single-destruction · 2 years
Angwy pink barbie and her friend :D
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narutobyari · 5 months
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Sexy Karin Uzumaki Uchiha 🙏🏻🍾🌸🥂💍🌹❤️
Photo taken by Sasuke 🧸
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forumjutsu · 2 years
Naruto: Oh, I wish my mother and my father were here to see this.
Sakura: Because they'd be so proud of you?
Naruto: No, because they'd be alive.
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generouskittensong · 6 months
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Who knows from what episode this is? Well know the inn animation. Karin is just so sexy <333 truly my girl. Karin Uzumaki
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cjbennet · 1 year
Okay, fellow narutovians
I plan to make a video about the ending of "Naruto"
Buuuuuuut because it's been almost 9 and I don't want to retraumatize myself I need your help
What made you scream in agony the most after the 700th chapter?
(adding the narusaku # cause Lord knows we've been through some shit)
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
When did Sakura realize she was in love with Naruto?
Depends on the universe to be honest lol.
And also there is a difference between realising it and accepting it lol.
Sakura spends a lot of her time in that big river in Egypt over her precise feelings for Naruto.
She knows what they are in her heart of hearts in most universes and if you were to push, and supply alcohol or make her jealous or both, you might get her to admit to having a bit of a thing for her hunky best friend.
And she tends to cling to that perfectly legitimate stance of 'he's just really, objectively hot and I like men okay?' right up until and during some of the plots of my stories lol.
If you want more details? I present you my gathered works xD.
Thanks for asking!
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malfack · 2 months
seriously guys, even the platonic relationships of narusaku evoke more emotions and have deeper meaning than the canon couples that give me nothing but rejection.
hinata was stalking naruto throughout the anime, uzumaki himself didn't even notice that because he didn't care at all.
sakura was selfishly clinging to sasuke, completely ignoring his own feelings and purposes, she’s literally a prime example of an obsessive fan girl. i bet if sasuke was a girl and sakura was a guy, watchers would absolutely agree.
now remember that the whole anime plot is a story of relationship between sasuke and naruto, with sasuke trying to kill naruto just because uzumaki’s his only weakness, and naruto following him and standing by his side no matter what, willing to give up everything and everyone, even his own dream, just to say i will bear the burden of your hatred and i’ll die with you!
because only sasuke understands naruto and only sasuke matters to him.
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mixelation · 3 months
i guess this is canon to mutagenicity in that it's an AU i ave where minakushi are alive but: i headcanon they're narusaku shippers (NOTE: this is not actually a narusaku premise)
okay. so in canon we know kushina told naruto he should find a girl "like her" to marry (who knows what that meant???) and also minato's first question upon meeting sakura was "is this your girlfriend." so i think we can conclude that both of them have ideas about naruto dating and what that should look like (although note i won't write them as assholes to their own kid, so they're okay with naruto going with something besides from their Ideas as long as it makes him happy)
anyway. in mutagenicity, naruto still likes sakura in a very kiddy-crush way. he admires that she's intelligent and he likes her hair. he likes when he gets a glimpse of inner sakura.
so from his parents' POV, from ages like 8-12 naruto is always talking about how sakura-chan is THE smartest in class, and how he catches her secretly laughing at his pranks even though she pretends to be a teacher's pet. around ~10 he starts sighing over how pretty her hair is, and also 10 is around the age where sakura breaks up with ino and her Feral Mean Girl act becomes more apparent and naruto thinks this is SO cool.
kushina is absolutely smitten with the idea that naruto likes a girl with weird hair and that he's defensive of people making fun of her face. she thinks sakura's personality would be a good balance for naruto. she likes the gumption of sakura being from no-name clan and deciding her rival is the yamanaka clan heir. she ships it, okay. naruto should go for it. kushina wants a daughter-in-law ASAP.
minato is a little more level-headed, but he thinks naruto's crush is very cute. he does hope sakura will give naruto a chance. he ALSO feels weird about putting them on the same genin team.
