#nate is a stalker lmao
likeafairytale · 5 months
"Hello there. You seem a bit... lost?" - Nathaniel to Achilles who just stepped foot into the gardens
Achilles turned around as soon as he heard the voice, jumping a little, for he didn't expect to be approached so quickly as soon as he stepped foot outside the castle. Looking at the young man in front of him, he couldn't help but smile, thinking of what happened last night. Never he thought he'd be in the middle of two Princes fighting for some obscure reason, –little did he know it was because of him, and not completely for the honour of one's sister– and witness one of them pushing the other into a gigantic cake, and yet, that's exactly what happened. The scene was funny, especially after that Nathaniel, the Prince in front of him right now, swore he wasn't crazy and asked him to stay longer. Achilles did not know why it matters to him, but he was intrigued by the Prince of the seas.
Shaking his head to come back to earth, the young bard seemed to remember only now that he was in front of royalty, for he took off his hat and bow in front of him, at least he tried.
❛Greetings, your Highness.❜
❛What are you doing?❜ Nathaniel asked with amusement, which puzzled Achilles.
❛I... Well, you're a Prince, and I was told to always greet royalty that way.❜
❛You're adorable. But please, stop.❜
Achilles couldn't hide the fact that he was blushing now. He thought he offended the prince, but a quick look at Nathaniel show him that he was more amused than hurt, which help him relax. Putting his hat on, the demigod stayed where he was, his eyes locked on the Blackwater. It was strange, he felt as if he already knew him. As if he already met him before, but no matter how hard Achilles tried to remember, he couldn't. But he also couldn't get rid of this feeling of familiarity. He felt it last night, the moment Nathaniel came to him, he felt as if it wasn't the first time they saw each other, but once again his memory was lacking.
He noticed the smile on Nathaniel's face, a sweet one, and that smile was enough to make him blush again, and looked around, a bit puzzled by what was happening right now. No words were exchanged for a while, but it was as if they didn't need any to communicate. Finally, Nathaniel seemed to realize that, once again, he might look like a crazy person, which is why he clear his throat and started walking, signing to Achilles to follow him, which he did.
❛So... Are you lost?❜ He repeated, and Achilles nodded.
❛This place is a bloody maze.❜
❛They did it on purpose. So human cannot leave so easily.❜
❛Hm, I see.❜ Achilles only reply, and he felt quite sad at this idea. Looking around at the servant, he couldn't help but ask himself if they were all humans or not.
❛Was it fun with Prince Aeron, yesterday?...❜ Nathaniel finally asked, a bit nervous, bringing Achilles' attention to him. ❛I would have loved to be there, but my brother needed me...❜
❛Oh, I don't know. I spent the evening with the little Princess. Lyra, I think? I'm sorry if I mistake, there are a lot of princes and princesses here.❜
❛With Lyra? That's... surprising to hear.❜
❛Why so? The Princess was amazed by my tricks, see, I am also an illusionist, and seeing a rabbit out of my hat was enough for her to ask me to stay with her until she fell asleep. Didn't take long.❜
❛Oh, yes, I forget about magic.❜ Nathaniel whispered to himself, but Achilles heard it, which made him frowned. ❛Sorry, I was talking to myself.❜
❛You know, your Highness, you're not really helping your case.❜
❛What do you mean?❜
❛First, you push Prince Aeron into a cake, second you ambushed me as soon as I arrived in the garden, and now, you're talking to yourself. And yet, you swore you aren't crazy.❜
Nathaniel stopped walking, and Achilles did the same. He was amused by the prince's expression, the latter was blushing hard, eyes wild opened, and he was trying to talk, but nothing went out. The magician laughed to that reaction, and he soon was followed but a little laugh by the Blackwater, who scratched his neck out of embarrassment.
❛You're right, I'm not helping my case... I'm just... nervous.❜
❛Because of you.❜ He said, and once again, Achilles blushed. He was taken aback by such honesty, which made him looked down, because he couldn't dare looking at Nathaniel's hypnotic blue eyes. The Blackwater, as for him, seemed quite proud of his comeback and smile wildly. He felt bolder now.
❛I like y-❜
❛My eyes? Thank you.❜ Achilles cut short, and that startled Nathaniel. For some reason, the young man was sure they already had this conversation, this feeling of familiarity didn't want to leave him, but once again, he couldn't recall.
❛How do you know?❜
❛I heard that a lot. It's quite rare. It's call s-❜
❛Sectoral heterochromia.❜ Nathaniel recalled from a previous conversation he had with Achilles, in his past life, and he was once again proud of him for he impressed the young man.
❛You have pretty eyes too, your Highness.❜
❛Please call me just Nathaniel. Or Nate.❜
❛I'll try my best to respect that wish.❜ Achilles said, bowing one more time, and this time he felt quite stupid doing so. He shook his head, which amused Nathaniel.
❛Are you staying in the castle?❜
❛In fact, yes, I am. Princess Lyra ordered me to stay, Princess Calypso asked me to teach her some of my songs, and you asked me to stay yesterday. I cannot go against three royalties, I'm scared to be hanged.❜ He laughed, but that did not make Nathaniel laugh in return, quite the opposite, he now seemed gloomy. Achilles noticed it easily, and was ready to ask if he offended him with a high-pitched voice called him:
❛Achilles! Achilles!❜ Princess Lyra called while running his way.
❛I'm sorry, but duty calls me.❜ He said, looking at Nathaniel who now seemed sad. ❛I hope to see you soon. You... Intrigued me, Prince Nathaniel. Maybe you'll be able to help me with a trick I might do tonight before dinner?❜
❛I'd like too.❜ Nathaniel said, trying to smile, which he failed for the thought of Achilles dying was painful, but also inevitable.
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mastersoftheair · 3 months
You're doing the Lord's work posting all of these pics from the boys instas, etc bc I do not have an Instagram or whatever and I would never see these things otherwise! Thank you!
you're welcome!!!! also, i am Not a social media person At All (i'm a tumblrina through and through). the only reason i have an instagram, really, is to message friends/family who almost exclusively message people through instagram for some reason lol
+ (overly-detailed) storytime about instagram research under the cut (since i'm using your ask to take a trip down memory lane...)
back in 2021, with tremendous help from @carninator-blog (who was equally as interested in the "MotA Cast Investigation"), i managed to cobble together a growing list of cast and crew members (sometimes, i was faster than imdb lol). instagram was the Key tho, like it was INVALUABLE! if you found one person, they might post a story that shows Another person with them and, if you recognized That person, then you could find Their profile (if they had one). and so on and so forth.
dramatic reenactment of this:
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anyway, it's a lot easier to do the instagram stuff now (can you believe i mainly use it for "research"). i browse the search term "mastersoftheair" and have retired the rest: "mota" (too much weed lmao), "masteroftheair" (an easy typo, but no one makes that mistake anymore), and "whirlwind" (production name which yielded 1 result out of like. 50 or more). i even had to download an old version of the instagram app bc they just HAD to get rid of the "recent" tab which is crazy inconvenient! that's where all the timely information is!!
another thing. a few guys straight up Do Not have an instagram profile (....like nate mann. it'd be hypocritical of me to not respect it but come onnnnnnn, nate mann!!) and, while some guys Do have a profile, they never post anything about MotA Ever (like fionn o'shea). further- some guys don't have a profile anymore, but they used to (like kai alexander). some guys have a private one (valid. also callum turner), some guys suddenly got Verified some time inbtwn the production and the premiere (the elliot(t)s), and some guys changed their user name (like josiah cross). every once in a long while, i have to go update my cast/crew instagram profile list on google docs with all the names and links and GODDDD i sound like a weirdass stalker now that i've put this all into words, but believe me when i say i'm very much not invested in any of the actors' personal lives!! i try to keep it as professional as i can (everything's sourced, like an archive). i'm only ever looking for the MotA stuff, Exclusively.
additionally, a lot of behind the scenes pics and videos would Only get posted in cast members' stories. if i missed that 24hr window, i'd never see it again (unless they decided to put them on their profile), so, i'd check their instagram profiles Every Day whenever i was free. on the bright side tho, a lot of them were Fantastic behind the scenes pics/videos and "watching" the production of this show from afar (through instagram, of all things) was a lot of fun in the midst of pandemic anxieties and boredom (go check my 'video' tag if you're ever in the mood for some on-set cast shenanigans!)
