#naruto healing sasuke with kurama's power is something i LOVE TO SEE!!!
nwluxx · 4 months
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is the way Naruto holds his Sasuke 🥺
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sakuraharuno156 · 4 months
Who do you think would win
This Naruto
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Beginning of Shippuden Sakura
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Both out for blood but Naruto's is less because if he was out for blood he would be like this:
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It's not my typical post, but I thought it would be fun, so thank you for the question ❤️
First, a prefise:
1) I'll base it on manga abilities only because even tho databooks are fun for this type of power scaling, they are not canonically correct. If they were - Choji would have the most powerful technique in the world (where Rasenshuriken, Bijudama, etc. exists....) so... 🤷‍♀️
2) I'll take all abilities up to their next power up, so Sakura up to byakugou and Naruto till the end of the fight with Sasuke (spoiler alert: I don't think it's needed)
Now that we are clear...
There is no way that Sakura is winning with that Naruto. Let's face it - untill byakugou, I don't think Sakura has any chance with any Naruto in Kurama form. No kurama form - sure, beginning of Shippuuden Sakura would smash any Naruto from OG, but.... with Kurama mode? HECK NO. I love her, she is great, but let's be honest here.
In real fight there are a few key abilities:
Additional skills (healing, genjutsu, summonigs, etc.)
I'll love to make this longer, but the short answer can be found in the first arc.
How fast is this Naruto? Fast af.
Haku was so fast, that Sasuke needed sharinngan to even SEE Haku moving. Haku was so fast, that he managed to jump in front of a chidori performed by an adult Kakashi (i'm adding "adult" because technically Rin did it to, but the distance was different and kid Kakashi was a lot slower than an adult one).
Naruto in Kurama mode did this:
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In strength, as in straight-up punches- it may be Sakura, but.... HOW IS SHE SUPPOSED TO EVEN TOUCH HIM?
But let's say she did punch him WITH ALL HER STRENGTH....
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I doubt that in the beginning of Shippuuden, she punches with so much strength that it has a bigger impact than THE WHOLE WEIGHT OF MANDA, that Naruto just... stopped.
She is good at dodging, so 1000 of Naruto's clones are not a problem, as we've seen here:
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But in Kurama mode? Nah.
In durability, I don't think I have to explain a lot. Sakura needs to stop and touch the body part that she wants to heal, but Naruto, in Kurama mode...
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Is literally healing himself at all times.
Intelligence is where Sakura has an important upperhand. She is smart af and her BIQ is also high af, so I think she may land a punch or 2 based solely on that.
Something like she did here:
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Pretending to be already dead and then a strike. It may do SOME damage IF Naruto wouldn't just, you know... dodge it, but would it be enough to win? No.
And in additional skils... well... I don't think they are needed.
Sakura has no summon at that point (or at least we don't know about it) - Naruto has Gamabunta.
For Sakura to heal herself, it's an activity, Naruto does it subconsciously.
Sakura can get out of genjutsu (that Naruto doesn't use), but we have never seen her catch anyone into one.
So we don't even need to get to Naruto vs Sasuke fight to know that Sakura is out.
All we can count on is that she will somehow outsmart him or that Naruto out for blood is still Nauto so he will just stop himself or try talk no justsu, but in fight outside od emotions? NO WAY.
Don't get me wrong, she is strong, but Naruto is her worst opponent. She has more of a chance with people stronger than this Naruto, and some people weaker than her have more of a chance with him, but Narutos abilities are just canceling her out.
I hope that it answered your question - Sakura would be dead.
It is sad, but unfortunately, true 🤷‍♀️
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narhinafan · 2 years
Wanna know something hilarious?
A NaruSaku kid would've been COMPLETELY overshadowed by literally any other hypothetical Offspring
Imagine if Naruto got with Sakura
That would mean Sasuke's possible options would've been with Karin, Ino or even Hinata (pair the spares)
Sasuke x ANY of those combos would've completely screwed over an NS kid genetics wise
Sasuke + Karin = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Uzumaki with Sharingan and all the capabilities that come with it, Lots Uzumaki Stamina, Fireball Jutsu, Chakra Chains, Chidori, and a Built-In Healing Factor. Could've possibly unlocked a New Doujutsu.
Sasuke + Ino = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Yamanaka with Sharingan and all of it's Capabilities, Fireball Jutsu and Mind Transfer Jutsu
Sasuke + Hinata = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Hyuga with EITHER Sharingan or Byakugan (or Both???) and all the Capabilities that come with them. Full on Genjutsu and Taijutsu Abilities. Fireball Jutsu, Twin Lion Fists, 64 Palms, Susano'o, Rotation, Chidori, AND not even getting into the fact the hypothetical Child would not only be of Hagoromo AND Hamura's lineage (just like Boruto and Himawari) but could've also unlocked a Brand New Doujutsu if Boruto's Jougan is any indication. (Who knows if it would've still been Jougan or a Sharingan-Jougan hybrid)
Now let's look at the possibility of a
NaruSaku Child
Now how do we judge how a Naruto and Sakura Offspring would've turned out?
Well let's take a look at their actual Kids
Naruto + Sakura = A Child born between a 1/2 Blood Uzumaki and an a Full Blood Haruno (lol) would result in...
A 1/4 Uzumaki and 1/2 Haruno Mix.... With Shadow Clones, Rasengan, Sage Mode from Jiraiya and Super Strength inherited from Tsunade (lol)
Judging by Boruto and Himawari, this kid wouldn't have the Uzumaki Stamina since neither of them appear to have high Chakra Reserves. Unfortunately it's too diluted since they are only 1/4 Uzumaki
Even ignoring Kurama's death (😭)
Naruto still wouldn't pass down anything from Kurama to his kids
Rasengan and Sage doesn't come from Naruto but rather Jiraiya
Strength and Byakugo Seal doesn't come from Sakura but rather Tsunade (and Mito)
There's no guarantee that they would've gotten Tsuna-er I mean Sakura's Healing Jutsu either (Sarada is terrible at it and she doesn't use it at all in the Manga)
Now let's take a Look at where Boruto, Himawari, and Sarada's Strengths lie
THE JOUGAN : Confirmed to be a Doujutsu that laid dormant within Boruto and Toneri activated sooner. Now why do you think Toneri did this? Do you honestly think this was because of Naruto? Or the Girl that Toneri actually fell in love with?
KARMA/KAMA: Boruto was confirmed by the Databooks to have acquired Momoshiki's Karma because of his Byakugan Blood. Specifically his Hamura Chakra. Now who's side of the Family did he get that from?
RASENGAN: From Jiraiy-er Naruto 😅
GENTLE FIST: From Hinata
So in reality, Boruto clearly got more benefits from his Mom's side to be as Strong as he is.
SHARINGAN: Is a given from Sasuke of course
CHIDORI: From Sasuke
GENJUTSU: From Sasuke
SUPER STRENGTH: From Tsuna-er Sakura 😅
It's clear who's Genes Sarada is relying on more
BYAKUGAN: From Hinata
GENTLE FIST: From Hinata
That's.... about it really for now. Yet she's was just acknowledged by the current Strongest Character in the Manga at the moment to have really Strong Power to the point where he was shocked by it (and as of yet NO ONE ELSE in the Manga has spooked him this much)
And as far as we can see, given the above, this because of her Mom's Genes 😄
Boruto and Himawari got their Benefits from their Mom.
Sarada gets her benefits from her Dad
Sasuke literally HAD to get with Sakura in order to keep his child from overshadowing Naruto's lmao 🤣 😂 💀
I would like to point out that both Boruto and Himawari do have large charka reserves just not Naruto size since they weren't practically born with Kurama inside them constantly mix his own chakra with theirs. Boruto can make 4-5 shadow clones before becoming a genin when it needs Jonin level chakra.
As for Sarada you are right, but she did not inherit Sakura's chakra control as talent in medical jutsu is bad. Meaning her chakra enchanted strength will always be less then Sakura's and she will likely never get the seal which even Shizune in all her eyes never gotten.
So Sakura contributes almost nothing to her child and what she does give are downgraded from what she actually has.
As where Hinata has been confirmed to contributed a good deal of hers and Naruto's children talents.
No matter how you look at it Sakura is bringing down her children talent wise and most she can teach them medical jutsu and even then they need a decent talent in it which as shown isn't guaranteed to be inherited.
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mickey10213 · 2 years
I know it's old news at this point, but something that will always be funny to me that I don't see enough people talking about -- probably because it's so dumb and irrelevant -- but I just love how the Sakura/SS fandom love to come for SP over anything regarding that girl and their ship. Despite the fact that I personally see SP give so many unwarranted good moments for them compared to negative moments, but that's none of my business.
I would also like to state that I am not a fan of the Restuden series, especially Sasuke and Naruto Restuden from the things I've read. Mainly because I think the plot itself is entirely stupid and out of left field for Naruto to suddenly become basically allergic to Kurama in his late twenties early '30s. I could honestly care less about the shipy moments in these novels, but when will people admit the only reason that they like these stories is because it caters to one specific ship? You honestly don't think the story is good because it's not. You just like that Sakura gets highlight to her romance and to some random badass moments. Like come on? How long can you really sit here and pretend that you like that they're fighting dinosaurs? Especially with the largest dinosaur being a herbivore? I'll wait.
Anyway the point I'm trying to make is they praise Jun Esaka, who I'm rather indifferent towards but I find the hate she gets quite ridiculous and absurd at points. They often claim she should be the writer and take over for Boruto because she is a SS shipper and in her stories that involve them she makes content that suits their needs. I.e. Sasuke being a jealous simp and mushy father, Sakura being more confident and damn near wearing the pants in their relationship, random powers that other characters specialize in but suddenly they can use it (for example all of a sudden Sakura can use sensory jutsu, which is Karin's specialty, and Sasuke can use healing and ice style), And overall just all the romance that they had hoped for. Again for example the infamous ring scene, which depending on who you ask was either a good adaption or SP was ruining Sakura. And then you have the lake scene which again they bash them for cutting out certain moments. And finally you have Sasuke screaming for his wife and just overall them being lovey-dovey. And actually don't even get me started on the horrendous motorcycle scene that I guess is in Naruto Restuden, which is the only reason they want that novel adapted but not Kakashi's cause I guess they're not in that.
(Same fans that will come at Hinata for holding hands with Naruto after Neji died despite giving a whole speech pertaining to her cousin, are also the same fans that want Sakura and Sasuke to kiss over a dying Naruto while she drives a motorcycle.... Make it make sense)
Anywho I'm getting so far off my topic but I'm also getting close to my point. The thing I find so funny about Retsuden fans, is the fact that since the anime was far ahead of the manga adaptation, we got to see Sakura get tricked and stabbed by Jiji. When this episode came out, the outpour of rage and disrespect towards this studio -- who has both good and bad moments and I am not a full defender of them because I will admit they can be very biased -- was all I could see on Twitter. I honestly see why people say Twitter is such a toxic place because the fandom on that is just ridiculous. It's just constant arguing more so than on here. Anyway that's besides the point, but I saw so many people trash and compare the anime to the novel since the manga had not gotten to that point yet. They like to say why did he hug her? He never hugged her! There they go making Sakura weak again because she would never do that! Why would she let another man hug her when her husband is right there? Just wait until Sasuke sees what he did to his wife! And just basically overall a bunch of nastiness towards the fact that Sakura was pulled in for a hug by Jiji for an uncomfortably good while before getting stabbed in the back and she did nothing to stop it.
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So the funny part is that while everybody is raging about this moment and saying wait till the manga adaptation comes out because the manga follows closely to the novel; The Manga is so much better, there's nothing but silence when it comes out that the manga did the same exact thing. If not did her dirtier than the anime did AKA than SP did.
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Now I don't know what was written in the novel specifically, cuz I have not read it. But the gist of what I'm getting from people who have posted about it is that Sakura is just pulled back and stabbed. There's no hug. In the anime, Sakura is pulled back into a hug where Jiji rests his hand on her head and she just stands there before he stabs her in the back and drops her. Now in the oh so beloved and highly praised and worshiped manga adaptation that everyone was saying would do the novel justice, Sakura gets grabbed and pulled into a hug where, again, Jiji rests his hand on her head before stabbing her in the back. Now the difference is as far as I know, which I could probably be wrong because I never watched further in the scenes than what was on Twitter, is that in the anime he just lets her crawl because the kunai was poisoned.
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But in the manga he kicks her in her face while she's already down and feeling the effects of the poison making her knock back against the wall.
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Now tell me which one disrespects her more. I'll wait. Because after that panel came out, the only thing I heard was that the manga adaptation was going to be put on a hiatus. That was the only thing that was going around despite that being one of the last panels. Where is the outrage that she let somebody hug her that wasn't her husband, where is the calls for the artist to quit his job or that he's wrong and that that would never happen to her? Where is the same amount of rage that y'all put towards SP for animating that but not towards the artist who drew it?
To be honest this fandom, especially Sakura/ss fans really baffle me. I can get wanting moments and great things for your favorites, and I'm not going to pretend that it's only their fandom that acts this way because I've seen plenty of other fandoms including the fandom of my personal favorite Hinata acting out of control, but the amount of blatant hypocrisy and doubled standards that they have towards animators and content creators and anything that has to do with Naruto works is hilarious and astounding.
Yes your ship might be the most popular, and yes your ship might be known as the most powerful in the series. But unfortunately you are one of the most toxic fandoms and I feel bad for the actual neutral parties that just actually enjoy it and don't make it as if they're being bullied every time something doesn't go their way for this ship and character. I now see why people say there is a difference between being a regular Sakura fan and being a Sakura fan that also ships Sasuke and Sakura. And vice versa too when it's said there's a difference between being a Sasuke fan and a Sasuke fan who ships Sasuke and Sakura.
No hate to this author Jun Esaka. I wish her nothing but the best with her pregnancy and with her career because clearly she has fans, as biased as they may be. And to the people who constantly wish harm on this woman just because you don't like her preferences need to get a grip on reality and realize it's literally just cartoons. Yes we can love them and they can inspire us and we can enjoy them, but it is just content for our entertainment. People really need to stop putting their contempt for a character into reality and onto a real person. It is not and will never be that serious. And speaking of reality checks, my final point is that that one manga panel was the exact reality check that that fandom needed to slow their freaking roll and stop having this weird biased hate towards a studio that has often done more good than harm for their ship compared to others.
If you read this till the end, thank you for listening to my opinions and if you have something to say, keep it clean please. This is just my opinion.
