#national pound cake day
doctorfriend79 · 7 months
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😋 Happy National Pound Cake Day! 😋
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murderousink23 · 7 months
03/04/2024 is National Safety Day 🇮🇳, National Grammar Day 🇺🇸, National Hug a G.I. Day 🇺🇸, National Pound Cake Day 🇺🇸, Idaho Day 🇺🇸, British Pie Week 🥧🇬🇧
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Hi there!!! I was wondering if you happened to have any fics where Crowley calls Aziraphale ‘sweetheart’? Any other pet names are amazing (including angel of course) but I’m just very in love with the idea of Crowley calling Aziraphale sweetheart
Thank you so much for all you hard work!! This blog is a lifesaver <3
Hello! We have a #pet names tag you might enjoy, but here are some fics in which Crowley calls Aziraphale sweetheart...
Four times Crowley called Aziraphale "sweetheart" without noticing (and One time he did) by TheLadyZephyr (NR)
"Sweetheart" (1290) - A person who is very dear to another; one who is loved. From sweet (adj.) + heart (n.) Over the years, Crowley has called Aziraphale "sweetheart" on at least four different occasions. He just hasn't actually noticed himself saying it.
In love, I am, with everything you do by 2ambiace (G)
Following the phone call with Crowley during lockdown, Aziraphale contemplates the letter he wrote and whether he should've taken Crowley up on his offer to 'slither over' and watch him eat cake. Aziraphale finds the courage in his love for Crowley to invite the demon over and cake and love confessions and kisses are shared.
Let Our Epilogue Be Soft And Sweet by Tenoko1 (T)
Crowley hit his palm against the steering wheel. “Of course I’d get upset, angel! Those bastards have tried to kill you twice, Aziraphale! Twice! I spend every damn day worried they might try again! Now-- Now-- your conveniently found and rescued angel is on the loose,” the road forked, and they veered off to a smaller country road, flying past a sign Aziraphale didn’t need to see to recognize, though Crowley gestured wildly to it, “in a god-forsaken national park? Well outside of London where no one can hear you scream? This mystery angel that just so happens to be leaking grace and emoting a distress signal so loud you can still sense it?” Crowley dragged a hand down his face. “Angel, sweetheart. Wake up and smell the trap.”
Waking Up Married by Caedmon (E)
"So you’re telling me that my options are either to convince this man I just met and drunkenly married to stay married to me for six months or lose two thirds of a billion pounds?” “That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” Fergus said. “Fucking shit,” Crowley spat. He hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment before rubbing his eyes with his fists. Now his job would be twice as hard. He needed to talk Aziraphale into staying married for six months. Should he try begging or bribing? This was a huge ask, and Aziraphale would be well within his rights to tell Crowley to fuck off. But Crowley was prepared to offer him pretty much anything, up to half of the trust, if that’s what it took. He didn’t care. But that was only part of his concern. Even if he got insanely lucky and Aziraphale agreed to stay legally married to him for the next six months, how the hell was he going to talk Aziraphale into dating him during that time? And was it foolish to even try? One thing at a time, he decided. First, he needed to convince Aziraphale to stay legally married to him. Then he could set about wooing his husband. He hoped.
flightless by viperinz (T)
Crowley finds Aziraphale injured and without his wings long after he stops the Second Coming all on his own. He just didn't expect their reunion to be so morose, and so final.
Sugar And Spice by ladydragona, SylWritesStuff (E)
Queer technology giant Anthony J. Crowley is just about ready to throw in the towel after relationship after relationship has failed, but there's a new barista at the company coffee shop and he's cute and sweet and Crowley's never been able to resist blond hair and blue eyes. The tabloids will have a field day, they always do, but his assistant is getting married and a temp is needed. A temp who really isn't very good at making complicated coffees, has past experience in reception, and absolutely no idea that the latest complicated coffee order came from the owner himself. Aziraphale only knows that he's handsome, patient, and was the first person who told him he was doing well. How could he refuse the temp position? Or, he soon discovers, more.
- Mod D
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glorified-red · 1 year
Locks & Cake Pops (Damian Wayne x Reader x Jon Kent)
summary: Gotham was a scary place when the sun went down. One terrifying encounter with a stranger left you completely worn thin. Thankfully, your boys were more than prepared to come find you.
word count: 4,800~
warnings: panic attack, paranoia, vague & very short description of encountering a scary stranger (none explicit to what happened, by whom, or by any gender. Only specification is that it's a conversation and Reader is hesitant around touch), paranoia to violence or potential violence, constant paranoia of not being safe
Y'all called me a main character and I think the people writing my story took that as a CHALLENGE. The amount of plot I went through today??? I swear, fics really do write themselves, huh?
Shout out to @quillsareswords for planting the Poly Fic seed in my head with her fics until I couldn't NOT write one. And shout out to @unmotivatedwrit3r for being my Jon today and @uni-magi-nation for being my Damian because guess what lads, this fic is based on a true story!! As are most of my fics anyway, so please, enjoy the events that happened less than 12 hours ago ;P
You could pinpoint the exact moment your day had derailed. 
It wasn’t until the sun had just barely started to slip beneath the horizon. Nearly ten hours of joy all crashed in one single moment. It was one decision. A single foot placement was the difference between coming home safe and the disaster that befell you currently. 
One foot placement was all it took and your entire world crumbled from above you. 
You almost wondered if your foot pivoted slightly to the east, if you took the path to your right instead of your left, would you still be in this position? Would you be here, clinging to your next breath as if it was your last? 
But alas, you traveled west to your car. The path you took was slightly dimmer than the other in the middle of dusk. Less people, less crowds . . . less witnesses. 
That one decision landed you in an inescapable exchange of words. Whether you made it home was a decision you no longer had control of, it was now placed in the hands of a stranger—a person who thrived on the rush of feeling a life beat in the palm of their hands. 
Your feet were placed on a track alongside them, desperately trying to find a way out. But each pivot was either too late or too suspicious, all you could do was play along like some kind of puppet. Eventually the rush simmered and the paths diverged, they split off into two distinct directions, and you were free. 
You didn’t bother to care when your feet pounded against the ground one after another. They did their job, they took you to where your brain had decided you needed to go despite you not truly being a part of that conversation. You let your instincts take over, the adrenaline high of blazing through empty sidewalks and burning passed streetlamps flickering on for the first time that night. 
Your breath faded into the air with each step, a resounding huff of forced exhales as your legs ached from the pace. Before you knew it, your world tilted on its axis as your brain and body fully disconnected. Tunnel vision took over your view, the only thing in sight was the faraway gleam of steel and vinyl. 
You slammed the car door behind you, fully encasing you in a carbon cage. It felt like a cage in all senses of the word. You were suffocated inside the doors of your own safety, hating how your only semblance of security was in a man-made product that could fail within a moment—that could be broken into with just the thought of doing so. 
You heard the satisfying click of the doors locking, never realizing your fingers jumped to the button the second they could. That sound meant safety, that sound meant you would be okay. 
Electrons slipped past connections and you couldn't properly process anything aside from the steering wheel in front of you and the sharp polyester strap cutting across your chest. Your next exhale was steady and long, a pitiful attempt at self-soothing. Even with the length of the breath, the shakiness behind it was so easy to hear in the silence of the cage. 
You gripped the steering wheel with both hands, twisting your grip along the rim until you could feel the bite in your palms. You brought yourself back one cell at a time. It started with the pads of your fingers tapping against the polyurethane, then your palms rubbing against the grooves and curves of the wheel, then your hands were gripping at your arms until feeling returned to them slowly. You thawed out your own body seconds at a time. 
You breathed again. 
Then the car had started and you drove away. 
You could remember the exact moment you realized this was much deeper than mere disassociation. Your eyes were filled with red lights and your ears buzzed with the sound of passing cars. It started in your chest, a small hum of warning deep in the confines of your ribcage. 
The death rattle had started inside you and only got louder the longer your hands stayed connected to the prison bars. The hum turned into a storm of pyrocumulonimbus as your foot pressed into the gas, each breath of oxygen only fueled the fire burning at the edges of your lungs. 
You fought so hard against the impending doom of it all. You just wanted to go home. You wanted to come home and beeline straight for—not safety—comfort; you wanted to remind yourself that touch wasn’t something to be scared of; you wanted to remind yourself that you were safe—that everything was going to be okay. 
But instead your breath quickened into a terrifying speed and you had no choice but to pull over into the nearest complex with well-lit parking spaces and bustling activity at its front doors. Your car clicked off and your fingers immediately reached for the lock icon at your side. 
You pressed it once to hear the simultaneous click of four doors locking in tandem. 
