#natalie larsen
fuckyeahhansonfamily · 2 months
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phireads · 8 months
My Books of 2023 Ranking 📖
This is a little late (it's the 12th of January when I'm writing this) but I read 18 books this year and I really wanted to just summarise my thoughts on them.
Obvious disclaimer: these are just my opinions and I would love to have a conversation about any of these books, whether you agree with me or not (the beauty of literature is that it's subjective) so please ask me any questions you might have.
Okay, let's get into it!
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The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
Simply incredible. This was my fourth time reading this book. It does have a great deal of nostalgic merit for me so that surely makes me biassed and therefore I can’t say it’s definitively the best book ever (however much I might want to). It’s not some sort of philosophical masterpiece, nor does it present any new views on society or culture. But it does exactly what it sets out to do. It is a book written for teenagers and young people which teaches them, through vibrant characters and rich prose, that they are deserving of love and that a true sense of belonging can always be found if sought. I will be rereading this spring. 
First Reads:
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16. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Ugh. This was such a slog. I had only ever read one Dickens work before this - A Christmas Carol, as required by my English GCSE (standard examinations in England, taken at age 15/16) - and I really enjoyed it. Yes, ACC was a novella and therefore, much shorter than Great Expectations and, I believe, most of Dickens’ other novels but I think it also has a spirit to it which just isn’t present in this book. I’m not referring to the “Christmas spirit” or indeed any of the four supernatural spirits which visit Ebenezer Scrooge throughout the stanzas, but rather the sense of movement that tells the reader that a story is progressing and wills them to read on. Great Expectations, to me, felt uninspired and dull. I liked (as in enjoyed reading about them, not solely agreed with them morally) only two characters, Biddy and Joe. The rest of the characters simply didn’t interest me, as they were too trivialised (which seems to be a major component of Dickens’ writing and all I can say is: Bertolt Brecht does it better). I recognise and appreciate what Dickens was trying to do with Miss Havisham having created a monster out of Estella but the way it was conveyed, especially given Pip was telling the story, simply lessened the impact. I didn’t like the convoluted prose, nor did I find the plot particularly engaging. I will be trying another Dickens novel (I own a copy of A Tale of Two Cities but if anyone has a better recommendation, please let me know) but needless to say, my expectations won’t be all that Great. 
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15. The Tomb in Seville: Crossing Spain on the Brink of Civil War by Norman Lewis 
This was a travel piece which focuses on Lewis’ journey, with his brother-in-law, across Spain on an errand for his father-in-law, Eugene Corvaja to locate the Corvaja family’s ancestral tomb in (you guessed it) Sevilla. There were several elements of this book which I did enjoy, particularly Lewis’ way of imparting obscure facts (I had no clue there had been witch trials on the Iberian peninsula). Sadly, a lot of the anecdotal stories felt quite distant and unemotional. Perhaps, because I mostly read fiction, I was wrong to expect such sentiment from a travel piece but I do think there should have been more urgency felt when recounting being in the crossfire of a battle. I do want to acknowledge this book’s value as it demonstrates the rest of the world’s view of the guerra civil. 
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14. North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
This one was honestly quite a disappointment for me. I know that seems ridiculous to say, given how I’ve rated it three stars, but I was just so excited to read this. I’d heard that Gaskell was an adept writer who did not shy away from political commentary. That much is true. I was extremely impressed by Margaret and Mr Thornton’s political sparring, as most Regency and Victorian era works that I’ve encountered disguise their political and social messaging so as to not create too much controversy. Gaskell, on the other hand, makes no attempt to veil the more sensitive issues of her time. What did disappoint me was her characterisation, or lack thereof. I did not find myself drawn to Margaret Hale, John Thornton, or any of their comrades and rivals. I’m very much a character-driven reader. To properly enjoy a fiction book, its characters must be at least one of three things:
Relatable - a character acts or thinks like me and therefore, I feel a bond with them and am invested in their fate (see: C. Brontë’s Jane Eyre or Austen’s Elinor Dashwood)
Recognisable - a character acts or thinks like someone I have encountered and therefore, feels realistic to me (see: Alcott’s Amy March or Stoker’s Lucy Westenra)
Compelling - a character acts or thinks in a manner with which I am not at all familiar and may find morally reprehensible  but does so in a way which engages me and encourages me to read on (see: E. Brontë’s Hindley Earnshaw or Golding’s Jack Merridew)
That seems arbitrary to state but regardless, I must be engaged with the characters for a plot or the writing to be worth reading and unfortunately I was not engaged with the characters of North and South. I will still be picking up Gaskell’s other work though and I can see why she is an exalted author and want to give her another chance. 
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13. You’ll be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus
This is not the kind of book I usually talk about on here, probably because I rarely read any young adult literature anymore (not for any snobbish reason, my tastes have just changed) and have never been a great fan of mysteries. However, I have an odd devotion to Karen M. McManus books, having fond memories of going to the supermarket after school to pick up her latest novel and trying not to bump into a tree as I read it on the walk home. So of course, I had to read this. It’s simply okay. The crime was basic and its perpetrator was unconvincing but it was an easy and fun read and I like to rate books based on my personal experience, rather than the general academic consensus. Would recommend The Cousins over this but still a good time. 
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12. The Return by Victoria Hislop
I had read one Victoria Hislop book before The Return - Those who are Loved, published eleven years after this - and I’m very happy to say that Hislop is not a one hit wonder whose inspiration dims over time. I can see in The Return the ideas that would become her later novels. So naturally, this book was not as emotive or as fleshed out as I would have liked but it’s really nice to see a popular author who is very clearly dedicated to their craft and has improved. I really need to read The Island. Also brownie points for the Lorca mentions! 
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11. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
I’m actually sort of nervous to post this on here - particularly because I have beloved mutuals who would sail a thousand ships for this book. I’d heard about all the satire and social commentary in Northanger Abbey so I decided to approach it with a more academic viewpoint (especially since I love gothic literature - yes, even the silly and melodramatic stuff which Jane Austen criticises - so I didn’t want to get personally offended). I really respect what Austen set out to do and this is certainly the most transparent social commentary I’ve read from her. I just didn’t connect with the characters. I understand that Catherine is meant to be almost a parody of herself but she didn’t feel as real to me as Austen’s other heroines. Nor did, I truly regret to say, Henry feel like a leading man. I wasn’t very invested in their relationship and felt that their obstacles were resolved too quickly. HOWEVER, biggest compliments to the author for creating John Thorpe, one of the most timeless and insufferable antagonists of all time. I adored the fact that he’s not comically evil, he’s just awful. Where Catherine hopes she might be a heroine, John Thorpe believes down to his breeches that he is a hero. I also thought it was so well done how he tried so hard to get Catherine to fall for him and ended up directly facilitating her relationship with Henry. All in all, I will definitely be rereading because I’m sure I’ve missed some nuance. Unfortunately, Ms Austen has set my expectations so high, I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. 
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10. Ariadne by Jennifer Saint 
This wasn’t really anything new but Jennifer Saint writes beautifully so I would like to read Elektra and Atalanta.
To me, this novel felt like a story of sisterhood so I’m surprised it wasn’t called Ariadne and Phaedra. Due to it just being called Ariadne, I would always have had a sense of Phaedra’s tragic fate, even had I not known her mythology beforehand. I will say, I read this in Crete after having visited the real Knossos so that definitely helped my enjoyment of the book. I would absolutely recommend this to people wanting to get into mythological retellings but be warned - the feminism is really basic and bland. 
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9. Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck 
All men these days know how to do is get arrested, fall asleep, drink wine and steal vacuum cleaners. This is, again, a brilliant instance of a writer developing over years of honing their skills. In Tortilla Flat, we see Steinbeck’s trademark landscape of the hot California deserts combined with the first inklings of his masterful character work. Danny and his friends are instant favourites of mine - especially the Pirate and Jesús María Corcoran. The plot is pretty weak, especially for Steinbeck, but as I said, this is one of his earlier works. Still a very engaging and atmospheric read and made me wish for five friends to share a gallon (or two) of wine with. 
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8. The Wedding by Dorothy West 
I would 100% recommend this book to anybody who enjoys media concerning high society and decadence. The Wedding marries themes of familial and racial politics with an idyllic island setting. I found the conversations between Gram, Liz and Shelby to be extremely compelling. I wasn’t as interested in the parallel plotline of Lute and his daughters though so the ending fell a bit flat for me. I also wish that we had seen Shelby’s fiance, Meade. I think West intended for Meade to be a symbol of Shelby’s choice between her family/ race and her love and therefore did not need to be developed into a full character but I just felt that if we had got to know Meade, we would have better understood Shelby’s decisions. Also, this is the second book I’ve read recently where a man dies directly after intercourse - is this a common plot point in books???
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7. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Here we are. The behemoth. It’s not actually extremely long but oh boy, is it jam-packed? I really didn’t know how to rate this because it’s just so different from anything I’ve ever read before. I suppose I should get the negatives out of the way first by saying that I did not enjoy the structuring. I wish we didn’t know that the majority of the characters of the first half of the novel are already dead when Nelly recounts the story to Mr Lockwood. I understand that Brontë might have intended to show how all the first generation were doomed from the beginning and I think telling us of Catherine’s death was ingenious but I wish I’d found out about Isabella’s death in the main narrative. Otherwise, what a masterpiece! The pacing was a little slow for the first 100 or so pages but I honestly enjoyed that because it allowed me to really immerse myself in Brontë’s eerie moors. As someone who spent a lot of time in Yorkshire as a child, I found the descriptions to be absolutely transporting. I thought the first half of the book was brilliant but the second half - concerning Catherine, Heathcliff and Hindley’s children - is what makes this book a deserving classic. I have a lot more to say but I promised myself I’d keep these reviews short and digestible so I’ll move on. 
