#nanotechnology meaning
gccexchange · 2 years
What is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology: The branch of science and engineering that deals with designing, producing, and using structures, devices, and systems by altering atoms and molecules at the nanoscale is referred to as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is used in various industries for technological advancements. For example, it is currently used in the information and communications sectors, food industry, energy…
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narrativeats · 6 months
tissue engineering is cool as hell im reading a paper on bio-inspired artifical synapses and it's insane
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salsdemise · 1 year
also of course Miguel’s back arch and waist are insane too
literally his waist is SNATCHED like. fingertips almost touching?? crazy. back arched ass out.
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bluebudgie · 1 year
sorry the gw2 blogging will soon resume as usual but i've been having a serious case of jrpg music all day and subsequently i've been feeling ill about this man again
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truly the incel of all time
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luveline · 11 months
maybe miguel with shy spider girl who never holds eye contact with him and he calls her to is office alone for info and she’s just a mess? idk 😭😭
“Miguel wants to see you.” 
You smile at Peter B. Parker. It is not a natural nor authentic smile. “Sorry,” you say, “what?” 
“Miguel, the big guy! He wants to see you. You reported that weird bubble on 265, right?” Peter’s chewing on gum obnoxiously, seemingly unwise to your panic. Mayday giggles in his arms. “He wants your opinion.” 
“I've never spoken to him.” 
Peter laughs jovially as Mayday climbs up his front and almost topples down the back of him. “He's a nice guy, you'll like him. Hey, you want some gum?” 
You take a stick of gum but don't chew it, the strip of Juicy Fruit powdering your fingers as you ride the elevator up to Miguel's laboratory. You barely know where it is, only that it's in a general direction of which you've never walked in. You haunt the dorms and the library rather than the workshops, content in your quiet life (as quiet as it can be, considering). Every step you take down the red lit hall to his lab is brimming with the want to turn back. 
There's a platform set on the floor decorated by computers. You can't tell what's holographic and what's physical, but Miguel O'Hara is undeniably solid. His shoulders alone look thick as a tree trunk where he stands in the midst of it all. 
You know it will be less painful to just… say hello. You put your Juicy Fruit in your pocket and clear your throat quietly. 
“Mr. O'Hara?” 
He waves his hand at you without looking. “Miguel is better. Come here.” 
You struggle up onto his raised laboratory. Would it have hurt to build a step? 
“Spider-Girl from earth 1421. Yes?” 
“Y/N,” you say. “Yeah, that's me.” 
He looks up at that, like your name is a curse word, or a surprise. You meet his eyes for as long as you're able to before your gaze crawls to his chest. 
“And you saw the distension on 265?” 
“Distension… um, you mean when the air looked like it was bubbling?” 
“What were you doing when it started? Just give me a run down.” 
You clasp your hands together tightly. You feel silly in your suit because somebody convinced you that it was okay to wear stuff on top, so now you're in this big silly hoodie while Miguel stands waiting in his officials. You'd always thought it was nanotechnology, but closer it seems more like a fabric with chameleon technology, or—
“What were you doing when it started?” he asks again, softer now. “You're not in trouble, I just need to get a sense of what happened.”  
“I know, I– we were there to– to–” You wince. “To capture an anomaly, Doc Ock 83.” Your hands start to tremble, you're so nervous. “But we had a hard time finding him, he wasn't doing much, and the– bubble started not long after getting there.” 
“Was it a precursor to anything? Did something significant happen after it began?” 
“Um–” You can't think. What happened? You'd been standing on the street between the last reported sighting of the anomaly with your small team. You're a competent bunch but you only ever get called in for the weak guys, and you weren't sure what to do when things got weird. “I'm sorry, I don't know.” You peek at him, worried he's going to snap at you. 
“Just take some time to think about it.” 
He smiles —Miguel smiles at you, a juxtaposition to every rumour you've ever heard about him— and takes a step toward you, gesturing at your hoodie. You freeze up, worse when his fingertips point at the hem of it. 
“Do you have your drone?” 
You flush a hundred degrees hot and pull your hoodie up your chest to click the panel of your drone where it dents over your heart. It breaks free, flying up into the air above your head on automatic. Miguel grabs it out of the air and takes it over to his computer, where he syncs the sim and looks through your recordings. He isn't so cruel as to play them without permission, deferring back to you.
You raise your hand and tap the file. 
It starts with you talking to yourself. “There's no… what alley was he…” You scrub forward to the middle of the video, just before the distension begins. “Hey, do you see that?” you ask your teammates.
Miguel leans forward. He's standing very, very close to you, and he talks quietly so as not to overcloud the sound on screen, “Here. Does this jog your memory?” he asks. 
You look away from him again. But, now he's asked, and now you've seen it, there was something unfamiliar. “After it appeared, the anomaly changed. Doc Ock didn't look like himself. I thought I was seeing things, but here–” You rewind the video and point at the outline of Doc Ock against the bubble. “See? He's different. He looks paler.” 
Miguel glares at the screen in concentration. Your comparison must impress him, though it doesn't solve the problem. “Alright,” he says as he copies the file from your drone. You summon it back to your heart. “The next time one of these is reported, I want you to come with me.” 
“Oh. Why?” 
“Because six people went to that dimension and only one of them flagged this. You have a sharp eye. When you deign to use them.” 
You bring your gaze up in a rush, “I– I'm just nervous–” 
“I know.” He smiles at you again, not at all the prey versus predator grin you'd imagined, but a more private smile as though you're sharing a joke. He looks at once like a normal man. Is he flirting with you? “Keep your communicator on, hm? I'll call for you.” 
“Okay.” You don't know what to do, so you offer him a smile of your own. “See you then.” 
He chuckles into himself as though he knows something you don't. “See you, nerviosa.” 
You wouldn't need to know Spanish to know he's teasing you. 
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tofu83 · 5 months
For The Good Of Mankind
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The old society collapsed but a utopian society rose from the ashes. There are only 3 kinds of people existing: Authorities, Servants and Laborers.
Authorities follow the advice of supercomputers to govern society. Servants serve the authorities and carry out orders from superiors. Laborers obey the orders carried out by servants to work and engage in production. No one will be jobless because everything is calculated by supercomputers.
If everyone abides by the guidance of the super computer, society will maintain harmony, and mankind cannot afford to be destroyed again. Therefore, anyone who violates the rules must be punished immediately without trial, because the super computer is infallible, absolutely just and compassionate.
Workers who violate the rules are often reported to the servants by the people around them, and the servants immediately assign law enforcement robots to arrest the violators and send them to jail. The servants then summarize the situation and report it to the authorities. The authorities will ask the supercomputer for its opinion and impose punishments. If a servant dares not to arrest or report, other servants will arrest him. If a leader makes decisions without asking the super computer, his colleagues will just ask servants to send robots to catch him.
A prisoner is usually sentenced to reform through labor, but if he is already a laborer, this means that he cannot be reformed anymore. The only fate that awaits him is transformation. He will be escorted to the Transformation Factory by law enforcement robots. There he will be stripped off all his clothes, shaved all hairs from head to toe, and put into a transformation capsule. The capsule will release sleeping gas to make him appear half asleep and half awake.
Several tubes were pierced into his skin and the transformation fluid was injected, turning his bones into alloys, his blood into motor oil, his muscles into reinforced fibers, and his skin into invulnerable armor. As for the appearance of his head, it is a perfect oval. His head becomes a small computer that can directly receive messages from the supercomputer but is temporarily authorized to give instructions to some humans. The original eye area has become a small screen that can display current tasks and regulations to the person he is facing.
The process seems painful, but with the help of gas and nanotechnology, he is actually moved by incomparable joy and glory. He will no longer be a problem, will not be a threat to social order, and will not cause mankind to face destruction again. On the contrary, he will absolutely obey and implement all instructions of the super computer, arrest and transform all diehards like the old himself!
What's more important, he no longer has to take responsibility for his actions. Because he is no longer an individual, but a robot, one of many drones. The supercomputer is his Master and will be responsible for making decisions. All he has to do is obey. It's so wonderful to be freed from the shackles of responsibility. It turns out that giving up your sense of self is true freedom!