Leaning against the plush seat, you tried to breathe properly. Your hands gripped at the seatbelt across your chest, both hating and adoring the pressure it forced against your body. 
You pressed it twice to remind yourself the doors were locked. 
Gripping the strap, you didn’t mind the way the edges dug into your palms as you bent it in on itself. It was tight against you, just enough to keep you present. The hands of sharply woven polyester forced you to stay conscious in reality, they didn’t dare let you slip between the cracks and fall into dissociation. 
You pressed it a third time, the same click resounding in your ears. 
Suddenly you felt too suffocated. You could feel the bottom of the wheel on your knees and the lanyard of your keys against your thigh. 
The clicks reversed as you tumbled out of the car. 
Fresh air hit your entire body and the fire raging in your chest worsened tenfold. You were exposed—you were vulnerable. You slammed yourself back into the car. A blink and you were in the backseat this time. 
The carved metal of a key dug into your fingers while you clutched it like a lifeline. Your hand reached for your phone before you could process anything else. Your other clicked the lock icon once more and the entire car fell into darkness. 
Damian didn’t remember falling asleep but when a human sized heater was laying across his chest, it never took long for his exhaustion to get tired of being ignored. 
He was slightly annoyed, arguably moreso, when the heater in question jerked upright. Damian’s eyes snapped open. “Watch it,” he groaned, sleep still affecting the timbre in his voice. Hands dug uncomfortably into his stomach and he pushed them away. 
“Sorry, sorry,” the kryptonian apologized from above him. “I just . . .” he trailed off. 
That got his attention. 
His eyes focused on the alert expression on his lover’s face. Jon shifted upright completely, still straddling Damian’s thighs. His eyes were distant, looking off into the window at the other side of the room. 
“What’s wrong?” Damian asked, finding himself slightly propped up onto his elbows. 
“Y/n,” Jon replied, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. The way he said your voice was just as distant as his gaze, almost like his voice was nothing but an exhale. He blinked, looking down and glaring so hard at Damian’s upper body that Damian almost took offense. 
“Their heartbeat,” he said, confusion lacing his voice as he tried to focus on the thum of your beat, “it’s . . . different.” 
“Different,” Damian echoed. He would’ve been annoyed at the vague answer if he wasn’t aware both him and Jon were currently barely awake and therefore, barely functioning (Damian more so than Jon, of course). “What do you mean different?” 
Kryptonian powers were always so finicky. He always thought so, but meeting Jon? This man was evidence in itself that powers were annoying at best. Damian watched as Jon developed each new power slowly at the most inconvenient times, mind you. And now, years after being the Man Of Steel, Jon’s powers still went berserk. 
Damian couldn’t even count on his fingers how many sensory overloads he’s guided Jon through—and he’d do it all over again if he had to. 
Jon shook his head. “It’s just different.” He shrugged. 
“You woke me up because it’s just different?” Damian deadpanned. 
Jon glared down at him. “This isn’t exactly an exact science, you know.” 
Damian sighed and slid back down until his upper back hit the mattress once more. “Is it going faster? Skipping a beat?” he prompted, trying his best to shake the grogginess from his body without letting paranoia fester in its place. 
Heartbeats always worried Damian. He ended up assuming the worst. But with a Kryptonian tracing them so often, he realized that different didn’t necessarily mean bad. You could have raised your hand in class, forgot your keys, or missed a step down the stairs and your heart lurched. That was enough to perk Jon’s ears. You could have been stressed so your heart rate was elevated. Maybe even tired which made it drag. 
Despite his own fears, Damian kept reminding himself that there's more of a chance that you were fine than not, especially when he was currently talking to a sleep deprived kryptonian who announced heartbeat changes all the time. The idea of getting away with any kind of anxiety while around that golden retriever was stupid and incredibly naive—Damian gave up after a year of Jon’s super-hearing kicking in. 
“You’re anxious.” 
“Shut up.” 
“You should probably—” 
“I said shut up.” 
Jon spoke up: “It definitely jumped and it’s been slightly faster than normal ever since.” His head tilted slightly to the side to listen better—Damian couldn't help but picture a tiny puppy doing the same and its ear flopping over. “It’s getting steadily faster. I think . . . I think they’re driving?” 
Damian’s eyes furrowed. He reached for his phone as Jon continued. “Definitely driving,” he settled on. “I can hear their car.” 
“Maybe they almost got into an accident,” Damian mumbled in thought, setting a personal reminder in his brain to berate you for speeding later. His phone clicked on and his eyes saw his blurry home screen. He blinked the image into focus. When his eyes could properly trace over the smiles on you and Jon’s faces, he looked at the time. 
It was earlier than he thought. 
Jon’s hands fiddled with the hem of Damian’s sleep shirt, the compression material stretching slightly to accommodate the movement. “Maybe,” Jon gnawed at his bottom lip. “I didn’t hear anything like that though, just normal traffic.” 
Damian hummed. “They were at the library today. I didn’t expect them to head home so soon.” His fingers opened your contact. “Did they text you that they were heading home?” 
 Jon leaned across the bed to reach for his phone on the nightstand. Damian resisted a snark at how uncomfortable the shift was with the unnecessary knee to the side. 
Jon fiddled with his phone for a moment. “Nope, nothing.” 
Damian opened his mouth to supply another sentence of rationale when two things happened simultaneously: In an instant, Jon’s phone slipped from his hands and ricocheted right off of his stomach. (“Ow!”) Then Damian’s ringtone sounded throughout the entire bedroom, bouncing off the walls and reverberating into their tired brains. 
The fear written on Jon’s face was enough for Damian to pick up on the first ring. 
“Y/n?” he asked. Jon’s fingers clutched at his shirt. 
“Hey,” you responded. There was a crackle over the line but Damian couldn’t tell if it was your voice or the shitty internet. 
“Are you okay?” Damian was blunt, cutting straight through any attempt at small talk. How could he not when Jon was currently mouthing “panic attack” at him and poking his ribcage. 
You hesitated enough for Damian to shoo Jon off of him. Both boys tumbled out of the massive bed in varying degrees of grace. 
“What are you doing right now?” 
“Doesn’t matter. You’re dodging the question,” Damian slid on a pair of pants and made his way down the stairs. “What’s wrong? And don’t say it’s nothing because I have a human sized Holter monitor that would beg to disagree.”
Jon tumbled behind, no doubt using some kind of kryptonian flare to gather all the necessary items to drive to you. 
“Can you both meet me here, I—” you cut off, if Damian strained, he could hear your rampant breathing. “I need you.” You choked, “No—No capes.” 
Damian breathed in slowly and exhaled through his mouth. The keys and wallets were already floating into his pockets as he opened the front door. 
No capes. 
It was a valid request. It was a request both Jon and Damian had come to appreciate overtime. No need for heroics, no need for perfection, no need for theatrics—you just needed your partners, as they were. 
That was a level of normalcy that was so rare in this lifestyle. As much as it would be miles quicker with Jon’s flight or even his grapple gun, he respected the thought process behind the decision. You just wanted your boys, that was all. 
Car doors slammed shut and Damian was already behind the wheel making his way to you. “We’re on our way.” He felt a poke to his bicep. Jon motioned towards the phone, opening and closing his hand in request. “I’m going to pass the phone to Jon. He’s going to stay on the line until we reach you, okay?” 
Damian barely waited for your small “ok” before handing the phone off. He didn’t bother to fill Jon in on the conversation, it was obvious he was already listening intently. 
“Hey, sunshine.” Jon pointed directions out and Damian followed. No need for maps when you have a super-hearing alien who knows exactly where you are just by the sounds of traffic and the volume of your heartbeat. “We’re coming as fast as we can. Just give us ten minutes and we’ll be there with you.” 
Damian focused on driving, the one thing he could do at this moment. He was tactical, he was useful. Jon was the comforting one; Jon was the one who could navigate emotionally tense situations with ease. So he gripped the steering wheel tighter and made sure he got to you safely. 
Strengths. All three of you had them just as you all had weaknesses. But the beauty of your triad came from how perfectly your strengths filled each others’ weaknesses. You lifted each other up, and when you couldn’t, it was easy to lean on one another. 
So Jon handled the comfort, Damian handled the logistics. 
Words of affirmations flew out of Jon’s mouth in a way that Damian used to envy. Now, he found it endearing. He has his own strengths and that’s okay. 
“Just ten minutes, baby. Ten minutes and everything will be okay, I promise.” 
Red lights glared down at Damian. 
“Breath with me. In and out, just like that. Keep doing that.” 
Stop signs seemed taller than usual, more demeaning. 
“You’re gonna be alright. I know it doesn’t feel that way right now but you’ll be okay soon, you just gotta hang in there for us.” 