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borat123 · 3 years
Analysis Pro NH Anti NS
Naruto Manga Part 2
Part 4
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Orochimaru taunts Naruto about Sasuke becoming his next vessel and this enrages Naruto. Naruto sees Sasuke as his best friend and hearing about his potential death fills him up with rage. In his three tail rage blast he knocks out Sakura unconsious (Kishi really doesn’t care about Sakura at all does he?). Anyways a little (actually a HUGE) detail about this transformation is that he first turned to three tails and then gradually went up to 4 tails. Kurama took advantage of Naruto’s negative emotions and teased him to use his power. Now when Pain stabbed Hinata, Naruto first transformed into the 4 tails. Then IMMEDIATLY transformed into 6 tails. And then went 8 tails and almost transformed completly into the kyuubi but that’s besides the point (Its literally impossible to top that). My point is that everytime Naruto transformed for Sasuke it was because Kurama took advantage of his negative emotions and teased him to use his power but when he transformed for Hinata he didn’t even think about it/his heart automatically connected to the kyuubi. Means his emotions were so strong for her the kyuubi power leaked automatically.
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Kabuto is provoking Sakura and calls Naruto and Orochimaru’s battle ”A battle between monsters”. Sakura cares for Naruto as a friend and witnessing this fierce battle makes her worry for his safety. She has never seen Naruto transform this far after all and the literal landscape is changing because of this fight.
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Sakura thinks that Naruto is transforming this far and raging like this because of the promise he was forced to do to her (just like the NaruSaku’s). Now we all know (except for the NaruSaku’s that have their head up their ass) that Naruto is obviously not raging like this for that promise but for Sasuke who he honestly seem to value much more as a comrade than Sakura. But to be fair to Sakura, Kabuto is teasing her into it slightly.
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That Sakura thinks he’s raging like this just for her is so narcissistic and stupid and i honestly wish Sakura didn’t think that because i thought she was smarter than this. (Altough running straight into the 4 tails while crying and screaming isn’t very smart to begin with lol).
Naruto also had no hesitation in violently bitch-slapping Sakura so hard that he almost killed her. She was lucky Kabuto decided to heal her otherwise the wound would of killed her like poison. Now i want to adress someting here, look at this picture below here.
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It says here that the kyuubi latches on to the hatred in Naruto’s own heart aswell and tries to take over. In the fight against Pain, 6 tails Naruto was able to circle away from Hinata’s body before firing a tailed beast bomb. He even looked at her and was getting more enraged before chasing after Pain. Now here Naruto had no hesitation of hurting Sakura with only four tails and a stronger seal. So does this mean Naruto has hatred for Sakura deep down in his heart? I dont know lets just say there are defiantly some evidence that it might be possible. To further my point why did Naruto say he HATED PEOPLE WHO LIE TO THEMSELVES while looking her straight into the eyes if he ”loved” her. Saying you hate someone so casually doesn’t come out of nowhere, no most likely he already felt hatred deep down in his heart for her. And honestly if someone calls me an idiot 24/7 and punches me so hard that i bleed, i’d probably hate them too.
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It’s funny that NaruSaku basically rely on this arc as ”evidence” that Sakura had feelings for Naruto even doe this whole thing is a complete mess and actually ANTI NaruSaku. Kishi was trolling them so hard with this line from Yamato, who by the way doesn’t know the full story behind the teams history (also how Sakura is with Sasuke). When you think about it NS rely alot on other characters opinions even doe the only ones that ”supported” it was a guy that reads books about emotions because he doesn’t have any, a frog and a kid. The ladder two thinking Sakura was Naruto’s girlfriend for comedic effect (Also Konohamaru changed his opinion immediatly and called her an ugly bitch lol). Not even gonna bring up the ”parallels” and i wont disrespect Kushina either.
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When Naruto saw Sakura cry (for him), he indirectly insulted Sakura and called Sai a bastard. Sai haven’t even insulted Sakura at all by calling her a ”cow” Naruto came up with that one himself. He seemed more angry at Sai than actually caring about why she cried. Also i guess Sakura is right monstrously isn’t a positive way of putting it either (can you blame him when she always punches him though?) Notice how Kishimoto made this intense moment end like this? It’s like he’s giving a middle finger to people who thought Sakura had ”feelings” for him. So that’s Naruto’s reaction from seeing Sakura cry.
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This is his reaction from seeing Hinata cry. He even displayed the kyuubi’s lips and he had to hold in his anger. If it wasn’t an official match Naruto would of attacked Neji.
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Here Naruto just said super strength, why is Sakura angry? Regardless there is already building up a theme of Naruto thinking of Sakura’s strength as something negative rather than something he’s proud of or whatever.
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Naruto finds out that Sakura was lieing about the wound and that it was actually him that hurt her. He is just shocked. This is not the reaction of finding out you hurt the ”love of you’re life”. When Naruto found out he didn’t hurt Hinata he cried with relief and clutched his heart.
That’s the end of this part. Check out the other parts here
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
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piano958 · 3 years
My first AO3 Post: Don't Leave Again (chapter 1, Narusasu/Sasunaru)
So I wrote this after being horribly sad and stuck in a hole. Decided to post it, and was pleasantly surprised by the number of people who wanted to read it!
This is the first chapter. There are nine chapters (currently) in total, please check it out if you like it!! Also yes, it is indeed a Naruto fic. I am not sorry, I am just now getting into Naruto :')
Link to fic Content Warnings: Angst, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Self-Harm, Alcohol, Drunkenness
Summary: Sasuke has been gone for so long that almost everyone has given up on him and moved on, but for some reason, Naruto is still hung up on him. Speaking of Naruto, he is not doing well in the slightest. The man is depressed, anxious, and on the brink of giving up on life in general. When suddenly one day Sai appears at Naruto's door with information on Sasuke, things are about to be shaken up out of nowhere.
Notices: They’re adults but aged up. Kinda like if Naruto had started a little later than it did? I don't know how to exactly explain it, but they're adults (around like 21.) This takes place in an 'AU' where the ninja war was more of a general thing than part of the main story, and where Sasuke isn’t as fucking stupid. Also, a lot of these words were supposed to be italicized but I wrote this all on my phone so it didn't carry over; that's why the formatting is weird too. READ. THE. WARNINGS. Thanks.
Chapter 1: A Collapse Rarely if ever did anyone see Naruto cry. He was always a positive person. Being on his own had taught him that nothing would get done by moping, and a smile made you far less of a target than crying did. He was quite used to the side eyes he received every day, though a majority of it changed from angry glances when he was a kid to regular ones now. Realizing that Naruto could, in fact, kill them and blow up the village easily but didn’t and instead fought for the village probably has sunk in a little bit.
It would’ve mattered a few years ago. It would’ve mattered to Naruto a lot that people didn’t see him as a monster anymore. His ultimate goal, becoming Hokage and proving his worth, didn’t matter for a second if he couldn’t save Sasuke.
Sasuke shouldn’t matter that much, and Naruto was fully aware of that. Even Sakura had given up, truly given up, on the fucking stupid black-haired ninja. And she had been absolutely head-over-heels for the man. Naruto, however, just couldn’t give up and he didn’t know why.
It was starting to get to him. Like, really really get to him, that he couldn’t shake Sasuke. The team had previously discussed the possibility of killing the ninja should he ever become hostile and Naruto absolutely did not take the conversation well. He was no stranger to panic attacks, but no one else was aware of that and they almost had a meltdown watching the smiley, bubbly boy crumble. He wished they didn’t see that. They check on him far too often now and look at him questioningly when he does anything but smile.
He still hadn’t let them see him cry. No one would get that pleasure.
The dining table Naruto sat at felt cold. It felt empty. Naruto didn’t eat very often anymore. He still adored ramen; no one could take that love away from him. He didn’t buy any now, though, and instead only got some when he knew people suspected something was up and he wanted to keep face.
Cold. Empty. It genuinely didn’t bother him most of his life, and he enjoyed having space to himself, but tonight was one of those nights.
Some years ago Naruto learned something pretty awful: he healed super fast. The fox inside of him gave such a huge boost to his chakra that any wounds he received would heal pretty much overnight. This made him sort of reckless as a ninja, and a fun puzzle for the doctors at the Leaf hospital.
How could that possibly be awful? Well, Naruto had learned a very common form of coping: self-harm. As a ninja, you’re surrounded by knives and blades all day every day. You practically carry a dozen everywhere you go. Pair that, Naruto’s incredible healing speed, a young human whose life is seemingly falling apart at every turn, and you have a recipe for disaster. Sometimes, it’s literally the only thing that kept him alive other than being a disgrace.
Being treated like a monster, losing the only thing he ever considered to be a friend and facing the idea of killing him, losing his teacher, being alone, feeling so absolutely terribly hopeless… Naruto was stuck in a hole. He couldn’t see a way out of it. Sasuke wasn’t coming back any time soon, and he could never accept his life’s goal without him. He’d rather die with Sasuke than kill him. In fact, even if Sasuke came back there was still something eating at Naruto… something to do with him and Sakura… something to do with Naruto never being okay. He couldn’t figure it out, and it was eating at him like a heaven curse. Even if Sasuke was back, Naruto would still be a monster and would still have nothing. Sasuke hadn’t ever cared about Naruto’s attempts to bring him home, and even though Naruto would chase him till the end of time… well… it didn’t matter. Naruto didn’t matter. He was nothing but a burden and a tool, happy to give his power to the village, but in the end, he knew whatever this was that was eating at him would never allow him to become Hokage.
He trudged off to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He sat at the bottom of it, cleaning himself vaguely and staring mostly, eyeing the knife he kept in there. Did it really matter that he did this? If he healed overnight, no one would ever know, and for the times it was too deep some bandages and an extra few days were all he needed. He couldn’t hurt anyone else if they didn’t know, and there was no other thread than this one tethering him to the earth. This was, quite frankly to Naruto, the only thing he had control over.
Kurama wasn’t happy about what he was doing, but Naruto didn’t listen. The fox would heal him regardless. He felt what would be the angry stomping if the fox was in front of him in his chest, demanding him to stop because even it knew when enough was enough, but Naruto didn’t listen. He continued on and on until the last thing he was red. It was fine, he’d wake up anyway. Nothing mattered, not even his own life.
Except… this time he didn’t quite make it to red. A knock sounded on the door. Normally Naruto would ignore it, as it was probably just Sakura or Sensei checking on him, but the knocking grew frantic. Naruto groaned, picked himself up, and bandaged his arms the same way he always did when he awoke, and yelled, “Coming, just give me a minute!”
The knocking stopped suddenly, and Naruto rolled his eyes as he took his time. No one could know, after all. He approached the door mentally preparing himself to act happy.
When he opened the door, a black-haired someone collapsed into his arms, coughing blood. It wasn’t Sasuke.
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hatake-no-sharingan · 4 years
Time travel AU (Part 3: Live for me)
AU Summary: The world is falling apart, and the Sage of the Six Paths sends Naruto back in time to find his parents and collect the thing that will help him and Sasuke save the shinobi.
Link to part 1: HERE
Link to part 2: HERE
Part 3 Summary: Naruto’s birth is here, and as much as he’d like to make time with his family last a little bit more, he has to face the thing that hurt him all his life, the loss of his parents. 
Characters in part 3: Y/N (as Naruto’s mom/ Minato’s wife), Minato, Naruto, Sasuke, Obito/Tobi, Kakashi and Sakura
Warnings: Character’s death :( (I’m so sorry about this, it was painful to write)
A/N: Thank you for letting me write this beautiful story @itsao-mine Hopefully you won’t hate me too much for making you wait and writing a sad story :( I really do hope you like it. It has a bittersweet ending, but I really like the way it turned out. I switched the events in Naruto’s birth a bit, so it doesn’t follow exactly like canon. Enjoy reading and keep requesting <3 Be kind.
Live for me
The three of them wished they could’ve frozen time that week, and stayed like that forever. Naruto even imagined that the baby Y/N was carrying was his little brother instead of himself in this odd and tragic reality. Maybe in another life he’d get to carry his little brother on his shoulders and teach how to use jutsu for mischief, take him to the academy for the first time, train together in the woods, then they’d go back home and Y/N would be waiting for them with a big bowl of ramen, and they’d get to share stories with Minato, and they’d be a nice happy family of four. Perhaps Minato would have fixed everything with the Uchiha, and they wouldn’t have to die. Sasuke would smile more, and Itachi would treat both of them as his little pupils. Maybe things could’ve been different. There wouldn’t be a timeline where Kaguya enslaved everyone to the tree, and he wouldn’t have had to meet his father as a reanimation. Maybe Obito would have lived and maybe Kakashi would be happy too. Too many maybes, and just one wish that he could save his parents tonight.
Naruto, you’ll feel the deepest pain you’ve ever felt, but you have to let things happen the way they were meant to be. If you don’t, Kaguya will win, and everything you’ve ever known will be gone.
The sage’s words echoed in his mind, creating a scar deeper than his battle wounds.
Now he was here, holding his mother’s hands and stroking her hair as the birthing contractions hit her body.
It was weird, seeing himself be born. The worried look on his father’s face, his mom’s eyes full of hope through the pain, and then it happened. Everything was blurry and confusing, it was way faster than he imagined it.
Obito was there, he had his baby self hostage. There was panic in his father’s eyes, but a glance at him let him know the baby would be fine. However, he let Minato rescue him, because things were supposed to happen this way. It was Naruto’s worst nightmare happening before his eyes. One of the most terrible tragedies in Konoha was about to take place, and he couldn’t do anything about it. This was harder than anything he’d ever done. He could fight the strongest enemy, learn the hardest jutsu, but this, was worse than anything. He had to let things happen.
Restraining himself was worse than anything he’d done, but he did it. So hid himself and watched as his mother cried, how Obito was about to break Kurama’s seal, and all he did was prepare himself to collect the special chakra that would leak out as the tragedy took place.
He wished he could take Y/N’s place as the Kyuubi was being pulled out of her, his heart breaking at the sight, but he made the signs and put his hands out. He felt the power the sage had given him activate as the chakra started seeping in. White hot powered gathered in his palms and spread through his body. He couldn’t think, only feel. It was intense, but like a shooting star, it was gone in a second.
The residual chakra was now safely inside him, and he was ready to get back to his timeline, but seeing Y/N weak and in pain stopped him.
Once Obito was gone, he rushed to her side and tried to aid her with the only medical jutsu Sakura had taught him.
