#natsu and gray as brother figures?
rain-day-today · 4 months
A few more baby fairytail headcanons because their the found family that haunts me in my dreams🫶🏽 these are a little more natsu and gray centric cause those are my favs
Gray and Natsu did not have a place to live until they were in the guild for like a year . There were too many parentless orphans running around and not enough people to keep track of them, so It was couch surfing hot potato like nobody’s business.
Natsu’s stuff was scattered to the high heavens. You would find his sandals in Laxus’s room, bag in the Strauss Siblings place,any clothes were scattered between Erza, Cana and Levy. Really its a miracle he had clothes at all considering the fact he also refused to wear a shirt his first month( “you don’t needs shirts in the forest snd their itchhhyyy” ) . Gray was a bit better and just had a card board box that he took to people’s house when he decided (without the person’s permission) to crash there for the next week. Ironically,The two would always end up trying to crash with the same person on the same night. Natsu would be climbing into the room through the window right when Gray was breaking in by picking the lock.
Speaking of which, Everyone but erza can pick locks. Lissana is the fastest followed by Cana and then Natsu. Mira just broke the door down.
Whenever they were smaller and Erza went on a job with Levy they had an unspoken understanding to only speak like they were from medieval times. There were alot of questions afterward and more lost in translation.
Little Cana would cut and dye everyone’s hair. She Once dyed natsu’s hair black, mistaking the hair dye as extra shampoo-y shampoo
That was the worst week of Natsu and Grays life. Whenever they were out in public together they got mistaken for brothers.
*cana and laxus dying of laughter*
*maco and wakaba choking*
natsu and gray couldn’t look at each other that entire week.
EmoTeen!Gray discovered the girls taste in books after being locked in the library closet during “book club”
Natsu knows exactly what Erza and Levy read. super hearing y’know? He wont admit to it but he knows not to be in the guild whenever those high pitched giggle start.
Laxus gets severely motion sick. He used to deal with it by using those stupid looking motion sickness glasses every time he got on a train. Now he just sells his soul to the devil (mira) for a bottle of magic elixir ( straight vodka) that lets him pass tf out.
Erza lost an Erza look alike contest once
Mira lost a Mira look alike contest
Lissana won both of them back to back
Natsu has a collection of hand me downs that he refuses to wear or get rid of. Most of them are Erzas old armors or things gray stripped and forgot about, but he has a little of everyone. His favorite one is Laxus’s old big coat.
Elfman does a little quote of the day thing in the guildhall
Elfman once got all the fairytail kids including s-class Laxus, Erza, and Mira to Jump Guildarts. No one knows the outcome because at some point all the smaller kids got knocked out with only Erza,Mira and Laxus left awake and they wont tell who won.
When they were younger there was a cute skate park the girls would visit often, thats why they can do all the cool skate board tricks.
Levy bought a motorcycle after getting the money from her first “big” job
Natsu once put a tin full of mentos in multiple buckets of coke in the guild hall infirmary
One time gramps was feeling really down and kids did a little play to cheer him up. They did sleeping beauty with Levy as Sleeping Beauty, Cana as the prince, Mira was maleficent, and Laxus as the prince’s horse. Gray, Natsu, and Elfman were obviously the fairies. Erza wasn’t in the guild at the moment much to her dismay. The play genuinely went incredibly well except instead of waking the princess up with a kiss, Cana head butted Levy so hard it caused Levy to pass out.
Little Valentines Day scenario
(No i do not care that its may)
The first year they were all together, Natsu and Gray got in trouble with Erza the day before valentine’s day. Them hearing everyone gush about wanting someone to give them something, decided that the best way to apologize (save themselves) would be to give her a bunch of valentines day candy and presents. They gave them to her at the guild with cute cards and she was so so happy she started to tear up. This marks Erza as the first person among them all to get a Valentine present.
The others were silently seething, which turned into alot of teasing “ Aww looks like Grays got a crushhh,” “ Look at natsu being all gentlemen like , Erza must be a special special girl,” Erza promptly beat them all up for it, and Gray and Natsu were successfully in their mission to save themselves!
They did feel kinda bad afterwards seeing the others look longingly at Erza quite large pile. Natsu sneakily went out and bought some more chocolates to hand cheer everyone up, gray joined in because “No way am I letting flame brain be liked more then me!” They obviously fought, which melted the chocolates. No fear however! Natsu tempered the chocolates to perfection and gray used his magic to make fun molds.
The next day they handed them out and now its a tradition. On Valentine’s day you get candy from the boy of your dreams, the next day Natsu and Gray give you a creepily detailed mini you made out of chocolate.
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
I'm thinking about it a lot so here are some personal canon beliefs for various guild characters as kids and connections they had, featuring my renditions of the guild members.
In canon Gray and Cana are supposed to be close, so I imagine they actually were housed together when each of them first joined the guild. Cana would've been a few years older than gray and she appeared first being taken in by Vijeeter, who in my version would've been about 22 at the time. His calmer nature made it easy for him to handle the more moody kids who often got on the last nerve of other guild members. She left to live on her own when she turned 18. Gray on the other hand still stays in Vijeeters place as he only just hit 18 and hasn't moved yet. But wanting to exist without an adult constantly watching him leads to him crashing at Lucy's place way too often.
Natsu actually stayed with Macao and only recently got his own place. It's part of the reason Romeo ends up with such an attachment to him because by all technicality, Natsu is his older brother. It does however mean that Natsu knew Macao's ex-wife and considers her a mother figure in a way. Natsu being the absolute terror of a child he was set Macao up to handle one as bad as him in the future, but Romeo is a lot less stressful of a kid.
Wendy stays with Erza when she joins the guild and erza sets her and Carla up with areas to store/organize the items they like. For wendy that's her hair ties/accessories, for Carla it's her dresses. Erza is one of the only people in the guild Wendy has a fear/respect for leading to her absolutely following Erza's house rules to a T. The structure of Erza's home allows Carla to feel more relaxed than ever before.
Team shadowgear were taken in by one of the women from the team that saved them from their destroyed hometown and they've been living in one of the floors above the diner she runs ever since. They get an entire apartment to themselves and don't feel the need to move out since they've never been forced to so they don't currently have plans to leave.
Erza stayed with Makarov when she first got to the guild. Her history with the tower and the Magic council's habit of being nosy meant that the best way he could ensure she'd always have someone fighting for her was to keep her within arms reach. He didn't force her to stay when she wanted to move out on her own. He does consider the entire guild to be his children, but erza specifically he views as his own grand daughter. This also means Erza and Laxus have interacted a lot and developed almost a sibling bond from the time of both of them living with Makarov. His betrayal of the guild was something she took hard.
The strauss siblings were raised by an uncle following the deaths of their parents, he lived close by the guild and the kids got drawn to the rowdiness of the guild hall. Their uncle isn't a mage himself and in fact finds guilds for too dangerous for his own liking. He tried to dissuade them when they were younger but ultimately that attempt goes nowhere. Once Mirajane got old enough to live on her own/take jobs she did just that to avoid adult supervision and barred her younger siblings from crashing at her place. That changes when Lisanna dies.
Laki's mom worked for the guild before her and she's a legacy mage. She's one of the few kids to join the guild that came from a family without a major loss. Her powers mean that she spends a good portion of her time repairing destruction from bar brawls. Her mom occasionally swings by to lay into makarov and the other older guild members for working her daughter so hard when she has school before the time skip.
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 month
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Gray Fullbuster Headcanons.
Female Reader.
Requested by: @the-letter-horror-lover
Request Rules.
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When you first joined Fairy Tail, you also had brought your younger brother along too as he was the only family you have after both of your parents died after an attack in the town you lived.
Your brother. James, was a constant troublemaker, constantly pissing off and insulting the people around him like no trouble.
It constantly got him into trouble and you always had to apologize and reason with the person sometimes.