kushina, heart eyes: YOU'RE PLAYING MATCHMAKER???
minato: no, the.... the simulations for potential teams..... indicated this is the best combination.....
kushina: BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE!!!!!!
except it takes like six months and then naruto stops talking about sakura with hearts in his eyes. like he's FRIENDS with her and still talks about her a lot. but there's a clear shift in his attitude towards her. the crush part of his feelings is weaker
naruto: y-yep..... my crush on sakura......
he dates hinata briefly in his teens and kushina is like "??? WHAT HAPPENED TO SAKURA, WHO IS THIS?" (minato: who is THE HYUUGA CLAN HEIR?) eventually they break up and naruto is like "actually i think i am gay" and kushina is like ".........but can sakura still be my daughter?"
she gets sasuke as a second son, which is awesome, but like. she wanted to braid hair.
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feeniest · 6 months
feenie do u like Narusaku🌸🍥
i dooo theyre the only naruto x girl and sakura x boy ship i accept LOL theyre the cutest forever.. though i dont actually like actively ship it like that i do get it completely and dabble in it sometimes...old narusaku i like and have an excuse to post now
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sueske · 8 months
the thing is naruto's crush on sakura was always written as unserious and often in projection with his own feelings for sasuke, or just as a smokescreen in general. when we look at the *important* moments between narusaku, as in, not those that were used for comedic relief but those that serve to explain the basis that underpins their relationship, or further develops it, it's all wishy-washy.
why does naruto like sakura?
from sakura's very first introduction naruto calls her a 'cute girl'. and yet, being 'cute' is not enough reason for naruto to understand why he likes her (I mean go figure, since all we saw sakura do was yell at him and hit him). but he does end up saying he 'finally understands what he likes about sakura' once sakura talks about doing anything for sasuke's acknowledgement - which we know is something naruto also relates to and wants and did actually end up getting. so in chapter 3 that is established as the basis for naruto's 'feelings for sakura'.
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2. why can't naruto explain his *true* feelings for sakura?
'okay sure,' you might say, 'but that was just chapter 3. they spent time together and naruto's feelings for her deepened greatly.' did they really though?
here's a scene where his feelings are explicitly discussed in a *serious* context again.
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'reasons for love' is something that kishimoto places great emphasis on throughout the manga. do you think it's not intentional, that out of all people to talk about human emotions, it's sai that was given the task here? the reasoning sai supplies for thinking that naruto likes sakura is because he smiles a lot around her. okay. there's no mention of actual deep and organic reasoning behind naruto's *true love for sakura* (here or anywhere else) since kishimoto won't write that for them since they don't exist. most of naruto and sakura's conversations revolve around sasuke anyways.
but let's look at what naruto says next:
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right, the infamous promise.... ok well let's talk about that promise some more in the context of narusaku.
3. sakura's confession
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not only has naruto shown that he would in fact be willing to go back and break his promises when it came to sasuke (implying that his *feelings* for sakura are not great enough for him to break his own promises for), the reasoning naruto gave for not communicating his true feelings for sakura - the promise - ended up not mattering. also, throughout sakura's whole confession, did naruto look heart broken at the fact his supposed love for sakura was not reciprocated? he looked more annoyed and angry at the whole thing, thinking and being sad about sasuke, than actually act like guy who just experienced the true end to his unrequited love. no panel, no expression, no thought where naruto is sad about sakura actually not liking him and how his feelings are hurt because of it.... despite the fact he supposedly has them during his conversation with sai.
SO given that that at the start his crush was explained by wanting sasuke's acknowledgement, given that in part 2 the greatest extent his feelings were explored were by 'smiling a lot' and a promise that never held much weight in the end, AND the fact that he was not heartbroken when it all came to a climax - like just because someone says something at face value you can think more deeply about it, you don't need to not do that because it's just a 'simple shonen.'
