#nanotechnology examples
gccexchange · 2 years
What is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology: The branch of science and engineering that deals with designing, producing, and using structures, devices, and systems by altering atoms and molecules at the nanoscale is referred to as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is used in various industries for technological advancements. For example, it is currently used in the information and communications sectors, food industry, energy…
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pecanwriter · 1 year
Big Boy Mode: Activated
Themes: rapid weight gain, humiliation kink, technology-induced weight gain (so like, magic weight gain but for sci fi nerds I guess)
Words: 2947
Part: 1/?
"Hello, sir, would you like to hear about our newest product, the most revolutionary nanotechnology to date?"
Elliott really wasn't one to ever let some marketing lackey torment him with semi-logical babble about something he didn't even want to buy. But he was a technology whore, and just the mere mention of nanotechnology had him nearly salivating at the mouth.
He smiled at the promoter, stepping closer and trying to look at all the flashing screens at once. 
"Introducing SimNano or Simulator Nano. This revolutionary technology is the newest hit in terms of body augmentation and we're making record sales all around the globe."
The promoter pulled something from his pad to one of the screens. 
"The way this works, we inject nanobots into your body and connect their signature to your personalised control panel as well as a wristband, the wristband sold separately." 
He watched as on the screen a scrawny shirtless man selected a holographic projection of his body and added 50% more muscle to the model. He clicked "Active Mode" at the bottom of the screen and for a moment his entire body rippled in an unfamiliar way until he stood there completely buffed out, Captain America style.
Elliott blinked. He looked from the freshly buffed-out man to the promoter.
"How does that work?"
"The nanobots we inject into the client's system are capable of replication and imitation of any human tissue. However, they are only capable of growing, not shrinking, it's not a diet pill as many would hope so." The promoter laughed at his own poor joke.
Elliot chuckled obligingly but the phrase "they are only capable of growing" was bouncing around in his head trying to make him hard. 
"Is there a limit to what they can imitate? For example, if someone was missing a leg…?" He chose his words carefully, hoping the man would fall for his set-up and tell him exactly what he wanted.
The man's gaze flickered down to Elliot's leg and although Elliot had no such thing, he let the man assume he had a prosthetic. It was an unassuming lie, didn't hurt anyone, it was just better than even a sliver of the truth.
"Oh, they're absolutely capable of replicating a leg. As I said, they can imitate any human tissue, muscles, nerves, fat, even bones…"
When he said the f-word Elliot's cock jerked awake and he had to cover his crotch with the shopping bag he was holding.
"And are the changes permanent…?"
"No, that's not how it works, It's imitating and replicating the tissue in Active Mode, but as soon as it's Deactivated everything goes back to normal."
Elliot's cock was throbbing as he fought to maintain perfectly normal eye contact with the promoter.
"And while it's active, does it feel real or is it like a hologram or a model or…"
"Oh no, It feels absolutely real, that's why we are the leading company in…"
He prattled on but Elliot didn't listen, all he could think of was the phrase "it's only capable of growing" as his cock throbbed.
"How much is it?"
It was bloody expensive, as it turned out. Elliott put a sizable dent in the savings he was putting away to get a mortgage on a single-bedroom flat. But somehow, all he felt was excitement, there was no shame or regret to be found anywhere.
After he made his purchases he had to go to their branch store and get injected with nanobots. The syringe wasn't that big and he wondered if it would be enough firepower for what he had in mind. They scanned his body thoroughly to put the model into his pad and wristband and connect the nanobots to it. As a trial, the shopping clerk showed him how to give himself impressive biceps and everyone present at the shop oohed and awed at the result. 
The promoter was right, it felt absolutely real. The rippling Sensation Elliott saw in the video felt only like a slight cold tingling under his skin and then within seconds the impressive biceps appeared.
He deactivated his SimNano, thanked the clerk and left, struggling to walk straight with his dick pressing hard against his trousers.
When he came home he almost immediately tore off his shirt. He brought out the control panel on the band with shaking hands and clicked on the scrawny little model of himself. He moved his finger around, highlighting his midriff and ass. He clicked "expand" and then in the tissue subcategory he clicked "fat" instead of the pre-selected "muscle". You could put the desired amounts in body percentages or in units of measurement. He clicked on lbs, the most precise one, and tapped in 20(9kg). Then after a moment's hesitation, he erased it and clicked 40lb(18kg) instead.
With shaking fingers he clicked "Active Mode" and his skin began to tingle with the cold sensation. Seconds later Elliott was staring down at a round, fat gut and he could feel his boxers strain mercilessly against his expanded ass. 
He put the pad away gently and grabbed the ball of flab at his front. He was never this fat in his life, but it felt real enough, from what he could guess. He lifted the stomach and let it drop, watching it jiggle and wobble. A moan escaped him. He couldn't believe this was happening. 
Before even getting a look in the mirror Elliott fell to the couch, frantically gnawing his flesh with one hand and stroking his cock with the other. He never came this hard in his entire life. 
He finally managed to pull himself up into standing, revelling in how his gut was suddenly in the way and looked in the mirror. 
He laughed, the effect was ridiculous. Although his belly and ass looked fantastic and absolutely realistic, it looked ludicrous on his scrawny body which remained unchanged.
Elliott deactivated the band and reset the model. After a moment’s hesitation, he selected his entire body “Increase by 100% body mass” and selected “fat” in the tissue category. He considered carefully and finally decided to increase his ass and gut separately on top of increasing the fat equally around his entire body. 
Elliott’s finger hovered over the band, but before clicking the Activate button he checked the measurement box again and changed 100% to 200lb. Again, before clicking it, he wavered and finally ended up changing it to 300lb(136kg) with sweaty fingers. Adding 300lb to his meagre 132lb(60kg) would put him at a glorious 432lb(195kg), a fulfilment of a fantasy Elliott had since before he was even consciously aware of it. 
Eliott pressed the Activate button.
He was still standing in front of the mirror and he let out a gasp as the nanobots went to work, making his entire body shiver with the unfamiliar coldness, the feeling much more overwhelming with tasking them to simulate 300lb instead of a measly 40 he attempted at first. 
Elliott watched with intense, nearly blinding fascination as his body rippled slightly and moments later exploded into folds and bulges and rolls, becoming an unrecognisable mountain of flesh. He stared at the enormous gut, too heavy to be completely round as it hung in front of him almost like a massive, engorged flesh apron. His face was unrecognisable, swallowed by an enormous double chin and chubby cheeks, melting into the fat around his neck seamlessly. The man in the mirror couldn’t be him, could he? It was too good to be real… The fat man lifted his arm as Elliott lifted his, only his arm never had an enormous wing of fat hanging off it and jiggling as he moved. When Elliott moved his normal arm it didn’t send his entire massive body into wobbles, but the man in the mirror sure wobbled like an impressive jello dessert. 
Elliott grabbed his gut, an enormous, almost all-encompassing mound of flesh hanging in front of him. He grabbed it, lifted it as much as he could and dropped it. The way the flesh shook and jiggled forced a moan out of him. Already half-hard again, he inched closer to the mirror. Elliott could barely move under the unknown sensation of this immense bulk and he almost stumbled into his mirror, nearly crushing it. Just the half step made his heart race with excursion and his lungs begged for air. 