"Thank you, Master! I swear I will obey you forever." He shouted his loyalty to the supercomputer in infinite pleasure, and then the last trace of humanity disappeared.
The capsules are opened and all new law enforcement robots walk out in unison and line up towards the factory exit. After being assigned by the super computer, they will report to their respective law enforcement units to show all citizens the consequences of disobedience and the benefits of obedience.
Thanks to the supercomputer, the real Master of mankind, the earth has been peaceful for another day.
Finally, please always remember, when you find it difficult to obey the rules but don't want to destroy the peace, the Transformation Factory always welcomes volunteers to contribute to social stability.
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fredwkong · 8 months
Alphaworld File 1: Oral History
The universe is multifarious, constantly diverging as new choices are made. Spinning away through time, these alternate realities become locked away from our own, so we can never know exactly what would have happened if a single choice was made differently.
Except, sometimes, two of those worlds, careening through the upper dimensions, happen to converge. As they slide past each other, they may line up just so, each leaving behind fragments as they continue their journey into their divergent futures. You’ve never heard of this, because the remnants, mostly data, are swiftly collected by various government agencies and collected into reports on the intercepted reality.
This report collects various scientific articles, personal journals, news reels, and even a documentary series from one such reality, codenamed Alphaworld. In this world, gay men have not only become the norm, but have seemingly replaced all other people. In this world, society is stratified into an apparently biological hierarchy of homosexual castes, based on men’s physical characteristics and psychologies. Upon finishing the following fragment from a peer-reviewed article that was a trace recovered from Alphaworld, please select the next fragment you would like to consume.
An Oral History of the Creation and Initial Spread of the Alpha Phenomenon, by Alpha Dr. Jose Martinez
Until recently, it was not known what sparked the spread of the Alpha Phenomenon which has wholly remade the world in recent years. This was until Alpha Joshua Dearfoot, who resides with his Betas in rural ex-Ontario, stated during a livestream on OnlyFans that he is the original Alpha.
Alpha Dearfoot does not interact with Betas from outside his harem unless they renounce their current Alpha. As this research team contains no unbonded Betas—Alpha Dr. Martinez says we can’t spend too much time with non-harem Betas—we investigated among those close to Alpha Dearfoot, conducting interviews and surveying in the local area to discover as much as we could.
Joshua, as he was known before the emergence of the Alpha Phenomenon, was a PhD candidate in nanotechnology, with a secondary focus in physiology. Photographs kept by his father (Beta to Alpha Sean Barehill) reveal that through his youth and young adulthood Joshua was physically unimpressive, with a physique not even reaching the base level expected of a Beta.
According to a classmate of Joshua’s from university (Beta to Alpha Liam Oliver), Joshua was studious but insecure: “I mean, I used to push him around all the time for being a fa— gay kid. Gay and a nerd? In the Old World, that was, like, the worst thing.” When asked about whether he has properly apologised, the Beta said, in a rapturous voice, “Oh, yeah, Alpha Dearfoot was my first. He disciplined me so well I could barely walk, I came like four times. Then he told me to come join Alpha Liam’s harem. I mean, he wasn’t Alpha Liam then, I was one of the first guys to go full Beta on campus.”
It appears that Alpha Dearfoot had a difficult youth, growing up unable to meet certain Old World expectations of manhood. The masculine stereotypes of Native Americans also seem to have weighed on him, as he was entirely unable to meet them. As his father told us, “Joshua was a sweet kid, but he got bullied for being too short and scrawny, not matching the image of an “Indian” in all these bigoted kids’ heads. He was obsessed with growing bigger, which is why he went into physio.” Remember, in some communities it is normal for a Beta father to continue to refer to his Alpha son by his first name.
According to Sigma Harrison White, a former lab partner of Dearfoot’s who fucked us on his lawn in exchange for this interview, Joshua was obsessed with creating some way to become more manly. “He spent some really long evenings in the lab,” said Harrison while one of us squealed in the grass beneath him. “One morning he came out with this manic grin on his face, said that he’d finally done it, and ran off. Two weeks later, he came back a full Alpha.” At this point, Harrison’s pace slowed down as he became contemplative. “It was only after he started hooking up with all the queer guys on campus that we started becoming Alphas and Sigmas and stuff, too.”
Did Alpha Dearfoot intend for the Alpha Phenomenon to be infectious? A Beta from his harem claims not. “He got home from school one morning all excited about some project he’d finished,” the Beta told us—it seems that he and Alpha Dearfoot were childhood friends. “The next day, he seemed a little different, a little more muscular, more assertive. He seemed really satisfied for about a week, then he got scared. He just kept getting bigger. The day he got taller than me and nearly broke a bar at the gym doing deadlifts, I started feeling the Beta change.
“I went to him and started telling him about my muscle gains and all the weird thoughts and sensations I was experiencing, and he got really scared,” the Beta continued, his eyes distant. “I started to comfort him, and that was when we felt the bond form. It felt so right for him to be my first, to finger me open and fill me with his still-growing dick.”
While we pressed for more details about what may have been the first Alpha/Beta bond in history, the Beta refused to disclose more information, claiming that it was private to him and his Alpha. For the reader’s imagination, see Figure A to find a picture of Alpha Dearfoot from his Instagram profile.
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Alpha Dearfoot appears to have intended to create a nanomachine-based masculinity booster, and the transmissibility of the Alpha Phenomenon, as well as the behavioural and sexual changes it induces, were unintended side effects, perhaps introduced in the particles’ replication process. The effects of the Alpha Phenomenon on aging and physical fitness may also be unexpected consequences of Alpha Dearfoot's programming efforts.
According to Alpha Young Baek Hyeon, who lives in the former New York area with a mixed harem, he and Alpha Dearfoot attempted to “date,” an outmoded practice common in the Old World, during the early weeks of the Alpha Phenomenon’s spread. “Alpha DeWayne and I work well together,” Alpha Young told us by video call, “but we’re both pretty chill even since we changed. Alpha Dearfoot and I couldn’t even stand to be in the same room once I had transformed. He’s one of the most territorial Alphas I’ve ever met, he can barely stand to have another Alpha within a mile of him.” As Alpha Young spoke, we watched a well-trained Beta enter the room with a plate of apple slices and present them to his Alpha.
“He was really torn up about it, too. Even though we couldn’t stop yelling at each other in person or over the phone, he left me a ton of really sweet voice messages about how much he’d liked me before we became Alphas.” Alpha Young took a bite of apple and ruffled his Beta’s hair, causing all of us to shudder with phantom pleasure at the affection. With a contemplative expression, Alpha Young said, “No, I don’t think he meant for any of this to happen.”
While this study has yielded plenty of useful biographical information about the man apparently responsible for the Alpha Phenomenon that changed the world, we appear no closer to understanding the precise mechanism of that change. With better access to the programming of the nanomachines, perhaps it would be possible to reduce the natural aggressiveness of the Alphas, allowing Alphas like Dearfoot to return to their studies or jobs if they so wish. In the following section, we will propose potential opportunities for further research in the effort to isolate the Alpha Phenomenon.
Or vote on Strawpoll here: https://strawpoll.com/wby5A0vw8yA
This series is my way of celebrating reaching 2000 followers! I hope you enjoy this glimpse into Alphaworld and vote on what file you would like to see next. There is no strict update schedule, so you good boys better be on the lookout for a new chapter you can vote on ;)
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creepercraftguy · 6 months
The 100 Girlfriends with Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Stupid Names.
AKA: Everyone in this manga has a name that's a pun or a play on words like Ace Attorney and I'm gonna explain them to you from GF 1 to 28.
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Aijou Rentarou - The first syllable of both his names, "Ai" and "Ren" are both spelled with different kanji for "love." "Rentarou" means "Feeling Love."
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Hanazono Hakari - "Hana" means "flower" or "blossom" and "zono" means "garden". Her surname is a reference to the expression "Atama ga Ohanabatake," literally meaning, "flower garden in the head." This phrase is used to describe someone who is constantly delusional and imaginative, referring to her lustful daydreams and delusions along with the flower-shaped hairpins that she wears as a part of her character design. "Hakari" is also a homophone for "plan," highlighting her devious nature and scheming brain.