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narutobyari · 5 months
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Karin Uzumaki Uchiha enjoying the fireworks 🎆 ♥️ 😎 😀 😄 👌🏻- photo taken by Sasuke 🍾🥂🎊🎉🧨🎆🙈❤️🧸
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maoam · 2 months
Did you see that post where someone here on Tumblr posted a screenshot of a Reddit post with a dudebro saying he always sees fights in the fandom over NaruHina vs NaruSaku but he can't take either seriously bc of NaruSasu? Or, in his words, "bc of his obsession with Sasuke"...? I thought it was hilarious, that he came so close to getting the point but missed. But when I saw the screenshots of the comments all agreeing and someone said "time for female Sasuke" I got kinda mad. Why is everyone so heteronormative and homophobic 🙄 it's like impossible for these ppl to understand that maybe someone just likes someone of their own gender for once. It's all hilarious and annoying and sad. But I love how it low-key proves NaruSasu canon af tho so yay lol
It is sad but not surprising. There is actually quite a lot of men who think Sasuke should have been a female character. They can't support a gay ship but they can see it makes sense.
NH vs NRSK fights were indeed funny because both girls got constantly sidelined for Naruto's Sasuke obsession. And the shippers acted like either of the girls was the love of his life. Kage Summit arc made both ship fandoms mad for a reason because Kishi really drived home what his bias has always been.
And SS on twitter insist Naruto and Sasuke were written as brothers XD They are that blind, even many straight men get Kishi was writing gay...
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
If sakura and hinata were redeemed in naruto, would anyone even care? I feel as if I wouldn't care much, especially for sakura, cuz they've done too much. I think I would still hate them and some others wouldnt buy it.
I mean, say like Sakura was redeemed all of a sudden in boruto, would that be enough to overcome how she she treated other's throughout all the story? Especially Sasuke. Would redeeming her be enough to overcome how she harasses him all the time? Would it be enough to overcome how she chased sasuke and gave him a child he never wanted? Like she gets redeemed and goes "oops, I know you never wanted this but I'm sorry now and I'm a changed person, won't happen again." Like the damage is done, she's harassed him and chased him till he gave in, how can you better yourself after you've gotten what you wanted? redeeming can't reverse that damage. Or how she treated Naruto "sorry for being a bully and hitting you for no reason but I'm changed now, won't do it again." Apart from narusaku audience, which audience is gonna buy that? Like it's unconvincing she would get redeemed and then would apologize to naruto as it just so happens to be when he's hokage and she's got her prize Sasuke. Or for ino she gets redeemed and apologises for how she treated her, but it unconvincing because sakura has won Sasuke, so she and ino aren't fighting over him anymore.
Or for Hinata,"S..so...sorry n.nn....naruto-kun for guilt tripping you to marry me, I.. I.. I won't do it again, I'm better and changed." Like, he's already married to her and started a family. It's not going to mean much?
Based of the ask someone sent abt if it's possible Sakura and hinata could get redeemed. Like you've said in your reply, anyone can get redeemed, but I feel like it would be unconvincing or at the least, take a lot of work to redeem these two. This is just my opinion I could be wrong.