Sometimes they let it go, but other times other people would get pissed off like badly.
Like when you first arrived at Fairy Tail, James immediately insulted the guild master, Makarov for his height.
Even though Makarov was pissed, he didn't let it get to him as he knew James was only a child without a filter.
Even though James enjoys causing trouble and insulting everyone, his target was always Natsu or Gray.
It seems he enjoys their reaction, and on how they can't do anything whenever you apologize to them for his actions.
But it was mostly Gray.
As James caught on more faster than anyone else that Gray had a crush with you.
So, he constantly mocked him.
He knows Gray can't get mad whenever you apologize.
But there was one person Gray can't tease or mocked, and it was Erza as he found her scary.
Natsu, Happy and James often argued about food and such, or Natsu being pissed off whenever James pulls a prank on him.
And when Lucy came along, she became Jame's no.2 target when it comes to his pranks.
Wendy could stand up for herself when it comes to James but had trouble to properly say it so Carla sometimes had step in.
The guild, though they found annoying of James troublesome actions, didn't mind as it brought more life in the guild.
And they couldn't get mad at you, whenever you go off apologizing to every person that James insulted.
Natsu relationship was the same as everyone else, you two were on friendly terms and constantly snitched whenever James made trouble without you knowing.
He likes seeing the little brat being put on timeout.
Erza and Lucy were like your sisters, you two went out and made sure the boys babysit James whenever they saw you tired and needing a break.
They made sure, you have fun and enjoy your life without James troublesome attitude.
And sometimes even babysit James themselves whenever you need time for yourself.
Wendy, was the same story along with Lucy and Erza
As for Gray..
You two became a couple just after an year you joined the guild along with your brother.
You two became close as you two ice make mages.
You helped each other out, and give tips to each other.
The two of you trained together, and Gray helped to improve your ice make skills as he was much more experience than you were.
Gray grew to become fond of you as you two grew closer.
Eventually catching feelings for you.
He confessed when the guild was playing truth or dare.
It was party for the guild's founding anniversary, and he became jealous when one of the members dared another to kiss your cheek.
Gray was jealous as hell and after the party, he confessed. He couldn't bear the thought of another man's lip anywhere near yours.
You accepted it making Gray feel overjoyed at your answer.
And when James saw you two began dating.
It was like the two began to feud for your attention.
James was a clingy younger brother, as you were the only he had left and his older sister and sorta mother figure to him.
Of course, he would jealous that another man was stealing his sister's attention.
It was like two began to secretly compete over your attention.
Even if James was three years old, Gray would constantly be at odds with him.
Like both of them were grown ass man.
Well one was.
But the both of them came into a agreement of protecting you from other people, especially men.
James would use his troublesome tactics whenever someone tries to flirt with you.
Or by saying outright "Mama! Papa is here!" While pointing at Gray who was coming over.
They would set their differences aside just to protect you from other men, even though you were cable of doing so yourself.
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x-theolivia · 1 year
Please may I have a angst and comfort Fairy tail scenario of when you (Gray's little brother age 14 by now in the final season of Fairy tail *you know the rest about him including that he is rather cold figuratively like Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler but Wendy brought out the best in him and it is a Platonic relationship between Wendy and Gray's little brother since they are just 14 years old by now*) punched your older brother for performing that forbidden ice make magic..ice shell to put it simply (you ended up having to find out from Natsu about your older brother practically wanting to commit suicide by performing ice shell on Zeref) and to see you cry..it was obvious that it affected you this much..you angrily called Gray a dickhead in tears for performing something that stupid and how you would end up being left behind..you didn't want to lose the last family member you had left..not now, not ever..you begged him; "Please..no more performing ice shell. I don't want to lose anyone else please..no more!". Gray was sorry..really sorry it was obvious by the way he pulled you into a hug and you didn't pull away from him, you were still crying (you were really upset about the shit that he almost pulled and you almost lost the last family member you had left).
https://youtu.be/XCcmb2K0MH4 (to help you with the angst and the younger brother's tears)
So cute! I can’t!
Don’t leave me
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Fairy Tail Masterlist - Navigation
Summary: after the fight with Zeref Natsu told you what happened with Gray and it make you furious so you confront your brother with his doings
Pairing: platonic Fullbuster!male!reader x Wendy Marvell // brother Fullbuster!male!reader x Gray Fullbuster
Warnings: ANGST and COMFORT. Talk about suicidal, fear of death and the fear of loosing family
Author’s Note: the gif and Fairy Tail doesn’t belong to me. English isn’t my first language so ignore the mistakes
„How can somebody be so stupid!“ you scream and punch your older brother against the chest
After the fight against Zeref, Natsu came up to you and told you what happened in the guild.
Your brother, Gray Fullbuster, wanted to die. He wanted to use a dangerous spell on Zeref. He would have died, all memories of him would disappeared. It would be like he never existed.
But Natsu stoped him from using Ice Shell and informed you afterwards.
"You can’t just play hero and sacrifice your life for the good! That’s not how it works!" You yell again and shove him through the guildhall
A look of guild hushes over the older boys face
And you don’t want to cry, really. But imagine that you could possibly forget and loose your brother… it makes you emotional
You don’t want to be left behind! You don’t want to loose your last family member because he decides to!
"You’re a dickhead, Gray Fullbuster! To think that you’re a hero! You’re not! You’re just a… a… a stupid boy!"
A silence falls between you two and the tears finds their own way over your checks
The anger vanishes and fear spreads trough your body
"Please… no more performing ice shell. I don’t want to loose anyone else… please… no more… don’t leave me" you beg your older brother and he’s surprised to see you like this
Gray knows he did bullshit but to see his little brother like this… it breaks his heart and he realises how fucked up his plan really was.
Gray was sorry… really sorry but he know that just words doesn’t make up his fucked up plan
So the only thing he thinks of was to grab you by your arm and drag you into a hug
The last hug was some years ago so it’s different… it is something you both missed
You don’t pull back. You don’t scream. You’re just laying in your brothers arm crying because you almost lost you last family member…
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tokkias · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the people around natsu and Lucy and how they see the two in their not quite lovers state? Not really a fan fic ask but something fun!
hi anon! thank you for the ask, i had a lot of fun with this one. i actually got a liiiiittle bit carried away and sort of ended up writing how they percieve their relationship as a whole, so theres a little bit of when they’re in their more-than-friends-but-less-than-lovers stage, and a little bit of when they’re dating too, so i hope thats okay! i just did some of the characters i thought would have the most to say about their relationship, but if you’d like to see other specific characters i wouldn’t mind doing another writeup :)
happy is the one person (cat?) that natsu would ever talk about his feelings for lucy with, but not even in like a serious way, in a very casual “hey i think i might be in love with lucy” way, and happy is like “yeah i know”
even though he loves to tease lucy and make fun of her and be a general pain in her ass, she’s his favourite person (aside from natsu), and he wants to have her stay in their lives forever
as much of a little shit he is, he never tells anyone what natsu told him, because he knows that he needs to go at his own pace, even if that pace is slow as shit
on one hand, he knows that natsu and lucy dating/getting married means that lucy is in fact stuck with them for the rest of her life, but on the other hand there’s a tiny insecure voice in the back of his head that’s scared that he’s gonna lose his best friend to her
obviously no that won’t happen because they both love happy, and them wanting to be alone sometimes have sex doesn’t mean that he’s going to be any less of a priority in their lives
natsu lucy and happy are just a little family and they’re going to be a family regardless of their relationship status, the two of them dating and moving in together is just a fun little bonus
gray was probably one of the first people to really pick up on the fact that natsu and lucy might be heading in the direction of more than friends
because of their forced close proximity growing up, and then again by being on the same team, he begrudgingly knows natsu really well, so he’s quick to pick up on how natsu treats lucy different from how he treats everyone else
in terms of him figuring out how lucy feels about natsu, it’s really more of and educated guess at first because he obviously doesn’t know her as well as he knows natsu, and the way she changes once she figures out she’s in love with natsu comes off as a lot more subtle
gray is not invested in anything that is going on in natsu’s life, so he doesn’t give their relationship any thought until it becomes super obvious to him that lucy is in love with natsu
he recognises that lucy makes natsu a better, and more tolerable person
but he also absolutely thinks that lucy can do way better than him
it takes him a while to get past his “what the fuck does she even see in him” phase, but he does inevitably realise that somehow, natsu makes her really happy
will absolutely remind natsu at any given opportunity that lucy is waaaayyy out of his league
if gray was the first to figure it out, then erza was the last
not because she’s dumb or anything, it’s just that most of the time she spends with natsu and lucy involves mass amounts of property damage
also maybe autism, but thats a whole different post
once she is informed that natsu and lucy have a more than friends thing going on, she starts to see it constantly
she begins to interpret literally any of their interactions as possibly having romantic intent (she’s just like us <3)
she can’t look either of them in the eye for like two weeks while she tries to figure out if they’re having sex (they’re not, they just have an insane amount of sexual tension)
natsu is basically her baby brother and she feels a lot of pride watching him grow up and fall in love, and become a more mature person in the process
she’s just rooting for them so hard because! that’s her family! she wants them both to be happy!
