#natalie too 🥰🥰
dylanconrique · 1 year
guys i can't stop thinking about those pics of holland and linden ashby. 😭😭😭😭😭
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itstimetodrew · 2 months
Got my tickets to see all 3 original Spider-Man movies in theaters next month!!!!
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Hey Natalie, happy Saturday 🥰 if you have the time, please could I request Charles Leclerc x fem. Maybe as a race finishes one of the reporters says something that’s gets in her head and Charles sees her walk away before he can get to her. Maybe she tells him not to come near her and runs away + fluffy ending 🥹 thank you xxx
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
"I know you've got a girlfriend Charles, but....how does it feel to have all these gorgeous and famous woman pining after you?" The reporter asks.
You probably weren't meant to hear that question, but you did. It was stupid to let that get to you, Charles loved you very much. He never cared for the famous women that were after him, he had you and loved you.
But, that didn't mean that you still weren't human or felt insecurities when they were shoved in your face. Charles laughed wiping his face, trying to figure out how to answer the question.
Normally his PR rep would tell him to be cheeky and say how he loves the attention or something, he refused to do that after he started to date you. Hated sometimes giving off asshole answers when it came to girls.
Scanning the crowd he's eyes connect with yours. Charles starts to smile, but when he sees you turn and start to walk away, he too walks away. "Charles? What are you doing? You've got to finish your media responsibilities." Pulling his arm out of his PR persons grip he shoves his stuff into his arms.
"Bill me." He runs after you, but you're further ahead, so with the fans and workers he keeps getting stopped. "Y/N!" Turning you wipe the tears heading to the private parking, Charles running and yelling your name.
"Don't. Stay away!" You yell people glancing your way but quickly go back to their own business. "Y/N?!" His voice breaking as he watches you disappear into the crowd.
"Y/n?" You stop packing, not turning around as you hear the hotel door close quickly. Rushed feet sound on the hard floor, the familiar scent of Charles shampoo wrapping around you.
"I'm here." Voice choking on the words, shaking it free. "You're leaving? Leaving me?" He whispers, it was his greatest insecurity. People he loves leaving him.
"Charles....what that reporter-" "I don't give a fuck what that reporter said!" He yells chest heaving as he takes deep breaths working himself up into a anxiety attack.
"Charlie." You whisper reaching out for him, he sees his good luck bracelets still on your wrist, fingers playing with them immediately, a way he calms himself. "I'm not leaving. Just, I felt...." You trail off unsure how to voice your feelings.
"Come here." He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to a chair as he sits down, you on his lap. "Tell me as best you can." His own heartbeat calming down.
"When I heard what that reporter said, it hit me that everyone probably thinks that about me. And that maybe you sometimes too." Your own fingers playing with his necklace the one he wore all the time.
"Y/n, I have never, ever, thought that about you. You're the love of my life, how could I ever think that my inspiration." Charles's hold tightens on you.
Both of you were opened about your insecurities, never hiding them and always talking about it when they effected you. So to think that this bothered you to this point, Charles hated it.
"I love you, I'll always love you. Also, whenever I'm asked that question I turn it around and share our relationship. I talk about you any chance I get." Charles smiles, kissing your cheek.
He feels your muscles relax in his hold as you nod. He knew this wouldn't be something you could get over in a day or two, but he was willing to be there and reassure you that he loved you.
He will always love you
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thebearer · 11 months
no but i love your writing! ever since i watched s1 and 2 last weekend because of a youtube ad, i peaked in the carmy tag and was a surprised to see the amount of stories carmy had! would love a scenario where he’s married to a sassy, take no shit type of reader sim to natalie. his wife legit could work with him for all i care. but for whatever reason he does something w/o checking in— he prolly just forgot. she finds out and confronts him hella pissed (could be at family or during restaurant prep idc) and she says “oh, if carmen said it was cool.” not even carmy the full government name bro 😭. p much how natalie articulated it 🤣. can’t remember the ep but in early season 1 when marcus blew the fuse you can also include slick commentary from richie (and fak) if you’d like! tysm in advance 🥰. also if you don’t me me asking, do you have name/alias on this blog? what we can call you? enjoy your week
- 🥣
yes yes yes ahhhhh! he definitely needs someone who keeps him in line but walks that fine line where he can also keep them in line (bc dom!carmy is living in my heart rent free forever lol). also you can call me e if you'd like :) thank you for your sweet words! i hope you have a good week, and hope you enjoy this!
"What's this?" You ask Sydney, looking at the new box being unloaded from the truck- big and bulky in a crate, far too large to be a produce shipment.
"Uh, I think it's the new glassware for the bar." Sydney looked at her clipboard, back at you carefully.
"Glassware? What new glassware. We haven't picked that out yet." You frowned, looking at the crate carefully.
"Oh, well, it was in Carmen's notes for the day, so... I think that's the only shipment we have. Unless the hostess stand came early, which would be amazing, but you-" Sydney stopped her ramblings, seeing your soured expression. "You know what? Never mind, uh, ignore me. I'm just...Carmen's with Sugar and Richie in the back if you want to ask him."
"Thanks, Syd." You muttered, ripping the bell open with a shrill before bounding towards the back. You could hear them before you saw them, a familiar chorus of chatter and rising voices.
"Hey, so what's the delivery out front?" You ask, not bothering to wait for them to acknowledge you. If you did, you'd never talk, they all talked over each other.
"The new glasses for the bars." Sugar turned, smiling softly at you. "How are you doing?"
"Good." You muttered, eyes cutting to Carmen. "We haven't ordered new glasses yet."
"Uh, well, I thought you liked the ones from last week, angel." Carmen's eyes were bulged, clearly flustered.
"I said I liked them for basics, but I needed you to confirm a drink menu." You glared at him, arms crossing over his chest.
"You can't put the drinks in that?" Carmen asked, hand flying out towards the hall.
"Not if you want the specialty, no." You huffed. "Carmen, I told you to wait just a few days and we could get them at the wholesale market. The textured ones for the signature at least."
"Uh-oh," Richie muttered, snickering to Fak.
"Can you not use the glasses I got?" Carmen sighed.
"I can, but did you get enough? And did we decide if the signature is going in a whiskey glass or a cylinder one? Did you order double of those?" You lifted a brow, taking a step towards him. Richie and Nat watched, heads turning from you and Carmen like a tennis match.
Carmen paused, running a hand down his face. "N-No, but-"
"-So what are you going to do when we open and you run out of drinks, huh? When everyone orders the signature and it comes in different glasses? You think those travel groupie influencers won't notice? Won't post about it and make it a big fucking deal?" You countered.
"Then we'll figure it out!" Carmen huffed. "Look I gave the order to Richie, and-"
"-Hey, no fuckin' way cousin. You gave me your order." Richie held his hand up. "Sweetheart, Carmy said it was good so I just placed the order."
"Well, if Carmen said it was good, then it must be, right? He's the fucking boss." You snarl, glaring at Carmen furiously. "Seems like you've got it under control, Carm, so I'll leave it to you." You turn on your heel, furiously stomping away.
Richie and Fak wait until they hear the slam of the office door, to release their cackles. "Oooh! Cousin, you are in the fuckin' dog house now." Richie laughed, Fak's chorus of barks emphasizing his statement.
"Shut up, ok? Just shut the fuck up." Carmen growled, running a hand through his hair.
"Carmy, why wouldn't you ask her before you ordered? She's your mixologist." Nat sighed, shoulders heavy with disappointment.
"Also your girlfriend." Sydney added, poking her head in. "I told you to wait. Just saying."
"Thank you, alright, thank you all for your fuckin' helpful words." Carmen snapped. "Just... Nat, make sure they get all that shit set up right, ok? Make sure the dishwasher fucking works before we're open, please."
The office door was shut, and Carmen hesitated, reaching for the knob anxiously. He wasn't sure if he should knock- I mean, fuck, this is his office but... you were already so mad at him. Knuckles rapping on the door, he didn't wait for the invite in- knowing he'd never get one.
Carmen found you, sniffling in a furious pout in the corner, body angled away from the door. "Baby-" Carmen started with a sigh, shoulders falling gently at your upset state.
"-Don't." You snap, wiping your eyes. "Don't even start with me, Carmen." The way you say his full name sounds so bitter, too formal and full of malice to be from you.