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6. Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
This was my fourth Fredrik Backman book (following A Man Called Ove, Beartown and Us Against You). I think if it hadn’t been a Backman novel, I would have loved it even more but you know how it is, I have high expectations. The writing was, as ever, extremely charming and engaging (shoutout to the most consistently brilliant translator I’ve ever read, Neil Smith) and the characters were so realistic and loveable. I just felt the plot dragged. Probably because the majority of the novel takes place in one apartment building and the same story is told from multiple perspectives. I felt a lot of joy whilst reading this but it’s definitely my least favourite Fredrik Backman book. Oh well, onto The Winners (which I know is going to make me cry)!
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5. Before the Coffee Gets Cold: Tales from the Café by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
This book was so beautiful. I feel I should start by noting that this book was bought for me by my beloved best friend and neither of us realised it was a sequel until I was halfway through reading it so naturally there were elements of the plot and characters that I did not fully understand but I have tried to not let that affect my judgement. The premise of the book is such an interesting one and, as a complete newbie to Japanese literature and a relative novice when it comes to understanding Japanese culture, I didn’t feel too overwhelmed by the different details. My favourite story was that of Yukio, Kyoko and their mother, Kinuyo. Since we’d already met Kyoko in Gohtaro’s story (and likely in the first book - take what I say with a pinch of salt), I had a fondness for the family by the time Yukio came to the café. I cried on the train because that was the best way that story could have concluded, in my opinion. The other stories were very powerful but it was Yukio’s that shone the brightest. I also LOVED the character of Kazu. I will definitely be reading the first (oops), third and fourth books in this series. 
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4. The Children of Jocasta by Natalie Haynes
My second Greek mythological retelling of the year, The Children of Jocasta was actually quite a shock for me. I’m a huge fan of Sophocles’ Antigone (though I’ve never seen or read Oedipus at Colonus or Oedipus Rex) so I’m very picky when it comes to reimaginings. I found the semi-modernisation aspect to be pretty cringeworthy (not everyone needs a nickname) but I found Haynes’ writing to be so addictive that I could move past those aspects. I was so intrigued by the dynamics between Oedipus and Jocasta and the plague element gave the story a lot more historical grounding (given the Athenian plagues of that era). Such an enjoyable and compelling read. I don’t know if it’s necessarily a good introductory read for those unfamiliar with mythology. If you’re looking for a truly modern Antigone retelling, absolutely give Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie a go. 
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3. Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
This was the surprise of the year for me to be honest. A book written in the late nineteenth century by a man about a young maiden and her downfall? Sounds like the most maddening experience. But it wasn’t. Hardy’s portrayal of Tess, and of the women and girls she represents, was incredibly sympathetic. His writing was also remarkably atmospheric - especially during the final scenes at Stonehenge. Even the conversations with Tess and her friends felt like real teenage exchanges. Take notes, Stephen King and F. Scott Fitzgerald - men can write women convincingly and respectfully. Angel Clare also felt like someone I’ve met a million times over, someone who isn’t the epitome of evil but perpetuates so many injustices. Honestly a spectacular read. I’m so excited to pick up Far from the Madding Crowd.
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2. Passing by Nella Larsen
It feels almost strange putting Passing in second place, considering the profound effect it had on me. This book is completely incredible. Larsen’s prose is atmospheric and oddly breezy. It makes the plot feel deceptively light until we, as the reader, understand the stakes. From the second page, on which Clare is referred to as a “pale small girl” (the subversive ordering of adjectives bypassing English grammatical rules and thereby putting the utmost importance on the hue of Clare’s skin), the author puts so much consideration into her choice of wording which really makes this work stand out to me.Clare and Irene are truly two sides of the same coin (forgive the cliché). Their equal opportunities are made all the more clear by the wholly opposite way the two women deal with them. Clare chooses to hide from the truth (that her husband is a racist, that her marriage is founded on lies) whilst Irene cannot bear to live in ignorance when she recognises the connection between her own husband, Brian, and Clare. The two women are shining examples of what literary characters should be. They are complex and flawed and both seem to envy each other. Clare covets Irene’s life and Irene resents Clare for having the power to take that from her. Whilst reading, I considered many possible ways that the story might end but never that. Incredible. I just wish the penultimate scene had been a tad longer but that’s my own critique (barely even that, just personal preference). Also the film is spectacular and a rare faithful adaptation of its source material. 
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1. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Finally! We’re here! Ugh I love love love this book. Is it as socially or academically impactful as Passing? No, not at all. But it’s just a brilliant book. Anne is fiercely intelligent and kind and just an all-round wonderfully written protagonist. I loved Marilla, Matthew, Gilbert and Diana too. The scenes with all Anne’s classmates are just a perfect reflection of being a tween/ teen girl and feeling the joy of being surrounded by friends and being totally carefree. I feel like I knew Anne and all of her friends - I laughed with them and cried with them and watched them grow up and it was truly a magical experience. I want to visit St Edward’s Island because Montgomery paints it in such an enchanting way. I’m so invested in Anne and Gilbert’s relationship, it’s embarrassing. This book also found me at the perfect time - right as I was starting a distance degree. So I felt comfort in studying alone whilst also pursuing a career knowing Anne was too (I recognise that’s a little silly but oh well, it works for me). I wish I could start Anne of Avonlea right away but I know that I want to buy physical copies because I can tell I’m going to read these books again and again. Pure comfort. Pure timelessness.
Alright, that's everything! Onto a wonderful new year of reading in 2024 <3
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littleneko2296 · 2 years
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The Glitter Force (Smile Pretty Cures!) and Glitter Force Doki Doki (Doki Doki! Pretty Cures) in their civilian and Glitter (Cure) forms, but I made them in Gacha Club.
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jakeperalta · 2 years
2023 books — be my friend on storygraph :)
I feel bad about my neck - nora ephron (☆☆☆☆☆)
the duke and I - julia quinn (☆☆)
small fires: an epic in the kitchen - rebecca may johnson (☆☆☆☆½)
taste: my life through food - stanley tucci (☆☆☆☆)
passing - nella larsen (☆☆☆☆)
if we were villains - m.l. rio (☆☆☆☆☆)
the metamorphosis - franz kafka (☆☆☆)
after I do - taylor jenkins reid (☆☆☆☆☆)
our endless numbered days - claire fuller (☆☆☆½)
happy place - emily henry (☆☆☆☆☆)
other parents - sarah stovell (☆☆☆☆)
the lonely city: adventures in the art of being alone - olivia laing (☆☆☆☆)
women talking - miriam toews (☆☆☆☆½)
meet me at the lake - carley fortune (☆☆☆☆)
humankind: a hopeful history - rutger bregman (☆☆☆☆☆)
mules of love - ellen bass (☆☆☆☆½)
a thousand mornings - mary oliver (☆☆☆½)
the course of love - alain de botton (☆☆☆½)
medusa - jessie burton (☆☆☆½)
so you want to talk about race - ijeoma oluo (☆☆☆☆)
sex power money - sara pascoe (☆☆☆☆☆)
red, white & royal blue - casey mcquiston (☆☆☆☆☆) (re-read)
east of eden - john steinbeck (☆☆☆☆☆)
in memoriam - alice winn (☆☆☆☆☆)
everyday sexism - laura bates (☆☆☆☆)
icebreaker - hannah grace (☆☆☆)
romantic comedy - curtis sittenfeld (☆☆☆☆)
fahrenheit 451 - ray bradbury (☆☆☆½)
the other passenger - louise candlish (☆☆☆☆)
consent: a memoir - vanessa spingora (☆☆☆☆)
women & power: a manifesto - mary beard (☆☆☆☆½)
postcolonial love poem - natalie diaz (☆☆½)
the ballad of songbirds and snakes - suzanne collins (☆☆☆☆½) (re-read)
the simple wild - k.a. tucker (☆☆☆☆)
house of hollow - krystal sutherland (☆☆☆☆)
the hobbit - j.r.r. tolkien (☆☆☆☆½)
high windows - philip larkin (☆☆)
so late in the day - claire keegan (☆☆☆☆)
one day in december - josie silver (☆☆☆½)
the woman in me - britney spears (☆☆☆☆)
assembly - natasha brown (☆☆☆)
feel your way through - kelsea ballerini (☆☆☆½)
a christmas carol - charles dickens (☆☆☆½)
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princessmeepa · 6 months
I am going to pick the voice actors for my gods, RS’ dream cast for her LO live action is just for points and not even there to play the roles and she only picks her celebrity crush Mads to be Christian blue I know. So I am going to pick the voice actors who can fit my characters perfectly and here they are. So let’s start with the goddesses. Ok let’s gooo!
Note: some of the characters have the same voice actresses and who voiced their characters from the same anime, because I want to fit some of the voices, who can fit my characters.
Alecto: Avalon Penrose, who voiced Megaera from Hades.
Aglaea: Reba Buhr, who voiced Aphrodite from Record of Ragnarok.
Amphitrite: Michelle Rojas, who voiced Wendy from Show by Rock.