while i'm here tho, i've gotta say that while keeping up with the cast back then was fun the Vast majority of the time (if nothing else, it gave me something to do during the chaos of 2021/22), i had a sorta anxiety about it sometimes wrt the, idk, "sensitivity" of the content. it was very NDA This, NDA That. i figured, "well, if they already posted it in their stories, it's probably fine" until one of the cast members Literally made a whole tumblr account and very kindly asked if i could please remove a few of the pics i posted of him bc he technically wasn't allowed to post them in the first place, so having them Out There could get him in trouble! i was SOOOO embarrassed about it and i felt Awful about the possibility of him getting in trouble all thanks to some hyper-observant internet rando (thankfully, tumblr is famously lowkey. it'd be different if it was as popular as twitter lol). after that incident, i had this semi-anxiety about "should i post this pic or just That one? should i Not post this?? should i download/save them and post them after there's a big announcement of some kind??? where's the line?!! What Do Now???!!". it didn't help matters when, in the MotA behind the scenes facebook page, a bunch of really cool set pictures would sometimes get deleted within an hour bc Whoops! the poster actually wasn't allowed to share those (and, even if i'd already downloaded them before they got wiped, would i be able to post them, despite being under no such NDA myself? or would i get another mysterious DM?)
but that's all in the past, now! i'm pretty sure i've posted Every Single One of those behind the scenes pics/videos, provided i downloaded them in time. if not, sometimes the (finally active) MotA subreddit has my back lol.
further, looking for Any MotA content during from 2021 to 2023 came with acknowledging the eventual "droughts" (what i nicknamed them) where it'd be a good while before i saw anything new at all. bc of this, i have a legitimate soft spot for certain cast members who posted a lot of updates/pics/videos Wayyyy before we even got the first teaser (s/o to luke coughlan, louis greatorex, jordan coulson, josh bolt, and josiah cross for keeping hope alive)
tl;dr- it's no problem and i'm happy to do it!
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fluffypotatey · 6 months
Leverage Ep 13
SEASON 1 FINALE BABYYYYYYY no pregame thoughts!! only watch
Spoilers in the reactions (obviously):
OH MY GOD! i really thought i missed something or like an episode for a second bc of how this episode begins
jfc Leverage don’t scare me like that T^T
Jim Sterling >:((((((
Parker my beloved 😍
the build up has me so exited
lmao Nate doing the chair turn-around cliche • love him
he sounds very drunk tho 🥺 concerned 🫠
“I got out of sales.” “Oh, so what are you in now?” “Theft.” Love you Nate <3333
Hardinson 🥰
Nate should punch this Ian Blackpoole guy, as a treat
Punch him! Punch him! Punch him!
Oh? 👀 Parker and Sophie are both surprised to find each other 👀 was this heist actually heists plural??? 👀👀👀👀
And they just let Nate leave??? 😂😂😂 he told y’all, to your face, that he will rob you and you let him leave????
Eliot and Alec sitting in an elevator: K I S S I N G 😙😙😙😙😙
lmao did Alec buy a fucking mansion???
Noooooooo the crew is mad at each other 🥺🥺🥺🥺 stop that. it was an episode ago, sure, but still
Nate: “Why are you guys even here >:(“
Everybody: “they insulted us! and I have a reputation to uphold!”
Everybody and what they don’t say: “bc we care, okay!”
Alec wants to talk 🥺 but Parker is avoiding it (on purpose or oblivious…idk)
Nate can be so stuck up sometimes 🙄 love him tho
“You want…Eliot to…feel out my wife??” Words I didn’t think Nate would say
“Ex, Nate. Ex-wife” Sophie 😂😂😂
Sterling’s fucking reaction to the museum security 😂😂😂😄
NATE 😂😂😂
ELIOT 😂😂😂😂😂
Nate getting fucking ROASTED
Is he gonna tell her 👀
oh 🥺
Oh no we’re getting a flashback
ow 🤧
awwwwwww 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
omg they included her in the planning
“That is confidential” girlie, these are crooks
Parker I love you 🥰
Lmaooooooo poor Nate (doesn’t feel bad for him at all)
Ah fuck they know!!! Sterling could you stop being a stalker and let the heist continue in peace >:(
Oh that poor museum guy 😅 he’s having the worst day
“Everybody knows it’s a fungus” MAGGIE I LOVE YOU
Sophie wants to reconcile with Eliot 🥺 oh wait no, everyone, she doing this with everyone
Oh she’s trying 🥺 she’s bad at it tho. very bad
Fucking spike of stress at Sterling’s appearance 😭 why can’t he just not do his job >:(((
You’re fine, Maggie. I think. I hope. I don’t know
I wanna punch Blackpoole so bad
IS STERLING JUST PRETENDING TO BE BLIND (nope, he just didn’t see them, wow)
this poor museum guy 😂
we’re fine!!! we’re good!!!! (She is not fine)
Thank you public panic
oh this is so funny
Sterling you’re behind now!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA
did they plan for lockdown? 👀 THEY DID 🔥🔥🔥
Sterling, do not threaten Maggie 😡😡😡😡
“I’m the bait” YEEEEEE
Nate turning the lines on Ian 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
My Nate/Sophie is in conflict with Nate/Maggie
Only solution: Nate/Sophie/Maggie
They’re doing the circle thing
But it’s sad😭
Please don’t separate them!!!! NO SEPARATION
you know, it hurts more because Hardinson would look for her T^T he would always try and find her while Parker finds new ways to hide and blend in
Y’all listen to the tv score and turn around—
General thoughts:
Uh, so, what the fuck 🫠 I am so sorry to everyone who watched this show live that cliffhanger is just….so evil.
Actually so happy to see Maggie get included with the crew, and it was nice to see that things weren’t just thrown under the rug from the last episode. Like on one hand, I am sympathetic towards Sophie, but on the other, her con put the team in a lot of danger. Danger they did not agree to because their heists are never really on the safe side. So it was fun to see that “yeah, I don’t know if I can trust you like I could before.”
ESPECIALLY WITH ELIOT!!! He actually admitted that he was feeling at home with the team and getting comfortable and letting his walks down 🥺 so it makes so much sense that he’s not ready to forgive Sophie for breaking that (also, Eliot I swear, we need more episodes focused on you because WHO FUCKING ARE YOU??? Nothing is explained fully, you’re like a jack of all trades, the tank of the team, you have a very tough exterior and I just— I wanna knooooooooooow 😖)
Hardinson and Parker were so fucking cute 🥰 and I love how their relationship is building but also felt really worried because Hardinson really wants to talk to Parker about where they stand, but she’s being very avoidant about it T^T and then!!! she fucking says “Let’s see how hard you look,” WITH A FUCKING SMILE GIRLIE NO!!! DONT PLAY WITH MY HEART LIKE THAT 🫠
ough 🤧 how is this the end of the season……on to season 2 I guess
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yuki-boshi · 2 years
Kuro no Kiseki II Crimson Sin - Finale English Summary
Table of Contents:
Intermission 1
Chapter 1 Side A
Chapter 1 Side B
Chapter 2 Side A
Chapter 2 Side B
Intermission 2
Chapter 3 Part 1
Chapter 3 Part 2
Chapter 3 Part 3
The day starts with Agnes eating breakfast at the Montmart. Talking to her, she looks like she wants to tell Van something, but doesn't.
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The Art festival is about to begin and Agnes drops by to tell everyone. After talking with everyone, they head to the festival. If you remember from the NPC talk, there was talk of Kisara and Matilda at the bath house of Matilda wanting Kisara to apply to the art school. Well the logo aesthetic is actually done by Kisara.
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Van can choose between Elaine and Agnes to attend the festival with.
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You can find all sorts of characters here, the most notable is Kisara, Curtis, and Detective Nate who is now back with his girlfriend. He quickly shoots himself in the foot by calling Agnes or Elaine beautiful in front of her.
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You can find Eddy and Baselia. Eddy is just glad to have Baselia as a friend. And Baselia tells Van that Rumsfeld and her dad approve of Eddy. One sided love lmao. And that's the conclusion of this side npc's arc that I've been following for no real reason other than why not.
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In the Agnes connect event, she knows that the age gap between Van and her are eight years apart, but she feels that they're similar and thinks that one day she can confess to him.
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In the Renne connect event, Van takes out Renne on a "date" but is mostly just taking her out places, disappointing her as she wanted a real date. He tells her that he might be a scumbag, but she's still a higher schooler, and she says "unfortunate." Van reveals she has a present for her and finds that Pater-Mater was restored and recreated as a Hollow Core and thanks all her Liberl friends for making it possible.
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In Elaine's connect event, the group stop a stalker from ruining someone's marriage. Afterward, the married couple throw their bouquet of flowers and it lands in front of Elaine and Van.