"I-I'm sorry. I thought we agreed on it, and-and Richie was pressuring me and... And you're right. I shouldn't have made that decision without you, and I'm sorry." Carmen said slowly, waiting for your gaze to meet his, angry, wet, waterline.
"Yeah, you shouldn't have." You agreed bitterly, wiping your eyes. "I get this is your restaurant, Carmen, but don't ask for my help if you're just gonna do what you want anyways. That's-That's not nice."
"I know." Carmen nodded slowly, approaching you with the caution he would a wild animal. "I want your help. I do, and-and I like your idea that the house drink goes in the special glass. Makes it stand out."
You lifted your gaze up to his. "Yeah?" You asked, he nodded, sitting next to you. "Did you blow your budget?"
"No," Carmen shook his head, not a total lie. Fak had been able pull some strings with the new stoves, turns out he did have a guy. It left a little over five thousand left over.
"We could go to that place, if you want to. Go look and see if they have the glasses. Get a rough estimate of about how many we'd need." Carmen offered, his hand cupping your thigh gently, thumb rubbing over your leg in soothing circles.
"As long as Sydney or Nat does the numbers and not you." You snorted lightly, rolling your eyes at him.
He laughed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I'll get Sugar to run 'em, alright? Then we can go. Call it an early night."
You beamed at the idea, letting him slide in next to you, melting into your side. "That sounds good." You hummed, letting your head fall on his shoulder.
"I-I'm real sorry I didn't as you ." Carmen muttered. "That was shitty."
"Yeah." You sighed in agreement. "I just... I want to be included in things." You asked, looking up at him sweetly. "Not everything, but-but at least the things that apply to my area."
"I know." Carmen nodded, his hand catching your cheek softly. "I'll let you handle it next time, alright? I trust your opinion."
"You don't have to do that-"
"-No, you're right, I don't. But-But I want to." Carmen nodded. "I know you're lookin' out for the best in this place just like I am."
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joelsdolly · 4 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well🥰 I saw you're accepting requests for Yellow Jackets and I got excited, there isn't that much content about Natalie and she definitely deserves more love.
I wonder if you could write something about Natalie and the Reader who became very close during the accident, as if they had become each other's anchor in all this madness, being excellent hunting partnerships, sharing food with each other because they care about each other, sleeping in the same makeshift bed and even bathing together in the lake; in a "domestic" way and platonic that progresses to romantic.
It's okay if you can't or don't like the idea, either way be safe, don't forget to hydrate and pay attention to your phone time🥰🥰
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summery: you develop feelings for your best friend out in the wilderness ☁️
warnings: mentions of hunting, fluff !
notes: ty for the request anon!!!!! i hope u enjoy this🩷
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you and natalie didn't really know each other before the crash, it was mostly occasional glances and waves, but after the crash now stuck in the wilderness you had been each other's right hand man
you went hunting together, you bathed together, you even slept together, you guys had become closer than ever . but with the newly found friend came new feelings, you had developed a crush on natalie
you were always debating on telling her, what if she liked you back? but the thought of her not liking you back scared you, so you chose to keep quiet . even while she was flirting with travis or you heard them talking and laughing, you chose to not tell her
you had been out hunting with natalie for the past couple hours, you had come across nothing, absolutely nothing, it was disappointing for you, but for natalie it felt different, you didn't know why, but to her hunting was very special . providing food for everyone was her purpose and when she didn't find anything she felt useless
once you got back to the cabin she went up into the attic in an upset mood, you followed her up and sat down next to her, she leaned her head on your shoulder and sniffled, 'm'sorry I couldn't get anything today' she said as tears began to fall from her eyes, you shushed her and stroked her hair
she laid her head on your lap, she was searching for comfort and you were giving it to her, 'i love you natalie' you whispered, 'i love you too' she whispered back, what she didn't know was how you meant it
'no I mean, I-' you sighed mid sentence, 'i love you' her eyes widened and she slowly got up from your lap, 'really?' she questioned, you nodded and sniffled, she smiled and hugged you, 'i uhm love you too' she chuckled . she pulled back and cupped your jaw
she leaned in and pressed her lips against yours, you kissed back and wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her even closer to you .
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Dating Natalie Scatorccio Headcanons <3
She's literally my wife!! I eat these up btw.
I feel like she's like very protective but never possessive. Like she isn't clingy most of the time but if you're like "hey babe that guy's being weird" she's got her arm around you and doesn't let you out of her sight
She tries her damn best not to sexualize you because of the way she'd been treated in the past
But she does love a good low-cut top (who doesn't tbh)
She's totally into you like stealing her necklaces and earrings. She pretends to be pissed but secretly she thinks you look so cool
She also bought a sweatshirt that was wayyy too big for her specifically for you to steal. She acts like she didn't buy it for you but you know she did and you appreciate the sentiment
Natalie definitely steals your t-shirts and sweatshirts. Like you lend one to her to sleep in ONE TIME and soon enough you have to go out and essentially buy a new wardrobe
I wouldn't say she's shy about your relationship, but she isn't like screaming from the rooftops about it
Like the entire team didn't know you were together for months
Speaking of, she's a PDA hater. Like the most she'll do is lean on your shoulder in front of anyone she knows (she has a reputation!!)
Not to say she isn't WHIPPED though because you know she's down bad
Like all over you whenever you're alone. She's just a very private person.
Omg omg omg
Smoking with her
Totally imagining that you've never smoked before and she like teaches you how to roll one and you're like "she's so hot"
SHE LIKE CUPS YOUR FACE AS SHE LIGHTS IT and your brain short-circuits
"You good, pretty girl" and you're just silent and she's like "babe" "I'm fine." "You sure" "yup"
She's worried she broke you for a second
She also def does your makeup in her little emo bitch way but you kinda live for it
Sometimes you do hers too
Once you gave her like pink sparkly eyeshadow and she wore it to a party and everyone thought she was dying
She pulled it off though
Nicknames are a must. Like not only does she find a way to give you like 10 nicknames based on your real name, she also calls you shit like "pretty girl" and "princess"
Half the time though they're only used to make fun of you
Which she does all the time
Like she loves to tease you
Cannot be serious to save her life
But if you're sad she's like "what's wrong how do I help what do you want me to do"
And immediately you're like "🥰🤭" because how can you be upset when your girlfriend is right there being that sweet
Although sometimes when it's particularly shitty, you just like bury your head in her neck and she's like "😶😳" but she pretends to be so chill about it even though you literally feel her pulse speed up
Constantly complementing you. Like one time you said something like "idk I don't feel pretty :(" and then every time she sees you look in the mirror for too long or like trace your stretch marks she's like "you're so pretty baby" or "pretty girl" or "gorgeous"
Speaking of the stretch marks
She loves them. Like you wear a cropped shirt and she jus stares
For a while you were like "oh she hates them" until one day she just started absentmindedly tracing them and you realized she thought they were gorgeous
She also def kisses them any chance she gets. Like yall are just watching TV and she's lying on your stomach and she just gives one a little kiss
Using your thighs as a pillow >>>>>
Like she just lies on them and you play with her hair
Which she loves
Like you French braid it one time for a game and she now asks you to do it every day
And who are you to say no
MIXTAPES or if it's more modern she makes playlists
Like one for every major event with a mix of her fave songs and yours
I also think she's clumsy asf
Like constantly covered in random bruises and scrapes
And since she's pale as hell the bruises are so prominent
She can't drive. Like she's such a passenger princess
And if she could drive you wouldn't want her to
You help her paint her nails
Once you have her sparkles on the middle finger and she thought it was funny as hell
I think she's surprisingly a good cook
Like yall never go out for dates because she likes cooking for you and you like watching her
Like that's the only time she's not clumsy
She attempts to learn Italian but only remembers curse words and like pet names
And you don't really know which is which because she didn't tell you
She never yells when she's upset. She doesn't want to be her dad
Like any disagreement is a decently civil conversation
I mean there's a lot of cursing and angry tones but it's not a fight. It's a disagreement
She was very worried to meet your friends but they all love her
And she was also worried for you to meet her friends. Not because she thought you wouldn't like them or they wouldn't like you but because she was worried you'd be uncomfortable
But you like the whole team and they've never made you feel weird
Van constantly teases her about you though
I feel like Nat isn't much of a reader but she loves listening to you talk about books. And if you read to her? Oh it's over
She loves listening to you in general tbh. I think she's not a huge talker but you just yap on and on and she's just listening so intently
But when she does want to talk about something... you hang from her lips like nothing else matters
Her voice is like such a weakness to you and she knows it
When she needs reassurance she's horrible at saying so but she gets kind of quiet
After a while you just started pulling her in for hugs or kisses or whatever because she's such a physical touch girlie
And she melts every time
I also feel like she never initiates kisses but she loooves taking charge of them
Can you tell I'm insane for her yes or no
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georgiarose · 4 months
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Natalie's Lorcana Card 🥰
I learned so much about Lorcana to make this card so I guess I'm a Lorcana player now 😩 This was so much fun to do. I have plans for Disco Natalie and Nega Natalie too, but those will have to wait a bit. For now, have this DT17 Nat! 💙✨🥧
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zegrasbabyyy · 1 year
a highly requested part 2 to the y/n hughes x trevor zegras actress instagram imagine! keep requesting guys, i’m trying to write more!!!
y/nhughes posted!
