#national youth roundup
rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from Rolling Stone:
The iconic palomino stallion died on the same open lands he had roamed for years, but they looked unfamiliar to him in his last desperate moments. The dust from the helicopter kicking up behind him, the roar of the blades ceaselessly bearing down — it was enough to make him flee as fast as he could despite the leg he had snapped in half while trying to regain his freedom. His pursuers eventually tired of the chase, and a wrangler felled him with a rifle shot.
Sunshine Man was one of 21 wild horses killed at the behest of the Bureau of Land Management during a 2023 roundup in Nevada. And 2024 is looking to be even bloodier as the agency seeks to capture 20,000 horses by September. At least 11 horses died in a single northern Nevada roundup as of June 29. Few people know that wild horses are being driven to near extinction by inhumane roundups perpetrated by the federal government and funded by taxpayers. Unless we do something to end this antiquated, barbaric practice, wild horses will disappear forever.
A few years ago, my film crew and I set out on what would become a five-year journey across the American West to capture footage of wild horses for a film I was directing — an adaptation of Anna Sewell’s classic, Black Beauty. I have been a horse person since my youth; but it was on this trip, in the heart of the wild, that I first encountered the enduring magic and astounding beauty of these sacred symbols of American freedom.
I also experienced the chilling conspiracy that was threatening to permanently eradicate them in the cruelest way imaginable. 
Under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 — which established federal protections for wild horses — the Bureau of Land Management is authorized to remove “excess” animals to protect the health of the range.
For decades, the BLM has captured thousands of wild horses and burros, claiming that an overpopulation of wild horses is causing land degradation or that the horses are in danger of starvation. But a landmark 2013 study conducted by the independent National Academy of Sciences found that the Bureau’s own justifications for removing wild horses and burros are not supported by science. 
The sinister truth is that wild horses are being used as a scapegoat for the multibillion-dollar livestock industry.
Numerous independent studies and experts agree that livestock grazing, not wild horses, is the major cause of degrading public lands. A 2022 analysis of the Bureau’s own data found that livestock outnumber wild horses and burros on public lands by more than 125:1. Livestock grazing is identified as a “significant cause” of land degradation in 72 percent of the areas that fail to meet rangeland health standards. 
Yet thousands of wild horses are still subject to violent roundups. In 2023, more than 5,000 wild horses and burros were removed from public lands, costing taxpayers about $160 million.
I witnessed these horrific roundups firsthand while filming my documentary, Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West. 
The BLM uses helicopters to chase wild horses — including pregnant mares, elderly horses, and foals no more than a day old — for miles, sometimes in extreme heat, on grueling and dangerous terrain to the point of injury, exhaustion, and death. More horrific injuries occur as the terrified horses are forced into “trap sites” — narrowly fenced-in areas on the range where the horses collide in the melee, sometimes breaking their legs or necks as they try to escape.
The BLM repeatedly refused my film crew and journalists from the Associated Press access to the trap sites where deaths and injuries often occur. When we were eventually allowed access, we documented the horrendous conditions. We saw pain and terror in the horses’ eyes as blood streamed down their faces. I’ll never forget the sound of their cries as they were separated from their families.
The BLM insists helicopter roundups are humane — but there is nothing humane about using a helicopter to chase a highly intelligent, federally protected animal to its death. This is abuse. 
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Links Roundup
Here are some recent links from the interwebs that Ariel has been chewing over.
Rethinking Masculinity: Teaching Men How to Love and Be Loved
I have the softest soft spot for this sort of content, I’m not going to lie. As a girl who was taught to fear men (not just from being raised in Toronto during the height of the Stranger-Danger zeitgeist, or having my primary bullies throughout my life being boys, or having to be a teenager in the grossly regressive early 2000s, or attending youth group during the rise of Evangelical-style purity culture in my denomination), I kind of love the idea of not having to run through an internal safety checklist each time I meet or interact with a man and decide whether or not it’s worth the risk to engage. This is warped thinking! But it’s what I was taught to do to survive, and old habits are hard to shake, but knowing that there are men out there who are actively rethinking masculinity in an inherently feminist, decolonial way gives me hope that can change, and that future generations of little girls won’t have to dodge quite so much structural shittiness, and that future generations of little boys will feel much more comfortable with who they are.
Degrowth as a Concept and Practice: Introduction
I admit I’m actually not really knowledgeable about degrowth - like, sure, I know it’s a philosophy/proposed economic policy/theoretical concept / thing, and I like to think it’s pretty obvious in its aims from its very moniker, but I’ve never actually sat down and read up on the details of degrowth and what it would entail. Or talked to anyone knowledgeable about it, for that matter. So this article series is very nice as a primer.
Degrowth advocates argue that we need to transform our everyday practices to respect and work with the fragile, limited, yet bountiful Earth on which we rely to exist.
Sounds pretty solarpunk to me. But just because something sounds good doesn’t mean it’s actually good, so this series really helps dig into the details, especially if you’re not a policy wonk (and are more of a yes-okay-there-is-a-forest-but-let’s-pay-attention-to-the-tree-species person) like me. I think, however, that a lot of smaller projects that solarpunks are working on (such as makerspaces, community resiliency, and local production of goods/food) fits pretty well under the umbrella concept of “degrowth” even if that label hasn’t been applied to them.
The Animal Feed Industry’s Impact on the Planet
This is a fascinating article on the ramifications of the land-use needed for “making animals the caloric middlemen” in the human food chain. This is an aspect of meat-eating that I’m a little embarrassed to admit didn’t actually occur to me until university (when I learned about it from fellow students). City girl, what can I say? We all have blind spots.
Which is why I like that this article exists, because while I think it’s easy, knowing what I do now, to roll my eyes and go “pfft, coulda told you that for a nickel,” there are people out there, many of them I’m very sure, who probably haven’t encountered this as a concept before. CW, though, for the middle bit of the article. This isn’t a happy topic.
Population can’t be ignored. It has to be part of the policy solution to our world’s problems
I was ready to tear this article apart just on principle, as I am so used to encountering this type of thinking in the green movement as a signal for eco-fascism. “There are too many people” translates, in most cases, to “there are too many poor brown people”. This is repugnant ideology as it lays the groundwork for racism at least, if not outright violent massacres. However, this article is written by an Australian professor who makes it very clear that in so-called developed (aka white settler) nations, there is simply an amount of people that puts undue pressure on the natural environment, and our ability to feed ourselves. I wish there was more discussion of this in general, to combat the insidious eco-fascist narrative that overpopulation is an issue because of “those people over there”. That’s really not it at all.
Paradigm Shift: Part 4 - What Might a Sustainable Lifestyle Look Like?
This is part four of a series talking about living sustainably - and this particular article uses the author’s life as an example. I sort of love this kind of media - even though since she lives in the Pacific NorthWest in America, a lot of what she talks about is really not applicable to me - because it helps me to develop my imaginative tools. When faced with an issue in my life where a necessity clashes with a solarpunk value of mine (eg, getting around on my own vs not buying into automobility), I’m better able to think of alternatives (carsharing, transiting, using an electric or non- bike, etc) because I have a “rolodex” of examples in my imagination that I can shuffle through.
Plus it’s very hopeful and inspiring to read these sorts of stories. Yes, “carbon footprint” is a problematic concept and etc but there’s something to be said for carefully considering your lifestyle and deciding to do the difficult things in order to be a better neighbour to the flora and fauna around you. Which is nice.
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readyforevolution · 2 years
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Angela Davis was born on January 26, 1944, in Birmingham, Alabama. Her family lived in the "Dynamite Hill" neighborhood, which was marked in the 1950s by the bombings of houses in an attempt to intimidate and drive out middle-class black people who had moved there. Davis occasionally spent time on her uncle's farm and with friends in New York City. Her siblings include two brothers, Ben and Reginald, and a sister, Fania. Ben played defensive back for the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions in the late 1960s and early 1970s. She was christened at her father's Episcopal church.
Davis attended Carrie A. Tuggle School, a segregated black elementary school, and later, Parker Annex, a middle-school branch of Parker High School in Birmingham. During this time, Davis's mother, Sallye Bell Davis, was a national officer and leading organizer of the Southern Negro Youth Congress, an organization influenced by the Communist Party aimed at building alliances among African Americans in the South. Davis grew up surrounded by communist organizers and thinkers, who significantly influenced her intellectual development. Among them was the Southern Negro Youth Congress official Louis E. Burnham, whose daughter Margaret Burnham was Davis's friend from childhood, as well as her co-counsel during Davis's 1971 trial for murder and kidnapping.