Brakes screeched against the pavement. 
“I'm so proud of you, you’re so brave right now. No, don’t be like that. You’re so strong, you’ll get through this, I swear.” 
His fingers tapped against the gear shift impatiently. 
“Are the doors locked? Yea? That’s good. You did good—so good.” 
He heard you sob into the receiver and his heart twisted painfully. 
“You’re safe. No one can get to you right now without your consent. Just keep telling yourself that: no one can get in, no one can reach you, you’re safe.” 
His foot finally hit the gas. 
“You’re alright, sweetheart. You're okay. You did everything right—yes you did. Yes, Y/n. You got to safety, you pulled over, you locked the doors, and you called us. You did everything right.” 
He made a right and then a left. 
“Five more minutes, bub. Just five more minutes. Keep breathing. Just a few more minutes and we’ll be right there with you.” 
He was trapped behind a slow Jeep—he switched lanes. 
“Yea? Grab the jacket and hold it tight. I’d rather you hold that. Just a few more minutes and that jacket will be replaced with us, alright?” 
Yellow lights always annoyed him the most. 
“We’re coming, I promise. We’re coming.” 
He swerved into the complex, not caring if he cut someone off in the process. 
“We’re pulling in right beside you. That car is us so don’t be scared. It’s just us, baby.” 
Damian clicked off the car and tumbled out with Jon quick to follow suit. He always forgot how much Jon used pet names as he rambled through words of reassurance. He was sure it was some kind of nervous tick Jon had, a way for him to soothe both himself and the other person. It could also just be a habit of his mouth speaking far faster than his brain, but the nicknames flowed out of him so fast either way.
“You gotta let us in, love. We can’t help from out here.” Jon’s hand gently rested on the glass window to the backseat. Damian motioned towards the building in front of the car, Jon nodded in response, already knowing his thought process far before Damian’s feet started moving backwards. 
Focus on his strengths. Focus on what he can do. Focus on that. 
The car doors unlocked and the boys split up. 
You were huddled in the backseat for what felt like hours and milliseconds all at once. Every time your breaths evened, your brain fizzled out with it until you couldn’t feel anything aside from the car key scraping against your palm and the plastic door digging into your spine. 
Legs pulled into your chest, phone to your ear, and arms wrapped around a hoodie long since stolen for your backseat, you waited. You tried to bury your nose in the scent of pine and peppermint, a tanglement of your home—your boys—but it never fully sunk into your comprehension. 
Your empty hand grasped at the plush cotton in a sour attempt at bringing yourself back up. Unfortunately, the second you were brought back to awareness, your breathing spiked. Every distant voice, every shifting shadow, even the cars passing by in the nearby road—it all screamed danger into your head until you struggled to breathe. 
Even in this locked prison, you still felt too exposed. You were miles from home and miles from safety, how could you not? 
The doors are locked. 
You’re safe. 
No one can come in without your permission. 
They’re coming. 
When a car pulled beside yours, a familiar tint of windows and gleam of dark steel, you fought all of your instincts to run, to hide, to scream. 
The doors are locked. 
You’re safe. 
No one can come in without your permission. 
They’re here. 
It took every ounce of your willpower to allow your finger to press the open lock icon after pressing the locked one over and over again for what felt like an eternity.  
“Y/n,” Jon sighed out in relief. The call ended and what once was a distant voice was now a full fledged being.
“Please close the door,” you sobbed out, feeling nothing but claws of terror scratch up your chest the longer the door stayed open. Jon instantly complied, shutting the door as gently as he could without slamming it. 
The doors instantly locked again. 
“Can I touch you?” he started with. He didn’t bother asking if you were okay or asking what you needed, it would be pointless. You weren’t okay and asking what you needed when you were so clearly in peril would just put unnecessary weight onto your shoulders when he should be taking it off. 
Your hands fisted into the fabric, fingers swimming amongst the mountain of cotton. “I-I,” you choked on an inhale, “I don’t know.” 
And how could you? Sometimes touch was a blessing, a craving nothing else could satiate. Sometimes touch was the only way to bring you back all the way: it was grounded as was it weighted, it was nice. 
But sometimes touch was terrifying, a pressure of what if tangled in previous experiences. Sometimes touch was the only thing that terrified you the most: after such a night, how could you possibly feel safe with an ounce of contact? 
“Okay,” Jon said quickly, not wanting to make you feel worse about your own indecision. “What if we try? I’ll pull away the second you tell me to, pinky swear.” 
He even raised his pinky to solidify the statement. If you weren’t miles deep into a panic attack and hundreds of tears worn, you probably would have laughed. Instead, you nodded, a jerky movement that shifted the fabric around your face. 
“I’m gonna place my hand on top of your knee, real slow. You tell me if you don’t want it there anymore.” He looked into your eyes with his vibrant blue bells. His face was so sure, so confident, but the edges of his face were hardened with worry. He really couldn’t hide his emotions around you.
You nodded once more. You saw your own quickened breaths more than you felt them, the shadows off to your right reflecting the rise and fall of your chest. 
Jon’s hand was raised slightly above your knee and he hesitated just enough for you to track his movements. Then it was nothing but a light touch of fingertips, then fingers, then a palm, and then an entire hand. 
Despite his slow, deliberate movements, you still flinched. It was a whole-body jerk that started with pulling your legs closer to you and ended with your shoulders hitching upwards. Jon bit the inside of his cheek at the reaction, ignoring the way it dug into his heart a little too deep for his own sanity.
He kept his hand there even when your body’s instinctual reaction screamed for him to pull back. Jon waited for your words, but more importantly, he waited for you to settle into the touch or comprehend that you didn’t want it anymore—whichever ended up happening. 
Luckily, it was the former. Your shoulders pressed back into the door behind you and your head leaned against the car seat. Your feet unhooked at the ankles and relaxed. 
“Do you want more touch or is this enough for now?” 
You felt the heat radiate from his palm, it fought against the storm of fire boiling in every fiber of your being. It also fought against the sheet of ice that threatened to separate you from the rest of the world. It was enough. 
“ ‘s good for now,” you breathed in shakily. Trying to match the rise and fall of the chest in front of you. 
Jon looked off to the side and squinted into the darkness. “Damian’s on his way back.” His thumb absent-mindedly rubbed against your knee slowly and in a small movement. It was so small you barely would’ve realized it if your knee wasn’t at eye level. “You’ll have to let him in soon.” 
Your eyes flickered over to just beyond your car and into the entrance to the building—the cafe—where Damian had started walking out of. You had a moment or two to emotionally prepare yourself to unlock those doors. 
You struggled on your next breath and Jon heard it. He returned his gaze to you. “Breathe, baby. It’s just Dami. You can lock the doors immediately afterwards.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded, hating the way your breathing sped up slightly as you clicked the open lock. Gears shifted and the reversal of the click was impossibly loud against your muddled brain. 
The door in front of you swung open and Jon pulled Damian inside before closing the door as soon as possible. You found your thumb pressing the lock button the second you heard the car door close. You never once felt the hand on your knee leave and you silently thanked Jon’s perceptiveness. 
Opening your eyes, you were met with Damian’s emerald eyes looking at you with as much concern as those eyes could ever truly show. Jon had somehow found his way squished in between the seats and middle console, half debating if he should just sit on the floor or on the console. Damian sat across from you with his hands full of drinks and food. 
He offered you the blend of sugar and ice to which you took without much hesitation. Your head was pounding. You could hear your heartbeat in your ear and you could feel it in your temples. It was unbearably hot with pain. 
“I got your usual,” Damian said, “just the way you like it.” 
You sniffled, already feeling the fire inside swirl into dissipation. “No inclusions?” you asked in a small voice. 
“No inclusions,” he reassured you. 
“The base?” 
“Lemonade, not water.” 
You opened your mouth to ask another question but Damian was quick to read your mind. He lifted up a straw still wrapped in its plastic casing. “Yes, I got you a straw.” 
For the first time that night, you smiled. It was small, twitchy, and faded just as quick as it came, but it was still better than the choked off sobs from earlier over the phone. 
Damian opened the top of the straw for you and you held out your drink for him to place it inside. Your hands were so shaky it was difficult to even hold the large drink (because of course he got you the biggest size), let alone have enough dexterity to open a straw. 
“I also bought cake pops,” he lifted up the three brown bags of parchment that held your sugary treat. He knew you so well you swore he was a mind reader. Your hands were shaking from panic but also from how low your energy levels were from using every ounce of it to breathe. 
Damian lifted the first bag after peering inside. “Birthday cake.”
You snatched the bag. 
Jon did the same for his. 
