#nancy with her girlfriend robin and her girlfriend barb or her other girlfriend chrissy?
ronanceisintheair · 1 year
Stranger Things teens just have such amazing potential for nonsensical college au. So many pairing dynamics. So much character and personality to work with. I'm just going to make a series of nonsensical college au oneshots because I'm having the most thoughts.
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I love thinking abt the teens and the corroded coffin boys forging something new and beautiful together.
Eddies Boys were a little suspect about Steve harrington, really eddie at first but quickly understood the Steve harrington who did Tommy Hagans bidding is as good as dead. Someone completely new covered in scars on the inside and out. And this new Steve is hopelessly inlove with their friend. Endlessly adores their friend.
But it’s not just Steve. It’s all of them.
Jonathan’s never really had a friend group. A life long loner, not exactly by his own choice. But when Steve invited him to hang out with Eddie and Eddie’s friends (“it not third wheeling man garreth and Jeff are gonna be there. Come on it’ll be fun, free weed. Since when do you turn down free weed?”) and the boys like Jonathan. Except him quirks and all. They’re cool with him. They like his presence. Call him without the pretense of group activities just to talk shit and catch up. He’s never had that before and its nice.
And everything that went down trauma bonded Chrissy to eddie, Steve and Robin style. And Steve is endlessly understanding and even happy to have the girls company.
Steve knows what it’s like to fall from hawkins social grace and he’s more than happy to hold Chrissy’s hand the whole way down.
She falls right into a group of proud weirdos who accept her as is, completely and totally, no questions asked, no need to posture, hide, mask or change.
And Jeff is like, always cooking or baking something, which is just great for Chrissy.
And of corse if Chrissy’s around Steve’s gonna bring robins around. Because he always likes having his Robs around poor chrissy is stuck with them and their weird dude shit alone so that’s not fair.
And those two? Well Steve didn’t expect it but it makes sence. The two of them are his and Eddie’s bookends. Of corse they’re eachothers too.
Stealth! Garreth who is indeed gay as the day is long, but god kmows having a ‘girlfriend’ makes it a lot easier to stay under anyone’s radar. Him and Robin take good care of eachother like that.
But if chrissy and Robin are over they’ve gotta invite nance too, they can’t leave her out. Even Jonathan’s there for shit sake, we’ve gotta call nance.
Nancy hasn’t really had girl friends since barb. And no one can ever fill that hole but shit, if chrissy and Robin don’t help a little bit.
In the midst of the last 4 years of bullshit the parties social lives have gone to the dogs. They’ve lost all functional human social skills and only hang out with each other. So it’s nice to have other people too, people who aren’t completely deranged and damaged to keep them in check.
Idk I’m just rlly into that concept.
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acowardinmordor · 1 year
Warning in advance: it’s Steddie, but not happily ever after.
So. Steve Harrington who becomes romance repulsed. Let’s go with he and Nancy get back together and the second break up is even worse. He and Rob move away and Steve tries again, and Amy is wonderful and he loves her but she never trusts Robin, and something about the way that one ended ugly gets wrapped up with everything romantic and breaks inside him.
He still likes romance as a concept, in the abstract, in a hypothetical. But applied to himself? Immediately throws him back into memories of those breakups. He’s genuinely thrilled for Robin and her new girlfriend. Max and Lucas go on a sweet trip together and it’s objectively wonderful. It’s fine, as long as he doesn’t imagine himself in that situation.
Hookups are okay. The girl can’t be named Amy or Nancy. Or Robin or Erica or Max or Chrissy or Barb or—
Guys are easier. Cruising is the easiest. No one is looking for love or morning kisses. He rarely even trades names.
Robin hates it. Not just because she knows that Steve isn’t being safe enough when he goes out, but because he’s accepted the way it is. That he’ll never get to have anything close to Romance, and that trying to get past the way his stomach curdles isn’t worth it. He’s not unhappy, they both love Chicago, even when lake effect snow traps them inside. But that’s her soulmate, and he’s the sappiest romantic she’s ever met. He isn’t one for poetic metaphors, so the closest he gets is saying “it’s like when a banana has one of those gross spots. It’s still good. You can still eat it, you just have to scoop out that section”
And he refuses to see it as a problem.
Eddie eventually gets tired of New York and joins them. It’s not a shock when, a couple months after he moves, Eddie and Steve sleep together. Steve is like that now, attaches no meaning to any of his hookups. He and Eddie have been trading stories about gay bars and cruising for the last two years. And they sleep together again the month after. And again two weeks later.
At least Steve is always meticulously safe with Eddie, cause god knows he isn’t safe the rest of the time.
And it’s fine. Steve has closed up that whole section of himself. Doesn’t look at it, doesn’t think about it. He makes it absolutely clear that it’s just a friends with benefits situation. That he does not want more than that, that they aren’t exclusive, and that he’ll end it if Eddie tries to make it more. He still hooks up with strangers, guys and girls, whenever he feels like it. And it’s fine. For Steve it’s fine.
Not so much for Eddie. They’d stayed friends, and he and Robin talk even more now in Chicago. He knew that Steve didn’t do romance. He thought Robin was exaggerating about how bad it really is. He thought, storyteller that he is, that maybe he could make it better if he stayed and proved to Steve that it was safe to try again. And yeah, he wants Steve to try with him, but once he sees how much of Steve is missing, he’s happy to be a recovery step if that’s what helps.
