#nats replies
zzztlk · 5 months
Is it polyamory if one of the people's possessed?
Not when the possessing entity is a board certified hater
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chubsette · 8 months
The more we find out about Nat the more I'm like 'ahah I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so soooo normal about this person's oc that's in a committed relationship (the oc idk your life like that) just being normal-'
-💣💥 (fr tho I love all your ocs they are such cutie patooties!! Your art style helps I think but ya know)
nat is just a very likeable girl, what can i say? you might like to see the first ever drawing i made of her ( ichecked and it's from 2022???? i didnt realise it had been so long wow)
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“What is your will?”
Thank you all very much for subscribing and reposting❤️
I'm not entirely sure how to interact on Tumblr, but I'm really glad you're enjoying it
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critter-of-habit · 8 months
Ty for making Natasha the muscly one omg you are doing this fandom a Service
You're welcome! Peggy flexing would have been far too obvious
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
I don't understand why Jackie's team-mates are envious(jealous) of her, .Jackie is just a normal girl, what is there to envy?
an age-old question about popularity, anon!
jackie being a normal girl is part of it, i'd imagine. from the outside jackie has everything that a teen girl is supposed to want or need: wealthy parents, trendy clothes, a long-term boyfriend (break ups notwithstanding), she's pretty, and athletic, popular (she would have won prom queen), gets decent grades (though good or great grades seems more likely since we know she's not the best athlete on the team), has a loyal best friend, and has a leadership role in her chosen club. from the outside, what isn't there to envy about jackie?
especially when you look at her teammates, most of whom have something "wrong" with them compared to the above list. natalie has abusive and neglectful parents and does drugs to cope with her trauma, while jackie barely seems to drink. misty is an outsider who can't connect with anyone, but jackie is popular and a leader and so good at it that she even makes misty feel welcome. shauna struggles to assert herself and go after what she wants, but jackie tells her what to wear and drink and who to date without a second thought. taissa and van are gay women in the 90s, who either weren't out pre-crash (implied) or at the very least weren't dating anyone, and so the ease with which jackie and jeff got together and broke up on repeat must have been so frustrating to watch. lottie falls into many of the same categories as jackie, but while jackie's parents fawn over everything she says and does, lottie eats her meals alone at home and her father "shows love" with jets that take her miles away from him.
we talk about jackie being doomed by the narrative, and she totally is. but she's not just doomed to death; she's doomed to be two-dimensional. yellowjackets is a story about the relationship between a girl and her trauma, and you can't have a relationship when you're dead. like nat says, she's the "lucky one" because she gets to become a symbol (of rules, or social mores, of normalcy and safety) for the rest, instead of struggling alongside them. and what need does a symbol have of complexity? my first paragraph makes a series of assumptions about jackie, any of which could be false. we get glimpses here and there of jackie having feelings and thoughts and concerns that don't align with the things that make her someone to envy, but we don't know. we won't ever know in a way that matters to jackie. anything we learn now will be used to tell us something about the girls who are still alive, because jackie's only real function is to be fodder for them.
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samrut · 2 months
What would yandere liet be like?
I was thinking a submissive type yandere.
He is very loyal to his love interest in an unhealthy way, wants to be useful and make them happy, even if that means being injured, killing or dying for them. He'd do anything that is asked of him.
Tossing around the idea that he is very timid and had been bullied for being poor most of his life. So, he is a nervous, introverted loner. Frumpy clothes and overgrown hair that normally covers his face.
The AU takes place at a university.
The protagonist of the sim is nice to Tolys, which isn't something he is used to, and he falls for them. Stopped some bullies from picking on him, gave him - idk, a pencil that he treasures more than his own life. Possibly, the player's dorm roommate.
He isn't dangerous, per say, unless his crush tells him to attack someone.
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ceeturnalia · 9 days
🪐 🥤 🧩
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
oooh okay 1) earlier this year at the age of 40mumble, i was able to, for the first time, afford a new vehicle that i wanted. my truck's name is Frank and he's a Bronco and he's red and i've already fucked up the housing around the skid plate by doing dumb shit in the desert. it's true love.