Davis was involved in her church youth group as a child, and attended Sunday school regularly. She attributes much of her political involvement to her involvement with the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. She also participated in the Girl Scouts 1959 national roundup in Colorado. As a Girl Scout, she marched and picketed to protest racial segregation in Birmingham.
By her junior year of high school, Davis had been accepted by an American Friends Service Committee (Quaker) program that placed black students from the South in integrated schools in the North. She chose Elisabeth Irwin High School in Greenwich Village. There she was recruited by a communist youth group, Advance.
Davis was awarded a scholarship to Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, where she was one of three black students in her class. She encountered the Frankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse at a rally during the Cuban Missile Crisis and became his student. In a 2007 television interview, Davis said, "Herbert Marcuse taught me that it was possible to be an academic, an activist, a scholar, and a revolutionary." She worked part-time to earn enough money to travel to France and Switzerland and attended the eighth World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki. She returned home in 1963 to a Federal Bureau of Investigation interview about her attendance at the communist-sponsored festival.
During her second year at Brandeis, Davis decided to major in French and continued her intensive study of philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre. She was accepted by the Hamilton College Junior Year in France Program. Classes were initially at Biarritz and later at the Sorbonne. In Paris, she and other students lived with a French family. She was in Biarritz when she learned of the 1963 Birmingham church bombing, committed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, in which four black girls were killed. She grieved deeply as she was personally acquainted with the victims.
While completing her degree in French, Davis realized that her primary area of interest was philosophy. She was particularly interested in Marcuse's ideas. On returning to Brandeis, she sat in on his course. She wrote in her autobiography that Marcuse was approachable and helpful. She began making plans to attend the University of Frankfurt for graduate work in philosophy. In 1965, she graduated magna cum laude, a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
In Germany, with a monthly stipend of $100, she lived first with a German family and later with a group of students in a loft in an old factory. After visiting East Berlin during the annual May Day celebration, she felt that the East German government was dealing better with the residual effects of fascism than were the West Germans. Many of her roommates were active in the radical Socialist German Student Union (SDS), and Davis participated in some SDS actions. Events in the United States, including the formation of the Black Panther Party and the transformation of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to an all-black organization, drew her interest upon her return.
Marcuse had moved to a position at the University of California, San Diego, and Davis followed him there after her two years in Frankfurt. Davis traveled to London to attend a conference on "The Dialectics of Liberation". The black contingent at the conference included the Trinidadian-American Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and the British Michael X. Although moved by Carmichael's rhetoric, Davis was reportedly disappointed by her colleagues' black nationalist sentiments and their rejection of communism as a "white man's thing".
She joined the Che-Lumumba Club, an all-black branch of the Communist Party USA named for revolutionaries Che Guevara and Patrice Lumumba, of Cuba and Congo, respectively.
Davis earned a master's degree from the University of California, San Diego, in 1968. She earned a doctorate in philosophy at the Humboldt University in East Berlin.
Beginning in 1969, Davis was an acting assistant professor in the philosophy department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Although both Princeton and Swarthmore had tried to recruit her, she opted for UCLA because of its urban location. At that time she was known as a radical feminist and activist, a member of the Communist Party USA, and an affiliate of the Los Angeles chapter of the Black Panther Party.
In 1969, the University of California initiated a policy against hiring Communists. At their September 19, 1969, meeting, the Board of Regents fired Davis from her $10,000-a-year post because of her membership in the Communist Party, urged on by California Governor and future president Ronald Reagan. Judge Jerry Pacht ruled the Regents could not fire Davis solely because of her affiliation with the Communist Party, and she resumed her post. The Regents fired Davis again on June 20, 1970, for the "inflammatory language" she had used in four different speeches. The report stated, "We deem particularly offensive such utterances as her statement that the regents 'killed, brutalized (and) murdered' the People's Park demonstrators, and her repeated characterizations of the police as 'pigs'". The American Association of University Professors censured the board for this action.
Davis was a supporter of the Soledad Brothers, three inmates who were accused and charged with the killing of a prison guard at Soledad Prison.
On August 7, 1970, heavily armed 17-year-old African-American high-school student Jonathan Jackson, whose brother was George Jackson, one of the three Soledad Brothers, gained control of a courtroom in Marin County, California. He armed the black defendants and took Judge Harold Haley, the prosecutor, and three female jurors as hostages. As Jackson transported the hostages and two black defendants away from the courtroom, one of the defendants, James McClain, shot at the police. The police returned fire. The judge and the three black men were killed in the melee; one of the jurors and the prosecutor were injured. Although the judge was shot in the head with a blast from a shotgun, he also suffered a chest wound from a bullet that may have been fired from outside the van. Evidence during the trial showed that either could have been fatal. Davis had purchased several of the firearms Jackson used in the attack, including the shotgun used to shoot Haley, which she bought at a San Francisco pawn shop two days before the incident. She was also found to have been corresponding with one of the inmates involved.
As California considers "all persons concerned in the commission of a crime, ... whether they directly commit the act constituting the offense, or aid and abet in its commission, ... are principals in any crime so committed", Davis was charged with "aggravated kidnapping and first degree murder in the death of Judge Harold Haley", and Marin County Superior Court Judge Peter Allen Smith issued a warrant for her arrest. Hours after the judge issued the warrant on August 14, 1970, a massive attempt to find and arrest Davis began. On August 18, four days after the warrant was issued, the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover listed Davis on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitive List; she was the third woman and the 309th person to be listed.
Soon after, Davis became a fugitive and fled California. According to her autobiography, during this time she hid in friends' homes and moved at night. On October 13, 1970, FBI agents found her at a Howard Johnson Motor Lodge in New York City. President Richard M. Nixon congratulated the FBI on its "capture of the dangerous terrorist Angela Davis."
On January 5, 1971, Davis appeared at Marin County Superior Court and declared her innocence before the court and nation: "I now declare publicly before the court, before the people of this country that I am innocent of all charges which have been leveled against me by the state of California." John Abt, general counsel of the Communist Party USA, was one of the first attorneys to represent Davis for her alleged involvement in the shootings.
While being held in the Women's Detention Center, Davis was initially segregated from other prisoners, in solitary confinement. With the help of her legal team, she obtained a federal court order to get out of the segregated area.
Across the nation, thousands of people began organizing a movement to gain her release. In New York City, black writers formed a committee called the Black People in Defense of Angela Davis. By February 1971, more than 200 local committees in the United States, and 67 in foreign countries, worked to free Davis from jail. John Lennon and Yoko Ono contributed to this campaign with the song "Angela". In 1972, after a 16-month incarceration, the state allowed her release on bail from county jail.[32] On February 23, 1972, Rodger McAfee, a dairy farmer from Fresno, California, paid her $100,000 bail with the help of Steve Sparacino, a wealthy business owner. The United Presbyterian Church paid some of her legal defense expenses.
A defense motion for a change of venue was granted, and the trial was moved to Santa Clara County. On June 4, 1972, after 13 hours of deliberations, the all-white jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The fact that she owned the guns used in the crime was judged insufficient to establish her role in the plot. She was represented by Leo Branton Jr., who hired psychologists to help the defense determine who in the jury pool might favor their arguments, a technique that has since become more common. He also hired experts to discredit the reliability of eyewitness accounts.
After her acquittal, Davis went on an international speaking tour in 1972 and the tour included Cuba, where she had previously been received by Fidel Castro in 1969 as a member of a Communist Party delegation. Robert F. Williams, Huey Newton, Stokely Carmichael had also visited Cuba, and Assata Shakur later moved there after escaping from a US prison. Her reception by Afro-Cubans at a mass rally was so enthusiastic that she was reportedly barely able to speak.[47] Davis perceived Cuba as a racism-free country, which led her to believe that "only under socialism could the fight against racism be successfully executed." When she returned to the United States, her socialist leanings increasingly influenced her understanding of race struggles. In 1974, she attended the Second Congress of the Federation of Cuban Women.