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In Tyrell district at the cinema, Maxim asks Paulette if it's about time Yume knows that Maxim is actually her father and Paulette agrees, but wonders if it's the right thing for Yume to know.
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At Triton Mall Cinema, Maribel and Kasim can be found coming out of a movie. Judith wonders if the two are dating.
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In Old Town, a cat holding a key can be found and it will give Van access to a hidden hackable chest.
Side quest is in Auber to help host a sweets contest, you invite several people including Meishin from the sidequest in Langport, Dan from Centre Marche sidequest, and Victor.
The other sidequest, you talk to Makino and Shannon who ask for your help to fish a legendary fish.
Back to the mainstory, President Gramheart takes a visit to the school. The group decide to take Yume to get cake down the street. Finally at 4:30 the stageshow begins but Van doesn’t stay for its entirety and heads to Triton Mall and reachs the entrance of the tower, showing that he an e-mail waiting for C. He is stopped by Nina, who is actually an undercover agent of the Papal Church, is "leader" of the Iscarions, but not exactly since it doesn't have one, and possesses the ability to stop time and do dimensional hops using Shards, and has mystical eyes on par with Shizuna’s master.
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Her intent was to stop C, but lets Van handle it in her stead and returns to the stageshow.
Lapis appears in her Altera body, saying that Van’s name gets 57 points and the entire group are teleported to Van. Agnes, furious, tells Van to reflect on his actions.
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The group enter a portal which will lead them to the Crimson Demon, the man in the Black Coat, aka C. They arrive at a space that is multiple parallel dimensions overlapping. The dimension is called Multi-Dimensional Zone “Octradium” and is the reasoning why the Oct-Genesis have all stopped functioning. Since Van can no longer use Mare, Lapis offers to be his Hollow Core.
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The group find Harwood, Ixs, and Jolda who entered the space thanks to Lucrezia’s help. They fight the group and Harwood names Ixs and Jolda as Enforcer XX, and that Enforcer XIX was picked two years ago (Probably Cedric).
They reach the Man in the Coat, surrounded by the Seven Genesis Lights, confirming to the group that this is all the Eighth Genesis’s doing and that the reason the Genesis stopped working is because its concept was displaced and being used here. The group find that the man in the coat is somehow familiar.
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The man tells the group that his existence remains as a fluctuation of unconfirmed until it’s properly observed. Van puts together the evidence of the prior e-mails of C being the man, and that the Eighth Genesis was able to recreate people conceptually with Zin and Kilika. The name “C” is the existence between B and D, but reversed, is D & B. Therefore his identity is Dingo Brad.
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The Eighth Genesis was connected to the orbal network observing, and when Dingo had died, his last regrets were to Van and Marielle, and he had used his camera which was connected to the network. He had died, but he was sucked into the core of the Eighth Genesis becoming the man with no identity. Lapis commends the processing power of the Eighth Genesis as Elysium could do something similar, but it would take around 10 seconds. The Eighth Genesis was able to do it in two seconds. After being sucked into the Genesis, it fell in the hand of the Garden Master and he was forced to be his puppet.
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Van wishes to settle things with Dingo, calling him Grendel-Zolga. He transforms into Grendel-Zolga SIN Grendel-Zolga reveals that those countless that humanity is weak, and that they are easily to cross over the line when given a possible condition. He says Almata knew this and that’s why they did the things they did, including to him, but he is also aware that not all people are like this, but are easily swayed to cross this threshold. The Eighth Genesis was created to observe humanity’s sin. Dingo says that the observation isn’t complete and that the group was called forth in order to bring everything to its conclusion.
Dingo explains the time leap ability was caused by the Eighth Genesis after observing unwanted observations. And if he defeats them and consumes them, then the present-day will turn into a bad ending where all the possibilities from the three-day loops will occur, calling it the “Final Observation”.
The group fights and pushes him to revert to Grendel-Zolga. Dingo makes use of the Time Leap, reverting Van back to the beginning of the game when he first ran into Grendel-Zolga. After overcoming him, he recreates Tycoon and Aida from Kuro 1. After pushing them back, they fight Melchior who has been Demonized, and Gerard from Kuro 1. Afterward, they fight Grendel-Zolga in the present and defeat him. The powers of all the Genesis return back and Dingo starts to fade away.
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He thanks the Spriggans and Van asks him if he has anything he would like to relay to Marielle. However, Marielle appears through a portal thanks to Lapis and Rufus, who shows himself via Facetime to the group. Elaine recognizes him as someone who should be dead.
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Marielle reunites with Dingo, and Dingo tells Agnes that this timeline is an exception and not the “Final timeline”, but an irregular one.  Agnes realizes what the notes about collecting the Eight Genesis or else it’s all over means. Dingo says everything will be fine, it’s the group and fades away.
Van says his goodbyes to Dingo.
They return to Triton Mall and rush back to school during the last part of the play. Agnes and the others are able to join the last part of the play. Judith makes a surprise appearance on stage with Mishy, Rixia, and Fie.
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At the basketball court after the stageshow, Van asks how greedy can Agnes get to call in Rixia and Fie to come back to Calvard for their high school play, but Agnes says it’s Renne’s idea and everyone else on the council agreed.
Van hears that Albert is going to be running for Student Council President next term and thinks it’s a good way for Agnes to stop coming to work actually, but she says she can’t because it’s not over and wonders why her grandfather created a device to observe humanity’s sins and there has to be a hidden meaning beyond that.
Agnes steps forward, saying that Dingo might have been right that people are frail, but that they need to step forward and even if it’s a mistake, it’s proof that they’re all humans. Everyone Van’s met has overcome their struggles and past to reach “now” and she wants to be able to do continue doing the same.
Agnes says she has no chance of winning, but that one day she can share this same feeling with the person she cares about most (She means she can’t compete with Elaine for Van’s love.)
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Yume asks to dance with Agnes, and then after with Van. Shizuna asks to dance with Van next, and then Renne asks for a dance after too. Nadia jokes that Van is too popular with the girls.
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Swin thinks Van is being bullied by so many girls, and Fie tells Elaine that she has a lot of opponents coming her way.
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The game ends with Van running towards everyone.
The End!
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In the free-DLC update which is accessed through NG+:
The group are at the Marchen Garten, still surprised it’s still hacked. Elaine is uncertain about the cause. Agnes says that it should’ve all stopped because it was the Garden Master and the Eighth Genesis’s fault.
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Mirabel comes through as a projection to the party, testing the mic if it’s working, and saying that new areas have been unlocked and she’s analyzing the Garden with Lapis. Nadia is surprised and Lapis tells her it’s because it seemed intriguing to her, and Mirabel bribed her with sweets. She explains that she learned two things, one is that outside hacking influences are no longer affecting the Marchen Garten, and that there’s some kind of unknown information structure in the virtual world. Mirabel explains that it’s the direct cause for affecting MK’s system and Renne thinks it must be Auguste’s backup plan by planting this.
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Van and the group decide to start investigating and are surprised that they have two additional guests joining them, Zin and Fie. Fie had just come back to the Republic and made it in time. Zin says he’s arrived to make up for the fact of orchestrating the coup during Act 3, indicating he remembers the events now.
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At the end of Floor 16, they discover the origin point of the hacking. They find a space, or a gap between the Floors. According to Lapis, these coordinates are unmistakably the origin point. A voice enters all their heads, saying “Van Arkride, The False Demon King”, and the antitheses of the Final Boss from the first game during the events of the Pandemonium appears.
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A being that is its opposite. It calls Van again the false king and that it is the real one, the “Faceless White Demon King Metatross-Zion”. Van says that it can complain all it wants about him being the fabrication all he wants after it goes down and the group fights it.
After it’s defeated, it loses its color and darkens, and Rion says it’s incorrect for it to be considered the Demon Lord as it calls itself the true existence of everything. However, Van calls it simply just a recreated existence that’s an irregularity within the Marchen Garten. Celis follows up saying that the real one was used once by the DG cult and Rion calls it the Apocryphal book Ezeru, with Judith saying it was a forbidden tome that contained madness. Van knows it very well because he was forced to read it every single day as a prisoner when being experimented on by Gerard. This forbidden book was used by Auguste as the basis to hack Marduk and gain access to the Garden. Mare appears also to confirm that it is the unknown information structure and it has lost its purpose as it has gone berserk.
They defeat it again, and it vanishes with Lapis confirming it. Agnes apologizes to Celis and Rion for being unable to retrieve the Ezel book, but she reveals that they already have the one real one from the DG cult and it was in Bergard’s hands.
