never. stops. talking. about. you. never. it’s painfully obvious he’s head over heels for you. even before you two started dating, he was talking about you as if he was your biggest fan. which, he is. but he doesn’t want you to know that.
if you’re a criminal and you belong in a different cell/building, trust me, jyugo would be sneaking out of his cell all the time to visit you. it gets so bad that you have to tell him to stop, or else hajime would literally kill him with his fists.
if you are in the same cell as him, jyugo likes to play with your hair while you’re sleeping. the sensation of his fingertips running through the strands relaxes him, especially when it’s late at night when he’s stuck in his cell. he could escape if he wanted to, but now he doesn’t because he wants to spend time with you. it’s also a way of showing his affection for you without getting embarrassed because he knows you’re sleeping. if you wake up and catch him, he’ll pretend that nothing ever happened.
jyugo’s heart nearly stopped when you first told him that you loved him. he knew it, of course, but hearing the words coming out of your mouth was too much for him to bear. tears sprang instantly to his eyes, and he buries his face in your shoulder, sobbing. his mind swirled with words of love he’d never heard before, words so soft and tender he couldn’t believe anything could make him feel this good. please, let him have his moment.
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uno (ウノ)
you bully him for being a brit (jay kay. maybe)
loves to play cards with you! even if you don’t know how to play, he’ll teach you anyway. he even lets you win just to see the smile on your face.
uno is always with you, always holding your hand. he likes the feeling of your touch, and he will never let go—no matter what how much you tell him to.
uno let’s you do his hair, and he does yours as well. he’s all about hair care and skin care, so no doubt he’ll remind you to take care of your skin and your hair. and then, you both end up glowing together.
he likes to flirt, and if you’re someone who gets easily embarrassed, uno will be flirting with you all the time just to see your reaction. he plays with your heart strings, he plays with your head; it’s like a game to him. he’s charming in his own cocky way. it’s a part of who he is and what he does best.
but, if you flirt back with him, he’ll melt and whine. he’s the one who’s supposed to do the flirting!
uno is the epitome of a doting cuddlebug. he is constantly attached to you, whether day or night, no matter who sees. he is so head-over-heels for you, that even hajime has to physically tug or otherwise force him away from your side..
when talking to others, uno frequently brags about you in the most adorable way possible. he flexes by casually pointing at you and asserting you’re his partner, often saying things like, “that’s my partner, [name]! so lucky, right?” to everyone else in earshot. in essence, his pride runs deep, and he’s not afraid to show it.
when rejected or ignored by you, unl tends to become highly sulky and dramatic. like a child throwing a tantrum, he’ll sulk and pout, spreading misery to everyone else near him just because he was in a bad mood. he’ll go so far as to ignore you unless you apologize, although his bad mood rarely lasts for too long. no more than an hour later, you’ll find uno clinging to your side once more, as if none of it ever happened.
uno’s self-proclaimed as a ‘pretty boy’ is a fact. nonetheless, he’ll still be a blushing, embarrassed mess whenever you acknowledge it, especially if you tease him about it. he’ll nervously scratch the back of his neck, his cheeks a bright shade of red, trying to come up with a reply that doesn’t make him sound like a giddy schoolgirl — but failing miserably.
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nico (ニコ)
nico is always recommending manga to you, based on what you’ll like— and he’s usually spot on due to his vast experience. if you’re an anime lover as well, he would be more than happy to chat with you about it, and will probably end up introducing you to his favorite series.
nico is utterly relentless when it comes to showering you with affection, always sparing no opportunity to tell you how much he cares. everyone else in cell thirteen has seen it all before— the constant showering with kisses and hugs, the endless compliments and praise, the clear unashamed adulation.
but to nico, it doesn’t matter if others see it or not, because he wants you to know how much he loves you, and he wants to make it known to you, right here, right now, however he can. it’s quite sweet, really.
playing video games with him is special to nico, especially since it’s you he’s playing with. he considers you to be his favorite person ever, and wants to do everything with you, which includes playing video games. however, nico can get a bit competitive at times. but, don’t worry. if you end up losing a round, he’ll feel bad and let you win all the other rounds after that, just to lift your spirits and make you feel better.
if you’re not one for talking, nico would be more than happy to fill the silence by yapping your ear off about anything that comes to his mind. and you would sit there, listening patiently each time, never judging him for wanting to share his thoughts and interests with you. having someone who is always willing to hear him out really, really means a lot to nico!
nico seems to have a sixth sense for whenever you’re feeling down, ashes constantly checking up on you. whether you’re feeling sad, stressed, or just plain tired, nico will do whatever it takes to cheer you up. he would take you to nanba’s arcade, put on a comedy anime for both of you to watch, or even simply cuddle with you the whole day if that’s what you want. despite his childish demeanor, nico is understanding and sympathetic, always willing to listen to you vent about your problems, while gently holding you close and doing his utmost to comfort you and make you feel better.