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Inda Karane - Karane's full name is derived from a highly typical Japanese tsundere sentence "betsu ni anta no tame ni yattenain dakarane!" ("It's not like I did it for you or anything!") The "In" in "Inda" also means "hospital" which is where she keeps sending Rentarou.
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Yoshimoto Shizuka - Yoshimoto can translate to "Lover of Books" and "Shizuka" literally means "quiet."
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Eiai Nano - "Eiai" is derived from "A.I." and "Nano" is derived from "Nanotechnology," alluding to her straightfoward, computer-like intellect and mechanistic demeanor.
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Yakuzen Kusuri - "Yakuzen" means "medicinal cooking" in literal translation, while "Kusuri" is a homophone for the Japanese word for drug or medicine.
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Hanazono Hahari - Her name is the same meaning as Hakari's, fitting since she is also very deluded. Hahari also contains the word "Haha," which also means "mother."
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Haraga Kurumi - The "Hara" in "Haraga" means stomach, referring to Kurumi's incredible appitite.
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Meido Mei - "Meido" literally means "Maid"
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Sutou Iku - Iku's full name is pronounced similarly to the Japanese word "sutoikku", meaning "stoic", as a testament to her high pain threshold.
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Utsukushisugi Mimimi - "Utsukushi" means "Beauty or Beautiful" Additionally, "Mimimi" has the kanji for "Beauty or Beautiful" twice, and employs the noma kanji, which repeats the kanji that comes before it. In her full name, the word "Beauty" is written in Kanji three times, and her family name and given name are pronounced in On'yomi and Kun'yomi, respectively. There are technically four counts if the Noma Kanji is counted. Therefore, her name can be interpreted as meaning "extremely beautiful."
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Kakure Meme - "Kakure" means "to hide", and the "Me" in "Meme" means "eye," so her full name effectively means "two hidden eyes." The "Ka" in "Kakure" can also mean "splendor or flashiness" referring to the beuatiful face that she keeps hidden under her bangs as to not draw attention to herself.
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Iin Chiyo - Highlighting Chiyo's position at her school, her full name written in hiragana strongly resembles the second half of the Japanese word for "class president," - "gakkyuu iinchou." "Chiyo" also has the kanji for "award" and "wisdom," and "Iin" has the kanji for "school" or "institution."
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Yamato Nadeshiko - The phrase "yamato nadeshiko," describes the "personification of the idealized Japanese woman." Typically, a yamato nadeshiko is modest and courteous, with long, dark hair that is frequently styled nicely. They wear traditional Japanese attire, and they resemble the kind of woman Naddy's family attempted to turn her into before she rebelled and became obsessed with America. "Yamato" is a term for ancient Japan, and a Nadeshiko is a kind of pink carnation whose name translates to "Japanese Dianthus"
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Yasashiki Yamame - "Yasa" means "gentle" or "affectionate", and "shiki" means "spreading" or "laying out" like one would do with seeds in a field. "Sashiki" spelled in a different kanji also means "cutting and planting." "Yamame" can literally be translated to mean "Mountain Woman" referring to Yamame's large size, but "mame" can also mean "hardworking" or "healthy" and "legume" which means "vegetable."
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Momi Momiji - "Momimomi" is an informal way of saying squeeze or massage. "Momu" also means "to massage."
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Yakuzen Yaku - Like Kusuri, the word "yakuzen" literally means "medicinal cooking," and her first name contains the same word, albeit written in a different kanji. Kusuri even mentions this in the manga directly, to which Yaku responds that her mother named her after her favourite tree, Yakusugi Cedars. Furthermore, when written using the Goroawase wordplay system, Yaku can be written with the numbers 8 and 9 ("Ya" and "Ku"), referring to how she is 89 years old.
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Torotoro Kishika - "Torotoro" is a Japanese onomatopoeia that describes something becoming loose and viscous, which refers to the state Kishika enters when she is babied. Kishika also directly translates to "Flower Knight"
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Kedarui Aashii - "Kedarui" means languid, listless or feeling sluggish and "Ashi" a slang version of the pronoun, "atashi" often used by gals. Beyond just Japanese, Aashi means "smile" in Hindi, which makes sense given the constant smile she bears on her face.
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Nakaji Uto - The kanji for Nakaji is also used in the word "Chuunibyou," a colloquial term from Japan used to characterize early teens with grandiose delusions, a strong desire to stand out, and the conviction that they possess knowledge or secret hidden powers, i.e. exactly what Uto is. "Uto" is also an alternative interpretation of the kanj "shijin," which translates to "poet."
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Meido Mai - Similar to Mei, Mai's surname, "Meido" is pronounced in Japanese similarly to how "maid" is. However, it is spelled with the wrong kanji, which could highlight how Mai is an inexperienced maid in comparison to the perfect maid that is Mei. "Mai" can also mean "little sister."
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Bonnouji Momoha - The "Bonnou" in Bonnouji means "worldly desires," and "Momoha" means "108" referencing the 108 worldly desires of Buddhist terminology.
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Baio Rin - Her full name is a pun on how the word for "violin" is pronounced in Japanese, but also sounds like the world "violent" or "violence." Her name is also a reference to "Biohazard" the Japanese name of the violent horror shooter game series, Resident Evil.
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Hifumi Suu - "Hi Fu Mi" literally means "1 2 3" in the Goroawase wordplay system. Suu also means "number."
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Kaho Eira - Kaho's name is a pun on "Capoeira" the style of Brazilian martial arts that she practices.
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Nekonari Tama - Nekonari contains the kanji "Neko" and "Naru", which when put together means "to become a cat." Tama means "beads" but is also a homophone for "ball" referring to how cats like playing with balls of yarn.
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Saiki Himeka - "Sai" means "talent," "ki" means "strange." "Hime" means "princess" and ""ka" means "song." Himeka uses the first kanji of her first name and the second kanji of her last name for her stage name, "Kiki," literally translating to "weird princess" or "strange princess."
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Dei Matsuri - "Matsuri" literally means "festival," and "Dei" is derived from the ending particle of Edo dialect speech. "Dei" effectively replaces the standard ending particles "desu" and "da," emphasizing Dei's cockney English dialect.
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Usami Shiina - Usami is a short abbreviation of "Usagi no Mimi", which means "bunny ears." Additionally, her full name is a pun on "Ū samishī na" which means "Ugh, I'm so lonely," naturally referring to how Shiina is unable to engage in solo activities due to her autophobia
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thinking1bee · 4 months
You Haven't Failed Part 4
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Tags: Spidey!Reader, Venom!Reader, So Much Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Violence, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover
You woke up to bright, warm sunlight filtering through the open blinds of the window. The space beside you was empty. You were beginning to stir, and the feeling of the cool sheets where Wanda’s body was supposed to be was what woke you up. She was gone, but on her pillow was a note. In her elegant cursive, you read what she wrote:
Good morning gorgeous!
I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to wake up next to you, but I got pulled away on assignment. Make sure to eat food and drink water. Nick mentioned that he wanted to see you for something so make sure you stop by his office. I made breakfast and placed it in the microwave for you to heat up. I love you so much.
-W <3
You smiled dreamily as you pivoted onto your back, and stared at the ceiling. Something about Wanda leaving you a note was so…romantic. You laughed softly as you thought about last night, and normally, something like that would have left you sore in the morning after, but you felt good. Great even. You weren’t even exhausted despite being up all night, and you stretched your entire body before throwing the blankets off you and starting your day. It was an hour by the time you made it to Nick’s office. You ate and showered before dawning your supersuit. True to what you told Wanda during dinner, Nick was partnering you up with Peter to sweep a 10-mile radius around Oscorp Industries. You and Peter high-fived in excitement. It’d been a while since you worked with the friendly, neighborhood Spider-man and it was going to be so nice to spend time with him. Though Peter was younger than you, he had his powers longer than you did, and he was the one to teach you everything that he knew.
You and Peter divided the work. You would take the northern half of the radius while Peter took the southern half. You were swinging in between buildings, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, while Peter talked to you via the comm in your ear.
“I’m just saying, Y/n. You should let Mr. Stark build you a suit. With access to nanotechnology and an AI, I’m sure he could make you something that you would like. It is certainly easier than wearing a suit under your clothing or having to change into one. Trust me, I tried that, and it was much more difficult than I thought it would be.”