Aphrodite: Dorothy Elias-Fahn, who voiced Komi Shuuko from Komi can’t communicate.
Athena: Erika Harlacher, who voiced Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa (the game).
Ariadne: Michelle Ruff, who voiced Katherine McBride from Catherine.
Artemis: Carli Mosier, who voiced Saeko Tanaka from Haikyū!!
Atropos: Mara Junot, who voiced Lisa from Genshin Impact.
Calliope: Natalie Hoover, who voiced Tsukino from Show by Rock.
Calypso: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voices Swim from One Punch Man
Chloris: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voiced Rin from Catherine: Full Body
Cleo: Lauren Landa, who voiced Sailor Neptune / Michiru Kaioh from Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars.
Clotho: Kayli Mills, who voiced Runa Yomozuki from Kakegurui.
Daphne: Ashly Burch, who voiced Sasha Braus from Attack on Titan.
Demeter: Heather Masters, who voiced Circus Baby from FNAF.
Echo: Stephanie Sheh, who voiced Sailor Moon / Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon or Luci Christian who voiced Duck/Princess Tutu from Princess Tutu.
Eos: Krystal LePort, who voiced Brooke from HuniePop 2.
Eris: Michelle Ruff, who voiced Kirari Momobami from Kakegurui.
Eurydice: Erica Mendez, who voiced Retsuko from Aggretsuko.
Gaia: Same thing with Demeter, but with a cute and girly Greek accent.
Hebe: Anairis Quinones, who voiced Goll from Record of Ragnarok.
Hecate: Alexis Tipton, who voiced Chuchu from Show by Rock.
Hedone: Laura Bailey, who voiced Catherine from Catherine.
Hera: Erin Fitzgerald, who voiced Eudial from Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal.
Hestia: Jamie Marchi, who voiced Panty from Panty and Stocking.
Iris: Brittney Karbowski, who voiced Ryou Fujibayashi from Clannad.
Lachesis: Erica Lindbeck, who voiced Sayaka Igarashi in Kakegurui.
Leto: Casey Mongillo, who voiced Nene Onemine from Komi Can't Communicate.
Leuce: Dorothy Fahn, who voiced Sumika Warakubami / Kawaru Natari from Kakegurui
Libya: Kira Buckland, who voiced Princess Aurora Sya Lis Goodereste in Sleepy Princess from the Demon Castle.
Maia: Cherami Leigh, who voiced Kaede Otori from Komi Can't Communicate.
Marakria: Monica Rial, who voiced Moa in Show from Rock (if that’s possible)
Medea: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voiced Rumia Uru from Kakegurui.
Megaera: Emi Lo, who voiced Suma in Demon Slayer.
Melinoe: Kira Buckland, who voiced Mary Saotome from Kakegurui Twin and Kakegurui.
Metis: Laura Post, who voiced Brunhilde in Record of Ragnarok.
The other 6 Muses: Bryn Apprill.
Nyx: Hellena Taylor, who voiced Bayonetta from the Bayonetta games, but with sexy a Greek accent.
Pasithea: Bridget Hoffman, who voiced Nia Teppelin from Gurren Lagann.
Peitho: Kayli Mills, who voiced Emilia in Re:ZERO.
Persephone: Maggie Flecknoe, who voiced Yui Komori in Diabolik Lovers.
Perse: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voice Rem in Re:ZERO
Psyche: Erika Harlacher, who voiced Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui
Rhea: Elizabeth Maxwell, who voiced Rosaria from Genshin Impact.
Selene: Shannon Chan, who voiced Misa Amane from Death Note.
Semele: Brenna Larsen, who voiced Navia from Genshin Impact.
Thetis: Kate Higgins, who voiced Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno from Sailor Moon.
Tisiphone: Sarah Williams, who voiced Midari Ikishima from Kakegurui
Urania: Anairis Quinones, who voiced Hinatsuru in Demon Slayer.
And for the Mortal women:
Andromeda: Bryn Apprill, who voiced Krista Lenz / Historia Reiss from Attack on Titan.
Cassandra: Erica Lindbeck, who voiced Daki from Demon Slayer.
Helen of Troy: Cristina Vee, who voiced Sailor Mars / Rei Hino.
Phaedra: Juliet Simmons, who voiced Inaho Yamato from Kakegurui
Penelope: Abby Trott, who voiced Inui from Aggretsuko.
What do you guys think?
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Inntar Rådhusteatret i Ski: – Drikk gjerne litt før du kommer
Østlandets Blad, 29.09.2023 [$] [video]
Ylvis spiller akkurat nå inn sitt nye tv-show i Rådhusteatret i Ski. ØB tok en prat med gutta underveis i øvingene. Se videointervju øverst i artikkelen, og le deg gjennom vårt møte med artistene.
SKI: Denne høsten har Ylvis inntatt, eller skal vi kanskje si invadert, Rådhusteatret i Ski. Der skal de spille inn ti show for TV 2. Disse programmene skal vises på TV 2 til våren.
Allerede tidlig i mars ble Rand og de andre på Rådhusteatret kontaktet av Concord tv som står bak produksjonen. Etter en omvisning i teateret i Ski, ble valget tatt og til høsten kommer brødrene, sammen med et stort crew, til Ski for å lage TV-underholdning.
Til sammen 4750 publikummere kan få med seg disse innspillingene før det skal strømmes og kringkastes til våren.
Men hvorfor akkurat Ski? Det kommer vi nærmere tilbake til.
Men hva er konseptet?
ØB spør Bård og Vegard Ylvisåker om de kan forklare hva konseptet er.
– Det lurer vi også på. Vi prøver å finne ut av det, sier de to tørrvittig, for de fortsetter med konseptbeskrivelsen.
– Det er kort fortalt et slags musikkvissprogram, der jeg og Bård skal konkurrere mot hverandre. Vi får med oss en kjent gjest hver i hvert program, og den konstellasjonen med våre gjester blir to band, som skal oppstå i begynnelsen av programmet, og mot slutten stikker den denne av med gullplate, mens det andre badet oppløses og havner i rennesteinen, sier Vegard.
– Det gøye med programmet er at vi og de vet lite på forhånd. Det begynner med kostymer som vi aldri har sett før, og så er det rett ut på scenen og vi må finne på alt. Så det kan bli mye drit, sier Vegard.
Bård fortsetter:
– Dette er jo ikke Beat for Beat, men det er som vi liker å gjøre, nemlig å ta tak i et format og riste litt i det. Det er et musikkviss-format, men vi gjør det på vårt vis, sier han.
Publikum må nok forvente seg en del overraskelser. Ingenting er øvd inn på forhånd, og alt blir improvisert i studio.
– Vi må finne på mye der og da. Det blir et slags improbasert kvisshow med kjente gjester. Vi har hatt det veldig gøy og har laget en rekke innslag allerede. Det er en del latter, og vi håper det blir like gøy for seerne som for oss.
Bror mot bror
I brødrenes noe kreative beskrivelse av konseptet, tenker jeg vi bør videreformidle det som står i pressemeldinga fra TV2:
«Ylvis mot Ylvis» er tittelen på Bård og Vegard Ylvisåkers aller første programserie på TV 2. Det splitter nye programkonseptet beskrives av TV 2 som et humoristisk musikkprogram hvor Ylvis-brødrene leder hvert sitt kjendislag som skal konkurrere mot hverandre i elleville musikalske konkurranser. Ingenting er øvd inn på forhånd, alt blir improvisert i studio, så her kan absolutt alt skje.
Som programleder har Bård og Vegard fått med seg selveste Emilie Nicolas, som debuterer som programleder. Blant kjendisene som skal være med på moroa, finner vi Jakob Schøyen Andersen, Martha Leivestad, Calle Hellevang-Larsen, Natalie Bjerke Roland med flere.
Derfor valgte de Nordre Follo
ØB spør om hvorfor i all verden de endte opp med å velge Ski som innspillingssted.
– Det var internasjonalt press som førte oss hit. Folk i utlandet sier til oss: «You should try Ski, yeah». Vi liker jo å ligge litt foran. Oslo er en by i vekst, og snart er jo dette midt i sentrum av Oslo, så vi vil være først, sier de to med glimt i øyet.
ØB spør om de har hatt tid til å se seg om i «storbyen» Ski. Det har vært sparsommelig med det.
– Det har vært litt lite foreløpig, men vi har jo vært rundt i Ski før. Vi har kjørt rundt her i en elektrisk bil og skremt folk med toghorn en gang. Det er mange lettskremte folk i Ski. Ellers så har det vært en del pendling mellom kulturhuset og storsenteret. Jeg har kjøpt noen lamper her i lampebutikken, men de ble ødelagt begge to. Det var dårlig kvalitet. Det er sørgelig, sier Vegard.
– Har dere testa noen spisesteder, da?
– Nei, egentlig ikke. Vi så stedet No. 4, så jeg kunne tenke meg å spise der, men vi har så dårlig tid at vi har måttet spise sushi. Men den var god, sier Vegard.
Alltid videre
Ylvis-brødrene har holdt på med underholdning i 20 år. Men hvor finner de egentlig inspirasjonen fra og kreativiteten?
– Kreativitet er det mange som bruker mystisk men ofte er det misnøye. Det klør, og man er ikke fornøyd, så man ikke har det bra, så man setter seg f.eks. foran tv-en og tenker «alt er bare dritt. Det er dritt på tv. Jeg må lage noe som er bedre enn dette», og så prøver man, og så får man det ikke til., sier Bård.