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rock (ロック)
food dates food dates food dates! although, nanba prison is probably not the most ideal setting for a food date — but your boyfriend still manages to make it work somehow. he’ll beg shiro for the most delicious meal he can offer, and in a heartbeat, you’ll be presented with a ten-tier cake.
rock loves having you on his back while he does push-ups, that’s it. no specific reason.
if anyone even so much breathes a word of disrespect in your direction, rock would go ballistic. without a moment’s hesitation and without any words exchanged, rock would proceed to throw hands, until the person who dared disrespect his beloved had a broken nose and a busted jaw.
while rock may appear brash and impulsive on the outside, he’s nothing more than a big sweethart who would do anything and everything for you. hell, he’ll even go so far as to share his meal with you. he’s got a very obvious soft slot for you, but he’s rather not say that out loud.
another cuddlebug! sure, his loud snoring may keep you up at night, but he’s your boyfriend, and it doesn’t really bother you, after all. the security that comes from rock’s big, muscular arms wrapping around you tightly is worth it. his cuddles are like a warm blanket, making you feel safe. sometimes, they can be so tight you can barely move— no complaints there from you, though. the warmth and comfort rock brings us more than worth it.
rock always asks you to watch him fight, regardless of whether he wins or loses. he doesn’t even mind if he does lose, as long as you’re there to cheer him on and offer him words of praise afterwards. that’s one thing that makes it worthwhile, seeing that big, dumb-happy grin show up on his face after getting congratulated by you for giving it his all.
rock often finds himself comparing hand sizes with you most of the time, knowing full well that yours would be smaller than his, but he still does it anyway. maybe it’s the intimacy and close contact of putting your hands against each other, and the feeling of your soft, slender fingers running up and down his rough, calloused palm. for rock, it’s an almost comforting sensation and he often asks you if you’re willing to do it again.
many others including cell thirteen have noticed the way how rock is especially more gentle with you. how his voice mellows to a calming, relaxed state as soon as he starts talking to you, and how his gaze becomes more relaxed and gentle. it’s as if a switch has been flipped once he locks eyes with you.
the guy is just sososo in love w/you :,)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Hello, I read this Nanbaka x Reader- Childhood Friend, and I really enjoyed/loved it.
If its okay to request could you do the same one, but different?
Y/N with an animal companion, a literal Monkey.
Romantic: Samon Gokuu Platonic: Guards and Inmates from building 5 (your choice, if you want to add)
Thank You!
-You liked your job, working in Nanba Prison, in Building 5, you were a guard, but you were more of the paperwork type of guard, handling all the reports and paperwork for your supervisor, Gokuu Samon.
-You admired the hard work he put into his building, you also admired his kind heart, willing to let several of the inmates train alongside him.
-You were like the mother of Building 5, to the inmates of cell 8 and Samon to be specific, as you were the one to encourage them to take breaks while they were training, preparing tea and snacks for them.
-Qi adored you, wanting to constantly flirt with you, something Qi and Liang wouldn’t allow, as they both respected you, you treated them like normal people, not as criminals, something they appreciated.
-The only thing that Samon didn’t like about you was your partner, a Capuchin monkey, who is usually seen sitting on your shoulder, his tail wrapped around your neck, to balance himself.
-It’s not like he had anything against your partner, Boo-Boo, but it was the jokes that everyone would make if both were in the same room, telling Samon, “Hey look it’s your brother.” And other jokes like that!
-It was so annoying and irritating!! It would get him riled up almost as much as when he would have to converse with Hajime!
-You were the only one who didn’t make jokes like this, something Samon did appreciate, but only because you didn’t really understand the jokes, much to his dismay.
-Boo-Boo was your baby, the two of you grew up together after you saved him from a poacher’s trap, and where you went, Boo-Boo was sure to follow.