she drops the most obvious hints that she wants to see them in a relationship, thinking that she is being so subtle, but she is NOT 
has to physically hold herself back from planning their wedding as soon as they become official
natsu, lucy and wendy, as a trio are giving very much “girl who hangs out with her older brother and his much cooler girlfriend” vibes
for a little bit wendy thought that maybe they were actually dating, but she didn’t want to overstep or embarrass them by asking
she’s witness to a lot of gossip about the two in the girls dorm, but she’s never one to contribute to it
very quietly she does think they would make a cute couple because they already act like one anyway
natsu and lucy are also like, her primary reference for what a good, healthy romantic relationship looks like, and secretly she really hopes that she gets to experience what they have one day
if lucy is confiding in anyone about her feelings, it’s going to be levy
so she is the only one that is watching them knowing for 100% sure how lucy feels
she wants to see lucy in a happy relationship so bad because she wants the best for lucy, but she’s also tired of her going on shitty dates with boring guys who they both know aren’t right for her
levy definitely isn’t close to natsu, but they still did grow up in the guild together and she’s watched him go from a lone wolf to needing to be around lucy at all times
so yeah, she has an inkling that maybe natsu likes her back, and she lets lucy know what she thinks every time he’s bought up
she definitely gossips about them to gajeel, who pretends he doesn’t care but he secretly does because even though he pretends to be all big and tough, those two are still part of his dumb stupid found family
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ranisivani · 1 year
fairy tail rarepair headcannons
gratsu: so much CHEMISTRY. fighting as flirting. smirking so much their faces hurt. lots of pda. BEAUTIFUL.
navia: origin story would be great. juvia getting over gray and moving on to natsu but healthy crush not obsession! she learnt what she did wrong with gray and is going to actually try to get natsu to go out with her. cue obviously in love juvia and oblivious natsu. 
jerza: slow burn childhood friends to lovers. classic trope of 'he is the only one who can make her feel emotions'. fantastic.
stingue: opposites attracting. dark rain cloud and sunshiney rainbow. emotionally mature.
lolu: loke is a playboy but lucy has captured his heart. cue loke trying to win over lucy with romantic gestures. she always blushes but refuses to admit that it works. they start dating, everyone in the guild teases lucy about dating her contractually bound spirit. they call her kinky, and she hates it.
chendy: gals being pals. they are best friends with crushes on each other. they don't confess because they're scared they'll be rejected. but chelia works up the nerve to tell wendy, and they start dating immediately. they hold hands all the time. wendy takes the first step to kiss chelia on the cheek. they are adorable and in love and it's great.
lygray: okay i LOVE their brotherly relationship like so much BUT I can totally see them as exes. like at some point in the past, when they're both not in the best headspace and in need of companionship, gray was like "what if we sort of dated? shut up, I don't mean that I like you or anything but why don't we try out a more intimate relationship that what we have now?" for weeks, he had been feeling lonely, and when he saw couples in public, he felt jealous that they had someone they were so close to. so he takes a while but finally asks lyon if he wants to do something like that (while blushing so much, he looks like he's on fire) lyon had the exact same feeling of loneliness and they're definitely each other's last resorts, but after all the blushing and humiliation, lyon begrudgingly agrees. also they can both admit that the other is decent looking. they're not exactly dating? more like they're just closer than they used to be. like they'll hold hands sometimes (in private, they're way too embarrassed to do anything in public) and they start sleeping in the same bed either after one of them has a bad nightmare, or if one of them felt really lonely and depressed sleeping in an empty bed and wanted someone there. they don't really want to kiss each other but they figure that since everything else felt nice, maybe kissing would too. they also really wanted to be close with each other and this seemed like the natural next step in their situation. so they try to kiss but it doesn't work cause it feels too weird kissing someone who used to be like a brother to you. because of that, they break up and decide to stay brothers cause they just work better like that. but they really enjoyed how close they were (that's why they stayed together in the first place) so they just continue those tendencies and it becomes second nature. like when they hang out, even if their friends are there, they'll just instinctively hold hands without even noticing. and when lyon and gray are travelling together or sleeping in the same room, they'll just sleep in the same bed without saying anything. sometimes, lyon will lightheartedly tease gray about it, “remember that time you asked me out?” gray always gets really blushy and embarrassed. “it’s not like it was just me, you’re the one who agreed!” and one day, after a hard-earned battle, they’re both pretty roughed up and hurt but lyon is way more hurt than gray. lyon is resting on a bed and gray’s sitting next to lyon cause he’s worried about him. lyon croaks out “remember when you thought it was a good idea for us to date?” gray just smiles and says “yeah, i remember” cause he’s glad lyon feels well enough to joke. lyon isn’t looking at him when he says “you were right. it was a good idea.” gray glances at lyon and sees the small smile on his face and says “yeah, it really was.”
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The Grinning Man AU
So I've become totally obsessed with this amazing new musical called The Grinning Man which is based on Victor Hugo's novel The Man Who Laughs. So obsessed that I decided to write an AU of it using Fairy Tail. I will also be incorporating a few things from other adaptions of Hugo's other works.
During a snow storm in London, a boy called Gray escapes from a figure who brutally murdered his parents and then mutilated his face. Shortly afterward, he discovers a couple who froze to death and their young, daughter Juvia who's still alive but suffering from hypothermia. Unable to leave her to die, he takes her with him. The two then encounter a cat called Shagotte who leads the two children to a camp where she stays with her kitten Carla and her master, Juvia's older brother Jellal, who had been separated from his family by the storm. Though heartbroken by the deaths of his parents, he is relieved that at least his sister still lives.
Jellal is able to cure Juvia of hypothermia but the extreme cold leaves her blind and with a weak heart and that combined with the loss of their mother and father causes him to be forever protective of her. Although horrified by Gray's face, Jellal shares his camp with him out of kindness and gratitude for saving Juvia's life. Gray suffers from moments of PTSD and nightmares from his family's murder and his mutilation, so Jellal gives him a potion that makes him forget his horrific past.
Jellal begins a career as a traveling storyteller and puppeteer while looking after the two children who form a deep connection with each other. Gray serves as her eyes and Juvia serves as his source of comfort whenever the world scowls at him for his face. They find happiness through stories and each other, and Juvia secretly prays that they will never be apart.