In the mid-1970s, Jim Jones, who developed the cult Peoples Temple, initiated friendships with progressive leaders in the San Francisco area including Dennis Banks of the American Indian Movement and Davis. On September 10, 1977, 14 months before the Temple's mass murder-suicide, Davis spoke via amateur radio telephone "patch" to members of his Peoples Temple living in Jonestown in Guyana. In her statement during the "Six Day Siege", she expressed support for the People's Temple anti-racism efforts and told members there was a conspiracy against them. She said, "When you are attacked, it is because of your progressive stand, and we feel that it is directly an attack against us as well."
Davis was a lecturer at the Claremont Black Studies Center at the Claremont Colleges in 1975. Attendance at the course she taught was limited to 26 students out of the more than 5,000 on campus, and she was forced to teach in secret because alumni benefactors didn't want her to indoctrinate the general student population with communist thought. College trustees made arrangements to minimize her appearance on campus, limiting her seminars to Friday evenings and Saturdays, "when campus activity is low". Her classes moved from one classroom to another and the students were sworn to secrecy. Much of this secrecy continued throughout Davis's brief time teaching at the colleges. In 2020 it was announced that Davis would be the Ena H. Thompson Distinguished Lecturer for Pomona College's history department, welcoming her back after 45 years.
Davis taught a women's studies course at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1978, and was a professor of ethnic studies at the San Francisco State University from at least 1980 to 1984. She was a professor in the History of Consciousness and the Feminist Studies departments at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Rutgers University from 1991 to 2008. Since then, she has been a distinguished professor emerita.
Davis was a distinguished visiting professor at Syracuse University in spring 1992 and October 2010, and was the Randolph Visiting Distinguished Professor of philosophy at Vassar College in 1995.
In 2014, Davis returned to UCLA as a regents' lecturer. She delivered a public lecture on May 8 in Royce Hall, where she had given her first lecture 45 years earlier.
In 2016, Davis was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters in Healing and Social Justice from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco during its 48th annual commencement ceremony.
Davis accepted the Communist Party USA's nomination for vice president, as Gus Hall's running mate, in 1980 and in 1984. They received less than 0.02% of the vote in 1980. She left the party in 1991, founding the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Her group broke from the Communist Party USA because of the latter's support of the 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt after the fall of the Soviet Union and tearing down of the Berlin Wall. Davis said that she and others who had "circulated a petition about the need for democratization of the structures of governance of the party" were not allowed to run for national office and thus "in a sense ... invited to leave". In 2014, she said she continues to have a relationship with the CPUSA but has not rejoined. In the 2020 presidential election, Davis supported the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden.
Angela Davis, Sweetheart of the Far Left, Finds Her Mr. Right". People. July 21, 1980. Archived from the original on March 11, 2015. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
The Real Stain on Angela Davis' Legacy Is Her Support for Tyranny". The Bulwark. January 23, 2019.
Angela Davis (January 26, 1944)". African American Heritage. National Archives and Records Administration. Retrieved January 24, 2020.
Davis, Angela Yvonne (March 1989). "Rocks". Angela Davis: An Autobiography. New York City: International Publishers.
Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Bhavnani; Davis, Angela (Spring 1989). "Complexity, Activism, Optimism: An Interview with Angela Y. Davis". Feminist Review (31): 66–81.
Davis, Angela Yvonne (March 1989). "Flames". Angela Davis: An Autobiography. New York City: International Publishers
Mechthild Nagel (May 2, 2005). "Women Outlaws: Politics of Gender and Resistance in the US Criminal Justice System". SUNY Cortland. Retrieved October 21, 2010.
Encyclopedia of Alabama. Auburn University. January 8, 2008. Archived from the original on March 13, 2014. Retrieved April 11, 2012
Marquez, Letisia (May 5, 2014). "Angela Davis returns to UCLA classroom 45 years after controversy". UCLA Newsroom. University of California at Los Angeles. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
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thekillingvote · 1 year
Post-Election Funnybook Roundup: Who Killed Cock(y) Robin? I Killed Cock(y) Robin.
by Glen Weldon - November 5, 2008
Now that the last balloons have dropped, we as a nation can take comfort in the knowledge that, one again, millions of us exercised our right to vote and so set in motion the peaceful transfer of power that is the hallmark of this, our American democracy.
And let me note one other thing: That this latest round of quadrennial participation in the Grand Experiment resulted in not even a single masked, pixie-booted young crimefighter getting beaten to a bloody pulp with a crowbar.
And then blown up.
By an evil clown.
Just moments after he'd been reunited with his long-lost mother.
All worth noting, because that's pretty much exactly what happened the first time I ever voted, just over 20 years ago. My vote -- and those of my like-minded fellows -- killed Robin, the Boy Wonder.
And we'd do it again.
After the jump: The day a surprisingly tiny number of geeks (and a 900 number) accomplished what even Gotham's greatest villains never dared to dream.
Granted, it was a telephone vote. And to clarify, we didn't off the original Robin, aka Dick Grayson -- the laughing, punning, "Holy-Priceless-Collection-of-Etruscan-Snoods-Batman!" Boy Wonder.
No, this was his replacement, Jason Todd. (The original Robin had flown the nest years prior, adopting the hero codename Nightwing.)
And in our defense, Jason was kind of a punk. Cocky, insolent, hot-headed, impulsive, resentful.
So when DC Comics gave us the chance to off the li'l jerk, we leapt at it.
The time: September 1988. The issue: Batman 427, in which young Jason Todd travels to Ethiopia (never mind) and finds his mother, an aid worker. Jason reveals his identity to Mom, whereupon she turns him over to the Joker, who, as it happens, is hanging around Addis Abbaba in khaki shorts and a pith helmet. (Seriously: never mind).
Turns out the Joker's in cahoots with mom, who's embezzling medical supplies (NEVER MIND!). The Joker beats young Jason with a crowbar -- off-panel, sorta -- and blows up a warehouse, with Jason and Mom still inside.
End of issue; to be continued.
And that's when we saw the announcement: "Robin will die because the Joker wants revenge. But you can prevent it with a telephone call."
Editors had prepared two different versions of the next issue, Batman 428. In one, Robin survived the blast. In the other, not so much.
For a 36 hour period -- from 9:00 am on September 15, 1988 to 8:00 pm on Sept. 16,1988, in point of fact -- fans could call to register their vote, at the low low price of 50 cents per call.
I was one such fan. One out of a number that still strikes me as bafflingly small -- just over 10,000 votes in all.
Note: Among comics readers, avowing that you participated in the Jason Todd Death Vote is akin to being of a certain age and swearing you were at Woodstock. Nevertheless, I do so hereby avow. I'm prepared to swear to it on a stack of 'Mazing Mans.
The verdict:
Jason lives! -- 5,271 votes.
Jason Todd becomes Jason, Tod -- 5,343 votes. Abyssinia, Boy Blunder.
Yep, it was 72 freakin' votes that did Robin 2.0 in.
And so it was that in Batman 428, the Darknight Detective found Jason Todd's lifeless form (the presence of a body being universal comic book shorthand for Not Only Merely Dead, But Really Most Sincerely Dead.)
The book, and the Batman, soldiered on. In the next issue, the Joker became ... Iran's ambassador to the UN.
No kidding. Took to wearing a gutrah and everything and LOOK, I'M REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT THE WHOLE 'NEVER MIND' THING.
Batman eventually found yet another Robin -- the much cooler, much less make-ya-wanna-throttle-him Tim Drake. (Recently, Bruce Wayne actually adopted Tim Drake -- none of that "youthful ward" jazz anymore.)
And Jason Todd, in a bold and refreshing break from longstanding comic book tradition, managed to actually stay dead for almost two decades straight.
Then, um, he got better.
Never. Mind.