-Boo-Boo was a guard as well, mainly helping you out, but he was skilled in the sense that he could easily traverse vents, hiding from inmates that were out and about, tattling to you on naughty prisoners or guards who were slacking off.
-Many didn’t like Boo-Boo, as he was a snitch, something Qi often complained about, as he would tattle to you if he wasn’t doing something he shouldn’t have been, mainly slacking off.
-Samon did appreciate Boo-Boo’s work ethic, as he would tell the leader of the 5th building if any guards were slacking off, pointing them out, to which then Samon would discipline them.
-You were content with your work, delivering paperwork between the different buildings, making tea and snacks, and staying in the office for the most part, keeping it running smoothly.
-Upa often joked to Samon, as they were both watching you puttering around the office while they were taking a short break, “This building would fall apart if it wasn’t for Y/N.” and Upa had been surprised when Samon just nodded, agreeing with him.
-You hoped that you would get to stay here at Nanba for a long time, you and Boo-Boo both!
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uwukillmenowowo · 4 months
Yandere Enki X Therapist Female reader
Cuz the best thing I love about Enki is his brother 🥰
Nah but still- Enki is 😍
But I might make a part two because I just wanna see if im on the right track of a good storyline.
Forgive me for this because I've only watched Nanbaka until season 2
(ノ ─︣ ⏥ ─︣ )ノ
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Keeping Me Sane
(Yandere Enki Gokuu X Therapist! Female! Reader!)
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You were a recently appointed therapist.
Since you had to look over some inmates and guards one on one you got to learn how to use Qigong from the best of the best. Building 5.
You got along with one guard in particular, Samon
He taught you more about close combat and how to block out Qi channeling.
That way if an inmate gets to aggressive, you can paralyze them.
Basically you're like Ty Lee from ATLA.
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Somethings wrong... You can feel it. It's coming from building 5. However, you ignore it, thinking that it was just some inmates. That is... until you get too close to a certain guard.
{Second POV}
You were heading to building 5 because of a supposed urgent process that needed to take place. The train stopped and you got off, taking a deep breath as you walked towards the Chinese setting. 'No matter how many times I walk through here it still smells like lotus flowers.' You thought optimistically as you saw a familiar fabulous teal haired queer Queen.
"Ruka! Good afternoon!" You called. Ruka turned around happily and squealed, rushing over to you and wrapped his arms around you. "[Y/n], dearie~ So glad you came. Ugh, that inmate was about to become absolutely insufferable..." You chuckled and pat his shoulder, telling him that you were here to help. He thanked you profusely and then told you that the inmate was in a lover level cell because of protocol. You understood and started to make your way to the cell.
But that's when you noticed... an extremely tall male.
You've never seen him before. However, he was wearing a guard uniform and he had a belt quite similar to Samon. 'Oh wait! Samon said he had an older brother. Perhaps that's him.' You thought and kept walking, eager to become acquaintances with another college.
You waved your hand and was about to greet him when all of a sudden he grabbed you by your coat and slammed you against the wall with incredible speed. You gasped for air and coughed. "Whoa are you?" He demanded as he glared at you.
He lifted you up. Since you were much smaller than him, you were suspended in the air. Because of the impact you felt blood in your mouth. Not wanting to cough it out, you swallowed hard. You tried to speak but no words came out. Thankfully though, someone came to your aid. "HEY! LET HER GO! SHE'S THE NEW THERAPIST THAT IS CHECKING UP ON THAT INMATE!" You couldn't see him but you knew it was Samon's voice.
The taller male let you go and finally you coughed some blood out as you held your throat. Samon raced over to you. "[Y/n]! Are you alright? I'm sorry about Enki." You just nodded and looked up to see Enki's gaze now looking nonchalant. "I'm... fine. Just a little banged up. But overall I'm good." Samon pouted. " Do you need Doctor Otogi?"
You shook your head again, telling Samon repeatedly that you were okay. But Samon refused to believe that you were okay. Since you two were good friends, Samon asked for Enki to apologize to you. You tried to tell him that it was fine but Enki did apologize to you.
You felt embarrassed about that so you just smiled and told Enki how it was no big deal. After that, Samon pat your shoulder happily and told you to visit the doctor if anything started to hurt before leaving.