Years pass, Gray grows into a strong young man, attractive except for the scarred, lower half of his face which he keeps covered by a scarf, while Juvia remains blind but grows into a beautiful and innocent young woman. They along with Jellal, earn a meagre living in the fairs of London, putting on puppet shows and acting out stories. But wherever they go, Gray is always ridiculed by others for his face. He acts as if the mockery does not bother him but Juvia who loves Gray, knows that it hurts him deeply and always tells him that there's nothing wrong with him. Gray is in love with Juvia but denies his feelings for her because he believes himself unworthy of her. He also longs to learn about his past and to find the one who killed his parents and cut his face so he can avenge both.
Meanwhile Natsu is a dashing and heroic guard in the royal court, who enjoys the fairs of London and unlike most people, is very kind to all of the "Undesirables" who reside in the area. One day he and his cat Happy defend Gray from a group of men who harass him but ends up slightly injured in the process. To show his appreciation, Gray takes Natsu to have his injuries treated by Jellal, leading to the two men becoming friends and Happy becoming enamoured with the now adult Carla.
Gray apologizes for getting Natsu into trouble, claiming that's all his face has ever done but Natsu only brushes it off, claiming that he's been through far worse. He then reveals that he's a notorious womanizer but it is only to hide the fact that he is in love with the beautiful and rebellious duchess Lucy. He desires to marry Lucy, but Lucy's half-sister Erza, who became queen after the death of their father, the wretched King Faust, won't allow such a union. Jellal over hearing their conversation, can relate to Natsu's problem, telling Juvia that long ago he too fell in love with a woman of title but it was tragically not meant to be.
At the castle, Queen Erza scolds Lucy for shrinking her duties and acting carelessly. Lucy then replies that their father has kept them both locked up their entire lives and now that he's dead, she wishes to go out and explore the world but Erza believes that Lucy is too naive to be out there on her own and will only permit her sister's request if she first marries a man who can take care of her and keep her safe. Lucy is frustrated by this and wishes to marry for love rather than convenience but Erza forbids it having once fallen for a man of humble birth only for their father to cruelly separate them. Later Natsu visits Lucy and invites her to sneak out with him to the fair in order to cheer her up. Lucy returns Natsu's love but is frustrated with his flirtatious nature and does not believe that he truly loves her at all.
The two sneak off to the fair but they're secretly followed by Mard Geer, a conniving, manipulative, and ruthless agent of the court who is supposedly a trusted advisor to Lucy but is secretly plotting to somehow eliminate Erza so Lucy will replace her as queen and he can rule England through her. The three of them witness Gray and Juvia performing at the fair but during the show, Gray's scarf falls off and everyone is horrified and disgusted by his scars. Natsu and Lucy are only quietly shocked, the others proceed to throw stones and insults at him, but Mard recognizes him. We then learn that years ago, the wealthy but compassionate Lord and Lady Fullbuster went against King Faust when he massacred an entire village of innocents. The couple were then arrested and hanged for treason by Mard who mutilated the face of their young son. Mard quickly realizes that Gray is Lord Fullbuster's son and fears the wrath of Queen Erza should she ever learn he did such an evil thing.
After the show, Lucy catches Natsu flirting with another woman and storms off while Juvia tends to Gray. She pleads with him not to believe what other people say about him. She calls him beautiful and admits her love for him. Touched, Gray holds her, kisses her, and almost confesses his own true feelings but his insecurity gets the better of him. He then tells Juvia that the kiss was only a moment of vulnerability and tells her that he only sees her as a friend. Juvia is hurt by this but accepts his choice. Gray then receives a letter from someone who claims to know Gray and asking them to meet somewhere. Excited by the prospect of finally discovering who he is, Gray goes to meet this person by the bridge. However he's unaware that it was Merd who sent the letter and he intends to kill Gray once he gets him alone.
Gray arrives at the bridge earlier than expected and he meets Lucy who is sulking. She voices her woes to him, he comforts her. Lucy then hears Natsu calling her and gets the idea make him jealous by kissing Gray. This causes Gray to panic and again his scarf falls off, the sight of his scars causes Lucy to scream which leads to Natsu presuming that Gray was trying to rape her. Enraged, he arrests Gray. Lucy tries to explain but Mard convinces her not to, seeing this as an opportunity to take advantage.
In the dudgeon, Mard prepares to execute Gray but is stopped by Erza who wishes to hear his side of the story first. She is moved upon seeing Gray's face and notices that he bears a strong resemblance to Lord Silver Fullbuster. Not wanting the queen to investigate, Mard tells her that the lord's son disappeared the night he and his wife died and that the boy was said to have been mutilated.The queen deduces that Gray is the missing heir to the Fullbuster line and makes him a lord. He is brought to his family's former estate and reunited with their most loyal servant Gildarts and his daughter Cana. Gray starts to remember things but still can't recall the night he lost his parents and was mutilated. Nevertheless, he's happy to have finally discovered who he is and where he belongs.
He goes to thank Erza for her kindness but she replies that she only wants to make amends for her father's cruelty toward him. She even offers him Lucy's hand in marriage, seeing that he is a man of title with a good heart. Gray is flattered but refuses, requesting that he marry Juvia instead, believing himself worthy of her now.
When Gray does not return, Jellal and Carla go to look for him but is captured by Mard who tortures him for information on how Gray has no memory of his past. Jellal is forced to tell him about the potion that makes Gray forget which gives Mard a wicked idea. He then goes back to the fair to steal the potion and a bottle of poison, but not before boasting to Jellal that it was he who scarred Gray and killed his family. Natsu and Juvia catch him, Mard tells them of Gray's new position and that he is going to marry Lucy much to the horror and devastation of the two. He then locks them in the wagon and sets fire to it, the fire spreads through the entire fair, burning it. Luckily, Happy and Carla help Natsu and Juvia escape, though Natsu loses consciousness from inhaling too much smoke. Juvia finds someone to take care of him and has Happy and Carla lead her to where Jellal is being held. She frees him and takes him to be healed alongside Natsu, but spends the night sobbing over apparently losing Gray forever.
Mard returns to the castle and tells Erza that the fair was burned and that both Natsu and Juvia were killed in the fire. She relays these news to Lucy and Gray who are both heartbroken by the loss of their true loves and guilt-ridden for not confessing what was in their hearts. Mard then suggests that they find comfort in this tragedy by marrying each other. Lucy, seeing no point in dreaming of freedom anymore without Natsu, agrees. But Gray just wants to die, refusing to live without Juvia. But Mard offers him the potion which he tweaked to make him forget his life before becoming a lord. Gray takes the potion and forgets all about Jellal, the fair, the night he was scarred, even Juvia. He and Lucy are arranged to be married but unknown to all, Mard intends to poison Erza's drink at the engagement gala and frame Gray for it, leaving Lucy on the throne and to be Mard's puppet.
When Jellal recovers, he tells Juvia about Mard and that he was the man who cut Gray's face. Sensing that her beloved could be in danger, Juvia and Jellal quickly go to the Fullbuster estate to warn him. He is not there, but Gildarts and Cana are, They tell them that he's gone to the engagement gala at the castle but agree to help them sneak in by giving Jellal one of Lord Silver's suits to wear and dressing Juvia in a gown and jewels that belonged to Lady Mika.
At the gala, Lucy spots Mard carrying two bottles, one of Erza's favorite wine and the other of the poison. She asks him about the second bottle and he lies that it is only medicine to help lower the queen's stress. As for Gray, the potion has him in an emotionless daze and he feels that something is missing and can't remember what.
Juvia and Jellal enter the gala, and Gray is awestruck by Juvia's beauty while Erza appears to recognize Jellal and he, her. Juvia tries to find Gray but runs into Mard who tells her that Gray does not know her anymore and threatens to kill him if she ever tries to see him. Juvia attempts to leave but Gray approaches her and asks her for a dance, she cannot resist and as they dance, he instantly falls in love with her all over again. As this goes on, Jellal and Erza slip away to meet in private where it's revealed that they are each other's lost loves. They tearfully embrace and kiss, admitting that they are still in love with one another. Jellal then pleads with Erza not to let Gray and Lucy marry, telling her that he loves Juvia, proves it by pointing out the way Gray looks at her as they dance. This however confuses Erza because Mard told her that Juvia was dead. Jellal then reveals the man's treachery to her.