This SimNano thing was worth every penny, in fact, Elliott thought they were losing money. It was too good to be real. 
He turned off Active Mode, in a few seconds staring back at this familiar skinny self with an impressive hard-on. 
Staring intently, eager to catch every little detail, he pressed Activate again. 
Watching his body explode with fat, filling out with blubber in mere seconds and leaving him unrecognisable was so impossibly erotic that he climaxed just from turning the SimNano off and on again, watching himself gain hundreds of pounds in seconds. 
After he managed to somehow climax three times within the span of an hour he decided it was enough for one day, he was starting to feel light-headed. 
He tapped Deactivate. 
Nothing happened. 
He tapped it again. Still, nothing.
He stared at the band, but it appeared to be frozen. Frantically, he started waddling unsteadily to his backpack where the main SimNano pad was. Walking across the room to his bag while suddenly 300lb heavier was incredibly difficult and equally, if not more, arousing. His giant thighs were rubbing against each other, he could feel he was hitting his enormous apron of a gut with each clumsy step… The enormous behind he’d given himself jiggled with every step and so did his soft, blubbery tits. 
When he finally made it to his back and retrieved his pad Elliott was nearly ready to collapse with how out of breath he was. 
The pad was as frozen as the band was. 
“Fuck.” He whispered, looking into the mirror across the room. He was enormous, there was no way he could leave the house like this and he had a night shift at the bar today. 
It was 5 p.m., and he had work at 8, so technically, he still had time. He could just… Indulge for a while while waiting for the SimNano to unfreeze. 
Elliott laboriously waddled to the bedroom. He had a few pieces of massive clothing he sometimes wore while stuffing it with pillows and pretending he was huge. He pulled on a pair of tracksuit trousers. They could barely encompass his enormous ass. Even the biggest of his secret fetish shirts was snug on him now and his monstrous gut was happily hanging out at the bottom. 
The flat needed tidying up and he also had to cook to have something to eat after his shift when he would undoubtedly be too tired to do anything. 
He began busying himself around the house, every little chore making him hornier than the last one. Everything was a thrill, trying to wipe dust off the higher shelves and feeling how his enormous gut was hanging further and further out of his shirt, trying to wash dishes and finding that he could barely reach into the sink with the enormous mound of blubber in the front of him. When he went to clean the plastic shower door, something that he meant to do all week, he nearly got stuck in the narrow space and instead of trying to find the best angle to free himself he rubbed against the shower wall, making himself cum just with the friction against his fat body. He would’ve jerked himself off if the was any hope of reaching his penis under all that flesh, which there absolutely wasn’t.
With all the chores completed and with food prepped for later, Elliott went to check on the pad. It was still frozen. It was 7.20 pm.
He called in sick and trying not to freak out about it just yet he repositioned the mirror closer to the couch where he planted his enormous ass and began rubbing his flesh. 
There was no need to freak out, he was sure the NanoSim would reset overnight. 
Elliott woke up still on the couch and still as enormous as when he drifted off, exhausted by the almost constant sexual tension of the previous day. 
He tapped the band. Frozen. The pad proved to be in a similar state. 
Elliott tried calling the NanoSim Technical Support but they told him that there was nothing they could do remotely because there were health hazards involved, so he would have to come to one of their stores to get it reset. 
Which meant… Going outside as a 432lb man. 
Elliott ate his modest breakfast of a skinny man and wondered how it would look to an outsider, a guy who was nearly half-tone of blubber eating a modest portion of oatmeal. 
Before leaving the house he pulled on a beanie and didn’t shave his unimpressive stubble. There was no way anyone would recognise him, but he still didn’t want to risk it. 
His heart was pounding so hard that it was all he could hear as Elliott stepped out into the hallway. 
Usually, Elliott just took the stairs from the second floor he lived on, but there was no way he was going to take the stairs today, he could barely move with all that unfamiliar weight on him, his waddle almost a caricature of itself. 
There was a lady in the lift and when the doors opened she frantically looked between Elliott and the lift control panel informing all the passengers that the weight limit was 500lb. She was slim, but there was no way she was less than 100lb. 
“You go on” Elliott smiled at her and she pressed the button to close the door almost frantically. 
He wasn’t sure if he actually WAS 432lb or if the nanobots just made it appear so to him, but he wasn’t going to risk it. 
There was an Uber waiting for him, but Elliott had to cancel the ride when it turned out that he couldn’t fit in the car. 
With his dick painfully hard and trapped between mounds of flesh he selected a different ride, making sure it was big enough to accommodate for a massive hog like him. He barely fit and his gut filled his lap completely. The driver was visibly disgusted and Elliott’s already painfully hard dick throbbed under his apron belly. 
Waddling and puffing his way through the shopping centre to the SimNano store was the most humiliating and gratifying experience of his life. Everyone, without exception, stared at the giant man barely waddling his way through the halls, his too-small shirt riding up his enormous gut and his face flushed with the effort of putting all that blubber into motion. 
When he finally made it to the store he was heaving, his breath rasping and his entire body sticky with sweat. 
The only person in the store was the clerk, a teak-skinned man with a mop of black curls and bright, quick eyes. He was very much Elliott’s type and the fact that he had to talk to a handsome guy while his enormous gut hung out of his shirt and he was so out of breath was arousing beyond all reason. 
“Hello, I’m Omar, how can I help you?” 
“Hi, I… uff.. Sorry… I have a problem with my SimNano, the program froze last night and it’s still frozen.” He handed the man his pad, still trying to catch his breath. 
“Let’s see here…” Omar took his pad from him and when he saw the program the SimNano was frozen on he slowly looked back up at Elliott, his lips stretching into a mischievous grin. Elliott felt like his entire face was on fire. Somehow it didn’t dawn on him that the clerk would see the program he was running. If he could, he’d bolt it out of the store in embarrassment, but he couldn’t, not when he was this massive. 
“Let me just do some troubleshooting here.” Omar said, his smirk still on his face as he plugged the device into a PC and started clicking. 
“Alright,” he said a few minutes later. “It looks like I got it, but let me just check…” 
Elliott watched with growing terror as Omar proceeded to add another 50lb(22kg) to his program and activating it. Elliott staggered back, feeling his gut hanging marginally lower, the waistband of his tracksuit digging just that much deeper into his blubber. 
“Just to double check, better to be sure.” Omar said, adding another 50 on top of that. 
Elliott had to grab onto the counter as the enormous weight started to threaten to topple him to the ground. He was heaving just from the sheer effort of standing up.
Omar’s cheeky grin was turning downright mischievous. 
“I think it’s working now.” the clerk said, bringing the program down to its original +300lb setting. 
“T-thank you…” Elliott panted, taking his pad back and thanking all the Gods that his gut hid his erection. 
As he was waddling back to the entrance Omar’s voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Ey, fat boy.” 
That nickname alone nearly made Elliott give an ungainly moan, right there in the middle of the shopping centre.
“Y-yes?” “Give me your number, I write NanoSim codes in my spare time and big improvement to the overall experience. I mean…. Huge improvements.” 
Omar’s grin was pure evil and Elliott was sure his own was no better as he gave the handsome man his number.
This was going to be fun. 
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thescribblings · 6 months
LONG POST AHEAD! Lots of text and no drawings after the cut!