“And mine.” Damian set his bag in his lap and handed Jon his drink full of sugar. 
Jon propped open the cup holders attached to the center console and set his drink inside, Damian was quick to set his water beside it. 
You clutched your drink with both hands, enjoying the feeling of the cold condensation against your aching fingers. “Thank you.”
Damian hummed in response. It didn’t take long for his hand to find its way onto your other knee and this time, you didn’t end up flinching. You swore the presence of your two lovers was more than enough to calm any attack that found its way up to you. Tonight was proof of that. 
“Your breathing is still too fast for my liking,” Damian spoke up. “Do you want to go through some breathing exercises?” 
Both of the boys looked at you expectantly. You shrunk back slightly at the pressure before you shook your head. “Can . . .” you breathed in to reassure yourself—your request was okay, you’re voicing your needs, you’re valid—“Can you guys just distract me?” 
They shared a look between each other and Jon ended up speaking up first: “Go ahead, Dami. Distract them.” 
“Why do I have to?” Damian demanded, “You’re obviously better at running your mouth than I am.”
“Because I said so?” 
“Because you said so,” Damian mocked, “Really? Do you honestly believe that holds any true merit in this household?” 
Jon scoffed. “It does when you say it so why doesn’t it when I say it?”
“Because I’m better than you, obviously.” 
“Am not.” 
“Am too.” 
“Boys,” you giggled through the word. Your grip on your drink was loose and your legs uncurled slowly until they pressed into Damian’s shin. “While this is adorable, I just want to listen to you two talk, not bicker.” 
One of them huffed from their nose and you genuinely couldn’t tell who—you’re half convinced they both did. 
“Fine.” Damian’s free hand fell around the top of your shoe, his pinky brushing against your ankle. “Go ahead, genius. Tell our beloved what you did to the kitchen while making dinner tonight.” 
Jon’s eyes widened slowly. “We agreed not to tell them,” he whisper-shouted. 
Damian shrugged. 
You turned to Jon with a fire behind your eyes. 
“What did you do to my freshly cleaned kitchen?”
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Let me take care of you pt. 2 - Bangchan one shot
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Summary: your husband, Bangchan, is helping you ease the pain of your 8 month old pregnant belly.
Thank you for the idea, @pettypuppy-jonghyun! I hope this does your idea justice 🫶🏻
“Noona, the baby is due in less than a month now, right?”, Felix asked you as he handed you the plate with the cheesecake. “Thank you, Yongbok. And yes, the due date is in 28 days. But she can come sooner or later”, you explained to him before taking the first bite of the cake.
Your 8-month pregnant belly was aching painfully today. From the swollen feet to the splitting back pain, the last trimester of the pregnancy began to get into you. You grew more and more impatient every time your bladder needed a release. Which was every few minutes.
You used to break down to your husband, Bangchan, due to the hormonal rollercoasters and fear of becoming a good mother in the first trimester. Now it was mostly due to the thinning nerves. You wanted to hold your daughter in your arms, now. But she wasn’t due yet, Bangchan kept on calming you down by repeating the same words: “I know baby, you’re doing amazing. You’re so strong, do you know that? I’d love to carry the little wolf in my arms now too but she has a few more weeks to go, she has to finish developing so she’s all healthy”. He’d hold you close for hours, repeatedly kissing you to cheer you up afterward. You felt bad for acting like a stubborn child but you really couldn’t help it.
Bangchan was at the JYP headquarters with the rest of 3RACHA in a meeting to talk about the planning of the group schedule for the next months. Bangchan had requested to get fewer activities that involved him being by your side for the rest of the pregnancy and the labor. Which was barely impossible since he was the leader of the group and stray kids members had abandonment fear. Instead of minimizing group activities, the suggestion of the new subunit, Minsung, was brought to the table. Hyunjin was busy filming the art show that had been on national tv for the past month. Which meant reduced group activities for the upcoming weeks.
Knowing the circumstances of the job of your husband, you were glad that adjusting the group activities and promotions was even possible. He loved his job, he had poured every single day of his life since was a kid into his dream. He gave up on sleep, food, friends, family, and other opportunities along the road over and over just in fear he’d neglect his dream of being on stage. Back in your dating days, you’d have to force him together with his members to take a nap when he was sick. Sick as in barely able to stand on his kind sick.
He had asked Felix to keep you company and help you out since your body ached since you woke up this morning. You both had played multiple rounds on the switch and watched older videos of the group, laughing over the memories. Before you become pregnant, you’d travel with the band as a staff member for hair and make-up. You were Felix’ makeup artist before so you two naturally bonded the easiest. Then you’d become the makeup artist of both Felix and Bangchan, taking care of the looks of the Aussie line.
“You women are like superheroes, noon. I watched the documentary that Hyunjin send me, about what pregnancy does to your body and it was insane. Mothers are truly strong, they give up so much too. I called my mom afterward and apologized that she gave birth to me”, he said with furrowed eyebrows, making you laugh. “Oh Felix, you truly are an angel walking on earth. But it’s true, I was surprised myself by the female anatomy during pregnancy, it does more than someone would think”, you took the last bite of the cheesecake.
“Do you want to go for a walk and get some fresh air?”, he suggested. But you just shook your head. “No, thank you, sweetheart. My belly feels like it’s weighing an additional 10 pounds today”.
Just then you heard the front door of your apartment open, and shortly later your husband entered the living room. “Guess who’s back”, he goofily said and waved. “Thank you for watching after Y/N, Lix. Changbin and Jisung are downstairs in the car if you want to join them. They are going to play bowling”. The blonde-haired guy nodded eagerly and stood up. “Bye hyung, bye noona!”, he waved and you waved back. “Take care, Yongbok! Thank you for spending the day with me”, you gave him a sincere smile. “No need to thank me for that, noona. Your family!”, he then disappeared.
“How’s my beloved wife and the little wolf doing today?”, Bangchan asked as he kneeled in front of you, eye to eye with you. “The lie or the truth?”, you asked him, biting down on your lip as your daughter threw a strong kick inside you. She was training to play soccer, that was for sure.
“The truth, always the truth, baby”, your husband said and took your hand into his, kissing the top of it. “Is it worse than this morning?”, he asked to which you simply hooded. You were cheerful when you spend time with Felix but now that your husband asked you for your well-being, he unraveled something inside you. You felt your bottom lip tremble as you looked into the face of your husband. “It hurts a lot, Channie. I just want her out now”.
“Baby”, he said softly and stood between your lungs, cooing you into his embrace. Nestled into his chest, you hold tightly onto him as he caressed your hair and back, leaving endless kisses on the top of your head. You began to relax a little before another sharp pain rushed through your back and you yelped. “Ah-“, you pulled back and laid your back against the cushion of the couch. Bangchan held tightly onto your hand, worrying about finding a way to relieve your pain”
“Do you want me to lift your bump for a bit? That would relieve the weight and pressure on your back”, he said softly, caressing your knee while he watched you.
The doctor had suggested to you do a couple of lifts since your back pain had intensified at the beginning of the trimester. Bangchan had learned the right way to lift you and the belly from the physician’s instructions and did them every time your back felt like it was being split open. It did help, even if it was just for a short amount of time.
You nodded weakly and he reached out to tuck the strands of your curtain bangs behind your ear before helping you to stand up as gently as possible. Standing in the middle of the living room, he walked around to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you. Placing his hands below your belly, he gently lifted it, and instantly, you felt the pressure lessen on your back and knees. You sighed in comfort and pressed your back more against your husband’s back. You both stood there, your pregnant belly in the hands of your husband.
“Ready?”, he whispered into your ear.
“Not really”, you mumbled, wanting a few more seconds of comfort.
“Okay, now I’m ready”, you sighed and Bangchan slowly and ever so gently retreated his arms from your belly, resting them on your hips instead, massaging them. The pressure returned and it irritated you more than before. But it would all be worth it, for your baby daughter. Just a few more weeks to go, you told yourself.
“You’re the best mother Leyla could ask for”, Bangchan whispered into your ear, pressing a side kiss onto your temple. “Let’s lay you down, and I’ll massage your legs and feet”, he said and guided you back to the couch.
Once you were settled down with pillows supporting your back, Chan began to massage your legs carefully. “I’m so full of water, I feel like a whale”, you whined. Your legs looked like they were twice their usual size. “You’re not, baby. You’re still the beautiful woman that I fell in love with. You just have these painful swellings due to the water your body storages”, he said softly, working on the swellings.
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morbidology · 5 months
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On Christmas Day of 1951, it was the 25th wedding anniversary of Harry and Harriette Moore from Mims, Florida. The couple were pioneer activists and lead re of the early civil rights movement in the United States. Unbeknownst to them, later on that night, they would become the first martyrs of the movement.
