#natural hair flat iron hairstyles
zagreusboon · 1 year
I’m having a crisis about my fucking haaaaiiir this suuuucks
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It’s weird cause as a little black girl my hair was always braided I never had to worry about fixing it anyway but now that it’s straightened somewhat frequently I have to worry about changing it and figuring out a new style I am STRESSED
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sativaonsaturn · 2 months
how i spot the signs
based on risings and sun
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♈︎ aries:
scars on the face/ head
very direct way of speaking; yk what they’re saying the first time they say it. don’t usually have to repeat themselves
sometimes redheaded or dyed red
natural leaders, even if they’re not the leader they tend to naturally command respect
also naturally loud speakers; not obnoxious but you can definitely hear them
usually very friendly if not approachable too
♉︎ taurus:
the women are ALWAYS pretty!! very conventionally attractive faces (venus)
what you see is what you get
usually know exactly what hairstyles/ makeup complement them
voices tend to be flat/ monotone
tend to lean towards earth tones and often even have an olive/ green undertone
♊︎ gemini:
very talkative 😭
men tend to be quite lanky but not very tall
love eccentric clothes/ accessories (ex: one earring, rainbow dyed hair, blonde eyebrows)
everyone knows them and they know everyone, tend to be quite approachable
they get bored quite easily. if you’re dating one, (not even considering venus) they’re likely to be really into you initially and seemingly dial it back out of nowhere or ghost completely 😭
♋︎ cancer:
big titties 😭 (esp rising)
tend to have round faces (moon)
tend to be a bit timid in new environments, talkative when they’re comfortable; cautious people
typically very warm people (sometimes literally), gives mom vibes fr
super funny naturally, true comedians even if they’re just saying what’s on their mind
i’ve noticed cancer artists make really raunchy songs (ex: Work It by Missy Elliot, Big Poppa by Biggie, Candy Shop by 50 Cent)
♌︎ leo:
noticeable hair (ex: big hair, long + healthy hair, unique curl pattern)
everyone knows them, may not know everyone
also natural leaders but tend to be a bit friendlier than aries (and typically more concerned w/ who likes them than aries)
love to laugh! always cracking jokes or finding a way to lighten the mood
command attention (good, bad, or both) immediately and w/out trying
♍︎ virgo:
usually look really focused or deep in thought
can also look far away when you first meet them especially if they’re virgo rising
can be quiet when you first meet them too; usually cause they’re reading the room before they speak
almond/ small eyes
usually have to wear glasses/ contacts
tend to wear earth tones
♎︎ libra:
men look like professors or authors, especially the octobers
september libras seem to loveeee pink
usually quite talkative but also typically read the room well, may even mirror it
tactful/ organized people, again especially octobers
typically love pretty, clean cut things. so clothes are ironed, delicate perfume, earrings always in, hair always done.
libra risings always look like libras 😭 very symmetrical faces, just look like they know a lot
♏︎ scorpio:
usually the hardest to guess
often in the know abt everyone w/out even asking
does someone seem like they’re openly themselves, knows everyone, big personality.. but you also get the feeling you don’t know them at all? probably a scorpio
tend to be the life of the party, definitely know how to have a good time
♐︎ sagittarius:
can be tall or short but the men almost always have very athletic builds
they know everyone and everyone knows of them
talking shit 24/7
tend to be confrontational and blunt people - will absolutely tell somebody like it is
likely a lot of rumors about them. like you may hear about them before you even meet them
very pronounced calves and/or hips
very noticeable/ distinct laugh and voice
tend to have big, bright smiles (ex: Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, Colman Domingo)
♑︎ capricorn:
very dry humor
always moving, if they’re not moving they mentally occupied
usually you hear they’ve been independent from an early age
adapt very well, can usually be whatever they need to be for the moment
the women are typically striking or have memorable features (ex: Dolly Parton, Zooey Deschanel, Ice Spice)
the men look strong minded and strong willed (ex: Denzel Washington, LL Cool J, Zayn Malik)
♒︎ aquarius:
often look very lost or in a daze
tend to say things to get a rise out of people but that’s not to say what they’re saying isn’t true; sometimes it’s the way they say it
can sometimes be the smartest in the room; they notice everything and forget nothing + very quick thinkers
women tend to be thick (ex: Megan Thee Stallion, Kenya Moore, Oprah, Uzo Aduba)
♓︎ pisces:
tend to be quite spiritual/ pious people but if not, equally as passionate abt not believing in like a higher power
women usually look ethereal either in dress or face (ex: Lupita Nyong’o, Rihanna, Dakota Fanning, Drew Barrymore)
can act a bit like God’s gift to the earth, especially the men
tend to be frugal and in turn usually very well off or at least comfortable
sativaonsaturn 🪐🍃
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afromeda · 2 years
White women 5-10 years ago: Haha black women wear wigs cuz they have no hair and their hair is always ugly see we have naturally luscious Garnier™ hair and we wear extension pieces cuz we don't need weaves and all that extra stuff and ugh black women hairstyles are so Ghetto™ lol we can do flat ironed hair and wand curls and those are the only acceptable ones
Black women: *continue to do their own thing*
White women now, sobbing, throwing up: But who said white women can't wear wigs or have curly perms and why can't we wear the same braids and styles we degraded for decades and centuries why are black women so mean like what if we want to wear the Ghetto™ hairs too and change formulas in products and give established hairstyles new names after acting very much Christina Columbus about it plus we've struggled so much like other white women insult our hair if it's not perfect and that's black women's fault and one time a black girl said we have hair like straw after we called her hair a nappy piece of cotton it's just hair c'mon please let us do the Kardashian braids like we don't understand—
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I want to submit my favorite Star Trek character, Captain Michael Burnham.
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She's the franchise's first Black female lead and the first Black female lead captain, played masterfully by Sonequa Martin-Green.
Michael is highly intelligent, brave, creative, loves hard, a true collaborative leader, determined, compassionate, tenacious, willing to break the rules, and reaches for the best in people. I like to call her the Queen of Chaotic Ingenuity. And she can kick yo ass if need be. She is actually funny but I think a lot of people miss it.
She's a poster child for "Listen to Black Women" cause had Starfleet done that in the first 2 episodes, they likely would have avoided that war with the Klingons, but I digress...