– Vi har laget et talkshow på fem sesonger. Men så begynte vi å kjede oss, og måtte gjøre noe annet.
Ber folk ta seg en pinne og komme
Brødrene har en klar oppfordring til folk i Ski og omegn:
– Bortsett fra det åpenbare, som å respektere hverandre, «God damn it», bruk sikkerhetsbelte, puss tenner, ikke drikk for mye, selv om det er lov å ta seg en pinne ei ny og ne. Det må være lov å kose seg i Ski òg. Men kom og se på oss, for Guds skyld. For blir det skikkelig drit, blir det bare denne ene sesongen, så ikke gå glipp av det.
– Vi håper folk kommer med en respektløs energi. De kan rope, nesten ta med tomater men helst ikke, for det blir så grisete, men hvis du kommer, drikk deg gjerne litt opp på forhånd. Det løser voldsomt opp i stemningen, avslutter de.
De ansatte ved Rådhusteatret i Ski har ikke fått noen konkrete arbeidsoppgaver ennå, men skal i første omgang bare være verter for både crew og publikum. Selve innspillingene vil foregå i løpet av tre uker. Selskapet bak produksjonen har leid Rådhusteatret mandag og tirsdag i disse ukene. Det vil bli to innspillinger de fleste av disse dagene og nytt publikum til hver innspilling.
Dermed er det bare å glede seg til programmet er ferdig innspilt. Enn så lenge kan du ta turen og være publikum. Ønsker du ikke dette, får du vente til programmet er premiereklart en gang til våren.
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My Most Posted Celebrities
I've been on tumblr for ten years now. It's a long time! I've posted a lot of female celebrities in that long time, so let's have a look back at who I've posted most often. Please remember that I only post people when I have new images of them, so there are some girls who I like a lot but haven't been able to post as often as I would have liked to. And some haven't been on the list for as many years as others. But if I've posted someone like thirty times or whatever it's fair to say they're one of my favourites! So here it is, the big list of everyone I've posted five times or more. (I left Elliot Page on because I posted him a lot back in the day and didn't want to pretend otherwise.)
96 times: Elle Fanning
89 times: Hailee Steinfeld
87 times: Emma Roberts
82 times: Chloe Grace Moretz
75 times: Michelle Trachtenberg
69 times: Natalie Portman
66 times: Kiernan Shipka
65 times: Anna Kendrick
61 times: Zendaya
56 times: Gillian Jacobs, Sophie Turner
51 times: Anne Hathaway
50 times: Kristen Stewart
48 times: Hayley Atwell
47 times: Karen Gillan
44 times: Emma Stone
43 times: Scarlett Johansson
41 times: Alison Brie
40 times: Olivia Wilde
39 times: Maisie Williams
38 times: Gemma Arterton
37 times: Kat Dennings
35 times: Amanda Seyfried, Emily Ratajkowski
34 times: Bailee Madison, Mary Elizabeth Winstead
33 times: Kate Beckinsale
32 times: Abigail Breslin, Chloe Bennet, Kristen Bell
31 times: Elizabeth Olsen, Natalie Dormer
30 times: Felicity Jones
29 times: Anya Taylor-Joy, Taylor Swift
28 times: Brie Larson
27 times: Jenna Coleman, Jessica Chastain, Kirsten Dunst
26 times: Elizabeth Henstridge, Tessa Thompson
24 times: Dakota Fanning, Emilia Clarke
23 times: Dakota Blue Richards, Dove Cameron, Elliot Page, Jennifer Lawrence, Kaitlyn Dever
22 times: Charlize Theron
21 times: Amy Adams, Avril Lavigne, Lauren Tsai, Ming-Na Wen, Peyton Roi List
20 times: Margot Robbie, Nathalie Emmanuel, Pom Klementieff
18 times: Billie Eilish, Charli XCX, Sadie Sink
17 times: Ariel Winter, Aubrey Plaza, Candice Patton
16 times: Camren Bicondova, Evan Rachel Wood
15 times: Ana de Armas, Imogen Poots, Laura Harrier, Lily Collins, Sophie Tweed-Simmons
14 times: Emmy Rossum, Gal Gadot, Janina Gavankar, Jessica Henwick, Keira Knightley
13 times: Adelaide Kane, Diane Guerrero, Emily Kinney, Freema Agyeman, Magda Apanowicz, Olivia Munn, Rose Leslie
12 times: Deborah Ann Woll, Fan Bingbing, Isla Fisher, Samara Weaving, Sarah Silverman
11 times: Angourie Rice, Barbara Palvin, Eva Green, Florence Pugh, Millie Bobby Brown, Rachel McAdams, Rosario Dawson, Zazie Beetz
10 times: Cobie Smulders, Daisy Ridley, Genevieve Buechner, Jameela Jamil, Joey King, Krysten Ritter, Laura Prepon, Liv Tyler, Willa Holland
9 times: Anna Chlumsky, Maya Hawke, Rose McIver, Zoe Saldana
8 times: Danielle Panabaker, Hannah Murray, Ivana Baquero, Jessica Lucas, Kate Mara, Katelyn Nacon, Katherine McNamara, Larsen Thompson, Laura Vandervoort, Lauren Cohan, Olivia Rodrigo, Tatiana Maslany
7 times: Alicia Vikander, Amy Acker, Billie Lourd, Elizabeth Gillies, Gemma Chan, Hannah John-Kamen, Katie McGrath, Lupita Nyong'o, Mackenzie Foy, Marion Cotillard, Milana Vayntrub, Phoebe Tonkin, Rebecca Hall, Taissa Farmiga, Tiya Sircar
6 times: Brianna Hildebrand, Camila Mendes, Elisabeth Moss, Emily Browning, Evangeline Lilly, Isabelle Fuhrman, Jessica Biel, Kathryn Newton, Leven Rambin, Natalia Dyer, Rihanna, Saoirse Ronan, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sydney Sweeney, Zoey Deutch
5 times: Alexandra Daddario, Aly Michalka, Amber Midthunder, Cara Delevingne, Cate Blanchet, Jaimie Alexander, Jamie Hayter, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Kate Upton, Lili Reinhart, Lily-Rose Depp, Lizzy Caplan, Sophie Thatcher, Thomasin McKenzie
Maybe I should have just done "ten or more times" since "five or more" isn't as impressive after ten years, but hey it's all interesting stuff!
Congratulations to ELLE FANNING and thanks to my friend @whoiwanttoday for creating the spreadsheet I still use for this!
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
2020 Grammy Winners: The Complete List
Compiled by Lauren Messman
Published Jan. 26, 2020Updated Jan. 27, 2020, 10:28 a.m. ET
The 62nd annual Grammy Awards were on Sunday. Here are highlights from the show:
Billie Eilish won five awards, including record, album and song of the year, capping a night that also saw multiple wins for Lizzo and Lil Nas X.
Our critics and writers weigh in on the best and worst moments.
Lizzo and host Alicia Keys kicked off the show by addressing the death of the basketball star Kobe Bryant.
The ousted Grammys chief Deborah Dugan is at war with the Recording Academy. In a speech, Keys seemed to reference the turmoil.
Check out the red carpet looks.
See the complete list of winners below:
Record of the Year
“Bad Guy,” Billie Eilish
Album of the Year
“When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?,” Billie Eilish
Song of the Year
“Bad Guy,” Billie Eilish O’Connell and Finneas O’Connell, songwriters (Billie Eilish)
Best New Artist
Billie Eilish
Best Pop Solo Performance
“Truth Hurts,” Lizzo
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
“Old Town Road,” Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus
Best Pop Vocal Album
“When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?,” Billie Eilish
Best Rock Performance
“This Land,” Gary Clark Jr.
Best Rock Song
“This Land,” Gary Clark Jr., songwriter (Gary Clark Jr.)
Best Rock Album
“Social Cues,” Cage the Elephant
Best Alternative Music Album
“Father of the Bride,” Vampire Weekend
Best Metal Performance
“7empest,” Tool
Best R&B Performance
“Come Home,” Anderson .Paak featuring André 3000
Best R&B Song
“Say So,” PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton featuring JoJo)
Best Urban Contemporary Album
“Cuz I Love You (Deluxe),” Lizzo
Best R&B Album
“Ventura,” Anderson .Paak
Best Traditional R&B Performance
“Jerome,” Lizzo
Best Rap Performance
“Racks in the Middle,” Nipsey Hussle featuring Roddy Ricch and Hit-Boy
Best Rap Song
“A Lot,” Jermaine Cole, Dacoury Natche, 21 Savage and Anthony White, songwriters (21 Savage featuring J. Cole)
Best Rap Album
“Igor,” Tyler, the Creator
Best Rap/Sung Performance
“Higher,” DJ Khaled featuring Nipsey Hussle and John Legend
Best Country Solo Performance
“Ride Me Back Home,” Willie Nelson
Best Country Album
“While I’m Livin’,” Tanya Tucker
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
“Finding Gabriel,” Brad Mehldau
Best Latin Pop Album
“#Eldisco,” Alejandro Sanz
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album
“El Mal Querer,” Rosalía
Best Americana Album
“Oklahoma,” Keb’ Mo’
Best Song Written for Visual Media
“I’ll Never Love Again (Film Version),” Natalie Hemby, Lady Gaga, Hillary Lindsey and Aaron Raitiere, songwriters (Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper)
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Best Music Video
“Old Town Road (Official Movie),” Calmatic, video director; Candice Dragonas, Melissa Larsen and Saul Levitz, video producers (Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus)
Best Comedy Album
“Sticks & Stones,” Dave Chappelle
Best Musical Theater Album
“Hadestown,” Reeve Carney, André De Shields, Amber Gray, Eva Noblezada and Patrick Page, principal soloists; Mara Isaacs, David Lai, Anaïs Mitchell and Todd Sickafoose, producers (Anaïs Mitchell, composer and lyricist) (Original Broadway Cast)
Best Instrumental Composition
“Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Symphonic Suite,” John Williams, composer (John Williams)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
“Moon River,” Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals“All Night Long,” Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier featuring Jules Buckley, Take 6 and Metropole Orkest)
A Grammys Red Carpet Fantasia
We went to the Grammys red carpet in Los Angeles.