2) yes there are many aggravations, but i truly deeply love the organization i work for. we have an important mission, i work with some of the absolute best people i've ever known, and i have a sign on my office door that says COME BACK WITH A WARRANT.
3) i am writing again! i hadn't really for a long time, except for some short bits here and there, but now i am actively engaged in a project that i can see and feel coming to fruition and damn it's good to be back.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
i don't know if indigostohelit is on tumblr but they have a narcos fic that i reread over and over like a religious text. the book of saint javier peña, idk. it's just so perfect. when i commented on the fic after reading it the first time i said thank you for creating this delicious dark dream and that kind of says it all.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
i recently unsubscribed from a WIP that i was really digging because i found out the writer was a zionist, but that's probably not what this question is asking.
uhhh it's mostly subjective characterization stuff that kills a fic for me, but there's a thing that i am not sure i can describe where the opening sentence(s) have this. particular syntax and cadence? it's got a very juvenile feel to it. like something taught in elementary school, this is how you write the opening of a story. and make sure you state the pov character's full government name so there's no question who the story is about. this is not a good description, but it's a really deep personal peeve and i will backbutton instantly.
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zellink · 2 months
I must say that the "all the bells say" completely consumed my brain for the last month and I haven't been able to think about anything else. Your writing is sooo good and the way you understand the characters and the world makes it such an enjoyable and enthralling read from start to finish. Everytime I see an update I get so happy but also sad at the same time because it means its going to end one day. I just love it completely and I truly think this is one of the best portrayals of Link and Zelda that I have seen in a long time. Keep up the great work and take all the time you need to rest and finish this masterpiece!
P.S. Also I was wondering is there any playlist for the fic by any chance? Thank you so much!!
god thank you so much for this ask - it really really means a lot to me and it put a huge smile on my face. and thank you for telling me that i should take all the time i need to finish it - i know i'm slow with the updates but that's because i wanna make sure that i stick the landing each time y'know. ♥️
and yes! there is a playlist for the fic. you can find it here on youtube.
again thank you so much for such a kind comment. <3
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evermoredeluxe · 4 months
I have wondered how Travis feels about Taylor letting the cats on the bed and in the sheets
imo he turns into a grumpy old man and that must be funny to taylor lol
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lustrous-dawn · 9 months
(asktheisle) A message from an unknown number pops into Lucian's phone, the area code denoting that it's from Alola. A short string of texts follow as:
"Hey! i hope i got Lucian here, i think we traded numbers a while back but i can't really remember"
"anyway, i think i remember you saying it was your birthday around this time? if it is, Happy Birthday!! i know how december birthdays can be, i got one myself"
"hope you have a good day!"
What follows after is a cake emoji, followed by a standard smiling Pikachu emoji
There was no use in catching up with the Umbreon. When she wanted to run, she could run laps around him, leaving him in the dust.
Exhaling sharply, Lucian gave up mid-chase, brushing specks of snow off his pants. “You win this time,” he groused. That was when he finally felt the vibrations in his pocket. Rushing, nearly dropping the phone in the process as he fumbled with it, his eyes shone wet as he stared at the two messages unread. 
“Glad, I can't believe you-” 
The phone suddenly vibrated in his hands, Lucian jerking at the response. He squinted at the Alolan area code of the number before mentally reading the new message prompted on the screen.
Nat! He gave a wide grin. He remembered the trainer upon the islands! How could he ever forget the small Candela?! A slight red on his cheeks. He was so charmed by the new baby Pokemon, that he forgot he had exchanged numbers with the trainer to check in and make sure they were doing ok. Newborns were always a handful to deal with. 
“I remember you said it was your birthday around this time. If so…” Lucian dapped at the wetness in his eyes, obscuring his view. 
He jolted as a new but familiar weight jumped to rest upon his shoulders. Umbra promptly curled around his neck with a purr, staring down at his phone with an inquisitive, intelligent gaze. 
Nat took the time to send a message. Lucian was at a loss for words as his fingers rapidly ran across the phone. 
“...Thank you, Nat. Happy belated birthday.” The message was followed by a small Bunny-like Umbreon face with a cake emoji. “It really meant a lot. We need to talk sometime- HEY” 
Umbra placed her paw across the screen, a bright flash blinding them. Blinking several times, he stared at the silly image of the ridiculous face he had made and Umbra’s nose placed closely. 