What I've enjoyed most about watching this character is seeing a Black woman who loves science be great (she's a xenoanthropologist), be the hero, and be allowed to evolve as a character. When we met her in season 1, we met a person that was struggling with embracing her human emotions as a major byproduct of having to assimilate into Vulcan culture while still being rejected by that culture because of her race. But as seasons 1 and 2 unfold, she starts breaking out of that shell and learns to embrace her emotions and herself and faces the demons from her childhood. Honestly, I love that she's The Hero, but she's also allowed to express the full range of her emotions, which is something not always given to Black female characters. She's allowed to be vulnerable. Also, I love that she's given grace to grow as a character. Put simply, Michael Burnham is one of the realest characters in Star Trek.
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Once we're in season 3, and after some much needed time away from everyone (and plenty of time spent with a FINE brotha named Cleveland Booker, who deserves his own submission), Michael fully embraces herself, and as the story progresses, we see her FINALLY become captain, a role she was made for.
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I love her leadership style as a captain. She's the ideal collaborative leader. Yes, she's the captain that's going on an away mission. However, she's also created a culture on her ship where her crew is comfortable with voicing their ideas, trying innovative ways to solve problems, and she genuinely listens to them. She seeks to connect with each person on her crew and those she comes in contact with on missions. She's a master at thinking outside the box. She's a thinker who leads with her heart.
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Another aspect of this show that I appreciate is Michael wearing braids. The more we see Michael embracing herself, the more she wears natural Black hairstyles. When she's the most at peace with herself, she's rocking braids.
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I think this it is very significant to have a Starfleet captain that wears braids, when we're living in a time where the Crown Act has to be a created to protect us from people's bigotry against natural Black hairstyles in professional and non professional spaces.
Yes, my captain is black, she wears braids, and she still does her job exemplary, with style and grace.
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In closing, I just love Michael Burnham, and I hope some of you give Star Trek Discovery a try to get to know, and hopefully, love her too.
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Last but not least, I love that her central romance is with another Black character. It's so rare to get Black Love in sci-fi, and they, Michael and Book, are a well written relationship.
Ngl, you typed "brotha" and I had to click out and go check your page 😤 we back! "Listen to Black women" lmao now you know people don't do that! Gotta go through hard knocks first 🤣 She's the science leader I aspire to be, it sounds like 🥹🥹 I too believe in collaborative leadership. Her braids! Yes I do love her braids, I love seeing our styles on us. It's why I keep pushing away from flat ironed hair. There's nothing wrong with it, I just... We have so many other options. I really want us to take a shot at it. And hot DAMN he sure IS fine 😳😳😳 I wasn't ready! WHEW! Michael is living it up fr.
Thank you for this submission!
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Gonna start out with im white but tbh thats probably obvious so like. You rbed an interview about Miles G's hair and ive been wondering
Are there specific stereotypes to certain black hairstyles? Im curious bc i do character design a lot, and tbh ive always thought the double braids was a really cool look, are there implications to it? Or is it just regular racism from nonblack people that make some view it as "thug" as opposed to just a normal hairstyle.
Like when i was little i used to have my hair like that all the time, and i still do it sometimes bc its really good for hot weather, so i kinda associate it more with beating the heat/good hairstyle for when you're gonna get sweaty than anything else lol
🤣 it tis obvious, but I'm gonna answer this for you and anyone else who wants to start looking into it bc yes this is very important. So let's talk about it!
(this became a history lesson I did not mean to give lmaoooo)
PBS Transcript- How Hair Discrimination impacts Black Americans...
So first, to be frank: it's Racism. Understand that this shit is rooted in White Supremacy towards any nonwhite hair. I'm also approaching this from a Black American standpoint. While I won't be discussing their perspective bc it's better for one of them to do it, Native Americans also have a long history of White society forcing them to cut their hair, regardless of the religious/spiritual/symbolic importance. It, and its damage, lasts til today. And head wraps? Psht almost all of Brown America has a story.
In the beginning, they had enslaved Black women (and then through Jim Crow) cover their hair altogether. It was somehow seen as a way to protect property, then to call our hair ugly and an affront to whiteness, and yet a Jezebel lure for White men to sin (i.e. rape Black women, but White women didn't think that was possible so it HAD to be that concubine!!) This perception lasts to this day. Later, it turned into Assimilation or die- hair presses and conks to better meet white beauty standards. Being proud of our afros and natural hair had a revival in the 60s and 70s, and (this is subjective) i noticed it again in the 2010s with women and natural hair.
To present: You gotta realize that having afros, cornrows, braids, and locs is enough to get Black kids kicked out of some schools and extracurriculars. An entire education or valuable experience, and you cant have it bc of the hair that grows out your head. One of the saddest videos I've ever seen was when they forced a Black teen to cut off his locs (i.e. they held him there, looking miserable, as they sheared off his hair) in order to compete in a wrestling tournament, and all the white people in that place did was watch. No one stood up for him, as he sat there getting handled like property (bc his Black body was bringing them wins but his hair was just TOO MUCH 🙄 but that's a whole Convo about Blackness, Whiteness, and Sports).
My brother went to Catholic school and they basically said he couldn't grow his hair out. None of the looks we ascribe to our culture were allowed. The girls, unless it was flat ironed (to replicate whiteness), couldn't have long braids. Certainly no locs. Meanwhile, white girls can grow their hair out as long as the sun is old, and it's treated like innocent, beautiful youth.
And this lasts into adulthood with jobs! Bc that socialization, the idea that some hair is better than others, LASTS. A newslady just took her wig off to reveal her locs on camera, after hiding it for a decade because of public perceptions. The idea that if I have locs, oh they must be dirty (they're not), so they don't care about their physical appearance and we can't hire them. Like when that old white woman said that Zendaya's faux locs probably smelled like patchouli- that was an assessment purely made on stereotype.
This is also why we get so annoyed when white people- white women in particular- wear their hair in these styles. It's usually associated with "being edgy, being rebellious and older" (i.e., bc being a Black girl is so far from what you're supposed to be as a White girl, it's not innocent or valuable, it's dangerous and it makes everyone notice you) and as soon as they're done, it's back to Mother Mary of Whiteness. It's how cornrows and braids on Black and Latino men (or both, like Miles and Miles G!) are misperceived as gang or hood shit, but a kpop rapper will get them poorly done and it's 'cool' 🙄 it's White men with dreads (I refuse to ever call them locs bc they are NOT) who think they're in their "hippie/fight the power phase" cut them when it's "time to be respectable", but when a Black man with nice locs has them already he's suspicious.