“Mom, stay with me, please, live for me”
Tears dropped from Naruto’s eyes to Y/N’s chest, as he summoned every prayer he knew with his heart.
“Mom, I’m here, I love you” he held her close and then teleported both of them to the spot where he knew Minato would be fighting Obito.
Sasuke is already waiting for him there, ready to pull them back, but he knew this was hard for Naruto, so he waited for him to give him the sign whenever he was ready to leave.
The fight with Obito was already over, it was only the Kyuubi, his dad, his mom, his baby self and him, with Sasuke watching from the side.
Had that much time passed? The entire night didn’t make sense to him, and as much as he thought he had prepared for this, it was a thousand times worse.
“Dad!” He shouted and Minato looked at him and Y/N while struggling against Kurama. Strangely, he flashed him a kind smile, like he’d already figured something out.
Everything was already in place for the seal. So he was going to go through with it. Minato was still willing to sacrifice his life for his son. He does everything exactly as the tale he’d been told said. The black mark appears on the baby’s stomach, and he knows there’s no turning back.
“Naruto, get your mom close to me”
He obeys his dad without thinking and gets her close to him. Minato makes a few hand signs and presses his palm to Y/N’s weak chest. When he removes it, there’s a slight glow exactly over the spot he touched.
“Listen to me,” tears sting in the boy’s eyes as he looks towards his father “I don’t have much time. I’m not going to make it because the seal needs to take my life in order to work, but your mom will. Your mom can live, she’s an Uzumaki. I sealed a small part of Kurama’s chakra back inside of her. Just enough for her to live. I need you to be strong, Naruto. Take your mom with you to the future. Nothing will be altered. If you take her now, she’ll get the chance to live there with you, but the baby in front of us will grow up exactly the way you did, without parents and with Kurama sealed inside of him. He’ll still save the future, but you’ll have your mom now. Take her, and as much as it pains you, let me die here.”
Naruto nodded furiously, clutching his dad’s arms as if that could prevent him from slipping away.
“I love you, Naruto. Never forget that. Take care of your mom for me. Listen to everything she says, and whenever you miss me, just hold her tight.”
He turns to meet his wife’s gaze. She’s barely hanging on. Pain pulses through her body, but her husband’s kind eyes keep her safe.
“Y/N, my love, I’m not sorry for this. I’m not sorry for my life, and for dying to give you and our child life.”
“Minato” Y/N pleads, voice broken
“Live for me, Y/N. Give Naruto all the love we couldn’t give him all those years. See him become a great Hokage for me. He’s already surpassed me. I love you my sweet princess. You made my life worth living.”
“I love you Minato”
The last thing she sees is her husband’s calm smile, then she passes out.
Naruto thinks he notices the sandaime gesturing towards his dying father as Sasuke holds him and Y/N, pulling them into the time travel jutsu that will take them back to their timeline.
Y/N wakes up in the hospital a week after Naruto and Sasuke’s fight. Her wounds are mostly healed, and her strength seems to be recovering. Tsunade herself oversaw her care. She placed her and Naruto’s beds next to each other.
When she opens her eyes, she sees a familiar figure in front of her, though she experiences a bit of a confusion because the person in front of her is slightly different than she remembers.
“Hi, Y/N” says the voice she knows too well. “Naruto will be back in a bit, he asked me to watch over you while he’s in rehab therapy.”
“Kakashi” she manages, with a smile “you’re old”
“I know, it’s weird, right? That we’re almost the same age even though you and your husband basically raised me”
“This will definitely take some getting used to”
Kakashi immediately notices the change in her expression as she remembers what happened. He’d lost Minato a while ago, but she’d just lost him now, and he understood her pain, he knew it was greater than anything because he’d never seen two human beings mor perfect for each other than Y/N and his sensei. Tears start falling from her eyes and Kakashi sits next to her, gently holding her hand and giving her the support she needs.
“I know it’s not okay, but it will be. You have an amazing son to live for, and after all this time, I’m so happy to see you again, Y/N”
As he finishes saying it, Naruto enters the room with Sakura pushing his wheelchair.
“Moooooom! You’re awake! I’m so glad you’re awake. I’ve missed you so much, so long. It was very boring to lay here in bed and just watching you sleep. I missed talking to you. Well I did talk to you, a lot even though you were asleep. But I’m insanely happy that I got to bring you with me. And guess what? Sasuke is good again! I mean, he’s always been good, but he just noticed it now! He’s back here, and everything will just be so good now. I can’t wait for you to meet him, and all my friends. Gosh everything will be-“
Sakura landed a blow on Naruto’s head.
“Baaaka! Can’t you see she’s barely woken up? She has to recover and you’re bombarding her with a ton of information.”
Kakashi laughs lightheartedly and Y/N is happy to see he’s come a long way from the hurt, sad boy she knew. He gestures for Sakura to leave, and they let mother and son have their space.
A month later, Y/N and Naruto are fully healed and discharged from the hospital. Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke, also recovered now, are there with them.
“We have a surprise for you two” says Kakashi, as they’re walking out.
He leads the way, and a few minutes later, they find themselves in front of a sunset colored house.
“We rebuilt it with my memories and a few pictures, it’s not the exact same, but hopefully it’ll be good to help you start your lives as a family again”
Y/N and Naruto have their hearts full with gratitude.
“It’s perfect. Thank you all. You have no idea how much this means.” She didn’t want to cry, but being with her son, and seeing her house, Kakashi being happy, Sasuke and Naruto getting close again, it was all too much.
They celebrated inside, Y/N made ramen for them, and they spent the evening laughing and telling stories to Y/N from when they went to missions together as Team 7.
They left a bit late, and Naruto helped his mom clean up.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get to hold you as a baby, to cuddle you and to give you all my love, but I see now that you had the best support team you could ever have. I’m thankful Iruka and Kakashi stepped in for us.”
“I’m just grateful I get to have you with me now, mom. That I can call someone mom, and that I have a real home, like I always dreamed of, yaknow?”
She laughed and hugged her son tightly.
“I just wish Minato were here to see it all. He was so proud of the man you have become. I miss him so much.”
“Hold on, he gave me something for you. Give me your hands.”
She held them out and Naruto placed his hands on top of hers. A warm glow passed between them, and she recognized the chakra by the way it felt. She closed her eyes, and inside her mind, he was there.
“Hello beautiful”
She hugged him tightly.
“I’ll always be here, inside you. Now a part of me is a part of you. You get to live for me.”
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isolavirtuosa · 5 years
Starting Over (For Real?) 33-34
[fanfiction] NaruSasu
Read the previous parts here.
- 33 -
  “Fucking hell, Uchiha!” Sai yelled, genuinely angry as he followed me into the burning building.
I didn’t really like to do things by the book.  It had been yet another month with no progress into finding the mizukage, so the moment I had a solid lead on where the dissenting ninjas were being held captive, I set the place on fire.
“Where are we even going?” Sai asked, his voice going quieter.  There could be hostiles listening.
“Right there, I think,” I said, pointing to the giant tree sprouting up in the middle of the hallway.
“Oh, right,” he said.  He pulled out a scroll and started painting.
Apparently not everyone had fled the fire, and two musket-wielding guards suddenly appeared, pointing their weapons at us.
“I’ve got you,” I said, throwing up flames around us.
Sai just continued painting.  He already knew I had his back.
The guards fired uselessly at us.
“Let’s go,” Sai said, jumping on the broad back of a long-necked bird that looked like something straight out of science-fiction.
I got on its back and we flew towards the first pod, slicing it down from the tree.  It landed on a ground with a thump.
“Try not to send them into the wall of flames,” Sai said cheerfully, balancing himself in a standing position and slicing down the next pod.
We worked quickly, cutting down more than ten of the pods, when something stopped me.  “That pod-” I started to say, even as the sound of an explosion ripped through my ears and pain ripped through my right shoulder.  It was a different color from all the other pods.  It was all I could think about as I fell to the ground.
“Sasuke!” Sai shouted, already disposing of the would-be assassin with a flick of his kunai.
I could see him flying towards me, but the edges of my vision were starting to black out.  I tried to focus on him, but it was like looking at something small at the end of a dark tunnel, barely visible.  My head was pounding.  Had I landed on it?  And my shoulder.  I hadn’t felt pain like this since…
Naruto, flying towards me, crackling with power.  His hand reached out, and mine to meet his.  Everything exploded in light.
The pain in my arm had been unbearable.  It was like I was being pulled apart.  Everything was white, then black, then white again, and when I woke up my arm was gone.  It was the price I had to pay, but Naruto’s arm was gone, too, and I just couldn’t understand why he would make that sacrifice.
“Because we’re friends,” he repeated, and this time it wasn’t good enough.
I needed more.
“When you hurt, I hurt,” he said, and I was faced with the inescapable realization that we were bonded together, brothers, a family, more than family, yet it was swallowed up by my weakness, my jealousy, my inability to love and be loved.
“It’s my loss,” I said, and I felt free.
Of course Naruto couldn’t leave it at that.
“Shut up, usuratonkachi,” I groaned, keeping my face turned away from him as a tear slipped down my cheek.
He was quiet then.
I thought we’d said all there was to say.  I could feel the last of my chakra fading away.  My rinnegan was starting to power down, and I could feel the rustle of something against my legs.
I was at peace as I drifted off into what I thought was death.
I woke up again on Naruto’s back.
He struggled to take each step, stumbling and almost dropping me.
“What are you doing, idiot?” I breathed out incredulously.
“If we just stay out there bakin’ in the sun, we’re gonna die,” he explained reasonably.
“How the hell are you even standing?” I asked.
“Kurama’s healing factor kicked in.”
“Then go ahead yourself and get help,” I said, trying to climb off of his back.
He held onto me stubbornly with his only arm awkwardly wrapped around my back.  “We go together,” he said.  “Besides, there’s no one to help.  Everyone’s been sucked up into the God Tree.”
“Sakura and Kakashi?” I suggested.
“I can’t feel them,” he said, shaking his head.
“Then why don’t we just release the seal?” I asked.
“Can’t until you’re powered up,” he said.
He wasn’t wrong.  My rinnegan was dead.
“What’s to stop the tree from pulling us in, then?” I asked, trying to take in our surroundings more carefully now that I was more awake and aware of the dangers lurking around us.
“Me,” Naruto said, stumbling forward.
He wasn’t kidding.  Any hint of the God Tree attacking and Naruto had me settled on the ground, chakra firing from his only hand in a matter of seconds.
I felt like deadweight.  “Leave me behind.”
“You’re the only one who can stop this whole thing!”
“If I die, the seal will be released anyway.”
“How do you know that?”
“I just do.”
“And what if it doesn’t work?!”
“You can Edo Tensei me back to life.”
“And who am I going to sacrifice to bring you back?!  Just stay alive in the first place!”
I pressed my face into his neck.
Naruto let out a sharp breath.
Neither of us said anything.
Naruto took another stumbling step forward.
Eventually, he got us to the water.  We both drank and drank, completely dehydrated.
I sat with my feet in the water, staring up at the destruction we’d wrought on the Valley of the End.
“How do you feel?” Naruto asked, coming to sit next to me.
“Still drained,” I said, tapping under my eye.
“If you could activate your rinnegan, you could take some of my chakra,” he said.
“I’m not taking your chakra.”
“You didn’t have a problem with it yesterday.”
“Yesterday we were fighting to the death.”
“Well now we’re fighting to the life.”
“That’s not a thing, idiot.”
“You’re the idiot who just wants to give up and die.”
Naruto bumped me with his elbow.
I turned to give him a look.
He reached out suddenly, touching my cheek.
My look turned incredulous, even as my heart was racing.  Probably from all the blood loss.
“I can’t lose you again,” was all he said before standing up and stretching.  He then proceeded to stumble and fall in the water.
I don’t remember the last time I’d laughed so hard.
Naruto came out of the water sputtering, but then he went quiet.
I wiped at the tears that had squeezed out of my eyes from the intensity of my laughter.  “You are so dumb,” I said, unable to stop smiling.
He was in that freezing water in the middle of fall, gazing up at me like I was something precious.
“Maybe if we find some food my body will heal enough to start making chakra again,” I said, purposely not looking at him.
“Maybe,” he agreed, then splashed me with water.
I tried to blow him away with a katon without even thinking about it.  It didn’t work, of course, but I felt like I was flicking a lighter, and even though I couldn’t get the flame to catch, it was still sparking, almost there but not quite.
Naruto struggled to swim back to me with one arm, pulling himself out of the water and flopping on his back.  A trail of red followed him through the water.
“You’re not okay,” I informed him.
“I’m fine,” he said.  “Just have to release the jutsu.  Then we can go to the hospital and relax.”
I believed in Naruto’s ability to defy the odds, but I was pretty sure that we were going to die.
I should have realized that when Naruto improbably found us food and I was miraculously able to activate my rinnegan so that we could release the Tsukuyomi, all within a matter of a few short hours, that this really couldn’t possibly be real.
I remained blissfully ignorant for the next two years.
Of course, it was easy to be ignorant when I had everything I had never wanted to acknowledge that I needed.
Sakura, my sister, kept her distance as she was grappling with everything that I’d done to her.  When she finally said, “I forgive you,” it was more of a relief than I could have imagined.
Kakashi, the father figure, protected me from the Council and got me safe passage out of Konoha.
And then there was Naruto.  Naruto… kept touching me.
Even when we were still in the hospital, he was always sitting on my bed with his knee pressed to mine.  He was always leaning in too close to talk.  He was always brushing his fingers against the back of my hand.
As my trial approached, he seemed to get even more desperate, to the point that he was straight-up holding my hand.
“Mm?” he hummed, eyes closed as he lounged beside me.
“This is really gay,” I said, staring at the way his fingers curled around mine.
“So?” he asked defensively, eyes flicking open.
“So it’s gay,” I said.
“Do you have a problem with that?” he asked, holding my hand more forcefully.
“I’m gay, so no,” I said, the words just slipping off my tongue like it wasn’t my deepest, darkest secret.
“Well, I’m gay, too, so okay then,” he said, and I could feel the heat coming off of his palm.
My heart was hammering in my chest.  “You’re not gay,” I snipped.
“Um, I like you, and you’re a guy, right?”
The hammering seemed to increase.  “You’re not gay,” I repeated.  “Maybe you’re bi.”
“Why does it matter?” he asked, sounding annoyed.  His hand was full-on sweating now.  “I like you and only you, and that’s gay enough, isn’t it?”