Message sent. 
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natashasbitxh · 8 months
Hello! This is the same anon from a few days ago thanking you for the Shaynse inspo. I finished my fic if you want to read it😊 archiveofourown.org/works/53622442
AHHH thank you so much for coming back to let me know!!
I can't currently read it but I know shaynse nation have been crying out for more fics lately so I should share!
Once I read it, I will definitely be leaving a comment🫶🫶
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neattnat · 6 days
"Nat, you're not a guy", "Nat, you're a girl", "Wth does that even mean Nat? You're a girl" WRONG WRONG WRONG GET TRANS SIBLING BLASTED 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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critter-of-habit · 10 months
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did you see the (maybe?) nat from the end of the what if trailer? looks like they might be playing into her ballerina backstory from the comics
Oh, oh I sure did see! I'm concerned that this is the only sign we got of her in the whole trailer... but, the in the first season's trailer she only appeared 3 times and ended up having a big role, so I'm staying hopeful!
It looks like a super cute outfit tho tbh can't wait to see it
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jovenshires · 9 months
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@natashasbitxh was i silent.... or was i silenced?
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scinglives · 1 year
open starter: bucky barnes
Bucky used to be such a confident guy, he used to have no problem asking women out on dates. But now? He was a completely different man, and although it had been playing on his mind for weeks now, he hadn't found the courage to ask her.
"I was -- I want to take you out for dinner one night." He said as he looked towards the other, feeling himself getting nervous. What had happened to him? "I want to take you on a date, old school date of course. Dinner and ice cream, or a trip to the movies. Hell, we can even go to Coney Island and share a hot dog if you want."
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lottieurl · 1 year
GOD YEAH. nat's genuine you hit the nail on the head. absolutely the driving force behind jackie's developing nat derangement too like she's drawn to that soooo much like she pretty much straight up points that part of nat out in the pilot as her compliment towards nat!! not that idea Exactly but more what that is To Jackie. "you're so completely yourself and you don't care what other people think" like YESSS! and also no. because she does absolutely care what people think however she is herself in Spite of that which i don't think jackie like. conceptualizes because i don't think she can envision a world in which she herself still cares what people think of her And is so completely herself in spite of that and that is a whole nother absolutely devastating can of worms i'm not even going to get into. but the whole. jackie nat derangement thing you mentioned in the tags is. yeah. because i am ALWAYS thinking about these two in relation to each other they devastate me individually and when their powers combine..... head in my hands. anyway. GOD. YEAH. nat loves people well and that kind of love coming from that kind of person is SPECIAL. like her heart's on her sleeve and it's an open wound and it's getting blood everywhere and everyone who's around her long enough thinks that's the most alluring thing ever and it's also partly the reason nat's so genuine because she doesn't even know how to hide it. no wonder so many people want to keep nat in their lives like if i knew nat i would too!!!! that kind of person does not come into your life every day and like. god i think one of the most important parts about this to me is that she doesn't SEE that in herself i think. people gravitate towards her and when they do i think there's a part of her that doesn't understand it. and because she doesn't Get it she's always waiting for the other shoe to drop. and like. god. NAT!!!! i've gotten to the point where the thoughts are no longer coherent and it's just her name but. yeah. nat. -cannibal laura lee anon
YES YES YES and i think that's what makes nat dynamics really really good? there's just something about how this Nat Genuineness often makes other characters reveal things about themselves they're either unaware of or hiding. like nat existing in the way that she does invites others to show us their flaws and their insecurities and their fears. we talked before about how s1 lottie was more of a mystery character than a fully fleshed out one and how they're doing a lot of character work with her this season so that we get to see more of her vulnerability, what's right there under the surface no matter the role she takes on or how she's affected by her visions and IN BOTH TIMELINES as we learn all of this we also see the developing lottienat dynamic. there was this post making rounds a while ago about how nat SEES lottie for who she is (especially in that bathtub scene) and not the ideas others project onto her and while that applies to lottie most heavily i do think nat has had the most emotional maturity out of all of them from the start and she does make people feel SEEN. what naturally follows: natalie scatorccio derangement syndrome
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