When their dance is over, Juvia tries to leave again but Gray begs her to stay, desperately wanting to know who she is and why his heart yearns for her. Suddenly Natsu charges into the castle declaring that he cannot allow Lucy to marry Gray, challenging him to a duel. The two men fight, it becomes too much for Juvia's weak heart and she faints. Gray instantly drops everything to catch her, he holds her in his arms, and they kiss which restores all his memories. Overjoyed that Juvia is alive, Gray finally tells her how he has loved her all along and declares the two of them husband and wife. But then he at long last remembers who killed his parents and cut his face. He fingers Mard and Jellal comes in announcing that Mard is also attempting to absurd the crown.Mard calls them both liars but then Lucy speaks up about the bottle of liquid Mard had planned to slip into Erza's wine. Desperate not to be found out, he attempts to stab Lucy only to strike Natsu who shelters her from the blow. Lucy rushes to his side and professes her love for him. Natsu admits his true feelings as well and reveals that she was the only one he ever wanted.
Furious by all the hurt Mard has caused, Gray tries to kill him but he hears the voices of his late mother and father begging him not to do it, for it would only make him the monster that Mard tried to turn him into. So Gray spares him but Erza has him arrested and assures everyone that he will get what he deserves. She then blesses Natsu and Lucy's union after seeing that he was willing to die for her and she chooses Jellal to be her consort. Later Gray and Juvia marry at the re-built fair as do Natsu and Lucy, and they proclaim before all of London:
"I love Lucy!"
“And I love Natsu!”
"I love Juvia!"
"And I love Gray!"
The two couples then leave London to see the world together, taking along Happy, Carla, and their many, many, kittens.
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saltyninetails · 3 months
My main Fairy tail oc
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Name: Elizabeth Halfmoon.
Nicknames: Liz, Lizzie, Beth, Mrs Halfmoon. 
Aliases: The Violet witch. (Given by herself) 
Age: 21
Species: Human. 
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair color: blonde (Left side) Black (Right side)
Eye color: Black (Left eye) Blue (right eye)
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild mark location: left shoulder. 
Personality: Elizabeth is a headstrong woman who is known for her high intelligence and sassy nature. Elizabeth often has a smirk on her face, especially in battle and is very confident in her abilities. Elizabeth has a knack for recklessness and danger, which sparks her interest in Fairy Tail to begin with. Elizabeth is known for being very sarcastic to the point that some people don’t know when she’s being sarcastic or not. Elizabeth is known to be a jokester and often plays pranks on her guild mates. (especially Lucy) Elizabeth can get annoyed quite easily (especially when it comes to her brother figure Cyril) but surprisingly is not often annoyed by Natsu. Elizabeth is very independent and wants to keep that reputation. Due to that, she can be hesitant to ask for help. Elizabeth can be rude at times without knowing, but her heart is in the right place. She cares for each of her guild mates with all her heart and would protect her friends with her life. Elizabeth is known to have violent tendencies when it comes to enemies and sometimes goes at them with the intent to kill. Due to growing up in regal environments, Elizabeth is classy and a bit vain.
Family: Ann Halfmoon (Mother, Deceased) Ejiro Halfmoon (Father, doesn’t have the best relationship with) Aki Kyojin (brother figure) Mizumi Himiko (sister figure) Cyril Moonstone (brother figure) 
Best friends: Gloria Karmel(Best Friend), Ame Heartfilia, Ivory Lemons Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, the Strauss siblings, Levy McGarden, Gajeel Redfox, Wendy Marvel
Friends: Scain Lemons, Reynold Lemons, Juvia Lockser, Jellal Fernandes, Ultear Milkovich, Max Arlos, Romeo Conbolt, Bisca Mulan, Loke, Sting Euclife, Rogue Cheney, Lyon Vastia, Lucy Heartfilia
Rivals: Lucy Heartfilia (friendly rivalry) Nova Eden, Priscilla Elvira (Love rival) 
Love interest: Natsu Dragneel
Magic: Plasma-Make
Description of magic: Elizabeth’s Magic allows her to spawn and manipulate plasma and use it to create objects. Her magic is extremely powerful, but comes with a price. The user is not completely immune to the temperature of plasma and often will get burned by their magic if they use it too frequently. Due to this, Elizabeth also partakes in potion making in order to be useful without harming her body too much. 
BackStory: Elizabeth grew up in a wealthy household with her mother and father deep in the woods away from civilization. When Elizabeth was five, her father left and her mother was stuck trying to provide for the family. When Elizabeth was eight, a dark guild invaded their home, stole all their riches, and killed Elizabeth’s mother right before her eyes. Terrified, Elizabeth ran into the woods where she met a passing hiker named Eliot. Eliot took pity on the poor girl and took her in. He brought her to his guild where he taught her his magic, and taught her all about the world. Elizabeth lived in Eliot’s guild until she was ten, when she found the dark truth about the ones who were taking care of her. She wandered into a room that the guild master forbade her from going into, and found a room full of Riches. Her riches. This is when Elizabeth realized that this is the very guild that killed her mother. Panicking, Elizabeth ran, trying to find her way out of the guild. When Eliot found her and revealed he never wanted to join the guild in the first place but was forced to since his father was the guild master. He didn’t agree with anything the guild did. He led her out of the guild and gave her a map of fiore. She asked him to come with her, but he refused, saying that they'll find her easier if he went with her. They hugged and said their goodbyes. Elizabeth found her way to a nearby village, she was starving. So, she took an apple from a stand, completely forgetting that she didn’t bring money. The man that ran the stand chased her down before she ran into three children, one around her age. They saw the apple in her hand and said that she needs to be more stealthy when stealing. They introduced themselves as Aki, Mizumi, and Cyril, took her under their wing and taught her how to be a thief. The four of them dubbed themselves team kitsune, they were known as the Robin Hood’s of the village, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. However, Elizabeth has a set goal in mind. She wants to steal enough riches to pay up for what her mother lost. It’s been like this for nine years before Fairy Tail came. Four Fairy Tail members all had to take down team Kitsune as a job. One of them was Natsu Dragneel. He took on Elizabeth, not knowing she’s about as powerful as he is. They fought on and off again for what seemed like days before Natsu saw Elizabeth feeding poor orphans in the streets. Natsu was stunned before realizing she wasn’t such a bad guy. He confronted Elizabeth, and after a lot of convincing, she revealed her past to him. Natsu did the same, revealing his past to her. The two developed a bond and Natsu managed to convince her and the rest of team Kitsune to join Fairy Tail. Ever since then, Elizabeth has been going on adventures with Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza and the rest of Fairy Tail.
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going-to-superhell · 1 year
Random idea: Fairy Tail Castlevania AU
This is based around the Castlevania Netflix Series.
Zeref would take the place of Dracula and Mavis would be Lisa. And I know that Zeref and Natsu are brothers but I think that in this AU Natsu died before Zeref was turned into a vampire. Zeref wanted to bring back Natsu but he didn't want Natsu to come back as a blood thirsty immortal monster but still kept his body hidden in a coffin in the castle. When Zeref and Mavis got closer Zeref told her about Natsu, eventually Zeref thought that he could resurrect Natsu as a dhampir and with Mavis as a maternal figure he wouldn't become a monster like him. At some point after they got married Natsu got resurrected/reborn as a dhampir but due to hundreds of years passing and now being married Zeref couldn't really picture himself as his brother which led to Natsu being raised as Zeref and Mavis's son.