Mirabel appears as a hologram congratulating everyone, asking what the rundown was. Van asks if he can explain later and if they can all go. The group comments that the technology for the Marchen Garten wasn’t bad as they could meet with anyone from any distance as if it was the real thing if it didn’t fall in the wrong hands. Mirabel says they can have the place to themselves now that it’s all done until they can reset the Garten back to its original and update it.
April 12th, at Triton Mall, specifically, Triton Tower, a radio discusses the Aramis Art Festival and that there will be an important announcement by the President the following day. Professor Hamilton can be heard talking that things have gone a lot sooner than expected, thinking it’s thanks to Cronkite, or rather President Gramheart. She is seen watching what happened in the Octradium where Dingo says he’ll leave everything to Professor Hamilton. On the radio, there’s an announcement of eastthe ern expansion of Calvard to create a Space base. Professor Hamilton is shown holding Dingo’s hat and is revealed to have picked it up shortly after Van left the Octradium, thanking him for his contribution, and now they’re on schedule to being able to make it to “that time”.
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To be continued… Kuro no Kiseki Final Chapter!
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thequeendesi · 2 years
Horror Movies
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Title: Horror Movies
Alt Title: Her Past is Her Past
Warnings: swearing, Nate Jacobs LMAO, stalker themes
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the euphoria franchise
Rating: MA-16
Word Count : 1.8k
A/N: OH MY GOSH :c I am so so so sorry it took forever to get this out!! Between work, life, and finding out how to work “single life” I finally got a minute to sit and finish up Part Three for you guys! Thank y’all for being so patient , I love y’all sm!!
Tag List: @ellyskey , @minaxcarter , @leslienjazzy , @write-from-the-heart , @local-bxbby , @twdbaddie1090 , @multiharlot , @lovesanimals0000 , @slut-for-matt-murdock
Part One , Part Two
“Do you know which movie you’ll be watching?” Kat asked, as she laid on her left side on your bed. Flynn next to her, fist in mouth as he stared at Kat. “No clue. I left that for Elliot to pick out.” You shrugged. “What if he chooses a horror movie?” Kat asked, sitting up.
“Then he picked a horror movie.” You responded, pulling on a pair of ripped skinny jeans.
“Thank you so much for watching Flynn.” You looked at her. “Of course. It’s the least I could’ve done.” Kat said, looking down at Flynn. His hazel eyes watched her aimlessly.
“Did I tell you Nate called?” You asked, sitting on the bed. Kat looked at you, eyebrows narrowed. “No. You did not. Why?”
“Elliot, doesn’t want me with him, doesn’t want Flynn around him. I called him a fucking leech.” You laughed a little. “Bitch!” Kat laughed, pushing you a little. “You didn’t!”
“I did. Well, he woke me up after I just fell asleep and got Flynn to bed.” You explained why you were irritated. “I can’t believe it.” Kat laughed a little. “Reminds me of when we were all in the hot tub and Maddy put him in his place:” Kat laughed a little, a memory that you weren’t part of.
“How’s Maddy been? I can’t believe Cassie was dating Nate.” You asked as you picked up Flynn to place him on your lap. “She’s… better now? I don’t know. She’s torn up. But she’s more upset with Cassie than Nate.” Kat sighed before looking at you. “You didn’t go to the play?” Kat asked.
You shook your head, shrugging a little. “Nah.” You fixed Flynn‘s hair, who simply tried to push your hand away. “Knocked her face against a wall.” Kat said, checking the time.
“I know you’re trying to use small talk as a way to be late and call off the date.” Kat looked at you. “I can’t believe you’d say such a thing… fine.” You smiled at her. She definitely knew you like the back of her hand.
You stood up with Flynn on your hip. “You look cute bitch, now go.” She said, standing next to you. “Hand me the baby.”
You looked at Flynn, his hazel eyes met yours. “Give Aunt KK hell. Love you bub.” You said, kissing his cheek. “Love you Kat.” You said, placing Flynn in her arms before grabbing your purse.
“Don’t get pregnant!” Kat called out after you as you left your apartment.
— — —
Elliot took a long drag off the cigarette as he leaned against the building. He knew cigarettes wouldn’t be the best way to fight his previous vice, but fuck it was good enough.
Exhaling, he watched as your car rounded the corner. His lips moved into a smile as he watched you park. Using the bottom of his shoe, he put out his cigarette. He watched as you walked up to him.
“Hey! I’m sorry for the hold up!” You said. “Nah, milf-y duties require the milf to take care of them.” Elliot nudged you, making you laugh a little. “You and milfs.” You shook your head.
“You’re a mom, hot, I wouldn’t say no, tell me how you’re not a milf again?” Elliot teased. “Do you refer to me as a milf when talking to me about your friends?” You asked.
“Nah, mostly your name, I’ve brought up that you are a milf though.” He held out his hand, which you took. “What do you say about me to yours?” He asked, leading you into the house.
“Your name.”
Nate’s potential next victim.
“So you gave me free reign to pick the movie, right?” Elliot asked, looking at the movie posters. “I did.” You nodded. “How about this one?” He asked, pointing at a poster that had a woman holding a knife behind her back.
“So, a horror movie?” You asked. “Yea!” He smiled.
‘Kat called it.’ You thought as you looked at him. “Alright. Let’s watch it.” You said, giving into his cute smile. “Baller.” He answered, leading you into the theatre.
The movie had a slow start, an explanation to why the girl was in the woods. You leaned forward in the seat, your arms crossed on your legs. You intently watched the movie, paying close attention to when a jump scare.
But, like always, it failed and you ended up jumping in your seat.
“Fuck!” Elliot shouted, his hands covering his face. He cleared his throat before putting his arm behind your seat. “Jesus Christ… scared the shit out of me.” He quickly attempted to act like he didn’t just scream in a public movie theatre.
Your eyes widened as you looked at him. You snorted a little before covering your mouth. “Sorry. It’s not funny.” You cleared your throat. “Nah…” Elliot sighed. “It is a little funny.” He admitted.
And it was like that the whole movie. Every jump scare, every loud noise. Every time.
Elliot cleared his throat after every time as well, and put his arm back around your shoulders.
“Remind me why you chose a scary movie?” You whispered into Elliot’s ear after the seventh shout.
“My buddy said it’d be a good chance to hold you.” He whispered back.
“Did you forget that you’re an easy scarer?”
“A little bit, yea.”
His fingers intertwined with yours as you exited the theatre. “Did… did you at least have a good time?” He asked, a twinge of embarrassment on his voice. “I did. It certainly has been one of the better dates I’ve been on.” You smiled.
“Good, uh. I’m glad.” Elliot smiled. “So… Can I hope for a second date?” He asked, opening your driver’s door for you.
“You want a second date?” You asked, leaning against the car. “Yea, o-only if you’d one, obviously.” He looked at you, biting his lip a little.
You smiled at his nervousness, sensing it was genuine. “Yea. I would like a second date.” You let go of his hand. “Let’s make a plan tonight.” You said, your hand moving to his cheek.
“Yea. Yea, of course!” He grinned. “Cool that went exactly as I thought it would.” He let go of the car door.
“Good night Elliot.” You smiled at him. “Good night, (Nick Name).” He responded, pulling away from your touch. Turning on his heel, he walked over to his bike that leaned against a bush.
You smiled to yourself, getting into your car.
The ride home was silent. Your mind replaying the last two hours, how your heart raced when you two touched. It was a short drive, nothing over 10 minutes no matter the traffic, but your brain was always fast.
“Why didn’t he kiss me?” You asked yourself, parking in your regular space.
Grabbing your purse you got out of your car. Closing the door behind you, you locked it with your key. “Did I do something to give off unkissable?” You muttered, walking to your apartment, 17T.
It was fortunately on the first story, your anxiety of stairs and car seats ruined you ever getting a second and beyond story apartment.
“I’m home!” You whispered yelled into the quiet apartment, other than the quiet chattering of the TV in your room. Closing the door behind you, you locked it.
“In here!” A whisper yell returned yours, as you walked into the back room. Entering the room, Kat sat cross legged on the bed as she watched the TV.
She cleaned your room, which was an action you two have done since childhood. “Flynn’s in his bed?” You asked, taking off the clothes you wore for the date.
“Mhm.” Kat nodded. “Thank you for watching him.”
“How was the date?” She asked, watching you change into an oversized sweater and sweatpants.
“It was good.” You said, grabbing a makeup wipe. “That’s all?” She asked, crossing her arms.
“It was just the first date Kat.” You laughed a little, wiping the makeup off. “There’s not much to say. We watched a movie, yes. A horror movie.”
“Did you get scared?” She asked.