You're basically saying that being Me/Black is a trashy, edgy phase that will never succeed, but it's cool for when you wanna feel Different!
*it's also why it pisses me off in fandom spaces when people refuse to give brown characters their hair texture (or whitewash at all!). It's a statement, that "good hair" is White, and "not good/aesthetic hair" is Black. You might not think that's what you're saying, but it's what you're saying, and every Black viewer of your art can hear it loud and clear. So if you're a character designer, put some thought behind and give your Black characters their features. It'll make you a better artist and a better person.
Anyway, to come back full circle to your question: as far as I'm aware, no, there's no "bad implications" of Miles G or his braids. Nothing we wear on our head is inherently bad, just like him. But bc we've all been raised in White society to unconsciously and consciously associate certain stereotypes with these looks, Black and Brown viewers of ATSV were quite worried that that statement was being made. It was nice to hear that it wasn't.
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
the romantic hairstyle cracks me up because it confirms either one of two things about Leon:
he owns a curling iron
he owns a flat iron
ONE OF THESE is his natural hair
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plot twist: neither is his natural hair, his hair's naturally wavy at some point in between these two extremes, and he owns both a curling AND a flat iron
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missmyloko · 2 months
Wait, maiko have hair extensions? I thought it was all about natural hair in Kyoto and not wigs. I understand that you have to have long hair, but it's ok to grow it beforehand if you want to become maiko?
Also how do they crimple their hair? It appears crimpled and I just wonder if it's done with crimpling flat iron (?) or in a "traditional" way?
If a maiko has naturally wavy hair how do they keep it straight then?
Thank you very much as always.
The hair extensions that they use are somewhat short and are used in places where real hair would make it very hard or nearly impossible to make the hairstyles without ruining the real hair. For example, the black part under the ofuku teragami is actually the end of a hair extension or the hair that hangs over the back of the sakkō style is also an extension as that gets cut at the danpatsu shiki ceremony. The crimping is done with a crimping flat iron every time they go to the hairstylist's. I've never heard of a maiko having naturally wavy hair before, so I'm not too sure what they'd do in that situation ^^
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rejectclone · 1 year
I’ve been on a huge Splatoon kick for MONTHS at this point, so I’ve finally decided to make a Coroika-like OC team! Because since they’re kinda Coroika themed, they have two names, so they’re either named after their gear OR have a codename they use while battling! 🎨🔫
🦑💙🌀 Low-Vis AKA Reject 🌀💙🦑
* Female inkling, she/her
* Natural ink color is is a bright turquoise, which is almost blinding when it’s caught in bright sunlight
* Hairstyle is the iconic Hippie cut, and she’s never changed it in her entire life
* Noticeable facial feature is some near-constant dark circles under her eye mask, even though she does get a full night’s worth of sleep every day. Additionally, the shaping of her eye mask is quite odd, as it’s almost shaped like a pair of sunglasses and is ‘flat’ on top, akin to a straight line
* Sloshing Machine main, secondaries Octobrush (biased towards Sloshers and Brushes + Rollers in general, and they absolutely LOATHE Splatlings and Blasters)
* Hails from Inkopolis, born and raised there for their entire childhood and young adult years
* They’re a indie sofubi artist who moved into Splatsville to sell her original (ancient human culture inspired) sofubi figures to some solid success so far. She does make ends meet by working at Grizz Co., but she has been making good money with her tendency to win small Anarchy tournaments at a good rate
* S+ ranker, pretty big Splat Zones and Tower Control fan, but does enjoy playing Turf incredibly causally
* Leader of the team and is a excellent all-rounder type player, but tends to be a bad sore loser though when suffering from multiple losses in one day, ESPECIALLY after getting a real bad pull from the Shell-Out Machine *cough* pulling a meal ticket *cough*
🐙💗🎛 Aux Box AKA Spare 🎛💗🐙
* Male Octoling, he/him
* Natural ink color is a soft light pink, almost cotton candy-like
* Hairstyle is the Afro cut, but he does have a small X shaped scar on the back of it
* Noticeable facial feature is that due to years of using his favorite main weapon, there is a noticeable ‘dent’ below his right eye socket, on top of his eye mask. Additionally, there are faint scars on top of his knuckles, due to how often his fingers would hit the backside of the trigger guard….. plus getting into occasional fist fights with other competitors
* ONE-TRICK E-Liter 4K Scope main, as he refuses to secondary anything (you’d have to literally kill him to make him just TOUCH any other non-special weapon)
* Hails from Splatville, as he was born and raised there his entire life, amongst other incredibly lucky Octolings whose families dodged being forced to fight in the Great Turf War. Hence, his appearance and demeanor is radically different when compared to Octolings who were in Octavio’s army and defected, and he also seems to be totally disinterested in learning more about his culture’s history
* Once projected to be the next breakout Turf War star in the world, he had suddenly became spiteful in playing that mode and began to dominate Anarchy instead. He seems to be very closed off when being asked why he changed his initial goal in life, and becomes easily agitated when pressed even further on it
* X-Ranker, VERY BIG Rainmaker + Clam Blitz fan and he still absolutely crushes it in Splat Zones and Tower Control
* Second member to join the team, as he was impressed by Low-Vis’ prowess in a random Splatfest match, and was shockingly open to making a causal team, although he does overtake the leadership role every one in awhile (and he does rule with a iron fist, either to incredibly positive success or devastating failure)
🐙💜🌫 Yamagiri AKA Haze 🌫💜🐙
* Female Octoling, she/her
* Natural ink color is a bright lavender, but she can also turn it into a deeper red, essentially on-command
* Hair style is a mixture between the ‘traditional’ Octarian hair cut, and the Pony cut
* Noticeable facial feature is that oddly enough, her eye’s sclera are still tinted green. Additionally, she wears black eyeliner on top of her naturally purple eye mask, to try to fit in more amongst other Inkfish
* Mains Splatana Stamper, secondaries Octo Shot (the LEGITIMATE REAL thing, not at all the replica version)
* Hails from Inkopolis square, but she initially came from Octo Valley and moved into Splatsville for a fresher start in rebuilding up her life
* A former Octarian Army member, she has become disillusioned by the actions of her past and now deeply craves normalcy, once she heard the Calamari Inkantation
* Diehard Tableturf player, as she has a near-complete collection of every card that’s in active play and is a very tough competitor to beat. She makes a living off of the thrill of buying card packs and selling off the rares and secret rares she pulls, and does box set unboxing streams (although she only shows her hands when opening up the card packs, and even wears gloves when she does it to help obscure the shape of her fingertips)
* Third player to join the team, as she genuinely dislikes playing Turf or Anarchy, but does do it for the extra money and tickets at least, as she’s also addicted to the Shell-Out Machine, just like Low-Vis
🦑💛🎣 Paintball AKA Delta 🎣💛🦑
* Male inkling, he/they
* Natural ink color is a muddy yellow, but it can clear up to a more bolder yellow when they’re submerged in other Inkfishes’ ‘cleaner’ yellow ink.