So Eddie keeps saying yes, then initiates it more when he and Rob notice that Steve isn’t just safe with Eddie, he’s safer for Eddie. The condoms Robin has been shoving into Steve’s pockets get used more often now. And sure, Eddie wants to scream every time Steve flinches away. And yeah, it creates a weird gulf where Eddie can be his friend, or can be his lover, but never both at the same time.
Eddie keeps a lid on it though. Never let’s his growing love for the guy show. Does what he can to keep encouraging Steve to at least use the condoms if he’s going to fuck strangers. It’s wonderful and it’s awful and it gets worse as the boundary of what Steve considers Romance gets clearer. Then the boundary gets bigger.
They can Fuck on the couch, but they can’t sit next to each other while watching a movie. Steve starts avoiding kissing. Starts avoiding eye contact during, then at all.
It’s not a shock when Steve ends it. Robin confirms what Eddie already knew. They were too close to becoming something Steve can’t even think about without feeling sick to his stomach. Eddie never, ever let it show, which means that Steve was too close to romance, too close to thinking of Eddie as more.
But you can’t help someone who thinks there isn’t a problem. Steve is still a great friend, a great person, and neither Robin nor Eddie are going to walk away over this. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t break their hearts to see him recoil from any hint at him having what was always his dream life.
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heartharps · 2 years
spicy six ocean’s eleven au
nancy is ocean, obviously. she's the mastermind. we catch up with her as she's being released from prison at the end of a grand theft sentence. she meets a blackjack dealer in a local casino, who insists her name is maya even though nancy calls her robin.
"where is he?" nancy asks, referring to their longtime friend and partner in crime, steve.
robin explains he's in LA, teaching movie stars how to play cards. nancy is surprised they aren't still joined at the hip.
"i got a girl. i got busy. he threw a fit, flew to cali, and now he calls me every day just to tell me which celebrities are assholes."
it takes nancy no time at all to find him running a game in some flashy hollywood club. he isn't even surprised when he walks into the room and nancy is there, easily winning all the nepo babies' pocket change.
nancy and steve head to a bar, someplace quieter, almost empty at that hour. just seeing each other is all the catching up they need to do. they know each other too well. they've been in this business together for years. it's always the same story when they find each other.
“so tell me," he says.
"it's tricky," she answers. "never been done before. lots of planning, and a large crew. the take -"
"what's the target?" steve asks.
"the take is eight figures," nancy promises.
steve knows somethings up. "whats. the. target."
it's a vegas casino. it's crazy, the hardest con they've ever tried—but nancy has a solid plan, and talk about a jackpot.
steve still thinks she's hiding something. he keeps pressing her for the reason why. why so complicated? why this? why now? she plays it off, pacifies him with vague talk of opportunity and honor.
steve is itching for a real job again. and he's followed nancy into worse, hasn't he? and talk about a jackpot!
so they get to work.
they need a crew. they figure it out while robin moves to vegas, claiming her girlfriend loves the heat.
jonathan will handle electronics. argyle is still the best driver around.
"what about munitions?" steve asks. their go-to guy retired after losing a couple fingers.
"we're set," nancy says. "i found someone new."
steve is reluctant, not wanting some trigger-happy hotshot stepping all over their job.
"don't worry. you'll like him."
she hires eddie. (steve does like him, eventually.)
nancy thinks they need one more, so steve goes to indianapolis to pick an up-and-comer recommended to them by an old mentor. (dustin gets linus' intro. he's surprised steve offers him the job so quickly. "claudia has faith in you," steve says. "well, mothers are like that.")
they all convene in vegas. nancy is shocked when robin shows up with a bouncy 5-foot-nothing blonde on her arm, introducing her as chrissy.
nancy pulls robin aside to say what the fuck? you can't bring a plus one to the secret crime meeting!
"we need a grease man," robin says. "chrissy is SUPER flexible!" and she’s maybe a little too excited about it.
nancy rolls her eyes but agrees. they do need a grease man. grease woman? someone tiny to sneak around and hide in tight corners. apparently chrissy had joined a local circus troupe, so she was plenty qualified.
they debrief the job. they're knocking over tommy hagan's casino. none of them have met him before; he's just a wildly successful casino owner.
there is a reason why nancy picked his casino, but she lies and says it was random.
steve figures it out a week later.
dustin's job was to follow hagan and learn his schedule. (the kid didn't like the low-stakes work, but stopped complaining when steve threatened to send him back to indiana.)
dustin reports to steve, walking him through hagan's daily routine. it ends like this: "and then comes the girlfriend."
they both watch as a gorgeous woman with bright red hair struts across the casino floor.
"this is the best part of my day," dustin says, stars in his eyes. "i'm not sure if we can use her yet. i haven't even caught her name."
steve sighs. "barb," he says. "her name is barb."
steve confronts nancy. "tell me this is not about her, or I walk off the job."
"who?" she plays dumb.
"barb! tell me this isn't about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife!"
"it's not about that!"
"seriously? im not stupid, nance!"
"...it's not entirely about that." she's honest and somber now, speaking with a dark look in her eyes. "remember when we got into this business? we said we'd play like we had—"
"we had nothing to lose," steve finished.
"well, i lost something. i lost someone."
it hit steve then, hard like a smack in the face. he knew it had been tough for nancy, when barb found out about her career and left her. but he thought it wasn't that bad, that she was getting over it. he never realized how hurt she was.
so now, as nancy said, "that’s why i'm here."
steve knew he had to stand behind her.