After that it was just you and Enki. The taller male just stared down at you and you felt like you were in the presence of the warden all over again. "So you're a therapist?" He asked. You quickly nodded. Enki just hummed to himself before he started to walk off.
You just let out a deep breath. 'Scary!' You thought and just made your way to the inmate's cell to do the job you're paid to do.
{Ruka's POV}
"So~ How'd it go?" I asked and chuckled, using my Bashosen to cover my mouth. "... Awful... I tried to do as you say, pin her to the wall. But I slammed her head into the wall instead." I sweatdropped and sighed deeply as I saw Enki glaring at the wall. But immediately after, he smiled lovingly. "She's so tiny. I could do whatever I want with her with only one hand." I grit my teeth and just nodded along. 'What perverse thoughts.' I thought as I narrowed my eyes at Enki's lovestruck gaze.
'How in the hell did I get into this situation again..?'
"Shut up. Either help me win her over from my brother or I'll snap your neck right here an now. After all, you're one of her admirers too aren't you?"
'Right... that's how...' I sighed and fixed my hair and my cap before I proposed another plan. "Fine. Let's start off easier. Just ask her that you want to schedule a therapy meeting but instead, take that moment to apologize for hurting her. You could ever get her a gift or a snack." Enki then smirked and I flinched. It was the same look he gave me after almost murdering me after all.
"Perfect." His smirk grew wider and I just nodded. "Keep the grin down. You look like you're about to murder someone again... Also, don't. I've already covered up the first one. We don't need a second one." Enki stood straight up and fixed his guard coat. "That inmate deserved it. Talking about what's mine in such a way." Enki then went back to glaring at the wall and I facepalmed.
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Ehhhhh- Am I doin' good?
(っ ─︣ ᵜ ─︣ )っ
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applesauce-drawz · 1 year
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Y’all know nanbaka? Well, here’s my oc for it 🤭
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redrage71890 · 8 months
HEY NANBAKA FANS!!! Has anyone ever thought about the linguistic skills everyone has? Concerning the fact that the cast is largely international with the inmates primarily besides the guards since majority of them are Japanese (except for Building 5 that's mainly Chinese).
Big Note: I'm not fully caught up in the manga and just basically started it, so this is all coming from an anime watcher. If its somehow explained in the manga then someone tell me please...
Though staying with the primary cast of Building 13, 3/4 of cell 13 are foreigners from specifically English speaking countries being America and Britain. So are the three of them fluent in Japanese? I guess they would because Nanba Prison is in Japanese waters with majority of everyone being Japanese. I understand that the foreign guards would have to know Japanese for obvious reasons.
So here are my personal headcanons/thoughts for the each of the primary characters in the anime (because I haven't finished the manga):
I think it depends on the pasts and learning abilities of the inmates for them to have a better understandings of learning another language and retaining that.
Jyugo: I find it hard to believe he would be able to learn another language easily or even moderately. He probably tries to copy how someone pronounces something but he struggles with reading and writing. From all the prisons he's been to internationally, he probably has basic English that was kind of refined from Uno helping.
Uno: Out of everyone in cell 13, Uno would most likely be bilingual with English and Japanese. I don't think he would be completely fluent however, he might struggle with more complex sentences or words he's unfamiliar with. (Also who doesn't think Uno might slip into some angry British English or something...)
Nico: I think Nico would be able to speak more Japanese than English because of watching anime. He can't read so he's going off hearing, so he might have picked up on words from how they're used in phrases and puts them in his everyday. Along with all the guards and Jyugo probably teaching him in some way.
Rock: Honestly, I see Rock using more English than the other three. Using it more emotively especially when he's angry or frustrated, mainly to himself. His Japanese I'd say is decent but not as fluent.
Tsukumo: Definitely bilingual and possibly trilingual. Japanese and English and I'll say Chinese that his 'mum' encouraged him to learn because of possible roles. Probably maintains them by trying them with English and Chinese speaking inmates.
Liang: Japanese and Chinese straight up. Doesn't know English well at all because of the environment and situation he grew up in, but he probably doesn't care about learning another language and just keeps Japanese and Chinese. Too busy training anyway.
Upa: Same thing with Liang. Don't really care and too busy training. English? I think he'd be really competitive against like Liang to see who's better at English.