Best Recording Package
Chris Cornell, Barry Ament, Jeff Ament and Joe Spix, art directors (Chris Cornell)
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
“Woodstock: Back to the Garden — The Definitive 50th Anniversary Archive,” Masaki Koike, art director (Various Artists)
Best Album Notes
“Stax ’68: A Memphis Story,” Steve Greenberg, album notes writer (Various Artists)
Best Historical Album
“Pete Seeger: The Smithsonian Folkways Collection,” Jeff Place and Robert Santelli, compilation producers; Pete Reiniger, mastering engineer (Pete Seeger)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
“When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?,” Rob Kinelski and Finneas O’Connell, engineers; John Greenham, mastering engineer (Billie Eilish)
Best Remixed Recording
“I Rise (Tracy Young’s Pride Intro Radio Remix),” Tracy Young, remixer (Madonna)
Best Immersive Audio Album
“Lux,” Morten Lindberg, immersive audio engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive audio mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive audio producer (Anita Brevik, Trondheimsolistene and Nidarosdomens Jentekor)
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album
“Mettavolution,” Rodrigo y Gabriela
Best Gospel Performance/Song
“Love Theory,” Kirk Franklin, songwriter (Kirk Franklin)
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
“God Only Knows,” Josh Kerr, Jordan Reynolds, Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone and Tedd Tjornhom, songwriters (For King & Country and Dolly Parton)
Best Gospel Album
“Long Live Love,” Kirk Franklin
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
“Burn the Ships,” For King & Country
Best Roots Gospel Album
“Testimony,” Gloria Gaynor
Best World Music Album
“Celia,” Angelique Kidjo
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
“A Star Is Born,” Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
“Chernobyl,” Hildur Guonadottir, composer
Best New Age Album
“Wings,” Peter Kater
Best American Roots Performance
“Saint Honesty,” Sara Bareilles
Best American Roots Song
“Call My Name,” Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O’Donovan and Sara Watkins, songwriters (I’m With Her)
Best Bluegrass Album
“Tall Fiddler,” Michael Cleveland
Best Traditional Blues Album
“Tall, Dark & Handsome,” Delbert McClinton and Self-Made Men + Dana
Best Contemporary Blues Album
“This Land,” Gary Clark Jr.
Best Folk Album
“Patty Griffin,” Patty Griffin
Best Children’s Album
“Ageless Songs for the Child Archetype,” Jon Samson
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books and Storytelling)
“Becoming,” Michelle Obama
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
“De Ayer Para Siempre,” Mariachi Los Camperos
Best Tropical Latin Album
“Opus,” Marc Anthony
“A Journey Through Cuban Music,” Aymée Nuviola
Best Regional Roots Music Album
“Good Time,” Ranky Tanky
Best Music Film
“Homecoming,” Beyoncé Knowles-Carter and Ed Burke, video directors; Steve Pamon and Erinn Williams, video producers (Beyoncé)
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
“Speechless,” Dan + Shay
Best Country Song
“Bring My Flowers Now,” Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth, Tim Hanseroth and Tanya Tucker, songwriters (Tanya Tucker)
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
“Look Now,” Elvis Costello and the Imposters
Best Engineered Album, Classical
“Riley: Sun Rings,” Leslie Ann Jones, engineer; John Kilgore, Judith Sherman and David Harrington, engineers/mixers; Robert C. Ludwig, mastering engineer (Kronos Quartet)
Producer of the Year, Classical
Blanton Alspaugh
Best Orchestral Performance
“Norman: Sustain,” Gustavo Dudamel, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Best Opera Recording
“Picker: Fantastic Mr. Fox,” Gil Rose, conductor; John Brancy, Andrew Craig Brown, Gabriel Preisser, Krista River and Edwin Vega; Gil Rose, producer (Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Boston Children’s Chorus)
Best Choral Performance
“Duruflé: Complete Choral Works,” Robert Simpson, conductor (Ken Cowan; Houston Chamber Choir)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
“Shaw: Orange,” Attacca Quartet
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
“Marsalis: Violin Concerto; Fiddle Dance Suite,” Nicola Benedetti; Cristian Măcelaru, conductor (Philadelphia Orchestra)
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
“Songplay,” Joyce DiDonato; Chuck Israels, Jimmy Madison, Charlie Porter and Craig Terry, accompanists (Steve Barnett and Lautaro Greco)
Best Classical Compendium
“The Poetry of Places,” Nadia Shpachenko; Marina A. Ledin and Victor Ledin, producers
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
“Higdon: Harp Concerto,” Jennifer Higdon, composer (Yolanda Kondonassis, Ward Stare and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra)
Best Dance Recording
“Got to Keep On,” The Chemical Brothers, producers; Steve Dub Jones and Tom Rowlands, mixers (The Chemical Brothers)
Best Dance/Electronic Album
“No Geography,” The Chemical Brothers
Best Reggae Album
“Rapture,” Koffee
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
“Sozinho,” Randy Brecker, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album
“12 Little Spells,” Esperanza Spalding
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
“The Omni-American Book Club,” Brian Lynch Big Band
Best Latin Jazz Album
“Antidote,” Chick Corea and the Spanish Heart Band
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theladyyavilee · 2 years
post/702363765380874240 omg that playlist sounds amazing specially knowing how much i love your fic , would you think of sharing it ?
aaah I don't really share my spotify stuff in fandom circles because the account is attached to my family 🙈 but I am gonna put all the songs on the playlist under a cut here so you can recreate the playlist if you want to <3 (not all of the songs are angsty tbf xD there’s also the ones for the happier scenes mixed into it, but I have an extra playlist with exclusively the sad and slow ones for writing the really somber scenes and I will bolden those songs! also I am very happy to hear that you love the fic, thank youuu 💕💕 also kalsdfkjsd I am sorry it took me a while to answer this, I was mostly away from tumblr for the last week or so <3)
Message To Bears - You are a Memory
Michael Schulte - Falling Apart
The Fray - Look After You
Plumb - I Want You Here
Journey, Steve Perry - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
Sleeping At Last - Chasing Cars
Tommee Profit, Sam Tinnesz - With You Til The End
Bear’s Den - Red Earth & Pouring Rain
Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche
Hans Zimmer - Time
5 Seconds of Summer - Ghost Of You
Sigur Rós - Dauðalogn
Novo Amor - Repeat Until Death
Mattia Cupelli - Love Lost
Sinéad O’Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Rosenstolz - Wir Sind Am Leben
Landon Pigg - The Way It Ends
Heather Nova - Like Lovers Do
Lily Kershaw - Ashes Like Snow
Roxette - Spending My Time
Simple Plan - Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me?)
Secession Studios - Isn’t It Beautiful
Mattia Cupelli - Without
Sleeping At Last - Saturn
Hans Zimmer, James Newton Howard - A Dark Knight
Mattia Cupelli - Cerulean
Taylor Swift - cardigan
Zack Hemsey - The Way
Lifehouse - Aftermath
RAIGN - Don’t Let Me Go
Tom Rosenthal - It’s Okay (Acoustic)
Ólafur Arnalds - Happiness Does Not Wait
Ólafur Arnalds, Arnór Dan - So Far
Message To Bears - I Know You Love To Fall
Karen O - I Shall Rise
Chip Taylor - On The Radio (Music From The Netflix Original Series Sex Education)
Natalie Taylor - Surrender
Erik Jonasson - Like a Funeral
Sleeping Wolf - The Wreck of Our Hearts
Lifehouse - All In
Lifehouse - First Time
Jean-Pierre Taïeb - Theme from “The Divide“
Alexander Rosskopf - Jiraiya’s Death
Ragnar Seaholm - Steady The Ship
The xx - Angels
Snow Patrol - Don’t Give In
Leona Lewis - Run
Counting Crows - Possibility Days
James Gillespie - Beyond Today
Oh Wonder - White Blood
Trading Yesterday - Shattered
Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike
Nick Cave, Warren Ellis - Song for Bob
James Newton Howard - Rue’s Farewell
Max Richter - On The Nature Of Daylight
M83 - I’m Sending You Away
The Hope Arsenal - Wake Your Soul
Michael Schulte - You Said You’d Grow Old With Me
Williamette Stone - Heart Like Yours
SYML -The War
Lifehouse - Breathing
Forest Blakk - If You Love Her
Hills x Hills - You Feel Like Home
Robot Koch, Julien Marchal - Care
Keaton Henson - You
Wolf Larsen - If I Be Wrong
K. S. Rhoads - Our Corner Of The Universe
Forest Blakk - Tread Lightly
 MIKA, Jack Savoretti - Ready To Call This Love
Greg Laswell - Off I Go (2010 Mix)
Book On Tapeworm - The Brightest
Phil Wickham - It’s Always Been You
Switchfoot - This Is Home  
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romcombc · 3 months
Book Review for Love, Just In
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While this book is compared to the likes of Emily Henry, Sally Thorne and Ali Hazelwood, it does march to the beat of its own drum – whether that is a positive or negative is up to the reader. With similarities of the People Who We Meet on Vacation (timeline jumps, historical reference, flashbacks), Love, Just In is a slow-burn tale of two people who are so embedded in each others lives, they can seem to separate friendship from real feels, giving way to a rollercoaster ride of emotions when the stars align and they finally collide. Natalie Murray does an excellent job taking away the rose colored glasses of what we wish romance could be and reveals the truth: It’s messy, it hurts, and it isn’t an easy journey to navigate.