In 1934, Harry founded the Brevard County, Florida, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter. NAACP worked towards achieving equal pay for equal work for teachers of any race and fought to have lunching prosecuted and attempted to register voters of colour in the region. Harry saw some success during the nascent civil rights movement; voters of colour doubled in Florida during the last half of the 1940s and lawsuits started to be filed to challenge the policy of paying teacher of colour less than their white counterparts.
Due to their civil rights activity, both Harry and Harriette were fired from the school where they both worked. Orange County was a hotbed of racism and violence during the 1940s and early 1950s; the Orange County Ku Klux Klan was gaining popularity and turning more violent by the day.
On that fateful Christmas afternoon, Harry and Harriette had celebrated their anniversary with Harry’s mother and their 24-year-old daughter. They spent the evening eating cake and chatting. At around 10:15PM, the couple climbed into bed and switched off the light. Moments later, there was an almighty explosion; somebody had planted 3 pounds of dynamite under the bedroom floor of the couple.
The force of the dynamite tore open the floor and slammed the mattress to the ceiling before crashing back down. The bedroom was completely obliterated, the front porch had been shredded and the frame of the house destroyed.Harry died on the way to Stanford hospital in the back of a relative’s Buick; Stanford hospital was the closest hospital that would treat people of colour. Harriette died nine days later due to massive internal injuries; she lived long enough to see her husband be buried.
When police arrived at the scene, a sniffer dog picked up a scent which led to nearby Dixie Highway before abruptly stopping. Sure enough Sheriff H.T. Williams found footprints alongside the scent but since he walked through them, the plaster imprint made was useless. Officially, the murders remain unsolved but according to FBI documents, the Orange County Ku Klux Klan are responsible.
Four suspects were known high ranking members of the Ku Klux Klan: Earl J. Brooklyn, Tillman H. Belvin, Joseph Cox and Edward L. Spivey. Despite the evidence against them, no arrests were ever made and all four main suspects are now deceased.
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butchniqabi · 2 years
god i honestly hate when theres an article or passed around statement (that may or may not be true) about how [really common food/ingredient] is ~secretly bad for you~ because like. god do yall really wanna die hungry and unsatisfied bc you stopped consuming anything that wasnt Three Specific Vegetables and bottled spring water? this isnt even like a "you MUST eat chocolate, wine, three loaves of bread, one pound of rice, and a pan full of bacon grease EVERY day" but like...dont you get tired of abstaining from shit completely bc it has the potential to cause problems in the future? like having a sandwich with white bread once a week will not kill you, i promise. and its just....hm...food is something people created because generally speqking humans like variety, different tastes and textures and the like. food constantly evolved because we Wanted to expand our palates, use new spices and fruits and herbs and meats, like its a very human thing! if our ancestors didnt on some level crave bread (and other carbs) they wouldnt have gone to the trouble to keep experimenting with the ingridients. additionally a large portion of cultures and nations on the planet have Some verion of bread so like...cmon now.
and before anyones like omg shut up youre literally fat 🙄 i did in fact do the rigid restriction, keto, no-drink-but-plain-water thing for a while and it made me feel physically and emotionally awful and is still affecting the way i view food to this day. i am so fucking lucky to have access to a wide variety of diverse foods, im not going to rob and starve myself out of some misplaced desire to assign morals to food groups. like idk maybe its just me but i honestly think there will come a point when almost every food will be slapped with a negative label by Someone, and obsessing about it seems needlessly stressful. like have some cornbread baby, eat your mother's homemade cookies, have some of your niece's ice cream cake, i promise it wont kill you!
(do not come into my inbox talking about x, y, or z diet created with the intent to lose weight bc i promise i do not give a fuck)
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scotianostra · 8 months
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January 23rd is National Pie day, what's your favourite pie?
Is it the traditional New Years day fare, of a muckle steak pie, or the humble Scotch Pie filled with mutton? It could also be a macaroni pie, possibly a favourite with the vegetarians Scots out there. Or maybe you have sought out the Breakfast pie that I posted about previously is made by Table 13 Express takeaway deli in Kirkintilloch. The Haggis and Steak Pie by Bells is also up there, although I preferred the haggis mash and beans pies we used to get from our local bakers growing up in my hometown of Loanhead.
Perhaps the most famous of our pies here in Scotland is the award winning Killie Pie made by Brownings Bakery in the town since 1945.
Just last week Scotlans best pie was announced at The World Championship Scotch Pie Awards, with a beloved Perth and Kinross butcher taking home the top prize at the ceremony. More than 50 bakeries and butchers from around Scotland were shortlisted in a range of categories, with their bakes assessed anonymously by a panel of experts and independent judges.
This year, the top World Champion prize was given to James Pirie & Son of Blairgowrie, who previously won the competition in 2018, 2020, and 2022, as well as taking the title of World Scotch Pie Champion of Champions in 2021 with their iconic Scotch Pie.
Elsewhere, fellow winners included James Aitken Butchers in Alloa, The Little Bakery in Dumfries, and Beefcake Cafe in Glasgow, who took home prizes in the Sausage Roll, Bridie, and Vegetarian Savoury categories respectively. Among the other categories were Steak Pie and Haggis Savoury, which were awarded to Brownings the Bakers Ltd in Kilmarnock and WeeCOOK in Carnoustie.
Here's a recipe for the Scotch Pie, although they will differ from source to source.
Four 4-inch springform cake pans (or equivalent)
Rolling pin
Small skillet
Knife to cut onion
Measuring cups, spoons
Kitchen scale (optional)
Mixing Bowls and spoons
Pastry Brush (for egg wash)
Stove and Oven (obviously)
Hot Water Pastry Crust
2 cups flour (240 grams)
1/2 cup lard or shortening
1/2 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk, beaten (for egg wash)
Meat Filling
1 small onion, chopped fine
1 – 2 teaspoons lard, butter, or shortening
1 pound lean ground beef
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon mace
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon Italian spice (optional)
Quick Beef Gravy
1 14 oz. can low sodium chicken broth
2 cubes beef bouillon
1/4 cup cold water
2 tablespoons corn starch
2 tablespoons corn starch
Preheat oven to 350° F or 177° C. Grease four 4 inch springform pans and set aside.
Put flour in a medium mixing bowl and create a well in the center.
Place water, salt, and lard in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Carefully pour hot water and lard into well made in the flour. Mix with a spoon until all the flour is wet.
When the flour mixture is cool enough to handle. Knead just enough to mix completely. Set aside one fourth of the dough and divide the remaining dough into four balls.
2 tablespoons corn starch
Preheat oven to 350° F or 177° C. Grease four 4 inch springform pans and set aside.
Put flour in a medium mixing bowl and create a well in the center.
Place water, salt, and lard in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Carefully pour hot water and lard into well made in the flour. Mix with a spoon until all the flour is wet.
When the flour mixture is cool enough to handle. Knead just enough to mix completely. Set aside one fourth of the dough and divide the remaining dough into four balls.
Place all of the dough in the refrigerator while sautéing the onions and preparing the meat mixture.
Sauté the chopped onion in 1 to 2 teaspoons of lard, butter, or shortening, until soft.
Thoroughly mix ground beef, onion, and spices, including salt and pepper, in a bowl and set aside.
Remove dough from the refrigerator and roll each of the four big dough balls into round shapes big enough to cover the bottom and up the sides of the springform pans stopping about 1/4 inch or 6 mm from the top of the pan.
Roll out the large piece of dough, (the fourth you cut off from the whole dough mass in the beginning), into one large shape a little thinner than the bottom shells. Using one of the springform pans, cut four circles out of the rolled dough. These will be the lids (top crusts) of your pies. Lay them flat and cut a small hole in the center of each lid.
Add one fourth of the meat mixture to each pastry lined pan. Filling to about 1/4 inch or 6 mm from the top of the dough. Be sure to push it down into the corner round the bottom of the pan.
Cover the pie with the pastry lids and press the edges of the lid dough into the shell dough to seal. You may crimp with your fingers or press with a fork to make them pretty or just leave them plain. Just make sure the tops and sides are sealed together.
Brush each lid with the beaten egg yolk and place the pies in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes. You can stick a meat thermometer into the lid hole to ensure the meat is cooked through. It should be 160° F or 71° C.
While the pies are in the oven, make the quick gravy. Put the chicken broth in a saucepan along with two beef bouillon cubes and bring to a boil. Mix 2 tablespoons of corn starch into 1/4 cup cold water and stir until smooth. Slowly, add the corn starch mixture to the broth while stirring. Turn down the heat to a simmer and allow the gravy to thicken, stirring occasionally.
