#nancy with her girlfriend chrissy and her boyfriend jonathan?
ronanceisintheair · 1 year
Stranger Things teens just have such amazing potential for nonsensical college au. So many pairing dynamics. So much character and personality to work with. I'm just going to make a series of nonsensical college au oneshots because I'm having the most thoughts.
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Steve: I'm Steve
Steve: This is my boyfriend Eddie.
Eddie: Why, good day sir!
Steve: This is my other boyfriend Jonathan
Jonathan: Hi
Steve: This is my and Jonathan's other boyfriend Argyle. He is also friends with benefits with Eddie.
Argyle: Fascinating outfit choice, sir
Steve: This is Jonathan's girlfriend Nancy. We are also friends with benefits
Nancy: Hello!
Steve: This is Robin. She is also Nancy's girlfriend and my platonic soulmate
Robin: Platonic with a capital P!
Steve: This is Chrissy. She is together with Robin and Nancy and Eddie also
Chrissy: Have a nice day!
Steve: This is Vickie. She is also girlfriends with Robin and Chrissy and maybe with Jonathan? I am not completely sure what's going on there to be honest
Vickie: Nice to meet you, sir!
Mr. Harrington: Was- Was that all.
Steve: Of course not! We haven't even gotten to the kids yet! This is Jonathan's younger brother Will
Will: ...hello
Steve: this is Will's boyfriend Mike
Mike: I can definitely tell that you two are related...
Steve: Don't listen to him, he is a little shit. This is Mike's ex-girlfriend El. She's in a throuple with Max and Lucas now.
Eleven: *passive aggressive stare*
Steve: This is Max. She's going steady with El but she and Lucas is more of an on and off thing. But everyone knows that she actually loves him and vice-versa but is just scared because she's let him build a home behind her walls and feels like she is too broken and messed up to deserve him.
Max: That last part was completely unnecessary. Asshole.
Steve: Ouch. This is the aforementioned Lucas. Besides El and Max he's also got an on and off thing with Mike
Lucas: Uhm. Is your face supposed to be this red, sir?
Steve: And this is Dustin.
Mr. Harrington: Dustin?
Steve: Yeah, Dustin.
Mr. Harrington: Just Dustin?
Steve: He has a long distance girlfriend
Dustin: I am regrettably straight, sir.
Steve: Dustin.
Mr. Harrington:
Mr Harrington: *explodes on the spot*
...and this is the story of how Steve defeated his deadbeat dad with the power of love
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
over the past couple of years Steve Harrington has learned that the unexpected can actually happen quite a lot but that doesn’t mean he was necessarily prepared when, on a random Sunday morning in February 1986, Chrissy Cunningham comes bursting through the door of Family Video, marches over to the counter Steve is stood behind, slams her delicate hands down rather ferociously and asks Steve ‘how did you stop caring? like about what everyone thought of you and about being popular and fitting in?’, ‘back in your senior year’ she clarifies when Steve just blinks at her for a moment
Steve carries on just staring at her whilst he tries to put together an answer, he can’t exactly say because I found out monsters were real or I actually do still kind of care what people think or I actually got some good friends for a change 
he must take a moment too long to answer because Chrissy starts talking again, ‘I just think that actually my boyfriend is probably an asshole and I think I’m only going out with him because everyone told me I should’ (and oh Steve can relate to that one) ‘and I like the cheer squad just fine but I don’t think we ever actually talk about real things and I’m worried it’s all too much and I was thinking about it last night and I really don’t care about being popular if it means being unhappy like this and then I saw you and your girlfriend in here last night and you looked so happy, you never looked like that at school and I want to be happy and I think it means I have to stop caring so much about what everyone else says, like when Nancy and you broke up and everyone was saying those nasty things about you both’ (and okay ouch Steve hadn’t known about that) ‘and you just carried on and you were friends with her and Jonathan and its like it didn’t matter’
Steve ends up saying something about having a wake up call and that it’s not actually that easy to just stop caring but once you realise there’s other stuff out there maybe it’s not so hard after all, he tells her that if she doesn’t really like Jason all that much she should definitely break up with him because it’s fairer to everyone, he notices she flinches slightly at that (is she scared of Jason?), Chrissy mumbles something about not always being able to get away from the problem and Steve sort of gets it because it’s like kids with parental issues can just understand each other so he nods along, tells her she can always come around to Family Video if things are hard and Chrissy nods, thanks him then rushes home so her parents don’t notice she wasn’t actually sick and she was just ditching church for the hell of it
two days later Robin is bounding into the store after school and unloading all the gossip of the day onto Steve ‘and you’ll never guess what, Chrissy Cunningham DUMPED Jason, like right there in the cafeteria, it was brutal but he was such a dick, Eddie Munson told him to back off though and I thought Jason was going to punch him!’, Steve nods along and smiles slightly, proud of this girl he barely knows for doing what was best for her and begrudgingly noting that Eddie Munson might be kinda decent
Chrissy manages to pull herself back from the edge enough that come March Spring Break Vecna discounts her and goes after someone else but now that she’s friendly with Steve she happens to be at Family Video when Max and Dustin come bursting in and she’s also friendly with Eddie so when it seems as though he’s caught up in some dangerous stuff she tags along to help out, she didn’t expect to be walking through an alternate dimension with Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley, whilst Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington have a weird, half flirting conversation behind her and she didn’t expect her heartbeat to jump like it does when Robin smiles at her and holds her hand when they both need a little comfort
it’s hellish but Chrissy comes out of it all in one piece and bonded for life to a group of weirdos and she realises just what sort of wake up call Steve had all those years ago but weirdly maybe some of it was for the best because despite being fallen royalty they’re both happier with themselves than they’ve ever been
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
From Hell to Home to Back Again
Summary: At the talent show, Chrissy Cunningham is so hungry that she nearly collapses. When she's found by Hopper, her parents ended up losing custody of her. She ends up being placed in the care of the Hendersons, and she finally finds the family she so desperately needed. She also ends up falling in love. What other changes are made in this alternate universe?
Warning: Billy Hargrove deserves his own warning, but there's also harassment and assault.
@emen-98 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @vulpixsworld
Prologue . . . Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
The summer quickly faded into fall, and it was soon time for them to go back to school. Keeping her powers a secret from Hopper had been difficult, and it almost seemed like he suspected they were all keeping something from him. He stopped asking her when she mentioned that it seemed like he was hiding something from them as well, but she wasn't going to bring it up to the others. . .unless she was provoked. He shut up after that. Nancy and Steve seemed more distant than ever as it got closer to a year since it all went down. The nightmares for Chrissy were getting worse, and it was getting harder to push her powers away. Once she had opened that door, it was difficult to close it again. The good thing that did happen was that Jonathan finally came out to the group. Joyce was also dating someone, and though Chrissy liked Bob, she had wished that Hopper had gotten his head out of his ass.
"The new guy hit on me again," Heather said as she plopped down at the lunch table.
"Too bad you can't explain to him that you're a lesbian," Eddie said.
Unfortunately, no one outside of their growing friend group would understand. It was nice having them around, having each other like a protective wall that blocked out all the people who would hate them for their sexuality alone. It was like their own little world, sometimes. The only ones who remained ambivalent were Nancy and Gareth, now. Chrissy had been surprised when Heather started to sit at their table on the first day of school, even more surprised that her ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend got along pretty well. She was pretty happy about it, though, especially since it meant that she could see more of Heather now.
"No, I'm pretty sure that it would only encourage him further," Heather said, frowning. "Even if I weren't a lesbian, which thankfully I am, I wouldn't say yes to him if someone was holding a gun to my head."
"The only thing good about him is his car," Eddie said.
"Someone needs to explain to him that the way to a girl's heart is to not call her a fat cow when she rejects you," Heather scowled.
"What an asshole. You know, he looks like he would be hot, and then he opens his mouth, ruining the whole thing," Steve said. "His whole personality makes him look ugly."
"So, you would not leave Nancy for Billy Hargrove?" Eddie asked, teasing him.
"I'd rather run off with you," Steve scoffed.
"Baby, that can be arranged," Eddie said, winking at him.
"Shut up," Steve said, stuffing a spoonful of applesauce into Eddie's mouth.
Jeff scowled and slammed the tray on the cafeteria table as Gareth and Frankie, the new addition to Corroded Coffin as well as Hellfire, sat down with him. He was pretty nice so far, a little blunt but nice. Frankie was pretty nice about their sexuality too, so he had that going for him.
"Well, I was thinking the new guy was hot and maybe played for our team, but then he opened his racist ass mouth. Do they not understand that being racist makes you unattractive?" Jeff said.
"What the hell did he say to you?" Steve asked with a scowl.
"He made it clear that he didn't want to see people like me in his line of sight," Jeff said. "He didn't even look at Gareth. Looked straight at me."
"What a dick!" Chrissy exclaimed as everyone groaned.
"Who's a dick?" Robin asked as she sat down with her sister.
"The new guy, Hargrove," Steve explained. "He's racist. Misogynistic, too."
"Aw, man, I was just admiring his car," Robin said. "Oooh, let's steal it."
"Let's not," Nancy said.
"She never let's me do anything," Robin frowned. "Sometimes I really do wish we were the type of twins who did everything together."
"I'm willing to do almost anything with you. . .within reason. I am not committing grand theft auto with you," Nancy said.
"Sharing a womb together gets me nowhere," Robin said. "We could be badass bandit twins, Nance. Think of the possibilities."
"I am thinking of the possibilities, that's why I'm saying no," Nancy said.
"How about we just curse him?" Chrissy giggled.
"Right, I forgot we decided to be witches! I think he needs to stub something other than his pinky toe," Robin said.
"Especially for calling Heather a fat cow," Chrissy said, scowling, and Robin gasped. "And being racist towards our beautiful Jeff."
