#napoleonic library
captainknell · 1 year
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The Napoleonic library has now taken over the ENTIRE bookshelf
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
One mildly chilly day in August and suddenly I want to read every Victorian novel in existence.
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empirearchives · 2 months
“The field of Waterloo today has that calm belonging to the earth… it looks like any other plain. At night, however, a sort of visionary mist arises from it, and if some traveler is walking there, if he looks, if he listens… he will be possessed by hallucinations of the disaster.”
— Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
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justabigoldnerd · 4 months
Find The Word Game
Haha thank you so much for the tag again, @the-golden-comet !!
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
My Words: hope, realize, tandem, fall
Your Words: chain, country, neutral, instinct
Hope: (From an unnamed MCD ficlet I may or may not have the balls to finish lol)
What if Gaby was right? It wouldn't be unlike their American partner to fake his death. But he would've told them somehow, wouldn't he? Gotten word to them so they didn't think he was actually dead. The CIA, then? Severing the last of his connections to people he cared for, who cared for him? Surely, when Illya opened the left eye, he would see that the man on the table wasn't his Cowboy. Taking a deep breath, Illya pushed upwards, revealing a thin, dull ring of blue in the center of a blood-filled eye, almost swallowed by the blown pupil. A knot formed in Illya's throat. A knot of hope.
Realize: (From "Never Fall In Love With A Stranger", a Library AU)
Illya loves this library. He's been going to it since his mother moved them from Moscow when he was twelve years old. The staff were always kind when the kids at school weren't, so he'd end up there most days. Then when he got older and began getting into fights, Ms. Kathy from the Children's Center always had an ice pack, butterfly stitches, and a snack ready for him. They never asked why or how he ended up with split lips and bloody noses, they just cared for him when he felt that no one else in the world did. He knew every inch of the building, from the aforementioned Children's Center, to the Reference Desk and non-fiction section, even the older ladies in the Heritage Center that he only visited to chat with. So when the first new face in almost twenty years shows up behind the Reference Desk, Illya notices immediately. And he feels….angry, for some reason. Betrayed. He isn't sure why, but the change makes his heartbeat thunder in his ears. There is a stranger in his library. A toddler shoots past him from the Children's Center, and only then does Illya realize he's been rooted to the spot. His face heats and he shakes himself out of his frozen state, pushing forward and resolving to spend the day with Mrs. Denise and Mrs. Patricia.
Tandem: (From "I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor)" . I actually had to write a new sentence to include this word lol I've never written it!)
The sunlight was warm and soft, reflecting off of the last of the dew dampening the forest and making it glitter like emeralds. Solo's jaw was set in a purposefully neutral expression, but his knuckles were white on the reins. Parsdorf shook his coat to shake off some of the tension he was feeling, and Artem, riding tandem to him, sighed heavily.
Fall: (From "The X-Men From U.N.C.L.E.")
Gaby kept a two-way radio hidden on her at all times. She could tap into the frequency of it somehow and hear through it. That was how she was able to hide her deafness for so long. She was in high-school when a pack of boys a grade above her cornered her and took her radio, plunging her back unto silence while they laughed and jeered and threw it between them. The leader of them crouched in front of a trembling Gaby and spat something at her that she couldn't hear, waggling the radio in the air. When she didn't respond, he stood up and let it fall from his hand. Gaby flinched and tears stung at her eyes, but she kept her glare level, even as he stomped it to pieces.
No pressure to make a new one or use these new words for anyone who has already done/is planning on doing on of these!!! Gonna no-pressure-tag my usuals anyway 💕💕💕
@pippinoftheshire @yallwildinrn @huggiebird @too-young-to-fall-in-love @times-up-alone-tonight
@cha-melodius @heytheredeann @thattripleabattery and anyone else who wants to join!!
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amicus-noctis · 10 months
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“Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte
Painting: "Napoleon Crossing the Alps" by Jacques-Louis David
Just watched the new Napoleon film. It was so beautiful how much Napoleon loved Josephine.
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Reading this masterpiece, translated by #constance garnett
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escapismsworld · 1 year
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Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker, Antonio Canova
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cool-as-steel · 6 months
I really do like it when you enter the book feeling Dread and Expecting The Horrors but instead you discover a book which is. Fairly Okay Actually.
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hueberryshortcake · 11 months
ok I gotta go through my drafts and inbox rn
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microcosme11 · 1 year
Article about this book on napoleon.org. Thanks to @awesomenapoblog for asking about Byron. I still don’t know whether his book was there, I read it somewhere, maybe it’s in this book.
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captainknell · 10 months
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Had to get another bookshelf for the ever growing library
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empirearchives · 1 year
Speaking of Napoleon’s passion for library science, here is a really sweet statue of him reading in Valence 🥺
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Installed in 2010 (source)
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intothestacks · 7 months
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mtlibrary · 2 years
Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray
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These images come from Middle Temple Library's copy of Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray. The story follows the lives of the “good natured” Amelia Sedley and the story’s manipulative “anti-heroine", Becky Sharp during and after the Napoleonic Wars. It was originally published as a 19-volume monthly serial from 1847 to 1848, carrying the subtitle Pen and Pencil Sketches of English Society, which reflected both its satirisation of early 19th-century British society and Thackeray’s illustrations which accompanied the text. This centenary biographical edition was published in 1910 and includes an introduction by the author’s daughter Anne Thackeray Ritchie.
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carreimperial · 1 year
Le devoir de l'historien
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Extrait du mémorial de Sainte Hélène - Napoléon 1er
"Mes détracteurs auront beau retrancher, supprimer, mutiler, il leur sera bien difficile de me faire disparaître tout à fait. Un historien honnête devra me rendre quelque chose, et sa tâche sera aisée, car les faits parlent, ils brillent comme le soleil.
J’ai refermé le gouffre anarchique et débrouillé le chaos. J’ai purifié la révolution et ennobli les peuples. J’ai excité toutes les émulations, récompensé tous les mérites, et reculé les limites de la gloire ! Tout cela est bien quelque chose !
Et puis sur quoi pourrait-on m’attaquer, qu’un historien ne puisse me défendre ? Serait-ce mes intentions ? Mais il démontrera qu’elles visaient toujours le bien public. Serait-ce mon despotisme ? Mais il démontrera qu’une ferme autorité était une absolue nécessité. Dira-t-on que j’ai gêné la liberté ? Mais il prouvera que la licence, l’anarchie, les grands désordres, étaient encore au seuil de la porte. M’accusera-t-on d’avoir trop aimé la guerre ? Mais il montrera que j’ai toujours été attaqué. M’accusera-t-on d’avoir voulu la monarchie universelle ? Mais il fera voir qu’elle ne fut que l’oeuvre fortuite des circonstances, que ce furent nos ennemis eux-mêmes qui m’y conduisirent pas à pas.
Enfin sera-ce mon ambition ? Ah, sans doute, il m’en trouvera, et beaucoup, mais de la plus grande et la plus haute qui fût peut-être jamais ! Celle d’établir, de consacrer enfin l’empire de la raison et le plein exercice, l’entière jouissance de toutes les facultés humaines. Et ici l’historien se trouvera conduit à devoir regretter qu’une telle ambition n’ait pas été totalement accomplie.
En bien peu de mots, voilà pourtant toute mon histoire."
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