But that's the thing. If Sakura and Hinata were redeemed in Naruto, it would have meant something significant, and it would have contributed to the narrative and plot, because if the plan were to redeem them, then logically Naruto and Sasuke would be made to get together at the end. Look at what Sakura and Hinata represent. Two heteronormative selfish, entitled, unsympathetic, boy crazy girls who would potentially make into women who would force gay men to marry them to keep their illusions of love afloat. They don't give a shit as long as they get what they want, even at the expense of their spouses' well being or their own long term happiness. It was necessary for them to be written that way to facilitate the Brokeback Mountainesque situation in Boruto, no? What with the whole story being a love story and Sakura and Hinata as tools that were used to keep Naruto and Sasuke prisoners to their miserable lives, life of a shinobi who is supposed to live in the darkness, enduring all the misery silently. It's not the kind of world that will accept them, certainly not Naruto, someone who was systematically and institutionally ostracized, an orphaned, homosexual boy who is fated to be THE person in the world that will change it for the better. And this was the only way to resolve this story, in order for it to justify the new gen story, hence becoming the tragic ending that we hate. So the antipathy towards these ladies never got resolved. However, in order for their redemption to happen in the manga, a lot of things would need changing. Like the state of the shinobi world. A lot of things would need changing if Sasuke and Naruto were written to finally get together. Yes, the ending as it is now feels contrived. It is contrived. But it is not meaningless. The shinobi world has been established as a cruel world, where people don't get what they deserve. Look at Haku, look at Madara, look at Kisame, look at Neji, Sasuke, Naruto, Uchiha clan. And those who get it, don't deserve it. Look at Sakura, look at Hinata, look at Sarutobi, look at Tobirama, look at Danzo, look at village elders.
I agree with you that it won't matter if they were redeemed in Boruto. Boruto is not about the boys, they are supporting characters in it. Their story was Naruto and Shippuden. Which is over. And obviously, Kishi made it a point post Shippuden to keep Hinata and Sakura's the same as before, so it doesn't look like he is planning to redeem them. Looks like status quo would persist in the distant future.
However, it could have been done in Shippuden. And like I said in the other post you mentioned, anyone can be redeemed in a show and it is all believable as long as the writer justifies it within the story itself. I used the example of Orange is the new black, because it shows a whole host of complex characters, deeply flawed and yet realistic characters who were written to justly finish their redemption arc. Take Maria's character, a secondary antagonist in the story. Maria is quiet and shy as a kid but given her circumstances, she transforms into a take charge dynamo of a person, very impressive and self assured, she takes after her religious leader/drug trafficker father, who can charm the masses and lead them. She steals from her place of work, she cheats on her husband, she doesn't feel any regret about it. She gets caught and is sentenced for fraud. She works her way in the prison, but navigating the prison life brings out the worst in her, she eventually becomes the leader of the prison riot. She becomes a full fledged bully, a sadist, she has no ethical compass anymore. This leads to her stint in the max security prison, where she is made to eat the humble pie, she learns that life could get even harder, and the choices she has been making has been leading her into even deeper shit, away from her daughter that she loves so much, away from her friends that were her family in the prison. She joins the church, she makes amends to people she has harmed. Her redemption arc is shown throughout the last two seasons, by the end of which, she makes the least destructive of all choices, she apologizes to Gloria, her close friend whom she betrayed, and lets her loving and kind husband to marry the woman he loves, her husband whom she treated very unkindly in the past, despite him being so devoted to her. She agrees to let her husband marry another woman, a woman he loves genuinely, because for once, she thinks about her husband, and not herself. She commits a selfless act.
There were many instances where Sakura was written with a possibility to demonstrate maturity. The reason why Kishi wrote those scenes that way was that, when a character does something decidedly immature at a place or time where the opportunity was so damn ripe to do something mature, and doesn't do it despite everything that has happened before in the plot which had led to the current situation, the character loses credibility in the eyes of the audience. Audiences aren't foolish. Any good writer knows this. The way Kishi wrote Sakura's scenes, stresses even more on the fact that her character simply didn't evolve. Remained the same. That's what narrative motifs are about. This way, the reader is able to glean the meaning out of the scene, as intended by the author easily. It makes the impression the author wants his writing to make. Kishi made it quite clear that the reason why Naruto followed Sasuke was to save him and help him, to relieve his loneliness, to protect him. To be there for him, because he loves Sasuke and he KNOWS Sasuke reciprocates his feelings, even if he makes excuses to hide them, actions speak louder than words. As is evidenced in vote one especially. Sakura was written to chase after Sasuke for her own selfish reasons, where she simply ignores the need to know the truth about Uchiha massacre or any wish to actually know or understand Sasuke. Which Sasuke is clearly shown to understand about her. That's why he keeps telling her that she is annoying, just casually, an off the cuff remark lol. But when Naruto follows him, he gets very reactive, very disturbed, very distracted. Because he knows why Naruto is doing it, he suspects it. He keeps asking Naruto why because he wants to get confirmation from Naruto. Which he gets at the end. Point is, Sakura was shown to be selfish till the end, starting with part one, and then in the kage arc, war arc, just before vote two, at the end when she responds to Sasuke's apology as if she deserved it all along, and then asks if Sasuke would take her on his redemption journey. And then in Boruto and Gaiden.