It was the perfect amount of gay.  “You don’t like me like that,” I muttered, because of course I was never going to accept this logical fallacy.  Despite the fact that he was always making it blatantly obvious that he did like me like that.
He was trying to get me to look at him, and he wasn’t going to win that game.  I continued to stare out the window, wondering what shade of red my face was.
We were still holding hands.
“Sasuke,” he repeated, the nerves apparent in his voice.  “Sasuke, please say something so I don’t feel like a total ass.”
“I’m not a miracle worker.”
I squeezed his hand.  “…it’s gay enough.”
“Really…?” he asked hopefully.
“I like you,” I said quietly, shamed by the admission.
“I feel the same way,” he said like it was the most natural thing in the world, and then he leaned in and kissed me, and that was the beginning of the end.
Naruto left the village with me on that hot August afternoon, on a goodwill mission from the sixth hokage.  The accused criminal who traveled at his side seemed to undercut the mission, but I was too stupidly in love to notice.
I was in love.
With Naruto of all people.
I mean, deep down, I’d always known.
It was Naruto.
“Look, Sasuke, I made a fort out of ramen!”
I loved him.
I loved every minute of every day with this stupid idiot.
Then we met Kabuto.
Then we met Kabuto and…
“He’s waking up,” Sai murmured.
“I need to sedate him,” Sakura said.  “Give me a minute.”
I blinked blearily at Sai.  All I felt was firey pain burning in my shoulder.
“Hey, best friend,” he said.  “Don’t worry, you’ll be unconscious soon.”
I swallowed.
“Count back from twenty, Sasuke,” Sakura said, prepping a needle.
I wasn’t going to do that.
She stuck the needle in my arm.  “It helps.”
The pain made it hard to think.
Everything blurred together.
There were three of us after that.  We traveled together, dismantling the oppressive power structure as went.
The three of us, always together.
I never felt so complete.
It didn’t make sense.
It was wrong.
I ignored the nagging voice in the back of my head and clung to my happiness.  A feeling I hadn’t felt since I was a child.  Since my parents.
The relationship between Naruto and I was so comfortable that I didn’t even notice all of my weird sexual hang-ups.  He never seemed worried that I only did things to him.  It was normal.  He never pushed me to let him touch me.  Why would he need to do that?  Wasn’t he just the luckiest guy in the world that his boyfriend liked blowing him and didn’t ask for anything in return?  Naruto, who always gave and gave and gave, deserved to just receive and receive and receive, and of course he would have no problem with that.
Everything was perfect, but there were cracks, and they kept getting harder to ignore.
“I love you,” Naruto told me like always as we stood in the middle of the battlefield, covered in blood and sweat.  More of that blood was Naruto’s than should have been, and he was leaning on me heavily, barely able to stand.
The words came tumbling out.  “I love you,” I whispered back.  Just saying the words out loud left me exposed.
He kissed my cheek, then collapsed into me completely.
Our partner came up behind the two of us.
“Naruto, he’s…” I started to say, open and raw and ready to fall apart.
“I’ve got it taken care of,” he said, taking Naruto from me.
Everything would be all right.
Just that thought, and I knew.  The inconsistencies of this world were laid out in front of me when I let myself be at my most vulnerable.
I didn’t look at the sky for one year, because I knew what I would see.
One year to indulge in my impossible fantasy.
One more year with Naruto.
One more year with him.
And when the one year was over, I woke up.
“Hey, shhhh,” Sakura soothed me, pushing my sticky bangs from my forehead.  “You’re okay.”
My whole body was shaking.
“I got the bullet out,” she said, her fingers moving into my hair.  The gentle stroking motion relaxed me more than I cared to admit.  “You lost a lot of blood, and there was some damage to your blood vessels, but I think between Karin and I, you’ll be nursed back to health in no time.”
I looked at her.  “…thanks,” I finally said.
“You’re welcome, butthead,” she said affectionately.  She ruffled my hair, then removed her hand.  “Are you hungry?”
I shook my head.
“Okay, I’ll let you rest.”
“What about all the ninjas?” I asked.  “In the tree?”
“Well, your crazy fire kept them safe until Karin and Sai could pull them out.”
“The mizukage…?”
“Wasn’t there.”
I sighed and closed my eyes.
“Get some rest, okay?” Sakura said.  “Your body needs to recover.”
“Yeah,” I said, wanting her to just go and yet also desperately wanting her to stay.
I didn’t want to think about what I’d just relived.
I didn’t want to remember his soft smile the last time I saw him.
“I’ll meet up with you two in a couple of days,” he’d said, waving to Naruto and I as he disappeared into the sunset.
I ached.
 - 34 -
  “Fuck humans and their fucking weapons,” I grumbled as Sai fed me soup.
“You’re a human,” he pointed out kindly.
“I am a proper human,” I said.  “I use my own human-born abilities to fight and harm others, not some cheap parlor trick.”
“That sounds pretty specist,” Sai hummed.
“Good,” I said, opening my mouth and letting him feed me.  Every time I tried to raise my right arm, unbearable pain shot through my shoulder.  It basically left me a helpless infant (again).
“It’s not good to think that one group of people is superior to another group of people just because of the circumstances of their birth,” Sai reasoned, scooping the spoon back through the soup.
“Why not?” I asked.  “We obviously are superior, and yet we’ve been subjugated by this feudal system for years, using our superior abilities to serve the whims of inferior beings.”
Sai pushed the spoon into my open mouth.
I frowned at him and swallowed.  “And now they’ve just taken it too far.  Replicating God Trees to capture all the strongest ninjas and keep the weaker ones under their thumb.  Developing stupid fucking weapons that serve no practical purpose.”
“Well, the weapons seem pretty effective to me,” Sai commented.  “I mean, they took you out, so…”
“Do I look out to you?” I growled.
“A little bit, yeah,” he said, shoving the spoon in my mouth again.
I sulked.
“It’s great to see you passionate about something,” Sai said.  “It’s just, sometimes your passion gets a little… genocidal.”
I glowered at him.
“Like right now, I’ve dared to disagree with you about something and your obvious go-to is that you want to kill me,” he said.
“I don’t want to kill you.”
“Just maim a little?”
“Just maim a little,” I agreed, then sighed.  He was right.  ‘Kill first, ask questions later’ had been the strategy of my late teen years, and it had nearly been my ruin.
“Here, this is the last of it,” he said, holding the spoon out to me.
I opened my mouth and finished the soup.
Sai patted me on the head like a child and took the dishes out of the tent.
I stared at the door flap, waiting for him to come back.  I… wanted his company…?
“I have returned, Best Friend Sasuke!” he declared cheerfully, throwing the flap aside as he entered.
“Great,” I mumbled.
“See, you’re not even being sarcastic,” he said, sitting on the sleeping bag next to mine.
“Yes, I am,” I protested.
“I finished my new comic,” he said, pushing his notebook into my lap.
I took it, letting my eyes drift over the pages.
Sai, in his never-ending pursuit of a personality, had decided to draw a comic based loosely on his life.  It currently chronicled the adventures of “Kai” and “Kasuke” as they traveled through the “Land of Moisture”, looking for the “lakekage” with their two good pals “Sarin” and “Kakura”.  I made it sound derivative, but it was actually clever and well-drawn.  Sai had a good eye for chronicling what was happening around him, even if he had diarrhea of the mouth every time he tried to have an actual conversation with someone.
This issue wasn’t as funny as usual.  Kasuke got shot by a stupid musket and Kai was having a lot of sad inner monologues worrying about his best friend.
I looked at him.
He smiled.
“Don’t do that,” I said.
He let his face fall.
“I’m okay,” I said.
“Yes,” he agreed.  “Now you are.  But getting you to Sakura…”
“Thanks for saving my life,” I said.
He smiled a little at that, a more genuine expression.  “Every time.”
“Every time?” I repeated.
“Every time you’re in trouble, you know I will have your back,” he said, nodding solemnly.
“Yeah, I know,” I agreed.
“Can we share a bro hug now?” he asked.
“Why not?”
“Because I can’t even move my shoulder?”
“I’ll gently do all the hugging!”
“You really don’t like to be touched.”
“How do you and Naruto fornicate?”
“We don’t,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Um, Uchiha, I traveled with you two for months,” Sai said.
“I shared rooms with you, I shared walls with you…”
“I walked in on you…”
I took in his genuine confusion.  I thought about trying to be honest.  Sai was always talking his confused sexuality out with me, so why couldn’t I do the same?
Because I was fucking Uchiha, that’s why.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, bringing the discussion to a close.
“Is it that only Naruto can touch you?” he asked.  “Because he’s your lover?”
I glared at him.
“You just seem anomalous, and since I use you as my guidepost of proper human behavior, I want to know if I’m learning something strange from you,” he said.
I breathed out long and loud.  “Yes, Sai, I’m weird.”
“How so?” he asked, genuinely wanting to know.
“I don’t like people in my personal space.”
“You let Sakura stroke your hair when you first woke up.”
“Do you keep a notebook of everything I do?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
“Of course,” he said, pulling out another notebook and putting it on top of his sketchbook.  “How else can I learn from you?”
“Stalking is creepy,” I informed him.
“And yet everyone you love stalks you, and you allow it,” he pointed out.
“Anyway, I was weak and barely conscious when that happened with Sakura.”
“I think you crave touch but are afraid of it due to past trauma,” Sai decided.
“What kind of nonsense psychobabble is that?”
“Just throwing out some ideas.  It seems the same with your lover, Naruto, as well.  Sometimes you want him near you, and other times you seem repulsed by his closeness.”
“Can you just drop it already?”
“But I want to understand…”
“Well, I don’t understand, so how are you supposed to understand?!” I snapped.
He looked at me curiously.  “But you always know everything.”
I looked away from his gaze.  “You know that’s not true.”
“Well you act like it,” he said.  “I admire that bravado.  If you believe in something, then it becomes truth.”
“That sounds unhealthy.”
“Oh… it does, doesn’t it?” he hummed, pondering it over.  “I never thought you were healthy, though.  Just cool and confident.  I mean, no one around us is sane, so it seems to me like being insane is what is normal.”
“Now you’re calling me insane…?”
“I do know about Revolution.”
I sighed.  Why did I have to be held accountable for all the ridiculous things I’d said and done in the past?
Sai studied my face.  “You actually regret it?”
I looked away from his knowing eyes.
“You usually stand by your convictions,” he commented.  “You’re always telling Naruto you were right to leave the village.”
“I was right to leave the village.”
“But you don’t think your plan to kill all the kages and rebuild the ninja world from their ashes was right?”
“Who’s to say?” I said with a shrug.
His look got sharper.  “There’s something else you regret.”
“You have plenty of regrets,” I deflected.
“Yes,” he agreed.
“Would you like to describe them to me in explicit detail?” I asked.
“I can try.”
“Really?  You don’t mind cutting yourself open and bleeding for me?”
“Well, if it will make your convalescence go more quickly,” he said.
“Okay, well, cut away,” I said, trying to gesture imperiously with my hand and immediately letting it fall back to the ground as pain shot through my shoulder.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” he said.  “Oh, wait, you already did.”
My eyes narrowed.
“I guess lately I’ve been thinking about how many people I killed for what I thought was a just mission, but were really just the megalomaniacal dreams of a madman.”
Sai always knew how to jump right into things.  “You did what you did,” I said with a shrug.
“I took people’s lives,” he said, shaking his head.  “Now I wonder what it all meant?  Who did I kill and why?  I never thought to ask the questions, I just thought that if I accomplished the objective then the mission would be a success.  Now I can’t help but wonder… were they really criminals?  Were they really Konoha’s enemies, or were they Danzo’s enemies?  I… I’m starting to have feelings, and they’re not good ones.”
“That’s why it’s better to be dead inside,” I said.
“That’s true, because even if you can’t feel the good, you can’t feel all this bad,” Sai agreed.  “But then what’s the point of existing?”
“Also a very valid question,” I said.
Sai frowned.  “Best Friend Sasuke, that sounded vaguely self-harmy.”
“I’ve never self-harmed, Sai,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Sometimes I worry that you might.”
“Um, why?”
“Because we’re so similar,” he said, black eyes staring into mine.
“Sai…” I trailed off, not liking what I was seeing.
He forced a smile.
“Stop that.”
It drooped.
“I’m… here,” I offered quietly.  “Always.  I’m always here for you.”
“I’m here for you, too,” he said, holding his hand out to me.
I took it, giving him a very limp and limited-movement shake.  “What matters now is moving forward, not looking back,” I decided.
Sai was still holding awkwardly onto my hand.  “Maybe, but sometimes we can’t move forward without facing what we left behind.”
I pulled my hand away from his sweaty, awkwardness.  “Does saying it out loud make it any better?”
“No,” he said, shaking his head.  “Nothing makes it better.  But maybe it gets a little farther away.”
We were both quiet for a long time.
“I think-” Sai started to say at the same time that I said, “Itachi-”
Sai stopped talking, his mouth slightly open.
I slammed mine closed.
“Oh, Sasuke,” he said softly.
“It’s nothing,” I muttered, looking away.  “He was just in my dream world.  It’s stupid.  It’s nothing.”
“Oh, Sasuke,” he repeated.
“What?!” I snapped.  “Do you think I’m so stupid for being trapped in an illusion for years where my obviously dead brother was brought miraculously back to life by a forbidden jutsu and decided to travel with me and my pathetic crush while we went around the world trying to dismantle the ninja hierarchy?”
“Not stupid, just willfully ignorant,” he said.
My head bowed and I closed my eyes.  It felt too heavy to hold it up.
“At least your world actually had dreams and possibilities,” Sai said.  “Why did the rest of us all imagine such hopeless futures for ourselves?”
I swallowed.  Then I swallowed again.  I could feel it all boiling over, about the spill out.
Sai was suddenly clambering over my lap, pulling my head into his chest.
“Don’t hug me,” I ground out, trying to even out my breathing.
“I want to respect your wishes, but you need this,” he said.
“What do you know about what I need?” I growled, my voice cracking on the last word.  I swallowed again.
He just squeezed me tightly.
I made a very frustrated noise that immediately turned into a cry.  I stopped it, pressing my face into his shirt.  “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not,” Sai said, starting to sway us side-to-side.  “None of us are okay.  And that’s okay.  But we have to express our emotions.”
I laugh-cried into his chest.  “Yes, you and I should express our emotions.”
“We should,” he said, resting his chin on top of my head as he continued to sway us.  “This feels really good.”