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Liked by @trevorzegras, @thombordeleau_, @codychristian, and 1.1 million others
y/nhughes: onset shenanigans!! october 11th is almost here 🥹
tagged: @trevorzegras @codychristian @greta.onieogou @monetmazur
view top comments
cwallamerican: best looking cast and crew!
➯y/nhughes: agreed!
trevorzegras: so happy i get to watch you do your thing i love you babygirl ❤️
➪y/nhughes: you melt my heart z, i love you 🥺❤️
greta.onieogou: wife for life 🫶🏻
➪y/nhughes: wifey 🫶🏻
➪trevorzegras: no you’re my wifey
➪y/nhughes: hubby 😉
➪lhughes_06: woah calm down there
jordanbrisson12: still waiting for me to be a special guest star chicky
➪y/nhughes: maybe next season jordy?
➪brendan.brisson: wait till you see the guest stars
➪thombordeleau_: they go crazy 🤭
➪jordanbrisson12: i’m confused
codychristian: second pic is da best but ur too small
➪y/nhughes: and ur too tall
➪trevorzegras: no the last pic is the best 🥱
➪colecaufield: i live for jealous z
➪y/nhughes: same tho ;)
➪trevorzegras: ;)
monetmazur: my girl 😘
➪y/nhughes: tv momma 🥰
jackhughes: ur so cool bug
➪y/nhughes: not as cool as you j
elblue6: my baby!! so proud of you ❤️
➪y/nhughes: love you mommy!! ❤️
_quinnhughes: bug!!
➪y/nhughes: q!! i miss you <3
hunterclowdus: my bestie 🥹
➪y/nhughes: foreva 🥰
@thombordeleau_ & @brendan.brisson
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Liked by @trevorzegras, @y/nhughes, @cwallamerican, and 777K others
brendan.brisson: your fav all american guest stars, catch the best duo on episode 4 of season 1 🥶
tagged: thombordeleau_
view top comments
y/nhughes: my fav guest stars!! love you guys 🥹
➪brendan.brisson: thanks for having us on the show chicky we love you 🥰
➪thombordeleau_: love you so much chicky 😘
jordan.brisson12: WHAT THE FU—
➪brendan.brisson: surprise buddy!
➪jordan.brisson12: time for war
cwallamerican: can’t wait for the world to meet Hudson and Brooks!
*liked by creator*
➪y/nhughes: hudson, brooks, and natalie take on beverly hills
➪brendan.brisson: and there’s some drama ;)
trevorzegras: show business 🥶
➪brendan.brisson: 🥶🕺
hunterclowdus: loved having you guys on the show!!
➪brendan.brisson: thanks for having us man !
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its-time-to-write · 9 months
ch. 7 - hustling for the good life
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table of contents
if you made it to the end, thank you🥰
the way forward
Touring is absolutely insane. It’s not as crazy as some people’s like, say, Allie Gooding, but it’s still so. Much. Work. You don’t really dance, mostly hold your guitar while sitting in the middle of a stage while people twirl and leap behind you.
It’s a Blue Glass tour, technically speaking, but Mango is by far the highlight.
You’re in the city of its origin, with its muses sitting front and center. 
“I’ll let you go/Because it’s best for me/I slip out the back/And turn the key,” the audience sings.
i saw u on tiktok, Jamie texts that night. fukig mint the way the crowd sang all the words.
Claire was crying, you type back. And why can’t you ever spell “fuck” correctly??
cant all be smarty pants musicians, Jamie writes. Then, been blessed to be a dumb, sexy footballer.
Ok, I have to go to sleep. Flying to some small city tomorrow afternoon. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Called something like idk, Landon? Lodan?
He asks, u still staying at mine?
Yep. Can’t wait!!
FUCKIMG M I N T, Jamie responds.
You’ve been in Richmond for approximately four hours, just long enough to say hi to Keeley, eat dinner, and, you know, ditch Natalie so you and Jamie can make up for time spent apart.
“That’s disgusting,” she says before hopping into the hired car.
“Ok miss ‘I fucked-‘”
“WHOA, ok,” she says, “I’m going to stop you right there. I’m out of here.”
But now you’re laying in Jamie’s bed as he runs his hand up and down your arm, tucked against his side.
“You’re bringing the team to the show tomorrow, right?” you ask.
“Hm,” Jamie agrees.
“Cool,” you say softly, “Do you think they’re going to want to meet the musical guest?”
“Yes,” Jamie says immediately. “Lads’ve been hounding me all week. Even fucking Ted’s been asking.”
You smile. “Seems no one’s immune to the charms of Allie Gooding.”
“I fucking knew it,” Jamie gasps. “Fucking knew it. You gonna do Creekside?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he asks, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. “How you do all this shit, I don’t know.”
You’re silent. The truth is, you don’t even know how you do all this shit. Natalie is barely managing to keep your head on straight as it is. At first, it was fun to travel. Now, you just want a good night of sleep.
You have an especially hard time with meet and greets. It always feels too crowded and stifling, and there’s no Jamie to hold your hand or sneak you out the door so nine times out of ten, you have a panic attack while pretending that everything’s fine.
You’d be happy never touring again, just playing your guitar for Jamie in the living room. Writing songs for the people you love and only for the people you love. Mango felt important in a way that Blue Glass didn’t. It had a message and actually helped people, whether or not they knew it.
Claire sent you a small video every time her song was playing in a shop or on the radio, then end the song by clasping her thumb and index finger into a heart. She sent one of her and the other women in her new house, dancing to Kitchen Epiphany.
“We wouldn’t be here without you, babe!” she said at the end.
But she was wrong. You wouldn’t be there without her. It’s wrong, all wrong, but you only have a couple nights with Jamie so you roll on top of him and press your lips to his.
You’re in Greece less than a week and a half later, sporting a Tartt jersey as you pull up to your hotel.
Natalie’s been making wiggly eyes at you the whole time you’ve had it on but you don’t care because you’re almost done with this godforsaken tour and you haven’t broken up with Jamie. He still loves you, for some reason you don’t understand.
But hey, you’ve never claimed to understand the male brain.
As you make the mad dash from the car into the safety of the lobby, you hear a familiar voice call your name. You turn and see Donovan, your most recent ex. He’s smiling and holding hands with a girl you used to see around his photoshoots.
“How have you been?” he asks warmly. 
“Good!” you say. “Hopping all around the world, but good!”
He’s still smiling that picture-perfect smile. “Saw you’re dating Jamie Tartt. You guys actually look happy together. Just like me and Zoe. Unless, of course, it’s show?”
“Oh,” you reply, startled. “I, uh, well,”
“It’s ok,” Donovan interjects. “Zo knows we weren’t actually dating.”
“Oh,” you say again, relieved. You never did feel the need to act around Donovan. “Yeah, no, it’s real. At least, it feels real. Wasn’t set up by a PR firm or anything and we’ve been able to keep it pretty quiet.”
Donovan nods. “You’ve always been good in staying out of trouble. Me, not so much.” 
Zoe grins from her place on his arm. “Yeah, but now we get into quiet trouble. We’re getting married this week, and no one even knows that we’re dating.”
She holds out her hand to show you and Natalie the biggest ring you’ve ever seen.
“Nice,” Natalie says. “But we’ve got to check in. Great to see you, Donny.”
“God,” she says as she drags you away, “that could’ve been you. You would have made perfect plastic babies with that absolute fucking Ken.”