"You guys really want to annoy him, put water in his gas tank," Eddie said.
"Let's do it!" Chrissy exclaimed and then looked at Nancy. "Give Steve your radio. I have mine. Let us know when he leaves the cafeteria."
"God, if I wasn't gay and Eddie wasn't my best friend. . .," Jeff said.
"Baby, no, I was joking," Eddie said.
"Besides, I think he gives his little sister a ride home, and he seems like an angry man. . .wouldn't want him to take it out on her," Gareth said.
"Shit, that's true," Chrissy frowned. "You guys going to Tina's Halloween party?"
"I kind of have to for reasons that I'm not going to say," Heather blushed.
Chrissy smiled, knowing exactly what she was talking about. She always suspected it of Tina, but she never said her suspicions outloud, nor would she. She'd let Heather and Tina keep their secret. Finally, Argyle and Jonathan showed up to the table, looking distinctly disheveled.
"You guys get lost again? Did you somehow find yourselves in a broom closet?" Steve asked.
"Oh, yeah, man. It's become a real problem. They need to make a map for this school, you know?" Argyle said.
Everyone around the table laughed at them.
"I was just asking them if they were all going to Tina's Halloween party on Wednesday," Chrissy said.
"Oh, yeah, definitely. Me and Jonathan decided not to wear costumes, though," Argyle said. "We couldn't decide on one, mostly because it would be hard to dance in a giant homemade weed costume."
"Aww, and Jonathan really wants to dance with you," Chrissy said.
"Yeah, so what?" Jonathan blushed, the corner of his lips turning up.
"Chrissy and I are definitely going to be there. Who would have thought that I, Eddie Munson, would ever want to go to a high school party?" Eddie grinned.
"He's really excited about our costumes," Chrissy grinned.
"Which are?" Steve asked.
"Well, that would ruin the surprise, Steven," Eddie replied. "You gotta be there to see it."
"We're definitely going to be there," Nancy said.
"Hey, am I dropping you off at work again?" Eddie asked Chrissy.
Surfer Boy Pizza was officially up and running. Of course, Argyle's dad was the first one to offer her job, which Chrissy happily accepted. They had been true to their word and kept it to how Benny had wanted it to be. Everything was just updated, freshly painted with their own touch thrown in. It quickly became the new hangout place. It amused everyone to know that there was a place called Surfer Boy Pizza, and there wasn't actually any place to surf in Hawkins.
"Well, yeah, I agreed to work all weekend and today so I could have Tuesday and Wednesday off," Chrissy said.
"Hmm. . .why Tuesday? Whatever happens on a Tuesday, I wonder," Eddie said.
"You know what happens on a Tuesday, asshole," Chrissy said.
"Oh, yeah. That's right! Corroded Coffin will be performing at the Hideout for the first time in months! For Gareth and Frankie, the first time ever!" Eddie hollered.
"And I am not going to miss that," Chrissy said. "You looking forward to it, Gareth?"
"Hell yeah! I never really played on a stage before," Gareth exclaimed.
"Well, I would hardly call it a stage," Jeff said.
"Is he going to be able to get in?" Steve asked.
"Bev's served us before, Steve, I don't think she's going to care," Chrissy said.
"That's true," Steve said.
As Chrissy chatted away with her friends, she felt a presence on the back of her neck. She scanned the cafeteria and located the person who was staring at her. She knew who it was immediately. The person they had been talking about just moments ago. Billy Hargrove. He was looking at her like she was something to eat. He was a predator, and she was his prey. It scared her. She's faced a demogorgon, another dimension, the death of one of her closet friends, and the death of a man she thought of like a father, but the look in this man's eyes scared her more than anything. He was dangerous, and judging by the way that many eyes gravitated towards him with a lustful gaze, he was a dangerous man who could draw a crowd. He was more dangerous than Tommy Hayes, the guy who had no problem wanting to murder Gareth. This was a man who probably skinned many cats when he was younger, and it worried her that many people were ignoring the look in his eyes because his pants were tight. Maybe she was overthinking it, though. . .
"Sweetheart?" Eddie asked softly and she turned back to look at him.
"I'm fine," Chrissy said, hoping one day she'll be able to say that to him and mean it.
She tried to put Hargrove out of her mind, but she couldn't seem to escape his gaze. Sometimes, it seemed like he was following her. She was doing everything she could do to keep her her powers in check when she was around him. Chrissy finally managed to get him out of her mind when she gathered in the library with Eddie, Steve, and Nancy on Wednesday to do their homework. They had been working together in silence for a while before Nancy and Steve disappeared. Chrissy had turned the page in her schoolbook and frowned.
"A page is missing in this book, I'm going to see if they have another one," Chrissy said.
Eddie hummed as he focused on his school work. She smiled. It was nice to see him actually trying this year. She gave the book to the front desk before moving down the aisle to find another copy. Chrissy was browsing the shelves when she felt a presence behind her. She didn't have to see him to know who it was. It was Billy. She felt him lean in and smell her.
"Hmm, I got a wiff of you the other day. My mom wore a similar perfume. . .hell, maybe it's the same perfume," Billy said.
Chrissy tried not to shudder, but she couldn't help it when she could feel his breath on her neck.
"I have a boyfriend, and I'm very happy with him," Chrissy said.
"Yeah, I've seen your boyfriend. . . Munson, right? Watched him at the Hideout last night. You wouldn't have seen me, too busy soaking your panties at the sight of him. They're good. . .no Motley Crue, though," Billy said.
"It's because they're better than them," Chrissy said.
That had been a stupid mistake on her part. Billy pressed himself up against her, trapping her between him and the bookshelf. He pushed her hair back and she let out a whimper at his unwelcome touch.
"You think your freak of a boyfriend is good. . .I can be better in every way possible. I'll have you screaming," Billy said, his lip next to her ear.
"Let me go," Chrissy said.
"Why? I'm enjoying myself," Billy said. "I've seen you walking in the hallway. . .that smile of yours. . . Reminds me of my mother. . .she had a smile that could light up the room."
"I'm guessing she's not around to see what a disappointment her son turned out to be," Chrissy said.
That was really stupid. Billy grabbed the back of her head, pulled on her hair, and pressed her face into the books.
"I could make it a really good experience or a really bad one. Take your pick," Bikky hissed in her ear.
"I think it was really stupid for you to mess with me," she said.
She didn't want to do this, but it was hard to control it once her defenses were up. She could feel it growing inside of her, and the lights started to flicker. She used her powers to push him away from her and into the other shelves. Chrissy turned around and went to leave when he grabbed her by the throat, holding her against the shelves as the blood trickled from her nose.
"So, the rumors are true. You are a witch," Billy glared at her. "What else can you do. . .witch?"
"Let her go," a voice called out.
Chrissy managed to turn her head and looked to see Jason standing at the end of the aisle.
"Jason Carver, the snitch. How's it going for you, ball boy?" Billy asked.
"Better than you if you don't get your fucking hands off her," Jason glared at her.
"Hm, does the witch have more than one dog on her leash?" Billy taunted. "Does he know about your little trick? Come on, Cunningham, show us."
"It's Henderson," she croaked.
Jason growled and threw himself at Billy. He ended up knocking both of them to the ground. Billy growled and kicked him off of him. He was about to hit Jason when the librarian came down the aisle.
"What is going on here?" She asked.
Billy smirked and looked down at Chrissy, who was sprawled on the floor.
"Oh, Chrissy here tripped and accidentally fell into us. We were just about to help her up, weren't we?" He asked.
He gave her a warning look. Fuck. He knew about her powers, but it's not like anyone would believe him, right? She couldn't take the risk.
"Yeah, I tripped. I'm so embarrassed," Chrissy said as she blinked away tears. "I'm such a klutz."
"Well, accidents happen," the librarian said.
Chrissy stood with the help of Jason and Billy. His hand wrapped around her arm, and it startled her how well he could make it look like he cared. The grip on her arm said otherwise. When the librarian left, Billy dropped the facade but still held onto her tightly. Jason glared at him. Billy laughed, dropped her arm, and walked away. Jason pulled a napkin out of his pocket and handed it to her. She quickly started wiping away the blood.
"Are you okay?" Jason asked.
"I will be," Chrissy said.
"I'm sorry, you know, if I ever scared you like that," Jason said softly.
"You were never that bad," Chrissy said.
"Yes, I was," Jason scoffed. "I'll see you around. I'm going to make sure he doesn't bother you again."
"You don't have to do that," Chrissy said.
"Yes, I do," Jason said and walked away with his hands in his pockets.
Chrissy watched him for a moment, wondering if he really had changed or if he was faking it like Billy just had. No, no, Jason had changed. He was changing. She went back to the table to find Steve and Nancy sitting back down, but Eddie was gone. Nancy was frowning, and Steve looked at her, worried.
"W-where's Eddie?" Chrissy asked, realizing now that was shaking.
"Uh, he's in the bathroom. Chrissy, what's wrong? You're pale and shaking," Nancy said.
"Uh, Billy, he, uh, followed me to the bookshelves. He came up behind me - I don't know what he wanted - well, I can guess. I reminded him of his mother, which is so creepy, and then he pressed me up against the bookshelves, and I couldn't - I couldn't get away, so I had to push him away with, you know so he knows. Jason also stopped him, but he didn't see what I did," Chrissy said, and that's when the tears came.
Nancy and Steve jumped up from the table to hug her.
"I'm going to fucking kill him," Steve said furiously.
"Get in line," Nancy said.
"It's nice when couples find things to do together," Chrissy mumbled, causing them both to laugh. "What are we going to do?"
"Don't worry about him saying anything. There's been a rumor going around since last year that you were a witch. If he does say anything, no one is going to believe him," Steve said.
"And we'll be around you 24/7," Nancy said.
"We all have different classes," Chrissy frowned as she pulled away.