“Are you going to get confused about our relationship again?” I mumbled, sniffling a little but still not quite giving in to crying.
“No, this is definitely a Best Friends Hug,” he said, holding me close but in no way making inappropriate sexual innuendos.
I almost wished he would so I could yell at him instead of clinging to him, my arm curling weakly around his back and holding onto the hem of his shirt.
Sai stayed quiet as he rocked my shaking frame.
“He murdered my entire family and made me relive it over and over,” I whispered.
Sai bent his face in closer to mine so he could hear.
“I spent my whole life hating him,” I continued.  “I was going to kill him, no matter what.  And then he died and…  I was wrong.  I was wrong about my entire life.  But I couldn’t admit it, so I took that hatred of my brother and I put it on Danzo, and then he was dead, and I just took my hatred and put it on the entire ninja world, and it just never ends.”
“It doesn’t,” he agreed softly.
“If I could take back all that hatred… if I could have…  I just wish I still had my brother.  But that’s fucking crazy.  What he did…  But Naruto and I just traveled with him like it was nothing.  We just traveled together as a family and I’d never been happier in my entire life.  It felt like everything had fallen into place, and yet it was so improbable, and I didn’t want to see it but I had to see it, because there was no way that life could ever be like that.  Because life is pain and suffering, and we never get what we want.”
Sai tilted my chin up.
I blinked rapidly, trying to keep my eyes dry.
“I’ve never been happy,” he said.  “But for a while, as part of Team Seven…  I started to think that I could be.  And now.  As part of Team Sasuke.”
I rolled my eyes at the name and caught myself sniffing again.
“We’re going to make a world where people can be happy.”
“And how are we going to do that?”
“I don’t know,” Sai said with a shrug.  “But let’s give the world back its hopes and dreams.”
“You sound like Naruto,” I muttered.
“Wow, thank you,” he said, giving me a last, tight squeeze that felt so good before pulling away and sitting beside me again.
I decided not to think too deeply about all the stupid things I’d just said and let the comfortable silence wash over both of us.
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blacinfinity1289 · 3 years
"Normal speech" people talking.
'Normal thought' people thinking.
"Kurama/Dragons" Kurama or Dragons speaking.
'Kurama/Dragon thought' Kurama or Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic" being used.
Disclaimer: I don't own Highschool dxd or Naruto. They belong their owners.
This is my first story and english is not my first language. I hope you can understand if there are some mistakes somewhere. Thanks in advance.
Hello all. Welcome to Shadow Light.
Hope you all enjoy the chapter. Enjoy.
Shadow Light
Chapter 1
Beginning with a Bang
After the conclusion of the fourth great shinobi war, Uzumaki Naruto has proceeded with his life and was made the seventh Hokage of the leaf village after some years. In those years he married Hinata Hyuuga and had 2 children. Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki. After achieving his dream of becoming the Hokage of the leaf village and maintaining peace and passing the hat to the next generation, Uzumaki Naruto lived a peaceful life with his family. He had become the jinchuuriki of the new Juubi, Kurama. All the bijuu merged with the Kyuubi and created the new Juubi. Kurama already regaining his other half of chakra after the fourth great shinobi war was colossal. But now merging with other Bijuu simply made him a gigantic beast. Keeping his original features of orange fur and red eyes with black slits in them he also had a third eye with a 6 tomoe Rinne-Sharingan in it. That eye will always be closed unless it is required. During his remaining time after retiring from his hokage duties, Naruto mastered all his new abilities because becoming the Juubi jinchuuriki like his dōjutsu, increased physical strength and other skills. He got all the 3 legendary dōjutsu, Byakugan, Sharingan and Rinnegan and his Rinnegan was special. Just like Sasuke's, his Rinnegan also had 6 tomoes in them and because of his limitless chakra, he can activate and deactivate his tomoes in the Rinnegan. He mastered them in his free time after retirement. One of the most important thing he attained by being the Juubi jinchuuriki was 'eternal youth'. Which in other words means he is immortal now. He won't age. But to keep things moving he used genjutsu like Tsunade to appear like an old man.
When he told about this to his wife Hinata that he was immortal and can't die she smiled and said "That's fine Naruto-kun. I got my wish of being with you. If I die I ask you to move on and find love in others. I know how lonely you felt in your childhood without your loved one's around, I know that you can't live alone without anyone. So, please Naruto-kun move on. If you like someone then express your love to them how you did to me for the first time. Promise me Naruto-kun, you will move on from this life." He promised to her that he will move on with his life. That brings us to the present day, where Hyuuga Hinata is being buried. She passed away a few days ago due to old age as they were 100 years old. He tried to prolong her life as much as he could but in the end, they reached her limit and she passed away. He stood on the Hokage monument looking at his home village for the last time before his departure.
"What did you plan Naruto," asked his friend and partner Kurama.
"I plan to leave this world Kurama. As the world is at peace, there is no more requirement of me or you here Kurama. We shall move to a world where peace is necessary and shall attain it there. With the techniques, we have with the Rinne-Sharingan I can positively say that we can go to a world where we are required. What is your opinion on this, Kurama?" asked Naruto as he stood on his head on the hokage monument.
"It's your wish Naruto. As Hinata said it is time to move on as this world is in peace and there is no requirement of you or me. Where shall we go Naruto?" asked Kurama curious as he wants to know what Naruto's plan to go.
"I don't know where we will go Kurama. But I'm certain that we will go to a world full of adventure" said Naruto with excitement. As he wants to go to this new world and explore it and if need be he will bring peace to that world as well.
"Are you ready for our departure Kurama? Hold tight. We're going" said Naruto with excitement practically dripping from his words.
"You got it Naruto," said Naruto and prepared himself.
They both channelled their chakra into their third eye and a black portal opened in front of them. Naruto stepped into it and behind him, it closed. And so Uzumaki Naruto, The Nanadaime Hokage(Seventh Fire Shadow), Hero, Father, Husband and most of all, a man who saved so many lives and remembered as the strongest shinobi to ever grace the elemental nations was gone.
(Scene Break)
Dimensional Gap
The Dimensional Gap is the gap that exists between the three worlds (Earth, Heaven, and the Underworld) and is considered a void world.
Nothing can survive within the Dimensional Gap without magical, demonic power or other protection. Anyone without such protection dies within a matter of seconds after being exposed to the "nothingness" within the Gap.
The Dimensional Gap is an endless void, wherein in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colours.
As Naruto came through a portal to this empty void he felt it's immediate effects. He felt like his skin is being burnt from inside. Without any hesitation, he opened another portal and jumped into it.
Somewhere in Tokyo
It is night time in the city of Tokyo, Capital of Japan and most of the city is decorated in the colourful lights of the night. In a dark ally on the outskirts of the city a black portal opened and came a man. He was thrown on the grass and rolled on the ground before stopping by bumping into a tree.
"Ouch." Naruto groaned. He didn't expect that he will come to a place where the instant he was ejected from the portal he would be burned. Though he knew that nothing would happen to his body because of his healing and regeneration abilities he didn't want to risk it. So, he immediately came to this place. As he slowly rolled on the ground and straightened himself with the support of the tree he saw a man in front of him. This man is tall, appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. Looking at him curiously.
"Hello there. Are you the one that opened a portal and came of out nowhere" asked Azazel with curiosity oozing in his tone? Naruto couldn't answer as his body is still recovering from that place and nodded.
Azazel looked at him curiously. In front of him was a young blond man looking like in his late teens maybe 17 or 18 and on his face were 6 lines like whisker marks and has fair skin and is at least 6 feet tall. He is looking like suffering from some kind of pain and is likely to die because of whatever he went through. Azazel got an idea. He searched through his goatee and took out a ball. Which is half black and half white. He kept it on the blonde's chest and waited for any reaction and it worked like a charm. With a blinding light, the said ball merged into his body and the blonde kid immediately healed.
"You okay there kid. It seems that my device worked" said Azazel with barely hidden amusement. The blonde looked at him incredulously.
"What did you do now. I'm going to heal from it soon you know. That black thingy is not required. If you didn't see I'm healing myself before you put whatever that ball on me." Said the blonde kid exasperated.
"Woah woah. Calm down kid. I didn't kick your puppy. I just helped you recover fast that's all. But, you should be thanking me because without my help I'm sure you would have dead soon. Anyway, leave about it and tell, do you feel any change in your body. Like light-headed or drowsiness or any other changes. Tell me" asked Azazel with excitement. If his research was successful then this kid is going to be one of them.
"What now. No I don't...feel an..y..ch..an..ge." suddenly to both of their surprise Naruto's body lit up, and orange, white and black colours glowed simultaneously like a light bulb and dimmed down slowly.
"Woah. What was that? I feel lighter now. Hey old geyser what did you do to me?" asked Naruto with tick marks appearing on his face. Azazel scratched his left cheek sheepishly and replied.
"You see. I'm a scientist and I experiment on sacred gears and in some cases create some. The ball I kept on you is one of them which contains two different elements which are light and shadow/darkness. I used the holy light used by angels and the fallen angels and combined it with the soul essence and power of a powerful shadow dragon named Skiadrum on his last wish before death. Which in turn should give you the power to use both light and shadows. And by the looks of it, my experiment was successful. Congratulations kid, you now possess a sacred gear which is on par with the mid-tier Longinus and a dragon type one to boot. Your sacred gear's name is Shadow Light." Said Azazel with his chest puffing out in pride. With this result he can proceed to add this in his list of successful experiments and work on his own with Fafnir.
For Naruto, it is like listening to a math class. Which means he didn't understand anything. But he could feel more lighter and his awareness about his surroundings had increased. While this old geyser was talking about himself Naruto asked his trusty partner about this.
"Kurama, you can feel it right. That ball gave us something related to light and darkness like this old guy told and you can sense his power right. He is strong. Though he is surrounded by something dark his intentions and personality is good. What do you say Kurama, shall we go with him and learn about this world or venture on our own" asked Naruto eyeing the guy in front him waiting for his partner's reply.
Kurama thought about it for some time. He can sense Azazel's power and he is strong and he can also say that something did happen when that ball merged with Naruto as he is currently getting information on soo many things. He can say that consciousness of someone is being transferred to him currently. 'Maybe these belong to that Skiadrum that this guy told about' thought Kurama. And he seems to be a good person. So he made his decision.
"Go with him Naruto. He looks like a knowledgeable person and we also should know more about this 'Sacred Gear' thing and this guy seems to be our best option." Said Kurama in a matter of fact tone. Naruto gave a mental nod.
"Hey, old geyser. What now. Sacred what" asked Naruto playing the role of a dumb idiot maintaining his expression in a feign ignorance. And it seems like it worked.
"Ah. I'm sorry, kid. I forgot about you. If you want more you can come with me and I'll explain more about this" said Azazel confidently. Naruto nodded and they both left to where Azazel lives in Tokyo.
Scene break
Azazel's House, Tokyo
After Naruto and Azazel settled down in Azazel's house Azazel began.
"To tell you from the beginning about the history of this world I need to tell you about the supernatural world's history first" said Azazel in an all business tone. To which Naruto nodded.
"The Three Factions were created from the power of the biblical God or God of Bible a religious God on this planet. When first created everything was good going, all the angels were following his orders and living peacefully but one day Lucifer one of the first angels to be created had a disagreement with the God and took his followers and left heaven to raise war against the God to take the thrown of heaven from him. He shed his angel wings and replaced them with the wings of a bat and at the same time some of the angels of heaven committed one of the seven deadly sins of lust, sloth, greed, envy, wrath, gluttony and pride and fell from grace from heaven and became fallen angels with the wings as black as night signifying their fall from grace. Most of the fallen angels under the leadership of me formed an organisation called Grigori and inhabited in the underworld otherwise called as hell and had a conflict with devils on the territory. And so began what now called as the The Great War. During the war all the three factions of Bible fought each other for so many things. Devils fought to capture heaven and dethrown God under the leadership of the four great satan's, fallen angels fought with devils to get in the good grace of the God under my leadership and get back to their position back in the heaven and angels fought under God's orders to save humanity from the supernatural world and to maintain peace in the world. The Great War lasted for several millennia resulting in the drastic losses to all the three factions. First we, the fallen retreated as I saw no point in continuing the war any further after that both devils and angels also retreated creating a temporary truece. But the damage already done. Because of the injuries suffered during the war the original four satan's Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub and Asmodeous succumb to their injuries and died. And even the God of Bible died because of his injuries making Michael new leader of Angels and the protector heaven. This is a classified information. So, I suggest you, not to tell this to anyone as it's impact will be devastating on the three factions. And to my faction we suffered great losses in our number and are recovering from our losses.
There used to be 72 pillars of the devil clans which came into existence after Lucifer made creatures which are opposite to Angels in every way of speaking literally and figuratively. He created a new race who are oppossit to light and named them devils the opposite to angels. He with 3 others became the first 4 leaders of the underworld went by the name Maou or satan. All devil's are in a way his children with his wife lilith but because of different people having different powers, they had formed into clans based on abilities. There were 72 at the beginning but because of their participation in the great war it was declined to 39 clans and even the death of the original satans didn't deter their children from making plans to go to on other factions. And when they were making plans on how to make their attack all the other pillar clans opposed to the idea as they feared that this may lead to devils as a race's extinction and so formed into an anti satan faction and so the civil rahed for some years resulting in the victory of the anti satan faction and exiting the children of original satan's to the outskirts of underworld. The four strong devils who played a great role in victory were made the new satans of the underworld and led to a peaceful time in the underworld. Now let me explain you about the surviving pillar clans which were again declined to 27 if I remember correctly. The first and foremost clan is the Bael clan which holds the rank of 'Great King'. Famous for their poser of destruction which erases everything from existence if mastered, they are a fearsome clan" And the list went about all other clans which are Agares, Bellial, Phenex and so on. But Azazel didn't say about 4 specific clans and he continued.