Josie Larsen just wants to be an anchor! You wouldn’t think it should be that hard but after an on-air mishap, she just can’t seem to catch a break. Things go from bad to worse when she is reassigned to Newcastle to cover for another reporter. Leaving her friends, family, and home behind – she makes her way to purgatory to live out her sentence. The one bonus, she will finally be able to reconnect with her best friend from her childhood and college years. Thick as thieves once upon a time, a tragedy pulled them apart two years prior; but, she is hoping to rekindle their friend-mance – especially since he offered to pick her up from the train station (promising!) What should have been a long awaited reunion quickly turns into awkward silences, tense moments, and proof that what they once had may be long gone. Never one to back down from a challenge, Josie is determined for her and Zac to find their way back to each, never expecting the path she ends up on will change the trajectory of their bond forever.
Slow and frustrating at times, Love, Just In takes you on an emotional roller coaster, packing a punch with its deep dive into mental health, friendship, and second chances, all while perfectly capturing the essence of was is, what was, and what could be.
Available Now!
Check out the spoiler-free review in the Facebook Group - The Romantic Comedy Book Club (facebook.com/groups/romcombc) or the full review on the main website: https://romcombc.com/book/love-just-in/
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fuckyeahhansonfamily · 2 months
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billconrad · 4 months
    Book titles capture what a book is about. Their purpose is to break down potential reader’s resistance so they will open their wallets and hand over hard-earned money. This means that, at the core, the title is an advertisement.
    How does this work? Depending on the book, titles can be clever, friendly, outrageous, or welcoming. However, their overall goal is to entice a sale. “Dear reader. You are going to love my book. Sit down and take a load off. Now, flip to the first page and enjoy my story.”
    Well… Some authors have not received the friendly title message. There is a new trend of using all capital letters in a title. What is the purpose of writing in capital letters? It is to emphasize words as if they were being shouted. I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS!!! I suppose in a limited instance, having all capital letters does have merit for shocking titles. “AIRPLANE DISASTERS” “ROMANTIC FAILURES” “WORST MISTAKES IN HISTORY”
    Note: An unwritten rule is that the title should have all capital letters on the cover. This makes a bold statement to entice readers. This is the time for an author to be confident.
    The problem occurs in websites that sell books and search engines. Authors capitalize their titles to distinguish themselves. They even capitalize their names. The result reads too heavy-handed. It is like those annoying television commercials where the car dealer yells at the top of their lungs to buy a used car. Our reaction is to change the channel quickly.
    To show you what I am referring to, I copied several titles with their authors listed on Amazon:
    JUST FIREWORKS : A Child’s memories of a war-torn Lebanon by Nader Barrak
    HOW TO TALK TO ANYONE: Unlock Conversational Excellence: Transform Your Communication, Speak with Confidence, Connect Effortlessly, and Navigate Social Landscapes with Charismatic Grace by Rowan Becket
    SCREWED-UP: BREAKING CHAINS FROM NARCISSISM: Know your Worth and break the toxic bond from a narcissist!! by Hayde Miller
    FAYTHE OF NORTH HINKAPEE: The Saga of a Young Woman’s Quest for Justice and Love in Colonial America by James T. Hogg
    INTERESTING FACTS For GENIUS MINDS: 1492 Entertaining Trivia & Facts For All Ages 8+ by Natalie Larsen
    Why is a cookbook yelling at me? Why are interesting facts shouting? Did they lose a bet?
    Authors capitalizing their names? We are supposed to be a friendly bunch. “Hey, there. You seem like a great person. Why don’t you read one of my books.” The last thing a reader wants is an arrogant JERK of an author screeching at the top of their lungs, “DON’T YOU DARE READ MY BOOK! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!”
    I suppose my rant about capital letters will not turn too many heads. So… What am I hoping to accomplish? If an author reads this article, please keep your readers in mind. I know it isn’t easy to stand out, but capitalizing your title is a step too far. THANKS FOR READING THIS.
    You’re the best -Bill
    June 05, 2024
    Hey, book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in softcover on Amazon and in eBook format everywhere.
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hellogrinbearfilms · 1 year
DECEMBER from Kasper Møller Rask on Vimeo.
SYNOPSIS A young Norwegian woman lives in Denmark and deals with lukewarm reviews after the premiere of her first film. Meanwhile, she's trying to figure out what her next project should be about and whether she has any talent at all.
CAST Theresa Frostad Eggesbø Ellen Hillingsø Anders Brink Madsen Sandra Guldberg Kampp Mikkel Becker Hilgart Rasmus Monrad Mia Lindgreen Lasse Dein Jonas Risvig
Director & Writer: Kasper Møller Rask 
Producers: Iben Søtang & Anni Fernandez 
Cinematographer: Jonas Blond Production Designer: Marthin Johannsen
 Gaffer: Mads Frølich Colorist: Kristopher Paterson Sound Designer: Simon Pedersen  Composer: Jonathan Hvalsøe Schou
 Costume Designer: Natalie Rask Costumer & Make-Up: Line Kaas Production Manager: Anna Lomholt 1st AD: Christina Bach Larsen Scripter: Eva Maria Mogensen
Production Company: Rylan & Nevis Productions
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themculibrary · 2 years
Fanfiction.net Masterlist
part two
A Bullying Case - PercyJacksonAlways G, 3k
Summary: It has come to the attention of Midtown’s principal that Peter has been caught bullying a fellow classmate. The school does not tolerate such appalling behaviour of its students and demands the presence of his guardian to take action. Unfortunately, that guardian came in the form of one Tony Stark. Matters just became more serious.
Big Brother Protocol (fanfiction.net) - Robotics Fangirl T, 3k
Summary: SPOILERS FOR ENDGAME! After meeting Morgan Stark at his mentor’s funeral, Peter realizes he wasn’t the only one who lost a father that day.
Denial - DefrostingSteve steve/tony T, 13k
Summary: While Steve Rogers was frozen, stories about him were exaggerated and sensationalized causing the world to believe he is a perfect legend. After coming out of the ice, he can't face any issues he has, something which Tony Stark is pushing him to do.
Good Things Come In Threes - Val-Creative T, 1k
Summary: Peter-3 and Peter-2 deal with their injuries and some usual feelings of attraction. They look after a grieving Peter-1. (Spiderman: No Way Home Movie Spoilers.)
Halloween Mischief - MoreThanMeetsTheEye96 T, 19k
Summary: Well, this may be late, but here's an Avengers Halloween fic! Tony and Clint have planned months for this, and now that it is Halloween day they will both make the lives of the other Avengers miserable in their both scary and just immature pranks. Hope you like, read and review if possible! T just because I'm paranoid.
His Father's Son - BloodFromTheThorn steve/tony T, 6k
Summary: It wasn't Tony's fault. But Clint was still in a hospital bed.
I Have To Break Down The Corners Of This World -  DefrostingSteve steve/tony T, 6k
Summary: Steve Rogers and Tony Stark confront homphobic thoughts, drunken heart-to-hearts and personal issues as they try to make the relationship they desire to have work.
I wanna know you (fanfiction.net) - Pepper Potts-Stark pepper/tony T, 9k
Summary: What happens when a world wide pandemic hits Tony and Pepper and they’re stuck at her parents house. Will Tony finally win over Pepper’s mother and make her not hate him? Will Pepper’s Nana finally find her grand daughter a suitable man? Will they finally listen to their hearts? Will Pepper get her dry martini and will Tony get his wildly conflicted girlfriend? Set after IM1
Meeting Pepper Potts - AngelShep
Summary: Each Avenger met Virginia “Pepper” Potts in their own memorable way. This is how. Pepperony. Just a little light-hearted one-shot.
Mosquito - SassyJarvis steve/tony, clint/natasha M, 6k
Summary: Whilst creating tablets for an unknown aggressive form of Malaria spreading around New York, Tony is bitten and left severly ill. The Avengers are left temporarily without one of their best assets and are slowly falling apart when they soon find out things are about to get a whole lot worse and nothing is ever as it seems... Domestic Avengers/Stony/Clintasha
Not Paid Enough - magicspacehole T, 968
Summary: One-shot. Richard Larsen was an extremely careful man. He did everything by the book. He had a solid reputation as an investigator. His success rate was through the roof and promotion was imminent. So why, then, was he currently in the middle of Central Park, pinned underneath a very naked scientist and being yelled at by a billionaire wearing a metal suit?
Not something invincible (fanfiction.net) - Pepper Potts-Stark pepper/tony T, 137k
Summary: “I’d rather have us as friends and invincible than in a relationship and regretting it.” Tony and Pepper decided a relationship between them wouldn’t work. Still neither can really let go. Tony is persistent, Pepper reluctant.