"We'll figure it out," Nancy said.
"Are you sure you want to go tonight?" Eddie asked.
The four of them were getting ready in Nancy's room. Eddie nearly had a heart attack when he came back from the bathroom earlier and found out that Hargrove had hurt her. Neither Chrissy nor Eddie wanted to let go of each other after that. Nancy nearly had to pry them apart with a crowbar. Steve was working on slicking Eddie's hair back while Nancy worked on putting Chrissy's into a perfect ponytail.
"Yes! I want to party with my friends. . .with my boyfriend. I am not going to let some Tommy Lee wannabe asshole try and ruin that!" Chrissy exclaimed.
"That's the spirit, Chris," Steve said.
"God, have I told you lately how much I love you?" Eddie asked.
"All the time, but it's nice to hear," Chrissy grinned.
"My witch," Eddie cooed.
"My freak," Chrissy cooed back. "Lip hug!"
She leaned over and kissed him. Eddie giggled into the kiss.
"Oh my god! Just call it a kiss like a normal person!" Steve exclaimed, but he was smiling.
"You guys need to stop being so cute," Nancy said.
Robin burst into the room with her hands over her eyes.
"Is everyone decent?" Robin asked.
"Well, if you're talking about personality. . .no. If you're talking about clothing. . .also, no," Eddie said.
Robin sighed and took her hands off her eyes before flipping him off. Eddie laughed with Steve while Chrissy rolled her eyes with Nancy as they both tried not to laugh.
"I think it's pointless to ask you to knock on my door, isn't it?" Nancy asked her sister dryly.
"You're learning!" Robin grinned.
"Are you dressed up? I thought you weren't going to the party?" Nancy asked.
"Well, I figured since I had the Mickey Mouse shirt and the leather jacket, I figured I would go as Two Bit," Robin said.
"Oh, man, Ronnie would lose it if she was here. She loves the Outsiders. The book and the movie," Eddie said.
"Yeah, I know, that's why I was hoping someone would take a picture of me so I could send it to her," Robin said as she held up the Polaroid.
"I'll do it, lean against the door," Nancy said.
Robin leaned against the door frame. She took one where Robin was looking off in the distance, one where she was smiling at the camera, and then one where she blew kisses at the Polaroid. There was a fourth and last one where Eddie jumped into it, hugging Robin tightly as she rolled her eyes.
"Are you guys Sandy and Danny from Grease?" Robin asked Eddie, then turned to Chrissy. "You're not going to wear the leather get up from the end of the movie?"
"Yeah, no, Eddie hated that they did that. He wishes there was another scene where Sandy changed back at the end," Chrissy said. "But other than that, he loved the movie. I think he really just loves the songs, though, and he thinks John Travolta is hot."
"I do not think he's hot," Eddie blushed. "You know who I think is hot - ,"
"You're going to say Ozzy, which is true, but also, you think John Travolta is hot," Chrissy giggled.
"Fine! He's hot! Jesus H Christ!" Eddie said throwing up his hands.
"I'm guessing he doesn't like the makeover Ally Sheedy got in the Breakfast Club?" Robin asked.
"Nope!" Chrissy exclaimed.
"She was gorgeous before!" Eddie exclaimed, slamming his hands on Nancy's dresser. "Like I get changing a little bit but to do a complete turnaround! She was beautiful because she was wearing what she liked and her energy exuded that."
"He also thought Emilio Estevez was hot," Chrissy grinned.
"Chrissy! Stop telling everyone who I think is hot!" Eddie exclaimed. "Thank God, Jeff and Gareth decided not to go. I'd never hear the end of it."
"Molly Ringwald was pretty cute in that movie too," Robin said.
"She was," Chrissy agreed. "Everyone in that film was very attractive. Especially Bender."
"What about the principal?" Nancy asked.
"Oh, yeah, definitely. There's something about him that makes me want him to manhandle me a little," Eddie grinned.
"What the hell's wrong with you, Munson?" Steve laughed.
"Oh, so many things, big boy," Eddie said.
Once they went downstairs, Karen couldn't help but steal them for some pictures. Mike laughed at them on his way out the door with Dustin. Robin and Nancy willing indulged their mother, laughing as they gave it a little model flare.
"And Robin, what are you going to do if someone says something mean?" Ted asked.
"Make them wish their parents had used a condom," Robin said.
Karen turned to give her daughter a disapproving look.
"No, that's not what I was going to say. I was going to say walk away and ignore them," Ted said and winked at Robin.
"I saw that in the mirror, Ted!" Karen exclaimed.
"You saw what?"
Nancy shared a look with Robin as they watched their mother try not to laugh.
"Go on, kids," Karen said, rolling her eyes. "Have fun."
"Not too much fun. Robin, I sincerely hope that I don't have to report anything back to Ronnie," Ted said.
"It's weird that you talk so much with my girlfriend, Daddy-o," Robin said.
"Hey, it's not that much, and she left before I could give her the shovel talk," Ted said.
"Wait, he actually does that?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, yeah, it's hilarious," Steve said. "He sits you down to talk to you with an actual shovel, then he asks you if this is how the shovel talk is supposed to go."
"Yeah, I can totally see Ted doing some shit like that while holding a shovel," Eddie laughed.
"Oh, no. He gave me the shovel to hold," Steve said.
"You're hilarious, Ted!" Eddie hollered as Nancy and Chrissy pushed him out the door.
"Please, come again and convince my wife!" Ted yelled out the door.
"Ted!" Karen exclaimed, and then they heard her laughing.
When they arrived at the party, it was in full swing. Argyle and Jonathan met them outside, them being the first to arrive. True their word, they arrived in their normal attire. Argyle had hugged Chrissy tightly on sight, and she melted into his arms immediately. Argyle was a pretty mellow man, but she hasn't had the opportunity yet to see if he had a dark side or not. Jonathan claimed Argyle had cursed Billy out when they heard about the incident. . .or did he say he placed a curse on Billy? Chrissy just wanted to forget him, honestly, but of course, the universe had other plans. As soon as they walked into the house, they ran into the man immediately. Nancy automatically stood in front of Chrissy, glaring at Billy. Robin moved to stand next to her sister while Eddie wrapped his arm around her. Jonathan and Argyle stood next to her. Chrissy was surprised to see Tommy Hagan with Billy. Not even Tommy Hayes wanted to hang around Billy.
"You've got yourself a little army. . . Witch," Billy said, his eyes glinting.
"I prefer to call them friends. . .do you know that word? They're people who want to be around you without fearing for their life," Chrissy said.
"Very brave of you. . .how brave are you without your friends to protect you?" He taunted. "Without those special little tricks of yours? Hmm, does your boyfriend know about those? Judging by the look on his face, I'm guessing not. I know something about your girlfriend that you don't know, Munson."
"You're not going to find that out," Steve said coldly. "Fuck off."
Billy laughed and disappeared into the crowd with Hagan. Chrissy glared at his retreating back before pulling Eddie onto the dance floor. He spun her around, letting her long skirt flare out the way she liked it to be. He pulled her back and spun her right into his arms. He flashed his dimples when she giggled at him before pressing a harsh kiss to his lips.
"I know you're probably wondering what that was about. . .," Chrissy said as she pulled back. "With the tricks and all. . ."
"You ready to tell me about it?" Eddie asked.
"Well, no," Chrissy frowned.
"Then don't tell me," Eddie said. "You were patient with me, so I'm going to do the same. I'm curious as hell, but you're worth the wait."
"I fucking love you," Chrissy said with a gleeful smile. "Let's sneak into the bathroom and have sex!"
"I'm not having sex with you for the first time in a bathroom," Eddie chuckled.
"Fine," she pouted.
She couldn't help but smile when Eddie spun her around again. She giggled when he tried to let her do the same, but their height differences made it awkward. Chrissy rolled her eyes and spun him around without having to spin him under her arm. She ended up inadvertently spinning him into Steve, who caught him. She cackled when Eddie started to dance with him. Steve looked surprised for a moment before going with it and swinging him around wildly. Chrissy pulled a giggling Nancy to her and started dancing with her as well. She happily forgot about their problems for a moment, they could deal with them later but right now all she wanted to do was live in the moment with her friends. She spotted Robin being spun between Jonathan and Argyle. Robin was laughing so hard that Chrissy couldn't help but lean her head back and laugh as well.
"Eddie! Hands!" She heard Steve yell.
"Oops! Sorry, Steve! Sorry, Chrissy! My hands, they slipped."
Luckily, it was dark, and everyone else was too busy enjoying themselves to pay attention. Eventually, though, they returned their partners to the right person, and Chrissy found herself dancing with Eddie again. Chrissy twirled around when someone bumped into her with their drink, spilling it all over her. Chrissy groaned before pulling Eddie with her to the bathroom. Once they were there, Chrissy closed the door and pulled her cardigan off.
"Aw, it bled all the way through," Chrissy pouted. "Oh, well, while we're in here. . ."
Chrissy pressed him up against the door and captured her lips with his, her body filling with euphoria. Eddie grinned and cupped her face as he deepened the kiss. He pulled back and looked at her mischievously.
"You planned this, didn't you?" Eddie asked.
"If only. . ." Chrissy trailed off.
She kissed him again, her hands pressing against his stomach before moving up to his chest. She smirked as she slid her tongue into his mouth. To her delight, he moaned and cupped the back of her head, tugging her ponytail. This time, it was her turn to make a sound, and she hummed with pleasure. She slid her leg in between his and raised it so her knee was pressing against his crotch. Eddie growled and pulled back, yanking her ponytail back gently. His touch was very much wanted.
"Chrissy. . .we both agreed," Eddie said. "And after today, I don't think either one of us is ready. . .I mean, are you?"