"And this concludes about the explanation of all devil clans expect 4 clans whose former heir's became the 4 great satan's of the under world. Those are Gremory, Sitri, Astorath and Glasya-Labolas. The current strongest devil known as super devil and the Maou Lucifer Sirzechs Lucifer is from the Gremory clan with Venelana Gremory(neé bael) as his mother from whom he got the Power of destruction. Serafall Leviathan formerly sitri, the maou leviathan who is responsible for foreign affairs uses ice magic. Ajuka Beelzebub a former member of the branch family of the Astaroth clan is genius who invented the evil piece system and another super devil. He has created the famous Kankara formula which was said to bend the reality and finally Falbium Asmodeus from the Glasya- Labolas clan who is the physically strong enough plough through buildings reinforced with magic. These are the satan's and the strongest devils said to surpass even the original 4 satan's. The evil piece system created by Ajuka Beelzebub helps devils to reincarnate other races into devils. This system is based on a chess game. So the pure blooded high-class devils can reincarnate humans into reincarnated devils to bolster their numbers. Angels also have same type of system but, it is in the form of Deck of cards. All the seraphs has their own decks. We fallen angels doesn't have any such system as angels fall from heaven and we can have 'our' children to our ranks to increase our numbers and my effort of creating artificial sacred gears is one such attempt to improve our strength" said Azazel. Though it was a lot of information to take in, Naruto took it well but he had one question for this man.
"Why are you telling all this to me. I'm new here, but you didn't need to tell me all this as I can say that it consists some important facts like death of the Biblical God and some other things. For all you know about me I'm a stranger came out of nowhere and may use this information against you or something" asked Naruto incredulously. He can't understand why Azazel is saying all this to him a stranger who came out of nowhere. Azazel simply smiled and replied.
"You are correct. I don't know anything about you. But I'm telling you this as a way me, myself, reminding all the past that happened and I can tell that you, don't know about this world by the way your entrance. As it serves 2 purposes of giving a detailed explanation of history of this world and remainding myself my goal to achieve peace to this world and I can say that you are powerful from the power I can feel coming from you. If I can make you an ally that will be good for everyone in the future." Said Azazel with a neutral tone. During all his explanation Naruto didn't feel any kind of malice or animosity towards any other faction or any disrespect neither disdain towards the man who casted him out of heaven nor any pride in his achievements in his life or his position as a leader of fallen angels. He can say that this man is powerful and intelligent and if he is telling all this to him and deduced that he is going to be an valuable ally for future Naruto knew that he had some kind of plan in mind to use him in future. He can't help but appreciate Azazel's straightforwardness. He was used to being respected and admired as a war hero and leader of the village during his reign as Hokage and after war in Elemental Nations. As a fellow leader he can appreciated a fellow leaders attempt to gain an ally by being straight forward and so Naruto came to a conclusion. Azazel is good with wordplay and his intentions are pure that means he is doing this for everyone not for any personal gain.
"Yes. I can use a person like you as an ally as you know more about this world than me." Naruto said smiling and continued.
"For giving me that sacred gear and 'reviving' me as you thought, I'll give 2 favours. As for my allegiance, I'll wait for a while to accept that proposal. I want to explore this world and know how it works for myself and speaking of my sacred gear, can I conclude that you have a plan to train me how to use it yourself as you are very interested in making and using them" asked Naruto innocently.
Azazel smirked at this development. He thought Naruto would be intelligent but he didn't think his intelligence to be this sharp but he can conclude that the man in front of him was indeed powerful and with the addition of his new sacred gear he is going to be monster in future which just a added bonus for his allegiance if he decides to ally himself with them and as for other way around if he didn't ally himself with them, he should think some thing about it in the future but from the looks of it Naruto is good person and he concluded he will decide for the best. Azazel nodded his head to Naruto.
"Yes, I personally intent to train you in the use of your sacred gear Shadow Light. I'll agree to your terms, Naruto and hope for the best" said Azazel in a calm tone and extended his hand as a gesture to finalize their agreement Naruto also extended his hand and both men shared their hands coming to an agreement. They both nodded their heads to each other entering they has a consensus.
"Now that is out of the way, let me explain you about your sacred gear. Your sacred gear Shadow Light as I said earlier is made from two elements or rather sources. One being the soul and conscious of the Shadow Dragon Skiadrum who in his last moments asked to use his remaining conscious and energy to make a sacred gear to remind the world of his existence and other being the pure light energy which angels and fallen angels use. As I was making it I got an idea of mixing both elements one being made of pure light and other being made of shadows, darkness and void. And the result is that of the sacred gear you have know and as there are no backlash on you I can conclude that it is a success. As for you using it l, even without any training you should feel familiar towards all the shadows and light particles in the environment." To which Naruto nodded as he can sense a familiar feeling towards everything around even more so, as it is night time from his connection with shadows. Azazel continued.
"Shadows can be used in a number of ways and I can tell me some but there are special techniques belonging to the shadow dragon himself if you search with in your self you can find his conscious with you giving you all the knowledge and you can train with that knowledge yourself. I can help in training you with the use of light energy. As I'm one of the best to use light energy and as for the strength of the light items you make it will depend your heart. If you are pure enough it will be strong but none the less it will be as strong as that of fallen angels. The purity comes into play if you want make your strongest. Your strongest light spear will be as strong as that of a 12 winged angel or fallen angel. If you don't have any questions then we can begin your training immediately." Said Azazel curiousity and excitement brimming in his voice as he his pretty much excited to test his newest creation. Naruto can understand Azazel's curiosity and nodded to begin.
And so began his training in the use of his new sacred gear Shadow light.
And Cut.
That's it for this chapter folks. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Suggestions are welcomed.
Thank you for reading.
Black Infinity 1289.
Ja Ne.
0 notes
theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
One Two Three Four
Rating: M
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Chapter Five
Cerulean eyes turn to the door when Haruno Sakura enters. Immediately, his whole person brightens up because she has been away for two weeks. And fourteen days is far too long in his opinion, considering that he never manages to get her out of his thoughts.
Not after he finally confessed.
Though she decided on not replying to it.
She didn't say yes, but she didn't turn him down either.
Uzumaki Naruto wonders if he should keep his hopes up.
She's on his side right?
She chose him right?
She's with him right?
And not with...
He supposes that he should resent her in a way, for not acknowledging his confession except with a firm;
"I care about you Naruto."
"And I love you too... but..."
But they are at war.
A war he started himself.
And when Hyuuga Hinata had confessed to him during Pein's attack, he realizes that he also didn't have the time to return her affections. Because he was too focused on saving lives, too focused on becoming stronger, too focused on becoming hokage.
Or he simply didn't return her feelings when it came down to it.
Because he's in love with Haruno Sakura.
He always will be.
And Sakura?
Perhaps she will never return his affections as well.
He had been staring for too long.
The young hokage hides his thoughts by grinning brightly at her, eyes chinked shut and whole face lighting up for the love of his life.
"Gomen, Sakura-chan, I just haven't seen you in so long, I forgot how cute you are."
She smiles sheepishly in return.
The pinkette steps forward to hand over her mission report scroll. Not that she needed to. Her trips to Sunagakure were after all her choice. And considering how little he knows of medical jargon, Naruto is at least sure that when it comes to poisons and antidotes, Gaara's village does have a good medical research lab at his disposal. Sakura's been taking in students as well, which is something he is extremely proud of.
He puts the scroll in one of his drawers because he knows he really won't be able to decipher them anyway.
A vein pops on her forehead upon his dismissal.
"If you won't read it, then I guess I'll have to give you a brief overview."
He flinches upon realizing his in-sensitiveness.
She really does hate it when it seems like he is underestimating her.
Though that wasn't his intention.
"There's a lot of progress with my medical subordinates. If a full on battle breaks out, they will at least be able to tend to physical injuries to the best of their abilities. And in case they run out of chakra, I've taught them cardiopulmonary resuscitation."
Naruto stares dumbly at what she just said.
The medic clears her throat.
"I mean, they can manually pump a person's heart once it stops. It's a technique I used during the war with you, when I literally held your heart in my hands and moved it for you. Tsunade-shishou and I have always thought that you can do that without opening the body. There's a drug that we've developed too, one that can enable the body to increase its capabilities of circulating blood."
He blanches slightly at what she had just said. Partly due to the mention of drugs that are completely foreign to him because of the prominence of chakra healing, and also partly due to his memories of Sakura's hand inside his chest.
As expected of the neo-sannin, of course she'd find new ways to save others.
"Although, I haven't figured out how to remedy it with drugs if a shinobi's collapse is caused by total chakra depletion."
He doesn't completely understand, so he settles with saying.
"You're amazing Sakura-chan! Of course, you can go about what you think is right."
There is a flinch in her form at his words.
And because Naruto has always been quite adept at reading into her, especially the way her eyes always seemed to be hiding something from him, he asks her;
"What's wrong?"
She hesitates but speaks out anyway.
"Naruto, this war, when is it going to end?"
The question is quite broad, and impossible to answer at the same time. Five years have gone by since he started the war with his former best friend. There really was only one way for it to end.
"When I kill Sasuke."
The name sounds foreign on his lips, granted that he hasn't said it in so long. Because it always felt taboo. And it always made him sink into some unknown pit of self-loathing. They had spoken to each other through their fists, but he still wasn't able to get through to him.
It makes him angry with himself because before the Alliance was split, he always held the hope that his final fight with Sasuke would end with them just going back to being friends. But apparently, it was hard being friends with someone who held different ideals.
Someone who held on to it so hard that's he'd start a war for it.
It is in times like this when he takes a moment to think it over.
Is he doing the right thing?
Should he be protecting the bijuus?
Would they pose such a great danger?
The young woman rests her eyes on his troubled form.
"Is it wrong to believe in the goodness of people?"
"It's not."
That reply was swift.
"How about the goodness of the bijuus?"
Sakura pauses.
"I don't think so."
He lets out a sigh of relief. Blue orbs widen when she takes a few more steps to his table.
"It's a trait of yours that I've always admired Naruto."
A fair hand goes up to rest on his trembling shoulders.
"You see the good in everyone. You believe that they can be better than they think they are. You're always looking for their humanity, their kindness, their hopes for peace. It's stupid really."
He laughs through his doubts.
"But amazing at the same time. It's why so many people are following you. I would like to believe in the goodness of everyone as well, the same way you have. Isn't that why I'm here?"
He realizes that his eyes have been tearing up a bit at her sincere words. He wipes them away and looks up to see her kind eyes.
Ah, he really is in love with her.
It had been a never-ending thought in her head since that last conversation with Sasuke, though she had managed to push it to the back of her mind for some time.
"We can't always be sure that it will be the same with the next Jinchuurikis. When Naruto and Killer Bee die, who is to say that the next vessel is capable of controlling their tailed beasts?"
He was right. Before Naruto had become friends with Kurama, the village had feared him, had wanted nothing to do with him, had even resented him.
Until he proved them wrong.
"-assuming this person does gain control of the tailed beast, how can you be sure that they won't use the power to kill others?"
Sakura's brows furrow.
"Is it wrong to believe in the goodness of people?"
Her brain suddenly hurts.
Of course it isn't wrong.
How could believing in goodness be wrong?
How could fighting with love be wrong?
History tells her otherwise.
Because wasn't Sasuke's defection caused by the love he felt for his family? And the hate he felt for his brother...
"Did they care when they ordered my brother to slaughter innocent children? When they took away my family?"
Her heart pumps strongly against her chest. The truth was earth-shattering, and hard to wrap her mind around.
When Sakura finally closes the door to her one bedroom apartment, she grasps the front of her shirt and starts to level her breathing, otherwise she'd be unable to stop hyperventilating. Her whole body shakes, and she plants her feet firmly on the ground as she pushes herself to a wall for support.
Emerald eyes quiver.
Her village.
Her home.
Committed genocide.
It isn't hard to figure out why any of the village's leaders would allow it. The Uchiha clan must have been planning something, if what she's assuming is spot on.
Still though,
It's not right.
There were innocent children there.
Not just children.
It's not right.
And Itachi... Sasuke's brother, whom she'd always seen as a powerful evil in all this.
Didn't he make the ultimate sacrifice?
Didn't he take all of Sasuke's hate onto himself?
She wishes that she could talk to him.
She wishes that she could ask him.
To ask the very question that is killing her from the inside.
In the end, did he think it was right?
Choosing his village over his loved ones.
It hurts.
Her brain hurts.
Two months later, Sakura finds herself in Suna again. She knows what she has to do, has known from the start that she'd have to revisit that technique, to see if she can do something about the future of her team. Since the eight-tailed beast was taken, there was only one thing Sasuke would go after.
He had said that he doesn't know where the other seven are.
Save for in their blonde teammate.
Even if he claims that he has found a way to take a bijuu without killing its vessel, Sakura thinks that it might have been just a lucky break, because Naruto had been there. With his godly powers.
Sakura still doesn't understand how.
But if he was able to restore Kakashi's eye, then there is a way for him to somehow save Bee's life.
With her help of course.
That's why the rapper is still alive.
What would happen though? Once Naruto can't save himself?
She no longer wanted to be useless like before.
Always crying, always pleading.
This time she has to do something.
There is a bit of uncertainty in her new resolve, granted that she's always been resentful of that part of herself who can't help but cry and plead. And she always despised it that just when she thinks she's finally caught up to them, they take another step forward.
Away from her.
Always away from her.
The pinkette does know that she's far from where she was from the start.
But it's not enough.
It's never enough.
She checks the clock again to determine if it's about time she left. Sasuke had once again sent her a letter with a meeting time and place. It's a day of non-stop travel to Otogakure from the Sand Village, most ninjas would pace it. But not her, taking her time would draw suspicion.
So when she finishes the write up in her scroll and casts a seal that only she could open to protect its confidentiality, Sakura packs up and bids her farewell to her lab assistants.
She does a courtesy call to Gaara and his siblings to notify them of her departure. She should feel guilty actually, but it's something she needs; this meeting with Sasuke. It's the only thing she keeps for herself when everything else is being given to her efforts for the war.
For Naruto.
As her feet pick up the pace to head to their little haven again, Sakura couldn't help the excitement in her pores.
Sakura reaches Oto in less than a day.
But when she opens the door to their usual room, Sakura could only gasp in surprise when she is greeted by an unexpected guest.
"Sasuke-kun's been poisoned."
Karin stands from the bed.
"And I know you're the only one who can save him."
They walk through Sasuke's fortress, Sakura questions why she is able to step in so easily.
She questions herself if she should even trust Uzumaki Karin at this point.
The ring on the red head's finger allows Sakura to rethink her distrusting nature though.
The chakra detector had looked panicked.
No one could fake the fear that was in the other woman's eyes.
"I'm surprised that this place seems uninhabited, I would expect to see guards."
Might as well start a conversation.
"The east wing is Sasuke's only."
Sakura follows her enemy as she climbs up two flights of stairs to reach a dark corridor lighted by lamps. The endless hall reminds her vaguely of Orochimaru's lair, which they had invaded when she was fifteen, though this place looked more like a Japanese mansion, with its wooden floors and sliding doors. But the size though, and the darkness, it still reminds her of their failed mission.