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lavenderstobins · 5 months
Steddie Ghost (1990) AU
Steve finds himself as a ghost in a mugging gone wrong. After learning his attack wasn’t an accident, he’s desperate to warn Robin of the danger she might be in. Enter Eddie, a not-so-con psychic, who can hear Steve. [tag]
Ronance Life is Strange AU
Steve Harrington is missing, Chrissy Cunningham is acting weird, and Nancy Wheeler discovers she can rewind time after seeing Robin Buckley get shot in the school bathroom.  Or: Nancy Wheeler falling for a dead girl. [tag]
Until Dawn AU
Four years prior, Barbara Holland disappeared on the mountain at Steve Harrington’s parents’ winter lodge. After the whole ordeal with Vecna, Nancy starts looking into the mountain, suspecting Barb’s disappearance might’ve been related to the Upside Down. When she learns that several others have gone missing in recent years, she convinces Steve to bring them all to the lodge to investigate. [tag]
Modern Josieverse
Basically what it says on the tin. Single parent Robin but in modern day. [tag]
Missing Kid AU
Some years after everything, Holly Wheeler finds a baby in the boathouse. When the baby leviatates something in front of her, she takes her to Wayne Munson, who takes her in. Kat Munson grows up with no idea who her birth parents are or why she was dumped in the boathouse. When she turns twelve, she sets out to find her birth mom. Or: 11 years after believing her daughter to be dead, Robin Buckley comes face to face with her missing daughter. [tag]
Ronance Atonement AU
When some of the Wheelers’ valuables are stolen, Mike points the finger at Robin, who he had seen with Nancy in the library prior. This is something he regrets for the rest of his life.  [tag]
Ronance One Night Stand + Accidental Pregnancy AU
Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley meet for the first time in a club in California. They have a one night stand and don’t exchange their information. A month later, Robin discovers she’s pregnant. She knows it has to be Nancy’s but she can’t find her to tell her, no matter how hard she tries. Three years later, Nancy and Mike move to Hawkins and Nancy discovers she has a two year old son.  An AU where Robin and Nancy coparent their kid and slowly fall in love along the way. Featuring transfem Nancy, transfem Stevie, transmasc Eddie and (briefly) single mom Robin. [tag]
QPR Stobin raising their kid AU
Steve and Robin are platonic life partners, lavender-married and raising their kid together. When their daughter comes out as a trans girl in her teens, they do their best to be the most supportive they can be. [tag]
Ronance She-Ra AU
Robin as Adora, Nancy as Catra. Sometimes flipped around for fun. [tag]
Ronance Transistor AU
Nancy comes to and finds that her voice has been stolen and her girlfriend killed. Robin’s consciousness has been absorbed into the Transistor, the weapon that killed her, so Nancy takes it and embarks on a journey to avenge her, putting an end to Brenner’s plan for good. [tag] [art]
Ronance Stobin The X-Files AU
Agent Wheeler finds herself assigned to work with Agent Buckley, who is well-known for cracking after her old partner’s disappearance. Adjacent to novakiart’s AU. [tag]
Stobin Ghost Files AU
Steve and Robin as Ryan and Shane. [tag]
Stobin Russian Doll AU
The day of his 24th birthday, Steve Harrington dies. This seems to an event that keeps occurring. AKA Steve (and Robin) stuck in a time loop, based off the show Russian Doll. [tag]
Ronance Good Omens AU
Nancy’s an angel. Robin’s a demon. Follows seasons 1&2 of Good Omens. [tag] [art]
Murder Suspect Nancy AU
November of 1983, Nancy goes home with Barb, and everything changes. A plot rewrite in a universe where Nancy is accused of murder in 1986 instead of Eddie. [tag]
AUs I haven’t posted about yet
Ronance Wizards of Waverly Place AU
The Wheelers are wizards. Steve and Jonathan, Nancy’s best friends, know. Robin, who Nancy is nursing a huge crush on, apparently doesn’t, and isn’t meant to. How do you woo a girl without accidentally revealing your family secret? Nancy’s determined to find out.
Ronance mermaid AU
Nancy’s a mermaid. Robin’s the best friend of the kingdom’s prince. When Robin almost drowns sailing with Prince Steve during a storm, Nancy saves her, piquing her curiousity about the human kingdom. She makes a deal with Henry Creel to trade her tail for human legs. The condition is that Creel gets her voice… and some other conditions she doesn’t hear about until after she signs. Mermaid Nancy falling for human Robin, vaguely following the plot of The Little Mermaid.
The Hunger Games AU (ronance, stonathan, platonic stancy)
Nancy Wheeler is reaped for the Hunger Games. To her horror, so is her little brother–until Steve Harrington volunteers in his place. Everything is centred on getting home to Mike. She plays up a romance with Steve, thinking it’s fake to him, too. They survive, only to be thrust back into things. That’s where they meet Robin Buckley, a previous victor from another district. Steve begins to fall for their mentor, Jonathan Byers, and against her better judgement, Nancy finds herself falling for Robin.
ST Yellowjackets AU
The Hawkins Tigresses find themselves stranded in the wilderness when their plane crashes on the way to nationals. Centred on Nancy, Robin and Eddie.
Ronance Dishonoured AU
Nancy as Corvo Attano, Robin as Jessamine Kaldwin.