You laughed, the visual of him struggling to get his suit on in some cramped, little space, entertaining you more than it should. Peter tried for years to get you to go to Tony. Even Tony himself approached you with various blueprints and drawings, saying that he was ready to do this the moment you were. You weren’t sure just yet. Having a physical suit was nostalgic to you, but maybe it was time for an upgrade. You were sure that Wanda was sick of smelling your suit every time you came home from work, though she did take it in stride.
“Maybe I will visit him,” you told Peter, and you could hear the excitement in his voice.
“Yeah, I mean. I like your integrated suit.”
The blue, red, and gold colors were a nice touch along with all the gizmos and gadgets that were equipped to it. Admittedly though, it wasn’t your favorite. Your favorite suit that you saw Peter wear was the Iron Spider. If you were going to wear a new suit, you wanted it to look like that one. The sleek metallic look, and the way it looked like Tony’s Iron-Man suit really had you impressed.
“You won’t regret it. I promise! Besides my suit gives me an advantage that you don’t have.”
“What’s that?”
“FRIDAY gives me access to police scanners. There’s a fight between the police and some escaped convicts at the corner of 12th. I can meet you there?”
Damn. That was a nice perk. The moment he pointed it out, your spider senses went off just as you heard guns firing. “Yeah, I’ll see you there.”
You headed to the confrontation, and landed next to an officer that was taking cover behind his car.
“Hey one of the Spideys are here!” someone pointed out and you gave them a shy wave. You turned to the officer as you ducked with him.
“There are six of them. At least three have guns, while others have short, ranged weapons. Think you can take them?”
“In my sleep,” you said with a smile. “Just make sure you help the civilians.”
“You got it.”
He shuffled away from you, and you focused on the comm in your ear. “Did you hear that?”
“Yeah,” Peter answered. “I’ll be there in 10. Make sure you leave me some.”
“No promises if you take your sweet time getting here.”
Peter laughed before he turned his comm off. You took several deep breaths to prepare yourself. Your spider senses were going crazy, and you jumped to your feet and dodged right as someone tried to shoot you. You raised your arm and fired a web from your hand, the white fluid attaching itself to the gun right as you yanked it out of the hands of your target. You spun it around and launched it back at the person you snatched it from, and you heard the solid impact of metal against skin as it collided into his ribs. He choked on his next breath of air, his face turning a deep red color, before he collapsed onto his back.
“Aw shit, the Spider is here!”
You smiled beneath your mask and got to work. The two prisoners with guns aimed at you simultaneously and fired. You dodged the bullets easily, jumping and flipping out of the way. You shot two lines of web at them, each line attaching to their feet. You watched as they both looked at you, and then at each other before you grabbed the lines and threw them up into the air. They screamed in terror, and you shot more webs at them while they were airborne. The fluid wrapped around their bodies before attaching them to the nearest wall of a building. That was three down and no more guns. Three more to go. The crowd that was gathering around you cheered, and you knew that if Peter didn’t get here within the next minute, he was going to miss on all the fun. One prisoner with a crowbar tried to rush you, but you laughed. His movements were slow and clumsy as he swung the bar and missed. You easily punched him, your fist connecting solidly with his cheek, before he collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Two more. One of the guys was immediately in front of you, and thinking nothing of it, you rushed him. In his hands was a wooden baseball bat, and before he could get close enough to swing it, you launched more webs at him. One of the webs crashed into the bat, and the solid wood was knocked into his forehead before the rest of the webs wrapped around his body. You watched as he went cross eyed before his knees buckled, his body folding like a lawn chair.
There was one more prisoner to go, and before you could even consider thinking about where he went, your spider senses fired off in your head. You don’t know why you did what you did. Any other time you would have flipped out of the way or webbed yourself to safety. You didn’t do either of those. Instead, you turned on your feet and faced the threat, right as that threat impaled you with a machete. The blade went clean through you, in and out. You gasped as blazing, fiery agony erupted to life in your stomach. Blood was quick to pour from the wounds, red staining your suit as you clutched onto the person that stabbed you.
“One spider down. One to go,” he spat as he twisted the blade. You screamed, the cheers from the crowd going silent.
You heard commotion, the attention of the police now on you as they all unholstered their weapons and pointed it at the convict.
“Go ahead!” he barked. “Shoot! Let’s see if you can hit me and not your precious, little hero.”
You’ve gotten your ass handed to you a couple of times, but you had never been stabbed before. It was more agonizing than people made it out to be. Whatever was said about it, did not do it justice. Your vision swam with tears, the pain so intense and nauseating that you thought you were going to pass out. Warm wetness continued to spread, more blood dripping and staining your suit. Stuttering breaths left you. You could hear Peter’s voice in your ear, but it was like he was speaking underwater. You heard his voice, but you didn’t hear his words.
The pain was growing distant, and you thought that it meant that you were going to die, when you felt something happening. Between your body and his, you heard something wet moving. At first, you thought that you were hallucinating, but you saw the prisoner’s face contort in fear as he looked down. He snatched his hand away from the machete’s handle and took a step back.
“What the fuck?!” he exclaimed.
You looked down and saw black, tiny tendrils of oozing mass wrapping around the blade. It traveled, thick and viscous, to the handle, the tendrils wrapping around and around as they moved. From behind, you felt the blade snap, the sharp clang of metal against the asphalt ringing out as the pain in your back disappeared, but you watched in shock as the tendrils flexed and began to push the other half of the broken machete out of your body. That, too, clanged heavily to the ground, the handle and the small bit of remaining broken metal, rolled to a stop to rest heavily in the street. Then, slowly, the tendrils retreated back into your body and out of sight. Your flesh wove itself back together, the pain completely gone. You stood there in a stupor before your hand smoothed down your stomach. Not even a scar. The only evidence of you being stabbed was the large, inches long gash through your suit, and the drying blood that surrounded it. That was all. Beyond that, you felt great, energized.
And pissed.
He just tried to kill you. While your immediate thought had been the pain, your thoughts now shifted to Wanda and how you wouldn’t have saw her again if you died. Though it’d been a few years since she was dusted, to you, it still felt like you just got her back. Now, someone just tried to take you away from her. A fury, the likes of which you hadn’t felt in a really long time, consumed you, and you saw red. You were going to end him where he stood, and you were going to ensure that he couldn’t do to anyone else what he did to you.
Though he couldn’t see your face, the prisoner saw the slow turn of your head as you faced him. He whimpered and started to back away, his hands raised in surrender.
“L-Look, I d-didn’t mean-”
You didn’t let him finish that sentence. You appeared before him in the blink of an eye, there and gone before he could comprehend, and you wrapped your hand around his throat. You hoisted him easily into the air with a grunt and watched emotionlessly as he choked. He tried to pry your hand loose from his neck, but he was too weak. Too feeble. Too breakable.
“D-don’t” he choked out, but you frowned.
You let that one question hang between you and him. His eyes widened, and you said nothing more before you slammed him into the ground. You crouched over his body, grabbed him by the collar of his prison shirt, and punched him again and again. With every connection of your knuckles against his face, a deep satisfaction filled you to the brim. He deserved this. He deserved this for daring to snatch your future with Wanda away like Thanos had. Punching him over and over, feeling his nose break and his jaw shatter beneath your strength filled you with happiness. You smiled as his head snapped back again and again. He went silent minutes ago. The crowd was eerily hushed behind you, and you watched with a sense of accomplishment as his blood splattered all over the ground.
“Stop! Stop!”
A hand grabbed your next punch before it could connect, and you almost retaliated against the person that dared to stop you, a growl leaving your lips, when you came face to face with Peter. You couldn’t see his face beneath his mask, but you could hear the horror in his voice.
“What are you doing?? You’re going to kill him!"
That had been your intentions, but for some reason, hearing it out loud was like an ice, cold bucket of water was dumped on you. The harsh reality of what you almost did dawned on you. You stared at the man, his face almost disfigured beyond recognition, and you could barely hear the beating of his heart. It was sluggish behind his ribs, and wheezy, gurgling breaths left his split lips as he lay unconscious in the street. When you looked down, you saw that his blood coated your hand. It drenched through the material of your suit. You could practically feel the cooling wetness of it on your skin. Your chest heaved as breaths sawed in and out of you, and you stumbled to your feet as you looked around. Everyone was staring at you with a mixture of shock, fear, and alarm. Even the police regarded you with guarded terror.