"Well, no, and honestly, I do want to do it in a bed," Chrissy said. "God, I just look at you, and I want to devour you whole. . .it's scary sometimes."
"Yeah, and sometimes I want to crawl inside your skin. We're both freaks," Eddie said, and Chrissy giggled. "I think you need to cool down, though."
Chrissy squealed when he picked her up and carried her into the shower, closing the curtain.
"Edward Wayne, if you even think about turning on that water. . ." Chrissy warned.
"Relax, Christine Elizabeth, I would never," Eddie gasped. "Or would I?"
He jokingly reached for the knob and she slapped his chest, laughing. He froze and put his hand on her mouth when two people entered the bathroom. Eddie's eyes widened when they both realized it was Steve and Nancy. It sounded like Nancy had an accident herself. It also sounded like she was quite drunk. How long had Chrissy been kissing Eddie? Oh God, they should really leave. . .because it sounded like Nancy was going to say something that she didn't mean. It was too late, though. . .Fuck.
"Like we're in love?" Steve asked. "You don't love me?"
"It's bullshit."
Chrissy's heart broke for the both of them, and she could tell it hit Eddie, too. She knew that Nancy didn't mean it, but just because she was drunk doesn't make the words hurt any less. She wasn't sure how she would be able to handle it if Eddie told her it was their fault his best friend died. It would kill her, and it sounded like it was killing Steve. Tears welled up in her eyes along with Eddie's as they heard Steve storm out of the bathroom. A minute later, they heard Argyle and Jonathan coming in. Eddie and Chrissy immediately pulled back the curtain, causing a high pitch scream to spill out of Argyle.
"What - ?" He asked.
"Uh, Steve asked us to take Nancy home," Jonathan said in confusion.
"Eddie, quickly, go tend to Steve," Chrissy said. "We'll take Nancy back to my place."
Eddie didn't waste a second before running out of the room. Argyle picked Nancy up, and they left the party just as quickly as Eddie had. Luckily, when she got home, Claudia had been too distracted by whatever Dustin was showing her to notice Nancy being dragged in by Argyle. Although Chrissy was curious about how Dustin had managed to rig his Ghostbusters' costume up like that, she needed to take care of Nancy. Argyle set him on her bed, and he hovered by the bed with his boyfriend.
"It's okay, I've got this," Chrissy said softly.
"Are you sure?" Jonathan asked, looking at Nancy in concern.
"Yeah," she said. "Thank you."
"Anything for Nancy," Argyle said.
"Oh, I don't think Robin knew what happened. She just saw Steve run out. She followed him," Jonathan said.
"Oh, I completely forgot about Robin!" Chrissy gasped.
"It's alright, Lady Henderson, you had other things to worry about," Argyle said.
Chrissy hugged Argyle and then hugged Jonathan before shooing them out of her room. She grabbed some water and set it on the bedside table before closing her door. She took off Nancy's boots and then her clothes before cleaning her up. She put her pajamas on Nancy and then had her sit up to drink some water. Chrissy sat up on the bed to watch her for a while. Was it always going to be like this? Would they always be affected by what those assholes did? How could anyone have normal relationships? Steve and Nancy's situation was a little bit different, so much more complicated but just as awful.
She watched Nancy's eyes flutter close, and Chrissy laid down next to her. She wondered what was happening with Steve. Did Robin go with Steve to his house? Was Eddie there comforting him like she was doing for Nancy? Chrissy stroked Nancy's hair, and Nancy sighed. Robin would be there too, she thought. Chrissy's eyes started to close as she imagined Eddie and Robin hugging Steve on either side of him as they held him in bed, Steve sobbing into Eddie's chest. Chrissy shut her eyes tightly, hoping everything would be alright. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, she heard Nancy gasp out a name.
"Steve. . ."
Chapter Eighteen
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jaeedraszaerysz · 9 months
Bitter truth.
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Note: idfk why I wrote this but it happened so...
Also I called the girl Aurora coz why not 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Set in 1984
Warnings: swearing, breakups, cheating, smoking, mentions of drugs and alcohol, threats of violence.
Summary: when Eddie cheats on Aurora and normality seems to turn on her like the wind, she finds herself back with old friends, and the long haired boy may just live to despise his decision.
Metalheads weren't exactly a common occurrence in Hawkins, and even then, only a select few were decent enough to even say hello to in passing.
That is how Aurora found herself dating the infamous, long-haired, doe-eyed "freak"; Eddie Munson. They had much in common, both guitar players, dead set on becoming kick-ass rock legends and changing the world, they both had amazing hair, and they both associated with a very, very dysfunctional group known as "the party".
Aurora had always been close with the boys, having babysat for Joyce Byers as a younger teen and developing friendships with both Nancy wheeler and Robin Buckley, along with Steve and Jonathan later on. She was kind, those who hated her only for her friends and her 'vibe', for her personality was nothing to complain about.
Her kindness even, somehow, led her to a friendship with Billy Hargrove, who drove her home or kept away creepy teenage boys in exchange for the very secret help with homework and patching him up after fights with his father.
She was much loved around Hawkins by those with decent hearts and always seemed to be smiling, radiating a warm energy into any room she entered.
It was surprising when she first started to date the Munson boy, however.
He didn't treat her like a princess, or even like his girlfriend alot of the time. He told her she tried too hard when she listened to heavier music than him, complained about her guitar skills despite them being practically perfect. He picked on her outfits and her hair and lots of things. Yet she stayed by him, and cared for him, taking what little affection she gained in return with a smile.
This is how she found herself approaching Eddie's trailer in the howling wind, in the pitch black on a Friday night. They had arranged to meet up to watch films and play guitar, but for a reason unknown to Aurora, Eddie had neglected to pick her up, so she made her own way.
She opened the door as she usually would and walked through into the trailer, it didn't look any different, but it sounded it. There were hushed whispers coming from the room down the hall and she smiled, expecting Eddie to be hunched over his guitar perfecting a song or two. She noticed the boys habit of talking to himself when he was involved in his music.
She walked quietly to the door and held the handle, pausing suddenly when she realised the door was open a crack. Eddie never left it open. Never. It was like an unspoken rule to the boy. His room was his and his only.
She pushed it inwards carefully and it glided away from her hand, revealing her boyfriends room and her boyfriend.
On top of a girl.
On top of Chrissy Cunningham.
He had his head buried in her neck and neither of them wore any clothes, the items already discarded on the hardwood floor amongst various other objects.
Aurora just stood there as Chrissy shrieked and Eddie turned around like he'd just been struck by lightning. She didn't move, just stood, her arms dropping by her side, swinging subtly like they weren't even a part of her anymore. Like she had become an inanimate object.
She opened her mouth slightly and looked away, nodding her head in the slightest way and turning around, dazed and broken. Her eyes were emotionless and she walked out and down the steps like her life had just been slapped out of her.
She could here the stumble of Eddie trying to get back into his jeans and out the door. He followed her but she continued to walk, even as the rain began to pelt down like the black clouds shared her pain.
Eddie shouted her name but she just wandered off into the darkness, down the road. The rain water soaked through her Black Sabbath shirt and dripped down her arms, past her few tattoos and collecting on her leather bracelets and rings.
Her teats began to fall, basically unnoticeable against the splashing water droplets hailing from the night above her and she dragged her feet. She had her friends but Eddie had been her person. Her reason. Her life. This dealing was foreign to her. Someone so set on ridding the world of people who cheated and lied and fought had caused her more pain than any Hawkins jock or dolled up mother could.
She continued to kick stones up from the side of the road as she went, her breathing becoming heavier by the second. What she wasn't expecting was to zone out and for a familiar blue camaro to pull up beside her.
Billy rolled down the window and pushed open the passenger door for the soaking girl.
"Get in." He spoke calmly, nothing more, nothing less.
She slid in, staring at her lap.
"I'm getting your car all wet." She whispered, trying not to let her crying become detectable.
"You know I don't give a fuck, Aurora. What the hell are you doing out here?" His voice raised but he wasn't angry with her in the slightest. He noticed her shaking hands and offered her a cigarette, which she took, nodding at him briefly before bringing it to her lips.
He raised his eyebrows and after a moment she whispered something.
"He's with her. I went in for our date night and he was with her." Billy's face changed instantly from concern to anger and he held the steering wheel tightly in his fist.
"What." His word was laced with venom and he turned to fully face her.
"I went into his room and he was naked, on top of that cheerleading bitch, Carvers girl." She rested her head back against the seat and a lone tear slipped down her freezing face.
"I'm gonna rip that stupid motherfucker's face off! Who the fu-"
"I don't wanna be in Hawkins anymore. I always talk about leaving but I just need to fucking go. Anywhere. Fuck Munson, fuck Chrissy, fuck Hawkins, Billy. I wanna go."
The boy paused. He brushed his hair back and looked out the window, he turned to watch Aurora blow smoke out the crack in the window and sighed.
"Let's fucking go."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah." He replied quickly, laughing slightly. "There's nothing for us here. Let's go: just you and me. You're gonna be a huge fuckin rockstar and I've been wanting back to california since I got in that fucking car."
Aurora laughed in disbelief and threw her cigarette from the car.
"Right now?"
He made eye contact with her and smirked.
"Right fuckin now."
He drove the pair to Auroras house, where the girl climbed through her window and pulled out two small bags of clothes, some cash, and her guitar, she passed it to the mullet wearing boy and he quickly placed it in the back of the camaro. Aurora climbed back down and ran to the passenger side. The pair speeding off to their new destination. Cali-fuckin-fornia.
Two days later the pair found themselves in a motel just outside Hollywood. They had kept to their words and hasn't stopped till they got there.
Aurora laid on the bed while Billy brushed his hair hastily in the tiny mirror in the bathroom.
"We never thought about where we're gonna live." The boy spoke suddenly, shattering the comfortable silence that lay between the pair.