“Not as bad as he did.” You laughed a little. “It was cute. It was like spooking Flynn when you sneeze out of nowhere.” You explained, recalling how Flynn flails his body when you sneeze.
“Did he kiss you?”
You paused, wiping the remnants of your makeup off. “No, actually. We just said good night, and he rode off on his bike, and I came home.” You explained, and threw the wipe away.
“Really? That’s all?” She asked, appalled at the idea of not kissing on the first date. “That’s all Kat.” You laughed, sitting next to her on the bed.
“You spending the night?” You asked, arms going behind your head as you fell backwards into your bed.
“You already know the answer to that question.” Kat scoffed, rolling her eyes laying on the bed next to you.
The two of you shifted onto your sides. Your eyes met hers as you crossed your arms.
She matched your stance and smiled at you. “I’m glad I still got you, bitch.” She smiled at you.
“And I’m glad I still got you… bitch.” You laughed a little, before covering your mouth. “You think I’m doing the right thing? Dating someone other than Nate?”
“C’mon (Name). You know the answer to that one. Plenty of families flourish from single teen moms.” Kat patted your shoulder a little. “And Flynn’s gonna be nothin’ like Cal or Nate.”
“God I hope so…”
Nate’s arms crossed over his chest. His eyes trailing the boy who rode down the road. The low rumbling of his truck only added onto his current shaking. Of all people… of all fucking people, Elliot? The one you threw family away for.
Nate took a deep breath before throwing his truck into drive and followed behind Elliot. “Elliot!” He called out, before driving alongside him. “Hello?” Elliot said, confused at why of all people Nate Jacobs was talking to him.
“You’re the one dating (Name)?” Nate asked, the ‘friendliness’ act was laid on thick. “I wouldn’t really say dating. We’re seeing each other. Why?” Elliot asked, irritated with Nate in his business.
“She’s the mother of my child.”
“Oh.” Elliot simply said, before shrugging. “Cool,” he responded before turning into his yard. “Your baby mama is cool. I don’t know what you did to her, but that’s not my business. Her past is her past. Obviously there was a reason she didn’t bring you up.” Elliot got off his bike. “Listen man, I got an exam early in the morning. I don’t want to deal with you all night.” Elliot leaned the bike against his house as he walked into the house.
Nate gripped his steering wheel as he sped home, with one thing on his mind; how to ruin your relationship.
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xplrvibes · 2 years
Once again, I find myself jotting down some of my takeaways from snc's videos. This is getting to be a regular thing with me.
So. Sallie House (spoilers abound just ahead!):
I have to start by saying that it's kind of odd that the local Chamber of Commerce runs this random haunted house.
Also: right off the bat, these stories come across as very...urban legend, to me. I'm getting some Amityville Horror mixed with Conjuring vibes here.
I like this medium. Let's have her on more, snc. And have Amanda on less
Colby "I'm Not an Empath" Brock always doing empathic things.
Ok, so Colby is either haunted, or radioactive. Either way, mans should get checked out. 🤣
The Estes Method/8 Ball session was interesting, in that nothing matched up or made sense whatsoever. This particular session gets a 2/10 from me, in terms of it matching what they were asking. Other than these yes's they were getting...nothing made any sense.
Also, notice how much calmer these sessions seem to be when DJ Colby "I'm Not an Empath" Brock isn't on the 1s and 2s.
I have to admit, I saw right away that Seth kicked the 8 ball, so watching them lose their minds and start talking about how this ghost demon child supposedly picked this ball up and winged it down the stairs had me rolling.
Nate and Sam blaming each other for the ball winding up at the bottom of the steps, while Seth's foot just sits back and watches the chaos it unleashed like 😏.
Fans. STOP DOING CREEPY STALKER SHIT. Stop showing up to their house, their local grocery store, their local Starbucks, and showing up in the middle of their investigations and proudly announcing that you are, "Stalking them." Stop all that. It's not cute.
These morons threw a birthday party for a demon ghost child...with a cake and everything.
Ok, the 8 ball falling the second time was a surprise. I actually gasped out loud lol.
Also, you can tell they are legit shocked by that because Colby has panic face and voice going on hardcore after that, and even Sam sounds shook up.
They're outside having their existential crisis about the 8 ball and all I can think is, the neighbors are probably about to call the cops on their yelling asses lmao.
They're outside having their existential crisis about the 8 ball and meanwhile, the cake is inside burning the house down.
Wow, way to glam up those scratches for the thumbnail there, Golbach.
It's interesting to me that Sam is having hot flashes in the basement. Sam almost never has any types of feelings or discomfort when they do these things, so that fact that it's him this time is a break from the norm.
These two are going to get possessed eventually. It's only a matter of time.
The preview: yep.
Overall, this was a fun one. I like that they didn't actually try to sweep the fact that Seth kicked the 8 Ball the first time under the rug. That alone gets my respect. I didn't find the Estes Method to be reliable at all this time and I'm intrigued by the fact that nothing really happened in the basement, despite that being the most haunted spot. I don't love that they seem to have graduated to Zak Bagans type taunting, cause their dumb asses will wind up getting possessed...but whatever.
See y'all in Febraury.
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danyok · 2 years
stalker boy 2 misleading theo definitely didn't win him any favors. Theo seems so over him lmao. can't blame him for it either. he didn't learn anything and natee really didn't follow through on what he'd said. he didn't prove anything. just presented a creepy af exhibition. but at least we know that theo is not fully unaware of people being creepy stalkers lmao.
pretty boy aun looking pretty as always. stalker boy 2 finally admitted that he was using theo. we knew this. you're just as awful as stalker boy. but the "He's too obsessed with this enchante thing" MY DUDE YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO JUDGE WHEN YOUR WHOLE ART EXHIBIT IS ON SOMEONE YOU HAVE TALKED TO MAYBE FIVE TIMES ?????
stop making my pretty boy aun sad right now 🤬🤬🤬
so i know people are shipping the two stalker boys but idk. i think pretty boy aun has a thing for natee cause he keeps doing so much to try to help him and now being told that natee might have real feelings for Theo and he just looks sad. idk but i don't like this and pretty boy aun deserves better.
he and saifa should join forces to get akk and theo together.
wayo being Extra with the "please root for me I'm playing for you" 🤢 pls stop
saifa is cute. but lmao "He's waving at you" akk you're the only one who is looking, he's waving at you dumbass 🤣 but of course it gets theo to see what akk did of saifa writing with his left hand.
"I'm a lefty too" !??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? SIR PLS
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but the fact that i didn't even realize until now omgggg
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0-jloves-0-blog · 3 years
Me: doing the risky paths in the book 3 demo that I'm too chicken to do in the actual book with my actual mc....
Lol I'm on the douglas path but in the demo i clicked the bobby path and said that we kissed...him revealing it to ub?!? Oh i started crying and throwing. Nate baby please don't leave me.
I also clicked the option of getting jealous of nate for getting attention from other girls while we were handing out flyers for the blood drive. And UM HELLO MASON??? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY BFF, WHY WOULD YOU SAY OUTLOUD THAT I WAS JEALOUS LMAMAO YOU'RE SICK?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO BFF SECRETS?!?! YOU JUST EMBARRASSED ME UNPROVOKED---OMG--
i also looked up nate's past on the computer. I WILL NOT be nosy when the actual book comes out. LMAO nate would end up hating me bc im a stalker gf. (Also how would they know you looked them up unless mc told them?? Hello sera don't make me tell on myself pls) but it is not my fault nate is so secretive and sneaky but tries throwing ke off with his smile.
Anyways, can't wait for book 3
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
Thinking of the gg reveal makes me feel kind of bad. Because it twists all of Dan’s actions and the kind of person he was throughout the whole show. So basically anything genuine he’s ever said or done doesn’t matter because he was secretly running a stalker blog that terrorized his friends, and it seems that he was just a total fake the whole time. Kinda sucks that everything about who he was is completely flipped all because of a last minute decision.
YEAH i've seen people who have watched gg knowing the reveal, and therefore, from the very beginning, have a certain idea of who dan is and view him through that lens? & if you're looking for confirmation of a thing, you will find it if you look hard enough and you're determined enough. like if you go in thinking "dan is the bad guy and i hate him" and you feel strongly enough about it, you probably won't change your mind. (not you, dear anon, but like. the hypothetical viewer.)
i absolutely agree, and i feel kinda bad for penn badgley, too. imagine playing a character for SIX years, and then in your final episode playing him they're like "well actually you were evil all along!" i still remember him mentioning in an interview (in interviews?) that he didn't know that dan was supposedly gossip girl until they were shooting that episode.
but yeah, it does absolutely twist all of dan's actions, and turn him into this person who is using the site to stalk people, harass people, ruin the lives of everyone around him AND himself, and whatnot. when you think about what they were trying to do with dan actively in the earlier seasons, having him be a relatable character, because he's an outsider and the unpopular kid who nobody knows... the point was that as a viewer who's maybe had those experiences of being lonely, of feeling like you don't belong, you look at dan and you go "oh my god, same bro" & that's what the show was actively trying to do?