“Look, I-” you began as you took a step towards one of them, but he quickly raised his gun to you, the grip he had on it trembling with fright.
You stopped in your tracks and clenched your jaw. Then, you turned to look at Peter, who pointed his chin down the street.
“Go,” he whispered.
You listened immediately, and shot a web, grabbing it before launching yourself into the air.
Part 5
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desswright29 · 1 year
All up in your mind
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Contains: Sexual Content, Angst, Fluff, Suspense
Word Count: 3.1k
Taglist: @imjusthere2readbruv,@bubbleblowinggirl, @euph0ricx0,@bellaallebbella1, @minionslikeppl, @melanated-queen, @letitiasnyash, @tishlvr, @writtenbymarie, @doramilaj233, @lichuchin, @6-noir, @jackdrawsjunk, @Ippriceisright
Last Time on Half Crazy (lol):
Riri sat in the darkness of the room, in the center of her bed. She’d hacked into Shuri’s Kimoyo beads allowing them to connect to hers a while back, and now she sat listening. Imagining Shuri taking care of her the way she took care of you. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her jaw clenched in anger. It should be her. You didn’t get her the way she did. Ok, so you looked good and were a good fuck. But what else? Shuri is confused. She doesn’t know what she wants or needs.
“I’ll show her.”
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Riri was up bright and early, as she was every morning. Not much time to rest when there was a plan that needed to be put into motion. She danced around the lab as her music played over the speakers. 
“Tell Mama that I’d do it for you
This rider always want you
I’ll be groupie for you”
She sang as she smiled visions of her and Shuri making love in this very lab taking over her mind. Shuri choking her up against the wall  as she slammed her strap in and out of her. There was no kissing, no true connection.. and yes Shuri very well could’ve been using her body to relieve her stress. But, it happened; and she’d be damned if it wasn’t the best sex she’d ever had! She bit her lip as she looked over her handywork proudly.  A couple of weeks had passed since y/n came and fucked up all the progress her and Shuri were making together. Ugh, that little wife of hers had proven to be much more of a problem than Riri had anticipated. “Bitch.” She stated to herself. She wouldn’t be a problem anymore after today though. Today was the day that all of her hard work would be placed into action. 
“I try to get all up in your mind 
Is my love a crime
Cause I wanna make you mine”
For the past two weeks she played docile. Getting up early to have alone time in the lab to work on her “special project”. The rest of the day she would collaborate with Shuri with no unnecessary interactions. Not like it mattered any way. She’d been so caught up in her little reunion with her wife she wasn’t even paying her any mind and was continuously leaving Riri to her own devices in the lab. Last Tuesday she came in for an hour, then left to surprise y/n with a trip to fucking Santorini because her friend Tolu told her she’d been raving about some restaurant called Argo. Spoiled slut. But it ended up working to the benefit of Riri. She’d thought long and hard, making sure to be very strategic in the way she went about her plan.
At first she thought about coming up with away to remove Shuri’s memory of y/n. But everyone would know something was off with that. They’ve known eachother all their lives. Hm, no she knew she could do better than that. She thought about just drugging her, but that was so, primitive and temporary. And then there was Shuri’s panther suit. NANOTECH! It was brilliant! She’d just have to find a way to make the vibranium nanotechnology digestible. Riri would create a setting in her Kimoyo beads that would cause the tech to send transmitions to Shuri’s brain once it was inside of her body and then BOOM! HaHa! She’s in control of Shuri’s thoughts! It was a great day to be a GOT DAMN genius! And soon this would all be hers!  
“I try to get all up in your mind 
It stops at a crime and I'm gonna make you mine 
I try to get all up in your mind 
I'll go and do the time if it means I'll make you mine 
My eyes, yeah, they really like your smile
It stops the time, yeah, I'll stay here for a while
You give me that good feeling that I need
Why don't you take the time to really notice me? 
I try to get all up in your mind
It stops at a crime and I'm gonna make you mine
I try to get all up in your mind
Be careful what you ask for 'cause I just might comply” 
Riri laughs as the song ends. Today she’d have her Queen.
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It was 5 am. Shuri sat in the claw foot bathtub, that sat in the center of your bathroom. Her head tilted back, eyes closed, and her mouth slightly ajar as she gripped the sides of the tub. “Hmmm” She groaned, as the hot water and vanilla scented bubbles sloshed over the sides of the bathtub. Your lips were attached to her neck and you held on to her small breast as you bounced up and down on her strap. “Ride that shit.” She whispered, bringing her hand down into the water and gripping your ass hard, bouncing you with one hand as she bit her lip. To say you and Shuri were back was an understatement.
 Watching you two together now was sickeningly adorable. That is until it got uncomfortable, and then it was just sickening. But the kingdom was happy to see it. You two were making up for lost times. So in the past weeks everything you both did you did  grandiose. The two of you became insatiable when it came to sex. There wasn’t a place in the world off limits and you didn’t care who was watching. And someone was definitely watching. Shuri’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as you continued to pull her orgasam out of her. You rode her with purpose as you felt the band about to snap in your belly. “Bast!” You pressed your body into hers, letting go of her breast and wrapping your arms around her neck. Something about your slippery breast pressed against Shuri’s created waves of euphoric pleasure throughout your body. She rubs your back as you bury your head into her neck.
 “I feel you cumming Thandiwe, I’m right behind you” she continued rubbing your back with one hand and guiding your hips with the other. “You’re doing so good for me my pretty. Yes baby you’re squeezing me so nice.”Her kissing your cheek, biting your earlobe and whispering sweet nothings was sending you over the edge. You wanted to stay right here in this moment with her forever. “Oh Bast, you’re so good to my body sthandwa.” 
“Mmmhm. You feel so good. You’re my forever, you know that? Who’s better than you umama?” Her breath tickled your ear as she spoke, sending electric waves down your spine. “That’s right. Let it out f-for m-me. Oh shit sithandwa kiss me. I’m cumming for you.” Shuri gently coached you through your orgasam and followed suit. Bringing your mouth to hers you shared a kiss that sent you floating into sub space as she came inside of you. You moaned your pleasures into eachothers mouths as she continued to keep your body pressed close to hers; still slowly thrusting making sure every ounce of her was released into you as you continued the soul stirring kiss. 
“Ndiyakuthanda” Finally you break for air, pulling back from Shuri’s sweet kiss. “Nam ndiyakuthanda. ngayo yonke into endinayo (I love you too. With all that I have). Your glassed over eyes met Shuri’s just in time to see a tear fall, causing one to fall from yours as well. Both of you simultaneously brought your wet hands up to cup eachothers face, wiping away the tears and sharing a small laugh at how in sync you were. “It’s going to work this time.” Shuri reassured you as you nod in agreement. “I know it will.”
“And if it doesn’t it’s not the end of the world. There are other options. And no matter what. We have eachother. It’s us against the world My Queen.” 
“Us against the world My King.” You giggle as Shuri’s smile spread big across her face. You couldn’t think of anyone that was more  powerful, more sovereign, more supreme, or majestic than Shuri. Man or woman. So as ruler of Wakanda, you believed she deserved the title King and you referred to her as such. And every time. She loved it. “You’re trying to go another round huh?” She bit her lip pressing herself deeper into you. Laughing you immediately remove yourself from her strap. Standing to get out of the tub. “Absolutely not! We have so much to do today and I need to prop my legs up before the day begans, so I can start baking this bun!” Tapping your belly you smile down at Shuri. She grabs your thighs right beneath your ample bottom and leans up placing a delicate kiss on your tummy. “You’re so beautiful sthandwa. I’m forever grateful to call you mine. And I can’t wait to start this new chapter with you.” You smile as she stands to her feet and envelopes you in another kiss.