Naruto on the other hand is shown as the one who is ready to share Sasuke's burdens and die with him in the same scene where Sakura tried to stab Sasuke in the back.
If you truly have conviction in your love, if you know that you love for the right reasons and if you truly care about your object of love, you would do things very differently from what Sakura did to Sasuke consistently in the manga. And all of it was shown to be done by Naruto. Who knows he loves for the right reasons, he would be a fool in love but not leave Sasuke's side because that's how much he believes, they resonated with each other even when they didn't know how to articulate it, they were both lonely. Naruto believes in his love for Sasuke and he knows Sasuke loves him, because he showed it to Naruto, with actions more than words. Naruto changes, he evolves in the course of the manga, he becomes better in every aspect, because he is constantly inspired by the memory of Sasuke, because of the motivation of protecting him and being his rock.
True love is courageous. True love doesn't hide behind empty words and excuses. True love justifies the words that have been said by the lovers. True love doesn't say the words and then take them back in the face of adversities. True love makes it happen despite the odds. That's the glory of true love. That's why it inspires us. That's why Sasuke was convinced by Naruto and not anyone else at the end. Sakura was given all the chances and suggestive realisations but still no redemptive action. Same with Hinata. She realises she is being selfish when jumping in the fight against Pein but she does it anyway because she couldn't help being attracted to Naruto and needed to make an impression on him at the expense of the whole village and Naruto's life, followed by getting trolled by Kishi when Sakura hugs Naruto in front of her. Still no redemptive action. Not even in the war arc when Neji died.
If you can make it believable, anyone can be redeemed, just need to justify it properly. And of course, it won't be an isolated event, it would influence the plot and characters that are connected with them.
Like for example, think about a character such as Oro. He was written to be dreaded, reviled, to cause shivers down the spine, and nervousness, to create a feeling of unease and anticipation, right? Because he is cruel and an evil genius, he is always a step ahead of his opponent, he is clever as a fox. But even he was redeemed. And no, the idea of his redemption was not just at the end when he supported the war efforts. The feeling of antipathy towards him went once he confronts the dead kages in the war arc and supports Sasuke. All through Shippuden, the audience is made to see how none of the adults in their world even attempts to understand Sasuke's predicament and given the amount of focus Kishi spent on making the readers understand Sasuke's tragic past, it makes you feel frustrated to see how no one in the plot tries to even understand Sasuke's side.
This was Kakashi.
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Even though Kakashi is shown to acknowledge that Sasuke has truly suffered given his past, he still doesn't understand him. And Sasuke's attitude towards him doesn't improve till the end. At best, he becomes close to indifferent to Kakashi at the end. It's all understandable because it makes sense, because Kakashi has already been established as a complacent and unquestioning tool of the shinobi system. He is emotionally inept and doesn't understand his own team members. And he thinks Naruto and Sasuke are just rivals while Sakura's love for Sasuke has matured, she really loves Sasuke, a girl who is kind and gentle. Lol.
This was Itachi, but who's surprised? Itachi is the definition of tool of the system.