Gray would take the place of Trevor, Gray's family being monster hunters for generations but became exiled and excommunicated from the Church when Gray was around 12-13. Gray was the only survivor and the Fullbuster ancestral home destroyed. This diverges from cannon where awhile after being on the run he met Ur, a traveling vampire hunter and her student Leon who was training under her after she saved him from a vampire who killed his family. About close to a year after he met up with Ur and Leon they accidentally stayed in one place for two long and though Gray and Leon got away Ur was executed by the church for "protecting those in line with the devil and black magic." After this Leon and Gray parted ways though they did were forced to work together (begrudgingly on Leon's part) on and off for a few years whenever they would bump into each other. (Leon ended up leaving Wallachia to Ur's home country to prove himself)
Lucy is an English noble run-away, she comes from the same background as canon though instead her mother was a scholar and was interested in and studied magic and ancient languages, which Lucy was interested in and followed in her footsteps whenever she had free time away from her father. She ran away after her father announced she would be engaged to another noble. She left for France and traveled gaining knowledge from other countries and did her best to be in good graces with foreign nobles. (Think Saint Germain but with Sypha’s knowledge) Awhile after entering Walachia she met up with the speakers and joined up with them, this is also where she meets and befriends Levi.
Erza is a bounty hunter, assassin and damphir, her mother is exiled royalty, Irene was attacked by a vampire while she was pregnant with Erza, Irene ended up turning into a vampire, when her husband found out he tried to execute her, Irene barely escaped and fled the country eventually ending up in Wallachia. Since Irene can’t live with humans and since Erza is much more human than vampire due to being conceived and somewhat developed before her mother turned Erza wouldn’t exactly be “safe” in vampire society especially since she mostly shaved off her fangs so she became a bounty hunter to provide for herself and an assassin so she can collect blood for her mother so she doesn’t have to get her hands dirty or risk being killed by a hunter or other vampire.
Wendy is a damphir that ended up getting adopted by the gang. She dosen’t know her dad and her mother disappeared. I don't really have much for her.
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kscosplaycatalog · 6 months
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No. 17 - 2012
Character: Erza Scarlet (Armorless ver.)  Series: Fairy Tail by Mashima Hiro
Cosplayer Credits: - Natsu : My brother - Gray : Jaiden - Lucy : Kirky
Photog Credits: - Axel - David Ho - Nikki Smith Photography
This is genuinely one of my absolute favorite costumes, and one of the ones I'm still so proud of today!
Like Shiki, I decided to make this particular version of Erza's because I saw an opportunity to make something I'd always wanted to make: a hakama! Does she actually wear a hakama? Not really, but who cares?! 
My wig is from Epic Cosplay Wigs. The top is two parts. The first was made from white spandex and is essentially a tube top. I then cover it with drug-store gauze that sticks to itself once it's in place. The bottom, which you can't really see, is made from the same white spandex as the top. I made a pattern from a pair of tights I already had only it goes down to just before my knees.
The hakama is made from red denim-like cotton. I used Folkwear pattern 151, Hakama and Kataginu. I used appliqué (HeatnBond Lite) for the flames at the bottom; the fabrics were similar to the red. For my back board, I fused some spare red to a few pieces of 16th of an inch-thick piece of interfacing. It is washable this way but still stiff as a board and bendable like professional hakama.
I originally wanted to do the tattoo with Hollywood Ink Henna pens and a stencil, but when we got to the convention Friday, we saw they had temporary tattoos in all of the colors we needed and we figured that'd be easier and faster. Plus, most of us were wearing things the next day that would've shown the guildmark so we didn't want them to clash. I later bought actual temp tattoo pens from Stargazers.
I made Benizakura to go with this costume in 2017. It is made of 1/4 plywood for the core blade and hilt. The tsuba (guard) is made of 3/4 plywood that I sanded down to about 5/16 of an inch. I also sanded the hilt pieces from 1/4 to about 1/8 so the hilt came to 1/2 an inch. I used thin foam to finish the designs: the over-layer on the tsuba, the swirls on the hilt, and the pummel. Lastly, the tassel is made out of actual tassel, three wooden craft beads painted red, and screw in loop painted gold. The tassel was beaded and then, after strung through the loop, glue into the top bead.
And speaking of late add-ons... I also didn't have the time to make her earrings but I did eventually, so look out for them in some of these shots. They are made out of a half-inch square acrylic rod that I sanded down using a grinder wheel. A friend carefully drilled a small hole for the wire that I twisted, covered with a bead, and attached to a clamp earring, since I don't have pierced ears. Everything was spray painted to match.
Now my brother's costume was also a lot of fun to make. Aside from his height, he really does have a lot in common with Natsu, so it was a lot of fun to be these two. We got the wig from Fantasy Sheep on eBay; came pre-styled.
The scarf was made out of white fleece. Essentially, I made a pillowcase-like piece, inserted a thin layer of polyfoam, sewed the fringes between the "pillowcase"'s sides as it was shut, and sewed the different sections with black thread. I'm very proud of it because it bulges up and sections off like the references.
I used dark navy blue broadcloth for the front fabric and I insisted it should be reversable as per the Tenroujima Arc, I used grey broadcloth as the lining fabric. The trim is gold poly-cotton. I modified a simple shirt pattern I already had as the vest was not very complicated. We actually bought both the belt buckle and interchangeable belt from PiercingPros on Amazon.
Same fabric and idea as the vest, for the "skirt." I measured his waist, marking the middle, and then halving that measurement to add to it to get the bottom measurement, lining up the middles. (In case that was confusing, here's a formula: W = waist measurement; B = Bottom measurement; W + (W/2) = B) It connects at the top, under the belt with hook-n-eye clasps.
I modified the pants pattern from Kouma. I used white broadcloth held up with an elastic waistband. The calf ties are extra navy broadcloth fashioned like trim after bunching the ends of the pants and have hook and eye clasps on the inside seam. The knots are made separately and then sewn into place They were actually made by my friend Kirky.
Erza: Cost: $60 Time: 16 hrs
Natsu: Cost: $60 Time: 10 hrs
This costume has won the following award: - Best Anime Group @ Tate's NOT at ComicCon in 2012
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A fairy tail riordanverse au that no one asked for
In this au Zeref 100% still decided to fuck around and find out so he was cursed by Hades the details were Thanatos’s idea Thanatos tried getting Natsu’s soul back but Natsu was hidden away
Speaking of Zeref and Natsu, they are distant legacy’s of Loki (why natsu has fire abilities) and children of Themis
Minerva a Praetor at camp Jupiter and part of the first cohort and is a daughter of Via
Erza is a legacy of Freya
Gray is a son of Boreas and Leon is a son of Aquilo, Boreas’s Roman counterpart. Leon is apart of the second cohort
Sherry and Sherria are both legacy’s of Aphrodite with Sherria also being a child of Aceso. Sherria used to stay in the Aphrodite cabin with Sherry until Wendy came to camp and got claimed. Wendy is also a daughter of Aceso
Lucy is a distant legacy of Astraios via Anna
Yukino and Sorano are legacy’s of Astraeus via their father, Yukino is a daughter of Hebe and Sorano is a daughter of Ether. Sorano is apart of the first cohort and Yukino is apart of the third cohort
Laxus is a legacy of Zeus and Hermes
Canna is a daughter of Dionysus and are extremely embarrassed of both of her dad’s and dosen’t really mention she’s a daughter of Dionysus. She occasionally helps welcome new campers with Mira though she did it more when she was younger. She’s also a legacy of Tyche and spends a lot of time in cabin 19 playing card games
Speaking of the Strauss siblings, Hestia kids. If Athena can have children so can Hestia. Though instead of being literal brain children they were created from the fire of a hearth. Mirajane is in charge of the camps welcoming committee (which she helped start) and is almost always one of the first if not first people new campers meet. Lisana also helps out and likes helping campers figure out their godly parent and/or powers. Lisana also spends a lot of time with the Demeter kids. Elfman also helps out though he spends most of his time with Ares kids and just children of war gods in general, he’s always trying to get stronger to protect his sisters and other campers. He likes volunteering to go with younger and more inexperienced campers if they go on quests so he can protect them. Mirajane and Elfman are like everyone’s older brother and sister
Levy is a daughter of Apollo and specialises in knowledge and very close with the Athena cabin and borrows books from them, Jet is a son of Hermes and Droy is a son of Demeter. They all arrived at camp around the same time and have stuck together ever since
Sting is a son of Apollo and specialises in light. He’s the most skilled with and has the strongest light powers out of all of his siblings
Rouge is a son of Hades. There’s just something that reminds me of Nico, though rouge is most skilled with shadows
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rain-day-today · 5 months
Zeref and Gray
Something that always kinda struck me was how similar Gray and Zeref all are. Like they are dark haired, dark eyed, pale, emotionally constipated, and cold boys. I don't know if it was purposeful but the way they share these characteristics along with being brother figures to natsu is kind of wild and a little sad if you think about it. Like maybe it was a small piece of memory or instinct but the idea that maybe natsu got so close to gray is because he is zeref could have become if he didn’t go mad with grief. The version that he was when he was happy.