Pepper Potts, CEO (fanfiction.net) - Eggs Benedict natasha/pepper M, 2k
Summary: Natalie Rushman is a very good assistant. Pepper Potts/Natalie Rushman Black Widow
Pepper Potts’ Plan for Falling Out of Love (fanfiction.net) - chocolatemooses pepper/tony T, 12k
Summary: Or Tony’s Stark’s Plan for ruining Pepper’s Plan. Pepper is determined. Tony is jealous.
Prophet (fanfiction.net) - Kpasa pepper/tony G, 5k
Summary: The life of Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts comes full-circle. Intended to be a companion piece to my previous story 'Secondary Highways’, but can also act as a standalone. Oneshot movieverse.
Snippets of Life by Fantom Of The Fiction - Fantom Of The Fiction clint/natasha T, 8k
Summary: You know, Nat has naturally red hair. She likes to lay in bed on rainy mornings. She has this spot on the back of her neck she likes me to rub. You know, Clint's hands may look hard and tired, but I have only ever known them as soft and warm. And he seems to like to fall asleep on his stomach. And he has this ridiculous habit of stopping for coffee everywhere we go. Major fluff.
Starbucks in Manhattan - Introvertasaurus bucky/steve/tony G, 35k
Summary: Who knew I would meet so many famous people while working with my friend at Starbucks? Takes place several months after CAWS. Bucky and Peter Parker will be included.
The Price of Happiness - otherhawk steve/tony T, 73k
Summary: After Pepper leaves him, Tony falls apart and spends all his time drinking and sleeping around. The team don't understand that he's miserable and Tony gets more and more lonely, until he meets someone new. At first it's wonderful, but slowly things take a darker turn.
Valentine's Day - DefrostingSteve steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: Tony Stark woke up to find a note placed outside his door, and continues to find them for the rest of the day. It takes him longer than a certain someone expected for him to figure out who's written the notes, and why. Oneshot.
What About Us? - ThePerfectlySaneHatter T, 2k
Summary: Steve finally felt like he belonged with the rest of The Avengers but then a mission takes a turn for the worst and it once again feels as if his whole world has been taken from under his feet
0 notes
documentcrumbs · 2 years
Reading Log (September, 2022)
Short Stories
Little Free Library by Naomi Kritzer
The Inaccessibility of Heaven by Aliette De Bodard
Two Truths and a Lie by Sarah Pinsker
Bonjour Tristesse by Françoise Sagan
Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass by Mariko Tamaki
I Moved to Los Angeles to Work in Animation by Natalie Nourigat
North Carolina Driver’s Handbook: Official 2019 DMV Manual by The Transportation Department of N.C.
Passing by Nella Larsen
Sailor Moon Vol. 3 by Naoko Takeuchi
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
And Then I Woke Up by Malcolm Devlin
Adolescence – III by Rita Dove
An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo
Crossings by Linda Hogan
Last Night I Aged A Hundred Years (Collection) by Peter Grandbois
Little Matrons by Su Hwang
Taal by Imtiaz Dharker
Not Once by Sharon Olds
The Gift by Li-Young Lee
There Is A Lion In My Living Room by Clementine von Radics
We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks
The Wolves by Sarah DeLappe
Essays & Articles
A Brutal Chapter In North Carolina's Eugenics Past by Julie Rose
Breaking Point: The 1969 American Indian Occupation of Alcatraz Island by Thomas Kahle
Détournement, Decolonization, and the American Indian Occupation of Alcatraz Island (1969-1971). by Casey Ryan Kelly
Late Stage Capitalism, Its Characteristics, and Why the Term Is Trending by Kimberly Amadeo
The deadly effect of high-stakes testing on teenagers with reference-dependent preferences by Liang Choon Wang
The Miseducation of Maria Montessori by Jessica Winters
The New Queer Conscience by Adam Eli
The Occupation of Alcatraz Island: Roots of American Indian Activism by Troy Johnson
The Strange and Twisted Life of “Frankenstein” by Jill Lepore
What researchers mean by… Sample size and power from Institute for Work & Health, Toronto
Why This Trans Woman Can’t Identify With “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Jessie Earl
1999 Was The Pinnacle For The Dark Teen Comedy. Then It Disappeared. by Claire Fallon
0 notes
natalie-larsen · 6 years
the first date
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(( i wrote this at like 1 in the morning so if it’s bad that’s why or at least that’s what we’re going with. word count 3280 ))
“Are you sure this looks good?” I ask my maids while I look in the mirror at my tan colored romper. It’s definitely the most casual thing I’ve worn at the palace yet, but it’s exactly my style.
“Miss, you look stunning,” my head maid, Jacie, tells me. I turn around and I give her a look of unsureness, “Prince Ben is so lucky to go on a date with you.”
I look back at myself in the mirror and mumble to myself, “I’m more lucky to go on a date with him.”
Kaiden looks up from the vanity where she is putting everything away, “what did you say?” she asks curiously, with a hint of a smirk on her face.
“Nothing,” I say quickly looking back at myself and turn to see my whole body in the mirror. Kaiden was about to say another thing when there was a knock at the door and I very unladylike run over to answer. I open the door to see Ben standing there in the most casual outfit I’ve ever seen him in, a cream colored sweatshirt and light jeans, and man did he look good. “Hey!” I said quickly with a smile.
He returns my smile with his own gorgeous one, “hey Natalie. Ready for our date?”
“Yes,” I turn back to my maid all standing by the bathroom and wave them goodbye, Kaiden gives me a little thumbs up which gives me a slight boost of confidence. I close the door and look back at him, “What are we doing?”
“Hmm,” he says as he offers me his arm, which I quickly take, “pretty much everyone so far has wanted it to be a surprise. Should I keep it that way for you too?”
I shake my head slightly almost immediately, “no, I’m super curious,” I say hoping not too anxious.
He lets out a small laugh and we start walking down the hall, “are you sure? Last chance to be surprised, Larsen,”
I purse my lips looking over at him hesitating, “should I just be surprised?” I slightly joke, but like if it’s like a death trip I’d like a little warning.
“You don’t have to, just me teasing,” he chuckles.
I use my hand and lightly hit his arm, “ugh, you and your teasing.”
He smiles, that smile I will never get used to, “it’s in my genes. I can’t help it. But I’ll tell you our date to make up for it,” he looks down at me, “we’re going to the boardwalk.”
I look up at him, my face lighting up, “really? I’ve always wanted to go to one!” Ever since Lola and I couldn’t go to one when we visited Clermont, I’ve wanted to go.
He seems pleased with himself, “then that random jar worked out in your favor?”
I look up confused, “jar?” What the hell is a random jar?
“Oh,” he smiles, “I was… pretty lost for date ideas. Got ambushed by my siblings and they helped come up with a list for dates. We picked your guys’ names out of a jar afterwards and randomly put them with a date.”
I nod, “that’s actually pretty smart.” We continue our journey down the path to the boardwalk as we talk about surfing and activities we do for fun.
We arrive at the base of the boardwalk as we both look around, the bright neon lights are gorgeous, “where to first?” Ben asks pulling me from my trance.
“Hmm, which place is the most fun?” I ask.
He bites his lip and points to a small building in front of us with a huge ice cream sign hanging in front of the door, “maybe some ice cream first?”
My face lights up, I couldn’t quite remember the last time I ate ice cream, “Oh that sounds good.”
He smiles down at me and walks us over to the shop, with a few people in line ahead of us, “what would you like?”
I stand on my tip toes to read what the flavors are and answered after a little, “I’m thinking chocolate peanut butter cup.”
“Oo that sounds good. I’m going for chocolate caramel,” he smiles, “it’s great here.”
I look at him, “chocolate person?”
“Huge. I probably like it a little too much,” he chuckles looking down at me.
“Same, chocolate should go on everything.” We continue talking about what we like best with chocolate and how everyone thinks that no one should love it as much as us. He orders for us, the person working immediately noticed who he was, because it’s freaking Ben Schreave. Ben handed me my cone and we walked to the end of the pier and watched the waves of the ocean. We each take a couple licks of our cones before he starts up the conversation again, talking about our love for the beach and where all I’ve traveled with family and friends. “I really like Paloma because of the beaches.” I look over at him taking another bite.
“Good answer. Would have been a pretty big deal breaker if you didn’t like beaches,” he teases me with a smile on his face.
I lean forward against the railing and smile, “what else would be a deal breaker?” I ask curiously.
“Not appreciating my glasses for starters, I’ve had mixed reviews,” he laughs to himself and finishes off his cone.
I look at him and imagine what he’d look like in glasses, and I could tell that he’d already look really good with them. I chuckle and smirk at him, “don’t worry, I like guys in glasses.”
“Then I’d say we’re golden,” he returns my smirk and looks back around at the boardwalk, “where to?”
I finish eating my cone and look around, “let’s go to the shops.”
“Which shop first?”
“What would you rather do? Tourist stuff or normal shopping?”
He grins, “let’s be tourists for a couple hours. I expect you to be wearing the cheesiest hat by the end of today.”
“And you’ll be wearing the ugliest sunglasses we can find.”
He lets out a small laugh, “then it’s on Larsen,” he states as we start walking over to the very tourist looking shops.
“So how cheesy are we thinking this hat will be?” I’m only imagining the kind of hats we are about to come across.