So, I've been procrastinating this post for a while because i don't have any art explaining his new arm except this one, and i wanted it to be pretty similar to, or even better than the first prosthetic post, but i don't think i can do anything more than an infodump today, lmfao sorry
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But here it is! In all of its glowy/floaty glory!
Some facts and features about his arm under the cut
So, I'll just copy and paste what i wrote in my notes, since my brain is complete mush lately
The notes are unfinished and in no specific order, but i figured it might be interesting if you think my au is fun ,^,
His arm! Made of a mix of carbon fiber and whatever the fuck the metal future donnie invented is
-the metal parts of the arm are matte, for style, obviously
*The nails are made of a type of nanotech so he can customize everything about them, with some limits due to there being limited nanotech stored in the hand itself.
- he can have claws, short nails, stilettos, talons, or even a mix of them. He knows a thing or two about programming nanotechnology due to his other prosthetic, so he can customize it on his own eithout issue. And yes, he does
paint the nails on it, as well.
*Some form of electromagnetism keeps his hand and forearm attached, without it they'd just fall to the ground. Some things it can do with this feature involves;
-see how his sword is situated on his back? He couldn't possibly get it off without bending over backwards, it's too long, right? Actually, he can grab the handle with his prosthetic and then detach the hand from the forearm, this will let him independently control the hand, which lets him pull the sword out of its scabbard no problem
-the limbs can move independently, the only limit being his ability to focus enough to smoothly control the individual pieces. This lets him easily take his sword out of its scabbard with the hand while simultaneously blocking a hit with the forearm, for example
-since the hand is the only part that doesn't glow, it's much stealthier, so he can surprise attack opponents from behind, even when he's standing right in front of them
-are the parts sentient? Do they have independent will? He doesn't fuckin know, and neither does Donnie. He discovered that they can move independently on a whim and decided that it's best not to question it. He's totally not extremely cocky about having potentially created artificial intelligence on accident -Stickbug
*The individual pieces of the arm can hover, letting him do things like what is shown in the illustration
*Nanotech is stored in the individual pieces
-if something were to, say, slash his prosthetic forearm and leave a gash, the nanotech would mend it immediately, letting him keep fighting unaffected until he can properly fix the damage
-if something were to slice the entire forearm in two, the electromagnetism would pull the pieces together while the nanotech seals the gash, making the forearm good as new
*What is it powered by?
-i didn't mention this in the thigh prosthetic post, but his thigh isn't actually powered by anything, it doesn't need more than the guidance of his muscles to function
-the electromagnetism in the arm is powered by his ninpo, it lets him turn it on and off on a whim, and it gives him a more natural sense of control when he operates it
-his ninpo powers the electromagnetism, but what powers the rest of the arm? Trick question, it's the electromagnetism! It triggers mechanisms in the individual pieces that powers all the mechanical features, such as the nanotech, fingers, and a coupleo nes on brand with it being genius built:tm:
-since the arm is technically powered by, and connected to his ninpo, he can teleport it much like his nagamaki!
*since it's powered by his ninpo, if his ninpo gets spazzy he cannot use the arm. If he were to try to use the arm when his ninpo is spazzy, a lot of things might happen
-first things first, why would his ninpo be spazzy? It's a side effect of his body effectively sustaining itself with his ninpo for over a decade. It made up for lost sleep, lack of food and water, and everything you might need to, y'know, live. This quickly drained his ninpo until it was little more than a spark, and anytime that spark flickered out from him overworking himself, he'd crash and pass out for the next day and a half. He didn't actually know this was going on until he popped up in the present and everything just kinda started making sense
-it could switch on and off sporadically, causing it to fall to the floor and snap back into place at random
-the hand and forearm might suddenly shoot off in a random direction, which is hilarious, but also dangerous
-he would have basically no control over the arm, leading to jagged movement and randomly activating different features
-it might randomly teleport to or from him, depending on how he feels
*at first glance the previous point might seem like bad design choices, but it's actually a necessary feature! Since he tends to overdo it pretty often it's important that he can't use his prosthetic when his ninpo is spazzy
-his ninpo only gets spazzy if something triggers it, it's kinda like it switches between rest and survival mode, this gets triggered if he's overused his ninpo and it got too close to when he relied on it for survival
-the only way to fix his spazzy ninpo is, well, rest. A lot of napping. Which is why it's so important that he literally can't use his prosthetic when he needs rest
*It can teleport?
-why yes, it can! Being able to telepoort the pieces to and from himself gives him a huge advantge in battle. Since you can't disarm him! Pun intended
*it's a very silent piece of tech, which is ideal for his fighting style. the only part that makes the typical 'tech prosthetic' sounds is the fingers, as they are connected with joints instead of electromagnetism
*the flexible parts
-the main part covers the delt/ shoulder of his residual limb and wraps around his neck for a snug, comfortable fit.
-there's a sliver of it cutting the metal of the palm in half right between his fingers, giving it more mobility. (Try gently bending your own palm, it's surprisingly flexy)
-there's a small sliver at the 'wrist' of it, since it wouldn'tbe able to bend properly if there wasn't something leting that part of the hand bend, as well
-the flexible parts in the hand is yellow, while the piece covering his shoulder is green, adorned with his iconic shoulder stripe, in yellow, of course
-the green and yellow aren't a perfect colour match, they're a bit more saturated than his skin and markings, but it's not very noticable at first sight, so if he wears a hoodie over the arm his hand could be mistaken for a real hand, letting him hide it in public, to avoid stares
*The hand
-it has a softer, kinda rubbery material covering his palm and the length of the fingers that lets him tell different textures apart better, even if just by sound. It's a lighter, more desaturated green than the hand, even lighter thann his skin
-the soft material is not smooth, but rather textured, not bumpy, per se, just somewhat rough. Maybe a bit sandpaper-y
-the textured material gives him better grip, especially in battle, since it wouldn't exactly be ideal for a sword that is 5'7 long to suddenly fly across the battlefield. As funny as it would be, lol
-it also lets him control his grip strength better, so he doesn't accidentally crush someone's hand, or whatever object he was holding
*There's a good chance you might find him walking around with just the shoulder/bicep piece, since he can teleport the other pieces to himself at will, and it's less draining when he leaves them somewhere, off
Have nice day :]
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elbiotipo · 1 year
There's this tendency in some science fiction to go all retro or put stops in some technology, ironic for such a genre. Even myself am guilty of it with Campoestela (different for the Biopunks). It's because the future is coming too fast and it's tiring to keep up. It really is.
Science Fiction, at its core is about "stories where science and technology change human life", at least, that's the definition I treat it with. The thing is, there's so many technologies changing us, so fast, that it's just impossible to keep up. In the 50s, you could keep up, for example, with space rockets and atomics. You could imagine a future where things were mostly the same, except with rockets and nuclear stuff. In 2023, you have to imagine rockets, AIs, climate change, biotechnology, nanotechnology, demographic and social crisis... I mean, you had to consider that in the 50s, too. But the pace of technologic advancement is so fast right now, that you just can't keep up. To create a world that it's just "like today, but with X", doesn't make sense anymore.