"I've got a few friends here. Don't you fuckin worry about it."
Six months later and no one in Hawkins had any idea where the ex-king of Hawkins high and the party's sweetheart had disappeared off to.
Some said he kidnapped her. Others they were having an affair and ran off. Others she was pregnant by the boy and the personal favorite of the basket ball team, Satan took them both down to hell.
The party sat in the byers home, bundled up on sofas and the floor and whatever else they could squish onto. Steve fiddled with the channels unconsciously as the kids bickered between themselves.
The Brunette flicked past MTV and suddenly Eddie was all on him screaming for him to turn it back on. It was some music festival interviews, featuring Eddie's personal favorites, Metallica.
His now girlfriend, Chrissy, sat next to him, silently staring down the children on the floor infront of her. Eddie seemed to try and replace Aurora with the girl and max, Robin, Nancy and will were not having it in the slightest, the rest of the party trying to adapt to it.
He shushed everyone almost violently as kirk hammet began to talk through the screen as an interviewer spoke to him about the show about to be played.
There were tons of famous rockstars on the show; Guns n' Roses, Mötley Crüe, Pantera, Hanoi Rocks, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Van Halen, ZZ top, AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne and Iron Maiden. It was Eddie's dream.
But during a random interview with various guys from different bands backstage, a very intoxicated Ozzy Osbourne stumbled into the room, his arm wrapped around a girl with bright white hair, adorned in black leather and studded jewelery, her other side held onto by an equally as hammered Eddie Van Halen. She was thrown a box of cigarettes by non other than Nikki Sixx and she lit one, placing it between her rouged lips before being dragged over to the camera. Her black sunglasses hid her eyes as the drunk British man began to speak into the camera.
It was all so cartoon like and Eddie laughed at the screen. Laughed until the rockstar moved back and revealed the girl without her glasses.
"And this," the loud Birmingham accent blared as the bot reached to turn the volume up. "Is Aurora Angel! Fucking mint girl right here this is, best woman guitarist I ever" He paused, forgetting himself, causing the girl to laugh and lean back on Van Halen's shoulder.
"Met?" She suggested. And the man's arms flew round her shoulder, shouting yes and stealing her cigarette before running off.
"Bloody hells, anyways." She laughed and turned to the woman now asking her questions.
"So, Aurora, we know you've been seen on the strip with a man quite a few times now, you seem close? Who is he?"
She bit her lip in thought and smiled suddenly when she realised what the lady was regarding. "Oh shit yeah, no. That's Billy. Best mate and number one fan. He's around here somewhere." She turned, her hair blowing slightly.
She was approached by the boy who still sported the same mullet, who was joined by non other than James Hetfield who engulfed the girl in a hug before joining in with the conversation.
Eddie stood from his seat, shocked to his core. The kids began to freak out and max was shouting along with Steve.
No way, his girl. Ex-girl. Whom he had cheated on and replaced. Had become a famous rockstar, on hugging terms with his idol.
He felt his insides liquefy when he realised the bitter truth.
His rockstar potential was now 100% non-existent. Not when everyone in the industry was in love with the girl he broke and probably hated his guts for hurting her.
He was totally and utterly fucked.
You guys want a part 2? Let me know x
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vry-sorcha · 5 months
big bully
put into fight with Will
hate Will 
(big internal homophobia)
best friend with Max
hate poetry or writing
loves to do music like his dad
curses A LOT
get into fight A LOT
hate Mike
has a big internal homophobia
best friend with Troy and James
who protect them from Mike
dumb and proud of it
hate nerdy stuff
hate his mother to the guts
search how to get in trouble everytime
smoking buddy with Mike and Max
was always friends with the popular kids his age
is the captain of the basketball team of Hawkins middle school
hate Max
get into fight
best friend with Mike
hate Lucas
use her power for bad intentions
never help any of the kids
create the Upside Down
become the one who rules the Upside Down
gets in a lot of trouble when Mike is around
pushed by Mike all the time in the middle school corridor
friend with Will 
a big nerd who is a genius
has really good grades
Max is the one who do bad things to him
overprotective big sister
don’t care about her grades
prefer going out than working on her homework
don’t care at all about Steve
Jonathan is her boyfriend since middle school
is a cheerleader
hate children
isn’t in the basketball team
care a lot about his grades
his parents are always home
and they’re really proud of him
isn’t the “King” of Hawkins high
is bitchless
best friend with Jonathan
bad big brother
don’t care about Will’s well being
popular in highschool
play in the the basketball team of Hawkins high
play guitar
Nancy is his girlfriend since middle school
best friend with Jonathan
don’t speak that much
has no repartee
everyone knows she’s a lesbian
get bullied because of it
best big brother
100% open minded
Likes to ride Lucas home
isn’t popular but is still handsome
smoking buddy with Steve and Jonathan
a really bad mom
don’t really care about Will disappearance
was the one who pushed and say bad stuff to Jonathan and Will
hate Hopper to the guts
still with Joyce
was the one who wanted to find Will at any cost
bad guy
never was a cop
went to prison when he was a teenager
hate Joyce since kindergarten
a pro job-wife
don’t care about her children
job only
best dad
stay-at-home dad
do the best cooking ever
care too much about his children
a really popular guy
has the best grades of all Hawkins high
everyone loves him
not a cheerleader
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calicheer-cove · 6 months
Select Clientele - Billy Hargrove x Chrissy Cunningham
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Summary: Chrissy has her eyes on Billy. Billy has his eyes on Chrissy. He decides to have a little talk with her. What will be her decision?
Author’s Note: The pool flirting scene, but make it Calicheer. Also let me know if you want a part two.
Summertime in the small town of Hawkins meant something different for everyone. For El and Max, this meant sleepovers and playing around with her powers to spy on the boys. For Dustin this meant computer camp to learn and build with the latest in tech ware. For Will, he was hoping for D&D, while Lucas and Mike wondered if their girlfriends were mad at them. As for the older ones, summer internships and jobs to save up for future endeavors. Billy was more than happy to work as a lifeguard if it meant being out of the house. Chrissy, against her mother’s narrow mindedness, worked at the GAP.
Training alongside her friends was a nice change of pace instead of attending bible camp, again. Utilizing her people skills, practicing money management, and keeping the place in tip top shape made the time roll by. Even on days when only a small handful of customers came over, she was happy to be there. Aside from store discounts, she also had the benefit of stopping by Scoops Ahoy! to meet up with Steve and Robin during her lunch breaks. Harrington went on about his failed love life, while Buckley and her rightfully poked fun at him. Dustin was surprised to see Cunningham, feeling apprehensive at first. In time he was able to see that she was actually a nice person. Chrissy thought of him like a second little brother.
Aside from the mall, the community pool was also another big hot spot. The place to be for fun in the sun, much to the boredom of the juniors and seniors working as lifeguards. They did their training and work of course, their faces indicated that they would rather be anywhere than here. Billy was no different, still at least he was able to earn a little extra money and work on his tan. Billy was not ashamed of how he looked, he took pride in his appearance. A number of the mothers clearly took interest. He offered them a charming smile as he passed by, his face dropping immediately once he turned his back on them. He loved the attention of course, but there was only one set of eyes that Billy wanted on him. Eyes as blue as the ocean beneath the Santa Monica pier in July.
Nancy took in the warmth of the bright sun on her skin. Robin preferred to stay under the umbrella with Vickie, worried that the 50 spf wouldn’t be enough for her; despite her reassurances. Dustin was engaged in a battle of chicken, keeping himself steady on Steve’s shoulders. Making his best attempt to push Will off of Jonathan’s shoulders. Lucas and Mike were showing off in front of Max and El, the two girls focusing on each other rather than their idiot boyfriends. Erica and her friends were more than prepared to make fun of the older Sinclair sibling and his friend.
Chrissy’s nose was firmly in a copy of some trashy romance novel that Heather loaned her. A pretty predictable story, but one that she enjoyed nonetheless. In a small, shanty sea town, a faithful woman of god (who so happens to be a widow) crosses paths with a sexy pirate. He steals her, they go sailing, have sex, and that’s it. The words were enticing, the same could be said for the cover art as well. Muscular man with a tan, long flowing locks of golden, curly hair, eyes as blue as the sea, and he’s wearing a shirt that showed off more cleavage than the lady.
“So how are you liking it so far?” Heather asked, passing over a can of Tab to her.
“It’s good. Captain James is wooing Prudence in his quarters,” Chrissy answered back, eyes going back to the page.
“Ooh, you’re gonna love the next chapter. It’s so hot,” Heather purred, sliding a stick of gum into her mouth.
Chrissy wasn’t exactly a connoisseur of romantic smut, but her curiosity was definitely piqued in freshman year. During a slumber party, Heather shared her mother’s private reading collection and the girls all had a good laugh. Chrissy wasn’t sure what the flowery language meant, but she giggled as well. In sophomore year, she would find a private corner at the public library to read those stories; that is until Heather would offer one to get, in exchange for a little tutoring. As they studied for an upcoming science test, Heather noticed how distracted Chrissy appeared during a session. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Cunningham was crushing on Hargrove as he walked by. Heather, in good fun and genuine curiosity, had questions. Chrissy was easy to read: Cheeks glowing, heart thumping, and scowl that wouldn’t scare a rabbit. Heather swore to tell no one and she kept that promise.
Chrissy peaked over her heart shaped sunglasses at the tanned Adonis. She had an inkling that he was looking at her, despite wearing his aviators. She figured that maybe she wouldn’t register on his love radar, boy was she wrong. Billy wasn’t a stranger to certain members on the cheer team, little flings in between after school practice were commonplace. To his surprise, all she did was offer him a friendly greeting and nothing more. He sat behind her in geometry, staring at the gentle slope of her neck. The curled loop of her ponytail looked so pretty, often accessorized with a scrunchie or a bow. Her perfume smelled expensive, costing more than a six pack, a box of Camels, and gas combined. In the cafeteria their eyes met briefly before she went off with her friends. One of Hargrove’s fellow goons made the fatal mistake of jokingly stating that Billy had a crush on Chrissy. A threat and swift punch to the shoulder was enough to shut him up. Wounded pride aside, it was true; Billy did find her fascinating.