& dan as a character is so interesting to me. they didn't need to make him gossip girl to make him morally grey, because he kind of already was. i love dan, and i think he has a lot of great attributes, but he's also a very "the ends justify the means" kind of person, which is how you get him being judgemental of someone like nate or serena, while simultaneously being besties with georgina sparks, despite everything. there was an already existing ambiguity to his character which they could've played around with, if they really wanted to make him evil, as opposed to making him cartoonishly, exaggeratedly, suddenly super terrible and being like "sike! he was like this all along!"
no, he wasn't. we watched the show, lmao. you're not fooling us.
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imnotasuperhero · 4 years
I’ll be waiting (for when you love me again)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Type: angsty fluff?
Summary: Natasha can’t accept the fact you decided to break up with her. Even if she understood your reasons. She knew there was much more in store for the both of you. Together.
Wordcount: 1178
A/N: @nowthisisliving27 requested for a happier continuation of this angsty fic, but like.. asking for help, @jumbojamba47 suggested I’ll be waiting by Adele and well.. this is the result. Lol. Let me know if you guys want a part 3! (:
A/N n2: Not sure this is the right ending I wanted, but after hiting a wall for so long, I decided to embrace it and share it before I deleted the whole thing. Lmao.
The last time Natasha saw you, it was one of the most painful moments she'd endured so far. The fact she had to let you go away so you could find yourself again, was paining her in indescribable ways. If she'd just paid more attention. If she'd just kept you close, showing you that she cared.
How could she be in peace, knowing she let you slip away? How could she be nice with herself, knowing that she contributed to your insecurities? Even if you reassured her over and over that it was your battle and you couldn't drag her down with you. But little did you know Natasha would go to the confines of Hell just to be with you. 
She could still feel the way you felt against her. The softness of your skin under her touch. The soft sighs you'd let out whenever she ran her nails against your upper arms in those lazy days when you got to be in your bed all day. Fully clothed or naked, but together.
It's been a month since you went on a vacation, ready to rediscover yourself and eager to use the pilled up permits to skip work.
A part of her was eager to see you, to witness your happiness as you told her all the things you did and all the places you've got to visit. She wanted nothing else than to see the shine in your eyes when you talked about what you enjoyed the most, the way you'd wrinkle your nose or frown when you talked about your less favorite parts. She wanted to be the one you ranted to. But the realistic part of her made her understand that she couldn't. She didn't have the right. At least, not until you allowed her to. And there was nothing she could do other than wait. As long as it took you.
Days turned into months. The only information she had about your wellbeing was because she decided to give in and use her spy skills on you. And she'd be lying if she didn't felt like a perv, following you around like a stalker. But if you weren't giving her updates, she must get them herself.
That's how the night found her on the rooftop of the building in front of yours. The binoculars on her hands showing you on your couch, probably watching the latest episode of your favorite TV show. Her heart squeezed when she spotted her old t-shirt covering your body, increasing the hope she was feeling inside. What would she give to have you in her arms again, cuddling and just basking in each other's warmth. She knew if -when- you were to have her again, she had to be better. She had to own the pleasure of calling you hers.
After what seemed hours later, she finally plopped down under the covers. But no matter how hard she tried, no matter how much she tossed and rolled in bed, sleep wouldn't visit. Her mind still running wild with ideas to make it happen. God, she was so tempted to ask Tony to fund her so she could get one of those dumb planes to get the whole New York City to know she loved you.
Making her peace with the fact that it was too late now, she quickly changed into workout clothes and headed for the gym. Hopefully, she could nap after.
"You still here?" 
Bucky's voice took Natasha out of her reverie, making her stop mid-jab against the target. Looking at the gym's doors, she frowned at the super soldier walking over to her.
"I just came here," Natasha leaned her head in confusion.
"Nat, it's 10 am. JARVIS told me you've been here since dawn," he chuckled.
Looking around, she could see that in fact, the lights were off, and the sun was shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows illuminating the whole room.
"Fuck," she's been here for 5 hours.
"What's wrong?" Bucky leaned against the press, blue eyes meeting green. And Natasha knew she couldn't lie to him. 
"I've been dating this person," Natasha paused licking her lips. Why was her mouth so dry so suddenly? "I- She saw us. When we were undercover." She couldn't help the questioning glaze anymore, so she moved her eyes to the blue sky outside. 
"We've been together for 7 months. We- I really love her, Bucks," she looked up when she felt a strong hand on her shoulder.
"Does she knows that?" 
"She does. I- Is not because we don't love each other," she sipped on her water. "I hid her," she confessed. "I hid her and I wasn't there for her and-"
"And you need to make your peace with it." Natasha could hear the laugh in his voice and she wanted to spar with him just to kick it off. "I won't pry and demand you to tell me everything. But I do ask of you to work it out. If you really love her, then don't let her go away."
Natasha mulled his words over and over, trying to come up with a plan. She needed to step her game up. You both were too good to end this way.
It wasn't until she saw you in the café -pure coincidence this time- that she finally made up her mind. She'll win you over and she'll shout at the top of her lungs that you were hers.
"Nat, hi." You smiled something painful and Natasha couldn't help the frown taking over her.
"Y/N, is nice to see you," she smiled honestly, hoping you could see it. "I-"
You both cut each other mid-talk, laughing sheepishly.
"I'm sorry. You go first." Always the gentlewoman, Nat nodded for you to continue.
"Umm... I was wondering if you... maybe... Ugh, I'm such a mess," you laughed and Natasha couldn't help her jumping heart threatening to escape her chest.
"You might be a mess, but I wouldn't have it any other way." She high-fived herself mentally at the blushing of your cheeks. 'Smooth, dude' she smirked to herself.
"You're mean. I'm trying to be serious here," you pouted and Natasha was dying to kiss it away. But she knew better. 
"I'm sorry. I'll shut up now," she mimicked zipping her lips and your laugh filled her ears, making her wish she could hear your laugh for the rest of her life.
"Anywaaays," you rolled your eyes at her antics. "I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me? If you're free, I mean."
"I am free and I'd love to share this afternoon with you," she winked at you, repressing a laugh as you grumbled under your breath. "Go pick a table and I'll be there soon," she gestured to the back of the café as she walked towards the barista. 
She couldn't help the smile breaking her face at the outcome of this day. Maybe this wasn't the end, after all. And she was certain she'll make things different. This time, she'll be better for you.
Taglist: @marvelfansince08love @wannabe-fic-reader @natasha-danvers @rooskaya-yelena @sananabdliw @aaron-despair @username23345 @nate-the-dreamer @higherfurther-romanova
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blairwld · 3 years
i mean… dan did get villanized though? like that was the entire point of season 6. the writers literally have nate come out and say “who would have thought chuck bass would be the hero and dan humphrey would be the villain” lmao. i think the main difference is that dan is a white man, so he wasn’t subjected to the barrage of misogyny and racism that jenny and vanessa had to endure throughout the show - especially during their “villain” arcs. but dan’s overall story arc largely mirrored jenny and vanessa’s - he entered the upper east side an innocent bystander, he got increasingly involved and “corrupted” as he formed deeper ties to the ues, then he eventually fell off his moralistic pedestal in want of pursuing a goal and became a seasonal villain. it takes a lot longer because penn badgley wasn’t written off the show unlike taylor momsen and jessica szohr, but the same basic beats are carried throughout all three storylines. by the end of gossip girl, basically every significant “non-wealthy” character besides dorota experiences some version of this, and dorota at that point was treated more like a comedic caricature than anything else.
I don't know If I'm wording this correctly but, the difference I see with Jenny and Vanessa vs Dan is that they are constantly critized for things they did (that weren't as bad as anything the other characters did, I agree that misoginy, classism and racism played a big part here) but we got to see them doing all those things so the discussion is usually about their actions and characterization in the show. With Dan the discussion is usually in relation to him being Gossip Girl, like he was a stalker/liar/manipulator since day one.
But Dan being GG makes zero sense lol he does have an arc about him wanting to be part of the world despite being judgemental of it, and obviously he does some bad things but none of those were done (or written) with the idea of him being GG, that wasn't his characterization for five seasons.
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zalrb · 3 years
i like how we gloss over jenny’s assault for the things that are really important, like dan’s love life.