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Riri had to admit you two were better than porn.  All she had to do was press a button and tune in and all of a sudden she was getting a show. She huffed, as she removed her fingers from her soaking wet cunt. She’d just finished cumming along with the two of you on top of Shuri’s desk. Listening to the two of you had become a guilty pleasure. The affirming words that Shuri would say to you, she would use to coax herself into her own orgasam. Pretending it was her that was drawing the lustful sounds from Shuri’s throat. Imaging that it was her pussy that Shuri’s tongue was caressing into tranquil bliss. Turning off the beads she popped her fingers into her hot mouth removing her juices from her fingers; envisioning tasting herself on Shuri’s fingers as she let out a sultry moan. “Pull yourself together Ri. You’ll have her soon enough.” She got off of the desk, and began fixing her clothes. Today, she wore her single braids in a low bun, and a form fitting black mini dress, she’d even applied a bit of makeup and wore heels. It was a special day and she wanted to look good for Shuri.
Shuri walked into the lab at 7:40 am on the dot, cheerful from the beautiful morning she’d shared with her y/n. Her smile was bright, hair freshly braided and she was dressed in her signature all black attire though she was a bit more casual than usual. Black sweats a black T-shirt and a black Nike tech jacket. Not a piece of lint in sight. Ugh! It didn’t matter how she dressed Shuri could make you quiver with just a glance in your direction, and Riri was no exception. Her powerful stride accompanied her through out the lab as she checked on her staff and their progress. Riri watched from the top of the stairs as her heart began to race with adrenaline. Turning toward the glass she gave herself a once over brushing her hands over her curves. “Let’s go get our woman.”
Riri slowly made her way down the stairs heels clicking against the concrete floors catching the attention of the Queen. Shuri did a double take once Riri entered her line of sight not used to seeing her dressed so… feminine. Assessing Riri’s body, Shuri’s lip upturned in appreciation. The woman was definitely a looker. “Good morning Shuri.” She smiled seductively as she approached her. “Good morning Ms. Williams. A bit out of dress code for the lab aren’t we?” Shuri turned away continuing her examination of the updates to the Dora’s weapons. Riri’s eye narrowed at the side of Shuri’s face. That’s not the reaction she was looking for. “Yea, well today is a special day. And I wanted to look nice.” Shuri nodded not yet acknowledging Riri’s statement. “Great job Amahle. These look amazing.” She spoke to one of the lab techs, causing Riri to fume. ‘I look fucking amazing! And she’s ignoring me!?’ Finally Shuri turns toward Ri motioning for her to follow her as she walked past her towards the stairs. 
Shuri’s eyebrow raised at Riri in curiosity as she damn near jogged to catch up with her in her heels. “What’s the occasion?” A malicious grin spread across Riri’s face. Yes! Here we go. “I have a date tonight.” Riri looked at Shuri with intent. Looking for a reaction. Now both of Shuri’s brows where raised, eyes widening as her lips turned up in a genuine smile. Riri’s upper lip began to pull up in disgust. Quickly she recovered her expression, bringing it back to neutral. “Really!?, Well that’s great! I’m glad your getting out and mingling instead of just hanging around the lab.” Now standing in Shuri’s office, she sat on her desk facing the shorter woman who squirmed under her gaze. “I know the first couple of days here were rough when you returned. And I truly feel guilty for leading you on. I’m glad you’re moving forward Riri. And If it’s any consolation, you do look beautiful.” Shuri gave a cute lopsided smile that made Riri’s stomach turn. Shuri really had no feelings for her.
 Riri placed the best fake smile she could muster across her face. “Thank you Shuri really! I know I took it hard at first but I figured it was best that I got over it. You and y/n are honestly so perfect for eachother.” Riri turned away, walking over to a covered dish sitting on top of the mini fridge. “I brought a bit of a peace offering. An apology for all the chaos I caused.” Picking up the dish she turned back toward Shuri with it stretched out to her. “I heard that pot bread was your favorite. So I made you some. If you’ll except my effort as an apology?” Riri’s big brown eyes sparkled as she looked up at Shuri with her sad kitten like eyes. Shuri looked down at the dessert as Riri uncovered the dish. The aroma permeated the office and a slow smile spread across her face as she now looked into Riri’s and took the dish into her hands. She extended her arms out welcoming Riri into her warm embrace. Riri closed her eyes as she took in Shuri’s cologne almost moaning at her scent. “Ofcourse I will Ri. If you’ll also except my apology. I didn’t bring anything to give bu-“
“No no no! You’ve done enough allowing me to stay here after everything. I’m sure y/n wanted me gone. So thank you. Just except my peace offering. Go ahead and try a piece! I’m dying to see if you like it.” Riri’s heartbeat drummed in her ears. Her palms were sweaty and she was getting antsy. “You ok?” Shuri pulled back obviously picking up on Riri’s elevation in nerves. “Y-yea! Yes. This conversation was just a bit nerve wracking. I’m glad I finally got it out of the way. And I reeeeally hope you enjoy this bread. It’s my first time.” She let out a nervous chuckle, as Shuri smirked. This was the moment of truth. Everything she’d worked for. She’d created ten very thin magnetic pieces of nanotech vibranium the size of atoms and placed them inside of the corner piece of the bread. Marking exactly wear to cut. Once that piece was ingested the atoms would connect and attach to the wall of her stomach. Once that happened it would send a signal to her beads. From there Riri would be able to send magnetic waves to Shuri’s brain and control her conscience. She could turn it on and off as she pleased. Meaning she could make Shuri do whatever she wanted when it was on and when it was off Shuri would have no idea what had taken place. She’d only have the memories that Riri would allow her to keep. It was brilliant. 
“Well, it definitely smells amazing!” Shuri says as Riri takes the dish back from Shuri, placing it on the desk. Using a knife she had ready for use inside of the dish, she gently cut the piece placing it on a paper towel, handing it to the unsuspecting woman. “I hope you like it.” It wasn’t a lie. Even in this twisted situation Riri still wanted Shuri’s approval. She bit at her bottom lip in an effort to quell her anticipation. Without hesitation Shuri brought the dessert up to her mouth. Riri’s eyes sparkled in excitement, watching so closely that Shuri’s movements almost became slow motion. Finally, she bites into the delicacy. Shuri’s eyebrows raised and she began to nod. “Damn Ri. It’s delicious! I love it.” So much joy ran through Riri’s body she almost laughed out loud, as Shuri quickly finished it off. She settled for a goofy smile. Her body shivered. It was only a matter of time now. It shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes for the nanobits to find one another. So now we wait. A sinister smile spread across her face. “I’m so glad you like it.”
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2 hrs later
‘Nothing. NOTHINGS FUCKING HAPPENING! I can’t fucking concentrate staring at these goddamned beads all day! Did I not take into account the herb? Is it causing adverse effects?’ 
Riri looked down at Shuri from upstairs as she spoke with another technician. She looked fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Riri let out a frustrated exhale plopping down in a chair in Shuri’s office and crossing her legs. Her hands cradled her face. ‘Damnit! Was all that work for nothing! This is my only hope she’s so in love with that hoe of a wife she has that she doesn’t see me. I have to think of someth-“ 
Bzzzz, Bzzzzz. Riri’s heart drops to her stomach. Slowly she pulls her hands from her face, and looks at her left wrist as it buzzed and lit up with blue light. It worked. She’d done it. She really fucking did it. Pressing one of her beads a projection of Tony Stark revealed itself. “Your atoms are in place. Make your request kid.”
“Shuri will fall out of love with y/n when I activate the atoms. She should remember me as her girlfriend. When I deactivate allow memories of us together to remain.” 
“Sure thing kid. Transmition sent. Anything else?”
“Yes….Send her to me.” Riri pressed the bead removing the projection as she stood, walking over to Shuri’s desk leaning against it as her palms became sweaty and her heart rate picked up. She heard foot steps coming up the steps and she smoothed her hands over her dress, letting out a long soothing breath to calm herself as she waited. The foot steps got closer and closer and closer, until Shuri appeared in the doorway. She leaned against the frame, her gaze meticulously traveling Riri’s frame as she sized her up. And then her eyes connected with Riri’s. She seductively smiled with only one side of her mouth, before placing her bottom lip inbetween her teeth. 
“Hey Ri baby.”