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With Itachi, Sasuke tries his best to express his frustration with the system that was evidently so deeply unfair, he tried to explain where his anger came from, which is all very justified. He appeals to Itachi's love for him, and Itachi admits he was wrong to treat Sasuke as a blank canvas, as a kid who didn't understand the world. We again get to see yet another adult, someone who is this close to Sasuke, not understand Sasuke's predicament. Despite Sasuke's desperate attempts. Even Sasuke gets it at the end that there's no point explaining anything further to Itachi, he is brainwashed to the hilt. But he was still Sasuke's brother, and he did take the blame for being the reason why Sasuke was the way he was. But the audience is left frustrated nevertheless. After all this build up to show how cruel Danzo was and how the elders and Sarutobi were complicit in the massacre, we still see them regarding it lightly, as if it is an everyday event. And it compounds our frustration.
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No cost is big enough for the apparent safety of Konoha, as per Danzo, but we all know Danzo did it for personal gain, his megalomania, the power hungry despot in him who traded power for hate and destroyed a whole clan like so many stray animals. Danzo was basically a hypocrite. A lot of characters were, in the name of Konoha.
This was Sakura.
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After which she promptly made a plan to go kill Sasuke and attempted it.
And then there were others.
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No one really cared. Except Naruto of course, shown in kage arc.
Oro is the only adult who supports Sasuke and says something that all the sane audiences have been wanting for someone to say. Someone reliable, someone who would make sense of it, someone who would reassure us that we weren't crazy, that whatever we are feeling is justified. Kishi is not blind to it either, but he needed to set up this world as deeply unfair, and he was going for eternity apparently, lol, which is why nothing really changed much even after Shippuden. None of these characters were redeemed, the ones that never understood Sasuke.
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We are clearly shown by Kishi why it was that Oro changed his decision, he was not interested in participating in the war at all, his objectives were in no way benefited from the war. He was interested in Sasuke and even when he is reincarnated by Sasuke, he is still after Sasuke's body. But Sasuke had his own reasons to have brought back Oro and he tells him, Oro is intrigued. He is concerned so he tells Sasuke to not get embroiled, but Sasuke lets him know he can handle it and that he isn't a child. Sasuke shows agency. He is determined, there's a mature look to him, a certain calm strength of will. He realized what Sasuke has been through, he who understands Sasuke's motivation very well. He knew Sasuke went through hell, to be able to kill Itachi, and then he was told the truth about him, he was manipulated even by him, as he himself admits, but he can see that Sasuke has changed, grown. And this convinces Oro to help him, who is now invested in Sasuke's future, even if he doesn't particularly benefit from it. In the scene when all the dead kages are brought back, we are waiting to see what will happen with baited breath, it's a big deal. The crescendo is building and building, big credit to Oro who kept goading and goading, putting all those thoughts in words that we were thinking all along.
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"It's really not that complex a jutsu....". He tells it like it is with such dry wit and sharp sarcasm, he trolls Tobirama and how. Hahahah. He calls him out left and right and it is then reiterated by Hashirama. Full entertainment guaranteed. He unequivocally takes Sasuke's side and he doesn't have a hidden agenda anymore. He threatens to destroy Konoha himself lol. He threatens all the kages, all the leaders of Konoha, people who made very bad decisions. He genuinely wants to see the way Sasuke's wind would blow. And when he feels Sasuke's life is being threatened by Tobirama, he positions himself for retaliation and is ready to protect Sasuke.
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Sasuke resonates with Oro. Even though Oro was portrayed as a ruthless, mad genius, cruel and manipulative villain, whose past (childhood) was suggested to be equally unfair, but who has been hunting our favourite characters, harming them, torturing them, of course he was reviled by readers. But then, he is made to do the one thing no other adult could do. And it suits him very well. He is one who wanted to get all the victims of this unfair world together and make his own village, he was a non conformist, he was the outlier, someone who understands the ways of this world very well and takes advantage of it for his own benefit without regret, he refused to pander to the shinobi world's ways, he decided to make his own. It suited him to go his own way, being disinterested in war and to root for something/someone he was interested in. Sasuke. He puts his hand where his mouth is. Unlike others, he is not a hypocrite. He has seen wars too closely and he knows what it does to people. All the collateral damage. Sasuke is able to relate with Oro. This is what redeemed Oro, to whatever extent he has been redeemed to. Of course it doesn't make all his other actions alright, but it does soften our impression of him and we lose the edge of antipathy towards him.