“I’m thinking… dad cap with an awful logo,” he raises an eyebrow at me, “what kind of sunglasses are we talking about?”
I think for a second, “big big frames, maybe some glitter?”
He snorts, which is adorable by the way, “glitter?”
“Do you like glitter?”
“I don’t exactly have a problem with it, I just didn’t imagine I’d be wearing it anytime soon,” he says as he gives me a lopsided smile looking down at me.
I reach up and rest my hand on his shoulder, “oh you will be.”
He chuckles, “I have no doubt you’ll find a pair just like you want,” he points out at a tacky looking shop, “let’s start there.”
I nod and we walk in immediately starting to look for our designated object for the other. I hold up a huge pair of bright orange glasses that have glitter all over them, “these?”
He purses his lips and then shakes his head, “no, not those,” and then he goes back to his journey of finding me the perfect hat. I continue looking around for the ugliest sunglasses I could find for him, but I’m slowly giving up and join him on his hat adventure. He keeps looking while I’m next to him but then all of a sudden he has a big grin on his face, “I’ve got one,” it pulls it out to show it to me, in big bold hot pink letters ‘I’m with handsome’ with an arrow pointing to the right on the most bright neon green baseball cap I’ve ever seen. “It’s perfect.”
My jaw drops to the ground, “oh my god,” my hand reaches up to cover up my mouth and I start dying laughing, “that is it, it’s perfect.” He puts the hat on my head and adjusts it to make it look perfect before he places his hands on my shoulders to turn me around to look in the full length mirror behind me. I’m just a laughing mess while he is standing to my right behind me with the biggest grin on his face laughing at our reflection in the mirror.
“We look great.”
“We look amazing.”
He makes eye contact with me in the mirror with the smile still on his face, “we just need to find me some shades and we’re all set.”
I quickly turn around to find the best sunglasses in the whole world, I’m looking at every single rack this place has to offer when out of the corner of my eye I see them. I gasp and run over to them and grab them, “Ben! Ben! These!” I say as I am running around the store trying to find him and hand them the bejeweled black frames with a giant glittered palm tree on one side with the same sized glitter flamingo on the other.
He takes the sunglasses and laughs, “oh my god, yes,” he puts them on and gives me a big smile, “how do they look?”
I have the biggest smile on my face because we look like such dorks right now just laughing at each other. “Amazing. You’ve never looked better.”
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He laughs and takes off the glasses, “let’s pay for these so we can show em off. Everyone deserves to see them.”
I take off my hat and hand it to him, “everyone is going to be so jealous,” I smirk at him. He takes the items to the register and pays for them, then handing me the hat back while he puts on his glasses. I adjust the hat so it fits me perfectly.
“So ready. How do I look?” I asked placing a hand under my chin posing for him.
He laughs and smirks, “you look like you’re with handsome.” I squint my eyes at him and shake my head, “you also look great, don’t worry.” He holds my hand as we walk out of the store and back down the pier looking around as we go. We start getting looks from people some are even laughing, which I’m not used to. I start to feel insecure, I don’t even realize that I am slowly leaning into him and hiding my face in his shoulder.
I let out an awkward laugh, “so many people are laughing.”
He looks down at me with a small smile, “wear it proudly, I look just as ridiculous,” I try to straighten up a bit and put a small smile on my face but it doesn’t last long because I can only just see the weird looks people are giving. And Ben is just grinning at complete strangers, not giving a care in the world about their reactions. How does he just do that? How can he just walk around looking like a complete fool and not even care? He can tell that I went back to my insecure state very quickly, he bites his lips looking down at me. I feel a tug at my hands, “come on, let’s go over here,” he says as he walks us off the boardwalk.
I feel like a complete idiot, I just messed up everything. I couldn’t keep my smile on my face. I’m literally on my dream date with my dream guy right now, I couldn’t just suck it up for 5 minutes and put a smile on my face. I can’t look up at him, “sorry,” I let out really quietly.
He shakes his head and pushing his ugly sunglasses onto his head, “don’t be. I don’t always have a problem with stuff like that, but that’s just me.” he gives me a reassuring smile, “want to head under the pier?”
I nod, “I just feel bad, that was supposed to be something fun and I ruined it.”
He bends down to meet my eyes with his perfect smile still on his face, “don’t feel bad, alright? It was still fun to me,” he taps the rim of my hat lightly and I put a small smile on my face, “good.” He stands straight again and takes off his converses. I follow him and doing the same taking off my sandals and holding them by the straps. The sand feels so good against my feet, they have been stuck in heels so for long the soft sand felt so good. We walk to the edge of the water and just stand there, the waves rising against their feet every few seconds then disappearing again. We get back to our usual talking, he makes fun of me for being a “party girl”. I look around at the view around us, I notice one of the pillars holding the boardwalk up and look back at Ben with a mischief look and smirk on my face.
He raises an eyebrow at me, “why do you look like you just figured out a sneak attack to push me into the water?”
I curl my lips in, “maybe I did,” I turn back towards the pillars, “I’ll beat you!” I shout and start bolting towards the pier.
I hear a laugh come from behind me and runs after me, he catches up very quickly and then passes me soon after, “not today!” I hear before I see the figure run right past me. I try to pick up speed but there isn’t much speed for me to pick up. He just keeps going and going, getting faster and faster and then reaches the pole and leans against it to catch his breath. “It was a good attempt.”
I reach the pole a little bit after him and almost fall to the ground. I did not think the pillars were that far away nor did I think I could run that fast for that long. “Th-that’s… unfair.” I say in between breaths, I look up and point at him, “you’re fit.” I look down resting my hands on my knees.
He chuckles, “doing alright?” resting his hands on his hips.
I stand up laughing, “I haven’t run that fast since high school.”
“And what was the reason than to run so fast?”
I laugh thinking back to the memory, the whole group was there, give or take a few people, sitting around in a circle in my backyard. All talking about whatever was going on then. Adrian decided to give me a special gift, something I would quote-on-quote ‘never forget’, “for my birthday my friend put a very angry squirrel in a box and give it to me.”
He makes a face and lets out a short laugh, “a squirrel? Why would she do that?”
“He actually, and he did it because the day before I accidentally ran over one with my car and I was crying because I killed it. He, of course, thought it was the funniest thing ever and I guess he wanted the whole squirrel species to go against me,” I look over at him and laugh, “don’t worry I made it into the house before it could get me.”
Ben steps a little further into the water and turns his back towards the ocean and sticks his hands in his pockets, “I hope you got him back,” he laughs.
“I actually haven’t yet. I don’t know what to do.”
“Hmm. I’ll see if I can come up with anything to help you out.”
“Is there a way we could send him something?”
He smiles at me, “definitely. What did you have in mind? Something he’s scared of?”
I think about to a time where I could have done something to piss him off, or a time when he ran out of the room because there was something he disliked in it, I remember back to the perfect time, “he really hates pine cones.”
“Pine cones?” you could hear the amusement in his voice, “what had a few fall on him as a kid? Couldn’t stand the trauma?”
I laugh thinking about Adrian, “I actually don’t know why, but I threw one at him and he just got all weird. He said something about them not being ‘natural’” I put in air quotes.
Ben snorts again, “they come from trees, how much more natural can you get?”
“He’s a weird kid but I still love him,” I shake my head laughing.
We just continue to stand in the water, Ben asks if I was the mom friend of my little friend group and I just laugh but then he remembers my little comment on my partying and decides to take back what he had said.
“Then what friend are you?” he asks.
“I’m the type of friend that will get my friends out and go do something. I like adventures and going places. But I’m also the friend who will curl up under a blanket and watch movies forever. What about you?”
“According to Wyatt, I’m the clueless friend,” he rolls his eyes at that, “he’s only half right, because I tend to stay at home working or doing something ‘boring’, but I’m sort of the same way, I like going out and doing stuff but people have to try to get me out first. And I don’t mind staying at home, not doing much.”
“If you ever need a going out or staying in buddy,” I nudge his shoulder with my own, “I got you.”
He nudges me back, “thanks, Larsen.”
“No problem, handsome,” I say in reference to the hat.
He taps the brim of the hat with a laugh, “handsome is right.”
I take the glasses from off his head and put them on my own, “I’m the whole look.”
He smiles widely, “you wear them a whole lot better than I do.”
I pose in such an awkward way, “I know.”
He chuckles, “let’s get you back to the palace and really show off the look.”
“The girls are going to be so jealous, also I’m not going to get embarrassed this time.” I don’t want to look like an idiot in front of him again.
“You shouldn’t because you’re with handsome,” he smirks and takes hold of my hand again walking us back on the path we took there. We make it back to my room just fine, we’re standing outside my room.
I take off my hat and put it on him, struggling a bit because he’s taller than me, “now you’re with handsome.”
He grins, “I’d probably use a different word,” he taps the palm trees on the glasses I’m still wearing, but I don’t even notice because I’m trying to figure out what he meant by the ‘different word’ thing. “Try not to get too crazy until next time we see each other, alright?”
“I’ll try…”
He switches our special accessories so they now belong to their proper owners, “you’ll succeed. Especially with that hat.”
I point to his glass that are lying on the very edge of his nose, “wear those to your next meeting.”
“That’ll really convince my advisors I’m ready to be kind soon,” he chuckles, “I’ll see you around, Larsen.”
I open my bedroom door that’s behind me, “see you later,” he smiles and waves once and walks away. I walk into my room and close the door behind me, take off the hat and admire it. I’m with handsome I’m really here.
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