“Hey, Dono was nice,” you defend.
“Uh huh. What with all that… personality.”
Ok fine, so maybe he was rather one-dimensional. He and Danielle seem perfectly happy. You’re glad that he’s doing well, despite your so-called “torrid love affair.”
You’ll have to drop by their room at some point to catch up for real.
You end up going out to a club with him. And Natalie and Danielle of course, but as you step through the doors, you’re kicking yourself. Why did you think this was a good idea? It smells and it’s crowded, but you’re going to suck it up for Natalie, and for the sake of socialization. Your only consolation is that pretty much everyone will be too drunk to know who you are.
It’s all fine, you’ve had some water and you’re dancing with Natalie when the lights hit your eyes wrong, or maybe the beat dropped when you weren’t expecting it, but it doesn’t actually matter because your eyes go wide and you feel like you’re drowning. You push your way through the crowd out the door, barely noticing Donovan and Zoe hot on your heels.
“Hey,” he calls after you, “you alright?”
No, you want to say. No, you’re not alright because you’re with a bunch of strangers and you just want to be home with Jamie. You want to kick a football around with him on the weekends and hold his hand and be alone. You can feel tears sliding down your cheeks, and Donovan cups your face in his hands to wipe them away. 
“Maybe we should go,” he says concerned. Zoe’s leaning against a wall, phone out. 
“Already got an Uber,” she says. “You’ll be ok, babe.”
Donovan presses a kiss to your forehead. “C’est pas de problème,” he says. “Ne stresses pas.”
You can tell something’s wrong the moment you wake up. Maybe because you can’t hear Natalie in the other room or maybe it’s intuition, but the air isn’t right. You open up your phone to Instagram and find a picture of you and Donovan from last night. He’s holding your face and looking at you with what you know is concern, but to the observer looks like- love?
Oh shit.
The caption is the standard bullshit - “Forest Fire singer reignites old flame,” and you think you might be sick.
You keep scrolling and there’s another one, this time with Donovan kissing your forehead. The caption underneath is a rant to the effect of, how could you cheat on Jamie Tartt? What a greedy little bitch.
The more you go, the more you find. It’s the same set of pictures with the same set of captions.
It’s the damage to your public image that concerns you. You’ve been around long enough to know that it will blow over, especially because it’s unsubstantiated. You’re thinking of Jamie.
Oh god, what’s he going to think? You’re positive he’s seen it already, because how could he not? It’s so rare that you have a so-called scandal, that you’re trending. If he didn’t find it on his own, one of his friends definitely sent it to him.
Your phone is blowing up with news notifications and text messages. You have ten missed calls from Natalie an inbox full of voicemails. You’ll probably delete all of them without listening. 
But what you really care about is Jamie because in the plethora of messages all you’ve gotten from him is a single fucking voice memo. It’s five seconds long, the exact amount of time it takes to say “fuck you,” and you don’t want to open it. 
But a voice in your head compels you, the same voice that gave you the ok to fall in love with him in the first place, so before you can talk yourself out if it you press play and hold it up to your ear. 
“Hey,” says Jamie’s voice. “I love you.”
And that’s it. 
You don’t even try to calculate what time it is in London, you just hit the call button.
“Hey,” says Jamie’s real, actual voice.
“Hi,” you breathe. “I love you. And I hate touring. And press. I just want to make my songs and never fucking tour again. Donovan and I weren’t even doing anything. I had a goddamn panic attack and he was helping me calm down, and his literal fiancée is like three feet off camera but no one knows they’re together because fuck the press.”
Jamie chuckles. “No one’s making you do all this, love. You don’t owe people anythin’. You can just live your life without selling it. But like, if you want to sell it you can. You know?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“Oi. Look. Are you actually doing what you want? Because if it ain’t making you happy, you can stop.” 
You can hear a muffled voice in the background before you have a chance to respond. 
“Yeah, it’s her,” Jamie says to the voice. 
There’s a chorus of your name as Jamie says, “Dani and the lads say hi.”
“Tell them I say hi,” you respond. “Wait, where are you? It’s like nine there. Are you at training?”
“Weight room,” Jamie says, “but don’t get distracted. Are you happy?”
“No,” you say. “No, I’m not I want to- I want to play my guitar in your backyard and talk to Clare and help out Christine and not give Natalie a fucking aneurism every single day. I want to be able to sleep and not worry what people think of me and I want to like singing again. I want to visit my friends and have time to listen to their music and maybe I’ll tour with them, but only for fun. And most of all, I want to be with you. I want to go to all your matches and wear so much red and blue that I look like a gremlin and then I want to go home with you. And I want, like, domestic stuff too, like grocery shopping and cooking and- and-”
“And brushing our teeth at the same time,” Jamie helpfully supplies.
“Yes,” you say. “I’m really tired of all this.”
“Well,” Jamie says, “you’ve got one more week. Then fucking come home.”
You tell Natalie she’s fired, just to see the look on her face. 
She starts yelling when you tell her you’re kidding but only kind of and then she hits you with her purse, stringing together curses in both English and Spanish.
She’s less mad when you give her a raise and tell her she’s now in charge of managing all your shit so you don’t have to.
“I thought that’s what I was doing already,” she says, and now it’s your turn to smack her.
“First decision I’m making is switching to KJPR,” she says.
You ask, “What the fuck is that?” with a nose wrinkle.
Nat just grins. “Keeley’s PR firm.”
You let out a scream. “NO FUCKING WAY. NO FUCKING WAY! How did I miss that??”
Natalie shrugs and says, “She told me to pass on the message because she figured you were busy. I sent her a very nice gift basket from you.”
You sigh and grab Natalie for a hug. “You’re the absolute best, you know that?”
“Uh huh,” she says. “You’d be dead without me.”
It’s off-season, a year later. You’re on a beach in Brazil, lying in a chair next to Keeley, who’s in a hot-pink bikini.
“I never want to go back to England,” she says, sipping her drink.
You laugh. “I think your boytoy would disagree.”
She huffs and says, “Not my fault he has all that fucking hair. And anyway, he’s the one who wanted to come!”
“Fucking grandad,” Jamie grumbles good-naturedly next to you.
“You invited him,” you say. “You said, ‘Babe, Roy has to be there when we elope.’”
“How was I supposed to know he hated the sun?” Jamie asks, exasperated. “Twat never said anything!”
“He wears black all the time and never smiles, babe. He’s basically a vampire. You should’ve known.”
“I can fucking hear you,” Roy says from under the umbrella. “I’m not fucking deaf.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and say, “I’m just glad Natalie left yesterday. Some honeymoon this is.”
Jamie gets up from his chair and flops on top of you. 
“Oof,” you grunt.
“Sorry,” he says, not sorry at all. “Hey, think there’s a pitch ‘round here? I brought my boots. Think they’re under the bed, love.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say. “‘Football is life,’ or whatever. I’m gonna write a hit song about how my husband likes a fucking ball better than me.”
“I’d pay good money to hear that,” Roy says.
Jamie props himself up on his forearms and puts on his most angelic expression. “That’s me, the adorable yet sexy trophy husband. I’m your muse.”
“You’re something,” you say. “Ooh, I think I can use that in the song!”
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fallingforel · 9 months
Hey!! What’s up? I was wondering if you could do number 3 on the prompt list with Alex Turner but can you make it like a hurt/comfort thing where maybe they get into some sort of fight? I don’t wanna be too specific because I hate taking away creative freedom but I would love you forever🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🥰
A/N I am so so so sorry that it has taken me more than a month to get to my requests but i have been super super busy with everything just taking some time out for myself but im back and carrying on with everything while dealing with writers block for arabella ahagaha anyway for those wanting to request... prompt list is here. on with the showwww
PROMPT 3: "I need you"
words: 1,058
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"ALEX. GO AWAY. I DON'T FEEL WELL. I DON'T NEED YOU HERE. LOOKING AFTER ME LIKE SOME TINY TODDLER BA-" I shouted from inside the bathroom door, which was cut off by emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl.
"darling I just want to be here for you. help you."
"yeah well not right now. I don't need you getting sick just before you have to leave for tour tomorrow. I can't let you risk it. If you want to help go stay at a hotel so you don't get infected with whatever I've got going on right now"
"okay. okay. I'm going right now. call me if you need anything. promise"
"I promise Alex. go. I don't need you here."
an hour had passed when I had finally gotten up from the bathroom floor. finally emptying all that I could from my stomach.