Remove the pies from the oven and allow to cool for 5 to 10 minutes before removing springforms. Serve with gravy, potatoes, and vegetables, top with beans, or, just eat them on the go.
If you want to put a tablespoon of gravy inside each pie before baking them, just make the gravy before assembling the pies.
Scotch pies will last 3 days in the refrigerator and can be frozen after they have cooled for an hour. They will taste best if eaten within two to three months of freezing. Once you have thawed the pies, don’t refreeze them.
Recipe taken from https://travelinginmykitchen.com/2022/01/03/make-your-own-scotch-pies/
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noelcollection · 1 year
Summer & Strawberries
There are many things that come to mind when the word “summer” is said for everyone. It may be cookouts with family, days at the pool-side with friends, or not having to go to school for several glorious weeks. There are also the holidays that mark the beginning, middle, and end of Summer which are normally themes in red, white, and blue. So, how many people think of strawberries? 
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            There is a select day especially for picking strawberries and it is May 20th, which is also Armed Forces Day. However, we recognize our nation's service personnel at a later date. Today we are discussing a little hybrid species of fruit. Strawberries first came into existence in the late 18th century in Brittany, France. At least the common garden strawberry did, there is also a wild species of strawberries. The fruit we use in our pound cake was cultivated from breeding the Virginia strawberry or mountain strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) from eastern North America and the Chilean strawberry or beach strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis). When the Spanish first observed the growth of the female Chilean strawberry in 1551, they brought it over to Europe where it flourished but did not produce fruit. It was not until the mid-18th century that when the Chilean variety was planted between rows of musk and mountain strawberries that it produced an abundance of large fruit. This resulted in a series of scientific discoveries regarding plant-breeding methods. The resulting strawberry, Fragaria ananassa, was named by Antoine Nicolas Duchesne due to its similarity to the pineapple with the larger strawberries’ shape, smell, and taste. 
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            For this litter post, two books were chosen which deal with the growth of the ruby fruit. The oldest of the two is from 1934 and contains a chapter regarding the strawberry; The new American gardener; containing practical directions on the culture of fruits … by Thomas Fessenden (https://bit.ly/437S6IU). The second text is from 1850 and has illustrations of strawberries, which are dispersed throughout this post. The American Fruit Culturist … by John J. Thomas (https://bit.ly/3WsspR7) contains various descriptions and illustrations regarding fruit trees grown in planet nurseries, orchards, and gardens.
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inwardhardar · 7 months
POWDER your nose🌨_ _ _ _👃👈 👁👁
and powder your WIG🦲 my sassy💅 lil' patriots!
It's President's Day! 👉🗓 which means it's time to celebrate this nation's🍾 Founding DADDDIES🥵🥵🥵
But only one of them takes the proverbial cake 🎂 🍑, and his name is George SLOSHINGTON!!!1
This POUNDING father SLAYED the Brits🚣💂‍♂️so we could have the freedom🦅 to flex 💪on the rest of the world (🇺🇲>🌎 )
We just KNOW you'd let that zesty patritot POP your 🍒 cherry before chopping down🪓🪓 the whole 🌳 so stand up and salute the flag 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 this President's day!!1!
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doctorfriend79 · 2 years
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😋  Happy National Pound Cake Day!  😋
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murderousink23 · 2 years
03/04/2023 is National Safety Day ⛑🇮🇳, National Grammar Day 🇺🇲, National Hug a G.I. Day 🇺🇲, National Pound Cake Day 🇺🇲, Idaho Day 🇺🇲
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This huge picture should be enlarged to see the details. It is of a banquet given by the city in honor of Charles Lindbergh, who was being lionized for his cross-Atlantic flight. The day before he'd been given a ticker tape parade; on June 14, 1927, the city threw this shindig, thought (at the time) to be the biggest and most lavish dinner ever given in New York. For some strange reason, all 3,700 guests were male (there's even one young boy on the far right, third table from front). They polished off 300 gallons of turtle soup, 2,000 pounds of fish, 6,000 pounds of chicken, 800 quarts of ice cream, and 12,000 pieces of cake.
Below is the menu cover from the party. "WE" refers to Lindbergh and his relationship with his plane, the Spirit of St. Louis.
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Top Photo: Vintage Sports Authentics Auctions Bottom photo: National Air & Space Museum
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rabbitcruiser · 30 days
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National Banana Lovers Day
Today we celebrate the banana—the most popular fruit in the United  States and around the world. The average person eats about 100 of them a  year, which comes out to about 25 to 33 pounds worth. They are the  cheapest fruit and are also one of the most perishable. They may appear  to grow on trees, but they actually grow on plants that have 10 to 20  feet high trunks. The banana plant is an herb—the largest herb plant,  actually—and bananas are its fruit. The plant grows in the tropics.
Each banana is about 100 calories and is high in fiber and potassium,  which are good for treating high blood pressure, ulcers, calcium loss,  and some cancers. Bananas are also a good source of manganese, vitamin  B6, and vitamin C. There are over 1,000 varieties of bananas, but the  kind most eaten in the United States is the Cavendish. The Gros Michel  was once the most commonly eaten, but in the 1950s it fell victim to a  fungus that causes Panama disease, so farmers had to switch to the  Cavendish.
Bananas are the oldest cultivated fruit and likely were first  domesticated in Southeast Asia. Centuries later, shortly after Europeans  arrived in the Western Hemisphere, they were brought from the Canary  Islands to Hispaniola. They then spread to other islands, before making  it to the mainland. They didn't become widespread in the United States  until the end of the nineteenth century. They were so popular in  American cities in the early twentieth century that banana peels on the  ground became a nuisance and an issue that had to be dealt with. This  led to the gag of slipping on banana peels, which was frequently  featured in early movies.
Bananas were popularized in part by the United Fruit Company, which  was founded in the late nineteenth century, and is now known as  Chiquita. They encouraged people to eat bananas with milk and corn  flakes, and they put out banana recipe books until the end of the 1950s.  The books oftentimes contained adventurous recipes and aimed to get  people to eat bananas at every meal. They cast the banana not only as  something sweet but also as something similar to a vegetable, like a  potato. One example of a recipe from the book is ham banana rolls with  cheese sauce. Nowadays, bananas are still eaten in many different ways.  Besides being enjoyed plain, they may be fried, may be included in  sandwiches, and may be used in pies, puddings, muffins, breads, and  cakes—among other things. On National Banana Lovers Day, the sky's the  limit as to what can be done with them!
How to Observe National Banana Lovers Day
You should be eating as many bananas and foods made with bananas as possible today. While doing so, perhaps you could read Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World. You could pick up an old United Fruit/Chiquita recipe book to help you decide what to eat, but we have also put together some recipe ideas for you here as well:
Elvis Presley's fried peanut butter and banana sandwich
Grilled banana s'mores
Fried sweet bananas
Honey-rum grilled bananas
Eat bananas with corn flakes and milk, just as United Fruit once encouraged everyone to do.
Try bananas in milk, with a little bit of sugar and a few drops of vanilla extract.
Banana bread
Banana muffins
Banana cake
Banana split
Banana cream pie
Banana pudding
Banana cocktails
Banana smoothies
Make some matooke, which is the most popular banana dish in the world and from Uganda.
Make Bananas Foster, a New Orleans specialty.
Make the original United Fruit ham banana rolls with cheese sauce!!!
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datcloudboi · 9 months
List of Films Turning 20 Years Old in 2024
The Alamo (the one with Dennis Quaid)
Alexander ((the Alexander the Great biopic directed by Oliver Stone and starring Colin Farrell)
Alien vs. Predator
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
The Aviator (the Howard Hughes biopic directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leo DiCaprio)
Barbershop 2: Back in Business
Before Sunset
Blade: Trinity
The Bourne Supremacy
The Butterfly Effect
Cellular (an action-thriller starring Kim Basinger and Chris Evans)
The Chronicles of Riddick
Dawn of the Dead (the remake directed by Zack Snyder and written by James Gunn)
The Day After Tomorrow
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Fahrenheit 9/11 (the Michael Moore documentary about how the Bush administration handled the aftermath of September 11, as well as their handling of the Invasion of Iraq)
50 First Dates
Finding Neverland (a biopic about J. M. Barrie, the guy who wrote “Peter Pan”. Barrie was played by Johnny Depp)
Friday Night Lights
Garden State
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Home on the Range (one of Disney's most often forgotten animated movies)
House of Flying Daggers
Howl's Moving Castle
I Heart Huckabees
I, Robot
The Incredibles
Kill Bill Volume 2
King Arthur (the one with Clive Owen)
The Ladykillers (the remake of the 1955 movie of the same name directed by the Coen Brothers)
Layer Cake (the first movie directed by Matthew Vaughn, who would go on to direct “Kick-Ass” and “Kingsman”)
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
The Lion King 1 1/2
The Machinist (the movie where Christian Bale lost like 60 pounds)
The Manchurian Candidate (the remake of the movie of the same name starring Denzel Washington)
Mean Girls
Million Dollar Baby
Napoleon Dynamite
National Treasure
The Notebook
Ocean's Twelve
The Passion of the Christ
The Phantom of the Opera
The Place Promised in Our Early Days (the first film directed by Makoto Shinkai)
The Polar Express
Primer ((the time travel movie where you sit in a box for 12 hours and be back in time 12 hours. I think.)