Gray and Zeref parallel one another in so many other ways then looks and personality. Both of them lived a happy life until everyone they loved were killed by a monster leaving them to become the only survivor. Both of them turned to magic, and their own hubris and need for more caused the loss of the system that taught them (death of Ur, zeref's expulsion and curse). The difference comes from what they did after. Zeref isolated and fell deeper into grief while Gray found a support system. They both eventually meet(create?) natsu and have a brotherly relationship with him but zeref pushes him away despite being his blood brother to be raised by igneel, while gray acts like his brother in all names but blood. The parallels between Gray and Zeref and their relationship with Natsu really brings the idea of blood family vs chosen family and how it's your own decision that affects your destiny.
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ao3feed-gratsu-brotp · 11 months
Reborn from the Fires of the Scorned
by X_alaric_X (x0iHi0x)
Title is from the song "The Ringleader" by PARANOiD DJ
Natsu Dragneel, Salamander, E.N.D, whatever you address him by. One of Fairy Tail's S-Class wizards with a determination to find the family that had mysteriously vanished one day. Or was it he that vanished? Either way, he is now on the hunt for any leads on Zeref or Igneel as he traverses Fiore and deals with the inherent controlled chaos that is Fairy Tail. Maybe it gives him some kind of comfort as a subconscious reminder of his days with Tartaros. Who knows?
Now if only he could figure out how to cleanly combine both his demon and dragon slayer worlds everything would be perfect...
Words: 2664, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Happy (Fairy Tail), Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Background & Cameo Characters, Zeref Dragneel (eventually)
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel & Happy, Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel & Erza Scarlet, Natsu Dragneel & Zeref Dragneel
Additional Tags: No Romance, BAMF Natsu Dragneel, Natsu Remembers, Natsu Dragneel knows he is END, and that he's Zeref's brother, Serious Natsu Dragneel, OP Natsu Dragneel, He's S-Class in this bc I say so, Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers, Dragon Slayers act more like actual Dragons, especially in each other's presence, once again bc I say so, Natsu is done with everyone and everything, Smart Natsu Dragneel, I do NOT ship NaLu or ZerVis, I got the motivation and a few ideas from about 3 other fics, "Pyrallis" by abbzeh, "My Brother The Devil" by oldtalkingbicycle, and "My Brother's Not Normally a Psychopath Promise!" by PadawanMaxineKenobi, if any of those creators feel anything is basically plagiarism from their fics please lmk, i will change/remove those sections
Source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51044149
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nagirambles · 2 years
I ‘almost’ agreed with your rant but then you said it’s okay to call two characters siblings despite some actions that would one thousand percet be problematic in a relationship between a brother and a sister. Because NO sir, NO. It’s not even about mlm or wlw or straight ships. No brothers or sisters should be allowed to see each other the way some of these characters do. Natsu outright said that he felt good pressed between Lucy’s boobs and I’m simply disgusted from the thought of siblings thinking that about each other. This would be okay if someone rewrote the characters or the events and made them siblings. You can’t possibly think of them as siblings while following canon. Nalu aside, how would you feel if someone called Gajeel and Levy siblings while she’s pregnant with his child? Or called Gray and Juvia siblings while them having confessed their romantic feelings for each other? Wouldn’t that be problematic?
you need to understand the difference between 'siblings' and 'LIKE siblings'. Maybe go back and reread and, you know, try and figure there might be a reason I stated the two differently?
Quite ironic that you say you "almost agreed" when it's clear you missed the first sentence of the entire rant, lmao.
Being 'brothers/sisters' is not always interpreted as you do, being a biological siblinghood or something similar. In some cultures, 'brotherhood' is very emphasized in all but blood. It is a covenant over blood and beer, a spirit of fellowship that makes two people who are closer than friends and family, but less than what society interprets as lovers. And if it ever wants to be beyond that, there is nothing that should stop them. It is very important to aromantics and asexuals, because in many media, it is the only picture that accurately depicts queerplatonic love without forcing it into an amatonormative perspective.
And once again, all members of Fairy Tail are siblings. They all consider each other a family. And yet, they are not incestuous if they begin falling in love with each other, why? Because they are not actual siblings, they just grew up together and have the capacity to love each other like siblings. If you see incest in this interpretation, please open your mind to the culture and nuances of others. We are clearly not talking about the same sort of siblinghood.
Thus, I am ignoring the rest of your ramble because we are clearly talking about two different things.
Also, coming up with so many strawmen arguments to try and make it seem like I'm pushing the idea of siblings being sexually stimulated by and married to each other is very gross of you. I already stated many times I am asexual, and it is clearly not any of the point I am making.
Also, please. Can you stop coining sexual harrassment as part of the Nalu romantic agenda? It is a part of Nalu that even Nalu shippers dislike, so it is proving nothing. Trying to divert this 'Nalu are like siblings' argument with the most problematic part of your ship just tells us your ship is problematic in canon. It is winning no debates.
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x-theolivia · 1 year
Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when Invel decided to hurt someone rather precious to you (Gray Fullbuster's little brother who is the same age as Wendy and you know the rest about him including that he is rather cold figuratively like Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler but Wendy brought out the best in him and he is a ice mage like his older brother..the pairing between him and Wendy is Platonic because they are children) and the person who Invel decided to hurt..was Wendy and seeing her hurt and unconscious on the floor sparked something in you..and it was anger..the tone of voice you used on Invel..when you told him to "Shut up" was obvious..you were angry and Invel was royally fucked. You admitted to Wendy despite that she couldn't hear it considering that she was unconscious was that you liked her too and you apologised for not giving her an straight answer earlier when you gently lowered the dragon slayer onto the floor after saving her from crashing into hard ice when Invel punched her. You..were angry and the way that your magic was visible to the human eye when you used your demon slayer magic in the same way as your older brother (your father passed his demon slayer magic to you and your older brother..)..you told Invel "I'm gonna kill you!" In a murderous way when you turned to face the guy who injured your close friend (it was obvious that you loved Wendy)..and for the first time Invel felt fear..fear for his own life. You are a S class wizard despite being the same age as Wendy. You gave Invel no chance in defending himself whatsoever..
Big brother Gray's reaction to witnessing the whole thing..
https://youtu.be/TWhJwd3y8kE (to help you with the scenario and the battle)
That is so sad and so cute at the same time
▫▪▫▪▫▪ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ ▫▪▫▪▫▪
You mess with the wrong
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Summary: you got into the fight with Invel and you do everything you can until Wendy got hurt… you feel something new… a new rage
Word count: 773
Pairing: platonically male!Fullbuster!Reader x Wendy Marvell
Warnings: blood, fighting, threatening of death (if I forget something feel free to tell me)
Author's note: I hope this one is better than my last one :/
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Everyone and everything is turned into ice around you. This demon: Invel is strong, he can freeze your ice magic. You’re the last one standing. Natsu and Lucy got kidnapped by a giant woman, Juvia and Gray have fought each other because of a spell and now both are defeated and Wendy is locked into ice. 