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ejesgistnews · 1 month
Top Nigerian Newspaper Headlines For Today, Monday,  August 12, 2024.   Good morning, Nigeria. Here is a roundup of the top newspaper headlines in Nigeria for today, Monday, 12th August 2024: 1. SERAP Urges Tinubu to Probe $1.5 Billion World Bank Loan and $3 Billion Chinese Loan The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has called on President Bola Tinubu to investigate the spending of a $1.5 billion World Bank loan allocated to the 36 states and Abuja for poverty reduction. SERAP also urged a probe into the management of a $3.121 billion Chinese loan obtained by the Federal Government.   2. Senate Challenges Obasanjo Over Salary Claims The Nigerian Senate has responded to former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s accusations that lawmakers fix their own salaries and allowances. The Senate insists its salaries are determined by the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission and challenges anyone with contrary evidence to come forward.   3. AYCF President Calls Buhari's Eight Years in Office a 'Waste' Yerima Shettima, the National President of the Arewa Youths Consultative Forum (AYCF), has labeled former President Muhammadu Buhari’s eight-year tenure as a failure for both the North and the entire country. Shettima expressed concerns over the region’s neglect and the ongoing challenges it faces.   4. #EndBadGovernance Protest Organizers to Sue FG Over Protester Deaths Human rights activist Omoyele Sowore announced plans to take legal action against the Federal Government following the deaths of protesters during the recent #EndBadGovernance protests. Sowore claims that 17 protesters were killed by the Nigeria Police Force during the demonstrations.   5. NDIC Disburses ₦5 Million Each to Defunct Heritage Bank Customers The Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) has successfully disbursed insured deposits of up to ₦5 million to 82.36% of customers of the defunct Heritage Bank, following the revocation of the bank’s license by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).   6. Shettima Warns Northern Leaders Amidst #EndBadGovernance Protests AYCF President Yerima Shettima has warned northern leaders that the ongoing protests signal a shift in power dynamics, urging them to recognize that true power belongs to the people.   7. Tinubu to Blame if Dangote Refinery Faces Setback – Atiku’s Aide Paul Ibe, media adviser to former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, has claimed that there is a deliberate agenda to undermine Dangote Refinery. He warns that President Bola Tinubu should be held accountable if this agenda succeeds.   8. Family Denies Tailor's Involvement in Russian Flag Production The family of Ahmad Yusuf Muhammad, one of the tailors arrested in Kano for allegedly producing Russian flags, has denied his involvement, stating that Muhammad has never handled a sewing machine.   9. AYCF President Says Hunger Drove North's Participation in Protests AYCF President Yerima Shettima attributes the North’s active involvement in the #EndBadGovernance protests to widespread hunger and economic hardship, exacerbated by insecurity and failed government policies.   10. Salihu Lukman Calls for Democratic Reform Amid Economic Crisis Former APC National Vice Chairman North-West, Salihu Lukman, has called on political leaders, including Peter Obi, Atiku Abubakar, and Rabiu Kwankwaso, to lead efforts in reforming Nigeria’s democracy in response to the nation’s economic challenges.
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prime24seven1 · 3 months
Latest News in North East India: Highlights and Updates
latest news in North East India, comprising eight states known for their diverse cultures and natural beauty, is witnessing significant developments across various sectors. Here’s a roundup of the latest news shaping the region:
Socio-Political Developments
1. Political Landscape: North East India remains a crucial region in India's political dynamics. Recent elections and governance trends have highlighted shifts in leadership and party alignments, influencing policy decisions and development initiatives.
2. Infrastructure and Connectivity: Improving connectivity through road and rail networks is a priority. Ongoing infrastructure projects aim to enhance accessibility and boost economic growth across the region, linking remote areas with urban centers.
Cultural and Environmental Insights
1. Cultural Heritage: The rich cultural diversity of North East India is celebrated through festivals like Bihu in Assam, Hornbill Festival in Nagaland, and Sangai Festival in Manipur. These festivals promote tourism and preserve indigenous traditions.
2. Environmental Conservation: Efforts to preserve biodiversity and protect natural habitats are gaining momentum. Initiatives include conservation projects in national parks and wildlife sanctuaries to safeguard endangered species and promote eco-tourism.
Economic Outlook
1. Agriculture and Horticulture: Agriculture remains a backbone of the economy, with states like Assam and Manipur producing tea, rice, and horticultural crops. Government schemes focus on enhancing productivity and ensuring farmers' welfare.
2. Tourism Potential: The scenic landscapes and cultural diversity attract tourists. States are promoting sustainable tourism practices and developing infrastructure to cater to domestic and international visitors.
Latest News on Rahul Gandhi
Rahul Gandhi, a prominent leader in Indian politics and member of the Indian National Congress (INC), continues to be a significant figure. Here’s the latest news on his activities and political engagements:
1. Political Engagements: Rahul Gandhi plays a pivotal role in shaping INC's policies and strategies. His engagements include addressing public rallies, participating in parliamentary debates, and advocating for social justice and inclusive development.
2. Leadership Role: As a leader with a national presence, Rahul Gandhi focuses on issues ranging from economic reforms to social welfare schemes. His leadership style and vision influence the party's stance on key national and regional issues.
3. Recent Statements and Initiatives: Rahul Gandhi has been vocal on issues such as farmers' rights, unemployment, and healthcare reforms. His initiatives include promoting youth empowerment, environmental sustainability, and gender equality.
North East India continues to evolve economically, culturally, and politically, driven by its diverse communities and natural resources. As infrastructure improves and connectivity enhances, the region holds promise for sustainable development and inclusive growth. Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi's leadership in national politics shapes discourse and policies, reflecting the aspirations and concerns of India's diverse population. As developments unfold, North East India remains a region of dynamic change and opportunity, poised to contribute significantly to India's socio-economic landscape.
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positivedevelopment · 7 months
Monthly Roundup February 2024
Statement by the Prime Minister on the International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers
“Today, on the International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers, we pledge to continue working closely with United Nations member states and other international partners to ensure every child is protected from the violence of war. Together, we can make sure children remain children and build a safer world where they can fulfil their full potential.”
Statement on International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers
Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs; the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development; and the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence
[NEW!] Research Handbook of Children and Armed Conflict
The Research Handbook of Children and Armed Conflict adeptly explores childrens’ lived realities of armed conflict and its aftermath. Featuring empirical, conceptual and policy analyses alongside moving first-hand accounts of the experiences of war-affected children and youth, it highlights the urgent need for advocacy and action.
Pre-order: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research-handbook-of-children-and-armed-conflict-9781839104800.html
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Demand a ceasefire by all parties to end civilian suffering
With each day that passes more lives are lost and the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is getting worse. Sign Amnesty International's petition HERE to call for an immediate ceasefire by all parties to end civilian bloodshed and ensure humanitarian aid access to Gaza.
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Imagining Peace is a knowledge-sharing platform that has:
We highlight artistic practices that contribute to peacebuilding in places affected by conflict and its aftermath. Our interactive toolkit is designed to spark your creativity and understanding of multidisciplinary peacebuilding practices.
We've built a robust database of organizations, spanning different regions, that are dedicated to merging arts and peacebuilding.
Bangladesh's critically endangered Asian elephants get court protection
"Bangladesh's critically endangered wild elephants have received a court order banning their adoption and protecting them from exploitation."
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CardiacCrash is a dramatic, interactive program that teaches participants hands-only CPR and AED use in less than an hour.
Learn more HERE
"Everyone should learn CPR and how to use an AED, starting at an early age – both are easy to learn and simple to do. But people need to be empowered to take action. This means increasing awareness around cardiac arrest and equipping people with both the skills and the confidence to act. AEDs should also be much more widely available – and they should be registered, linked to a 9-1-1 dispatch, and properly maintained."
Excerpt taken from the article "We need to create a culture of life savers to address cardiac arrest" posted in The Globe and Mail (February 13, 2024)
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24-facts-news · 7 months
Reliance Industries Eyes Major Expansion: Bringing Primark to India
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Retail giant Reliance Industries is reportedly in discussions to bring the popular British fashion retailer, Primark, to India. This move would be a monumental shift in the Indian retail landscape, offering consumers access to Primark’s well-known affordable and trendy clothing options.
Why Primark?
Primark has gained a massive following worldwide for its fast-fashion model, providing the latest styles at incredibly low prices. Its entry into India would cater to the country’s large and fashion-conscious youth population seeking on-trend clothing without breaking the bank.
Reliance’s Strategic Advantage
Reliance Industries, already a dominant player in Indian retail, possesses the extensive infrastructure and expertise to successfully launch and operate Primark stores across the country. This partnership could prove highly beneficial for both companies.
Potential Impact
Primark’s arrival in India is likely to shake up the existing fashion retail market. Domestic brands and international competitors may need to re-evaluate their pricing and style offerings to stay competitive.