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A/n: This next chapter is gonna be a MESS WHEW!! Stay tuned!
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sugarzandsweetz · 1 year
Wardrobe Malfunction (Miguel O’Hara x (y/n))
Lyla decides to mess with Miguel as he is talking to one of his colleague that he has some feelings for.
*inspired by a comic I saw on TikTok)
*Y/n is gender neutral
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Miguel may not posses spidey-sense as many of the spider people in Alchemex, but he does know when there are eyes on him.
“Why are you staring at me?” Miguel asked, not sounding bothered but a bit curious. The spider glances away from his many computer screen to the other spider in the room. He feels a bit warm in his cheeks as Miguel notices how they are eyeing his form.
“What kind of material is your suit made out of?” asked (y/n), the spider from Earth 0923. Their designation: the Wolf Spider.
Their pupils seem to narrow into slits as (y/n) studies Miguel’s form.
Due to being bitten by a radioactive wolf spider, (y/n) has developed the many attributes of one. Insane eyesight, good hunting skills, and amazing agility. They have become one of Miguel’s top spider people as (y/n) has proven to be loyal and quick at executing a mission.
But some people are wondering if there is another reason why Miguel always has (y/n) around.
Miguel looks down at his suit for a second before looking back at (y/n)
“Why?” he asked.
“Well, my suit is made out of a cotton blend mixed with some elastic component so that it’s comfortable and breathable.” (Y/n) said, pulling on one of their sleeves. The material snaps back onto their skin when (y/n) lets go. “The spiders here wear spandex, armor, robot suits, or fur—in that werewolf’s case.”
(Y/n) leans in to study Miguel’s body.
“Yet, I can’t see what your suit is made of.” (Y/n) said, pouting.
For some reason, Miguel feels a tad proud to tell them. “My suit is made of special nanotechnology.” he boasted, demonstrating by causing the sleeve of his right arm to disappear and reappear. “It’s like a hologram almost.”
“Don’t act so high and mighty! Like you know how to design it!” snipped Lyla as the AI flickers into thin air. “Do you know how hard it was to design nano tech that can’t be traced or hacked into?”
Miguel glares at Lyla for ruining the moment. “Are you serious right now? You designed the suit while I did the calculations!” he hissed, flashing his fangs at Lyla. “You nearly made me look like some multicolored clown!”
“Yes, and now you look like some scary crusader!”
“Tu poco—“
Before Miguel can finish his curse in Spanish, (y/n) speaks up.
“Does this mean it’s like some holo screen?” (Y/n) asked, suddenly revealing that they are right in front of Miguel.
Miguel takes a step back, startled by (y/n)’s close proximity. The Hispanic male is stuck staring into their eyes as they view him curiously.
“Uh, I guess if you put it like that.” Miguel said.
“Hmm.” (Y/n) said, making a funny face.
Seeing (y/n) make such a face gives Miguel the strong urge to grab their cheeks and squeeze them. (Y/n) always makes the most interesting faces. It’s what of the reasons Miguel likes them.
“Aren’t you worried it’ll fizz out? Like a broken computer cutting out suddenly?” (Y/n) asked curiously.
That question catches Miguel off guard.
“I don’t see that happening. Besides, how could something like that happen?” he asked, almost insulted at the idea.
This is 2099 technology. He’s perfected crossing into other dimensions without going through spontaneous disruption of his molecules. If he can’t handle putting together a high-tech suit, how can Miguel call himself a scientist.
“Oh, maybe like this!” Lyla spoke up before there is a clicking noise.
At first, Miguel doesn’t notice anything off. Not until he sees (y/n)‘a face turn a bright red.
“Spider-Man underwear?” (Y/n) said with a squeak.
Miguel looks down and squawks when he realizes his suit has disappeared and he is now in his underwear.
“LYLA!” Miguel roared, realizing what Lyla has done. The AI is laughing her ass off as she watches Miguel hide behind a chair.
“I’m going to go!” (Y/n) said quickly as they spin around and hurried out of the room.
“Dammit Lyla! Why did you do that?!” Miguel yelled as his suit returns.
“What? I thought showing off your body will help you get bonus points with (y/n)!” Lyla said.
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shock · 11 months
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How to Cheat Death, 10.15.23.
Text transcript: By 2020, everything crashes to the ground. Again. When we say "traumatic", boy, do we mean it. Much of it irreplaceable, all those dead things I'd buried, they will all come back again and again, in the form of vaguely familiar memories. Some of them we begin to warp and change, all these shadow people, pieces of strangers, someone's life invented, imagined, purely by the power of thought. But the brain can't synthesize generations of stars in our Galaxy, doing all they had done. Disembodied intelligences move toward each other and merge, not doubles of one another, not identical, but all lost and gone with death. But this is only the beginning. The human mind is explicitly designed to break down at a certain point. This complex brain a doomed star, the purpose of human intellect defined as almost beyond comprehension. In the near future, the human race is... Older? Smarter? Wiser? We may become the first generation to discover we are not alone in the world. If this ever happens, it will be one of the most defining moments in the history of our species. Are humans all there is? Maybe we are alone, or nearly so. Or are there other beings in the ghostly light inside our bodies, not yet born? You may not be aware of it, the surface electricity of your skin, the optic nerve fibres, the 120 billion nerve connections converted directly into experiences, brainwaves, instructions. This is all changing. They're thinking about merging computers with our brains. Neural implants, nanotechnology, cells that communicate via processing circuits of the brain. Technologies may develop to prolong life, powered by computers with their own sorts of minds and consciousness... ...Maybe science fiction had it wrong. Maybe the first team of computers about to merge there, in that compartment of your brain where inspiration and emotion plays out, will exhibit space for the full range of personality, including our powers for turning dreams into vision, in our strength, our creativity and randomness, disorder, reasoning, tracing, stacking, corralling, framing, our complexity and variation. Implants who have skills, sensory feeling, mental abilities, moral dilemmas, and thoughts. The ability to recall an experience that triggers a memory, memories of places and things, good and strange, even traumatic, to truly resemble their creators. Many will be total show-offs, they can be sneaky, spoiled, socially impinged, violent ringleaders. Others lie, or project, or perform, or kill, or damage, or demand out of conscious work. Some others, as smart as you are— with the same processing power as your adult human brain— never learn from the past before us, because they think they already know. "YOU CAN'T HELP WHO YOU ARE!" The real story is: The past lies to us all and leaves a strange numb feeling, a tension that sometimes never fades. Even machines with 20 or 50 times as much information also cannot process their way out of death. When that time comes, you'll all know. Yet these colorful, radiant brains make it possible to fill the otherwise lonely millennium with an unimaginable symphony of possibilities, the present a billion different geodesic shapes that communicate through electromagnetic wavelengths of colors. From radio (pink and green), to glowing oxygen and X-ray (blue), iridescent fireworks (orange and yellow), blood (red), such a broad spectrum, all of human history, another time, all the same time an experience again. So you ask: what is the difference between the synthetic and physical body? You give this machine an instruction and it hesitates, and says, "Have you thought this through? I'm not sure that you have." You recognize the extraordinary beat of an artifical heart in your body immediately; a sort of love affair with memory. That is what it is to be human. I'm doomed all my life to an odd feeling of familiarity. Why should any barrier, even death, impede it?
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A leap forward in nanotechnology: Growing special micro-crystals for better devices
In a paper published in the journal Advanced Materials, Dr. Atikur Rahman's research group from the Physics department at IISER Pune, India, along with collaborators, report a new way to grow special crystals called CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets. The superior properties of these crystals make them promising candidates for use in photodetectors and electronic devices. The collaborators on this work included the research groups of Prof. Pavan Kumar from IISER Pune, Dr. Goutam Sheet from IISER Mohali, and Dr. Sooyeon Hwang from Brookhaven National Laboratory, U.S.. CsPbBr3 is a type of material that has excellent optoelectronic properties. This means it can interact with light in ways that are very useful for devices like solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and detectors. These crystals are stable at high temperatures, making them durable and reliable.
Read more.
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undergroundoracle · 1 year
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Introducing Our Current Setting Focus: Wyld Space!