"knock knock. I'm coming in." Natalie. my best friend had announced herself.
"ugh. not you as well. Nat I'm fine. I don't need everyone babysitting me. I've dealt with sickness on my own before I don't need everyone looking after me I'm not a child"
"oh wow. I was only coming to say hello. but I've clearly hit a nerve. what's going on nobody mentioned you were sick. in that case stay clear of me I've got a shoot in 3 days. I do not have time to get sick"
"cheers nat. Thanks for looking after me."
"geez with the mood swings. you weren't wanting me to babysit you a few moments ago now you want me to look after you. What's wrong with you anyway"
"well, I've got sore boobs, metallic taste in my mouth all the time, I'm throwing up all the time I'm also tired all the fucking time. I just want this bug to pass so I can go back to happy healthy Y/n"
"Y/n babe when did you last have your period. 2 months ago why???" it took me a moment to realise it. and soon I gasped. "OMG! no I cant be this has come at the worst time I cant be. I'm on the pill and we used a condom"
"not always effective babe."
"okay okay. lets not rush into anything. Can you go pick up a pregnancy test."
"no need. I've got one in my bag for emergencies"
"err... I'm not gonna question that right now, we'll circle back to that one later. but okay I'll go take that right now. you stay here."
After waiting what felt like an age but in reality only three minutes I flipped the test over.
"fucking great. just at the worst time." I whispered to myself.
"Y/n is everything okay in there."
"yeah. I need to be on my own. I'm sorry"
"don't even mention it babe. I'll see myself out now. Want me to lock the door"
"nah leave it open. shut it obviously but don't lock it"
I knew I needed to tell Alex. tell him I was sorry before he left and about the baby that was growing inside me at the minute.
The phone rang once twice three times before he finally picked up.
"Y/n babe is everything okay."
"I need you. so bad" I cried down the phone to him
"I'm coming right now sweetheart. do you need anything?" he asked.
"Just a hug"
"okay okay. I'm on my way. Be five minutes top darling"
and he really wasn't lying when he said he'd be no longer than 5 minutes because I heard the door go no longer than 3 minutes after I ended the phone call.
"Y/n darling?" he called
"upstairs Alex" I said my voice wavering.
he burst the bathroom door open. and I started sobbing jumping into his arms wrapping my arms round his torso. the both of us swaying from the impact a bit. but we soon stopped and Alex's arms soon wrapped round meeting at my waist. Alex walks the two of us to our shared bedroom sitting us down on the bed.
"woah darling what's this what's got you in such a tizzy?" he asks.
"I'm sorry." I mumble into his shoulder.
"sorry for what sweetheart?"
"sorry for shouting at you. sorry for accusing you for babying us. sorry for the news I'm about to put on you."
"There's no need to apologise for that darling you did nothing wrong." It takes him a moment for him to realise my last statement from my previous statement.
"Y/n what news what are you going on about? You are really freaking me out honey."
"Stay here" I pull myself out of his arms, and walk to the bathroom where the pregnancy test lay on top of the toilet.
"This is the news." I say walking back into the bedroom sitting on the bed next to him and pass him the pregnancy test that lay in my hand.
"You mean- You mean we're going to be parents?"
"Not if you don't want to be."
"Not if I dont? Darling of course I want to be a parent. Do you want to be?"
"of course I do its just-"
"it's just what?"
"Its just. Is now even the right time to become preganant especially when you leave for tour tomorrow. What about in 9 months time? What about when I become too fat to walk anywhere."
"That won't happen sweetheart. because you aren't gonna become fat. You'll have a baby in your tummy. Our baby. And as for the tour. You'll come with me, we can sort out something. we're doing the asia america and australia first and then in 4 months we'll be in the UK and your joining me for every single leg sweetheart the tour wont effect your pregnancy, we'll be home before babys here and there'll still be time for nesting getting baby ready and everything else."
"okay. thank you Alex. for calming my worries. We're going to be parents." I say pulling him into a hug.
"Damn right we are."
9 months later.
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liked by sam_fender, Harrystyles, mattjhelders and 1,890 others
yourusername Gianna Louise Turner 13/05/23
mattjhelders: shes beautiful y/n
breanahelders: amelia finally has someone to play with
↳yourinstagram: not too soon though, shes only just been born 😂
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nefertittythegreat · 6 months
Rating GoT and HotD dresses based on how well I think they'd fit into Ascendance of a Bookworm
Ok first
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Not my favorite Dany look, but I also don't hate it. It's pretty she looks stunning, but for AoaB, the shillouette is wrong. I love the high neck and the cutout! It's a fashion trend that I hope Rozemyne eventually introduces to Yogurtland. A great look that's a little too modern for the world of AoaB.
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When it comes to fashion in GoT, you can not outdo the doer, and She(yes, with a capital S) is Cersei Lannister. The color, the cut the metal waist belt with the lions on it with the matching necklace 😭 I'm gagged! She's amazing! One point off because while I feel like on it's own the dress would work well in AoaB, but something about it is just off. i dont think it would completely work. Maybe it's the down hair 🤔
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First, let me preface by saying I LOVE this dress. It's one of the best dresses in GoT period, but It would NEVER work in AoaB. To them, she's practically naked. Sheer cloth? No sleeves? Neckline to the navel? Oh no honey its straight to the white tower with you! The metal additions are nice, and I can see someone crafting those out of feystones. It's also long enough...so 2 points🤷🏾‍♀️
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Would fit in the world but not as a dress as a woman's riding outfit, which is what i believe it's supposed to be in GoT as well. In a different color, it's giving future Aub Alexandria ready to defend her duchy. She is a fierce leader, and looking at this outfit, you would never question that.
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I'm not gonna lie... This is my favorite Game of Thrones look. I think the moment we saw Natalie in this, we all fell in love Margaery. However, for AoaB, it could work with some VERY minor tweaks. The neckline is, of course, too low, and it's backless, but it's very tasteful. I think this is a style Rozemyne could introduce in the future, especially given how hot Alexandria is. She already introduced sleeveless dress and in GoT the reason for the margaery's "risqué" dress is because Highgarden(where she's from) is very hot especially in comparison to King's Landing which is said to have moderate to hot weather.
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Our first House of the Dragon look and it's 🥰 🥰 I can literally see Elvira wearing this. It's giving everything it should. The silhouette is perfect, the metal additions are stylish, and the headband is too die for! It's giving everything it needs to for an AoaB dress, and I love it!
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Is this list mostly Dany dresses? YES.
BUT I CAN SEE THE VISION!! Other than being backless, I think Rozemyne has already laid the foundation for this style of dress. I think a slight alter to the silhouette and some very off the shoulder sleeves and boom! we have an Aoab appropriate dress. But the belt, the metal work at the neckline, I think it would fit in very well eventually.
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Just close up the neckline, and you've got a perfect AoaB dress. This one was a favorite of HotD fans, and it's easy to see why. It's a beautiful dress. I could see a noble lady wearing this right now.
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This is another future Aub Alexandria dress. Again, I think for Yurgenschmidt it's too much skin, but again, I think Rozemyne will eventually introduce fashion like this. The cape incorporated into the outfit to make sleeves is 😍😍😍. This is how she's gonna show up to the archduke conference stunting on the hoes 👏 👏👏 I feel like high necklines are just in Rozemyne's future🤷🏾‍♀️
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The sleeves😍😍😍 The waistline😍😍😍 The paneling 😍😍😍 She's carrying Geduldh's burden and she is stunning! For once the hair is also very AoaB which is more common in HotD than in GoT as they try(and kinda fail) to create a unique fashion identity for HotD. I'm a big hair snood fan and I'm living for this one. The color of the dress is also fantastic. If you wore this is Yurgenschmidt and no one would even guess that you're from another world.
Omg I had so many more to talk about, but what are you guys AoaB fashion inspirations? Any movies or TV shows? Are we all still in love with that Susan Pevenasie dress from the end second Chronicles of Narnia movie? Please tell me! I love seeing everyone's thoughts in this fandom🥰
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
So usually in UK LI, there's a challenge along the lines of the mean tweets one, but with news headlines (they do both in most seasons). Any season, any point in time, doesn't have to be focused on a particular character or MC, just generalised based on the events of the season + the drama afterwards.