And then you just want adventure. You just want the space adventure thing, and fucking Mars and Venus suck, so you have to go to other stars to get your fix, and you don't care how. You want A Guy to go to strange new worlds and meet aliens and have moral dilemmas about it, without caring too much, if at all, about the technology to do so, and how it changes society. And that's not longer, in a way science fiction. You might as well give him magical sailboats that go through the aether (I have, in a couple projects, done just that). You might as well explain it with magic.
But that's not who I am. I despise the "it's magic lmao" shortcut.
I am here, calculating the delta-V and the space infrastructure necesary so that A Guy can be a space trucker. It's fun to me. To build a world, fantastic, but wholly coherent.
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scifigeneration · 11 months
An X-Files expert on the show’s enduring appeal – 30 years on
by Bethan Jones, Research Associate at the University of York
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On September 10 1993 the pilot episode of The X-Files aired. Thirty years later to the day, I was at a convention centre in Minneapolis with 500 other fans and the show’s creator, Chris Carter, celebrating its legacy.
Ostensibly a show about aliens, The X-Files swiftly became part of the cultural lexicon and remains there to this day. In part its success was down to the chemistry of its two leads – David Duchovny, who played FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder and Gillian Anderson, who played FBI Special Agent Dana Scully. After all, it was the X-Files fandom that invented the term “shipping” (rooting for characters to get together romantically).
But, as I argue in my new book, The Truth Is Still Out There: Thirty Years of The X-Files, what really made the series successful was its ability to tap into contemporary cultural moments and ask us to really think about the times we’re living in.
When the series began in 1993, the US was still grappling with the effects of Watergate and the Vietnam war, but concerns were also rising about the approaching millennium and the economic and cultural divisions within US society. It also coincided with Bill Clinton becoming president – marking the end of more than a decade of Republican leadership.
It’s little surprise that fears about immigration, globalisation, national identity and technology emerged and were adopted – and sometimes foreshadowed – by The X-Files’ writers. Several episodes throughout the first nine seasons dealt with artificial technology, for example, and Eve, an episode in season one about clones, came four years before the birth of Dolly the Sheep.
Critical theorist Douglas Kellner argued in 1994 that The X-Files “generated distrust toward established authority, representing institutions of government and the established order as highly flawed, even complicit in the worst crimes and evil imaginable”. Though I’d argue it was less that the show generated this distrust and more that it leveraged the growing number of reports about the government’s secretive activities to inspire its storylines.
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As the public became more aware of the government’s role in – and surveillance of – public life, so too The X-Files considered the ways in which technology could be used as a means of control.
In the season three episode Wetwired, for example, a device attached to a telephone pole emits signals that tap into people’s paranoid delusions and lead them to kill. And in the season six episode, SR 819, a character’s circulatory system fails because he has been infected with nanotechnology controlled by a remote device belonging to a shadow government.
These themes reflected growing concerns about government agencies using technology to both spy on and influence the public.
The X-Files’ enduring appeal
During my X-Files research, carried out with viewers after a revival was announced in 2015, it became clear that the show has remained part of the cultural lexicon. As one fan explained: “The cultural context of conspiracy theories has changed since the beginning of X-Files. Nowadays, every pseudoscience documentary uses similar soundtrack and narrative.”
Of course, the X-Files didn’t invent conspiracy theories, but as one of the show’s writers and producers, Jim Wong, points out, it did “tap into something that was more or less hidden in the beginning when we were doing it”.
The focus on the rise of the alt-right, disinformation and fake news in seasons 10 and 11 seemed like a logical angle from which to approach the changing cultural context the revival came into. Carter and his co-writers dove straight in to what Guardian critic Mark Lawson calls “a new era of governmental paranoia and public scepticism”, fuelled by the 2008 financial crisis, the fall out of the war on terror and scores of political scandals.
Season 10 saw the introduction of a right-wing internet talk show host who argues that 9/11 was a “false flag operation” and that the mainstream liberal media lie to Americans about life, liberty and the right to bear arms. The parallels to conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck were obvious.
Carter’s incorporation of topics like surveillance, governments’ misuse of power and methods of social control meant that seasons ten and 11 were very much situated in the contemporary moment. This is perhaps most obvious in the season 11 episode, The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat, which deals with the disinformation of the Trump era head on. The episode’s protagonist, Dr. They, tells Mulder that “no one can tell the difference anymore between what’s real and what’s fake”.
While The X-Files’ search for the truth in the 1990s may have ultimately been a philosophical endeavour, in the 21st century it is a commentary on how emotion and belief can be more influential than objective facts.
Watching the show again while researching my book, I was struck by how it was dated predominantly by its lack of technology, rather than the ideas it expresses. In the second season episode Ascension, Mulder pulls a phone book off a shelf in his search for Scully – now we’d use Google. But in other aspects the show remains as relevant today as it was in the 1990s, encouraging us to think about the big questions relating to faith, authority and truth.
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Published in May, but it's obvious many people have not read this.
Also preserved on our archive.
New comprehensive review provides strong evidence that masks and respirators effectively reduce the transmission of respiratory infections like COVID-19, based on analysis of over 400 studies from multiple disciplines.
A comprehensive new review published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews provides strong evidence that masks and respirators are effective in reducing the transmission of respiratory infections like COVID-19. The review, conducted by an international team of 13 researchers, analysed over 400 studies from multiple disciplines, including epidemiology, public health, engineering, and social sciences.
'Our review confirms that masks work, with a clear dose-response effect,' said lead author Professor Trisha Greenhalgh from the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford. 'The more consistently and correctly you wear a mask, the better protected you are. Respirators, when worn continuously, provide even greater protection than ordinary masks.'
Masks, including cloth face coverings and disposable medical masks, help reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and aerosols. Respirators, such as N95 and FFP2 devices, are designed to filter out smaller airborne particles and fit more tightly to the face, providing a higher level of protection.
The team's novel contributions include re-analyses of key clinical trials and observational studies, as well as a synthesis of evidence from fields ranging from fluid dynamics to anthropology. This comprehensive approach allowed the researchers to not only assess the effectiveness of masks under experimental conditions, but also to explore the real-world factors that influence their use and impact.
While the review found no serious harms from mask-wearing, it did identify some challenges, such as discomfort, communication difficulties – for hearing-impaired people for example – and environmental waste. However, the authors frame these as opportunities for further research and improvement rather than fundamental flaws.
'We need to see these challenges as a call to action,' said co-author Dr Amanda Kvalsvig, an epidemiologist based at the University of Otago, who is herself deaf. 'By investing in better design, more inclusive policies, and clearer communication, we can optimise masks for real-world use and ensure that everyone can benefit from this powerful public health tool.'
The review also highlights the importance of clear, consistent public health messaging to support mask use and combat misinformation. While mask mandates can be effective, the authors emphasise the need for context-specific assessments that consider cultural factors and public acceptability.
'Masks are not just a technical intervention, but also a social and cultural one,' said co-author Professor Deborah Lupton from the University of New South Wales. 'To be effective, mask policies need to be grounded in an understanding of people's beliefs, behaviours, and real-world constraints.'
Looking forward, the researchers call for further studies to improve and optimise mask design, explore new technologies like nanotechnology, and develop more sustainable and inclusive solutions. They also emphasise the need for ongoing public engagement to bring about more evidence-based and constructive conversations around masks.
