#narky spies something a bit out there
narcoticwriter · 1 year
Trump's arrest and mugshot were to just distract us from the fact that Chris Chan's charges against forcing himself on his dementia-ridden mother were dropped and that he won't even be on the SA registery after the fact that he's been let go. He also has a brand new Twiiter account.
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narcoticwriter · 6 months
Did... did I just stumble across an actual attempt?
Oh... oh.
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
I don't know if it's the anxiety, the neurodivergence, the self-awareness, or the reality of my own shitty circumstances, but I suddenly want to bury myself underground and never emerge again. I'm tossing in the towel, locking the box and throwing away the key, clocking out, whatever you wanna call it. I'm done.
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
The only reason that I distance myself from discussing politics is that the sheer amount of the accursed knowledge I've come to know has irrevocably tainted my entire life, permanently darkened my worldview, and absolutely robbed me of my innocuous innocence to the point where I will very quickly want to inflict physical violence and possibly homicide on the nearest thing even remotely related to it.
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narcoticwriter · 2 years
On Tighnari and the Situation At Large:
If you know, you know. If you don't, this article comprehensively summarizes what's happening currently.
I'm linking the document here too. It's very graphic and explicit. Don't read it if you don't want to. I'm warning you now.
I don't usually talk about things like this, but when I do, it affects me strongly. My response is below the cut.
Yeah, I know about the whole situation and read the document. It is disgusting, revolting, terrifying, and generally leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It's a shame that he wasn't caught sooner and while I can acknowledge the fact that he's leaving of his own volition and seeking help, I cannot excuse his actions and that he tried to hide it in any way.
I know damn well that Tighnari, someone who mentors and looks after a young individual with respect, dignity, and patience, would not do this.
The disgusting irony only serves to elevate these traits as how the fuck can his voice actor not see how opposite and totally contrasting this was?
Remember: The character and the voice actor aren't the same person. The fiction is not the property of the voice actor nor do they do not own it in any way at all. They are separate things entirely.
I don't believe that anyone should take anything down because of the actions of one person that sullied the community at large, and the fact that some people think that they should force people to take it down regardless is wrong and should be stopped. And if you start going after people who like the character he happened to voice, then there's something deeply wrong with you as an individual.
The character is beloved by many and while the fans are trying to process this, the last thing they need is to be harassed into getting rid of any fic, art, or any other media because of the association.
Anyone who can't or won't separate the character from the person who voiced them and willingly subjects others to that stupid fucking view can fuck right off, thank you very much.
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
I'm pretty sure that 2016-2020 actually traumatized me because whenever I hear the words 'election' and 'stolen' in the same sentence, I actually have to fight to hold myself back from flying into a murderous rage.
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
"Local man shot in the head in the suburbs after waving hello to a neighbor across the street."
-- A headline that isn't real (I fucking hope)
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
The grin that stretched across my face the moment I heard that Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon were done away with in the same breath was immediately replaced by a grimace that dampened my features the moment I realized that this would ultimately make things so much fucking worse than they already are now.
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narcoticwriter · 4 months
Gonna be real honest with you folks: if people are really going to throw Trump in jail for hush-money, then at least a fourth of the notable people in power ought to be locked away too, some for much fucking worse.
I never liked any of these people nor what they stood for, but at least pretend that no one is above the law except the folks above the law for a little bit?
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narcoticwriter · 2 years
Gonna reblog something just a bit out there in terms of nudity, tagging it as such below just in case y'all need to filter it. It's censored, but like I said, just to be safe.
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narcoticwriter · 3 years
For those of you who are new here:
My bio tells you everything already and you can call me Narky.
Yes, I am currently into [insert fandom, object, work, argument, etc., here] and will snort it’s powdered snow as I see fit to.
No, this is not a [insert fandom, object, work, argument, etc., here]-centric blog nor will it ever be, as you can see from my disjointed posts, inconsistent archive and scattered followings. 
And yes, it is always like this. 
Welcome to ground zero, motherfuckers.
(Tagging system below the cut.)
My somewhat reliable tagging system (work in progress):
#narky thinks - My own posts 
#narky speaks - My responses to asks and submissions (submissions tagged separately)
#narky is ____ - Bullshit, it doesn’t matter. Any duplication is purely coincidental
#narky spies something a bit out there - The posts I make or reblog that might not be for everyone. Use this to filter for uncomfortable stuff.
#reblog - Exactly what it means (I need to get better at that)
#[any fandom, object, or anything of the sort] - most reliable if you want to look for posts with specific mentions of specific content in them (i.e. #genshin impact, #scp, #jin yong, and so forth).
#[series] - I don’t usually make things, but when I do, I tag them under a ridiculous and out of pocket title. The more obnoxious and audacious it sounds, the more likely that that is the one you’re going to block for the foreseeable future. Mostly for sorting. Actual series down below this section (eternally under construction).
#[anon] - How to keep up with yourself if you’re an anon. Chances are, I’ve named you after something in the sentences you sent and the words we exchanged, but I can totally change it if you want.
#[mutual] - Virtually non-existent. I’ll try revamping it, but the posts I’ve made and collected . . . over 1,000 of em . . . I make no promises.
#[anything else] - Read the tags. You’ll find context there. Sometimes.
Diluc Harem AU - You can find the summation of the ‘#diluc harem au’ tag here.
Going Ham - This is where you will see the real long posts. Under ‘#going ham’
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