Stay Tuned
While the deal is still reportedly under negotiation, the prospect of Primark entering the Indian market has generated considerable excitement among shoppers. Keep an eye on news outlets for further developments on this potential game-changer in the Indian retail industry.
Read More News-
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.28
Christa McAuliffe Day
Clash Day
Daisy Day
Data Privacy Day
Data Protection Day (EU)
Double Daisy Day (Flower of the Day)
Global Community Engagement Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Great Mental Health Day (UK)
International Data Privacy & Protection Day
International Lego Day
International Make Your Point Day
International Mobilization Day Against Nuclear War
International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day
Jackhammer Day
January Revolution and National Police Day (Egypt)
José Marti Memorial Day (Cuba)
Juan Felipe Day (Philippines)
King’s Name Day (Sweden)
Love Among the Nations Day
Make Your Point Day
National Amy Day
National Army Day (Armenia)
National Day to Combat Modern Slave Labor (Brazil)
National Film Day (Argentina)
National Gift of the Ladybug Day
National Kazoo Day
National Pediatrician Day
National Spieling Day
National Tina Day
Number Please Day
Paul Jackson Pollock Day
Pop Art Day
Poplar Day (French Republic)
Rattlesnake Roundup Day
Science Day (Belarus)
Serendipity Day [also 1.18]
Telephone Exchange Day
Thank a Plugin Developer Day
Welcome Home the Heroes from Iraq Day (St. Louis, Missouri)
World Day for the Abolition of Meat Day
World Lewy Body Dementia Day
Youth Climate Action Day (Indiana)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Pancake Day
4th & Last Sunday in January
Child Labor Day [4th Sunday]
Clean Out Your Email Inbox Week begins [Sunday of Last Full Week]
Dinagyang (Philippines) [4th Sunday]
Homeless Sunday (UK) [4th Sunday]
International Internet-Free Day [Last Sunday]
National Bible Sunday (Philippines) [Last Sunday]
National Holocaust Memorial Day (Ireland) [Sunday closest to 27th]
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday [Sunday closest to 22nd]
Septuagesina Sunday [4th Sunday]
World Leprosy Day [Last Sunday]
Independence & Related Days
Democracy Day (Rwanda)
Roschfallen (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 28, 2024
BRAFA Art Fair (Brussels, Belgium) [thru 2.4]
Carnival of Cento (Cento, Italy) [thru 2.25]
Carnival of Forano della Chiana (Forano della Chiana, Italy) [thru 2.25]
Filmfare Awards (Mumbai, India)
Historic Bethlehem Winter Restaurant (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) [thru 2.3]
Winter Seed Conference (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 1.30]
Feast Days
Agnes (Christian; Saint)
Alan Funt Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Alice Neel (Artology)
Amadeus of Lausanne (Christian; Saint)
The Apocalypse (Pastafarian)
Black Pepper with Everything Day (Pastafarian)
Charlemagne (Christian; Saint)
Claes Oldenburg (Artology)
Colette (Writerism)
Cyril of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Day of Rules: Eunomia’s Day (Pagan)
Ernie (Muppetism)
Every Man’s Day (a.k.a. Rénrì 人日; China) [7th Day of 1st Lunar Month]
Fearn (Alder; Tree of Pre-Eminent Lineage; Celtic Book of Days)
Glastian of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Jackson Pollock (Artology)
John of Reomay (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Freinademetz (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Cuenca (Christian; Saint)
Margaret, Princess of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Muhammad (Positivist; Saint)
Paulinus of Aquileia (Christian; Saint)
Peter Nolasco (Christian; Saint)
Peter Thomas (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Aquinas (Christian; Saint)
Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinions (Christian; Martyrs)
Valerius (Christian; Saint)
Witch’s Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [5 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 5 of 60)
Amphigorey, by Edward Gorey (Illustrated Book; 1972)
Blue Valentine (Film; 2011)
Boobs in the Woods (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
College (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
Cryptozoo (Animated Film; 2021)
Dope (Film; 2015)
The Duck Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
The Flat of the Land or A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 251; 1964)
Flee (Animated Film; 2021)
Hamateur Night (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
How to Be a Sailor (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
The Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild (Animated Film; 2020)
I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover, by Jean Goldkette (Song; 1927)
The Invisible Monster (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #20; 1965)
It’s an Ill Will (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
The Last of Chéri, by Colette (Novel; 1926)
La Vie Commence Demain (Film; 1951) [1st X-Rated Film]
Mack the Knife or Operation: Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 252; 1964)
The Mechanic (Film; 2011)
The Moonflower Vine, by Jetta Carleton (Novel; 1962)
Mr. Spaceship, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1953)
My Cherie Amour, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1969)
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1813) [#2]
Red Rock West (Film; 1994)
Scratch a Tiger (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
Seal Skinners, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
The Shining, by Stephen King (Novel; 1977)
A Silent Voice (Anime Film; 2019)
Sissy Sheriff (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1967)
Sullivan’s Travels (Film; 1942)
Tales of the South Pacific, by James A. Michener (Short Stories; 1947)
Too Hop To Handle (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
The Vacuum Gun, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 35 & 36; 1967)
We Are the World, recorded by Supergroup USA for Africa (Song; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Caroline, Karoline, Manfred, Thomas (Austria)
Toma, Tomislav (Croatia)
Otýlie (Czech Republic)
Carolus, Karl, Magnus (Denmark)
Kaarel, Kaarli, Kaaro, Kalle, Karel, Karl, Karli, Karro (Estonia)
Kaarle, Kaarlo, Kalle, Mies (Finland)
Manfred, Thomas (France)
Karl, Karolina, Manfred, Thomas (Germany)
Haris, Palladios (Greece)
Karola, Károly (Hungary)
Tommaso, Valerio (Italy)
Kārlis, Spodris (Latvia)
Gedautas, Leonidas, Nijolė (Lithuania)
Karl, Karoline (Norway)
Agnieszka, Augustyn, Flawian, Ildefons, Julian, Karol, Leonidas, Piotr, Radomir, Roger, Waleriusz (Poland)
Efrem, Iacob, Paladie (Romania)
Alfonz (Slovakia)
Tomás (Spain)
Karl, Karla (Sweden)
Edward (Ukraine)
Carlotta, Charleen, Charlene, Charlotta, Charlotte, Charmaine, Manfred (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 28 of 2024; 338 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 4 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 18 Xin-Mao()
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 17 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 28 White; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 January 2024
Moon: 92%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Moses (1st Month) [Muhammad)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 39 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 7 of 28)
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.29
Christa McAuliffe Day
Clash Day
Daisy Day
Data Privacy Day
Data Protection Day (EU)
Double Daisy Day (Flower of the Day)
Global Community Engagement Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Great Mental Health Day (UK)
International Data Privacy & Protection Day
International Lego Day
International Make Your Point Day
International Mobilization Day Against Nuclear War
International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day
Jackhammer Day
January Revolution and National Police Day (Egypt)
José Marti Memorial Day (Cuba)
Juan Felipe Day (Philippines)
King’s Name Day (Sweden)
Love Among the Nations Day
Make Your Point Day
National Amy Day
National Army Day (Armenia)
National Day to Combat Modern Slave Labor (Brazil)
National Film Day (Argentina)
National Gift of the Ladybug Day
National Kazoo Day
National Pediatrician Day
National Spieling Day
National Tina Day
Number Please Day
Paul Jackson Pollock Day
Pop Art Day
Poplar Day (French Republic)
Rattlesnake Roundup Day
Science Day (Belarus)
Serendipity Day [also 1.18]
Telephone Exchange Day
Thank a Plugin Developer Day
Welcome Home the Heroes from Iraq Day (St. Louis, Missouri)
World Day for the Abolition of Meat Day
World Lewy Body Dementia Day
Youth Climate Action Day (Indiana)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Pancake Day
4th & Last Sunday in January
Child Labor Day [4th Sunday]
Clean Out Your Email Inbox Week begins [Sunday of Last Full Week]
Dinagyang (Philippines) [4th Sunday]
Homeless Sunday (UK) [4th Sunday]
International Internet-Free Day [Last Sunday]
National Bible Sunday (Philippines) [Last Sunday]
National Holocaust Memorial Day (Ireland) [Sunday closest to 27th]
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday [Sunday closest to 22nd]
Septuagesina Sunday [4th Sunday]
World Leprosy Day [Last Sunday]
Independence & Related Days
Democracy Day (Rwanda)
Roschfallen (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 28, 2024
