#narrative comedy
offarworlds · 10 months
New short up now! Check it out and hope you enjoy!
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greelin · 10 months
very proud of myself for being able to drive but the second people start naming highways and roads and shit i’m out. “did you take 69 south? Come in at pissy shitty parkway?” brother i put it in maps and it took me here. You are speaking another language to me right now. one i am not even remotely fluent in.
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booigi-boi · 3 months
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I had this originally saved for Greater Gatsby's return, but it feels right to post it on Mary Kate's birthday 💞
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punkbarbarian · 1 month
siobhan saying “if you don’t want us at our goofiest, you don’t get us at our crying” has never resonated more to me
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frootertooter · 2 months
I think one of my favourite things about Sniper is just how flip flop he is between "cool misunderstood loner mercenary", "chill guy just doin his 9/5 job", and "guy you'd get into an overly heated childish argument with at a children's cricket game"
Like these are two adjacent comic panels:
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Not only that, but a lot of his in game voice lines reflect that stupidly funny flipfloppidness too- The contrast between his domination lines at the start of the below video and at the end I think show it best kskdf
Sure Sniper you might act cool headed or menacing and all that + have some angsty lore, but you also throw jars of piss at people and have a backstory that is a literal goofy ass parody of Superman’s?? (Yet even then as ridiculous as it may be, Valve still somehow turns the botched Superman parody backstory into something that gives his character depth???)
I'm just a massive fan of how Valve writes and portrays their characters in TF2 kskdf
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o-wild-west-wind · 8 months
y’all out here saying Izzy’s death made no narrative sense because it’s a comedy show clearly haven’t seen the Shakespeare post…I’m sorry I really am but death immunity only applies to the romantic leads the genre has not changed babes
(I don’t mean this to be patronizing, but genuinely: critically analyzing and engaging with art is a skill, and an important one. it’s a tool that will help you in the real world, for real current events. use this as practice not to take everything at face value. sad art does not equal bad art!)
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gorandomshesaid · 2 months
this has definitely been done before but
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malzykins · 5 months
Clay and Goopy interaction mayhaps??or maybe just more goopy cuz they are so cuute.
Oooorrrr. Your one spooky masked fella with the tentacles? 🥺
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caught his ass lackin 😂👉👉👉 this is incredibly ooc. probnably. i thought it was funy 😇 ignore why clay looks so disproportionate and short. hes uhm. hes poised on his knees. no I didnt mess up. smile
as for the second half of this ask... i have a bit of a confession. looking between images of goop and the other fella, well.. it takes a lil bit o eyeballing, but...
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these designs are quite similar, no? :>
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sweetlytempests · 24 days
i appreciate that the starbreaker fandom (and the jace stans specifically) all looked at the finale and said "well if brennan is gonna let this perfectly good twink go to waste, we'll take him." now he's ours and i think that's beautiful.
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day 297
thinking about how aradia used the ouija modus for her sylladex. like. just let the ghosts pick out what she gets out of her inventory.
its kind of implied that they just give her whatever they think she "needs" at that moment, and that she is cool with that system, so one assumes they were usually pretty reliable?
but like. do you think the ghosts ever fucked around? do you think she ever got sick of their shit
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
there’s so many ways that queerness exists in texts, unintentionally and intentionally, coded and uncoded and partially coded and baited and confused and limited and expansive, and then there’s whatever is happening with Hawkeye Pierce, M.D. of the 4077th MASH unit
#hawkeye pierce#MASH#there is of course also the constant mist of gender/sexuality queering that hangs over the narrative because of its structure#its structure as comedy (often subject to whimsical departures from acceptable gender/sexualities)#its structure as anti-establishment and anti-conformity#its celebration of non-conformist personalities and lives and its redefinitions over and over of madness and mutual aid#its structure - of course - as found family#its structure as an island in a sea of militant and fascistic surrealism and answering the questions of:#well what does the alternative to that violence look like?#so the idea of intentionality/unintentionality sort of doesn't matter#because it's creating a manifesto/ethos of sorts that speaks the same language as queerness#and it's down to the DNAs of its structures#(not even mentioning the structures of echoing the realities of those making it -- ethnicities - romantic lives - cultures and religions -#friendships and political beliefs - family structures created on the set of the show itself)#but yes hawkeye pierce is depicted as fascinatingly overtly queer and comedy is (like horror... which....) an acceptable space#for him to be this#(which -- when the horror and tragedy takes more of a front seat his funny-man queerness is somewhat diminished#but a. still very much present b. given an air of drama that legitimises it further c. underpinned by seasons and seasons of existence#d. embedded in that self-same DNA of the structures -- he IS the main POV character#which means he's carrying so much of that idea of non-conformity/civilish disobedience as good and right/whimsy/gender-and-sexuality/etc#so you see... there's whatever is happening with hawkeye pierce M.D.