Getting paired up in class for a history project led to conversations, allowing for them to talk; even if it was surface level. They began to converse in the hallway and after school as well. People began to talk, Billy didn’t give a shit, but Chrissy did. He wasn’t sure why, but a part of his mind ordered him to keep her safe. If someone made an inappropriate remark at her, Billy was the first to know. If he noticed that she wasn’t in class, he would ask around. Max kept her distance between her step brother and the cheerleader. She figured it was going to be nothing more than another quick relationship that she would end up having to hear from her bedroom, again. Yet he seemed different around her. The last thing Max could do was bring it up. Still, she found it a little amusing that El didn’t understand what Mayfield meant by “happy screams” and why Chrissy wasn’t making any.
“Chrissy? Hello, earth to Chrissy?” Heather stated as she waved her hand in front of her friend’s face.
“Huh? What?”
She chuckled, “You were totally staring at Billy.”
“I was not,” Chrissy hissed back, her blush betraying her.
“Aww, look at you, you’re blushing.”
She crossed her arms, “No! I- I- I’m sunburned.”
Heather leaned back in her chair, expensive sunglasses perfectly perched upon her nose, “Uh-huh sure, whatever you say. I mean, it’s not like he’s been staring at you since you came in or anything.”
Was he? Chrissy wanted to check, but she didn’t want to be so obvious. She placed her own glasses back up, eyes lingering back to the beautiful man. Solar spectacles on, face on the residents having their fun. No one would ever know about the ocean eyes gazing at the strawberry blonde.
Chrissy inhaled slowly and made her way over to the pool. Fake it til you make it as the old saying goes. For Chrissy, her confidence always shined through whenever she cheered. Her feet and legs gracefully strolled over to the water. His eyes kept his sight on her, his mind taking in each and every step that she took. She dawned a two colored one piece swimsuit, purple and white adorned the fabric. She wondered if it was too revealing due to the revealing neckline and how the suit hugged her rear. Heather and Nancy insisted that she looked amazing, Vickie loved the colors, and Robin was speechless before giving her a compliment (well more of a ramble, but Chrissy still thanked her).
The water felt so welcoming along her skin, allowing her to feel so comfortable and so free. She always loved the water, be it rain, lakes, and whenever she took a bath. As a child, she used to pretend that she was a mermaid swimming far, far away into the endless depths. No more responsibilities, no more worries, and no more stress. She could be her own person with a strong, shining tail and locks as long as a kelp forest. If only this mermaid knew just how much the lonely sailor watched her. Billy slowly removed his sunglasses, admiring the incredible form and movement. Chrissy took to the water like a bird to the air, with ease and strength. Her vibrant eye makeup never washed away, strawberry blonde locks darkened to a warm amber hue. She was radiant, lively, and enchanting.
His job was to focus on everybody at the community pool, yet he simply could not look away. He could hear music playing loudly in his eardrums. The booming of drums, the slick plucking of a bass, the melodic riffing of a guitar, and the amorous lyrics from the vocalist all came together. In his eyes, Chrissy moved in slow motion to the tune of Foreigner’s “Hot Blooded.” As much as he loved Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, her presence was no longer lingering in his mind. Chrissy was the one to break the surface of the pool’s water, strutting towards him in a red hot bikini. Manicured fingers carefully unclipping her top from the front to reveal her small and pretty breasts. His whistle seductively brushed along his upper lip and tongue, blowing out a loud tweet. The loudness of reality returned, but he kept his eyes on her. Chrissy used the ladder and was pleased to see him walking over.
“Looking good out there, Chrissy,” Billy stated, unable to keep back his smile.
She couldn’t resist smiling as well, “Thank you.”
He offered her a towel, their hands touched for a moment, “Perfect form.”
She felt the pleasant spark, eyes drifting along his sculpted body before she met his eyes, “Well… your form is amazing.”
Oh god, did she really say that to him? She really said that to him. His smile grew, letting out a mischievous chuckle.
She felt the little twinge of embarrassment, “I’m sorry. I’ve seen you… teaching lessons. Swimming lessons.”
Chrissy looked away briefly, asking for the concrete below her to melt beneath her feet. Maybe getting buried in a rock solid hole would be less painful than this. Yet he was still here, more than ready to engage. She hoped that perhaps he could smooth out the wince inducing matter.
Billy’s toothy grin dropped from humorous to a heart palpitating smirk, “You know, I could uh… I could teach you, if you like.”
Did she hear that right? Or did she imagine those words? He fluttered his long, lovely eyelashes when he spoke. Chrissy stood there with her mouth slightly agape.
He continued, grin still evident, “I know all the styles. Freestyle.” He took a step closer, his expression neutral; enjoying the way she obediently nodded her head and clutched her towel. “Butterfly.”
Chrissy could hear her heart racing many miles a second. Her brain begged her not to say something stupid again. She could feel her body heat rising. She swore that she could also sense the warm sensation of his body as well, despite the short distance between them. Chrissy was so lost in his eyes that she didn’t notice the fresh stick of gum that he unwrapped and fished from his pocket. Gazing at the thick fingers gently holding the treat beneath his lips.
There it was, that smile, that gorgeously handsome smile, “Breaststroke.”
Chrissy did not blink, fingers loosening up as the air from her lungs momentarily vanished. The sound of her towel plummeting to the hard surface brought her back. She bent down to grab it, finding herself looking at Billy’s face when he helped her; his hand brushing hers once again.
“You okay?” He asked, sounding a little concerned and a bit smug.
She wrapped the towel around her waist, trying to hide her shyness with a friendly disposition, “I didn’t think you- I didn’t think you taught other age groups.”
Billy smacked his lips while he chewed, his breath minty fresh, “Well I offer more uh… advanced lessons to select clientele.”
He looked her directly in her gleaming eyes, he could see her demeanor change. Any time they spoke, even if it was just for a few minutes, Chrissy noticed how she felt a little light headed. Being in such close proximity made her lower half pulsate, a feeling that would continue to plague her long after they spoke.
His voice became as soft as the wind, Pacific blue eyes drilling into her soul, “Come to think of it, there is a good pool out at a Motel 6 on Cornwallis. It’s very quiet. You know, very private. Shall we say tonight? Eight o’clock?”
Chrissy’s brain reminded her to breathe, her ears focusing on the sound of his deep, gentle tone amidst the noise of summer fun. She could feel her head nodding, having to stop herself when she gave him a sympathetic smile, “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
He sounded heartbroken, it was all an act of course, one that made her laugh, “Can’t what? Have fun? Chrissy Cunningham.”
She felt so weird in this unusual predicament, yet she couldn’t help but enjoy this extra attention that he was giving her. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Billy to flirt with others, but she couldn’t imagine herself being with him romantically; and yet her mind did wander to that possibility.
Chrissy ran her nails through her soaked locks, doing her best to calm down her racing heart beat, letting out another chuckle, “No. I… I… I just, uh… I don't think I need any lessons.”
How strange. Her voice sounded different. Breathy and just a little seductive. Billy liked that, he really liked it.
He was closer to her, truly towering over Chrissy, “Oh, you see, I think you do. I just don’t think that you’ve had the right teacher.”
She gulped, this was really happening, “I, uh-”
The smug bastard showed off his best smirk, his voice was like caramel, rich and smooth, “It will be the workout of your life.”
Chrissy wondered if it was possible for a human heart to thrust back and forth through one’s chest the way a cartoon character’s heart does. His wolfish demeanor should have disgusted her, but she couldn’t lie to herself, she was enjoying this. Yet she could sense the judgemental eyes of everyone around her. As if she were bare before all of Hawkins, a sensation that haunted her in life and in her dreams.
Chrissy gasped when she felt Heather’s grasp on her arm, “Hey Billy, don’t you have some cougars to flirt with?”
He rolled his eyes, “Speaking of cougars, how’s your mom doing?”
Heather scowled at him, “You’re such a prick.”
“Well, I’d like to stay and chat, but I have a job to do. See you later, Chrissy,” Billy stated before heading back to his station.
Chrissy covered herself with the towel, “Thanks Heather.”
“Are you okay?”
She nodded, “Yes, I’m fine. Just um… I don’t know… kinda weird right now.”