BRAFA Art Fair (Brussels, Belgium) [thru 2.4]
Carnival of Cento (Cento, Italy) [thru 2.25]
Carnival of Forano della Chiana (Forano della Chiana, Italy) [thru 2.25]
Filmfare Awards (Mumbai, India)
Historic Bethlehem Winter Restaurant (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) [thru 2.3]
Winter Seed Conference (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 1.30]
Feast Days
Agnes (Christian; Saint)
Alan Funt Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Alice Neel (Artology)
Amadeus of Lausanne (Christian; Saint)
The Apocalypse (Pastafarian)
Black Pepper with Everything Day (Pastafarian)
Charlemagne (Christian; Saint)
Claes Oldenburg (Artology)
Colette (Writerism)
Cyril of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Day of Rules: Eunomia’s Day (Pagan)
Ernie (Muppetism)
Every Man’s Day (a.k.a. Rénrì 人日; China) [7th Day of 1st Lunar Month]
Fearn (Alder; Tree of Pre-Eminent Lineage; Celtic Book of Days)
Glastian of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Jackson Pollock (Artology)
John of Reomay (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Freinademetz (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Cuenca (Christian; Saint)
Margaret, Princess of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Muhammad (Positivist; Saint)
Paulinus of Aquileia (Christian; Saint)
Peter Nolasco (Christian; Saint)
Peter Thomas (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Aquinas (Christian; Saint)
Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinions (Christian; Martyrs)
Valerius (Christian; Saint)
Witch’s Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [5 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 5 of 60)
Amphigorey, by Edward Gorey (Illustrated Book; 1972)
Blue Valentine (Film; 2011)
Boobs in the Woods (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
College (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
Cryptozoo (Animated Film; 2021)
Dope (Film; 2015)
The Duck Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
The Flat of the Land or A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 251; 1964)
Flee (Animated Film; 2021)
Hamateur Night (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
How to Be a Sailor (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
The Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild (Animated Film; 2020)
I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover, by Jean Goldkette (Song; 1927)
The Invisible Monster (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #20; 1965)
It’s an Ill Will (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
The Last of Chéri, by Colette (Novel; 1926)
La Vie Commence Demain (Film; 1951) [1st X-Rated Film]
Mack the Knife or Operation: Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 252; 1964)
The Mechanic (Film; 2011)
The Moonflower Vine, by Jetta Carleton (Novel; 1962)
Mr. Spaceship, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1953)
My Cherie Amour, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1969)
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1813) [#2]
Red Rock West (Film; 1994)
Scratch a Tiger (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
Seal Skinners, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
The Shining, by Stephen King (Novel; 1977)
A Silent Voice (Anime Film; 2019)
Sissy Sheriff (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1967)
Sullivan’s Travels (Film; 1942)
Tales of the South Pacific, by James A. Michener (Short Stories; 1947)
Too Hop To Handle (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
The Vacuum Gun, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 35 & 36; 1967)
We Are the World, recorded by Supergroup USA for Africa (Song; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Caroline, Karoline, Manfred, Thomas (Austria)
Toma, Tomislav (Croatia)
Otýlie (Czech Republic)
Carolus, Karl, Magnus (Denmark)
Kaarel, Kaarli, Kaaro, Kalle, Karel, Karl, Karli, Karro (Estonia)
Kaarle, Kaarlo, Kalle, Mies (Finland)
Manfred, Thomas (France)
Karl, Karolina, Manfred, Thomas (Germany)
Haris, Palladios (Greece)
Karola, Károly (Hungary)
Tommaso, Valerio (Italy)
Kārlis, Spodris (Latvia)
Gedautas, Leonidas, Nijolė (Lithuania)
Karl, Karoline (Norway)
Agnieszka, Augustyn, Flawian, Ildefons, Julian, Karol, Leonidas, Piotr, Radomir, Roger, Waleriusz (Poland)
Efrem, Iacob, Paladie (Romania)
Alfonz (Slovakia)
Tomás (Spain)
Karl, Karla (Sweden)
Edward (Ukraine)
Carlotta, Charleen, Charlene, Charlotta, Charlotte, Charmaine, Manfred (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 28 of 2024; 338 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 4 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 18 Xin-Mao()
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 17 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 28 White; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 January 2024
Moon: 92%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Moses (1st Month) [Muhammad)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 39 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 7 of 28)
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This day in history
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Tonight, (November 20), I'm at the Simsbury, CT Public Library at 7PM presenting my new novel The Lost Cause, a preapocalyptic tale of hope in the climate emergency.
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#15yrsago Free to Be… You and Me: the 35 Anniversary Edition: the book every kid needs https://memex.craphound.com/2008/11/20/free-to-be-you-and-me-the-35-anniversary-edition-the-book-every-kid-needs/
#15yrsago Digital Youth Project: If you care about kids and want to understand how they use technology and why, this is a must-read https://web.archive.org/web/20081127101442/http://digitalyouth.ischool.berkeley.edu/files/report/digitalyouth-WhitePaper.pdf
#10yrsago Data visualization shows US isolation in pushing for brutal Trans-Pacific Partnership https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2013/11/18/the-united-states-is-isolated-in-the-trans-pacific-partnership-negotiations/
#5yrsago Copyright and the “male gaze”: a feminist critique of copyright law https://web.archive.org/web/20181106072516/http://harvardjlg.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/HLG204_2018.pdf
#5yrsago Leaks reveal the health care industry’s playbook for smearing and spinning Medicare for All out of existence by 2020 https://theintercept.com/2018/11/20/medicare-for-all-healthcare-industry/
#5yrsago “The End of Trust” – EFF/McSweeney’s collaboration on privacy and surveillance – is in stores and free to download now! https://www.eff.org/the-end-of-trust
#5yrsago On the role of truth and philosophy in fantastic fiction http://dreamcafe.com/2018/11/19/truth-as-a-vehicle-for-enhancing-fiction-fiction-as-a-vehicle-for-discovering-truth/
#5yrsago Trump spent $200,000,000 on the election stunt of sending 6,000 troops to the border, then withdrew them before the caravan arrived https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/11/trump-troops-border-caravan-stunt
#5yrsago Electrification 2.0: Rural broadband co-ops are filling the void left by indifferent monopolists https://www.wired.com/story/rural-america-diy-internet-spirit-reboot/
#5yrsago Dystopia watch: a roundup of the DOD’s new less-lethal weapons https://www.wired.com/story/ingredients-powering-defense-department-new-nonlethal-weapons/
#5yrsago Portrait of a fake news troll and the racist retiree who believes everything he writes https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/nothing-on-this-page-is-real-how-lies-become-truth-in-online-america/2018/11/17/edd44cc8-e85a-11e8-bbdb-72fdbf9d4fed_story.html
#5yrsago This month, the climate-denyingist red state AGs lost their jobs to Dems: time to sue the US government https://web.archive.org/web/20181120113921/https://www.climateliabilitynews.org/2018/11/19/democratic-ag-midterm-climate-change/
#1yrago Anything That Can’t Go On Forever Will Eventually Stop https://pluralistic.net/2022/11/20/anything-that-cant-go-on-forever-will-eventually-stop/
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solatgif · 2 years
TGIF: Roundup for December 2, 2022
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Advent is here! This holiday season, join SOLA Network on Substack. I’ll send you a free daily devotion to help prepare your heart for Christmas. We shared two classics: Tim St. John’s Advent Calendar for Couples and What is a Fitting Response to the Advent Season? by Daniel K. Eng.
We have over 30 videos in our Author Interviews YouTube playlist, with more coming soon. In case you missed it, check out over 30 videos in our newest YouTube playlist on The Asian American Church.
This newsletter is one of the many ways you can keep in touch with us. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.
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Enter to win this excellent book! Read my review. Thanks to Crown & Covenant for providing this book, in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
Isbael Ong: 3 Popular Misconceptions About Advent
Christian leaders from Brazil, Colombia, France, and the Philippines weigh in on mistaken beliefs about the season.
Soojin Chung: The Seed of Korean Christianity Grew in the Soil of Shamanism
An awareness of the spirit world was a crucial component in missionary efforts to spread the gospel.