The Punisher (the Thomas Jane one)
Ray (the Ray Charles biopic)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Saw (the 1st one)
Scooby-Doo 2: Monster Unleashed
Seed of Chucky
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Shaun of the Dead
Shrek 2
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Spider-Man 2
The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
Team America: World Police
The Terminal
13 Going on 30
Van Helsing
The Village
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shellysaurus-rex · 1 year
Fire Emblem: Engage OC Chanelle
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Basic Information:
Name: Chanelle
Age: 22
Bio: Chanelle is a simple villager born in Elusia, though is now residing in Firene. She has spent her time growing up in a sheltered life by her worrisome parents ever since she was diagnosed with a difficult heart disease. She oft works as a woodcutter and is well versed in wood craft, especially that of detailed wood carvings that she used to bide her time at home sick. 
❤ More Info Below  ❤
Ally Notebook:
Initial Page;
Initial Class: Bow Knight (Axe)
Birthday: 21st of March
Basic Info: A sheltered villager from Firene who left her home independently while in search of the Divine One. After being rescued from Corrupted she subsequently joined the Divine Dragon’s army.  
C Rank;
Likes: Woodcraft, Medicines, Almonds, Flowers, Fruits, Cute things, Animals (Especially cats)
Dislikes: Death, Sickness, Socializing, Noisy situations, Becoming tongue tied
B Rank;
Hobbies: Carving wooden animals
Talents: Attention to precise detail
Background: Born from a destitute village in Elusia, she and her family moved to Firene after she was diagnosed with an illness in search for a skilled doctor.
A Rank;
Height: 5′7″
Ring Size: 4.5 | I
Personality: Kindhearted and gentle, but flusters easily and can quickly become upset. Has an inability to socialize with others and is shy and startles easily as a result. She has a habit of saying generally incomprehensible things. The one most likely to smuggle in odd animals in the army.
S Rank;
Life with Chanelle: No longer becomes tongue tied in the presence of the Divine Dragon and feels completely at ease and safe in their loving company. Most of her devoted crafts have now become gifts for her beloved. As such she keeps the Pact Ring in an artistically crafted jewelry box of her own making.
-Divine Dragon -Framme -Etie -Louis -Jean -Anna -Alcryst -Lapis -Zelkov -Pandreo -Merrin -Mauvier -Gregory -Griss
Possible Endings:
-Voluble Spirit Chanelle As the years went on Chanelle was finally able to overcome her sickness. She then made the decision to travel the world freely on her own now that nothing held her back. Her travels lead her back to Elusia where she then settled down, starting her own wood crafting workshop where she would then deliver the toys she’d made to the children who struggled after war.
-Chanelle and Alear Alear became the new Divine Dragon Monarch. His/Her bonds with the rulers of each nation resulted in a lasting peace. With the Divine Dragon’s everlasting attentiveness, Chanelle was finally able to overcome sickness and beamed with health and happiness by her beloveds’ side for the rest of her days.
Battle Quotes:
Changing Class: “I-I’m not opposed to a little more change! Here I come!”
Leveling Up: “Yikes, not feeling too great after that…” (0 to 1) “Really seems like I’m starting to make inroads here!” (2 to 3) “I bet ma and pa will be proud to see how far I’ve come!” (4 to 5) “WOOHOO! This is better than a honey soaked almond cake!! O-Oh.. I mean I feel good..!” (6+) “Whoa, am I cured..? No, this incredible feeling is something else entirely!” (Reaching Max Level)
When Selected: “Ready..!” (Full Health) “Lead the way.” (Full Health) “A-Are you sure?” (Full Health) “I’m alright!” (Medium Health) “They’re tough.” (Medium Health) “I won’t give in.” (Medium Health) “This is bad...” (Low Health) “Need medicine…” (Low Health)
Critical Attack: “Allow me!” “You’re not gonna enjoy this!” “Back off already!” “I will not stand down!”
Defeated Enemy: “I’m so sorry!” “No turning back.” “Whoa, I did it..!” “My heart’s still pounding…” “I’ll get even stronger!”
Ally Defeats Enemy: ”Oh! Thanks I guess..!” “You’re good!”
Ally Heals: “Ah.. That’s much better…” “Th-Thanks so much!” “Much obliged.”
Emblem Engage: ”E-Emblem Engage!” “Let’s us do this! I-I mean-!”
Post-Battle Exploration:
“Thanks for this opportunity, Divine One. I’m a little nervous, but I hope that my skills – as feeble as they are – can be of any use to you and yours.” (Own Paralogue) “To think that I would meet him again here like this… Oh! Sorry Divine One… Just talking to myself again…” (Chapter 11) “I absolutely cannot forgive him no matter what… these poor people… and yet…” (Chapter 17) “I was born in Elusia but moved to Firene, did you know? Divine Dragon? Fell Dragon? None of that stuff has ever really mattered to me. You’re you, Alear.” (Chapter 20) “To think that he just stood there and watched his own comrade die with such an easygoing look… What a monster you have become, Griss…” (Chapter 21) “You gave me a right start miss/mister! You should be thankful my heart didn’t just stop altogether! But I’m glad that you’re back with us now…” (Chapter 22) “It’s done isn’t it…? He’s finally gone… I should be thankful but… I can’t stop this hollow feeling in my heart… I’m sorry Divine One, I need to be alone for a while…” (Chapter 23)
“I appreciate being able to kick back in spite of things happening; but I’d also like to do my part as well, Divine One.” (Not Deployed)
“I think I’m getting pretty used to this ‘fighting a war’ thing! Aha… That’s not to say I find the idea of war fun or anything of course…” (Deployed Numerously)
“Did you see me out there, Divine One? I’m getting pretty tough, don’t’cha think?” (Leveled Up)
“Everyone is saying that I was ferocious out there today, but I only did what I thought everyone else was doing… I’m honestly a little embarrassed…” (MVP)
“You’re getting pretty tough, Divine One. I’m glad to have stuck around with someone so dependable.” (Alear Leveled Up)
“Way to go, Divine One! You really hit a hard on their numbers! I-I mean you really hit their numbers hard…” (Alear MVP)
“That poor boy… He only wanted to become a doctor… and now we have to explain to his parents that their child won’t be coming home anymore…” (If Jean died in battle)
“To think we lost Lady Anna… she was still a little girl… This is just wrong, Divine One.” (If Anna died in battle)
“Why did we ever decide to bring children into this war Divine One!? My heart cannot take this anymore!” (If Jean and Anna died in battle)
“Gregory… Even though he was merely from another world, I still felt as close to him as… Fate is cruel, Divine One.” (If Gregory died in battle)
“Wow Divine One! I never thought I’d be able to take in sights such as these! Thank you!” (Default)
“Whoa! I could have sworn I saw some kind of kitten scamper past! Let’s go catch it!” (Default)
“Do you wanna go for a little walk together, Alear? Even a Divine Dragon should get some fresh air while they can.” (Default)
“This place is pretty right? I’ve often travelled through here with my ma when we frequent the doctors.” (Florra Mill Town)
“Oh great gravy, to be inside Firene Castle is an incredible feat for a wee ol’ villager gal like me… Am I really allowed to be in here, Divine One?” (Firene Castle)
“Goodness, I shudder to think what kind of horrors even transpired here.” (Mountain Settlement)
“What in the name of... this huge is a bridge!? Gah, I mean this is a huge bridge...!” (The Grand Crossing)
“Firene Castle was one thing, now I’m here at Brodia’s own Royal Castle too! You’re amazing, Divine One!” (Brodia Castle)
“How are you holding up, Divine One? I’m kinda used to the cold, but I suppose you were bundled warm in blankets all these years so...” (Fort on the Border)
“What a truly terrifying place to be in... let’s return to the Somniel as soon as we can, if you don’t mind.” (Destinea Cathedral)
“Such a chilling place... being here fills me with unease, but it must feel worse for you I’d bet...” (Shadowy Moor)
“I can handle the cold just fine, but this place is a little hot don’t you think so? I need to find some shade...” (Tullah Desert)
“Deserts sure are strange, during the day they’re unbearably hot but at night it feels almost as though I’m in Elusia.” (Oasis Village)