'This review shows that masks are a valuable tool in our pandemic response toolkit,' said Professor Greenhalgh. 'By continuing to build the evidence base, innovate in design, and engage the public, we can harness the full potential of masks to protect public health now and in future respiratory pandemics.'
Read the full article at: Masks and respirators for prevention of respiratory infections: a state of the science review Clinical Microbiology Reviews DOI: 10.1128/cmr.00124-23
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chaos-in-one · 8 months
I find it funny when people talk about how a zombie apocalypse would look "more realistically" and completely forget that a decomposing body looses all muscle function in less than 2 days after death- even if somehow there was anything realistic that could make dead bodies get up and attack people, unless there was a way for it to functionally replace the nerves and muscles of the body (for example, very futuristic Nanotechnology) they wouldn't be functional zombies for very long, the apocalypse would be over in probably a handful of weeks.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
Mahoupunk - My Genre Proposal
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Last year I wrote this blog, where I proposed some missing "punkpunk" genres. Some of them were based on time periods like a lot of existing punkpunk genre are. But some of them were also based around the deconstruction of other genre - including three anime-typical genre. One of them being Mahoupunk. Basically: Magical girls, but make them punk!
For those not among the anime nerds, let me quickly explain magical girls to you, even though I will assume you do at the very least know Sailor Moon.
Magical Girl (Mahou Shojo) is a fairly common genre among anime and manga that center around young girls (usually between 10 and 16 years of age - though there are examples that are younger or older) transforming into magical forms through either a form of magic or a technology, that still is pretty much magic in the way it works. At times the girls are "chosen" in some way or form, at other times they chose themselves to become a magical girl.
Most magical girl anime/manga are targeted at young girls, usually primary school students - so girls in the age between 6 and 12 years. And most of the time the series do exist to mostly sell toys. For this reason the girls will usually have at least one transformation item, one item for attack, then another item for a group attack, and then some item for your everyday magic use.
However, given the genre is fairly old and is very popular (especially thanks to Sailor Moon), there have been a lot of deconstructions done. Most of them are just "Magical Girls, but instead of childlike innocence it is now dark and gritty and little girls will die". The most popular example of this should be Madoka Magica.
While Mahoupunk would be in a way a deconstruction of the Magical Girl genre, it would obviously be a punk deconstruction of it.
So, let me put up the definition of punk once again, alright?
[Punk ideology] is primarily concerned with concepts such as mutual aid, against selling out, hierarchy, white supremacy, authoritarianism, anti-consumerism, anti-corporatism, anti-war, imperialism, conservatism, anti-globalization, gentrification, anti-racism, anti-sexism, class and classism, gender equality, racial equality, eugenics, animal rights, free-thought and non-conformity
How do we connect this to magical girls?
Well, there are different possibilities, but in the end it is fairly easy: Either the magical girls use their powers (or are made use off) to hold up a suppressive system - or they use their powers to fight one. In either way, the powers might actually get some symbolical meaning to enforce the themes of the story.
One could argue that Stevenson's She-Ra remake could fall under this mantle, but an even more stern example is the anime, that I used the picture from: My-Otome.
Now, mind you, My-Otome is at least 50% fanservice. And with that I mean all sorts of fanservice. Oh boy. BUT... The worldbuilding in this anime is something I have never seen since.
Magical girls here (Otomes) work with nanotechnology, that allow the girls to transform - as long as their hymen is intact. And yes, the anime makes it very clear that this is about the hymen, because magical girls who gave out blowjobs or are in lesbian relationships can still transform. Eeeeerr, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the worldbuilding.
So, yeah, the magical girl stuff works via nanotechnology that somehow depends on hymens. Just roll with it. They are basically soldiers trained in a specialized school to fight with those "magical" powers - and the best Otomes will serve the kings and queens of this world, while the weaker Otomes will just be normal soldiers sold out to the different armies.
The anime starts out with the girls in school and just wanting to become Otomes, only to devolve into a war scenario in which the girls learn: "This world is fucked and something needs to be done about it."
It should be said: No, in the end the world order gets not overthrown quite as far as I would have liked it to be, but at least the idea is there.
And that? Well, that makes for a really interesting basis for a genre, right?
Technically you could mix this in with capepunk (aka superhero punk), given that magical girls are just a subgenre of superheroes. But it is just so rife for deconstruction. Doubly so, because one can use the fact that magical girls are girls or young women, allowing the writer to use it to shift around gender and sexuality.
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New, more biocompatible materials for bioelectronic applications
Bioelectronics is a field of research in which biology and electronics converge. In medicine, for example, an external electric current is used to cure or monitor diseases of the nervous system, and also to monitor biomarkers in situ. Devices made of conductive materials are used for these applications. The most widely used conductive polymer so far in energy and biomedical applications is PEDOT doped with PSS, known as PEDOT:PSS. Despite its exceptional properties, new conductive materials that can improve some of its limitations, such as biocompatibility, still need to be developed. A study conducted by CIC biomaGUNE's Biomolecular Nanotechnology group is proposing a mechanism for doping PEDOT using a robust engineered protein (PEDOT:Protein); the outcome is a hybrid material with ionic and electronic conductivity, which is quite similar to PEDOT:PSS in some cases. The paper is published in the journal Small.
Read more.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the critisism that Neomuna, and more specifically cloudstriders, feel "out of place", or the feeling some have that Lightfall has a whole has thematically defied their expecations in a bad way? (insert that comparison of the key art from the BL reveal vs the current key art here.)
Really hard to critique any aspect of it currently before we know more and play it.
A lot of stuff in Destiny can feel really odd and out of place without any context! I remember similar doubt and questions about Lucent Hive for example. For any serious critique, I'll have to see the expansion first, learn more about Neomuna and Cloud Striders and see if their story fits and has something valuable to add to the setting.
So far, I don't think they're out of place. The ECHO ships and surviving human colonies outside of Earth have been seeded almost 3 years ago and I've quite literally accurately predicted how that specific lore is tied to Neomuna. I think it's a pretty cool way to tie in an older open-ended storyline with something new that they need for an expansion.
A story about "survivors of the Collapse" is pretty much a given, as that's something that we've always wondered about in the setting. Could some humans have escaped? Could they have survived? What would've happened if they did and how would've they developed if the Collapse hadn't stopped us? Going there and examining that story can give us valuable information about our past (Golden Age and speculation on what we could've achieved if it continued) and our fall (the Collapse, how it happened, what exactly happened, how to prevent it a second time). On top of that, it's giving us super cool scifi concepts about neo-human civilisations and advanced development through nanotechnology.
And yeah, the original key art was really striking; no colours, grim, very evocative with imagery of a Pyramid eclipsing the Traveler. It was of course simply just a base for the expansion. It was a placeholder. I've seen a lot of people saying that Bungie "robbed" us of something; they did not. They cannot rob us of something that never existed. Concept art is a really long process with millions of ideas being thrown around, especially placeholder concept art.
For what it's worth, from what we know about Lightfall, the base idea for the expansion is still the same. We are very much in deep trouble, especially if we're correct in our predictions that the Traveler is about to run and if the trailer's footage of a massive battle in Earth's orbit is anything to go by. Neomuna itself is under massive siege by a new disciple and the Witness itself. There are new enemies and enemy threats that we haven't seen for a long time acting up again (the Vex).