Evil Josieverse
An AU of Josieverse where Robin died when Josie was three and Steve is left to raise her.
Bucklair apocalypse AU
An Upside Down-related Zombie Apocalypse breaks out in Hawkins. Robin saves Lucas and Erica, managing to get them out of town, but they find themselves pushed further and further out. They have no idea that the rest of the group managed to set up a settlement. An AU of the three of them navigating a zombie apocalypse.
Lumax Ghosts AU
Max inherits an old estate while she and Lucas are house-hunting. They move in with Dustin, only for Max to discover that the house is haunted.
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lonesome-witching · 2 years
Lazy Sunday
Thank you @onedirectionislying for the prompt. The prompt being "Just a lazy Sunday for the two of them, neither of them are working or have plans and do whatever they want all day." I hope I fulfilled your wish with this very short but sweet story. I don't often write fluff so I really just tried my best with this. It might not be exactly what you had in mind, in that case feel free to send me a message and I will try again.
You can still send me prompts here.
Nancy groaned as the sunlight hit her face. Whatever time it was, it was too early. The past week had been hellish. The workload was too much to carry and she had barely been able to see her girlfriend. But today was Sunday. Today she was going to sleep in and cuddle with the love of her life. Talking about that. Nancy turned over in bed. She tried to put her arm over Robin but her limb just fell to the mattress. She wiggled closer to the edge of the bed and tried again. 
“Robin?” She mumbled. “Babe?” 
She sat up when she couldn’t find the girl. The light that seeped through the curtain illuminated the emptiness of the room. Something that echoed in Nancy’s heart. It had been years since the Upside Down. Years since Vecna infiltrated their minds and used their worst fears against them. Years since Nancy lost Eddie, Chrissy and the worst of all Barb. But she still felt the fear grip her heart when she woke up to an empty bed or when Steve didn’t answer before the third ring or when Mike was ten minutes late to their monthly lunches. 
With a heavy heart she pulled herself from the comfortable confines of her bed and dragged herself downstairs. The kitchen brought with it a heavenly smell of freshly baked pancakes yet there was no Robin in sight. 
“Robbie?” Nancy's voice portrayed her own fears. 
Two arms snakes around her waist, lifting her up in the air. “You’re awake.” Robin whispered in her ear. 
“Oh my God.” Nancy gasped. She turned in her girlfriend’s arms when she was once again placed safely on the ground. “You scared me.” She halfheartedly slapped the girl’s chest.
“I’m sorry.” The other girl poured sweetly. “I made pancakes.” 
“Well, that does slightly make up for it.” She quickly pressed a soft kiss against the pout that hadn’t vanished from Robin’s face yet. 
Instantly, it turned into a bright smile. “I have our whole Sunday planned out. It’s the only day we get to spend together so I want to make the most of it.” 
Nancy sat down in front of the plate filled with pancakes and smiled sadly. “I was kind of hoping we could do nothing today.” The guilt dripped from her lips making the pancake taste slightly sour. She hated disappointing Robin. 
Robin feigned mock offense by slapping a hand over her gasping mouth. “You are saying you don’t want to cuddle on the couch while rewatching Grease with me?” 
“You’re an idiot, Robin Buckley.” Nancy giggled with her mouth full of pancake. Her heartbeat picked up pace as it still sometimes did when Robin said the exact thing Nancy wanted to hear. A testament that Nancy had made the right choice. 
“Correction, I am your idiot, Nancy Wheeler.”
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inairbinad · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
Thanks for the tags @steves-strapcollection and @patchworkgargoyle 💜💜💜
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
The WIPs
Steve the botanist/florist (Steddie)
Harrington Charm 5+1 (five times Steve's charm fails him and one time it doesn't)
Eddie the witch?? (Steddie witches AU)
The Saving Chrissy One (Barb Lives!AU season four rewrite)
Have a Snippet
From The Saving Chrissy One, a little bit of budding Buckingham, and established Steddie and Barb x Nancy.
Robin didn’t have much hope for finding a love like Nancy and Barb’s or Steve and Eddie's, but Barb in particular was downright determined to find her one.
“I’m just saying you should ask Chrissy to come hang out with us sometime,” Barb said, trying for casual, but her motive was obvious. Nancy stayed quiet for now, but Robin knew it was only a matter of time before she chimed in to back her girlfriend up. “That’s a thing that girls do, Rob. It doesn’t have to be weird.”
“It’s weird when you two are in love and obviously trying to set us up,” Robin grumbled. “And even weirder when none of us have any idea if Chrissy is even into girls or if she’d run away screaming after three minutes in a room with us.”
"You do realize we can hang out with other girls without immediately being outed as lesbians, right?" Barb deadpanned, and Nancy did a poor job of covering up her snort.
Robin pointedly looked at the way Nancy was practically sitting in Barb’s lap and said, “Are you sure about that?”
"Ahem," Eddie coughed, and all of the eyes in Steve's living room swiveled towards him. "Why don't you just invite Stevie and me, and we'll be your plausible deniability? Your manly cover stories, and whatnot."
“Oh please," Nancy rolled her eyes. "The way you two moon over each other will only make it more obvious that no one here is straight."
Steve cut his eyes towards Robin's with a knowing yet unabashed look. Neither of them could deny Nancy had a point, but Eddie sure looked like he was working up the energy to try.
no-pressure tags as always: @stobinesque @spicysix @starryeyedjanai @eriquin @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @scarcrossdlvrs and anyone else who wants to join, consider reading this your tag!