* Hair style is the Spiky-Haired cut, but sometimes he does change it to the Buzz-Cut by just shaving off the spikes on top
* Noticeable facial feature is that the fangs on their beak are so long, that they peek through their lips, essentially causing them to have their mouth always agape so it doesn’t hurt as much. Additionally, their upper arms/upper legs/shoulders/back has some odd looking birthmarks, almost as if his natural biological ink is bleeding through his skin, and is dripping down their entire backside?……
* Krak-On Roller main, secondaries Explosher but on incredibly rare occasions
* Hails from Inkopolis Square?….. not even he himself is sure.
* Supposedly suffers from retrograde amnesia, as they lurk around Splatville at ‘dead’ hours, seemingly just ‘observing’ what’s going on in the area, with a almost dazed expression. It’s unknown where he even lives, as he’s almost always found at the Grizz Co building
* Profreshional Overfisher, as they’re UTTERLY OBSESSED with working at Grizz Co, as he works well over his usual full-time shifts to the point where the company had to tell him to literally go on vacation due to legal reasons. It is said that when out on the job, his normally dazed and meek behavior is RADICALLY changed to a more strict and intimidating aura, almost as if they’re a whole other person?…..
* Last member to join the team, as they are horrifically shy amongst others and is seemingly too scared to use his Kraken special for some odd reason?….. It is a miracle how Yamagiri managed to coax him into joining the team, as she does see potential in having a high ranking Salmon Runner who is INCREDIBLY acutely aware of his surroundings, when in the heat of battle
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snowberry-crostata · 2 years
Clothing of Skyrim, Part IV: Jewelry and Accessories
As a culture that takes great pride in its smithing traditions, jewelry is an essential component of Nordic dress. Earrings, necklaces, amulets, belts, and decorative hair combs are worn by all classes, though the quality of the accessories varies with the wealth of the owner.
Most women and some men wear one or more earrings. Women’s earrings are typically crafted in gold or silver, are often a gift from her parents, and can serve as goods for bartering if she falls on hard times. Beaded necklaces are another ubiquitous accessory. The beads are made of painted wood, cut and polished stone, metal, glass, or ceramic. Other materials that might be used include amber, gemstones, carved bone, animal teeth, and coins (particularly foreign ones). The necklaces are colorful and often appear random in nature, with beads having been accrued individually over time. Coastal communities, particularly in The Pale and Hjaalmarch, incorporate shells into their beadwork. While the beads can be chosen purely for aesthetics, oftentimes individual beads have a special meaning or commemorate a specific event in a person’s life. Several necklaces and amulets might be worn simultaneously.
Clasps and brooches are used to secure capes and cloaks, and vary from simple iron loops to elaborately wrought pieces made of precious metals and set with gems. Pairs of brooches, linked together with strings of beads or a decorative chain, are often seen as decoration, particularly for married women. These can also be seen securing fur cloaks across the chest of noblemen and Jarls.
Armbands are a piece of jewelry rarely seen on non-Nords. These metal bands sit on the upper arm and are often elaborately inscribed and decorated, or fashioned in a unique shape (such as an armband in the shape of a serpent). The armbands are not simply a fashion accessory; they are often given as gifts to represent an alliance between clans or as a gift between spouses (sometimes taking the place of a wedding ring).
As they are a devout people, Nords are often seen sporting tokens representing one or more Gods of the Nordic pantheon. These vary from simple talismans carved from wood or bone to elaborately embossed and jeweled amulets. The most popular amulets seen on Nords are those devoted to Kyne, Dibella and, of course, Talos. As the Cult of Mara has spread over the last century, the Imperial tradition of unmarried adults wearing amulets of Mara when seeking a partner has gained popularity.
Hair combs, sticks, and clasps are another essential accessory for both men and women, as many Nords follow the custom of wearing their hair long. Ties, beads, metal accents, and feathers are used to accessorize more elaborate hairstyles.
Belts range from practical to decorative. Flat or braided leather and tablet-woven belts are most commonly seen on everyday clothing. Nobles and Jarls often have belts fashioned of fine leather with embellishments like tassels, coins, and buckles in steel, gold, and silver. Warriors are often seen sporting wide, heavy leather belts, suitable for supporting the weight of weapons and armor. A simple cloth or leather purse is attached to the belt, along with keys, combs, talismans, pouches and bags, drop spindles, knives, and any other day-to-day necessities.
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Hairstyles in the Victorian Era:
In her own right, Queen Victoria was a fashion icon. During her reign, she popularised the "Apollo Loop," which consisted of a simple or coiled plait of artificial hair linked to wires to form eye-catching loops worn vertically on top of the head. However, the usage of extravagant wigs gave way to cleaner, kinder appearances. The Victorian era was about living more simply than the preceding one. Hairstyles grew more natural and modest throughout time, with hair separated in the centre, gathered into a bun or coil, and curls let to flow gently at the sides of the head. Hairstyles reflected societal goals and social developments throughout this time period. The Industrial Revolution witnessed the emergence of the middle classes and the introduction of new clothing and hairstyles. By the 1850s, women's hairstyles included hairpieces purchased from new department stores. Furthermore, women began to use soap to clean their hair, but this act stripped away oils, leaving the hair stringy and dry. Vegetable oil and even bear grease were used to restore the lustre of hair. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the Marcell Wave, designed by Marcel Grateau's "curling iron," became a fashionable hairstyle that allowed for the creation of a more natural-looking wave rather than a curl. Because Victorians connected hair with life and love, it was customary for women to include lockets of hair into mourning jewellery following the death of a loved one.