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Read It & Tweet
S5 | 3900+ words | @i-boop-you
A mash up of Mean Tweets and the Headlines challenge. Season Five is in full swing, and it's about to be in sull swill, too. As the Islanders play their newest challenge, drinks go flying, and after everything she's been though, Saira isn't going to let this opportunity go without some justice.
Thank you to Kellee, Iris, Audrey, Natalie, and Suzi for letting me use their usernames in this fic! And to Chrys for giving it a look over for me🥰
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How much more did Saira have to endure? Already everything was a shit show. Literally, a show of shit. At every turn, everything went wrong. From the moment her ex was revealed to be a fellow contestant, to her first pick partner being chosen, to the backstabbing and bitches, and above all, after the weeks Saira had spent in the Villa, she didn’t feel like there was a single person she could truly call her friend.
At every fucking turn, it was like they were all looking to screw her over. Her fellow Islanders were always so hot and cold, though that ratio was growing considerably more arctic as time went on. Week after week she had to endure steaming piles of shit heaped at her feet only to be told that she should be thankful she was getting anything at all. Madness didn’t begin to cover it.
But endure it she did. There had to be a light at the end of this tunnel. There just had to be. So far, the only miniscule, microscopic pleasure she’d had was seeing Eddie get dumped after Casa. Fuckity bye, bitch.
A text came through a few days later about a challenge.
“Islanders,” Suresh read out, lounging like the gift from God he really thought he was, “get ready for today’s challenge ‘Read It & Tweet’. Time to find out who’s breaking news and who’s just a snooze. Hashtag, hitting the headlines, hashtag, fake news.”
Whoops of excitement for something new to do gave way to nervous, mumbling laughter. Saira couldn’t help but get her hopes up that karma was gonna rain truth down on the others like a hail of rock.
When the news came through, Saira had been sunbathing with the original duo, Shady Comments and Back-Handed Compliments, otherwise known as Dana and Kat, and her fire-fuelled gaze lit up on them like they were made of coal.
“I already know half of these are gonna be about me,” Kat said with prideful confidence, raising to her feet, her fingers at her collar bone regally.
“You’re not worried they’re gonna say something bad?” Dana asked.
“No press is bad press,” she went on as the trio filed into formation with the other Islanders. “All I’ve done is be one hundred percent me. It’s not my fault if people don’t have taste.”
“I like that attitude,” Saira said, “and I’ve got a feeling more than one person will fair better for thinking like that.”
“Babe,” Dana said, “imagine all the secrets that are gonna come out from this?”
With a shrug, Saira kept her lips zipped. Surprises were in store, and karma was checking them out.
As is the way, everyone had to find their partner to film the run out of the Villa, so Saira had Nicolas’ hand as they exited. She held it the entire way to the challenge area, pretending her hands weren’t clammy and sweaty. Nicolas held onto her, but already all those sweet moments in Casa Amor seemed so far away, a distance between them growing that she couldn’t explain.
Lights, Camera, Action. It was challenge time.
For this one, they were split up into two groups, with one of each couple in each team. Saira was in the red team with Alfie, Suresh, Arlo, and Gabi. A particularly cruel combo of teammates that only served to further the narrative of victimhood. Whoever was pulling the strings sure wanted to keep her in discomfort at every turn.
Hosting duties fell to Kat and Finn; the Island's answer to Phil and Holly.
“All right, Islanders, are we ready?” Kat hollered out, putting on her hostess voice, clearly taking this duty seriously. “The aim of the game today is to score as many points as you can for your team. How the game works is, Finn and I will read out a headline or a tweet. Who the caption is about has been blanked out, and you have to guess which Islander you think is missing.”
“Now, before you all start chucking out names,” Finn said, grinning broader than the Cheshire Cat, “first, you’re gonna chuck some drinks. That’s right! When it’s your turn to guess, you come over to the bar and collect one of these brightly coloured cocktails, and you throw it in the face of whoever you think the caption is about! This is sure to make things far more Finn-teresting.”
This perked Saira up after the blow of her teammates reveal. She’d savour each and every throw of the drinks, even if she wasn’t the one chucking it in someone’s face. 
“First up, Alfie, mate,” Finn went on, throwing one arm out to welcome Alfie up to the stage.
Alfie jogged up with a grin on his face, standing between the large podium Kat and Finn were behind and the bar with the vast array of different cocktail glasses, each glass as broad in shape as they were in colour.
“You ready?” Kat asked.
Alfie stood, swinging his arms back and forth, clapping when they landed in front of him. He cracked his neck from side to side. “Ready, geezer. Let's do this.”
Kat held up a speech bubble shaped piece of plastic twice the size of her head. It looked heavy, and was bulky enough to be a bit difficult to manoeuvre holding it up so everyone could see, and actually managing to read it at the same time.
Ever the soldier, Kat overcame her struggle, reading, “From user ChronicComicObsession ‘Blank gonna be pied the minute her back is turned now they’re back from Casa Amor’.”
The low ‘ooft’ from the Islanders was mirrored in Alfie’s face. He screwed his lips into a tight ‘oh’ as he scanned the other’s, his brows furrowed. They lingered heavily on Suresh for longer than anyone else, flickering back up at Saira sat next to him like he was connecting the dots.
Biting his lip, Alfie grabbed one of the martini glasses and headed to the other team. On his way over, Lulu frowned, whipping her fingers to latch onto her nose as those around her dived out the way. “Sorry, Love,” Alfie said with a small, apologetic tilt of his head. He waited until her eyes were sealed shut before chucking the liquid in her face.
Ripples of shocked laughter rang through everyone besides Lulu, who wiped the blue water from her eyes with particular vigour, and Suresh, whose jaw was set tight. The way he refused to look around at Saira made her think he was avoiding her gaze on purpose.
Alfie jogged back to his spot for the reveal. A gleeful Kat held the board up like she was showing off the Queen Jewels while Finn revealed how spot on Alfie’s guess was.
“So, let’s see.” He wiped back the bright pink tape, reading out, “Dana gonna be pied the minute her back is turned now that they’re back from Casa Amor.”
If the ‘oohs’ had been anything when Alfie picked Lulu, they were double that now, as Dana sat there on the opposite bench left to pick up her jaw off the now sticky floor.
Gabi shook her head. She shouted over at Dana. “Guess we’ll just have to prove them wrong, babe.”
“Meera, babe, you’re up next,” Kat said, still sniggering away.
Meera waltzed her beautiful self up in place of Alfie, who came back to his team's bench with his hands still covering his mouth like he couldn’t believe he’d thrown a drink in an innocent girl's face, only to be wrong. He muttered out a quiet, “Savage.”
“It’s a Headline this time,” Finn said, holding up one of the plastic planks now. This one was a horizontally slanted rectangle. “Love Island’s Eddie reveals the shocking truth about Blank’s secret game plan.”
Less elated, the ‘ohh’s this time around were filled with suspicion and ire, shifty eyes on more than one person snaking the others. Meera wasted little time. Throwing her hair over her shoulder, she picked a pretty decently filled glass and marched over to the opposite team’s bench.
Saira sunk into her shoulders as the padding of Meera’s feet on the decking got closer. She got a flash of shocked looks off the other islanders before Meera stopped before her. Already Arlo was diving out of the splash zone, but on Saira’s other side, Suresh didn’t flinch.
“You’ve got to be joking, right?” He scoffed.
Sounding pretty hard done by, Meera said, “I have to pick someone.”
“Literally pick anyone else, then.”
“Fine,” she replied, and without any further warning, she swilled the glass in Suresh’s face.
Arlo screeched with mirth, kicking her feet repeatedly against the decking, a reaction not that far off of everyone else. Suresh hitched his jaw as he wiped his eyes of any excess liquid, his neck a darker shade than before. Saira could feel the steam rising off of him.
Again, he was refusing to look her way, so she wasn’t sure how to go about moving on. He was clearly pissed, but he had just defended her. Tentatively, she placed her hand on his arm, and she said, “Thank you.”
He whipped his head to her.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she added.
In an instant, she felt him soften; the tension dissipated, replacing within Saira a new nervousness. She quickly focused on the stage, where Kat was about to reveal the culmination of Eddie’s scheming.
“Love Island’s Eddie reveals the shocking truth of Nicolas’ secret game plan.”