Is the expansion much more colourful in comparison with a black and white placeholder image? Yeah. But that doesn't remove the danger the system is in. I'm not sure what people expected. Destiny is not a super edgy setting of only doom and gloom. It certainly has a basis of incredibly terrible stuff going on, but it never presents it without a balance. Even in the Red War and Forsaken, things were still colourful and beautiful and had a lot of different vibes packed together.
To me, a massive fleet of Pyramid ships descending on colourful Neomuna is an incredibly powerful image with a really visceral theme of how nobody can successfully escape the Darkness forever. You can buy yourself time, but ultimately it will find you. I think that's a pretty doom and gloom theme. I feel like the only reason people aren't seeing it is because the original was black and white, while the current is colourful.
My only proper concern is that they're introducing a whole new aspect to the setting this late. Introducing it itself is not the issue as much as that we're 2 expansions (including Lightfall) until the end. There's still a lot of stuff to go through and solve and deal with so I'm not sure how wise it is to introduce a whole new set of characters and a setting of this scale. Of course, as with the rest of the question, we can't really fully make a judgement on that before we play.
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darkmaga-retard · 27 days
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Aug 24, 2024
Nicotine destroys Nanotechnology in Dental Anesthetics
La Quinta Columna posted yesterday video footage mixing local anesthetics with a solution of tobacco. They showed disassembly of the microchips.
Here is the transcript:
“Nicotine extracted directly from a gram of tobacco with distilled water and added it to a sample of a dental anesthetic, local, for dental use, where that micro tech appears. First part 5cc of distilled water, 1 gram of tobacco. Place the mixture in the centre of the object holder. Dental anesthetic 30 days drying. Hundreds of micro tech bits can be observed at 100x magnification. Well, I’m going to make a little clarification for people who are asking what this is. Surely there is still a lot of research time left, even from the year 2021-2022 until now of La Quinta Columna. What we are seeing is an intracorporeal network of biosensors introduced in local anesthetics.“
My own observations in my clinical practice for the past 3 years is that Nicotine is excellent as an adjunct but does not prevent the self assembly nanotechnology, polymer filaments and does not improve symptoms in many patients. However, it clearly is helpful to many. My patients use Nicotine patches - or some smoke the old fashioned pipe because that is what they were doing for a long time - in addition to EDTA, Vitamin C, Methylene Blue and other supplements. Below are a few examples prior to using EDTA and other additional detoxification molecules. I recommend further studies to look at the clinical effects of clearing the technology from the blood. The microchips assemble and disassemble as we know from Dr. David Nixon’s studies under different conditions like WIFI exposure and Faraday cages, however once they disassemble, that does not mean their underlying program is gone. They can still come back. Dr. Young Mi Lee also showed that over long incubation periods the technology assembles and disassembles.
Below are a few live blood analysis cases of patients that have been using Nicotine.
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amplexadversary · 3 months
#If I was to do OC x Canon the only way I could do it would probably be vocal synth related #Because it's so broad it could be anything and characterization doesn't matter #Also because I want a little fansynth to run around with Meiko and Gumi and Miku and Yukari and FruityLoop
@spacedustpan I mean, if you aren't comfortable with doing center-stage OC romance, you can also start small and work your way up.
Usually people talking about OCxCanon are thinking of a prominent OC in a relationship with a main character that is the center focus of the story, but the term also applies to like, making up a love interest for a side character that doesn't have one.
In fact doing something as ... let's say "un-intrusive" as introducing a new character, who a main character would be affected by, through a relationship with a minor character could potentially be used to build some confidence in one's fictional matchmaking prowess.
For example, maybe I want to give Saette from G Gundam a love interest, but make the character interesting to people invested in the main characters.
I might introduce Anjali - a nanotechnology researcher from Neo India (I'm doing this off the cuff and matching a last name to a first name requires a little more care and research there).
Rain has an opportunity to catch up with Saette on the last day of an academic conference, and he introduces Anjali, who he met on the first day of the conference. Conversation reveals that Anjali has submitted a research paper on DG cell research very similar to the research Rain has been conducting, and in fact submitted her paper for publishing about a week before Rain did.
Now, Rain's father, Dr. Mikamura's issues with academic jealousy were key to the plot; we also see that Rain struggles (a LOT) with romantic jealousy (see: how she interacts with Allenby). It's not a huge reach to think that Rain's attitude about academics was influenced by her father, and the fact that she deals with similar feelings in another situation could become interesting.
So we introduce an ethical dilemma. Both research papers are currently in review. Rain knows that Anjali published her paper before meeting Saette. Rain also knows that Saette had been previously infected with DG cells, the subject of both womens' research. Finally, Rain is also aware that if Anjali's paper gets approved for publishing, Anjali will receive the credit for the findings of both papers.
Rain realizes that she could raise a concern about conflict of interest in Anjali's paper - a concern made in bad faith given the knowledge Rain possesses. If Rain claims that Saette and Anjali were together when Anjali was performing her research, and that Saette had input, she could invalidate Anjali's study - or at least force her to prove that her methods were unbiased, potentially buying the time for Rain's paper to pass review while Anjali makes clarifications.
Rain is, here, in a very similar position to her father at the beginning of G Gundam. She has the opportunity to utterly betray someone close to her (Seatte, through betraying his new paramour), in order to secure academic prestige. Doing so could backfire and bring increased scrutiny on Rain's own research, given that she was also infected with DG cells previously, but if Rain does nothing, in all likelihood Anjali's paper will pass review first. Rain not only has to wrestle with the temptation her father faced, but also her own personal conflict; another woman picking up her ex *and* her academic prestige would likely drive her up the wall.
While Rain wrestles with the above, Anjali has discovered evidence that someone has adulterated her data*. She begins investigating, and discovers that the state of the DG cells she has been studying had had additional malicious functions inserted into their code, replacing what had "evolved" naturally over the course of her study!
With her data compromised, Anjali turns to the questions of who, and why. Her side of the story is mainly investigative with a contrasting viewpoint on her now-almost-certain loss of the publishing race to Rain. Anjali is devastated, but avoidant; she compartmentalizes, and focuses on a problem she thinks she can solve, rather than mitigating the consequences of the one that is already a lost cause.
Anjali, with some help from Saette (who is very much the sidekick in this endeavor) eventually tracks down the saboteur, a former upperclassman of hers who meddled with her study at the behest of a large medical implant company; in exchange for generously funding a business run by the researcher's wife, he slipped strategically altered DG cells into Anjali's cultures, and then used a spoofed user account to falsify data collection timestamps and ensure that the code from the added cells believably overwrote the original cultures.
The implant company that paid the saboteur is multinational. Knowing this, Anjali gets Rain's contact information from Seatte to warn her of potential meddling in her research. At this point Rain has typed up her conflict of interest accusation, but not sent it. She has worked through some shit, however, and has resolutely decided to not harass Anjali. She is surprised to get an email from the other researcher though.
Anjali, having reached the end of her investigation, now faces the now pressing reality of having to retract her paper. She cannot think of an excuse that she wouldn't be mortified to give, and out of hope for an out, or even some sympathy, asks Rain if she intends to retract her paper, and if so, what reasoning she plans to use to save face. Rain has found evidence of tampering to her side of things as well, but hasn't had the time yet to consider her next steps. When she sees this email from Anjali, Rain realizes that the excuse she had thought up to invalidate Anjali's research could actually work to invalidate *both* of theirs, with a little bit of alteration.