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hilarychuff · 1 year
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Steve doesn’t regret pushing Robin to go for this whole Chrissy thing. Honestly, he doesn’t. But he definitely hadn’t thought through this aspect of it. He didn’t factor in the unfortunate reality that it would bring one of his most annoying former teammates back into his life. Not that he had ever left, exactly. Hawkins is a small town, and it only has one video store. Plus, Steve is still a regular at the varsity team’s basketball games even though he’s up in the stands these days. But despite the fact that he technically sees Carver on the court every week, Steve hasn’t had to really think about him since graduation last year. Now, he’s come up at least three times in three days. The guy is just kind of a worm. Steve hadn’t noticed him much back when Carver had first moved up from JV to varsity, but he’d made himself known after he started dating Chrissy. Carver had asked her on one date and suddenly he was puffing out his chest at all the other basketball players, making sure everyone knew whose letterman jacket she’d be wearing. Steve had hardly even found out Chrissy was assigned to be his cheer buddy before her new boyfriend was informing him she wouldn’t be decorating his locker or bringing him baked goods before the games anymore. It didn’t matter that Steve had still been with Nancy back then, that it had been clear to anyone paying attention that Steve only had eyes for her. Carver had asked his own cheer buddy to swap players just so he could make sure his girlfriend wasn’t giving her cookies to some other guy. Worse, he’d turned around and started sucking up when Steve was named team captain at the end of that season. By the start of Steve’s senior year, Carver had practically appointed himself Vice Captain or whatever in practices, planting himself at Steve’s side whenever they huddled up and even trying to help direct plays. Sure, Steve’s reputation had taken a bit of a hit after his so-called friends watched Jonathan Byers give him a black eye, but he’d still been the man on the basketball court, and Carver seemed to think the proximity to power would guarantee his role as next in line. But then Nancy had dumped him at the same time Billy Hargrove crowned himself the new king. Steve’s pretty sure Hargrove’s whole… everything was offensive to Carver’s starched khaki sensibilities, but that hadn’t stopped the junior from kissing the ass of whoever he deemed top dog. With Billy as the new pack leader, Steve was suddenly no better than Old Yeller, an animal past its prime that needed to be taken out back. Chrissy is a nice girl, and she deserves better than her douchebag boyfriend, but Steve also deserves to never think about Jason Carver again. He isn’t going to sacrifice Robin’s happiness for that, though.
chapter 3, all the best people see you (all the best people know), a pre-season 4 buckingham au
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hellcheer-prompts · 1 year
Jonathan realizes something is off about the photos he’s developing and when he looks into it he discovers that Eddie doesn’t show up in any photos
He and Nancy do their investigative journalism duo schtick to figure out what’s up with Eddie
Meanwhile, Chrissy, Eddie’s girlfriend, is well aware that he’s a vampire and she’s been paying the art students to paint portraits of them so she can still have cute couple pictures
Eddie and Chrissy know that Nancy and Jonathan are investigating but they’re coming up with wrong theories so either to fuck with them or to help them (maybe both) Chrissy and Eddie pose for a portrait where he’s biting her neck
Eddie (with a flair for the dramatics) starts hissing at the sun (which has no effect on him) and standing right behind Jonathan when he’s washing his hands in the bathroom and then pretending he has no idea what’s wrong when Jonathan is freaked out that he doesn’t show up in the bathroom mirror.
Jonathan still concludes that Eddie is a ghost.
Nancy finally just asks Chrissy “is your boyfriend a vampire?”
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Jennifer Henderson
stranger things oc face claim: emily rudd
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Status: alive Legal name: Jennifer Henderson Birth name: Jennifer Bennett Aliases: Jen, Princess, Stuck up priss Date of birth: May 1, 1966 Place of birth: Detroit. Michigan Age: 16 (season one), 17 (season two), 18 (season three), 19 (season four), ? (season five) Gender: female Height: 5'5" Eye Color: blue/green Hair Color: brown
—— Relationship status: ...single. Residence: Henderson Residence, Hawkins, Indiana Family: Dustin Henderson (brother), Claudia Henderson (mother), Mr. Henderson (father)
Other relations: Wilhelmina 'Billie' Thatcher (best friend), Steve Harrington (ex-boyfriend/ex-crush/friend), Eddie Munson (ex-boyfriend/ex-crush), Jonathan Byers (former childhood friend), Lucas Sinclair (friend), Erica Sinclair (friend), Max Mayfield (friend), Eleven/Jane Hopper (friend), Will Byers (friend), Jim Hopper (friend), Joyce Byers (friend), Murray Bauman (friend), Jason Carver † (enemy), Barbara Holland † (classmate/former friend), Keith (classmate/co-worker)
Affiliation: Scoops Troop, ally to "The Party" Occupation: student at Hawkins High School (1982-1985), member of The Hawkins High Swim Team (1982-1983), employee at Scoops Ahoy (1985-1986), employee at Family Video (1986-present)
Jennifer Henderson was born at Hawkins Memorial Hospital on May 1, 1966 to Claudia and Mr. Henderson. She is the main character in the story Always. Jennifer was a part of the graduating class of 1985.
A former student at Hawkins High School,  she is best friends with Billie Thatcher but is also friends with Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley as well as the girlfriend of Eddie Munson. She is also the older sister of Dustin Henderson. Following  a few ignorant actions, she follows behind Steve and his group of friends but sets out to make things right with the people she loves. By coincidence, she ended up heroically saving the day (along with Steve) and reconciled with Jonathan. 
In 1984, Jennifer also became an ally to the Party, especially Eleven, with whom he formed an unlikely friendship and sisterly bond. She became a sort of authority figure for the party and became a major player in the battle against the Mind Flayer. She and Billy Hargrove had a fling with each other before things ended after she caught him kissing another girl. Jennifer and Steve began dating shortly after their encounter after his break up with Nancy Wheeler.
In 1985, Jennifer, being unemployed, always visited the newly built Starcourt Mall where she eventually meets Robin Buckley. She finally met up with her brother after he was away for the summer. Her and Steve along with Robin co-help Dustin, who had just come to them with a strange radio transmission. Jennifer, along with Robin, helped Dustin translate a secret Russian transmission. They discovered there were Russians in Hawkins, working underneath Starcourt Mall. Jennifer, along with her brother Dustin, Steve, Robin and Erica Sinclair, discovered the Russians were trying to reopen a portal to the Upside Down. She also formed a friendship with Robin and later accepted her sexuality. Jennifer later learned of the Mind Flayer’s return and helped the rest of the Party battle against it until the gate was closed again. Three months later, she fell out of love but remained best friends with Steve as they, including Robin, applied for new jobs at Family Video.
In 1986, Jennifer was still working at Family Video with Robin and Steve as she watches him struggles to find a girlfriend after an awkward break up between them. She managed to run into Eddie on the way of picking her brother up as they fell in love, soon dating later that week. She and the other’s learned about the murder at the Forest Hills Trailer Park on TV in the store. Later, after finding out more information about the victim from Max Mayfield and Dustin, they then trace down Eddie Munson, who was the prime suspect of Chrissy’s death. She didn't believe that her boyfriend would cheat on her then murder a cheerleader from Hawkins High School. Jennifer along with Steve, Max, Robin, and Dustin went to Reefer Rick’s house (Eddie’s drug dealer) where he learned about the dark wizard of the Upside Down named Vecna. After being dragged into the Upside Down and witnessing Steve nearly being killed by a swarm of Demobats, he was saved by Jennifer, Nancy, Robin and Eddie before they managed to escape the Upside Down where she discovered Vecna’s true identity as Henry Creel and One, the first child test subject of Hawkins National Laboratory. With these discoveries, Jennifer and her friends formulated a plan to kill Vecna and stop from opening four gates across Hawkins. However, Steve, Nancy, and Robin were only able to severely injure Vecna and could not prevent him from opening the gates. Sadly while fighting off the demobats, she witnesses her boyfriend fend off the bats as her and Dustin could escape but when they came back, he was severely injured and dying. Jennifer had to say goodbye to him, not wanting to leave his side. 
Two days later, Jennifer slowly accepts her boyfriend’s death as she, Steve, Robin, and Dustin work to help survivors of an earthquake that was caused when the gates were open. The Henderson siblings explain to Eddie’s uncle what happened, telling him how much she cared for him before witnessing particles from the Upside Down falling down over Hawkins. 
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thaliasandy · 2 years
Hellcheer headcanon:
Eddie comes back home to Hawkins for Christmas after being on tour for 3 years.
While Corroded Coffin gained more and more popularity and they made so much money that Eddie could afford to buy his uncle a nice house in the fancy area of Hawkins, (after quite a bit of protesting from Wayne because he wants Eddie to spend his money on other things)
Life hadn't been exactly kind or generous to Chrissy.
She eventually managed to move into her own apartment, away from her toxic mother. She had 2 jobs just to get by and she didn't have much time for friendships or relationships.
But when she met Nancy at the grocery store the other day she'd invited her to the Christmas party she and Jonathan held at their place every year. She'd named a couple of people who'd be there that she might know: Robin, Steve, Nancy's brother Mike and his girlfriend El, Dustin, Max and Lucas, (she remembered him being on the Basketball team) ...and Eddie.
The main reason Chrissy had agreed to come to the party in the first place was seeing Eddie again but now, sitting in the dark, in her parked car in front of Nancy's and Jonathan's home, she felt like a creep.
She got out of the car and tried to look into one of the windows but couldn't see much from where she stood;
It looked cozy, the people inside looked like they were having fun... it looked absolutely overwhelming to Chrissy and just as she was about to go back to her car she saw a glimpse of him.
He was still just as cool as she remembered him, with his long hair and his leather jacket and the confident, almost cocky attitude...then, when he turned to the side she saw it, the little girl in his arms, with curly brown hair almost the same colour as his, he lifted her in the air, making her laugh.
...And suddenly Chrissy felt like someone had punched her.
Eddie Munson had a daughter and probably a wife too. Why wouldn't he have a family?! He was the sweetest man she'd ever met.
She felt incredibly stupid for thinking she'd show up and he'd magically fall in love with her, when they hadn't spoken a word in years and even back then all they had in common was the shared trauma of being stuck together for a couple of days and almost dying in some nightmare-ish alternate dimension.
He probably didn't even remember her, hadn't wasted a single thought on the ditzy cheerleader who wanted to buy drugs from him.
Like on autopilot she walked the few steps back to her car.
She quickly and as discreetly as possible wiped away the tears that she'd failed to hold back.
"It's really you! Good to see you!"
He did a little jog towards her, his arms spread out for a hug.
"Eddie!" She squeaked when he embraced her almost lifting her off the ground.
Maybe he hadn't forgotten her after all...probably hard to fully forget the girl whose boyfriend wanted to murder you when all you did was trying to help her.
He was warm and he smelled good and Chrissy wanted nothing more than to nuzzle her face deeper in the crook of his neck and never let go of him until she realized she was behaving like a weirdo...
"You look beautiful."