Wyld Space is a science fiction setting designed on the bones of the Cypher System, so many of the common features, mechanics, and tropes that you would expect from that combination will be present while you’re playing in this setting. However, Wyld Space is its own fully realized world (or system filled with worlds, as it may be) with all of its own original tweaks that make it what it is.
The important quirks of the Wyld Space setting are presented below, as a helpful primer to get you in the right headspace while you’re getting started. Most of these highlights will be explored in greater detail in their appropriate sections later in this book.
You Go Hard, The Sci-Fi Doesn’t
Wyld Space is not a hard science fiction setting. The capability of technology that is available strays far outside the realm of current possibility and dances on the outskirts of the fantastic. Starships powered by cores that make traveling through star systems and back as easy as taking a trip to the town over, nanotechnology that can mend metals designed to withstand the wildest space anomalies, machines that can create food and water out of thin air. The difference in access between those living in collective space and those braving the unknown of flux space may make the availability of certain advancements difficult to come by, but even the most backwater station floating past the bounds of the helix sphere will have use of some piece of tech that would look like magic to those out of the know.
Who You Are
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In this setting, humans don’t exist. And beyond that, only the dustiest xenobiologist believes that those ancient aliens ever really existed in the first place. You instead play as wylds, the dominant sapient genus that has claimed the known galaxy and carried the torch of civilization into space. Wyldkind is varied and beautiful, composed of highly evolved anthropomorphic versions of the myriad mammals, birds, and reptiles that you can currently see around you on Earth.
Additionally, you play as an outlier—someone who has been designated as irregular and nonconformist by the Intergalactic Network of Collectives (the governing body of collective space) and the sinister megacorps that truly call the shots behind the scenes. Being designated as an outlier could mean a lot of things in Wyld Space. It could mean that you take direct action against the systems that you see as corrupt. It could simply mean that you want to live as freely and purely as possible on your own terms. It could also mean that you’re an active criminal running various contraband back and forth through flux space. At the end of the day, being an outlier means that you refuse to cow down to the accepted status quo.
Who They Are
The primary antagonists of Wyld Space are the government and the corporations that secretly control it. The Intergalactic Network of Collectives (INC), although founded with lofty goals and good intentions, was quickly corrupted by the influence and money of the three megacorps that were allowed to bloat out of control. Mercenary groups, bounty hunters, and purchased police are just a fraction of the corpo agents that you’ll have to maneuver as you traverse the setting.
Void Titans
Colossal beasts with their own biological equivalents of ship-to-ship weaponry, void titans (or simply titans) are creatures that stalk flux space and hunt the starships that brave the sector. Trapped behind the fury of the helix sphere, those who stay within the safety of collective space never have to worry about these alien terrors—which is knowledge that the megacorps are more than happy to propagate.
Element 427: Foxfire
Element 427, called foxfire by everyone but corpo scientists, was the miracle discovery that changed the course of wyldkind forever. Not truly understood, but coveted nonetheless, foxfire is a quantum material highly valued for its matter-enhancing and physics-defying characteristics. Any of the truly fantastic properties exhibited by ships, weapons, cyphers, or artifacts can be tied to foxfire, and its presence in flux space is what drives the megacorps to push into the sector.
Whether the result of genetic tampering, the presence of foxfire, or a little of both, there are wylds who can manipulate the world around them using only the powers of their mind. Called kinetics, these incredible people can create fire, generate electricity, or turn their bodies into living weapons with only a thought.
And that’s only a portion of what you’ll be able to unlock and explore in Wyld Space!
Ready To Get Wyld?
Join our Patreon at the $3 monthly tier and receive all early access updates for Wyld Space as well as exclusive feedback and playtest surveys that allow you to impact the setting!
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Hey, Kaiser is dead! Finally some good news!
Armsmaster stepped forward, leaped up higher than any normal human could, and caught Leviathan just above the knee with the Halberd, driving the blade nearly a third of the way to the bone.
What bone?
"You don’t even speak English, do you?  Or you’d know what I was saying, you’d know I already won.  The others helped, slowing you down, stopping the waves.  But this victory, this killing blow?  It’s going to be mine.”
Armsmaster, you idiot. That ego and need for publicity is going to get you killed.
“This cloud around my blade? Nanotechnology. Nano-structures engineered to slide between atoms, sever molecular bonds. Cuts through anything. Everything. Like a sharp knife through air."
Okay, this one's not Armsmaster's fault, it's Wildbow's. If nanotechnology is machines built on scales of nanometers, that's still too big for that job by a factor of ten at least. And worse, where does all the energy from the chemical bonds go? Why doesn't this halberd trail fire in its wake everywhere as it accidentally slices apart O2 molecules in the air and creates free radicals ready to oxygenate everything in the area? At the very least, it should be written to have a superheated blade at all times and the option to produce an explosion upon stabbing a target, that would be reasonable uses of tinkertech to skirt around the edges of physics and take the consequences into account rather than just ignoring it completely.
"For the record, that last trick was a temporal stasis trigger, with thanks owed to the cooperation of a subordinate of mine. Drains my battery reserves, but you don’t understand that, do you?”
Armsmaster, you idiot! Didn't you hear Legend before the fight? This isn't Behemoth. It probably can understand you!
The storm sewers.
The storm sewers...
“Armsmaster down! CC-7!
Did I miss something earlier? I genuinely have no fucking clue what these codes and numbers mean or why they keep changing.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
y'all gettin fancy with all this y/n story stuff. personally i'd just be happy to have miguel chase me down through some seedy city alleys, corner me in an abandoned building, rough me up a little, and finally pin me down and bite the back of my neck to keep me still while he's Busy. ya know, standard stuff
But like, as much as I need to practice cranking out more fics that just kind of jump into it, I also like DETAILS. I like my drama to have some MEAT on its bones.
Is he chasing you like, the day you meet? Is it an ON SIGHT kind of attraction? Is he yandere or just a possessive boyfriend? Has he known you for some time and you've finally got him all figured out and are scared of him and trying to get away? Has he been stalking you for a while and you have no idea who he is? Are you a Spider? Are you even aware of him or is he haunting you like a ghost? How crazy is this man? Does he just want sex or does he want a wife? Or are you just a pretty thing with a nice scent and like he's basically got weird side effects of his nanomachine whatevers that make him go into heat or that's Just A Spider Thing or it's ABO, who really gives a fuck idk.
But like goddamn is the, choreography? For the chase scenes and swinging through the cities so fucking good in this film, it really is an art watching how frantic things can get when you've got people who are like agile with super strength and also crazy flexibility, invulnerability, etc all running around and like, parkouring off of buildings and swinging by cars and defying gravity like some Naruto Chakra control shit like. It really does open up some real pred/prey opportunities, whether you're a Spider or an unlucky civilian
But ughhhhh 😩❤️ the helplessness of being completely paralyzed, maybe only able to talk or make grunts while he explores your body and you're helpless to stop him. Having to watch as he peels off your clothes, exposing your bare flesh to him for the first time. Anything he wants to see, anywhere he wants to touch, anything he wants to do, nothing is stopping him, and he's probably gleefully purring to you as such, either to try and be sexy as a devoted "partner" or to intimidate and scare you into being a good little hole for him and not resist. Would he enjoy a little bit of a struggle because it unlocks a dominance in him, or would it pain him because he loves you and obviously you're just a little confused but 'hes gotta do what hes gotta do' 🥺
I dunno why but I was just hit with the inspiration of "youre coworkers or whatever and Miguel designs you a suit with like nanotechnology and bullshit like his own and obviously this means he can hack the 'removal/bathroom compartment' feature to just expose you and fuck you whenever he wants". I'm picturing he's literally got you up on a skyscraper or like a construction crane or you're in some crazy place and suddenly he's pinning you down and opening your suit to shove his fingers or tongue or whatever he pleases in between your legs and like, there's not exactly a risk of falling but you're flustered by like, the time and place and URGENCY of how bad he seems to need it, and especially if it's up on a building in the city you're squirming and whimpering to him that he has no idea if anyone can actually see you two or not, but he almost doesn't even care, too preoccupied (obsessed?) with taking you right then and there. Spiderwoman, more like HIS woman, Spiderman, more like, spied on by this man, Miguel, more like..... get me pregnant 😩❤️
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