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Stranger things teens ship analysis
disclaimer: I can’t write about all the stranger things ships in one post, so I have another post about stranger things kids ships (Byler, Lumax, etc.), and am also planning to make one about the adults.
Jancy: Jancy was really cute up until season 4. Then their relationship became kinda toxic. But in all the other seasons I definitely shipped them, and I’m pretty confident that they are an endgame ship. Rating: 6.5/10
Stancy: I’ve never shipped Stancy, and I don’t think that the duffers want us to either. They were clearly just used as a prop to get Jancy going, and they were quite a toxic relationship. Steve and Nancy are better off with other people, and I hope that Steve will realize that like Nancy did. Rating: 0/10
Ronance: The idea of Ronance is cute and I ship it about as much as I ship Jancy, but I don’t see it becoming canon because Robin and Vickie both canonically like eachother, but who knows, I wouldn’t mind much if I were wrong 🤷. Rating: 6/10
Jargyle: Jargyle is awesome, and I love it. I ship it about as much romantically as I do platonically, and you guys are really out here doing gods work with the fanwork. I don’t see it becoming canon because it’s pretty clear that they are just besties, but I’d love it if it was. Rating: 7/10
Stonathan: to be honest I don’t see the chemistry at all with this one, but the idea of the ship is cute. And I mean, Steve was pretty chill with the fact that Jonathan literally slept with his girlfriend in season 2. Rating:4/10
Steddie: I liked Steddie at first, but Steddie fans have kinda ruined it for me. A lot of them are either Eddie stans/simps, or fujoshis, both of which are a red flag. The ship it’s self is really cute, but some of the fans are problematic and we all know that if one of them wasn’t white there wouldn’t be nearly as many fans, I mean look at them compared to jargyle, both are healthy ships, but only one has a large amount of creepy fans, and yet that one has WAY more shippers. I think that that’s a little suspicious. (Also I’m aware that there are plenty of normal Steddie shippers out there, I just think that there are more problematic ones than there should be.) Rating: 4/10
Rockie: (is that the ship name for Robin and Vickie?) I don’t have that much of an opinion on this ship, but it’s pretty cute I guess. My only problem with it is that I wish that they had given Vickie more screen time or introduced her earlier in the series because it’s hard to me to care about a ship when I hardly know anything about one of the characters. I feel like that was kinda bad writing on the duffers part, but that’s my only problem with it, other than that it’s fine. Rating: 6/10
Buckingham: The fanwork for this ship is everything, but they literally have zero moments together. I get why people ship it though because the dynamic would be cute. Rating: 5/10
Chrissy x Jason: (what is the ship name for this????) Jason really cared about Chrissy, but they barely got any time together on the show, plus Chrissy was giving me lesbian vibes so- Rating: 3/10
Harringrove: Billy was definitely a simp for Steve, but Billy was rasist, abusive, and just a terrible person in general and Steve deserves a lot better. Rating: -100/10
Barb x Nancy: where is the hype for this ship?? It’s so cute! Barb wasn’t alive for very long so I don’t have that much to say on the ship, but i definitely shipped them while she was alive. Rating 7.5/10
Hellcheer : I didn’t see any chemistry for this tbh. They interacted once, when Chrissy tried to buy drugs from Eddie and then got vecnaed. I just dont see where people are getting a romantic relationship from, I guess. Rating 3/10
Part one ⬇️
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strangerthingfanfic · 2 years
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It's the end of summer 1984 and you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep. You're still anxious about the move from the big city to the smallest city your parents could find on the map, Hawkins, Indiana.
Sitting against your pillows you wonder how they could do this to you just before starting your senior year of high school. You had to leave all your friends behind and hope you meet the criteria to graduate from Hawkins High.
The only upside is all the rumors that Hawkins is Hell on Earth and that makes it somewhat interesting.
Looking at the clock you realize its after midnight and you need some sleep for the first day of school. Closing your eyes you allow yourself to drift into a sleepless state.
Day 1: start of Term
Pulling into a empty parking space near the front of the school you put the car into park and just sit. Breathing in and out slowly you keep telling yourself it's going to be alright and there's nothing to worry about.
You are smart, funny and have always made friends easily so what could be any different about Hawkins High?
While giving yourself the pep talk of the century you didn't notice the blue Chevrolet Camaro pull in next to you.
You open your door to get out and hear a young voice say “ouch”. You look over and see a redheaded girl with a skateboard rubbing her ankle.
“Damn, I must have hit her with my door,” you think to yourself but before you have the chance to say anything a guy with eyes that radiated blue fire and perfect brown hair grabbed you by the collar and dragged you out of your car.
“Hey shit head, you hit my sister with your ugly ass car door, what are you going to do about it?” the guy said, causing the fire dancing in his eyes to flare brighter. Not being one for confrontation you just say “I'm sorry”. The guy just glared at you.
”Billy please it was an accident” the young girl said softly as she slid behind her brother. Billy looked back at the girl who nodded like they had a silent conversation and Billy put you down.
“I'm really am sorry. I wasn't looking, is she ok?” you ask worried due to the girl's reaction.
“Our dad was an abusive asshole so she gets nervous easily, especially at raised voices. My name is Billy and this is Max, what's yours?” Billy asked, wrapping his arm around Max protectively.