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The majority of haircuts in the 1840s were basic and symmetrical. Long hair was parted in the middle and draped over the ears and sides before being pulled back into a centre crown bun. Lace, flower, and leaf crowns/headbands sat on the head with a flat top and luxuriant sides in the evenings. Ringlet curls might also be worn on the sides. Princess Eugenia influenced hairstyles and outfit trends throughout the 1850s and 1860s. Her hair was styled in a centre part with ringlet curls dripping down one shoulder. Flowers were added to attend elegant balls or in the presence of a gentleman caller. Ringlets on both sides of the face for little girls were popular, as were the chignon bun and twisted knots at the nape of the neck for all ladies. In the 1840s, concealing the full ear was fashionable, but a partial covering was the usual. During the 1860s, hairstyles included a net-covered chignon that was pulled back up the head and coiled loosely and widely to make the hair appear larger. Tight backward rolls might offer some framing around the face. However, hair was usually pushed back smoothly. Braids originating above or below the ears and draped to the back resembled a short pageboy haircut from the front. A ribbon or crochet yarn hair net embellished with beads wrapped the head in the back or merely over the loose chignon. An undetectable hair net was also used to keep hair in a horseshoe shape low on the neck. Curls on the sides and back were worn for both day and nighttime appearances. Every woman's vanity required a hot curling iron. The iron created waves around the face and corkscrew curls that hung from the ears to the shoulders. Curls were carried up to the temples as the decade progressed toward the 1870s. Engenin rolls were sausage-like tubes that could be rolled from the crown to the rear. Two lengthy ringlet curls were flung over shoulders and to the front from behind the enormous bun.
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A full head of ringlet curls pinned back with a lovely comb might be worn by young girls and ladies. Long curls, braids, plaits, and twists flowing down the middle back became fashionable in the 1870s. For a dishevelled effect, the front was waved/frizz curled. Mature ladies had their hair in a high ponytail on the back of their heads, with a few ringlet curls falling down. Long sausage curls remained trendy, whether pulled back with combs or loosely flowing down the sides. Women with long hair who pulled it back tightly may have it curled into a "tail" that reached the waist. A tortoiseshell comb could frequently be seen peaking over the top of the head. Another trendy look that ladies liked was braided brown hair. The hair was divided in the centre, and two long braids rose to round the entire crown, like a hair crown or hat. The most popular portion was still the central part, but a side part or un-parted smooth top was an alternative. Ears were totally visible. A few wispy strands of hair might be used to frame the brow. Ladies with naturally curly hair might simply leave half of their hair done on top and the other half loose. Hair was braided and moulded into buns in high hefty forms. Large rollers were laid horizontally or vertically long. Hairstyles of the 1890s were piled high on top of the crown, in tight coils and curls, with fluffy bangs or fringe over the brow. The top was flat so that little ornate hats may be worn. Hair was maintained simple and low at the neck at home. The piled hair was meticulously curled and pushed even higher for evenings. The Gibson girl pompadour substituted loose round bouffants and a tiny bun at the middle crown for tight curls.
Vintage Dancer. (2022). Victorian Hairstyles 1840s, 1850s ,1860s ,1870s ,1880s ,1890s. [Online]. Vintage Dancer. Last Updated: 17 January 2022. Available at: https://vintagedancer.com/victorian/victorian-hairstyles-1840-1890/ [Accessed 8 December 2022].
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Hey, tried to check if this had been asked before - sorry if it was and I missed it! Can I ask for your perspective on using Black hairstyles for symbolism [I know in your hair lessons there's the fact that damaged hair is a show of someone in an apocalypse scenario not having the time, but this is more in a metaphorical sense]? Context below so it's more clear what I'm asking about:
For a story I'm writing, the main character is a Black teenager; the last segment of the story is a sibling conflict, as they have two older siblings who have opposing ideas on how they should be brought up, what they should be exposed to, etc etc. They are their only caretakers in this scenario, no parents here. For designs, hair is one of the planned design elements I wanted to use symbolically alongside colour. This character's hair sits as somewhere of an inbetween of the eldest's styled and shaped afro and the middle child's utility-focused short cut; the general plan is for it to be a pretty direct metaphor for both contributing, where one is focused on having a style that suits them, rather than their responsibilities, and the other trying to be a guiding hand because you can't ignore it outright forever, and eventually the things you enjoyed get sacrificed [the middle child used to wear a lot of braided styles when they were their age, and nowadays there just isn't that kind of time to continue to fix them up and look after them].
Moreso looking for perspective on this kind of storytelling. I like including intentional details, but I also want to make sure those details are respectful and actually handled properly.
Black hair is already symbolic; of course it's okay to use it for symbolism! In Raybearer, there is a scene where Tarisai discovers her true calling, and her hair- which up to this point has always been in tiny braids- is unraveled by the power to reveal her full afro. I know for my OC, the reason I let Philia rock her full afro more often than not is because of her free nature- what you see is what you get, and what you get is unrestrained and bold and beautiful!
Plus, the type of hairstyle you have does reflect the lifestyle you live, plus the type of person you are. Someone who's willing to get up at 5AM to flat iron their hair every single day is probably gonna be far more serious about hair than someone who wakes up, spritzes their cute TWA, and moves on. People with the patience to do their own box braids? Powerful.
So yes, hair can be used as symbolism. But, as you noted, make sure you're being respectful in the description of the hair. Also, when you say color, you mean color of the hair, yes?
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5 Trendy Short Haircuts for Women
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Nothing makes a statement quite like a chic, short haircut when it comes to hair transformations.
Whether you're aiming for a fresh start or a fabulous new look, short haircuts for women offer endless possibilities. From edgy pixies to classic bobs, a perfect style is waiting for you. Let's dive into the world of trendy short haircuts and find the one that speaks to your personality and lifestyle.