Blood is running out of many wounds around your body and you can’t stand it any longer. You sink on your knees. Invel smirks, he is aware of your defeatless situation and wants to give you the last blow but before he can do this you suddenly feel stronger. You look back to see Wendy healing your wounds, she got out of the ice and wasted no time to rush to your side.
You feel stronger again and can perform your magic again.
“Thanks, Wendy!” you say and she grins at you but it doesn’t last long because Invel blocks your hit again.
“You little witch!” he screams and attacks Wendy, of course you step in front of Wendy to block the hit and it hurls you away.
Wendy is standing alone against a strong demon and she doesn’t know what to do. She performs some spells but it doesn’t work on Invel.
You make your way back to her, you can’t leave her alone in this situation because her wind magic doesn’t work against a demon like Invel. 
But it is too late.
When your eyes focus on the situation between Wendy and Invel you see how scared Wendy is. Everything around her is out of ice and the once warm temperature is even cold for you. And then Invel hit her with a magical spell which throws her backwards in a high arc. Your eyes went wide and you hurry even more to catch Wendy before she can hit the ice. You land on your feets with the unconscious Wendy in your arms. She’s bleeding and her whole face is covered in scratches.
Something new unfolds in you… pure rage.
You remember the night before the big fight. You and Wendy were out alone. Just you, the stars and the moon. She was talking about how glad she was to meet me and how much I mean to her. You were not capable of answering, the fear of losing someone you love in the fight was too big. You couldn't say that you feel the same. 
And in this moment, when Wendy lies unconscious in your arms, you regret this decision. You wish that you would have told her all about your feelings. Everyone knows about your feelings for her, just not herself. You should have told her sooner.
You carefully place her on the ground, careful not to move her that much that could risk more wounds.
“I’m so sorry, Wendy… I should have done more and I should have been honest with you last night. I have feelings for you but I was just so scared” you whisper with tears in your eyes.
“She was just a burden to this fight. So don’t waste much time on her. Fight. Me” Invel demands and your rage rises.
“Shut the hell up!” you hiss in anger and you turn around to him, to face him… the one who hurt Wendy… your Wendy.
The new feeling in you, this rage, makes it easy for you to use the power your father gave you and your brother. His demon slayer magic. Your right arm is coloured in a dark blue and this dark blue draws till your face.
Invel seems to be surprised by the new magic you show. It isn’t a normal ice magic that he can freeze, it’s ice that can kill E.N.D.
A hit from you and Invel is thrown backwards against a wall.
“You sign your own death” you say full of anger.
You’re proud of yourself when you see his fear in his face. The first time during the whole fight you see fear. And it makes you stronger.
During your 1vs1 fight against Invel your brother wakes up. He’s not really awake but can see clearly what was happening. His eyes went wide when he saw your rage. Your eyes were wide and awake and full of fury. He sees Wendy unconscious on the floor and can sum up the situation. He was never more proud of you as in this moment.
You gave Invel a lot to take. And it just needed five punches, seven kicks and three magical spells of your demon slayer magic to get him on his knees… defeated.
“Never mess with Fairy Tail again”
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I went on a tiny tangent that I figured deserved its own post so eh.
Team Natsu is probably one of my least favourite of the teams. I don't hate them but they aren't as interesting now as they used to be.
I enjoyed watching them when they had character arcs that I cared about. You know, Gray's unresolved trauma with Ur, Erza learning to be open with those around her, Lucy learning to stand up to her father. Those I enjoyed because they were good character arcs that actually got me feeling emotional.
Now, eh. Its kinda dropped off. Like Natsu has one of the most interesting concepts possible, He's a demon from the X300s who probably remembers dying to fire and is the younger brother of Zeref. Like that's such a cool concept. But nothing is done with it. Like yeah his relation to Zeref is brought up once or twice (which him using it against Alderon was definitely a smart move. Like I've said, he is smart but in his own way) but we never really address the whole, he's a demon thing again. Yeah Lucy rewrote his book but that doesn't magically make him human. And what exactly happened to the book? Is it tucked away in the guild library? His house? Dunno. Never mentioned.
My main issue with Gray is that he kinda just stopped with the creativity of his spells. Like maker mages can make whatever they imagine based around what they can do. (Lyon could make any animal, Gray any object and Rufus can combine an infinate amount of spells) Yet he sticks to the same 5 spells with some Devil slayer magic thrown in on occasion(which why is it canonically called Devil slaying magic when it slays demons. Why not just call it demon slayer magic?) Also I will say this over and over, I don't hate Juvia but I can't help but see Gray now liking her as him just being worn down. Like he was on and off constantly and its just.... Kinda uncomfortable.
I think I really dropped of the Erza bandwagon during the Alveraz arc after she destroyed an asteroid with only one arm that wasn't broken. Like that's one of the most op things ever and then her power level seems to have dropped slightly in 100 years. I know she's always been strong and such but that was a bit much for me (Alveraz was a pretty hit or miss arc anyway. Its not as focused as it probably should be and is full of too many fakeouts to keep the stakes high enough throughout. The good arcs are the ones where the stakes don't get absolutely hammered into the dirt with a metal stick. You know like almost all the arcs before it. All of them had some form of stakes that kept me on the edge but Alveraz ruined the stakes when anyone who was supposed to die didn't. Gajeel, Juvia, Makarov and Natsu all had last minute ass pulls to keep them alive or bring them back. (Natsu kinda makes sense since his life essence is the book Lucy rewrote and Gajeel I can give a slight leeway since he wasn't physically harmed and while Irene's spell was convient, it wasn't to do with Gajeel but Acnologia so I can forgive that. Juvia and Makarov rocked the boat though and that fake out with Anna and Ichiya was pretty cheap along. Lucy was never actually dead so that one doesn't count and Carla came close but she was suspended in time so I can believe that she'd live too)
With Lucy I'm half and half. I don't hate her (in fact I think she is pretty unfairly 'teased' a lot (Happy's weight comments come to mind when he's carried people who must weigh more than Lucy. He's carried Gajeel for one who I'm 100% confident is heavier than Lucy considering he is taller, more muscular and has a lot of hair. All things that would contribute to him weighing more than Lucy does. So really the comments are just not warranted or needed and its one of the running jokes I just can't get behind now like I did when I was younger) although 'teasing' seems to be common place for certain members of the guild considering Gajeel gets his own fair share of hurtful comments thrown his way. They aren't of the same nature, Lucy's mainly focus on her personality and appearance while Gajeel's are more focused on either his strength or his likes but still, both ways are mean) but like I don't have as much intrigue in her as other characters. Like she has a bit more to her than some other celestial mages (Sorry Yukino but the only time you are entertaining is in the twin dragons manga and anime only people will def not have read it. Make the dragon slayer side manga's into ovas or something you cowards) But like, I just don't get that excited overall with her.
Maybe its kind of telling that most of my favs are characters we rarely see. Like The sabers, the thunder legion, crime sorciere don't get as much focus after their original introductions. Like I'd love to see Gray interact with Bickslow or Freed at some point or Erza with Ever(even if it is petty fights, its fun to see) or even show Laxus interacting with his own team more often. That's what I enjoy most, the interactions so it kinda bums when we mainly stick to interactions with the main group. Its why I like the second split up in KOTSH because it actually has the characters work with someone else. (Shame we didn't get to see much of team ups like Freed and Gray) I liked seeing Erza being petty with Ever, Bickslow trying to protect Wendy only for her to insist that she protect him (the whole cow thing was funny) Gajeel and Juvia having drifted apart after bonding with others. It was fun and I wish to see more of it.
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