Geoff Chang: Lectures to My Students: A Reader’s Guide to a Christian Classic
“Spurgeon presents to us a vision of the pastorate that is sober, self-controlled, and centered on Christ.”
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Advent is here! This holiday season, join SOLA Network on Substack. I’ll send you a free daily devotion to help prepare your heart for Christmas.
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
TGC: Leviticus: A Commentary by Peter Lee
Peter Lee: “I’m excited to share that my commentary on Leviticus is now available at TGC’s Concise Commentary series. This was a labor of love and look forward to more projects like it in the future.”
FCBC Walnut: Self-Control, Godly Zeal, and Gen Z
I talk with my friend Leslie about the connection between self-control and self-care, what we were zealous for in our youth, and how we are encouraged by the younger generations.
Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews (Reformation Heritage Books): A Puritan Theology by Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, The Lives of the Puritans by Benjamin Brook, Ore from the Puritans’ Mine by Dale Smith, Commentary on the Old and New Testaments by John Trapp, Meet the Puritans by Joel R. Beeke and Randall J. Pederson. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
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Subscribe to our podcast for our interviews, messages, and article reads! Available for free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
Andrew H. Kim: Is My Culture a Product of Sin?: Reexamining the Tower of Babel
“Instead of having one common language, a diversity of languages, cultures, ethnicities, and nations ultimately resulted from the Babel narrative. So, is it true that different ethnicities and cultures are a result of sin? I will explain how they are not only a result of God’s intended plan but will also continue into eternity.”
Ben Khong: Alzheimer’s: Help and Hope for Caregivers & the Church
“Alzheimer’s is a tragic disease, one that allows us to witness the brokenness of the curse. It progressively destroys a person’s mind until that person dies. And, where the world’s solutions end with the grief and loss that comes with the experience of this disease, the believer’s experience roots them in eternal life.”
Ken Carlson: Observing Advent as a Family
So much of the Christmas season in our culture has nothing to do with Jesus. Family Advent provides one way to remind ourselves of the true meaning of Christmas and to pass our faith on to the next generation.
TGIF: Roundup for November 25, 2022
God or Money / Redeeming Babel / The Embattled Pastor: How to Navigate Conflict and Criticism / The Church Behind Barbed Wire / Ekstasis Autumn Collection
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
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newsmakersyria · 2 years
Illegal mobilization of Arab youth by the Syrian Democratic Forces
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The command of the "Syrian Democratic Forces" plans to send forcibly mobilized Arab youth to the first line of defense in the event of a Turkish offensive. The Syrian Democratic Forces regularly replenish their ranks through raids and roundups in the settlements of Arab tribal unions, despite the massive protests of the population of the "Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria." In general, the Arabs in Rojava are in an extremely distressed situation. Children are forbidden to study in schools, Arab girls are forbidden to wear national clothes. Arab youth should not take part in the fighting on the side of their oppressors. The Syrian Democratic Forces are obliged to stop the illegal mobilization of the Arab population into their ranks.
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man-0n-the-m00n · 6 years
Summer and How My Life Changed
For me, summer hasn't been that great. I’ve always loved this warm, bright, and hopeful season, except for some reason, this year wasn't quite the same.
My summer started out with being a tutor in summer school, I hung out with friends and I helped kids who were younger than me prepare for the next grueling school year, even though it was mostly messing around, we did learn (a little bit).
After summer school ended I was bored for a while. I was really looking forward to this trip my friend and I were going to be partaking in, called NYR. 
NYR is a campsite on a mountain in Colorado, US. Its a christian camp that takes place during the summer, thousands of kids and adults come from all over the nation to experience this amazing week long camp. Churches from multiples states gather a group of highschoolers who would like to witness the miracles that happen on that mountain. My group was pretty big, about 50 kids. 
My friend wasn't very excited about going, she was kind of only going because I was (which worked in her favor in the end)
The bus ride to NYR was 15-16 hours, i loved it. I loved seeing all of the cities and i loved watching the land change as we traveled through each state. I loved the lights and I listened to music the entire way there.
I don't know if I've spoken about this before but I have a history of self harm. I knew going on his 9 day trip, I would inevitably get an urge. So the day I was leaving, a couple hours before departure time, I cut. 
I regretted doing it immediately after i had made the choice. I bandaged it up and i left. That bus ride really was amazing but the slices on my thigh rubbing against my jean shorts, not so amazing.
I didn't really expect anyone to mention or speak of self harm at NYR so I wasn't too worried about it. I was wrong. They spoke a little bit about depression, anxiety, or cutting, each day. It wasn't just a brief recognition of it either. The sermons were deep. It started affecting me.
I had an awesome time in Colorado but I really didn't know if i could handle the thoughts that kept bombarding my mind and the feelings I was struggling to keep hidden.
I started becoming closer to a lot of acquaintances and distant friends. I was reconnecting with lost friendships. I started becoming closer to this sophomore I knew, who had been there for me in the past when I had been struggling with self harm, I was there for him as well. He didn't really know I was still struggling it, he had managed to overcome it. He talked to me one night, around midnight, we were sitting on a bench and looking at the trees and stars. I never knew such wise words could come out a 15 year olds mouth. I’d always known he was different, but that night, it really seemed like he knew the secret to everything.
I became closer to a senior, he had been my friend for a while but we were never really close. During the trip we ever got super close, but he helped make me happier and he helped me escape from reality for a little while. He was one of the things that made the trip amazing.
I also met a junior, I had known him but not very well. I barely remembered his name and had to ask someone else. He and I became really close. He was constantly by my side and he made me laugh, which is really important to me. I watched him grow closer to God throughout the course of that trip and it sort of inspired me too, in a way. He told me some intense things on that mountain, things that would connect us and later help us stay in touch and build a relationship. He made my week insanely better, he pulled me out of the dark hole that was my mind and he helped me learn to just live, even if he was struggling with doing that himself. He was one of the the two people who made NYR so amazing. 
The other is my best friend. She's been there for me for years and I couldn't have asked for someone better to come with me to that mountain. I watched her grow and change as a person. She was happy, and just seeing her happy made my experience 4380x better. 
What I'm getting at, is that when you have the opportunity, go somewhere. Meet someone. Do every fucking thing you possibly can, life is so short and there are so many things out there that will give you hope, even when you have none. They give you a reason to live. Now I'm not just promoting christianity, i don't think that the only way to live you life is through God. Thats your choice, but the fellowship and the sense of belonging I felt up in Colorado is something I will NEVER fucking forget. 
If and when you get the chance, go. Go anywhere. Go somewhere. 
(if you're not convinced to go to NYR yet, here are some things that might change ya mind)
i understand that no one will see this and those who do might not be able to go due to financial struggles, but im still putting this out there.
-white water rafting
-concert every morning and night
-fucking beautiful oh my god
-sports and shit, there are like tournaments idk its cool
-fuckin bomb food
-no judgement, fr
-you get to explore
-cool merch
-get away from your family
-meet new people
-become closer to friends and maybe god
-they don't make you do anything alone so less anxiety than expected
-you can go days without showering and no one notices
-canteen (food food food)
-golf carts
-fishing (if you're into that)
-youre inspired and you leave feeling like you have a purpose
-you also get tan so thats cool
-Fellie (I didn't read over this or correct any errors, idc if my writing suck you get the point.)
No ones going to see this, but for the sake of my internalized reputation, I am an avid atheist and really didn’t even believe in god at this time either. I’m just stupid.
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reading poll #3
what's up gamers, I finally got around to reading the last book you guys picked out for me (Hench, by Natalie Zina Walschots) and I'm going to save most of my thoughts for the reading roundup at the end of the month but it was spoiler alert: it was a LOT of fun! so good job to everyone who voted for Hench, your taste is impeccable.