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Embracing the Short Hair Revolution
Short haircuts have always symbolized confidence and boldness. In recent years, they have gained immense popularity thanks to their versatility and low maintenance. Women are increasingly choosing short hairstyles not just for their practicality but also for their ability to make a fashion statement.
Why Choose Short Haircuts?
Short haircuts for women are incredibly empowering. They offer a refreshing change and can highlight your best features. Here are some reasons why you might consider going short:
Easy Maintenance: Short hair requires less time to wash, dry, and style.
Versatility: From casual to classy, short haircuts can be styled for any occasion.
Healthier Hair: Cutting off damaged ends promotes healthier, stronger hair growth.
Face Framing: Short haircuts can enhance your facial features and bring out your natural beauty.
Trendy Appeal: Stay ahead in the fashion game with the latest short hair trends.
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Top Short hair cuts for women to Try
With so many options, it can be hard to choose the right short haircut. Here are five trendy ideas to inspire your next salon visit. Each look is unique, offering something for every style preference.
1. The Edgy Pixie Cut
The pixie cut is a timeless favorite that never goes out of style. This bold look is perfect for women who love to stand out. With its short, choppy layers, the pixie cut adds texture and volume to your hair.
How to Achieve the Look:
Consult with your stylist about the right pixie cut for your face shape.
Use a texturizing spray to add volume and definition.
Regular trims are essential to maintain the shape and style.
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2. The Classic Bob
The classic bob is elegant and sophisticated. It's a versatile style that can be worn sleek and straight or with soft waves. This cut falls just above the shoulders, framing your face beautifully.
How to Achieve the Look:
Ask your stylist for a bob that suits your hair type and face shape.
Use a flat iron for a sleek finish or a curling wand for gentle waves.
Maintain the look with regular trims every 6-8 weeks.
3. The Shaggy Lob
The shaggy lob (long bob) is a perfect mix of edgy and chic. With its layered, tousled look, it's great for adding movement and texture to your hair. This cut is ideal for those who want a stylish yet low-maintenance hairstyle.
How to Achieve the Look:
Discuss the right layering technique with your stylist.
Apply a sea salt spray for a beachy, tousled effect.
Use a diffuser when blow-drying to enhance natural waves.
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4. The Asymmetrical Cut
For a modern and daring look, try an asymmetrical cut. This style features uneven lengths, with one side shorter than the other. It's a fantastic choice for women who love to experiment with their hair.
How to Achieve the Look:
Work with your stylist to determine the best asymmetrical style for your face.
Use a styling cream to define the different lengths.
Keep the cut sharp with regular salon visits.
5. The Curly Crop
Embrace your natural curls with a curly crop. This short haircut is designed to enhance and showcase your curls, giving you a playful and energetic look. It's a fantastic way to celebrate your natural texture.
How to Achieve the Look:
Find a stylist who specializes in curly hair to get the perfect cut.
Use curl-enhancing products to define and hydrate your curls.
Diffuse your hair while drying to maintain volume and shape.
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Your Perfect Short Haircut Awaits
Short haircuts for women are more than just a trend; they're a way to express your individuality and embrace a fresh, modern look. Whether you choose an edgy pixie, a classic bob, or a playful curly crop, there's a short haircut that's perfect for you.
At MOBILESTYLES, we understand the importance of finding the right look. Our beauty experts are ready to bring your hair dreams to life, right at your doorstep. Book an appointment with us today and discover the convenience of beauty on demand. Transform your look with MOBILESTYLES and step into a world of endless style possibilities.
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smoothing4u · 21 days
The Pros and Cons of Permanent Hair Straightening in Mira Road
Permanent hair straightening has become a popular choice for those seeking sleek, smooth hair that's easy to manage. With the rise in demand, many salons in Mira Road now offer this service, promising to give you the hair of your dreams. However, like any beauty treatment, permanent hair straightening comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Before you decide to undergo the treatment, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons to ensure it's the right choice for you.
The Pros of Permanent Hair Straightening
Long-Lasting Results
One of the most significant benefits of permanent hair straightening is that it offers long-lasting results. Unlike temporary methods like flat ironing, permanent straightening can keep your hair straight for several months, saving you time and effort in your daily styling routine.
Smooth, Frizz-Free Hair
If you struggle with frizzy hair, permanent hair straightening can be a game-changer. The treatment smooths out your hair, reducing frizz and making it easier to manage, especially in humid weather. This can be particularly beneficial in Mira Road, where humidity levels can fluctuate.
With permanently straightened hair, you'll spend less time styling in the morning. There's no need to blow-dry or flat iron your hair every day, which can save you a considerable amount of time, especially if you have a busy schedule.
Improved Hair Manageability
For those with curly, wavy, or unruly hair, permanent hair straightening can make your hair much easier to manage. You'll find it easier to brush, style, and maintain, which can simplify your hair care routine.
Versatile Styling Options
Straight hair is versatile and works well with various hairstyles, from sleek ponytails to elegant updos. With permanent straightening, you'll have more styling options at your disposal, allowing you to switch up your look effortlessly.
The Cons of Permanent Hair Straightening
Potential Damage to Hair
Permanent hair straightening involves the use of chemicals that break down the hair's natural structure to achieve straightness. These chemicals can weaken the hair, making it more prone to damage, breakage, and split ends. If your hair is already damaged or fragile, this treatment may exacerbate the problem.
Maintenance and Touch-Ups
Although the results of permanent hair straightening are long-lasting, they're not truly permanent. As your hair grows out, the new growth will be in its natural texture, requiring regular touch-ups every few months to maintain a uniform look. This ongoing maintenance can be both time-consuming and costly.
Loss of Natural Curl Pattern
If you have naturally curly or wavy hair, permanent hair straightening will completely alter your hair's natural texture. While this is the goal of the treatment, it's essential to consider whether you're ready to say goodbye to your curls or waves permanently. Some people may miss the versatility of their natural hair.
Cost Considerations
Permanent hair straightening is an investment. The initial treatment can be expensive, and when you factor in the cost of touch-ups and specialized hair care products, the overall expense can add up. If you're on a budget, this may be a significant drawback.