And this was done properly. It was made to look believable. You are right, it takes work. The ladies' redemption doesn't mean anything now, in Boruto. It could have meant something back then, but Kishi wasn't going for it in any case.
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oddone95 · 4 months
I nearly laughed hysterically when someone on twitter compared NaruHina to LuHan (Luffy x Hancock) and LuNa (Luffy x Nami) to NaruSaku and let me tell you why:
NaruHina vs LuHan
1. Naruto dense as he is was oblivious to Hinata’s feelings for him. Luffy rejected our pre-menopausal snake twice when she suggested she would be a “good wife”.
2. Hinata’s goal was to follow Naruto’s path and stand beside him every step of the way but she never forced herself on him. Ever. All Hammock dreams about is being Luffy’s wife to the point of obsessing over him.
3. Hinata was a sweet shy naive girl whereas Hammock is an obnoxious narcissistic and frankly overly ripe cougar obsessing over a 19 year old boy who was the 1st man to ever treat her right. Hammock’s personality is trash as well. That’s just very very sad.
4. NaruHina has some of comedic aspects in the manga but they’re far outweighed by the seriousness of Hinata’s feelings towards Naruto, her sincere admiration, desire to become stronger so he would acknowledge her. Hancock’s daydreaming about being Luffy’s wife is always comically interrupted by Gloriosa.
NaruSaku vs LuNami
1. Unlike NaruSaku, neither Luffy nor Nami have a very clear love interest they’ve clearly professed their love to (Sakura’s love for Sasuke). It was never a love triangle it was just team 7 where Sakura has always had feelings for Sasuke and he ended up reciprocating them.
2. Unlike Nami and Luffy’s, Naruto and Sakura’s dynamic has always been that of siblings. Moreover, they bonded over a common goal of bringing Sasuke back. There was really nothing more to that, no other points of tension between the two. Nami and Luffy have a different kind of bond - Luffy has become a major stepping stone for Nami’s character development.
3. Unlike Naruto and Sakura, Luffy and Nami are bound by their need for one another: Luffy cannot sail the seas without his Navigator, and Nami cannot realize her dream without Luffy. Even if Oda decides to end OP with the SH crew not settling down and ruling over the seas, how is Luffy supposed to do it without Nami?
Anyhow, I’ve just scratched the surface of how ridiculous drawing parallels between the two universes’ pairings is. There’s a lot more reasons why they are incomparable. I just had to vent..
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sasukesun · 1 year
Hey, how are u?
Also, I wanted to ask what do you think about Naruto and Sasura’s relationship nature. I mean, do you think he ever truly loved her? His speech in shippuden about his feelings for her seemed really genuine, but except that I don’t really see love in his behavior, more like a childish crush? I don’t buy what was said in The Last about him trying to hit on her only to win with Sasuke, it doesn’t really makes sense to me. Anyway, what is your opinion? Thanks for answering xo
hello anon, i’m fine.
naruto’s behaviour towards sakura and overall attraction to women is inconsistent. we can easily tell that he truly never had romantic feelings for her, but a crush is, in my opinion, debatable… and really a crush in the sense of “she’s cute, i like her” kind of thing, which is basically what we see when sakura is introduced
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now what is interesting is that the last wasn’t wrong to show that maybe it was about sasuke, it just definitely wasn’t so naruto could compete with sasuke
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“i feel like i finally understand why i like her” right after sakura said she wants to be acknowledged by sasuke because she likes him? really? we know that naruto wants to be acknowledged by everyone, that’s the core of his character, but in this context, this just seems kinda ambiguous… he doesn’t wanna win over sasuke, he just wants his acknowledgement. when you take naruto’s interactions with sasuke and sakura into consideration after this quote, as well his behaviour, you see that basically naruto mimics heterosexuality by pretending to like sakura, while actually focusing his attention on sasuke, he mistakes his feelings/attraction for sasuke for a rivalry at first and a friendship later. i’ll give you some examples.
he doesn’t have much tact to compliment sakura. i know this is what she wanted to hear, but i just find it so funny honestly.