“no guy in the history of the world has ever hated you” lmao but who is serena even?
“blair was SO mean to me last night and i don’t even know why” a) you slept with her boyfriend b) she just glared at you, serena. my god.
the reason for nate’s dad wanting nate to stay with blair is flimsy.
lmao SO MUCH rihanna.
serena complaining about living in a hotel is lmfao, k.
lily keeping eric in a facility for his mental health is not coming across the way they want it to.
“chuck likes to brag about his conquests not his victims.” mmhmm k.
“i don’t know why your wife left you” “well she has better taste than you” lol cuuute.
“you know, that’s serena, with her you’ll never know.” nate, she told you to your face that she didn’t come back to the city for you.
“but don’t you think we’re taking this class warfare thing a little too far?” a) he assaulted your sister, you’re harping on the wrong thing, b) so in fight my way there’s a couple, sul hee and joo man and seol hee is of a lower class than joo man and when she visits his family, to impress them, she ends up doing the chores like taking out the trash, setting up the table and they say this and her mother overhears them speaking about her
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if you can’t get to this level of simple cruelty then i’m shrugging my shoulders. warfare my ass.
serena, what are you wearing?
dan ... still here. owned by lily van der woodsen.
lmao nate, you’re kind of a stalker.
lmao how many people have keys to chuck’s suite.
dan couldn’t be gossip girl he’s too terrible a writer to come up with these repertoires no matter how corny they are.
“you swore you’d never talk to her again!” “you did how could you say that?” serena, you slept with your best friend’s boyfriend.
i mean, i get serena would be tired of being called a whore but she has no legs to stand on in this argument by implying blair has no class for trying to sleep with nate, YOU SLEPT WITH HER BOYFRIEND.
“do you really think she’d tell him?” “it’s blair.” NATE, YOU SLEPT WITH HER BEST FRIEND.  LMAO. Blair is not always the most reasonable character on GG but my God, BOTH OF YOU BETRAYED HER.
“Well they have nothing but time, Bart, they’re twenty-five.” Lily is so unsung.
“Look Dan I don’t appreciate you’re lurking in the shadows, eavesdropping on my conversations”, he was standing at the entrance, lily.
lmao when tumblr gets mad at dan for side-eyeing serena for sleeping with her best friend’s boyfriend (WHICH WAS SHITTY) but chuck gets a pass for assaulting her because ... why? his dad didn’t love him?
“Hope you’re happy!” YOU SLEPT. WITH HER BEST. FRIEND.
“this world is crazy” ... we haven’t really seen anything that’s unique to the upper east side that showcases how bizarre it is because the drama that happened in there revolves around you, serena, sleeping with nate. everyone else was actually just at brunch. 
did you tell blair waldorf about cedric?? lmao, that was the most MINOR thing that happened at brunch, dan.
either you try to forgive me and we move on, or we end it. or you can stop actively pursuing serena, nate.
serena is so fucking extra, you couldn’t just delete the photos off your phone, you had to throw the whole phone away?
done for the day!
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fannyspammy · 3 years
‼️ Spoilers if you haven’t seen gossip girl ‼️
Chuck & Blair are the main reason I finished the show tbh and their wedding was my favourite thing in the series. Well that and seeing them happy in their own home with a child in the flash forward. I’m only upset it didn’t happen sooner cuz I love them 🥰🥰🥰
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I’m upset lily and Rufus didn’t end up together in the end ?????? they were my otp next to Chuck and Blair and were already married and they just ???? Ended it ????? For Bart bass who lily didn’t even want anymore when he fake died ????? Also I’m confused cuz right before they showed lily/William & Rufus/other girl I ddnt recognize lily and Rufus kissed so idk what that was about ?????? Anyways they’re still married in my head idc
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Okay someone spoiled it for me that dan was gossip girl wayyyy before I started watching it and sometimes throughout the show even though I knew I thought maybe they were just joking and he wasn’t really her cuz I didn’t see how it made sense. like I get why he did it I guess, but I never rly liked him and Serena together from the beginning & idk to me him being so obsessed w the UES that he started a whole gossip page and worked his way into their world while still obsessing over them and posting about it but keeping it a secret just gives me creepy stalker vibes. Idk never been a dan fan.
Okay but I really liked Serena’s wedding dress. Also it was nice seeing her character development. Tbh I think she pissed me off like 85% of the show cuz I thought she was being a selfish diva most of the time but I liked her at the end. I wasn’t a fan of her short time as gossip girl tho that was weird and I ddnt like how she used her cousin. I love her and B as friends tho and I’m glad she ended up happy
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Ivy dickens was the most annoying character on the show from the moment she appeared to the moment she left and her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. There was maybe a brief moment during Blair’s master scheme to get rid of Bart where she wasn’t being annoying and I almost liked her but nah. Also she literally conned the whole family (and the whole UES) regardless of whether she was being paid or not and then threw a tantrum when they ddnt welcome her back w open arms lol so it was rly annoying when she wanted to “take lily down” lmfao like why would u expect the woman u conned and then kicked to the curb to be nice to you
Blair is an iconic queen and I love her. The sass, the fashion, the connivance, the attitude, the strength, the stubbornness & determination, the lovingness, everything. That’s all. Fav character hands down
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Chuck is a close second. I hated him at the beginning of the show but he definitely had my favourite character arc. Seeing him go from an immature boy who was neglected and used inappropriate coping mechanisms to a man who was willing to do anything to protect those he loves and wanting to do things right was my favourite thing. Maybe he’s my favourite character tbh. Or let’s call it a tie cuz they’re both my babies and I love them with all my heart.
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The brief Blair and dan thing was really weird and I hated every second of it
As much as I hated Jenny Humphrey seeing her briefly during the flashforward (and also eric!) was nice. I hate her eye makeup tho
I never liked vanessa abrams and seeing her during briefly when gossip girl was revealed did not change that
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I’m happy nate got his happy ending with his successful career. I have had my ups and downs when it came to liking nate archibald but he did a lot of growing up from season 1-6 and I am very happy for him. ALSO I FOR THE FIRST 4 SEASONS IDK WHY I THOUGHT HE WAS PLAYED BY IAN SOMERHALDER LMFAOOOO.
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The flashback in the last episode made me see how much they’ve all grown from the babies they were in season 1 and I just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Jack bass was a jack ass most of the show but the last 2 seasons I actually really liked him especially in the end.