Qi: Trilingual. Qi is pretty smart so I'm not surprised he would know three languages or so. He might've had foreign clients before he went to prison so he'd have to know English at least. Its Japanese, Chinese and English he knows to spell it out.
Musashi: Most likely the most knowledgeable out of the inmates, considering Musashi went to college so I'm saying trilingual. For all I know he might not be fluent in Japanese but he’s certainly fluent in German and English for obvious reasons (he’s German if anyone forgot).
Honey: Bilingual. He’s half Japanese and American but we don’t know anything about his family so who knows if he was actually taught Japanese at a young age. But Honey is quite smart with his bullets and the thread so I’d say he knows English and Japanese well to near fluency.
Trois: Most likely also bilingual but possibly trilingual. Trois is very intelligent considering his somewhat sadistic self with machinery, in my mind he probably has enough brain space for two at least languages. French is one and the other is Japanese, I said trilingual because I'm not sure if he would know English somehow.
They gotta be smart in a way and physically strong enough to keep these inmates from escaping. Not to mention the foreign guards having to learn another language to work at Nanba.
Hajime: Strikes me as a man that at least knows decent English but not fluent. I think he's very knowledgeable in other languages but he's too busy to study them or learn them.
Yamato: I don't think Yamato knows a lot of English or any other language besides Japanese. I'm not sure how he met his wife since she's Russian but I think she's bilingual while he isn't really.
Seitarou: Shy English speaker and isn't that confident in his skills, but he knows it decently. Though he doesn't give a vibe that he knows anything other than Japanese or English.
Samon: For obvious reasons he's bilingual with Japanese and Chinese. I like to think that the Chinese inmates and guards talk to each other in Chinese as a way of retaining the language. I see Samon helping some inmates retain their Chinese if some happen to forget like writing.
Inori: Again, bilingual. Highly doubt he would try to learn another language. Would he speak it at Nanba with anyone else? Honestly, he might but probably not often at all yet he somehow still remembers his Chinese.
Kenshirou: I'll be honest here, Kenshirou most likely knows the basics for a bunch of languages from his years in the police and he might of had to pick up basics for other languages for situations or so. Currently, I see his linguistics being a bit broken from not using it and or he forgets because of his work.
Hitoshi: Probably really knowledgeable on linguistics and other cultures but might have trouble speaking. Is very curious about other cultures and actually wouldn't mind learning from the people and feeling a great amount of appreciation for them. Considering the fact that he remembers that Hajime told him that Germans like beer a lot so I think Hitoshi wouldn't mind learning about other languages.
Kiji: This is hard. But I don't think Kiji would be extremely good with learning another language but I think he would know a few words. Like random words he can use and say in the correct times, though he probably would be too busy with his duties
Mitsuru: Ironically, probably knows many languages and surprisingly doesn't butcher any of them. Most likely favours English the most and is most likely fluent. Reason I'd say is from music he listens to or just saying shit for the jokes and memes.
Momoko: Relatively knowledgeable on other languages but isn't fluent in those languages. I'd say as the warden she'd have to encounter many foreigners so she'd know other languages for conversation and what's necessary.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
For day 17 of the event, I used number 34 from prompt 7 for Upa from Nanbaka. Considering his past, but also who he is, this was really interesting to consider for him and I hope you gorgeous constant readers will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Has the character ever cried themselves to sleep?
Okay, but Upa has gone through it in his life. He was taken away from his family at a very young age and used horribly by the Chinese Mafia. His organs were taken, probably without too much in the way of anesthesia, knowing Hachiman. Upa definitely had to have thought at least once that he was going to die.
Even as strong a person as he is, Upa definitely did cry at least once during that time and probably more than that. He did his best to make sure nobody ever caught him doing so, and he cried less frequently as time went on.
Upa is definitely the type of person who isn’t the best at allowing himself to feel his emotions. Sadness, self-pity, homesickness, grief…all those unpleasant emotions are things that he has trouble dealing with. On top of that, Upa is someone who would consider crying as a sign of weakness, especially in a male. Because of that, the mere thought of anyone seeing him cry or hearing him would make him deeply uncomfortable and embarrassed and the others do have enough emotional intelligence to pretend they never saw the tears or heard the muffled crying from Upa’s direction.
Besides just being sad or emotional, there were times when even if he had complete emotional control, Upa wouldn’t have been able to hold back the tears because they were his body’s response to intense physical pain.
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