Amazed at his gentleness you almost miss the question. “Oh huh sorry my name is Y/N and I'm new here” you reply blushing slightly.
Billy smiles and your heart skips two beats.
“Hey sorry I went off but I am Max’s guardian and I worry a lot about her. Also we are new as well. We can help each other” Billy said, placing a free hand on yours.
Billy removed his hand and said “I will see you later Y/N I have to get Max to the middle school before my class starts” Billy says and the two of them head off.
As soon as they were out of sight, you looked down at the hand he was touching and told yourself that nothing will ever happen because he was pretty much the epitome of Male straightness plus no one could know you liked other men or things will go south, they always did.
The week goes by better than expected. You make a bunch of new friends including the King of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington, and his girlfriend Nancy Wheeler. Also, Jonathan Byers, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Robin Buckley, and Barbra or Barb Holland round out your small and comfortable friend list.
You barely saw him again though as you only had one class with him and he was always surrounded by the popular girls.
By the time Friday rolled around you had concluded that he was definitely the straight jock that didn't have any interest in you whatsoever which made seeing him every day seem like a jail sentence.
“Hey, Y/N how would you like to be my wingman to the Halloween party this weekend? I was going to go with Tommy but he got sick. I am going to take down Beer keg king Harrington” Billy said interrupting your train of thought and flashing that smile of his.
I could almost feel the jealousy manifesting from the popular girls. Worried it might make some people question your relationship with Billy you became reluctant to answer.
But when he placed his hand over yours purposefully, you relax and reply “Yeah, I will come”.
“Great, I will swing by and get you at 7pm,” Billy said just as the teacher came in and that was the end of that conversation.
As the teacher discussed the importance of math in the real world your mind went over the million different scenarios that this weekend could lead to, mostly horrible but some really nice.
You dare to look over at Billy and he flashes you that smile that makes you melt and all that worry fades away, well until after class at least.
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lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
sapphic senate hcs <3
ok one last post before i go to bed- it’s sapphic senate hcs!! some of these apply to general sapphic senate (and i mean the giant version, including the core four + barb kali and eden (tho tbh knowing so little abt eden makes it difficult so there won’t be as much of her)) and also my mythical moment au sapphic senate
quick reminder for the mm au we got vampire!nancy, werewolf!robin, witch!chrissy and witch!kali, naturespirit!barb, and human gfs vicki and eden :)
being absolutely fr vicki is sooooo tired dealing with her cursed gfs. she loves them! but they r so much all the time she deserves a nap
vampire!nancy, when she found out wtf was going on, refused to feed on anyone close to her out of real fear that she wouldn’t know how to stop (even though a lot of them offered bc Nancy Please Don’t Starve) and that actually ended with nancy putting a very wrong place wrong time carol in critical condition after she ran into a struggling nancy outside of her house (possible max induced karmic punishment?? haven’t decided yet) but this freaks nancy tf out and now she has a schedule for feeding so she never does smth like that again
in all honesty i don’t know how kali would meet up w the sapphic senate UNLESS the core 4 + barb left hawkins for a night out and ended up running into kali who was like omg.... sapphics... and decided to see what was going on only for nancy to clock someone was following them in like 15 minutes
this leads to a “wtf r u doing” confrontation and everyone having the standard “oh no she’s hot” moment. im actually thinking kali creates an illusion to leave the situation without MORE confrontation but they end up seeing each other again afterwards and slowly absorb kali by osmosis
my general idea of the sapphic senate absolutely includes ronance + chricki being a sapphic friend group only to merge after one (1) night of wine and truth or dare (in an effort to recapture their stolen youth ofc).
they all got promoted from girlfriend in law to girlfriend eventually
listen i just think that wolf form ww robin and bat form vamp nancy r incredibly real (bat nancy napping on wolf robin’s head i think its true)
chrissy, being the upside down tuned medium, actually talks to a dead fred quite often, where he finds closure bc chrissy is real life nice and listens to him
the very small house that all of them temporarily share is daytime proof for nancy’s sake, who’d rather be able to get up and walk around during the day instead of hiding under a blanket in a dark room waiting for the sun to go down
they wish they could ww proof the house to keep robin inside and from getting into trouble during the full moon but it is Too Small and everything would break so nancy, kali, and barb have to act as herders as best they can to keep robin in a safe area.
nancy sits in the lap of whoever she’s feeding from in the moment im speaking MY truth
also think that if they all went out on a late night date and the sun started rising they’d have to carry bat nancy in a backpack to keep her from getting wicked sun burn (she complains the whole time ofc)
robin is who nancy feeds off of the most simply because she heals so fast and regenerates everything nancy took in a like an hour so she feels the least bad (robin insists it’s bc she tastes the best and nancy always vehemently denies it (kinda is true though)).
okay this is all for now i will return when the inspiration strikes >:)
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𝖏𝖚𝖓𝖊 27, 1988
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A Letter from the Editor:
“It’s always the quiet oNes,” they say, and perhAps they’re right. I am amoNg you, but not of you. You try to keep your seCrets, but the truth will be revealed. That’s what inspired me to establish Keith’s Basement Printing Press (aka KBPP). Here, You won’t get the government-fed lies and the vague platitudes you’ll find in any corporate paper. Here, you’ll find the truth. Unfiltered.