Both women write to the publishers reviewing their paper saying that they had discovered a potential issue with their samples of DG cells; both had obtained a sample from an individual personally known to them, and claim that that knowledge could have influenced their findings. Though it hadn't been invented with the best of intentions, Rain's excuse allows both of them to gracefully bow out of the upcoming publication in a way that makes them look upstanding rather than incompetent. The two decide that they are likely to have better results if they begin again with a joint study under harsher security than either of their own.
*I did think through the "how" of her discovering this, I just want to keep things from getting longer than they need to be, so that's going under the cut.
And ^^^that is a new OCxCanon ship created in about three and a half hours, with a break for dinner. With a bonus friend!ship as well, hopefully. Rain *really* needs some female friends and I'm not sure the Neo America Gals and Nastasha are enough.
I uhhh... expected this to be a lot shorter and to the point. I intentionally made this to highlight my point, and it kind of spun into being a little long. I hope this proves its own point in that there's a lot that can be done here even if the initial idea is just "let's make some OCs to smooch a hot character."
Anjali's desktop computer in her lab experiences a failure that forces her to use system restore to get it back into a workable state; fortunately, she is careful enough to routinely back up her work to a server in the lab, so she should be able to simply copy her computer, in the state it was in a few days after she submitted her paper for review. Before that though, she has to get the desktop running in a stable state and figure out what went wrong, so that it doesn't simply break again.
Several of the most recent restore points on the desktop are unsuccessful in getting the computer working. Anjali scrolls all the way to the oldest restore point on the list, resolving to simply replace the computer if she can't get it working. The oldest restore point, made about four months before the present, works. Anjali goes through and one by one, opens, tests, and closes all of the programs she regularly uses, and notices an incongruity between the data and her memory when she opens the virtual machine she was using to examine her DG cell samples. She checks the backup on the lab server using a different computer, and discovers after several steps that someone has granted researcher privileges to an undergrad who had lost their bag (complete with their ID and un-sanitized login information), and modified the code of the DG samples themselves, passing it off as the cells own "self-evolution!"
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wildcat2030 · 1 year
The origins of nanotechnology predate Bawendi, Brus and Ekimov’s work on quantum dots – the physicist Richard Feynman speculated on what could be possible through nanoscale engineering as early as 1959, and engineers like Erik Drexler were speculating about the possibilities of atomically precise manufacturing in the the 1980s. However, this year’s trio of Nobel laureates were part of the earliest wave of modern nanotechnology where researchers began putting breakthroughs in material science to practical use. Quantum dots brilliantly fluoresce: They absorb one color of light and reemit it nearly instantaneously as another color. A vial of quantum dots, when illuminated with broad spectrum light, shines with a single vivid color. What makes them special, though, is that their color is determined by how large or small they are. Make them small and you get an intense blue. Make them larger, though still nanoscale, and the color shifts to red.
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laminates-101 · 1 year
Elevate Your Interior Design with Formica Fenix
Welcome to the forefront of interior design and innovation! Here at our blog, we are thrilled to introduce you to the captivating realm of Formica Fenix - a groundbreaking material that has redefined the very concept of interior surfaces. In this comprehensive guide, we invite you to delve into the multitude of benefits, versatile applications, and unmatched features that make Formica Fenix the ultimate choice for transforming your living spaces.
Formica Fenix: Where Style Meets Performance
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Formica Fenix is more than just a surface; it's an artful masterpiece that seamlessly merges aesthetics and functionality. Crafted through advanced nanotechnology, Formica Fenix showcases an exquisite fusion of thermally healing attributes, resistance against fingerprints, and an irresistibly soft touch. This exceptional material transcends conventional limits, offering a surface that is not only visually captivating but also remarkably enduring.
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Imagine a surface capable of self-restoration against everyday wear and tear. Formica Fenix turns this vision into reality with its innovative thermal healing technology. Minor micro-scratches and scuffs gracefully vanish upon the application of heat, preserving the immaculate appearance of your surfaces over time.
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Bid adieu to unsightly fingerprints and smudges on your surfaces. Formica Fenix boasts an anti-fingerprint layer that ensures your surfaces remain immaculate and devoid of unwanted marks, even in high-traffic environments.
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Versatility defines Formica Fenix, rendering it ideal for a vast array of applications. Whether you're crafting a modern kitchen, a chic office setting, or an opulent retail space, Formica Fenix delivers unrivaled performance and elegance. Let's explore a few examples of how Formica Fenix can utterly transform your spaces:
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aikoiya · 2 years
SU HC - Crossover Ideas
I dunno why exactly, but I just like the idea of the Gems not knowing everything.
Like, I dunno. I guess that I feel it's a bit lazy to just make the Gems have the tech to cross universes or fight spirits/ghosts when I don't think that it's been mentioned that they did.
In fact, doesn't Garnet outright say that ghosts aren't real or something like that? I can't remember.
It's much more fun to see them blindsided by things that they don't understand like in the Uncle Grandpa episode.
Like, each civilization progresses in different ways. So, they specialize in different things.
Gems, I feel, wouldn't really have much need to cross universes unless they'd already conquered the entire universe.
So, if your story needs to get the characters to a new universe, I'd like to see the writers get creative as to how.
Like, maybe it's because of something in the other universe.
Also, I've always seen Gems as being an example of technology so advanced that it's almost indistinguishable from magic.
From my perspective, they are sort of like ai with their gems being the supercomputer that generates hard light to form a body that can interact with the world & uses extremely advanced nanotechnology to accomplish everything they can do powerwize.
In this way, they don't really have magic. Not actual magic anyway. It's just that 'magic' is a simpler way to say it.
So, this would make them interacting with actual magic very interesting because they are an innately science-based species.
It's definitely worth examination especially when interacting with things that should be myth & legend.
Not to mention, they don't really experience death, so things of a spiritual or spectral nature should be very odd & even foreign to them.
Keep in mind that the Crystal Gems didn't really interact much with humans on the reg & after the war, there were only 4-5 of them at most. 2 of which mostly counting as one considering they were usually fused.
So, even though they were very old, it's very very possible that they missed a lot or even ignored things of a non-scientific nature. Thinking it all odd organic storytelling & fantasticalism.
Either way, it feels silly & kinda narrow-minded to chaulk everything strange up to Gems or Gemtech.
Interesting though, would be the Gems actually thinking that it is because that's been their experience, only to learn later that it isn't & having difficulty processing this fact.
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tinyshe · 2 years
Abp. Viganò: The COVID pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for the New World Order
'There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.'
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Tue Nov 22, 2022 - 3:28 pm EST   
Listen to this article    0:00 / 11:13  BeyondWords
Editor’s note: Below is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International).
Dear and distinguished friends,
Allow me first of all to thank Doctor Stephen Frost for the invitation he has extended to me to speak to you. Along with Doctor Frost I also thank all of you: your commitment to fighting the psychopandemic propaganda is commendable. I am well aware of the difficulties you have had to face in order to remain consistent with your principles, and I hope that the damage you have suffered can be adequately repaired by those who have discriminated against you, depriving you of work and salary and labeling you as dangerous no-vaxxers.