That seemed like a lifetime ago.
Karin continues leading her down the hall until they reach the second to the last door. She hastily opens it to show Sakura her friend's state.
Sasuke was unconscious, breathing erratically, with a towel on his forehead, and a blanket over his form. The medic could immediately tell that he was shivering.
She examines the room first, there's a tub of water, some vials of an unknown liquid, but it smelled mostly of herbs.
Again, she takes note of the fact that the place is empty, except for the otokage's presence, so she turns to Karin again in silent question.
"No one dares to come here."
The revelation is hard to believe, because, wasn't Sasuke the leader?
She asks that very question.
"If they had any news of someone harming their leader, they'd rather protect themselves. Because if that person can handle Uchiha Sasuke, then they wouldn't be able to either."
The truth sinks her heart a bit.
It's a lonely existence.
"Except for me though."
The admission has the pinkette's heart clenching. Karin probably had a special place in his heart.
"It has everything to do with you."
Sakura couldn't help but feel jealous.
"Why are you leading your enemy into your master's bedroom?"
She voices her concerns while Sasuke's fiancee' leads her to his sleeping form.
"And why are you hiding me like I'm your comrade?"
Her actions were suspicious, of course Sakura wasn't so dumb as to follow blindly...
"Because, I don't trust them either."
...even if she already knew the answer.
"If they knew that Sasuke-kun was this badly injured, they'd try to assassinate him while they can."
Of course they would.
"I can't risk that."
Sakura nods her head in reply and goes down on her knees beside his bed as she rests a hand over him to examine his physical state.
"You're a medic though, why can't you save him yourself?"
"How I wish I can plunge my hand into that head of yours and squeeze the hell out of your brain just so you know that I don't like being called out for my skills."
Well, that was rather harsh, and brutal. This woman was somewhat rude.
"As if you can. You know well enough our skills are far from each other Karin-san."
She can talk back too.
It's surprising when the enemy doesn't even form a reply to her conceited claim.
It gave her the impression that Karin most probably sees the truth in it.
"I can only heal people when they bite into me."
There's a defeated tone to her voice. When Sakura is done with her initial physical examination, she looks over her shoulder to regard the other kunoichi.
"So the bite marks."
"Aren't just from Sasuke-kun."
"Still, how about the basic medical ninja know-how?"
"I know the basics but this..."
"Is a powerful toxin, grab me another basin and some warm water, I'll manually extract the poison and come up with an antidote."
Karin does what she orders and comes back in mere seconds.
Sakura goes about the same process she has done several times already.
"You've done this before."
"I'm concentrating."
There is an air of animosity between the two women. But their love for this one man allows them to cooperate.
Sakura briefly wonders if they are the only women who have loved him like this.
Most likely not.
So they continue to do it.
Helping each other to save Uchiha Sasuke.
Because they both loved him.
"I have a ring you know."
They sit on the tatami mat hours later, both exhausted from their efforts. Sakura had gotten rid of the majority of the toxicant and has just administered the antidote. They're just playing the waiting game now.
Sakura says nothing in return.
But Karin continues on nevertheless.
"It symbolizes our promise to marry each other in the future."
"I love Sasuke-kun. I love him so much. Before this war and way before he sought me out. Did you know that? That he came to my rescue when we were genin? During the Chuunin exam?"
She assumes that Sakura probably doesn't know.
"Of course he wouldn't tell you about it."
The pinkette adjusts her position to allow the other girl to continue.
"I thought I met prince charming then."
"After that, my life unraveled. And Orochimaru happened."
Karin thinks that in this moment, with the way Sakura's eyes widened, and the way they had a bit of understanding by just that small bit of information, that the Konoha nin probably feels pity for her.
It isn't something she wants.
But she's doing it anyway.
Saying what she feels.
"It came as a surprise to me when Sasuke-kun turned out to be the villain too. And I still loved him. Then, he came to Orochimaru's hideout, to where I was a prison guard. Where I was left on an island in the middle of the ocean so I can watch over evil, lowly people. Where I had to carry out my duties even if it meant that I would never be able to sleep for a really long time because I was scared."
She breathes deeply.
"I was fucking scared that one day, I'll wake up to one of those criminals, wrapping their dirty fingers around my neck, strangling the life out of me."
Yes, her past was dark, so dark. That's why she belongs with him.
She belongs with Sasuke.
Her resentment for this woman fuels her desperate words.
"My life wasn't all pretty pink flowers or village head bands. Nor was it full of laughs or steady dates. It wasn't fucking perfect like yours was."
Who was she to say that Haruno Sakura had a perfect life? No one that is. But she just knew this person had it easy compared to her.
"Until Sasuke-kun came. Until he came to my rescue again."
Karin's heart fills with warmth from thoughts of her hero.
"Uchiha Sasuke didn't just offer me a future, or a place where I finally belonged. He didn't just give me the opportunity to do something good. No. He offered me more than that."
It is at this exact second that Sakura finally utters a query.
"And what is that?"
Their eyes meet then.
"He offered me salvation."
The neo-sannin turns away.
"In return, I gave him my heart, I gave him my body. I gave him my loyalty."
She wonders if what she's saying is hurting Sasuke's mistress. The same way it hurt when she first felt that sweet chakra of hers.
Intermixed with the love of her life's.
So she continues with her attacks.
"So, When he asked me to track down his brother, I did it. When he reformed our team and joined Akatsuki, I followed him. When he tried to kill me and left me to become a prisoner in your sick village, I ran back to his side the moment he decided to change his mind and join the war. And, when he started his deranged revolution, I chose him. I chose him without a second thought. I chose HIM."
That's right, she fucking chose him.
No one else.
"When I was finally able to have his body, when I finally had him thrusting hard and deep above me."
She senses the other nin's chakra coil with sadness.
"I saw his pain. I saw how he needed to sink himself into something. How he needed to sink himself into me. I saw how he wanted to destroy his soul and drown himself in more hatred."
Unlike her.
"You see Sakura, I actually took all of his pain and carried it with him. I took it. I accepted it. In his darkness, I held him. In his darkness, I never left. In his darkness, I loved him even if it consumed me as well. As he was drowing, I drowned with him."
And drown with him she will.
"I love him. I love Uchiha Sasuke. I'm the one who has the privilege of being his right hand. I'm the one who he promised to marry. I'm the one who will restore his clan and give him back the famiy he lost, the same way he'll give me back the one I lost as well."
She spits out those hurtful truths to send poisoned needles into the other kunoichi's heart.
"I know his pain. I understand. I was born to love him."
She comes up with the most heart-breaking and hope-crushing words to bury her foe deeper into her forced rejection.
"He gave me a ring. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I know he cares for me. Because he gave me a ring."
She twists some facts but weaves them up with her honest confessions to get the message across.
"Uchiha Sasuke gave me a ring."
If this was a battlefield, with her opponent keeping silent and not doing anything in retaliation, Karin could say that she is landing multiple chakra scalpels onto Sakura's tiny physique and she is doing it with the kind of finesse and precision that the young Sannin might as well be decapitated at this point.
She lands the finishing blow with all the strength and pride she could muster.
"I'm wearing a fucking ring. What do you have?"
Yes, Uzumaki Karin finishes the battle with a triumphant grin and eyes full of deep loathing for the other woman in the room.
Because she has earned it.
She has fucking earned her place at Uchiha Sasuke's side.
But when her seemingly defeated enemy finally lifts her head.
When she finally allows determined emerald green to meet hesitant red irises.
When she finally opens her mouth to deliver her counter attack.
Karin realizes the one thing she had overlooked when she entered this battle. She realizes the one piece of information she should've remembered when she started the match. It was all so obvious how unprepared she was to take down this girl. And she inwardly scolds herself for forgetting about it.
Because, it was stupid of her to forget.
The fact that when faced with the legendary Haruno Sakura,
Respected medic.
Feared Sannin.
Disciple of Senju Tsunade, the fifth hokage.
Prized warrior of the Konoha Leaf Village.
Precious member of Team Seven, the team that defeated a freaking goddess.
When faced with Sakura fucking Haruno.
What do you have?
Karin tries her best to come up with a teleportation technique to get out as she realizes the chakra infused punch she is about to receive. As she tries her best to evade. And even when this woman is not counterattacking physically, she knows she needs to do it.
To get out.
"What do I have Karin?"
When you find yourself in a one-on-one fight with Haruno Sakura.
"His heart."
All it really took was one punch to end it all.
Author's Note: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to my darling readers. Thank you so much for your reviews you guys! You keep me inspired to write this. And thank you to those who said that they trust me to go on with my original plans. And special thank you as well to those who defended me when there are some spiteful reviews here and there. Everyone has their own opinion I guess. I wish I could personally send a message to all you guys in reply to your questions and what-not.
If anyone is wondering, this story will probably not be as long as Sore ga ai deshou. :D
Also details on how to read Ombreecha’s prompt based on this is in the other author’s note.
Special thank you to @ombreecha, @saeuniverse , @beatoneheart, who are just the best friends out there, always making me smile with their kind words.
A special thank to @madara-fate as well, my cool senpai who answers my questions about possible scenarios for this alternate world.
R & R!
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I technically have that Orochimaru!Gin Ichimaru fic in the works (endless WIPs wee) but Sai!Gin is hilarious because just. All soft sighs as he lives his life tenuously, waiting for– yep, there it is, chaos as team 7 runs into his life and he falls in line (like he’s been half alive this whole time tbh, Ino in his memories like YOU ARE JUST AS BAD AND ALSO PART OF THEIR INEVITABLE EXPLODING CRAZINESS).
So I just imagine explosions going off in Seireitei that aren’t R&D or the eleventh so he goes, Oh, already?
And when he sees Ichigo it’s like “Why is your hair so bright!? Always this, seriously, why. You’re Japanese! It’s your mom again isn’t it”
And Ichigo is like DON’T TALK ABOUT MY HAIR YOU SHIT and Gin is all eye smiles and creepy expressions but this time at the gates Ichigo huffs and throws an arm around his shoulder and Jerks his thumb back like “Fall in line, asshole”
(And it’s infinitely more terrifying that this intruder has convinced half the captains to Mutiny this time around bc they start with Gin instead of Zaraki. The rest happens as usual)
So Gin is like ‘Hello’ and asshole Sasuke is now Uryuu who turns his nose up and Juugo is Chad-- and Orihime as Sakura with like the opposite of pacifism is Truly Terrifying okay
Like power of God in a tiny form. She can heal you but she can also erase you from existence (Gin nods, resigned. Same old same old).
Hang on I take it back Uryuu can be Shikamaru or something the strategist because Sasuke ice queen Uchiha needs to be Rukia (seriously Ichigo? You didn’t spend enough of your life as Naruto chasing him?) FEAT truly *breathtaking* brother issues, okay.
Ichigo punches Byakuya in the face all “be a less shitty brother for once in your Goddamn existence jfc”
Meanwhile Karin in Matsumoto’s body (she is SO pleased by this and the assets) defects immediately but it’s okay because Suigetsu is Toushiro anyway
That’s it that’s the entire bleach gang as team 7 and team hawk. Best part? Ino and Choji as Yumichika and Ikkaku to complete the rogue set. And uh Renji? (Karin and Juugo’s baby?) Renji as Kurama? Ha. That’s so great a mental image. Kurama and Sasuke being born in the spirit boonies putting up with each other and becoming friends bc where The Fuck is Naruto Jesus Christ and then they find him like a hundred years later and give him so much shit
No seriously I want to write this. It also means Sai and Karin are close as Gin and Matsumoto. Everything about this is made of win. I love my brain
I’d say Sarutobi could be Old Man Genryuusai but tbh Sarutobi is taking a vacation this life, he has earned it, the God of death was like “okay time to reincarnate” and Sarutobi *gave him the finger*
“Fuck you I’m sitting this one out” as he sips martinis and watches the shenanigans
Too late I realized I should include the Espada like Grimm and Ulquiorra and Starkk but tbh they can be new guys the Naruto Bleach cast delightedly befriends.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S17
It’s ironic that Kakashi is criticizing the logic of Obito’s Hokage stone face plans when he wanted to keep his mask on when they were going to put his face up
Kakashi’s not even fighting back my poor baby
“These Leaf Shinobi, they all act so tough” YOU BET THEY DO
How has no one wondered where Tenzo is the duration of this whole war 
“Nine-Tails, you’re acting kind of like a captain” I can’t believe Kakashi is making friends with the creature who killed his sensei
I guess even massive demonic chakra animals need to rest sometimes
“I’ll make you Hokage inside this jutsu” Obito needs to stop trying to fulfill people’s dreams through murder
I am simultaneously so relieved and frightened that the Allied Shinobi Forces have finally arrived
Sakura my daughter goes straight to healing Kakashi as soon as she arrives I love her so much 
Logically Kakashi is the only one who stands a chance against Obito but I don’t think anyone wants to ask that of him
Ten-Tails is sporting quite a Look 
Jesus Christ haven’t Shikamaru and Ino been through enough
“Shikamaru and Ino’s fathers might say that as Shinobi they’re glad they died before their children” Neji is trying to comfort Naruto about a death that didn’t even happen to someone he loves
The Hyuga are so beautiful and dramatic bless them
I’m so concerned for Neji please don’t hurt him
“You hold more than one life in your hands” Even Neji’s last words are about protecting Hinata RIP me but mostly RIP Neji fuck
But who is going to be Tenten’s old man husband 
Sasuke for once in your goddamn life please don’t make things worse
“It looks he’s a bit concerned... about Naruto” Even Orochimaru fucking knows about Naruto and Sasuke how much more Extra can they be
I’m not saying it means something that Ino says “optimistic love” and they cut from her thinking of Sasuke to her thinking of Sakura but  👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“Which is why I keep telling myself, this time, I will protect them, but then I end up having to face the fact I couldn’t once more” Kakashi has tried so hard to protect everyone but especially his Baby Shinobi and everyone keeps kicking his heart in the ass
 Lee has lost his best friend oh no
Hinata’s so metal she just smacked Naruto’s shoulder back into place midair 
Fkfghdjfgkdfhg these cutaways are killing me always switching between Naruto and Sasuke after they’ve said something Gay
“Let’s go... to the place where all the secrets sleep” Orochimaru loves vague drama too like mentor like student
Sasuke misses the Leaf Itachi you woke up his little bitch heart bless you 
For once it’s actually unclear where Sasuke has made things worse or not but I’m very excited
“How, Mr. Orochimaru?” Minato’s so cute and polite event to his enemies
I love Hashirama he’s so beautiful and ridiculous 
“No clan feels deeper love than the Uchiha, and that’s why they suppressed and sealed it away” Tobimara has just summarized Sasuke’s entire life
Listen................. now that we know Uchiha power awakens because of love and Sasuke’s Sharingan awakened because of Naruto........ Sasuke’s love for Naruto is #exposed to the world
“I don’t care, for I am neither innocent nor a child” I mean at least one of those things is true
Sasuke is v bitter about everyone calling him ‘this child’
At this point who isn’t made of Hashirama’s cells it’s like [Oprah voice] “you get a skin graft, you get a skin graft, everybody gets a skin graft!”