– Keith Johnson, Editor in Chief
Reports of a new drug have caused quite the stir in Hawkins. The drug, known by the street name ‘gem’, is a variant of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). The effects of this psychedelic drug last twice as long as LSD– users report trips of forty hours up to six days. Side effects include dilated pupils, vivid hallucinations, and ego death. 
Where did it come from, you may ask? Look no further than down the street.
You’ve seen reports about the kids who’ve returned from the alleged ‘tree commune’ outside of Hawkins. Of course you have, when people like JACK FOREMAN, ADAM RICHARDS, CHRISSY CUNNINGHAM, MELISSA ARMSTRONG, BILLY HARGROVE, and even BARB HOLLAND go missing, everyone pays attention. They’re pretty, they’re popular, they probably have Nancy Wheeler’s number.
But didn’t you think it was odd? That they ran off to join a cult? That they don’t seem to remember what happened?
Well, kids, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck… 
I’m not prone to philosophize about why some of the most popular members of the Hawkins community would throw away three years in a commune, unless of course they don’t remember running away. Almost like they were experiencing an elongated trip, vivid hallucinations, ego death. Sound familiar?
And now that our Hawkins royalty are back, multiple individuals have reported hallucinations– gruesome, violent scenes, human-sized eggs, humanoid creatures, even Zombie Boy Byers getting some action in a spin-the-bottle game. Far-fetched enough for you?
Now, I’m not drawing conclusions for you… but it sure sounds like these kids brought gem back with them and passed it along to their friends. EDDIE MUNSON, known dealer, is distributing the new drug according to my sources. And that kickback at the graveyard? ROBIN BUCKLEY reportedly got her hands on the good stuff and slipped it into her fellow partiers’ drinks. I guess STEVE HARRINGTON isn’t always wrong. 
But as for who was dealing at Lover’s Lake last week? Sources cannot definitively confirm. But the tips are plentiful. Hawkins youths describe a group hallucination at the old cabin off the lake. Hawkins youth-adjacents describe a near-drowning in the lake and alleged abrasions, which have since vanished. Sounds like psychosis to us.
New guy and alleged boyfriend of NANCY WHEELER, THAD BRADSHAW, throws an illegal and highly dangerous keg party by skull rock. I guess being rich and entitled also means you’re an idiot. Nancy, call me. Perhaps the most shocking development to come of the highly-illegal keg party? JONATHAN BYERS attended a social gathering. 
Speaking of new in town… who moves to Hawkins, Indiana from Portland, Oregon? Newbie DREW CAMPBELL. Maybe he brought gem with him, too. Check back for updates.
An anonymous source confirms that LUCAS SINCLAIR abused his power as a respected lifeguard to break into the pool after-hours. Tsk, tsk. The same source alleges that DUSTIN HENDERSON has a girlfriend who isn’t his mom. Take it with a grain of salt.
To end on a high note, as it were, sources say that our very own TAMMY THOMPSON is back in town following a scandal that ruined her Nashville career. Maybe now she’s not too high-and-mighty to call me back. 
This has been the inaugural edition of Keith’s Basement Printing Press. As we are dedicated to journalism in the highest quality, please don’t hesitate to leave tips in our ask box or on our submit page.
@jackforeman @goldenboyrichards @thequeenofhawkins @melissaia @risenhargrove @barbhxllcnd @willthewize @eddiemcnson @rcbinbvckleys @stevehharringtcns​ @backtowheeler​ @mmuscles​ @byersphotography​ @drewcampbell​ @sinclairss​ @dvstybuns​ @tammyonvinyl​ 
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quatari · 2 years
Steve Harrington is a Knight of Heart and in this essay I will tell you why I am the smartest person on earth and have the right to classpect the shit out of my blorbos from the media that is not homestuck.
Let's start with a character overview to better cover our base, and even better - from the first season. Over the course of four seasons, Steve goes through an incredible character arc, growing from an unlikeable asshole and a borderline bully to the main defender of the whole party. However, I want to note that Steve has never been a real bully, even in the first season. Such a completely false impression is created due to the fact that at that time his two best friends are bullies, and he himself is a popular jock boy from a wealthy family. But this is one of his not quite conscious masks, which can be seen already in the very first season and is especially well revealed through his relationship with Nancy. As we know, Nancy is by no means a popular prom queen, on the contrary, she is an all-A’s overachiever, and her best friend Barb embodies the loser and outcast archetype (omg just like heathers). If Steve was a real jock, he would start dating someone like Chrissy, who is a popular beautiful cheerleader doll who could pose more as a trophy than a romantic partner. But Steve is genuinely interested in Nancy, he really likes her as a person, and he seeks to help and protect her. This applies not only to studying, but also to people around: when Jonathan demonstrates frankly stalker behavior and secretly takes pictures of Nancy changing clothes, Steve acts thoughtlessly on emotions and in an attempt to protect the honor of his girlfriend. And please note that he always sees when his actions upset Nancy, and he always apologizes and tries to make amends. I’m talking about such moments as when he tries to climb into her window because he is worried (to find her there with Jonathan), and when he washes off offensive words from the theater. He cares deeply about her feelings, and he does everything in his power so that she does not get hurt, even though he makes mistakes. Well, who the hell doesn't, especially at that age? This dynamic is further developed when Steve makes other friends. He is always careful and attentive to the feelings of others: he is caring towards children, he does not hesitate to accept Robin as a lesbian (which is a mindblowingly  amazing move for a "popular guy" from the 80s), he lets Nancy go despite the fact that it pains him to do so, and does not make a huge drama or even cause a small scene out of this - mind you, for an 18-year-old, this is insanely mature! And the background for all of this is him losing himself even more than in the first season - yes, yes, I didn’t mention, but under the mask of a popular guy, there was absolute confusion about who he really was. He does not have a clear understanding of himself, he does not know what he wants from life, he is lonely and cold. We can guess from everything we've been shown that this, much to out surprise (/sarc), comes from the family - Steve's parents are almost never there, most likely they not only paid little attention to his son, but also for sure made him feel like a disappointment. And so it leaves him confused, having a great personality (evident to us viewers), yet not able to realize it.