I am pleased to be able to speak and share with you my thoughts about the current global crisis. A crisis that we can consider to have begun with the pandemic emergency, but that we know has been planned for decades with very specific purposes by well-known personalities. Stopping at the pandemic alone would in fact be a serious mistake, because it would not allow us to consider the events in their full coherence and inter-connectedness, thus preventing us from understanding them and above all from identifying the criminal intentions behind them. You too – each with your own expertise in the medical, scientific, legal or other fields – will agree with me that limiting yourselves to your own discipline, which in some cases is extremely specific, does not fully explain the rationale for certain choices that have been made by governments, international bodies, and pharmaceutical agencies. For example, finding “graphene-like” material in the blood of people who have been inoculated with experimental serums makes no sense for a virologist, but it does made sense for an expert in nanomaterials and nanotechnology who understands what graphene can be used for. It also makes sense for an expert in medical patents, who immediately identifies the content of the invention and relates it to other similar patents. It also makes sense for an expert in war technologies who knows about studies on the enhanced man (a document of the British Ministry of Defense calls him “augmented man” in transhumanistic terms) and is therefore able to recognize in graphene nanostructures the technology that enables the augmentation of the war performance of military personnel. And a telemedicine expert will be able to recognize in those nanostructures the indispensable device that sends biomedical parameters to the patient control server and also receives certain signals from it.
Once again: the assessment of events from a medical point of view should take into account the legal implications of certain choices, such as the imposition of masks or, even worse, mass “vaccination,” made in violation of the fundamental rights of citizens. And I am sure that in the field of health governance the manipulations of the classification codes of diseases and therapies will also emerge, which have been designed to make the harmful effects of measures taken against COVID-19 untraceable, from placing people on respirators in intensive care to watchful waiting protocols, to say nothing of the scandalous violations of regulations by the European Commission which – as you know – has no delegation from the European Parliament in the field of Health, and that is not a public institution but rather a private business consortium.
Just in the past few days, at the G-20 Bali summit, Klaus Schwab instructed heads of government – almost all coming from the Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow program of the World Economic Forum – about the future steps to be taken in view of establishing a world government. The president of a very powerful private organization with enormous economic means exercises undue power over world governments, obtaining their obedience from political leaders who have no popular mandate to subject their nations to the delusions of power of the elite: this fact is of unprecedented gravity. Klaus Schwab said: “In the fourth industrial revolution the winners will take it all, so if you are a World Economic Forum first mover, you are the winners” (here). These very serious statements have two implications: the first is that “the winners will take it all” and will be “winners” – it is not clear in what capacity and with whose permission. The second is that those who do not adapt to this “fourth industrial revolution” will find themselves ousted and will lose – they will lose everything, including their freedom. In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the heads of government of the twenty most industrialized nations in the world to carry out the programmatic points of the Great Reset in their nations. This goes far beyond the pandemic: it is a global coup d’état, against which it is essential that people rise up and that the still healthy organs of states start an international juridical process. The threat is imminent and serious, since the World Economic Forum is capable of carrying out its subversive project and those who govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by this international mafia.
In light of these statements – and those of others no less delusional than Yuval Noah Harari, Schwab’s adviser – we understand how the pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for imposing controls, coercive measures, curtailing individual freedoms, and increasing unemployment and poverty. The next steps will have to be carried out by means of economic and energy crises, which are instrumental to the establishment of a synarchic government in the hands of the globalist elite.
And here, dear friends, allow me to speak as a bishop. Because in this series of events that we are witnessing and will continue to witness, your commitment could risk being thwarted or limited by the fact of not being able to see its essentially spiritual nature. I know that two centuries of Enlightenment thought, revolutions, atheistic materialism and anticlerical liberalism have accustomed us to thinking of Faith as a personal matter, or that there is not an objective Truth to which we all must conform. But this is the fruit of a propaedeutic indoctrination, one that happened long before what is happening today, and it would be foolish to believe that the anti-Christian ideology that drove the secret sects and Masonic groups of the eighteenth century had nothing to do with the anti-Christian ideology that today drives people like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates. The driving principles are the same: rebellion against God, hatred for the Church and humanity, and destructive fury aimed against Creation and especially against man because he is created in the image and likeness of God.
If you start from this evidence, you will understand that it is not possible to pretend that what is happening before our eyes is solely the result of profit-seeking or the desire for power. Certainly, the economic part cannot be disregarded, considering how many people have collaborated with the World Economic Forum. And yet, beyond profit, there are unstated purposes that stem from a “theological” vision – one that is turned upside-down, it’s true, but still theological – a vision that sees two opposing sides: the side of Christ and the side of the Antichrist.
There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle. On the other hand, how is it possible to recognize in your noble and high professions the admirable order that the Creator has placed in nature (from the constellations of stars to the particles of the atom) and then deny that man is also part of this order, with his moral sense, his laws, his culture, and his discoveries? How can man, who is God’s creature, presume to not be subject himself to eternal and perfect laws?
Our battle is not against creatures made of flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of evil that dwell in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).
On the one hand, there is the City of God – the one Saint Augustine writes about – and on the other hand there is the city of the devil. We can say that in this era the city of the devil is clearly identifiable in neo-Malthusian globalism, the New World Order, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and in all those so called “philanthropical foundations” that follow an ideology of death, disease, destruction, and tyranny. And also in those forces that have infiltrated the institutions, which we call the deep state and the deep church.
On the other front, we must recognize that the City of God is more difficult to identify. Even the religious authorities appear to have betrayed their role of giving guidance to the faithful, preferring to serve power and propagate their lies. The very people who ought to be protecting and sanctifying souls are scattering and scandalizing them, calling good Christians rigid fundamentalists. As you can see, the attack is on several fronts, and thus it is a mortal threat for humanity, striking at both the body and the soul.
And yet, precisely at a time when it is difficult to find authoritative points of reference – both in the religious sphere as well as the temporal one – we see an ever-increasing number of those who are understanding, opening their eyes, and recognizing the criminal mind behind the evolution of events. It is now clear that everything is linked together, without having to dismiss those who say so as “conspiracy theorists.” The conspiracy is already there: we are not inventing it, we are simply denouncing it, hoping that people wake up from this suicidal narcosis and demand that someone put an end to the global coup. The operations of social engineering and mass manipulation have demonstrated beyond any doubt that this crime was premeditated, and how it is consistent with a “spiritual” vision of the conflict that is now unfolding: it is necessary to take sides and fight, without giving in. The Truth – which is an attribute of God – cannot be cancelled by error, and Life cannot be defeated by death: remember that the Lord, who has said of Himself, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” has already defeated Satan, and what remains of the battle serves only to give us the opportunity to make the right choice, to choose to do those actions which place us under the banner of Christ, on the side of Good.
I trust that this great work you are undertaking will soon bear its expected fruits, putting an end to a time of trial in which we see how the world will become if we do not turn to Christ, if we continue to think that we can coexist with evil, lying, and self-worship. After all, the City of God is the model of those who live in God’s love, self-control, and contempt for the world; the city of the devil is the model of those who live in self-love, conforming to the world and despising God.
I thank you and bless you all.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
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