“It feels strange, but I’m getting pretty used to wandering inside palace walls now. Oh! But I must remember to remain respectful!” (Solm Palace)
“Ma and pa told me stories of places like this... they’re creepy. Let’s hope we don’t find any kind of bandage wrapped monster here.” (Northern Fortress)
“I used to go swimming in the village lakes back at home, ma and pa would get mad when I came home cold and sopping wet though...” (Azure Coast)
“Being here only reminds me of that day... such an animalistic fury in his eyes... I-I have to remain strong.” (Florra Port)
“Ugh... I feel a little dizzy. I’m gonna go and sit down for a while... do you need a drink Divine One?” (Route to Elusia)
“I wanted to check out one of the abandoned houses for any survivors... Divine One... I saw... I... I need a hug...” (Givre Port)
“Thought I’d be happy to see yet another grandiose castle, but I can’t shake the feeling that being here holds a really foreboding aura...” (Elusia Castle)
“What an awful mess… This was your home wasn’t it, Divine One? I’m so sorry…” (Lythos Castle)
“This place still makes me feel uneasy… but also as though someone is watching over me…” (Lava Fields)
“Time travel huh? Now I’ve truly seen it all... Although I doubt ma and pa will even believe me if I told them...” (Mountainous Region)
“Being here makes my chest hurt more than anything, but I’m glad that you’re here to keep me steadfast.” (Gradlon Temple) 
Death Quote:
“No.. I can’t…!” (Pre Death Quote) “Ough, that smarts… Forgive my carelessness, Divine One… I should pull back and see to a doctor now…” (Casual Mode) “Damn it… I don’t want to go yet but… It was only a matter of time before sickness took me anyways…” (Classic Mode)
In Somniel:
“I gotta admit, It was kinda scary when I first came here. But now it feels almost like a second home to me.” (Default)
“Always good to stock up before battle, I should remember to grab more elixirs while I’m here.” (Plaza)
“I usually help with the cooking at home, so it’s a little weird having others cook such nice meals for me.” (Café Terrace)
“This beats the lakes at my village by a long shot! It’s not murky and suspicious looking at all!” (Pool)
“Do you have a favorite fruit, Divine One? I’m pretty partial towards strawberries.” (Orchard)
“Pa likes to fish, he used to show me how to when I was younger. Though the big fish used to frighten me a little...” (Pond)
“I’ve gotta remember to stay in shape. Chopping wood only helps strengthen my arms after all.” (Training Yard)
“Having all these darling animals up close will make my crafts easier! And I enjoy being able to pet them like this firsthand.” (Farmyard)
“Did you come to get some fresh air too, Alear? It’s good on my chest just to get away from it all sometimes.” (Lookout Ridge)
“Oh? Is it really my birthday? I can’t believe you remembered it before me..! Th-Thank you Divine One...” (Their Birthday)
“Divine One! Happy Birthday! I know it’s not a lot, but I made this special for you!” (Alear’s Birthday)
“It still doesn’t feel real... almost like I’m floating away elsewhere. But I feel steadied again whenever I see your smile.” (Pact Ring)
“I love you, Alear. Please promise me that you’re always taking good care of yourself too... I couldn’t bear it if I lost you...” (Pact Ring)
“Oh this is ba-b-b-brilliant! I meant to say brilliant! Th-Thanks so much, Divine One!” (Disliked)
“Can I really have this? I’ll have to craft you something in return!” (Liked)
“OHMYGOSH! Thanks you so much! Guh! I mean..! Thank you so much, Divine One!” (Favorite)
Café Terrace:
“I know a thing or two about cooking! My ma and pa are excellent teachers!” (On Duty Quote)
Cooking; “That sounds a bit exquisite, but I’ll try...!” (Expert Dish) “Hmm... should be a cinch. You just kick back.” (Capable Dish) “I’ll do my absolute best!” (Eager Dish)
Results; “I-I don’t believe it myself but...” (Perfect Result) “I suppose it could be worse... or better...” (Decent Result) “Um... How do you guys like it?” (Good Result) “Something went horribly, horribly wrong...” (Bad Result)
Sharing Meal; “This meal is incredibly so good! Uh-! Wait.. I got a little excited there... l-let me try that again..!” (Favorite Dish) “This taste is better than the stuff we make together at home! Thank you!” (Neutral Dish) “U-Ugh! M-My insides... hurt?! I-I should take some medicine immediately. Before I...!” (Disliked Dish)
Introduction; ”You sure I’m cut out for this?” “Yikes! A-Are we going all out?” ”I’m Chanelle, I-I’ll do my best!”
Win; “Huh? I-I won?”
Loss; “Ahaha... Saw that one coming...”
Wake-Up Events: 
“Divine One? I’m coming in if that’s alright? Still asleep, are you? That’s okay, I can just sit here and carve to pass the time a little.”
“Ah! You’re awake already? I wonder if you can guess what animal it is that I’m making...? That’s right, it’s a puppy! Woof Woof! Ah.. I’ll be going now...”
“DAH!! Y-YOU AWOKENED UP EARLY! I-I mean you woke up early! S-Sorry, I’ll go ahead and leave you to it..!” (Waking Early)
“I wonder why it is they asked me to do this... surely there are others far more important for the task. Hm.. what a peaceful sleeper you are...”
“Gah! I-I didn’t think you’d wake up like that...! I-I’m really sorry, I didn’t disturb you with my idle ramblings did I?” 
“GUH- GREAT GRACIOUSNESS! D-Don’t sit up so suddenly like that! I thought you were some kind of undead, Divine One!” (Waking Early)
“Divine One! O-Oh! They’re asleep! I should shut up! Or... maybe I shouldn’t shut up? Sir Vander did ask that I wake you after all... Hmm....”
“Maybe if I bang together some pots and pans like ma used to... AH! H-How long have you been awake Divine One? You frightened me..!”
“Aha! You’re up and at em anyway! Perfect! Now I don’t have to decide whether I need to rouse you or not!” (Waking Early)
“Ah, sleeping as per usual I see... Reminds me of when I too spent most of my days sick in a bed... I’m sorry I got so flustered last we spoke, It’s just... so frustrating...” 
“O-Oh! Divine One! N-No I wasn’t saying anything, just coming to check in on you like everyone else in the army seems to do!”
“Eep! D-Divine One! H-How much of that did you hear exactly? How embarrassing... I-I’ll just be taking my leave now...” (Waking Early)
“Huh... It’s not even my turn to wake you up and yet I find myself coming here anyways... I suppose you’ve got that kind of effect on people though... especially me... You’re a good person, Divine One...”
“Good morning..! I hope you slept well... W-What do you mean I didn’t get startled this time? I-Is it wrong that I’m getting comfortable around you now?”
“Huh? You’re already awake? Aha, well now that you’re up why don’t I show you some more of my current crafts I’m working on?” (Waking Early)
“Hey there, Divine One... I just wanted to thank you for what you did... and those kind words you said... You’ve become very important to me, so I hope no one as wonderful as you ever has to go through a sickness like mine...”
“Ah... You must’ve heard all of that right? That’s a little embarrassing, but for some reason I don’t really mind either... Please always take care of yourself, Divine One.” 
“Oh...! Sorry, my worrisome carrying on must’ve woken you... Y-You don’t mind? It’s a relief to hear you say that, my friend.” (Waking Early)
“Hello Divine One... Uh well... I suppose if we’re partners now I should be calling you something different, right? Something more endearing I guess? Maybe.. Hello d-d-darling? N-No that’s so embarrassing..!”
“Ah! Darling, did you hear all of that!? W-Wait ‘darling’!? I-I meant to say Divine One! Honest! Oh no... I’m just as nervous as when we first met...!”
“Oh! Good morning D-D-Da-Dar-vine One! Huh? W-What was I really about to say you ask? Um... how about we talk about something else for a little while?” (Waking Early)
“Feels strange entering this place as your beloved partner rather than just being on wake-up duty again... Ah... and you’re wearing the ring that I made you too... Th-That’s fine, I can keep my cool... b-but you’re just so... so... 
“So sweet..! G’oh-! I’m sorry for stirring you..! I guess I can admit I got a little worked up seeing you wearing my ring... but as you can see, I’ve gotten your ring with me as well..! I feel at ease just knowing that a bit of you is always with me, you know what I mean?”
“Ah! Y-You gave me a start, partner..! I suppose that’s my fault for getting a little distracted though... how about we go walk together now that you’re up?” (Waking Early)
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