Oh no I just realized Minato doesn’t know what Obito has become
Fdfghkjdfhgkfjhg Hashirama and Madara were so adorable 
“To make amends, I’ll let you throw me into the river” HASHIRAMA PLS
I’m not sure what I love more Hashirama’s depressive episodes or his unending snark 
Oh no poor little Senju what has he done except exist
“I considered Madara a gift from the divine” the gayest season of all bless
Madara and Hashirama decided to found a village like most kids decide to form a band
There are so many things which could serve as references to Tenzo but no one is trying to help him
I never expected to have so many feelings about Hashirama and Madara but here they are
[Hashirama as Flynn Rider voice]: Madara you were my new dream
Tobirama wants to propose democracy in a feudal state let’s be real man you created an oligarchy
Hashirama sits on top of his own face to meditate
All the Uchiha want is love and when they get it they’re like “no stop get away from me”
Tobirama: Elder brother’s naivete
Hashirama: [soft indignant gasp]
If Sasuke’s doling out apologies for trying to murder his friends I can think of at least three people who VERY MUCH NEED IT
Madara is hyped af to see Hashirama he’s going wild with glee
Rin used to be a jinchuriki oh no “jinchuriki are treated the same way in every village” :(((
“I won’t be alone,” said Kakashi, before summoning nine puppies
Every time I think Kakashi’s life can’t get any sadder I am wrong
“This hole was opened up by this world of hell” jesus Obito you’re so dramatic
He’s just like Itachi trying to save everyone around him from themselves in the middle of a battle please don’t hurt this sweet and gentle man
I DEMAND that Kakashi live to see Sasuke change he needs this right now 
Ten-Tails is completing with Orochimaru for grossest thing alive
“If we’re going to die anyway, we might as well die fighting” SAKURAAAAA
Why does Sasuke say “Sakura huh” as if hasn’t seen her for forty years it’s been like a few months at the most??
“I will become Hokage” SASUKE PLEASE
Literally everyone on this battlefield thinks Sasuke is Rosemary’s baby and Sakura and Naruto are just like “SASUKE IS OURS NOW GOODBYE”
Shino is so bitter about being ignored for three years that he’s loving the opportunity to make fun of Kiba
“Kiba, well I heard you loud and clear” Hinata sticks up for her bff’s unrealistic dreams
I was a little hesitant about Sasuke coming back to the village after listening to a story from the Hokage but fucking showing up in the middle of everything to declare he’s going to eventually run the village without even bothering to says sorry first is the most Sasuke thing to happen ever probably
I’m so glad Sakura stood up for herself and decided to fight with the boys 
It’s unsurprising that Sasuke’s first real smile in three years was because of an explosion
I think Sasuke finding out that Sakura could’ve killed him turns him on a little bit
I love it when Sakura makes boys frown it’s beautiful
Lmao @ Naruto and Sasuke checking each other out on the battlefield 
This is exactly what happens when you put a bunch of teens together they all start flirting and showing off even if it’s a war zone
Sasuke glancing at Sai: Listen bitch I have the monopoly on the dark-haired strategist on Team 7
“He tried to kill me and it was irresistible” someone get Karin in therapy
I can’t believe the villains are having a weird-off contest
I understand Orochimaru even less than I ever have but I’m glad Gaara’s going to be okay
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chattegeorgiana · 3 years
Get your garbage out of the Sasuke tag.
"Like, for as much as I like also Sasuke as a character" stop lying bitch we know you don't. It's blatantly obvious.
"it’s like... the guy took everything that Naruto had - his motivations, the love of his life, the show... everything. Everything was taken and was given to Sasuke."
?????!!!! How did Sasuke took Naruto's motivations? Their motivations were always different. At no point did Sasuke wanted acknowledgement or whatever the fuck Naruto wanted. And you really out here saying Sasuke took "the love of his life" with your whole ass chest? Lmfao. Sakura was the one pursuing Sasuke, not the other way around. Stop acting like Naruto was entitled to get what he wanted just because he was the MC or that he was entitled to get with someone just because he happened to have some feelings for that person. It does not work like that. But then again, this level of entitlement is something you can only see in Naruto and Sakura/Narusaku wankers.
"Sasuke keeps taking, taking, taking and Naruto keeps giving, giving, giving. And the balance in this case isn’t right. It never is." Girl... are you normal? What does naruto keep giving? Last time I checked, Sasuke was the one who risked his life for Naruto, not the other way around. Deadass Sasuke literally sacrificed his goals, motivations, life for naruto against Haku and he was willing to do it again against Gaara.
"Because Naruto worked his ass of for everything while Sasuke went to Orochimaru to cut things short and what? He’s the one who gets it all, while Naruto’s hard work is repaid how? " And you think Sasuke did not work hard when he was with Orochimaru? Do you think he improved his genjutsu/taijutsu/ninjutsu that much and learned swordsmanship, as well as creating numerous tehniques by snapping his fingers and doing nothing???? Sasuke was shown to be an incredibly hardworking person ever since he was a child, his databook hobby is literally TRAINING and let me remind you that one of Orochimaru's training sessions literally involved Sasuke fighting against countless people, and you think Sasuke had it easy compared to Naruto??? You think him going to Orochimaru "cut things short"???? Bitch sit your ass down. Naruto is the one who does literally the bare minimum yet he gets 353423 power ups at once. He unlocks Kurama mode? Oh would you look at that, he's now one of the fastest ninja, despite his speed being otherwise mediocre, he's now good at taijutsu, and he also gets additional strenght and his jutsus are significantly boosted. And all he had to do for that was tnj Kurama with Kushina and Bee's help. Basically gaining access to KCM was one hell of a frickin shortcut for Naruto to make up for all of his previous weaknesses. Without Kurama, he would've had to train years to get that speed, he would've had to train years to get that level of taijutsu and strenght yet Kurama makes up for all of it. In Shippuden Naruto's just handed ridiculous power up after power up and his garbage fanboys and fangirls be out here talking shit about Sasuke when this Naruti fucker was even given the ability to fly and restore people's eye and heal them without doing jackshit at one point in the manga? Girl sit you ass down and stop spewing shit.
"What message is this in the end? That in this world the only way you will make it is by cutting roads, taking shortcuts and ‘cheating’?" If Sasuke is "cutting roads, taking shortcuts and "cheating" then so is your precious naruto, even more so than Sasuke.
Don't you ever put your crap in the sasuke tags. We don't wanna see garbage in these tags. Narusaku wankers like you better keep his name out of your mouths and sit in your fucking lane. Even better. Deactivate and find other purpose in life than bitching about your trash ship not becoming canon. Cringey, corney ass cunt. This is literally the first ask of this type that I'm ever sending cuz god bless it's hard as hell to get me this heated, but your corny, stupid ass somehow pulled it off. Congrats.
I pondered over whether I should reply to you or not. And decided to do it, because unlike you, I recognize the fact that you are entitled to have an opinion.
Ya know, like I do, too. But unlike you, I won't start calling you names, you see. Because dear God, although yes I am a Sakura and NaruSaku fan, doesn't mean I leave my brain at the entrance. One that unlike you, also knows that my favorite character(s)/pairings also have flaws. So whenever people have an opinion I disagree with, I just leave them be.
Instead of ya know, going into people's inboxes and acting like you did.
Like wow, doe... Take it easy. You think that if you came into my inbox and spewed all this wall of text filled with insults you're a better person or what?
You gotta learn in life that yes, people have different opinion than yours dude or dudette, whatever you are. And you know what? You're gonna have to learn to live with them, like it or not, cuz you don't live in a vacuum space.
Excuse me but since when someone dictates me what I am and what I am not? I didn't know I require your permission to be a fan of Sasuke in a certain way otherwise I shouldn't be called a fan.
You just saw a post here, read some few questions here and there and placed your judgement that oh, all I am is a stupid Sakura/NaruSaku fans who thinks like this just because of my ship. Well, news flash: I can separate my liking of a certain thing and analyze things outside of that. You know why?
Because I don't take things personally like you seemed to have done here. Yes, I have my opinions and I stand by them. But that doesn't mean that I can't judge things outside of those opinions.
I don't know with what kind of thinking and people you are accustomed to, but you've got me wrong here.
Everyone who is here along me for the years I've been on Tumblr (and elsewhere) knows that I've always said I have a love-hate relationship with Sasuke.
I hate some of the things he does (more like HOW he goes about them), while I LOVE how he's the one who truly challenges the status quo present in Naruto world.
But aah, here you are, coming into my inbox, telling me what I am and what I'm not. Chill yer self, will ya? I know very well who I am, I don't need your incapable of having a decent discussion self to tell me who I am.
Now to address your points
How did Sasuke take Naruto's motivations? Oooh, then you might've missed him wanting to become Hokage, which was Naruto's dream since this god forsaken story began.
Naruto journey was about 3 major things: acknoweldgement, Hokage and getting Sakura.
Minus the acknowledgement thing (which gets weaved with the bringing Sasuke plot along with the Hokage one), the other two are transferred to Sasuke.
Irrespective of Sasuke wanting those things or not. Because ya know, as I said, everything was taken and was given to Sasuke.
Which, I'm sorry but it's true. Sasuke's major plot and defining moment ended-up when he killed Itachi, so from there on Kishimoto needed to think about something for him.
Hell, Kishimoto himself admitted that he didn't know what to do with Sasuke in the Kobayashi interview, dude. Like chill your goddamn self.
Not to mention along the years he spoke about how Sasuke and Kakashi's popularities grew more than he envisioned. Hell, at some point the man purposely cut out Kakashi from the story because he was getting more popular than Naruto, so really, what are you getting pressed about?
For speaking about a valid critique of how things happened? Kishimoto ended-up giving to Sasuke what we all followed Naruto for.
And you say that he didn't give him Naruto's motivations? LOL MAY I REMIND YOU that Sasuke's POV in the last chapter is really similar to Naruto's? Him wanting to reach Naruto the same way Naruto wanted to reach him, him being envious of Naruto the same way Naruto was envious of him, though Naruto's envy and Sasuke's are so different in nuance.
As for Sasuke's skills... dude, I'm sorry but Sasuke's WHOLE arc was about searching power from Orochimaru. Which I am sorry BUT IT WAS CUTTING SHORT because ya know, the cursed seal??
Like I'm sorry but Naruto's Kurama power was a handicap to him until he had to train with Bee, so give me a break here.
I'm not taking away from the fact that Sasuke trained as well, far away from that. But as it's true that he trained, it's ALSO true that he cut things hort.
Him going to Orochimaru is the point to that whole thing. That's the whole plot point of him going to Orochimaru.
Ya know, cuz that's how darkness as a motif works in a story my dear.
It gives you power easily (AND SASUKE HIMSELF ADMITS IT TO SAKURA when he leaves the village that he is NOT like them aka Naruto and Sakura). Granted, there's always a reason behind darkness offering you that power and Orochimaru's was that he wanted Sasuke's body. That's THE WHOLE REASON Naruto and Sakura wanted to bring him back to the village??? Because in his quest for power he's losing himself.
But it doesn't retract from the fact that Sasuke DID do that. Hello, remember how he had to eat that pill to "die" once and then BOOM MAGICALLY level 2 curse?
Like don't give me that crap that Sasuke is a hard worker cuz it's not true. He's a talented one, I give you that. But NOT a hard worker.
There's a slight difference in nuance here. The motif of natural talent vs hard work has always been prevalent in this story. Guess on which side of the spectrum Sasuke was?
The one who always had to train more was Naruto because I don't know if your angry self absorbed self remembers, but having Kurama functioned as an impediment to Naruto rather than something helpful.
The fact that he FINALLY got to utilize Kurama's power-ups (which should be looked as a reward system after functioning as an impediment in the story), I'm sorry but it's not like he snapped a finger and went there and magically got it? No, my dear. He had to undergo training!
Not to mention, that wasn't the only power-up that Naruto got. Mind I remind you of Sage arts? The one he learned once again, by training hard?
Meanwhile Sasuke got his power-up because Itachi left behind his eyes. Then again we see Hashirama in the war arc giving him his chakra, and then again we have Hagoromo who gives him the seal. But that one is out of the equation because Naruto got it handed to him the same way Sasuke did.
So, like it or not, by the virtue of how the story was developed and the motifs it uses, Sasuke is the one who uses shortcuts, abandons his comrades and gets things handed to him.
While Naruto is the one who works hard because unlike Sasuke, he's not the talented Uchiha genius. His only talent is the fact that he is able to relate to people in more ways than one, unlike Sasuke.
Like dude, that's the story's premise ffs.
The fact that you don't like it, well, that's another issue. You're free not to, of course.
But you coming here in my inbox and insulting me isn't going to change the reality of those facts.
As for blaming it all on me for YOUR OWN actions, well, isn't that juicy?
I didn't make you come to my inbox and write these insults, did I?
You had so many other choices: come to my inbox and NICELY ask me to take it out because you see it as offensive to the Sasuke tag, IGNORE IT and move past it like I so do with so many things I see in the tags of the characters I like, or simply come and tell me that dude, I consider that you're wrong because this, this and that.
But no, instead you came here, wrote all this long ass ask, used foul language and you wanna make me the bad guy in this whole story because I dare to have an opinion?
Sure Jan, whatever rocks your boat and helps you sleep at night.
As for the last part, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I won't do any of the things you said I should.
You're not the first, nor the last person who comes into my inbox spewing hate. I've been doing this for 10 years now.
You're not the first and probably not the last either, like I said. But let me tell you one thing: I don't care.
You hold no power over me and what I do on the internet.
So you can either accept that and move on with your life or keep continue acting all hateful like your fave used to do in his teen years.
Ain't gonna stop me from being me.
Like I said... This is the internet, my friend. You have no power over me.
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