Heads swivelled over to see his reaction. He was shaking his head profusely, and Saira half expected to hear him spluttering as he launched out a, “That’s bullshit!”
“Hey, if Eddie said it, it's got to be true,” Kat commented, rolling her eyes. Already she had the next tweet in her hands. She cleared her throat. “Anyway, I’m bored of that drama. I want the next! Here is a tweet from bubblelaureno: ‘Never seen anyone as bored with their partner as Blank.’”
“Yikes,” Finn said. “Cardinal sin, being boring. Speaking of boring bastards, Suresh, get up here. This one’s for you.” Finn finished with a wink and a finger gun at Suresh.
Thunder was crackling over Suresh again as he stormed on up to the stage, glaring at Finn like he hoped he’d be struck down by lightning there and then. Without stopping, the cheers and encouragement from the red team at his heels, Suresh strode right up to the bar, effortlessly picked up a fish bowl, and had it upturned over Finn’s head in a flash.
Finn hadn’t flinched, and was grinning broadly as he pulled back the curtain of his sopping wet hair. He threw his hands up in celebration. “That wasn’t so bad,” he said cheerfully, lapping up the applause of the others for being a good sport about it.
The sole person among them who took issue with this was Kat, who stood back with a face like thunder. The look she was firing at Finn was like she was trying to burn a hole into the back of his head.
“Wonder if you’d be as cocky if this was about me being bored with you,” she shot at him.
He turned with a start, like he was just realising who his partner was, and exactly the sort of attitude they’d have over this drama. “Ah, come on, Kat, it’s the opinion of one person. You can’t let it get you down. Besides, I've got to be the least boring person to come onto this show.”
This did nothing to quell Kat. She huffed heavily before ripping the pink tape off, not giving Finn a chance. Her eyes doubled as Finn’s name was revealed, before drawing into thin slits.
If Saira was Finn, she’d be a little bit terrified, but Finn just barked out a laugh, and played it off like a joke. Saira sat with her fingers over her mouth, her legs crossed tight, as she swayed nervously on the spot. How long would it take for this game to reveal what Finn had confessed to her the other night?
He had feelings for Saira, not Kat. This whole thing was just ramping up to get messier and messier.
“First point of the game goes to the red team!” Finn announced, “Lulu, get your lovely self up here. This next one's for you. Another headline, this one reads: ‘Love Lie-land: Viewers claim Blank is faking relationship.’”
Lulu bit her lip, looking genuinely torn over this. For the first time in the game, it took shouts and encouragement from her team before a decision was made, and it had more than a few eyebrows raised as Meera, Nicolas, Pete, and Dana all offered up the other Islander’s name into the ring.
In the end, Lulu chose a margarita glass and ended up before her own partner. “I’m sorry, babe. I’m not doing this with any hard feelings.”
Suresh gave an incredibly forced smile. It pulled thin over his features, more a grimace than a good time. “I’ve told you how I feel,” he said pointedly.
“And I’m still standing here.”
Not for long. She waited until he closed his eyes, and was already marching guiltily back to the stage as Suresh wiped his face with a hefty sigh. The sniggering from the others only stopped once the tape was pulled back, revealing Meera.
Her jaw dropped, and Saira had to admit that it felt good to see the haughtiness she’d returned with taken down a peg. Vindication and all that.
“Alfie, mate, how are you feeling?” Finn called out across the challenge area.
Saira watched him carefully, taking in the shake of his head as he assured them all, “It’s all good, mate. I know what we’ve got, and I know Meera better than any fools watching.”
Hope that feeling lasts, Saira thought, her gaze still laying into him. His smile dropped the moment the heat of the spotlight did, affirming Saira’s suspicions that he didn’t believe what he said. Game face, on.
Like that, it was Saira’s turn. She begged and pleaded and would have fallen on her knees for a juicy tweet. She needed it.
“‘Saira,” Kat read out, eyes twinkling her way, “needs to get her act together and stop giving Blank the time of day because it’s always bitch o’clock for him’. God, I could have written this one, but it’s from user Nqueso-emergency.”
This brought a lot of grinning, some tittering, and all eyes on Saira. She bit her lip, realising there was more than one person who’d qualify here. Her team was a point ahead. Not a great lead, but at the end of the day, what did she care for more? What would the win for the team get them compared to her own self-satisfaction in throwing a drink in the face of someone who really deserved it?
And who was it that deserved it the most? Alfie had left her out to dry, always playing hot and cold, acting like it was much harder having Suresh in the Villa for him as opposed to it being harder for Saira, but how did that compare to Suresh? He’d cheated. He’d lied. He’d schemed his way back into her life. He made sure he was present so she couldn’t move on even if she wanted to. He’d hurt and betrayed her and left her out to dry more times than she could count.
But it was Suresh. There was a reason he was still there, and a reason Saira was, too. A reason neither of them had left. Maybe Alfie had been more right than Saira had realised.
With a hearty sigh, Saira headed to the bar. She pulled a little cocktail umbrella from a blue lagoon and tucked it over her ear before selecting a fishbowl.
Finn clapped eagerly as Kat and the other girls cackled, all eyes on her as she headed to the end of her own team’s bench where Suresh and Alfie were lumped together, eyes on her warily, trying to size up who she was going to pick. Some things never change.
Saira had to be careful about this. She had to angle it just right.
She launched, covering not one guy, but two. She managed to drench the both of them, leaving them both spluttering out the cold water. Oh yeah, that felt good.
Saira stepped back, her tongue sitting just against her top lip, like all she wanted was to lick up this delicious moment, but was trying her best to hold back.
Amongst all the laughter and the hooting, Nicolas managed to ask, “Yeah, but who did you pick?”
“Oh, I picked Suresh,” Saira said, doing her best to keep her shit-eating grin at bay. “Was that not clear?”
“It’s been clear since the start,” Alfie said bitterly, but when she spun to throw him a look, his eyes were on the ground, a hard look on his face, like he was trying to hide his real feelings as well. She saw right through it, seeing that it was the truth in his eyes, and it was a truth that was hurting him.
Well, he hurt her first, and they were far from even.
“Come on, lads, be a good sport, there you go,” Finn grinned. He ripped back the tape over the tweet, and it was Suresh’s named, and Suresh who shook his head ashamed.
“I’m doing my best,” he said once Saira sat back down next to him. Nicolas made his way up to the stage in her wake. “This isn’t an easy situation for me to navigate either.”
“But you signed up for it,” she fired back. “I never did.”
“Headlines time again, so, Nick Nickety Nicolas,” Finn went on with his usual boisterous presence, “‘Love Island viewers in a furor over two-face Blank talking Alfie into recoupling, only to graft Saira the minute he got back into the Villa.”
Eyes: wide. Jaws: on the floor.
The game was up immediately, as a stunned Alfie shot Finn a look like he had no idea who his friend was anymore. Kat cottoned on to that look, her own stunned and seething glare digging into a rapidly deteriorating Finn. He was getting a sweat on, his usually white self glowing as red as his hair.
“Oh, whoa,” Nicolas said, and after flickering between Alfie and Finn and the obvious tension there, he stared straight at Saira. “Were you ever planning on telling me?”
Sorry, what? Saira couldn’t believe it. Someone else was unfaithful, but she was the one in the hot seat. No, no, of course! She should have expected this! How else was this going to play out? Finn the notorious skirt chaser grafts after growing bored with someone he claims is clingy, and naturally it’s Saira’s fault.
“I’d like to think that telling me would be higher on the priority list than telling some guy you just met, Sai,” Kat dug, looking pretty hurt, something Saira could admit was marginally more justifiable.
“Before we start pointing fingers, how about we wait until the judge has ruled?” Suresh said coolly. “Go throw your drink at the actual person you should be pissed at, Nicolas.”
Something was swelling within Saira and she didn’t like it. She had to concentrate to pull her eyes off the back of Suresh’s head as Nicolas launched his drink in Finn’s face. This time around, Finn was much more resigned to his fate, taking it less like a champ, and more like someone who wanted to clear their conscience.
“I think Alfie should have been allowed to chuck that one,” Arlo said.
“Really?” Kat snipped. “I think that’s an honour that should be mine.”
Finn kept his head low, turned away as Kat ripped the tape off so hard he almost dropped the plastic board. As his name was revealed, Kat growled. Saira thought she might hit him, but she stomped around him, storming off the set.