Possible Chemical Sensitivity
The chemicals used in permanent hair straightening can cause allergic reactions or irritation for some individuals. It's crucial to do a patch test before undergoing the treatment to ensure you don't have an adverse reaction. Additionally, the process involves heat, which can further stress your hair and scalp.
Commitment to a Specific Style
Once you opt for permanent hair straightening, you're committing to a straight-hair look for an extended period. If you enjoy experimenting with different styles, this treatment may limit your options, as your hair will remain straight until the effects wear off or you cut it out.
Permanent hair straightening in Mira Road offers a convenient solution for those looking to achieve smooth, straight hair with minimal daily maintenance. The benefits, such as long-lasting results, frizz control, and time-saving, make it an attractive option for many. However, it's essential to consider the potential downsides, including the risk of hair damage, ongoing maintenance, and the commitment to a straight-hair look.
Before deciding to undergo permanent hair straightening, weigh these pros and cons carefully. Consulting with a professional stylist at a reputable salon in Mira Road can help you determine whether this treatment is the right choice for your hair type and lifestyle. If you decide to proceed, ensure you follow a proper hair care routine to maintain the health and integrity of your straightened hair. For a personalized consultation and to explore if permanent hair straightening is proper for you, contact Element Unisex Salon today. Our expert stylists in Mira Road are here to guide you through the process and ensure you achieve the perfect look. Book your appointment now!
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Why Are Raw Indian Hair Bundles Considered the Gold Standard in Hair Extensions?
Raw Indian hair bundles have earned a reputation as the gold standard in the hair extension industry. Sought after by both professionals and consumers alike, these hair bundles are renowned for their quality, versatility, and natural appearance. But what exactly sets raw Indian hair bundles apart from other types of hair extensions? In this blog, we will explore the unique characteristics of raw Indian hair bundles and why they are considered the best choice for those seeking high-quality hair extensions.
1. Unprocessed and Natural
One of the primary reasons raw Indian hair bundles are highly regarded is because they are completely unprocessed. This means the hair has not undergone any chemical treatments, such as coloring, perming, or relaxing. As a result, raw Indian hair retains its natural cuticle, texture, and strength, which contributes to its superior quality.
Natural Cuticle Alignment: The cuticles of raw Indian hair are aligned in the same direction, which reduces tangling and matting. This natural alignment allows the hair to flow smoothly and gives it a natural shine, making it look and feel just like your own hair.
Preserved Strength and Durability: Because raw Indian hair is not subjected to harsh chemicals, it retains its natural strength and durability. This makes it less prone to breakage and allows it to withstand heat styling, coloring, and other treatments better than processed hair.
2. Versatility in Styling
Raw Indian hair bundles are incredibly versatile, allowing for a wide range of styling options. Whether you prefer straight, wavy, or curly hair, raw Indian hair can be styled to achieve the look you desire without losing its natural beauty.
Adaptability to Various Styles: Raw Indian hair is naturally versatile, meaning it can be straightened, curled, or worn in its natural state. This adaptability makes it a favorite among hairstylists and consumers who want the freedom to change their hairstyle frequently without compromising the quality of their hair extensions.
Compatibility with Heat Styling: Raw Indian hair bundles can be safely styled with heat tools such as flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers. Unlike synthetic hair or heavily processed extensions, raw Indian hair can handle heat styling without becoming damaged or losing its natural luster.
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3. Long-Lasting Quality
When it comes to hair extensions, longevity is a crucial factor. Raw Indian hair bundles are known for their long-lasting quality, making them a cost-effective investment in the long run.
Extended Lifespan: With proper care, raw Indian hair bundles can last for several years. This longevity is due to the hair’s natural strength and durability, which allows it to withstand daily wear and tear better than other types of hair extensions. Consumers who invest in raw Indian hair often find that their bundles maintain their quality and appearance over time, even with frequent use.
Reusability: Another advantage of raw Indian hair bundles is that they can be reused multiple times. After the initial installation, the hair can be removed, washed, and reinstalled without losing its quality. This reusability is a testament to the hair’s durability and makes it an economical choice for those who want to get the most out of their hair extensions.
4. Ethical Sourcing
The ethical sourcing of raw Indian hair is another reason why it is considered the gold standard in hair extensions. Most raw Indian hair is sourced from temples in India, where it is donated by devotees as part of a religious ritual. This practice ensures that the hair is collected voluntarily and ethically.
Temple Hair: Temple hair is highly valued in the hair extension industry because it is collected from willing donors in a clean, controlled environment. The proceeds from the sale of temple hair often go back to the community or temple, supporting various social and religious initiatives.
Fair Trade Practices: Ethical sourcing practices are essential to many consumers who want to ensure that their hair extensions are obtained through fair trade. Raw Indian hair is often sourced through fair trade agreements, ensuring that the donors and workers involved in the process are treated fairly and compensated appropriately.
5. Natural Texture and Blendability
The natural texture of raw Indian hair makes it an excellent match for various hair types, allowing it to blend seamlessly with your natural hair. This blendability is one of the key reasons why raw Indian hair bundles are so popular.
Variety of Textures: Raw Indian hair is available in a variety of natural textures, including straight, wavy, and curly. This variety allows consumers to choose the texture that best matches their own hair, resulting in a more natural and cohesive look.
Seamless Integration: Because raw Indian hair is unprocessed, it retains its natural luster and movement, which helps it blend seamlessly with your natural hair. Whether you’re wearing extensions for length, volume, or both, raw Indian hair provides a flawless integration that enhances your overall hairstyle.
6. High Demand Among Professionals
Raw Indian hair bundles are not only favored by consumers but also by hair professionals worldwide. Hairstylists and extension specialists prefer raw Indian hair for its reliability, quality, and ease of use.
Preferred by Hairstylists: Professional hairstylists often recommend raw Indian hair bundles to their clients because of the hair’s high quality and versatility. The hair’s ability to be styled, colored, and maintained with minimal effort makes it a top choice for professionals who want to deliver the best results to their clients.
Trusted by Celebrities: Many celebrities and public figures opt for raw Indian hair bundles for their hair extensions due to the natural look and feel they provide. The high-quality appearance of raw Indian hair makes it ideal for photo shoots, red carpet events, and other high-profile occasions where appearance is paramount.