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there are also a few more moments involving sakura’s appearance and naruto, in which a) naruto says haku is prettier than her b) naruto says after two years that they haven’t seen each other that she looked the same even though it seems by her body language that she wanted to be complimented and c) when other people called sakura ugly and naruto didn’t even comment about it or tried to defend her. now let’s look at this
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is there some need to defend sasuke’s honour or something? no one is even insulting sasuke here, just comparing him and sai. the japanese word naruto uses here can be used to compliment someone’s looks btw and he not only says it, but he emphasises it at the end. there’s pretty much a huge gap between “the cute girl” he’s supposed to like a lot and sasuke, who is above it.
how about when naruto is just doing absolutely nothing but thinking of sasuke
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until he gets interrupted by sakura… so he says he was planning to go on a date with her. are you for real?
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this one is even funnier… sakura is taking care of naruto after he hurt his arm with rasenshuriken. someone in love would surely be happy to be closer to your loved one while they are healing you, and it’s what it seems that naruto is gonna say
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until you turn to the next page
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he’s just really happy they are in this together… for sasuke. you really can’t make this shit up.
i’ve also pointed out that in the chapter in which sakura decides to fake confess to naruto and go after sasuke to kill him, sakura says “that fool’s got such a crush on me” about naruto, and yet the only appearance naruto makes in the same chapter is him lying down and pining over sasuke. yikes.
the only “narusaku” moment during war on naruto’s part is when minato asks naruto if sakura is his girlfriend to which he reacts like
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it’s not only that this is comic relief and it just seems like he wants to look good in front of his father, because he already knows about his mom’s speech and wishes when his parents died, it’s also that he hesitates to answer it.
but when he’s saying goodbye and really referencing the whole speech topic by topic and talking about important things…
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he deflects the subject. very convenient and smart of kishimoto when he’s not allowed to explicitly say what he wants to, such as homosexuality.
and of course, there’s the infamous fake confession
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in which naruto basically looks annoyed... not the reaction of someone who is in love, i would say.
and the cherry on top
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the promise he made to sakura hasn’t changed anything, he would act the same with or without it.
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narusaku dead and buried.
those inconsistencies happen over and over and they always involve sasuke somehow… like i said, projecting his real feelings for sasuke onto sakura. now if you think he thought she was cute and all, i can give you the benefit of the doubt, but being in love with her? no way. naruto has never loved her like that, and i honestly can’t even tell that he loved as a friend either when he pretty much treats her the same way he treats his other konoha comrades: takes responsibility for everything and doesn’t let anyone get involved…
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…unless it’s sasuke, obviously, then he will bear his burdens and see so much pain that he just can’t leave it alone.
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naruhinalife555 · 6 months
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*NaruSaku is bullshit if or with movie and the manga provided this Kishimoto never planning for NaruSaku Hinata inveted before Sakura
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*NaruHina also she is don't should a movie to NaruHina not has a fake feeling she have the basis of manga
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NaruSaku yes need to get drugged up in hallucinations to figure out their feelings for each other because Sakura never loved Naruto And Naruto never loved Sakura NaruSaku will be fake.
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Especially that Naruto gives hands to other girl when he knows that Sakura loves only Sasuke and to him not care
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NaruSaku yes should this shit because they are not loves each other and not has each other back throughout the series and to them not have throughout the manga! NaruSaku is crup even the other characters think like me
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Sakura want only Sasuke she is not of care from Naruto
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When in the war Naruto thinking about Hinata.
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He is not showing romantic feelings for Sakura in manga the bitch NaruSaku* can't top that at all..
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