What does all this tell us?
Being led by his emotions, a conflict of self, evolution from the most self-centered character to the most selfless, caring for other characters' *feelings* and romantic relationships all point to the Heart aspect from beginning to end. Textbook stuff, really. At the same time, the lack of an aspect at the beginning of the arc and mastering it in the course of his development, ignoring his own problems and hiding behind masks, whether conscious or not, indicate a class. The Knight class, obviously. However, this is only a psychotype and an arch, but I must say that I saved the most obvious evidence for the end - this is Steve's behavior as a typical Knight. Classes are often compared to roles in games. Like mages, bards, rogues, all that stuff. Knights in this classification are ALWAYS tanks. They are the first to rush into battle so that their team can deal damage from afar, from a safe distance. Tanks (Knights) carry the team, holding its full weight on their shoulders, even not always being the strongest players. They are able to take on all the damage from the enemy, to allow their team to win. What can I say :) Steve :)))) A person who is ALWAYS on the frontline, protecting the rest of the party. Who always goes first to check how dangerous the path ahead is. Who charges at the enemy, acting as bait, even if he knows he cannot win. Classic Knight, really.
And so we came to the conclusion that Steve Harrington is a typical Knight of Heart. We wish him good luck and someone who will help him take a break from a heavy burden such as carrying a whole party. Please give Steve a day off and a shoulder to cry on (Robin im looking at you 👀)
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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strangerthingfanfic · 2 years
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It's the end of summer 1984 and you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep. You're still anxious about the move from the big city to the smallest city your parents could find on the map, Hawkins, Indiana.
Sitting against your pillows you wonder how your parents could do this to you just before starting your senior year of high school. You had to leave all your friends behind and hope you meet the criteria to graduate from Hawkins High.
The only upside is all the rumors that Hawkins is Hell on Earth and that makes it somewhat interesting.
Looking at the clock you realize its after midnight and you need some sleep for the first day of school. Closing your eyes you allow yourself to drift into a sleepless state.
Day 1: start of Term
Pulling into a empty parking space near the front of the school you put the car into park and just sit. Breathing in and out slowly you keep telling yourself it's going to be alright and there's nothing to worry about.
You are smart, funny and have always made friends easily so what could be any different about Hawkins High?
While giving yourself the pep talk of the century you didn't notice the blue Chevrolet Camaro pull in next to you.
You open your door to get out and hear a young voice say “ouch”. You look over and see a redheaded girl with a skateboard rubbing her ankle.
“Damn, I must have hit her with my door” you think to yourself but before you have the chance to say anything a guy with eyes that radiated blue fire and perfect brown hair put his arm on your door, blocking your way out.
“Hey beautiful, you should watch what you're doing. I know it was an accident and we all make mistakes. I am just glad my little sis here is ok” he said ruffling the girl's hair. The girl slid behind her brother.
“I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking, is she ok?” you ask worried due to the girl's reaction.
“Our dad was an abusive asshole so she gets nervous easily. My name is Billy and this is Max, what's yours?” Billy asked, wrapping his arm around Max protectively.
Amazed at his gentleness you almost miss the question. “Oh huh sorry my name is Y/N and I'm new here” you reply blushing slightly.
Billy smiles and once again your heart skips two beats. He offers his hand and helps you out of the car.
“We are too. We can help each other. I will see you later Y/N I have to get Max to the middle school before my class starts” Billy says and the two of them head off but not before Billy places a soft kiss on the hand he was holding.
As soon as they were out of sight, you look down at the hand he kissed and wondered if a field mouse could ever win the full affection of the big dog.
The week goes by better than expected. You make a bunch of new friends including the King of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington, and his girlfriend Nancy Wheeler. Also, Jonathan Byers, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Robin Buckley, and Barbra or Barb Holland round out your small and comfortable friend list.
You barely saw him again though as you only had one class with him and he was always surrounded by the popular girls.
By the time Friday rolled around you had concluded that he was just a charmer and didn't really like you like that until he came to your desk.
“Hey, Y/N how would you like to be my date to the Halloween party this weekend? I am going to take down Beer keg king Harrington” Billy said flashing that smile of his.
I could almost feel the jealousy manifesting from the popular girls. Worried it might be some kind of prank you became reluctant to answer but then he kissed your hand again and you melted into the chair.
“Yeah, I will come” you manage to say without seeming overbearing. “Great, pick you up at seven pm,” Billy said just as the teacher came in and that was the end of that conversation.
As the teacher discussed the importance of math in the real world your mind went over the million different scenarios that this weekend could lead to.
You look over at Billy and he flashes you that smile that makes you melt and all that worry fades away, well until after class at least.
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