Raw Indian hair bundles have rightfully earned their reputation as the gold standard in hair extensions. Their unprocessed nature, versatility, durability, and ethical sourcing make them a top choice for both consumers and professionals alike. Whether you’re looking for hair extensions that can be styled and colored like your natural hair, or you want a product that will last for years, raw Indian hair bundles offer unmatched quality and value. By choosing raw Indian hair, you’re investing in a product that enhances your natural beauty while providing the flexibility to create a wide range of hairstyles.
READ MORE RELATED BLOGS 1. What Should You Look for When Buying High-Quality Clip-In Hair Extensions? 2. What Are the Pros and Cons of Wearing a Lace Frontal?
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gamestudiosblog · 1 month
Does Hair Straightening Cause Hair Loss? Complete Analysis!
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Straightening your hair is a go-to style for lots of people who want that smooth, sleek look. It looks great, but many worry about whether it can cause hair loss over time.
So, does straightening your hair make it fall out?
In this blog, we're going to break down the science behind hair straightening, check out how it might affect your hair health, and share some handy tips to help you avoid any potential hair loss.
Understanding Hair Straightening
You can straighten your hair in different ways, mainly using either chemicals or heat. Both approaches basically change the hair's structure to make it look smoother.
1. Heat hair straightening: This involves using tools such as flat irons, hair dryers, and hot combs.
These tools temporarily break the hydrogen bonds in the hair shaft, allowing the hair to be reshaped and straightened.
Once the hair cools or comes into contact with moisture, the hydrogen bonds repair, often returning the hair to its natural state.
2. Chemical straightening: Methods such as Brazilian styling, keratin treatments and straighteners fall into this category.
These treatments permanently break down the protein bonds (disulfide bonds) in the hair, changing the hair structure so that new hair can grow.
Chemical hair straightening usually lasts longer than thermal methods but can be more harmful.
The relationship between hair straightening and hair loss
Hair loss can happen for lots of reasons, like your genes, what you eat, stress, and how you take care of your hair. With hair straightening, whether or not it leads to hair loss mostly depends on the technique you use and how often you do it.
Using heat styling tools too much or on super high settings can really mess up your hair. Constantly blasting your hair with heat can make it weak, cause breakage, and create split ends.
Over time, all this damage can add up, making your hair look thinner and more likely to fall out.
- Hair breakage: Heat damage often results in hair breakage rather than actual hair loss. Breakage occurs when the hair shaft becomes so brittle that it breaks.
While this can cause hair loss, the hair actually breaks in the middle of the shaft rather than falling out at the root.
- Scalp burns: Improper use of heating tools can cause burns to the scalp, damaging the hair follicles. Repeated burns can leave scars and may cause permanent hair loss in the affected area.
Using chemicals to straighten your hair can be riskier than using heat. These strong chemicals can make your hair weaker and irritate your scalp, which might cause your hair to break or fall out.
- Excessive chemical treatments: Frequent chemical treatments can strip hair of its natural oils, leading to dry, brittle, and brittle hair. When hair is over-processed, it becomes brittle and more likely to break or fall out prematurely.
- Scalp irritation: Chemical straighteners can irritate the scalp, causing inflammation or chemical burns. Severe irritation can damage hair follicles, which can lead to temporary or even permanent hair loss.
Traction alopecia happens when you lose hair because it’s been pulled on too much for too long. It’s often linked to tight hairstyles like braids or ponytails, but straightening your hair a lot can also cause it, especially if you’re pulling your hair tight while doing it.
After a while, this constant pulling can weaken your hair roots and make your hair fall out.
Bad hair care habits can make hair loss from straightening even worse. For instance, skipping a heat protectant before using hot tools, mixing chemical treatments with rough styling, or not keeping your hair properly moisturized can all lead to more damage and hair loss.
How to Minimize the Risk of Hair Loss from Straightening
If you enjoy straightening your hair but are worried about hair loss, there are a few steps you can take to protect your hair and scalp:
1. Limit heat exposure: Use heat styling tools on the lowest effective setting and avoid daily use. Stop hair after heat styling to minimize damage.
2. Use heat protectants. Always apply a heat protection spray or serum before using heat tools. These products create a barrier between your hair and heat, reducing the risk of damage.
3. Choose professional chemical treatment. If you decide to undergo chemical straightening, have it done by a licensed professional. They can tailor the treatment to your hair type and ensure it is applied correctly, minimizing the risk of over-treatment.
4. Maintain a hair care routine. Keep your hair healthy by following a regular hair care regimen that includes moisturizing, conditioning, and using products suited to your hair type. Healthy hair is more resistant to damage.
5. Avoid duplicating chemical treatments: Do not combine multiple chemical processes such as dyeing and straightening in a short period of time. Postpone treatments to give your hair time to recover.
6. Careful handling. Be careful when handling your hair, especially when it is wet, as it is more prone to breakage. Avoid tight hairstyles that place unnecessary tension on the hair.
Signs of hair damage and when to seek help
It is important to recognize the signs of hair damage and take action before significant hair loss occurs. Some signs to look out for include:
- Increased hair loss. While it's normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day, seeing more hair on your brush or pillow may indicate damage.
- Dry, brittle hair. Hair that feels dry and breaks easily is a sign of damage that, if left untreated, can lead to hair loss.
- Thinning hair: If your hair seems thinner, especially around your hairline or on the crown, it may be time to rethink your hair care routine.
- Scalp irritation. Persistent scalp irritation, redness, or sores may indicate that the scalp is reacting to straightening treatments.
If you spot these signs, it might be a good idea to give hair straightening a rest and chat with a dermatologist or trichologist. They can check out your scalp and hair, suggest ways to fix any damage, and help get your hair back to being strong and healthy.
Conclusion: Balancing style and hair health
Straightening your hair doesn't automatically make it fall out, but how often and how you do it, along with not taking good care of your hair, can lead to damage and breakage.
If you know the risks and take steps to protect your hair, you can straighten it without hurting its health.
If you straighten your hair often, taking good care of it is super important. Using top-notch products, avoiding harsh chemicals, and letting your hair rest between treatments can keep it strong and reduce hair loss.
If you notice a lot of hair falling out, getting professional help early can stop more damage and help your hair grow healthier. Ultimately, it's all about striking a balance—figuring out how to enjoy straight hair while keeping it healthy and strong.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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