Bart bass was a bitch n I never liked him from the start. I’m not even sorry he fell off a roof cuz his lying bitchass deserved that shit ✋🖕💅
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IN CONCLUSION: I have a love hate relationship with this show cuz most of the time it just pissed me off how stupid and selfish some of the characters were sometimes but also the plot lines were so good lmao and I love all the mains except dan and seeing them grow was fun and now I’m sad it’s over and idk what to do w my life and I will miss it dearly :(
xoxo, gossip girl
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doughnutislove-blog · 7 years
To the one that got away
Hey there. Been thinking twice if I should really do this crap. Well, I’ve already moved on. I really don’t have to do this. But then, I want it to have its closure. I promise, for God’s sake, this will ever be the LAST time I will write something about you. Probably the LAST. So here it goes… Expect this to be long, a really long one.. *tangina magtatagalog na ko nauubusan na ko lmao* Simula nung nagsimula tong taon na to or before pa, alam ko sa sarili ko I’m over you. I’m done. Kasi after ng mga pagkikita natin nung mga late july and early august medyo natagalan na yung sunod. December na ata yung next. Syempre, magkalayo tayo, nawala na din communication kasi may mga iba't ibang ginagawa na. You got back to Saint Francis, you also got back to the dormitory. Kaya pagpupunta ako BF, wala ka na. Of course, I won't just let myself to not get over you because I know I wouldn't benefit from that, I got a lot of important things to consider than to think about that we should've ended like this and that, we should've ended together and all the bullshits. In short, wala kong mapapala. In between of the happenings in my life, may mga dumating, you know what I mean. But as usual, walang tumatagal. It's just that, wala sa priority and I don't wanna give myself a "headache" and another heartbreak. And theeeen, early this year, may mga times na nagkikita tayo, bonding lang ng Team Japs ganern. I remembered the first time we saw each other again after august, mga december ata last year. I felt that, something really changed. Like, ang laki talaga ng pinagbago.... Mo towards me. Gosh, what just happened? Hindi mo na ko pinapansin just like before. Kung hindi ka pa asarin sakin ni Kuya April, hindi mo talaga ko papansin. I'm shookt. Really didn't see that coming, really didn't expect that. Excited akong makita ka kasi alam kong close na close na tayo, you know the feels na ang tagal mong hindi nakita yung kaibigan mo and you've been longing for them. And of course, when you're about to meet, you expect that he/she feel the same way too. But in our situation, it feels like ako lang nakaramdam ng excitement. Sadnu? Ni ho, ni ha, waley teh! By that time, you made me wonder. Why is he even like that? Did I do something wrong to him? Why? What? How come? Like really, ganon ganon lang yon? Parang wala naman tayong pinagsamahan, respeto naman. Lol. Pinalampas ko yun, maybe you're just in a bad day kaya ganon, okay. Nasundan ng mga ganap early this year, and kaloka ganon ka na talaga. You've been so cold. Back to being strangers again?!? It really made sad and depressed. Bakit bigla nalang ganon? Then, nung birthday ko tune-up ng Team Japs sa Arista, didn't know na tune-up niyo and nasabi sakin ni mama na pupunta kami BF kasi magtatagaytay DAW kami. Nagulat ako kasi bat parang papuntang Arista? Ano meron? May nagrrent sa unit ni mommy so bakit dun? Ano meron dun? Tapos ayun dun lang nasabi na may tune-up daw kayo. Excited ako kasi makikita ko Team Japs sa birthday ko and I was hoping nandun mga crush ko. Di ka kasali wag kang ano haha lol. And yeah, you guys were there, Kenji was there, John was there. Kotang kota lang bes. Beside to mommy, Kenji was the one who greeted me first. Kilig much hehe. Tapos ikaw, ano na?!? Tapos na tune-up dai, bumati na lahat sakin ng "happy birthday" ikaw ni ho, hi ha, waley ulit. Kaloka ka talaga. And then, parang pinagtatagpo talaga tayo ng tadhana, or baka ikaw lang din. May dala kaming car, maluwag pa naman, kasya pa mga bente ganon charot. Nagyaya si Papa na sumabay na samin yung iba kasi on the way rin naman. So sumabay ka. Nung una, si Tito Akong katabi ko, nasa window side ako and nasa other window side ka, pero magyoyosi si Tito Akong kaya kailangan dun siya sa window side. Edi magkatabi na tayo! Sobrang awkward that time. Di ako mapakali. Ako ba dapat mauna magsalita or siya? Di niya man lang ako babatiin? It took him around like 5-10 minutes just to say "happy birthday" to me. Jusko thank you Lord! Kinausap niya din ako ulit. "Happy birthdaaay" "Haha thank you!" "Ilang taon ka na?" "16 haha bakit?" "Tanda mo na" "Luh OA hahaha" End of convo. Tas yung next usap namin, pinakita niya sakin yung wall paper niya and yung wallpaper niya yung jowaers niya. "Ganda no" "Naks inlove si Jibblo" "Syempre" End of convo. The whole night, ayun lang usapan namin. Kumanta naman siya ng happy birthday nun tapos wala na. Mas madami pa ata kaming napagusap ni Kenji at ni John nun pero keri na kilig much hehe. Hanggang sa umuwi na kayo, hindi ka man lang nagbabye. Or even a last happy birthday greeting. Nasad ako ulit ng slight. Kasi sobrang nakakapanibago ka pero hinayaan ko nalang. Aaaaaaand something really interesting came in, I just heard that... You will becoming a Dad very soon. I don't know but when I heard that news, I remembered, I smiled very wide. My heart melted. It lightened up my mood that day. Medyo gulat pero deep inside masaya naman. Nagtatalo yung puso at isip ko. Sabi ng isip ko, grabe parang napagusapan lang namin to nung last summer tapos ano, nakajuntis na siya agad? Kaya siya siguro cold no? Ewan ko. Sabi naman ng puso ko, wow magkakaanak na siya, it might be too a little bit early but that's great because something "life-changing" will happen to him very soon. Who's the mother kaya? Yung pinakita niya kaya sakin last time yun? Of course, bilang dakilang stalker, I stalked his girl. I find her attractive. Same girl din naman. From that day on, hindi ko na binother sarili ko na kung kesyo kung bakit nagkaganon. Wala nalang, hinayaan ko nalang. Wala na naman akong magagawa eh. Pero these past few weeks, days okay na naman tayo ulit. Not really like before pero naguusap usap na ulit. Nagaasar asaran na ng konti ulit. Kenji talaga ko ngayon eh sorry haha charot. So ayun pa lang yung kwento.. Here's the true message of this blog talaga... To my TOTGA (The One That Got Away), again, I just wanna say thank you for the memories we'd shared together, good thing or bad. For the lessons I've learned from our last summer 2016's "ganap". For the happiness and laughter you'd brought to me. For the heartbreak. And for everything you've given to me, unintentionally. You taught me how to tell stories. You pushed me to write again on my blog. I will really not forget about our "ganaps". Though, it looks like I'm the only one whose treasuring it. It doesn't matter anyway. What's in the past, is in the past. I hope you know that you will always be special to me kasi may napagsamahan tayo kahit papaano, sa Team Japs ikaw lang, you owe a little bit part of my heart, you're one of the stepping-stones of my life. Like what I said on my previous blog before, I will never forget, maybe I'm just letting go the thought of you. I hope that you're really happy on your "ganaps" on your life today. And yes, you will becoming a Dad very very soon. That would be a such a big big big responsibilty and you should be responsible for it, it's a must. Hindi na biro maging tatay, alam mo yan. That would be a new chapter of your life. I'm happy for you. I really am. I also hope that, you will make a happy, full of love, God-centered, and precious family. I will pray for the betterness of your life. Magkahiwalay man ng landas, magkalimutan man, alam kong maaala't maalala parin nating ang isa't isa. Gumaling ka pa lalo, sa pagbabasketball. It's nice seeing you play and cheering for you. Magtapos ka ng studies for the future of your fam oki? Ever since I really wanted you to be happy always coz hindi bagay pag malungkot ka, lalo kang chumachaka hahaha kidding. Do great on everything. Really wishing for your best! I hope you're doing fine right now. We're about to see each other again later hehe, see you. Lastly, I want you to be faithful to your girl. Siya nalang please??? Wag ng tumingin sa kung sino sino. Be a goodboy, lalo na't may parating na baby kay ate girl. Pak! Haha. Again, thank you so much. It's never a goodbye just see you later lol. Paalam sa mga kabullshitan ko sayo, it's been great lmao. This would be probably the LAST. Thank you. Hanggang sa muli, jibb john. Yours truly,...
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danyok · 2 years
stalker boy is so annoying. wayo reminding him that theo said not to talk about enchante until after the fair was great lmao. but wayo is suspect too. i don't trust him at all. especially after the bar scene.
theo and akk are so damn cute though i love them so much. akk is such a good boy. he just wants good things for Theo 😭😭😭😭
kdhdkydkhdkhdkhdd brushing the food off of his face plssssss. the tension between them is so good omg. and then into the playful banter pls i love them
that look on akk's face as theo leaves is Significant. there is so much feeling in it. my heart can't take it omggggggg
pretty boy aun is back. i love him. i now nothing about him but i love him.
natee and stalker boy are both creepy af. natee has a whole ass exhibition of theo??? ugh go away both of you.
did akk go get the rose??? and now he's talking to it omg. im is amazing. i love her
their product placement with this is great 🤣
saifa writing more songs I'm here for it
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danyok · 2 years
on one hand i feel bad for stalker boy for having the mother that he has. on the other hand i just don't care cause he's a creepy stalker boy and i still don't forgive him for what he's done.
theo's dad is still crap
and the handholding to cross the street is cute. i'm glad that they took that moment and changed it to something different than how it started cause i was gonna be annoyed.
and stalker boy sees them lmao i should feel bad possibly but i don't. while i'm glad he's saying goodbye to theo i don't wanna see it. this is time i could be seeing akk and theo being adorable boyfriends pls go away
a;fdjlakfj people need to go the fuck away. akk's insecurity can't handle this and i feel bad for him T_T and it would be so easy to just say "well i don't give a fuck what they say" but feeling that is another thing entirely. and i get where jj's character is coming from, trying to be supportive and give good advice but keeping things a secret won't stop the gossiping either.
and honestly these people are just dumb af - if they didn't see akk around all the damn time before now then that's their problem not akk's
pretty boy aun you deserve better than natee anyway T_T don't be sad over his dumb ass.
akk just tell him what you're thinking and feeling. not talking is why it took you this long to get to this point.
nice timing akk lmao. now the slo-mo staring for a bit. afjldsjal;j they're so cute but i keep waiting for the angst to hit cause this is the ep where it'll happen (or in the last one) but i don't want it. i just want cuteness T_T
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