She brushed her hands along the front of the crimson velvet dress she wore under her unbuttoned coat, trying to flatten imaginary creases.
She knew she'd gained a couple of pounds since she started going to therapy and was recovering but, even only illuminated by the street lights, the soft smile on his lips and the way his gentle brown eyes looked at her, told her his compliment was genuine, not just an empty statement to fill the awkward silence.
"Thank you...So do you."
"Yeah well..."
He chuckled, almost bashfully running his fingers through his hair.
"Come on let get inside."
He reached for her hand but she stood there petrified.
"What's wrong?"
She couldn't tell him the truth, that meeting his wife and their toddler would probably shatter her heart into a million pieces.
"Oh...um...I don't think I can go inside, I wanted to but... I get overwhelmed pretty easily by so many people..."
It wasn't a complete lie.
He nodded, looking sad.
"Yeah...me too sometimes...ever since, you know. I had a couple of panic attacks backstage before concerts...fun stuff."
He rolled his eyes and slightly shook his head and Chrissy wanted to hug him again.
"Hey, how about you're my date for tonight! For old times' sake; The freak and the cheerleader! And neither of us has to go in there alone."
He smiled at her and she tried so hard not to cry. Of course he was just joking but she couldn't stop thinking about walking in there with his arm around her shoulder, smiling, laughing at his silly jokes, having a wonderful time and then going home with him by the end of the night...
"You're not a freak, you're a rockstar now and I...I'm not a cheerleader anymore."
...'I'm a freaking mess' she added in her head.
"Oh fuck, you're probably happily married now and I say shit like that! Sorry, that was a stupid idea."
"I'm not...Your wife probably wouldn't like that either though."
"I'm single! "
He interjected energetically.
" You're...a single dad? Must be difficult..."
"Dad?! I'm definitely not a dad..."
He caught her eyes absentmindedly drifting in the direction of the window behind him.
"Oh! That's Lucy! When was the last time you saw my uncle?"
"I don't know...Graduation day, i guess. Why?"
"Wayne has a wife and a little daughter now...she's almost 2, I guess the old man made good use of the privacy he got as soon as he had the trailer to himself. Do you wanna meet them?."
"She's your cousin?..."
He nodded and leaned against her car, smirking at how her expression suddenly changed.
"...The offer still stands, princess." He extended his hand to her in an almost theatrical way.
"Do you want to be my date? ...We don't have to stay long and we can leave if it gets too much for you."
Chrissy felt like she was losing her mind, Eddie Munson not only turned out to be single after all, he asked her to be his date and was an absolute sweetheart, he also hinted at leaving the party with her.
"I'd love to."
She smiled as she took his hand and let him lead her to the house.
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andvys · 11 months
ANDY!! how are you? I just caught up with the last 2 chapters and they were amazing!!
“Uh, it’s your birthday present.”
oh??? 🤨 is that a bomb
He scratches the back of his neck, “uh well, apparently Ray is a fan of pocket knives,” he laughs. 
omg i remember in school when we were like 14 boys used to bring pocket knives with them and that was scary cause wtf
You weren’t good enough for that – he did not want to change for you. 
“She is not you.”
steve... what the hell.
“She’s not the one that I want.”
“I know,” he whispers, frowning at the ground, “I know, I’m sorry. I-I made a mistake and I will regret it for the rest of my life.”
the rest of your- BOY
“We both made mistakes.”
girl... i don't think you did tbh
“I was a fucking asshole, y/n. I was an asshole to you, every day of our relationship, I kept fucking up, over and over again and you tolerated it, you never left me. You never got mad at me, you never said anything rude, you never did anything bad, you were – fuck, you were perfect, you are perfect,” he holds your hand tighter.
yeahhhh she's way too good for you
“I’m sorry that I acted like I wasn’t interested in the things you loved doing. I’m sorry that I didn’t show you how much I really loved you. I’m sorry that I didn’t hold you enough, that I didn’t kiss you the way you should have been kissed, that I didn’t take care of you.” 
took him long enough 😭
This year he can’t even hug you.
“I’ll throw it away later, huh?” She asks, mocking him. 
Her eyes have strayed away from him just a few weeks after he left you for her. The moment Jonathan stepped into her life, her heart was no longer his, she gave it to her supposed new friend. 
It makes your stomach flip – you don’t know why. 
girl... calm your horses 🤨
“Uh, the store!” Robin says, sheepishly as she gives you a crooked grin. 
“Oh my god, y/n!” Heather snorts, “stop joking about it or you’re actually getting them someday!” 
i would actually jump off a cliff if it happened to me 😭
Apparently you are pregnant with Eddie’s baby and living in his trailer. 
The pregnancy rumor made you physically sick – it made you stand in front of the mirror, checking for signs that you had gained weight. You did not, it still made you feel nauseous and you had to cancel your dinner ‘date’ with your friends. 
“You have no idea how much I wanna get rid of that title,” you laugh, “I’m ready to give that position up to Chrissy.” 
girl we don't have cheerleaders here, do you know what i would do to be a cheerleader?? 😭
Jonathan shrugs, refraining from rolling his eyes, “cause you’re the captain of the basketball team and she’s cheer captain.” 
Jonathan huffs with a soft chuckle, “yeah, you look good but uh, Steve? You’re supposed to look into the camera,” he says awkwardly. 
“That uh, that was our dream. I only wanted to go to college with you.”
bro really based his whole life on a high school girlfriend 😭 that's bravery
“I got a job at the ice cream parlor,” he clears his throat, “Scoops Ahoy.” 
“The one I’m pregnant? The one where he sacrificed a lamb to get my undying love and devotion? The one where I cheated on Steve? Which one of them all?” 
NOT THE POOR LITTLE LAMB 💀 was it served with hot sause
“Y-You look amazing is what I’m trying to say,” Nancy says nervously. 
enemies to lover arc with Nancy? 🫨
“You’re a little oblivious, aren’t you?” 
btw how did you like 1989 TV? 👀 honey anon
I’m doing okay!!! I’m excited for Christmas season! 🤭 how are you? 🩷
OMG NO!!! why would they bring pocket knives to school 😭 (i got one too but only because i’m afraid of men LMAO)
Nancy had a reason to be pissed but damn girl, you stole someone’s boyfriend 😩
Robin buying the store bought cake is so relatable. I love baking but the moment I gotta bake a cake for someone I always fail 💀
AND WE DONT HAVE CHEERLEADERS HERE AT SCHOOL EITHER!!! 😭💔 like you can join a cheer team as a hobby but there’s no cheer teams or sports team in general at the schools here. I would’ve definitely been a cheerleader too if we had that here 🥲
And the principal ships steve and reader 😌 he cried when they broke up 😪
You’re definitely getting Steve and Robin at scoops ahoy with they’re cute little sailor uniforms 🤭
Also enemies to lovers with Nancy? Imagine if that was the plan all along 🤭 Nancy’s song would be Mastermind then
I LOVE THE VAULT TRACKS!! I love all of them but especially Slut! and Say don’t go (but is it over now? too ugh) AND I KNOW PLACES THE GROWL IN THE SONG? I SCREAMED 😭😭 how did you like it? 🤭
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Don't Fear The Reaper (8179 words) by Musicalchaos07 Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Explicit Language, Mild Sexual Content, Paranormal Investigators, Jonathan Byers Has Powers, Nancy Wheeler Has a Gun, Investigator Jancy My Beloved, Quite Literally Haunted Jonathan Byers, Protective Nancy Wheeler, Established Relationship, So Married, Fluff and Angst, Mostly Fluff, Chrissy Cunningham is still dead tragically, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Summary: Jonathan Byers was 13 the first time he saw a ghost, he screamed so loud he nearly woke the neighbor. Seven years and one brief stint in Pennhurst later, he's crisscrossing the country with his girlfriend, dispelling rumors, exorcising poltergeists, and trying to bring families closure. Nancy Wheeler is first and foremost a skeptic, so of course it's her boyfriend who can see spirits. And if it weren't for her own close encounter she wouldn't believe him. She doesn't believe half the stories they hear but she's not about to let him go investigate on his own. Their latest case has brought them to the bright lights of Nashville to solve the murder of an average backup singer. Even though all signs point to one suspect, Jonathan and Nancy know by now that things are never as easy as they seem. But with an ill-natured mourner, unhelpful clientele, and an even more unhelpful apparition it's up to them to sort through the stories to find the truth before it's too late.
Chapter 3... 3 months later 🙈
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miwtual · 2 years
#me with edancy and stargyle and cheerscoops and buckingham and whatever the ship name is for edie/nancy/jonathan is
hear me out. argyle and his boyfriend steve and his girlfriend chrissy and her girlfriend robin and her girlfriend nancy and her boyfriend jonathan and his boyfriend eddie and his boyfriend argyle and his-
the hawkins polycule is something that can be so personal
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liveshauntedmoved · 2 years
Chrissy: boy, why you crying?
Jonathan: my girlfriend was cheating on me
Chrissy: oh my god, how did you find out?
Jonathan: i saw her kissing a girl at applebees
Chrissy: applebees? oh girl that was me... i guess i stole your girl oppsie
Eddie: girl, why you crying?
Nancy: my boyfriend was cheating on me
Eddie: oh my god, how did you find out?
Nancy: i saw him kissing a girl at applebees
Eddie: applebees? oh girl that was me... i guess i stole your man oppsie
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justjustbeth · 2 years
Stranger Things season 4 is like
Robin: this is my girlfriend Nancy, and her boyfriend Steve, and his boyfriend Eddie, and his girlfriend Chrissy
Will: this is my boyfriend Mike, and his girlfriend Jane, and her girlfriend Max, and her boyfriend Lucas
Jonathan, blazed out of his gourd: woah, how does that work
Argyle, Functional Stoner: it's called polyamory, brochacho
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