Finn’s wide eyes followed her as Dana, Meera, and the other girls called after her. Kat didn’t get far. She grabbed a cocktail. The first one within reach. She fired it at Finn from where she stood, barely spilling a drop as fury screwed up her expression.
“Thanks for telling me, Saira!” She shot out as she blazed back behind the podium, keeping a wide berth between herself and Finn.
“Ah, Kat, darling, don’t blame Saira,” he said. “She was waiting for me to tell you herself.”
“And what were you gonna tell her, mate?” Alfie called out.
Finn’s shoulders sagged the moment he looked at Alfie. “Alfie, mate, it wasn’t anything personal. I didn’t give you the advice to split you up and swoop in. It just happened. Do you really think I’ve got a conniving bone in my body?”
“If you’d have asked me that when I woke up…”
Up next, Arlo got a tweet from user thesepromises that kept the temperature in the red zone for Kat and Finn (‘How clingy is Blank? The more she’s on Blank the more I’m screaming at him to abort! ABORT ABORT!). After guessing right and chucking a drink at Kat and a bonus at Finn, Pete walked up to take his turn.
Much to his chagrin, the headline was about him and Arlo, reading out fully: ‘Love Island viewers claim Pete is settling for Arlo to get into the Villa’. His guesses being Dana and Gabi earned the blue’s no points and some crusty looks from the girls for his efforts.
Last for the red team, Gabi was up. Finn read out, “From user PearlBracelet: ‘At this point Blank should just couple up with the narrator and keep the 50k to herself at the end’.”
To Saira’s surprise, when the swilling came, this pretty positive one ended up in her face. Gabi winked at her as she went back to the stage, something that left Saira as fuming as she was smug.
Not as smug as she was when Gabi was revealed to be right. Saira had never considered her options outwith the Islanders, but she found herself thinking that maybe she should give the illusive narrator a go. Only if he was over his crush on Youcef first, though. She didn’t want to compete with a French model after everything else she’d been through.
Last, and a case could be made for least, Dana came up for the last tweet of the game.
“‘Blank you’re too good for that whole villa’.” Kat read out, throwing her hair over her shoulder. “From BakerBoi95 - holy shit, that’s Bobby McKenzie!”
If the tweet itself wasn’t juicy enough, that it came from the most popular Islader ever to be on the show certainly sweetened the deal.
The last Islander to get anything thrown in their face was Saira, once again. Though out of every single swill she could have got, this was the one she didn’t mind in the least. The madness she was enduring wasn’t normal, and she had everyone who was sitting at home watching this going on in her corner.
When her name was revealed one last and final time, the vindication that swept through her felt like rain on her skin after a heatwave; justice like she had never known. The others could swing whatever shit they had at her all day long, but this quiet and small reassurance that she wasn’t doing anything wrong was everything she needed.
The red team won, but it was Saira who came out truly victorious.
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Note: there is a sequel in works, but no word on when it will be out.
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imagineitdearies · 1 month
Hi! I recently came across this poem from Natalie Wee and damn if it isn't early Tystar:
Reasons not to kiss him:
1. you weren't raised to love tender.
2. when he's around all you do is tremble. when he's around you want to get on your knees. look how much power he has over you. it's dangerous.
3. he's too good at forgiving and you're too good at violence.
4. you know what they say about monsters. you know what happens to the boys who love them. are you going to do that to him?
5. your hands don't know how to be gentle. think about the last beautiful thing that shattered in your palms. the fresh rosebuds crumbling between your fingers like a bruise. you wolf-boy, you war machine. you wouldn't know how to hold something magic and not destroy it.
6. if you hurt him it might kill you
7. if you hurt him you might kill yourself.
8. you are very bad at rehabilitation. this is one addiction you'd fail to give up. he's going to ruin you for all other kisses and all other boys and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to forget his name.
9. you still aren't sure he isn't a dream.
10. if you kiss him, you might wake up.
Reasons to kiss him:
1. because he's beautiful.
2. because he asked.
3. because he preceded please with, i'm not afraid of you.
(Even down to the wolf! I find it so beautiful so in any case, I wanted to share it)
Hi hello, how've you been? 🥰
Okay but DAMN. OUCH. You hurt me so hard with this ask and pointing out the similarity, thanks 😭🙏
This is exactly Astarion's brain right up until they kiss the second time. Poor man was going through it.
I just started making a list of my favorite lines but realized it was basically every line 🤣 So yeah, wow. Every time I've re-read this it blows my mind all over again. Thank you so much!!!
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the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATALIE!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I hope you have a wonderful day and all your birthday wishes come true.
Second, I’m so excited for your Fluffmas! It sounds like so much fun. 😊
As for a holiday drabble, I found a prompt that I’m thinking could go really well with Le Grande Homme and Coquinette from your Poison Paradise AU—“This is the best gift you could’ve given me.”
I hope it inspires something, but even if not, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and holiday season! 💜
Thank you so much, love!!!! Birthday was amazing and the wishes are coming true all over the place 🥰
And these two, ugh. I’m gonna try not to make this too filthy.
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“Lloyd, it’s so beautiful!” You squealed when you held up the thin silk gown, running the fabric through your fingers and admiring the color while Lloyd pulled you closer and kissed your neck. “Where am I even going to wear all of these presents?”
“Wherever the fuck I want you to, amour.” Lloyd purred when you wiggled in his lap, his hands gripping your soft thighs and sliding your nightie up your hips while gazed at you. “Love dressing you up and showing you off too much, can’t believe how much I spoil you.”
“But you love to spoil me.” You scooped up the soft ocelot kitten he had gotten you and kissed her right on the top of her head, giggling at her mew while you scratched under her chin and batting your eyelashes at Lloyd while he kept stroking your skin gently. “And I love spoiling you too, Daddy.”
“Don’t you start that shit, coquinette, I’ll fuck you in front of the cat.” Lloyd barked playfully before leaning forward and biting your jaw, grinning against your cheek and sliding his hands up to tease under the straps of your nightie when you dropped the kitten with a gasp. “You still have so many presents to open, mon chaton.”
“Yes, Daddy.” You whined when you felt his tongue drag along your throat, burying your hands in his hair and rubbing your cheek against his temple while you struggled not to lose yourself. “But I have a present for you first.”
“Do you? What a sweet girl.” Lloyd kissed your cheek and stilled his movements when you reached for a thin box, taking it from you when you handed it to him. “You really do spoil your Daddy. What did you get me, ma nénette?”
“You have to open it.” You toyed with the collar of his shirt and smiled warmly at him when he started unwrapping your gift.
“Baby girl.” Lloyd breathed deeply when he opened the box and set his eyes on the simple dagger, running his fingers over the worn carvings in the wood handle and picking it up so he could test the balance, which was just as perfect as he remembered. “Where did you find this?”
“Some stuffy old asshole’s study, in a goddamn glass case.” You shook your head before gasping when he gave you an intense gaze that made your cunt throb. “Didn’t even know what he had.”
“You beautiful, perfect little magpie.” Lloyd grabbed the back of your neck with his free hand and smashed his lips to yours, twirling the blade through his fingers lazily when he pulled back and grinned at you. “This is the best gift you could’ve given me. My first knife. Think I’m gonna fuck you with the grip later.”
ᥴ᥆mᥱ ȷ᥆іᥒ mᥡ 𝖿ᥣᥙ𝖿𝖿mᥲs ᥴᥱᥣᥱᑲrᥲ𝗍і᥆ᥒ!
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
I’m with the anon about J’s mom getting close but honestly all of them getting close with R 🥰 J’s sisters texting R to get her ass over to J’s hotel room cause she’s getting moody from being away from R too long or J’s dad sharing some of his snacks as R and him watch the rest of her family help her try on outfits for premieres
- R calling Mama O for advice when she fucks up.
“Should i get her the roses or the sunflowers, mom? Uh- I mean Natalie.”
- R and J having to get ready in different rooms and J’s sisters just texting R pictures of J’s outfit/ if she’s freaking or in a mood will call u to solve it.
- J’s Dad and R watching the game together/bonding over cop shows/R being interested in his stories a cop to the point where J is asking for ur attention.
- Always makes sure to take a ton of photos of you two before premieres or events!!
- R basically gets adopted lol.
(the whole family is shambles if they ever break up/are fighting)
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