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pulsingvoid · 1 month
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if deborah vance acknowledges she's bisexual in any capacity this will become the greatest tv series opening in history. to me
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shipwreckedcomedy · 6 months
We aren't done with holiday content! 🎄 Get ready for Dashing Through the Snow, our Greater Gatsby holiday special, coming this Wednesday!
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booigi-boi · 9 months
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Bunch of The Case of the Greater Gatsby characters for your enjoyment! 🍪
If this doesn't make you go listen to this funny film noir audio narrative then I don't know what will (on your typical podcast platforms 🤍)
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metabolizemotions · 1 month
The timeline is broken 😭
The structure both worked n didn’t work? I think it’s really more for Tully than Vic, cos Vic already has sufficient backstory, n buildup -only a trigger is nec. Esp that late into the last season when we’re eager to see where the characters r going, not where they’ve gone or rehash some things? 704-5 worked well cos there was a balanced focus on the main not guest characters. Also imo flashbacks work better when anchored by familiar events, not vague period of multiple timeframes while jumping back and forth to the present?
I think due to the time crunch they want to condense the indiv arcs into single episodes. Like 703 for Travis with his dad, 706 for Vic & Tully with Morris, 707 for Maya with Mason.
The non-linear structure did allow for building a sense of history with Morris n the emotional impact that came after. It was a better way to incorporate the story of the guest actors, and it allowed for the inclusion of as many of the main cast as possible. The team hasn’t been really like a team since Maya was captain. There hasn't been any sort of real, shared n lasting experiences.
Imagine if we had a format like that that tied a season together, instead of the captainship n political drama, n tonally different n sometimes inconsequential scenes strung together to make up episodes, which went on to make up seasons. 704-6 r better than 701-3 imo, in an already better season, despite some issues. Sadly only upon cancellation r they focusing their resources n efforts to make it more dynamic n cohesive... n we didn't get more much-needed fresh takes from new writers n directors sooner...
We got to see the progression of how Vic came into her own as the leader for Crisis One. How it led to her emotional burnout n compassion fatigue - she truly cared for people, taking on their pain, while not being able to release her own unresolved pain or seek help when she needed it. A reality of mental health professionals, of women, esp woc.
The Travic scenes are the best scenes in a while now. It resonates the most when the writing felt true to the characters. Underneath the goofiness, they tell each other brutally honest truths. Like how they fought over their way to cope with trauma - Travis feeling the full brunt of the grief over Michael's death n struggling to really move on. While Vic quickly tried to move on after Ripley cos to let herself feel the pain fully was impossible. Or when they talked about the blatant racism/ homophobia or microaggressions each faced n how they buried instead of dealing with the pain.
Their friendship is my fav of the show and it took a backseat for a long time. Barrett n Jay have great chemistry n they always crushed it in their scenes - the emotional ones, the funny ones... But Travis hasn't been Travis, Vic hasn't been Vic, n Travic hasn't been Travic. The show tends to put relationships on hold and isolate characters n shoehorn their actions to fit the multiple new storylines they start, but don't always follow thru. A waste of the talent of the actors. When given good material like this, see them shine, case in point - Barrett here.
In a way it also felt like part damage control.
Tully thru Boris's eyes...
A rose-tinted look at a relationship built on conflicts which the show is working around instead of facing head on? Just like how OOC Vic was written in s6 when it came to Maya. It's like they realized they went too far, n now they are retconning instead of ever addressing their attitudes n actions towards Maya.
Filling in some blanks to substantiate their relationship in the lead-up to their wedding? It's valid for the shortened season - to some extent. They had been writing them as very selfish n egoistic people. Now they want to show their better sides to make people like them as a couple ... so the show can end in a big celebration of them? But just showing their good side doesn't work for me if they don't also acknowledge their darker sides.
Basically a chief n a captain ganged up to haze a junior colleague for months. An ex-battalion chief watched on n mocked - the same person who rallied the team behind him n gave him a job when he had none; the same person whose job he tried to steal. But after the extended saga, only Maya should apologize repeatedly?
I find it hard to root for Tully as a couple. The same reason why I don't find Beckett's arc fully earned. If they want to move on, yet keep making Maya be the only one addressing her own actions directly after she faced devastating consequences. While finding other ways to justify/ explain away/ minimize/ ignore/ retcon etc the actions of the others... It just makes for a very conflicting watch.
// b/w the new mayor n Ross? Also is it considered her growth? Since the brief Maya's "sit-down" of immediately shutting her down and calling her insubordinate... To when she later reconsidered and praised Andy about the "mutiny" which she jumped to conclusions to reprimand with no context... To now being okay with insubordination towards her boss cos she thought she was fighting for the right reasons... ?
Is that subtle subtext again? Is it me or is the writing for her confusing? Or is she a conflicted person who's not very self-aware?
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noknowshame · 2 days
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the summary of the monkees' movie head (1968) is easily in the top ten most jerkable wikipedia articles
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