I hope that holds for this poll, because you're not just picking out one book. this time I'm running a poll to pick which series of thick-ass fantasy novels I should embark on next, now that I'm tragically finished with Baru Cormorant and the Masquerade.
so, let's meet our contestants and read their blurbs:
#1. The Wolf of Oren-Yaro (Chronicles of the Bitch Queen #1) by K.S. Villoso
"They called me the Bitch Queen, the she-wolf, because I murdered a man and exiled my king the night before they crowned me." Born under the crumbling towers of her kingdom, Queen Talyien was the shining jewel and legacy of the bloody War of the Wolves. It nearly tore her nation apart. But her arranged marriage to the son of a rival clan heralds peace. However, he suddenly disappears before their reign can begin, and the kingdom is fractured beyond repair. Years later, he sends a mysterious invitation to meet. Talyien journeys across the sea in hopes of reconciling their past. An assassination attempt quickly dashes those dreams. Stranded in a land she doesn't know, with no idea whom she can trust, Talyien will have to embrace her namesake. A Wolf of Oren-yaro is not tamed. (x)
#2. Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) by Fonda Lee
Jade is the lifeblood of the island of Kekon. It has been mined, traded, stolen, and killed for — and for centuries, honorable Green Bone warriors like the Kaul family have used it to enhance their magical abilities and defend the island from foreign invasion. Now, the war is over and a new generation of Kauls vies for control of Kekon’s bustling capital city. They care about nothing but protecting their own, cornering the jade market, and defending the districts under their protection. Ancient tradition has little place in this rapidly changing nation. When a powerful new drug emerges that lets anyone — even foreigners — wield jade, the simmering tension between the Kauls and the rival Ayt family erupts into open violence. The outcome of this clan war will determine the fate of all Green Bones — from their grandest patriarch to the lowliest motorcycle runner on the streets — and of Kekon itself. (x)
#3. The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1) by R.F. Kuang
When Rin aced the Keju—the Empire-wide test to find the most talented youth to study at the academies—it was a shock to everyone: to the test officials, who couldn’t believe a war orphan from Rooster Province could pass without cheating; to Rin’s guardians, who always thought they’d be able to marry Rin off to further their criminal enterprise; and to Rin herself, who realized she was now finally free of the servitude and despair that had made up her daily existence. That she got into Sinegard—the most elite military school in the Nikara Empire—was even more surprising. But surprises aren’t always good. Being a dark-skinned peasant girl from the south is not an easy thing at Sinegard. Rin is targeted from the outset by rival classmates because of her color, poverty, and gender. Driven to desperation, she discovers she possesses a lethal, unearthly power—an aptitude for the nearly mythical art of shamanism. Exploring the depths of her gift with the help of a seemingly insane teacher and psychoactive substances, Rin learns that gods long thought dead are very much alive—and that mastering control over her powers could mean more than just surviving school. For even though the Nikara Empire is at peace, the Federation of Mugen still lurks across a narrow sea. The militarily advanced Federation occupied the Nikara Empire for decades after the First Poppy War, and only barely lost the continent in the Second. And while most of the people in the Empire would rather forget their painful history, a few are aware that a Third Poppy War is just a spark away. (x)
poll rules are as usual: poll closes at 69 votes or when I want to close it, whichever comes sooner. if anyone tries to explain to me why any of these are Bad, Actually, and I shouldn't read them that book wins by default. if you for some reason look at this and tell me I should actually read a fourth, entirely unrelated book I will ignore you.
thanks in advance for voting xoxo
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lameravigliadoro · 2 years
oh so you're learning french, Twitch edition : 5 french streamers
you have some kind of basis in french, but you want to go further with fast-paced, advanced level vocabulary? here's a non-exhaustive list of some of the best french speaking streamers to improve your language skills and understanding of the language in a native context, as well as discover interesting people and expand your knowledge on french culture and history!
domingo : video react, most popular talkshow on twitch & League
fun, easy-going livestreams! he hosts a talkshow every Tuesday evening (8pm-10pm, +1) called "Popcorn" : in fact, it's the most popular talkshow on the french twitch and you can get introduced to most of the streamers with interviews of singers, actors, or even a football player, games, worldwide news ("les actus de PA" --'PA' is actually Domingo's real name alias, Pierre-Alexis --'actus' means 'news'). He talks clearly most of the times, though is pretty fast-paced.
here's a video extract in which Ponce (brown-haired, rond glasses), Baghera (blond girl), Simon Puech (brown-haired, black t-shirt) and Domingo (on the far left, black beard and beige sweatshirt) talk about alcohol consumption in France as well as regional clichés and their own relationship with alcohol.
littlebigwhale : singer & pubg
she actually livestreams in english sometimes! she mostly plays PUBG and other games, and on sundays she sings during her karaoke. she doesn't talk that fast so don't hesitate to go and see for yourself! if you want to sing and have fun, she does karaoke nights every so often with another streamer, Zerator, (available on youtube too, just search "littlebigwhale zerator karaoke and you should find two or three streams).
here's a stream from a among us night when pokimane joined some french streamers! littlebigwhale is the one wearing bear ears and glasses.
etoiles : culture & smash bros
smash bros player and host. also, he has a thing called "la nuit de la culture/la nuit de la cult'" (= the culture night) during which he watches a "Question pour un champion" episode (="Going for Gold" french version on the national channel) and tries to answer the questions to perfect his general knowledge skills and he spends hours looking up stuff he doesn't know --a very fun and smart way to actually get more knowledgable on french culture and history, expand your vocabulary in sciences, gastronomy, botany and just be in a friendly, positive mood on saturday nights! the culture night is every saturday from 8pm to midnight or even more. ==> fun fact : the Question pour un champion host (called Samuel Etienne) is actually livestreaming on twitch too after Etoiles showed him! his channel is samueletienne and he reads french press every morning, it's very fun and interesting if you want to be in touch with french news in an easy way.
jean massiet : french politics expert & pilot
he's one of my favourite streamer! he's a specialist in the french political life as he worked for several secretaries of state (in french, des "ministres") as a parliamentary attaché. he often does news roundups, livestreames every wednesdays debates at the Assemblée Nationale (national assembly), and is careful about democratizing politics to the youth, making it easy to understand. he's been hosting a political talkshow on his twitch channel too (named "Backseat", every thursdays, starting at 19:30, though the season finale was in last june, let's hope it gets renewed in september), i highly recommend you try and watch some episodes! they invite french politicians (ministres, députés, chefs de parti, porte-paroles) and interview them. when i say they, i talk about the commentators who are on the show with Jean and who are all knowledgable, politicised and funny and come from different political backgrounds to respect a sort of 'neutrality' : this way, ideas and visions from the far-left, left and centre-right are freely expressed on the show. another thing i appreciate is that, nevertheless this neutrality, they refuse to invite far-right politicians and fascists, even when it comes to popular candidates for the présidentielle.
rivenzi : sport games, history & all kind of nintendo games
he's famous for broadcasting and commentating sport matches (football, rugby, he also commentated the Olympic Games in Tokyo!) so if you like sport games go check him out he knows a lot and can make everything interesting! rivenzi also organises history lives as well : the one i've linked below is one amongst many on his channel in which he invites a french historian to talk informally and in-depth about subjects like nazism (like this one), the Algerian war, etc. there's more history live replays on his Spotify account so don't hesitate to check it out! i love these history lives because rivenzi is also knowledgable (he went to the uni to study history) and interested in history, so these conversations are gold mines, especially for people who know nothing about the subjects, the goal is to democratise and vulgarise difficult and heavy topics!
+ he's one of the funniest people on this platform (according to me) + he's also Breton and is very proud of it (we all are)
for this history live, rivenzi invites the historian and college lecturer Nicolas Patin to talk about his book, "Kruger, un bourreau ordinaire" (= "an ordinary executioner"), a biography about the nazi chief of the S.S and police in Poland during the WWII and is responsible for the mass deportation of Polish Jews.
don't hesitate to ask for clarifications, i tried to be as clear and consice as possible! for most twitch lives, you can find a lot of free replays on their twitch channels or even on their youtube channels, don't be afraid to do your own digging! also, i know it can be intimidating to watch un-subbed videos in french, but the more you'll hear spoken and native french, the more you'll get used to the natural speaking flow and internet slang vocabulary. finally, i restricted the list to 5 streamers, but i'm sure that if you watch a few of these streamers' videos or even catch them on live, you'll hear about other streamers as they pretty much all know each other and are friends, like Mister MV, Ponce, Zerator, Ultia, AngleDroit, Gotaga, Maghla, DFG, RebeuDeter, Aminematuer, Squeezie (most famous french youtuber and streamer), Horty, BagheraJones, etc.
have fun! :)
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